1 /* 2 * Copyright © 2012 Google, Inc. 3 * 4 * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. 5 * 6 * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without 7 * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this 8 * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the 9 * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in 10 * all copies of this software. 11 * 12 * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR 13 * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES 14 * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN 15 * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH 16 * DAMAGE. 17 * 18 * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, 19 * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND 20 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS 21 * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO 22 * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. 23 * 24 * Google Author(s): Behdad Esfahbod 25 */ 26 27 #ifndef HB_H_IN 28 #error "Include <hb.h> instead." 29 #endif 30 31 #ifndef HB_SET_H 32 #define HB_SET_H 33 34 #include "hb-common.h" 35 36 HB_BEGIN_DECLS 37 38 39 /* 40 * Since: 0.9.21 41 */ 42 #define HB_SET_VALUE_INVALID ((hb_codepoint_t) -1) 43 44 typedef struct hb_set_t hb_set_t; 45 46 47 HB_EXTERN hb_set_t * 48 hb_set_create (void); 49 50 HB_EXTERN hb_set_t * 51 hb_set_get_empty (void); 52 53 HB_EXTERN hb_set_t * 54 hb_set_reference (hb_set_t *set); 55 56 HB_EXTERN void 57 hb_set_destroy (hb_set_t *set); 58 59 HB_EXTERN hb_bool_t 60 hb_set_set_user_data (hb_set_t *set, 61 hb_user_data_key_t *key, 62 void * data, 63 hb_destroy_func_t destroy, 64 hb_bool_t replace); 65 66 HB_EXTERN void * 67 hb_set_get_user_data (hb_set_t *set, 68 hb_user_data_key_t *key); 69 70 71 /* Returns false if allocation has failed before */ 72 HB_EXTERN hb_bool_t 73 hb_set_allocation_successful (const hb_set_t *set); 74 75 HB_EXTERN void 76 hb_set_clear (hb_set_t *set); 77 78 HB_EXTERN hb_bool_t 79 hb_set_is_empty (const hb_set_t *set); 80 81 HB_EXTERN hb_bool_t 82 hb_set_has (const hb_set_t *set, 83 hb_codepoint_t codepoint); 84 85 /* Right now limited to 16-bit integers. Eventually will do full codepoint range, sans -1 86 * which we will use as a sentinel. */ 87 HB_EXTERN void 88 hb_set_add (hb_set_t *set, 89 hb_codepoint_t codepoint); 90 91 HB_EXTERN void 92 hb_set_add_range (hb_set_t *set, 93 hb_codepoint_t first, 94 hb_codepoint_t last); 95 96 HB_EXTERN void 97 hb_set_del (hb_set_t *set, 98 hb_codepoint_t codepoint); 99 100 HB_EXTERN void 101 hb_set_del_range (hb_set_t *set, 102 hb_codepoint_t first, 103 hb_codepoint_t last); 104 105 HB_EXTERN hb_bool_t 106 hb_set_is_equal (const hb_set_t *set, 107 const hb_set_t *other); 108 109 HB_EXTERN void 110 hb_set_set (hb_set_t *set, 111 const hb_set_t *other); 112 113 HB_EXTERN void 114 hb_set_union (hb_set_t *set, 115 const hb_set_t *other); 116 117 HB_EXTERN void 118 hb_set_intersect (hb_set_t *set, 119 const hb_set_t *other); 120 121 HB_EXTERN void 122 hb_set_subtract (hb_set_t *set, 123 const hb_set_t *other); 124 125 HB_EXTERN void 126 hb_set_symmetric_difference (hb_set_t *set, 127 const hb_set_t *other); 128 129 HB_EXTERN void 130 hb_set_invert (hb_set_t *set); 131 132 HB_EXTERN unsigned int 133 hb_set_get_population (const hb_set_t *set); 134 135 /* Returns -1 if set empty. */ 136 HB_EXTERN hb_codepoint_t 137 hb_set_get_min (const hb_set_t *set); 138 139 /* Returns -1 if set empty. */ 140 HB_EXTERN hb_codepoint_t 141 hb_set_get_max (const hb_set_t *set); 142 143 /* Pass -1 in to get started. */ 144 HB_EXTERN hb_bool_t 145 hb_set_next (const hb_set_t *set, 146 hb_codepoint_t *codepoint); 147 148 /* Pass -1 for first and last to get started. */ 149 HB_EXTERN hb_bool_t 150 hb_set_next_range (const hb_set_t *set, 151 hb_codepoint_t *first, 152 hb_codepoint_t *last); 153 154 155 HB_END_DECLS 156 157 #endif /* HB_SET_H */ 158