1 // $ANTLR ${project.version} ${buildNumber} SimpleCTP.g 2011-05-06 15:09:28 2 3 /* ============================================================================= 4 * Standard antlr3 OBJC runtime definitions 5 */ 6 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> 7 #import <ANTLR/ANTLR.h> 8 /* End of standard antlr3 runtime definitions 9 * ============================================================================= 10 */ 11 12 /* treeParserHeaderFile */ 13 #ifndef ANTLR3TokenTypeAlreadyDefined 14 #define ANTLR3TokenTypeAlreadyDefined 15 typedef enum { 16 ANTLR_EOF = -1, 17 INVALID, 18 EOR, 19 DOWN, 20 UP, 21 MIN 22 } ANTLR3TokenType; 23 #endif 24 25 #pragma mark Tokens 26 #ifdef EOF 27 #undef EOF 28 #endif 29 #define EOF -1 30 #define ARG_DEF 4 31 #define BLOCK 5 32 #define FUNC_DECL 6 33 #define FUNC_DEF 7 34 #define FUNC_HDR 8 35 #define K_CHAR 9 36 #define K_COMMA 10 37 #define K_EQ 11 38 #define K_EQEQ 12 39 #define K_FOR 13 40 #define K_ID 14 41 #define K_INT 15 42 #define K_INT_TYPE 16 43 #define K_LCURLY 17 44 #define K_LCURVE 18 45 #define K_LT 19 46 #define K_PLUS 20 47 #define K_RCURLY 21 48 #define K_RCURVE 22 49 #define K_SEMICOLON 23 50 #define K_VOID 24 51 #define VAR_DEF 25 52 #define WS 26 53 #pragma mark Dynamic Global Scopes 54 /* globalAttributeScopeInterface */ 55 @interface Symbols_Scope : ANTLRSymbolsScope { 56 ANTLRCommonTree * tree; 57 58 } 59 /* start of globalAttributeScopeInterface properties */ 60 61 @property (assign, getter=gettree, setter=settree:) ANTLRCommonTree * tree; 62 63 /* end globalAttributeScopeInterface properties */ 64 65 66 + (Symbols_Scope *)newSymbols_Scope; 67 - (id) init; 68 /* start of globalAttributeScopeInterface methodsDecl */ 69 70 - (ANTLRCommonTree *)gettree; 71 - (void)settree:(ANTLRCommonTree *)aVal; 72 73 /* End of globalAttributeScopeInterface methodsDecl */ 74 75 @end /* end of Symbols_Scope interface */ 76 77 #pragma mark Dynamic Rule Scopes 78 #pragma mark Rule Return Scopes start 79 /* returnScopeInterface SimpleCTP_expr_return */ 80 @interface SimpleCTP_expr_return :ANTLRTreeRuleReturnScope { /* returnScopeInterface line 1838 */ 81 /* ObjC start of memVars() */ 82 } 83 /* start properties */ 84 + (SimpleCTP_expr_return *)newSimpleCTP_expr_return; 85 /* this is start of set and get methods */ 86 /* methodsDecl */ 87 @end /* end of returnScopeInterface interface */ 88 89 90 91 92 /* Interface grammar class */ 93 @interface SimpleCTP : ANTLRTreeParser { /* line 572 */ 94 /* ObjC start of ruleAttributeScopeMemVar */ 95 96 97 /* ObjC end of ruleAttributeScopeMemVar */ 98 /* ObjC start of globalAttributeScopeMemVar */ 99 /* globalAttributeScopeMemVar */ 100 //ANTLRSymbolStack *gStack; 101 ANTLRSymbolStack *Symbols_stack; 102 Symbols_Scope *Symbols_scope; 103 104 /* ObjC end of globalAttributeScopeMemVar */ 105 /* ObjC start of actions.(actionScope).memVars */ 106 /* ObjC end of actions.(actionScope).memVars */ 107 /* ObjC start of memVars */ 108 /* ObjC end of memVars */ 109 110 } 111 112 /* ObjC start of actions.(actionScope).properties */ 113 /* ObjC end of actions.(actionScope).properties */ 114 /* ObjC start of properties */ 115 /* ObjC end of properties */ 116 117 + (void) initialize; 118 + (id) newSimpleCTP:(id<ANTLRTreeNodeStream>)aStream; 119 /* ObjC start of actions.(actionScope).methodsDecl */ 120 /* ObjC end of actions.(actionScope).methodsDecl */ 121 122 /* ObjC start of methodsDecl */ 123 /* ObjC end of methodsDecl */ 124 125 - (void)program; 126 - (void)declaration; 127 - (void)variable; 128 - (void)declarator; 129 - (void)functionHeader; 130 - (void)formalParameter; 131 - (void)type; 132 - (void)block; 133 - (void)stat; 134 - (void)forStat; 135 - (SimpleCTP_expr_return *)expr; 136 - (void)atom; 137 138 139 @end /* end of SimpleCTP interface */ 140 141