2Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Karl J. Runge <runge@karlrunge.com>
3All rights reserved.
5x11vnc README file                         Date: Mon Dec 27 20:58:57 EST 2010
7The following information is taken from these URLs:
9	http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/index.html
10	http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html
11	...
13they contain the most up to date info.
20     _________________________________________________________________
22x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays
23                (to FAQ)    (to Downloads)    (to Building)    (to Beta Test)
24  (to Donations) [PayPal]
26   x11vnc allows one to view remotely and interact with real X displays
27   (i.e. a display corresponding to a physical monitor, keyboard, and
28   mouse) with any VNC viewer. In this way it plays the role for Unix/X11
29   that WinVNC plays for Windows.
31   It has built-in SSL/TLS encryption and 2048 bit RSA authentication,
32   including VeNCrypt support; UNIX account and password login support;
33   server-side scaling; single port HTTPS/HTTP+VNC; Zeroconf service
34   advertising; and TightVNC and UltraVNC file-transfer. It has also been
35   extended to work with non-X devices: natively on Mac OS X Aqua/Quartz,
36   webcams and TV tuner capture devices, and embedded Linux systems such
37   as Qtopia Core. Full IPv6 support is provided. More features are
38   described here.
40   It also provides an encrypted Terminal Services mode (-create, -svc,
41   or -xdmsvc options) based on Unix usernames and Unix passwords where
42   the user does not need to memorize his VNC display/port number.
43   Normally a virtual X session (Xvfb) is created for each user, but it
44   also works with X sessions on physical hardware. See the tsvnc
45   terminal services mode of the SSVNC viewer for one way to take
46   advantage of this mode.
48   I wrote x11vnc back in 2002 because x0rfbserver was basically
49   impossible to build on Solaris and had poor performance. The primary
50   x0rfbserver build problems centered around esoteric C++ toolkits.
51   x11vnc is written in plain C and needs only standard libraries and so
52   should work on nearly all Unixes, even very old ones. I also created
53   enhancements to improve the interactive response, added many features,
54   and etc.
56   This page including the FAQ contains much information [*]; solutions
57   to many problems; and interesting applications, but nevertheless
58   please feel free to contact me if you have problems or questions (and
59   if I save you time or expense by giving you some of my time, please
60   consider a PayPal Donation.) Do check the FAQ and this page first; I
61   realize the pages are massive, but you can often use your browser's
62   find-in-page search action using a keyword to find the answer to your
63   problem or question.
65   SSVNC:  An x11vnc side-project provides an Enhanced TightVNC Viewer
66   package (SSVNC) for Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X with automatic SSL
67   and/or SSH tunnelling support, SSL Certificate creation, Saved
68   connection profiles, Zeroconf, VeNCrypt, and built-in Proxy support.
69   Added features for the TightVNC Unix viewer: NewFBSize, ZRLE encoding,
70   Viewer-side Scaling, cursor alphablending, low color modes, and
71   enhanced popup menu; UltraVNC extensions support for: File Transfer,
72   Text Chat, Single Window, Server Input, and 1/n Scaling extensions,
73   and UltraVNC DSM encryption. The SSVNC bundle could be placed on, say,
74   a USB memory stick for SSL/SSH VNC viewing from nearly any networked
75   computer.
77     _________________________________________________________________
79    Announcements:
81   Important: If you created any permanent SSL certificates (e.g. via
82   "x11vnc -ssl SAVE ...") on a Debian or Ubuntu system from Sept. 2006
83   through May 2008, then those keys are likely extremely weak and can be
84   easily cracked. The certificate files should be deleted and recreated
85   on a non-Debian system or an updated one. See
86   http://www.debian.org/security/2008/dsa-1571 for details. The same
87   applies to SSH keys (not used by x11vnc directly, but many people use
88   SSH tunnels for VNC access.)
90   FAQ moved: The huge FAQ has finally been moved to its own page. If you
91   are trying to follow someone's link to an FAQ once on this page it is
92   now a broken link. Try inserting the string "faq.html", e.g.:
93from:   http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/#faq-singleclick
94to:     http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-singleclick
96   Apologies for the inconvenience, unfortunately it is not possible to
97   automatically redirect to the new page since the '#' anchor is not
98   sent to the webserver.
100     _________________________________________________________________
102    Background:
104   VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is a very useful network graphics
105   protocol (applications running on one computer but displaying their
106   windows on another) in the spirit of X, however, unlike X, the
107   viewing-end is very simple and maintains no state. It is a remote
108   framebuffer (RFB) protocol.
110   Some VNC links:
111     * http://www.realvnc.com
112     * http://www.tightvnc.com
113     * http://www.ultravnc.com/
114     * http://www.testplant.com/products/vine_server/OS_X
116   For Unix, the traditional VNC implementation includes a "virtual" X11
117   server Xvnc (usually launched via the vncserver command) that is not
118   associated with a physical display, but provides a "fake" one X11
119   clients (xterm, firefox, etc.) can attach to. A remote user then
120   connects to Xvnc via the VNC client vncviewer from anywhere on the
121   network to view and interact with the whole virtual X11 desktop.
123   The VNC protocol is in most cases better suited for remote connections
124   with low bandwidth and high latency than is the X11 protocol because
125   it involves far fewer "roundtrips" (an exception is the cached pixmap
126   data on the viewing-end provided by X.) Also, with no state maintained
127   the viewing-end can crash, be rebooted, or relocated and the
128   applications and desktop continue running. Not so with X11.
130   So the standard Xvnc/vncserver program is very useful, I use it for
131   things like:
132     * Desktop conferencing with other users (e.g. code reviews.)
133     * Long running apps/tasks I want to be able to view from many places
134       (e.g. from home and work.)
135     * Motif, GNOME, and similar applications that would yield very poor
136       performance over a high latency link.
138   However, sometimes one wants to connect to a real X11 display (i.e.
139   one attached to a physical monitor, keyboard, and mouse: a Workstation
140   or a SunRay session) from far away. Maybe you want to close down an
141   application cleanly rather than using kill, or want to work a bit in
142   an already running application, or would like to help a distant
143   colleague solve a problem with their desktop, or would just like to
144   work out on the deck for a while. This is where x11vnc is useful.
145     _________________________________________________________________
147    How to use x11vnc:
149   In this basic example let's assume the remote machine with the X
150   display you wish to view is "far-away.east:0" and the workstation you
151   are presently working at is "sitting-here.west".
153   Step 0. Download x11vnc (see below) and have it available to run on
154   far-away.east (on some linux distros it is as easy as "apt-get install
155   x11vnc", "emerge x11vnc", etc.) Similarly, have a VNC viewer (e.g.
156   vncviewer) ready to run on sitting-here.west. We recommend TightVNC
157   Viewers (see also our SSVNC viewer.)
159   Step 1. By some means log in to far-away.east and get a command shell
160   running there. You can use ssh, or even rlogin, telnet, or any other
161   method to do this. We do this because the x11vnc process needs to be
162   run on the same machine the X server process is running on (otherwise
163   things would be extremely slow.)
165   Step 2. In that far-away.east shell (with command prompt "far-away>"
166   in this example) run x11vnc directed at the far-away.east X session
167   display:
169  far-away> x11vnc -display :0
171   You could have also set the environment variable DISPLAY=:0 instead of
172   using "-display :0". This step attaches x11vnc to the far-away.east:0
173   X display (i.e. no viewer clients yet.)
175   Common Gotcha: To get X11 permissions right, you may also need to set
176   the XAUTHORITY environment variable (or use the -auth option) to point
177   to the correct MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE file (e.g. /home/joe/.Xauthority.) If
178   x11vnc does not have the authority to connect to the display it exits
179   immediately. More on how to fix this below.
181   If you suspect an X11 permissions problem do this simple test: while
182   sitting at the physical X display open a terminal window
183   (gnome-terminal, xterm, etc.) You should be able to run x11vnc
184   successfully in that terminal without any need for command line
185   options. If that works OK then you know X11 permissions are the only
186   thing preventing it from working when you try to start x11vnc via a
187   remote shell. Then fix this with the tips below.
189   Note as of Feb/2007 you can also try the -find option instead of
190   "-display ..." and see if that finds your display and Xauthority. Note
191   as of Dec/2009 the -findauth and "-auth guess" options may be helpful
192   as well.
193   (End of Common Gotcha)
195   When x11vnc starts up there will then be much chatter printed out (use
196   "-q" to quiet it), until it finally says something like:
197  .
198  .
199  13/05/2004 14:59:54 Autoprobing selected port 5900
200  13/05/2004 14:59:54 screen setup finished.
201  13/05/2004 14:59:54
202  13/05/2004 14:59:54 The VNC desktop is far-away:0
203  PORT=5900
205   which means all is OK, and we are ready for the final step.
207   Step 3. At the place where you are sitting (sitting-here.west in this
208   example) you now want to run a VNC viewer program. There are VNC
209   viewers for Unix, Windows, MacOS, Java-enabled web browsers, and even
210   for PDA's like the Palm Pilot and Cell Phones! You can use any of them
211   to connect to x11vnc (see the above VNC links under "Background:" on
212   how to obtain a viewer for your platform or see this FAQ. For Solaris,
213   vncviewer is available in the Companion CD package SFWvnc.)
215   In this example we'll use the Unix vncviewer program on sitting-here
216   by typing the following command in a second terminal window:
218  sitting-here> vncviewer far-away.east:0
220   That should pop up a viewer window on sitting-here.west showing and
221   allowing interaction with the far-away.east:0  X11 desktop. Pretty
222   nifty! When finished, exit the viewer: the remote x11vnc process will
223   shutdown automatically (or you can use the -forever option to have it
224   wait for additional viewer connections.)
226   Common Gotcha: Nowadays there will likely be a host-level firewall on
227   the x11vnc side that is blocking remote access to the VNC port (e.g.
228   5900.) You will either have to open up that port (or a range of ports)
229   in your firewall administration tool, or try the SSH tunnelling method
230   below (even still the firewall must allow in the SSH port, 22.)
233   Shortcut: Of course if you left x11vnc running on far-away.east:0 in a
234   terminal window with the -forever option or as a service, you'd only
235   have to do Step 3 as you moved around. Be sure to use a VNC Password
236   or other measures if you do that.
239   Super Shortcut: Here is a potentially very easy way to get all of it
240   working.
241     * Have x11vnc (0.9.3 or later) available to run on the remote host
242       (i.e. in $PATH.)
243     * Download and unpack a SSVNC bundle (1.0.19 or later, e.g.
244       ssvnc_no_windows-1.0.28.tar.gz) on the Viewer-side machine.
245     * Start the SSVNC Terminal Services mode GUI: ./ssvnc/bin/tsvnc
246     * Enter your remote username@hostname (e.g. fred@far-away.east) in
247       the "VNC Terminal Server" entry.
248     * Click "Connect".
250   That will do an SSH to username@hostname and start up x11vnc and then
251   connect a VNC Viewer through the SSH encrypted tunnel.
253   There are a number of things assumed here, first that you are able to
254   SSH into the remote host; i.e. that you have a Unix account there and
255   the SSH server is running. On Unix and MacOS X it is assumed that the
256   ssh client command is available on the local machine (on Windows a
257   plink binary is included in the SSVNC bundle.) Finally, it is assumed
258   that you are already logged into an X session on the remote machine,
259   e.g. your workstation (otherwise, a virtual X server, e.g. Xvfb, will
260   be started for you.)
262   In some cases the remote SSH server will not run commands with the
263   same $PATH that you normally have in your shell there. In this case
264   click on Options -> Advanced -> X11VNC Options, and type in the
265   location of the x11vnc binary under "Full Path". (End of Super
266   Shortcut)
269   Desktop Sharing: The above more or less assumed nobody was sitting at
270   the workstation display "far-away.east:0". This is often the case: a
271   user wants to access her workstation remotely. Another usage pattern
272   has the user sitting at "far-away.east:0" and invites one or more
273   other people to view and interact with his desktop. Perhaps the user
274   gives a demo or presentation this way (using the telephone for vocal
275   communication.) A "Remote Help Desk" mode would be similar: a
276   technician connects remotely to the user's desktop to interactively
277   solve a problem the user is having.
279   For these cases it should be obvious how it is done. The above steps
280   will work, but more easily the user sitting at far-away.east:0 simply
281   starts up x11vnc from a terminal window, after which the guests would
282   start their VNC viewers. For this usage mode the "-connect
283   host1,host2" option may be of use to automatically connect to the
284   vncviewers in "-listen" mode on the list of hosts.
285     _________________________________________________________________
287    Tunnelling x11vnc via SSH:
289   The above example had no security or privacy at all. When logging into
290   remote machines (certainly when going over the internet) it is best to
291   use ssh, or use a VPN (for a VPN, Virtual Private Network, the above
292   example should be pretty safe.)
294   For x11vnc one can tunnel the VNC protocol through an encrypted ssh
295   channel. It would look something like running the following commands:
296  sitting-here> ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 far-away.east 'x11vnc -localhost
297-display :0'
299   (you will likely have to provide passwords/passphrases to login from
300   sitting-here into your far-away.east Unix account; we assume you have
301   a login account on far-away.east and it is running the SSH server)
303   And then in another terminal window on sitting-here run the command:
304  sitting-here> vncviewer -encodings "copyrect tight zrle hextile" localhost:0
306   Note: The -encodings option is very important: vncviewer will often
307   default to "raw" encoding if it thinks the connection is to the local
308   machine, and so vncviewer gets tricked this way by the ssh
309   redirection. "raw" encoding will be extremely slow over a networked
310   link, so you need to force the issue with -encodings "copyrect tight
311   ...". Nowadays, not all viewers use the -encodings option, try
312   "-PreferredEncoding=ZRLE" (although the newer viewers seem to
313   autodetect well when to use raw or not.)
315   Note that "x11vnc -localhost ..." limits incoming vncviewer
316   connections to only those from the same machine. This is very natural
317   for ssh tunnelling (the redirection appears to come from the same
318   machine.) Use of a VNC password is also strongly recommended.
320   Note also the -t we used above (force allocate pseudoterminal), it
321   actually seems to improve interactive typing response via VNC!
323   You may want to add the -C option to ssh to enable compression. The
324   VNC compression is not perfect, and so this may help a bit. However,
325   over a fast LAN you probably don't want to enable SSH compression
326   because it can slow things down. Try both and see which is faster.
328   If your username is different on the remote machine use something
329   like: "fred@far-away.east" in the above ssh command line.
331   Some VNC viewers will do the ssh tunnelling for you automatically, the
332   TightVNC Unix vncviewer does this when the "-via far-away.east" option
333   is supplied to it (this requires x11vnc to be already running on
334   far-away.east or having it started by inetd(8).) See the 3rd script
335   example below for more info.
337   SSVNC:  You may also want to look at the Enhanced TightVNC Viewer
338   (ssvnc) bundles because they contain scripts and GUIs to automatically
339   set up SSH tunnels (e.g. the GUI, "ssvnc", does it automatically and
340   so does this command: "ssvnc_cmd -ssh user@far-away.east:0") and can
341   even start up x11vnc as well.
343   The Terminal Services mode of SSVNC is perhaps the easiest way to use
344   x11vnc. You just need to have x11vnc available in $PATH on the remote
345   side (and can SSH to the host), and then on the viewer-side you type
346   something like:
347  tsvnc fred@far-away.east
349   everything else is done automatically for you. Normally this will
350   start a virtual Terminal Services X session (RAM-only), but if you
351   already have a real X session up on the physical hardware it will find
352   that one for you.
354   Gateways:  If the machine you SSH into is not the same machine with
355   the X display you wish to view (e.g. your company provides incoming
356   SSH access to a gateway machine), then you need to change the above
357   to, e.g.: "-L 5900:OtherHost:5900":
358  sitting-here> ssh -t -L 5900:OtherHost:5900 gateway.east
360   Where gateway.east is the internet hostname (or IP) of the gateway
361   machine (SSH server.) 'OtherHost' might be, e.g., freds-pc or
362 (it is OK for these to be private hostnames or private IP
363   addresses, the host in -L is relative to the remote server side.)
365   Once logged in, you'll need to do a second login (ssh, rsh, etc.) to
366   the workstation machine 'OtherHost' and then start up x11vnc on it (if
367   it isn't already running.) (The "-connect gateway:59xx" option may be
368   another alternative here with the viewer already in -listen mode.) For
369   an automatic way to use a gateway and have all the network traffic
370   encrypted (including inside the firewall) see Chaining SSH's.
372   These gateway access modes also can be done automatically for you via
373   the "Proxy/Gateway" setting in SSVNC (including the Chaining SSH's
374   case, "Double Proxy".)
376   Firewalls/Routers:
378   A lot of people have inexpensive devices for home or office that act
379   as a Firewall and Router to the machines inside on a private LAN. One
380   can usually configure the Firewall/Router from inside the LAN via a
381   web browser.
383   Often having a Firewall/Router sitting between the vncviewer and
384   x11vnc will make it impossible for the viewer to connect to x11vnc.
386   One thing that can be done is to redirect a port on the
387   Firewall/Router to, say, the SSH port (22) on an inside machine (how
388   to do this depends on your particular Firewall/Router, often the
389   router config URL is See www.portforward.com for
390   more info.) This way you reach these computers from anywhere on the
391   Internet and use x11vnc to view X sessions running on them.
393   Suppose you configured the Firewall/Router to redirect these ports to
394   two internal machines:
395  Port 12300 ->, Port 22 (SSH)
396  Port 12301 ->, Port 22 (SSH)
398   (where is "jills-pc" and is "freds-pc".) Then
399   the ssh's would look something like:
400  sitting-here> ssh -t -p 12300 -L 5900:localhost:5900 jill@far-away.east 'x11v
401nc -localhost -display :0'
402  sitting-here> ssh -t -p 12301 -L 5900:localhost:5900 fred@far-away.east 'x11v
403nc -localhost -display :0'
405   Where far-away.east means the hostname (or IP) that the
406   Router/Firewall is using (for home setups this is usually the IP
407   gotten from your ISP via DHCP, the site http://www.whatismyip.com/ is
408   a convenient way to determine what it is.)
410   It is a good idea to add some obscurity to accessing your system via
411   SSH by using some high random port (e.g. 12300 in the above example.)
412   If you can't remember it, or are otherwise not worried about port
413   scanners detecting the presence of your SSH server and there is just
414   one internal PC involved you could map 22:
415  Port 22 ->, Port 22 (SSH)
417   Again, this SSH gateway access can be done automatically for you via
418   the "Proxy/Gateway" setting in SSVNC. And under the "Remote SSH
419   Command" setting you can enter the x11vnc -localhost -display :0.
421   Host-Level-Firewalls: even with the hardware Firewall/Router problem
422   solved via a port redirection, most PC systems have their own Host
423   level "firewalls" enabled to protect users from themselves. I.e. the
424   system itself blocks all incoming connections. So you will need to see
425   what is needed to configure it to allow in the port (e.g. 22) that you
426   desire. E.g. Yast, Firestarter, iptables(1), etc..
428   VNC Ports and Firewalls: The above discussion was for configuring the
429   Firewall/Router to let in port 22 (SSH), but the same thing can be
430   done for the default VNC port 5900:
431  Port 5900 ->, Port 5900 (VNC)
432  Port 5901 ->, Port 5900 (VNC)
434   (where is "jills-pc" and is "freds-pc".) This
435   could be used for normal, unencrypted connections and also for SSL
436   encrypted ones.
438   The VNC displays to enter in the VNC viewer would be, say,
439   "far-away.east:0" to reach jills-pc and "far-away.east:1" to reach
440   freds-pc. We assume above that x11vnc is using port 5900 (and any
441   Host-Level-firewalls on jills-pc has been configured to let that port
442   in.) Use the "-rfbport" option to tell which port x11vnc should listen
443   on.
445   For a home system one likely does not have a hostname and would have
446   to use the IP address, say, "". E.g.:
447  vncviewer
449   You may want to choose a more obscure port on the router side, e.g.
450   5944, to avoid a lot of port scans finding your VNC server. For 5944
451   you would tell the viewer to use:
452  vncviewer
454   The IP address would need to be communicated to the person running the
455   VNC Viewer. The site http://www.whatismyip.com/ can help here.
457     _________________________________________________________________
459   Scripts to automate ssh tunneling: As discussed below, there may be
460   some problems with port 5900 being available. If that happens, the
461   above port and display numbers may change a bit (e.g. -> 5901 and :1).
462   However, if you "know" port 5900 will be free on the local and remote
463   machines, you can easily automate the above two steps by using the
464   x11vnc option -bg (forks into background after connection to the
465   display is set up) or using the -f option of ssh. Some example scripts
466   are shown below. Feel free to try the ssh -C to enable its compression
467   and see if that speeds things up noticeably.
468     _________________________________________________________________
470   #1. A simple example script, assuming no problems with port 5900 being
471   taken on the local or remote sides, looks like:
473# usage: x11vnc_ssh <host>:<xdisplay>
474#  e.g.: x11vnc_ssh snoopy.peanuts.com:0
475#  (user@host:N also works)
477host=`echo $1 | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
478disp=`echo $1 | awk -F: '{print $2}'`
479if [ "x$disp" = "x" ]; then disp=0; fi
481cmd="x11vnc -display :$disp -localhost -rfbauth .vnc/passwd"
482enc="copyrect tight zrle hextile zlib corre rre raw"
484ssh -f -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 $host "$cmd"
486for i in 1 2 3
488        sleep 2
489        if vncviewer -encodings "$enc" :0; then break; fi
492   See also rx11vnc.pl below.
493     _________________________________________________________________
495   #2. Another method is to start the VNC viewer in listen mode
496   "vncviewer -listen" and have x11vnc initiate a reverse connection
497   using the -connect option:
499# usage: x11vnc_ssh <host>:<xdisplay>
500#  e.g.: x11vnc_ssh snoopy.peanuts.com:0
501#  (user@host:N also works)
503host=`echo $1 | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
504disp=`echo $1 | awk -F: '{print $2}'`
505if [ "x$disp" = "x" ]; then disp=0; fi
507cmd="x11vnc -display :$disp -localhost -connect localhost"   # <== note new opt
509enc="copyrect tight zrle hextile zlib corre rre raw"
511vncviewer -encodings "$enc" -listen &
513ssh -t -R 5500:localhost:5500 $host "$cmd"
514kill $pid
516   Note the use of the ssh option "-R" instead of "-L" to set up a remote
517   port redirection.
518     _________________________________________________________________
520   #3. A third way is specific to the TightVNC vncviewer special option
521   -via for gateways. The only tricky part is we need to start up x11vnc
522   and give it some time (5 seconds in this example) to start listening
523   for connections (so we cannot use the TightVNC default setting for
524   VNC_VIA_CMD):
526# usage: x11vnc_ssh <host>:<xdisplay>
527#  e.g.: x11vnc_ssh snoopy.peanuts.com:0
529host=`echo $1 | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
530disp=`echo $1 | awk -F: '{print $2}'`
531if [ "x$disp" = "x" ]; then disp=0; fi
533VNC_VIA_CMD="ssh -f -t -L %L:%H:%R %G x11vnc -localhost -rfbport 5900 -display
534:$disp; sleep 5"
535export VNC_VIA_CMD
537vncviewer -via $host localhost:0      # must be TightVNC vncviewer.
539   Of course if you already have the x11vnc running waiting for
540   connections (or have it started out of inetd(8)), you can simply use
541   the TightVNC "vncviewer -via gateway host:port" in its default mode to
542   provide secure ssh tunnelling.
543     _________________________________________________________________
547   VNC password file: Also note in the #1. example script that the option
548   "-rfbauth .vnc/passwd" provides additional protection by requiring a
549   VNC password for every VNC viewer that connects. The vncpasswd or
550   storepasswd programs, or the x11vnc -storepasswd option can be used to
551   create the password file. x11vnc also has the slightly less secure
552   -passwdfile and "-passwd XXXXX" options to specify passwords.
554   Very Important: It is up to YOU to tell x11vnc to use password
555   protection (-rfbauth or -passwdfile), it will NOT do it for you
556   automatically or force you to (use -usepw if you want to be forced
557   to.) The same goes for encrypting the channel between the viewer and
558   x11vnc: it is up to you to use ssh, stunnel, -ssl mode, a VPN, etc.
559   (use the Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) GUI if you want to be forced
560   to use SSL or SSH.) For additional safety, also look into the -allow
561   and -localhost options and building x11vnc with tcp_wrappers support
562   to limit host access.
564     _________________________________________________________________
566    Tunnelling x11vnc via SSL/TLS:
568   One can also encrypt the VNC traffic using an SSL/TLS tunnel such as
569   stunnel.mirt.net (also stunnel.org) or using the built-in (Mar/2006)
570   -ssl openssl mode. A SSL-enabled Java applet VNC Viewer is also
571   provided in the x11vnc package (and https can be used to download it.)
573   Although not as ubiquitous as ssh, SSL tunnelling still provides a
574   useful alternative. See this FAQ on -ssl and -stunnel modes for
575   details and examples.
577   The Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) bundles contain some convenient
578   utilities to automatically set up an SSL tunnel from the viewer-side
579   (i.e. to connect to "x11vnc -ssl ...".) And many other enhancements
580   too.
581     _________________________________________________________________
583    Downloading x11vnc:
585   x11vnc is a contributed program to the LibVNCServer project at
586   SourceForge.net. I use libvncserver for all of the VNC aspects; I
587   couldn't have done without it. The full source code may be found and
588   downloaded (either file-release tarball or GIT tree) from the above
589   link. As of Sep 2010, the x11vnc-0.9.12.tar.gz source package is
590   released (recommended download). The x11vnc 0.9.12 release notes.
592   The x11vnc package is the subset of the libvncserver package needed to
593   build the x11vnc program. Also, you can get a copy of my latest,
594   bleeding edge x11vnc-0.9.13-dev.tar.gz tarball to build the most up to
595   date one.
597   Precompiled Binaries/Packages:  See the FAQ below for information
598   about where you might obtain a precompiled x11vnc binary from 3rd
599   parties and some ones I create.
601   VNC Viewers:  To obtain VNC viewers for the viewing side (Windows, Mac
602   OS, or Unix) try these links:
603     * http://www.tightvnc.com/download.html
604     * http://www.realvnc.com/download-free.html
605     * http://sourceforge.net/projects/cotvnc/
606     * http://www.ultravnc.com/
607     * Our Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC)
609       [ssvnc.gif]
612   More tools: Here is a ssh/rsh wrapper script rx11vnc that attempts to
613   automatically do the above Steps 1-3 for you (provided you have
614   ssh/rsh login permission on the machine x11vnc is to be run on.) The
615   above example would be: "rx11vnc far-away.east:0" typed into a shell
616   on sitting-here.west. Also included is an experimental script
617   rx11vnc.pl that attempts to tunnel the vnc traffic through an ssh port
618   redirection (and does not assume port 5900 is free.) Have a look at
619   them to see what they do and customize as needed:
620     * rx11vnc wrapper script
621     * rx11vnc.pl wrapper script to tunnel traffic thru ssh
623     _________________________________________________________________
625    Building x11vnc:
627   Make sure you have all the needed build/compile/development packages
628   installed (e.g. Linux distributions foolishly don't install them by
629   default.) See this build FAQ for more details.
631   If your OS has libjpeg.so and libz.so in standard locations you can
632   build as follows (example given for the 0.9.12 release of x11vnc:
633   replace with the version you downloaded):
634(un-tar the x11vnc+libvncserver tarball)
635# gzip -dc x11vnc-0.9.12.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
637(cd to the source directory)
638# cd x11vnc-0.9.12
640(run configure and then run make)
641# ./configure
642# make
644(if all went OK, copy x11vnc to the desired destination, e.g. $HOME/bin)
645# cp ./x11vnc/x11vnc $HOME/bin
647   Or do make install, it will probably install to /usr/local/bin (run
648   ./configure --help for information on customizing your configuration,
649   e.g. --prefix=/my/place.) You can now run it via typing "x11vnc",
650   "x11vnc -help | more", "x11vnc -forever -shared -display :0", etc.
653   Note: Currently gcc is recommended to build libvncserver. In some
654   cases it will build with non-gcc compilers, but the resulting binary
655   sometimes fails to run properly. For Solaris pre-built gcc binaries
656   are at http://www.sunfreeware.com/. Some Solaris pre-built x11vnc
657   binaries are here.
659   However, one user reports it does work fine when built with Sun Studio
660   10, so YMMV. In fact, here is a little build script to do this on
661   Solaris 10:
663PATH=/usr/ccs/bin:/opt/SUNWspro/bin:$PATH; export PATH
665CC='cc' \
666CFLAGS='-xO4' \
667LDFLAGS='-L/usr/sfw/lib -L/usr/X11/lib -R/usr/sfw/lib -R/usr/X11/lib' \
668CPPFLAGS='-I /usr/sfw/include -I/usr/X11/include' \
671MAKE="make -e"
673export MAKE AM_CFLAGS
676   In general you can use the "make -e" trick if you don't like
677   libvncserver's choice of AM_CFLAGS. See the build scripts below for
678   more ideas. Scripts similar to the above have been shown to work with
679   vendor C compilers on HP-UX (ccom: HP92453-01) and Tru64 (Compaq C
680   V6.5-011.)
682   You can find information on Misc. Build problems here.
684     _________________________________________________________________
686   Building on Solaris, FreeBSD, etc:   Depending on your version of
687   Solaris or other Unix OS the jpeg and/or zlib libraries may be in
688   non-standard places (e.g. /usr/local, /usr/sfw, /opt/sfw, etc.)
690   Note: If configure cannot find these two libraries then TightVNC and
691   ZRLE encoding support will be disabled, and you don't want that!!! The
692   TightVNC encoding gives very good compression and performance, it even
693   makes a noticeable difference over a fast LAN.
696   Shortcuts: On Solaris 10 you can pick up almost everything just by
697   insuring that your PATH has /usr/sfw/bin (for gcc) and /usr/ccs/bin
698   (for other build tools), e.g.:
699  env PATH=/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:$PATH sh -c './configure; make'
701   (The only thing this misses is /usr/X11/lib/libXrandr.so.2, which is
702   for the little used -xrandr option, see the script below to pick it up
703   as well.)
706   libjpeg is included in Solaris 9 and later (/usr/sfw/include and
707   /usr/sfw/lib), and zlib in Solaris 8 and later (/usr/include and
708   /usr/lib.) So on Solaris 9 you can pick up everything with something
709   like this:
710  env PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:$PATH sh -c './configure --with-jpeg=/us
711r/sfw; make'
713   assuming your gcc is in /usr/local/bin and x11vnc 0.7.1 or later.
714   These are getting pretty long, see those assignments split up in the
715   build script below.
718   If your system does not have these libraries at all you can get the
719   source for the libraries to build them: libjpeg is available at
720   ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/jpeg/ and zlib at http://www.gzip.org/zlib/.
721   See also http://www.sunfreeware.com/ for Solaris binary packages of
722   these libraries as well as for gcc. Normally they will install into
723   /usr/local but you can install them anywhere with the
724   --prefix=/path/to/anywhere, etc.
727   Here is a build script that indicates one way to pass the library
728   locations information to the libvncserver configuration via the
729   CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS environment variables.
734# Build script for Solaris, etc, with gcc, libjpeg and libz in
735# non-standard locations.
737# set to get your gcc, etc:
741JPEG=/path/to/jpeg      # set to maybe "/usr/local", "/usr/sfw", or "/opt/sfw"
742ZLIB=/path/to/zlib      # set to maybe "/usr/local", "/usr/sfw", or "/opt/sfw"
744# Below we assume headers in $JPEG/include and $ZLIB/include and the
745# shared libraries are in $JPEG/lib and $ZLIB/lib.  If your situation
746# is different change the locations in the two lines below.
748CPPFLAGS="-I $JPEG/include -I $ZLIB/include"
749LDFLAGS="-L$JPEG/lib -R $JPEG/lib -L$ZLIB/lib -R $ZLIB/lib"
751# These two lines may not be needed on more recent Solaris releases:
753CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I /usr/openwin/include"
754LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/usr/openwin/lib -R /usr/openwin/lib"
756# These are for libXrandr.so on Solaris 10:
758CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I /usr/X11/include"
759LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/usr/X11/lib -R /usr/X11/lib"
761# Everything needs to built with _REENTRANT for thread safe errno:
770ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc
775   Then do make install or copy the x11vnc binary to your desired
776   destination.
778   BTW, To run a shell script, just cut-and-paste the above into a file,
779   say "myscript", then modify the "/path/to/..." items to correspond to
780   your system/environment, and then type: "sh myscript" to run it.
782   Note that on Solaris make is /usr/ccs/bin/make, so that is why the
783   above puts /usr/ccs/bin in PATH. Other important build utilities are
784   there too: ld, ar, etc. Also, it is probably a bad idea to have
785   /usr/ucb in your PATH while building.
787   Starting with the 0.7.1 x11vnc release the "configure --with-jpeg=DIR
788   --with-zlib=DIR" options are handy if you want to avoid making a
789   script.
791   If you need to link OpenSSL libssl.a on Solaris see this method.
793   If you need to build on Solaris 2.5.1 or earlier or other older Unix
794   OS's, see this workaround FAQ.
797   Building on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, ...:   The jpeg libraries seem to be in
798   /usr/local or /usr/pkg on these OS's. You won't need the openwin stuff
799   in the above script (but you may need /usr/X11R6/....) Also starting
800   with the 0.7.1 x11vnc release, this usually works:
801  ./configure --with-jpeg=/usr/local
802  make
805   Building on HP-UX:   For jpeg and zlib you will need to do the same
806   sort of thing as described above for Solaris. You set CPPFLAGS and
807   LDFLAGS to find them (see below for an example.) You do not need to do
808   any of the above /usr/openwin stuff. Also, HP-UX does not seem to
809   support -R, so get rid of the -R items in LDFLAGS. Because of this, at
810   runtime you may need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or SHLIB_PATH to indicate
811   the directory paths so the libraries can be found. It is a good idea
812   to have static archives, e.g. libz.a and libjpeg.a for the nonstandard
813   libraries so that they get bolted into the x11vnc binary (and so won't
814   get "lost".)
816   Here is what we recently did to build x11vnc 0.7.2 on HP-UX 11.11
817./configure --with-jpeg=$HOME/hpux/jpeg --with-zlib=$HOME/hpux/zlib
820   Where we had static archives (libjpeg.a, libz.a) only and header files
821   in the $HOME/hpux/... directories as discussed for the build script.
823   On HP-UX 11.23 and 11.31 we have had problems compiling with gcc.
824   "/usr/include/rpc/auth.h:87: error: field 'syncaddr' has incomplete
825   type". As a workaround for x11vnc 0.9.4 and later set your CPPFLAGS to
826   include:
828  export CPPFLAGS
830   This disables a very rare usage mode for -unixpw_nis by not trying
831   getspnam(3).
833   Using HP-UX's C compiler on 11.23 and 11.31 we have some severe
834   compiler errors that have not been worked around yet. If you need to
835   do this, contact me and I will give you a drastic recipe that will
836   produce a working binary.
839   Building on AIX:   AIX: one user had to add the "X11.adt" package to
840   AIX 4.3.3 and 5.2 to get build header files like XShm.h, etc. You may
841   also want to make sure that /usr/lpp/X11/include, etc is being picked
842   up by the configure and make.
844   For a recent build on AIX 5.3 we needed to add these CFLAGS to be able
845   to build with gcc:
846  env CFLAGS='-maix64 -Xlinker -bbigtoc' ./configure ...
848   we also built our own libjpeg and libz using -maix64.
850   BTW, one way to run an Xvfb-like virtual X server for testing on AIX
851   is something like "/usr/bin/X11/X -force -vfb -ac :1".
854   Building on Mac OS X:   There is now native Mac OS X support for
855   x11vnc by using the raw framebuffer feature. This mode does not use or
856   need X11 at all. To build you may need to disable X11:
857./configure --without-x ...
860   However, if your system has the Mac OS X build package for X11 apps
861   you will not need to supply the "--without-x" option (in this case the
862   resulting x11vnc would be able to export both the native Mac OS X
863   display and windows displayed in the XDarwin X server.) Be sure to
864   include the ./configure option to find libjpeg on your system.
867   OpenSSL:   Starting with version 0.8.3 x11vnc can now be built with
868   SSL/TLS support. For this to be enabled the libssl.so library needs to
869   be available at build time. So you may need to have additional
870   CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS items if your libssl.so is in a non-standard
871   place. As of x11vnc 0.9.4 there is also the --with-ssl=DIR configure
872   option.
874   On Solaris using static archives libssl.a and libcrypto.a instead of
875   .so shared libraries (e.g. from www.sunfreeware.com), we found we
876   needed to also set LDFLAGS as follows to get the configure to work:
877env LDFLAGS='-lsocket -ldl' ./configure --with-ssl=/path/to/openssl ...
880     _________________________________________________________________
882    Beta Testing:
884   I don't have any formal beta-testers for the releases of x11vnc, so
885   I'd appreciate any additional testing very much.
887   Thanks to those who suggested features and helped beta test x11vnc
888   0.9.12 released in Sep 2010!
890   Please help test and debug the 0.9.13 version for release sometime in
891   Winter 2010.
893   The version 0.9.13 beta tarball is kept here:
894   x11vnc-0.9.13-dev.tar.gz
896   There are also some Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, and other OS test
897   binaries here. Please kick the tires and report bugs, performance
898   regressions, undesired behavior, etc. to me.
900   To aid testing of the built-in SSL/TLS support for x11vnc, a number of
901   VNC Viewer packages for Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows have been created
902   that provide SSL Support for the TightVNC Viewer (this is done by
903   wrapper scripts and a GUI that starts STUNNEL.) It should be pretty
904   convenient for automatic SSL and SSH connections. It is described in
905   detail at and can be downloaded from the Enhanced TightVNC Viewer
906   (SSVNC) page. The SSVNC Unix viewer also supports x11vnc's symmetric
907   key encryption ciphers (see the 'UltraVNC DSM Encryption Plugin'
908   settings panel.)
911   Here are some features that will appear in the 0.9.13 release:
912     * Improved support for non-X11 touchscreen devices (e.g. handheld or
913       cell phone) via Linux uinput input injection. Additional tuning
914       parameters are added. TSLIB touchscreen calibration is supported.
915       Tested on Qtmoko Neo Freerunner. A tool, misc/uinput.pl, is
916       provided to diagnose uinput behavior on new devices. The env.
917       vars. X11VNC_UINPUT_BUS and X11VNC_UINPUT_VERSION are available if
918       leaving them unset does not work.
919     * The Linux uinput non-X11 input injection can now be bypassed:
920       events can be directly written to the /dev/input/event devices
921       specified by the user (direct_abs=..., etc.) A -pipeinput input
922       injection helper script, misc/qt_tslib_inject.pl is provided as a
923       tweakable non-builtin direct input injection method.
924     * The list of new uinput parameters for the above two features is:
925       pressure, tslib_cal, touch_always, dragskip, btn_touch;
926       direct_rel, direct_abs, direct_btn, direct_key.
927     * The MacOSX native server can now use OpenGL for the screen
928       capture. In nearly all cases this is faster than the raw
929       framebuffer capture method. There are build and run time flags,
930       X11VNC_MACOSX_NO_DEPRECATED, etc. to disable use of deprecated
931       input injection and screen access interfaces. Cursor shape now
932       works for 64bit binaries.
933     * The included SSL enabled Java VNC Viewers now handle Mouse Wheel
934       events.
935     * miscellaneous new features and changes:
936     * In -reflect mode, the libvncclient connection can now have the
937       pixel format modified via the environment variables
938       X11VNC_REFLECT_bitsPerSample, X11VNC_REFLECT_samplesPerPixel, and
939       X11VNC_REFLECT_bytesPerPixel
940     * In -create mode the following environment variables are added to
941       fine tune the behavior: FIND_DISPLAY_NO_LSOF: do not use lsof(1)
942       to try to determine the Linux VT, FIND_DISPLAY_NO_VT_FIND: do not
943       try to determine the Linux VT at all, X11VNC_CREATE_LC_ALL_C_OK:
944       do not bother undoing the setting LC_ALL=C that the create_display
945       script sets. The performance of the -create script has been
946       improved for large installations (100's of user sessions on one
947       machine.)
948     * In -unixpw mode, one can now Tab from login: to Password.
949     * An environment variable, X11VNC_SB_FACTOR, allows one to scale the
950       -sb screenblank sleep time from the default 2 secs.
951     * An experimental option -unixsock is available for testing. Note,
952       however, that it requires a manual change to
953       libvncserver/rfbserver.c for it to work.
954     * Documented that -grabkbd is no longer working with some/most
955       window managers (it can prevent resizing and menu posting.)
958   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9.12 release (Sep/2010):
959     * One can now specify the maximum number of displays that can be
960       created in -create mode via the env. var.
962     * The X11VNC_NO_LIMIT_SHM env. var. is added to skip any automatic
963       shared memory reduction.
964     * The kdm display manager is now detected when trying not to get
965       killed by the display manager.
966     * A compile time bug is fixed so that configuring using
967       --with-system-libvncserver pointing to LibVNCServer 0.9.7 works
968       again. A bug from forced use of Xdefs.h is worked around.
971   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9.11 release (Aug/2010):
972     * The source tree is synchronized with the most recent libvncclient
973       (this only affects -reflect mode.) Build is fixed for
974       incompatibilities when using an external LibVNCServer (e.g.
975       ./configure --with-system-libvncserver...) Please help test these
976       build and runtime aspects and report back what you find, thanks.
977     * The SSL enabled Java VNC Viewer Makefile has been modified so that
978       the jar files that are built are compatible back to Java 1.4.
979     * In -create/-unixpw mode, the env. var. FD_USERPREFS may be set to
980       a filename in the user's home directory that includes default
981       username:options values (so the options do not need to be typed
982       every time at the login prompt.)
983     * In -reflect mode cursor position updates are now handled
984       correctly.
987   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9.10 release (May/2010):
988     * The included SSL enabled Java applet viewer now supports Chained
989       SSL Certificates. The debugCerts=yes applet parameter aids
990       troubleshooting certificate validation. The x11vnc -ssl mode has
991       always supported chained SSL certificates (simply put the
992       intermediate certificates, in order, after the server certificate
993       in the pem file.)
994     * A demo CGI script desktop.cgi shows how to create an SSL
995       encrypted, multi-user x11vnc web login desktop service. The script
996       requires x11vnc version 0.9.10. The user logs into a secure web
997       site and gets his/her own virtual desktop (Xvfb.) x11vnc's SSL
998       enabled Java Viewer Applet is launched by the web browser for
999       secure viewing (and so no software needs to be installed on the
1000       viewer-side.) One can use the desktop.cgi script for ideas to
1001       create their own fancier or customized web login desktop service
1002       (e.g. user-creation, PHP, SQL, specialized desktop application,
1003       etc.) More info here. There is also an optional 'port redirection'
1004       mode that allows redirection to other SSL enabled VNC servers
1005       running inside the firewall.
1006     * Built-in support for IPv6 (128 bit internet addresses) is now
1007       provided. See the -6 and -connect options for details.
1008       Additionally, in case there are still problems with built-in IPv6
1009       support, a transitional tool is provided in inet6to4 that allows
1010       x11vnc (or any other IPv4 application) to receive connections over
1011       IPv6.
1012     * The Xdummy wrapper script for Xorg's dummy driver is updated and
1013       no longer requires being run as root. New service options are
1014       provided to select Xdummy over Xvfb as the virtual X server to be
1015       created.
1016     * The "%" unix password verification tricks for the -unixpw option
1017       are now documented. They have also been extended to run a command
1018       as the user if one sets the environment variable UNIXPW_CMD. The
1019       desktop.cgi demo script takes advantage of this new feature.
1020     * A bug has been fixed that would prevent the Java applet viewer
1021       from being downloaded successfully in single-port HTTPS/VNC inetd
1022       mode. The env. var. X11VNC_HTTPS_DOWNLOAD_WAIT_TIME can be used to
1023       adjust for how many seconds a -inetd or -https httpd download is
1024       waited for (default 15 seconds.) The applet will now autodetect
1025       x11vnc and use GET=1 for faster connecting. Many other
1026       improvements and fixes.
1027     * The TightVNC security type (TightVNC features enabler) now works
1028       for RFB version 3.8.
1029     * The X property X11VNC_TRAP_XRANDR can be set on a desktop to force
1030       x11vnc to use the -xrandr screen size change trapping code.
1031     * New remote control query options: pointer_x, pointer_y,
1032       pointer_same, pointer_root, and pointer_mask. A demo script using
1033       them misc/panner.pl is provided.
1034     * The -sslScripts option prints out the SSL certificate management
1035       scripts.
1038   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9.9 release (Dec/2009):
1039     * The -unixpw_system_greeter option, when used in combined unixpw
1040       and XDMCP FINDCREATEDISPLAY mode (for example: -xdmsvc), enables
1041       the user to press Escape to jump directly to the XDM/GDM/KDM login
1042       greeter screen. This way the user avoids entering his unix
1043       password twice at X session creation time. Also, the unixpw login
1044       panel now has a short help displayed if the user presses 'F1'.
1045     * x11vnc now tries to be a little bit more aggressive in keeping up
1046       with VNC client's framebuffer update requests. Some broken VNC
1047       clients like Eggplant and JollysFastVNC continuously spray these
1048       requests at VNC servers (regardless of whether they have received
1049       any updates or not.) Under some circumstances this could lead to
1050       x11vnc falling behind. The -extra_fbur option allows one to fine
1051       tune the setting. Additionally, one may also dial down delays:
1052       e.g. "-defer 5" and "-wait 5" (or to 1 or even 0) or -nonap or
1053       -allinput to keep up with these VNC clients at the expense of
1054       increased system load.
1055     * Heuristics are applied to try to determine if the X display is
1056       currently in a Display Manager Greeter Login panel (e.g. GDM) If
1057       so, x11vnc's creation of any windows and use of XFIXES are
1058       delayed. This is to try to avoid x11vnc being killed after the
1059       user logs in if the GDM KillInitClients=true is in effect. So one
1060       does not need to set KillInitClients=false. Note that in recent
1061       GDM the KillInitClients option has been removed. Also delayed is
1062       the use of the XFIXES cursor fetching functionality; this avoids
1063       an Xorg bug that causes Xorg to crash right after the user logs
1064       in.
1065     * A new option -findauth runs the FINDDISPLAY script that applies
1066       heuristics that try to determine the XAUTHORITY file. The use of
1067       '-auth guess' will use the XAUTHORITY that -findauth reveals. This
1068       can be handy in with the lastest GDM where the ability to store
1069       cookies in ~/.Xauthority has been removed. If x11vnc is running as
1070       root (e.g. inetd) and you add -env FD_XDM=1 to the above -findauth
1071       or -auth guess command lines, it will find the correct XAUTHORITY
1072       for the given display (this works for XDM/GDM/KDM if the login
1073       greeter panel is up or if someone has already logged into an X
1074       session.)
1075     * The FINDDISPLAY and FINDCREATEDISPLAY modes (i.e. "-display
1076       WAIT:cmd=...", -find, -create) now work correctly for the
1077       user-supplied login program scheme "-unixpw_cmd ...", as long as
1078       the login program supports running commands specified in the
1079       environment variable "RFB_UNIXPW_CMD_RUN" as the logged-in user.
1080       The mode "-unixpw_nis ..." has also been made more consistent.
1081     * The -stunnel option (like -ssl but uses stunnel as an external
1082       helper program) now works with the -ssl "SAVE" and "TMP" special
1083       certificate names. The -sslverify and -sslCRL options now work
1084       correctly in -stunnel mode. Single port HTTPS connections are also
1085       supported for this mode.
1086     * There is an experimental Application Sharing mode that improves
1087       upon the -id/-sid single window sharing: -appshare (run "x11vnc
1088       -appshare -help" for more info.) It is still very primitive and
1089       approximate, but at least it displays multiple top-level windows.
1090     * The remote control command -R can be used to instruct x11vnc to
1091       resend its most recent copy of the Clipboard, Primary, or
1092       Cutbuffer selections: "x11vnc -R resend_clipboard", "x11vnc -R
1093       resend_primary", and "x11vnc -R resend_cutbuffer".
1094     * The fonts in the GUI (-gui) can now by set via environment
1095       variables, e.g. -env X11VNC_FONT_BOLD='Helvetica -16 bold' and
1096       -env X11VNC_FONT_FIXED='Courier -14'.
1097     * The XDAMAGE mechanism is now automatically disabled for a period
1098       of time if a game or screensaver generates too many XDAMAGE
1099       rectangles per second. This avoids the X11 event queue from
1100       soaking up too much memory.
1101     * There is an experimental workaround: "-env X11VNC_WATCH_DX_DY=1"
1102       that tries to avoid problems with poorly constructed menu themes
1103       that place the initial position of the mouse cursor inside a menu
1104       item's active zone. More information can be found here.
1107   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9.8 release (Jul/2009):
1108     * Stability improvements to -threads mode. Running x11vnc this way
1109       is more reliable now. Threaded operation sometimes gives better
1110       interactive response and faster updates: try it out. The threaded
1111       mode now supports multiple VNC viewers using the same VNC
1112       encoding. The threaded mode can also yield a performance
1113       enhancement in the many client case (e.g. class-room broadcast.)
1114       We have tested with 30 to 50 simultaneous clients. See also
1115       -reflect.
1116       For simultaneous clients: the ZRLE encoding is thread safe on all
1117       platforms, and the Tight and Zlib encodings are currently only
1118       thread safe on Linux where thread local storage, __thread, is
1119       used. If your non-Linux system and compiler support __thread one
1120       can supply -DTLS=__thread to enable it. When there is only one
1121       connected client, all encodings are safe on all platforms. Note
1122       that some features (e.g. scroll detection and -ncache) may be
1123       disabled or run with reduced functionality in -threads mode.
1124     * Automatically tries to work around an Xorg server and GNOME bug
1125       involving infinitely repeating keys when turning off key
1126       repeating. Use -repeat if the automatic workaround fails.
1127     * Improved reliability of the Single Port SSL VNC and HTTPS java
1128       viewer applet delivery mechanism.
1129     * The -clip mode works under -rawfb.
1132   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9.7 release (Mar/2009):
1133     * Support for polling Linux Virtual Terminals (also called virtual
1134       consoles) directly instead of using /dev/fb. The option to use is,
1135       for example, "-rawfb vt2" for Virtual Terminal 2, etc. In this
1136       case the special file /dev/vcsa2 is used to retrieve vt2's current
1137       text. Text and colors are shown, but no graphics.
1138     * Support for less than 8 bits per pixel framebuffers (e.g. 4 or 1
1139       bpp) in the -rawfb mode.
1140     * The SSL enabled UltraVNC Java viewer applet now has a [Home] entry
1141       in the "drives" drop down menu. This menu can be configured with
1142       the ftpDropDown applet parameter. All of the applet parameters are
1143       documented in classes/ssl/README.
1144     * Experimental support for VirtualGL's TurboVNC (an enhanced
1145       TightVNC for fast LAN high framerate usage.)
1146     * The CUPS Terminal Services helper mode has been improved.
1147     * Improvements to the -ncache_cr that allows smooth opaque window
1148       motions using the 'copyrect' encoding when using -ncache mode.
1149     * The -rmflag option enables a way to indicate to other processes
1150       x11vnc has exited.
1151     * Reverse connections using anonymous Diffie Hellman SSL encryption
1152       now work.
1155   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9.6 release (Dec/2008):
1156     * Support for VeNCrypt SSL/TLS encrypted connections. It is enabled
1157       by default in the -ssl mode. VNC Viewers like vinagre,
1158       gvncviewer/gtk-vnc, the vencrypt package, SSVNC, and others
1159       support this encryption mode. It can also be used with the -unixpw
1160       option to enable Unix username and password authentication
1161       (VeNCrypt's "*Plain" modes.) A similar but older VNC security type
1162       "ANONTLS" (used by vino) is supported as well. See the -vencrypt
1163       and -anontls options for additional control. The difference
1164       between x11vnc's normal -ssl mode and VeNCrypt is that the former
1165       wraps the entire VNC connection in SSL (like HTTPS does for HTTP,
1166       i.e. "vncs://") while VeNCrypt switches on the SSL/TLS at a
1167       certain point during the VNC handshake. Use -sslonly to disable
1168       both VeNCrypt and ANONTLS (vino.)
1169     * The "-ssl ANON" option enables Anonymous Diffie-Hellman (ADH) key
1170       exchange for x11vnc's normal SSL/TLS operation. Note that
1171       Anonymous Diffie-Hellman uses encryption for privacy, but provides
1172       no authentication and so is susceptible to Man-In-The-Middle
1173       attacks (and so we do not recommend it: we prefer you use "-ssl
1174       SAVE", etc. and have the VNC viewer verify the cert.) The ANONTLS
1175       mode (vino) only supports ADH. VeNCrypt mode supports both ADH and
1176       regular X509 SSL certificates modes. For these ADH is enabled by
1177       default. See -vencrypt and -anontls for how to disable ADH.
1178     * For x11vnc's SSL/TLS modes, one can now specify a Certificate
1179       Revocation List (CRL) with the -sslCRL option. This will only be
1180       useful for wide deployments: say a company-wide x11vnc SSL access
1181       deployment using a central Certificate Authority (CA) via
1182       -sslGenCA and -sslGenCert. This way if a user has his laptop lost
1183       or stolen, you only have to revoke his key instead of creating a
1184       new Certificate Authority and redeploying new keys to all users.
1185     * The default SSL/TLS mode, "-ssl" (no pem file parameter supplied),
1186       is now the same as "-ssl SAVE" and will save the generated
1187       self-signed cert in "~/.vnc/certs/server.pem". Previously "-ssl"
1188       would create a temporary self-signed cert that was discarded when
1189       x11vnc exited. The reason for the change is to at least give the
1190       chance for the VNC Viewer side (e.g. SSVNC) to remember the cert
1191       to authenticate subsequent connections to the same x11vnc server.
1192       Use "-ssl TMP" to regain the previous behavior. Use "-ssl
1193       SAVE_NOPROMPT" to avoid being prompted about using passphrase when
1194       the certificate is created.
1195     * The option -http_oneport enables single-port HTTP connections via
1196       the Java VNC Viewer. So, for example, the web browser URL
1197       "http://myhost.org:5900" works the same as
1198       "http://myhost.org:5800", but with the convenience of only
1199       involving one port instead of two. This works for both unencrypted
1200       connections and for SSH tunnels (see -httpsredir if the tunnel
1201       port differs.) Note that HTTPS single-port operation in -ssl SSL
1202       encrypted mode has been available since x11vnc version 0.8.3.
1203     * For the -avahi/-zeroconf Service Advertizing mode, if x11vnc was
1204       not compiled with the avahi-client library, then an external
1205       helper program, either avahi-publish(1) (on Unix) or dns-sd(1) (on
1206       Mac OS X), is used instead.
1207     * The "-rfbport PROMPT" option will prompt the user via the GUI to
1208       select the VNC port (e.g. 5901) to listen on, and a few other
1209       basic settings. This enables a handy GUI mode for naive users:
1210   x11vnc -gui tray=setpass -rfbport PROMPT -logfile $HOME/.x11vnc.log.%VNCDISP
1212       suitable for putting in a launcher or menu, e.g. x11vnc.desktop.
1213       The -logfile expansion is new too. In the GUI, the tray=setpass
1214       Properties panel has been improved.
1215     * The -solid solid background color option now works for the Mac OS
1216       X console.
1217     * The -reopen option instructs x11vnc to try to reopen the X display
1218       if it is prematurely closed by, say, the display manager (e.g.
1219       GDM.)
1222   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9.5 release (Oct/2008):
1223     * Symmetric key encryption ciphers. ARC4, AES-128, AES-256,
1224       blowfish, and 3des are supported. Salt and initialization vector
1225       seeding is provided. These compliment the more widely used SSL and
1226       SSH encryption access methods. SSVNC also supports these
1227       encryption modes.
1228     * Scaling differently along the X- and Y-directions. E.g. "-scale
1229       1280x1024" or "-scale 0.8x0.75"    Also, "-geometry WxH" is an
1230       alias for "-scale WxH"
1231     * By having SSVNC version 1.0.21 or later available in your $PATH,
1232       the -chatwindow option allows a UltraVNC Text Chat window to
1233       appear on the local X11 console/display (this way the remote
1234       viewer can chat with the person at the physical display; e.g.
1235       helpdesk mode.) This also works on the Mac OS X console if the
1236       Xquartz X11 server (enabled by default on leopard) is running for
1237       the chatwindow.
1238     * The HTTP Java viewer applet jar, classes/VncViewer.jar, has been
1239       updated with an improved implementation based on the code used by
1240       the classes/ssl applets.
1243   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9.4 release (Sep/2008):
1244     * Improvements to the -find and -create X session finding or
1245       creating modes: new desktop types and service redirection options.
1246       Personal cupsd daemon and SSH port redirection helper for use with
1247       SSVNC's Terminal Services feature.
1248     * Reverse VNC connections via -connect work in the -find, -create
1249       and related -display WAIT:... modes.
1250     * Reverse VNC connections (either normal or SSL) can use a Web Proxy
1251       or a SOCKS proxy, or a SSH connection, or even a CGI URL to make
1252       the outgoing connection. See: -proxy. Forward connections can also
1253       use: -ssh.
1254     * Reverse VNC connections via the UltraVNC repeater proxy (either
1255       normal or SSL) are supported. Use either the "-connect
1256       repeater=ID:NNNN+host:port" or "-connect
1257       repeater://host:port+ID:NNNN" notation. The SSVNC VNC viewer also
1258       supports the UltraVNC repeater. Also, a perl repeater implemention
1259       is here: ultravnc_repeater.pl
1260     * Support for indexed colormaps (PseudoColor) with depths other than
1261       8 (from 1 to 16 now work) for non-standard hardware. Option
1262       "-advertise_truecolor" to handle some workaround in this mode.
1263     * Support for the ZYWRLE encoding, this is the RealVNC ZRLE encoding
1264       extended to do motion video and photo regions more efficiently by
1265       way of a Wavelet based transformation.
1266     * The -finddpy and -listdpy utilities help to debug and configure
1267       the -find, -create, and -display WAIT:... modes.
1268     * Some automatic detection of screen resizes are handled even if the
1269       -xrandr option is not supplied.
1270     * The -autoport options gives more control over the VNC port x11vnc
1271       chooses.
1272     * The -ping secs can be used to help keep idle connections alive.
1273     * Pasting of the selection/clipboard into remote applications (e.g.
1274       Java) has been improved.
1275     * Fixed a bug if a client disconnects during the 'speed-estimation'
1276       phase.
1277     * To unset Caps_Lock, Num_Lock and raise all keys in the X server
1278       use -clear_all.
1279     * Usage with dvorak keyboards has been improved. See also: -xkb.
1280     * The Java Viewer applet source code is now included in the
1281       x11vnc-0.9.*.tar.gz tarball. This means you can now build the Java
1282       viewer applet jar files from source. If you stopped shipping the
1283       Java viewer applet jar files due to lack of source code, you can
1284       start again.
1287   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9.3 release (Oct/2007):
1288     * Viewer-side pixmap caching. A large area of pixels (at least 2-3
1289       times as big as the framebuffer itself; the bigger the better...
1290       default is 10X) is placed below the framebuffer to act as a
1291       buffer/cache area for pixel data. The VNC CopyRect encoding is
1292       used to move it around, so any viewer can take advantage of it.
1293       Until we start modifying viewers you will be able to see the cache
1294       area if you scroll down (this makes it easier to debug!) For
1295       testing the default is "-ncache 10". The unix Enhanced TightVNC
1296       Viewer ssvnc has a nice -ycrop option to help hide the pixel cache
1297       area from view.
1300   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9.2 release (Jun/2007):
1301     * Building with no OpenSSL libssl available (or with --without-ssl)
1302       has been fixed.
1303     * One can configure x11vnc via "./configure
1304       --with-system-libvncserver" to use a system installed libvncserver
1305       library instead of the one bundled in the release tarball.
1306     * If UltraVNC file transfer or chat is detected, then VNC clients
1307       are "pinged" more often to prevent these side channels from
1308       becoming serviced too infrequently.
1309     * In -unixpw mode in the username and password dialog no text will
1310       be echoed if the first character sent is "Escape". This enables a
1311       convenience feature in SSVNC to send the username and password
1312       automatically.
1315   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9.1 release (May/2007):
1316     * The UltraVNC Java viewer has been enhanced to support SSL (as the
1317       TightVNC viewer had been previously.) The UltraVNC Java supports
1318       ultravnc filetransfer, and so can be used as a VNC viewer on Unix
1319       that supports ultravnc filetransfer. It is in the
1320       classes/ssl/UltraViewerSSL.jar file (that is pointed to by
1321       ultra.vnc.) The signed applet SignedUltraViewerSSL.jar version
1322       (pointed to by ultrasigned.vnc) will be needed to access the local
1323       drive if you are using it for file transfer via a Web browser.
1324       Some other bugs in the UltraVNC Java viewer were fixed and a few
1325       improvements to the UI made.
1326     * A new Unix username login mode for VNC Viewers authenticated via a
1327       Client SSL Certificate: "-users sslpeer=". The emailAddress
1328       subject field is inspected for username@hostname and then acts as
1329       though "-users +username" has been supplied. This way the Unix
1330       username is identified by (i.e. simply extracted from) the Client
1331       SSL Certificate. This could be useful with -find, -create and -svc
1332       modes if you are also have set up and use VNC Client SSL
1333       Certificate authentication.
1334     * For external display finding/creating programs (e.g. WAIT:cmd=...)
1335       if the VNC Viewer is authenticated via a Client SSL Certificate,
1336       then that Certificate is available in the environment variable
1340   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9 release (Apr/2007):
1341     * VNC Service advertising via mDNS / ZeroConf / BonJour with the
1342       Avahi client library. Enable via "-avahi" or "-zeroconf".
1343     * Implementations of UltraVNC's TextChat, SingleWindow, and
1344       ServerInput extensions (requires ultravnc viewer or ssvnc Unix
1345       viewer.) They toggle the selection of a single window (-id), and
1346       disable (friendly) user input and viewing (monitor blank) at the
1347       VNC server.
1348     * Short aliases "-find", "-create", "-svc", and "-xdmsvc" for
1349       commonly used FINDCREATEDISPLAY usage modes.
1350     * Reverse VNC connections (viewer listening) now work in SSL (-ssl)
1351       mode.
1352     * New options to control the Monitor power state and keyboard/mouse
1353       grabbing: -forcedpms, -clientdpms, -noserverdpms, and -grabalways.
1354     * A simple way to emulate inetd(8) to some degree via the "-loopbg"
1355       option.
1356     * Monitor the accuracy of XDAMAGE and apply "-noxdamage" if it is
1357       not working well. OpenGL applications like like beryl and MythTv
1358       have been shown to make XDAMAGE not work properly.
1359     * For Java SSL connections involving a router/firewall port
1360       redirection, an option -httpsredir to spare the user from needing
1361       to include &PORT=NNN in the browser URL.
1364   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.8.4 release (Feb/2007):
1365     * Native Mac OS X Aqua/Quartz support. (i.e. OSXvnc alternative;
1366       some activities are faster)
1367     * A new login mode: "-display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY -unixpw
1368       ..." that will Create a new X session (either virtual or real and
1369       with or without a display manager, e.g. kdm) for the user if it
1370       cannot find the user's X session display via the FINDDISPLAY
1371       method. See the -svc and the -xdmsvc aliases.
1372     * x11vnc can act as a VNC reflector/repeater using the "-reflect
1373       host:N" option. Instead of polling an X display, the remote VNC
1374       Server host:N is connected to and re-exported via VNC. This is
1375       intended for use in broadcasting a display to many (e.g. > 16;
1376       classroom or large demo) VNC viewers where bandwidth and other
1377       resources are conserved by spreading the load over a number of
1378       repeaters.
1379     * Wireframe copyrect detection for local user activity (e.g. someone
1380       sitting at the physical display moving windows) Use
1381       -nowireframelocal to disable.
1382     * The "-N" option couples the VNC Display number to the X Display
1383       number. E.g. if your X DISPLAY is :2 then the VNC display will be
1384       :2 (i.e. using port 5902.) If that port is taken x11vnc will exit.
1385     * Option -nodpms to avoid problems with programs like KDE's
1386       kdesktop_lock that keep restarting the screen saver every few
1387       seconds.
1388     * To automatically fix the common mouse motion problem on XINERAMA
1389       (multi-headed) displays, the -xwarppointer option is enabled by
1390       default when XINERAMA is active.
1392   If you have a Mac please try out the native Mac OS X support, build
1393   with "./configure --without-x", or download a binary mentioned above,
1394   (even if you don't plan on ever using it in this mode!), and let me
1395   know how it went. Thanks.
1398   Here are some features that appeared in the 0.8.3 release (Nov/2006):
1399     * The -ssl option provides SSL encryption and authentication
1400       natively via the www.openssl.org library. One can use from a
1401       simple self-signed certificate server certificate up to full CA
1402       and client certificate authentication schemes.
1403     * Similar to -ssl, the -stunnel option starts up a SSL tunnel server
1404       stunnel (that must be installed separately on the system:
1405       stunnel.mirt.net ) to allow only encrypted SSL connections from
1406       the network.
1407     * The -sslverify option allows for authenticating VNC clients via
1408       their certificates in either -ssl or -stunnel modes.
1409     * Certificate creation and management tools are provide in the
1410       -sslGenCert, -sslGenCA, and related options.
1411     * An SSL enabled Java applet VNC Viewer applet is provided by x11vnc
1412       in classes/ssl/VncViewer.jar. In addition to normal HTTP, the
1413       applet may be loaded into the web browser via HTTPS (HTTP over
1414       SSL.) (one can use the VNC port, e.g. https://host:5900/, or also
1415       the separate -https port option.) A wrapper shell script
1416       ss_vncviewer is also provided that sets up a stunnel client-side
1417       tunnel on Unix systems. See Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) for
1418       other SSL/SSH viewer possibilities.
1419     * The -unixpw option supports Unix username and password
1420       authentication (a simpler variant is the -unixpw_nis option that
1421       works in environments where the encrypted passwords are readable,
1422       e.g. NIS.) The -ssl or -localhost + -stunnel options are enforced
1423       in this mode to prevent password sniffing. As a convenience, these
1424       requirements are lifted if a SSH tunnel can be deduced (but
1425       -localhost still applies.)
1426     * Coupling -unixpw with "-display WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY" or "-display
1427       WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY" provides a way to allow a user to
1428       login with their UNIX password and have their display connected to
1429       automatically. See the -svc and the -xdmsvc aliases.
1430     * Hooks are provided in the -unixpw_cmd and "-passwdfile
1431       cmd:,custom:..." options to allow you to supply your own
1432       authentication and password lookup programs.
1433     * x11vnc can be configured and built to not depend on X11 libraries
1434       "./configure --without-x" for -rawfb only operation (e.g. embedded
1435       linux console devices.)
1436     * The -rotate option enables you to rotate or reflect the screen
1437       before exporting via VNC. This is intended for use on handhelds
1438       and other devices where the rotation orientation is not "natural".
1439     * The "-ultrafilexfer" alias is provided and improved UltraVNC
1440       filetransfer rates have been achieved.
1441     * Under the "-connect_or_exit host" option x11vnc will exit
1442       immediately unless the reverse connection to host succeeds. The
1443       "-rfbport 0" option disables TCP listening for connections (useful
1444       for this mode.)
1445     * The "-rawfb rand" and "-rawfb none" options are useful for testing
1446       automation scripts, etc., without requiring a full desktop.
1447     * Reduced spewing of information at startup, use "-verbose" (also
1448       "-v") to turn it back on for debugging or if you are going to send
1449       me a problem report.
1451   Here are some Previous Release Notes
1452     _________________________________________________________________
1454    Some Notes:
1456   Both a client and a server:   It is sometimes confusing to people that
1457   x11vnc is both a client and a server at the same time. It is an X
1458   client because it connects to the running X server to do the screen
1459   polls. Think of it as a rather efficient "screenshot" program running
1460   continuously. It is a server in the sense that it is a VNC server that
1461   VNC viewers on the network can connect to and view the screen
1462   framebuffer it manages.
1464   When trying to debug problems, remember to think of both roles. E.g.
1465   "how is x11vnc connecting to the X server?", "how is the vncviewer
1466   connecting to x11vnc?", "what permits/restricts the connection?". Both
1467   links may have reachability, permission, and other issues.
1469   Network performance:   Whether you are using Xvnc or x11vnc it is
1470   always a good idea to have a solid background color instead of a
1471   pretty background image. Each and every re-exposure of the background
1472   must be resent over the network: better to have that background be a
1473   solid color that compresses very well compared to a photo image. (This
1474   is one place where the X protocol has an advantage over the VNC
1475   protocol.) I suggest using xsetroot, dtstyle or similar utility to set
1476   a solid background while using x11vnc. You can turn the pretty
1477   background image back on when you are using the display directly.
1478   Update: As of Feb/2005 x11vnc has the -solid [color] option that works
1479   on recent GNOME, KDE, and CDE and also on classic X (background image
1480   is on the root window.) Update: As of Oct/2007 x11vnc has the -ncache
1481   option that does a reasonable job caching the background (and other)
1482   pixmap data on the viewer side.
1484   I also find the TightVNC encoding gives the best response for my usage
1485   (Unix <-> Unix over cable modem.) One needs a tightvnc-aware vncviewer
1486   to take advantage of this encoding.
1488   TCP port issues:   Notice the lines
1489  18/07/2003 14:36:31 Autoprobing selected port 5900
1490  PORT=5900
1492   in the output. 5900 is the default VNC listening port (just like 6000
1493   is X11's default listening port.) Had port 5900 been taken by some
1494   other application, x11vnc would have next tried 5901. That would mean
1495   the viewer command above should be changed to vncviewer
1496   far-away.east:1. You can force the port with the "-rfbport NNNN"
1497   option where NNNN is the desired port number. If that port is already
1498   taken, x11vnc will exit immediately. The "-N" option will try to match
1499   the VNC display number to the X display.   (also see the "SunRay
1500   Gotcha" note below)
1502   Options:   x11vnc has (far too) many features that may be activated
1503   via its command line options. Useful options are, e.g., -scale to do
1504   server-side scaling, and -rfbauth passwd-file to use VNC password
1505   protection (the vncpasswd or storepasswd programs, or the x11vnc
1506   -storepasswd option can be used to create the password file.)
1508   Algorithm:   How does x11vnc do it? Rather brute-forcedly: it
1509   continuously polls the X11 framebuffer for changes using
1510   XShmGetImage(). When changes are discovered, it instructs libvncserver
1511   which rectangular regions of the framebuffer have changed, and
1512   libvncserver compresses the changes and sends them off to any
1513   connected VNC viewers. A number of applications do similar things,
1514   such as x0rfbserver, krfb, x0vncserver, vino. x11vnc uses a 32 x 32
1515   pixel tile model (the desktop is decomposed into roughly 1000 such
1516   tiles), where changed tiles are found by pseudo-randomly polling 1
1517   pixel tall horizontal scanlines separated vertically by 32 pixels.
1518   This is a surprisingly effective algorithm for finding changed
1519   regions. For keyboard and mouse user input the XTEST extension is used
1520   to pass the input events to the X server. To detect XBell "beeps" the
1521   XKEYBOARD extension is used. If available, the XFIXES extension is
1522   used to retrieve the current mouse cursor shape. Also, if available
1523   the X DAMAGE extension is used to receive hints from the X server
1524   where modified regions on the screen are. This greatly reduces the
1525   system load when not much is changing on the screen and also improves
1526   how quickly the screen is updated.
1528   Barbershop mirrors effect:   What if x11vnc is started up, and
1529   vncviewer is then started up on the same machine and displayed on the
1530   same display x11vnc is polling? One might "accidentally" do this when
1531   first testing out the programs. You get an interesting
1532   recursive/feedback effect where vncviewer images keep popping up each
1533   one contained in the previous one and slightly shifted a bit by the
1534   window manager decorations. There will be an even more interesting
1535   effect if -scale is used. Also, if the XKEYBOARD is supported and the
1536   XBell "beeps" once, you get an infinite loop of beeps going off.
1537   Although all of this is mildly exciting it is not much use: you will
1538   normally run and display the viewer on a different machine!
1539     _________________________________________________________________
1541    Sun Ray Notes:
1543   You can run x11vnc on your (connected or disconnected) SunRay session.
1544   Here are some notes on SunRay usage with x11vnc.
1546     _________________________________________________________________
1548    Limitations:
1550     * Due to the polling nature, some activities (opaque window moves,
1551       scrolling), can be pretty choppy/ragged and others (exposures of
1552       large areas) slow. Experiment with interacting a bit differently
1553       than you normally do to minimize the effects (e.g. do fullpage
1554       paging rather than line-by-line scrolling, and move windows in a
1555       single, quick motion.) Recent work has provided the
1556       -scrollcopyrect and -wireframe speedups using the CopyRect VNC
1557       encoding and other things, but they only speed up some activities,
1558       not all.
1559     * A rate limiting factor for x11vnc performance is that graphics
1560       hardware is optimized for writing, not reading (x11vnc reads the
1561       video framebuffer for the screen image data.) The difference can
1562       be a factor of 10 to 1000, and so it usually takes about 0.5-1 sec
1563       to read in the whole video hardware framebuffer (e.g. 5MB for
1564       1280x1024 at depth 24 with a read rate of 5-10MB/sec.) So whenever
1565       activity changes most of the screen (e.g. moving or iconifying a
1566       large window) there is a delay of 0.5-1 sec while x11vnc reads the
1567       changed regions in.
1568       A slow framebuffer read rate will often be the performance
1569       bottleneck on a fast LAN (whereas on slower links the reduced
1570       network bandwidth becomes the bottleneck.)
1571       Note: A quick way to get a 2X speedup of this for x11vnc is to
1572       switch your X server from depth 24 (32bpp) to depth 16 (16bpp.)
1573       You get a 4X speedup going to 8bpp, but the lack of color cells is
1574       usually unacceptable.
1575       To get a sense of the read and write speeds of your video card,
1576       you can run benchmarks like: "x11perf -getimage500",  "x11perf
1577       -putimage500",  "x11perf -shmput500" and for XFree86 displays with
1578       direct graphics access the "dga" command (press "b" to run the
1579       benchmark and then after a few seconds press "q" to quit.) Even
1580       this "dd if=/dev/fb0 of=/dev/null" often gives a good estimate.
1581       x11vnc also prints out its estimate:
1582  28/02/2009 11:11:07 Autoprobing TCP port
1583  28/02/2009 11:11:07 Autoprobing selected port 5900
1584  28/02/2009 11:11:08 fb read rate: 10 MB/sec
1585  28/02/2009 11:11:08 screen setup finished.
1586       We have seen a few cases where the hardware fb read speed is
1587       greater than 65 MB/sec: on high end graphics workstations from SGI
1588       and Sun, and also from a Linux user using nvidia proprietary
1589       drivers for his nvidia video card. Update 2008: thankfully, these
1590       sped up drivers are becoming more common on Linux and *BSD systems
1591       and that makes x11vnc run somewhat more quickly. Sometimes they
1592       have a read rate of over 400 MB/sec.
1593       On XFree86/Xorg it is actually possible to increase the
1594       framebuffer read speed considerably (10-100 times) by using the
1595       Shadow Framebuffer (a copy of the framebuffer is kept in main
1596       memory and this can be read much more quickly.) To do this one
1597       puts the line Option "ShadowFB" "true" in the Device section of
1598       the /etc/X11/XF86Config or /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. Note that this
1599       disables 2D acceleration at the physical display and so that might
1600       be unacceptable if one plays games, etc. on the machine's local
1601       display. Nevertheless this could be handy in some circumstances,
1602       e.g. if the slower speed while sitting at the physical display was
1603       acceptable (this seems to be true for most video cards these
1604       days.) Unfortunately it does not seem shadowfb can be turned on
1605       and off dynamically...
1606       Another amusing thing one can do is use Xvfb as the X server, e.g.
1607       "xinit $HOME/.xinitrc -- /usr/X11R6/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0
1608       1024x768x16" x11vnc can poll Xvfb efficiently via main memory.
1609       It's not exactly clear why one would want to do this instead of
1610       using vncserver/Xvnc, (perhaps to take advantage of an x11vnc
1611       feature, such as framebuffer scaling or built-in SSL encryption),
1612       but we mention it because it may be of use for special purpose
1613       applications. You may need to use the "-cc 4" option to force Xvfb
1614       to use a TrueColor visual instead of DirectColor. See also the
1615       description of the -create option that does all of this
1616       automatically for you (be sure to install the Xvfb package, e.g.
1617       apt-get install xvfb.)
1618       Also, a faster and more accurate way is to use the "dummy"
1619       Xorg/XFree86 device driver (or our Xdummy wrapper script.) See
1620       this FAQ for details.
1621     * Somewhat surprisingly, the X11 mouse (cursor) shape is write-only
1622       and cannot be queried from the X server. So traditionally in
1623       x11vnc the cursor shape stays fixed at an arrow. (see the "-cursor
1624       X" and "-cursor some" options, however, for a partial hack for the
1625       root window, etc.) However, on Solaris using the SUN_OVL overlay
1626       extension, x11vnc can show the correct mouse cursor when the
1627       -overlay option is also supplied. A similar thing is done on IRIX
1628       as well when -overlay is supplied.
1629       More generally, as of Dec/2004 x11vnc supports the new XFIXES
1630       extension (in Xorg and Solaris 10) to query the X server for the
1631       exact cursor shape, this works pretty well except that cursors
1632       with transparency (alpha channel) need to approximated to solid
1633       RGB values (some cursors look worse than others.)
1634     * Audio from applications is of course not redirected (separate
1635       redirectors do exist, e.g. esd, see the FAQ on this below.) The
1636       XBell() "beeps" will work if the X server supports the XKEYBOARD
1637       extension. (Note that on Solaris XKEYBOARD is disabled by default.
1638       Passing +kb to Xsun enables it.)
1639     * The scroll detection algorithm for the -scrollcopyrect option can
1640       give choppy or bunched up transient output and occasionally
1641       painting errors.
1642     * Using -threads can expose some bugs/crashes in libvncserver.
1644   Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, problems, or
1645   comments about x11vnc, etc. Please be polite, thorough, and not
1646   demanding (sadly, the number of people contacting me that are rude and
1647   demanding is increasing dramatically.)
1648   Also, some people ask if they can make a donation, see this link for
1649   that.
1655   x11vnc Home    Donations
1656     _________________________________________________________________
1658    x11vnc FAQ:
1661   [Building and Starting]
1663   Q-1: I can't get x11vnc to start up. It says "XOpenDisplay failed
1664   (null)" or "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No
1665   protocol specified" and then exits. What do I need to do?
1667   Q-2: I can't get x11vnc and/or libvncserver to compile.
1669   Q-3: I just built x11vnc successfully, but when I use it my keystrokes
1670   and mouse button clicks are ignored  (I am able to move the mouse
1671   though.)
1673   Q-4: Help, I need to run x11vnc on Solaris 2.5.1 (or other old
1674   Unix/Linux) and it doesn't compile!
1676   Q-5: Where can I get a precompiled x11vnc binary for my Operating
1677   System?
1679   Q-6: Where can I get a VNC Viewer binary (or source code) for the
1680   Operating System I will be viewing from?
1682   Q-7: How can I see all of x11vnc's command line options and
1683   documentation on how to use them?
1685   Q-8: I don't like typing arcane command line options every time I
1686   start x11vnc. What can I do? Is there a config file? Or a GUI?
1688   Q-9: How can I get the GUI to run in the System Tray, or at least be a
1689   smaller, simpler icon?
1691   Q-10: How can I get x11vnc to listen on a different port besides the
1692   default VNC port (5900)?
1694   Q-11: My Firewall/Router doesn't allow VNC Viewers to connect to
1695   x11vnc.
1697   Q-12: Is it possible for a VNC Viewer and a VNC Server to connect to
1698   each other even though both are behind Firewalls that block all
1699   incoming connections?
1701   Q-13: Can I make x11vnc more quiet and also go into the background
1702   after starting up?
1704   Q-14: Sometimes when a VNC viewer dies abruptly, x11vnc also dies with
1705   the error message like: "Broken pipe". I'm using the -forever mode and
1706   I want x11vnc to keep running.
1708   Q-15: The Windows TightVNC 1.3.9 Viewer cannot connect to x11vnc.
1710   Q-16: KDE's krdc VNC viewer cannot connect to x11vnc.
1712   Q-17: When I start x11vnc on an Alpha Tru64 workstation the X server
1713   crashes!
1715   Q-18: When running x11vnc on an IBM AIX workstation after a few
1716   minutes the VNC connection freezes.
1718   Q-19: Are there any build-time customizations possible, e.g. change
1719   defaults, create a smaller binary, etc?
1721   [Win2VNC Related]
1723   Q-20: I have two separate machine displays in front of me, one Windows
1724   the other X11: can I use x11vnc in combination with Win2VNC in
1725   dual-screen mode to pass the keystrokes and mouse motions to the X11
1726   display?
1728   Q-21: I am running Win2VNC on my Windows machine and "x11vnc -nofb" on
1729   Unix to pass keyboard and mouse to the Unix monitor. Whenever I start
1730   Win2VNC it quickly disconnects and x11vnc says:
1731   rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: read: Connection reset by peer
1733   Q-22: Can I run "x11vnc -nofb" on a Mac OS X machine to redirect mouse
1734   and keyboard input to it from Windows and X11 machines via Win2VNC and
1735   x2vnc, respectively?
1737   [Color Issues]
1739   Q-23: The X display I run x11vnc on is only 8 bits per pixel (bpp)
1740   PseudoColor (i.e. only 256 distinct colors.) The x11vnc colors may
1741   start out OK, but after a while they are incorrect in certain windows.
1743   Q-24: Color problems: Why are the colors for some windows incorrect in
1744   x11vnc? BTW, my X display has nice overlay/multi-depth visuals of
1745   different color depths: e.g. there are both depth 8 and 24 visuals
1746   available at the same time.
1748   Q-25: I am on a high color system (depth >= 24) but I seem to have
1749   colormap problems. They either flash or everything is very dark.
1751   Q-26: How do I figure out the window id to supply to the -id windowid
1752   option?
1754   Q-27: Why don't menus or other transient windows come up when I am
1755   using the -id windowid option to view a single application window?
1757   Q-28: My X display is depth 24 at 24bpp (instead of the normal depth
1758   24 at 32bpp.) I'm having lots of color and visual problems with x11vnc
1759   and/or vncviewer. What's up?
1761   [Xterminals]
1763   Q-29: Can I use x11vnc to view and interact with an Xterminal (e.g.
1764   NCD) that is not running UNIX and so x11vnc cannot be run on it
1765   directly?
1767   Q-30: How do I get my X permissions (MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE file) correct
1768   for a Unix/Linux machine acting as an Xterminal?
1770   [Sun Rays]
1772   Q-31: I'm having trouble using x11vnc with my Sun Ray session.
1774   [Remote Control]
1776   Q-32: How do I stop x11vnc once it is running in the background?
1778   Q-33: Can I change settings in x11vnc without having to restart it?
1779   Can I remote control it?
1781   [Security and Permissions]
1783   Q-34: How do I create a VNC password for use with x11vnc?
1785   Q-35: Can I make it so -storepasswd doesn't show my password on the
1786   screen?
1788   Q-36: Can I have two passwords for VNC viewers, one for full access
1789   and the other for view-only access to the display?
1791   Q-37: Can I have as many full-access and view-only passwords as I
1792   like?
1794   Q-38: Does x11vnc support Unix usernames and passwords? Can I further
1795   limit the set of Unix usernames who can connect to the VNC desktop?
1797   Q-39: Can I supply an external program to provide my own custom login
1798   method (e.g. Dynamic/One-time passwords or non-Unix (LDAP) usernames
1799   and passwords)?
1801   Q-40: Why does x11vnc exit as soon as the VNC viewer disconnects? And
1802   why doesn't it allow more than one VNC viewer to connect at the same
1803   time?
1805   Q-41: Can I limit which machines incoming VNC clients can connect
1806   from?
1808   Q-42: How do I build x11vnc/libvncserver with libwrap (tcp_wrappers)
1809   support?
1811   Q-43: Can I have x11vnc only listen on one network interface (e.g.
1812   internal LAN) rather than having it listen on all network interfaces
1813   and relying on -allow to filter unwanted connections out?
1815   Q-44: Now that -localhost implies listening only on the loopback
1816   interface, how I can occasionally allow in a non-localhost via the -R
1817   allowonce remote control command?
1819   Q-45: Can I fine tune what types of user input are allowed? E.g. have
1820   some users just be able to move the mouse, but not click or type
1821   anything?
1823   Q-46: Can I prompt the user at the local X display whether the
1824   incoming VNC client should be accepted or not? Can I decide to make
1825   some clients view-only? How about running an arbitrary program to make
1826   the decisions?
1828   Q-47: I start x11vnc as root because it is launched via inetd(8) or a
1829   display manager like gdm(1). Can I have x11vnc later switch to a
1830   different user?
1832   Q-48: I use a screen-lock when I leave my workstation (e.g.
1833   xscreensaver or xlock.) When I remotely access my workstation desktop
1834   via x11vnc I can unlock the desktop fine, but I am worried people will
1835   see my activities on the physical monitor. What can I do to prevent
1836   this, or at least make it more difficult?
1838   Q-49: Can I have x11vnc automatically lock the screen when I
1839   disconnect the VNC viewer?
1841   [Encrypted Connections]
1843   Q-50: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted SSH
1844   channel between two Unix machines?
1846   Q-51: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted SSH
1847   channel from Windows using an SSH client like Putty?
1849   Q-52: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted SSL
1850   channel using an external tool like stunnel?
1852   Q-53: Does x11vnc have built-in SSL tunneling?
1854   Q-54: How do I use VNC Viewers with built-in SSL tunneling?
1856   Q-55: How do I use the Java applet VNC Viewer with built-in SSL
1857   tunneling when going through a Web Proxy?
1859   Q-56: Can Apache web server act as a gateway for users to connect via
1860   SSL from the Internet with a Web browser to x11vnc running on their
1861   workstations behind a firewall?
1863   Q-57: Can I create and use my own SSL Certificate Authority (CA) with
1864   x11vnc?
1866   [Display Managers and Services]
1868   Q-58: How can I run x11vnc as a "service" that is always available?
1870   Q-59: How can I use x11vnc to connect to an X login screen like xdm,
1871   GNOME gdm, KDE kdm, or CDE dtlogin? (i.e. nobody is logged into an X
1872   session yet.)
1874   Q-60: Can I run x11vnc out of inetd(8)? How about xinetd(8)?
1876   Q-61: Can I have x11vnc advertise its VNC service and port via mDNS /
1877   Zeroconf (e.g. Avahi) so VNC viewers on the local network can detect
1878   it automatically?
1880   Q-62: Can I have x11vnc allow a user to log in with her UNIX username
1881   and password and then have it find her X session display on that
1882   machine and then attach to it? How about starting an X session if one
1883   cannot be found?
1885   Q-63: Can I have x11vnc restart itself after it terminates?
1887   Q-64: How do I make x11vnc work with the Java VNC viewer applet in a
1888   web browser?
1890   Q-65: Are reverse connections (i.e. the VNC server connecting to the
1891   VNC viewer) using "vncviewer -listen" and vncconnect(1) supported?
1893   Q-66: Can reverse connections be made to go through a Web or SOCKS
1894   proxy or SSH?
1896   Q-67: Can x11vnc provide a multi-user desktop web login service as an
1897   Apache CGI or PHP script?
1899   Q-68: Can I use x11vnc as a replacement for Xvnc? (i.e. not for a real
1900   display, but for a virtual one I keep around.)
1902   Q-69: How can I use x11vnc on "headless" machines? Why might I want
1903   to?
1905   [Resource Usage and Performance]
1907   Q-70: I have lots of memory, but why does x11vnc fail with    shmget:
1908   No space left on device    or    Minor opcode of failed request: 1
1909   (X_ShmAttach)?
1911   Q-71: How can I make x11vnc use less system resources?
1913   Q-72: How can I make x11vnc use MORE system resources?
1915   Q-73: I use x11vnc over a slow link with high latency (e.g. dialup
1916   modem or broadband), is there anything I can do to speed things up?
1918   Q-74: Does x11vnc support the X DAMAGE Xserver extension to find
1919   modified regions of the screen quickly and efficiently?
1921   Q-75: My OpenGL application shows no screen updates unless I supply
1922   the -noxdamage option to x11vnc.
1924   Q-76: When I drag windows around with the mouse or scroll up and down
1925   things really bog down (unless I do the drag in a single, quick
1926   motion.) Is there anything to do to improve things?
1928   Q-77: Why not do something like wireframe animations to avoid the
1929   windows "lurching" when being moved or resized?
1931   Q-78: Can x11vnc try to apply heuristics to detect when a window is
1932   scrolling its contents and use the CopyRect encoding for a speedup?
1934   Q-79: Can x11vnc do client-side caching of pixel data? I.e. so when
1935   that pixel data is needed again it does not have to be retransmitted
1936   over the network.
1938   Q-80: Does x11vnc support TurboVNC?
1940   [Mouse Cursor Shapes]
1942   Q-81: Why isn't the mouse cursor shape (the little icon shape where
1943   the mouse pointer is) correct as I move from window to window?
1945   Q-82: When using XFIXES cursorshape mode, some of the cursors look
1946   really bad with extra black borders around the cursor and other cruft.
1947   How can I improve their appearance?
1949   Q-83: In XFIXES mode, are there any hacks to handle cursor
1950   transparency ("alpha channel") exactly?
1952   [Mouse Pointer]
1954   Q-84: Why does the mouse arrow just stay in one corner in my
1955   vncviewer, whereas my cursor (that does move) is just a dot?
1957   Q-85: Can I take advantage of the TightVNC extension to the VNC
1958   protocol where Cursor Positions Updates are sent back to all connected
1959   clients (i.e. passive viewers can see the mouse cursor being moved
1960   around by another viewer)?
1962   Q-86: Is it possible to swap the mouse buttons (e.g. left-handed
1963   operation), or arbitrarily remap them? How about mapping button clicks
1964   to keystrokes, e.g. to partially emulate Mouse wheel scrolling?
1966   [Keyboard Issues]
1968   Q-87: How can I get my AltGr and Shift modifiers to work between
1969   keyboards for different languages?
1971   Q-88: When I try to type a "<" (i.e. less than) instead I get ">"
1972   (i.e. greater than)! Strangely, typing ">" works OK!!
1974   Q-89: Extra Character Inserted, E.g.: When I try to type a "<" (i.e.
1975   less than) instead I get "<," (i.e. an extra comma.)
1977   Q-90: I'm using an "international" keyboard (e.g. German "de", or
1978   Danish "dk") and the -modtweak mode works well if the VNC viewer is
1979   run on a Unix/Linux machine with a similar keyboard.   But if I run
1980   the VNC viewer on Unix/Linux with a different keyboard (e.g. "us") or
1981   Windows with any keyboard, I can't type some keys like:   "@", "$",
1982   "<", ">", etc. How can I fix this?
1984   Q-91: When typing I sometimes get double, triple, or more of my
1985   keystrokes repeated. I'm sure I only typed them once, what can I do?
1987   Q-92: The x11vnc -norepeat mode is in effect, but I still get repeated
1988   keystrokes!!
1990   Q-93: After using x11vnc for a while, I find that I cannot type some
1991   (or any) characters or my mouse clicks and drags no longer have any
1992   effect, or they lead to strange effects. What happened?
1994   Q-94: The machine where I run x11vnc has an AltGr key, but the local
1995   machine where I run the VNC viewer does not. Is there a way I can map
1996   a local unused key to send an AltGr? How about a Compose key as well?
1998   Q-95: I have a Sun machine I run x11vnc on. Its Sun keyboard has just
1999   one Alt key labelled "Alt" and two Meta keys labelled with little
2000   diamonds. The machine where I run the VNC viewer only has Alt keys.
2001   How can I send a Meta keypress? (e.g. emacs needs this)
2003   Q-96: Running x11vnc on HP-UX I cannot type "#" I just get a "3"
2004   instead.
2006   Q-97: Can I map a keystroke to a mouse button click on the remote
2007   machine?
2009   Q-98: How can I get Caps_Lock to work between my VNC viewer and
2010   x11vnc?
2012   [Screen Related Issues and Features]
2014   Q-99: The remote display is larger (in number of pixels) than the
2015   local display I am running the vncviewer on. I don't like the
2016   vncviewer scrollbars, what I can do?
2018   Q-100: Does x11vnc support server-side framebuffer scaling? (E.g. to
2019   make the desktop smaller.)
2021   Q-101: Does x11vnc work with Xinerama? (i.e. multiple monitors joined
2022   together to form one big, single screen.)
2024   Q-102: Can I use x11vnc on a multi-headed display that is not Xinerama
2025   (i.e. separate screens :0.0, :0.1, ... for each monitor)?
2027   Q-103: Can x11vnc show only a portion of the display? (E.g. for a
2028   special purpose application or a very large screen.)
2030   Q-104: Does x11vnc support the XRANDR (X Resize, Rotate and
2031   Reflection) extension? Whenever I rotate or resize the screen x11vnc
2032   just seems to crash.
2034   Q-105: Independent of any XRANDR, can I have x11vnc rotate and/or
2035   reflect the screen that the VNC viewers see? (e.g. for a handheld
2036   whose screen is rotated 90 degrees.)
2038   Q-106: Why is the view in my VNC viewer completely black? Or why is
2039   everything flashing around randomly?
2041   Q-107: I use Linux Virtual Terminals (VT's) to implement 'Fast User
2042   Switching' between users' sessions (e.g. Betty is on Ctrl-Alt-F7,
2043   Bobby is on Ctrl-Alt-F8, and Sid is on Ctrl-Alt-F1: they use those
2044   keystrokes to switch between their sessions.)   How come the view in a
2045   VNC viewer connecting to x11vnc is either completely black or
2046   otherwise all messed up unless the X session x11vnc is attached to is
2047   in the active VT?
2049   Q-108: I am using x11vnc where my local machine has "popup/hidden
2050   taskbars" and the remote display where x11vnc runs also has
2051   "popup/hidden taskbars" and they interfere and fight with each other.
2052   What can I do?
2054   Q-109: Help! x11vnc and my KDE screensaver keep switching each other
2055   on and off every few seconds.
2057   Q-110: I am running the compiz 3D window manager (or beryl, MythTv,
2058   Google Earth, or some other OpenGL app) and I do not get screen
2059   updates in x11vnc.
2061   Q-111: Can I use x11vnc to view my VMWare session remotely?
2063   [Exporting non-X11 devices via VNC]
2065   Q-112: Can non-X devices (e.g. a raw framebuffer) be viewed (and even
2066   controlled) via VNC with x11vnc?
2068   Q-113: Can I export the Linux Console (Virtual Terminals) via VNC
2069   using x11vnc?
2071   Q-114: Can I export via VNC a Webcam or TV tuner framebuffer using
2072   x11vnc?
2074   Q-115: Can I connect via VNC to a Qt-embedded/Qt-enhanced/Qtopia
2075   application running on my handheld, cell phone, or PC using the Linux
2076   console framebuffer (i.e. not X11)?
2078   Q-116: How do I inject touch screen input into an
2079   Qt-embedded/Qt-enhanced/Qtopia cell phone such as openmoko/qtmoko Neo
2080   Freerunner?
2082   Q-117: Now that non-X11 devices can be exported via VNC using x11vnc,
2083   can I build it with no dependencies on X11 header files and libraries?
2085   Q-118: How do I cross compile x11vnc for a different architecture than
2086   my Linux i386 or amd64 PC?
2088   Q-119: Does x11vnc support Mac OS X Aqua/Quartz displays natively
2089   (i.e. no X11 involved)?
2091   Q-120: Can x11vnc be used as a VNC reflector/repeater to improve
2092   performance for the case of a large number of simultaneous VNC viewers
2093   (e.g. classroom broadcasting or a large demo)?
2095   Q-121: Can x11vnc be used during a Linux, Solaris, etc. system
2096   Installation so the Installation can be done remotely?
2098   [Misc: Clipboard, File Transfer/Sharing, Printing, Sound, Beeps,
2099   Thanks, etc.]
2101   Q-122: Does the Clipboard/Selection get transferred between the
2102   vncviewer and the X display?
2104   Q-123: Can I use x11vnc to record a Shock Wave Flash (or other format)
2105   video of my desktop, e.g. to record a tutorial or demo?
2107   Q-124: Can I transfer files back and forth with x11vnc?
2109   Q-125: Which UltraVNC extensions are supported?
2111   Q-126: Can x11vnc emulate UltraVNC's Single Click helpdesk mode for
2112   Unix? I.e. something very simple for a naive user to initiate a
2113   reverse vnc connection from their Unix desktop to a helpdesk
2114   operator's VNC Viewer.
2116   Q-127: Can I (temporarily) mount my local (viewer-side) Windows/Samba
2117   File share on the machine where x11vnc is running?
2119   Q-128: Can I redirect CUPS print jobs from the remote desktop where
2120   x11vnc is running to a printer on my local (viewer-side) machine?
2122   Q-129: How can I hear the sound (audio) from the remote applications
2123   on the desktop I am viewing via x11vnc?
2125   Q-130: Why don't I hear the "Beeps" in my X session (e.g. when typing
2126   tput bel in an xterm)?
2128   Q-131: Does x11vnc work with IPv6?
2130   Q-132: Thanks for your program or for your help! Can I make a
2131   donation?
2132     _________________________________________________________________
2135   [Building and Starting]
2137   Q-1: I can't get x11vnc to start up. It says "XOpenDisplay failed
2138   (null)" or "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No
2139   protocol specified" and then exits. What do I need to do?
2141   For the former error, you need to specify the X display to connect to
2142   (it also needs to be on the same machine the x11vnc process is to run
2143   on.) Set your DISPLAY environment variable (or use the -display
2144   option) to specify it. Nearly always the correct value will be ":0"
2145   (in fact, x11vnc will now assume :0 if given no other information.)
2148   For the latter error, you need to set up the X11 permissions
2149   correctly.
2151   To make sure X11 permissions are the problem do this simple test:
2152   while sitting at the physical X display open a terminal window
2153   (gnome-terminal, xterm, etc.) You should be able to run x11vnc
2154   successfully without any need for special steps or command line
2155   options in that terminal (i.e. just type "x11vnc".) If that works OK
2156   then you know X11 permissions are the only thing preventing it from
2157   working when you try to start x11vnc via, say, a remote shell.
2159   How to Solve:  See the xauth(1), Xsecurity(7), and xhost(1) man pages
2160   or this Howto for much info on X11 permissions. For example, you may
2161   need to set your XAUTHORITY environment variable (or use the -auth
2162   option) to point to the correct MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE file (e.g.
2163   /home/joe/.Xauthority or /var/gdm/:0.Xauth or /var/lib/kdm/A:0-crWk72K
2164   or /tmp/.gdmzndVlR, etc, etc.), or simply be sure you run x11vnc as
2165   the correct user (i.e. the user who is logged into the X session you
2166   wish to view.)
2168   Note: The MIT cookie file contains the secret key that allows x11vnc
2169   to connect to the desired X display.
2171   If, say, sshd has set XAUTHORITY to point to a random file it has
2172   created for X forwarding that will cause problems. (Under some
2173   circumstances even su(1) and telnet(1) can set XAUTHORITY. See also
2174   the gdm parameter NeverPlaceCookiesOnNFS that sets XAUTHORITY to a
2175   random filename in /tmp for the whole X session.)
2177   Running x11vnc as root is often not enough: you need to know where the
2178   MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE file for the desired X display is.
2180   Example solution:
2181  x11vnc -display :0 -auth /var/gdm/:0.Xauth
2183   (this is for the display manager gdm and requires root permission to
2184   read the gdm cookie file, see this faq for other display manager
2185   cookie file names.)
2187   Note as of Feb/2007 you can also try the -find option instead of
2188   "-display ..." and see if that finds your display and Xauthority.
2190   Less safe, but to avoid figuring out where the correct XAUTHORITY file
2191   is, if the person sitting at the physical X session types "xhost
2192   +localhost" then one should be able to attach x11vnc to the session
2193   (from the same machine.) The person could then type "xhost -localhost"
2194   after x11vnc has connected to go back to the default permissions.
2195   Also, for some situations the "-users lurk=" option may soon be of use
2196   (please read the documentation on the -users option.)
2198   To test out your X11 permissions from a remote shell, set DISPLAY and
2199   possibly XAUTHORITY (see your shell's man page, bash(1), tcsh(1), on
2200   how to set environment variables) and type xdpyinfo in the same place
2201   you will be typing (or otherwise running) x11vnc. If information is
2202   printed out about the X display (screen sizes, supported extensions,
2203   color visuals info) that means the X11 permissions are set up
2204   properly: xdpyinfo successfully connected to DISPLAY! You could also
2205   type xclock and make sure no errors are reported (a clock should
2206   appear on the X display, press Ctrl-C to stop it.) If these work, then
2207   typing "x11vnc" in the same environment should also work.
2209   Important: if you cannot get your X11 permissions so that the xdpyinfo
2210   or xclock tests work, x11vnc also will not work (all of these X
2211   clients must be allowed to connect to the X server to function
2212   properly.)
2214   Firewalls: Speaking of permissions, it should go without saying that
2215   the host-level firewall will need to be configured to allow
2216   connections in on a port. E.g. 5900 (default VNC port) or 22 (default
2217   SSH port for tunnelling VNC.) Most systems these days have firewalls
2218   turned on by default, so you will actively have to do something to
2219   poke a hole in the firewall at the desired port number. See your
2220   system administration tool for Firewall settings (Yast, Firestarter,
2221   etc.)
2224   Q-2: I can't get x11vnc and/or libvncserver to compile.
2226   Make sure you have gcc (or other C compiler) and all of the required
2227   libraries and the corresponding -dev/-devel packages installed. These
2228   include Xorg/XFree86, libX11, libjpeg, libz, libssl, ... and don't
2229   forget the devs: libjpeg-dev, libssl-dev ...
2231   The most common build problem that people encounter is that the
2232   necessary X11 libraries are installed on their system however it does
2233   not have the corresponding -dev/-devel packages installed. These dev
2234   packages include C header files and build-time .so symlink. It is a
2235   shame the current trend in distros is to not install the dev package
2236   by default when the the library runtime package is installed... (it
2237   diminishes the power of open source)
2239   As of Nov/2006 here is a list of libraries that x11vnc usually likes
2240   to use:
2241libc.so        libX11.so       libXtst.so       libXext.so
2242libXfixes.so   libXdamage.so   libXinerama.so   libXrandr.so
2243libz.so        libjpeg.so      libpthread.so
2244libssl.so      libcrypto.so    libcrypt.so
2246   although x11vnc will be pretty usable with the subset: libc.so,
2247   libX11.so, libXtst.so, libXext.so, libz.so, and libjpeg.so.
2249   After running the libvncserver configure, carefully examine the output
2250   and the messages in the config.log file looking for missing
2251   components. For example, if the configure output looks like:
2252  checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
2253  checking for X... no
2254  checking for XkbSelectEvents in -lX11... no
2255  checking for XineramaQueryScreens in -lXinerama... no
2256  checking for XTestFakeKeyEvent in -lXtst... no
2258   or even worse:
2259  checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error:
2260  C compiler cannot create executables
2261  See `config.log' for more details.
2263   there is quite a bit wrong with the build environment. Hopefully
2264   simply adding -dev packages and/or gcc or make will fix it.
2266   For Debian the list seems to be:
2267  gcc
2268  make
2269  libc6-dev
2270  libjpeg8-dev           (formerly libjpeg62-dev)
2271  libx11-dev
2272  x11proto-core-dev      (formerly x-dev)
2273  libxext-dev
2274  libxtst-dev
2275  libxdamage-dev
2276  libxfixes-dev
2277  libxrandr-dev
2278  libxinerama-dev
2279  libxss-dev             (formerly xlibs-static-dev)
2280  zlib1g-dev
2281  libssl-dev
2282  libavahi-client-dev
2283  linux-libc-dev         (only needed for linux console rawfb support)
2285   Note that depending on your OS version the above names may have been
2286   changed and/or additional packages may be needed.
2288   For Redhat the list seems to be:
2289  gcc
2290  make
2291  glibc-devel
2292  libjpeg-devel
2293  libX11-devel
2294  xorg-x11-proto-devel
2295  libXdamage-devel
2296  libXfixes-devel
2297  libXrandr-devel
2298  zlib-devel
2299  openssl-devel
2300  avahi-devel
2301  kernel-headers         (only needed for linux console rawfb support)
2303   For other distros or OS's the package names may not be the same but
2304   will look similar. Also, distros tend to rename packages as well so
2305   the above list may be out of date. So only use the above lists as
2306   hints for the package names that are needed.
2308   Have a look at Misc. Build Problems for additional fixes.
2310   Note: there is growing trend in Linux and other distros to slice up
2311   core X11 software into more and smaller packages. So be prepared for
2312   more headaches compiling software...
2315   Q-3: I just built x11vnc successfully, but when I use it my keystrokes
2316   and mouse button clicks are ignored  (I am able to move the mouse
2317   though.)
2319   This is most likely due to you not having a working build environment
2320   for the XTEST client library libXtst.so. The library is probably
2321   present on your system, but the package installing the build header
2322   file is missing.
2324   If you were watching carefully while configure was running you would
2325   have seen:
2326  checking for XTestFakeKeyEvent in -lXtst... no
2328   The solution is to add the necessary build environment package (and
2329   the library package if that is missing too.) On Debian the build
2330   package is libxtst-dev. Other distros/OS's may have it in another
2331   package.
2333   x11vnc will build without support for this library (e.g. perhaps one
2334   wants a view-only x11vnc on a stripped down or embedded system...) And
2335   at runtime it will also continue to run even if the X server it
2336   connects to does not support XTEST. In both cases it cannot inject
2337   keystrokes or button clicks since XTEST is needed for that (it can
2338   still move the mouse pointer using the X API XWarpPointer().)
2340   You will see a warning message something like this at run time:
2341  20/03/2005 22:33:09 WARNING: XTEST extension not available (either missing fr
2343  20/03/2005 22:33:09   display or client library libXtst missing at build time
2345  20/03/2005 22:33:09   MOST user input (pointer and keyboard) will be DISCARDE
2347  20/03/2005 22:33:09   If display does have XTEST, be sure to build x11vnc wit
2349  20/03/2005 22:33:09   a working libXtst build environment (e.g. libxtst-dev,
2350  20/03/2005 22:33:09   or other packages.)
2351  20/03/2005 22:33:09 No XTEST extension, switching to -xwarppointer mode for
2352  20/03/2005 22:33:09   pointer motion input.
2354   Also, as of Nov/2006 there will be a configure build time warning as
2355   well:
2356  ...
2357  checking for XFixesGetCursorImage in -lXfixes... yes
2358  checking for XDamageQueryExtension in -lXdamage... yes
2359  configure: WARNING:
2360  ==========================================================================
2361  A working build environment for the XTEST extension was not found (libXtst).
2362  An x11vnc built this way will be only barely usable.  You will be able to
2363  move the mouse but not click or type.  There can also be deadlocks if an
2364  application grabs the X server.
2366  It is recommended that you install the necessary development packages
2367  for XTEST (perhaps it is named something like libxtst-dev) and run
2368  configure again.
2369  ==========================================================================
2372   Q-4: Help, I need to run x11vnc on Solaris 2.5.1 (or other old
2373   Unix/Linux) and it doesn't compile!
2375   We apologize that x11vnc does not build cleanly on older versions of
2376   Solaris, Linux, etc.: very few users are on these old releases.
2378   We have heard that since Dec/2004 a Solaris 2.6 built x11vnc will run
2379   on Solaris Solaris 2.5 and 2.5.1 (since a workaround for XConvertCase
2380   is provided.)
2382   In any event, here is a workaround for Solaris 2.5.1 (and perhaps
2383   earlier and perhaps non-Solaris):
2385   First use the environment settings (CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, etc.) in the
2386   above Solaris build script to run the configure command. That should
2387   succeed without failure. Then you have to hand edit the autogenerated
2388   rfb/rfbconfig.h file in the source tree, and just before the last
2389   #endif at the bottom of that file insert these workaround lines:
2390struct timeval _tmp_usleep_tv;
2391#define usleep(x) \
2392    _tmp_usleep_tv.tv_sec  = (x) / 1000000; \
2393    _tmp_usleep_tv.tv_usec = (x) % 1000000; \
2394    select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &_tmp_usleep_tv);
2395int gethostname(char *name, int namelen);
2396long random();
2397int srandom(unsigned int seed);
2399#define SHUT_RDWR 2
2400typedef unsigned int in_addr_t;
2401#define snprintf(a, n, args...) sprintf((a), ## args)
2403   Then run make with the Solaris build script environment, everything
2404   should compile without problems, and the resulting x11vnc binary
2405   should work OK. If some non-x11vnc related programs fail (e.g. test
2406   programs) and the x11vnc binary is not created try "make -k" to have
2407   it keep going. Similar sorts of kludges in rfb/rfbconfig.h can be done
2408   on other older OS (Solaris, Linux, ...) releases.
2410   Here are some notes for similar steps that need to be done to build on
2411   SunOS 4.x
2413   Please let us know if you had to use the above workaround (and whether
2414   it worked or not.) If there is enough demand we will try to push clean
2415   compilations back to earlier Solaris, Linux, etc, releases.
2418   Q-5: Where can I get a precompiled x11vnc binary for my Operating
2419   System?
2421   Hopefully the build steps above and FAQ provide enough info for a
2422   painless compile for most environments. Please report problems with
2423   the x11vnc configure, make, etc. on your system (if your system is
2424   known to compile other GNU packages successfully.)
2426   There are precompiled x11vnc binaries built by other groups that are
2427   available at the following locations:
2428    Slackware:      (.tgz)  http://www.linuxpackages.net/
2430   SuSE: (.rpm) http:/software.opensuse.org/ Gentoo: (info)
2431   http://gentoo-wiki.com/ and http://gentoo-portage.com/ FreeBSD: (.tbz)
2432   http://www.freebsd.org/ http://www.freshports.org/net/x11vnc NetBSD:
2433   (src) http://pkgsrc.se/x11/x11vnc OpenBSD: (.tgz) http://openports.se/
2434   Arch Linux: (.tgz) http://www.archlinux.org/ Nokia 770 (.deb)
2435   http://mike.saunby.googlepages.com/x11vncfornokia7702 Sharp Zaurus
2436   http://www.focv.com/ Debian: (.deb) http://packages.debian.org/x11vnc
2437   Redhat/Fedora: (.rpm) http://packages.sw.be/x11vnc RPMforge
2438   http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/packages/x11vnc/ (N.B.: unmaintained after
2439   0.9.3) Solaris: (pkg) http://www.sunfreeware.com/
2441   If the above binaries don't work and building x11vnc on your OS fails
2442   (and all else fails!) you can try one of My Collection of x11vnc
2443   Binaries for various OS's and x11vnc releases.
2445   As a general note, the x11vnc program is simple enough you don't
2446   really need to install a package: the binary will in most cases work
2447   as is and from any location (as long as your system libraries are not
2448   too old, etc.) So, for Linux distributions that are not one of the
2449   above, the x11vnc binary from the above packages has a good chance of
2450   working. You can "install" it by just copying the x11vnc binary to the
2451   desired directory in your PATH. Tip on extracting files from a Debian
2452   package: extract the archive via a command like: "ar x
2453   x11vnc_0.6-2_i386.deb" and then you can find the binary in the
2454   resulting data.tar.gz tar file. Also, rpm2cpio(1) is useful in
2455   extracting files from rpm packages.
2457   If you use a standalone binary like this and also want x11vnc to serve
2458   up the Java VNC Viewer jar file (either SSL enabled or regular one),
2459   then you will need to extract the classes subdirectory from the source
2460   tarball and point x11vnc to it via the -httpdir option. E.g.:
2461    x11vnc -httpdir /path/to/x11vnc-0.9.9/classes/ssl ...
2464   Q-6: Where can I get a VNC Viewer binary (or source code) for the
2465   Operating System I will be viewing from?
2467   To obtain VNC viewers for the viewing side (Windows, Mac OS, or Unix)
2468   try here:
2469     * http://www.tightvnc.com/download.html
2470     * http://www.realvnc.com/download-free.html
2471     * http://sourceforge.net/projects/cotvnc/
2472     * http://www.ultravnc.com/
2473     * Our Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC)
2475       [ssvnc.gif]
2478   Q-7: How can I see all of x11vnc's command line options and
2479   documentation on how to use them?
2481   Run:  x11vnc -opts   to list just the option names or run:  x11vnc
2482   -help   for long descriptions about each option. The output is listed
2483   here as well. Yes, x11vnc does have a lot of options, doesn't it...
2486   Q-8: I don't like typing arcane command line options every time I
2487   start x11vnc. What can I do? Is there a config file? Or a GUI?
2489   You could create a shell script that calls x11vnc with your options:
2492# filename: X11vnc  (i.e. not "x11vnc")
2493# It resides in a directory in $PATH. "chmod 755 X11vnc" has been run on it.
2495x11vnc -wait 50 -localhost -rfbauth $HOME/.vnc/passwd -display :0 $*
2497   a similar thing can be done via aliases in your shell (bash, tcsh,
2498   csh, etc..)
2500   Or as of Jun/2004 you can use the simple $HOME/.x11vncrc config file
2501   support. If that file exists, each line is taken as a command line
2502   option. E.g. the above would be:
2503# this is a comment in my ~/.x11vncrc file
2504wait 50        # this is a comment to the end of the line.
2505-localhost     # note: the leading "-" is optional.
2506rfbauth  /home/fred/.vnc/passwd
2507display :0
2509   As of Dec/2004 there is now a simple Tcl/Tk GUI based on the
2510   remote-control functionality ("-R") that was added. The /usr/bin/wish
2511   program is needed for operation. The gui is not particularly
2512   user-friendly, it just provides a point and click mode to set all the
2513   many x11vnc parameters and obtain help on them. It is also very useful
2514   for testing. See the -gui option for more info. Examples: "x11vnc ...
2515   -gui" and "x11vnc ... -gui other:0" in the latter case the gui is
2516   displayed on other:0, not the X display x11vnc is polling. There is
2517   also a "-gui tray" system tray mode.
2519   [tkx11vnc.gif]
2521   NOTE: You may need to install the "wish" or "tk" or "tk8.4" package
2522   for the gui mode to work (the package name depends on your OS/distro.)
2523   The tcl/tk "wish" interpreter is used. In debian (and so ubuntu too)
2524   one would run "apt-get install tk" or perhaps "apt-get install tk8.4"
2527   Q-9: How can I get the GUI to run in the System Tray, or at least be a
2528   smaller, simpler icon?
2530   As of Jul/2005 the gui can run in a more friendly small icon mode
2531   "-gui icon" or in the system tray: "-gui tray". It has balloon status,
2532   a simple menu, and a Properities dialog. The full, complicated, gui is
2533   only available under "Advanced". Other improvements were added as
2534   well. Try "Misc -> simple_gui" for a gui with fewer esoteric menu
2535   items.
2537   If the gui fails to embed itself in the system tray, do a retry via
2538   "Window View -> icon" followed by "Window View -> tray" with the popup
2539   menu.
2541   For inexperienced users starting up x11vnc and the GUI while sitting
2542   at the physical X display (not remotely), using something like "x11vnc
2543   -display :0 -gui tray=setpass" might be something for them that they
2544   are accustomed to in a Desktop environment (it prompts for an initial
2545   password, etc.) This is a basic "Share My Desktop" usage mode.
2547   As of Nov/2008 in x11vnc 0.9.6 there is a desktop menu item
2548   (x11vnc.desktop) that runs this command:
2549   x11vnc -gui tray=setpass -rfbport PROMPT -logfile %HOME/.x11vnc.log.%VNCDISP
2552   which also prompts for which VNC port to use and a couple other
2553   parameters.
2556   Q-10: How can I get x11vnc to listen on a different port besides the
2557   default VNC port (5900)?
2559   Use something like, e.g., "x11vnc -rfbport 5901" to force it to use
2560   port 5901 (this is VNC display :1.) If something else is using that
2561   port x11vnc will exit immediately. If you do not supply the -rfbport
2562   option, it will autoprobe starting at 5900 and work its way up to 5999
2563   looking for a free port to listen on. In that case, watch for the
2564   PORT=59xx line to see which port it found, then subtract 5900 from it
2565   for the VNC display number to enter into the VNC Viewer(s).
2567   The "-N" option will try to match the VNC display number to the X
2568   display (e.g. X11 DISPLAY of :5 (port 6005) will have VNC display :5
2569   (port 5905).)
2571   Also see the "-autoport n" option to indicated at which value the auto
2572   probing should start at.
2575   Q-11: My Firewall/Router doesn't allow VNC Viewers to connect to
2576   x11vnc.
2578   See the Firewalls/Routers discussion.
2581   Q-12: Is it possible for a VNC Viewer and a VNC Server to connect to
2582   each other even though both are behind Firewalls that block all
2583   incoming connections?
2585   This is very difficult or impossible to do unless a third machine,
2586   reachable by both, is used as a relay. So we assume a third machine is
2587   somehow being used as a relay.
2589   (Update: It may be possible to do "NAT-2-NAT" without a relay machine
2590   by using a UDP tunnel such as http://samy.pl/pwnat/. All that is
2591   required is that both NAT firewalls allow in UDP packets from an IP
2592   address to which a UDP packet has recently been sent to. If you try it
2593   out let us know how it went.)
2595   In the following discussion, we will suppose port 5950 is being used
2596   on the relay machine as the VNC port for the rendezvous.
2598   A way to rendezvous is to have the VNC Server start a reverse
2599   connection to the relay machine:
2600   x11vnc -connect third-machine.net:5950 ...
2602   and the VNC viewer forward connects as usual:
2603   vncviewer third-machine.net:50
2605   Or maybe two ports would be involved, e.g. the viewer goes to display
2606   :51 (5951.) It depends on the relay software being used.
2608   What software to run on third-machine? A TCP relay of some sort could
2609   be used... Try a google search on "tcp relay" or "ip relay". However,
2610   note that this isn't a simple redirection because it hooks up two
2611   incoming connections. You can look at our UltraVNC repeater
2612   implementation ultravnc_repeater.pl for ideas and possibly to
2613   customize.
2615   Also, if you are not the admin of third-machine you'd have to convince
2616   the owner to allow you to install this software (and he would likely
2617   need to open his server's firewall to allow the port through.)
2619   It is recommended that SSL is used for encryption (e.g. "-ssl SAVE")
2620   when going over the internet.
2622   We have a prototype for performing a rendezvous via a Web Server
2623   acting as the relay machine. Download the vncxfer CGI script and see
2624   the instructions at the top.
2626   Once that CGI script is set up on the website, both users go to, say,
2627   http://somesite.com/vncxfer (or maybe a "/cgi-bin" directory or ".cgi"
2628   suffix must be used.) Previously, both have agreed on the same session
2629   name (say by phone or email) , e.g. "5cows", and put that into the
2630   entry form on the vncxfer starting page (hopefully separated by a few
2631   seconds, so the relay helper can fully start up at the first request.)
2633   The page returned tells them the hostname and port number and possible
2634   command to use for forward (VNC Viewer) and reverse (VNC Server, i.e.
2635   x11vnc) connections as described above.
2637   Also since Oct/2007, x11vnc can connect directly (no web browser),
2638   like this:
2639   x11vnc ... -connect localhost:0 -proxy 'http://somesite.com/vncxfer?session=
2642   Unfortunately the prototype requires that the Web server's firewall
2643   allow in the port (e.g. 5950) used for the rendezvous. Most web
2644   servers are not configured to do this, so you would need to ask the
2645   admin to do this for you. Nearly all free webspace sites, e.g.
2646   www.zendurl.com, will not allow your CGI script to be an open relay
2647   like this. (If you find one that does allow this, let me know!)
2649   Maybe someday a clever trick will be thought up to relax the listening
2650   port requirement (e.g. use HTTP/CGI itself for the transfer... it is
2651   difficult to emulate a full-duplex TCP connection with them.)
2653   See also the Firewalls/Routers discussion and Reverse Connection Proxy
2654   discussion.
2657   SSH method: If both users (i.e. one on Viewer-side and the other on
2658   x11vnc server side) have SSH access to a common machine on the
2659   internet (or otherwise mutually reachable), then SSH plumbing can be
2660   used to solve this problem. The users create SSH tunnels going through
2661   the SSH login machine.
2663   Instead of assuming port 5900 is free on the SSH machine, we will
2664   assume both users agreed to use 5933. This will illustrate how to use
2665   a different port for the redir. It could be any port, what matters is
2666   that both parties refer to the same one.
2668   Set up the Tunnel from the VNC Server side:
2669   ssh -t -R 5933:localhost:5900 user@third-machine.net
2671   Set up the Tunnel from the VNC Viewer side:
2672   ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5933 user@third-machine.net
2674   Run Server on the VNC Server side:
2675   x11vnc -rfbport 5900 -localhost ...
2677   Run Viewer on the VNC Viewer side:
2678   vncviewer -encodings "copyrect tight zrle hextile" localhost:0
2680   (we assume the old-style -encodings option needs to be used. See here
2681   for details.)
2683   If the SSH machine has been configured (see sshd_config(5)) with the
2684   option GatewayPorts=yes, then the tunnel set up by the VNC Server will
2685   be reachable directly by the VNC viewer (as long as the SSH machine's
2686   firewall does not block the port, 5933 in this example.) So in that
2687   case the Viewer side does not need to run any ssh command, but rather
2688   only runs:
2689   vncviewer third-machine.net:33
2691   In this case we recommend SSL be used for encryption.
2693   The creation of both tunnels can be automated. As of Oct/2007 the -ssh
2694   x11vnc option is available and so only this command needs to be run on
2695   the VNC Server side:
2696   x11vnc -ssh user@third-machine.net:33 ...
2698   (the SSH passphrase may need to be supplied.)
2700   To automate on the VNC Viewer side, the user can use the Enhanced
2701   TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) by:
2702     * Clicking on 'Use SSH'
2703     * Entering user@third-machine.net:33 into 'VNC Host:Display' entry
2704       box
2705     * Clicking on 'Connect'
2707   As above, if the SSH GatewayPorts=yes setting is configured the Viewer
2708   side doesn't need to create a SSH tunnel. In SSVNC the Viewer user
2709   could instead select 'Use SSL' and then, e.g., on the Server side
2710   supply "-ssl SAVE" to x11vnc. Then end-to-end SSL encryption would be
2711   used (in addition to the SSH encryption on the Server-side leg.)
2714   Q-13: Can I make x11vnc more quiet and also go into the background
2715   after starting up?
2717   Use the -q and -bg options, respectively.  (also: -quiet is an alias
2718   for -q)
2720   Note that under -bg the stderr messages will be lost unless you use
2721   the "-o logfile" option.
2724   Q-14: Sometimes when a VNC viewer dies abruptly, x11vnc also dies with
2725   the error message like: "Broken pipe". I'm using the -forever mode and
2726   I want x11vnc to keep running.
2728   As of Jan/2004 the SIGPIPE signal is ignored. So if a viewer client
2729   terminates abruptly, libvncserver will notice on the next I/O
2730   operation and will close the connection and continue on.
2732   Up until of Apr/2004 the above fix only works for BSD signal systems
2733   (Linux, FreeBSD, ...) For SYSV systems there is a workaround in place
2734   since about Jun/2004.
2737   Q-15: The Windows TightVNC 1.3.9 Viewer cannot connect to x11vnc.
2739   This appears to be fixed in x11vnc version 0.9 and later. If you need
2740   to use an earlier version of x11vnc, try using the "-rfbversion 3.7"
2741   option. In general sometimes one can get a misbehaving viewer to work
2742   by supplying rfb versions 3.7 or 3.3.
2745   Q-16: KDE's krdc VNC viewer cannot connect to x11vnc.
2747   This has been fixed in x11vnc version 0.8.4. More info here, here, and
2748   here.
2751   Q-17: When I start x11vnc on an Alpha Tru64 workstation the X server
2752   crashes!
2754   This is a bug in the X server obviously; an X client should never be
2755   able to crash it.
2757   The problem seems to be with the RECORD X extension and so a
2758   workaround is to use the "-noxrecord" x11vnc command line option.
2761   Q-18: When running x11vnc on an IBM AIX workstation after a few
2762   minutes the VNC connection freezes.
2764   One user reports when running x11vnc on AIX 5.3 in his CDE session
2765   after a few minutes or seconds x11vnc will "freeze" (no more updates
2766   being sent, etc.) The freezing appeared to be worse for versions later
2767   than 0.9.2.
2769   The problem seems to be with the RECORD X extension on AIX and so a
2770   workaround is to use the "-noxrecord" x11vnc command line option. The
2771   user found no freezes occurred when using that option.
2774   Q-19: Are there any build-time customizations possible, e.g. change
2775   defaults, create a smaller binary, etc?
2777   There are some options. They are enabled by adding something like
2778   -Dxxxx=1 to the CPPFLAGS environment variable before running configure
2779   (see the build notes for general background.)
2781 * Mar/2006
2782 * Build-time customization via CPPFLAGS.
2783 *
2784 * Summary of options to include in CPPFLAGS for custom builds:
2785 *
2786 * -DVNCSHARED  to have the vnc display shared by default.
2787 * -DFOREVER  to have -forever on by default.
2788 * -DNOREPEAT=0  to have -repeat on by default.
2789 * -DADDKEYSYMS=0  to have -noadd_keysyms the default.
2790 *
2791 * -DREMOTE_DEFAULT=0  to disable remote-control on by default (-yesremote.)
2792 * -DREMOTE_CONTROL=0  to disable remote-control mechanism completely.
2793 * -DEXTERNAL_COMMANDS=0  to disable the running of all external commands.
2794 * -DFILEXFER=0  disable filexfer.
2795 *
2796 * -DHARDWIRE_PASSWD=...      hardwired passwords, quoting necessary.
2798 * -DNOPW=1                   make -nopw the default (skip warning)
2799 * -DUSEPW=1                  make -usepw the default
2800 * -DPASSWD_REQUIRED=1        exit unless a password is supplied.
2801 * -DPASSWD_UNLESS_NOPW=1     exit unless a password is supplied and no -nopw.
2802 *
2803 * -DWIREFRAME=0  to have -nowireframe as the default.
2804 * -DWIREFRAME_COPYRECT=0  to have -nowirecopyrect as the default.
2805 * -DWIREFRAME_PARMS=...   set default -wirecopyrect parameters.
2806 * -DSCROLL_COPYRECT=0     to have -noscrollcopyrect as the default.
2807 * -DSCROLL_COPYRECT_PARMS=...  set default -scrollcopyrect parameters.
2809 * -DXDAMAGE=0    to have -noxdamage as the default.
2810 * -DSKIPDUPS=0   to have -noskip_dups as the default or vice versa.
2811 *
2812 * -DPOINTER_MODE_DEFAULT={0,1,2,3,4}  set default -pointer_mode.
2813 * -DBOLDLY_CLOSE_DISPLAY=0  to not close X DISPLAY under -rawfb.
2814 * -DSMALL_FOOTPRINT=1  for smaller binary size (no help, no gui, etc)
2815 *                      use 2 or 3 for even smaller footprint.
2816 * -DNOGUI  do not include the gui tkx11vnc.
2817 * -DPOLL_8TO24_DELAY=N
2818 * -DDEBUG_XEVENTS=1  enable printout for X events.
2819 *
2820 * Set these in CPPFLAGS before running configure. E.g.:
2821 *
2822 *   % env CPPFLAGS="-DFOREVER -DREMOTE_CONTROL=0" ./configure
2823 *   % make
2824 */
2826   If other things (e.g. "-I ...") are needed in CPPFLAGS add them as
2827   well.
2829   On some systems is seems you need to set LC_ALL=C for configure to
2830   work properly...
2832   Be careful the following two variables: HARDWIRE_PASSWD and
2833   HARDWIRE_VIEWPASSWD. If set (remember to include the double quotes
2834   around the string), they will be used as default values for the
2835   -passwd and -viewpasswd options. Of course the strings will exist
2836   unobscured in the x11vnc binary: it better not be readable by
2837   unintendeds. Perhaps this is of use in remote access for an embedded
2838   application, etc...
2840   Let us know if more build-time customizations would be useful.
2843   [Win2VNC Related]
2845   Q-20: I have two separate machine displays in front of me, one Windows
2846   the other X11: can I use x11vnc in combination with Win2VNC in
2847   dual-screen mode to pass the keystrokes and mouse motions to the X11
2848   display?
2850   Yes, for best response start up x11vnc with the "-nofb" option
2851   (disables framebuffer polling, and does other optimizations) on the
2852   secondary display (X11) machine. Then start up Win2VNC on the primary
2853   display (Windows) referring it to the secondary display.
2855   This will also work X11 to X11 using x2vnc, however you would probably
2856   just want to avoid VNC and use x2x for that.
2858   For reference, here are some links to Win2VNC-like programs for
2859   multiple monitor setups:
2860     * Original Win2VNC
2861     * Enhanced Win2VNC (broken?) and sourceforge link
2862     * x2vnc
2863     * x2x
2864     * zvnc (MorphOS)
2866   All of them will work with x11vnc (except x2x where it is not needed.)
2869   Q-21: I am running Win2VNC on my Windows machine and "x11vnc -nofb" on
2870   Unix to pass keyboard and mouse to the Unix monitor. Whenever I start
2871   Win2VNC it quickly disconnects and x11vnc says:
2872   rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: read: Connection reset by peer
2874   Is the default visual of the X display you run x11vnc on low color
2875   (e.g. 8 bit per pixel PseudoColor)? (you can run xdpyinfo to check,
2876   look in the "screen" section.) There seems to be a bug in Win2VNC in
2877   that it cannot deal correctly with colormaps (PseudoColor is the most
2878   common example of a visual with a colormap.)
2880   If so, there are a couple options. 1) Can you set the default visual
2881   on your display to be depth 24 TrueColor? Sun machines often have 8+24
2882   overlay/multi-depth visuals, and you can make the default visual depth
2883   24 TrueColor (see fbconfig(1) and Xsun(1).) 2) As of Feb/2004 x11vnc
2884   has the -visual option to allow you to force the framebuffer visual to
2885   whatever you want (this usually messes up the colors unless you are
2886   very clever.) In this case, the option provides a convenient
2887   workaround for the Win2VNC bug:
2888  x11vnc -nofb -visual TrueColor -display :0 ...
2890   So the visual will be set to 8bpp TrueColor and Win2VNC can handle
2891   this. Since Win2VNC does not use the framebuffer data there should be
2892   no problems in doing this.
2894   Q-22: Can I run "x11vnc -nofb" on a Mac OS X machine to redirect mouse
2895   and keyboard input to it from Windows and X11 machines via Win2VNC and
2896   x2vnc, respectively?
2898   Yes, as of Nov/2006 you can. There may be a trick or two you'll need
2899   to do to get the Clipboard exchange between the machines to work.
2903   [Color Issues]
2905   Q-23: The X display I run x11vnc on is only 8 bits per pixel (bpp)
2906   PseudoColor (i.e. only 256 distinct colors.) The x11vnc colors may
2907   start out OK, but after a while they are incorrect in certain windows.
2909   Use the -flashcmap option to have x11vnc watch for changes in the
2910   colormap, and propagate those changes back to connected clients. This
2911   can be slow (since the whole screen must be updated over the network
2912   whenever the colormap changes.) This flashing colormap behavior often
2913   happens if an application installs its own private colormap when the
2914   mouse is in its window. "netscape -install" is a well-known historical
2915   example of this. Consider reconfiguring the system to 16 bpp or depth
2916   24 TrueColor if at all possible.
2918   Also note the option -8to24 (Jan/2006) can often remove the need for
2919   flashing the colormap. Everything is dynamically transformed to depth
2920   24 at 32 bpp using the colormaps. There may be painting errors however
2921   (see the following FAQ for tips on reducing and correcting them.)
2923   In some rare cases (SCO unixware) the -notruecolor option has
2924   corrected colors on 8bpp displays. The red, green, and blue masks were
2925   non-zero in 8bpp PseudoColor on an obscure setup, and this option
2926   corrected the problems.
2929   Q-24: Color problems: Why are the colors for some windows incorrect in
2930   x11vnc? BTW, my X display has nice overlay/multi-depth visuals of
2931   different color depths: e.g. there are both depth 8 and 24 visuals
2932   available at the same time.
2934   You may want to review the previous question regarding 8 bpp
2935   PseudoColor.
2937   On some hardware (Sun/SPARC and SGI), the -overlay option discussed a
2938   couple paragraphs down may solve this for you (you may want to skip to
2939   it directly.) On other hardware the less robust -8to24 option may help
2940   (also discussed below.)
2942   Run xdpyinfo(1) to see what the default visual is and what the depths
2943   of the other visuals are. Does the default visual have a depth of 8
2944   but there are other visuals of depth 24? If it does, can you possibly
2945   re-configure your X server to make a depth 24 visual the default? If
2946   you can do it, this will save you a lot of grief WRT colors and x11vnc
2947   (and for general usage too!) Here is how I do this on an old
2948   Sparcstation 20 running Solaris 9 with SX graphics
2949  xinit -- -dev /dev/fb defclass TrueColor defdepth 24
2951   and it works nicely (note: to log into console from the dtlogin
2952   window, select "Options -> Command Line Login", then login and enter
2953   the above command.) See the -dev section of the Xsun(1) manpage for a
2954   description of the above arguments. If you have root permission, a
2955   more permanent and convenient thing to do is to record the arguments
2956   in a line like:
2957  :0  Local local_uid@console root /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun -dev /dev/fb defclass
2958TrueColor defdepth 24
2960   in /etc/dt/config/Xservers (copy /usr/dt/config/Xservers.) Also look
2961   at the fbconfig(1) and related manpages (e.g. ffbconfig, m64config,
2962   pgxconfig, SUNWjfb_config, etc ...) for hardware framebuffer settings
2963   that may achieve the same effect.
2965   In general for non-Sun machines, look at the "-cc class" and related
2966   options in your X server manpage (perhaps Xserver(1)), it may allow
2967   modifying the default visual (e.g. "-cc 4", see <X11/X.h> for the
2968   visual class numbers.) On XFree86 some video card drivers (e.g. Matrox
2969   mga) have settings like Option "Overlay" "24,8" to support multi-depth
2970   overlays. For these, use the "-cc 4" X server command line option to
2971   get a depth 24 default visual.
2974   The -overlay mode: Another option is if the system with overlay
2975   visuals is a Sun system running Solaris or SGI running IRIX you can
2976   use the -overlay x11vnc option (Aug/2004) to have x11vnc use the
2977   Solaris XReadScreen(3X11) function to poll the "true view" of the
2978   whole screen at depth 24 TrueColor. XReadDisplay(3X11) is used on
2979   IRIX. This is useful for Legacy applications (older versions of
2980   Cadence CAD apps are mentioned by x11vnc users) that require the
2981   default depth be 8bpp, or the app will use a 8bpp visual even if depth
2982   24 visuals are available, and so the default depth workaround
2983   described in the previous paragraph is not sufficient for these apps.
2985   It seems that Xorg is working toward supporting XReadDisplay(3X11) as
2986   part of the RENDER extension work. When it does support it and
2987   provides a library API x11vnc will be modified to take advantage of
2988   the feature to support -overlay on Linux, *BSD, etc. Until then see
2989   the -8to24 mode below.
2991   Misc. notes on -overlay mode: An amusing by-product of -overlay mode
2992   is that the mouse cursor shape is correct! (i.e. XFIXES is not
2993   needed.) The -overlay mode may be somewhat slower than normal mode due
2994   to the extra framebuffer manipulations that must be performed. Also,
2995   on Solaris there is a bug in that for some popup menus, the windows
2996   they overlap will have painting errors (flashing colors) while the
2997   popup is up (a workaround is to disable SaveUnders by passing -su to
2998   Xsun, e.g. in your /etc/dt/config/Xservers file.)
3001   The -8to24 mode: The -8to24 x11vnc option (Jan/2006) is a kludge to
3002   try to dynamically rewrite the pixel values so that the 8bpp part of
3003   the screen is mapped onto depth 24 TrueColor. This is less robust than
3004   the -overlay mode because it is done by x11vnc outside of the X
3005   server. So only use it on OS's that do not support -overlay. The
3006   -8to24 mode will work if the default visual is depth 24 or depth 8. It
3007   scans for any windows within 3 levels of the root window that are 8bpp
3008   (i.e. legacy application), or in general ones that are not using the
3009   default visual. For the windows it finds it uses XGetSubImage() to
3010   retrieve the pixels values and uses the correct indexed colormap to
3011   create a depth 24 TrueColor view of the whole screen. This depth 24,
3012   32bpp view is exported via VNC.
3014   Even on pure 8bpp displays it can be used as an alternative to
3015   -flashcmap to avoid color flashing completely.
3017   This scheme is approximate and can often lead to painting errors. You
3018   can manually correct most painting errors by pressing 3 Alt_L's in a
3019   row, or by using something like: -fixscreen V=3.0 to automatically
3020   refresh the screen every 3 seconds. Also -fixscreen 8=3.0 has been
3021   added to just refresh the non-default visual parts of the screen.
3023   In general the scheme uses many resources and may give rise to
3024   sluggish behavior. If multiple windows are using different 8bpp
3025   indexed colormaps all but one window may need to be iconified for the
3026   colors to be correct. There are a number of tunable parameters to try
3027   to adjust performance and painting accuracy. The option -8to24
3028   nogetimage can give a nice speedup if the default depth 24 X server
3029   supports hiding the 8bpp bits in bits 25-32 of the framebuffer data.
3030   On very slow machines -8to24 poll=0.2,cachewin=5.0 gives an useful
3031   speedup. See the -8to24 help description for information on tunable
3032   parameters, etc.
3035   Colors still not working correctly? Run xwininfo on the application
3036   with the incorrect colors to verify that the depth of its visual is
3037   different from the default visual depth (gotten from xdpyinfo.) One
3038   possible workaround in this case is to use the -id option to point
3039   x11vnc at the application window itself. If the application is
3040   complicated (lots of toplevel windows and popup menus) this may not be
3041   acceptable, and may even crash x11vnc (but not the application.) See
3042   also -appshare.
3044   It is theoretically possible to solve this problem in general (see
3045   xwd(1) for example), but it does not seem trivial or sufficiently fast
3046   for x11vnc to be able to do so in real time. The -8to24 method does
3047   this approximately and is somewhat usable. Fortunately the -overlay
3048   option works for Solaris machines with overlay visuals where most of
3049   this problem occurs.
3052   Q-25: I am on a high color system (depth >= 24) but I seem to have
3053   colormap problems. They either flash or everything is very dark.
3055   This can happen if the default Visual (use xdpyinfo to list them) is
3056   DirectColor instead of TrueColor. These are both usually used in high
3057   color modes, but whereas TrueColor uses static ramps for the Red,
3058   Green, and Blue components, DirectColor has arbitrary colormaps for
3059   the Red, Green, and Blue Components. Currently x11vnc cannot decode
3060   these colormaps and treats them just like TrueColor.
3062   The only workaround so far is to restart the X server with the "-cc 4"
3063   option to force TrueColor as the default visual (DirectColor is "-cc
3064   5"; see /usr/include/X11/X.h.) The only place we have seen this is
3065   with the virtual framebuffer server Xvfb on Xorg 7.2. So in that case
3066   you probably should restart it with something like this: "Xvfb :1 -cc
3067   4 -screen 0 1280x1024x24". It should be possible for x11vnc to handle
3068   DirectColor, but this hasn't been implemented due to its rare usage.
3070   You may also see this problem on an X display with a TrueColor default
3071   visual where an application chooses a DirectColor visual for its
3072   window(s). It seems the application also needs to install its own
3073   colormap for the visual for the colors to be messed up in x11vnc. One
3074   can make xwud do this for example.
3077   Q-26: How do I figure out the window id to supply to the -id windowid
3078   option?
3080   Run the xwininfo program in a terminal. It will ask you to click on
3081   the desired application window. After clicking, it will print out much
3082   information, including the window id (e.g. 0x6000010.) Also, the
3083   visual and depth of the window printed out is often useful in
3084   debugging x11vnc color problems.
3086   Also, as of Dec/2004 you can use "-id pick" to have x11vnc run
3087   xwininfo(1) for you and after you click the window it extracts the
3088   windowid. Besides "pick" there is also "id:root" to allow you to go
3089   back to root window when doing remote-control.
3092   Q-27: Why don't menus or other transient windows come up when I am
3093   using the -id windowid option to view a single application window?
3095   This is related to the behavior of the XGetImage(3X11) and
3096   XShmGetImage() interfaces regarding backingstore, saveunders, etc. The
3097   way the image is retrieved depends on some aspects of how the X server
3098   maintains the display image data and whether other windows are
3099   clipping or obscuring it. See the XGetImage(3X11) man page for more
3100   details. If you disable BackingStore and SaveUnders in the X server
3101   you should be able to see these transient windows.
3103   If things are not working and you still want to do the single window
3104   polling, try the -sid windowid option ("shifted" windowid.)
3106   Update: as of Nov/2009 in the 0.9.9 x11vnc development tarball, there
3107   is an experimental Application Sharing mode that improves upon the
3108   -id/-sid single window sharing: -appshare (run "x11vnc -appshare
3109   -help" for more info.) It is still very primitive and approximate, but
3110   at least it displays multiple top-level windows.
3113   Q-28: My X display is depth 24 at 24bpp (instead of the normal depth
3114   24 at 32bpp.) I'm having lots of color and visual problems with x11vnc
3115   and/or vncviewer. What's up?
3117   First off, depth 24 at 24bpp (bpp=bits-per-pixel) is fairly uncommon
3118   and can cause problems in general. It also can be slower than depth 24
3119   at 32bpp. You might want to switch to 32bpp (for XFree86 see the
3120   "-fbbpp 32", DefaultFbBpp, FbBpp and related options.) Perhaps you
3121   have 24bpp because the video memory of the machine is low and the
3122   screen wouldn't fit in video RAM at 32bpp. For this case depth 16 at
3123   16bpp might be an acceptable option.
3125   In any event x11vnc should handle depth 24 at 24bpp (although
3126   performance may be slower, and you may need to use the ZRLE encoding
3127   instead of Tight.) There are some caveats involving the viewer
3128   however:
3130   The RealVNC Unix viewer cannot handle 24bpp from the server, it will
3131   say: "main: setPF: not 8, 16 or 32 bpp?" and exit. I have not checked
3132   the RealVNC Windows viewer.
3134   So you need to use the TightVNC Unix viewer. However there are some
3135   problems with that too. It seems libvncserver does not do 24bpp
3136   correctly with the Tight encoding. The colors and screen ultimately
3137   get messed up. So you have to use a different encoding with the
3138   TightVNC vncviewer, try "zlib", "hextile", or one of the other
3139   encodings (e.g. vncviewer -encodings "zlib hextile" ....) I have not
3140   checked the TightVNC or UltraVNC Windows viewers.
3142   It appears the older RealVNC Unix viewers (e.g. 3.3.3 and 3.3.7) can
3143   handle 24bpp from the server, so you may want to use those. They
3144   evidently request 32 bpp and libvncserver obliges.
3146   Update: as of Apr/2006 you can use the -24to32 option to have x11vnc
3147   dynamically transform the 24bpp pixel data to 32bpp. This extra
3148   transformation could slow things down further however.
3150   Now coming the opposite direction if you are running the vncviewer on
3151   the 24bpp display, TightVNC will fail with "Can't cope with 24
3152   bits-per-pixel. Sorry." and RealVNC will fail with "main: Error:
3153   couldn't find suitable pixmap format" so evidently you cannot use
3154   24bpp for the vncviewers to work on that X display.
3156   Note, however, that the Unix viewer in the Enhanced TightVNC Viewer
3157   (SSVNC) project can handle 24bpp X displays. It does this by
3158   requesting a 16bpp pixel format (or 8bpp if the -bgr233 option has
3159   been supplied) from the VNC server, and translates that to 24bpp
3160   locally.
3161   [Xterminals]
3163   Q-29: Can I use x11vnc to view and interact with an Xterminal (e.g.
3164   NCD) that is not running UNIX and so x11vnc cannot be run on it
3165   directly?
3167   You can, but it will likely be very wasteful of network bandwidth
3168   since you will be polling the X display over the network as opposed to
3169   over the local hardware. To do this, run x11vnc on a UNIX machine as
3170   close as possible network-wise (e.g. same switch) to the Xterminal
3171   machine. Use the -display option to point the display to that of the
3172   Xterminal (you'll of course need basic X11 permission to do that) and
3173   finally supply the -noshm option (this enables the polling over the
3174   network.)
3176   If the Xterminal's X display is open to the network for connections,
3177   you might use something like "-display xterm123:0". If you are trying
3178   to do this via an SSH tunnel (assuming you can actually ssh into the
3179   Xterminal) it will be a little tricky (either use the ssh "-R" option
3180   or consider ssh-ing in the other direction.) In all cases the X11
3181   permissions need to allow the connection.
3183   The response will likely be sluggish (maybe only one "frame" per
3184   second.) This mode is not recommended except for "quick checks" of
3185   hard to get to X servers. Use something like "-wait 150" to cut down
3186   on the polling rate. You may also need -flipbyteorder if the colors
3187   get messed up due to endian byte order differences.
3189   Q-30: How do I get my X permissions (MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE file) correct
3190   for a Unix/Linux machine acting as an Xterminal?
3192   If the X display machine is a traditional Xterminal (where the X
3193   server process runs on the Xterminal box, but all of the X client
3194   applications (firefox, etc) run on a central server (aka "terminal
3195   server")), you will need to log into the Xterminal machine (i.e. get a
3196   shell running there) and then start the x11vnc program. If the
3197   Xterminal Linux/Unix machine is stripped down (e.g. no users besides
3198   root) that may be difficult.
3200   The next problem is the login Display Manager (e.g. gdm, kdm), and
3201   hence the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE auth files, are on the central server and
3202   not on the Xterminal box where the X server and x11vnc processes are.
3204   So unless X permissions are completely turned off (e.g. "xhost +"), to
3205   run the x11vnc process on the Xterminal box the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE auth
3206   file data (XAUTHORITY or $HOME/.Xauthority) must be accessible by or
3207   copied to the Xterminal. If $HOME/.Xauthority is exported via NFS
3208   (this is insecure of course, but has been going on for decades), then
3209   x11vnc can simply pick it up via NFS (you may need to use the -auth
3210   option to point to the correct file.) Other options include copying
3211   the auth file using scp, or something like:
3212  central-server>  xauth nextract - xterm123:0 | ssh xterm123 xauth nmerge -
3214   and then, say, ssh from central-server to xterm123 to start x11vnc.
3215   Here "xterm123" refers to the computer acting as the Xterminal and
3216   "central-server" is the terminal server. You can use "xauth -f
3217   /path/to/cookie-file list" to examine the contents of the cookie(s) in
3218   a file "/path/to/cookie-file". See the xauth(1) manpage for more
3219   details.
3221   If the display name in the cookie file needs to be changed between the
3222   two hosts, see this note on the "xauth add ..." command.
3224   A less secure option is to run something like "xhost +" while
3225   sitting at the Xterminal box to allow cookie-free local access for
3226   x11vnc. You can run "xhost -" after x11vnc connects if you
3227   want to go back to the original permissions.
3229   If the Xterminal is really stripped down and doesn't have any user
3230   accounts, NFS, etc. you'll need to contact your system administrator
3231   to set something up. It can be done!!!  Some Xterminal projects have
3232   actually enabled "run locally" facilities for the running of an
3233   occasional app more efficiently locally on the Xterminal box (e.g.
3234   realplayer.)
3236   Not recommended, but as a last resort, you could have x11vnc poll the
3237   Xterminal Display over the network. For this you would run a "x11vnc
3238   -noshm ..." process on the central-server (and hope the network admin
3239   doesn't get angry...)
3241   Note: use of Display Manager (gdm, kdm, ...) auth cookie files (i.e.
3242   from /var/...,  /tmp/..., or elsewhere) may require modification via
3243   xauth(1) to correctly include the display x11vnc refers to (e.g.
3244   "xauth -f cookie-file add :0 . 45be51ae2ce9dfbacd882ab3ef8e96b1",
3245   where the "45be51..." cookie value was found from an "xauth -f
3246   /path/to/original/cookie-file list") or other reasons. See xauth(1)
3247   manpage for full details on how to transfer an MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE
3248   between machines and displays.
3250   VNCviewer performance on Xterminals:  This isn't related to x11vnc on
3251   Xterminals, but we mention it here anyway because of the similar
3252   issues. If you are on an Xterminal and want to use vncviewer to
3253   connect to a VNC server somewhere, then performance would be best if
3254   you ran the viewer on the Xterminal box. Otherwise, (i.e. running the
3255   viewer process on the central-server) all of the vncviewer screen
3256   drawing is done more inefficiently over the network. Something to
3257   consider, especially on a busy network. (BTW, this has all of the
3258   above permission, etc, problems: both vncviewer and x11vnc are X
3259   client apps desired to be run on the Xterminal box.)
3261   [Sun Rays]
3263   Q-31: I'm having trouble using x11vnc with my Sun Ray session.
3265   The Sun Ray technology is a bit like "VNC done in hardware" (the Sun
3266   Ray terminal device, DTU, playing the role of the vncviewer.)
3267   Completely independent of that, the SunRay user's session is still an
3268   X server that speaks the X11 protocol and so x11vnc simply talks to
3269   the X server part to export the SunRay desktop to any place in the
3270   world (i.e. not only to a Sun Ray terminal device), creating a sort of
3271   "Soft Ray". Please see this discussion of Sun Ray issues for solutions
3272   to problems.
3274   Also see the Sun Ray Remote Control Toolkit that uses x11vnc.
3276   [Remote Control]
3278   Q-32: How do I stop x11vnc once it is running in the background?
3280   As of Dec/2004 there is a remote control feature. It can change a huge
3281   number of parameters on the fly: see the -remote and -query options.
3282   To shut down the running x11vnc server just type "x11vnc -R stop". To
3283   disconnect all clients do "x11vnc -R disconnect:all", etc.
3285   If the -forever option has not been supplied, x11vnc will
3286   automatically exit after the first client disconnects. In general if
3287   you cannot use the remote control, then you will have to kill the
3288   x11vnc process This can be done via: "kill NNNNN" (where NNNNN is the
3289   x11vnc process id number found from ps(1)), or "pkill x11vnc", or
3290   "killall x11vnc" (Linux only.)
3292   If you have not put x11vnc in the background via the -bg option or
3293   shell & operator, then simply press Ctrl-C in the shell where x11vnc
3294   is running to stop it.
3296   Potential Gotcha: If somehow your Keypress of Ctrl-C went through
3297   x11vnc to the Xserver that then delivered it to x11vnc it is possible
3298   one or both of the Ctrl or C keys will be left stuck in the pressed
3299   down state in the Xserver. Tapping the stuck key (either via a new
3300   x11vnc or at the physical console) will release it from the stuck
3301   state. If the keyboard seems to be acting strangely it is often fixed
3302   by tapping Ctrl, Shift, and Alt. Alternatively, the -clear_mods option
3303   and -clear_keys option can be used to release pressed keys at startup
3304   and exit. The option -clear_all will also try to unset Caps_Lock,
3305   Num_Lock, etc.
3308   Q-33: Can I change settings in x11vnc without having to restart it?
3309   Can I remote control it?
3311   Look at the -remote (an alias is -R) and -query (an alias is -Q)
3312   options added in Dec/2004. They allow nearly everything to be changed
3313   dynamically and settings to be queried. Examples: "x11vnc -R shared",
3314   "x11vnc -R forever", "x11vnc -R scale:3/4", "x11vnc -Q modtweak",
3315   "x11vnc -R stop", "x11vnc -R disconnect:all", etc..
3317   These commands do not start a x11vnc server, but rather communicate
3318   with one that is already running. The X display (X11VNC_REMOTE
3319   property) is used as the communication channel, so the X permissions
3320   and DISPLAY must be set up correctly for communication to be possible.
3322   There is also a simple Tcl/Tk gui based on this remote control
3323   mechanism. See the -gui option for more info. You will need to have
3324   Tcl/Tk (i.e. /usr/bin/wish) installed for it to work. It can also run
3325   in the system tray: "-gui tray" or as a standalone small icon window:
3326   "-gui icon". Use "-gui tray=setpass" for a naive user "Share My
3327   Desktop" mode.
3329   [Security and Permissions]
3331   Q-34: How do I create a VNC password for use with x11vnc?
3333   You may already have one in $HOME/.vnc/passwd if you have used, say,
3334   the vncserver program from the regular RealVNC or TightVNC packages
3335   (i.e. launching the Xvnc server.) Otherwise, you could use the
3336   vncpasswd(1) program from those packages.
3338   As of Jun/2004 x11vnc supports the -storepasswd "pass" "file" option,
3339   which is the same functionality of storepasswd. Be sure to quote the
3340   "pass" if it contains shell meta characters, spaces, etc. Example:
3341  x11vnc -storepasswd 'sword*fish' $HOME/myvncpasswd
3343   You then use the password via the x11vnc option: "-rfbauth
3344   $HOME/myvncpasswd"
3346   As of Jan/2006 if you do not supply any arguments:
3347  x11vnc -storepasswd
3349   you will be prompted for a password to save to ~/.vnc/passwd (your
3350   keystrokes when entering the password will not be echoed to the
3351   screen.) If you supply one argument, e.g. "x11vnc -storepasswd
3352   ~/.mypass", the password you are prompted for will be stored in that
3353   file.
3355   x11vnc also has the -passwdfile and -passwd/-viewpasswd plain text
3356   (i.e. not obscured like the -rfbauth VNC passwords) password options.
3358   You can use the -usepw option to automatically use any password file
3359   you have in ~/.vnc/passwd or ~/.vnc/passwdfile (the latter is used
3360   with the -passwdfile option.)
3362  x11vnc -usepw -display :0 ...
3364   If neither file exists you are prompted to store a password in
3365   ~/.vnc/passwd. If a password file cannot be found or created x11vnc
3366   exits immediately. An admin may want to set it up this way for users
3367   who do not know better.
3370   Q-35: Can I make it so -storepasswd doesn't show my password on the
3371   screen?
3373   You can use the vncpasswd program from RealVNC or TightVNC mentioned
3374   above. As of Jan/2006 the -storepasswd option without any arguments
3375   will not echo your password as you type it and save the file to
3376   ~/.vnc/passwd:
3377  # x11vnc -storepasswd
3378  Enter VNC password:
3379  Verify password:
3380  Write password to /home/myname/.vnc/passwd?  [y]/n
3381  Password written to: /home/myname/.vnc/passwd
3383   You can also give it an alternate filename, e.g. "x11vnc -storepasswd
3384   ~/.mypass"
3387   Q-36: Can I have two passwords for VNC viewers, one for full access
3388   and the other for view-only access to the display?
3390   Yes, as of May/2004 there is the -viewpasswd option to supply the
3391   view-only password. Note the full-access password option -passwd must
3392   be supplied at the same time. E.g.: -passwd sword -viewpasswd fish.
3394   To avoid specifying the passwords on the command line (where they
3395   could be observed via the ps(1) command by any user) you can use the
3396   -passwdfile option to specify a file containing plain text passwords.
3397   Presumably this file is readable only by you, and ideally it is
3398   located on the machine x11vnc is run on (to avoid being snooped on
3399   over the network.) The first line of this file is the full-access
3400   password. If there is a second line in the file and it is non-blank,
3401   it is taken as the view-only password. (use "__EMPTY__" to supply an
3402   empty one.)
3404   View-only passwords currently do not work for the -rfbauth password
3405   option (standard VNC password storing mechanism.) FWIW, note that
3406   although the output (usually placed in $HOME/.vnc/passwd) by the
3407   vncpasswd or storepasswd programs (or from x11vnc -storepasswd) looks
3408   encrypted they are really just obscured to avoid "casual" password
3409   stealing. It takes almost no skill to figure out how to extract the
3410   plain text passwords from $HOME/.vnc/passwd since it is very
3411   straight-forward to work out what to do from the VNC source code.
3414   Q-37: Can I have as many full-access and view-only passwords as I
3415   like?
3417   Yes, as of Jan/2006 in the libvncserver CVS the -passwdfile option has
3418   been extended to handle as many passwords as you like. You put the
3419   view-only passwords after a line __BEGIN_VIEWONLY__.
3421   You can also easily annotate and comment out passwords in the file.
3422   You can have x11vnc re-read the file dynamically when it is modified.
3425   Q-38: Does x11vnc support Unix usernames and passwords? Can I further
3426   limit the set of Unix usernames who can connect to the VNC desktop?
3427   Update: as of Feb/2006 x11vnc has the -unixpw option that does this
3428   outside of the VNC protocol and libvncserver. The standard su(1)
3429   program is used to validate the user's password. A familiar "login:"
3430   and "Password:" dialog is presented to the user on a black screen
3431   inside the vncviewer. The connection is dropped if the user fails to
3432   supply the correct password in 3 tries or does not send one before a
3433   25 second timeout. Existing clients are view-only during this period.
3434   A list of allowed Unix usernames may also be supplied along with
3435   per-user settings.
3437   There is also the -unixpw_nis option for non-shadow-password
3438   (typically NIS environments, hence the name) systems where the
3439   traditional getpwnam() and crypt() functions are used instead of
3440   su(1). The encrypted user passwords must be accessible to the user
3441   running x11vnc in -unixpw_nis mode, otherwise the logins will always
3442   fail even when the correct password is supplied. See ypcat(1) and
3443   shadow(5).
3445   Two settings are enforced in the -unixpw and -unixpw_nis modes to
3446   provide extra security: the 1) -localhost and 2) -stunnel or -ssl
3447   options. Without these one might send the Unix username and password
3448   data in clear text over the network which is a very bad idea. They can
3449   be relaxed if you want to provide encryption other than stunnel or
3450   -ssl (the constraint is automatically relaxed if SSH_CONNECTION is set
3451   and indicates you have ssh-ed in, however the -localhost requirement
3452   is still enforced.)
3454   The two -unixpw modes have been tested on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X,
3455   HP-UX, AIX, Tru64, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD. Additional testing is
3456   appreciated. For the last 4 it appears that su(1) will not prompt for
3457   a password if su-ing to oneself. Since x11vnc requires a password
3458   prompt from su, x11vnc forces those logins to fail even when the
3459   correct password is supplied. On *BSD it appears this can be corrected
3460   by removing the pam_self.so entry in /etc/pam.d/su.
3463   Previous older discussion (prior to the -unixpw option):
3465   Until the VNC protocol and libvncserver support this things will be
3466   approximate at best.
3468   One approximate method involves starting x11vnc with the -localhost
3469   option. This basically requires the viewer user to log into the
3470   workstation where x11vnc is running via their Unix username and
3471   password, and then somehow set up a port redirection of his vncviewer
3472   connection to make it appear to emanate from the local machine. As
3473   discussed above, ssh is useful for this: "ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900
3474   user@hostname ..." See the ssh wrapper scripts mentioned elsewhere on
3475   this page. stunnel does this as well.
3477   Of course a malicious user could allow other users to get in through
3478   his channel, but that is a problem with every method. Another thing to
3479   watch out for is a malicious user on the viewer side (where ssh is
3480   running) trying to sneak in through the ssh port redirection there.
3482   Regarding limiting the set of Unix usernames who can connect, the
3483   traditional way would be to further require a VNC password to supplied
3484   (-rfbauth, -passwd, etc) and only tell the people allowed in what the
3485   VNC password is. A scheme that avoids a second password involves using
3486   the -accept option that runs a program to examine the connection
3487   information to determine which user is connecting from the local
3488   machine. That may be difficult to do, but, for example, the program
3489   could use the ident service on the local machine (normally ident
3490   should not be trusted over the network, but on the local machine it
3491   should be accurate: otherwise root has been compromised and so there
3492   are more serious problems! Unfortunately recent Linux distros seem to
3493   provide a random string (MD5 hash?) instead of the username.) An
3494   example script passed in via -accept scriptname that deduces the Unix
3495   username and limits who can be accepted might look something like
3496   this:
3498if [ "$RFB_CLIENT_IP" != "" -o "$RFB_SERVER_IP" != "" ]; then
3499        exit 1  # something fishy... reject it.
3501user=`echo "$RFB_CLIENT_PORT, $RFB_SERVER_PORT" | nc -w 1 $RFB_CLIENT_IP 113 \
3502        | grep 'USERID.*UNIX' | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/[\r ]//g' | awk -F: '{pri
3503nt $4}'`
3505for okuser in fred barney wilma betty
3507        if [ "X$user" = "X$okuser" ]; then
3508                exit 0  # accept it
3509        fi
3511exit 1  # reject it
3513   For this to work with ssh port redirection, the ssh option
3514   UsePrivilegeSeparation must be enabled otherwise the userid will
3515   always be "root".
3517   Here is a similar example based on Linux netstat(1) output:
3520# accept_local_netstat:  x11vnc -accept command to accept a local
3521# vncviewer connection from acceptable users.  Linux netstat -nte is used.
3523PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH; export PATH;  # set to get system utils
3525allowed="`id -u fred`";                 # add more user numbers if desired.
3527# check required settings
3529if [ "X$allowed" = "X" ]; then
3530        ok=0;   # something wrong with allowed list
3532if [ "X$RFB_CLIENT_IP" != "X127.0.0.1" -o "X$RFB_SERVER_IP" != "X127.0.0.1" ];
3534        ok=0;   # connection not over localhost
3536if [ "$RFB_CLIENT_PORT" -le 0 -o "$RFB_SERVER_PORT" -le 0 ]; then
3537        ok=0;   # something wrong with tcp port numbers
3539if [ "$ok" = 0 ]; then
3540        echo "$0: invalid setting:" 1>&2
3541        env | grep ^RFB | sort 1>&2
3542        exit 1
3545# Linux netstat -nte:
3546# Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
3547   User       Inode
3548# 0     0      0      RFB_CLIENT              RFB_SERVER           ESTABLISHED
3549   nnnn       ....
3551user=`netstat -nte | grep ESTABLISHED \
3553ORT "`
3555echo "netstat match: $user" 1>&2
3556user=`echo "$user" | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/^.*ESTABLISHED/ /' | awk '{print $1}
3560for u in $allowed
3562        if [ "X$user" = "X$u" ]; then
3563                ok=1
3564                break
3565        fi
3568if [ "X$ok" = "X1" ]; then
3569        echo "$0: user accepted: '$user'" 1>&2
3570        exit 0
3572        echo "$0: user '$user' invalid:" 1>&2
3573        echo "$0: allowed: $allowed" 1>&2
3574        env | grep ^RFB | sort 1>&2
3575        exit 1
3579   Q-39: Can I supply an external program to provide my own custom login
3580   method (e.g. Dynamic/One-time passwords or non-Unix (LDAP) usernames
3581   and passwords)?
3582   Yes, there are several possibilities. For background see the FAQ on
3583   the -accept where an external program may be run to decide if a VNC
3584   client should be allowed to try to connect and log in. If the program
3585   (or local user prompted by a popup) answers "yes", then -accept
3586   proceeds to the normal VNC and x11vnc authentication methods,
3587   otherwise the connection is dropped.
3589   To provide more direct coupling to the VNC client's username and/or
3590   supplied password the following options were added in Sep/2006:
3591     * -unixpw_cmd command
3592     * -passwdfile cmd:command
3593     * -passwdfile custom:command
3595   In each case "command" is an external command run by x11vnc. You
3596   supply it. For example, it may couple to your LDAP system or other
3597   servers you set up.
3599   For -unixpw_cmd the normal -unixpw Login: and Password: prompts are
3600   supplied to the VNC viewer and the strings the client returns are then
3601   piped into "command" as the first two lines of its standard input. If
3602   the command returns success, i.e. exit(0), the VNC client is accepted,
3603   otherwise it is rejected.
3605   For "-passwdfile cmd:command" the command is run and it returns a
3606   password list (like a password file, see the -passwdfile read:filename
3607   mode.) Perhaps a dynamic, one-time password is retrieved from a server
3608   this way.
3610   For "-passwdfile custom:command" one gets complete control over the
3611   VNC challenge-response dialog with the VNC client. x11vnc sends out a
3612   string of random bytes (16 by the VNC spec) and the client returns the
3613   same number of bytes in a way the server can verify only the
3614   authorized user could have created. The VNC protocol specifies DES
3615   encryption with a password. If you are willing to modify the VNC
3616   viewers, you can have it be anything you want, perhaps a less
3617   crackable MD5 hash scheme or one-time pad. Your program will read from
3618   its standard input the size of the challenge-response followed by a
3619   newline, then the challenge bytes followed by the response bytes. If
3620   your command then returns success, i.e. exit(0), the VNC client is
3621   accepted, otherwise it is rejected.
3623   In all cases the "RFB_*" environment variables are set as under
3624   -accept. These variables can provide useful information for the
3625   externally supplied program to use.
3628   Q-40: Why does x11vnc exit as soon as the VNC viewer disconnects? And
3629   why doesn't it allow more than one VNC viewer to connect at the same
3630   time?
3632   These defaults are simple safety measures to avoid someone unknowingly
3633   leaving his X11 desktop exposed (to the internet, say) for long
3634   periods of time. Use the -forever option (aka -many) to have x11vnc
3635   wait for more connections after the first client disconnects. Use the
3636   -shared option to have x11vnc allow multiple clients to connect
3637   simultaneously.
3639   Recommended additional safety measures include using ssh (see above),
3640   stunnel, -ssl, or a VPN to authenticate and encrypt the viewer
3641   connections or to at least use the -rfbauth passwd-file option to use
3642   VNC password protection (or -passwdfile) It is up to YOU to apply
3643   these security measures, they will not be done for you automatically.
3646   Q-41: Can I limit which machines incoming VNC clients can connect
3647   from?
3649   Yes, look at the -allow and -localhost options to limit connections by
3650   hostname or IP address. E.g.
3651  x11vnc -allow,
3653   for those two hosts or
3654  x11vnc -allow 192.168.0.
3656   for a subnet. For individual hosts you can use the hostname instead of
3657   the IP number, e.g.: "-allow snoopy", and "-allow darkstar,wombat".
3658   Note that -localhost achieves the same thing as "-allow"
3660   For more control, build libvncserver with libwrap support
3661   (tcp_wrappers) and then use /etc/hosts.allow See hosts_access(5) for
3662   complete details.
3665   Q-42: How do I build x11vnc/libvncserver with libwrap (tcp_wrappers)
3666   support?
3668   Here is one way to pass this information to the configure script:
3669  env CPPFLAGS=-DUSE_LIBWRAP LDFLAGS=-lwrap ./configure
3671   then run make as usual. This requires libwrap and its development
3672   package (tcpd.h) to be installed on the build machine. If additional
3673   CPPFLAGS or LDFLAGS options are needed supply them as well using
3676   The resulting x11vnc then uses libwrap/tcp_wrappers for connections.
3677   The service name you will use in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny
3678   is "vnc", e.g.:
3679  vnc: .example.com
3681   Note that if you run x11vnc out of inetd you do not need to build
3682   x11vnc with libwrap support because the /usr/sbin/tcpd reference in
3683   /etc/inetd.conf handles the tcp_wrappers stuff.
3686   Q-43: Can I have x11vnc only listen on one network interface (e.g.
3687   internal LAN) rather than having it listen on all network interfaces
3688   and relying on -allow to filter unwanted connections out?
3690   As of Mar/2005 there is the "-listen ipaddr" option that enables this.
3691   For ipaddr either supply the desired network interface's IP address
3692   (or use a hostname that resolves to it) or use the string "localhost".
3693   For additional filtering simultaneously use the "-allow host1,..."
3694   option to allow only specific hosts in.
3696   This option is useful if you want to insure that no one can even begin
3697   a dialog with x11vnc from untrusted network interfaces (e.g. ppp0.)
3698   The option -localhost now implies "-listen localhost" since that is
3699   what most people expect it to do.
3702   Q-44: Now that -localhost implies listening only on the loopback
3703   interface, how I can occasionally allow in a non-localhost via the -R
3704   allowonce remote control command?
3706   To do this specify "-allow localhost". Unlike -localhost this will
3707   leave x11vnc listening on all interfaces (but of course only allowing
3708   in local connections, e.g. ssh redirs.) Then you can later run "x11vnc
3709   -R allowonce:somehost" or use to gui to permit a one-shot connection
3710   from a remote host.
3713   Q-45: Can I fine tune what types of user input are allowed? E.g. have
3714   some users just be able to move the mouse, but not click or type
3715   anything?
3717   As of Feb/2005, the -input option allows you to do this. "K", "M",
3718   "B", "C", and "F" stand for Keystroke, Mouse-motion, Button-clicks,
3719   Clipboard, and File-Transfer, respectively. The setting: "-input M"
3720   makes attached viewers only able to move the mouse. "-input KMBC,M"
3721   lets normal clients do everything and enables view-only clients to
3722   move the mouse.
3724   These settings can also be applied on a per-viewer basis via the
3725   remote control mechanism or the GUI. E.g. x11vnc -R input:hostname:M
3728   Q-46: Can I prompt the user at the local X display whether the
3729   incoming VNC client should be accepted or not? Can I decide to make
3730   some clients view-only? How about running an arbitrary program to make
3731   the decisions?
3733   Yes, look at the "-accept command" option, it allows you to specify an
3734   external command that is run for each new client. (use quotes around
3735   the command if it contains spaces, etc.) If the external command
3736   returns 0 (success) the client is accepted, otherwise with any other
3737   return code the client is rejected. See below how to also accept
3738   clients view-only.
3740   The external command will have the RFB_CLIENT_IP environment variable
3741   set to the client's numerical IP address, RFB_CLIENT_PORT its port
3742   number. Similarly for RFB_SERVER_IP and RFB_SERVER_PORT to allow
3743   identification of the tcp virtual circuit. DISPLAY will be set to that
3744   of the X11 display being polled. Also, RFB_X11VNC_PID is set to the
3745   x11vnc process id (e.g. in case you decided to kill it), RFB_CLIENT_ID
3746   will be an id number, and RFB_CLIENT_COUNT the number of other clients
3747   currently connected. RFB_MODE will be "accept".
3749   Built-in Popup Window: As a special case, "-accept popup" will
3750   instruct x11vnc to create its own simple popup window. To accept the
3751   client press "y" or click mouse on the "Yes" button. To reject the
3752   client press "n" or click mouse on the "No" button. To accept the
3753   client View-only, press "v" or click mouse on the "View" button. If
3754   the -viewonly option has been supplied, the "View" action will not be
3755   present: the whole display is view only in that case.
3757   The popup window times out after 120 seconds, to change this behavior
3758   use "-accept popup:N" where N is the number of seconds (use 0 for no
3759   timeout.) More tricks: "-accept popupmouse" will only take mouse click
3760   responses, while "-accept popupkey" will only take keystroke responses
3761   (popup takes both.) After any of the 3 popup keywords you can supply a
3762   position of the window: +N+M, (the default is to center the window)
3763   e.g. -accept popupmouse+10+10.
3765   Also as a special case "-accept xmessage" will run the xmessage(1)
3766   program to prompt the user whether the client should be accepted or
3767   not. This requires that you have xmessage installed and available via
3768   PATH. In case it is not already on your system, the xmessage program
3769   is available at ftp://ftp.x.org/
3770   (End of Built-in Popup Window:)
3772   To include view-only decisions for the external commands, prefix the
3773   command something like this: "yes:0,no:*,view:3 mycommand ..." This
3774   associates the three actions: yes(accept), no(reject), and
3775   view(accept-view-only), with the numerical return (i.e. exit()) codes.
3776   Use "*" instead of a number to set the default action (e.g. in case
3777   the external command returns an unexpected return code.)
3779   Here is an example -accept script called accept_or_lock. It uses
3780   xmessage and xlock (replace with your screen lock command, maybe it is
3781   "xscreensaver-command -lock", or kdesktop_lock, or "dtaction
3782   LockDisplay".) It will prompt the user at the X display whether to
3783   accept, reject, or accept view-only the client, but if the prompt
3784   times out after 60 seconds the screen is locked and the VNC client is
3785   accepted. This allows the remote access when no one is at the display.
3788# accept_or_lock: prompt user at X display whether to accept an incoming
3789#                 VNC connection.  If timeout expires, screen is locked
3790#                 and the VNC viewer is accepted (allows remote access
3791#                 when no one is sitting at the display.)
3793# usage: x11vnc ... -forever -accept 'yes:0,no:*,view:4 accept_or_lock'
3795xmessage -buttons yes:2,no:3,view-only:4 -center \
3796         -timeout 60 "x11vnc: accept connection from $RFB_CLIENT_IP?"
3798if [ $rc = 0 ]; then
3799        xlock & # or "xlock -mode blank" for no animations.
3800        sleep 5
3801        exit 0
3802elif [ $rc = 2 ]; then
3803        exit 0
3804elif [ $rc = 4 ]; then
3805        exit 4
3807exit 1
3809   Stefan Radman has written a nice dtksh script dtVncPopup for use in
3810   CDE environments to do the same sort of thing. Information on how to
3811   use it is found at the top of the file. He encourages you to provide
3812   feedback to him to help improve the script.
3814   Note that in all cases x11vnc will block while the external command or
3815   popup is being run, so attached clients will not receive screen
3816   updates, etc during this period.
3818   To run a command when a client disconnects, use the "-gone command"
3819   option. This is for the user's convenience only: the return code of
3820   the command is not interpreted by x11vnc. The same environment
3821   variables are set as in "-accept command" (except that RFB_MODE will
3822   be "gone".)
3824   As of Jan/2006 the "-afteraccept command" option will run the command
3825   only after the VNC client has been accepted and authenticated. Like
3826   -gone the return code is not interpreted. RFB_MODE will be
3827   "afteraccept".)
3830   Q-47: I start x11vnc as root because it is launched via inetd(8) or a
3831   display manager like gdm(1). Can I have x11vnc later switch to a
3832   different user?
3834   As of Feb/2005 x11vnc has the -users option that allows things like
3835   this. Please read the documentation on it (also in the x11vnc -help
3836   output) carefully for features and caveats. It's use can often
3837   decrease security unless care is taken.
3839   BTW, a nice use of it is "-users +nobody" that switches to the Unix
3840   user nobody right after connections to the X display are established.
3842   In any event, while running x11vnc as root, remember it comes with no
3843   warranty ;-).
3846   Q-48: I use a screen-lock when I leave my workstation (e.g.
3847   xscreensaver or xlock.) When I remotely access my workstation desktop
3848   via x11vnc I can unlock the desktop fine, but I am worried people will
3849   see my activities on the physical monitor. What can I do to prevent
3850   this, or at least make it more difficult?
3852   Probably most work environments would respect your privacy if you
3853   powered off the monitor. Also remember if people have physical access
3854   to your workstation they basically can do anything they want with it
3855   (e.g. install a backdoor for later use, etc.)
3857   In any event, as of Jun/2004 there is an experimental utility to make
3858   it more difficult for nosey people to see your x11vnc activities. The
3859   source for it is blockdpy.c The idea behind it is simple (but
3860   obviously not bulletproof): when a VNC client attaches to x11vnc put
3861   the display monitor in the DPMS "off" state, if the DPMS state ever
3862   changes immediately start up the screen-lock program. The x11vnc user
3863   will notice something is happening and think about what to do next
3864   (while the screen is in a locked state.)
3866   This works (or at least has a chance of working) because if the
3867   intruder moves the mouse or presses a key on the keyboard, the monitor
3868   wakes up out of the DPMS off state, and this induces the screen lock
3869   program to activate as soon as possible. Of course there are cracks in
3870   this, the eavesdropper could detach your monitor and insert a non-DPMS
3871   one, and there are race conditions. As mentioned above this is not
3872   bulletproof. A really robust solution would likely require X server
3873   and perhaps even video hardware support.
3875   The blockdpy utility is launched by the -accept option and told to
3876   exit via the -gone option (the vnc client user should obviously
3877   re-lock the screen before disconnecting!) Instructions can be found in
3878   the source code for the utility at the above link. Roughly it is
3879   something like this:
3880  x11vnc ... -accept "blockdpy -bg -f $HOME/.bdpy" -gone "touch $HOME/.bdpy"
3882   but please read the top of the file.
3884   Update: As of Feb/2007 there is some builtin support for this:
3885   -forcedpms and -clientdpms however, they are probably less robust than
3886   the above blockdpy.c scheme, since if the person floods the physical
3887   machine with mouse or pointer input he can usually see flashes of the
3888   screen before the monitor is powered off again. See also the -grabkbd,
3889   -grabptr, and -grabalways options.
3892   Q-49: Can I have x11vnc automatically lock the screen when I
3893   disconnect the VNC viewer?
3895   Yes, a user mentions he uses the -gone option under CDE to run a
3896   screen lock program:
3897  x11vnc -display :0 -forever -gone 'dtaction LockDisplay'
3899   Other possibilities are:
3900  x11vnc -display :0 -forever -gone 'xscreensaver-command -lock'
3901  x11vnc -display :0 -forever -gone 'kdesktop_lock'
3902  x11vnc -display :0 -forever -gone 'xlock &'
3903  x11vnc -display :0 -forever -gone 'xlock -mode blank &'
3905   Here is a scheme using the -afteraccept option (in version 0.8) to
3906   unlock the screen after the first valid VNC login and to lock the
3907   screen after the last valid VNC login disconnects:
3908  x11vnc -display :0 -forever -shared -afteraccept ./myxlocker -gone ./myxlocke
3911   Where the script ./myxlocker is:
3914#/usr/bin/env | grep RFB_ | sort        # for viewing RFB_* settings.
3916if [ "X$RFB_MODE" = "Xafteraccept" ]; then
3917        if [ "X$RFB_STATE" = "XNORMAL" ]; then  # require valid login
3918                if [ "X$RFB_CLIENT_COUNT" = "X1" ]; then
3919                        killall xlock   # Linux only.
3920                fi
3921        fi
3922elif [ "X$RFB_MODE" = "Xgone" ]; then
3923        if [ "X$RFB_STATE" = "XNORMAL" ]; then  # require valid login
3924                if [ "X$RFB_CLIENT_COUNT" = "X0" ]; then
3925                        xlock -mode blank &
3926                fi
3927        fi
3930   Note the xlock option "-mode blank" to avoid animations.
3932   There is a problem if you have x11vnc running this way in -forever
3933   mode and you hit Ctrl-C to stop it. The xlock (or other program) will
3934   get killed too. To work around this make a little script called
3935   setpgrp that looks like:
3937setpgrp(0, 0);
3938exec @ARGV;
3940   then use -gone "setpgrp xlock &", etc.
3941   [Encrypted Connections]
3943   Q-50: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted SSH
3944   channel between two Unix machines?
3946   See the description earlier on this page on how to tunnel VNC via SSH
3947   from Unix to Unix. A number of ways are described along with some
3948   issues you may encounter.
3950   Other secure encrypted methods exists, e.g. stunnel, IPSEC, various
3951   VPNs, etc.
3953   See also the Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) page where much of this
3954   is now automated.
3957   Q-51: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted SSH
3958   channel from Windows using an SSH client like Putty?
3960   Above we described how to tunnel VNC via SSH from Unix to Unix, you
3961   may want to review it. To do this from Windows using Putty it would go
3962   something like this:
3963     * In the Putty dialog window under 'Session' enter the hostname or
3964       IP number of the Unix machine with display to be viewed.
3965     * Make sure the SSH protocol is selected and the server port is
3966       correct.
3967     * Under 'Connections/SSH/Tunnels' Add a Local connection with
3968       'Source port:  5900' and 'Destination:  localhost:5900'
3969     * Log into the remote machine by pressing 'Open' and supplying
3970       username, password, etc.
3971     * In that SSH shell, start up x11vnc by typing the command: x11vnc
3972       -display :0 plus any other desired options (e.g. -localhost.)
3973     * Finally, start up your VNC Viewer in Windows and enter
3974       'localhost:0' as the VNC server.
3976   You can keep all of the settings in a Putty 'Saved Session'. Also,
3977   once everything is working, you can consider putting x11vnc -display
3978   :0 (plus other cmdline options) in the 'Remote command' Putty setting
3979   under 'Connections/SSH'.
3981   See also the Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) page where much of this
3982   is now automated via the Putty plink utility.
3984   For extra protection feel free to run x11vnc with the -localhost and
3985   -rfbauth/-passwdfile options.
3987   If the machine you SSH into via Putty is not the same machine with the
3988   X display you wish to view (e.g. your company provides incoming SSH
3989   access to a gateway machine), then you need to change the above Putty
3990   dialog setting to: 'Destination: otherhost:5900', Once logged in,
3991   you'll need to do a second login (ssh or rsh) to the workstation
3992   machine 'otherhost' and then start up x11vnc on it. This can also be
3993   automated by Chaining SSH's.
3995   As discussed above another option is to first start the VNC viewer in
3996   "listen" mode, and then launch x11vnc with the "-connect localhost"
3997   option to establish the reverse connection. In this case a Remote port
3998   redirection (not Local) is needed for port 5500 instead of 5900 (i.e.
3999   'Source port:  5500' and 'Destination:  localhost:5500' for a Remote
4000   connection.)
4003   Q-52: How can I tunnel my connection to x11vnc via an encrypted SSL
4004   channel using an external tool like stunnel?
4006   It is possible to use a "lighter weight" encryption setup than SSH or
4007   IPSEC. SSL tunnels such as stunnel (also stunnel.org) provide an
4008   encrypted channel without the need for Unix users, passwords, and key
4009   passphrases required for ssh (and at the other extreme SSL can also
4010   provide a complete signed certificate chain of trust.) On the other
4011   hand, since SSH is usually installed everywhere and firewalls often
4012   let its port through, ssh is frequently the path of least resistance
4013   (it also nicely manages public keys for you.)
4015   Update: As of Feb/2006 x11vnc has the options -ssl, -stunnel, and
4016   -sslverify to provide integrated SSL schemes. They are discussed in
4017   the Next FAQ (you probably want to skip to it now.)
4019   We include these non-built-in method descriptions below for historical
4020   reference. They are handy because can be used to create SSL tunnels to
4021   any VNC (or other type of) server.
4024   Here are some basic examples using stunnel but the general idea for
4025   any SSL tunnel utility is the same:
4026     * Start up x11vnc and constrain it to listen on localhost.
4027     * Then start up the SSL tunnel running on the same machine to
4028       forward incoming connections to that x11vnc.
4029     * Set up and run a similar SSL tunnel for the outgoing connection on
4030       the VNC viewer machine pointing it to the SSL/x11vnc server.
4031     * Optionally, set up server (or even client) public/private keys for
4032       use in authenticating one side to the other.
4033     * Finally, start the VNC Viewer and tell it to connect to the local
4034       port (e.g. a vnc display localhost:0) where its outgoing SSL
4035       tunnel is listening.
4037   We'll first use the stunnel version 3 syntax since it is the most
4038   concise and Unixy.
4040   Start up x11vnc listening on port 5900:
4041  x11vnc -display :0 -rfbport 5900 -localhost -bg -passwdfile ~/mypass
4043   Then start stunnel (version 3, not 4) with this command:
4044  stunnel -d 5901 -r 5900 -p /path/to/stunnel.pem
4046   The above two commands are run on host "far-away.east". The
4047   stunnel.pem is the self-signed PEM file certificate created when
4048   stunnel is built. One can also create certificates signed by
4049   Certificate Authorities or self-signed if desired using the x11vnc
4050   utilities described there.
4052   SSL Viewers:  Next, on the VNC viewer side we need an SSL tunnel to
4053   encrypt the outgoing connection. The nice thing is any SSL tunnel can
4054   be used because the protocol is a standard. For this example we'll
4055   also use stunnel on the viewer side on Unix. First start up the
4056   client-side stunnel (version 3, not 4):
4057  stunnel -c -d localhost:5902 -r far-away.east:5901
4059   Then point the viewer to the local tunnel on port 5902:
4060  vncviewer -encodings "copyrect tight zrle hextile" localhost:2
4062   That's it.  Note that the ss_vncviewer script can automate this
4063   easily, and so can the Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) package.
4065   Be sure to use a VNC password because unlike ssh by default the
4066   encrypted SSL channel provides no authentication (only privacy.) With
4067   some extra configuration one could also set up certificates to provide
4068   authentication of either or both sides as well (and hence avoid
4069   man-in-the-middle attacks.) See the stunnel and openssl documentation
4070   and also the key management section for details.
4072   stunnel has also been ported to Windows, and there are likely others
4073   to choose from for that OS. Much info for using it on Windows can be
4074   found at the stunnel site and in this article The article also shows
4075   the detailed steps to set up all the authentication certificates. (for
4076   both server and clients, see also the x11vnc utilities that do this.)
4077   The default Windows client setup (no certs) is simpler and only 4
4078   files are needed in a folder: stunnel.exe, stunnel.conf, libssl32.dll,
4079   libeay32.dll. We used an stunnel.conf containing:
4080# stunnel.conf:
4081client = yes
4082options = ALL
4084accept = localhost:5902
4085connect = far-away.east:5901
4087   then double click on the stunnel.exe icon to launch it (followed by
4088   pointing the VNC viewer to localhost:2).
4091   stunnel inetd-like mode:
4093   As an aside, if you don't like the little "gap" of unencrypted TCP
4094   traffic (and a localhost listening socket) on the local machine
4095   between stunnel and x11vnc it can actually be closed by having stunnel
4096   start up x11vnc in -inetd mode:
4097  stunnel -p /path/to/stunnel.pem -P none -d 5900 -l ./x11vnc_sh
4099   Where the script x11vnc_sh starts up x11vnc:
4101x11vnc -q -inetd -display :0 -passwdfile ~/mypass
4103   Note that this creates a separate x11vnc process for each incoming
4104   connection (as any inetd x11vnc usage would), but for the case of
4105   normally just one viewer at a time it should not be a big problem.
4108   stunnel 4 syntax:
4110   Somewhat sadly, the stunnel version 4 syntax is not so amenable to the
4111   command line or scripts. You need to create a config file with the
4112   parameters. E.g.:
4113  stunnel x11vnc.cfg
4115   Where the file x11vnc.cfg contains:
4116foreground = yes
4117pid =
4118cert = /path/to/stunnel.pem
4120accept  = 5901
4121connect = 5900
4123   One nice thing about version 4 is often the PEM file does not need to
4124   be specified because stunnel finds it in its installed area. One other
4125   gotcha the PEM file is usually only readable by root (it has the
4126   private key afterall), so you'll need to relax the permissions or make
4127   a copy that the user running x11vnc/stunnel can read.
4130   SSL VNC Viewers:
4132   Regarding VNC viewers that "natively" do SSL unfortunately there do
4133   not seem to be many. The SingleClick UltraVNC Java Viewer is SSL and
4134   is compatible with x11vnc's -ssl option and stunnel.) Commercial
4135   versions of VNC seem to have some SSL-like encryption built in, but we
4136   haven't tried those either and they probably wouldn't work since their
4137   (proprietary) SSL-like negotiation is likely embedded in the VNC
4138   protocol unlike our case where it is external.
4140   Note: as of Mar/2006 libvncserver/x11vnc provides a SSL-enabled Java
4141   applet that can be served up via the -httpdir or -http options when
4142   -ssl is enabled. It will also be served via HTTPS via either the VNC
4143   port (e.g. https://host:5900/) or a 2nd port via the -https option.
4145   In general current SSL VNC solutions are not particularly "seemless".
4146   But it can be done, and with a wrapper script on the viewer side and
4147   the -stunnel or -ssl option on the server side it works well and is
4148   convenient. Here is a simple script ss_vncviewer that automates
4149   running stunnel on the VNC viewer side on Unix a little more carefully
4150   than the commands printed above. (One could probably do a similar
4151   thing with a .BAT file on Windows in the stunnel folder.)
4153   Update Jul/2006: we now provide an Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC)
4154   package that starts up STUNNEL automatically along with some other
4155   features. All binaries (stunnel, vncviewer, and some utilities) are
4156   provided in the package. It works on Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows.
4159   Q-53: Does x11vnc have built-in SSL tunneling?
4161   You can read about non-built-in methods in the Previous FAQ for
4162   background.
4164   SSL tunnels provide an encrypted channel without the need for Unix
4165   users, passwords, and key passphrases required for ssh (and at the
4166   other extreme SSL can also provide a complete signed certificate chain
4167   of trust.) On the other hand, since SSH is usually installed
4168   everywhere and firewalls often let its port through, ssh is frequently
4169   the path of least resistance.
4171   Built-in SSL x11vnc options:
4173   As of Feb/2006 the x11vnc -ssl option automates the SSL tunnel
4174   creation on the x11vnc server side. An SSL-enabled Java Viewer applet
4175   is also provided that can be served via HTTP or HTTPS to automate SSL
4176   on the client side.
4178   The -ssl mode uses the www.openssl.org library if available at build
4179   time.
4181   The mode requires an SSL certificate and key (i.e. .pem file.) These
4182   are usually created via the openssl(1) program (in fact in for "-ssl"
4183   (same as "-ssl SAVE") it will run openssl for you automatically.) So
4184   the SSL is not completely "built-in" since this external tool needs to
4185   be installed, but at least x11vnc runs it for you automatically.
4187   An -ssl example:
4188  x11vnc -display :0 -ssl -passwdfile ~/mypass
4190   You'll get output like this:
4191  09/04/2006 19:27:35 Creating a self-signed PEM certificate...
4192  09/04/2006 19:27:35
4193  ...
4195  The SSL VNC desktop is:  far-away.east:0
4196  PORT=5900
4197  SSLPORT=5900
4199   In this case openssl(1) was used to create a PEM automatically. It
4200   will prompt you if you want to protect it with with a passphrase. Use
4201   "-ssl SAVE_NOPROMPT" to not be prompted. Use "-ssl TMP" to create a
4202   temporary self-signed cert that will be discarded when x11vnc exits.
4204   Update: As of Nov/2008 x11vnc also supports the VeNCrypt SSL/TLS
4205   tunnel extension to the VNC protocol. The older ANONTLS method (vino)
4206   is also supported. This support is on by default when the -ssl option
4207   is in use and can be fine-tuned using these options: -vencrypt,
4208   -anontls, and -sslonly.
4210   The normal x11vnc -ssl operation is somewhat like a URL method
4211   vncs://hostname if vnc://hostname indicates a standard unencrypted VNC
4212   connection. Just as https://hostname is an SSL encrypted version of
4213   http://hostname. The entire VNC session goes through the SSL tunnel.
4214   VeNCrypt, on the other hand, switches to SSL/TLS early in the VNC
4215   protocol handshake. x11vnc 0.9.6 supports both simultaneously when
4216   -ssl is active.
4219   SSL VNC Viewers:. Viewer-side will need to use SSL as well. See the
4220   next FAQ and here for SSL enabled VNC Viewers, including SSVNC, to
4221   connect to the above x11vnc via SSL.
4224   As seen above, the PEM (privacy enhanced mail) file does not need to
4225   be supplied if the openssl(1) command is available in PATH, in that
4226   case a self-signed, certificate good the current and subsequent x11vnc
4227   sessions is created (this may take a while on very slow machines.)
4229   In general, the PEM file contains both the Certificate (i.e. public
4230   key) and the Private Key. Because of the latter, the file should be
4231   protected from being read by untrusted users. The best way to do this
4232   is to encrypt the key with a passphrase (note however this requires
4233   supplying the passphrase each time x11vnc is started up.)
4235   See the discussion on x11vnc Key Management for some utilities
4236   provided for creating and managing certificates and keys and even for
4237   creating your own Certificate Authority (CA) for signing VNC server
4238   and client certificates. This may be done by importing the certificate
4239   into Web Browser or Java plugin keystores, or pointing stunnel to it.
4240   The wrapper script ss_vncviewer provides an example on unix (see the
4241   -verify option.)
4243   Here are some notes on the simpler default (non-CA) operation. To have
4244   x11vnc save the generated certificate and key, use the "SAVE" keyword
4245   like this:
4246  x11vnc -ssl SAVE -display :0 ...
4248   (this is the same as the default: "-ssl".) This way it will be saved
4249   in the default directory ~/.vnc/certs/ as server.crt (the certificate
4250   only) and server.pem (both certificate and private key.) This opens up
4251   the possibility of copying the server.crt to machines where the VNC
4252   Viewer will be run to enable authenticating the x11vnc SSL VNC server
4253   to the clients. When authentication takes place this way (or via the
4254   more sophisticated CA signing described here), then
4255   Man-In-The-Middle-Attacks are prevented. Otherwise, the SSL encryption
4256   only provides protection against passive network traffic "sniffing"
4257   (i.e. you are not protected against M-I-T-M attacks.) Nowadays, most
4258   people seem mostly concerned mainly about passive sniffing (and the
4259   default x11vnc SSL mode protects against it.) Note that there are
4260   hacker tools like dsniff/webmitm and cain that implement SSL
4261   Man-In-The-Middle attacks. They rely on the client not bothering to
4262   check the cert.
4265   One can test to some degree that SSL is working after starting x11vnc
4266   with the -stunnel or -ssl option. From another machine one can use the
4267   openssl command something like this:
4268 openssl s_client -debug -msg -showcerts -connect far-away.east:5900
4270   After all of the debugging output and informational messages you'll
4271   see the string "RFB 003.008" that came from x11vnc. Pointing a web
4272   browser connecting to: https://far-away.east:5900/ and then viewing
4273   the SSL certificate information about the connection in the panels
4274   will also work.
4276   Note: If you serve up the SSL enabled Java VNC Viewer via something
4277   like:
4278 x11vnc -ssl -httpdir /usr/local/share/x11vnc/classes/ssl
4280   (or just the -http option), you can test it out completely using that,
4281   including using https to download it into the browser and connect to
4282   x11vnc.
4285   The older -stunnel option: Before the -ssl option there was a
4286   convenience option -stunnel that would start an external SSL tunnel
4287   for you using stunnel. The -ssl method is the preferred way, but for
4288   historical reference we keep the -stunnel info here.
4290   The -stunnel mode requires the stunnel.mirt.net command stunnel(8) to
4291   be installed on the system.
4293   Some -stunnel examples:
4294  x11vnc -display :0 -stunnel /path/to/stunnel.pem -passwdfile ~/mypass
4296  x11vnc -display :0 -stunnel SAVE ...
4298   You'll get output like this:
4299  The VNC desktop is:      localhost:50
4300  The SSL VNC desktop is:  far-away.east:0
4301  PORT=5950
4302  SSLPORT=5900
4304   That indicates stunnel is listening on port 5900 for incoming
4305   SSL-wrapped VNC connections from viewers. x11vnc is listening for
4306   local connections on port 5950 in this case (remote viewers cannot
4307   connect to it directly.) For -stunnel to work the stunnel command must
4308   be installed on the machine and available in PATH (note stunnel is
4309   often installed in sbin directories rather than bin.) Note that the
4310   default "-stunnel" by itself creates a temporary cert (as in "-ssl
4311   TMP".)
4314   Q-54: How do I use VNC Viewers with built-in SSL tunneling?
4316   Notes on using "native" VNC Viewers with SSL:
4318   There aren't any native VNC Viewers that do SSL (ask your VNC viewer
4319   developer to add the feature.) So a tunnel must be setup that you
4320   point the VNC Viewer to. This is often STUNNEL. You can do this
4321   manually, or use the ss_vncviewer script on Unix, or our Enhanced
4322   TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) package on Unix, Windows, or MacOSX. See the
4323   next section for Java Web browser SSL VNC Viewers (you only need a
4324   Java-enabled Web browser for it to work.)
4326   Notes on the SSL enabled Java VNC Viewer provided in x11vnc
4327   classes/ssl/VncViewer.jar:
4329   A Java applet VNC Viewer allows you to connect to a VNC Server from a
4330   Java-enabled Web browser.
4332   The SSL enabled Java VNC Viewer (VncViewer.jar) in the x11vnc package
4333   supports only SSL based connections by default. As mentioned above the
4334   -httpdir can be used to specify the path to .../classes/ssl. A typical
4335   location might be /usr/local/share/x11vnc/classes/ssl. Or -http can be
4336   used to try to have it find the directory automatically.
4338   Also note that the SingleClick UltraVNC Java Viewer is compatible with
4339   x11vnc's -ssl SSL mode. (We tested it this way: "java -cp
4340   ./VncViewer.jar VncViewer HOST far-away.east PORT 5900 USESSL 1
4341   TRUSTALL 1")
4343   The Java viewer uses SSL to communicate securely with x11vnc. Note
4344   that the applet can optionally also be downloaded into your web
4345   browser via HTTPS (which is HTTP over SSL.) This way the HTML page and
4346   the Java applet itself are also delivered securely with SSL (as
4347   opposed to only the VNC traffic being encrypted with SSL.)
4349   For this case the output will be something like this:
4350  x11vnc -ssl SAVE -http
4351  ...
4352  The SSL VNC desktop is:  far-away.east:0
4353  Java SSL viewer URL:     https://far-away.east:5900/
4354  Java SSL viewer URL:     http://far-away.east:5800/
4355  PORT=5900
4356  SSLPORT=5900
4358   Indicating the two URLs (the first one encrypted, the second not) one
4359   could point the web browser at to get the VNC viewer applet. E.g. put
4360   this
4361   http://far-away.east:5800/
4363   or:
4364   https://far-away.east:5900/
4366   into your Java-enabled Web browser.
4368   Note that KDE's Konqueror web browser seems to have problems with
4369   https Java applets, so you'll have to use the http/5800 with it (if
4370   you get https/5900 working let us know how you did it.)
4372   If you are using a router/firewall with port-redirection, and you are
4373   redirecting ports other than the default ones (5800, 5900) listed
4374   above see here.
4376   The https service provided thru the actual VNC port (5900 in the above
4377   example) can occasionally be slow or unreliable (it has to read some
4378   input and try to guess if the connection is VNC or HTTP.) If it is
4379   unreliable for you and you still want to serve the Java applet via
4380   https, use the -https option to get an additional port dedicated to
4381   https (its URL will also be printed in the output.)
4383   Another possibility is to add the GET applet parameter:
4384  https://far-away.east:5900/?GET=1
4386   This will have the VNC Viewer send a special HTTP GET string "GET
4387   /request.https.vnc.connection HTTP/1.0" that x11vnc will notice more
4388   quickly as a request for a VNC connection. Otherwise it must wait for
4389   a timeout to expire before it assumes a VNC connection.
4391   You may also use "urlPrefix=somestring" to have /somestring prepended
4392   to /request.https.vnc.connection". Perhaps you are using a web server
4393   proxy scheme to enter a firewall or otherwise have rules applied to
4394   the URL. If you need to have any slashes "/" in "somestring" use
4395   "_2F_" (a deficiency in libvncserver prevents using the more natural
4396   "%2F".)
4398   You apply multiple applet parameters in the regular URL way, e.g.:
4399  https://far-away.east:5900/?GET=1&urlPrefix=mysubdir&...
4401   All of the x11vnc Java Viewer applet parameters are described in the
4402   file classes/ssl/README
4405   Tips on Getting the SSL Java Applet Working the First Time:
4406   Unfortunately, it can be a little tricky getting the SSL VNC Java
4407   Viewer working with x11vnc. Here are some tips to getting working the
4408   first time (afterwards you can incrementally customize with more
4409   complex settings.)
4410     * First try it on the LAN: Do NOT try to have it work the first time
4411       going through firewalls, Web proxies, home router port
4412       redirections, or Apache portal. Just try a direct connection over
4413       your LAN first (if you only have 1 machine and no LAN, just do a
4414       direct connection to the same machine: localhost.) If the LAN
4415       machine you run x11vnc on has its own host-level firewall (most
4416       linux machine come with that on by default), disable it or at
4417       least let tcp ports 5800-6000 through.
4418     * First try HTTP to download the Java Applet: x11vnc can serve both
4419       the Java Applet jar file and VNC out of the same port (both
4420       tunneled through SSL, see below.) But it can lead to timing and
4421       other problems. So first try HTTP instead of HTTPS to download the
4422       Applet jar file (VncViewer.jar.) That is to say try
4423       http://hostname:5800 in your web browser first before trying
4424       https://hostname:5900. x11vnc will print out the ports and URLs it
4425       is using, so use the HTTP one it prints out.
4426     * Always Restart the Browser: If you are having failures and have to
4427       repeatedly retry things ALWAYS restart the browser (i.e.
4428       completely exit it and then start a new browser process) each
4429       time. Otherwise as you are changing things the browser may
4430       "remember" failed applet downloads, etc. and just add to the
4431       confusion and irreproducibility. If you see it trying to download
4432       VncViewer.class (instead of VncViewer.jar) you know it is really
4433       confused and needs to be restarted.
4434     * Step Lively: If you get Browser or Java VM or VNC Viewer applet
4435       dialog boxes saying things like "Do you want to trust this
4436       certificate?" or "The hostname does not match the one on the
4437       certificate", etc. just go through them as quickly as possible.
4438       x11vnc cannot wait forever for each SSL connection, and so if you
4439       dawdle too long inspecting the certs, etc it can lead to problems.
4440       Get it working first before taking your time to read the details
4441       in the dialogs, etc.
4442     * No inetd, Please: Even if you intend to deploy via inetd or xinetd
4443       eventually, get that working later (and remember do not use
4444       something like "-ssl TMP" that creates a new temporary SSL
4445       certificate for every new socket connection.)
4446     * Nothing Fancy: Do not try fancy stuff like -svc, -create, -unixpw,
4447       "-users unixpw=", "-users sslpeer=", -sslverify, etc. Just get the
4448       simplest connection working first and then incrementally add what
4449       you need.
4451   So the recommended test command lines are:
4452   x11vnc -ssl SAVE -http
4453   x11vnc -ssl SAVE -httpdir /path/to/x11vnc/classes/ssl
4455   Use the latter if x11vnc cannot automatically find the classes/ssl
4456   directory (this what the -http option instructs it to do.) Then point
4457   your browser to the HTTP (not HTTPS) URL it prints out.
4459   Following the above guidelines, did it work? If so, Congratulations!!
4460   you created an SSL encrypted connection between the SSL Java applet
4461   running in your web browser and x11vnc. The fact that you used HTTP
4462   instead of HTTPS to download the applet is not the end of the world
4463   (some users do it this way), the main thing is that the VNC traffic is
4464   encrypted with SSL. If you are having trouble even with the above
4465   baseline test case feel free to contact me (please send the Full
4466   x11vnc output, not just part of it; the complete x11vnc command line;
4467   the URL(s) entered in the browser; the full Java Console output; and
4468   anything else you can think of.)
4470   Next, you can add the features you want one by one testing it still
4471   works each time. I suggest first turning on the HTTPS applet download
4472   (https://hostname:5900) if that is what you intend to use. That one
4473   gives the most trouble because of the ambiguity of passing two
4474   different protocols (HTTP and VNC) through the same SSL service port.
4476   Next, turn on inetd if you intend to use that (this can be tricky too,
4477   be sure to use -oa logfile and inspect it carefully if there are
4478   problems.) If you are going to use non-standard ports (e.g. "-rfbport
4479   443" as root), work on that next. Then enable the firewall, router
4480   port redirection channel (you will somehow need to be outside to do
4481   that, maybe test that through another VNC session.)
4483   Then, if you plan to use them, enable "fancy stuff" like "-svc" or
4484   "-unixpw", etc, etc. Be sure to add a password either "-rfbauth" or
4485   "-unixpw" or both. If you need to have the web browser use a corporate
4486   Web Proxy (i.e. it cannot connect directly) work on that last. Ditto
4487   for the Apache portal.
4490   Router/Firewall port redirs:  If you are doing port redirection at
4491   your router to an internal machine running x11vnc AND the internet
4492   facing port is different from the internal machine's VNC port, you
4493   will need to apply the PORT applet parameter to indicate to the applet
4494   the Internet facing port number (otherwise by default the internal
4495   machine's port, say 5900, is sent and that of course is rejected at
4496   the firewall/router.) For example:
4497  https://far-away.east:443/?GET=1&PORT=443
4499   So in this example the user configures his router to redirect
4500   connections to port 443 on his Internet side to, say, port 5900 on the
4501   internal machine running x11vnc. See also the -httpsredir option that
4502   will try to automate this for you.
4504   To configure your router to do port redirection, see its instructions.
4505   Typically, from the inside you point a web browser to a special URL
4506   (e.g. and you get a web interface to configure it.
4507   Look for something like "Port Redirection" or "Port Forwarding",
4508   probably under "Advanced" or something like that. If you have a Linux
4509   or Unix system acting as your firewall/router, see its firewall
4510   configuration.
4512   You can also use x11vnc options -rfbport NNNNN and -httpport NNNNN to
4513   match the ports that your firewall will be redirecting to the machine
4514   where x11vnc is run.
4517   Tedious Dialogs: If you do serve the SSL enabled Java viewer via https
4518   be prepared for quite a number of "are you sure you trust this site?"
4519   dialogs:
4520     * First from the Web browser that cannot verify the self-signed
4521       certificate when it downloads index.vnc.
4522     * From the Web browser again noting that the common name on the
4523       certificate does not match the hostname of the remote machine.
4524     * Next from the Java VM that cannot verify the self-signed
4525       certificate when it downloads VncViewer.jar.
4526     * And also from the Java VM again noting that the common name on the
4527       certificate does not match the hostname of the remote machine.
4528     * Finally from the Java VncViewer applet itself saying it cannot
4529       verify the certificate! (or a popup asking you if you want to see
4530       the certificate.)
4532   Note that sometimes if you pause too long at one of the above dialogs
4533   then x11vnc may exceed a timeout and assume the current socket
4534   connection is VNC instead of the HTTPS it actually is (but since you
4535   have paused too long at the dialog the GET request comes too late.)
4536   Often hitting Reload and going through the dialogs more quickly will
4537   let you connect. The Java VM dialogs are the most important ones to
4538   NOT linger at. If you see in the x11vnc output a request for
4539   VncViewer.class instead of VncViewer.jar it is too late... you will
4540   need to completely restart the Web browser to get it to try for the
4541   jar again. You can use the -https option if you want a dedicated port
4542   for HTTPS connections instead of sharing the VNC port.
4544   To see example x11vnc output for a successful https://host:5900/
4545   connection with the Java Applet see This Page. And here is a newer
4546   example including the Java Console output.
4548   All of the x11vnc Java Viewer applet parameters are described in the
4549   file classes/ssl/README
4552   Notes on the VNC Viewer ss_vncviewer wrapper script:
4554   If you want to use a native VNC Viewer with the SSL enabled x11vnc you
4555   will need to run an external SSL tunnel on the Viewer side. There do
4556   not seem to be any native SSL VNC Viewers outside of our x11vnc and
4557   SSVNC packages. The basic ideas of doing this were discussed for
4558   external tunnel utilities here.
4560   The ss_vncviewer script provided with x11vnc and SSVNC can set up the
4561   stunnel tunnel automatically on unix as long as the stunnel command is
4562   installed on the Viewer machine and available in PATH (and vncviewer
4563   too of course.) Note that on a Debian based system you will need to
4564   install the package stunnel4 not stunnel. You can set the environment
4565   variables STUNNEL and VNCVIEWERCMD to point to the correct programs if
4566   you want to override the defaults.
4568   Here are some examples:
4569  1)  ss_vncviewer far-away.east:0
4571  2)  ss_vncviewer far-away.east:0 -encodings "copyrect tight zrle hextile"
4573  3)  ss_vncviewer -verify ./server.crt far-away.east:0
4575  4)  ss_vncviewer -mycert ./client.pem far-away.east:0
4577  5)  ss_vncviewer -proxy far-away.east:8080 myworkstation:0
4579   The first one is the default mode and accepts the x11vnc certificate
4580   without question. The second one is as the first, but adds the
4581   -encodings options to the vncviewer command line.
4583   The third one requires that the x11vnc server authenticate itself to
4584   the client against the certificate in the file ./server.crt (e.g. one
4585   created by "x11vnc -ssl SAVE" and safely copied to the VNC viewer
4586   machine.)
4588   The fourth one is for VNC Viewer authentication, it uses ./client.pem
4589   to authenticate itself to x11vnc. One can supply both -verify and
4590   -mycert simultaneously.
4592   The fifth one shows that Web proxies can be used if that is the only
4593   way to get out of the firewall. If the "double proxy" situation arises
4594   separate the two by commas. See this page for more information on how
4595   Web proxies come into play.
4597   If one uses a Certificate Authority (CA) scheme described here, the
4598   wrapper script would use the CA cert instead of the server cert:
4599  3')  ss_vncviewer -verify ./cacert.crt far-away.east:0
4601   Update Jul/2006: we now provide an Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC)
4602   package that starts up STUNNEL automatically along with some other
4603   features. All binaries (stunnel, vncviewer, and some utilities) are
4604   provided in the package. It works on Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows.
4607   Q-55: How do I use the Java applet VNC Viewer with built-in SSL
4608   tunneling when going through a Web Proxy?
4609   The SSL enabled Java VNC Viewer and firewall Proxies:
4611   SSL and HTTPS aside, there is a general problem with Firewall Proxies
4612   and Java Applets that open sockets. The applet is downloaded
4613   successfully (through the browser) using HTTP and the proxy, but when
4614   the applet tries to reconnect to the originating host (the only one
4615   allowed by security) it does not use the proxy channel. So it cannot
4616   reconnect to the server the applet came from!
4618   We have found a convenient workaround: in the directory where
4619   VncViewer.jar resides there is a digitally signed version of the same
4620   applet called SignedVncViewer.jar. Since the applet is digitally
4621   signed, there will be an additional dialog from the Java VM plugin
4622   asking you if you want to trust the applet fully.
4624   You should say "Yes". If you do, the applet will be run in a mode
4625   where it can try to determine the firewall proxy host name and port
4626   (it will ask you for them if it cannot find them.) This way it can
4627   connect directly to the Proxy and then request the CONNECT method to
4628   be redirected to the originating host (the x11vnc VNC Server.) SSL is
4629   then layered over this socket.
4631   To do this you should use the proxy.vnc HTML file like via this URL in
4632   your browser:
4633  https://yourmachine.com:5900/proxy.vnc
4635   (instead of the unsigned one in https://yourmachine.com:5900/ that
4636   gives the default index.vnc)
4638   Proxies that limit CONNECT to ports 443 and 563:
4640   Things become trickier if the Web proxy restricts which CONNECT ports
4641   can be redirected to. For security, some (most?) proxies only allow
4642   port 443 (HTTPS) and 563 (SNEWS) by default. In this case, the only
4643   thing to do is run x11vnc on that low port, e.g. "-rfbport 443", (or
4644   use a port redirection on, say, a firewall or router port 443 to the
4645   internal machine.)
4647   If you do such a redirection to an internal machine and x11vnc is not
4648   listening on port 443, you will probably need to edit proxy.vnc.
4649   Suppose the SSL x11vnc server was listening on port 5901. You should
4650   change the line in proxy.vnc from:
4651  <param name=PORT value=$PORT>
4653   to:
4654  <param name=PORT value=443>
4656   Since otherwise $PORT will be expanded to 5901 by x11vnc and the
4657   viewer applet will fail to connect to that port on the firewall.
4659   Another way to achieve the same thing is to use the applet PORT
4660   parameter:
4661  https://yourmachine.com/proxy.vnc?PORT=443
4663   this is cleaner because it avoids editing the file, but requires more
4664   parameters in the URL. See also the -httpsredir x11vnc option that
4665   will try to automate this for you. To use the GET trick discussed
4666   above, do:
4667  https://yourmachine.com/proxy.vnc?GET=1&PORT=443
4669   All of the x11vnc Java Viewer applet parameters are described in the
4670   file classes/ssl/README
4672   Here is an example of Java Console and x11vnc output for the Web proxy
4673   case.
4676   Note that both the ss_vncviewer stunnel Unix wrapper script and
4677   Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) can use Web proxies as well even
4678   though they do not involve a Web browser.
4681   Q-56: Can Apache web server act as a gateway for users to connect via
4682   SSL from the Internet with a Web browser to x11vnc running on their
4683   workstations behind a firewall?
4684   Yes. You will need to configure apache to forward these connections.
4685   It is discussed here. This SSL VNC portal provides a clean alternative
4686   to the traditional method where the user uses SSH to log in through
4687   the gateway to create the encrypted port redirection to x11vnc running
4688   on her desktop.
4690   Also see the desktop.cgi CGI script method that achieves much of what
4691   this Apache VNC SSL portal method does (as long as desktop.cgi's 'port
4692   redirection' mode is enabled.)
4695   Q-57: Can I create and use my own SSL Certificate Authority (CA) with
4696   x11vnc?
4697   Yes, see this page for how to do this and the utility commands x11vnc
4698   provides to create and manage many types of certificates and private
4699   keys.
4703   [Display Managers and Services]
4705   Q-58: How can I run x11vnc as a "service" that is always available?
4707   There are a number of ways to do this. The primary thing you need to
4708   decide is whether you want x11vnc to connect to the X session on the
4709   machine 1) regardless of who (or if anyone) has the X session, or 2)
4710   only if a certain user has the X session. Because X sessions are
4711   protected by X permissions (MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE files XAUTHORITY and
4712   $HOME/.Xauthority) the automatically started x11vnc will of course
4713   need to have sufficient permissions to connect to the X display.
4715   Here are some ideas:
4716     * Use the description under "Continuously" in the FAQ on x11vnc and
4717       Display Managers
4718     * Use the description in the FAQ on x11vnc and inetd(8)
4719     * Use the description in the FAQ on Unix user logins and inetd(8)
4720     * Start x11vnc from your $HOME/.xsession (or $HOME/.xinitrc or
4721       autostart script or ...)
4722     * Although less reliable, see the x11vnc_loop rc.local hack below.
4724   The display manager scheme will not be specific to which user has the
4725   X session unless a test is specifically put into the display startup
4726   script (often named Xsetup.) The inetd(8) scheme may or may not be
4727   specific to which user has the X session (and it may not be able to do
4728   all users via the XAUTHORITY permission issues.)
4730   The .xsession/.xinitrc scheme is obviously is specific to a particular
4731   user and only when they are logged into X. If you do not know what a
4732   $HOME/.xsession script is or how to use one, perhaps your desktop has
4733   a "session startup commands" configuration option. The command to be
4734   run in the .xsession or .xinitrc file may look like this:
4735x11vnc -logfile $HOME/.x11vnc.log -rfbauth $HOME/.vnc/passwd -forever -bg
4737   plus any other options you desire.
4739   Depending on your desktop and/or OS/distribution the automatically run
4740   X startup scripts (traditionally .xsession/.xinitrc) may have to be in
4741   a different directory or have a different basename. One user
4742   recommends the description under 'Running Scripts Automatically' at
4743   this link.
4745   Firewalls: note all methods will require the host-level firewall to be
4746   configured to allow connections in on a port. E.g. 5900 (default VNC
4747   port) or 22 (default SSH port for tunnelling VNC.) Most systems these
4748   days have firewalls turned on by default, so you will actively have to
4749   do something to poke a hole in the firewall at the desired port
4750   number. See your system administration tool for Firewall settings
4751   (Yast, Firestarter, etc.)
4754   Q-59: How can I use x11vnc to connect to an X login screen like xdm,
4755   GNOME gdm, KDE kdm, or CDE dtlogin? (i.e. nobody is logged into an X
4756   session yet.)
4758   We describe two scenarios here. The first is called 'One time only'
4759   meaning you just need to do it quickly once and don't want to repeat;
4760   and the second is called 'Continuously' meaning you want the access to
4761   be available after every reboot and after every desktop logout.
4762     _________________________________________________________________
4764   One time only:   If the X login screen is running and you just want to
4765   connect to it once (i.e. a one-shot):
4767   It is usually possible to do this by just adjusting the XAUTHORITY
4768   environment variable to point to the correct MIT-COOKIE auth file
4769   while running x11vnc as root, e.g. for the gnome display manager, GDM:
4770  x11vnc -auth /var/gdm/:0.Xauth -display :0
4772   (the -auth option sets the XAUTHORITY variable for you.)
4774   There will be a similar thing to do for xdm using however a different
4775   auth directory path (perhaps something like
4776   /var/lib/xdm/authdir/authfiles/A:0-XQvaJk) for the xdm greeter or
4777   /var/lib/kdm/A:0-crWk72 (or /var/run/xauth/A:0-qQPftr, etc. etc) for
4778   the kdm greeter. Of course, the random characters in the file basename
4779   will vary and you will need to use the actual filename on your system.
4780   Read your system docs to find out where the display manager cookie
4781   files are kept.
4783   Trick: sometimes ps(1) can reveal the X server process -auth argument
4784   (e.g. "ps wwaux | grep auth") and hence the path to the auth file.
4786   x11vnc must be run as root for this because the /var/gdm/:0.Xauth,
4787   /var/lib/kdm/A:0-crWk72, etc. auth files are only readable by root. If
4788   you do not want to run x11vnc as root, you can copy (as root or sudo)
4789   the auth file to some location and make it readable by your userid.
4790   Then run x11vnc as your userid with -auth pointed to the copied file.
4792   Update Dec/2009: use "-auth guess" to have x11vnc try to guess the
4793   location of the auth file for you.
4795   You next connect to x11vnc with a VNC viewer, give your username and
4796   password to the X login prompt to start your session.
4798   Note:  GDM: gdm seems to have an annoying setting that causes x11vnc
4799   (and any other X clients) to be killed after the user logs in. Setting
4800   KillInitClients=false in the [daemon] section of /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf
4801   (or /etc/gdm/gdm.conf, etc.) avoids this. Otherwise, just restart
4802   x11vnc and then reconnect your viewer. Other display managers (kdm,
4803   etc) may also have a similar problem. One user reports having to alter
4804   "gdm.conf-custom" as well.
4806   Note:  Solaris: For dtlogin in addition to the above sort of trick
4807   (BTW, the auth file should be in /var/dt), you'll also need to add
4808   something like Dtlogin*grabServer:False to the Xconfig file
4809   (/etc/dt/config/Xconfig or /usr/dt/config/Xconfig on Solaris, see the
4810   example at the end of this FAQ.) Then restart dtlogin, e.g.:
4811   /etc/init.d/dtlogin stop; /etc/init.d/dtlogin start or reboot.
4813   Update Nov/2008: Regarding GDM KillInitClients: see the -reopen option
4814   for another possible workaround.
4816   Update Oct/2009: Regarding GDM KillInitClients: starting with x11vnc
4817   0.9.9 it will try to apply heuristics to detect if a window manager is
4818   not running (i.e. whether the Display Manager Greeter Login panel is
4819   still up.) If it thinks the display manager login is still up it will
4820   delay creating windows or using XFIXES. The former is what GDM uses to
4821   kill the initial clients, use of the latter can cause a different
4822   problem: an Xorg server crash. So with 0.9.9 and later it should all
4823   work without needing to set KillInitClients=false (which is a good
4824   because recent GDM, v2.24, has removed this option) or use -noxfixes.
4825   To disable the heuristics and delaying set X11VNC_AVOID_WINDOWS=never;
4826   to set the delay time explicitly use, e.g., X11VNC_AVOID_WINDOWS=120
4827   (delays for 120 seconds after the VNC connection; you have that long
4828   to log in.)
4829     _________________________________________________________________
4831   Continuously:   Have x11vnc reattach each time the X server is
4832   restarted (i.e. after each logout and reboot):
4834   To make x11vnc always attached to the X server including the login
4835   screen you will need to add a command to a display manager startup
4836   script.
4838   Please consider the security implications of this! The VNC display for
4839   the X session always accessible (but hopefully password protected.)
4840   Add -localhost if you only plan to access via a SSH tunnel.
4842   The name of the display manager startup script file depends on desktop
4843   used and seem to be:
4844     GDM (GNOME)  /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default
4845                  /etc/gdm/Init/Default
4846     KDM (KDE)    /etc/kde*/kdm/Xsetup
4847     XDM          /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup          (or sometimes xdm/Xsetup_0)
4848     CDE          /etc/dt/config/Xsetup
4850   although the exact location can be operating system, distribution, and
4851   time dependent. See the documentation for your display manager:
4852   gdm(1), kdm(1), xdm(1), dtlogin(1) for additional details. There may
4853   also be display number specific scripts: e.g. Xsetup_0 vs. Xsetup, you
4854   need to watch out for.
4856   Note:  You should read and understand all of the Note's and Update's
4857   in the 'One time only' section above. All of the GDM topics apply here
4858   as well:
4860   Note:  GDM: The above (in 'One time only') gdm setting of
4861   KillInitClients=false in /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf (or /etc/gdm/gdm.conf,
4862   etc.) for GDM is needed here as well. Other display managers (KDM,
4863   etc) may also have a similar problem.
4865   Also see the Update Oct/2009 above where x11vnc 0.9.9 and later
4866   automatically avoids being killed.
4868   Note:  DtLogin: The above (in 'One time only')
4869   Dtlogin*grabServer:False step for Solaris will be needed for dtlogin
4870   here as well.
4872   In any event, the line you will add to the display manager script
4873   (Xsetup, Default, or whatever) will look something like:
4874  /usr/local/bin/x11vnc -rfbauth /path/to/the/vnc/passwd -o /var/log/x11vnc.log
4875 -forever -bg
4877   where you should customize the exact command to your needs (e.g.
4878   -localhost for SSH tunnel-only access; -ssl SAVE for SSL access; etc.)
4880   Happy, happy, joy, joy:  Note that we do not need to specify -display
4881   or -auth because happily they are already set for us in the DISPLAY
4882   and XAUTHORITY environment variables for the Xsetup script!!!
4884   You may also want to force the VNC port with something like "-rfbport
4885   5900" (or -N) to avoid autoselecting one if 5900 is already taken.
4886     _________________________________________________________________
4888   Fedora/gdm: Here is an example of what we did on a vanilla install of
4889   Fedora-C3 (seems to use gdm by default.) Add a line like this to
4890   /etc/X11/gdm/Init/:0
4891  /usr/local/bin/x11vnc -rfbauth /etc/x11vnc.passwd -forever -bg -o /var/log/x1
4894   And then add this line to /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf (or /etc/gdm/gdm.conf,
4895   etc.) in the [daemon] section:
4896  KillInitClients=false
4898   Then restart: /usr/sbin/gdm-restart (or reboot.) The
4899   KillInitClients=false setting is important: without it x11vnc will be
4900   killed immediately after the user logs in. Here are full details on
4901   how to configure gdm
4902     _________________________________________________________________
4904   Solaris/dtlogin: Here is an example of what we did on a vanilla
4905   install of Solaris:
4906   Make the directory /etc/dt/config:
4907  mkdir -p /etc/dt/config
4909   Copy over the Xconfig file for customization:
4910  cp /usr/dt/config/Xconfig /etc/dt/config/Xconfig
4912   Edit /etc/dt/config/Xconfig and uncomment the line:
4913  Dtlogin*grabServer:        False
4915   Next, copy over Xsetup for customization:
4916  cp /usr/dt/config/Xsetup /etc/dt/config/Xsetup
4918   Edit /etc/dt/config/Xsetup and at the bottom put a line like:
4919  /usr/local/bin/x11vnc -forever -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -bg
4921   (tweaked to your local setup and preferences, a password via -rfbauth,
4922   etc. would be a very good idea.)
4924   Restart the X server and dtlogin:
4925  /etc/init.d/dtlogin stop
4926  /etc/init.d/dtlogin start
4928   (or reboot or maybe just restart the X session.)
4929     _________________________________________________________________
4931   KDM: One user running the kdm display manager reports putting this
4932   line:
4933  x11vnc -forever -rfbauth /home/xyz/.vnc/passwd -bg -o /var/log/x11vnc.log
4935   in /etc/kde/kdm/Xsetup. After rebooting the system it all seemed to
4936   work fine.
4937     _________________________________________________________________
4940   If you do not want to deal with any display manager startup scripts,
4941   here is a kludgey script that can be run manually or out of a boot
4942   file like rc.local: x11vnc_loop It will need some local customization
4943   before running. Because the XAUTHORITY auth file must be guessed by
4944   this script, use of the display manager script method described above
4945   is greatly preferred. There is also the -loop option that does
4946   something similar.
4948   If the machine is a traditional Xterminal you may want to read this
4949   FAQ.
4951   Firewalls: note all methods will require the host-level firewall to be
4952   configured to allow connections in on a port. E.g. 5900 (default VNC
4953   port) or 22 (default SSH port for tunnelling VNC.) Most systems these
4954   days have firewalls turned on by default, so you will actively have to
4955   do something to poke a hole in the firewall at the desired port
4956   number. See your system administration tool for Firewall settings
4957   (Yast, Firestarter, etc.)
4960   Q-60: Can I run x11vnc out of inetd(8)? How about xinetd(8)?
4962   Yes, perhaps a line something like this in /etc/inetd.conf will do it
4963   for you:
4965  5900 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/local/bin/x11vnc_sh
4967   where the shell script /usr/local/bin/x11vnc_sh uses the -inetd option
4968   and looks something like (you'll need to customize to your settings.)
4970/usr/local/bin/x11vnc -inetd -display :0 -auth /home/fred/.Xauthority \
4971        -rfbauth /home/fred/.vnc/passwd -o /var/log/x11vnc_sh.log
4973   Important:  Note that you must redirect the standard error output to a
4974   log file (e.g. -o logfile) or "2>/dev/null" for proper operation via
4975   inetd (otherwise the standard error also goes to the VNC vncviewer,
4976   and that confuses it greatly, causing it to abort.) If you do not use
4977   a wrapper script as above but rather call x11vnc directly in
4978   /etc/inetd.conf and do not redirect stderr to a file, then you must
4979   specify the -q (aka -quiet) option: "/usr/local/bin/x11vnc -q -inetd
4980   ...". When you supply both -q and -inet and no "-o logfile" then
4981   stderr will automatically be closed (to prevent, e.g. library stderr
4982   messages leaking out to the viewer.) The recommended practice is to
4983   use "-o logfile" to collect the output in a file or wrapper script
4984   with "2>logfile" redirection because the errors and warnings printed
4985   out are very useful in troubleshooting problems.
4987   Note also the need to set XAUTHORITY via -auth to point to the
4988   MIT-COOKIE auth file to get permission to connect to the X display
4989   (setting and exporting the XAUTHORITY variable accomplishes the same
4990   thing.) See the x11vnc_loop file in the previous question for more
4991   ideas on what that auth file may be, etc. The scheme described in the
4992   FAQ on Unix user logins and inetd(8) works around the XAUTHORITY issue
4993   nicely.
4995   Note:  On Solaris you cannot have the bare number 5900 in
4996   /etc/inetd.conf, you'll need to replace it with a word like x11vnc an
4997   then put something like "x11vnc 5900/tcp" in /etc/services.
4999   Since the process runs as root, it might be a bad idea to have the
5000   logfile in a world-writable area like /tmp if there are untrustworthy
5001   users on the machine. Perhaps /var/log is a better place.
5003   Be sure to look at your /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny settings
5004   to limit the machines that can connect to this service (your desktop!)
5005   For the above example with /etc/hosts.allow:
5006  x11vnc_sh :
5008   A really safe way to do things is to limit the above inetd to
5009   localhost only (via /etc/hosts.allow) and use ssh to tunnel the
5010   incoming connection. Using inetd for this prevents there being a tiny
5011   window of opportunity between x11vnc starting up and your vncviewer
5012   connecting to it. Always use a VNC password to further protect against
5013   unwanted access.
5015   For xinetd(8), one user reports he created the file
5016   /etc/xinetd.d/x11vncservice containing the following:
5017# default: off
5018# description:
5019service x11vncservice
5021        flags           = REUSE NAMEINARGS
5022        port            = 5900
5023        type            = UNLISTED
5024        socket_type     = stream
5025        protocol        = tcp
5026        wait            = no
5027        user            = root
5028        server          = /usr/sbin/tcpd
5029        server_args     = /usr/local/bin/x11vnc_sh
5030        disable         = no
5033   With the contents of /usr/local/bin/x11vnc_sh similar to the example
5034   given above. One user reports this works with avoiding the wrapper
5035   script:
5036service x11vncservice
5038        port            = 5900
5039        type            = UNLISTED
5040        socket_type     = stream
5041        protocol        = tcp
5042        wait            = no
5043        user            = root
5044        server          = /usr/local/bin/x11vnc
5045        server_args     = -inetd -q -display :0 -auth /var/gdm/:0.Xauth
5046        disable         = no
5049   (or one can replace the -q with say "-o /var/log/x11vnc.log" to
5050   capture a log)
5052   The above works nicely for GDM because the -auth file is a fixed name.
5053   For KDM or XDM the filename varies. Here is one idea for a x11vnc_sh
5054   wrapper to try to guess the name:
5057export COLUMNS
5058authfile=`ps wwaux | grep '/X.*-auth' | grep -v grep | sed -e 's/^.*-auth *//'
5059-e 's/ .*$//' | head -n 1`
5061if [ -r "$authfile" ]; then
5062        exec /usr/local/bin/x11vnc -inetd -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -display :0 -a
5063uth "$authfile"
5065exit 1
5067   Starting with x11vnc 0.9.3 this can be automated by:
5069exec /usr/local/bin/x11vnc -inetd -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -find -env FD_XDM=1
5072   Q-61: Can I have x11vnc advertise its VNC service and port via mDNS /
5073   Zeroconf (e.g. Avahi) so VNC viewers on the local network can detect
5074   it automatically?
5076   Yes, as of Feb/2007 x11vnc supports mDNS / Zeroconf advertising of its
5077   service via the Avahi client library. Use the option -avahi (same as
5078   -mdns or -zeroconf) to enable it. Depending on your setup you may need
5079   to install Avahi (including the development/build packages), enable
5080   the server: avahi-daemon and avahi-dnsconfd, and possibly open up UDP
5081   port 5353 on your firewall.
5083   If the Avahi client library or build environment is not available at
5084   build-time, then at run-time x11vnc will try to look for external
5085   helper programs, avahi-browse(1) or dns-sd(1), to do the work.
5087   The service was tested with Chicken of the VNC ("Use Bonjour"
5088   selected) on a Mac on the same network and the service was noted and
5089   listed in the servers list. Clicking on it and then "Connect"
5090   connected automatically w/o having to enter any hostnames or port
5091   numbers.
5093   It appears SuSE 10.1 comes with avahi (or you can add packages, e.g.
5094   avahi-0.6.5-27) but not the development package (you can use the
5095   OpenSuSE avahi-devel rpm.) Unfortunately, you may need to disable
5096   another Zeroconf daemon "/etc/init.d/mdnsd stop", before doing
5097   "/etc/init.d/avahi-daemon start" and "/etc/init.d/avahi-dnsconfd
5098   start". We also had to comment out the browse-domains line in
5099   /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf. Hopefully there is "LessConf" to do on
5100   other distros/OS's...
5103   Q-62: Can I have x11vnc allow a user to log in with her UNIX username
5104   and password and then have it find her X session display on that
5105   machine and then attach to it? How about starting an X session if one
5106   cannot be found?
5108   The easiest way to do this is via inetd(8) using the -unixpw and
5109   -display WAIT options. The reason inetd(8) makes this easier is that
5110   it starts a new x11vnc process for each new user connection. Otherwise
5111   a wrapper would have to listen for connections and spawn new x11vnc's
5112   (see this example and also the -loopbg option.) inetd(8) is not
5113   required for this, but it makes some aspects more general.
5115   Also with inetd(8) users always connect to a fixed VNC display, say
5116   hostname:0, and do not need to memorize a special VNC display number
5117   just for their personal use, etc.
5119   Update: Use the -find, -create, -svc, and -xdmsvc options that are
5120   shorthand for common FINDCREATEDISPLAY usage modes (e.g. terminal
5121   services) described below. (i.e. simply use "-svc" instead of the
5122   cumbersome "-display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvfb -unixpw -users
5123   unixpw= -ssl SAVE")
5125   The -display WAIT option makes x11vnc wait until a VNC viewer is
5126   connected before attaching to the X display.
5128   Additionally it can be used to run an external command that returns
5129   the DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY data. We provide some useful builtin ones
5130   (FINDDISPLAY and FINDCREATEDISPLAY below), but in principle one could
5131   supply his own script: "-display WAIT:cmd=/path/to/find_display" where
5132   the script find_display might look something like this.
5134   A default script somewhat like the above is used under "-display
5135   WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY" (same as -find) The format for any such command
5136   is that it returns DISPLAY=:disp as the first line and any remaining
5137   lines are either XAUTHORITY=file or raw xauth data (the above example
5138   does the latter.) If applicable (-unixpw mode), the program is run as
5139   the Unix user name who logged in.
5141   On Linux if the virtual terminal is known the program appends ",VT=n"
5142   to the DISPLAY line; a chvt n will be attempted automatically. Or if
5143   only the X server process ID is known it appends ",XPID=n" (a chvt
5144   will be attempted by x11vnc.)
5146   Tip: Note that the -find option is an alias for "-display
5147   WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY". Use it!
5149   The -unixpw option allows UNIX password logins. It conveniently knows
5150   the Unix username whose X display should be found. Here are a couple
5151   /etc/inetd.conf examples of this usage:
51525900  stream  tcp  nowait  nobody  /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/local/bin/x11vnc -inetd
5153-unixpw \
5154      -find -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -ssl SAVE -ssldir /usr/local/certs
51555900  stream  tcp  nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/local/bin/x11vnc -inetd
5156-unixpw \
5157      -find -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -ssl SAVE -users unixpw=
5159   Note we have used the -find alias and the very long lines have been
5160   split. An alternative is to use a wrapper script, e.g.
5161   /usr/local/bin/x11vnc.sh that has all of the options. (see also the
5162   -svc alias.)
5164   In the first inetd line x11vnc is run as user "nobody" and stays user
5165   nobody during the whole session. The permissions of the log files and
5166   certs directory will need to be set up to allow "nobody" to use them.
5168   In the second one x11vnc is run as root and switches to the user that
5169   logs in due to the "-users unixpw=" option.
5171   Note that SSL is required for this mode because otherwise the Unix
5172   password would be passed in clear text over the network. In general
5173   -unixpw is not required for this sort of scheme, but it is convenient
5174   because it determines exactly who the Unix user is whose display
5175   should be sought. Otherwise the find_display script would have to use
5176   some method to work out DISPLAY, XAUTHORITY, etc (perhaps you use
5177   multiple inetd ports and hardwire usernames for different ports.)
5179   If you really want to disable the SSL or SSH -localhost constraints
5180   (this is not recommended unless you really know what you are doing:
5181   Unix passwords sent in clear text is a very bad idea...) read the
5182   -unixpw documentation.
5184   A inetd(8) scheme for a fixed user that doesn't use SSL or unix
5185   passwds could be:
5186  /usr/local/bin/x11vnc -inetd -users =fred -find -rfbauth /home/fred/.vnc/pass
5187wd -o /var/log/x11vnc.log
5189   The "-users =fred" option will cause x11vnc to switch to user fred and
5190   then find his X display. The VNC password (-rfbauth) as opposed to
5191   Unix password (-unixpw) is used to authenticate the VNC client.
5193   Similar looking commands to the above examples can be run directly and
5194   do not use inetd (just remove the -inetd option and run from the
5195   cmdline, etc.)
5198   X Session Creation: An added (Nov/2006) extension to FINDDISPLAY is
5199   FINDCREATEDISPLAY where if it does not find an X display via the
5200   FINDDISPLAY method it will create an X server session for the user
5201   (i.e. desktop/terminal server.) This is the only time x11vnc actually
5202   tries to start up an X server (normally it just attaches to an
5203   existing one.)
5205   For virtual sessions you will need to install the Xvfb program (e.g.
5206   apt-get install xvfb) or our Xdummy program (see below.)
5208   By default it will only try to start up virtual (non-hardware) X
5209   servers: first Xvfb and if that is not available then Xdummy (included
5210   in the x11vnc source code.) Note that Xdummy only works on Linux
5211   whereas Xvfb works just about everywhere (and in some situations
5212   Xdummy must be run as root.) An advantage of Xdummy over Xvfb is that
5213   Xdummy supports RANDR dynamic screen resizing, which can be handy if
5214   the user accesses the desktop from different sized screens (e.g.
5215   workstation and laptop.)
5217   So an inetd(8) example might look like:
52185900 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/local/bin/x11vnc -inetd \
5219      -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -http -prog /usr/local/bin/x11vnc \
5220      -ssl SAVE -unixpw -users unixpw= -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY
5222   Where the very long lines have been split. See below where that long
5223   and cumbersome last line is replaced by the -svc alias.
5225   The above mode will allow direct SSL (e.g. ss_vncviewer or SSVNC)
5226   access and also Java Web browers access via: https://hostname:5900/.
5228   Tip: Note that the -create option is an alias for "-display
5231   Tip: Note that -svc is a short hand for the long "-ssl SAVE -unixpw
5232   -users unixpw= -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY" part. Unlike
5233   -create, this alias also sets up SSL encryption and Unix password
5234   login.
5236   The above inetd example then simplifies to:
52375900 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/local/bin/x11vnc -inetd \
5238      -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -http -prog /usr/local/bin/x11vnc \
5239      -svc
5241   Tip: In addition to the usual unixpw parameters, inside the VNC viewer
5242   the user can specify after his username (following a ":" see -display
5243   WAIT for details) for FINDCREATEDISPLAY they can add "geom=WxH" or
5244   "geom=WxHxD" to specify the width, height, and optionally the color
5245   depth. E.g. "fred:geom=800x600" at the login: prompt. Also if the env.
5246   var X11VNC_CREATE_GEOM is set to the desired WxH or WxHxD that will be
5247   used by x11vnc.
5249   You can set the env. var X11VNC_SKIP_DISPLAY to a comma separated list
5250   of displays to ignore in the FINDDISPLAY process (to force creation of
5251   new displays in some cases.) The user logging in via the vncviewer can
5252   also set this via username:nodisplay=...)
5254   If you do not plan on using the Java Web browser applet you can remove
5255   the -http (and -prog) option since this will speed up logging-in by a
5256   few seconds (x11vnc will not have to wait to see if a connection is
5257   HTTPS or VNC.)
5259   For reference, xinetd format in the file, say, /etc/xinetd.d/x11vnc:
5260service x11vnc
5262        type            = UNLISTED
5263        port            = 5900
5264        socket_type     = stream
5265        protocol        = tcp
5266        wait            = no
5267        user            = root
5268        server          = /usr/local/bin/x11vnc
5269        server_args     = -inetd -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -http -prog /usr/local/
5270bin/x11vnc -svc
5271        disable         = no
5274   To print out the script in this case use "-display
5275   WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-print". To change the preference of
5276   Xservers and which to try list them, e.g.: "-display
5277   WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-X,Xvfb,Xdummy" or use "-create_xsrv
5278   X,Xvfb,Xdummy". The "X" one means to try to start up a real, hardware
5279   X server, e.g. startx(1) (if there is already a real X server running
5280   this may only work on Linux and the chvt program may need to be run to
5281   switch to the correct Linux virtual terminal.) x11vnc will try to run
5282   chvt automatically if it can determine which VT should be switched to.
5284   XDM/GDM/KDM Login Greeter Panel: If you want to present the user with
5285   a xdm/gdm/kdm display manager "greeter" login you can use Xvfb.xdmcp
5286   instead of Xvfb, etc in the above list. However, you need to configure
5287   xdm/gdm/kdm to accept localhost XDMCP messages, this can be done by
5288   (from -help output):
5289      If you want the FINDCREATEDISPLAY session to contact an XDMCP login
5290      manager (xdm/gdm/kdm) on the same machine, then use "Xvfb.xdmcp"
5291      instead of "Xvfb", etc.  The user will have to supply his username
5292      and password one more time (but he gets to select his desktop
5293      type so that can be useful.)  For this to work, you will need to
5294      enable localhost XDMCP (udp port 177) for the display manager.
5295      This seems to be:
5297       for gdm in gdm.conf:   Enable=true in section [xdmcp]
5298       for kdm in kdmrc:      Enable=true in section [Xdmcp]
5299       for xdm in xdm-config: DisplayManager.requestPort: 177
5301   Unless you are also providing XDMCP service to xterminals or other
5302   machines, make sure that the host access list only allows local
5303   connections (the name of this file is often Xaccess and it is usually
5304   setup by default to do just that.) Nowadays, host level firewalling
5305   will also typically block UDP (port 177 for XDMCP) by default
5306   effectively limiting the UDP connections to localhost.
5308   Tip: Note that -xdmsvc is a short hand alias for the long "-ssl SAVE
5309   -unixpw -users unixpw= -display
5310   WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvfb.xdmcp". So we simply use:
5311service x11vnc
5313        type            = UNLISTED
5314        port            = 5900
5315        socket_type     = stream
5316        protocol        = tcp
5317        wait            = no
5318        user            = root
5319        server          = /usr/local/bin/x11vnc
5320        server_args     = -inetd -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -xdmsvc
5321        disable         = no
5324   (Note: use "-svc" instead of "-xdmsvc" for no XDMCP login greeter.)
5327   Local access (VNC Server and VNC Viewer on the same machine): To
5328   access your virtual X display session locally (i.e. while sitting at
5329   the same machine it is running on) one can perhaps have something like
5330   this in their $HOME/.xinitrc
5332x11vnc -create -rfbport 5905 -env WAITBG=1
5333vncviewer -geometry +0+0 -encodings raw -passwd $HOME/.vnc/passwd localhost:5
5335   You may not need the -passwd. Recent RealVNC viewers might be this:
5337x11vnc -create -rfbport 5905 -env WAITBG=1
5338vncviewer -FullScreen -PreferredEncoding raw -passwd $HOME/.vnc/passwd localhos
5341   This way a bare X server is run with no window manager or desktop; it
5342   simply runs only the VNC Viewer on the real X server. The Viewer then
5343   draws the virtual X session on to the real one. On your system it
5344   might not be $HOME/.xinitrc, but rather .xsession, .Xclients, or
5345   something else. You will need to figure out what it is for your system
5346   and configuration.
5348   There may be a problem if the resolution (WxH) of the virtual X
5349   display does not match that of the physical X display.
5351   If you do not want to or cannot figure out the X startup script name
5352   (.xinitrc, etc) you could save the above commands to a shell script,
5353   say "vnclocal", and the log in via the normal KDM or GDM greeter
5354   program using the "Failsafe" option. Then in the lone xterm that comes
5355   up type "vnclocal" to connect to your virtual X display via x11vnc and
5356   vncviewer.
5358     _________________________________________________________________
5360   Summary: The "-display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY" scheme can be used
5361   to provide a "desktop service" (i.e. terminal service) on the server
5362   machine: you always get some desktop there, either a real hardware X
5363   server or a virtual one (depending on how you set things up.)
5365   So it provides simple "terminal services" based on Unix username and
5366   password. The created X server sessions (virtual or real hardware)
5367   will remain running after you disconnect the VNC viewer and will be
5368   found again on reconnecting via VNC and logging in. To terminate them
5369   use the normal way to Exit/LogOut from inside your X session. The user
5370   does not have to memorize which VNC display number is his. They all go
5371   the same one (e.g. hostname:0) and it switches based on username.
5374   Q-63: Can I have x11vnc restart itself after it terminates?
5376   One could do this in a shell script, but now there is an option -loop
5377   that makes it easier. Of course when x11vnc restarts it needs to have
5378   permissions to connect to the (potentially new) X display. This mode
5379   could be useful if the X server restarts often. Use e.g. "-loop5000"
5380   to sleep 5000 ms between restarts. Also "-loop2000,5" to sleep 2000 ms
5381   and only restart 5 times.
5383   One can also use the -loopbg to emulate inetd(8) to some degree, where
5384   each connected process runs in the background. It could be combined,
5385   say, with the -svc option to provide simple terminal services without
5386   using inetd(8).
5389   Q-64: How do I make x11vnc work with the Java VNC viewer applet in a
5390   web browser?
5392   To have x11vnc serve up a Java VNC viewer applet to any web browsers
5393   that connect to it, run x11vnc with this option:
5394  -httpdir /path/to/the/java/classes/dir
5396   (this directory will contain the files index.vnc and, for example,
5397   VncViewer.jar) Note that libvncserver contains the TightVNC Java
5398   classes jar file for your convenience. (it is the file
5399   classes/VncViewer.jar in the source tree.)
5401   You will see output something like this:
5402  14/05/2004 11:13:56 Autoprobing selected port 5900
5403  14/05/2004 11:13:56 Listening for HTTP connections on TCP port 5800
5404  14/05/2004 11:13:56   URL http://walnut:5800
5405  14/05/2004 11:13:56 screen setup finished.
5406  14/05/2004 11:13:56 The VNC desktop is walnut:0
5407  PORT=5900
5409   then you can connect to that URL with any Java enabled browser. Feel
5410   free to customize the default index.vnc file in the classes directory.
5412   As of May/2005 the -http option will try to guess where the Java
5413   classes jar file is by looking in expected locations and ones relative
5414   to the x11vnc binary.
5416   Also note that if you wanted to, you could also start the Java viewer
5417   entirely from the viewer-side by having the jar file there and using
5418   either the java or appletviewer commands to run the program.
5419  java -cp ./VncViewer.jar VncViewer HOST far-away.east PORT 5900
5421   Proxies: See the discussion here if the web browser must use a web
5422   proxy to connect to the internet. It is tricky to get Java applets to
5423   work in this case: a signed applet must be used so it can connect to
5424   the proxy and ask for the redirection to the VNC server. One way to do
5425   this is to use the signed SSL one referred to in classes/ssl/proxy.vnc
5426   and set disableSSL=yes (note that this has no encryption; please use
5427   SSL or SSH as discuss elsewhere on this page) in the URL or the file.
5430   Q-65: Are reverse connections (i.e. the VNC server connecting to the
5431   VNC viewer) using "vncviewer -listen" and vncconnect(1) supported?
5433   As of Mar/2004 x11vnc supports reverse connections. On Unix one starts
5434   the VNC viewer in listen mode: "vncviewer -listen" (see your
5435   documentation for Windows, etc), and then starts up x11vnc with the
5436   -connect option. To connect immediately at x11vnc startup time use the
5437   "-connect host:port" option (use commas for a list of hosts to connect
5438   to.) The ":port" is optional (default is VNC listening port is 5500.)
5440   If a file is specified instead: -connect /path/to/some/file then that
5441   file is checked periodically (about once a second) for new hosts to
5442   connect to.
5444   The -remote control option (aka -R) can also be used to do this during
5445   an active x11vnc session, e.g.:
5446x11vnc -display :0 -R connect:hostname.domain
5448   Use the "-connect_or_exit" option to have x11vnc exit if the reverse
5449   connection fails. Also, note the "-rfbport 0" option disables TCP
5450   listening for connections (potentially useful for reverse connection
5451   mode, assuming you do not want any "forward" connections.)
5453   Note that as of Mar/2006 x11vnc requires password authentication for
5454   reverse connections as well as for forward ones (assuming password
5455   auth has been enabled, e.g. via -rfbauth, -passwdfile, etc.) Many VNC
5456   servers do not require any password for reverse connections. To regain
5457   the old behavior supply this option "-env
5458   X11VNC_REVERSE_CONNECTION_NO_AUTH=1" to x11vnc.
5460   Vncconnect command: To use the vncconnect(1) program (from the core
5461   VNC package at www.realvnc.com) specify the -vncconnect option to
5462   x11vnc (Note: as of Dec/2004 -vncconnect is now the default.)
5463   vncconnect(1) must be pointed to the same X11 DISPLAY as x11vnc (since
5464   it uses X properties to communicate with x11vnc.) If you do not have
5465   or do not want to get the vncconnect(1) program, the following script
5466   (named "Vncconnect") may work if your xprop(1) supports the -set
5467   option:
5469# usage: Vncconnect <host>
5470#        Vncconnect <host:port>
5471# note: not all xprop(1) support -set.
5473xprop -root -f VNC_CONNECT 8s -set VNC_CONNECT "$1"
5476   Q-66: Can reverse connections be made to go through a Web or SOCKS
5477   proxy or SSH?
5479   Yes, as of Oct/2007 x11vnc supports reverse connections through
5480   proxies: use the "-proxy host:port" option. The default is to assume
5481   the proxy is a Web proxy. Note that most Web proxies only allow proxy
5482   destination connections to ports 443 (HTTPS) and 563 (SNEWS) and so
5483   this might not be too useful unless the proxy has been modified
5484   (AllowCONNECT apache setting) or the VNC viewer listens on one of
5485   those ports (or the router does a port redir.) A web proxy may also be
5486   specified via "-proxy http://host:port"
5488   For SOCKS4 and SOCKS4a proxies use this format "-proxy
5489   socks://host:port". If the reverse connection hostname is a numerical
5490   IP or "localhost" then SOCKS4 (no host lookup) is used, otherwise
5491   SOCKS4a will be used. For SOCKS5 (proxy will do lookup and many other
5492   things) use "-proxy socks5://host:port". Note that the SSH builtin
5493   SOCKS proxy "ssh -D port" only does SOCKS4 or SOCKS5, so use socks5://
5494   for a ssh -D proxy.
5496   The proxying works for both SSL encrypted and normal reverse
5497   connections.
5499   An experimental mode is "-proxy http://host:port/..." where the URL
5500   (e.g. a CGI script) is retrieved via the GET method. See -proxy for
5501   more info.
5503   Another experimental mode is "-proxy ssh://user@host" in which case a
5504   SSH tunnel is used for the proxying. See -proxy for more info.
5506   Up to 3 proxies may be chained together by listing them by commas
5507   e.g.: "-proxy http://host1:port1,socks5://host2:port2" in case one
5508   needs to ricochet off of several machines to ultimately reach the
5509   listening viewer.
5512   Q-67: Can x11vnc provide a multi-user desktop web login service as an
5513   Apache CGI or PHP script?
5514   Yes. See the example script desktop.cgi for ideas. It is in the source
5515   tree in the directory x11vnc/misc. It serves x11vnc's SSL enabled Java
5516   Applet to the web browser with the correct connection information for
5517   the user's virtual desktop (an Xvfb session via -create; be sure to
5518   add the Xvfb package.) HTTPS/SSL enabled Apache should be used to
5519   serve the script to avoid unix and vnc passwords from being sent in
5520   cleartext and sniffed.
5522   By default it uses a separate VNC port for each user desktop (either
5523   by autoprobing in a range of ports or using a port based on the userid
5524   number.) The web server's firewall must allow incoming connections to
5525   these ports.
5527   It is somewhat difficult to do all of this with x11vnc listening on a
5528   single port, however there is also a 'fixed port' scheme described in
5529   the script based on -loopbg that works fairly well (but more
5530   experience is needed to see what problems contention for the same port
5531   causes; however at worst one user may need to re-login.)
5533   There is also an optional 'port redirection' mode for desktop.cgi that
5534   allows redirection to other machines inside the firewall already
5535   running SSL enabled VNC servers. This provides much of the
5536   functionality as the SSL Portal and is easier to set up.
5539   Q-68: Can I use x11vnc as a replacement for Xvnc? (i.e. not for a real
5540   display, but for a virtual one I keep around.)
5542   You can, but you would not be doing this for performance reasons (for
5543   virtual X sessions via VNC, Xvnc should give the fastest response.)
5544   You may want to do this because Xvnc is buggy and crashes, does not
5545   support an X server extension you desire, or you want to take
5546   advantage of one of x11vnc's unending number of options and features.
5548   One way to achieve this is to have a Xvfb(1) virtual framebuffer X
5549   server running in the background and have x11vnc attached to it.
5550   Another method, faster and more accurate, is to use the "dummy" Device
5551   Driver in XFree86/Xorg (see below.)
5553   For these virtual sessions you will need to install the Xvfb program
5554   (e.g. apt-get install xvfb) or our Xdummy program (see below.)
5556   In either case, one can view this desktop both remotely and also
5557   locally using vncviewer. Make sure vncviewer's "-encodings raw" is in
5558   effect for local viewing (compression seems to slow things down
5559   locally.) For local viewing you set up a "bare" window manager that
5560   just starts up vncviewer and nothing else (See how below.)
5562   Here is one way to start up Xvfb:
5563  xinit -- /usr/bin/Xvfb :1 -cc 4 -screen 0 1024x768x16
5565   This starts up a 16bpp virtual display. To export it via VNC use
5566  x11vnc -display :1 ...
5568   Then have the remote vncviewer attach to x11vnc's VNC display (e.g. :0
5569   which is port 5900.)
5571   The "-cc 4" Xvfb option is to force it to use a TrueColor visual
5572   instead of DirectColor (this works around a recent bug in the Xorg
5573   Xvfb server.)
5575   One good thing about Xvfb is that the virtual framebuffer exists in
5576   main memory (rather than in the video hardware), and so x11vnc can
5577   "screen scrape" it very efficiently (more than, say, 100X faster than
5578   normal video hardware.)
5580   Update Nov/2006: See the FINDCREATEDISPLAY discussion of the "-display
5581   WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY" option where virtual (Xvfb or Xdummy, or even
5582   real ones by changing an option) X servers are started automatically
5583   for new users connecting. This provides a "desktop service" for the
5584   machine. You either get your real X session or your virtual
5585   (Xvfb/Xdummy) one whenever you connect to the machine (inetd(8) is a
5586   nice way to provide this service.) The -find, -create, -svc, and
5587   -xdmsvc aliases can also come in handy here.
5589   There are some annoyances WRT Xvfb however. The default keyboard
5590   mapping seems to be very poor. One should run x11vnc with -add_keysyms
5591   option to have keysyms added automatically. Also, to add the Shift_R
5592   and Control_R modifiers something like this is needed:
5594xmodmap -e "keycode any = Shift_R"
5595xmodmap -e "add Shift = Shift_L Shift_R"
5596xmodmap -e "keycode any = Control_R"
5597xmodmap -e "add Control = Control_L Control_R"
5598xmodmap -e "keycode any = Alt_L"
5599xmodmap -e "keycode any = Alt_R"
5600xmodmap -e "keycode any = Meta_L"
5601xmodmap -e "add Mod1 = Alt_L Alt_R Meta_L"
5603   (note: these are applied automatically in the FINDCREATEDISPLAY mode
5604   of x11vnc.) Perhaps the Xvfb options -xkbdb or -xkbmap could be used
5605   to get a better default keyboard mapping...
5607   Dummy Driver:  A user points out a faster and more accurate method is
5608   to use the "dummy" Device Driver of XFree86/Xorg instead of Xvfb. He
5609   uses this to create a persistent and resizable desktop accessible from
5610   anywhere. In the Device Section of the config file set Driver "dummy".
5611   You may also need to set VideoRam NNN to be large enough to hold the
5612   framebuffer. The framebuffer is kept in main memory like Xvfb except
5613   that the server code is closely correlated with the real XFree86/Xorg
5614   Xserver unlike Xvfb.
5616   The main drawback to this method (besides requiring extra
5617   configuration and possibly root permission) is that it also does the
5618   Linux Virtual Console/Terminal (VC/VT) switching even though it does
5619   not need to (since it doesn't use a real framebuffer.) There are some
5620   "dual headed" (actually multi-headed/multi-user) patches to the X
5621   server that turn off the VT usage in the X server. Update: As of
5622   Jul/2005 we have an LD_PRELOAD script Xdummy that allows you to use a
5623   stock (i.e. unpatched) Xorg or XFree86 server with the "dummy" driver
5624   and not have any VT switching problems! An advantage of Xdummy over
5625   Xvfb is that Xdummy supports RANDR dynamic screen resizing.
5627   The standard way to start the "dummy" driver would be:
5628startx -- :1 -config /etc/X11/xorg.conf.dummy
5630   where the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.dummy has its Device Section
5631   modified as described above. To use the LD_PRELOAD wrapper script:
5632startx -- /path/to/Xdummy :1
5634   An xdm(1) example is also provided.
5636   In general, one can use these sorts of schemes to use x11vnc to export
5637   other virtual X sessions, say Xnest or even Xvnc itself (useful for
5638   testing x11vnc.)
5640   Local access (VNC Server and VNC Viewer on the same machine): You use
5641   a VNC viewer to access the display remotely; to access your virtual X
5642   display locally (i.e. while sitting at the same machine it is running
5643   on) one can perhaps have something like this in their $HOME/.xinitrc
5645x11vnc -display :5 -rfbport 5905 -bg
5646vncviewer -geometry +0+0 -encodings raw -passwd $HOME/.vnc/passwd localhost:5
5648   The display numbers (VNC and X) will likely be different (you could
5649   also try -find), and you may not need the -passwd. Recent RealVNC
5650   viewers might be this:
5652x11vnc -display :5 -rfbport 5905 -bg
5653vncviewer -FullScreen -PreferredEncoding raw -passwd $HOME/.vnc/passwd localhos
5656   This way a bare X server is run with no window manager or desktop; it
5657   simply runs only the VNC Viewer on the real X server. The Viewer then
5658   draws the virtual X session on to the real one. On your system it
5659   might not be $HOME/.xinitrc, but rather .xsession, .Xclients, or
5660   something else. You will need to figure out what it is for your system
5661   and configuration.
5664   XDM/GDM/KDM One-Shot X sessions: For the general replacement of Xvnc
5665   by Xvfb+x11vnc, one user describes a similar setup he created where
5666   the X sessions are one-shot's (destroyed after the vncviewer
5667   disconnects) and it uses the XDM/GDM/KDM login greeter here.
5670   Q-69: How can I use x11vnc on "headless" machines? Why might I want
5671   to?
5673   An interesting application of x11vnc is to let it export displays of
5674   "headless" machines. For example, you may have some lab or server
5675   machines with no keyboard, mouse, or monitor, but each one still has a
5676   video card. One can use x11vnc to provide a simple "desktop service"
5677   from these server machines.
5679   An X server can be started on the headless machine (sometimes this
5680   requires configuring the X server to not fail if it cannot detect a
5681   keyboard or mouse, see the next paragraph.) Then you can export that X
5682   display via x11vnc (e.g. see this FAQ) and access it from anywhere on
5683   the network via a VNC viewer.
5685   Some tips on getting X servers to start on machines without keyboard
5686   or mouse: For XFree86/Xorg the Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true"
5687   "ServerFlags" config file option is useful. On Solaris Xsun the
5688   +nkeyboard and +nmouse options are useful (put them in the server
5689   command line args in /etc/dt/config/Xservers.) There are patches
5690   available for Xsun at lease back to Solaris 8 that support this. See
5691   Xserver(1) for more info.
5693   Although this usage may sound strange it can be quite useful for a GUI
5694   (or other) testing or QA setups: the engineers do not need to walk to
5695   lab machines running different hardware, OS's, versions, etc (or have
5696   many different machines in their office.) They just connect to the
5697   various test machines over the network via VNC. The advantage to
5698   testing this way instead of using Xvnc or even Xvfb is that the test
5699   is done using the real X server, fonts, video hardware, etc. that will
5700   be used in the field.
5702   One can imagine a single server machine crammed with as many video
5703   cards as it can hold to provide multiple simultaneous access or
5704   testing on different kinds of video hardware.
5706   See also the FINDCREATEDISPLAY discussion of the "-display
5707   WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY" option where virtual Xvfb or Xdummy, or real X
5708   servers are started automatically for new users connecting. The -find,
5709   -create, -svc, and -xdmsvc aliases can also come in handy here.
5711   [Resource Usage and Performance]
5713   Q-70: I have lots of memory, but why does x11vnc fail with    shmget:
5714   No space left on device    or    Minor opcode of failed request: 1
5715   (X_ShmAttach)?
5717   It is not a matter of free memory, but rather free shared memory (shm)
5718   slots, also known as shm segments. This often occurs on a public
5719   Solaris machine using the default of only 100 slots. You (or the owner
5720   or root) can clean them out with ipcrm(1). x11vnc tries hard to
5721   release its slots, but it, and other programs, are not always able to
5722   (e.g. if kill -9'd.)
5724   Sometimes x11vnc will notice the problem with shm segments and tries
5725   to get by with fewer, only giving a warning like this:
5726  19/03/2004 10:10:58 shmat(tile_row) failed.
5727  shmat: Too many open files
5728  19/03/2004 10:10:58 error creating tile-row shm for len=4
5729  19/03/2004 10:10:58 reverting to single_copytile mode
5731   Here is a shell script shm_clear to list and prompt for removal of
5732   your unattached shm segments (attached ones are skipped.) I use it
5733   while debugging x11vnc (I use "shm_clear -y" to assume "yes" for each
5734   prompt.) If x11vnc is regularly not cleaning up its shm segments,
5735   please contact me so we can work to improve the situation.
5737   Longer term, on Solaris you can put something like this in
5738   /etc/system:
5739  set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax = 0x2000000
5740  set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni = 0x1000
5742   to sweep the problem under the rug (4096 slots.) On Linux, examine
5743   /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni; you can modify the value by writing to that
5744   file.
5746   Things are even more tight on Solaris 8 and earlier, there is a
5747   default maximum number of shm segments per process of 6. The error is
5748   the X server (not x11vnc) being unable to attach to the segments, and
5749   looks something like this:
5750  30/04/2004 14:04:26 Got connection from client
5751  30/04/2004 14:04:26   other clients:
5752  X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private resource den
5754     Major opcode of failed request:  131 (MIT-SHM)
5755     Minor opcode of failed request:  1 (X_ShmAttach)
5756     Serial number of failed request:  14
5757     Current serial number in output stream:  17
5759   This tight limit on Solaris 8 can be increased via:
5760  set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg = 100
5762   in /etc/system. See the next paragraph for more workarounds.
5764   To minimize the number of shm segments used by x11vnc try using the
5765   -onetile option (corresponds to only 3 shm segments used, and adding
5766   -fs 1.0 knocks it down to 2.) If you are having much trouble with shm
5767   segments, consider disabling shm completely via the -noshm option.
5768   Performance will be somewhat degraded but when done over local machine
5769   sockets it should be acceptable (see an earlier question discussing
5770   -noshm.)
5773   Q-71: How can I make x11vnc use less system resources?
5775   The -nap (now on by default; use -nonap to disable) and "-wait n"
5776   (where n is the sleep between polls in milliseconds, the default is 30
5777   or so) option are good places to start. In addition, something like
5778   "-sb 15" will cause x11vnc to go into a deep-sleep mode after 15
5779   seconds of no activity (instead of the default 60.)
5781   Reducing the X server bits per pixel depth (e.g. to 16bpp or even
5782   8bpp) will further decrease memory I/O and network I/O. The ShadowFB X
5783   server setting will make x11vnc's screen polling less severe. Using
5784   the -onetile option will use less memory and use fewer shared memory
5785   slots (add -fs 1.0 for one less slot.)
5788   Q-72: How can I make x11vnc use MORE system resources?
5790   You can try -threads (note this mode can be unstable and/or crash; and
5791   as of May/2008 is strongly discouraged, see the option description) or
5792   dial down the wait time (e.g. -wait 1) and possibly dial down -defer
5793   as well. Note that if you try to increase the "frame rate" too much
5794   you can bog down the server end with the extra work it needs to do
5795   compressing the framebuffer data, etc.
5797   That said, it is possible to "stream" video via x11vnc if the video
5798   window is small enough. E.g. a 256x192 xawtv TV capture window (using
5799   the x11vnc -id option) can be streamed over a LAN or wireless at a
5800   reasonable frame rate. If the graphics card's framebuffer read rate is
5801   faster than normal then the video window size and frame rate can be
5802   much higher. The use of TurboVNC and/or TurboJPEG can make the frame
5803   rate somewhat higher still (but most of this hinges on the graphics
5804   card's read rate.)
5807   Q-73: I use x11vnc over a slow link with high latency (e.g. dialup
5808   modem or broadband), is there anything I can do to speed things up?
5810   Some things you might want to experiment with (many of which will help
5811   performance on faster links as well):
5813     X server/session parameters:
5814     * Configure the X server bits per pixel to be 16bpp or even 8bpp.
5815       (reduces amount of data needed to be polled, compressed, and sent)
5816     * Use a smaller desktop size (e.g. 1024x768 instead of 1280x1024)
5817     * Make sure the desktop background is a solid color (the background
5818       is resent every time it is re-exposed.) Consider using the -solid
5819       [color] option to try to do this automatically.
5820     * Configure your window manager or desktop "theme" to not use fancy
5821       images, shading, and gradients for the window decorations, etc.
5822       Disable window animations, etc. Maybe your desktop has a "low
5823       bandwidth" theme you can easily switch into and out of. Also in
5824       Firefox disable eye-candy, e.g.: Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced
5825       -> Use Smooth Scrolling (deselect it.)
5826     * Avoid small scrolls of large windows using the Arrow keys or
5827       scrollbar. Try to use PageUp/PageDown instead. (not so much of a
5828       problem in x11vnc 0.7.2 if -scrollcopyrect is active and detecting
5829       scrolls for the application.)
5830     * If the -wireframe option is not available (earlier than x11vnc
5831       0.7.2 or you have disabled it via -nowireframe) then Disable
5832       Opaque Moves and Resizes in the window manager/desktop.
5833     * However if -wireframe is active (on by default in x11vnc 0.7.2)
5834       then you should Enable Opaque Moves and Resizes in the window
5835       manager! This seems counter-intuitive, but because x11vnc detects
5836       the move/resize events early there is a huge speedup over a slow
5837       link when Opaque Moves and Resizes are enabled. (e.g. CopyRect
5838       encoding will be used.)
5839     * Turn off Anti-aliased fonts on your system, web browser, terminal
5840       windows, etc. AA fonts do not compress as well as traditional
5841       fonts (sometimes 10X less.)
5842     * On Firefox/Mozilla (and anything else) turn off "Smooth Scroll"
5843       animations. In Firefox put in the URL "about:config" and set
5844       general.smoothScroll to false.
5845     * On Xorg/XFree86 turn on the Shadow Framebuffer to speed up
5846       reading. (Option "ShadowFB" "true" in the Device section of
5847       /etc/X11/XF86Config) This disables 2D acceleration on the physical
5848       display and so may not be worth it (if you play games, etc), but
5849       could be of use in some situations. Note: If the network link is
5850       very slow, this speedup may not be noticed.
5852     VNC viewer parameters:
5853     * Use a TightVNC enabled viewer! (Actually, RealVNC 4.x viewer with
5854       ZRLE encoding is not too bad either; some claim it is faster.)
5855     * Make sure the tight (or zrle) encoding is being used (look at
5856       vncviewer and x11vnc outputs)
5857     * Request 8 bits per pixel using -bgr233 (up to 4X speedup over
5858       depth 24 TrueColor (32bpp), but colors will be off)
5859     * RealVNC 4.x viewer has some extremely low color modes (only 64 and
5860       even 8 colors.) SSVNC does too. The colors are poor, but it is
5861       usually noticeably faster than bgr233 (256 colors.)
5862     * Try increasing the TightVNC -compresslevel (compresses more on
5863       server side before sending, but uses more CPU)
5864     * Try reducing the TightVNC -quality (increases JPEG compression,
5865       but is lossy with painting artifacts)
5866     * Try other VNC encodings via -encodings (tight may be the fastest,
5867       but you should compare it to zrle and maybe some of the others)
5868     * On the machine where vncviewer is run, make sure Backing Store is
5869       enabled (Xorg/XFree86 disables it by default causing re-exposures
5870       of vncviewer to be very slow) Option "backingstore" in config
5871       file.
5873     x11vnc parameters:
5874     * Make sure the -wireframe option is active (it should be on by
5875       default) and you have Opaque Moves/Resizes Enabled in the window
5876       manager.
5877     * Make sure the -scrollcopyrect option is active (it should be on by
5878       default.) This detects scrolls in many (but not all) applications
5879       an applies the CopyRect encoding for a big speedup.
5880     * Enforce a solid background when VNC viewers are connected via
5881       -solid
5882     * Try x11vnc's client-side caching client-side caching scheme:
5883       -ncache
5884     * Specify -speeds modem to force the wireframe and scrollcopyrect
5885       heuristic parameters (and any future ones) to those of a dialup
5886       modem connection (or supply the rd,bw,lat numerical values that
5887       characterize your link.)
5888     * If wireframe and scrollcopyrect aren't working, try using the more
5889       drastic -nodragging (no screen updates when dragging mouse, but
5890       sometimes you miss visual feedback)
5891     * Set -fs 1.0 (disables fullscreen updates)
5892     * Try increasing -wait or -defer (reduces the maximum "frame rate",
5893       but won't help much for large screen changes)
5894     * Try the -progressive pixelheight mode with the block pixelheight
5895       100 or so (delays sending vertical blocks since they may change
5896       while viewer is receiving earlier ones)
5897     * If you just want to watch one (simple) window use -id or -appshare
5898       (cuts down extraneous polling and updates, but can be buggy or
5899       insufficient)
5900     * Set -nosel (disables all clipboard selection exchange)
5901     * Use -nocursor and -nocursorpos (repainting the remote cursor
5902       position and shape takes resources and round trips)
5903     * On very slow links (e.g. <= 28.8) you may need to increase the
5904       -readtimeout n setting if it sometimes takes more than 20sec to
5905       paint the full screen, etc.
5906     * Do not use -fixscreen to automatically refresh the whole screen,
5907       tap three Alt_L's then the screen has painting errors (rare
5908       problem.)
5911   Example for the KDE desktop:
5913   Launch the "KDE Control Center" utility. Sometimes this is called
5914   "Personal Settings".
5916   Select "Desktop".
5918    Then Select "Window Behavior". In the "Moving" Tab set these:
5919     * YES - Display content in moving windows
5920     * YES - Display content in resizing windows
5921     * NO   - Display window geometry when moving or resizing
5922     * NO   - Animate minimize and restore
5924    In the "Translucency" Tab set:
5925     * NO   - Use translucency/shadows
5927   Next hit "Back" and then select "Panels".
5929    In the "Appearance" Tab set:
5930     * NO   - Enable icon mouseover effects
5931     * NO   - Enable transparency
5933   Now go all the way back up to the top and Select "Appearance &
5934   Themes".
5936    Select "Background" and set:
5937     * YES - No picture
5938     * Colors: Single Color
5940    Select "Fonts" and disable anti-aliased fonts if you are bold enough.
5942    Select "Launch Feedback" and set:
5943     * Busy Cursor: No Busy Cursor
5944     * NO   - Enable taskbar notification
5946    Select "Screen Saver" and set:
5947     * Screen Saver: Blank Screen
5949    Select "Style" and in the "Effects" Tab set:
5950     * NO   - Enable GUI effects
5953   Example for the GNOME desktop:
5954     * TBD.
5957   Q-74: Does x11vnc support the X DAMAGE Xserver extension to find
5958   modified regions of the screen quickly and efficiently?
5960   Yes, as of Mar/2005 x11vnc will use the X DAMAGE extension by default
5961   if it is available on the display. This requires libXdamage to be
5962   available in the build environment as well (recent Linux distros and
5963   Solaris 10 have it.)
5965   The DAMAGE extension enables the X server to report changed regions of
5966   the screen back to x11vnc. So x11vnc doesn't have to guess where the
5967   changes are (by polling every pixel of the entire screen every 2-4
5968   seconds.) The use of X DAMAGE dramatically reduces the load when the
5969   screen is not changing very much (i.e. most of the time.) It also
5970   noticeably improves updates, especially for very small changed areas
5971   (e.g. clock ticking, cursor flashing, typing, etc.)
5973   Note that the DAMAGE extension does not speed up the actual reading of
5974   pixels from the video card framebuffer memory, by, say, mirroring them
5975   in main memory. So reading the fb is still painfully slow (e.g.
5976   5MB/sec), and so even using X DAMAGE when large changes occur on the
5977   screen the bulk of the time is still spent retrieving them. Not ideal,
5978   but use of the ShadowFB XFree86/Xorg option speeds up the reading
5979   considerably (at the cost of h/w acceleration.)
5981   Unfortunately the current Xorg DAMAGE extension implementation can at
5982   times be overly conservative and report very large rectangles as
5983   "damaged" even though only a small portion of the pixels have actually
5984   been modified. This behavior is often the fault of the window manager
5985   (e.g. it redraws the entire, unseen, frame window underneath the
5986   application window when it gains focus), or the application itself
5987   (e.g. does large, unnecessary repaints.)
5989   To work around this deficiency, x11vnc currently only trusts small
5990   DAMAGE rectangles to contain real damage. The larger rectangles are
5991   only used as hints to focus the traditional scanline polling (i.e. if
5992   a scanline doesn't intersect a recent DAMAGE rectangle, the scan is
5993   skipped.) You can use the "-xd_area A" option to adjust the size of
5994   the trusted DAMAGE rectangles. The default is 20000 pixels (e.g. a
5995   140x140 square, etc.) Use "-xd_area 0" to disable the cutoff and trust
5996   all DAMAGE rectangles.
5998   The option "-xd_mem f" may also be of use in tuning the algorithm. To
5999   disable using DAMAGE entirely use "-noxdamage".
6002   Q-75: My OpenGL application shows no screen updates unless I supply
6003   the -noxdamage option to x11vnc.
6004   One user reports in his environment (MythTV using the NVIDIA OpenGL
6005   drivers) he gets no updates after the initial screen is drawn unless
6006   he uses the "-noxdamage" option.
6008   This seems to be a bug in the X DAMAGE implementation of that driver.
6009   You may have to use -noxdamage as well. A way to autodetect this will
6010   be tried, probably the best it will do is automatically stop using X
6011   DAMAGE.
6013   A developer for MiniMyth reports that the 'alphapulse' tag of the
6014   theme G.A.N.T. can also cause problems, and should be avoided when
6015   using VNC.
6017   Update: see this FAQ too.
6020   Q-76: When I drag windows around with the mouse or scroll up and down
6021   things really bog down (unless I do the drag in a single, quick
6022   motion.) Is there anything to do to improve things?
6024   This problem is primarily due to slow hardware read rates from video
6025   cards: as you scroll or move a large window around the screen changes
6026   are much too rapid for x11vnc to keep up them (it can usually only
6027   read the video card at about 5-10 MB/sec, so it can take a good
6028   fraction of a second to read the changes induce from moving a large
6029   window, if this to be done a number of times in succession the window
6030   or scroll appears to "lurch" forward.) See the description in the
6031   -pointer_mode option for more info. The next bottleneck is compressing
6032   all of these changes and sending them out to connected viewers,
6033   however the VNC protocol is pretty much self-adapting with respect to
6034   that (updates are only packaged and sent when viewers ask for them.)
6036   As of Jan/2004 there are some improvements to libvncserver. The
6037   default should now be much better than before and dragging small
6038   windows around should no longer be a huge pain. If for some reason
6039   these changes make matters worse, you can go back to the old way via
6040   the "-pointer_mode 1" option.
6042   Also added was the -nodragging option that disables all screen updates
6043   while dragging with the mouse (i.e. mouse motion with a button held
6044   down.) This gives the snappiest response, but might be undesired in
6045   some circumstances when you want to see the visual feedback while
6046   dragging (e.g. menu traversal or text selection.)
6048   As of Dec/2004 the -pointer_mode n option was introduced. n=1 is the
6049   original mode, n=2 an improvement, etc.. See the -pointer_mode n help
6050   for more info.
6052   Also, in some circumstances the -threads option can improve response
6053   considerably. Be forewarned that if more than one vncviewer is
6054   connected at the same time then libvncserver may not be thread safe
6055   (try to get the viewers to use different VNC encodings, e.g. tight and
6056   ZRLE.) This option can be unstable and so as of Feb/2008 it is
6057   disabled by default. Set env. X11VNC_THREADED=1 to re-enable.
6059   As of Apr/2005 two new options (see the wireframe FAQ and
6060   scrollcopyrect FAQ below) provide schemes to sweep this problem under
6061   the rug for window moves or resizes and for some (but not all) window
6062   scrolls. These are the preferred way of avoiding the "lurching"
6063   problem, contact me if they are not working. Note on SuSE and some
6064   other distros the RECORD X extension used by scrollcopyrect is not
6065   enabled by default, turn it on in xorg.conf:
6066Section "Module"
6067        ...
6068        Load  "record"
6069        ...
6073   Q-77: Why not do something like wireframe animations to avoid the
6074   windows "lurching" when being moved or resized?
6076   Nice idea for a hack! As of Apr/2005 x11vnc by default will apply
6077   heuristics to try to guess if a window is being (opaquely) moved or
6078   resized. If such a change is detected framebuffer polling and updates
6079   will be suspended and only an animated "wireframe" (a rectangle
6080   outline drawn where the moved/resized window would be) is shown. When
6081   the window move/resize stops, it returns to normal processing: you
6082   should only see the window appear in the new position. This spares you
6083   from interacting with a "lurching" window between all of the
6084   intermediate steps. BTW the lurching is due to slow video card read
6085   rates (see here too.) A displacement, even a small one, of a large
6086   window requires a non-negligible amount of time, a good fraction of a
6087   second, to read in from the hardware framebuffer.
6089   Note that Opaque Moves/Resizes must be Enabled by your window manager
6090   for -wireframe to do any good.
6092   The mode is currently on by default because most people are afflicted
6093   with the problem. It can be disabled with the -nowireframe option (aka
6094   -nowf.) Why might one want to turn off the wireframing? Since x11vnc
6095   is merely guessing when windows are being moved/resized, it may guess
6096   poorly for your window-manager or desktop, or even for the way you
6097   move the pointer. If your window-manager or desktop already does its
6098   own wireframing then this mode is a waste of time and could do the
6099   wrong thing occasionally. There may be other reasons the new mode
6100   feels unnatural. If you have very expensive video hardware (SGI, well
6101   now even proprietary Xorg drivers are fast at reading) or are using an
6102   in-RAM video framebuffer (SunRay, ShadowFB, Xvfb), the read rate from
6103   that framebuffer may be very fast (100's of MB/sec) and so you don't
6104   really see much lurching (at least over a fast LAN): opaque moves look
6105   smooth in x11vnc. Note: ShadowFB is often turned on when you are using
6106   the vesafb or fbdev XFree86 video driver instead of a native one so
6107   you might be using it already and not know.
6109   The heuristics used to guess window motion or resizing are simple, but
6110   are not fool proof: x11vnc is sometimes tricked and so you'll
6111   occasionally see the lurching opaque move and rarely something even
6112   worse.
6114   First it assumes that the move/resize will occur with a mouse button
6115   pressed, held down and dragged (of course this is only mostly true.)
6116   Next it will only consider a window for wireframing if the mouse
6117   pointer is initially "close enough" to the edges of the window frame,
6118   e.g. you have grabbed the title bar or a resizer edge (this
6119   requirement can be disabled and it also not applied if a modifier key,
6120   e.g. Alt, is pressed.) If these are true, it will wait an amount of
6121   time to see if the window starts moving or resizing. If it does, it
6122   starts drawing the wireframe "outline" of where the window would be.
6123   When the mouse button is released, or a timeout occurs, it goes back
6124   to the standard mode to allow the actual framebuffer changes to
6125   propagate to the viewers.
6127   These parameters can be tweaked:
6128     * Color/Shade of the wireframe.
6129     * Linewidth of the outline frame.
6130     * Cutoff size of windows to not apply wireframing to.
6131     * Cutoffs for closeness to Top, Bottom, Left, and Right edges of
6132       window.
6133     * Modifier keys to enable interior window grabbing.
6134     * Maximum time to wait for dragging pointer events.
6135     * Maximum time to wait for the window to start moving/resizing.
6136     * Maximum time to show a wireframe animation.
6137     * Minimum time between sending wireframe outlines.
6139   See the "-wireframe tweaks" option for more details. On a slow link,
6140   e.g. dialup modem, the parameters may be automatically adjusted for
6141   better response.
6144   CopyRect encoding:  In addition to the above there is the
6145   "-wirecopyrect mode" option. It is also on by default. This instructs
6146   x11vnc to not only show the wireframe animation, but to also instruct
6147   all connected VNC viewers to locally translate the window image data
6148   from the original position to the new position on the screen when the
6149   animation is done. This speedup is the VNC CopyRect encoding: the
6150   framebuffer update doesn't need to send the actual new image data.
6151   This is nice in general, and very convenient over a slow link, but
6152   since it is based on heuristics you may need to disable it with the
6153   -nowirecopyrect option (aka -nowcr) if it works incorrectly or
6154   unnaturally for you.
6156   The -wirecopyrect modes are: "never" (same as -nowirecopyrect); "top",
6157   only apply the CopyRect if the window is appears to be on the top of
6158   the window stack and is not obstructed by other windows; and "always"
6159   to always try to apply the CopyRect (obstructed regions are usually
6160   clipped off and not translated.)
6162   Note that some desktops (KDE and xfce) appear to mess with the window
6163   stacking in ways that are not yet clear. In these cases x11vnc works
6164   around the problem by applying the CopyRect even if obscuring windows'
6165   data is translated! Use -nowirecopyrect if this yields undesirable
6166   effects for your desktop.
6168   Also, the CopyRect encoding may give incorrect results under -scale
6169   (depending on the scale factor the CopyRect operation is often only
6170   approximate: the correctly scaled framebuffer will be slightly
6171   different from the translated one.) x11vnc will try to push a
6172   "cleanup" update after the CopyRect if -scale is in effect. Use
6173   -nowirecopyrect if this or other painting errors are unacceptable.
6176   Q-78: Can x11vnc try to apply heuristics to detect when a window is
6177   scrolling its contents and use the CopyRect encoding for a speedup?
6179   Another nice idea for a hack! As of May/2005 x11vnc will by default
6180   apply heuristics to try to detect if the window that has the input
6181   focus is scrolling its contents (but only when x11vnc is feeding user
6182   input, keystroke or pointer, to the X server.) So, when detected,
6183   scrolls induced by dragging on a scrollbar or by typing (e.g. Up or
6184   Down arrows, hitting Return in a terminal window, etc), will show up
6185   much more quickly than via the standard x11vnc screen polling update
6186   mechanism.
6188   There will be a speedup for both slow and fast links to viewers. For
6189   slow links the speedup is mostly due to the CopyRect encoding not
6190   requiring the image data to be transmitted over the network. For fast
6191   links the speedup is primarily due to x11vnc not having to read the
6192   scrolled framebuffer data from the X server (recall that reading from
6193   the hardware framebuffer is slow.)
6195   To do this x11vnc uses the RECORD X extension to snoop the X11
6196   protocol between the X client with the focus window and the X server.
6197   This extension is usually present on most X servers (but SuSE disables
6198   it for some reason.) On XFree86/Xorg it can be enabled via Load
6199   "record" in the Module section of the config file if it isn't already:
6200Section "Module"
6201        ...
6202        Load  "record"
6203        ...
6206   Currently the RECORD extension is used as little as possible so as to
6207   not slow down regular use. Only simple heuristics are applied to
6208   detect XCopyArea and XConfigureWindow calls from the application.
6209   These catch a lot of scrolls, e.g. in mozilla/firefox and in terminal
6210   windows like gnome-terminal and xterm. Unfortunately the toolkits KDE
6211   applications use make scroll detection less effective (only rarely are
6212   they detected: i.e. Konqueror and Konsole don't work.) An interesting
6213   project, that may be the direction x11vnc takes, is to record all of
6214   the X11 protocol from all clients and try to "tee" the stream into a
6215   modified Xvfb watching for CopyRect and other VNC speedups. A
6216   potential issue is the RECORD stream is delayed from actual view on
6217   the X server display: if one falls too far behind it could become a
6218   mess...
6220   The initial implementation of -scrollcopyrect option is useful in that
6221   it detects many scrolls and thus gives a much nicer working
6222   environment (especially when combined with the -wireframe
6223   -wirecopyrect options, which are also on by default; and if you are
6224   willing to enable the ShadowFB things are very fast.) The fact that
6225   there aren't long delays or lurches during scrolling is the primary
6226   improvement.
6228   But there are some drawbacks:
6229     * Not all scrolls are detected. Some apps scroll windows in ways
6230       that cannot currently be detected, and other times x11vnc "misses"
6231       the scroll due to timeouts, etc. Sometimes it is more distracting
6232       that a speedup occasionally doesn't work as opposed to being
6233       consistently slow!
6234     * For rapid scrolling (i.e. sequence of many scrolls over a short
6235       period) there can be painting errors (tearing, bunching up, etc.)
6236       during the scroll. These will repair themselves after the scroll
6237       is over, but when they are severe it can be distracting. Try to
6238       think of the approximate window contents as a quicker and more
6239       useful "animation" compared to the slower polling scheme...
6240     * Scrolling inside shells in terminal windows (gnome-terminal,
6241       xterm), can lead to odd painting errors. This is because x11vnc
6242       did not have time to detect a screen change just before the scroll
6243       (most common is the terminal undraws the block cursor before
6244       scrolling the text up: in the viewer you temporarily see multiple
6245       block cursors.) Another issue is with things like more(1): scroll
6246       detection for 5-6 lines happens nicely, but then it can't keep up
6247       and so there is a long pause for the standard polling method to
6248       deliver the remaining updates.
6249     * More rarely sometimes painting errors are not repaired after the
6250       scroll is over. This may be a bug in x11vnc or libvncserver, or it
6251       may be an inescapable fact of the CopyRect encoding and the delay
6252       between RECORD callbacks and what is actually on the X display.
6253       One can tap the Alt_L key (Left "Alt" key) 3 times in a row to
6254       signal x11vnc to refresh the screen to all viewers. Your
6255       VNC-viewer may have its own screen refresh hot-key or button. See
6256       also: -fixscreen
6257     * Some applications, notably OpenOffice, do XCopyArea scrolls in
6258       weird ways that assume ancestor window clipping is taking place.
6259       See the -scr_skip option for ways to tweak this on a
6260       per-application basis.
6261     * Selecting text while dragging the mouse may be slower, especially
6262       if the Button-down event happens near the window's edge. This is
6263       because the scrollcopyrect scheme is watching for scrolls via
6264       RECORD and has to wait for a timeout to occur before it does the
6265       update.
6266     * For reasons not yet understood the RECORD extension can stop
6267       responding (and hence scrolls are missed.) As a workaround x11vnc
6268       attempts to reset the RECORD connection every 60 seconds or so.
6269       Another workaround is to type 4 Super_L (Left Super/Windows-Flag
6270       key) in a row to reset RECORD. Work is in progress to try to fix
6271       this bug.
6272     * Sometimes you need to "retrain" x11vnc for a certain window
6273       because it fails to detect scrolls in it. Sometimes clicking
6274       inside the application window or selecting some text in it to
6275       force the focus helps.
6276     * When using the -scale option there will be a quick CopyRect
6277       scroll, but it needs to be followed by a slower "cleanup" update.
6278       This is because for a fixed finite screen resolution (e.g. 75 dpi)
6279       scaling and copyrect-ing are not exactly independent. Scaling
6280       involves a blending of nearby pixels and if you translate a pixel
6281       the neighbor pixel weighting may be different. So you have to wait
6282       a bit for the cleanup update to finish. On slow links x11vnc may
6283       automatically decide to not detect scrolls when -scale is in
6284       effect. In general it will also try to defer the cleanup update if
6285       possible.
6287   If you find the -scrollcopyrect behavior too approximate or
6288   distracting you can go back to the standard polling-only update method
6289   with the -noscrollcopyrect (or -noscr for short.) If you find some
6290   extremely bad and repeatable behavior for -scrollcopyrect please
6291   report a bug.
6293   Alternatively, as with -wireframe, there are many tuning parameters to
6294   try to improve the situation. You can also access these parameters
6295   inside the gui under "Tuning". These parameters can be tweaked:
6296     * The minimum pixel area of a rectangle to be watched for scrolls.
6297     * A list if application names to skip scroll detection.
6298     * Which keystrokes should trigger scroll detection.
6299     * Which applications should have a "terminal" tweak applied to them.
6300     * When repeating keys (e.g. Up arrow) should be discarded to
6301       preserve a scroll.
6302     * Cutoffs for closeness to Top, Bottom, Left, and Right edges of
6303       window for mouse induced scrolls.
6304     * Set timeout parameters for keystroke induced scrolls.
6305     * Set timeout parameters for mouse pointer induced scrolls.
6306     * Have the full screen be periodically refreshed to fix painting
6307       errors.
6310   Q-79: Can x11vnc do client-side caching of pixel data? I.e. so when
6311   that pixel data is needed again it does not have to be retransmitted
6312   over the network.
6314   As of Dec/2006 in the 0.9 development tarball there is an experimental
6315   client-side caching implementation enabled by the "-ncache n" option.
6316   In fact, during the test period it was on by default with n set to 10.
6317   To disable it use "-noncache".
6319   It is a simple scheme where a (very large) lower portion of the
6320   framebuffer (i.e. starting just below the user's actual desktop
6321   display) is used for storing pixel data. CopyRect; a fast, essentially
6322   local viewer-side VNC encoding; is used to swap the pixel data in and
6323   out of the actual display area. It gives an excellent speedup for
6324   iconifying/deiconifying and moving windows and re-posting of menus
6325   (often it doesn't feel like VNC at all: there is no delay waiting for
6326   the pixel data to fill in.)
6328   This scheme is nice because it does all of this within the existing
6329   VNC protocol, and so it works with all VNC viewers.
6331   A challenge to doing more sophisticated (e.g. compressed and/or
6332   shared) client-side caching is that one needs to extend the VNC
6333   protocol, modify a viewer and then also convince users to adopt your
6334   modified VNC Viewer (or get the new features to be folded into the
6335   main VNC viewers, patches accepted, etc... likely takes many years
6336   before they might be deployed in the field.) So it is convenient that
6337   the "-ncache n" works with any unaltered VNC viewer.
6339   A drawback of the "-ncache n" method is that in the VNC Viewer you can
6340   scroll down and actually see the cached pixel data. So it looks like
6341   there is a bug: you can scroll down in your viewer and see a strange
6342   "history" of windows on your desktop. This is working as intended. One
6343   will need to try to adjust the size of his VNC Viewer window so the
6344   cache area cannot be seen. SSVNC (see below) can do this
6345   automatically.
6347   At some point LibVNCServer may implement a "rfbFBCrop" pseudoencoding
6348   that viewers can use to learn which portion of the framebuffer to
6349   actually show to the users (with the hidden part used for caching, or
6350   perhaps something else, maybe double buffering or other offscreen
6351   rendering...)
6353   The Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) Unix viewer has a nice -ycrop
6354   option to help hide the pixel cache area from view. It will turn on
6355   automatically if the framebuffer appears to be very tall (height more
6356   than twice the width), or you can supply the actual value for the
6357   height. If the screen is resized by scaling, etc, the ycrop value is
6358   scaled as well. In fullscreen mode you cannot scroll past the end of
6359   the actual screen, and in non-fullscreen mode the window manager frame
6360   is adjusted to fit the actual display (so you don't see the pixel
6361   cache region) and the scrollbars are very thin to avoid distraction
6362   and trouble fitting inside your display. Use the "-sbwidth n" viewer
6363   option to make the scrollbars thicker if you like.
6365   Another drawback of the scheme is that it is VERY memory intensive,
6366   the n in "-ncache n" is the factor of increase over the base
6367   framebuffer size to use for caching. It is an even integer and should
6368   be fairly large, 6-12, to achieve good response. This usually requires
6369   about 50-100MB of additional RAM on both the client and server sides.
6370   For example with n=6 a 1280x1024 display will use a framebuffer that
6371   is 1280x7168: everything below row 1024 is the pixel buffer cache. If
6372   you are running on low memory machines or memory is tight because of
6373   other running applications you should not use -ncache.
6375   The reason for so much memory is because the pixel data is not
6376   compressed and so the whole window to be saved must be stored
6377   "offscreen". E.g. for a large web browser window this can be nearly 1
6378   million pixels, and that is only for a single window! One typically
6379   wants to cycle between 5-10 large active windows. Also because both
6380   backing-store (the window's actual contents) and save-unders (the
6381   pixels covered up by the window) are cached offscreen that introduces
6382   an additional factor of 2 in memory use.
6384   However, even in the smallest usage mode with n equal 2 and
6385   -ncache_no_rootpixmap set (this requires only 2X additional
6386   framebuffer memory) there is still a noticable improvement for many
6387   activities, although it is not as dramatic as with, say n equal 12 and
6388   rootpixmap (desktop background) caching enabled.
6390   The large memory consumption of the current implementation can be
6391   thought of as a tradeoff to providing caching and being compatible
6392   with all VNC viewers and also ease of implementing. Hopefully it can
6393   be tuned to use less, or the VNC community will extend the protocol to
6394   allow caching and replaying of compressed blobs of data.
6396   Another option to experiment with is "-ncache_cr". By specifying it,
6397   x11vnc will try to do smooth opaque window moves instead of its
6398   wireframe. This can give a very nice effect (note: on Unix the realvnc
6399   viewer seems to be smoother than the tightvnc viewer), but can lead to
6400   some painting problems, and can be jerky in some circumstances.
6402   Surprisingly, for very slow connections, e.g. modem, the -ncache_cr
6403   option can actually improve window drags. This is probably because no
6404   pixel data (only CopyRect instructions) are sent when dragging a
6405   window. Normally, the wireframe must be sent and this involves
6406   compressing and sending the lines that give rise to the moving box
6407   effect (note that real framebuffer data is sent to "erase" the white
6408   lines of the box.)
6410   If you experience painting errors you can can tap the Alt_L key (Left
6411   "Alt" key) 3 times in a row to signal x11vnc to refresh the screen to
6412   all viewers. You may also need to iconify and then deiconify any
6413   damaged windows to correct their cache data as well. Note that if you
6414   change color viewer depth (e.g. 8bpp to full color) dynamically that
6415   will usually lead to the entire extended framebuffer being resent
6416   which can take a long time over very slow links: it may be better to
6417   reconnect and reset the format right after doing so. x11vnc will try
6418   to detect the format change and clear (make completely black) the
6419   cache region.
6421   Gotcha for older Unix VNC Viewers: The older Unix VNC viewers (e.g.
6422   current TightVNC Unix Viewer) require X server backingstore to keep
6423   off-viewer screen data local. If the viewer-side X server has
6424   backingstore disabled (sadly, currently the default on Linux, etc),
6425   then to get the offscreen pixels the viewer has to ask for a refresh
6426   over the network, thereby defeating the caching. Use something like
6427   this in your viewer-side /etc/X11/xorg.conf file (or otherwise get
6428   your viewer-side system to do it)
6429Section "Device"
6430        ...
6431        Option  "backingstore"
6432        ...
6435   No problems like this have been observed with Windows VNC Viewers:
6436   they all seem to keep their entire framebuffer in local memory.
6438   Gotcha for KDE krdc VNC Viewer: One user found that KDE's krdc viewer
6439   has some sort of hardwired limit on the maximum size of the
6440   framebuffer (64MB?). It fails quickly saying "The connection to the
6441   host has been interrupted." The workaround for his 1280x1024
6442   x11vnc-side display was to run with "-ncache 10", i.e. a smaller value
6443   to be under the krdc threshold.
6445   Although this scheme is not as quick (nor as compressed) as
6446   nx/nomachine, say, it does provide a good step in the direction of
6447   improving VNC performance by client side caching.
6450   Q-80: Does x11vnc support TurboVNC?
6452   As of Feb/2009 (development tarball) there is an experimental kludge
6453   to let you build x11vnc using TurboVNC's modified TightVNC encoding.
6454   TurboVNC is part of the VirtualGL project. It does two main things to
6455   speed up the TightVNC encoding:
6456     * It eliminates bottlenecks, overheads, wait-times in the TightVNC
6457       encoding implementation and instead only worries about sending
6458       very well (and quickly) compressed JPEG data.
6459     * A fast proprietary JPEG implemention is used (Intel IPP on x86)
6460       instead of the usual libjpeg implementation. TurboJPEG is an
6461       interface library, libturbojpeg, provided by the project that
6462       achieves this.
6464   TurboVNC works very well over LAN and evidently fast Broadband too.
6465   When using it with x11vnc in such a situation you may want to dial
6466   down the delays, e.g. "-wait 5" and "-defer 5" (or even a smaller
6467   setting) to poll and pump things out more quickly.
6469   See the instructions in "x11vnc/misc/turbovnc/README" for how to build
6470   x11vnc with TurboVNC support. You will also need to download the
6471   TurboJPEG software.
6473   In brief, the steps look like this:
6474  cd x11vnc-x.y.z/x11vnc/misc/turbovnc
6475  ./apply_turbovnc
6476  cd ../../..
6477  env LDFLAGS='-L/DIR -Xlinker --rpath=/DIR' ./configure
6478  make AM_LDFLAGS='-lturbojpeg'
6480   where you replace "/DIR" with the directory containing libturbojpeg.so
6481   you downloaded separately. If it works out well enough TurboVNC
6482   support will be integrated into x11vnc and more of its tuning features
6483   will be implemented. Support for TurboVNC in SSVNC viewer has been
6484   added as an experiment as well. If you try either one, let us know how
6485   it went.
6487   There also may be some Linux.i686 and Darwin.i386 x11vnc binaries with
6488   TurboVNC support in the misc. bins directory. For other platforms you
6489   will need to compile yourself.
6491   On relatively cheap and old hardware (Althon64 X2 5000+ / GeForce
6492   6200) x11vnc and SSVNC, both TurboVNC enabled, were able to sustain
6493   13.5 frames/sec (fps) and 15 Megapixels/sec using the VirtualGL
6494   supplied OpenGL benchmark program glxspheres. VirtualGL on higher-end
6495   hardware can sustain 20-30 fps with the glxspheres benchmark.
6497   Potential Slowdown: As we describe elsewhere, unless you use x11vnc
6498   with an X server using, say, NVidia proprietary drivers (or a virtual
6499   X server like Xvfb or Xdummy, or in ShadowFB mode), then the read rate
6500   from the graphics card can be rather slow (e.g. 10 MB/sec) and becomes
6501   the bottleneck when using x11vnc over fast networks. Note that all of
6502   Xorg's drivers currently (2009) have slow read rates (only proprietary
6503   drivers appear to have optimized reads.)
6505   So under these (more or less typical) conditions, the speed
6506   improvement provided by TurboVNC may only be marginal. Look for this
6507   output to see your read rate:
6508  28/02/2009 11:11:07 Autoprobing TCP port
6509  28/02/2009 11:11:07 Autoprobing selected port 5900
6510  28/02/2009 11:11:08 fb read rate: 10 MB/sec
6511  28/02/2009 11:11:08 screen setup finished.
6513   A rate of 10 MB/sec means a 1280x1024x24 screen takes 0.5 seconds to
6514   read in. TurboVNC compresses that to JPEG in a much shorter time. On
6515   the other hand, an NVidia driver may have a read rate of 250 MB/sec
6516   and so only takes 0.02 seconds to read the entire screen in.
6520   [Mouse Cursor Shapes]
6522   Q-81: Why isn't the mouse cursor shape (the little icon shape where
6523   the mouse pointer is) correct as I move from window to window?
6525   On X servers supporting XFIXES or Solaris/IRIX Overlay extensions it
6526   is possible for x11vnc to do this correctly. See a few paragraphs down
6527   for the answer.
6529   Historically, the X11 mouse cursor shape (i.e. little picture: an
6530   arrow, X, I-beam, resizer, etc) is one of the few WRITE-only objects
6531   in X11. That is, an application can tell the X server what the cursor
6532   shape should be when the pointer is in a given window, but a program
6533   (like x11vnc) unfortunately cannot read this information. I believe
6534   this is because the cursor shape is often downloaded to the graphics
6535   hardware (video card), but I could be mistaken.
6537   A simple kludge is provided by the "-cursor X" option that changes the
6538   cursor when the mouse is on the root background (or any window has the
6539   same cursor as the root background.) Note that desktops like GNOME or
6540   KDE often cover up the root background, so this won't work for those
6541   cases. Also see the "-cursor some" option for additional kludges.
6543   Note that as of Aug/2004 on Solaris using the SUN_OVL overlay
6544   extension and IRIX, x11vnc can show the correct mouse cursor when the
6545   -overlay option is supplied. See this FAQ for more info.
6547   Also as of Dec/2004 XFIXES X extension support has been added to allow
6548   exact extraction of the mouse cursor shape. XFIXES fixes the problem
6549   of the cursor-shape being write-only: x11vnc can now query the X
6550   server for the current shape and send it back to the connected
6551   viewers. XFIXES is available on recent Linux Xorg based distros and
6552   Solaris 10.
6554   The only XFIXES issue is the handling of alpha channel transparency in
6555   cursors. If a cursor has any translucency then in general it must be
6556   approximated to opaque RGB values for use in VNC. There are some
6557   situations where the cursor transparency can also handled exactly:
6558   when the VNC Viewer requires the cursor shape be drawn into the VNC
6559   framebuffer or if you apply a patch to your VNC Viewer to extract
6560   hidden alpha channel data under 32bpp. Details can be found here.
6563   Q-82: When using XFIXES cursorshape mode, some of the cursors look
6564   really bad with extra black borders around the cursor and other cruft.
6565   How can I improve their appearance?
6567   This happens for cursors with transparency ("alpha channel"); regular
6568   X cursors (bitmaps) should be correct. Unfortunately x11vnc 0.7 was
6569   released with a very poor algorithm for approximating the
6570   transparency, which led to the ugly black borders.
6572   The problem is as follows: XFIXES allows x11vnc to retrieve the
6573   current X server cursor shape, including the alpha channel for
6574   transparency. For traditional bitmap cursors the alpha value will be 0
6575   for completely transparent pixels and 255 for completely opaque
6576   pixels; whereas for modern, eye-candy cursors an alpha value between 0
6577   and 255 means to blend in the background colors to that degree with
6578   the cursor colors. The pixel color blending formula is something like
6579   this: Red = Red_cursor * a + Red_background * (1 - a), (where here 0
6580   =< a =< 1), with similar for Green and Blue. The VNC protocol does not
6581   currently support an alpha channel in cursors: it only supports
6582   regular X bitmap cursors and Rich Cursors that have RGB (Red, Green,
6583   Blue) color data, but no "A" = alpha data. So in general x11vnc has to
6584   approximate a cursor with transparency to create a Rich Cursor. This
6585   is easier said than done: some cursor themes have cursors with
6586   complicated drop shadows and other forms of translucency.
6588   Anyway, for the x11vnc 0.7.1 release the algorithm for approximating
6589   transparency is much improved and hopefully gives decent cursor shapes
6590   for most cursor themes and you don't have to worry about it.
6592   In case it still looks bad for your cursor theme, there are (of
6593   course!) some tunable parameters. The "-alphacut n" option lets you
6594   set the threshold "n" (between 0 and 255): cursor pixels with alpha
6595   values below n will be considered completely transparent while values
6596   equal to or above n will be completely opaque. The default is 240. The
6597   "-alphafrac f" option tries to correct individual cursors that did not
6598   fare well with the default -alphacut value: if a cursor has less than
6599   fraction f (between 0.0 and 1.0) of its pixels selected by the default
6600   -alphacut, the threshold is lowered until f of its pixels are
6601   selected. The default fraction is 0.33.
6603   Finally, there is an option -alpharemove that is useful for themes
6604   where many cursors are light colored (e.g. "whiteglass".) XFIXES
6605   returns the cursor data with the RGB values pre-multiplied by the
6606   alpha value. If the white cursors look too grey, specify -alpharemove
6607   to brighten them by having x11vnc divide out the alpha value.
6609   One user played with these parameters and reported back:
6610 Of the cursor themes present on my system:
6612   gentoo and gentoo-blue:   alphacut:192 - noalpharemove
6614   gentoo-silver:            alphacut:127 and alpharemove
6616   whiteglass and redglass (presumably also handhelds, which is based
6617   heavily on redglass) look fine with the apparent default of alphacut:255.
6620   Q-83: In XFIXES mode, are there any hacks to handle cursor
6621   transparency ("alpha channel") exactly?
6623   As of Jan/2005 libvncserver has been modified to allow an alpha
6624   channel (i.e. RGBA data) for Rich Cursors. So x11vnc can now send the
6625   alpha channel data to libvncserver. However, this data will only be
6626   used for VNC clients that do not support the CursorShapeUpdates VNC
6627   extension (or have disabled it.) It can be disabled for all clients
6628   with the -nocursorshape x11vnc option. In this case the cursor is
6629   drawn, correctly blended with the background, into the VNC framebuffer
6630   before being sent out to the client. So the alpha blending is done on
6631   the x11vnc side. Use the -noalphablend option to disable this behavior
6632   (always approximate transparent cursors with opaque RGB values.)
6634   The CursorShapeUpdates VNC extension complicates matters because the
6635   cursor shape is sent to the VNC viewers supporting it, and the viewers
6636   draw the cursor locally. This improves response over slow links. Alpha
6637   channel data for these locally drawn cursors is not supported by the
6638   VNC protocol.
6640   However, in the libvncserver CVS there is a patch to the TightVNC
6641   viewer to make this work for CursorShapeUpdates under some
6642   circumstances. This hack is outside of the VNC protocol. It requires
6643   the screens on both sides to be depth 24 at 32bpp (it uses the extra 8
6644   bits to secretly hide the cursor alpha channel data.) Not only does it
6645   require depth 24 at 32bpp, but it also currently requires the client
6646   and server to be of the same endianness (otherwise the hidden alpha
6647   data gets reset to zero by a libvncserver translation function; we can
6648   fix this at some point if there is interest.) The patch is for the
6649   TightVNC 1.3dev5 Unix vncviewer and it enables the TightVNC viewer to
6650   do the cursor alpha blending locally. The patch code should give an
6651   example on how to change the Windows TightVNC viewer to achieve the
6652   same thing (send me the patch if you get that working.)
6654   This patch is applied to the Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) package
6655   we provide.
6657   [Mouse Pointer]
6659   Q-84: Why does the mouse arrow just stay in one corner in my
6660   vncviewer, whereas my cursor (that does move) is just a dot?
6662   This default takes advantage of a tightvnc extension
6663   (CursorShapeUpdates) that allows specifying a cursor image shape for
6664   the local VNC viewer. You may disable it with the -nocursor option to
6665   x11vnc if your viewer does not have this extension.
6667   Note: as of Aug/2004 this should be fixed: the default for
6668   non-tightvnc viewers (or ones that do not support CursorShapeUpdates)
6669   will be to draw the moving cursor into the x11vnc framebuffer. This
6670   can also be disabled via -nocursor.
6673   Q-85: Can I take advantage of the TightVNC extension to the VNC
6674   protocol where Cursor Positions Updates are sent back to all connected
6675   clients (i.e. passive viewers can see the mouse cursor being moved
6676   around by another viewer)?
6678   Use the -cursorpos option when starting x11vnc. A VNC viewer must
6679   support the Cursor Positions Updates for the user to see the mouse
6680   motions (the TightVNC viewers support this.) As of Aug/2004 -cursorpos
6681   is the default. See also -nocursorpos and -nocursorshape.
6684   Q-86: Is it possible to swap the mouse buttons (e.g. left-handed
6685   operation), or arbitrarily remap them? How about mapping button clicks
6686   to keystrokes, e.g. to partially emulate Mouse wheel scrolling?
6688   You can remap the mouse buttons via something like: -buttonmap 13-31
6689   (or perhaps 12-21.) Also, note that xmodmap(1) lets you directly
6690   adjust the X server's button mappings, but in some circumstances it
6691   might be more desirable to have x11vnc do it.
6693   One user had an X server with only one mouse button(!) and was able to
6694   map all of the VNC client mouse buttons to it via: -buttonmap 123-111.
6696   Note that the -debug_pointer option prints out much info for every
6697   mouse/pointer event and is handy in solving problems.
6699   To map mouse button clicks to keystrokes you can use the alternate
6700   format where the keystrokes are enclosed between colons like this
6701   :<KeySym>: in place of the mouse button digit. For a sequence of
6702   keysyms separate them with "+" signs. Look in the include file
6703   <X11/keysymdef.h>, or use xev(1), or -debug_keyboard to find the
6704   keysym names. Button clicks can also be included in the sequence via
6705   the fake keysyms Button1, etc.
6707   As an example, suppose the VNC viewer machine has a mouse wheel (these
6708   generate button 4 and 5 events), but the machine that x11vnc is run on
6709   only has the 3 regular buttons. In normal operation x11vnc will
6710   discard the button 4 and 5 events. However, either of the following
6711   button maps could possibly be of use emulating the mouse wheel events
6712   in this case:
6713  -buttonmap 12345-123:Prior::Next:
6714  -buttonmap 12345-123:Up+Up+Up::Down+Down+Down:
6716   Exactly what keystroke "scrolling" events they should be bound to
6717   depends on one's taste. If this method is too approximate, one could
6718   consider not using -buttonmap but rather configuring the X server to
6719   think it has a mouse with 5 buttons even though the physical mouse
6720   does not. (e.g. 'Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"'.)
6722   Note that when a keysym-mapped mouse button is clicked down this
6723   immediately generates the key-press and key-release events (for each
6724   keysym in turn if the mapping has a sequence of keysyms.) When the
6725   mouse button goes back up nothing is generated.
6727   If you include modifier keys like Shift_L instead of key-press
6728   immediately followed by key-release the state of the modifier key is
6729   toggled (however the initial state of the modifier key is ignored.) So
6730   to map the right button to type my name 'Karl Runge' I could use this:
6731  -buttonmap 3-:Shift_L+k+Shift_L+a+r+l+space+Shift_L+r+Shift_L+u+n+g+e:
6733   (yes, this is getting a little silly.)
6735   BTW, Coming the other way around, if the machine you are sitting at
6736   does not have a mouse wheel, but the remote machine does (or at least
6737   has 5 buttons configured), this key remapping can be useful:
6738  -remap Super_R-Button4,Menu-Button5
6740   you just tap those two keys to get the mouse wheel scrolls (this is
6741   more useful than the Up and Down arrow keys because a mouse wheel
6742   "click" usually gives a multi-line scroll.)
6743   [Keyboard Issues]
6745   Q-87: How can I get my AltGr and Shift modifiers to work between
6746   keyboards for different languages?
6748   The option -modtweak should help here. It is a mode that monitors the
6749   state of the Shift and AltGr Modifiers and tries to deduce the correct
6750   keycode to send, possibly by sending fake modifier key presses and
6751   releases in addition to the actual keystroke.
6753   Update:  As of Jul/2004 -modtweak is now the default (use -nomodtweak
6754   to get the old behavior.) This was done because it was noticed on
6755   newer XFree86 setups even on bland "us" keyboards like "pc104 us"
6756   XFree86 included a "ghost" key with both "<" and ">" it. This key does
6757   not exist on the keyboard (see this FAQ for more info.) Without
6758   -modtweak there was then an ambiguity in the reverse map keysym =>
6759   keycode, making it so the "<" symbol could not be typed.
6761   Also see the FAQ about the -xkb option for a more powerful method of
6762   modifier tweaking for use on X servers with the XKEYBOARD extension.
6764   When trying to resolve keyboard mapping problems, note that the
6765   -debug_keyboard option prints out much info for every keystroke and so
6766   can be useful debugging things.
6768   Note that one user had a strange setup and none of the above helped.
6769   His solution was to disable all of the above and use -nomodtweak. This
6770   is the simplest form of keystroke insertion and it actually solved the
6771   problem. Try it if the other options don't help.
6774   Q-88: When I try to type a "<" (i.e. less than) instead I get ">"
6775   (i.e. greater than)! Strangely, typing ">" works OK!!
6777   Does your keyboard have a single key with both "<" and ">" on it? Even
6778   if it doesn't, your X server may think your keyboard has such a key
6779   (e.g. pc105 in the XF86Config file when it should be something else,
6780   say pc104.)
6782   Short Cut: Try the -xkb or -sloppy_keys options and see if that helps
6783   the situation. The discussion below is a bit outdated (e.g. -modtweak
6784   is now the default) but it is useful reference for various tricks and
6785   so is kept.
6788   The problem here is that on the Xserver where x11vnc is run there are
6789   two keycodes that correspond to the "<" keysym. Run something like
6790   this to see:
6792  xmodmap -pk | egrep -i 'KeyCode|less|greater'
6793  There are 4 KeySyms per KeyCode; KeyCodes range from 8 to 255.
6794      KeyCode     Keysym (Keysym) ...
6795       59         0x002c (comma)  0x003c (less)
6796       60         0x002e (period) 0x003e (greater)
6797       94         0x003c (less)   0x003e (greater)
6799   That keycode 94 is the special key with both "<" and ">". When x11vnc
6800   receives the "<" keysym over the wire from the remote VNC client, it
6801   unfortunately maps it to keycode 94 instead of 59, and sends 94 to the
6802   X server. Since Shift is down (i.e. you are Shifting the comma key),
6803   the X server interprets this as Shifted-94, which is ">".
6805   A workaround in the X server configuration is to "deaden" that special
6806   key:
6808  xmodmap -e "keycode 94 = "
6810   However, one user said he had to do this:
6812  xmodmap -e "keycode 94 = 0x002c 0x003c"
6814   (If the numerical values are different for your setup, substitute the
6815   ones that correspond to your display. The above xmodmap scheme can
6816   often be used to work around other ambiguous keysym to keycode
6817   mappings.)
6819   Alternatively, here are some x11vnc options to try to work around the
6820   problem:
6821   -modtweak
6823   and
6824   -remap less-comma
6826   These are convenient in that they do not modify the actual X server
6827   settings. The former (-modtweak) is a mode that monitors the state of
6828   the Shift and AltGr modifiers and tries to deduce the correct keycode
6829   sequence to send. Since Jul/2004 -modtweak is now the default. The
6830   latter (-remap less-comma) is an immediate remapping of the keysym
6831   less to the keysym comma when it comes in from a client (so when Shift
6832   is down the comma press will yield "<".)
6834   See also the FAQ about the -xkb option as a possible workaround using
6835   the XKEYBOARD extension.
6837   Note that the -debug_keyboard option prints out much info for every
6838   keystroke to aid debugging keyboard problems.
6841   Q-89: Extra Character Inserted, E.g.: When I try to type a "<" (i.e.
6842   less than) instead I get "<," (i.e. an extra comma.)
6844   This is likely because you press "Shift" then "<" but then released
6845   the Shift key before releasing the "<". Because of a keymapping
6846   ambiguity the last event "< up" is interpreted as "," because that key
6847   unshifted is the comma.
6849   This extra character insertion will happen for other combinations of
6850   characters: in general it can happen whenever the Shift key is
6851   released early.
6853   This should not happen in -xkb mode, because it works hard to resolve
6854   the ambiguities. If you do not want to use -xkb, try the option
6855   -sloppy_keys to attempt a similar type of algorithm.
6857   One user had this problem for Italian and German keyboards with the
6858   key containing ":" and "." When he typed ":" he would get an extra "."
6859   inserted after the ":". The solution was -sloppy_keys.
6862   Q-90: I'm using an "international" keyboard (e.g. German "de", or
6863   Danish "dk") and the -modtweak mode works well if the VNC viewer is
6864   run on a Unix/Linux machine with a similar keyboard.   But if I run
6865   the VNC viewer on Unix/Linux with a different keyboard (e.g. "us") or
6866   Windows with any keyboard, I can't type some keys like:   "@", "$",
6867   "<", ">", etc. How can I fix this?
6869   The problem with Windows is it does not seem to handle AltGr well. It
6870   seems to fake it up by sending Control_L+Alt_R to applications. The
6871   Windows VNC viewer sends those two down keystrokes out on the wire to
6872   the VNC server, but when the user types the next key to get, e.g., "@"
6873   the Windows VNC viewer sends events bringing the up the
6874   Control_L+Alt_R keys, and then sends the "@" keysym by itself.
6876   The Unix/Linux VNC viewer on a "us" keyboard does a similar thing
6877   since "@" is the Shift of the "2" key. The keysyms Shift and "@" are
6878   sent to the VNC server.
6880   In both cases no AltGr is sent to the VNC server, but we know AltGr is
6881   needed on the physical international keyboard to type a "@".
6883   This all worked fine with x11vnc running with the -modtweak option (it
6884   figures out how to adjust the Modifier keys (Shift or AltGr) to get
6885   the "@".) However it fails under recent versions of XFree86 (and the
6886   X.org fork.) These run the XKEYBOARD extension by default and make
6887   heavy use of it to handle international keyboards.
6889   To make a long story short, on these newer XFree86 setups the
6890   traditional X keymap lookup x11vnc uses is no longer accurate. x11vnc
6891   can't find the keysym "@" anywhere in the keymapping! (even though it
6892   is in the XKEYBOARD extended keymapping.)
6894   How to Solve: As of Jul/2004 x11vnc has two changes:
6895     * -modtweak (tweak Modifier keys) is now the default (use
6896       -nomodtweak to go back to the old way)
6897     * there is a new option -xkb to use the XKEYBOARD extension API to
6898       do the Modifier key tweaking.
6900   The -xkb option seems to fix all of the missing keys: "@", "<", ">",
6901   etc.: it is recommended that you try it if you have this sort of
6902   problem. Let us know if there are any remaining problems (see the next
6903   paragraph for some known problems.) If you specify the -debug_keyboard
6904   (aka -dk) option twice you will get a huge amount of keystroke
6905   debugging output (send it along with any problems you report.)
6907   Update: as of Jun/2005 x11vnc will try to automatically enable -xkb if
6908   it appears that would be beneficial (e.g. if it sees any of "@", "<",
6909   ">", "[" and similar keys are mapped in a way that needs the -xkb to
6910   access them.) To disable this automatic check use -noxkb.
6912   Known problems:
6913     * One user had to disable a "ghost" Mode_switch key that was causing
6914       problems under -xkb. His physical AltGr key was bound to
6915       ISO_Level3_Shift (which seems to be the XKEYBOARD way of doing
6916       things), while there was a ghost key Mode_switch (which seems to
6917       be obsolete) in the mapping as well. Both of these keysyms were
6918       bound to Mod5 and x11vnc was unfortunately choosing Mode_switch.
6919       From the x11vnc -xkb -dk -dk output it was noted that Mode_switch
6920       was attached to keycode 93 (no physical key generates this
6921       keycode) while ISO_Level3_Shift was attached to keycode 113. The
6922       keycode skipping option was used to disable the ghost key:
6923       -skip_keycodes 93
6924     * In implementing -xkb we noticed that some characters were still
6925       not getting through, e.g. "~" and "^". This is not really an
6926       XKEYBOARD problem. What was happening was the VNC viewer was
6927       sending the keysyms asciitilde and asciicircum to x11vnc, but on
6928       the X server with the international keyboard those keysyms were
6929       not mapped to any keys. So x11vnc had to skip them (Note: as of
6930       May/2005 they are added by default see -add_keysyms below.)
6931       The way these characters are typically entered on international
6932       keyboards is by "dead" (aka "mute") keys. E.g. to enter "~" at the
6933       physical display the keysym dead_tilde is pressed and released
6934       (this usually involves holding AltGr down while another key is
6935       pressed) and then space is pressed. (this can also be used get
6936       characters with the "~" symbol on top, e.g. "�" by typing "a"
6937       instead of space.)
6938       What to do? In general the VNC protocol has not really solved this
6939       problem: what should be done if the VNC viewer sends a keysym not
6940       recognized by the VNC server side? Workarounds can possibly be
6941       created using the -remap x11vnc option:
6942  -remap asciitilde-dead_tilde,asciicircum-dead_circumflex
6943       etc. Use -remap filename if the list is long. Please send us your
6944       workarounds for this problem on your keyboard. Perhaps we can have
6945       x11vnc adjust automatically at some point. Also see the
6946       -add_keysyms option in the next paragraph.
6947       Update: for convenience "-remap DEAD" does many of these mappings
6948       at once.
6949     * To complement the above workaround using the -remap, an option
6950       -add_keysyms was added. This option instructs x11vnc to bind any
6951       unknown Keysyms coming in from VNC viewers to unused Keycodes in
6952       the X server. This modifies the global state of the X server. When
6953       x11vnc exits it removes the extra keymappings it created. Note
6954       that the -remap mappings are applied first, right when the Keysym
6955       is received from a VNC viewer, and only after that would
6956       -add_keysyms, or anything else, come into play.
6957       Update: -add_keysyms is now on by default. Use -noadd_keysyms to
6958       disable.
6961   Q-91: When typing I sometimes get double, triple, or more of my
6962   keystrokes repeated. I'm sure I only typed them once, what can I do?
6964   This may be due to an interplay between your X server's key autorepeat
6965   delay and the extra time delays caused by x11vnc processing.
6967   Short answer: disable key autorepeating by running the command "xset r
6968   off" on the Xserver where x11vnc is run (restore via "xset r on") or
6969   use the new (Jul/2004) -norepeat x11vnc option. You will still have
6970   autorepeating because that is taken care of on your VNC viewer side.
6972   Update: as of Dec/2004 -norepeat is now the default. Use -repeat to
6973   disable it.
6975   Details:
6976   suppose you press a key DOWN and it generates changes in large regions
6977   of the screen. The CPU and I/O work x11vnc does for the large screen
6978   change could be longer than your X server's key autorepeat delay.
6979   x11vnc may not get to processing the key UP event until after the
6980   screen work is completed. The X server believes the key has been held
6981   down all this time, and applies its autorepeat rules.
6983   Even without inducing changes in large regions of the screen, this
6984   problem could arise when accessing x11vnc via a dialup modem or
6985   otherwise high latency link (e.g. > 250 ms latency.)
6987   Look at the output of "xset q" for the "auto repeat delay" setting. Is
6988   it low (e.g. < 300 ms)? If you turn off autorepeat completely: "xset r
6989   off", does the problem go away?
6991   The workaround is to manually apply "xset r off" and "xset r on" as
6992   needed, or to use the -norepeat (which has since Dec/2004 been made
6993   the default.) Note that with X server autorepeat turned off the VNC
6994   viewer side of the connection will (nearly always) do its own
6995   autorepeating so there is no big loss here, unless someone is also
6996   working at the physical display and misses his autorepeating.
6999   Q-92: The x11vnc -norepeat mode is in effect, but I still get repeated
7000   keystrokes!!
7002   Are you using x11vnc to log in to an X session via display manager?
7003   (as described in this FAQ) If so, x11vnc is starting before your
7004   session and it disables autorepeat when you connect, but then after
7005   you log in your session startup (GNOME, KDE, ...) could be resetting
7006   the autorepeat to be on. Or it could be something inside your desktop
7007   trying to be helpful that decides to turn it back on.
7009   x11vnc in -norepeat mode will by default reset autorepeat to off 2
7010   times (to help get thru the session startup problem), but it will not
7011   continue to battle with things turning autorepeat back on. It will
7012   also turn autorepeat off whenever it goes from a state of zero clients
7013   to one client. You can adjust the number of resets via "-norepeat N",
7014   or use "-norepeat -1" to have it keep resetting it whenever autorepeat
7015   gets turned back on when clients are connected.
7017   In general you can manually turn autorepeating off by typing "xset r
7018   off", or a using desktop utility/menu, or "x11vnc -R norepeat". If
7019   something in your desktop is automatically turning it back on you
7020   should figure out how to disable that somehow.
7023   Q-93: After using x11vnc for a while, I find that I cannot type some
7024   (or any) characters or my mouse clicks and drags no longer have any
7025   effect, or they lead to strange effects. What happened?
7027   Probably a modifier key, e.g. Control or Alt is "stuck" in a pressed
7028   down state.
7030   This happens for VNC in general by the following mechanism. Suppose on
7031   the Viewer side desktop there is some hot-key to switch
7032   desktops/rooms/spaces, etc. E.g. suppose Alt+LeftArrow moves to the
7033   left desktop/room/space. Or suppose an Alt+hotkey combination
7034   iconifies a window. This can leave the Alt key pressed down on the
7035   remote side.
7037   Consider the sequence that happens. The Alt_L key and then the
7038   LeftArrow key go down. Since you are inside the viewer the Alt_L key
7039   press is sent to the other side (x11vnc) and so it is pressed down in
7040   the remote desktop as well. (by "Alt_L" we mean the Alt key on the
7041   left-hand side of the keyboard.) Your local desktop (where the VNC
7042   Viewer is running) then warps to the new desktop/room/space: Leaving
7043   the Alt_L key still pressed down in the remote desktop.
7045   If someone is sitting at the desktop, or when you return in the viewer
7046   it may be very confusing because the Alt_L is still pressed down but
7047   you (or the person sitting at the desktop) do not realize this.
7048   Depending on which remote desktop (x11vnc side) is used, it can act
7049   very strangely.
7051   A quick workaround when you notice this is to press and release all of
7052   the Alt, Shift, Control, Windows-Flag, modifier keys to free the
7053   pressed one. You need to do this for both the left and right Shift,
7054   Alt, Control, etc. keys to be sure.
7056   Note that many VNC Viewers try to guard against this when they are
7057   notified by the window system that the viewer app has "lost focus".
7058   When it receives the "lost focus" event, the viewer sends VNC
7059   Key-Release events for all modifier keys that are currently pressed
7060   down. This does not always work, however, since it depends on how the
7061   desktop manages these "warps". If the viewer is not notified it cannot
7062   know it needs to release the modifiers.
7064   You can also use the -clear_mods option to try to clear all of the
7065   modifier keys at x11vnc startup. You will still have to be careful
7066   that you do not leave the modifier key pressed down during your
7067   session. It is difficult to prevent this problem from occurring (short
7068   of using -remap to prevent sending all of the problem modifier keys,
7069   which would make the destkop pretty unusable.)
7071   During a session these x11vnc remote control commands can also help:
7072   x11vnc -R clear_mods
7073   x11vnc -R clear_keys
7074   x11vnc -R clear_locks
7075   x11vnc -R clear_all
7077   A similar problem can occur if you accidentally press the Caps_Lock or
7078   Num_Lock down. When these are locked on the remote side it can
7079   sometimes lead to strange desktop behavior (e.g. cannot drag or click
7080   on windows.) As above you may not notice this because the lock isn't
7081   down on the local (Viewer) side. See this FAQ on lock keys problem.
7082   These options may help avoid the problem: -skip_lockkeys and
7083   -capslock. See also -clear_all.
7086   Q-94: The machine where I run x11vnc has an AltGr key, but the local
7087   machine where I run the VNC viewer does not. Is there a way I can map
7088   a local unused key to send an AltGr? How about a Compose key as well?
7090   Something like "-remap Super_R-Mode_switch" x11vnc option may work.
7091   Note that Super_R is the "Right Windoze(tm) Flaggie" key; you may want
7092   to choose another. The -debug_keyboard option comes in handy in
7093   finding keysym names (so does xev(1).)
7095   For Compose how about "-remap Menu-Multi_key" (note that Multi_key is
7096   the official name for Compose.) To do both at the same time: "-remap
7097   Super_R-Mode_switch,Menu-Multi_key" or use "-remap filename" to
7098   specify remappings from a file.
7101   Q-95: I have a Sun machine I run x11vnc on. Its Sun keyboard has just
7102   one Alt key labelled "Alt" and two Meta keys labelled with little
7103   diamonds. The machine where I run the VNC viewer only has Alt keys.
7104   How can I send a Meta keypress? (e.g. emacs needs this)
7106   Here are a couple ideas. The first one is to simply use xmodmap(1) to
7107   adjust the Sun X server. Perhaps xmodmap -e "keysym Alt_L = Meta_L
7108   Alt_L" will do the trick. (there are other ways to do it, one user
7109   used: xmodmap -e "keycode 26 = Meta_L" for his setup.)
7111   Since xmodmap(1) modifies the X server mappings you may not want to do
7112   this (because it affects local work on that machine.) Something like
7113   the -remap Alt_L-Meta_L to x11vnc may be sufficient for ones needs,
7114   and does not modify the X server environment. Note that you cannot
7115   send Alt_L in this case, maybe -remap Super_L-Meta_L would be a better
7116   choice if the Super_L key is typically unused in Unix.
7119   Q-96: Running x11vnc on HP-UX I cannot type "#" I just get a "3"
7120   instead.
7122   One user reports this problem on HP-UX Rel_B.11.23. The problem was
7123   traced to a strange keyboard mapping for the machine (e.g. xmodmap -pk
7124   output) that looked like:
7125  ...
7126  039  2                  at                 at               at
7127  ...
7128  047  3                  numbersign         numbersign       numbersign
7130   and similar triple mappings (with two in the AltGr/Mode_switch group)
7131   of a keysum to a single keycode.
7133   Use the -nomodtweak option as a workaround. You can also use xmodmap
7134   to correct these mappings in the server, e.g.:
7135  xmodmap -e "keycode 47 = 3 numbersign"
7137   Also, as of Feb/2007, set the environment variable MODTWEAK_LOWEST=1
7138   (either in your shell or via "-env MODTWEAK_LOWEST=1" option) to
7139   handle these mappings better.
7142   Q-97: Can I map a keystroke to a mouse button click on the remote
7143   machine?
7145   This can be done directly in some X servers using AccessX and
7146   Pointer_EnableKeys, but is a bit awkward. It may be more convenient to
7147   have x11vnc do the remapping. This can be done via the -remap option
7148   using the fake "keysyms" Button1, Button2, etc. as the "to" keys (i.e.
7149   the ones after the "-")
7151   As an example, consider a laptop where the VNC viewer is run that has
7152   a touchpad with only two buttons. It is difficult to do a middle
7153   button "paste" because (using XFree86/Xorg Emulate3Buttons) you have
7154   to click both buttons on the touch pad at the same time. This
7155   remapping:
7156  -remap Super_R-Button2
7158   maps the Super_R "flag" key press to the Button2 click, thereby making
7159   X pasting a bit easier.
7161   Note that once the key goes down, the button down and button up events
7162   are generated immediately on the x11vnc side. When the key is released
7163   (i.e. goes up) no events are generated.
7165   Q-98: How can I get Caps_Lock to work between my VNC viewer and
7166   x11vnc?
7168   This is a little tricky because it is possible to get the Caps_Lock
7169   state out of sync between your viewer-side machine and the x11vnc-side
7170   X server. For best results, we recommend not ever letting the
7171   Caps_Lock keypresses be processed by x11vnc. That way when you press
7172   Caps_Lock in the viewer your local machine goes into the Caps_Lock on
7173   state and sends keysym "A" say when you press "a". x11vnc will then
7174   fake things up so that Shift is held down to generate "A". The
7175   -skip_lockkeys option should help to accomplish this. For finer grain
7176   control use something like: "-remap Caps_Lock-None".
7178   Also try the -nomodtweak and -capslock options.
7180   Another useful option that turns off any Lock keys on the remote side
7181   at startup and end is the -clear_all option. During a session you can
7182   run these remote control commands to modify the Lock keys:
7183   x11vnc -R clear_locks
7184   x11vnc -R clear_all
7186   the former will try to unset any Lock keys, the latter will do same
7187   and also try to make it so no key is pressed down (e.g. "stuck" Alt_L,
7188   etc.)
7189   [Screen Related Issues and Features]
7191   Q-99: The remote display is larger (in number of pixels) than the
7192   local display I am running the vncviewer on. I don't like the
7193   vncviewer scrollbars, what I can do?
7195   vncviewer has a option (usually accessible via F8 key or -fullscreen
7196   option) for vncviewer to run in full screen, where it will
7197   automatically scroll when the mouse is near the edge of the current
7198   view. For quick scrolling, also make sure Backing Store is enabled on
7199   the machine vncviewer is run on. (XFree86/Xorg disables it by default
7200   for some reason, add Option "backingstore" to XF86Config on the
7201   vncviewer side.)
7203   BTW, contact me if you are having problems with vncviewer in
7204   fullscreen mode with your window manager (i.e. no keyboard response.)
7205   I have a workaround for vncviewer using XGrabServer().
7207   There may also be scaling viewers out there (e.g. TightVNC or UltraVNC
7208   on Windows) that automatically shrink or expand the remote framebuffer
7209   to fit the local display. Especially for hand-held devices. See also
7210   the next FAQ on x11vnc scaling.
7213   Q-100: Does x11vnc support server-side framebuffer scaling? (E.g. to
7214   make the desktop smaller.)
7216   As of Jun/2004 x11vnc provides basic server-side scaling. It is a
7217   global scaling of the desktop, not a per-client setting. To enable it
7218   use the "-scale fraction" option. "fraction" can either be a floating
7219   point number (e.g. -scale 0.75) or the alternative m/n fraction
7220   notation (e.g. -scale 3/4.) Note that if fraction is greater than one
7221   the display is magnified.
7223   Extra resources (CPU, memory I/O, and memory) are required to do the
7224   scaling. If the machine is slow where x11vnc is run with scaling
7225   enabled, the interactive response can be unacceptable. OTOH, if run
7226   with scaling on a fast machine the performance degradation is usually
7227   not a big issue or even noticeable.
7229   It may help to compile x11vnc with compiler option -O3 or -O4 to speed
7230   up the scaling code. Set the CFLAGS env. var. before running
7231   configure.
7233   Also, if you just want a quick, rough "thumbnail" of the display you
7234   can append ":nb" to the fraction to turn on "no blending" mode. E.g.:
7235   "-scale 1/3:nb" Fonts will be difficult to read, but the larger
7236   features will be recognizable. BTW, "no blending" mode is forced on
7237   when scaling 8bpp PseudoColor displays (because blending an indexed
7238   colormap is a bad idea and leads to random colors, use :fb to force it
7239   on.)
7241   One can also use the ":nb" with an integer scale factor (say "-scale
7242   2:nb") to use x11vnc as a screen magnifier for vision impaired
7243   applications. Since with integer scale factors the framebuffers become
7244   huge and scaling operations time consuming, be sure to use ":nb" for
7245   the fastest response.
7247   In general for a scaled display if you are using a TightVNC viewer you
7248   may want to turn off jpeg encoding (e.g. vncviewer -nojpeg host:0.)
7249   There appears to be a noise enhancement effect, especially for regions
7250   containing font/text: the scaling can introduce some pixel artifacts
7251   that evidently causes the tight encoding algorithm to incorrectly
7252   detect the regions as image data and thereby introduce additional
7253   pixel artifacts due to the lossiness of the jpeg compression
7254   algorithm. Experiment to see if -nojpeg vncviewer option improves the
7255   readability of text when using -scale to shrink the display size. Also
7256   note that scaling may actually slow down the transfer of text regions
7257   because after being scaled they do not compress as well. (this can
7258   often be a significant slowdown, e.g. 10X.)
7260   Another issue is that it appears VNC viewers require the screen width
7261   to be a multiple of 4. When scaling x11vnc will round the width to the
7262   nearest multiple of 4. To disable this use the ":n4" sub option (like
7263   ":nb" in the previous paragraph; to specify both use a comma:
7264   ":nb,n4", etc.)
7266   If one desires per-client scaling for something like 1:1 from a
7267   workstation and 1:2 from a smaller device (e.g. handheld), currently
7268   the only option is to run two (or more) x11vnc processes with
7269   different scalings listening on separate ports (-rfbport option, etc.)
7271   Update: As of May/2006 x11vnc also supports the UltraVNC server-side
7272   scaling. This is a per-client scaling by factors 1/2, 1/3, ... and so
7273   may be useful for PDA's ("-scale 1/2", etc. will give similar results
7274   except that it applies to all clients.) You may need to supply
7275   "-rfbversion 3.6" for this to be recognized by UltraVNC viewers.
7277   BTW, whenever you run two or more x11vnc's on the same X display and
7278   use the GUI, then to avoid all of the x11vnc's simultaneously
7279   answering the gui you will need to use something like "-connect file1
7280   -gui ..." with different connect files for each x11vnc you want to
7281   control via the gui (or remote-control.) The "-connect file1" usage
7282   gives separate communication channels between a x11vnc process and the
7283   gui process. Otherwise they all share the same X property channels:
7286   Update: As of Mar/2005 x11vnc now scales the mouse cursor with the
7287   same scale factor as the screen. If you don't want that, use the
7288   "-scale_cursor frac" option to set the cursor scaling to a different
7289   factor (e.g. use "-scale_cursor 1" to keep the cursor at its natural
7290   unscaled size.)
7293   Q-101: Does x11vnc work with Xinerama? (i.e. multiple monitors joined
7294   together to form one big, single screen.)
7296   Yes, it should generally work because it simply polls the big
7297   effective screen.
7299   If the viewing-end monitor is not as big as the remote Xinerama
7300   display, then the vncviewer scrollbars, etc, will have to be used to
7301   pan across the large area. However one user started two x11vnc's, one
7302   with "-clip 1280x1024+0+0" and the other with "-clip 1280x1024+1280+0"
7303   to split the big screen into two and used two VNC viewers to access
7304   them.
7306   As of Jun/2008: Use "-clip xinerama0" to clip to the first xinerama
7307   sub-screen (if xinerama is active.) xinerama1 for the 2nd sub-screen,
7308   etc. This way you don't need to figure out the WxH+X+Y of the desired
7309   xinerama sub-screen. screens are sorted in increasing distance from
7310   the (0,0) origin (I.e. not the Xserver's order.)
7312   There are a couple potential issues with Xinerama however. If the
7313   screen is not rectangular (e.g. 1280x1024 and 1024x768 monitors joined
7314   together), then there will be "non-existent" areas on the screen. The
7315   X server will return "garbage" image data for these areas and so they
7316   may be distracting to the viewer. The -blackout x11vnc option allows
7317   you to blacken-out rectangles by manually specifying their WxH+X+Y
7318   geometries. If your system has the libXinerama library, the -xinerama
7319   x11vnc option can be used to have it automatically determine the
7320   rectangles to be blackened out. (Note on 8bpp PseudoColor displays the
7321   fill color may not be black.) Update: -xinerama is now on by default.
7323   Some users have reported that the mouse does not behave properly for
7324   their Xinerama display: i.e. the mouse cannot be moved to all regions
7325   of the large display. If this happens try using the -xwarppointer
7326   option. This instructs x11vnc to fake mouse pointer motions using the
7327   XWarpPointer function instead of the XTestFakeMotionEvent XTEST
7328   function. (This may be due to a bug in the X server for XTEST when
7329   Xinerama is enabled.) Update: As of Dec/2006 -xwarppointer will be
7330   applied automatically if Xinerama is detected. To disable use:
7331   -noxwarppointer
7334   Q-102: Can I use x11vnc on a multi-headed display that is not Xinerama
7335   (i.e. separate screens :0.0, :0.1, ... for each monitor)?
7337   You can, but it is a little bit awkward: you must start separate
7338   x11vnc processes for each screen, and on the viewing end start up
7339   separate VNC viewer processes connecting to them. e.g. on the remote
7340   end:
7341  x11vnc -display :0.0 -bg -q -rfbport 5900
7342  x11vnc -display :0.1 -bg -q -rfbport 5901
7344   (this could be automated in the display manager Xsetup for example)
7345   and then on the local machine where you are sitting:
7346  vncviewer somehost:0 &
7347  vncviewer somehost:1 &
7349   Note: if you are running on Solaris 8 or earlier you can easily hit up
7350   against the maximum of 6 shm segments per process (for Xsun in this
7351   case) from running multiple x11vnc processes. You should modify
7352   /etc/system as mentioned in another FAQ to increase the limit. It is
7353   probably also a good idea to run with the -onetile option in this case
7354   (to limit each x11vnc to 3 shm segments), or even -noshm to use no shm
7355   segments.
7358   Q-103: Can x11vnc show only a portion of the display? (E.g. for a
7359   special purpose application or a very large screen.)
7361   As of Mar/2005 x11vnc has the "-clip WxH+X+Y" option to select a
7362   rectangle of width W, height H and offset (X, Y). Thus the VNC screen
7363   will be the clipped sub-region of the display and be only WxH in size.
7364   One user used -clip to split up a large Xinerama screen into two more
7365   managable smaller screens.
7367   This also works to view a sub-region of a single application window if
7368   the -id or -sid options are used. The offset is measured from the
7369   upper left corner of the selected window.
7372   Q-104: Does x11vnc support the XRANDR (X Resize, Rotate and
7373   Reflection) extension? Whenever I rotate or resize the screen x11vnc
7374   just seems to crash.
7376   As of Dec/2004 x11vnc supports XRANDR. You enable it with the -xrandr
7377   option to make x11vnc monitor XRANDR events and also trap X server
7378   errors if the screen change occurred in the middle of an X call like
7379   XGetImage. Once it traps the screen change it will create a new
7380   framebuffer using the new screen.
7382   If the connected vnc viewers support the NewFBSize VNC extension
7383   (Windows TightVNC viewer and RealVNC 4.0 windows and Unix viewers do)
7384   then the viewer will automatically resize. Otherwise, the new
7385   framebuffer is fit as best as possible into the original viewer size
7386   (portions of the screen may be clipped, unused, etc.) For these
7387   viewers you can try the -padgeom option to make the region big enough
7388   to hold all resizes and rotations. We have fixed this problem for the
7389   TightVNC Viewer on Unix: SSVNC
7391   If you specify "-xrandr newfbsize" then vnc viewers that do not
7392   support NewFBSize will be disconnected before the resize. If you
7393   specify "-xrandr exit" then all will be disconnected and x11vnc will
7394   terminate.
7397   Q-105: Independent of any XRANDR, can I have x11vnc rotate and/or
7398   reflect the screen that the VNC viewers see? (e.g. for a handheld
7399   whose screen is rotated 90 degrees.)
7401   As of Jul/2006 there is the -rotate option allow this. E.g's: "-rotate
7402   +90", "-rotate -90", "-rotate x", etc.
7405   Q-106: Why is the view in my VNC viewer completely black? Or why is
7406   everything flashing around randomly?
7408   See the next FAQ for a possible explanation.
7411   Q-107: I use Linux Virtual Terminals (VT's) to implement 'Fast User
7412   Switching' between users' sessions (e.g. Betty is on Ctrl-Alt-F7,
7413   Bobby is on Ctrl-Alt-F8, and Sid is on Ctrl-Alt-F1: they use those
7414   keystrokes to switch between their sessions.)   How come the view in a
7415   VNC viewer connecting to x11vnc is either completely black or
7416   otherwise all messed up unless the X session x11vnc is attached to is
7417   in the active VT?
7419   This seems to have to do with how applications (the X server processes
7420   in this case) must "play nicely" if they are not on the active VT
7421   (sometimes called VC for virtual console.) That is, they should not
7422   read from the keyboard or mouse or manage the video display unless
7423   they have the active VT. Given that it appears the XGetImage() call
7424   must ultimately retrieve the framebuffer data from the video hardware
7425   itself, it would make sense x11vnc's polling wouldn't work unless the
7426   X session had active control of the VT.
7428   There does not seem to be an easy way to work around this. Even xwd(1)
7429   doesn't work in this case (try it.) Something would need to be done at
7430   a lower level, say in the XFree86/Xorg X server. Also, using the
7431   Shadow Framebuffer (a copy of the video framebuffer is kept in main
7432   memory) does not appear to fix the problem.
7434   If no one is sitting at the workstation and you just want to remotely
7435   switch the VT over to the one associated with your X session (so
7436   x11vnc can poll it correctly), one can use the chvt(1) command, e.g.
7437   "chvt 7" for VT #7.
7440   Q-108: I am using x11vnc where my local machine has "popup/hidden
7441   taskbars" and the remote display where x11vnc runs also has
7442   "popup/hidden taskbars" and they interfere and fight with each other.
7443   What can I do?
7445   When you move the mouse to the edge of the screen where the popups
7446   happen, the taskbars interfere with each other in strange ways. This
7447   sometimes happens where the local machine is GNOME or Mac OS X and the
7448   remote machine is GNOME. Is there a way to temporarily disable one or
7449   both of these magic desktop taskbars?
7451   One x11vnc user suggests: it should be straightforward to right mouse
7452   click on the task bar panel, and uncheck "enable auto-hide" from the
7453   panel properties dialog box. This will make the panel always visible.
7455   Q-109: Help! x11vnc and my KDE screensaver keep switching each other
7456   on and off every few seconds.
7458   This is a new (Jul/2006) problem seen, say, on the version of KDE that
7459   is shipped with SuSE 10.1. It is not yet clear what is causing this...
7460   If you move the mouse through x11vnc the screensaver shuts off like it
7461   should but then a second or two after you stop moving the mouse the
7462   screensaver snaps back on.
7464   This may be a bug in kdesktop_lock. For now the only workaround is to
7465   disable the screensaver. You can try using another one such as
7466   straight xscreensaver (see the instructions here for how to disable
7467   kdesktop_lock.) If you have more info on this or see it outside of KDE
7468   please let us know.
7470   Update: It appears this is due to kdesktop_lock enabling the screen
7471   saver when the Monitor is in DPMS low-power state (e.g. standby,
7472   suspend, or off.) In Nov/2006 the x11vnc -nodpms option was added as a
7473   workaround. Normally it is a good thing that the monitor powers down
7474   (since x11vnc can still poll the framebuffer in this state), but if
7475   you experience the kdesktop_lock problem you can specify the "-nodpms"
7476   option to keep the Monitor out of low power state while VNC clients
7477   are connected. This is basically the same as typing "xset dpms force
7478   on" periodically. (if you don't want to do these things just disable
7479   the screensaver.) Feel free to file a bug against kdesktop_lock with
7480   KDE.
7482   Q-110: I am running the compiz 3D window manager (or beryl, MythTv,
7483   Google Earth, or some other OpenGL app) and I do not get screen
7484   updates in x11vnc.
7486   This appears to be because the 3D OpenGL/GLX hardware screen updates
7487   do not get reported via the XDAMAGE mechanism. So this is a bug in
7488   compiz/beryl or XDAMAGE/Xorg or the (possibly 3rd party) video card
7489   driver.
7491   As a workaround apply the -noxdamage option. As of Feb/2007 x11vnc
7492   will try to autodetect the problem and disable XDAMAGE if is appears
7493   to be missing a lot of updates. But if you know you are using compiz
7494   you might as well always supply -noxdamage. Thanks to this user who
7495   reported the problem and discovered the workaround.
7497   A developer for MiniMyth reports that the 'alphapulse' tag of the
7498   theme G.A.N.T. can also cause problems, and should be avoided when
7499   using VNC.
7501   Please report a bug or complaint to Beryl/Compiz and/or Xorg about
7502   this: running x11vnc with -noxdamage disables a nice improvement in
7503   responsiveness (especially for typing) and also leads to unnecessary
7504   CPU and memory I/O load due to the extra polling.
7506   Update: as of May/2010 NVIDIA may have fixed this problem in their
7507   proprietary drivers. See the NVIDIA Release Notes. (look for
7508   'x11vnc'.)
7510   Q-111: Can I use x11vnc to view my VMWare session remotely?
7512   Yes, since VMWare usually runs as an X application you can view it via
7513   x11vnc in the normal way.
7515   Note that VMWare has several viewing modes:
7516     * Normal X application window  (with window manager frame)
7517     * Quick-Switch mode  (with no window manager frame)
7518     * Fullscreen mode
7520   The way VMWare does Fullscreen mode on Linux is to display the Guest
7521   desktop in a separate Virtual Terminal (e.g. VT 8) (see this FAQ on
7522   VT's for background.) Unfortunately, this Fullscreen VT is not an X
7523   server. So x11vnc cannot access it (however, see this discussion of
7524   -rawfb for a possible workaround.) x11vnc works fine with "Normal X
7525   application window" and "Quick-Switch mode" because these use X.
7527   Update: It appears the in VMWare 5.x the Fullscreen mode is X, so
7528   x11vnc access does work.
7530   One user reports he left his machine with VMWare in the Fullscreen
7531   mode, and even though his X session wasn't in the active VT, he could
7532   still connect x11vnc to the X session and pass the keystrokes Ctrl-Alt
7533   (typing "blind") to the VMWare X app. This induced VMWare to switch
7534   out of Fullscreen into Normal X mode and he could continue working in
7535   the Guest desktop remotely.
7538   Aside: Sometimes it is convenient (for performance, etc.) to start
7539   VMWare in its own X session using startx(1). This can be used to have
7540   a minimal window manger (e.g. twm or even no window manager), to
7541   improve response. One can also cut the display depth (e.g. to 16bpp)
7542   in this 2nd X session to improve video performance. This 2nd X session
7543   emulates Fullscreen mode to some degree and can be viewed via x11vnc
7544   as long as the VMWare X session is in the active VT.
7546   Also note that with a little bit of playing with "xwininfo -all
7547   -children" output one can extract the (non-toplevel) window-id of the
7548   of the Guest desktop only when VMWare is running as a normal X
7549   application. Then one can export just the guest desktop (i.e. without
7550   the VMWare menu buttons) by use of the -id windowid option. The
7551   caveats are the X session VMWare is in must be in the active VT and
7552   the window must be fully visible, so this mode is not terribly
7553   convenient, but could be useful in some circumstances (e.g. running
7554   VMWare on a very powerful server machine in a server room that happens
7555   to have a video card, (but need not have a monitor, Keyboard or
7556   mouse).)
7560   [Exporting non-X11 devices via VNC]
7562   Q-112: Can non-X devices (e.g. a raw framebuffer) be viewed (and even
7563   controlled) via VNC with x11vnc?
7565   As of Apr/2005 there is support for this. Two options were added:
7566   "-rawfb string" (to indicate the raw frame buffer device, file, etc.
7567   and its parameters) and "-pipeinput command" (to provide an external
7568   program that will inject or otherwise process mouse and keystroke
7569   input.) Some useful -pipeinput schemes, VID, CONSOLE, and UINPUT, have
7570   since been built into x11vnc for convenience.
7572   This non-X mode for x11vnc is somewhat experimental because it is so
7573   removed in scope from the intended usage of the tool. Incomplete
7574   attempt is made to make all of the other options consistent with non-X
7575   framebuffer polling. So all of the X-related options (e.g.
7576   -add_keysyms, -xkb) are just ignored or may cause an error if used. Be
7577   careful applying such an option via remote control.
7579   The format for the -rawfb string is:
7580    -rawfb <type>:<object>@<W>x<H>x<bpp>[-<BPL>][:<R>/<G>/<B>][+<offset>]
7582   There are also some useful aliases (e.g. "console".) Some examples:
7583    -rawfb shm:210337933@800x600x32:ff/ff00/ff0000
7585    -rawfb map:/dev/fb0@1024x768x16
7587    -rawfb map:/tmp/Xvfb_screen0@640x480x8+3232
7589    -rawfb file:/tmp/my.pnm@250x200x24+37
7591    -rawfb file:/dev/urandom@128x128x8
7593    -rawfb snap:/dev/video0@320x240x24 -24to32
7595    -rawfb console
7597    -rawfb vt2
7599    -rawfb video
7601    -rawfb setup:mycmd.sh
7603   So the type can be "shm" for shared memory objects, and "map" or
7604   "file" for file objects. "map" uses mmap(2) to map the file into
7605   memory and is preferred over "file" (that uses the slower lseek(2)
7606   access method.) Only use file if map isn't working. BTW, "mmap" is an
7607   alias for "map" and if you do not supply a type and the file exists,
7608   map is assumed (see the -help output and below for some exceptions to
7609   this.) The "snap:" setting applies the -snapfb option with "file:"
7610   type reading (this is useful for exporting webcams or TV tuner video;
7611   see the next FAQ for more info.)
7613   Also, if the string is of the form "setup:cmd" then cmd is run and the
7614   first line of its output retrieved and used as the rawfb string. This
7615   allows initializing the device, determining WxHxB, etc.
7617   The object will be the numerical shared memory id for the case of shm.
7618   The idea here is some other program has created this shared memory
7619   segment and periodically updates it with new framebuffer data. x11vnc
7620   polls the area for changes. See shmat(2) and ipcs(8) for more info.
7621   The ipcs command will list current shared memory segments on the
7622   system. Sometimes you can snoop on a program's framebuffer it did not
7623   expect you would be polling!
7625   The object will be the path to the regular or character special file
7626   for the cases of map and file. The idea here is that in the case of a
7627   regular file some other program is writing/updating framebuffer image
7628   data to it. In the case of a character special (e.g. /dev/fb0) it is
7629   the kernel that is "updating" the framebuffer data.
7631   In most cases x11vnc needs to be told the width, height, and number of
7632   bits per pixel (bpp) of the framebuffer. This is the @WxHxB field. For
7633   the case of the Linux framebuffer device, /dev/fb0, the fbset(8) may
7634   be of use (but may not always be accurate for what is currently
7635   viewable.) In general some guessing may be required, especially for
7636   the bpp. Update: in "-rawfb console" mode x11vnc will use the linuxfb
7637   API to try to guess (it is still not always accurate.) Also try
7638   "-rawfb vtN" (on x11vnc 0.9.7 and later) for the N-th Linux text
7639   console (aka virtual terminal.) If the number of Bytes Per Line is not
7640   WxHxB/8 (i.e. the framebuffer lines are padded) you can specify this
7641   information after WxHxB via "-BPL", e.g. @800x600x16-2048
7643   Based on the bpp x11vnc will try to guess the red, green, and blue
7644   masks (these indicate which bits correspond to each color.) It if gets
7645   it wrong you can specify them manually via the optional ":R/G/B"
7646   field. E.g. ":0xff0000/0x00ff00/0x0000ff" (this is the default for
7647   32bpp.)
7649   Finally, the framebuffer may not begin at the beginning of the memory
7650   object, so use the optional "+offset" parameter to indicate where the
7651   framebuffer information starts. So as an example, the Xvfb virtual
7652   framebuffer has options -shmem and -fbdir for exporting its virtual
7653   screen to either shm or a mapped file. The format of these is XWD and
7654   so the initial header should be skipped. BTW, since XWD is not
7655   strictly RGB the view will only be approximate, but usable. Of course
7656   for the case of Xvfb x11vnc can poll it much better via the X API, but
7657   you get the idea.
7659   By default in -rawfb mode x11vnc will actually close any X display it
7660   happened to open. This is basically to shake out bugs (e.g it will
7661   crash rather than mysteriously interacting with the X display.) If you
7662   want x11vnc to keep the X display open while polling the raw
7663   framebuffer prefix a "+" sign at the beginning of the string (e.g.
7664   +file:/dev/urandom@64x64x8) This could be convenient for keeping the
7665   remote control channel active (it uses X properties.) The "-connect
7666   /path/to/file" mechanism could also be used for remote control to
7667   avoid the X property channel. Rare usage, but if you also supply
7668   -noviewonly in this "+" mode then the mouse and keyboard input are
7669   still sent to the X display, presumably for doing something amusing
7670   with /dev/fb...
7672   Interesting Devices:. Here are some aliases for interesting device
7673   files that can be polled via -rawfb:
7674   -rawfb console               /dev/fb0        Linux Console
7675   -rawfb vt2                   /dev/vcsa2      Linux Console (e.g. virtual ter
7676minal #2)
7677   -rawfb video                 /dev/video0     Video4Linux Capture device
7678   -rawfb rand                  /dev/urandom    Random Bytes
7679   -rawfb null                  /dev/zero       Zero Bytes (black screen)
7681   The Linux console, /dev/fb0, etc needs to have its driver enabled in
7682   the kernel. Some of the drivers are video card specific and
7683   accelerated. The console is either the Text consoles (usually
7684   tty1-tty6), or X graphical display (usually starting at tty7.) In
7685   addition to the text console other graphical ones may be viewed and
7686   interacted with as well, e.g. DirectFB or SVGAlib apps, VMWare non-X
7687   fullscreen, or Qt-embedded apps (PDAs/Handhelds.) By default the
7688   pipeinput mechanisms UINPUT and CONSOLE (keystrokes only) are
7689   automatically attempted in this mode under "-rawfb console".
7691   The Video4Linux Capture device, /dev/video0, etc is either a Webcam or
7692   a TV capture device and needs to have its driver enabled in the
7693   kernel. See this FAQ for details. If specified via "-rawfb Video" then
7694   the pipeinput method "VID" is applied (it lets you change video
7695   parameters dynamically via keystrokes.)
7697   The last two, /dev/urandom and /dev/zero are just for fun, but are
7698   also useful in testing.
7701   All of the above -rawfb options are just for viewing the raw
7702   framebuffer (although some of the aliases do imply keystroke and mouse
7703   pipeinput methods.) That may be enough for certain applications of
7704   this feature (e.g. suppose a video camera mapped its framebuffer into
7705   memory and you just wanted to look at it via VNC.)
7706   To handle the pointer and keyboard input from the viewer users the
7707   "-pipeinput cmd" option was added to indicate a helper program to
7708   process the user input. The input is streamed to it and looks
7709   something like this:
7710   Pointer 1 205 257 0 None
7711   Pointer 1 198 253 0 None
7712   Pointer 1 198 253 1 ButtonPress-1
7713   Pointer 1 198 253 0 ButtonRelease-1
7714   Pointer 1 198 252 0 None
7715   Keysym 1 1 119 w KeyPress
7716   Keysym 1 0 119 w KeyRelease
7717   Keysym 1 1 65288 BackSpace KeyPress
7718   Keysym 1 0 65288 BackSpace KeyRelease
7719   Keysym 1 1 112 p KeyPress
7720   Keysym 1 0 112 p KeyRelease
7722   Run "-pipeinput tee:/bin/cat" to get a description of the format. Note
7723   that the -pipeinput option is independent of -rawfb mode and so may
7724   have some other interesting uses. The "tee:" prefix means x11vnc will
7725   both process the user input and pipe it to the command. The default is
7726   to just pipe it to the -pipeinput command.
7728   Note the -pipeinput helper program could actually control the raw
7729   framebuffer. In the libvncserver CVS a simple example program
7730   x11vnc/misc/slide.pl is provided that demonstrates a simple jpeg
7731   "slideshow" application. Also the builtin "-pipeinput VID" mode does
7732   this for webcams and TV capture devices (/dev/video0.)
7734   The -pipeinput program is run with these environment variables set:
7736   knowing what is up.
7738   Another example provided in libvncserver CVS is a script to inject
7739   keystrokes into the Linux console (e.g. the virtual consoles:
7740   /dev/tty1, /dev/tty2, etc) in x11vnc/misc/vcinject.pl. It is based on
7741   the vncterm/LinuxVNC.c program also in the libvncserver CVS. So to
7742   view and interact with VT #2 (assuming it is the active VT) one can
7743   run something like:
7744  x11vnc -rawfb map:/dev/fb0@1024x768x16 -pipeinput './vcinject.pl 2'
7746   This assumes your Linux framebuffer device (/dev/fb0) is properly
7747   configured. See fbset(8) and other documentation. Try
7748   "file:/dev/fb0@WxHxB" as a last resort. Starting with x11vnc 0.8.1,
7749   the above VT injection is built in, as well as WxHxB determination.
7750   Just use something like:
7751  x11vnc -rawfb console
7753   this will try to guess the active virtual console (via /dev/tty0) and
7754   also the /dev/fb0 WxHxB and rgb masks automatically. Use, e.g.,
7755   "-rawfb console3" to force the VT number. This input method can be
7756   used generally via "-pipeinput CONSOLE". Also starting with x11vnc
7757   0.8.2 the "-pipeinput UINPUT" mode is tried first (it does both
7758   keyboard and mouse input) and then falls back to CONSOLE mode if it is
7759   not available. Here is the -help output for this mode:
7761     If the rawfb string begins with "console" the framebuffer device
7762     /dev/fb0 is opened (this requires the appropriate kernel modules to
7763     be installed) and so is /dev/tty0. The latter is used to inject
7764     keystrokes (not all are supported, but the basic ones are.) You
7765     will need to be root to inject keystrokes. /dev/tty0 refers to the
7766     active VT, to indicate one explicitly, use "console2", etc. using
7767     the VT number.
7769     If the Linux version seems to be 2.6 or later and the "uinput"
7770     module appears to be present, then the uinput method will be used
7771     instead of /dev/ttyN. uinput allows insertion of BOTH keystrokes
7772     and mouse input and so it preferred when accessing graphical (e.g.
7773     Qt-embedded) linux console apps. See -pipeinput UINPUT below for
7774     more information on this mode (you may want to also use the
7775     -nodragging and -cursor none options.) Use "console0", etc or
7776     -pipeinput CONSOLE to force the /dev/ttyN method.
7778     Note you can change VT remotely using the chvt(1) command.
7779     Sometimes switching out and back corrects the framebuffer state.
7781     To skip input injecting entirely use "consolex".
7783     The string "/dev/fb0" (1, etc) can be used instead of "console".
7784     This can be used to specify a different framebuffer device, e.g.
7785     /dev/fb1. As a shortcut the "/dev/" can be dropped. If the name is
7786     something nonstandard, use "console:/dev/foofb"
7788     If you do not want x11vnc to guess the framebuffer's WxHxB and
7789     masks automatically (sometimes the kernel gives inaccurate
7790     information), specify them with a @WxHxB at the end of the string.
7792   The above is just an example of what can be done. Note that if you
7793   really want to view and interact with the Linux Text console it is
7794   better to use the more accurate and faster LinuxVNC program. The
7795   advantage x11vnc -rawfb might have is that it can allow interaction
7796   with a non-text application, e.g. one based on SVGAlib or Qt-embedded
7797   Also, for example the VMWare Fullscreen mode is actually viewable
7798   under -rawfb and can be interacted with if uinput is enabled.
7800   If the Linux uinput driver is available then full keystroke and mouse
7801   input into the Linux console can be performed. You may be able to
7802   enable uinput via commands like these:
7803  modprobe uinput
7804  mknod /dev/input/uinput c 10 223
7806   The -rawfb and -pipeinput features are intended to help one creatively
7807   "get out of a jam" (say on a legacy or embedded device) where X is
7808   absent or doesn't work properly. Feedback and bug reports are welcome.
7809   For more control and less overhead use libvncserver in your own C
7810   program that passes the framebuffer to libvncserver.
7813   Q-113: Can I export the Linux Console (Virtual Terminals) via VNC
7814   using x11vnc?
7816   Yes, you may need to be root to access the devices that make up the
7817   linux console.
7819   To access the active Linux console via the computer's framebuffer try
7820   something like:
7821  x11vnc -rawfb console
7822  x11vnc -rawfb console2
7824   These will try to access the framebuffer through /dev/fb (or /dev/fb0,
7825   etc.) and if it succeeds it will show any text or graphics that is
7826   currently displayed. Keystrokes will be injected via the device
7827   /dev/tty0 (to force an explicit virtual terminal append a number, e.g.
7828   "console2" to select /dev/tty2.)
7830   If your Linux system does not have a framebuffer device (/dev/fb) you
7831   can get one by adding, e.g., vga=0x31B boot parameter. This enables
7832   the VGA framebuffer device at 1280x1024x24. 0x317 gives 1024x768x16,
7833   etc. You can also enable a Linux framebuffer device by modprobing a
7834   framebuffer driver specific to your video card.
7836   Note that this "-rawfb console" mode shows the contents of the
7837   hardware framebuffer, and so will show whatever is on the screen. It
7838   has no concept of Virtual Terminals WRT what there is to view, it
7839   always shows the active virtual terminal.
7841   Another mode is specific to the Linux text Virtual Terminals, it shows
7842   their text and colors (but no graphics) regardless of whether it is
7843   the active VT or not. It is available on x11vnc 0.9.7 and later.
7844   Enable this mode like this:
7845  x11vnc -rawfb vt
7846  x11vnc -rawfb vt2
7848   The former will select the active one, the latter the 2nd VT. x11vnc
7849   implements this mode by opening the current console text file
7850   "/dev/vcsa2" instead of "/dev/fb". In this way it provides the basic
7851   functionality of the LibVNCServer LinuxVNC program.
7853   The vt mode can be a useful way to try to get a machine's X server
7854   working remotely, e.g. you edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then type
7855   startx (or similar, e.g. gdm) in the virtual terminal. A 2nd x11vnc
7856   could be used to see if the X server is now working correctly.
7858   Q-114: Can I export via VNC a Webcam or TV tuner framebuffer using
7859   x11vnc?
7861   Yes, this is possible to some degree with the -rawfb option. There is
7862   no X11 involved: snapshots from the video capture device are used for
7863   the screen image data. See the previous FAQ on -rawfb for background.
7864   For best results, use x11vnc version 0.8.1 or later.
7866   Roughly, one would do something like this:
7867  x11vnc -rawfb snap:/dev/video@320x240x32
7869   This requires that the system allows simple read(2) access to the
7870   video device. This is true for video4Linux on Linux kernel 2.6 and
7871   later (it won't work for 2.4, you'll need a separate program to
7872   snapshot to a file that you point -rawfb to; ask me if it is not clear
7873   what to do.)
7875   The "snap:" enforces -snapfb mode which appears to be necessary. The
7876   read pointer for video capture devices cannot be repositioned (which
7877   would be needed for scanline polling), but you can read a full frame
7878   of data from the device.
7880   On Linux, if the Video4Linux API is present or the v4l-info(1) program
7881   (related to xawtv) exists in in PATH, then x11vnc can be instructed to
7882   try it to determine the -rawfb WxHxB parameters for you automatically.
7883   In this case one would just type:
7884  x11vnc -rawfb video
7886   or "-rawfb video1" for the 2nd video device, etc.
7888   x11vnc has also been extended to use the Video4Linux API over v4l-info
7889   if it is available at build time. This enables setting parameters
7890   (e.g. size and brightness) via x11vnc. See the description below.
7891   Without Video4Linux you will need to initialize the settings of the
7892   video device using something like xawtv or spcaview (and then hope the
7893   settings persist until x11vnc reopens the device.)
7895   Many video4linux drivers tend to set the framebuffer to be 24bpp (as
7896   opposed to 32bpp.) Since this can cause problems with VNC viewers,
7897   etc, the -24to32 option will be automatically imposed when in 24bpp.
7899   Note that by its very nature, video capture involves rapid change in
7900   the framebuffer. This is especially true for cameras where slight
7901   wavering in brightness is always happening. This can lead to much
7902   network bandwidth consumption for the VNC traffic and also local CPU
7903   and I/O resource usage. You may want to experiment with "dialing down"
7904   the framerate via the -wait, -slow_fb, or -defer options. Decreasing
7905   the window size and bpp also helps.
7908   Setting Camera/Tuner parameters via x11vnc:
7910   There is also some support for setting parameters of the capture
7911   device. This is done via "-rawfb video:<settings>". This could be
7912   useful for unattended startup at boottime, etc. Here is the -help
7913   description:
7915     A more sophisticated video device scheme allows initializing the
7916     device's settings using:
7918           -rawfb video:<settings>
7920     The prefix could also be, as above, e.g. "video1:" to specify the
7921     device file. The v4l API must be available for this to work.
7922     Otherwise, you will need to try to initialize the device with an
7923     external program, e.g. xawtv, spcaview, and hope they persist when
7924     x11vnc re-opens the device.
7926     <settings> is a comma separated list of key=value pairs. The
7927     device's brightness, color, contrast, and hue can be set to
7928     percentages, e.g. br=80,co=50,cn=44,hu=60.
7930     The device filename can be set too if needed (if it does not start
7931     with "video"), e.g. fn=/dev/qcam.
7933     The width, height and bpp of the framebuffer can be set via, e.g.,
7934     w=160,h=120,bpp=16.
7936     Related to the bpp above, the pixel format can be set via the
7937     fmt=XXX, where XXX can be one of: GREY, HI240, RGB555, RGB565,
7938     RGB24, and RGB32 (with bpp 8, 8, 16, 16, 24, and 32 respectively.)
7939     See http://www.linuxtv.org for more info (V4L api.)
7941     For TV/rf tuner cards one can set the tuning mode via tun=XXX where
7942     XXX can be one of PAL, NTSC, SECAM, or AUTO.
7944     One can switch the input channel by the inp=XXX setting, where XXX
7945     is the name of the input channel (Television, Composite1, S-Video,
7946     etc.) Use the name that is in the information about the device that
7947     is printed at startup.
7949     For input channels with tuners (e.g. Television) one can change
7950     which station is selected by the sta=XXX setting. XXX is the
7951     station number. Currently only the ntsc-cable-us (US cable)
7952     channels are built into x11vnc. See the -freqtab option below to
7953     supply one from xawtv. If XXX is greater than 500, then it is
7954     interpreted as a raw frequency in KHz.
7956     Example:
7958     -rawfb video:br=80,w=320,h=240,fmt=RGB32,tun=NTSC,sta=47
7960     one might need to add inp=Television too for the input channel to
7961     be TV if the card doesn't come up by default in that one.
7963     Note that not all video capture devices will support all of the
7964     above settings.
7966     See the -pipeinput VID option below for a way to control the
7967     settings through the VNC Viewer via keystrokes.
7969     As above, if you specify a "@WxHxB..." after the <settings> string
7970     they are used verbatim: the device is not queried for the current
7971     values. Otherwise the device will be queried.
7973   Also, if you supply the "-pipeinput VID" (or use "-rawfb Video")
7974   option you can control the settings to some degree via keystroke
7975   mappings, e.g. B to increase the brightness or Up arrow to change the
7976   TV station:
7978     For "-pipeinput VID" and you are using the -rawfb for a video
7979     capture device, then an internal list of keyboard mappings is used
7980     to set parameters of the video. The mappings are:
7982         "B" and "b" adjust the brightness up and down.
7983         "H" and "h" adjust the hue.
7984         "C" and "c" adjust the colour.
7985         "N" and "n" adjust the contrast.
7986         "S" and "s" adjust the size of the capture screen.
7987         "I" and "i" cycle through input channels.
7988         Up and Down arrows adjust the station (if a tuner)
7989         F1, F2, ..., F6 will switch the video capture pixel
7990         format to HI240, RGB565, RGB24, RGB32, RGB555, and
7991         GREY respectively. See -rawfb video for details.
7993   See also the -freqtab option to supply your own xawtv channel to
7994   frequency mappings for your country (only ntsc-cable-us is built into
7995   x11vnc.)
7998   Q-115: Can I connect via VNC to a Qt-embedded/Qt-enhanced/Qtopia
7999   application running on my handheld, cell phone, or PC using the Linux
8000   console framebuffer (i.e. not X11)?
8002   Yes, the basic method for this is the -rawfb scheme where the Linux
8003   console framebuffer (usually /dev/fb0) is polled and the uinput driver
8004   is used to inject keystrokes and mouse input. Often you will just have
8005   to type:
8006  x11vnc -rawfb console
8008   (you may need to enable the uinput driver on the system via "modprobe
8009   uinput; mknod /dev/input/uinput c 10 223") If this does not find the
8010   correct frame buffer properties figure them out or guess them and use
8011   something like:
8012  x11vnc -rawfb /dev/fb0@640x480x16
8014   Also, to force usage of the uinput injection method use "-pipeinput
8015   UINPUT". See the -pipeinput description for tunable parameters, etc.
8017   One problem with the x11vnc uinput scheme is that it cannot guess the
8018   mouse motion "acceleration" used by the windowing application (e.g.
8019   QWS or X11.) For X11 and Qt-embedded the acceleration is usually 2
8020   (i.e. a dx of 1 from the mouse yields a 2 pixel displacement of the
8021   mouse cursor.) The default x11vnc uses is 2, since that is often used.
8022   However for one Qt-embedded system we needed to do:
8023  x11vnc -rawfb console  -pipeinput UINPUT:accel=4.0
8025   to get reasonable positioning of the mouse.
8027   Even with the correct acceleration setting there is still some drift
8028   (probably because of the mouse threshold where the acceleration kicks
8029   in) and so x11vnc needs to reposition the cursor from 0,0 about 5
8030   times a second. See the -pipeinput UINPUT option for tuning parameters
8031   that can be set (there are some experimental thresh=N tuning
8032   parameters as well)
8034   Currently, one can expect mouse input to be a little flakey. All in
8035   all, the Linux framebuffer input mechanism for Qt-embedded framebuffer
8036   apps is not perfect, but it is usable.
8038   If you need to create a smaller x11vnc binary for a handheld
8039   environment be sure to run strip(1) on it and also consider
8040   configuring with, e.g. "env CPPFLAGS='-DSMALL_FOOTPRINT=1' ./configure
8041   ..." to remove rarely used features and large texts (use 2 or 3
8042   instead of 1 to remove more.) Currently (Jul/2006) this can lower the
8043   size of the x11vnc from 1.1MB to 0.6-0.7MB.
8045   The x11vnc uinput method applies to nearly anything on the Linux
8046   framebuffer console, not just Qt-embedded/Qtopia. DirectFB, SDL using
8047   fbcon driver, SVGAlib applications can also be viewed and interacted
8048   with. Even a Linux X session can be viewed and interacted with without
8049   using X11 (and x11vnc does not have to terminate when the X server
8050   restarts!) The Linux Text consoles (F1-F6) also work.
8052   Note that Qt-embedded supplies its own VNC graphics driver, but it
8053   cannot do both the Linux console framebuffer and VNC at the same time,
8054   which is often what is desired from VNC.
8056   Update: We are finding some setups like Qtopia on the IPAQ do not
8057   allow mouse input via uinput. Please help us debug this problem by
8058   trying x11vnc on your device and letting us know what does and does
8059   not work. See the next FAQ for a possible workaround for touchscreens.
8062   Q-116: How do I inject touch screen input into an
8063   Qt-embedded/Qt-enhanced/Qtopia cell phone such as openmoko/qtmoko Neo
8064   Freerunner?
8066   The qtmoko project does not use X11 for the graphical display.
8067   Unfortunately the Linux uinput method described in the previous FAQ
8068   does not work because Qt is using TSLIB (touch screen library) to
8069   process the input and it only reads from one device (often
8070   /dev/input/event1) and not from the new UINPUT device that x11vnc
8071   creates (under -pipeinput UINPUT)
8073   So something else needs to be done. It was discovered that by simply
8074   writing the touchscreen events directly to /dev/input/event1 then
8075   input can be injected into the system. There is no x11vnc builtin mode
8076   for this yet (until we understand it better), but there is a working
8077   script provided in x11vnc/misc/qt_tslib_inject.pl. So one could use it
8078   this way for example:
8079  x11vnc ... -rawfb console -pipeinput path/to/qt_tslib_inject.pl -env INJECT_O
8082   Read the script for how to enable other options and what the above
8083   options mean (e.g. /etc/pointercal contains TSLIB's calibration
8084   parameters and are necessary to achieve accurate pointing.)
8086   The x11vnc/misc/qt_tslib_inject.pl script can potentially be modified
8087   to handle other devices where the uinput method fails. It could also
8088   be modified to create 'hot keys', etc.
8090   Please let us know how things go if you try this out; there is much to
8091   learn about synthetic input injection in handhelds and cell phones. As
8092   we learn more we can develop a builtin x11vnc mode for this sort of
8093   injection.
8095   Update Dec/2010: There is experimental built-in UINPUT support in the
8096   x11vnc development tarball for qtmoko with touchpad managed by tslib.
8097   See -pipeinput UINPUT for more info. Here is an example:
8098   x11vnc -rawfb console -pipeinput UINPUT:touch,tslib_cal=/etc/pointercal,dire
8102   Q-117: Now that non-X11 devices can be exported via VNC using x11vnc,
8103   can I build it with no dependencies on X11 header files and libraries?
8105   Yes, as of Jul/2006 x11vnc enables building for -rawfb only support.
8106   Just do something like when building:
8107  ./configure --without-x    (plus any other flags)
8108  make
8110   You can then test via "ldd x11vnc" that the binary does not depend on
8111   libX11.so, etc. See the previous FAQ's for non-X11 framebuffer usage.
8112   If you use this for an interesting non-X11 application please let us
8113   know what you did.
8116   Q-118: How do I cross compile x11vnc for a different architecture than
8117   my Linux i386 or amd64 PC?
8119   You will need a cross-compiling toolchain. Perhaps your distro
8120   provides these or you can find a HOWTO for your distro. We found a
8121   nice one at qtmoko.org for building armel binaries on Debian Linux
8122   i386 machines. It includes most of the libraries that x11vnc needs. We
8123   use that example here.
8125   We ran this script to set PATH, configure, and build:
8128# toolchain from: qtmoko-debian-toolchain-armv4t-eabi.tar.gz
8130export PATH=/opt/toolchains/arm920t-eabi/bin:$PATH
8132env CC=arm-linux-gcc ./configure --host=arm-linux --without-avahi
8136arm-linux-strip ./x11vnc/x11vnc
8137ls -l ./x11vnc/x11vnc
8139   Note we had to include --without-avahi due to lack of
8140   libavahi-client.so.3 supplied by the toolchain we used. One would need
8141   to add it if it was desired on the target machine. We also stripped
8142   the binary to make it smaller.
8144   For an embedded system one may also want to add --without-x if the
8145   embedded system does not use X11 and the -rawfb mechanism must be
8146   used.
8149   Q-119: Does x11vnc support Mac OS X Aqua/Quartz displays natively
8150   (i.e. no X11 involved)?
8152   Yes, since Nov/2006 in the development tree (x11vnc-0.8.4 tarball)
8153   there is support for native Mac OS X Aqua/Quartz displays using the
8154   -rawfb mechanism described above. The mouse and keyboard input is
8155   achieved via Mac OS X API's.
8157   So you can use x11vnc as an alternative to OSXvnc (aka Vine Server),
8158   or Apple Remote Desktop (ARD). Perhaps there is some x11vnc feature
8159   you'd like to use on Mac OS X, etc. For a number of activities (e.g.
8160   window drags) it seems to be faster than OSXvnc.
8162   Notes:
8164   X11:  x11vnc will also work (as it has for years) with a X11 server
8165   (XDarwin) running on Mac OS X (people often install this software to
8166   display remote X11 apps on their Mac OS X system, or use some old
8167   favorites locally such as xterm.) However in this case x11vnc will
8168   only work reasonably in single window -id windowid mode (and the
8169   window may need to have mouse focus.)
8171   If you do not have the DISPLAY env. variable set, x11vnc will assume
8172   native Aqua/Quartz on Mac OS X, however if DISPLAY is set it will
8173   assume an X11 connection. Use "-rawfb console" to force the native
8174   display (or unset DISPLAY.)
8176   Update: Leopard sets DISPLAY by default in all sessions. Since it
8177   starts with the string "/tmp/" x11vnc will use that to know if it
8178   should ignore it. Use "-display :0.0" to force it.
8180   Building:  If you don't have the X11 build and runtime packages
8181   installed you will need to build it like this:
8182   (cd to the e.g. x11vnc-0.9, source directory)
8183   ./configure --without-x
8184   make
8186   Win2VNC/x2vnc:  One handy use is to use the -nofb mode to redirect
8187   mouse and keyboard input to a nearby Mac (i.e. one to the side of your
8188   desk) via x2vnc or Win2VNC. See this FAQ for more info.
8190   Options:  Here are the Mac OS X specific x11vnc options:
8191   -macnodim              For the native Mac OS X server, disable dimming.
8192   -macnosleep            For the native Mac OS X server, disable display sleep
8194   -macnosaver            For the native Mac OS X server, disable screensaver.
8195   -macnowait             For the native Mac OS X server, do not wait for the
8196                          user to switch back to his display.
8197   -macwheel n            For the native Mac OS X server, set the mouse wheel
8198                          speed to n (default 5.)
8199   -macnoswap             For the native Mac OS X server, do not swap mouse
8200                          buttons 2 and 3.
8201   -macnoresize           For the native Mac OS X server, do not resize or rese
8203                          the framebuffer even if it is detected that the scree
8205                          resolution or depth has changed.
8206   -maciconanim n         For the native Mac OS X server, set n to the number
8207                          of milliseconds that the window iconify/deiconify
8208                          animation takes.  In -ncache mode this value will be
8209                          used to skip the animation if possible. (default 400)
8210   -macmenu               For the native Mac OS X server, in -ncache client-sid
8212                          caching mode, try to cache pull down menus (not perfe
8214                          because they have animated fades, etc.)
8216   PasteBoard/Clipboard:   There is a bug that the Clipboard (called
8217   PasteBoard on Mac it appears) exchange will not take place unless
8218   x11vnc was started from inside the Aqua display (e.g. started inside a
8219   Terminal app window.) Otherwise it cannot connect to the PasteBoard
8220   server. So Clipboard exchange won't work for our standard "ssh in"
8221   startup scheme.
8223   Hopefully this deficiency can be removed, but until then for Clipboard
8224   exchange to work you will need to start x11vnc inside the desktop
8225   session (i.e. either start it running before you leave, or start up a
8226   2nd x11vnc inside from a 1st one started outside, or use the apple
8227   script below)
8229   Here also is a osascript trick that seems to work (it opens the
8230   Terminal app and instructs it to start x11vnc):
8234# start_x11vnc: start x11vnc in a Terminal window
8235# (this will allow Clipboard/Pasteboard exchange to work)
8239cat > $tmp <<END
8241tell application "Terminal"
8242        activate
8243        do script with command "$HOME/x11vnc -rfbauth .vnc/passwd -ssl SAVE"
8244end tell
8248osascript $tmp
8249rm -f $tmp
8251   where you should customize the x11vnc command line to your needs and
8252   the full path to the binary. Save it in a file e.g. "start_x11vnc" and
8253   then after you SSH in just type "./start_x11vnc" (or have ssh run the
8254   command for you.) Then once you are connected via VNC, iconify the
8255   Terminal windows (you can't delete them since that will kill x11vnc.)
8257   Update Aug/2010: A user reports the following useful information:
8258This is not a problem on Mac OS X 10.6.x (Snow Leopard) when connecting
8259via ssh to start x11vnc.  And, on Mac OS X 10.5.x (Leopard), the problem
8260can be permanently eliminated by doing this:
8263sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'delete :LimitLoadToSessionType' \
8264   -c 'add :LimitLoadToSessionType string Background' \
8265   /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.pboard.plist
8266# ignore any 'Delete: Entry, ":LimitLoadToSessionType", Does Not Exist' message
8268and then restarting (yes, you must restart not just log off).  But
8269ONLY do that for Mac OS X 10.5.x and NOT for 10.6.x (which doesn't
8270need it anyway).
8272   We recently got access to a MacOSX 10.6.4 (Snow Leopard) macbook and
8273   have confirmed that the above is correct.
8276   Q-120: Can x11vnc be used as a VNC reflector/repeater to improve
8277   performance for the case of a large number of simultaneous VNC viewers
8278   (e.g. classroom broadcasting or a large demo)?
8280   Yes, as of Feb/2007 there is the "-reflect host:N" option to connect
8281   to the VNC server "host:N" (either another x11vnc or any other VNC
8282   server) and re-export it. VNC viewers then connect to the x11vnc(s)
8283   running -reflect.
8285   The -reflect option is the same as: "-rawfb vnc:host:N". See the
8286   -rawfb description under "VNC HOST" for more details.
8288   You can replace "host:N" with "listen" or "listen:port" for reverse
8289   connections.
8291   One can set up a number of such reflectors/repeaters to spread the
8292   resource usage around, e.g.:
8293       C -------<-------|
8294       C -------<-------|
8295       C -------<-------|---- R -----|
8296       C -------<-------|            |
8297       C -------<-------|            |
8298                                     |
8299       C -------<-------|            |
8300       C -------<-------|            |
8301       C -------<-------|---- R -----|
8302       C -------<-------|            |
8303       C -------<-------|            |
8304                                     |====== S
8305       C -------<-------|            |
8306       C -------<-------|            |
8307       C -------<-------|---- R -----|
8308       C -------<-------|            |
8309       C -------<-------|            |
8310                                     |
8311       C -------<-------|            |
8312       C -------<-------|            |
8313       C -------<-------|---- R -----|
8314       C -------<-------|
8315       C -------<-------|
8317   Where "S" is the original VNC Server, "C" denote VNC viewer clients,
8318   and "R" denotes an x11vnc running -reflect to "S".
8320   Ideally, a client "C" will be fairly close network-wise to its "R". It
8321   is fine to run the "R" on the same machine as one of its "C's". A nice
8322   setup for a large, (e.g. 64-128) viewer classroom broadcast case would
8323   be to run R's on areas isolated by network switches, e.g. one R per
8324   switch.
8326   In an extreme case (e.g. 1000 viewers) one might actually need a 2nd
8327   layer of R's in the tree. If you try something like that let us know!
8329   There are many resource savings in doing something like the above. The
8330   first obvious one is network bandwidth savings. Another is less CPU
8331   load on "S" since it handles many fewer simultaneous connections.
8332   Also, if there are a few clients C on very slow links, their presence
8333   does not slow down every other client, just the clients on their "R".
8334   One way a slow client affects things is if there are some large
8335   framebuffer writes (e.g. jpeg image region) then the repeater may
8336   block waiting for that large write to finish before going onto the
8337   next client (however, if the write is small enough, the kernel will
8338   buffer it and the server can go on to service the next client.)
8340   The x11vnc -reflect implementation uses the libvncclient library in
8341   the LibVNCServer project to handle the connection to "S". It is not
8342   currently very efficient since it simply does its normal framebuffer
8343   polling scheme on the libvncclient framebuffer (which it then
8344   re-exports via VNC to its clients C.) However, CopyRect and
8345   CursorShape encodings are preserved in the reflection and that helps.
8346   Dragging windows with the mouse can be a problem (especially if S is
8347   not doing wireframing somehow, consider -nodragging if the problem is
8348   severe) For a really fast reflector/repeater it would have to be
8349   implemented from scratch with performance in mind. See these other
8350   projects:
8351    http://sourceforge.net/projects/vnc-reflector/,
8352    http://www.tightvnc.com/projector/                (closed source?),
8355   Automation via Reverse Connections:   Instead of having the R's
8356   connect directly to S and then the C's connect directly to the R they
8357   should use, some convenience can be achieved by using reverse
8358   connections (the x11vnc ""-connect host1,host2,..." option.) Suppose
8359   all the clients "C" are started up in Listen mode:
8360    client1>  vncviewer -listen
8361    client2>  vncviewer -listen
8362    client3>  vncviewer -listen
8363    ...
8364    client64> vncviewer -listen
8366   (e.g. client1> is the cmdline prompt on machine client1 ... etc) and
8367   all the repeaters R are started like this:
8368    repeater1> x11vnc -reflect listen -connect client1,client2,...client8
8369    repeater2> x11vnc -reflect listen -connect client9,client10,...client16
8370    ...
8371    repeater8> x11vnc -reflect listen -connect client57,client58,...client64
8373   and finally the main server is started to kick the whole thing into
8374   motion:
8375    vncserver> x11vnc -display :0 -connect repeater1,repeater2,...repeater8
8377   (or instruct a non-x11vnc VNC server to reverse connect to the
8378   repeaters.) For a classroom broadcasting setup one might have the
8379   first two sets of commands start automatically at bootup or when
8380   someone logs in, and then start everything up with the S server. One
8381   may even be able to script the forward connection bootstrap case, let
8382   us know what you did. A really nice thing would be some sort of
8383   auto-discovery of your repeater, etc...
8385   Q-121: Can x11vnc be used during a Linux, Solaris, etc. system
8386   Installation so the Installation can be done remotely?
8388   This can be done, but it doesn't always work because it depends on how
8389   the OS does its install. We have to "sneak in" somehow. Note that some
8390   OS's have a remote install (ssh etc.) built in and so you might want
8391   to use that instead.
8393   Usually the OS install will have to be a network-install in order to
8394   have networking up during the install. Otherwise, you may have a
8395   (slim) chance to configure the networking manually (ifconfig(8) and
8396   route(8).)
8398   To avoid library dependencies problems in the typical minimal (e.g.
8399   busybox) installation OS it is a good idea to build a statically
8400   linked x11vnc binary. A way that often works is to do a normal build
8401   and then paste the final x11vnc link line into a shell script. Then
8402   change the "gcc" to "gcc -static" and run the shell script. You may
8403   need to disable features (e.g. "--without-xfixes") if there is not a
8404   static library for the feature available. You may also need to add
8405   extra link options (e.g. "-lXrender") to complete library dependencies
8406   manually.
8408   Let's call the binary x11vnc.static. Place it on a webserver
8409   somewhere. It may be possible to retrieve it via scp(1) too.
8411   During the install you need to get a shell to retreive x11vnc.static
8412   and run it.
8414   If the Solaris install is an older X-based one, there will be a menu
8415   for you to get a terminal window. From that window you might be able
8416   to retrieve x11vnc.static via wget, scp, or ftp. Remember to do "chmod
8417   755 ./x11vnc.static" and then find the -auth file as in this FAQ.
8419   If it is a Linux install that uses an X server (e.g. SuSE and probably
8420   Fedora), then you can often get a shell by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F2 or
8421   similar. Then get the x11vnc binary via something like this:
8422   cd /tmp
8423   wget
8424   chmod 755 ./x11vnc.static
8426   Find the name of the auth file as in this FAQ. (maybe run "ps wwaux |
8427   grep auth".) Then run it like this:
8428   ./x11vnc.static -forever -nopw -display :0 -auth /tmp/wherever/the/authfile
8430   then press Alt-F7 to go back to the X install. You should now be able
8431   to connect via a vnc viewer and continue the install. Watch out for
8432   the display being :1, etc.
8434   If there is a firewall blocking incoming connections during the
8435   install, use the "-connect hostname" option option for a reverse
8436   connection to the hostname running the VNC viewer in listen mode.
8438   Debian based installs are either console-text or console-framebuffer
8439   based. These are install (or expert) and installgui (or expertgui)
8440   boot lines, respectively. For the console-text based installs you
8441   probably need to add a boot cmd line option like vga=0x314 (which is
8442   800x600x16) to get the console-text to use the linux framebuffer
8443   device properly.
8445   For a Debian console-text based install after the network is
8446   configured press Ctrl-Alt-F2 to get a shell. Retrieve the binary via
8447   wget as above and chmod 755 it. Then run it something like this:
8448   sleep 10; ./x11vnc.static -forever -nopw -rawfb console
8450   then before the sleep is over press Alt-F1 to get back to the install
8451   virtual console. You should be able to connect via a VNC viewer and
8452   continue with the install.
8454   For a recent (2009) Debian install we booted with "expert vga=0x301"
8455   and "expert vga=0x311" to get console text based installs at 640x480x8
8456   and 640x480x16, respectively (replace "expert" with "install" if you
8457   like.) Otherwise it was giving a 16 color 640x480x4 (4 bit per pixel)
8458   display which x11vnc could not handle.
8460   For Debian console-framebuffer GUI based installs (installgui or
8461   expertgui) we have not be able to enter keystrokes or mouse motions.
8462   This may be resolved if the install had the Linux kernel module
8463   uinput, but it doesn't; one can wget uinput.ko and then run insmod on
8464   it, but the module must match the installation kernel. So, failing
8465   that, you can only do the GUI view-only, which can be handy to watch a
8466   long network install from your desk instead of in front of the machine
8467   being installed. For these, after the network is configured press
8468   Ctrl-Alt-F2 to get a shell. Retrieve the binary via wget as above and
8469   chmod 755 it. Then run it something like this:
8470   sleep 10; ./x11vnc.static -forever -nopw -rawfb console
8472   then before the sleep is over press Alt-F5 to get back to the GUI
8473   install console. You should be able to connect via a VNC viewer and
8474   watch the install.
8475   [Misc: Clipboard, File Transfer/Sharing, Printing, Sound, Beeps,
8476   Thanks, etc.]
8478   Q-122: Does the Clipboard/Selection get transferred between the
8479   vncviewer and the X display?
8481   As of Jan/2004 x11vnc supports the "CutText" part of the RFB (aka VNC)
8482   protocol. When text is selected/copied in the X session that x11vnc is
8483   polling it will be sent to connected VNC viewers. And when CutText is
8484   received from a VNC viewer then x11vnc will set the X11 selections
8485   PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD, and CUTBUFFER0 to it. x11vnc is able to hold the
8486   PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD selections (Xvnc does not seem to do this.)
8488   The X11 selections can be confusing, especially to those coming from
8489   Windows or MacOSX where there is just a single 'Clipboard'. The X11
8490   CLIPBOARD selection is a lot like that of Windows and MacOSX, e.g.
8491   highlighted text is sent to the clipboard when the user activates
8492   "Edit -> Copy" or presses "Control+C" (and pasting it via "Edit ->
8493   Paste" or "Control+V".) The X11 PRIMARY selection has been described
8494   as 'for power users' or 'an Easter Egg'. As soon as text is
8495   highlighted it is set to the PRIMARY selection and so it is
8496   immediately ready for pasting, usually via the Middle Mouse Button or
8497   "Shift+Insert". See this jwz link for more information.
8499   x11vnc's default behavior is to watch both CLIPBOARD and PRIMARY and
8500   whenever one of them changes, it sends the new text to connected
8501   viewers. Note that since the RFB protocol only has a single "CutText"
8502   then both selections are "merged" to some degree (and this can lead to
8503   confusing results.) One user was confused why x11vnc was "forgetting"
8504   his CLIPBOARD selection and the reason was he also changed PRIMARY
8505   some time after he copied text to the clipboard. Usually an app will
8506   set PRIMARY as soon as any text is highlighted so it easy to see how
8507   CLIPBOARD was forgotten. Use the -noprimary described below as a
8508   workaround. Similarly, by default when x11vnc receives CutText it sets
8509   both CLIPBOARD and PRIMARY to it (this is probably less confusing, but
8510   could possibly lead to some failure modes as well.)
8512   You may not like these defaults. Here are ways to change the behavior:
8513     * If you don't want the Clipboard/Selection exchanged at all use the
8514       -nosel option.
8515     * If you want changes in PRIMARY to be ignored use the -noprimary
8516       option.
8517     * If you want changes in CLIPBOARD to be ignored use the
8518       -noclipboard option.
8519     * If you don't want x11vnc to set PRIMARY to the "CutText" received
8520       from viewers use the -nosetprimary option.
8521     * If you don't want x11vnc to set CLIPBOARD to the "CutText"
8522       received from viewers use the -nosetclipboard option.
8524   You can also fine-tune it a bit with the -seldir dir option and also
8525   -input.
8527   You may need to watch out for desktop utilities such as KDE's
8528   "Klipper" that do odd things with the selection, clipboard, and
8529   cutbuffers.
8532   Q-123: Can I use x11vnc to record a Shock Wave Flash (or other format)
8533   video of my desktop, e.g. to record a tutorial or demo?
8535   Yes, it is possible with a number of tools that record VNC and
8536   transform it to swf format or others. One such popular tool is
8537   pyvnc2swf. There are a number of tutorials (broken link?) on how to do
8538   this. Another option is to use the vnc2mpg that comes in the
8539   LibVNCServer package.
8540   An important thing to remember when doing this is that tuning
8541   parameters should be applied to x11vnc to speed up its polling for
8542   this sort of application, e.g. "-wait 10 -defer 10".
8544   Q-124: Can I transfer files back and forth with x11vnc?
8546   As of Oct/2005 and May/2006 x11vnc enables, respectively, the TightVNC
8547   and UltraVNC file transfer implementations that were added to
8548   libvncserver. This currently works with TightVNC and UltraVNC viewers
8549   (and Windows viewers only support filetransfer it appears... but they
8550   do work to some degree under Wine on Linux.)
8552   The SSVNC Unix VNC viewer supports UltraVNC file transfer by use of a
8553   Java helper program.
8555   TightVNC file transfer is off by default, if you want to enable it use
8556   the -tightfilexfer option.
8558   UltraVNC file transfer is off by default, to enable it use something
8559   like "-rfbversion 3.6 -permitfiletransfer"
8560   options (UltraVNC incorrectly uses the RFB protocol version to
8561   determine if its features are available, so x11vnc has to pretend to
8562   be version 3.6.) As of Sep/2006 "-ultrafilexfer" is an alias for these
8563   two options. Note that running as RFB version 3.6 may confuse other
8564   VNC Viewers.
8566   Sadly you cannot do both -tightfilexfer and -ultrafilexfer at the same
8567   time because the latter requires setting the version to 3.6 and
8568   tightvnc will not do filetransfer when it sees that version number.
8570   Also, because of the way the LibVNCServer TightVNC file transfer is
8571   implemented, you cannot do Tightvnc file transfer in -unixpw mode.
8572   However, UltraVNC file transfer does work in -unixpw (but if a client
8573   tries it do a filetransfer during the login process it will be
8574   disconnected.)
8576   IMPORTANT: please understand if -ultrafilexfer or -tightfilexfer is
8577   specified and you run x11vnc as root for, say, inetd or display
8578   manager (gdm, kdm, ...) access and you do not have it switch users via
8579   the -users option, then VNC Viewers that connect are able to do
8580   filetransfer reads and writes as *root*.
8582   The UltraVNC and TightVNC settings can be toggled on and off inside
8583   the gui or by -R remote control. However for TightVNC the changed
8584   setting only applies for NEW clients, current clients retain their
8585   TightVNC file transfer ability. For UltraVNC it works better, however
8586   if an UltraVNC client has initiated a file transfer dialog it will
8587   remain in effect until the dialog is closed. If you want to switch
8588   between UltraVNC and TightVNC file transfer in the gui or by remote
8589   control you will probably be foiled by the "-rfbversion 3.6" issue.
8592   Q-125: Which UltraVNC extensions are supported?
8594   Some of them are supported. To get UltraVNC Viewers to attempt to use
8595   these extensions you will need to supply this option to x11vnc:
8596   -rfbversion 3.6
8598   Or use -ultrafilexfer which is an alias for the above option and
8599   "-permitfiletransfer". UltraVNC evidently treats any other RFB version
8600   number as non-UltraVNC.
8602   Here are a list of the UltraVNC extensions supported by x11vnc:
8603     * ServerInput: "Toggle Remote Input and Remote Blank Monitor"
8604     * FileTransfer: "Open File Transfer..."
8605     * SingleWindow: "Select Single Window..."
8606     * TextChat: "Open Chat..."
8607     * 1/n Server Scaling
8609   The SSVNC Unix VNC viewer supports these UltraVNC extensions.
8611   To disable SingleWindow and ServerInput use -noultraext (the others
8612   are managed by LibVNCServer.) See this option too: -noserverdpms.
8614   Also, the UltraVNC repeater proxy is supported for use with reverse
8615   connections: "-connect repeater://host:port+ID:NNNN". Use it for both
8616   plaintext and SSL connections. This mode can send any string before
8617   switching to the VNC protocol, and so could be used with other
8618   proxy/gateway tools. Also, a perl repeater implemention is here:
8619   ultravnc_repeater.pl
8622   Q-126: Can x11vnc emulate UltraVNC's Single Click helpdesk mode for
8623   Unix? I.e. something very simple for a naive user to initiate a
8624   reverse vnc connection from their Unix desktop to a helpdesk
8625   operator's VNC Viewer.
8627   Yes, UltraVNC's Single Click (SC) mode can be emulated fairly well on
8628   Unix.
8630   We use the term "helpdesk" below, but it could be any sort of remote
8631   assistance you want to set up, e.g. something for Unix-using friends
8632   or family to use. This includes Mac OS X.
8634   Assume you create a helpdesk directory "hd" on your website:
8635   http://www.mysite.com/hd (any website that you can upload files to
8636   should work, although remember the user will be running the programs
8637   you place there.)
8639   In that "hd" subdirectory copy an x11vnc binary to be run on the Unix
8640   user's machine (e.g. Linux, etc) and also create a file named "vnc"
8641   containing the following:
8644webhost="http://www.mysite.com/hd"  # Your helpdesk dir URL.
8646vnchost="ip.someplace.net"          # Your host running 'vncviewer -listen'
8647                                    # It could also be your IP number. If it is
8648                                    # a router/firewall, you will need to
8649                                    # configure it to redirect port 5500 to you
8651                                    # workstation running 'vncviewer -listen'
8653dir=/tmp/vnc_helpdesk.$$            # Make a temporary working dir.
8654mkdir $dir || exit 1
8655cd $dir || exit 1
8657trap "cd /tmp; rm -rf $dir" 0 2 15  # Cleans up on exit.
8659wget $webhost/x11vnc                # Fetch x11vnc binary.  If multi-
8660chmod 755 ./x11vnc                  # platform, use $webhost/`uname`/x11vnc
8661                                    # or similar.
8663./x11vnc -connect_or_exit $vnchost -rfbport 0 -nopw
8665   with the hostnames / IP addresses customized to your case.
8667   On the helpdesk VNC viewer machine (ip.someplace.net in this example)
8668   you have the helpdesk operator running VNC viewer in listen mode:
8669   vncviewer -listen
8671   or if on Windows, etc. somehow have the VNC viewer be in "listen"
8672   mode.
8674   Then, when the naive user needs assistance you instruct him to open up
8675   a terminal window on his Unix desktop and paste the following into the
8676   shell:
8677   wget -qO - http://www.mysite.com/hd/vnc | sh -
8679   and then press Enter. You could have this instruction on a web page or
8680   in an email you send him, etc. This requires that the wget is
8681   installed on the user's Unix machine (he might only have curl or lynx,
8682   see below for more info.)
8685   So I guess this is about 3-4 clicks (start a terminal and paste) and
8686   pressing "Enter" instead of "single click"...
8688   See this page for some variations on this method, e.g. how to add a
8689   password, SSL Certificates, etc.
8692   If you don't have a website (there are many free ones) or don't want
8693   to use one you will have to email him all of the ingredients (x11vnc
8694   binary and a launcher script) and tell him how to run it. This could
8695   be easy or challenging depending on the skill of the naive unix
8696   user...
8698   A bit of obscurity security could be put in with a -passwd, -rfbauth
8699   options, etc. (note that x11vnc will require a password even for
8700   reverse connections.) More info here.
8703   Firewalls: If the helpdesk (you) with the vncviewer is behind a
8704   NAT/Firewall/Router the router will have to be configured to redirect
8705   a port (i.e. 5500 or maybe different one if you like) to the vncviewer
8706   machine. If the vncviewer machine also has its own host-level
8707   firewall, you will have to open up the port there as well.
8709   NAT-2-NAT: There is currently no way to go "NAT-2-NAT", i.e. both User
8710   and Helpdesk workstations behind NAT'ing Firewall/Routers without
8711   configuring a router to do a port redirection (i.e. on your side, the
8712   HelpDesk.) To avoid modifying either firewall/router, one would need
8713   some public (IP address reachable on the internet) redirection/proxy
8714   service. Perhaps such a thing exists. http://sc.uvnc.com provides this
8715   service for their UltraVNC Single Click users.
8717   Update: It may be possible to do "NAT-2-NAT" with a UDP tunnel such as
8718   http://samy.pl/pwnat/. All that is required is that both NAT firewalls
8719   allow in UDP packets from an IP address to which a UDP packet has
8720   recently been sent to. If you try it out let us know how it went.
8723   Very Naive Users:
8725   If it is beyond the user how to open a terminal window and paste in a
8726   command (you have my condolences...) you would have to somehow setup
8727   his Web browser to download the "vnc" file (or a script containing the
8728   above wget line) and prompt the user if he wants to run it. This may
8729   be tricky to set up (which is probably a good thing to not have the
8730   web browser readily run arbitrary programs downloaded from the
8731   internet...)
8733   One command-line free way, tested with KDE, is to name the file vnc.sh
8734   and then instruct the user to right-click on the link and do "Save
8735   Link As" to his Desktop. It will appear as an icon, probably one that
8736   looks like a terminal or a command line prompt. He next should
8737   right-click on the icon and select "Properties" and go to the
8738   "Permissions" tab. Then in that dialog select the checkbox "Is
8739   executable". He should then be able to click on the icon to launch it.
8740   Another option is to right-click on the icon and select "Open With ->
8741   Other ..." and for the name of the application type in "/bin/sh".
8742   Unfortunately in both cases the command output is lost and so errors
8743   cannot be debugged as easily. A similar thing appears to work in GNOME
8744   if under "Properties -> Permissions" they click on "Execute" checkbox
8745   for "Owner". Then when they click on the icon, they will get a dialog
8746   where they can select "Run in Terminal". In general for such cases, if
8747   it is feasible, it might be easier to ssh to his machine and set
8748   things up yourself...
8751   SSL Encrypted Helpdesk Connections:
8753   As of Apr/2007 x11vnc supports reverse connections in SSL and so we
8754   can do this. On the Helpdesk side (Viewer) you will need STUNNEL or
8755   better use the Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) package we provide
8756   that automates all of the SSL for you.
8758   To do this create a file named "vncs" in the website "hd" directory
8759   containing the following:
8762webhost="http://www.mysite.com/hd"  # Your helpdesk dir URL.
8764vnchost="ip.someplace.net"          # Your host running 'vncviewer -listen'
8765                                    # It could also be your IP number. If it is
8766                                    # a router/firewall, you will need to
8767                                    # configure it to redirect port 5500 to you
8769                                    # workstation running 'vncviewer -listen'
8771dir=/tmp/vnc_helpdesk.$$            # Make a temporary working dir.
8772mkdir $dir || exit 1
8773cd $dir || exit 1
8775trap "cd /tmp; rm -rf $dir" 0 2 15  # Cleans up on exit.
8777wget $webhost/x11vnc                # Fetch x11vnc binary.  If multi-
8778chmod 755 ./x11vnc                  # platform, use $webhost/`uname`/x11vnc
8779                                    # or similar.
8781./x11vnc -connect_or_exit $vnchost -rfbport 0 -nopw -ssl    # Note -ssl option.
8783   with the hostnames or IP addresses customized to your case.
8785   The only change from the "vnc" above is the addition of the -ssl
8786   option to x11vnc. This will create a temporary SSL cert: openssl(1)
8787   will need to be installed on the user's end. A fixed SSL cert file
8788   could be used to avoid this (and provide some authentication; more
8789   info here.)
8791   The naive user will be doing this:
8792   wget -qO - http://www.mysite.com/hd/vncs | sh -
8794   (or perhaps even use https:// if available.)
8796   But before that, the helpdesk operator needs to have "vncviewer
8797   -listen" running as before, however he needs an SSL tunnel at his end.
8798   The easiest way to do this is use Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC).
8799   Start it, and select Options -> 'Reverse VNC Connection (-listen)'.
8800   Then UN-select 'Verify All Certs' (this can be enabled later if you
8801   want; you'll need the x11vnc SSL certificate), and click 'Listen'.
8803   If you don't want to use SSVNC for the viewer, but rather set up
8804   STUNNEL manually instead, make a file "stunnel.cfg" containing:
8805foreground = yes
8806pid =
8809accept = 5500
8810connect = localhost:5501
8812   and run:
8813  stunnel ./stunnel.cfg
8815   and then start the "vncviewer -listen 1" (i.e. 1 to correspond to the
8816   5501 port.) Note that this assumes the stunnel install created a
8817   Server SSL cert+key, usually /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem (not all distros
8818   will do this.) Also, that file is by default only readable by root, so
8819   stunnel needs to be run as root. If your system does not have a key
8820   installed or you do not want to run stunnel as root (or change the
8821   permissions on the file), you can use x11vnc to create one for you for
8822   example:
8823  x11vnc -sslGenCert server self:mystunnel
8825   answer the prompts with whatever you want; you can take the default
8826   for all of them if you like. The openssl(1) package must be installed.
8827   See this link and this one too for more info on SSL certs. This
8828   creates $HOME/.vnc/certs/server-self:mystunnel.pem, then you would
8829   change the "stunnel.cfg" to look something like:
8830foreground = yes
8831pid =
8832cert = /home/myusername/.vnc/certs/server-self:mystunnel.pem
8835accept = 5500
8836connect = localhost:5501
8838   In any event, with stunnel having been setup, the naive user is
8839   instructed to paste in and run:
8840   wget -qO - http://www.mysite.com/hd/vncs | sh -
8842   to pick up the vncs script this time.
8844   Of course if a man-in-the-middle can alter what the user downloads
8845   then all bets are off!.
8847   More SSL variations and info about certificates can be found here.
8850   OpenSSL libssl.so.0.9.7 problems:
8852   If you build your own stunnel or x11vnc for deployment, you may want
8853   to statically link libssl.a and libcrypto.a into it because Linux
8854   distros are currently a bit of a mess regarding which version of
8855   libssl is installed.
8857   You will find the details here.
8860   Q-127: Can I (temporarily) mount my local (viewer-side) Windows/Samba
8861   File share on the machine where x11vnc is running?
8863   You will have to use an external network redirection for this.
8864   Filesystem mounting is not part of the VNC protocol.
8866   We show a simple Samba example here.
8868   First you will need a tunnel to redirect the SMB requests from the
8869   remote machine to the one you sitting at. We use an ssh tunnel:
8870  sitting-here> ssh -C -R 1139:localhost:139 far-away.east
8872   Or one could combine this with the VNC tunnel at the same time, e.g.:
8873  sitting-here> ssh -C -R 1139:localhost:139 -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 far-away
8874.east 'x11vnc -localhost -display :0'
8876   Port 139 is the Windows Service port. For Windows systems instead of
8877   Samba, you may need to use the actual IP address of the Window machine
8878   instead of "localhost" in the -R option (since the Windows service
8879   does not listen on localhost by default.)
8881   Note that we use 1139 instead of 139 on the remote side because 139
8882   would require root permission to listen on (and you may have a samba
8883   server running on it already.)
8885   The ssh -C is to enable compression, which might speed up the data
8886   transfers.
8888   Depending on the remote system side configuration, it may or may not
8889   be possible to mount the SMB share as a non-root user. Try it first as
8890   a non-root user and if that fails you will have to become root.
8892   We will assume the user name is "fred" and we will try to mount the
8893   viewer-side Windows SMB share "//haystack/pub" in
8894   /home/fred/smb-haystack-pub.
8895  far-away> mkdir -p /home/fred/smb-haystack-pub
8896  far-away> smbmount //haystack/pub /home/fred/smb-haystack-pub -o username=fre
8899   (The 2nd command may need to be run as root.) Then run "df" or "ls -l
8900   /home/fred/smb-haystack-pub" to see if it is mounted properly. Consult
8901   the smbmount(8) and related documentation (it may require some
8902   fiddling to get write permissions correct, etc.) To unmount:
8903  far-away> smbumount /home/fred/smb-haystack-pub
8905   At some point we hope to fold some automation for SMB ssh redir setup
8906   into the Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) package we provide (as of
8907   Sep 2006 it is there for testing.)
8910   Q-128: Can I redirect CUPS print jobs from the remote desktop where
8911   x11vnc is running to a printer on my local (viewer-side) machine?
8913   You will have to use an external network redirection for this.
8914   Printing is not part of the VNC protocol.
8916   We show a simple Unix to Unix CUPS example here. Non-CUPS port
8917   redirections (e.g. LPD) should also be possible, but may be a bit more
8918   tricky. If you are viewing on Windows SMB and don't have a local cups
8919   server it may be trickier still (see below.)
8921   First you will need a tunnel to redirect the print requests from the
8922   remote machine to the one you sitting at. We use an ssh tunnel:
8923  sitting-here> ssh -C -R 6631:localhost:631 far-away.east
8925   Or one could combine this with the VNC tunnel at the same time, e.g.:
8926  sitting-here> ssh -C -R 6631:localhost:631 -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 far-away
8927.east 'x11vnc -localhost -display :0'
8929   Port 631 is the default CUPS port. The above assumes you have a Cups
8930   server running on your viewer machine (localhost:631), if not, use
8931   something like my-cups-srv:631 (the viewer-side Cups server) in the -R
8932   instead.
8934   Note that we use 6631 instead of 631 on the remote side because 631
8935   would require root permission to listen on (and you likely have a cups
8936   server running on it already.)
8938   Now the tricky part: to get applications to notice your cups
8939   server/printer on localhost:6631.
8941   If you have administrative privilege (i.e. root password) on the
8942   x11vnc side where the desktop is running, it should be easy to add the
8943   printer through some configuration utility (e.g. in KDE: Utilities ->
8944   Printing -> Printing Manager, and then supply admin password, and then
8945   Add Printer/Class, and then fill in the inquisitive wizard. Most
8946   important is the "Remote IPP server" panel where you put in localhost
8947   for Host and 6631 for Port.) The main setting you want to convey is
8948   the host is localhost and the port is non-standard (e.g. 6631.) Some
8949   configuration utilities will take an Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
8950   URI, e.g. http://localhost:6631/printers/,
8951   ipp://localhost:6631/printers/printer-name,
8952   ipp://localhost:6631/ipp/printer-name, etc. Check your CUPS
8953   documentation and admin interfaces to find what the syntax is and what
8954   the "printer name" is.
8956   If you do not have root or print admin privileges, but are running a
8957   recent (version 1.2 or greater) of the Cups client software, then an
8958   easy way to temporarily switch Cups servers is to create the directory
8959   and file: $HOME/.cups/client.conf on the remote side with a line like:
8960  ServerName localhost:6631
8962   When not using x11vnc for remote access you can comment the above line
8963   out with a '#' (or rename the client.conf file), to have normal cups
8964   operation.
8966   Unfortunately, running applications may need to be restarted to notice
8967   the new printers (libcups does not track changes in client.conf.)
8968   Depending on circumstances, a running application may actually notice
8969   the new printers without restarting (e.g. no print dialog has taken
8970   place yet, or there are no CUPS printers configured on the remote
8971   side.)
8973   Cups client software that is older (1.1) does not support appending
8974   the port number, and for newer ones there is a bug preventing it from
8975   always working (fixed in 1.2.3.) Kludges like these at the command
8976   line will work:
8977  far-away> env CUPS_SERVER=localhost IPP_PORT=6631 lpstat -p -d
8978  far-away> env CUPS_SERVER=localhost IPP_PORT=6631 lpr -P myprinter file.ps
8979  far-away> env CUPS_SERVER=localhost IPP_PORT=6631 firefox
8981   but are somewhat awkward since you have to retroactively set the env.
8982   var IPP_PORT. Its value cannot be broadcast to already running apps
8983   (like the $HOME/.cups/client.conf trick sometimes does.) A common
8984   workaround for an already running app is to somehow get it to "Print
8985   To File", e.g. file.ps and then use something like the lpr example
8986   above. Also, the option "-h host:port" works with CUPS lp(1) and
8987   lpr(1).
8989   You can also print to Windows shares printers in principle. You may do
8990   this with the smbspool(8) command, or configure the remote CUPS via
8991   lpadmin(8), etc, to use a printer URI something like
8992   smb://machine:port/printer (this may have some name resolution
8993   problems WRT localhost.) Also, as with SMB mounting, the port redir
8994   (-R) to the Windows machine must use the actual IP address instead of
8995   "localhost".
8997   At some point we hope to fold some automation for CUPS ssh redir setup
8998   into the Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) package we provide (as of
8999   Sep 2006 it is there for testing.)
9002   Q-129: How can I hear the sound (audio) from the remote applications
9003   on the desktop I am viewing via x11vnc?
9005   You will have to use an external network audio mechanism for this.
9006   Audio is not part of the VNC protocol.
9008   We show a simple Unix to Unix esd example here (artsd should be
9009   possible too, we have also verified the esd Windows port works for the
9010   method described below.)
9012   First you will need a tunnel to redirect the audio from the remote
9013   machine to the one you sitting at. We use an ssh tunnel:
9014  sitting-here> ssh -C -R 16001:localhost:16001 far-away.east
9016   Or one could combine this with the VNC tunnel at the same time, e.g.:
9017  sitting-here> ssh -C -R 16001:localhost:16001 -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 far-a
9018way.east 'x11vnc -localhost -display :0'
9020   Port 16001 is the default ESD uses. So when an application on the
9021   remote desktop makes a sound it will connect to this tunnel and be
9022   redirected to port 16001 on the local machine (sitting-here in this
9023   example.) The -C option is an attempt to compress the audio a little
9024   bit.
9026   So we next need a local (sitting-here) esd daemon running that will
9027   receive those requests and play them on the local sound device:
9028  sitting-here> esd -promiscuous -port 16001 -tcp -bind
9030   See the esd(1) man page for the meaning of the options (the above are
9031   not very secure.) (This method also works with the EsounD windows port
9032   esd.exe)
9034   To test this sound tunnel, we use the esdplay program to play a simple
9035   .wav file:
9036  far-away> esdplay -s localhost:16001 im_so_happy.wav
9038   If you hear the sound (Captain Kirk in this example), that means you
9039   are in great shape.
9041   To run individual audio applications you can use the esddsp(1)
9042   command:
9043  far-away> esddsp -s localhost:16001 xmms
9045   Then you could try playing some sounds inside xmms. You could also set
9046   the environment variable ESPEAKER=localhost:16001 to not need to
9047   supply the -s option all the time. (for reasons not clear, sometimes
9048   esddsp can figure it out on its own.) All the script esddsp does is to
9049   set ESPEAKER and LD_PRELOAD for you so that when the application opens
9050   the sound device (usually /dev/dsp) its interactions with the device
9051   will be intercepted and sent to the esd daemon running on sitting-here
9052   (that in turn writes them to the real, local /dev/dsp.)
9054   Redirecting All sound:
9056   It does not seem to be possible to switch all of the sound of the
9057   remote machine from its sound device to the above esd+ssh tunnel
9058   without some preparation. But it can be done reasonably well if you
9059   prepare (i.e. restart) the desktop with this in mind.
9061   Here is one way to redirect all sound. The idea is we run the entire
9062   desktop with sound directed to localhost:16001. When we are sitting at
9063   far-away.east we run "esd -promiscuous -port 16001 -tcp -bind
9064" on far-away.east (to be able to hear the sound.) However,
9065   when we are sitting at sitting-here.west we kill that esd process and
9066   run that same esd command on sitting-here.west and start up the above
9067   ssh tunnel. This is a little awkward, but with some scripts one would
9068   probably kill and restart the esd processes automatically when x11vnc
9069   is used.
9071   So next we have to run the whole desktop pointing toward our esd. Here
9072   is a simple way to test. Log in to the machine via the "FailSafe"
9073   desktop. Then in the lone terminal type something like:
9074  esddsp -s localhost:16001 gnome-session
9076  esddsp -s localhost:16001 startkde
9078   where the last part is whatever command starts your desktop (even
9079   fvwm2.) This causes the environment variables ESPEAKER and LD_PRELOAD
9080   to be set appropriately and every application (processes with the
9081   desktop as an ancestor) will use them. If this scheme works well you
9082   can make it less klunky by adding the command to your ~/.xsession,
9083   etc. file that starts your default desktop. Or you may be able to
9084   configure your desktop to use localhost:16001, or whatever is needed,
9085   via a gui configuration panel. Some Notes:
9086     * Not all audio applications are compatible with the esd and artsd
9087       mechanisms, but many are.
9088     * The audio is not compressed so you probably need a broadband or
9089       faster connection. Listening to music may not be very pleasant...
9090       (Although we found streaming music from across the US over cable
9091       modem worked OK, but took 200 KB/sec, to use less bandwidth
9092       consider something like "ssh far-away.east 'cat favorite.mp3' |
9093       mpg123 -b 4000 -")
9094     * Linux does not seem to have the concept of LD_PRELOAD_64 so if you
9095       run on a mixed 64- and 32-bit ABI system (e.g. AMD x86_64) some of
9096       the applications will fail to run because LD_PRELOAD will point to
9097       libraries of the wrong wordsize.
9098     * At some point we hope to fold some automation for esd or artsd ssh
9099       redir setup into the Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) package we
9100       provide (as of Sep/2006 it is there for testing.)
9103   Q-130: Why don't I hear the "Beeps" in my X session (e.g. when typing
9104   tput bel in an xterm)?
9106   As of Dec/2003 "Beep" XBell events are tracked by default. The X
9107   server must support the XKEYBOARD extension (this is not on by default
9108   in Solaris, see Xserver(1) for how to turn it on via +kb), and so you
9109   won't hear them if the extension is not present.
9111   If you don't want to hear the beeps use the -nobell option. If you
9112   want to hear the audio from the remote applications, consider trying a
9113   redirector such as esd.
9116   Q-131: Does x11vnc work with IPv6?
9118   Update: as of Apr/2010 in the 0.9.10 x11vnc development tarball, there
9119   is now built-in support for IPv6 (128 bit internet addresses.) See the
9120   -6 and -connect options for details.
9122   The remainder of this FAQ entry shows how to do with this with pre
9123   0.9.10 x11vnc using IPv6 helper tools.
9124     _________________________________________________________________
9126   Using an external IPv6 helper:
9127   A way to do this is via a separate helper program such as inetd (or
9128   for encrypted connections: ssh or stunnel.) For example, you configure
9129   x11vnc to be run from inetd or xinetd and instruct it to listen on an
9130   IPv6 address. For xinetd the setting "flags = IPv6" will be needed.
9131   For inetd.conf, an example is:
9132  5900 stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/local/bin/x11vnc_wrapper.sh
9134   We also provide a transitional tool in "x11vnc/misc/inet6to4" that
9135   acts as a relay for any IPv4 application to allow connections over
9136   IPv6. For example:
9137  inet6to4 5900 localhost:5900
9139   where x11vnc is listening on IPv4 port 5900.
9141   Also note that not all VNC Viewers are IPv6 enabled, so a redirector
9142   may also be needed for them. The tool "inet6to4 -r ..." can do this as
9143   well. SSVNC (see below) supports IPv6 without need for the helper.
9145  # ./inet6to4 -help
9147  inet6to4:  Act as an ipv6-to-ipv4 relay for tcp applications that
9148             do not support ipv6.
9150  Usage:     inet6to4
9151             inet6to4 -r
9153  Examples:  inet6to4 5900 localhost:5900
9154             inet6to4 8080 web1:80
9155             inet6to4 -r 5900 fe80::217:f2ff:fee6:6f5a%eth0:5900
9157  The -r option reverses the direction of translation (e.g. for ipv4
9158  clients that need to connect to ipv6 servers.)  Reversing is the default
9159  if this script is named 'inet4to6' (e.g. by a symlink.)
9161  Use Ctrl-C to stop this program.
9163  You can also set env. vars INET6TO4_LOOP=1 or INET6TO4_LOOP=BG
9164  to have an outer loop restarting this program (BG means do that
9165  in the background), and INET6TO4_LOGFILE for a log file.
9166  Also set INET6TO4_VERBOSE to verbosity level and INET6TO4_WAITTIME
9167  and INET6TO4_PIDFILE (see below.)
9169   The "INET6TO4_LOOP=BG" and "INET6TO4_LOGFILE=..." env. variables make
9170   the tool run reliably as a daemon for very long periods. Read the top
9171   part of the script for more information.
9172     _________________________________________________________________
9174   Encrypted Tunnels with IPv6 Support:
9175   For SSH tunnelled encrypted VNC connections, one can of course use the
9176   IPv6 support in ssh(1).
9178   For SSL encrypted VNC connections, one possibility is to use the IPv6
9179   support in stunnel(1). This includes the built-in support via the
9180   -stunnel option. For example:
9181  x11vnc -stunnel SAVE -env STUNNEL_LISTEN=:: -env STUNNEL_DEBUG=1 ...
9182     _________________________________________________________________
9184   SSH IPv6 Tricks:
9185   It is interesting to note that ssh(1) can do basically the same thing
9186   as inet6to4 above by:
9187  ssh -g -L 5900:localhost:5901 localhost "printf 'Press Enter to Exit: '; read
9188 x"
9190   (where we have x11vnc running via "-rfbport 5901" in this case.)
9192   Note that one can also make a home-brew SOCKS5 ipv4-to-ipv6 gateway
9193   proxy using ssh like this:
9194  ssh -D '*:1080' localhost "printf 'Press Enter to Exit: '; read x"
9196   then specify a proxy like socks://hostname:1080 where hostname is the
9197   machine running the above ssh command (add -v to ssh for connection
9198   logging info.)
9199     _________________________________________________________________
9201   IPv6 SSVNC Viewer:
9202   Our SSVNC VNC Viewer is basically a wrapper for ssh(1) and stunnel(1),
9203   and so it already has good IPv6 support because these two commands do.
9204   On Unix, MacOSX, and Windows nearly all of the the remaining parts of
9205   SSVNC (e.g. the built-in proxying and un-encrypted connections) have
9206   been modified to support IPv6 in SSVNC 1.0.26.
9213    Contributions:
9215   Q-132: Thanks for your program or for your help! Can I make a
9216   donation?
9218   Please do (any amount is appreciated; very few have donated) and thank
9219   you for your support! Click on the PayPal button below for more info.
9221   [x-click-but04.gif]-Submit
9227     _________________________________________________________________
9229   Chaining ssh's: Note that for use of a ssh gateway and -L redirection
9230   to an internal host (e.g. "-L 5900:otherhost:5900") the VNC traffic
9231   inside the firewall is not encrypted and you have to manually log into
9232   otherhost to start x11vnc. Kyle Amon shows a method where you chain
9233   two ssh's together that encrypts all network traffic and also
9234   automatically starts up x11vnc on the internal workstation:
9237gateway="example.com"   # or "user@example.com"
9238host="labyrinth"        # or "user@hostname"
9241# Need to sleep long enough for all of the passwords and x11vnc to start up.
9242# The </dev/null below makes the vncviewer prompt for passwd via popup window.
9244(sleep 10; vncviewer -encodings "copyrect tight zrle zlib hextile" \
9245    localhost:0 </dev/null >/dev/null) &
9247# Chain the vnc connection thru 2 ssh's, and connect x11vnc to user's display:
9249exec /usr/bin/ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 $gateway \
9250     /usr/bin/ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 $host \
9251     sudo /usr/bin/x11vnc -localhost -auth /home/$user/.Xauthority \
9252         -rfbauth .vnc/passwd -display :0
9254   Also note the use of sudo(1) to switch to root so that the different
9255   user's .Xauthority file can be accessed. See the visudo(8) manpage for
9256   details on how to set this up (remove the sudo if you do not want to
9257   do this). One can also chain together ssh's for reverse connections
9258   with vncviewers using the -listen option. For this case -R would
9259   replace the -L (and 5500 the 5900, see the #2 example script above).
9260   If the gateway machine's sshd is configured with GatewayPorts=no (the
9261   default) then the double chaining of "ssh -R ..." will be required for
9262   reverse connections to work.
9268     _________________________________________________________________
9270   Misc. Build problems:   We collect here rare build problems some users
9271   have reported and the corresponding workarounds. See also the FAQ's on
9272   building.
9273     _________________________________________________________________
9275   ENV parameter: One user had a problem where the build script below was
9276   failing because his work environment had the ENV variable set to a
9277   script that was resetting his PATH so that gcc could no longer be
9278   found. Make sure you do not have any ENV or BASH_ENV in your
9279   environment doing things like that. Typing "unset ENV", etc. before
9280   configuring and building should clear it.
9281     _________________________________________________________________
9283   Bash xpg: One user had his bash shell compiled with
9284   --enable-xpg-echo-default that causes some strange behavior with
9285   things like echo "\\1 ..." the configure script executes. In
9286   particular instead of getting "\1" the non-printable character "^A" is
9287   produced, and causes failures at compile time like:
9288  ../rfb/rfbconfig.h:9:22: warning: extra tokens at end of #ifndef directive
9290   The workaround is to configure like this:
9291  env CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/sh /bin/sh ./configure
9293   i.e. avoid using the bash with the misbehavior. A bug has been filed
9294   against autoconf to guard against this.
9295     _________________________________________________________________
9297   AIX: one user had to add the "X11.adt" package to AIX to get build
9298   header files like XShm.h, etc.
9299     _________________________________________________________________
9301   Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04: In May/2007 one user said he needed to add
9302   these packages to compile x11vnc on that Linux distro and version:
9303  apt-get install build-essential make bin86 libjpeg62-dev libssl-dev libxtst-d
9306   Note that Ubuntu is based on Debian, so perhaps this is the list
9307   needed on Debian (testing?) as well. To build in Avahi (mDNS service
9308   advertising) support it would appear that libavahi-client-dev is
9309   needed as well.
9310     _________________________________________________________________
9312   Exceedingly slow compilation: x11vnc has a couple of files which
9313   contain very large "case statements" (over 100 cases) that on some
9314   platforms can take a very long time to compile (in extreme cases over
9315   an hour). However on 32bit Linux with intel/amd processor and gcc
9316   these files usually take less than 10 seconds to compile. For 64bit
9317   systems using gcc the problem appears to be much worse.
9319   The two files with the large number of cases, remote.c and x11vnc.c,
9320   have no real need to be optimized (the code is used only very
9321   infrequently). So it is fine to supply "-O0" (disables optimization)
9322   to CFLAGS when compiling them. However, it is tricky with
9323   autoconf/automake to do this (especially since both the compiler and
9324   make versions have a big effect).
9326   So if the compile times are getting too long for you for these two
9327   files you will need to manually change some things. First, run
9328   configure and when it has finished, edit the generated file
9329   x11vnc/Makefile and put these lines at the very top:
9330x11vnc-x11vnc.o :  CFLAGS += -O0
9331x11vnc-remote.o :  CFLAGS += -O0
9333   Those lines assume gnu make (gmake) is being used. If you are using
9334   another make, say Solaris make, insert these instead:
9335x11vnc-x11vnc.o := CFLAGS += -O0
9336x11vnc-remote.o := CFLAGS += -O0
9338   You could write a build shell script that modified the Makefile this
9339   way before running make.
9341   The "-O0" (note it is "capital Oh" followed by "zero") assumes the gcc
9342   compiler. If you are using a different compiler you will need to find
9343   the command line option to disable optimization, or otherwise have the
9344   lines set CFLAGS to the empty string.
9345     _________________________________________________________________
9347   Broken Thread Local Storage on SuSE 9.2: Starting with x11vnc 0.9.8
9348   the bundled libvncserver uses the __thread keyword to make some of the
9349   encodings (i.e. tight) thread safe (multiple VNC clients can be using
9350   tight at the same time in x11vnc -threads mode.) Evidently on the old
9351   SuSE 9.2 system the compiler does not support the thread local storage
9352   properly. Here is an example build failure:
9353tight.c:1126: error: unrecognizable insn:
9354(insn:HI 11 10 13 0 (nil) (set (reg/f:SI 59)
9355        (const:SI (plus:SI (symbol_ref:SI ("%lpalette"))
9356                (const_int 2048 [0x800])))) -1 (nil)
9357    (expr_list:REG_EQUAL (const:SI (plus:SI (symbol_ref:SI ("%lpalette"))
9358                (const_int 2048 [0x800])))
9359        (nil)))
9360tight.c:1126: internal compiler error: in extract_insn, at recog.c:2175
9361Please submit a full bug report,
9362with preprocessed source if appropriate.
9363See URL:http://www.suse.de/feedback for instructions.
9365   The workaround is to disable thread local storage at configure time
9366   like this:
9367env CPPFLAGS="-DTLS=''" ./configure
9369   and then build it.
9370     _________________________________________________________________
9376    Sun Ray Notes:
9378   You can run x11vnc on your (connected or disconnected) SunRay session
9379   (Please remember to use settings like -wait 200, -sb 15, and not
9380   running a screensaver animation (blank instead) to avoid being a
9381   resource hog! x11vnc does induce a lot of memory I/O from polling the
9382   X server. It also helps to have a solid background color, e.g.
9383   -solid).
9385   News: Sun Ray Remote Control Toolkit: See the nice set of tools in the
9386   Sun Ray Remote Control Toolkit that launch x11vnc automatically for
9387   you for certain usage modes.
9389   You have to know the name of the machine your SunRay session X server
9390   is running on (so you can ssh into it and start x11vnc). You also need
9391   to know the X11 DISPLAY number for the session: on a SunRay it could
9392   be a large number, e.g. :137, since there are many people with X
9393   sessions (Xsun processes) on the same machine. If you don't know it,
9394   you can get it by running who(1) in a shell on the SunRay server and
9395   looking for the dtlocal entry with your username (and if you don't
9396   even know which server machine has your session, you could login to
9397   all possible ones looking at the who output for your username...).
9399   I put some code in my ~/.dtprofile script that stores $DISPLAY
9400   (including the hostname) in a ~/.sunray_current file at session
9401   startup (and deletes it when the X session ends) to make it easy to
9402   get at the hostname and X11 display number info for my current X
9403   sessions when I ssh in and am about to start x11vnc.
9405   SunRay Gotcha #1:   Note that even though your SunRay X11 DISPLAY is
9406   something like :137, x11vnc still tries for port 5900 as its listening
9407   port if it can get it, in which case the VNC display (i.e. the
9408   information you supply to the VNC viewer) is something like
9409   sunray-server:0   (note the :0 corresponding to port 5900, it is not
9410   :137). If it cannot get 5900, it tries for 5901, and so on. You can
9411   also try to force the port (and thereby the VNC display) using the
9412   -rfbport NNNN option.
9414   Especially on a busy Sun Ray server it is often difficult to find free
9415   ports for both VNC and the HTTP Java applet server to listen on. This
9416   script, vnc_findports may be of use for doing this automatically. It
9417   suggests x11vnc command line options based on netstat output that
9418   lists the occupied ports. It is even more difficult to start
9419   vncserver/Xvnc on a busy Sun Ray because then 3 ports (HTTP, VNC, and
9420   X11), all separated by 100 are needed! This script, findvncports may
9421   be helpful as well. Both scripts start at VNC display :10 and work
9422   their way up.
9424   SunRay Gotcha #2:   If you get an error like:
9425        shmget(tile) failed.
9426        shmget: No space left on device
9428   when starting up x11vnc that most likely means all the shared memory
9429   (shm) slots are filled up on your machine. The Solaris default is only
9430   100, and that can get filled up in a week or so on a SunRay server
9431   with lots of users. If the shm slot is orphaned (e.g. creator process
9432   dies) the slot is not reclaimed. You can view the shm slots with the
9433   "ipcs -mA" command. If there are about 100 then you've probably hit
9434   this problem. They can be cleaned out (by the owner or by root) using
9435   the ipcrm command. I wrote a script shm_clear that finds the orphans
9436   and lists or removes them. Longer term, have your SunRay sysadmin add
9437   something like this to /etc/system:
9438        set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax = 0x2000000
9439        set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni = 0x1000
9441   SunRay Gotcha #3:   Some SunRay installations have implemented
9442   suspending certain applications when a SunRay session is in a
9443   disconnected state (e.g. Java Badge pulled out, utdetach, etc). This
9444   is a good thing because it limits hoggy or runaway apps from wasting
9445   the shared CPU resource. Think how much CPU and memory I/O is wasted
9446   by a bunch of Firefox windows running worthless Flash animations while
9447   your session is disconnected!
9449   So some sites have implemented scripts to suspend (e.g. kill -STOP)
9450   certain apps when your badge is removed from the SunRay terminal. When
9451   you reattach, it kill -CONT them. This causes problems for viewing the
9452   detached SunRay session via x11vnc: those suspended apps will not
9453   respond (their windows will be blank or otherwise inactive).
9455   What to do? Well, since you are going to be using the application you
9456   might as well unfreeze it rather than starting up a 2nd instance. Here
9457   is one way to do it using the kill -CONT mechanism:
9458   kill -CONT `ps -ealf | grep ' T ' | grep $LOGNAME | awk '{print $4}'`
9460   If you want to be a good citizen and re-freeze them before you exit
9461   x11vnc this script could be of use:
9464# kill -STOP/-CONT script for x11vnc (or other) SunRay usage ("freezes"
9465# certain apps from hogging resources when disconnected).
9467# Put here a pattern that matches the apps that are frozen:
9471if [ "X$1" = "Xfreeze" ]; then
9472        pkill -STOP -U $LOGNAME "$appmatch"
9473elif [ "X$1" = "Xthaw" ]; then
9474        pkill -CONT -U $LOGNAME "$appmatch"
9476elif [ "$RFB_MODE" = "afteraccept" -a "$RFB_STATE" = "NORMAL" ]; then
9477        # a valid x11vnc login.
9478        if [ "$RFB_CLIENT_COUNT" = "1" ]; then
9479                # only one client present.
9480                pkill -CONT -U $LOGNAME "$appmatch"
9481        fi
9482elif [ "$RFB_MODE" = "gone" -a "$RFB_STATE" = "NORMAL" ]; then
9483        # a valid x11vnc login.
9484        if [ "$RFB_CLIENT_COUNT" = "0" ]; then
9485                # last client present has just left.
9486                pkill -STOP -U $LOGNAME "$appmatch"
9487        fi
9489exit 0
9491   If you called the script "goodcitizen" you could type "goodcitizen
9492   thaw" to unfreeze them, and then "goodcitizen freeze" to refreeze
9493   them. One could also use these x11vnc options "-afteraccept
9494   goodcitizen -gone goodcitizen" to do it automatically.
9496   SunRay Gotcha #4:   Recent versions of the Sun Ray Server Software
9497   SRSS (seems to be version 3.0 or 3.1) have a "misfeature" that when
9498   the session is disconnected (i.e. badge/smartcard out) the screen
9499   locker (xscreensaver) will freeze the X server just when the "Enter
9500   Password" dialog box appears. So you cannot unlock the screen remotely
9501   via x11vnc!
9503   Update: please see Bob Doolittle's detailed description of the this
9504   issue at the bottom of this section.
9506   Here "freeze" means "stop other X clients from inserting keyboard and
9507   mouse input and from viewing the current contents of the screen". Or
9508   something like that; the upshot is x11vnc can't do its normal thing.
9510   There are several workarounds for this.
9512   1) The easiest one by far is to put these lines in your
9513   $HOME/.dtprofile file:
9514SUN_SUNRAY_UTXLOCK_PREF="/usr/openwin/bin/xlock -mode blank"
9517   One might argue that xlock isn't particularly "pretty". (Just IMHO,
9518   but if something like this not being pretty actually gets in the way
9519   of your work I think some introspection may be in order. :-)
9521   2) The problem has been traced to the pam_sunray.so PAM module.
9522   Evidently xscreensaver invokes this pam module and it communicates
9523   with utsessiond who in turn instructs the Xsun server to not process
9524   any synthetic mouse/keyboard input or to update the screen
9525   framebuffer. It is not clear if this is by design (security?) or
9526   something else.
9528   In any event, the problem can be avoided, somewhat drastically, by
9529   commenting out the corresponding line in /etc/pam.conf:
9530#xscreensaver auth sufficient /opt/SUNWut/lib/pam_sunray.so syncondisplay
9532   Leave the other xscreensaver pam authentication lines unchanged. The
9533   dtsession-SunRay line may also need to be commented out to avoid the
9534   problem for CDE sessions. N.B. it is possible the application of a
9535   SSRS patch, etc, may re-enable that /etc/pam.conf line. It may be
9536   difficult to convince a sysadmin to make this change.
9538   3) A more forceful way is to kill the xscreensaver process from a
9539   shell prompt whenever you connect via x11vnc and the screen is in a
9540   locked state:
9541pkill -U $LOGNAME '^xscreensaver$'
9543   And then after you are in be sure to restart it by typing something
9544   like:
9545xscreensaver &
9547   You may want to avoid restarting it until you are about to disconnect
9548   your VNC viewer (since if it locks the screen while you are working
9549   you'll be stuck again).
9551   3') The above idea can be done a bit more cleanly by having x11vnc do
9552   it. Suppose we called the following script xss_killer:
9555# xss_killer: kill xscreensaver after a valid x11vnc client logs in.
9556#             Restart xscreensaver and lock it when the last client
9557#             disconnects.
9560export PATH
9562if [ "$RFB_MODE" = "afteraccept" -a "$RFB_STATE" = "NORMAL" ]; then
9563        # a valid x11vnc login.
9564        if [ "$RFB_CLIENT_COUNT" = "1" ]; then
9565                # only one client present.
9566                pkill -U $LOGNAME '^xscreensaver$'
9567                pkill -KILL -U $LOGNAME -f xscreensaver/hacks
9568        fi
9569elif [ "$RFB_MODE" = "gone" -a "$RFB_STATE" = "NORMAL" ]; then
9570        # a valid x11vnc login.
9571        if [ "$RFB_CLIENT_COUNT" = "0" ]; then
9572                # last client present has just left.
9573                xscreensaver -nosplash &
9574                sleep 1
9575                xscreensaver-command -lock &
9576        fi
9579   Then we would run x11vnc with these options: "-afteraccept xss_killer
9580   -gone xss_killer". The -afteraccept option (introduced in version 0.8)
9581   is used to run a command after a vncviewer has successfully logged in
9582   (note that this is a VNC login, not a Unix login, so you may not want
9583   to do this if you are really paranoid...)
9585   Note if you use the above script and also plan to Ctrl-C (SIGINT)
9586   x11vnc you have to run the xscreensaver in a new process group to
9587   avoid killing it as well. One way to do this is via this kludge:
9588perl -e 'setpgrp(0,0); exec "xscreensaver -nosplash &"'
9590   in the above script.
9592   4) There appears to be a bug in pam_sunray.so in that it doesn't seem
9593   to honor the convention that, say, DISPLAY=unix:3 means to use Unix
9594   sockets to connect to display 3 on the local machine (this is a bit
9595   faster than TCP sockets). Rather, it thinks the display is a non-local
9596   one to a machine named "unix" (that usually does not resolve to an IP
9597   address).
9599   Amusingly, this can be used to bypass the pam_sunray.so blocking of
9600   Xsun that prevents one from unlocking the screen remotely via x11vnc.
9601   One could put something like this in $HOME/.dtprofile to kill any
9602   existing xscreensavers and then start up a fresh xscreensaver using
9603   DISPLAY=unix:N
9604# stop/kill any running xscreensavers (probably not running yet, but to be sure
9606xscreensaver-command -exit
9607pkill -U $LOGNAME '^xscreensaver$'
9608env DISPLAY=`echo $DISPLAY | sed -e 's/^.*:/unix:/'` xscreensaver &
9611   Important: Note that all of the above workarounds side-step the
9612   pam_sunray.so PAM module in one way or another. You'll need to see if
9613   that is appropriate for your site's SunRay / smartcard usage. Also,
9614   these hacks may break other things and so you may want to test various
9615   scenarios carefully. E.g. check corner cases like XDMCP/dtremote,
9616   NSCM, etc.
9619   Update May 2008: Here is a useful description of this issue from Bob
9620   Doolittle who is a developer for Sun Ray at Sun. I don't have the time
9621   to digest and distill it and then adjust the above methods to provide
9622   a clearer description, so I just include below the description he sent
9623   me with the hope that it will help some users:
9625     In SRSS 4.0 and earlier, the purpose of pam_sunray.so in the "auth"
9626     PAM stack of screensavers is to enable NSCM (and, although this is
9627     much less commonly used, "SC", which is configured when 3rd-party
9628     software is installed to allow smartcards to be used as part of the
9629     authentication process) to work. It should have no effect with
9630     smartcards. Currently, however, it does block the PAM stack for all
9631     sessions, which causes xscreensaver, when it locks a disconnected
9632     session, to not process any mouse or keyboard events as you
9633     describe (unless xscreensaver does an X server grab, however, other
9634     applications should still be able to draw in the session although
9635     xscreensaver may be playing tricks like putting a black window on
9636     top of everything). In both of the NSCM and SC models,
9637     authentication occurs in a separate session before SRSS will
9638     reconnect to the user session, in which case pam_sunray.so causes
9639     xscreensaver to just unlock the screen without prompting the user
9640     to enter their password again. To do this, pam_sunray.so has to
9641     block until the session becomes reconnected, so it can query SRSS
9642     at that time to determine whether the user has already
9643     authenticated or not. In SRSS 4.0 and earlier releases,
9644     pam_sunray.so could have been optimized to not block smartcard
9645     sessions, although since the session is disconnected this typically
9646     isn't important (except in the x11vnc case, as you've observed).
9648     In SRSS 4.1, however, for increased security the out-of-session
9649     authentication model has been extended to *all* session types, so
9650     pam_sunray.so will be required in all cases unless users are
9651     willing to authenticate twice upon hotdesking (e.g. when their card
9652     is inserted). In future, we may do away with pam_sunray.so, and in
9653     fact with any traditional screen locker in the user session, since
9654     SRSS itself will be providing better security than a screen locker
9655     running entirely within the user's X session is capable of
9656     providing.
9658     Your trick of setting DISPLAY to unix:DPY will effectively disable
9659     pam_sunray.so (I'm not sure I'd call that a bug - you're going out
9660     of your way to do something that wouldn't occur in the normal
9661     course of events, and really provides no useful value other than to
9662     tickle this behavior in pam_sunray.so). This will mean that, in
9663     SRSS 4.0 and earlier releases, users will be prompted for their
9664     passwords twice when reconnecting to their sessions for NSCM and SC
9665     session types. In 4.1, disabling pam_sunray.so in this way will
9666     cause this double-authentication to occur for *all* sessions,
9667     including simple smartcard sessions. Users may be willing to pay
9668     that price in order to be able to use x11vnc in disconnected
9669     sessions. I like this hack, personally. It's a little less
9670     convenient than some of the other approaches you describe, but it's
9671     lighter-weight and more secure than most of the other approaches,
9672     and provides the value of being able to use x11vnc in locked
9673     sessions.
9675     Here are some other minor notes: - I wouldn't recommend storing
9676     your display in your .dtprofile, unless you're willing to live with
9677     a single session at a time. Personally, I often find myself using
9678     several sessions, in several FoGs, for short periods of time so
9679     this would certainly break. IMO it's pretty easy to use $DISPLAY to
9680     do what you want on the fly, as needed, so I don't think the price
9681     of breaking multiple-session functionality would be worth the
9682     convenience, to me at least. Here's some ksh/bash syntax to extract
9683     the hostname and display number on the fly which you may find
9684     useful:
9689     A final note may give you some insight into other clever hacks in
9690     this area: - Check out utaction. It's a very handy little utility
9691     that can be run as a daemon in the user session which will invoke a
9692     specified command upon session connects and/or disconnects.
9693     Personally, I start one up in my .dtprofile as follows:
9694utaction -c $HOME/.srconnectrc -d $HOME/.srdisconnectrc &
9696     This then allows me to construct a .srconnectrc script containing
9697     useful commands I'd like to have run every time I insert my
9698     smartcard, and a .srdisconnectrc script of commands to be run every
9699     time I remove my smartcard (or, connect/disconnect to my session
9700     via NSCM or SC). This can be used for things like notifying a chat
9701     client of away status, as well as some of the hacks you've
9702     described on your page such as freeze/unfreeze, or perhaps to
9703     terminate an xscreensaver and start up a new one with the unix:DPY
9704     $DISPLAY specification as you describe (although it probably makes
9705     most sense to do this at login time, as opposed to every connect or
9706     disconnect event).
9712     _________________________________________________________________
9714   Notes on x11vnc SSL Certificates and Key Management:
9716   The simplest scheme ("x11vnc -ssl TMP") is where x11vnc generates a
9717   temporary, self-signed certificate each time (automatically using
9718   openssl(1)) and the VNC viewer client accepts the certificate without
9719   question (e.g. user clicks "Yes" in a dialog box. Perhaps the dialog
9720   allows them to view the certificate too). Also note stunnel's default
9721   is to quietly accept all certificates.
9723   The encryption this provides protects against all passive sniffing of
9724   the VNC traffic and passwords on the network and so it is quite good,
9725   but it does not prevent a Man-In-The-Middle active attack: e.g. an
9726   attacker intercepts the VNC client stream and sends it his own Public
9727   key for SSL negotiation (pretending to be the server). Then it makes a
9728   connection to SSL x11vnc itself and forwards the data back and forth.
9729   He can see all the traffic and modify it as well.
9731   Most people don't seem to worry about Man-In-The-Middle attacks these
9732   days; they are more concerned about passive sniffing of passwords,
9733   etc. Perhaps someday that will change if attack tools are used more
9734   widely to perform the attack. NOTE: There are hacker tools like
9735   dsniff/webmitm and cain that implement SSL Man-In-The-Middle attacks.
9736   They all rely on the client not bothering to check that the cert is
9737   valid.
9739   If you are not worried about Man-In-The-Middle attacks you do not have
9740   to read the techniques described in the rest of this document.
9742   To prevent Man-In-The-Middle attacks, certificates must somehow be
9743   verified. This requires the VNC client side have some piece of
9744   information that can be used to verify the SSL x11vnc server.
9745   Alternatively, although rarely done, x11vnc can verify VNC Clients'
9746   certificates, see the -sslverify option that is discussed below.
9748   There are a number of ways to have the client authenticate the SSL
9749   x11vnc server. The quickest way perhaps would be to copy (safely) the
9750   certificate x11vnc prints out:
975126/03/2006 21:12:00 Creating a temporary, self-signed PEM certificate...
9757(more lines) ...
9758-----END CERTIFICATE-----
9760   to the client machine(s) and have the client's SSL machinery (e.g.
9761   stunnel, Web Browser, or Java plugin) import the certificate. That way
9762   when the connection to x11vnc is made the client can verify that is it
9763   the desired server on the other side of the SSL connection.
9765   So, for example suppose the user is using the SSL enabled Java VNC
9766   Viewer and has incorporated the x11vnc certificate into his Web
9767   browser on the viewing side. If he gets a dialog that the certificate
9768   is not verified he knows something is wrong. It may be a
9769   Man-In-The-Middle attack, but more likely x11vnc certificate has
9770   changed or expired or his browser was reinstalled and/or lost the
9771   certificate, etc, etc.
9773   As another example, if the user was using stunnel with his VNC viewer
9774   (this is mentioned in this FAQ), e.g. STUNNEL.EXE on Windows, then he
9775   would have to set the "CAfile = path-to-the-cert" and "verify = 2"
9776   options in the stunnel.conf file before starting up the tunnel. If a
9777   x11vnc certificate cannot be verified, stunnel will drop the
9778   connection (and print a failure message in its log file).
9780   A third example, using the VNC viewer on Unix with stunnel the wrapper
9781   script can be used this way: "ss_vncviewer -verify ./x11vnc.crt
9782   far-away.east:0" where ./x11vnc.crt is the copied certificate x11vnc
9783   printed out.
9785   As fourth example, our SSVNC enhanced tightvnc viewer can also use
9786   these certificate files for server authentication. You can load them
9787   via the SSVNC 'Certs...' dialog and set 'ServerCert' to the
9788   certificate file you safely copied there.
9790   Note that in principle the copying of the certificate to the client
9791   machine(s) itself could be altered by a Man-In-The-Middle attack! You
9792   can't win; it is very difficult to be completely secure. It is
9793   unlikely the attacker could predict how you were going to send it
9794   unless you had, say, done it many times before the same way. SSH is a
9795   very good way to send it (but of course it too depends on public keys
9796   being sent unaltered between the two machines!).
9798   If you are really paranoid, I'm sure you'll figure out a really good
9799   way to transport the certificates. See the Certificate Authority
9800   scheme below for a way to make this easier (you just have to do it
9801   once).
9803     _________________________________________________________________
9805   Saving SSL certificates and keys:
9807   Now, it would be very inconvenient to copy the new temporary
9808   certificate every time x11vnc is run in SSL mode. So for convenience
9809   there is the "SAVE" keyword to instruct x11vnc to save the certificate
9810   it creates:
9811  x11vnc -ssl SAVE -display :0 ...
9813   This behavior is now the default, you must use "TMP" for a temporary
9814   one. It will save the certificate and private key in these files:
9815  ~/.vnc/certs/server.crt
9816  ~/.vnc/certs/server.pem
9818   The ".crt" file contains only the certificate and should be safely
9819   copied to the VNC Viewer machine(s) that will be authenticating the
9820   x11vnc server. The ".pem" file contains both the certificate and the
9821   private key and should be kept secret. (If you don't like the default
9822   location ~/.vnc/certs, e.g. it is on an NFS share and you are worried
9823   about local network sniffing, use the -ssldir dir option to point to a
9824   different directory.)
9826   So the next time you run "x11vnc -ssl SAVE ..." it will read the
9827   server.pem file directly instead of creating a new one.
9829   You can manage multiple SSL x11vnc server keys in this simple way by
9830   using:
9831  x11vnc -ssl SAVE-key2 -display :0 ...
9833   etc, where you put whatever name you choose for the key after "SAVE-".
9834   E.g. "-ssl SAVE-fred".
9836   Also, if you want to be prompted to possibly change the made up names,
9837   etc. that x11vnc creates (e.g. "x11vnc-SELF-SIGNED-CERT-7762" for the
9838   CommonName) for the certificates distinguished name (DN), then use
9839   "x11vnc -ssl SAVE_PROMPT ...", "x11vnc -ssl SAVE_PROMPT-fred ..." etc.
9840   when you create the key the first time.
9842   Tip: when prompting, if you choose the CommonName entry to be the full
9843   internet hostname of the machine the clients will be connecting to
9844   then that will avoid an annoying dialog box in their Web browsers that
9845   warn that the CommonName doesn't match the hostname.
9847     _________________________________________________________________
9849   Passphrases for server keys:
9851   Well, since now with the "SAVE" keyword the certificate and key will
9852   be longer lived, one can next worry about somebody stealing the
9853   private key and pretending to be the x11vnc server! How to guard
9854   against this?
9856   The first is that the file is created with perms 600 (i.e. -rw-------)
9857   to make it harder for an untrusted user to copy the file. A better way
9858   is to also encrypt the private key with a passphrase. You are prompted
9859   whether you want to do this or not when the key is first created under
9860   "-ssl SAVE" mode ("Protect key with a passphrase? y/n"). It is
9861   suggested that you use a passphrase. The inconvenience is every time
9862   you run "x11vnc -ssl SAVE ..." you will need to supply the passphrase
9863   to access the private key:
9864  06/04/2006 11:39:11 using PEM /home/runge/.vnc/certs/server.pem  0.000s
9866  A passphrase is needed to unlock an OpenSSL private key (PEM file).
9867  Enter passphrase>
9869   before x11vnc can continue.
9871     _________________________________________________________________
9873   Being your own Certificate Authority:
9875   A very sophisticated way that scales well if the number of users is
9876   large is to use a Certificate Authority (CA) whose public certificate
9877   is available to all of the VNC clients and whose private key has been
9878   used to digitally sign the x11vnc server certificate(s).
9880   The idea is as follows:
9881     * A special CA cert and key is generated.
9882     * Its private key is always protected by a good passphrase since it
9883       is only used for signing.
9884     * The CA cert is (safely) distributed to all machines where VNC
9885       clients will run.
9886     * One or more x11vnc server certs and keys are generated.
9887     * The x11vnc server cert is signed with the CA private key.
9888     * x11vnc is run using the server key. (e.g. "-ssl SAVE")
9889     * VNC clients (viewers) can now authenticate the x11vnc server
9890       because they have the CA certificate.
9892   The advantage is the CA cert only needs to be distributed once to the
9893   various machines, that can be done even before x11vnc server certs are
9894   generated.
9896   As above, it is important the CA private key and the x11vnc server key
9897   are kept secret, otherwise someone could steal them and pretend to be
9898   the CA or the x11vnc server if they copied the key. It is recommended
9899   that the x11vnc server keys are also protected via a passphrase (see
9900   the previous section).
9902   Optionally, VNC viewer certs and keys could also be generated to
9903   enable the x11vnc server to authenticate each client. This is not
9904   normally done (usually a simple viewer password scheme is used), but
9905   this can be useful in some situations. These optional steps go like
9906   this:
9907     * One or more VNC client certs and keys are generated.
9908     * These VNC client certs are signed with the CA private key.
9909     * The VNC client certs+keys are safely distributed to the
9910       corresponding client machines.
9911     * x11vnc is told to verify clients by using the CA cert. (e.g.
9912       "-sslverify CA")
9913     * When VNC clients (viewers) connect, they must authenticate
9914       themselves to x11vnc by using their client key.
9916   Again, it is a good idea if the client private keys are protected with
9917   a passphrase, otherwise if stolen they could be used to gain access to
9918   the x11vnc server. Once distributed to the client machines, there is
9919   no need to keep the client key on the CA machine that generated and
9920   signed it. You can keep the client certs if you like because they are
9921   public.
9923     _________________________________________________________________
9925   How to do the above CA steps with x11vnc:
9927   Some utility commands are provided to ease the cert+key creation,
9928   signing, and management: -sslGenCA, -sslGenCert, -sslDelCert,
9929   -sslEncKey, -sslCertInfo. They basically run the openssl(1) command
9930   for you to manage the certs/keys. It is required that openssl(1) is
9931   installed on the machine and available in PATH. All commands can be
9932   pointed to an alternate toplevel certificate directory via the -ssldir
9933   option if you don't want to use the default ~/.vnc/certs.
9935   1) To generate your Certificate Authority (CA) cert and key run this:
9936  x11vnc -sslGenCA
9938   Follow the prompts, you can modify any informational strings you care
9939   to. You will also be required to encrypt the CA private key with a
9940   passphrase. This generates these files:
9941  ~/.vnc/certs/CA/cacert.pem             (the CA public certificate)
9942  ~/.vnc/certs/CA/private/cakey.pem      (the encrypted CA private key)
9944   If you want to use a different directory use -ssldir It must supplied
9945   with all subsequent SSL utility options to point them to the correct
9946   directory.
9948   2) To generate a signed x11vnc server cert and key run this:
9949  x11vnc -sslGenCert server
9951   As with the CA generation, follow the prompts and you can modify any
9952   informational strings that you care to. This will create the files:
9953  ~/.vnc/certs/server.crt             (the server public certificate)
9954  ~/.vnc/certs/server.pem             (the server private key + public cert)
9956   It is recommended to protect the server private key with a passphrase
9957   (you will be prompted whether you want to). You will need to provide
9958   it whenever you start x11vnc using this key.
9960   3) Start up x11vnc using this server key:
9961  x11vnc -ssl SAVE -display :0 ...
9963   (SAVE corresponds to server.pem, see -sslGenCert server somename info
9964   on creating additional server keys, server-somename.crt ...)
9966   4) Next, safely copy the CA certificate to the VNC viewer (client)
9967   machine(s). Perhaps:
9968  scp ~/.vnc/CA/cacert.pem clientmachine:.
9970   5) Then the tricky part, make it so the SSL VNC Viewer uses this
9971   certificate! There are a number of ways this might be done, it depends
9972   on what your client and/or SSL tunnel is. Some examples:
9974   For the SSL Java VNC viewer supplied with x11vnc in
9975   classes/ssl/VncViewer.jar or classes/ssl/SignedVncViewer.jar:
9976     * Import the cacert.pem cert into your Web Browser (e.g. Edit ->
9977       Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Manage Certificates ->
9978       WebSites -> Import)
9979     * Or Import the cacert.pem cert into your Java Plugin (e.g. run
9980       ControlPanel, then Security -> Certificates -> Secure Site ->
9981       Import)
9983   When importing, one would give the browser/java-plugin the path to the
9984   copied cacert.pem file in some dialog. Note that the Web browser or
9985   Java plugin is used for the server authentication. If the user gets a
9986   "Site not verified" message while connecting he should investigate
9987   further.
9989   For the use of stunnel (e.g. on Windows) one would add this to the
9990   stunnel.conf:
9991  # stunnel.conf:
9992  client = yes
9993  options = ALL
9994  CAfile = /path/to/cacert.pem          # or maybe C:\path\to\cacert.pem
9995  [myvncssl]
9996  accept = 5901
9997  connect = far-away.east:5900
9999   (then point the VNC viewer to localhost:1).
10001   Here is an example for the Unix stunnel wrapper script ss_vncviewer in
10002   our SSVNC package:
10003  ss_vncviewer -verify ./cacert.pem far-away.east:0
10005   Our SSVNC enhanced tightvnc viewer GUI can also use the certificate
10006   file for server authentication. You can load it via the SSVNC
10007   'Certs...' dialog and set 'ServerCert' to the cacert.pem file you
10008   safely copied there.
10010     _________________________________________________________________
10012   Tricks for server keys:
10014   To create additional x11vnc server keys do something like this:
10015  x11vnc -sslGenCert server myotherkey
10017   and use it this way:
10018  x11vnc -ssl SAVE-myotherkey ...
10020   The files will be ~/.vnc/certs/server-myotherkey.{crt,pem}
10022   You can also create a self-signed server key:
10023  x11vnc -sslGenCert server self:third_key
10025   and use it this way:
10026  x11vnc -ssl SAVE-self:third_key ...
10028   This key is not signed by your CA. This can be handy to have a key set
10029   separate from your CA when you do not want to create a 2nd CA
10030   cert+key.
10032     _________________________________________________________________
10034   Using external CA's:
10036   You don't have to use your own CA cert+key, you can use a third
10037   party's instead. Perhaps you have a company-wide CA or you can even
10038   have your x11vnc certificate signed by a professional CA (e.g.
10039   www.thawte.com or www.verisign.com or perhaps the free certificate
10040   service www.startcom.org or www.cacert.org).
10042   The advantage to doing this is that the VNC client machines will
10043   already have the CA certificates installed and you don't have to
10044   install it on each machine.
10046   To generate an x11vnc server cert+key this way you should generate a
10047   "request" for a certicate signing something like this (we use the name
10048   "external" in this example, it could be anything you want):
10049  x11vnc -sslGenCert server req:external
10051   This will create the request file:
10052  ~/.vnc/certs/server-req:external.req
10054   Which you should send to the external CA. When you get the signed
10055   certificate back from them, save it in the file:
10056  ~/.vnc/certs/server-req:external.crt
10058   and create the .pem this way:
10059  mv  ~/.vnc/certs/server-req:external.key    ~/.vnc/certs/server-req:external.
10061  chmod 600 ~/.vnc/certs/server-req:external.pem
10062  cat ~/.vnc/certs/server-req:external.crt >> ~/.vnc/certs/server-req:external.
10065   You also rename the two files (.crt and .pem) to have a shorter
10066   basename if you like. E.g.:
10067  mv  ~/.vnc/certs/server-req:external.pem  ~/.vnc/certs/server-ext.pem
10068  mv  ~/.vnc/certs/server-req:external.crt  ~/.vnc/certs/server-ext.crt
10070   and the use via "x11vnc -ssl SAVE-ext ...", etc.
10072   On the viewer side make sure the external CA's certificate is
10073   installed an available for the VNC viewer software you plan to use.
10075     _________________________________________________________________
10077   Using Client Keys for Authentication:
10079   You can optionally create certs+keys for your VNC client machines as
10080   well. After distributing them to the client machines you can have
10081   x11vnc verify the clients using SSL. Here is how to do this:
10083  x11vnc -sslGenCert client dilbert
10084  x11vnc -sslGenCert client wally
10085  x11vnc -sslGenCert client alice
10086  ...
10088   As usual, follow the prompts if you want to change any of the info
10089   field values. As always, it is a good idea (although inconvenient) to
10090   protect the private keys with a passphrase. These files are created:
10091  ~/.vnc/certs/clients/dilbert.crt
10092  ~/.vnc/certs/clients/dilbert.pem
10093  ...
10095   Note that these are kept in a clients subdirectory.
10097   Next, safely copy the .pem files to each corresponding client machine
10098   and incorporate them into the VNC viewer / SSL software (see the ideas
10099   mentioned above for the CA and server keys). The only difference is
10100   these certificates might be referred to as "My Certificates" or
10101   "Client Certificates". They are used for client authentication (which
10102   is relatively rare for SSL).
10104   After copying them you can delete the clients/*.pem files for extra
10105   safety because the private keys are not needed by the x11vnc server.
10106   You don't really need the clients/*.crt files either (because they
10107   have been signed by the CA). But they could come in handy for tracking
10108   or troubleshooting, etc.
10110   Now start up x11vnc and instruct it to verify connecting clients via
10111   SSL and the CA cert:
10112  x11vnc -ssl SAVE -sslverify CA
10114   The "CA" special token instructs x11vnc to use its CA signed certs for
10115   verification.
10117   For arbitrary self-signed client certificates (no CA) it might be
10118   something like this:
10119  x11vnc -ssl SAVE -sslverify path/to/client.crt
10120  x11vnc -ssl SAVE -sslverify path/to/client-hash-dir
10121  x11vnc -ssl SAVE -sslverify path/to/certs.txt
10123   Where client.crt would be an individual client certificate;
10124   client-hash-dir a directory of file names based on md5 hashes of the
10125   certs (see -sslverify); and certs.txt signifies a single file full of
10126   client certificates.
10128   Finally, connect with your VNC viewer using the key. Here is an
10129   example for the Unix stunnel wrapper script ss_vncviewer: using client
10130   authentication (and the standard server authentication with the CA
10131   cert):
10132  ss_vncviewer -mycert ./dilbert.pem -verify ./cacert.pem far-away.east:0
10134   Our SSVNC enhanced tightvnc viewer can also use these openssl .pem
10135   files (you can load them via Certs... -> MyCert dialog).
10137   It is also possible to use -sslverify on a per-client key basis, and
10138   also using self-signed client keys (x11vnc -sslGenCert client
10139   self:dilbert)
10141   Now a tricky part is to get Web browsers or Java Runtime to import and
10142   use the openssl .pem cert+key files. See the next paragraph on how to
10143   convert them to pkcs12 format. If you find a robust way to import them
10144   and and get them to use the cert please let us know!
10146   Here is how to convert our openssl crt/pem files to pkcs12 format
10147   (contains both the client certificate and key) that can be read by Web
10148   browsers and Java for use in client authentication:
10149  openssl pkcs12 -export -in mycert.crt -inkey mycert.pem -out mycert.p12
10151   it will ask for a passphrase to protect mycert.p12. Some software
10152   (e.g. Java ControlPanel) may require a non-empty passphrase. Actually,
10153   since our .pem contains both the certificate and private key, you
10154   could just supply it for the -in and remove the -inkey option. It
10155   appears that for certificates only importing, our .crt file is
10156   sufficient and can be read by Mozilla/Firefox and Java...
10158   If you have trouble getting your Java Runtime to import and use the
10159   cert+key, there is a workaround for the SSL-enabled Java applet. On
10160   the Web browser URL that retrieves the VNC applet, simply add a
10161   "/?oneTimeKey=..." applet parameter (see ssl-portal for more details
10162   on applet parameters; you don't need to do the full portal setup
10163   though). The value of the oneTimeKey will be the very long string that
10164   is output of the onetimekey program found in the classes/ssl x11vnc
10165   directory. Or you can set oneTimeKey=PROMPT in which case the applet
10166   will ask you to paste in the long string. These scheme is pretty ugly,
10167   but it works. A nice application of it is to make one time keys for
10168   users that have already logged into a secure HTTPS site via password.
10169   A cgi program then makes a one time key for the logged in user to use:
10170   it is passed back over HTTPS as the applet parameter in the URL and so
10171   cannot be sniffed. x11vnc is run to use that key via -sslverify.
10173   Update: as of Apr 2007 in the 0.9.1 x11vnc tarball there is a new
10174   option setting "-users sslpeer=" that will do a switch user much like
10175   -unixpw does, but this time using the emailAddress field of the
10176   Certificate subject of the verified Client. This mode requires
10177   -sslverify turned on to verify the clients via SSL. This mode can be
10178   useful in situations using -create or -svc where a new X server needs
10179   to be started up as the authenticated user (but unlike in -unixpw
10180   mode, the unix username is not obviously known).
10182     _________________________________________________________________
10184   Revoking Certificates:
10186   A large, scaled-up installation may benefit from being able to revoke
10187   certificates (e.g. suppose a user's laptop with a vnc client or server
10188   key is compromised.) You can use this option with x11vnc: -sslCRL. See
10189   the info at that link for a guide on what openssl(1) commands you will
10190   need to run to revoke a certificate.
10192     _________________________________________________________________
10194   Additional utlities:
10196   You can get information about your keys via -sslCertInfo. These lists
10197   all your keys:
10198  x11vnc -sslCertInfo list
10199  x11vnc -sslCertInfo ll
10201   (the latter is long format).
10203   These print long output, including the public certificate, for
10204   individual keys:
10205  x11vnc -sslCertInfo server
10206  x11vnc -sslCertInfo dilbert
10207  x11vnc -sslCertInfo all             (every key, very long)
10209   If you want to add a protecting passphrase to a key originally created
10210   without one:
10211  x11vnc -sslEncKey SAVE
10212  x11vnc -sslEncKey SAVE-fred
10214   To delete a cert+key:
10215  x11vnc -sslDelCert SAVE
10216  x11vnc -sslDelCert SAVE-fred
10217  x11vnc -sslDelCert wally
10219   (but rm(1) will be just as effective).
10221     _________________________________________________________________
10223   Chained Certificates:
10225   There is increasing interest in using chained CA's instead of a single
10226   CA. The merits of using chained CA's are not described here besides to
10227   say its use may make some things easier when a certificate needs to be
10228   revoked.
10230   x11vnc supports chained CA certificates. We describe a basic use case
10231   here.
10233   Background: Of course the most straight forward way to use SSL with
10234   x11vnc is to use no CA at all (see above): a self-signed certificate
10235   and key is used and its certificate needs to be safely copied to the
10236   client side. This is basically the same as the SSH style of managing
10237   keys. Next level up, one can use a single CA to sign server keys: then
10238   only the CA's certificate needs to be safely copied to the client
10239   side, this can happen even before any server certs are created (again,
10240   see all of the discussion above.)
10242   With a certificate chain there are two or more CA's involved. Perhaps
10243   it looks like this:
10244  root_CA ---> intermediate_CA ---> server_cert
10246   Where the arrow basically means "signs".
10248   In this usage mode the client (viewer-side) will have root_CA's
10249   certificate available for verifying (and nothing else.) If the viewer
10250   only received server_cert's certificate, it would not have enough info
10251   to verify the server. The client needs to have intermediate_CA's cert
10252   as well. The way to do this with x11vnc (i.e. an OpenSSL using app) is
10253   to concatenate the server_cert's pem and the intermediate_CA's
10254   certificate together.
10256   For example, suppose the file intermediate_CA.crt had
10257   intermediate_CA's certificate. And suppose the file server_cert.pem
10258   had the server's certificate and private key pair as described above
10259   on this page. We need to do this:
10260  cat intermediate_CA.crt >> server_cert.pem
10262   (Note: the order of the items inside the file matters; intermediate_CA
10263   must be after the server key and cert) and then we run x11vnc like
10264   this:
10265  x11vnc -ssl ./server_cert.pem ...
10267   Then, on the VNC viewer client side, the viewer authenticates the
10268   x11vnc server by using root_CA's certificate. Suppose that is in a
10269   file named root_CA.crt, then using the SSVNC wrapper script
10270   ss_vncviewer (which is also included in the SSVNC package) as our
10271   example, we have:
10272  ss_vncviewer -verify ./root_CA.crt hostname:0
10274   (where "hostname" is the machine where x11vnc is running.) One could
10275   also use the SSVNC GUI setting Certs -> ServerCert to the root_CA.crt
10276   file. Any other SSL enabled VNC viewer would use root_CA.crt in a
10277   similar way.
10278     _________________________________________________________________
10280   Creating Chained Certificates:
10282   Here is a fun example using VeriSign's "Trial Certificate" program.
10283   Note that VeriSign has a Root CA and also an Intermediate CA and uses
10284   the latter to sign customers certificates. So this provides an easy
10285   way to test out the chained certificates mechanism with x11vnc.
10287   First we created a test x11vnc server key:
10288  openssl genrsa -out V1.key 1024
10290   then we created a certificate signing request (CSR) for it:
10291  openssl req -new -key V1.key -out V1.csr
10293   (we followed the prompts and supplied information for the various
10294   fields.)
10296   Then we went to VeriSign's page http://www.verisign.com/ssl/index.html
10297   and clicked on "FREE TRIAL" (the certificate is good for 14 days.) We
10298   filled in the forms and got to the point where it asked for the CSR
10299   and so we pasted in the contents of the above V1.csr file. Then, after
10300   a few more steps, VeriSign signed and emailed us our certificate.
10302   The VeriSign Trial certificates were found here:
10303  http://www.verisign.com/support/verisign-intermediate-ca/Trial_Secure_Server_
10305  http://www.verisign.com/support/verisign-intermediate-ca/trial-secure-server-
10308   The former was pasted into a file V-Root.crt and the latter was pasted
10309   into V-Intermediate.crt
10311   We pasted our Trial certificate that VeriSign signed and emailed to us
10312   into a file named V1.crt and then we typed:
10313  cat V1.key V1.crt > V1.pem
10314  cat V1.pem V-Intermediate.crt > V1-combined.pem
10315  chmod 600 V1.pem V1-combined.pem
10317   So now the file V1-combined.pem has our private key and (VeriSign
10318   signed) certificate and VeriSign's Trial Intermediate certificate.
10320   Next, we start x11vnc:
10321  x11vnc -ssl ./V1-combined.pem ...
10323   and finally, on the viewer side (SSVNC wrapper script example):
10324  ss_vncviewer -verify ./V-Root.crt hostname:0
10326   One will find that only that combination of certs and keys will work,
10327   i.e. allow the SSL connection to be established. Every other
10328   combination we tried failed (note that ss_vncviewer uses the external
10329   stunnel command to handle the SSL so we are really testing stunnel's
10330   SSL implementation on the viewer side); and so the system works as
10331   expected.
10332     _________________________________________________________________
10334   VNC Client Authentication using Certificate Chains:
10336   Now, going the other way around with the client authenticating himself
10337   via this chain of SSL certificates, x11vnc is run this way:
10338  x11vnc -ssl SAVE -sslverify ./V-Root.crt ...
10340   (note since the server must always supply a cert, we use its normal
10341   self-signed, etc., one via "-ssl SAVE" and use the VeriSign root cert
10342   for client authentication via -sslverify. The viewer must now supply
10343   the combined certificates, e.g.:
10344  ss_vncviewer -mycert ./V1-combined.pem hostname:0
10345     _________________________________________________________________
10347   Using OpenSSL and x11vnc to create Certificate Chains:
10349   Although the x11vnc CA mechanism (-sslGenCA and -sslGenCert; see
10350   above) was designed to only handle a single root CA (to sign server
10351   and/or client certs) it can be coerced into creating a certificate
10352   chain by way of an extra openssl(1) command.
10354   We will first create two CA's via -sslGenCA; then use one of these CA
10355   to sign the other; create a new (non-CA) server cert; and append the
10356   intermediate CA's cert to the server cert to have everything needed in
10357   the one file.
10359   Here are the commands we ran to do what the previous paragraph
10360   outlines.
10362   First we create the two CA's, called CA_root and CA_Intermediate here,
10363   in separate directories via x11vnc:
10364  x11vnc -ssldir ~/CA_Root -sslGenCA
10365     (follow the prompts, we included "CA_Root", e.g. Common Name, to aid ident
10366ifying it)
10368  x11vnc -ssldir ~/CA_Intermediate -sslGenCA
10369     (follow the prompts, we included "CA_Intermediate", e.g. Common Name, to a
10370id identifying it)
10372   Next backup CA_Intermediate's cert and then sign it with CA_Root:
10373  mv ~/CA_Intermediate/CA/cacert.pem ~/CA_Intermediate/CA/cacert.pem.ORIG
10374  cd ~/CA_Root
10375  openssl ca -config ./CA/ssl.cnf -policy policy_anything -extensions v3_ca -no
10376text -ss_cert ~/CA_Intermediate/CA/cacert.pem.ORIG -out ~/CA_Intermediate/CA/ca
10379   Note that it is required to cd to the ~/CA_Root directory and run the
10380   openssl command from there.
10382   You can print out info about the cert you just modified by:
10383  openssl x509 -noout -text -in ~/CA_Intermediate/CA/cacert.pem
10385   Now we create an x11vnc server cert named "test_chain" that is signed
10386   by CA_Intermediate:
10387  x11vnc -ssldir ~/CA_Intermediate -sslGenCert server test_chain
10388     (follow the prompts)
10390   You can print out information about this server cert just created via
10391   this command:
10392  x11vnc -ssldir ~/CA_Intermediate -sslCertInfo SAVE-test_chain
10394   This will tell you the full path to the server certificate, which is
10395   needed because we need to manually append the CA_Intermediate cert for
10396   the chain to work:
10397  cat ~/CA_Intermediate/CA/cacert.pem >> ~/CA_Intermediate/server-test_chain.pe
10400   Now we are finally ready to use it. We can run x11vnc using this
10401   server cert+key by either this command:
10402  x11vnc -ssldir ~/CA_Intermediate -ssl SAVE-test_chain ...
10404   or this command:
10405  x11vnc -ssl ~/CA_Intermediate/server-test_chain.pem ...
10407   since they are equivalent (both load the same pem file.)
10409   Finally we connect via VNC viewer that uses CA_Root to verify the
10410   server. As before we use ss_vncviewer:
10411  ss_vncviewer -verify ~/CA_Root/CA/cacert.pem hostname:0
10413   Client Certificates (see above) work in a similar manner.
10415   So although it is a little awkward with the extra steps (e.g.
10416   appending the CA_Intermediate cert) it is possible. If you want to do
10417   this entirely with openssl(1) you will have to learn the openssl
10418   commands corresponding to -genCA and -genCert. You may be able to find
10419   guides on the Internet to do this. Starting with x11vnc 0.9.10, you
10420   can have it print out the wrapper scripts it uses via: -sslScripts
10421   (you will still need to fill in a few pieces of information; ask if it
10422   is not clear from the source code.)
10424     _________________________________________________________________
10426   More info:
10428   See also this article for some some general info and examples using
10429   stunnel and openssl on Windows with VNC. Also
10430   http://www.stunnel.org/faq/certs.html is a very good source of
10431   information on SSL certificate creation and management.
10437     _________________________________________________________________
10439   Using Apache as an SSL Gateway to multiple x11vnc servers inside a
10440   firewall:
10442   Background:
10444   The typical way to allow access to x11vnc (or any other VNC server)
10445   running on multiple workstations inside a firewall is via SSH. The
10446   user somewhere out on the Internet logs in to the SSH gateway machine
10447   and uses port forwarding (e.g. ssh -t -L 5900:myworkstation:5900
10448   user@gateway) to set up the encrypted channel that VNC is then
10449   tunneled through. Next he starts up the VNC viewer on the machine
10450   where he is sitting directed to the local tunnel port (e.g.
10451   localhost:0).
10453   The SSH scheme is nice because it is a widely used and well tested
10454   login technique for users connecting to machines inside their company
10455   or home firewall. For VNC access it is a bit awkward, however, because
10456   SSH needs to be installed on the Viewer machine and the user usually
10457   has to rig up his own port redirection plumbing (however, see our
10458   other tool).
10460   Also, some users have restrictive work environments where SSH and
10461   similar applications are prohibited (i.e. only outgoing connections to
10462   standard WWW ports from a browser are allowed, perhaps mediated by a
10463   proxy server). These users have successfully used the method described
10464   here for remote access.
10466   With the SSL support in x11vnc and the SSL enabled Java VNC viewer
10467   applet, a convenient and secure alternative exists that uses the
10468   Apache webserver as a gateway. The idea is that the company or home
10469   internet connection is already running apache as a web server (either
10470   SSL or non-SSL) and we add to it the ability to act as a gateway for
10471   SSL VNC connections. The only thing needed on the Viewer side is a
10472   Java enabled Web Browser: the user simply enters a URL that starts the
10473   entire VNC connection process. No VNC or SSH specific software needs
10474   to be installed on the viewer side machine.
10476   The stunnel VNC viewer stunnel wrapper script provided (ss_vncviewer)
10477   can also take advantage of the method described here with its -proxy
10478   option.
10480     _________________________________________________________________
10482   Simpler Solutions: This apache SSL VNC portal solution may be too much
10483   for you. It is mainly intended for automatically redirecting to
10484   MULTIPLE workstations inside the firewall. If you only have one or two
10485   inside machines that you want to access, the method described here is
10486   overly complicated! See below for some simpler (and still non-SSH)
10487   encrypted setups.
10489   Also see the recent (Mar/2010) desktop.cgi x11vnc desktop web login
10490   CGI script that achieves much of what the method describes here
10491   (especially if its 'port redirection' feature is enabled.)
10492     _________________________________________________________________
10496   There are numerous ways to achieve this with Apache. We present one of
10497   the simplest ones here.
10499   Important: these sorts of schemes allow incoming connections from
10500   anywhere on the Internet to fixed ports on machines inside the
10501   firewall. Care must be taken to implement and test thoroughly. If one
10502   is paranoid one can (and should) add extra layers of protection. (e.g.
10503   extra passwords, packet filtering, SSL certificate verification, etc).
10505   Also, it is easy to miss the point that unless precautions are taken
10506   to verify SSL Certificates, then the VNC Viewer is vulnerable to
10507   man-in-the-middle attacks (but not to the more common passive sniffing
10508   attacks). Note that there are hacker tools like dsniff/webmitm and
10509   cain that implement SSL Man-In-The-Middle attacks. They rely on the
10510   client not bothering to check the cert.
10511     _________________________________________________________________
10513   The Holy Grail: a single https port (443)
10515   Before we discuss the self-contained apache examples here, we want to
10516   mention that many x11vnc users who read this page and implement the
10517   apache SSL VNC portal ask for something that (so far) seems difficult
10518   or impossible to do entirely inside apache:
10519     * A single port, 443 (the default https:// port), is open to the
10520       Internet
10521     * It is HTTPS/SSL encrypted
10522     * It handles both VNC traffic and Java VNC Applet downloads.
10523     * And the server can also serve normal HTTPS webpages, CGI, etc.
10525   It is the last item that makes it tricky (otherwise the method
10526   described on this page will work). If you are interested in such a
10527   solution and are willing to run a separate helper program
10528   (connect_switch) look here. Also, see this apache patch.
10529     _________________________________________________________________
10531   Example:
10533   The scheme described here sets up apache on the firewall/gateway as a
10534   regular Web proxy into the intranet and allows connections to a single
10535   fixed port on a limited set of machines.
10537   The configuration described in this section does not use the mod_ssl
10538   apache module (the optional configuration described in the section
10539   "Downloading the Java applet to the browser via HTTPS" does take
10540   advantage of mod_ssl)
10542   In this example suppose the gateway machine running apache is named
10543   "www.gateway.east" (e.g. it may also provide normal web service). We
10544   also choose the Internet-facing port for this VNC service to be port
10545   563. One could choose any port, including the default HTTP port 80.
10547   Detail: We choose 563 because it is the rarely used SNEWS port that is
10548   often allowed by Web proxies for the CONNECT method. The idea is the
10549   user may be coming out of another firewall using a proxy (not the one
10550   we describe here, that is, the case when two proxies are involved,
10551   e.g. one at work and another Apache (described here) at home
10552   redirecting into our firewall; the "double proxy" or "double firewall"
10553   problem). Using port 563 simplifies things because CONNECT's to it are
10554   usually allowed by default.
10556   We also assume all of the x11vnc servers on the internal machines are
10557   all listening on port 5915 ("-rfbport 5915") instead of the default
10558   5900. This is to limit any unintended proxy redirections to a lesser
10559   used port, and also to stay out of the way of normal VNC servers on
10560   the same machines. One could obviously implement a scheme that handles
10561   different ports, but we just discuss this simple setup here.
10563   So we basically assume x11vnc has been started this way on all of the
10564   workstations to be granted VNC access:
10565  x11vnc -ssl SAVE -http -display :0 -forever -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5
10568   i.e. we force SSL VNC connections, port 5915, serve the Java VNC
10569   viewer applet, and require a VNC password (another option would be
10570   -unixpw). The above command could also be run out of inetd(8). It can
10571   also be used to autodetect the user's display and Xauthority data.
10574   These sections are added to the httpd.conf apache configuration file
10575   on www.gateway.east:
10577# In the global section you need to enable these modules.
10578# Note that the ORDER MATTERS! mod_rewrite must be before mod_proxy
10579# (so that we can check the allowed host list via rewrite)
10581LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
10582LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
10583LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so
10584LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/mod_proxy_ftp.so
10585LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
10586<IfDefine SSL>
10587LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
10591# Near the bottom of httpd.conf you put the port 563 virtual host:
10593Listen 563
10595<VirtualHost *:563>
10597   # Allow proxy CONNECT requests *only* to port 5915.
10598   # If the machines use different ports, e.g. 5916 list them here as well:
10599   #
10600   ProxyRequests On
10601   AllowCONNECT 5915
10603   RewriteEngine On
10605   # Convenience rules to expand applet parameters.  These do not have a traili
10606ng "/"
10607   #
10608   # /vnc   for http jar file downloading:
10609   #
10610   RewriteRule /vnc/([^/]+)$               /vnc/$1/index.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&PO
10611RT=563&urlPrefix=_2F_vnc_2F_$1 [R,NE,L]
10612   RewriteRule /vnc/trust/([^/]+)$         /vnc/$1/index.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&PO
10613RT=563&urlPrefix=_2F_vnc_2F_$1&trustAllVncCerts=yes [R,NE,L]
10614   RewriteRule /vnc/proxy/([^/]+)$         /vnc/$1/proxy.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&PO
10615RT=563&urlPrefix=_2F_vnc_2F_$1&forceProxy=yes [R,NE,L]
10616   RewriteRule /vnc/trust/proxy/([^/]+)$   /vnc/$1/proxy.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&PO
10617RT=563&urlPrefix=_2F_vnc_2F_$1&forceProxy=yes&trustAllVncCerts=yes [R,NE,L]
10619   # Read in the allowed host to vnc display mapping file.  It looks like:
10620   #
10621   #   host1     15
10622   #   host2     15
10623   #   ...
10624   #
10625   # the display "15" means 5815 for http applet download, 5915 for SSL vnc.
10626   #
10627   RewriteMap vnchosts txt:/dist/apache/conf/vnc.hosts
10629   # Proxy: check for the CONNECT hostname and port being in the vnc.hosts list
10631   #
10632   RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^CONNECT [NC]
10633   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*):(.*)$
10634   RewriteCond ${vnchosts:%1|NOTFOUND} NOTFOUND
10635   RewriteRule ^.*$ /VNCFAIL [F,L]
10637   RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^CONNECT [NC]
10638   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*):(.*)$
10639   RewriteCond 59${vnchosts:%1}=%2 !^(.*)=(\1)$
10640   RewriteRule ^.*$ /VNCFAIL [F,L]
10643   # Remap /vnc to the proxy http download (e.g. http://host:5815)
10644   #
10645   # First, fail if it starts with the string /vnc0:
10646   #
10647   RewriteRule ^/vnc0.*            /VNCFAIL [F,L]
10648   #
10649   # Next, map the prefix to /vnc0/host:protocol:port
10650   #
10651   RewriteRule ^/vnc/([^/]+)/(.*)  /vnc0/$1:http:58${vnchosts:$1|NOTFOUND}/$2
10653   #
10654   # Drop any not found:
10655   #
10656   RewriteRule ^/vnc0.*NOTFOUND.*  /VNCFAIL [F,L]
10658   # Construct the proxy URL and retrieve it:
10659   #
10660   RewriteRule ^/vnc0/([^/]+):([^/]+):([^/]+)/(.*) $2://$1:$3/$4 [P,NE,L]
10664   Then restart apache (perhaps: "apachectl stop; apachectl start").
10666   Note that the listing of allowed internal workstations is done in an
10667   external file (/dist/apache/conf/vnc.hosts in the example above), the
10668   format is like this:
10669# allowed vnc hosts file:
10670hostname1  15
10671hostname2  15
10674   You list the hostname and the VNC display (always 15 in our example).
10675   Only to these hosts will the external VNC viewers be able to connect
10676   to (via the HTTP CONNECT method).
10678   The above setup requires mod_rewrite and mod_proxy be enabled in the
10679   apache web server. In this example they are loaded as modules (and
10680   note that mod_rewrite must be listed before mod_proxy);
10682   The user at the Java enabled Web browser would simply enter this URL
10683   into the browser:
10684   http://www.gateway.east:563/vnc/host2
10686   to connect to internal workstation host2, etc.
10688   Important: do not put a trailing "/" on the URL, since that will
10689   defeat the RewriteRules that look for the hostname at the very end.
10691   There will be a number of SSL certificate, etc, dialogs he will have
10692   to respond to in addition to any passwords he is required to provide
10693   (this depends on how you set up user authentication for x11vnc).
10695   If a second Web proxy is involved (i.e. the user's browser is inside
10696   another firewall and policy requires using a Web proxy server) then
10697   use this URL:
10698   http://www.gateway.east:563/vnc/proxy/host2
10700   This will involve downloading a signed java viewer applet jar file
10701   that is able to interact with the internal proxy for the VNC
10702   connection. See this FAQ for more info on how this works. Note:
10703   sometimes with the Proxy case if you see 'Bad Gateway' error you will
10704   have to wait 10 or so seconds and then hit reload. This seems to be
10705   due to having to wait for a Connection Keepalive to terminate...
10707   For completeness, the "trust" cases that skip a VNC certificate dialog
10708   (discussed below) would be entered as:
10709   http://www.gateway.east:563/vnc/trust/host2
10710   http://www.gateway.east:563/vnc/trust/proxy/host2
10712   You can of course choose shorter or more easy to remember URL formats.
10713   Just change the Convenience RewriteRules in httpd.conf.
10715     _________________________________________________________________
10717   Port Variations:
10719   Note that you can run this on the default HTTP port 80 instead of port
10720   563. If you do not expect to have a browser connecting from inside a
10721   proxying firewall (where sometimes only connections to ports 443 and
10722   563 are allowed) this should be fine. Use "80" instead of "563" in the
10723   httpd.conf config file (you may need to merge it with other default
10724   port 80 things you have there).
10726   Then the URL's will be a bit simpler:
10727   http://www.gateway.east/vnc/host2
10728   http://www.gateway.east/vnc/trust/host2
10730   etc.
10732   Besides 80 one could use any other random port number (since there are
10733   so many port scans on 80, a little obscurity might be useful).
10735   One option is to use port "443" (the default https:// port) instead of
10736   "563". In this case Apache is not configured for mod_ssl; we just
10737   happen to use port "443" in the way any random port would be used.
10738   This could be handy if the Viewer side environment is restrictive in
10739   that it only allows outgoing connections to ports 80 and 443 (and,
10740   say, you didn't want to use port 80, or you wanted to use 80 for
10741   something else). Another reason for using 443 would be some web proxy
10742   environments only allow the CONNECT method to go to port 443 (and not
10743   even the case 563 we use above).
10745     _________________________________________________________________
10747   Details:
10749   Let's go through the httpd.conf additions in detail from the top.
10751   The LoadModules directives load the necessary apache modules. Note
10752   that mod_rewrite must be listed first. If you are compiling from
10753   scratch something like this worked for us:
10754  ./configure --enable-proxy=shared --enable-proxy-connect=shared --enable-ssl=
10755shared --enable-rewrite=shared --prefix=/dist/apache
10757   Then the VirtualHost *:563 virtual host section starts.
10759   The "ProxyRequests On" and "AllowCONNECT 5915" enable the web server
10760   to forward proxy requests to port 5915 (and only this port) INSIDE the
10761   firewall. Think about the implications of this thoroughly and test it
10762   carefully.
10764   The RewriteRule's are for convenience only so that the URL entered
10765   into the Web browser does not need the various extra parameters, e.g.:
10766   http://www.gateway.east:563/vnc/host2/index.vnc?CONNECT=host2+5915&PORT=563,
10769   (or otherwise make direct edits to index.vnc to set these parameters).
10770   The forceProxy=yes parameter is passed to the applet to force the use
10771   of a outgoing proxy socket connection. Use it only if the Web browser
10772   is inside a separate Web proxying environment (i.e. large corporation)
10774   The rewrites with parameter urlPrefix are described under Tricks for
10775   Better Response. The "trust" ones (also described under Tricks) with
10776   trustAllVncCerts tell the Java VNC applet to skip a dialog asking
10777   about the VNC Certificate. They are a bit faster and more reliable
10778   than the original method. In the best situation they lead to being
10779   logged in 20 seconds or less (without them the time to login can be
10780   much longer since a number of connections must timeout).
10782   All of the x11vnc Java Viewer applet parameters are described in the
10783   file classes/ssl/README
10785   The external file /dist/apache/conf/vnc.hosts containing the allowed
10786   VNC server hostnames is read in. Its 2nd column contains the VNC
10787   display of the host (always 15 in our example; if you make it vary you
10788   will need to adjust some lines in the httpd.conf accordingly, e.g.
10789   AllowCONNECT). This list is used to constrain both the Jar file
10790   download URL and the proxy CONNECT the VNC viewer makes to only the
10791   intended VNC servers.
10793   Limiting the proxy CONNECT is done with the two sets of RewriteCond
10794   conditions.
10796   Limiting the Jar file download URL is done in the remaining 4
10797   RewriteRule's.
10799   Note that these index.vnc and VncViewer.jar downloads to the browser
10800   are not encrypted via SSL, and so in principle could be tampered with
10801   by a really bad guy. The subsequent VNC connection, however, is
10802   encrypted through a single SSL connection (it makes a CONNECT straight
10803   to x11vnc). See below for how to have these initial downloads
10804   encrypted as well (if the apache web server has SSL/mod_ssl, i.e.
10805   https, enabled and configured).
10807   Unfortunately the Java VNC viewer applet currently is not able to save
10808   its own list of Certificates (e.g. the user says trust this VNC
10809   certificate 'always'). This is because an applet it cannot open local
10810   files, etc. Sadly, the applet cannot even remember certificates in the
10811   same browser session because it is completely reinitialized for each
10812   connection (see below).
10814     _________________________________________________________________
10816   Too Much?
10818   If these apache rules are a little too much for you, there is a little
10819   bit simpler scheme where you have to list each of the individual
10820   machines in the httpd.conf and ssl.conf files. It may be a little more
10821   typing to maintain, but perhaps being more straight forward (less
10822   RewriteRule's) is desirable.
10824     _________________________________________________________________
10826   Problems?
10828   To see example x11vnc output for a successful https://host:5900/
10829   connection with the Java Applet see This Page.
10831     _________________________________________________________________
10833   Some Ideas for adding extra authentication, etc. for the paranoid:
10834     * VNC passwords: -rfbauth, -passwdfile, or -usepw. Even adding a
10835       simple company-wide VNC password helps block unwanted access.
10836     * Unix passwords: -unixpw
10837     * SSL Client certificates: -sslverify
10838     * Apache AuthUserFile directive: .htaccess, etc.
10839     * Filter connections based on IP address or hostname.
10840     * Use Port-knocking on your firewall as described in: Enhanced
10841       TightVNC Viewer (ssvnc).
10842     * Add proxy password authentication (requires Viewer changes?)
10843     * Run a separate instance of Apache that provides this VNC service
10844       so it can be brought up and down independently of the normal web
10845       server.
10846     * How secure is the Client side? Public machines in internet cafes,
10847       etc, are often hacked, with backdoors and VNC servers of their
10848       own. Prefer using your own firewalled laptop to a public machine.
10851     _________________________________________________________________
10853   Using non-Java viewers with this scheme:
10855   The ss_vncviewer stunnel wrapper script for VNC viewers has the -proxy
10856   option that can take advantage of this method.
10857   ss_vncviewer -proxy www.gateway.east:563   host1:15
10859   For the case of the "double proxy" situation (see below) supply both
10860   separated by a comma.
10861   ss_vncviewer -proxy proxy1.foobar.com:8080,www.gateway.east:563   host1:15
10863   For the Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (ssvnc) GUI (it uses ss_vncviewer on
10864   Unix) put 'host1:15' into the 'VNC Server' entry box, and here are
10865   possible Proxy/Gateway entries
10866   Proxy/Gateway:   www.gateway.east:563
10867   Proxy/Gateway:   proxy1.foobar.com:8080,www.gateway.east:563
10869   then click on the 'Connect' button.
10871     _________________________________________________________________
10873   Downloading the Java applet to the browser via HTTPS:
10875   To have the Java applet downloaded to the user's Web Browser via an
10876   encrypted (and evidently safer) SSL connection the Apache webserver
10877   should be configured for SSL via mod_ssl.
10879   It is actually possible to use the x11vnc Key Management utility
10880   "-sslGenCert" to generate your Apache/SSL .crt and .key files. (In
10881   brief, run something like "x11vnc -sslGenCert server self:apache" then
10882   copy the resulting self:apache.crt file to conf/ssl.crt/server.crt and
10883   extract the private key part from self:apache.pem and paste it into
10884   conf/ssl.key/server.key). Setting the env var REQ_ARGS='-days 1095'
10885   before running x11vnc will bump up the expiration date (3 years in
10886   this case).
10888   Or you can use the standard methods described in the Apache mod_ssl
10889   documentation to create your keys. Then restart Apache, usually
10890   something like "apachectl stop" followed by "apachectl startssl"
10892   In addition to the above sections in httpd.conf one should add the
10893   following to ssl.conf:
10894   SSLProxyEngine  On
10896   RewriteEngine On
10898   # Convenience rules to expand applet parameters.  These do not have a traili
10899ng "/"
10900   #
10901   # /vnc   http jar file downloading:
10902   #
10903   RewriteRule /vnc/([^/]+)$                        /vnc/$1/index.vnc?CONNECT=$
109041+5915&PORT=563&httpsPort=443&GET=1&urlPrefix=_2F_vnc_2F_$1 [R,NE,L]
10905   RewriteRule /vnc/proxy/([^/]+)$                  /vnc/$1/proxy.vnc?CONNECT=$
109061+5915&PORT=563&httpsPort=443&GET=1&urlPrefix=_2F_vnc_2F_$1&forceProxy=yes [R,N
10908   #
10909   # (we skipped the "trust" ones above, put them in if you like)
10910   #
10911   # /vncs  https jar file downloading:
10912   #
10913   RewriteRule /vncs/([^/]+)$                      /vncs/$1/index.vnc?CONNECT=$
109141+5915&PORT=563&httpsPort=443&GET=1&urlPrefix=_2F_vncs_2F_$1 [R,NE,L]
10915   RewriteRule /vncs/proxy/([^/]+)$                /vncs/$1/proxy.vnc?CONNECT=$
109161+5915&PORT=563&httpsPort=443&GET=1&urlPrefix=_2F_vncs_2F_$1&forceProxy=yes [R,
10918   RewriteRule /vncs/trust/([^/]+)$                /vncs/$1/index.vnc?CONNECT=$
10920es [R,NE,L]
10921   RewriteRule /vncs/trust/proxy/([^/]+)$          /vncs/$1/proxy.vnc?CONNECT=$
10923stAllVncCerts=yes [R,NE,L]
10925   # Convenience rules used for the connect_switch helper (requires Listen 127.
109260.0.1:443 above):
10927   #
10928   RewriteRule /vnc443/([^/]+)$                    /vncs/$1/index.vnc?CONNECT=$
109291+5915&PORT=443&httpsPort=443&GET=1&urlPrefix=_2F_vncs_2F_$1 [R,NE,L]
10930   RewriteRule /vnc443/proxy/([^/]+)$              /vncs/$1/proxy.vnc?CONNECT=$
109311+5915&PORT=443&httpsPort=443&GET=1&urlPrefix=_2F_vncs_2F_$1&forceProxy=yes [R,
10933   RewriteRule /vnc443/trust/([^/]+)$              /vncs/$1/index.vnc?CONNECT=$
10935es [R,NE,L]
10936   RewriteRule /vnc443/trust/proxy/([^/]+)$        /vncs/$1/proxy.vnc?CONNECT=$
10938stAllVncCerts=yes [R,NE,L]
10940   # Read in the allowed host to vnc display mapping file.  It looks like:
10941   #
10942   #   host1     15
10943   #   host2     15
10944   #   ...
10945   #
10946   # the display "15" means 5915 for SSL VNC and 5815 for http applet download.
10947   #
10948   RewriteMap vnchosts txt:/dist/apache/conf/vnc.hosts
10951   # Remap /vnc and /vncs to the proxy http download (e.g. https://host:5915)
10952   #
10953   # First, fail if it starts with the string /vnc0:
10954   #
10955   RewriteRule ^/vnc0.*            /VNCFAIL [F,L]
10956   #
10957   # Next, map the prefix to /vnc0:host:protocol:port
10958   #
10959   RewriteRule ^/vnc/([^/]+)/(.*)  /vnc0/$1:http:58${vnchosts:$1|NOTFOUND}/$2
10961   RewriteRule ^/vncs/([^/]+)/(.*) /vnc0/$1:https:59${vnchosts:$1|NOTFOUND}/$2
10963   #
10964   # Drop any not found:
10965   #
10966   RewriteRule ^/vnc0.*NOTFOUND.*  /VNCFAIL [F,L]
10968   # Construct the proxy URL and retrieve it:
10969   #
10970   RewriteRule ^/vnc0/([^/]+):([^/]+):([^/]+)/(.*) $2://$1:$3/$4 [P,NE,L]
10972   This is all in the "<VirtualHost _default_:443>" section of ssl.conf.
10974   The user could then point the Web Browser to:
10975   https://www.gateway.east/vnc/host2
10977   or
10978   https://www.gateway.east/vnc/proxy/host2
10980   for the "double proxy" case. (Important: do not put a trailing "/" on
10981   the URL, since that will defeat the RewriteRules.)
10983   As with the httpd.conf case, the external file
10984   (/dist/apache/conf/vnc.hosts in the above example) contains the
10985   hostnames of the allowed VNC servers.
10987   Note that inside the firewall the Java applet download traffic is not
10988   encrypted (only over the Internet is SSL used) for these cases:
10989   https://www.gateway.east/vnc/host2
10990   https://www.gateway.east/vnc/proxy/host2
10992   However for the special "vncs" rules above:
10993   https://www.gateway.east/vncs/host2
10995   the Java applet download is encrypted via SSL for both legs. Note that
10996   the two legs are two separate SSL sessions. So the data is decrypted
10997   inside an apache process and reencrypted by the apache process for the
10998   2nd SSL session inside the same apache process (a very small gap one
10999   might overlook).
11001   The "vncs/trust" ones are like the "trust" ones described earlier
11002   https://www.gateway.east/vncs/trust/mach2
11004   and similarly for the httpsPort ones. See Tricks for Better Response.
11006   In all of the above cases the VNC traffic from Viewer to x11vnc is
11007   encrypted end-to-end in a single SSL session, even for the "double
11008   proxy" case because the CONNECT method is used (there are actually two
11009   CONNECT's for the "double proxy" case). This part (the VNC traffic) is
11010   the most important part to have encrypted.
11012   Note that the Certificate dialogs the user has in his web browser will
11013   be for the Apache Certificate, while for the Java applet it will be
11014   the x11vnc certificate.
11016   Note also that you can have Apache serve up the Jar file VncViewer.jar
11017   and/or index.vnc/proxy.vnc instead of each x11vnc if you want to.
11019   The rules in ssl.conf are similar to the ones in httpd.conf and so are
11020   not discussed in detail. The only really new thing is the /vncs
11021   handling to download the applet jar via HTTPS on port 5915.
11023   The special entries "/vnc443" are only used for the special helper
11024   program (connect_switch) for the https port 443 only mode discussed
11025   here.
11027     _________________________________________________________________
11029   INETD automation:
11031   The "single-port" (i.e. 5915) HTTPS applet download and VNC connection
11032   aspect shown here is convenient and also enables having x11vnc run out
11033   of inetd. That way x11vnc is run on demand instead of being run all
11034   the time (the user does not have to remember to start it). The first
11035   connections to inetd download index.vnc and the Jar file (via https)
11036   and the the last connection to inetd establishes the SSL VNC
11037   connection. Since x11vnc is restarted for each connection, this will
11038   be a bit slower than the normal process.
11040   For example, the /etc/inetd.conf line could be:
11041  5915 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/local/bin/x11vnc_ssl.sh
11043   where the script x11vnc_ssl.sh looks something like this:
11046/usr/local/bin/x11vnc -inetd -oa /var/log/x11vnc-15.log \
11047        -ssl SAVE -http -unixpw -localhost \
11048        -display :0 -auth /home/THE_USER/.Xauthority
11050   where, as usual, the inetd launching needs to know which user is
11051   typically using the display on that machine. One could imagine giving
11052   different users different ports, 5915, 5916, etc. to distinguish (then
11053   the script would need to be passed the username). mod_rewrite could be
11054   used to automatically map username in the URL to his port number.
11056   A better way is to use the "-display WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY" feature to
11057   autodetect the user and Xauthority data:
11060/usr/local/bin/x11vnc -inetd -oa /var/log/x11vnc-15.log \
11061        -ssl SAVE -http -unixpw -localhost -users unixpw= \
11062        -find
11064   (we have used the alias -find for "-display WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY".)
11065   This way the user must supply his Unix username and password and then
11066   his display and Xauthority data on that machine will be located and
11067   returned to x11vnc to allow it to attach. If he doesn't have a display
11068   running on that machine or he fails to log in correctly, the
11069   connection will be dropped.
11071   The variant "-display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY" (aliased by
11072   "-create") will actually create a (virtual or real) X server session
11073   for the user if one doesn't already exist. See here for details.
11075   To enable inetd operation for the non-HTTPS Java viewer download (port
11076   5815 in the above httpd.conf example) you will need to run x11vnc in
11077   HTTPONCE mode on port 5815: For example, the /etc/inetd.conf line
11078   could be:
11079  5815 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/local/bin/x11vnc \
11080       -inetd -prog /usr/local/bin/x11vnc -oa /var/log/x11vnc-15.log \
11081       -http_ssl -display WAIT:cmd=HTTPONCE
11083   where the long inetd.conf line has been split. Note how the -http_ssl
11084   tries to automatically find the .../classes/ssl subdirectory. This
11085   requires the -prog option available in x11vnc 0.8.4 (a shell script
11086   wrapper, e.g. /usr/local/bin/x11vnc_http.sh can be used to work around
11087   this).
11089   Also note the use of "-ssl SAVE" above. This way a saved server.pem is
11090   used for each inetd invocation (rather generating a new one each time
11091   as happens for "-ssl TMP"). Note that it cannot have a protecting
11092   passphrase because inetd will not be able to supply it.
11094   Another option is:
11095  5815 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/local/bin/x11vnc \
11096       -inetd -httpdir /usr/local/share/x11vnc/classes/ssl \
11097       -oa /var/log/x11vnc-15.log -display WAIT:cmd=HTTPONCE
11099   (this also requires a feature found in x11vnc 0.8.4).
11100     _________________________________________________________________
11102   Other Ideas:
11104   - The above schemes work, but they are a bit complicated with all of
11105   the rigging. There should be more elegant ways to configure Apache to
11106   do these, but we have not found them (please let us know if you
11107   discover something nice). However, once this scheme has been set up
11108   and is working it is easy to maintain and add/delete workstations,
11109   etc.
11111   - In general Apache is not required, but it makes things convenient.
11112   The firewall itself could do the port redirection via its firewall
11113   rules. Evidently different Internet-facing ports would be required for
11114   each workstation. This could be set up using iptables rules for
11115   example. If there were just one or two machines this would be the
11116   easiest method. For example:
11117  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 5901 -j DNAT --to
11119  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 5902 -j DNAT --to
11122   Where is the internet IP address of the gateway. In this
11123   example is redirected to the internal machine
11124 and is redirected to another
11125   internal machine, both running x11vnc -ssl ... in SSL
11126   mode. For this example, the user would point the web browser to, e.g.:
11129   or using the stunnel wrapper script:
11130  ss_vncviewer
11132   One can achieve similar things with dedicated firewall/routers (e.g.
11133   Linksys) using the device's web or other interface to configure the
11134   firewall.
11136   If the user may be coming out of a firewall using a proxy it may be
11137   better to redirect ports 443 and 563 (instead of 5901 and 5902) to the
11138   internal machines so that the user's proxy will allow CONNECTing to
11139   them.
11141   - The redirection could also be done at the application level using a
11142   TCP redirect program (e.g. ip_relay or fancier ones). Evidently more
11143   careful internal hostname checking, etc., could be performed by the
11144   special purpose application to add security. See connect_switch which
11145   is somewhat related.
11147   - One might imagine the ProxyPass could be done for the VNC traffic as
11148   well (for the ssl.conf case) to avoid the CONNECT proxying completely
11149   (which would be nice to avoid). Unfortunately we were not able to get
11150   this to work. Since HTTP is a request-response protocol (as opposed to
11151   a full bidirectional link required by VNC that CONNECT provides) this
11152   makes it difficult to do. It may be possible, but we haven't found out
11153   how yet.
11155   All of the x11vnc Java Viewer applet parameters are described in the
11156   file classes/ssl/README
11158     _________________________________________________________________
11160   Tricks for Better Response and reliability:
11162   The "original scheme" using httpd.conf and ssl.conf rewrites without
11163   urlPrefix and trustAllVncCerts above should work OK, but may lead to
11164   slow and/or unreliable loading of the applet and final connection to
11165   x11vnc. The following are what I do now to get better response and
11166   reliability. YMMV.
11168   The problem with the "original scheme" is that there is a point where
11169   the VNC Viewer applet can try up to 3 times to retrieve the x11vnc
11170   certificate, since it needs to get it to show it to you and ask you if
11171   you accept it. This can add about 45 seconds to the whole process
11172   (which takes 1 to 1.5 minutes with all the dialogs) since a couple of
11173   those connections must time out. The "trust" items in the config add a
11174   parameter trustAllVncCerts=yes similar to the forceProxy=yes
11175   parameter. This can cut the total time to the VNC password prompt down
11176   to 15 seconds which is pretty good. (Note by ignoring the certificate
11177   this does not protect against man-in-the-middle attacks which are
11178   rare, but maybe the won't be so rare in the future... see
11179   dsniff/webmitm and cain)
11181   First make sure the x11vnc SSL certificate+key is the same as
11182   Apache's. (otherwise you may get one extra dialog and/or one extra
11183   connection that has to time out).
11185   The following RewriteRule's are the same now advocated in the
11186   instructions above.
11188   The httpsPort and urlPrefix= parameters give hints to the applet to
11189   improve connecting: This is what goes in httpd.conf:
11190   RewriteEngine On
11191   RewriteRule /vnc/([^/]+)$               /vnc/$1/index.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&PO
11192RT=563&urlPrefix=_2F_vnc_2F_$1 [R,NE]
11193   RewriteRule /vnc/trust/([^/]+)$         /vnc/$1/index.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&PO
11194RT=563&urlPrefix=_2F_vnc_2F_$1&trustAllVncCerts=yes [R,NE]
11195   RewriteRule /vnc/proxy/([^/]+)$         /vnc/$1/proxy.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&PO
11196RT=563&urlPrefix=_2F_vnc_2F_$1&forceProxy=yes [R,NE]
11197   RewriteRule /vnc/trust/proxy/([^/]+)$   /vnc/$1/proxy.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&PO
11198RT=563&urlPrefix=_2F_vnc_2F_$1&forceProxy=yes&trustAllVncCerts=yes [R,NE]
11200   The httpsPort and urlPrefix provide useful hints to the VNC Viewer
11201   applet when it connects to x11vnc to glean information about Proxies,
11202   certificates, etc.
11204   This is what goes into ssl.conf:
11205   RewriteEngine On
11206   RewriteRule /vnc/([^/]+)$                /vnc/$1/index.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&P
11207ORT=563&httpsPort=443&GET=1&urlPrefix=_2F_vnc_2F_$1 [R,NE]
11208   RewriteRule /vnc/proxy/([^/]+)$          /vnc/$1/proxy.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&P
11209ORT=563&httpsPort=443&GET=1&urlPrefix=_2F_vnc_2F_$1&forceProxy=yes [R,NE]
11210   RewriteRule /vncs/([^/]+)$              /vncs/$1/index.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&P
11211ORT=563&httpsPort=443&GET=1&urlPrefix=_2F_vncs_2F_$1 [R,NE]
11212   RewriteRule /vncs/proxy/([^/]+)$        /vncs/$1/proxy.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&P
11213ORT=563&httpsPort=443&GET=1&urlPrefix=_2F_vncs_2F_$1&forceProxy=yes [R,NE]
11214   RewriteRule /vncs/trust/([^/]+)$        /vncs/$1/index.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&P
11215ORT=563&httpsPort=443&GET=1&urlPrefix=_2F_vncs_2F_$1&trustAllVncCerts=yes [R,NE
11217   RewriteRule /vncs/trust/proxy/([^/]+)$  /vncs/$1/proxy.vnc?CONNECT=$1+5915&P
11219Certs=yes [R,NE]
11221   The rest is the same.
11223   The httpsPort and urlPrefix and GET provide useful hints to the VNC
11224   Viewer applet when it connects to x11vnc to glean information about
11225   Proxies, certificates, etc, and also for the ultimate VNC connection
11226   (GET speeds this up by sending a special HTTP GET to cause x11vnc to
11227   immediately switch to the VNC protocol).
11229   To turn these into URLs, as was done above, take the string in the
11230   RewriteRule, e.g. /vncs and turn it into
11231   https://gateway/vncs/machinename Similarly for non-https:
11232   http://gateway:563/vnc/machinename
11234   If you use the 'trust' ones, you are performing NO checks, visual or
11235   otherwise, on the VNC SSL certificate. It is trusted without question.
11236   This speeds things up because it avoids a dialog about certificates,
11237   but of course has some risk WRT Man in the Middle attacks. I don't
11238   recommend them. It is better to use /vnc or /vncs and the first time
11239   you connect carefully check the Certificate and then tell your Browser
11240   and Java Virtual Machine to trust the certificate 'Always'. Then if
11241   you later get an unexpected dialog, you know something is wrong.
11242   Nearly always it is just a changed or expired certificate, but better
11243   safe than sorry...
11249     _________________________________________________________________
11251Enhanced TightVNC Viewer   (SSVNC:   SSL/SSH VNC viewer)
11253   (To Downloads)  (To Quick Start)
11255   [ssvnc.gif] [ssvnc_windows.gif] [ssvnc_macosx.gif] . .
11258   The Enhanced TightVNC Viewer, SSVNC, adds encryption security to VNC
11259   connections.
11261   The package provides a GUI for Windows, Mac OS X, and Unix that
11262   automatically starts up an STUNNEL SSL tunnel for SSL or ssh/plink for
11263   SSH connections to any VNC server, such as x11vnc, and then launches
11264   the VNC Viewer to use the encrypted tunnel.
11266   The x11vnc server has built-in SSL support, however SSVNC can make SSL
11267   encrypted VNC connections to any VNC Server if they are running an SSL
11268   tunnel, such as STUNNEL or socat, at their end. SSVNC's SSH tunnel
11269   will work to any VNC Server host running sshd that you can log into.
11271   The Enhanced TightVNC Viewer package started as a project to add some
11272   patches to the long neglected Unix TightVNC Viewer. However, now the
11273   front-end GUI, encryption, and wrapper scripts features possibly
11274   outweigh the Unix TightVNC Viewer improvements (see the lists below to
11275   compare).
11277   The SSVNC Unix vncviewer can also be run without the SSVNC encryption
11278   GUI as an enhanced replacement for the xvncviewer, xtightvncviewer,
11279   etc., viewers.
11281   In addition to normal SSL, SSVNC also supports the VeNCrypt SSL/TLS
11282   and Vino/ANONTLS encryption extensions to VNC on Unix, Mac OS X, and
11283   Windows. Via the provided SSVNC VeNCrypt bridge, VeNCrypt and ANONTLS
11284   encryption also works with any third party VNC Viewer (e.g. RealVNC,
11285   TightVNC, UltraVNC, etc...) you select via 'Change VNC Viewer'.
11287   The short name for this project is "ssvnc" for SSL/SSH VNC Viewer.
11288   This is the name of the command to start it.
11290   There is a simplified SSH-Only mode (sshvnc). And an even more
11291   simplified Terminal-Services mode (tsvnc) for use with x11vnc on the
11292   remote side.
11294   The tool has many additional features; see the descriptions below.
11296   It is a self-contained bundle, you could carry it around on, say, a
11297   USB memory stick / flash drive for secure VNC viewing from almost any
11298   machine, Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows (and if you create a directory
11299   named "Home" in the toplevel ssvnc directory on the drive your VNC
11300   profiles and certs will be kept there as well). For Unix, there is
11301   also a conventional source tarball to build and install in the normal
11302   way and not use a pre-built bundle.
11304     _________________________________________________________________
11306    Announcements:
11308   Important: If you created any SSL certificates with SSVNC (or anything
11309   else) on a Debian or Ubuntu system from Sept. 2006 through May 2008,
11310   then those keys are likely extremely weak and can be easily cracked.
11311   The certificate files should be deleted and recreated on a non-Debian
11312   system or an updated one. See
11313   http://www.debian.org/security/2008/dsa-1571 for details. The same
11314   applies to SSH keys.
11316   Please read this information on using SSVNC on workstations with
11317   Untrusted Local Users.
11319     _________________________________________________________________
11321    Feature List:
11323   Wrapper scripts and a tcl/tk GUI were written to create these features
11324   for Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows:
11325     * SSL support for connections using the bundled stunnel program.
11326     * Automatic SSH connections from the GUI (system ssh is used on Unix
11327       and MacOS X; bundled plink is used on Windows)
11328     * Ability to Save and Load VNC profiles for different hosts.
11329     * You can also use your own VNC Viewer, e.g. UltraVNC or RealVNC,
11330       with the SSVNC encryption GUI front-end if you prefer.
11331     * Create or Import SSL Certificates and Private Keys.
11332     * Reverse (viewer listening) VNC connections via SSL and SSH.
11333     * VeNCrypt SSL/TLS VNC encryption support (used by VeNCrypt, QEMU,
11334       ggi, libvirt/virt-manager/xen, vinagre/gvncviewer/gtk-vnc)
11335     * ANONTLS SSL/TLS VNC encryption support (used by Vino)
11336     * VeNCrypt and ANONTLS are also enabled for any 3rd party VNC Viewer
11337       (e.g. RealVNC, TightVNC, UltraVNC ...) on Unix, MacOSX, and
11338       Windows via the provided SSVNC VeNCrypt Viewer Bridge tool (use
11339       'Change VNC Viewer' to select the one you want.)
11340     * Support for Web Proxies, SOCKS Proxies, and the UltraVNC repeater
11341       proxy (e.g. repeater://host:port+ID:1234). Multiple proxies may be
11342       chained together (3 max).
11343     * Support for SSH Gateway connections and non-standard SSH ports.
11344     * Automatic Service tunnelling via SSH for CUPS and SMB Printing,
11345       ESD/ARTSD Audio, and SMB (Windows/Samba) filesystem mounting.
11346     * Sets up any additional SSH port redirections that you want.
11347     * Zeroconf (aka Bonjour) is used on Unix and Mac OS X to find VNC
11348       servers on your local network if the avahi-browse or dns-sd
11349       program is available and in your PATH.
11350     * Port Knocking for "closed port" SSH/SSL connections. In addition
11351       to a simple fixed port sequence and one-time-pad implementation, a
11352       hook is also provided to run any port knocking client before
11353       connecting.
11354     * Support for native MacOS X usage with bundled Chicken of the VNC
11355       viewer (the Unix X11 viewer is also provided for MacOS X, and is
11356       better IMHO. It is now the default on MacOS X.)
11357     * Dynamic VNC Server Port determination and redirection (using ssh's
11358       builtin SOCKS proxy, ssh -D) for servers like x11vnc that print
11359       out PORT= at startup.
11360     * Unix Username and Password entry for use with "x11vnc -unixpw"
11361       type login dialogs.
11362     * Simplified mode launched by command "sshvnc" that is SSH Only.
11363     * Simplified mode launched by command "tsvnc" that provides a VNC
11364       "Terminal Services" mode (uses x11vnc on the remote side).
11365     * IPv6 support for all connection modes on Unix, MacOSX, and
11366       Windows.
11368   Patches to TightVNC 1.3.9 vnc_unixsrc tree were created for Unix
11369   TightVNC Viewer improvements (these only apply to the Unix VNC viewer,
11370   including MacOSX XQuartz):
11371     * rfbNewFBSize VNC support (dynamic screen resizing)
11372     * Client-side Scaling of the Desktop in the viewer.
11373     * ZRLE VNC encoding support (RealVNC's encoding)
11374     * Support for the ZYWRLE encoding, a wavelet based extension to ZRLE
11375       to improve compression of motion video and photo regions.
11376     * TurboVNC support (VirtualGL's modified TightVNC encoding; requires
11377       TurboJPEG library)
11378     * Pipelined Updates of the framebuffer as in TurboVNC (asks for the
11379       next update before the current one has finished downloading; this
11380       gives some speedup on high latency connections.)
11381     * Cursor alphablending with x11vnc at 32bpp (-alpha option)
11382     * Option "-unixpw ..." for use with "x11vnc -unixpw" type login
11383       dialogs.
11384     * Support for UltraVNC extensions: 1/n Server side scaling, Text
11385       Chat, Single Window, Disable Server-side Input. Both UltraVNC and
11386       x11vnc servers support these extensions.
11387     * UltraVNC File Transfer via an auxiliary Java helper program (java
11388       must be in $PATH). Note that the x11vnc server also supports
11389       UltraVNC file transfer.
11390     * Connection support for the UltraVNC repeater proxy (-repeater
11391       option).
11392     * Support for UltraVNC Single Click operation. (both unencrypted: SC
11393       I, and SSL encrypted: SC III)
11394     * Support for UltraVNC DSM Encryption Plugin symmetric encryption
11395       mode. (ARC4, AESV2, MSRC4, and SecureVNC)
11396     * Support for UltraVNC MS-Logon authentication (NOTE: the UltraVNC
11397       MS-Logon key exchange implementation is very weak; an eavesdropper
11398       on the network can recover your Windows password easily in a few
11399       seconds; you need to use an additional encrypted tunnel with
11400       MS-Logon.)
11401     * Support for symmetric encryption (including blowfish and 3des
11402       ciphers) to Non-UltraVNC Servers. Any server using the same
11403       encryption method will work, e.g.:  x11vnc -enc blowfish:./my.key
11404     * Instead of hostname:display one can also supply "exec=command
11405       args..." to connect the viewer to the stdio of an external command
11406       (e.g. stunnel or socat) rather than using a TCP/IP socket. Unix
11407       domain sockets, e.g. /path/to/unix/socket, and a previously opened
11408       file descriptor fd=0, work too.
11409     * Local Port Protections for STUNNEL and SSH: avoid having for long
11410       periods of time a listening port on the the local (VNC viewer)
11411       side that redirects to the remote side.
11412     * Reverse (viewer listening) VNC connections can show a Popup dialog
11413       asking whether to accept the connection or not (-acceptpopup.) The
11414       extra info provided by UltraVNC Single Click reverse connections
11415       is also supported (-acceptpopupsc)
11416     * Extremely low color modes: 64 and 8 colors in 8bpp
11417       (-use64/-bgr222, -use8/-bgr111)
11418     * Medium color mode: 16bpp mode on a 32bpp Viewer display
11419       (-16bpp/-bgr565)
11420     * For use with x11vnc's client-side caching -ncache method use the
11421       cropping option -ycrop n. This will "hide" the large pixel buffer
11422       cache below the actual display. Set to the actual height or use -1
11423       for autodetection (also, tall screens, H > 2*W, are autodetected
11424       by default).
11425     * Escape Keys: specify a set of modifier keys so that when they are
11426       all pressed down you can invoke Popup menu actions via keystrokes.
11427       I.e., a set of 'Hot Keys'. One can also pan (move) the desktop
11428       inside the viewport via Arrow keys or a mouse drag.
11429     * Scrollbar width setting: -sbwidth n, the default is very thin, 2
11430       pixels, for less distracting -ycrop usage.
11431     * Selection text sending and receiving can be fine-tuned with the
11432       -sendclipboard, -sendalways, and -recvtext options.
11433     * TightVNC compression and quality levels are automatically set
11434       based on observed network latency (n.b. not bandwidth.)
11435     * Improvements to the Popup menu, all of these can now be changed
11436       dynamically via the menu: ViewOnly, Toggle Bell, CursorShape
11437       updates, X11 Cursor, Cursor Alphablending, Toggle Tight/ZRLE,
11438       Toggle JPEG, FullColor/16bpp/8bpp (256/64/8 colors), Greyscale for
11439       low color modes, Scaling the Viewer resolution, Escape Keys,
11440       Pipeline Updates, and others, including UltraVNC extensions.
11441     * Maintains its own BackingStore if the X server does not.
11442     * The default for localhost:0 connections is not raw encoding since
11443       same-machine connections are pretty rare. Default assumes you are
11444       using a SSL or SSH tunnel. Use -rawlocal to revert.
11445     * XGrabServer support for fullscreen mode, for old window managers
11446       (-grab/-graball option).
11447     * Fix for Popup menu positioning for old window managers (-popupfix
11448       option).
11449     * The VNC Viewer ssvncviewer supports IPv6 natively (no helpers
11450       needed.)
11452   The list of 3rd party software bundled in the archive files:
11453     * TightVNC Viewer  (windows, unix, macosx)
11454     * Chicken of the VNC Viewer  (macosx)
11455     * Stunnel  (windows, unix, macosx)
11456     * Putty/Plink/Pageant  (windows)
11457     * OpenSSL  (windows)
11458     * esound  (windows)
11460   These are all self-contained in the bundle directory: they will not be
11461   installed on your system. Just un-zip or un-tar the file you
11462   downloaded and run the frontend ssvnc straight from its directory.
11463   Alternatively, on Unix you can use the conventional source tarball.
11465     _________________________________________________________________
11467   Here is the Quick Start info from the README for how to setup and use
11468   SSVNC:
11469Quick Start:
11472Unix and Mac OS X:
11474    Inside a Terminal do something like the following.
11476    Unpack the archive:
11478        % gzip -dc ssvnc-1.0.29.tar.gz | tar xvf -
11480    Run the GUI:
11482        % ./ssvnc/Unix/ssvnc               (for Unix)
11484        % ./ssvnc/MacOSX/ssvnc             (for Mac OS X)
11486    The smaller file "ssvnc_no_windows-1.0.29.tar.gz"
11487    could have been used as well.
11489    On MacOSX you could also click on the SSVNC app icon in the Finder.
11491    On MacOSX if you don't like the Chicken of the VNC (e.g. no local
11492    cursors, no screen size rescaling, and no password prompting), and you
11493    have the XDarwin X server installed, you can set DISPLAY before starting
11494    ssvnc (or type DISPLAY=... in Host:Disp and hit Return).  Then our
11495    enhanced TightVNC viewer will be used instead of COTVNC.
11496    Update: there is now a 'Use X11 vncviewer on MacOSX' under Options ...
11499    If you want a SSH-only tool (without the distractions of SSL) run
11500    the command:
11502                sshvnc
11504    instead of "ssvnc".  Or click "SSH-Only Mode" under Options.
11505    Control-h will toggle between the two modes.
11508    If you want a simple VNC Terminal Services only mode (requires x11vnc
11509    on the remote server) run the command:
11511                tsvnc
11513    instead of "ssvnc".  Or click "Terminal Services" under Options.
11514    Control-t will toggle between the two modes.
11516    "tsvnc profile-name" and "tsvnc user@hostname" work too.
11519Unix/MacOSX Install:
11521    There is no standard install for the bundles, but you can make
11522    symlinks like so:
11524        cd /a/directory/in/PATH
11525        ln -s /path/to/ssvnc/bin/{s,t}* .
11527    Or put /path/to/ssvnc/bin, /path/to/ssvnc/Unix, or /path/to/ssvnc/MacOSX
11528    in your PATH.
11530    For the conventional source tarball it will compile and install, e.g.:
11532       gzip -dc ssvnc-1.0.29.src.tar.gz | tar xvf -
11533       cd ssvnc-1.0.29
11534       make config
11535       make all
11536       make PREFIX=/my/install/dir install
11538    then have /my/install/dir/bin in your PATH.
11544    Unzip, using WinZip or a similar utility, the zip file:
11546        ssvnc-1.0.29.zip
11548    Run the GUI, e.g.:
11550        Start -> Run -> Browse
11552    and then navigate to
11554        .../ssvnc/Windows/ssvnc.exe
11556    select Open, and then OK to launch it.
11558    The smaller file "ssvnc_windows_only-1.0.29.zip"
11559    could have been used as well.
11561    You can make a Windows shortcut to this program if you want to.
11563    See the Windows/README.txt for more info.
11566    If you want a SSH-only tool (without the distractions of SSL) run
11567    the command:
11569                sshvnc.bat
11571    Or click "SSH-Only Mode" under Options.
11574    If you want a simple VNC Terminal Services only mode (requires x11vnc
11575    on the remote server) run the command:
11577                tsvnc.bat
11579    Or click "Terminal Services" under Options.  Control-t will toggle
11580    between the two modes.  "tsvnc profile-name" and "tsvnc user@hostname"
11581    work too.
11583     _________________________________________________________________
11585   You can read all of the SSVNC GUI's Online Help Text here.
11586     _________________________________________________________________
11588   The bundle unpacks a directory/folder named: ssvnc. It contains these
11589   programs to launch the GUI:
11590        Windows/ssvnc.exe        for Windows
11591        MacOSX/ssvnc             for Mac OS X
11592        Unix/ssvnc               for Unix
11594   (the Mac OS X and Unix launchers are simply links to the bin
11595   directory). See the README for more information.
11597   The SSH-Only mode launcher program has name sshvnc. The Terminal
11598   Services mode launcher program (assumes x11vnc 0.8.4 or later and Xvfb
11599   installed on the server machine) has name tsvnc.
11601   The Viewer SSL support is done via a wrapper script (bin/ssvnc_cmd
11602   that calls bin/util/ss_vncviewer) that starts up the STUNNEL tunnel
11603   first and then starts the TightVNC viewer pointed at that tunnel. The
11604   bin/ssvnc program is a GUI front-end to that script. See this FAQ for
11605   more details on SSL tunnelling. In SSH connection mode, the wrappers
11606   start up SSH appropriately.
11609   Memory Stick Usage: If you create a directory named "Home" in that
11610   toplevel ssvnc directory then that will be used as the base for
11611   storing VNC profiles and certificates. Also, for convenience, if you
11612   first run the command with "." as an argument (e.g. "ssvnc .") it will
11613   automatically create the "Home" directory for you. This is handy if
11614   you want to place SSVNC on a USB flash drive that you carry around for
11615   mobile use and you want the profiles you create to stay with the drive
11616   (otherwise you'd have to browse to the drive directory each time you
11617   load or save).
11619   One user on Windows created a BAT file to launch SSVNC and needed to
11620   do this to get the Home directory correct:
11621cd \ssvnc\Windows
11622start \ssvnc\Windows\ssvnc.exe
11624   (an optional profile name can be supplied to the ssvnc.exe line)
11626   WARNING: if you use ssvnc from an "Internet Cafe", i.e. some untrusted
11627   computer, please be aware that someone may have set up that machine to
11628   be capturing your keystrokes, etc.
11631   SSH-Only version: The command "sshvnc" can be run instead of "ssvnc"
11632   to get an SSH-only version of the tool:
11634   [sshvnc.gif]
11636   These also work: "sshvnc myprofile" and "sshvnc user@hostname". To
11637   switch from the regular SSVNC mode, click "SSH-Only Mode" under
11638   Options. This mode is less distracting if you never plan to use SSL,
11639   manage certificates, etc.
11642   Terminal Services Only: The command "tsvnc" can be run instead of
11643   "ssvnc" to get a "Terminal Services" only version of the tool:
11645   [tsvnc.gif]
11647   These also work: "tsvnc myprofile" and "tsvnc user@hostname". To
11648   switch from the regular SSVNC mode, click "Terminal Services" under
11649   Options.
11651   This mode requires x11vnc (0.9.3 or later) installed on the remote
11652   machine to find, create, and manage the user sessions. SSH is used to
11653   create the encrypted and authenticated tunnel. The Xvfb (virtual
11654   framebuffer X server) program must also be installed on the remote
11655   system. However tsvnc will also connect to a real X session (i.e. on
11656   the physical hardware) if you are already logged into the X session;
11657   this is a useful access mode and does not require Xvfb on the remote
11658   system.
11660   This mode should be very easy for beginner users to understand and
11661   use. On the remote end you only need to have x11vnc and Xvfb available
11662   in $PATH, and on the local end you just run something like:
11663   tsvnc myname@myhost.com
11665   (or start up the tsvnc GUI first and then enter myname@myhost.com and
11666   press "Connect").
11668   Normally the Terminal Services sessions created are virtual (RAM-only)
11669   ones (e.g. Xvfb, Xdummy, or Xvnc), however a nice feature is if you
11670   have a regular X session (i.e displaying on the physical hardware) on
11671   the remote machine that you are ALREADY logged into, then the x11vnc
11672   run from tsvnc will find it for you as well.
11674   Also, there is setting "X Login" under Advanced Options that allows
11675   you to attach to a real X server with no one logged in yet (i.e.
11676   XDM/GDM/KDM Login Greeter screen) as long as you have sudo(1)
11677   permission on the remote machine.
11679   Nice features to soon to be added to the tsvnc mode are easy CUPS
11680   printing (working fairly well) and Sound redirection (needs much work)
11681   of the Terminal Services Desktop session. It is easier in tsvnc mode
11682   because the entire desktop session can be started with the correct
11683   environment. ssvnc tries to handle the general case of an already
11684   started desktop and that is more difficult.
11687   Proxies: Web proxies, SOCKS proxies, and the UltraVNC repeater proxy
11688   are supported to allow the SSVNC connection to go through the proxy to
11689   the otherwise unreachable VNC Server. SSH gateway machines can be used
11690   in the same way. Read more about SSVNC proxy support here.
11693   Dynamic VNC Server Port determination: If you are running SSVNC on
11694   Unix and are using SSH to start the remote VNC server and the VNC
11695   server prints out the line "PORT=NNNN" to indicate which dynamic port
11696   it is using (x11vnc does this), then if you prefix the SSH command
11697   with "PORT=" SSVNC will watch for the PORT=NNNN line and uses ssh's
11698   built in SOCKS proxy (ssh -D ...) to connect to the dynamic VNC server
11699   port through the SSH tunnel. For example:
11700        VNC Host:Display     user@somehost.com
11701        Remote SSH Command:  PORT= x11vnc -find
11703   or "PORT= x11vnc -display :0 -localhost", etc. Or use "P= x11vnc ..."
11705   There is also code to detect the display of the regular Unix
11706   vncserver(1). It extracts the display (and hence port) from the lines
11707   "New 'X' desktop is hostname:4" and also "VNC server is already
11708   running as :4". So you can use something like:
11709        PORT= vncserver; sleep 15
11710or:     PORT= vncserver :4; sleep 15
11712   the latter is preferred because when you reconnect with it will find
11713   the already running one. The former one will keep creating new X
11714   sessions if called repeatedly.
11716   If you use PORT= on Windows, a large random port is selected instead
11717   and the -rfbport option is passed to x11vnc (it does not work with
11718   vncserver).
11722   Patches for Unix Tightvnc viewer:
11724   The rfbNewFBSize support allows the enhanced TightVNC Unix viewer to
11725   resize when the server does (e.g. "x11vnc -R scale=3/4" remote control
11726   command).
11728   The cursor alphablending is described here.
11730   The RealVNC ZRLE encoding is supported, in addition to some low colors
11731   modes (16bpp and 8bpp at 256, 64, and even 8 colors, for use on very
11732   slow connections). Greyscales are also enabled for the low color
11733   modes.
11735   The Popup menu (F8) is enhanced with the ability to change many things
11736   on the fly. F9 is added as a shortcut to toggle FullScreen mode.
11738   Client Side Caching: The x11vnc client-side caching is handled nicely
11739   by this viewer. The very large pixel cache below the actual display in
11740   this caching method is distracting. Our Unix VNC viewer will
11741   automatically try to autodetect the actual display height if the
11742   framebuffer is very tall (more than twice as high as it is wide). One
11743   can also set the height to the known value via -ycrop n, or use -ycrop
11744   -1 to force autodection. In fullscreen mode one is not possible to
11745   scroll down to the pixel cache region. In non-fullscreen mode the
11746   window manager frame is "shrink-wrapped" around the actual screen
11747   display. You can still scroll down to the pixel cache region. The
11748   scrollbars are set to be very thin (2 pixels) to be less distracting.
11749   Use the -sbwidth n to make them wider.
11751   Probably nobody is interested in the grabserver patch for old window
11752   managers when the viewer is in fullscreen mode... This and some other
11753   unfixed bugs have been fixed in our patches (fullscreen toggle works
11754   with KDE, -x11cursor has been fixed, and the dot cursor has been made
11755   smaller).
11757   From the -help output:
11758SSVNC Viewer (based on TightVNC viewer version 1.3.9)
11760Usage: vncviewer [<OPTIONS>] [<HOST>][:<DISPLAY#>]
11761       vncviewer [<OPTIONS>] [<HOST>][::<PORT#>]
11762       vncviewer [<OPTIONS>] exec=[CMD ARGS...]
11763       vncviewer [<OPTIONS>] fd=n
11764       vncviewer [<OPTIONS>] /path/to/unix/socket
11765       vncviewer [<OPTIONS>] -listen [<DISPLAY#>]
11766       vncviewer -help
11768<OPTIONS> are standard Xt options, or:
11769        -via <GATEWAY>
11770        -shared (set by default)
11771        -noshared
11772        -viewonly
11773        -fullscreen
11774        -noraiseonbeep
11775        -passwd <PASSWD-FILENAME> (standard VNC authentication)
11776        -user <USERNAME> (Unix login authentication)
11777        -encodings <ENCODING-LIST> (e.g. "tight,copyrect")
11778        -bgr233
11779        -owncmap
11780        -truecolour
11781        -depth <DEPTH>
11782        -compresslevel <COMPRESS-VALUE> (0..9: 0-fast, 9-best)
11783        -quality <JPEG-QUALITY-VALUE> (0..9: 0-low, 9-high)
11784        -nojpeg
11785        -nocursorshape
11786        -x11cursor
11787        -autopass
11789Option names may be abbreviated, e.g. -bgr instead of -bgr233.
11790See the manual page for more information.
11793Enhanced TightVNC viewer (SSVNC) options:
11795   URL http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ssvnc.html
11797   Note: ZRLE and ZYWRLE encodings are now supported.
11799   Note: F9 is shortcut to Toggle FullScreen mode.
11801   Note: In -listen mode set the env var. SSVNC_MULTIPLE_LISTEN=1
11802         to allow more than one incoming VNC server at a time.
11803         This is the same as -multilisten described below.  Set
11804         SSVNC_MULTIPLE_LISTEN=MAX:n to allow no more than "n"
11805         simultaneous reverse connections.
11807   Note: If the host:port is specified as "exec=command args..."
11808         then instead of making a TCP/IP socket connection to the
11809         remote VNC server, "command args..." is executed and the
11810         viewer is attached to its stdio.  This enables tunnelling
11811         established via an external command, e.g. an stunnel(8)
11812         that does not involve a listening socket.  This mode does
11813         not work for -listen reverse connections.
11815         If the host:port is specified as "fd=n" then it is assumed
11816         n is an already opened file descriptor to the socket. (i.e
11817         the parent did fork+exec)
11819         If the host:port contains a '/' it is interpreted as a
11820         unix-domain socket (AF_LOCAL insead of AF_INET)
11822        -multilisten  As in -listen (reverse connection listening) except
11823                    allow more than one incoming VNC server to be connected
11824                    at a time.  The default for -listen of only one at a
11825                    time tries to play it safe by not allowing anyone on
11826                    the network to put (many) desktops on your screen over
11827                    a long window of time. Use -multilisten for no limit.
11829        -acceptpopup  In -listen (reverse connection listening) mode when
11830                    a reverse VNC connection comes in show a popup asking
11831                    whether to Accept or Reject the connection.  The IP
11832                    address of the connecting host is shown.  Same as
11833                    setting the env. var. SSVNC_ACCEPT_POPUP=1.
11835        -acceptpopupsc  As in -acceptpopup except assume UltraVNC Single
11836                    Click (SC) server.  Retrieve User and ComputerName
11837                    info from UltraVNC Server and display in the Popup.
11839        -use64      In -bgr233 mode, use 64 colors instead of 256.
11840        -bgr222     Same as -use64.
11842        -use8       In -bgr233 mode, use 8 colors instead of 256.
11843        -bgr111     Same as -use8.
11845        -16bpp      If the vnc viewer X display is depth 24 at 32bpp
11846                    request a 16bpp format from the VNC server to cut
11847                    network traffic by up to 2X, then tranlate the
11848                    pixels to 32bpp locally.
11849        -bgr565     Same as -16bpp.
11851        -grey       Use a grey scale for the 16- and 8-bpp modes.
11853        -alpha      Use alphablending transparency for local cursors
11854                    requires: x11vnc server, both client and server
11855                    must be 32bpp and same endianness.
11857        -scale str  Scale the desktop locally.  The string "str" can
11858                    a floating point ratio, e.g. "0.9", or a fraction,
11859                    e.g. "3/4", or WxH, e.g. 1280x1024.  Use "fit"
11860                    to fit in the current screen size.  Use "auto" to
11861                    fit in the window size.  "str" can also be set by
11862                    the env. var. SSVNC_SCALE.
11864                    If you observe mouse trail painting errors, enable
11865                    X11 Cursor mode (either via Popup or -x11cursor.)
11867                    Note that scaling is done in software and so can be
11868                    slow and requires more memory.  Some speedup Tips:
11870                        ZRLE is faster than Tight in this mode.  When
11871                        scaling is first detected, the encoding will
11872                        be automatically switched to ZRLE.  Use the
11873                        Popup menu if you want to go back to Tight.
11874                        Set SSVNC_PRESERVE_ENCODING=1 to disable this.
11876                        Use a solid background on the remote side.
11877                        (e.g. manually or via x11vnc -solid ...)
11879                        If the remote server is x11vnc, try client
11880                        side caching: x11vnc -ncache 10 ...
11882        -ycrop n    Only show the top n rows of the framebuffer.  For
11883                    use with x11vnc -ncache client caching option
11884                    to help "hide" the pixel cache region.
11885                    Use a negative value (e.g. -1) for autodetection.
11886                    Autodetection will always take place if the remote
11887                    fb height is more than 2 times the width.
11889        -sbwidth n  Scrollbar width for x11vnc -ncache mode (-ycrop),
11890                    default is very narrow: 2 pixels, it is narrow to
11891                    avoid distraction in -ycrop mode.
11893        -nobell     Disable bell.
11895        -rawlocal   Prefer raw encoding for localhost, default is
11896                    no, i.e. assumes you have a SSH tunnel instead.
11898        -notty      Try to avoid using the terminal for interactive
11899                    responses: use windows for messages and prompting
11900                    instead.  Messages will also be printed to terminal.
11902        -sendclipboard  Send the X CLIPBOARD selection (i.e. Ctrl+C,
11903                        Ctrl+V) instead of the X PRIMARY selection (mouse
11904                        select and middle button paste.)
11906        -sendalways     Whenever the mouse enters the VNC viewer main
11907                        window, send the selection to the VNC server even if
11908                        it has not changed.  This is like the Xt resource
11909                        translation SelectionToVNC(always)
11911        -recvtext str   When cut text is received from the VNC server,
11912                        ssvncviewer will set both the X PRIMARY and the
11913                        X CLIPBOARD local selections.  To control which
11914                        is set, specify 'str' as 'primary', 'clipboard',
11915                        or 'both' (the default.)
11917        -graball    Grab the entire X server when in fullscreen mode,
11918                    needed by some old window managers like fvwm2.
11920        -popupfix   Warp the popup back to the pointer position,
11921                    needed by some old window managers like fvwm2.
11922        -sendclipboard  Send the X CLIPBOARD selection (i.e. Ctrl+C,
11923                        Ctrl+V) instead of the X PRIMARY selection (mouse
11924                        select and middle button paste.)
11926        -sendalways     Whenever the mouse enters the VNC viewer main
11927                        window, send the selection to the VNC server even if
11928                        it has not changed.  This is like the Xt resource
11929                        translation SelectionToVNC(always)
11931        -recvtext str   When cut text is received from the VNC server,
11932                        ssvncviewer will set both the X PRIMARY and the
11933                        X CLIPBOARD local selections.  To control which
11934                        is set, specify 'str' as 'primary', 'clipboard',
11935                        or 'both' (the default.)
11937        -graball    Grab the entire X server when in fullscreen mode,
11938                    needed by some old window managers like fvwm2.
11940        -popupfix   Warp the popup back to the pointer position,
11941                    needed by some old window managers like fvwm2.
11943        -grabkbd    Grab the X keyboard when in fullscreen mode,
11944                    needed by some window managers. Same as -grabkeyboard.
11945                    -grabkbd is the default, use -nograbkbd to disable.
11947        -bs, -nobs  Whether or not to use X server Backingstore for the
11948                    main viewer window.  The default is to not, mainly
11949                    because most Linux, etc, systems X servers disable
11950                    *all* Backingstore by default.  To re-enable it put
11952                        Option "Backingstore"
11954                    in the Device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf.
11955                    In -bs mode with no X server backingstore, whenever an
11956                    area of the screen is re-exposed it must go out to the
11957                    VNC server to retrieve the pixels. This is too slow.
11959                    In -nobs mode, memory is allocated by the viewer to
11960                    provide its own backing of the main viewer window. This
11961                    actually makes some activities faster (changes in large
11962                    regions) but can appear to "flash" too much.
11964        -noshm      Disable use of MIT shared memory extension (not recommended
11967        -termchat   Do the UltraVNC chat in the terminal vncviewer is in
11968                    instead of in an independent window.
11970        -unixpw str Useful for logging into x11vnc in -unixpw mode. "str" is a
11971                    string that allows many ways to enter the Unix Username
11972                    and Unix Password.  These characters: username, newline,
11973                    password, newline are sent to the VNC server after any VNC
11974                    authentication has taken place.  Under x11vnc they are
11975                    used for the -unixpw login.  Other VNC servers could do
11976                    something similar.
11978                    You can also indicate "str" via the environment
11979                    variable SSVNC_UNIXPW.
11981                    Note that the Escape key is actually sent first to tell
11982                    x11vnc to not echo the Unix Username back to the VNC
11983                    viewer. Set SSVNC_UNIXPW_NOESC=1 to override this.
11985                    If str is ".", then you are prompted at the command line
11986                    for the username and password in the normal way.  If str is
11987                    "-" the stdin is read via getpass(3) for username@password.
11988                    Otherwise if str is a file, it is opened and the first line
11989                    read is taken as the Unix username and the 2nd as the
11990                    password. If str prefixed by "rm:" the file is removed
11991                    after reading. Otherwise, if str has a "@" character,
11992                    it is taken as username@password. Otherwise, the program
11993                    exits with an error. Got all that?
11995     -repeater str  This is for use with UltraVNC repeater proxy described
11996                    here: http://www.uvnc.com/addons/repeater.html.  The "str"
11997                    is the ID string to be sent to the repeater.  E.g. ID:1234
11998                    It can also be the hostname and port or display of the VNC
11999                    server, e.g. or snoopy.com:1.  Note that when
12000                    using -repeater, the host:dpy on the cmdline is the repeate
12002                    server, NOT the VNC server.  The repeater will connect you.
12004                    Example: vncviewer ... -repeater ID:3333 repeat.host:5900
12005                    Example: vncviewer ... -repeater vhost:0 repeat.host:5900
12007                    Use, e.g., '-repeater SCIII=ID:3210' if the repeater is a
12008                    Single Click III (SSL) repeater (repeater_SSL.exe) and you
12009                    are passing the SSL part of the connection through stunnel,
12010                    socat, etc. This way the magic UltraVNC string 'testB'
12011                    needed to work with the repeater is sent to it.
12013     -rfbversion str Set the advertised RFB version.  E.g.: -rfbversion 3.6
12014                    For some servers, e.g. UltraVNC this needs to be done.
12016     -ultradsm      UltraVNC has symmetric private key encryption DSM plugins:
12017                    http://www.uvnc.com/features/encryption.html. It is assumed
12018                    you are using a unix program (e.g. our ultravnc_dsm_helper)
12019                    to encrypt and decrypt the UltraVNC DSM stream. IN ADDITION
12020                    TO THAT supply -ultradsm to tell THIS viewer to modify the
12021                    RFB data sent so as to work with the UltraVNC Server. For
12022                    some reason, each RFB msg type must be sent twice under DSM
12025     -mslogon user  Use Windows MS Logon to an UltraVNC server.  Supply the
12026                    username or "1" to be prompted.  The default is to
12027                    autodetect the UltraVNC MS Logon server and prompt for
12028                    the username and password.
12030                    IMPORTANT NOTE: The UltraVNC MS-Logon Diffie-Hellman
12031                    exchange is very weak and can be brute forced to recover
12032                    your username and password in a few seconds of CPU time.
12033                    To be safe, be sure to use an additional encrypted tunnel
12034                    (e.g. SSL or SSH) for the entire VNC session.
12036     -chatonly      Try to be a client that only does UltraVNC text chat. This
12037                    mode is used by x11vnc to present a chat window on the
12038                    physical X11 console (i.e. chat with the person at the
12039                    display).
12041     -env VAR=VALUE To save writing a shell script to set environment variables
12043                    specify as many as you need on the command line.  For
12044                    example, -env SSVNC_MULTIPLE_LISTEN=MAX:5 -env EDITOR=vi
12046     -noipv6        Disable all IPv6 sockets.  Same as VNCVIEWER_NO_IPV6=1.
12048     -noipv4        Disable all IPv4 sockets.  Same as VNCVIEWER_NO_IPV4=1.
12050     -printres      Print out the Ssvnc X resources (appdefaults) and then exit
12051                    You can save them to a file and customize them (e.g. the
12052                    keybindings and Popup menu)  Then point to the file via
12053                    XENVIRONMENT or XAPPLRESDIR.
12055     -pipeline      Like TurboVNC, request the next framebuffer update as soon
12056                    as possible instead of waiting until the end of the current
12057                    framebuffer update coming in.  Helps 'pipeline' the updates
12059                    This is currently the default, use -nopipeline to disable.
12061     -appshare      Enable features for use with x11vnc's -appshare mode where
12062                    instead of sharing the full desktop only the application's
12063                    windows are shared.  Viewer multilisten mode is used to
12064                    create the multiple windows: -multilisten is implied.
12065                    See 'x11vnc -appshare -help' more information on the mode.
12067                    Features enabled in the viewer under -appshare are:
12068                    Minimum extra text in the title, auto -ycrop is disabled,
12069                    x11vnc -remote_prefix X11VNC_APPSHARE_CMD: message channel,
12070                    x11vnc initial window position hints.  See also Escape Keys
12071                    below for additional key and mouse bindings.
12073     -escape str    This sets the 'Escape Keys' modifier sequence and enables
12074                    escape keys mode.  When the modifier keys escape sequence
12075                    is held down, the next keystroke is interpreted locally
12076                    to perform a special action instead of being sent to the
12077                    remote VNC server.
12079                    Use '-escape default' for the default modifier sequence.
12080                    (Unix: Alt_L,Super_L and MacOSX: Control_L,Meta_L)
12082    Here are the 'Escape Keys: Help+Set' instructions from the Popup Menu:
12084    Escape Keys:  Enter a comma separated list of modifier keys to be the
12085    'escape sequence'.  When these keys are held down, the next keystroke is
12086    interpreted locally to invoke a special action instead of being sent to
12087    the remote VNC server.  In other words, a set of 'Hot Keys'.
12089    To enable or disable this, click on 'Escape Keys: Toggle' in the Popup.
12091    Here is the list of hot-key mappings to special actions:
12093       r: refresh desktop  b: toggle bell   c: toggle full-color
12094       f: file transfer    x: x11cursor     z: toggle Tight/ZRLE
12095       l: full screen      g: graball       e: escape keys dialog
12096       s: scale dialog     +: scale up (=)  -: scale down (_)
12097       t: text chat                         a: alphablend cursor
12098       V: toggle viewonly  Q: quit viewer   1 2 3 4 5 6: UltraVNC scale 1/n
12100       Arrow keys:         pan the viewport about 10% for each keypress.
12101       PageUp / PageDown:  pan the viewport by a screenful vertically.
12102       Home   / End:       pan the viewport by a screenful horizontally.
12103       KeyPad Arrow keys:  pan the viewport by 1 pixel for each keypress.
12104       Dragging the Mouse with Button1 pressed also pans the viewport.
12105       Clicking Mouse Button3 brings up the Popup Menu.
12107    The above mappings are *always* active in ViewOnly mode, unless you set the
12108    Escape Keys value to 'never'.
12110    If the Escape Keys value below is set to 'default' then a default list of
12111    of modifier keys is used.  For Unix it is: Alt_L,Super_L and for MacOSX it
12112    is Control_L,Meta_L.  Note: the Super_L key usually has a Windows(TM) Flag
12113    on it.  Also note the _L and _R mean the key is on the LEFT or RIGHT side
12114    of the keyboard.
12116    On Unix   the default is Alt and Windows keys on Left side of keyboard.
12117    On MacOSX the default is Control and Command keys on Left side of keyboard.
12119    Example: Press and hold the Alt and Windows keys on the LEFT side of the
12120    keyboard and then press 'c' to toggle the full-color state.  Or press 't'
12121    to toggle the ultravnc Text Chat window, etc.
12123    To use something besides the default, supply a comma separated list (or a
12124    single one) from: Shift_L Shift_R Control_L Control_R Alt_L Alt_R Meta_L
12125    Meta_R Super_L Super_R Hyper_L Hyper_R or Mode_switch.
12128   New Popup actions:
12130        ViewOnly:                ~ -viewonly
12131        Disable Bell:            ~ -nobell
12132        Cursor Shape:            ~ -nocursorshape
12133        X11 Cursor:              ~ -x11cursor
12134        Cursor Alphablend:       ~ -alpha
12135        Toggle Tight/Hextile:    ~ -encodings hextile...
12136        Toggle Tight/ZRLE:       ~ -encodings zrle...
12137        Toggle ZRLE/ZYWRLE:      ~ -encodings zywrle...
12138        Quality Level            ~ -quality (both Tight and ZYWRLE)
12139        Compress Level           ~ -compresslevel
12140        Disable JPEG:            ~ -nojpeg  (Tight)
12141        Pipeline Updates         ~ -pipeline
12143        Full Color                 as many colors as local screen allows.
12144        Grey scale (16 & 8-bpp)  ~ -grey, for low colors 16/8bpp modes only.
12145        16 bit color (BGR565)    ~ -16bpp / -bgr565
12146        8  bit color (BGR233)    ~ -bgr233
12147        256 colors               ~ -bgr233 default # of colors.
12148         64 colors               ~ -bgr222 / -use64
12149          8 colors               ~ -bgr111 / -use8
12150        Scale Viewer             ~ -scale
12151        Escape Keys: Toggle      ~ -escape
12152        Escape Keys: Help+Set    ~ -escape
12153        Set Y Crop (y-max)       ~ -ycrop
12154        Set Scrollbar Width      ~ -sbwidth
12155        XGrabServer              ~ -graball
12157        UltraVNC Extensions:
12159          Set 1/n Server Scale     Ultravnc ext. Scale desktop by 1/n.
12160          Text Chat                Ultravnc ext. Do Text Chat.
12161          File Transfer            Ultravnc ext. File xfer via Java helper.
12162          Single Window            Ultravnc ext. Grab and view a single window.
12163                                   (select then click on the window you want).
12164          Disable Remote Input     Ultravnc ext. Try to prevent input and
12165                                   viewing of monitor at physical display.
12167        Note: the Ultravnc extensions only apply to servers that support
12168              them.  x11vnc/libvncserver supports some of them.
12170        Send Clipboard not Primary  ~ -sendclipboard
12171        Send Selection Every time   ~ -sendalways
12173   Nearly all of these can be changed dynamically in the Popup menu
12174   (press F8 for it):
12176   [viewer_menu.gif] [unixviewer.jpg]
12178     _________________________________________________________________
12180   Windows:
12182   For Windows, SSL Viewer support is provided by a GUI Windows/ssvnc.exe
12183   that prompts for the VNC display and then starts up STUNNEL followed
12184   by the Stock TightVNC Windows Viewer. Both are bundled in the package
12185   for your convenience. The GUI has other useful features. When the
12186   connection is finished, you will be asked if you want to terminate the
12187   STUNNEL program. For SSH connections from Windows the GUI will use
12188   PLINK instead of STUNNEL.
12190   Unix and Mac OS X:
12192   Run the GUI (ssvnc, see above) and let me know how it goes.
12193     _________________________________________________________________
12195   Hopefully this tool will make it convenient for people to help test
12196   and use the built-in SSL support in x11vnc. Extra testing of this
12197   feature is much appreciated!! Thanks.
12199   Please Help Test the newly added features:
12200     * Automatic Service tunnelling via SSH for CUPS and SMB Printing
12201     * ESD/ARTSD Audio
12202     * SMB (Windows/Samba) filesystem mounting
12204   These allow you to print from the remote (VNC Server) machine to local
12205   printers, listen to sounds (with some limitations) from the remote VNC
12206   Server machine, and to mount your local Windows or Samba shares on the
12207   remote VNC Server machine. Basically these new features try to
12208   automate the tricks described here:
12209    http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-smb-shares
12210    http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-cups
12211    http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-sound
12212     _________________________________________________________________
12214   Downloading: Downloads for this project are hosted at Sourceforge.net.
12216   Choose the archive file bundle that best suits you (e.g. no source
12217   code, windows only, unix only, zip, tar etc).
12219   A quick guide:
12221      On some flavor of Unix, e.g. Linux or Solaris? Use
12222   "ssvnc_unix_only" (or "ssvnc_no_windows" to recompile).
12223      On Mac OS X? Use "ssvnc_no_windows".
12224      On Windows? Use "ssvnc_windows_only".
12225  ssvnc_windows_only-1.0.28.zip      Windows Binaries Only.  No source included
12226 (6.2MB)
12227  ssvnc_no_windows-1.0.28.tar.gz     Unix and Mac OS X Only. No Windows binarie
12228s.  Source included. (10.1MB)
12229  ssvnc_unix_only-1.0.28.tar.gz      Unix Binaries Only.     No source included
12230. (7.2MB)
12231  ssvnc_unix_minimal-1.0.28.tar.gz   Unix Minimal.  You must supply your own vn
12232cviewer and stunnel. (0.2MB)
12234  ssvnc-1.0.28.tar.gz                All Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows binaries a
12235nd source TGZ. (16.1MB)
12236  ssvnc-1.0.28.zip                   All Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows binaries a
12237nd source ZIP. (16.4MB)
12238  ssvnc_all-1.0.28.zip               All Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows binaries a
12239nd source AND full archives in the zip dir. (19.2MB)
12242   Here is a conventional source tarball:
12243  ssvnc-1.0.28.src.tar.gz            Conventional Source for SSVNC GUI and Unix
12244 VNCviewer  (0.5MB)
12246   it will be of use to those who do not want the SSVNC
12247   "one-size-fits-all" bundles. For example, package/distro maintainers
12248   will find this more familiar and useful to them (i.e. they run: "make
12249   config; make all; make install"). Note that it does not include the
12250   stunnel source, and so has a dependency that the system stunnel is
12251   installed.
12253   Read the README.src file for more information on using the
12254   conventional source tarball.
12257   Note: even with the Unix bundles, e.g. "ssvnc_no_windows" or
12258   "ssvnc_all", you may need to run the "./build.unix" script in the top
12259   directory to recompile for your operating system.
12261   Here are the corresponding 1.0.29 development bundles (Please help
12262   test them):
12264  ssvnc_windows_only-1.0.29.zip
12265  ssvnc_no_windows-1.0.29.tar.gz
12266  ssvnc_unix_only-1.0.29.tar.gz
12267  ssvnc_unix_minimal-1.0.29.tar.gz
12269  ssvnc-1.0.29.tar.gz
12270  ssvnc-1.0.29.zip
12271  ssvnc_all-1.0.29.zip
12273  ssvnc-1.0.29.src.tar.gz            Conventional Source for SSVNC GUI and Unix
12274 VNCviewer  (0.5MB)
12277   For any Unix system, a self-extracting and running file for the
12278   "ssvnc_unix_minimal" package is here: ssvnc. Save it as filename
12279   "ssvnc", type "chmod 755 ./ssvnc", and then launch the GUI via typing
12280   "./ssvnc". Note that this "ssvnc_unix_minimal" mode requires you
12281   install the "stunnel" and "vncviewer" programs externally (for
12282   example, install your distros' versions, e.g. on debian: "apt-get
12283   install stunnel4 xtightvncviewer".) It will work, but many of the
12284   SSVNC features will be missing.
12286   Previous releases:
12287      Release 1.0.18 at Sourceforge.net
12288      Release 1.0.19 at Sourceforge.net
12289      Release 1.0.20 at Sourceforge.net
12290      Release 1.0.21 at Sourceforge.net
12291      Release 1.0.22 at Sourceforge.net
12292      Release 1.0.23 at Sourceforge.net
12293      Release 1.0.24 at Sourceforge.net
12294      Release 1.0.25 at Sourceforge.net
12295      Release 1.0.26 at Sourceforge.net
12296      Release 1.0.27 at Sourceforge.net
12297      Release 1.0.28 at Sourceforge.net
12300   Please help test the UltraVNC File Transfer support in the native Unix
12301   VNC viewer! Let us know how it went.
12303   Current Unix binaries in the archives:
12304    Linux.i686
12305    Linux.x86_64
12306    Linux.ppc64    X (removed)
12307    Linux.alpha    X (removed)
12308    SunOS.sun4u
12309    SunOS.sun4m
12310    SunOS.i86pc
12311    Darwin.Power.Macintosh
12312    Darwin.i386
12313    HP-UX.9000     X (removed)
12314    FreeBSD.i386   X (removed)
12315    NetBSD.i386    X (removed)
12316    OpenBSD.i386   X (removed)
12318   (some of these are out of date, marked with 'X' above, because I no
12319   longer have access to machines running those OS's. Use the
12320   "build.unix" script to recompile on your system).
12322   Note: some of the above binaries depend on libssl.so.0.9.7, whereas
12323   some recent distros only provide libssl.so.0.9.8 by default (for
12324   compatibility reasons they should install both by default but not all
12325   do). So you may need to instruct your distro to install the 0.9.7
12326   library (it is fine to have both runtimes installed simultaneously
12327   since the libraries have different names). Update: I now try to
12328   statically link libssl.a for all of the binaries in the archive.
12330   You can also run the included build.unix script to try to
12331   automatically build the binaries if your OS is not in the above list
12332   or the included binary does not run properly on your system. Let me
12333   know how that goes.
12334     _________________________________________________________________
12336   IMPORTANT: there may be restrictions for you to download, use, or
12337   redistribute the above because of cryptographic software they contain
12338   or for other reasons. Please check out your situation and information
12339   at the following and related sites:
12340        http://stunnel.mirt.net
12341        http://www.stunnel.org
12342        http://www.openssl.org
12343        http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
12344        http://www.tightvnc.com
12345        http://www.realvnc.com
12346        http://sourceforge.net/projects/cotvnc/
12347     _________________________________________________________________
12349   README: Here is the toplevel README from the bundle.
12355     _________________________________________________________________
12357x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays
12359   Here are all of x11vnc command line options:
12360% x11vnc -opts      (see below for -help long descriptions)
12362x11vnc: allow VNC connections to real X11 displays. 0.9.13 lastmod: 2010-12-27
12364x11vnc options:
12365  -display disp            -auth file               -N
12366  -autoport n              -rfbport str             -6
12367  -no6                     -noipv6                  -noipv4
12368  -reopen                  -reflect host:N          -id windowid
12369  -sid windowid            -appshare                -clip WxH+X+Y
12370  -flashcmap               -shiftcmap n             -notruecolor
12371  -advertise_truecolor     -visual n                -overlay
12372  -overlay_nocursor        -8to24 [opts]            -24to32
12373  -scale fraction          -geometry WxH            -scale_cursor frac
12374  -viewonly                -shared                  -once
12375  -forever                 -loop                    -timeout n
12376  -sleepin n               -inetd                   -tightfilexfer
12377  -ultrafilexfer           -http                    -http_ssl
12378  -avahi                   -mdns                    -zeroconf
12379  -connect string          -connect_or_exit str     -proxy string
12380  -vncconnect              -novncconnect            -allow host1[,host2..]
12381  -localhost               -unixsock str            -listen6 str
12382  -nolookup                -input string            -grabkbd
12383  -grabptr                 -ungrabboth              -grabalways
12384  -viewpasswd string       -passwdfile filename     -showrfbauth filename
12385  -unixpw [list]           -unixpw_nis [list]       -unixpw_cmd cmd
12386  -find                    -finddpy                 -listdpy
12387  -findauth [disp]         -create                  -xdummy
12388  -xvnc                    -xvnc_redirect           -xdummy_xvfb
12389  -create_xsrv str         -svc                     -svc_xdummy
12390  -svc_xvnc                -svc_xdummy_xvfb         -xdmsvc
12391  -sshxdmsvc               -unixpw_system_greeter   -redirect port
12392  -display WAIT:...        -vencrypt mode           -anontls mode
12393  -sslonly                 -dhparams file           -nossl
12394  -ssl [pem]               -ssltimeout n            -sslnofail
12395  -ssldir dir              -sslverify path          -sslCRL path
12396  -sslGenCA [dir]          -sslGenCert type name    -sslEncKey pem
12397  -sslCertInfo pem         -sslDelCert pem          -sslScripts
12398  -stunnel [pem]           -stunnel3  [pem]         -enc cipher:keyfile
12399  -https [port]            -httpsredir [port]       -http_oneport
12400  -ssh user@host:disp      -usepw                   -storepasswd pass file
12401  -nopw                    -accept string           -afteraccept string
12402  -gone string             -users list              -noshm
12403  -flipbyteorder           -onetile                 -solid [color]
12404  -blackout string         -xinerama                -noxinerama
12405  -xtrap                   -xrandr [mode]           -rotate string
12406  -padgeom WxH             -o logfile               -flag file
12407  -rmflag file             -rc filename             -norc
12408  -env VAR=VALUE           -prog /path/to/x11vnc    -h, -help
12409  -?, -opts                -V, -version             -license
12410  -dbg                     -q, -quiet               -v, -verbose
12411  -bg                      -modtweak                -nomodtweak
12412  -xkb                     -noxkb                   -capslock
12413  -skip_lockkeys           -noskip_lockkeys         -skip_keycodes string
12414  -sloppy_keys             -skip_dups               -noskip_dups
12415  -add_keysyms             -noadd_keysyms           -clear_mods
12416  -clear_keys              -clear_all               -remap string
12417  -norepeat                -repeat                  -nofb
12418  -nobell                  -nosel                   -noprimary
12419  -nosetprimary            -noclipboard             -nosetclipboard
12420  -seldir string           -cursor [mode]           -nocursor
12421  -cursor_drag             -arrow n                 -noxfixes
12422  -alphacut n              -alphafrac fraction      -alpharemove
12423  -noalphablend            -nocursorshape           -cursorpos
12424  -nocursorpos             -xwarppointer            -noxwarppointer
12425  -always_inject           -buttonmap string        -nodragging
12426  -ncache n                -ncache_cr               -ncache_no_moveraise
12427  -ncache_no_dtchange      -ncache_no_rootpixmap    -ncache_keep_anims
12428  -ncache_old_wm           -ncache_pad n            -debug_ncache
12429  -wireframe [str]         -nowireframe             -nowireframelocal
12430  -wirecopyrect mode       -nowirecopyrect          -debug_wireframe
12431  -scrollcopyrect mode     -noscrollcopyrect        -scr_area n
12432  -scr_skip list           -scr_inc list            -scr_keys list
12433  -scr_term list           -scr_keyrepeat lo-hi     -scr_parms string
12434  -fixscreen string        -debug_scroll            -noxrecord
12435  -grab_buster             -nograb_buster           -debug_grabs
12436  -debug_sel               -pointer_mode n          -input_skip n
12437  -allinput                -input_eagerly           -speeds rd,bw,lat
12438  -wmdt string             -debug_pointer           -debug_keyboard
12439  -defer time              -wait time               -extra_fbur n
12440  -wait_ui factor          -setdefer n              -nowait_bog
12441  -slow_fb time            -xrefresh time           -nap
12442  -nonap                   -sb time                 -readtimeout n
12443  -ping n                  -nofbpm                  -fbpm
12444  -nodpms                  -dpms                    -forcedpms
12445  -clientdpms              -noserverdpms            -noultraext
12446  -chatwindow              -noxdamage               -xd_area A
12447  -xd_mem f                -sigpipe string          -threads
12448  -nothreads               -fs f                    -gaps n
12449  -grow n                  -fuzz n                  -debug_tiles
12450  -snapfb                  -rawfb string            -freqtab file
12451  -pipeinput cmd           -macnodim                -macnosleep
12452  -macnosaver              -macnowait               -macwheel n
12453  -macnoswap               -macnoresize             -maciconanim n
12454  -macmenu                 -macuskbd                -macnoopengl
12455  -macnorawfb              -gui [gui-opts]          -remote command
12456  -query variable          -QD variable             -sync
12457  -query_retries str       -remote_prefix str       -noremote
12458  -yesremote               -unsafe                  -safer
12459  -privremote              -nocmds                  -allowedcmds list
12460  -deny_all
12462LibVNCServer options:
12463-rfbport port          TCP port for RFB protocol
12464-rfbwait time          max time in ms to wait for RFB client
12465-rfbauth passwd-file   use authentication on RFB protocol
12466                       (use 'storepasswd' to create a password file)
12467-rfbversion 3.x        Set the version of the RFB we choose to advertise
12468-permitfiletransfer    permit file transfer support
12469-passwd plain-password use authentication
12470                       (use plain-password as password, USE AT YOUR RISK)
12471-deferupdate time      time in ms to defer updates (default 40)
12472-deferptrupdate time   time in ms to defer pointer updates (default none)
12473-desktop name          VNC desktop name (default "LibVNCServer")
12474-alwaysshared          always treat new clients as shared
12475-nevershared           never treat new clients as shared
12476-dontdisconnect        don't disconnect existing clients when a new non-shared
12477                       connection comes in (refuse new connection instead)
12478-httpdir dir-path      enable http server using dir-path home
12479-httpport portnum      use portnum for http connection
12480-enablehttpproxy       enable http proxy support
12481-progressive height    enable progressive updating for slow links
12482-listen ipaddr         listen for connections only on network interface with
12483                       addr ipaddr. '-listen localhost' and hostname work too.
12485libvncserver-tight-extension options:
12486-disablefiletransfer   disable file transfer
12487-ftproot string        set ftp root
12492% x11vnc -help
12494x11vnc: allow VNC connections to real X11 displays. 0.9.13 lastmod: 2010-12-27
12496(type "x11vnc -opts" to just list the options.)
12498Typical usage is:
12500   Run this command in a shell on the remote machine "far-host"
12501   with X session you wish to view:
12503       x11vnc -display :0
12505   Then run this in another window on the machine you are sitting at:
12507       vncviewer far-host:0
12509Once x11vnc establishes connections with the X11 server and starts listening
12510as a VNC server it will print out a string: PORT=XXXX where XXXX is typically
125115900 (the default VNC server port).  One would next run something like
12512this on the local machine: "vncviewer hostname:N" where "hostname" is
12513the name of the machine running x11vnc and N is XXXX - 5900, i.e. usually
12514"vncviewer hostname:0".
12516By default x11vnc will not allow the screen to be shared and it will exit
12517as soon as the client disconnects.  See -shared and -forever below to override
12518these protections.  See the FAQ for details how to tunnel the VNC connection
12519through an encrypted channel such as ssh(1).  In brief:
12521       ssh -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 far-host 'x11vnc -localhost -display :0'
12523       vncviewer -encodings 'copyrect tight zrle hextile' localhost:0
12525Also, use of a VNC password (-rfbauth or -passwdfile) is strongly recommended.
12527For additional info see: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/
12528                    and  http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html
12531Config file support: if the file $HOME/.x11vncrc exists then each line in
12532it is treated as a single command line option.  Disable with -norc.  For
12533each option name, the leading character "-" is not required.  E.g. a line
12534that is either "forever" or "-forever" may be used and are equivalent.
12535Likewise "wait 100" or "-wait 100" are acceptable and equivalent lines.
12536The "#" character comments out to the end of the line in the usual way
12537(backslash it for a literal).  Leading and trailing whitespace is trimmed off.
12538Lines may be continued with a "\" as the last character of a line (it
12539becomes a space character).
12543-display disp          X11 server display to connect to, usually :0.  The X
12544                       server process must be running on same machine and
12545                       support MIT-SHM.  Equivalent to setting the DISPLAY
12546                       environment variable to "disp".
12548                       See the description below of the "-display WAIT:..."
12549                       extensions, where alias "-find" will find the user's
12550                       display automatically, and "-create" will create a
12551                       Xvfb session if no session is found.
12553-auth file             Set the X authority file to be "file", equivalent to
12554                       setting the XAUTHORITY environment variable to "file"
12555                       before startup.  Same as -xauth file.  See Xsecurity(7),
12556                       xauth(1) man pages for more info.
12558                       Use '-auth guess' to have x11vnc use its -findauth
12559                       mechanism (described below) to try to guess the
12560                       XAUTHORITY filename and use it.
12562                       XDM/GDM/KDM: if you are running x11vnc as root and want
12563                       to find the XAUTHORITY before anyone has logged into an
12564                       X session yet, use: x11vnc -env FD_XDM=1 -auth guess ...
12565                       (This will also find the XAUTHORITY if a user is already
12566                       logged into the X session.)  When running as root,
12567                       FD_XDM=1 will be tried if the initial -auth guess fails.
12569-N                     If the X display is :N, try to set the VNC display to
12570                       also be :N This just sets the -rfbport option to 5900+N
12571                       The program will exit immediately if that port is not
12572                       available. The -N option only works with normal -display
12573                       usage, e.g. :0 or :8, -N is ignored in the -display
12574                       WAIT:..., -create, -find, -svc, -redirect, etc modes.
12576-autoport n            Automatically probe for a free VNC port starting at n.
12577                       The default is to start probing at 5900.  Use this to
12578                       stay away from other VNC servers near 5900.
12580-rfbport str           The VNC port to listen on (a LibVNCServer option), e.g.
12581                       5900, 5901, etc.  If specified as "-rfbport PROMPT"
12582                       then the x11vnc -gui is used to prompt the user to
12583                       enter the port number.
12585-6                     IPv6 listening support.  In addition to IPv4, the
12586                       IPv6 address is listened on for incoming connections.
12587                       The same port number as IPv4 is used.
12589                       NOTE:  This x11vnc binary was compiled to have the
12590                       "-6" IPv6 listening mode ENABLED by default (CPPFLAGS
12591                       -DX11VNC_LISTEN6=1).  So to disable IPv6 listening mode
12592                       you MUST supply the "-no6" option (see below.)
12594                       The "-6" mode works for both normal connections and
12595                       -ssl encrypted ones.  Nearly everything is supported
12596                       for the IPv6 case, but there are a few exceptions.
12597                       See -stunnel for its IPv6 support.
12599                       Currently, for absolutely everything to work correctly
12600                       the machine may need to have some IPv4 support, at the
12601                       least for the loopback interface.  However, for nearly
12602                       all usage modes no IPv4 support is required. See -nopiv4
12605                       If you have trouble compiling or running in IPv6 mode,
12606                       set -DX11VNC_IPV6=0 in CPPFLAGS when configuring to
12607                       disable IPv6 support.
12609-no6                   Disable IPv6 listening support (only useful if the
12610                       "-6" mode is compiled in to be the default; see the
12611                       X11VNC_LISTEN6 description above under "-6".)
12613-noipv6                Do not try to use IPv6 for any listening or connecting
12614                       sockets.  This includes both the listening service
12615                       port(s) and outgoing connections from -connect,
12616                       -connect_or_exit, or -proxy.  Use this if you are having
12617                       problems due to IPv6.
12619-noipv4                Do not try to use IPv4 for any listening or connecting
12620                       sockets.  This is mainly for exploring the behavior of
12621                       x11vnc on an IPv6-only system, but may have other uses.
12623-reopen                If the X server connection is disconnected, try to
12624                       reopen the X display (up to one time.)  This is of use
12625                       for display managers like GDM (KillInitClients option)
12626                       that kill x11vnc just after the user logs into the
12627                       X session.  Note: the reopened state may be unstable.
12628                       Set X11VNC_REOPEN_DISPLAY=n to reopen n times and
12629                       set X11VNC_REOPEN_SLEEP_MAX to the number of seconds,
12630                       default 10, to keep trying to reopen the display (once
12631                       per second.)
12633                       Update: as of 0.9.9, x11vnc tries to automatically avoid
12634                       being killed by the display manager by delaying creating
12635                       windows or using XFIXES.  So you shouldn't need to use
12636                       KillInitClients=false as long as you log in quickly
12637                       enough (within 45 seconds of connecting.)  You can
12638                       disable this by setting X11VNC_AVOID_WINDOWS=never.
12639                       You can also set it to the number of seconds to delay.
12641-reflect host:N        Instead of connecting to and polling an X display,
12642                       connect to the remote VNC server host:N and be a
12643                       reflector/repeater for it.  This is useful for trying
12644                       to manage the case of many simultaneous VNC viewers
12645                       (e.g. classroom broadcasting) where, e.g. you put
12646                       a repeater on each network switch, etc, to improve
12647                       performance by distributing the load and network
12648                       traffic.  Implies -shared (use -noshared as a later
12649                       option to disable). See the discussion below under
12650                       -rawfb vnc:host:N for more details.
12652-id windowid           Show the X window corresponding to "windowid" not
12653                       the entire display.  New windows like popup menus,
12654                       transient toplevels, etc, may not be seen or may be
12655                       clipped.  Disabling SaveUnders or BackingStore in the
12656                       X server may help show them.  x11vnc may crash if the
12657                       window is initially partially obscured, changes size,
12658                       is iconified, etc.  Some steps are taken to avoid this
12659                       and the -xrandr mechanism is used to track resizes.  Use
12660                       xwininfo(1) to get the window id, or use "-id pick"
12661                       to have x11vnc run xwininfo(1) for you and extract
12662                       the id.  The -id option is useful for exporting very
12663                       simple applications (e.g. the current view on a webcam).
12664-sid windowid          As -id, but instead of using the window directly it
12665                       shifts a root view to it: this shows SaveUnders menus,
12666                       etc, although they will be clipped if they extend beyond
12667                       the window.
12669-appshare              Simple application sharing based on the -id/-sid
12670                       mechanism.  Every new toplevel window that the
12671                       application creates induces a new viewer window via
12672                       a reverse connection.  The -id/-sid and -connect
12673                       options are required.  Run 'x11vnc -appshare -help'
12674                       for more info.
12676-clip WxH+X+Y          Only show the sub-region of the full display that
12677                       corresponds to the rectangle geometry with size WxH and
12678                       offset +X+Y.  The VNC display has size WxH (i.e. smaller
12679                       than the full display).  This also works for -id/-sid
12680                       mode where the offset is relative to the upper left
12681                       corner of the selected window.  An example use of this
12682                       option would be to split a large (e.g. Xinerama) display
12683                       into two parts to be accessed via separate viewers by
12684                       running a separate x11vnc on each part.
12686                       Use '-clip xinerama0' to clip to the first xinerama
12687                       sub-screen (if xinerama is active).  xinerama1 for the
12688                       2nd sub-screen, etc.  This way you don't need to figure
12689                       out the WxH+X+Y of the desired xinerama sub-screen.
12690                       screens are sorted in increasing distance from the
12691                       (0,0) origin (I.e. not the Xserver's order).
12693-flashcmap             In 8bpp indexed color, let the installed colormap flash
12694                       as the pointer moves from window to window (slow).
12695                       Also try the -8to24 option to avoid flash altogether.
12696-shiftcmap n           Rare problem, but some 8bpp displays use less than 256
12697                       colorcells (e.g. 16-color grayscale, perhaps the other
12698                       bits are used for double buffering) *and* also need to
12699                       shift the pixels values away from 0, .., ncells.  "n"
12700                       indicates the shift to be applied to the pixel values.
12701                       To see the pixel values set DEBUG_CMAP=1 to print out
12702                       a colormap histogram.  Example: -shiftcmap 240
12703-notruecolor           For 8bpp displays, force indexed color (i.e. a colormap)
12704                       even if it looks like 8bpp TrueColor (rare problem).
12705-advertise_truecolor   If the X11 display is indexed color, lie to clients
12706                       when they first connect by telling them it is truecolor.
12707                       To workaround RealVNC: inPF has colourMap but not 8bpp
12708                       Use '-advertise_truecolor reset' to reset client fb too.
12710-visual n              This option probably does not do what you think.
12711                       It simply *forces* the visual used for the framebuffer;
12712                       this may be a bad thing... (e.g. messes up colors or
12713                       cause a crash). It is useful for testing and for some
12714                       workarounds.  n may be a decimal number, or 0x hex.
12715                       Run xdpyinfo(1) for the values.  One may also use
12716                       "TrueColor", etc. see <X11/X.h> for a list.  If the
12717                       string ends in ":m" then for better or for worse
12718                       the visual depth is forced to be m.  You may want to
12719                       use -noshm when using this option (so XGetImage may
12720                       automatically translate the pixel data).
12722-overlay               Handle multiple depth visuals on one screen, e.g. 8+24
12723                       and 24+8 overlay visuals (the 32 bits per pixel are
12724                       packed with 8 for PseudoColor and 24 for TrueColor).
12726                       Currently -overlay only works on Solaris via
12727                       XReadScreen(3X11) and IRIX using XReadDisplay(3).
12728                       On Solaris there is a problem with image "bleeding"
12729                       around transient popup menus (but not for the menu
12730                       itself): a workaround is to disable SaveUnders
12731                       by passing the "-su" argument to Xsun (in
12732                       /etc/dt/config/Xservers).
12734                       Use -overlay as a workaround for situations like these:
12735                       Some legacy applications require the default visual to
12736                       be 8bpp (8+24), or they will use 8bpp PseudoColor even
12737                       when the default visual is depth 24 TrueColor (24+8).
12738                       In these cases colors in some windows will be incorrect
12739                       in x11vnc unless -overlay is used.  Another use of
12740                       -overlay is to enable showing the exact mouse cursor
12741                       shape (details below).
12743                       Under -overlay, performance will be somewhat slower
12744                       due to the extra image transformations required.
12745                       For optimal performance do not use -overlay, but rather
12746                       configure the X server so that the default visual is
12747                       depth 24 TrueColor and try to have all apps use that
12748                       visual (e.g. some apps have -use24 or -visual options).
12749-overlay_nocursor      Sets -overlay, but does not try to draw the exact mouse
12750                       cursor shape using the overlay mechanism.
12752-8to24 [opts]          Try this option if -overlay is not supported on your
12753                       OS, and you have a legacy 8bpp app that you want to
12754                       view on a multi-depth display with default depth 24
12755                       (and is 32 bpp) OR have a default depth 8 display with
12756                       depth 24 overlay windows for some apps.  This option
12757                       may not work on all X servers and hardware (tested
12758                       on XFree86/Xorg mga driver and Xsun).  The "opts"
12759                       string is not required and is described below.
12761                       This mode enables a hack where x11vnc monitors windows
12762                       within 3 levels from the root window.  If it finds
12763                       any that are 8bpp it extracts the indexed color
12764                       pixel values using XGetImage() and then applies a
12765                       transformation using the colormap(s) to create TrueColor
12766                       RGB values that it in turn inserts into bits 1-24 of
12767                       the framebuffer.  This creates a depth 24 "view"
12768                       of the display that is then exported via VNC.
12770                       Conversely, for default depth 8 displays, the depth
12771                       24 regions are read by XGetImage() and everything is
12772                       transformed and inserted into a depth 24 TrueColor
12773                       framebuffer.
12775                       Note that even if there are *no* depth 24 visuals or
12776                       windows (i.e. pure 8bpp), this mode is potentially
12777                       an improvement over -flashcmap because it avoids the
12778                       flashing and shows each window in the correct color.
12780                       This method works OK, but may still have bugs and it
12781                       does hog resources.  If there are multiple 8bpp windows
12782                       using different colormaps, one may have to iconify all
12783                       but one for the colors to be correct.
12785                       There may be painting errors for clipping and switching
12786                       between windows of depths 8 and 24.  Heuristics are
12787                       applied to try to minimize the painting errors.  One can
12788                       also press 3 Alt_L's in a row to refresh the screen
12789                       if the error does not repair itself.  Also the option
12790                       -fixscreen 8=3.0 or -fixscreen V=3.0 may be used to
12791                       periodically refresh the screen at the cost of bandwidth
12792                       (every 3 sec for this example).
12794                       The [opts] string can contain the following settings.
12795                       Multiple settings are separated by commas.
12797                       For for some X servers with default depth 24 a
12798                       speedup may be achieved via the option "nogetimage".
12799                       This enables a scheme were XGetImage() is not used
12800                       to retrieve the 8bpp data.  Instead, it assumes that
12801                       the 8bpp data is in bits 25-32 of the 32bit X pixels.
12802                       There is no requirement that the X server should put
12803                       the data there for our poll requests, but some do and
12804                       so the extra steps to retrieve it can be skipped.
12805                       Tested with mga driver with XFree86/Xorg.  For the
12806                       default depth 8 case this option is ignored.
12808                       To adjust how often XGetImage() is used to poll the
12809                       non-default visual regions for changes, use the option
12810                       "poll=t" where "t" is a floating point time.
12811                       (default: 0.05)
12813                       Setting the option "level2" will limit the search
12814                       for non-default visual windows to two levels from the
12815                       root window.  Do this on slow machines where you know
12816                       the window manager only imposes one extra window between
12817                       the app window and the root window.
12819                       Also for very slow machines use "cachewin=t"
12820                       where t is a floating point amount of time to cache
12821                       XGetWindowAttributes results.  E.g. cachewin=5.0.
12822                       This may lead to the windows being unnoticed for this
12823                       amount of time when deiconifying, painting errors, etc.
12825                       While testing on a very old SS20 these options gave
12826                       tolerable response: -8to24 poll=0.2,cachewin=5.0. For
12827                       this machine -overlay is supported and gives better
12828                       response.
12830                       Debugging for this mode can be enabled by setting
12831                       "dbg=1", "dbg=2", or "dbg=3".
12833-24to32                Very rare problem: if the framebuffer (X display
12834                       or -rawfb) is 24bpp instead of the usual 32bpp, then
12835                       dynamically transform the pixels to 32bpp.  This will be
12836                       slower, but can be used to work around problems where
12837                       VNC viewers cannot handle 24bpp (e.g. "main: setPF:
12838                       not 8, 16 or 32 bpp?").  See the FAQ for more info.
12840                       In the case of -rawfb mode, the pixels are directly
12841                       modified by inserting a 0 byte to pad them out to 32bpp.
12842                       For X displays, a kludge is done that is equivalent to
12843                       "-noshm -visual TrueColor:32".  (If better performance
12844                       is needed for the latter, feel free to ask).
12846-scale fraction        Scale the framebuffer by factor "fraction".  Values
12847                       less than 1 shrink the fb, larger ones expand it. Note:
12848                       the image may not be sharp and response may be slower.
12849                       If "fraction" contains a decimal point "." it
12850                       is taken as a floating point number, alternatively
12851                       the notation "m/n" may be used to denote fractions
12852                       exactly, e.g. -scale 2/3
12854                       To scale asymmetrically in the horizontal and vertical
12855                       directions, specify a WxH geometry to stretch to:
12856                       e.g. '-scale 1024x768', or also '-scale 0.9x0.75'
12858                       Scaling Options: can be added after "fraction" via
12859                       ":", to supply multiple ":" options use commas.
12860                       If you just want a quick, rough scaling without
12861                       blending, append ":nb" to "fraction" (e.g. -scale
12862                       1/3:nb).  No blending is the default for 8bpp indexed
12863                       color, to force blending for this case use ":fb".
12865                       To disable -scrollcopyrect and -wirecopyrect under
12866                       -scale use ":nocr".  If you need to to enable them use
12867                       ":cr" or specify them explicitly on the command line.
12868                       If a slow link is detected, ":nocr" may be applied
12869                       automatically.  Default: :cr
12871                       More esoteric options: for compatibility with vncviewers
12872                       the scaled width is adjusted to be a multiple of 4:
12873                       to disable this use ":n4".  ":in" use interpolation
12874                       scheme even when shrinking, ":pad" pad scaled width
12875                       and height to be multiples of scaling denominator
12876                       (e.g. 3 for 2/3).
12878-geometry WxH          Same as -scale WxH
12880-scale_cursor frac     By default if -scale is supplied the cursor shape is
12881                       scaled by the same factor.  Depending on your usage,
12882                       you may want to scale the cursor independently of the
12883                       screen or not at all.  If you specify -scale_cursor
12884                       the cursor will be scaled by that factor.  When using
12885                       -scale mode to keep the cursor at its "natural" size
12886                       use "-scale_cursor 1".  Most of the ":" scaling
12887                       options apply here as well.
12889-viewonly              All VNC clients can only watch (default off).
12890-shared                VNC display is shared, i.e. more than one viewer can
12891                       connect at the same time (default off).
12892-once                  Exit after the first successfully connected viewer
12893                       disconnects, opposite of -forever. This is the Default.
12894-forever               Keep listening for more connections rather than exiting
12895                       as soon as the first client(s) disconnect. Same as -many
12897                       To get the standard non-shared VNC behavior where when
12898                       a new VNC client connects the existing VNC client is
12899                       dropped use:  -nevershared -forever   This method can
12900                       also be used to guard against hung TCP connections that
12901                       do not go away.
12903-loop                  Create an outer loop restarting the x11vnc process
12904                       whenever it terminates.  -bg and -inetd are ignored
12905                       in this mode (however see -loopbg below).
12907                       Useful for continuing even if the X server terminates
12908                       and restarts (at that moment the process will need
12909                       permission to reconnect to the new X server of course).
12911                       Use, e.g., -loop100 to sleep 100 millisecs between
12912                       restarts, etc.  Default is 2000ms (i.e. 2 secs) Use,
12913                       e.g. -loop300,5 to sleep 300 ms and only loop 5 times.
12915                       If -loopbg (plus any numbers) is specified instead,
12916                       the "-bg" option is implied and the mode approximates
12917                       inetd(8) usage to some degree.  In this case when
12918                       it goes into the background any listening sockets
12919                       (i.e. ports 5900, 5800) are closed, so the next one
12920                       in the loop can use them.  This mode will only be of
12921                       use if a VNC client (the only client for that process)
12922                       is already connected before the process goes into the
12923                       background, for example, usage of -display WAIT:..,
12924                       -svc, and -connect can make use of this "poor man's"
12925                       inetd mode.  The default wait time is 500ms in this
12926                       mode.  This usage could use useful:  -svc -bg -loopbg
12928-timeout n             Exit unless a client connects within the first n seconds
12929                       after startup.
12931                       If there have been no connection attempts after n
12932                       seconds x11vnc exits immediately.  If a client is
12933                       trying to connect but has not progressed to the normal
12934                       operating state, x11vnc gives it a few more seconds
12935                       to finish and exits if it does not make it to the
12936                       normal state.
12938                       For reverse connections via -connect or -connect_or_exit
12939                       a timeout of n seconds will be set for all reverse
12940                       connects.  If the connect timeout alarm goes off,
12941                       x11vnc will exit immediately.
12943-sleepin n             At startup sleep n seconds before proceeding (e.g. to
12944                       allow redirs and listening clients to start up)
12946                       If a range is given: '-sleepin min-max', a random value
12947                       between min and max is slept. E.g. '-sleepin 0-20' and
12948                       '-sleepin 10-30'.  Floats are allowed too.
12950-inetd                 Launched by inetd(8): stdio instead of listening socket.
12951                       Note: if you are not redirecting stderr to a log file
12952                       (via shell 2> or -o option) you MUST also specify the -q
12953                       option, otherwise the stderr goes to the viewer which
12954                       will cause it to abort.  Specifying both -inetd and -q
12955                       and no -o will automatically close the stderr.
12957-tightfilexfer         Enable the TightVNC file transfer extension. Note that
12958                       that when the -viewonly option is supplied all file
12959                       transfers are disabled.  Also clients that log in
12960                       viewonly cannot transfer files.  However, if the remote
12961                       control mechanism is used to change the global or
12962                       per-client viewonly state the filetransfer permissions
12963                       will NOT change.
12965                       IMPORTANT: please understand if -tightfilexfer is
12966                       specified and you run x11vnc as root for, say, inetd
12967                       or display manager (gdm, kdm, ...) access and you do
12968                       not have it switch users via the -users option, then
12969                       VNC Viewers that connect are able to do filetransfer
12970                       reads and writes as *root*.
12972                       Also, tightfilexfer is disabled in -unixpw mode.
12974-ultrafilexfer         Note: to enable UltraVNC filetransfer and to get it to
12975                       work you probably need to supply these LibVNCServer
12976                       options: "-rfbversion 3.6 -permitfiletransfer"
12977                       "-ultrafilexfer" is an alias for this combination.
12979                       IMPORTANT: please understand if -ultrafilexfer is
12980                       specified and you run x11vnc as root for, say, inetd
12981                       or display manager (gdm, kdm, ...) access and you do
12982                       not have it switch users via the -users option, then
12983                       VNC Viewers that connect are able to do filetransfer
12984                       reads and writes as *root*.
12986                       Note that sadly you cannot do both -tightfilexfer and
12987                       -ultrafilexfer at the same time because the latter
12988                       requires setting the version to 3.6 and tightvnc will
12989                       not do filetransfer when it sees that version number.
12991-http                  Instead of using -httpdir (see below) to specify
12992                       where the Java vncviewer applet is, have x11vnc try
12993                       to *guess* where the directory is by looking relative
12994                       to the program location and in standard locations
12995                       (/usr/local/share/x11vnc/classes, etc).  Under -ssl or
12996                       -stunnel the ssl classes subdirectory is sought.
12997-http_ssl              As -http, but force lookup for ssl classes subdir.
12999                       Note that for HTTPS, single-port Java applet delivery
13000                       you can set X11VNC_HTTPS_DOWNLOAD_WAIT_TIME to the
13001                       max number of seconds to wait for the applet download
13002                       to finish.  The default is 15.
13004-avahi                 Use the Avahi/mDNS ZeroConf protocol to advertise
13005                       this VNC server to the local network. (Related terms:
13006                       Rendezvous, Bonjour).  Depending on your setup, you
13007                       may need to start avahi-daemon and open udp port 5353
13008                       in your firewall.
13010                       You can set X11VNC_AVAHI_NAME, X11VNC_AVAHI_HOST,
13011                       and/or X11VNC_AVAHI_PORT environment variables
13012                       to override the default values.  For example:
13013                       -env X11VNC_AVAHI_NAME=wally
13015                       If the avahi API cannot be found at build time, a helper
13016                       program like avahi-publish(1) or dns-sd(1) will be tried
13018-mdns                  Same as -avahi.
13019-zeroconf              Same as -avahi.
13021-connect string        For use with "vncviewer -listen" reverse connections.
13022                       If "string" has the form "host" or "host:port"
13023                       the connection is made once at startup.
13025                       Use commas for a list of host's and host:port's.
13026                       E.g. -connect host1,host2 or host1:0,host2:5678.
13027                       Note that to reverse connect to multiple hosts at the
13028                       same time you will likely need to also supply: -shared
13030                       Note that unlike most vnc servers, x11vnc will require a
13031                       password for reverse as well as for forward connections.
13032                       (provided password auth has been enabled, -rfbauth, etc)
13033                       If you do not want to require a password for reverse
13034                       connections set X11VNC_REVERSE_CONNECTION_NO_AUTH=1 in
13035                       your environment before starting x11vnc.
13037                       If "string" contains "/" it is instead interpreted
13038                       as a file to periodically check for new hosts.
13039                       The first line is read and then the file is truncated.
13040                       Be careful about the location of this file if x11vnc
13041                       is running as root (e.g. via gdm(1), etc).
13044                       Repeater mode: Some services provide an intermediate
13045                       "vnc repeater": http://www.uvnc.com/addons/repeater.html
13046                       (and also http://koti.mbnet.fi/jtko/ for linux port)
13047                       that acts as a proxy/gateway.  Modes like these require
13048                       an initial string to be sent for the reverse connection
13049                       before the VNC protocol is started.  Here are the ways
13050                       to do this:
13052                         -connect pre=some_string+host:port
13053                         -connect pre128=some_string+host:port
13054                         -connect repeater=ID:1234+host:port
13055                         -connect repeater=
13057                       SSVNC notation is also supported:
13059                         -connect repeater://host:port+ID:1234
13061                       As with normal -connect usage, if the repeater port is
13062                       not supplied 5500 is assumed.
13064                       The basic idea is between the special tag, e.g. "pre="
13065                       and "+" is the pre-string to be sent.  Note that in
13066                       this case host:port is the repeater server, NOT the
13067                       vnc viewer.  Somehow the pre-string tells the repeater
13068                       server how to find the vnc viewer and connect you to it.
13070                       In the case pre=some_string+host:port, "some_string"
13071                       is simply sent. In the case preNNN=some_string+host:port
13072                       "some_string" is sent in a null padded buffer of
13073                       length NNN.  repeater= is the same as pre250=, this is
13074                       the ultravnc repeater buffer size.
13076                       Strings like "\n" and "\r", etc. are expanded to
13077                       newline and carriage return.  "\c" is expanded to
13078                       "," since the connect string is comma separated.
13080                       See also the -proxy option below for additional ways
13081                       to plumb reverse connections.
13083                       Reverse SSL: using -connect in -ssl mode makes x11vnc
13084                       act as an SSL client (initiates SSL connection) rather
13085                       than an SSL server.  The idea is x11vnc might be
13086                       connecting to stunnel on the viewer side with the
13087                       viewer in listening mode.  If you do not want this
13088                       behavior, use -env X11VNC_DISABLE_SSL_CLIENT_MODE=1.
13089                       With this the viewer side can act as the SSL client
13090                       as it normally does for forward connections.
13092                       Reverse SSL Repeater mode:  This will work, but note
13093                       that if the VNC Client does any sort of a 'Fetch Cert'
13094                       action before connecting, then the Repeater will
13095                       likely drop the connection and both sides will need
13096                       to restart.  Consider the use of -connect_or_exit
13097                       and -loop300,2 to have x11vnc reconnect once to the
13098                       repeater after the fetch.  You will probably also want
13099                       to supply -sslonly to avoid x11vnc thinking the delay
13100                       in response means the connection is VeNCrypt.  The env
13101                       var X11VNC_DISABLE_SSL_CLIENT_MODE=1 discussed above
13102                       may also be useful (i.e. the viewer can do a forward
13103                       connection as it normally does.)
13105                       IPv6: as of x11vnc 0.9.10 the -connect option should
13106                       connect to IPv6 hosts properly.  If there are problems
13107                       you can disable IPv6 by setting -DX11VNC_IPV6=0
13108                       in CPPFLAGS when configuring.  If there problems
13109                       connecting to IPv6 hosts consider a relay like the
13110                       included inet6to4 script or the -proxy option.
13112-connect_or_exit str   As with -connect, except if none of the reverse
13113                       connections succeed, then x11vnc shuts down immediately
13115                       An easier to type alias for this option is '-coe'
13117                       By the way, if you do not want x11vnc to listen on
13118                       ANY interface use -rfbport 0  which is handy for the
13119                       -connect_or_exit mode.
13121-proxy string          Use proxy in string (e.g. host:port) as a proxy for
13122                       making reverse connections (-connect or -connect_or_exit
13123                       options).
13125                       Web proxies are supported, but note by default most of
13126                       them only support destination connections to ports 443
13127                       or 563, so this might not be very useful (the viewer
13128                       would need to listen on that port or the router would
13129                       have to do a port redirection).
13131                       A web proxy may be specified by either "host:port"
13132                       or "http://host:port" (the port is required even if
13133                       it is the common choices 80 or 8080)
13135                       SOCKS4, SOCKS4a, and SOCKS5 are also supported.
13136                       SOCKS proxies normally do not have restrictions on the
13137                       destination port number.
13139                       Use a format like this: socks://host:port or
13140                       socks5://host:port.  Note that ssh -D does not support
13141                       SOCKS4a, so use socks5://.  For socks:// SOCKS4 is used
13142                       on a numerical IP and "localhost", otherwise SOCKS4a
13143                       is used (and so the proxy tries to do the DNS lookup).
13145                       An experimental mode is "-proxy http://host:port/..."
13146                       Note the "/" after the port that distinguishes it from
13147                       a normal web proxy.  The port must be supplied even if
13148                       it is the default 80.  For this mode a GET is done to
13149                       the supplied URL with the string host=H&port=P appended.
13150                       H and P will be the -connect reverse connect host
13151                       and port.  Use the string "__END__" to disable the
13152                       appending.  The basic idea here is that maybe some cgi
13153                       script provides the actual viewer hookup and tunnelling.
13154                       How to actually achieve this within cgi, php, etc. is
13155                       not clear...  A custom web server or apache module
13156                       would be straight-forward.
13158                       Another experimental mode is "-proxy ssh://user@host"
13159                       in which case a SSH tunnel is used for the proxying.
13160                       "user@" is not needed unless your unix username is
13161                       different on "host".  For a non-standard SSH port
13162                       use ssh://user@host:port.  If proxies are chained (see
13163                       next paragraph) then the ssh one must be the first one.
13164                       If ssh-agent is not active, then the ssh password needs
13165                       to be entered in the terminal where x11vnc is running.
13166                       Examples:
13168                         -connect localhost:0 -proxy ssh://me@friends-pc:2222
13170                         -connect snoopy:0 -proxy ssh://ssh.company.com
13172                       Multiple proxies may be chained together in case one
13173                       needs to ricochet off of a number of hosts to finally
13174                       reach the VNC viewer.  Up to 3 may be chained, separate
13175                       them by commas in the order they are to be connected to.
13176                       E.g.:  http://host1:port1,socks5://host2:port2 or three
13177                       like:  first,second,third
13179                       IPv6: as of x11vnc 0.9.10 the -proxy option should
13180                       connect to IPv6 hosts properly.  If there are problems
13181                       you can disable IPv6 by setting -DX11VNC_IPV6=0
13182                       in CPPFLAGS when configuring.  If there problems
13183                       connecting to IPv6 hosts consider a relay like the
13184                       included inet6to4 script.
13186-vncconnect            Monitor the VNC_CONNECT X property set by the standard
13187-novncconnect          VNC program vncconnect(1).  When the property is
13188                       set to "host" or "host:port" establish a reverse
13189                       connection.  Using xprop(1) instead of vncconnect may
13190                       work (see the FAQ).  The -remote control mechanism uses
13191                       X11VNC_REMOTE channel, and this option disables/enables
13192                       it as well.  Default: -vncconnect
13194                       To use different names for these X11 properties (e.g. to
13195                       have separate communication channels for multiple
13196                       x11vnc's on the same display) set the VNC_CONNECT or
13197                       X11VNC_REMOTE env. vars. to the string you want, for
13198                       example: -env X11VNC_REMOTE=X11VNC_REMOTE_12345
13199                       Both sides of the channel must use the same unique name.
13200                       The same can be done for the internal X11VNC_TICKER
13201                       property (heartbeat and timestamp) if desired.
13203-allow host1[,host2..] Only allow client connections from hosts matching
13204                       the comma separated list of hostnames or IP addresses.
13205                       Can also be a numerical IP prefix, e.g. "192.168.100."
13206                       to match a simple subnet, for more control build
13207                       LibVNCServer with libwrap support (See the FAQ).  If the
13208                       list contains a "/" it instead is a interpreted
13209                       as a file containing addresses or prefixes that is
13210                       re-read each time a new client connects.  Lines can be
13211                       commented out with the "#" character in the usual way.
13213                       -allow applies in -ssl mode, but not in -stunnel mode.
13215                       IPv6: as of x11vnc 0.9.10 a host can be specified
13216                       in IPv6 numerical format, e.g. 2001:4860:b009::93.
13218-localhost             Basically the same as "-allow".
13220                       Note: if you want to restrict which network interface
13221                       x11vnc listens on, see the -listen option below.
13222                       E.g. "-listen localhost" or "-listen".
13223                       As a special case, the option "-localhost" implies
13224                       "-listen localhost".
13226                       A rare case, but for non-localhost -listen usage, if
13227                       you use the remote control mechanism (-R) to change
13228                       the -listen interface you may need to manually adjust
13229                       the -allow list (and vice versa) to avoid situations
13230                       where no connections (or too many) are allowed.
13232                       If you do not want x11vnc to listen on ANY interface
13233                       (evidently you are using -connect or -connect_or_exit,
13234                       or plan to use remote control: -R connect:host), use
13235                       -rfbport 0
13237                       IPv6: if IPv6 is supported, this option automatically
13238                       implies the IPv6 loopback address '::1' as well.
13240-unixsock str          Listen on the unix socket (AF_UNIX) 'str'
13241                       for connections.  This mode is for either local
13242                       connections or a tunnel endpoint where one wants the
13243                       file permission of the unix socket file to determine
13244                       what can connect to it.  (This currently requires an
13245                       edit to libvnserver/rfbserver.c: comment out lines 310
13246                       and 311, 'close(sock)' and 'return NULL' in rfbserver.c
13247                       after the setsockopt() call.) Note that to disable all
13248                       tcp listening ports specify '-rfbport 0' and should be
13249                       useful with this mode.  Example:
13250                           mkdir ~/s; chmod 700 ~/s;
13251                           x11vnc -unixsock ~/s/mysock -rfbport 0 ...
13252                       The SSVNC unix vncviewer can connect to unix sockets.
13254-listen6 str           When in IPv6 listen mode "-6", listen only on the
13255                       network interface with address "str".  It also works
13256                       for link scope addresses (fe80::219:dbff:fee5:3f92%eth0)
13257                       and IPv6 hostname strings (e.g. ipv6.google.com.)
13258                       Use LibVNCServer -listen option for the IPv4 interface.
13260-nolookup              Do not use gethostbyname() or gethostbyaddr() to look up
13261                       host names or IP numbers.  Use this if name resolution
13262                       is incorrectly set up and leads to long pauses as name
13263                       lookups time out, etc.
13265-input string          Fine tuning of allowed user input.  If "string" does
13266                       not contain a comma "," the tuning applies only to
13267                       normal clients.  Otherwise the part before "," is
13268                       for normal clients and the part after for view-only
13269                       clients.  "K" is for Keystroke input, "M" for
13270                       Mouse-motion input, "B" for Button-click input, "C"
13271                       is for Clipboard input, and "F" is for File transfer
13272                       (ultravnc only).  Their presence in the string enables
13273                       that type of input.  E.g. "-input M" means normal
13274                       users can only move the mouse and  "-input KMBCF,M"
13275                       lets normal users do anything and enables view-only
13276                       users to move the mouse.  This option is ignored when
13277                       a global -viewonly is in effect (all input is discarded
13278                       in that case).
13280-grabkbd               When VNC viewers are connected, attempt to the grab
13281                       the keyboard so a (non-malicious) user sitting at the
13282                       physical display is not able to enter keystrokes.
13283                       This method uses XGrabKeyboard(3X11) and so it is
13284                       not secure and does not rule out the person at the
13285                       physical display injecting keystrokes by flooding the
13286                       server with them, grabbing the keyboard himself, etc.
13287                       Some degree of cooperation from the person at the
13288                       display is assumed.  This is intended for remote
13289                       help-desk or educational usage modes.
13291                       Note: on some recent (12/2010) X servers and/or
13292                       desktops, -grabkbd no longer works: it prevents the
13293                       window manager from resizing windows and similar things.
13294                       Try -ungrabboth below (might not work.)
13296-grabptr               As -grabkbd, but for the mouse pointer using
13297                       XGrabPointer(3X11).  Unfortunately due to the way the X
13298                       server works, the mouse can still be moved around by the
13299                       user at the physical display, but he will not be able to
13300                       change window focus with it.  Also some window managers
13301                       that call XGrabServer(3X11) for resizes, etc, will
13302                       act on the local user's input.  Again, some degree of
13303                       cooperation from the person at the display is assumed.
13305-ungrabboth            Whenever there is any input (either keyboard or
13306                       pointer), ungrab *both* the keyboard and the pointer
13307                       while injecting the synthetic input.  This is to allow
13308                       window managers, etc. a chance to grab.
13310-grabalways            Apply both -grabkbd and -grabptr even when no VNC
13311                       viewers are connected.  If you only want one of them,
13312                       use the -R remote control to turn the other back on,
13313                       e.g. -R nograbptr.
13315-viewpasswd string     Supply a 2nd password for view-only logins.  The -passwd
13316                       (full-access) password must also be supplied.
13318-passwdfile filename   Specify the LibVNCServer password via the first line
13319                       of the file "filename" (instead of via -passwd on
13320                       the command line where others might see it via ps(1)).
13322                       See the descriptions below for how to supply multiple
13323                       passwords, view-only passwords, to specify external
13324                       programs for the authentication, and other features.
13326                       If the filename is prefixed with "rm:" it will be
13327                       removed after being read.  Perhaps this is useful in
13328                       limiting the readability of the file.  In general, the
13329                       password file should not be readable by untrusted users
13330                       (BTW: neither should the VNC -rfbauth file: it is NOT
13331                       encrypted, only obscured with a fixed key).
13333                       If the filename is prefixed with "read:" it will
13334                       periodically be checked for changes and reread.  It is
13335                       guaranteed to be reread just when a new client connects
13336                       so that the latest passwords will be used.
13338                       If "filename" is prefixed with "cmd:" then the
13339                       string after the ":" is run as an external command:
13340                       the output of the command will be interpreted as if it
13341                       were read from a password file (see below).  If the
13342                       command does not exit with 0, then x11vnc terminates
13343                       immediately.  To specify more than 1000 passwords this
13344                       way set X11VNC_MAX_PASSWDS before starting x11vnc.
13345                       The environment variables are set as in -accept.
13347                       Note that due to the VNC protocol only the first 8
13348                       characters of a password are used (DES key).
13350                       If "filename" is prefixed with "custom:" then a
13351                       custom password checker is supplied as an external
13352                       command following the ":". The command will be run
13353                       when a client authenticates.  If the command exits with
13354                       0 the client is accepted, otherwise it is rejected.
13355                       The environment variables are set as in -accept.
13357                       The standard input to the custom command will be a
13358                       decimal digit "len" followed by a newline. "len"
13359                       specifies the challenge size and is usually 16 (the
13360                       VNC spec).  Then follows len bytes which is the random
13361                       challenge string that was sent to the client. This is
13362                       then followed by len more bytes holding the client's
13363                       response (i.e. the challenge string encrypted via DES
13364                       with the user password in the standard situation).
13366                       The "custom:" scheme can be useful to implement
13367                       dynamic passwords or to implement methods where longer
13368                       passwords and/or different encryption algorithms
13369                       are used.  The latter will require customizing the VNC
13370                       client as well.  One could create an MD5SUM based scheme
13371                       for example.
13373                       File format for -passwdfile:
13375                       If multiple non-blank lines exist in the file they are
13376                       all taken as valid passwords.  Blank lines are ignored.
13377                       Password lines may be "commented out" (ignored) if
13378                       they begin with the character "#" or the line contains
13379                       the string "__SKIP__".  Lines may be annotated by use
13380                       of the "__COMM__" string: from it to the end of the
13381                       line is ignored.  An empty password may be specified
13382                       via the "__EMPTY__" string on a line by itself (note
13383                       your viewer might not accept empty passwords).
13385                       If the string "__BEGIN_VIEWONLY__" appears on a
13386                       line by itself, the remaining passwords are used for
13387                       viewonly access.  For compatibility, as a special case
13388                       if the file contains only two password lines the 2nd
13389                       one is automatically taken as the viewonly password.
13390                       Otherwise the "__BEGIN_VIEWONLY__" token must be
13391                       used to have viewonly passwords.  (tip: make the 3rd
13392                       and last line be "__BEGIN_VIEWONLY__" to have 2
13393                       full-access passwords)
13395-showrfbauth filename  Print to the screen the obscured VNC password kept in
13396                       the rfbauth file "filename" and then exit.
13398-unixpw [list]         Use Unix username and password authentication.  x11vnc
13399                       will use the su(1) program to verify the user's
13400                       password.  [list] is an optional comma separated list
13401                       of allowed Unix usernames.  If the [list] string begins
13402                       with the character "!" then the entire list is taken
13403                       as an exclude list.  See below for per-user options
13404                       that can be applied.
13406                       A familiar "login:" and "Password:" dialog is
13407                       presented to the user on a black screen inside the
13408                       vncviewer.  The connection is dropped if the user fails
13409                       to supply the correct password in 3 tries or does not
13410                       send one before a 45 second timeout.  Existing clients
13411                       are view-only during this period.
13413                       If the first character received is "Escape" then the
13414                       unix username will not be displayed after "login:"
13415                       as it is typed.  This could be of use for VNC viewers
13416                       that automatically type the username and password.
13418                       Since the detailed behavior of su(1) can vary from
13419                       OS to OS and for local configurations, test the mode
13420                       before deployment to make sure it is working properly.
13421                       x11vnc will attempt to be conservative and reject a
13422                       login if anything abnormal occurs.
13424                       One case to note: FreeBSD and the other BSD's by
13425                       default it is impossible for the user running x11vnc to
13426                       validate his *own* password via su(1) (commenting out
13427                       the pam_self.so entry in /etc/pam.d/su eliminates this
13428                       behavior).  So the x11vnc login will always *FAIL* for
13429                       this case (even when the correct password is supplied).
13431                       A possible workaround for this on *BSD would be to
13432                       start x11vnc as root with the "-users +nobody" option
13433                       to immediately switch to user nobody where the su'ing
13434                       will proceed normally.
13436                       Another source of potential problems are PAM modules
13437                       that prompt for extra info, e.g. password aging modules.
13438                       These logins will fail as well even when the correct
13439                       password is supplied.
13441                       **IMPORTANT**: to prevent the Unix password being sent
13442                       in *clear text* over the network, one of two schemes
13443                       will be enforced: 1) the -ssl builtin SSL mode, or 2)
13444                       require both -localhost and -stunnel be enabled.
13446                       Method 1) ensures the traffic is encrypted between
13447                       viewer and server.  A PEM file will be required, see the
13448                       discussion under -ssl below (under some circumstances
13449                       a temporary one can be automatically generated).
13451                       Method 2) requires the viewer connection to appear
13452                       to come from the same machine x11vnc is running on
13453                       (e.g. from a ssh -L port redirection).  And that the
13454                       -stunnel SSL mode be used for encryption over the
13455                       network. (see the description of -stunnel below).
13457                       Note: as a convenience, if you ssh(1) in and start
13458                       x11vnc it will check if the environment variable
13459                       SSH_CONNECTION is set and appears reasonable.  If it
13460                       does, then the -ssl or -stunnel requirement will be
13461                       dropped since it is assumed you are using ssh for the
13462                       encrypted tunnelling.  -localhost is still enforced.
13463                       Use -ssl or -stunnel to force SSL usage even if
13464                       SSH_CONNECTION is set.
13466                       To override the above restrictions you can set
13467                       environment variables before starting x11vnc:
13469                       Set UNIXPW_DISABLE_SSL=1 to disable requiring either
13470                       -ssl or -stunnel (as under SSH_CONNECTION.)  Evidently
13471                       you will be using a different method to encrypt the
13472                       data between the vncviewer and x11vnc: perhaps ssh(1)
13473                       or an IPSEC VPN. -localhost is still enforced (however,
13474                       see the next paragraph.)
13476                       Set UNIXPW_DISABLE_LOCALHOST=1 to disable the -localhost
13477                       requirement in -unixpw modes.  One should never do this
13478                       (i.e. allow the Unix passwords to be sniffed on the
13479                       network.)  This also disables the localhost requirement
13480                       for reverse connections (see below.)
13482                       Note that use of -localhost with ssh(1) (and no -unixpw)
13483                       is roughly the same as requiring a Unix user login
13484                       (since a Unix password or the user's public key
13485                       authentication is used by sshd on the machine where
13486                       x11vnc runs and only local connections from that machine
13487                       are accepted).
13489                       Regarding reverse connections (e.g. -R connect:host
13490                       and -connect host), when the -localhost constraint is
13491                       in effect then reverse connections can only be used
13492                       to connect to the same machine x11vnc is running on
13493                       (default port 5500).  Please use a ssh or stunnel port
13494                       redirection to the viewer machine to tunnel the reverse
13495                       connection over an encrypted channel.
13497                       In -inetd mode the Method 1) will be enforced (not
13498                       Method 2).  With -ssl in effect reverse connections
13499                       are disabled.  If you override this via env. var, be
13500                       sure to also use encryption from the viewer to inetd.
13501                       Tip: you can also have your own stunnel spawn x11vnc
13502                       in -inetd mode (thereby bypassing inetd).  See the FAQ
13503                       for details.
13505                       The user names in the comma separated [list] may have
13506                       per-user options after a ":", e.g. "fred:opts"
13507                       where "opts" is a "+" separated list of
13508                       "viewonly", "fullaccess", "input=XXXX", or
13509                       "deny", e.g. "karl,wally:viewonly,boss:input=M".
13510                       For "input=" it is the K,M,B,C described under -input.
13512                       If an item in the list is "*" that means those
13513                       options apply to all users.  It ALSO implies all users
13514                       are allowed to log in after supplying a valid password.
13515                       Use "deny" to explicitly deny some users if you use
13516                       "*" to set a global option.  If [list] begins with the
13517                       "!" character then "*" is ignored for checking if
13518                       the user is allowed, but the option values associated
13519                       with it do apply as normal.
13521                       There are also some utilities for checking passwords
13522                       if [list] starts with the "%" character.  See the
13523                       quick_pw() function for more details.  Description:
13524                       "%-" or "%stdin" means read one line from stdin.
13525                       "%env" means it is in $UNIXPW env var.  A leading
13526                       "%/" or "%." means read the first line from the
13527                       filename that follows after the % character. % by
13528                       itself means prompt for the username and password.
13529                       Otherwise: %user:pass   E.g. -unixpw %fred:swordfish
13530                       For the other cases user:pass is read from the indicated
13531                       source.  If the password is correct 'Y user' is printed
13532                       and the program exit code is 0.  If the password is
13533                       incorrect it prints 'N user' and the exit code is 1.
13534                       If there is some other error the exit code is 2.
13535                       This feature enables x11vnc to be a general unix user
13536                       password checking tool; it could be used from scripts
13537                       or other programs.  These % password checks also apply
13538                       to the -unixpw_nis and -unixpw_cmd options.
13540                       For the % password check, if the env. var. UNIXPW_CMD
13541                       is set to a command then it is run as the user (assuming
13542                       the password is correct.)  The output of the command is
13543                       not printed, the program or script must manage that by
13544                       some other means.  The exit code of x11vnc will depend
13545                       on the exit code of the command that is run.
13547                       Use -nounixpw to disable unixpw mode if it was enabled
13548                       earlier in the cmd line (e.g. -svc mode)
13550-unixpw_nis [list]     As -unixpw above, however do not use su(1) but rather
13551                       use the traditional getpwnam(3) + crypt(3) method to
13552                       verify passwords. All of the above -unixpw options and
13553                       constraints apply.
13555                       This mode requires that the encrypted passwords be
13556                       readable.  Encrypted passwords stored in /etc/shadow
13557                       will be inaccessible unless x11vnc is run as root.
13559                       This is called "NIS" mode simply because in most
13560                       NIS setups user encrypted passwords are accessible
13561                       (e.g. "ypcat passwd") by an ordinary user and so that
13562                       user can authenticate ANY user.
13564                       NIS is not required for this mode to work (only that
13565                       getpwnam(3) return the encrypted password is required),
13566                       but it is unlikely it will work (as an ordinary user)
13567                       for most modern environments unless NIS is available.
13568                       On the other hand, when x11vnc is run as root it will
13569                       be able to to access /etc/shadow even if NIS is not
13570                       available (note running as root is often done when
13571                       running x11vnc from inetd and xdm/gdm/kdm).
13573                       Looked at another way, if you do not want to use the
13574                       su(1) method provided by -unixpw (i.e. su_verify()), you
13575                       can run x11vnc as root and use -unixpw_nis.  Any users
13576                       with passwords in /etc/shadow can then be authenticated.
13578                       In -unixpw_nis mode, under no circumstances is x11vnc's
13579                       user password verifying function based on su called
13580                       (i.e. the function su_verify() that runs /bin/su
13581                       in a pseudoterminal to verify passwords.)  However,
13582                       if -unixpw_nis is used in conjunction with the -find
13583                       and -create -display WAIT:... modes then, if x11vnc is
13584                       running as root, /bin/su may be called externally to
13585                       run the find or create commands.
13587-unixpw_cmd cmd        As -unixpw above, however do not use su(1) but rather
13588                       run the externally supplied command "cmd".  The first
13589                       line of its stdin will be the username and the second
13590                       line the received password.  If the command exits
13591                       with status 0 (success) the VNC user will be accepted.
13592                       It will be rejected for any other return status.
13594                       Dynamic passwords and non-unix passwords, e.g. LDAP,
13595                       can be implemented this way by providing your own custom
13596                       helper program.  Note that the remote viewer is given 3
13597                       tries to enter the correct password, and so the program
13598                       may be called in a row that many (or more) times.
13600                       If a list of allowed users is needed to limit who can
13601                       log in, use -unixpw [list] in addition to this option.
13603                       In FINDDISPLAY and FINDCREATEDISPLAY modes the "cmd"
13604                       will also be run with the RFB_UNIXPW_CMD_RUN env. var.
13605                       non-empty and set to the corresponding display
13606                       find/create command.  The first two lines of input are
13607                       the username and passwd as in the normal case described
13608                       above.  To support FINDDISPLAY and FINDCREATEDISPLAY,
13609                       "cmd" should run the requested command as the user
13610                       (and most likely refusing to run it if the password is
13611                       not correct.)  Here is an example script (note it has
13612                       a hardwired bogus password "abc"!)
13614                         #!/bin/sh
13615                         # Example x11vnc -unixpw_cmd script.
13616                         # Read the first two lines of stdin (user and passwd)
13617                         read user
13618                         read pass
13620                         debug=0
13621                         if [ $debug = 1 ]; then
13622                                echo "user: $user" 1>&2
13623                                echo "pass: $pass" 1>&2
13624                                env | egrep -i 'rfb|vnc' 1>&2
13625                         fi
13627                         # Check if the password is valid.
13628                         # (A real example would use ldap lookup, etc!)
13629                         if [ "X$pass" != "Xabc" ]; then
13630                                exit 1  # incorrect password
13631                         fi
13633                         if [ "X$RFB_UNIXPW_CMD_RUN" = "X" ]; then
13634                                exit 0  # correct password
13635                         else
13636                                # Run the requested command (finddisplay)
13637                                if [ $debug = 1 ]; then
13638                                        echo "run: $RFB_UNIXPW_CMD_RUN" 1>&2
13639                                fi
13640                                exec /bin/su - "$user" -c "$RFB_UNIXPW_CMD_RUN"
13641                         fi
13643                       In -unixpw_cmd mode, under no circumstances is x11vnc's
13644                       user password verifying function based on su called
13645                       (i.e. the function su_verify() that runs /bin/su in a
13646                       pseudoterminal to verify passwords.)  It is up to the
13647                       supplied unixpw_cmd to do user switching if desired
13648                       and if it has the permissions to do so.
13650-find                  Find the user's display using FINDDISPLAY. This
13651                       is an alias for "-display WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY".
13653                       Note: if a -display occurs later on the command line
13654                       it will override the -find setting.
13656                       For this and the next few options see -display WAIT:...
13657                       below for all of the details.
13659-finddpy               Run the FINDDISPLAY program, print out the found
13660                       display (if any) and exit.  Output is like: DISPLAY=:0.0
13661                       DISPLAY=:0.0,XPID=12345 or DISPLAY=:0.0,VT=7.  XPID is
13662                       the process ID of the found X server.  VT is the Linux
13663                       virtual terminal of the X server.
13664-listdpy               Have the FINDDISPLAY program list all of your displays
13665                       (i.e. all the X displays on the local machine that you
13666                       have access rights to).  x11vnc then exits.
13668-findauth [disp]       Apply the -find/-finddpy heuristics to try to guess
13669                       the XAUTHORITY file for DISPLAY 'disp'.  If 'disp'
13670                       is not supplied, then the value in the -display on
13671                       the cmdline is used; failing that $DISPLAY is used;
13672                       and failing that ":0" is used.  x11vnc then exits.
13674                       If nothing is printed out, that means no XAUTHORITY was
13675                       found for 'disp'; i.e. failure.  If "XAUTHORITY="
13676                       is printed out, that means use the default (i.e. do
13677                       not set XAUTHORITY).  If "XAUTHORITY=/path/to/file"
13678                       is printed out, then use that file.
13680                       XDM/GDM/KDM: if you are running x11vnc as root and want
13681                       to find the XAUTHORITY before anyone has logged into an
13682                       X session yet, use: x11vnc -env FD_XDM=1 -findauth ...
13683                       (This will also find the XAUTHORITY if a user is already
13684                       logged into the X session.)  When running as root,
13685                       FD_XDM=1 will be tried if the initial -findauth fails.
13687-create                First try to find the user's display using FINDDISPLAY,
13688                       if that doesn't succeed create an X session via the
13689                       FINDCREATEDISPLAY method.  This is an alias for
13690                       "-display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvfb".
13692                       Note: if a -display occurs later on the command line
13693                       it will override the -create setting.
13695                       SSH NOTE: for both -find and -create you can (should!)
13696                       add the "-localhost" option to force SSH tunnel access.
13698-xdummy                As in -create, except Xdummy instead of Xvfb.
13699-xvnc                  As in -create, except Xvnc instead of Xvfb.
13700-xvnc_redirect         As in -create, except Xvnc.redirect instead of Xvfb.
13701-xdummy_xvfb           Sets WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xdummy,Xvfb
13703-create_xsrv str       Sets WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-<str>  Can be on cmdline
13704                       after anything that sets WAIT:.. and other things
13705                       (e.g. -svc, -xdmsvc) to adjust the X server list.
13706                       Example: -svc ... -create_xsrv Xdummy,X
13708-svc                   Terminal services mode based on SSL access.  Alias for
13709                       -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvfb -unixpw -users
13710                       unixpw= -ssl SAVE   Also "-service".
13712                       Note: if a -display, -unixpw, -users, or -ssl occurs
13713                       later on the command line it will override the -svc
13714                       setting.
13716-svc_xdummy            As -svc except Xdummy instead of Xvfb.
13717-svc_xvnc              As -svc except Xvnc instead of Xvfb.
13718-svc_xdummy_xvfb       As -svc with Xdummy,Xvfb.
13720-xdmsvc                Display manager Terminal services mode based on SSL.
13721                       Alias for -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvfb.xdmcp
13722                       -unixpw -users unixpw= -ssl SAVE  Also "-xdm_service".
13724                       Note: if a -display, -unixpw, -users, or -ssl occurs
13725                       later on the command line it will override the -xdmsvc
13726                       setting.
13728                       To create a session a user will have to first log in
13729                       to the -unixpw dialog and then log in again to the
13730                       XDM/GDM/KDM prompt.  Subsequent re-connections will
13731                       only require the -unixpw password.  See the discussion
13732                       under -display WAIT:... for more details about XDM,
13733                       etc configuration.
13735                       Remember to enable XDMCP in the xdm-config, gdm.conf,
13736                       or kdmrc configuration file.  See -display WAIT: for
13737                       more info.
13739-sshxdmsvc             Display manager Terminal services mode based on SSH.
13740                       Alias for -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvfb.xdmcp
13741                       -localhost.
13743                       The -localhost option constrains connections to come
13744                       in via a SSH tunnel (which will require a login).
13745                       To create a session a user will also have to log into
13746                       the XDM GDM KDM prompt. Subsequent re-connections will
13747                       only only require the SSH login.  See the discussion
13748                       under -display WAIT:... for more details about XDM,
13749                       etc configuration.
13751                       Remember to enable XDMCP in the xdm-config, gdm.conf,
13752                       or kdmrc configuration file.  See -display WAIT: for
13753                       more info.
13755-unixpw_system_greeter Present a "Press 'Escape' for System Greeter" option
13756                       to the connecting VNC client in combined -unixpw
13757                       and xdmcp FINDCREATEDISPLAY modes (e.g. -xdmsvc).
13759                       Normally in a -unixpw mode the VNC client must
13760                       supply a valid username and password to gain access.
13761                       However, if -unixpw_system_greeter is supplied AND
13762                       the FINDCREATEDISPLAY command matches 'xdmcp', then
13763                       the user has the option to press Escape and then get a
13764                       XDM/GDM/KDM login/greeter panel instead. They will then
13765                       supply a username and password directly to the greeter.
13767                       Otherwise, in xdmcp FINDCREATEDISPLAY mode the user
13768                       must supply his username and password TWICE.  First to
13769                       the initial unixpw login dialog, and second to the
13770                       subsequent XDM/GDM/KDM greeter.  Note that if the user
13771                       re-connects and supplies his username and password in
13772                       the unixpw dialog the xdmcp greeter is skipped and
13773                       he is connected directly to his existing X session.
13774                       So the -unixpw_system_greeter option avoids the extra
13775                       password at X session creation time.
13777                       Example:  x11vnc -xdmsvc -unixpw_system_greeter
13778                       See -unixpw and -display WAIT:... for more info.
13780                       The special options after a colon at the end of the
13781                       username (e.g. user:solid) described under -display
13782                       WAIT: are also applied in this mode if they are typed
13783                       in before the user hits Escape.  The username is ignored
13784                       but the colon options are not.
13786                       The default message is 2 lines in a small font, set
13787                       the env. var. X11VNC_SYSTEM_GREETER1=true for a 1 line
13788                       message in a larger font.
13790                       If the user pressed Escape the FINDCREATEDISPLAY command
13791                       will be run with the env. var. X11VNC_XDM_ONLY=1.
13793                       Remember to enable XDMCP in the xdm-config, gdm.conf,
13794                       or kdmrc configuration file.  See -display WAIT: for
13795                       more info.
13797-redirect port         As in FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvnc.redirect mode except
13798                       redirect immediately (i.e. without X session finding
13799                       or creation) to a VNC server listening on port. You
13800                       can also supply host:port to redirect to a different
13801                       machine.
13803                       If 0 <= port < 200 it is taken as a VNC display (5900 is
13804                       added to get the actual port), if port < 0 then -port
13805                       is used.
13807                       Probably the only reason to use the -redirect option
13808                       is in conjunction with SSL support, e.g. -ssl SAVE.
13809                       This provides an easy way to add SSL encryption to a VNC
13810                       server that does not support SSL (e.g. Xvnc or vnc.so)
13811                       In fact, the protocol does not even need to be VNC,
13812                       and so "-rfbport port1 -ssl SAVE -redirect host:port2"
13813                       can act as a replacement for stunnel(1).
13815                       This mode only allows one redirected connection.
13816                       The -forever option does not apply.  Use -inetd or
13817                       -loop for persistent service.
13819-display_WAIT :...      A special usage mode for the normal -display option.
13820                       Useful with -unixpw, but can be used independently
13821                       of it.  If the display string begins with WAIT: then
13822                       x11vnc waits until a VNC client connects before opening
13823                       the X display (or -rawfb device).
13825                       This could be useful for delaying opening the display
13826                       for certain usage modes (say if x11vnc is started at
13827                       boot time and no X server is running or users logged
13828                       in yet).
13830                       If the string is, e.g. WAIT:0.0 or WAIT:1, i.e. "WAIT"
13831                       in front of a normal X display, then that indicated
13832                       display is used.
13834                       One can also insert a geometry between colons, e.g.
13835                       WAIT:1280x1024:... to set the size of the display the
13836                       VNC client first attaches to since some VNC viewers
13837                       will not automatically adjust to a new framebuffer size.
13839                       A more interesting case is like this:
13841                            WAIT:cmd=/usr/local/bin/find_display
13843                       in which case the command after "cmd=" is run to
13844                       dynamically work out the DISPLAY and optionally the
13845                       XAUTHORITY data.  The first line of the command output
13846                       must be of the form DISPLAY=<xdisplay>.  On Linux
13847                       if the virtual terminal is known append ",VT=n" to
13848                       this string and the chvt(1) program will also be run.
13849                       Any remaining output is taken as XAUTHORITY data.
13850                       It can be either of the form XAUTHORITY=<file> or raw
13851                       xauthority data for the display. For example;
13853                            xauth extract - $DISPLAY"
13855                       NOTE: As specified in the previous paragraph, you can
13856                       supply your own WAIT:cmd=... program or script, BUT
13857                       there are two very useful *BUILT-IN* ones: FINDDISPLAY
13858                       (alias -find above) and FINDCREATEDISPLAY (alias -create
13859                       above.)  Most people use these instead of creating
13860                       their own script.  Read the following (especially the
13861                       BUILT-IN modes sections) to see how to configure these
13862                       two useful builtin -display WAIT: modes.
13864                       In the case of -unixpw (and -unixpw_nis only if x11vnc
13865                       is running as root), then the cmd= command is run
13866                       as the user who just authenticated via the login and
13867                       password prompt.
13869                       In the case of -unixpw_cmd, the commands will also be
13870                       run as the logged-in user, as long as the user-supplied
13871                       helper program supports RFB_UNIXPW_CMD_RUN (see the
13872                       -unixpw_cmd option.)
13874                       Also in the case of -unixpw, the user logging in can
13875                       place a colon at the end of her username and supply
13876                       a few options: scale=, scale_cursor= (or sc=), solid
13877                       (or so), id=, clear_mods (or cm), clear_keys (or
13878                       ck), clear_all (or ca), repeat, speeds= (or sp=),
13879                       readtimeout= (or rd=), viewonly (or vo), nodisplay=
13880                       (or nd=), rotate= (or ro=), or noncache (or nc),
13881                       all separated by commas if there is more than one.
13882                       After the user logs in successfully, these options will
13883                       be applied to the VNC screen.  For example,
13885                          login: fred:scale=3/4,sc=1,repeat
13886                          Password: ...
13888                          login: runge:sp=modem,rd=120,solid
13890                       for convenience m/n implies scale= e.g. fred:3/4  If you
13891                       type and enter your password incorrectly, to retrieve
13892                       your long "login:" line press the Up arrow once
13893                       (before typing anything else).
13895                       Most of these colon options only apply to the builtin
13896                       FINDDISPLAY and FINDCREATEDISPLAY modes, but note
13897                       that they are passed to the extrenal command in the
13898                       environment as well and so could be used.
13900                       In the login panel, press F1 to get a list of the
13901                       available options that you can add after the username.
13903                       Another option is "geom=WxH" or "geom=WxHxD" (or
13904                       ge=). This only has an effect in FINDCREATEDISPLAY
13905                       mode when a virtual X server such as Xvfb is going
13906                       to be created.  It sets the width and height of
13907                       the new display, and optionally the color depth as
13908                       well.
13910                       You can also supply "gnome", "kde", "twm",
13911                       "fvwm", "mwm", "dtwm", "wmaker", "xfce",
13912                       "lxde", "enlightenment", "Xsession", or
13913                       "failsafe" (same as "xterm") to have the created
13914                       display use that mode for the user session.
13916                       Specify "tag=..." to set the unique FD_TAG desktop
13917                       session tag described below.  Note: this option will
13918                       be ignored if the FD_TAG env. var. is already set or
13919                       if the viewer-side supplied value is not completely
13920                       composed of alphanumeric or '_' or '-' characters.
13922                       User preferences file: Instead of having the user type
13923                       in geom=WxH,... etc. every time he logs in to find
13924                       or create his X session, if you set FD_USERPREFS to
13925                       a string that does not contain the "/" character,
13926                       then the user's home directory is prepended to that
13927                       string and if the file exists its first line is read
13928                       and appended to any options he supplied at the login:
13929                       prompt.  For example -env FD_USERPREFS=.x11vnc_create
13930                       and the user put "geom=1600x1200" in his
13931                       ~/.x11vnc_create file.
13933                       To disable the option setting set the environment
13934                       variable X11VNC_NO_UNIXPW_OPTS=1 before starting x11vnc.
13935                       To set any other options, the user can use the gui
13936                       (x11vnc -gui connect) or the remote control method
13937                       (x11vnc -R opt:val) during his VNC session.
13939                       So we see the combination of -display WAIT:cmd=... and
13940                       -unixpw allows automatic pairing of an unix
13941                       authenticated VNC user with his desktop.  This could
13942                       be very useful on SunRays and also any system where
13943                       multiple users share a given machine.  The user does
13944                       not need to remember special ports or passwords set up
13945                       for his desktop and VNC.
13947                       A nice way to use WAIT:cmd=... is out of inetd(8)
13948                       (it automatically forks a new x11vnc for each user).
13949                       You can have the x11vnc inetd spawned process run as,
13950                       say, root or nobody.  When run as root (for either inetd
13951                       or display manager), you can also supply the option
13952                       "-users unixpw=" to have the x11vnc process switch to
13953                       the user as well.  Note: there will be a 2nd SSL helper
13954                       process that will not switch, but it is only encoding
13955                       and decoding the encrypted stream at that point.
13957                       BUILT-IN modes:
13959                       -- Automatic Finding of User X Sessions --
13961                       As a special case, WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY will run a
13962                       script that works on most Unixes to determine a user's
13963                       DISPLAY variable and xauthority data (see who(1)).
13965                       NOTE: The option "-find" is an alias for this mode.
13967                       To have this default script printed to stdout (e.g. for
13968                       customization) run with WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY-print To
13969                       have the script run to print what display it would find
13970                       use "-finddpy" or WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY-run
13972                       The standard script runs xdpyinfo(1) run on potential
13973                       displays.  If your X server(s) have a login greeter
13974                       that exclusively grabs the Xserver, then xdpyinfo
13975                       blocks forever and this mode will not work.  See
13976                       www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-display-manager
13977                       for how to disable this for dtgreet on Solaris and
13978                       possibly for other greeters.
13980                       In -find/cmd=FINDDISPLAY mode, if you set FD_XDM=1,
13981                       e.g. 'x11vnc -env FD_XDM=1 -find ...' and x11vnc is
13982                       running as root (e.g. inetd) then it will try to find
13983                       the XAUTHORITY file of a running XDM/GDM/KDM login
13984                       greeter (i.e. no user has logged into an X session yet.)
13986                       As another special case, WAIT:cmd=HTTPONCE will allow
13987                       x11vnc to service one http request and then exit.
13988                       This is usually done in -inetd mode to run on, say,
13989                       port 5800 and allow the Java vncviewer to be downloaded
13990                       by client web browsers.  For example:
13992                        5815 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /.../x11vnc
13994                          -inetd -q -http_ssl -prog /.../x11vnc \
13995                          -display WAIT:cmd=HTTPONCE
13997                       Where /.../x11vnc is the full path to x11vnc.
13998                       It is used in the Apache SSL-portal example (see FAQ).
14000                       In this mode you can set X11VNC_SKIP_DISPLAY to a
14001                       comma separated list of displays (e.g. ":0,:1") to
14002                       ignore in the finding process.  The ":" is optional.
14003                       Ranges n-m e.g. 0-20 can also be supplied. This string
14004                       can also be set by the connecting user via "nd="
14005                       using "+" instead of ","  If "nd=all" or you set
14006                       X11VNC_SKIP_DISPLAY=all then all display finding fails
14007                       as if you set X11VNC_FINDDISPLAY_ALWAYS_FAILS=1 (below.)
14009                       On some systems lsof(1) can be very slow.  Set the
14010                       env. var. FIND_DISPLAY_NO_LSOF=1 to skip using lsof to
14011                       try to find the Linux VT the X server is running on.
14012                       set FIND_DISPLAY_NO_VT_FIND=1 to avoid looking at all.
14014                       -- Automatic Creation of User X Sessions --
14016                       An interesting option is WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY
14017                       that is like FINDDISPLAY in that is uses the same method
14018                       to find an existing display.  However, if it does not
14019                       find one it will try to *start* up an X server session
14020                       for the user.  This is the only time x11vnc tries to
14021                       actually start up an X server.
14023                       NOTE: The option "-create" is an alias for this mode.
14025                       It will start looking for an open display number at :20
14026                       Override via X11VNC_CREATE_STARTING_DISPLAY_NUMBER=n
14027                       By default 80 X displays are allowed (i.e. going to :99)
14028                       Override via X11VNC_CREATE_MAX_DISPLAYS=n
14030                       For its heuristics, the create display script sets
14031                       LC_ALL=C so that command output is uniform.  By default
14032                       it will try to restore LC_ALL right before starting the
14033                       user session.  However, if you don't mind it keeping
14034                       LC_ALL=C set the env. var.: X11VNC_CREATE_LC_ALL_C_OK=1
14036                       By default FINDCREATEDISPLAY will try Xvfb and then
14037                       Xdummy:
14039                       The Xdummy wrapper is part of the x11vnc source code
14040                       (x11vnc/misc/Xdummy)  It should be available in PATH
14041                       and have run "Xdummy -install" once to create the
14042                       shared library.  Xdummy only works on Linux.  As of
14043                       12/2009 it no longer needs to be run as root, and the
14044                       default is to not run as root.  In some circumstances
14045                       permissions may require running it as root, in these
14046                       cases specify FD_XDUMMY_RUN_AS_ROOT=1, this is the same
14047                       as supplying -root to the Xdummy cmdline.
14049                       Xvfb is available on most platforms and does not
14050                       require root.
14052                       An advantage of Xdummy over Xvfb is that Xdummy supports
14053                       RANDR dynamic screen resizing.
14055                       When x11vnc exits (i.e. user disconnects) the X
14056                       server session stays running in the background.
14057                       The FINDDISPLAY will find it directly next time.
14058                       The user must exit the X session in the usual way for
14059                       it to terminate (or kill the X server process if all
14060                       else fails).
14062                       To troubleshoot the FINDCREATEDISPLAY mechanism,
14063                       set the following env. var. to an output log file,
14064                       e.g -env CREATE_DISPLAY_OUTPUT=/tmp/mydebug.txt
14066                       So this is a somewhat odd mode for x11vnc in that it
14067                       will start up and poll virtual X servers!  This can
14068                       be used from, say, inetd(8) to provide a means of
14069                       definitely getting a desktop (either real or virtual)
14070                       on the machine.  E.g. a desktop service:
14072                         5900 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /.../x11vnc
14073                          -inetd -q -http -ssl SAVE -unixpw -users unixpw=\
14074                          -passwd secret -prog /.../x11vnc \
14075                          -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY
14077                       Where /.../x11vnc is the full path to x11vnc.
14079                       See the -svc/-service option alias above.
14081                       If for some reason you do not want x11vnc to ever
14082                       try to find an existing display set the env. var
14083                       X11VNC_FINDDISPLAY_ALWAYS_FAILS=1 (also -env ...)
14084                       This is the same as setting X11VNC_SKIP_DISPLAY=all or
14085                       supplying "nd=all" after "username:"
14087                       Use WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-print to print out the
14088                       script that is used for this.
14090                       You can specify the preferred X server order via e.g.,
14091                       WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xdummy,Xvfb,X  and/or leave
14092                       out ones you do not want.  The the case "X" means try
14093                       to start up a real, hardware X server using xinit(1)
14094                       or startx(1).  If there is already an X server running
14095                       the X case may only work on Linux (see startx(1)).
14097                       "Xvnc" will start up a VNC X server (real-
14098                       or tight-vnc, e.g. use if Xvfb is not available).
14099                       "Xsrv" will start up the server program in the
14100                       variable "FD_XSRV" if it is non-empty. You can make
14101                       this be a wrapper script if you like (it must handle :N,
14102                       -geometry, and -depth and other X server options).
14104                       You can set the environment variable FD_GEOM (or
14105                       X11VNC_CREATE_GEOM) to WxH or WxHxD to set the width
14106                       and height and optionally the color depth of the
14107                       created display.  You can also set FD_SESS to be the
14108                       session (short name of the windowmanager: kde, gnome,
14109                       twm, failsafe, etc.). FD_OPTS contains extra options
14110                       to pass to the X server. You can also set FD_PROG to
14111                       be the full path to the session/windowmanager program.
14113                       More FD tricks:  FD_CUPS=port or FD_CUPS=host:port
14114                       will set the cups printing environment.  Similarly for
14115                       FD_ESD=port or FD_ESD=host:port for esddsp sound
14116                       redirection.  Set FD_EXTRA to a command to be run a
14117                       few seconds after the X server starts up.  Set FD_TAG
14118                       to be a unique name for the session, it is set as an
14119                       X property, that makes FINDDISPLAY only find sessions
14120                       with that tag value.
14122                       Set FD_XDMCP_IF to the network interface that the
14123                       display manager is running on; default is 'localhost'
14124                       but you may need to set it to '::1' on some IPv6 only
14125                       systems or misconfigured display managers.
14127                       If you want the FINDCREATEDISPLAY session to contact an
14128                       XDMCP login manager (xdm/gdm/kdm) on the same machine,
14129                       then use "Xvfb.xdmcp" instead of "Xvfb", etc.
14130                       The user will have to supply his username and password
14131                       one more time (but he gets to select his desktop type
14132                       so that can be useful).  For this to work, you will
14133                       need to enable localhost XDMCP (udp port 177) for the
14134                       display manager.  This seems to be:
14136                        for gdm in gdm.conf:   Enable=true in section [xdmcp]
14137                        for kdm in kdmrc:      Enable=true in section [Xdmcp]
14138                        for xdm in xdm-config: DisplayManager.requestPort: 177
14140                       See the shorthand options above "-svc", "-xdmsvc"
14141                       and "-sshxdmsvc" that specify the above options for
14142                       some useful cases.
14144                       If you set the env. var WAITBG=1 x11vnc will go into
14145                       the background once listening in wait mode.
14147                       Another special mode is FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvnc.redirect,
14148                       (or FINDDISPLAY-Xvnc.redirect).  In this case it will
14149                       start up Xvnc as above if needed, but instead of
14150                       polling it in its normal way, it simply does a socket
14151                       redirection of the connected VNC viewer to the Xvnc.
14153                       So in Xvnc.redirect x11vnc does no VNC but merely
14154                       transfers the data back and forth.  This should be
14155                       faster then x11vnc's polling method, but not as fast
14156                       as connecting directly to the Xvnc with the VNC Viewer.
14157                       The idea here is to take advantage of x11vnc's display
14158                       finding/creating scheme, SSL, and perhaps a few others.
14159                       Most of x11vnc's options do not apply in this mode.
14161                       Xvnc.redirect should also work for the vnc.so X server
14162                       module for the h/w display however it will work only
14163                       for finding the display and the user must already be
14164                       logged into the X console.
14166-vencrypt mode         The VeNCrypt extension to the VNC protocol allows
14167                       encrypted SSL/TLS connections.  If the -ssl mode is
14168                       enabled, then VeNCrypt is enabled as well BY DEFAULT
14169                       (they both use a SSL/TLS tunnel, only the protocol
14170                       handshake is a little different.)
14172                       To control when and how VeNCrypt is used, specify the
14173                       mode string.  If mode is "never", then VeNCrypt is
14174                       not used.  If mode is "support" (the default) then
14175                       VeNCrypt is supported.  If mode is "only", then the
14176                       similar and older ANONTLS protocol is not simultaneously
14177                       supported.  x11vnc's normal SSL mode (vncs://) will be
14178                       supported under -ssl unless you set mode to "force".
14180                       If mode is prefixed with "nodh:", then Diffie Hellman
14181                       anonymous key exchange is disabled.  If mode is prefixed
14182                       with "nox509:", then X509 key exchange is disabled.
14184                       To disable all Anonymous Diffie-Hellman access
14185                       (susceptible to Man-In-The-Middle attack) you will need
14186                       to supply "-vencrypt nodh:support -anontls never"
14187                       or "-vencrypt nodh:only"
14189                       If mode is prefixed with "newdh:", then new Diffie
14190                       Hellman parameters are generated for each connection
14191                       (this can be time consuming: 1-60 secs; see -dhparams
14192                       below for a faster way) rather than using the
14193                       fixed values in the program.  Using fixed, publicly
14194                       known values is not known to be a security problem.
14195                       This setting applies to ANONTLS as well.
14197                       Long example: -vencrypt newdh:nox509:support
14199                       Also, if mode is prefixed with "plain:", then
14200                       if -unixpw mode is active the VeNCrypt "*Plain"
14201                       username+passwd method is enabled for Unix logins.
14202                       Otherwise in -unixpw mode the normal login panel is
14203                       provided.
14205                       You *MUST* supply the -ssl option for VeNCrypt to
14206                       be active.  The -vencrypt option only fine-tunes its
14207                       operation.
14209-anontls mode          The ANONTLS extension to the VNC protocol allows
14210                       encrypted SSL/TLS connections.  If the -ssl mode is
14211                       enabled, then ANONTLS is enabled as well BY DEFAULT
14212                       (they both use a SSL/TLS tunnel, only the protocol
14213                       handshake is a little different.)
14215                       ANONTLS is an older SSL/TLS mode introduced by vino.
14217                       It is referred to as 'TLS' for its registered VNC
14218                       security-type name, but we use the more descriptive
14219                       'ANONTLS' here because it provides only Anonymous
14220                       Diffie-Hellman encrypted connections, and hence no
14221                       possibility for certificate authentication.
14223                       To control when and how ANONTLS is used, specify the
14224                       mode string.  If mode is "never", then ANONTLS is not
14225                       used.  If mode is "support" (the default) then ANONTLS
14226                       is supported.  If mode is "only", then the similar
14227                       VeNCrypt protocol is not simultaneously supported.
14228                       x11vnc's normal SSL mode (vncs://) will be supported
14229                       under -ssl unless you set mode to "force".
14231                       If mode is prefixed with "newdh:", then new Diffie
14232                       Hellman parameters are generated for each connection
14233                       (this can be time consuming: 1-60 secs; see -dhparams
14234                       below for a faster way) rather than using the
14235                       fixed values in the program.  Using fixed, publicly
14236                       known values is not known to be a security problem.
14237                       This setting applies to VeNCrypt as well.  See the
14238                       description of "plain:" under -vencrypt.
14240                       Long example: -anontls newdh:plain:support
14242                       You *MUST* supply the -ssl option for ANONTLS to
14243                       be active.  The -anontls option only fine-tunes its
14244                       operation.
14246-sslonly               Same as: "-vencrypt never -anontls never"  i.e. it
14247                       disables the VeNCrypt and ANONTLS encryption methods
14248                       and only allows standard SSL tunneling.  You must also
14249                       supply the -ssl ... option (see below.)
14252-dhparams file         For some operations a set of Diffie Hellman parameters
14253                       (prime and generator) is needed.  If so, use the
14254                       parameters in "file". In particular, the VeNCrypt and
14255                       ANONTLS anonymous DH mode need them.  By default a
14256                       fixed set is used. If you do not want to do that you
14257                       can specify "newdh:" to the -vencrypt and -anontls
14258                       options to generate a new set each session.  If that
14259                       is too slow for you, use -dhparams file to a set you
14260                       created manually via "openssl dhparam -out file 1024"
14262-nossl                 Disable the -ssl option (see below). Since -ssl is off
14263                       by default -nossl would only be used on the commandline
14264                       to unset any *earlier* -ssl option (or -svc...)
14266-ssl [pem]             Use the openssl library (www.openssl.org) to provide a
14267                       built-in encrypted SSL/TLS tunnel between VNC viewers
14268                       and x11vnc.  This requires libssl support to be
14269                       compiled into x11vnc at build time.  If x11vnc is not
14270                       built with libssl support it will exit immediately when
14271                       -ssl is prescribed.  See the -stunnel option below for
14272                       an alternative.
14274                       The VNC Viewer-side needs to support SSL/TLS as well.
14275                       See this URL and also the discussion below for
14276                       ideas on how to enable SSL support for the viewer:
14277                       http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-ssl-tun
14278                       nel-viewers .  x11vnc provides an SSL enabled Java
14279                       viewer applet in the classes/ssl directory (-http or
14280                       -httpdir options.)  The SSVNC viewer package supports
14281                       SSL tunnels too.
14283                       If the VNC Viewer supports VeNCrypt or ANONTLS (vino's
14284                       encryption mode) they are also supported by the -ssl
14285                       mode (see the -vencrypt and -anontls options for more
14286                       info; use -sslonly to disable both of them.)
14288                       Use "-ssl /path/to/mycert.pem" to specify an SSL
14289                       certificate file in PEM format to use to identify and
14290                       provide a key for this server.  See openssl(1) for more
14291                       info about PEMs and the -sslGenCert and "-ssl SAVE"
14292                       options below for how to create them.
14294                       The connecting VNC viewer SSL tunnel can (at its option)
14295                       authenticate this server if it has the public key part
14296                       of the certificate (or a common certificate authority,
14297                       CA, is a more sophisticated way to verify this server's
14298                       cert, see -sslGenCA below).  This authentication is
14299                       done to prevent Man-In-The-Middle attacks.  Otherwise,
14300                       if the VNC viewer simply accepts this server's key
14301                       WITHOUT verification, the traffic is protected from
14302                       passive sniffing on the network, but *NOT* from
14303                       Man-In-The-Middle attacks. There are hacker tools
14304                       like dsniff/webmitm and cain that implement SSL
14305                       Man-In-The-Middle attacks.
14307                       If [pem] is empty or the string "SAVE" then the
14308                       openssl(1) command must be available to generate the
14309                       certificate the first time.  A self-signed certificate
14310                       is generated (see -sslGenCA and -sslGenCert for use
14311                       of a Certificate Authority.)  It will be saved to the
14312                       file ~/.vnc/certs/server.pem.  On subsequent calls if
14313                       that file already exists it will be used directly.
14315                       Use "SAVE_NOPROMPT" to avoid being prompted to
14316                       protect the generated key with a passphrase.  However in
14317                       -inetd and -bg modes there will be no prompting for a
14318                       passphrase in either case.
14320                       If [pem] is "SAVE_PROMPT" the server.pem certificate
14321                       will be created based on your answers to its prompts for
14322                       all info such as OrganizationalName, CommonName, etc.
14324                       Use "SAVE-<string>" and "SAVE_PROMPT-<string>"
14325                       to refer to the file ~/.vnc/certs/server-<string>.pem
14326                       instead (it will be generated if it does not already
14327                       exist).  E.g. "SAVE-charlie" will store to the file
14328                       ~/.vnc/certs/server-charlie.pem
14330                       Examples: x11vnc -ssl SAVE -display :0 ...
14331                                 x11vnc -ssl SAVE-someother -display :0 ...
14333                       If [pem] is "TMP" and the openssl(1) utility
14334                       command exists in PATH, then a temporary, self-signed
14335                       certificate will be generated for this session.  If
14336                       openssl(1) cannot be used to generate a temporary
14337                       certificate x11vnc exits immediately.  The temporary
14338                       cert will be discarded when x11vnc exits.
14340                       If successful in using openssl(1) to generate a
14341                       temporary certificate in "SAVE" or "TMP" creation
14342                       modes, the public part of it will be displayed to stderr
14343                       (e.g. one could copy it to the client-side to provide
14344                       authentication of the server to VNC viewers.)
14346                       NOTE: In "TMP" mode, unless you safely copy the
14347                       public part of the temporary Cert to the viewer for
14348                       authenticate *every time* (unlikely...), then only
14349                       passive sniffing attacks are prevented and you are
14350                       still open to Man-In-The-Middle attacks.  This is
14351                       why the default "SAVE" mode is preferred (and more
14352                       sophisticated CA mode too).  Only with saved keys AND
14353                       the VNC viewer authenticating them (via the public
14354                       certificate), are Man-In-The-Middle attacks prevented.
14356                       If [pem] is "ANON" then the Diffie-Hellman anonymous
14357                       key exchange method is used.  In this mode there
14358                       are *no* SSL certificates and so it is not possible
14359                       to authenticate either the VNC server or VNC client.
14360                       Thus only passive network sniffing attacks are avoided:
14361                       the "ANON" method is susceptible to Man-In-The-Middle
14362                       attacks.  "ANON" is not recommended; instead use
14363                       a SSL PEM you created or the default "SAVE" method.
14365                       See -ssldir below to use a directory besides the
14366                       default ~/.vnc/certs
14368                       If your x11vnc binary was not compiled with OpenSSL
14369                       library support, use of the -ssl option will induce an
14370                       immediate failure and exit.  For such binaries, consider
14371                       using the -stunnel option for SSL encrypted connections.
14373                       Misc Info: In temporary cert creation mode "TMP", set
14374                       the env. var. X11VNC_SHOW_TMP_PEM=1 to have x11vnc print
14375                       out the entire certificate, including the PRIVATE KEY
14376                       part, to stderr.  There are better ways to get/save this
14377                       info.  See "SAVE" above and "-sslGenCert" below.
14379-ssltimeout n          Set SSL read timeout to n seconds.  In some situations
14380                       (i.e. an iconified viewer in Windows) the viewer stops
14381                       talking and the connection is dropped after the default
14382                       timeout (25s for about the first minute, 43200s later).
14383                       Set to zero to poll forever.  Set to a negative value
14384                       to use the builtin setting.
14386                       Note that this value does NOT apply to the *initial* ssl
14387                       init connection.  The default timeout for that is 20sec.
14388                       Use -env SSL_INIT_TIMEOUT=n to modify it.
14390-sslnofail             Exit at the first SSL connection failure. Useful when
14391                       scripting SSL connections (e.g. x11vnc is started via
14392                       ssh) and you do not want x11vnc waiting around for more
14393                       connections, tying up ports, etc.
14395-ssldir dir            Use "dir" as an alternate ssl certificate and key
14396                       management toplevel directory.  The default is
14397                       ~/.vnc/certs
14399                       This directory is used to store server and other
14400                       certificates and keys and also other materials.  E.g. in
14401                       the simplest case, "-ssl SAVE" will store the x11vnc
14402                       server cert in dir/server.pem
14404                       Use of alternate directories via -ssldir allows you to
14405                       manage multiple VNC Certificate Authority (CA) keys.
14406                       Another use is if ~/.vnc/cert is on an NFS share you
14407                       might want your certificates and keys to be on a local
14408                       filesystem to prevent network snooping (for example
14409                       -ssldir /var/lib/x11vnc-certs).
14411                       -ssldir affects nearly all of the other -ssl* options,
14412                       e.g. -ssl SAVE, -sslGenCert, etc..
14414-sslverify path        For either of the -ssl or -stunnel modes, use "path"
14415                       to provide certificates to authenticate incoming VNC
14416                       *Client* connections (normally only the server is
14417                       authenticated in SSL.)  This can be used as a method
14418                       to replace standard password authentication of clients.
14420                       If "path" is a directory it contains the client (or CA)
14421                       certificates in separate files.  If path is a file,
14422                       it contains one or more certificates. See special tokens
14423                       below.  These correspond to the "CApath = dir" and
14424                       "CAfile = file" stunnel options.  See the stunnel(8)
14425                       manpage for details.
14427                       Examples:
14428                              x11vnc -ssl -sslverify ~/my.crt
14429                              x11vnc -ssl -sslverify ~/my_pem_dir/
14431                       Note that if path is a directory, it must contain
14432                       the certs in separate files named like <HASH>.0, where
14433                       the value of <HASH> is found by running the command
14434                       "openssl x509 -hash -noout -in file.crt". Evidently
14435                       one uses <HASH>.1 if there is a collision...
14437                       The the key-management utility "-sslCertInfo HASHON"
14438                       and "-sslCertInfo HASHOFF" will create/delete these
14439                       hashes for you automatically (via symlink) in the HASH
14440                       subdirs it manages.  Then you can point -sslverify to
14441                       the HASH subdir.
14443                       Special tokens: in -ssl mode, if "path" is not a file or
14444                       a directory, it is taken as a comma separated list of
14445                       tokens that are interpreted as follows:
14447                       If a token is "CA" that means load the CA/cacert.pem
14448                       file from the ssl directory.  If a token is "clients"
14449                       then all the files clients/*.crt in the ssl directory
14450                       are loaded.  Otherwise the file clients/token.crt
14451                       is attempted to be loaded.  As a kludge, use a token
14452                       like ../server-foo to load a server cert if you find
14453                       that necessary.
14455                       Use -ssldir to use a directory different from the
14456                       ~/.vnc/certs default.
14458                       Note that if the "CA" cert is loaded you do not need
14459                       to load any of the certs that have been signed by it.
14460                       You will need to load any additional self-signed certs
14461                       however.
14463                       Examples:
14464                              x11vnc -ssl -sslverify CA
14465                              x11vnc -ssl -sslverify self:fred,self:jim
14466                              x11vnc -ssl -sslverify CA,clients
14468                       Usually "-sslverify CA" is the most effective.
14469                       See the -sslGenCA and -sslGenCert options below for
14470                       how to set up and manage the CA framework.
14474                       NOTE: the following utilities, -sslGenCA, -sslGenCert,
14475                       -sslEncKey, -sslCertInfo, and -sslCRL are provided for
14476                       completeness, but for casual usage they are overkill.
14478                       They provide VNC Certificate Authority (CA) key creation
14479                       and server / client key generation and signing.  So they
14480                       provide a basic Public Key management framework for
14481                       VNC-ing with x11vnc. (note that they require openssl(1)
14482                       be installed on the system)
14484                       However, the simplest usage mode, "-ssl TMP" (where
14485                       x11vnc automatically generates its own, self-signed,
14486                       temporary key and the VNC viewers always accept it,
14487                       e.g. accepting via a dialog box) is probably safe enough
14488                       for most scenarios.  CA management is not needed.
14490                       To protect against Man-In-The-Middle attacks the "TMP"
14491                       mode can be improved by using "-ssl SAVE" (same as
14492                       "-ssl", i.e. the default) to have x11vnc create a
14493                       longer term self-signed certificate, and then (safely)
14494                       copy the corresponding public key cert to the desired
14495                       client machines (care must be taken the private key part
14496                       is not stolen; you will be prompted for a passphrase).
14498                       So keep in mind no CA key creation or management
14499                       (-sslGenCA and -sslGenCert) is needed for either of
14500                       the above two common usage modes.
14502                       One might want to use -sslGenCA and -sslGenCert
14503                       if you had a large number of VNC client and server
14504                       workstations.  That way the administrator could generate
14505                       a single CA key with -sslGenCA and distribute its
14506                       certificate part to all of the workstations.
14508                       Next, he could create signed VNC server keys
14509                       (-sslGenCert server ...) for each workstation or user
14510                       that then x11vnc would use to authenticate itself to
14511                       any VNC client that has the CA cert.
14513                       Optionally, the admin could also make it so the
14514                       VNC clients themselves are authenticated to x11vnc
14515                       (-sslGenCert client ...)  For this -sslverify would be
14516                       pointed to the CA cert (and/or self-signed certs).
14518                       x11vnc will be able to use all of these cert and
14519                       key files.  On the VNC client side, they will need to
14520                       be "imported" somehow.  Web browsers have "Manage
14521                       Certificates" actions as does the Java applet plugin
14522                       Control Panel.  stunnel can also use these files (see
14523                       the ss_vncviewer example script in the FAQ and SSVNC.)
14525-sslCRL path           Set the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) to "path".
14526                       This setting applies for both -ssl and -stunnel modes.
14528                       If path is a file, the file contains one or more CRLs
14529                       in PEM format.  If path is a directory, it contains
14530                       hash named files of CRLs in the usual OpenSSL manner.
14531                       See the OpenSSL and stunnel(8) documentation for
14532                       more info.
14534                       This option only applies if -sslverify has been
14535                       supplied: it checks for revocation along the
14536                       certificate chain used to verify the VNC client.
14537                       The -sslCRL setting will be ignored when -sslverify is
14538                       not specified.
14540                       Note that if a CRL's expiration date has passed, all
14541                       SSL connections will fail regardless of if they are
14542                       related to the subject of the CRL or not.
14544                       Only rarely will one's x11vnc -ssl infrastructure be so
14545                       large that this option would be useful (since normally
14546                       maintaining the contents of the -sslverify file or
14547                       directory should be enough.)  However, when using
14548                       x11vnc with a Certificate Authority (see -sslGenCA)
14549                       to authenticate Clients via SSL/TLS, the -sslCRL option
14550                       can be useful to revoke users' certs whose private SSL
14551                       keys were lost or stolen (e.g. laptop.)  This way a new
14552                       CA cert+key does not need to be created and new signed
14553                       client keys generated and distributed to all users.
14555                       To create a CRL file with revoked certificates the
14556                       commands 'openssl ca -revoke ...' and 'openssl ca
14557                       -gencrl ...' are useful.  (Run them in ~/.vnc/certs)
14559-sslGenCA [dir]        Generate your own Certificate Authority private key,
14560                       certificate, and other files in directory [dir].
14561                       x11vnc then exits.
14563                       If [dir] is not supplied, a -ssldir setting is used,
14564                       or otherwise ~/.vnc/certs is used.
14566                       This command also creates directories where server and
14567                       client certs and keys will be stored.  The openssl(1)
14568                       program must be installed on the system and available
14569                       in PATH.
14571                       After the CA files and directories are created the
14572                       x11vnc command exits; the VNC server is not run.
14574                       You will be prompted for information to put into the CA
14575                       certificate.  The info does not have to be accurate just
14576                       as long as clients accept the cert for VNC connections.
14577                       You will also need to supply a passphrase of at least
14578                       4 characters for the CA private key.
14580                       Once you have generated the CA you can distribute
14581                       its certificate part, [dir]/CA/cacert.pem, to other
14582                       workstations where VNC viewers will be run.  One will
14583                       need to "import" this certificate in the applications,
14584                       e.g. Web browser, Java applet plugin, stunnel, etc.
14585                       Next, you can create and sign keys using the CA with
14586                       the -sslGenCert option below.
14588                       Examples:
14589                                x11vnc -sslGenCA
14590                                x11vnc -sslGenCA  ~/myCAdir
14591                                x11vnc -ssldir ~/myCAdir -sslGenCA
14593                       (the last two lines are equivalent)
14595-sslGenCert type name  Generate a VNC server or client certificate and private
14596                       key pair signed by the CA created previously with
14597                       -sslGenCA.  The openssl(1) program must be installed
14598                       on the system and available in PATH.
14600                       After the Certificate is generated x11vnc exits; the
14601                       VNC server is not run.
14603                       The type of key to be generated is the string "type".
14604                       It is either "server" (i.e. for use by x11vnc) or
14605                       "client" (for a VNC viewer).  Note that typically
14606                       only "server" is used: the VNC clients authenticate
14607                       themselves by a non-public-key method (e.g. VNC or
14608                       unix password).  "type" is required.
14610                       An arbitrary default name you want to associate with
14611                       the key is supplied by the "name" string.  You can
14612                       change it at the various prompts when creating the key.
14613                       "name" is optional.
14615                       If name is left blank for clients keys then "nobody"
14616                       is used.  If left blank for server keys, then the
14617                       primary server key: "server.pem" is created (this
14618                       is the saved one referenced by "-ssl SAVE" when the
14619                       server is started)
14621                       If "name" begins with the string "self:" then
14622                       a self-signed certificate is created instead of one
14623                       signed by your CA key.
14625                       If "name" begins with the string "req:" then only a
14626                       key (.key) and a certificate signing *request* (.req)
14627                       are generated.  You can then send the .req file to
14628                       an external CA (even a professional one, e.g. Thawte)
14629                       and then combine the .key and the received cert into
14630                       the .pem file with the same basename.
14632                       The distinction between "server" and "client" is
14633                       simply the choice of output filenames and sub-directory.
14634                       This makes it so the -ssl SAVE-name option can easily
14635                       pick up the x11vnc PEM file this option generates.
14636                       And similarly makes it easy for the -sslverify option
14637                       to pick up your client certs.
14639                       There is nothing special about the filename or directory
14640                       location of either the "server" and "client" certs.
14641                       You can rename the files or move them to wherever
14642                       you like.
14644                       Precede this option with -ssldir [dir] to use a
14645                       directory other than the default ~/.vnc/certs You will
14646                       need to run -sslGenCA on that directory first before
14647                       doing any -sslGenCert key creation.
14649                       Note you cannot recreate a cert with exactly the same
14650                       distiguished name (DN) as an existing one.  To do so,
14651                       you will need to edit the [dir]/CA/index.txt file to
14652                       delete the line.
14654                       Similar to -sslGenCA, you will be prompted to fill
14655                       in some information that will be recorded in the
14656                       certificate when it is created.
14658                       Tip: if you know the fully-qualified hostname other
14659                       people will be connecting to, you can use that as the
14660                       CommonName "CN" to avoid some applications (e.g. web
14661                       browsers and java plugin) complaining that it does not
14662                       match the hostname.
14664                       You will also need to supply the CA private key
14665                       passphrase to unlock the private key created from
14666                       -sslGenCA.  This private key is used to sign the server
14667                       or client certificate.
14669                       The "server" certs can be used by x11vnc directly by
14670                       pointing to them via the -ssl [pem] option.  The default
14671                       file will be ~/.vnc/certs/server.pem.  This one would
14672                       be used by simply typing -ssl SAVE.  The pem file
14673                       contains both the certificate and the private key.
14674                       server.crt file contains the cert only.
14676                       The "client" cert + private key file will need
14677                       to be copied and imported into the VNC viewer
14678                       side applications (Web browser, Java plugin,
14679                       stunnel, etc.)  Once that is done you can delete the
14680                       "client" private key file on this machine since
14681                       it is only needed on the VNC viewer side.  The,
14682                       e.g. ~/.vnc/certs/clients/<name>.pem contains both
14683                       the cert and private key.  The <name>.crt contains the
14684                       certificate only.
14686                       NOTE: It is very important to know one should
14687                       generate new keys with a passphrase.  Otherwise if an
14688                       untrusted user steals the key file he could use it to
14689                       masquerade as the x11vnc server (or VNC viewer client).
14690                       You will be prompted whether to encrypt the key with
14691                       a passphrase or not.  It is recommended that you do.
14692                       One inconvenience to a passphrase is that it must
14693                       be typed in EVERY time x11vnc or the client app is
14694                       started up.
14696                       Examples:
14698                               x11vnc -sslGenCert server
14699                               x11vnc -ssl SAVE -display :0 ...
14701                       and then on viewer using ss_vncviewer stunnel wrapper
14702                       (see the FAQ):
14703                               ss_vncviewer -verify ./cacert.crt hostname:0
14705                       (this assumes the cacert.crt cert from -sslGenCA
14706                       was safely copied to the VNC viewer machine where
14707                       ss_vncviewer is run)
14709                       Example using a name:
14711                               x11vnc -sslGenCert server charlie
14712                               x11vnc -ssl SAVE-charlie -display :0 ...
14714                       Example for a client certificate (rarely used):
14716                               x11vnc -sslGenCert client roger
14717                               scp ~/.vnc/certs/clients/roger.pem somehost:.
14718                               rm  ~/.vnc/certs/clients/roger.pem
14720                       x11vnc is then started with the option -sslverify
14721                       ~/.vnc/certs/clients/roger.crt (or simply -sslverify
14722                       roger), and on the viewer user on somehost could do
14723                       for example:
14725                               ss_vncviewer -mycert ./roger.pem hostname:0
14727                       If you set the env. var REQ_ARGS='...' it will be
14728                       passed to openssl req(1).  A common use would be
14729                       REQ_ARGS='-days 1095' to bump up the expiration date
14730                       (3 years in this case).
14732-sslEncKey pem         Utility to encrypt an existing PEM file with a
14733                       passphrase you supply when prompted.  For that key to be
14734                       used (e.g. by x11vnc) the passphrase must be supplied
14735                       each time.
14737                       The "SAVE" notation described under -ssl applies as
14738                       well. (precede this option with -ssldir [dir] to refer
14739                       a directory besides the default ~/.vnc/certs)
14741                       The openssl(1) program must be installed on the system
14742                       and available in PATH.  After the Key file is encrypted
14743                       the x11vnc command exits; the VNC server is not run.
14745                       Examples:
14746                               x11vnc -sslEncKey /path/to/foo.pem
14747                               x11vnc -sslEncKey SAVE
14748                               x11vnc -sslEncKey SAVE-charlie
14750-sslCertInfo pem       Prints out information about an existing PEM file.
14751                       In addition the public certificate is also printed.
14752                       The openssl(1) program must be in PATH. Basically the
14753                       command "openssl x509 -text" is run on the pem.
14755                       After the info is printed the x11vnc command exits;
14756                       the VNC server is not run.
14758                       The "SAVE" notation described under -ssl applies
14759                       as well.
14761                       Using  "LIST" will give a list of all certs being
14762                       managed (in the ~/.vnc/certs dir, use -ssldir to refer
14763                       to another dir).  "ALL" will print out the info for
14764                       every managed key (this can be very long).  Giving a
14765                       client or server cert shortname will also try a lookup
14766                       (e.g. -sslCertInfo charlie).  Use "LISTL" or "LL"
14767                       for a long (ls -l style) listing.
14769                       Using "HASHON" will create subdirs [dir]/HASH and
14770                       [dir]/HASH with OpenSSL hash filenames (e.g. 0d5fbbf1.0)
14771                       symlinks pointing up to the corresponding *.crt file.
14772                       ([dir] is ~/.vnc/certs or one given by -ssldir.)
14773                       This is a useful way for other OpenSSL applications
14774                       (e.g. stunnel) to access all of the certs without
14775                       having to concatenate them.  x11vnc will not use them
14776                       unless you specifically reference them.  "HASHOFF"
14777                       removes these HASH subdirs.
14779                       The LIST, LISTL, LL, ALL, HASHON, HASHOFF words can
14780                       also be lowercase, e.g. "list".
14782-sslDelCert pem        Prompts you to delete all .crt .pem .key .req files
14783                       associated with [pem].  x11vnc then exits. "SAVE"
14784                       and lookups as in -sslCertInfo apply as well.
14786-sslScripts            Prints out both the 'genCA' and 'genCert' x11vnc
14787                       openssl wrapper scripts for you to examine, modify, etc.
14788                       The scripts are printed to stdout and then the x11vnc
14789                       program exits.
14792-stunnel [pem]         Use the stunnel(8) (stunnel.mirt.net) to provide an
14793                       encrypted SSL tunnel between viewers and x11vnc.
14795                       This external tunnel method was implemented prior to the
14796                       integrated -ssl encryption described above.  It still
14797                       works well and avoids the requirement of linking with
14798                       the OpenSSL libraries.  This mode requires stunnel
14799                       to be installed on the system and available via PATH
14800                       (n.b. stunnel is often installed in sbin directories).
14801                       Version 4.x of stunnel is assumed (but see -stunnel3
14802                       below.)
14804                       [pem] is optional, use "-stunnel /path/to/stunnel.pem"
14805                       to specify a PEM certificate file to pass to stunnel.
14806                       See the -ssl option for more info on certificate files.
14808                       Whether or not your stunnel has its own certificate
14809                       depends on your stunnel configuration; stunnel often
14810                       generates one at install time.  See your stunnel
14811                       documentation for details.  In any event, if you want to
14812                       use this certificate you must supply the full path to it
14813                       as [pem].  Note: the file may only be readable by root.
14815                       [pem] may also be the special strings "TMP", "SAVE",
14816                       and "SAVE..." as described in the -ssl option.
14817                       If [pem] is not supplied, "SAVE" is assumed.
14819                       Note that the VeNCrypt, ANONTLS, and "ANON" modes
14820                       are not supported in -stunnel mode.
14822                       stunnel is started up as a child process of x11vnc and
14823                       any SSL connections stunnel receives are decrypted and
14824                       sent to x11vnc over a local socket.  The strings
14825                       "The SSL VNC desktop is ..." and "SSLPORT=..."
14826                       are printed out at startup to indicate this.
14828                       The -localhost option is enforced by default to avoid
14829                       people routing around the SSL channel.  Use -env
14830                       STUNNEL_DISABLE_LOCALHOST=1 to disable this security
14831                       requirement.
14833                       Set -env STUNNEL_DEBUG=1 for more debugging printout.
14835                       Set -env STUNNEL_PROG=xxx to the full path of stunnel
14836                       program you want to be used (e.g. /usr/bin/stunnel4).
14838                       Set -env STUNNEL_LISTEN=xxx to the address of the
14839                       network interface to listen on (the default is to listen
14840                       on all interfaces), e.g. STUNNEL_LISTEN=
14842                       A simple way to add IPv6 support is STUNNEL_LISTEN=::
14844                       Your VNC viewer will also need to be able to connect
14845                       via SSL.  Unfortunately not too many do this.  See the
14846                       information about SSL viewers under the -ssl option.
14847                       The x11vnc project's SSVNC is an option.
14849                       Also, in the x11vnc distribution, patched TightVNC
14850                       and UltraVNC Java applet jar files are provided in
14851                       the classes/ssl directory that do SSL connections.
14852                       Enable serving them with the -http, -http_ssl, or
14853                       -httpdir (see the option descriptions for more info.)
14855                       Note that for the Java viewer applet usage the
14856                       "?PORT=xxxx" in the various URLs printed at startup
14857                       will need to be supplied to the web browser to connect
14858                       properly.
14860                       Currently the automatic "single port" HTTPS mode of
14861                       -ssl is not fully supported in -stunnel mode.  However,
14862                       it can be emulated via:
14864                         % x11vnc -stunnel -http_ssl -http_oneport ...
14866                       In general, it is also not too difficult to set up
14867                       an stunnel or other SSL tunnel on the viewer side.
14868                       A simple example on Unix using stunnel 3.x is:
14870                         % stunnel -c -d localhost:5901 -r remotehost:5900
14871                         % vncviewer localhost:1
14873                       For Windows, stunnel has been ported to it and there
14874                       are probably other such tools available.  See the FAQ
14875                       and SSVNC for more examples.
14877-stunnel3  [pem]       Use version 3.x stunnel command line syntax instead of
14878                       version 4.x.  The -http/-httpdir Java applet serving
14879                       is currently not available in this mode.
14881-enc cipher:keyfile    Use symmetric encryption with cipher "cipher"
14882                       and secret key data in "keyfile".  If keyfile is
14883                       pw=<string> then "string" is used as the key data.
14885                       NOTE: It is recommended that you use SSL via the -ssl
14886                       option instead of this option because SSL is well
14887                       understood and takes great care to establish unique
14888                       session keys and is more compatible with other software.
14889                       Use this option if you do not want to deal with SSL
14890                       certificates for authentication and do not want to
14891                       use SSH but want some encryption for your VNC session.
14892                       Or if you must interface with a symmetric key tunnel
14893                       that you do not have control over.
14895                       Note that this mode will NOT work with the UltraVNC DSM
14896                       plugins because they alter the RFB protocol in addition
14897                       to tunnelling with the symmetric cipher (an unfortunate
14898                       choice of implementation...)
14900                       cipher can be one of:  arc4, aesv2, aes-cfb, blowfish,
14901                       aes256, or 3des.  See the OpenSSL documentation for
14902                       more info.  The keysize is 128 bits (except for aes256).
14903                       Here is one way to make a keyfile with that many bits:
14905                            dd if=/dev/random of=./my.key bs=16 count=1
14907                       you will need to securely share this key with the other
14908                       side of the VNC connection (See SSVNC for examples).
14910                       Example:  -enc blowfish:./my.key
14911                       Example:  -enc blowfish:pw=swordfish
14913                       By default 16 bytes of random salt followed by 16 bytes
14914                       of random initialization vector are sent at the very
14915                       beginning of the stream.  The other side must read these
14916                       and initialize their cipher with them.  These values
14917                       make the session key unique (without them the security
14918                       is minimal).  Similarly, the other side must send us
14919                       its random salt and IV with those same lengths.
14921                       The salt and key data are combined to create a session
14922                       key using an md5 hash as described in EVP_BytesToKey(3).
14924                       The exact call is: EVP_BytesToKey(Cipher, EVP_md5(),
14925                       salt, keydata, len, 1, keystr, NULL);  where salt is
14926                       the random data as described above, and keydata is the
14927                       shared secret key data.  keystr is the resulting session
14928                       key.  The cipher is then seeded with keystr and uses
14929                       the random initialization vector as its first block.
14931                       To modify the amount of random salt and initialization
14932                       vector use cipher@n,m where n is the salt length and
14933                       m the initialization vector length.  E.g.
14935                                 -enc aes-cfb@8,16:./my.key
14937                       It is not a good idea to set either one to zero,
14938                       although you may be forced to if the other side of the
14939                       tunnel is not under your control.
14941                       To skip the salt and EVP_BytesToKey MD5 entirely (no
14942                       hashing is done: the keydata is directly inserted into
14943                       the cipher) specify "-1" for the salt, e.g.
14945                                 -enc blowfish@-1,16:./my.key
14947                       The message digest can also be changed to something
14948                       besides the default MD5.  Use cipher@md+n,m where "md"
14949                       can be one of sha, sha1, md5, or ripe.  For example:
14951                                 -enc arc4@sha+8,16:./my.key
14953                       The SSVNC vnc viewer project supplies a symmetric
14954                       encryption tool named "ultravnc_dsm_helper" that can
14955                       be used on the viewer side.  For example:
14957                       ssvncviewer exec='ultravnc_dsm_helper arc4 my.key 0 h:p'
14959                       where h:p is the hostname and port of the x11vnc server.
14960                       ultravnc_dsm_helper may also be used standalone to
14961                       provide a symmetric encryption tunnel for any viewer
14962                       or server (VNC or otherwise.) The cipher (1st arg)
14963                       is basically the same syntax as we use above.
14965                       Also see the 'Non-Ultra DSM' SSVNC option for the
14966                       'UltraVNC DSM Encryption Plugin' advanced option.
14968                       For both ways of using the viewer, you can specify the
14969                       salt,ivec sizes (in GUI or, e.g. arc4@8,16).
14971-https [port]          Use a special, separate HTTPS port (-ssl and
14972                       -stunnel modes only) for HTTPS Java viewer applet
14973                       downloading. I.e. not 5900 and not 5800 (the defaults.)
14975                       BACKGROUND: In -ssl mode, it turns out you can use the
14976                       single VNC port (e.g. 5900) for both VNC and HTTPS
14977                       connections. (HTTPS is used to retrieve a SSL-aware
14978                       VncViewer.jar applet that is provided with x11vnc).
14979                       Since both use SSL the implementation was extended to
14980                       detect if HTTP traffic (i.e. GET) is taking place and
14981                       handle it accordingly.  The URL would be, e.g.:
14983                       https://mymachine.org:5900/
14985                       This is convenient for firewalls, etc, because only one
14986                       port needs to be allowed in.  However, this heuristic
14987                       adds a few seconds delay to each connection and can be
14988                       unreliable (especially if the user takes much time to
14989                       ponder the Certificate dialogs in his browser, Java VM,
14990                       or VNC Viewer applet.  That's right 3 separate "Are
14991                       you sure you want to connect?" dialogs!)
14993                       END OF BACKGROUND.
14995                       USAGE: So use the -https option to provide a separate,
14996                       more reliable HTTPS port that x11vnc will listen on.  If
14997                       [port] is not provided (or is 0), one is autoselected.
14998                       The URL to use is printed out at startup.
15000                       The SSL Java applet directory is specified via the
15001                       -httpdir option.  If not supplied, -https will try
15002                       to guess the directory as though the -http option
15003                       was supplied.
15005-httpsredir [port]     In -ssl mode with the Java applet retrieved via HTTPS,
15006                       when the HTML file containing applet parameters
15007                       ('index.vnc' or 'proxy.vnc') is sent do NOT set the
15008                       applet PORT parameter to the actual VNC port but set it
15009                       to "port" instead.  If "port" is not supplied, then
15010                       the port number is guessed from the Host: HTTP header.
15012                       This is useful when an incoming TCP connection
15013                       redirection is performed by a router/gateway/firewall
15014                       from one port to an internal machine where x11vnc is
15015                       listening on a different port. The Java applet needs to
15016                       connect to the firewall/router port, not the VNC port
15017                       on the internal workstation. For example, one could
15018                       redir from mygateway.com:443 to workstation:5900.
15020                       This spares the user from having to type in
15021                       https://mygateway.com/?PORT=443 into their web
15022                       browser. Note that port 443 is the default https port;
15023                       other ports must be explicitly indicated, for example:
15024                       https://mygateway.com:8000/?PORT=8000.  To avoid having
15025                       to include the PORT= in the browser URL, simply supply
15026                       "-httpsredir" to x11vnc.
15028                       This option does not work in -stunnel mode.
15030                       More tricks: set the env var X11VNC_EXTRA_HTTPS_PARAMS
15031                       to be extra URL parameters to use.  This way you do
15032                       not need to specify extra PARAMS in the index.vnc file.
15033                       E.g. x11vnc -env X11VNC_EXTRA_HTTPS_PARAMS='?GET=1' ...
15035                       If you do not want to expose the non-SSL HTTP port to
15036                       the network (i.e. you just want the single VNC/HTTPS
15037                       port, e.g. 5900, open for connections) then specify the
15038                       option -env X11VNC_HTTP_LISTEN_LOCALHOST=1  This way
15039                       the connection to the LibVNCServer httpd server will
15040                       only be available on localhost (note that in -ssl mode,
15041                       HTTPS requests are redirected from SSL to the non-SSL
15042                       LibVNCServer HTTP server.)
15044-http_oneport          For UN-encrypted connections mode (i.e. no -ssl,
15045                       -stunnel, or -enc options), allow the Java VNC Viewer
15046                       applet to be downloaded thru the VNC port via HTTP.
15048                       That is to say, you can use a single port for Java
15049                       applet viewer connections by using a URL in your web
15050                       browser like this, for example:
15052                       http://hostname:5900
15054                       The regular, two-port mode, URL http://hostname:5800
15055                       will continue to work as well.
15057                       As mentioned above, this mode will NOT work with
15058                       the -ssl, -stunnel, or -enc encryption options.
15059                       Note that is it equivalent to '-enc none' (i.e. it
15060                       uses the same detection mechanism as for HTTPS, but
15061                       with no encryption.)
15063                       HTTPS single-port is on by default in -ssl encrypted
15064                       mode (and -enc too), so you only need -http_oneport
15065                       when doing non-SSL encrypted connections.
15067                       This mode could also be useful for SSH tunnels since
15068                       it means only one port needs to be redirected.
15070                       The -httpsredir option may also be useful for this
15071                       mode when using an SSH tunnel as well as for router
15072                       port redirections.
15074                       Note that the -env X11VNC_HTTP_LISTEN_LOCALHOST=1
15075                       option described above under -httpsredir applies for
15076                       the LibVNCServer httpd server in all cases (ssl or not.)
15078-ssh user@host:disp    Create a remote listening port on machine "host"
15079                       via a SSH tunnel using the -R rport:localhost:lport
15080                       method. lport will be the local x11vnc listening port,
15081                       so a connection to rport (5900+disp) on "host"
15082                       will reach x11vnc.  E.g. fred@snoopy.com:0
15084                       This could be useful if a firewall/router prevents
15085                       incoming connections to the x11vnc machine, but
15086                       the ssh machine "host" can be reached by the VNC
15087                       viewer. "user@" is not needed unless the remote unix
15088                       username differs from the current one.
15090                       By default the remote sshd is usually configured to
15091                       listen only on localhost for rport, so the viewer may
15092                       need to ssh -L redir to "host" as well (See SSVNC to
15093                       automate this).  The sshd setting GatewayPorts enables
15094                       listening on all interfaces for rport; viewers can
15095                       reach it more easily.
15097                       "disp" is the VNC display for the remote SSH side,
15098                       e.g. 0 corresponds to port 5900, etc.  If disp is
15099                       greater than 200 the value is used as the port.  Use a
15100                       negative value to force a low port, e.g. host:-80 will
15101                       use port 80.
15103                       If ssh-agent is not active, then the ssh password needs
15104                       to be entered in the terminal where x11vnc is running.
15106                       By default the remote ssh will issue a 'sleep 300' to
15107                       wait for the incoming connection for 5 mins.  To modify
15108                       this use user@host:disp+secs.
15110                       If the remote SSH server is on a non-standard port
15111                       (i.e. not 22) use user@host:port:disp+secs.
15113                       Note that the ssh process MAY NOT be killed when
15114                       x11vnc exits.  It tries by looking at ps(1) output.
15116-usepw                 If no other password method was supplied on the command
15117                       line, first look for ~/.vnc/passwd and if found use it
15118                       with -rfbauth; next, look for ~/.vnc/passwdfile and
15119                       use it with -passwdfile; otherwise, prompt the user
15120                       for a password to create ~/.vnc/passwd and use it with
15121                       the -rfbauth option.  If none of these succeed x11vnc
15122                       exits immediately.
15124-storepasswd pass file Store password "pass" as the VNC password in the
15125                       file "file".  Once the password is stored the
15126                       program exits.  Use the password via "-rfbauth file"
15128                       If called with no arguments, "x11vnc -storepasswd",
15129                       the user is prompted for a password and it is stored
15130                       in the file ~/.vnc/passwd.  Called with one argument,
15131                       that will be the file to store the prompted password in.
15133-nopw                  Disable the big warning message when you use x11vnc
15134                       without some sort of password.
15136-accept string         Run a command (possibly to prompt the user at the
15137                       X11 display) to decide whether an incoming client
15138                       should be allowed to connect or not.  "string" is
15139                       an external command run via system(3) or some special
15140                       cases described below.  Be sure to quote "string"
15141                       if it contains spaces, shell characters, etc.  If the
15142                       external command returns 0 the client is accepted,
15143                       otherwise the client is rejected.  See below for an
15144                       extension to accept a client view-only.
15146                       If x11vnc is running as root (say from inetd(8) or from
15147                       display managers xdm(1), gdm(1), etc), think about the
15148                       security implications carefully before supplying this
15149                       option (likewise for the -gone option).
15151                       Environment: The RFB_CLIENT_IP environment variable will
15152                       be set to the incoming client IP number and the port
15153                       in RFB_CLIENT_PORT (or -1 if unavailable).  Similarly,
15154                       RFB_SERVER_IP and RFB_SERVER_PORT (the x11vnc side
15155                       of the connection), are set to allow identification
15156                       of the tcp virtual circuit.  The x11vnc process
15157                       id will be in RFB_X11VNC_PID, a client id number in
15158                       RFB_CLIENT_ID, and the number of other connected clients
15159                       in RFB_CLIENT_COUNT.  RFB_MODE will be "accept".
15160                       RFB_STATE will be PROTOCOL_VERSION, SECURITY_TYPE,
15162                       indicating up to which state the client has achieved.
15163                       RFB_LOGIN_VIEWONLY will be 0, 1, or -1 (unknown).
15164                       RFB_USERNAME, RFB_LOGIN_TIME, and RFB_CURRENT_TIME may
15165                       also be set.
15167                       If "string" is "popup" then a builtin popup window
15168                       is used.  The popup will time out after 120 seconds,
15169                       use "popup:N" to modify the timeout to N seconds
15170                       (use 0 for no timeout).
15172                       In the case of "popup" and when the -unixpw option
15173                       is specified, then a *second* window will be popped
15174                       up after the user successfully logs in via his UNIX
15175                       password.  This time the user will be identified as
15176                       UNIX:username@hostname, the "UNIX:" prefix indicates
15177                       which user the viewer logged as via -unixpw.  The first
15178                       popup is only for whether to allow him to even *try*
15179                       to login via unix password.
15181                       If "string" is "xmessage" then an xmessage(1)
15182                       invocation is used for the command.  xmessage must be
15183                       installed on the machine for this to work.
15185                       Both "popup" and "xmessage" will present an option
15186                       for accepting the client "View-Only" (the client
15187                       can only watch).  This option will not be presented if
15188                       -viewonly has been specified, in which case the entire
15189                       display is view only.
15191                       If the user supplied command is prefixed with something
15192                       like "yes:0,no:*,view:3 mycommand ..." then this
15193                       associates the numerical command return code with
15194                       the actions: accept, reject, and accept-view-only,
15195                       respectively.  Use "*" instead of a number to indicate
15196                       the default action (in case the command returns an
15197                       unexpected value).  E.g. "no:*" is a good choice.
15199                       Note that x11vnc blocks while the external command
15200                       or popup is running (other clients may see no updates
15201                       during this period).  So a person sitting a the physical
15202                       display is needed to respond to an popup prompt. (use
15203                       a 2nd x11vnc if you lock yourself out).
15205                       More -accept tricks: use "popupmouse" to only allow
15206                       mouse clicks in the builtin popup to be recognized.
15207                       Similarly use "popupkey" to only recognize
15208                       keystroke responses.  These are to help avoid the
15209                       user accidentally accepting a client by typing or
15210                       clicking. All 3 of the popup keywords can be followed
15211                       by +N+M to supply a position for the popup window.
15212                       The default is to center the popup window.
15213-afteraccept string    As -accept, except to run a user supplied command after
15214                       a client has been accepted and authenticated. RFB_MODE
15215                       will be set to "afteraccept" and the other RFB_*
15216                       variables are as in -accept.  Unlike -accept, the
15217                       command return code is not interpreted by x11vnc.
15218                       Example: -afteraccept 'killall xlock &'
15219-gone string           As -accept, except to run a user supplied command when
15220                       a client goes away (disconnects).  RFB_MODE will be
15221                       set to "gone" and the other RFB_* variables are as
15222                       in -accept.  The "popup" actions apply as well.
15223                       Unlike -accept, the command return code is not
15224                       interpreted by x11vnc.  Example: -gone 'xlock &'
15226-users list            If x11vnc is started as root (say from inetd(8) or from
15227                       display managers xdm(1), gdm(1), etc), then as soon
15228                       as possible after connections to the X display are
15229                       established try to switch to one of the users in the
15230                       comma separated "list".  If x11vnc is not running as
15231                       root this option is ignored.
15233                       Why use this option?  In general it is not needed since
15234                       x11vnc is already connected to the X display and can
15235                       perform its primary functions.  The option was added
15236                       to make some of the *external* utility commands x11vnc
15237                       occasionally runs work properly.  In particular under
15238                       GNOME and KDE to implement the "-solid color" feature
15239                       external commands (gconftool-2 and dcop) unfortunately
15240                       must be run as the user owning the desktop session.
15241                       Since this option switches userid it also affects the
15242                       userid used to run the processes for the -accept and
15243                       -gone options.  It also affects the ability to read
15244                       files for options such as -connect, -allow, and -remap
15245                       and also the ultra and tight filetransfer feature if
15246                       enabled.  Note that the -connect file is also sometimes
15247                       written to.
15249                       So be careful with this option since in some situations
15250                       its use can decrease security.
15252                       In general the switch to a user will only take place
15253                       if the display can still be successfully opened as that
15254                       user (this is primarily to try to guess the actual owner
15255                       of the session). Example: "-users fred,wilma,betty".
15256                       Note that a malicious local user "barney" by
15257                       quickly using "xhost +" when logging in may possibly
15258                       get the x11vnc process to switch to user "fred".
15259                       What happens next?
15261                       Under display managers it may be a long time before
15262                       the switch succeeds (i.e. a user logs in).  To instead
15263                       make it switch immediately regardless if the display
15264                       can be reopened prefix the username with the "+"
15265                       character. E.g. "-users +bob" or "-users +nobody".
15267                       The latter (i.e. switching immediately to user
15268                       "nobody") is the only obvious use of the -users option
15269                       that increases security.
15271                       Use the following notation to associate a group with
15272                       a user: user1.group1,user2.group2,...  Note that
15273                       initgroups(2) will still be called first to try to
15274                       switch to ALL of a user's groups (primary and additional
15275                       groups).  Only if that fails or it is not available
15276                       then the single group specified as above (or the user's
15277                       primary group if not specified) is switched to with
15278                       setgid(2).  Use -env X11VNC_SINGLE_GROUP=1 to prevent
15279                       trying initgroups(2) and only switch to the single
15280                       group.  This sort of setting is only really needed to
15281                       make the ultra or tight filetransfer permissions work
15282                       properly. This format applies to any comma separated lis
15284                       of users, even the special "=" modes described below.
15286                       In -unixpw mode, if "-users unixpw=" is supplied
15287                       then after a user authenticates himself via the
15288                       -unixpw mechanism, x11vnc will try to switch to that
15289                       user as though "-users +username" had been supplied.
15290                       If you want to limit which users this will be done for,
15291                       provide them as a comma separated list after "unixpw="
15292                       Groups can also be specified as described above.
15294                       Similarly, in -ssl mode, if "-users sslpeer=" is
15295                       supplied then after an SSL client authenticates with his
15296                       cert (the -sslverify option is required for this) x11vnc
15297                       will extract a UNIX username from the "emailAddress"
15298                       field (username@hostname.com) of the "Subject" of the
15299                       x509 SSL cert and then try to switch to that user as
15300                       though "-users +username" had been supplied.  If you
15301                       want to limit which users this will be done for, provide
15302                       them as a comma separated list after "sslpeer=".
15303                       Set the env. var X11VNC_SSLPEER_CN to use the Common
15304                       Name (normally a hostname) instead of the Email field.
15306                       NOTE: for sslpeer= mode the x11vnc administrator must
15307                       take care that any client certs he adds to -sslverify
15308                       have the intended UNIX username in the "emailAddress"
15309                       field of the cert.  Otherwise a user may be able to
15310                       log in as another.  This command can be of use in
15311                       checking: "openssl x509 -text -in file.crt", see the
15312                       "Subject:" line.  Also, along with the normal RFB_*
15313                       env. vars. (see -accept) passed to external cmd=
15314                       commands, RFB_SSL_CLIENT_CERT will be set to the
15315                       client's x509 certificate string.
15317                       The sslpeer= mode can aid finding X sessions via the
15318                       FINDDISPLAY and FINDCREATEDISPLAY mechanisms.
15320                       To immediately switch to a user *before* connections
15321                       to the X display are made or any files opened use the
15322                       "=" character: "-users =bob".  That user needs to
15323                       be able to open the X display and any files of course.
15325                       The special user "guess=" means to examine the utmpx
15326                       database (see who(1)) looking for a user attached to
15327                       the display number (from DISPLAY or -display option)
15328                       and try him/her.  To limit the list of guesses, use:
15329                       "-users guess=bob,betty".
15331                       Even more sinister is the special user "lurk="
15332                       that means to try to guess the DISPLAY from the utmpx
15333                       login database as well.  So it "lurks" waiting for
15334                       anyone to log into an X session and then connects to it.
15335                       Specify a list of users after the = to limit which users
15336                       will be tried.  To enable a different searching mode, if
15337                       the first user in the list is something like ":0" or
15338                       ":0-2" that indicates a range of DISPLAY numbers that
15339                       will be tried (regardless of whether they are in the
15340                       utmpx database) for all users that are logged in.  Also
15341                       see the "-display WAIT:..." functionality.  Examples:
15342                       "-users lurk=" and also "-users lurk=:0-1,bob,mary"
15344                       Be especially careful using the "guess=" and "lurk="
15345                       modes.  They are not recommended for use on machines
15346                       with untrustworthy local users.
15348-noshm                 Do not use the MIT-SHM extension for the polling.
15349                       Remote displays can be polled this way: be careful this
15350                       can use large amounts of network bandwidth.  This is
15351                       also of use if the local machine has a limited number
15352                       of shm segments and -onetile is not sufficient.
15353-flipbyteorder         Sometimes needed if remotely polled host has different
15354                       endianness.  Ignored unless -noshm is set.
15355-onetile               Do not use the new copy_tiles() framebuffer mechanism,
15356                       just use 1 shm tile for polling.  Limits shm segments
15357                       used to 3.
15359                       To disable any automatic shm reduction set the
15360                       env. var. X11VNC_NO_LIMIT_SHM.
15362-solid [color]         To improve performance, when VNC clients are connected
15363                       try to change the desktop background to a solid color.
15364                       The [color] is optional: the default color is "cyan4".
15365                       For a different one specify the X color (rgb.txt name,
15366                       e.g. "darkblue" or numerical "#RRGGBB").
15368                       Currently this option only works on GNOME, KDE, CDE,
15369                       XFCE, and classic X (i.e. with the background image
15370                       on the root window).  The "gconftool-2", "dcop"
15371                       and "xfconf-query" external commands are run for
15372                       GNOME, KDE, and XFCE respectively.  This also works
15373                       on native MacOSX.  (There is no color selection for
15374                       MacOSX or XFCE.)  Other desktops won't work, (send
15375                       us the corresponding commands if you find them).
15376                       If x11vnc is running as root (inetd(8) or gdm(1)),
15377                       the -users option may be needed for GNOME, KDE, XFCE.
15378                       If x11vnc guesses your desktop incorrectly, you can
15379                       force it by prefixing color with "gnome:", "kde:",
15380                       "cde:", "xfce:", or "root:".
15382                       Update: -solid no longer works on KDE4.
15384                       This mode works in a limited way on the Mac OS X Console
15385                       with one color ('kelp') using the screensaver writing
15386                       to the background.  Look in "~/Library/Screen Savers"
15387                       for VncSolidColor.png to change the color.
15389-blackout string       Black out rectangles on the screen. "string" is a
15390                       comma separated list of WxH+X+Y type geometries for
15391                       each rectangle.  If one of the items on the list is the
15392                       string "noptr" the mouse pointer will not be allowed
15393                       to go into a blacked out region.
15394-xinerama              If your screen is composed of multiple monitors
15395-noxinerama            glued together via XINERAMA, and that screen is
15396                       not a rectangle this option will try to guess the
15397                       areas to black out (if your system has libXinerama).
15398                       default: -xinerama
15400                       In general, we have noticed on XINERAMA displays you may
15401                       need to use the "-xwarppointer" option if the mouse
15402                       pointer misbehaves and it is enabled by default. Use
15403                       "-noxwarppointer" if you do not want this.
15405-xtrap                 Use the DEC-XTRAP extension for keystroke and mouse
15406                       input insertion.  For use on legacy systems, e.g. X11R5,
15407                       running an incomplete or missing XTEST extension.
15408                       By default DEC-XTRAP will be used if XTEST server grab
15409                       control is missing, use -xtrap to do the keystroke and
15410                       mouse insertion via DEC-XTRAP as well.
15412-xrandr [mode]         If the display supports the XRANDR (X Resize, Rotate
15413                       and Reflection) extension, and you expect XRANDR events
15414                       to occur to the display while x11vnc is running, this
15415                       options indicates x11vnc should try to respond to
15416                       them (as opposed to simply crashing by assuming the
15417                       old screen size).  See the xrandr(1) manpage and run
15418                       'xrandr -q' for more info.  [mode] is optional and
15419                       described below.
15421                       Since watching for XRANDR events and trapping errors
15422                       increases polling overhead, only use this option if
15423                       XRANDR changes are expected.  For example on a rotatable
15424                       screen PDA or laptop, or using a XRANDR-aware Desktop
15425                       where you resize often.  It is best to be viewing with a
15426                       vncviewer that supports the NewFBSize encoding, since it
15427                       knows how to react to screen size changes.  Otherwise,
15428                       LibVNCServer tries to do so something reasonable for
15429                       viewers that cannot do this (portions of the screen
15430                       may be clipped, unused, etc).
15432                       Note: the default now is to check for XRANDR events, but
15433                       do not trap every X call that may fail due to resize.
15434                       If a resize event is received, the full -xrandr mode
15435                       is enabled.  To disable even checking for events supply:
15436                       -noxrandr.
15438                       "mode" defaults to "resize", which means create a
15439                       new, resized, framebuffer and hope all viewers can cope
15440                       with the change.  "newfbsize" means first disconnect
15441                       all viewers that do not support the NewFBSize VNC
15442                       encoding, and then resize the framebuffer.  "exit"
15443                       means disconnect all viewer clients, and then terminate
15444                       x11vnc.
15446-rotate string         Rotate and/or flip the framebuffer view exported by VNC.
15447                       This transformation is independent of XRANDR and is
15448                       done in software in main memory and so may be slower.
15449                       This mode could be useful on a handheld with portrait or
15450                       landscape modes that do not correspond to the scanline
15451                       order of the actual framebuffer.  "string" can be:
15453                             x     flip along x-axis
15454                             y     flip along y-axis
15455                            xy     flip along x- and y-axes
15456                           +90     rotate 90 degrees clockwise
15457                           -90     rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise
15458                          +90x     rotate 90 degrees CW, then flip along x
15459                          +90y     rotate 90 degrees CW, then flip along y
15461                       these give all possible rotations and reflections.
15463                       Aliases: same as xy:  yx, +180, -180, 180
15464                                same as -90: +270, 270
15465                                same as +90: 90, (ditto for 90x, 90y)
15467                       Like -scale, this transformation is applied at the very
15468                       end of any chain of framebuffer transformations and so
15469                       any options with geometries, e.g. -blackout, -clip, etc.
15470                       are relative to the original X (or -rawfb) framebuffer,
15471                       not the final one sent to VNC viewers.
15473                       If you do not want the cursor shape to be rotated
15474                       prefix "string" with "nc:", e.g. "nc:+90",
15475                       "nc:xy", etc.
15477-padgeom WxH           Whenever a new vncviewer connects, the framebuffer is
15478                       replaced with a fake, solid black one of geometry WxH.
15479                       Shortly afterwards the framebuffer is replaced with the
15480                       real one.  This is intended for use with vncviewers
15481                       that do not support NewFBSize and one wants to make
15482                       sure the initial viewer geometry will be big enough
15483                       to handle all subsequent resizes (e.g. under -xrandr,
15484                       -remote id:windowid, rescaling, etc.)
15486                       In -unixpw mode this sets the size of the login screen.
15487                       Use "once:WxH" it ignore padgeom after the login
15488                       screen is set up.
15490-o logfile             Write stderr messages to file "logfile" instead of to
15491                       the terminal.  Same as "-logfile file".  To append
15492                       to the file use "-oa file" or "-logappend file".
15493                       If "logfile" contains the string "%VNCDISPLAY"
15494                       it is expanded to the vnc display (the name may need
15495                       to be guessed at.)  "%HOME" works too.
15497-flag file             Write the "PORT=NNNN" (e.g. PORT=5900) string to
15498                       "file" in addition to stdout.  This option could be
15499                       useful by wrapper script to detect when x11vnc is ready.
15501-rmflag file           Remove "file" at exit to signal when x11vnc is done.
15502                       The file is created at startup if it does not already
15503                       exist or if "file" is prefixed with "create:".
15504                       If the file is created, the x11vnc PID is placed in
15505                       the file.  Otherwise the files contents is not changed.
15506                       Use prefix "nocreate:" to prevent creation.
15508-rc filename           Use "filename" instead of $HOME/.x11vncrc for rc file.
15509-norc                  Do not process any .x11vncrc file for options.
15511-env VAR=VALUE         Set the environment variable 'VAR' to value 'VALUE'
15512                       at x11vnc startup.  This is a convenience utility to
15513                       avoid shell script wrappers, etc. to set the env. var.
15514                       You may specify as many of these as needed on the
15515                       command line.
15516-prog /path/to/x11vnc  Set the full path to the x11vnc program for cases when
15517                       it cannot be determined from argv[0] (e.g. tcpd/inetd)
15519-h, -help              Print this help text.
15520-?, -opts              Only list the x11vnc options.
15521-V, -version           Print program version and last modification date.
15522-license               Print out license information.  Same as -copying and
15523                       -warranty.
15525-dbg                   Instead of exiting after cleaning up, run a simple
15526                       "debug crash shell" when fatal errors are trapped.
15528-q, -quiet             Be quiet by printing less informational output to
15529                       stderr. (use -noquiet to undo an earlier -quiet.)
15531                       The -quiet option does not eliminate all informational
15532                       output, it only reduces it.  It is ignored in most
15533                       auxiliary usage modes, e.g. -storepasswd.  To eliminate
15534                       all output use: 2>/dev/null 1>&2, etc.
15536-v, -verbose           Print out more information to stderr.
15538-bg                    Go into the background after screen setup.  Messages to
15539                       stderr are lost unless -o logfile is used.  Something
15540                       like this could be useful in a script:
15541                        port=`ssh -t $host "x11vnc -display :0 -bg" | grep PORT
15543                        port=`echo "$port" | sed -e 's/PORT=//'`
15544                        port=`expr $port - 5900`
15545                        vncviewer $host:$port
15547-modtweak              Option -modtweak automatically tries to adjust the AltGr
15548-nomodtweak            and Shift modifiers for differing language keyboards
15549                       between client and host.  Otherwise, only a single key
15550                       press/release of a Keycode is simulated (i.e. ignoring
15551                       the state of the modifiers: this usually works for
15552                       identical keyboards).  Also useful in resolving cases
15553                       where a Keysym is bound to multiple keys (e.g. "<" + ">"
15554                       and "," + "<" keys).  Default: -modtweak
15556                       If you are having trouble with with keys and -xkb or
15557                       -noxkb, and similar things don't help, try -nomodtweak.
15559                       On some HP-UX systems it is been noted that they have
15560                       an odd keymapping where a single keycode will have a
15561                       keysym, e.g. "#", up to three times.  You can check
15562                       via "xmodmap -pk" or the -dk option.  The failure
15563                       is when you try to type "#" it yields "3".  If you
15564                       see this problem try setting the environment variable
15565                       MODTWEAK_LOWEST=1 to see if it helps.
15567-xkb                   When in modtweak mode, use the XKEYBOARD extension (if
15568-noxkb                 the X display supports it) to do the modifier tweaking.
15569                       This is powerful and should be tried if there are still
15570                       keymapping problems when using -modtweak by itself.
15571                       The default is to check whether some common keysyms,
15572                       e.g. !, @, [, are only accessible via -xkb mode and if
15573                       so then automatically enable the mode.  To disable this
15574                       automatic detection use -noxkb.
15576                       When -xkb mode is active you can set these env. vars.
15577                       They apply only when there is ambiguity as to which
15578                       key to choose (i.e the mapping is not one-to-one).
15579                       NOKEYHINTS=1: for up ascii keystrokes do not use score
15580                       hints saved when the key was pressed down. NOANYDOWN=1:
15581                       for up keystrokes do not resort to searching through
15582                       keys that are currently pressed down.  KEYSDOWN=N:
15583                       remember the last N keys press down for tie-breaking
15584                       when an up keystroke comes in.
15586-capslock              When in -modtweak (the default) or -xkb mode,
15587                       if a keysym in the range A-Z comes in check the X
15588                       server to see if the Caps_Lock is set.  If it is do
15589                       not artificially press Shift to generate the keysym.
15590                       This will enable the CapsLock key to behave correctly
15591                       in some circumstances: namely *both* the VNC viewer
15592                       machine and the x11vnc X server are in the CapsLock
15593                       on state.  If one side has CapsLock on and the other
15594                       off and the keyboard is not behaving as you think it
15595                       should you should correct the CapsLock states (hint:
15596                       pressing CapsLock inside and outside of the viewer can
15597                       help toggle them both to the correct state).  However,
15598                       for best results do not use this option, but rather
15599                       *only* enable CapsLock on the VNC viewer side (i.e. by
15600                       pressing CapsLock outside of the viewer window, also
15601                       -skip_lockkeys below).  Also try -nomodtweak for a
15602                       possible workaround.
15604-skip_lockkeys         Have x11vnc ignore all Caps_Lock, Shift_Lock, Num_Lock,
15605-noskip_lockkeys       Scroll_Lock keysyms received from viewers.  The idea is
15606                       you press Caps_Lock on the VNC Viewer side but that does
15607                       not change the lock state in the x11vnc-side X server.
15608                       Nevertheless your capitalized letters come in over
15609                       the wire and are applied correctly to the x11vnc-side
15610                       X server.  Note this mode probably won't do what you
15611                       want in -nomodtweak mode.  Also, a kludge for KP_n
15612                       digits is always done in this mode: they are mapped to
15613                       regular digit keysyms.  See also -capslock above.
15614                       The default is -noskip_lockkeys.
15616-skip_keycodes string  Ignore the comma separated list of decimal keycodes.
15617                       Perhaps these are keycodes not on your keyboard but
15618                       your X server thinks exist.  Currently only applies
15619                       to -xkb mode.  Use this option to help x11vnc in the
15620                       reverse problem it tries to solve: Keysym -> Keycode(s)
15621                       when ambiguities exist (more than one Keycode per
15622                       Keysym).  Run 'xmodmap -pk' to see your keymapping.
15623                       Example: "-skip_keycodes 94,114"
15624-sloppy_keys           Experimental option that tries to correct some
15625                       "sloppy" key behavior.  E.g. if at the viewer you
15626                       press Shift+Key but then release the Shift before
15627                       Key that could give rise to extra unwanted characters
15628                       (usually only between keyboards of different languages).
15629                       Only use this option if you observe problems with
15630                       some keystrokes.
15631-skip_dups             Some VNC viewers send impossible repeated key events,
15632-noskip_dups           e.g. key-down, key-down, key-up, key-up all for the same
15633                       key, or 20 downs in a row for the same modifier key!
15634                       Setting -skip_dups means to skip these duplicates and
15635                       just process the first event. Note: some VNC viewers
15636                       assume they can send down's without the corresponding
15637                       up's and so you should not set this option for
15638                       these viewers (symptom: some keys do not autorepeat)
15639                       Default: -noskip_dups
15640-add_keysyms           If a Keysym is received from a VNC viewer and that
15641-noadd_keysyms         Keysym does not exist in the X server, then add the
15642                       Keysym to the X server's keyboard mapping on an unused
15643                       key.  Added Keysyms will be removed periodically and
15644                       also when x11vnc exits.  Default: -add_keysyms
15645-clear_mods            At startup and exit clear the modifier keys by sending
15646                       KeyRelease for each one. The Lock modifiers are skipped.
15647                       Used to clear the state if the display was accidentally
15648                       left with any pressed down.
15649-clear_keys            As -clear_mods, except try to release ANY pressed key.
15650                       Note that this option and -clear_mods can interfere
15651                       with a person typing at the physical keyboard.
15652-clear_all             As -clear_keys, except try to release any CapsLock,
15653                       NumLock, etc. locks as well.
15655-remap string          Read Keysym remappings from file named "string".
15656                       Format is one pair of Keysyms per line (can be name
15657                       or hex value) separated by a space.  If no file named
15658                       "string" exists, it is instead interpreted as this
15659                       form: key1-key2,key3-key4,...  See <X11/keysymdef.h>
15660                       header file for a list of Keysym names, or use xev(1).
15662                       To map a key to a button click, use the fake Keysyms
15663                       "Button1", ..., etc. E.g: "-remap Super_R-Button2"
15664                       (useful for pasting on a laptop)
15666                       I use these if the machine I am viewing from does not
15667                       have a scrollwheel or I don't like using the one it has:
15669                              -remap Super_R-Button4,Menu-Button5
15670                              -remap KP_Add-Button4,KP_Enter-Button5
15672                       the former would be used on a PC, the latter on a
15673                       MacBook.  This way those little used keys can be used
15674                       to generate bigger hops than the Up and Down arrows
15675                       provide.  One can scroll through text or web pages more
15676                       quickly this way (especially if x11vnc scroll detection
15677                       is active.)
15679                       Use Button44, Button12, etc. for multiple clicks.
15681                       To disable a keysym (i.e. make it so it will not be
15682                       injected), remap it to "NoSymbol" or "None".
15684                       Dead keys: "dead" (or silent, mute) keys are keys that
15685                       do not produce a character but must be followed by a 2nd
15686                       keystroke.  This is often used for accenting characters,
15687                       e.g. to put "`" on top of "a" by pressing the dead
15688                       key and then "a".  Note that this interpretation
15689                       is not part of core X11, it is up to the toolkit or
15690                       application to decide how to react to the sequence.
15691                       The X11 names for these keysyms are "dead_grave",
15692                       "dead_acute", etc.  However some VNC viewers send the
15693                       keysyms "grave", "acute" instead thereby disabling
15694                       the accenting.  To work around this -remap can be used.
15695                       For example "-remap grave-dead_grave,acute-dead_acute"
15696                       As a convenience, "-remap DEAD" applies these remaps:
15698                               g     grave-dead_grave
15699                               a     acute-dead_acute
15700                               c     asciicircum-dead_circumflex
15701                               t     asciitilde-dead_tilde
15702                               m     macron-dead_macron
15703                               b     breve-dead_breve
15704                               D     abovedot-dead_abovedot
15705                               d     diaeresis-dead_diaeresis
15706                               o     degree-dead_abovering
15707                               A     doubleacute-dead_doubleacute
15708                               r     caron-dead_caron
15709                               e     cedilla-dead_cedilla
15711                       If you just want a subset use the first letter
15712                       label, e.g. "-remap DEAD=ga" to get the first two.
15713                       Additional remaps may also be supplied via commas,
15714                       e.g.  "-remap DEAD=ga,Super_R-Button2".  Finally,
15715                       "DEAD=missing" means to apply all of the above as
15716                       long as the left hand member is not already in the
15717                       X11 keymap.
15719-norepeat              Option -norepeat disables X server key auto repeat when
15720-repeat                VNC clients are connected and VNC keyboard input is
15721                       not idle for more than 5 minutes.  This works around a
15722                       repeating keystrokes bug (triggered by long processing
15723                       delays between key down and key up client events:
15724                       either from large screen changes or high latency).
15725                       Default: -norepeat
15727                       You can set the env. var. X11VNC_IDLE_TIMEOUT to the
15728                       number of idle seconds you want (5min = 300secs).
15730                       Note: your VNC viewer side will likely do autorepeating,
15731                       so this is no loss unless someone is simultaneously at
15732                       the real X display.
15734                       Use "-norepeat N" to set how many times norepeat will
15735                       be reset if something else (e.g. X session manager)
15736                       undoes it.  The default is 2.  Use a negative value
15737                       for unlimited resets.
15739-nofb                  Ignore video framebuffer: only process keyboard and
15740                       pointer.  Intended for use with Win2VNC and x2vnc
15741                       dual-monitor setups.
15742-nobell                Do not watch for XBell events. (no beeps will be heard)
15743                       Note: XBell monitoring requires the XKEYBOARD extension.
15744-nosel                 Do not manage exchange of X selection/cutbuffer between
15745                       VNC viewers and the X server at all.
15746-noprimary             Do not poll the PRIMARY selection for changes to send
15747                       back to clients.  (PRIMARY is still set on received
15748                       changes, however).
15749-nosetprimary          Do not set the PRIMARY selection for changes received
15750                       from VNC clients.
15751-noclipboard           Do not poll the CLIPBOARD selection for changes to send
15752                       back to clients.  (CLIPBOARD is still set on received
15753                       changes, however).
15754-nosetclipboard        Do not set the CLIPBOARD selection for changes
15755                       received from VNC clients.
15756-seldir string         If direction string is "send", only send the selection
15757                       to viewers, and if it is "recv" only receive it from
15758                       viewers.  To work around apps setting the selection
15759                       too frequently and messing up the other end.  You can
15760                       actually supply a comma separated list of directions,
15761                       including "debug" to turn on debugging output.
15763-cursor [mode]         Sets how the pointer cursor shape (little icon at the
15764-nocursor              mouse pointer) should be handled.  The "mode" string
15765                       is optional and is described below.  The default
15766                       is to show some sort of cursor shape(s).  How this
15767                       is done depends on the VNC viewer and the X server.
15768                       Use -nocursor to disable cursor shapes completely.
15770                       Some VNC viewers support the TightVNC CursorPosUpdates
15771                       and CursorShapeUpdates extensions (cuts down on
15772                       network traffic by not having to send the cursor image
15773                       every time the pointer is moved), in which case these
15774                       extensions are used (see -nocursorshape and -nocursorpos
15775                       below to disable).  For other viewers the cursor shape
15776                       is written directly to the framebuffer every time the
15777                       pointer is moved or changed and gets sent along with
15778                       the other framebuffer updates.  In this case, there
15779                       will be some lag between the vnc viewer pointer and
15780                       the remote cursor position.
15782                       If the X display supports retrieving the cursor shape
15783                       information from the X server, then the default is
15784                       to use that mode.  On Solaris this can be done with
15785                       the SUN_OVL extension using -overlay (see also the
15786                       -overlay_nocursor option).  A similar overlay scheme
15787                       is used on IRIX.  Xorg (e.g. Linux) and recent Solaris
15788                       Xsun servers support the XFIXES extension to retrieve
15789                       the exact cursor shape from the X server.  If XFIXES
15790                       is present it is preferred over Overlay and is used by
15791                       default (see -noxfixes below).  This can be disabled
15792                       with -nocursor, and also some values of the "mode"
15793                       option below.
15795                       Note that under XFIXES cursors with transparency (alpha
15796                       channel) will usually not be exactly represented and one
15797                       may find Overlay preferable.  See also the -alphacut
15798                       and -alphafrac options below as fudge factors to try
15799                       to improve the situation for cursors with transparency
15800                       for a given theme.
15802                       The "mode" string can be used to fine-tune the
15803                       displaying of cursor shapes.  It can be used the
15804                       following ways:
15806                       "-cursor arrow" - just show the standard arrow
15807                       nothing more or nothing less.
15809                       "-cursor none" - same as "-nocursor"
15811                       "-cursor X" - when the cursor appears to be on the
15812                       root window, draw the familiar X shape.  Some desktops
15813                       such as GNOME cover up the root window completely,
15814                       and so this will not work, try "X1", etc, to try to
15815                       shift the tree depth.  On high latency links or slow
15816                       machines there will be a time lag between expected and
15817                       the actual cursor shape.
15819                       "-cursor some" - like "X" but use additional
15820                       heuristics to try to guess if the window should have
15821                       a windowmanager-like resizer cursor or a text input
15822                       I-beam cursor.  This is a complete hack, but may be
15823                       useful in some situations because it provides a little
15824                       more feedback about the cursor shape.
15826                       "-cursor most" - try to show as many cursors as
15827                       possible.  Often this will only be the same as "some"
15828                       unless the display has overlay visuals or XFIXES
15829                       extensions available.  On Solaris and IRIX if XFIXES
15830                       is not available, -overlay mode will be attempted.
15832-cursor_drag           Show cursor shape changes even when the mouse is being
15833                       dragged with a mouse button down.  This is useful if you
15834                       want to be able to see Drag-and-Drop cursor icons, etc.
15836-arrow n               Choose an alternate "arrow" cursor from a set of
15837                       some common ones.  n can be 1 to 6.  Default is: 1
15838                       Ignored when in XFIXES cursor-grabbing mode.
15840-noxfixes              Do not use the XFIXES extension to draw the exact cursor
15841                       shape even if it is available.
15843                       Note: To work around a crash in Xorg 1.5 and later
15844                       some people needed to use -noxfixes.  The Xorg crash
15845                       occurred right after a Display Manager (e.g. GDM) login.
15846                       Starting with x11vnc 0.9.9 it tries to automatically
15847                       avoid using XFIXES until it is sure a window manager
15848                       is running.  See the -reopen option for more info and
15849                       how to use X11VNC_AVOID_WINDOWS=never to disable it.
15851-alphacut n            When using the XFIXES extension for the cursor shape,
15852                       cursors with transparency will not usually be displayed
15853                       exactly (but opaque ones will).  This option sets n as
15854                       a cutoff for cursors that have transparency ("alpha
15855                       channel" with values ranging from 0 to 255) Any cursor
15856                       pixel with alpha value less than n becomes completely
15857                       transparent.  Otherwise the pixel is completely opaque.
15858                       Default 240
15860-alphafrac fraction    With the threshold in -alphacut some cursors will become
15861                       almost completely transparent because their alpha values
15862                       are not high enough.  For those cursors adjust the
15863                       alpha threshold until fraction of the non-zero alpha
15864                       channel pixels become opaque.  Default 0.33
15865-alpharemove           By default, XFIXES cursors pixels with transparency have
15866                       the alpha factor multiplied into the RGB color values
15867                       (i.e. that corresponding to blending the cursor with a
15868                       black background).  Specify this option to remove the
15869                       alpha factor. (useful for light colored semi-transparent
15870                       cursors).
15871-noalphablend          In XFIXES mode do not send cursor alpha channel data
15872                       to LibVNCServer.  The default is to send it.  The
15873                       alphablend effect will only be visible in -nocursorshape
15874                       mode or for clients with cursorshapeupdates turned
15875                       off. (However there is a hack for 32bpp with depth 24,
15876                       it uses the extra 8 bits to store cursor transparency
15877                       for use with a hacked vncviewer that applies the
15878                       transparency locally.  See the FAQ for more info).
15880-nocursorshape         Do not use the TightVNC CursorShapeUpdates extension
15881                       even if clients support it.  See -cursor above.
15882-cursorpos             Option -cursorpos enables sending the X cursor position
15883-nocursorpos           back to all vnc clients that support the TightVNC
15884                       CursorPosUpdates extension.  Other clients will be able
15885                       to see the pointer motions. Default: -cursorpos
15886-xwarppointer          Move the pointer with XWarpPointer(3X) instead of
15887-noxwarppointer        the XTEST extension.  Use this as a workaround
15888                       if the pointer motion behaves incorrectly, e.g.
15889                       on touchscreens or other non-standard setups.
15891                       It is also sometimes needed on XINERAMA displays and is
15892                       enabled by default if XINERAMA is found to be active.
15893                       To prevent this, use -noxwarppointer.
15895-always_inject         Even if there is no displacement (dx = dy = 0) for a
15896                       VNC mouse event force the pointer to the indicated x,y
15897                       position anyway.  Recent (2009) gui toolkits (gnome)
15898                       have problems with x11vnc's original mouse input
15899                       injection method.  So x11vnc's mouse input injection
15900                       method has been modified.  To regain the OLD behavior
15901                       use this option: -always_inject.  Then x11vnc will
15902                       always force positioning the mouse to the x,y position
15903                       even if that position has not changed since the previous
15904                       VNC input event.
15906                       The first place this problem was noticed was in gnome
15907                       terminal: if you pressed and released mouse button 3, a
15908                       menu was posted and then its first element 'New Terminal
15909                       Window' was activated.  This was because x11vnc injected
15910                       the mouse position twice: once on ButtonPress and again
15911                       on ButtonRelease.  The toolkit interpreted the 2nd one
15912                       as mouse motion even though the mouse hadn't moved.
15913                       So now by default x11vnc tries to avoid injecting the
15914                       2nd one.
15916                       Note that with the new default x11vnc will be oblivious
15917                       to applications moving the pointer (warping) or the
15918                       user at the physical display moving it.  So it might,
15919                       e.g., inject ButtonRelease at the wrong position.
15920                       If this (or similar scenarios) causes problems in your
15921                       environment, specify -always_inject for the old method.
15923-buttonmap string      String to remap mouse buttons.  Format: IJK-LMN, this
15924                       maps buttons I -> L, etc., e.g.  -buttonmap 13-31
15926                       Button presses can also be mapped to keystrokes: replace
15927                       a button digit on the right of the dash with :<sym>:
15928                       or :<sym1>+<sym2>: etc. for multiple keys. For example,
15929                       if the viewing machine has a mouse-wheel (buttons 4 5)
15930                       but the x11vnc side does not, these will do scrolls:
15931                              -buttonmap 12345-123:Prior::Next:
15932                              -buttonmap 12345-123:Up+Up+Up::Down+Down+Down:
15934                       See <X11/keysymdef.h> header file for a list of Keysyms,
15935                       or use the xev(1) program.  Note: mapping of button
15936                       clicks to Keysyms may not work if -modtweak or -xkb is
15937                       needed for the Keysym.
15939                       If you include a modifier like "Shift_L" the
15940                       modifier's up/down state is toggled, e.g. to send
15941                       "The" use :Shift_L+t+Shift_L+h+e: (the 1st one is
15942                       shift down and the 2nd one is shift up). (note: the
15943                       initial state of the modifier is ignored and not reset)
15944                       To include button events use "Button1", ... etc.
15946                       -buttonmap currently does not work on MacOSX console
15947                       or in -rawfb mode.
15949                       Workaround: use -buttonmap IJ...-LM...=n to limit the
15950                       number of mouse buttons to n, e.g. 123-123=3.  This will
15951                       prevent x11vnc from crashing if the X server reports
15952                       there are 5 buttons (4/5 scroll wheel), but there are
15953                       only really 3.
15955-nodragging            Do not update the display during mouse dragging events
15956                       (mouse button held down).  Greatly improves response on
15957                       slow setups, but you lose all visual feedback for drags,
15958                       text selection, and some menu traversals.  It overrides
15959                       any -pointer_mode setting.
15961-ncache n              Client-side caching scheme.  Framebuffer memory "n"
15962                       (an integer) times that of the full display is allocated
15963                       below the actual framebuffer to cache screen contents
15964                       for rapid retrieval.  So a W x H frambuffer is expanded
15965                       to a W x (n+1)*H one.  Use 0 to disable.
15967                       The "n" is actually optional, the default is 10.
15969                       For this and the other -ncache* options below you can
15970                       abbreviate "-ncache" with "-nc".  Also, "-nonc"
15971                       is the same as "-ncache 0"
15973                       This is an experimental option, currently implemented in
15974                       an awkward way in that in the VNC Viewer you can see the
15975                       pixel cache contents if you scroll down, etc.  So you
15976                       will have to set things up so you can't see that region.
15977                       If this method is successful, the changes required for
15978                       clients to do this less awkwardly will be investigated.
15980                       The SSVNC viewer does a good job at automatically hiding
15981                       the pixel cache region.  Or use SSVNC's -ycrop option
15982                       to explicitly hide the region.
15984                       Note that this mode consumes a huge amount of memory,
15985                       both on the x11vnc server side and on the VNC Viewer
15986                       side.  If n=2 then the amount of RAM used is roughly
15987                       tripled for both x11vnc and the VNC Viewer.  As a rule
15988                       of thumb, note that 1280x1024 at depth 24 is about 5MB
15989                       of pixel data.
15991                       For reasonable response when cycling through 4 to 6
15992                       large (e.g. web browser) windows a value n of 6 to 12
15993                       is recommended. (that's right: ~10X more memory...)
15995                       Because of the way window backingstore and saveunders
15996                       are implemented, n must be even.  It will be incremented
15997                       by 1 if it is not.
15999                       This mode also works for native MacOS X, but may not
16000                       be as effective as the X version.  This is due to a
16001                       number of things, one is the drop-shadow compositing
16002                       that leaves extra areas that need to be repaired (see
16003                       -ncache_pad).  Another is the window iconification
16004                       animations need to be avoided (see -macicontime).
16005                       It appears the that the 'Scale' animation mode gives
16006                       better results than the 'Genie' one.  Also, window event
16007                       detection not as accurate as the X version.
16009-ncache_cr             In -ncache mode, try to do copyrect opaque window
16010                       moves/drags instead of wireframes (this can induce
16011                       painting errors).  The wireframe will still be used when
16012                       moving a window whose save-unders has not yet been set
16013                       or has been invalidated.
16015                       Some VNC Viewers provide better response than others
16016                       with this option.  On Unix, realvnc viewer gives
16017                       smoother drags than tightvnc viewer.  Response may also
16018                       be choppy if the server side machine is too slow.
16020                       Sometimes on very slow modem connections, this actually
16021                       gives an improvement because no pixel data at all
16022                       (not even the box animation) is sent during the drag.
16024-ncache_no_moveraise   In -ncache mode, do not assume that moving a window
16025                       will cause the window manager to raise it to the top
16026                       of the stack.  The default is to assume it does, and
16027                       so at the beginning of any wireframe, etc, window moves
16028                       the window will be pushed to top in the VNC viewer.
16030-ncache_no_dtchange    In -ncache mode, do not try to guess when the desktop
16031                       (viewport) changes to another one (i.e. another
16032                       workarea).  The default is to try to guess and when
16033                       detected try to make the transistion more smoothly.
16035-ncache_no_rootpixmap  In -ncache mode, do not try to snapshot the desktop
16036                       background to use in guessing or reconstructing window
16037                       save-unders.
16039-ncache_keep_anims     In -ncache mode, do not try to disable window
16040                       manager animations and other effects (that usually
16041                       degrade ncache performance or cause painting errors).
16042                       The default is to try to disable them on KDE (but not
16043                       GNOME) when VNC clients are connected.
16045                       For other window managers or desktops that provide
16046                       animations, effects, compositing, translucency,
16047                       etc. that interfere with the -ncache method you will
16048                       have to disable them manually.
16050-ncache_old_wm         In -ncache mode, enable some heuristics for old style
16051                       window managers such as fvwm and twm.
16053-ncache_pad n          In -ncache mode, pad each window with n pixels for the
16054                       caching rectangles.  This can be used to try to improve
16055                       the situation with dropshadows or other compositing
16056                       (e.g. MacOS X window manager), although it could make
16057                       things worse.  The default is 0 on Unix and 24 on
16058                       MacOS X.
16059-debug_ncache          Turn on debugging and profiling output under -ncache.
16061-wireframe [str]       Try to detect window moves or resizes when a mouse
16062-nowireframe           button is held down and show a wireframe instead of
16063                       the full opaque window.  This is based completely on
16064                       heuristics and may not always work: it depends on your
16065                       window manager and even how you move things around.
16066                       See -pointer_mode below for discussion of the "bogging
16067                       down" problem this tries to avoid.
16068                       Default: -wireframe
16070                       Shorter aliases:  -wf [str]  and -nowf
16072                       The value "str" is optional and, of course, is
16073                       packed with many tunable parameters for this scheme:
16075                       Format: shade,linewidth,percent,T+B+L+R,mod,t1+t2+t3+t4
16076                       Default: 0xff,2,0,32+8+8+8,all,0.15+0.30+5.0+0.125
16078                       If you leave nothing between commas: ",," the default
16079                       value is used.  If you don't specify enough commas,
16080                       the trailing parameters are set to their defaults.
16082                       "shade" indicate the "color" for the wireframe,
16083                       usually a greyscale: 0-255, however for 16 and 32bpp you
16084                       can specify an rgb.txt X color (e.g. "dodgerblue") or
16085                       a value > 255 is treated as RGB (e.g. red is 0xff0000).
16086                       "linewidth" sets the width of the wireframe in pixels.
16087                       "percent" indicates to not apply the wireframe scheme
16088                       to windows with area less than this percent of the
16089                       full screen.
16091                       "T+B+L+R" indicates four integers for how close in
16092                       pixels the pointer has to be from the Top, Bottom, Left,
16093                       or Right edges of the window to consider wireframing.
16094                       This is a speedup to quickly exclude a window from being
16095                       wireframed: set them all to zero to not try the speedup
16096                       (scrolling and selecting text will likely be slower).
16098                       "mod" specifies if a button down event in the
16099                       interior of the window with a modifier key (Alt, Shift,
16100                       etc.) down should indicate a wireframe opportunity.
16101                       It can be "0" or "none" to skip it, "1" or "all"
16102                       to apply it to any modifier, or "Shift", "Alt",
16103                       "Control", "Meta", "Super", or "Hyper" to only
16104                       apply for that type of modifier key.
16106                       "t1+t2+t3+t4" specify four floating point times in
16107                       seconds: t1 is how long to wait for the pointer to move,
16108                       t2 is how long to wait for the window to start moving
16109                       or being resized (for some window managers this can be
16110                       rather long), t3 is how long to keep a wireframe moving
16111                       before repainting the window. t4 is the minimum time
16112                       between sending wireframe "animations".  If a slow
16113                       link is detected, these values may be automatically
16114                       changed to something better for a slow link.
16116-nowireframelocal      By default, mouse motion and button presses of a
16117                       user sitting at the LOCAL display are monitored for
16118                       wireframing opportunities (so that the changes will be
16119                       sent efficiently to the VNC clients).  Use this option
16120                       to disable this behavior.
16122-wirecopyrect mode     Since the -wireframe mechanism evidently tracks moving
16123-nowirecopyrect        windows accurately, a speedup can be obtained by
16124                       telling the VNC viewers to locally copy the translated
16125                       window region.  This is the VNC CopyRect encoding:
16126                       the framebuffer update doesn't need to send the actual
16127                       new image data.
16129                       Shorter aliases:  -wcr [mode]  and -nowcr
16131                       "mode" can be "never" (same as -nowirecopyrect)
16132                       to never try the copyrect, "top" means only do it if
16133                       the window was not covered by any other windows, and
16134                       "always" means to translate the orginally unobscured
16135                       region (this may look odd as the remaining pieces come
16136                       in, but helps on a slow link).  Default: "always"
16138                       Note: there can be painting errors or slow response
16139                       when using -scale so you may want to disable CopyRect
16140                       in this case "-wirecopyrect never" on the command
16141                       line or by remote-control.  Or you can also use the
16142                       "-scale xxx:nocr" scale option.
16144-debug_wireframe       Turn on debugging info printout for the wireframe
16145                       heuristics.  "-dwf" is an alias.  Specify multiple
16146                       times for more output.
16148-scrollcopyrect mode   Like -wirecopyrect, but use heuristics to try to guess
16149-noscrollcopyrect      if a window has scrolled its contents (either vertically
16150                       or horizontally).  This requires the RECORD X extension
16151                       to "snoop" on X applications (currently for certain
16152                       XCopyArea and XConfigureWindow X protocol requests).
16153                       Examples: Hitting <Return> in a terminal window when the
16154                       cursor was at the bottom, the text scrolls up one line.
16155                       Hitting <Down> arrow in a web browser window, the web
16156                       page scrolls up a small amount.  Or scrolling with a
16157                       scrollbar or mouse wheel.
16159                       Shorter aliases:  -scr [mode]  and -noscr
16161                       This scheme will not always detect scrolls, but when
16162                       it does there is a nice speedup from using the VNC
16163                       CopyRect encoding (see -wirecopyrect).  The speedup
16164                       is both in reduced network traffic and reduced X
16165                       framebuffer polling/copying.  On the other hand, it may
16166                       induce undesired transients (e.g. a terminal cursor
16167                       being scrolled up when it should not be) or other
16168                       painting errors (window tearing, bunching-up, etc).
16169                       These are automatically repaired in a short period
16170                       of time.  If this is unacceptable disable the feature
16171                       with -noscrollcopyrect.
16173                       Screen clearing kludges:  for testing at least, there
16174                       are some "magic key sequences" (must be done in less
16175                       than 1 second) to aid repairing painting errors that
16176                       may be seen when using this mode:
16178                       3 Alt_L's   in a row: resend whole screen,
16179                       4 Alt_L's   in a row: reread and resend whole screen,
16180                       3 Super_L's in a row: mark whole screen for polling,
16181                       4 Super_L's in a row: reset RECORD context,
16182                       5 Super_L's in a row: try to push a black screen
16184                       note: Alt_L is the Left "Alt" key (a single key)
16185                       Super_L is the Left "Super" key (Windows flag).
16186                       Both of these are modifier keys, and so should not
16187                       generate characters when pressed by themselves.  Also,
16188                       your VNC viewer may have its own refresh hot-key
16189                       or button.
16191                       "mode" can be "never" (same as -noscrollcopyrect)
16192                       to never try the copyrect, "keys" means to try it
16193                       in response to keystrokes only, "mouse" means to
16194                       try it in response to mouse events only, "always"
16195                       means to do both. Default: "always"
16197                       Note: there can be painting errors or slow response
16198                       when using -scale so you may want to disable CopyRect
16199                       in this case "-scrollcopyrect never" on the command
16200                       line or by remote-control.  Or you can also use the
16201                       "-scale xxx:nocr" scale option.
16203-scr_area n            Set the minimum area in pixels for a rectangle
16204                       to be considered for the -scrollcopyrect detection
16205                       scheme.  This is to avoid wasting the effort on small
16206                       rectangles that would be quickly updated the normal way.
16207                       E.g. suppose an app updated the position of its skinny
16208                       scrollbar first and then shifted the large panel
16209                       it controlled.  We want to be sure to skip the small
16210                       scrollbar and get the large panel. Default: 60000
16212-scr_skip list         Skip scroll detection for applications matching
16213                       the comma separated list of strings in "list".
16214                       Some applications implement their scrolling in
16215                       strange ways where the XCopyArea, etc, also applies
16216                       to invisible portions of the window: if we CopyRect
16217                       those areas it looks awful during the scroll and
16218                       there may be painting errors left after the scroll.
16219                       Soffice.bin is the worst known offender.
16221                       Use "##" to denote the start of the application class
16222                       (e.g. "##XTerm") and "++" to denote the start
16223                       of the application instance name (e.g. "++xterm").
16224                       The string your list is matched against is of the form
16225                       "^^WM_NAME##Class++Instance<same-for-any-subwindows>"
16226                       The "xlsclients -la" command will provide this info.
16228                       If a pattern is prefixed with "KEY:" it only applies
16229                       to Keystroke generated scrolls (e.g. Up arrow).  If it
16230                       is prefixed with "MOUSE:" it only applies to Mouse
16231                       induced scrolls (e.g. dragging on a scrollbar).
16232                       Default: ##Soffice.bin,##StarOffice,##OpenOffice
16234-scr_inc list          Opposite of -scr_skip: this list is consulted first
16235                       and if there is a match the window will be monitored
16236                       via RECORD for scrolls irrespective of -scr_skip.
16237                       Use -scr_skip '*' to skip anything that does not match
16238                       your -scr_inc.  Use -scr_inc '*' to include everything.
16240-scr_keys list         For keystroke scroll detection, only apply the RECORD
16241                       heuristics to the comma separated list of keysyms in
16242                       "list".  You may find the RECORD overhead for every
16243                       one of your keystrokes disrupts typing too much, but you
16244                       don't want to turn it off completely with "-scr mouse"
16245                       and -scr_parms does not work or is too confusing.
16247                       The listed keysyms can be numeric or the keysym
16248                       names in the <X11/keysymdef.h> header file or from the
16249                       xev(1) program.  Example: "-scr_keys Up,Down,Return".
16250                       One probably wants to have application specific lists
16251                       (e.g. for terminals, etc) but that is too icky to think
16252                       about for now...
16254                       If "list" begins with the "-" character the list
16255                       is taken as an exclude list: all keysyms except those
16256                       list will be considered.  The special string "builtin"
16257                       expands to an internal list of keysyms that are likely
16258                       to cause scrolls.  BTW, by default modifier keys,
16259                       Shift_L, Control_R, etc, are skipped since they almost
16260                       never induce scrolling by themselves.
16262-scr_term list         Yet another cosmetic kludge.  Apply shell/terminal
16263                       heuristics to applications matching comma separated
16264                       list (same as for -scr_skip/-scr_inc).  For example an
16265                       annoying transient under scroll detection is if you
16266                       hit Enter in a terminal shell with full text window,
16267                       the solid text cursor block will be scrolled up.
16268                       So for a short time there are two (or more) block
16269                       cursors on the screen.  There are similar scenarios,
16270                       (e.g. an output line is duplicated).
16272                       These transients are induced by the approximation of
16273                       scroll detection (e.g. it detects the scroll, but not
16274                       the fact that the block cursor was cleared just before
16275                       the scroll).  In nearly all cases these transient errors
16276                       are repaired when the true X framebuffer is consulted
16277                       by the normal polling.  But they are distracting, so
16278                       what this option provides is extra "padding" near the
16279                       bottom of the terminal window: a few extra lines near
16280                       the bottom will not be scrolled, but rather updated
16281                       from the actual X framebuffer.  This usually reduces
16282                       the annoying artifacts.  Use "none" to disable.
16283                       Default: "term"
16285-scr_keyrepeat lo-hi   If a key is held down (or otherwise repeats rapidly) and
16286                       this induces a rapid sequence of scrolls (e.g. holding
16287                       down an Arrow key) the "scrollcopyrect" detection
16288                       and overhead may not be able to keep up.  A time per
16289                       single scroll estimate is performed and if that estimate
16290                       predicts a sustainable scrollrate of keys per second
16291                       between "lo" and "hi" then repeated keys will be
16292                       DISCARDED to maintain the scrollrate. For example your
16293                       key autorepeat may be 25 keys/sec, but for a large
16294                       window or slow link only 8 scrolls per second can be
16295                       sustained, then roughly 2 out of every 3 repeated keys
16296                       will be discarded during this period. Default: "4-20"
16298-scr_parms string      Set various parameters for the scrollcopyrect mode.
16299                       The format is similar to that for -wireframe and packed
16300                       with lots of parameters:
16302                       Format: T+B+L+R,t1+t2+t3,s1+s2+s3+s4+s5
16303                       Default: 0+64+32+32,0.02+0.10+0.9,0.03+0.06+0.5+0.1+5.0
16305                       If you leave nothing between commas: ",," the default
16306                       value is used.  If you don't specify enough commas,
16307                       the trailing parameters are set to their defaults.
16309                       "T+B+L+R" indicates four integers for how close in
16310                       pixels the pointer has to be from the Top, Bottom, Left,
16311                       or Right edges of the window to consider scrollcopyrect.
16312                       If -wireframe overlaps it takes precedence.  This is a
16313                       speedup to quickly exclude a window from being watched
16314                       for scrollcopyrect: set them all to zero to not try
16315                       the speedup (things like selecting text will likely
16316                       be slower).
16318                       "t1+t2+t3" specify three floating point times in
16319                       seconds that apply to scrollcopyrect detection with
16320                       *Keystroke* input: t1 is how long to wait after a key
16321                       is pressed for the first scroll, t2 is how long to keep
16322                       looking after a Keystroke scroll for more scrolls.
16323                       t3 is how frequently to try to update surrounding
16324                       scrollbars outside of the scrolling area (0.0 to
16325                       disable)
16327                       "s1+s2+s3+s4+s5" specify five floating point times
16328                       in seconds that apply to scrollcopyrect detection with
16329                       *Mouse* input: s1 is how long to wait after a mouse
16330                       button is pressed for the first scroll, s2 is how long
16331                       to keep waiting for additional scrolls after the first
16332                       Mouse scroll was detected.  s3 is how frequently to
16333                       try to update surrounding scrollbars outside of the
16334                       scrolling area (0.0 to disable).  s4 is how long to
16335                       buffer pointer motion (to try to get fewer, bigger
16336                       mouse scrolls). s5 is the maximum time to spend just
16337                       updating the scroll window without updating the rest
16338                       of the screen.
16340-fixscreen string      Periodically "repair" the screen based on settings
16341                       in "string".  Hopefully you won't need this option,
16342                       it is intended for cases when the -scrollcopyrect or
16343                       -wirecopyrect features leave too many painting errors,
16344                       but it can be used for any scenario.  This option
16345                       periodically performs costly operations and so
16346                       interactive response may be reduced when it is on.
16347                       You can use 3 Alt_L's (the Left "Alt" key) taps in
16348                       a row (as described under -scrollcopyrect) instead to
16349                       manually request a screen repaint when it is needed.
16351                       "string" is a comma separated list of one or more of
16352                       the following: "V=t", "C=t", "X=t", and "8=t".
16353                       In these "t" stands for a time in seconds (it is
16354                       a floating point even though one should usually use
16355                       values > 2 to avoid wasting resources).  V sets how
16356                       frequently the entire screen should be sent to viewers
16357                       (it is like the 3 Alt_L's).  C sets how long to wait
16358                       after a CopyRect to repaint the full screen.  X sets
16359                       how frequently to reread the full X11 framebuffer from
16360                       the X server and push it out to connected viewers.
16361                       Use of X should be rare, please report a bug if you
16362                       find you need it. 8= applies only for -8to24 mode: it
16363                       sets how often the non-default visual regions of the
16364                       screen (e.g. 8bpp windows) are refreshed.  Examples:
16365                       -fixscreen V=10 -fixscreen C=10
16367-debug_scroll          Turn on debugging info printout for the scroll
16368                       heuristics.  "-ds" is an alias.  Specify it multiple
16369                       times for more output.
16371-noxrecord             Disable any use of the RECORD extension.  This is
16372                       currently used by the -scrollcopyrect scheme and to
16373                       monitor X server grabs.
16375-grab_buster           Some of the use of the RECORD extension can leave a
16376-nograb_buster         tiny window for XGrabServer deadlock.  This is only if
16377                       the whole-server grabbing application expects mouse or
16378                       keyboard input before releasing the grab.  It is usually
16379                       a window manager that does this.  x11vnc takes care to
16380                       avoid the problem, but if caught x11vnc will freeze.
16381                       Without -grab_buster, the only solution is to go the
16382                       physical display and give it some input to satisfy the
16383                       grabbing app.  Or manually kill and restart the window
16384                       manager if that is feasible.  With -grab_buster, x11vnc
16385                       will fork a helper thread and if x11vnc appears to be
16386                       stuck in a grab after a period of time (20-30 sec) then
16387                       it will inject some user input: button clicks, Escape,
16388                       mouse motion, etc to try to break the grab.  If you
16389                       experience a lot of grab deadlock, please report a bug.
16391-debug_grabs           Turn on debugging info printout with respect to
16392                       XGrabServer() deadlock for -scrollcopyrect mode.
16394-debug_sel             Turn on debugging info printout with respect to
16395                       PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD, and CUTBUFFER0 selections.
16397-pointer_mode n        Various pointer motion update schemes. "-pm" is
16398                       an alias.  The problem is pointer motion can cause
16399                       rapid changes on the screen: consider the rapid
16400                       changes when you drag a large window around opaquely.
16401                       Neither x11vnc's screen polling and vnc compression
16402                       routines nor the bandwidth to the vncviewers can keep
16403                       up these rapid screen changes: everything will bog down
16404                       when dragging or scrolling.  So a scheme has to be used
16405                       to "eat" much of that pointer input before re-polling
16406                       the screen and sending out framebuffer updates. The
16407                       mode number "n" can be 0 to 4 and selects one of
16408                       the schemes desribed below.
16410                       Note that the -wireframe and -scrollcopyrect modes
16411                       complement -pointer_mode by detecting (and improving)
16412                       certain periods of "rapid screen change".
16414                       n=0: does the same as -nodragging. (all screen polling
16415                       is suspended if a mouse button is pressed.)
16417                       n=1: was the original scheme used to about Jan 2004:
16418                       it basically just skips -input_skip keyboard or pointer
16419                       events before repolling the screen.
16421                       n=2 is an improved scheme: by watching the current rate
16422                       of input events it tries to detect if it should try to
16423                       "eat" additional pointer events before continuing.
16425                       n=3 is basically a dynamic -nodragging mode: it detects
16426                       when the mouse motion has paused and then refreshes
16427                       the display.
16429                       n=4 attempts to measures network rates and latency,
16430                       the video card read rate, and how many tiles have been
16431                       changed on the screen.  From this, it aggressively tries
16432                       to push screen "frames" when it decides it has enough
16433                       resources to do so.  NOT FINISHED.
16435                       The default n is 2. Note that modes 2, 3, 4 will skip
16436                       -input_skip keyboard events (but it will not count
16437                       pointer events).  Also note that these modes are not
16438                       available in -threads mode which has its own pointer
16439                       event handling mechanism.
16441                       To try out the different pointer modes to see which
16442                       one gives the best response for your usage, it is
16443                       convenient to use the remote control function, for
16444                       example "x11vnc -R pm:4" or the tcl/tk gui (Tuning ->
16445                       pointer_mode -> n).
16447-input_skip n          For the pointer handling when non-threaded: try to
16448                       read n user input events before scanning display. n < 0
16449                       means to act as though there is always user input.
16450                       Default: 10
16452-allinput              Have x11vnc read and process all available client input
16453                       before proceeding.
16455-input_eagerly         Similar to -allinput but use the handleEventsEagerly
16456                       mechanism built into LibVNCServer.
16458-speeds rd,bw,lat      x11vnc tries to estimate some speed parameters that
16459                       are used to optimize scheduling (e.g. -pointer_mode
16460                       4, -wireframe, -scrollcopyrect) and other things.
16461                       Use the -speeds option to set these manually.
16462                       The triple "rd,bw,lat" corresponds to video h/w
16463                       read rate in MB/sec, network bandwidth to clients in
16464                       KB/sec, and network latency to clients in milliseconds,
16465                       respectively.  If a value is left blank, e.g. "-speeds
16466                       ,100,15", then the internal scheme is used to estimate
16467                       the empty value(s).
16469                       Typical PC video cards have read rates of 5-10 MB/sec.
16470                       If the framebuffer is in main memory instead of video
16471                       h/w (e.g. SunRay, shadowfb, dummy driver, Xvfb), the
16472                       read rate may be much faster.  "x11perf -getimage500"
16473                       can be used to get a lower bound (remember to factor
16474                       in the bytes per pixel).  It is up to you to estimate
16475                       the network bandwith and latency to clients.  For the
16476                       latency the ping(1) command can be used.
16478                       For convenience there are some aliases provided,
16479                       e.g. "-speeds modem".  The aliases are: "modem" for
16480                       6,4,200; "dsl" for 6,100,50; and "lan" for 6,5000,1
16482-wmdt string           For some features, e.g. -wireframe and -scrollcopyrect,
16483                       x11vnc has to work around issues for certain window
16484                       managers or desktops (currently kde and xfce).
16485                       By default it tries to guess which one, but it can
16486                       guess incorrectly.  Use this option to indicate which
16487                       wm/dt.  "string" can be "gnome", "kde", "cde",
16488                       "xfce", or "root" (classic X wm).  Anything else
16489                       is interpreted as "root".
16491-debug_pointer         Print debugging output for every pointer event.
16492-debug_keyboard        Print debugging output for every keyboard event.
16493                       Same as -dp and -dk, respectively.  Use multiple
16494                       times for more output.
16496-defer time            Time in ms to delay sending updates to connected clients
16497                       (deferUpdateTime)  Default: 20
16499-wait time             Time in ms to pause between screen polls.  Used to cut
16500                       down on load.  Default: 20
16502-extra_fbur n          Perform extra FrameBufferUpdateRequests checks to
16503                       try to be in better sync with the client's requests.
16504                       What this does is perform extra polls of the client
16505                       socket at critical times (before '-defer' and '-wait'
16506                       calls.)  The default is n=1.  Set to a larger number to
16507                       insert more checks or set to n=0 to disable.  A downside
16508                       of these extra calls is that more mouse input may be
16509                       processed than desired.
16511-wait_ui factor        Factor by which to cut the -wait time if there
16512                       has been recent user input (pointer or keyboard).
16513                       Improves response, but increases the load whenever you
16514                       are moving the mouse or typing.  Default: 2.00
16515-setdefer n            When the -wait_ui mechanism cuts down the wait time ms,
16516                       set the defer time to the same ms value. n=1 to enable,
16517                       0 to disable, and -1 to set defer to 0 (no delay).
16518                       Similarly, 2 and -2 indicate 'urgent_update' mode should
16519                       be used to push the updates even sooner.  Default: 1
16520-nowait_bog            Do not detect if the screen polling is "bogging down"
16521                       and sleep more.  Some activities with no user input can
16522                       slow things down a lot: consider a large terminal window
16523                       with a long build running in it continuously streaming
16524                       text output.  By default x11vnc will try to detect this
16525                       (3 screen polls in a row each longer than 0.25 sec with
16526                       no user input), and sleep up to 1.5 secs to let things
16527                       "catch up".  Use this option to disable that detection.
16528-slow_fb time          Floating point time in seconds to delay all screen
16529                       polling.  For special purpose usage where a low frame
16530                       rate is acceptable and desirable, but you want the
16531                       user input processed at the normal rate so you cannot
16532                       use -wait.
16533-xrefresh time         Floating point time in seconds to indicate how often to
16534                       do the equivalent of xrefresh(1) to force all windows
16535                       (in the viewable area if -id, -sid, or -clip is used)
16536                       to repaint themselves.  Use this only if applications
16537                       misbehave by not repainting themselves properly.
16538                       See also -noxdamage.
16539-nap                   Monitor activity and if it is low take longer naps
16540-nonap                 between screen polls to really cut down load when idle.
16541                       Default: take naps
16542-sb time               Time in seconds after NO activity (e.g. screen blank)
16543                       to really throttle down the screen polls (i.e. sleep
16544                       for about 1.5 secs). Use 0 to disable.  Default: 60
16545                       Set the env. var. X11VNC_SB_FACTOR to scale it.
16547-readtimeout n         Set LibVNCServer rfbMaxClientWait to n seconds. On
16548                       slow links that take a long time to paint the first
16549                       screen LibVNCServer may hit the timeout and drop the
16550                       connection.  Default: 20 seconds.
16551-ping n                Send a 1x1 framebuffer update to all clients every n
16552                       seconds (e.g. to try to keep a network connection alive)
16554-nofbpm                If the system supports the FBPM (Frame Buffer Power
16555-fbpm                  Management) extension (i.e. some Sun systems), then
16556                       prevent the video h/w from going into a reduced power
16557                       state when VNC clients are connected.
16559                       FBPM capable video h/w save energy when the workstation
16560                       is idle by going into low power states (similar to DPMS
16561                       for monitors).  This interferes with x11vnc's polling
16562                       of the framebuffer data.
16564                       "-nofbpm" means prevent FBPM low power states whenever
16565                       VNC clients are connected, while "-fbpm" means to not
16566                       monitor the FBPM state at all.  See the xset(1) manpage
16567                       for details.  -nofbpm is basically the same as running
16568                       "xset fbpm force on" periodically.  Default: -fbpm
16570-nodpms                If the system supports the DPMS (Display Power Managemen
16572-dpms                  Signaling) extension, then prevent the monitor from
16573                       going into a reduced power state when VNC clients
16574                       are connected.
16576                       DPMS reduced power monitor states are a good thing
16577                       and you normally want the power down to take place
16578                       (usually x11vnc has no problem exporting the display in
16579                       this state).  You probably only want to use "-nodpms"
16580                       to work around problems with Screen Savers kicking
16581                       on in DPMS low power states.  There is known problem
16582                       with kdesktop_lock on KDE where the screen saver keeps
16583                       kicking in every time user input stops for a second
16584                       or two.  Specifying "-nodpms" works around it.
16586                       "-nodpms" means prevent DPMS low power states whenever
16587                       VNC clients are connected, while "-dpms" means to not
16588                       monitor the DPMS state at all.  See the xset(1) manpage
16589                       for details.  -nodpms is basically the same as running
16590                       "xset dpms force on" periodically.  Default: -dpms
16592-forcedpms             If the system supports the DPMS (Display Power
16593                       Management Signaling) extension, then try to keep the
16594                       monitor in a powered off state.  This is to prevent
16595                       nosey people at the physical display from viewing what
16596                       is on the screen.  Be sure to lock the screen before
16597                       disconnecting.
16599                       This method is far from bullet proof, e.g. suppose
16600                       someone attaches a non-DPMS monitor, or loads the
16601                       machine so that there is a gap of time before x11vnc
16602                       restores the powered off state?  On many machines if
16603                       he floods it with keyboard and mouse input he can see
16604                       flashes of what is on the screen before the DPMS off
16605                       state is reestablished.  For this to work securely
16606                       there would need to be support in the X server to do
16607                       this exactly rather than approximately with DPMS.
16609-clientdpms            As -forcedpms but only when VNC clients are connected.
16611-noserverdpms          The UltraVNC ServerInput extension is supported.
16612                       This allows the VNC viewer to click a button that will
16613                       cause the server (x11vnc) to try to disable keyboard
16614                       and mouse input at the physical display and put the
16615                       monitor in dpms powered off state.  Use this option to
16616                       skip powering off the monitor.
16618-noultraext            Disable the following UltraVNC extensions: SingleWindow
16619                       and ServerInput.  The others managed by LibVNCServer
16620                       (textchat, 1/n scaling, rfbEncodingUltra) are not.
16622-chatwindow            Place a local UltraVNC chat window on the X11 display
16623                       that x11vnc is polling.  That way the person on the VNC
16624                       viewer-side can chat with the person at the physical
16625                       X11 console. (e.g. helpdesk w/o telephone)
16627                       For this to work the SSVNC package (version 1.0.21 or
16628                       later) MUST BE installed on the system where x11vnc runs
16629                       and the 'ssvnc' command must be available in $PATH.
16630                       The ssvncviewer is used as a chat window helper.
16631                       See http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ssvnc.html
16633                       This option implies '-rfbversion 3.6' so as to trick
16634                       UltraVNC viewers, otherwise they assume chat is not
16635                       available.  To specify a different rfbversion, place
16636                       it after the -chatwindow option on the cmdline.
16638                       See also the remote control 'chaton' and 'chatoff'
16639                       actions.  These can also be set from the tkx11vnc GUI.
16641-noxdamage             Do not use the X DAMAGE extension to detect framebuffer
16642                       changes even if it is available.  Use -xdamage if your
16643                       default is to have it off.
16645                       x11vnc's use of the DAMAGE extension: 1) significantly
16646                       reduces the load when the screen is not changing much,
16647                       and 2) detects changed areas (small ones by default)
16648                       more quickly.
16650                       Currently the DAMAGE extension is overly conservative
16651                       and often reports large areas (e.g. a whole terminal
16652                       or browser window) as damaged even though the actual
16653                       changed region is much smaller (sometimes just a few
16654                       pixels).  So heuristics were introduced to skip large
16655                       areas and use the damage rectangles only as "hints"
16656                       for the traditional scanline polling.  The following
16657                       tuning parameters are introduced to adjust this
16658                       behavior:
16660-xd_area A             Set the largest DAMAGE rectangle area "A" (in
16661                       pixels: width * height) to trust as truly damaged:
16662                       the rectangle will be copied from the framebuffer
16663                       (slow) no matter what.  Set to zero to trust *all*
16664                       rectangles. Default: 20000
16665-xd_mem f              Set how long DAMAGE rectangles should be "remembered",
16666                       "f" is a floating point number and is in units of the
16667                       scanline repeat cycle time (32 iterations).  The default
16668                       (1.0) should give no painting problems. Increase it if
16669                       there are problems or decrease it to live on the edge
16670                       (perhaps useful on a slow machine).
16672-sigpipe string        Broken pipe (SIGPIPE) handling.  "string" can be
16673                       "ignore" or "exit".  For "ignore" LibVNCServer
16674                       will handle the abrupt loss of a client and continue,
16675                       for "exit" x11vnc will cleanup and exit at the 1st
16676                       broken connection.
16678                       This option is not really needed since LibVNCServer
16679                       is doing the correct thing now for quite some time.
16680                       However, for convenience you can use it to ignore other
16681                       signals, e.g. "-sigpipe ignore:HUP,INT,TERM" in case
16682                       that would be useful for some sort of application.
16683                       You can also put "exit:.." in the list to have x11vnc
16684                       cleanup on the listed signals. "-sig" is an alias
16685                       for this option if you don't like the 'pipe'. Example:
16686                       -sig ignore:INT,TERM,exit:USR1
16688-threads               Whether or not to use the threaded LibVNCServer
16689-nothreads             algorithm [rfbRunEventLoop] if libpthread is available.
16690                       In this mode new threads (one for input and one
16691                       for output) are created to handle each new client.
16692                       Default: -nothreads.
16694                       Thread stability is much improved in version 0.9.8.
16696                       Multiple clients in threaded mode should be stable
16697                       for the ZRLE encoding on all platforms.  The Tight and
16698                       Zlib encodings are currently only stable on Linux for
16699                       multiple clients.  Compile with -DTLS=__thread if your
16700                       OS and compiler and linker support it.
16702                       For resizes (randr, etc.) set this env. var. to the numb
16704                       of milliseconds to sleep: X11VNC_THREADS_NEW_FB_SLEEP
16705                       at various places in the do_new_fb() action.  This is to
16706                       let various activities settle.  Default is about 500ms.
16708                       Multiple clients in threaded mode could yield better
16709                       performance for 'class-room' broadcasting usage; also in
16710                       -appshare broadcast mode.  See also the -reflect option.
16712-fs f                  If the fraction of changed tiles in a poll is greater
16713                       than f, the whole screen is updated.  Default: 0.75
16714-gaps n                Heuristic to fill in gaps in rows or cols of n or
16715                       less tiles.  Used to improve text paging.  Default: 4
16716-grow n                Heuristic to grow islands of changed tiles n or wider
16717                       by checking the tile near the boundary.  Default: 3
16718-fuzz n                Tolerance in pixels to mark a tiles edges as changed.
16719                       Default: 2
16720-debug_tiles           Print debugging output for tiles, fb updates, etc.
16722-snapfb                Instead of polling the X display framebuffer (fb)
16723                       for changes, periodically copy all of X display fb
16724                       into main memory and examine that copy for changes.
16725                       (This setting also applies for non-X -rawfb modes).
16726                       Under some circumstances this will improve interactive
16727                       response, or at least make things look smoother, but in
16728                       others (most!) it will make the response worse.  If the
16729                       video h/w fb is such that reading small tiles is very
16730                       slow this mode could help.  To keep the "framerate"
16731                       up the screen size x bpp cannot be too large.  Note that
16732                       this mode is very wasteful of memory I/O resources
16733                       (it makes full screen copies even if nothing changes).
16734                       It may be of use in video capture-like applications,
16735                       webcams, or where window tearing is a problem.
16737-rawfb string          Instead of polling X, poll the memory object specified
16738                       in "string".
16740                       For file polling, to memory map mmap(2) a file use:
16741                       "map:/path/to/a/file@WxHxB", with framebuffer Width,
16742                       Height, and Bits per pixel.  "mmap:..." is the
16743                       same.
16745                       If there is trouble with mmap, use "file:/..."
16746                       for slower lseek(2) based reading.
16748                       Use "snap:..." to imply -snapfb mode and the "file:"
16749                       access (this is for unseekable devices that only provide
16750                       the fb all at once, e.g. a video camera provides the
16751                       whole frame).
16753                       For shared memory segments string is of the form:
16754                       "shm:N@WxHxB" which specifies a shmid N and with
16755                       WxHxB as above.  See shmat(1) and ipcs(1)
16757                       If you do not supply a type "map" is assumed if
16758                       the file exists (see the next paragraphs for some
16759                       exceptions to this.)
16761                       If string is "setup:cmd", then the command "cmd"
16762                       is run and the first line from it is read and used
16763                       as "string".  This allows initializing the device,
16764                       determining WxHxB, etc. These are often done as root
16765                       so take care.
16767                       If the string begins with "video", see the VIDEO4LINUX
16768                       discussion below where the device may be queried for
16769                       (and possibly set) the framebuffer parameters.
16771                       If the string begins with "console", "/dev/fb",
16772                       "fb", or "vt", see the LINUX CONSOLE discussion
16773                       below where the framebuffer device is opened and
16774                       keystrokes (and possibly mouse events) are inserted
16775                       into the console.
16777                       If the string begins with "vnc", see the VNC HOST
16778                       discussion below where the framebuffer is taken as that
16779                       of another remote VNC server.
16781                       Optional suffixes are ":R/G/B" and "+O" to specify
16782                       red, green, and blue masks (in hex) and an offset into
16783                       the memory object.  If the masks are not provided x11vnc
16784                       guesses them based on the bpp (if the colors look wrong,
16785                       you need to provide the masks.)
16787                       Another optional suffix is the Bytes Per Line which in
16788                       some cases is not WxB/8.  Specify it as WxHxB-BPL
16789                       e.g. 800x600x16-2048.  This could be a normal width
16790                       1024 at 16bpp fb, but only width 800 shows up.
16792                       So the full format is: mode:file@WxHxB:R/G/B+O-BPL
16794                       Examples:
16795                           -rawfb shm:210337933@800x600x32:ff/ff00/ff0000
16796                           -rawfb map:/dev/fb0@1024x768x32
16797                           -rawfb map:/tmp/Xvfb_screen0@640x480x8+3232
16798                           -rawfb file:/tmp/my.pnm@250x200x24+37
16799                           -rawfb file:/dev/urandom@128x128x8
16800                           -rawfb snap:/dev/video0@320x240x24 -24to32
16801                           -rawfb video0
16802                           -rawfb video -pipeinput VID
16803                           -rawfb console
16804                           -rawfb vt2
16805                           -rawfb vnc:somehost:0
16807                       (see ipcs(1) and fbset(1) for the first two examples)
16809                       In general all user input is discarded by default (see
16810                       the -pipeinput option for how to use a helper program
16811                       to insert).  Most of the X11 (screen, keyboard, mouse)
16812                       options do not make sense and many will cause this
16813                       mode to crash, so please think twice before setting or
16814                       changing them in a running x11vnc.
16816                       If you DO NOT want x11vnc to close the X DISPLAY in
16817                       rawfb mode, prepend a "+" e.g. +file:/dev/fb0...
16818                       Keeping the display open enables the default
16819                       remote-control channel, which could be useful.
16820                       Alternatively, if you specify -noviewonly, then the
16821                       mouse and keyboard input are STILL sent to the X
16822                       display, this usage should be very rare, i.e. doing
16823                       something strange with /dev/fb0.
16825                       If the device is not "seekable" (e.g. webcam) try
16826                       reading it all at once in full snaps via the "snap:"
16827                       mode (note: this is a resource hog).  If you are using
16828                       file: or map: AND the device needs to be reopened for
16829                       *every* snapfb snapshot, set the environment variable:
16830                       SNAPFB_RAWFB_RESET=1 as well.
16832                       If you want x11vnc to dynamically transform a 24bpp
16833                       rawfb to 32bpp (note that this will be slower) also
16834                       supply the -24to32 option.  This would be useful for,
16835                       say, a video camera that delivers the pixel data as
16836                       24bpp packed RGB.  This is the default under "video"
16837                       mode if the bpp is 24.
16839                       Normally the bits per pixel, B, is 8, 16, or 32 (or
16840                       rarely 24), however there is also some support for
16841                       B < 8 (e.g. old graphics displays 4 bpp or 1 bpp).
16842                       In this case you certainly must supply the masks as
16843                       well: WxHxB:R/G/B.  The pixels will be padded out to
16844                       8 bpp using depth 8 truecolor.  The scheme currently
16845                       does not work with snap fb (ask if interested.) B=1
16846                       monochrome example: file:/dev/urandom@128x128x1:1/1/1
16847                       Some other like this are 128x128x2:3/3/3 128x128x4:7/7/7
16849                       For B < 8 framebuffers you can also set the env. var
16850                       RAWFB_CGA=1 to try a CGA mapping for B=4 (e.g. linux
16851                       vga16fb driver.)  Note with low bpp and/or resolution
16852                       VGA and VGA16 modes on the Linux console one's attempt
16853                       to export them via x11vnc can often be thwarted due to
16854                       special color palettes, pixel packings, and even video
16855                       painting buffering.  OTOH, often experimenting with the
16856                       RGB masks can yield something recognizable.
16858                       VIDEO4LINUX: on Linux some attempt is made to handle
16859                       video devices (webcams or TV tuners) automatically.
16860                       The idea is the WxHxB will be extracted from the
16861                       device itself.  So if you do not supply "@WxHxB...
16862                       parameters x11vnc will try to determine them.  It first
16863                       tries the v4l API if that support has been compiled in.
16864                       Otherwise it will run the v4l-info(1) external program
16865                       if it is available.
16867                       The simplest examples are "-rawfb video" and "-rawfb
16868                       video1" which imply the device file /dev/video and
16869                       /dev/video1, respectively.  You can also supply the
16870                       /dev if you like, e.g. "-rawfb /dev/video0"
16872                       Since the video capture device framebuffer usually
16873                       changes continuously (e.g. brightness fluctuations),
16874                       you may want to use the -wait, -slow_fb, or -defer
16875                       options to lower the "framerate" to cut down on
16876                       network VNC traffic.
16878                       A more sophisticated video device scheme allows
16879                       initializing the device's settings using:
16881                           -rawfb video:<settings>
16883                       The prefix could also be, as above, e.g. "video1:" to
16884                       specify the device file.  The v4l API must be available
16885                       for this to work.  Otherwise, you will need to try
16886                       to initialize the device with an external program,
16887                       e.g. xawtv, spcaview, and hope they persist when x11vnc
16888                       re-opens the device.
16890                       <settings> is a comma separated list of key=value pairs.
16891                       The device's brightness, color, contrast, and hue can
16892                       be set to percentages, e.g. br=80,co=50,cn=44,hu=60.
16894                       The device filename can be set too if needed (if it
16895                       does not start with "video"), e.g. fn=/dev/qcam.
16897                       The width, height and bpp of the framebuffer can be
16898                       set via, e.g., w=160,h=120,bpp=16.
16900                       Related to the bpp above, the pixel format can be set
16901                       via the fmt=XXX, where XXX can be one of: GREY, HI240,
16902                       RGB555, RGB565, RGB24, and RGB32 (with bpp 8, 8, 16, 16,
16903                       24, and 32 respectively).  See http://www.linuxtv.org
16904                       for more info (V4L api).
16906                       For TV/rf tuner cards one can set the tuning mode
16907                       via tun=XXX where XXX can be one of PAL, NTSC, SECAM,
16908                       or AUTO.
16910                       One can switch the input channel by the inp=XXX setting,
16911                       where XXX is the name of the input channel (Television,
16912                       Composite1, S-Video, etc).  Use the name that is in the
16913                       information about the device that is printed at startup.
16915                       For input channels with tuners (e.g. Television) one
16916                       can change which station is selected by the sta=XXX
16917                       setting.  XXX is the station number.  Currently only
16918                       the ntsc-cable-us (US cable) channels are built into
16919                       x11vnc.  See the -freqtab option below to supply one
16920                       from xawtv. If XXX is greater than 500, then it is
16921                       interpreted as a raw frequency in KHz.
16923                       Example:
16925                       -rawfb video:br=80,w=320,h=240,fmt=RGB32,tun=NTSC,sta=47
16927                       one might need to add inp=Television too for the input
16928                       channel to be TV if the card doesn't come up by default
16929                       in that one.
16931                       Note that not all video capture devices will support
16932                       all of the above settings.
16934                       See the -pipeinput VID option below for a way to control
16935                       the settings through the VNC Viewer via keystrokes.
16936                       As a shortcut, if the string begins "Video.." instead
16937                       of "video.." then -pipeinput VID is implied.
16939                       As above, if you specify a "@WxHxB..." after the
16940                       <settings> string they are used verbatim: the device
16941                       is not queried for the current values.  Otherwise the
16942                       device will be queried.
16944                       LINUX CONSOLE:  The following describes some ways to
16945                       view and possibly interact with the Linux text/graphics
16946                       console (i.e. not X11 XFree86/Xorg)
16948                       Note: If the LibVNCServer LinuxVNC program is on your
16949                       system you may want to use that instead of the following
16950                       method because it will be faster and more accurate
16951                       for the Linux text console and includes mouse support.
16952                       There is, however, the basic LinuxVNC functionality in
16953                       x11vnc if you replace "console" with "vt" in the
16954                       examples below.
16956                       If the rawfb string begins with "console" the
16957                       framebuffer device /dev/fb0 is opened and /dev/tty0 is
16958                       opened too.  The latter is used to inject keystrokes
16959                       (not all are supported, but the basic ones are).
16960                       You will need to be root to inject keystrokes, but
16961                       not necessarily to open /dev/fb0.  /dev/tty0 refers to
16962                       the active VT, to indicate one explicitly, use, e.g.,
16963                       "console2" for /dev/tty2, etc. by indicating the
16964                       specific VT number.
16966                       For the Linux framebuffer device, /dev/fb0, (fb1,
16967                       etc) to be enabled the appropriate kernel drivers must
16968                       be loaded.  E.g. vesafb or vga16fb and also by setting
16969                       the boot parameter vga=0x301 (or 0x314, 0x317, etc.)
16970                       (The vga=... method is the preferred way; set your
16971                       machines up that way.)  Otherwise there will be a
16972                       'No such device' error.  You can also load a Linux
16973                       framebuffer driver specific to your make of video card
16974                       for more functionality.  Once the machine is booted one
16975                       can often 'modprobe' the fb driver as root to obtain
16976                       a framebuffer device.
16978                       If you cannot get /dev/fb0 working on Linux, try
16979                       using the LinuxVNC emulation mode by "-rawfb vtN"
16980                       where N = 1, ... 6 is the Linux Virtual Terminal (aka
16981                       virtual console) you wish to view, e.g. "-rawfb vt2".
16982                       Unlike /dev/fb mode, it need not be the active Virtual
16983                       Terminal.  Note that this mode can only show text and
16984                       not graphics.  x11vnc polls the text in /dev/vcsaN
16986                       Set the env. var. RAWFB_VCSA_BW=1 to disable colors in
16987                       the "vtN" mode (i.e. black and white only.)  If you
16988                       do not prefer the default 16bpp set RAWFB_VCSA_BPP to
16989                       8 or 32.  If you need to tweak the rawfb parameters by
16990                       using the 'console_guess' string printed at startup,
16991                       be sure to indicate the snap: method.
16993                       uinput: If the Linux version appears to be 2.6
16994                       or later and the "uinput" module appears to be
16995                       present (modprobe uinput), then the uinput method
16996                       will be used instead of /dev/ttyN.  uinput allows
16997                       insertion of BOTH keystrokes and mouse input and so it
16998                       preferred when accessing graphical (e.g. QT-embedded)
16999                       linux console apps.  It also provides more accurate
17000                       keystroke insertion.  See -pipeinput UINPUT below for
17001                       more information on this mode; you will have to use
17002                       -pipeinput if you want to tweak any UINPUT parameters.
17003                       You may also want to also use the -nodragging and
17004                       -cursor none options.  Use "console0", etc  or
17005                       -pipeinput CONSOLE to force the /dev/ttyN method.
17007                       Note you can change the Linux VT remotely using the
17008                       chvt(1) command to make the one you want be the active
17009                       one (e.g. 'chvt 3').  Sometimes switching out and back
17010                       corrects the framebuffer's graphics state.  For the
17011                       "-rawfb vtN" mode there is no need to switch the VT's.
17013                       To skip input injecting entirely use "consolex"
17014                       or "vtx".
17016                       The string "/dev/fb0" (1, etc.) can be used instead
17017                       of "console".  This can be used to specify a different
17018                       framebuffer device, e.g. /dev/fb1.  As a shortcut the
17019                       "/dev/" can be dropped.  If the name is something
17020                       nonstandard, use "console:/dev/foofb"
17022                       If you do not want x11vnc to guess the framebuffer's
17023                       WxHxB and masks automatically (sometimes the kernel
17024                       gives incorrect information), specify them with a @WxHxB
17025                       (and optional :R/G/B masks) at the end of the string.
17027                       Examples:
17028                           -rawfb console
17029                           -rawfb /dev/fb0           (same)
17030                           -rawfb console3           (force /dev/tty3)
17031                           -rawfb consolex           (no keystrokes or mouse)
17032                           -rawfb console:/dev/nonstd
17033                           -rawfb console -pipeinput UINPUT:accel=4.0
17034                           -rawfb vt3                (/dev/tty3 w/o /dev/fb0)
17036                       VNC HOST: if the -rawfb string is of the form
17037                       "vnc:host:N" then the VNC display "N" on the remote
17038                       VNC server "host" is connected to (i.e. x11vnc acts as
17039                       a VNC client itself) and that framebuffer is exported.
17041                       This mode is really only of use if you are trying
17042                       to improve performance in the case of many (e.g. >
17043                       10) simultaneous VNC viewers, and you try a divide
17044                       and conquer scheme to reduce bandwidth and improve
17045                       responsiveness.  (However, another user found this mode
17046                       useful to export a demo display through a slow link:
17047                       then multiple demo viewers connected to the reflecting
17048                       x11vnc on the fast side of the link, and so avoided
17049                       all of the demo viewers going through the slow link.)
17051                       For example, if there will be 64 simultaneous VNC
17052                       viewers this can lead to a lot of redundant VNC traffic
17053                       to and from the server host:N, extra CPU usage,
17054                       and all viewers response can be reduced by having
17055                       to wait for writes to the slowest client to finish.
17056                       However, if you set up 8 reflectors/repeaters started
17057                       with option -rawfb vnc:host:N, then there are only
17058                       8 connections to host:N.  Each repeater then handles
17059                       8 vnc viewer connections thereby spreading the load
17060                       around.  In classroom broadcast usage, try to put the
17061                       repeaters on different switches.  This mode is the same
17062                       as -reflect host:N.  Replace "host:N" by "listen"
17063                       or "listen:port" for a reverse connection.
17065                       Overall performance will not be as good as a single
17066                       direct connection because, among other things,
17067                       there is an additional level of framebuffer polling
17068                       and pointer motion can still induce many changes per
17069                       second that must be propagated.  Tip: if the remote VNC
17070                       is x11vnc doing wireframing, or an X display that does
17071                       wireframing that gives much better response than opaque
17072                       window dragging.  Consider the -nodragging option if
17073                       the problem is severe.
17075                       The env. var. X11VNC_REFLECT_PASSWORD can be set to
17076                       the password needed to log into the vnc host server, or
17077                       to "file:path_to_file" to indicate a file containing
17078                       the password as its first line.
17080                       To set the pixel format that x11vnc requests as a VNC
17081                       CLIENT set the env. vars: X11VNC_REFLECT_bitsPerSample
17082                       X11VNC_REFLECT_samplesPerPixel, and
17083                       X11VNC_REFLECT_bytesPerPixel; the defaults are 8, 3, 4.
17084                       2, 3, 1 would give a low color mode.  See the function
17085                       rfbGetClient() in libvncclient for more info.
17087                       The VNC HOST mode implies -shared.  Use -noshared as
17088                       a subsequent cmdline option to disable sharing.
17090-freqtab file          For use with "-rawfb video" for TV tuner devices to
17091                       specify station frequencies.  Instead of using the built
17092                       in ntsc-cable-us mapping of station number to frequency,
17093                       use the data in file.  For stations that are not
17094                       numeric, e.g. SE20, they are placed above the highest
17095                       numbered station in the order they are found.  Example:
17096                       "-freqtab /usr/X11R6/share/xawtv/europe-west.list"
17097                       You can make your own freqtab by copying the xawtv
17098                       format.
17100-pipeinput cmd         This option lets you supply an external command in
17101                       "cmd" that x11vnc will pipe all of the user input
17102                       events to in a simple format.  In -pipeinput mode by
17103                       default x11vnc will not process any of the user input
17104                       events.  If you prefix "cmd" with "tee:" it will
17105                       both send them to the pipe command and process them.
17106                       For a description of the format run "-pipeinput
17107                       tee:/bin/cat".  Another prefix is "reopen" which
17108                       means to reopen pipe if it exits.  Separate multiple
17109                       prefixes with commas.
17111                       In combination with -rawfb one might be able to
17112                       do amusing things (e.g. control non-X devices).
17113                       To facilitate this, if -rawfb is in effect then the
17114                       value is stored in X11VNC_RAWFB_STR for the pipe command
17115                       to use if it wants. Do 'env | grep X11VNC' for more.
17117                       Built-in pipeinput modes (no external program required):
17119                       If cmd is "VID" and you are using the -rawfb for a
17120                       video capture device, then an internal list of keyboard
17121                       mappings is used to set parameters of the video.
17122                       The mappings are:
17124                         "B" and "b" adjust the brightness up and down.
17125                         "H" and "h" adjust the hue.
17126                         "C" and "c" adjust the colour.
17127                         "N" and "n" adjust the contrast.
17128                         "S" and "s" adjust the size of the capture screen.
17129                         "I" and "i" cycle through input channels.
17130                         Up and Down arrows adjust the station (if a tuner)
17131                         F1, F2, ..., F6 will switch the video capture pixel
17132                         format to HI240, RGB565, RGB24, RGB32, RGB555, and
17133                         GREY respectively.  See -rawfb video for details.
17135                       If cmd is "CONSOLE" or "CONSOLEn" where n
17136                       is a Linux console number, then the linux console
17137                       keystroke insertion to /dev/ttyN (see -rawfb console)
17138                       is performed.
17140                       If cmd begins with "UINPUT" then the Linux uinput
17141                       module is used to insert both keystroke and mouse events
17142                       to the Linux console (see -rawfb above).  This usually
17143                       is the /dev/input/uinput device file (you may need to
17144                       create it with "mknod /dev/input/uinput c 10 223"
17145                       and insert the module with "modprobe uinput".
17147                       The UINPUT mode currently only does US keyboards (a
17148                       scan code option may be added), and not all keysyms
17149                       are supported.  But it is probably more accurate than
17150                       the "CONSOLE" method.
17152                       You may want to use the options -cursor none and
17153                       -nodragging in this mode.
17155                       Additional tuning options may be supplied via:
17156                       UINPUT:opt1,opt2,... (a comma separated list). If an
17157                       option begins with "/" it is taken as the uinput
17158                       device file.
17160                       Which uinput is injected can be controlled by an option
17161                       string made of the characters "K", "M", and "B"
17162                       (see the -input option), e.g. "KM" allows keystroke
17163                       and motion but not button clicks.
17165                       A UINPUT option of the form: accel=f, or accel=fx+fy
17166                       sets the mouse motion "acceleration".  This is used
17167                       to correct raw mouse relative motion into how much the
17168                       application cursor moves (x11vnc has no control over,
17169                       or knowledge of how the windowing application interprets
17170                       the raw mouse motions).  Typically the acceleration
17171                       for an X display is 2 (see xset "m" option).  "f"
17172                       is a floating point number, e.g. 3.0.  Use "fx+fy"
17173                       if you need to supply different corrections for x and y.
17175                       Note: the default acceleration is 2.0 since it seems
17176                       both X and qt-embedded often (but not always) use
17177                       this value.
17179                       Even with a correct accel setting the mouse position
17180                       will get out of sync (probably due to a mouse
17181                       "threshold" setting where the acceleration doe not
17182                       apply, set xset(1)).  The option reset=N sets the
17183                       number of ms (default 150) after which the cursor is
17184                       attempted to be reset (by forcing the mouse to (0,
17185                       0) via small increments and then back out to (x, y)
17186                       in 1 jump), This correction seems to be needed but can
17187                       cause jerkiness or unexpected behavior with menus, etc.
17188                       Use reset=0 to disable.
17190                       If you set the env. var X11VNC_UINPUT_THRESHOLDS then
17191                       the thresh=n mode will be enabled.  It is currently
17192                       not working well.  If |dx| <= thresh and |dy| < thresh
17193                       no acceleration is applied.  Use "thresh=+n" |dx| +
17194                       |dy| < thresh to be used instead (X11?)
17196                       Example:
17197                           -pipeinput UINPUT:accel=4.0 -cursor none
17199                       If the uinput device has an absolute pointer (as opposed
17200                       to a normal mouse that is a relative pointer) you can
17201                       specify the option "abs".  Note that a touchpad
17202                       on a laptop is an absolute device to some degree.
17203                       This (usually) avoids all the problems with mouse
17204                       acceleration.  If x11vnc has trouble deducing the
17205                       size of the device, use "abs=WxH".  Furthermore,
17206                       if the device is a touchscreen (assumed to have an
17207                       absolute pointer) use "touch" or "touch=WxH".
17208                       For touchscreens, when a mouse button is pressed,
17209                       a pressure increase is injected, and when the button
17210                       is released a pressure of zero is injected.
17212                       If touch has been set, use "touch_always=1" to
17213                       indicate whenever the mouse moves with no button
17214                       pressed, a touch event of zero pressure should be
17215                       sent anyway.  Also use "btn_touch=1" to indicate a
17216                       BTN_TOUCH keystroke press or release should be sent
17217                       instead of a pressure change.  Set "dragskip=n" to
17218                       skip n dragged mouse touches (with pressure applied)
17219                       before injecting one.  To indicate the pressure that
17220                       should be sent when there is a button click for a
17221                       touchscreen device, specify pressure=n, e.g. n=5. The
17222                       default is n=1.
17224                       If a touch screen is being used ("touch" above)
17225                       and it is having its input processed by tslib, you can
17226                       specify the tslib calibration file via tslib_cal=<file>.
17227                       For example, tslib_cal=/etc/pointercal.  To get accurate
17228                       or even usable positioning this is required when tslib
17229                       is in use.
17231                       The Linux uinput mechanism can be bypassed and one can
17232                       write input events DIRECTLY to the devices instead.
17233                       To do this, specify one or more of the following
17234                       for the input classes: direct_rel=<device>
17235                       direct_abs=<device> direct_btn=<device> or
17236                       direct_key=<device>.  The <device> file is usually
17237                       something like /dev/input/event1 but you can specify
17238                       any device file or pipe.  You must specify each one
17239                       of the above classes even if they correspond to the
17240                       same device file (rel/abs and btn are often the same.)
17241                       Look at the file /proc/bus/input/devices to get an idea
17242                       what is available and the device filenames.  Note:
17243                       The /dev/input/mouse* devices do not seem to work,
17244                       use the corresponding /dev/input/event* file instead.
17245                       Any input class not directly specified as above will be
17246                       handled via the uinput mechanism.  To disable creating a
17247                       uinput device (and thereby discarding unhandled input),
17248                       specify "nouinput".
17250                       Examples:
17252                         -pipeinput UINPUT:direct_abs=/dev/input/event1
17254                       this was used on a qtmoko Neo freerunner (armel):
17256                         -pipeinput UINPUT:touch,tslib_cal=/etc/pointercal,
17257                          direct_abs=/dev/input/event1,nouinput,dragskip=4
17259                       (where the long line has been split into two.)
17261                       You can set the env. var X11VNC_UINPUT_DEBUG=1 or higher
17262                       to get debugging output for UINPUT mode.
17264-macnodim              For the native MacOSX server, disable dimming.
17265-macnosleep            For the native MacOSX server, disable display sleep.
17266-macnosaver            For the native MacOSX server, disable screensaver.
17267-macnowait             For the native MacOSX server, do not wait for the
17268                       user to switch back to his display.
17269-macwheel n            For the native MacOSX server, set the mouse wheel
17270                       speed to n (default 5).
17271-macnoswap             For the native MacOSX server, do not swap mouse
17272                       buttons 2 and 3.
17273-macnoresize           For the native MacOSX server, do not resize or reset
17274                       the framebuffer even if it is detected that the screen
17275                       resolution or depth has changed.
17276-maciconanim n         For the native MacOSX server, set n to the number
17277                       of milliseconds that the window iconify/deiconify
17278                       animation takes.  In -ncache mode this value will be
17279                       used to skip the animation if possible. (default 400)
17280-macmenu               For the native MacOSX server, in -ncache client-side
17281                       caching mode, try to cache pull down menus (not perfect
17282                       because they have animated fades, etc.)
17283-macuskbd              For the native MacOSX server, use the original
17284                       keystroke insertion code based on a US keyboard.
17285-macnoopengl           For the native MacOSX server, do not use OpenGL for
17286                       screen capture, but rather use the original, deprecated
17287                       raw memory access method: addr = CGDisplayBaseAddress().
17288-macnorawfb            For the native MacOSX server, disable the raw memory
17289                       address screen capture method.
17291                       MACOSX NOTE: There are some deprecated MacOSX interfaces
17292                       to inject keyboard and mouse events and the raw memory
17293                       access method is deprecated as well (however, OpenGL
17294                       will be preferred if available because it is faster.)
17295                       One can force not using any deprecated interfaces at
17296                       compile time by setting -DX11VNC_MACOSX_NO_DEPRECATED=1
17297                       in CPPFLAGS.  Or to turn them off one by one:
17298                       -DX11VNC_MACOSX_NO_DEPRECATED_LOCALEVENTS=1,
17299                       -DX11VNC_MACOSX_NO_DEPRECATED_POSTEVENTS=1 or
17300                       -DX11VNC_MACOSX_NO_DEPRECATED_FRAMEBUFFER=1
17301                       At run time, for testing and workarounds, one can
17302                       disable them by using:
17303                       -env X11VNC_MACOSX_NO_DEPRECATED=1
17304                       -env X11VNC_MACOSX_NO_DEPRECATED_LOCALEVENTS=1
17305                       -env X11VNC_MACOSX_NO_DEPRECATED_POSTEVENTS=1 or
17306                       -env X11VNC_MACOSX_NO_DEPRECATED_FRAMEBUFFER=1
17307                       Note: When doing either of these for the mouse input
17308                       not everything works currently, e.g. double clicks and
17309                       wireframing.  Also, screen resolution and pixel depth
17310                       changes will not be automatically detected unless the
17311                       deprecated framebuffer interfaces are allowed.
17313                       Conversely, if you are compiling on an
17314                       older machine that does not have some of
17315                       the newer interfaces, you may need to specify
17317                       -DX11VNC_MACOSX_NO_CGEVENTCREATEMOUSEEVENT or
17319                       -DX11VNC_MACOSX_USE_GETMAINDEVICE to regain the very
17320                       old QuickDraw GetMainDevice() interface (rare...)
17322-gui [gui-opts]        Start up a simple tcl/tk gui based on the remote
17323                       control options -remote/-query described below.
17324                       Requires the "wish" program to be installed on the
17325                       machine.  "gui-opts" is not required: the default
17326                       is to start up both the full gui and x11vnc with the
17327                       gui showing up on the X display in the environment
17328                       variable DISPLAY.
17330                       "gui-opts" can be a comma separated list of items.
17331                       Currently there are these types of items: 1) a gui
17332                       mode, a 2) gui "simplicity", 3) the X display the
17333                       gui should display on, 4) a "tray" or "icon" mode,
17334                       and 5) a gui geometry.
17336                       1) The gui mode can be "start", "conn", or "wait"
17337                       "start" is the default mode above and is not required.
17338                       "conn" means do not automatically start up x11vnc,
17339                       but instead just try to connect to an existing x11vnc
17340                       process.  "wait" means just start the gui and nothing
17341                       else (you will later instruct the gui to start x11vnc
17342                       or connect to an existing one.)
17344                       2) The gui simplicity is off by default (a power-user
17345                       gui with all options is presented) To start with
17346                       something less daunting supply the string "simple"
17347                       ("ez" is an alias for this).  Once the gui is
17348                       started you can toggle between the two with "Misc ->
17349                       simple_gui".
17351                       3) Note the possible confusion regarding the potentially
17352                       two different X displays: x11vnc polls one, but you
17353                       may want the gui to appear on another.  For example, if
17354                       you ssh in and x11vnc is not running yet you may want
17355                       the gui to come back to you via your ssh redirected X
17356                       display (e.g. localhost:10).
17358                       If you do not specify a gui X display in "gui-opts"
17359                       then the DISPLAY environment variable and -display
17360                       option are tried (in that order).  Regarding the x11vnc
17361                       X display the gui will try to communication with, it
17362                       first tries -display and then DISPLAY.  For example,
17363                       "x11vnc -display :0 -gui otherhost:0", will remote
17364                       control an x11vnc polling :0 and display the gui on
17365                       otherhost:0 The "tray/icon" mode below reverses this
17366                       preference, preferring to display on the x11vnc display.
17368                       4) When "tray" or "icon" is specified, the gui
17369                       presents itself as a small icon with behavior typical
17370                       of a "system tray" or "dock applet".  The color
17371                       of the icon indicates status (connected clients) and
17372                       there is also a balloon status.  Clicking on the icon
17373                       gives a menu from which properties, etc, can be set and
17374                       the full gui is available under "Advanced".  To be
17375                       fully functional, the gui mode should be "start"
17376                       (the default).
17378                       Note that tray or icon mode will imply the -forever
17379                       x11vnc option (if the x11vnc server is started along
17380                       with the gui) unless -connect or -connect_or_exit has
17381                       been specified.  So x11vnc (and the tray/icon gui)
17382                       will wait for more connections after the first client
17383                       disconnects.  If you want only one viewer connection
17384                       include the -once option.
17386                       For "icon" the gui just a small standalone window.
17387                       For "tray" it will attempt to embed itself in the
17388                       "system tray" if possible. If "=setpass" is appended the
17390                       at startup the X11 user will be prompted to set the
17391                       VNC session password.  If =<hexnumber> is appended
17392                       that icon will attempt to embed itself in the window
17393                       given by hexnumber.  Use =noadvanced to disable the
17394                       full gui. (To supply more than one, use "+" sign).
17395                       E.g. -gui tray=setpass and -gui icon=0x3600028
17397                       Other modes: "full", the default and need not be
17398                       specified.  "-gui none", do not show a gui, useful
17399                       to override a ~/.x11vncrc setting, etc.
17401                       5) When "geom=+X+Y" is specified, that geometry
17402                       is passed to the gui toplevel.  This is the icon in
17403                       icon/tray mode, or the full gui otherwise.  You can
17404                       also specify width and height, i.e. WxH+X+Y, but it
17405                       is not recommended.  In "tray" mode the geometry is
17406                       ignored unless the system tray manager does not seem
17407                       to be running.  One could imagine using something like
17408                       "-gui tray,geom=+4000+4000" with a display manager
17409                       to keep the gui invisible until someone logs in...
17411                       More icon tricks, "icon=minimal" gives an icon just
17412                       with the VNC display number.  You can also set the font
17413                       with "iconfont=...".  The following could be useful:
17414                       "-gui icon=minimal,iconfont=5x8,geom=24x10+0-0"
17416                       General examples of the -gui option: "x11vnc -gui",
17417                       "x11vnc -gui ez" "x11vnc -gui localhost:10",
17418                       "x11vnc -gui conn,host:0", "x11vnc -gui tray,ez"
17419                       "x11vnc -gui tray=setpass"
17421                       If you do not intend to start x11vnc from the gui
17422                       (i.e. just remote control an existing one), then the
17423                       gui process can run on a different machine from the
17424                       x11vnc server as long as X permissions, etc. permit
17425                       communication between the two.
17427                       FONTS: On some systems the tk fonts can be too small,
17428                       jagged, or otherwise unreadable.  There are 4 env vars
17429                       you can set to be the tk font you prefer:
17431                       X11VNC_FONT_BOLD   main font for menus and buttons.
17432                       X11VNC_FONT_FIXED  font for fixed width text.
17434                       X11VNC_FONT_BOLD_SMALL  tray icon font.
17435                       X11VNC_FONT_REG_SMALL   tray icon menu font.
17437                       The last two only apply for the tray icon mode.
17439                       Here are some examples:
17441                       -env X11VNC_FONT_BOLD='Helvetica -16 bold'
17442                       -env X11VNC_FONT_FIXED='Courier -14'
17443                       -env X11VNC_FONT_REG_SMALL='Helvetica -12'
17445                       You can put the lines like the above (without the
17446                       quotes) in your ~/.x11vncrc file to avoid having to
17447                       specify them on the x11vnc command line.
17449-remote command        Remotely control some aspects of an already running
17450                       x11vnc server.  "-R" and "-r" are aliases for
17451                       "-remote".  After the remote control command is
17452                       sent to the running server the 'x11vnc -remote ...'
17453                       x11vnc command exits.  You can often use the -query
17454                       command (see below) to see if the x11vnc server
17455                       processed your -remote command.
17457                       The default communication channel is that of X
17458                       properties (specifically X11VNC_REMOTE), and so this
17459                       command must be run with correct settings for DISPLAY
17460                       and possibly XAUTHORITY to connect to the X server
17461                       and set the property.  Alternatively, use the -display
17462                       and -auth options to set them to the correct values.
17463                       The running server cannot use the -novncconnect option
17464                       because that disables the communication channel.
17465                       See below for alternate channels.
17467                       For example: 'x11vnc -remote stop' (which is the same as
17468                       'x11vnc -R stop') will close down the x11vnc server.
17469                       'x11vnc -R shared' will enable shared connections, and
17470                       'x11vnc -R scale:3/4' will rescale the desktop.
17472                       To use a different name for the X11 property (e.g. to
17473                       have separate communication channels for multiple
17474                       x11vnc's on the same display) set the X11VNC_REMOTE
17475                       environment variable to the string you want, for
17476                       example: -env X11VNC_REMOTE=X11VNC_REMOTE_12345
17477                       Both sides of the channel must use the same unique name.
17479                       To run a bunch of commands in a sequence use something
17480                       like: x11vnc -R 'script:firstcmd;secondcmd;...'
17482                       Use x11vnc -R script:file=/path/to/file to read commands
17483                       from a file (can be multi-line and use the comment '#'
17484                       character in the normal way.  The ';' separator must
17485                       still be used to separate each command.)
17487                       To not try to contact another x11vnc process and instead
17488                       just run the command (or query) directly, prefix the
17489                       command with the string "DIRECT:"
17491                       The following -remote/-R commands are supported:
17493                       stop            terminate the server, same as "quit"
17494                                       "exit" or "shutdown".
17495                       ping            see if the x11vnc server responds.
17496                                       return is: ans=ping:<display>
17497                       ping:mystring   as above, but use your own unique string
17499                                       return is: ans=ping:mystring:<xdisplay>
17500                       blacken         try to push a black fb update to all
17501                                       clients (due to timings a client
17502                                       could miss it). Same as "zero", also
17503                                       "zero:x1,y1,x2,y2" for a rectangle.
17504                       refresh         send the entire fb to all clients.
17505                       reset           recreate the fb, polling memory, etc.
17506                       id:windowid     set -id window to "windowid". empty
17507                                       or "root" to go back to root window
17508                       sid:windowid    set -sid window to "windowid"
17509                       id_cmd:cmd      cmds: raise, lower, map, unmap, iconify,
17510                                       move:dXdY, resize:dWdH, geom:WxH+X+Y. dX
17511                                       dY, dW, and dH must have a leading "+"
17512                                       or "-" e.g.: move:-30+10 resize:+20+35
17513                                       also: wm_delete, wm_name:string and
17514                                       icon_name:string. Also id_cmd:win=N:cmd
17515                       waitmapped      wait until subwin is mapped.
17516                       nowaitmapped    do not wait until subwin is mapped.
17517                       clip:WxH+X+Y    set -clip mode to "WxH+X+Y"
17518                       flashcmap       enable  -flashcmap mode.
17519                       noflashcmap     disable -flashcmap mode.
17520                       shiftcmap:n     set -shiftcmap to n.
17521                       notruecolor     enable  -notruecolor mode.
17522                       truecolor       disable -notruecolor mode.
17523                       overlay         enable  -overlay mode (if applicable).
17524                       nooverlay       disable -overlay mode.
17525                       overlay_cursor  in -overlay mode, enable cursor drawing.
17526                       overlay_nocursor disable cursor drawing. same as
17527                                        nooverlay_cursor.
17528                       8to24           enable  -8to24 mode (if applicable).
17529                       no8to24         disable -8to24 mode.
17530                       8to24_opts:str  set the -8to24 opts to "str".
17531                       24to32          enable  -24to32 mode (if applicable).
17532                       no24to32        disable -24to32 mode.
17533                       visual:vis      set -visual to "vis"
17534                       scale:frac      set -scale to "frac"
17535                       scale_cursor:f  set -scale_cursor to "f"
17536                       viewonly        enable  -viewonly mode.
17537                       noviewonly      disable -viewonly mode.
17538                       shared          enable  -shared mode.
17539                       noshared        disable -shared mode.
17540                       forever         enable  -forever mode.
17541                       noforever       disable -forever mode.
17542                       timeout:n       reset -timeout to n, if there are
17543                                       currently no clients, exit unless one
17544                                       connects in the next n secs.
17545                       tightfilexfer   enable  filetransfer for NEW clients.
17546                       notightfilexfer disable filetransfer for NEW clients.
17547                       ultrafilexfer   enable  filetransfer for clients.
17548                       noultrafilexfer disable filetransfer for clients.
17549                       rfbversion:n.m  set -rfbversion for new clients.
17550                       http            enable  http client connections.
17551                       nohttp          disable http client connections.
17552                       deny            deny any new connections, same as "lock"
17553                       nodeny          allow new connections, same as "unlock"
17554                       avahi           enable  avahi service advertising.
17555                       noavahi         disable avahi service advertising.
17556                       mdns            enable  avahi service advertising.
17557                       nomdns          disable avahi service advertising.
17558                       zeroconf        enable  avahi service advertising.
17559                       nozeroconf      disable avahi service advertising.
17560                       connect:host    do reverse connection to host, "host"
17561                                       may be a comma separated list of hosts
17562                                       or host:ports.  See -connect.  Passwords
17563                                       required as with fwd connections.
17564                                       See X11VNC_REVERSE_CONNECTION_NO_AUTH=1
17565                       disconnect:host disconnect any clients from "host"
17566                                       same as "close:host".  Use host
17567                                       "all" to close all current clients.
17568                                       If you know the client internal hex ID,
17569                                       e.g. 0x3 (returned by "-query clients"
17570                                       and RFB_CLIENT_ID) you can use that too.
17571                       proxy:host:port set reverse connection proxy (empty to
17572                                       disable).
17573                       allowonce:host  For the next connection only, allow
17574                                       connection from "host". In -ssl mode
17575                                       two connections are allowed (i.e. Fetch
17576                                       Cert) unless X11VNC_NO_SSL_ALLOW_TWICE=1
17577                       allow:hostlist  set -allow list to (comma separated)
17578                                       "hostlist". See -allow and -localhost.
17579                                       Do not use with -allow /path/to/file
17580                                       Use "+host" to add a single host, and
17581                                       use "-host" to delete a single host
17582                       localhost       enable  -localhost mode
17583                       nolocalhost     disable -localhost mode
17584                       listen:str      set -listen to str, empty to disable.
17585                       noipv6          enable  -noipv6 mode.
17586                       ipv6            disable -noipv6 mode.
17587                       noipv4          enable  -noipv4 mode.
17588                       ipv4            disable -noipv4 mode.
17589                       6               enable  -6 IPv6 listening mode.
17590                       no6             disable -6 IPv6 listening mode.
17591                       lookup          disable -nolookup mode.
17592                       nolookup        enable  -nolookup mode.
17593                       lookup          disable -nolookup mode.
17594                       input:str       set -input to "str", empty to disable.
17595                       grabkbd         enable  -grabkbd mode.
17596                       nograbkbd       disable -grabkbd mode.
17597                       grabptr         enable  -grabptr mode.
17598                       nograbptr       disable -grabptr mode.
17599                       grabalways      enable  -grabalways mode.
17600                       nograbalways    disable -grabalways mode.
17601                       grablocal:n     set -grablocal to n.
17602                       client_input:str set the K, M, B -input on a per-client
17603                                       basis.  select which client as for
17604                                       disconnect, e.g. client_input:host:MB
17605                                       or client_input:0x2:K
17606                       accept:cmd      set -accept "cmd" (empty to disable).
17607                       afteraccept:cmd set -afteraccept (empty to disable).
17608                       gone:cmd        set -gone "cmd" (empty to disable).
17609                       noshm           enable  -noshm mode.
17610                       shm             disable -noshm mode (i.e. use shm).
17611                       flipbyteorder   enable -flipbyteorder mode, you may need
17612                                       to set noshm for this to do something.
17613                       noflipbyteorder disable -flipbyteorder mode.
17614                       onetile         enable  -onetile mode. (you may need to
17615                                       set shm for this to do something)
17616                       noonetile       disable -onetile mode.
17617                       solid           enable  -solid mode
17618                       nosolid         disable -solid mode.
17619                       solid_color:color set -solid color (and apply it).
17620                       blackout:str    set -blackout "str" (empty to disable).
17621                                       See -blackout for the form of "str"
17622                                       (basically: WxH+X+Y,...)
17623                                       Use "+WxH+X+Y" to append a single
17624                                       rectangle use "-WxH+X+Y" to delete one
17625                       xinerama        enable  -xinerama mode. (if applicable)
17626                       noxinerama      disable -xinerama mode.
17627                       xtrap           enable  -xtrap input mode(if applicable)
17628                       noxtrap         disable -xtrap input mode.
17629                       xrandr          enable  -xrandr mode. (if applicable)
17630                       noxrandr        disable -xrandr mode.
17631                       xrandr_mode:mode set the -xrandr mode to "mode".
17632                       rotate:mode     set the -rotate mode to "mode".
17633                       padgeom:WxH     set -padgeom to WxH (empty to disable)
17634                                       If WxH is "force" or "do" the padded
17635                                       geometry fb is immediately applied.
17636                       quiet           enable  -quiet mode.
17637                       noquiet         disable -quiet mode.
17638                       modtweak        enable  -modtweak mode.
17639                       nomodtweak      enable  -nomodtweak mode.
17640                       xkb             enable  -xkb modtweak mode.
17641                       noxkb           disable -xkb modtweak mode.
17642                       capslock        enable  -capslock mode.
17643                       nocapslock      disable -capslock mode.
17644                       skip_lockkeys   enable  -skip_lockkeys mode.
17645                       noskip_lockkeys disable -skip_lockkeys mode.
17646                       skip_keycodes:str enable -xkb -skip_keycodes "str".
17647                       sloppy_keys     enable  -sloppy_keys mode.
17648                       nosloppy_keys   disable -sloppy_keys mode.
17649                       skip_dups       enable  -skip_dups mode.
17650                       noskip_dups     disable -skip_dups mode.
17651                       add_keysyms     enable -add_keysyms mode.
17652                       noadd_keysyms   stop adding keysyms. those added will
17653                                       still be removed at exit.
17654                       clear_mods      enable  -clear_mods mode and clear them.
17655                       noclear_mods    disable -clear_mods mode.
17656                       clear_keys      enable  -clear_keys mode and clear them.
17657                       noclear_keys    disable -clear_keys mode.
17658                       clear_locks     do the clear_locks action.
17659                       clear_all       do the clear_all action.
17660                       keystate        have x11vnc print current keystate.
17661                       remap:str       set -remap "str" (empty to disable).
17662                                       See -remap for the form of "str"
17663                                       (basically: key1-key2,key3-key4,...)
17664                                       Use "+key1-key2" to append a single
17665                                       keymapping, use "-key1-key2" to delete.
17666                       norepeat        enable  -norepeat mode.
17667                       repeat          disable -norepeat mode.
17668                       nofb            enable  -nofb mode.
17669                       fb              disable -nofb mode.
17670                       bell            enable  bell (if supported).
17671                       nobell          disable bell.
17672                       sendbell        ring the bell now.
17673                       nosel           enable  -nosel mode.
17674                       sel             disable -nosel mode.
17675                       noprimary       enable  -noprimary mode.
17676                       primary         disable -noprimary mode.
17677                       nosetprimary    enable  -nosetprimary mode.
17678                       setprimary      disable -nosetprimary mode.
17679                       noclipboard     enable  -noclipboard mode.
17680                       clipboard       disable -noclipboard mode.
17681                       nosetclipboard  enable  -nosetclipboard mode.
17682                       setclipboard    disable -nosetclipboard mode.
17683                       seldir:str      set -seldir to "str"
17684                       resend_cutbuffer resend the most recent CUTBUFFER0 copy
17685                       resend_clipboard resend the most recent CLIPBOARD copy
17686                       resend_primary   resend the most recent PRIMARY copy
17687                       cursor:mode     enable  -cursor "mode".
17688                       show_cursor     enable  showing a cursor.
17689                       noshow_cursor   disable showing a cursor. (same as
17690                                       "nocursor")
17691                       cursor_drag     enable  cursor changes during drag.
17692                       nocursor_drag   disable cursor changes during drag.
17693                       arrow:n         set -arrow to alternate n.
17694                       xfixes          enable  xfixes cursor shape mode.
17695                       noxfixes        disable xfixes cursor shape mode.
17696                       alphacut:n      set -alphacut to n.
17697                       alphafrac:f     set -alphafrac to f.
17698                       alpharemove     enable  -alpharemove mode.
17699                       noalpharemove   disable -alpharemove mode.
17700                       alphablend      disable -noalphablend mode.
17701                       noalphablend    enable  -noalphablend mode.
17702                       cursorshape     disable -nocursorshape mode.
17703                       nocursorshape   enable  -nocursorshape mode.
17704                       cursorpos       disable -nocursorpos mode.
17705                       nocursorpos     enable  -nocursorpos mode.
17706                       xwarp           enable  -xwarppointer mode.
17707                       noxwarp         disable -xwarppointer mode.
17708                       always_inject   enable  -always_inject mode.
17709                       noalways_inject disable -always_inject mode.
17710                       buttonmap:str   set -buttonmap "str", empty to disable
17711                       dragging        disable -nodragging mode.
17712                       nodragging      enable  -nodragging mode.
17713                       ncache          reenable -ncache mode.
17714                       noncache        disable  -ncache mode.
17715                       ncache_size:n   set -ncache size to n.
17716                       ncache_cr       enable  -ncache_cr mode.
17717                       noncache_cr     disable -ncache_cr mode.
17718                       ncache_no_moveraise     enable  no_moveraise mode.
17719                       noncache_no_moveraise   disable no_moveraise mode.
17720                       ncache_no_dtchange      enable  ncache_no_dtchange mode.
17721                       noncache_no_dtchange    disable ncache_no_dtchange mode.
17722                       ncache_old_wm           enable  ncache_old_wm mode.
17723                       noncache_old_wm         disable ncache_old_wm mode.
17724                       ncache_no_rootpixmap    enable  ncache_no_rootpixmap.
17725                       noncache_no_rootpixmap  disable ncache_no_rootpixmap.
17726                       ncache_reset_rootpixmap recheck the root pixmap, ncrp
17727                       ncache_keep_anims       enable  ncache_keep_anims.
17728                       noncache_keep_anims     disable ncache_keep_anims.
17729                       ncache_pad:n    set -ncache_pad to n.
17730                       wireframe       enable  -wireframe mode. same as "wf"
17731                       nowireframe     disable -wireframe mode. same as "nowf"
17732                       wireframe:str   enable  -wireframe mode string.
17733                       wireframe_mode:str enable  -wireframe mode string.
17734                       wireframelocal  enable  wireframelocal. same as "wfl"
17735                       nowireframe     disable wireframelocal. same as "nowfl"
17736                       wirecopyrect:str set -wirecopyrect string. same as "wcr:
17738                       scrollcopyrect:str set -scrollcopyrect string. same "scr
17740                       noscrollcopyrect disable -scrollcopyrect mode. "noscr"
17741                       scr_area:n      set -scr_area to n
17742                       scr_skip:list   set -scr_skip to "list"
17743                       scr_inc:list    set -scr_inc to "list"
17744                       scr_keys:list   set -scr_keys to "list"
17745                       scr_term:list   set -scr_term to "list"
17746                       scr_keyrepeat:str set -scr_keyrepeat to "str"
17747                       scr_parms:str   set -scr_parms parameters.
17748                       fixscreen:str   set -fixscreen to "str".
17749                       noxrecord       disable all use of RECORD extension.
17750                       xrecord         enable  use of RECORD extension.
17751                       reset_record    reset RECORD extension (if avail.)
17752                       pointer_mode:n  set -pointer_mode to n. same as "pm"
17753                       input_skip:n    set -input_skip to n.
17754                       allinput        enable  use of -allinput mode.
17755                       noallinput      disable use of -allinput mode.
17756                       input_eagerly   enable  use of -input_eagerly mode.
17757                       noinput_eagerly disable use of -input_eagerly mode.
17758                       ssltimeout:n    set -ssltimeout to n.
17759                       speeds:str      set -speeds to str.
17760                       wmdt:str        set -wmdt to str.
17761                       debug_pointer   enable  -debug_pointer, same as "dp"
17762                       nodebug_pointer disable -debug_pointer, same as "nodp"
17763                       debug_keyboard   enable  -debug_keyboard, same as "dk"
17764                       nodebug_keyboard disable -debug_keyboard, same as "nodk"
17765                       keycode:n       inject keystroke 'keycode' (xmodmap -pk)
17766                       keycode:n,down  inject 'keycode' (down=0,1)
17767                       keysym:str      inject keystroke 'keysym' (number/name)
17768                       keysym:str,down inject 'keysym' (down=0,1)
17769                       ptr:x,y,mask    inject pointer event x, y, button-mask
17770                       fakebuttonevent:button,down direct XTestFakeButtonEvent.
17771                       sleep:t         sleep floating point time t.
17772                       get_xprop:p     get X property named 'p'.
17773                       set_xprop:p:val set X property named 'p' to 'val'.
17774                                       p -> id=NNN:p for hex/dec window id.
17775                       wininfo:id      get info about X window id.  use 'root'
17776                                       for root window, use +id for children.
17777                       grab_state      get state of pointer and keyboard grab.
17778                       pointer_pos     print XQueryPointer x,y cursor position.
17779                       pointer_x       print XQueryPointer x cursor position.
17780                       pointer_y       print XQueryPointer y cursor position.
17781                       pointer_same    print XQueryPointer ptr on same screen.
17782                       pointer_root    print XQueryPointer curr ptr rootwin.
17783                       pointer_mask    print XQueryPointer button and mods mask
17784                       mouse_x         print x11vnc's idea of cursor position.
17785                       mouse_y         print x11vnc's idea of cursor position.
17786                       noop            do nothing.
17787                       defer:n         set -defer to n ms,same as deferupdate:n
17788                       wait:n          set -wait to n ms.
17789                       extra_fbur:n    set -extra_fbur to n.
17790                       wait_ui:f       set -wait_ui factor to f.
17791                       setdefer:n      set -setdefer to -2,-1,0,1, or 2.
17792                       wait_bog        disable -nowait_bog mode.
17793                       nowait_bog      enable  -nowait_bog mode.
17794                       slow_fb:f       set -slow_fb to f seconds.
17795                       xrefresh:f      set -xrefresh to f seconds.
17796                       readtimeout:n   set read timeout to n seconds.
17797                       nap             enable  -nap mode.
17798                       nonap           disable -nap mode.
17799                       sb:n            set -sb to n s, same as screen_blank:n
17800                       fbpm            disable -nofbpm mode.
17801                       nofbpm          enable  -nofbpm mode.
17802                       dpms            disable -nodpms mode.
17803                       nodpms          enable  -nodpms mode.
17804                       forcedpms       enable  -forcedpms mode.
17805                       noforcedpms     disable -forcedpms mode.
17806                       clientdpms      enable  -clientdpms mode.
17807                       noclientdpms    disable -clientdpms mode.
17808                       noserverdpms    enable  -noserverdpms mode.
17809                       serverdpms      disable -noserverdpms mode.
17810                       noultraext      enable  -noultraext mode.
17811                       ultraext        disable -noultraext mode.
17812                       chatwindow      enable  local chatwindow mode.
17813                       nochatwindow    disable local chatwindow mode.
17814                       chaton          begin chat using local window.
17815                       chatoff         end   chat using local window.
17816                       xdamage         enable  xdamage polling hints.
17817                       noxdamage       disable xdamage polling hints.
17818                       xd_area:A       set -xd_area max pixel area to "A"
17819                       xd_mem:f        set -xd_mem remembrance to "f"
17820                       fs:frac         set -fs fraction to "frac", e.g. 0.5
17821                       gaps:n          set -gaps to n.
17822                       grow:n          set -grow to n.
17823                       fuzz:n          set -fuzz to n.
17824                       snapfb          enable  -snapfb mode.
17825                       nosnapfb        disable -snapfb mode.
17826                       rawfb:str       set -rawfb mode to "str".
17827                       uinput_accel:f  set uinput_accel to f.
17828                       uinput_thresh:n set uinput_thresh to n.
17829                       uinput_reset:n  set uinput_reset to n ms.
17830                       uinput_always:n set uinput_always to 1/0.
17831                       progressive:n   set LibVNCServer -progressive slice
17832                                       height parameter to n.
17833                       desktop:str     set -desktop name to str for new clients
17835                       rfbport:n       set -rfbport to n.
17836                       macnosaver      enable  -macnosaver mode.
17837                       macsaver        disable -macnosaver mode.
17838                       macnowait       enable  -macnowait  mode.
17839                       macwait         disable -macnowait  mode.
17840                       macwheel:n      set -macwheel to n.
17841                       macnoswap       enable  -macnoswap mouse button mode.
17842                       macswap         disable -macnoswap mouse button mode.
17843                       macnoresize     enable  -macnoresize mode.
17844                       macresize       disable -macnoresize mode.
17845                       maciconanim:n   set -maciconanim to n.
17846                       macmenu         enable  -macmenu  mode.
17847                       macnomenu       disable -macmenu  mode.
17848                       macuskbd        enable  -macuskbd mode.
17849                       macnouskbd      disable -macuskbd mode.
17850                       httpport:n      set -httpport to n.
17851                       httpdir:dir     set -httpdir to dir (and enable http).
17852                       enablehttpproxy   enable  -enablehttpproxy mode.
17853                       noenablehttpproxy disable -enablehttpproxy mode.
17854                       alwaysshared     enable  -alwaysshared mode.
17855                       noalwaysshared   disable -alwaysshared mode.
17856                                        (may interfere with other options)
17857                       nevershared      enable  -nevershared mode.
17858                       nonevershared    disable -nevershared mode.
17859                                        (may interfere with other options)
17860                       dontdisconnect   enable  -dontdisconnect mode.
17861                       nodontdisconnect disable -dontdisconnect mode.
17862                                        (may interfere with other options)
17863                       debug_xevents   enable  debugging X events.
17864                       nodebug_xevents disable debugging X events.
17865                       debug_xdamage   enable  debugging X DAMAGE mechanism.
17866                       nodebug_xdamage disable debugging X DAMAGE mechanism.
17867                       debug_wireframe enable   debugging wireframe mechanism.
17868                       nodebug_wireframe disable debugging wireframe mechanism.
17869                       debug_scroll    enable  debugging scrollcopy mechanism.
17870                       nodebug_scroll  disable debugging scrollcopy mechanism.
17871                       debug_tiles     enable  -debug_tiles
17872                       nodebug_tiles   disable -debug_tiles
17873                       debug_grabs     enable  -debug_grabs
17874                       nodebug_grabs   disable -debug_grabs
17875                       debug_sel       enable  -debug_sel
17876                       nodebug_sel     disable -debug_sel
17877                       debug_ncache    enable  -debug_ncache
17878                       nodebug_ncache  disable -debug_ncache
17879                       dbg             enable  -dbg crash shell
17880                       nodbg           disable -dbg crash shell
17882                       noremote        disable the -remote command processing,
17883                                       it cannot be turned back on.
17885                       bcx_xattach:str  This remote control command is for
17886                       use with the BARCO xattach program or the x2x program.
17887                       Both of these programs are for 'pointer and keyboard'
17888                       sharing between separate X displays.  In general the
17889                       two displays are usually nearby, e.g. on the same desk,
17890                       and this allows the user to share a single pointer and
17891                       keyboard between them.  The user moves the mouse to
17892                       an edge and then the mouse pointer appears to 'jump'
17893                       to the other display screen.  Thus it emulates what a
17894                       single X server would do for two screens (e.g. :0.0 and
17895                       :0.1) The illusion of a single Xserver with multiple
17896                       screens is achieved by forwarding events to the 2nd
17897                       one via the XTEST extension.
17899                       What the x11vnc bcx_xattach command does is to perform
17900                       some pointer movements to try to INDUCE xattach/x2x
17901                       to 'jump' to the other display.  In what follows the
17902                       'master' display refers to the one that when it has
17903                       'focus' it is basically doing nothing besides watching
17904                       for the mouse to go over an edge.  The 'slave'
17905                       display refers to the one to which the mouse and
17906                       keyboard is redirected to once an edge in the master
17907                       has been crossed.  Note that the x11vnc executing the
17908                       bcx_xattach command MUST be the one connected to the
17909                       *master* display.
17911                       Also note that when input is being redirected (via
17912                       XTEST) from the master display to the slave display,
17913                       the master display's pointer and keyboard are *grabbed*
17914                       by xattach/x2x.  x11vnc can use this info to verify that
17915                       the master/slave mode change has taken place correctly.
17916                       If you specify the "ifneeded" option (see below)
17917                       and the initial grab state is that of the desired
17918                       final state, then no pointer movements are injected
17919                       and "DONE,GRAB_OK" is returned.
17921                       "str" must contain one of "up", "down", "left",
17922                       or "right" to indicate the direction of the 'jump'.
17923                       "str" must also contain one of "master_to_slave"
17924                       or "slave_to_master" to indicate the type of mode
17925                       change induced by the jump.  Use "M2S" and "S2M"
17926                       as shorter aliases.
17928                       "str" may be a "+" separated list of additional
17929                       tuning options.  The "shift=n" option indicates an
17930                       offset shift position away from (0,0) (default 20).
17931                       "final=x+y" specifies the final position of the cursor
17932                       at the end of the normal move sequence; default 30+30.
17933                       "extra_move=x+y" means to do one more pointer move
17934                       after "final" to x+y.  "dt=n" sets the sleep time
17935                       in milliseconds between pointer moves (default: 40ms)
17936                       "retry=n" specifies the maximum number of retries if
17937                       the grab state change fails. "ifneeded" means to not
17938                       apply the pointer movements if the initial grab state is
17939                       that of the desired final state. "nograbcheck" means
17940                       to not check if the grab state changed as expected and
17941                       only apply the pointer movements (default is to check
17942                       the grab states.)
17944                       If you do not specify "up", etc., to bcx_xattach
17945                       nothing will be attempted and the command returns
17946                       the string FAIL,NO_DIRECTION_SPECIFIED.  If you do
17947                       not specify "master_to_slave" or "M2S", etc., to
17948                       bcx_xattach nothing will be attempted and the command
17949                       returns the string FAIL,NO_MODE_CHANGE_SPECIFIED.
17951                       Otherwise, the returned string will contain "DONE".
17952                       It will be "DONE,GRAB_OK" if the grab state changed
17953                       as expected (or if "ifneeded" was supplied and
17954                       the initial grab state was already the desired
17955                       one.)  If the initial grab state was incorrect,
17956                       but the final grab state was correct then it is
17957                       "DONE,GRAB_FAIL_INIT".  If the initial grab state
17958                       was correct, but the final grab state was incorrect
17959                       then it is "DONE,GRAB_FAIL_FINAL".  If both are
17960                       incorrect it will be "DONE,GRAB_FAIL".  Under grab
17961                       failure the string will be followed by ":p1,k1-p2,k2"
17962                       where  p1,k1 indicates the initial pointer and keyboard
17963                       grab states and p2,k2 the final ones. If GRAB_FAIL or
17964                       GRAB_FAIL_FINAL occurs, the action will be retried up
17965                       to 3 times; trying to reset the state and sleeping a
17966                       bit between each try.  Set retry=n to adjust the number
17967                       of retries, zero to disable retries.
17969                       Examples:
17970                           -R bcx_xattach:down+M2S
17971                           -R bcx_xattach:up+S2M
17972                           -R bcx_xattach:up+S2M+nograbcheck+dt=30
17973                           -R bcx_xattach:down+M2S+extra_move=100+100
17975                       or use -Q instead of -R to retrieve the result text.
17977                       End of the bcx_xattach:str description.
17979                       The vncconnect(1) command from standard VNC
17980                       distributions may also be used if string is prefixed
17981                       with "cmd=" E.g. 'vncconnect cmd=stop'.  Under some
17982                       circumstances xprop(1) can used if it supports -set
17983                       (see the FAQ).
17985                       If "-connect /path/to/file" has been supplied to the
17986                       running x11vnc server then that file can be used as a
17987                       communication channel (this is the only way to remote
17988                       control one of many x11vnc's polling the same X display)
17989                       Simply run: 'x11vnc -connect /path/to/file -remote ...'
17990                       or you can directly write to the file via something
17991                       like: "echo cmd=stop > /path/to/file", etc.
17993-query variable        Like -remote, except just query the value of
17994                       "variable".  "-Q" is an alias for "-query".
17995                       Multiple queries can be done by separating variables
17996                       by commas, e.g. -query var1,var2. The results come
17997                       back in the form ans=var1:value1,ans=var2:value2,...
17998                       to the standard output.  If a variable is read-only,
17999                       it comes back with prefix "aro=" instead of "ans=".
18001                       Some -remote commands are pure actions that do not make
18002                       sense as variables, e.g. "stop" or "disconnect", in
18003                       these cases the value returned is "N/A".  To direct a
18004                       query straight to the X11VNC_REMOTE property or connect
18005                       file use "qry=..." instead of "cmd=..."
18007                       ans= stop quit exit shutdown ping resend_cutbuffer
18008                       resend_clipboard resend_primary blacken zero refresh
18009                       reset close disconnect id_cmd id sid waitmapped
18010                       nowaitmapped clip flashcmap noflashcmap shiftcmap
18011                       truecolor notruecolor overlay nooverlay overlay_cursor
18012                       overlay_yescursor nooverlay_nocursor nooverlay_cursor
18013                       nooverlay_yescursor overlay_nocursor 8to24 no8to24
18014                       8to24_opts 24to32 no24to32 visual scale scale_cursor
18015                       viewonly noviewonly shared noshared forever noforever
18016                       once timeout tightfilexfer notightfilexfer ultrafilexfer
18017                       noultrafilexfer rfbversion deny lock nodeny unlock avahi
18018                       mdns zeroconf noavahi nomdns nozeroconf connect proxy
18019                       allowonce allow noipv6 ipv6 noipv4 ipv4 no6 6 localhost
18020                       nolocalhost listen lookup nolookup accept afteraccept
18021                       gone shm noshm flipbyteorder noflipbyteorder onetile
18022                       noonetile solid_color solid nosolid blackout xinerama
18023                       noxinerama xtrap noxtrap xrandr noxrandr xrandr_mode
18024                       rotate padgeom quiet q noquiet modtweak nomodtweak xkb
18025                       noxkb capslock nocapslock skip_lockkeys noskip_lockkeys
18026                       skip_keycodes sloppy_keys nosloppy_keys skip_dups
18027                       noskip_dups add_keysyms noadd_keysyms clear_mods
18028                       noclear_mods clear_keys noclear_keys clear_all
18029                       clear_locks keystate remap repeat norepeat fb nofb bell
18030                       nobell sendbell sel nosel primary noprimary setprimary
18031                       nosetprimary clipboard noclipboard setclipboard
18032                       nosetclipboard seldir cursorshape nocursorshape
18033                       cursorpos nocursorpos cursor_drag nocursor_drag cursor
18034                       show_cursor noshow_cursor nocursor arrow xfixes noxfixes
18035                       xdamage noxdamage xd_area xd_mem alphacut alphafrac
18036                       alpharemove noalpharemove alphablend noalphablend
18037                       xwarppointer xwarp noxwarppointer noxwarp always_inject
18038                       noalways_inject buttonmap dragging nodragging ncache_cr
18039                       noncache_cr ncache_no_moveraise noncache_no_moveraise
18040                       ncache_no_dtchange noncache_no_dtchange
18041                       ncache_no_rootpixmap noncache_no_rootpixmap
18042                       ncache_reset_rootpixmap ncrp ncache_keep_anims
18043                       noncache_keep_anims ncache_old_wm noncache_old_wm
18044                       ncache_pad ncache noncache ncache_size debug_ncache
18045                       nodebug_ncache wireframe_mode wireframe wf nowireframe
18046                       nowf wireframelocal wfl nowireframelocal nowfl
18047                       wirecopyrect wcr nowirecopyrect nowcr scr_area
18048                       scr_skip scr_inc scr_keys scr_term scr_keyrepeat
18049                       scr_parms scrollcopyrect scr noscrollcopyrect
18050                       noscr fixscreen noxrecord xrecord reset_record
18051                       pointer_mode pm input_skip allinput noallinput
18052                       input_eagerly noinput_eagerly input grabkbd nograbkbd
18053                       grabptr nograbptr grabalways nograbalways grablocal
18054                       client_input ssltimeout speeds wmdt debug_pointer dp
18055                       nodebug_pointer nodp debug_keyboard dk nodebug_keyboard
18056                       nodk keycode keysym ptr fakebuttonevent sleep get_xprop
18057                       set_xprop wininfo bcx_xattach deferupdate defer
18058                       setdefer extra_fbur wait_ui wait_bog nowait_bog
18059                       slow_fb xrefresh wait readtimeout nap nonap sb
18060                       screen_blank fbpm nofbpm dpms nodpms clientdpms
18061                       noclientdpms forcedpms noforcedpms noserverdpms
18062                       serverdpms noultraext ultraext chatwindow nochatwindow
18063                       chaton chatoff fs gaps grow fuzz snapfb nosnapfb
18064                       rawfb uinput_accel uinput_thresh uinput_reset
18065                       uinput_always progressive rfbport http nohttp httpport
18066                       httpdir enablehttpproxy noenablehttpproxy alwaysshared
18067                       noalwaysshared nevershared noalwaysshared dontdisconnect
18068                       nodontdisconnect desktop debug_xevents nodebug_xevents
18069                       debug_xevents debug_xdamage nodebug_xdamage
18070                       debug_xdamage debug_wireframe nodebug_wireframe
18071                       debug_wireframe debug_scroll nodebug_scroll debug_scroll
18072                       debug_tiles dbt nodebug_tiles nodbt debug_tiles
18073                       debug_grabs nodebug_grabs debug_sel nodebug_sel dbg
18074                       nodbg macnosaver macsaver nomacnosaver macnowait macwait
18075                       nomacnowait macwheel macnoswap macswap nomacnoswap
18076                       macnoresize macresize nomacnoresize maciconanim macmenu
18077                       macnomenu nomacmenu macuskbd nomacuskbd noremote
18079                       aro=  noop display vncdisplay icon_mode autoport
18080                       loop loopbg desktopname guess_desktop guess_dbus
18081                       http_url auth xauth users rootshift clipshift scale_str
18082                       scaled_x scaled_y scale_numer scale_denom scale_fac_x
18083                       scale_fac_y scaling_blend scaling_nomult4 scaling_pad
18084                       scaling_interpolate inetd privremote unsafe safer nocmds
18085                       passwdfile unixpw unixpw_nis unixpw_list ssl ssl_pem
18086                       sslverify stunnel stunnel_pem https httpsredir usepw
18087                       using_shm logfile o flag rmflag rc norc h help V version
18088                       lastmod bg sigpipe threads readrate netrate netlatency
18089                       pipeinput clients client_count pid ext_xtest ext_xtrap
18090                       ext_xrecord ext_xkb ext_xshm ext_xinerama ext_overlay
18091                       ext_xfixes ext_xdamage ext_xrandr rootwin num_buttons
18092                       button_mask mouse_x mouse_y grab_state pointer_pos
18093                       pointer_x pointer_y pointer_same pointer_root
18094                       pointer_mask bpp depth indexed_color dpy_x dpy_y wdpy_x
18095                       wdpy_y off_x off_y cdpy_x cdpy_y coff_x coff_y rfbauth
18096                       passwd viewpasswd
18098-QD variable           Just like -query variable, but returns the default
18099                       value for that parameter (no running x11vnc server
18100                       is consulted)
18102-sync                  By default -remote commands are run asynchronously, that
18103                       is, the request is posted and the program immediately
18104                       exits.  Use -sync to have the program wait for an
18105                       acknowledgement from the x11vnc server that command was
18106                       processed (somehow).  On the other hand -query requests
18107                       are always processed synchronously because they have
18108                       to wait for the answer.
18110                       Also note that if both -remote and -query requests are
18111                       supplied on the command line, the -remote is processed
18112                       first (synchronously: no need for -sync), and then
18113                       the -query request is processed in the normal way.
18114                       This allows for a reliable way to see if the -remote
18115                       command was processed by querying for any new settings.
18116                       Note however that there is timeout of a few seconds
18117                       (see the next paragraph) so if the x11vnc takes longer
18118                       than that to process the requests the requester will
18119                       think that a failure has taken place.
18121                       The default is to wait 3.5 seconds.  Or if cmd=stop
18122                       only 1.0 seconds.  If cmd matches 'script:' then it
18123                       will wait up to 10.0 seconds.  Set X11VNC_SYNC_TIMEOUT
18124                       to the number of seconds you want it to wait.
18126-query_retries str     If a query fails to get a response from an x11vnc
18127                       server, retry up to n times.  "str" is specified as
18128                       n[:t][/match]  Optionally the delay between tries may
18129                       be specified by "t" a floating point time (default
18130                       0.5 seconds.)  Note: the response is not checked for
18131                       validity or whether it corresponds to the query sent.
18132                       The query "ping:mystring" may be used to help uniquely
18133                       identify the query.  Optionally, a matching string after
18134                       a "/" will be used to check the result text.  Up to
18135                       n retries will take place until the matching string is
18136                       found in the output text.  If the match string is never
18137                       found the program's exit code is 1; if the match is
18138                       found it exits with 0.  Note that there may be stdout
18139                       printed for each retry (i.e. multiple lines printed
18140                       out to stdout.)
18141                       Example: -query_retries 4:1.5/grab_state
18143-remote_prefix str     Enable a remote-control communication channel for
18144                       connected VNC clients.  str is a non-empty string. If a
18145                       VNC client sends rfbCutText having the prefix "str"
18146                       then the part after it is processed as though it were
18147                       sent via 'x11vnc -remote ...'.  If it begins with
18148                       neither 'cmd=' nor 'qry=' then 'qry=' is assumed.
18149                       Any corresponding output text for that remote control
18150                       command is sent back to all client as rfbCutText.
18151                       The returned output is also prefixed with "str".
18152                       Example: -remote_prefix DO_THIS:
18154                       Note that enabling -remote_prefix allows the remote
18155                       VNC viewers to run x11vnc -remote commands.  Do not
18156                       use this option if they are not to be trusted.
18158-noremote              Do not process any remote control commands or queries.
18159-yesremote             Do process remote control commands or queries.
18160                       Default: -yesremote
18162                       A note about security wrt remote control commands.
18163                       If someone can connect to the X display and change
18164                       the property X11VNC_REMOTE, then they can remotely
18165                       control x11vnc.  Normally access to the X display is
18166                       protected.  Note that if they can modify X11VNC_REMOTE
18167                       on the X server, they have enough permissions to also
18168                       run their own x11vnc and thus have complete control
18169                       of the desktop.  If the  "-connect /path/to/file"
18170                       channel is being used, obviously anyone who can write
18171                       to /path/to/file can remotely control x11vnc.  So be
18172                       sure to protect the X display and that file's write
18173                       permissions.  See -privremote below.
18175                       If you are paranoid and do not think -noremote is
18176                       enough, to disable the X11VNC_REMOTE property channel
18177                       completely use -novncconnect, or use the -safer option
18178                       that shuts many things off.
18180-unsafe                A few remote commands are disabled by default
18181                       (currently: id:pick, accept:<cmd>, gone:<cmd>, and
18182                       rawfb:setup:<cmd>) because they are associated with
18183                       running external programs.  If you specify -unsafe, then
18184                       these remote-control commands are allowed.  Note that
18185                       you can still specify these parameters on the command
18186                       line, they just cannot be invoked via remote-control.
18187-safer                 Equivalent to: -novncconnect -noremote and prohibiting
18188                       -gui and the -connect file. Shuts off communcation
18189                       channels.
18190-privremote            Perform some sanity checks and disable remote-control
18191                       commands if it appears that the X DISPLAY and/or
18192                       connectfile can be accessed by other users.  Once
18193                       remote-control is disabled it cannot be turned back on.
18194-nocmds                No external commands (e.g. system(3), popen(3), exec(3))
18195                       will be run at all.
18196-allowedcmds list      "list" contains a comma separated list of the only
18197                       external commands that can be run.  The full list of
18198                       associated options is:
18200                        stunnel, ssl, unixpw, WAIT, zeroconf, id, accept,
18201                        afteraccept, gone, pipeinput, v4l-info, rawfb-setup,
18202                        dt, gui, ssh, storepasswd, passwdfile, custom_passwd,
18203                        findauth, crash.
18205                       See each option's help to learn the associated external
18206                       command.  Note that the -nocmds option takes precedence
18207                       and disables all external commands.
18209-deny_all              For use with -remote nodeny: start out denying all
18210                       incoming clients until "-remote nodeny" is used to
18211                       let them in.
18215These options are passed to LibVNCServer:
18217-rfbport port          TCP port for RFB protocol
18218-rfbwait time          max time in ms to wait for RFB client
18219-rfbauth passwd-file   use authentication on RFB protocol
18220                       (use 'storepasswd' to create a password file)
18221-rfbversion 3.x        Set the version of the RFB we choose to advertise
18222-permitfiletransfer    permit file transfer support
18223-passwd plain-password use authentication
18224                       (use plain-password as password, USE AT YOUR RISK)
18225-deferupdate time      time in ms to defer updates (default 40)
18226-deferptrupdate time   time in ms to defer pointer updates (default none)
18227-desktop name          VNC desktop name (default "LibVNCServer")
18228-alwaysshared          always treat new clients as shared
18229-nevershared           never treat new clients as shared
18230-dontdisconnect        don't disconnect existing clients when a new non-shared
18231                       connection comes in (refuse new connection instead)
18232-httpdir dir-path      enable http server using dir-path home
18233-httpport portnum      use portnum for http connection
18234-enablehttpproxy       enable http proxy support
18235-progressive height    enable progressive updating for slow links
18236-listen ipaddr         listen for connections only on network interface with
18237                       addr ipaddr. '-listen localhost' and hostname work too.
18239libvncserver-tight-extension options:
18240-disablefiletransfer   disable file transfer
18241-ftproot string        set ftp root
18243   Pretty wild huh? Contact me if you have any questions or problems.
18245   Personally, I use:
18246x11vnc -rfbauth $HOME/.vnc/passwd -solid