1import os, shutil, logging, re
2from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
3from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
5class npb(test.test):
6    """
7    This module runs the NAS Parallel Benchmarks on the client machine
9    @note: Since we use gfortran to complie these benchmarks, this test might
10            not be able to run on older Operating Systems.
11    @see: http://www.nas.nasa.gov/Resources/Software/npb.html
12    """
13    version = 1
14    def initialize(self, tests=''):
15        # Initialize failure counter
16        self.n_fail = 0
17        # Get the parameters for run_once()
18        self.tests = tests
19        # Ratio is the reason between 1 and the number of CPUs of the system.
20        self.ratio = 1.0 / utils.count_cpus()
21        logging.debug('Ratio (1/n_cpus) found for this system: %s' % self.ratio)
24    def setup(self, tarball='NPB3.3.tar.gz'):
25        tarball = utils.unmap_url(self.bindir, tarball, self.tmpdir)
26        utils.extract_tarball_to_dir(tarball, self.srcdir)
27        os.chdir(self.srcdir)
28        # Prepare the makefile and benchmarks to generate.
29        utils.system('patch -p1 < ../enable-all-tests.patch')
30        utils.system('cd NPB3.3-OMP && make suite')
33    def run_once(self):
34        """
35        Run each benchmark twice, with different number of threads.
37        A sanity check is made on each benchmark executed:
38        The ratio between the times
39        time_ratio = time_one_thrd / time_full_thrds
41        Has to be contained inside an envelope:
42        upper_bound = full_thrds * (1 + (1/n_cpus))
43        lower_bound = full_thrds * (1 - (1/n_cpus))
45        Otherwise, we throw an exception (this test might be running under a
46        virtual machine and sanity check failure might mean bugs on smp
47        implementation).
48        """
49        os.chdir(self.srcdir)
51        # get the tests to run
52        test_list = self.tests.split()
54        if len(test_list) == 0:
55            raise error.TestError('No tests (benchmarks) provided. Exit.')
57        for itest in test_list:
58            itest_cmd = os.path.join('NPB3.3-OMP/bin/', itest)
59            try:
60                itest = utils.run(itest_cmd)
61            except:
62                logging.error('NPB benchmark %s has failed. Output: %s',
63                              itest_cmd, itest.stdout)
64                self.n_fail += 1
65            logging.debug(itest.stdout)
67            # Get the number of threads that the test ran
68            # (which is supposed to be equal to the number of system cores)
69            m = re.search('Total threads\s*=\s*(.*)\n', itest.stdout)
71            # Gather benchmark results
72            ts = re.search('Time in seconds\s*=\s*(.*)\n', itest.stdout)
73            mt = re.search('Mop/s total\s*=\s*(.*)\n', itest.stdout)
74            mp = re.search('Mop/s/thread\s*=\s*(.*)\n', itest.stdout)
76            time_seconds = float(ts.groups()[0])
77            mops_total = float(mt.groups()[0])
78            mops_per_thread = float(mp.groups()[0])
80            logging.info('Test: %s', itest_cmd)
81            logging.info('Time (s): %s', time_seconds)
82            logging.info('Total operations executed (mops/s): %s', mops_total)
83            logging.info('Total operations per thread (mops/s/thread): %s',
84                          mops_per_thread)
86            self.write_test_keyval({'test': itest_cmd})
87            self.write_test_keyval({'time_seconds': time_seconds})
88            self.write_test_keyval({'mops_total': mops_total})
89            self.write_test_keyval({'mops_per_thread': mops_per_thread})
91            # A little extra sanity check comes handy
92            if int(m.groups()[0]) != utils.count_cpus():
93                raise error.TestError("NPB test suite evaluated the number "
94                                      "of threads incorrectly: System appears "
95                                      "to have %s cores, but %s threads were "
96                                      "executed.")
98            # We will use this integer with float point vars later.
99            full_thrds = float(m.groups()[0])
101            # get duration for full_threads running.
102            m = re.search('Time in seconds\s*=\s*(.*)\n', itest.stdout)
103            time_full_thrds = float(m.groups()[0])
105            # repeat the execution with single thread.
106            itest_single_cmd = ''.join(['OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 ', itest_cmd])
107            try:
108                itest_single = utils.run(itest_single_cmd)
109            except:
110                logging.error('NPB benchmark single thread %s has failed. '
111                              'Output: %s',
112                              itest_single_cmd,
113                              itest_single.stdout)
114                self.n_fail += 1
116            m = re.search('Time in seconds\s*=\s*(.*)\n', itest_single.stdout)
117            time_one_thrd = float(m.groups()[0])
119            # check durations
120            ratio = self.ratio
121            time_ratio = float(time_one_thrd / time_full_thrds)
122            upper_bound = full_thrds * (1 + ratio)
123            lower_bound = full_thrds * (1 - ratio)
124            logging.debug('Time ratio for %s: %s', itest_cmd, time_ratio)
125            logging.debug('Upper bound: %s', upper_bound)
126            logging.debug('Lower bound: %s', lower_bound)
128            violates_upper_bound = time_ratio > upper_bound
129            violates_lower_bound = time_ratio < lower_bound
130            if violates_upper_bound or violates_lower_bound:
131                logging.error('NPB benchmark %s failed sanity check '
132                              '- time ratio outside bounds' % itest_cmd)
133                self.n_fail += 1
134            else:
135                logging.debug('NPB benchmark %s sanity check PASS' % itest_cmd)
138    def cleanup(self):
139        """
140        Raise TestError if failures were detected during test execution.
141        """
142        if self.n_fail != 0:
143            raise error.TestError('NPB test failed.')
144        else:
145            logging.info('NPB test passed.')