1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
18 // Mosaic.h
19 // S.O. # :
20 // Author(s): zkira
21 // $Id: Mosaic.h,v 1.16 2011/06/24 04:22:14 mbansal Exp $
23 #ifndef MOSAIC_H
24 #define MOSAIC_H
26 #include "ImageUtils.h"
27 #include "AlignFeatures.h"
28 #include "Blend.h"
29 #include "MosaicTypes.h"
31 /*! \mainpage Mosaic
33     \section intro Introduction
34     The class Mosaic provides a simple interface to the panoramic mosaicing algorithm. The class allows passing in individual image frames to be stitched together, computes the alignment transformation between them, and then stitches and blends them together into a single panoramic output which can then be accessed as a single image. \
36     \section usage Usage
37     The class methods need to be called as outlined in the sample application which is created from the mosaic_main.cpp file in the directory src/mosaic/. A brief snapshot of the flow is given below:
39     \code
40     Mosaic mosaic;
41     // Define blending types to use, and the frame dimensions
42     int blendingType = Blend::BLEND_TYPE_CYLPAN;
43     int stripType = Blend::STRIP_TYPE_THIN;
44     int width = 640;
45     int height = 480;
47     while (<image frames are available>)
48     {
49         // Check for initialization and if not, initialize
50         if (!mosaic.isInitialized())
51         {
52           // Initialize mosaic processing
53           mosaic.initialize(blendingType, stripType, width, height, -1, false, 5.0f);
54         }
56         // Add to list of frames
57         mosaic.addFrameRGB(imageRGB);
59         // Free image
60         ImageUtils::freeImage(imageRGB);
61     }
63     // Create the mosaic
64     ret = mosaic.createMosaic();
66     // Get back the result
67     resultYVU = mosaic.getMosaic(mosaicWidth, mosaicHeight);
69     printf("Got mosaic of size %d,%d\n", mosaicWidth, mosaicHeight);
71     \endcode
72 */
74 /*!
75  *  Main class that creates a mosaic by creating an aligner and blender.
76  */
77 class Mosaic
78 {
80 public:
82   Mosaic();
83   ~Mosaic();
85    /*!
86     *   Creates the aligner and blender and initializes state.
87     *   \param blendingType Type of blending to perform
88     *   \param stripType    Type of strip to use. 0: thin, 1: wide. stripType
89     *                       is effective only when blendingType is CylPan or
90     *                       Horz. Otherwise, it is set to thin irrespective of the input.
91     *   \param width        Width of input images (note: all images must be same size)
92     *   \param height       Height of input images (note: all images must be same size)
93     *   \param nframes      Number of frames to pre-allocate; default value -1 will allocate each frame as it comes
94     *   \param quarter_res  Whether to compute alignment at quarter the input resolution (default = false)
95     *   \param thresh_still Minimum number of pixels of translation detected between the new frame and the last frame before this frame is added to be mosaiced. For the low-res processing at 320x180 resolution input, we set this to 5 pixels. To reject no frames, set this to 0.0 (default value).
96     *   \return             Return code signifying success or failure.
97     */
98   int initialize(int blendingType, int stripType, int width, int height, int nframes = -1, bool quarter_res = false, float thresh_still = 0.0);
100    /*!
101     *   Adds a YVU frame to the mosaic.
102     *   \param imageYVU     Pointer to a YVU image.
103     *   \return             Return code signifying success or failure.
104     */
105   int addFrame(ImageType imageYVU);
107    /*!
108     *   Adds a RGB frame to the mosaic.
109     *   \param imageRGB     Pointer to a RGB image.
110     *   \return             Return code signifying success or failure.
111     */
112   int addFrameRGB(ImageType imageRGB);
114    /*!
115     *   After adding all frames, call this function to perform the final blending.
116     *   \param progress     Variable to set the current progress in.
117     *   \return             Return code signifying success or failure.
118     */
119   int createMosaic(float &progress, bool &cancelComputation);
121     /*!
122     *   Obtains the resulting mosaic and its dimensions.
123     *   \param width        Width of the resulting mosaic (returned)
124     *   \param height       Height of the resulting mosaic (returned)
125     *   \return             Pointer to image.
126     */
127   ImageType getMosaic(int &width, int &height);
129     /*!
130     *   Provides access to the internal alignment object pointer.
131     *   \return             Pointer to the aligner object.
132     */
getAligner()133   Align* getAligner() { return aligner; }
135     /*!
136     *   Obtain initialization state.
137     *
138     *   return              Returns true if initialized, false otherwise.
139     */
isInitialized()140   bool isInitialized() { return initialized; }
143   /*!
144    *  Return codes for mosaic.
145    */
146   static const int MOSAIC_RET_OK    = 1;
147   static const int MOSAIC_RET_ERROR = -1;
148   static const int MOSAIC_RET_CANCELLED = -2;
149   static const int MOSAIC_RET_LOW_TEXTURE = -3;
150   static const int MOSAIC_RET_FEW_INLIERS = 2;
152 protected:
154   /**
155    * Size of image frames making up mosaic
156    */
157   int width, height;
159   /**
160    * Size of actual mosaic
161    */
162   int mosaicWidth, mosaicHeight;
164   /**
165    * Bounding box to crop the mosaic when the gray border is not desired.
166    */
167   MosaicRect mosaicCroppingRect;
169   ImageType imageMosaicYVU;
171   /**
172    * Collection of frames that will make up mosaic.
173    */
174   MosaicFrame **frames;
176   /**
177     * Subset of frames that are considered as relevant.
178     */
179   MosaicFrame **rframes;
181   int frames_size;
182   int max_frames;
184   /**
185     * Implicitly created frames, should be freed by Mosaic.
186     */
187   ImageType *owned_frames;
188   int owned_size;
190   /**
191    * Initialization state.
192    */
193   bool initialized;
195   /**
196    *  Type of blending to perform.
197    */
198   int blendingType;
200   /**
201     * Type of strip to use. 0: thin (default), 1: wide
202     */
203   int stripType;
205   /**
206    *  Pointer to aligner.
207    */
208   Align *aligner;
210   /**
211    *  Pointer to blender.
212    */
213   Blend *blender;
215   /**
216    *  Modifies TRS matrices so that rotations are balanced
217    *  about center of mosaic
218    *
219    * Side effect: TRS matrices of all mosaic frames
220    *              are modified
221    */
222   int balanceRotations();
224 };
226 #endif