1page.title=Creating an Android Project
3page.tags=project setup
7next.title=Running Your App
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17<h2>This lesson teaches you to</h2>
20  <li><a href="#Studio">Create a Project with Android Studio</a></li>
21  <li><a href="#CommandLine">Create a Project with Command Line Tools</a></li>
24<h2>You should also read</h2>
27  <li><a href="{@docRoot}tools/projects/index.html">Managing Projects</a></li>
34<p>An Android project contains all the files that comprise the source code for your Android
37<p>This lesson
38shows how to create a new project either using Android Studio or using the
39SDK tools from a command line.</p>
41<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> You should already have the Android SDK installed, and if
42you're using Android Studio, you should also have <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/installing/studio.html">
43Android Studio</a> installed. If you don't have these, follow the guide to <a
44href="{@docRoot}sdk/installing/index.html">Installing the Android SDK</a> before you start this
48<h2 id="Studio">Create a Project with Android Studio</h2>
51  <li>In Android Studio, create a new project:
52    <ul>
53      <li>If you don't have a project opened, in the <strong>Welcome</strong> screen, click <strong>
54        New Project</strong>.</li>
55      <li>If you have a project opened, from the <strong>File</strong> menu, select <strong>New
56        Project</strong>.</li>
57    </ul>
58  </li>
59  <div class="figure" style="width:420px">
60    <img src="{@docRoot}images/training/firstapp/studio-setup-1.png" alt="" />
61    <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 1.</strong> Configuring a new project in Android Studio.</p>
62  </div>
63  <li>Under <strong>Configure your new project</strong>, fill in the fields as shown in figure 1
64    and click <strong>Next</strong>.
65    <p>It will probably be easier to follow these lessons if you use the same values as shown.</p>
66    <ul>
67      <li><strong>Application Name</strong> is the app name that appears to users.
68          For this project, use "My First App."</li>
69      <li><strong>Company domain</strong> provides a qualifier that will be appended to the package
70        name; Android Studio will remember this qualifier for each new project you create.</li>
71      <li><strong>Package name</strong> is the fully qualified name for the project (following the
72        same rules as those for naming packages in the Java programming language). Your package name
73        must be unique across all packages installed on the Android system. You can <strong>
74        Edit</strong> this value independently from the application name or the company
75        domain.</li>
76      <li><strong>Project location</strong> is the directory on your system that holds the project
77        files.</li>
78    </ul>
79  </li>
80  <li>Under <strong>Select the form factors your app will run on</strong>, check the box for <strong>
81    Phone and Tablet</strong>.</li>
82  <li>For <strong>Minimum SDK</strong>, select <strong>API 8: Android 2.2 (Froyo)</strong>.
83    <p>The Minimum Required SDK is the earliest version of Android that your app supports,
84      indicated using the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#ApiLevels">
85      API level</a>. To support as many devices as possible, you should set this to the lowest
86      version available that allows your app to provide its core feature set. If any feature of your
87      app is possible only on newer versions of Android and it's not critical to the app's core
88      feature set, you can enable the feature only when running on the versions that support it (as
89      discussed in <a href="{@docRoot}training/basics/supporting-devices/platforms.html">
90      Supporting Different Platform Versions</a>).</p></li>
91  <li>Leave all of the other options (TV, Wear, and Glass) unchecked and click <strong>Next.</strong></li>
92  <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
93    <div class="sidebox">
94      <h3>Activities</h3>
95      <p>An activity is one of the distinguishing features of the Android framework. Activities
96        provide the user with access to your app, and there may be many activities. An application
97        will usually have a main activity for when the user launches the application, another
98        activity for when she selects some content to view, for example, and other activities for
99        when she performs other tasks within the app. See <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/activities.html">
100        Activities</a> for more information.</p>
101    </div>
102  </div>
103  <li>Under <strong>Add an activity to &lt;<em>template</em>&gt;</strong>, select <strong>Blank
104    Activity</strong> and click <strong>Next</strong>.</li>
105  <li>Under <strong>Choose options for your new file</strong>, change the
106    <strong>Activity Name</strong> to <em>MyActivity</em>. The <strong>Layout Name</strong> changes
107    to <em>activity_my</em>, and the <strong>Title</strong> to <em>MyActivity</em>. The
108    <strong>Menu Resource Name</strong> is <em>menu_my</em>.
109   <li>Click the <strong>Finish</strong> button to create the project.</li>
112<p>Your Android project is now a basic "Hello World" app that contains some default files. Take a
113moment to review the most important of these:</p>
116  <dt><code>app/src/main/res/layout/activity_my.xml</code></dt>
117  <dd>This is the XML layout file for the activity you added when you created the project with Android
118    Studio. Following the New Project workflow, Android Studio presents this file with both a text
119    view and a preview of the screen UI. The file includes some default settings and a <code>TextView</code>
120    element that displays the message, "Hello world!"</dd>
121  <dt><code>app/src/main/java/com.mycompany.myfirstapp/MyActivity.java</code></dt>
122  <dd>A tab for this file appears in Android Studio when the New Project workflow finishes. When you
123    select the file you see the class definition for the activity you created. When you build and
124    run the app, the {@link android.app.Activity} class starts the activity and loads the layout file
125    that says "Hello World!"</dd>
126  <dt><code>app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml</code></dt>
127  <dd>The <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/manifest-intro.html">manifest file</a> describes
128    the fundamental characteristics of the app and defines each of its components. You'll revisit
129    this file as you follow these lessons and add more components to your app.</dd>
130  <dt><code>app/build.gradle</code></dt>
131  <dd>Android Studio uses Gradle to compile and build your app. There is a <code>build.gradle</code>
132    file for each module of your project, as well as a <code>build.gradle</code> file for the entire
133    project. Usually, you're only interested in the <code>build.gradle</code> file for the module,
134    in this case the <code>app</code> or application module. This is where your app's build dependencies
135    are set, including the <code>defaultConfig</code> settings:
136    <ul>
137      <li><code>compiledSdkVersion</code> is the platform version against which you will compile
138        your app. By default, this is set to the latest version of Android available in your SDK.
139        (It should be Android 4.1 or greater; if you don't have such a version available, you must
140        install one using the <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/installing/adding-packages.html">SDK Manager</a>.)
141        You can still build your app to support older versions, but setting this to the latest
142        version allows you to enable new features and optimize your app for a great user experience
143        on the latest devices.</li>
144      <li><code>applicationId</code> is the fully qualified package name for your application that
145        you specified during the New Project workflow.</li>
146      <li><code>minSdkVersion</code> is the Minimum SDK version you specified during the New Project
147        workflow. This is the earliest version of the Android SDK that your app supports.</li>
148      <li><code>targetSdkVersion</code> indicates the highest version of Android with which you have
149        tested your application. As new versions of Android become available, you should
150        test your app on the new version and update this value to match the latest API level and
151        thereby take advantage of new platform features. For more information, read
152        <a href="{@docRoot}training/basics/supporting-devices/platforms.html">Supporting Different
153          Platform Versions</a>.</li>
154    </ul>
155    <p>See <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/installing/studio-build.html">Building Your Project with Gradle</a>
156    for more information about Gradle.</p></dd>
159<p>Note also the <code>/res</code> subdirectories that contain the
160<a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/overview.html">resources</a> for your application:</p>
162  <dt><code>drawable<em>&lt;density&gt;</em>/</code></dt>
163    <dd>Directories for drawable objects (such as bitmaps) that are designed for various densities,
164    such as medium-density (mdpi) and high-density (hdpi) screens. Other drawable directories
165    contain assets designed for other screen densities.
166    Here you'll find the ic_launcher.png that appears when you run the default app.</dd>
167  <dt><code>layout/</code></dt>
168    <dd>Directory for files that define your app's user interface like activity_my.xml,
169      discussed above, which describes a basic layout for the MyActivity class.</dd>
170  <dt><code>menu/</code></dt>
171    <dd>Directory for files that define your app's menu items.</dd>
172  <dt><code>values/</code></dt>
173    <dd>Directory for other XML files that contain a collection of resources, such as
174      string and color definitions. The strings.xml file defines the "Hello world!" string that
175      displays when you run the default app.</dd>
178<p>To run the app, continue to the <a href="running-app.html">next lesson</a>.</p>
180<h2 id="CommandLine">Create a Project with Command Line Tools</h2>
182<p>If you're not using the Android Studio IDE, you can instead create your project
183using the SDK tools from a command line:</p>
186  <li>Change directories into the Android SDK’s <code>sdk/</code> path.</li>
187  <li>Execute:
188<pre class="no-pretty-print">tools/android list targets</pre>
189<p>This prints a list of the available Android platforms that you’ve downloaded for your SDK. Find
190the platform against which you want to compile your app. Make a note of the target ID. We
191recommend that you select the highest version possible. You can still build your app to
192support older versions, but setting the build target to the latest version allows you to optimize
193your app for the latest devices.</p>
194<p>If you don't see any targets listed, you need to
195install some using the Android SDK
196Manager tool. See <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/installing/adding-packages.html">Adding SDK
197  Packages</a>.</p></li>
198  <li>Execute:
199<pre class="no-pretty-print">
200android create project --target &lt;target-id> --name MyFirstApp \
201--path &lt;path-to-workspace>/MyFirstApp --activity MyActivity \
202--package com.example.myfirstapp
204<p>Replace <code>&lt;target-id></code> with an ID from the list of targets (from the previous step)
205and replace
206<code>&lt;path-to-workspace></code> with the location in which you want to save your Android
210<p class="note"><strong>Tip:</strong> Add the <code>platform-tools/</code> as well as the
211<code>tools/</code> directory to your <code>PATH</code> environment variable.</p>
213<p>Your Android project is now a basic "Hello World" app that contains some default files.
214To run the app, continue to the <a href="running-app.html">next lesson</a>.</p>