1#!/usr/bin/perl 2# ******************************************************************** 3# * COPYRIGHT: 4# * Copyright (c) 2005-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and 5# * others. All Rights Reserved. 6# ******************************************************************** 7 8#use strict; 9 10require "../perldriver/Common.pl"; 11 12use lib '../perldriver'; 13 14use PerfFramework; 15 16my $options = { 17 "title"=>"UTF performance: ICU (".$ICUPreviousVersion." and ".$ICULatestVersion.")", 18 "headers"=>"ICU".$ICUPreviousVersion." ICU".$ICULatestVersion, 19 "operationIs"=>"gb18030 encoding string", 20 "passes"=>"1", 21 "time"=>"2", 22 #"outputType"=>"HTML", 23 "dataDir"=>$ConversionDataPath, 24 "outputDir"=>"../results" 25}; 26 27# programs 28# tests will be done for all the programs. Results will be stored and connected 29my $p1; 30my $p2; 31 32if ($OnWindows) { 33 $p1 = "cd ".$ICUPrevious."/bin && ".$ICUPathPrevious."/utfperf/$WindowsPlatform/Release/utfperf.exe -e gb18030"; # Previous 34 $p2 = "cd ".$ICULatest."/bin && ".$ICUPathLatest."/utfperf/$WindowsPlatform/Release/utfperf.exe -e gb18030"; # Latest 35} else { 36 $p1 = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".$ICUPrevious."/source/lib:".$ICUPrevious."/source/tools/ctestfw ".$ICUPathPrevious."/utfperf/utfperf -e gb18030"; # Previous 37 $p2 = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".$ICULatest."/source/lib:".$ICULatest."/source/tools/ctestfw ".$ICUPathLatest."/utfperf/utfperf -e gb18030"; # Latest 38} 39 40my $tests = { 41 "Roundtrip", ["$p1,Roundtrip", "$p2,Roundtrip"], 42 "FromUnicode", ["$p1,FromUnicode", "$p2,FromUnicode"], 43 "FromUTF8", ["$p1,FromUTF8", "$p2,FromUTF8"], 44}; 45 46my $dataFiles = { 47 "", ["xuzhimo.txt"] 48}; 49 50runTests($options, $tests, $dataFiles); 51