1# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (http://pythonpaste.org)
2# Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
3# Note: you may want to copy this into your setup.py file verbatim, as
4# you can't import this from another package, when you don't know if
5# that package is installed yet.
7from __future__ import print_function
8import os
9import sys
10from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
11from distutils.util import convert_path
13# Provided as an attribute, so you can append to these instead
14# of replicating them:
15standard_exclude = ('*.py', '*.pyc', '*$py.class', '*~', '.*', '*.bak')
16standard_exclude_directories = ('.*', 'CVS', '_darcs', './build',
17                                './dist', 'EGG-INFO', '*.egg-info')
19def find_package_data(
20    where='.', package='',
21    exclude=standard_exclude,
22    exclude_directories=standard_exclude_directories,
23    only_in_packages=True,
24    show_ignored=False):
25    """
26    Return a dictionary suitable for use in ``package_data``
27    in a distutils ``setup.py`` file.
29    The dictionary looks like::
31        {'package': [files]}
33    Where ``files`` is a list of all the files in that package that
34    don't match anything in ``exclude``.
36    If ``only_in_packages`` is true, then top-level directories that
37    are not packages won't be included (but directories under packages
38    will).
40    Directories matching any pattern in ``exclude_directories`` will
41    be ignored; by default directories with leading ``.``, ``CVS``,
42    and ``_darcs`` will be ignored.
44    If ``show_ignored`` is true, then all the files that aren't
45    included in package data are shown on stderr (for debugging
46    purposes).
48    Note patterns use wildcards, or can be exact paths (including
49    leading ``./``), and all searching is case-insensitive.
50    """
52    out = {}
53    stack = [(convert_path(where), '', package, only_in_packages)]
54    while stack:
55        where, prefix, package, only_in_packages = stack.pop(0)
56        for name in os.listdir(where):
57            fn = os.path.join(where, name)
58            if os.path.isdir(fn):
59                bad_name = False
60                for pattern in exclude_directories:
61                    if (fnmatchcase(name, pattern)
62                        or fn.lower() == pattern.lower()):
63                        bad_name = True
64                        if show_ignored:
65                            print("Directory %s ignored by pattern %s"
66                                  % (fn, pattern), file=sys.stderr)
67                        break
68                if bad_name:
69                    continue
70                if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fn, '__init__.py'))
71                    and not prefix):
72                    if not package:
73                        new_package = name
74                    else:
75                        new_package = package + '.' + name
76                    stack.append((fn, '', new_package, False))
77                else:
78                    stack.append((fn, prefix + name + '/', package, only_in_packages))
79            elif package or not only_in_packages:
80                # is a file
81                bad_name = False
82                for pattern in exclude:
83                    if (fnmatchcase(name, pattern)
84                        or fn.lower() == pattern.lower()):
85                        bad_name = True
86                        if show_ignored:
87                            print("File %s ignored by pattern %s"
88                                  % (fn, pattern), file=sys.stderr)
89                        break
90                if bad_name:
91                    continue
92                out.setdefault(package, []).append(prefix+name)
93    return out
95if __name__ == '__main__':
96    import pprint
97    pprint.pprint(
98        find_package_data(show_ignored=True))