1 #include <ctype.h>
2 #include <dirent.h>
3 #include <fcntl.h>
4 #include <inttypes.h>
5 #include <pwd.h>
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <stdlib.h>
8 #include <string.h>
9 #include <sys/stat.h>
10 #include <sys/types.h>
11 #include <unistd.h>
13 #include <cutils/sched_policy.h>
nexttoksep(char ** strp,char * sep)15 static char *nexttoksep(char **strp, char *sep)
16 {
17     char *p = strsep(strp,sep);
18     return (p == 0) ? "" : p;
19 }
nexttok(char ** strp)20 static char *nexttok(char **strp)
21 {
22     return nexttoksep(strp, " ");
23 }
25 #define SHOW_PRIO 1
26 #define SHOW_TIME 2
27 #define SHOW_POLICY 4
28 #define SHOW_CPU  8
29 #define SHOW_MACLABEL 16
30 #define SHOW_NUMERIC_UID 32
31 #define SHOW_ABI 64
33 #if __LP64__
34 #define PC_WIDTH 10 /* Realistically, the top bits will be 0, so don't waste space. */
35 #else
36 #define PC_WIDTH (2*sizeof(uintptr_t))
37 #endif
39 static int display_flags = 0;
40 static int ppid_filter = 0;
42 static void print_exe_abi(int pid);
ps_line(int pid,int tid,char * namefilter)44 static int ps_line(int pid, int tid, char *namefilter)
45 {
46     char statline[1024];
47     char cmdline[1024];
48     char macline[1024];
49     char user[32];
50     struct stat stats;
51     int fd, r;
52     char *ptr, *name, *state;
53     int ppid;
54     unsigned rss, vss;
55     uintptr_t eip;
56     unsigned utime, stime;
57     int prio, nice, rtprio, sched, psr;
58     struct passwd *pw;
60     sprintf(statline, "/proc/%d", pid);
61     stat(statline, &stats);
63     if(tid) {
64         sprintf(statline, "/proc/%d/task/%d/stat", pid, tid);
65         cmdline[0] = 0;
66         snprintf(macline, sizeof(macline), "/proc/%d/task/%d/attr/current", pid, tid);
67     } else {
68         sprintf(statline, "/proc/%d/stat", pid);
69         sprintf(cmdline, "/proc/%d/cmdline", pid);
70         snprintf(macline, sizeof(macline), "/proc/%d/attr/current", pid);
71         fd = open(cmdline, O_RDONLY);
72         if(fd == 0) {
73             r = 0;
74         } else {
75             r = read(fd, cmdline, 1023);
76             close(fd);
77             if(r < 0) r = 0;
78         }
79         cmdline[r] = 0;
80     }
82     fd = open(statline, O_RDONLY);
83     if(fd == 0) return -1;
84     r = read(fd, statline, 1023);
85     close(fd);
86     if(r < 0) return -1;
87     statline[r] = 0;
89     ptr = statline;
90     nexttok(&ptr); // skip pid
91     ptr++;          // skip "("
93     name = ptr;
94     ptr = strrchr(ptr, ')'); // Skip to *last* occurence of ')',
95     *ptr++ = '\0';           // and null-terminate name.
97     ptr++;          // skip " "
98     state = nexttok(&ptr);
99     ppid = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));
100     nexttok(&ptr); // pgrp
101     nexttok(&ptr); // sid
102     nexttok(&ptr); // tty
103     nexttok(&ptr); // tpgid
104     nexttok(&ptr); // flags
105     nexttok(&ptr); // minflt
106     nexttok(&ptr); // cminflt
107     nexttok(&ptr); // majflt
108     nexttok(&ptr); // cmajflt
109 #if 1
110     utime = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));
111     stime = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));
112 #else
113     nexttok(&ptr); // utime
114     nexttok(&ptr); // stime
115 #endif
116     nexttok(&ptr); // cutime
117     nexttok(&ptr); // cstime
118     prio = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));
119     nice = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));
120     nexttok(&ptr); // threads
121     nexttok(&ptr); // itrealvalue
122     nexttok(&ptr); // starttime
123     vss = strtoul(nexttok(&ptr), 0, 10); // vsize
124     rss = strtoul(nexttok(&ptr), 0, 10); // rss
125     nexttok(&ptr); // rlim
126     nexttok(&ptr); // startcode
127     nexttok(&ptr); // endcode
128     nexttok(&ptr); // startstack
129     nexttok(&ptr); // kstkesp
130     eip = strtoul(nexttok(&ptr), 0, 10); // kstkeip
131     nexttok(&ptr); // signal
132     nexttok(&ptr); // blocked
133     nexttok(&ptr); // sigignore
134     nexttok(&ptr); // sigcatch
135     nexttok(&ptr); // wchan
136     nexttok(&ptr); // nswap
137     nexttok(&ptr); // cnswap
138     nexttok(&ptr); // exit signal
139     psr = atoi(nexttok(&ptr)); // processor
140     rtprio = atoi(nexttok(&ptr)); // rt_priority
141     sched = atoi(nexttok(&ptr)); // scheduling policy
143     nexttok(&ptr); // tty
145     if(tid != 0) {
146         ppid = pid;
147         pid = tid;
148     }
150     pw = getpwuid(stats.st_uid);
151     if(pw == 0 || (display_flags & SHOW_NUMERIC_UID)) {
152         sprintf(user,"%d",(int)stats.st_uid);
153     } else {
154         strcpy(user,pw->pw_name);
155     }
157     if(ppid_filter != 0 && ppid != ppid_filter) {
158         return 0;
159     }
161     if(!namefilter || !strncmp(cmdline[0] ? cmdline : name, namefilter, strlen(namefilter))) {
162         if (display_flags & SHOW_MACLABEL) {
163             fd = open(macline, O_RDONLY);
164             strcpy(macline, "-");
165             if (fd >= 0) {
166                 r = read(fd, macline, sizeof(macline)-1);
167                 close(fd);
168                 if (r > 0)
169                     macline[r] = 0;
170             }
171             printf("%-30s %-9s %-5d %-5d %s\n", macline, user, pid, ppid, cmdline[0] ? cmdline : name);
172             return 0;
173         }
175         printf("%-9s %-5d %-5d %-6d %-5d", user, pid, ppid, vss / 1024, rss * 4);
176         if (display_flags & SHOW_CPU)
177             printf(" %-2d", psr);
178         if (display_flags & SHOW_PRIO)
179             printf(" %-5d %-5d %-5d %-5d", prio, nice, rtprio, sched);
180         if (display_flags & SHOW_POLICY) {
181             SchedPolicy p;
182             if (get_sched_policy(pid, &p) < 0)
183                 printf(" un ");
184             else
185                 printf(" %.2s ", get_sched_policy_name(p));
186         }
187         char path[PATH_MAX];
188         snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/proc/%d/wchan", pid);
189         char wchan[10];
190         int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
191         ssize_t wchan_len = read(fd, wchan, sizeof(wchan));
192         if (wchan_len == -1) {
193             wchan[wchan_len = 0] = '\0';
194         }
195         close(fd);
196         printf(" %10.*s %0*" PRIxPTR " %s ", (int) wchan_len, wchan, (int) PC_WIDTH, eip, state);
197         if (display_flags & SHOW_ABI) {
198             print_exe_abi(pid);
199         }
200         printf("%s", cmdline[0] ? cmdline : name);
201         if(display_flags&SHOW_TIME)
202             printf(" (u:%d, s:%d)", utime, stime);
204         printf("\n");
205     }
206     return 0;
207 }
print_exe_abi(int pid)209 static void print_exe_abi(int pid)
210 {
211     int fd, r;
212     char exeline[1024];
214     sprintf(exeline, "/proc/%d/exe", pid);
215     fd = open(exeline, O_RDONLY);
216     if(fd == 0) {
217         printf("    ");
218         return;
219     }
220     r = read(fd, exeline, 5 /* 4 byte ELFMAG + 1 byte EI_CLASS */);
221     close(fd);
222     if(r < 0) {
223         printf("    ");
224         return;
225     }
226     if (memcmp("\177ELF", exeline, 4) != 0) {
227         printf("??  ");
228         return;
229     }
230     switch (exeline[4]) {
231         case 1:
232             printf("32  ");
233             return;
234         case 2:
235             printf("64  ");
236             return;
237         default:
238             printf("??  ");
239             return;
240     }
241 }
ps_threads(int pid,char * namefilter)243 void ps_threads(int pid, char *namefilter)
244 {
245     char tmp[128];
246     DIR *d;
247     struct dirent *de;
249     sprintf(tmp,"/proc/%d/task",pid);
250     d = opendir(tmp);
251     if(d == 0) return;
253     while((de = readdir(d)) != 0){
254         if(isdigit(de->d_name[0])){
255             int tid = atoi(de->d_name);
256             if(tid == pid) continue;
257             ps_line(pid, tid, namefilter);
258         }
259     }
260     closedir(d);
261 }
ps_main(int argc,char ** argv)263 int ps_main(int argc, char **argv)
264 {
265     DIR *d;
266     struct dirent *de;
267     char *namefilter = 0;
268     int pidfilter = 0;
269     int threads = 0;
271     d = opendir("/proc");
272     if(d == 0) return -1;
274     while(argc > 1){
275         if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-t")) {
276             threads = 1;
277         } else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-n")) {
278             display_flags |= SHOW_NUMERIC_UID;
279         } else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-x")) {
280             display_flags |= SHOW_TIME;
281         } else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "-Z")) {
282             display_flags |= SHOW_MACLABEL;
283         } else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-P")) {
284             display_flags |= SHOW_POLICY;
285         } else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-p")) {
286             display_flags |= SHOW_PRIO;
287         } else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-c")) {
288             display_flags |= SHOW_CPU;
289         } else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"--abi")) {
290             display_flags |= SHOW_ABI;
291         } else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"--ppid")) {
292             ppid_filter = atoi(argv[2]);
293             argc--;
294             argv++;
295         } else if(isdigit(argv[1][0])){
296             pidfilter = atoi(argv[1]);
297         } else {
298             namefilter = argv[1];
299         }
300         argc--;
301         argv++;
302     }
304     if (display_flags & SHOW_MACLABEL) {
305         printf("LABEL                          USER      PID   PPID  NAME\n");
306     } else {
307         printf("USER      PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS  %s%s %sWCHAN      %*s  %sNAME\n",
308                (display_flags&SHOW_CPU)?"CPU ":"",
309                (display_flags&SHOW_PRIO)?"PRIO  NICE  RTPRI SCHED ":"",
310                (display_flags&SHOW_POLICY)?"PCY " : "",
311                (int) PC_WIDTH, "PC",
312                (display_flags&SHOW_ABI)?"ABI " : "");
313     }
314     while((de = readdir(d)) != 0){
315         if(isdigit(de->d_name[0])){
316             int pid = atoi(de->d_name);
317             if(!pidfilter || (pidfilter == pid)) {
318                 ps_line(pid, 0, namefilter);
319                 if(threads) ps_threads(pid, namefilter);
320             }
321         }
322     }
323     closedir(d);
324     return 0;
325 }