1 /***************************************************************************/
2 /*                                                                         */
3 /*  ftdriver.h                                                             */
4 /*                                                                         */
5 /*    FreeType font driver interface (specification).                      */
6 /*                                                                         */
7 /*  Copyright 1996-2015 by                                                 */
8 /*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
9 /*                                                                         */
10 /*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
11 /*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
12 /*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
13 /*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
14 /*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
15 /*                                                                         */
16 /***************************************************************************/
19 #ifndef __FTDRIVER_H__
20 #define __FTDRIVER_H__
23 #include <ft2build.h>
24 #include FT_MODULE_H
30   typedef FT_Error
31   (*FT_Face_InitFunc)( FT_Stream      stream,
32                        FT_Face        face,
33                        FT_Int         typeface_index,
34                        FT_Int         num_params,
35                        FT_Parameter*  parameters );
37   typedef void
38   (*FT_Face_DoneFunc)( FT_Face  face );
41   typedef FT_Error
42   (*FT_Size_InitFunc)( FT_Size  size );
44   typedef void
45   (*FT_Size_DoneFunc)( FT_Size  size );
48   typedef FT_Error
49   (*FT_Slot_InitFunc)( FT_GlyphSlot  slot );
51   typedef void
52   (*FT_Slot_DoneFunc)( FT_GlyphSlot  slot );
55   typedef FT_Error
56   (*FT_Size_RequestFunc)( FT_Size          size,
57                           FT_Size_Request  req );
59   typedef FT_Error
60   (*FT_Size_SelectFunc)( FT_Size   size,
61                          FT_ULong  size_index );
63   typedef FT_Error
64   (*FT_Slot_LoadFunc)( FT_GlyphSlot  slot,
65                        FT_Size       size,
66                        FT_UInt       glyph_index,
67                        FT_Int32      load_flags );
70   typedef FT_UInt
71   (*FT_CharMap_CharIndexFunc)( FT_CharMap  charmap,
72                                FT_Long     charcode );
74   typedef FT_Long
75   (*FT_CharMap_CharNextFunc)( FT_CharMap  charmap,
76                               FT_Long     charcode );
79   typedef FT_Error
80   (*FT_Face_GetKerningFunc)( FT_Face     face,
81                              FT_UInt     left_glyph,
82                              FT_UInt     right_glyph,
83                              FT_Vector*  kerning );
86   typedef FT_Error
87   (*FT_Face_AttachFunc)( FT_Face    face,
88                          FT_Stream  stream );
91   typedef FT_Error
92   (*FT_Face_GetAdvancesFunc)( FT_Face    face,
93                               FT_UInt    first,
94                               FT_UInt    count,
95                               FT_Int32   flags,
96                               FT_Fixed*  advances );
99   /*************************************************************************/
100   /*                                                                       */
101   /* <Struct>                                                              */
102   /*    FT_Driver_ClassRec                                                 */
103   /*                                                                       */
104   /* <Description>                                                         */
105   /*    The font driver class.  This structure mostly contains pointers to */
106   /*    driver methods.                                                    */
107   /*                                                                       */
108   /* <Fields>                                                              */
109   /*    root             :: The parent module.                             */
110   /*                                                                       */
111   /*    face_object_size :: The size of a face object in bytes.            */
112   /*                                                                       */
113   /*    size_object_size :: The size of a size object in bytes.            */
114   /*                                                                       */
115   /*    slot_object_size :: The size of a glyph object in bytes.           */
116   /*                                                                       */
117   /*    init_face        :: The format-specific face constructor.          */
118   /*                                                                       */
119   /*    done_face        :: The format-specific face destructor.           */
120   /*                                                                       */
121   /*    init_size        :: The format-specific size constructor.          */
122   /*                                                                       */
123   /*    done_size        :: The format-specific size destructor.           */
124   /*                                                                       */
125   /*    init_slot        :: The format-specific slot constructor.          */
126   /*                                                                       */
127   /*    done_slot        :: The format-specific slot destructor.           */
128   /*                                                                       */
129   /*                                                                       */
130   /*    load_glyph       :: A function handle to load a glyph to a slot.   */
131   /*                        This field is mandatory!                       */
132   /*                                                                       */
133   /*    get_kerning      :: A function handle to return the unscaled       */
134   /*                        kerning for a given pair of glyphs.  Can be    */
135   /*                        set to 0 if the format doesn't support         */
136   /*                        kerning.                                       */
137   /*                                                                       */
138   /*    attach_file      :: This function handle is used to read           */
139   /*                        additional data for a face from another        */
140   /*                        file/stream.  For example, this can be used to */
141   /*                        add data from AFM or PFM files on a Type 1     */
142   /*                        face, or a CIDMap on a CID-keyed face.         */
143   /*                                                                       */
144   /*    get_advances     :: A function handle used to return advance       */
145   /*                        widths of `count' glyphs (in font units),      */
146   /*                        starting at `first'.  The `vertical' flag must */
147   /*                        be set to get vertical advance heights.  The   */
148   /*                        `advances' buffer is caller-allocated.         */
149   /*                        The idea of this function is to be able to     */
150   /*                        perform device-independent text layout without */
151   /*                        loading a single glyph image.                  */
152   /*                                                                       */
153   /*    request_size     :: A handle to a function used to request the new */
154   /*                        character size.  Can be set to 0 if the        */
155   /*                        scaling done in the base layer suffices.       */
156   /*                                                                       */
157   /*    select_size      :: A handle to a function used to select a new    */
158   /*                        fixed size.  It is used only if                */
159   /*                        @FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_SIZES is set.  Can be set  */
160   /*                        to 0 if the scaling done in the base layer     */
161   /*                        suffices.                                      */
162   /* <Note>                                                                */
163   /*    Most function pointers, with the exception of `load_glyph', can be */
164   /*    set to 0 to indicate a default behaviour.                          */
165   /*                                                                       */
166   typedef struct  FT_Driver_ClassRec_
167   {
168     FT_Module_Class          root;
170     FT_Long                  face_object_size;
171     FT_Long                  size_object_size;
172     FT_Long                  slot_object_size;
174     FT_Face_InitFunc         init_face;
175     FT_Face_DoneFunc         done_face;
177     FT_Size_InitFunc         init_size;
178     FT_Size_DoneFunc         done_size;
180     FT_Slot_InitFunc         init_slot;
181     FT_Slot_DoneFunc         done_slot;
183     FT_Slot_LoadFunc         load_glyph;
185     FT_Face_GetKerningFunc   get_kerning;
186     FT_Face_AttachFunc       attach_file;
187     FT_Face_GetAdvancesFunc  get_advances;
189     /* since version 2.2 */
190     FT_Size_RequestFunc      request_size;
191     FT_Size_SelectFunc       select_size;
193   } FT_Driver_ClassRec, *FT_Driver_Class;
196   /*************************************************************************/
197   /*                                                                       */
198   /* <Macro>                                                               */
199   /*    FT_DECLARE_DRIVER                                                  */
200   /*                                                                       */
201   /* <Description>                                                         */
202   /*    Used to create a forward declaration of an FT_Driver_ClassRec      */
203   /*    struct instance.                                                   */
204   /*                                                                       */
205   /* <Macro>                                                               */
206   /*    FT_DEFINE_DRIVER                                                   */
207   /*                                                                       */
208   /* <Description>                                                         */
209   /*    Used to initialize an instance of FT_Driver_ClassRec struct.       */
210   /*                                                                       */
211   /*    When FT_CONFIG_OPTION_PIC is defined a `create' function has to be */
212   /*    called with a pointer where the allocated structure is returned.   */
213   /*    And when it is no longer needed a `destroy' function needs to be   */
214   /*    called to release that allocation.                                 */
215   /*                                                                       */
216   /*    `fcinit.c' (ft_create_default_module_classes) already contains a   */
217   /*    mechanism to call these functions for the default modules          */
218   /*    described in `ftmodule.h'.                                         */
219   /*                                                                       */
220   /*    Notice that the created `create' and `destroy' functions call      */
221   /*    `pic_init' and `pic_free' to allow you to manually allocate and    */
222   /*    initialize any additional global data, like a module specific      */
223   /*    interface, and put them in the global pic container defined in     */
224   /*    `ftpic.h'.  If you don't need them just implement the functions as */
225   /*    empty to resolve the link error.  Also the `pic_init' and          */
226   /*    `pic_free' functions should be declared in `pic.h', to be referred */
227   /*    by driver definition calling `FT_DEFINE_DRIVER' in following.      */
228   /*                                                                       */
229   /*    When FT_CONFIG_OPTION_PIC is not defined the struct will be        */
230   /*    allocated in the global scope (or the scope where the macro is     */
231   /*    used).                                                             */
232   /*                                                                       */
235 #define FT_DECLARE_DRIVER( class_ )  \
236   FT_CALLBACK_TABLE                  \
237   const FT_Driver_ClassRec  class_;
239 #define FT_DEFINE_DRIVER(                    \
240           class_,                            \
241           flags_,                            \
242           size_,                             \
243           name_,                             \
244           version_,                          \
245           requires_,                         \
246           interface_,                        \
247           init_,                             \
248           done_,                             \
249           get_interface_,                    \
250           face_object_size_,                 \
251           size_object_size_,                 \
252           slot_object_size_,                 \
253           init_face_,                        \
254           done_face_,                        \
255           init_size_,                        \
256           done_size_,                        \
257           init_slot_,                        \
258           done_slot_,                        \
259           load_glyph_,                       \
260           get_kerning_,                      \
261           attach_file_,                      \
262           get_advances_,                     \
263           request_size_,                     \
264           select_size_ )                     \
265   FT_CALLBACK_TABLE_DEF                      \
266   const FT_Driver_ClassRec  class_ =         \
267   {                                          \
268     FT_DEFINE_ROOT_MODULE( flags_,           \
269                            size_,            \
270                            name_,            \
271                            version_,         \
272                            requires_,        \
273                            interface_,       \
274                            init_,            \
275                            done_,            \
276                            get_interface_ )  \
277                                              \
278     face_object_size_,                       \
279     size_object_size_,                       \
280     slot_object_size_,                       \
281                                              \
282     init_face_,                              \
283     done_face_,                              \
284                                              \
285     init_size_,                              \
286     done_size_,                              \
287                                              \
288     init_slot_,                              \
289     done_slot_,                              \
290                                              \
291     load_glyph_,                             \
292                                              \
293     get_kerning_,                            \
294     attach_file_,                            \
295     get_advances_,                           \
296                                              \
297     request_size_,                           \
298     select_size_                             \
299   };
301 #else /* FT_CONFIG_OPTION_PIC */
303 #define FT_DECLARE_DRIVER( class_ )  FT_DECLARE_MODULE( class_ )
305 #define FT_DEFINE_DRIVER(                                        \
306           class_,                                                \
307           flags_,                                                \
308           size_,                                                 \
309           name_,                                                 \
310           version_,                                              \
311           requires_,                                             \
312           interface_,                                            \
313           init_,                                                 \
314           done_,                                                 \
315           get_interface_,                                        \
316           face_object_size_,                                     \
317           size_object_size_,                                     \
318           slot_object_size_,                                     \
319           init_face_,                                            \
320           done_face_,                                            \
321           init_size_,                                            \
322           done_size_,                                            \
323           init_slot_,                                            \
324           done_slot_,                                            \
325           load_glyph_,                                           \
326           get_kerning_,                                          \
327           attach_file_,                                          \
328           get_advances_,                                         \
329           request_size_,                                         \
330           select_size_ )                                         \
331   void                                                           \
332   FT_Destroy_Class_ ## class_( FT_Library        library,        \
333                                FT_Module_Class*  clazz )         \
334   {                                                              \
335     FT_Memory        memory = library->memory;                   \
336     FT_Driver_Class  dclazz = (FT_Driver_Class)clazz;            \
337                                                                  \
338                                                                  \
339     class_ ## _pic_free( library );                              \
340     if ( dclazz )                                                \
341       FT_FREE( dclazz );                                         \
342   }                                                              \
343                                                                  \
344                                                                  \
345   FT_Error                                                       \
346   FT_Create_Class_ ## class_( FT_Library         library,        \
347                               FT_Module_Class**  output_class )  \
348   {                                                              \
349     FT_Driver_Class  clazz  = NULL;                              \
350     FT_Error         error;                                      \
351     FT_Memory        memory = library->memory;                   \
352                                                                  \
353                                                                  \
354     if ( FT_ALLOC( clazz, sizeof ( *clazz ) ) )                  \
355       return error;                                              \
356                                                                  \
357     error = class_ ## _pic_init( library );                      \
358     if ( error )                                                 \
359     {                                                            \
360       FT_FREE( clazz );                                          \
361       return error;                                              \
362     }                                                            \
363                                                                  \
364     FT_DEFINE_ROOT_MODULE( flags_,                               \
365                            size_,                                \
366                            name_,                                \
367                            version_,                             \
368                            requires_,                            \
369                            interface_,                           \
370                            init_,                                \
371                            done_,                                \
372                            get_interface_ )                      \
373                                                                  \
374     clazz->face_object_size = face_object_size_;                 \
375     clazz->size_object_size = size_object_size_;                 \
376     clazz->slot_object_size = slot_object_size_;                 \
377                                                                  \
378     clazz->init_face        = init_face_;                        \
379     clazz->done_face        = done_face_;                        \
380                                                                  \
381     clazz->init_size        = init_size_;                        \
382     clazz->done_size        = done_size_;                        \
383                                                                  \
384     clazz->init_slot        = init_slot_;                        \
385     clazz->done_slot        = done_slot_;                        \
386                                                                  \
387     clazz->load_glyph       = load_glyph_;                       \
388                                                                  \
389     clazz->get_kerning      = get_kerning_;                      \
390     clazz->attach_file      = attach_file_;                      \
391     clazz->get_advances     = get_advances_;                     \
392                                                                  \
393     clazz->request_size     = request_size_;                     \
394     clazz->select_size      = select_size_;                      \
395                                                                  \
396     *output_class = (FT_Module_Class*)clazz;                     \
397                                                                  \
398     return FT_Err_Ok;                                            \
399   }
402 #endif /* FT_CONFIG_OPTION_PIC */
406 #endif /* __FTDRIVER_H__ */
409 /* END */