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1 // Copyright 2006 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5 // --- SPONSORED LINK --------------------------------------------------
6 // If you want to use this library for regular expression matching,
7 // you should use re2/re2.h, which provides a class RE2 that
8 // mimics the PCRE interface provided by PCRE's C++ wrappers.
9 // This header describes the low-level interface used to implement RE2
10 // and may change in backwards-incompatible ways from time to time.
11 // In contrast, RE2's interface will not.
12 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
14 // Regular expression library: parsing, execution, and manipulation
15 // of regular expressions.
16 //
17 // Any operation that traverses the Regexp structures should be written
18 // using Regexp::Walker (see walker-inl.h), not recursively, because deeply nested
19 // regular expressions such as x++++++++++++++++++++... might cause recursive
20 // traversals to overflow the stack.
21 //
22 // It is the caller's responsibility to provide appropriate mutual exclusion
23 // around manipulation of the regexps.  RE2 does this.
24 //
26 //
27 // Regexp::Parse parses regular expressions encoded in UTF-8.
28 // The default syntax is POSIX extended regular expressions,
29 // with the following changes:
30 //
31 //   1.  Backreferences (optional in POSIX EREs) are not supported.
32 //         (Supporting them precludes the use of DFA-based
33 //          matching engines.)
34 //
35 //   2.  Collating elements and collation classes are not supported.
36 //         (No one has needed or wanted them.)
37 //
38 // The exact syntax accepted can be modified by passing flags to
39 // Regexp::Parse.  In particular, many of the basic Perl additions
40 // are available.  The flags are documented below (search for LikePerl).
41 //
42 // If parsed with the flag Regexp::Latin1, both the regular expression
43 // and the input to the matching routines are assumed to be encoded in
44 // Latin-1, not UTF-8.
45 //
47 //
48 // Once Regexp has parsed a regular expression, it provides methods
49 // to search text using that regular expression.  These methods are
50 // implemented via calling out to other regular expression libraries.
51 // (Let's call them the sublibraries.)
52 //
53 // To call a sublibrary, Regexp does not simply prepare a
54 // string version of the regular expression and hand it to the
55 // sublibrary.  Instead, Regexp prepares, from its own parsed form, the
56 // corresponding internal representation used by the sublibrary.
57 // This has the drawback of needing to know the internal representation
58 // used by the sublibrary, but it has two important benefits:
59 //
60 //   1. The syntax and meaning of regular expressions is guaranteed
61 //      to be that used by Regexp's parser, not the syntax expected
62 //      by the sublibrary.  Regexp might accept a restricted or
63 //      expanded syntax for regular expressions as compared with
64 //      the sublibrary.  As long as Regexp can translate from its
65 //      internal form into the sublibrary's, clients need not know
66 //      exactly which sublibrary they are using.
67 //
68 //   2. The sublibrary parsers are bypassed.  For whatever reason,
69 //      sublibrary regular expression parsers often have security
70 //      problems.  For example, plan9grep's regular expression parser
71 //      has a buffer overflow in its handling of large character
72 //      classes, and PCRE's parser has had buffer overflow problems
73 //      in the past.  Security-team requires sandboxing of sublibrary
74 //      regular expression parsers.  Avoiding the sublibrary parsers
75 //      avoids the sandbox.
76 //
77 // The execution methods we use now are provided by the compiled form,
78 // Prog, described in prog.h
79 //
81 //
82 // Unlike other regular expression libraries, Regexp makes its parsed
83 // form accessible to clients, so that client code can analyze the
84 // parsed regular expressions.
86 #ifndef RE2_REGEXP_H__
87 #define RE2_REGEXP_H__
89 #include "util/util.h"
90 #include "re2/stringpiece.h"
92 namespace re2 {
94 // Keep in sync with string list kOpcodeNames[] in testing/dump.cc
95 enum RegexpOp {
96   // Matches no strings.
97   kRegexpNoMatch = 1,
99   // Matches empty string.
100   kRegexpEmptyMatch,
102   // Matches rune_.
103   kRegexpLiteral,
105   // Matches runes_.
106   kRegexpLiteralString,
108   // Matches concatenation of sub_[0..nsub-1].
109   kRegexpConcat,
110   // Matches union of sub_[0..nsub-1].
111   kRegexpAlternate,
113   // Matches sub_[0] zero or more times.
114   kRegexpStar,
115   // Matches sub_[0] one or more times.
116   kRegexpPlus,
117   // Matches sub_[0] zero or one times.
118   kRegexpQuest,
120   // Matches sub_[0] at least min_ times, at most max_ times.
121   // max_ == -1 means no upper limit.
122   kRegexpRepeat,
124   // Parenthesized (capturing) subexpression.  Index is cap_.
125   // Optionally, capturing name is name_.
126   kRegexpCapture,
128   // Matches any character.
129   kRegexpAnyChar,
131   // Matches any byte [sic].
132   kRegexpAnyByte,
134   // Matches empty string at beginning of line.
135   kRegexpBeginLine,
136   // Matches empty string at end of line.
137   kRegexpEndLine,
139   // Matches word boundary "\b".
140   kRegexpWordBoundary,
141   // Matches not-a-word boundary "\B".
142   kRegexpNoWordBoundary,
144   // Matches empty string at beginning of text.
145   kRegexpBeginText,
146   // Matches empty string at end of text.
147   kRegexpEndText,
149   // Matches character class given by cc_.
150   kRegexpCharClass,
152   // Forces match of entire expression right now,
153   // with match ID match_id_ (used by RE2::Set).
154   kRegexpHaveMatch,
156   kMaxRegexpOp = kRegexpHaveMatch,
157 };
159 // Keep in sync with string list in regexp.cc
160 enum RegexpStatusCode {
161   // No error
162   kRegexpSuccess = 0,
164   // Unexpected error
165   kRegexpInternalError,
167   // Parse errors
168   kRegexpBadEscape,          // bad escape sequence
169   kRegexpBadCharClass,       // bad character class
170   kRegexpBadCharRange,       // bad character class range
171   kRegexpMissingBracket,     // missing closing ]
172   kRegexpMissingParen,       // missing closing )
173   kRegexpTrailingBackslash,  // at end of regexp
174   kRegexpRepeatArgument,     // repeat argument missing, e.g. "*"
175   kRegexpRepeatSize,         // bad repetition argument
176   kRegexpRepeatOp,           // bad repetition operator
177   kRegexpBadPerlOp,          // bad perl operator
178   kRegexpBadUTF8,            // invalid UTF-8 in regexp
179   kRegexpBadNamedCapture,    // bad named capture
180 };
182 // Error status for certain operations.
183 class RegexpStatus {
184  public:
RegexpStatus()185   RegexpStatus() : code_(kRegexpSuccess), tmp_(NULL) {}
~RegexpStatus()186   ~RegexpStatus() { delete tmp_; }
set_code(enum RegexpStatusCode code)188   void set_code(enum RegexpStatusCode code) { code_ = code; }
set_error_arg(const StringPiece & error_arg)189   void set_error_arg(const StringPiece& error_arg) { error_arg_ = error_arg; }
set_tmp(string * tmp)190   void set_tmp(string* tmp) { delete tmp_; tmp_ = tmp; }
code()191   enum RegexpStatusCode code() const { return code_; }
error_arg()192   const StringPiece& error_arg() const { return error_arg_; }
ok()193   bool ok() const { return code() == kRegexpSuccess; }
195   // Copies state from status.
196   void Copy(const RegexpStatus& status);
198   // Returns text equivalent of code, e.g.:
199   //   "Bad character class"
200   static string CodeText(enum RegexpStatusCode code);
202   // Returns text describing error, e.g.:
203   //   "Bad character class: [z-a]"
204   string Text() const;
206  private:
207   enum RegexpStatusCode code_;  // Kind of error
208   StringPiece error_arg_;       // Piece of regexp containing syntax error.
209   string* tmp_;                 // Temporary storage, possibly where error_arg_ is.
212 };
214 // Walker to implement Simplify.
215 class SimplifyWalker;
217 // Compiled form; see prog.h
218 class Prog;
220 struct RuneRange {
RuneRangeRuneRange221   RuneRange() : lo(0), hi(0) { }
RuneRangeRuneRange222   RuneRange(int l, int h) : lo(l), hi(h) { }
223   Rune lo;
224   Rune hi;
225 };
227 // Less-than on RuneRanges treats a == b if they overlap at all.
228 // This lets us look in a set to find the range covering a particular Rune.
229 struct RuneRangeLess {
operatorRuneRangeLess230   bool operator()(const RuneRange& a, const RuneRange& b) const {
231     return a.hi < b.lo;
232   }
233 };
235 class CharClassBuilder;
237 class CharClass {
238  public:
239   void Delete();
241   typedef RuneRange* iterator;
begin()242   iterator begin() { return ranges_; }
end()243   iterator end() { return ranges_ + nranges_; }
size()245   int size() { return nrunes_; }
empty()246   bool empty() { return nrunes_ == 0; }
full()247   bool full() { return nrunes_ == Runemax+1; }
FoldsASCII()248   bool FoldsASCII() { return folds_ascii_; }
250   bool Contains(Rune r);
251   CharClass* Negate();
253  private:
254   CharClass();  // not implemented
255   ~CharClass();  // not implemented
256   static CharClass* New(int maxranges);
258   friend class CharClassBuilder;
260   bool folds_ascii_;
261   int nrunes_;
262   RuneRange *ranges_;
263   int nranges_;
265 };
267 class Regexp {
268  public:
270   // Flags for parsing.  Can be ORed together.
271   enum ParseFlags {
272     NoParseFlags = 0,
273     FoldCase     = 1<<0,   // Fold case during matching (case-insensitive).
274     Literal      = 1<<1,   // Treat s as literal string instead of a regexp.
275     ClassNL      = 1<<2,   // Allow char classes like [^a-z] and \D and \s
276                            // and [[:space:]] to match newline.
277     DotNL        = 1<<3,   // Allow . to match newline.
278     MatchNL      = ClassNL | DotNL,
279     OneLine      = 1<<4,   // Treat ^ and $ as only matching at beginning and
280                            // end of text, not around embedded newlines.
281                            // (Perl's default)
282     Latin1       = 1<<5,   // Regexp and text are in Latin1, not UTF-8.
283     NonGreedy    = 1<<6,   // Repetition operators are non-greedy by default.
284     PerlClasses  = 1<<7,   // Allow Perl character classes like \d.
285     PerlB        = 1<<8,   // Allow Perl's \b and \B.
286     PerlX        = 1<<9,   // Perl extensions:
287                            //   non-capturing parens - (?: )
288                            //   non-greedy operators - *? +? ?? {}?
289                            //   flag edits - (?i) (?-i) (?i: )
290                            //     i - FoldCase
291                            //     m - !OneLine
292                            //     s - DotNL
293                            //     U - NonGreedy
294                            //   line ends: \A \z
295                            //   \Q and \E to disable/enable metacharacters
296                            //   (?P<name>expr) for named captures
297                            //   \C to match any single byte
298     UnicodeGroups = 1<<10, // Allow \p{Han} for Unicode Han group
299                            //   and \P{Han} for its negation.
300     NeverNL      = 1<<11,  // Never match NL, even if the regexp mentions
301                            //   it explicitly.
302     NeverCapture = 1<<12,  // Parse all parens as non-capturing.
304     // As close to Perl as we can get.
305     LikePerl     = ClassNL | OneLine | PerlClasses | PerlB | PerlX |
306                    UnicodeGroups,
308     // Internal use only.
309     WasDollar    = 1<<15,  // on kRegexpEndText: was $ in regexp text
310   };
312   // Get.  No set, Regexps are logically immutable once created.
op()313   RegexpOp op() { return static_cast<RegexpOp>(op_); }
nsub()314   int nsub() { return nsub_; }
simple()315   bool simple() { return simple_; }
parse_flags()316   enum ParseFlags parse_flags() { return static_cast<ParseFlags>(parse_flags_); }
317   int Ref();  // For testing.
sub()319   Regexp** sub() {
320     if(nsub_ <= 1)
321       return &subone_;
322     else
323       return submany_;
324   }
min()326   int min() { DCHECK_EQ(op_, kRegexpRepeat); return min_; }
max()327   int max() { DCHECK_EQ(op_, kRegexpRepeat); return max_; }
rune()328   Rune rune() { DCHECK_EQ(op_, kRegexpLiteral); return rune_; }
cc()329   CharClass* cc() { DCHECK_EQ(op_, kRegexpCharClass); return cc_; }
cap()330   int cap() { DCHECK_EQ(op_, kRegexpCapture); return cap_; }
name()331   const string* name() { DCHECK_EQ(op_, kRegexpCapture); return name_; }
runes()332   Rune* runes() { DCHECK_EQ(op_, kRegexpLiteralString); return runes_; }
nrunes()333   int nrunes() { DCHECK_EQ(op_, kRegexpLiteralString); return nrunes_; }
match_id()334   int match_id() { DCHECK_EQ(op_, kRegexpHaveMatch); return match_id_; }
336   // Increments reference count, returns object as convenience.
337   Regexp* Incref();
339   // Decrements reference count and deletes this object if count reaches 0.
340   void Decref();
342   // Parses string s to produce regular expression, returned.
343   // Caller must release return value with re->Decref().
344   // On failure, sets *status (if status != NULL) and returns NULL.
345   static Regexp* Parse(const StringPiece& s, ParseFlags flags,
346                        RegexpStatus* status);
348   // Returns a _new_ simplified version of the current regexp.
349   // Does not edit the current regexp.
350   // Caller must release return value with re->Decref().
351   // Simplified means that counted repetition has been rewritten
352   // into simpler terms and all Perl/POSIX features have been
353   // removed.  The result will capture exactly the same
354   // subexpressions the original did, unless formatted with ToString.
355   Regexp* Simplify();
356   friend class SimplifyWalker;
358   // Parses the regexp src and then simplifies it and sets *dst to the
359   // string representation of the simplified form.  Returns true on success.
360   // Returns false and sets *status (if status != NULL) on parse error.
361   static bool SimplifyRegexp(const StringPiece& src, ParseFlags flags,
362                              string* dst,
363                              RegexpStatus* status);
365   // Returns the number of capturing groups in the regexp.
366   int NumCaptures();
367   friend class NumCapturesWalker;
369   // Returns a map from names to capturing group indices,
370   // or NULL if the regexp contains no named capture groups.
371   // The caller is responsible for deleting the map.
372   map<string, int>* NamedCaptures();
374   // Returns a map from capturing group indices to capturing group
375   // names or NULL if the regexp contains no named capture groups. The
376   // caller is responsible for deleting the map.
377   map<int, string>* CaptureNames();
379   // Returns a string representation of the current regexp,
380   // using as few parentheses as possible.
381   string ToString();
383   // Convenience functions.  They consume the passed reference,
384   // so in many cases you should use, e.g., Plus(re->Incref(), flags).
385   // They do not consume allocated arrays like subs or runes.
386   static Regexp* Plus(Regexp* sub, ParseFlags flags);
387   static Regexp* Star(Regexp* sub, ParseFlags flags);
388   static Regexp* Quest(Regexp* sub, ParseFlags flags);
389   static Regexp* Concat(Regexp** subs, int nsubs, ParseFlags flags);
390   static Regexp* Alternate(Regexp** subs, int nsubs, ParseFlags flags);
391   static Regexp* Capture(Regexp* sub, ParseFlags flags, int cap);
392   static Regexp* Repeat(Regexp* sub, ParseFlags flags, int min, int max);
393   static Regexp* NewLiteral(Rune rune, ParseFlags flags);
394   static Regexp* NewCharClass(CharClass* cc, ParseFlags flags);
395   static Regexp* LiteralString(Rune* runes, int nrunes, ParseFlags flags);
396   static Regexp* HaveMatch(int match_id, ParseFlags flags);
398   // Like Alternate but does not factor out common prefixes.
399   static Regexp* AlternateNoFactor(Regexp** subs, int nsubs, ParseFlags flags);
401   // Debugging function.  Returns string format for regexp
402   // that makes structure clear.  Does NOT use regexp syntax.
403   string Dump();
405   // Helper traversal class, defined fully in walker-inl.h.
406   template<typename T> class Walker;
408   // Compile to Prog.  See prog.h
409   // Reverse prog expects to be run over text backward.
410   // Construction and execution of prog will
411   // stay within approximately max_mem bytes of memory.
412   // If max_mem <= 0, a reasonable default is used.
413   Prog* CompileToProg(int64 max_mem);
414   Prog* CompileToReverseProg(int64 max_mem);
416   // Whether to expect this library to find exactly the same answer as PCRE
417   // when running this regexp.  Most regexps do mimic PCRE exactly, but a few
418   // obscure cases behave differently.  Technically this is more a property
419   // of the Prog than the Regexp, but the computation is much easier to do
420   // on the Regexp.  See mimics_pcre.cc for the exact conditions.
421   bool MimicsPCRE();
423   // Benchmarking function.
424   void NullWalk();
426   // Whether every match of this regexp must be anchored and
427   // begin with a non-empty fixed string (perhaps after ASCII
428   // case-folding).  If so, returns the prefix and the sub-regexp that
429   // follows it.
430   bool RequiredPrefix(string* prefix, bool *foldcase, Regexp** suffix);
432  private:
433   // Constructor allocates vectors as appropriate for operator.
434   explicit Regexp(RegexpOp op, ParseFlags parse_flags);
436   // Use Decref() instead of delete to release Regexps.
437   // This is private to catch deletes at compile time.
438   ~Regexp();
439   void Destroy();
440   bool QuickDestroy();
442   // Helpers for Parse.  Listed here so they can edit Regexps.
443   class ParseState;
444   friend class ParseState;
445   friend bool ParseCharClass(StringPiece* s, Regexp** out_re,
446                              RegexpStatus* status);
448   // Helper for testing [sic].
449   friend bool RegexpEqualTestingOnly(Regexp*, Regexp*);
451   // Computes whether Regexp is already simple.
452   bool ComputeSimple();
454   // Constructor that generates a concatenation or alternation,
455   // enforcing the limit on the number of subexpressions for
456   // a particular Regexp.
457   static Regexp* ConcatOrAlternate(RegexpOp op, Regexp** subs, int nsubs,
458                                    ParseFlags flags, bool can_factor);
460   // Returns the leading string that re starts with.
461   // The returned Rune* points into a piece of re,
462   // so it must not be used after the caller calls re->Decref().
463   static Rune* LeadingString(Regexp* re, int* nrune, ParseFlags* flags);
465   // Removes the first n leading runes from the beginning of re.
466   // Edits re in place.
467   static void RemoveLeadingString(Regexp* re, int n);
469   // Returns the leading regexp in re's top-level concatenation.
470   // The returned Regexp* points at re or a sub-expression of re,
471   // so it must not be used after the caller calls re->Decref().
472   static Regexp* LeadingRegexp(Regexp* re);
474   // Removes LeadingRegexp(re) from re and returns the remainder.
475   // Might edit re in place.
476   static Regexp* RemoveLeadingRegexp(Regexp* re);
478   // Simplifies an alternation of literal strings by factoring out
479   // common prefixes.
480   static int FactorAlternation(Regexp** sub, int nsub, ParseFlags flags);
481   static int FactorAlternationRecursive(Regexp** sub, int nsub,
482                                         ParseFlags flags, int maxdepth);
484   // Is a == b?  Only efficient on regexps that have not been through
485   // Simplify yet - the expansion of a kRegexpRepeat will make this
486   // take a long time.  Do not call on such regexps, hence private.
487   static bool Equal(Regexp* a, Regexp* b);
489   // Allocate space for n sub-regexps.
AllocSub(int n)490   void AllocSub(int n) {
491     if (n < 0 || static_cast<uint16>(n) != n)
492       LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot AllocSub " << n;
493     if (n > 1)
494       submany_ = new Regexp*[n];
495     nsub_ = n;
496   }
498   // Add Rune to LiteralString
499   void AddRuneToString(Rune r);
501   // Swaps this with that, in place.
502   void Swap(Regexp *that);
504   // Operator.  See description of operators above.
505   // uint8 instead of RegexpOp to control space usage.
506   uint8 op_;
508   // Is this regexp structure already simple
509   // (has it been returned by Simplify)?
510   // uint8 instead of bool to control space usage.
511   uint8 simple_;
513   // Flags saved from parsing and used during execution.
514   // (Only FoldCase is used.)
515   // uint16 instead of ParseFlags to control space usage.
516   uint16 parse_flags_;
518   // Reference count.  Exists so that SimplifyRegexp can build
519   // regexp structures that are dags rather than trees to avoid
520   // exponential blowup in space requirements.
521   // uint16 to control space usage.
522   // The standard regexp routines will never generate a
523   // ref greater than the maximum repeat count (100),
524   // but even so, Incref and Decref consult an overflow map
525   // when ref_ reaches kMaxRef.
526   uint16 ref_;
527   static const uint16 kMaxRef = 0xffff;
529   // Subexpressions.
530   // uint16 to control space usage.
531   // Concat and Alternate handle larger numbers of subexpressions
532   // by building concatenation or alternation trees.
533   // Other routines should call Concat or Alternate instead of
534   // filling in sub() by hand.
535   uint16 nsub_;
536   static const uint16 kMaxNsub = 0xffff;
537   union {
538     Regexp** submany_;  // if nsub_ > 1
539     Regexp* subone_;  // if nsub_ == 1
540   };
542   // Extra space for parse and teardown stacks.
543   Regexp* down_;
545   // Arguments to operator.  See description of operators above.
546   union {
547     struct {  // Repeat
548       int max_;
549       int min_;
550     };
551     struct {  // Capture
552       int cap_;
553       string* name_;
554     };
555     struct {  // LiteralString
556       int nrunes_;
557       Rune* runes_;
558     };
559     struct {  // CharClass
560       // These two could be in separate union members,
561       // but it wouldn't save any space (there are other two-word structs)
562       // and keeping them separate avoids confusion during parsing.
563       CharClass* cc_;
564       CharClassBuilder* ccb_;
565     };
566     Rune rune_;  // Literal
567     int match_id_;  // HaveMatch
568     void *the_union_[2];  // as big as any other element, for memset
569   };
572 };
574 // Character class set: contains non-overlapping, non-abutting RuneRanges.
575 typedef set<RuneRange, RuneRangeLess> RuneRangeSet;
577 class CharClassBuilder {
578  public:
579   CharClassBuilder();
581   typedef RuneRangeSet::iterator iterator;
begin()582   iterator begin() { return ranges_.begin(); }
end()583   iterator end() { return ranges_.end(); }
size()585   int size() { return nrunes_; }
empty()586   bool empty() { return nrunes_ == 0; }
full()587   bool full() { return nrunes_ == Runemax+1; }
589   bool Contains(Rune r);
590   bool FoldsASCII();
591   bool AddRange(Rune lo, Rune hi);  // returns whether class changed
592   CharClassBuilder* Copy();
593   void AddCharClass(CharClassBuilder* cc);
594   void Negate();
595   void RemoveAbove(Rune r);
596   CharClass* GetCharClass();
597   void AddRangeFlags(Rune lo, Rune hi, Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags);
599  private:
600   static const uint32 AlphaMask = (1<<26) - 1;
601   uint32 upper_;  // bitmap of A-Z
602   uint32 lower_;  // bitmap of a-z
603   int nrunes_;
604   RuneRangeSet ranges_;
606 };
608 // Tell g++ that bitwise ops on ParseFlags produce ParseFlags.
609 inline Regexp::ParseFlags operator|(Regexp::ParseFlags a, Regexp::ParseFlags b)
610 {
611   return static_cast<Regexp::ParseFlags>(static_cast<int>(a) | static_cast<int>(b));
612 }
614 inline Regexp::ParseFlags operator^(Regexp::ParseFlags a, Regexp::ParseFlags b)
615 {
616   return static_cast<Regexp::ParseFlags>(static_cast<int>(a) ^ static_cast<int>(b));
617 }
619 inline Regexp::ParseFlags operator&(Regexp::ParseFlags a, Regexp::ParseFlags b)
620 {
621   return static_cast<Regexp::ParseFlags>(static_cast<int>(a) & static_cast<int>(b));
622 }
624 inline Regexp::ParseFlags operator~(Regexp::ParseFlags a)
625 {
626   return static_cast<Regexp::ParseFlags>(~static_cast<int>(a));
627 }
631 }  // namespace re2
633 #endif  // RE2_REGEXP_H__