1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple %itanium_abi_triple -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping -dump-coverage-mapping -emit-llvm-only -main-file-name classtemplate.cpp %s > %tmapping
2 // RUN: FileCheck -input-file %tmapping %s --check-prefix=CHECK-CONSTRUCTOR
3 // RUN: FileCheck -input-file %tmapping %s --check-prefix=CHECK-GETTER
4 // RUN: FileCheck -input-file %tmapping %s --check-prefix=CHECK-SETTER
6 template<class TT>
7 class Test {
8 public:
9   enum BaseType {
10     A, C, G, T, Invalid
11   };
12   const static int BaseCount = 4;
13   double bases[BaseCount];
15                                         // CHECK-CONSTRUCTOR: _ZN4TestIjEC
Test()16   Test() { }                            // CHECK-CONSTRUCTOR: File 0, [[@LINE]]:10 -> [[@LINE]]:13 = #0
18   // FIXME: It would be nice to emit no-coverage for get, but trying to do this
19   // runs afoul of cases like Test3::unmangleable below.
20                                         // FIXME-GETTER: _ZNK4TestIjE3get
get(TT position) const21   double get(TT position) const {       // FIXME-GETTER: File 0, [[@LINE]]:33 -> [[@LINE+2]]:4 = 0
22     return bases[position];
23   }
24                                         // CHECK-SETTER: _ZN4TestIjE3set
set(TT position,double value)25   void set(TT position, double value) { // CHECK-SETTER: File 0, [[@LINE]]:39 -> [[@LINE+2]]:4 = #0
26     bases[position] = value;
27   }
28 };
30 class Test2 {
31                                         // CHECK-CONSTRUCTOR: _ZN5Test2C
Test2()32   Test2() { }                           // CHECK-CONSTRUCTOR: File 0, [[@LINE]]:11 -> [[@LINE]]:14 = 0
33                                         // CHECK-GETTER: _ZNK5Test23get
get(unsigned position) const34   double get(unsigned position) const { // CHECK-GETTER: File 0, [[@LINE]]:39 -> [[@LINE+2]]:4 = 0
35     return 0.0;
36   }
37 };
39 // Test3::unmangleable can't be mangled, since there isn't a complete type for
40 // the __is_final type trait expression. This would cause errors if we try to
41 // emit a no-coverage mapping for the method.
42 template <class T, bool = __is_final(T)> class UninstantiatedClassWithTraits {};
43 template <class T> class Test3 {
unmangleable(UninstantiatedClassWithTraits<T> x)44   void unmangleable(UninstantiatedClassWithTraits<T> x) {}
45 };
main()47 int main() {
48   Test<unsigned> t;
49   t.set(Test<unsigned>::A, 5.5);
50   t.set(Test<unsigned>::T, 5.6);
51   t.set(Test<unsigned>::G, 5.7);
52   t.set(Test<unsigned>::C, 5.8);
53   return 0;
54 }