.class public LAssert;
.super Ljava/lang/Object;
.so urce "Assert.smali"
#junit's Assert doesn't have an AssertEquals method for ints, only longs
.method public static assertEquals(II)V
.registers 4
int-to-long v0, p1
int-to-long p0, p0
invoke-static {v0, v1, p0, p1}, Lorg/junit/Assert;->assertEquals(JJ)V
.end method
#junit's Assert doesn't have an AssertEquals method for floats, only doubles
.method public static assertEquals(FF)V
.registers 6
float-to-double v0, p0
float-to-double v2, p1
const-wide v4, .00001
invoke-static/range {v0..v5}, Lorg/junit/Assert;->assertEquals(DDD)V
.end method
#convenience method that supplies a default "Delta" argument
.method public static assertEquals(DD)V
.registers 6
move-wide v0, p0
move-wide v2, p2
const-wide v4, .00001
invoke-static/range {v0..v5}, Lorg/junit/Assert;->assertEquals(DDD)V
.end method