1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package tutorial;
19 import com.google.caliper.BeforeExperiment;
20 import com.google.caliper.Benchmark;
21 import com.google.caliper.Param;
23 /**
24  * Caliper tutorial. To run the example benchmarks in this file:
25  * {@code CLASSPATH=... [caliper_home]/caliper tutorial.Tutorial.Benchmark1}
26  */
27 public class Tutorial {
29   /*
30    * We begin the Caliper tutorial with the simplest benchmark you can write.
31    * We'd like to know how efficient the method System.nanoTime() is.
32    *
33    * Notice:
34    *
35    *  - We write a class that extends com.google.caliper.Benchmark.
36    *  - It contains a public instance method whose name begins with 'time' and
37    *    which accepts a single 'int reps' parameter.
38    *  - The body of the method simply executes the code we wish to measure,
39    *    'reps' times.
40    *
41    * Example run:
42    *
43    *    $ CLASSPATH=build/classes/test caliper tutorial.Tutorial.Benchmark1
44    *    [real-time results appear on this line]
45    *
46    *    Summary report for tutorial.Tutorial$Benchmark1:
47    *
48    *    Benchmark   ns
49    *    ---------  ---
50    *    NanoTime   233
51    */
52   public static class Benchmark1 {
timeNanoTime(int reps)53     @Benchmark void timeNanoTime(int reps) {
54       for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {
55         System.nanoTime();
56       }
57     }
58   }
60   /*
61    * Now let's compare two things: nanoTime() versus currentTimeMillis().
62    * Notice:
63    *
64    *  - We simply add another method, following the same rules as the first.
65    *
66    * Example run output:
67    *
68    *   Benchmark           ns
69    *   -----------------  ---
70    *   NanoTime           248
71    *   CurrentTimeMillis  118
72    */
73   public static class Benchmark2 {
timeNanoTime(int reps)74     @Benchmark void timeNanoTime(int reps) {
75       for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {
76         System.nanoTime();
77       }
78     }
timeCurrentTimeMillis(int reps)79     @Benchmark void timeCurrentTimeMillis(int reps) {
80       for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {
81         System.currentTimeMillis();
82       }
83     }
84   }
86   /*
87    * Let's try iterating over a large array. This seems simple enough, but
88    * there is a problem!
89    */
90   public static class Benchmark3 {
91     private final int[] array = new int[1000000];
93     @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") // IDEA tries to warn us!
timeArrayIteration_BAD(int reps)94     @Benchmark void timeArrayIteration_BAD(int reps) {
95       for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {
96         for (int ignoreMe : array) {}
97       }
98     }
99   }
101   /*
102    * Caliper reported that the benchmark above ran in 4 nanoseconds.
103    *
104    * Wait, what?
105    *
106    * How can it possibly iterate over a million zeroes in 4 ns!?
107    *
108    * It is very important to sanity-check benchmark results with common sense!
109    * In this case, we're indeed getting a bogus result. The problem is that the
110    * Java Virtual Machine is too smart: it detected the fact that the loop was
111    * producing no actual result, so it simply compiled it right out. The method
112    * never looped at all. To fix this, we need to use a dummy result value.
113    *
114    * Notice:
115    *
116    *  - We simply change the 'time' method from 'void' to any return type we
117    *    wish. Then we return a value that can't be known without actually
118    *    performing the work, and thus we defeat the runtime optimizations.
119    *  - We're no longer timing *just* the code we want to be testing - our
120    *    result will now be inflated by the (small) cost of addition. This is an
121    *    unfortunate fact of life with microbenchmarking. In fact, we were
122    *    already inflated by the cost of an int comparison, "i < reps" as it was.
123    *
124    * With this change, Caliper should report a much more realistic value, more
125    * on the order of an entire millisecond.
126    */
127   public static class Benchmark4 {
128     private final int[] array = new int[1000000];
timeArrayIteration_fixed(int reps)130     @Benchmark int timeArrayIteration_fixed(int reps) {
131       int dummy = 0;
132       for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {
133         for (int doNotIgnoreMe : array) {
134           dummy += doNotIgnoreMe;
135         }
136       }
137       return dummy; // framework ignores this, but it has served its purpose!
138     }
139   }
141   /*
142    * Now we'd like to know how various other *sizes* of arrays perform. We
143    * don't want to have to cut and paste the whole benchmark just to provide a
144    * different size. What we need is a parameter!
145    *
146    * When you run this benchmark the same way you ran the previous ones, you'll
147    * now get an error: "No values provided for benchmark parameter 'size'".
148    * You can provide the value requested at the command line like this:
149    *
150    *   [caliper_home]/caliper tutorial.Tutorial.Benchmark5 -Dsize=100}
151    *
152    * You'll see output like this:
153    *
154    *   Benchmark       size   ns
155    *   --------------  ----  ---
156    *   ArrayIteration   100   51
157    *
158    * Now that we've parameterized our benchmark, things are starting to get fun.
159    * Try passing '-Dsize=10,100,1000' and see what happens!
160    *
161    *   Benchmark       size   ns
162    *   --------------  ----  -----------------------------------
163    *   ArrayIteration    10    7 |
164    *   ArrayIteration   100   49 ||||
165    *   ArrayIteration  1000  477 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
166    *
167    */
168   public static class Benchmark5 {
169     @Param int size; // set automatically by framework
171     private int[] array; // set by us, in setUp()
setUp()173     @BeforeExperiment void setUp() {
174       // @Param values are guaranteed to have been injected by now
175       array = new int[size];
176     }
timeArrayIteration(int reps)178     @Benchmark int timeArrayIteration(int reps) {
179       int dummy = 0;
180       for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) {
181         for (int doNotIgnoreMe : array) {
182           dummy += doNotIgnoreMe;
183         }
184       }
185       return dummy;
186     }
187   }
188 }