1#-------------------------------------------------------------------- 2# Copyright (c) 1999-2004, International Business Machines 3# Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. 4#-------------------------------------------------------------------- 5# Convert CJK characters, according to the defintions in CEDICT and Unihan.txt 6# Note: adds space between them and letters. 7{ ([:Han:]) } [:L:] > | $1 ' '; 8[\.\,\?\!.,?!、。[:Pe:][:Pf:]] { } [:L:] > ' '; 9[:L:] { } [[:Han:][:Ps:][:Pi:]]> ' '; 10 11變文 < a\-popular\-form\-of\-narrative\-literature\-flourishing\-in\-the\-tang\-dynasty\-\(618\-907\)\-with\-alternate\-prose\-and\-rhymed\-parts\-for\-recitation\-and\-singing\-\(often\-on\-buddhistic\-themes\); 12邊幣 < border\-region\-currency\-\(consisting\-of\-the\-currency\-notes\-issued\-by\-the\-border\-region\-governments\-during\-the\-war\-of\-resistance\-against\-japan\-and\-the\-war\-of\-liberation\); 13直通車 < \"through\-train\"\-\(refers\-to\-the\-idea\-of\-retaining\-previous\-legislature\-after\-transition\-to\-chinese\-rule\-in\-hong\-kong\-or\-macau\); 14小臟鬼 < dirty\-little\-monster\-\(spoken\-affectionately\-to\-a\-child\-who\-has\-gotten\-him\(her\)self\-dirty\;\-literally\-\"little\-dirty\-ghost\"\); 15殺雞給猴看 < \"kill\-a\-chicken\-in\-front\-of\-a\-monkey\"\-\-\-\-make\-an\-example\-out\-of\-someone\-\(by\-punishing\-them\)\-to\-frighten\-others; 16抱薪救火 < carry\-faggots\-to\-put\-out\-a\-fire\-\-\-adopt\-a\-wrong\-method\-to\-save\-a\-situation\-and\-end\-up\-by\-making\-it\-worse; 17不見棺材不落淚 < not\-shed\-a\-tear\-until\-one\-sees\-the\-coffin\-\-\-refuse\-to\-be\-convinced\-until\-one\-is\-faced\-with\-grim\-reality; 18同期 < the\-corresponding\-time\-period\-\(eg\,\-compare\-inflation\-now\-with\-the\-rate\-during\-the\-same\-month\-last\-year\); 19㡎 < the\-long\-bands\-or\-ribbons\-attrached\-to\-flags\-and\-banners\-the\-feather\-decorected\-carriages\-or\-dresses; 20郯 < name\-of\-a\-small\-ancient\-principality\-which\-was\-situated\-in\-what\-is\-now\-part\-of\-shantung\-and\-kiangsu; 21杯水車薪 < trying\-to\-put\-out\-a\-burning\-cartload\-of\-faggots\-with\-a\-cup\-of\-water\-\-\-an\-utterly\-inadequate\-measure; 22䐞 < the\-thin\-membrane\-between\-skin\-and\-flesh\-that\-protects\-internal\-organs\-or\-tissues\-in\-the\-human\-body; 23偏偏 < \(indicates\-that\-sth\.\-turns\-out\-just\-the\-opposite\-of\-what\-one\-would\-expect\-or\-what\-would\-be\-normal\); 24敬祝 < to\-respectfully\-offer\-\(written\-at\-the\-end\-of\-letter\-from\-someone\-of\-lower\-status\-to\-higher\-status\); 25卜辭 < oracle\-inscriptions\-of\-the\-shang\-dynasty\-\(16th\-11th\-century\-bc\)\-on\-tortoiseshells\-or\-animal\-bones; 26病急亂投醫 < turn\-to\-any\-doctor\-one\-can\-find\-when\-critically\-ill\-\-\-try\-anything\-when\-in\-a\-desperate\-situation; 27辯証施治 < diagnosis\-and\-treatment\-based\-on\-an\-overall\-analysis\-of\-the\-illness\-and\-the\-patient''s\-condition; 28珪 < a\-jade\-table\-conferred\-upon\-feudal\-princes\-by\-the\-emperor\-as\-a\-symbol\-of\-dignity\-and\-authority; 29敝帚自珍 < value\-one''s\-own\-old\-broom\-\-\-cherish\-something\-of\-little\-value\-simply\-because\-it\-is\-one''s\-own; 30不知天高地厚 < not\-know\-the\-immensity\-of\-heaven\-and\-earth\-\-\-have\-an\-exaggerated\-opinion\-of\-one''s\-abilities; 31㺺 < a\-very\-precious\-piece\-of\-jade\-worn\-by\-ancient\-emperors\-to\-match\-tables\-borne\-by\-the\-nobles; 32䀘 < to\-cover\-the\-line\-of\-vision\-or\-sight\-\-\-the\-straight\-line\-between\-an\-object\-and\-one''s\-eyes; 33兵不血刃 < the\-edges\-of\-the\-swords\-not\-being\-stained\-with\-blood\-\-\-win\-victory\-without\-firing\-a\-shot; 34㨧 < wooden\-stick\-or\-bamboo\-cane\-used\-to\-support\-the\-covering\-of\-a\-carriage\-in\-ancient\-times; 35㔣 < in\-ancient\-times\-to\-fight\-against\-the\-enemy\-by\-pushing\-down\-the\-big\-rocks\-from\-up\-high; 36洛德 < \(winston\)\-lord\-\(former\-assistant\-secretary\-of\-state\-for\-east\-asia\-and\-pacific\-affairs\); 37不到黃河心不死 < not\-stop\-until\-one\-reaches\-the\-huanghe\-river\-\-\-not\-stop\-until\-one\-reaches\-one''s\-goal; 38彷徨 < name\-of\-a\-collection\-of\-short\-stories\,\-pang\-huang\,\-\"wandering\-about\"\,\-by\-lu3\-xun4\-魯迅; 39䚫 < ornamental\-articles\-made\-of\-horns\-used\-to\-decorate\-the\-top\-of\-a\-stick\-or\-horsewhip; 40養兒防老 < \(of\-parents\)\-to\-bring\-up\-cihldren\-for\-the\-purpose\-of\-being\-looked\-after\-in\-old\-age; 41陳毅 < chen\-yi\,\-former\-mayor\-of\-shanghai\-and\-highest\-ranking\-military\-commander\-in\-china; 42綺色佳 < ithaca\,\-ny\-\(but\-pronounced\-yi3\-se4\-jia1\,\-following\-a\-mistake\-made\-by\-hu2\-shi4\-胡適\); 43笐 < bamboos\-placed\-across\-wooden\-frames\-on\-which\-grain\-may\-be\-stored\-in\-damp\-climates; 44䣞 < name\-of\-an\-ancient\-state\-which\-occupied\-the\-site\-of\-the\-present\-province\-of\-hubei; 45䇶 < a\-small\-rafters\-made\-of\-bamboo\-which\-project\-form\-the\-eaves\-and\-support\-the\-tiles; 46雷峰塔 < leifeng\-pagoda\,\-by\-west\-lake\-until\-it\-was\-destroyed\-\(also\-from\-madam\-white\-snake\); 47賨 < tribute\-paid\-in\-cloth\-by\-the\-tribes\-in\-szechwan\-and\-yunnan\-under\-the\-han\-dynasty; 48不共戴天 < will\-not\-live\-under\-the\-same\-sky\-\(with\-one''s\-enemy\)\-\-\-absolutely\-irreconcilable; 49禫 < sacrifice\-offered\-at\-the\-end\-of\-the\-three\-years''\-mourning\-the\-death\-of\-a\-parent; 50䂩 < an\-in\-slab\-or\-ink\-stone\-sound\-of\-pebbles\-or\-stones\-rubbing\-or\-knocking\-together; 51䂍 < a\-kind\-of\-weapon\-carried\-by\-the\-honor\-guard\-before\-the\-emperor\-in\-ancient\-times; 52擊其惰歸 < avoid\-the\-enemy\-when\-he\-is\-fresh\-and\-strike\-him\-when\-he\-is\-tired\-and\-withdraws; 53保甲制度 < the\-bao\-jia\-system\-\(an\-administrative\-system\-organized\-on\-basis\-of\-households\); 54包工 < undertake\-to\-perform\-work\-within\-a\-time\-limit\-and\-according\-to\-specifications; 55部首 < radicals\-by\-which\-characters\-are\-arranged\-in\-traditional\-chinese\-dictionaries; 56霸主 < a\-powerful\-chief\-of\-the\-princes\-of\-the\-spring\-and\-autumn\-period\-\(770\-476\-bc\); 57衈 < the\-blood\-of\-a\-sacrificial\-fowl\-which\-was\-sprinkled\-on\-the\-doors\-and\-vessels; 58㯩 < to\-put\-the\-growing\-up\-silkworms\-in\-different\-frames\-according\-to\-their\-sizes; 59㚳 < a\-lady\-teacher\-to\-teach\-the\-proper\-rules\-of\-female\-behavior\-in\-ancient\-times; 60不辨菽麥 < be\-unable\-to\-tell\-beans\-from\-wheat\-\-\-have\-no\-knowledge\-of\-practical\-matters; 61絥 < to\-harness\-a\-horse\-a\-board\-in\-front\-of\-a\-carriage\-for\-the\-driver\-to\-lean\-on; 62䋭 < to\-weave\-silk\-fabrics\-with\-green\-color\-for\-longitude\-and\-white\-for\-latitude; 63㭼 < a\-rectangle\-shaped\-peg\-or\-short\-post\-between\-the\-beans\-and\-the\-roof\-timbers; 64恭喜發財 < congratulations\-for\-getting\-rich\-\(traditional\-chinese\-new\-year''s\-future\-use; 65瑄 < a\-ornamental\-piece\-of\-jade\-several\-inches\-across\-with\-a\-hole\-in\-the\-center; 66牡丹卡 < peony\-card\-\(credit\-card\-issued\-by\-industrial\-and\-commercial\-bank\-of\-china\); 67䬤 < to\-put\-the\-thick\-soup\-or\-broth\-on\-top\-of\-the\-rice\-thick\-congee\-or\-porridge; 68在於 < \(the\-problem\-or\-explanation\-or\-advantage\-etc\.\)\-lies\-in\-\(the\-fact\-that\.\.\.\); 69䥯 < a\-farm\-tool\-to\-crush\-the\-clod\-of\-earth\-into\-pieces\-and\-make\-the\-land\-flat; 70䍖 < a\-kind\-of\-net\-equipted\-with\-tricky\-machine\-used\-to\-catch\-birds\-and\-beasts; 71塞韋裡諾 < \[jean\-michel\]\-severino\-\[world\-bank\-vice\-president\,\-east\-asia\-and\-pacific\]; 72䎭 < a\-kind\-of\-farm\-tool\-made\-of\-twisted\-thron\-strips\-used\-to\-flaten\-the\-land; 73教訓 < \(teach\-someone\-or\-learn\-a\)\-lesson\-\(ie\,\-obtain\-wisdom\-from\-an\-experience\); 74三岔口 < at\-the\-crossroads\,\-the\-name\-of\-a\-famous\-opera\,\-story\-from\-shui\-hu\-zhuan; 75筓 < a\-hairpin\-on\-which\-the\-hair\-is\-bound\-at\-the\-back\-of\-the\-head\.\-15\-of\-age; 76李自成 < name\-of\-a\-person\,\-li\-zi\-cheng\,\-leader\-of\-ming\-dynasty\-peasant\-rebellion; 77有期徒刑 < limited\-term\-of\-imprisonment\-\(ie\,\-anything\-less\-than\-life\-imprisonment\); 78江八點 < \"jiang\-zemin''s\-eight\-point\-formula\"\-\(for\-resuming\-a\-dialog\-with\-taiwan\); 79鄧亮洪 < tang\-liang\-hong\-\(opposition\-candidate\-in\-jan\-1996\-singapore\-elections\); 80閉目塞聽 < shuts\-one''s\-eyes\-and\-stop\-up\-one''s\-ears\-\-\-be\-out\-of\-touch\-with\-reality; 81笨鳥先飛 < clumsy\-birds\-have\-to\-start\-flying\-early\-\-\-the\-slow\-need\-to\-start\-early; 82㮲 < a\-small\-ring\-or\-a\-small\-piece\-of\-board\-attached\-to\-the\-muzzle\-of\-an\-ox; 83駁岸 < a\-low\-stone\-wall\-built\-along\-the\-water''s\-edge\-to\-protect\-an\-embankment; 84百聞不如一見 < seeing\-for\-oneself\-is\-a\-hundred\-times\-better\-than\-hearing\-from\-others; 85補法 < treatment\-involving\-the\-use\-of\-tonics\-to\-restore\-the\-patient''s\-health; 86䵻 < a\-small\-tripod\-of\-bronze\-with\-two\-ears\-tripod\-of\-bronze\-with\-two\-ears; 87三不 < \"the\-three\-no''s\"\-\(an\-example\-of\-an\-abbreviated\-slogan\-or\-catchphrase\); 88白朮 < the\-rhizome\-of\-large\-headed\-atractylodes\-\(atractylodes\-macrocephaia\); 89本草綱目 < an\-outline\-treatise\-of\-medical\-herbs\,\-compiled\-by\-li3\-shi2\-zhen1\-李時珍; 90玠 < large\-jade\-tablet\-used\-by\-officials\-at\-court\-to\-indicate\-their\-ranks; 91吃大戶 < mass\-seizure\-of\-food\-from\-landlords\-during\-famines\-before\-liberation; 92䂜 < rocky\-fine\-stone\-which\-is\-little\-less\-valuable\-than\-jade\-to\-collapse; 93㡆 < an\-artisan\-to\-soften\-raw\-silk\-by\-boiling\-and\-to\-dye\-the\-dressed\-silk; 94李時珍 < li\-shi\-zhen\-\(1518\-1593\,\-famous\-doctor\,\-author\-of\-ben3\-cao3\-gang1\-mu4; 95兵強馬壯 < strong\-soldiers\-and\-sturdy\-horses\-\-\-a\-well\-trained\-and\-powerful\-army; 96裎 < to\-take\-off\-the\-clothes\-and\-expose\-the\-body\.\-to\-carry\-in\-the\-girdle; 97鎋 < the\-linch\-pin\-of\-a\-wheel\-to\-govern\-or\-control\-the\-noise\-of\-a\-barrow; 98禽流感 < \"bird\-flu\"\-\(flu\-carried\-by\-birds\-\-\-found\-in\-hong\-kong\-in\-late\-1997\); 99䪐 < something\-made\-of\-bamboo\-put\-in\-the\-bow\-case\-to\-pretect\-from\-damage; 100業余大學 < college\-for\-people\-who\-attend\-after\-work\-\(lit\.\:\-spare\-time\-college\); 101䇭 < containers\-made\-of\-thin\-and\-long\-strip\-of\-bamboo\-or\-willow\-branches; 102㟬 < a\-mountain\-in\-today''s\-shandong\-province\-southwest\-of\-mengyin\-county; 103㚥 < to\-become\-associated\-with\-each\-other\-in\-good\-manners\-and\-politeness; 104宣判 < pronounce\-a\-\(judicial\)\-sentence\-\(after\-a\-verdict\-in\-a\-court\-of\-law\); 105蒙代爾 < \(walter\)\-mondale\-\(us\-ambassador\-to\-japan\,\-former\-us\-vice\-president\); 106陳納德 < \(claire\)\-chennault\,\-commander\-of\-flying\-tigers\-during\-world\-war\-ii; 107病友 < a\-friend\-made\-in\-hospital\-or\-people\-who\-become\-friends\-in\-hospital; 108捕風捉影 < chase\-the\-wind\-and\-clutch\-at\-shadows\-\-\-make\-groundless\-accusations; 109就是 < \(emphasizes\-that\-something\-is\-precisely\-or\-exactly\-what\-is\-stated\); 110䤞 < a\-kind\-of\-weapons\-held\-by\-the\-officials\-in\-attendance\-in\-old\-times; 111㹫 < a\-kind\-of\-animal\-generally\-called\-for\-minority\-groups\-in\-old\-china; 112㳻 < a\-bank\-of\-earth\-or\-an\-embankment\-to\-block\-the\-current\-of\-the\-water; 113㯢 < a\-piece\-of\-cross\-wise\-board\-used\-for\-frame\-on\-which\-silkworms\-spin; 114維爾容 < \(johannes\-lodewikus\)\-viljoen\-\(south\-african\-ambassador\-to\-taiwan\); 115葛洲壩 < name\-of\-a\-place\,\-gezhouba\-dam\-on\-the\-changjiang\-river\,\-in\-sichuan; 116䃘 < simple\-and\-crude\-the\-sound\-of\-pebbles\-or\-stones\-knocking\-together; 117㰱 < to\-smear\-the\-mouth\-with\-the\-blood\-of\-a\-victim\-when\-taking\-an\-oath; 118不分彼此 < make\-no\-distinction\-between\-what''s\-one''s\-own\-and\-what''s\-another''s; 119老驥伏櫪志在千里 < \(lit\.\)\-an\-old\-steed\-in\-the\-stable\-still\-aspires\-to\-gallop\-1000\-li; 120大禹 < da\-yu\,\-name\-of\-an\-ancient\-hero\-who\-successfully\-controlled\-floods; 121獯 < a\-tribe\-of\-scythians\-which\-invaded\-china\-during\-the\-hsia\-dynasty; 122鞔 < sides\-or\-uppers\-of\-shoes\-to\-stretch\-a\-skin\-on\-a\-frame\-for\-a\-drum; 123表證 < illness\-that\-has\-not\-attacked\-the\-vital\-organs\-of\-the\-human\-body; 124國際電話電報諮詢委員會 < international\-consultative\-committee\-for\-telephone\-and\-telegraph; 125不知凡幾 < can''t\-tell\-how\-many\-there\-are\-\-\-there\-are\-numerous\-similar\-cases; 126䕽 < the\-rhododendron\-\-\-\-it\-is\-said\-to\-cause\-sheep\-to\-stagger\-and\-die; 127鼻韻母 < \(of\-chinese\-pronunciation\)\-a\-vowel\-followed\-by\-a\-nasal\-consonant; 128幫閑 < hang\-on\-to\-and\-serve\-the\-rich\-and\-powerful\-by\-literary\-hack\-work; 129郜 < name\-of\-fief\-in\-shantong\-bestowed\-on\-the\-eldest\-son\-of\-wen\-wang; 130描紅 < to\-trace\-over\-red\-characters\-\(as\-a\-method\-of\-learning\-to\-write\); 131金永南 < kim\-yong\-nam\-\(north\-korean\-deputy\-premier\-and\-foreign\-minister\); 132抗戰 < war\-of\-resistance\,\-especially\-the\-war\-against\-japan\-\(1937\-1945\); 133抱殘守缺 < cherish\-the\-outmoded\-and\-preserve\-the\-outworn\-\-\-be\-conservative; 134閉塞眼睛捉麻雀 < try\-to\-catch\-sparrows\-with\-one''s\-eyes\-blindfolded\-\-\-act\-blindly; 135䍿 < a\-kind\-of\-dance\-accompanied\-by\-music\-performed\-in\-ancient\-times; 136䌞 < a\-knot\-to\-hang\-the\-apparatus\-made\-of\-reed\-for\-raising\-silkworms; 137䇉 < capacity\-unit\-in\-france\-equal\-to\-one\-hundred\-times\-of\-one\-litre; 138㽈 < a\-large\-earthenware\-jar\-with\-a\-small\-mouth\-and\-two\-or\-four\-ears; 139㹐 < to\-tow\-a\-boat\-against\-the\-current\-in\-swift\-stream\-from\-the\-bank; 140沅 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-western\-hunan\-that\-flows\-into\-dongting\-lake; 141簋 < a\-square\-basket\-of\-bamboo\-for\-holding\-grain\-used\-at\-sacrifices; 142不費吹灰之力 < as\-easy\-as\-blowing\-off\-dust\-\-\-not\-needing\-the\-slightest\-effort; 143斗批改 < struggle\-criticism\-transformation\-\(cultural\-revolution\-slogan\); 144阿不來提\.阿不都熱西提 < abdulaidi\-amudurexiti\-\(chairman\-of\-xinjiang\-autonomous\-region\); 145鷴 < silver\-pheasant\-badge\-worn\-by\-civil\-officials\-of\-the\-5th\-grade; 146博古通今 < conversant\-with\-things\-past\-and\-present\-\-\-erudite\-and\-informed; 147蟕 < a\-species\-of\-tortoise\-found\-near\-the\-mouth\-of\-the\-yellow\-river; 148今音 < modern\-\(i\.e\.\-not\-ancient\)\-pronunciation\-of\-a\-chinese\-character; 149斯特凡諾普洛斯 < stephanopoulos\-\(eg\,\-former\-clinton\-aide\-george\-stephanopoulos\); 150㬆 < posthumous\-title\-conferred\-upon\-emperors\-and\-eminent\-officials; 151不入虎穴焉得虎子 < how\-can\-you\-catch\-tiger\-cubs\-without\-entering\-the\-tiger''s\-lair; 152鞝 < the\-piece\-of\-leather\-used\-for\-soles\-on\-chinese\-shoes\.\-a\-patch; 153大鬧天宮 < \"the\-monkey\-creates\-havoc\-in\-heaven\"\,\-story\-about\-sun\-wu\-kong; 154蔛 < a\-small\-orchid\-like\-plant\-it\-bears\-white\-flowers\-a\-dendrobium; 155端午節 < the\-dragon\-boat\-festival\-\(the\-5th\-day\-of\-the\-5th\-lunar\-month\); 156䰙 < an\-ancient\-unit\-of\-capacity\-with\-three\-feet\-and\-a\-big\-opening; 157䔹 < a\-fungus\-which\-grows\-on\-rotten\-plants\-and\-is\-eaten\-when\-fresh; 158㯣 < a\-kind\-of\-fragrant\-tree\-used\-to\-produce\-perfume\-by\-burning\-it; 159㯡 < to\-lacquer\-some\-kind\-of\-ashes\-on\-wooden\-articals\-or\-furniture; 160悲天憫人 < bemoan\-the\-state\-of\-the\-universe\-and\-pity\-the\-fate\-of\-mankind; 161惋惜 < to\-feel\-sorry\-for\-a\-person\-over\-sth\-that\-should\-have\-happened; 162峋 < ranges\-of\-hills\-stretching\-on\-beyond\-another\-irregular\-peaks; 163歃 < smear\-one''s\-mouth\-with\-blood\-of\-a\-victim\-when\-taking\-an\-oath; 164白茫茫 < \(of\-mist\,\-snow\,\-floodwater\,\-etc\)\-a\-vast\-expanse\-of\-whiteness; 165睥睨 < look\-at\-somebody\-disdainfully\-out\-of\-the\-corner\-of\-one''s\-eye; 166羗 < tribes\-in\-west\-china\-strong\.\-educated\.\-obstinate\.\-a\-particle; 167胡適 < hu\-shi\-\(1891\-1962\)\,\-original\-proponent\-of\-bai2\-hua4\-wen2\-白話文; 168軍委 < military\-commission\-of\-the\-communist\-party\-central\-committee; 169不服水土 < \(of\-a\-stranger\)\-not\-accustomed\-to\-the\-climate\-of\-a\-new\-place; 170斯佩羅 < \(joan\)\-spero\-\(under\-secretary\-of\-state\-for\-economic\-affairs\); 171丣 < ancient\-form\-of\-the\-tenth\-of\-the\-twelve\-terrestrial\-branches; 172䡅 < something\-used\-to\-bind\-the\-frame\-work\-in\-a\-cart\-of\-old\-times; 173䚨 < a\-string\-fastened\-to\-an\-arrow\-to\-draw\-it\-back\-after\-shooting; 174䎠 < to\-twist\-or\-to\-crumple\-between\-hands\-and\-make\-something\-turn; 175㟹 < the\-appearance\-of\-a\-mountain\-is\-lofty\-and\-steep\-and\-profound; 176㝸 < a\-conical\-cap\-worn\-on\-ceremonious\-occasions\-in\-ancient\-times; 177㙨 < the\-royal\-domains\-set\-apart\-in\-ancient\-times\-for\-the\-emperor; 178燈節 < the\-lantern\-festival\-\(15th\-of\-first\-month\-of\-lunar\-calendar\); 179衩 < the\-open\-seam\-of\-a\-garment\-which\-allows\-freedom\-of\-movement; 180屺 < a\-hill\-with\-trees\-or\-grass\-\-\-some\-give\-the\-opposite\-meaning; 181北洋 < the\-qing\-dynasty\-name\-for\-the\-coastal\-provinces\-of\-liaoning; 182八旗 < the\-\"eight\-banners\"\-\(military\-organisation\-in\-qing\-dynasty\); 183䶦 < upper\-and\-lower\-teeth\-in\-order\-and\-corresponding\-each\-other; 184䧂 < to\-turn\-over\-the\-clod\-of\-the\-earth\-with\-a\-shovel\-or\-a\-spade; 185藤野 < name\-of\-a\-person\,\-teng\-ye\,\-a\-japanese\-friend\-of\-lu3\-xun4\-魯迅; 186華表 < marble\-pillar\-\(ornamental\-column\-in\-front\-of\-places\,\-tombs\); 187待業 < to\-await\-job\-assignment\-\(term\-used\-only\-in\-mainland\-china\); 188太極拳 < a\-kind\-of\-traditional\-chinese\-shadowboxing\-\(tai\-chi\-chuan\); 189哀兵必勝 < an\-army\-burning\-with\-righteous\-indignation\-is\-bound\-to\-win; 190會不會 < \(posing\-a\-question\:\-whether\-someone\,\-something\)\-can\-or\-not; 191扮相 < the\-appearance\-of\-an\-actor\-or\-actress\-in\-costume\-or\-makeup; 192抱佛腳 < clasp\-budda''s\-feet\-\-\-profess\-devotion\-only\-when\-in\-trouble; 193噞 < the\-movement\-of\-a\-fish''s\-mouth\-at\-the\-surface\-of\-the\-water; 194唵 < used\-in\-buddhist\-texts\-to\-transliterate\-non\-chinese\-sounds; 195䠂 < name\-of\-a\-powerful\-feudal\-state\-which\-existed\-740\-330\-b\.c\.; 196䖶 < to\-raise\-up\-the\-nose\-in\-order\-to\-get\-the\-bugs\-in\-the\-earth; 197蛋花湯 < clear\-soup\-containing\-beaten\-egg\-and\-green\-leafy\-vegetable; 198䄛 < service\-or\-rites\-of\-offering\-sacrifices\-for\-drink\-and\-food; 199㼰 < an\-earthenware\-jar\-with\-a\-small\-mouth\-and\-two\-or\-four\-ears; 200㸖 < hide\-or\-to\-keep\-in\-store\-the\-vegetable\-in\-cold\-winter\-days; 201㷟 < to\-scald\-the\-bristles\-off\-a\-pig\-or\-the\-feathers\-off\-a\-bird; 202㰇 < the\-square\-peck\-shaped\-box\-half\-way\-up\-a\-chinese\-flagstaff; 203㦼 < a\-wooden\-piles\-used\-as\-a\-cable\-to\-make\-immovable\-of\-a\-boat; 204㢧 < a\-book\-or\-painting\-which\-can\-be\-easily\-folded\-or\-rolled\-up; 205金山寺 < jinshan\-temple\,\-where\-fahai\-lives\-\(from\-madam\-white\-snake\); 206並蒂蓮 < twin\-lotus\-flowers\-on\-one\-stalk\-\-\-a\-devoted\-married\-couple; 207武術 < wushu\,\-martial\-arts\-such\-as\-shadow\-boxing\,\-swordplay\,\-etc\.; 208中共 < \(abbreviation\-for\)\-chinese\-communist\-\(party\,\-regime\,\-etc\.\); 209钲 < kind\-of\-gong\-used\-in\-ancient\-times\-by\-troops\-on\-the\-march; 210政協 < cppcc\-\(chinese\-people''s\-political\-consultative\-committee\); 211採取 < adopt\-or\-carry\-out\-\(measures\,\-policies\,\-course\-of\-action\); 212癟三 < a\-wretched\-looking\-tramp\-who\-lives\-by\-begging\-or\-stealing; 213表兄 < male\-cousin\-with\-a\-different\-surname\-\(older\-than\-oneself\); 214矛頭指向 < target\-someone\-or\-something\-\(for\-attack\,\-criticism\,\-etc\.\); 215仙草 < a\-kind\-of\-plant\-used\-as\-a\-medicinal\-herb\-in\-ancient\-times; 216䪳 < slanted\-face\-causing\-by\-the\-paralyzed\-of\-the\-facial\-nerve; 217板胡 < a\-bowed\-stringed\-instrument\-with\-a\-thin\-wooden\-soundboard; 218䞋 < to\-do\-alms\-for\-the\-buddhist\-priests\-or\-monks\-in\-old\-times; 219䙆 < slits\-on\-the\-lower\-part\-of\-a\-gown\-for\-freedom\-of\-movement; 220䀏 < to\-move\-one''s\-eyes\-to\-express\-or\-indicate\-with\-eyes\-dizzy; 221㿄 < the\-groans\-or\-moans\-from\-a\-person\-in\-a\-critical\-condition; 222㶏 < an\-ancient\-name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-henan\-province\-dengfengxian; 223㳇 < name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-today''s\-jiangsu\-province\-yixing\-county; 224㫋 < a\-silken\-banner\-hanging\-from\-a\-staff\-bent\-over\-at\-the\-top; 225斯卡伯勒礁 < scarborough\-shoal\-\(philippines''\-name\-for\-huangyan\-island\); 226不恥下問 < not\-feel\-ashamed\-to\-ask\-and\-learn\-from\-one''s\-subordinates; 227狽 < a\-legendary\-animal\-with\-short\-forelegs\-which\-rode\-a\-wolf; 228歐 < used\-in\-transliterating\-non\-chinese\-words\-such\-as\-europe; 229汨 < mi\-river\-in\-hunan\-province\-where\-qu\-yuan\-drowned\-himself; 230汜 < a\-stream\-which\-leaves\-the\-main\-branch\-then\-later\-returns; 231卡拉OK < karaoke\-\(singing\-to\-recorded\-instrumental\-accompaniment\); 232中國民航 < general\-administration\-of\-civil\-aviation\-of\-china\-\(caac\); 233補養 < take\-a\-tonic\-or\-nourishing\-food\-to\-build\-up\-one''s\-health; 234沙利科什維利 < general\-shalikashvili\-\(head\-of\-us\-joint\-chiefs\-of\-staff\); 235簈 < bamboo\-mat\-used\-to\-protect\-carriage\-passengers\-from\-dust; 236爼 < a\-small\-table\-or\-tiered\-stand\-filled\-with\-meat\-offerings; 237三國演義 < name\-of\-a\-classic\-novel\,\-\"romance\-of\-the\-three\-kingdoms\"; 238拼命 < to\-be\-ready\-to\-risk\-one''s\-life\-\(in\-fighting\,\-work\,\-etc\.\); 239背水一戰 < fight\-with\-one''s\-back\-to\-the\-river\-\-\-fight\-to\-win\-or\-die; 240䳚 < a\-sort\-of\-nightingale\-which\-is\-said\-to\-sing\-for\-the\-dawn; 241䡂 < the\-long\-wooden\-bumper\-at\-the\-rear\-of\-a\-cart\-or\-carriage; 242杯弓蛇影 < mistaking\-the\-reflection\-of\-a\-bow\-in\-the\-cup\-for\-a\-snake; 243䃾 < to\-offer\-small\-pig\-as\-sacrifice\-when\-warship\-god\-of\-life; 244㼪 < fragments\-of\-a\-tile\-haven''t\-t\-been\-kiln\-dried\-completely; 245㴖 < name\-of\-a\-stream\-in\-shandong\-province\-southwest\-of\-jinan; 246㝉 < space\-between\-the\-throne\-and\-the\-retiring\-room\-behind\-it; 247㖫 < used\-in\-names\-for\-minority\-ethnic\-group\-in\-ancient\-china; 248背井離鄉 < leave\-one''s\-native\-place\-\(especially\-against\-one''s\-will\); 249炝 < stir\-fry\-or\-boil\-in\-water\-or\-oil\-then\-cook\-with\-a\-sauce; 250遷怒 < to\-take\-one''s\-anger\-out\-on\-sb\-\(who\-does\-not\-deserve\-it\); 251波瀾起伏 < of\-a\-piece\-of\-writing\-with\-one\-climax\-following\-another; 252不為已甚 < refrain\-from\-going\-to\-extremes\-in\-meting\-out\-punishment; 253不約而同 < take\-the\-same\-action\-or\-view\-without\-prior\-consultation; 254飛虎隊 < flying\-tigers\-\(us\-airmen\-in\-china\-during\-world\-war\-two\); 255掛好 < to\-hang\-up\-properly\-\(telephone\,\-picture\,\-clothes\,\-etc\.\); 256拔毒 < draw\-out\-pus\-by\-applying\-a\-plaster\-to\-the\-affected\-area; 257弮 < a\-crowwbow\-which\-discharged\-several\-bolts\-in\-succession; 258䪙 < leather\-wrapped\-collar\-for\-a\-draft\-animal\-of\-a\-carriage; 259䧚 < the\-name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-the\-south\-west\-of\-hebei\-province; 260畜力 < animal\-powered\-\(as\-opposed\-to\-human\-or\-machine\-powered\); 261䡞 < leather\-that\-wind\-round\-on\-the\-shafts\-of\-a\-big\-carriage; 262䍜 < a\-basket\-or\-a\-cage\-used\-to\-keep\-wild\-and\-domestic\-fowls; 263䇆 < capacity\-unit\-in\-france\-equal\-to\-ten\-times\-of\-one\-litre; 264䂅 < to\-have\-insight\-or\-vision\-of\-a\-simple\-and\-honest\-person; 265㲽 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-today''s\-southwest\-of\-shanxi\-province; 266㮐 < a\-rack\-or\-a\-stand\-with\-three\-sticks\-to\-cross\-each\-other; 267㬸 < a\-kind\-of\-services\-or\-ceremonies\-of\-offering\-sacrifices; 268暗花兒 < a\-veiled\-design\-incised\-in\-porcelain\-or\-woven\-in\-fabric; 269冰炭不相容 < as\-incompatible\-or\-irreconcilable\-as\-ice\-and\-hot\-coals; 270幫腔 < vocal\-accompaniment\-in\-some\-traditional\-chinese\-operas; 271奔喪 < hasten\-home\-for\-the\-funeral\-of\-a\-parent\-or\-grandparent; 272白芍 < \(peeled\)\-root\-of\-herbaceous\-peony\-\(paeonia\-lactiflora\); 273郌 < name\-of\-an\-ancient\-hsien\-in\-modern\-gansu\/shaanxi\-area\.; 274興趣 < interest\-\(directed\-towards\,\-not\-inherent\-in\-something\); 275拔罐子 < cupping\-technique\-used\-in\-traditional\-chinese\-medicine; 276耰 < toothless\-rake\-for\-drawing\-earth\-over\-newly\-sown\-grain; 277琀 < gems\-of\-pearls\-formerly\-put\-into\-the\-mouth\-of\-a\-corpse; 278標兵 < parade\-guards\-\(usually\-spaced\-out\-along\-parade\-routes\); 279䪃 < wine\-container\-used\-by\-minority\-tribe\-in\-ancient\-times; 280䥷 < a\-hinged\-shear\-or\-long\-knife\-for\-cutting\-fodder\-or\-hay; 281䤩 < an\-ornament\-at\-the\-end\-of\-a\-belt\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 282䝪 < to\-provide\-money\-or\-gift\-and\-to\-consult\-fortune\-teller; 283䙛 < ceremonial\-dress\-of\-the\-emperor\-or\-very\-high\-officials; 284䘦 < a\-kind\-of\-head\-dress\-wore\-in\-funeral\-rites\-in\-old\-days; 285䘟 < kind\-of\-silk\-woven\-with\-double\-threads\-and\-water\-proof; 286䔑 < a\-white\-colored\-cluster\-grown\-at\-the\-tip\-of\-cogongrass; 287䉲 < thin\-and\-flat\-slips\-of\-bamboo\-used\-for\-weaving\-purpose; 288㼽 < fragments\-of\-a\-tile\-haven''t\-been\-kiln\-dried\-completely; 289㶁 < after\-blocking\-the\-water\-flow\-takes\-different\-waterway; 290㯀 < bonds\-and\-fetters\-for\-falcons\-and\-dogs\-used\-in\-hunting; 291㒾 < a\-kind\-of\-wrapper\-used\-to\-cover\-over\-the\-face\-and\-head; 292八面玲瓏 < be\-smooth\-and\-slick\-\(in\-establishing\-social\-relations\); 293元宵節 < the\-lantern\-festival\,\-january\-15\-on\-the\-lunar\-calendar; 294眾志成城 < \"unity\-of\-will\-is\-an\-impregnable\-stronghold\"\-\(proverb\); 295個體戶 < a\-small\-private\-business\-\(used\-in\-mainland\-china\-only\); 296法海 < name\-of\-a\-buddhist\-monk\,\-fahai\,\-from\-madam\-white\-snake; 297蠲 < the\-millipede\-sometimes\-confounded\-with\-the\-grow\-worm; 298蘧 < a\-plant\-which\-resembles\-wheat\-but\-has\-no\-edible\-grain; 299景德鎮 < jing\-de\-zhen\-\(a\-chinese\-city\-in\-jiang\-xi\-江西\-province\); 300韋爾弗雷茲 < \(george\)\-wehrfritz\-\(beijing\-bureau\-chief\-of\-newsweek\); 301長城卡 < great\-wall\-card\-\(credit\-card\-issued\-by\-bank\-of\-china\); 302哈貝爾 < \(webster\)\-hubbell\-\(former\-associate\-attorney\-general\); 303萬壽山 < name\-of\-a\-place\,\-longevity\-hill\,\-in\-summer\-palace\-頤和園; 304拉那烈 < \(prince\)\-ranariddh\-\(son\-of\-king\-sihanouk\-of\-cambodia\); 305䡴 < carriage\-used\-in\-ancient\-times\-to\-take\-enemy\-position; 306䟺 < walk\-slowly\-because\-of\-the\-wrong\-position\-of\-the\-feet; 307䉣 < slips\-of\-bamboo\-provided\-for\-writing\-in\-ancient\-times; 308䁹 < to\-look\-askance\-\-\-\-a\-expression\-of\-disdain\-or\-despise; 309㼌 < lot\-of\-melons\-growing\-but\-the\-root\-is\-weak\-and\-feeble; 310㻠 < jade\-hanging\-on\-the\-sides\-of\-the\-cap\-in\-ancient\-times; 311㮣 < a\-piece\-of\-wood\-used\-to\-strike\-off\-grain\-in\-a\-measure; 312㓤 < to\-strip\-the\-skin\-of\-the\-face\-\-\-\-an\-imminent\-calamity; 313包干制 < a\-system\-of\-payment\-partly\-in\-kind\-and\-partly\-in\-cash; 314抗日戰爭 < \(china''s\)\-war\-of\-resistance\-against\-japan\-\(1937\-1945\); 315顏真卿 < name\-of\-a\-person\,\-yan\-zhenqing\,\-a\-famous\-calligrapher; 316白素貞 < \(name\-of\-a\-person\)\-bai\-suzhen\,\-from\-madam\-white\-snake; 317砀 < brilliantly\-colored\-stone\-with\-veined\-patterns\-in\-it; 318彈琴 < to\-play\-or\-strum\-a\-lute\-or\-other\-stringed\-instrument; 319白陶 < white\-pottery\-\(of\-shang\-dynastry\-16\-11th\-century\-bc\); 320包干 < be\-responsible\-for\-a\-task\-unit\-until\-it\-is\-completed; 321大材小用 < using\-a\-talented\-person\-in\-an\-insignificant\-position; 322琳\.戴維斯 < lynn\-davis\-\(us\-state\-department\-arms\-control\-expert\); 323平方 < square\-\(as\-in\-square\-foot\,\-square\-mile\,\-square\-root\); 324虒 < an\-amphibious\-beast\-resembling\-a\-tiger\-with\-one\-horn; 325筁 < a\-bamboo\-frame\-on\-which\-silkworms\-spin\-their\-cocoons; 326人民英雄紀念碑 < monument\-to\-the\-people''s\-heroes\,\-at\-tiananmen\-square; 327冋 < a\-desert\-a\-border\-prairie\-the\-1st\-form\-is\-radical\-13; 328䴷 < use\-the\-whole\-piece\-of\-barley\-to\-ferment\-for\-brewing; 329䭞 < a\-kind\-of\-sacrifices\-offered\-to\-gods\-or\-the\-deceased; 330䧠 < name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-what\-is\-today''s\-shandong\-province; 331䑩 < a\-kind\-of\-inland\-rivers\-warship\-used\-in\-qing\-dynasty; 332䍸 < a\-legendary\-goat\-like\-animal\-with\-4\-ears\-and\-9\-tails; 333䃫 < a\-silicate\-substance\-from\-the\-salt\-wells\-in\-szechwan; 334㸜 < to\-get\-through\-the\-space\-enclosed\-by\-a\-constellation; 335㷭 < a\-conical\-brick\-structure\-in\-which\-to\-light\-a\-beacon; 336不聞不問 < not\-bother\-to\-ask\-questions\-or\-listen\-to\-what''s\-said; 337並行不悖 < both\-can\-be\-implemented\-without\-coming\-into\-conflict; 338步步為營 < advance\-gradually\-and\-entrench\-oneself\-at\-every\-step; 339甾 < ground\-that\-has\-been\-under\-cultivation\-for\-one\-year; 340一望無際 < as\-far\-as\-the\-eye\-can\-see\-\(lit\:\-look\-afar\-no\-bound\); 341不見經傳 < not\-to\-be\-found\-in\-the\-classics\-\-\-not\-authoritative; 342撥雲見日 < dispel\-the\-clouds\-and\-see\-the\-sun\-\-\-restore\-justice; 343比上不足比下有余 < fall\-short\-of\-the\-best\-but\-be\-better\-than\-the\-worst; 344白冰冰 < pai\-ping\-ping\-\(well\-known\-taiwan\-performing\-artist\); 345拉貝 < \(john\)\-rabe\-\(german\-eyewitness\-to\-nanjing\-massacre\); 346巫山 < mt\.\-wu\,\-on\-the\-changjiang\-river\-by\-the\-three\-gorges; 347禡 < a\-sacrifice\-at\-the\-beginning\-of\-a\-military\-campaign; 348礮 < ancient\-ballista\-for\-throwing\-heavy\-stones\-a\-cannon; 349捕俘 < capture\-enemy\-personnel\-\(for\-intelligence\-purposes\); 350伯恩斯 < \(nicholas\)\-burns\-\(us\-state\-department\-spokesperson\); 351䯠 < the\-five\-lowest\-pieces\-of\-bone\-of\-the\-spinal\-column; 352䬦 < food\-items\-merely\-arranged\-for\-display\-purpose\-only; 353䙑 < a\-piece\-of\-sackcloth\-worn\-on\-the\-breast\-in\-mourning; 354鏢客 < armed\-escort\-\(of\-travellers\-or\-merchants''\-caravans\); 355䈱 < an\-open\-bamboo\-basket\-used\-to\-feed\-domestic\-animals; 356㪵 < half\-of\-a\-unit\-of\-measurement\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 357㡈 < the\-ropes\-attached\-to\-the\-bier\-and\-held\-by\-mourners; 358㚤 < a\-lady\-officer\-of\-the\-monarch''s\-palace\-in\-old\-times; 359安步當車 < walk\-over\-leisurely\-instead\-of\-riding\-in\-a\-carriage; 360貝母 < the\-bulb\-of\-the\-fritillary\-\(fritillaria\-thunbergii\); 361名勝 < a\-place\-famous\-for\-its\-scenery\-or\-historical\-relics; 362民樂 < music\,\-esp\.\-folk\-music\,\-for\-traditional\-instruments; 363呀 < particle\-used\-to\-express\-surprise\-or\-mild\-emphasis; 364陝西 < shaanxi\-province\,\-china\-\(capitol\-city\-is\-xi''an\-西安\); 365日方 < the\-japanese\-side\-or\-party\-\(in\-negotiations\,\-etc\.\); 366不勝枚舉 < too\-numerous\-to\-mention\-individually\-or\-one\-by\-one; 367靷 < the\-leather\-belt\-that\-connects\-a\-horse\-with\-a\-cart; 368譼 < to\-supervise\-to\-confine\-a\-government\-establishment; 369橫折 < \(horizontal\-starting\-right\-angle\-character\-stroke\); 370西安 < xi''an\-\(city\)\,\-the\-capitol\-city\-of\-shaanxi\-province; 371小青 < name\-of\-a\-person\,\-xiaoqing\,\-from\-madam\-white\-snake; 372臨摹 < to\-copy\-\(a\-model\-of\-calligraphy\-or\-painting\,\-etc\.\); 373坫 < a\-stand\-on\-which\-to\-replace\-goblets\-after\-drinking; 374備取 < be\-on\-the\-waiting\-list\-\(for\-admission\-to\-a\-school\); 375䴽 < a\-small\-round\-piece\-of\-distiller''s\-grains\-or\-yeast; 376䰎 < to\-twist\-the\-hair\-in\-a\-knot\-on\-the\-top\-of\-the\-head; 377䪝 < leather\-cord\-that\-winding\-on\-the\-handle\-of\-a\-knife; 378賓至如歸 < guests\-feel\-at\-home\-\(in\-a\-hotel\,\-guesthouse\,\-etc\.\); 379䡇 < the\-cross\-bar\-at\-the\-end\-of\-the\-pole\-of\-a\-carriage; 380䞀 < to\-desire\-for\-more\-money\-than\-one''s\-rightful\-share; 381䘭 < the\-pleates\-on\-the\-lapel\-of\-a\-garment\-of\-thin\-silk; 382䐈 < a\-piece\-of\-one\-foot\-two\-inches\-dried\-seasoned\-meat; 383䍅 < containers\-for\-water\-or\-wine\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 384䋾 < cotton\-and\-silk\-to\-be\-laid\-and\-attached\-each\-other; 385䉐 < a\-thin\-and\-long\-strip\-of\-bamboo\-for\-making\-baskets; 386䈻 < a\-heavy\-mats\-of\-bamboo\-used\-for\-deep\-water\-fishing; 387䇠 < wrench\-to\-adjust\-the\-string\-on\-stringed\-instrument; 388䄌 < to\-perform\-rities\-in\-honor\-of\-the\-ancestral\-temple; 389䃦 < a\-flat\-and\-great\-rock\-people\-squat\-or\-crouch\-on\-it; 390㻀 < fine\-stone\-which\-is\-little\-less\-valuable\-than\-jade; 391㲬 < hair\-decorations\-on\-a\-helmet\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 392㱯 < get\-the\-unborn\-baby\-goat\-by\-killng\-the\-mother\-goat; 393㮰 < the\-small\-beam\-supporting\-the\-rafters\-at\-the\-eaves; 394㪶 < a\-dry\-measure\-10\-or\-5\-times\-that\-of\-a\-chinese\-peck; 395尼赫魯 < \(jawaharlal\)\-nehru\-\(first\-prime\-minister\-of\-india\); 396㟗 < name\-of\-a\-small\-principality\-in\-what\-is\-now\-shanxi; 397撥浪鼓 < a\-drum\-shaped\-rattle\-\(used\-by\-pedlars\-or\-as\-a\-toy\); 398尖閣列島 < senkaku\-islands\-\(japanese\-name\-for\-diaoyu\-islands\); 399本末 < the\-whole\-course\-of\-an\-event\-from\-beginning\-to\-end; 400頓挫 < with\-syncopated\-cadence\-\(brush\-stroke\-in\-painting\); 401維吾爾族 < the\-uygur\-\(uighur\)\-nationality\,\-living\-in\-xinjiang; 402版畫 < a\-picture\-printed\-from\-an\-engraved\-or\-etched\-plate; 403避諱 < taboo\-against\-using\-the\-personal\-names\-of\-emperors; 404按下葫蘆浮起瓢 < solve\-one\-problem\-only\-to\-find\-another\-cropping\-up; 405伽 < transcription\-of\-sanskrit\-''gha''\-in\-buddhist\-texts; 406屣 < straw\-sandals\-or\-slippers\-that\-have\-no\-heel\-backs; 407北大荒 < the\-great\-northern\-wilderness\-\(in\-northern\-china\); 408武松 < wusong\,\-name\-of\-a\-person\,\-a\-hero\-in\-shui\-hu\-zhuan; 409十五大 < 1\-5th\-party\-congress\-\(of\-chinese\-communist\-party\); 410李光耀 < lee\-kuan\-yew\-\(former\-prime\-minister\-of\-singapore\); 411許仙 < name\-of\-a\-person\,\-xu\-xian\,\-from\-madam\-white\-snake; 412儐相 < attendant\-of\-the\-bride\-or\-bridegroom\-at\-a\-wedding; 413補瀉 < reinforcing\-and\-reducing\-methods\-\(in\-acupuncture\); 414南華早報 < south\-china\-morning\-post\-\(newspaper\-in\-hong\-kong\); 415幹事 < administrative\-secretary\-\(in\-charge\-of\-something\); 416病入膏肓 < the\-disease\-has\-attacked\-the\-vitals\-\-\-beyond\-cure; 417巫峽 < wuxia\-gorge\,\-in\-the\-changjiang\-river\-three\-gorges; 418漎 < a\-place\-where\-small\-streams\-flow\-into\-a\-large\-one; 419折筆 < against\-the\-bristles\-\(brush\-movement\-in\-painting\); 420檾 < grassy\-plant\-with\-fibres\-from\-which\-cloth\-is\-made; 421專線 < special\-purpose\-phone\-line\-or\-communications\-link; 422圖克 < \(gary\-l\.\)\-tooker\-\(motorola\-chairman\-of\-the\-board\); 423䰌 < to\-bind\-the\-hair\-in\-a\-knot\-on\-the\-top\-of\-the\-head; 424䩵 < tanner\-who\-made\-the\-leather\-drum\-in\-ancient\-times; 425人民行動黨 < people''s\-action\-party\-\(ruling\-party\-in\-singapore\); 426䚙 < a\-spoon\-for\-cooked\-rice\-made\-of\-horn\-of\-an\-animal; 427䌳 < a\-kind\-of\-unrefined\-or\-unpolished\-silken\-textiles; 428䊺 < an\-implement\-to\-draw\-or\-to\-collect\-ropes\-or\-cords; 429䉃 < sliped\-open\-bamboo\-with\-the\-joints\-used\-as\-an\-oar; 430䉀 < rectangular\-chest\-or\-box\-woven\-from\-bamboo\-strips; 431䄋 < to\-pray\-for\-preventing\-or\-forestalling\-calamities; 432䃮 < a\-stone\-build\-hydraulic\-measures\-in\-ancient\-times; 433㾿 < roar\-of\-asthma\-or\-expectorate\-from\-a\-dying\-person; 434㻨 < ine\-stone\-which\-is\-little\-less\-valuable\-than\-jade; 435㺐 < generally\-called\-for\-minority\-groups\-in\-old\-china; 436㯂 < pillar\-or\-post\-of\-a\-frame\-on\-which\-silkworms\-spin; 437㟋 < deep\-and\-level\-ground\-gully\-at\-the\-foot\-of\-a\-hill; 438㞪 < the\-appearance\-of\-the\-mountain\-is\-flat\-and\-smooth; 439斜鉤 < \(downwards\-right\-concave\-hooked\-character\-stroke\); 440豎折 < \(downwards\-starting\-right\-angle\-character\-stroke\); 441老兄 < ''old\-chap''\-\(form\-of\-address\-between\-male\-friends\); 442約翰拉貝 < john\-rabe\-\(german\-eyewitness\-to\-nanjing\-massacre\); 443衅 < consecrate\-sacrificial\-vessels\-by\-smearing\-blood; 444虢 < name\-of\-ancient\-feudal\-state\-in\-shenxi\-and\-hunan; 445跑江湖 < to\-make\-a\-living\-as\-a\-travelling\-performer\,\-etc\.; 446交易額 < sum\-or\-volume\-or\-amount\-of\-business\-transactions; 447齉 < stoppage\-of\-the\-nose\-to\-speak\-with\-a\-nasal\-twang; 448橫筆 < bristles\-lying\-down\-\(brush\-movement\-in\-painting\); 449不敢越雷池一步 < dare\-not\-go\-one\-step\-beyond\-the\-prescribed\-limit; 450採購 < make\-purchases\-for\-an\-organization\-or\-enterprise; 451正在 < in\-the\-process\-of\-\(doing\-something\-or\-happening\); 452褯 < children''s\-garments\.\-a\-mat\-for\-wrapping\-garments; 453林豐正 < lin\-feng\-cheng\-\(taiwan\-minister\-of\-the\-interior\); 454報國 < dedicate\-oneself\-to\-the\-service\-of\-one''s\-country; 455董建華 < tung\-chee\-hwa\-\(hong\-kong\-leader\-after\-july\-1997\); 456筆觸 < brush\-stroke\-in\-chinese\-painting\-and\-calligraphy; 457不破不立 < without\-destruction\-there\-can\-be\-no\-construction; 458南京路 < nanjing\-st\.\,\-large\-commercial\-street\-in\-shanghai; 459梠 < a\-small\-beam\-supporting\-the\-rafters\-at\-the\-eaves; 460摣 < a\-handful\.\-to\-pick\-up\-with\-the\-fingers\.\-to\-seize; 461堘 < a\-raised\-path\-between\-field\-which\-acts\-as\-a\-dyke; 462䶜 < the\-process\-to\-whiten\-the\-ivory\-or\-elephant\-tusk; 463䮉 < horses\-kept\-at\-a\-courier\-station\-in\-former\-times; 464䢵 < name\-of\-an\-old\-country\-in\-today''s\-hubei\-province; 465䡟 < a\-ring\-of\-the\-horizontal\-front\-bar\-on\-a\-carriage; 466䞛 < dancing\-of\-a\-eastern\-minority\-group\-in\-old\-china; 467䝌 < a\-pig\-seek\-for\-food\-through\-digging\-on\-the\-earth; 468䒁 < a\-small\-boat\-connected\-to\-the\-back\-of\-a\-big\-boat; 469䉋 < a\-variety\-of\-bamboo\-shoots\-that\-sprout\-in\-winter; 470䈔 < whistle\-made\-of\-reed\-without\-holes\-for\-fingering; 471㽙 < official\-in\-charge\-of\-farmlands\-in\-ancient\-times; 472㳎 < guide\-or\-lead\-to\-make\-the\-water\-flowing\-smoothly; 473㲪 < woolen\-blanket\-with\-decorative\-design\-or\-pattern; 474㲨 < a\-decorative\-fine\-blanket\-on\-the\-top\-of\-a\-saddle; 475㧋 < to\-lengthen\-and\-extenuate\-\-\-\-as\-in\-making\-noodle; 476㠜 < young\-kids\-smart\-and\-familiar\-with\-human\-affairs; 477便人 < somebody\-who\-happens\-to\-be\-on\-hand\-for\-an\-errand; 478㙱 < earthenware\-used\-to\-bake\-cakes\-in\-northern\-china; 479謝辛 < chea\-sim\-\(cambodian\-national\-assembly\-president\); 480外電 < reports\-from\-foreign\-\(non\-chinese\)\-news\-agancies; 481喁 < the\-mouth\-of\-a\-fish\-at\-the\-surface\-of\-the\-water; 482揎 < to\-pull\-up\-the\-sleeves\-and\-stretch\-out\-the\-arms; 483箬 < the\-cuticle\-of\-the\-bamboo\-a\-broad\-leaved\-bamboo; 484罷了 < a\-modal\-particle\-indicating\-\(don''t\-mind\-it\,\-ok\); 485靜山 < cheng\-san\-\(electoral\-constituency\-in\-singapore\); 486八仙桌 < old\-fashioned\-square\-table\-to\-seat\-eight\-people; 487包產到戶 < fixing\-of\-farm\-output\-quotas\-for\-each\-household; 488軾 < horizontal\-wooden\-bar\-in\-front\-of\-a\-sedan\-chair; 489抓飯 < a\-kind\-of\-food\-popular\-among\-believers\-in\-islam; 490萆 < the\-castor\-oil\-plant\-also\-used\-for\-other\-plants; 491塞拉凡 < \(sonny\)\-seraphin\-\(haitian\-ambassador\-to\-taiwan\); 492金大中 < kim\-dae\-jung\-\(newly\-elected\-president\-of\-korea\); 493白描 < line\-drawing\-in\-traditional\-ink\-and\-brush\-style; 494簠 < an\-ancient\-vessel\-used\-for\-holding\-boiled\-grain; 495范斯坦 < \(dianne\)\-feinstein\-\(us\-senator\-from\-california\); 496駱駝祥子 < name\-of\-a\-novel\,\-luo\-tuo\-xiangzi\,\-by\-lao\-she\-老舍; 497䲰 < a\-second\-name\-for\-the\-pigeon\-or\-the\-turtle\-dove; 498耶穌基督末世聖徒教會 < the\-church\-of\-jesus\-christ\-of\-latter\-day\-saints; 499䝥 < to\-roar\-or\-howl\-frantic\-barks\-of\-dogs\-or\-wolves; 500䔤 < the\-lush\-and\-luxuriant\-of\-the\-grass\-and\-flowers; 501液態水 < liquid\-water\-\(as\-opposed\-to\-steam\-or\-ice\,\-e\.g\.\); 502㯮 < a\-kind\-of\-tree\-with\-big\-leaves\-and\-in\-red\-color; 503逼上樑山 < be\-driven\-to\-join\-the\-liangshan\-mountain\-rebels; 504㔍 < a\-hinged\-shear\-or\-long\-knife\-for\-cutting\-fodder; 505解放軍 < people''s\-liberation\-army\-\(ie\,\-the\-chinese\-army\); 506唐山 < tang\-shan\-\(a\-chinese\-city\-in\-hebei\-河北\-province\); 507常任理事國 < permanent\-member\-state\-\(of\-un\-security\-council\); 508璜 < a\-semicircular\-jade\-ornament\-used\-as\-a\-pendant; 509避嫌 < avoid\-doing\-anything\-that\-may\-arouse\-suspicion; 510趙紫陽 < zhao\-ziyang\-\(former\-chinese\-leadership\-figure\); 511報幕 < announce\-the\-items\-on\-a\-\(theatrical\)\-programme; 512諬 < to\-open\-to\-begin\-to\-explain\-to\-inform\-a\-letter; 513親家 < parents\-of\-one''s\-daughter\-in\-law\-or\-son\-in\-law; 514南轅北轍 < \(fig\.\)\-act\-in\-a\-way\-that\-defeats\-one''s\-purpose; 515猹 < wild\-animal\-mentioned\-in\-short\-story\-by\-lu\-xun; 516犼 < a\-fierce\-mongolian\-wolf\-dragon''s\-head\-on\-roofs; 517湓 < an\-affluent\-of\-the\-river\-yangtze\-near\-kiukiang; 518歚 < used\-in\-name\-of\-famous\-korean\-painter\-ceng\-sen; 519保外就醫 < \(of\-a\-prisoner\)\-released\-for\-medical\-treatment; 520喜糖 < sweet\-given\-on\-a\-happy\-occasion\-\(esp\.\-wedding\); 521拜壽 < congratulate\-an\-elderly\-person\-on\-his\-birthday; 522蒸蒸日上 < becoming\-more\-prosperous\-with\-each\-passing\-day; 523䶛 < to\-separate\-the\-meat\-from\-the\-bones\-with\-teeth; 524䳜 < a\-kind\-of\-bird\-which\-shares\-its\-nest\-with\-rats; 525䲍 < a\-perch\-like\-fish\-with\-white\-body\-and\-red\-tail; 526䩶 < saddle\-and\-rein\-etc\.\-for\-the\-imperial\-carriage; 527烏魯木齊 < urumqi\-\(capital\-of\-xinjiang\-autonomous\-region\); 528安土重遷 < hate\-to\-leave\-a\-place\-where\-one\-has\-lived\-long; 529䗽 < a\-small\-gadfly\-that\-suck\-blood\-of\-horse\-or\-cow; 530䉴 < a\-bamboo\-ware\-to\-collect\-and\-keep\-something\-in; 531䉅 < small\-bamboo\-whose\-joints\-are\-three\-feet\-apart; 532䄦 < to\-put\-forth\-ears\-and\-to\-blossom\-of\-the\-grains; 533政府機關開放系統互連總則 < government\-open\-system\-interconnection\-profile; 534㽩 < connected\-banks\-of\-earth\-or\-paths\-in\-the\-field; 535並行 < in\-parallel\-\[development\,\-implementation\,\-etc\]; 536㹃 < two\-brindled\-cows\-to\-plough\-face\-to\-each\-other; 537伯杰 < \(samuel\)\-berger\-\(us\-national\-security\-advisor\); 538㶟 < an\-ancient\-neme\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shanxi\-and\-hebei; 539東盟 < asean\-\(association\-of\-southeast\-asian\-nations\); 540㲈 < the\-name\-of\-the\-music\-of\-the\-legendary\-emperor; 541㬐 < a\-state\-during\-the\-period\-of\-spring\-and\-autumn; 542㡛 < name\-for\-a\-workman\-who\-apply\-color\-in\-painting; 543工商銀行 < industrial\-and\-commercial\-bank\-of\-china\-\(icbc\); 544㟢 < the\-rocks\-on\-the\-hills\-are\-of\-different\-shapes; 545㜼 < children\-of\-one''s\-brother\-\-\-\-nephews\-or\-nieces; 546曾經 < \(refers\-to\-something\-that\-happened\-previously\); 547㔽 < a\-kind\-of\-wine\-pot\-or\-jar\-used\-in\-ancient\-time; 548㓃 < to\-sacrifice\-by\-pouring\-out\-a\-libation\-of\-wine; 549㑞 < a\-maid\-who\-accompanies\-a\-bride\-to\-her\-new\-home; 550可見 < it\-can\-clearly\-be\-seen\-\(that\-this\-is\-the\-case\); 551事與願違 < things\-don''t\-turn\-out\-the\-way\-you\-want\-or\-plan; 552慰問 < express\-sympathy\,\-greetings\,\-consolation\,\-etc\.; 553海德 < hyde\-\(eg\,\-house\-judiciary\-chairman\-henry\-hyde\); 554張燈結綵 < be\-decorated\-with\-lanterns\-and\-colored\-banners; 555閉門思過 < shut\-oneself\-up\-and\-ponder\-over\-one''s\-mistakes; 556羅斯 < roth\-\(eg\,\-hrw\-executive\-director\-kenneth\-roth\); 557閉關自守 < close\-the\-country\-to\-international\-intercourse; 558旁聽 < be\-a\-visitor\-\(at\-a\-meeting\,\-class\,\-trial\,\-etc\); 559互通性 < interoperability\-\(of\-communications\-equipment\); 560畲 < to\-cultivate\-land\-by\-first\-setting\-fire\-to\-it; 561篚 < round\-or\-oval\-covered\-baskets\-with\-short\-legs; 562推辭 < to\-decline\-\(an\-appointment\,\-invitation\,\-etc\.\); 563不避艱險 < shrink\-or\-flinch\-from\-no\-difficulty\-or\-danger; 564白痢 < dysentery\-characterized\-by\-white\-mucous\-stool; 565華佗 < name\-of\-a\-famous\-doctor\-in\-old\-times\,\-hua\-tuo; 566粔 < cakes\-made\-from\-rice\-flour\-twisted\-into\-rings; 567戤 < to\-infringe\-a\-trade\-mark\-to\-pledge\-an\-article; 568阿旺曲沛 < ngawang\-choepel\-\(tibetan\,\-fullbright\-scholar\); 569棒槌 < wooden\-club\-\(used\-to\-beat\-clothes\-in\-washing\); 570全斗煥 < chun\-doo\-hwan\-\(former\-south\-korean\-president\); 571乤 < first\-character\-of\-korean\-place\-name\-''halpho''; 572䶨 < in\-the\-manner\-a\-toothless\-person\-chewing\-food; 573䮛 < extra\-horse\-harnessed\-by\-the\-side\-of\-the\-team; 574䣠 < name\-of\-a\-village\-in\-today''s\-sichuan\-province; 575䣟 < name\-of\-pavilion\-in\-today''s\-shandong\-province; 576䠒 < courtesy\-of\-a\-minority\-group\-in\-ancient\-times; 577䝰 < to\-store\-or\-to\-accumulate\-riches\-or\-valuables; 578䜱 < name\-of\-a\-pavilion\-in\-today''s\-shanxi\-province; 579䓝 < chinese\-pennisetum\)\-pennisetum\-alopecuroides\); 580䋉 < a\-numerary\-adjunct\-for\-practically\-everything; 581䊣 < light\-yellow\-dust\-like\-fungoid\-growth\-on\-wine; 582䇒 < numerary\-adjunct\-for\-periodic\-terms\-or\-events; 583㿗 < disease\-of\-the\-private\-part\-of\-the\-human\-body; 584㾫 < hemiplegia\-\-\-\-paralysis\-of\-half\-of\-one''s\-body; 585㻞 < flourishing\-and\-radiant\-of\-the\-colorful\-jades; 586㹱 < name\-of\-a\-dog\-in\-the\-period\-of\-warring\-states; 587㲥 < a\-kind\-of\-woolen\-textiles\-with\-curved\-pattern; 588㭹 < name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-today''s\-shandong\-province; 589㣯 < the\-dresses\-toss\-and\-flying\-about\-in\-the\-wind; 590㢯 < bows\-used\-by\-the\-son\-of\-heaven\-\-\-\-the\-emperor; 591㡊 < a\-kind\-of\-cap\-worn\-by\-an\-officer\-in\-old\-china; 592人民大會堂 < great\-hall\-of\-the\-people\,\-at\-tiananmen\-square; 593㙫 < a\-fountain\-or\-spring\-out\-from\-the\-underground; 594㙍 < name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-today''s\-guangdong\-province; 595探路者 < pathfinder\-\(space\-craft\-sent\-to\-mars\-by\-nasa\); 596畫蛇添足 < ruin\-the\-effect\-by\-adding\-what\-is\-superfluous; 597崔亞琳 < charles\-yah\-lin\-trie\-\(arkansas\-restauranteur\); 598北大西洋公約組織 < the\-north\-atlantic\-treaty\-organization\-\(nato\); 599專案組 < special\-\(legal\|judicial\)\-investigations\-group; 600仗義執言 < speak\-out\-on\-a\-matter\-of\-principle\-or\-justice; 601兵臨城下 < the\-attacking\-army\-has\-reached\-the\-city\-gates; 602吞吐 < to\-take\-in\-and\-send\-out\-\(in\-large\-quantities\); 603钧 < unit\-of\-measure\-equivalent\-to\-thirty\-catties; 604妲 < concubine\-of\-last\-ruler\-of\-the\-shang\-dynasty; 605瓴 < concave\-channels\-of\-tiling\-a\-long\-necked\-jar; 606媵 < a\-maid\-who\-accompanies\-bride\-to\-her\-new\-home; 607胙 < meat\-offered\-in\-sacrifice\-to\-one''s\-ancestors; 608蟊 < a\-fly\-which\-is\-used\-similarly\-to\-cantharides; 609斷橋 < the\-broken\-bridge\-\(at\-west\-lake\-in\-hangzhou\); 610失敗是成功之母 < \"failure\-is\-the\-mother\-of\-success\"\-\(proverb\); 611氣功 < qigong\,\-a\-system\-of\-deep\-breathing\-exercises; 612省級 < provincial\-level\-\(eg\,\-provincial\-government\); 613武打 < acrobatic\-fighting\-in\-chinese\-opera\-or\-dance; 614橋本龍太郎 < hashimoto\,\-ryutaro\-\(prime\-minister\-of\-japan\); 615騲 < the\-female\-of\-certain\-animals\-such\-as\-horses; 616報失 < report\-the\-loss\-to\-the\-authorities\-concerned; 617保養 < take\-good\-care\-of\-\(or\-conserve\)\-one''s\-health; 618平信 < ordinary\-mail\-\(as\-opposed\-to\-air\-mail\,\-etc\.\); 619分享 < obtain\-one''s\-share\-\(of\-wealth\,\-rights\,\-etc\.\); 620紅堡 < red\-fort\-\(historic\-building\-in\-delhi\,\-india\); 621珓 < two\-hemispherical\-objects\-used\-in\-divination; 622元宵 < sweet\-dumplings\-made\-of\-glutinous\-rice\-flour; 623背城借一 < make\-a\-last\-ditch\-stand\-before\-the\-city\-wall; 624敧 < to\-pick\-up\-thing\-with\-chopsticks\-or\-pincers\.; 625扄 < large\-ring\-on\-a\-front\-door\-used\-as\-a\-knocker; 626嫏 < the\-place\-where\-the\-supreme\-stores\-his\-books; 627臨寫 < to\-copy\-\(a\-model\-of\-calligraphy\-or\-painting\); 628月餅 < moon\-cake\-\(esp\.\-for\-the\-mid\-autumn\-festival\); 629百感交集 < all\-sorts\-of\-feelings\-well\-up\-in\-one''s\-heart; 630䱁 < a\-kind\-of\-medium\-sized\-fish\-grown\-in\-the\-sea; 631䰏 < sparse\-hair\-on\-a\-knot\-on\-the\-top\-of\-the\-head; 632䮆 < a\-horse\-with\-mixed\-color\-of\-yellow\-and\-white; 633䩛 < leather\-belt\-used\-to\-bind\-or\-restrain\-a\-cart; 634抄家 < to\-search\-a\-house\-and\-confiscate\-possessions; 635䦹 < name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-today''s\-sichuan\-province; 636䣔 < name\-of\-a\-pavilion\-in\-today''s\-henan\-province; 637䣑 < living\-space\-for\-one\-family\-in\-ancient\-times; 638䣄 < name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-today''s\-shandong\-province; 639䢹 < name\-of\-a\-pavilion\-in\-today''s\-hunan\-province; 640䢪 < a\-sledge\-for\-transportation\-over\-mud\-or\-snow; 641䟆 < to\-keep\-persons\-off\-the\-route\-of\-the\-emperor; 642會見 < to\-meet\-with\-\(someone\-who\-is\-paying\-a\-visit\); 643䈐 < an\-arched\-frame\-made\-of\-bamboo\-of\-wood\-board; 644䅿 < luxuriant\-or\-exuberant\-of\-the\-grains\-flowery; 645䃈 < mountain\-rocks\-a\-black\-stone\-resembling\-jade; 646䂬 < big\-rocks\-on\-the\-riverside\-an\-arched\-opening; 647䁝 < deluding\-and\-causing\-disorder\-lights\-shining; 648㽟 < to\-till\-or\-to\-plough\-the\-fields\-an\-enclosure; 649㮄 < publicly\-posted\-roll\-of\-successful\-examinees; 650㭸 < the\-branches\-to\-spread\-out\-in\-all\-directions; 651㩉 < to\-take\-a\-rubbing\-of\-an\-inscription\-on\-stone; 652㣁 < to\-equipt\-a\-bow\-with\-silk\-and\-muscular\-fibre; 653㝙 < the\-third\-of\-the\-twelve\-terrestrial\-branches; 654長沙灣 < cheung\-sha\-wan\-\(poultry\-market\-in\-hong\-kong\); 655奧爾布賴特 < \(madeleine\)\-albright\-\(us\-secretary\-of\-state\); 656正常化 < normalization\-\(of\-diplomatic\-relations\,\-etc\); 657兵不厭詐 < there\-can\-never\-be\-too\-much\-deception\-in\-war; 658五六十歲 < \(in\-one''s\)\-fifties\-or\-sixties\-\(years\-of\-age\); 659避重就輕 < avoid\-the\-important\-and\-dwell\-on\-the\-trivial; 660大舉 < carry\-out\-a\-large\-scale\-\(military\)\-operation; 661日漸 < \(keep\-increasing\,\-changing\,\-etc\.\)\-day\-by\-day; 662標新立異 < start\-something\-new\-in\-order\-to\-be\-different; 663議席 < seat\-in\-a\-parliament\-or\-legislative\-assembly; 664乎 < interrogative\-or\-exclamatory\-final\-particle; 665澄 < purify\-water\-by\-allowing\-sediment\-to\-settle; 666歟 < a\-final\-particle\-used\-to\-express\-admiration; 667梢 < pointed\-tip\-of\-something\-long\-like\-a\-branch; 668哒 < a\-sound\-made\-to\-get\-a\-horse\-to\-move\-forward; 669琮 < octagonal\-piece\-of\-jade\-with\-hole\-in\-middle; 670唼 < speaking\-evil\.\-gobbling\-sound\-made\-by\-ducks; 671大功告成 < successfully\-accomplished\-\(project\-or\-goal\); 672通緝 < wanted\-by\-the\-police\-\(fugitive\-or\-criminal\); 673真納 < \(mohammad\-ali\)\-jinnah\-\(founder\-of\-pakistan\); 674謝裡夫 < \(nawaz\)\-sharif\-\(prime\-minister\-of\-pakistan\); 675魯賓 < rubin\-\(eg\,\-treasury\-secretary\-robert\-rubin\); 676力寶 < lippo\-\(group\)\-\(indonesian\-business\-concern\); 677吳作棟 < goh\-chok\-tong\-\(prime\-minister\-of\-singapore\); 678無所用心 < eat\-three\-square\-meals\-a\-day\-and\-do\-no\-work; 679側鋒 < oblique\-attack\-\(brush\-movement\-in\-painting\); 680邴 < name\-of\-a\-city\-in\-the\-ancient\-state\-of\-song; 681班門弄斧 < display\-one''s\-slight\-skill\-before\-an\-expert; 682中國日報 < china\-daily\-\(an\-english\-language\-newspaper\); 683崇禎 < chongzhen\,\-last\-emperor\-of\-the\-ming\-dynasty; 684白字 < wrongly\-written\-and\-mispronounced\-character; 685不可終日 < be\-unable\-to\-carry\-on\-even\-for\-a\-single\-day; 686寄予很大期望 < to\-place\-great\-hope\-or\-expectation\-on\-\(sth\); 687工人黨 < workers''\-party\-\(singapore\-opposition\-party\); 688對策 < countermeasure\-for\-dealing\-with\-a\-situation; 689䶘 < the\-sound\-of\-chewing\-something\-dry\-and\-hard; 690䮲 < horse\-with\-mixed\-colors\-of\-yellow\-and\-white; 691䦼 < to\-dig\-a\-passage\-through\-a\-mountain\-or\-hill; 692䥑 < a\-kind\-of\-decoration\-on\-the\-head\-of\-a\-horse; 693䣯 < wine\-or\-any\-thick\-fluid\-of\-the\-best\-quality; 694䣚 < name\-of\-a\-village\-in\-today''s\-henan\-province; 695䣙 < name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-today''s\-shanxi\-province; 696䢺 < name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-today''s\-sichuan\-province; 697䡿 < frames\-on\-the\-sides\-and\-front\-of\-a\-carriage; 698䜯 < name\-of\-a\-valley\-in\-today''s\-shanxi\-province; 699䘿 < shirt\-or\-a\-jacket\-without\-any\-decorated\-hem; 700䖂 < an\-edib\-le\-water\-plant\-\-\-\-brasenia\-purpurca; 701䏮 < the\-sides\-of\-the\-trunk\-from\-armpits\-to\-ribs; 702䅍 < straight\-upward\-of\-the\-wheat\-and\-rice\-plant; 703䂸 < to\-smash\-or\-to\-knock\-to\-pieces\-of\-the\-stone; 704筆力 < vigour\-of\-strokes\-in\-calligraphy\-or\-drawing; 705罰酒 < to\-drink\-as\-the\-result\-of\-having\-lost\-a\-bet; 706㾼 < to\-suffer\-a\-stroke\-of\-paralysis\-or\-apoplexy; 707㽫 < seeds\-of\-the\-plant\-allied\-to\-the\-water\-lily; 708㸷 < a\-kind\-of\-cattle\-with\-two\-horns\-straight\-up; 709㶬 < bright\-lights\-and\-illuminations\-of\-the\-fire; 710㶆 < name\-of\-a\-stream\-in\-hebei\-province\-hengshan; 711斯佩林 < spelling\-\(eg\,\-spelling\-entertainment\-group\); 712㮫 < a\-wooden\-artical\-to\-be\-used\-to\-adjust\-a\-bow; 713㫍 < the\-scallops\-along\-the\-lower\-edge\-of\-a\-flag; 714㧏 < to\-carry\-on\-the\-shouldersof\-two\-or\-more\-men; 715星體 < celestial\-body\-\(eg\,\-planet\,\-satellite\,\-etc\); 716㛶 < do\-not\-care\-about\-appearance\-and\-deportment; 717㚔 < instrument\-of\-torture\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 718㙇 < the\-cattle\-and\-horses\-trampled\-on\-the\-field; 719主管 < \(be\)\-person\-in\-charge\-of\-\(a\-position\,\-etc\.\); 720單槍匹馬 < single\-handed\-\(lit\:\-single\-spear\-one\-horse\); 721盧泰愚 < roh\-tae\-woo\-\(former\-south\-korean\-president\); 722步韻 < to\-write\-a\-poem\-using\-another\-poem''s\-rhymes; 723口氣 < \(friendly\-or\-unfriendly\)\-tone\-\(of\-comments\); 724正鋒 < frontal\-attack\-\(brush\-movement\-in\-painting\); 725齊白石 < name\-of\-a\-famous\-chinese\-artist\,\-qi\-bai\-shi; 726下來 < \(verb\-suffix\-indicating\-continuation\,\-etc\.\); 727幹部 < a\-cadre\-\(ie\,\-manager\,\-staff\,\-officer\,\-etc\.\); 728娅 < mutual\-term\-of\-address\-used\-by\-sons\-in\-law; 729商務部 < commerce\-department\-\(of\-the\-us\-government\); 730名副其實 < not\-just\-in\-name\-only\,\-but\-also\-in\-reality; 731不當一回事 < not\-regard\-as\-a\-matter\-\(of\-any\-importance\); 732老伴兒 < \(of\-an\-old\-married\-couple\)\-husband\-or\-wife; 733不打不相識 < from\-an\-exchange\-of\-blows\-friendship\-grows; 734巴爾舍夫斯基 < \(charlene\)\-barshefsky\,\-us\-trade\-negotiator; 735鮠 < a\-kind\-of\-shad\-with\-a\-head\-like\-a\-sturgeon; 736接納 < admit\-\(into\-membership\-of\-an\-organization\); 737喜新厭舊 < literal\:\-to\-like\-the\-new\,\-and\-hate\-the\-old; 738把風 < keep\-watch\-\(during\-a\-clandestine\-activity\); 739備耕 < make\-preparations\-for\-ploughing\-and\-sowing; 740撥冗 < find\-time\-in\-the\-midst\-of\-pressing\-affairs; 741胑 < the\-limbs\.\-wings\-of\-birds\.\-legs\-of\-animals; 742筭 < an\-ancient\-device\-for\-working\-with\-numbers; 743梆子腔 < a\-general\-term\-for\-local\-operas\-in\-shangxi; 744滝 < onomatopoeic\-for\-the\-sound\-of\-falling\-rain; 745栽贓 < to\-frame\-someone\-\(by\-planting\-sth\-on\-them\); 746換取 < give\-something\-and\-get\-something\-in\-return; 747拍案叫絕 < lit\.\:\-slap\-the\-table\-and\-shout\-with\-praise; 748偽書 < \(forged\,\-dubious\,\-misclassified\)\-old\-books; 749梅蘭芳 < name\-of\-a\-very\-famous\-beijing\-opera\-artist; 750簿冊 < books\-for\-taking\-notes\-or\-keeping\-accounts; 751䳵 < a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird\-with\-colorful\-feather; 752䳛 < a\-small\-brown\-speckled\-bird\-like\-the\-quail; 753䩑 < horizontal\-front\-bar\-on\-a\-cart\-or\-carriage; 754䦓 < to\-wait\-for\-something\-tohappen\-immediately; 755䣤 < name\-of\-village\-in\-today''s\-shanxi\-province; 756䣝 < name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-today''s\-shanxi\-province; 757䣂 < name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-today''s\-hunan\-province; 758䡩 < sound\-of\-carts\-or\-stones\-knocking\-together; 759䠀 < to\-sit\-cross\-legged\-like\-a\-buddhist\-priest; 760䜫 < name\-of\-a\-valley\-in\-today''s\-hobei\-province; 761䜚 < to\-speak\-recklessly\-or\-without\-forethought; 762䓥 < sound\-of\-the\-wriggled\-insects\-on\-the\-grass; 763䐄 < the\-unsatisfaction\-of\-hunger\-requires\-meat; 764䍴 < to\-squeeze\-and\-to\-crowd\-against\-each\-other; 765䍆 < container\-for\-grains\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 766上車 < to\-get\-on\-or\-into\-\(a\-bus\,\-train\,\-car\-etc\.\); 767䇯 < a\-kind\-of\-bamboo\-with\-patterns\-on\-the\-head; 768行政院 < executive\-yuan\-\(government\-body\-in\-taiwan\); 769㼱 < to\-manage\-or\-regulate\-the\-leather\-material; 770㯊 < even\-measuring\-board\-for\-pecks\-and\-bushels; 771筆下 < the\-wording\-and\-purport\-of\-what\-one\-writes; 772便函 < an\-informal\-letter\-sent\-by\-an\-organization; 773㨐 < to\-slap\-lightly\-on\-the\-clothes\-or\-coverlet; 774㢥 < a\-big\-piece\-of\-log\-to\-join\-the\-thick\-ropes; 775首席 < chief\-\(representative\,\-correspondent\,\-etc\); 776贅婿 < son\-in\-law\-living\-at\-wife''s\-parent''s\-house; 777杰佛茲 < \(james\)\-jeffords\-\(us\-senator\-from\-vermont\); 778處於 < be\-\(in\-some\-state\,\-position\,\-or\-condition\); 779風土人情 < local\-conditions\-\(human\-and\-environmental\); 780阿拉塔斯 < \(ali\)\-alatas\-\(indonesian\-foreign\-minister\); 781羅布泊 < lop\-nor\-\(nuclear\-testing\-site\-in\-xinjiang\); 782民進黨 < dpp\-\(democratic\-progressive\-party\,\-taiwan\); 783敗筆 < a\-faulty\-stroke\-in\-calligraphy\-or\-painting; 784珈 < an\-ornament\-attached\-to\-a\-woman''s\-hairpin; 785蜃 < marine\-monster\-which\-can\-change\-its\-shape; 786斛 < dry\-measure\-equal\-to\-some\-five\-or\-ten\-dou; 787鄯 < district\-in\-gansu\-during\-the\-tang\-dynasty; 788庹 < the\-length\-of\-one''s\-two\-outstretched\-arms; 789揲 < to\-sort\-out\-the\-stalks\-used\-in\-divination; 790出路 < a\-way\-out\-\(of\-a\-difficult\-situation\,\-etc\); 791約定資訊速率 < committed\-inforrmation\-rate\-\(frame\-relay\); 792白花蛇 < long\-nosed\-pit\-viper\-\(agkistrodon\-acutus\); 793中共中央 < chinese\-communist\-party\-central\-committee; 794博聞強記 < have\-wide\-learning\-and\-a\-retentive\-memory; 795度日 < scratch\-out\-a\-difficult\,\-meager\-existence; 796眾議員 < member\-of\-the\-us\-house\-of\-representatives; 797韍 < a\-leather\-knee\-pad\-worn\-during\-sacrifices; 798報案 < report\-a\-case\-to\-the\-security\-authorities; 799鏞 < a\-large\-bell\-used\-as\-a\-musical\-instrument; 800軎 < a\-brass\-parts\-for\-a\-cart\-in\-ancient\-china; 801兵源 < manpower\-resources\-\(for\-military\-service\); 802虋 < asparagus\-a\-variety\-of\-red\-stalked\-millet; 803百年大計 < a\-project\-of\-vital\-and\-lasting\-importance; 804邁科裡 < \(mike\)\-mccurry\-\(white\-house\-spokesperson\); 805拔苗助長 < spoil\-things\-through\-excessive\-enthusiasm; 806報告會 < public\-lecture\-\(with\-guest\-speakers\,\-etc\); 807利伯曼 < \(connecticut\-senator\-joseph\-i\.\)\-lieberman; 808肯普索恩 < \(dirk\)\-kempthorne\-\(us\-senator\-from\-idaho\); 809廞 < to\-prepare\-horses\-and\-chariots\-for\-battle; 810婗 < a\-new\-born\-child\-the\-whimper\-of\-an\-infant; 811妺 < wife\-of\-the\-last\-ruler\-of\-the\-xia\-dynasty; 812噠 < sound\-made\-to\-get\-a\-horse\-to\-move\-forward; 813外孫女兒 < granddaughter\-\(daughter\-of\-one''s\-daugher\); 814有電 < \(of\-a\-dwelling\)\-supplied\-with\-electricity; 815百折不撓 < keep\-on\-fighting\-in\-spite\-of\-all\-setbacks; 816神女峰 < name\-of\-a\-peak\-by\-changjiang\-three\-gorges; 817丂 < obstruction\-of\-breath\-as\-it\-seeks\-release; 818賁臨 < \(of\-distinguished\-guests\)\-honour\-my\-house; 819䰿 < a\-kind\-of\-small\-fish\-grown\-in\-fresh\-water; 820安身立命 < settle\-down\-and\-get\-on\-with\-one''s\-pursuit; 821䢿 < name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-today''s\-hobei\-province; 822䡈 < the\-cross\-bar\-at\-the\-sides\-of\-a\-carritage; 823䔉 < scattered\-or\-dispersed\-of\-grass\-and\-trees; 824䑒 < a\-kind\-of\-farm\-tool\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 825䐣 < soup\-made\-of\-cutted\-meat\-mixed\-with\-blood; 826䌮 < silk\-fabrics\-with\-the\-color\-of\-new\-leaves; 827䄨 < grains\-producing\-neither\-flower\-nor\-fruit; 828䄝 < show\-no\-respect\-to\-the\-service\-of\-worship; 829㼭 < to\-steady\-by\-putting\-something\-underneath; 830㻲 < a\-rite\-or\-service\-for\-beginning\-of\-autumn; 831逆向擁塞通知 < backward\-explicit\-congestion\-notification; 832經營管理和維護 < operations\-administration\-and\-maintenance; 833㪪 < to\-use\-a\-wooden\-pole\-to\-support\-something; 834㢦 < wooden\-post\-or\-pile\-for\-tethering\-animals; 835㜢 < a\-bad\-term\-by\-which\-one\-addresses\-a\-woman; 836㚒 < concealed\-the\-stolen\-goods\-in\-one''s\-dress; 837白曉燕 < pai\-hsiao\-yen\-\(daughter\-of\-pai\-ping\-ping\); 838不經一事不長一智 < you\-can''t\-gain\-knowledge\-without\-practice; 839松下 < matsushita\-\(japanese\-electronics\-company\); 840不妙 < \(of\-a\-turn\-of\-events\)\-not\-too\-encouraging; 841踣 < to\-stumble\-and\-fall\-prone\-stiff\-in\-death; 842黼 < embroidered\-official\-or\-sacrificial\-robe; 843峄 < a\-range\-of\-peaks\-in\-shandong\-and\-jiangsu; 844勉強 < manage\-\(to\-do\-something\)\-with\-difficulty; 845別無 < have\-no\-other\-\(choice\,\-alternative\,\-etc\); 846不可一世 < consider\-oneself\-unexcelled\-in\-the\-world; 847金日成 < kim\-il\-sung\-\(former\-north\-korean\-leader\); 848公約 < convention\-\(ie\,\-international\-agreement\); 849闗 < a\-frontier\-pass\-or\-gate\-to\-shut\-or\-close; 850邾 < a\-feudal\-state\-which\-existed\-b\.c\.700\-469; 851太極劍 < a\-kind\-of\-traditional\-chinese\-sword\-play; 852年度 < year\-\(eg\,\-school\-year\,\-fiscal\-year\,\-etc\); 853絕對數字 < absolute\-\(as\-opposed\-to\-relative\)\-number; 854薩 < transliteration\-of\-''sat''\-in\-''bodhisattva; 855筆順 < order\-of\-strokes\-observed\-in\-calligraphy; 856膰 < to\-cook\-meat\-for\-a\-sacrifice\-or\-offering; 857扎針 < to\-give\-or\-have\-an\-acupuncture\-treatment; 858司法部 < justice\-deparment\-\(of\-the\-us\-government\); 859瑌 < a\-white\-opaque\-quartz\-used\-for\-ornaments; 860潟 < land\-impregnated\-with\-salt\-from\-the\-tide; 861製劑 < \(chemical\-or\-pharmaceutical\)\-preparation; 862體會 < know\-\(through\-learning\-or\-by\-experience\); 863偽托 < faking\-a\-modern\-object\-as\-an\-ancient\-one; 864庫納南 < \(andrew\)\-cunanan\-\(alleged\-serial\-killer\); 865海關 < customs\-\(ie\,\-border\-crossing\-inspection\); 866抱頭鼠竄 < cover\-the\-head\-and\-sneak\-away\-like\-a\-rat; 867黃建南 < john\-huang\-\(democratic\-party\-fundraiser\); 868䵞 < ancient\-punishment\-of\-tattooing\-the\-face; 869䱹 < a\-condiment\-made\-from\-minced\-fish\-salted; 870䯰 < use\-a\-hair\-pin\-to\-set\-and\-dress\-the\-hair; 871䬯 < to\-have\-congee\-with\-friends\-in\-old\-times; 872䡋 < decoration\-on\-the\-nave\-or\-hub\-of\-a\-wheel; 873䞃 < to\-relieve\-or\-give\-aid\-to\-the\-distressed; 874䘯 < the\-lapel\-or\-collar\-of\-a\-garment\-or\-robe; 875䘤 < a\-sword\-covering\-to\-protect\-the\-scabbard; 876䑌 < lwhat\-is\-left\-over\-of\-the\-food\-\-overripe; 877䋧 < ornamennts\-for\-the\-frontal\-part\-of\-shoes; 878䋣 < decorations\-put\-on\-the\-mane\-or\-horsehair; 879䈕 < the\-metal\-tongue\-in\-the\-reed\-instruments; 880䃴 < a\-whetstone\-used\-to\-grind\-precious\-stone; 881䁼 < to\-look\-but\-see\-nothing\-\-\-\-absent\-minded; 882㿆 < damage\-by\-the\-pests\-to\-the\-rice\-seedling; 883㻶 < a\-jade\-tube\-with\-white\-and\-nature\-colors; 884㻰 < decorated\-jade\-or\-ornament\-on\-a\-scabbard; 885㻡 < a\-jade\-ring\-with\-a\-small\-segment\-cut\-off; 886㮆 < eaves\-sprouting\-from\-the\-stump\-of\-a\-tree; 887㫔 < one\-of\-the\-eight\-diagrams\-for\-divination; 888㪻 < a\-kind\-of\-utensil\-used\-to\-ladle\-out\-wine; 889㩊 < to\-pull\-up\-the\-sleeves\-and\-show\-the\-arms; 890㧭 < to\-get\-something\-with\-both\-raising\-hands; 891㧚 < the\-gesture\-of\-using\-an\-indented\-contain; 892㧆 < to\-cover\-something\-with\-a\-piece\-of\-cloth; 893百廢俱興 < all\-neglected\-tasks\-are\-being\-undertaken; 894㡋 < a\-kind\-of\-headdress\-for\-man\-in\-old\-china; 895㠸 < the\-lapel\-or\-collor\-of\-a\-garment\-or\-robe; 896㜚 < a\-local\-government\-post\-in\-ancient\-times; 897㙟 < low\-lying\-on\-the\-side\-of\-a\-river\-or\-lake; 898避實就虛 < stay\-clear\-of\-the\-enemy''s\-main\-force\-and; 899不求甚解 < not\-seek\-to\-understand\-things\-thoroughly; 900碑記 < a\-record\-of\-events\-inscribed\-on\-a\-tablet; 901中央全會 < plenary\-session\-of\-the\-central\-committee; 902包辦 < take\-care\-of\-everything\-concerning\-a\-job; 903古杰拉爾 < \(i\.\-k\.\)\-gujral\-\(prime\-minister\-of\-india\); 904黃岩島 < huangyan\-island\-\(in\-the\-south\-china\-sea\); 905機關報 < official\-\(government\-operated\)\-newspaper; 906前向擁塞通知 < forward\-explicit\-congestion\-notification; 907出面 < act\-in\-a\-\(official\-or\-personal\)\-capacity; 908喏 < respectful\-reply\-of\-assent\-to\-superiors; 909笏 < tablet\-held\-by\-someone\-having\-authority; 910趼 < callous\-skin\-on\-hands\-or\-feet\.\-blisters; 911相隔 < be\-separated\-by\-\(distance\-or\-time\,\-etc\); 912美國廣播公司 < abc\-\(american\-broadcasting\-corporation\); 913時報 < \"times\"\-\(newspaper\,\-eg\,\-new\-york\-times\); 914通航 < connected\-by\-air\|sea\-traffic\-or\-service; 915核武器研製計劃 < nuclear\-weapons\-\(manufacturing\)\-program; 916冷淡關係 < cold\-relations\-\(e\.g\.\-between\-countries\); 917不了了之 < settle\-a\-matter\-by\-leaving\-it\-unsettled; 918遷居 < to\-move\-\(from\-one\-residence\-to\-another\); 919饝 < to\-feed\-an\-infant\-by\-hand\-steamed\-bread; 920不即不離 < be\-neither\-too\-familiar\-nor\-too\-distant; 921總政治部 < \(military\)\-general\-political\-department; 922哈裡森史密特 < harrison\-schmitt\-\(apollo\-1\-7\-astronaut\); 923入學率 < percentage\-of\-children\-who\-enter\-school; 924裍 < a\-border\-or\-band\-on\-the\-edge\-of\-a\-dress; 925年代 < a\-decade\-of\-a\-century\-\(eg\,\-the\-sixties\); 926畢其功于一役 < accomplish\-the\-whole\-task\-at\-one\-stroke; 927半路出家 < switch\-to\-a\-job\-one\-was\-not\-trained\-for; 928籪 < a\-weir\-of\-bamboo\-to\-catch\-fish\-or\-crabs; 929瘲 < spasms\-or\-convulsions\-in\-young\-children; 930瑲 < tinkling\-sound\-tinkling\-of\-pendant\-gems; 931病毒學家 < virologist\-\(person\-who\-studies\-viruses\); 932建立正式外交關係 < formally\-establish\-diplomatic\-relations; 933茅臺酒 < maotai\-or\-maitai\-\(chinese\-strong\-drink\); 934結社自由 < \(constitutional\)\-freedom\-of\-association; 935弝 < the\-part\-of\-a\-bow\-grasped\-when\-shooting; 936喬石 < qiao\-shi\-\(chinese\-leadership\-contender\); 937豎鉤 < \(straight\-down\-hooked\-character\-stroke\); 938䥜 < protective\-metal\-on\-the\-axis\-of\-a\-wheel; 939成本 < \(manufacturing\,\-production\,\-etc\.\)\-costs; 940䙖 < a\-cloth\-to\-carry\-an\-iinfant\-on\-the\-back; 941王羲之 < name\-of\-a\-person\,\-a\-famous\-calligrapher; 942䏫 < in\-between\-of\-the\-abdomen\-and\-the\-spine; 943䍉 < traces\-or\-marks\-of\-incomplete\-or\-damage; 944䌸 < fine\-silk\-fabric\-of\-bright\-white\-colour; 945邊角科 < leftover\-bits\-and\-pieces\-\(of\-industrial; 946䋿 < a\-decorative\-knot\-made\-of\-colorful\-silk; 947䈜 < a\-thread\-used\-by\-carpenters\-for\-marking; 948䈆 < a\-shallow\-and\-long\-shaped\-bamboo\-basket; 949代理 < acting\-\(temporarily\-filling\-a\-position\); 950㿹 < jutting\-on\-the\-epidermis\-or\-the\-cuticle; 951㼫 < earthenware\-or\-pottery\-with\-big\-opening; 952㵻 < to\-perspire\-from\-embarrassment\-or\-shame; 953蔓延全國 < to\-spread\-throughout\-the\-entire\-country; 954㭩 < a\-kind\-of\-tree\-can\-be\-used\-as\-dye\-stuff; 955㣙 < to\-walk\-in\-an\-easy\-and\-leisurely\-manner; 956㢪 < to\-draw\-a\-full\-bow\-to\-aim\-at\-the\-target; 957客廳 < drawing\-room\-\(room\-for\-arriving\-guests\); 958㘊 < the\-abrupt\-and\-hasty\-sound\-of\-the\-crowd; 959㖮 < an\-interjection\-used\-in\-poems\-and\-songs; 960㔮 < a\-kind\-of\-animal\-which\-looks\-like\-a\-rat; 961蓮霧 < wax\-apple\-\(a\-reddish\-pear\-shaped\-fruit\); 962題簽 < to\-write\-the\-title\-of\-a\-book\-on\-a\-label; 963百思不解 < remain\-puzzled\-after\-pondering\-over\-sth; 964半勞動力 < one\-able\-to\-do\-light\-manual\-labour\-only; 965總後勤部 < \(military\)\-general\-logistics\-department; 966一國兩制 < one\-country\,\-two\-systems\-\(china\-taiwan\); 967擺事實講道理 < present\-the\-facts\-and\-reason\-things\-out; 968老二 < the\-second\-child\-or\-brother\-\(or\-sister\); 969中南 < \(abbreviation\-for\)\-china\-\-\-south\-africa; 970阿昌族 < the\-achang\-nationality\-living\-in\-yunnan; 971版次 < the\-order\-in\-which\-editions\-are\-printed; 972啧 < interjection\-of\-approval\-or\-admiration; 973捺 < to\-press\-down\-heavily\-with\-the\-fingers; 974傣 < the\-dai\-minority\-living\-in\-south\-china; 975鸩 < a\-bird\-resembling\-the\-secretary\-falcon; 976淝 < name\-of\-an\-affluent\-of\-the\-poyang\-lake; 977郅 < to\-go\-up\-to\.\-flourishing\-a\-superlative; 978轫 < a\-block\-that\-keeps\-a\-wheel\-from\-moving; 979嶷 < a\-range\-of\-mountains\-in\-hunan\-province; 980鬲 < type\-of\-caldron\-with\-three\-hollow\-legs; 981刖 < cutting\-off\-feet\-as\-form\-of\-punishment; 982穸 < the\-gloom\-of\-the\-grave\-a\-tomb\-or\-grave; 983蘅 < a\-fragrant\-plant\-the\-root\-is\-medicinal; 984白頭諧老 < live\-to\-ripe\-old\-age\-in\-conjugal\-bliss; 985受傷 < suffer\-injuries\-\(in\-an\-accident\,\-etc\.\); 986訂立 < agree\-to\-\(treaty\,\-contract\,\-agreement\); 987夏曆 < the\-traditional\-chinese\-lunar\-calendar; 988成千上萬 < by\-the\-thousands\-and\-tens\-of\-thousands; 989師範 < normal\-\(eg\,\-beijing\-normal\-university\); 990佩洛西 < \(nancy\)\-pelosi\-\(member\-of\-us\-congress\); 991驆 < used\-in\-transliterating\-buddhist\-books; 992駏 < offspring\-of\-a\-stallion\-and\-a\-she\-mule; 993廣場 < a\-public\-square\-\(eg\,\-tiananmen\-square\); 994鉌 < the\-bells\-on\-the\-cart\-in\-ancient\-china; 995補票 < buy\-one''s\-ticket\-after\-the\-normal\-time; 996發燒 < have\-a\-high\-temperature\-\(from\-illness\); 997詧 < to\-examine\-into\-judicially\-to\-find\-out; 998綳 < a\-cloth\-to\-carry\-an\-infant\-on\-the\-back; 999綖 < the\-hanging\-flap\-in\-the\-front\-of\-a\-hat; 1000祫 < triennial\-sacrifice\-to\-one''s\-ancestors; 1001盆地 < basin\-\(low\-lying\-geographical\-feature\); 1002磻 < a\-tributary\-of\-the\-wei\-river\-in\-shanxi; 1003手跡 < sb\.''s\-original\-handwriting\-or\-painting; 1004璧還 < return\-\(a\-borrowed\-object\)\-with\-thanks; 1005不宣而戰 < open\-hostilities\-without\-declaring\-war; 1006國際電信聯盟 < international\-telecommunications\-union; 1007不遠千里 < make\-light\-of\-travelling\-a\-thousand\-li; 1008斴 < the\-sound\-of\-water\-flowing\-among\-rocks; 1009安居樂業 < live\-and\-work\-in\-peace\-and\-contentment; 1010表妹 < female\-cousin\-with\-a\-different\-surname; 1011崑 < kunlun\-mountains\-in\-jiang\-su\-province\.; 1012拆散 < to\-break\-up\-\(a\-marriage\,\-family\,\-etc\.\); 1013吐魯番 < the\-turfan\-basin\,\-in\-xinjiang\-province; 1014備品 < machine\-parts\-or\-tools\-kept\-in\-reserve; 1015䰘 < to\-kill\-by\-hanging\-or\-to\-strangulation; 1016䮗 < white\-from\-forehead\-to\-lips\-of\-a\-horse; 1017䪲 < ancient\-punishment\-of\-shaving\-the\-head; 1018䩸 < fine\-woolen\-blanket\-on\-top\-of\-a\-saddle; 1019䩫 < a\-unit\-to\-count\-shoes\-in\-ancient\-times; 1020䦅 < a\-kind\-of\-weapon\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 1021䥐 < cooking\-utensils\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 1022䢇 < a\-son\-who\-is\-not\-so\-good\-as\-his\-father; 1023䛗 < to\-pry\-into\-or\-expose\-another''s\-secret; 1024䚅 < to\-look\-after\-home\-or\-domestic\-affairs; 1025䘨 < short\-leggings\-drawn\-over\-the\-trousers; 1026䖿 < a\-kind\-of\-clam\-with\-thick\-white\-shells; 1027䕰 < a\-second\-name\-for\-rhizome\-of\-wind\-weed; 1028䓭 < weed\-or\-grass\-with\-narrow\-thick\-glades; 1029半脫產 < partly\-released\-from\-productive\-labour; 1030䍻 < young\-goat\-of\-sheep\-under\-one\-year\-old; 1031䍦 < a\-kind\-of\-turban\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 1032䌹 < a\-garment\-of\-one\-colour\-with\-no\-lining; 1033不可同日而語 < cannot\-be\-mentioned\-in\-the\-same\-breath; 1034䄪 < hanging\-down\-of\-the\-ears\-of\-the\-grains; 1035䄍 < year\-end\-sacrifice\-of\-the\-zhou\-dynasty; 1036㽠 < connection\-of\-the\-ditches\-or\-waterways; 1037㼮 < to\-rub\-out\-the\-filth\-with\-broken\-tiles; 1038㫩 < the\-first\-of\-the\-four\-season\-\-\-\-spring; 1039㤝 < palpitation\-or\-fluttering\-of\-the\-heart; 1040㟌 < a\-mountain\-in\-today''s\-sichuan\-province; 1041㔯 < a\-large\-basket\-for\-holding\-cooked\-rice; 1042首任 < first\-person\-to\-be\-appointed\-to\-a\-post; 1043總書記 < general\-secretary\-\(of\-communist\-party\); 1044部長 < head\-of\-a\-\(government\,\-etc\)\-department; 1045比量 < take\-rough\-measurements\-\(with\-the\-hand; 1046遍體鱗傷 < covered\-all\-over\-with\-cuts\-and\-bruises; 1047笙 < small\-gourd\-shaped\-musical\-instrument; 1048滕 < an\-ancient\-state\-in\-shandong\-province; 1049镛 < large\-bell\-used\-as\-musical\-instrument; 1050讵 < an\-interjection\-used\-express\-surprise; 1051泔 < water\-from\-washing\-rice\-to\-boil\-thick; 1052瘐 < to\-die\-in\-prison\-from\-cold\-and\-hunger; 1053棼 < beams\-in\-the\-roof\-of\-a\-house\-confused; 1054教授畢竟是教授 < professors\-are\-\(after\-all\)\-professors; 1055百足之蟲死而不僵 < a\-centipede\-dies\-but\-never\-falls\-down; 1056博愛 < universal\-fraternity\-\(or\-brotherhood\); 1057敗火 < relieve\-inflammation\-or\-internal\-heat; 1058經營 < engage\-in\-\(a\-business\-activity\,\-etc\.\); 1059集成 < integrated\-\(as\-in\-integrated\-circuit\); 1060麅 < a\-small\-spotted\-deer\-found\-in\-n\.china; 1061內懮外患 < domestic\-strife\-and\-foreign\-agression; 1062安全與交換委員會 < securities\-and\-exchange\-communication; 1063政委 < political\-commissar\-\(within\-the\-army\); 1064沈國放 < chinese\-foreign\-ministry\-spokesperson; 1065編導 < write\-and\-direct\-\(a\-play\,\-film\,\-etc\.\); 1066行駛 < \(vehicles\,\-etc\.\)\-travel\-along\-a\-route; 1067兵種 < \(military\)\-branch\-of\-the\-armed\-forces; 1068阼 < the\-steps\-leading\-to\-the\-eastern\-door; 1069逼宮 < force\-the\-king\-or\-emperor\-to\-abdicate; 1070輗 < a\-cross\-bar\-at\-end\-of\-a\-carriage\-pole; 1071航行 < sail\-or\-fly\-\(in\-air\,\-water\,\-or\-space\); 1072詎 < interjection\-used\-to\-express\-surprise; 1073缌 < coarse\-cotton\-cloth\-used\-for\-mourning; 1074硜 < the\-sound\-of\-stones\-knocking\-together; 1075相信 < be\-convinced\-\(that\-something\-is\-true\); 1076犉 < an\-ox\-with\-yellow\-hair\-and\-black\-lips; 1077拔秧 < pull\-up\-seedlings\-\(for\-transplanting\); 1078煝 < twisted\-paper\-for\-lighting\-cigarettes; 1079手裡 < \(a\-situation\-is\)\-in\-\(someone''s\)\-hands; 1080捕撈 < fish\-for\-\(aquatic\-animals\-and\-plants\); 1081穆桂英 < mu\-gui\-ying\-\(name\-of\-a\-woman\-warrior\); 1082簽名 < to\-sign\-\(one''s\-name\-with\-a\-pen\,\-etc\.\); 1083濟南 < ji''nan\-\(capital\-of\-shandong\-province\); 1084帬 < the\-skirt\-of\-a\-lady''s\-dress\-petticoat; 1085嵠 < a\-valley\-with\-a\-stream\-in\-it\.\-a\-gorge; 1086虛擬通道標誌符 < virtual\-channel\-connection\-identifier; 1087屏條 < set\-of\-\(usually\-four\)\-hanging\-scrolls; 1088孫女兒 < granddaughter\-\(daughter\-of\-one''s\-son\); 1089究竟 < after\-all\-\(when\-all\-is\-said\-and\-done\); 1090鎮江 < zhenjiang\-\(city\)\,\-in\-jiangsu\-province; 1091䱗 < a\-long\-narrow\-fish\-trichiurus\-armatus; 1092䱔 < a\-long\-narrow\-and\-silver\-colored\-fish; 1093䪓 < a\-metal\-ornament\-on\-some\-kind\-of\-belt; 1094䨙 < to\-rain\-cats\-and\-dogs\-for\-a\-long\-time; 1095䦊 < an\-appliance\-for\-walking\-on\-the\-sands; 1096䥂 < the\-sharp\-edge\-of\-a\-shovel\-or\-a\-spade; 1097䡕 < the\-rear\-platform\-of\-a\-light\-carriage; 1098䜔 < to\-speak\-on\-the\-ideas\-of\-someone\-else; 1099治病救人 < cure\-the\-sickness\-to\-save\-the\-patient; 1100䖠 < a\-kind\-of\-lizard\-found\-in\-damp\-places; 1101䖜 < the\-fighting\-sound\-made\-by\-two\-tigers; 1102有志者事竟成 < where\-there\-is\-a\-will\,\-there\-is\-a\-way; 1103䎒 < flying\-quickly\-and\-to\-attack\-suddenly; 1104䋊 < decorations\-of\-the\-emperor''s\-carriage; 1105䀛 < to\-look\-far\-with\-the\-eyes\-half\-closed; 1106㼨 < a\-water\-jar\-with\-ears\-for\-carrying\-it; 1107㻎 < a\-large\-horizontal\-musical\-instrument; 1108㺪 < an\-uncarved\-of\-unpolished\-jade\-or\-gem; 1109㵿 < endlessly\-long\-or\-vast\-water\-currents; 1110㴩 < name\-of\-a\-stream\-in\-shandong\-province; 1111㯘 < a\-small\-wooden\-stand\-having\-four\-legs; 1112㤍 < never\-reveal\-one''s\-feeling\-or\-emotion; 1113㣠 < a\-rope\-decorated\-with\-bronze\-ornament; 1114㡑 < ancient\-mourning\-turban\-worn\-by\-women; 1115㠑 < high\-mountain\-steep\-rugged\-and\-uneven; 1116㠄 < name\-of\-a\-mountain\-in\-yunnan\-province; 1117㠁 < irregular\-outline\-of\-a\-range\-of\-hills; 1118㟚 < name\-of\-a\-mountain\-in\-shanxi\-province; 1119㚶 < wife\-of\-one''s\-husband''s\-elder\-brother; 1120㘈 < able\-to\-take\-a\-correct\-view\-of\-things; 1121㗰 < the\-character\-used\-in\-transliteration; 1122㒿 < a\-kind\-of\-turban\-used\-in\-ancient\-time; 1123主科 < required\-courses\-in\-the\-major\-subject; 1124尚慕杰 < james\-sasser\-\(us\-ambassador\-to\-china\); 1125哀鴻遍野 < a\-land\-swarming\-with\-disaster\-victims; 1126病從口入 < illness\-finds\-its\-way\-in\-by\-the\-mouth; 1127班底 < ordinary\-members\-of\-theatrical\-troupe; 1128金缽 < \(gold\)\-alms\-bowl\-\(of\-a\-buddhist\-monk\); 1129塞爾南 < \(eugene\)\-cernan\-\(apollo\-17\-astronaut\); 1130聯名 < jointly\-\(signed\,\-declared\,\-sponsored\); 1131總參謀部 < \(military\)\-general\-staff\-headquarters; 1132下榻 < stay\-at\-\(a\-hotel\,\-etc\.\-during\-a\-trip\); 1133年畫兒 < new\-year\-\(or\-spring\-festival\)\-picture; 1134鐵飯碗 < \"iron\-rice\-bowl\"\-\-\-\-secure\-employment; 1135聯邦調查局 < fbi\-\(federal\-bureau\-of\-investigation\); 1136胡志明 < ho\-chi\-minh\-\(vietnamese\-leader\,\-city\); 1137記述 < make\-a\-descriptive\-record\-\(of\-events\); 1138撥絃樂器 < plucked\-string\-or\-stringed\-instrument; 1139弁 < conical\-cap\-worn\-during\-zhou\-dynasty; 1140酉 < tenth\-of\-the\-twelve\-earthly\-branches; 1141旌 < banner\-or\-flag\-adorned\-with\-feathers; 1142衮 < ceremonial\-dress\-worn\-by\-the\-emperor; 1143溧 < river\-in\-anhui\-and\-jiangsu\-provinces; 1144糍 < food\-made\-of\-crushed\-and\-cooked\-rice; 1145殛 < to\-put\-to\-death\-to\-imprison\-for\-life; 1146狍 < species\-of\-deer\-found\-in\-north\-china; 1147绂 < ribbon\-or\-cord\-used\-attach\-ornaments; 1148磉 < the\-stone\-base\-or\-plinth\-of\-a\-pillar; 1149蕹 < ipomoea\-aquatica\-used\-as\-a\-vegetable; 1150暗傷 < internal\-\(invisible\)\-injury\-\(damage\); 1151檔案轉送存取及管理 < file\-transfer\,\-access\-and\-management; 1152太湖 < tai\-hu\-lake\,\-a\-big\-lake\-by\-wuxi\-city; 1153橫鉤 < \(horizontal\-hooked\-character\-stroke\); 1154北宋 < the\-northern\-song\-dynasty\-\(960\-1127\); 1155齈 < cold\-in\-the\-head\-catarrh\-of\-the\-nose; 1156鹻 < impure\-carbonate\-of\-sodium\-of\-natron; 1157鄉下 < country\-\(as\-opposed\-to\-town\-or\-city\); 1158鶢 < a\-bird\-which\-frequents\-the\-sea\-shore; 1159別具一格 < having\-a\-unique\-or\-distinctive\-style; 1160簽訂 < to\-agree\-to\-and\-sign\-\(a\-treaty\,\-etc\); 1161郪 < name\-of\-a\-stream\-in\-sichuan\-province; 1162徐悲鴻 < name\-of\-a\-famous\-painter\,\-xu\-beihong; 1163轞 < a\-vehicle\-for\-transporting\-prisoners; 1164輹 < two\-pieces\-of\-wood\-underneath\-a\-cart; 1165讀賣新聞 < yomiuri\-shimbun\-\(japanese\-newspaper\); 1166增值 < appreciation\-\(of\-a\-car\,\-house\,\-etc\.\); 1167一九四九年 < the\-year\-1949\-\(communist\-revolution\); 1168芿 < grass\-which\-has\-been\-cut\-and\-regrown; 1169胬 < a\-disease''s\-name\-in\-chinese\-medicine; 1170禊 < semi\-annual\-ceremony\-of\-purification; 1171兵家 < military\-strategist\-in\-ancient\-china; 1172英尺 < \(english\)\-foot\-\(unit\-of\-measurement\); 1173國際標準組織 < international\-standards\-organization; 1174才疏學淺 < have\-little\-talent\-and\-less\-learning; 1175淪陷 < \(territory\)\-fall\-to\-enemy\-occupation; 1176戥 < a\-small\-steelyard\-for\-weighing\-money; 1177花木蘭 < hua\-mu\-lan\-\(name\-of\-a\-woman\-warrior\); 1178打不過 < not\-to\-be\-able\-to\-beat\-or\-defeat\-sb\.; 1179世界性古老問題 < a\-problem\-as\-old\-as\-the\-world\-itself; 1180避坑落井 < dodge\-a\-pit\-only\-to\-fall\-into\-a\-well; 1181寍 < used\-as\-a\-term\-of\-comparison\:\-rather; 1182人選 < person\(s\)\-selected\-\(for\-a\-job\,\-etc\.\); 1183發了言 < \(\"past\-tense\"\-of\-\:發言\)\-spoke\-publicly; 1184咗 < verbal\-particle\-of\-perfective\-aspect; 1185變溫動物 < poikilothermal\-\(cold\-blooded\)\-animal; 1186會長 < president\-of\-a\-club\,\-committee\,\-etc\.; 1187丱 < child''s\-hairstyle\-bound\-in\-two\-tufts; 1188不自量 < not\-take\-a\-proper\-measure\-of\-oneself; 1189䮤 < one\-of\-the\-36\-gardens\-in\-han\-dynasty; 1190䬭 < name\-of\-a\-legendary\-ferocious\-animal; 1191䪔 < cross\-bar\-of\-wood\-under\-the\-carriage; 1192䧤 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shandong\-province; 1193䤌 < a\-kind\-of\-wine\-be\-brewed\-from\-grains; 1194䠷 < the\-appearance\-of\-height\-in\-a\-person; 1195䠅 < hands\-and\-feet\-chapped\-from\-the\-cold; 1196䝤 < a\-primitive\-tribe\-in\-southwest\-china; 1197䝟 < a\-fierce\-man\-eating\-animal\-in\-legend; 1198䝝 < an\-exclamation\-indicating\-admiration; 1199䛓 < an\-official\-position\-in\-former\-times; 1200䚘 < the\-long\-and\-upright\-horns\-of\-cattle; 1201䖒 < earthenware\-with\-the\-shape\-of\-a\-bean; 1202䕎 < name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass\-perennial; 1203䓑 < name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass\-duckweeds; 1204䑗 < to\-pound\-in\-order\-to\-remove\-the\-husk; 1205䐱 < to\-pick\-the\-meat\-in\-between\-of\-bones; 1206䏁 < unable\-to\-hear\-distinctly\-or\-clearly; 1207寫成 < to\-compile\-\(fashion\-through\-writing\); 1208䊠 < to\-give\-a\-supply\-f\-grain\-for\-rations; 1209䉟 < a\-bamboo\-basket\-used\-to\-catch\-fishes; 1210䈰 < a\-brush\-for\-washing\-kitchen\-utensils; 1211䇼 < a\-bamboo\-vessel\-used\-to\-catch\-fishes; 1212吞金 < to\-commit\-suicide\-by\-swallowing\-gold; 1213䄫 < a\-kind\-of\-sorghum\-with\-white\-sprouts; 1214䄈 < sacrifice\-to\-happiness\-and\-good\-luck; 1215䃤 < black\-colored\-grindstone\-or\-whestone; 1216䃎 < name\-of\-a\-place\-\-small\-piece\-of\-coal; 1217䂹 < sound\-of\-the\-falling\-pieces\-of\-rocks; 1218䁶 < to\-look\-at\-something\-without\-winking; 1219䁵 < newborn\-baby\-with\-the\-eyelids\-closed; 1220板眼 < measure\-in\-traditional\-chinese\-music; 1221㽅 < vessel\-for\-ceremony\-in\-ancient\-times; 1222㸹 < cattle\-with\-white\-stripe\-on\-the\-back; 1223㸗 < not\-a\-real\-father\-or\-a\-nature\-father; 1224㳘 < a\-fountain\-or\-spring\-flows\-downwards; 1225㮯 < whole\-piece\-of\-or\-unbroken\-firewoods; 1226㮜 < a\-blocks\-engraved\-for\-holding\-things; 1227㟼 < name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-shandong\-province; 1228首府 < capital\-city\-of\-an\-autonomous\-region; 1229㞔 < the\-upright\-bar\-for\-fastening\-a\-door; 1230㝞 < pretend\-to\-be\-delicate\-and\-beautiful; 1231㜹 < name\-of\-a\-folk\-song\-in\-ancient\-times; 1232㚁 < the\-long\-tail\-feathers\-which\-curl\-up; 1233班次 < order\-of\-classes\-or\-grades\-at\-school; 1234抄後路 < to\-outflank\-and\-attack\-from\-the\-rear; 1235編年體 < annalistic\-style\-\(in\-historiography\); 1236家鄉雞 < ''home\-town\-chicken''\-\(a\-type\-of\-dish\); 1237章孝嚴 < john\-chang\-\(taiwan\-foreign\-minister\); 1238貴州 < name\-of\-a\-province\-in\-china\,\-guizhou; 1239蓋茨 < \(bill\)\-gates\-\(chairman\-of\-microsoft\); 1240吸引 < attract\-\(interest\,\-investment\,\-etc\.\); 1241來不及 < there''s\-not\-enough\-time\-\(to\-do\-sth\.\); 1242暗娼 < unlicensed\-\(unregistered\)\-prostitute; 1243非對稱式數據用戶線 < asymmetrical\-digital\-subscriber\-line; 1244霸王 < xiang4yu3\-\(232\-202\-bc\)\-the\-conqueror; 1245壽禮 < birthday\-present\-\(for\-an\-old\-person\); 1246阮 < ancient\-musical\-instrument\:\-surname; 1247喔 < descriptive\-of\-crying\-or\-of\-crowing; 1248琏 < vessel\-used\-to\-hold\-grain\-offerings; 1249邕 < former\-or\-literary\-name\-for\-nanning; 1250魑 < a\-mountain\-demon\-resembling\-a\-tiger; 1251昶 < a\-long\-day\.\-bright\.\-extended\.\-clear; 1252缧 < a\-chain\-or\-rope\-used\-bind\-criminals; 1253螭 < a\-dragon\-whose\-horns\-have\-not\-grown; 1254龀 < lose\-baby\-teeth\-and\-get\-adult\-teeth; 1255肜 < to\-sacrifice\-on\-two\-successive\-days; 1256邗 < an\-ancient\-place\-in\-the\-state\-of\-wu; 1257萬縣 < wanxian\-county\,\-in\-sichuan\-province; 1258死不了 < portulaca\-sundial\-\(a\-type\-of\-plant\); 1259大中學生 < university\-and\-high\-school\-students; 1260迎春花 < winter\-jasmine\,\-jasminum\-nudiflorum; 1261約翰內斯堡 < johannesburg\-\(city\-in\-south\-africa\); 1262主人翁 < master\-\(of\-one''s\-own\-destiny\,\-etc\.\); 1263分佈式環境 < distributed\-\(computing\)\-environment; 1264兵部 < the\-ministry\-of\-war\-in\-feudal\-china; 1265北周 < the\-northern\-zhou\-dynasty\-\(557\-581\); 1266安分守己 < abide\-by\-the\-law\-and\-behave\-oneself; 1267北京 < beijing\-\(capital\-of\-mainland\-china\); 1268大顯身手 < fully\-displaying\-one''s\-capabilities; 1269電信服務供應商 < telecommunications\-service\-provider; 1270哈密瓜 < hami\-melon\-\(a\-variety\-of\-muskmelon\); 1271鐤 < huge\-tripod\-of\-bronze\-with\-two\-ears; 1272貿易額 < volume\-of\-trade\-\(between\-countries\); 1273草案 < draft\-\(legislation\,\-proposal\,\-etc\.\); 1274親愛 < dear\-\.\.\.\-\(way\-of\-starting\-a\-letter\); 1275觭 < one\-turning\-up\-and\-one\-turning\-down; 1276補白 < filler\-\(in\-a\-newspaper\-or\-magazine\); 1277褱 < to\-carry\-in\-the\-bosom\-or\-the\-sleeve; 1278波瀾壯闊 < surging\-forward\-with\-great\-momentum; 1279舉行 < to\-hold\-\(a\-meeting\,\-ceremony\,\-etc\.\); 1280回歸中國 < to\-return\-to\-china\-\(e\.g\.\-hong\-kong\); 1281艜 < a\-long\-narrow\-vessel\-with\-two\-masts; 1282總動員 < general\-mobilization\-\(for\-war\,\-etc\); 1283臿 < to\-separate\-the\-grain\-from\-the\-husk; 1284絰 < white\-hempen\-cloth\-worn\-by\-mourners; 1285保送 < recommend\-\(for\-admission\-to\-school\); 1286愛莫能助 < willing\-to\-help\-but\-unable\-to\-do\-so; 1287碪 < stone\-slab\-used\-for\-washing\-clothes; 1288轉帳 < transfer\-money\-from\|into\-an\-account; 1289席位 < parliamentary\-or\-congressional\-seat; 1290盇 < why\-not\?\-would\-it\-not\-be\-better\-to\?; 1291布什 < \(george\)\-bush\-\(former\-us\-president\); 1292崩龍族 < the\-benglong\-\(penglung\)\-nationality; 1293滫 < water\-in\-which\-rice\-has\-been\-boiled; 1294非政府組織 < non\-governmental\-organization\-\(ngo\); 1295審訊 < a\-\(judicial\)\-trial\-\(in\-a\-courtroom\); 1296檑 < logs\-rolled\-down\-in\-defense\-of\-city; 1297棳 < small\-pillars\-that\-support\-the\-roof; 1298帗 < a\-multicolored\-prop\-used\-in\-dancing; 1299綜合服務數位網絡 < integrated\-services\-digital\-network; 1300嘠 < the\-chirping\-of\-birds\-loud\-laughter; 1301筆桿 < the\-shaft\-of\-a\-pen\-or\-writing\-brush; 1302病勢 < degree\-of\-seriousness\-of\-an\-illness; 1303唄 < final\-particle\-of\-assertion\-pathaka; 1304倻 < phonetic\-used\-in\-korean\-place\-names; 1305䵺 < boundary\-between\-agricultural\-lands; 1306䵹 < insects\-that\-are\-injurious\-to\-crops; 1307䭍 < to\-live\-with\-another\-at\-his\-expense; 1308䬥 < cooked\-food\-which\-has\-become\-mouldy; 1309䬙 < to\-dance\-and\-toss\-about\-in\-the\-wind; 1310主辦 < host\-\(a\-conference\-or\-sports\-event\); 1311䠫 < to\-succumb\-to\-the\-effect\-of\-alcohol; 1312䝦 < a\-kind\-of\-animal\-looks\-like\-leopard; 1313䜠 < language\-of\-the\-savage\-or\-barbarian; 1314䖺 < a\-legendary\-animal\-in\-ancient\-times; 1315䒼 < a\-bamboo\-tray\-for\-raising\-silkworms; 1316䑳 < a\-horizontal\-bar\-in\-front\-of\-a\-boat; 1317䐧 < to\-reward\-or\-cheer\-troops\-with\-food; 1318䎰 < name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-sichuan\-province; 1319䍟 < a\-kind\-of\-fish\-net\-with\-fine\-meshes; 1320䇨 < a\-bamboo\-basket\-for\-food\-containers; 1321霸王鞭 < a\-rattle\-stick\-used\-in\-folk\-dancing; 1322本草 < a\-book\-on\-chinese\-\(herbal\)\-medicine; 1323䆎 < grass\-and\-grains\-producing\-no\-fruit; 1324䄻 < a\-second\-time\-growing\-of\-rice\-plant; 1325䀚 < to\-lift\-up\-the\-eyes\-and\-look\-around; 1326㿖 < carbuncle\-used\-in\-naming\-of\-a\-place; 1327㺛 < name\-of\-a\-village\-in\-henan\-province; 1328㷈 < embers\-kept\-for\-starting\-a\-new\-fire; 1329㵁 < vast\-and\-boundless\-of\-flowing\-water; 1330㳕 < water\-in\-which\-rice\-has\-been\-washed; 1331㯪 < carved\-or\-patterned\-window\-railings; 1332人物 < characters\-\(in\-a\-play\,\-novel\,\-etc\.\); 1333議長 < speaker\-\(of\-a\-legislative\-assembly\); 1334㠙 < a\-mountain\-paths\-name\-of\-a\-mountain; 1335調查結果 < results\-\(of\-an\-investigation\,\-poll\); 1336㓭 < to\-make\-ready\-the\-leather\-for\-shoes; 1337㐷 < a\-kind\-of\-punishment\-in\-han\-dynasty; 1338百端待舉 < a\-thousand\-things\-remain\-to\-be\-done; 1339安南 < \[kofi\]\-annan\-\[un\-secretary\-general\]; 1340包飯 < get\-or\-supply\-meals\-at\-a\-fixed\-rate; 1341有水 < \(of\-a\-dwelling\)\-supplied\-with\-water; 1342白殭蠶 < the\-larva\-of\-silkworm\-with\-batrytis; 1343話題 < subject\-\(of\-a\-talk\-or\-conversation\); 1344事務 < \(political\,\-economic\,\-etc\.\)\-affairs; 1345咱們 < we\-\(including\-the\-person\-spoken\-to\); 1346尤金塞爾南 < eugene\-cernan\-\(apollo\-17\-astronaut\); 1347率先 < take\-the\-lead\-\(showing\-inititative\); 1348目前還不清楚 < at\-present\-it\-is\-still\-unclear\-\.\.\.\.; 1349秋高氣爽 < clear\-and\-refreshing\-autumn\-weather; 1350包租 < rent\-land\-or\-a\-house\-for\-subletting; 1351明文 < \(laws\,\-rules\,\-etc\)\-state\-in\-writing; 1352袱 < a\-piece\-of\-cloth\-used\-wrap\-bundles; 1353挲 < to\-feel\-or\-fondle\-with\-the\-fingers; 1354篑 < a\-bamboo\-basket\-for\-carrying\-earth; 1355肓 < region\-between\-heart\-and\-diaphragm; 1356滦 < river\-and\-county\-in\-hebei\-province; 1357郗 < city\-under\-the\-chou\-dyn\.\-a\-surname; 1358珏 < two\-pieces\-of\-jade\-joined\-together; 1359綦 < dark\-grey\.\-variegated\.\-superlative; 1360麇 < general\-name\-for\-the\-hornless\-deer; 1361璎 < a\-necklace\-made\-of\-precious\-stones; 1362掾 < a\-general\-designation\-of\-officials; 1363郇 < an\-ancient\-feudal\-state\-in\-shaanxi; 1364透視 < to\-examine\-by\-fluoroscope\-or\-x\-ray; 1365報警 < report\-\(an\-incident\)\-to\-the\-police; 1366碑帖 < a\-rubbing\-from\-a\-stone\-inscription; 1367牛年 < year\-of\-the\-ox\-\(in\-chinese\-zodiac\); 1368簡單網絡管理協議 < simple\-network\-management\-protocol; 1369臨時的本地管理接口 < interim\-local\-management\-interface; 1370包廂 < box\-\(in\-a\-theatre\-or\-concert\-hall\); 1371轉讓 < transfer\-\(technology\,\-goods\,\-etc\.\); 1372冰消瓦解 < melt\-like\-ice\-and\-break\-like\-tiles; 1373龘 < the\-appearance\-of\-a\-dragon\-walking; 1374半斤八兩 < not\-much\-to\-choose\-between\-the\-two; 1375鴽 < a\-species\-of\-bird\-resembling\-quail; 1376盜版 < pirate\-version\-\(of\-software\,\-e\.g\.\); 1377步人後塵 < follow\-in\-other\-people''s\-footsteps; 1378鄫 < state\-in\-today''s\-shandong\-province; 1379鄇 < a\-name\-of\-a\-town\-in\-henan\-province; 1380迿 < to\-be\-the\-first\-to\-begin\-a\-quarrel; 1381轕 < great\-array\-of\-spears\-and\-chariots; 1382輠 < grease\-pot\-hung\-under\-axle\-of\-cart; 1383龍飛鳳舞 < lit\.\:\-dragon\-flies\,\-phoenix\-dances; 1384緣份 < fate\-\(which\-brings\-people\-together; 1385平壤 < pyongyang\-\(capital\-of\-north\-korea\); 1386國際見聞 < international\-background\-knowledge; 1387擔任 < hold\-a\-governmental\-office\-or\-post; 1388膲 < the\-three\-divisions\-of\-the\-viscera; 1389克服 < \(try\-to\)\-overcome\-\(hardships\,\-etc\); 1390抄送 < to\-make\-a\-copy\-\(and\-send\-it\-to\-sb\); 1391不失為 < can\-still\-be\-considered\-\(to\-be\.\.\.\); 1392紖 < a\-rope\-for\-leading\-cattle\-or\-horse; 1393最惠國 < most\-favored\-nation\-\(trade\-status\); 1394笮 < boards\-which\-support\-tiles\-on\-roof; 1395案驗 < investigate\-the\-evidence\-of\-a\-case; 1396托運 < to\-book\-or\-check\-through\-\(baggage\); 1397砅 < cross\-stream\-by\-stepping\-on\-stones; 1398國務委員 < member\-of\-state\-council\-\(in\-china\); 1399戶部 < feudal\-chinese\-ministry\-of\-revenue; 1400璉 < a\-vessel\-used\-hold\-grain\-offerings; 1401梡 < tray\-for\-carrying\-sacrificial\-meat; 1402可移植性 < portability\-\(programming\-language\); 1403推動 < to\-push\-\(for\-acceptance\-of\-a\-plan\); 1404幵 < even\-level\.\-to\-raise\-in\-both\-hands; 1405嫄 < an\-ancient\-emperor''s\-mother''s\-name; 1406整體數位服務網路 < integrated\-service\-digital\-network; 1407囷 < round\-shaped\-storage\-bin\-for\-grain; 1408亞軍 < second\-place\-\(in\-a\-sports\-contest\); 1409呼和浩特 < hohhot\-\(capital\-of\-inner\-mongolia\); 1410基金會 < a\-foundation\-\(ie\,\-an\-organization\); 1411䴙 < a\-kind\-of\-bird\-resembling\-the\-duck; 1412䲃 < a\-carp\-like\-fish\-with\-chicken\-feet; 1413顏體 < yan\-style\-\(in\-chinese\-calligraphy\); 1414久違 < \(haven''t\-done\-sth\)\-for\-a\-long\-time; 1415䩗 < to\-rule\-by\-might\-rather\-than\-right; 1416䢕 < a\-group\-of\-people\-walking\-together; 1417䚡 < bones\-in\-a\-horn\-of\-cattle\-and\-goat; 1418䙬 < plaits\-on\-the\-sides\-of\-a\-petticoat; 1419䐀 < to\-dismember\-body\-of\-the\-livestock; 1420䎎 < to\-glide\-or\-to\-hover\-up\-in\-the\-air; 1421䍊 < clay\-made\-blowing\-wind\-instruments; 1422䈿 < belt\-of\-the\-canvas\-top\-on\-vehicles; 1423䇮 < a\-bamboo\-mat\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 1424小題大做 < make\-a\-big\-fuss\-over\-a\-minor\-issue; 1425䅚 < closely\-growing\-of\-the\-rice\-plants; 1426䄶 < rice\-plant\-growing\-the\-second\-time; 1427䁾 < red\-and\-swelling\-of\-the\-eye\-socket; 1428䁨 < to\-open\-the\-eyes\-with\-astonishment; 1429㽛 < narrow\-trail\-of\-path\-in\-the\-fields; 1430㺑 < dogs\-wormed\-through\-a\-narrow\-place; 1431㹢 < a\-large\-ape\-found\-in\-western\-china; 1432㹜 < two\-dogs\-are\-barking\-to\-each\-other; 1433㹉 < a\-legendary\-animal\-with\-three\-feet; 1434㶀 < deep\-and\-vast\-of\-the\-flowing\-water; 1435打錯了 < \"you\-have\-dialed\-the\-wrong\-number\"; 1436㰶 < to\-wrinkle\-the\-nose\-with\-sorrowful; 1437㭲 < a\-wooden\-frame\-for\-carrying\-things; 1438病包兒 < a\-person\-who\-is\-always\-falling\-ill; 1439㡡 < screen\-to\-make\-a\-temporary\-kitchen; 1440㠿 < a\-kind\-of\-delicate\-and\-fine\-fabric; 1441㜺 < nice\-white\-color\-and\-looks\-so\-good; 1442㜵 < with\-a\-charming\-sprightly\-carriage; 1443㙈 < name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-shanxi\-province; 1444香山 < fragrance\-hill\-\(a\-park\-in\-beijing\); 1445㖡 < the\-birds\-singing\-during\-the\-night; 1446㕺 < looks\-big\-outside\-but\-empty\-inside; 1447㕄 < to\-apply\-knowledge\-to\-final\-causes; 1448不虛此行 < the\-trip\-has\-not\-been\-made\-in\-vain; 1449銷毀 < to\-destroy\-\(by\-melting\-or\-burning\); 1450拉莫斯 < \(philippine\-president\-fidel\)\-ramos; 1451比勒陀利亞 < pretoria\-\(capital\-of\-south\-africa\); 1452北魏 < the\-northern\-wei\-dynasty\-\(386\-534\); 1453言論自由 < \(constitutional\)\-freedom\-of\-speech; 1454暴病 < sudden\-attack\-of\-a\-serious\-illness; 1455人大 < \(china\)\-national\-people''s\-congress; 1456熱鬧 < bustling\-with\-noise\-and\-excitement; 1457呈文 < petition\-\(submitted\-to\-a\-superior\); 1458春節 < spring\-festival\-\(chinese\-new\-year\); 1459開發環境 < development\-environment\-\(computer\); 1460不識時務 < show\-no\-understanding\-of\-the\-times; 1461 < a\-particle\-used\-in\-transliteration; 1462胡志強 < jason\-hu\-\(taiwan\-foreign\-minister\); 1463新疆 < xinjiang\-\(uygur\-autonomous\-region\); 1464幫倒忙 < be\-more\-of\-a\-hindrance\-than\-a\-help; 1465俱樂部 < club\-\(ie\,\-a\-group\-or\-organization\); 1466社 < god\-of\-the\-soil\-and\-altars\-to\-him; 1467瑟 < large\-stringed\-musical\-instrument; 1468楞 < used\-for\-ceylon\-in\-buddhist\-texts; 1469喽 < used\-in\-onomatopoetic\-expressions; 1470嚅 < talk\-indistinctly\-and\-falteringly; 1471裱 < to\-mount\-maps\-or\-scrolls\-to\-paste; 1472猢 < a\-kind\-of\-monkey\-found\-in\-w\.china; 1473蜮 < a\-fabulous\-creature\-like\-a\-turtle; 1474碡 < stone\-roller\-used\-to\-level\-fields; 1475鄣 < name\-of\-ancient\-city\-in\-n\.jiangsu; 1476粢 < grain\-offered\-in\-ritual\-sacrifice; 1477簦 < large\-umbrella\-with\-a\-long\-handle; 1478螓 < a\-small\-cicada\-with\-a\-square\-head; 1479不時之需 < a\-possible\-period\-of\-want\-or\-need; 1480公共交換電話網路 < public\-switched\-telephone\-network; 1481網絡 < \(computer\,\-telecom\,\-etc\.\)\-network; 1482以牙還牙 < a\-tooth\-for\-a\-tooth\-\(retaliation\); 1483壁毯 < tapestry\-\(used\-as\-a\-wall\-hanging\); 1484擦澡 < rub\-oneself\-down\-with\-a\-wet\-towel; 1485認定 < maintain\-\(that\-something\-is\-true\); 1486百戰百勝 < emerge\-victorious\-in\-every\-battle; 1487魊 < a\-mythical\-creature\-said\-hurl\-san; 1488分歧 < difference\-\(of\-opinion\,\-position\); 1489勞動節 < international\-labor\-day\-\(may\-day\); 1490韐 < knee\-pad\-made\-of\-red\-dyed\-leather; 1491連戰 < lien\-chan\-\(taiwan\-vice\-president\); 1492抱粗腿 < latch\-on\-to\-the\-rich\-and\-powerful; 1493制度 < \(political\)\-system\-or\-institution; 1494補習 < take\-lessons\-after\-school\-or\-work; 1495由此可見 < from\-this\,\-it\-can\-be\-seen\-that\.\.\.; 1496聯邦電信交通委員會 < federal\-communications\-commission; 1497建交 < to\-establish\-diplomatic\-relations; 1498軏 < cross\-bar\-at\-end\-of\-poles\-of\-cart; 1499火災 < fire\-\(that\-burns\-buildings\,\-etc\.\); 1500備課 < \(of\-a\-teacher\)\-to\-prepare\-lessons; 1501金正日 < kim\-jong\-il\-\(north\-korean\-leader\); 1502開演 < \(of\-a\-play\,\-movie\,\-etc\.\)\-to\-begin; 1503備荒 < prepare\-against\-natural\-disasters; 1504薀 < the\-hippuris\-or\-mare''s\-tail\-plant; 1505不摸頭 < not\-acquainted\-with\-the\-situation; 1506全會 < plenary\-session\-\(at\-a\-conference\); 1507魏京生 < wei\-jingsheng\-\(chinese\-dissident\); 1508聝 < to\-cut\-the\-left\-ears\-of\-the\-slain; 1509耔 < to\-hoe\-up\-the\-earth\-around\-plants; 1510便難 < retort\-with\-challenging\-questions; 1511答辯 < to\-reply\-\(to\-an\-accusation\,\-e\.g\.\); 1512簫 < musical\-instrument\-like\-pan\-pipes; 1513簨 < a\-beam\-for\-hanging\-bells\-or\-drums; 1514礳 < name\-of\-place\-in\-shan\-xi\-province; 1515寸草不生 < \"not\-even\-a\-blade\-of\-grass\-grows\"; 1516碫 < coarse\-stone\-\(used\-for\-whetstone\); 1517璯 < jade\-ornament\-in\-the\-seams\-of\-cap; 1518琯 < a\-jade\-tube\-used\-as\-an\-instrument; 1519玁 < a\-dog\-with\-a\-long\-snout\-or\-muzzle; 1520圖書 < books\-\(in\-a\-library\-or\-bookstore\); 1521家長 < the\-parent\-or\-guardian\-of\-a\-child; 1522回歸 < to\-return\-\(to\-previous\-condition\); 1523擦亮眼睛 < remove\-the\-scales\-from\-one''s\-eyes; 1524補偏救弊 < remedy\-defects\-and\-rectify\-errors; 1525棟 < the\-main\-beams\-supporting\-a\-house; 1526骨法 < bone\-\(property\-of\-a\-brush\-stroke\); 1527百川歸海 < all\-things\-tends\-in\-one\-direction; 1528誓不反悔 < to\-vow\-not\-to\-break\-one''s\-promise; 1529吃不上 < be\-unable\-to\-get\-something\-to\-eat; 1530戠 < a\-sword\.\-potter''s\-clay\.\-to\-gather; 1531科學編輯 < science\-editor\-\(of\-a\-publication\); 1532昂首闊步 < stride\-forward\-with\-one''s\-chin\-up; 1533日經指數 < nikkei\-index\-\(of\-japanese\-stocks\); 1534科隆 < cologne\,\-germany\-or\-colon\,\-panama; 1535打消 < dispel\-\(doubts\,\-misgivings\,\-etc\.\); 1536呭 < final\-particle\-expressing\-consent; 1537呡 < the\-corners\-of\-the\-mouth\-the\-lips; 1538疾病預防中心 < \(u\.s\.\)\-center\-for\-disease\-control; 1539䶬 < hard\-fins\-on\-the\-back\-of\-a\-dragon; 1540䶅 < a\-marmot\-like\-rat\-with\-a\-big\-head; 1541䴓 < general\-term\-for\-small\-bird\-group; 1542䬗 < blown\-or\-tossed\-about\-by\-the\-wind; 1543䧉 < name\-of\-a\-pavilion\-in\-han\-dynasty; 1544䥶 < cooking\-utensil\-used\-in\-old\-times; 1545䥬 < a\-musical\-instrument\-in\-old\-times; 1546䣜 < name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-ancient\-times; 1547䣌 < residence\-of\-a\-prince\-or\-nobility; 1548䡝 < a\-rear\-covering\-of\-a\-big\-carriage; 1549䡊 < the\-protruded\-sides\-of\-a\-carriage; 1550䠚 < to\-step\-on\-the\-ground\-with\-a\-bang; 1551䖃 < the\-water\-is\-waving\-in\-the\-breeze; 1552䒧 < a\-vessel\-or\-utensil\-made\-of\-straw; 1553䍲 < a\-kind\-of\-sheep\-with\-curled\-hairs; 1554䋸 < back\-center\-suture\-of\-the\-clothes; 1555䋛 < the\-clustered\-embroidery\-patterns; 1556䊖 < to\-eat\-rice\-gruel\-mixed\-with\-meat; 1557䆅 < to\-accumulate\-or\-to\-store\-up\-rice; 1558䂧 < rocks\-clustered\-pile\-up\-togethers; 1559䀿 < to\-have\-a\-casual\-and\-short\-glance; 1560找到 < find\-\(what\-one\-was\-searching\-for\); 1561召開 < convene\-\(a\-conference\-or\-meeting\); 1562㹗 < cattle\-and\-sheep\-have\-no\-children; 1563㶲 < measuring\-unit\-for\-thermodynamics; 1564㵺 < name\-of\-a\-stream\-in\-ancient\-times; 1565㵐 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-hubei\-province; 1566㵋 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-hunan\-province; 1567㱒 < to\-scold\-or\-blame\-in\-a\-loud\-voice; 1568㮾 < a\-place\-in\-today''s\-hunan\-province; 1569㬈 < the\-sun\-was\-shining\-and\-it''s\-warm; 1570㪊 < infested\-with\-bandits\-and\-robbers; 1571㨘 < to\-blow\-the\-nose\-with\-the\-fingers; 1572㟾 < name\-of\-a\-mountain\-in\-county\-jian; 1573㟸 < name\-of\-pavilion\-in\-ancient\-china; 1574㟂 < name\-of\-cape\-in\-shandong\-province; 1575呼籲 < call\-on\-\(someone\-to\-do\-something\); 1576㚪 < to\-make\-a\-deceptive\-show\-of\-power; 1577電腦輔助設計與繪圖 < computer\-aided\-design\-and\-drawing; 1578㒍 < utterly\-weary\-in\-body\-and\-spirits; 1579㐌 < a\-tribe\-of\-savages\-in\-south\-china; 1580科爾 < \(helmut\)\-kohl\-\(german\-chancellor\); 1581齋月 < ramadan\-\(muslim\-month\-of\-fasting\); 1582得寸進尺 < literal\:\-get\-an\-inch\,\-want\-a\-foot; 1583起來 < beginning\-or\-continuing\-an\-action; 1584北齊 < the\-northern\-qi\-dynasty\-\(550\-557\); 1585北洋軍閥 < the\-northern\-warlords\-\(1912\-1927\); 1586吐穗 < to\-have\-the\-ears\-of\-grain\-come\-up; 1587大惑不解 < do\-not\-understand\-a\-certain\-thing; 1588請願 < petition\-\(for\-action\-to\-be\-taken\); 1589半日制學校 < half\-day\-\(or\-double\-shift\-school\); 1590明文規定 < expressly\-stipulated\-\(in\-writing\); 1591享受 < to\-enjoy\-\(rights\,\-benefits\,\-etc\.\); 1592大庭廣眾 < public\-place\-with\-numerous\-people; 1593百無一失 < no\-danger\-of\-anything\-going\-wrong; 1594三峽 < the\-three\-changjiang\-river\-gorges; 1595取暖 < to\-warm\-oneself\-\(by\-a\-fire\,\-etc\.\); 1596人權觀察 < human\-rights\-watch\-\(organization\); 1597院長 < president\-\(of\-a\-university\,\-etc\.\); 1598檢察官 < the\-prosecution\-\(in\-a\-court\-case\); 1599備而不用 < have\-something\-ready\-just\-in\-case; 1600言論 < expression\-of\-\(political\)\-opinion; 1601應用程式介面 < application\-programming\-interface; 1602捻 < to\-twist\-or\-nip\-with\-the\-fingers; 1603戌 < eleventh\-of\-terrestrial\-branches; 1604搓 < to\-rub\-or\-roll\-between\-the\-hands; 1605尧 < a\-legendary\-ancient\-emperor\-sage; 1606婶 < wife\-of\-father''s\-younger\-brother; 1607掬 < to\-grasp\-or\-hold\-with\-both\-hands; 1608幛 < scroll\-of\-silk\-or\-cloth\-presente; 1609棂 < carved\-or\-patterned\-window\-sills; 1610氲 < life\-giving\-influences\-of\-nature; 1611蚝 < hairy\-and\-poisonous\-caterpillars; 1612澧 < river\-in\-northern\-hunan\-province; 1613筮 < divination\-with\-stalks\-of\-plants; 1614笪 < a\-coarse\-mat\-of\-rushes\-or\-bamboo; 1615馓 < fried\-round\-cakes\-of\-wheat\-flour; 1616箐 < to\-draw\-a\-bamboo\-bow\-or\-crossbow; 1617扃 < a\-door\-bar\-placed\-outside\-a\-door; 1618仉 < surname\-of\-the\-mother\-of\-mencius; 1619節外生枝 < new\-problems\-complicate\-an\-issue; 1620鼻青臉腫 < a\-bloody\-nose\-and\-a\-swollen\-face; 1621政界 < political\-and\-government\-circles; 1622性別 < distinguishing\-between\-the\-sexes; 1623違禁 < to\-violate\-a\-prohibtition\-or\-ban; 1624酬和 < to\-respond\-to\-a\-poem\-with\-a\-poem; 1625報考 < enter\-oneself\-for\-an\-examination; 1626北國 < the\-northern\-part\-of\-the\-country; 1627企業管理 < business\-management\-\(as\-a\-study\); 1628外孫 < grandson\-\(son\-of\-one''s\-daughter\); 1629光纖分佈式數據介面 < fiber\-distributed\-data\-interface; 1630垃圾車 < garbage\-truck\-\(or\-other\-vehicle\); 1631大國 < a\-power\-\(ie\,\-a\-dominant\-country\); 1632骾 < any\-object\-that\-sticks\-in\-throat; 1633探親 < to\-go\-home\-to\-visit\-one''s\-family; 1634布法羅 < buffalo\-\(city\-in\-new\-york\-state\); 1635八會穴 < the\-eight\-strategic\-nerve\-points; 1636難以 < hard\-to\-\(predict\,\-imagine\,\-etc\.\); 1637報效 < render\-service\-to\-repay\-kindness; 1638醼 < offer\-food\-and\-wine\-one''s\-guests; 1639輧 < curtained\-carriage\-used\-by\-women; 1640軙 < a\-chinese\-family\-name\-to\-arrange; 1641親戚 < \(a\)\-relative\-\(ie\,\-family\-member\); 1642為期 < \(to\-be\-done\)\-by\-\(a\-certain\-date\); 1643農曆 < the\-traditional\-chinese\-calendar; 1644贁 < to\-defeat\-to\-spoil\-or\-be\-spoiled; 1645賏 < pearls\-or\-shells\-strung\-together; 1646諊 < to\-make\-a\-judicial\-investigation; 1647按說 < in\-the\-ordinary\-course\-of\-events; 1648連任 < continue\-in\-\(a\-political\)\-office; 1649矮子裡拔將軍 < choose\-the\-best\-person\-available; 1650臉譜 < types\-of\-facial\-makeup\-in\-operas; 1651纙 < string\-on\-which\-coins\-are\-strung; 1652筴 < type\-of\-grass\-used\-in\-divination; 1653開庭 < begin\-a\-\(judicial\)\-court\-session; 1654公審 < public\-trial\-\(in\-a\-court\-of\-law\); 1655琇 < coarse\-variety\-of\-jasper\-or\-jade; 1656但願 < if\-only\-\(it\-were\-possible\-to\.\.\.\); 1657開普敦 < cape\-town\-\(city\-in\-south\-africa\); 1658越來越嚴重 < to\-become\-more\-serious\-every\-day; 1659不謀而合 < agree\-without\-prior\-consultation; 1660捨得 < to\-be\-willing\-to\-part\-with\-\(sth\); 1661棫 < thorny\-shrub\-with\-yellow\-flowers; 1662見不得 < may\-not\-be\-seen\-by\-or\-exposed\-to; 1663旓 < serrated\-edges\-on\-a\-chinese\-flag; 1664持有 < hold\-\(eg\,\-passport\,\-views\,\-etc\.\); 1665抗爭 < make\-a\-stand\-and\-fight\-\(against\); 1666近乎同步數位階層 < plesiochronous\-digital\-hierarchy; 1667按兵不動 < not\-throw\-the\-troops\-into\-battle; 1668嶲 < a\-name\-of\-an\-old\-town\-in\-sichuan; 1669篦子 < a\-double\-edged\-fine\-toothed\-comb; 1670投機 < be\-a\-speculator\-\(profit\-seeking\); 1671塱 < place\-name\-in\-guangdong\-province; 1672剨 < sound\-of\-something\-being\-smashed; 1673挪借 < to\-borrow\-money\-for\-a\-short\-time; 1674宰相 < prime\-minister\-\(in\-feudal\-china\); 1675一中一臺 < \"one\-china\,\-one\-taiwan\"\-\(policy\); 1676䵬 < black\-sound\-of\-the\-flowing\-water; 1677䴍 < a\-kind\-of\-strange\-and\-weird\-bird; 1678䴉 < general\-term\-for\-a\-group\-of\-bird; 1679䳰 < a\-bird\-resembling\-the\-wild\-goose; 1680䱙 < a\-small\-kind\-of\-tuna\-or\-sturgeon; 1681䰔 < dressed\-hair\-in\-a\-horizontal\-way; 1682䪬 < sound\-of\-pressing\-something\-down; 1683䩬 < an\-ornamental\-item\-on\-a\-scabbard; 1684䧵 < a\-bird\-like\-the\-secretary\-falcon; 1685䦎 < a\-mechanical\-device\-for\-lead\-ore; 1686䥾 < to\-melt\-or\-cast\-by\-using\-a\-mould; 1687䥙 < a\-speculum\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 1688䤷 < a\-lance\-with\-three\-or\-two\-points; 1689中日韓越 < china\,\-japan\,\-korea\,\-and\-vietnam; 1690䣢 < name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-ancient\-times; 1691䝁 < a\-kind\-of\-wild\-leguminous\-plants; 1692䛶 < writings\-eulogizing\-adead\-person; 1693虛腕 < empty\-wrist\-\(method\-of\-painting\); 1694䗤 < a\-kind\-of\-worm\-produced\-in\-water; 1695取得大學學位 < to\-obtain\-a\-university\-education; 1696䍰 < a\-plague\-or\-a\-pestilence\-of\-goat; 1697䊊 < well\-boiled\-congee\-or\-rice\-gruel; 1698䉈 < a\-kind\-of\-bamboo\-with\-a\-red\-skin; 1699䇈 < to\-put\-into\-a\-cupboard\-or\-closet; 1700䇀 < ornaments\-of\-fine\-feather\-or\-fur; 1701䅹 < a\-kind\-of\-drill\-for\-sowing\-grain; 1702䅩 < crooked\-and\-winding\-of\-the\-grass; 1703䄷 < a\-measurement\-equal\-to\-120\-catty; 1704䃪 < a\-platform\-for\-sacrificial\-rites; 1705䂞 < a\-thorny\-tree\-about\-15\-feet\-high; 1706創辦人 < founder\-\(of\-an\-institution\,\-etc\); 1707㺜 < fierce\-dog\-with\-long\-shaggy\-hair; 1708㺉 < a\-fierce\-animal\-of\-the\-dog\-tribe; 1709不論 < no\-matter\-\(what\,\-who\,\-how\,\-etc\.\); 1710㹡 < a\-rush\-and\-impatient\-disposition; 1711㸡 < board\-to\-block\-the\-water\-current; 1712㸚 < scattered\-or\-dispersed\-and\-clear; 1713㴭 < immeasurable\-depth\-or\-profundity; 1714㱨 < to\-prepare\-a\-body\-for\-the\-coffin; 1715保修 < guarantee\-to\-keep\-in\-good\-repair; 1716㬇 < name\-of\-a\-state\-in\-ancient\-china; 1717㩽 < branches\-to\-be\-a\-parasite\-a\-tree; 1718㨒 < to\-cut\-open\-and\-clean\-\-\-\-as\-fish; 1719金邊 < phnom\-penh\-\(capital\-of\-cambodia\); 1720㢲 < the\-5th\-of\-the\-eight\-diagrams\-八卦; 1721㟨 < a\-fountain\-in\-the\-side\-of\-a\-hill; 1722㛍 < to\-have\-one''s\-ambition\-fulfilled; 1723㚡 < standing\-without\-a\-straight\-back; 1724㚉 < to\-make\-a\-profit\-on\-sell\-and\-buy; 1725侵佔 < to\-invade\-and\-occupy\-\(territory\); 1726㕣 < a\-marsh\-at\-the\-foot\-of\-the\-hills; 1727柯密 < kermit\-\(communications\-protocol\); 1728享有 < enjoy\-\(rights\,\-privileges\,\-etc\.\); 1729禮炮 < a\-gun\-salute\-\(eg\,\-21\-gun\-salute\); 1730突厥 < turkic\-\(minority\-group\-in\-china\); 1731戈爾巴喬夫 < \(former\-soviet\-leader\)\-gorbachev; 1732逼供信 < obtain\-confessions\-by\-compulsion; 1733安保 < \(abbreviation\)\-maintain\-security; 1734壽麵 < birthday\-noodles\-\(for\-longevity\); 1735浴室 < bathroom\-\(room\-used\-for\-bathing\); 1736令人 < cause\-someone\-to\-\(be\,\-feel\,\-etc\); 1737形影不離 < inseparable\-\(as\-form\-and\-shadow\); 1738商業版本 < commercial\-version\-\(of\-software\); 1739百讀不厭 < be\-worth\-reading\-a\-hundred\-times; 1740除非 < only\-if\-\(\.\.\.\,\-or\-otherwise\,\-\.\.\.\); 1741歧視 < discrimination\-\(against\-someone\); 1742敗落 < decline\-\(in\-wealth\-and\-position\); 1743無錫 < wuxi\-\(city\)\,\-in\-jiangsu\-province; 1744分波多工 < wavelength\-division\-multiplexing; 1745必由之路 < the\-road\-one\-must\-follow\-or\-take; 1746们 < adjunct\-pronoun\-indicate\-plural; 1747呢 < interrogative\-or\-emphatic\-final; 1748楼 < building\-of\-two\-or\-more\-stories; 1749药 < leaf\-of\-dahurian\-angelica\-plant; 1750齎 < take\-in\-both\-hands\-and\-offer\-to; 1751丈 < unit\-of\-length\-equal\-3\.3\-meters; 1752挑 < a\-load\-carried\-on\-the\-shoulders; 1753祝 < pray\-for\-happiness\-or\-blessings; 1754杉 < various\-species\-of\-pine\-and\-fir; 1755朧 < condition\-or\-appearance\-of\-moon; 1756霸 < rule\-by\-might\-rather\-than\-right; 1757箪 < small\-bamboo\-basket\-for\-holding; 1758醤 < any\-jam\-like\-or\-paste\-like\-food; 1759炕 < the\-brick\-bed\-in\-northern\-china; 1760亥 < last\-of\-twelve\-earthly\-branches; 1761粤 < guangdong\-and\-guangxi\-provinces; 1762粽 < dumpling\-made\-of\-glutinous\-rice; 1763陇 < mountain\-located\-between\-shanxi; 1764闾 < village\-of\-twenty\-five\-families; 1765郦 < place\-in\-today''s\-henan\-province; 1766鞅 < leather\-strap\-over\-horse''s\-neck; 1767铡 < sickle\-for\-cutting\-grass\-or\-hay; 1768骧 < gallop\-about\-with\-head\-uplifted; 1769骢 < horse\-with\-a\-bluish\-white\-color; 1770蛳 < kind\-of\-snail\-with\-spiral\-shell; 1771邳 < a\-department\-in\-the\-state\-of\-lu; 1772郢 < state\-in\-today''s\-hubei\-province; 1773骖 < two\-outside\-ones\-in\-three\-horse; 1774轸 < cross\-board\-at\-rear\-of\-carriage; 1775箜 < ancient\-string\-music\-instrument; 1776郐 < state\-in\-today''s\-henan\-province; 1777轹 < run\-over\-something\-with\-vehicle; 1778栝 < a\-builder''s\-frame\-for\-measuring; 1779獍 < an\-animal\-which\-eats\-its\-mother; 1780負責人 < person\-in\-charge\-\(of\-something\); 1781姐夫 < brother\-in\-law\-\(husband''s\-side\); 1782十三經 < the\-thirteen\-confucian\-classics; 1783實時操作環境 < real\-time\-operating\-environment; 1784特區 < special\-\(administrative\)\-region; 1785日圓 < japanese\-yen\-\(unit\-of\-currency\); 1786病蟲害 < plant\-diseases\-and\-insect\-pests; 1787亨特泰羅 < hunter\-tylo\-\(hollywood\-actress\); 1788壁櫥 < a\-built\-in\-wardrobe\-or\-cupboard; 1789閉門造車 < make\-a\-cart\-behind\-closed\-doors; 1790避暑 < be\-away\-for\-the\-summer\-holidays; 1791步搖 < dangling\-ornament\-worn\-by\-women; 1792國際商業機器 < international\-business\-machines; 1793鼗 < small\-revolving\-drum\-with\-knobs; 1794鼒 < large\-tripod\-caldron\-with\-small; 1795鶖 < large\-waterfowl\-with\-naked\-head; 1796騄 < name\-of\-a\-legendary\-swift\-horse; 1797餖 < food\-item\-set\-out\-for\-show\-only; 1798頣 < to\-view\-others\-with\-raised\-eyes; 1799邦交 < relations\-between\-two\-countries; 1800鄴 < place\-in\-today''s\-honan\-province; 1801鄚 < place\-in\-today''s\-hebei\-province; 1802郔 < place\-name\-in\-shandong\-province; 1803邽 < name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-han\-dynasty; 1804軨 < lattice\-work\-on\-front\-and\-sides; 1805踋 < the\-foot\-or\-feet\-cast\-of\-a\-play; 1806數據鏈路連接識別碼 < data\-link\-connection\-identifier; 1807襭 < tuck\-up\-hem\-of\-garment\-and\-wrap; 1808裋 < cotton\-clothes\-of\-a\-boy\-servant; 1809衺 < slit\-in\-garment\-to\-aid\-movement; 1810蠨 < a\-kind\-of\-spider\-with\-long\-legs; 1811螣 < mythological\-wingless\-dragon\-of; 1812提煉 < to\-extract\-\(ore\,\-minerals\,\-etc\); 1813苤 < brassica\-campestris\-subsp\.\-rapa; 1814橋接 < bridging\-\(in\-computer\-networks\); 1815艕 < two\-boats\-fastened\-side\-by\-side; 1816八方 < the\-eight\-points\-of\-the\-compass; 1817膫 < the\-fat\-covering\-the\-intestines; 1818悲喜交集 < mixed\-feelings\-of\-grief\-and\-joy; 1819內政 < internal\-affairs\-\(of\-a\-country\); 1820縗 < sackcloth\-worn\-on\-breast\-during; 1821迫使 < force\-\(someone\-to\-do\-something\); 1822篪 < a\-bamboo\-flute\-with\-seven\-holes; 1823吃不服 < not\-be\-accustomed\-to\-eating\-sth; 1824長廊 < the\-long\-corridor\-at\-yi\-he\-yuan; 1825瞖 < a\-cataract\-or\-film\-over\-the\-eye; 1826不修邊幅 < not\-care\-about\-one''s\-appearance; 1827畤 < place\-for\-worshipping\-the\-haven; 1828元帥 < a\-marshal\-\(in\-the\-armed\-forces\); 1829甗 < earthenware\-vessel\-in\-two\-parts; 1830符合美國利益 < in\-line\-with\-american\-interests; 1831大快人心 < to\-the\-satisfaction\-of\-everyone; 1832校長 < \(college\,\-university\)\-president; 1833烳 < to\-travel\-by\-the\-light\-of\-torch; 1834灕 < short\-name\-for\-guangxi\-province; 1835馬尼拉 < manila\-\(capital\-of\-philippines\); 1836開刀 < to\-perform\-or\-have\-an\-operation; 1837沴 < foul\-and\-poisonous\-in\-confusion; 1838樐 < a\-lookout\-turret\-on\-a\-city\-wall; 1839棻 < kind\-of\-wood\-from\-which\-perfume; 1840輩分 < seniority\-in\-the\-family\-or\-clan; 1841枌 < variety\-of\-elm\-with\-small\-seeds; 1842鞭長莫及 < beyond\-the\-reach\-of\-one''s\-power; 1843不學無術 < have\-neither\-learning\-nor\-skill; 1844應該說 < it\-should\-be\-mentioned\-that\-\.\.\.; 1845不得不 < have\-no\-choice\-or\-option\-but\-to; 1846不寒而慄 < shiver\-all\-over\-though\-not\-cold; 1847尾牙 < a\-year\-end\-dinner\-for\-employees; 1848班輪 < regular\-passenger\-or\-cargo\-ship; 1849垟 < clay\-sheep\-buried\-with\-the\-dead; 1850抨擊 < attack\-\(verbally\-or\-in\-writing\); 1851舞台 < \(theatrical\-or\-political\)\-stage; 1852咠 < to\-whisper\.\-to\-blame\-to\-slander; 1853叧 < to\-cut\-meat\-off\-away\-from\-bones; 1854冔 < cap\-worn\-during\-the\-yin\-dynasty; 1855亼 < to\-assemble\.\-to\-gather\-together; 1856乄 < shime\:\-to\-find\-a\-place\-to\-dwell; 1857䵸 < the\-toad\-that\-lives\-in\-the\-moon; 1858䳡 < a\-kind\-of\-bird\-in\-ancient\-books; 1859北伐軍 < the\-northern\-expeditionary\-army; 1860䲞 < a\-second\-general\-name\-for\-perch; 1861䱌 < a\-second\-name\-for\-the\-globefish; 1862䰝 < a\-large\-earthen\-pot\-for\-cooking; 1863䰀 < dressed\-hair\-of\-a\-chinese\-woman; 1864䮸 < to\-move\-slowly\-and\-then\-swiftly; 1865䬻 < to\-entertain\-a\-departing\-friend; 1866䪾 < to\-deal\-with\-affairs\-cautiously; 1867䪍 < a\-container\-for\-bows\-and\-arrows; 1868䨣 < leather\-to\-be\-moistened\-by\-rain; 1869軟體出版協會 < software\-publishers\-association; 1870䣣 < name\-of\-a\-place\-name\-of\-a\-place; 1871䟚 < to\-sit\-with\-the\-legs\-spread\-out; 1872䜷 < fermented\-and\-seasoned\-soybeans; 1873䜪 < name\-of\-a\-pavilion\-in\-old\-times; 1874䛀 < reasonable\-authority\-statements; 1875䘅 < a\-small\-gadflies\-and\-mosquitoes; 1876可移植 < portable\-\(programming\-language\); 1877䐃 < fat\-in\-the\-abdomen\-or\-intestine; 1878䍛 < a\-kind\-of\-tool\-used\-to\-get\-fish; 1879䊤 < vegetable\-mixed\-with\-thick\-soup; 1880䂲 < standard\-weights\-used\-in\-scales; 1881䁰 < to\-look\-in\-a\-evil\-or\-wicked\-way; 1882㼖 < gourd\-used\-as\-a\-ladle\-or\-dipper; 1883㻫 < a\-gem\-or\-ornament\-on\-a\-scabbard; 1884猛跌 < drop\-sharply\-\(eg\,\-stock\-prices\); 1885層出不窮 < to\-come\-out\-one\-after\-the\-other; 1886信件 < a\-letter\-\(ie\,\-sent\-in\-the\-mail\); 1887㬹 < tendons\-of\-the\-heel\-of\-the\-foot; 1888㬁 < the\-sun\-is\-shining\-on\-the\-water; 1889㥆 < indulgent\-and\-without\-restraint; 1890八級工資制 < eight\-grade\-wage\-scale\-\(system\); 1891㗘 < to\-bite\-the\-hard\-and\-solid\-food; 1892使命 < a\-\(diplomatic\-or\-other\)\-mission; 1893㓢 < to\-cut\-the\-flesh\-from\-the\-bones; 1894㓔 < faded\-and\-fallen\-\-\-\-as\-blossoms; 1895㒻 < to\-go\-forward\-with\-eyes\-covered; 1896丹皮 < the\-root\-bark\-of\-the\-peony\-tree; 1897定做 < to\-have\-something\-made\-to\-order; 1898在密切注意 < to\-pay\-close\-attention\-\(to\-sth\); 1899安民告示 < a\-notice\-to\-reassure\-the\-public; 1900松下電氣工業 < matsushita\-electronics\-industry; 1901重用 < to\-put\-in\-an\-important\-position; 1902細菌武器 < biological\-weapon\-\(using\-germs\); 1903比賽 < \[athletic\-or\-other\]\-competition; 1904別開生面 < start\-something\-new\-or\-original; 1905敘述 < relate\-\(a\-story\-or\-information\); 1906加重 < become\|make\-more\-serious\|graver; 1907蔚為 < to\-afford\-\(a\-view\-of\-sth\,\-e\.g\.\); 1908經濟學 < economics\-\(as\-a\-field\-of\-study\); 1909電臺 < radio\-\(or\-broadcasting\)\-station; 1910如飢似渴 < thirsting\-or\-hungering\-for\-sth\.; 1911開國元勛 < founding\-fathers\-\(of\-a\-country\); 1912碑林 < the\-forest\-of\-steles\-\(in\-xi''an\); 1913幹 < trunk\-of\-tree\-or\-of\-human\-body; 1914尺 < chinese\-measure\-approx\.\-''foot''; 1915米 < hulled\-or\-husked\-uncooked\-rice; 1916鹏 < fabulous\-bird\-of\-enormous\-size; 1917喂 < interjection\-to\-call\-attention; 1918潇 < sound\-of\-beating\-wind\-and\-rain; 1919禹 < legendary\-hsia\-dynasty\-founder; 1920斟 < to\-pour\-wine\-or\-tea\-into\-a\-cup; 1921萼 < the\-stem\-and\-calyx\-of\-a\-flower; 1922阀 < powerful\-and\-influential\-group; 1923楷 < model\-style\-of\-chinese\-writing; 1924辄 < sides\-of\-chariot\-where\-weapons; 1925俑 < wooden\-figure\-buried\-with\-dead; 1926嘹 < used\-describe\-clarity\-of\-voice; 1927轼 < horizontal\-wooden\-bar\-in\-front; 1928馑 < time\-of\-famine\-or\-crop\-failure; 1929伥 < ghost\-of\-one\-devoured\-by\-tiger; 1930绶 < silk\-ribbon\-attached\-as\-a\-seal; 1931鬈 < fine\-growth\-of\-hair\-curly\-hair; 1932磔 < downward\-stroke\-slanting\-right; 1933裢 < folding\-purse\-inserted\-in\-belt; 1934枸 < kind\-of\-aspen\-found\-in\-sichuan; 1935芊 < exuberant\-and\-vigorous\-foliage; 1936鄄 < name\-of\-a\-district\-in\-shandong; 1937鼹 < a\-kind\-of\-insectivorous\-rodent; 1938莼 < an\-edible\-water\-plant\-brasenia; 1939圬 < plaster\-over\-with\-layer\-of\-mud; 1940莩 < membrane\-lining\-inside\-of\-reed; 1941诶 < an\-exclamation\-of\-confirmation; 1942褙 < paper\-or\-cloth\-pasted\-together; 1943直接數據 < data\-direct\-\(in\-lan\-emulation\); 1944外灘 < waitan\-\(the\-bund\)\,\-in\-shanghai; 1945證實 < confirm\-\(something\-to\-be\-true\); 1946愛面子 < be\-concerned\-about\-face\-saving; 1947議員 < member\-\(of\-a\-legislative\-body\); 1948報表 < forms\-for\-reporting\-statistics; 1949明報 < ming\-pao\-newspaper\-\(hong\-kong\); 1950前程 < future\-\(career\,\-etc\)\-prospects; 1951登門 < pay\-a\-visit\-to\-someone''s\-house; 1952邊民 < people\-living\-on\-the\-frontiers; 1953那末 < if\-that''s\-the\-case\,\-then\-\(\.\.\.\); 1954效應 < effect\-\(eg\,\-greenhouse\-effect\); 1955墨爾缽 < melbourne\-\(an\-australian\-city\); 1956歹徒 < evil\-person\-who\-commits\-crimes; 1957收復 < recover\-\(lost\-territory\,\-etc\.\); 1958傲骨 < lofty\-and\-unyielding\-character; 1959斷交 < break\-off\-diplomatic\-relations; 1960電腦與電話系統整合 < computer\-telephony\-integration; 1961鶋 < a\-sea\-bird\-with\-a\-white\-breast; 1962鯏 < a\-dialect\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\-name\-of\-fish; 1963饁 < carry\-meal\-to\-workers\-in\-field; 1964日本電報電話公司 < nippon\-telegraph\-and\-telephone; 1965鎫 < ornament\-over\-the\-horse''s\-head; 1966傳統醫藥 < \(chinese\)\-traditional\-medicine; 1967赙 < gift\-of\-money\-help\-pay\-funeral; 1968有史以來 < since\-the\-beginning\-of\-history; 1969帳戶 < \(bank\,\-computer\,\-etc\.\)\-account; 1970詤 < to\-make\-wild\-statements\-to\-lie; 1971核威懾政策 < policy\-of\-nuclear\-intimidation; 1972蘴 < young\-shoots\-of\-the\-rapeturnip; 1973莝 < to\-chop\-straw\-fine\-for\-animals; 1974索杰納 < sojourner\-\(martian\-land\-rover\); 1975腠 < between\-the\-skin\-and\-the\-flesh; 1976包治百病 < guarantee\-to\-cure\-all\-diseases; 1977翿 < streamer\-adorned\-with\-feathers; 1978筥 < round\-shaped\-bamboo\-basket\-for; 1979固然 < admittedly\-\(it''s\-true\-that\.\.\.\); 1980痄 < scrofulous\-swellings\-and\-sores; 1981中華人民共和國 < the\-people''s\-republic\-of\-china; 1982玤 < a\-kind\-of\-gem\-inferior\-to\-jade; 1983服務廣告協議 < service\-advertisement\-protocol; 1984煠 < to\-fry\-in\-fat\-or\-oil\.\-to\-scald; 1985臺獨 < taiwan\-independence\-\(movement\); 1986潏 < fareshare\-reclaimed\-from\-river; 1987漼 < having\-the\-appearance\-of\-depth; 1988保苗 < keep\-a\-full\-stand\-of\-seedlings; 1989欞 < the\-lattice\-of\-a\-window\-a\-sill; 1990按需分配 < distribution\-according\-to\-need; 1991世貿組織 < wto\-\(world\-trade\-organization\); 1992曚 < twilight\-just\-before\-sun\-rises; 1993沒有什麼 < there''s\-nothing\-\(\.\.\.\-about\-it\); 1994斚 < a\-small\-cup\-of\-stone\-with\-ears; 1995按勞分配 < distribution\-according\-to\-work; 1996路由 < routing\-\(in\-computer\-networks\); 1997對美 < \(policy\,\-etc\.\)\-towards\-america; 1998指數 < \(numerical\,\-statistical\)\-index; 1999筆畫 < strokes\-of\-a\-chinese\-character; 2000扊 < upright\-bar\-for\-fastening\-door; 2001慜 < name\-of\-a\-monk\-in\-tang\-dynasty; 2002空襲 < \(military\)\-attack\-from\-the\-air; 2003崠 < place\-name\-in\-guangxi\-province; 2004表報 < statistical\-tables\-and\-reports; 2005岝 < name\-of\-a\-mountain\-in\-shandong; 2006拘押 < \(arrest\-and\)\-take\-into\-custody; 2007談得來 < able\-to\-talk\-to\-or\-get\-on\-with; 2008堭 < a\-dry\-moat\-outside\-a\-city\-wall; 2009堎 < character\-used\-for\-place\-names; 2010嚹 < a\-particle\-implying\-completion; 2011阿拉木圖 < almaty\-\(capital\-of\-kazakhstan\); 2012匳 < ladies\-toilet\-case\-with\-mirror; 2013刵 < punishment\-by\-cutting\-off\-ears; 2014尚書 < high\-official\-in\-ancient\-china; 2015䲁 < general\-term\-of\-a\-kind\-of\-fish; 2016七層架構 < seven\-layer\-architecture\-\(osi\); 2017䰚 < the\-top\-part\-of\-the\-rice\-gruel; 2018䯵 < hair\-style\-for\-little\-children; 2019䯤 < boneware\-used\-to\-comb\-the\-hair; 2020䯒 < the\-upper\-part\-of\-the\-shinbone; 2021䮔 < a\-young\-and\-fleet\-footed\-horse; 2022䭺 < a\-horse\-to\-raise\-its\-head\-high; 2023䫮 < to\-bend\-or\-lower\-of\-one''s\-head; 2024䫆 < the\-front\-and\-back\-of\-the\-neck; 2025䧒 < steps\-leading\-up\-to\-a\-building; 2026䤛 < component\-parts\-of\-a\-cross\-bow; 2027䣹 < to\-brew\-10\-percent\-of\-the\-wine; 2028䣵 < to\-brew\-the\-wine\-a\-second\-time; 2029䣬 < the\-shiny\-colorful\-of\-the\-wine; 2030聳立 < to\-tower\-above\-\(on\-top\-of\-sth\); 2031䢾 < name\-of\-an\-ancient\-small\-state; 2032䡃 < a\-tool\-for\-brushing\-the\-thread; 2033䜲 < name\-of\-a\-village\-in\-old\-china; 2034班組 < teams\-and\-groups\-\(in\-factories; 2035䘓 < thick\-blood\-of\-cattle\-and\-goat; 2036䓿 < a\-second\-name\-for\-lotus\-flower; 2037䓹 < to\-stuff\-full\-and\-to\-gulp\-down; 2038䍁 < the\-hem\-or\-border\-of\-a\-garment; 2039䋴 < silk\-fabrics\-with\-mixed\-colors; 2040䋳 < cloth\-or\-paper\-pasted\-together; 2041伯母 < wife\-of\-father''s\-elder\-brother; 2042䉤 < a\-bamboo\-ware\-for\-washing\-rice; 2043䉛 < bamboo\-basket\-for\-washing\-rice; 2044䉓 < mattress\-made\-of\-bamboo\-strips; 2045䇬 < thin\-bamboo\-laths\-knitted\-sail; 2046䇧 < to\-fill\-an\-opening\-with\-bamboo; 2047䄡 < northern\-minority\-ethnic\-group; 2048䃶 < rugged\-and\-uneven\-of\-the\-rocks; 2049䃚 < rugged\-land\-of\-sand\-and\-pebble; 2050䃂 < dull\-sound\-of\-the\-tolling\-bell; 2051㼡 < a\-small\-jar\-with\-a\-small\-mouth; 2052㵷 < turbulent\-flowing\-of\-the\-water; 2053中藥 < \(traditional\)\-chinese\-medicine; 2054語音通訊通道 < voice\-\(communications\)\-channel; 2055㲹 < the\-dry\-soil\-on\-the\-river\-side; 2056㲝 < fine\-hair\-of\-birds\-and\-animals; 2057㯅 < the\-branches\-growing\-downwards; 2058㮂 < an\-appliance\-used\-to\-lift\-food; 2059㬤 < wet\-clothes\-not\-completely\-dry; 2060㪾 < to\-cut\-the\-flesh\-from\-the\-bone; 2061㨙 < to\-clasp\-or\-hold\-under\-the\-arm; 2062㦲 < a\-particle\-expressing\-surprise; 2063㥋 < sound\-of\-the\-anguish\-of\-sorrow; 2064㤯 < clever\-or\-smart\-in\-a\-small\-way; 2065㤔 < to\-concede\-or\-submit\-willingly; 2066㣇 < a\-kind\-of\-beast\-with\-long\-hair; 2067㡞 < a\-sack\-used\-to\-feed\-the\-horses; 2068㠣 < a\-mountain\-in\-jiangxi\-province; 2069㞯 < the\-turning\-area\-of\-a\-mountain; 2070班主任 < a\-teacher\-in\-charge\-of\-a\-class; 2071㜆 < commonly\-known\-as\-mother\-in\-wu; 2072㙚 < red\-colored\-hard\-and\-solid\-mud; 2073㘞 < yelling\-sound\-of\-towing\-a\-boat; 2074㔩 < hair\-ornments\-used\-in\-old\-time; 2075㔀 < to\-brand\-criminals\-on\-the\-face; 2076暗袋 < camera\-bag\-\(for\-changing\-film\); 2077可選擇丟棄 < discard\-eligible\-\(frame\-relay\); 2078處決 < execute\-\(a\-condemned\-criminal\); 2079應有盡有 < everything\-\(one\-could\-imagine\); 2080新鮮 < fresh\-\(experience\,\-food\,\-etc\.\); 2081導航員 < navigator\-\(on\-a\-plane\-or\-boat\); 2082叫聲 < yelling\-\(sound\-made\-by\-person\); 2083班師 < withdraw\-troops\-from\-the\-front; 2084哀悼 < grieve\-\(mourn\)\-over\-sb''s\-death; 2085科恩 < cohen\-\(u\.s\.\-defence\-secretary\); 2086敗陣 < be\-defeated\-on\-the\-battlefield; 2087眾議院 < house\-of\-representatives\-\(usa\); 2088包賠 < guarantee\-to\-pay\-compensations; 2089名次 < position\-in\-a\-ranking\-of\-names; 2090嫂嫂 < sister\-in\-law\-\(husband''s\-side\); 2091奉行 < to\-pursue\-\(a\-course\,\-a\-policy\); 2092青山綠水 < verdant\-hills\-and\-green\-waters; 2093呼喚 < call\-out\-\(someone''s\-name\,\-etc\); 2094 < the\-original\-form\-for\-七\-u\+4e03; 2095 < the\-sound\-made\-by\-breathing\-in; 2096虹橋機場 < hongqiao\-airport\-\(in\-shanghai\); 2097統一招生 < national\-unified\-entrance\-exam; 2098示威 < hold\-a\-\(protest\)\-demonstration; 2099東部時間 < \(u\.s\.\)\-eastern\-\(standard\)\-time; 2100當事人 < persons\-involved\-or\-implicated; 2101時大時小 < sometimes\-big\,\-sometimes\-small; 2102常規銅電話線 < ordinary\-copper\-telephone\-line; 2103迦 < character\-for\-transliteration; 2104庵 < buddhist\-monastery\-or\-nunnery; 2105庚 < seventh\-of\-ten\-cyclical\-stems; 2106趣 < what\-attracts\-one''s\-attention; 2107畔 < boundary\-path\-dividing\-fields; 2108夾 < be\-wedged\-or\-inserted\-between; 2109辆 < numerary\-adjunct\-for\-vehicles; 2110怔 < a\-disease\-resembling\-neurosis; 2111陌 < foot\-path\-between\-rice\-fields; 2112骆 < a\-white\-horse\-with\-black\-mane; 2113楣 < crossbeam\-above\-or\-under\-gate; 2114璧 < piece\-of\-jade\-with\-hole\-in\-it; 2115膻 < rank\-odor\-\(of\-sheep\-or\-goats\); 2116玑 < pearl\-that\-is\-not\-quite\-round; 2117唢 < flute\-like\-musical\-instrument; 2118楂 < a\-raft\.\-to\-hew\.\-to\-fell\-trees; 2119犒 < entertain\-victorious\-soldiers; 2120矍 < look\-about\-in\-fright\-or\-alarm; 2121擤 < to\-blow\-the\-nose\-with\-fingers; 2122芡 < plant\-allied\-to\-the\-waterlily; 2123籼 < non\-glutinous\-long\-grain\-rice; 2124桡 < bent\-or\-twisted\-piece\-of\-wood; 2125黻 < special\-pattern\-of\-embroidery; 2126嵝 < goulou\-mountain\-peak\-in\-hunan; 2127垭 < character\-used\-in\-place\-names; 2128硖 < \<arch\>\-town\-in\-hebei\-province; 2129邡 < name\-of\-a\-district\-in\-sichuan; 2130讠 < simplified\-kangxi\-radical\-149; 2131噻 < character\-used\-in\-translation; 2132疬 < scrofulous\-lumps\-or\-swellings; 2133蔟 < frame\-on\-which\-silkworms\-spin; 2134垧 < variable\-unit\-of\-land\-measure; 2135鬏 < a\-coiffure\-on\-top\-of\-the\-head; 2136筘 < \(a\-measure\-of\-width\-of\-cloth\); 2137缑 < cord\-binding\-on\-hilt\-of\-sword; 2138簖 < bamboo\-trap\-for\-catching\-fish; 2139庋 < a\-cupboard\-or\-pantry\-to\-store; 2140甍 < rafters\-supporting\-roof\-tiles; 2141吃刀 < penetration\-of\-a\-cutting\-tool; 2142各位 < everybody\-\(a\-term\-of\-address\); 2143韓圓 < korean\-won\-\(unit\-of\-currency\); 2144不辭而別 < leave\-without\-saying\-good\-bye; 2145百聽不厭 < worth\-hearing\-a\-hundred\-times; 2146低階語言 < low\-level\-\(computer\)\-language; 2147不足為訓 < not\-to\-be\-taken\-as\-an\-example; 2148報社 < general\-office\-of\-a\-newspaper; 2149發跡 < to\-rise\-to\-power\-and\-position; 2150支援 < provide\-assistance\-or\-backing; 2151觀測 < \(scientific\,\-etc\)\-observation; 2152違心 < against\-ones\-will\-or\-feelings; 2153駹 < black\-horse\-with\-a\-white\-face; 2154饎 < wine\-and\-food\-eaten\-with\-wine; 2155同步數位階層 < synchronous\-digital\-hierarchy; 2156拼音 < pinyin\-\(chinese\-romanization\); 2157大吹大擂 < make\-an\-exhibition\-of\-oneself; 2158釄 < wine\-brew\-for\-the\-second\-time; 2159釁 < smear\-with\-blood\-in\-sacrifice; 2160境外 < outside\-\(a\-country''s\)\-borders; 2161上海戲劇學院 < shanghai\-theatrical\-institute; 2162迧 < a\-chinese\-family\-name\-arrange; 2163轘 < tear\-asunder\-between\-chariots; 2164輙 < sides\-of\-chariot\-were\-weapons; 2165拌面 < noodles\-served\-with\-soy\-sauce; 2166直接 < direct\-\(opposite\-of\-indirect\); 2167詀 < garrulous\-to\-whisper\.\-to\-joke; 2168訹 < to\-beguile\-with\-false\-stories; 2169藊 < a\-kind\-of\-bean\-with\-flat\-pods; 2170安之若素 < bear\-hardship\-with\-equanimity; 2171舠 < long\-narrow\-knife\-shaped\-boat; 2172鏡頭 < camera\-shot\-\(in\-a\-movie\,\-etc\); 2173翣 < feathers\-used\-decorate\-coffin; 2174莫不 < there\-is\-no\-one\-\(who\-doesn''t\); 2175送人 < to\-see\-\(or\-walk\)\-someone\-home; 2176白文 < the\-text\-of\-an\-annotated\-book; 2177縓 < orange\-or\-reddish\-yellow\-silk; 2178西哈努克 < \(king\)\-sihanouk\-\(of\-cambodia\); 2179將領 < high\-ranking\-military\-officer; 2180殺人案件 < \(case\-of\,\-incident\-of\)\-murder; 2181糏 < rice\-grits\-left\-after\-hulling; 2182篘 < a\-utensil\-used\-to\-filter\-wine; 2183紅綠燈 < \(red\-and\-green\)\-traffic\-light; 2184掌權 < wield\-\(political\,\-etc\.\)\-power; 2185促進 < to\-promote\-\(an\-idea\-or\-cause\); 2186矰 < arrow\-with\-attached\-silk\-cord; 2187公安 < \(ministry\-of\)\-public\-security; 2188玃 < a\-large\-ape\-found\-in\-w\.\-china; 2189猇 < the\-scream\-or\-roar\-of\-a\-tiger; 2190牸 < the\-female\-of\-certain\-animals; 2191背道而馳 < run\-in\-the\-opposite\-direction; 2192滙 < waters\-converging\-to\-one\-spot; 2193傳輸控制協定 < transmission\-control\-protocol; 2194病根 < an\-incompletely\-cured\-illness; 2195補報 < make\-a\-report\-after\-the\-event; 2196重複節 < repeated\-segment\-\(networking\); 2197椊 < to\-fit\-a\-handle\-into\-a\-socket; 2198不名一文 < without\-a\-penny\-to\-one''s\-name; 2199不無小補 < not\-be\-without\-some\-advantage; 2200對臺 < \(policy\,\-etc\.\)\-towards\-taiwan; 2201板鼓 < a\-small\-drum\-for\-marking\-time; 2202暐 < the\-bright\-shining\-of\-the\-sun; 2203昳 < the\-declining\-sun\-in\-the\-west; 2204特別行政區 < special\-administrative\-region; 2205贅述 < to\-say\-more\-than\-is\-necessary; 2206捬 < press\-down\-heavily\-with\-hands; 2207抔 < take\-or\-hold\-up\-in\-both\-hands; 2208實肘 < full\-arm\-\(method\-of\-painting\); 2209淘金 < panning\-\(for\-precious\-metals\); 2210崾 < place\-name\-in\-shanxi\-province; 2211峫 < mountain\-in\-shandong\-province; 2212姅 < woman\-at\-time\-of\-menstruation; 2213壼 < palace\-corridor\-or\-passageway; 2214壍 < moat\-around\-a\-city\.\-a\-channel; 2215加強管制 < to\-tighten\-control\-\(over\-sth\); 2216啩 < particle\-implying\-probability; 2217叐 < to\-prick\-a\-dog\-to\-make\-him\-go; 2218卐 < swastika\-fourth\-of\-auspicious; 2219戈爾 < \(al\)\-gore\-\(us\-vice\-president\); 2220䶕 < irregular\-and\-prominent\-teeth; 2221䵘 < dosen''t\-t\-stick\-to\-each\-other; 2222䲵 < a\-general\-name\-of\-small\-birds; 2223亂說 < to\-make\-irresponsible\-remarks; 2224䯆 < small\-and\-thin\-piece\-of\-bones; 2225人民日報 < renmin\-ribao\-\(people''s\-daily\); 2226䫲 < thin\-and\-sickly\-in\-appearance; 2227䫤 < between\-the\-eyebrows\-and\-eyes; 2228䫡 < a\-long\-shape\-of\-head\-and\-face; 2229䫋 < female\-attendants\-or\-servants; 2230開始以前 < before\-the\-beginning\-\(of\-sth\); 2231䧐 < a\-mountain\-in\-shanxi\-province; 2232䥣 < an\-instrument\-for\-boring\-wood; 2233䥉 < the\-curved\-iron\-part\-of\-a\-hoe; 2234䤒 < wine\-made\-from\-glutinous\-rice; 2235䤍 < rotten\-paste\-or\-soybean\-sauce; 2236不識大體 < fail\-to\-see\-the\-larger\-issues; 2237䠽 < height\-or\-stature\-of\-a\-person; 2238䠱 < to\-walk\-slowly\-and\-cautiously; 2239䟧 < sound\-of\-treading\-or\-stepping; 2240䞇 < gifts\-to\-superiors\-or\-friends; 2241䝽 < name\-of\-a\-person\-in\-old\-china; 2242兵工廠 < munitions\-or\-ordnance\-factory; 2243䝙 < a\-kind\-of\-animal\-like\-a\-tiger; 2244䜈 < to\-speak\-on\-behalf\-of\-another; 2245䘳 < a\-garment\-of\-single\-thickness; 2246䏼 < what\-is\-left\-over\-of\-the\-food; 2247不打自招 < confess\-without\-being\-pressed; 2248䎢 < to\-measure\-by\-pints\-and\-pecks; 2249䎑 < flying\-over\-the\-water\-surface; 2250䍮 < young\-goat\-under\-one\-year\-old; 2251䍂 < tools\-to\-draw\-water\-or\-liquid; 2252䌿 < the\-breadth\-of\-cloth\-or\-paper; 2253䌗 < the\-left\-over\-of\-drawing\-silk; 2254䌈 < to\-get\-something\-with\-a\-lasso; 2255一舉兩得 < kill\-two\-birds\-with\-one\-stone; 2256不軌 < against\-the\-law\-or\-discipline; 2257䉥 < a\-small\-basket\-for\-chopsticks; 2258半身像 < half\-length\-photo\-or\-portrait; 2259䆺 < whirling\-of\-the\-flowing\-water; 2260䅢 < mature\-or\-ripen\-of\-the\-grains; 2261保商 < preservation\-of\-soil\-moisture; 2262㿶 < the\-sides\-of\-a\-shoe\-or\-gutter; 2263㽰 < carved\-window\-frame\-on\-a\-door; 2264作戰 < conduct\-\(military\-operations\); 2265㹂 < untamed\-and\-indocility\-cattle; 2266㴄 < the\-water\-flowing\-in\-a\-turned; 2267世行 < \[abbreviation\-for\]\-world\-bank; 2268㰉 < the\-hazel\-nut\-or\-filbert\-tree; 2269中華 < china\-\(alternate\-formal\-name\); 2270㭟 < torture\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 2271㫐 < distant\-and\-indistinguishable; 2272㡻 < name\-of\-a\-small\-ancient\-state; 2273侵入 < to\-make\-\(military\)\-incursions; 2274球檯 < table\-\(for\-games\-using\-balls\); 2275㛐 < wife\-of\-one''s\-elder''s\-brother; 2276㚆 < to\-do\-something\-in\-an\-old\-way; 2277㖟 < to\-deliver\-over\-to\-personally; 2278下臺 < step\-down\-\(from\-office\,\-etc\.\); 2279貪污 < \(political\,\-moral\)\-corruption; 2280中級 < middle\-level\-\(in\-a\-hierarchy\); 2281有的 < \(there\-are\)\-some\-\(who\-are\.\.\.\); 2282蓋飯 < rice\-with\-meat\-and\-vegitables; 2283不速之客 < uninvited\-or\-unexpected\-guest; 2284下班 < to\-come\-or\-go\-or\-get\-off\-work; 2285發電量 < \(generated\)\-electrical\-energy; 2286不得要領 < fail\-to\-grasp\-the\-main\-points; 2287包銷 < have\-exclusive\-selling\-rights; 2288進行調查 < to\-carry\-out\-an\-investigation; 2289讓球 < to\-concede\-points\-\(in\-a\-game\); 2290書房 < study\-\(i\.e\.\-the\-kind\-of\-room\); 2291通用資源識別號 < universal\-resource\-identifier; 2292認識 < be\-acquainted\-with\-\(a\-person\); 2293卻病 < to\-prevent\-or\-treat\-a\-disease; 2294遲遲 < \(be\)\-late\-\(with\-a\-task\,\-etc\.\); 2295大街小巷 < large\-streets\-and\-small\-lanes; 2296 < an\-alternate\-form\-of\-u\+4ea5\-亥; 2297德班 < durban\-\(city\-in\-south\-africa\); 2298保安族 < the\-baoan\-\(paoan\)\-nationality; 2299擺輪 < balance\-\(of\-a\-watch\-or\-clock\); 2300擺設 < furnish\-and\-decorate\-\(a\-room\); 2301江澤民 < jiang\-zemin\-\(chinese\-premier\); 2302熱線 < hotline\-\(communications\-link\); 2303法制 < legal\-system\-and\-institutions; 2304件 < numerary\-adjunct\-for\-article; 2305吗 < final\-interrogative\-particle; 2306麽 < interrogative\-final\-particle; 2307矣 < particle\-of\-completed\-action; 2308乒 < used\-with\-pong\-for\-ping\-pong; 2309乓 < used\-with\-ping\-for\-ping\-pong; 2310咚 < used\-as\-description\-of\-sound; 2311琅 < a\-variety\-of\-white\-carnelian; 2312孰 < who\?\-which\?\-what\?\-which\-one\?; 2313戊 < fifth\-of\-ten\-celestial\-stems; 2314渲 < add\-repeated\-washes\-of\-color; 2315咫 < foot\-measure\-of\-zhou\-dynasty; 2316饷 < rations\-and\-pay\-for\-soldiers; 2317汶 < a\-river\-in\-shandong\-province; 2318叁 < bank\-form\-of\-numeral\-''three''; 2319壬 < ninth\-of\-ten\-celestial\-stems; 2320柩 < coffin\-which\-contains\-corpse; 2321桠 < the\-forking\-branch\-of\-a\-tree; 2322甏 < a\-squat\-jar\-for\-holding\-wine; 2323笞 < bamboo\-rod\-used\-for\-beatings; 2324阗 < a\-place\-in\-xinjiang\-province; 2325铉 < device\-for\-carrying\-a\-tripod; 2326觥 < a\-cup\-made\-of\-horn\-obstinate; 2327裣 < draw\-one''s\-hands\-into\-sleeve; 2328崃 < mountain\-in\-sichuan\-province; 2329罘 < screen\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 2330氇 < thick\-rough\-serge\-from\-tibet; 2331埴 < soil\-with\-large\-clay\-content; 2332昴 < one\-of\-the\-28\-constellations; 2333菹 < salted\-or\-pickled\-vegetables; 2334各大軍區 < \"the\-greater\-military\-areas\"; 2335水平 < level\-\(of\-achievement\,\-etc\.\); 2336夫權 < authority\-over\-the\-household; 2337印尼 < \(abbreviation\-for\)\-indonesia; 2338變價 < appraise\-at\-the\-current\-rate; 2339年夜飯 < new\-year''s\-eve\-family\-dinner; 2340妹夫 < brother\-in\-law\-\(wife''s\-side\); 2341進而 < and\-then\-\(what\-follows\-next\); 2342李登輝 < lee\-teng\-hui\-\(taiwan\-leader\); 2343陣線 < a\-front\-\(ie\,\-militant\-group\); 2344呼籲美國 < to\-call\-on\-the\-united\-states; 2345傳統中國醫藥 < chinese\-traditional\-medicine; 2346歲月 < the\-years\-of\-a\-person''s\-life; 2347豐衣足食 < have\-ample\-food\-and\-clothing; 2348不知好歹 < not\-know\-what''s\-good\-for\-one; 2349歸屬 < be\-under\-the\-jurisdiction\-of; 2350在野 < be\-out\-of\-\(political\)\-office; 2351廠房 < a\-building\-used\-as\-a\-factory; 2352判決 < judgment\-\(by\-a\-court\-of\-law\); 2353困難 < \(financial\,\-etc\.\)\-difficulty; 2354鵭 < a\-small\-bird\-with\-black\-neck; 2355大自然 < nature\-\(as\-in\-mother\-nature\); 2356網管接口 < network\-management\-interface; 2357隒 < the\-appearance\-of\-a\-mountain; 2358掛號 < to\-register\-\(a\-letter\,\-etc\.\); 2359補苗 < fill\-the\-gaps\-with\-seedlings; 2360根據上表 < according\-to\-the\-above\-table; 2361武力 < \(make\-use\-of\)\-military\-force; 2362放假 < to\-have\-a\-holidy\-or\-vacation; 2363醁 < a\-kind\-of\-green\-colored\-wine; 2364舉重 < \(the\-sport\-of\)\-weightlifting; 2365邿 < a\-state\-in\-shandong\-province; 2366轖 < framework\-of\-lattice\-on\-cart; 2367嚴詞 < \(criticize\,\-etc\.\)\-forcefully; 2368觵 < a\-cup\-made\-of\-corn\-obstinate; 2369華盛頓時報 < washington\-times\-\(newspaper\); 2370境內 < within\-\(a\-country''s\)\-borders; 2371華人 < ethnic\-chinese\-person\|people; 2372橋本 < \(japanese\-surname\)\-hashimoto; 2373地皮 < lot\,\-section\-of\-land\,\-ground; 2374立方米 < cubic\-meter\-\(unit\-of\-volume\); 2375轉機 < \(take\-a\)\-turn\-for\-the\-better; 2376固定虛擬連接 < permanent\-virtual\-connection; 2377常委 < member\-of\-standing\-committee; 2378吃不消 < be\-unable\-to\-stand\-\(exertion; 2379投票站 < polling\-station\-\(for\-a\-vote\); 2380耇 < wrinkled\-face\-of\-the\-elderly; 2381羴 < rank\-odour\-of\-sheep\-or\-goats; 2382得票率 < percentage\-of\-votes\-obtained; 2383絃 < string\-on\-musical\-instrument; 2384國防利益 < \(national\)\-defence\-interests; 2385開放系統互連 < open\-systems\-interconnection; 2386筻 < place\-name\-in\-hunan\-province; 2387竚 < stand\-and\-wait\-for\-long\-time; 2388起飛 < to\-take\-off\-\(in\-an\-airplane\); 2389開幕 < to\-open\-\(a\-conference\,\-e\.g\.\); 2390打針 < to\-give\-or\-have\-an\-injection; 2391睙 < to\-roll\-the\-eyeballs\-to\-look; 2392瑂 < \(stone\-which\-resembles\-jade\); 2393本末倒置 < take\-the\-branch\-for\-the\-root; 2394燺 < the\-dry\-at\-the\-fire\-to\-roast; 2395瀔 < river\-name\-in\-henan\-province; 2396抱頭痛哭 < cry\-on\-each\-other''s\-shoulder; 2397汧 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shangdong; 2398璧謝 < decline\-\(a\-gift\)\-with\-thanks; 2399橵 < wood\-placed\-under\-roof\-tiles; 2400對華 < \(policy\,\-etc\.\)\-towards\-china; 2401不一而足 < by\-no\-means\-an\-isolated\-case; 2402曈 < twilight\-just\-before\-sunrise; 2403旟 < an\-military\-flag\-oa\-standard; 2404儀器 < \(scientific\,\-etc\)\-instrument; 2405原子科學家通報 < journal\-of\-atomic\-scientists; 2406究辦 < to\-investigate\-and\-deal\-with; 2407吃不住 < be\-unable\-to\-bear\-or\-support; 2408扨 < pick\-up\-with\-fork\-or\-pincers; 2409幰 < curtain\-at\-front\-of\-carriage; 2410娀 < name\-of\-a\-concubine\-of\-di\-ku; 2411白紙黑字 < \(written\)\-in\-black\-and\-white; 2412埄 < whirling\-of\-dust\-in\-the\-wind; 2413定罪 < convict\-\(someone\-of\-a\-crime\); 2414本題 < the\-subject\-under\-discussion; 2415背簍 < a\-basket\-carried\-on\-the\-back; 2416北京藝術學院 < beijing\-academy\-of\-fine\-arts; 2417不碎玻璃 < shatterproof\-or\-safety\-glass; 2418有關 < to\-have\-something\-to\-do\-with; 2419來源 < source\-\(of\-information\,\-etc\); 2420䵠 < rushes\-used\-form\-making\-mats; 2421䳍 < a\-kind\-of\-pheasant\-like\-bird; 2422獲釋 < obtain\-release\-\(from\-prison\); 2423䱱 < a\-kind\-of\-slippery\-long\-fish; 2424䮇 < black\-horse\-with\-white\-thigh; 2425對日 < \(policy\,\-etc\.\)\-towards\-japan; 2426䬠 < the\-falling\-of\-snow\-and\-rain; 2427䪭 < a\-kind\-of\-musical\-instrument; 2428䪉 < metal\-decoration\-on\-a\-halter; 2429䩡 < a\-kind\-of\-boots\-in\-old\-times; 2430莫衷一是 < cannot\-decide\-which\-is\-right; 2431䦜 < name\-of\-a\-state\-in\-old\-times; 2432䥺 < name\-of\-a\-double\-edged\-sword; 2433䥕 < the\-blade\-or\-edge\-of\-a\-spade; 2434䤉 < emptied\-the\-drink\-completely; 2435䣡 < name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-old\-times; 2436䡑 < the\-rim\-or\-felloe\-of\-a\-wheel; 2437䠴 < with\-a\-symmetric\-well\-formed; 2438䝵 < to\-thank\-with\-money\-or\-gifts; 2439䙗 < a\-swaddling\-cloth\-for\-infant; 2440䘻 < curtain\-on\-a\-carriage\-or\-car; 2441䘺 < a\-seam\-which\-has\-come\-unsewn; 2442䘵 < hissing\-sound\-of\-the\-clothes; 2443䔛 < fibrous\-plant\-of\-which\-cloth; 2444䑹 < a\-numerary\-adjunct\-for\-ships; 2445䍠 < turban\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 2446䌋 < a\-herchief\-hung\-at\-the\-waist; 2447䋩 < pretty\-and\-fine\-silk\-fabrics; 2448䋏 < thick\-and\-big\-ropes\-or\-cords; 2449䋋 < a\-kind\-of\-spring\-fishing\-net; 2450八國聯軍 < the\-eight\-power\-allied\-force; 2451䆶 < noise\-of\-a\-mouse\-in\-the\-cave; 2452䅳 < stalk\-of\-the\-panicled\-millet; 2453䅭 < a\-variety\-of\-panicled\-millet; 2454䅌 < stalk\-of\-wheat\-or\-rice\-plant; 2455䃋 < a\-fine\-stone\-resembling\-jade; 2456䂵 < sound\-of\-bumping\-or\-striking; 2457䂫 < noise\-of\-stones\-rolling\-down; 2458䀳 < not\-to\-look\-straight\-forward; 2459㾴 < the\-erythema\-of\-acne\-rosacea; 2460多年以來 < for\-many\-years\-\(in\-the\-past\); 2461㹥 < a\-yellow\-dog\-with\-black\-head; 2462㹁 < generally\-called\-the\-animals; 2463㵵 < swift\-currents\-of\-the\-stream; 2464㵎 < a\-mountain\-stream\-or\-torrent; 2465㴚 < the\-small\-ditch\-in\-the\-field; 2466知識產權 < intellectual\-property\-rights; 2467憋氣 < feel\-suffocated\-or\-oppressed; 2468㰆 < an\-instrument\-to\-blow\-a\-fire; 2469㰁 < a\-tree\-with\-slanted\-branches; 2470㯳 < a\-kind\-of\-tool\-to\-adjust\-bow; 2471㥜 < unsuccessful\-in\-one''s\-career; 2472㡱 < to\-cauterize\-by\-burning\-moxa; 2473㠱 < to\-set\-with\-the\-legs\-clossed; 2474㜌 < a\-different\-name\-for\-breasts; 2475㙾 < hills\-with\-lots\-of\-big\-rocks; 2476㙛 < a\-person''s\-name\-in\-old\-times; 2477㗾 < to\-give\-vent\-to\-the\-feelings; 2478㗆 < sound\-of\-the\-ringed\-pheasant; 2479㓳 < use\-knife\-to\-split\-something; 2480㑟 < insincere\-and\-cunning\-person; 2481自治區 < autonomous\-region\-\(in\-china\); 2482同胞 < fellow\-citizen\-or\-countryman; 2483匾額 < a\-horizontal\-inscribed\-board; 2484廣播和未知服務器 < broadcast\-and\-unknown\-server; 2485確診 < to\-make\-a\-definite\-diagnosis; 2486張純如 < \(american\-author\)\-iris\-chang; 2487它們 < they\-\(for\-inanimate\-objects\); 2488現場 < scene\-\(of\-event\-or\-incident\); 2489愛情 < love\-\(between\-man\-and\-woman\); 2490變節 < make\-a\-political\-recantation; 2491誓死不降 < to\-vow\-to\-fight\-to\-the\-death; 2492沒有必要 < there\-is\-no\-need\-to\-\(do\-sth\); 2493涉嫌 < to\-be\-a\-suspect\-\(in\-a\-crime\); 2494班務會 < a\-routine\-meeting\-of\-a\-squad; 2495新德裡 < new\-delhi\-\(capital\-of\-india\); 2496反對黨 < opposition\-\(political\)\-party; 2497失足 < to\-take\-a\-wrong\-step\-in\-life; 2498中文廣播 < chinese\-\(language\)\-broadcast; 2499移殖手術 < \(organ\)\-transplant\-operation; 2500犧牲 < sacrifice\-\(one''s\-life\,\-etc\.\); 2501亞伯 < abe\-\(short\-form\-for\-abraham\); 2502猜忌 < be\-suspicious\-and\-jealous\-of; 2503黨內 < within\-the\-\(communist\)\-party; 2504說明書 < synopsis\-\(of\-a\-play\-or\-film\); 2505動蕩 < \(social\-or\-political\)\-unrest; 2506王丹 < wang\-dan\-\(chinese\-dissident\); 2507叛亂罪 < the\-crime\-of\-armed\-rebellion; 2508浪子回頭 < the\-return\-of\-a\-prodigal\-son; 2509差得多 < fall\-short\-by\-a\-large\-amount; 2510不急之務 < a\-matter\-of\-no\-great\-urgency; 2511電磁干擾 < electromagnetic\-interference; 2512台灣話 < taiwanese\-chinese\-\(language\); 2513啦 < final\-particle\-of\-assertion; 2514综 < arrange\-threads\-for\-weaving; 2515拭 < wipe\-away\-stains\-with\-cloth; 2516叮 < exhort\-or\-enjoin\-repeatedly; 2517戟 < halberd\-with\-crescent\-blade; 2518凛 < to\-shiver\-with\-cold\-or\-fear; 2519栋 < main\-beams\-supporting\-house; 2520髦 < flowing\-hair\-of\-young\-child; 2521筝 < stringed\-musical\-instrument; 2522丙 < third\-of\-the\-heavenly\-stems; 2523沂 < river\-in\-southeast\-shandong; 2524笈 < bamboo\-box\-used\-carry\-books; 2525瓢 < ladle\-made\-from\-dried\-gourd; 2526簧 < reed\-of\-woodwind\-instrument; 2527蛟 < scaly\-dragon\-with\-four\-legs; 2528敕 < an\-imperial\-order\-or\-decree; 2529裟 < a\-cassock\-or\-robe\-of\-a\-monk; 2530碴 < chipped\-edge\-of\-a\-container; 2531瘴 < malaria\-pestilential\-vapors; 2532纶 < green\-silk\-thread\-or\-tassel; 2533罡 < the\-name\-of\-a\-certain\-stars; 2534癸 < last\-of\-ten\-celestial\-stems; 2535橇 < a\-sledge\-for\-transportation; 2536皋 < the\-high\-land\-along\-a\-river; 2537潍 < county\-in\-shandong\-province; 2538洙 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shandong; 2539獠 < to\-hunt\-at\-night\-by\-torches; 2540麒 < legendary\-auspicious\-animal; 2541珩 < the\-top\-gem\-of\-the\-pendants; 2542谥 < to\-confer\-posthumous\-titles; 2543秫 < glutinous\-variety\-of\-millet; 2544竽 < ancient\-woodwind\-instrument; 2545崮 < \(element\-in\-mountain\-names\); 2546愀 < to\-change\-one''s\-countenance; 2547鄢 < name\-of\-a\-district\-in\-honan; 2548癍 < unhealthy\-marks\-on\-the\-skin; 2549鄞 < county\-in\-zhejiang\-province; 2550雒 < black\-horse\-with\-white\-mane; 2551旒 < fringes\-of\-pearls\-on\-crowns; 2552琊 < a\-place\-in\-eastern\-shandong; 2553蚨 < a\-kind\-of\-water\-beetle\-cash; 2554毳 < fine\-hair\-or\-fur\-on\-animals; 2555瘥 < to\-recover\-from\-any\-disease; 2556浈 < river\-in\-guangdong\-province; 2557嘧 < \(phonetic\)\-as\-in\-pyrimidine; 2558不易之論 < perfectly\-sound\-proposition; 2559似乎很安全 < to\-appear\-\(to\-be\)\-very\-safe; 2560決定 < to\-decide\-\(to\-do\-something\); 2561姊妹 < \(older\-and\-younger\)\-sisters; 2562逼肖 < bear\-a\-close\-resemblance\-to; 2563葉利欽 < \(russian\-president\)\-yeltsin; 2564復審 < reexamine\-\(a\-judicial\-case\); 2565入門 < introduction\-\(to\-a\-subject\); 2566白露 < white\-dew\-\(15th\-solar\-term\); 2567各種各樣 < various\-sorts\-and\-varieties; 2568補體 < complement\-\(in\-blood\-serum\); 2569評比 < to\-evaluate\-\(by\-comparison\); 2570不違農時 < not\-miss\-the\-farming\-season; 2571黃浦江 < huangpu\-river\-\(in\-shanghai\); 2572轉身 < \(of\-a\-person\)\-to\-turn\-round; 2573爪哇 < java\-\(programming\-language\); 2574效忠 < vow\-loyalty\-and\-devotion\-to; 2575亂作決定 < to\-make\-arbitrary\-decisions; 2576採辦 < buy\-on\-a\-considerable\-scale; 2577弟妹 < sister\-in\-law\-\(wife''s\-side\); 2578陷於 < caught\-in\-\(a\-bad\-situation\); 2579鵾 < a\-bird\-resembling\-the\-crane; 2580外匯 < foreign\-\(currency\)\-exchange; 2581大器晚成 < grand\-talents\-mature\-slowly; 2582摘由 < high\-points\-\(of\-a\-document\); 2583鮨 < epinephelus\-septemfasciatus; 2584飦 < well\-boiled\-congee\-or\-gruel; 2585雊 < the\-crow\-of\-a\-male\-pheasant; 2586隺 < a\-bird\-flying\-high\-ambition; 2587背包袱 < have\-a\-weight\-on\-one''s\-mind; 2588按步就班 < follow\-the\-prescribed\-order; 2589外交部長 < minister\-of\-foreign\-affairs; 2590醱 < to\-brew\-for\-the\-second\-time; 2591酖 < wine\-with\-bird\-poison\-added; 2592百尺杆頭更盡一步 < make\-still\-further\-progress; 2593鄿 < county\-in\-xinjiang\-province; 2594鄍 < a\-town\-in\-shandong\-province; 2595蹚 < tread\-through\-mud\-and\-water; 2596中央情報局 < central\-intelligence\-agency; 2597側躺 < to\-lie\-down\-\(on\-one''s\-side\); 2598報戶口 < apply\-for\-a\-resident\-permit; 2599褘 < ceremonial\-gowns\-of\-a\-queen; 2600蟰 < small\-spider\-with\-long\-legs; 2601蛕 < the\-common\-intestinal\-worms; 2602服務提供商 < \(internet\)\-service\-provider; 2603搜捕 < hunt\-and\-arrest\-\(fugitives\); 2604揹書 < recite\-a\-lesson\-from\-memory; 2605幸免 < narrowly\-and\-luckily\-escape; 2606不登大雅之堂 < not\-appeal\-to\-refined\-taste; 2607肷 < area\-between\-waist\-and\-hips; 2608舉世矚目 < attract\-worldwide\-attention; 2609獨斷專行 < act\-in\-an\-arbitrary\-fashion; 2610籄 < a\-basket\-for\-carrying\-earth; 2611國際級 < \(at\-an\)\-international\-level; 2612筎 < thin\-outside\-skin\-of\-bamboo; 2613瞤 < to\-blink\-or\-twitch\-the\-eyes; 2614管理信息庫 < management\-information\-base; 2615華盛頓郵報 < washington\-post\-\(newspaper\); 2616國標 < guobiao\-\(encoding\-standard\); 2617便血 < having\-blood\-in\-one''s\-stool; 2618淠 < luxuriant\-\(of\-water\-plants\); 2619浰 < attend\-\(official\-functions\); 2620病機 < interpretation\-of\-the\-cause; 2621泑 < the\-vitreous\-glaze\-on\-china; 2622殨 < to\-open\-as\-an\-ulcer\-or\-sore; 2623才華 < literary\-or\-artistic\-talent; 2624指法 < finger\-method\-\(in\-painting\); 2625寶藏 < precious\-\(mineral\)\-deposits; 2626提前 < to\-shift\-to\-an\-earlier\-date; 2627輩出 < come\-forth\-in\-large\-numbers; 2628枏 < a\-variety\-of\-evergreen\-tree; 2629板鴨 < pressed\-\(dried\)\-salted\-duck; 2630拔海 < elevation\-\(above\-sea\-level\); 2631願意不願意 < whether\-one\-wants\-to\-or\-not; 2632吃不來 < not\-be\-fond\-of\-certain\-food; 2633搇 < to\-press\-down\-with\-the\-hand; 2634據報導 < according\-to\-\(news\)\-reports; 2635超文件傳輸協定 < hypertext\-transfer\-protocol; 2636弸 < a\-bow\-stretched\-to\-the\-full; 2637巠 < streams\-running\-underground; 2638崙 < kunlun\-mountains\-in\-jiangsu; 2639倫敦 < london\-\(capital\-of\-england\); 2640堳 < land\-allotment\-feudal\-noble; 2641北京語言學院 < beijing\-languages\-institute; 2642噕 < to\-speak\-falsely\-or\-wrongly; 2643條款 < clause\-\(of\-contract\-or\-law\); 2644病例 < \[medical\]\-case\-\[of\-illness\]; 2645器官 < organ\-\(part\-of\-body\-tissue\); 2646丩 < to\-join\-or\-connect\-the\-vine; 2647丒 < the\-period\-from\-1\-to\-3\-a\.m\.; 2648䵅 < to\-extract\-by\-applying\-heat; 2649䴳 < distiller''s\-grains\-or\-yeast; 2650䳞 < birds\-flying\-all\-directions; 2651䳊 < a\-wild\-duck\-like\-water\-bird; 2652䳃 < a\-kind\-of\-phoenix\-like\-bird; 2653䪷 < to\-toil\-or\-labor\-sedulously; 2654䪇 < cushioned\-seat\-on\-a\-vehicle; 2655䩿 < a\-big\-drum\-used\-in\-the\-army; 2656䧘 < a\-low\-wall\-on\-the\-road\-side; 2657䦲 < eaves\-of\-a\-ancestral\-temple; 2658䤻 < heavy\-iron\-part\-of\-a\-plough; 2659䣲 < to\-heat\-the\-wine\-over\-night; 2660䢯 < to\-choose\-or\-select\-careful; 2661䠋 < bell\-shaped\-with\-large\-base; 2662䟮 < to\-crawl\-on\-hands\-and\-knees; 2663䜸 < small\-pieces\-of\-bean\-stalks; 2664䜇 < to\-speak\-not\-in\-a\-clear\-way; 2665班級 < classes\-or\-grades\-in\-school; 2666䚣 < crooked\-horns\-of\-the\-animal; 2667䚜 < cattle\-with\-crosswise\-horns; 2668䙣 < ragged\-garments\-or\-clothing; 2669䙕 < clothes\-that\-have\-no\-lining; 2670䙔 < clothes\-made\-of\-poor\-fabric; 2671䙓 < the\-lower\-part\-of\-a\-garment; 2672䘥 < the\-front\-of\-a\-chinese\-gown; 2673䘁 < a\-blue\-green\-colored\-cicada; 2674䗵 < a\-disease\-attacked\-silkworm; 2675䕮 < flower\-of\-the\-chrysanthemum; 2676䔥 < common\-variety\-of\-artemisia; 2677䔟 < shake\-and\-wave\-of\-the\-grass; 2678病毒學 < virology\-\(study\-of\-viruses\); 2679䐼 < thin\-membrane\-of\-the\-throat; 2680䐯 < ugly\-appearance\-of\-a\-person; 2681䐑 < thin\-cut\-of\-the\-sliced\-meat; 2682䍺 < a\-legendary\-goat\-like\-beast; 2683䌼 < a\-kind\-of\-fine\-silk\-fabrics; 2684䌄 < a\-rope\-for\-drawing\-up\-water; 2685私人鑰匙 < private\-key\-\(in\-encryption\); 2686䊞 < to\-roll\-round\-with\-the\-hand; 2687䉺 < deteriorated\-and\-become\-red; 2688䉹 < name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 2689䉸 < slips\-of\-bamboo\-for\-writing; 2690䈲 < a\-bamboo\-basket\-for\-fishing; 2691䇺 < beans\-and\-peas\-collectively; 2692䇵 < one\-of\-the\-wind\-instruments; 2693憲法 < constitution\-\(of\-a\-country\); 2694䅪 < disease\-of\-the\-private\-part; 2695䄰 < forty\-bundles\-of\-rice\-plant; 2696䃇 < ink\-for\-imprinting\-of\-seals; 2697䀑 < to\-gouge\-out\-an\-eye\-or\-eyes; 2698㽎 < the\-profundity\-of\-the\-harem; 2699㼠 < a\-crock\-with\-narrow\-opening; 2700㺬 < a\-large\-piece\-of\-jade\-stone; 2701㺒 < barking\-of\-a\-frightened\-dog; 2702不諱 < without\-concealing\-anything; 2703㹖 < to\-feed\-animals\-with\-grains; 2704㸒 < to\-absurd\-pursuit\-or\-desire; 2705地址解析協議 < address\-resolution\-protocol; 2706㮀 < tool\-to\-clear\-out\-the\-water; 2707㭕 < a\-board\-for\-carrying\-things; 2708㩆 < to\-be\-in\-full\-possession\-of; 2709而不需 < without\-needing\-\(to\-so\-sth\); 2710㧕 < to\-feel\-or\-touch\-with\-hands; 2711㧂 < a\-cave\-a\-hold\-in\-the\-ground; 2712㦐 < a\-straightforward\-character; 2713安插 < place\-in\-a\-certain\-position; 2714㥴 < do\-not\-care\-about\-something; 2715交換機 < switch\-\(telecommunications\); 2716駱 < white\-horse\-with\-black\-mane; 2717㡵 < roof\-of\-the\-house\-connected; 2718㠟 < a\-mountain\-in\-ancient\-times; 2719古蹟 < places\-of\-historic\-interest; 2720㛽 < to\-walk\-slowly\-like\-a\-woman; 2721㛮 < wife\-of\-one''s\-elder\-brother; 2722㓈 < sound\-of\-flying\-or\-speeding; 2723㒫 < choked\-and\-unable\-to\-breath; 2724㒖 < the\-root\-stock\-of\-the\-lotus; 2725氣體 < gas\-\(ie\,\-gaseous\-substance\); 2726大陸話 < mainland\-chinese\-\(language\); 2727孫子 < grandson\-\(son\-of\-one''s\-son\); 2728奔騰 < \(of\-waves\)\-to\-surge\-forward; 2729卻之不恭 < to\-refuse\-would\-be\-impolite; 2730交換器 < \(telecom\-or\-network\)\-switch; 2731通訊社 < a\-news\-service\-\(eg\,\-xinhua\); 2732郵電 < post\-and\-telecommunications; 2733問候 < give\-someone\-one''s\-respects; 2734祖父 < grandfather\-\(father''s\-side\); 2735愛好者 < lover\-\(of\-art\,\-sports\,\-etc\); 2736決策 < \(make\-a\)\-strategic\-decision; 2737祖母 < grandmother\-\(father''s\-side\); 2738國際貨幣基金組織 < international\-monetary\-fund; 2739馬太福音 < gospel\-according\-to\-matthew; 2740針灸 < acupuncture\-and\-moxibustion; 2741電話會議 < \(telephone\)\-conference\-call; 2742一旦 < in\-case\-\(something\-happens\); 2743壽辰 < birthday\-\(of\-an\-old\-person\); 2744不落窠臼 < not\-follow\-the\-beaten\-track; 2745按照計劃 < according\-to\-\(the\)\-plan\-\.\.\.; 2746公安部 < ministry\-of\-public\-security; 2747抱不平 < be\-outraged\-by\-an\-injustice; 2748事情要做 < thing\-that\-needs\-to\-be\-done; 2749復甦 < recovery\-\(health\,\-economic\); 2750時期 < a\-period\-in\-time\-or\-history; 2751各地 < in\-all\-parts\-of\-\(a\-country\); 2752男子漢 < man\-\(i\.e\.\-manly\,\-masculine\); 2753畦 < sections\-in\-vegetable\-farm; 2754町 < raised\-path\-between\-fields; 2755囁 < move\-lips\-as\-when\-speaking; 2756伦 < normal\-human\-relationships; 2757嘛 < final\-exclamatory\-particle; 2758萨 < buddhist\-gods\-or\-immortals; 2759桐 < name\-applied\-various\-trees; 2760蒂 < peduncle\-or\-stem\-of\-plants; 2761紺 < dark\-blue\-or\-reddish\-color; 2762棵 < numerary\-adjunct\-for\-trees; 2763憋 < to\-suppress\-inner\-feelings; 2764孜 < be\-as\-diligent\-as\-possible; 2765粱 < better\-varieties\-of\-millet; 2766峒 < mountain\-in\-gansu\-province; 2767榨 < to\-press\-or\-extract\-juices; 2768鄱 < county\-and\-lake\-in\-jiangxi; 2769菠 < spinach\-and\-similar\-greens; 2770淞 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-jiangsu; 2771淄 < river\-in\-shandong\-province; 2772悱 < to\-be\-desirous\-of\-speaking; 2773漯 < river\-in\-northern\-shandong; 2774蕙 < species\-of\-fragrant\-orchid; 2775滁 < district\-in\-anhui\-province; 2776狁 < a\-tribe\-of\-scythian\-nomads; 2777酢 < toast\-one''s\-host\-with\-wine; 2778衿 < collar\-or\-lapel\-of\-garment; 2779嶝 < path\-leading\-up\-a\-mountain; 2780旃 < silk\-banner\-with\-bent\-pole; 2781齑 < break\-or\-smash\-into\-pieces; 2782脘 < internal\-cavity\-of\-stomach; 2783镒 < measure\-of\-weight\-for\-gold; 2784眭 < evil\-look\-of\-deep\-set\-eyes; 2785锖 < the\-color\-of\-the\-a\-mineral; 2786邙 < mountain\-in\-henan\-province; 2787敫 < ancient\-musical\-instrument; 2788萑 < grass\-used\-for\-making\-mats; 2789觯 < wine\-goblet\-made\-from\-horn; 2790舣 < to\-moor\-a\-boat\-to\-the\-bank; 2791碑文 < an\-inscription\-on\-a\-tablet; 2792巴兒狗 < pekingese\-\(a\-breed\-of\-dog\); 2793一路平安 < to\-have\-a\-pleasant\-journey; 2794紐約時報 < new\-york\-times\-\(newspaper\); 2795台北 < taipei\-\(capital\-of\-taiwan\); 2796常問問題 < frequently\-asked\-questions; 2797百孔千瘡 < riddled\-with\-gaping\-wounds; 2798兵連禍結 < ravaged\-by\-successive\-wars; 2799河內 < hanoi\-\(capital\-of\-vietnam\); 2800量力 < to\-estimate\-one''s\-strength; 2801本地管理界面 < local\-management\-interface; 2802長期以來 < ever\-since\-a\-long\-time\-ago; 2803存車處 < parking\-lot\-\(for\-bicycles\); 2804斡旋 < mediate\-\(a\-conflict\,\-etc\.\); 2805發展核武器 < to\-develop\-nuclear\-weapons; 2806安家落戶 < make\-one''s\-home\-in\-a\-place; 2807入木三分 < written\-in\-a\-forceful\-hand; 2808牌匾 < board\-\(attached\-to\-a\-wall\); 2809動手 < to\-hit\-with\-hands\-or\-fists; 2810鼻牛兒 < hardened\-mucus\-in\-nostrils; 2811步月 < to\-stroll\-beneath\-the\-moon; 2812異步傳輸模式 < asynchronous\-transfer\-mode; 2813誓師 < to\-vow\-before\-one''s\-troops; 2814部委 < ministries\-and\-commissions; 2815難怪 < \(it''s\)\-no\-wonder\-\(that\.\.\.\); 2816凍結 < \(loan\,\-wage\,\-price\)\-freeze; 2817施加 < exert\-\(effort\-or\-pressure\); 2818視窗 < windows\-\(operating\-system\); 2819巨著 < monumental\-\(literary\)\-work; 2820分時多工 < time\-division\-multiplexing; 2821募化 < to\-collect\-alms\-\(buddhism\); 2822根深蒂固 < deep\-rooted\-\(problem\,\-etc\); 2823叛變的省份 < renegade\-province\-\(taiwan\); 2824部下 < troops\-under\-one''s\-command; 2825馵 < horse\-with\-white\-back\-legs; 2826飣 < display\-food\-for\-show\-only; 2827星島日報 < sing\-tao\-daily\-\(newspaper\); 2828闒 < upper\-story\-door\-or\-window; 2829全程 < \(during\-an\)\-entire\-journey; 2830長篇 < lengthy\-\(report\-or\-speech\); 2831電腦輔助教材 < computer\-aided\-instruction; 2832西湖 < the\-west\-lake\,\-in\-hangzhou; 2833客戶機服務器環境 < client\-server\-environement; 2834銁 < a\-weight\-of\-thirty\-cattics; 2835醊 < to\-pour\-wine\-in\-a\-libation; 2836郿 < county\-in\-shaanxi\-province; 2837郳 < state\-in\-shandong\-province; 2838郠 < place\-in\-shandong\-province; 2839郚 < towns\-in\-shandong\-province; 2840輤 < a\-pall\-to\-cover\-the\-hearse; 2841撥弄 < move\-to\-and\-fro\-\(with\-hand; 2842表記 < something\-given\-as\-a\-token; 2843踒 < to\-slip\-and\-sprain\-a\-blimb; 2844表裡 < the\-outside\-and\-the\-inside; 2845覐 < a\-sleep\-to\-realize\-to\-feel; 2846桃花運 < luck\-with\-the\-opposite\-sex; 2847電信服務 < telecommunications\-service; 2848逼債 < press\-for\-payment\-of\-debts; 2849公開鑰匙 < public\-key\-\(in\-encryption\); 2850虡 < support\-structure\-for\-bell; 2851薾 < luxuriant\-growth\-of\-flower; 2852弗塞奇 < versace\-\(fashion\-designer\); 2853茈 < a\-plant\-yielding\-a\-red\-dye; 2854普通話 < mandarin\-\(common\-language\); 2855電信網路 < telecommunications\-network; 2856膆 < the\-corp\-of\-a\-bird\-or\-fowl; 2857電腦輔助工程 < computer\-aided\-engineering; 2858感染人數 < number\-of\-infected\-persons; 2859筆鋒 < the\-tip\-of\-a\-writing\-brush; 2860報刊 < newspapers\-and\-periodicals; 2861百步穿楊 < shoot\-with\-great\-precision; 2862罭 < drag\-net\-made\-of\-fine\-mesh; 2863罏 < earthen\-stand\-for\-wine\-jug; 2864罍 < large\-earthenware\-wine\-jar; 2865演講 < \(give\)\-a\-speech\-or\-lecture; 2866繸 < hem\-or\-border\-of\-a\-garment; 2867國父 < father\|founder\-of\-a\-nation; 2868篟 < luxuriant\-growth\-of\-bamboo; 2869依靠 < rely\-on\-\(for\-support\,\-etc\); 2870所長 < head\-of\-an\-institute\,\-etc\.; 2871窆 < to\-put\-a\-coffin\-in\-a\-grave; 2872祲 < ominous\-or\-sinister\-spirit; 2873幾年來 < for\-the\-past\-several\-years; 2874若干 < a\-certain\-number\|amount\-of; 2875癕 < loss\-of\-the\-sense\-of\-smell; 2876頤和園 < summer\-palace\-\(in\-beijing\); 2877競選 < run\-for\-\(electoral\)\-office; 2878搶先 < to\-rush\-\(to\-do\-sth\-urgent\); 2879珛 < quickly\-deteriorating\-jade; 2880停留 < stay\-somewhere\-temporarily; 2881澷 < water\-overflowing\-diffused; 2882出現意外 < \(to\-appear\)\-unexpected\(ly\); 2883毩 < a\-leather\-ball\-for\-kicking; 2884病株 < diseased\-or\-infected\-plant; 2885俗稱 < be\-commonly\-referred\-to\-as; 2886揹 < carry\-things\-on\-one''s\-back; 2887揁 < sound\-of\-setting\-up\-a\-koto; 2888一觸即發 < could\-happen\-at\-any\-moment; 2889行將 < be\-about\-to\-\(do\-something\); 2890足球 < football\-\(british\-english\); 2891纖芯直徑 < core\-diameter\-\(of\-a\-fiber\); 2892媧 < mythological\-snail\-goddess; 2893背脊 < the\-back\-of\-the\-human\-body; 2894囉 < exclamatory\-final\-particle; 2895客戶服務器結構 < client\-server\-architecture; 2896嘷 < the\-roaring\-of\-wild\-beasts; 2897進行交易 < to\-carry\-out\-a\-transaction; 2898抗擊 < resist\-\(a\-military\-attack\); 2899剞 < carving\-or\-engraving\-knife; 2900馬來人 < malaysian\-person\-or\-people; 2901冏 < abutilon\-avicennae\-\(plant\); 2902別出心裁 < adopt\-an\-original\-approach; 2903尋機 < to\-look\-for\-an\-opportunity; 2904乫 < used\-in\-korean\-place\-names; 2905實況 < what\-is\-actually\-happening; 2906䵆 < grains\-from\-the\-distillery; 2907䲯 < a\-kind\-of\-black\-small\-bird; 2908䯓 < the\-head\-bone\-of\-livestock; 2909䮶 < flock\-of\-horses\-stampeding; 2910䮣 < a\-yellow\-with\-a\-white\-tail; 2911媒體接口連接器 < medium\-interface\-connector; 2912底特律 < detroit\-\(a\-city\-in\-the\-us\); 2913䬱 < coarse\-grains\-such\-as\-corn; 2914中國科學院 < chinese\-acadamy\-of\-science; 2915䩲 < a\-tool\-used\-to\-cut\-leather; 2916䩚 < to\-mend\-the\-soles\-of\-shoes; 2917百發百中 < every\-shot\-hits\-the\-target; 2918丁雲 < ding\-yun\-\(a\-personal\-name\); 2919虛擬通道連接 < virtual\-channel\-connection; 2920䡦 < the\-empty\-space\-of\-a\-wheel; 2921案板 < kneading\-or\-chopping\-board; 2922䠉 < to\-run\-away\-or\-escape\-from; 2923䞑 < a\-red\-swelling\-of\-the\-skin; 2924保守 < \(politically\)\-conservative; 2925䛯 < the\-reasonable\-of\-speeking; 2926䖅 < name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 2927䔅 < name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-trees; 2928䒱 < twigs\-of\-hemp\-used\-fo\-fuel; 2929䎷 < an\-old\-man\-with\-white\-hair; 2930不送 < don''t\-bother\-to\-see\-me\-out; 2931䌠 < hold\-on\-to\-one''s\-own\-views; 2932面嚮對象的技術 < object\-oriented\-technology; 2933神道 < shinto\-\(japanese\-religion\); 2934䋀 < shoes\-made\-of\-hemp\-or\-hair; 2935䊮 < name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grain; 2936䉂 < a\-basket\-for\-earth\-or\-soil; 2937䇖 < rope\-made\-of\-bamboo\-strips; 2938䆀 < to\-corrupt\-or\-be\-corrupted; 2939䅾 < starting\-to\-put\-forth\-ears; 2940䅬 < small\-bundle\-of\-rice\-plant; 2941將就 < accept\-\(a\-bit\-reluctantly\); 2942不亢不卑 < neither\-haughty\-nor\-humble; 2943䁎 < to\-make\-a\-close\-inspection; 2944䀊 < a\-kind\-of\-water\-containers; 2945懷抱 < \(within\-someone''s\)\-embrace; 2946㼩 < concave\-channels\-of\-tiling; 2947用戶端設備 < customer\-premise\-equipment; 2948情況下 < under\-\(this\)\-circumstances; 2949㺠 < a\-black\-ape\-with\-long\-tail; 2950㺕 < the\-fighting\-sound\-of\-dogs; 2951㹚 < sound\-of\-calling\-to\-a\-calf; 2952㷶 < to\-dry\-or\-warm\-near\-a\-fire; 2953溫哥華 < vancouver\-\(city\-in\-canada\); 2954㷃 < fire\-burns\-for\-a\-long\-time; 2955㴔 < the\-noise\-of\-flowing\-water; 2956㴋 < deep\-and\-clear\-\-to\-urinate; 2957㳧 < the\-water\-flowing\-from\-\.\.\.; 2958㱽 < to\-hit\-or\-to\-strikeheavily; 2959㱻 < diseases\-of\-dumb\-creatures; 2960㱡 < the\-soul\-out\-of\-one''s\-body; 2961㱔 < a\-small\-quantity\-or\-number; 2962㯟 < foot\-of\-a\-hill\-or\-mountain; 2963㭮 < a\-kind\-of\-liquor\-container; 2964右邊 < right\-\(as\-opposed\-to\-left\); 2965不等價交換 < exchange\-of\-unequal\-values; 2966白頭翁 < root\-of\-chinese\-pulsatilla; 2967兀 < duplicate\-of\-big\-five\-a461; 2968白壁無瑕 < impeccable\-moral\-integrity; 2969㦃 < perfect\-personal\-character; 2970社論 < editorial\-\(in\-a\-newspaper\); 2971家常 < the\-daily\-life\-of\-a\-family; 2972㥍 < to\-bear\-jealous\-hatred\-for; 2973㤬 < full\-of\-anger\-and\-vexation; 2974㤎 < a\-model\-or\-typical\-example; 2975㤄 < raging\-animosity\-or\-hatred; 2976㣧 < the\-succession\-in\-a\-family; 2977㣣 < to\-walk\-in\-an\-unsteady\-way; 2978㢸 < device\-for\-regulating\-bows; 2979㢒 < an\-almost\-collapsing\-house; 2980書聖 < a\-great\-calligraphy\-master; 2981㜪 < name\-of\-a\-family\-or\-a\-clan; 2982㜕 < relatives\-through\-marriage; 2983㛲 < the\-hair\-on\-the\-human\-head; 2984㚿 < a\-goddess''s\-name\-in\-legend; 2985㙡 < a\-kind\-of\-eatable\-mushroom; 2986㘹 < to\-spread\-soil\-on\-the\-road; 2987中文版 < chinese\-\(language\)\-version; 2988㘤 < circle\-of\-the\-moving\-water; 2989㖨 < indistinct\-nasal\-utterance; 2990㒽 < a\-kind\-of\-cap\-for\-children; 2991高中生 < senior\-high\-school\-student; 2992㐖 < a\-translated\-name\-of\-india; 2993資本 < capital\-\(as\-in\-capitalism\); 2994板羽球 < battledore\-and\-shuttlecock; 2995風琴 < organ\-\(musical\-instrument\); 2996字帖 < copybook\-\(for\-calligraphy\); 2997敗子回頭 < return\-of\-the\-prodigal\-son; 2998訪問美國 < to\-visit\-the\-united\-states; 2999不失時機 < seize\-the\-opportune\-moment; 3000安分 < not\-go\-beyond\-one''s\-bounds; 3001暗笑 < laugh\-in\-\(up\)\-one''s\-sleeve; 3002導彈潛艇 < \(guided\)\-missile\-submarine; 3003美玲 < mei\-ling\-\(a\-person''s\-name\); 3004碧血 < blood\-shed\-in\-a\-just\-cause; 3005參兩院 < both\-houses\-of\-us\-congress; 3006洪森 < hun\-sen\-\(cambodian\-leader\); 3007稟告 < report\-\(to\-one''s\-superior\); 3008遺體 < remains\-\(of\-a\-dead\-person\); 3009避風 < take\-shelter\-from\-the\-wind; 3010福建 < fujian\-\(province\-of\-china\); 3011安如泰山 < as\-secure\-as\-mount\-taishan; 3012勘誤 < to\-correct\-printing\-errors; 3013升級 < to\-escalate\-\(in\-intensity\); 3014強調 < to\-emphasize\-\(a\-statement\); 3015而且 < not\-only\-\.\.\.\-but\-also\-\.\.\.\.; 3016遷都 < to\-move\-the\-capitol\-\(city\); 3017不義之財 < ill\-gotten\-wealth\-or\-gains; 3018重要的是 < it\-is\-important\-\(that\)\-\.\.\.; 3019不但 < not\-only\-\(\.\.\.\-but\-also\.\.\.\); 3020包產 < make\-a\-production\-contract; 3021癟螺痧 < cholera\-\(with\-dehydration\); 3022届 < numerary\-adjunct\-for\-time; 3023谁 < who\?\-whom\?\-whose\?\-anyone\?; 3024阿 < prefix\-for\-people''s\-names; 3025莢 < pods\-of\-leguminous\-plants; 3026狄 < tribe\-from\-northern\-china; 3027繰 < to\-reel\-silk\-from\-cocoons; 3028漓 < river\-in\-guangxi\-province; 3029咋 < question\-forming\-particle; 3030麟 < female\-of\-chinese\-unicorn; 3031渭 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shanxi; 3032芜 < luxurious\-growth\-of\-weeds; 3033绎 < to\-unravel\-or\-unreel\-silk; 3034璐 < beautiful\-variety\-of\-jade; 3035韶 < music\-of\-the\-emperor\-shun; 3036鬟 < dress\-hair\-in\-coiled\-knot; 3037罂 < long\-necked\-jar\-or\-bottle; 3038靳 < strap\-on\-a\-horse''s\-breast; 3039淦 < river\-in\-jiangxi\-province; 3040搡 < to\-push\-over\-or\-push\-back; 3041艮 < seventh\-of\-eight\-diagrams; 3042湟 < river\-in\-qinghai\-province; 3043猱 < a\-monkey\-with\-yellow\-hair; 3044涪 < river\-in\-sichuan\-province; 3045亳 < name\-of\-district\-in\-anhui; 3046蔺 < rush\-used\-for\-making\-mats; 3047琬 < the\-virtue\-of\-a\-gentleman; 3048猗 < exclamation\-of\-admiration; 3049鼙 < drum\-carried\-on\-horseback; 3050蕲 < variety\-of\-artemisia\-seek; 3051瓞 < young\-melons\-just\-forming; 3052辁 < cart\-wheel\-with\-no\-spokes; 3053酆 < name\-of\-zhou\-period\-state; 3054北朝 < the\-northern\-dynasties\-\(a; 3055超文本標記語言 < hypertext\-markup\-language; 3056永久虛電路 < permanent\-virtual\-circuit; 3057包攬 < undertake\-the\-whole\-thing; 3058勞教 < reeducation\-through\-labor; 3059半場 < half\-of\-a\-game\-or\-contest; 3060通信技術 < communications\-technology; 3061發達 < developed\-\(country\,\-etc\.\); 3062塞爾維亞克羅地亞語 < serbo\-croatian\-\(language\); 3063瀉露 < to\-leak\-out\-\(information\); 3064歲數 < age\-\(number\-of\-years\-old\); 3065外匯儲備 < foreign\-exchange\-reserves; 3066開設 < offer\-\(goods\-or\-services\); 3067廣東 < guangdong\-province\,\-china; 3068放心 < to\-set\-one''s\-mind\-at\-rest; 3069魯迅 < name\-of\-an\-author\,\-lu\-xun; 3070遙望 < to\-look\-into\-the\-distance; 3071電子郵件傳送服務 < \(e\-\)mail\-delivery\-service; 3072補足 < bring\-up\-to\-full\-strength; 3073透通性 < transparency\-\(networking\); 3074熬夜 < stay\-up\-late\-or\-all\-night; 3075鰼 < the\-weather\-or\-dojo\-loach; 3076體驗 < to\-experience\-for\-oneself; 3077撕毀 < tear\-up\-\(a\-contract\,\-etc\); 3078傾銷 < to\-dump\-\(goods\,\-products\); 3079韔 < a\-wrapper\-or\-case\-for\-bow; 3080看法 < way\-of\-looking\-at\-a\-thing; 3081陗 < a\-steep\-hill\.\-precipitous; 3082營業額 < sum\-or\-volume\-of\-business; 3083鏾 < the\-trigger\-of\-a\-crossbow; 3084關注 < follow\-\(an\-issue\)\-closely; 3085鄠 < county\-in\-shanxi\-province; 3086鄎 < a\-place\-in\-henan\-province; 3087剝啄 < tap\-\(on\-a\-door\-or\-window\); 3088辨析 < differentiate\-and\-analyse; 3089不辭辛苦 < make\-nothing\-of\-hardships; 3090程式理員 < program\-manager\-\(windows\); 3091觷 < to\-process\-or\-carve\-horns; 3092民主黨人 < a\-democratic\-party\-member; 3093蝰 < vipera\-russelii\-siamensis; 3094十億位元以太網絡聯盟 < gigabit\-ethernet\-alliance; 3095葶 < draba\-nemerosa\-bebe\-carpa; 3096芔 < a\-general\-term\-for\-plants; 3097膥 < eggs\-of\-birds\-or\-reptiles; 3098三十年來 < for\-the\-past\-thirty\-years; 3099技術發展 < technological\-development; 3100國產 < made\-in\-one''s\-own\-country; 3101高等學校 < colleges\-and\-universities; 3102白族 < the\-bai\-\(pai\)\-nationality; 3103纑 < to\-soften\-hemp\-by\-boiling; 3104原因很簡單 < the\-reason\-is\-very\-simple; 3105籩 < bamboo\-container\-for\-food; 3106籝 < a\-tube\-to\-hold\-chopsticks; 3107康涅狄格 < connecticut\-\(state\-in\-us\); 3108笎 < bamboo\-with\-black\-patches; 3109單連接站 < single\-attachment\-station; 3110禘 < imperial\-ancestor\-worship; 3111矮個兒 < a\-person\-of\-short\-stature; 3112病癒 < recover\-\(from\-an\-illness\); 3113礄 < place\-in\-sichuan\-province; 3114寬限 < extend\-\(a\-deadline\,\-etc\.\); 3115璪 < pearl\-pendants\-on\-coronet; 3116瑽 < tinkling\-of\-jade\-pendants; 3117猲 < smoke\-or\-flames\-from\-fire; 3118符合標準 < to\-comply\-with\-a\-standard; 3119示威遊行 < a\-\(protest\)\-demonstration; 3120泜 < a\-river\-in\-hebei\-province; 3121泒 < a\-river\-in\-hubei\-province; 3122汭 < confluence\-of\-two\-streams; 3123櫽 < shape\-wood\-by\-use\-of\-heat; 3124晬 < first\-birthday\-of\-a\-child; 3125表態 < make\-known\-one''s\-position; 3126宣誓 < swear\-an\-oath\-\(of\-office\); 3127大敵當前 < confront\-a\-powerful\-enemy; 3128悊 < wise\.\-to\-know\-intuitively; 3129拜望 < call\-to\-pay\-one''s\-respect; 3130彍 < to\-draw\-a\-bow\-to\-the\-full; 3131核大國 < a\-nuclear\-power\-\(country\); 3132庅 < an\-interrogative\-particle; 3133研製過程 < manufacturing\-environment; 3134篇幅 < \(take\-up\-or\-devote\)\-space; 3135反唇相譏 < answer\-back\-sarcastically; 3136核轟炸機 < nuclear\-bomber\-\(aircraft\); 3137希臘語 < \(modern\)\-greek\-\(language\); 3138首相 < \(japanese\)\-prime\-minister; 3139時間內 < within\-\(a\-period\-of\-time\); 3140網絡管理系統 < network\-management\-system; 3141把式 < person\-skilled\-in\-a\-trade; 3142䵵 < yellowish\-black\-and\-white; 3143䵫 < light\-red\-yellowish\-black; 3144䴛 < to\-make\-decoction\-of\-salt; 3145䳷 < a\-second\-name\-for\-chicken; 3146䳆 < a\-kind\-of\-species\-of\-myna; 3147䰂 < a\-coiffure\-with\-a\-topknot; 3148䮕 < horse\-with\-white\-forehead; 3149䭨 < wine\-poured\-in\-a\-libation; 3150䫀 < the\-lower\-end\-of\-the\-jaws; 3151䩝 < to\-tan\-and\-soften\-leather; 3152不得人心 < not\-enjoy\-popular\-support; 3153淘籮 < basket\-\(for\-washing\-rice\); 3154䤂 < a\-second\-name\-for\-vinegar; 3155甥女 < niece\-\(sister''s\-daughter\); 3156䣴 < to\-lose\-temper\-when\-drunk; 3157䣆 < name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-gaomi; 3158䢲 < to\-go\-all\-the\-way\-forward; 3159䢮 < rapid\-marching\-or\-running; 3160䢡 < to\-stamp\-the\-foot\-forward; 3161䡹 < the\-low\-rear\-of\-a\-chariot; 3162䡯 < sound\-of\-moving\-carriages; 3163䡡 < to\-get\-up\-into\-a\-carriage; 3164直言不諱 < speak\-frankly\-and\-bluntly; 3165景山公園 < name\-of\-a\-park\-in\-beijing; 3166䘸 < the\-lower\-front\-of\-a\-robe; 3167䘒 < boy''s\-reproductive\-organs; 3168䕄 < meat\-in\-the\-form\-of\-paste; 3169䓋 < elm\-seeds\-\-\-\-used\-as\-food; 3170䑢 < a\-knife\-shaped\-small\-boat; 3171䑈 < meat\-to\-offer\-for\-worship; 3172漢人 < han\-chinese\-person\|people; 3173䍯 < gaot\-with\-different\-horns; 3174䍢 < netted\-veined\-window\-sill; 3175䋟 < the\-weight\-on\-a\-steelyard; 3176䊶 < a\-rope\-for\-leading\-cattle; 3177世界衛生組織 < world\-health\-organization; 3178伺機 < to\-watch\-for\-one''s\-chance; 3179䉗 < a\-receptacle\-or\-container; 3180䄸 < grains\-producing\-no\-fruit; 3181䄒 < ripening\-of\-paddy\-or\-rice; 3182䃁 < uneven\-or\-rugged\-terrains; 3183䁔 < big\-eyes\-protuberant\-eyes; 3184㿰 < durable\-and\-solid\-leather; 3185頸部 < the\-neck\-area\-of\-the\-body; 3186㿂 < obstraction\-of\-the\-bowels; 3187㾵 < a\-dark\-colored\-birth\-mark; 3188㾜 < weak\-breath\-of\-a\-sick\-man; 3189㽾 < a\-kind\-of\-woman''s\-disease; 3190通訊自動化 < communications\-automation; 3191㸲 < a\-kind\-of\-mountain\-cattle; 3192㷯 < smoke\-and\-dust\-everywhere; 3193㶺 < the\-light\-or\-glow\-of\-fire; 3194㵽 < the\-strength\-of\-a\-current; 3195㱥 < the\-evil\-spirits\-come\-out; 3196㰦 < to\-breath\-with\-mouth\-open; 3197㰔 < a\-kind\-of\-edible\-mushroom; 3198㰎 < a\-wooden\-pestle\-or\-rammer; 3199㭛 < a\-kind\-of\-climbing\-plants; 3200㩠 < a\-fierce\-or\-bloody\-battle; 3201㦛 < to\-walk\-in\-a\-composed\-way; 3202面臨困難 < to\-be\-faced\-with\-problems; 3203背影 < a\-view\-of\-somebody''s\-back; 3204㠝 < lofty\-and\-steep\-mountains; 3205㠐 < high\-and\-pointed\-mountain; 3206㞚 < to\-pile\-up\-layer\-by\-layer; 3207㜯 < a\-word\-to\-designate\-woman; 3208㜮 < to\-go\-beyond\-normal\-limit; 3209不務正業 < not\-engage\-in\-honest\-work; 3210㚓 < tie\-beams\-of\-a\-small\-boat; 3211狡賴 < to\-deny\-\(through\-sophism\); 3212㘌 < to\-laugh\-without\-stopping; 3213㗦 < a\-loud\-and\-confused\-noise; 3214㗚 < vexingly\-verbose\-or\-wordy; 3215㗕 < the\-crowing\-of\-a\-pheasant; 3216㖄 < sound\-of\-calling\-chickens; 3217㕚 < claws\-of\-birds\-or\-animals; 3218愛理不理 < look\-cold\-and\-indifferent; 3219㐳 < high\-and\-level\-on\-the\-top; 3220變賣 < sell\-off\-\(one''s\-property\); 3221下工夫 < to\-put\-in\-time\-and\-energy; 3222決賽 < finals\-\(of\-a\-competition\); 3223板書 < writing\-on\-the\-blackboard; 3224珀斯 < perth\-\(city\-in\-australia\); 3225改善通訊 < to\-improve\-communications; 3226總參謀長 < \(military\)\-chief\-of\-staff; 3227愛憐 < show\-tender\-affection\-for; 3228暴漲 < rise\-suddenly\-and\-sharply; 3229錄共 < to\-take\-down\-a\-confession; 3230本家 < a\-member\-of\-the\-same\-clan; 3231面臨 < be\-faced\-with\-\(a\-problem\); 3232背信棄義 < break\-faith\-with\-somebody; 3233值得注意的是 < it''s\-worth\-noting\-that\.\.\.; 3234跨國公司 < transnational\-corporation; 3235日本人 < japanese\-person\-or\-people; 3236共和黨人 < a\-republican\-party\-member; 3237池湯 < large\-pool\-in\-a\-bathhouse; 3238無限期 < unlimited\-\(time\)\-duration; 3239獎勵 < reward\-\(as\-encouragement\); 3240順差 < \(trade\-or\-budget\)\-surplus; 3241環球定位系統 < global\-positioning\-system; 3242初選 < \(us\)\-primaries\-\(election\); 3243帕蘭卡 < palanka\-\(a\-personal\-name\); 3244報銷 < submit\-an\-expense\-account; 3245蜀 < name\-of\-an\-ancient\-state; 3246洛 < river\-in\-shanxi\-province; 3247叔 < father''s\-younger\-brother; 3248絹 < kind\-of\-thick\-stiff\-silk; 3249罩 < basket\-for\-catching\-fish; 3250夷 < ancient\-barbarian\-tribes; 3251砰 < sound\-of\-crashing\-stones; 3252哎 < interjection\-of\-surprise; 3253朔 < first\-day\-of\-lunar\-month; 3254揣 < put\-things\-under\-clothes; 3255嵋 < omei\-mountain\-in\-sichuan; 3256缉 < to\-sew\-in\-close\-stitches; 3257噶 < used\-in\-transliterations; 3258掰 < to\-break\-with\-both\-hands; 3259霆 < a\-sudden\-peal\-of\-thunder; 3260漳 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-henan; 3261巳 < sixth\-of\-twelve\-branches; 3262嗝 < cackling\-of\-fowls\-to\-gag; 3263姘 < illicit\-sexual\-relations; 3264霏 < falling\-of\-snow\-and\-rain; 3265郸 < county\-in\-hebei\-province; 3266呦 < the\-bleating\-of\-the\-deer; 3267掮 < to\-bear\-on\-the\-shoulders; 3268莆 < a\-kind\-of\-legendary\-tree; 3269阡 < footpaths\-between\-fields; 3270鸪 < species\-of\-taiwan\-pigeon; 3271氐 < name\-of\-an\-ancient\-tribe; 3272呤 < purine\-in\-chem\.\-compound; 3273嬗 < succession\-to\-the\-throne; 3274觏 < meet\-or\-see\-unexpectedly; 3275濮 < county\-in\-henan\-province; 3276郴 < county\-in\-hunan\-province; 3277轾 < low\-rear\-portion\-of\-cart; 3278稞 < grain\-ready\-for\-grinding; 3279郧 < county\-in\-hubei\-province; 3280蹼 < webbed\-feet\-of\-waterfowl; 3281甑 < boiler\-for\-steaming\-rice; 3282妗 < wife\-of\-mother''s\-brother; 3283浠 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-hubei; 3284鳔 < swimming\-bladder\-of\-fish; 3285篌 < ancient\-music\-instrument; 3286秕 < empty\-grain\-or\-rice\-husk; 3287琚 < ornamental\-gems\-for\-belt; 3288鲵 < cryptobranchus\-japonicus; 3289艨 < long\-and\-narrow\-war\-boat; 3290涑 < river\-in\-shansi\-province; 3291雩 < offer\-sacrifice\-for\-rain; 3292佾 < a\-row\-or\-file\-of\-dancers; 3293缂 < the\-woof\-of\-a\-woven\-item; 3294艴 < the\-countenance\-changing; 3295滏 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-hebei; 3296人民幣 < chinese\-unit\-of\-currency; 3297馬可福音 < gospel\-according\-to\-mark; 3298流氓罪 < the\-crime\-of\-hooliganism; 3299城關 < area\-outside\-a\-city\-gate; 3300錄音機 < \(tape\)\-recording\-machine; 3301運算 < \(mathematical\)\-operation; 3302州長 < governor\-\(of\-a\-us\-state\); 3303每年一度 < once\-a\-year\-\(every\-year\); 3304域名註冊 < domain\-name\-registration; 3305代之以 < \(has\-been\)\-replaced\-with; 3306部屬 < affiliated\-to\-a\-ministry; 3307引擎 < engine\-\(transliteration\); 3308兵貴神速 < speed\-is\-precious\-in\-war; 3309變戲法 < perform\-conjuring\-tricks; 3310多邊合作 < multilateral\-cooperation; 3311發行額 < \(periodical\)\-circulation; 3312登記 < to\-register\-\(one''s\-name\); 3313十三日 < thirtieth\-day\-of\-a\-month; 3314幀首定界符 < start\-of\-frame\-delimiter; 3315投放市場 < to\-put\-sth\-on\-the\-market; 3316機組 < flight\-crew\-\(on\-a\-plane\); 3317鷞 < the\-turquoise\-kingfisher; 3318下半身 < lower\-half\-of\-one''s\-body; 3319鵁 < mycticorax\-prasinosceles; 3320荒無人煙 < desolate\-and\-uninhabited; 3321鮰 < a\-small\-kind\-of\-sturgeon; 3322遼寧 < liaoning\-province\,\-china; 3323髠 < shave\-head\-as\-punishment; 3324騕 < name\-of\-a\-fabulous\-horse; 3325照常 < \(business\,\-etc\)\-as\-usual; 3326韂 < a\-saddle\-flap\.\-trappings; 3327因特網提供商 < internet\-sevice\-provider; 3328約翰福音 < gospel\-according\-to\-john; 3329陴 < a\-parapet\-on\-a\-city\-wall; 3330闤 < wall\-around\-market\-place; 3331印歐語言 < indo\-european\-\(language\); 3332撫摸 < gently\-caress\-and\-stroke; 3333切斷 < cut\-off\-\(a\-supply\,\-etc\.\); 3334網絡操作系統 < network\-operating\-system; 3335習以為常 < be\-accustomed\-or\-used\-to; 3336兵荒馬亂 < turmoil\-and\-chaos\-of\-war; 3337建制 < organizational\-structure; 3338不承認主義 < policy\-of\-nonrecognition; 3339退役 < retire\-from\-the\-military; 3340違反 < to\-violate\-\(a\-law\,\-e\.g\.\); 3341幫廚 < help\-in\-the\-mess\-kitchen; 3342不動聲色 < maintain\-one''s\-composure; 3343浮點運算 < floating\-point\-operation; 3344贑 < \<abbrv\>\-jiangxi\-province; 3345補稅 < pay\-a\-tax\-one\-has\-evaded; 3346訡 < to\-chant\-to\-moan\-to\-sigh; 3347襲擊 < \(make\-a\)\-surprise\-attack; 3348內政部長 < minister\-of\-the\-interior; 3349白淨 < \(of\-skin\)\-fair\-and\-clear; 3350蛁 < pomponia\-maculatiocollis; 3351巡查 < to\-go\-around\-and\-inspect; 3352蘀 < falling\-leaves\-and\-barks; 3353藺 < rush\-used\-in\-making\-mats; 3354兵書 < a\-book\-on\-the\-art\-of\-war; 3355菴 < small\-buddhist\-monastery; 3356鼻針療法 < nose\-acupuncture\-therapy; 3357莔 < fritillaria\-verticillata; 3358茼 < chrysanthemum\-coronarium; 3359艥 < an\-oar\-or\-paddle\.\-to\-row; 3360產銷 < production\-and\-marketing; 3361膙 < callous\-skin\-on\-the\-feet; 3362腜 < quickening\-of\-the\-foetus; 3363肳 < the\-corners\-of\-the\-mouth; 3364闌尾 < appendix\-\(in\-human\-body\); 3365翛 < look\-of\-rumpled\-feathers; 3366罝 < net\-for\-catching\-rabbits; 3367幅員 < a\-country''s\-surface\-area; 3368虛擬環境 < theorhetical\-environment; 3369撥付 < appropriate\-sum\-of\-money; 3370緌 < tassels\-hanging\-from\-hat; 3371密切注意 < close\-attention\-\(to\-sth\); 3372國營 < state\-run\-\(company\,\-etc\); 3373圖像用戶介面 < graphical\-user\-interface; 3374筸 < name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-honan; 3375面嚮對象語言 < object\-oriented\-language; 3376損失 < a\-\(financial\,\-etc\.\)\-loss; 3377辦公 < handle\-official\-business; 3378楊百翰大學 < brigham\-young\-university; 3379璠 < a\-piece\-of\-precious\-jade; 3380玶 < name\-of\-one\-kind\-of\-jade; 3381獞 < name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-dog; 3382不拘一格 < not\-stick\-to\-one\-pattern; 3383余震 < \(earthquake\)\-aftershocks; 3384畚箕 < a\-bamboo\-or\-wicker\-scoop; 3385灨 < the\-river\-gan\-in\-jiangxi; 3386濲 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-hunan; 3387完全懂得 < to\-understand\-completely; 3388突顯 < make\-something\-stand\-out; 3389不平則鳴 < where\-there\-is\-injustice; 3390洧 < name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-honan; 3391核不擴散 < nuclear\-nonproliferation; 3392握力 < \(strength\-of\-one''s\)\-grip; 3393樧 < zanthoxylum\-ailanthoides; 3394榤 < perch\-for\-fowls\-roost\-on; 3395內政部 < ministry\-of\-the\-interior; 3396共同閘道介面 < common\-gateway\-interface; 3397擺脫危機 < to\-break\-out\-of\-a\-crisis; 3398栂 < a\-kind\-of\-evergreen\-tree; 3399富布賴特 < fullbright\-\(scholarship\); 3400旡 < choke\-on\-something\-eaten; 3401馬裡 < mali\-\(name\-of\-a\-country\); 3402撋 < to\-rub\-between\-the\-hands; 3403病態 < morbid\-or\-abnormal\-state; 3404控制 < to\-\(have\)\-control\-\(over\); 3405撥亂反正 < bring\-order\-out\-of\-chaos; 3406惌 < to\-bear\-a\-grudge\-against; 3407佳能 < canon\-\(japanese\-company\); 3408病家 < a\-patient\-and\-his\-family; 3409疑惑 < \(a\-sense\-of\)\-uncertainty; 3410崶 < name\-of\-a\-legendary\-hill; 3411崁 < a\-place\-in\-taiwan\-tainan; 3412尞 < fuel\-used\-for\-sacrifices; 3413無黨派 < politically\-unaffiliated; 3414打牌 < to\-play\-mahjong\-or\-cards; 3415奞 < the\-stride\-made\-by\-a\-man; 3416夗 < to\-turn\-over\-when\-asleep; 3417變電站 < \(transformer\)\-substation; 3418做客 < to\-be\-a\-guest\-or\-visitor; 3419安第斯山 < the\-andes\-mountain\-range; 3420凜 < shiver\-with\-cold\-or\-fear; 3421僰 < ancient\-aboriginal\-tribe; 3422百煉成鋼 < be\-tempered\-into\-a\-steel; 3423行使 < exercise\-\(a\-right\,\-etc\.\); 3424筆挺 < \(standing\)\-very\-straight; 3425分佈式結構 < distributed\-architecture; 3426安神 < calm\-\(soothe\)\-the\-nerves; 3427聳肩 < to\-shrug\-one''s\-shoulders; 3428亃 < name\-of\-a\-kind\-of\-animal; 3429乺 < painting\-tool\-place\-name; 3430乶 < korean\-place\-name\-pholha; 3431䵂 < to\-grind\-wheat\-to\-powder; 3432䲳 < birds\-flying\-up\-and\-down; 3433國務次卿 < under\-secretary\-of\-state; 3434䲛 < an\-ancient\-name\-for\-tuna; 3435䲄 < a\-kind\-of\-fiish\-in\-ocean; 3436䰍 < a\-kind\-of\-dark\-red\-paint; 3437䰆 < beautiful\-and\-hairy\-mane; 3438䯖 < the\-muscles\-of\-the\-thigh; 3439半信半疑 < half\-believe\,\-half\-doubt; 3440䬳 < cakes\-made\-of\-rice\-flour; 3441䫯 < to\-take\-a\-casual\-look\-at; 3442深空 < deep\-space\-\(outer\-space\); 3443䪀 < known\-together\-as\-saddle; 3444䨒 < sound\-of\-the\-water\-drops; 3445唐納 < tanner\-\(english\-surname\); 3446䦨 < a\-door\-curtain\-or\-screen; 3447䤯 < container\-for\-thick\-soup; 3448木乃伊 < mummy\-\(preserved\-corpse\); 3449䡍 < the\-linch\-pin\-of\-a\-sheel; 3450䟗 < to\-stand\-for\-a\-long\-time; 3451䟃 < to\-move\-or\-march\-swiftly; 3452䚶 < to\-scold\-in\-a\-loud\-voice; 3453䙜 < legendary\-mountain\-deity; 3454䙈 < a\-loose\-garment\-or\-cloak; 3455䙇 < clothes\-of\-coarse\-fabric; 3456䗂 < diemyctylus\-pyrrhogaster; 3457䔣 < a\-tribe\-in\-ancient\-times; 3458䓴 < edible\-fungus\-from\-trees; 3459䑎 < soup\-of\-pig''s\-intestines; 3460䐻 < big\-pieces\-of\-dried\-meat; 3461䐹 < perserved\-and\-dried\-meat; 3462䐰 < to\-offer\-food\-as\-tribute; 3463外交部 < foreign\-affairs\-ministry; 3464䐂 < fat\-of\-animals\-or\-plants; 3465䎵 < to\-look\-straight\-forward; 3466䊐 < fluffy\-stuffed\-dumplings; 3467䊍 < thick\-congee\-or\-porridge; 3468持不同政見 < \(politically\)\-dissenting; 3469䇏 < to\-pile\-one\-upon\-another; 3470䄜 < happiness\-and\-well\-being; 3471䄖 < used\-in\-name\-of\-a\-person; 3472䃢 < name\-of\-a\-mountain\-lofty; 3473䁇 < to\-look\-for\-a\-short\-time; 3474䀫 < narrow\-and\-dim\-eye\-sight; 3475㿺 < jutting\-on\-the\-epidermis; 3476呈請 < to\-submit\-\(to\-superiors\); 3477㽒 < the\-children\-of\-a\-sister; 3478㼿 < the\-brick\-wall\-of\-a\-well; 3479㼛 < long\-necked\-wine\-vessels; 3480㻪 < a\-kind\-of\-jade\-fine\-jade; 3481㶅 < dried\-up\-mountain\-creeks; 3482上訴 < appeal\-\(a\-judicial\-case\); 3483㵢 < a\-marsh\-in\-ancient\-times; 3484㴰 < a\-river\-in\-ancient\-times; 3485懷念 < to\-cherish\-the\-memory\-of; 3486㳍 < a\-place\-in\-ancient\-times; 3487㳊 < the\-flowing\-of\-the\-water; 3488㲊 < to\-understand\-thoroughly; 3489㰾 < songs\-of\-the\-people\-of\-楚; 3490㰽 < to\-exert\-oneself\-to\-yell; 3491㯫 < a\-wattle\-or\-bamboo\-fence; 3492㮦 < branches\-growing\-upwards; 3493特點 < characteristic\-\(feature\); 3494字母 < letter\-\(of\-the\-alphabet\); 3495㪛 < to\-pound\-rocks\-to\-pieces; 3496㪙 < to\-go\-to\-the\-very\-source; 3497㩭 < to\-disturb\-or\-to\-agitate; 3498拔火罐兒 < detachable\-stove\-chimney; 3499同謀 < to\-conspire\-with\-someone; 3500㡪 < the\-varnish\-on\-the\-floor; 3501㡧 < to\-stretch\-open\-painting; 3502㠇 < name\-of\-a\-mountain\-ridge; 3503桃園 < taoyuan\-\(city\-in\-taiwan\); 3504㜿 < name\-of\-a\-fish\-in\-legend; 3505江面 < the\-surface\-of\-the\-river; 3506㗩 < sound\-of\-endure\-coldness; 3507㗧 < to\-scold\-with\-loud\-voice; 3508古希臘語 < ancient\-greek\-\(language\); 3509㓡 < the\-middle\-part\-of\-a\-bow; 3510㐨 < a\-kind\-of\-fish\-in\-legend; 3511遲浩田 < chinese\-defense\-minister; 3512碑額 < the\-top\-part\-of\-a\-tablet; 3513伴奏 < to\-accompany\-\(musically\); 3514北溫帶 < the\-north\-temperate\-zone; 3515打電話 < to\-make\-a\-telephone\-call; 3516右翼 < \(politically\)\-right\-wing; 3517浙江 < zhejiang\-province\,\-china; 3518人民解放軍 < people''s\-liberation\-army; 3519識見 < knowledge\-and\-experience; 3520買帳 < to\-show\-respect\-\(for\-sb\); 3521暗箭 < attack\-by\-a\-hidden\-enemy; 3522深圳 < shenzhen\-\(city\-in\-china\); 3523程度 < degree\-\(level\-or\-extent\); 3524大關 < \(reach\-a\)\-critical\-point; 3525從外表來看 < looking\-from\-the\-outside; 3526頭版 < \(newspaper''s\)\-front\-page; 3527千絲萬縷 < linked\-in\-countless\-ways; 3528春聯 < spring\-festivel\-couplets; 3529公眾電信網路 < public\-telephone\-network; 3530交換虛電路 < switched\-virtual\-circuit; 3531以來 < since\-\(a\-previous\-event\); 3532蓮花 < lotus\-\(computer\-company\); 3533不日 < within\-the\-next\-few\-days; 3534諒解 < \(reach\)\-an\-understanding; 3535破土典禮 < ground\-breaking\-ceremony; 3536教學機構 < educational\-organization; 3537不遺余力 < spare\-no\-pains\-or\-effort; 3538表示敬意 < respectful\,\-show\-respect; 3539蓋章 < to\-affix\-a\-seal\-\(to\-sth\); 3540止痛法 < method\-of\-relieving\-pain; 3541觸電 < to\-get\-an\-electric\-shock; 3542主動 < \(to\-take\-the\)\-initiative; 3543路加福音 < gospel\-according\-to\-luke; 3544訴說 < tell\-\(to\-another\-person\); 3545總統 < president\-\(of\-a\-country\); 3546報頭 < masthead\-\(of\-a\-newspaper; 3547南沙 < nansha\-\(spratly\)\-islands; 3548通道 < \(communications\)\-channel; 3549政績 < \(political\)\-achievements; 3550瞥 < take\-fleeting\-glance\-at; 3551州 < administrative\-division; 3552吧 < emphatic\-final\-particle; 3553某 < certain\-thing\-or\-person; 3554票 < slip\-of\-paper\-or\-bamboo; 3555耶 < used\-in\-transliteration; 3556厘 < thousandth\-part\-of\-tael; 3557彭 < name\-of\-ancient\-country; 3558肴 < cooked\-or\-prepared\-meat; 3559俎 < chopping\-board\-or\-block; 3560淮 < river\-in\-anhui\-province; 3561哦 < oh\?\-really\?\-is\-that\-so\?; 3562锤 < balance\-weight\-on\-scale; 3563仞 < ancient\-unit\-of\-measure; 3564芭 < plantain\-or\-banana\-palm; 3565磊 < pile\-of\-rocks\-or\-stones; 3566呸 < expression\-of\-reprimand; 3567拷 < torture\-and\-interrogate; 3568抿 < pucker\-up\-lips\-in\-smile; 3569卉 < general\-term\-for\-plants; 3570髻 < hair\-rolled\-up\-in\-a\-bun; 3571裆 < crotch\-or\-seat\-of\-pants; 3572蘑 < type\-of\-edible\-mushroom; 3573咿 < descriptive\-of\-creaking; 3574篾 < bamboo\-splints\-or\-slats; 3575淇 < river\-in\-henan\-province; 3576蓑 < rain\-coat\-made\-of\-straw; 3577檬 < type\-of\-locust\-oracacia; 3578淙 < gurgling\-sound\-of\-water; 3579殓 < dress\-corpse\-for\-burial; 3580琥 < jewel\-in\-shape\-of\-tiger; 3581潞 < river\-in\-northern\-china; 3582醍 < essential\-oil\-of\-butter; 3583妯 < wives\-of\-one''s\-brothers; 3584帏 < curtain\-that\-forms\-wall; 3585瓒 < ceremonial\-libation\-cup; 3586瑗 < large\-ring\-of\-fine\-jade; 3587涞 < river\-in\-hebei\-province; 3588爻 < diagrams\-for\-divination; 3589锟 < ancient\-treasured\-sword; 3590芗 < fragrant\-smell\-of\-grain; 3591楦 < a\-last\-for\-making\-shoes; 3592舁 < carry\-on\-one''s\-shoulder; 3593滠 < river\-in\-hubei\-province; 3594忌恨 < hate\-\(due\-to\-envy\,\-etc\); 3595雹災 < disaster\-caused\-by\-hail; 3596出訪 < visit\-a\-foreign\-country; 3597核武器材料 < nuclear\-weapon\-material; 3598通訊行業 < communications\-industry; 3599北半球 < the\-northern\-hemisphere; 3600雙絞線 < unshielded\-twisted\-pait; 3601發佈新軟件 < to\-release\-new\-software; 3602斑斑 < full\-of\-stains\-or\-spots; 3603西裝 < \(western\-style\)\-clothes; 3604加油 < to\-make\-an\-extra\-effort; 3605募捐 < to\-solict\-contributions; 3606專屬經濟區 < exclusive\-economic\-zone; 3607皴裂 < chap\-\(lips\,\-skin\,\-etc\.\); 3608見聞 < what\-one\-sees\-and\-hears; 3609包承制 < responsible\-crew\-system; 3610南京 < nanjing\-\(city\-in\-china\); 3611規約 < terms\-\(of\-an\-agreement\); 3612歸心 < converted\-to\-\(religion\); 3613逼死 < hound\-somebody\-to\-death; 3614本位主義 < selfish\-departmentalism; 3615為所欲為 < do\-whatever\-one\-pleases; 3616人民法院 < people''s\-court\-\(of\-law\); 3617商業機構 < commercial\-organization; 3618鼏 < cover\-of\-tripod\-caldron; 3619黰 < young\-girl''s\-hair\-style; 3620統治 < \(political\)\-rule\-\(over\); 3621補課 < make\-up\-a\-missed\-lesson; 3622這樣 < this\-\(kind\-of\,\-sort\-of\); 3623播放機 < player\-\(e\.g\.\-cd\-player\); 3624達成 < to\-reach\-\(an\-agreement\); 3625百般 < in\-hundred\-and\-one\-ways; 3626鬂 < the\-hair\-on\-the\-temples; 3627禁止核武器試驗條約 < nuclear\-test\-ban\-treaty; 3628駮 < a\-kind\-of\-fierce\-animal; 3629不翼而飛 < disappear\-without\-trace; 3630授計 < to\-confide\-a\-plan\-to\-sb; 3631畢恭畢敬 < reverent\-and\-respectful; 3632科研人員 < \(scientific\)\-researcher; 3633報曉 < herald\-the\-break\-of\-day; 3634據統計 < according\-to\-statistics; 3635透露消息 < to\-disclose\-information; 3636中國時報 < china\-times\-\(newspaper\); 3637鄾 < place\-in\-hubei\-province; 3638鄬 < place\-in\-henan\-province; 3639鄘 < state\-in\-henan\-province; 3640利市 < \"lai\-see\"\-\(lucky\-money\); 3641郰 < birthplace\-of\-confucius; 3642邧 < town\-in\-shanxi\-province; 3643側重 < place\-extra\-emphasis\-on; 3644報恩 < pay\-a\-debt\-of\-gratitude; 3645留學生 < student\-studying\-abroad; 3646威廉斯堡 < williamsburg\-\(virginia\); 3647便宜行事 < act\-at\-one''s\-discretion; 3648幫子 < outer\-\(of\-cabbage\,\-etc\); 3649自豪 < \(feel\-a\-sense\-of\)\-pride; 3650反艦艇巡航導彈 < anti\-ship\-cruise\-missle; 3651蚻 < small\-species\-of\-cicada; 3652蒱 < gambling\-game\-with\-dice; 3653葧 < heleocharis\-plantaginea; 3654流亡在海外 < to\-be\-in\-exile\-overseas; 3655防務 < \(pertaining\-to\)\-defense; 3656業績 < outstanding\-achievement; 3657舲 < small\-boat\-with\-windows; 3658商業管理 < business\-administration; 3659留言 < to\-leave\-one''s\-comments; 3660羫 < the\-skeleton\-of\-a\-sheep; 3661年來 < over\-the\-last\-\.\.\.\-years; 3662罽 < a\-kind\-of\-woolen\-fabric; 3663開拍 < begin\-shooting\-\(a\-film\); 3664分之 < \(indicating\-a\-fraction\); 3665粺 < polished\-rice\-or\-millet; 3666多年來 < for\-the\-past\-many\-years; 3667篧 < creel\-for\-trapping\-fish; 3668篛 < cuticle\-of\-bamboo\-plant; 3669基礎速率 < basic\-rate\-\(as\-in\-isdn\); 3670答謝 < to\-express\-one''s\-thanks; 3671祔 < worship\-one''s\-ancestors; 3672筆談 < conversation\-by\-writing; 3673瑪麗 < mali\-\(a\-person''s''\-name\); 3674睖 < to\-stare\-straight\-ahead; 3675眢 < eyes\-without\-brightness; 3676症狀 < symptom\-\(of\-an\-illness\); 3677畾 < fields\-divided\-by\-dikes; 3678璲 < pendant\-girdle\-ornament; 3679瑿 < a\-black\-stone\-like\-jade; 3680瑯 < kind\-of\-white\-cornelian; 3681瑢 < gem\-ornaments\-for\-belts; 3682珶 < white\-jade\-worn\-on\-belt; 3683中秋節 < the\-mid\-autumn\-festival; 3684玕 < inferior\-variety\-of\-gem; 3685佔領 < to\-occupy\-\(a\-territory\); 3686猈 < dog\-with\-short\-shinbone; 3687手寫識別 < handwriting\-recognition; 3688澉 < to\-wash\-name\-of\-a\-place; 3689潖 < name\-of\-a\-certain\-river; 3690非盈利的組織 < non\-profit\-organization; 3691殙 < to\-die\-by\-taking\-poison; 3692歁 < unsatisfied\-\(of\-eating\); 3693欨 < to\-blow\-or\-breathe\-upon; 3694欏 < tree\-the\-horse\-chestnut; 3695檇 < wooden\-rammer\-or\-pestle; 3696橔 < a\-wooden\-chopping\-block; 3697訊息處理系統 < message\-handling\-system; 3698備料 < get\-the\-materials\-ready; 3699坦克 < tank\-\(military\-vehicle\); 3700馬路口 < intersection\-\(of\-roads\); 3701四川 < sichuan\-province\,\-china; 3702怸 < cns\-2\-2a40\-is\-different; 3703比比皆是 < can\-be\-found\-everywhere; 3704不抵抗主義 < policy\-of\-nonresistance; 3705販運 < to\-transport\-\(for\-sale\); 3706墄 < the\-steps\-of\-a\-stairway; 3707數字訂購線路 < digital\-subscriber\-line; 3708棄舊換新 < to\-turn\-over\-a\-new\-leaf; 3709今譯 < modern\-language\-version; 3710不情之請 < my\-presumptuous\-request; 3711啫 < interjection\-of\-warning; 3712投放 < to\-put\-in\-\(circulation\); 3713吚 < used\-to\-represent\-sound; 3714匁 < japanese\-unit\-of\-weight; 3715病倒 < be\-down\-with\-an\-illness; 3716拷問 < to\-question\-via\-torture; 3717仾 < to\-hang\-or\-bow\-the\-head; 3718䶝 < growing\-irregular\-teeth; 3719䵈 < unsmelted\-hemp\-and\-silk; 3720䵀 < coarse\-crumbs\-of\-barley; 3721䴑 < a\-legendary\-weired\-bird; 3722䴇 < a\-second\-name\-for\-crane; 3723䴁 < a\-kind\-of\-rat\-like\-bird; 3724䳲 < a\-swarm\-of\-flying\-birds; 3725䲴 < a\-kind\-of\-venomous\-bird; 3726䱾 < a\-carp\-like\-savory\-fish; 3727䰫 < nimble\-and\-active\-ghost; 3728雙連接站 < dual\-attachment\-station; 3729䭇 < to\-be\-chocked\-with\-food; 3730䭆 < small\-children\-eat\-less; 3731䬲 < to\-eat\-to\-the\-half\-full; 3732䬪 < a\-kind\-of\-cooked\-noodle; 3733䬛 < the\-roaring\-of\-the\-wind; 3734患難 < trials\-and\-tribulations; 3735䨗 < excessive\-rain\-and\-snow; 3736䨅 < small\-birds\-\-\-\-the\-wren; 3737鍛煉 < to\-do\-physical\-training; 3738䥖 < silver\-of\-gold\-filagree; 3739䥏 < unfitted\-for\-each\-other; 3740䤥 < agricultural\-implements; 3741䢜 < the\-marriage\-of\-a\-woman; 3742䡽 < the\-shafts\-of\-a\-vehicle; 3743䡺 < the\-end\-of\-an\-axle\-tree; 3744䡣 < a\-piece\-of\-curved\-board; 3745䠣 < net\-to\-trap\-the\-animals; 3746䝈 < a\-big\-and\-strenuous\-pig; 3747䚐 < getting\-red\-in\-the\-eyes; 3748䚊 < to\-look\-from\-a\-distance; 3749䙐 < furs\-and\-linen\-garments; 3750䘆 < a\-second\-form\-earthworm; 3751䗠 < the\-larva\-of\-mosquitoes; 3752䗔 < a\-house\-lizard\-or\-gecko; 3753䖱 < large\-shrimp\-in\-the\-sea; 3754䔾 < a\-kind\-of\-fragrant\-herb; 3755䓱 < a\-kind\-of\-herb\-medicine; 3756戴維斯 < davis\-\(english\-surname\); 3757補助組織 < auxiliary\-organizations; 3758䐤 < dried\-and\-seasoned\-meat; 3759䐐 < curved\-part\-of\-the\-knee; 3760䏙 < brine\-from\-pickled\-meat; 3761䏕 < to\-cook\-food\-thoroughly; 3762紅樓夢 < a\-dream\-of\-red\-mansions; 3763䍹 < odor\-of\-a\-sheep\-or\-goat; 3764䍙 < nets\-for\-catching\-birds; 3765䍘 < a\-general\-term\-for\-nets; 3766䍓 < net\-for\-catching\-rabbit; 3767䋫 < to\-wind\-round\-the\-ropes; 3768䋨 < to\-set\-in\-order\-the\-old; 3769䊴 < food\-made\-of\-rice\-flour; 3770䊪 < coarse\-rice\-\-\-\-unhulled; 3771䉜 < young\-and\-tender\-bamboo; 3772䉖 < framework\-of\-a\-carriage; 3773䇗 < bamboo\-with\-long\-joints; 3774䇑 < a\-standing\-short\-person; 3775䆊 < unhusked\-glutinous\-rice; 3776䆉 < the\-swing\-of\-rice\-plant; 3777蛙泳 < \(swimming\)\-breaststroke; 3778䃉 < a\-stone\-resembling\-jade; 3779怎麼 < \(interrogative\-pronoun\); 3780䁌 < to\-see\-for\-a\-short\-time; 3781㾀 < to\-be\-weaked\-by\-disease; 3782㽸 < diseases\-of\-the\-abdomen; 3783在今年年底 < at\-the\-end\-of\-this\-year; 3784㼧 < tiles\-in\-cylinder\-shape; 3785過不去 < make\-life\-difficult\-for; 3786㹲 < a\-frightened\-pig\-or\-dog; 3787㹮 < a\-kind\-of\-animal\-\-tapir; 3788㹝 < a\-legendary\-wild\-animal; 3789㹑 < a\-four\-years\-old\-cattle; 3790㹊 < a\-cattle\-of\-white\-color; 3791㹆 < the\-coulter\-of\-a\-plough; 3792回顧歷史 < to\-look\-back\-at\-history; 3793通訊協定 < communications\-protocol; 3794㸋 < meats\-used\-in\-sacrifice; 3795㷮 < scorched\-or\-burned\-wood; 3796㷫 < fire\-causing\-by\-dryness; 3797㶒 < the\-current\-of\-a\-stream; 3798㴲 < a\-river\-in\-ancient\-time; 3799㴑 < to\-trace\-up\-to\-a\-source; 3800㴏 < the\-pond\-water\-is\-still; 3801㲿 < extensive\-body\-of\-water; 3802㲄 < unburnt\-bricks\-or\-tiles; 3803㱬 < cannot\-recognize\-people; 3804㯙 < the\-buckthorn\-or\-jujube; 3805駐守 < \(man\-a\-post\-and\)\-defend; 3806㭾 < to\-cut\-the\-timber\-apart; 3807溫和 < moderate\-\(policy\,\-etc\.\); 3808㭃 < the\-large\-rope\-of\-a\-net; 3809㭂 < height\-of\-the\-end\-point; 3810㬻 < in\-between\-of\-the\-flesh; 3811否認 < to\-declare\-to\-be\-untrue; 3812㧯 < a\-bucket\-made\-of\-willow; 3813㧥 < to\-nip\-with\-the\-fingers; 3814㦽 < with\-elegant\-appearance; 3815情報處 < source\-\(of\-information\); 3816㦺 < a\-lance\-with\-two\-points; 3817㦇 < a\-peaceful\-or\-easy\-mood; 3818㥅 < used\-in\-a\-person''s\-name; 3819㤌 < to\-have\-one''s\-heart\-own; 3820㣻 < to\-remedy\-by\-punishment; 3821㣪 < to\-walk\-with\-slow\-steps; 3822㣆 < to\-loose\-the\-bow\-string; 3823㢾 < the\-curved\-end\-of\-a\-bow; 3824㢵 < powerful\-and\-strong\-bow; 3825㡹 < to\-rely\-upon\-each\-other; 3826㡒 < a\-calico\-sack\-for\-grain; 3827㡏 < to\-cut\-a\-strip\-of\-cloth; 3828㞼 < to\-respectfully\-receive; 3829㚬 < a\-lady\-start\-to\-doll\-up; 3830㚖 < to\-come\-out\-to\-the\-open; 3831㙊 < an\-area\-of\-level\-ground; 3832㕸 < sound\-of\-rolling\-a\-boat; 3833㔤 < to\-exert\-one''s\-strength; 3834腐敗罪 < the\-crime\-of\-corruption; 3835㒤 < to\-have\-one''s\-heart\-won; 3836㒙 < to\-hand\-or\-bow\-the\-head; 3837步履維艱 < have\-difficulty\-walking; 3838共同篩選 < collaborative\-filtering; 3839白蛇傳 < tale\-of\-the\-white\-snake; 3840大驚小怪 < much\-fuss\-about\-nothing; 3841辯証唯物主義 < dialectical\-materialism; 3842江西 < jiangxi\-province\,\-china; 3843愛撫 < to\-show\-tender\-care\-for; 3844參與 < to\-participate\-\(in\-sth\); 3845港人 < hong\-kong\-person\|people; 3846黃河 < yellow\-river\-\(huang\-he\); 3847江蘇 < jiangsu\-province\,\-china; 3848任命 < to\-appoint\-and\-nominate; 3849公安官員 < public\-safety\-officials; 3850餅子 < maize\-or\-millet\-pancake; 3851期攷 < end\-of\-term\-examination; 3852總額 < total\-\(amount\-or\-value\); 3853謂語 < \(grammatical\)\-predicate; 3854半成品 < semi\-manufactured\-goods; 3855中旬 < middle\-third\-of\-a\-month; 3856下旬 < last\-third\-of\-the\-month; 3857傳輸技術 < transmission\-technology; 3858貝克 < baker\-\(english\-surname\); 3859亂吃 < to\-eat\-indiscriminantly; 3860奔頭兒 < something\-to\-strive\-for; 3861冰天雪地 < a\-world\-of\-ice\-and\-snow; 3862政府機構 < government\-organization; 3863中轉站 < hub\-\(network\-equipment\); 3864恩怨 < \(feeling\-of\)\-resentment; 3865不外 < not\-beyond\-the\-scope\-of; 3866服刑 < serve\-a\-prison\-sentence; 3867莫非 < can\-it\-be\-possible\-that; 3868廣西 < guangxi\-province\,\-china; 3869不可理喻 < be\-impervious\-to\-reason; 3870奔瀉 < \(of\-torrents\)\-rush\-down; 3871么 < interrogative\-particle; 3872被 < passive\-indicator\-''by''; 3873申 < to\-state\-to\-a\-superior; 3874岡 < ridge\-or\-crest\-of\-hill; 3875琴 < chinese\-lute\-or\-guitar; 3876嬌 < seductive\-and\-loveable; 3877罗 < net\-for\-catching\-birds; 3878摸 < gently\-touch\-with\-hand; 3879仰 < raise\-the\-head\-to\-look; 3880臍 < abdominal\-area\-of\-crab; 3881郑 < state\-in\-today''s\-henan; 3882贯 < a\-string\-of\-1000\-coins; 3883竭 < put\-forth\-great\-effort; 3884秒 < beard\-of\-grain\-or\-corn; 3885奚 < where\?\-what\?\-how\?\-why\?; 3886盏 < small\-cup\-or\-container; 3887萝 < type\-of\-creeping\-plant; 3888梧 < sterculia\-platanifolia; 3889咦 < expression\-of\-surprise; 3890筐 < bamboo\-basket\-or\-chest; 3891谍 < an\-intelligence\-report; 3892篱 < bamboo\-or\-wooden\-fence; 3893琶 < guitar\-like\-instrument; 3894潺 < sound\-of\-flowing\-water; 3895坳 < a\-hollow\-in\-the\-ground; 3896埂 < ditches\-for\-irrigation; 3897倌 < assistant\-in\-wine\-shop; 3898霁 < to\-clear\-up\-after\-rain; 3899邯 < city\-in\-hebei\-province; 3900粑 < tsamba\-\(food\-in\-tibet\); 3901蛀 < insects\-that\-eat\-books; 3902嫦 < name\-of\-a\-moon\-goddess; 3903赊 < buy\-and\-sell\-on\-credit; 3904弑 < to\-kill\-one''s\-superior; 3905摁 < to\-press\-with\-the\-hand; 3906畹 < a\-field\-of\-20\-or\-30\-mu; 3907觐 < have\-imperial\-audience; 3908讦 < expose\-other''s\-secrets; 3909旄 < a\-kind\-of\-ancient\-flag; 3910趵 < noise\-of\-tramping\-feet; 3911酹 < to\-pour\-out\-a\-libation; 3912孳 < breed\-in\-large\-numbers; 3913塄 < elevated\-bank\-in\-field; 3914螈 < diemyelilus\-pyrogaster; 3915窬 < a\-small\-door\-or\-window; 3916笱 < a\-basket\-trap\-for\-fish; 3917牿 < shed\-or\-pen\-for\-cattle; 3918蛘 < a\-weevil\-found\-in\-rice; 3919畎 < a\-drain\-between\-fields; 3920職業中學 < vocational\-high\-school; 3921網路節點介面 < network\-node\-interface; 3922正在中國訪問 < during\-a\-trip\-to\-china; 3923遺留 < \(leave\-or\-be\-a\)\-legacy; 3924常規 < conventional\-\(weapons\); 3925自食其果 < reap\-what\-one\-has\-sown; 3926證券 < \(financial\)\-securities; 3927不露聲色 < not\-show\-one''s\-feeling; 3928慕道友 < religious\-investigator; 3929往常 < habitually\-in\-the\-past; 3930大煞風景 < dampening\-one''s\-spirit; 3931剝採比 < stripping\-to\-ore\-ratio; 3932羅曼語族 < romance\-language\-group; 3933孰能生巧 < practice\-makes\-perfect; 3934妖冶 < pretty\-and\-flirtatious; 3935革命 < \(political\)\-revolution; 3936論壇 < forum\-\(for\-discussion\); 3937壟斷 < enjoy\-market\-dominance; 3938牡丹 < peony\-\(type\-of\-flower\); 3939報稅 < declare\-dutiable\-goods; 3940目的地 < destination\-\(location\); 3941公認 < publicly\-known\-\(to\-be\); 3942嗷嗷待哺 < cry\-piteously\-for\-food; 3943發表 < to\-issue\-\(a\-statement\); 3944不痛不痒 < scratching\-the\-surface; 3945國務院 < state\-department\-\(usa\); 3946齯 < teeth\-grown\-in\-old\-age; 3947電器 < \(electrical\)\-appliance; 3948鹣 < fabulous\-mythical\-bird; 3949殷勤 < politely\,\-solicitously; 3950十五億 < one\-and\-a\-half\-billion; 3951鰆 < scomberomorus\-sinensis; 3952鮓 < minced\-and\-salted\-fish; 3953紅燒肉 < red\-cooked\-\(pork\)\-meat; 3954到期 < become\-due\-\(eg\,\-loans\); 3955驌 < name\-of\-a\-famous\-horse; 3956公安局 < public\-security\-bureau; 3957病院 < a\-specialized\-hospital; 3958聯網環境 < networking\-environment; 3959韹 < music\-of\-bell\-and\-drum; 3960解釋執行 < interpreted\-\(computer\); 3961八小時工作制 < eight\-hour\-working\-day; 3962消息靈通人士 < a\-well\-informed\-source; 3963雘 < dye\-made\-from\-red\-soil; 3964阇 < a\-buddhist\-high\-priest; 3965不近人情 < not\-amenable\-to\-reason; 3966鑐 < bolt\-of\-a\-chinese\-lock; 3967政治機構 < political\-organization; 3968錆 < the\-color\-of\-a\-mineral; 3969鄐 < town\-in\-henan\-province; 3970遰 < grunting\-sound\-of\-pigs; 3971辥 < variety\-of\-marsh\-grass; 3972病象 < symptom\-\(of\-a\-disease\); 3973日本經濟新聞 < japanese\-economic\-news; 3974欺凌 < to\-bully\-and\-humiliate; 3975遍及 < to\-extend\-\(everywhere\); 3976谂 < consult\-carefully\-with; 3977簽署 < to\-sign\-\(an\-agreement\); 3978詪 < difficulty\-in\-speaking; 3979報導 < to\-cover\-\(report\)\-news; 3980觿 < a\-bodkin\-made\-of\-ivory; 3981布朗 < english\-surname\,\-brown; 3982覀 < variant\-of\-radical\-146; 3983褟 < inner\-shirt\-or\-singlet; 3984衭 < the\-lapel\-of\-a\-garment; 3985衦 < smooth\-out\-the\-clothes; 3986標準 < \(an\-official\)\-standard; 3987訊息傳遞中介 < message\-transfer\-agent; 3988另眼相看 < to\-view\-in\-a\-new\-light; 3989蕕 < caryopteris\-divaricata; 3990蔯 < a\-variety\-of\-artemisia; 3991萴 < medicinal\-poison\-plant; 3992菶 < species\-of\-water\-plant; 3993信息技術 < information\-technology; 3994脤 < raw\-meat\-for\-sacrifice; 3995發病率 < incidence\-of\-a\-disease; 3996耬 < drill\-for\-sowing\-grain; 3997疑問句 < interrogative\-sentance; 3998耂 < variant\-of\-radical\-125; 3999退休 < retirement\-\(from\-work\); 4000繦 < string\-of\-copper\-coins; 4001來回來去地 < backwards\-and\-forwards; 4002安全考慮 < security\-consideration; 4003緅 < silk\-of\-purplish\-color; 4004趨附 < to\-ingratiation\-onself; 4005此一時 < that\-was\-one\-situation; 4006篢 < the\-name\-of\-bamboo\-hat; 4007筆跡 < a\-person''s\-handwriting; 4008信息管理 < information\-management; 4009盡力 < do\-one''s\-best\-\(effort\); 4010網絡層協議 < network\-layer\-protocol; 4011筆記 < take\-down\-\(in\-writing\); 4012不好惹 < not\-to\-be\-trifled\-with; 4013褥子 < cotton\-padded\-mattress; 4014癊 < a\-disease\-of\-the\-heart; 4015瑱 < a\-gem\-used\-as\-ear\-plug; 4016蹦蹦跳跳 < bouncing\-and\-vivacious; 4017珣 < name\-of\-a\-kind\-of\-jade; 4018玼 < beautiful\-color\-of\-gem; 4019牷 < cow\-or\-ox\-of\-one\-color; 4020儘快 < as\-quickly\-as\-possible; 4021通信密度 < communications\-density; 4022不得已 < act\-against\-one''s\-will; 4023焄 < rising\-flames\-or\-fumes; 4024烖 < calamities\-from\-heaven; 4025沒有差別 < there\-is\-no\-difference; 4026激昂 < aroused\-to\-indignation; 4027不言而喻 < it\-goes\-without\-saying; 4028工業化國家 < industrialized\-country; 4029步調一致 < to\-be\-united\-in\-action; 4030童話 < children''s\-fairy\-tales; 4031殢 < be\-in\-great\-difficulty; 4032槱 < firewood\-for\-sacrifice; 4033上半年 < first\-half\-\(of\-a\-year\); 4034不要臉 < have\-no\-sense\-of\-shame; 4035背地風 < behind\-somebody''s\-back; 4036用戶到網絡的接口 < user\-network\-interface; 4037朏 < light\-of\-crescent\-moon; 4038旐 < an\-embroidered\-pennant; 4039攙 < to\-give\-a\-helping\-hand; 4040提交 < submit\-\(a\-report\,\-etc\); 4041摰 < to\-seize\-with\-the\-hand; 4042供職 < hold\-an\-office\-or\-post; 4043摀 < to\-cover\-with\-the\-hand; 4044搾 < to\-crush\-with\-the\-hand; 4045來自 < to\-come\-from\-\(a\-place\); 4046定語 < attributive\-\(modifier\); 4047近年來 < for\-the\-past\-few\-years; 4048怹 < a\-polite\-version\-of\-he; 4049漂流 < carried\-by\-the\-current; 4050庈 < used\-in\-person''s\-names; 4051嵶 < low\-part\-of\-a\-mountain; 4052孒 < larvae\-of\-the\-mosquito; 4053棄權 < to\-abstain\-from\-voting; 4054捏合 < to\-act\-as\-a\-go\-between; 4055壖 < open\-space\-along\-water; 4056甲板 < deck\-\(of\-a\-boat\,\-etc\.\); 4057其自身 < one''s\-own\-\(respective\); 4058教義和聖約 < doctrine\-and\-covenants; 4059噀 < spirt\-out\-of\-the\-mouth; 4060梅派 < the\-mei\-lanfang\-school; 4061火焰山 < the\-mountain\-of\-flames; 4062涉過 < ford\-\(a\-stream\,\-river\); 4063叝 < to\-respectfully\-inform; 4064工作站 < \(computer\)\-workstation; 4065體內 < internal\-\(to\-the\-body\); 4066伮 < to\-make\-a\-great\-effort; 4067通訊通道 < communications\-channel; 4068䶥 < unevenly\-fitting\-teeth; 4069䶤 < sound\-of\-chewing\-bones; 4070䶂 < a\-squirrel\-like\-animal; 4071䳮 < to\-look\-at\-in\-surprise; 4072䲚 < a\-second\-name\-for\-shad; 4073採訪記者 < investigative\-reporter; 4074䰵 < looks\-like\-common\-carp; 4075䰰 < dreary\-cries\-of\-ghosts; 4076䮺 < luxuriant\-of\-the\-grass; 4077䮪 < to\-geld\-a\-horse\-or\-ass; 4078䩼 < stitches\-on\-a\-coverlet; 4079䩍 < to\-look\-pale\-or\-pallid; 4080䨵 < rained\-for\-a\-long\-time; 4081䦈 < to\-sigh\-in\-lamentation; 4082䥟 < a\-metal\-marking\-\-stake; 4083脊椎 < back\-\(of\-a\-vertibrate\); 4084伯父 < father''s\-elder\-brother; 4085䢎 < indicating\-exclamation; 4086䡵 < decoration\-on\-carriage; 4087䡰 < strong\-and\-durable\-hub; 4088䡬 < covering\-of\-a\-carriage; 4089䡁 < not\-well\-formed\-figure; 4090䟽 < scattered\-or\-dispersed; 4091䞘 < to\-go\-straight\-forward; 4092䝢 < an\-animal\-in\-old\-times; 4093保安 < ensure\-public\-security; 4094䝓 < long\-beard\-or\-whiskers; 4095䜺 < husking\-beans\-for\-cake; 4096䜡 < to\-smell\-the\-fragrants; 4097䛙 < to\-smell\-the\-fragrance; 4098䚞 < the\-middle\-of\-the\-horn; 4099印歐人 < indo\-european\-\(person\); 4100䙄 < clothes\-with\-thick\-hem; 4101䘽 < clothing\-and\-ornaments; 4102䕴 < a\-second\-for\-monkshood; 4103䔠 < thin\-root\-of\-the\-lotus; 4104䏩 < to\-shrug\-the\-shoulders; 4105䍱 < the\-wild\-goat\-or\-sheep; 4106䋪 < fine\-and\-delicate\-silk; 4107䊏 < mixing\-rice\-with\-broth; 4108䈄 < a\-kind\-of\-solid\-bamboo; 4109上身 < upper\-part\-of\-the\-body; 4110䇣 < bamboo\-with\-white\-bark; 4111䄠 < to\-sacrifice\-to\-heaven; 4112䃧 < sound\-of\-falling\-rocks; 4113䀄 < container\-full\-of\-food; 4114㿋 < a\-kind\-of\-skin\-disease; 4115㼞 < jar\-with\-a\-small\-mouth; 4116㺞 < to\-sign\-in\-lamentation; 4117坦克車 < tank\-\(armored\-vehicle\); 4118㸯 < a\-fine\-breed\-of\-cattle; 4119比較而言 < comparatively\-speaking; 4120㵯 < sound\-of\-water\-flowing; 4121㳯 < goddess\-of\-an\-ink\-slab; 4122㱆 < to\-smile\-at\-each\-other; 4123㰨 < to\-take\-breath\-or\-rest; 4124㮑 < sound\-of\-broken\-sticks; 4125㭯 < tree\-with\-small\-leaves; 4126字段 < \(numeric\,\-datda\)\-field; 4127㫊 < fluttering\-of\-the\-flag; 4128㪣 < a\-place\-in\-han\-dynasty; 4129㪟 < to\-regard\-as\-important; 4130㪞 < to\-be\-held\-by\-the\-hand; 4131㩺 < a\-crack\-on\-the\-utensil; 4132㩜 < to\-be\-in\-possession\-of; 4133㩎 < to\-press\-with\-a\-finger; 4134㧶 < the\-jingling\-of\-metals; 4135㧙 < to\-give\-a\-playful\-blow; 4136㧃 < to\-receive\-what\-is\-due; 4137㦣 < to\-talk\-in\-one''s\-sleep; 4138㦄 < hard\-to\-say\-or\-predict; 4139㤊 < cheerful\-and\-exuberant; 4140並舉 < develop\-simultaneously; 4141㢉 < a\-room\-with\-open\-space; 4142一號 < first\-day\-of\-the\-month; 4143㠔 < shapes\-of\-the\-mountain; 4144㟻 < the\-moat\-around\-a\-city; 4145離開故鄉 < to\-leave\-one''\-homeland; 4146㛳 < an\-abnomal\-unborn\-baby; 4147㚷 < the\-breasts\-of\-a\-woman; 4148㙳 < ruggedness\-of\-the\-road; 4149㙤 < a\-crack\-in\-earthenware; 4150㙘 < used\-in\-naming\-a\-place; 4151㗂 < to\-keep\-the\-mouth\-shut; 4152㖐 < sound\-of\-calling\-ducks; 4153㔴 < agricultural\-implement; 4154㓹 < a\-sharp\-pointed\-weapon; 4155㓦 < to\-deliberate\-and\-plan; 4156㓘 < jade\-with\-some\-defects; 4157不像樣 < in\-no\-shape\-to\-be\-seen; 4158審判 < put\-\(someone\)\-to\-trial; 4159吐蕃 < ancient\-name\-for\-tibet; 4160測定 < to\-survey\-and\-evaluate; 4161泰羅 < \(english\-surname\)\-tylo; 4162吞聲 < to\-swallow\-one''s\-cries; 4163變分法 < calculus\-of\-variations; 4164財會 < finance\-and\-accounting; 4165通信網絡 < communications\-network; 4166交易 < \(business\)\-transaction; 4167西遊記 < pilgrimage\-to\-the\-west; 4168數字通信 < digital\-communications; 4169現役 < \(military\)\-active\-duty; 4170共產黨員 < communist\-party\-member; 4171民選 < democratically\-elected; 4172海拔 < height\-above\-sea\-level; 4173網路架構 < network\-infrastructure; 4174科技 < science\-and\-technology; 4175任免 < to\-appoint\-and\-dismiss; 4176畢業生 < graduate\-\(of\-a\-school\); 4177亂寫 < to\-write\-without\-basis; 4178零錢 < change\-\(said\-of\-money\); 4179不服 < not\-accept\-\(something\); 4180鼻兒 < a\-hole\-in\-an\-implement; 4181感嘆 < to\-sigh\-\(with\-feeling\); 4182化裝 < \(of\-actors\)\-to\-make\-up; 4183云南 < yunnan\-province\,\-china; 4184服完 < serve\-out\-\(a\-sentence\); 4185黃山 < mt\.\-huang\-\(huang\-shan\); 4186古波 < gubo\-\(a\-personal\-name\); 4187猜拳 < a\-finger\-guessing\-game; 4188美國之音 < voice\-of\-america\-radio; 4189背黑鍋 < to\-be\-made\-a\-scapegoat; 4190助詞 < particle\-\(grammatical\); 4191靈敏度 < \(level\-of\)\-sensitivity; 4192標準組織 < standards\-organization; 4193獨攬市場 < to\-monopolize\-a\-market; 4194觉 < to\-wake\-up\-from\-sleep; 4195環 < jade\-ring\-or\-bracelet; 4196划 < to\-row\-or\-paddle\-boat; 4197堪 < adequately\-capable\-of; 4198吴 < name\-of\-warring\-state; 4199鳴 < cry\-of\-bird\-or\-animal; 4200呉 < one\-of\-warring\-states; 4201馳 < go\-quickly\-or\-swiftly; 4202榎 < small\-evergreen\-shrub; 4203姻 < relatives\-by\-marriage; 4204筒 < thick\-piece\-of\-bamboo; 4205帘 < flag\-sign\-of\-a\-tavern; 4206稻 < rice\-growing\-in\-field; 4207禰 < one''s\-deceased\-father; 4208剂 < medicinal\-preparation; 4209珂 < inferior\-kind\-of\-jade; 4210嘟 < sound\-of\-horn\-tooting; 4211瑜 < flawless\-gem\-or\-jewel; 4212珑 < a\-gem\-cut\-like\-dragon; 4213诬 < make\-false\-accusation; 4214嫖 < patronize\-prostitutes; 4215飒 < the\-sound\-of\-the\-wind; 4216锢 < run\-metal\-into\-cracks; 4217掖 < support\-with\-the\-arms; 4218棣 < kerria\-japonica\-plant; 4219菁 < flower\-of\-leek\-family; 4220咩 < the\-bleating\-of\-sheep; 4221珉 < stone\-resembling\-jade; 4222钎 < tool\-for\-boring\-holes; 4223抟 < roll\-around\-with\-hand; 4224趸 < sell\-or\-buy\-wholesale; 4225妣 < one''s\-deceased\-mother; 4226嵊 < district\-in\-shaohsing; 4227笸 < flat\-basket\-for\-grain; 4228肫 < the\-gizzard\-of\-a\-fowl; 4229苫 < rush\-or\-straw\-matting; 4230峤 < high\-pointed\-mountain; 4231秭 < one\-thousand\-millions; 4232姒 < wife\-of\-elder\-brother; 4233蓰 < to\-increase\-five\-fold; 4234蒌 < artemisia\-stelleriana; 4235酃 < the\-spirit\-of\-a\-being; 4236糗 < parched\-wheat\-or\-rice; 4237辋 < exterior\-rim\-of\-wheel; 4238髫 < children''s\-hair\-style; 4239虺 < large\-poisonous\-snake; 4240醵 < contribute\-for\-drinks; 4241蚬 < a\-variety\-of\-bivalves; 4242裼 < to\-take\-off\-one''s\-top; 4243眵 < eyes\-diseased\-and\-dim; 4244枵 < hollo\-stump\-of\-a\-tree; 4245蘩 < artemisia\-stellariana; 4246讓坐 < to\-give\-up\-one''s\-seat; 4247彬彬有禮 < refined\-and\-courteous; 4248網絡管理員 < network\-administrator; 4249油價 < oil\-\(petroleum\)\-price; 4250軟硬件 < software\-and\-hardware; 4251巨額 < a\-huge\-sum\-\(of\-money\); 4252奔放 < bold\-and\-unrestrained; 4253得意 < \(be\)\-proud\-of\-oneself; 4254完全兼容 < completely\-compatible; 4255熱門貨 < goods\-in\-great\-demand; 4256通信量 < communications\-volume; 4257奔忙 < be\-busy\-rushing\-about; 4258觀測衛星 < observation\-satellite; 4259剛直 < upright\-and\-outspoken; 4260巡邏 < be\-on\-\(police\)\-patrol; 4261祝賀詞 < congratulatory\-speech; 4262電腦輔助設計 < computer\-aided\-design; 4263降福 < blessings\-from\-heaven; 4264炸藥 < explosive\-\(substance\); 4265幾十年 < several\-tens\-of\-years; 4266夢想 < to\-dream\-of\-\(in\-vain\); 4267防空 < anti\-aircraft\-defense; 4268三萬七千 < thirty\-seven\-thousand; 4269先進 < advanced\-\(technology\); 4270大赦國際 < amnesty\-international; 4271情報官員 < intelligence\-official; 4272奔命 < rush\-about\-on\-errands; 4273比方說 < to\-make\-an\-analogy\.\.\.; 4274電磁噪聲 < electromagnetic\-noise; 4275長途網路 < long\-distance\-network; 4276芝加哥大學 < university\-of\-chicago; 4277解決 < to\-settle\-\(a\-dispute\); 4278鼃 < the\-edible\-water\-frog; 4279麥芽糖 < maltose\-\(sweet\-syrup\); 4280鷀 < the\-fishing\-cormorant; 4281美聯社 < associated\-press\-\(ap\); 4282鴠 < a\-kind\-of\-nightingale; 4283防治 < \(prevention\-and\)\-cure; 4284鰤 < seriola\-qinqueradiata; 4285比色分析 < colorimetric\-analysis; 4286鯄 < lepidotrigla\-strauchi; 4287髈 < defined\-as\-the\-pelvis; 4288推薦信 < recommendation\-letter; 4289庫爾德人 < kurdish\-person\|people; 4290微軟公司 < microsoft\-corporation; 4291分機 < \(telephone\)\-extension; 4292颸 < cool\-breeze\-of\-autumn; 4293眾望 < people''s\-expectations; 4294不識抬舉 < fail\-to\-appreciate\-sb; 4295白糖 < \(refined\)\-white\-sugar; 4296擁戴 < to\-support\-\(a\-person\); 4297席卷亞洲 < to\-sweep\-through\-asia; 4298表達 < to\-voice\-\(an\-opinion\); 4299幾天來 < for\-the\-past\-few\-days; 4300報時 < give\-the\-correct\-time; 4301隨和 < amiable\-\(disposition\); 4302作業環境 < operating\-environment; 4303酎 < double\-fermented\-wine; 4304函授 < correspondence\-course; 4305迷戀 < to\-be\-infatuated\-with; 4306陸海空三軍 < army\,\-navy\,\-air\-force; 4307投了票 < past\-tense\-of\-to\-vote; 4308肯尼迪 < kennedy\-\(proper\-name\); 4309拗陷 < geological\-depression; 4310免疫 < immunity\-\(to\-disease\); 4311公然 < \(do\-something\)\-openly; 4312智慧產權 < intellectual\-property; 4313谺 < the\-mouth\-of\-a\-valley; 4314堅持 < to\-continue\-upholding; 4315出差 < be\-on\-a\-business\-trip; 4316蠸 < aulacophora\-femoralis; 4317漸進 < progress\-step\-by\-step; 4318蜺 < reflection\-of\-rainbow; 4319本土化軟件 < software\-localization; 4320蘘 < a\-kind\-of\-wild\-ginger; 4321限制 < \(impose\)\-restrictions; 4322蕚 < the\-calyx\-of\-a\-flower; 4323保護區 < conservation\-district; 4324葹 < kind\-of\-chrysanthemum; 4325萻 < small\-buddhist\-temple; 4326年初 < beginning\-of\-the\-year; 4327舚 < to\-put\-out\-the\-tongue; 4328奧德賽 < the\-odyssey\,\-by\-homer; 4329高級官員 < high\-ranking\-official; 4330半夜三更 < in\-the\-depth\-of\-night; 4331筆錄 < put\-down\-\(in\-writing\); 4332按脈 < feel\-\(take\)\-the\-pulse; 4333繴 < a\-kind\-of\-fishing\-net; 4334竼 < bamboo\-cover\-for\-boat; 4335取消禁令 < to\-life\-a\-prohibition; 4336禨 < pray\-for\-good\-fortune; 4337招聘 < take\-job\-applications; 4338越南語 < vietnamese\-\(language\); 4339癥 < obstruction\-of\-bowels; 4340痏 < a\-bruise\-or\-contusion; 4341持不同政見者 < \(political\)\-dissident; 4342光州 < kwangju\-\(south\-korea\); 4343實際應用 < practical\-application; 4344璡 < jade\-look\-alike\-stone; 4345工商 < industry\-and\-commerce; 4346澳洲 < australia\-\(continent\); 4347生產能力 < manufacturing\-ability; 4348總統選舉 < presidential\-election; 4349皮兒 < \(dough\,\-etc\.\)wrappers; 4350澂 < clear\-and\-still\-water; 4351甘肅 < gansu\-province\,\-china; 4352不擇手段 < by\-fair\-means\-or\-foul; 4353淜 < roar\-of\-dashing\-waves; 4354沇 < flowing\-and\-engulfing; 4355安閒 < peaceful\-and\-carefree; 4356艱巨 < very\-difficult\-\(task\); 4357蠻橫 < rude\-and\-unreasonable; 4358簽字 < to\-sign\-\(a\-signature\); 4359暎 < sun\-beginning\-decline; 4360安適 < quiet\-and\-comfortable; 4361國際標準 < interntional\-standard; 4362金陵大學 < university\-of\-nanking; 4363異質網路 < heterogeneous\-network; 4364白手起家 < build\-up\-from\-nothing; 4365嵼 < winding\-mountain\-path; 4366葡萄牙語 < portuguese\-\(language\); 4367測良 < to\-survey\-and\-measure; 4368資料傳送服務 < data\-delivery\-service; 4369班車 < regular\-bus\-\(service\); 4370埵 < hardened\-dirt\-or\-clay; 4371嗻 < to\-screen\.\-loquacious; 4372案由 < main\-points\-of\-a\-case; 4373貶謫 < banish\-from\-the\-court; 4374黃魚 < yellow\-croaker\-\(fish\); 4375身世 < one''s\-life\-experience; 4376抱恨 < have\-a\-gnawing\-regret; 4377匟 < divan\-for\-two\-persons; 4378剾 < to\-pick\-up\-with\-knife; 4379四年前 < four\-years\-previously; 4380自古 < \(since\)\-ancient\-times; 4381䵗 < to\-clean\-the\-withered; 4382䵄 < to\-boil\-or\-stew\-wheat; 4383䳹 < a\-kind\-dove\-like\-bird; 4384䳝 < a\-kind\-of\-small\-birds; 4385䱟 < a\-kind\-of\-silver\-fish; 4386介質訪問控制 < medium\-access\-control; 4387䯯 < hang\-down\-of\-the\-hair; 4388䯭 < of\-nice\-and\-good\-hair; 4389䮄 < an\-one\-year\-old\-horse; 4390笆斗 < round\-bottomed\-basket; 4391一臂之力 < \(lend\)\-a\-helping\-hand; 4392䪥 < shallots\-or\-scallions; 4393䩩 < a\-measure\-of\-capacity; 4394䦽 < an\-east\-and\-west\-wall; 4395製造商 < manufacturing\-company; 4396䦚 < wide\-open\-of\-the\-door; 4397䦌 < the\-door\-is\-wide\-open; 4398二號 < 2\-nd\-day\-of\-the\-month; 4399䥈 < the\-symbol\-for\-cobalt; 4400不倫不類 < neither\-fish\-nor\-fowl; 4401䤗 < taste\-of\-strong\-drink; 4402䢩 < to\-forbid\-to\-prohibit; 4403䡶 < vehicles\-and\-garments; 4404䞚 < to\-hang\-on\-a\-big\-tree; 4405䝖 < reptiles\-without\-feet; 4406䛱 < to\-talk\-unremittingly; 4407䛊 < cheerful\-all\-the\-time; 4408䛃 < used\-in\-person''s\-name; 4409䘐 < the\-bleed\-at\-the\-nose; 4410䗉 < a\-small\-solitary\-wasp; 4411基本原理 < fundamental\-principle; 4412䖔 < a\-kind\-of\-white\-tiger; 4413䖍 < to\-act\-with\-reverence; 4414䔵 < fragrant\-thoroughwort; 4415財經 < finance\-and\-economics; 4416䔊 < dense\-growth\-of\-grass; 4417䓒 < scirpus\-cyperinus\-var; 4418撫養成人 < to\-bring\-up\-\(a\-child\); 4419䒦 < grass\-floats\-on\-water; 4420䒄 < fully\-laden\-of\-a\-boat; 4421䑝 < a\-small\-cup\-with\-ears; 4422䏤 < top\-of\-the\-human\-head; 4423主語 < \(grammatical\)\-subject; 4424䎶 < offering\-blood\-to\-god; 4425通信服務 < communication\-service; 4426䎚 < the\-end\-of\-bird\-wings; 4427䎖 < soaring\-up\-in\-the\-sky; 4428䌧 < a\-kind\-of\-silk\-fabric; 4429䌟 < to\-weave\-silk\-ribbons; 4430嘖嘖 < to\-click\-one''s\-tongue; 4431䋂 < dresses\-for\-the\-bride; 4432䈧 < skin\-of\-bamboo\-shoots; 4433䈞 < ancient\-name\-of\-india; 4434䇾 < a\-flute\-with\-23\-tubes; 4435䇰 < a\-bamboo\-binded\-torch; 4436䇡 < the\-shuttle\-of\-a\-loom; 4437䆠 < a\-government\-official; 4438䆛 < something\-in\-the\-cave; 4439鼻祖 < the\-earliest\-ancestor; 4440䅗 < four\-bundle\-of\-grains; 4441反革命 < counter\-revolutionary; 4442䁭 < to\-give\-an\-angry\-look; 4443䁚 < a\-kind\-of\-eye\-disease; 4444䀽 < to\-look\-at\-each\-other; 4445䀠 < a\-chinese\-family\-name; 4446䀓 < to\-turn\-one''s\-eyes\-to; 4447㿴 < wide\-piece\-of\-leather; 4448㿫 < to\-split\-tangled\-hemp; 4449㿏 < paralysis\-of\-the\-body; 4450㾾 < disease\-of\-the\-throat; 4451㼲 < sound\-of\-broken\-tiles; 4452戀愛 < to\-have\-a\-love\-affair; 4453㼐 < a\-kind\-of\-white\-melon; 4454㹶 < a\-kind\-of\-wild\-animal; 4455㹦 < dog\-with\-a\-short\-tail; 4456㹔 < cattle\-with\-long\-back; 4457暴跌 < steep\-fall\-\(in\-price\); 4458㵨 < a\-dry\-land\-in\-a\-river; 4459㳈 < a\-great\-flow\-of\-water; 4460讓開 < to\-get\-out\-of\-the\-way; 4461㱟 < to\-rip\-open\-the\-flesh; 4462㰄 < a\-small\-chestnut\-tree; 4463㮗 < the\-handle\-of\-a\-spear; 4464㭍 < capital\-form\-of\-seven; 4465㬠 < to\-expose\-to\-sunlight; 4466檔案分配區 < file\-allocation\-table; 4467㩟 < to\-sew\-some\-ornaments; 4468㨌 < to\-milk\-a\-cow\-or\-goat; 4469就便 < at\-\(your\)\-convenience; 4470可身 < to\-fit\-well\-\(clothes\); 4471科研 < \(scientific\)\-research; 4472㠋 < a\-lofty\-mountain\-peak; 4473㟞 < precipitous\-and\-lofty; 4474㟝 < to\-bank\-up\-with\-earth; 4475㟜 < shape\-of\-the\-mountain; 4476㟖 < a\-dialect\-of\-minority; 4477㟎 < a\-long\-mountain\-ridge; 4478㞁 < can\-not\-walk\-normally; 4479㘰 < name\-of\-a\-old\-country; 4480㘡 < a\-pen\-for\-wild\-beasts; 4481㘖 < to\-make\-a\-disturbance; 4482老兩口 < an\-old\-married\-couple; 4483㗁 < the\-roof\-of\-the\-mouth; 4484㖗 < high\-ridges\-of\-cliffs; 4485地對空導彈 < ground\-to\-air\-missile; 4486㕢 < profound\-significance; 4487可謂 < it\-could\-even\-be\-said; 4488讓路 < to\-make\-way\-\(for\-sth\); 4489㒆 < to\-gather\-the\-harvest; 4490戶主 < head\-of\-the\-household; 4491頒行 < issue\-for\-enforcement; 4492國營企業 < nationalized\-industry; 4493二十八號 < 28th\-day\-of\-the\-month; 4494湖南 < hunan\-province\,\-china; 4495本固枝榮 < when\-the\-root\-is\-firm; 4496傳輸設備 < transmission\-facility; 4497餘數 < \(numerical\)\-remainder; 4498不管 < no\-matter\-\(what\,\-how\); 4499版面 < space\-of\-a\-whole\-page; 4500不是味兒 < not\-the\-right\-flavour; 4501不禁 < can''t\-help\-\(doing\-sth; 4502隨機時間 < random\-period\-of\-time; 4503昏迷 < to\-lose\-consciousness; 4504吐絮 < the\-opening\-of\-a\-boll; 4505鋪平 < spread\-out\-\(material\); 4506傳輸距離 < transmission\-distance; 4507拜把子 < become\-sworn\-brothers; 4508北寒帶 < the\-north\-frigid\-zone; 4509不理 < refuse\-to\-acknowledge; 4510變臉 < suddenly\-turn\-hostile; 4511印度尼西亞語 < indonesian\-\(language\); 4512海斯 < hayes\-\(microcomputer\); 4513東德 < \(former\)\-east\-germany; 4514暗礁 < submerged\-reef\-\(rock\); 4515買好 < to\-ingratiate\-oneself; 4516八路軍 < the\-eighth\-route\-army; 4517暗疾 < unmentionable\-disease; 4518聳動 < to\-create\-a\-sensation; 4519另起爐灶 < to\-start\-from\-scratch; 4520首腦會議 < leadership\-conference; 4521板凳 < wooden\-bench\-or\-stool; 4522不暇 < have\-no\-time\-\(for\-sth; 4523悲憤 < grief\-and\-indignation; 4524不信任投票 < vote\-of\-no\-confidence; 4525南北極 < south\-and\-north\-poles; 4526如出一轍 < be\-precisely\-the\-same; 4527董事長 < chairman\-of\-the\-board; 4528本人的觀點 < \(one''s\)\-personal\-view; 4529特產 < special\-local\-product; 4530蕭條 < \(economic\)\-depression; 4531不行了 < on\-the\-point\-of\-death; 4532矮杆品種 < short\-stalked\-variety; 4533殯葬 < funeral\-and\-interment; 4534命令 < \(an\)\-order\-or\-command; 4535流亡 < to\-\(force\-into\)\-exile; 4536絞盡腦汁 < to\-wrack\-one''s\-brains; 4537光磁碟機 < magneto\-optical\-drive; 4538卡西尼 < cassini\-\(proper\-name\); 4539卑污 < despicable\-and\-filthy; 4540國有企業 < nationalized\-business; 4541暴卒 < die\-of\-sudden\-illness; 4542逼視 < look\-at\-from\-close\-up; 4543旺月 < busy\-\(business\)\-month; 4544什 < file\-of\-ten\-soldiers; 4545責 < one''s\-responsibility; 4546爵 < feudal\-title\-or\-rank; 4547啊 < exclamatory\-particle; 4548楚 < name\-of\-feudal\-state; 4549托 < to\-hold\-up\-with\-palm; 4550汲 < draw\-water\-from\-well; 4551魅 < kind\-of\-forest\-demon; 4552伊 < third\-person\-pronoun; 4553鸿 < species\-of\-wild\-swan; 4554姥 < maternal\-grandmother; 4555捧 < hold\-up\-in\-two\-hands; 4556乙 < second\-heaven''s\-stem; 4557吁 < interjection\-''alas\!''; 4558姨 < mother\/wife''s\-sister; 4559亩 < chinese\-land\-measure; 4560僵 < stiff\-and\-motionless; 4561拱 < fold\-hands\-on\-breast; 4562禾 < grain\-still\-on\-stalk; 4563嗡 < sound\-of\-flying\-bees; 4564猩 < species\-of\-orangutan; 4565狞 < ferocious\-appearance; 4566拈 < pick\-up\-with\-fingers; 4567陛 < steps\-leading\-throne; 4568鸯 < female\-mandarin\-duck; 4569卯 < th\-of\-earth\-branches; 4570熠 < bright\-and\-sparkling; 4571阂 < blocked\-or\-separated; 4572淅 < water\-used\-wash\-rice; 4573佚 < indulge\-in\-pleasures; 4574辚 < rumbling\-of\-vehicles; 4575巽 < th\-of\-the\-8\-trigrams; 4576訇 < the\-sound\-of\-a\-crash; 4577狺 < the\-snarling\-of\-dogs; 4578浔 < steep\-bank\-by\-stream; 4579蓊 < luxuriant\-vegetation; 4580蓠 < gracilaria\-verrucosa; 4581菀 < luxuriance\-of\-growth; 4582胗 < pustules\-of\-any\-kind; 4583颃 < fly\-down\-or\-downward; 4584垆 < black\-clods\-of\-earth; 4585樗 < ailanthus\-glandulosa; 4586蚧 < a\-red\-spotted\-lizard; 4587缶 < earthen\-crock\-or\-jar; 4588豳 < a\-zhou\-dynasty\-state; 4589轺 < small\-light\-carriage; 4590逯 < leave\-without\-reason; 4591列車 < train\-\(railway\-term\); 4592友好 < friendly\-\(relations\); 4593櫃邊 < to\-lie\-on\-one''s\-side; 4594制裁 < \(economic\)\-sanctions; 4595社交 < \(social\)\-interaction; 4596操行 < \(student''s\)\-behavior; 4597光磁碟 < magneto\-optical\-disk; 4598編組 < organize\-into\-groups; 4599親近 < get\-close\-to\-someone; 4600博覽會 < \(international\)\-fair; 4601多種語言支持 < multilingual\-support; 4602結論 < \(reach\-a\)\-conclusion; 4603闡述 < expound\-\(a\-position\); 4604維吾爾人 < uighur\-person\|people; 4605開除學籍 < to\-expel\-from\-school; 4606心寒 < be\-very\-disappointed; 4607組裝 < assemble\-and\-install; 4608誓死 < to\-pledge\-one''s\-life; 4609一般性 < \(in\)\-general\-\(terms\); 4610城鄉 < city\-and\-countryside; 4611協定 < \(reach\-an\)\-agreement; 4612逋逃藪 < refuge\-for\-fugitives; 4613首席代表 < chief\-representative; 4614水域 < \(territorial\)\-waters; 4615勻整 < neat\-and\-well\-spaced; 4616白眼珠 < the\-white\-of\-the\-eye; 4617物理結構 < physical\-composition; 4618內閣 < \(government\)\-cabinet; 4619廠牌 < brand\-\(of\-a\-product\); 4620奶奶 < paternal\-grandmother; 4621編次 < order\-of\-arrangement; 4622國會議長 < speaker\-of\-the\-house; 4623應用平台 < application\-platform; 4624教授 < university\-professor; 4625勢必 < is\-bound\-to\-\(happen\); 4626墨汁 < prepared\-chinese\-ink; 4627大將 < a\-general\-or\-admiral; 4628氣人 < to\-get\-someone\-angry; 4629包場 < book\-a\-whole\-theatre; 4630六號 < 6th\-day\-of\-the\-month; 4631匈牙利語 < hungarian\-\(language\); 4632詞彙 < \(list\-of\)\-vocabulary; 4633軟體配送者 < software\-distributor; 4634不信任案 < no\-confidence\-motion; 4635齞 < to\-display\-the\-teeth; 4636鼈 < a\-fresh\-water\-turtle; 4637鼂 < a\-kind\-of\-sea\-turtle; 4638捕蟲葉 < insect\-catching\-leaf; 4639鸇 < kind\-of\-bird\-of\-prey; 4640攝影 < to\-take\-a\-photograph; 4641鸂 < a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird; 4642鷫 < turquoise\-kingfisher; 4643鷁 < fishhawk\-bow\-or\-prow; 4644改善關係 < to\-improve\-relations; 4645辯白 < offer\-an\-explanation; 4646鰜 < big\-mouthed\-flounder; 4647髺 < the\-hair\-dishevelled; 4648採訪 < cover\-\(a\-news\-story\); 4649骣 < horse\-without\-saddle; 4650停火協議 < cease\-fire\-agreement; 4651餽 < make\-present\-of\-food; 4652兵站 < army\-service\-station; 4653韱 < wild\-onions\-or\-leeks; 4654軍費 < military\-expenditure; 4655二十二號 < 22\-nd\-day\-of\-a\-month; 4656霃 < long\-continued\-rains; 4657據悉 < according\-to\-reports; 4658前年 < the\-year\-before\-last; 4659闍 < tower\-over\-city\-gate; 4660補色 < complementary\-colour; 4661攻勢 < \(military\)\-offensive; 4662確有其事 < \(confirm\-to\-be\)\-true; 4663大型企業 < large\-scale\-industry; 4664分擔 < share\-responsibility; 4665鍱 < thin\-plates\-of\-metal; 4666使徒行傳 < acts\-of\-the\-apostles; 4667鉶 < sacrificial\-cauldron; 4668開發 < exploit\-\(a\-resource\); 4669歷代 < successive\-dynasties; 4670醰 < bitter\-taste\-in\-wine; 4671近日 < in\-the\-past\-few\-days; 4672回訪 < \(pay\-a\)\-return\-visit; 4673必不可少 < absolutely\-necessary; 4674病變 < pathological\-changes; 4675凌晨 < early\-in\-the\-morning; 4676趂 < to\-take\-advantage\-of; 4677不雅觀 < offensive\-to\-the\-eye; 4678接收器靈敏度 < receiver\-sensitivity; 4679不在話下 < be\-nothing\-difficult; 4680陳述句 < declarative\-sentence; 4681襬 < lower\-part\-of\-a\-robe; 4682這個月 < this\-\(current\)\-month; 4683袳 < spread\-one''s\-clothes; 4684歷來最低點 < all\-time\-low\-\(point\); 4685倍頻器 < frequency\-multiplier; 4686槳狀 < certificate\-of\-merit; 4687蜛 < hydrophilus\-cognatus; 4688蛚 < cyrtoxiphus\-ritsemae; 4689民族主義情緒 < nationalist\-feelings; 4690領導權 < leadership\-authority; 4691薢 < woody\-climbing\-plant; 4692倚重 < to\-rely\-heavily\-upon; 4693紀念日 < day\-of\-commemoration; 4694茀 < overgrown\-with\-grass; 4695芄 < metaplexis\-stauntoni; 4696應用軟件 < application\-software; 4697舺 < place\-name\-in\-taiwan; 4698脡 < strips\-of\-dried\-meat; 4699把酒 < raise\-one''s\-wine\-cup; 4700軍用 < \(for\)\-military\-\(use\); 4701交換技術 < switching\-technology; 4702米德爾伯裡 < middlebury\-\(college\); 4703保重 < take\-care\-of\-oneself; 4704報仇 < to\-revenge\-\(oneself\); 4705抄身 < to\-search\-\(a\-person\); 4706粃 < empty\-husks\-of\-grain; 4707程式語言 < programming\-language; 4708白棉紙 < stencil\-tissue\-paper; 4709窣 < to\-rush\-out\-of\-a\-den; 4710穇 < panicum\-frumentaceum; 4711棉襖 < cotton\-padded\-jacket; 4712磒 < to\-fall\-from\-or\-into; 4713儘早 < as\-early\-as\-possible; 4714矑 < the\-pupil\-of\-the\-eye; 4715睍 < to\-look\-at\-fearfully; 4716培修 < to\-repair\-earthworks; 4717尊重 < to\-value\-\(something\); 4718甽 < drain\-between\-fields; 4719甃 < brick\-wall\-of\-a\-well; 4720發表聲明 < to\-issue\-a\-statement; 4721琖 < carved\-jade\-wine\-cup; 4722玦 < broken\-piece\-of\-jade; 4723病灶 < focus\-\(of\-infection\); 4724兩點十九分 < 2\-\:1\-9\-\(time\-of\-day\); 4725侵襲 < to\-invade\-and\-attack; 4726瀳 < to\-arrive\-\(of\-water\); 4727電子工業 < electronics\-industry; 4728澬 < to\-rain\-continuously; 4729簡朴 < simple\-and\-unadorned; 4730駁運 < transport\-by\-lighter; 4731挪窩兒 < to\-move\-\(to\-a\-house\); 4732召開會議 < to\-call\-a\-conference; 4733洤 < a\-fountain\-or\-spring; 4734例言 < introductory\-remarks; 4735備查 < for\-future\-reference; 4736槾 < paste\-wall\-with\-dirt; 4737德國人 < german\-person\|people; 4738棨 < tally\-or\-wooden\-pass; 4739桬 < pear\-and\-other\-trees; 4740安逸 < easy\-and\-comfortable; 4741敳 < to\-govern\-forcefully; 4742敁 < to\-weigh\-in\-the\-hand; 4743病房 < ward\-\(of\-a\-hospital\); 4744百事通 < knowledgeable\-person; 4745表彰 < cite\-\(in\-dispatches\); 4746搎 < to\-rub\-with\-the\-hand; 4747不死心 < unwilling\-to\-give\-up; 4748礦泉水 < mineral\-spring\-water; 4749吃不下 < not\-feel\-like\-eating; 4750幀檢驗序列 < frame\-check\-sequence; 4751萬維網 < world\-wide\-web\-\(www\); 4752商業應用 < business\-application; 4753每況愈下 < steadily\-deteriorate; 4754拜會 < pay\-an\-official\-call; 4755專程 < special\-purpose\-trip; 4756媒體訪問控制 < media\-access\-control; 4757偽幣 < counterfeit\-currency; 4758軍事機構 < military\-institution; 4759嵏 < a\-mountain\-in\-shenxi; 4760才略 < ability\-and\-sagacity; 4761孭 < to\-carry\-on\-the\-back; 4762四年制的大學 < four\-year\-university; 4763層次 < arrangement\-of\-ideas; 4764判處死刑 < to\-sentance\-to\-death; 4765嫋 < slender\-and\-delicate; 4766婣 < marriage\-connections; 4767筆法 < technique\-of\-writing; 4768實體層 < physical\-layer\-\(osi\); 4769囬 < to\-return\-to\-or\-from; 4770交通 < \(automobile\)\-traffic; 4771現階段 < at\-the\-present\-stage; 4772貨幣貶值 < currency\-devaluation; 4773叛國罪 < the\-crime\-of\-treason; 4774按照法律 < according\-to\-the\-law; 4775劂 < chisel\-for\-engraving; 4776啟程 < set\-out\-on\-a\-journey; 4777不完全中立 < imperfect\-neutrality; 4778畫報 < pictorial\-\(magazine\); 4779北回歸線 < the\-tropic\-of\-cancer; 4780克里斯托弗 < \(warren\)\-christopher; 4781電子元件 < electronic\-component; 4782經濟衰退 < \(economic\)\-recession; 4783䶙 < swelling\-of\-the\-gums; 4784䶊 < to\-bleed\-at\-the\-nose; 4785光二極管 < light\-emitting\-diode; 4786䴟 < an\-one\-year\-old\-deer; 4787䳳 < a\-kind\-of\-small\-bird; 4788䳑 < a\-pheasant\-like\-bird; 4789䲱 < a\-kind\-of\-black\-bird; 4790䲕 < the\-yangtze\-porpoise; 4791䱐 < a\-kind\-of\-black\-fish; 4792䱀 < a\-kind\-of\-small\-fish; 4793侵擾 < to\-invade\-and\-harass; 4794屏幕 < \(tv\-or\-movie\)\-screen; 4795䮡 < a\-supernatural\-horse; 4796䮂 < horse\-with\-long\-hair; 4797䭷 < horse\-with\-long\-mane; 4798䬩 < to\-abstain\-from\-meat; 4799䬣 < a\-sacrificial\-victim; 4800䫠 < short\-hair\-and\-beard; 4801錦標賽 < championship\-contest; 4802䩽 < a\-quiver\-one\-a\-horse; 4803䩂 < to\-come\-to\-the\-front; 4804球網 < net\-\(for\-ball\-games\); 4805䧗 < mountains\-collapsing; 4806䦦 < a\-musical\-instrument; 4807䥤 < the\-neck\-of\-a\-pestle; 4808䥄 < to\-plaster\-with\-gold; 4809䤸 < short\-spear\-or\-lance; 4810不穩平衡 < unstable\-equilibrium; 4811漢化 < chinese\-localization; 4812䠑 < between\-the\-buttocks; 4813䠈 < hard\-to\-move\-forward; 4814䟩 < hard\-of\-walk\-forward; 4815䞙 < to\-walk\-in\-hurriedly; 4816䝑 < a\-local\-produced\-pig; 4817䜧 < to\-insult\-with\-words; 4818䜓 < a\-slip\-of\-the\-tongue; 4819䛌 < to\-provoke\-or\-arouse; 4820䙮 < strip\-of\-the\-clothes; 4821䘾 < legs\-of\-the\-trousers; 4822信息資源 < information\-resource; 4823䕫 < a\-one\-legged\-monster; 4824䔈 < lush\-growth\-of\-grass; 4825六十五歲 < sixty\-five\-years\-old; 4826䑠 < long\-and\-narrow\-boat; 4827䐸 < the\-back\-of\-the\-knee; 4828䏿 < the\-calf\-of\-the\-legs; 4829䏡 < uncooked\-or\-raw\-meat; 4830䊳 < to\-break\-into\-pieces; 4831䊲 < to\-hull\-rice\-roughly; 4832䊂 < poor\-quality\-of\-rice; 4833對峙 < mutual\-confrontation; 4834䉑 < black\-skinned\-bamboo; 4835䈦 < a\-curved\-bamboo\-whip; 4836䈑 < tools\-to\-unreel\-silk; 4837䈁 < tools\-used\-on\-a\-boat; 4838䇘 < tool\-to\-collect\-rope; 4839䆣 < abode\-of\-the\-emperor; 4840䆏 < a\-kind\-of\-rice\-plant; 4841䅮 < a\-full\-head\-of\-grain; 4842䅓 < curved\-piece\-of\-wood; 4843䅏 < rice\-boiled\-to\-gruel; 4844䄯 < ten\-handle\-of\-grains; 4845美軍 < us\-army\|armed\-forces; 4846䄂 < to\-pray\-and\-to\-curse; 4847䃰 < brick\-or\-stone\-steps; 4848䂒 < short\-to\-curry\-favor; 4849䂂 < to\-gaze\-at\-in\-terror; 4850䁬 < to\-act\-pretentiously; 4851䀷 < to\-have\-quick\-glance; 4852䀲 < diseases\-in\-the\-eyes; 4853位於 < be\-situated\-\(in\,\-at\); 4854㿸 < to\-cast\-off\-the\-skin; 4855㿞 < an\-old\-man\-of\-eighty; 4856㽤 < a\-small\-plot\-of\-land; 4857㽢 < to\-plough\-the\-fields; 4858㽕 < new\-branches\-growing; 4859㽃 < a\-big\-piece\-of\-brick; 4860㼢 < bricks\-an\-eathen\-jar; 4861㼉 < green\-colored\-melons; 4862㻮 < bright\-and\-brilliant; 4863㺮 < fine\-stone\-like\-jade; 4864㺂 < big\-and\-strong\-sheep; 4865㹘 < shinbone\-of\-a\-cattle; 4866㸪 < an\-ox\-walking\-slowly; 4867變頻 < frequency\-conversion; 4868競爭力 < competitive\-strength; 4869㷙 < to\-fry\-in\-fat\-or\-oil; 4870㶔 < swift\-and\-torrential; 4871㵞 < bellied\-in\-water\-gas; 4872㳼 < bubbling\-of\-fountain; 4873㳚 < flowing\-of\-the\-water; 4874㳔 < to\-soak\-or\-be\-soaked; 4875㲫 < hair\-knots\-in\-a\-mess; 4876㰋 < a\-kind\-of\-fruit\-tree; 4877㯌 < to\-operate\-or\-manage; 4878智能大樓 < intelligent\-building; 4879少數民族 < minority\-nationality; 4880單字 < individual\-character; 4881㭞 < a\-kind\-inferior\-wood; 4882㭒 < a\-farming\-instrument; 4883㩻 < rugged\-mountain\-path; 4884㩔 < a\-tool\-to\-make\-a\-bow; 4885㧹 < to\-strike\-with\-fists; 4886背心 < a\-sleeveless\-garment; 4887戶口 < registered\-residence; 4888㡙 < curtain\-for\-carriage; 4889本科 < undergraduate\-course; 4890㠗 < deep\-in\-the\-mountain; 4891㞟 < savings\-and\-reserves; 4892㙣 < to\-pile\-a\-sand\-hills; 4893便中 < at\-one''s\-convenience; 4894㙑 < the\-canopy\-of\-heaven; 4895㘎 < the\-roars\-of\-a\-tiger; 4896鑒定委員會 < evaluation\-committee; 4897㘅 < to\-hold\-in\-the\-mouth; 4898寶劍 < a\-double\-edged\-sword; 4899㕡 < the\-bed\-of\-a\-torrent; 4900㕌 < to\-raise\-the\-curtain; 4901㔋 < cut\-into\-thin\-slices; 4902㒅 < to\-unbind\-the\-collar; 4903㑉 < cannot\-straighten\-up; 4904醞釀 < mull\-over\-\(an\-issue\); 4905全面禁止 < complete\-prohibition; 4906暗號 < secret\-signal\-\(sign\); 4907老爺 < maternal\-grandfather; 4908班期 < schedule\-\(for\-flight; 4909買方 < buyer\-\(in\-contracts\); 4910安娜 < anna\-\(person''s\-name\); 4911騾馬大車 < mule\-and\-horse\-carts; 4912經濟發展 < economic\-development; 4913通訊系統 < communication\-system; 4914責成 < give\-somebody\-a\-task; 4915不二法門 < the\-one\-and\-only\-way; 4916邏輯鏈路控制 < logical\-link\-control; 4917多麼 < how\-\(wonderful\,\-etc\); 4918酬謝 < to\-thank\-with\-a\-gift; 4919無價珍珠 < pearl\-of\-great\-price; 4920往返 < to\-go\-back\-and\-forth; 4921包金 < cover\-with\-gold\-leaf; 4922未成年者 < minor\-\(not\-an\-adult\); 4923暑熱 < hot\-\(summer\)\-weather; 4924巡迴分析端口 < roving\-analysis\-port; 4925伊斯蘭堡 < islamabad\-\(pakistan\); 4926運動會 < a\-sports\-competition; 4927不曾 < never\-\(have\-done\-sth; 4928總部 < general\-headquarters; 4929貶值 < to\-become\-devaluated; 4930遺骸 < \(dead\)\-human\-remains; 4931二十四號 < 24\-th\-day\-of\-a\-month; 4932類推 < to\-reason\-by\-analogy; 4933大失所望 < greatly\-dissapointed; 4934和好 < to\-become\-reconciled; 4935本土 < one''s\-native\-country; 4936亞倫 < aaron\-\(a\-man''s\-name\); 4937羞恥 < \(a\-feeling\-of\)\-shame; 4938哈佛 < harvard\-\(university\); 4939暑期 < summer\-vacation\-time; 4940企業集團 < industry\-association; 4941管理接口 < management\-interface; 4942呼喊 < shout\-\(slogans\,\-etc\); 4943繽紛 < in\-riotous\-profusion; 4944呈報 < to\-\(submit\-a\)\-report; 4945生產設備 < production\-equipment; 4946半白 < fifty\-\(years\-of\-age\); 4947 < the\-horns\-of\-a\-sheep; 4948跑龍套 < to\-play\-a\-small\-role; 4949昂然 < upright\-and\-unafraid; 4950還說 < to\-add\-\(in\-speaking\); 4951更加 < more\-\(than\-sth\-else\); 4952德雷爾 < \(june\-teufel\)\-dreyer; 4953義務教育 < cumpulsory\-education; 4954爺爺 < paternal\-grandfather; 4955傳輸控制 < transmission\-control; 4956不勝 < cannot\-bear\-or\-stand; 4957敗胃 < spoil\-one''s\-appetite; 4958變心 < cease\-to\-be\-faithful; 4959不懷好意 < harbour\-evil\-designs; 4960上個 < first\-\(of\-two\-parts\); 4961只不過幾年前 < only\-a\-few\-years\-ago; 4962幾 < how\-many\?\-how\-much\?; 4963奏 < memorialize\-emperor; 4964您 < honorific\-for\-''you''; 4965吏 < government\-official; 4966兀 < to\-cut\-off\-the\-feet; 4967胴 < the\-large\-intestine; 4968秦 < feudal\-state\-of\-qin; 4969桁 < cross\-beams\-of\-roof; 4970莎 < kind\-of\-sedge\-grass; 4971薛 < kind\-of\-marsh\-grass; 4972絣 < to\-baste\-for\-sewing; 4973悖 < be\-contradictory\-to; 4974芒 < miscanthus\-sinensis; 4975嘶 < neighing\-of\-a\-horse; 4976叽 < sigh\-in\-disapproval; 4977厥 < personal\-pronoun\-he; 4978圭 < jade\-pointed\-at\-top; 4979徘 < walk\-back\-and\-forth; 4980晤 < have\-interview\-with; 4981舷 < the\-sides\-of\-a\-boat; 4982邬 < various\-place\-names; 4983褐 < coarse\-woolen\-cloth; 4984馈 < offer\-food\-superior; 4985唧 < chirping\-of\-insects; 4986咔 < used\-in\-translation; 4987灸 < cauterize\-with\-moxa; 4988驷 < team\-of\-four\-horses; 4989粼 < clear\-\(as\-of\-water\); 4990羚 < species\-of\-antelope; 4991呓 < talk\-in\-one''s\-sleep; 4992篙 < pole\-used\-punt\-boat; 4993湍 < rapid\-water\-current; 4994脍 < minced\-meat\-or\-fish; 4995鏖 < to\-fight\-to\-the\-end; 4996肽 < a\-chemical\-compound; 4997銮 < bells\-hung\-on\-horse; 4998笳 < a\-reed\-leaf\-whistle; 4999薏 < seed\-of\-job''s\-tears; 5000悝 < to\-laugh\-at\-to\-pity; 5001豇 < a\-small\-kidney\-bean; 5002桉 < eucalyptus\-globulus; 5003蹁 < to\-walk\-with\-a\-limp; 5004腈 < an\-organic\-compound; 5005螟 < kind\-of\-caterpillar; 5006泮 < zhou\-dynasty\-school; 5007鲳 < the\-silvery\-pomfret; 5008霪 < long\-and\-heavy\-rain; 5009枘 < the\-handle\-of\-tools; 5010滹 < the\-bank\-of\-a\-steam; 5011彳 < step\-with\-left\-foot; 5012亍 < to\-take\-small\-steps; 5013砘 < a\-kind\-of\-farm\-tool; 5014栎 < chestnut\-leaved\-oak; 5015鹇 < the\-silver\-pheasant; 5016苌 < averrhora\-carambola; 5017郛 < outer\-walls\-of\-city; 5018醢 < minced\-pickled\-meat; 5019眚 < disease\-of\-the\-eyes; 5020裉 < s\-seam\-in\-a\-garment; 5021崦 < a\-mountain\-in\-kansu; 5022兕 < a\-female\-rhinoceros; 5023診斷功能 < diagnostic\-function; 5024財政部 < ministry\-of\-finance; 5025奔流 < flow\-at\-great\-speed; 5026廣告商 < advertising\-company; 5027一百五十多年 < more\-than\-150\-years; 5028日文 < japanese\-\(language\); 5029馬來西亞語 < malasian\-\(language\); 5030撞見 < to\-meet\-by\-accident; 5031差額 < balance\-\(financial\); 5032半截 < half\-\(of\-a\-section\); 5033剛纔 < \(just\)\-a\-moment\-ago; 5034慰安婦 < comfort\-woman\|women; 5035折射率 < index\-of\-refraction; 5036廠礦 < factories\-and\-mines; 5037傳輸媒體 < transmission\-medium; 5038起死回生 < arise\-from\-the\-dead; 5039熱烈 < warm\-\(welcome\,\-etc\); 5040高階語言 < high\-level\-language; 5041年代初 < beginning\-of\-an\-age; 5042亞洲與太平洋地區 < asia\-pacific\-region; 5043辯護 < speak\-in\-defence\-of; 5044美國人民 < the\-american\-people; 5045哥倫比亞大學 < columbia\-university; 5046防禦性 < defensive\-\(weapons\); 5047過了五分鐘 < five\-minutes\-passed; 5048打橫炮 < speak\-unwarrantedly; 5049大批 < large\-quantities\-of; 5050面嚮連接 < connection\-oriented; 5051專業人才 < expert\-\(in\-a\-field\); 5052無縫連接 < seamless\-connection; 5053綁票 < kidnap\-\(for\-ransom\); 5054白銅 < copper\-nickel\-alloy; 5055克羅地亞語 < croatian\-\(language\); 5056統稱 < collectively\-called; 5057發言權 < the\-right\-of\-speech; 5058廢氣 < waste\-\(exhaust\)\-gas; 5059討論的議題 < topic\-of\-discussion; 5060包子 < steamed\-stuffed\-bun; 5061紅葉 < red\-autumnal\-leaves; 5062層見迭出 < to\-occur\-frequently; 5063百貨 < general\-merchandise; 5064鬢髮 < hair\-on\-the\-temples; 5065美國以外 < outside\-of\-the\-u\.s\.; 5066儘量 < as\-much\-as\-possible; 5067身高 < \(a\-person''s\)\-height; 5068教學 < teacher\-and\-student; 5069鄙人 < your\-humble\-servant; 5070地址的轉換 < address\-translation; 5071故宮 < the\-imperial\-palace; 5072政局 < political\-situation; 5073睿智 < wise\-and\-farsighted; 5074自動地工作 < automatic\-operation; 5075此時此刻 < at\-this\-very\-moment; 5076鸒 < the\-eastern\-jackdaw; 5077鶲 < siberian\-flycatcher; 5078年之久 < period\-of\-\.\.\.\-years; 5079補角 < supplementary\-angle; 5080鰶 < konosirus\-punctatus; 5081鯥 < pomatomus\-saltatrix; 5082鯕 < coryphaena\-hippurus; 5083鮶 < sebastodes\-guntheri; 5084進攻 < attack\-\(militarily\); 5085擺弄 < move\-back\-and\-forth; 5086不中意 < not\-to\-one''s\-liking; 5087飂 < wind\-in\-high\-places; 5088颾 < blowing\-of\-the\-wind; 5089頍 < to\-raise\-one''s\-head; 5090韘 < archer''s\-thumb\-ring; 5091鞬 < a\-quiver\-on\-a\-horse; 5092貿易保護主義 < trade\-protectionism; 5093遍布 < be\-found\-everywhere; 5094多黨選舉 < multiparty\-election; 5095霶 < downpouring\-of\-rain; 5096霮 < denseness\-of\-clouds; 5097光纖衰減 < optical\-attenuation; 5098改名 < to\-change\-ones\-name; 5099鑴 < to\-engrave\-or\-carve; 5100不勞而獲 < reap\-without\-sowing; 5101鎄 < iridium\-einsteinium; 5102技術標準 < technology\-standard; 5103補考 < make\-up\-examination; 5104開發過程 < development\-process; 5105百分制 < hundred\-mark\-system; 5106鈃 < ancient\-wine\-vessel; 5107酧 < to\-pledge\-with\-wine; 5108分析家 < \(political\)\-analyst; 5109播弄 < order\-subject\-about; 5110年底 < the\-end\-of\-the\-year; 5111約櫃 < ark\-of\-the\-covenant; 5112幫工 < help\-with\-farm\-work; 5113報廢 < report\-as\-worthless; 5114通信負載 < communications\-load; 5115常規武器 < conventional\-weapon; 5116統計結果 < statistical\-results; 5117司空見慣 < a\-common\-occurrence; 5118立法會 < legislative\-council; 5119執掌 < wield\-\(power\,\-etc\.\); 5120襴 < a\-one\-piece\-garment; 5121褃 < a\-seam\-in\-a\-garment; 5122引力場 < gravitational\-field; 5123兵權 < military\-leadership; 5124蠰 < cerambyx\-rugicollis; 5125蟨 < the\-siberian\-jerboa; 5126蝝 < the\-larva\-of\-locust; 5127二十七號 < 27th\-day\-of\-a\-month; 5128逼供 < extort\-a\-confession; 5129視而不見 < turn\-a\-blind\-eye\-to; 5130保安自動化 < security\-automation; 5131蔊 < nasturtium\-montanum; 5132蓇 < follicles\-of\-plants; 5133葇 < elsholtria\-paltrini; 5134莕 < nymphoides\-peltatum; 5135茳 < cyperus\-malaccensis; 5136苳 < petasites\-japonicus; 5137艫 < bow\-or\-prow\-of\-boat; 5138消耗量 < rate\-of\-consumption; 5139電子文件 < electronic\-document; 5140開放 < lift\-\(restrictions\); 5141登月 < go\-\(up\)\-to\-the\-moon; 5142羢 < fine\-woolen\-fabrics; 5143核電站 < nuclear\-power\-plant; 5144羑 < a\-guide\-to\-goodness; 5145結構助詞 < structural\-particle; 5146字斟句酌 < weighing\-every\-word; 5147繲 < to\-work\-as\-a\-tailor; 5148幣值 < value\-of\-a\-currency; 5149綀 < a\-kind\-of\-sackcloth; 5150政治關係 < political\-relations; 5151冰場 < skating\-or\-ice\-rink; 5152相互兼容 < mutually\-compatible; 5153尋事生非 < to\-look\-for\-trouble; 5154竑 < be\-vast\-and\-endless; 5155禓 < to\-drive\-out\-demons; 5156祐 < divine\-intervention; 5157目前 < at\-the\-present\-time; 5158表面化 < come\-to\-the\-surface; 5159筆譯 < written\-translation; 5160筆試 < written\-examination; 5161矔 < brilliant\-\(of\-eyes\); 5162關切 < be\-deeply\-concerned; 5163小寫字母 < lowercase\-\(letters\); 5164瞕 < cataract\-in\-the\-eye; 5165走開 < get\-out\-of\-the\-way\!; 5166覆亡 < fall\-\(of\-an\-empire\); 5167電話機 < telephone\-equipment; 5168裁斷 < consider\-and\-decide; 5169總統府 < presidential\-palace; 5170紀元 < beginning\-of\-an\-era; 5171兵團 < large\-military\-unit; 5172辦事 < to\-handle\-\(affairs\); 5173糾偏 < to\-correct\-an\-error; 5174才識 < ability\-and\-insight; 5175按理 < according\-to\-reason; 5176輔幣 < fractional\-currency; 5177搭伴 < travel\-with\-another; 5178在某種程度上 < to\-a\-certain\-extent; 5179國旗 < flag\-\(of\-a\-country\); 5180軍政 < army\-and\-government; 5181病況 < state\-of\-an\-illness; 5182分佈式網絡 < distributed\-network; 5183管理功能 < management\-function; 5184轉向 < change\-of\-direction; 5185橋接器 < bridge\-\(networking\); 5186白卷 < blank\-examine\-paper; 5187曼徹斯特編碼 < manchester\-encoding; 5188八仙 < the\-eight\-immortals; 5189較大 < comparatively\-large; 5190筆算 < do\-a\-sum\-in\-writing; 5191桪 < mythical\-giant\-tree; 5192提出 < to\-raise\-\(an\-issue\); 5193白人 < white\-man\-and\-woman; 5194柮 < flat\-pieces\-of\-wood; 5195做法 < way\-of\-doing\-things; 5196暵 < dry\-by\-exposing\-sun; 5197抽煙 < smoke\-\(a\-cigarette\); 5198斝 < small\-jade\-wine\-cup; 5199表情 < \(facial\)\-expression; 5200補助 < \(financial\)\-subsidy; 5201敄 < to\-put\-forth\-effort; 5202膠片 < \(photographic\)\-film; 5203撍 < to\-hold\-in\-the\-hand; 5204不期然而然 < happen\-unexpectedly; 5205揕 < roll\-up\-the\-sleeves; 5206柔道 < \(the\-sport\-of\)\-judo; 5207加值型網路 < value\-added\-network; 5208採制 < collect\-and\-process; 5209不得了 < desperately\-serious; 5210抄獲 < to\-search\-and\-seize; 5211表姐 < older\-female\-cousin; 5212分佈控制 < distributed\-control; 5213尗 < younger\-of\-brothers; 5214軟件 < \(computer\)\-software; 5215壐 < the\-imperial\-signet; 5216招待 < to\-receive\-\(guests\); 5217板梁橋 < plate\-girder\-bridge; 5218垕 < used\-in\-place\-names; 5219拜年 < pay\-a\-new\-year\-call; 5220栽跟頭 < to\-suffer\-a\-setback; 5221唚 < vomiting\-of\-animals; 5222核工程 < nuclear\-engineering; 5223因特網聯通 < internet\-connection; 5224呺 < voice\-of\-anger\-vast; 5225互通 < to\-intercommunicate; 5226科學的交流 < scientific\-exchange; 5227安理會 < un\-security\-council; 5228網絡應用 < network\-application; 5229偘 < ancient\-family\-name; 5230篡位 < to\-seize\-the\-throne; 5231機械翻譯 < machine\-translation; 5232罷黜 < dismiss\-from\-office; 5233䶯 < used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 5234䶒 < outstanding\-ability; 5235䶌 < a\-pustule\-or\-pimple; 5236䶄 < striped\-mottled\-rat; 5237䵱 < red\-and\-black\-color; 5238䵔 < to\-turn\-on\-the\-heel; 5239䴪 < a\-fabulous\-creature; 5240䴠 < a\-young\-tailed\-deer; 5241屬實 < turn\-out\-to\-be\-true; 5242䱧 < a\-kind\-of\-fish\-eels; 5243䰜 < a\-large\-earthen\-pot; 5244䮷 < movement\-of\-a\-horse; 5245䮃 < to\-go\-before\-others; 5246派遣 < send\-\(on\-a\-mission\); 5247䫱 < a\-part\-of\-the\-skull; 5248䫩 < to\-shake\-one''s\-head; 5249䪿 < the\-top\-of\-the\-head; 5250䪽 < hoary\-haired\-person; 5251䩷 < the\-sides\-of\-a\-shoe; 5252䩧 < to\-tie\-up\-hurriedly; 5253䩌 < to\-have\-a\-worn\-look; 5254䧔 < to\-meet\-at\-the\-bank; 5255䦙 < a\-government\-agency; 5256䥧 < a\-fine\-kind\-of\-jade; 5257訊框傳送服務 < frame\-relay\-service; 5258䤆 < a\-kind\-of\-rice\-wine; 5259䤁 < cooked\-or\-well\-done; 5260䢋 < a\-marshal\-or\-herald; 5261並重 < lay\-equal\-stress\-on; 5262軟件技術 < software\-technology; 5263䟣 < an\-animal\-in\-legend; 5264䞳 < to\-stumble\-and\-fall; 5265䝠 < a\-kind\-of\-wild\-boar; 5266䜁 < to\-abuse\-and\-insult; 5267䙒 < to\-store\-or\-save\-up; 5268䙏 < short\-sleeves\-shirt; 5269䙁 < children''s\-garments; 5270䘪 < clothes\-without\-hem; 5271䖢 < first\-born\-silkworm; 5272䖖 < to\-show\-familiarity; 5273䕾 < a\-kind\-of\-vegetable; 5274䕘 < a\-variety\-of\-fungus; 5275䕃 < the\-shade\-of\-a\-tree; 5276䓷 < nymphoides\-peltalum; 5277䓍 < cruciferous\-flowers; 5278䒈 < side\-beam\-of\-a\-boat; 5279䒀 < short\-and\-deep\-boat; 5280䑇 < medicine\-for\-a\-sore; 5281䐭 < a\-discharge\-or\-flux; 5282䏹 < to\-watch\-stealthily; 5283䏨 < to\-swell\-up\-greatly; 5284䏆 < buzzing\-in\-the\-ears; 5285䍷 < to\-chase\-each\-other; 5286䋹 < breadth\-of\-material; 5287䋰 < to\-bind\-or\-restrain; 5288才學 < talent\-and\-learning; 5289耕耘 < plowing\-and\-weeding; 5290擺門面 < keep\-up\-appearances; 5291訊框傳送網路 < frame\-relay\-network; 5292䇽 < a\-coarse\-bamboo\-mat; 5293䆯 < a\-short\-shaped\-face; 5294䅯 < a\-variety\-of\-millet; 5295䅟 < varieties\-of\-millet; 5296䅒 < a\-sharp\-edged\-grass; 5297慈祥 < \(a\)\-kindly\-\(person\); 5298䁋 < with\-one\-eye\-closed; 5299䁃 < to\-look\-attentively; 5300䀤 < insight\-of\-jealousy; 5301䀣 < to\-look\-steadily\-at; 5302奶油菜花 < creamed\-cauliflower; 5303㿓 < disease\-of\-the\-hoof; 5304光發送器 < optical\-transmitter; 5305㾻 < not\-any\-progressive; 5306㾶 < disease\-of\-the\-knee; 5307安樂 < peace\-and\-happiness; 5308㾢 < a\-malignant\-disease; 5309㽭 < vacant\-lot\-or\-space; 5310㽌 < the\-ridge\-of\-a\-roof; 5311㽂 < a\-cracked\-container; 5312㼙 < brickwork\-of\-a\-well; 5313㼒 < a\-kind\-of\-big\-melon; 5314網絡環境 < network\-environment; 5315愛人如己 < love\-others\-as\-self; 5316㸶 < color\-of\-the\-oxtail; 5317㸵 < the\-lowing\-of\-an\-ox; 5318㸥 < household\-registers; 5319㸢 < cross\-beam\-of\-a\-bed; 5320㸞 < blocks\-for\-printing; 5321㸓 < to\-have\-disappeared; 5322㸀 < blackened\-with\-soot; 5323㷤 < rosy\-clouds\-of\-dawn; 5324騙取 < to\-gain\-by\-cheating; 5325㲇 < the\-rattle\-of\-drums; 5326㱾 < a\-kind\-of\-ornaments; 5327㱹 < to\-die\-from\-disease; 5328㱫 < destroyed\-or\-ruined; 5329㱪 < stupid\-and\-confused; 5330㱊 < asthmatic\-breathing; 5331㱉 < moving\-of\-the\-mouth; 5332㰴 < to\-grate\-on\-the\-ear; 5333㰯 < the\-way\-of\-speaking; 5334路透社 < reuters\-news\-agency; 5335涼爽 < cool\-and\-refreshing; 5336黨組 < leading\-party\-group; 5337例外 < \(make\-an\)\-exception; 5338㫯 < in\-contravention\-of; 5339資源 < \(natural\)\-resources; 5340商會 < chamber\-of\-commerce; 5341赤字 < \(financial\)\-deficit; 5342㩦 < to\-lead\-by\-the\-hand; 5343㩘 < to\-moor\-to\-the\-bank; 5344㨝 < the\-very\-hard\-stuff; 5345㧅 < to\-turn\-upside\-down; 5346㦓 < difficult\-intention; 5347㥝 < to\-arouse\-to\-action; 5348阿拉巴馬 < alabama\-\(u\.s\.state\); 5349㢊 < to\-set\-side\-by\-side; 5350㢂 < of\-highly\-strategic; 5351鋰離子電池 < lithium\-ion\-battery; 5352終點地址 < destination\-address; 5353㟱 < shape\-of\-a\-mountain; 5354㟓 < lofty\-and\-dangerous; 5355㟒 < mountains\-adjoining; 5356並聯 < parallel\-connection; 5357㘫 < to\-fall\-into\-a\-well; 5358財源 < financial\-resources; 5359㗶 < to\-expel\-the\-breath; 5360科學院 < academy\-of\-sciences; 5361㖪 < sound\-of\-surprising; 5362㔹 < a\-surplus\-or\-excess; 5363㓷 < to\-cut\-off\-the\-nose; 5364㒄 < brittle\-and\-friable; 5365㒃 < capital\-form\-of\-two; 5366量變 < quantitative\-change; 5367耐煩 < patient\-\(adjective\); 5368丙綸 < polypropylene\-fibre; 5369二十六號 < 26th\-day\-of\-a\-month; 5370步進制 < step\-by\-step\-system; 5371前蘇聯 < former\-soviet\-union; 5372不在意 < pay\-no\-attention\-to; 5373決議 < \(pass\-a\)\-resolution; 5374錯字 < incorrect\-character; 5375中國當局 < chinese\-authorities; 5376伴唱 < vocal\-accompaniment; 5377識貨 < to\-know\-what''s\-what; 5378稟性 < natural\-disposition; 5379預習 < to\-prepare\-a\-lesson; 5380合情合理 < reasonable\-and\-fair; 5381流派 < school\-\(of\-thought\); 5382百依百順 < docile\-and\-obedient; 5383半自耕農 < semi\-tenant\-peasant; 5384哀憐 < feel\-compassion\-for; 5385反彈導彈 < antimissile\-missile; 5386財寶 < money\-and\-valuables; 5387生產設施 < production\-facility; 5388葡萄牙人 < portuguese\-\(person\); 5389事宜 < \(make\)\-arrangements; 5390敗類 < scum\-of\-a\-community; 5391不絕如縷 < hanging\-by\-a\-thread; 5392旗袍 < chinese\-style\-dress; 5393長期穩定性 < long\-term\-stability; 5394技術知識 < technical\-knowledge; 5395徐行 < walk\-slowly\,\-stroll; 5396藏族 < tibetan\-nationality; 5397樓宇自動化 < building\-automation; 5398外孫女 < daughter''s\-daughter; 5399冰醋酸 < glacial\-acetic\-acid; 5400美國軍人 < american\-serviceman; 5401阿比西尼亞人 < abyssinian\-\(person\); 5402消炎藥 < antibiotic\-medicine; 5403照顧 < take\-\(good\)\-care\-of; 5404委員長 < head\-of\-a\-committee; 5405視窗加速器 < windows\-accelarator; 5406讓步 < \(make\-a\)\-concession; 5407邊遠 < far\-from\-the\-center; 5408華爾街日報 < wall\-street\-journal; 5409擺闊 < parade\-one''s\-wealth; 5410情報局 < intelligence\-agency; 5411晴朗 < sunny\-and\-cloudless; 5412悲壯 < solemn\-and\-stirring; 5413國際貿易 < international\-trade; 5414罷市 < shopkeeper''s\-strike; 5415不妨 < there\-is\-no\-harm\-in; 5416人造語言 < artificial\-language; 5417亞太經合組織 < apec\-\(organization\); 5418丹參 < salvia\-miltiorrhiza; 5419零落 < withered\-and\-fallen; 5420包身工 < indentured\-labourer; 5421得知 < \(find\-out\-and\)\-know; 5422變故 < an\-unforeseen\-event; 5423不敗之地 < invincible\-position; 5424恐怕 < \(i''m\)\-afraid\-\(that\); 5425自身利益 < one''s\-own\-interests; 5426廠規 < factory\-regulations; 5427預定 < schedule\-in\-advance; 5428不凡 < out\-of\-the\-ordinary; 5429競爭產品 < competitive\-product; 5430敗績 < be\-utterly\-defeated; 5431暴利 < sudden\-huge\-profits; 5432非核國家 < non\-nuclear\-country; 5433罪名 < a\-\(criminal\)\-charge; 5434不乏 < there\-is\-no\-lack\-of; 5435合同 < \(business\)\-contract; 5436北京人 < person\-from\-beijing; 5437氣候狀況 < climatic\-conditions; 5438玖 < black\-colored\-jade; 5439哪 < which\?\-where\?\-how\?; 5440牲 < sacrificial\-animal; 5441漢 < the\-chinese\-people; 5442漕 < transport\-by\-water; 5443阴 < ''female''\-principle; 5444仙 < taoist\-super\-being; 5445驻 < to\-be\-stationed\-at; 5446腮 < lower\-part\-of\-face; 5447拒 < ward\-off\-with\-hand; 5448桂 < cassia\-or\-cinnamon; 5449朵 < cluster\-of\-flowers; 5450曹 < ministry\-officials; 5451罎 < an\-earthenware\-jar; 5452丸 < small\-round\-object; 5453矩 < carpenter''s\-square; 5454腊 < year\-end\-sacrifice; 5455龟 < turtle\-or\-tortoise; 5456邸 < official\-residence; 5457侃 < upright\-and\-strong; 5458邂 < unexpected\-meeting; 5459怯 < lacking\-in\-courage; 5460甸 < suburbs\-of\-capital; 5461捞 < scoop\-out\-of\-water; 5462扛 < carry\-on\-shoulders; 5463虔 < act\-with\-reverence; 5464霖 < long\-spell\-of\-rain; 5465韧 < strong\-and\-pliable; 5466瑾 < brilliance\-of\-gems; 5467桔 < chinese\-bellflower; 5468鸳 < male\-mandarin\-duck; 5469钗 < ornamental\-hairpin; 5470巅 < summit\-of\-mountain; 5471樨 < osmanthus\-fragrans; 5472蠡 < wood\-boring\-insect; 5473蹂 < trample\-under\-foot; 5474骥 < thoroughbred\-horse; 5475唁 < express\-condolence; 5476骅 < an\-excellent\-horse; 5477碉 < room\-made\-of\-stone; 5478疟 < intermittent\-fever; 5479纣 < name\-of\-an\-emperor; 5480磬 < musical\-instrument; 5481爿 < half\-of\-tree\-trunk; 5482旎 < fluttering\-of\-flag; 5483夔 < one\-legged\-monster; 5484殍 < to\-starve\-to\-death; 5485骊 < a\-pure\-black\-horse; 5486湎 < flushed\-with\-drink; 5487喵 < the\-mew\-of\-the\-cat; 5488焙 < dry\-over\-slow\-fire; 5489绾 < to\-string\-together; 5490眦 < corner\-of\-the\-eyes; 5491瑁 < fine\-piece\-of\-jade; 5492粳 < non\-glutinous\-rice; 5493餮 < a\-legendary\-animal; 5494汊 < a\-branching\-stream; 5495缃 < light\-yellow\-color; 5496檩 < the\-bole\-of\-a\-tree; 5497奁 < lady''s\-vanity\-case; 5498楸 < mallotus\-japonicus; 5499骺 < tip\-of\-a\-long\-bone; 5500藿 < lophanthus\-rugosus; 5501樾 < the\-shade\-of\-trees; 5502酤 < to\-deal\-in\-spirits; 5503臌 < dropsical\-swelling; 5504跫 < sound\-of\-footsteps; 5505綮 < embroidered\-banner; 5506觳 < an\-ancient\-measure; 5507杌 < the\-stump\-f\-a\-tree; 5508嵫 < a\-hill\-in\-shantung; 5509擗 < to\-beat\-the\-breast; 5510脔 < small\-lump\-of\-meat; 5511醅 < unstrained\-spirits; 5512羰 < carbonyl\-\(radical\); 5513蛸 < long\-legged\-spider; 5514瞀 < to\-look\-at\-closely; 5515殳 < name\-of\-old\-weapon; 5516崞 < mountain\-in\-shanxi; 5517垲 < high\-and\-dry\-place; 5518虿 < a\-kind\-of\-scorpion; 5519疳 < childhood\-diseases; 5520罾 < a\-large\-square\-net; 5521獬 < a\-fabulous\-monster; 5522負責任 < responsibility\-for; 5523幫辦 < assist\-in\-managing; 5524酬應 < social\-interaction; 5525無論 < no\-matter\-what\|how; 5526原定 < originally\-planned; 5527通行 < licence\-\(computer\); 5528環形結構 < ring\-configuration; 5529司令 < commanding\-officer; 5530糾集 < to\-gather\-together; 5531送行 < to\-see\-someone\-off; 5532西班牙語 < spanish\-\(language\); 5533違約 < to\-break\-a\-promise; 5534危局 < perilous\-situation; 5535一般來說 < generally\-speaking; 5536軟件開發人員 < software\-developer; 5537撥號 < dial\-\(a\-telephone\); 5538國民黨軍隊 < nationalist\-forces; 5539首腦會晤 < leadership\-meeting; 5540變修 < become\-revisionist; 5541違章 < to\-break\-the\-rules; 5542重要問題 < an\-important\-issue; 5543網管 < network\-management; 5544蒙文 < mongolian\-language; 5545性交 < sexual\-intercourse; 5546中山裝 < chinese\-tunic\-suit; 5547緬甸語 < burmese\-\(language\); 5548政治犯 < political\-prisoner; 5549年以來 < since\-the\-year\-\.\.\.; 5550新華社 < xinhua\-news\-agency; 5551不中用 < unfit\-for\-anything; 5552一小時以後 < a\-short\-time\-later; 5553領先地位 < lead\(ing\)\-position; 5554進一步 < \(one\-step\)\-further; 5555物價 < \(commodity\)\-prices; 5556信息系統 < information\-system; 5557後天 < day\-after\-tomorrow; 5558提供商 < provider\-\(company\); 5559太平 < peace\-and\-security; 5560矚望 < to\-look\-forward\-to; 5561協助 < provide\-assistance; 5562採風 < collect\-folk\-songs; 5563種族清洗 < \"ethnic\-cleansing\"; 5564描金 < to\-outline\-in\-gold; 5565助教 < teaching\-assistant; 5566夫婦 < a\-\(married\)\-couple; 5567乒乓球檯 < table\-tennis\-table; 5568英語 < english\-\(language\); 5569運氣 < luck\-\(good\-or\-bad\); 5570非常嚴厲 < to\-punish\-severely; 5571原蘇聯 < fomer\-soviet\-union; 5572採錄 < collect\-and\-record; 5573熊掌 < bear\-paw\-\(as\-food\); 5574內部結構 < internal\-strucutre; 5575新兵 < new\-\(army\)\-recruit; 5576數據通信 < data\-communication; 5577天安門 < tiananmen\-\(square\); 5578非常感謝 < extremely\-grateful; 5579龖 < flight\-of\-a\-dragon; 5580斃命 < meet\-violent\-death; 5581鸜 < a\-species\-of\-mynah; 5582鷽 < oriental\-bullfinch; 5583克隆技術 < cloning\-technology; 5584電子網絡 < electronic\-network; 5585鴗 < alcedo\-bengalensis; 5586鱵 < hyporhampus\-sajuri; 5587失事 < \(have\-an\)\-accident; 5588不受理 < reject\-a\-complaint; 5589鬠 < to\-make\-a\-top\-knot; 5590發達國 < developing\-country; 5591白麵書生 < pale\-faced\-scholar; 5592跑警報 < to\-run\-for\-shelter; 5593餼 < sacrificial\-victim; 5594電信 < telecommunications; 5595捨身 < to\-give\-one''s\-life; 5596頔 < good\-and\-beautiful; 5597芝蘭 < irises\-and\-orchids; 5598財務軟件 < financial\-software; 5599改口 < to\-correct\-oneself; 5600白開水 < plain\-boiled\-water; 5601政務 < government\-affairs; 5602內科 < medical\-department; 5603元素 < \(chemical\)\-element; 5604加入 < to\-become\-a\-member; 5605招待會 < \(press\)\-conference; 5606選區 < electoral\-district; 5607釒 < kangxi\-radical\-167; 5608鄮 < ancient\-place\-name; 5609土著 < native\,\-aboriginal; 5610懷俄明 < wyoming\-\(us\-state\); 5611卡拉奇 < karachi\-\(pakistan\); 5612操守 < personal\-integrity; 5613轙 < rings\-on\-the\-yokes; 5614傲視 < turn\-up\-one''s\-nose; 5615軰 < a\-row\-of\-carriages; 5616半規管 < semicircular\-canal; 5617馬來語 < malaysian\-language; 5618古典語言 < classical\-language; 5619谽 < a\-mouth\-or\-opening; 5620莫如 < it\-would\-be\-better; 5621結帳 < to\-settle\-accounts; 5622四處 < all\-over\-the\-place; 5623比不上 < can''t\-compare\-with; 5624網路連接層 < network\-link\-layer; 5625訁 < kangxi\-radical\-149; 5626襵 < a\-pleat\-in\-a\-skirt; 5627褰 < lift\-up\-the\-skirts; 5628坦率 < frank\-\(discussion\); 5629運作 < thread\-\(computing\); 5630多米尼加共和國 < dominican\-republic; 5631週刊 < weekly\-publication; 5632蚹 < eulota\-peliomphala; 5633薷 < elshotria\-paltrini; 5634保駕 < escort\-the\-emperor; 5635蕺 < houttuynia\-cordata; 5636蓴 < edible\-water\-plant; 5637兩個中國 < two\-china\-\(policy\); 5638葴 < physalis\-alkekengi; 5639共有 < to\-have\-altogether; 5640報喜 < announce\-good\-news; 5641跑電 < electrical\-leakage; 5642荅 < answer\:\-small\-bean; 5643茖 < allium\-victorialis; 5644國防部 < defense\-department; 5645芣 < medicinal\-plantago; 5646撥刺 < splash\-\(of\-a\-fish\); 5647拜見 < pay\-a\-formal\-visit; 5648外來投資 < foreign\-investment; 5649趕不上 < can''t\-keep\-up\-with; 5650翯 < glistening\-plumage; 5651翖 < ksc\-extension\-3108; 5652初中 < junior\-high\-school; 5653羧 < carboxyl\-\(radical\); 5654土耳其語 < turkish\-\(language\); 5655不正之風 < unhealthy\-tendency; 5656抄道 < to\-take\-a\-shortcut; 5657演說 < \(deliver\-a\)\-speech; 5658要地 < strategic\-location; 5659辦報 < to\-run\-a\-newspaper; 5660集成電路 < integrated\-circuit; 5661糒 < food\-for\-a\-journey; 5662出任 < start\-in\-a\-new\-job; 5663閉關政策 < closed\-door\-policy; 5664內情 < inside\-information; 5665拿主意 < to\-make\-a\-decision; 5666網絡技術 < network\-technology; 5667常委會 < standing\-committee; 5668中國政府 < chinese\-government; 5669開展 < \(begin\-to\)\-develop; 5670令牌環網 < token\-ring\-network; 5671皪 < luster\-\(of\-pearls\); 5672大明鼎鼎 < a\-grand\-reputation; 5673痜 < a\-scabby\-bald\-head; 5674大學生 < university\-student; 5675甿 < farming\-population; 5676貿易組織 < trade\-organization; 5677甋 < a\-jar\-without\-ears; 5678琤 < jade\-of\-jade\-being; 5679玘 < court\-dress\-jewels; 5680遍地開花 < blossom\-everywhere; 5681獳 < fierce\-dog\-looking; 5682俄語 < russian\-\(language\); 5683山腳 < foot\-of\-a\-mountain; 5684煍 < to\-colour\-by\-smoke; 5685高速網絡 < high\-speed\-network; 5686灥 < a\-group\-of\-springs; 5687康奈爾大學 < cornell\-university; 5688公司 < \(business\)\-company; 5689拉票 < campaign\-for\-votes; 5690手術 < surgical\-operation; 5691八卦 < the\-eight\-diagrams; 5692瀏覽器 < browser\-\(software\); 5693體溫 < \(body\)\-temperature; 5694書面許可 < written\-permission; 5695泲 < kind\-of\-white\-wine; 5696世紀末 < end\-of\-the\-century; 5697氍 < fine\-woollen\-cloth; 5698漂移 < drift\-\(electrical\); 5699聯合公報 < joint\-announcement; 5700研究機構 < research\-institute; 5701佛蘭芒語 < flemish\-\(language\); 5702停滯 < be\-at\-a\-standstill; 5703國會議員 < member\-of\-congress; 5704最近幾年 < the\-last\-few\-years; 5705精簡開支 < to\-reduce\-spending; 5706柺 < an\-old\-man''s\-staff; 5707杻 < ligustrum\-sinenese; 5708杙 < a\-tiny\-wooden\-post; 5709不置可否 < decline\-to\-comment; 5710軍官 < \(military\)\-officer; 5711昷 < to\-feed\-a\-prisoner; 5712旼 < gentle\-and\-affable; 5713塞爾維亞語 < serbian\-\(language\); 5714擭 < trap\-catch\-animals; 5715三角腹帶 < athletic\-supporter; 5716筆直 < perfectly\-straight; 5717產生 < to\-come\-into\-being; 5718駐華 < stationed\-in\-china; 5719斯瓦希裡語 < swahili\-\(language\); 5720授受 < to\-give\-and\-accept; 5721疫情 < epidemic\-situation; 5722深造 < advanced\-\(studies\); 5723衛生設備 < sanitary\-equipment; 5724造成問題 < to\-create\-an\-issue; 5725彄 < nock\-at\-end\-of\-bow; 5726捨命 < to\-risk\-one''s\-life; 5727擁護者 < supporter\-\(person\); 5728國務卿 < secretary\-of\-state; 5729嶨 < big\-rocky\-mountain; 5730裁並 < cut\-down\-and\-merge; 5731嵖 < name\-of\-a\-mountain; 5732使節 < \(diplomatic\)\-envoy; 5733國家標準碼 < gb\-\(guo\-biao\)\-code; 5734半輩子 < half\-of\-a\-lifetime; 5735本初子午線 < the\-first\-meridian; 5736家庭消費者 < household\-consumer; 5737壜 < earthen\-jar\-or\-jug; 5738至少 < \(to\-say\-the\)\-least; 5739墐 < to\-build\-with\-soil; 5740站管理 < station\-management; 5741買賣 < buying\-and\-selling; 5742噋 < to\-swallow\-hastily; 5743測繪 < to\-survey\-and\-draw; 5744背約 < break\-an\-agreement; 5745色情小說 < pornographic\-novel; 5746哰 < incoherent\-chatter; 5747芬蘭語 < finnish\-\(language\); 5748貴妃醉酒 < the\-drunken\-beauty; 5749變法兒 < try\-different\-ways; 5750海空軍 < navy\-and\-air\-force; 5751電子信箱 < electronic\-mailbox; 5752路徑 < route\-\(networking\); 5753佷 < to\-act\-contrary\-to; 5754舉例 < to\-give\-an\-example; 5755撒哈拉以南非洲 < sub\-saharan\-africa; 5756乑 < stand\-side\-by\-side; 5757才智 < ability\-and\-wisdom; 5758䶣 < to\-grind\-the\-teeth; 5759䶟 < to\-gnash\-the\-teeth; 5760䵕 < a\-varietyof\-millet; 5761䴱 < cakes\-and\-biscuits; 5762䳨 < the\-female\-phoenix; 5763䳔 < a\-pigeon\-like\-bird; 5764䱳 < a\-kind\-of\-sturgeon; 5765䱣 < a\-long\-narrow\-fish; 5766䰪 < mischievous\-spirit; 5767䯱 < the\-hair\-stands\-up; 5768䯏 < the\-shoulder\-blade; 5769䮥 < color\-of\-the\-horse; 5770細菌戰 < biological\-warfare; 5771䭰 < strong\-sweet\-smell; 5772䭋 < to\-eat\-to\-the\-full; 5773䭃 < to\-eat\-to\-the\-fool; 5774䬴 < fodder\-for\-animals; 5775䬧 < round\-shaped\-cakes; 5776打拳 < to\-do\-shadowboxing; 5777脈欂 < beating\-\(of\-heart\); 5778䫐 < to\-bend\-one''s\-head; 5779䪌 < cushion\-for\-saddle; 5780䨆 < a\-kind\-of\-pheasant; 5781䧼 < the\-the\-snow\-goose; 5782䧦 < name\-of\-a\-hillside; 5783新加坡人 < singaporean\-person; 5784䦮 < door\-of\-the\-center; 5785自主 < to\-act\-for\-oneself; 5786䦒 < the\-door\-is\-closed; 5787䦐 < the\-bolt\-of\-a\-door; 5788期貨 < futures\-\(on\-goods\); 5789䥳 < a\-chemical\-element; 5790䥞 < to\-cut\-with\-shears; 5791䥝 < desperate\-fighting; 5792侵截 < to\-hack\-\(computer\); 5793䣺 < filtrated\-the\-wine; 5794頭髮 < hair\-\(on\-the\-head\); 5795䡠 < strong\-and\-durable; 5796䡛 < name\-of\-a\-carriage; 5797䠧 < hard\-to\-go\-forward; 5798䟝 < to\-walk\-right\-into; 5799䝞 < name\-of\-a\-immortal; 5800䛉 < to\-induce\-by\-words; 5801䚧 < curved\-with\-angles; 5802大力發展 < vigorous\-expansion; 5803䙃 < sleeveless\-clothes; 5804質疑 < call\-into\-question; 5805䗻 < a\-kind\-of\-sea\-crab; 5806䗨 < lepsima\-saccharina; 5807䗣 < insect\-of\-mulberry; 5808服務規章 < service\-regulation; 5809䖧 < a\-poisonous\-insect; 5810䖓 < of\-a\-walking\-tiger; 5811䕪 < the\-water\-plantain; 5812䔼 < sound\-of\-the\-grass; 5813䔃 < cordate\-houttuynia; 5814䓨 < long\-necked\-bottle; 5815䓖 < cnidium\-officinale; 5816䓃 < melancholy\-and\-sad; 5817䒝 < root\-of\-the\-thatch; 5818首次 < for\-the\-first\-time; 5819䑙 < put\-out\-the\-tongue; 5820䑆 < feel\-like\-vomiting; 5821在傳輸過程中 < while\-transmitting; 5822䐔 < muscle\-of\-the\-calf; 5823䎾 < big\-and\-round\-eyes; 5824域名服務器 < domain\-name\-server; 5825䎴 < a\-legendary\-spirit; 5826䎪 < the\-stalk\-of\-grain; 5827梆子 < watchman''s\-clapper; 5828䎔 < fine\-and\-soft\-hair; 5829䎏 < young\-birds\-flying; 5830油餅 < deep\-fried\-pancake; 5831䍩 < to\-offer\-provision; 5832䍣 < a\-kind\-of\-fish\-net; 5833䌍 < fine\-woven\-pattern; 5834䌉 < the\-large\-of\-a\-net; 5835泄露 < leak\-\(information\); 5836䋈 < to\-bind\-loose\-hemp; 5837䉬 < coarse\-bamboo\-mats; 5838䈮 < a\-woven\-instrument; 5839䇳 < a\-memoradum\-tablet; 5840䆪 < color\-of\-the\-light; 5841䆥 < to\-pierce\-throughj; 5842䆑 < a\-little\-protruded; 5843投入 < put\-into\-operation; 5844䅽 < fragrance\-or\-aroma; 5845䅧 < fine\-rice\-seedling; 5846䅜 < to\-store\-up\-grains; 5847䄚 < to\-worship\-the\-god; 5848䃜 < a\-fine\-black\-stone; 5849䁊 < dark\-and\-deep\-eyed; 5850䀞 < with\-heavy\-eyelids; 5851䀗 < to\-look\-askance\-at; 5852析疑 < to\-resolve\-a\-doubt; 5853㿌 < lump\-in\-the\-throat; 5854竭盡全力 < to\-spare\-no\-effort; 5855瑞典語 < swedish\-\(language\); 5856㼣 < bricks\-of\-the\-well; 5857㼇 < fine\-jade\-or\-agate; 5858涉嫌人 < \(criminal\)\-suspect; 5859㻗 < a\-string\-of\-pearls; 5860㻊 < a\-red\-colored\-jade; 5861㻅 < jade\-decorated\-cap; 5862藏語 < tibetan\-\(language\); 5863不折不扣 < a\-hundred\-per\-cent; 5864㺧 < a\-white\-yellow\-dog; 5865㸽 < a\-two\-years\-old\-ox; 5866木耳 < edible\-tree\-fungus; 5867㸈 < scorched\-or\-burned; 5868㷳 < color\-of\-the\-flame; 5869喘息 < to\-gasp\-for\-breath; 5870棄世 < to\-leave\-this\-word; 5871㷢 < bundle\-of\-charcoal; 5872㷠 < a\-will\-o''\-the\-wisp; 5873㵓 < the\-water\-is\-clear; 5874㴾 < swelling\-or\-rising; 5875併捲機 < ribbon\-lap\-machine; 5876別動隊 < special\-detachment; 5877㳂 < to\-follow\-a\-course; 5878㲡 < thick\-coat\-of\-hair; 5879㲗 < to\-smooth\-the\-hair; 5880愛稱 < term\-of\-endearment; 5881科研樣機 < research\-prototype; 5882㯶 < the\-coir\-palm\-tree; 5883㯲 < a\-wooden\-framework; 5884㯛 < gourd\-shaped\-dates; 5885㮻 < to\-scratch\-lightly; 5886區域網路 < local\-area\-network; 5887㮍 < amemorandum\-tablet; 5888㭨 < the\-cocoa\-nut\-palm; 5889㭝 < name\-of\-a\-pavilion; 5890發送功率 < transmission\-power; 5891㬴 < the\-moon\-is\-dimmed; 5892㬒 < the\-sun\-are\-dimmed; 5893㬎 < motes\-in\-a\-sunbeam; 5894政府警告 < government\-warning; 5895㫦 < of\-look\-of\-the\-sun; 5896㪸 < to\-fill\-a\-cup\-with; 5897㩃 < to\-take\-or\-capture; 5898㨽 < to\-cut\-or\-rip\-open; 5899㨡 < to\-push\-with\-hands; 5900㨜 < to\-help\-each\-other; 5901核能技術 < nuclear\-technology; 5902年輕化 < make\-more\-youthful; 5903專員 < assistant\-director; 5904㥸 < to\-sympathize\-with; 5905㥨 < unhappy\-displeased; 5906㤪 < to\-find\-fault\-with; 5907㣌 < to\-join\-two\-things; 5908㡯 < wall\-of\-a\-building; 5909頓足 < stamp\-\(one''s\-feet\); 5910加速器 < accelerator\-\(comp\); 5911㘳 < a\-hillock\-or\-mound; 5912㘱 < to\-fall\-into\-ruins; 5913意大利語 < italian\-\(language\); 5914㘜 < a\-kind\-of\-silkworm; 5915㖅 < sound\-of\-a\-whistle; 5916㖃 < to\-roar\-of\-animals; 5917㔢 < to\-break\-something; 5918不等號 < sign\-of\-inequality; 5919現有 < currently\-existing; 5920西半球 < western\-hemisphere; 5921鼻樑 < bridge\-of\-the\-nose; 5922參贊 < diplomatic\-officer; 5923並立 < exist\-side\-by\-side; 5924貿易 < \(commercial\)\-trade; 5925多端中繼器 < multiport\-repeater; 5926北京大學 < beijing\-university; 5927報務員 < telegraph\-operator; 5928酬酢 < to\-exchange\-toasts; 5929浪涌 < \(electrical\)\-surge; 5930佔先 < to\-take\-precedence; 5931背光 < be\-in\-a\-poor\-light; 5932光波長 < optical\-wavelength; 5933深夜 < very\-late\-at\-night; 5934喉擦音 < guttural\-fricative; 5935八級工 < eight\-grade\-worker; 5936佛蒙特 < vermont\-\[us\-state\]; 5937露面 < appear\-\(in\-public\); 5938商務 < commercial\-affairs; 5939聯邦政府 < federal\-government; 5940猜疑 < harbour\-suspicions; 5941生活必需品 < life''s\-necessities; 5942貴姓 < what\-is\-your\-name\?; 5943猙獰 < mean\-and\-ferocious; 5944進行編程 < executable\-program; 5945液壓 < hydraulic\-pressure; 5946管理站 < management\-station; 5947鼻塞 < have\-a\-stuffy\-nose; 5948虛擬連接 < virtual\-connection; 5949點心 < light\-refreshments; 5950客戶應用 < client\-application; 5951不隨意肌 < involuntary\-muscle; 5952說不定 < can''t\-say\-for\-sure; 5953波斯語 < bosnian\-\(language\); 5954海域 < territorial\-waters; 5955比試 < have\-a\-competition; 5956採取措施 < to\-adopt\-a\-measure; 5957儘可能 < as\-far\-as\-possible; 5958哈佛大學 < harvard\-university; 5959電路 < \(electric\)\-circuit; 5960中將 < lieutenant\-general; 5961包承組 < \(responsible\)\-crew; 5962百葉箱 < thermometer\-screen; 5963暗線光譜 < dark\-line\-spectrum; 5964文藝 < literature\-and\-art; 5965版稅 < royalty\-\(on\-books\); 5966電視節目 < television\-program; 5967情報 < \(spy\)\-intelligence; 5968編遣 < reorganize\-\(troops; 5969避雷器 < lightning\-arrester; 5970必不可少組成 < absolute\-necessity; 5971泰山 < taishan\-\(mountain\); 5972悉尼 < sydney\-\(australia\); 5973戰鬥機 < fighter\-\(aircraft\); 5974薄情 < inconstant\-in\-love; 5975民用 < \(for\)\-civilian\-use; 5976編譯 < translate\-and\-edit; 5977福利 < \(material\)\-welfare; 5978簡短介紹 < brief\-introduction; 5979海灣戰爭 < \(persian\)\-gulf\-war; 5980地球大氣 < earth''s\-atmosphere; 5981同學 < \(fellow\)\-classmate; 5982不和 < not\-get\-along\-well; 5983不厭 < not\-mind\-doing\-sth; 5984反感 < \(strongly\)\-dislike; 5985針對 < in\-connection\-with; 5986服務質量 < quality\-of\-service; 5987另寄 < to\-mail\-separately; 5988變幻 < change\-irregularly; 5989報關 < declare\-at\-customs; 5990署名 < sign\-\(a\-signature\); 5991遊覽 < to\-go\-sight\-seeing; 5992不攻自破 < collapse\-of\-itself; 5993文化傳統 < cultural\-tradition; 5994顯示器 < monitor\-\(computer\); 5995皿 < shallow\-container; 5996屓 < gigantic\-strength; 5997派 < school\-of\-thought; 5998姓 < one''s\-family\-name; 5999煎 < fry\-in\-fat\-or\-oil; 6000襁 < swaddling\-clothes; 6001哈 < sound\-of\-laughter; 6002鸚 < species\-of\-parrot; 6003欧 < translit\.\:\-europe; 6004订 < draw\-up\-agreement; 6005偏 < inclined\-one\-side; 6006歔 < blow\-through\-nose; 6007培 < bank\-up\-with\-dirt; 6008漫 < overflow\-of\-water; 6009侠 < chivalrous\-person; 6010姆 < child''s\-governess; 6011盒 < small\-box\-or\-case; 6012儒 < confucian\-scholar; 6013阪 < hillside\-farmland; 6014迈 < take\-a\-big\-stride; 6015捏 < pick\-with\-fingers; 6016浙 < zhejiang\-province; 6017筧 < bamboo\-water\-pipe; 6018艘 < counter\-for\-ships; 6019趁 < take\-advantage\-of; 6020鉢 < earthenware\-basin; 6021蓬 < type\-of\-raspberry; 6022辖 < linchpin\-of\-wheel; 6023逅 < meet\-unexpectedly; 6024酣 < enjoy\-intoxicants; 6025饺 < stuffed\-dumplings; 6026咏 < sing\-song\-or\-poem; 6027搀 < give\-helping\-hand; 6028捶 < strike\-with\-stick; 6029刨 < carpenter''s\-plane; 6030蠕 < eumenes\-polifomis; 6031崆 < kongtong\-mountain; 6032盅 < small\-cup\-or\-bowl; 6033梆 < watchman''s\-rattle; 6034嵇 < mountain\-in\-henan; 6035耷 < ears\-hanging\-down; 6036羌 < qiang\-nationality; 6037苞 < a\-variety\-of\-rush; 6038藜 < chenopodium\-album; 6039艄 < stern\-of\-a\-vessel; 6040峁 < yellow\-dirt\-mount; 6041镔 < high\-quality\-iron; 6042鲫 < carassius\-auratus; 6043龇 < to\-show\-the\-teeth; 6044沭 < river\-in\-shantung; 6045榫 < mortise\-and\-tenon; 6046萋 < luxuriant\-foliage; 6047醮 < religious\-service; 6048牝 < female\-of\-species; 6049曷 < why\?\-what\?\-where\?; 6050瑷 < fine\-quality\-jade; 6051耦 < plow\-side\-by\-side; 6052鸶 < the\-eastern\-egret; 6053篦 < fine\-toothed\-comb; 6054妁 < act\-as\-go\-between; 6055荥 < a\-county\-in\-henan; 6056戽 < to\-bale\-out\-water; 6057枳 < trifoliate\-orange; 6058椐 < zelkowa\-acuminata; 6059魉 < a\-kind\-of\-monster; 6060颞 < the\-temporal\-bone; 6061耩 < to\-plough\.\-to\-sow; 6062廨 < government\-office; 6063蟮 < type\-of\-earthworm; 6064蛱 < kind\-of\-butterfly; 6065禳 < pray\-or\-sacrifice; 6066瞢 < eyesight\-obscured; 6067蔸 < counter\-for\-plant; 6068螅 < \(intestinal\-worm\); 6069祧 < an\-ancestral\-hall; 6070蠃 < the\-solitary\-wasp; 6071聃 < ears\-without\-rims; 6072耜 < spade\-shaped\-tool; 6073慝 < do\-evil\-in\-secret; 6074庳 < a\-low\-built\-house; 6075鼢 < a\-variety\-of\-mole; 6076蚺 < a\-boa\-constrictor; 6077硇 < a\-kind\-of\-mineral; 6078硭 < a\-crude\-saltpetre; 6079胨 < a\-kind\-of\-protein; 6080外界 < the\-outside\-world; 6081變天 < change\-of\-weather; 6082比濕 < specific\-humidity; 6083可行性研究 < feasibility\-study; 6084網絡遷移 < network\-migration; 6085電腦軟件 < computer\-software; 6086必修課 < a\-required\-course; 6087德文 < german\-\(language\); 6088僅次于 < second\-only\-to\.\.\.; 6089朝鮮語 < korean\-\(language\); 6090資料傳輸 < data\-transmission; 6091卑怯 < mean\-and\-cowardly; 6092兵馬 < troops\-and\-horses; 6093數據庫軟件 < database\-software; 6094碩士 < master''s\-\(degree\); 6095西裡爾字母 < cyrillic\-alphabet; 6096國防部長 < defence\-secretary; 6097白骨 < bones\-of\-the\-dead; 6098巨大壓力 < enormous\-pressure; 6099照相 < take\-a\-photograph; 6100白飯 < plain\-cooked\-rice; 6101日子 < a\-\(calendar\)\-date; 6102建築業 < building\-industry; 6103政治氣候 < political\-climate; 6104廣域網路 < wide\-area\-network; 6105教友大會 < church\-conference; 6106美國航空公司 < american\-airlines; 6107教材 < teaching\-material; 6108鄰國 < bordering\-country; 6109機製 < machine\-processed; 6110長達 < extend\-as\-long\-as; 6111化妝 < to\-put\-on\-make\-up; 6112難捱 < trying\,\-difficult; 6113大局 < general\-situation; 6114撒迦利亞書 < book\-of\-zechariah; 6115敏感 < sensitive\-\(issue\); 6116紡織 < spinning\-\(thread\); 6117大多 < for\-the\-most\-part; 6118徒刑 < \(prison\)\-sentence; 6119軍事力量 < military\-strength; 6120波士頓大學 < boston\-university; 6121支持 < to\-be\-in\-favor\-of; 6122紛紛 < one\-after\-another; 6123麥克維 < \(timothy\)\-mcveigh; 6124應用層 < application\-layer; 6125桌別林 < \(charlie\)\-chaplin; 6126電話服務 < telephone\-service; 6127蓋爾語 < gaelic\-\(language\); 6128交換以太網絡 < switched\-ethernet; 6129外國 < foreign\-\(country\); 6130阿拉伯語 < arabic\-\(language\); 6131捕食 < catch\-and\-feed\-on; 6132支柱產業 < mainstay\-industry; 6133無所謂 < to\-be\-indifferent; 6134多站地址 < multicast\-address; 6135齄 < red\-sores\-on\-nose; 6136經濟安全 < economic\-security; 6137黟 < black\-and\-shining; 6138鹁 < species\-of\-pigeon; 6139輔課 < subsidiary\-course; 6140外交風波 < diplomatic\-crisis; 6141鵵 < scops\-semitorques; 6142八股 < eight\-\-part\-essay; 6143平民 < \(ordinary\)\-people; 6144郊區 < suburban\-district; 6145兩者 < both\-sides\|things; 6146鮸 < sciaena\-albiflora; 6147魫 < the\-young\-of\-fish; 6148部份 < part\-\(of\-a\-whole\); 6149髽 < to\-dress\-the\-hair; 6150電話網路 < telephone\-network; 6151白肉 < plain\-boiled\-pork; 6152饩 < sacrficial\-victim; 6153邊塞 < frontier\-fortress; 6154餂 < to\-obtain\-by\-hook; 6155石刻 < stone\-inscription; 6156鞸 < leather\-arm\-guard; 6157靿 < the\-leg\-of\-a\-boot; 6158緊密 < inseparably\-close; 6159隸 < be\-subservient\-to; 6160機器人 < mechanical\-person; 6161閪 < to\-lose\-lost\-item; 6162邊卡 < border\-checkpoint; 6163緩和 < to\-ease\-\(tension\); 6164反過來說 < on\-the\-other\-hand; 6165維持費 < maintenance\-costs; 6166銠 < rhodium\-ruthenium; 6167編印 < compile\-and\-print; 6168鉕 < promethium\-bronze; 6169辦公自動化 < office\-automation; 6170鈳 < columbium\-niobium; 6171凱旋 < return\-triumphant; 6172歐洲語言 < european\-language; 6173瀉肚 < to\-have\-diarrhoea; 6174醭 < moulds\-on\-liquids; 6175醑 < to\-strain\-spirits; 6176酺 < drink\-with\-others; 6177網絡設備 < network\-equipment; 6178白眼 < supercilious\-look; 6179板擦兒 < blackboard\-eraser; 6180日益增加 < to\-increase\-daily; 6181貍 < a\-fox\-like\-animal; 6182眼尖 < to\-have\-good\-eyes; 6183豋 < ceremonial\-vessel; 6184報帳 < render\-an\-account; 6185經濟力量 < economic\-strength; 6186覼 < explain\-in\-detail; 6187同性戀 < homosexual\-\(love\); 6188補發 < supply\-again\-\(sth; 6189變本加厲 < become\-aggravated; 6190不及物動詞 < intransitive\-verb; 6191光纖接口 < optical\-interface; 6192諾貝爾和平獎 < nobel\-peace\-prize; 6193蜔 < inlaid\-shell\-work; 6194把頭 < labour\-contractor; 6195商業行為 < business\-activity; 6196軍費開支 < military\-spending; 6197蘵 < physalis\-angulata; 6198性騷擾 < sexual\-harassment; 6199藨 < kind\-of\-raspberry; 6200蕸 < water\-lily''s\-leaf; 6201蕑 < valeriana\-villosa; 6202軟件平臺 < software\-platform; 6203葎 < humulus\-japonicus; 6204屏障 < protective\-screen; 6205菣 < artemisia\-apiacea; 6206莛 < stalks\-of\-grasses; 6207火星 < mars\-\(the\-planet\); 6208茍 < to\-be\-circumspect; 6209騎馬 < ride\-on\-horseback; 6210橫斷物 < transverse\-object; 6211抄錄 < to\-make\-a\-copy\-of; 6212揭曉 < announce\-publicly; 6213罛 < large\-fishing\-net; 6214白屈菜 < greater\-celandine; 6215縰 < band\-for\-the\-hair; 6216綎 < silk\-braided\-cord; 6217按圖索驥 < try\-to\-locate\-sth; 6218紬 < kind\-of\-thin\-silk; 6219病程 < course\-of\-disease; 6220傳輸率 < transmission\-rate; 6221籸 < powdery\-substance; 6222希伯來語 < hebrew\-\(language\); 6223籓 < big\-winnow\-basket; 6224開發週期 < development\-cycle; 6225篨 < coarse\-bamboo\-mat; 6226申訴 < to\-appeal\-\(to\-sb\); 6227伺服器 < server\-\(computer\); 6228供需 < supply\-and\-demand; 6229地殼 < the\-earth''s\-crust; 6230閉幕 < the\-curtain\-falls; 6231祊 < river\-in\-shandong; 6232盛名 < famous\-reputation; 6233工委 < working\-committee; 6234戰略夥伴 < strategic\-partner; 6235筆調 < \(of\-writing\)\-tone; 6236展覽 < to\-put\-on\-display; 6237白布 < plain\-white\-cloth; 6238靜脈吸毒 < intraveneous\-drug; 6239瘵 < a\-wasting\-disease; 6240無期徒刑 < life\-imprisonment; 6241工地 < construction\-site; 6242璫 < pendant\-ornaments; 6243百分之百 < a\-hundred\-percent; 6244棕色 < brown\-\(the\-color\); 6245篇目 < table\-of\-contents; 6246玞 < an\-inferior\-agate; 6247膝上型電腦 < laptop\-\(computer\); 6248萊溫斯基 < \(monica\)\-lewinsky; 6249熀 < the\-blaze\-of\-fire; 6250住院 < to\-be\-in\-hospital; 6251傳輸服務 < transport\-service; 6252搏動 < beat\-rhythmically; 6253接待 < receive\-\(a\-visit\); 6254灎 < movement\-of\-water; 6255公務 < official\-business; 6256渰 < forming\-or\-rising; 6257拘留 < detain\-\(prisoner\); 6258洶 < the\-rush\-of\-water; 6259綜合布線 < integrated\-wiring; 6260國際法 < international\-law; 6261公佈 < publicly\-announce; 6262內亂 < internal\-disorder; 6263衛星 < \(space\)\-satellite; 6264拍照 < to\-take\-a\-picture; 6265病故 < die\-of\-an\-illness; 6266衝擊 < \(be\-under\)\-attack; 6267長久 < \(for\-a\)\-long\-time; 6268朠 < color\-of\-the\-moon; 6269傳輸通道 < transport\-channel; 6270政府部門 < government\-branch; 6271暔 < name\-of\-a\-country; 6272錄音 < \(sound\)\-recording; 6273新聞週刊 < newsweek\-magazine; 6274攰 < totally\-exhausted; 6275保祐 < bless\-and\-protect; 6276掫 < be\-on\-night\-watch; 6277捷報 < report\-of\-success; 6278捥 < to\-bend\-the\-wrist; 6279團圓 < to\-have\-a\-reunion; 6280直接競爭 < direct\-competitor; 6281中央委員會 < central\-committee; 6282醫療經驗 < medical\-expertise; 6283廣播地址 < broadcast\-address; 6284愰 < clearness\-of\-mind; 6285授勛 < to\-award\-an\-honor; 6286哀鳴 < a\-plaintive\-whine; 6287生物武器 < biological\-weapon; 6288弖 < phonetic\-for\-''te''; 6289懂行 < to\-know\-the\-ropes; 6290軍區 < a\-military\-region; 6291保爾 < \(a\-personal\-name\); 6292財閥 < financial\-magnate; 6293暗無天日 < complete\-darkness; 6294尨 < shaggy\-haired\-dog; 6295拍攝 < \(shoot\-a\)\-picture; 6296侵截者 < \(computer\)\-hacker; 6297考驗 < \(put\-to\-the\)\-test; 6298保溫 < heat\-preservation; 6299高級研究 < advanced\-research; 6300屏氣 < hold\-one''s\-breath; 6301自主系統 < autonomous\-system; 6302白金漢宮 < buckingham\-palace; 6303運行狀況 < operational\-state; 6304夊 < kangxi\-radical\-35; 6305困難在於 < the\-problem\-is\.\.\.; 6306日耳曼語 < germanic\-language; 6307稟賦 < natural\-endowment; 6308病危 < be\-critically\-ill; 6309傳輸協定 < transfer\-protocol; 6310喿 < chirping\-of\-birds; 6311喼 < used\-phonetically; 6312喹 < chemical\-compound; 6313併發 < be\-complicated\-by; 6314哵 < the\-cry\-of\-a\-bird; 6315哴 < crying\-of\-infants; 6316財貿 < finance\-and\-trade; 6317大刀闊斧 < bold\-and\-decisive; 6318特別待遇 < special\-treatment; 6319吢 < vomiting\-of\-a\-dog; 6320初學者 < beginning\-student; 6321專用網路 < dedicated\-network; 6322西王母 < name\-of\-a\-goddess; 6323五角大樓官員 < pentagon\-official; 6324敘利亞文 < syriac\-\(language\); 6325漢字 < chinese\-character; 6326安穩 < smooth\-and\-steady; 6327倈 < to\-induce\-to\-come; 6328俈 < to\-inform\-quickly; 6329到那個時候 < until\-this\-moment; 6330仂 < surplus\-or\-excess; 6331在頭版 < on\-the\-front\-page; 6332專業 < specialized\-field; 6333乪 < a\-bend\-in\-a\-river; 6334趨時 < to\-follow\-fashion; 6335䶰 < feather\-ornaments; 6336䶖 < disease\-of\-tongue; 6337䵜 < to\-plough\-and\-sow; 6338䴊 < the\-crow\-pheasant; 6339仍舊 < still\-\(remaining\); 6340䳤 < a\-kind\-of\-strange; 6341䳙 < a\-egret\-like\-bird; 6342拗口 < hard\-to\-pronounce; 6343䯥 < with\-a\-high\-skull; 6344䯢 < partial\-paralysis; 6345䮫 < a\-big\-mule\-an\-ass; 6346䮚 < diseases\-of\-horse; 6347䮐 < in\-good\-condition; 6348䭔 < steamed\-dumplings; 6349䬰 < light\-refreshment; 6350䬕 < sound\-of\-the\-wind; 6351䬍 < the\-sound\-of\-wind; 6352䬆 < a\-blustering\-gale; 6353䫦 < the\-lower\-jawbone; 6354䫟 < facial\-complexion; 6355䫍 < to\-bow\-one''s\-head; 6356䫉 < facial\-appearance; 6357不歡而散 < part\-on\-bad\-terms; 6358䨕 < pouring\-with\-rain; 6359中華民國 < republic\-of\-china; 6360䧺 < the\-male\-of\-birds; 6361䦪 < sound\-of\-the\-door; 6362喘氣 < to\-breathe\-deeply; 6363䦃 < to\-dig\-with\-a\-hoe; 6364䣻 < color\-of\-the\-wine; 6365拜倒 < prostrate\-oneself; 6366波蘭語 < polish\-\(language\); 6367䢝 < the\-next\-in\-order; 6368䡷 < noise\-of\-vehicles; 6369䡪 < fan\-of\-a\-carriage; 6370䡙 < an\-armed\-carriage; 6371䞕 < color\-of\-the\-fire; 6372䞂 < fairly\-prosperous; 6373才思 < imaginative\-power; 6374䝺 < to\-pierce\-through; 6375䝳 < to\-kill\-for\-money; 6376䝲 < farewell\-presents; 6377並駕齊驅 < run\-neck\-and\-neck; 6378波音 < boeing\-\(aircraft\); 6379轟炸機 < bomber\-\(aircraft\); 6380䜢 < cruel\-and\-violent; 6381難以應付 < hard\-to\-deal\-with; 6382䚠 < unbroken\-firewood; 6383䚝 < new\-growing\-horns; 6384䚚 < horn\-of\-an\-animal; 6385䚑 < to\-steal\-a\-glance; 6386䚀 < to\-see\-stealthily; 6387䙴 < to\-soar\-as\-a\-bird; 6388䙪 < a\-loop\-for\-button; 6389洛杉磯時報 < los\-angeles\-times; 6390䘎 < name\-of\-an\-insect; 6391硬件平臺 < hardware\-platform; 6392䗹 < hairy\-caterpillar; 6393作業 < school\-assignment; 6394官方語言 < official\-language; 6395鼓舞 < heartening\-\(news\); 6396䕧 < zizania\-latifolia; 6397䕆 < round\-straw\-quilt; 6398醫學家 < medical\-scientist; 6399䓛 < molecular\-formula; 6400䒽 < illicium\-anisatum; 6401䒐 < disturbed\-in\-mind; 6402䑼 < ocean\-going\-liner; 6403北京近郊 < suburb\-of\-beijing; 6404䐠 < between\-the\-flesh; 6405䐘 < to\-laugh\-heartily; 6406䏰 < a\-kind\-of\-insects; 6407華盛頓 < washington\-\(d\.c\.\); 6408䍭 < a\-ewe\-or\-she\-goat; 6409䍇 < flat\-bottom\-crock; 6410䌨 < thin\-silk\-fabrics; 6411䋻 < to\-spin\-and\-weave; 6412䋺 < a\-swing\-a\-crupper; 6413䋘 < to\-hand\-by\-a\-rope; 6414文化的交流 < cultural\-exchange; 6415䊯 < grains\-with\-beard; 6416䉌 < crude\-bamboo\-mats; 6417䈠 < books\-and\-volumes; 6418斯洛伐克語 < slovak\-\(language\); 6419案情 < details\-of\-a\-case; 6420丟飯碗 < to\-lose\-one''s\-job; 6421䄉 < a\-rite\-or\-service; 6422財神 < the\-god\-of\-wealth; 6423䁄 < to\-close\-the\-eyes; 6424䀹 < to\-wink\-eyelashes; 6425比較新 < comparatively\-new; 6426㿃 < an\-ox\-headed\-boil; 6427㾱 < incurable\-disease; 6428㽍 < an\-earthen\-vessel; 6429㺿 < a\-jade\-like\-stone; 6430外國旅遊者 < foreign\-traveller; 6431現狀 < current\-situation; 6432小報 < tabloid\-newspaper; 6433㶿 < the\-smoke\-went\-up; 6434㶴 < a\-very\-great\-fire; 6435一般原則 < general\-principle; 6436㵫 < water\-gushing\-out; 6437㵍 < filled\-with\-water; 6438㵄 < name\-of\-a\-dynasty; 6439朝聖 < make\-a\-pilgrimage; 6440㳜 < the\-flowing\-water; 6441㲲 < fine\-cotton\-cloth; 6442㲘 < fine\-woolen\-cloth; 6443㲋 < a\-kind\-of\-animals; 6444㲃 < smooth\-and\-curved; 6445保健 < health\-protection; 6446㯿 < handle\-of\-a\-ladle; 6447㯦 < the\-game\-of\-chess; 6448淫水 < sexual\-secretions; 6449㮵 < common\-sandalwood; 6450㮨 < codium\-macronatum; 6451㮚 < the\-chestnut\-tree; 6452㬛 < to\-dry\-in\-the\-sun; 6453射頻干擾 < radio\-interferece; 6454㩮 < to\-lift\-up\-or\-off; 6455㩩 < to\-come\-to\-an\-end; 6456㩙 < a\-cork\-or\-stopper; 6457㨢 < to\-rip\-open\-flesh; 6458電信號 < electrical\-signal; 6459尋味 < to\-think\-sth\-over; 6460板煙 < plug\-\(of\-tobacco\); 6461注視 < watch\-attentively; 6462㣢 < to\-rest\-from\-work; 6463㣓 < literary\-in\-taste; 6464㣍 < a\-raised\-platform; 6465㢮 < to\-unstring\-a\-bow; 6466㢑 < a\-collapsed\-house; 6467㢄 < a\-kind\-of\-utensil; 6468法語 < french\-\(language\); 6469㡟 < bed\-mats\-for\-baby; 6470㠷 < a\-vessel\-for\-rice; 6471㠥 < rugged\-and\-uneven; 6472㟴 < lump\-on\-the\-hills; 6473㟤 < zhuang\-in\-guangxi; 6474㟃 < to\-have\-charge\-of; 6475㞭 < name\-of\-an\-island; 6476四面八方 < in\-all\-directions; 6477㝌 < prolonged\-illness; 6478㛴 < to\-anger\-to\-annoy; 6479㚅 < to\-worship\-of\-god; 6480㙩 < an\-enclosing\-wall; 6481㘦 < wall\-made\-of\-soil; 6482㘚 < angry\-air\-of\-look; 6483㗼 < eating\-or\-talking; 6484㗥 < sound\-of\-striking; 6485㖧 < can\-not\-see\-clear; 6486㔝 < strong\-resistance; 6487㓾 < to\-wound\-the\-skin; 6488獨立 < to\-be\-independent; 6489㑝 < to\-make\-a\-fool\-of; 6490㑏 < to\-stand\-and\-wait; 6491㑊 < a\-kind\-of\-disease; 6492秘書長 < secretary\-general; 6493走出 < to\-move\-away\-from; 6494聲援 < support\-\(a\-cause\); 6495礦藏 < mineral\-resources; 6496寫信 < to\-write\-a\-letter; 6497三維 < three\-dimensional; 6498穴居 < to\-live\-in\-a\-cave; 6499狀語 < adverbial\-adjunct; 6500在大多數情況下 < in\-most\-instances; 6501酬金 < \(monetary\)\-reward; 6502國家安全 < national\-security; 6503財政 < finances\-\(public\); 6504海洋溫度 < ocean\-temperature; 6505網際協定 < internet\-protocol; 6506外交關係 < foreign\-relations; 6507安危 < safety\-and\-danger; 6508巴克夏豬 < berkshire\-\(swine\); 6509名稱 < name\-\(of\-a\-thing\); 6510物質 < \(physical\)\-matter; 6511吃穿 < food\-and\-clothing; 6512訊框傳送論壇 < frame\-relay\-forum; 6513穴位 < acupuncture\-point; 6514學位 < educational\-level; 6515各界 < all\-walks\-of\-life; 6516耳子 < handle\-\(on\-a\-pot\); 6517歐洲人 < european\-\(person\); 6518思維 < \(line\-of\)\-thought; 6519衛生部 < health\-department; 6520業界標準 < industry\-standard; 6521以免 < in\-order\-to\-avoid; 6522一千七百萬 < seventeen\-million; 6523事實 < \(the\)\-fact\-\(that\); 6524本性 < natural\-instincts; 6525難題 < difficult\-problem; 6526委員會會議 < committee\-meeting; 6527變相 < in\-disguised\-form; 6528財務 < financial\-affairs; 6529服役 < serve\-in\-the\-army; 6530醫療 < medical\-treatment; 6531陸基導彈 < land\-based\-missle; 6532敬重 < to\-respect\-deeply; 6533暗河 < underground\-river; 6534頸椎 < cervical\-vertibra; 6535網點 < node\-in\-a\-network; 6536黑客 < hacker\-\(computer\); 6537纖芯 < core\-\(of\-a\-fiber\); 6538編隊 < form\-into\-columns; 6539敗退 < retreat\-in\-defeat; 6540本國 < one''s\-own\-country; 6541太平洋 < the\-pacific\-ocean; 6542原因是 < the\-reason\-is\-\.\.\.; 6543計算機工業 < computer\-industry; 6544西番雅書 < book\-of\-zephaniah; 6545語言 < \(spoken\)\-language; 6546一年半 < a\-year\-and\-a\-half; 6547專家評論 < expert\-commentary; 6548阿爾巴尼亞人 < albanian\-\(person\); 6549不屑 < disdain\-to\-do\-sth; 6550嚇得發抖 < tremble\-with\-fear; 6551半票 < half\-price\-ticket; 6552獨唱 < \(in\-singing\)\-solo; 6553不甘心 < not\-reconciled\-to; 6554四門轎車 < sedan\-\(motor\-car\); 6555私人 < private\-\(citizen\); 6556獲准 < obtain\-permission; 6557客戶機 < client\-\(computer\); 6558權鑰 < keys\-of\-authority; 6559失業率 < unemployment\-rate; 6560爆管 < cartridge\-igniter; 6561礦床 < \(mineral\)\-deposit; 6562愛不釋手 < fondle\-admiringly; 6563止血 < stanch\-\(bleeding\); 6564名字 < \(a\-person''s\)\-name; 6565警察局 < police\-department; 6566台幣 < new\-taiwan\-dollar; 6567顧及 < take\-into\-account; 6568歸心者 < religious\-convert; 6569沒關係 < it\-doesn''t\-matter; 6570下去 < go\-down\-\(descend\); 6571從頭到腳 < from\-head\-to\-foot; 6572勻稱 < well\-proportioned; 6573不力 < not\-do\-one''s\-best; 6574道謝 < to\-express\-thanks; 6575硝煙 < smoke\-\(from\-guns\); 6576藝人 < performing\-artist; 6577包園兒 < buy\-the\-whole\-lot; 6578教練 < \(athlete''s\)\-coach; 6579出院 < to\-leave\-hospital; 6580阿里 < ali\-\(proper\-name\); 6581一身汗 < sweating\-all\-over; 6582附近 < \(in\-the\)\-vicinity; 6583廣播網路 < broadcast\-network; 6584笨口拙舌 < awkward\-in\-speech; 6585牌樓 < decorated\-archway; 6586巴斯克語 < basque\-\(language\); 6587父母 < father\-and\-mother; 6588華北平原 < north\-china\-plain; 6589救恩計劃 < plan\-of\-salvation; 6590个 < numerary\-adjunct; 6591里 < unit\-of\-distance; 6592阳 < ''male''\-principle; 6593訝 < express\-surprise; 6594黍 < glutinous\-millet; 6595剧 < theatrical\-plays; 6596蘂 < stamen\-or\-pistil; 6597挺 < to\-stand\-upright; 6598础 < foundation\-stone; 6599舅 < mother''s\-brother; 6600萧 < common\-artemisia; 6601俺 < personal\-pronoun; 6602玲 < tinkling\-of\-jade; 6603捩 < twist\-with\-hands; 6604黛 < blacken\-eyebrows; 6605妆 < to\-adorn\-oneself; 6606幢 < carriage\-curtain; 6607梭 < weaver''s\-shuttle; 6608漪 < ripples\-on\-water; 6609眷 < take\-interest\-in; 6610勋 < meritorious\-deed; 6611甭 < there\-is\-no\-need; 6612祠 < ancestral\-temple; 6613舔 < lick\-with\-tongue; 6614蕊 < unopened\-flowers; 6615赣 < jiangxi\-province; 6616跷 < raise\-one''s\-foot; 6617剁 < chop\-by\-pounding; 6618薰 < a\-medicinal\-herb; 6619叼 < holding\-in\-mouth; 6620荼 < bitter\-vegetable; 6621徙 < move\-one''s\-abode; 6622涔 < river\-in\-shaanxi; 6623潢 < expanse\-of\-water; 6624秸 < stalks\-of\-millet; 6625袈 < buddhist\-cassock; 6626珞 < kind\-of\-necklace; 6627啾 < wailing\-of\-child; 6628亻 < radical\-number\-9; 6629夙 < early\-in\-morning; 6630鹘 < a\-kind\-of\-pigeon; 6631娩 < give\-birth\-child; 6632姝 < a\-beautiful\-girl; 6633懑 < be\-sick\-at\-heart; 6634锉 < carpenter''s\-file; 6635洱 < a\-lake\-in\-yunnan; 6636蝈 < small\-green\-frog; 6637帼 < women''s\-headgear; 6638狎 < be\-familiar\-with; 6639胪 < arrange\-in\-order; 6640豢 < domestic\-animals; 6641眇 < blind\-in\-one\-eye; 6642羿 < legendary\-archer; 6643芩 < salt\-marsh\-plant; 6644茭 < an\-aquatic\-grass; 6645蓖 < castor\-oil\-plant; 6646傧 < entertain\-guests; 6647薜 < evergreen\-shrubs; 6648趺 < sit\-cross\-legged; 6649椹 < a\-chopping\-board; 6650霈 < torrential\-rains; 6651曩 < in\-ancient\-times; 6652栌 < supporting\-block; 6653哚 < chemical\-element; 6654筌 < bamboo\-fish\-trap; 6655浍 < irrigation\-ditch; 6656猁 < a\-kind\-of\-monkey; 6657啶 < \-d\-\+\-ine\-\(chem\.\); 6658鬯 < sacrificial\-wine; 6659鲷 < pagrosomus\-major; 6660聱 < bent\-and\-twisted; 6661劢 < put\-forth\-effort; 6662蟪 < a\-kind\-of\-cicada; 6663赆 < farewell\-present; 6664埯 < cover\-with\-earth; 6665鲔 < kind\-of\-sturgeon; 6666罨 < medical\-compress; 6667嫜 < husband''s\-parent; 6668漤 < marinate\-in\-salt; 6669嚆 < give\-forth\-sound; 6670薹 < cyperus\-rotundus; 6671茆 < species\-of\-grass; 6672磨子 < mill\,\-millstones; 6673共產黨部隊 < communist\-forces; 6674后人 < later\-generation; 6675航空母艦 < aircraft\-carrier; 6676識字 < to\-learn\-to\-read; 6677中國大陸 < chinese\-mainland; 6678影像會議 < video\-conference; 6679心得 < knowledge\-gained; 6680悲歡離合 < joys\-and\-sorrows; 6681百里挑一 < one\-in\-a\-hundred; 6682白細胞 < white\-blood\-cell; 6683語法術語 < grammatical\-term; 6684求婚 < propose\-marriage; 6685編目 < make\-a\-catalogue; 6686電流 < electric\-current; 6687城鎮 < cities\-and\-towns; 6688委員 < committee\-member; 6689壁畫 < mural\-\(painting\); 6690姓名 < name\-and\-surname; 6691是否 < whether\-\(or\-not\); 6692總機 < central\-exchange; 6693過程 < course\-of\-events; 6694熊猴 < assamese\-macaque; 6695大會 < general\-assembly; 6696基調 < \(speech\)\-keynote; 6697誤會 < to\-misunderstand; 6698更高性能 < high\-performance; 6699超高速乙太網路 < gigabit\-ethernet; 6700訂票 < to\-issue\-tickets; 6701壽桃 < birthday\-peaches; 6702軍事科學 < military\-science; 6703服務提供者 < service\-provider; 6704器官移殖 < organ\-transplant; 6705移動式電話 < mobile\-telephone; 6706巴豆 < \(purging\)\-croton; 6707壽星 < god\-of\-longevity; 6708影像處理 < image\-processing; 6709入迷 < to\-be\-fascinated; 6710明代 < the\-ming\-dynasty; 6711性關係 < sexual\-relations; 6712人事部門 < personnel\-office; 6713退票 < bounce\-\(a\-check\); 6714潛在威脅 < potential\-threat; 6715殯儀館 < the\-undertaker''s; 6716統計數據 < statistical\-data; 6717繃子 < embroidery\-frame; 6718得出 < obtain\-\(results\); 6719免費 < free\-\(of\-charge\); 6720遲暮 < past\-one''s\-prime; 6721研討會 < discussion\-forum; 6722不分青紅皂白 < indiscriminately; 6723特定含義 < specific\-meaning; 6724金融系統 < financial\-system; 6725導致死亡 < to\-lead\-to\-death; 6726板上釘釘 < that\-clinches\-it; 6727網橋 < \(network\)\-bridge; 6728列為 < be\-classified\-as; 6729婚外性接觸 < extramarital\-sex; 6730國防 < national\-defence; 6731故居 < former\-residence; 6732波美比重計 < baume\-hydrometer; 6733齙 < projecting\-teeth; 6734鹶 < salty\-and\-bitter; 6735剽悍 < swift\-and\-fierce; 6736武官 < military\-attache; 6737不等邊三角形 < scalene\-triangle; 6738違憲 < unconstitutional; 6739鯆 < the\-skate\-or\-ray; 6740勞動 < \(physical\)\-labor; 6741為生 < to\-make\-a\-living; 6742電腦企業 < computer\-company; 6743公羊 < ram\-\(male\-sheep\); 6744船隊 < fleet\-\(of\-ships\); 6745魬 < sole\-or\-flounder; 6746廣州 < guangzhou\-\(city\); 6747唉聲嘆氣 < heave\-deep\-sighs; 6748不好意思 < feel\-embarrassed; 6749電力 < electrical\-power; 6750補血 < enrich\-the\-blood; 6751骴 < a\-putrid\-carcase; 6752外國投資者 < foreign\-investor; 6753馘 < cut\-off\-left\-ear; 6754巴布亞新幾內亞 < papau\-new\-guinea; 6755資料量 < quantity\-of\-data; 6756編輯室 < editorial\-office; 6757飀 < soughing\-of\-wind; 6758燈光 < \(stage\)\-lighting; 6759韝 < leather\-arm\-band; 6760韊 < a\-case\-for\-a\-bow; 6761鞶 < big\-leather\-belt; 6762透支 < \(bank\)\-overdraft; 6763正常工作 < normal\-operation; 6764雗 < a\-white\-pheasant; 6765隤 < to\-fall\-in\-ruins; 6766傳真發送 < fax\-transmission; 6767闠 < gate\-of\-a\-market; 6768異性性接觸 < heterosexual\-sex; 6769迴旋 < maneuvering\-room; 6770拉丁語 < latin\-\(language\); 6771操作系統 < operating\-system; 6772銻 < antimony\-stibium; 6773銧 < point\-of\-a\-sword; 6774鉀 < potassium\-kalium; 6775白磷 < white\-phosphorus; 6776適配層 < adaptation\-layer; 6777出風頭 < to\-create\-a\-stir; 6778報捷 < report\-a\-success; 6779訪問 < pay\-a\-visit\-\(to\); 6780傳輸媒界 < transport\-method; 6781除夕 < \(new\-year''s\)\-eve; 6782躷 < of\-short\-stature; 6783蹱 < to\-stagger\-along; 6784蹐 < take\-short\-steps; 6785桌上型電腦 < desktop\-computer; 6786辦案 < to\-handle\-a\-case; 6787賙 < give\-for\-charity; 6788越野車 < off\-road\-vehical; 6789豏 < half\-grown\-beans; 6790網絡直徑 < network\-diameter; 6791訂單 < \(purchase\)\-order; 6792成群結隊 < in\-large\-numbers; 6793適配器 < adapter\-\(device\); 6794副主席 < vice\-chairperson; 6795華僑 < overseas\-chinese; 6796誕 < to\-bear\-children; 6797滑鼠 < mouse\-\(computer\); 6798覂 < to\-throw\-a\-rider; 6799襱 < legs\-of\-trousers; 6800裛 < to\-wrap\-and\-bind; 6801袗 < unlined\-garments; 6802無所不賣 < to\-sell\-anything; 6803衎 < to\-give\-pleasure; 6804蟿 < acrida\-chinensis; 6805螋 < spider\-millipede; 6806蝻 < immature\-locusts; 6807病菌 < harmful\-bacteria; 6808記者招待會 < press\-conference; 6809捷克語 < czech\-\(language\); 6810虥 < striped\-wild\-cat; 6811筆底下 < ability\-to\-write; 6812進修 < advanced\-studies; 6813藦 < edible\-mushrooms; 6814長江 < changjiang\-river; 6815藋 < sambucu\-javinica; 6816薃 < cyperus\-amuricus; 6817通用電器 < general\-electric; 6818蔇 < luxuriant\-growth; 6819幾千 < several\-thousand; 6820朝鮮半島 < korean\-peninsula; 6821葙 < celosia\-argentea; 6822菉 < the\-green\-bamboo; 6823芘 < malva\-sylvestris; 6824到了 < in\-\(a\-past\-time\); 6825核原料 < nuclear\-material; 6826有關人士 < persons\-involved; 6827報名 < enter\-one''s\-name; 6828出名 < well\-known\-\(for\); 6829授獎 < to\-award\-a\-prize; 6830體育 < physical\-culture; 6831耶利米書 < book\-of\-jeremiah; 6832耼 < ears\-without\-rim; 6833不爭氣 < be\-disappointing; 6834漢語 < chinese\-language; 6835金融市場 < financial\-market; 6836綵 < varicolored\-silk; 6837紽 < a\-strand\-of\-silk; 6838糵 < fermenting\-grain; 6839糈 < sacrificial\-rice; 6840兵役 < military\-service; 6841籧 < crude\-bamboo\-mat; 6842北冰洋 < the\-arctic\-ocean; 6843兩岸對話 < bilaterial\-talks; 6844箯 < bamboo\-palanquin; 6845箊 < bamboo\-with\-thin; 6846秷 < sound\-of\-reaping; 6847磥 < a\-heap\-of\-stones; 6848羅密歐與朱麗葉 < romeo\-and\-juliet; 6849砫 < ancestral\-tablet; 6850瞘 < deeply\-sunk\-eyes; 6851瞋 < glare\-with\-anger; 6852畢肖 < resemble\-closely; 6853睜 < to\-open\-the\-eyes; 6854不經之談 < absurd\-statement; 6855崩漏 < uterine\-bleeding; 6856盦 < lid\-of\-a\-caldron; 6857癉 < to\-hate\-bitterly; 6858冗員 < excess\-personnel; 6859兵士 < ordinary\-soldier; 6860要人 < important\-person; 6861採擇 < select\-and\-adopt; 6862踩線 < step\-on\-the\-line; 6863瓟 < the\-bottle\-gourd; 6864猸 < a\-kind\-of\-animal; 6865又來了 < here\-we\-go\-again; 6866癱子 < paralyzed\-person; 6867狻 < a\-fabulous\-beast; 6868巨匠 < master\-craftsman; 6869閱兵 < to\-review\-troops; 6870傲氣 < air\-of\-arrogance; 6871烜 < light\-of\-the\-sun; 6872便衣 < civilian\-clothes; 6873網際網路協會 < internet\-society; 6874路由協定 < routing\-protocol; 6875澦 < place\-in\-sichuan; 6876澥 < a\-blocked\-stream; 6877澔 < radiance\-of\-gems; 6878尋訪 < to\-inquire\-after; 6879寶貝 < treasured\-object; 6880閱世 < to\-see\-the\-world; 6881渫 < beating\-of\-ocean; 6882簡明 < simple\-and\-clear; 6883網路平台 < network\-platform; 6884安頓 < find\-a\-place\-for; 6885公公 < husband''s\-father; 6886例語 < example\-sentance; 6887毮 < to\-pull\-out\-hair; 6888毪 < serge\-from\-tibet; 6889樛 < bending\-branches; 6890閃亮 < brilliant\,\-shiny; 6891光檢測器 < optical\-detector; 6892枲 < male\-nettle\-hemp; 6893電腦網路 < computer\-network; 6894枒 < the\-coconut\-tree; 6895波爾多液 < bordeaux\-mixture; 6896斵 < to\-cut\-to\-pieces; 6897斞 < a\-stack\-of\-grain; 6898撚 < twirl\-in\-fingers; 6899原子科學家 < atomic\-scientist; 6900均勢 < balance\-of\-power; 6901發達國家 < developed\-nation; 6902十多億 < over\-one\-billion; 6903已經進行 < already\-underway; 6904傳送服務 < delivery\-service; 6905挷 < to\-propel\-a\-boat; 6906保留 < continue\-to\-have; 6907人頭 < number\-of\-people; 6908接人 < to\-meet\-a\-person; 6909讀者來信 < reader''s\-letters; 6910弳 < circular\-measure; 6911廵 < to\-go\-on\-circuit; 6912一下子 < in\-a\-short\-while; 6913哈巴谷書 < book\-of\-habakkuk; 6914核設施 < nuclear\-facility; 6915國力 < a\-nation''s\-power; 6916白壁微瑕 < a\-slight\-blemish; 6917十幾個月 < ten\-months\-or\-so; 6918非政府 < non\-governmental; 6919主幹線 < backbone\-\(cable\); 6920嬎 < to\-bear\-multiple; 6921電視機 < television\-\(set\); 6922媤 < husband''s\-family; 6923扮演 < play\-the\-part\-of; 6924流行病 < epidemic\-disease; 6925病因 < cause\-of\-disease; 6926軍事 < military\-affairs; 6927佔線 < busy\-\(telephone\); 6928山村 < mountain\-village; 6929信用證 < letter\-of\-credit; 6930不加思索 < without\-thinking; 6931囍 < double\-happiness; 6932嚳 < mythical\-emperor; 6933學術界 < academic\-circles; 6934拐彎 < to\-turn\-a\-corner; 6935聚變 < \(nuclear\)\-fusion; 6936表冊 < statistical\-form; 6937嘅 < sound\-of\-sighing; 6938單模光纖 < singlemode\-fiber; 6939最大能力 < maximum\-capacity; 6940衛星城 < \"satellite\"\-town; 6941嗞 < to\-consult\-about; 6942喺 < to\-be\-located\-at; 6943審理 < to\-hear\-\(a\-case\); 6944抄本 < handwritten\-copy; 6945舔吮 < to\-lick\-and\-suck; 6946的一種 < is\-one\-\(kind\-of\); 6947曼德拉 < \(nelson\)\-mandela; 6948有線電視 < cable\-television; 6949印地語 < hindi\-\(language\); 6950便橋 < temporary\-bridge; 6951工業化 < to\-industrialize; 6952冓 < a\-secluded\-place; 6953不變資本 < constant\-capital; 6954儊 < rough\-and\-rugged; 6955傜 < a\-minority\-tribe; 6956筆戰 < written\-polemics; 6957便服 < everyday\-clothes; 6958感謝 < \(express\)\-thanks; 6959䶱 < a\-kind\-of\-turtle; 6960䵤 < to\-crack\-or\-chap; 6961䵣 < white\-with\-black; 6962䵃 < a\-kind\-of\-barley; 6963䴬 < crumbs\-of\-barley; 6964出版社 < publishing\-house; 6965下馬 < dismount\-a\-horse; 6966䴅 < a\-legendary\-bird; 6967沖繩島 < okinawa\-\(island\); 6968䳢 < small\-wild\-goose; 6969䳐 < an\-owl\-like\-bird; 6970安眠 < sleep\-peacefully; 6971䲲 < a\-hawk\-like\-bird; 6972層層 < layer\-upon\-layer; 6973䰃 < dishevelled\-hair; 6974䯳 < loosely\-arranged; 6975筆帽 < the\-cap\-of\-a\-pen; 6976䯇 < to\-exert\-oneself; 6977䮴 < unstable\-walking; 6978䮳 < to\-give\-birth\-to; 6979䮁 < a\-pair\-of\-horses; 6980䫌 < bowed\-one''s\-head; 6981䪎 < strings\-of\-a\-cap; 6982䩥 < a\-belt\-for\-horse; 6983䨻 < roar\-of\-thunders; 6984䨴 < gathering\-clouds; 6985䨳 < the\-rain\-stopped; 6986䨏 < sound\-of\-raining; 6987䨊 < a\-flock\-of\-birds; 6988䧡 < a\-fortified\-wall; 6989貶義 < derogatory\-sense; 6990䧄 < name\-of\-a\-person; 6991䦕 < bang\-of\-the\-door; 6992䥛 < a\-kind\-of\-sickle; 6993長度指示符 < length\-indicator; 6994作法 < course\-of\-action; 6995䣮 < smell\-of\-alcohol; 6996䣫 < soured\-bean\-curd; 6997䢞 < rows\-and\-columns; 6998䡮 < trace\-of\-a\-wheel; 6999䡢 < a\-small\-carriage; 7000演員 < actor\-or\-actress; 7001䠻 < to\-bend\-the\-body; 7002鑒別 < to\-differentiate; 7003䟋 < to\-press\-forward; 7004保密 < maintain\-secrecy; 7005䞌 < to\-lose\-in\-trade; 7006䝋 < a\-little\-of\-pigs; 7007䝇 < grunting\-of\-pigs; 7008䛏 < to\-call\-somebody; 7009䛎 < to\-shout\-in\-rage; 7010䛂 < to\-separate\-from; 7011䚔 < to\-look\-suddenly; 7012䚒 < eyesight\-blurred; 7013䚃 < to\-realize\-fully; 7014借助 < to\-get\-help\-from; 7015䙭 < to\-lift\-or\-raise; 7016電話信號 < telephone\-signal; 7017䘋 < a\-kind\-of\-insect; 7018民主黨 < democratic\-party; 7019䗏 < name\-of\-a\-insect; 7020䖯 < poisonous\-insect; 7021䖐 < sound\-of\-a\-tiger; 7022甘地 < \(mahatma\)\-gandhi; 7023仿真服務器 < emulation\-server; 7024䒣 < lush\-or\-delicate; 7025䑸 < a\-group\-of\-boats; 7026䑅 < dizzy\-and\-sleepy; 7027䐨 < back\-of\-the\-foot; 7028䏒 < half\-of\-the\-body; 7029䏏 < signs\-and\-groans; 7030䎯 < winter\-ploughing; 7031䎂 < colorful\-feather; 7032電視劇 < tv\-drama\-program; 7033䋤 < plain\-white\-silk; 7034䋔 < to\-band\-together; 7035䉷 < a\-feather\-screen; 7036䉉 < a\-writing\-tablet; 7037䈙 < bamboo\-to\-wither; 7038䈈 < a\-kind\-of\-bamboo; 7039注重 < pay\-attention\-to; 7040䆿 < to\-talk\-in\-sleep; 7041䆲 < a\-spacious\-house; 7042䆈 < young\-and\-tender; 7043䅼 < a\-kind\-of\-grains; 7044䅺 < grain\-in\-the\-ear; 7045輻射波 < radiation\-\(wave\); 7046懸掛 < \(car\)\-suspension; 7047䂪 < hard\-barren\-land; 7048䀃 < a\-kind\-of\-vessel; 7049㾦 < scab\-over\-a\-sore; 7050㾁 < walking\-like\-mad; 7051㽮 < a\-point\-of\-light; 7052㽊 < cracking\-of\-tile; 7053㻒 < red\-colored\-jade; 7054㻁 < a\-kind\-of\-jasper; 7055不謝 < don''t\-mention\-it; 7056㺵 < black\-jade\-stone; 7057㺴 < name\-of\-a\-spirit; 7058㺦 < a\-running\-animal; 7059㹺 < dog\-to\-take\-food; 7060㹇 < a\-kind\-of\-cattle; 7061㸣 < in\-ancient\-china; 7062本義 < original\-meaning; 7063㶾 < tough\-and\-honest; 7064㶍 < name\-of\-a\-stream; 7065伴星 < companion\-\(star\); 7066保全 < save\-from\-damage; 7067㴧 < of\-flowing\-water; 7068威爾士語 < welsh\-\(language\); 7069抄件 < duplicate\-\(copy\); 7070㳽 < a\-watery\-expanse; 7071㱶 < a\-swellen\-corpse; 7072㱭 < an\-infertile\-egg; 7073㰤 < to\-laugh\-hertily; 7074㰛 < name\-of\-a\-county; 7075㰅 < eaves\-of\-a\-house; 7076㯕 < sticks\-or\-frames; 7077㯃 < the\-varnish\-tree; 7078男子籃球 < men''s\-basketball; 7079㮓 < an\-extreme\-limit; 7080㭺 < the\-cherry\-apple; 7081聯邦大樓 < federal\-building; 7082㪭 < to\-draw\-together; 7083㪖 < sound\-of\-beating; 7084普通問題 < common\-questions; 7085㨼 < to\-take\-by\-force; 7086罷課 < student''s\-strike; 7087㧺 < a\-finger\-wrapper; 7088輸送媒介 < transport\-medium; 7089㦜 < to\-move\-the\-mind; 7090應戰 < face\-a\-challenge; 7091核威 < nuclear\-strength; 7092㢰 < to\-stretch\-a\-bow; 7093虜獲 < capture\-\(people\); 7094㡽 < depraved\-talking; 7095㡉 < a\-kind\-of\-fabric; 7096㠧 < a\-little\-slanted; 7097㠎 < a\-lofty\-mountain; 7098本票 < cashier''s\-cheque; 7099防衛武器 < defensive\-weapon; 7100㝫 < shape\-of\-the\-sky; 7101㝪 < a\-slanting\-house; 7102㝩 < spaciously\-rooms; 7103過份簡單化 < oversimplication; 7104㜴 < dark\-and\-obscure; 7105㜝 < to\-cherish\-anger; 7106㜈 < a\-beaugiful\-face; 7107體育之窗 < window\-on\-sports; 7108書寫語言 < written\-language; 7109㚜 < with\-great\-power; 7110㚗 < with\-a\-big\-mouth; 7111㚇 < draw\-the\-feet\-up; 7112㙞 < a\-small\-mountain; 7113㙎 < breach\-of\-a\-tank; 7114㙅 < a\-walled\-viliage; 7115㙀 < a\-vegetable\-plot; 7116㗻 < baby''s\-answering; 7117㗙 < to\-shout\-or\-bawl; 7118㕭 < to\-bark\-as\-a\-dog; 7119㕩 < sound\-of\-tapping; 7120安徽 < anhui\-\(province\); 7121㕇 < rocks\-collapsing; 7122㔑 < an\-incised\-wound; 7123商業化 < to\-commercialize; 7124㒭 < an\-elder\-brother; 7125㒁 < of\-great\-stature; 7126站台 < railway\-platform; 7127共享帶寬 < shared\-bandwidth; 7128㐀 < hillock\-or\-mound; 7129文化障礙 < cultural\-barrier; 7130直接影響 < direct\-influence; 7131與此同時 < at\-the\-same\-time; 7132主要來源 < principle\-source; 7133人民公社 < people''s\-commune; 7134獲益 < obtain\-a\-benefit; 7135下面請看 < please\-see\-below; 7136今昔 < past\-and\-present; 7137板栗 < chinese\-chestnut; 7138吸管 < \(drinking\)\-straw; 7139家務 < household\-duties; 7140金融風波 < financial\-crisis; 7141開幕式 < opening\-ceremony; 7142實習生 < intern\-\(student\); 7143民間 < among\-the\-people; 7144婚禮 < wedding\-ceremony; 7145警衛 < \(security\)\-guard; 7146知識工程師 < knowledge\-worker; 7147國賓館 < state\-guesthouse; 7148乾杯 < to\-drink\-a\-toast; 7149猿猴 < apes\-and\-monkeys; 7150網絡協議 < network\-protocol; 7151並激 < shunt\-excitation; 7152量綱 < dimension\-\(unit\); 7153質問 < \(ask\-a\)\-question; 7154蒐集 < to\-gather\-\(data\); 7155三千到五千萬 < 30\-to\-50\-million; 7156不至於 < cannot\-go\-so\-far; 7157暑瘟 < tropical\-disease; 7158博覽 < read\-extensively; 7159深入 < penetrate\-deeply; 7160丹桂 < orange\-osmanthus; 7161板壁 < wooden\-partition; 7162某人 < a\-certain\-person; 7163月曆 < monthly\-calendar; 7164治病 < treat\-an\-illness; 7165十誡 < ten\-commandments; 7166白衣戰士 < warrior\-in\-white; 7167安如磐石 < as\-solid\-as\-rock; 7168外長 < foreign\-minister; 7169百分點 < percentage\-point; 7170配藥 < dispense\-\(drugs\); 7171功能集 < function\-library; 7172字串 < character\-string; 7173故障排除 < fault\-resolution; 7174金融改革 < financial\-reform; 7175一個中國政策 < one\-china\-policy; 7176化學戰 < chemical\-warfare; 7177大多數 < \(great\)\-majority; 7178大選 < general\-election; 7179唐代 < the\-tang\-dynasty; 7180性病 < venereal\-disease; 7181君權 < monarchial\-power; 7182雌性接口 < female\-connector; 7183藏文 < tibetan\-language; 7184心臟移殖 < heart\-transplant; 7185菏蘭語 < dutch\-\(language\); 7186一年多 < more\-than\-a\-year; 7187遙控操作 < remote\-operation; 7188簡單的說 < to\-put\-it\-simply; 7189光接收器 < optical\-receiver; 7190機械語言 < machine\-language; 7191胡志明市 < ho\-chi\-minh\-city; 7192讀物 < reading\-material; 7193邊防 < frontier\-defence; 7194共和黨 < republican\-party; 7195脖頸兒 < back\-of\-the\-neck; 7196向東 < towards\-the\-east; 7197大無畏 < utterly\-fearless; 7198集錦 < best\-of\-the\-best; 7199罷教 < teacher''s\-strike; 7200外語 < foreign\-language; 7201課表 < school\-timetable; 7202誤解 < misunderstanding; 7203不知所云 < not\-know\-what\-sb; 7204不忙 < there''s\-no\-hurry; 7205超高速 < ultra\-high\-speed; 7206集郵 < stamp\-collecting; 7207廠長 < factory\-director; 7208變法 < political\-reform; 7209波折 < twists\-and\-turns; 7210群島 < group\-of\-islands; 7211太陽微系統公司 < sun\-microsystems; 7212聯席會議 < joint\-conference; 7213交換網路 < switched\-network; 7214犯法 < to\-break\-the\-law; 7215不少 < not\-\(just\)\-a\-few; 7216年齡 < \(a\-person''s\)\-age; 7217性接觸 < sexual\-encounter; 7218比翼 < fly\-wing\-to\-wing; 7219骨幹網路 < backbone\-network; 7220軟件企業 < software\-company; 7221拿手菜 < specialty\-\(dish\); 7222施洗約翰 < john\-the\-baptist; 7223神奇 < magical\-mystical; 7224禁品 < contraband\-goods; 7225尼希米記 < book\-of\-nehemiah; 7226報紙報導 < newspaper\-report; 7227最先 < \(the\)\-very\-first; 7228明淨 < bright\-and\-clean; 7229重慶 < chongqing\-\(city\); 7230婆婆 < husband''s\-mother; 7231互操性 < interoperability; 7232吃完 < to\-finish\-eating; 7233逼近 < press\-on\-towards; 7234報館 < newspaper\-office; 7235電纜 < \(electric\)\-cable; 7236功能群 < functional\-group; 7237狀態 < state\-of\-affairs; 7238中介 < agent\-\(computer\); 7239不光 < not\-the\-only\-one; 7240暑天 < hot\-\(summer\)\-day; 7241反對 < to\-fight\-against; 7242不久 < not\-long\-\(after\); 7243離開北京 < to\-leave\-beijing; 7244一輩子 < \(for\)\-a\-lifetime; 7245睨 < look\-askance\-at; 7246怎 < what\?\-why\?\-how\?; 7247收 < gather\-together; 7248党 < political\-party; 7249版 < printing\-blocks; 7250季 < quarter\-of\-year; 7251牡 < male\-of\-animals; 7252診 < examine\-patient; 7253姑 < father''s\-sister; 7254褓 < swaddling\-cloth; 7255馆 < public\-building; 7256漿 < any\-thick\-fluid; 7257雄 < male\-of\-species; 7258亿 < hundred\-million; 7259固 < to\-become\-solid; 7260溪 < mountain\-stream; 7261虞 < concerned\-about; 7262嗚 < sound\-of\-crying; 7263薇 < osmunda\-regalis; 7264戏 < theatrical\-play; 7265召 < imperial\-decree; 7266瑞 < felicitous\-omen; 7267鬢 < hair\-on\-temples; 7268僧 < buddhist\-priest; 7269檜 < chinese\-cypress; 7270檎 < small\-red\-apple; 7271驅 < spur\-a\-horse\-on; 7272臟 < internal\-organs; 7273圳 < furrow\-in\-field; 7274繻 < fine\-silk\-guaze; 7275孟 < first\-in\-series; 7276縋 < climb\-down\-rope; 7277閤 < small\-side\-door; 7278斎 < vegetarian\-diet; 7279盯 < rivet\-gaze\-upon; 7280粟 < unhusked\-millet; 7281籐 < climbing\-plants; 7282掻 < scratch\-lightly; 7283俘 < prisoner\-of\-war; 7284挾 < clasp\-under\-arm; 7285媳 < daughter\-in\-law; 7286宙 < time\-as\-concept; 7287卜 < fortune\-telling; 7288帖 < invitation\-card; 7289逞 < indulge\-oneself; 7290揪 < grasp\-with\-hand; 7291仑 < logical\-reasons; 7292煞 < malignant\-deity; 7293鳌 < huge\-sea\-turtle; 7294瞩 < watch\-carefully; 7295疚 < chronic\-disease; 7296蔓 < creeping\-plants; 7297骏 < excellent\-horse; 7298闽 < fujian\-province; 7299袅 < curling\-upwards; 7300辐 < spokes\-of\-wheel; 7301琉 < sparkling\-stone; 7302舜 < legendary\-ruler; 7303轧 < crush\-by\-weight; 7304滇 < yunnan\-province; 7305桓 < variety\-of\-tree; 7306棠 < crab\-apple\-tree; 7307吮 < suck\-with\-mouth; 7308蜷 < creep\-like\-worm; 7309枷 < cangue\-scaffold; 7310羲 < ancient\-emperor; 7311孚 < brood\-over\-eggs; 7312皑 < brilliant\-white; 7313缥 < light\-blue\-silk; 7314诌 < play\-with\-words; 7315泾 < name\-of\-a\-river; 7316觎 < desire\-strongly; 7317玺 < imperial\-signet; 7318卞 < to\-be\-impatient; 7319辔 < bridle\-of\-horse; 7320趔 < not\-progressing; 7321徜 < walking\-and\-fro; 7322荠 < water\-chestnuts; 7323汞 < element\-mercury; 7324畿 < imperial\-domain; 7325舂 < grind\-in\-mortar; 7326籴 < purchase\-grains; 7327穰 < stalks\-of\-grain; 7328嗄 < hoarse\-of\-voice; 7329渚 < small\-sand\-bank; 7330砝 < balance\-weights; 7331杼 < shuttle\-of\-loom; 7332龃 < irregular\-teeth; 7333勐 < imperial\-degree; 7334矸 < a\-rock\-or\-cliff; 7335蕨 < pteris\-aquilina; 7336豉 < fermented\-beans; 7337徭 < conscript\-labor; 7338麈 < species\-of\-deer; 7339蕤 < drooping\-leaves; 7340绡 < raw\-silk\-fabric; 7341芨 < name\-of\-a\-plant; 7342苣 < kind\-of\-lettuce; 7343碛 < sand\-and\-gravel; 7344莒 < hemp\-like\-plant; 7345萁 < kind\-of\-grasses; 7346眄 < to\-look\-askance; 7347囟 < top\-of\-the\-head; 7348岣 < a\-hill\-in\-hunan; 7349嗾 < to\-set\-a\-dog\-on; 7350荜 < species\-of\-bean; 7351糁 < a\-grain\-of\-rice; 7352粝 < unpolished\-rice; 7353裰 < to\-mend\-clothes; 7354薨 < death\-of\-prince; 7355茑 < the\-convovulvus; 7356翮 < stem\-of\-feather; 7357艟 < ancient\-warship; 7358鼯 < flying\-squirrel; 7359砩 < name\-of\-a\-stone; 7360炻 < a\-kind\-of\-china; 7361檫 < sassafras\-tzumu; 7362狴 < a\-kind\-of\-tapir; 7363高效率 < high\-efficiency; 7364天父 < heavenly\-father; 7365幾乎完全 < almost\-entirely; 7366特徵 < characteristics; 7367信息時代 < information\-age; 7368暑假 < summer\-vacation; 7369擺脫 < break\-away\-from; 7370半數 < half\-the\-number; 7371冰霜 < moral\-integrity; 7372勻溜 < even\-and\-smooth; 7373原委 < the\-whole\-story; 7374產品經理 < product\-manager; 7375資料鏈結層 < data\-link\-layer; 7376軍事威脅 < military\-threat; 7377特寫 < feature\-article; 7378春天 < spring\-\(season\); 7379網路服務 < network\-service; 7380研究中心 < research\-center; 7381止痛 < to\-relieve\-pain; 7382前不久 < not\-long\-before; 7383叛亂 < armed\-rebellion; 7384文檔 < \(computer\)\-file; 7385崇拜儀式 < worship\-service; 7386緬甸 < myanmar\-\(burma\); 7387方興未艾 < to\-be\-unfolding; 7388雙邊貿易 < bilateral\-trade; 7389失望 < be\-disappointed; 7390軍事部門 < military\-branch; 7391網站 < network\-station; 7392除此之外 < apart\-from\-this; 7393太陽公司 < sun\-corporation; 7394外國資本 < foreign\-capital; 7395開門 < open\-\(the\)\-door; 7396生產隊 < production\-team; 7397經管 < be\-in\-charge\-of; 7398用戶線 < subscriber\-line; 7399美國人 < american\-person; 7400半天 < half\-of\-the\-day; 7401語族 < language\-branch; 7402往年 < in\-former\-years; 7403日報 < daily\-newspaper; 7404光電 < opto\-electrical; 7405白鐵 < galvanized\-iron; 7406雅歌 < song\-of\-solomon; 7407彼岸 < the\-other\-shore; 7408配合 < coordinate\-with; 7409報系 < newspaper\-chain; 7410豐富多彩 < richly\-colorful; 7411標量 < scalar\-quantity; 7412南北 < north\-and\-south; 7413比容 < specific\-volume; 7414看上去 < it\-would\-appear; 7415盈虧 < profit\-and\-loss; 7416勸導 < try\-to\-convince; 7417陣營 < group\-of\-people; 7418幾百 < several\-hundred; 7419大寫 < capital\-letters; 7420過活 < live\-one''s\-life; 7421牌位 < memorial\-tablet; 7422早些 < \(a\-bit\)\-earlier; 7423課外 < extracurricular; 7424零等待狀態 < zero\-wait\-state; 7425收拾 < to\-put\-in\-order; 7426不白之冤 < unrighted\-wrong; 7427網段 < network\-segment; 7428弟弟 < younger\-brother; 7429遲早 < sooner\-or\-later; 7430戒備森嚴 < heavily\-guarded; 7431矮小 < short\-and\-small; 7432半途而廢 < give\-up\-halfway; 7433比價 < price\-relations; 7434龑 < high\-and\-bright; 7435新任 < newly\-appointed; 7436霸佔 < forcibly\-occupy; 7437鼕 < rattle\-of\-drums; 7438幾十億 < several\-billion; 7439病魔 < serious\-illness; 7440常用 < in\-common\-usage; 7441冰磚 < ice\-cream\-brick; 7442鴒 < species\-of\-lark; 7443白菜 < chinese\-cabbage; 7444鴂 < the\-tailor\-bird; 7445鳻 < the\-wild\-pigeon; 7446鳓 < chinese\-herring; 7447鱡 < the\-cuttle\-fish; 7448鱅 < a\-kind\-of\-tench; 7449不待說 < needless\-to\-say; 7450批量生產 < to\-mass\-produce; 7451魰 < the\-flying\-fish; 7452在很多方面 < in\-many\-aspects; 7453髾 < tail\-of\-a\-comet; 7454髴 < disheveled\-hair; 7455操作速率 < operating\-speed; 7456強加 < impose\-by\-force; 7457騘 < a\-piebald\-horse; 7458饇 < to\-eat\-too\-much; 7459颻 < floating\-in\-air; 7460颮 < storm\-whirlwind; 7461外事 < foreign\-affairs; 7462聯合發表 < joint\-statement; 7463邊地 < border\-district; 7464韞 < an\-orange\-color; 7465鞴 < saddle\-up\-horse; 7466靸 < a\-child''s\-shoes; 7467雱 < snowing\-heavily; 7468舌面 < blade\-of\-tongue; 7469創記錄 < to\-set\-a\-record; 7470著作 < a\-literary\-work; 7471白米 < \(polished\)\-rice; 7472瀕臨 < on\-the\-verge\-of; 7473不完全葉 < incomplete\-leaf; 7474選單 < \(software\)\-menu; 7475執法 < law\-enforcement; 7476鎤 < sound\-of\-a\-bell; 7477不名數 < abstract\-number; 7478進展 < to\-make\-headway; 7479為此 < for\-this\-reason; 7480醾 < unfiltered\-wine; 7481核反應堆 < nuclear\-reactor; 7482經濟改革 < economic\-reform; 7483鄹 < name\-of\-a\-state; 7484廠史 < factory\-history; 7485光磁 < magneto\-optical; 7486隘口 < \(mountain\)\-pass; 7487網址 < \(internet\)\-site; 7488畫面 < \(picture\)\-frame; 7489菜地 < vegetable\-field; 7490畜類 < domestic\-animal; 7491躀 < to\-stumble\-over; 7492總經理 < general\-manager; 7493趮 < easily\-provoked; 7494半壁江山 < half\-of\-country; 7495抱養 < adopt\-\(a\-child\); 7496城樓 < city\-gate\-tower; 7497諡 < posthumous\-name; 7498採種 < seed\-collecting; 7499俄巴底亞書 < book\-of\-obadiah; 7500訒 < hesitate\-to\-say; 7501古典音樂 < classical\-music; 7502花白 < grizzled\-\(hair\); 7503不可多得 < hard\-to\-come\-by; 7504襼 < ''kimono''\-sleeve; 7505襌 < unlined\-garment; 7506褧 < unlined\-clothes; 7507重新開始 < resume\,\-restart; 7508屍體 < \(lifeless\)\-body; 7509圖簽 < \(computer\)\-icon; 7510巴望 < look\-forward\-to; 7511螚 < eristalis\-tenax; 7512層雲 < stratus\-\(cloud\); 7513數百萬 < several\-million; 7514拼起來 < to\-put\-together; 7515籌碼 < bargaining\-chip; 7516藶 < a\-kind\-of\-plant; 7517蕢 < edible\-amaranth; 7518蕍 < alisma\-plantags; 7519蔾 < kind\-of\-bramble; 7520蒨 < lush\-vegetation; 7521蒓 < an\-edible\-water; 7522電子郵件 < electronic\-mail; 7523降價 < price\-reduction; 7524葑 < the\-rape\-turnip; 7525米粉肉 < rice\-flour\-meat; 7526標樁 < \(marking\)\-stake; 7527閉會 < close\-a\-meeting; 7528艅 < a\-despatch\-boat; 7529純屬 < pure\-and\-simple; 7530光榮 < honor\-and\-glory; 7531腢 < the\-collar\-bone; 7532辦學 < to\-run\-a\-school; 7533標杆 < surveyor''s\-pole; 7534幣制 < currency\-system; 7535報到 < report\-for\-duty; 7536罿 < net\-catch\-birds; 7537經濟前途 < economic\-future; 7538年份 < particular\-year; 7539工讀學校 < the\-reformatory; 7540基地 < \(military\)\-base; 7541嚴重關切 < serious\-concern; 7542光明 < bright\-\(future\); 7543高技術 < high\-technology; 7544保釋 < release\-on\-bail; 7545絍 < to\-lay\-the\-warp; 7546經濟危機 < economic\-crisis; 7547射頻 < radio\-frequency; 7548動態助詞 < aspect\-particle; 7549閉音節 < closed\-syllable; 7550簔 < a\-coat\-raincoat; 7551篰 < a\-bamboo\-basket; 7552鬥爭 < struggle\-\(with\); 7553裡根 < \(ronald\)\-reagan; 7554穄 < panicled\-millet; 7555禋 < offer\-sacrifice; 7556磪 < a\-high\-mountain; 7557暴跳如雷 < stamp\-with\-fury; 7558抗衡 < contend\-against; 7559級別 < \(military\)\-rank; 7560筆誤 < a\-slip\-of\-a\-pen; 7561八寶 < eight\-treasures; 7562百年 < a\-hundred\-years; 7563以西結書 < book\-of\-ezekiel; 7564摘借 < to\-borrow\-money; 7565化學武器 < chemical\-weapon; 7566瘈 < prolonged\-fever; 7567瘃 < sores\-from\-cold; 7568痾 < chronic\-illness; 7569痵 < a\-heart\-symptom; 7570痮 < a\-swelled\-belly; 7571痠 < aching\-of\-limbs; 7572痁 < chronic\-malaria; 7573畬 < reclaimed\-field; 7574長官 < senior\-official; 7575虛電路 < virtual\-circuit; 7576登記用戶 < registered\-user; 7577種族主義者 < racist\-\(person\); 7578琭 < jade\-like\-stone; 7579從去年 < since\-last\-year; 7580珧 < mother\-of\-pearl; 7581入境 < enter\-a\-country; 7582珇 < carving\-on\-jade; 7583嚴重問題 < serious\-problem; 7584臂紗 < \(black\)\-armband; 7585玟 < streaks\-in\-jade; 7586當務之急 < urgent\-priority; 7587獱 < a\-kind\-of\-otter; 7588軍校 < military\-school; 7589狫 < name\-of\-a\-tribe; 7590軟件系統 < software\-system; 7591牄 < to\-walk\-rapidly; 7592熓 < the\-bank\-a\-fire; 7593焵 < to\-temper\-steel; 7594把舵 < hold\-the\-rudder; 7595菲律賓 < the\-philippines; 7596被捕 < be\-under\-arrest; 7597瀞 < pool\-in\-a\-river; 7598潙 < river\-in\-shanxi; 7599網絡瀏覽器 < network\-browser; 7600滎 < county\-in\-henan; 7601本族語 < native\-language; 7602泩 < rising\-of\-water; 7603購物中心 < shopping\-center; 7604沚 < islet\-in\-stream; 7605百十 < a\-hundred\-or\-so; 7606坐好 < to\-sit\-properly; 7607絆腳石 < stumbling\-block; 7608感染者 < infected\-person; 7609多樣化 < diversification; 7610榡 < quercus\-dentata; 7611壁壘森嚴 < closely\-guarded; 7612椺 < beam\-of\-a\-house; 7613網管員 < network\-manager; 7614帖撒羅尼迦後書 < 2\-thessalonians; 7615錦雞 < golden\-pheasant; 7616柎 < calyx\-of\-flower; 7617柁 < large\-tie\-beams; 7618枬 < an\-even\-grained; 7619自殺 < to\-kill\-oneself; 7620朣 < the\-rising\-moon; 7621瑪拉基書 < book\-of\-malachi; 7622高昂 < in\-high\-spirits; 7623貿易夥伴 < trading\-partner; 7624穿過 < to\-pass\-through; 7625備戰 < prepare\-for\-war; 7626月份會議 < monthly\-meeting; 7627摻 < a\-delicate\-hand; 7628安身 < make\-one''s\-home; 7629游說 < drum\-up\-support; 7630至於 < go\-so\-far\-as\-to; 7631戄 < to\-be\-in\-awe\-of; 7632研究報告 < research\-report; 7633先進武器 < advanced\-weapon; 7634生物 < living\-creature; 7635戶籍 < census\-register; 7636大發雷霆 < extremely\-angry; 7637徬 < to\-wander\-about; 7638弴 < red\-lacquer\-bow; 7639美國政府 < u\.s\.\-government; 7640校舍 < school\-building; 7641巹 < nuptial\-winecup; 7642不干涉 < noninterference; 7643善良 < good\-and\-honest; 7644嵎 < mountain\-recess; 7645亞爾發和奧米加 < alpha\-and\-omega; 7646峞 < high\-and\-uneven; 7647塞爾特語 < celtic\-language; 7648核武庫 < nuclear\-arsenal; 7649客戶機軟件 < client\-software; 7650措辭強硬 < strongly\-worded; 7651軍備 < \(military\)\-arms; 7652首腦 < head\-\(of\-state\); 7653安葬 < bury\-\(the\-dead\); 7654自動售貨機 < vending\-machine; 7655夲 < advance\-quickly; 7656中美洲 < central\-america; 7657極力 < do\-at\-all\-costs; 7658跑步 < to\-walk\-quickly; 7659坴 < a\-clod\-of\-earth; 7660喣 < to\-breathe\-upon; 7661唲 < forced\-laughter; 7662公司會議 < company\-meeting; 7663貶詞 < derogatory\-term; 7664互連 < interconnection; 7665厜 < a\-mountain\-peak; 7666天主教 < catholic\-church; 7667匉 < noise\-of\-waters; 7668匄 < to\-beg\-for\-alms; 7669改變形像 < transfiguration; 7670劘 < make\-into\-mince; 7671悲鳴 < utter\-sad\-calls; 7672滿意 < to\-be\-satisfied; 7673海運 < shipping\-by\-sea; 7674留學 < to\-study\-abroad; 7675金裡奇 < \(newt\)\-gingrich; 7676便條 < \(informal\)\-note; 7677傽 < terror\-stricken; 7678甚或 < so\-much\-so\-that; 7679佔 < occupy\-by\-force; 7680山峰 < \(mountain\)\-peak; 7681溫柔 < gentle\-and\-soft; 7682乸 < feminine\-suffix; 7683高中 < high\-and\-middle; 7684百兒八十 < about\-a\-hundred; 7685帖撒羅尼迦前書 < 1\-thessalonians; 7686䶡 < sound\-of\-biting; 7687䶎 < sound\-of\-breath; 7688胃病 < stomach\-trouble; 7689䴾 < to\-grind\-barley; 7690䴮 < cakes\-pf\-leaven; 7691多模光纖 < multimode\-fiber; 7692同齡 < of\-the\-same\-age; 7693軟件市場 < software\-market; 7694校園骨幹 < campus\-backbone; 7695䯄 < a\-piebalk\-horse; 7696䮽 < bit\-for\-a\-horse; 7697䮵 < name\-of\-a\-horse; 7698䮱 < a\-kind\-of\-beast; 7699䮧 < long\-hair\-horse; 7700䮢 < a\-walking\-horse; 7701䮎 < a\-running\-horse; 7702䭼 < dark\-blue\-horse; 7703䬫 < clarfied\-butter; 7704䬁 < a\-light\-cyclone; 7705吸音 < sound\-absorbing; 7706沒有聯繫 < to\-be\-unrelated; 7707䪮 < beautiful\-sound; 7708䪕 < to\-wrap\-or\-band; 7709䩹 < to\-repair\-shoes; 7710䩒 < dressed\-leather; 7711麻醉 < to\-anaesthetize; 7712䩄 < to\-face\-to\-face; 7713䨢 < a\-passing\-cloud; 7714䨖 < to\-stop\-raining; 7715䨀 < to\-lay\-in\-grain; 7716䧯 < name\-of\-a\-place; 7717網絡規劃人員 < network\-planner; 7718䦫 < inside\-the\-door; 7719投奔 < to\-seek\-shelter; 7720䥗 < a\-branding\-iron; 7721䤱 < a\-solemn\-pledge; 7722䣶 < unstrained\-wine; 7723例會 < regular\-meeting; 7724共產黨 < communist\-party; 7725䢦 < to\-lead\-the\-way; 7726䢖 < to\-be\-scattered; 7727䢁 < tire\-of\-a\-wheel; 7728䡻 < shake\-of\-a\-cart; 7729䡨 < connected\-carts; 7730餅肥 < cake\-fertilizer; 7731䡐 < to\-move\-swiftly; 7732世界最大 < world''s\-largest; 7733䠵 < to\-wear\-clothes; 7734䠨 < walking\-rapidly; 7735尖銳批評 < sharp\-criticism; 7736不見得 < not\-necessarily; 7737䝯 < to\-change\-hands; 7738䝐 < a\-castrated\-hog; 7739䜄 < slow\-on\-talking; 7740䛵 < to\-teach\-orally; 7741䛟 < wild\-statements; 7742䛔 < to\-hold\-in\-hand; 7743暴雨 < torrential\-rain; 7744䚦 < slanted\-corners; 7745䚥 < to\-adjust\-a\-bow; 7746䙻 < to\-steal\-a\-look; 7747䙨 < to\-wrap\-or\-bind; 7748䙝 < under\-garrments; 7749䗾 < corbicula\-leana; 7750䖼 < the\-dung\-beetle; 7751䖙 < a\-resting\-tiger; 7752䖉 < to\-roar\-or\-howl; 7753䕙 < to\-set\-in\-order; 7754䒌 < dark\-blue\-color; 7755䏲 < protruded\-bones; 7756便宴 < informal\-dinner; 7757䎳 < lose\-of\-the\-ear; 7758䎉 < to\-walk\-swiftly; 7759上述 < above\-mentioned; 7760䋷 < a\-kind\-of\-thick; 7761䊵 < young\-and\-small; 7762䊗 < a\-kind\-of\-grain; 7763䊉 < preserved\-fruit; 7764䉧 < sound\-of\-bamboo; 7765賀年片 < new\-year''s\-card; 7766䅷 < an\-ear\-of\-grain; 7767䅰 < a\-kind\-of\-grass; 7768標準化 < standardization; 7769䄮 < dark\-rice\-plant; 7770䄕 < god\-of\-the\-land; 7771電腦系統 < computer\-system; 7772䃷 < a\-kind\-of\-stone; 7773䃒 < poor\-and\-barren; 7774䁴 < keep\-on\-looking; 7775䁳 < to\-lose\-one\-eye; 7776實彈 < live\-ammunition; 7777貨幣危機 < monetary\-crisis; 7778䀉 < food\-containers; 7779㿱 < dry\-and\-decayed; 7780㾩 < malignant\-boils; 7781共享以太網絡 < shared\-ethernet; 7782產值 < value\-of\-output; 7783暗送秋波 < make\-eyes\-at\-sb; 7784使滿意 < to\-make\-content; 7785祝賀 < to\-congratulate; 7786㼕 < pulp\-of\-a\-melon; 7787㼔 < a\-kind\-of\-melon; 7788不鏽鋼 < stainless\-steel; 7789㼂 < a\-crack\-in\-jade; 7790㻍 < name\-of\-a\-sword; 7791㺌 < endless\-barking; 7792以為 < consider\-\(that\); 7793㹧 < fox\-like\-animal; 7794㸱 < hornless\-cattle; 7795㸩 < to\-desist\-an\-ox; 7796核彈 < nuclear\-warhead; 7797㸑 < a\-cooking\-stove; 7798印度人 < indian\-\(person\); 7799上課 < to\-attend\-class; 7800奧運村 < olympic\-village; 7801㷍 < a\-chemical\-term; 7802符合 < in\-keeping\-with; 7803技倆 < tricky\-maneuver; 7804暗適應 < dark\-adaptation; 7805數位網路 < digital\-network; 7806㳿 < rolling\-billows; 7807㳗 < bank\-of\-a\-river; 7808㲔 < woolen\-textiles; 7809㱎 < cannot\-be\-known; 7810㰬 < shortwindedness; 7811㰗 < a\-kind\-of\-maple; 7812㰈 < nice\-and\-pretty; 7813㯱 < an\-enlarged\-bag; 7814㯤 < the\-jujube\-tree; 7815㯔 < to\-hull\-heavily; 7816泰語 < thai\-\(language\); 7817㮡 < to\-light\-a\-fire; 7818寵壞 < spoil\-\(a\-child\); 7819㭤 < the\-convolvulus; 7820交界 < common\-boundary; 7821虛擬網絡 < virtual\-network; 7822光明日報 < guangming\-daily; 7823㫠 < a\-kind\-of\-water; 7824㪫 < wise\-and\-clever; 7825歷史久遠 < ancient\-history; 7826㧎 < forked\-branches; 7827老百姓 < ordinary\-people; 7828㥞 < to\-think\-deeply; 7829㥛 < with\-expedition; 7830㢞 < rooms\-connected; 7831㢍 < a\-long\-verabdah; 7832夫妻店 < family\-run\-shop; 7833㡲 < tiles\-on\-a\-roof; 7834㡀 < ragged\-clothing; 7835㟔 < steep\-and\-lofty; 7836㝥 < have\-a\-nighmare; 7837三萬 < thirty\-thousand; 7838㝅 < to\-give\-suck\-to; 7839㜲 < to\-have\-surplus; 7840貨源 < supply\-of\-goods; 7841㛰 < to\-marry\-a\-wife; 7842㚦 < a\-charming\-girl; 7843㙼 < a\-military\-wall; 7844窗帘 < window\-curtains; 7845㙗 < a\-lump\-of\-earth; 7846㘺 < cultivated\-land; 7847期票 < promissory\-note; 7848㗿 < to\-laugh\-loudly; 7849㕲 < to\-gag\-or\-bribe; 7850㕘 < to\-take\-part\-in; 7851㒟 < with\-a\-charming; 7852口語 < spoken\-language; 7853斯拉夫語 < slavic\-language; 7854私營 < privately\-owned; 7855外國公司 < foreign\-company; 7856寒假 < winter\-vacation; 7857哀歌 < a\-mournful\-song; 7858兒化韻 < retroflex\-final; 7859牽連 < \(be\)\-implicated; 7860性行 < sexual\-activity; 7861學士 < bachelor\-degree; 7862負擔 < \(bear\-a\)\-burden; 7863商業中心 < business\-center; 7864一秘 < first\-secretary; 7865藥瓶 < medicine\-bottle; 7866慚愧 < \(to\-be\)\-ashamed; 7867人才 < talented\-person; 7868不甘 < unreconciled\-to; 7869不相上下 < equally\-matched; 7870班子 < organized\-group; 7871每隔 < at\-intervals\-of; 7872愛戴 < love\-and\-esteem; 7873愛戀 < be\-in\-love\-with; 7874機密文件 < secret\-document; 7875杭州 < hangzhou\-\(city\); 7876問世 < to\-be\-published; 7877悲泣 < weep\-with\-grief; 7878法理 < legal\-principle; 7879秩序 < order\-\(orderly\); 7880網絡打印機 < network\-printer; 7881名片 < \(business\)\-card; 7882旅費 < travel\-expenses; 7883財團 < financial\-group; 7884沙石 < sand\-and\-stones; 7885禁果 < forbidden\-fruit; 7886郵遞 < to\-send\-by\-mail; 7887板板六十四 < unaccommodating; 7888析出 < to\-seperate\-out; 7889第一個層次 < the\-first\-stage; 7890具體計劃 < a\-concrete\-plan; 7891奔襲 < long\-range\-raid; 7892板刷 < scrubbing\-brush; 7893服從 < obey\-\(an\-order\); 7894施行 < to\-put\-in\-place; 7895莫尼卡萊溫斯基 < monica\-lewinsky; 7896文書處理 < word\-processing; 7897罰款 < \(impose\-a\)\-fine; 7898雌雄 < male\-and\-female; 7899邊音 < lateral\-\(sound\); 7900母親 < mother\-\(formal\); 7901有聯繫 < to\-be\-connected; 7902磁盤 < \(computer\)\-disk; 7903預防措施 < protective\-step; 7904礦業 < mining\-industry; 7905公然表示 < to\-state\-openly; 7906流失 < be\-drained\-away; 7907引起 < to\-give\-rise\-to; 7908 < stump\-of\-a\-tree; 7909證物 < exhibit\-\(legal\); 7910縫補 < darn\-\(clothing\); 7911編選 < select\-and\-edit; 7912負債纍纍 < heavily\-in\-debt; 7913審判長 < presiding\-judge; 7914上學 < to\-go\-to\-school; 7915頻帶 < frequency\-range; 7916政見 < political\-views; 7917悲嘆 < sigh\-mournfully; 7918半生 < half\-a\-lifetime; 7919博物 < natural\-science; 7920經濟體制 < economic\-system; 7921不過爾爾 < merely\-mediocre; 7922盜版者 < software\-pirate; 7923大部份 < \(in\)\-large\-part; 7924流感病毒 < influenza\-virus; 7925郵票 < \(postage\)\-stamp; 7926恰好 < as\-it\-turns\-out; 7927氣溫 < air\-temperature; 7928矮胖 < short\-and\-stout; 7929語系 < language\-system; 7930變形 < be\-out\-of\-shape; 7931南海 < south\-china\-sea; 7932冷氣機 < air\-conditioner; 7933美元 < american\-dollar; 7934世人 < \(common\)\-people; 7935名單 < list\-\(of\-names\); 7936電磁 < electromagnetic; 7937民權 < civil\-liberties; 7938據說 < it\-is\-said\-that; 7939原性 < original\-nature; 7940衛生官員 < health\-official; 7941躅 < walk\-carefully; 7942巴 < greatly\-desire; 7943期 < period\-of\-time; 7944司 < take\-charge\-of; 7945甥 < sister''s\-child; 7946屏 < folding\-screen; 7947狐 < species\-of\-fox; 7948汉 < chinese\-people; 7949妹 < younger\-sister; 7950企 < plan\-a\-project; 7951襖 < outer\-garments; 7952壁 < partition\-wall; 7953韦 < tanned\-leather; 7954潰 < flooding\-river; 7955珠 < precious\-stone; 7956锋 < point\-of\-spear; 7957俗 < social\-customs; 7958檐 < eaves\-of\-house; 7959骑 < ride\-horseback; 7960函 < correspondence; 7961魏 < kingdom\-of\-wei; 7962枚 < stalk\-of\-shrub; 7963仲 < middle\-brother; 7964琳 < beautiful\-jade; 7965凑 < piece\-together; 7966郁 < sweet\-smelling; 7967芯 < pith\-from\-rush; 7968縞 < white\-raw\-silk; 7969旬 < ten\-day\-period; 7970綺 < fine\-thin\-silk; 7971妨 < interfere\-with; 7972骄 < spirited\-horse; 7973掴 < box\-one''s\-ears; 7974嗯 < final\-particle; 7975岭 < mountain\-ridge; 7976湘 < hunan\-province; 7977銃 < ancient\-weapon; 7978铮 < clanging\-sound; 7979莹 < luster\-of\-gems; 7980僻 < out\-of\-the\-way; 7981渺 < endlessly\-long; 7982佣 < commission\-fee; 7983呛 < choke\-by\-smoke; 7984凰 < female\-phoenix; 7985闺 < small\-entrance; 7986缀 < patch\-together; 7987璋 < jade\-plaything; 7988拴 < bind\-with\-rope; 7989秧 < rice\-seedlings; 7990蕃 < foreign\-things; 7991鄂 < hubei\-province; 7992棱 < squared\-timber; 7993梗 < stem\-of\-flower; 7994菱 < water\-chestnut; 7995镑 < pound\-sterling; 7996栩 < species\-of\-oak; 7997璞 < unpolished\-gem; 7998雯 < cloud\-patterns; 7999讷 < slow\-of\-speech; 8000狰 < fierce\-looking; 8001峦 < mountain\-range; 8002湃 < sound\-of\-waves; 8003蝗 < kind\-of\-locust; 8004皖 < anhui\-province; 8005酋 < chief\-of\-tribe; 8006壑 < bed\-of\-torrent; 8007糯 < glutinous\-rice; 8008稷 < god\-of\-cereals; 8009塾 < village\-school; 8010狩 < winter\-hunting; 8011戍 < defend\-borders; 8012璀 < lustre\-of\-gems; 8013牍 < writing\-tablet; 8014镌 < engraving\-tool; 8015饯 < farewell\-party; 8016鹂 < chinese\-oriole; 8017囡 < one''s\-daughter; 8018溟 < drizzling\-rain; 8019锏 < kind\-of\-rapier; 8020屙 < to\-ease\-nature; 8021玳 < tortoise\-shell; 8022瑭 < a\-kind\-of\-jade; 8023杈 < fork\-of\-a\-tree; 8024匐 < fall\-prostrate; 8025砣 < a\-stone\-roller; 8026铢 < unit\-of\-weight; 8027骈 < team\-of\-horses; 8028噱 < laugh\-heartily; 8029盱 < wide\-open\-eyes; 8030耄 < elderly\-person; 8031榔 < betel\-nut\-tree; 8032诤 < to\-expostulate; 8033蝮 < venomous\-snake; 8034颍 < river\-in\-anhui; 8035楝 < melia\-japonica; 8036蝼 < a\-mole\-cricket; 8037荪 < aromatic\-grass; 8038娌 < brother''s\-wife; 8039晷 < shadows\-of\-sun; 8040嗵 < used\-for\-sound; 8041踅 < to\-walk\-around; 8042揆 < prime\-minister; 8043猕 < macacus\-monkey; 8044厝 < cut\-or\-engrave; 8045葚 < mulberry\-fruit; 8046耒 < handle\-of\-plow; 8047俅 < ornamental\-cap; 8048菽 < beans\-and\-peas; 8049鞯 < saddle\-blanket; 8050鼐 < incense\-tripod; 8051谰 < accuse\-falsely; 8052骱 < joint\-of\-bones; 8053謦 < t\-speak\-softly; 8054磴 < steps\-on\-ledge; 8055婺 < name\-of\-a\-star; 8056堍 < side\-of\-bridge; 8057桫 < horse\-chestnut; 8058漶 < indecipherable; 8059孥 < one''s\-children; 8060溱 < river\-in\-henan; 8061黥 < tattooing\-face; 8062躐 < to\-stride\-over; 8063蹯 < paws\-of\-animal; 8064盍 < what\?\-why\-not\?; 8065溆 < river\-in\-hunan; 8066磲 < tridacna\-gigas; 8067昝 < a\-dual\-pronoun; 8068柽 < type\-of\-willow; 8069缬 < patterned\-silk; 8070驺 < mounted\-escort; 8071阊 < gate\-of\-heaven; 8072荩 < a\-kind\-of\-weed; 8073芎 < a\-kind\-of\-herb; 8074鋈 < silver\-plating; 8075龅 < teeth\-protrude; 8076晡 < late\-afternoon; 8077檠 < stand\-for\-lamp; 8078逭 < to\-escape\-from; 8079操課 < military\-drill; 8080伊甸園 < garden\-of\-eden; 8081成員國 < member\-country; 8082具體問題 < concrete\-issue; 8083協會 < an\-association; 8084文物 < cultural\-relic; 8085通訊 < communications; 8086危房 < decrepit\-house; 8087特工 < secret\-service; 8088電燈 < electric\-light; 8089釣魚臺 < diaoyu\-islands; 8090北極 < the\-north\-pole; 8091複韻母 < compound\-final; 8092預付 < pay\-in\-advance; 8093國防預算 < defence\-budget; 8094殺氣 < murderous\-look; 8095磁場 < magnetic\-field; 8096裁減軍備 < arms\-reduction; 8097牙床 < alveolar\-ridge; 8098參加 < to\-participate; 8099民意 < public\-opinion; 8100出口商品 < export\-product; 8101往日 < in\-former\-days; 8102勘測 < to\-investigate; 8103冰釋 < \(of\-misgivings; 8104大樓 < large\-building; 8105改革進程 < reform\-process; 8106全球資訊網 < world\-wide\-web; 8107薄胎瓷器 < eggshell\-china; 8108怪人 < strange\-person; 8109營業 < to\-do\-business; 8110塑膠 < plastic\-cement; 8111晚上 < in\-the\-evening; 8112散步 < to\-take\-a\-walk; 8113識別 < to\-distinguish; 8114幀太長 < oversize\-frame; 8115擺蕩吊環 < swinging\-rings; 8116全球氣候 < global\-climate; 8117失控 < out\-of\-control; 8118數月 < several\-months; 8119往復 < to\-reciprocate; 8120對外政策 < foreign\-policy; 8121靶場 < shooting\-range; 8122糖醋 < sweet\-and\-sour; 8123伴生氣 < associated\-gas; 8124帳號 < account\-number; 8125爪子 < \(animal''s\)\-paw; 8126別管 < no\-matter\-\(who; 8127進行通信 < to\-communicate; 8128刨程 < planing\-length; 8129素菜 < vegetable\-dish; 8130不咎既往 < not\-censure\-sb; 8131開車 < to\-drive\-a\-car; 8132煙火 < smoke\-and\-fire; 8133轉運 < transportation; 8134巡警 < police\-officer; 8135校園網絡 < campus\-network; 8136數位信號 < digital\-signal; 8137放映 < show\-\(a\-movie\); 8138物理層 < physical\-layer; 8139聯合國 < united\-nations; 8140製造 < to\-manufacture; 8141利率 < interest\-rates; 8142英國人 < british\-person; 8143生長激素 < growth\-hormone; 8144白熱化 < turn\-white\-hot; 8145弱小 < small\-and\-weak; 8146敝屣 < worn\-out\-shoes; 8147十一月 < eleventh\-month; 8148指揮中心 < command\-center; 8149矮子 < a\-short\-person; 8150原子核 < atomic\-nucleus; 8151把兄弟 < sworn\-brothers; 8152速決 < quick\-decision; 8153關稅 < \(customs\)\-duty; 8154白蘇 < common\-perilla; 8155比值 < specific\-value; 8156電話線路 < telephone\-line; 8157基督 < jesus\-\(christ\); 8158探路 < to\-find\-a\-path; 8159遙控 < remote\-control; 8160北斗星 < the\-big\-dipper; 8161開玩笑 < to\-play\-a\-joke; 8162鸎 < the\-mango\-bird; 8163鶗 < a\-kind\-of\-hawk; 8164以太網絡幀 < ethernet\-frame; 8165遙感 < remote\-sensing; 8166白色 < white\-\(colour\); 8167鮧 < the\-sheat\-fish; 8168撥款 < allocate\-funds; 8169鬘 < beautiful\-hair; 8170鬗 < head\-ornaments; 8171廠工 < factory\-worker; 8172語氣助詞 < modal\-particle; 8173髆 < shoulder\-blade; 8174正好 < just\-\(in\-time\); 8175約書亞記 < book\-of\-joshua; 8176探視 < pay\-a\-visit\-to; 8177騌 < a\-horse''s\-mane; 8178餡 < pastry\-filling; 8179餗 < food\-in\-tripod; 8180引咎 < take\-the\-blame; 8181審判席 < judgement\-seat; 8182白粉病 < powdery\-mildew; 8183壁報 < wall\-newspaper; 8184改善 < to\-make\-better; 8185經濟有效 < cost\-effective; 8186堅決否認 < to\-firmly\-deny; 8187造成 < to\-bring\-about; 8188幫會 < secret\-society; 8189锪 < a\-kind\-of\-tool; 8190操心 < to\-worry\-about; 8191鏴 < to\-plug\-a\-hole; 8192鎩 < moult\-samarium; 8193書寫符號 < writing\-symbol; 8194白種 < the\-white\-race; 8195鍆 < md\-mendelevium; 8196鋩 < point\-of\-sword; 8197鋃 < lock\-lanthanum; 8198補缺 < fill\-a\-vacancy; 8199古希臘 < ancient\-greece; 8200西歐 < western\-europe; 8201中國人 < chinese\-person; 8202逕庭 < very\-different; 8203卡納維拉爾角 < cape\-canaveral; 8204補綴 < mend\-\(clothes\); 8205不知死活 < act\-recklessly; 8206監督人 < superintendent; 8207集中 < to\-concentrate; 8208逩 < to\-run\-quickly; 8209遲到 < to\-arrive\-late; 8210輶 < light\-carriage; 8211波羅的海 < the\-baltic\-sea; 8212趹 < kick\-with\-hoof; 8213報復 < make\-reprisals; 8214真情 < real\-situation; 8215桌面系統 < desktop\-system; 8216東南亞國 < southeast\-asia; 8217巨流 < strong\-current; 8218豣 < pig\-of\-3\-years; 8219豖 < a\-shackled\-pig; 8220退學 < to\-quit\-school; 8221讅 < know\-in\-detail; 8222廉價 < cheaply\-priced; 8223小型企業 < small\-business; 8224詨 < kind\-of\-cicada; 8225順序數 < ordinal\-number; 8226病號 < sick\-personnel; 8227團結 < \(hold\-a\)\-rally; 8228褉 < short\-garments; 8229圍繞 < revolve\-around; 8230近年 < recent\-year\(s\); 8231衂 < to\-be\-defeated; 8232蠂 < podisma\-mikado; 8233蟳 < a\-kind\-of\-crab; 8234蟭 < very\-small\-bug; 8235倒閉 < to\-go\-bankrupt; 8236螬 < grubs\-in\-fruit; 8237冷戰 < \(the\)\-cold\-war; 8238蜎 < mosquito\-larva; 8239資料介面 < data\-interface; 8240虀 < minced\-pickles; 8241薳 < name\-of\-a\-herb; 8242薘 < plantago\-major; 8243價目 < \(marked\)\-price; 8244蓯 < medicinal\-herb; 8245蓏 < fruit\-of\-plant; 8246葥 < rubus\-palmatus; 8247病脈 < abnormal\-pulse; 8248不怎麼樣 < not\-up\-to\-much; 8249漸變 < gradual\-change; 8250茞 < fragrant\-plant; 8251非常重要 < very\-important; 8252紀念 < to\-commemorate; 8253開會 < have\-a\-meeting; 8254醫學專家 < medical\-expert; 8255芈 < bleat\-of\-sheep; 8256先進水平 < advanced\-level; 8257區域網路技術 < lan\-technology; 8258全景 < panoramic\-view; 8259刀叉 < knife\-and\-fork; 8260脦 < used\-in\-''lede''; 8261連鎖反應 < chain\-reaction; 8262特別感謝 < special\-thanks; 8263人壽保險 < life\-insurance; 8264布帛 < cloth\-and\-silk; 8265找錢 < to\-give\-change; 8266補液 < fluid\-infusion; 8267起點 < starting\-point; 8268就是說 < in\-other\-words; 8269報分 < call\-the\-score; 8270教育界 < academic\-world; 8271挺立 < to\-stand\-erect; 8272不平等條約 < unequal\-treaty; 8273八成 < eighty\-percent; 8274兩手 < double\-tactics; 8275絜 < a\-marking\-line; 8276採油 < oil\-extraction; 8277紾 < turns\-or\-twist; 8278糺 < to\-collaborate; 8279跨越 < to\-step\-across; 8280跑道 < athletic\-track; 8281不敢當 < you\-flatter\-me; 8282籫 < bamboo\-utensil; 8283筬 < reed\-of\-a\-loom; 8284喘不過氣來 < cannot\-breathe; 8285握拳 < to\-make\-a\-fist; 8286副總統 < vice\-president; 8287甚至於 < so\-much\-\(that\); 8288握手 < to\-shake\-hands; 8289稭 < stalk\-of\-grain; 8290精干 < crack\-\(troops\); 8291長征 < the\-long\-march; 8292病痛 < slight\-illness; 8293不平衡 < disequilibrium; 8294砢 < pile\-of\-stones; 8295矉 < an\-angry\-glare; 8296睱 < to\-gaze\-slowly; 8297睯 < to\-be\-agonized; 8298英寸 < \(english\)\-inch; 8299眣 < prominent\-eyes; 8300採收率 < recovery\-ratio; 8301自由化 < liberalization; 8302標尺 < surveyor''s\-rod; 8303薩達姆侯賽因 < saddam\-hussein; 8304璸 < jade''s\-streaks; 8305璘 < luster\-of\-jade; 8306將軍 < \(army\)\-general; 8307玥 < mysterious\-gem; 8308狨 < hapale\-jacchus; 8309兩國 < both\-countries; 8310全國 < entire\-country; 8311犨 < panting\-of\-cow; 8312不適用 < not\-applicable; 8313但以理書 < book\-of\-daniel; 8314燉 < heat\-with\-fire; 8315燀 < to\-make\-a\-fire; 8316熉 < \(yellow\-color\); 8317輩子 < all\-one''s\-life; 8318長城 < the\-great\-wall; 8319表決 < decide\-by\-vote; 8320成都 < chengdu\-\(city\); 8321鬥智 < battle\-of\-wits; 8322八千 < eight\-thousand; 8323溛 < to\-form\-hollow; 8324湱 < sound\-of\-water; 8325捷克共和國 < czech\-republic; 8326病歷 < medical\-record; 8327渢 < pleasant\-sound; 8328涬 < watery\-expanse; 8329簡單化 < simplification; 8330伸開 < to\-stretch\-out; 8331洿 < stagnant\-water; 8332迫不得已 < have\-no\-choice; 8333評價分類 < rank\,\-classify; 8334泂 < clear\-and\-deep; 8335演示 < to\-demonstrate; 8336沷 < to\-remove\-evil; 8337從事研究 < to\-do\-research; 8338殭 < a\-stiff\-corpse; 8339以賽亞書 < book\-of\-isaiah; 8340鹽湖城 < salt\-lake\-city; 8341檖 < wild\-pear\-tree; 8342橿 < quercus\-glauca; 8343傳播 < to\-disseminate; 8344入伍 < enter\-the\-army; 8345首都 < capital\-\(city\); 8346榾 < pieces\-of\-wood; 8347榠 < chinese\-quince; 8348榖 < paper\-mulberry; 8349椪 < machilus\-nanmu; 8350潔淨 < cleanse\-\(sins\); 8351棐 < species\-of\-yew; 8352梊 < squeeze\-out\-of; 8353半數以上 < more\-than\-half; 8354柾 < straight\-grain; 8355柃 < eurya\-japonica; 8356舌根 < back\-of\-tongue; 8357檔案屬性 < file\-attribute; 8358曏 < once\-upon\-time; 8359行政 < administration; 8360血製品 < blood\-products; 8361晢 < light\-of\-stars; 8362小聲 < in\-a\-low\-voice; 8363昰 < var\-of\-''to\-be''; 8364篡改 < to\-tamper\-with; 8365截至 < up\-to\-\(a\-time\); 8366攂 < to\-beat\-a\-drum; 8367起草 < draft\-\(a\-bill\); 8368挨打 < take\-a\-beating; 8369層理 < stratification; 8370球鞋 < athletic\-shoes; 8371鍋貼 < fried\-dumpling; 8372凹面鏡 < concave\-mirror; 8373授命 < to\-give\-orders; 8374開心果 < pistachio\-nuts; 8375從來沒有 < have\|has\-never; 8376以斯帖記 < book\-of\-esther; 8377最佳利益 < best\-interests; 8378世界語 < world\-language; 8379惡性循環 < vicious\-circle; 8380核能 < nuclear\-energy; 8381浮點 < floating\-point; 8382幱 < official\-dress; 8383不省人事 < be\-unconscious; 8384巟 < a\-watery\-waste; 8385百無聊賴 < bored\-to\-death; 8386行星際 < interplanetary; 8387中心語 < qualified\-word; 8388參謀長 < chief\-of\-staff; 8389自從 < since\-\(a\-time\); 8390棄櫻 < abandoned\-baby; 8391產權 < property\-right; 8392齒輪 < \(machine\)\-gear; 8393侵犯 < to\-infringe\-on; 8394醫學中心 < medical\-center; 8395血壓 < blood\-pressure; 8396錄像機 < video\-recorder; 8397塕 < a\-gust\-of\-wind; 8398埇 < name\-of\-bridge; 8399光信號 < optical\-signal; 8400綜合報導 < summary\-report; 8401噹 < sound\-of\-bells; 8402嘓 < gurgling\-sound; 8403減肥 < to\-lose\-weight; 8404代表 < representative; 8405大同小異 < almost\-similar; 8406啌 < animal\-disease; 8407畫展 < art\-exhibition; 8408生效 < to\-take\-effect; 8409核武器 < nuclear\-weapon; 8410達不到 < cannot\-achieve; 8411才氣 < liteary\-talent; 8412厃 < to\-look\-upward; 8413卭 < high\.\-to\-raise; 8414卂 < to\-fly\-rapidly; 8415卑躬屈節 < bow\-and\-scrape; 8416恭賀新禧 < happy\-new\-year; 8417專欄 < special\-column; 8418學籍 < school\-roll\(s\); 8419禁食 < fast\-\(not\-eat\); 8420克林頓 < \(bill\)\-clinton; 8421伕 < common\-laborer; 8422亇 < kwukyel\-hammer; 8423䶔 < prominent\-gums; 8424䶐 < to\-take\-breath; 8425䶀 < sound\-of\-drums; 8426䵶 < a\-kind\-of\-frog; 8427䵌 < reddish\-yellow; 8428䴴 < a\-kind\-of\-cake; 8429䴩 < a\-kind\-of\-deer; 8430䴘 < a\-kind\-of\-bird; 8431䳸 < the\-wild\-goose; 8432䳫 < a\-small\-pigeon; 8433䲢 < a\-kind\-of\-fish; 8434某種 < some\-kind\-\(of\); 8435䰹 < the\-cuttlefish; 8436䰴 < a\-wafting\-fish; 8437䰡 < a\-fierce\-ghost; 8438將會 < will\,\-going\-to; 8439䯛 < the\-knee\-bones; 8440䮹 < an\-angry\-horse; 8441䮮 < a\-kind\-of\-mule; 8442䭻 < a\-swifty\-horse; 8443䭭 < the\-eldest\-son; 8444䭩 < to\-feed\-a\-baby; 8445前生召喚 < foreordination; 8446䭁 < stinking\-smell; 8447䬺 < same\-as\-u\+4b50; 8448䬘 < the\-wind\-blows; 8449䬒 < to\-blow\-chilly; 8450豎起 < hold\-up\-\(high\); 8451網際電話 < internet\-phone; 8452䫫 < human\-skeleton; 8453䪼 < the\-cheek\-bone; 8454䪈 < a\-leather\-belt; 8455䩐 < tie\-it\-tightly; 8456䨥 < a\-pouring\-rain; 8457䧧 < high\-mountains; 8458寶書 < treasured\-book; 8459䦺 < name\-of\-a\-hill; 8460䦤 < seed\-of\-grains; 8461䦑 < without\-a\-door; 8462䦏 < wing\-of\-a\-door; 8463聖誕節 < christmas\-time; 8464䤖 < a\-kind\-of\-wine; 8465䣎 < name\-of\-county; 8466白令海 < the\-bering\-sea; 8467䢨 < to\-walk\-slowly; 8468䡾 < high\-cartloads; 8469䡲 < rim\-of\-a\-wheel; 8470摩門經 < book\-of\-mormon; 8471䡉 < a\-kind\-of\-cart; 8472蘋果電腦 < apple\-computer; 8473䜽 < a\-kind\-of\-bean; 8474䜜 < words\-of\-anger; 8475䛠 < unable\-to\-talk; 8476吃驚 < to\-be\-startled; 8477䚖 < mountain\-deity; 8478䚄 < to\-make\-fun\-of; 8479䙳 < spiting\-flames; 8480䙦 < upper\-garments; 8481䘢 < old\-and\-shabby; 8482䗷 < a\-kind\-of\-wasp; 8483䗪 < a\-kind\-of\-worm; 8484䗚 < eggs\-of\-mantis; 8485䗒 < a\-kind\-of\-clam; 8486䖰 < a\-kind\-of\-gnat; 8487撞擊式印表機 < impact\-printer; 8488䕚 < a\-straw\-basket; 8489䔕 < chicken\-breast; 8490䔋 < a\-kind\-of\-tree; 8491導彈 < guided\-missile; 8492䔂 < vegetable\-soup; 8493清爽 < fresh\-and\-cool; 8494䓡 < a\-medical\-herb; 8495䒓 < to\-do\-violence; 8496䒇 < name\-of\-a\-ship; 8497䒅 < beautiful\-eyes; 8498䑶 < sprightly\-boat; 8499䑫 < tools\-for\-boat; 8500䑣 < a\-sailing\-boat; 8501䑜 < to\-eat\-heavily; 8502互聯 < interconnected; 8503䐕 < oil\-and\-grease; 8504䐍 < excellent\-food; 8505䍡 < small\-fish\-net; 8506䍑 < a\-net\-or\-snare; 8507䍍 < unburnt\-bricks; 8508唱片 < \(vinyl\)\-record; 8509䌵 < lapel\-and\-belt; 8510䌰 < connected\-silk; 8511䌥 < to\-sew\-clothes; 8512䌡 < to\-wind\-around; 8513二者 < both\-\[of\-them\]; 8514䋽 < hempen\-sandals; 8515䋯 < crucial\-points; 8516䋢 < to\-twist\-ropes; 8517䊼 < measuring\-unit; 8518才子 < gifted\-scholar; 8519侵害 < to\-encroach\-on; 8520䊨 < storing\-grains; 8521䈷 < a\-bamboo\-fence; 8522䈚 < a\-bamboo\-shoot; 8523不脛而走 < get\-round\-fast; 8524䇫 < bamboo\-splints; 8525䇅 < to\-stand\-still; 8526三輪車伕 < pedicab\-driver; 8527寶庫 < treasure\-house; 8528保單 < guarantee\-slip; 8529飽經風霜 < weather\-beaten; 8530䅥 < ripening\-crops; 8531小學 < primary\-school; 8532仔畜 < newborn\-animal; 8533䃹 < jade\-and\-stone; 8534䃡 < a\-small\-pebble; 8535本色 < natural\-colour; 8536䃏 < a\-kind\-of\-rock; 8537䃌 < rocky\-mountain; 8538來往 < to\-come\-and\-go; 8539䂌 < a\-short\-weapon; 8540全心全意 < heart\-and\-soul; 8541䁤 < moistened\-eyes; 8542䁏 < farsightedness; 8543䀺 < squinting\-eyes; 8544工業的巨頭 < industry\-mogol; 8545㽦 < reclaimed\-land; 8546㽥 < fertile\-fields; 8547㽋 < a\-kind\-of\-tile; 8548㽄 < an\-earthen\-jar; 8549題跋 < short\-comments; 8550㸫 < castrated\-bull; 8551㸤 < broken\-leather; 8552㸊 < fierce\-of\-fire; 8553㶠 < water\-currents; 8554不解 < not\-understand; 8555泰米爾語 < tamil\-language; 8556㵘 < great\-currents; 8557懮慮 < \(feel\)\-anxiety; 8558㴸 < swift\-currents; 8559犯不著 < not\-worthwhile; 8560㴙 < water\-dripping; 8561㳃 < to\-temper\-iron; 8562㲏 < flying\-feather; 8563余悸 < lingering\-fear; 8564㱏 < the\-right\-side; 8565成就 < accomplishment; 8566㭻 < the\-crab\-apple; 8567不用謝 < you''re\-welcome; 8568㭏 < a\-kind\-of\-wood; 8569㭄 < a\-king\-of\-tree; 8570容忍 < to\-put\-up\-with; 8571㫏 < a\-kind\-of\-flag; 8572㫂 < to\-chop\-or\-cut; 8573罷論 < abandoned\-idea; 8574患處 < afflicted\-part; 8575㨇 < to\-sweep\-clean; 8576㥺 < to\-blow\-a\-fire; 8577不期而遇 < meet\-by\-chance; 8578㥉 < a\-little\-angry; 8579㥇 < to\-be\-perverse; 8580㤾 < not\-doing\-well; 8581㤖 < to\-have\-wisdom; 8582㣦 < a\-winding\-path; 8583架構 < infrastructure; 8584穴播 < bunch\-planting; 8585半自動 < semi\-automatic; 8586㡜 < ragged\-clothes; 8587懷孕 < to\-be\-pregnant; 8588㠨 < misty\-mountain; 8589㠡 < high\-and\-lofty; 8590㟿 < high\-and\-steep; 8591職業 < job\-occupation; 8592內蒙古 < inner\-mongolia; 8593退休金 < retirement\-pay; 8594留言簿 < visitor''s\-book; 8595㞩 < mountain\-vapor; 8596㞗 < the\-male\-organ; 8597任期 < term\-of\-office; 8598㞊 < unable\-to\-walk; 8599㝰 < unable\-to\-meet; 8600㝛 < ahalting\-place; 8601㜤 < fooling\-around; 8602㜑 < an\-older\-woman; 8603近乎同步 < plesiochronous; 8604㛩 < sisters\-in\-law; 8605㛂 < weak\-and\-small; 8606㚃 < to\-take\-a\-hint; 8607㙷 < low\-lying\-area; 8608不興 < out\-of\-fashion; 8609㖢 < to\-reject\-food; 8610㕤 < a\-proud\-temper; 8611球棒 < \(baseball\)\-bat; 8612㔙 < great\-strength; 8613㒛 < to\-stand\-alone; 8614㒀 < do\-not\-fear\-to; 8615資格 < qualifications; 8616東海 < east\-china\-sea; 8617死亡率 < mortality\-rate; 8618哥本哈根 < copenhagen\-\?\?\?; 8619東歐 < eastern\-europe; 8620任憑 < no\-matter\-what; 8621今朝 < at\-the\-present; 8622作品 < works\-\(of\-art\); 8623憋悶 < feel\-oppressed; 8624飼槽 < feeding\-trough; 8625警車 < police\-vehicle; 8626寒冷 < cold\-\(climate\); 8627哈該書 < book\-of\-haggai; 8628安好 < safe\-and\-sound; 8629液晶 < liquid\-crystal; 8630參觀 < to\-look\-around; 8631阿伏伽德羅定律 < avogadro''s\-law; 8632擺攤子 < set\-up\-a\-stall; 8633可能 < might\-\(happen\); 8634首先 < first\-\(of\-all\); 8635瑞士人 < swiss\-\(person\); 8636每端口價格 < price\-per\-port; 8637液態 < liquid\-\(state\); 8638孕婦 < pregnant\-woman; 8639乘法 < multiplication; 8640差不多 < almost\,\-nearly; 8641定價 < to\-set\-a\-price; 8642括弧裡 < in\-parentheses; 8643暗箱 < camera\-bellows; 8644減刑 < reduce\-penalty; 8645百米賽跑 < 100\-metre\-dash; 8646信號臺 < signal\-station; 8647世界上 < \(of\-the\)\-world; 8648調查報告 < memoir\,\-report; 8649圓珠筆 < ball\-point\-pen; 8650中歐 < central\-europe; 8651全球氣候升溫 < global\-warming; 8652犯罪 < \(commit\)\-crime; 8653份兒 < degree\,\-extent; 8654跑腿兒 < to\-run\-errands; 8655不正常狀況 < abnormal\-state; 8656特色 < characteristic; 8657中斷 < to\-discontinue; 8658秕子 < blighted\-grain; 8659世界經濟 < global\-economy; 8660有待 < not\-yet\-\(done\); 8661題材 < subject\-matter; 8662礦泉 < mineral\-spring; 8663通用汽車 < general\-motors; 8664毛衣 < \(wool\)\-sweater; 8665責任 < responsibility; 8666北京週報 < beijing\-review; 8667半職 < part\-time\-work; 8668波狀熱 < undulant\-fever; 8669顯得 < appear\-\(to\-be\); 8670不忍 < cannot\-bear\-to; 8671知識庫 < knowledge\-base; 8672源點地址 < source\-address; 8673這次危機 < present\-crisis; 8674多工運作 < multithreading; 8675媽咪 < mummy\-\(mother\); 8676波恩 < bonn\-\(germany\); 8677敗訴 < lose\-a\-lawsuit; 8678電信局 < central\-office; 8679壽衣 < burial\-clothes; 8680西南亞 < southwest\-asia; 8681二氧化碳 < carbon\-dioxide; 8682擺鐘 < pendulum\-clock; 8683撥號盤 < telephone\-dial; 8684北緯 < north\-latitude; 8685及格 < to\-pass\-a\-test; 8686法庭 < court\-\(of\-law\); 8687這類 < this\-kind\-\(of\); 8688網絡設計 < network\-design; 8689後兩者 < the\-latter\-two; 8690主修 < \(school\)\-major; 8691變成 < to\-change\-into; 8692廠禮拜 < day\-off\-\(work\); 8693不合 < not\-conform\-to; 8694開放式系統 < open\-system\(s\); 8695斑竹 < mottled\-bamboo; 8696不及 < not\-as\-good\-as; 8697分類 < classification; 8698兩百億 < twenty\-billion; 8699無連接 < connectionless; 8700重建 < reconstruction; 8701猜謎兒 < guess\-a\-riddle; 8702請看 < please\-see\-\.\.\.; 8703五年計劃 < five\-year\-plan; 8704氫氣 < hydrogen\-\(gas\); 8705市場經濟 < market\-economy; 8706檔案執行 < file\-execution; 8707互動電視 < interactive\-tv; 8708美差事 < a\-terrific\-job; 8709數種 < numerous\-types; 8710冰點 < freezing\-point; 8711歐洲聯盟 < european\-union; 8712華裔 < ethnic\-chinese; 8713不仁 < not\-benevolent; 8714收聽 < to\-listen\-\(to\); 8715经 < classic\-works; 8716弟 < young\-brother; 8717廻 < circle\-around; 8718关 < frontier\-pass; 8719帝 < supreme\-ruler; 8720番 < to\-take\-turns; 8721略 < approximately; 8722共 < together\-with; 8723义 < right\-conduct; 8724嫂 < sister\-in\-law; 8725哥 < elder\-brother; 8726婦 < married\-women; 8727訣 < take\-leave\-of; 8728族 < a\-family\-clan; 8729奪 < take\-by\-force; 8730笔 < writing\-brush; 8731袷 < lined\-garment; 8732瀬 < swift\-current; 8733伯 < older\-brother; 8734漲 < rise\-in\-price; 8735礼 < social\-custom; 8736嘩 < rushing\-sound; 8737啣 < hold\-in\-mouth; 8738泊 < anchor\-vessel; 8739沿 < follow\-course; 8740咄 < noise\-of\-rage; 8741菊 < chrysanthemum; 8742岳 < mountain\-peak; 8743匹 < bolt\-of\-cloth; 8744颇 < lean\-one\-side; 8745晨 < early\-morning; 8746撞 < knock\-against; 8747愈 < more\-and\-more; 8748槇 < tip\-of\-a\-tree; 8749駅 < relay\-station; 8750饅 < steamed\-bread; 8751炸 < to\-fry\-in\-oil; 8752脈 < blood\-vessels; 8753绪 < end\-of\-thread; 8754飼 < raise\-animals; 8755梓 < catalpa\-ovata; 8756肌 < muscle\-tissue; 8757佩 < belt\-ornament; 8758署 < public\-office; 8759搭 < join\-together; 8760栗 < chestnut\-tree; 8761桑 < mulberry\-tree; 8762鞄 < to\-work\-hides; 8763杓 < handle\-of\-cup; 8764佃 < tenant\-farmer; 8765贡 < offer\-tribute; 8766曇 < become\-cloudy; 8767亙 < extend\-across; 8768诞 < bear\-children; 8769晴 < clear\-weather; 8770塑 < model\-in\-clay; 8771浦 < bank\-of\-river; 8772籔 < bamboo\-basket; 8773慎 < act\-with\-care; 8774莉 < white\-jasmine; 8775捗 < make\-progress; 8776塌 < fall\-in\-ruins; 8777竖 < perpendicular; 8778陕 < mountain\-pass; 8779惚 < absent\-minded; 8780淀 < shallow\-water; 8781淘 < wash\-in\-sieve; 8782瑰 < extraordinary; 8783垫 < advance\-money; 8784灶 < kitchen\-range; 8785毓 < give\-birth\-to; 8786咧 < stretch\-mouth; 8787奎 < stride\-of\-man; 8788洽 < to\-blend\-with; 8789瑶 < precious\-jade; 8790钰 < rare\-treasure; 8791瑛 < luster\-of\-gem; 8792殉 < die\-for\-cause; 8793唬 < to\-intimidate; 8794瘪 < shrivelled\-up; 8795唆 < make\-mischief; 8796岚 < mountain\-mist; 8797桦 < type\-of\-birch; 8798涟 < flowing\-water; 8799飕 < sound\-of\-wind; 8800坷 < clod\-of\-earth; 8801鑫 < used\-in\-names; 8802笋 < bamboo\-shoots; 8803荃 < aromatic\-herb; 8804馄 < dumpling\-soup; 8805穹 < high\-and\-vast; 8806弈 < chinese\-chess; 8807驮 < carry\-on\-back; 8808芥 < mustard\-plant; 8809炜 < brilliant\-red; 8810岜 < rock\-mountain; 8811纫 < thread\-needle; 8812桀 < chicken\-roost; 8813拮 < laboring\-hard; 8814纥 < inferior\-silk; 8815忤 < insubordinate; 8816鸾 < fabulous\-bird; 8817嘁 < to\-be\-grieved; 8818辎 < a\-supply\-cart; 8819芫 < daphne\-genkwa; 8820伧 < vulgar\-person; 8821泠 < nice\-and\-cool; 8822縻 < halter\-for\-ox; 8823踽 < to\-walk\-alone; 8824赭 < reddish\-brown; 8825颀 < tall\-and\-slim; 8826柘 < a\-thorny\-tree; 8827谔 < honest\-speech; 8828骓 < piebald\-horse; 8829崧 < high\-mountain; 8830酚 < carbolic\-acid; 8831夤 < distant\-place; 8832暌 < in\-opposition; 8833怍 < to\-be\-ashamed; 8834贽 < gift\-superior; 8835毖 < guard\-against; 8836迓 < to\-go\-to\-meet; 8837毵 < long\-feathers; 8838睚 < corner\-of\-eye; 8839毽 < a\-shuttlecock; 8840僳 < minority\-name; 8841辏 < hubs\-of\-wheel; 8842旆 < flag\-ornament; 8843荇 < a\-water\-plant; 8844卮 < measuring\-cup; 8845髡 < to\-shear\-tree; 8846鳜 < mandarin\-fish; 8847鼍 < large\-reptile; 8848笫 < planks\-of\-bed; 8849缡 < a\-bridal\-veil; 8850绨 < coarse\-pongee; 8851芰 < water\-caltrop; 8852魃 < drought\-demon; 8853舳 < stern\-of\-ship; 8854屦 < straw\-sandals; 8855蓐 < straw\-bed\-mat; 8856銎 < eye\-of\-an\-axe; 8857醣 < carbohydrates; 8858蛑 < a\-marine\-crab; 8859椠 < wooden\-tablet; 8860媸 < an\-ugly\-woman; 8861馇 < stir\-and\-cook; 8862甙 < sugar\-product; 8863薤 < allium\-bakeri; 8864塥 < dry\-clay\-lump; 8865檔案轉送 < file\-transfer; 8866諾貝爾 < nobel\-\(prize\); 8867菲菲 < very\-fragrant; 8868昂揚 < high\-spirited; 8869保證金 < earnest\-money; 8870磁帶 < magnetic\-tape; 8871解調 < to\-demodulate; 8872北海 < the\-north\-sea; 8873薄利 < small\-profits; 8874排山倒海 < earth\-shaking; 8875晚報 < evening\-paper; 8876星座 < constellation; 8877激光打引機 < laser\-printer; 8878冰鞋 < skating\-boots; 8879掛號證 < register\-card; 8880廠絲 < filature\-silk; 8881矛盾 < contradictory; 8882出賣 < to\-sell\-\(off\); 8883到處 < in\-all\-places; 8884經營費用 < business\-cost; 8885原子能 < atomic\-energy; 8886古代 < ancient\-times; 8887新月 < crescent\-moon; 8888紀念館 < memorial\-hall; 8889單韻母 < simple\-finals; 8890即將 < on\-the\-eve\-of; 8891卑微 < petty\-and\-low; 8892危害 < to\-jeopardize; 8893直截了當 < plain\-talking; 8894冷戰以後 < post\-cold\-war; 8895有可能 < it''s\-possible; 8896刨花 < wood\-shavings; 8897莨菪 < black\-henbane; 8898調查 < investigation; 8899綁腿 < leg\-wrappings; 8900列舉 < \(make\-a\)\-list; 8901適用 < be\-applicable; 8902摘記 < to\-take\-notes; 8903元首 < head\-of\-state; 8904未提及 < not\-mentioned; 8905方式 < way\-\(of\-life\); 8906日夜 < day\-and\-night; 8907芝麻 < sesame\-\(seed\); 8908本生燈 < bunsen\-burner; 8909牌坊 < memorial\-arch; 8910心臟病 < heart\-disease; 8911前生 < pre\-existence; 8912勢在必行 < be\-imperative; 8913昇值 < rise\-in\-value; 8914十五年 < fifteen\-years; 8915米飯 < \(cooked\)\-rice; 8916鄧小平 < deng\-xiaoping; 8917轉道 < make\-a\-detour; 8918舊約全書 < old\-testament; 8919長途 < long\-distance; 8920日前 < the\-other\-day; 8921幾個小時 < several\-hours; 8922那鴻書 < book\-of\-nahum; 8923網絡層 < network\-layer; 8924墜毀 < \(plane\)\-crash; 8925雙手 < pair\-of\-hands; 8926哥林多後書 < 2\-corinthians; 8927南亞 < southern\-asia; 8928刊登 < carry\-a\-story; 8929誇張 < to\-exaggerate; 8930難忘 < unforgettable; 8931太太 < married\-woman; 8932撥用 < appropriation; 8933審判欄 < judgement\-bar; 8934境況 < circumstances; 8935民事 < civil\-matters; 8936女佣 < \(female\)\-maid; 8937不可缺少 < indispensable; 8938勘察 < reconnaisance; 8939籌集 < collect\-money; 8940操演 < demonstration; 8941白花花 < shining\-white; 8942建築學 < architectural; 8943視窗基準 < windows\-based; 8944電郵位置 < email\-address; 8945幻燈 < latern\-slides; 8946研究領域 < research\-area; 8947中國式 < chinese\-style; 8948加快 < to\-accelerate; 8949冰糖 < crystal\-sugar; 8950國際 < international; 8951半失業 < semi\-employed; 8952鬥雞 < cock\-fighting; 8953過時 < old\-fashioned; 8954進接服務 < access\-server; 8955隨意 < as\-one\-wishes; 8956失利 < suffer\-defeat; 8957表決權 < right\-to\-vote; 8958空間站 < space\-station; 8959損耗 < wear\-and\-tear; 8960相當 < equivalent\-to; 8961逐步 < progressively; 8962鵩 < owl\-like\-bird; 8963大公司 < large\-company; 8964不記名投票 < secret\-ballot; 8965二次大戰 < world\-war\-two; 8966幾次 < several\-times; 8967巨細 < big\-and\-small; 8968幾樣 < several\-kinds; 8969大使 < an\-ambassador; 8970編審 < read\-and\-edit; 8971強化 < to\-strengthen; 8972避孕 < contraception; 8973髃 < shoulder\-bone; 8974不列顛諸島 < british\-isles; 8975骪 < crooked\-bones; 8976大容量 < high\-capacity; 8977大事 < a\-major\-event; 8978楊百翰 < brigham\-young; 8979大問題 < great\-problem; 8980馣 < fragrant\-odor; 8981教友 < church\-member; 8982光功率 < optical\-power; 8983速效 < quick\-results; 8984餚 < prepared\-meat; 8985權威性 < authoritative; 8986利於 < be\-beneficial; 8987初期 < initial\-stage; 8988女朋友 < female\-friend; 8989基本概念 < basic\-concept; 8990不周延 < undistributed; 8991鞮 < leather\-shoes; 8992詢問 < inquire\-about; 8993霝 < drops\-of\-rain; 8994摁釦兒 < snap\-fastener; 8995死刑 < death\-penalty; 8996铖 < person''s\-name; 8997白皮松 < lacebark\-pine; 8998錡 < a\-kind\-of\-pen; 8999兵痞 < army\-riffraff; 9000存儲器 < memory\-\(unit\); 9001貿易順差 < trade\-surplus; 9002彌迦書 < book\-of\-micah; 9003鈄 < a\-wine\-flagon; 9004武器系統 < weapon\-system; 9005釭 < tire\-of\-wheel; 9006醨 < dregs\-of\-wine; 9007體重 < \(body\)\-weight; 9008白砒 < white\-arsenic; 9009梅塞迪斯奔馳 < mercedes\-benz; 9010相架 < picture\-frame; 9011辡 < recrimination; 9012家用電腦 < home\-computer; 9013現代化 < modernization; 9014轏 < sleeping\-cart; 9015兵營 < military\-camp; 9016主禱文 < lord''s\-prayer; 9017市民 < city\-resident; 9018庭園 < flower\-garden; 9019跮 < hasty\-walking; 9020轟炸 < \(drop\-a\)\-bomb; 9021過去 < \(in\-the\)\-past; 9022賮 < farewell\-gift; 9023艦艇 < naval\-vessels; 9024大公無私 < just\-and\-fair; 9025哥林多前書 < 1\-corinthians; 9026冰期 < glacial\-epoch; 9027關於 < pertaining\-to; 9028剛剛 < just\-recently; 9029廠主 < factory\-owner; 9030再次 < one\-more\-time; 9031謍 < humming\-sound; 9032新約全書 < new\-testament; 9033覶 < to\-look\-about; 9034覔 < to\-search\-for; 9035襚 < grave\-clothes; 9036權力 < \(wield\)\-power; 9037蠵 < large\-turtles; 9038簿籍 < account\-books; 9039螾 < the\-earthworm; 9040螥 < the\-house\-fly; 9041螙 < grubs\-in\-wood; 9042蛅 < a\-caterpillar; 9043橫掃 < to\-sweep\-away; 9044度假 < go\-on\-holiday; 9045蘯 < to\-toss\-about; 9046異質 < heterogeneous; 9047車站 < \(bus\)\-station; 9048亞洲國家 < asian\-country; 9049暴風驟雨 < violent\-storm; 9050蔎 < thea\-sinensis; 9051備至 < to\-the\-utmost; 9052葽 < type\-of\-grain; 9053菼 < rush\-or\-sedge; 9054菺 < althaea\-rosea; 9055跑鞋 < running\-shoes; 9056菑 < to\-weed\-grass; 9057報單 < taxation\-form; 9058莧 < edible\-greens; 9059茥 < rubus\-tokkura; 9060鑒賞 < to\-appreciate; 9061苘 < indian\-mallow; 9062這位 < this\-\(person\); 9063困窘 < embarrassment; 9064降世 < come\-to\-earth; 9065脥 < pelvic\-cavity; 9066便飯 < a\-simple\-meal; 9067胲 < hydroxylamine; 9068輻條 < \(wheel\)\-spoke; 9069好幾年 < several\-years; 9070罳 < wooden\-screen; 9071缇 < reddish\-color; 9072打開 < to\-break\-open; 9073售票處 < ticket\-office; 9074發揮 < bring\-to\-bear; 9075糭 < rice\-dumpling; 9076捉取圖像 < capture\-image; 9077籾 < unhulled\-rice; 9078籜 < bamboo\-sheath; 9079六點半 < half\-past\-six; 9080開心 < to\-feel\-happy; 9081無意識 < unconsciously; 9082實驗 < to\-experiment; 9083笵 < a\-bamboo\-form; 9084笭 < bamboo\-screen; 9085轉彎 < turn\-\(around\); 9086案頭 < on\-one''s\-desk; 9087拜金主義 < money\-worship; 9088永久和平 < lasting\-peace; 9089砞 < to\-smash\-rock; 9090矞 < bore\-with\-awl; 9091辨別 < differentiate; 9092抄襲 < to\-plagiarize; 9093辦到 < to\-accomplish; 9094先後 < in\-succession; 9095畜肥 < animal\-manure; 9096推動力 < driving\-force; 9097拉美 < latin\-america; 9098核電 < nuclear\-power; 9099越野 < cross\-country; 9100璂 < jade\-ornament; 9101琕 < type\-of\-pearl; 9102獙 < die\-violently; 9103公園 < a\-public\-park; 9104百姓 < common\-people; 9105哈薩克人 < kazakh\-person; 9106災區 < disaster\-area; 9107避風處 < lee\,\-windstop; 9108牁 < mooring\-stake; 9109構成 < to\-constitute; 9110熰 < great\-drought; 9111保藏 < keep\-in\-store; 9112瑞香 < winter\-daphne; 9113拌種 < seed\-dressing; 9114籌措 < raise\-\(money\); 9115棄置 < to\-throw\-away; 9116使用量 < volume\-of\-use; 9117賣點 < selling\-point; 9118瘦弱 < thin\-and\-weak; 9119浬 < nautical\-mile; 9120白匪 < white\-bandits; 9121肉體 < physical\-body; 9122欵 < to\-treat\-well; 9123欓 < a\-cross\-piece; 9124半導體 < semiconductor; 9125備案 < put\-on\-record; 9126櫌 < a\-kind\-of\-hoe; 9127檮 < block\-of\-wood; 9128巡航導彈 < cruise\-missle; 9129不可能的事 < impossibility; 9130榌 < wooden\-ladder; 9131百分之五十 < fifty\-percent; 9132鬥志 < will\-to\-fight; 9133扁荳 < hyacinth\-bean; 9134百倍 < a\-hundredfold; 9135楙 < name\-of\-plant; 9136筆筒 < pen\-container; 9137梹 < the\-areca\-nut; 9138寶藍 < sapphire\-blue; 9139梎 < sickle\-handle; 9140栰 < a\-bamboo\-raft; 9141滲碳 < carburization; 9142暴力犯罪 < violent\-crime; 9143朩 < kwukyel\:\-rank; 9144渡過 < to\-cross\-over; 9145字集 < character\-set; 9146駁殼槍 < mauser\-pistol; 9147何西阿書 < book\-of\-hosea; 9148空運 < air\-transport; 9149奧克拉荷馬市 < oklahoma\-city; 9150搢 < to\-stick\-into; 9151掭 < to\-manipulate; 9152挶 < hold\-in\-hands; 9153拕 < to\-drag\-after; 9154抃 < to\-clap\-hands; 9155不成文法 < unwritten\-law; 9156戺 < stone\-boarder; 9157戹 < in\-difficulty; 9158高速乙太網路 < fast\-ethernet; 9159不方便 < inconvenience; 9160沒經驗 < inexperienced; 9161表層 < surface\-layer; 9162怾 < mountain\-name; 9163圓周 < circumference; 9164彽 < go\-to\-and\-fro; 9165彲 < yellow\-dragon; 9166彔 < to\-carve\-wood; 9167主日學 < sunday\-school; 9168病害 < plant\-disease; 9169巰 < an\-atom\-group; 9170售貨 < to\-sell\-goods; 9171峂 < name\-of\-place; 9172有助于 < contribute\-to; 9173寀 < feudal\-estate; 9174舌尖 < tip\-of\-tongue; 9175案稱 < counter\-scale; 9176媢 < be\-jealous\-of; 9177消防 < fire\-fighting; 9178喉結 < adam''s''\-apple; 9179島國 < island\-nation; 9180鬧事 < cause\-trouble; 9181京都 < kyoto\-\(japan\); 9182四千 < four\-thousand; 9183當年 < in\-those\-days; 9184垻 < an\-embankment; 9185財迷 < money\-grubber; 9186三十億 < three\-billion; 9187理解 < to\-comprehend; 9188嚚 < argumentative; 9189不凍港 < ice\-free\-port; 9190步話機 < walkie\-talkie; 9191密碼 < \(secret\)\-code; 9192築城 < fortification; 9193咡 < side\-of\-mouth; 9194衛兵 < \(body\)\-guard\); 9195艾滋病抗體 < aids\-antibody; 9196集線器 < hub\-\(network\); 9197疑問 < interrogation; 9198凟 < to\-be\-rude\-to; 9199喉痧 < scarlet\-fever; 9200個性 < individuality; 9201儹 < to\-accumulate; 9202儲 < to\-save\-money; 9203儛 < to\-skip\-about; 9204不舒適 < uncomfortable; 9205傒 < personal\-name; 9206兩千年 < the\-year\-2000; 9207標本蟲 < spider\-beetle; 9208啟示 < enlightenment; 9209進出口 < import\|export; 9210不可侵犯權 < inviolability; 9211侂 < to\-commission; 9212向西南 < southwestward; 9213致函 < send\-a\-letter; 9214乨 < the\-beginning; 9215䶚 < decayed\-tooth; 9216䶈 < a\-kind\-of\-rat; 9217䵿 < a\-silent\-drum; 9218䵁 < decayed\-dough; 9219䴰 < a\-family\-name; 9220䲺 < birds\-singing; 9221䲅 < the\-globefish; 9222䰻 < to\-catch\-fish; 9223意識 < consciousness; 9224䰱 < name\-of\-a\-god; 9225售票員 < ticket\-seller; 9226䯅 < a\-swift\-horse; 9227䮈 < to\-go\-swiftly; 9228䫿 < a\-cool\-breeze; 9229䫴 < weak\-and\-dull; 9230聯絡 < communication; 9231售票口 < ticket\-window; 9232扁擔 < carrying\-pole; 9233䫁 < the\-first\-son; 9234䪫 < ancient\-music; 9235䪒 < leather\-pants; 9236䩾 < herb\-medicine; 9237䩤 < to\-lead\-an\-ox; 9238䩣 < shoe\-cushions; 9239䩞 < a\-saddle\-flap; 9240䨎 < deep\-and\-dark; 9241安定化 < stabilization; 9242䧖 < a\-small\-mound; 9243䦴 < open\-the\-door; 9244䦳 < between\-steps; 9245交換端 < switched\-port; 9246哀號 < cry\-piteously; 9247䦡 < a\-door\-keeper; 9248䥩 < hooks\-to\-hang; 9249䤵 < a\-tiny\-needle; 9250䤎 < soybean\-sauce; 9251䤃 < drunken\-sound; 9252䣰 < to\-pool\-money; 9253䢧 < to\-go\-forward; 9254䢚 < a\-narrow\-path; 9255䢃 < to\-administer; 9256䡥 < a\-moving\-cart; 9257䟘 < to\-straighten; 9258䟊 < short\-strides; 9259桂林 < guilin\-\(city\); 9260䞁 < corresponding; 9261䝶 < to\-levy\-taxes; 9262䝬 < a\-wealthy\-man; 9263金黃 < golden\-yellow; 9264䛾 < familiar\-with; 9265不相干 < be\-irrelevant; 9266目標市場 < target\-market; 9267䛐 < an\-expression; 9268天曉得 < heaven\-knows\!; 9269䚕 < to\-search\-out; 9270䙹 < to\-vomit\-milk; 9271䙥 < shiny\-dresses; 9272䙢 < short\-t\-shirt; 9273䙠 < short\-clothes; 9274䙟 < heavy\-clothes; 9275䙞 < woolen\-string; 9276䙅 < the\-waistline; 9277跨國 < transnational; 9278䗗 < the\-millipede; 9279䖩 < a\-kind\-of\-bee; 9280䖑 < a\-white\-tiger; 9281䖇 < fragrant\-herb; 9282演出 < \(acting\)\-play; 9283吃飯 < to\-eat\-a\-meal; 9284䒎 < without\-color; 9285䑲 < to\-row\-a\-boat; 9286䑥 < a\-moving\-boat; 9287䐲 < half\-raw\-meat; 9288䐙 < the\-diaphragm; 9289䏘 < a\-big\-abdomen; 9290䏄 < not\-to\-listen; 9291不通 < be\-obstructed; 9292最高法院 < supreme\-court; 9293䍽 < a\-fierce\-goat; 9294䍼 < salted\-mutton; 9295䍪 < castrated\-ram; 9296䍤 < to\-strain\-out; 9297戒指 < \(finger\)\-ring; 9298最後更新 < latest\-update; 9299䌙 < hank\-of\-ropes; 9300䌅 < a\-thick\-ropes; 9301䋦 < ravelled\-silk; 9302䋝 < a\-throat\-band; 9303杏仁豆腐 < almond\-junket; 9304䊽 < a\-fine\-thread; 9305䊔 < polished\-rice; 9306䉩 < a\-bamboo\-ware; 9307䉨 < bamboo\-joints; 9308䈾 < move\-a\-little; 9309䈳 < a\-window\-leaf; 9310少將 < major\-general; 9311䆚 < to\-go\-through; 9312杜絕 < put\-an\-end\-to; 9313䅛 < husks\-of\-rice; 9314䃳 < falling\-stone; 9315䂶 < the\-crustacea; 9316䂗 < to\-be\-careful; 9317䂎 < a\-short\-spear; 9318䂁 < an\-angry\-look; 9319䁙 < eloquent\-eyes; 9320䀮 < sight\-blurred; 9321䀭 < with\-big\-eyes; 9322䀖 < to\-look\-up\-to; 9323䀕 < angry\-glances; 9324暗鎖 < built\-in\-lock; 9325㿬 < nasal\-disease; 9326㾽 < swelling\-feet; 9327㽲 < griping\-colic; 9328㽇 < unburnt\-tiles; 9329㼵 < a\-small\-basin; 9330㼟 < a\-tiled\-house; 9331㼎 < a\-small\-melon; 9332㻾 < jade\-articles; 9333同盟國 < confederation; 9334㺈 < to\-go\-hunting; 9335㹹 < a\-kind\-of\-dog; 9336㹵 < a\-hunting\-dog; 9337㹳 < a\-kind\-of\-ape; 9338懲戒 < to\-discipline; 9339這種方式 < \(in\)\-this\-way; 9340下課 < class\-is\-over; 9341不詳 < not\-in\-detail; 9342㸄 < a\-raging\-fire; 9343㷾 < blaze\-of\-fire; 9344反響 < repercussions; 9345㷖 < to\-shine\-upon; 9346㷕 < hearing\-sound; 9347㷒 < to\-cook\-meals; 9348㶘 < full\-of\-water; 9349奧運會 < olympic\-games; 9350㵳 < crystal\-clear; 9351㵠 < to\-gush\-forth; 9352㴽 < water\-current; 9353㴫 < great\-flowing; 9354㴦 < to\-wash\-hands; 9355㴥 < great\-billows; 9356㴐 < great\-current; 9357保護主義 < protectionism; 9358㲛 < hairy\-animals; 9359在未來 < in\-the\-future; 9360宿怨 < an\-old\-grudge; 9361㰻 < asses\-braying; 9362㰏 < a\-bamboo\-pole; 9363㰌 < to\-monopolize; 9364㭿 < oblique\-angle; 9365單子 < list\-of\-items; 9366㭓 < a\-pillar\-arch; 9367貢獻 < to\-contribute; 9368㬥 < to\-sun\-to\-air; 9369叫醒 < to\-call\-awake; 9370㬄 < warm\-and\-damp; 9371㫟 < day\-after\-day; 9372南美洲 < south\-america; 9373美術 < the\-fine\-arts; 9374㩥 < delicate\-hand; 9375㨞 < to\-feel\-about; 9376㧼 < to\-distribute; 9377㧷 < to\-wipe\-tears; 9378㦫 < lax\-and\-crude; 9379㦌 < keen\-or\-sharp; 9380㥼 < to\-be\-near\-to; 9381㣿 < painfully\-sad; 9382㣤 < to\-tread\-upon; 9383㢻 < to\-draw\-a\-bow; 9384㢖 < a\-store\-house; 9385七百萬 < seven\-million; 9386㠴 < a\-pillow\-case; 9387㠛 < name\-a\-county; 9388月球表面 < lunar\-surface; 9389㟭 < the\-min\-river; 9390能夠 < be\-capable\-of; 9391㞬 < close\-or\-near; 9392㞋 < soft\-and\-meek; 9393家屬 < family\-member; 9394㝻 < barely\-enough; 9395㝃 < to\-bear\-a\-son; 9396地方停車 < parking\-place; 9397㛒 < can\-not\-speak; 9398㚴 < a\-pretty\-girl; 9399鼻淵 < nasosinusitis; 9400懂得 < to\-understand; 9401㘛 < a\-deep\-valley; 9402有良心 < conscientious; 9403㘓 < prolix\-speech; 9404㘉 < to\-make\-sound; 9405㗴 < dogs\-fighting; 9406㕰 < sound\-angrily; 9407㕪 < birds''\-chirps; 9408㕙 < a\-wily\-rabbit; 9409㕉 < to\-dig\-a\-hole; 9410㔥 < full\-of\-anger; 9411㓴 < to\-cut\-in\-two; 9412半點 < the\-least\-bit; 9413㓖 < bitterly\-cold; 9414以太網絡端口 < ethernet\-port; 9415㑥 < disrespectful; 9416鉛筆 < \(lead\)\-pencil; 9417單向 < undirectional; 9418㐰 < to\-believe\-in; 9419受賄 < accept\-bribes; 9420鼻飼法 < nasal\-feeding; 9421知名人士 < public\-figure; 9422約拿書 < book\-of\-jonah; 9423例假 < legal\-holiday; 9424水面 < water\-surface; 9425步行蟲 < ground\-beetle; 9426移殖 < to\-transplant; 9427起伏 < ups\-and\-downs; 9428變調 < modified\-tone; 9429友誼 < companionship; 9430美國國會 < u\.s\.\-congress; 9431哀樂 < funeral\-music; 9432不幸的是 < unfortunately; 9433富于 < to\-be\-full\-of; 9434便步走 < march\-at\-ease; 9435聲帶 < vocal\-cord\(s\); 9436不知 < unknowing\(ly\); 9437孫女 < granddaughter; 9438光纖電纜 < optical\-fiber; 9439社交語言 < lingua\-franca; 9440涼快 < nice\-and\-cold; 9441三百 < three\-hundred; 9442連接至 < to\-connect\-to; 9443京戲 < beijing\-opera; 9444低于 < be\-lower\-than; 9445鳶尾花 < iris\-\(flower\); 9446南部 < southern\-part; 9447變色 < change\-colour; 9448半官方 < semi\-official; 9449北面 < northern\-side; 9450上班 < to\-go\-to\-work; 9451百科全書 < encyclopaedia; 9452各種 < every\-kind\-of; 9453貝彫 < shell\-carving; 9454日軍 < japanese\-army; 9455功率惡化 < power\-penalty; 9456南越 < south\-vietnam; 9457愛憎 < love\-and\-hate; 9458職員 < office\-worker; 9459洋溢 < brimming\-with; 9460不可抗力 < force\-majeure; 9461協調 < to\-coordinate; 9462大阪 < osaka\-\(japan\); 9463考慮 < to\-think\-over; 9464生命的遺跡 < trace\-of\-life; 9465北部 < northern\-part; 9466兼容性 < compatibility; 9467解壓縮 < to\-decompress; 9468本意 < original\-idea; 9469吸毒 < to\-take\-drugs; 9470中國銀行 < bank\-of\-china; 9471泳池 < swimming\-pond; 9472一步 < \(single\)\-step; 9473北越 < north\-vietnam; 9474響應時間 < response\-time; 9475雜項 < miscellaneous; 9476傳輸模式 < transfer\-mode; 9477採棉機 < cotton\-picker; 9478外部 < external\-part; 9479聞人 < famous\-person; 9480前所未有 < unprecedented; 9481和尚 < buddhist\-monk; 9482蘇州 < suzhou\-\(city\); 9483礦水 < mineral\-water; 9484暑氣 < \(summer\)\-heat; 9485一九九七年 < the\-year\-1997; 9486哀告 < beg\-piteously; 9487外貿 < foreign\-trade; 9488避難 < \[take\]\-refuge; 9489包袱 < cloth\-wrapper; 9490感冒 < to\-catch\-cold; 9491彩蚌 < painted\-shell; 9492芭蕉扇 < palm\-leaf\-fan; 9493禮堂 < assembly\-hall; 9494總計 < \(grand\)\-total; 9495娛樂 < entertainment; 9496中學 < middle\-school; 9497五一 < 5\-1\-\(may\-1st\); 9498磁片 < magnetic\-disk; 9499會場 < meeting\-place; 9500媾和 < to\-make\-peace; 9501公元前 < before\-christ; 9502上市 < on\-the\-market; 9503訪問方式 < access\-method; 9504檔案建立 < file\-creation; 9505私利 < personal\-gain; 9506遲鈍 < slow\-\(witted\); 9507波美度 < baume\-degrees; 9508北美 < north\-america; 9509經驗 < to\-experience; 9510出生日期 < date\-of\-birth; 9511不可思議 < inconceivable; 9512格子花呢 < plaid\,\-tartan; 9513汲水 < to\-draw\-water; 9514獲勝 < be\-victorious; 9515觀點 < point\-of\-view; 9516半復賽 < eighth\-finals; 9517水牛 < water\-buffalo; 9518雙生兄弟 < twin\-brothers; 9519同年 < the\-same\-year; 9520最大速率 < maximum\-speed; 9521變星 < variable\-star; 9522邊界線 < boundary\-line; 9523蘇俄 < soviet\-russia; 9524現實情況 < current\-state; 9525步行 < to\-go\-on\-foot; 9526擅長 < to\-be\-good\-at; 9527不啻 < not\-less\-than; 9528牌照 < license\-plate; 9529支持率 < support\-level; 9530試一試 < to\-have\-a\-try; 9531暗害 < kill\-secretly; 9532包羅萬象 < all\-embracing; 9533勃興 < rise\-suddenly; 9534變態 < metamorphosis; 9535性慾 < sexual\-desire; 9536匯率 < exchange\-rate; 9537治安 < law\-and\-order; 9538視頻節目 < video\-program; 9539雌花 < female\-flower; 9540全世界第一 < world''s\-first; 9541多種 < many\-kinds\-of; 9542吸入 < to\-breathe\-in; 9543變工 < exchange\-work; 9544下至上 < bottom\-to\-top; 9545受害 < to\-be\-injured; 9546找不到 < couldn''t\-find; 9547決心 < determination; 9548下令 < give\-an\-order; 9549莫逆 < very\-friendly; 9550羅馬字母 < roman\-letters; 9551比熱 < specific\-heat; 9552不可名狀 < indescribable; 9553瞳 < pupil\-of\-eye; 9554万 < ten\-thousand; 9555布 < cotton\-cloth; 9556通 < pass\-through; 9557提 < hold\-in\-hand; 9558京 < capital\-city; 9559甚 < great\-extent; 9560周 < zhou\-dynasty; 9561尻 < end\-of\-spine; 9562宴 < to\-entertain; 9563宰 < to\-slaughter; 9564犯 < commit\-crime; 9565婢 < servant\-girl; 9566参 < take\-part\-in; 9567掌 < palm\-of\-hand; 9568姿 < one''s\-manner; 9569姉 < elder\-sister; 9570斗 < chinese\-peck; 9571呼 < breathe\-sigh; 9572衝 < rush\-against; 9573螺 < spiral\-shell; 9574坊 < neighborhood; 9575尼 < buddhist\-nun; 9576鼾 < snore\-loudly; 9577叶 < to\-harmonize; 9578野 < open\-country; 9579移 < change\-place; 9580唐 < tang\-dynasty; 9581秀 < ear\-of\-grain; 9582蒲 < type\-of\-rush; 9583庆 < congratulate; 9584蒟 < betel\-pepper; 9585汗 < perspiration; 9586拜 < do\-obeisance; 9587虑 < be\-concerned; 9588宋 < song\-dynasty; 9589胆 < gall\-bladder; 9590剖 < split\-in\-two; 9591凤 < male\-phoenix; 9592询 < inquire\-into; 9593筑 < ancient\-lute; 9594偶 < accidentally; 9595飽 < eat\-heartily; 9596胎 < unborn\-child; 9597悟 < to\-apprehend; 9598肅 < pay\-respects; 9599侘 < disappointed; 9600祭 < sacrifice\-to; 9601宪 < constitution; 9602碑 < stone\-tablet; 9603昌 < light\-of\-sun; 9604携 < lead\-by\-hand; 9605厦 < big\-building; 9606仆 < fall\-forward; 9607妥 < satisfactory; 9608杭 < cross\-stream; 9609赠 < give\-present; 9610腔 < chest\-cavity; 9611孝 < filial\-piety; 9612笹 < small\-bamboo; 9613笛 < bamboo\-flute; 9614歧 < fork\-of\-road; 9615鉛 < lead\-plumbum; 9616喃 < keep\-talking; 9617舱 < hold\-of\-ship; 9618醜 < ugly\-looking; 9619裘 < fur\-garments; 9620栽 < to\-cultivate; 9621诧 < be\-surprised; 9622阎 < village\-gate; 9623愣 < be\-in\-a\-daze; 9624琪 < type\-of\-jade; 9625娥 < be\-beautiful; 9626咪 < sound\-of\-cat; 9627渗 < soak\-through; 9628葫 < bottle\-gourd; 9629坪 < level\-ground; 9630坞 < entrenchment; 9631橡 < chestnut\-oak; 9632絮 < waste\-cotton; 9633跄 < walk\-rapidly; 9634屹 < to\-rise\-high; 9635惘 < disconcerted; 9636揩 < rub\-and\-wipe; 9637楠 < name\-of\-tree; 9638麓 < foot\-of\-hill; 9639恻 < feel\-anguish; 9640桅 < mast\-of\-ship; 9641骋 < gallop\-horse; 9642蹒 < to\-jump\-over; 9643祀 < to\-sacrifice; 9644寰 < great\-domain; 9645斓 < multicolored; 9646伫 < look\-towards; 9647躏 < trample\-down; 9648沽 < buy\-and\-sell; 9649珥 < ear\-ornament; 9650笆 < bamboo\-fence; 9651虬 < young\-dragon; 9652惬 < be\-satisfied; 9653缨 < a\-chin\-strap; 9654劾 < examine\-into; 9655嘤 < seek\-friends; 9656诃 < scold\-loudly; 9657冽 < cold\-and\-raw; 9658飨 < host\-banquet; 9659怏 < discontented; 9660冢 < burial\-mound; 9661嗳 < interjection; 9662宕 < stone\-quarry; 9663耆 < man\-of\-sixty; 9664靓 < make\-up\-face; 9665蛰 < to\-hibernate; 9666掼 < throw\-ground; 9667囤 < grain\-basket; 9668筱 < dwarf\-bamboo; 9669樟 < camphor\-tree; 9670鲥 < reeves''\-shad; 9671逵 < thoroughfare; 9672岷 < min\-mountain; 9673枰 < smooth\-board; 9674屐 < wooden\-shoes; 9675胛 < the\-shoulder; 9676鹞 < sparrow\-hawk; 9677犄 < animal\-horns; 9678跹 < wander\-about; 9679昱 < bright\-light; 9680湄 < water''s\-edge; 9681菅 < coarse\-grass; 9682绻 < affectionate; 9683篁 < bamboo\-grove; 9684赅 < prepared\-for; 9685椁 < outer\-coffin; 9686纰 < spoiled\-silk; 9687鼋 < large\-turtle; 9688醐 < purest\-cream; 9689龉 < uneven\-teeth; 9690苻 < kind\-of\-herb; 9691鬣 < horse''s\-mane; 9692缗 < fishing\-line; 9693湫 < a\-small\-pond; 9694仟 < one\-thousand; 9695蚶 < kind\-of\-clam; 9696蛄 < mole\-cricket; 9697毂 < hub\-of\-wheel; 9698畚 < straw\-basket; 9699洄 < a\-back\-water; 9700飧 < evening\-meal; 9701醪 < unclear\-wine; 9702骝 < famous\-horse; 9703骒 < mother\-horse; 9704懔 < be\-afraid\-of; 9705劓 < cut\-off\-nose; 9706踔 < to\-get\-ahead; 9707颡 < the\-forehead; 9708潲 < driving\-rain; 9709缯 < silk\-fabrics; 9710甓 < glazed\-tiles; 9711荬 < a\-plant\-name; 9712柒 < number\-seven; 9713瘳 < to\-be\-healed; 9714谇 < speak\-ill\-of; 9715乇 < to\-depend\-on; 9716其他的人 < other\-people; 9717加緊 < to\-intensify; 9718萬事達 < master\(card\); 9719睡覺 < to\-go\-to\-bed; 9720早期 < early\-period; 9721約珥書 < book\-of\-joel; 9722媒體報導 < media\-report; 9723相關 < interrelated; 9724艾滋病患者 < aids\-patient; 9725火龍 < fiery\-dragon; 9726合作 < to\-cooperate; 9727賠償金 < compensation; 9728簿記管理員 < commissarian; 9729智力 < intelligence; 9730示威者 < demonstrator; 9731昔年 < former\-years; 9732和平條約 < peace\-treaty; 9733毛主席 < chairman\-mao; 9734礦井 < mine\-\(shaft\); 9735熟知 < acquaintance; 9736支票 < \(bank\)\-check; 9737建築物 < \(a\)\-building; 9738姐姐 < older\-sister; 9739股票市場 < stock\-market; 9740閱覽室 < reading\-room; 9741警報 < \(fire\)\-alarm; 9742後果 < consequences; 9743不名譽 < disreputable; 9744收盤 < market\-close; 9745城防 < city\-defence; 9746頂住 < to\-withstand; 9747西部 < western\-part; 9748好感 < good\-opinion; 9749機械碼 < machine\-code; 9750失業 < unemployment; 9751擅自 < unauthorized; 9752大驚失色 < apprehensive; 9753高層旅館 < luxury\-hotel; 9754逕自 < on\-one''s\-own; 9755近視 < shortsighted; 9756步犁 < walking\-plow; 9757不成功 < unsuccessful; 9758水滸傳 < water\-margin; 9759不重視 < indifference; 9760開關 < power\-switch; 9761去世 < to\-pass\-away; 9762亞洲與太平洋 < asia\-pacific; 9763十九歲 < 19\-years\-old; 9764靈的世界 < spirit\-world; 9765多方 < in\-many\-ways; 9766搶購 < panic\-buying; 9767巡迴 < to\-go\-around; 9768這種 < this\-kind\-of; 9769大意 < general\-idea; 9770半文盲 < semiliterate; 9771別稱 < another\-name; 9772步步 < step\-by\-step; 9773協商 < consult\-with; 9774矮星 < dwarf\-\(star\); 9775核武器試驗 < nuclear\-test; 9776丙烯酸 < acrylic\-acid; 9777半熟練 < semi\-skilled; 9778那時 < at\-that\-time; 9779吃不開 < be\-unpopular; 9780大師 < great\-master; 9781組織 < organization; 9782出乎預料 < unexpectedly; 9783通用 < common\-\(use\); 9784多工 < to\-multiplex; 9785糾葛 < entanglement; 9786試探 < to\-sound\-out; 9787夫妻 < man\-and\-wife; 9788地方主義 < \"local\-\-ism\"; 9789道歉 < to\-apologize; 9790故意 < deliberately; 9791請問 < may\-i\-ask\.\.\.; 9792激光唱片 < compact\-disk; 9793二十一世紀 < 21st\-century; 9794出發 < to\-start\-out; 9795縮寫 < abbreviation; 9796中央銀行 < central\-bank; 9797壁掛 < wall\-hanging; 9798熟悉 < to\-know\-well; 9799熟思 < deliberation; 9800整天 < all\-day\-long; 9801鱉甲 < turtle\-shell; 9802身體 < \(human\)\-body; 9803斯密約瑟 < joseph\-smith; 9804糾纏 < be\-entangled; 9805不合理 < unreasonable; 9806目前世界 < modern\-world; 9807複製 < to\-duplicate; 9808隊旗 < team\-pennant; 9809加強 < to\-reinforce; 9810出獄 < leave\-prison; 9811不愉快 < disagreeable; 9812談判 < to\-negotiate; 9813看病 < see\-a\-doctor; 9814民意調查 < opinion\-poll; 9815很不 < very\-un\-\.\.\.\.; 9816毅力 < perseverance; 9817落實 < to\-implement; 9818支店 < branch\-store; 9819齆 < stuffed\-noze; 9820鼽 < clogged\-nose; 9821白薯 < sweet\-potato; 9822綵旗 < colored\-flag; 9823養雞場 < chicken\-farm; 9824麕 < muntjac\-deer; 9825現代音樂 < modern\-music; 9826回顧 < to\-look\-back; 9827殭化 < become\-rigid; 9828鳐 < the\-nautilus; 9829鱑 < the\-sturgeon; 9830鱂 < name\-of\-fish; 9831製造業者 < manufacturer; 9832膝上型 < laptop\-\(adj\); 9833瀏覽 < to\-skim\-over; 9834心理學家 < psychologist; 9835魦 < shark\-family; 9836鬵 < big\-iron\-pot; 9837鬅 < unkempt\-hair; 9838課余 < after\-school; 9839車道 < traffic\-lane; 9840正如 < be\-just\-like; 9841驈 < black\-horses; 9842騆 < divine\-horse; 9843駜 < strong\-horse; 9844駗 < chatter\-mark; 9845有條有理地 < methodically; 9846不是玩兒的 < it''s\-no\-joke; 9847實際性 < practicality; 9848十一年 < eleven\-years; 9849餀 < tainted\-food; 9850不能抵抗 < irresistible; 9851颭 < sway\-in\-wind; 9852紙牌 < playing\-card; 9853鞦 < leather\-stap; 9854過境簽証 < transit\-visa; 9855霑 < be\-moistened; 9856陁 < a\-steep\-bank; 9857發紅 < flush\-\(face\); 9858集合 < congregation; 9859速成 < crash\-course; 9860闑 < the\-doorsill; 9861光線 < optical\-line; 9862镨 < praseodymium; 9863努力 < great\-effort; 9864引入 < to\-draw\-into; 9865廠址 < factory\-site; 9866鏷 < protactinium; 9867相似性 < ressemblance; 9868非同步 < asynchronous; 9869鍊 < smelt\-metals; 9870錈 < to\-bend\-iron; 9871傳道書 < ecclesiastes; 9872隨同 < accompanying; 9873耶穌基督 < jesus\-christ; 9874熒光 < flourescence; 9875記者報導 < press\-report; 9876釪 < an\-alms\-bowl; 9877廣告 < to\-advertise; 9878醽 < kind\-of\-wine; 9879挨近 < get\-close\-to; 9880編劇 < write\-a\-play; 9881壓倒 < overwhelming; 9882採脂 < tree\-tapping; 9883郙 < to\-be\-exiled; 9884邲 < good\-looking; 9885迣 < to\-leap\-over; 9886速寫 < quick\-sketch; 9887多工作業 < multitaksing; 9888發言人 < spokesperson; 9889踼 < to\-fall\-flat; 9890踤 < butt\-against; 9891集中器 < concentrator; 9892不大離兒 < pretty\-close; 9893週圍 < surroundings; 9894濾紙 < filter\-paper; 9895賉 < to\-give\-alms; 9896貆 < small\-badger; 9897豶 < castrate\-pig; 9898足球迷 < football\-fan; 9899本來面目 < true\-colours; 9900訪俄 < visit\-russia; 9901拔錨 < weigh\-anchor; 9902標燈 < beacon\-light; 9903冰晶 < ice\-crystals; 9904誾 < speak\-gently; 9905幾天 < several\-days; 9906授精 < insemination; 9907髒話 < bad\-language; 9908凹岸 < concave\-bank; 9909襛 < fine\-clothes; 9910襆 < hood\-or\-cowl; 9911過來 < to\-come\-over; 9912操勞 < to\-work\-hard; 9913那樣的 < that\-kind\-of; 9914光源 < light\-source; 9915粗俗的階級 < vulgar\-class; 9916速凍 < quick\-freeze; 9917網路節點 < network\-node; 9918坐牢 < imprisonment; 9919補牙 < fill\-a\-tooth; 9920刨刀 < planing\-tool; 9921把關 < guard\-a\-pass; 9922打印服務器 < print\-server; 9923不可收拾 < irremediable; 9924半邊天 < half\-the\-sky; 9925葜 < smilax\-china; 9926萩 < scandent\-hop; 9927萘 < naphthanlene; 9928自衛 < self\-defense; 9929賓西法尼亞 < pennsylvania; 9930莦 < jungle\-grass; 9931國家機密 < state\-secret; 9932陛下 < your\-majesty; 9933八月 < eighth\-month; 9934芚 < green\-sprout; 9935備考 < \(an\-appendix; 9936芑 < white\-millet; 9937年前 < \.\.\.years\-ago; 9938膗 < ugly\-and\-fat; 9939開支 < expenditures; 9940捏積 < chiropractic; 9941葡萄酒 < \(grape\)\-wine; 9942肙 < a\-small\-worm; 9943羀 < fishing\-trap; 9944調查人員 < investigator; 9945武裝部隊 < armed\-forces; 9946報價 < quoted\-price; 9947迷信 < superstition; 9948纁 < shade\-of\-red; 9949繙 < to\-interpret; 9950縕 < tangled\-hemp; 9951轉換 < to\-transform; 9952搬家 < move\-\(house\); 9953戶頭 < bank\-account; 9954農作物 < \(farm\)\-crops; 9955籯 < bamboo\-chest; 9956四十多 < more\-than\-40; 9957親信 < trusted\-aide; 9958筤 < young\-bamboo; 9959行程 < travel\-route; 9960筍 < bamboo\-shoot; 9961筅 < bamboo\-brush; 9962嚴竣 < tight\.strict; 9963證實禮 < confirmation; 9964名錄服務 < name\-service; 9965秬 < black\-millet; 9966看作 < look\-upon\-as; 9967語音信號 < voice\-signal; 9968寧願 < would\-rather; 9969祘 < to\-calculate; 9970磠 < sal\-ammoniac; 9971碶 < a\-flood\-gate; 9972接枝 < \(tree\)\-graft; 9973授權 < to\-authorize; 9974矼 < stone\-bridge; 9975開學 < school\-opens; 9976睒 < to\-glance\-at; 9977保證 < to\-guarantee; 9978批評 < to\-criticize; 9979宇航局 < space\-agency; 9980皦 < bright\-white; 9981令人驚異 < surprisingly; 9982瘺 < anal\-fistula; 9983去國外 < to\-go\-abroad; 9984疿 < prickly\-heat; 9985拔絲 < wire\-drawing; 9986打賭 < \(make\-a\)\-bet; 9987優惠 < preferential; 9988第二位 < second\-place; 9989公報 < announcement; 9990基礎設施 < base\-station; 9991密集 < concentrated; 9992授時 < time\-service; 9993在旁 < by\-\(a\-place\); 9994同時代 < contemporary; 9995玍 < ill\-tempered; 9996拼盤 < cold\-platter; 9997狆 < pekinese\-dog; 9998牂 < female\-sheep; 9999捐款 < donate\-money; 10000副總理 < vice\-premier; 10001國有 < nationalized; 10002系上 < to\-buckle\-up; 10003背離 < deviate\-from; 10004按照 < according\-to; 10005偶然 < incidentally; 10006喉鏡 < laryngoscope; 10007背陰 < in\-the\-shade; 10008生命跡象 < sign\-of\-life; 10009兩千 < two\-thousand; 10010滊 < a\-river\-name; 10011路得記 < book\-of\-ruth; 10012插圖 < illustration; 10013泖 < still\-waters; 10014知識分子 < intellectual; 10015管理 < to\-supervise; 10016三合一 < three\-in\-one; 10017毈 < fertile\-eggs; 10018殜 < half\-sitting; 10019四百萬 < four\-million; 10020梅花 < plum\-blossom; 10021阿摩司書 < book\-of\-amos; 10022當然 < only\-natural; 10023橒 < wood\-streaks; 10024高質量 < high\-quality; 10025標價 < mark\-a\-price; 10026槻 < zelkova\-tree; 10027棒硫 < roll\-sulphur; 10028槔 < water\-pulley; 10029夢游症 < to\-sleepwalk; 10030耶利米哀歌 < lamentations; 10031饅頭 < steamed\-roll; 10032保管 < take\-care\-of; 10033用戶定義 < user\-defined; 10034垂下 < to\-hang\-down; 10035成吉思汗 < genghis\-khan; 10036摙 < to\-transport; 10037裁員 < to\-cut\-staff; 10038清醒 < clear\-headed; 10039補充 < to\-replenish; 10040不結盟 < nonalignment; 10041揑 < to\-fabricate; 10042八級風 < force\-8\-wind; 10043戉 < a\-battle\-axe; 10044便秘 < constipation; 10045病床 < hospital\-bed; 10046幼兒園 < kindergarten; 10047桔子水 < orange\-juice; 10048枘鑿 < incompatible; 10049主幹網路 < core\-network; 10050廹 < to\-persecute; 10051創造性 < creativeness; 10052嚮往 < to\-yearn\-for; 10053自拔 < free\-oneself; 10054帨 < handkerchief; 10055嶢 < high\-or\-tall; 10056屘 < the\-youngest; 10057航天 < space\-flight; 10058高密 < high\-density; 10059表土 < surface\-soil; 10060歷代志下 < 2\-chronicles; 10061歷代志上 < 1\-chronicles; 10062嫲 < grand\-mother; 10063賞識 < appreciation; 10064消除 < to\-eliminate; 10065瑞色 < lovely\-color; 10066聽說 < to\-hear\-told; 10067周總理 < premier\-zhou; 10068執政黨 < ruling\-party; 10069當心 < to\-take\-care; 10070異性 < heterosexual; 10071交鋒 < cross\-swords; 10072興奮 < \(be\)\-excited; 10073指令名字 < command\-name; 10074禽類 < bird\-species; 10075母親節 < mother''s\-day; 10076喭 < condole\-with; 10077一小部分 < a\-small\-part; 10078偽善 < hypocritical; 10079抱愧 < feel\-ashamed; 10080呹 < to\-eat\-grass; 10081一下兒 < a\-little\-bit; 10082負責 < in\-charge\-of; 10083現行 < be\-in\-effect; 10084屈服 < to\-surrender; 10085厷 < the\-fore\-arm; 10086減緩 < to\-slow\-down; 10087勣 < achievements; 10088下齒 < bottom\-teeth; 10089媒體 < \(news\)\-media; 10090剷 < to\-level\-off; 10091驚愕 < astonishment; 10092當場 < at\-the\-scene; 10093複製品 < reproduction; 10094儗 < compare\-with; 10095司法權 < jurisdiction; 10096婚齡 < marrying\-age; 10097抱屈 < feel\-wronged; 10098佔便宜 < adventageous; 10099佭 < unsubmissive; 10100食譜 < cookery\-book; 10101丼 < bowl\-of\-food; 10102並非 < really\-isn''t; 10103突破 < breakthrough; 10104鼻中隔 < nasal\-septum; 10105新聞處 < news\-service; 10106侵晨 < towards\-dawn; 10107䴼 < to\-extirpate; 10108䴕 < a\-woodpecker; 10109漢城 < seoul\,\-korea; 10110䳖 < flying\-birds; 10111䲜 < lots\-of\-fish; 10112䱊 < roe\-or\-spawn; 10113䯶 < fair\-of\-hair; 10114䯧 < a\-small\-hall; 10115運動鞋 < sports\-shoes; 10116䮟 < big\-and\-tall; 10117少數 < small\-number; 10118䮑 < a\-gray\-horse; 10119䭘 < well\-stacked; 10120䭖 < animal\-feeds; 10121拌和 < mix\-and\-stir; 10122䭉 < mashed\-beans; 10123䬜 < evil\-spirits; 10124䬚 < to\-move\-fast; 10125䬋 < violent\-wind; 10126流通 < to\-circulate; 10127䫨 < tall\-and\-big; 10128䫚 < short\-headed; 10129䫕 < small\-headed; 10130咨詢 < consultative; 10131䫇 < the\-whiskers; 10132扒拉 < push\-lightly; 10133䪹 < a\-large\-face; 10134䪡 < to\-fall\-down; 10135䪋 < silk\-cordage; 10136䩏 < a\-small\-face; 10137䩋 < a\-green\-face; 10138䩇 < a\-small\-head; 10139專政 < dictatorship; 10140䨶 < thunderstorm; 10141䨲 < a\-small\-hare; 10142䨪 < a\-dust\-storm; 10143䨝 < a\-pure\-woman; 10144䨈 < a\-small\-bird; 10145飼草 < forage\-grass; 10146䧢 < a\-rough\-road; 10147䧙 < a\-high\-mound; 10148鼻腔 < nasal\-cavity; 10149核轟炸 < nuclear\-bomb; 10150浴血 < blood\-soaked; 10151䥃 < a\-big\-hammer; 10152䤬 < a\-small\-gong; 10153䤣 < a\-metal\-ring; 10154䤋 < yellow\-faced; 10155䣾 < cheese\-dregs; 10156䣼 < mixed\-starch; 10157屬國 < vassal\-state; 10158䠔 < far\-and\-deep; 10159䟿 < to\-reverence; 10160䟹 < to\-hop\-about; 10161轉賬卡 < a\-debit\-card; 10162鋼筆 < fountain\-pen; 10163䟕 < to\-step\-upon; 10164䞱 < to\-fall\-over; 10165䞧 < hard\-to\-walk; 10166偉人 < great\-person; 10167安營 < pitch\-a\-camp; 10168和解 < conciliatory; 10169面對面 < face\-to\-face; 10170䚪 < curved\-horns; 10171條子 < a\-short\-note; 10172揮霍無度 < extravagance; 10173根本 < \(not\)\-at\-all; 10174䘄 < cicada\-famiy; 10175䘀 < grasshoppers; 10176䗧 < libellulidae; 10177種種 < all\-kinds\-of; 10178䖞 < a\-sea\-insect; 10179䕻 < to\-adhere\-to; 10180䕺 < dense\-growth; 10181䕝 < medical\-herb; 10182䕋 < of\-elm\-group; 10183䓯 < water\-pepper; 10184登陸月球 < moon\-landing; 10185複寫紙 < carbon\-paper; 10186䑽 < a\-large\-boat; 10187䑵 < a\-small\-boat; 10188法院 < court\-of\-law; 10189䐅 < the\-buttocks; 10190䏀 < inharmonious; 10191䎘 < birds\-flying; 10192河馬 < hippopotamus; 10193生命 < life\-\(force\); 10194䍄 < an\-indenture; 10195䌶 < \)\-black\-silk; 10196䌇 < a\-thick\-rope; 10197主角 < leading\-role; 10198淫猥 < abominations; 10199產卵 < lay\-\(an\-egg\); 10200果皮 < \(fruit\)\-peel; 10201䊅 < to\-soak\-rice; 10202䉯 < dried\-bamboo; 10203䉕 < a\-bamboo\-hat; 10204䉔 < bamboo\-slips; 10205䈟 < broken\-sound; 10206䇸 < a\-bamboo\-mat; 10207䇝 < to\-break\-off; 10208䆢 < to\-penetrate; 10209䆟 < coresponding; 10210䆍 < cutted\-crops; 10211不足 < insufficient; 10212䅁 < to\-husk\-rice; 10213打孔器 < hole\-puncher; 10214䃲 < a\-great\-rock; 10215䃯 < small\-stones; 10216䃝 < rugged\-rocks; 10217䂐 < short\-stupid; 10218䁧 < to\-open\-wide; 10219家政 < housekeeping; 10220不貲 < immeasurable; 10221䀁 < a\-small\-bowl; 10222㿵 < soft\-leather; 10223㿲 < a\-fierce\-dog; 10224㿪 < skin\-disease; 10225㿊 < very\-painful; 10226㾔 < long\-illness; 10227什麼是 < what\-is\-\.\.\.\?; 10228軍事援助 < military\-aid; 10229凹透鏡 < concave\-lens; 10230㼋 < the\-cucumber; 10231本本主義 < book\-worship; 10232㺖 < dogs\-barking; 10233㺎 < fierce\-beast; 10234五角大樓 < the\-pentagon; 10235㸾 < to\-filled\-up; 10236㸭 < the\-opposite; 10237㷹 < intense\-heat; 10238㶕 < to\-wash\-rice; 10239作愛 < to\-make\-love; 10240㵊 < moving\-image; 10241㴕 < to\-boil\-away; 10242㳞 < deep\-and\-far; 10243㳑 < to\-flow\-over; 10244㰷 < resurrection; 10245㯠 < a\-cross\-beam; 10246㯜 < decayed\-wood; 10247㮮 < a\-well\-sweep; 10248㮬 < a\-fruit\-tree; 10249蘇聯 < soviet\-union; 10250㬵 < the\-shinbone; 10251摩西律法 < law\-of\-moses; 10252㫒 < hands\-joined; 10253害怕 < to\-be\-afraid; 10254㫃 < flags\-flying; 10255㫁 < to\-cut\-apart; 10256晚間 < evening\-time; 10257五百 < five\-hundred; 10258㧴 < to\-rub\-hands; 10259㦎 < cantankerous; 10260㥵 < to\-dishonour; 10261㤧 < conciliation; 10262㣒 < hair\-raising; 10263㣑 < double\-image; 10264迅速蔓延 < rapid\-spread; 10265㢗 < a\-high\-house; 10266㡔 < oiled\-calico; 10267㡅 < storage\-room; 10268證驗 < real\-results; 10269㠾 < a\-dish\-cloth; 10270懊悔 < feel\-remorse; 10271㠒 < mountain\-top; 10272㟐 < big\-and\-high; 10273㟇 < a\-land\-slide; 10274㞢 < to\-arrive\-at; 10275㞛 < red\-slippers; 10276㞅 < not\-straight; 10277古羅馬 < ancient\-rome; 10278㜗 < covetousness; 10279㛼 < to\-interrupt; 10280俄中 < russia\-china; 10281㛥 < to\-prostrate; 10282㛊 < to\-speculate; 10283二十萬 < 200\-thousand; 10284㘢 < a\-round\-cave; 10285㘍 < sound\-of\-rat; 10286變速 < speed\-change; 10287㖷 < bird\-singing; 10288年輕人 < young\-people; 10289㖠 < an\-auxiliary; 10290㕯 < slow\-tongued; 10291安心 < feel\-at\-ease; 10292㕒 < a\-lofty\-peak; 10293㔬 < to\-establish; 10294㔦 < to\-encourage; 10295㔕 < with\-purpose; 10296㔃 < to\-cut\-short; 10297㓣 < to\-sink\-into; 10298人民 < \(the\)\-people; 10299將來 < \(the\)\-future; 10300㑪 < a\-generation; 10301㑔 < all\-together; 10302㐸 < to\-own\-money; 10303㐴 < to\-drag\-down; 10304題花 < title\-design; 10305可觀 < considerable; 10306人權 < human\-rights; 10307乒乓球 < table\-tennis; 10308階級式 < hierarchical; 10309以斯拉記 < book\-of\-ezra; 10310趕上 < keep\-up\-with; 10311聽說過 < to\-hear\-said; 10312闌尾炎 < appendicitis; 10313移民 < to\-immigrate; 10314今晨 < this\-morning; 10315密友 < close\-friend; 10316南非 < south\-africa; 10317不符 < inconsistent; 10318開放式網路 < open\-network; 10319丹田 < pubic\-region; 10320半響 < half\-the\-day; 10321主環 < primary\-ring; 10322大一些 < a\-bit\-bigger; 10323你們 < you\-\(plural\); 10324一直 < continuously; 10325生物戰 < germ\-warfare; 10326不知所措 < be\-at\-a\-loss; 10327暗算 < plot\-against; 10328建設性 < constructive; 10329亮度 < illumination; 10330參考 < consultation; 10331喉塞音 < glottal\-stop; 10332壯麗 < magnificence; 10333黨政 < party\-policy; 10334檔案服務 < file\-servoce; 10335虐待 < mistreatment; 10336感恩 < thanksgiving; 10337大都會 < metropolitan; 10338罰球 < penalty\-shot; 10339費城 < philadelphia; 10340最低點 < lowest\-point; 10341油畫 < oil\-painting; 10342美洲 < the\-americas; 10343貧困 < impoverished; 10344降落地點 < landing\-site; 10345基督教 < christianity; 10346大量 < great\-amount; 10347頂用 < to\-be\-of\-use; 10348安眠酮 < methaqualone; 10349暗灘 < hidden\-shoal; 10350藥方 < prescription; 10351試驗性 < experimental; 10352主持 < preside\-over; 10353銀幕 < movie\-screen; 10354老家 < native\-place; 10355暗潮 < undercurrent; 10356買價 < buying\-price; 10357多邊 < multilateral; 10358現代 < modern\-times; 10359他人 < other\-person; 10360之後 < after\(wards\); 10361慣例 < conventional; 10362並排 < side\-by\-side; 10363耕地 < ariable\-land; 10364貴族化 < aristocratic; 10365浴場 < bathing\-spot; 10366五百萬 < five\-million; 10367蓋菜 < leaf\-mustard; 10368冰洲石 < iceland\-spar; 10369核軍備 < nuclear\-arms; 10370不拘 < not\-stick\-to; 10371三十五億 < 3\-\.5\-billion; 10372鞭砲 < firecrackers; 10373二十六歲 < 26\-years\-old; 10374感動 < to\-move\-\(sb\); 10375意味 < significance; 10376速記員 < stenographer; 10377白水泥 < white\-cement; 10378不愧 < be\-worthy\-of; 10379靶紙 < target\-sheet; 10380數據網絡 < data\-network; 10381龐然大物 < huge\-monster; 10382象聲詞 < onomatopoeia; 10383愈加 < all\-the\-more; 10384遠離 < removed\-from; 10385和善 < good\-natured; 10386認證 < authenticate; 10387刨齒 < gear\-shaping; 10388注意 < take\-note\-of; 10389風味 < local\-flavor; 10390繡花 < to\-embroider; 10391暗探 < secret\-agent; 10392暴怒 < violent\-rage; 10393不容 < not\-tolerate; 10394不宜 < not\-suitable; 10395犯毒 < illegal\-drug; 10396世界知名 < world\-famous; 10397幀格式 < frame\-format; 10398大致 < more\-or\-less; 10399不如 < not\-equal\-to; 10400得票 < vote\-getting; 10401派別 < denomination; 10402線軸 < thread\-spool; 10403有利 < advantageous; 10404衛生紙 < toilet\-paper; 10405訂閱 < subscription; 10406恢復 < to\-reinstate; 10407這項 < this\-\(thing\); 10408快速發展 < rapid\-growth; 10409多種語言 < multilingual; 10410可惜 < it\-is\-a\-pity; 10411當時的 < of\-that\-time; 10412婚外 < extramarital; 10413不單 < not\-the\-only; 10414安全問題 < safety\-issue; 10415之一 < one\-of\-\(sth\); 10416境遇 < circumstance; 10417野心 < wild\-schemes; 10418卻步 < to\-step\-back; 10419中俄 < china\-russia; 10420危殆 < grave\-danger; 10421中亞 < central\-asia; 10422變性 < denaturation; 10423原料 < raw\-material; 10424消防栓 < fire\-hydrant; 10425不利 < unfavourable; 10426透明度 < transparency; 10427爆發 < to\-break\-out; 10428多站 < multistation; 10429氧氣 < oxygen\-\(gas\); 10430念日 < memorial\-day; 10431各國 < each\-country; 10432不便 < inconvenient; 10433時態 < \(verb\)\-tense; 10434羅列 < to\-spead\-out; 10435一億 < 1\-00\-million; 10436暴動 < insurrection; 10437靶機 < target\-drone; 10438運行 < be\-in\-motion; 10439編舞 < choreography; 10440二十七 < twenty\-seven; 10441以 < by\-means\-of; 10442農 < agriculture; 10443径 < narrow\-path; 10444几 < small\-table; 10445便 < convenience; 10446电 < electricity; 10447百 < one\-hundred; 10448跣 < bare\-footed; 10449贅 < unnecessary; 10450功 < achievement; 10451江 < large\-river; 10452注 < concentrate; 10453牧 < tend\-cattle; 10454婚 < get\-married; 10455刊 < publication; 10456熟 < well\-cooked; 10457饭 < cooked\-rice; 10458奢 < extravagant; 10459查 < investigate; 10460章 < composition; 10461按 < put\-hand\-on; 10462蝠 < kind\-of\-bat; 10463蝕 < nibble\-away; 10464困 < to\-surround; 10465险 < narrow\-pass; 10466练 < to\-practice; 10467溯 < go\-upstream; 10468渉 < ford\-stream; 10469败 < be\-defeated; 10470纷 < in\-disorder; 10471缺 < be\-short\-of; 10472遭 < come\-across; 10473戴 < wear\-on\-top; 10474勤 < industrious; 10475髄 < bone\-marrow; 10476効 < efficacious; 10477貌 < countenance; 10478繁 < complicated; 10479柳 < willow\-tree; 10480凄 < bitter\-cold; 10481霞 < rosy\-clouds; 10482飴 < sweet\-meats; 10483聪 < intelligent; 10484倦 < be\-tired\-of; 10485摔 < fall\-ground; 10486醉 < intoxicated; 10487涛 < large\-waves; 10488锅 < cooking\-pot; 10489仔 < small\-thing; 10490會 < to\-assemble; 10491拆 < to\-break\-up; 10492翠 < color\-green; 10493晕 < halo\-in\-sky; 10494辨 < distinguish; 10495葛 < edible\-bean; 10496轿 < sedan\-chair; 10497攫 < snatch\-away; 10498鍛 < forge\-metal; 10499厕 < mingle\-with; 10500竿 < bamboo\-pole; 10501券 < certificate; 10502穉 < young\-grain; 10503驳 < varicolored; 10504憔 < be\-worn\-out; 10505粞 < ground\-rice; 10506遂 < comply\-with; 10507隶 < subservient; 10508缸 < earthen\-jug; 10509肢 < human\-limbs; 10510尴 < embarrassed; 10511呐 < raise\-voice; 10512颖 < rice\-tassel; 10513砥 < a\-whetstone; 10514孕 < be\-pregnant; 10515钞 < paper\-money; 10516琢 < polish\-jade; 10517绽 < ripped\-seam; 10518奠 < pay\-respect; 10519澜 < overflowing; 10520惕 < be\-cautious; 10521趴 < lying\-prone; 10522隋 < sui\-dynasty; 10523瞄 < take\-aim\-at; 10524祟 < evil\-spirit; 10525嗔 < be\-angry\-at; 10526奕 < in\-sequence; 10527榴 < pomegranate; 10528棘 < jujube\-tree; 10529峙 < stand\-erect; 10530砌 < stone\-steps; 10531槐 < locust\-tree; 10532鳞 < fish\-scales; 10533炽 < burning\-hot; 10534迂 < doctrinaire; 10535缪 < wind\-around; 10536凋 < be\-withered; 10537缤 < flourishing; 10538雳 < thunderclap; 10539驸 < extra\-horse; 10540嗷 < loud\-clamor; 10541炖 < stew\-slowly; 10542谏 < remonstrate; 10543篆 < seal\-script; 10544宦 < officialdom; 10545瓮 < earthen\-jar; 10546朕 < pronoun\-''i''; 10547阑 < door\-screen; 10548卤 < saline\-soil; 10549唏 < weep\-or\-sob; 10550汩 < run\-swiftly; 10551榕 < banyan\-tree; 10552闰 < intercalary; 10553昊 < summer\-time; 10554玷 < flaw\-in\-gem; 10555阙 < watch\-tower; 10556泌 < to\-seep\-out; 10557烽 < signal\-fire; 10558孵 < sit\-on\-eggs; 10559椭 < oval\-shaped; 10560痉 < convulsions; 10561匝 < full\-circle; 10562饪 < cooked\-food; 10563嶙 < precipitous; 10564颧 < cheek\-bones; 10565镗 < boring\-tool; 10566揶 < make\-fun\-of; 10567炷 < candle\-wick; 10568贲 < forge\-ahead; 10569蚱 < grasshopper; 10570痨 < consumption; 10571濂 < a\-waterfall; 10572汐 < night\-tides; 10573筠 < bamboo\-skin; 10574氤 < hanging\-fog; 10575痔 < hemorrhoids; 10576趿 < to\-tread\-on; 10577觞 < wine\-vessel; 10578挹 < to\-bale\-out; 10579膑 < the\-kneecap; 10580唳 < cry\-of\-bird; 10581礅 < stone\-block; 10582箔 < reed\-screen; 10583豸 < radical\-153; 10584烃 < hydrocarbon; 10585砭 < stone\-probe; 10586澍 < timely\-rain; 10587龋 < tooth\-decay; 10588缱 < attached\-to; 10589奂 < be\-numerous; 10590黩 < to\-dishonor; 10591壅 < to\-obstruct; 10592澶 < still\-water; 10593餍 < be\-satiated; 10594枥 < type\-of\-oak; 10595桕 < tallow\-tree; 10596鲢 < silver\-carp; 10597趱 < go\-in\-hurry; 10598妫 < family\-name; 10599暾 < morning\-sun; 10600荦 < brindled\-ox; 10601邛 < in\-distress; 10602戢 < to\-put\-away; 10603榧 < type\-of\-yew; 10604堇 < yellow\-loam; 10605劬 < be\-diligent; 10606魈 < mischevious; 10607鍪 < an\-iron\-pan; 10608蜣 < dung\-beetle; 10609痦 < \(flat\)\-mole; 10610戬 < exterminate; 10611嗉 < bird''s\-crop; 10612儋 < a\-small\-jar; 10613蚜 < plant\-louse; 10614粜 < sell\-grains; 10615攮 < to\-fend\-off; 10616苎 < china\-grass; 10617坩 < earthenware; 10618榉 < type\-of\-elm; 10619玢 < porphyrites; 10620绁 < to\-contract; 10621潆 < tiny\-stream; 10622髹 < red\-lacquer; 10623觖 < to\-long\-for; 10624螵 < a\-chrysalis; 10625杪 < tip\-of\-twig; 10626幂 < cover\-cloth; 10627硗 < barren\-land; 10628脞 < minced\-meat; 10629轵 < end\-of\-axle; 10630楗 < bar\-of\-door; 10631桄 < a\-coir\-palm; 10632堠 < battlements; 10633俜 < to\-trust\-to; 10634壓縮 < to\-compress; 10635大規模 < large\-scale; 10636度量衡 < measurement; 10637航空術 < aeronautics; 10638訪華 < visit\-china; 10639認知 < acknowledge; 10640叫喊 < exclamation; 10641訪問者 < interviewer; 10642沉重打擊 < to\-hit\-hard; 10643連詞 < conjunction; 10644好朋友 < good\-friend; 10645四面體 < tetrahedron; 10646自然而然 < involuntary; 10647弊端 < malpractice; 10648非核 < non\-nuclear; 10649拔釘錘 < claw\-hammer; 10650申命記 < deuteronomy; 10651收穫 < acquisition; 10652才外流 < brain\-drain; 10653民族 < nationality; 10654不贊一詞 < keep\-silent; 10655暗井 < blind\-shaft; 10656暗中 < in\-the\-dark; 10657矚目 < to\-focus\-on; 10658布鞋 < cloth\-shoes; 10659人體器官 < human\-organ; 10660埋頭 < steamed\-bun; 10661創作力 < originality; 10662白矮星 < white\-dwarf; 10663判處 < to\-sentance; 10664民族主義 < nationalism; 10665刻苦 < hardworking; 10666標點 < punctuation; 10667白麵 < wheat\-flour; 10668冒險 < take\-a\-risk; 10669白鶴 < white\-crane; 10670不贊成 < disapproval; 10671往昔 < in\-the\-past; 10672半月刊 < semimonthly; 10673邊疆 < border\-area; 10674讓位 < to\-abdicate; 10675怪僻 < peculiarity; 10676征收 < levy\-\(fine\); 10677母板 < motherboard; 10678需求 < requirement; 10679大業 < great\-cause; 10680旺季 < busy\-season; 10681備用環 < backup\-ring; 10682必定 < be\-bound\-to; 10683半年 < half\-a\-year; 10684課桌 < school\-desk; 10685滴答聲 < tick\-\(tock\); 10686間隔 < compartment; 10687遲疑 < to\-hesitate; 10688靈感 < inspiration; 10689精子密度 < sperm\-count; 10690溫度計 < thermograph; 10691遷居移民 < immigration; 10692不重要 < unimportant; 10693野生動物 < wild\-animal; 10694說服 < to\-persuade; 10695制約 < to\-restrict; 10696有影響 < influential; 10697鞏固 < consolidate; 10698發電廠 < power\-plant; 10699聖誕老人 < santa\-claus; 10700包括 < to\-comprise; 10701妥善 < appropriate; 10702辯証 < dialectical; 10703浪漫主義 < romanticism; 10704柏林牆 < berlin\-wall; 10705瀉鹽 < epsom\-salts; 10706不可知論 < agnosticism; 10707不切實際 < unrealistic; 10708典型用途 < typical\-use; 10709富於想像 < imaginative; 10710巡邏艇 < patrol\-boat; 10711不含糊 < unambiguous; 10712本土化 < to\-localize; 10713即刻 < immediately; 10714安全燈 < safety\-lamp; 10715勘探 < exploration; 10716有意思 < interesting; 10717博取 < try\-to\-gain; 10718窗玻璃 < window\-pane; 10719放棄 < to\-renounce; 10720冰蛋 < frozen\-eggs; 10721郵局 < post\-office; 10722雙數 < even\-number; 10723蒐尋 < to\-look\-for; 10724白道 < moon''s\-path; 10725動態 < development; 10726永久 < everlasting; 10727發送 < to\-transmit; 10728配備 < to\-allocate; 10729新西蘭 < new\-zealand; 10730比如 < for\-example; 10731國事訪問 < state\-visit; 10732克裡姆林宮 < the\-kremlin; 10733多山 < mountainous; 10734半半拉拉 < incompleted; 10735電工 < electrician; 10736紅色 < red\-\(color\); 10737描述 < to\-describe; 10738十億 < one\-billion; 10739不可分離 < inseparable; 10740兵蟻 < soldier\-ant; 10741毀壞 < destruction; 10742削減 < to\-cut\-down; 10743日中 < japan\-china; 10744電纜調制解調器 < cable\-modem; 10745隨時 < at\-any\-time; 10746一千零五十億 < 105\-billion; 10747長談 < a\-long\-talk; 10748補選 < by\-election; 10749敗血症 < septicaemia; 10750無產階級 < proletariat; 10751落後 < fall\-behind; 10752分佈式 < distrubuted; 10753失去意識 < unconscious; 10754推遲 < to\-postpone; 10755百萬富翁 < millionaire; 10756貴族社會 < aristocracy; 10757操法 < drill\-rules; 10758軍隊 < army\-troops; 10759樹葉 < tree\-leaves; 10760剛架 < rigid\-frame; 10761談到 < to\-refer\-to; 10762再者 < furthermore; 10763調制 < to\-modulate; 10764基石 < cornerstone; 10765往事 < past\-events; 10766麀 < female\-deer; 10767大功 < great\-merit; 10768有些人 < some\-people; 10769裁軍 < disarmament; 10770誡命 < commandment; 10771鸏 < tropic\-bird; 10772內臣 < chamberlain; 10773波多黎各 < puerto\-rico; 10774鴺 < the\-pelican; 10775立法機關 < legislature; 10776鱠 < minced\-fish; 10777鬙 < matted\-hair; 10778坦蕩 < magnanimous; 10779不吐氣 < unaspirated; 10780主要原因 < main\-reason; 10781增強 < to\-increase; 10782驔 < black\-horse; 10783驇 < heavy\-horse; 10784有經驗 < experienced; 10785限於 < restrict\-at; 10786閉經 < amenorrhoea; 10787認出 < recognition; 10788免職 < degradation; 10789工程 < engineering; 10790記得 < to\-remember; 10791擺布 < order\-about; 10792頋 < to\-care\-for; 10793透明 < transparent; 10794力圖 < try\-hard\-to; 10795有生以來 < since\-birth; 10796鞫 < interrogate; 10797貝加爾湖 < lake\-baikal; 10798典禮 < celebration; 10799刑期 < prison\-term; 10800精簡 < to\-simplify; 10801和平會談 < peace\-talks; 10802花茶 < scented\-tea; 10803散佈 < disseminate; 10804簿記 < bookkeeping; 10805太平洋週邊 < pacific\-rim; 10806觸怒 < provocation; 10807攪和 < to\-mix\-\(up\); 10808週年 < anniversary; 10809絕望 < desperation; 10810敗仗 < lost\-battle; 10811不變價格 < fixed\-price; 10812鐦 < californium; 10813結束 < termination; 10814無意 < inadvertant; 10815鏻 < phosphonium; 10816男朋友 < male\-friend; 10817相比 < compared\-to; 10818覆沒 < annihilated; 10819白皮書 < white\-paper; 10820鍐 < a\-headstall; 10821眉梢 < tip\-of\-brow; 10822切換 < to\-cut\-over; 10823翻譯者 < interpreter; 10824兩百 < two\-hundred; 10825女繼承人 < inheritress; 10826假設語氣 < subjunctive; 10827地心吸力 < gravitation; 10828醹 < strong\-wine; 10829醓 < salted\-meat; 10830不注意 < thoughtless; 10831評價 < to\-evaluate; 10832酏 < millet\-wine; 10833保不住 < most\-likely; 10834崩裂 < burst\-apart; 10835巴哈馬 < the\-bahamas; 10836激光二極管 < laser\-diode; 10837發送器 < transmitter; 10838加以 < in\-addition; 10839按鈕 < push\-button; 10840迊 < to\-go\-round; 10841報應 < retribution; 10842幾年 < a\-few\-years; 10843盼望 < to\-hope\-for; 10844隊員 < team\-member; 10845行蹤 < whereabouts; 10846支付 < pay\-\(money\); 10847第一章 < chapter\-one; 10848運貨馬車 < cargo\-wagon; 10849表語 < predicative; 10850輦 < a\-hand\-cart; 10851註冊 < to\-register; 10852附屬 < subordinate; 10853連環圖 < comic\-strip; 10854偽軍 < puppet\-army; 10855優秀 < outstanding; 10856贗 < counterfeit; 10857貘 < the\-panther; 10858體貼 < considerate; 10859豦 < a\-wild\-boar; 10860豘 < a\-small\-pig; 10861執政 < be\-in\-power; 10862在地下 < underground; 10863第三世界 < third\-world; 10864魚竿 < fishing\-rod; 10865無關緊要 < indifferent; 10866希望 < ro\-wish\-for; 10867約會 < appointment; 10868體認 < realization; 10869幸好 < fortunately; 10870授粉 < pollination; 10871觱 < tartar\-horn; 10872褵 < bridal\-veil; 10873製片 < moviemaking; 10874傳真機 < fax\-machine; 10875機會 < opportunity; 10876關押 < put\-in\-jail; 10877大便乾燥 < constipated; 10878裝甲車 < armored\-car; 10879蠋 < caterpillar; 10880不偏不倚 < even\-handed; 10881蟛 < a\-land\-crab; 10882灌溉 < to\-irrigate; 10883通告 < to\-announce; 10884蝛 < the\-sow\-bug; 10885蝍 < a\-centipede; 10886驕陽 < blazing\-sun; 10887前任 < predecessor; 10888藚 < water\-plant; 10889分散注意 < to\-distract; 10890藄 < edible\-fern; 10891軟碟 < floppy\-disk; 10892蓪 < paper\-plant; 10893蓂 < lucky\-place; 10894蒭 < to\-cutgrass; 10895萐 < lucky\-plant; 10896菢 < to\-incubate; 10897獲益者 < beneficiary; 10898屏門 < screen\-door; 10899拜訪 < pay\-a\-visit; 10900半透明 < translucent; 10901艗 < bow\-of\-junk; 10902退出 < to\-withdraw; 10903採煤 < coal\-mining; 10904第一流 < first\-class; 10905平凡 < commonplace; 10906謀殺案 < murder\-case; 10907括號 < parenthesis; 10908胔 < rotten\-meat; 10909肈 < to\-commence; 10910聦 < the\-hearing; 10911耑 < specialized; 10912羖 < a\-black\-ram; 10913獎學金 < scholarship; 10914罱 < fishing\-net; 10915滲透 < to\-permeate; 10916罠 < animal\-trap; 10917罒 < radical\-122; 10918偷聽 < to\-evesdrop; 10919出兵 < send\-troops; 10920培土 < to\-earth\-up; 10921開戰 < start\-a\-war; 10922分佈 < distributed; 10923迷人 < fascinating; 10924不動產 < real\-estate; 10925糢 < rice\-snacks; 10926出來 < to\-come\-out; 10927信道 < signal\-path; 10928啟示錄 < revelations; 10929簹 < tall\-bamboo; 10930簵 < fine\-bamboo; 10931簰 < bamboo\-raft; 10932魔法 < enchantment; 10933申請 < apply\-\(for\); 10934第三方 < third\-party; 10935筩 < bamboo\-pipe; 10936筊 < bamboo\-rope; 10937筇 < bamboo\-name; 10938跑車 < racing\-bike; 10939笯 < a\-bird\-cage; 10940表蒙子 < watch\-glass; 10941擺架子 < put\-on\-airs; 10942窸 < faint\-sound; 10943不確定 < uncertainty; 10944八年 < eight\-years; 10945穵 < deep\-hollow; 10946超級市場 < supermarket; 10947磹 < stone\-wedge; 10948碔 < \/2\-pr\-stone; 10949籌款 < fundraising; 10950域名 < domain\-name; 10951砃 < white\-stone; 10952瞵 < to\-stare\-at; 10953古典派 < classicists; 10954八字 < character\-8; 10955相似 < to\-resemble; 10956挪用 < to\-embezzle; 10957可行性 < feasibility; 10958眥 < eye\-sockets; 10959眑 < sunken\-eyes; 10960眊 < dim\-sighted; 10961瘚 < to\-hiccough; 10962痳 < pock\-marked; 10963痭 < menorrhagia; 10964痃 < indigestion; 10965裝扮 < dress\-up\-as; 10966城區 < city\-proper; 10967溝通 < communicate; 10968為了 < in\-order\-to; 10969白宮 < white\-house; 10970合法化 < to\-legalize; 10971冠冕 < royal\-crown; 10972珽 < jade\-tablet; 10973像樣 < presentable; 10974巧合 < coincidence; 10975狢 < animal\-name; 10976戰車 < war\-chariot; 10977探照燈 < searchlight; 10978安寧片 < meprobamate; 10979白夜 < white\-night; 10980是不是 < is\-or\-isn''t; 10981花店 < flower\-shop; 10982便覽 < brief\-guide; 10983燖 < reheat\-food; 10984舊版 < old\-version; 10985多工器 < multiplexer; 10986煟 < bright\-room; 10987煏 < dry\-by\-fire; 10988煆 < raging\-fire; 10989因此 < that\-is\-why; 10990潾 < clear\-water; 10991勞動力 < labor\-force; 10992語言學 < linguistics; 10993潠 < to\-blow\-out; 10994滷 < thick\-gravy; 10995分期付款 < installment; 10996瑞雪 < timely\-snow; 10997渟 < not\-flowing; 10998公元 < \(year\)\-a\.d\.; 10999浡 < burst\-forth; 11000幸運兒 < a\-lucky\-guy; 11001沰 < to\-let\-drop; 11002色情 < pornography; 11003本質上 < essentially; 11004地下水 < groundwater; 11005申請書 < application; 11006殰 < an\-abortion; 11007白刃 < naked\-sword; 11008發出 < to\-send\-out; 11009教育性 < instructive; 11010就職 < take\-office; 11011繼承權 < inheritance; 11012槢 < a\-hard\-wood; 11013拔營 < strike\-camp; 11014把穩 < trustworthy; 11015梘 < bamboo\-tube; 11016梖 < a\-palm\-tree; 11017梄 < a\-soft\-wood; 11018世界貿易 < world\-trade; 11019舒服 < comfortable; 11020昜 < to\-open\-out; 11021昉 < bright\-dawn; 11022旉 < to\-state\-to; 11023手續 < formalities; 11024按期 < on\-schedule; 11025摎 < to\-strangle; 11026敗家子 < spendthrift; 11027踩水 < tread\-water; 11028宣言 < declaration; 11029莎士比亞 < shakespeare; 11030局限性 < limitations; 11031慉 < to\-bring\-up; 11032售貨員 < salesperson; 11033可尊敬 < respectable; 11034偷懶 < to\-goof\-off; 11035鼻音 < nasal\-sound; 11036非數字 < non\-numeric; 11037徻 < a\-wide\-room; 11038困境 < predicament; 11039爆米花 < puffed\-rice; 11040三十天 < thirty\-days; 11041滲濾 < percolation; 11042弰 < ends\-of\-bow; 11043四分之一 < one\-quarter; 11044病容 < sickly\-look; 11045成績 < performance; 11046人間 < man''s\-world; 11047端站 < end\-station; 11048茅屋頂 < thatch\-roof; 11049衍射 < diffraction; 11050崪 < rocky\-peaks; 11051回報 < \(in\)\-return; 11052三十四 < thirty\-four; 11053屰 < disobedient; 11054屝 < straw\-shoes; 11055尜 < a\-child\-toy; 11056器官捐獻者 < organ\-donor; 11057訊框傳送 < frame\-relay; 11058性伴侶 < sex\-partner; 11059嬔 < baby\-rabbit; 11060或稱 < also\-called; 11061乳白色 < milky\-white; 11062畫插圖者 < illustrator; 11063第二次世界大戰 < world\-war\-2; 11064高壓 < high\-handed; 11065塿 < small\-mound; 11066仲裁 < arbitration; 11067堊 < white\-earth; 11068垝 < dilapidated; 11069垔 < to\-restrain; 11070值得 < to\-be\-worth; 11071異常 < exceptional; 11072鑽孔 < bore\-a\-hole; 11073蓋然性 < probability; 11074文件服務器 < file\-server; 11075當局 < authorities; 11076喎 < a\-wry\-mouth; 11077高唱 < sing\-loudly; 11078越南戰爭 < vietnam\-war; 11079唹 < to\-smile\-at; 11080介詞 < preposition; 11081可能性 < possibility; 11082咅 < to\-spit\-out; 11083舞劇 < dance\-drama; 11084叻 < place\-names; 11085厾 < lightly\-tap; 11086傑出 < illustrious; 11087疆場 < battlefield; 11088登山家 < mountaineer; 11089信服 < to\-convince; 11090匯 < a\-concourse; 11091勠 < join\-forces; 11092無所不在 < omnipresent; 11093劼 < be\-discreet; 11094脾氣 < temperament; 11095不出所料 < as\-expected; 11096上齒 < upper\-teeth; 11097慰藉 < consolation; 11098剦 < to\-castrate; 11099板規 < plate\-gauge; 11100凩 < wintry\-wind; 11101病人 < sick\-person; 11102鑒定 < to\-appraise; 11103世界和平 < world\-piece; 11104備件 < spare\-parts; 11105哲學家 < philosopher; 11106生成 < be\-produced; 11107便桶 < chamber\-pot; 11108傏 < to\-ward\-off; 11109脫氧 < deoxidation; 11110情願 < willingness; 11111生態 < way\-of\-life; 11112指出 < to\-indicate; 11113俛 < make\-effort; 11114系列片 < film\-series; 11115阿富汗 < afghanistan; 11116佹 < depend\-upon; 11117洛杉磯 < los\-angeles; 11118扁桃 < almond\-tree; 11119跋扈 < domineering; 11120䶪 < sharp\-teeth; 11121陰涼處 < shady\-place; 11122修復 < restoration; 11123䵴 < black\-color; 11124䵳 < light\-black; 11125䵩 < dark\-yellow; 11126筆心 < pencil\-lead; 11127䲻 < the\-swallow; 11128信息 < information; 11129䱽 < the\-pomfret; 11130䱺 < a\-male\-crab; 11131䱒 < salted\-fish; 11132轉來轉去 < rove\-around; 11133不顧 < in\-spite\-of; 11134䮘 < young\-horse; 11135立法 < legislation; 11136對方 < counterpart; 11137空白 < blank\-space; 11138男女 < male\-female; 11139䫳 < human\-skull; 11140䫰 < sparse\-hair; 11141䫭 < bald\-headed; 11142針鋒相對 < tit\-for\-tat; 11143䫄 < better\-than; 11144䪴 < the\-occiput; 11145伸縮性 < flexibility; 11146䪄 < great\-blaze; 11147䩻 < to\-be\-chief; 11148䩜 < descendants; 11149閉會祈禱 < benediction; 11150䨱 < spilt\-water; 11151䧓 < a\-big\-mound; 11152䦷 < to\-struggle; 11153當做 < to\-treat\-as; 11154䦘 < a\-threshold; 11155閉元音 < close\-vowel; 11156䥀 < to\-pull\-out; 11157䤭 < to\-ornament; 11158䤅 < southerwood; 11159跛子 < lame\-person; 11160不可估量 < inestimable; 11161五萬 < 50\-thousand; 11162䠝 < to\-stand\-up; 11163䠍 < at\-the\-feet; 11164最大化 < to\-maximize; 11165䟅 < to\-go\-ahead; 11166䟁 < a\-foot\-race; 11167䞽 < to\-lie\-flat; 11168䞨 < half\-a\-pace; 11169䞄 < to\-disperse; 11170䝀 < garden\-peas; 11171䜰 < deep\-valley; 11172保存 < to\-conserve; 11173䜗 < angry\-words; 11174䜆 < hasty\-words; 11175䛘 < to\-think\-of; 11176䚳 < do\-not\-know; 11177䚲 < to\-laugh\-at; 11178淘神 < troublesome; 11179䙾 < to\-wait\-for; 11180䙱 < a\-long\-coat; 11181䙰 < new\-feather; 11182䙂 < short\-pants; 11183筆墨 < pen\-and\-ink; 11184䗖 < the\-rainbow; 11185薑餅 < gingerbread; 11186第十七 < seventeenth; 11187䕸 < wheat\-straw; 11188溫度 < temperature; 11189䔿 < lush\-growth; 11190跑壘 < baserunning; 11191開放系統 < open\-system; 11192蜜桃 < honey\-peach; 11193鑒于 < in\-light\-of; 11194䒋 < air\-current; 11195可驚 < astonishing; 11196有限公司 < corporation; 11197空間探測 < space\-probe; 11198䐚 < good\-graces; 11199䏶 < the\-stomach; 11200䏔 < to\-eat\-meat; 11201便宜 < inexpensive; 11202哲學上 < philosophic; 11203否有效 < inefficient; 11204不迭 < cannot\-cope; 11205北朝鮮 < north\-korea; 11206䌪 < to\-continue; 11207䌦 < green\-color; 11208吉爾吉斯斯坦 < kirghizstan; 11209手寫 < handwriting; 11210䊭 < to\-overturn; 11211䊫 < coarse\-rice; 11212䊢 < thick\-fluid; 11213䊓 < to\-paste\-up; 11214下載 < to\-download; 11215䉝 < bamboo\-ware; 11216䈸 < a\-big\-chest; 11217踏上 < set\-foot\-on; 11218䆳 < far\-distant; 11219䆘 < acupuncture; 11220䆖 < a\-big\-house; 11221䅄 < long\-grains; 11222䄽 < common\-rice; 11223䃭 < a\-stone\-box; 11224環形 < ring\-shaped; 11225䂱 < to\-wear\-out; 11226䂓 < regulations; 11227䁻 < pretty\-eyes; 11228䁷 < bright\-eyes; 11229䁱 < hollow\-eyed; 11230佈景 < \(stage\)\-set; 11231䀂 < a\-big\-basin; 11232基礎問題 < basic\-issue; 11233㿣 < white\-color; 11234㿘 < to\-get\-sick; 11235㾺 < eye\-disease; 11236㾝 < to\-leak\-out; 11237騷動 < disturbance; 11238㾈 < hunchbacked; 11239㾃 < hump\-backed; 11240㽪 < paddy\-field; 11241悲觀 < pessimistic; 11242口香糖 < chewing\-gum; 11243㼘 < of\-mountain; 11244㼓 < melon\-seeds; 11245西乃山 < mount\-sinai; 11246㻓 < a\-fine\-jade; 11247美貌 < goodlooking; 11248麻藥 < anaesthetic; 11249㹠 < a\-small\-big; 11250邁阿密灘 < miami\-beach; 11251㸠 < thick\-stick; 11252小型 < small\-scale; 11253㵤 < to\-overflow; 11254㴘 < to\-ooze\-out; 11255金屬板 < metal\-plate; 11256㲰 < a\-hairy\-dog; 11257㰲 < to\-blow\-off; 11258㯈 < small\-trees; 11259題詞 < inscription; 11260㮝 < angle\-steel; 11261㭴 < the\-oscines; 11262㭎 < a\-tall\-tree; 11263趣味 < to\-interest; 11264信仰 < firm\-belief; 11265㬩 < a\-tiny\-star; 11266股東 < stockholder; 11267鎮壓 < suppression; 11268㫘 < disappeared; 11269板牙 < front\-tooth; 11270泳褲 < swim\-trunks; 11271同質 < homogeneous; 11272㩅 < to\-draw\-out; 11273兩百萬 < two\-million; 11274㨵 < to\-cut\-away; 11275㨴 < to\-turnover; 11276㨕 < to\-shoulder; 11277環境 < environment; 11278㧔 < to\-disturbe; 11279修理廠 < repair\-shop; 11280㦒 < to\-deceived; 11281㤡 < to\-surprise; 11282㤕 < melancholoy; 11283㤁 < to\-disgrace; 11284㣾 < do\-not\-care; 11285㣵 < to\-run\-away; 11286㣥 < to\-store\-up; 11287㢓 < to\-separate; 11288果汁 < fruit\-juice; 11289耕畜 < farm\-animal; 11290增長率 < growth\-rate; 11291重返 < return\-\(to\); 11292丟臉 < humiliation; 11293㝴 < a\-round\-off; 11294㝔 < deep\-bottom; 11295我國 < our\-country; 11296㜣 < a\-last\-name; 11297㜎 < slave\-girls; 11298㛑 < three\-women; 11299㚾 < to\-have\-fun; 11300玻意耳定律 < boyle''s\-law; 11301㘶 < a\-hen\-roost; 11302身心爽快 < refreshment; 11303㘥 < to\-inveigle; 11304佈局 < arrangement; 11305他們都 < all\-of\-them; 11306變通 < be\-flexible; 11307鼻涕 < nasal\-mucus; 11308㖽 < to\-call\-out; 11309貸款 < \(bank\)\-loan; 11310㖑 < to\-shout\-at; 11311㔼 < to\-fit\-into; 11312㔶 < a\-small\-cup; 11313㔏 < to\-cut\-open; 11314㓩 < horned\-hair; 11315準備 < preparation; 11316㒨 < an\-immortal; 11317安康 < good\-health; 11318預計 < to\-forecast; 11319祭司權術 < priestcraft; 11320類似點 < resemblance; 11321量詞 < meaure\-word; 11322雙人房 < double\-room; 11323名著 < masterpiece; 11324美術館 < art\-gallery; 11325任意 < arbitrarily; 11326安家 < settle\-down; 11327饒恕 < forgiveness; 11328宇宙 < outer\-space; 11329瑞士 < switzerland; 11330在這期間 < during\-time; 11331喇叭 < loudspeaker; 11332約伯記 < book\-of\-job; 11333無法忍受 < intolerable; 11334悲喜劇 < tragicomedy; 11335駁倒 < demolish\-sb; 11336半封建 < semi\-feudal; 11337浴池 < public\-bath; 11338反動分子 < reactionary; 11339實質性 < substantive; 11340變壓器 < transformer; 11341使用方便 < easy\-to\-use; 11342奔馳 < run\-quickly; 11343現年 < current\-age; 11344無法形容 < unspeakable; 11345蘋果汁 < apple\-juice; 11346示範 < demonstrate; 11347交換 < to\-exchange; 11348藥物 < medicaments; 11349有同情心 < sympathetic; 11350暗記兒 < secret\-mark; 11351鄙陋 < superficial; 11352夜鶯 < nightingale; 11353餐廳 < dining\-hall; 11354威脅 < to\-threaten; 11355空前 < unprecedent; 11356預約 < reservation; 11357碰見 < to\-run\-into; 11358查出 < to\-find\-out; 11359半邊 < half\-of\-sth; 11360暗示 < drop\-a\-hint; 11361交往 < association; 11362配送者 < distributor; 11363書法 < calligraphy; 11364金銀花 < honeysuckle; 11365元老院 < upper\-house; 11366卓越 < distinction; 11367股價 < stock\-price; 11368九月 < ninth\-month; 11369主權 < sovereignty; 11370可想像 < conceivable; 11371多餘 < superfluous; 11372聽取 < hear\-\(news\); 11373感性 < sensibility; 11374商人 < businessman; 11375禁止 < to\-prohibit; 11376秉承 < take\-orders; 11377售價 < to\-sell\-for; 11378嬌媚 < flirtatious; 11379頁碼 < page\-number; 11380交媾 < to\-have\-sex; 11381上流 < upper\-class; 11382信用卡 < credit\-card; 11383霸道 < overbearing; 11384波瀾 < great\-waves; 11385不止 < incessantly; 11386爭議 < controversy; 11387中東 < middle\-east; 11388女管家 < housekeeper; 11389一千四百億 < 140\-billion; 11390丹方 < folk\-remedy; 11391重疊 < overlapping; 11392中日 < china\-japan; 11393自由選擇權 < free\-agency; 11394喜歡吵架 < quarrelsome; 11395有害的 < destructive; 11396重現 < to\-reappear; 11397模糊邏輯 < fuzzy\-logic; 11398靶船 < target\-ship; 11399千萬 < ten\-million; 11400一月 < first\-month; 11401犯病 < to\-fall\-ill; 11402同步 < synchronous; 11403哺乳 < breast\-feed; 11404主張 < to\-advocate; 11405婚期 < wedding\-day; 11406暗殺 < assassinate; 11407主席 < chairperson; 11408危篤 < deathly\-ill; 11409互動 < interactive; 11410天然氣 < natural\-gas; 11411供血者 < blood\-donor; 11412中年 < middle\-aged; 11413營養品 < nourishment; 11414貝丘 < shell\-mound; 11415意向 < disposition; 11416適應性 < suitability; 11417沈澱 < precipitate; 11418天文台 < observatory; 11419鑿石場 < rock\-quarry; 11420就﹍而言 < considering; 11421三年 < three\-years; 11422 < a\-high\-hill; 11423上層 < upper\-layer; 11424壯觀 < spectacular; 11425有選舉權 < constituent; 11426政變 < coup\-d''etat; 11427神學 < theological; 11428測驗結果 < test\-result; 11429合影 < joint\-photo; 11430如畫 < picturesque; 11431不堪 < cannot\-bear; 11432終點 < destination; 11433爆竹 < firecracker; 11434管家職務 < stewardship; 11435小汽車 < compact\-car; 11436特權 < prerogative; 11437螺絲刀 < screwdriver; 11438狗交媾般 < doggy\-style; 11439分離 < to\-seperate; 11440副作用 < side\-effect; 11441禁令 < prohibition; 11442不免 < unavoidable; 11443誓約 < honor\-bound; 11444證書 < credentials; 11445沈思 < contemplate; 11446解釋 < explanation; 11447礁島 < reef\-island; 11448榮獲諾貝爾獎 < nobel\-prize; 11449二十億 < two\-billion; 11450迎風 < in\-the\-wind; 11451移植性 < portability; 11452如此 < in\-this\-way; 11453悠久 < established; 11454專有名詞 < proper\-noun; 11455上下 < up\-and\-down; 11456二十五 < twenty\-five; 11457朋比為奸 < to\-conspire; 11458搬弄是非 < sow\-discord; 11459的 < possessive; 11460込 < crowd\-into; 11461辻 < crossroads; 11462能 < to\-be\-able; 11463都 < metropolis; 11464文 < literature; 11465轍 < wagon\-ruts; 11466輩 < generation; 11467眩 < to\-confuse; 11468眠 < close\-eyes; 11469輝 < brightness; 11470弐 < number\-two; 11471者 < that\-which; 11472业 < profession; 11473府 < prefecture; 11474政 < government; 11475产 < give\-birth; 11476场 < open\-space; 11477比 < to\-compare; 11478疲 < feel\-tired; 11479画 < a\-painting; 11480望 < to\-look\-at; 11481賺 < make\-money; 11482六 < number\-six; 11483屡 < frequently; 11484尤 < especially; 11485專 < monopolize; 11486基 < foundation; 11487双 < set\-of\-two; 11488孫 < grandchild; 11489嬪 < court\-lady; 11490离 < rare\-beast; 11491媒 < go\-between; 11492誌 < write\-down; 11493誇 < exaggerate; 11494响 < make\-sound; 11495婿 < son\-in\-law; 11496爭 < to\-dispute; 11497器 < receptacle; 11498營 < encampment; 11499妙 < mysterious; 11500胡 < recklessly; 11501妓 < prostitute; 11502襦 < short\-coat; 11503壱 < number\-one; 11504郭 < outer\-part; 11505讨 < to\-discuss; 11506滅 < extinguish; 11507虜 < to\-capture; 11508积 < accumulate; 11509菜 < vegetables; 11510嗣 < to\-connect; 11511嗜 < be\-fond\-of; 11512介 < forerunner; 11513索 < large\-rope; 11514丁 < male\-adult; 11515遍 < everywhere; 11516蒔 < transplant; 11517懂 < understand; 11518释 < interprete; 11519纵 < indulge\-in; 11520歴 < take\-place; 11521仁 < humaneness; 11522檀 < sandalwood; 11523削 < scrape\-off; 11524刑 < punishment; 11525岂 < how\?\-what\?; 11526隆 < prosperous; 11527刃 < edged\-tool; 11528析 < split\-wood; 11529腸 < intestines; 11530楓 < maple\-tree; 11531餅 < rice\-cakes; 11532傍 < by\-side\-of; 11533栓 < wooden\-peg; 11534凯 < triumphant; 11535恭 < respectful; 11536祸 < misfortune; 11537禅 < meditation; 11538柯 < axe\-handle; 11539捐 < contribute; 11540踪 < footprints; 11541屁 < break\-wind; 11542谊 < friendship; 11543储 < save\-money; 11544雁 < wild\-goose; 11545摊 < spread\-out; 11546吨 < metric\-ton; 11547乍 < first\-time; 11548陀 < steep\-bank; 11549綿 < cotton\-wad; 11550綱 < heavy\-rope; 11551抑 < press\-down; 11552彬 < cultivated; 11553撮 < little\-bit; 11554粥 < rice\-gruel; 11555蛮 < barbarians; 11556箸 < chopsticks; 11557筵 < bamboo\-mat; 11558艇 < small\-boat; 11559捌 < break\-open; 11560笠 < bamboo\-hat; 11561庞 < disorderly; 11562竝 < to\-combine; 11563扉 < door\-panel; 11564坝 < embankment; 11565憧 < irresolute; 11566甩 < throw\-away; 11567酌 < serve\-wine; 11568磐 < large\-rock; 11569辅 < cheek\-bone; 11570捡 < to\-pick\-up; 11571蹈 < stamp\-feet; 11572晒 < dry\-in\-sun; 11573歼 < annihilate; 11574涩 < astringent; 11575霎 < light\-rain; 11576绸 < silk\-cloth; 11577眯 < be\-blinded; 11578寅 < to\-respect; 11579眶 < eye\-socket; 11580碟 < small\-dish; 11581蕴 < to\-collect; 11582迭 < repeatedly; 11583旭 < rising\-sun; 11584悍 < courageous; 11585枢 < door\-hinge; 11586跋 < go\-by\-foot; 11587圪 < \(phonetic\); 11588搔 < to\-scratch; 11589嚎 < cry\-loudly; 11590汛 < high\-water; 11591脯 < dried\-meat; 11592嗒 < to\-despair; 11593墟 < high\-mound; 11594馋 < gluttonous; 11595蹭 < to\-shuffle; 11596澈 < thoroughly; 11597缭 < wind\-round; 11598喳 < whispering; 11599弧 < wooden\-bow; 11600惆 < distressed; 11601撵 < drive\-away; 11602轶 < rush\-forth; 11603窿 < mine\-shaft; 11604樵 < woodcutter; 11605犀 < rhinoceros; 11606绚 < variegated; 11607藕 < lotus\-root; 11608摞 < to\-pile\-up; 11609滤 < strain\-out; 11610缈 < indistinct; 11611肪 < animal\-fat; 11612甄 < to\-examine; 11613铛 < frying\-pan; 11614嫡 < legal\-wife; 11615磷 < phosphorus; 11616翡 < kingfisher; 11617霭 < cloudy\-sky; 11618舫 < fancy\-boat; 11619纨 < white\-silk; 11620榷 < footbridge; 11621蔗 < sugar\-cane; 11622彗 < broomstick; 11623喟 < heave\-sigh; 11624喑 < to\-be\-dumb; 11625鱿 < cuttlefish; 11626倜 < raise\-high; 11627滂 < torrential; 11628忻 < delightful; 11629燧 < flintstone; 11630稔 < ripe\-grain; 11631颉 < fly\-upward; 11632舸 < large\-boat; 11633眙 < to\-gaze\-at; 11634瘀 < a\-hematoma; 11635夯 < heavy\-load; 11636鲠 < fish\-bones; 11637茏 < tall\-grass; 11638茯 < china\-root; 11639鲧 < giant\-fish; 11640逦 < meandering; 11641骜 < wild\-horse; 11642欹 < fierce\-dog; 11643缛 < decorative; 11644苕 < rush\-plant; 11645顸 < large\-face; 11646缦 < plain\-silk; 11647帙 < book\-cover; 11648鳃 < fish\-gills; 11649醴 < sweet\-wine; 11650辊 < turn\-round; 11651岘 < steep\-hill; 11652倬 < noticeable; 11653鲞 < dried\-fish; 11654缁 < black\-silk; 11655箧 < rattan\-box; 11656墁 < to\-plaster; 11657罴 < brown\-bear; 11658爰 < lead\-on\-to; 11659杲 < bright\-sun; 11660癔 < hysterical; 11661莜 < avena\-nuda; 11662埙 < instrument; 11663獾 < the\-badger; 11664郫 < place\-name; 11665蛏 < razor\-clam; 11666帑 < a\-treasury; 11667揠 < to\-pull\-up; 11668趑 < can''t\-move; 11669阍 < gatekeeper; 11670掊 < to\-extract; 11671镝 < dysprosium; 11672砗 < giant\-clam; 11673嫫 < ugly\-woman; 11674跗 < the\-instep; 11675浼 < to\-request; 11676嗌 < the\-throat; 11677汆 < to\-parboil; 11678刭 < cut\-throat; 11679髂 < the\-pelvis; 11680钼 < molybdenum; 11681憝 < to\-dislike; 11682炅 < brilliance; 11683隳 < to\-destroy; 11684茛 < ranunculus; 11685糇 < dried\-rice; 11686钆 < gadolinium; 11687澌 < to\-exhaust; 11688庀 < to\-prepare; 11689犴 < a\-wild\-dog; 11690埏 < a\-boundary; 11691谮 < to\-slander; 11692縮短 < to\-curtail; 11693改組 < reorganize; 11694沒問題 < no\-problem; 11695第五類 < category\-5; 11696擁護 < to\-endorse; 11697進行 < to\-advance; 11698奔波 < rush\-about; 11699後母 < stepmother; 11700散發 < distribute; 11701失火 < catch\-fire; 11702誕生 < to\-be\-born; 11703多爾 < \(bob\)\-dole; 11704巴枯寧主義 < bakuninism; 11705彼此 < each\-other; 11706預先 < beforehand; 11707關門 < close\-down; 11708違背 < to\-violate; 11709冰染染料 < azoic\-dyes; 11710統計 < statistics; 11711函購 < mail\-order; 11712壁立 < \(of\-cliffs; 11713春季 < springtime; 11714頒佈 < promulgate; 11715每次 < every\-time; 11716編程 < to\-program; 11717分詞 < participle; 11718後期 < late\-stage; 11719效用 < usefulness; 11720糧食 < foodstuffs; 11721荒野 < wilderness; 11722撒謊 < tell\-a\-lie; 11723燃燒 < combustion; 11724弄直 < straighten; 11725遷移 < to\-migrate; 11726非官方 < unofficial; 11727大氣 < atmosphere; 11728認為 < to\-believe; 11729降落 < to\-descend; 11730前者 < the\-former; 11731效率 < efficiency; 11732靶心 < bull''s\-eye; 11733國民黨 < kuomintang; 11734勃然 < agitatedly; 11735講師 < instructor; 11736取代 < substitute; 11737新教 < protestant; 11738多次 < many\-times; 11739奇數 < odd\-number; 11740必將 < inevitably; 11741陰精 < sex\-fluids; 11742白色體 < leucoplast; 11743妖嬈 < enchanting; 11744不耐煩 < impatience; 11745百分率 < percentage; 11746繼承 < to\-inherit; 11747令牌環 < token\-ring; 11748操縱 < to\-operate; 11749全面 < all\-around; 11750四個小時 < four\-hours; 11751厘升 < centiliter; 11752調整 < adjustment; 11753荒謬 < ridiculous; 11754自白書 < confession; 11755展覽會 < exhibition; 11756白頭 < hoary\-head; 11757天文學家 < astronomer; 11758決不 < not\-at\-all; 11759說明 < to\-explain; 11760眼花繚亂 < be\-dazzled; 11761魯佛爾宮 < the\-louvre; 11762出色 < remarkable; 11763不堪忍受 < unbearable; 11764高速率 < high\-speed; 11765免除 < to\-prevent; 11766妥協 < compromise; 11767巨輪 < large\-ship; 11768照片 < photograph; 11769附筆 < postscript; 11770親自 < personally; 11771說不出話來 < speechless; 11772娛樂中心 < recreation; 11773改正 < to\-correct; 11774大城市 < major\-city; 11775自由貿易 < free\-trade; 11776半圓 < semicircle; 11777爭奪 < fight\-over; 11778短期 < short\-term; 11779每年 < every\-year; 11780喬治敦 < georgetown; 11781三分之二 < two\-thirds; 11782傳道者 < missionary; 11783敵手 < antagonist; 11784印像 < impression; 11785不可能 < impossible; 11786精通 < proficient; 11787很大 < tremendous; 11788白酒 < spirit\-usu; 11789錄音帶 < audio\-tape; 11790草莓 < strawberry; 11791錫安山 < mount\-zion; 11792塔吉克斯坦 < tajikistan; 11793報章 < newspapers; 11794多年 < many\-years; 11795語彙 < vocabulary; 11796早先 < previously; 11797總統任期 < presidency; 11798牌價 < list\-price; 11799巫術 < witchcraft; 11800過渡 < transition; 11801探險 < to\-explore; 11802大學 < university; 11803無理 < irrational; 11804半價 < half\-price; 11805區別 < difference; 11806關聯 < be\-related; 11807硬磁盤 < hard\-drive; 11808地震 < earthquake; 11809觀眾 < spectators; 11810排隊 < to\-line\-up; 11811攪擾 < to\-disturb; 11812不可逾越 < impassable; 11813數學 < mathematic; 11814熱心 < enthusiasm; 11815加利福尼亞 < california; 11816歷史上 < historical; 11817記帳員 < bookkeeper; 11818電子 < electronic; 11819白話 < vernacular; 11820炸糕 < fried\-cake; 11821散射 < scattering; 11822蓋世 < unrivelled; 11823編排 < to\-arrange; 11824捕魚 < catch\-fish; 11825允諾 < to\-promise; 11826調和 < harmonious; 11827後來 < afterwards; 11828使失望 < disappoint; 11829大喜 < exultation; 11830設施 < facilities; 11831方便 < convenient; 11832此後 < after\-this; 11833座標 < coordinate; 11834經歷 < experience; 11835樂觀 < optimistic; 11836太古 < immemorial; 11837離婚 < to\-divorce; 11838教堂墓地 < churchyard; 11839龢 < in\-harmony; 11840燈塔 < lighthouse; 11841出版 < to\-publish; 11842兵船 < man\-of\-war; 11843行政長官 < magistrate; 11844鼧 < the\-marmot; 11845鼄 < the\-spider; 11846黹 < embroidery; 11847黲 < grey\-black; 11848黤 < blue\-black; 11849傷風 < catch\-cold; 11850放射 < to\-radiate; 11851比例 < proportion; 11852鸺 < horned\-owl; 11853隨後 < soon\-after; 11854前景 < foreground; 11855遷延 < long\-delay; 11856補語 < complement; 11857鵒 < mynah\-bird; 11858鴷 < woodpecker; 11859加密 < to\-encrypt; 11860整合 < to\-conform; 11861承包人 < contractor; 11862違抗 < to\-disobey; 11863監督 < to\-control; 11864鳲 < turtledove; 11865文具 < stationery; 11866每人 < per\-person; 11867物質上 < materially; 11868鲰 < small\-fish; 11869防水 < waterproof; 11870鱇 < anglerfish; 11871貴族論者 < aristocrat; 11872半公開 < semi\-overt; 11873使免除 < get\-rid\-of; 11874更衣室 < changeroom; 11875鮁 < the\-bonito; 11876退步 < degenerate; 11877適度 < moderately; 11878魛 < the\-mullet; 11879遠征 < expedition; 11880鬨 < boisterous; 11881鬜 < to\-go\-bald; 11882白臉 < white\-face; 11883總共 < altogether; 11884髣 < similar\-to; 11885髁 < thigh\-bone; 11886解析 < to\-analyze; 11887騗 < to\-swindle; 11888騋 < tall\-horse; 11889騉 < fine\-horse; 11890駰 < grey\-horse; 11891馹 < post\-horse; 11892試圖 < to\-attempt; 11893艦載 < ship\-based; 11894知名 < well\-known; 11895多事 < meddlesome; 11896冰球 < ice\-hockey; 11897解放 < liberation; 11898鞡 < leg\-warmer; 11899靝 < the\-heaven; 11900偽頂 < false\-roof; 11901高階 < high\-level; 11902捏造 < to\-make\-up; 11903隮 < ti\-rise\-up; 11904陻 < small\-hill; 11905新聞記者 < journalist; 11906擁抱 < to\-embrace; 11907零下 < below\-zero; 11908闟 < peacefully; 11909鞭闢入裡 < penetrated; 11910超媒體 < hypermedia; 11911镚 < small\-coin; 11912锬 < long\-spear; 11913不明確 < indefinite; 11914钷 < promethium; 11915放出 < to\-let\-off; 11916鐶 < metal\-ring; 11917鐚 < soft\-steel; 11918公石 < hectoliter; 11919鐒 < lawrencium; 11920鐀 < a\-cupboard; 11921不景氣 < depression; 11922他們自己 < themselves; 11923資本家 < capitalist; 11924鎪 < to\-engrave; 11925鎛 < large\-bell; 11926報數 < number\-off; 11927鍀 < technetium; 11928收入 < to\-take\-in; 11929詞典 < dictionary; 11930設在 < located\-at; 11931限度 < limitation; 11932裱糊 < wall\-paper; 11933鈊 < cadolinium; 11934醡 < wine\-press; 11935醝 < white\-wine; 11936檢查 < inspection; 11937酅 < raise\-feet; 11938阿塞拜疆 < azerbaijan; 11939瀆職 < wrongdoing; 11940庇廕 < \(of\-a\-tree; 11941二手貨 < secondhand; 11942陰天 < cloudy\-day; 11943終於 < eventually; 11944訂婚 < engagement; 11945陸基 < land\-based; 11946邏輯炸彈 < logic\-bomb; 11947廚司 < cook\,\-chef; 11948傳說 < it\-is\-said; 11949制定 < to\-draw\-up; 11950易接近 < accessible; 11951逬 < to\-scatter; 11952速射 < rapid\-fire; 11953遺傳 < hereditary; 11954舉辦 < to\-conduct; 11955利害 < formidable; 11956躩 < take\-quick; 11957入獄 < go\-to\-jail; 11958米粉 < rice\-flour; 11959圖解說明 < illustrate; 11960不屈不撓 < unyielding; 11961踧 < uneasiness; 11962踜 < to\-stumble; 11963踖 < trample\-on; 11964農村 < rural\-area; 11965想像力 < conception; 11966跐 < to\-trample; 11967副刊 < supplement; 11968有決心 < determined; 11969橄欖樹 < olive\-tree; 11970操場 < playground; 11971基於 < because\-of; 11972衍變 < to\-develop; 11973全然 < completely; 11974大腦死亡 < brain\-dead; 11975團聚 < to\-reunite; 11976豀 < to\-quarrel; 11977爭論點 < contention; 11978白狐 < arctic\-fox; 11979擁塞 < congestion; 11980討厭 < disgusting; 11981謪 < to\-consult; 11982白熾 < white\-heat; 11983複雜性 < complexity; 11984白熊 < polar\-bear; 11985白煤 < anthracite; 11986倚靠 < to\-lean\-on; 11987幼女 < young\-girl; 11988觀察 < to\-observe; 11989使用者中介 < user\-agent; 11990兵法 < art\-of\-war; 11991當選 < be\-elected; 11992覸 < steal\-look; 11993監控 < to\-monitor; 11994結局 < conclusion; 11995裪 < the\-sleeve; 11996欠佳 < suboptimal; 11997週到 < thoughtful; 11998規律 < discipline; 11999蟫 < silverfish; 12000蟣 < louse\-eggs; 12001管轄 < administer; 12002蟁 < a\-mosquito; 12003胡思亂想 < imaginings; 12004奶牛場 < dairy\-farm; 12005樹樁 < tree\-stump; 12006襯托 < to\-set\-off; 12007蛜 < wood\-louse; 12008操典 < drill\-book; 12009跑馬 < horse\-race; 12010薧 < dried\-food; 12011檢察 < to\-inspect; 12012蕡 < hemp\-seeds; 12013巨星 < giant\-star; 12014字節數 < byte\-count; 12015蓷 < motherwort; 12016附加 < additional; 12017蒽 < anthracene; 12018蒦 < to\-measure; 12019蒖 < plant\-name; 12020一切事物 < everything; 12021葯 < orris\-root; 12022歌羅西書 < colossians; 12023相對 < relatively; 12024無價 < invaluable; 12025搏斗 < to\-wrestle; 12026荵 < polemonium; 12027出生地 < birthplace; 12028不由自主 < can''t\-help; 12029拜託 < request\-sb; 12030排球 < volleyball; 12031店主 < shop\-owner; 12032不下于 < as\-many\-as; 12033瓶頸 < bottleneck; 12034幫助 < assistance; 12035脪 < erysipelas; 12036脗 < coinciding; 12037幫凶 < accomplice; 12038公撮 < milliliter; 12039肦 < large\-head; 12040籃球 < basketball; 12041抱負 < aspiration; 12042曼徹斯特 < manchester; 12043伽馬射線 < gamma\-rays; 12044大媒體 < macromedia; 12045算術 < arithmetic; 12046推測 < conjecture; 12047要塞 < stronghold; 12048白旗 < white\-flag; 12049滿足 < to\-satisfy; 12050驅逐 < banishment; 12051極為龐大 < monumental; 12052繐 < fine\-cloth; 12053備忘錄 < memorandum; 12054縇 < decoration; 12055表示 < to\-express; 12056挨個兒 < one\-by\-one; 12057農園 < plantation; 12058兄弟會 < fraternity; 12059留聲機 < gramophone; 12060絺 < fine\-linen; 12061有利可圖 < profitable; 12062絛 < silk\-braid; 12063絖 < fine\-silks; 12064絓 < obstructed; 12065投資 < investment; 12066粻 < provisions; 12067無所不能 < omnipotent; 12068看到 < see\-\(that\); 12069提昇 < to\-promote; 12070哈薩克斯坦 < kazakhstan; 12071簥 < large\-pipe; 12072分離主義 < separatism; 12073兌換 < to\-convert; 12074世界銀行 < world\-bank; 12075黑莓子 < blackberry; 12076篋 < ratton\-box; 12077箠 < horse\-whip; 12078箚 < brief\-note; 12079公引 < hectometer; 12080窰 < brick\-kiln; 12081專門 < specialist; 12082穭 < wild\-grain; 12083看來 < apparently; 12084臉色 < complexion; 12085草叢 < underbrush; 12086兼容 < compatible; 12087在下面 < underneath; 12088祅 < calamities; 12089不變化 < invariably; 12090軍港 < naval\-port; 12091按立 < ordination; 12092生計 < livelihood; 12093磑 < stone\-mill; 12094掌櫃 < shopkeeper; 12095表現 < expression; 12096兩岸 < bilaterial; 12097硃 < a\-red\-mole; 12098共存 < to\-coexist; 12099睟 < clear\-eyed; 12100囚犯 < a\-prisoner; 12101偉績 < great\-acts; 12102衍生 < derviative; 12103冰刀 < ice\-skates; 12104接收 < to\-receive; 12105技術 < technology; 12106疕 < head\-sores; 12107畓 < rice\-field; 12108畁 < to\-give\-to; 12109宿題 < assignment; 12110陌生人 < a\-stranger; 12111玔 < green\-jade; 12112魚排 < fish\-steak; 12113無所不知 < omniscient; 12114指甲 < fingernail; 12115開會祈禱 < invocation; 12116學齡 < school\-age; 12117犛 < a\-black\-ox; 12118不適當 < inadequate; 12119捨棄 < to\-give\-up; 12120電視臺 < tv\-station; 12121牏 < privy\-hole; 12122爫 < radical\-87; 12123使醉 < intoxicate; 12124拘禁 < constraint; 12125熅 < smooth\-out; 12126國會 < parliament; 12127領導能力 < leadership; 12128超越 < to\-surpass; 12129灺 < candle\-end; 12130灒 < to\-spatter; 12131推廣 < popularize; 12132主力艦 < battleship; 12133濙 < to\-revolve; 12134濆 < river\-bank; 12135佣金 < commission; 12136白喉 < diphtheria; 12137授意 < to\-inspire; 12138公分 < centimeter; 12139筆者 < the\-author; 12140泆 < licentious; 12141保育 < child\-care; 12142白區 < white\-area; 12143揹債 < be\-in\-debt; 12144漫畫 < caricature; 12145行不通 < won''t\-work; 12146停火 < cease\-fire; 12147競爭者 < competitor; 12148良心 < conscience; 12149櫾 < the\-pomelo; 12150單調 < monotonous; 12151檼 < ridge\-pole; 12152表明 < make\-known; 12153有系統 < systematic; 12154沒人住 < unoccupied; 12155榼 < wine\-glass; 12156榦 < tree\-trunk; 12157動物學 < zoological; 12158椵 < pompelmous; 12159椳 < the\-pivots; 12160模仿 < to\-imitate; 12161意見不合 < dissension; 12162盧森堡 < luxembourg; 12163發佈 < to\-release; 12164第七十 < seventieth; 12165栛 < the\-lichee; 12166栘 < fruit\-tree; 12167條約 < treatypact; 12168導航 < navigation; 12169排外 < xenophobic; 12170導致 < to\-lead\-to; 12171展示 < to\-open\-up; 12172冰凝器 < cryophorus; 12173尋舋 < to\-provoke; 12174杢 < woodworker; 12175先例 < antecedent; 12176賓館 < guesthouse; 12177樓下 < downstairs; 12178斢 < to\-plunder; 12179打結 < tie\-a\-knot; 12180孟加拉國 < bangladesh; 12181臆測 < assumption; 12182心理學 < psychology; 12183擪 < to\-tuck\-in; 12184撱 < to\-shorten; 12185氣喘喘 < breathless; 12186拔河 < tug\-of\-war; 12187第一例 < first\-case; 12188生產 < to\-produce; 12189補償 < compensate; 12190掱 < pickpocket; 12191掎 < drag\-aside; 12192人體 < human\-body; 12193胞衣 < afterbirth; 12194挖掘 < excavation; 12195四年 < four\-years; 12196百分之九十 < 90\-percent; 12197扡 < drag\-along; 12198餐館 < restaurant; 12199聖靈 < holy\-ghost; 12200憸 < to\-flatter; 12201指控 < accusation; 12202憍 < be\-haughty; 12203憀 < to\-rely\-on; 12204引人注意 < attractive; 12205手稿 < manuscript; 12206抹油 < to\-annoint; 12207愓 < profligate; 12208表尺 < rear\-sight; 12209惏 < avaricious; 12210摩天摟 < skyscraper; 12211畢業 < graduation; 12212恛 < disordered; 12213固執 < persistent; 12214怲 < be\-anxious; 12215彿 < resembling; 12216查詢 < to\-inquire; 12217弇 < cover\-over; 12218廀 < to\-conceal; 12219忘恩負義 < ungrateful; 12220疑慮 < hesitation; 12221喉舌 < mouthpiece; 12222聯通 < connection; 12223得不到 < cannot\-get; 12224駐紮 < to\-station; 12225簽出 < to\-log\-off; 12226屄 < the\-vagina; 12227重要性 < importance; 12228餅鐺 < baking\-pan; 12229宼 < tyrannical; 12230技術員 < technician; 12231鎗管 < gun\-barrel; 12232媟 < lust\-after; 12233鐵板 < iron\-panel; 12234鏈環 < chain\-link; 12235相同名字 < like\-named; 12236竭盡 < exhaustion; 12237軍人 < serviceman; 12238使人信服 < convincing; 12239老頭 < old\-fellow; 12240周恩來 < zhou\-enlai; 12241現象 < appearance; 12242鎮痛 < analgesiac; 12243堃 < compliance; 12244有興趣 < interested; 12245自尊 < self\-pride; 12246定義 < definition; 12247圦 < water\-gate; 12248囌 < loquacious; 12249嚲 < read\-aloud; 12250不經意 < carelessly; 12251競爭 < to\-compete; 12252打字機 < typewriter; 12253唽 < to\-twitter; 12254實現 < to\-achieve; 12255傷亡 < casualties; 12256呴 < breathe\-on; 12257倍增器 < multiplier; 12258業余 < spare\-time; 12259金屬線 < metal\-wire; 12260行列 < procession; 12261卝 < hair\-style; 12262病假 < sick\-leave; 12263期限 < time\-limit; 12264劏 < to\-butcher; 12265電子空間 < cyberspace; 12266冘 < to\-move\-on; 12267識別號 < identifier; 12268把戲 < acrobatics; 12269生有權 < birthright; 12270偭 < transgress; 12271偝 < not\-facing; 12272消費 < to\-consume; 12273持卡人 < cardholder; 12274行人 < pedestrian; 12275倀 < bewildered; 12276毛澤東 < mao\-zedong; 12277書面 < in\-writing; 12278六十五 < sixty\-five; 12279伷 < descendent; 12280多媒體 < multimedia; 12281節制 < temperance; 12282抵抗力 < resistance; 12283腐敗 < corruption; 12284䶫 < fine\-teeth; 12285䶉 < guinea\-pig; 12286䵪 < pure\-black; 12287䵝 < dark\-black; 12288獸醫 < veterinary; 12289微不足道 < negligible; 12290做出 < to\-put\-out; 12291作為 < accomplish; 12292䳕 < the\-pigeon; 12293䳌 < the\-cuckoo; 12294折射 < refraction; 12295䱝 < black\-carp; 12296䱄 < a\-flatfish; 12297喉炎 < laryngitis; 12298䰬 < wild\-ghost; 12299信心 < confidence; 12300䰄 < short\-hair; 12301䯔 < to\-incline; 12302䯌 < the\-sacrum; 12303珍藏 < collection; 12304大主教 < archbishop; 12305䮍 < curling\-up; 12306䭸 < a\-stallion; 12307試算表 < speadsheet; 12308䬷 < well\-feed\.; 12309聖職 < priesthood; 12310䫥 < a\-wry\-neck; 12311達賴喇嘛 < dalai\-lama; 12312䪺 < teethridge; 12313䪠 < pulverized; 12314錶盤 < dial\-plate; 12315䩱 < a\-scabbard; 12316桃樹 < peach\-tree; 12317白口鐵 < white\-iron; 12318䩁 < thin\-hairs; 12319單模 < singlemode; 12320䨽 < to\-resolve; 12321䨩 < the\-spirit; 12322不揣冒昧 < venture\-to; 12323䧿 < the\-magpie; 12324䧣 < to\-stop\-up; 12325想象 < to\-imagine; 12326䦯 < very\-dense; 12327下降 < to\-decline; 12328䦍 < to\-include; 12329䤾 < to\-contain; 12330䤽 < farm\-tools; 12331層壓 < lamination; 12332第十八 < eighteenth; 12333周速 < cycle\-time; 12334暴風 < storm\-wind; 12335實驗室 < laboratory; 12336䡧 < a\-carriage; 12337䡚 < implements; 12338屬地 < dependency; 12339䡎 < a\-windlass; 12340䠸 < obsequious; 12341䠶 < to\-project; 12342䠩 < to\-urinate; 12343䠟 < to\-trip\-up; 12344漲價 < appreciate; 12345䠘 < one\-legged; 12346聖經 < holy\-bible; 12347仿真 < to\-emulate; 12348省略符號 < apostrophe; 12349不對碴兒 < not\-proper; 12350介紹 < to\-present; 12351䟙 < to\-stagger; 12352䟄 < in\-a\-hurry; 12353䝿 < honourabel; 12354䝷 < securities; 12355䝱 < to\-trouble; 12356䜙 < not\-clever; 12357䜋 < to\-suspend; 12358缺點 < weak\-point; 12359䛲 < to\-deceive; 12360䛦 < litigation; 12361䛄 < to\-console; 12362本行 < one''s\-line; 12363滲坑 < sewage\-pit; 12364競技 < tournament; 12365第十九 < nineteenth; 12366䖳 < jelly\-fish; 12367鐵匠 < blacksmith; 12368任用 < to\-appoint; 12369板紙 < paperboard; 12370第十三 < thirteenth; 12371䕡 < compositae; 12372機關車 < locomotive; 12373保潔箱 < litter\-bin; 12374䔘 < fish\-paste; 12375老年人 < old\-people; 12376䓵 < to\-blossom; 12377波長 < wavelength; 12378䓤 < vegetation; 12379專心 < absorption; 12380䓆 < to\-cut\-the; 12381䒢 < sweet\-flag; 12382發聲法 < intonation; 12383䑭 < war\-vessel; 12384䑍 < to\-swallow; 12385䐢 < to\-wrinkle; 12386䏭 < the\-cheeks; 12387䏌 < to\-vibrate; 12388䎟 < to\-fawn\-on; 12389個別 < individual; 12390會計 < accountant; 12391䍵 < young\-goat; 12392䍞 < a\-drag\-net; 12393䍗 < to\-hang\-up; 12394䍔 < a\-full\-net; 12395意想不到 < unexpected; 12396流血 < shed\-blood; 12397肉片 < meat\-slice; 12398䋱 < a\-wild\-yak; 12399冰上運動 < ice\-sports; 12400公開討論會 < open\-forum; 12401䊩 < rice\-gravy; 12402溫室 < greenhouse; 12403美乃滋醬 < mayonnaise; 12404不平凡 < marvellous; 12405抑制 < to\-inhibit; 12406䇎 < to\-startle; 12407作料 < condiments; 12408䇇 < the\-people; 12409䆋 < the\-autumn; 12410䅔 < dead\-crops; 12411崑崙山 < mt\.\-kunlun; 12412便壺 < bed\-urinal; 12413䄟 < to\-worship; 12414使怒 < exasperate; 12415依屬 < dependence; 12416䁞 < a\-province; 12417䁁 < strabismus; 12418等到 < wait\-until; 12419小姐 < young\-lady; 12420代表團 < delegation; 12421㽨 < fragmented; 12422㽣 < a\-frontier; 12423㽘 < borderland; 12424桌布 < tablecloth; 12425㼹 < eartenware; 12426背景 < background; 12427不變 < unchanging; 12428一貫 < consistent; 12429㺳 < black\-mica; 12430㺅 < the\-monkey; 12431批准 < to\-approve; 12432㸨 < a\-big\-bull; 12433㸌 < to\-twinkle; 12434㷷 < thick\-soup; 12435㶭 < almost\-dry; 12436㶜 < deep\-water; 12437科系 < department; 12438㵀 < water\-flow; 12439愁緒 < melancholy; 12440神話 < fairy\-tale; 12441住所 < habitation; 12442影像檔 < image\-file; 12443㲯 < long\-hairy; 12444顛覆 < subversion; 12445㲌 < dog''s\-hair; 12446㲉 < egg\-shells; 12447㱦 < to\-discard; 12448㱜 < pestilence; 12449案子 < long\-table; 12450㯇 < a\-stockade; 12451居住者 < inhabitant; 12452㬱 < to\-replace; 12453㬪 < to\-fold\-up; 12454㫤 < a\-long\-day; 12455㪌 < to\-lead\-on; 12456㩹 < to\-pile\-on; 12457㩞 < to\-back\-up; 12458㨯 < to\-enlarge; 12459㨮 < to\-lift\-up; 12460淘汰 < to\-die\-out; 12461肥料 < fertilizer; 12462㦂 < constantly; 12463㥶 < to\-fill\-up; 12464㥣 < to\-benefit; 12465㤷 < to\-debauch; 12466㤐 < disharmony; 12467狡辯 < to\-quibble; 12468㣽 < to\-forgive; 12469㣅 < bow\-string; 12470㣀 < to\-rebound; 12471㢭 < a\-bow\-case; 12472㢚 < a\-corridor; 12473㢏 < a\-cesspool; 12474㡥 < to\-curl\-up; 12475暴行 < savage\-act; 12476四百億 < 40\-billion; 12477實在 < in\-reality; 12478艾滋病病毒 < aids\-virus; 12479㞠 < male\-organ; 12480陸軍中尉 < lieutenant; 12481㞎 < body\-waste; 12482㝯 < to\-sojourn; 12483㚠 < full\-grown; 12484㙺 < cross\-road; 12485超升 < exaltation; 12486叛軍 < rebel\-army; 12487㘧 < precedence; 12488獸穴 < animal\-den; 12489㗬 < thick\-lips; 12490㗫 < to\-whisper; 12491彪形大漢 < burly\-chap; 12492警鐘 < alarm\-bell; 12493㖆 < to\-condemn; 12494胖子 < fat\-person; 12495㕍 < to\-heap\-up; 12496㕆 < fine\-stone; 12497㔷 < to\-secrete; 12498㔘 < to\-degrade; 12499㔓 < to\-stammer; 12500㔌 < to\-cut\-off; 12501㓺 < castration; 12502存放 < to\-deposit; 12503餓死 < starvation; 12504㒷 < to\-prosper; 12505㐤 < to\-implore; 12506萬事達卡 < mastercard; 12507併吞 < swallow\-up; 12508學徒 < apprentice; 12509板樁 < sheet\-pile; 12510否決權 < veto\-power; 12511成分 < ingredient; 12512崇拜者 < worshipper; 12513悔罪 < conviction; 12514能力 < capability; 12515戲劇化 < theatrical; 12516必須 < to\-have\-to; 12517肯定 < to\-be\-sure; 12518任性 < capricious; 12519王牌 < trump\-card; 12520新聞媒體 < news\-media; 12521堅定不移 < unswerving; 12522非盈利 < non\-profit; 12523南面 < south\-side; 12524使容易 < facilitate; 12525研究員 < researcher; 12526薄荷 < field\-mint; 12527馬力 < horsepower; 12528月球 < \(the\)\-moon; 12529現成 < ready\-made; 12530議論 < to\-comment; 12531風濕 < rheumatism; 12532群眾 < the\-masses; 12533三月二十三號 < march\-23rd; 12534此時以前 < heretofore; 12535仁慈 < benevolent; 12536目擊者 < eyewitness; 12537今後 < henceforth; 12538虛擬 < fictitious; 12539專門化 < specialize; 12540多黨 < multiparty; 12541不當 < unsuitable; 12542沈落 < sink\,\-fall; 12543講述 < talk\-about; 12544宣佈 < to\-declare; 12545摩托車 < motorcycle; 12546朝鮮戰爭 < korean\-war; 12547鼓掌 < to\-applaud; 12548以外 < apart\-from; 12549訂購者 < subscriber; 12550爆音 < sonic\-boom; 12551大體 < in\-general; 12552食指 < forefinger; 12553牴觸 < contradict; 12554程序 < procedures; 12555明言 < pronounced; 12556顯微鏡 < microscope; 12557本月 < this\-month; 12558原生質 < protoplasm; 12559多方面 < many\-sided; 12560哲學 < philosophy; 12561氣象 < meteorolgy; 12562互惠 < reciprocal; 12563含燐 < phosphoric; 12564更正 < correction; 12565黑板 < blackboard; 12566新聞學 < journalism; 12567不定詞 < infinitive; 12568預知 < anticipate; 12569以及 < as\-well\-as; 12570主格 < nominative; 12571錄取 < to\-recruit; 12572新郎 < bridegroom; 12573而後 < after\-that; 12574悲歌 < sad\-melody; 12575人均 < per\-capita; 12576可疑 < suspicious; 12577而已 < that''s\-all; 12578難以置信 < incredible; 12579浴巾 < bath\-towel; 12580吊燈 < chandelier; 12581共和政體 < republican; 12582聲價 < reputation; 12583不簡單 < not\-simple; 12584受傷害 < be\-injured; 12585端系統 < end\-system; 12586薄片 < thin\-slice; 12587更新 < up\-to\-date; 12588顫栗 < to\-tremble; 12589集體 < collective; 12590外交手腕 < diplomatic; 12591敗露 < \(of\-a\-plot; 12592試驗 < experiment; 12593人口 < population; 12594三百億 < 30\-billion; 12595歸順 < submission; 12596失蹤 < be\-missing; 12597飽和 < saturation; 12598歡騰 < jubilation; 12599後裔 < descendant; 12600金牌 < gold\-medal; 12601非對稱 < asymmetric; 12602不會 < improbable; 12603上月 < last\-month; 12604半決賽 < semifinals; 12605碧綠 < dark\-green; 12606老套 < old\-things; 12607及物 < transitive; 12608莫須有 < groundless; 12609不買賬 < not\-buy\-it; 12610磁盤驅動器 < disl\-drive; 12611電車 < trolleybus; 12612顧慮 < misgivings; 12613可比 < comparable; 12614腓立比書 < philipians; 12615事先 < in\-advance; 12616警犬 < police\-dog; 12617剛體 < rigid\-body; 12618景氣 < prosperity; 12619卜筮 < divination; 12620女裝裁縫師 < dressmaker; 12621不快 < be\-unhappy; 12622女學生 < schoolgirl; 12623改進 < to\-improve; 12624電視 < television; 12625後者 < the\-latter; 12626纏繞 < intertwine; 12627加速 < accelerate; 12628諳練 < conversant; 12629下個月 < next\-month; 12630騎士風格 < knighthood; 12631鏈路層 < link\-layer; 12632一度 < for\-a\-time; 12633歡迎 < to\-welcome; 12634化妝舞會 < masquerade; 12635墨鏡 < sunglasses; 12636剝離 < \(of\-tissue; 12637彈藥 < ammunition; 12638溫和性 < tenderness; 12639不安 < intranquil; 12640期刊 < periodical; 12641知覺 < perception; 12642所有者 < proprietor; 12643同情 < compassion; 12644適配 < adaptation; 12645合意 < acceptable; 12646大臣 < chancellor; 12647同性 < homosexual; 12648日益 < day\-by\-day; 12649半空中 < in\-mid\-air; 12650本份 < one''s\-duty; 12651女服物員 < stewardess; 12652沒有知覺 < insensible; 12653不等式 < inequality; 12654會友 < membership; 12655暗間兒 < inner\-room; 12656自動化 < automation; 12657不夠 < not\-enough; 12658單方面 < unilateral; 12659私下 < in\-private; 12660波峰 < wave\-crest; 12661三天 < three\-days; 12662反日 < anti\-japan; 12663建議 < to\-propose; 12664佛教徒 < a\-buddhist; 12665波導 < wave\-guide; 12666婢女 < slave\-girl; 12667沒收 < confiscate; 12668快活 < gay\,\-happy; 12669可悲 < lamentable; 12670評註 < commentary; 12671必然 < inevitable; 12672半球 < hemisphere; 12673響應 < respond\-to; 12674大綱 < main\-point; 12675氣勢洶洶 < aggressive; 12676烤鴨 < roast\-duck; 12677歌詞 < song\-lyric; 12678並入 < merge\-into; 12679弱脈 < weak\-pulse; 12680操舵室 < pilothouse; 12681原本 < originally; 12682吸吮 < to\-suck\-in; 12683爆破 < to\-blow\-up; 12684道賀 < compliment; 12685取得 < to\-acquire; 12686上半 < first\-half; 12687教育 < to\-educate; 12688不動 < motionless; 12689七十年代 < the\-1970''s; 12690西點 < west\-point; 12691斗眼 < cross\-eyed; 12692眼鏡 < spectacles; 12693不備 < unprepared; 12694恫嚇 < intimidate; 12695奉獻 < consecrate; 12696不依 < not\-comply; 12697電唱機 < phonograph; 12698文盲 < illiterate; 12699明智 < not\-unwise; 12700流程圖 < flow\-chart; 12701監督者 < supervisor; 12702一百五十億 < 15\-billion; 12703撞針 < firing\-pin; 12704南極 < south\-pole; 12705所有物 < belongings; 12706視窗新技 < windows\-nt; 12707二十一 < twenty\-one; 12708了 < to\-finish; 12709子 < offspring; 12710徹 < penetrate; 12711要 < necessary; 12712辱 < humiliate; 12713着 < make\-move; 12714成 < completed; 12715督 < supervise; 12716輯 < gather\-up; 12717弥 < extensive; 12718美 < beautiful; 12719廂 < side\-room; 12720问 < ask\-about; 12721庭 < courtyard; 12722療 < be\-healed; 12723痺 < paralysis; 12724差 < to\-differ; 12725难 < difficult; 12726超 < jump\-over; 12727異 < different; 12728亲 < relatives; 12729畫 < delineate; 12730畜 < livestock; 12731畑 < dry\-field; 12732甘 < sweetness; 12733认 < recognize; 12734貴 < expensive; 12735貝 < sea\-shell; 12736达 < arrive\-at; 12737众 < multitude; 12738倒 < fall\-over; 12739玩 < play\-with; 12740像 < a\-picture; 12741宅 < residence; 12742据 < to\-occupy; 12743譯 < translate; 12744譫 < talkative; 12745造 < construct; 12746媼 < old\-woman; 12747犠 < sacrifice; 12748牒 < documents; 12749牌 < signboard; 12750爐 < fireplace; 12751久 < long\-time; 12752妾 < concubine; 12753初 < beginning; 12754除 < eliminate; 12755况 < condition; 12756乱 < confusion; 12757创 < establish; 12758福 < happiness; 12759假 < falsehood; 12760顾 < look\-back; 12761蠶 < silkworms; 12762渐 < gradually; 12763瞧 < glance\-at; 12764埒 < enclosure; 12765埃 < fine\-dust; 12766螢 < glow\-worm; 12767退 < step\-back; 12768蜻 < dragonfly; 12769翻 < flip\-over; 12770圏 < to\-circle; 12771普 < universal; 12772蛹 < chrysalis; 12773临 < draw\-near; 12774协 < be\-united; 12775湯 < hot\-water; 12776例 < precedent; 12777洲 < continent; 12778松 < pine\-tree; 12779伙 < companion; 12780毫 < fine\-hair; 12781蕎 < buckwheat; 12782输 < transport; 12783折 < break\-off; 12784汰 < excessive; 12785君 < sovereign; 12786危 < dangerous; 12787概 < generally; 12788厄 < adversity; 12789汇 < concourse; 12790厉 < whetstone; 12791附 < adhere\-to; 12792肩 < shoulders; 12793魘 < nightmare; 12794荒 < wasteland; 12795鬱 < luxuriant; 12796匠 < craftsman; 12797匂 < fragrance; 12798勸 < recommend; 12799飘 < whirlwind; 12800炮 < large\-gun; 12801郎 < gentleman; 12802陪 < accompany; 12803凝 < coagulate; 12804剩 < leftovers; 12805饒 < bountiful; 12806肘 < the\-elbow; 12807肖 < look\-like; 12808昨 < yesterday; 12809暂 < temporary; 12810递 < hand\-over; 12811祥 < good\-luck; 12812倹 < temperate; 12813仗 < rely\-upon; 12814柿 < persimmon; 12815键 < door\-bolt; 12816枯 < dried\-out; 12817莱 < goosefoot; 12818赔 < indemnify; 12819逢 < come\-upon; 12820睁 < open\-eyes; 12821嘿 < be\-silent; 12822贪 < be\-greedy; 12823逝 < pass\-away; 12824艾 < artemisia; 12825袍 < long\-gown; 12826冤 < grievance; 12827迪 < enlighten; 12828嘉 < excellent; 12829閾 < threshold; 12830綾 < thin\-silk; 12831膀 < upper\-arm; 12832顽 < obstinate; 12833歉 < deficient; 12834帅 < commander; 12835憾 < to\-regret; 12836劈 < cut\-apart; 12837拂 < shake\-off; 12838筈 < arrow\-end; 12839熬 < cook\-down; 12840稼 < sow\-grain; 12841恍 < seemingly; 12842绣 < embroider; 12843懃 < courteous; 12844衬 < underwear; 12845慊 < to\-resent; 12846潭 < deep\-pool; 12847硝 < saltpeter; 12848骤 < procedure; 12849忿 < get\-angry; 12850坠 < fall\-down; 12851蝶 < butterfly; 12852焉 < thereupon; 12853禀 < report\-to; 12854挫 < push\-down; 12855鳄 < alligator; 12856谐 < harmonize; 12857屎 < excrement; 12858葱 < scallions; 12859枣 < date\-tree; 12860谴 < reprimand; 12861汹 < turbulent; 12862泻 < drain\-off; 12863瀑 < waterfall; 12864樊 < a\-railing; 12865敛 < draw\-back; 12866茵 < a\-cushion; 12867棕 < hemp\-palm; 12868辗 < turn\-over; 12869恤 < show\-pity; 12870侈 < luxurious; 12871沁 < soak\-into; 12872匣 < small\-box; 12873捎 < to\-select; 12874痞 < dyspepsia; 12875睐 < squint\-at; 12876垦 < cultivate; 12877浒 < riverbank; 12878葵 < sunflower; 12879睫 < eyelashes; 12880哺 < chew\-food; 12881竣 < terminate; 12882囔 < muttering; 12883藐 < disregard; 12884埠 < port\-city; 12885荤 < meat\-diet; 12886蜒 < millipede; 12887菇 < mushrooms; 12888豚 < small\-pig; 12889沓 < connected; 12890弩 < cross\-bow; 12891殇 < die\-young; 12892栈 < warehouse; 12893醺 < get\-drunk; 12894蜈 < centipede; 12895愫 < guileless; 12896谙 < versed\-in; 12897熹 < dim\-light; 12898怂 < instigate; 12899遛 < take\-walk; 12900麾 < a\-pennant; 12901媲 < marry\-off; 12902镁 < magnesium; 12903椰 < palm\-tree; 12904痢 < dysentery; 12905嗑 < eat\-seeds; 12906蚯 < earthworm; 12907蜚 < cockroach; 12908阆 < high\-door; 12909擀 < roll\-flat; 12910袤 < longitude; 12911麝 < musk\-deer; 12912佻 < frivolous; 12913钾 < potassium; 12914孑 < remaining; 12915檄 < call\-arms; 12916隍 < dry\-ditch; 12917诿 < pass\-buck; 12918逄 < a\-surname; 12919梏 < handcuffs; 12920钺 < broad\-axe; 12921柑 < tangerine; 12922乜 < to\-squint; 12923娲 < a\-goddess; 12924忝 < disgraced; 12925诮 < criticize; 12926鳏 < huge\-fish; 12927蜇 < jellyfish; 12928劭 < encourage; 12929癣 < ringworms; 12930绦 < silk\-cord; 12931钸 < plutonium; 12932馗 < cheekbone; 12933锰 < manganese; 12934侪 < a\-company; 12935凫 < wild\-duck; 12936痱 < heat\-rash; 12937痈 < carbuncle; 12938悌 < brotherly; 12939冼 < \(surname\); 12940鹧 < partridge; 12941悒 < sorrowful; 12942怃 < regretful; 12943墒 < wet\-tilth; 12944訾 < bad\-mouth; 12945圮 < destroyed; 12946鲈 < sea\-perch; 12947攉 < to\-beckon; 12948鲇 < sheatfish; 12949膈 < diaphragm; 12950犍 < a\-bullock; 12951锗 < germanium; 12952鎏 < pure\-gold; 12953镅 < americium; 12954辂 < a\-chariot; 12955跸 < clear\-way; 12956煳 < be\-burned; 12957牾 < to\-oppose; 12958昀 < sun\-light; 12959乩 < to\-divine; 12960羟 < hydroxide; 12961荽 < coriander; 12962绠 < well\-rope; 12963哓 < garrulous; 12964脬 < a\-bladder; 12965戡 < subjugate; 12966辇 < hand\-cart; 12967鹚 < cormorant; 12968镞 < arrowhead; 12969菰 < wild\-rice; 12970蠖 < inch\-worm; 12971铫 < large\-hoe; 12972氘 < deuterium; 12973黾 < to\-strive; 12974镧 < lanthanum; 12975垡 < plow\-soil; 12976炔 < acetylene; 12977镱 < ytterbium; 12978钕 < neodymium; 12979忭 < delighted; 12980苴 < sackcloth; 12981谳 < to\-decide; 12982钯 < palladium; 12983碲 < tellurium; 12984璩 < jade\-ring; 12985饫 < surfeited; 12986撙 < economize; 12987蓼 < smartweed; 12988饔 < breakfast; 12989锶 < strontium; 12990昃 < afternoon; 12991唪 < to\-recite; 12992儇 < ingenious; 12993鲴 < fish\-guts; 12994鲅 < fish\-name; 12995铍 < beryllium; 12996熳 < to\-spread; 12997胍 < guanidine; 12998鲐 < globefish; 12999酐 < anhydride; 13000衄 < epistaxis; 13001矧 < much\-more; 13002悫 < sincerity; 13003膦 < phosphine; 13004缣 < fine\-silk; 13005宄 < a\-traitor; 13006阌 < wen\-xiang; 13007酞 < phthalein; 13008收縮 < pull\-back; 13009多疑 < skeptical; 13010合力 < cooperate; 13011爆炸 < explosion; 13012縮小模型 < miniature; 13013割草 < mow\-grass; 13014變奏 < variation; 13015領受 < to\-accept; 13016以弗所書 < ephesians; 13017動盪 < commotion; 13018可哀 < miserably; 13019沒有形狀 < shapeless; 13020菠蘿 < pineapple; 13021穩定性 < stability; 13022厚度 < thickness; 13023速記 < shorthand; 13024用戶數據 < user\-data; 13025徐步 < to\-stroll; 13026西面 < west\-side; 13027連接器 < connector; 13028摘除 < to\-excise; 13029警官 < constable; 13030開發人員 < developer; 13031名人 < personage; 13032蔓延 < to\-extend; 13033地質學家 < geologist; 13034同事 < colleague; 13035形容辭 < adjective; 13036半旗 < half\-mast; 13037金匠 < goldsmith; 13038同一 < identical; 13039可得到 < available; 13040碰巧 < by\-chance; 13041科學家 < scientist; 13042普及 < widespead; 13043設置 < to\-set\-up; 13044志願者 < volunteer; 13045燒燬 < burn\-down; 13046明年 < next\-year; 13047擦邊球 < edge\-ball; 13048古典 < classical; 13049叫做 < be\-called; 13050綠茶 < green\-tea; 13051怎麼樣 < how\-about; 13052所有權 < ownership; 13053別處 < elsewhere; 13054述語 < predicate; 13055白報紙 < newsprint; 13056防衛 < to\-defend; 13057討論會 < symposium; 13058教父 < godfather; 13059受僱 < mercenary; 13060語源 < etymology; 13061說法 < statement; 13062城門 < city\-gate; 13063接受者 < recipient; 13064生物學家 < biologist; 13065靈敏 < sensitive; 13066助理 < assistant; 13067每個人 < everybody; 13068不育性 < sterility; 13069檢查員 < inspector; 13070論斷 < inference; 13071受事 < recepient; 13072熬煎 < suffering; 13073分號 < semicolon; 13074原告 < complaint; 13075白魚 < whitefish; 13076表現型 < phenotype; 13077多樣 < diversity; 13078多模 < multimode; 13079無能 < inability; 13080白體 < lean\-type; 13081標高 < elevation; 13082妖媚 < seductive; 13083無聲 < noiseless; 13084十年 < ten\-years; 13085半島 < peninsula; 13086不可磨滅 < indelible; 13087連續 < continous; 13088原則 < principle; 13089皮鞋匠 < shoemaker; 13090阿比西尼亞 < abyssinia; 13091鄭州 < zhengzhou; 13092計策 < stratagem; 13093底線 < underline; 13094閃電 < lightning; 13095引渡 < extradite; 13096保護者 < protector; 13097教母 < godmother; 13098文明 < civilized; 13099偽君子 < hypocryte; 13100直覺 < intuition; 13101壁燈 < wall\-lamp; 13102發音 < pronounce; 13103厘克 < centigram; 13104馬蹄鐵 < horseshoe; 13105擔架床 < stretcher; 13106無籟 < scoundrel; 13107加深 < to\-deepen; 13108執行 < implement; 13109雹暴 < hailstorm; 13110確信 < confident; 13111那樣 < that\-kind; 13112公里 < kilometer; 13113誠摯 < sincerely; 13114差距 < disparity; 13115不亦樂乎 < extremely; 13116襯裙 < petticoat; 13117鰾膠 < isinglass; 13118按照字面 < literally; 13119證件 < paperwork; 13120細菌 < bacterial; 13121蒼天 < firmament; 13122三分之一 < one\-third; 13123緩沖 < to\-buffer; 13124選派 < set\-apart; 13125不完善 < imperfect; 13126大志 < high\-aims; 13127輔音 < consonant; 13128張揚 < publicize; 13129解碼 < to\-decode; 13130播種 < sow\-seeds; 13131化學 < chemistry; 13132報紙 < newspaper; 13133無知 < ignorance; 13134接駁 < to\-access; 13135不可救藥 < incurable; 13136很多 < very\-many; 13137耶路撒冷 < jerusalem; 13138雙方 < bilateral; 13139晴雨表 < barometer; 13140千禧年 < millenium; 13141長遠 < long\-term; 13142千周 < kilohertz; 13143過濾 < to\-filter; 13144褻瀆的話 < blasphemy; 13145奇妙 < fantastic; 13146冰蓋 < ice\-sheet; 13147國內戰爭 < civil\-war; 13148危地馬拉 < guatamala; 13149遙測 < telemetry; 13150接班人 < successor; 13151農舍 < farmhouse; 13152剪貼簿 < scrapbook; 13153偉晶岩 < pegmatite; 13154紅蓮 < red\-lotus; 13155指示符 < indicator; 13156共識 < consensus; 13157加密後的 < encrypted; 13158有攻擊性 < offensive; 13159大小 < dimension; 13160惡名昭彰 < notorious; 13161保惠師 < comforter; 13162大家 < authority; 13163爭取 < fight\-for; 13164每天 < every\-day; 13165經濟學家 < economist; 13166攻擊 < to\-attack; 13167紅茶 < black\-tea; 13168文字 < character; 13169常綠 < evergreen; 13170殘廢 < deformity; 13171隱晦 < obscurity; 13172建築師 < architect; 13173照樣 < as\-before; 13174方向 < direction; 13175焰火 < fireworks; 13176救恩 < salvation; 13177阿空加瓜 < aconcagua; 13178加拉太書 < galatians; 13179後勤 < logistics; 13180委員會 < committee; 13181網際色情 < cyberporn; 13182辦罪 < to\-punish; 13183要緊 < important; 13184民主 < democracy; 13185務實 < pragmatic; 13186推銷 < to\-market; 13187彙報 < to\-report; 13188要素 < essential; 13189航海者 < navigator; 13190夢境 < dreamland; 13191課堂 < classroom; 13192報界 < the\-press; 13193十七 < seventeen; 13194火藥 < gunpowder; 13195診斷 < diagnosis; 13196毫克 < milligram; 13197副本 < duplicate; 13198花粉過敏 < hay\-fever; 13199廣播 < broadcast; 13200敗局 < lost\-game; 13201郊外 < outskirts; 13202白蠟 < white\-wax; 13203出現 < to\-appear; 13204冰糕 < ice\-cream; 13205允許 < to\-permit; 13206小吃店 < snack\-bar; 13207後代 < posterity; 13208維士卡 < visa\-card; 13209為時過早 < premature; 13210聯合組織 < syndicate; 13211構造 < structure; 13212齳 < toothless; 13213齭 < toothache; 13214好奇心 < curiosity; 13215勾劃 < to\-sketch; 13216人物描寫 < portrayal; 13217增援 < reinforce; 13218無比 < matchless; 13219教士 < churchman; 13220次數 < frequency; 13221大力 < energetic; 13222政治性 < political; 13223滑鼠墊 < mouse\-pad; 13224壯大 < to\-expand; 13225鷾 < a\-swallow; 13226鷭 < water\-hen; 13227拜物教 < fetishism; 13228遵循 < to\-follow; 13229鷥 < the\-egret; 13230適意 < agreeable; 13231鷏 < bird\-name; 13232鶡 < crossbill; 13233調停 < reconcile; 13234鵷 < co\-worker; 13235干涉 < interfere; 13236鳢 < snakehead; 13237社會主義者 < socialist; 13238低速率 < low\-speed; 13239鲎 < king\-crab; 13240鱷 < crocodile; 13241勤勉 < diligence; 13242款待 < entertain; 13243令人欽佩 < admirable; 13244鯠 < to\-confer; 13245發芽 < germinate; 13246鮦 < snakefish; 13247撥正 < set\-right; 13248魞 < fish\-trap; 13249阿奇里斯 < aeschylus; 13250壽命 < life\-span; 13251鬖 < wild\-hair; 13252髧 < long\-hair; 13253髗 < the\-skull; 13254提摩太后書 < 2\-timothy; 13255骭 < shin\-bone; 13256政治局 < politburo; 13257經文 < scripture; 13258零售商 < tradesman; 13259敲入 < to\-key\-in; 13260隊形 < formation; 13261騧 < tan\-horse; 13262騐 < to\-verity; 13263天上 < celestial; 13264駸 < galloping; 13265政治家 < statesman; 13266饠 < rice\-cake; 13267辦理 < to\-handle; 13268餱 < dry\-goods; 13269安全帶 < seat\-belt; 13270孟加拉語 < bengalese; 13271註定 < be\-doomed; 13272無數 < countless; 13273收回 < to\-regain; 13274外交 < diplomacy; 13275過度 < exceeding; 13276操持 < to\-manage; 13277登廣告 < advertise; 13278檢測 < to\-detect; 13279矮凳 < low\-stool; 13280階層 < hierarchy; 13281靪 < to\-cobble; 13282香檳酒 < champagne; 13283靧 < wash\-face; 13284至高 < paramount; 13285靀 < drizzling; 13286排行 < seniority; 13287霂 < fine\-rain; 13288前往 < leave\-for; 13289教儀 < ordinance; 13290機械裝置 < machinery; 13291隃 < to\-exceed; 13292墳墓 < sepulcher; 13293綜合性 < synthesis; 13294公秉 < kiloliter; 13295阻撓 < to\-thwart; 13296傳送 < to\-convey; 13297閺 < look\-down; 13298遺囑 < testament; 13299歡呼 < cheer\-for; 13300锫 < berkelium; 13301锆 < zirconium; 13302钶 < columbium; 13303遊客 < traveller; 13304钌 < ruthenium; 13305摁釘兒 < thumbtack; 13306钁 < a\-mattock; 13307文具商 < stationer; 13308新加坡 < singapore; 13309城牆 < city\-wall; 13310內碼 < to\-encode; 13311鐻 < drumstick; 13312摧殘 < to\-ravage; 13313撞擊 < to\-strike; 13314加劇 < aggravate; 13315鏛 < to\-polish; 13316阻抗 < impedance; 13317捐贈 < to\-donate; 13318自願 < voluntary; 13319鎿 < neptunium; 13320樹皮 < tree\-bark; 13321鎞 < plowshare; 13322隨員 < attendant; 13323光筆 < light\-pen; 13324報攤 < newsstand; 13325出於 < be\-due\-to; 13326無形 < invisible; 13327裝置 < equipment; 13328鈌 < to\-pierce; 13329故事 < narrative; 13330共產 < communist; 13331推翻 < overthrow; 13332領事館 < consulate; 13333園藝 < gardening; 13334劃分 < to\-divide; 13335傳記 < biography; 13336迷惑 < to\-puzzle; 13337加上 < to\-put\-in; 13338輘 < a\-car\-rut; 13339通宵 < overnight; 13340軄 < to\-govern; 13341躔 < follow\-in; 13342廣傳 < propagate; 13343發生 < to\-happen; 13344跩 < to\-waddle; 13345超聯結 < hyperlink; 13346趝 < to\-pursue; 13347赿 < late\-slow; 13348組成 < component; 13349接管 < take\-over; 13350豵 < young\-pig; 13351總會會長 < president; 13352隆冬 < midwinter; 13353凹度 < concavity; 13354漫長 < very\-long; 13355界面 < interface; 13356創作 < to\-create; 13357到目前為止 < until\-now; 13358譊 < wrangling; 13359譅 < wriggling; 13360諝 < knowledge; 13361毫無疑問 < certainty; 13362綜合 < composite; 13363披露 < to\-reveal; 13364看待 < look\-upon; 13365陷入 < sink\-into; 13366衰落 < decompose; 13367撥奏 < pizzicato; 13368迫害 < persecute; 13369進化 < evolution; 13370流行性感冒 < influenza; 13371裲 < waistcoat; 13372辯才 < eloquence; 13373自負 < conceited; 13374螌 < a\-striped; 13375市政 < municipal; 13376儼然 < just\-like; 13377保皇黨 < royalists; 13378絕妙 < exquisite; 13379東北方 < northeast; 13380投降 < surrender; 13381簽章 < signature; 13382蘞 < wild\-vine; 13383綁匪 < kidnapper; 13384無力 < powerless; 13385好萊塢 < hollywood; 13386擔保 < guarantee; 13387推理 < reasoning; 13388蕗 < leucacene; 13389因而 < therefore; 13390逆向 < backwards; 13391蓆 < straw\-mat; 13392按蚊 < anopheles; 13393樣機 < prototype; 13394蒢 < hedysarum; 13395刨冰 < water\-ice; 13396帶寬 < bandwidth; 13397葓 < vegetable; 13398異議 < objection; 13399規定 < provision; 13400展開 < to\-unfold; 13401輪流 < alternate; 13402持久性 < constancy; 13403傳統 < tradition; 13404偏見 < prejudice; 13405白血病 < leukaemia; 13406全世界 < worldwide; 13407地理 < geography; 13408地球 < the\-earth; 13409苙 < a\-pig\-sty; 13410芼 < to\-choose; 13411降低 < to\-reduce; 13412保險 < insurance; 13413保障 < to\-ensure; 13414艣 < stern\-oar; 13415場合 < situation; 13416艎 < fast\-boat; 13417報告 < to\-inform; 13418舝 < linch\-pin; 13419舘 < a\-mansion; 13420臯 < to\-praise; 13421澳大利亞 < australia; 13422公斗 < decaliter; 13423返回 < return\-to; 13424大寫鎖定 < caps\-lock; 13425分割 < to\-cut\-up; 13426胦 < the\-navel; 13427扁骨 < flat\-bone; 13428耥 < farm\-tool; 13429羶 < rank\-odor; 13430保鏢 < bodyguard; 13431跑錶 < stopwatch; 13432紙夾 < paperclip; 13433罁 < a\-cistern; 13434發明 < to\-invent; 13435模擬 < imitation; 13436半工半讀 < part\-work; 13437激發 < to\-arouse; 13438再度 < once\-more; 13439糾察 < to\-picket; 13440拷花 < to\-emboss; 13441我們自己 < ourselves; 13442潛艇 < submarine; 13443迷住 < fascinate; 13444艾炷 < moxa\-cone; 13445囚禁 < captivity; 13446緥 < swaddling; 13447羅徹斯特 < rochester; 13448便門 < side\-door; 13449抗議者 < protester; 13450衣帽間 < cloakroom; 13451一匹馬 < one\-horse; 13452有時候 < sometimes; 13453糰 < rice\-ball; 13454糝 < scattered; 13455候選人 < candidate; 13456管弦樂團 < orchestra; 13457向北地 < northward; 13458籨 < trousseau; 13459下決心 < determine; 13460規勸 < to\-advise; 13461表皮 < epidermis; 13462表白 < vindicate; 13463白日做夢 < day\-dream; 13464竕 < deciliter; 13465保證人 < guarantor; 13466竆 < exhausted; 13467看做 < regard\-as; 13468窋 < in\-a\-hole; 13469稬 < glutinous; 13470上星期 < last\-week; 13471兇手 < assailant; 13472寬頻 < broadband; 13473西南 < southwest; 13474西北 < northwest; 13475礽 < blessings; 13476礞 < \(mineral\); 13477精巧 < elaborate; 13478第二十 < twentieth; 13479嶄新 < brand\-new; 13480碆 < arrow\-tip; 13481打進 < to\-breach; 13482砬 < big\-stone; 13483公寸 < decimeter; 13484公寓 < apartment; 13485常任 < permanent; 13486光彩 < honorable; 13487睡過頭 < oversleep; 13488指示 < point\-out; 13489眕 < restraint; 13490病理 < pathology; 13491任何其他 < any\-other; 13492辛勞 < laborious; 13493損壞 < to\-damage; 13494瘭 < a\-whitlow; 13495瘜 < a\-polypus; 13496巴勒斯坦 < palestine; 13497痡 < a\-disease; 13498利未記 < leviticus; 13499童子軍 < boy\-scout; 13500畱 < to\-detain; 13501嘉許 < favorable; 13502畋 < till\-land; 13503八天 < eight\-day; 13504甦 < be\-reborn; 13505瓸 < hectogram; 13506拒絕 < to\-refuse; 13507要不 < otherwise; 13508璿 < fine\-jade; 13509標定 < demarcate; 13510瑴 < twin\-gems; 13511瑣 < fragments; 13512輻射 < radiation; 13513四十六 < forty\-six; 13514排放 < discharge; 13515體現 < to\-embody; 13516衰減 < to\-weaken; 13517籃板 < backboard; 13518在﹍旁邊 < alongside; 13519馬鞭 < horsewhip; 13520獀 < to\-gather; 13521第九十 < ninetieth; 13522狳 < armadillo; 13523燶 < to\-scorch; 13524畢竟 < after\-all; 13525熿 < brilliant; 13526先見之明 < foresight; 13527低階 < low\-level; 13528所謂 < so\-called; 13529潰爛 < to\-fester; 13530儲存 < stockpile; 13531車前燈 < headlight; 13532濩 < pour\-down; 13533掛念 < concerned; 13534宇航員 < astronaut; 13535轟動 < sensation; 13536臺燈 < desk\-lamp; 13537使困窘 < embarrass; 13538湼 < black\-mud; 13539湅 < boil\-silk; 13540淩 < pass\-over; 13541實質 < substance; 13542隨之而後 < from\-that; 13543涷 < rainstorm; 13544洑 < whirlpool; 13545巧克力 < chocolate; 13546有雄心 < ambitious; 13547殈 < infertile; 13548欕 < tree\-name; 13549植物 < botanical; 13550空防 < air\-force; 13551入侵 < to\-invade; 13552處理器 < processor; 13553主管人員 < executive; 13554橚 < tall\-tree; 13555公丈 < decameter; 13556輸出 < to\-export; 13557榪 < headboard; 13558知更鳥 < redbreast; 13559啟示者 < revelator; 13560輸入 < to\-import; 13561等等 < et\-cetera; 13562第三十 < thirtieth; 13563棖 < door\-stop; 13564梜 < chopstick; 13565激怒 < infuriate; 13566栱 < large\-peg; 13567栭 < king\-post; 13568栒 < cross\-bar; 13569停泊 < anchorage; 13570柈 < container; 13571枙 < tree\-knot; 13572白鎢礦 < scheelite; 13573朞 < full\-year; 13574手提包 < \(hand\)bag; 13575技術性 < technical; 13576漲潮 < high\-tide; 13577暍 < sunstroke; 13578家譜 < genealogy; 13579驚異 < amazement; 13580輔助 < to\-assist; 13581旪 < united\-in; 13582提供 < to\-supply; 13583不誠實 < dishonest; 13584豌豆粥 < pea\-gruel; 13585變流器 < converter; 13586攋 < to\-clutch; 13587攃 < preceding; 13588擐 < to\-put\-on; 13589體操 < gymnastic; 13590摽 < throw\-out; 13591提摩太前書 < 1\-timothy; 13592摮 < to\-rattle; 13593揥 < scratcher; 13594便箋 < notepaper; 13595聖餐 < sacrament; 13596財務秘書 < treasurer; 13597批發 < wholesale; 13598趕緊 < hurriedly; 13599扳道員 < pointsman; 13600扤 < to\-thrust; 13601骨架 < framework; 13602戜 < to\-scrape; 13603偵探 < detective; 13604兩星期 < fortnight; 13605挑戰 < challenge; 13606格式化 < to\-format; 13607被告 < defendant; 13608波利尼西亞 < polynesia; 13609悁 < irritable; 13610恑 < to\-change; 13611怺 < to\-endure; 13612怞 < to\-grieve; 13613怗 < observant; 13614採石場 < stone\-pit; 13615加勒比 < caribbean; 13616電報機 < telegraph; 13617貝類 < shellfish; 13618在內 < including; 13619拿手 < expert\-in; 13620工作表 < worksheet; 13621暴風雪 < snowstorm; 13622竊聽 < eavesdrop; 13623廾 < two\-hands; 13624庉 < a\-village; 13625幩 < trappings; 13626幙 < a\-curtain; 13627宿舍 < dormitory; 13628山水 < landscape; 13629四天 < four\-days; 13630挺好 < very\-good; 13631簽入 < to\-log\-on; 13632馬背 < horseback; 13633驕氣 < arrogance; 13634疑心 < suspicion; 13635渺茫 < uncertain; 13636寽 < a\-handful; 13637文字檔 < text\-file; 13638寘 < put\-aside; 13639激動 < to\-excite; 13640嫛 < compliant; 13641媬 < governess; 13642媕 < undecided; 13643添補 < fill\-\(up\); 13644貿易戰 < trade\-war; 13645奉承者 < flatterer; 13646生育能力 < fertility; 13647修正 < to\-revise; 13648指揮者 < conductor; 13649夌 < to\-dawdle; 13650某處 < somewhere; 13651塝 < flat\-bank; 13652參考書 < reference; 13653共享軟體 < shareware; 13654貨輪 < freighter; 13655半衰期 < half\-life; 13656圊 < rest\-room; 13657體團 < community; 13658抵抗 < to\-resist; 13659不受歡迎 < unwelcome; 13660噁 < nastiness; 13661颱風 < hurricane; 13662嘑 < to\-menace; 13663拉斐特 < lafayette; 13664贖罪 < atonement; 13665寵物 < house\-pet; 13666聖誕 < christmas; 13667哫 < to\-cajole; 13668咵 < to\-revile; 13669不結果 < fruitless; 13670呧 < to\-rebuke; 13671假定 < to\-assume; 13672申請人 < applicant; 13673行動 < operation; 13674主體 < main\-part; 13675手法 < technique; 13676消遣 < amusement; 13677出版者 < publisher; 13678叅 < to\-counel; 13679厓 < precipice; 13680凹凸印刷 < embossing; 13681就業 < get\-a\-job; 13682疆域 < territory; 13683本星期 < this\-week; 13684匘 < the\-brain; 13685勩 < work\-hard; 13686怪不得 < no\-wonder; 13687撒都該人 < sadducees; 13688承擔 < undertake; 13689刔 < scoop\-out; 13690膽小 < cowardice; 13691凷 < dirt\-clod; 13692凙 < an\-icicle; 13693創造力 < ingenuity; 13694屬性 < attribute; 13695兇 < atrocious; 13696主頁 < home\-page; 13697可容忍 < tolerable; 13698會面 < meet\-with; 13699傺 < to\-hinder; 13700成為 < to\-become; 13701交誼 < communion; 13702圖書管理員 < librarian; 13703基本上 < basically; 13704侎 < to\-soothe; 13705伻 < messenger; 13706伋 < deceptive; 13707潛力 < potential; 13708稻草人 < scarecrow; 13709學童 < schoolboy; 13710多用戶 < multiuser; 13711自動 < automatic; 13712共產主義 < communism; 13713䶳 < to\-lookup; 13714䶑 < to\-sneeze; 13715蠕動 < to\-wiggle; 13716打敗 < to\-defeat; 13717豪豬 < porcupine; 13718不以為然 < object\-to; 13719䳺 < the\-quail; 13720流量 < flow\-rate; 13721䲨 < wild\-swan; 13722社會主義 < socialism; 13723䱈 < fish\-pulp; 13724䰥 < a\-cyclone; 13725賜給 < to\-bestow; 13726蜜月假期 < honeymoon; 13727䯦 < tiny\-bone; 13728䮜 < to\-gallop; 13729招募 < to\-recuit; 13730䭬 < to\-kowtow; 13731對於 < regarding; 13732䭛 < tasteless; 13733䭑 < incorrupt; 13734同班同學 < classmate; 13735䬶 < to\-strave; 13736䫻 < a\-typhoon; 13737䫔 < a\-servant; 13738上面 < on\-top\-of; 13739羽毛球 < badminton; 13740䩦 < the\-reins; 13741五號 < the\-fifth; 13742䨭 < the\-skies; 13743䨍 < deep\-pond; 13744䦵 < incapable; 13745䦬 < a\-vacancy; 13746䦆 < a\-big\-hoe; 13747拆卸 < to\-unload; 13748救護車 < ambulance; 13749蛋白 < egg\-white; 13750第十六 < sixteenth; 13751䢱 < to\-slight; 13752䢟 < to\-travel; 13753吞食 < to\-devour; 13754䢍 < to\-hasten; 13755使生氣 < displease; 13756胃炎 < gastritis; 13757對抗 < withstand; 13758䠲 < to\-listen; 13759䠯 < to\-ascend; 13760䠮 < to\-prance; 13761䟻 < bare\-feet; 13762䟞 < to\-falter; 13763不公正 < injustice; 13764脫掉 < strip\-off; 13765香港 < hong\-kong; 13766䟌 < diverging; 13767䞼 < to\-escape; 13768䞒 < red\-color; 13769䞐 < plentiful; 13770䞉 < a\-surplus; 13771䜭 < to\-dredge; 13772實時 < real\-time; 13773肺炎 < pneumonia; 13774䜟 < to\-verify; 13775光射線 < light\-ray; 13776䛻 < to\-induce; 13777䛹 < to\-accuse; 13778䛳 < to\-malign; 13779䛬 < baby\-talk; 13780䛪 < loquacity; 13781䛋 < to\-scheme; 13782䛁 < to\-murmur; 13783慶祝 < celebrate; 13784䙸 < to\-obtain; 13785外國人 < foreigner; 13786䘼 < stockings; 13787宰殺 < slaughter; 13788第十五 < fifteenth; 13789䘑 < the\-pulse; 13790䕩 < dry\-fruit; 13791浪蕩 < to\-loiter; 13792䔳 < chickling; 13793䓰 < absinthin; 13794某物 < something; 13795䒊 < a\-patient; 13796䑪 < a\-sailing; 13797䑓 < a\-lookout; 13798津貼 < allowance; 13799䐺 < delicious; 13800䐛 < to\-loosen; 13801䐆 < big\-belly; 13802䏽 < meat\-pulp; 13803䏬 < the\-spine; 13804䏠 < meat\-soup; 13805䏞 < the\-belly; 13806肝炎 < hepatitis; 13807䎡 < to\-shrink; 13808消耗 < to\-use\-up; 13809䎃 < fine\-down; 13810阿根廷 < argentina; 13811䍎 < a\-spindle; 13812䌲 < light\-red; 13813䌛 < entourage; 13814䋠 < to\-repair; 13815䊰 < foodstuff; 13816䊜 < dumplings; 13817䉼 < materials; 13818上載 < to\-upload; 13819蘭花 < cymbidium; 13820書記 < secretary; 13821浪船 < swingboat; 13822偽善者 < hypocrite; 13823䇐 < to\-arrive; 13824小寫 < lowercase; 13825䆐 < a\-country; 13826螺旋槳 < propeller; 13827用具 < appliance; 13828古風 < antiquity; 13829䅃 < late\-crop; 13830安歇 < go\-to\-bed; 13831䃩 < a\-mineral; 13832家族 < household; 13833䃕 < stoneware; 13834自動樓梯 < escalator; 13835緊急事件 < emergency; 13836䃀 < millstone; 13837何故 < wherefore; 13838腳印 < footprint; 13839瓷器 < chinaware; 13840貯水處 < reservoir; 13841䁐 < deep\-eyed; 13842童年 < childhood; 13843印度尼西亞 < indonesia; 13844半流體 < semifluid; 13845䀬 < to\-glance; 13846䀡 < to\-spy\-on; 13847䀐 < to\-regard; 13848起床 < to\-get\-up; 13849㿿 < wine\-cups; 13850民主主義者 < democrats; 13851㿟 < he\-bright; 13852征服者 < conqueror; 13853㾥 < bellyache; 13854㾣 < to\-shiver; 13855今生 < this\-life; 13856捕鼠器 < mousetrap; 13857㽞 < to\-remain; 13858㽉 < a\-big\-jar; 13859㼺 < porcelain; 13860變色龍 < chameleon; 13861㼚 < earthware; 13862對抗者 < adversary; 13863本職 < one''s\-job; 13864退黑激素 < melatonin; 13865背斜 < anticline; 13866暴躁 < irascible; 13867池鹽 < lake\-salt; 13868薄油層 < oil\-sheet; 13869不許 < not\-allow; 13870商標 < trademark; 13871飯碗 < rice\-bowl; 13872無知覺 < senseless; 13873晤面 < interview; 13874重開 < to\-reopen; 13875㵔 < not\-clear; 13876變革 < transform; 13877㴁 < to\-add\-to; 13878白云母 < muscovite; 13879㳨 < to\-splash; 13880截奪 < intercept; 13881彫刻品 < sculpture; 13882深水 < deepwater; 13883㰖 < the\-olive; 13884㯺 < a\-cabinet; 13885變焦距鏡頭 < zoom\-lens; 13886㯯 < small\-cup; 13887㯝 < paulownia; 13888㮙 < a\-pitfall; 13889㭢 < mechanics; 13890起始 < originate; 13891㬿 < moonlight; 13892祇讀 < read\-only; 13893㬫 < clear\-sky; 13894一千噸 < 1000\-tons; 13895不規則 < irregular; 13896波狀雲 < undulatus; 13897學會 < institute; 13898㪈 < to\-let\-go; 13899㩒 < to\-arrest; 13900㩇 < the\-thumb; 13901㨶 < to\-thresh; 13902㨉 < to\-smooth; 13903㧩 < to\-dispel; 13904㧗 < to\-clatch; 13905僚 < officials; 13906㦯 < a\-certain; 13907㦖 < resentful; 13908㥾 < mortified; 13909㥳 < to\-survey; 13910㥦 < satisfied; 13911㥀 < exclusive; 13912㤵 < copassion; 13913末端 < extremity; 13914㤇 < terrified; 13915㤆 < nauseated; 13916㣺 < the\-heart; 13917瓜分 < partition; 13918㢡 < to\-exhort; 13919㡼 < a\-granary; 13920㡺 < a\-cottage; 13921㡗 < red\-paper; 13922㠘 < an\-island; 13923涌現 < spring\-up; 13924禮節 < etiquette; 13925變醜 < disfigure; 13926㜻 < to\-admire; 13927蜂巢 < honeycomb; 13928㜘 < delicated; 13929㜏 < last\-name; 13930中美 < china\-usa; 13931㛾 < not\-clean; 13932暗語 < code\-word; 13933擴音器 < megaphone; 13934不見了 < disappear; 13935㚰 < an\-embryo; 13936㚛 < corpulent; 13937㚘 < a\-partner; 13938重蹈 < to\-repeat; 13939㘣 < compasses; 13940㗳 < forgetful; 13941九月份 < september; 13942超文本 < hypertext; 13943基督教徒 < christian; 13944㕹 < a\-buckler; 13945㕕 < deception; 13946㕑 < a\-kitchen; 13947休戰 < armistice; 13948㕋 < rock\-land; 13949㕈 < to\-linger; 13950㔧 < to\-incite; 13951讀書人 < a\-scholar; 13952㓋 < to\-freeze; 13953㓄 < to\-plough; 13954叛賣 < to\-betray; 13955㑧 < perturbed; 13956㑄 < to\-insult; 13957㐯 < to\-employ; 13958伸展 < extension; 13959一致 < unanimous; 13960引用句 < quotation; 13961老牌 < old\-brand; 13962妖風 < evil\-wind; 13963錶帶 < watchband; 13964減少 < to\-lessen; 13965有益 < wholesome; 13966立刻 < forthwith; 13967八倍體 < octoploid; 13968深思 < to\-ponder; 13969野蠻 < barbarous; 13970財東 < shopowner; 13971虛構 < imaginary; 13972被禁止 < forbidden; 13973聯想 < associate; 13974浸沒 < immersion; 13975淒慘 < miserable; 13976一篇 < one\-sided; 13977介質訪問控制層 < mac\-layer; 13978不自然 < unnatural; 13979期滿 < to\-expire; 13980警覺 < vigilance; 13981原諒 < to\-excuse; 13982家俱 < furniture; 13983高科技 < high\-tech; 13984感染 < infection; 13985孔子 < confucius; 13986亞格門農 < agamemnon; 13987家事 < housework; 13988怪物似 < monstrous; 13989冰棍兒 < ice\-lolly; 13990今年 < this\-year; 13991白班兒 < day\-shift; 13992一百 < a\-hundred; 13993仲夏 < midsummer; 13994證詞 < testimony; 13995不逞之徒 < desperado; 13996突出 < prominent; 13997星期三 < wednesday; 13998惡毒 < malicious; 13999野蠻人 < barbarian; 14000十字軍 < crusaders; 14001露韓 < to\-expose; 14002法國人 < frenchman; 14003五千噸 < 5000\-tons; 14004影響 < influence; 14005暴發 < break\-out; 14006應付 < deal\-with; 14007有毒 < poisonous; 14008弱鹼 < weak\-base; 14009汽船 < steamboat; 14010遇難船 < shipwreck; 14011可笑 < laughable; 14012半載 < half\-load; 14013微軟 < microsoft; 14014仙境 < fairyland; 14015旨趣 < objective; 14016大類 < main\-type; 14017本文 < this\-text; 14018羊皮紙 < parchment; 14019憤憤不平 < indignant; 14020營養 < nutrition; 14021反艦艇 < anti\-ship; 14022協議 < agreement; 14023那麼 < so\-\(much\); 14024必需品 < necessity; 14025碧藍 < dark\-blue; 14026待遇 < treatment; 14027下個星期 < next\-week; 14028合理 < rationale; 14029玩弄 < resort\-to; 14030旁路 < to\-bypass; 14031夜間 < nighttime; 14032比鄰 < neighbour; 14033書架 < bookshelf; 14034有效 < effective; 14035缽盂 < alms\-bowl; 14036石灰石 < limestone; 14037資助 < subsidize; 14038歷史學家 < historian; 14039修道院 < monastery; 14040上次 < last\-time; 14041望遠鏡 < telescope; 14042擺設兒 < ornaments; 14043五天 < five\-days; 14044心靈上 < spiritual; 14045旁觀 < spectator; 14046堅忍不拔 < fortitude; 14047介入 < intervene; 14048以上 < more\-than; 14049矛頭 < spearhead; 14050夢遺 < wet\-dream; 14051天文學 < astronomy; 14052巴比妥 < barbitone; 14053波段 < wave\-band; 14054離開 < to\-depart; 14055實質上 < virtually; 14056吐氣 < aspirated; 14057東南 < southeast; 14058奇觀 < spectacle; 14059改革 < to\-reform; 14060愛國 < patriotic; 14061不斷 < unceasing; 14062未婚 < unmarried; 14063弱酸 < weak\-acid; 14064乘客 < passenger; 14065配置 < to\-deploy; 14066失調 < imbalance; 14067本壘 < home\-base; 14068人事 < personnel; 14069有意識 < conscious; 14070書店 < bookstore; 14071受害者 < casulties; 14072不完美 < defective; 14073司機 < chauffeur; 14074東亞 < east\-asia; 14075合格 < qualified; 14076情緒化 < emotional; 14077耐力 < endurance; 14078支持者 < supporter; 14079明確 < clear\-cut; 14080不惜 < not\-stint; 14081借書單 < book\-slip; 14082主婦 < housewife; 14083表意文字 < ideograph; 14084通貨膨脹 < inflation; 14085玩具 < plaything; 14086電話 < telephone; 14087施肥 < fertilize; 14088第八十 < eightieth; 14089里程碑 < milestone; 14090不已 < endlessly; 14091雜貨 < groceries; 14092木匠 < carpenter; 14093醬油 < soy\-sauce; 14094不情願 < unwilling; 14095觸鬚 < tentacles; 14096下定義 < to\-define; 14097擦音 < fricative; 14098周圍 < encompass; 14099對不起 < i''m\-sorry; 14100不對 < incorrect; 14101心目 < mentality; 14102可敬 < venerable; 14103大荳 < soya\-bean; 14104 < same\-as\-忡; 14105假象牙 < celluloid; 14106降落傘 < parachute; 14107波幅 < amplitude; 14108右手 < righthand; 14109流入 < flow\-into; 14110注射 < injection; 14111硬盤 < hard\-disk; 14112功課 < classwork; 14113週長 < perimeter; 14114購買者 < purchaser; 14115大教堂 < cathedral; 14116組織者 < organizer; 14117婚姻 < matrimony; 14118不在 < not\-be\-in; 14119丙種射線 < gamma\-ray; 14120鞭毛 < flagellum; 14121撫養 < to\-foster; 14122刪除 < to\-delete; 14123遠足 < excursion; 14124無限 < unlimited; 14125頑強 < tenacious; 14126無關 < unrelated; 14127蒸發 < evaporate; 14128古怪 < eccentric; 14129得當 < expedient; 14130油布 < tarpaulin; 14131下唇 < lower\-lip; 14132上唇 < upper\-lip; 14133聖迭哥 < san\-diego; 14134頁心 < type\-page; 14135污染 < pollution; 14136意氣相投 < congenial; 14137長方形 < rectangle; 14138前途 < prospects; 14139熊蜂 < bumblebee; 14140總結 < summarize; 14141吸取 < to\-absorb; 14142週邊 < periphery; 14143年限 < age\-limit; 14144下列 < following; 14145題名 < autograph; 14146多端 < multiport; 14147效能 < efficient; 14148灰獵犬 < greyhound; 14149獲暴利者 < profiteer; 14150不停 < incessant; 14151大砲 < artillery; 14152不值 < not\-worth; 14153沙岩 < sandstone; 14154波及 < spread\-to; 14155微波 < microwave; 14156無辜 < innocence; 14157次要 < secondary; 14158不予 < not\-grant; 14159去年 < last\-year; 14160不了 < unable\-to; 14161韌性 < toughness; 14162版權 < copyright; 14163向南 < southward; 14164民歌 < folk\-song; 14165即時 < immediate; 14166習慣性 < customary; 14167幸運 < fortunate; 14168美中 < usa\-china; 14169熟練 < practiced; 14170念 < think\-of; 14171会 < assemble; 14172学 < learning; 14173徒 < disciple; 14174睦 < friendly; 14175无 < negative; 14176方 < a\-square; 14177前 < in\-front; 14178眉 < eyebrows; 14179省 < province; 14180直 < straight; 14181廢 < abrogate; 14182盛 < abundant; 14183軒 < carriage; 14184全 < maintain; 14185廊 < corridor; 14186皺 < wrinkles; 14187康 < peaceful; 14188间 < midpoint; 14189躊 < hesitate; 14190第 < sequence; 14191幻 < illusion; 14192癇 < epilepsy; 14193山 < mountain; 14194巾 < kerchief; 14195巧 < skillful; 14196距 < distance; 14197界 < boundary; 14198任 < trust\-to; 14199台 < platform; 14200象 < elephant; 14201题 < forehead; 14202賢 < virtuous; 14203資 < property; 14204貼 < paste\-to; 14205費 < expenses; 14206履 < footwear; 14207武 < military; 14208琲 < necklace; 14209尠 < very\-few; 14210完 < complete; 14211即 < promptly; 14212寵 < favorite; 14213语 < language; 14214珍 < precious; 14215商 < commerce; 14216宝 < treasure; 14217千 < thousand; 14218宜 < suitable; 14219官 < official; 14220站 < stand\-up; 14221譬 < metaphor; 14222香 < fragrant; 14223似 < resemble; 14224嬢 < troubled; 14225虽 < although; 14226且 < moreover; 14227调 < transfer; 14228嫉 < jealousy; 14229狃 < to\-covet; 14230嫁 < to\-marry; 14231媚 < charming; 14232誘 < persuade; 14233誄 < eulogize; 14234詳 < detailed; 14235詰 < question; 14236惊 < frighten; 14237支 < disperse; 14238突 < suddenly; 14239評 < appraise; 14240娠 < pregnant; 14241句 < sentence; 14242显 < manifest; 14243增 < increase; 14244料 < consider; 14245妊 < conceive; 14246续 < continue; 14247炭 < charcoal; 14248围 < surround; 14249災 < calamity; 14250塚 < cemetery; 14251瀕 < approach; 14252濺 < sprinkle; 14253濯 < wash\-out; 14254垣 < low\-wall; 14255习 < practice; 14256垂 < let\-down; 14257坂 < hillside; 14258祖 < ancestor; 14259优 < superior; 14260滯 < block\-up; 14261溢 < overflow; 14262温 < lukewarm; 14263蚊 < mosquito; 14264鹸 < alkaline; 14265噪 < be\-noisy; 14266嘲 < ridicule; 14267減 < decrease; 14268嘔 < to\-vomit; 14269恩 < kindness; 14270脱 < take\-off; 14271涸 < dried\-up; 14272喪 < mourning; 14273奔 < run\-fast; 14274涌 < surge\-up; 14275禁 < restrict; 14276浮 < to\-float; 14277互 < mutually; 14278搞 < to\-clear; 14279朱 < cinnabar; 14280域 < district; 14281材 < material; 14282偷 < to\-steal; 14283蓉 < hibiscus; 14284抽 < draw\-out; 14285仪 < ceremony; 14286卸 < lay\-down; 14287忆 < remember; 14288隔 < separate; 14289卓 < profound; 14290损 < diminish; 14291茄 < eggplant; 14292勿 < must\-not; 14293髭 < mustache; 14294遥 < far\-away; 14295櫛 < comb\-out; 14296币 < currency; 14297勉 < endeavor; 14298骸 < skeleton; 14299努 < to\-exert; 14300萍 < duckweed; 14301樅 < fir\-tree; 14302缩 < contract; 14303臥 < lie\-down; 14304慕 < long\-for; 14305臣 < minister; 14306挡 < obstruct; 14307膜 < membrane; 14308榛 < hazelnut; 14309俊 < talented; 14310枝 < branches; 14311陷 < submerge; 14312勒 < strangle; 14313聊 < somewhat; 14314飾 < decorate; 14315斜 < slanting; 14316斐 < graceful; 14317梟 < owl\-thus; 14318傘 < umbrella; 14319亭 < pavilion; 14320泛 < to\-drift; 14321符 < i\.d\.\-tag; 14322允 < to\-grant; 14323跨 < straddle; 14324掩 < to\-cover; 14325頃 < a\-moment; 14326柴 < firewood; 14327俯 < bow\-down; 14328俥 < rickshaw; 14329邻 < neighbor; 14330驾 < to\-drive; 14331羞 < disgrace; 14332裤 < trousers; 14333估 < merchant; 14334鞘 < scabbard; 14335咐 < instruct; 14336恒 < constant; 14337糟 < sediment; 14338扮 < dress\-up; 14339曜 < glorious; 14340暢 < smoothly; 14341押 < mortgage; 14342戚 < relative; 14343穆 < majestic; 14344嘻 < mirthful; 14345並 < equal\-to; 14346昔 < formerly; 14347闘 < struggle; 14348瞪 < stare\-at; 14349斥 < to\-scold; 14350剪 < scissors; 14351姚 < handsome; 14352掏 < take\-out; 14353間 < interval; 14354惹 < irritate; 14355簿 < register; 14356芷 < angelica; 14357磁 < magnetic; 14358毅 < resolute; 14359笥 < a\-hamper; 14360拘 < restrain; 14361伐 < cut\-down; 14362竊 < secretly; 14363銘 < inscribe; 14364愉 < pleasant; 14365窜 < run\-away; 14366寨 < stockade; 14367戻 < perverse; 14368沪 < shanghai; 14369釜 < cauldron; 14370嗤 < laugh\-at; 14371娱 < pleasure; 14372禄 < blessing; 14373愕 < startled; 14374啡 < morphine; 14375囚 < prisoner; 14376账 < accounts; 14377瓷 < crockery; 14378腥 < raw\-meat; 14379咸 < together; 14380疫 < epidemic; 14381啪 < syllable; 14382膨 < to\-swell; 14383吱 < chirping; 14384菌 < mushroom; 14385琐 < trifling; 14386苟 < careless; 14387崛 < towering; 14388凸 < protrude; 14389嘀 < backbite; 14390铐 < shackles; 14391谕 < proclaim; 14392迸 < gush\-out; 14393剔 < pick\-out; 14394冀 < hope\-for; 14395砚 < inkstone; 14396捍 < ward\-off; 14397臀 < buttocks; 14398倔 < stubborn; 14399奄 < ere\-long; 14400侥 < be\-lucky; 14401梵 < buddhist; 14402褥 < mattress; 14403晖 < sunshine; 14404畴 < farmland; 14405瞟 < glare\-at; 14406瘸 < lameness; 14407澎 < splatter; 14408潦 < to\-flood; 14409偎 < cling\-to; 14410蝎 < scorpion; 14411簸 < winnower; 14412庶 < numerous; 14413撂 < put\-down; 14414晗 < pre\-dawn; 14415蹊 < footpath; 14416阉 < castrate; 14417淆 < confused; 14418萦 < entangle; 14419榆 < elm\-tree; 14420猝 < abruptly; 14421曦 < sunlight; 14422渤 < swelling; 14423辘 < windlass; 14424铝 < aluminum; 14425捋 < to\-pluck; 14426虻 < horsefly; 14427瞌 < doze\-off; 14428亟 < urgently; 14429徨 < doubtful; 14430啐 < to\-taste; 14431镯 < bracelet; 14432刽 < amputate; 14433藻 < splendid; 14434惰 < indolent; 14435燔 < to\-roast; 14436涝 < inundate; 14437绛 < deep\-red; 14438氯 < chlorine; 14439坍 < collapse; 14440忐 < timorous; 14441殡 < encoffin; 14442昵 < intimate; 14443俟 < wait\-for; 14444桢 < hardwood; 14445黏 < stick\-to; 14446痘 < smallpox; 14447槟 < betelnut; 14448韭 < scallion; 14449蔫 < withered; 14450膂 < backbone; 14451胫 < shinbone; 14452臃 < swell\-up; 14453岌 < perilous; 14454玎 < jingling; 14455隼 < aquiline; 14456陲 < frontier; 14457谶 < prophecy; 14458偻 < humpback; 14459铂 < platinum; 14460纛 < a\-banner; 14461铬 < chromium; 14462胰 < pancreas; 14463覃 < reach\-to; 14464睾 < testicle; 14465倨 < arrogant; 14466讣 < obituary; 14467钛 < titanium; 14468浃 < saturate; 14469旖 < romantic; 14470缙 < red\-silk; 14471衾 < coverlet; 14472宸 < imperial; 14473佞 < flattery; 14474蛔 < tapeworm; 14475氅 < overcoat; 14476氟 < fluorine; 14477氰 < cyanogen; 14478鲟 < sturgeon; 14479硒 < selenium; 14480舨 < a\-sampan; 14481烊 < to\-smelt; 14482萱 < day\-lily; 14483疸 < jaundice; 14484铊 < thallium; 14485诂 < exegesis; 14486雉 < pheasant; 14487颢 < luminous; 14488栀 < gardenia; 14489诒 < bequeath; 14490颟 < dawdling; 14491苋 < amaranth; 14492瀣 < sea\-mist; 14493箝 < tweezers; 14494楮 < mulberry; 14495遄 < to\-hurry; 14496钒 < vanadium; 14497苷 < licorice; 14498钨 < tungsten; 14499埸 < a\-border; 14500嫒 < daughter; 14501癜 < erythema; 14502鸹 < the\-crow; 14503曛 < twilight; 14504骘 < stallion; 14505坻 < an\-islet; 14506觫 < to\-start; 14507铵 < ammonium; 14508氩 < argonium; 14509卣 < wine\-pot; 14510锑 < antimony; 14511醛 < aldehyde; 14512钽 < tantalum; 14513砼 < concrete; 14514熘 < to\-steam; 14515窨 < a\-cellar; 14516栲 < mangrove; 14517鲣 < skipjack; 14518铷 < rubidium; 14519铕 < europium; 14520钋 < polonium; 14521砑 < to\-grind; 14522洫 < to\-ditch; 14523埚 < crucible; 14524垤 < ant\-hill; 14525卺 < winecups; 14526嘏 < felicity; 14527鲽 < flatfish; 14528鲭 < mackerel; 14529钪 < scandium; 14530钫 < francium; 14531钐 < samarium; 14532祓 < exorcise; 14533栳 < a\-basket; 14534吲 < smile\-at; 14535莰 < camphane; 14536芴 < fluorene; 14537赜 < abstruse; 14538改編 < to\-adapt; 14539白內障 < cataract; 14540壓緊 < compress; 14541醫學 < medicine; 14542吞併 < to\-annex; 14543靈活 < flexible; 14544大篷車 < schooner; 14545文獻 < document; 14546外用 < external; 14547監護人 < guardian; 14548邊線 < sideline; 14549正統 < orthodox; 14550斯洛伐克 < slovakia; 14551頻仍 < frequent; 14552緯線 < latitude; 14553不合適 < improper; 14554無誤 < verified; 14555日曆 < calendar; 14556剝落 < peel\-off; 14557預卜 < foretell; 14558謹慎 < cautious; 14559茶館 < teahouse; 14560企業間網路 < extranet; 14561觀察者 < observer; 14562鳥籠 < birdcage; 14563建築 < building; 14564藥劑士 < druggist; 14565不信任 < mistrust; 14566建立 < creation; 14567因特網 < internet; 14568心手 < new\-hand; 14569冰隙 < crevasse; 14570霸權 < hegemony; 14571危急 < critical; 14572隙縫 < aperture; 14573對稱性 < symmetry; 14574親身 < personal; 14575確定 < definite; 14576檢測器 < detector; 14577終身 < lifelong; 14578魔術師 < magician; 14579記者 < reporter; 14580規避 < to\-evade; 14581牧師 < chaplain; 14582收益 < earnings; 14583平行 < parallel; 14584忠實 < faithful; 14585步發 < footwork; 14586分裂 < split\-up; 14587新書 < new\-book; 14588不朽的 < immortal; 14589口交 < oral\-sex; 14590創立 < to\-found; 14591煤箱 < coal\-box; 14592油炸圈餅 < doughnut; 14593缺乏 < shortage; 14594日後 < sometime; 14595歷史性 < historic; 14596因﹍之故 < inasmuch; 14597災難 < disaster; 14598徹底 < thorough; 14599檸檬水 < lemonade; 14600鱉裙 < calipash; 14601警句 < aphorism; 14602早已 < long\-ago; 14603破曉 < daybreak; 14604雨滴 < raindrop; 14605以太網 < ethernet; 14606明天 < tomorrow; 14607妖孽 < evildoer; 14608電氣 < electric; 14609酬報 < to\-repay; 14610負重擔 < burdened; 14611遺產 < heritage; 14612硬度 < hardness; 14613無聊 < nonsense; 14614橫過 < traverse; 14615雍容大度 < generous; 14616征戰 < campaign; 14617課本 < textbook; 14618凋謝 < languish; 14619十二月 < december; 14620計算 < to\-count; 14621開除 < to\-expel; 14622纖巧 < delicate; 14623擦網球 < net\-ball; 14624無縫 < seamless; 14625冠軍 < champion; 14626准許 < to\-allow; 14627電梯 < elevator; 14628蓋層 < cap\-rock; 14629面對 < confront; 14630無線 < wireless; 14631聖保羅 < st\.\-paul; 14632通紅 < very\-red; 14633包抄 < outflank; 14634辨認 < identify; 14635原來 < original; 14636好好兒地 < properly; 14637多數 < majority; 14638物品 < articles; 14639政治 < politics; 14640半夜 < midnight; 14641新年 < new\-year; 14642旅客 < traveler; 14643逼真 < lifelike; 14644騎士氣概 < chivalry; 14645西裡爾 < cyrillic; 14646公釐 < decigram; 14647殺戮 < massacre; 14648艾德蕾德 < adelaide; 14649力氣 < strength; 14650內部 < interior; 14651繡帷 < tapestry; 14652太忙 < too\-busy; 14653睡眠 < sleeping; 14654十四 < fourteen; 14655常坐汽車者 < motorist; 14656平等 < equality; 14657包層 < cladding; 14658汽車展覽會 < car\-show; 14659再見 < good\-bye; 14660可擦寫 < erasable; 14661免費軟件 < freeware; 14662危亡 < at\-stake; 14663巧計 < maneuver; 14664著手 < commence; 14665桃花心木 < mahogany; 14666盲腸 < appendix; 14667牧羊者 < shepherd; 14668支柱 < mainstay; 14669形容 < describe; 14670無疑 < no\-doubt; 14671強悍 < valliant; 14672粗野 < insolent; 14673袋鼠 < kangaroo; 14674軟體 < software; 14675新型 < new\-type; 14676培育 < to\-train; 14677煤油 < kerosene; 14678加時 < overtime; 14679標準規格 < standard; 14680光輝 < radiance; 14681復元 < recovery; 14682十八 < eighteen; 14683多少 < how\-much; 14684十克 < decagram; 14685地雷 < landmine; 14686如今 < nowadays; 14687邪惡 < sinister; 14688無論何時 < whenever; 14689觀看 < to\-watch; 14690得分 < to\-score; 14691筆記本 < notebook; 14692軀體 < the\-body; 14693硬件 < hardware; 14694天堂 < paradise; 14695薰衣草 < lavender; 14696十九 < nineteen; 14697光譜 < spectrum; 14698補遺 < addendum; 14699遠東 < far\-east; 14700幾乎沒有 < scarcely; 14701十三 < thirteen; 14702不必要 < needless; 14703機能 < function; 14704蒙古 < mongolia; 14705牧師之職 < ministry; 14706遠景 < prospect; 14707紐約 < new\-york; 14708提議 < proposal; 14709進步 < progress; 14710電報 < telegram; 14711請願書 < petition; 14712車間 < workshop; 14713往來 < dealings; 14714引導 < to\-guide; 14715龓 < a\-halter; 14716裝貨 < shipping; 14717力度 < dynamism; 14718投資者 < investor; 14719過於 < too\-much; 14720鼚 < drumming; 14721監禁 < imprison; 14722冰窖 < icehouse; 14723堂皇 < imposing; 14724麮 < porridge; 14725省略 < omission; 14726六十四萬 < 64\-0\-000; 14727寄生物 < parasite; 14728肯塔基 < kentucky; 14729母係 < maternal; 14730柬埔寨 < cambodia; 14731鵙 < a\-shrike; 14732採買 < purchase; 14733輕視 < contempt; 14734精致 < delicacy; 14735鳮 < chickens; 14736遲延 < to\-delay; 14737鲺 < cat\-fish; 14738攜帶 < to\-carry; 14739延展 < to\-scale; 14740鯺 < blowfish; 14741一小時 < one\-hour; 14742部位 < position; 14743蒙托羅拉 < motorola; 14744人行道 < sidewalk; 14745鬋 < forelock; 14746鬀 < to\-shave; 14747髵 < whiskers; 14748內置 < internal; 14749限期 < deadline; 14750安全性 < security; 14751髎 < hip\-bone; 14752記憶 < memories; 14753遷就 < to\-yield; 14754強勁 < powerful; 14755殺人 < homicide; 14756再保証 < reassure; 14757駦 < to\-mount; 14758馩 < aromatic; 14759人工流產 < abortion; 14760剛性 < rigidity; 14761餫 < dumpling; 14762餩 < hiccough; 14763餟 < libation; 14764餙 < to\-adorn; 14765颱 < taiphoon; 14766勃勃 < thriving; 14767擁擠 < to\-crowd; 14768授課 < to\-teach; 14769解散 < dissolve; 14770韡 < gorgeous; 14771韠 < knee\-pad; 14772陰性 < feminine; 14773靺 < stocking; 14774動作 < movement; 14775雞尾酒 < cocktail; 14776敦促 < to\-press; 14777霨 < clouding; 14778橄欖球 < football; 14779雇員 < employee; 14780瀉藥 < laxative; 14781換置 < displace; 14782平底鍋 < saucepan; 14783紀念碑 < monument; 14784圖謀 < conspire; 14785董事 < director; 14786動人 < touching; 14787阸 < distress; 14788阻擊 < to\-check; 14789補花 < applique; 14790镥 < lutetium; 14791塗抹 < to\-smear; 14792裝船 < shipment; 14793欺壓 < to\-bully; 14794荒涼 < desolate; 14795凹板 < intaglio; 14796劣勢 < inferior; 14797喇叭水仙 < daffodil; 14798分數 < fraction; 14799壓力 < pressure; 14800那個 < that\-one; 14801無情 < pitiless; 14802擦寫 < to\-erase; 14803壓制 < suppress; 14804精確 < accurate; 14805鍩 < nobelium; 14806鍚 < frontlet; 14807侵入者 < intruder; 14808經常 < everyday; 14809錒 < actinium; 14810改革者 < reformer; 14811步兵 < infantry; 14812銍 < a\-sickle; 14813平房 < bungalow; 14814冰涼 < ice\-cold; 14815企業內網路 < intranet; 14816幻想 < delusion; 14817序幕 < prologue; 14818醆 < wine\-cup; 14819醃 < marinate; 14820酲 < hangover; 14821鄈 < slippers; 14822避免 < to\-avert; 14823場所 < location; 14824邅 < hesitant; 14825雇主 < employer; 14826揭發 < disclose; 14827迻 < to\-shift; 14828傳訊 < subpoena; 14829評估 < evaluate; 14830手提箱 < suitcase; 14831偽造 < to\-forge; 14832火牆 < firewall; 14833轊 < axle\-tip; 14834輬 < a\-hearse; 14835凶手 < murderer; 14836不同意 < disagree; 14837共和國 < republic; 14838無害 < harmless; 14839軟膏 < ointment; 14840蹾 < to\-squat; 14841掌聲 < applause; 14842表觀 < apparent; 14843蹧 < to\-spoil; 14844埋沒 < oblivion; 14845平常 < ordinary; 14846踦 < the\-shin; 14847拔除 < pull\-out; 14848增加 < to\-raise; 14849跂 < creeping; 14850無論何事 < anything; 14851摩擦 < friction; 14852覺得 < to\-think; 14853高貴 < grandeur; 14854棒磨機 < rod\-mill; 14855充當 < serve\-as; 14856為時 < timewise; 14857達到 < to\-reach; 14858豎 < vertical; 14859西方 < the\-west; 14860精力充沛 < vigorous; 14861譹 < to\-shout; 14862通報 < bulletin; 14863撥子 < plectrum; 14864抗體 < antibody; 14865臨近 < close\-to; 14866莫大 < greatest; 14867哥倫布紀 < columbus; 14868切實 < feasible; 14869諆 < to\-cheat; 14870詋 < to\-curse; 14871詊 < pleasing; 14872分子 < molecule; 14873相應 < relevant; 14874左輪手槍 < revolver; 14875阻塞 < to\-block; 14876襶 < ignorant; 14877絕對 < absolute; 14878襫 < raincoat; 14879分娩 < delivery; 14880管道 < pipeline; 14881哥倫比亞 < colombia; 14882遊伴 < playmate; 14883工業 < industry; 14884冰排 < ice\-raft; 14885進入 < to\-enter; 14886小夜曲 < serenade; 14887小標題 < subtitle; 14888路面 < pavement; 14889蝟 < hedgehog; 14890蝏 < \(insect\); 14891撒母耳記下 < 2\-samuel; 14892撒母耳記上 < 1\-samuel; 14893有機體 < organism; 14894直徑 < diameter; 14895無名 < nameless; 14896堵塞 < blockage; 14897撤回 < withdraw; 14898蚳 < ant\-eggs; 14899經典 < classics; 14900死衚衕 < dead\-end; 14901騰騰 < steaming; 14902交響曲 < symphony; 14903逼人 < pressing; 14904無助 < helpless; 14905採用 < to\-adopt; 14906已故 < the\-late; 14907發汗 < to\-sweat; 14908國立 < national; 14909時間表 < schedule; 14910蔉 < earth\-up; 14911箴言 < proverbs; 14912補爐 < fettling; 14913自製 < homemade; 14914葖 < follicle; 14915頭向前 < headlong; 14916阻力 < obstacle; 14917探險者 < explorer; 14918蠕蠕 < wiggling; 14919艩 < tholepin; 14920送別 < farewell; 14921艌 < to\-caulk; 14922無人 < unmanned; 14923公斤 < kilogram; 14924君主政治 < monarchy; 14925受難者 < sufferer; 14926抽象 < abstract; 14927出口 < to\-speak; 14928脰 < the\-neck; 14929親善 < goodwill; 14930興致 < interest; 14931途中 < en\-route; 14932肏 < copulate; 14933間接 < indirect; 14934鐵路 < railroad; 14935搬弄 < move\-sth; 14936巴拉圭 < paraguay; 14937標本 < specimen; 14938第一步 < step\-one; 14939調味汁 < dressing; 14940退位 < abdicate; 14941罇 < a\-goblet; 14942逃亡 < fugitive; 14943戰鬥 < to\-fight; 14944統一 < to\-unify; 14945刑事 < criminal; 14946數據庫 < database; 14947縿 < streamer; 14948縴 < tow\-line; 14949債權人 < creditor; 14950衝突 < conflict; 14951追上 < overtake; 14952綯 < to\-braid; 14953綪 < dark\-red; 14954航空 < aviation; 14955修辭 < rhetoric; 14956濾液 < filtrate; 14957人口稠密 < populous; 14958紞 < a\-fringe; 14959對面 < opposite; 14960函件 < letteres; 14961弟兄們 < brethren; 14962小說家 < novelist; 14963籣 < bow\-case; 14964簬 < \(bamboo\); 14965馴鹿 < reindeer; 14966驚訝 < confound; 14967捕獲 < to\-catch; 14968採樣 < sampling; 14969純品 < sterling; 14970近來 < recently; 14971秏 < to\-waste; 14972第五十 < fiftieth; 14973三明治 < sandwich; 14974寺院 < cloister; 14975答話 < to\-reply; 14976催化劑 < catalyst; 14977火山 < volcanic; 14978其實 < actually; 14979生詞 < new\-word; 14980磟 < mediocre; 14981梵語 < sanskrit; 14982碏 < coloured; 14983便道 < shortcut; 14984消費者 < consumer; 14985寧靜 < tranquil; 14986砹 < astatine; 14987矋 < to\-stare; 14988封鎖 < blockade; 14989俯視 < overlook; 14990瞓 < to\-sleep; 14991睏 < be\-tired; 14992引人注目 < striking; 14993睅 < big\-eyed; 14994濕氣 < moisture; 14995盬 < salt\-pit; 14996阿奇歷斯 < achilles; 14997精密 < accuracy; 14998茶匙 < teaspoon; 14999兄弟 < brothers; 15000癒 < get\-well; 15001癃 < weakness; 15002瘼 < sickness; 15003瘶 < to\-cough; 15004瘰 < scrofula; 15005興盛 < flourish; 15006倘若 < provided; 15007關係 < relation; 15008發射 < to\-shoot; 15009瓩 < kilowatt; 15010琫 < ornament; 15011採掘 < excavate; 15012越過 < to\-cross; 15013珷 < \/2\-pr\-st; 15014兵器 < weaponry; 15015拔節 < jointing; 15016演習 < exercise; 15017奧德修斯 < odysseus; 15018紊亂 < disorder; 15019跳舞 < to\-dance; 15020犎 < the\-zebu; 15021牳 < \(bovine\); 15022範疇 < category; 15023兵員 < soldiers; 15024滲色 < bleeding; 15025熤 < \(person\); 15026蛋黃 < egg\-yolk; 15027焌 < to\-light; 15028炤 < illumine; 15029背面 < the\-back; 15030瀡 < slippery; 15031坦桑尼亞 < tanzania; 15032輔導 < to\-coach; 15033寶貴 < valuable; 15034潎 < rippling; 15035入口 < entrance; 15036湢 < bathroom; 15037開創 < initiate; 15038侵蝕 < to\-erode; 15039扁蟲 < flatworm; 15040經陸路 < overland; 15041容量 < capacity; 15042描圖 < to\-trace; 15043四月十七號 < april\-17; 15044赤足 < barefoot; 15045泐 < to\-write; 15046沍 < freezing; 15047在戶外 < outdoors; 15048氉 < restless; 15049毾 < a\-coarse; 15050毻 < to\-moult; 15051不顧一切 < reckless; 15052殽 < mixed\-up; 15053製品 < products; 15054共享 < to\-share; 15055欛 < a\-handle; 15056擦棒球 < foul\-tip; 15057櫃 < cupboard; 15058公主 < princess; 15059提名 < nominate; 15060四方 < four\-way; 15061中世紀 < medieval; 15062樚 < a\-pulley; 15063粗厲 < abrasive; 15064傾聽者 < listener; 15065椄 < to\-graft; 15066梱 < doorsill; 15067接收器 < receiver; 15068勢如破竹 < sweeping; 15069自治 < autonomy; 15070高架 < overhead; 15071困惑 < bewilder; 15072柤 < hawthorn; 15073枻 < long\-oar; 15074笑聲 < laughter; 15075農家庭院 < farmyard; 15076松鼠 < squirrel; 15077家庭作業 < homework; 15078先令 < shilling; 15079渠道 < channels; 15080昡 < long\-day; 15081校訂 < revision; 15082旘 < a\-pennon; 15083棒球 < baseball; 15084優先 < priority; 15085敪 < to\-weigh; 15086攞 < to\-split; 15087擩 < to\-stain; 15088噴泉 < fountain; 15089摷 < to\-knock; 15090搵 < wipe\-off; 15091搲 < to\-seize; 15092搋 < to\-thump; 15093揰 < poke\-out; 15094揜 < cover\-up; 15095軍士 < sergeant; 15096揌 < to\-shake; 15097衣廚 < wardrobe; 15098拑 < to\-clamp; 15099份量 < quantity; 15100扅 < gate\-bar; 15101應該 < ought\-to; 15102採光 < lighting; 15103懕 < satiated; 15104憪 < composed; 15105葡萄牙 < portugal; 15106裁判 < judgment; 15107即將來臨 < imminent; 15108慫 < to\-alarm; 15109慅 < agitated; 15110慁 < dishonor; 15111人類 < humanity; 15112估計 < estimate; 15113惔 < cheerful; 15114坐下 < sit\-down; 15115回家 < homeward; 15116使者 < emissary; 15117恝 < carefree; 15118打破 < to\-break; 15119恌 < to\-worry; 15120假期 < vacation; 15121不正常 < abnormal; 15122衣子 < covering; 15123音樂光碟 < music\-cd; 15124軼事 < anecdote; 15125廤 < to\-place; 15126抱歉 < be\-sorry; 15127極好 < fabulous; 15128極大 < enormous; 15129界標 < landmark; 15130不透氣 < airtight; 15131五彩賓紛 < colorful; 15132帵 < remnants; 15133節慶 < festival; 15134暖氣機 < radiator; 15135嶭 < elevated; 15136阿肯色 < arkansas; 15137神學研究所 < seminary; 15138鬧區 < downtown; 15139岊 < foothill; 15140鼓吹者 < advocate; 15141侵略 < invasion; 15142併紗 < doubling; 15143病夫 < sick\-man; 15144授予 < to\-award; 15145地下室 < basement; 15146國內 < domestic; 15147宬 < archives; 15148嬬 < mistress; 15149簡化 < simplify; 15150漢密爾頓 < hamilton; 15151買通 < to\-bribe; 15152冒犯者 < offender; 15153姦 < adultery; 15154篡奪 < to\-usurp; 15155臨床 < clinical; 15156保真度 < fidelity; 15157栽種 < to\-plant; 15158戰略 < strategy; 15159園丁 < gardener; 15160本體 < noumenon; 15161人造 < man\-made; 15162語言學家 < linguist; 15163居民 < resident; 15164腳步 < footstep; 15165埼 < headland; 15166拼字 < spelling; 15167東部 < the\-east; 15168不體面 < shameful; 15169高地 < highland; 15170固件 < firmware; 15171龍頭老大 < big\-boss; 15172腓利門書 < philemon; 15173鑲嵌 < to\-inlay; 15174業務 < business; 15175倍數 < multiple; 15176對照 < contrast; 15177囮 < inveigle; 15178肩膀 < shoulder; 15179身份 < identity; 15180嗃 < to\-flute; 15181就此 < and\-thus; 15182埃塞俄比亞 < ethiopia; 15183啇 < to\-stalk; 15184筆架 < pen\-rack; 15185唥 < a\-bundle; 15186生日 < birthday; 15187呠 < to\-spurt; 15188鐘擺 < pendulum; 15189小衝突 < skirmish; 15190叒 < obedient; 15191厵 < a\-spring; 15192抱怨 < complain; 15193卼 < unsteady; 15194卹 < sympathy; 15195學習 < to\-learn; 15196折扣 < discount; 15197勌 < to\-labor; 15198劻 < flurried; 15199懸疑 < suspense; 15200劙 < a\-divide; 15201懷疑 < to\-doubt; 15202當天 < that\-day; 15203剟 < to\-prick; 15204鍵盤 < keyboard; 15205凥 < to\-dwell; 15206冇 < have\-not; 15207排水渠 < drainage; 15208巴基斯坦 < pakistan; 15209麻醉劑 < narcotic; 15210僃 < prepared; 15211家用 < home\-use; 15212佴 < a\-second; 15213被侵害 < stricken; 15214致力 < work\-for; 15215五角 < pentagon; 15216䶲 < the\-edge; 15217䵲 < raw\-hemp; 15218䵚 < kaoliang; 15219䵓 < the\-mole; 15220䵉 < abutilon; 15221䴻 < dry\-food; 15222䴫 < antelope; 15223房東 < landlord; 15224䴚 < saltpond; 15225䳻 < an\-eagle; 15226修建 < to\-build; 15227䲖 < big\-fish; 15228計算機 < computer; 15229突發 < outburst; 15230䰟 < the\-soul; 15231䯪 < big\-head; 15232信徒 < believer; 15233䯚 < the\-ribs; 15234䯉 < to\-choke; 15235白木耳 < tremella; 15236打掃 < to\-clean; 15237技工 < mechanic; 15238持久 < duration; 15239䭱 < a\-little; 15240風車 < windmill; 15241獨裁者 < dictator; 15242䬉 < hot\-wind; 15243䫷 < the\-jowl; 15244手提 < portable; 15245不靈 < not\-work; 15246䫃 < the\-lips; 15247䪶 < the\-chin; 15248䪩 < to\-chant; 15249䪜 < a\-shield; 15250䪑 < to\-stick; 15251䪅 < a\-quiver; 15252䩠 < a\-girdle; 15253䩉 < the\-face; 15254䩈 < a\-plumpy; 15255䨼 < dyestuff; 15256生存 < to\-exist; 15257賦稅 < taxation; 15258䧫 < a\-trench; 15259䧁 < to\-leave; 15260浴衣 < bathrobe; 15261一面 < one\-side; 15262䥭 < evidence; 15263恐龍 < dinosaur; 15264記錄員 < recorder; 15265䤿 < to\-carve; 15266䤶 < a\-hammer; 15267䤳 < a\-mirrow; 15268巴巴多斯 < barbados; 15269䤫 < a\-chisel; 15270䤐 < to\-drink; 15271畫像 < portrait; 15272當作 < treat\-as; 15273禮貌 < courtesy; 15274䢐 < to\-go\-to; 15275蘇格蘭 < scotland; 15276信封 < envelope; 15277䠾 < to\-dodge; 15278䠬 < insomnia; 15279䠞 < wrinkled; 15280聲稱 < to\-claim; 15281䠁 < to\-go\-up; 15282䟸 < the\-calf; 15283對手 < opponent; 15284信守 < abide\-by; 15285䞮 < to\-crawl; 15286聖約 < covenant; 15287校正 < regulate; 15288䝂 < to\-erect; 15289䜬 < a\-cavern; 15290䜘 < to\-guard; 15291䜐 < to\-libel; 15292䜃 < to\-blame; 15293䛒 < to\-argue; 15294重點 < emphasis; 15295䛇 < to\-laugh; 15296䚷 < to\-treat; 15297䚯 < to\-quell; 15298聽眾 < audience; 15299葡萄園 < vineyard; 15300䘫 < old\-rags; 15301䘜 < a\-napkin; 15302䘉 < silkworm; 15303騎師 < horseman; 15304秧苗 < seedling; 15305䗘 < a\-weevil; 15306䗈 < a\-gadfly; 15307使興奮 < exciting; 15308䗇 < the\-toad; 15309䖻 < ephemera; 15310䖤 < to\-creep; 15311䖛 < of\-tiger; 15312第十一 < eleventh; 15313恭順 < deferent; 15314鍵槽 < key\-slot; 15315購物 < shopping; 15316單據 < receipts; 15317會變 < variable; 15318䓕 < polygala; 15319䒳 < a\-flower; 15320少年 < juvenile; 15321騙子 < swindler; 15322聯盟 < alliance; 15323䑘 < to\-pound; 15324䑃 < dim\-moon; 15325䐒 < not\-fine; 15326方程式 < equation; 15327路口 < crossing; 15328䏟 < fat\-meat; 15329處罰 < penalize; 15330䏉 < to\-waver; 15331䏈 < to\-unite; 15332金魚 < goldfish; 15333䎲 < ear\-lobe; 15334䎣 < a\-plough; 15335彫刻家 < sculptor; 15336䌷 < a\-thread; 15337䌯 < a\-truban; 15338䌫 < a\-hawser; 15339含量 < contents; 15340䌃 < raw\-silk; 15341阿托品 < atropine; 15342䋡 < to\-relax; 15343䋃 < stinging; 15344䊸 < to\-twist; 15345䊝 < to\-exile; 15346用功 < diligent; 15347䊁 < leavings; 15348䉻 < red\-rice; 15349䉱 < a\-cradle; 15350䉒 < a\-winnow; 15351䈶 < an\-arrow; 15352地區性 < regional; 15353䇌 < to\-stand; 15354䆸 < spacious; 15355筆名 < pen\-name; 15356佛教 < buddhism; 15357可靠 < reliable; 15358三角形 < triangle; 15359寓所 < dwelling; 15360䃑 < speckles; 15361䁥 < to\-blink; 15362䁜 < big\-eyes; 15363由余 < owing\-to; 15364䀈 < a\-vessel; 15365㿢 < to\-shine; 15366㿡 < a\-helmet; 15367㿈 < an\-ulcer; 15368㿅 < ringworm; 15369㾸 < a\-scabby; 15370頁面 < web\-page; 15371㾍 < diseases; 15372㽹 < to\-faint; 15373渴望 < desirous; 15374本能 < instinct; 15375嗜好 < fondness; 15376終端用戶 < end\-user; 15377墨水瓶架 < inkstand; 15378㺚 < an\-otter; 15379誘拐者 < abductor; 15380缺陷 < a\-defect; 15381㺇 < a\-warden; 15382㹸 < the\-lion; 15383蛋殼 < eggshell; 15384戲劇性 < dramatic; 15385懲罰性 < punitive; 15386㸝 < a\-shovel; 15387八角楓 < alangium; 15388㷀 < solitary; 15389㶼 < very\-hot; 15390㴶 < to\-water; 15391滑冰 < to\-skate; 15392㴊 < an\-abyss; 15393㳫 < repeated; 15394㳒 < statutes; 15395北海道 < hokkaido; 15396㲷 < nitrogen; 15397㲳 < to\-touch; 15398宗教 < religion; 15399低成本 < low\-cost; 15400㱿 < the\-husk; 15401㱺 < the\-skin; 15402㱢 < the\-dead; 15403㱗 < a\-breath; 15404命脈 < lifeline; 15405乃至 < and\-even; 15406租稅 < land\-tax; 15407不行 < won''t\-do; 15408守時 < punctual; 15409㮭 < a\-casket; 15410暗轉 < blackout; 15411打印 < to\-print; 15412㬧 < a\-collar; 15413明信片 < postcard; 15414救贖主 < redeemer; 15415㫽 < darkness; 15416㪐 < unstable; 15417貂皮 < mink\-fur; 15418㩨 < to\-crack; 15419㩓 < to\-wound; 15420醫院 < hospital; 15421㨓 < to\-close; 15422㨁 < to\-throw; 15423㧵 < to\-exact; 15424㧱 < to\-bring; 15425泳衣 < swimsuit; 15426㦿 < a\-window; 15427淚水 < teardrop; 15428生命力 < vitality; 15429㥰 < mournful; 15430㥁 < morality; 15431㤮 < an\-error; 15432㤏 < grievous; 15433肉桂 < cinnamon; 15434㣫 < the\-heel; 15435減掉 < subtract; 15436㣞 < to\-walki; 15437鼻炎 < rhinitis; 15438㠹 < a\-turban; 15439產量多 < fruitful; 15440看守者 < watchman; 15441㠊 < a\-rugged; 15442法利賽人 < pharisee; 15443㞷 < luxuiant; 15444向西 < westward; 15445叛逆 < to\-rebel; 15446㞑 < the\-tail; 15447㞉 < big\-foot; 15448㝭 < to\-awake; 15449㝘 < harmonoy; 15450㜶 < a\-couple; 15451戰區 < war\-zone; 15452叱責 < reproach; 15453佔領者 < occupant; 15454科羅拉多 < colorado; 15455貞潔 < chastity; 15456㙢 < a\-trowel; 15457㙃 < a\-cavity; 15458栗子 < chestnut; 15459㘙 < to\-groan; 15460㘀 < to\-sound; 15461中繼 < to\-relay; 15462㗪 < mouthful; 15463㗜 < to\-smell; 15464㗉 < incisive; 15465㖩 < not\-pure; 15466㕼 < to\-brawl; 15467鎮區 < township; 15468㕛 < a\-friend; 15469㕐 < inclined; 15470㕊 < to\-slant; 15471板油 < leaf\-fat; 15472匪徒集團 < gangster; 15473㓓 < thin\-ice; 15474㒹 < to\-upset; 15475懸垂 < overhang; 15476射頻噪音 < rf\-noise; 15477酒鬼 < drunkard; 15478不肖 < unworthy; 15479班機 < airliner; 15480㐜 < an\-enemy; 15481使吃驚 < astonish; 15482窗子 < casement; 15483應對 < response; 15484交流 < exchange; 15485叛變 < renegade; 15486戰事 < fighting; 15487幸存者 < survivor; 15488人道主義 < humanism; 15489一心一意 < intently; 15490櫻花草 < primrose; 15491核准 < sanction; 15492星期四 < thursday; 15493決定性 < decisive; 15494日耳曼 < germanic; 15495譴責 < denounce; 15496案件 < law\-case; 15497幾何學 < geometry; 15498姻親 < affinity; 15499村民 < villager; 15500慷慨 < vehement; 15501論點 < argument; 15502傾向於 < prone\-to; 15503黃瓜 < cucumber; 15504暗自 < inwardly; 15505懊喪 < dejected; 15506稀有 < uncommon; 15507飛機 < airplane; 15508室友 < roommate; 15509貶抑 < belittle; 15510背包 < knapsack; 15511精神錯亂 < insanity; 15512黨派 < partisan; 15513子層 < sublayer; 15514飲料 < beverage; 15515三月二十一號 < march\-21; 15516人手 < manpower; 15517星期六 < saturday; 15518防守者 < defender; 15519二月 < february; 15520沒落 < downfall; 15521含碳 < carbonic; 15522嘉年華會 < carnival; 15523最為 < the\-most; 15524博茨瓦納 < botswana; 15525不用 < need\-not; 15526風水 < fengshui; 15527水路 < waterway; 15528子女 < children; 15529事故 < accident; 15530刺激物 < stimulus; 15531壟斷販賣 < monopoly; 15532不獨 < not\-only; 15533奧克拉荷馬 < oklahoma; 15534孵化 < breeding; 15535鞭蟲 < whipworm; 15536不爽 < not\-well; 15537保加利亞 < bulgaria; 15538懂事 < sensible; 15539食慾 < appetite; 15540震驚 < to\-shock; 15541吸煙 < to\-smoke; 15542謝謝 < to\-thank; 15543不濟 < not\-good; 15544頭痛 < headache; 15545暗盒 < magazine; 15546中止 < to\-cease; 15547講話 < a\-speech; 15548林地 < woodland; 15549架勢 < attitude; 15550貴族身份 < lordship; 15551不信用 < distrust; 15552太長 < oversize; 15553勢頭 < momentum; 15554愚弄 < derision; 15555往還 < contacts; 15556礦產 < minerals; 15557提供諸 < provider; 15558爐邊 < fireside; 15559肌肉發達 < muscular; 15560工程師 < engineer; 15561變種 < mutation; 15562中繼器 < repeater; 15563論述 < treatise; 15564洋琵琶 < mandolin; 15565聖化 < sanctify; 15566惡作劇 < mischief; 15567重申 < reaffirm; 15568暴洪 < a\-sudden; 15569子午線 < meridian; 15570製作者 < producer; 15571不在乎 < not\-mind; 15572餡兒 < stuffing; 15573音樂家 < musician; 15574使麻痺 < paralyze; 15575千字節 < kilobyte; 15576變阻器 < theostat; 15577流感疫苗 < flu\-shot; 15578海外 < overseas; 15579王家 < princely; 15580哨兵 < sentinel; 15581想家 < homesick; 15582買主 < customer; 15583預測 < forecast; 15584美日 < us\-japan; 15585負債 < indebted; 15586雨量 < rainfall; 15587司法 < judicial; 15588女房東 < landlady; 15589工作過度 < overwork; 15590加長 < lengthen; 15591吐棄 < to\-spurn; 15592處分 < disposal; 15593日美 < japan\-us; 15594增高 < heighten; 15595遲頓 < inactive; 15596財主 < rich\-man; 15597夢話 < daydream; 15598提供者 < supplier; 15599不懈 < untiring; 15600最少 < smallest; 15601堅固性 < firmness; 15602護照 < passport; 15603主宰 < dominate; 15604夢見 < to\-dream; 15605不怕 < fearless; 15606沖洗 < to\-rinse; 15607不很 < not\-very; 15608白化病 < albinism; 15609剷除 < root\-out; 15610神性 < divinity; 15611總裁 < chairman; 15612沉浸 < permeate; 15613第六十 < sixtieth; 15614美德 < a\-virtue; 15615雄辯 < eloquent; 15616點名 < rollcall; 15617豪俠 < cavalier; 15618文明化 < civilize; 15619外號 < nickname; 15620海上 < maritime; 15621熱誠 < devotion; 15622合成 < compound; 15623外交官 < diplomat; 15624同意 < to\-agree; 15625向後 < backward; 15626服務 < to\-serve; 15627民眾 < populace; 15628威望 < prestige; 15629活動 < activity; 15630叛教 < apostacy; 15631白雲石 < dolomite; 15632大能 < almighty; 15633時機 < occasion; 15634反映 < reaction; 15635文職 < civilian; 15636婚嫁 < marriage; 15637君子 < nobleman; 15638特派 < dispatch; 15639使習慣 < accustom; 15640一團 < regiment; 15641播音 < transmit; 15642台座 < pedestal; 15643過載 < overload; 15644祖國 < homeland; 15645泰國 < thailand; 15646解開 < to\-untie; 15647愛因斯坦 < einstein; 15648暗室 < darkroom; 15649奶牛 < milk\-cow; 15650冰晶石 < cryolite; 15651年青 < youthful; 15652一周 < one\-week; 15653一向 < all\-long; 15654曝光 < exposure; 15655不小心 < heedless; 15656納稅人 < taxpayer; 15657無論何處 < anywhere; 15658再出現 < reappear; 15659一匙 < spoonful; 15660研究 < research; 15661怠惰 < idleness; 15662包皮 < wrapping; 15663靠背椅 < armchair; 15664奉現 < offering; 15665不倦 < tireless; 15666操作者 < operator; 15667訂購 < to\-order; 15668絲狀物 < filament; 15669斑白 < grizzled; 15670暴力 < violence; 15671警惕 < vigilant; 15672波動 < undulate; 15673奇特 < peculiar; 15674忠於 < loyal\-to; 15675發明家 < inventor; 15676選舉 < to\-elect; 15677大西洋 < atlantic; 15678韌帶 < ligament; 15679迷 < bewitch; 15680述 < narrate; 15681迥 < distant; 15682中 < central; 15683志 < purpose; 15684迎 < receive; 15685忌 < jealous; 15686和 < harmony; 15687辯 < dispute; 15688去 < go\-away; 15689对 < correct; 15690瞠 < look\-at; 15691律 < statute; 15692役 < service; 15693張 < stretch; 15694已 < already; 15695弘 < enlarge; 15696引 < to\-pull; 15697弔 < condole; 15698較 < compare; 15699意 < thought; 15700进 < advance; 15701盡 < exhaust; 15702廉 < upright; 15703情 < feeling; 15704皰 < pimples; 15705庖 < kitchen; 15706躓 < stumble; 15707庄 < village; 15708并 < combine; 15709蹠 < step\-on; 15710癖 < craving; 15711幕 < curtain; 15712代 < replace; 15713師 < teacher; 15714总 < collect; 15715痴 < foolish; 15716华 < flowery; 15717症 < disease; 15718病 < illness; 15719反 < reverse; 15720疎 < neglect; 15721务 < affairs; 15722崩 < rupture; 15723特 < special; 15724服 < clothes; 15725賽 < compete; 15726賑 < relieve; 15727科 < section; 15728豫 < relaxed; 15729联 < connect; 15730保 < protect; 15731革 < leather; 15732尊 < respect; 15733品 < article; 15734尉 < officer; 15735士 < scholar; 15736量 < measure; 15737程 < journey; 15738審 < examine; 15739极 < extreme; 15740令 < command; 15741未 < not\-yet; 15742持 < sustain; 15743历 < history; 15744宣 < declare; 15745宗 < lineage; 15746议 < consult; 15747率 < to\-lead; 15748委 < appoint; 15749兵 < soldier; 15750孔 < opening; 15751謹 < prudent; 15752講 < explain; 15753格 < pattern; 15754諸 < several; 15755諦 < careful; 15756怕 < to\-fear; 15757狡 < cunning; 15758准 < approve; 15759精 < essence; 15760竟 < finally; 15761誠 < sincere; 15762整 < orderly; 15763婉 < amiable; 15764备 < prepare; 15765另 < another; 15766陈 < exhibit; 15767故 < ancient; 15768訛 < swindle; 15769託 < entrust; 15770訊 < inquire; 15771爆 < crackle; 15772批 < comment; 15773送 < see\-off; 15774奇 < strange; 15775燕 < swallow; 15776燈 < lantern; 15777游 < to\-swim; 15778份 < portion; 15779敢 < to\-dare; 15780煽 < stir\-up; 15781朝 < dynasty; 15782育 < produce; 15783图 < diagram; 15784刘 < surname; 15785夕 < evening; 15786承 < inherit; 15787乡 < country; 15788裁 < cut\-out; 15789演 < perform; 15790袂 < sleeves; 15791衰 < decline; 15792塞 < stop\-up; 15793景 < scenery; 15794蠢 < wriggle; 15795依 < rely\-on; 15796瀝 < trickle; 15797胜 < victory; 15798濡 < immerse; 15799濟 < to\-help; 15800蟋 < cricket; 15801漆 < varnish; 15802漁 < to\-fish; 15803散 < scatter; 15804蛆 < maggots; 15805曲 < crooked; 15806溶 < to\-melt; 15807厂 < factory; 15808肯 < willing; 15809抓 < scratch; 15810虫 < insects; 15811湧 < well\-up; 15812靠 < lean\-on; 15813授 < give\-to; 15814渇 < thirsty; 15815淺 < shallow; 15816淫 < obscene; 15817鷄 < chicken; 15818嗇 < miserly; 15819抱 < embrace; 15820睛 < eyeball; 15821括 < include; 15822降 < descend; 15823私 < private; 15824蔑 < disdain; 15825泡 < bubbles; 15826闹 < quarrel; 15827醒 < wake\-up; 15828沌 < chaotic; 15829暴 < violent; 15830抢 < plunder; 15831篇 < chapter; 15832鱈 < codfish; 15833诸 < various; 15834叭 < trumpet; 15835叙 < express; 15836厭 < dislike; 15837雅 < elegant; 15838雷 < thunder; 15839竞 < contend; 15840操 < conduct; 15841诺 < promise; 15842匆 < hastily; 15843欅 < zelkova; 15844苺 < berries; 15845苗 < sprouts; 15846碰 < collide; 15847苑 < pasture; 15848仿 < imitate; 15849機 < machine; 15850栏 < railing; 15851刈 < cut\-off; 15852狠 < vicious; 15853映 < project; 15854忠 < loyalty; 15855扎 < pull\-up; 15856腹 < stomach; 15857舒 < open\-up; 15858凶 < culprit; 15859慰 < comfort; 15860餘 < surplus; 15861撒 < release; 15862愁 < anxiety; 15863斤 < a\-catty; 15864僑 < sojourn; 15865扶 < support; 15866毁 < destroy; 15867械 < weapons; 15868违 < disobey; 15869丢 < discard; 15870肆 < indulge; 15871绕 < entwine; 15872聳 < urge\-on; 15873舰 < warship; 15874恼 < angered; 15875辣 < peppery; 15876旋 < revolve; 15877倉 < granary; 15878罚 < penalty; 15879拾 < pick\-up; 15880恢 < restore; 15881翁 < old\-man; 15882羽 < feather; 15883抖 < tremble; 15884侯 < marquis; 15885惑 < confuse; 15886雕 < engrave; 15887寿 < old\-age; 15888锦 < brocade; 15889杏 < apricot; 15890慌 < nervous; 15891屠 < butcher; 15892柏 < cypress; 15893霍 < quickly; 15894陶 < pottery; 15895摄 < take\-in; 15896闯 < rush\-in; 15897扰 < disturb; 15898雀 < sparrow; 15899阁 < chamber; 15900卢 < cottage; 15901柜 < cabinet; 15902暇 < leisure; 15903愧 < ashamed; 15904晶 < crystal; 15905晝 < daytime; 15906筋 < muscles; 15907撑 < prop\-up; 15908填 < fill\-in; 15909旺 < prosper; 15910耗 < consume; 15911悦 < pleased; 15912斑 < mottled; 15913践 < trample; 15914惶 < fearful; 15915簾 < a\-blind; 15916贩 < peddler; 15917戈 < halberd; 15918鐐 < fetters; 15919虹 < rainbow; 15920寡 < widowed; 15921郊 < suburbs; 15922徽 < a\-badge; 15923鲍 < abalone; 15924笄 < hairpin; 15925沾 < moisten; 15926瞒 < deceive; 15927竃 < furnace; 15928裔 < progeny; 15929匪 < bandits; 15930榜 < placard; 15931枉 < useless; 15932骇 < terrify; 15933撰 < compose; 15934垃 < garbage; 15935驼 < a\-camel; 15936豹 < leopard; 15937缴 < deliver; 15938哨 < whistle; 15939嚼 < prattle; 15940昧 < obscure; 15941旱 < drought; 15942聂 < whisper; 15943莽 < thicket; 15944厮 < servant; 15945茨 < caltrop; 15946粘 < viscous; 15947朽 < decayed; 15948焕 < shining; 15949熄 < put\-out; 15950逾 < go\-over; 15951醋 < vinegar; 15952斌 < refined; 15953恕 < forgive; 15954沦 < be\-lost; 15955岱 < daishan; 15956讳 < conceal; 15957岔 < diverge; 15958垒 < rampart; 15959翘 < turn\-up; 15960觑 < peep\-at; 15961拎 < to\-haul; 15962噜 < verbose; 15963凹 < concave; 15964撩 < lift\-up; 15965崽 < a\-child; 15966涅 < blacken; 15967簌 < falling; 15968诛 < execute; 15969掳 < capture; 15970馅 < filling; 15971硅 < silicon; 15972抨 < impeach; 15973肾 < kidneys; 15974锭 < spindle; 15975茬 < harvest; 15976谤 < slander; 15977钳 < pincers; 15978睽 < staring; 15979阱 < pitfall; 15980汀 < sandbar; 15981秤 < balance; 15982晾 < air\-dry; 15983跚 < stagger; 15984莞 < smiling; 15985鸥 < seagull; 15986葆 < reserve; 15987氢 < ammonia; 15988帧 < picture; 15989佯 < pretend; 15990烬 < cinders; 15991蚌 < oysters; 15992谆 < patient; 15993癞 < leprosy; 15994啄 < to\-peck; 15995燎 < to\-burn; 15996迳 < pass\-by; 15997恸 < sadness; 15998咂 < to\-suck; 15999盹 < to\-doze; 16000俾 < so\-that; 16001谚 < proverb; 16002掸 < to\-dust; 16003匮 < to\-lack; 16004幡 < pennant; 16005囱 < chimney; 16006崂 < laoshan; 16007蝌 < tadpole; 16008铀 < uranium; 16009挛 < tangled; 16010绯 < scarlet; 16011鸨 < bustard; 16012蜗 < a\-snail; 16013恫 < in\-pain; 16014谀 < flatter; 16015踮 < tip\-toe; 16016馊 < spoiled; 16017钙 < calcium; 16018捱 < put\-off; 16019蒿 < mugwort; 16020酶 < enzymes; 16021衢 < highway; 16022磺 < sulphur; 16023蹩 < to\-limp; 16024浣 < to\-wash; 16025疹 < measles; 16026靥 < dimples; 16027愆 < a\-fault; 16028鸵 < ostrich; 16029窕 < slender; 16030迩 < be\-near; 16031佰 < hundred; 16032钹 < cymbals; 16033靼 < tartars; 16034煲 < to\-heat; 16035獐 < roebuck; 16036佝 < rickets; 16037蓟 < circium; 16038黜 < dismiss; 16039摈 < exclude; 16040飓 < cyclone; 16041胱 < bladder; 16042饽 < ferrule; 16043馏 < distill; 16044苯 < benzene; 16045淼 < a\-flood; 16046铱 < iridium; 16047葩 < flowers; 16048逡 < retreat; 16049逶 < winding; 16050萸 < dogwood; 16051挝 < to\-beat; 16052熵 < entropy; 16053煨 < to\-stew; 16054砒 < arsenic; 16055晁 < morning; 16056凇 < dewdrop; 16057噘 < pouting; 16058唣 < chatter; 16059骠 < charger; 16060怄 < annoyed; 16061锂 < lithium; 16062疥 < scabies; 16063稗 < darnels; 16064洮 < cleanse; 16065酮 < ketones; 16066腚 < buttock; 16067腱 < tendons; 16068馔 < to\-feed; 16069搠 < to\-daub; 16070酡 < flushed; 16071呒 < unclear; 16072痧 < cholera; 16073笤 < a\-broom; 16074韫 < secrete; 16075怛 < grieved; 16076皴 < chapped; 16077睢 < gaze\-at; 16078塬 < plateau; 16079螯 < nippers; 16080獒 < mastiff; 16081沆 < a\-ferry; 16082帔 < a\-skirt; 16083薅 < to\-weed; 16084莴 < lettuce; 16085捭 < to\-open; 16086葭 < bulrush; 16087倥 < boorish; 16088溴 < bromine; 16089廛 < a\-store; 16090揸 < handful; 16091仵 < similar; 16092髋 < hipbone; 16093肱 < forearm; 16094蚍 < mussels; 16095镓 < gallium; 16096铋 < bismuth; 16097胝 < callous; 16098赍 < present; 16099翥 < to\-soar; 16100蜞 < grapsus; 16101谠 < counsel; 16102矬 < a\-dwarf; 16103溲 < urinate; 16104蕻 < budding; 16105鹈 < pelican; 16106镉 < cadmium; 16107謇 < stutter; 16108憷 < painful; 16109谡 < rise\-up; 16110褊 < cramped; 16111钍 < thorium; 16112氪 < krypton; 16113迮 < to\-rise; 16114蓍 < milfoil; 16115螽 < katydid; 16116剀 < sharpen; 16117蹀 < to\-skip; 16118锎 < caesium; 16119钇 < yttrium; 16120氚 < tritium; 16121犸 < mammoth; 16122菸 < to\-fade; 16123鲱 < herring; 16124躞 < to\-walk; 16125铌 < niobium; 16126畀 < to\-give; 16127遘 < to\-meet; 16128泷 < raining; 16129蒡 < burdock; 16130髌 < kneecap; 16131鳙 < bighead; 16132絷 < confine; 16133箦 < bed\-mat; 16134瘘 < fistula; 16135镄 < fermium; 16136祆 < ormazda; 16137嫠 < a\-widow; 16138搴 < extract; 16139僦 < to\-heir; 16140牽扯 < involve; 16141看得見 < visible; 16142婚事 < wedding; 16143檢閱 < inspect; 16144訴苦 < grumble; 16145有資格 < entitle; 16146暫停 < suspend; 16147歡迎光臨 < welcome; 16148觸角 < antenna; 16149圓石頭 < boulder; 16150罷休 < give\-up; 16151奧地利 < austria; 16152認真 < earnest; 16153時尚 < fashion; 16154版本 < version; 16155庇護 < shelter; 16156酸性 < acidity; 16157編纂 < compile; 16158君主 < monarch; 16159總理 < premier; 16160天然 < natural; 16161睡衣 < pajamas; 16162整理 < arrange; 16163煙草 < tobacco; 16164燦爛 < glitter; 16165可動 < movable; 16166水手 < mariner; 16167傳道部 < mission; 16168口吃 < stammer; 16169創世紀 < genesis; 16170菏蘭 < holland; 16171菠菜 < spinach; 16172十月 < october; 16173千位元 < kilobit; 16174揚聲器 < speaker; 16175毛毯 < blanket; 16176管理員 < manager; 16177陽臺 < balcony; 16178狂喜 < ecstasy; 16179永恆 < eternal; 16180請求 < request; 16181海軍總司令 < admiral; 16182出走 < to\-flee; 16183老資格 < veteran; 16184效益 < benefit; 16185重力 < gravity; 16186金銀塊 < bullion; 16187碼字 < numeral; 16188弄碎 < crumble; 16189沙丁魚 < sardine; 16190姐妹 < sisters; 16191目錄 < catalog; 16192心愛 < beloved; 16193弄短 < shorten; 16194無處 < nowhere; 16195變厚 < thicken; 16196妖怪 < monster; 16197緊緊 < closely; 16198隱私 < privacy; 16199關鍵 < crucial; 16200姿勢 < posture; 16201安提瓜島 < antigua; 16202喪心病狂 < lunatic; 16203強烈 < intense; 16204好戰 < warlike; 16205弄皺 < crumple; 16206相連 < to\-link; 16207文法 < grammar; 16208古來 < oldtime; 16209天氣 < weather; 16210酒廠 < brewery; 16211征服 < conquer; 16212索道 < ropeway; 16213陸續 < in\-turn; 16214隱瞞 < to\-hide; 16215外流 < outflow; 16216工頭 < foreman; 16217遠端 < far\-end; 16218出納員 < cashier; 16219加甜 < sweeten; 16220音信 < message; 16221障礙 < barrier; 16222警告 < to\-warn; 16223然而 < however; 16224大概 < roughly; 16225愛遊玩 < playful; 16226格子棉布 < gingham; 16227鋼琴家 < pianist; 16228電池 < battery; 16229比方 < analogy; 16230計數者 < counter; 16231退落 < subside; 16232變亂 < turmoil; 16233熱潮 < upsurge; 16234解剖學 < anatomy; 16235欺瞞 < to\-fool; 16236有學問 < learned; 16237議價 < bargain; 16238纖弱 < fragile; 16239見證 < witness; 16240加熱 < heating; 16241半吊子 < dabbler; 16242非常 < unusual; 16243勇氣 < courage; 16244失效 < to\-fail; 16245先驅 < pioneer; 16246犯人 < convict; 16247難民 < refugee; 16248遺物 < remnant; 16249毒打 < beat\-up; 16250醜事 < scandal; 16251降級 < degrade; 16252焦糖 < caramel; 16253摘要 < summary; 16254進程 < process; 16255摔角 < wrestle; 16256包扎 < wrap\-up; 16257廢物 < rubbish; 16258天花板 < ceiling; 16259殘株 < stubble; 16260好奇 < curious; 16261登陸 < to\-land; 16262監視 < oversee; 16263形成 < to\-form; 16264總數 < a\-total; 16265德國 < germany; 16266統統 < totally; 16267大盤子 < platter; 16268無窮 < endless; 16269矮林 < coppice; 16270境界 < boundry; 16271不能不 < have\-to; 16272弄歪 < distort; 16273冰袋 < ice\-bag; 16274出入口 < gateway; 16275消防隊員 < fireman; 16276起皺紋 < shrivel; 16277閱讀 < to\-read; 16278郵差 < postman; 16279面嚮 < to\-face; 16280觸發 < trigger; 16281瀝青 < asphalt; 16282即便 < even\-if; 16283大廈 < edifice; 16284發酵 < ferment; 16285幸福 < blessed; 16286無益 < no\-good; 16287防禦 < defense; 16288歷時 < to\-last; 16289托兒所 < nursery; 16290艷紅色 < crimson; 16291特許狀 < charter; 16292拖曳機 < tractor; 16293版刻 < carving; 16294配偶 < consort; 16295預言家 < prophet; 16296救援 < to\-save; 16297日出 < sunrise; 16298氣候 < climate; 16299繃帶 < bandage; 16300逗留 < stay\-at; 16301利用 < exploit; 16302區區 < trivial; 16303背叛者 < traitor; 16304微光 < glimmer; 16305每夜 < nightly; 16306違法 < illegal; 16307出租 < to\-rent; 16308雀斑 < freckle; 16309大使館 < embassy; 16310大草原 < prairie; 16311物理學 < physics; 16312收據 < receipt; 16313十六 < sixteen; 16314繪圖 < to\-draw; 16315知悉 < to\-know; 16316熱情 < cordial; 16317十倍 < tenfold; 16318剛毛 < bristle; 16319橫臥 < recline; 16320刺激 < provoke; 16321經濟 < economy; 16322細節 < details; 16323扳不倒兒 < tumbler; 16324樂趣 < delight; 16325爬蟲動物 < reptile; 16326索馬裡 < somalia; 16327十五 < fifteen; 16328多大 < how\-big; 16329共處 < coexist; 16330攪拌 < to\-stir; 16331輕輕 < lightly; 16332廣播網 < network; 16333巴格達 < baghdad; 16334利潤 < profits; 16335外科醫生 < surgeon; 16336裝載 < to\-load; 16337包含 < contain; 16338擯棄 < abandon; 16339在﹍之間 < between; 16340發行 < publish; 16341白蟻 < termite; 16342選手 < athlete; 16343失去 < to\-lose; 16344輪詢 < to\-poll; 16345花費 < expense; 16346葉子 < foliage; 16347草稿 < outline; 16348武庫 < arsenal; 16349銀行業 < banking; 16350弄平 < flatten; 16351制止 < to\-curb; 16352照搬 < to\-copy; 16353龡 < to\-blow; 16354補貼 < subsidy; 16355齰 < to\-bite; 16356齩 < to\-chew; 16357正常 < regular; 16358鼷 < a\-mouse; 16359文化 < culture; 16360崩陷 < fall\-in; 16361鸑 < a\-large; 16362巴結 < fawn\-on; 16363鷟 < phoenix; 16364鶺 < wagtail; 16365鶹 < the\-owl; 16366手推車 < trolley; 16367皺紋 < wrinkle; 16368權杖 < scepter; 16369百萬 < million; 16370多半 < chiefly; 16371週末 < weekend; 16372鴫 < a\-snipe; 16373初步 < initial; 16374勞動者 < laborer; 16375煩惱 < agonize; 16376鲚 < anchovy; 16377煩悶 < anguish; 16378幫派 < faction; 16379美洲豹 < panther; 16380表面 < surface; 16381糟糕 < too\-bad; 16382總則 < profile; 16383險峻 < arduous; 16384制服 < uniform; 16385像銀 < silvery; 16386魜 < mermaid; 16387前提 < premise; 16388維持 < to\-keep; 16389接觸 < contact; 16390花崗石 < granite; 16391夥伴 < partner; 16392骫 < be\-bent; 16393骉 < running; 16394擁有 < to\-have; 16395在其中 < therein; 16396驙 < \(horse\); 16397驒 < dappled; 16398此外 < besides; 16399強制 < enforce; 16400車輛 < vehicle; 16401芬蘭 < finland; 16402數位 < digital; 16403十億位元 < gigabit; 16404颫 < a\-storm; 16405執照 < license; 16406無效 < in\-vain; 16407韣 < bow\-bag; 16408韅 < harness; 16409紙煙 < cigaret; 16410眺望 < lookout; 16411關照 < concern; 16412雚 < a\-heron; 16413冰片 < borneol; 16414劇場 < theater; 16415熱切 < fervent; 16416陾 < in\-file; 16417五月十五號 < may\-1\-5; 16418陞 < promote; 16419阻攔 < to\-stop; 16420阧 < sloping; 16421弟兄 < brother; 16422眉毛 < eyebrow; 16423被褥 < bedding; 16424擺子 < malaria; 16425擔心 < anxious; 16426身體障害 < cripple; 16427公社 < commune; 16428铽 < terbium; 16429铼 < rhenium; 16430铪 < hafnium; 16431铥 < thulium; 16432铑 < rhodium; 16433钬 < holmium; 16434結果 < outcome; 16435歲入 < revenue; 16436墊子 < cushion; 16437監測 < monitor; 16438梵帝岡 < vatican; 16439同義字 < synonym; 16440錶 < a\-watch; 16441鬢角 < temples; 16442錀 < \(metal\); 16443揭示 < to\-show; 16444鋊 < a\-poker; 16445鋂 < bit\-cup; 16446痕跡 < vestige; 16447剝奪 < deprive; 16448農民 < peasant; 16449愛國者 < patriot; 16450廠商 < company; 16451女主人 < hostess; 16452白榴石 < leucite; 16453你自己 < thyself; 16454冒煙 < smoking; 16455簡要 < concise; 16456紅海 < red\-sea; 16457冰河 < glacial; 16458純正 < genuine; 16459刨工 < planing; 16460派給工作 < to\-task; 16461幻影 < phantom; 16462自由派 < liberal; 16463拔頂 < topping; 16464疾走 < scamper; 16465轒 < chariot; 16466已滅 < extinct; 16467籠罩 < envelop; 16468軲 < a\-wheel; 16469軘 < war\-car; 16470螢火蟲 < firefly; 16471躦 < to\-jump; 16472躝 < to\-pass; 16473百分之 < percent; 16474鬆緊帶 < elastic; 16475薔薇花蕾 < rosebud; 16476附寄 < enclose; 16477無論何人 < whoever; 16478跬 < to\-step; 16479寄宿生 < boarder; 16480跕 < shuffle; 16481趷 < to\-jolt; 16482絨布 < flannel; 16483儘管 < despite; 16484阻尼 < damping; 16485甜點 < dessert; 16486發現 < to\-find; 16487贇 < affable; 16488贃 < to\-earn; 16489閃爍 < flicker; 16490衣裝 < garment; 16491賝 < preious; 16492備註 < remarks; 16493闡明 < clarify; 16494受歡迎 < popular; 16495豗 < clamour; 16496到場 < show\-up; 16497盛會 < pageant; 16498讌 < a\-feast; 16499謳 < to\-sing; 16500謆 < beguile; 16501飛機場 < airport; 16502詾 < noisily; 16503偽證 < perjury; 16504詫 < to\-brag; 16505詅 < to\-sell; 16506照亮 < lighten; 16507陳列 < display; 16508阿爾及利亞 < algeria; 16509觡 < antlers; 16510陽傘 < parasol; 16511山頂 < hilltop; 16512掌管 < control; 16513襜 < flutter; 16514襃 < commend; 16515褔 < complex; 16516袺 < hold\-up; 16517擠入 < intrude; 16518衵 < chemise; 16519權利 < a\-power; 16520花環 < garland; 16521公民 < citizen; 16522巴林 < bahrain; 16523偽裝 < to\-fake; 16524堅強 < staunch; 16525斯瓦希裡 < swahili; 16526航空郵件 < airmail; 16527亞特蘭大 < atlanta; 16528進退兩難 < dilemma; 16529平均 < average; 16530實際上 < in\-fact; 16531刺刀 < bayonet; 16532簸箕 < dustpan; 16533充滿 < full\-of; 16534帳帘 < drapery; 16535薽 < \(grass\); 16536薶 < to\-bury; 16537反應堆 < reactor; 16538薓 < ginseng; 16539激素 < hormone; 16540解剖 < dissect; 16541莊嚴 < stately; 16542平台 < terrace; 16543菪 < henbane; 16544菧 < stibene; 16545拍賣 < auction; 16546滋養 < nourish; 16547解僱 < to\-fire; 16548莀 < to\-farm; 16549到來 < arrival; 16550床側 < bedside; 16551標槍 < javelin; 16552疫苗 < vaccine; 16553超齡 < too\-old; 16554因素 < element; 16555冰川 < glacier; 16556闊度 < breadth; 16557舓 < to\-lick; 16558臝 < be\-bare; 16559轟擊 < bombard; 16560腖 < peptone; 16561冰島 < iceland; 16562異教徒 < heathen; 16563圖畫 < drawing; 16564脝 < distend; 16565分析人士 < analyst; 16566冰山 < iceberg; 16567外邦人 < gentile; 16568移民者 < migrant; 16569不吉利 < ominous; 16570罖 < kwukyel; 16571最低限度 < minimum; 16572缲 < to\-reel; 16573療法 < therapy; 16574創造者 < creator; 16575尖頂 < steeple; 16576腹部 < abdomen; 16577發放 < provide; 16578瘋狂 < madness; 16579緁 < to\-join; 16580插曲 < episode; 16581絪 < matting; 16582克什米爾 < kashmir; 16583女英雄 < heroine; 16584活動房屋 < trailer; 16585什一奉獻 < tithing; 16586內羅畢 < nairobi; 16587抗議 < protest; 16588帶動 < to\-spur; 16589公式 < formula; 16590笓 < to\-comb; 16591墨西哥人 < mexican; 16592災害 < scourge; 16593花束 < bouquet; 16594已婚 < married; 16595痒痒 < to\-itch; 16596使高貴 < dignify; 16597例題 < example; 16598稇 < to\-bind; 16599優於 < surpass; 16600終于 < at\-last; 16601加榮耀於 < glorify; 16602禂 < to\-pray; 16603信賴 < confide; 16604芥末 < mustard; 16605地質學 < geology; 16606冷卻 < cooling; 16607桌面 < desktop; 16608履行 < fulfill; 16609皇帝 < emperor; 16610碃 < \(stone\); 16611篇章 < writing; 16612矟 < ''\-lance; 16613瞯 < to\-peep; 16614不干不淨 < unclean; 16615寬闊 < expanse; 16616關鍵詞 < keyword; 16617內容 < content; 16618眽 < to\-gaze; 16619眴 < dazzled; 16620三位一體 < trinity; 16621傲然 < loftily; 16622巴松管 < bassoon; 16623因為 < because; 16624樵夫 < woodman; 16625布隆迪 < burundi; 16626畐 < to\-fill; 16627自私 < selfish; 16628典型 < typical; 16629茶具 < tea\-set; 16630甔 < big\-jar; 16631糊塗 < muddled; 16632瓛 < scaptre; 16633璺 < a\-crack; 16634璊 < reddish; 16635蒙大拿 < montana; 16636獹 < a\-hound; 16637炭疽病 < anthrax; 16638獚 < spaniel; 16639公益事業 < utility; 16640節目 < program; 16641鑽石 < diamond; 16642園林 < gardens; 16643狉 < fox\-cub; 16644軌枕 < sleeper; 16645英國 < england; 16646首飾 < jewelry; 16647日常工作 < routine; 16648工匠 < artisan; 16649熯 < by\-fire; 16650俘虜 < captive; 16651煻 < to\-warm; 16652臂章 < armband; 16653自由 < freedom; 16654史密特 < schmitt; 16655灴 < to\-bake; 16656布丁 < pudding; 16657瀹 < to\-boil; 16658圍攻 < besiege; 16659喝采 < acclaim; 16660澐 < billows; 16661生育 < to\-bear; 16662赤道 < equator; 16663潬 < a\-rapid; 16664富士通 < fujitsu; 16665男性親屬 < kinsman; 16666溦 < drizzle; 16667門口 < doorway; 16668烹調術 < cookery; 16669貨物運輸 < freight; 16670損傷 < to\-harm; 16671渼 < ripples; 16672渧 < to\-drop; 16673身材 < stature; 16674英勇 < bravery; 16675印刷者 < printer; 16676混合物 < mixture; 16677阿克倫 < acheron; 16678涶 < to\-spit; 16679涒 < meander; 16680洸 < sparkle; 16681牙科醫生 < dentist; 16682問題 < problem; 16683寄送 < to\-send; 16684傾斜 < incline; 16685郡治安官 < sheriff; 16686無神論 < atheism; 16687汋 < to\-pour; 16688不動搖 < unmoved; 16689氼 < to\-sink; 16690困擾 < perplex; 16691氕 < protium; 16692押沙龍 < absalom; 16693抄網 < dip\-net; 16694歜 < furious; 16695嚴正 < sternly; 16696催眠曲 < lullaby; 16697亞伯拉罕 < abraham; 16698或許 < perhaps; 16699榮幸 < honored; 16700克羅地亞 < croatia; 16701馬蹬 < stirrup; 16702橆 < without; 16703商隊 < caravan; 16704牛頭犬 < bulldog; 16705學院 < college; 16706僵局 < impasse; 16707捕手 < catcher; 16708榢 < a\-frame; 16709投票 < to\-vote; 16710使魔法 < conjure; 16711全神灌注 < rapture; 16712椗 < \(plant\); 16713安乃近 < analgin; 16714蛋白質 < protein; 16715專科院校 < academy; 16716行李 < luggage; 16717提到 < mention; 16718驕矜 < haughty; 16719芝加哥 < chicago; 16720八帶魚 < octopus; 16721洗衣店 < laundry; 16722信箱 < mailbox; 16723枼 < a\-table; 16724枓 < capital; 16725杸 < to\-kill; 16726朾 < to\-bump; 16727概念 < concept; 16728不得勁 < awkward; 16729地址 < address; 16730孔雀 < peacock; 16731滑稽 < comical; 16732敾 < to\-rule; 16733敯 < to\-defy; 16734敜 < fill\-up; 16735低調 < low\-key; 16736擸 < to\-hold; 16737按時 < on\-time; 16738摠 < general; 16739長頸鹿 < giraffe; 16740打算 < to\-plan; 16741掯 < oppress; 16742小組 < a\-group; 16743挍 < collate; 16744女高音 < soprano; 16745按摩 < massage; 16746抈 < to\-bend; 16747扽 < to\-move; 16748質量 < quality; 16749節日 < holiday; 16750比利時 < belgium; 16751不調和 < discord; 16752懰 < be\-glad; 16753懫 < enraged; 16754有陰影 < shadowy; 16755懛 < alarmed; 16756懅 < bashful; 16757產物 < product; 16758供給 < furnish; 16759惣 < overall; 16760惇 < be\-kind; 16761舞弄 < to\-wave; 16762指關節 < knuckle; 16763打碎 < shatter; 16764恉 < meaning; 16765在前 < forward; 16766給與資格 < qualify; 16767七月三十號 < july\-30; 16768李鵬 < li\-peng; 16769安設 < install; 16770責難 < censure; 16771島嶼 < islands; 16772查調 < inquiry; 16773便盆 < bed\-pan; 16774蠱惑 < enchant; 16775廌 < unicorn; 16776滲漏 < seepage; 16777平常日 < weekday; 16778聯邦 < federal; 16779漂泊 < drifter; 16780儲藏室 < storage; 16781噸數 < tonnage; 16782匈牙利 < hungary; 16783商討 < discuss; 16784香菜 < parsley; 16785海鮮 < seafood; 16786臥房 < bedroom; 16787印地安那 < indiana; 16788僥倖 < luckily; 16789傳單 < leaflet; 16790不得而知 < unknown; 16791墓誌銘 < epitaph; 16792香腸 < sausage; 16793航空公司 < airline; 16794媞 < at\-ease; 16795走私 < smuggle; 16796有耐久力 < durable; 16797一會兒 < a\-while; 16798不道德 < immoral; 16799龍蝦 < lobster; 16800烏克蘭 < ukraine; 16801太陽黑子 < sunspot; 16802在室內 < indoors; 16803夣 < a\-dream; 16804壝 < a\-mound; 16805希伯來書 < hebrews; 16806塓 < plaster; 16807椰子 < coconut; 16808鑒戒 < warning; 16809堄 < parapet; 16810代詞 < pronoun; 16811埗 < a\-wharf; 16812丹麥 < denmark; 16813不離兒 < not\-bad; 16814圕 < library; 16815圂 < pig\-sty; 16816畫廊 < gallery; 16817白蛋白 < albumin; 16818嚊 < to\-pant; 16819主席臺 < rostrum; 16820衝力 < impulse; 16821類固醇 < steroid; 16822喥 < a\-place; 16823完美 < perfect; 16824展望 < outlook; 16825評議會 < council; 16826有希望 < hopeful; 16827竊盜 < burglar; 16828唞 < to\-gasp; 16829唅 < a\-sound; 16830家禽 < poultry; 16831傷寒症 < typhoid; 16832咾 < a\-noise; 16833咉 < an\-echo; 16834奧林匹克 < olympic; 16835到那裡 < thither; 16836呿 < to\-yawn; 16837呬 < to\-rest; 16838亞利桑那 < arizona; 16839呌 < to\-call; 16840空缺 < vacancy; 16841最高 < highest; 16842畫家 < painter; 16843養老金 < pension; 16844疲勞 < fatigue; 16845卲 < eminent; 16846匧 < a\-trunk; 16847不齒 < despise; 16848投手 < pitcher; 16849海邊 < seaside; 16850蓋世太保 < gestapo; 16851噁心 < to\-hate; 16852尋求 < to\-seek; 16853儶 < valiant; 16854小冊子 < booklet; 16855儦 < milling; 16856儤 < on\-duty; 16857未武裝 < unarmed; 16858噴墨 < ink\-jet; 16859有限 < limited; 16860托架 < bracket; 16861侇 < a\-class; 16862伀 < excited; 16863最長 < longest; 16864乿 < to\-cure; 16865乬 < to\-hang; 16866扳手 < spanner; 16867便於 < easy\-to; 16868海豚 < dolphin; 16869愛護 < cherish; 16870䶩 < to\-gnaw; 16871愛屋及烏 < love\-me; 16872節儉 < thrifty; 16873神體 < godhead; 16874䴧 < venison; 16875中間 < betwixt; 16876䲝 < pomfret; 16877䲔 < a\-whale; 16878感覺 < to\-feel; 16879有幫助 < helpful; 16880䱉 < the\-eel; 16881䰞 < to\-cook; 16882孤立 < isolate; 16883䮼 < piebald; 16884當前 < current; 16885䮦 < untamed; 16886層子 < stratum; 16887䭠 < a\-snack; 16888用字 < diction; 16889䬎 < hot\-air; 16890阿拉伯 < arabian; 16891䫘 < healthy; 16892促成 < procure; 16893安瓿 < ampoule; 16894䪣 < smashed; 16895至上 < supreme; 16896䩳 < tanning; 16897䩔 < the\-hem; 16898以馬內利 < emanuel; 16899䨞 < to\-rain; 16900一項 < an\-item; 16901䨂 < a\-chick; 16902䧟 < to\-skin; 16903阿拉丁 < aladdin; 16904不覺察 < unaware; 16905清真 < islamic; 16906䦋 < to\-grow; 16907喜歡 < to\-like; 16908甘藍菜 < cabbage; 16909䤟 < a\-spade; 16910上門 < drop\-in; 16911䢶 < a\-state; 16912學生 < student; 16913女修道 < convent; 16914䢙 < to\-ruin; 16915獎金 < premium; 16916規劃人員 < planner; 16917䠼 < to\-wear; 16918人群 < a\-crowd; 16919假使 < suppose; 16920發現物 < finding; 16921更遠 < farther; 16922在下方 < beneath; 16923驚嚇 < horrify; 16924䜖 < to\-talk; 16925䜉 < to\-jest; 16926䛷 < to\-obey; 16927䛰 < sketchy; 16928蒸汽機 < steamer; 16929䚱 < honesty; 16930䚮 < thicker; 16931䚗 < to\-lift; 16932䚏 < to\-love; 16933丙酮 < acetone; 16934小瀑布 < cascade; 16935慈善機構 < charity; 16936男性尊稱 < esquire; 16937䘱 < wealthy; 16938䘠 < greaves; 16939䘝 < a\-shirt; 16940第十二 < twelfth; 16941不三不四 < dubious; 16942才干 < ability; 16943香水 < perfume; 16944香氣 < incense; 16945䖚 < a\-tiger; 16946成文 < written; 16947䔺 < heading; 16948吐露 < to\-tell; 16949未決定 < pending; 16950趕快 < at\-once; 16951會議 < meeting; 16952飛船 < airship; 16953曼谷 < bangkok; 16954䒶 < the\-sky; 16955列王紀下 < 2\-kings; 16956列王紀上 < 1\-kings; 16957䑧 < a\-short; 16958䐿 < gizzard; 16959䐷 < paunchy; 16960䐴 < lumbago; 16961䐫 < obesity; 16962䏖 < a\-wound; 16963䏇 < to\-hear; 16964䎩 < to\-till; 16965旅遊者 < tourist; 16966主詞 < subject; 16967沉默 < silence; 16968打字 < to\-type; 16969受託人 < trustee; 16970䌘 < to\-knit; 16971䌔 < to\-soak; 16972䌁 < a\-pleat; 16973䋎 < to\-mend; 16974䊟 < adorned; 16975䊘 < a\-grain; 16976䉢 < a\-sieve; 16977䉎 < a\-cover; 16978䈬 < a\-small; 16979宴會 < banquet; 16980䇔 < atrophy; 16981䇍 < to\-wait; 16982領隊 < captain; 16983月蝕 < eclipse; 16984䄏 < bizarre; 16985倉促 < hurried; 16986肥沃 < fertile; 16987䂀 < to\-wink; 16988召集 < convene; 16989䁛 < to\-look; 16990神跡 < miracle; 16991使徒 < apostle; 16992㾷 < to\-ache; 16993㾠 < a\-fever; 16994㾟 < relapse; 16995㾘 < ailment; 16996㾕 < a\-chill; 16997㾆 < ecdysis; 16998㾅 < defects; 16999陸軍上校 < colonel; 17000㽖 < a\-human; 17001㼼 < a\-ladle; 17002㼷 < a\-basin; 17003脹大 < swollen; 17004㼗 < a\-brick; 17005虛構小說 < fiction; 17006寶寶 < darling; 17007㺲 < buttons; 17008㺊 < a\-beast; 17009㹞 < to\-bark; 17010㹛 < a\-tamed; 17011等候 < waiting; 17012跌到 < to\-fall; 17013懺悔 < confess; 17014㷓 < a\-torch; 17015㷉 < to\-iron; 17016戶外 < outdoor; 17017石南屬 < heather; 17018寬容 < lenient; 17019㵒 < boiling; 17020㵌 < to\-flow; 17021㵅 < a\-river; 17022能幹 < capable; 17023不見 < not\-see; 17024㴇 < to\-wade; 17025㳭 < spittle; 17026㳬 < an\-eddy; 17027住房 < housing; 17028㳙 < a\-brook; 17029戰士 < fighter; 17030㲂 < to\-push; 17031㱖 < to\-stay; 17032㱌 < to\-take; 17033翡翠 < emerald; 17034尊嚴 < dignity; 17035薄烤餅 < pancake; 17036㯓 < a\-couch; 17037㯐 < tubular; 17038㯋 < a\-chest; 17039密度 < density; 17040㮛 < a\-spoon; 17041㭪 < a\-shrub; 17042毒草名 < hemlock; 17043㫴 < to\-roar; 17044㫝 < the\-sun; 17045地平線 < horizon; 17046尖叫 < screech; 17047㩰 < to\-stab; 17048她自己 < herself; 17049安撫 < placate; 17050㨷 < to\-wipe; 17051頂針 < thimble; 17052㨰 < to\-turn; 17053核子 < nuclear; 17054休會 < adjourn; 17055貢物 < tribute; 17056㧻 < a\-thorn; 17057㦹 < a\-spear; 17058㦭 < to\-pity; 17059飛盤 < frisbee; 17060淘氣 < naughty; 17061㥒 < corrupt; 17062騎兵 < cavalry; 17063㤺 < blurred; 17064㣷 < walking; 17065矮壯素 < cycocel; 17066外科手術 < surgery; 17067㡸 < a\-house; 17068第七 < seventh; 17069㡨 < a\-label; 17070㡘 < screens; 17071㡓 < drawers; 17072㡂 < remains; 17073促使 < spur\-on; 17074風箱 < bellows; 17075㟧 < a\-cliff; 17076浴盆 < bathtub; 17077㞺 < a\-tribe; 17078群花 < blossom; 17079各色各樣 < diverse; 17080佛羅裡達 < florida; 17081馬子 < commode; 17082越南 < vietnam; 17083向何處 < whither; 17084㜓 < womanly; 17085空戰 < air\-war; 17086成圈 < wreathe; 17087㜇 < unhappy; 17088應得 < deserve; 17089戰勝 < prevail; 17090㚢 < a\-slave; 17091不苟 < not\-lax; 17092籃板球 < rebound; 17093住宿 < lodging; 17094㙔 < a\-fence; 17095㙏 < caverns; 17096變遷 < changes; 17097㘩 < to\-mate; 17098㗃 < the\-lip; 17099封入 < inclose; 17100馬克思主義 < marxism; 17101㕟 < to\-sign; 17102㕞 < a\-brush; 17103㔿 < a\-tally; 17104㔡 < greatly; 17105㔂 < to\-pare; 17106㓰 < to\-rive; 17107㓟 < to\-peel; 17108㒴 < to\-come; 17109㒦 < puppets; 17110聽得見 < audible; 17111野貓 < wildcat; 17112㒕 < unyield; 17113㒑 < grow\-up; 17114代替 < instead; 17115㑅 < to\-make; 17116案卷 < records; 17117百慕大 < bermuda; 17118代數 < algebra; 17119有條紋 < striped; 17120木瓦 < shingle; 17121成功 < success; 17122安息日 < sabbath; 17123中立 < neutral; 17124世紀 < century; 17125低地 < lowland; 17126海澡 < seaweed; 17127今晚 < tonight; 17128裁紙機 < trimmer; 17129哀求 < entreat; 17130洗禮 < baptism; 17131妓院 < brothel; 17132不等 < to\-vary; 17133公爵夫人 < duchess; 17134名義 < titular; 17135消極 < passive; 17136水銀 < mercury; 17137暈船 < seasick; 17138懷敵意 < hostile; 17139職工 < workers; 17140孟子 < mencius; 17141官司 < lawsuit; 17142非難 < reproof; 17143永遠 < forever; 17144酬載 < payload; 17145聽寫 < dictate; 17146虧損 < deficit; 17147麻煩 < trouble; 17148阿爾巴尼亞 < albania; 17149彼得後書 < 2\-peter; 17150創立者 < founder; 17151維他命 < vitamin; 17152譏誚 < cynical; 17153確認 < confirm; 17154裝置物 < fixture; 17155王權 < royalty; 17156玻利維亞 < bolivia; 17157企圖 < attempt; 17158參議員 < senator; 17159羅盤 < compass; 17160星期二 < tuesday; 17161現實 < reality; 17162質地 < texture; 17163音樂會 < concert; 17164贊助 < sponsor; 17165忠誠 < devoted; 17166體育場 < stadium; 17167鄭重 < serious; 17168印像深刻 < impress; 17169半途 < halfway; 17170好轉 < improve; 17171惡棍 < villain; 17172愛爾蘭 < ireland; 17173逃亡者 < runaway; 17174鼻孔 < nostril; 17175哀思 < pensive; 17176指導教授 < adviser; 17177猖獗 < rampant; 17178果園 < orchard; 17179旁邊 < lateral; 17180咯咯笑 < chuckle; 17181生物學 < biology; 17182飛彈 < missile; 17183聽力 < hearing; 17184使憤慨 < outrage; 17185日誌 < journal; 17186居住於 < inhabit; 17187外面 < outside; 17188雄黃 < realgar; 17189會期 < session; 17190不法 < lawless; 17191不知何故 < somehow; 17192淡光 < shimmer; 17193彌賽亞 < messiah; 17194沒甚麼 < nothing; 17195大錯 < blunder; 17196老年 < elderly; 17197變硬 < stiffen; 17198海岸 < coastal; 17199煙灰缸 < ashtray; 17200礦物 < mineral; 17201著陸 < landing; 17202不在了 < be\-dead; 17203紡織品 < textile; 17204科學 < science; 17205液化 < liquify; 17206阿司匹林 < aspirin; 17207方言 < dialect; 17208古物 < antique; 17209日落 < sundown; 17210金光閃爍 < spangle; 17211郵費 < postage; 17212曖昧 < illicit; 17213不人道 < inhuman; 17214雄雞 < rooster; 17215放開 < unleash; 17216被沒收 < forfeit; 17217奴隸制度 < slavery; 17218羨慕 < envious; 17219路西弗 < lucifer; 17220化學家 < chemist; 17221餅乾 < biscuit; 17222有害 < harmful; 17223酒精 < alcohol; 17224社會 < society; 17225暴政 < tyranny; 17226王國 < kingdom; 17227易碎 < brittle; 17228釘死 < crucify; 17229訓練者 < trainer; 17230清潔器 < cleaner; 17231顧忌 < scruple; 17232愈合 < to\-heal; 17233詳述 < recount; 17234願意 < to\-wish; 17235愛德玲 < adeline; 17236迫切性 < urgency; 17237玩兒 < to\-play; 17238女演員 < actress; 17239中子 < neutron; 17240金橘 < kumquat; 17241需要 < to\-need; 17242悔恨 < remorse; 17243最大 < biggest; 17244最多 < at\-most; 17245耕作 < farming; 17246急流 < torrent; 17247巴比倫 < babylon; 17248老公 < husband; 17249嬰兒期 < infancy; 17250百葉窗 < shutter; 17251避彈坑 < foxhole; 17252馬來西亞 < malasia; 17253山胡桃木 < hickory; 17254脫衣服 < undress; 17255乏味 < tedious; 17256 < to\-envy; 17257呼吸 < breathe; 17258猜度 < surmise; 17259呻吟 < to\-moan; 17260彼得前書 < 1\-peter; 17261遴選 < to\-pick; 17262女神 < goddess; 17263想像 < imagine; 17264業餘者 < amateur; 17265同志 < comrade; 17266沒有 < haven''t; 17267南瓜 < pumpkin; 17268變暖 < warming; 17269金字塔 < pyramid; 17270氣球 < balloon; 17271狂暴 < frantic; 17272他自己 < himself; 17273吊床 < hammock; 17274及時 < in\-time; 17275部署 < dispose; 17276也不 < neither; 17277可憐 < pitiful; 17278女皇 < empress; 17279定居者 < settler; 17280一天 < one\-day; 17281二十多 < over\-20; 17282改裝 < remodel; 17283阿飛 < hoodlum; 17284可恨 < hateful; 17285收留所 < barrack; 17286法官 < a\-judge; 17287美國 < america; 17288最佳 < optimum; 17289幽靈 < specter; 17290運轉 < to\-work; 17291運輸 < transit; 17292悲劇 < tragedy; 17293書信 < epistle; 17294劍術 < fencing; 17295就寢時間 < bedtime; 17296緒言 < preface; 17297誇耀 < proudly; 17298缺席 < absence; 17299一口 < readily; 17300七十 < seventy; 17301燕麥粥 < oatmeal; 17302新生 < newborn; 17303不再 < no\-more; 17304亞拉巴馬 < alabama; 17305世俗 < profane; 17306年鑑 < almanac; 17307比畫 < gesture; 17308量子 < quantum; 17309猿人 < ape\-man; 17310叫好 < applaud; 17311自行車 < bicycle; 17312逐退 < repulse; 17313民數記 < numbers; 17314小斑點 < speckle; 17315注入 < pour\-in; 17316正義 < justice; 17317使厭煩 < disgust; 17318艾迪生 < addison; 17319是 < indeed; 17320迫 < coerce; 17321応 < should; 17322忘 < forget; 17323国 < nation; 17324返 < return; 17325忍 < endure; 17326迄 < extend; 17327必 < surely; 17328出 < go\-out; 17329辿 < follow; 17330瞼 < eyelid; 17331得 < obtain; 17332辷 < smooth; 17333徴 < summon; 17334徳 < virtue; 17335瞭 < bright; 17336辛 < bitter; 17337徐 < slowly; 17338後 < behind; 17339徊 < linger; 17340影 < shadow; 17341事 < affair; 17342轟 < rumble; 17343彈 < pellet; 17344主 < master; 17345強 < strong; 17346弛 < loosen; 17347民 < people; 17348県 < county; 17349现 < appear; 17350分 < divide; 17351些 < little; 17352相 < mutual; 17353理 < reason; 17354益 < profit; 17355话 < speech; 17356向 < toward; 17357定 < decide; 17358庫 < armory; 17359度 < degree; 17360底 < bottom; 17361打 < strike; 17362位 < throne; 17363序 < series; 17364幼 < infant; 17365干 < oppose; 17366内 < inside; 17367癪 < spasms; 17368加 < add\-to; 17369化 < change; 17370癌 < cancer; 17371常 < common; 17372踰 < exceed; 17373市 < market; 17374才 < talent; 17375住 < reside; 17376员 < member; 17377巻 < scroll; 17378性 < nature; 17379报 < report; 17380神 < spirit; 17381数 < number; 17382跡 < search; 17383原 < source; 17384巡 < patrol; 17385川 < stream; 17386疊 < repeat; 17387系 < system; 17388畠 < garden; 17389记 < record; 17390林 < forest; 17391统 < govern; 17392字 < letter; 17393島 < island; 17394質 < matter; 17395论 < debate; 17396貰 < borrow; 17397指 < finger; 17398財 < wealth; 17399花 < flower; 17400層 < storey; 17401条 < clause; 17402屍 < corpse; 17403局 < bureau; 17404办 < manage; 17405谷 < valley; 17406城 < castle; 17407父 < father; 17408導 < direct; 17409寧 < repose; 17410黄 < yellow; 17411德 < ethics; 17412害 < injure; 17413宮 < palace; 17414友 < friend; 17415守 < defend; 17416讃 < praise; 17417际 < border; 17418单 < single; 17419孤 < orphan; 17420校 < school; 17421獄 < prison; 17422猾 < crafty; 17423謙 < humble; 17424謎 < riddle; 17425狹 < narrow; 17426母 < mother; 17427狙 < an\-ape; 17428团 < sphere; 17429狂 < insane; 17430課 < lesson; 17431招 < beckon; 17432兴 < thrive; 17433约 < treaty; 17434詩 < poetry; 17435绝 < to\-cut; 17436选 < choose; 17437星 < a\-star; 17438訴 < accuse; 17439爛 < rotten; 17440消 < vanish; 17441燭 < candle; 17442姫 < beauty; 17443杨 < willow; 17444严 < strict; 17445熊 < a\-bear; 17446妄 < absurd; 17447苏 < revive; 17448答 < answer; 17449奮 < strive; 17450煩 < bother; 17451襤 < ragged; 17452供 < supply; 17453央 < center; 17454列 < a\-line; 17455焦 < burned; 17456龙 < dragon; 17457夏 < summer; 17458春 < spring; 17459态 < manner; 17460袖 < sleeve; 17461袋 < pocket; 17462副 < assist; 17463够 < enough; 17464街 < street; 17465激 < arouse; 17466银 < silver; 17467阵 < column; 17468简 < simple; 17469毒 < poison; 17470湖 < a\-lake; 17471蝉 < cicada; 17472追 < pursue; 17473鼬 < weasel; 17474络 < enmesh; 17475漠 < desert; 17476蜘 < spider; 17477占 < divine; 17478圓 < circle; 17479兰 < orchid; 17480阶 < stairs; 17481黙 < silent; 17482佛 < buddha; 17483效 < result; 17484攻 < attack; 17485策 < scheme; 17486股 < thighs; 17487莫 < do\-not; 17488嘘 < exhale; 17489窗 < window; 17490添 < append; 17491混 < to\-mix; 17492鷲 < condor; 17493博 < gamble; 17494藤 < rattan; 17495智 < wisdom; 17496抗 < resist; 17497喰 < to\-eat; 17498喧 < lively; 17499喉 < throat; 17500浚 < dredge; 17501逃 < escape; 17502唸 < recite; 17503靖 < pacify; 17504秘 < secret; 17505欲 < desire; 17506征 < invade; 17507秋 < autumn; 17508吸 < inhale; 17509鳩 < pigeon; 17510悲 < sorrow; 17511桥 < bridge; 17512蒻 < rushes; 17513葡 < grapes; 17514汚 < filthy; 17515胸 < breast; 17516邮 < postal; 17517吝 < stingy; 17518横 < across; 17519萎 < wither; 17520菫 < celery; 17521择 < select; 17522恨 < hatred; 17523竹 < bamboo; 17524菓 < fruits; 17525旗 < banner; 17526殻 < casing; 17527稳 < stable; 17528迹 < traces; 17529针 < needle; 17530櫻 < cherry; 17531弃 < reject; 17532紫 < purple; 17533拔 < uproot; 17534芝 < sesame; 17535赏 < reward; 17536插 < insert; 17537驢 < donkey; 17538冬 < winter; 17539扩 < expand; 17540橘 < orange; 17541逼 < compel; 17542騷 < harass; 17543刹 < temple; 17544镜 < mirror; 17545標 < a\-mark; 17546舌 < tongue; 17547槽 < trough; 17548臼 < mortar; 17549伏 < crouch; 17550愤 < resent; 17551俄 < sudden; 17552凍 < freeze; 17553槌 < hammer; 17554阻 < impede; 17555饑 < starve; 17556腑 < bowels; 17557兎 < rabbit; 17558腋 < armpit; 17559儘 < utmost; 17560崇 < esteem; 17561餓 < hungry; 17562棺 < coffin; 17563粉 < powder; 17564盾 < shield; 17565飢 < hunger; 17566捕 < arrest; 17567梯 < ladder; 17568聘 < engage; 17569梃 < a\-club; 17570顫 < shiver; 17571闷 < gloomy; 17572悔 < repent; 17573邀 < invite; 17574頬 < cheeks; 17575患 < suffer; 17576丐 < beggar; 17577柱 < pillar; 17578柚 < pomelo; 17579柄 < handle; 17580侮 < insult; 17581铜 < copper; 17582枕 < pillow; 17583杵 < pestle; 17584扯 < rip\-up; 17585趋 < hasten; 17586串 < string; 17587雲 < clouds; 17588雌 < female; 17589雇 < employ; 17590隅 < corner; 17591繕 < repair; 17592棉 < cotton; 17593縛 < to\-tie; 17594谅 < excuse; 17595呈 < submit; 17596線 < thread; 17597敷 < spread; 17598脾 < spleen; 17599紳 < girdle; 17600鹰 < falcon; 17601愚 < stupid; 17602糞 < manure; 17603粧 < toilet; 17604採 < gather; 17605帕 < turban; 17606丫 < forked; 17607拐 < kidnap; 17608倪 < feeble; 17609錐 < gimlet; 17610篮 < basket; 17611侄 < nephew; 17612叉 < crotch; 17613怖 < terror; 17614颁 < confer; 17615咕 < mumble; 17616舵 < rudder; 17617惩 < punish; 17618咖 < coffee; 17619淳 < honest; 17620猴 < monkey; 17621霉 < mildew; 17622悼 < grieve; 17623逍 < ramble; 17624耍 < frolic; 17625捆 < tie\-up; 17626遊 < wander; 17627廿 < twenty; 17628腻 < greasy; 17629缆 < hawser; 17630鞑 < tatars; 17631慷 < ardent; 17632篷 < awning; 17633荆 < thorns; 17634膏 < grease; 17635鞍 < saddle; 17636睬 < notice; 17637绥 < soothe; 17638氧 < oxygen; 17639婷 < pretty; 17640凿 < chisel; 17641巫 < wizard; 17642虾 < shrimp; 17643伶 < lonely; 17644椒 < pepper; 17645揖 < salute; 17646冉 < tender; 17647踱 < stroll; 17648猬 < vulgar; 17649褂 < jacket; 17650糙 < coarse; 17651闸 < sluice; 17652颓 < ruined; 17653屉 < drawer; 17654刁 < tricky; 17655洼 < hollow; 17656蒜 < garlic; 17657渣 < refuse; 17658慑 < afraid; 17659忏 < regret; 17660碾 < roller; 17661疙 < pimple; 17662漉 < filter; 17663隧 < tunnel; 17664酥 < butter; 17665钮 < button; 17666漱 < gargle; 17667盔 < helmet; 17668磋 < polish; 17669蕉 < banana; 17670痰 < phlegm; 17671羁 < halter; 17672诏 < decree; 17673靶 < target; 17674酝 < liquor; 17675亵 < slight; 17676貂 < marten; 17677聆 < listen; 17678韬 < sheath; 17679鹊 < magpie; 17680卅 < thirty; 17681碳 < carbon; 17682硫 < sulfur; 17683镰 < sickle; 17684涎 < saliva; 17685壕 < trench; 17686锚 < anchor; 17687钠 < sodium; 17688睿 < shrewd; 17689莺 < oriole; 17690胯 < pelvis; 17691跻 < ascend; 17692鳖 < turtle; 17693腼 < modest; 17694娓 < comply; 17695刎 < behead; 17696蹙 < urgent; 17697胚 < embryo; 17698荔 < lichee; 17699锵 < tinkle; 17700茧 < cocoon; 17701蟒 < python; 17702鹃 < cuckoo; 17703獗 < unruly; 17704蒯 < a\-rush; 17705沏 < infuse; 17706嚏 < sneeze; 17707砾 < gravel; 17708佟 < a\-name; 17709茜 < madder; 17710扈 < escort; 17711咛 < enjoin; 17712泗 < mucous; 17713锹 < shovel; 17714鹗 < osprey; 17715儡 < puppet; 17716螂 < mantis; 17717苓 < fungus; 17718叵 < cannot; 17719寮 < shanty; 17720犷 < fierce; 17721沱 < rivers; 17722疡 < ulcers; 17723徕 < induce; 17724骛 < gallop; 17725徉 < wonder; 17726谪 < charge; 17727俚 < rustic; 17728俪 < spouse; 17729臾 < moment; 17730嬴 < to\-win; 17731烩 < ragout; 17732铤 < ingots; 17733茁 < sprout; 17734舢 < sampan; 17735碜 < gritty; 17736僭 < assume; 17737碘 < iodine; 17738烯 < alkene; 17739囿 < pen\-up; 17740囫 < entire; 17741镍 < nickel; 17742橐 < a\-sack; 17743杷 < loquat; 17744聒 < clamor; 17745羯 < wether; 17746秣 < fodder; 17747樽 < goblet; 17748焖 < simmer; 17749轳 < pulley; 17750镭 < radium; 17751殄 < to\-end; 17752诰 < inform; 17753莅 < attend; 17754讫 < finish; 17755淬 < temper; 17756嘬 < to\-lap; 17757烷 < alkane; 17758蛎 < oyster; 17759焱 < flames; 17760蜥 < lizard; 17761葺 < thatch; 17762恽 < devise; 17763蓿 < clover; 17764瘌 < severe; 17765喱 < gramme; 17766钴 < cobalt; 17767貉 < badger; 17768蜉 < mayfly; 17769鲑 < salmon; 17770娈 < lovely; 17771荨 < nettle; 17772竦 < revere; 17773狒 < baboon; 17774蘼 < millet; 17775茴 < fennel; 17776鲦 < minnow; 17777渌 < strain; 17778阚 < glance; 17779珐 < enamel; 17780靛 < indigo; 17781黧 < a\-dark; 17782蠓 < midges; 17783橼 < citrus; 17784魍 < demons; 17785翊 < flying; 17786镏 < distil; 17787胼 < callus; 17788犏 < yak\-ox; 17789碚 < suburb; 17790腭 < palate; 17791鳟 < barbel; 17792殂 < to\-die; 17793筚 < wicker; 17794疝 < hernia; 17795骀 < an\-old; 17796蒗 < \(herb\); 17797菟 < dodder; 17798陉 < defile; 17799疠 < a\-sore; 17800旰 < sunset; 17801聍 < earwax; 17802锇 < osmium; 17803钡 < barium; 17804襻 < a\-loop; 17805铒 < erbium; 17806铈 < cerium; 17807椴 < poplar; 17808苡 < barley; 17809舄 < a\-shoe; 17810鸫 < thrush; 17811锔 < curium; 17812铟 < indium; 17813眍 < sunken; 17814桷 < rafter; 17815苄 < benzyl; 17816陔 < a\-step; 17817骶 < coccyx; 17818鲻 < mullet; 17819螨 < insect; 17820虼 < a\-flea; 17821瘕 < asthma; 17822镘 < trowel; 17823胂 < arsine; 17824菔 < turnip; 17825從此 < thence; 17826鳥羽 < pinion; 17827編者 < editor; 17828誤用 < misuse; 17829強盜 < bandit; 17830詩篇 < psalms; 17831方法 < method; 17832政策 < policy; 17833哺乳動物 < mammal; 17834伊尼伊德 < aeneid; 17835警察 < police; 17836士師記 < judges; 17837發電機 < dynamo; 17838罪人 < sinner; 17839大炮 < cannon; 17840大災 < plague; 17841塞爾維亞 < serbia; 17842吉他 < guitar; 17843毀滅 < perish; 17844穆斯林 < muslim; 17845開車人 < driver; 17846帶釦 < buckle; 17847動物 < animal; 17848使﹍豐富 < enrich; 17849緊縮 < reduce; 17850燒焦 < scorch; 17851領事 < consul; 17852嘶啞聲 < hoarse; 17853大浪 < billow; 17854睡著 < asleep; 17855氣息 < breath; 17856擱置 < shelve; 17857整潔 < neatly; 17858弊病 < malady; 17859選票 < a\-vote; 17860剽竊 < pirate; 17861編碼 < coding; 17862拔尖兒 < tiptop; 17863巨頭 < tycoon; 17864頂事 < useful; 17865撕裂 < mangle; 17866附著 < adhere; 17867伊尼亞斯 < aeneas; 17868正當 < timely; 17869怒吼 < bellow; 17870奇景 < marvel; 17871版式 < format; 17872驅逐出境 < deport; 17873遠程 < remote; 17874半徑 < radius; 17875降臨 < befall; 17876管理人 < keeper; 17877醜化 < defame; 17878狂人 < madman; 17879大桶 < barrel; 17880有人情 < humane; 17881西紅柿 < tomato; 17882看見 < to\-see; 17883解脫 < relief; 17884破敗 < beaten; 17885旗幟 < ensign; 17886水壺 < kettle; 17887殖民 < colony; 17888旋律 < melody; 17889動機 < motive; 17890厭倦 < dreary; 17891內陸 < inland; 17892工錢 < salary; 17893公開 < public; 17894原先 < former; 17895八開 < octavo; 17896熊熊 < raging; 17897短歌 < ballad; 17898博士 < doctor; 17899忠告 < advice; 17900砲手 < gunner; 17901多星 < starry; 17902律師 < lawyer; 17903八分音符 < quaver; 17904微妙 < subtle; 17905好好 < nicely; 17906總是 < always; 17907開鎖 < unlock; 17908步測 < pacing; 17909營救 < rescue; 17910敬服 < admire; 17911天竺牡丹 < dahlia; 17912得宜 < proper; 17913初級 < junior; 17914輕鬆 < gentle; 17915爐床 < hearth; 17916謊報 < to\-lie; 17917確保 < ensure; 17918離奇有趣 < quaint; 17919運用 < to\-use; 17920絲絨 < velvet; 17921版圖 < domain; 17922政權 < regime; 17923很少 < seldom; 17924爵士 < knight; 17925襯裡 < lining; 17926謙和 < meekly; 17927網球 < tennis; 17928荒蕪 < barren; 17929電影院 < cinema; 17930天性 < inborn; 17931小妖精 < goblin; 17932金絲雀 < canary; 17933歐洲 < europe; 17934勾引 < seduce; 17935熱望 < aspire; 17936精選 < chosen; 17937誘拐 < abduct; 17938誠懇 < hearty; 17939動名詞 < gerund; 17940通知 < notify; 17941刺痛 < tingle; 17942徵召 < enlist; 17943歡樂 < gaiety; 17944競賽者 < player; 17945先鋒 < herald; 17946編年史 < annals; 17947敵意 < enmity; 17948巴西 < brazil; 17949缺氧症 < anoxia; 17950物件 < object; 17951卸下 < unload; 17952包容 < pardon; 17953誘惑 < entice; 17954牧人 < pastor; 17955大地洞 < cavern; 17956外形 < figure; 17957隨機 < random; 17958兵變 < mutiny; 17959發嘎嘎聲 < rattle; 17960敏捷 < nimble; 17961牛仔 < cowboy; 17962提醒 < remind; 17963觸犯 < offend; 17964奪取 < snatch; 17965夫子 < pedant; 17966太子 < prince; 17967真空 < vacu\:m; 17968殺害 < murder; 17969殘忍 < bloody; 17970閒話 < gossip; 17971辭職 < resign; 17972線條 < streak; 17973滑翔機 < glider; 17974徒勞 < futile; 17975得到 < to\-get; 17976希臘 < greece; 17977濺開 < splash; 17978遊歷 < travel; 17979復仇 < avenge; 17980殘餘物 < litter; 17981壓扁 < squash; 17982詩意 < poetic; 17983攝政 < regent; 17984標語 < slogan; 17985不可告人 < hidden; 17986發誓 < to\-vow; 17987橡膠 < rubber; 17988力足以做 < afford; 17989在﹍期間 < during; 17990地鐵 < subway; 17991十一 < eleven; 17992從事 < go\-for; 17993熱帶 < tropic; 17994有責任 < liable; 17995雜工 < porter; 17996出產 < output; 17997奢侈 < luxury; 17998掛鉤 < couple; 17999純粹 < purely; 18000種族主義 < racism; 18001孩子氣 < boyish; 18002小牝牛 < heifer; 18003跑步者 < runner; 18004露出 < expose; 18005攀昇 < rising; 18006解渴 < quench; 18007歌手 < singer; 18008吐綬雞 < turkey; 18009巡航 < cruise; 18010布線 < wiring; 18011正式 < formal; 18012冰箱 < icebox; 18013無法 < unable; 18014逕流 < runoff; 18015大吃 < gobble; 18016毫不 < hardly; 18017道教 < taoism; 18018齵 < uneven; 18019診所 < clinic; 18020遺恨 < grudge; 18021鼫 < marmot; 18022鼔 < a\-drum; 18023鬆餅 < muffin; 18024加崙 < gallon; 18025鹨 < anthus; 18026跨接器 < jumper; 18027教堂 < church; 18028鷇 < chicks; 18029鶽 < a\-hawk; 18030鶸 < siskin; 18031詞尾 < suffix; 18032鵀 < hoopoe; 18033週期 < period; 18034鴢 < \(duck\); 18035負擔者 < bearer; 18036零售 < retail; 18037鴃 < shrike; 18038在車 < aboard; 18039徒步旅行 < hiking; 18040鱎 < \(fish\); 18041鱆 < poulpe; 18042茶碗 < teacup; 18043緞帶 < ribbon; 18044分派 < assign; 18045合唱團 < chorus; 18046阻橈 < thwart; 18047搖籃 < cradle; 18048領導者 < leader; 18049著名 < famous; 18050強勢 < mighty; 18051紮營 < encamp; 18052驫 < horses; 18053凹洞 < cavity; 18054弱化 < weaken; 18055陰戶 < vagina; 18056擊敗 < defeat; 18057進接 < access; 18058馿 < an\-ass; 18059絕氣 < expire; 18060曲棍球 < hockey; 18061証實 < verify; 18062餤 < incite; 18063連擊 < batter; 18064教區 < parish; 18065火箭 < rocket; 18066隱士 < hermit; 18067路由器 < router; 18068短劍 < dagger; 18069顒 < solemn; 18070強健 < sturdy; 18071一節\(詩\) < stanza; 18072武器 < weapon; 18073鞚 < bridle; 18074煤屑 < cinder; 18075平板 < tablet; 18076凹槽 < socket; 18077刮掉 < scrape; 18078高雅 < dainty; 18079雂 < \(bird\); 18080父母親 < parent; 18081歡喜 < joyful; 18082分枝 < branch; 18083步哨 < sentry; 18084傳達 < convey; 18085化妝品 < makeup; 18086急促聲 < patter; 18087闉 < curved; 18088衡量 < weight; 18089使硬化 < harden; 18090骨髓 < marrow; 18091铯 < cesium; 18092搔癢 < tickle; 18093雕像 < statue; 18094鑞 < solder; 18095正午 < midday; 18096鑀 < ionium; 18097鐝 < a\-pick; 18098鎒 < to\-hoe; 18099交易者 < dealer; 18100鎅 < to\-saw; 18101撫抱 < caress; 18102錩 < vessel; 18103救主 < savior; 18104粘粘 < sticky; 18105日內瓦 < geneva; 18106鋙 < misfit; 18107巴爾 < baltic; 18108的確 < really; 18109鋅 < zincum; 18110過失 < defect; 18111銀行家 < banker; 18112植物學 < botany; 18113紀念獎 < trophy; 18114酴 < leaven; 18115長短 < length; 18116幫手 < helper; 18117偽造的 < forged; 18118旅行裝備 < outfit; 18119附庸 < vassal; 18120適合 < to\-fit; 18121第二次 < second; 18122高達 < attain; 18123鵝卵石 < pebble; 18124有氣派 < lordly; 18125債務人 < debtor; 18126花粉 < pollen; 18127逌 < please; 18128迍 < falter; 18129轜 < hearse; 18130白痴 < idiocy; 18131峽谷 < canyon; 18132躧 < sandal; 18133表親 < cousin; 18134觀念 < notion; 18135踡 < curled; 18136裁縫 < tailor; 18137採納 < accept; 18138補種 < reseed; 18139小碟子 < saucer; 18140貪 < greedy; 18141冰柱 < icicle; 18142舞蹈家 < dancer; 18143阿姨 < auntie; 18144線上 < online; 18145譆 < scream; 18146諵 < mutter; 18147驚駭 < fright; 18148素描 < sketch; 18149閒混 < loiter; 18150詻 < orders; 18151詗 < to\-spy; 18152摟抱 < to\-hug; 18153自身 < itself; 18154進口 < import; 18155採礦 < mining; 18156襮 < collar; 18157擾亂 < infest; 18158結尾 < ending; 18159閣樓 < garret; 18160花生 < peanut; 18161袚 < greave; 18162過份 < unduly; 18163驟雨 < shower; 18164幃幕 < screen; 18165使濕透 < drench; 18166蠩 < a\-toad; 18167蠁 < larvae; 18168威士忌酒 < whisky; 18169光澤 < luster; 18170逝去 < elapse; 18171蛣 < beetle; 18172蛌 < cricke; 18173光滑 < glossy; 18174逕向 < radial; 18175虖 < to\-cry; 18176批評家 < critic; 18177相差 < differ; 18178薑 < ginger; 18179關心 < caring; 18180在深處 < deeply; 18181蔔 < radish; 18182蓚 < oxalic; 18183蒎 < pinane; 18184抵達 < arrive; 18185勝利者 < victor; 18186地產 < estate; 18187連字符號 < hyphen; 18188菆 < jungle; 18189廢除軍備 < disarm; 18190局面 < aspect; 18191茢 < sedges; 18192蹺蹺板 < seesaw; 18193澱粉 < starch; 18194標榜 < flaunt; 18195艢 < a\-mast; 18196滑雪 < to\-ski; 18197回絕 < rebuff; 18198襪帶 < garter; 18199綁住 < fasten; 18200眼光 < vision; 18201磨坊主 < miller; 18202樣本 < sample; 18203烈士 < martyr; 18204精明 < astute; 18205腳鐐 < fetter; 18206胹 < cooked; 18207白果 < ginkgo; 18208帆布 < canvas; 18209跳進 < plunge; 18210有關連 < relate; 18211多樹木 < wooded; 18212附上 < attach; 18213抬起 < uplift; 18214顛倒過來 < invert; 18215耤 < plough; 18216吱吱聲 < squeak; 18217幾乎 < almost; 18218瀉湖 < lagoon; 18219罫 < hinder; 18220罥 < impete; 18221簡直 < simply; 18222未完成 < undone; 18223繨 < a\-knot; 18224光是 < solely; 18225縆 < a\-rope; 18226給予 < accord; 18227七月一號 < july\-1; 18228複數 < plural; 18229白搭 < no\-use; 18230魔賽克 < mosaic; 18231航程 < flight; 18232紩 < to\-sew; 18233紟 < a\-sash; 18234紃 < a\-cord; 18235援手 < succor; 18236帝國 < empire; 18237茶壺 < teapot; 18238伯仲叔季 < eldest; 18239籲 < appeal; 18240盟國 < allies; 18241簉 < deputy; 18242裁決 < ruling; 18243篥 < bulgle; 18244實體 < entity; 18245箙 < quiver; 18246烏干達 < uganda; 18247索取 < to\-ask; 18248席卷 < engulf; 18249不確實 < untrue; 18250地毯 < carpet; 18251竉 < a\-hole; 18252八度 < octave; 18253用語 < syntax; 18254鼻口部分 < muzzle; 18255尖聲啼哭 < squeal; 18256節約 < frugal; 18257祏 < shrine; 18258辦公室 < office; 18259承諾 < effort; 18260衛生 < health; 18261補救 < remedy; 18262修訂 < revise; 18263羅馬書 < romans; 18264迄今 < so\-far; 18265實際 < actual; 18266睪 < spy\-on; 18267眾 < masses; 18268嘗試 < to\-try; 18269垂幕 < canopy; 18270蠟筆 < crayon; 18271服務員 < waiter; 18272命運註定 < ordain; 18273人頭獅身 < sphinx; 18274皀 < kernel; 18275不幸之事 < mishap; 18276蜘蛛網 < cobweb; 18277疃 < hamlet; 18278執事 < deacon; 18279畽 < ground; 18280成長 < mature; 18281溝道 < groove; 18282阿米巴 < amoeba; 18283農人 < farmer; 18284滾落 < tumble; 18285融解 < molten; 18286圖案 < design; 18287腔調 < accent; 18288修補匠 < tinker; 18289走錯 < astray; 18290珔 < \(jade\); 18291玓 < pearly; 18292節省 < saving; 18293猺 < jackal; 18294信號 < signal; 18295小貓 < kitten; 18296行為 < action; 18297大理石 < marble; 18298在﹍之旁 < beside; 18299持有人 < holder; 18300煃 < remove; 18301撒哈拉 < sahara; 18302大鐮刀 < scythe; 18303埋伏 < ambush; 18304約翰二書 < 2\-john; 18305對話 < dialog; 18306符號 < symbol; 18307瀌 < plenty; 18308胸針 < brooch; 18309濵 < a\-bank; 18310搭乘 < embark; 18311澼 < bleach; 18312娛樂場 < resort; 18313八十 < eighty; 18314簸揚 < winnow; 18315棒糖 < sucker; 18316算盤 < abacus; 18317醃黃瓜 < pickle; 18318渨 < a\-cove; 18319淟 < turbid; 18320精力 < energy; 18321收割者 < reaper; 18322傳染 < infect; 18323工人 < worker; 18324洟 < snivel; 18325泭 < a\-raft; 18326氫 < amonia; 18327起訴 < to\-sue; 18328蝗蟲 < locust; 18329傳教 < preach; 18330較好 < better; 18331花圈 < wreath; 18332橰 < a\-spar; 18333腎臟 < kidney; 18334橤 < stamen; 18335橜 < a\-post; 18336橕 < a\-prop; 18337樲 < jujube; 18338路程 < course; 18339先前 < before; 18340憂鬱 < sullen; 18341螺旋鉗 < wrench; 18342參議院 < senate; 18343穗飾 < tassel; 18344楢 < tinder; 18345瑞金 < ruijin; 18346抱病 < be\-ill; 18347傳授 < impart; 18348車庫 < garage; 18349測量 < survey; 18350字首 < prefix; 18351魚夫 < fisher; 18352椧 < gutter; 18353棃 < a\-pear; 18354桲 < quince; 18355花哨 < garish; 18356輕咬 < nibble; 18357條紋 < stripe; 18358致死 < deadly; 18359任何人 < anyone; 18360贖金 < ransom; 18361行星 < planet; 18362曀 < stormy; 18363回憶 < recall; 18364穀類 < cereal; 18365偵查 < detect; 18366旻 < heaven; 18367容許 < permit; 18368敡 < rebuke; 18369敂 < deduct; 18370十四行詩 < sonnet; 18371擓 < to\-rub; 18372有道德 < chaste; 18373漣漪 < ripple; 18374二者之一 < either; 18375捽 < clutch; 18376國外 < abroad; 18377液體 < liquid; 18378藝術家 < artist; 18379崎嶇 < rugged; 18380餑餑 < pastry; 18381餐飲 < repast; 18382使膨脹 < dilate; 18383何處 < whence; 18384信用 < credit; 18385約翰三書 < 3\-john; 18386小提琴 < fiddle; 18387因子 < factor; 18388恟 < scared; 18389拳擊 < boxing; 18390軟化 < soften; 18391安詳 < serene; 18392懶洋洋 < lazily; 18393約翰一書 < 1\-john; 18394扣留 < detain; 18395松雞 < grouse; 18396弣 < middle; 18397高度 < height; 18398廆 < a\-room; 18399異教 < heresy; 18400巤 < a\-mane; 18401巘 < summit; 18402嶓 < boshan; 18403崿 < cliffs; 18404地主 < a\-host; 18405馬戲團 < circus; 18406高山 < alpine; 18407生涯 < career; 18408作者 < author; 18409挪威 < norway; 18410尅 < subdue; 18411尋的 < homing; 18412寎 < drowsy; 18413馬鈴薯 < potato; 18414孾 < a\-baby; 18415使轉向 < divert; 18416沒有人 < nobody; 18417嬃 < sister; 18418嫪 < hanker; 18419婼 < person; 18420博物館 < museum; 18421娒 < matron; 18422朋黨 < clique; 18423禮拜堂 < chapel; 18424混血 < hybrid; 18425跋涉 < trudge; 18426夬 < parted; 18427僅僅 < barely; 18428漏斗 < funnel; 18429不透明 < opaque; 18430堧 < adjoin; 18431乳頭 < nipple; 18432理論 < theory; 18433介質 < medium; 18434嚿 < a\-lump; 18435由於 < due\-to; 18436噚 < fathom; 18437和風 < breeze; 18438喆 < a\-sage; 18439扶植 < foster; 18440環球 < global; 18441唫 < to\-hum; 18442除了之外 < except; 18443唈 < to\-sob; 18444哤 < jargon; 18445便池 < urinal; 18446呮 < to\-sit; 18447厎 < settle; 18448宣稱 < assert; 18449哀辭 < lament; 18450扁桃體 < tonsil; 18451勄 < active; 18452乾酪 < cheese; 18453更高 < higher; 18454偌大 < so\-big; 18455正方形 < square; 18456肌肉 < muscle; 18457驚恐 < appall; 18458可信任 < trusty; 18459文學家 < writer; 18460手槍 < pistol; 18461僬 < clever; 18462傎 < topple; 18463移動式 < mobile; 18464家畜 < cattle; 18465福音 < gospel; 18466起源 < origin; 18467倃 < damage; 18468亂跳 < bounce; 18469到此處 < hither; 18470膽大 < daring; 18471仚 < to\-fly; 18472製陶工人 < potter; 18473健全 < robust; 18474䶁 < noises; 18475䵧 < to\-dye; 18476䴥 < a\-stag; 18477䳾 < an\-owl; 18478拌嘴 < bicker; 18479打擊 < to\-hit; 18480䳇 < parrot; 18481笨拙 < clumsy; 18482䲹 < ospery; 18483人口調查 < census; 18484䲌 < a\-fish; 18485䱕 < labrus; 18486䰣 < an\-elf; 18487瑕疵 < stigma; 18488䯨 < to\-rap; 18489䯁 < a\-mule; 18490墨西哥 < mexico; 18491清真寺 < mosque; 18492䭪 < grains; 18493䭥 < a\-bait; 18494䭌 < congee; 18495䬸 < a\-meal; 18496䬑 < a\-gale; 18497䫬 < to\-bow; 18498海裡 < marine; 18499味道 < flavor; 18500䨺 < cloudy; 18501䨟 < puddle; 18502䨇 < a\-pair; 18503無論如何 < anyhow; 18504䧴 < a\-bird; 18505䧑 < a\-dike; 18506出埃及記 < exodus; 18507安哥拉 < angola; 18508有藥癮者 < addict; 18509䥪 < to\-cup; 18510䥨 < a\-file; 18511䥍 < a\-whip; 18512以色列 < israel; 18513私語 < murmur; 18514釣魚用具 < tackle; 18515最近 < recent; 18516䣘 < a\-hall; 18517清瘦 < meager; 18518䣈 < a\-lane; 18519釘書針 < staple; 18520岸上 < ashore; 18521照相機 < camera; 18522䠰 < coiled; 18523䠤 < toddle; 18524紡織者 < weaver; 18525中途 < midway; 18526斯拉夫 < slavic; 18527䝜 < a\-lion; 18528䝄 < cowpea; 18529俄羅斯 < russia; 18530䜞 < a\-dose; 18531木製 < wooden; 18532安然 < safely; 18533飢荒 < famine; 18534䘰 < a\-hood; 18535趾尖 < tiptoe; 18536䘬 < armour; 18537䘌 < gadfly; 18538䗫 < a\-frog; 18539䖹 < weevil; 18540信奉 < belief; 18541成效 < effect; 18542䔯 < salted; 18543瓶子 < bottle; 18544䔢 < cathay; 18545䔏 < a\-lush; 18546三重 < treble; 18547䓦 < a\-rule; 18548客氣 < polite; 18549䓄 < grassy; 18550浮著 < afloat; 18551變黑 < darken; 18552䒉 < a\-long; 18553䒂 < an\-oar; 18554弓箭手 < archer; 18555䑺 < a\-sail; 18556䑴 < a\-boat; 18557浮華 < vanity; 18558䐦 < sleepy; 18559䐥 < stinky; 18560駁斥 < refute; 18561不適 < unwell; 18562䏪 < tendon; 18563羞辱 < baffle; 18564留下 < remain; 18565䏣 < maggot; 18566上邊 < upside; 18567䎱 < a\-drag; 18568胡桃 < walnut; 18569䍃 < a\-vase; 18570封建 < feudal; 18571和藹 < kindly; 18572䋐 < fabric; 18573䊧 < a\-fart; 18574塞爾特 < celtic; 18575䊛 < shreds; 18576穿洞 < pierce; 18577䈴 < a\-cage; 18578䈎 < a\-leaf; 18579䇚 < to\-tap; 18580䇁 < a\-cave; 18581䆼 < a\-nest; 18582䆮 < to\-dip; 18583䆙 < a\-kiln; 18584客棧 < tavern; 18585叩頭 < kowtow; 18586房客 < tenant; 18587第四 < fourth; 18588䄹 < a\-year; 18589野餐 < picnic; 18590䄘 < a\-rite; 18591䃥 < stones; 18592專家 < expert; 18593䂷 < broken; 18594使得 < usable; 18595㿼 < a\-bowl; 18596㿻 < a\-tray; 18597打字員 < typist; 18598㿭 < cracks; 18599㿧 < fields; 18600蜃景 < mirage; 18601㿔 < a\-wart; 18602反駁 < retort; 18603少女 < maiden; 18604㽷 < dropsy; 18605㼾 < bricks; 18606海綿 < sponge; 18607星期日 < sunday; 18608㼄 < pearls; 18609用于 < use\-in; 18610㸿 < a\-calf; 18611晚飯 < supper; 18612㷋 < embers; 18613葡萄乾 < raisin; 18614賭注 < stakes; 18615㶤 < to\-fry; 18616㶈 < creeks; 18617神諭 < oracle; 18618㵝 < moving; 18619不要 < don''t\!; 18620㴞 < fluent; 18621我自己 < myself; 18622材積 < volume; 18623扁圓 < oblate; 18624㳌 < marshy; 18625㱞 < danger; 18626㱍 < to\-owe; 18627叮鈴 < jingle; 18628㰃 < a\-tree; 18629大步走 < stride; 18630第八 < eighth; 18631上衫 < blouse; 18632㮖 < to\-lay; 18633㭱 < a\-case; 18634比較喜歡 < prefer; 18635寶塔 < pagoda; 18636㫺 < bygone; 18637不公平 < unfair; 18638客戶 < client; 18639㫅 < a\-flag; 18640㪹 < to\-rob; 18641㩲 < a\-fist; 18642芭蕾舞 < ballet; 18643㨾 < a\-type; 18644㧧 < a\-comb; 18645家庭 < family; 18646柏林 < berlin; 18647㦔 < silkly; 18648有罪 < guilty; 18649㦊 < lavish; 18650㦅 < uneasy; 18651鍵帽 < keycap; 18652小包 < packet; 18653亨特 < hunter; 18654打傷 < bruise; 18655頁邊 < margin; 18656手冊 < manual; 18657㡁 < a\-robe; 18658㠲 < ripped; 18659牙齒 < dental; 18660名言 < saying; 18661㝹 < a\-hare; 18662耀眼 < dazzle; 18663伯利茲 < belize; 18664港彎 < harbor; 18665背帶 < braces; 18666螺旋形 < spiral; 18667㚼 < a\-girl; 18668㚻 < sodomy; 18669㚌 < a\-band; 18670㙹 < a\-damp; 18671比較少 < lesser; 18672犯錯 < to\-err; 18673在此處 < herein; 18674暴虐 < brutal; 18675被害人 < victim; 18676阿多尼斯 < adonis; 18677波蘭 < poland; 18678㔺 < an\-age; 18679㔉 < to\-dig; 18680㓵 < swords; 18681㓠 < a\-flaw; 18682㓅 < frozen; 18683星雲 < nebula; 18684海狸 < beaver; 18685阿波羅 < apollo; 18686依偎 < nestle; 18687懦夫 < coward; 18688使耳聾 < deafen; 18689休惜 < recess; 18690蓬鬆 < fluffy; 18691磁鐵 < magnet; 18692校園 < campus; 18693變質 < go\-bad; 18694義賣會 < bazaar; 18695羊肉 < mutton; 18696工作室 < studio; 18697吊著 < dangle; 18698紫羅蘭色 < violet; 18699門外漢 < layman; 18700憎惡 < loathe; 18701透印版印刷 < offset; 18702在附近 < nearby; 18703憎恨 < detest; 18704塗油於 < anoint; 18705雜貨商 < grocer; 18706喜劇 < comedy; 18707寒冬 < wintry; 18708貶斥 < demote; 18709單位 < a\-unit; 18710球拍 < racket; 18711維吾爾 < uighur; 18712英雄式 < heroic; 18713子彈 < bullet; 18714理髮師 < barber; 18715傭人領班 < butler; 18716安培 < ampere; 18717食槽 < manger; 18718背叛 < betray; 18719贖回 < redeem; 18720獨特 < unique; 18721毛織運動衫 < jersey; 18722金色 < golden; 18723起泡沫 < seethe; 18724不戰不和 < no\-war; 18725室內 < indoor; 18726賓客 < guests; 18727瑞典 < sweden; 18728贊同 < assent; 18729薄紙 < tissue; 18730悶熱 < sultry; 18731星期五 < friday; 18732星期一 < monday; 18733現存 < extant; 18734餐巾 < napkin; 18735以太 < ether\-; 18736巴爾干 < balkan; 18737瑣事 < trifle; 18738格格笑 < giggle; 18739預算 < budget; 18740孟加拉 < bengal; 18741青銅 < bronze; 18742頑童 < urchin; 18743會死 < mortal; 18744不然 < not\-so; 18745讀者 < reader; 18746洪水 < deluge; 18747白蘭地 < brandy; 18748木料 < lumber; 18749愛德華 < edward; 18750深化 < deepen; 18751現在 < modern; 18752蘇格蘭帽 < bonnet; 18753變紅 < redden; 18754減低速度 < retard; 18755猖狂 < savage; 18756淨化 < purify; 18757後退 < recoil; 18758阿拉斯加 < alaska; 18759片語 < phrase; 18760流星 < meteor; 18761悲歎 < bewail; 18762存儲 < memory; 18763使具體化 < embody; 18764典獄長 < warden; 18765看不見 < unseen; 18766使作嘔 < sicken; 18767象徵 < emblem; 18768不比 < unlike; 18769大錘 < sledge; 18770最新 < latest; 18771主教 < bishop; 18772恐水病 < rabies; 18773處女 < virgin; 18774賣主 < seller; 18775羊毛 < fleece; 18776含水 < watery; 18777加﹍於 < impose; 18778處境 < plight; 18779議程 < agenda; 18780惡意 < malice; 18781本州 < honshu; 18782橡皮搽 < eraser; 18783數量 < amount; 18784斷言 < affirm; 18785浪子 < loafer; 18786有意 < intend; 18787波士頓 < boston; 18788名流 < gentry; 18789台灣 < taiwan; 18790不智 < unwise; 18791故障 < glitch; 18792合法 < lawful; 18793名氣 < repute; 18794大路 < avenue; 18795海報 < poster; 18796亦即 < namely; 18797經紀人 < broker; 18798紅蘿蔔 < carrot; 18799悄悄地 < gently; 18800暖氣 < heater; 18801使﹍能夠 < enable; 18802吸收 < absorb; 18803意圖 < intent; 18804緣飾 < fringe; 18805避難所 < refuge; 18806周年 < annual; 18807白麵兒 < heroin; 18808口渴 < thirst; 18809針法 < stitch; 18810消化 < digest; 18811正門 < portal; 18812海員 < sailor; 18813吐根 < ipecac; 18814雙重 < double; 18815青苔 < lichen; 18816多變 < fickle; 18817鉋床 < planer; 18818飼養者 < feeder; 18819名望 < renown; 18820取消 < cancel; 18821那邊 < yonder; 18822巴斯克 < basque; 18823劈開 < cleave; 18824酒窩 < dimple; 18825動議 < motion; 18826放逐 < banish; 18827配稱 < worthy; 18828活塞 < piston; 18829莫斯科 < moscow; 18830 < a\-coat; 18831杏仁 < almond; 18832月桂樹 < laurel; 18833預期 < expect; 18834秉公 < justly; 18835禱告 < prayer; 18836更大 < bigger; 18837九十 < ninety; 18838破舊 < shabby; 18839一帶 < region; 18840碧玉 < jasper; 18841微薄的 < meagre; 18842只是 < merely; 18843小淘氣 < rascal; 18844惡化 < worsen; 18845一局 < inning; 18846無法無天 < outlaw; 18847未來 < future; 18848鄉紳 < squire; 18849詭計 < deceit; 18850豁免 < exempt; 18851心理 < mental; 18852牢牢 < firmly; 18853風俗 < custom; 18854 < a\-hill; 18855創辦 < launch; 18856過量 < excess; 18857起訴者 < suitor; 18858熔解 < fusion; 18859石英 < quartz; 18860巴拿馬 < panama; 18861包管 < assure; 18862動脈 < artery; 18863最低 < lowest; 18864祭司 < priest; 18865特此 < hereby; 18866雌蕊 < pistil; 18867干預 < meddle; 18868化石 < fossil; 18869捕鯨船 < whaler; 18870水泥 < cement; 18871水泡 < bubble; 18872演說者 < orator; 18873蓋爾 < gaelic; 18874前輩 < senior; 18875擺樣子 < do\-sth; 18876副詞 < adverb; 18877危機 < crisis; 18878不公 < unjust; 18879法國 < france; 18880沉思 < ponder; 18881暗堡 < bunker; 18882狗屋 < kennel; 18883暴君 < tyrant; 18884波斯尼亞 < bosnia; 18885三倍 < triple; 18886霜白 < frosty; 18887否則 < if\-not; 18888分鐘 < minute; 18889葬禮 < burial; 18890水桶 < bucket; 18891撤銷 < repeal; 18892加拿大 < canada; 18893反射 < reflex; 18894不丹 < bhutan; 18895非洲 < africa; 18896剝蝕 < denude; 18897一串 < strand; 18898纖毛 < cilium; 18899石 < stone; 18900短 < short; 18901快 < rapid; 18902在 < be\-at; 18903他 < other; 18904矢 < arrow; 18905到 < go\-to; 18906说 < speak; 18907迅 < quick; 18908地 < earth; 18909心 < heart; 18910下 < under; 18911辭 < words; 18912微 < small; 18913家 < house; 18914御 < drive; 18915后 < queen; 18916待 < treat; 18917还 < still; 18918发 < issue; 18919彫 < carve; 18920想 < think; 18921睡 < sleep; 18922轉 < shift; 18923所 < place; 18924輪 < wheel; 18925三 < three; 18926輕 < light; 18927式 < style; 18928样 < shape; 18929建 < build; 18930延 < delay; 18931盲 < blind; 18932廣 < broad; 18933声 < sound; 18934工 < labor; 18935盆 < basin; 18936盃 < glass; 18937正 < right; 18938庸 < usual; 18939女 < woman; 18940力 < power; 18941躑 < waver; 18942因 < cause; 18943重 < heavy; 18944皇 < royal; 18945庇 < cover; 18946次 < order; 18947口 < mouth; 18948白 < white; 18949幽 < quiet; 18950教 < teach; 18951再 < again; 18952气 < steam; 18953信 < trust; 18954北 < north; 18955蹲 < squat; 18956蹟 < trace; 18957幅 < piece; 18958入 < enter; 18959先 < first; 18960水 < water; 18961巷 < alley; 18962笑 < smile; 18963立 < stand; 18964跪 < kneel; 18965马 < horse; 18966巨 < large; 18967疑 < doubt; 18968利 < gains; 18969果 < fruit; 18970赧 < blush; 18971至 < reach; 18972清 < clear; 18973物 < thing; 18974嵌 < inlay; 18975甲 < armor; 18976田 < field; 18977许 < allow; 18978八 < eight; 18979崖 < cliff; 18980崎 < rough; 18981南 < south; 18982色 < color; 18983瓜 < melon; 18984算 < count; 18985賊 < thief; 18986貯 < store; 18987貨 < goods; 18988每 < every; 18989屬 < class; 18990豪 < brave; 18991豆 < beans; 18992七 < seven; 18993尖 < sharp; 18994射 < shoot; 18995空 < empty; 18996技 < skill; 18997寺 < court; 18998寫 < write; 18999英 < petal; 19000密 < dense; 19001钱 < money; 19002容 < looks; 19003宵 < night; 19004始 < begin; 19005客 < guest; 19006片 < slice; 19007研 < grind; 19008早 < early; 19009獻 < offer; 19010獺 < otter; 19011獸 < beast; 19012獨 < alone; 19013警 < guard; 19014存 < exist; 19015證 < proof; 19016謝 < thank; 19017猜 < guess; 19018嬉 < enjoy; 19019黑 < black; 19020謁 < visit; 19021剑 < sword; 19022乐 < happy; 19023级 < level; 19024举 < raise; 19025证 < prove; 19026照 < shine; 19027誓 < swear; 19028群 < group; 19029誂 < tempt; 19030伤 < wound; 19031断 < sever; 19032价 < price; 19033脑 < brain; 19034规 < rules; 19035娑 < dance; 19036破 < break; 19037泽 < marsh; 19038燻 < smoke; 19039紧 < tense; 19040觸 < touch; 19041装 < dress; 19042河 < river; 19043血 < blood; 19044投 < throw; 19045奴 < slave; 19046刀 < knife; 19047襟 < lapel; 19048喝 < drink; 19049褪 < strip; 19050夢 < dream; 19051错 < error; 19052案 < table; 19053印 < print; 19054壓 < press; 19055烈 < fiery; 19056壇 < altar; 19057裂 < split; 19058袴 < pants; 19059墓 < grave; 19060炎 < flame; 19061灰 < ashes; 19062塗 < smear; 19063敌 < enemy; 19064塔 < tower; 19065怀 < bosom; 19066罪 < crime; 19067蟲 < worms; 19068濱 < beach; 19069摘 < pluck; 19070施 < grant; 19071模 < model; 19072草 < grass; 19073濃 < thick; 19074濁 < muddy; 19075修 < study; 19076味 < taste; 19077织 < weave; 19078龕 < niche; 19079蝿 < flies; 19080免 < spare; 19081波 < waves; 19082潔 < clean; 19083洋 < ocean; 19084均 < equal; 19085奖 < prize; 19086顿 < pause; 19087漂 < float; 19088判 < judge; 19089担 < carry; 19090板 < plank; 19091钟 < clock; 19092黐 < stick; 19093蛇 < snake; 19094构 < frame; 19095溺 < drown; 19096麦 < wheat; 19097溝 < ditch; 19098溜 < slide; 19099肉 < flesh; 19100纸 < paper; 19101虚 < false; 19102虎 < tiger; 19103噌 < scold; 19104杂 < mixed; 19105怒 < anger; 19106稿 < draft; 19107渦 < swirl; 19108渡 < cross; 19109罢 < cease; 19110鷺 < heron; 19111鷹 < eagle; 19112藩 < fence; 19113藥 < drugs; 19114鲜 < fresh; 19115嗅 < smell; 19116藁 < straw; 19117鶴 < crane; 19118枪 < spear; 19119涯 < shore; 19120涙 < tears; 19121配 < match; 19122浴 < bathe; 19123升 < arise; 19124浜 < creek; 19125蔭 < shade; 19126津 < ferry; 19127鬼 < ghost; 19128蓮 < lotus; 19129避 < avoid; 19130亡 < death; 19131闪 < flash; 19132震 < shake; 19133咳 < cough; 19134绿 < green; 19135咎 < fault; 19136纳 < admit; 19137呪 < curse; 19138童 < child; 19139伟 < great; 19140汁 < juice; 19141荣 < glory; 19142吐 < vomit; 19143鰌 < loach; 19144喊 < shout; 19145吉 < lucky; 19146逐 < chase; 19147叩 < knock; 19148检 < check; 19149握 < grasp; 19150牙 < tooth; 19151殖 < breed; 19152卿 < noble; 19153歯 < teeth; 19154歪 < slant; 19155棋 < chess; 19156魔 < demon; 19157腰 < waist; 19158梅 < plums; 19159钢 < steel; 19160茹 < roots; 19161欺 < cheat; 19162鬚 < beard; 19163匙 < spoon; 19164匍 < crawl; 19165茅 < reeds; 19166累 < tired; 19167末 < final; 19168糊 < paste; 19169税 < taxes; 19170惯 < habit; 19171倾 < upset; 19172贸 < trade; 19173扫 < sweep; 19174吓 < scare; 19175剃 < shave; 19176刷 < brush; 19177羊 < sheep; 19178扑 < pound; 19179倍 < times; 19180冶 < smelt; 19181膳 < meals; 19182兼 < unite; 19183鞋 < shoes; 19184挤 < crowd; 19185颗 < grain; 19186惠 < favor; 19187腕 < wrist; 19188桃 < peach; 19189坡 < slope; 19190償 < repay; 19191植 < plant; 19192脊 < spine; 19193椅 < chair; 19194肚 < belly; 19195棲 < perch; 19196肝 < liver; 19197疯 < crazy; 19198耻 < shame; 19199侍 < serve; 19200衫 < shirt; 19201钻 < drill; 19202峡 < gorge; 19203韻 < rhyme; 19204丑 < clown; 19205澳 < inlet; 19206疼 < aches; 19207档 < shelf; 19208玛 < agate; 19209靴 < boots; 19210傲 < proud; 19211霜 < frost; 19212吵 < argue; 19213邪 < wrong; 19214脆 < crisp; 19215曳 < trail; 19216離 < leave; 19217叛 < rebel; 19218翼 < wings; 19219甜 < sweet; 19220隙 < crack; 19221傅 < tutor; 19222喷 < spurt; 19223娶 < marry; 19224闇 < close; 19225糖 < sugar; 19226珊 < coral; 19227砸 < smash; 19228絞 < twist; 19229轨 < track; 19230籖 < tally; 19231擒 < catch; 19232揃 < shear; 19233箒 < broom; 19234鍮 < brass; 19235嗓 < voice; 19236啥 < what\?; 19237蜜 < honey; 19238鋏 < tongs; 19239肿 < swell; 19240裙 < skirt; 19241尿 < urine; 19242逮 < seize; 19243倡 < guide; 19244兜 < pouch; 19245魄 < vigor; 19246糕 < cakes; 19247稚 < young; 19248鈍 < blunt; 19249禽 < birds; 19250憺 < peace; 19251链 < chain; 19252憬 < rouse; 19253凳 < bench; 19254酬 < toast; 19255灿 < vivid; 19256攀 < climb; 19257沫 < froth; 19258魁 < chief; 19259滥 < flood; 19260戳 < prick; 19261桩 < stake; 19262肺 < lungs; 19263纱 < gauze; 19264陡 < steep; 19265烫 < scald; 19266鹅 < goose; 19267敞 < roomy; 19268峨 < lofty; 19269虐 < cruel; 19270辫 < braid; 19271怦 < eager; 19272浇 < spray; 19273膛 < chest; 19274闵 < mourn; 19275袜 < socks; 19276贿 < bribe; 19277墅 < villa; 19278秽 < dirty; 19279呻 < groan; 19280拧 < pinch; 19281杠 < lever; 19282缎 < satin; 19283惮 < dread; 19284噗 < burst; 19285矶 < jetty; 19286簇 < swarm; 19287懊 < vexed; 19288拇 < thumb; 19289铲 < spade; 19290哽 < choke; 19291冕 < crown; 19292疮 < tumor; 19293赃 < booty; 19294婊 < whore; 19295锯 < a\-saw; 19296嘈 < noisy; 19297缰 < reins; 19298讪 < abuse; 19299忡 < a\-sad; 19300馍 < bread; 19301颅 < skull; 19302烙 < brand; 19303埔 < plain; 19304阜 < mound; 19305炬 < torch; 19306炙 < roast; 19307婪 < covet; 19308蹑 < tread; 19309竺 < india; 19310剌 < slash; 19311筛 < sieve; 19312篡 < usurp; 19313鲸 < whale; 19314抡 < swing; 19315涮 < rinse; 19316酵 < yeast; 19317橄 < olive; 19318雏 < chick; 19319涧 < brook; 19320腺 < gland; 19321忱 < truth; 19322蜿 < creep; 19323镀 < plate; 19324胭 < rouge; 19325赳 < grand; 19326糠 < chaff; 19327帛 < silks; 19328鲨 < shark; 19329踝 < ankle; 19330眈 < gloat; 19331倭 < dwarf; 19332镐 < stove; 19333虱 < louse; 19334搐 < cramp; 19335戛 < lance; 19336呃 < belch; 19337榭 < kiosk; 19338酪 < cream; 19339孀 < widow; 19340孪 < twins; 19341瞰 < watch; 19342氮 < xenon; 19343痣 < spots; 19344摒 < expel; 19345俸 < wages; 19346愠 < angry; 19347扪 < stoke; 19348绉 < crepe; 19349珀 < amber; 19350诩 < boast; 19351芍 < peony; 19352褶 < pleat; 19353酗 < drunk; 19354柠 < lemon; 19355诙 < tease; 19356绺 < skein; 19357釉 < glaze; 19358孛 < comet; 19359椽 < beams; 19360颦 < frown; 19361淖 < slush; 19362莠 < weeds; 19363橛 < a\-peg; 19364蒺 < furze; 19365翕 < agree; 19366霾 < misty; 19367砧 < anvil; 19368胺 < amine; 19369蛭 < leech; 19370诨 < jokes; 19371怫 < sorry; 19372楔 < wedge; 19373疽 < ulcer; 19374桤 < alder; 19375铆 < rivet; 19376撺 < hurry; 19377肄 < learn; 19378孢 < spore; 19379鲲 < spawn; 19380铨 < weigh; 19381豕 < a\-pig; 19382笊 < ladle; 19383囗 < erect; 19384铩 < moult; 19385鹑 < quail; 19386啁 < chirp; 19387醚 < ether; 19388琰 < jewel; 19389迨 < until; 19390鹬 < snipe; 19391傈 < tribe; 19392铰 < hinge; 19393硼 < borax; 19394酯 < ester; 19395镪 < coins; 19396扦 < probe; 19397溷 < privy; 19398俳 < actor; 19399蘖 < stump; 19400墀 < porch; 19401喈 < music; 19402吡 < blame; 19403瘊 < warts; 19404厣 < shell; 19405糅 < blend; 19406阏 < block; 19407鲂 < bream; 19408溽 < moist; 19409簏 < a\-box; 19410裥 < folds; 19411缳 < noose; 19412龠 < flute; 19413蝤 < larva; 19414埭 < a\-dam; 19415鲶 < sheat; 19416锞 < ingot; 19417氡 < radon; 19418槭 < maple; 19419彘 < swine; 19420彖 < a\-hog; 19421滗 < drain; 19422廑 < a\-hut; 19423匏 < gourd; 19424篼 < sedan; 19425蛞 < snail; 19426璁 < \(gem\); 19427绗 < baste; 19428埘 < roost; 19429巴黎 < paris; 19430代理人 < agent; 19431遊蕩 < stray; 19432弄糟 < spoil; 19433恩典 < grace; 19434大爺 < uncle; 19435日本 < japan; 19436可可 < cocoa; 19437可口 < tasty; 19438延緩 < defer; 19439姪女 < niece; 19440陷落 < slump; 19441牛排 < steak; 19442隱約 < vague; 19443合併 < annex; 19444護士 < nurse; 19445泊位 < berth; 19446獨木舟 < canoe; 19447條板箱 < crate; 19448陳列臺 < stall; 19449遊艇 < barge; 19450陰莖 < penis; 19451智利 < chile; 19452壓碎 < crush; 19453每每 < often; 19454韓國 < korea; 19455石狀 < stony; 19456男修道院長 < abbot; 19457別號 < alias; 19458引用 < quote; 19459市長 < mayor; 19460爐架 < grate; 19461機關 < organ; 19462泥水匠 < mason; 19463鴉片 < opium; 19464植物群 < flora; 19465在高處 < aloft; 19466撐竿跳 < vault; 19467放牧 < graze; 19468每日 < daily; 19469套房 < suite; 19470違礙 < taboo; 19471優點 < merit; 19472徘徊 < hover; 19473視覺 < sight; 19474敘利亞 < syria; 19475刀葉 < blade; 19476摩西 < moses; 19477虛張聲勢 < bluff; 19478調制解調器 < modem; 19479青年 < youth; 19480標題 < title; 19481氨基 < amino; 19482機軸 < arbor; 19483醒來 < waken; 19484門閂 < latch; 19485靈巧 < handy; 19486元音 < vowel; 19487克隆 < clone; 19488整整 < whole; 19489匯寄 < remit; 19490剁碎 < mince; 19491調情 < flirt; 19492未成年人 < minor; 19493匆忙 < hasty; 19494毛巾 < towel; 19495芳香 < balmy; 19496年級 < grade; 19497紫丁香 < lilac; 19498散文 < prose; 19499不新鮮 < stale; 19500西藏 < tibet; 19501大農場 < ranch; 19502火車 < train; 19503死板 < rigid; 19504矛柄 < shaft; 19505長釘 < spike; 19506步槍 < rifle; 19507刻痕 < notch; 19508選民 < voter; 19509魔鬼 < devil; 19510新娘 < bride; 19511謠傳 < rumor; 19512新奇 < novel; 19513煤渣 < slack; 19514花開 < bloom; 19515物主 < owner; 19516彈弓 < sling; 19517多水分 < juicy; 19518報窩 < brood; 19519麵包師傅 < baker; 19520電影 < movie; 19521摸索 < grope; 19522速率 < speed; 19523破壞 < wreck; 19524約莫 < about; 19525壁架 < ledge; 19526呼叫器 < pager; 19527階段 < stage; 19528十分 < fully; 19529地面 < floor; 19530諷刺 < irony; 19531白費 < waste; 19532運河 < canal; 19533八角 < anise; 19534陰涼 < shady; 19535擦洗 < scour; 19536熱忱 < ardor; 19537綠洲 < oasis; 19538下水道 < sewer; 19539固體 < solid; 19540僧院 < abbey; 19541推選 < elect; 19542推進 < impel; 19543關節 < joint; 19544從來不 < never; 19545艦隊 < fleet; 19546比分 < score; 19547剛果 < congo; 19548火花 < spark; 19549影像 < image; 19550盜竊 < steal; 19551麺 < flour; 19552麘 < scent; 19553鹾 < salty; 19554鸲 < mynah; 19555二極管 < diode; 19556睡椅 < couch; 19557競技場 < arena; 19558加寬 < widen; 19559鴪 < swoop; 19560可擦寫可編程祇讀存儲器 < eprom; 19561說出 < utter; 19562澳門 < aomen; 19563推論 < infer; 19564糢糊 < foggy; 19565鰞 < squid; 19566動向 < trend; 19567天使 < angel; 19568褐色 < brown; 19569鬆開 < loose; 19570櫸木 < beech; 19571部件 < parts; 19572軌道 < orbit; 19573鬎 < favus; 19574閃耀 < glint; 19575臭鼬 < skunk; 19576髳 < state; 19577髲 < a\-wig; 19578疾風 < blast; 19579攤子 < booth; 19580大人 < adult; 19581麥阿密 < miami; 19582出沒 < haunt; 19583駞 < camel; 19584道德 < moral; 19585發聲 < vocal; 19586長老 < elder; 19587休息室 < lobby; 19588樹籬 < hedge; 19589饘 < gruel; 19590球狀物 < globe; 19591餪 < feast; 19592餦 < candy; 19593帝王 < regal; 19594強光 < glare; 19595飶 < odour; 19596飑 < storm; 19597軌跡 < locus; 19598軌距 < gauge; 19599補藥 < tonic; 19600對敵者 < rival; 19601幽暗 < gloom; 19602擔懮 < worry; 19603榮譽 < honor; 19604魔術 < magic; 19605鞃 < board; 19606靦 < timid; 19607霱 < cloud; 19608霙 < sleet; 19609開端 < start; 19610雞冠 < crest; 19611陼 < islet; 19612阹 < a\-pen; 19613切望 < crave; 19614冬青樹 < holly; 19615標籤 < label; 19616镟 < lathe; 19617然後 < after; 19618那兒 < there; 19619钃 < metal; 19620圖表 < chart; 19621圍裙 < apron; 19622粗糙 < crude; 19623果子凍 < jelly; 19624大地圖 < atlas; 19625剪報 < scrap; 19626規模 < scale; 19627那些 < those; 19628鈇 < an\-ax; 19629辦法 < means; 19630船貨 < cargo; 19631歌劇 < opera; 19632烏木 < ebony; 19633雅各書 < james; 19634粉筆 < chalk; 19635絕技 < stunt; 19636臉頰 < cheek; 19637白癡 < idiot; 19638角度 < angle; 19639發病 < onset; 19640感化餅乾 < wafer; 19641基本 < basic; 19642火焰 < blaze; 19643探索 < quest; 19644填塞 < stuff; 19645糖漿 < syrup; 19646粉碎 < crash; 19647英代爾 < intel; 19648貤 < steps; 19649舉起 < heave; 19650豔 < plump; 19651這天 < today; 19652讙 < cheer; 19653譁 < noise; 19654尼龍 < nylon; 19655毛茸茸 < hairy; 19656隊伍 < ranks; 19657觔 < catty; 19658幅度 < width; 19659橡木 < oaken; 19660精液 < semen; 19661床單 < sheet; 19662剃刀 < razor; 19663蠗 < \(ape\); 19664尼日爾 < niger; 19665蟢 < caulk; 19666凳子 < stool; 19667膽量 < nerve; 19668蝘 < gecko; 19669再會 < adieu; 19670檳子 < binzi; 19671兩次 < twice; 19672修飾 < adorn; 19673索引 < index; 19674僵硬 < stark; 19675蘓 < thyme; 19676蘋 < apple; 19677工會 < union; 19678裂痕 < chasm; 19679細小 < petty; 19680驅除 < repel; 19681樹林 < woods; 19682潛行 < sneak; 19683垂死 < dying; 19684樺木 < birch; 19685莿 < thorn; 19686公會 < guild; 19687苶 < weary; 19688收音機 < radio; 19689搓揉 < knead; 19690臽 < a\-pit; 19691臲 < jumpy; 19692臛 < broth; 19693這些 < these; 19694庇佑 < bless; 19695假裝 < feign; 19696辮子 < plait; 19697降下 < lower; 19698腡 < lines; 19699樓梯 < stair; 19700第三次 < third; 19701高聲 < aloud; 19702尊魚 < trout; 19703肕 < tough; 19704回答 < reply; 19705耞 < flail; 19706招待員 < usher; 19707簡短 < brief; 19708翽 < whirr; 19709囤積 < hoard; 19710翄 < winds; 19711駿馬 < steed; 19712罉 < a\-pot; 19713色狼 < satyr; 19714纻 < ramie; 19715轉播 < relay; 19716批量 < batch; 19717縏 < purse; 19718綌 < cloth; 19719皮帶 < strap; 19720撒但 < satan; 19721冰塔 < serac; 19722粎 < metre; 19723箛 < bugle; 19724輕染 < tinge; 19725筰 < cable; 19726筦 < a\-key; 19727竔 < litre; 19728招致 < incur; 19729一線微光 < gleam; 19730穧 < sheaf; 19731栗鼠 < bunny; 19732巫婆 < witch; 19733門廊 < stoop; 19734礶 < a\-jug; 19735意大利 < italy; 19736磈 < rocky; 19737烘乾 < parch; 19738水平面 < plane; 19739公尺 < meter; 19740矓 < faint; 19741瞏 < round; 19742亞麻布 < linen; 19743眹 < pupil; 19744五花八門 < myrid; 19745盎司 < ounce; 19746皽 < scurf; 19747騎車 < cycle; 19748精子 < sperm; 19749癡 < silly; 19750凌亂 < chaos; 19751俚語 < slang; 19752紅利 < bonus; 19753溜冰鞋 < skate; 19754甎 < brick; 19755作哼聲 < snort; 19756埃及 < egypt; 19757製造者 < maker; 19758瑔 < \(jade; 19759珖 < carat; 19760符記 < token; 19761喪鐘 < knell; 19762脹起 < bulge; 19763公噸 < tonne; 19764無生命 < inert; 19765牜 < an\-ox; 19766牔 < gable; 19767酪農業 < dairy; 19768生苔 < mossy; 19769騙術 < trick; 19770打製 < forge; 19771灣 < a\-bay; 19772腐蝕 < rusty; 19773水蒸氣 < vapor; 19774六十 < sixty; 19775公升 < liter; 19776似雪 < snowy; 19777病毒 < virus; 19778推崇 < value; 19779路線 < route; 19780巨人 < giant; 19781像片簿 < album; 19782手藝 < craft; 19783贈與者 < giver; 19784斜紋軟呢 < tweed; 19785汳 < henan; 19786德克薩斯 < texas; 19787馬達 < motor; 19788四月 < april; 19789殑 < swoon; 19790其中 < among; 19791歈 < songs; 19792欸 < sighs; 19793滑翔 < glide; 19794天藍色 < azure; 19795衰敗 < decay; 19796苛刻 < harsh; 19797檨 < mango; 19798空間 < space; 19799樕 < shrub; 19800掠奪 < harry; 19801察覺 < aware; 19802屋簷 < eaves; 19803格言 < maxim; 19804楅 < buard; 19805瓣膜 < valve; 19806椈 < cedar; 19807棁 < joist; 19808圍巾 < scarf; 19809寓言 < fable; 19810被子 < quilt; 19811栍 < a\-lot; 19812小舌 < uvula; 19813就緒 < ready; 19814軀幹 < trunk; 19815手肘 < elbow; 19816客車 < coach; 19817艾姬 < aggie; 19818飛行員 < pilot; 19819在外 < outer; 19820崇拜 < adore; 19821充份 < ample; 19822高明 < smart; 19823痛恨 < abhor; 19824痛快 < jolly; 19825捐贈者 < donor; 19826敔 < gavel; 19827西班牙 < spain; 19828男爵 < baron; 19829固定 < fixed; 19830尖細 < taper; 19831花俏 < fancy; 19832赫茲 < hertz; 19833挌 < fight; 19834提多書 < titus; 19835圍城 < siege; 19836扢 < caper; 19837致敬 < greet; 19838軍團 < corps; 19839愃 < relax; 19840排列 < array; 19841俏皮 < saucy; 19842舞弊 < fraud; 19843悾 < naive; 19844補丁 < patch; 19845生麵糰 < dough; 19846滿身塵埃 < dusty; 19847漿果 < berry; 19848阿拉摩 < alamo; 19849魅力 < charm; 19850漂游 < drift; 19851彑 < snout; 19852調味肉汁 < gravy; 19853潑掉 < spill; 19854帒 < a\-bag; 19855資金 < funds; 19856男高音 < tenor; 19857一點兒 < a\-bit; 19858嶞 < ridge; 19859自我 < self\-; 19860果酒 < cider; 19861崚 < hilly; 19862捷克 < czech; 19863用法 < usage; 19864存貨 < stock; 19865高尚 < nobly; 19866拍擊 < smack; 19867嫚 < scorn; 19868小樹林 < grove; 19869布萊爾 < blair; 19870在﹍之下 < below; 19871在﹍之上 < above; 19872激光 < laser; 19873安華 < anwar; 19874拂掃 < whisk; 19875船只 < ships; 19876壆 < stiff; 19877墺 < walls; 19878墍 < paint; 19879塙 < truly; 19880四十 < forty; 19881坰 < wilds; 19882撥火棍 < poker; 19883噺 < story; 19884嗐 < alas\!; 19885流體 < fluid; 19886喴 < hello; 19887啲 < a\-few; 19888啍 < creak; 19889哶 < bleat; 19890咍 < laugh; 19891吰 < clang; 19892範圍 < range; 19893厺 < to\-go; 19894厖 < bulky; 19895三色紫羅蘭 < pansy; 19896修改 < amend; 19897有風 < windy; 19898驚慌 < panic; 19899在旁邊 < aside; 19900冧 < a\-bud; 19901主題 < theme; 19902營業員 < clerk; 19903哪裡 < where; 19904國際電報電話咨詢委員會 < ccitt; 19905警報器 < siren; 19906當地 < local; 19907倉庫 < depot; 19908佺 < fairy; 19909伊索 < aesop; 19910動態影像 < video; 19911三角洲 < delta; 19912笑林 < humor; 19913威爾士 < wales; 19914棚子 < shack; 19915䶇 < a\-rat; 19916肯尼亞 < kenya; 19917男子 < a\-man; 19918股票 < share; 19919䳱 < ducks; 19920麵包皮 < crust; 19921肥碩 < stout; 19922䯍 < bones; 19923石南樹 < heath; 19924拴住 < hitch; 19925蠢事 < folly; 19926䪻 < a\-cap; 19927䩕 < clogs; 19928下雨 < rainy; 19929驚奇 < amaze; 19930䨹 < swift; 19931噴出 < spout; 19932䧪 < sissy; 19933䦞 < extra; 19934䥓 < a\-hoe; 19935䤙 < dregs; 19936腱子 < sinew; 19937更遲 < later; 19938黑貂 < sable; 19939䝒 < a\-sow; 19940䚟 < horns; 19941螺絲釘 < screw; 19942䚉 < o\-see; 19943沙龍 < salon; 19944䗕 < bends; 19945保姆 < nanny; 19946唱詩班 < choir; 19947拉丁 < latin; 19948䑁 < fatty; 19949會談 < talks; 19950脈搏 < pulse; 19951䏳 < olein; 19952䏯 < moles; 19953䍥 < smoky; 19954金髮 < blond; 19955䍌 < a\-jar; 19956三千五百 < 3\-500; 19957䌑 < tight; 19958䌐 < ropes; 19959䊻 < silky; 19960小屋 < cabin; 19961䈉 < a\-fan; 19962嘎嘎 < quack; 19963䄥 < a\-god; 19964䄢 < pious; 19965便士 < penny; 19966耶穌 < jesus; 19967䃙 < rocks; 19968鋼琴 < piano; 19969騎士 < rider; 19970手套 < glove; 19971跟前 < front; 19972修剪 < prune; 19973㾚 < itchy; 19974香料 < spice; 19975伺服 < servo; 19976租約 < lease; 19977㼏 < a\-bad; 19978尖塔 < spire; 19979嗶嘰 < serge; 19980污點 < stain; 19981法郎 < franc; 19982活著 < alive; 19983㺃 < a\-dog; 19984㹻 < puppy; 19985㹋 < a\-cow; 19986肅清 < purge; 19987㸃 < a\-dot; 19988發牢騷 < whine; 19989淹沒 < flush; 19990第十 < tenth; 19991時髦 < vogue; 19992打呼 < snore; 19993㰼 < greed; 19994餘燼 < ember; 19995㯷 < dates; 19996第六 < sixth; 19997㮥 < sails; 19998羽莖 < quill; 19999封地 < manor; 20000題解 < notes; 20001長頸瓶 < flask; 20002一行 < party; 20003㨗 < alert; 20004㨃 < a\-row; 20005小吃 < snack; 20006安全理事會 < the\-u; 20007㧍 < alike; 20008珍珠 < pearl; 20009鼻煙 < snuff; 20010洋蔥 < onion; 20011示威運動 < rally; 20012趣劇 < farce; 20013低廉 < cheap; 20014哀痛 < grief; 20015第五 < fifth; 20016第九 < ninth; 20017㡶 < dwell; 20018㡐 < flags; 20019㡌 < a\-hat; 20020㡇 < colar; 20021有線 < wired; 20022㞾 < a\-nun; 20023㞕 < chips; 20024㞒 < lusty; 20025戲劇 < drama; 20026載貨汽車 < lorry; 20027罩衫 < smock; 20028㖤 < wrath; 20029㕎 < caves; 20030皺眉頭 < scowl; 20031㓝 < a\-law; 20032㓁 < a\-net; 20033㒩 < naked; 20034㒌 < along; 20035率直 < frank; 20036㐱 < bushy; 20037景象 < scene; 20038象牙 < ivory; 20039喝叱 < chide; 20040琴弦 < chord; 20041獎章 < medal; 20042子房 < ovary; 20043怪誕 < freak; 20044深度 < depth; 20045午餐 < lunch; 20046獵犬 < hound; 20047理想 < ideal; 20048耽擱 < tarry; 20049旅館 < hotel; 20050馬來 < malay; 20051馬伕 < groom; 20052大鹿 < moose; 20053聖徒 < saint; 20054世界 < world; 20055伊斯蘭教 < islam; 20056減去 < minus; 20057人性 < human; 20058慈悲 < mercy; 20059論題 < topic; 20060卡車 < truck; 20061罌粟 < poppy; 20062斑馬 < zebra; 20063套鐘 < chime; 20064守候 < abide; 20065板岩 < slate; 20066頭皮 < scalp; 20067卑賤 < lowly; 20068升起 < hoist; 20069流浪者 < rover; 20070貝寧 < benin; 20071旋轉 < whirl; 20072灌木叢 < scrub; 20073日記 < diary; 20074乃是 < to\-be; 20075新近 < newly; 20076吸氣 < sniff; 20077誘陷 < snare; 20078杓子 < scoop; 20079感官 < sense; 20080本影 < umbra; 20081人員 < staff; 20082續訂 < renew; 20083更改 < alter; 20084吉普賽人 < gypsy; 20085收養 < adopt; 20086怪異 < weird; 20087貓咪 < kitty; 20088沼澤 < glade; 20089碎布條 < shred; 20090污穢 < nasty; 20091三月 < march; 20092內在的 < inner; 20093電郵 < email; 20094勝過 < excel; 20095證章 < badge; 20096海地 < haiti; 20097雷達 < radar; 20098鬱金香 < tulip; 20099失誤 < lapse; 20100邊際 < limit; 20101狂熱 < craze; 20102五十 < fifty; 20103雪茄煙 < cigar; 20104東京 < tokyo; 20105毒蛇 < viper; 20106頌歌 < carol; 20107咕嚕 < grunt; 20108一打 < dozen; 20109試金 < assay; 20110頭暈 < dizzy; 20111吹笛者 < piper; 20112一巴掌 < spank; 20113焦點 < focus; 20114統治者 < ruler; 20115纖維 < fiber; 20116事件 < event; 20117逗點 < comma; 20118咆哮 < growl; 20119呼叫聲 < whoop; 20120邏輯 < logic; 20121更壞 < worse; 20122座右銘 < motto; 20123三稜鏡 < prism; 20124中國 < china; 20125多葉 < leafy; 20126一層 < layer; 20127燻肉 < bacon; 20128擢陞 < exalt; 20129愛克斯光 < x\-ray; 20130大腿 < thigh; 20131本人 < i\-\(me; 20132韻文 < verse; 20133熊貓 < panda; 20134斑羚 < goral; 20135矮墩墩 < pudgy; 20136葡萄 < grape; 20137獎品 < award; 20138黏住 < cling; 20139可怕 < awful; 20140過道 < aisle; 20141礦工 < miner; 20142歌謠 < chant; 20143沙拉 < salad; 20144斗篷 < cloak; 20145月份 < month; 20146雛菊 < daisy; 20147包穀 < maize; 20148阿爾法 < alpha; 20149逼迫 < force; 20150媒介 < media; 20151哪一個 < which; 20152教義 < creed; 20153合股線 < twine; 20154頁岩 < shale; 20155瑞典人 < swede; 20156厭惡 < loath; 20157使羞愧 < abash; 20158昏暗 < dusky; 20159比率 < ratio; 20160霎眼 < blink; 20161晴天 < sunny; 20162男子氣 < manly; 20163使娛樂 < amuse; 20164有 < have; 20165知 < know; 20166这 < this; 20167矜 < pity; 20168忙 < busy; 20169来 < come; 20170近 < near; 20171道 < path; 20172也 < also; 20173时 < time; 20174年 < year; 20175瞻 < look; 20176辺 < edge; 20177就 < just; 20178那 < that; 20179生 < life; 20180自 < self; 20181瞬 < wink; 20182过 < pass; 20183循 < obey; 20184從 < from; 20185多 < much; 20186好 < good; 20187起 < rise; 20188只 < only; 20189作 < make; 20190当 < bear; 20191形 < form; 20192开 < open; 20193手 < hand; 20194弱 < weak; 20195本 < root; 20196头 < head; 20197真 < real; 20198面 < face; 20199公 < fair; 20200同 < same; 20201动 < move; 20202长 < long; 20203載 < load; 20204将 < will; 20205身 < body; 20206高 < high; 20207把 < hold; 20208盥 < wash; 20209月 < moon; 20210种 < seed; 20211軍 < army; 20212車 < cart; 20213部 < part; 20214名 < name; 20215皮 < skin; 20216机 < desk; 20217给 < give; 20218等 < rank; 20219座 < seat; 20220很 < very; 20221最 < most; 20222店 < shop; 20223躍 < skip; 20224走 < walk; 20225四 < four; 20226门 < gate; 20227东 < east; 20228庁 < hall; 20229西 < west; 20230平 < flat; 20231听 < hear; 20232幸 < luck; 20233蹴 < kick; 20234五 < five; 20235帷 < tent; 20236帶 < belt; 20237希 < rare; 20238踊 < leap; 20239书 < book; 20240九 < nine; 20241跳 < jump; 20242路 < road; 20243痩 < thin; 20244活 < live; 20245左 < left; 20246巣 < nest; 20247表 < show; 20248跟 < heel; 20249痛 < pain; 20250痕 < scar; 20251痒 < itch; 20252感 < feel; 20253足 < foot; 20254金 < gold; 20255何 < what; 20256更 < more; 20257疋 < roll; 20258做 < work; 20259计 < plan; 20260王 < king; 20261各 < each; 20262留 < stop; 20263畏 < fear; 20264男 < male; 20265风 < wind; 20266崗 < post; 20267毛 < hair; 20268峰 < peak; 20269爱 < love; 20270瓦 < tile; 20271賣 < sell; 20272賃 < rent; 20273貸 < lend; 20274岸 < bank; 20275结 < knot; 20276岬 < cape; 20277流 < flow; 20278貧 < poor; 20279青 < blue; 20280管 < pipe; 20281连 < join; 20282队 < team; 20283屑 < bits; 20284领 < neck; 20285屈 < bend; 20286尾 < tail; 20287半 < half; 20288候 < wait; 20289步 < step; 20290深 < deep; 20291区 < area; 20292尋 < seek; 20293球 < ball; 20294告 < tell; 20295寸 < inch; 20296满 < fill; 20297李 < plum; 20298息 < rest; 20299寒 < cold; 20300寄 < send; 20301取 < take; 20302室 < room; 20303宛 < seem; 20304孩 < baby; 20305广 < wide; 20306玉 < jade; 20307火 < fire; 20308讀 < read; 20309譽 < fame; 20310则 < rule; 20311失 < lose; 20312包 < wrap; 20313猶 < like; 20314落 < fall; 20315济 < help; 20316謡 < sing; 20317编 < knit; 20318谈 < talk; 20319拉 < pull; 20320狼 < wolf; 20321杀 < kill; 20322嫌 < hate; 20323克 < gram; 20324冲 < soar; 20325推 < push; 20326称 < call; 20327試 < test; 20328号 < mark; 20329亚 < asia; 20330港 < port; 20331般 < sort; 20332爪 < claw; 20333刚 < hard; 20334陆 < land; 20335确 < sure; 20336具 < tool; 20337威 < pomp; 20338线 < line; 20339触 < butt; 20340角 < horn; 20341燒 < burn; 20342妻 < wife; 20343需 < need; 20344酒 < wine; 20345铁 < iron; 20346覗 < peek; 20347医 < cure; 20348襲 < raid; 20349煮 < cook; 20350土 < soil; 20351软 < soft; 20352煤 < coal; 20353套 < case; 20354户 < door; 20355背 < back; 20356暗 < dark; 20357须 < must; 20358裸 < bare; 20359树 < tree; 20360沉 < sink; 20361职 < duty; 20362细 < fine; 20363補 < mend; 20364袢 < robe; 20365旁 < side; 20366塵 < dust; 20367塩 < salt; 20368歌 < song; 20369灌 < pour; 20370塀 < wall; 20371堤 < dike; 20372恶 < evil; 20373堆 < heap; 20374慢 < slow; 20375堀 < cave; 20376蟻 < ants; 20377藏 < hide; 20378埋 < bury; 20379澹 < calm; 20380垢 < dirt; 20381融 < melt; 20382潮 < tide; 20383救 < save; 20384丝 < silk; 20385齊 < even; 20386鼻 < nose; 20387漬 < soak; 20388鼓 < drum; 20389漏 < leak; 20390录 < copy; 20391遇 < meet; 20392船 < ship; 20393黴 < mold; 20394滴 < drip; 20395雨 < rain; 20396蛙 < frog; 20397滑 < slip; 20398麻 < hemp; 20399蚤 < flea; 20400鹿 < deer; 20401沙 < sand; 20402噛 < bite; 20403拍 < clap; 20404掉 < turn; 20405哭 < weep; 20406嘆 < sigh; 20407午 < noon; 20408卡 < card; 20409雪 < snow; 20410淵 < gulf; 20411涼 < cool; 20412刺 < stab; 20413薪 < fuel; 20414鱼 < fish; 20415喘 < pant; 20416盘 < tray; 20417薔 < rose; 20418架 < rack; 20419款 < item; 20420浪 < wave; 20421蕩 < pond; 20422洪 < vast; 20423镇 < town; 20424浄 < pure; 20425旅 < trip; 20426唾 < spit; 20427骨 < bone; 20428唖 < dumb; 20429鴉 < crow; 20430唇 < lips; 20431泳 < dive; 20432哲 < wise; 20433哩 < mile; 20434圣 < holy; 20435鳥 < bird; 20436晓 < dawn; 20437沼 < lake; 20438腿 < legs; 20439探 < find; 20440葦 < reed; 20441池 < pool; 20442葉 < leaf; 20443束 < bind; 20444呆 < dull; 20445吻 < kiss; 20446吹 < blow; 20447氏 < clan; 20448签 < sign; 20449氈 < felt; 20450奶 < milk; 20451菩 < herb; 20452叢 < bush; 20453挂 < hang; 20454航 < sail; 20455拳 < fist; 20456乘 < ride; 20457址 < site; 20458毆 < beat; 20459魂 < soul; 20460乔 < tall; 20461粮 < food; 20462敏 < fast; 20463茎 < stem; 20464零 < zero; 20465勾 < hook; 20466乃 < then; 20467抬 < lift; 20468苔 < moss; 20469冒 < risk; 20470檣 < mast; 20471闭 < shut; 20472碗 < bowl; 20473剥 < peel; 20474蛋 < eggs; 20475促 < urge; 20476杰 < hero; 20477舟 < boat; 20478迟 < late; 20479赖 < rely; 20480駒 < colt; 20481馴 < tame; 20482膝 < knee; 20483拖 < drag; 20484昏 < dusk; 20485戒 < warn; 20486页 < page; 20487井 < well; 20488脇 < ribs; 20489乏 < lack; 20490胞 < womb; 20491梨 < pear; 20492酸 < tart; 20493桶 < pail; 20494绩 < spin; 20495擦 < wipe; 20496殷 < many; 20497耕 < plow; 20498暖 < warm; 20499锁 < lock; 20500砍 < hack; 20501慈 < kind; 20502羹 < soup; 20503鞭 < whip; 20504羨 < envy; 20505撤 < omit; 20506筹 < chip; 20507杖 < cane; 20508霰 < hail; 20509滋 < grow; 20510谱 < list; 20511丘 < hill; 20512杆 < pole; 20513隈 < cove; 20514纂 < edit; 20515唉 < alas; 20516笼 < cage; 20517繪 < draw; 20518繩 < rope; 20519矿 < mine; 20520镖 < dart; 20521兆 < omen; 20522披 < wear; 20523债 < debt; 20524堡 < fort; 20525颂 < laud; 20526絆 < loop; 20527钉 < nail; 20528哄 < coax; 20529铃 < bell; 20530契 < deed; 20531懒 < lazy; 20532猎 < hunt; 20533摺 < fold; 20534箋 < note; 20535捲 < curl; 20536秃 < bald; 20537鸭 < duck; 20538吼 < roar; 20539窺 < peep; 20540叠 < pile; 20541銑 < mill; 20542逸 < flee; 20543贱 < mean; 20544狮 < lion; 20545妮 < maid; 20546窑 < kiln; 20547慾 < lust; 20548祷 < pray; 20549蹄 < hoof; 20550烤 < bake; 20551尬 < limp; 20552週 < week; 20553怠 < idle; 20554胶 < glue; 20555梳 < comb; 20556啤 < beer; 20557酿 < brew; 20558捣 < hull; 20559噢 < moan; 20560窟 < hole; 20561兑 < cash; 20562沸 < boil; 20563瘾 < rash; 20564妞 < girl; 20565帜 < flag; 20566蕾 < buds; 20567铅 < lead; 20568锣 < gong; 20569嗦 < suck; 20570轴 < axle; 20571涕 < tear; 20572吆 < bawl; 20573聋 < deaf; 20574募 < levy; 20575皂 < soap; 20576蟹 < crab; 20577唠 < chat; 20578啃 < gnaw; 20579羔 < lamb; 20580锈 < rust; 20581腓 < calf; 20582骡 < mule; 20583醇 < rich; 20584纬 < woof; 20585蛤 < clam; 20586呱 < wail; 20587戎 < arms; 20588蔼 < lush; 20589礁 < reef; 20590闩 < bolt; 20591跛 < lame; 20592偌 < thus; 20593箍 < hoop; 20594蟠 < coil; 20595掂 < heft; 20596遐 < afar; 20597吠 < bark; 20598蛾 < moth; 20599耘 < weed; 20600蟾 < toad; 20601筏 < raft; 20602鲤 < carp; 20603芋 < taro; 20604鹪 < wren; 20605蜕 < molt; 20606焊 < weld; 20607耙 < rake; 20608缄 < seal; 20609漩 < eddy; 20610饵 < bait; 20611谑 < jeer; 20612颏 < chin; 20613芮 < tiny; 20614璨 < gems; 20615泵 < pump; 20616豌 < peas; 20617堑 < moat; 20618疵 < flaw; 20619榈 < palm; 20620鬃 < mane; 20621咝 < hiss; 20622邋 < rags; 20623胤 < heir; 20624粕 < lees; 20625挞 < flog; 20626镫 < lamp; 20627阄 < lots; 20628锌 < zinc; 20629喙 < beak; 20630肛 < anus; 20631痂 < scab; 20632鸢 < kite; 20633轭 < yoke; 20634洵 < true; 20635泅 < swim; 20636矾 < alum; 20637蚩 < worm; 20638鸷 < hawk; 20639耋 < aged; 20640坨 < lump; 20641疱 < acne; 20642爨 < oven; 20643拊 < slap; 20644骟 < geld; 20645圹 < tomb; 20646龈 < gums; 20647阋 < feud; 20648酰 < acyl; 20649疣 < wart; 20650穑 < farm; 20651礻 < cult; 20652佤 < kawa; 20653麸 < bran; 20654菖 < iris; 20655嫱 < lady; 20656谝 < brag; 20657氖 < neon; 20658跖 < sole; 20659蚋 < gnat; 20660偾 < ruin; 20661疒 < sick; 20662噍 < chew; 20663洳 < damp; 20664炱 < soot; 20665膪 < pork; 20666绲 < cord; 20667宀 < roof; 20668帶露 < dewy; 20669薄命 < \(usu; 20670功績 < feat; 20671暴亂 < riot; 20672爛泥 < ooze; 20673日期 < date; 20674姨媽 < aunt; 20675伊拉克 < iraq; 20676幽谷 < dell; 20677教皇 < pope; 20678向下 < down; 20679速行 < rush; 20680有能力 < able; 20681這裡 < here; 20682缺口 < nick; 20683原子 < atom; 20684狂吠 < howl; 20685心情 < mood; 20686野兔 < hare; 20687基金 < fund; 20688埃米爾 < emir; 20689石片 < slab; 20690咖啡館 < cafe; 20691冰鎮 < iced; 20692熾熱 < glow; 20693石灰 < lime; 20694皮鞭 < lash; 20695冷酷 < grim; 20696硬幣 < coin; 20697凝視 < gaze; 20698教派 < sect; 20699公雞 < cock; 20700角色 < role; 20701纖度 < size; 20702奉承 < fawn; 20703露齒而笑 < grin; 20704課文 < text; 20705長靴 < boot; 20706牢固 < firm; 20707百靈 < lark; 20708通行稅 < toll; 20709玉蜀黍 < corn; 20710透紅 < rosy; 20711數據 < data; 20712詩歌 < poem; 20713小毛蟲 < slug; 20714樂隊 < band; 20715氣味 < odor; 20716無禮 < rude; 20717都市 < city; 20718西薄 < cake; 20719最主要 < main; 20720雪撬 < sled; 20721遨游 < roam; 20722毒害 < bane; 20723猶他州 < utah; 20724細胞 < cell; 20725卑劣 < base; 20726復原 < heal; 20727別的 < else; 20728公豬 < boar; 20729調子 < tune; 20730眼看 < soon; 20731面具 < mask; 20732弧形 < arch; 20733使受傷 < hurt; 20734瘦長 < slim; 20735花邊 < lace; 20736填滿 < cram; 20737諾亞 < noah; 20738外套 < coat; 20739長襪 < hose; 20740立方體 < cube; 20741長袍 < gown; 20742強姦 < rape; 20743照料 < tend; 20744採邑 < fief; 20745掠過 < flit; 20746灰色 < gray; 20747白骨頂 < coot; 20748細看 < peer; 20749黶 < mole; 20750褪色 < fade; 20751麚 < buck; 20752適應 < suit; 20753麌 < stag; 20754麃 < till; 20755鹆 < myna; 20756一角銀幣 < dime; 20757剝掉 < pare; 20758郵件 < mail; 20759瞑想 < muse; 20760遊戲 < game; 20761節點 < node; 20762騯 < loud; 20763駽 < grey; 20764捲軸 < reel; 20765饌 < feed; 20766散出 < shed; 20767飡 < meal; 20768巢穴 < lair; 20769洋娃娃 < doll; 20770阿曼 < oman; 20771廠子 < yard; 20772躲避 < shun; 20773熱力 < heat; 20774阞 < vein; 20775下一次 < next; 20776淺黃色 < buff; 20777闆 < boss; 20778簽証 < visa; 20779鳴叫 < hoot; 20780镩 < pick; 20781镕 < fuse; 20782鑢 < file; 20783鐩 < lens; 20784收割 < reap; 20785網孔 < mesh; 20786雜亂 < mess; 20787掉落 < flop; 20788飲食療養 < diet; 20789詩人 < bard; 20790大袋子 < sack; 20791表象 < idea; 20792舒適 < cozy; 20793英畝 < acre; 20794步伐 < pace; 20795轗 < fail; 20796接縫 < seam; 20797公牛 < bull; 20798粗砂 < grit; 20799公爵 < duke; 20800跼 < bent; 20801出租車 < taxi; 20802跲 < hood; 20803菜單 < menu; 20804橫樑 < beam; 20805賵 < gift; 20806術語 < term; 20807剛勁 < bold; 20808衚衕 < lane; 20809艾絨 < moxa; 20810誧 < huge; 20811觝 < gore; 20812先見者 < seer; 20813花瓶 < vase; 20814蠭 < bees; 20815機智 < tact; 20816傾聽 < hark; 20817螉 < wasp; 20818鐘頭 < hour; 20819蘒 < \:143; 20820藟 < vine; 20821炸彈 < bomb; 20822回聲 < echo; 20823蓫 < dock; 20824解凍 < thaw; 20825萜 < c5h8; 20826菾 < beet; 20827長槍 < pike; 20828六月 < june; 20829僱用 < hire; 20830圓盤 < disk; 20831地獄 < hell; 20832爵士舞 < jazz; 20833阿們 < amen; 20834腶 < meat; 20835脲 < urea; 20836路邊 < curb; 20837視圖 < view; 20838撇去 < skim; 20839農奴 < serf; 20840艾滋病 < aids; 20841帳單 < bill; 20842草坪 < lawn; 20843搶奪 < snap; 20844電燈泡 < bulb; 20845竁 < bore; 20846穜 < rice; 20847禸 < rump; 20848價款 < cost; 20849樣式 < type; 20850損害 < harm; 20851模式 < mode; 20852盟友 < ally; 20853矻 < toil; 20854疼痛 < ache; 20855樓廂 < loft; 20856目瞪口呆 < stun; 20857屁話 < shit; 20858鏈路 < link; 20859猶大書 < jude; 20860低音 < bass; 20861用膳 < dine; 20862笑話 < joke; 20863山羊 < goat; 20864競賽 < race; 20865笨蛋 < fool; 20866岩石 < rock; 20867略碼 < code; 20868涴 < daub; 20869較少 < less; 20870百合 < lily; 20871腰肉 < loin; 20872地帶 < zone; 20873閣下 < sire; 20874龍骨 < keel; 20875大頭釘 < tack; 20876保羅 < paul; 20877色彩 < tint; 20878檍 < ilex; 20879槹 < spar; 20880捲帶 < tape; 20881椑 < oval; 20882鍍金 < gild; 20883指標 < norm; 20884衝撞 < dash; 20885柣 < sill; 20886岩漿 < lava; 20887柂 < helm; 20888握住 < grip; 20889朘 < wane; 20890圓屋頂 < dome; 20891擫 < tuck; 20892策略 < plot; 20893摲 < raze; 20894搘 < prop; 20895亞麻 < flax; 20896掞 < easy; 20897圈套 < trap; 20898雙胞胎 < twin; 20899籃圈 < ring; 20900膽汁 < gall; 20901憰 < wily; 20902怳 < wild; 20903採伐 < fell; 20904一塊麵 < loaf; 20905電機及電子學工程師聯合會 < ieee; 20906借款 < loan; 20907到﹍之上 < onto; 20908袖口 < cuff; 20909全體人員 < crew; 20910使用者 < user; 20911秘魯 < peru; 20912僧侶 < monk; 20913孻 < last; 20914拖拉 < haul; 20915媊 < star; 20916娸 < ugly; 20917遠程監控 < rmon; 20918在﹍之中 < amid; 20919圍住 < gird; 20920姤 < mate; 20921棍棒 < club; 20922拍打 < flap; 20923飾釘 < stud; 20924偏差 < bias; 20925骰子 < dice; 20926聖詩 < hymn; 20927外小腿 < shin; 20928鋪設 < pave; 20929吽 < ''om''; 20930蛋白石 < opal; 20931枯萎 < wilt; 20932刜 < chop; 20933刓 < trim; 20934一分錢 < cent; 20935疲倦 < tire; 20936賢能 < sage; 20937海軍 < navy; 20938臭味 < fume; 20939侜 < lies; 20940伱 < thou; 20941偶像 < idol; 20942小起重機 < jack; 20943跨度 < span; 20944䳼 < gull; 20945果肉 < pulp; 20946䱴 < tuna; 20947䯕 < bony; 20948命運 < fate; 20949字節 < byte; 20950羅馬 < rome; 20951考試 < exam; 20952䧻 < dove; 20953倍塔 < beta; 20954圓錐體 < cone; 20955悠閒 < ease; 20956伯爵 < earl; 20957周遊 < tour; 20958䡀 < nude; 20959䠏 < feet; 20960䚽 < news; 20961琵琶 < lute; 20962䙊 < arid; 20963膠卷 < film; 20964䖭 < grub; 20965專用集成電路 < asic; 20966䒺 < clay; 20967品脫 < pint; 20968小島 < isle; 20969薄霧 < mist; 20970何時 < when; 20971口頭 < oral; 20972令狀 < writ; 20973䁆 < eyes; 20974䁅 < rage; 20975蕨類 < fern; 20976䀀 < cups; 20977㿙 < full; 20978㾹 < lean; 20979抓住 < grab; 20980蜂蜜酒 < mead; 20981核心 < core; 20982決鬥 < duel; 20983豆腐 < tofu; 20984咒罵 < damn; 20985㲻 < sunk; 20986㲴 < mind; 20987㲜 < rugs; 20988㰫 < glad; 20989㰟 < hope; 20990㮤 < pine; 20991蜂房 < hive; 20992㮒 < wood; 20993㫱 < mild; 20994馬廄 < barn; 20995亞當 < adam; 20996翅膀 < wing; 20997金屬薄片 < foil; 20998伊朗 < iran; 20999主義 < \-ism; 21000麥芽 < malt; 21001狹谷 < glen; 21002牡鹿 < hart; 21003在之上 < over; 21004名詞 < noun; 21005存根 < stub; 21006頭腦清楚 < sane; 21007㚧 < agil; 21008史詩 < epic; 21009貴婦人 < dame; 21010家園 < home; 21011牛飲 < gulp; 21012賺得 < earn; 21013豎琴 < harp; 21014一群 < gang; 21015音調 < tone; 21016板條 < lath; 21017貴族 < lord; 21018哈欠 < yawn; 21019豬油 < lard; 21020錫安 < zion; 21021獵物 < prey; 21022紅寶石 < ruby; 21023犯規 < foul; 21024軟木塞 < cork; 21025油膏 < balm; 21026班房 < jail; 21027斑點 < spot; 21028浮標 < buoy; 21029家伙 < chap; 21030後面 < rear; 21031天鵝 < swan; 21032整齊 < tidy; 21033在水步行 < wade; 21034母馬 < mare; 21035字型 < font; 21036安全 < safe; 21037粉紅色 < pink; 21038孤單 < lone; 21039木桶 < cask; 21040飾帶 < sash; 21041老撾 < laos; 21042朦朧 < blur; 21043課題 < task; 21044珠子 < bead; 21045呼呼聲 < whir; 21046快步跑 < trot; 21047波特 < baud; 21048野禽 < fowl; 21049暈眩 < daze; 21050說謊者 < liar; 21051某些 < some; 21052強風 < gale; 21053麻木 < numb; 21054陪審團 < jury; 21055韁繩 < rein; 21056否決 < veto; 21057沙發 < sofa; 21058他們 < they; 21059泡沫 < foam; 21060牛肉 < beef; 21061七月 < july; 21062一服 < dose; 21063豆子 < bean; 21064媽媽 < mama; 21065敏銳 < keen; 21066油油 < oily; 21067包裝 < pack; 21068污痕 < blot; 21069猛撞 < slam; 21070面罩 < veil; 21071鞭痕 < welt; 21072亞丁 < aden; 21073獨奏 < solo; 21074沐浴 < bath; 21075最好 < best; 21076誓詞 < oath; 21077動詞 < verb; 21078高爾夫球 < golf; 21079暴徒 < thug; 21080汽水 < soda; 21081短襪 < sock; 21082引證 < cite; 21083鈕帶 < bond; 21084前面 < fore; 21085陣風 < gust; 21086惡劣 < vile; 21087毛線 < yarn; 21088北約 < nato; 21089重擊 < bang; 21090步調 < gait; 21091通風 < airy; 21092變換 < vary; 21093蒼白 < pale; 21094水滴 < drop; 21095織布機 < loom; 21096電話鈴聲 < buzz; 21097收藏 < keep; 21098電線 < wire; 21099一吹 < puff; 21100毛皮 < pelt; 21101運費 < fare; 21102壁虱 < tick; 21103撥開 < poke; 21104迷陣 < maze; 21105藥丸 < pill; 21106光纖分佈數據接口 < fddi; 21107露營 < camp; 21108毒物 < pest; 21109一 < one; 21110人 < man; 21111我 < our; 21112大 < big; 21113上 < top; 21114你 < you; 21115可 < may; 21116她 < she; 21117天 < sky; 21118而 < and; 21119然 < yes; 21120没 < not; 21121日 < sun; 21122彩 < hue; 21123十 < ten; 21124用 < use; 21125眼 < eye; 21126见 < see; 21127老 < old; 21128两 < two; 21129外 < out; 21130法 < law; 21131点 < dot; 21132盜 < rob; 21133其 < his; 21134儿 < son; 21135新 < new; 21136床 < bed; 21137皆 < all; 21138海 < sea; 21139少 < few; 21140帽 < hat; 21141叫 < cry; 21142死 < die; 21143放 < put; 21144今 < now; 21145赤 < red; 21146畢 < end; 21147战 < war; 21148購 < buy; 21149瓶 < jug; 21150请 < ask; 21151交 < mix; 21152吃 < eat; 21153运 < run; 21154网 < net; 21155飞 < fly; 21156猿 < ape; 21157猫 < cat; 21158猪 < pig; 21159坐 < sit; 21160謂 < say; 21161狗 < dog; 21162切 < cut; 21163誤 < err; 21164热 < hot; 21165牛 < cow; 21166低 < low; 21167仍 < yet; 21168脚 < leg; 21169奈 < but; 21170排 < row; 21171壞 < bad; 21172湾 < bay; 21173墨 < ink; 21174術 < art; 21175濘 < mud; 21176濕 < wet; 21177露 < dew; 21178齢 < age; 21179蝙 < bat; 21180蝋 < wax; 21181鼠 < rat; 21182蜂 < bee; 21183摇 < wag; 21184油 < oil; 21185藉 < mat; 21186液 < sap; 21187薯 < yam; 21188耳 < ear; 21189喋 < nag; 21190啜 < sip; 21191哀 < sad; 21192冰 < ice; 21193杯 < cup; 21194氣 < air; 21195萌 < bud; 21196途 < way; 21197茶 < tea; 21198卵 < egg; 21199播 < sow; 21200臂 < arm; 21201欷 < sob; 21202匚 < box; 21203摩 < rub; 21204冠 < cap; 21205芸 < rue; 21206缘 < hem; 21207染 < dye; 21208膿 < pus; 21209榻 < cot; 21210円 < yen; 21211腐 < rot; 21212脂 < fat; 21213援 < aid; 21214哼 < hum; 21215偵 < spy; 21216顎 < jaw; 21217罐 < jar; 21218捷 < win; 21219霧 < fog; 21220乾 < dry; 21221缝 < sew; 21222抚 < pat; 21223挖 < dig; 21224扇 < fan; 21225乞 < beg; 21226赌 < bet; 21227欠 < owe; 21228氛 < gas; 21229締 < tie; 21230炒 < fry; 21231锡 < tin; 21232坑 < pit; 21233撕 < rip; 21234磕 < hit; 21235谎 < lie; 21236銜 < bit; 21237赋 < tax; 21238囊 < bag; 21239搂 < hug; 21240弓 < bow; 21241庐 < hut; 21242毯 < rug; 21243钥 < key; 21244斧 < axe; 21245蹦 < hop; 21246迢 < far; 21247蚂 < ant; 21248锄 < hoe; 21249捅 < jab; 21250桨 < oar; 21251狸 < fox; 21252猖 < mad; 21253趾 < toe; 21254蘸 < dip; 21255琦 < gem; 21256畸 < odd; 21257坯 < dam; 21258鳝 < eel; 21259怩 < shy; 21260黠 < sly; 21261锛 < adz; 21262麋 < elk; 21263鳍 < fin; 21264刍 < mow; 21265柞 < oak; 21266鞣 < tan; 21267僖 < joy; 21268羝 < ram; 21269埤 < add; 21270空白點 < gap; 21271求愛 < woo; 21272同位 < par; 21273為甚麼 < why; 21274受到 < get; 21275可以 < can; 21276酒廊 < bar; 21277男孩子 < boy; 21278液晶顯示 < lcd; 21279破布 < rag; 21280強拉 < tug; 21281無花果 < fig; 21282經由 < via; 21283設法 < try; 21284如何 < how; 21285眼界 < ken; 21286幼獸 < cub; 21287離子 < ion; 21288貓叫聲 < mew; 21289焦油 < tar; 21290退潮 < ebb; 21291齣 < act; 21292火腿 < ham; 21293鹋 < emu; 21294陰暗 < dim; 21295總和 < sum; 21296鴞 < owl; 21297鲕 < roe; 21298鬷 < pot; 21299鬆 < lax; 21300髢 < wig; 21301砍伐 < hew; 21302刺探 < pry; 21303常春藤 < ivy; 21304鑯 < awl; 21305烏合之眾 < mob; 21306前夕 < eve; 21307堅果 < nut; 21308轑 < rut; 21309踶 < paw; 21310先生 < sir; 21311欄圈 < pen; 21312小精靈 < elf; 21313親屬 < kin; 21314索具裝置 < rig; 21315拖車 < tow; 21316填充 < pad; 21317公共汽車 < bus; 21318蒴 < pod; 21319老天爺 < god; 21320零點六 < 0\.6; 21321樅樹 < fir; 21322甜酒 < rum; 21323羇 < inn; 21324出價 < bid; 21325傳真 < fax; 21326苦惱 < ail; 21327六點六 < 6\.6; 21328骨罈 < urn; 21329軟毛 < fur; 21330砲 < gun; 21331癙 < ill; 21332輕打 < tap; 21333小費 < tip; 21334榆樹 < elm; 21335潚 < gay; 21336工作 < job; 21337肋骨 < rib; 21338楎 < peg; 21339梩 < hod; 21340體育館 < gym; 21341杅 < tub; 21342七點五 < 7\.5; 21343七點二 < 7\.2; 21344地圖 < map; 21345攵 < rap; 21346動物園 < zoo; 21347鬆弛 < sag; 21348餡餅 < pie; 21349圖像互換格式 < gif; 21350射線 < ray; 21351鋸開 < saw; 21352果醬 < jam; 21353圍兜 < bib; 21354嬛 < apt; 21355猶太人 < jew; 21356拖把 < mop; 21357么點 < ace; 21358小狗 < pup; 21359貨車 < van; 21360圓形木材 < log; 21361點頭 < nod; 21362對準 < aim; 21363噴射 < jet; 21364傢伙 < guy; 21365乢 < lid; 21366驢子 < ass; 21367飛蟲 < bug; 21368筆尖 < nib; 21369䡜 < car; 21370麥酒 < ale; 21371修女 < nun; 21372䝆 < hog; 21373會費 < due; 21374乾草 < hay; 21375䌢 < raw; 21376䋞 < web; 21377䊑 < pay; 21378屢加 < ply; 21379九七年 < ''97; 21380圓形麵包 < bun; 21381安放 < lay; 21382㜸 < sin; 21383計乘車 < cab; 21384頌詞 < ode; 21385脫氧核糖核酸 < dna; 21386杜松子酒 < gin; 21387何人 < who; 21388燕麥 < oat; 21389母雞 < hen; 21390礦石 < ore; 21391怕羞 < coy; 21392任何 < any; 21393流感 < flu; 21394哎喲 < hey; 21395方舟 < ark; 21396爆聲 < pop; 21397收費 < fee; 21398母羊 < ewe; 21399小伙子 < lad; 21400別針 < pin; 21401平鍋 < pan; 21402不 < no; 21403为 < do; 21404之 < ''s; 21405徃 < go; 21406于 < in; 21407如 < if; 21408或 < or; 21409它 < it; 21410咱 < us; 21411哟 < ah; 21412嗨 < hi; 21413彝 < yi; 21414锱 < oz; 21415钔 < md; 21416伲 < we; 21417镤 < pa; 21418镎 < np; 21419铹 < lr; 21420向上地 < up; 21421锿 < es; 21422锝 < tc; 21423锕 < ac; 21424光碟 < cd; 21425繄 < be; 21426糎 < mm; 21427粨 < hm; 21428粁 < km; 21429籵 < dm; 21430嚇聲 < ho; 21431祂 < he; 21432我的 < my; 21433嗈 < oh; 21434咁 < so; 21435兡 < hg; 21436兞 < mg; 21437兝 < dg; 21438斧頭 < ax; 21439余 < i; 21440樶 < c; 21441一個 < a; 21442政府機關開放系統互連總則 > government\-open\-system\-interconnection\-profile; 21443電機及電子學工程師聯合會 > ieee; 21444國際電話電報諮詢委員會 > international\-consultative\-committee\-for\-telephone\-and\-telegraph; 21445阿不來提\.阿不都熱西提 > abdulaidi\-amudurexiti\-\(chairman\-of\-xinjiang\-autonomous\-region\); 21446可擦寫可編程祇讀存儲器 > eprom; 21447國際電報電話咨詢委員會 > ccitt; 21448耶穌基督末世聖徒教會 > the\-church\-of\-jesus\-christ\-of\-latter\-day\-saints; 21449十億位元以太網絡聯盟 > gigabit\-ethernet\-alliance; 21450檔案轉送存取及管理 > file\-transfer\,\-access\-and\-management; 21451非對稱式數據用戶線 > asymmetrical\-digital\-subscriber\-line; 21452臨時的本地管理接口 > interim\-local\-management\-interface; 21453聯邦電信交通委員會 > federal\-communications\-commission; 21454電腦輔助設計與繪圖 > computer\-aided\-design\-and\-drawing; 21455光纖分佈式數據介面 > fiber\-distributed\-data\-interface; 21456光纖分散式資料介面 > fiber\-distributed\-data\-interface; 21457數據鏈路連接識別碼 > data\-link\-connection\-identifier; 21458電腦與電話系統整合 > computer\-telephony\-integration; 21459塞爾維亞克羅地亞語 > serbo\-croatian\-\(language\); 21460禁止核武器試驗條約 > nuclear\-test\-ban\-treaty; 21461老驥伏櫪志在千里 > \(lit\.\)\-an\-old\-steed\-in\-the\-stable\-still\-aspires\-to\-gallop\-1000\-li; 21462不入虎穴焉得虎子 > how\-can\-you\-catch\-tiger\-cubs\-without\-entering\-the\-tiger''s\-lair; 21463比上不足比下有余 > fall\-short\-of\-the\-best\-but\-be\-better\-than\-the\-worst; 21464北大西洋公約組織 > the\-north\-atlantic\-treaty\-organization\-\(nato\); 21465不經一事不長一智 > you\-can''t\-gain\-knowledge\-without\-practice; 21466建立正式外交關係 > formally\-establish\-diplomatic\-relations; 21467百足之蟲死而不僵 > a\-centipede\-dies\-but\-never\-falls\-down; 21468安全與交換委員會 > securities\-and\-exchange\-communication; 21469綜合服務數位網絡 > integrated\-services\-digital\-network; 21470整體服務數位網路 > integrated\-services\-digital\-network; 21471簡單網絡管理協議 > simple\-network\-management\-protocol; 21472整體數位服務網路 > integrated\-service\-digital\-network; 21473公共交換電話網路 > public\-switched\-telephone\-network; 21474近乎同步數位階層 > plesiochronous\-digital\-hierarchy; 21475日本電報電話公司 > nippon\-telegraph\-and\-telephone; 21476廣播和未知服務器 > broadcast\-and\-unknown\-server; 21477百尺杆頭更盡一步 > make\-still\-further\-progress; 21478國際貨幣基金組織 > international\-monetary\-fund; 21479客戶機服務器環境 > client\-server\-environement; 21480電子郵件傳送服務 > \(e\-\)mail\-delivery\-service; 21481用戶到網絡的接口 > user\-network\-interface; 21482亞洲與太平洋地區 > asia\-pacific\-region; 21483十億位元以太網絡 > gigabit\-ethernet; 21484光纖分佈數據接口 > fddi; 21485不見棺材不落淚 > not\-shed\-a\-tear\-until\-one\-sees\-the\-coffin\-\-\-refuse\-to\-be\-convinced\-until\-one\-is\-faced\-with\-grim\-reality; 21486不到黃河心不死 > not\-stop\-until\-one\-reaches\-the\-huanghe\-river\-\-\-not\-stop\-until\-one\-reaches\-one''s\-goal; 21487閉塞眼睛捉麻雀 > try\-to\-catch\-sparrows\-with\-one''s\-eyes\-blindfolded\-\-\-act\-blindly; 21488斯特凡諾普洛斯 > stephanopoulos\-\(eg\,\-former\-clinton\-aide\-george\-stephanopoulos\); 21489人民英雄紀念碑 > monument\-to\-the\-people''s\-heroes\,\-at\-tiananmen\-square; 21490按下葫蘆浮起瓢 > solve\-one\-problem\-only\-to\-find\-another\-cropping\-up; 21491不敢越雷池一步 > dare\-not\-go\-one\-step\-beyond\-the\-prescribed\-limit; 21492東南亞國家聯盟 > asean\-\(association\-of\-southeast\-asian\-nations\); 21493失敗是成功之母 > \"failure\-is\-the\-mother\-of\-success\"\-\(proverb\); 21494經營管理和維護 > operations\-administration\-and\-maintenance; 21495核武器研製計劃 > nuclear\-weapons\-\(manufacturing\)\-program; 21496教授畢竟是教授 > professors\-are\-\(after\-all\)\-professors; 21497虛擬通道標誌符 > virtual\-channel\-connection\-identifier; 21498世界性古老問題 > a\-problem\-as\-old\-as\-the\-world\-itself; 21499電信服務供應商 > telecommunications\-service\-provider; 21500公用交換電話網 > public\-switched\-telephone\-network; 21501中華人民共和國 > the\-people''s\-republic\-of\-china; 21502通用資源識別號 > universal\-resource\-identifier; 21503原子科學家通報 > journal\-of\-atomic\-scientists; 21504超文件傳輸協定 > hypertext\-transfer\-protocol; 21505超文本傳輸協定 > hypertext\-transfer\-protocol; 21506客戶服務器結構 > client\-server\-architecture; 21507媒體接口連接器 > medium\-interface\-connector; 21508面嚮對象的技術 > object\-oriented\-technology; 21509非同步傳輸模式 > asynchronous\-transfer\-mode; 21510超文本標記語言 > hypertext\-markup\-language; 21511反艦艇巡航導彈 > anti\-ship\-cruise\-missle; 21512用戶到網絡接口 > user\-network\-interface; 21513亞洲太平洋地區 > asia\-pacific\-region; 21514多米尼加共和國 > dominican\-republic; 21515撒哈拉以南非洲 > sub\-saharan\-africa; 21516在大多數情況下 > in\-most\-instances; 21517超高速乙太網路 > gigabit\-ethernet; 21518巴布亞新幾內亞 > papau\-new\-guinea; 21519羅密歐與朱麗葉 > romeo\-and\-juliet; 21520太陽微系統公司 > sun\-microsystems; 21521帖撒羅尼迦後書 > 2\-thessalonians; 21522亞爾發和奧米加 > alpha\-and\-omega; 21523帖撒羅尼迦前書 > 1\-thessalonians; 21524莫尼卡萊溫斯基 > monica\-lewinsky; 21525阿伏伽德羅定律 > avogadro''s\-law; 21526電纜調制解調器 > cable\-modem; 21527第二次世界大戰 > world\-war\-2; 21528介質訪問控制層 > mac\-layer; 21529不知天高地厚 > not\-know\-the\-immensity\-of\-heaven\-and\-earth\-\-\-have\-an\-exaggerated\-opinion\-of\-one''s\-abilities; 21530百聞不如一見 > seeing\-for\-oneself\-is\-a\-hundred\-times\-better\-than\-hearing\-from\-others; 21531不費吹灰之力 > as\-easy\-as\-blowing\-off\-dust\-\-\-not\-needing\-the\-slightest\-effort; 21532沙利科什維利 > general\-shalikashvili\-\(head\-of\-us\-joint\-chiefs\-of\-staff\); 21533寄予很大期望 > to\-place\-great\-hope\-or\-expectation\-on\-\(sth\); 21534巴爾舍夫斯基 > \(charlene\)\-barshefsky\,\-us\-trade\-negotiator; 21535約定資訊速率 > committed\-inforrmation\-rate\-\(frame\-relay\); 21536逆向擁塞通知 > backward\-explicit\-congestion\-notification; 21537前向擁塞通知 > forward\-explicit\-congestion\-notification; 21538美國廣播公司 > abc\-\(american\-broadcasting\-corporation\); 21539哈裡森史密特 > harrison\-schmitt\-\(apollo\-1\-7\-astronaut\); 21540畢其功于一役 > accomplish\-the\-whole\-task\-at\-one\-stroke; 21541擺事實講道理 > present\-the\-facts\-and\-reason\-things\-out; 21542國際電信聯盟 > international\-telecommunications\-union; 21543不可同日而語 > cannot\-be\-mentioned\-in\-the\-same\-breath; 21544有志者事竟成 > where\-there\-is\-a\-will\,\-there\-is\-a\-way; 21545國際標準組織 > international\-standards\-organization; 21546目前還不清楚 > at\-present\-it\-is\-still\-unclear\-\.\.\.\.; 21547疾病預防中心 > \(u\.s\.\)\-center\-for\-disease\-control; 21548應用程式介面 > application\-programming\-interface; 21549矮子裡拔將軍 > choose\-the\-best\-person\-available; 21550取得大學學位 > to\-obtain\-a\-university\-education; 21551實時操作環境 > real\-time\-operating\-environment; 21552國際商業機器 > international\-business\-machines; 21553符合美國利益 > in\-line\-with\-american\-interests; 21554軟體出版協會 > software\-publishers\-association; 21555松下電氣工業 > matsushita\-electronics\-industry; 21556服務廣告協議 > service\-advertisement\-protocol; 21557語音通訊通道 > voice\-\(communications\)\-channel; 21558世界貿易組織 > wto\-\(world\-trade\-organization\); 21559常規銅電話線 > ordinary\-copper\-telephone\-line; 21560同步數位階層 > synchronous\-digital\-hierarchy; 21561上海戲劇學院 > shanghai\-theatrical\-institute; 21562傳輸控制協定 > transmission\-control\-protocol; 21563傳統中國醫藥 > chinese\-traditional\-medicine; 21564固定虛擬連接 > permanent\-virtual\-connection; 21565開放系統互連 > open\-systems\-interconnection; 21566北京藝術學院 > beijing\-academy\-of\-fine\-arts; 21567不登大雅之堂 > not\-appeal\-to\-refined\-taste; 21568北京語言學院 > beijing\-languages\-institute; 21569地址解析協議 > address\-resolution\-protocol; 21570本地管理界面 > local\-management\-interface; 21571異步傳輸模式 > asynchronous\-transfer\-mode; 21572電腦輔助教材 > computer\-aided\-instruction; 21573電腦輔助工程 > computer\-aided\-engineering; 21574虛擬通道連接 > virtual\-channel\-connection; 21575網絡管理系統 > network\-management\-system; 21576世界衛生組織 > world\-health\-organization; 21577值得注意的是 > it''s\-worth\-noting\-that\.\.\.; 21578環球定位系統 > global\-positioning\-system; 21579因特網提供商 > internet\-sevice\-provider; 21580網絡操作系統 > network\-operating\-system; 21581圖像用戶介面 > graphical\-user\-interface; 21582面嚮對象語言 > object\-oriented\-language; 21583共同閘道介面 > common\-gateway\-interface; 21584網路作業系統 > network\-operating\-system; 21585公眾電信網路 > public\-telephone\-network; 21586非盈利的組織 > non\-profit\-organization; 21587訊息處理系統 > message\-handling\-system; 21588數字訂購線路 > digital\-subscriber\-line; 21589辯証唯物主義 > dialectical\-materialism; 21590網路節點介面 > network\-node\-interface; 21591正在中國訪問 > during\-a\-trip\-to\-china; 21592八小時工作制 > eight\-hour\-working\-day; 21593消息靈通人士 > a\-well\-informed\-source; 21594日本經濟新聞 > japanese\-economic\-news; 21595訊息傳遞中介 > message\-transfer\-agent; 21596電腦輔助設計 > computer\-aided\-design; 21597持不同政見者 > \(political\)\-dissident; 21598資料傳送服務 > data\-delivery\-service; 21599介質訪問控制 > medium\-access\-control; 21600印度尼西亞語 > indonesian\-\(language\); 21601多種語言支持 > multilingual\-support; 21602接收器靈敏度 > receiver\-sensitivity; 21603民族主義情緒 > nationalist\-feelings; 21604媒體訪問控制 > media\-access\-control; 21605四年制的大學 > four\-year\-university; 21606邏輯鏈路控制 > logical\-link\-control; 21607萬維天羅地網 > world\-wide\-web\-\(www\); 21608巡迴分析端口 > roving\-analysis\-port; 21609只不過幾年前 > only\-a\-few\-years\-ago; 21610一百五十多年 > more\-than\-150\-years; 21611哥倫比亞大學 > columbia\-university; 21612貿易保護主義 > trade\-protectionism; 21613在某種程度上 > to\-a\-certain\-extent; 21614曼徹斯特編碼 > manchester\-encoding; 21615訊框傳送服務 > frame\-relay\-service; 21616訊框傳送網路 > frame\-relay\-network; 21617阿比西尼亞人 > abyssinian\-\(person\); 21618亞太經合組織 > apec\-\(organization\); 21619軟件開發人員 > software\-developer; 21620在傳輸過程中 > while\-transmitting; 21621必不可少組成 > absolute\-necessity; 21622美國航空公司 > american\-airlines; 21623交換以太網絡 > switched\-ethernet; 21624諾貝爾和平獎 > nobel\-peace\-prize; 21625五角大樓官員 > pentagon\-official; 21626訊框傳送論壇 > frame\-relay\-forum; 21627阿爾巴尼亞人 > albanian\-\(person\); 21628不分青紅皂白 > indiscriminately; 21629不等邊三角形 > scalene\-triangle; 21630網際網路協會 > internet\-society; 21631三千到五千萬 > 30\-to\-50\-million; 21632一個中國政策 > one\-china\-policy; 21633網絡規劃人員 > network\-planner; 21634共享以太網絡 > shared\-ethernet; 21635卡納維拉爾角 > cape\-canaveral; 21636區域網路技術 > lan\-technology; 21637薩達姆侯賽因 > saddam\-hussein; 21638撞擊式印表機 > impact\-printer; 21639撞擊式打印機 > impact\-printer; 21640全球氣候升溫 > global\-warming; 21641梅塞迪斯奔馳 > mercedes\-benz; 21642奧克拉荷馬市 > oklahoma\-city; 21643高速乙太網路 > fast\-ethernet; 21644快速以太網絡 > fast\-ethernet; 21645以太網絡端口 > ethernet\-port; 21646亞洲與太平洋 > asia\-pacific; 21647一千零五十億 > 105\-billion; 21648吉爾吉斯斯坦 > kirghizstan; 21649榮獲諾貝爾獎 > nobel\-prize; 21650三月二十三號 > march\-23rd; 21651沒有生育能力 > infertile; 21652國際互聯網絡 > internet; 21653三月二十一號 > march\-21; 21654專用集成電路 > asic; 21655圖像互換格式 > gif; 21656脫氧核糖核酸 > dna; 21657殺雞給猴看 > \"kill\-a\-chicken\-in\-front\-of\-a\-monkey\"\-\-\-\-make\-an\-example\-out\-of\-someone\-\(by\-punishing\-them\)\-to\-frighten\-others; 21658病急亂投醫 > turn\-to\-any\-doctor\-one\-can\-find\-when\-critically\-ill\-\-\-try\-anything\-when\-in\-a\-desperate\-situation; 21659斯卡伯勒礁 > scarborough\-shoal\-\(philippines''\-name\-for\-huangyan\-island\); 21660冰炭不相容 > as\-incompatible\-or\-irreconcilable\-as\-ice\-and\-hot\-coals; 21661韋爾弗雷茲 > \(george\)\-wehrfritz\-\(beijing\-bureau\-chief\-of\-newsweek\); 21662琳\.戴維斯 > lynn\-davis\-\(us\-state\-department\-arms\-control\-expert\); 21663人民行動黨 > people''s\-action\-party\-\(ruling\-party\-in\-singapore\); 21664常任理事國 > permanent\-member\-state\-\(of\-un\-security\-council\); 21665人民大會堂 > great\-hall\-of\-the\-people\,\-at\-tiananmen\-square; 21666橋本龍太郎 > hashimoto\,\-ryutaro\-\(prime\-minister\-of\-japan\); 21667奧爾布賴特 > \(madeleine\)\-albright\-\(us\-secretary\-of\-state\); 21668不當一回事 > not\-regard\-as\-a\-matter\-\(of\-any\-importance\); 21669不打不相識 > from\-an\-exchange\-of\-blows\-friendship\-grows; 21670聯邦調查局 > fbi\-\(federal\-bureau\-of\-investigation\); 21671一九四九年 > the\-year\-1949\-\(communist\-revolution\); 21672約翰內斯堡 > johannesburg\-\(city\-in\-south\-africa\); 21673分佈式環境 > distributed\-\(computing\)\-environment; 21674非政府組織 > non\-governmental\-organization\-\(ngo\); 21675尤金塞爾南 > eugene\-cernan\-\(apollo\-17\-astronaut\); 21676比勒陀利亞 > pretoria\-\(capital\-of\-south\-africa\); 21677半日制學校 > half\-day\-\(or\-double\-shift\-school\); 21678越來越嚴重 > to\-become\-more\-serious\-every\-day; 21679戈爾巴喬夫 > \(former\-soviet\-leader\)\-gorbachev; 21680八級工資制 > eight\-grade\-wage\-scale\-\(system\); 21681在密切注意 > to\-pay\-close\-attention\-\(to\-sth\); 21682核威懾政策 > policy\-of\-nuclear\-intimidation; 21683可選擇丟棄 > discard\-eligible\-\(frame\-relay\); 21684特別行政區 > special\-administrative\-region; 21685華盛頓時報 > washington\-times\-\(newspaper\); 21686似乎很安全 > to\-appear\-\(to\-be\)\-very\-safe; 21687中央情報局 > central\-intelligence\-agency; 21688服務提供商 > \(internet\)\-service\-provider; 21689管理信息庫 > management\-information\-base; 21690華盛頓郵報 > washington\-post\-\(newspaper\); 21691願意不願意 > whether\-one\-wants\-to\-or\-not; 21692發展核武器 > to\-develop\-nuclear\-weapons; 21693叛變的省份 > renegade\-province\-\(taiwan\); 21694中國科學院 > chinese\-acadamy\-of\-science; 21695用戶端設備 > customer\-premise\-equipment; 21696不等價交換 > exchange\-of\-unequal\-values; 21697永久虛電路 > permanent\-virtual\-circuit; 21698原因很簡單 > the\-reason\-is\-very\-simple; 21699通訊自動化 > communications\-automation; 21700幀首定界符 > start\-of\-frame\-delimiter; 21701不承認主義 > policy\-of\-nonrecognition; 21702楊百翰大學 > brigham\-young\-university; 21703分佈式結構 > distributed\-architecture; 21704持不同政見 > \(politically\)\-dissenting; 21705人民解放軍 > people''s\-liberation\-army; 21706從外表來看 > looking\-from\-the\-outside; 21707交換虛電路 > switched\-virtual\-circuit; 21708核武器材料 > nuclear\-weapon\-material; 21709發佈新軟件 > to\-release\-new\-software; 21710專屬經濟區 > exclusive\-economic\-zone; 21711流亡在海外 > to\-be\-in\-exile\-overseas; 21712不抵抗主義 > policy\-of\-nonresistance; 21713在今年年底 > at\-the\-end\-of\-this\-year; 21714來回來去地 > backwards\-and\-forwards; 21715網絡層協議 > network\-layer\-protocol; 21716工業化國家 > industrialized\-country; 21717教義和聖約 > doctrine\-and\-covenants; 21718網絡管理員 > network\-administrator; 21719芝加哥大學 > university\-of\-chicago; 21720陸海空三軍 > army\,\-navy\,\-air\-force; 21721本土化軟件 > software\-localization; 21722檔案分配區 > file\-allocation\-table; 21723地對空導彈 > ground\-to\-air\-missile; 21724不信任投票 > vote\-of\-no\-confidence; 21725本人的觀點 > \(one''s\)\-personal\-view; 21726軟體配送者 > software\-distributor; 21727歷來最低點 > all\-time\-low\-\(point\); 21728米德爾伯裡 > middlebury\-\(college\); 21729兩點十九分 > 2\-\:1\-9\-\(time\-of\-day\); 21730幀檢驗序列 > frame\-check\-sequence; 21731不完全中立 > imperfect\-neutrality; 21732克里斯托弗 > \(warren\)\-christopher; 21733鑒定委員會 > evaluation\-committee; 21734馬來西亞語 > malasian\-\(language\); 21735過了五分鐘 > five\-minutes\-passed; 21736克羅地亞語 > croatian\-\(language\); 21737討論的議題 > topic\-of\-discussion; 21738地址的轉換 > address\-translation; 21739自動地工作 > automatic\-operation; 21740保安自動化 > security\-automation; 21741分佈式網絡 > distributed\-network; 21742不期然而然 > happen\-unexpectedly; 21743加值型網路 > value\-added\-network; 21744因特網聯通 > internet\-connection; 21745科學的交流 > scientific\-exchange; 21746鋰離子電池 > lithium\-ion\-battery; 21747長期穩定性 > long\-term\-stability; 21748樓宇自動化 > building\-automation; 21749視窗加速器 > windows\-accelarator; 21750華爾街日報 > wall\-street\-journal; 21751國民黨軍隊 > nationalist\-forces; 21752一小時以後 > a\-short\-time\-later; 21753網路連接層 > network\-link\-layer; 21754康奈爾大學 > cornell\-university; 21755塞爾維亞語 > serbian\-\(language\); 21756斯瓦希裡語 > swahili\-\(language\); 21757國家標準碼 > gb\-\(guo\-biao\)\-code; 21758本初子午線 > the\-first\-meridian; 21759家庭消費者 > household\-consumer; 21760域名服務器 > domain\-name\-server; 21761發展中國家 > developing\-country; 21762多端中繼器 > multiport\-repeater; 21763發展的國家 > developing\-country; 21764生活必需品 > life''s\-necessities; 21765可行性研究 > feasibility\-study; 21766數據庫軟件 > database\-software; 21767西裡爾字母 > cyrillic\-alphabet; 21768撒迦利亞書 > book\-of\-zechariah; 21769波士頓大學 > boston\-university; 21770辦公自動化 > office\-automation; 21771不及物動詞 > intransitive\-verb; 21772膝上型電腦 > laptop\-\(computer\); 21773中央委員會 > central\-committee; 21774到那個時候 > until\-this\-moment; 21775洛杉磯時報 > los\-angeles\-times; 21776文化的交流 > cultural\-exchange; 21777斯洛伐克語 > slovak\-\(language\); 21778外國旅遊者 > foreign\-traveller; 21779一千七百萬 > seventeen\-million; 21780委員會會議 > committee\-meeting; 21781計算機工業 > computer\-industry; 21782共產黨部隊 > communist\-forces; 21783服務提供者 > service\-provider; 21784移動式電話 > mobile\-telephone; 21785婚外性接觸 > extramarital\-sex; 21786波美比重計 > baume\-hydrometer; 21787外國投資者 > foreign\-investor; 21788異性性接觸 > heterosexual\-sex; 21789桌上型電腦 > desktop\-computer; 21790記者招待會 > press\-conference; 21791原子科學家 > atomic\-scientist; 21792長度指示符 > length\-indicator; 21793仿真服務器 > emulation\-server; 21794計算機網絡 > computer\-network; 21795過份簡單化 > oversimplication; 21796知識工程師 > knowledge\-worker; 21797資料鏈結層 > data\-link\-layer; 21798零等待狀態 > zero\-wait\-state; 21799在很多方面 > in\-many\-aspects; 21800俄巴底亞書 > book\-of\-obadiah; 21801數據鏈路層 > data\-link\-layer; 21802種族主義者 > racist\-\(person\); 21803網絡瀏覽器 > network\-browser; 21804客戶機軟件 > client\-software; 21805自動售貨機 > vending\-machine; 21806網絡打印機 > network\-printer; 21807板板六十四 > unaccommodating; 21808第一個層次 > the\-first\-stage; 21809全球資訊網 > world\-wide\-web; 21810以太網絡幀 > ethernet\-frame; 21811不平等條約 > unequal\-treaty; 21812喘不過氣來 > cannot\-breathe; 21813捷克共和國 > czech\-republic; 21814工業的巨頭 > industry\-mogol; 21815每端口價格 > price\-per\-port; 21816不正常狀況 > abnormal\-state; 21817開放式系統 > open\-system\(s\); 21818世界的語言 > world\-language; 21819激光打引機 > laser\-printer; 21820哥林多後書 > 2\-corinthians; 21821不記名投票 > secret\-ballot; 21822不列顛諸島 > british\-isles; 21823哥林多前書 > 1\-corinthians; 21824不可能的事 > impossibility; 21825百分之五十 > fifty\-percent; 21826艾滋病抗體 > aids\-antibody; 21827不可侵犯權 > inviolability; 21828鐳射印表機 > laser\-printer; 21829生命的遺跡 > trace\-of\-life; 21830一九九七年 > the\-year\-1997; 21831全世界第一 > world''s\-first; 21832普通老百姓 > common\-people; 21833艾滋病患者 > aids\-patient; 21834簿記管理員 > commissarian; 21835核武器試驗 > nuclear\-test; 21836二十一世紀 > 21st\-century; 21837有條有理地 > methodically; 21838不是玩兒的 > it''s\-no\-joke; 21839粗俗的階級 > vulgar\-class; 21840打印服務器 > print\-server; 21841賓西法尼亞 > pennsylvania; 21842耶利米哀歌 > lamentations; 21843八九不離十 > pretty\-close; 21844開放式網路 > open\-network; 21845克裡姆林宮 > the\-kremlin; 21846太平洋週邊 > pacific\-rim; 21847激光二極管 > laser\-diode; 21848器官捐獻者 > organ\-donor; 21849文件服務器 > file\-server; 21850玻意耳定律 > boyle''s\-law; 21851一千四百億 > 140\-billion; 21852自由選擇權 > free\-agency; 21853巴枯寧主義 > bakuninism; 21854說不出話來 > speechless; 21855塔吉克斯坦 > tajikistan; 21856加利福尼亞 > california; 21857使用者中介 > user\-agent; 21858哈薩克斯坦 > kazakhstan; 21859百分之九十 > 90\-percent; 21860公開討論會 > open\-forum; 21861艾滋病病毒 > aids\-virus; 21862地方官職位 > prefecture; 21863磁盤驅動器 > disl\-drive; 21864女裝裁縫師 > dressmaker; 21865長子的名份 > birthright; 21866一百五十億 > 15\-billion; 21867阿比西尼亞 > abyssinia; 21868社會主義者 > socialist; 21869提摩太后書 > 2\-timothy; 21870到目前為止 > until\-now; 21871流行性感冒 > influenza; 21872不穩定氣流 > turbulent; 21873提摩太前書 > 1\-timothy; 21874波利尼西亞 > polynesia; 21875圖書管理員 > librarian; 21876印度尼西亞 > indonesia; 21877民主主義者 > democrats; 21878變焦距鏡頭 > zoom\-lens; 21879企業間網路 > extranet; 21880常坐汽車者 > motorist; 21881汽車展覽會 > car\-show; 21882企業內網路 > intranet; 21883撒母耳記下 > 2\-samuel; 21884撒母耳記上 > 1\-samuel; 21885四月十七號 > april\-17; 21886神學研究所 > seminary; 21887埃塞俄比亞 > ethiopia; 21888奧克拉荷馬 > oklahoma; 21889不名譽事物 > dishonor; 21890海軍總司令 > admiral; 21891五月十五號 > may\-1\-5; 21892阿爾及利亞 > algeria; 21893七月三十號 > july\-30; 21894馬克思主義 > marxism; 21895阿爾巴尼亞 > albania; 21896一節\(詩\) > stanza; 21897透印版印刷 > offset; 21898毛織運動衫 > jersey; 21899男修道院長 > abbot; 21900調制解調器 > modem; 21901三色紫羅蘭 > pansy; 21902安全理事會 > the\-u; 21903抱薪救火 > carry\-faggots\-to\-put\-out\-a\-fire\-\-\-adopt\-a\-wrong\-method\-to\-save\-a\-situation\-and\-end\-up\-by\-making\-it\-worse; 21904杯水車薪 > trying\-to\-put\-out\-a\-burning\-cartload\-of\-faggots\-with\-a\-cup\-of\-water\-\-\-an\-utterly\-inadequate\-measure; 21905辯証施治 > diagnosis\-and\-treatment\-based\-on\-an\-overall\-analysis\-of\-the\-illness\-and\-the\-patient''s\-condition; 21906敝帚自珍 > value\-one''s\-own\-old\-broom\-\-\-cherish\-something\-of\-little\-value\-simply\-because\-it\-is\-one''s\-own; 21907兵不血刃 > the\-edges\-of\-the\-swords\-not\-being\-stained\-with\-blood\-\-\-win\-victory\-without\-firing\-a\-shot; 21908養兒防老 > \(of\-parents\)\-to\-bring\-up\-cihldren\-for\-the\-purpose\-of\-being\-looked\-after\-in\-old\-age; 21909不共戴天 > will\-not\-live\-under\-the\-same\-sky\-\(with\-one''s\-enemy\)\-\-\-absolutely\-irreconcilable; 21910擊其惰歸 > avoid\-the\-enemy\-when\-he\-is\-fresh\-and\-strike\-him\-when\-he\-is\-tired\-and\-withdraws; 21911避其銳氣 > avoid\-the\-enemy\-when\-he\-is\-fresh\-and\-strike\-him\-when\-he\-is\-tired\-and\-withdraws; 21912保甲制度 > the\-bao\-jia\-system\-\(an\-administrative\-system\-organized\-on\-basis\-of\-households\); 21913不辨菽麥 > be\-unable\-to\-tell\-beans\-from\-wheat\-\-\-have\-no\-knowledge\-of\-practical\-matters; 21914恭喜發財 > congratulations\-for\-getting\-rich\-\(traditional\-chinese\-new\-year''s\-future\-use; 21915塞韋裡諾 > \[jean\-michel\]\-severino\-\[world\-bank\-vice\-president\,\-east\-asia\-and\-pacific\]; 21916有期徒刑 > limited\-term\-of\-imprisonment\-\(ie\,\-anything\-less\-than\-life\-imprisonment\); 21917閉目塞聽 > shuts\-one''s\-eyes\-and\-stop\-up\-one''s\-ears\-\-\-be\-out\-of\-touch\-with\-reality; 21918笨鳥先飛 > clumsy\-birds\-have\-to\-start\-flying\-early\-\-\-the\-slow\-need\-to\-start\-early; 21919本草綱目 > an\-outline\-treatise\-of\-medical\-herbs\,\-compiled\-by\-li3\-shi2\-zhen1\-李時珍; 21920兵強馬壯 > strong\-soldiers\-and\-sturdy\-horses\-\-\-a\-well\-trained\-and\-powerful\-army; 21921業余大學 > college\-for\-people\-who\-attend\-after\-work\-\(lit\.\:\-spare\-time\-college\); 21922捕風捉影 > chase\-the\-wind\-and\-clutch\-at\-shadows\-\-\-make\-groundless\-accusations; 21923不分彼此 > make\-no\-distinction\-between\-what''s\-one''s\-own\-and\-what''s\-another''s; 21924不知凡幾 > can''t\-tell\-how\-many\-there\-are\-\-\-there\-are\-numerous\-similar\-cases; 21925抱殘守缺 > cherish\-the\-outmoded\-and\-preserve\-the\-outworn\-\-\-be\-conservative; 21926博古通今 > conversant\-with\-things\-past\-and\-present\-\-\-erudite\-and\-informed; 21927大鬧天宮 > \"the\-monkey\-creates\-havoc\-in\-heaven\"\,\-story\-about\-sun\-wu\-kong; 21928悲天憫人 > bemoan\-the\-state\-of\-the\-universe\-and\-pity\-the\-fate\-of\-mankind; 21929不服水土 > \(of\-a\-stranger\)\-not\-accustomed\-to\-the\-climate\-of\-a\-new\-place; 21930哀兵必勝 > an\-army\-burning\-with\-righteous\-indignation\-is\-bound\-to\-win; 21931矛頭指向 > target\-someone\-or\-something\-\(for\-attack\,\-criticism\,\-etc\.\); 21932不恥下問 > not\-feel\-ashamed\-to\-ask\-and\-learn\-from\-one''s\-subordinates; 21933卡拉OK > karaoke\-\(singing\-to\-recorded\-instrumental\-accompaniment\); 21934中國民航 > general\-administration\-of\-civil\-aviation\-of\-china\-\(caac\); 21935三國演義 > name\-of\-a\-classic\-novel\,\-\"romance\-of\-the\-three\-kingdoms\"; 21936背水一戰 > fight\-with\-one''s\-back\-to\-the\-river\-\-\-fight\-to\-win\-or\-die; 21937杯弓蛇影 > mistaking\-the\-reflection\-of\-a\-bow\-in\-the\-cup\-for\-a\-snake; 21938背井離鄉 > leave\-one''s\-native\-place\-\(especially\-against\-one''s\-will\); 21939波瀾起伏 > of\-a\-piece\-of\-writing\-with\-one\-climax\-following\-another; 21940不為已甚 > refrain\-from\-going\-to\-extremes\-in\-meting\-out\-punishment; 21941不約而同 > take\-the\-same\-action\-or\-view\-without\-prior\-consultation; 21942八面玲瓏 > be\-smooth\-and\-slick\-\(in\-establishing\-social\-relations\); 21943眾志成城 > \"unity\-of\-will\-is\-an\-impregnable\-stronghold\"\-\(proverb\); 21944抗日戰爭 > \(china''s\)\-war\-of\-resistance\-against\-japan\-\(1937\-1945\); 21945大材小用 > using\-a\-talented\-person\-in\-an\-insignificant\-position; 21946不聞不問 > not\-bother\-to\-ask\-questions\-or\-listen\-to\-what''s\-said; 21947並行不悖 > both\-can\-be\-implemented\-without\-coming\-into\-conflict; 21948步步為營 > advance\-gradually\-and\-entrench\-oneself\-at\-every\-step; 21949一望無際 > as\-far\-as\-the\-eye\-can\-see\-\(lit\:\-look\-afar\-no\-bound\); 21950不見經傳 > not\-to\-be\-found\-in\-the\-classics\-\-\-not\-authoritative; 21951撥雲見日 > dispel\-the\-clouds\-and\-see\-the\-sun\-\-\-restore\-justice; 21952安步當車 > walk\-over\-leisurely\-instead\-of\-riding\-in\-a\-carriage; 21953不勝枚舉 > too\-numerous\-to\-mention\-individually\-or\-one\-by\-one; 21954賓至如歸 > guests\-feel\-at\-home\-\(in\-a\-hotel\,\-guesthouse\,\-etc\.\); 21955尖閣列島 > senkaku\-islands\-\(japanese\-name\-for\-diaoyu\-islands\); 21956維吾爾族 > the\-uygur\-\(uighur\)\-nationality\,\-living\-in\-xinjiang; 21957南華早報 > south\-china\-morning\-post\-\(newspaper\-in\-hong\-kong\); 21958病入膏肓 > the\-disease\-has\-attacked\-the\-vitals\-\-\-beyond\-cure; 21959約翰拉貝 > john\-rabe\-\(german\-eyewitness\-to\-nanjing\-massacre\); 21960不破不立 > without\-destruction\-there\-can\-be\-no\-construction; 21961包產到戶 > fixing\-of\-farm\-output\-quotas\-for\-each\-household; 21962駱駝祥子 > name\-of\-a\-novel\,\-luo\-tuo\-xiangzi\,\-by\-lao\-she\-老舍; 21963逼上樑山 > be\-driven\-to\-join\-the\-liangshan\-mountain\-rebels; 21964南轅北轍 > \(fig\.\)\-act\-in\-a\-way\-that\-defeats\-one''s\-purpose; 21965保外就醫 > \(of\-a\-prisoner\)\-released\-for\-medical\-treatment; 21966蒸蒸日上 > becoming\-more\-prosperous\-with\-each\-passing\-day; 21967烏魯木齊 > urumqi\-\(capital\-of\-xinjiang\-autonomous\-region\); 21968安土重遷 > hate\-to\-leave\-a\-place\-where\-one\-has\-lived\-long; 21969工商銀行 > industrial\-and\-commercial\-bank\-of\-china\-\(icbc\); 21970事與願違 > things\-don''t\-turn\-out\-the\-way\-you\-want\-or\-plan; 21971張燈結綵 > be\-decorated\-with\-lanterns\-and\-colored\-banners; 21972閉門思過 > shut\-oneself\-up\-and\-ponder\-over\-one''s\-mistakes; 21973閉關自守 > close\-the\-country\-to\-international\-intercourse; 21974不避艱險 > shrink\-or\-flinch\-from\-no\-difficulty\-or\-danger; 21975阿旺曲沛 > ngawang\-choepel\-\(tibetan\,\-fullbright\-scholar\); 21976畫蛇添足 > ruin\-the\-effect\-by\-adding\-what\-is\-superfluous; 21977仗義執言 > speak\-out\-on\-a\-matter\-of\-principle\-or\-justice; 21978兵臨城下 > the\-attacking\-army\-has\-reached\-the\-city\-gates; 21979背城借一 > make\-a\-last\-ditch\-stand\-before\-the\-city\-wall; 21980百感交集 > all\-sorts\-of\-feelings\-well\-up\-in\-one''s\-heart; 21981兵不厭詐 > there\-can\-never\-be\-too\-much\-deception\-in\-war; 21982五六十歲 > \(in\-one''s\)\-fifties\-or\-sixties\-\(years\-of\-age\); 21983避重就輕 > avoid\-the\-important\-and\-dwell\-on\-the\-trivial; 21984標新立異 > start\-something\-new\-in\-order\-to\-be\-different; 21985大功告成 > successfully\-accomplished\-\(project\-or\-goal\); 21986無所用心 > eat\-three\-square\-meals\-a\-day\-and\-do\-no\-work; 21987班門弄斧 > display\-one''s\-slight\-skill\-before\-an\-expert; 21988中國日報 > china\-daily\-\(an\-english\-language\-newspaper\); 21989不可終日 > be\-unable\-to\-carry\-on\-even\-for\-a\-single\-day; 21990飽食終日 > eat\-three\-square\-meals\-a\-day\-and\-do\-no\-work; 21991單槍匹馬 > single\-handed\-\(lit\:\-single\-spear\-one\-horse\); 21992名副其實 > not\-just\-in\-name\-only\,\-but\-also\-in\-reality; 21993喜新厭舊 > literal\:\-to\-like\-the\-new\,\-and\-hate\-the\-old; 21994拍案叫絕 > lit\.\:\-slap\-the\-table\-and\-shout\-with\-praise; 21995風土人情 > local\-conditions\-\(human\-and\-environmental\); 21996阿拉塔斯 > \(ali\)\-alatas\-\(indonesian\-foreign\-minister\); 21997中共中央 > chinese\-communist\-party\-central\-committee; 21998博聞強記 > have\-wide\-learning\-and\-a\-retentive\-memory; 21999百年大計 > a\-project\-of\-vital\-and\-lasting\-importance; 22000拔苗助長 > spoil\-things\-through\-excessive\-enthusiasm; 22001肯普索恩 > \(dirk\)\-kempthorne\-\(us\-senator\-from\-idaho\); 22002外孫女兒 > granddaughter\-\(daughter\-of\-one''s\-daugher\); 22003百折不撓 > keep\-on\-fighting\-in\-spite\-of\-all\-setbacks; 22004安身立命 > settle\-down\-and\-get\-on\-with\-one''s\-pursuit; 22005不可一世 > consider\-oneself\-unexcelled\-in\-the\-world; 22006絕對數字 > absolute\-\(as\-opposed\-to\-relative\)\-number; 22007抱頭鼠竄 > cover\-the\-head\-and\-sneak\-away\-like\-a\-rat; 22008百廢俱興 > all\-neglected\-tasks\-are\-being\-undertaken; 22009避實就虛 > stay\-clear\-of\-the\-enemy''s\-main\-force\-and; 22010不求甚解 > not\-seek\-to\-understand\-things\-thoroughly; 22011中央全會 > plenary\-session\-of\-the\-central\-committee; 22012古杰拉爾 > \(i\.\-k\.\)\-gujral\-\(prime\-minister\-of\-india\); 22013冷淡關係 > cold\-relations\-\(e\.g\.\-between\-countries\); 22014不了了之 > settle\-a\-matter\-by\-leaving\-it\-unsettled; 22015不即不離 > be\-neither\-too\-familiar\-nor\-too\-distant; 22016總政治部 > \(military\)\-general\-political\-department; 22017半路出家 > switch\-to\-a\-job\-one\-was\-not\-trained\-for; 22018病毒學家 > virologist\-\(person\-who\-studies\-viruses\); 22019結社自由 > \(constitutional\)\-freedom\-of\-association; 22020蔓延全國 > to\-spread\-throughout\-the\-entire\-country; 22021百思不解 > remain\-puzzled\-after\-pondering\-over\-sth; 22022半勞動力 > one\-able\-to\-do\-light\-manual\-labour\-only; 22023總後勤部 > \(military\)\-general\-logistics\-department; 22024一國兩制 > one\-country\,\-two\-systems\-\(china\-taiwan\); 22025白頭諧老 > live\-to\-ripe\-old\-age\-in\-conjugal\-bliss; 22026成千上萬 > by\-the\-thousands\-and\-tens\-of\-thousands; 22027不宣而戰 > open\-hostilities\-without\-declaring\-war; 22028不遠千里 > make\-light\-of\-travelling\-a\-thousand\-li; 22029安居樂業 > live\-and\-work\-in\-peace\-and\-contentment; 22030遍體鱗傷 > covered\-all\-over\-with\-cuts\-and\-bruises; 22031內懮外患 > domestic\-strife\-and\-foreign\-agression; 22032治病救人 > cure\-the\-sickness\-to\-save\-the\-patient; 22033哀鴻遍野 > a\-land\-swarming\-with\-disaster\-victims; 22034病從口入 > illness\-finds\-its\-way\-in\-by\-the\-mouth; 22035總參謀部 > \(military\)\-general\-staff\-headquarters; 22036撥絃樂器 > plucked\-string\-or\-stringed\-instrument; 22037別具一格 > having\-a\-unique\-or\-distinctive\-style; 22038讀賣新聞 > yomiuri\-shimbun\-\(japanese\-newspaper\); 22039才疏學淺 > have\-little\-talent\-and\-less\-learning; 22040避坑落井 > dodge\-a\-pit\-only\-to\-fall\-into\-a\-well; 22041變溫動物 > poikilothermal\-\(cold\-blooded\)\-animal; 22042大中學生 > university\-and\-high\-school\-students; 22043安分守己 > abide\-by\-the\-law\-and\-behave\-oneself; 22044大顯身手 > fully\-displaying\-one''s\-capabilities; 22045波瀾壯闊 > surging\-forward\-with\-great\-momentum; 22046回歸中國 > to\-return\-to\-china\-\(e\.g\.\-hong\-kong\); 22047愛莫能助 > willing\-to\-help\-but\-unable\-to\-do\-so; 22048調查結果 > results\-\(of\-an\-investigation\,\-poll\); 22049百端待舉 > a\-thousand\-things\-remain\-to\-be\-done; 22050秋高氣爽 > clear\-and\-refreshing\-autumn\-weather; 22051冰消瓦解 > melt\-like\-ice\-and\-break\-like\-tiles; 22052半斤八兩 > not\-much\-to\-choose\-between\-the\-two; 22053步人後塵 > follow\-in\-other\-people''s\-footsteps; 22054龍飛鳳舞 > lit\.\:\-dragon\-flies\,\-phoenix\-dances; 22055國際見聞 > international\-background\-knowledge; 22056國務委員 > member\-of\-state\-council\-\(in\-china\); 22057可移植性 > portability\-\(programming\-language\); 22058呼和浩特 > hohhot\-\(capital\-of\-inner\-mongolia\); 22059小題大做 > make\-a\-big\-fuss\-over\-a\-minor\-issue; 22060不虛此行 > the\-trip\-has\-not\-been\-made\-in\-vain; 22061言論自由 > \(constitutional\)\-freedom\-of\-speech; 22062開發環境 > development\-environment\-\(computer\); 22063不識時務 > show\-no\-understanding\-of\-the\-times; 22064不時之需 > a\-possible\-period\-of\-want\-or\-need; 22065以牙還牙 > a\-tooth\-for\-a\-tooth\-\(retaliation\); 22066百戰百勝 > emerge\-victorious\-in\-every\-battle; 22067由此可見 > from\-this\,\-it\-can\-be\-seen\-that\.\.\.; 22068寸草不生 > \"not\-even\-a\-blade\-of\-grass\-grows\"; 22069擦亮眼睛 > remove\-the\-scales\-from\-one''s\-eyes; 22070補偏救弊 > remedy\-defects\-and\-rectify\-errors; 22071百川歸海 > all\-things\-tends\-in\-one\-direction; 22072誓不反悔 > to\-vow\-not\-to\-break\-one''s\-promise; 22073科學編輯 > science\-editor\-\(of\-a\-publication\); 22074昂首闊步 > stride\-forward\-with\-one''s\-chin\-up; 22075日經指數 > nikkei\-index\-\(of\-japanese\-stocks\); 22076得寸進尺 > literal\:\-get\-an\-inch\,\-want\-a\-foot; 22077北洋軍閥 > the\-northern\-warlords\-\(1912\-1927\); 22078大惑不解 > do\-not\-understand\-a\-certain\-thing; 22079明文規定 > expressly\-stipulated\-\(in\-writing\); 22080大庭廣眾 > public\-place\-with\-numerous\-people; 22081百無一失 > no\-danger\-of\-anything\-going\-wrong; 22082人權觀察 > human\-rights\-watch\-\(organization\); 22083備而不用 > have\-something\-ready\-just\-in\-case; 22084節外生枝 > new\-problems\-complicate\-an\-issue; 22085鼻青臉腫 > a\-bloody\-nose\-and\-a\-swollen\-face; 22086企業管理 > business\-management\-\(as\-a\-study\); 22087不謀而合 > agree\-without\-prior\-consultation; 22088按兵不動 > not\-throw\-the\-troops\-into\-battle; 22089一中一臺 > \"one\-china\,\-one\-taiwan\"\-\(policy\); 22090中日韓越 > china\,\-japan\,\-korea\,\-and\-vietnam; 22091形影不離 > inseparable\-\(as\-form\-and\-shadow\); 22092商業版本 > commercial\-version\-\(of\-software\); 22093百讀不厭 > be\-worth\-reading\-a\-hundred\-times; 22094分波多工 > wavelength\-division\-multiplexing; 22095必由之路 > the\-road\-one\-must\-follow\-or\-take; 22096亨特泰羅 > hunter\-tylo\-\(hollywood\-actress\); 22097閉門造車 > make\-a\-cart\-behind\-closed\-doors; 22098悲喜交集 > mixed\-feelings\-of\-grief\-and\-joy; 22099不修邊幅 > not\-care\-about\-one''s\-appearance; 22100大快人心 > to\-the\-satisfaction\-of\-everyone; 22101鞭長莫及 > beyond\-the\-reach\-of\-one''s\-power; 22102不學無術 > have\-neither\-learning\-nor\-skill; 22103不寒而慄 > shiver\-all\-over\-though\-not\-cold; 22104層出不窮 > to\-come\-out\-one\-after\-the\-other; 22105安民告示 > a\-notice\-to\-reassure\-the\-public; 22106細菌武器 > biological\-weapon\-\(using\-germs\); 22107別開生面 > start\-something\-new\-or\-original; 22108如飢似渴 > thirsting\-or\-hungering\-for\-sth\.; 22109開國元勛 > founding\-fathers\-\(of\-a\-country\); 22110直接數據 > data\-direct\-\(in\-lan\-emulation\); 22111傳統醫藥 > \(chinese\)\-traditional\-medicine; 22112有史以來 > since\-the\-beginning\-of\-history; 22113包治百病 > guarantee\-to\-cure\-all\-diseases; 22114按需分配 > distribution\-according\-to\-need; 22115世貿組織 > wto\-\(world\-trade\-organization\); 22116沒有什麼 > there''s\-nothing\-\(\.\.\.\-about\-it\); 22117按勞分配 > distribution\-according\-to\-work; 22118阿拉木圖 > almaty\-\(capital\-of\-kazakhstan\); 22119七層架構 > seven\-layer\-architecture\-\(osi\); 22120應有盡有 > everything\-\(one\-could\-imagine\); 22121青山綠水 > verdant\-hills\-and\-green\-waters; 22122虹橋機場 > hongqiao\-airport\-\(in\-shanghai\); 22123統一招生 > national\-unified\-entrance\-exam; 22124東部時間 > \(u\.s\.\)\-eastern\-\(standard\)\-time; 22125時大時小 > sometimes\-big\,\-sometimes\-small; 22126不辭而別 > leave\-without\-saying\-good\-bye; 22127百聽不厭 > worth\-hearing\-a\-hundred\-times; 22128低階語言 > low\-level\-\(computer\)\-language; 22129不足為訓 > not\-to\-be\-taken\-as\-an\-example; 22130大吹大擂 > make\-an\-exhibition\-of\-oneself; 22131安之若素 > bear\-hardship\-with\-equanimity; 22132西哈努克 > \(king\)\-sihanouk\-\(of\-cambodia\); 22133殺人案件 > \(case\-of\,\-incident\-of\)\-murder; 22134背道而馳 > run\-in\-the\-opposite\-direction; 22135低級語言 > low\-level\-\(computer\)\-language; 22136不名一文 > without\-a\-penny\-to\-one''s\-name; 22137不無小補 > not\-be\-without\-some\-advantage; 22138加強管制 > to\-tighten\-control\-\(over\-sth\); 22139人民日報 > renmin\-ribao\-\(people''s\-daily\); 22140開始以前 > before\-the\-beginning\-\(of\-sth\); 22141不識大體 > fail\-to\-see\-the\-larger\-issues; 22142不打自招 > confess\-without\-being\-pressed; 22143一舉兩得 > kill\-two\-birds\-with\-one\-stone; 22144不速之客 > uninvited\-or\-unexpected\-guest; 22145不得要領 > fail\-to\-grasp\-the\-main\-points; 22146進行調查 > to\-carry\-out\-an\-investigation; 22147大街小巷 > large\-streets\-and\-small\-lanes; 22148各大軍區 > \"the\-greater\-military\-areas\"; 22149呼籲美國 > to\-call\-on\-the\-united\-states; 22150豐衣足食 > have\-ample\-food\-and\-clothing; 22151不知好歹 > not\-know\-what''s\-good\-for\-one; 22152網管接口 > network\-management\-interface; 22153根據上表 > according\-to\-the\-above\-table; 22154國防利益 > \(national\)\-defence\-interests; 22155本末倒置 > take\-the\-branch\-for\-the\-root; 22156抱頭痛哭 > cry\-on\-each\-other''s\-shoulder; 22157不一而足 > by\-no\-means\-an\-isolated\-case; 22158白紙黑字 > \(written\)\-in\-black\-and\-white; 22159不碎玻璃 > shatterproof\-or\-safety\-glass; 22160莫衷一是 > cannot\-decide\-which\-is\-right; 22161八國聯軍 > the\-eight\-power\-allied\-force; 22162多年以來 > for\-many\-years\-\(in\-the\-past\); 22163知識產權 > intellectual\-property\-rights; 22164誓死不降 > to\-vow\-to\-fight\-to\-the\-death; 22165沒有必要 > there\-is\-no\-need\-to\-\(do\-sth\); 22166中文廣播 > chinese\-\(language\)\-broadcast; 22167移殖手術 > \(organ\)\-transplant\-operation; 22168浪子回頭 > the\-return\-of\-a\-prodigal\-son; 22169不急之務 > a\-matter\-of\-no\-great\-urgency; 22170電磁干擾 > electromagnetic\-interference; 22171不易之論 > perfectly\-sound\-proposition; 22172各種各樣 > various\-sorts\-and\-varieties; 22173不違農時 > not\-miss\-the\-farming\-season; 22174亂作決定 > to\-make\-arbitrary\-decisions; 22175大器晚成 > grand\-talents\-mature\-slowly; 22176按步就班 > follow\-the\-prescribed\-order; 22177外交部長 > minister\-of\-foreign\-affairs; 22178舉世矚目 > attract\-worldwide\-attention; 22179獨斷專行 > act\-in\-an\-arbitrary\-fashion; 22180私人鑰匙 > private\-key\-\(in\-encryption\); 22181卻之不恭 > to\-refuse\-would\-be\-impolite; 22182馬太福音 > gospel\-according\-to\-matthew; 22183電話會議 > \(telephone\)\-conference\-call; 22184不落窠臼 > not\-follow\-the\-beaten\-track; 22185按照計劃 > according\-to\-\(the\)\-plan\-\.\.\.; 22186事情要做 > thing\-that\-needs\-to\-be\-done; 22187一路平安 > to\-have\-a\-pleasant\-journey; 22188紐約時報 > new\-york\-times\-\(newspaper\); 22189常問問題 > frequently\-asked\-questions; 22190百孔千瘡 > riddled\-with\-gaping\-wounds; 22191兵連禍結 > ravaged\-by\-successive\-wars; 22192長期以來 > ever\-since\-a\-long\-time\-ago; 22193安家落戶 > make\-one''s\-home\-in\-a\-place; 22194入木三分 > written\-in\-a\-forceful\-hand; 22195分時多工 > time\-division\-multiplexing; 22196根深蒂固 > deep\-rooted\-\(problem\,\-etc\); 22197星島日報 > sing\-tao\-daily\-\(newspaper\); 22198電信服務 > telecommunications\-service; 22199公開鑰匙 > public\-key\-\(in\-encryption\); 22200電信網路 > telecommunications\-network; 22201感染人數 > number\-of\-infected\-persons; 22202百步穿楊 > shoot\-with\-great\-precision; 22203出現意外 > \(to\-appear\)\-unexpected\(ly\); 22204一觸即發 > could\-happen\-at\-any\-moment; 22205纖芯直徑 > core\-diameter\-\(of\-a\-fiber\); 22206進行交易 > to\-carry\-out\-a\-transaction; 22207別出心裁 > adopt\-an\-original\-approach; 22208百發百中 > every\-shot\-hits\-the\-target; 22209不亢不卑 > neither\-haughty\-nor\-humble; 22210白壁無瑕 > impeccable\-moral\-integrity; 22211敗子回頭 > return\-of\-the\-prodigal\-son; 22212訪問美國 > to\-visit\-the\-united\-states; 22213不失時機 > seize\-the\-opportune\-moment; 22214導彈潛艇 > \(guided\)\-missile\-submarine; 22215安如泰山 > as\-secure\-as\-mount\-taishan; 22216不義之財 > ill\-gotten\-wealth\-or\-gains; 22217重要的是 > it\-is\-important\-\(that\)\-\.\.\.; 22218通信技術 > communications\-technology; 22219外匯儲備 > foreign\-exchange\-reserves; 22220勞動教養 > reeducation\-through\-labor; 22221不辭辛苦 > make\-nothing\-of\-hardships; 22222程式理員 > program\-manager\-\(windows\); 22223民主黨人 > a\-democratic\-party\-member; 22224三十年來 > for\-the\-past\-thirty\-years; 22225技術發展 > technological\-development; 22226高等學校 > colleges\-and\-universities; 22227康涅狄格 > connecticut\-\(state\-in\-us\); 22228單連接站 > single\-attachment\-station; 22229符合標準 > to\-comply\-with\-a\-standard; 22230示威遊行 > a\-\(protest\)\-demonstration; 22231大敵當前 > confront\-a\-powerful\-enemy; 22232研製過程 > manufacturing\-environment; 22233反唇相譏 > answer\-back\-sarcastically; 22234核轟炸機 > nuclear\-bomber\-\(aircraft\); 22235不得人心 > not\-enjoy\-popular\-support; 22236直言不諱 > speak\-frankly\-and\-bluntly; 22237景山公園 > name\-of\-a\-park\-in\-beijing; 22238面臨困難 > to\-be\-faced\-with\-problems; 22239不務正業 > not\-engage\-in\-honest\-work; 22240愛理不理 > look\-cold\-and\-indifferent; 22241改善通訊 > to\-improve\-communications; 22242總參謀長 > \(military\)\-chief\-of\-staff; 22243背信棄義 > break\-faith\-with\-somebody; 22244跨國公司 > transnational\-corporation; 22245共和黨人 > a\-republican\-party\-member; 22246馬可福音 > gospel\-according\-to\-mark; 22247每年一度 > once\-a\-year\-\(every\-year\); 22248域名註冊 > domain\-name\-registration; 22249兵貴神速 > speed\-is\-precious\-in\-war; 22250多邊合作 > multilateral\-cooperation; 22251投放市場 > to\-put\-sth\-on\-the\-market; 22252荒無人煙 > desolate\-and\-uninhabited; 22253約翰福音 > gospel\-according\-to\-john; 22254印歐語言 > indo\-european\-\(language\); 22255習以為常 > be\-accustomed\-or\-used\-to; 22256兵荒馬亂 > turmoil\-and\-chaos\-of\-war; 22257不動聲色 > maintain\-one''s\-composure; 22258浮點運算 > floating\-point\-operation; 22259內政部長 > minister\-of\-the\-interior; 22260鼻針療法 > nose\-acupuncture\-therapy; 22261虛擬環境 > theorhetical\-environment; 22262密切注意 > close\-attention\-\(to\-sth\); 22263不拘一格 > not\-stick\-to\-one\-pattern; 22264完全懂得 > to\-understand\-completely; 22265不平則鳴 > where\-there\-is\-injustice; 22266核不擴散 > nuclear\-nonproliferation; 22267擺脫危機 > to\-break\-out\-of\-a\-crisis; 22268富布賴特 > fullbright\-\(scholarship\); 22269撥亂反正 > bring\-order\-out\-of\-chaos; 22270安第斯山 > the\-andes\-mountain\-range; 22271百煉成鋼 > be\-tempered\-into\-a\-steel; 22272國務次卿 > under\-secretary\-of\-state; 22273半信半疑 > half\-believe\,\-half\-doubt; 22274拔火罐兒 > detachable\-stove\-chimney; 22275古希臘語 > ancient\-greek\-\(language\); 22276千絲萬縷 > linked\-in\-countless\-ways; 22277破土典禮 > ground\-breaking\-ceremony; 22278教學機構 > educational\-organization; 22279不遺余力 > spare\-no\-pains\-or\-effort; 22280表示敬意 > respectful\,\-show\-respect; 22281路加福音 > gospel\-according\-to\-luke; 22282通訊行業 > communications\-industry; 22283本位主義 > selfish\-departmentalism; 22284為所欲為 > do\-whatever\-one\-pleases; 22285人民法院 > people''s\-court\-\(of\-law\); 22286商業機構 > commercial\-organization; 22287不翼而飛 > disappear\-without\-trace; 22288畢恭畢敬 > reverent\-and\-respectful; 22289科研人員 > \(scientific\)\-researcher; 22290透露消息 > to\-disclose\-information; 22291中國時報 > china\-times\-\(newspaper\); 22292威廉斯堡 > williamsburg\-\(virginia\); 22293便宜行事 > act\-at\-one''s\-discretion; 22294商業管理 > business\-administration; 22295基礎速率 > basic\-rate\-\(as\-in\-isdn\); 22296手寫識別 > handwriting\-recognition; 22297手寫辯識 > handwriting\-recognition; 22298比比皆是 > can\-be\-found\-everywhere; 22299棄舊換新 > to\-turn\-over\-a\-new\-leaf; 22300不情之請 > my\-presumptuous\-request; 22301雙連接站 > dual\-attachment\-station; 22302補助組織 > auxiliary\-organizations; 22303回顧歷史 > to\-look\-back\-at\-history; 22304通訊協定 > communications\-protocol; 22305步履維艱 > have\-difficulty\-walking; 22306共同篩選 > collaborative\-filtering; 22307大驚小怪 > much\-fuss\-about\-nothing; 22308通信協定 > communications\-protocol; 22309公安官員 > public\-safety\-officials; 22310傳輸技術 > transmission\-technology; 22311冰天雪地 > a\-world\-of\-ice\-and\-snow; 22312政府機構 > government\-organization; 22313不可理喻 > be\-impervious\-to\-reason; 22314職業中學 > vocational\-high\-school; 22315自食其果 > reap\-what\-one\-has\-sown; 22316不露聲色 > not\-show\-one''s\-feeling; 22317大煞風景 > dampening\-one''s\-spirit; 22318羅曼語族 > romance\-language\-group; 22319孰能生巧 > practice\-makes\-perfect; 22320嗷嗷待哺 > cry\-piteously\-for\-food; 22321不痛不痒 > scratching\-the\-surface; 22322聯網環境 > networking\-environment; 22323解釋執行 > interpreted\-\(computer\); 22324不近人情 > not\-amenable\-to\-reason; 22325政治機構 > political\-organization; 22326另眼相看 > to\-view\-in\-a\-new\-light; 22327信息技術 > information\-technology; 22328安全考慮 > security\-consideration; 22329信息管理 > information\-management; 22330蹦蹦跳跳 > bouncing\-and\-vivacious; 22331通信密度 > communications\-density; 22332沒有差別 > there\-is\-no\-difference; 22333不言而喻 > it\-goes\-without\-saying; 22334步調一致 > to\-be\-united\-in\-action; 22335通訊通道 > communications\-channel; 22336採訪記者 > investigative\-reporter; 22337比較而言 > comparatively\-speaking; 22338離開故鄉 > to\-leave\-one''\-homeland; 22339通信網絡 > communications\-network; 22340數字通信 > digital\-communications; 22341共產黨員 > communist\-party\-member; 22342網路架構 > network\-infrastructure; 22343技術情報 > information\-technology; 22344美國之音 > voice\-of\-america\-radio; 22345標準組織 > standards\-organization; 22346獨攬市場 > to\-monopolize\-a\-market; 22347彬彬有禮 > refined\-and\-courteous; 22348完全兼容 > completely\-compatible; 22349觀測衛星 > observation\-satellite; 22350三萬七千 > thirty\-seven\-thousand; 22351大赦國際 > amnesty\-international; 22352情報官員 > intelligence\-official; 22353電磁噪聲 > electromagnetic\-noise; 22354長途網路 > long\-distance\-network; 22355比色分析 > colorimetric\-analysis; 22356庫爾德人 > kurdish\-person\|people; 22357微軟公司 > microsoft\-corporation; 22358不識抬舉 > fail\-to\-appreciate\-sb; 22359席卷亞洲 > to\-sweep\-through\-asia; 22360作業環境 > operating\-environment; 22361智慧產權 > intellectual\-property; 22362高級官員 > high\-ranking\-official; 22363半夜三更 > in\-the\-depth\-of\-night; 22364取消禁令 > to\-life\-a\-prohibition; 22365實際應用 > practical\-application; 22366生產能力 > manufacturing\-ability; 22367總統選舉 > presidential\-election; 22368不擇手段 > by\-fair\-means\-or\-foul; 22369國際標準 > interntional\-standard; 22370金陵大學 > university\-of\-nanking; 22371異質網路 > heterogeneous\-network; 22372白手起家 > build\-up\-from\-nothing; 22373葡萄牙語 > portuguese\-\(language\); 22374一臂之力 > \(lend\)\-a\-helping\-hand; 22375不倫不類 > neither\-fish\-nor\-fowl; 22376基本原理 > fundamental\-principle; 22377撫養成人 > to\-bring\-up\-\(a\-child\); 22378通信服務 > communication\-service; 22379國營企業 > nationalized\-industry; 22380二十八號 > 28th\-day\-of\-the\-month; 22381本固枝榮 > when\-the\-root\-is\-firm; 22382傳輸設備 > transmission\-facility; 22383不是味兒 > not\-the\-right\-flavour; 22384操作環境 > operating\-environment; 22385隨機時間 > random\-period\-of\-time; 22386傳輸距離 > transmission\-distance; 22387另起爐灶 > to\-start\-from\-scratch; 22388首腦會議 > leadership\-conference; 22389如出一轍 > be\-precisely\-the\-same; 22390矮杆品種 > short\-stalked\-variety; 22391運算環境 > operating\-environment; 22392絞盡腦汁 > to\-wrack\-one''s\-brains; 22393光磁碟機 > magneto\-optical\-drive; 22394國有企業 > nationalized\-business; 22395維吾爾人 > uighur\-person\|people; 22396開除學籍 > to\-expel\-from\-school; 22397首席代表 > chief\-representative; 22398物理結構 > physical\-composition; 22399國會議長 > speaker\-of\-the\-house; 22400應用平台 > application\-platform; 22401匈牙利語 > hungarian\-\(language\); 22402不信任案 > no\-confidence\-motion; 22403改善關係 > to\-improve\-relations; 22404停火協議 > cease\-fire\-agreement; 22405二十二號 > 22\-nd\-day\-of\-a\-month; 22406確有其事 > \(confirm\-to\-be\)\-true; 22407大型企業 > large\-scale\-industry; 22408使徒行傳 > acts\-of\-the\-apostles; 22409必不可少 > absolutely\-necessary; 22410不在話下 > be\-nothing\-difficult; 22411應用軟件 > application\-software; 22412交換技術 > switching\-technology; 22413程式語言 > programming\-language; 22414發表聲明 > to\-issue\-a\-statement; 22415電腦語言 > programming\-language; 22416電子工業 > electronics\-industry; 22417召開會議 > to\-call\-a\-conference; 22418商業應用 > business\-application; 22419每況愈下 > steadily\-deteriorate; 22420軍事機構 > military\-institution; 22421判處死刑 > to\-sentance\-to\-death; 22422貨幣貶值 > currency\-devaluation; 22423按照法律 > according\-to\-the\-law; 22424北回歸線 > the\-tropic\-of\-cancer; 22425電子元件 > electronic\-component; 22426經濟衰退 > \(economic\)\-recession; 22427光二極管 > light\-emitting\-diode; 22428不穩平衡 > unstable\-equilibrium; 22429信息資源 > information\-resource; 22430六十五歲 > sixty\-five\-years\-old; 22431智能大樓 > intelligent\-building; 22432少數民族 > minority\-nationality; 22433全面禁止 > complete\-prohibition; 22434騾馬大車 > mule\-and\-horse\-carts; 22435經濟發展 > economic\-development; 22436通訊系統 > communication\-system; 22437不二法門 > the\-one\-and\-only\-way; 22438無價珍珠 > pearl\-of\-great\-price; 22439未成年者 > minor\-\(not\-an\-adult\); 22440伊斯蘭堡 > islamabad\-\(pakistan\); 22441二十四號 > 24\-th\-day\-of\-a\-month; 22442大失所望 > greatly\-dissapointed; 22443企業集團 > industry\-association; 22444管理接口 > management\-interface; 22445應用軟體 > application\-software; 22446生產設備 > production\-equipment; 22447義務教育 > cumpulsory\-education; 22448傳輸控制 > transmission\-control; 22449不懷好意 > harbour\-evil\-designs; 22450診斷功能 > diagnostic\-function; 22451傳輸媒體 > transmission\-medium; 22452起死回生 > arise\-from\-the\-dead; 22453高階語言 > high\-level\-language; 22454美國人民 > the\-american\-people; 22455面嚮連接 > connection\-oriented; 22456專業人才 > expert\-\(in\-a\-field\); 22457無縫連接 > seamless\-connection; 22458傳輸媒質 > transmission\-medium; 22459層見迭出 > to\-occur\-frequently; 22460美國以外 > outside\-of\-the\-u\.s\.; 22461此時此刻 > at\-this\-very\-moment; 22462多黨選舉 > multiparty\-election; 22463光纖衰減 > optical\-attenuation; 22464不勞而獲 > reap\-without\-sowing; 22465技術標準 > technology\-standard; 22466開發過程 > development\-process; 22467通信負載 > communications\-load; 22468常規武器 > conventional\-weapon; 22469統計結果 > statistical\-results; 22470司空見慣 > a\-common\-occurrence; 22471二十七號 > 27th\-day\-of\-a\-month; 22472視而不見 > turn\-a\-blind\-eye\-to; 22473電子文件 > electronic\-document; 22474結構助詞 > structural\-particle; 22475字斟句酌 > weighing\-every\-word; 22476政治關係 > political\-relations; 22477相互兼容 > mutually\-compatible; 22478尋事生非 > to\-look\-for\-trouble; 22479小寫字母 > lowercase\-\(letters\); 22480管理功能 > management\-function; 22481高級語言 > high\-level\-language; 22482分佈控制 > distributed\-control; 22483網絡應用 > network\-application; 22484機械翻譯 > machine\-translation; 22485軟件技術 > software\-technology; 22486奶油菜花 > creamed\-cauliflower; 22487光發送器 > optical\-transmitter; 22488網絡環境 > network\-environment; 22489愛人如己 > love\-others\-as\-self; 22490阿拉巴馬 > alabama\-\(u\.s\.state\); 22491終點地址 > destination\-address; 22492網路應用 > network\-application; 22493目標地址 > destination\-address; 22494二十六號 > 26th\-day\-of\-a\-month; 22495中國當局 > chinese\-authorities; 22496合情合理 > reasonable\-and\-fair; 22497百依百順 > docile\-and\-obedient; 22498半自耕農 > semi\-tenant\-peasant; 22499網路環境 > network\-environment; 22500反彈導彈 > antimissile\-missile; 22501生產設施 > production\-facility; 22502葡萄牙人 > portuguese\-\(person\); 22503不絕如縷 > hanging\-by\-a\-thread; 22504技術知識 > technical\-knowledge; 22505美國軍人 > american\-serviceman; 22506國際貿易 > international\-trade; 22507人造語言 > artificial\-language; 22508不敗之地 > invincible\-position; 22509自身利益 > one''s\-own\-interests; 22510競爭產品 > competitive\-product; 22511非核國家 > non\-nuclear\-country; 22512氣候狀況 > climatic\-conditions; 22513環形結構 > ring\-configuration; 22514西班牙語 > spanish\-\(language\); 22515一般來說 > generally\-speaking; 22516首腦會晤 > leadership\-meeting; 22517重要問題 > an\-important\-issue; 22518領先地位 > lead\(ing\)\-position; 22519信息系統 > information\-system; 22520種族清洗 > \"ethnic\-cleansing\"; 22521乒乓球檯 > table\-tennis\-table; 22522非常嚴厲 > to\-punish\-severely; 22523內部結構 > internal\-strucutre; 22524數據通信 > data\-communication; 22525非常感謝 > extremely\-grateful; 22526克隆技術 > cloning\-technology; 22527電子網絡 > electronic\-network; 22528白麵書生 > pale\-faced\-scholar; 22529財務軟件 > financial\-software; 22530西班牙文 > spanish\-\(language\); 22531古典語言 > classical\-language; 22532兩個中國 > two\-china\-\(policy\); 22533外來投資 > foreign\-investment; 22534土耳其語 > turkish\-\(language\); 22535不正之風 > unhealthy\-tendency; 22536集成電路 > integrated\-circuit; 22537閉關政策 > closed\-door\-policy; 22538網絡技術 > network\-technology; 22539中國政府 > chinese\-government; 22540令牌環網 > token\-ring\-network; 22541大明鼎鼎 > a\-grand\-reputation; 22542貿易組織 > trade\-organization; 22543遍地開花 > blossom\-everywhere; 22544網絡管理 > network\-management; 22545高速網絡 > high\-speed\-network; 22546書面許可 > written\-permission; 22547聯合公報 > joint\-announcement; 22548研究機構 > research\-institute; 22549佛蘭芒語 > flemish\-\(language\); 22550國會議員 > member\-of\-congress; 22551最近幾年 > the\-last\-few\-years; 22552精簡開支 > to\-reduce\-spending; 22553不置可否 > decline\-to\-comment; 22554三角腹帶 > athletic\-supporter; 22555衛生設備 > sanitary\-equipment; 22556造成問題 > to\-create\-an\-issue; 22557總的來說 > generally\-speaking; 22558色情小說 > pornographic\-novel; 22559貴妃醉酒 > the\-drunken\-beauty; 22560電子信箱 > electronic\-mailbox; 22561新加坡人 > singaporean\-person; 22562驚濤駭浪 > perilous\-situation; 22563大力發展 > vigorous\-expansion; 22564服務規章 > service\-regulation; 22565竭盡全力 > to\-spare\-no\-effort; 22566不折不扣 > a\-hundred\-per\-cent; 22567科研樣機 > research\-prototype; 22568區域網路 > local\-area\-network; 22569發送功率 > transmission\-power; 22570政府警告 > government\-warning; 22571核能技術 > nuclear\-technology; 22572意大利語 > italian\-\(language\); 22573北京大學 > beijing\-university; 22574區域網絡 > local\-area\-network; 22575網絡科技 > network\-technology; 22576聯邦政府 > federal\-government; 22577電腦業者 > software\-developer; 22578進行編程 > executable\-program; 22579虛擬連接 > virtual\-connection; 22580客戶應用 > client\-application; 22581不隨意肌 > involuntary\-muscle; 22582採取措施 > to\-adopt\-a\-measure; 22583哈佛大學 > harvard\-university; 22584網管系統 > network\-management; 22585暗線光譜 > dark\-line\-spectrum; 22586電視節目 > television\-program; 22587中國人民 > the\-chinese\-people; 22588簡短介紹 > brief\-introduction; 22589海灣戰爭 > \(persian\)\-gulf\-war; 22590地球大氣 > earth''s\-atmosphere; 22591簡要介紹 > brief\-introduction; 22592服務質量 > quality\-of\-service; 22593不攻自破 > collapse\-of\-itself; 22594文化傳統 > cultural\-tradition; 22595網絡遷移 > network\-migration; 22596電腦軟件 > computer\-software; 22597資料傳輸 > data\-transmission; 22598國防部長 > defence\-secretary; 22599巨大壓力 > enormous\-pressure; 22600數據傳輸 > data\-transmission; 22601政治氣候 > political\-climate; 22602廣域網路 > wide\-area\-network; 22603教友大會 > church\-conference; 22604軍事力量 > military\-strength; 22605電話服務 > telephone\-service; 22606阿拉伯語 > arabic\-\(language\); 22607支柱產業 > mainstay\-industry; 22608多站地址 > multicast\-address; 22609經濟安全 > economic\-security; 22610外交風波 > diplomatic\-crisis; 22611電話網路 > telephone\-network; 22612反過來說 > on\-the\-other\-hand; 22613歐洲語言 > european\-language; 22614網絡設備 > network\-equipment; 22615日益增加 > to\-increase\-daily; 22616經濟力量 > economic\-strength; 22617變本加厲 > become\-aggravated; 22618光纖接口 > optical\-interface; 22619商業行為 > business\-activity; 22620軍費開支 > military\-spending; 22621軟件平臺 > software\-platform; 22622按圖索驥 > try\-to\-locate\-sth; 22623希伯來語 > hebrew\-\(language\); 22624開發週期 > development\-cycle; 22625阿拉伯文 > arabic\-\(language\); 22626戰略夥伴 > strategic\-partner; 22627靜脈吸毒 > intraveneous\-drug; 22628無期徒刑 > life\-imprisonment; 22629百分之百 > a\-hundred\-percent; 22630萊溫斯基 > \(monica\)\-lewinsky; 22631傳輸服務 > transport\-service; 22632綜合布線 > integrated\-wiring; 22633傳輸通道 > transport\-channel; 22634政府部門 > government\-branch; 22635新聞週刊 > newsweek\-magazine; 22636直接競爭 > direct\-competitor; 22637醫療經驗 > medical\-expertise; 22638廣播地址 > broadcast\-address; 22639生物武器 > biological\-weapon; 22640暗無天日 > complete\-darkness; 22641高級研究 > advanced\-research; 22642自主系統 > autonomous\-system; 22643白金漢宮 > buckingham\-palace; 22644運行狀況 > operational\-state; 22645困難在於 > the\-problem\-is\.\.\.; 22646日耳曼語 > germanic\-language; 22647傳輸協定 > transfer\-protocol; 22648大刀闊斧 > bold\-and\-decisive; 22649特別待遇 > special\-treatment; 22650專用網路 > dedicated\-network; 22651敘利亞文 > syriac\-\(language\); 22652傳輸速率 > transmission\-rate; 22653不歡而散 > part\-on\-bad\-terms; 22654中華民國 > republic\-of\-china; 22655並駕齊驅 > run\-neck\-and\-neck; 22656難以應付 > hard\-to\-deal\-with; 22657硬件平臺 > hardware\-platform; 22658官方語言 > official\-language; 22659北京近郊 > suburb\-of\-beijing; 22660一般原則 > general\-principle; 22661射頻干擾 > radio\-interferece; 22662四面八方 > in\-all\-directions; 22663國家安全 > national\-security; 22664海洋溫度 > ocean\-temperature; 22665網際協定 > internet\-protocol; 22666外交關係 > foreign\-relations; 22667巴克夏豬 > berkshire\-\(swine\); 22668不治之症 > incurable\-disease; 22669業界標準 > industry\-standard; 22670陸基導彈 > land\-based\-missle; 22671西番雅書 > book\-of\-zephaniah; 22672專家評論 > expert\-commentary; 22673嚇得發抖 > tremble\-with\-fear; 22674四門轎車 > sedan\-\(motor\-car\); 22675愛不釋手 > fondle\-admiringly; 22676從頭到腳 > from\-head\-to\-foot; 22677軍事實力 > military\-strength; 22678廣播網路 > broadcast\-network; 22679笨口拙舌 > awkward\-in\-speech; 22680巴斯克語 > basque\-\(language\); 22681華北平原 > north\-china\-plain; 22682救恩計劃 > plan\-of\-salvation; 22683航空母艦 > aircraft\-carrier; 22684中國大陸 > chinese\-mainland; 22685影像會議 > video\-conference; 22686悲歡離合 > joys\-and\-sorrows; 22687百里挑一 > one\-in\-a\-hundred; 22688語法術語 > grammatical\-term; 22689更高性能 > high\-performance; 22690軍事科學 > military\-science; 22691器官移殖 > organ\-transplant; 22692影像處理 > image\-processing; 22693人事部門 > personnel\-office; 22694潛在威脅 > potential\-threat; 22695統計數據 > statistical\-data; 22696特定含義 > specific\-meaning; 22697金融系統 > financial\-system; 22698導致死亡 > to\-lead\-to\-death; 22699板上釘釘 > that\-clinches\-it; 22700電腦企業 > computer\-company; 22701唉聲嘆氣 > heave\-deep\-sighs; 22702不好意思 > feel\-embarrassed; 22703正常工作 > normal\-operation; 22704傳真發送 > fax\-transmission; 22705操作系統 > operating\-system; 22706傳輸媒界 > transport\-method; 22707移動電話 > mobile\-telephone; 22708網絡直徑 > network\-diameter; 22709成群結隊 > in\-large\-numbers; 22710無所不賣 > to\-sell\-anything; 22711通用電器 > general\-electric; 22712朝鮮半島 > korean\-peninsula; 22713有關人士 > persons\-involved; 22714耶利米書 > book\-of\-jeremiah; 22715金融市場 > financial\-market; 22716兩岸對話 > bilaterial\-talks; 22717不經之談 > absurd\-statement; 22718路由協定 > routing\-protocol; 22719網路平台 > network\-platform; 22720光檢測器 > optical\-detector; 22721電腦網路 > computer\-network; 22722波爾多液 > bordeaux\-mixture; 22723發達國家 > developed\-nation; 22724已經進行 > already\-underway; 22725傳送服務 > delivery\-service; 22726讀者來信 > reader''s\-letters; 22727哈巴谷書 > book\-of\-habakkuk; 22728白壁微瑕 > a\-slight\-blemish; 22729十幾個月 > ten\-months\-or\-so; 22730不加思索 > without\-thinking; 22731單模光纖 > singlemode\-fiber; 22732最大能力 > maximum\-capacity; 22733有線電視 > cable\-television; 22734不變資本 > constant\-capital; 22735電話信號 > telephone\-signal; 22736威爾士語 > welsh\-\(language\); 22737男子籃球 > men''s\-basketball; 22738聯邦大樓 > federal\-building; 22739普通問題 > common\-questions; 22740輸送媒介 > transport\-medium; 22741防衛武器 > defensive\-weapon; 22742作業系統 > operating\-system; 22743體育之窗 > window\-on\-sports; 22744書寫語言 > written\-language; 22745共享帶寬 > shared\-bandwidth; 22746文化障礙 > cultural\-barrier; 22747直接影響 > direct\-influence; 22748與此同時 > at\-the\-same\-time; 22749主要來源 > principle\-source; 22750人民公社 > people''s\-commune; 22751下面請看 > please\-see\-below; 22752金融風波 > financial\-crisis; 22753網絡協議 > network\-protocol; 22754白衣戰士 > warrior\-in\-white; 22755安如磐石 > as\-solid\-as\-rock; 22756故障排除 > fault\-resolution; 22757金融改革 > financial\-reform; 22758行動電話 > mobile\-telephone; 22759雌性接口 > female\-connector; 22760心臟移殖 > heart\-transplant; 22761遙控操作 > remote\-operation; 22762簡單的說 > to\-put\-it\-simply; 22763光接收器 > optical\-receiver; 22764機械語言 > machine\-language; 22765胡志明市 > ho\-chi\-minh\-city; 22766不知所云 > not\-know\-what\-sb; 22767電腦公司 > computer\-company; 22768聯席會議 > joint\-conference; 22769交換網路 > switched\-network; 22770骨幹網路 > backbone\-network; 22771軟件企業 > software\-company; 22772力量均衡 > balance\-of\-power; 22773施洗約翰 > john\-the\-baptist; 22774尼希米記 > book\-of\-nehemiah; 22775報紙報導 > newspaper\-report; 22776金融危機 > financial\-crisis; 22777離開北京 > to\-leave\-beijing; 22778幾乎完全 > almost\-entirely; 22779信息時代 > information\-age; 22780產品經理 > product\-manager; 22781軍事威脅 > military\-threat; 22782網路服務 > network\-service; 22783研究中心 > research\-center; 22784崇拜儀式 > worship\-service; 22785方興未艾 > to\-be\-unfolding; 22786雙邊貿易 > bilateral\-trade; 22787軍事部門 > military\-branch; 22788除此之外 > apart\-from\-this; 22789太陽公司 > sun\-corporation; 22790外國資本 > foreign\-capital; 22791豐富多彩 > richly\-colorful; 22792不白之冤 > unrighted\-wrong; 22793戒備森嚴 > heavily\-guarded; 22794半途而廢 > give\-up\-halfway; 22795批量生產 > to\-mass\-produce; 22796操作速率 > operating\-speed; 22797聯合發表 > joint\-statement; 22798不完全葉 > incomplete\-leaf; 22799核反應堆 > nuclear\-reactor; 22800經濟改革 > economic\-reform; 22801半壁江山 > half\-of\-country; 22802古典音樂 > classical\-music; 22803不可多得 > hard\-to\-come\-by; 22804重新開始 > resume\,\-restart; 22805電子郵件 > electronic\-mail; 22806經濟前途 > economic\-future; 22807工讀學校 > the\-reformatory; 22808嚴重關切 > serious\-concern; 22809經濟危機 > economic\-crisis; 22810動態助詞 > aspect\-particle; 22811暴跳如雷 > stamp\-with\-fury; 22812以西結書 > book\-of\-ezekiel; 22813化學武器 > chemical\-weapon; 22814登記用戶 > registered\-user; 22815嚴重問題 > serious\-problem; 22816當務之急 > urgent\-priority; 22817軟件系統 > software\-system; 22818購物中心 > shopping\-center; 22819壁壘森嚴 > closely\-guarded; 22820瑪拉基書 > book\-of\-malachi; 22821貿易夥伴 > trading\-partner; 22822月份會議 > monthly\-meeting; 22823研究報告 > research\-report; 22824先進武器 > advanced\-weapon; 22825大發雷霆 > extremely\-angry; 22826美國政府 > u\.s\.\-government; 22827塞爾特語 > celtic\-language; 22828措辭強硬 > strongly\-worded; 22829公司會議 > company\-meeting; 22830改變形像 > transfiguration; 22831百兒八十 > about\-a\-hundred; 22832多模光纖 > multimode\-fiber; 22833軟件市場 > software\-market; 22834校園骨幹 > campus\-backbone; 22835沒有聯繫 > to\-be\-unrelated; 22836世界最大 > world''s\-largest; 22837尖銳批評 > sharp\-criticism; 22838電腦系統 > computer\-system; 22839貨幣危機 > monetary\-crisis; 22840暗送秋波 > make\-eyes\-at\-sb; 22841數位網路 > digital\-network; 22842全力以赴 > do\-at\-all\-costs; 22843虛擬網絡 > virtual\-network; 22844光明日報 > guangming\-daily; 22845歷史久遠 > ancient\-history; 22846斯拉夫語 > slavic\-language; 22847外國公司 > foreign\-company; 22848商業中心 > business\-center; 22849不相上下 > equally\-matched; 22850機密文件 > secret\-document; 22851具體計劃 > a\-concrete\-plan; 22852文書處理 > word\-processing; 22853預防措施 > protective\-step; 22854公然表示 > to\-state\-openly; 22855負債纍纍 > heavily\-in\-debt; 22856經濟體制 > economic\-system; 22857不過爾爾 > merely\-mediocre; 22858流感病毒 > influenza\-virus; 22859衛生官員 > health\-official; 22860具體問題 > concrete\-issue; 22861國防預算 > defence\-budget; 22862裁減軍備 > arms\-reduction; 22863出口商品 > export\-product; 22864改革進程 > reform\-process; 22865薄胎瓷器 > eggshell\-china; 22866擺蕩吊環 > swinging\-rings; 22867全球氣候 > global\-climate; 22868對外政策 > foreign\-policy; 22869進行通信 > to\-communicate; 22870不咎既往 > not\-censure\-sb; 22871校園網絡 > campus\-network; 22872數位信號 > digital\-signal; 22873生長激素 > growth\-hormone; 22874指揮中心 > command\-center; 22875電話線路 > telephone\-line; 22876語氣助詞 > modal\-particle; 22877約書亞記 > book\-of\-joshua; 22878經濟有效 > cost\-effective; 22879堅決否認 > to\-firmly\-deny; 22880書寫符號 > writing\-symbol; 22881不知死活 > act\-recklessly; 22882波羅的海 > the\-baltic\-sea; 22883桌面系統 > desktop\-system; 22884東南亞國 > southeast\-asia; 22885小型企業 > small\-business; 22886資料介面 > data\-interface; 22887不怎麼樣 > not\-up\-to\-much; 22888非常重要 > very\-important; 22889醫學專家 > medical\-expert; 22890先進水平 > advanced\-level; 22891數據接口 > data\-interface; 22892連鎖反應 > chain\-reaction; 22893特別感謝 > special\-thanks; 22894人壽保險 > life\-insurance; 22895數據介面 > data\-interface; 22896但以理書 > book\-of\-daniel; 22897迫不得已 > have\-no\-choice; 22898評價分類 > rank\,\-classify; 22899從事研究 > to\-do\-research; 22900以賽亞書 > book\-of\-isaiah; 22901半數以上 > more\-than\-half; 22902檔案屬性 > file\-attribute; 22903從來沒有 > have\|has\-never; 22904以斯帖記 > book\-of\-esther; 22905最佳利益 > best\-interests; 22906惡性循環 > vicious\-circle; 22907不省人事 > be\-unconscious; 22908百無聊賴 > bored\-to\-death; 22909醫學中心 > medical\-center; 22910白色人種 > the\-white\-race; 22911綜合報導 > summary\-report; 22912大同小異 > almost\-similar; 22913卑躬屈節 > bow\-and\-scrape; 22914恭賀新禧 > happy\-new\-year; 22915前生召喚 > foreordination; 22916網際電話 > internet\-phone; 22917蘋果電腦 > apple\-computer; 22918不脛而走 > get\-round\-fast; 22919三輪車伕 > pedicab\-driver; 22920飽經風霜 > weather\-beaten; 22921全心全意 > heart\-and\-soul; 22922泰米爾語 > tamil\-language; 22923不期而遇 > meet\-by\-chance; 22924近乎同步 > plesiochronous; 22925哥本哈根 > copenhagen\-\?\?\?; 22926百米賽跑 > 100\-metre\-dash; 22927調查報告 > memoir\,\-report; 22928數字信號 > digital\-signal; 22929世界經濟 > global\-economy; 22930通用汽車 > general\-motors; 22931北京週報 > beijing\-review; 22932源點地址 > source\-address; 22933這次危機 > present\-crisis; 22934出口產品 > export\-product; 22935多工運作 > multithreading; 22936二氧化碳 > carbon\-dioxide; 22937網絡設計 > network\-design; 22938五年計劃 > five\-year\-plan; 22939市場經濟 > market\-economy; 22940檔案執行 > file\-execution; 22941互動電視 > interactive\-tv; 22942公眾意見 > public\-opinion; 22943歐洲聯盟 > european\-union; 22944檔案轉送 > file\-transfer; 22945排山倒海 > earth\-shaking; 22946經營費用 > business\-cost; 22947直截了當 > plain\-talking; 22948冷戰以後 > post\-cold\-war; 22949勢在必行 > be\-imperative; 22950舊約全書 > old\-testament; 22951幾個小時 > several\-hours; 22952不可缺少 > indispensable; 22953視窗基準 > windows\-based; 22954電郵位置 > email\-address; 22955研究領域 > research\-area; 22956進接服務 > access\-server; 22957二次大戰 > world\-war\-two; 22958基本概念 > basic\-concept; 22959貿易順差 > trade\-surplus; 22960武器系統 > weapon\-system; 22961家用電腦 > home\-computer; 22962大公無私 > just\-and\-fair; 22963新約全書 > new\-testament; 22964亞洲國家 > asian\-country; 22965暴風驟雨 > violent\-storm; 22966捉取圖像 > capture\-image; 22967拜金主義 > money\-worship; 22968永久和平 > lasting\-peace; 22969哈薩克人 > kazakh\-person; 22970巡航導彈 > cruise\-missle; 22971暴力犯罪 > violent\-crime; 22972何西阿書 > book\-of\-hosea; 22973不成文法 > unwritten\-law; 22974亞太國家 > asian\-country; 22975目標市場 > target\-market; 22976最高法院 > supreme\-court; 22977最後更新 > latest\-update; 22978杏仁豆腐 > almond\-junket; 22979這種方式 > \(in\)\-this\-way; 22980保護主義 > protectionism; 22981月球表面 > lunar\-surface; 22982地方停車 > parking\-place; 22983知名人士 > public\-figure; 22984美國國會 > u\.s\.\-congress; 22985不幸的是 > unfortunately; 22986光纖電纜 > optical\-fiber; 22987社交語言 > lingua\-franca; 22988越來越多 > more\-and\-more; 22989百科全書 > encyclopaedia; 22990功率惡化 > power\-penalty; 22991不可抗力 > force\-majeure; 22992中國銀行 > bank\-of\-china; 22993響應時間 > response\-time; 22994傳輸模式 > transfer\-mode; 22995不知不覺 > unconsciously; 22996前所未有 > unprecedented; 22997訪問方式 > access\-method; 22998檔案建立 > file\-creation; 22999出生日期 > date\-of\-birth; 23000不可思議 > inconceivable; 23001格子花呢 > plaid\,\-tartan; 23002雙生兄弟 > twin\-brothers; 23003最大速率 > maximum\-speed; 23004現實情況 > current\-state; 23005包羅萬象 > all\-embracing; 23006視頻節目 > video\-program; 23007羅馬字母 > roman\-letters; 23008不可名狀 > indescribable; 23009其他的人 > other\-people; 23010媒體報導 > media\-report; 23011和平條約 > peace\-treaty; 23012股票市場 > stock\-market; 23013大驚失色 > apprehensive; 23014高層旅館 > luxury\-hotel; 23015靈的世界 > spirit\-world; 23016出乎預料 > unexpectedly; 23017地方主義 > \"local\-\-ism\"; 23018激光唱片 > compact\-disk; 23019中央銀行 > central\-bank; 23020斯密約瑟 > joseph\-smith; 23021目前世界 > modern\-world; 23022民意調查 > opinion\-poll; 23023現代音樂 > modern\-music; 23024製造業者 > manufacturer; 23025心理學家 > psychologist; 23026不能抵抗 > irresistible; 23027過境簽証 > transit\-visa; 23028耶穌基督 > jesus\-christ; 23029記者報導 > press\-report; 23030多工作業 > multitaksing; 23031不大離兒 > pretty\-close; 23032本來面目 > true\-colours; 23033網路節點 > network\-node; 23034不可收拾 > irremediable; 23035國家機密 > state\-secret; 23036調查人員 > investigator; 23037武裝部隊 > armed\-forces; 23038生產企業 > manufacturer; 23039名錄服務 > name\-service; 23040語音信號 > voice\-signal; 23041令人驚異 > surprisingly; 23042基礎設施 > base\-station; 23043生命跡象 > sign\-of\-life; 23044知識分子 > intellectual; 23045阿摩司書 > book\-of\-amos; 23046用戶定義 > user\-defined; 23047成吉思汗 > genghis\-khan; 23048主幹網路 > core\-network; 23049民意測驗 > opinion\-poll; 23050歷代志下 > 2\-chronicles; 23051歷代志上 > 1\-chronicles; 23052指令名字 > command\-name; 23053一小部分 > a\-small\-part; 23054主幹網絡 > core\-network; 23055揮霍無度 > extravagance; 23056登陸月球 > moon\-landing; 23057軍事援助 > military\-aid; 23058本本主義 > book\-worship; 23059五角大樓 > the\-pentagon; 23060摩西律法 > law\-of\-moses; 23061迅速蔓延 > rapid\-spread; 23062以斯拉記 > book\-of\-ezra; 23063不知所措 > be\-at\-a\-loss; 23064形形色色 > all\-kinds\-of; 23065檔案服務 > file\-servoce; 23066降落地點 > landing\-site; 23067三十五億 > 3\-\.5\-billion; 23068二十六歲 > 26\-years\-old; 23069數據網絡 > data\-network; 23070龐然大物 > huge\-monster; 23071世界知名 > world\-famous; 23072知識份子 > intellectual; 23073快速發展 > rapid\-growth; 23074多種語言 > multilingual; 23075安全問題 > safety\-issue; 23076沉重打擊 > to\-hit\-hard; 23077自然而然 > involuntary; 23078不贊一詞 > keep\-silent; 23079人體器官 > human\-organ; 23080民族主義 > nationalism; 23081精子密度 > sperm\-count; 23082遷居移民 > immigration; 23083野生動物 > wild\-animal; 23084聖誕老人 > santa\-claus; 23085浪漫主義 > romanticism; 23086不可知論 > agnosticism; 23087不切實際 > unrealistic; 23088典型用途 > typical\-use; 23089富於想像 > imaginative; 23090國事訪問 > state\-visit; 23091半半拉拉 > incompleted; 23092不可分離 > inseparable; 23093無產階級 > proletariat; 23094失去意識 > unconscious; 23095百萬富翁 > millionaire; 23096貴族社會 > aristocracy; 23097波多黎各 > puerto\-rico; 23098立法機關 > legislature; 23099主要原因 > main\-reason; 23100有生以來 > since\-birth; 23101貝加爾湖 > lake\-baikal; 23102和平會談 > peace\-talks; 23103不變價格 > fixed\-price; 23104女繼承人 > inheritress; 23105假設語氣 > subjunctive; 23106地心吸力 > gravitation; 23107運貨馬車 > cargo\-wagon; 23108第三世界 > third\-world; 23109無關緊要 > indifferent; 23110大便乾燥 > constipated; 23111不偏不倚 > even\-handed; 23112分散注意 > to\-distract; 23113不毛之地 > barren\-land; 23114超級市場 > supermarket; 23115必要條件 > requirement; 23116分期付款 > installment; 23117舉例來說 > for\-example; 23118世界貿易 > world\-trade; 23119莎士比亞 > shakespeare; 23120四分之一 > one\-quarter; 23121訊框傳送 > frame\-relay; 23122畫插圖者 > illustrator; 23123越南戰爭 > vietnam\-war; 23124無所不在 > omnipresent; 23125不出所料 > as\-expected; 23126世界和平 > world\-piece; 23127不同凡響 > outstanding; 23128應用程式 > application; 23129轉來轉去 > rove\-around; 23130針鋒相對 > tit\-for\-tat; 23131閉會祈禱 > benediction; 23132不可估量 > inestimable; 23133開放系統 > open\-system; 23134有限公司 > corporation; 23135空間探測 > space\-probe; 23136基礎問題 > basic\-issue; 23137邁阿密灘 > miami\-beach; 23138身心爽快 > refreshment; 23139祭司權術 > priestcraft; 23140恰如其份 > appropriate; 23141在這期間 > during\-time; 23142無法忍受 > intolerable; 23143反動分子 > reactionary; 23144使用方便 > easy\-to\-use; 23145無法形容 > unspeakable; 23146有同情心 > sympathetic; 23147進行性交 > to\-have\-sex; 23148喜歡吵架 > quarrelsome; 23149模糊邏輯 > fuzzy\-logic; 23150就﹍而言 > considering; 23151有選舉權 > constituent; 23152測驗結果 > test\-result; 23153管家職務 > stewardship; 23154狗交媾般 > doggy\-style; 23155專有名詞 > proper\-noun; 23156朋比為奸 > to\-conspire; 23157搬弄是非 > sow\-discord; 23158冰染染料 > azoic\-dyes; 23159四個小時 > four\-hours; 23160天文學家 > astronomer; 23161眼花繚亂 > be\-dazzled; 23162魯佛爾宮 > the\-louvre; 23163不堪忍受 > unbearable; 23164娛樂中心 > recreation; 23165自由貿易 > free\-trade; 23166三分之二 > two\-thirds; 23167總統任期 > presidency; 23168不可逾越 > impassable; 23169教堂墓地 > churchyard; 23170行政長官 > magistrate; 23171貴族論者 > aristocrat; 23172新聞記者 > journalist; 23173鞭闢入裡 > penetrated; 23174他們自己 > themselves; 23175阿塞拜疆 > azerbaijan; 23176邏輯炸彈 > logic\-bomb; 23177圖解說明 > illustrate; 23178不屈不撓 > unyielding; 23179大腦死亡 > brain\-dead; 23180胡思亂想 > imaginings; 23181一切事物 > everything; 23182歌羅西書 > colossians; 23183不由自主 > can''t\-help; 23184曼徹斯特 > manchester; 23185伽馬射線 > gamma\-rays; 23186極為龐大 > monumental; 23187有利可圖 > profitable; 23188無所不能 > omnipotent; 23189分離主義 > separatism; 23190世界銀行 > world\-bank; 23191無所不知 > omniscient; 23192開會祈禱 > invocation; 23193領導能力 > leadership; 23194意見不合 > dissension; 23195孟加拉國 > bangladesh; 23196引人注意 > attractive; 23197忘恩負義 > ungrateful; 23198相同名字 > like\-named; 23199使人信服 > convincing; 23200取而代之 > substitute; 23201電子空間 > cyberspace; 23202微不足道 > negligible; 23203達賴喇嘛 > dalai\-lama; 23204不揣冒昧 > venture\-to; 23205省略符號 > apostrophe; 23206不對碴兒 > not\-proper; 23207意想不到 > unexpected; 23208冰上運動 > ice\-sports; 23209美乃滋醬 > mayonnaise; 23210陸軍中尉 > lieutenant; 23211彪形大漢 > burly\-chap; 23212萬事達卡 > mastercard; 23213過渡時期 > transition; 23214新聞媒體 > news\-media; 23215堅定不移 > unswerving; 23216此時以前 > heretofore; 23217朝鮮戰爭 > korean\-war; 23218難以置信 > incredible; 23219共和政體 > republican; 23220外交手腕 > diplomatic; 23221畢業典禮 > graduation; 23222腓立比書 > philipians; 23223騎士風格 > knighthood; 23224化妝舞會 > masquerade; 23225女服物員 > stewardess; 23226沒有知覺 > insensible; 23227斑駮陸離 > variegated; 23228氣勢洶洶 > aggressive; 23229七十年代 > the\-1970''s; 23230從今以後 > henceforth; 23231視窗新技 > windows\-nt; 23232縮小模型 > miniature; 23233以弗所書 > ephesians; 23234沒有形狀 > shapeless; 23235用戶數據 > user\-data; 23236開發人員 > developer; 23237地質學家 > geologist; 23238生物學家 > biologist; 23239不可磨滅 > indelible; 23240不亦樂乎 > extremely; 23241按照字面 > literally; 23242三分之一 > one\-third; 23243不可救藥 > incurable; 23244耶路撒冷 > jerusalem; 23245褻瀆的話 > blasphemy; 23246國內戰爭 > civil\-war; 23247危地馬拉 > guatamala; 23248加密後的 > encrypted; 23249有攻擊性 > offensive; 23250惡名昭彰 > notorious; 23251經濟學家 > economist; 23252阿空加瓜 > aconcagua; 23253加拉太書 > galatians; 23254網際色情 > cyberporn; 23255花粉過敏 > hay\-fever; 23256為時過早 > premature; 23257聯合組織 > syndicate; 23258有創造力 > ingenious; 23259人物描寫 > portrayal; 23260令人欽佩 > admirable; 23261阿奇里斯 > aeschylus; 23262孟加拉語 > bengalese; 23263機械裝置 > machinery; 23264斑翅山鶉 > partridge; 23265不可勝數 > countless; 23266總會會長 > president; 23267毫無疑問 > certainty; 23268澳大利亞 > australia; 23269大寫鎖定 > caps\-lock; 23270半工半讀 > part\-work; 23271我們自己 > ourselves; 23272羅徹斯特 > rochester; 23273管弦樂團 > orchestra; 23274白日做夢 > day\-dream; 23275任何其他 > any\-other; 23276巴勒斯坦 > palestine; 23277在﹍旁邊 > alongside; 23278先見之明 > foresight; 23279隨之而後 > from\-that; 23280上個星期 > last\-week; 23281民主政治 > democracy; 23282主管人員 > executive; 23283財務秘書 > treasurer; 23284生育能力 > fertility; 23285共享軟體 > shareware; 23286不受歡迎 > unwelcome; 23287凹凸印刷 > embossing; 23288撒都該人 > sadducees; 23289共產主義 > communism; 23290不以為然 > object\-to; 23291社會主義 > socialism; 23292蜜月假期 > honeymoon; 23293同班同學 > classmate; 23294具有主權 > sovereign; 23295自動樓梯 > escalator; 23296緊急事件 > emergency; 23297退黑激素 > melatonin; 23298不計其數 > countless; 23299基督教徒 > christian; 23300凹凸軋花 > embossing; 23301不然的話 > otherwise; 23302亞格門農 > agamemnon; 23303不逞之徒 > desperado; 23304置之度外 > disregard; 23305憤憤不平 > indignant; 23306下個星期 > next\-week; 23307歷史學家 > historian; 23308堅忍不拔 > fortitude; 23309全場一致 > unanimous; 23310羅切斯特 > rochester; 23311表意文字 > ideograph; 23312通貨膨脹 > inflation; 23313變換設備 > converter; 23314經濟學者 > economist; 23315丙種射線 > gamma\-ray; 23316意氣相投 > congenial; 23317獲暴利者 > profiteer; 23318斯洛伐克 > slovakia; 23319油炸圈餅 > doughnut; 23320因﹍之故 > inasmuch; 23321雍容大度 > generous; 23322好好兒地 > properly; 23323騎士氣概 > chivalry; 23324艾德蕾德 > adelaide; 23325免費軟件 > freeware; 23326以太網絡 > ethernet; 23327桃花心木 > mahogany; 23328標準規格 > standard; 23329無論何時 > whenever; 23330幾乎沒有 > scarcely; 23331牧師之職 > ministry; 23332六十四萬 > 64\-0\-000; 23333蒙托羅拉 > motorola; 23334人工流產 > abortion; 23335喇叭水仙 > daffodil; 23336國際網絡 > internet; 23337無論何事 > anything; 23338精力充沛 > vigorous; 23339哥倫布紀 > columbus; 23340左輪手槍 > revolver; 23341哥倫比亞 > colombia; 23342君主政治 > monarchy; 23343人口稠密 > populous; 23344引人注目 > striking; 23345阿奇歷斯 > achilles; 23346奧德修斯 > odysseus; 23347坦桑尼亞 > tanzania; 23348不顧一切 > reckless; 23349勢如破竹 > sweeping; 23350農家庭院 > farmyard; 23351家庭作業 > homework; 23352即將來臨 > imminent; 23353音樂光碟 > music\-cd; 23354五彩賓紛 > colorful; 23355漢密爾頓 > hamilton; 23356語言學家 > linguist; 23357龍頭老大 > big\-boss; 23358腓利門書 > philemon; 23359電腦網絡 > internet; 23360摩托羅拉 > motorola; 23361巴基斯坦 > pakistan; 23362巴巴多斯 > barbados; 23363競選活動 > campaign; 23364終端用戶 > end\-user; 23365墨水瓶架 > inkstand; 23366網際網路 > internet; 23367無人駕駛 > unmanned; 23368法利賽人 > pharisee; 23369科羅拉多 > colorado; 23370匪徒集團 > gangster; 23371射頻噪音 > rf\-noise; 23372人道主義 > humanism; 23373一心一意 > intently; 23374網際網絡 > internet; 23375精神錯亂 > insanity; 23376嘉年華會 > carnival; 23377博茨瓦納 > botswana; 23378壟斷販賣 > monopoly; 23379保加利亞 > bulgaria; 23380貴族身份 > lordship; 23381肌肉發達 > muscular; 23382流感疫苗 > flu\-shot; 23383工作過度 > overwork; 23384乙太網路 > ethernet; 23385骨頭架子 > skeleton; 23386愛因斯坦 > einstein; 23387無論何處 > anywhere; 23388公開指責 > denounce; 23389歡迎光臨 > welcome; 23390安提瓜島 > antigua; 23391喪心病狂 > lunatic; 23392格子棉布 > gingham; 23393萬有引力 > gravity; 23394消防隊員 > fireman; 23395扳不倒兒 > tumbler; 23396爬蟲動物 > reptile; 23397退伍軍人 > veteran; 23398外科醫生 > surgeon; 23399在﹍之間 > between; 23400十億位元 > gigabit; 23401身體障害 > cripple; 23402阿摩尼亞 > ammonia; 23403蠕動前進 > wriggle; 23404派給工作 > to\-task; 23405薔薇花蕾 > rosebud; 23406無論何人 > whoever; 23407斯瓦希裡 > swahili; 23408航空郵件 > airmail; 23409亞特蘭大 > atlanta; 23410進退兩難 > dilemma; 23411不稂不莠 > useless; 23412分析人士 > analyst; 23413最低限度 > minimum; 23414克什米爾 > kashmir; 23415活動房屋 > trailer; 23416什一奉獻 > tithing; 23417墨西哥人 > mexican; 23418加榮耀於 > glorify; 23419不干不淨 > unclean; 23420三位一體 > trinity; 23421女用內衣 > chemise; 23422公益事業 > utility; 23423日常工作 > routine; 23424男性親屬 > kinsman; 23425貨物運輸 > freight; 23426牙科醫生 > dentist; 23427郡治安官 > sheriff; 23428亞伯拉罕 > abraham; 23429克羅地亞 > croatia; 23430全神灌注 > rapture; 23431專科院校 > academy; 23432高速公路 > highway; 23433給與資格 > qualify; 23434印地安那 > indiana; 23435不得而知 > unknown; 23436航空公司 > airline; 23437有耐久力 > durable; 23438太陽黑子 > sunspot; 23439希伯來書 > hebrews; 23440奧林匹克 > olympic; 23441亞利桑那 > arizona; 23442蓋世太保 > gestapo; 23443喋喋不休 > chatter; 23444愛屋及烏 > love\-me; 23445經濟制度 > economy; 23446以馬內利 > emanuel; 23447規劃人員 > planner; 23448慈善機構 > charity; 23449男性尊稱 > esquire; 23450不三不四 > dubious; 23451列王紀下 > 2\-kings; 23452列王紀上 > 1\-kings; 23453陸軍上校 > colonel; 23454虛構小說 > fiction; 23455外科手術 > surgery; 23456各色各樣 > diverse; 23457佛羅裡達 > florida; 23458公爵夫人 > duchess; 23459有好奇心 > curious; 23460彼得後書 > 2\-peter; 23461玻利維亞 > bolivia; 23462小型櫃櫥 > cabinet; 23463印像深刻 > impress; 23464指導教授 > adviser; 23465不知何故 > somehow; 23466阿司匹林 > aspirin; 23467金光閃爍 > spangle; 23468互聯網絡 > network; 23469奴隸制度 > slavery; 23470恢復原狀 > restore; 23471馬來西亞 > malasia; 23472山胡桃木 > hickory; 23473彼得前書 > 1\-peter; 23474就寢時間 > bedtime; 23475四輪馬車 > chariot; 23476亞拉巴馬 > alabama; 23477彈道導彈 > missile; 23478有精神病 > insane; 23479哺乳動物 > mammal; 23480伊尼伊德 > aeneid; 23481塞爾維亞 > serbia; 23482使﹍豐富 > enrich; 23483伊尼亞斯 > aeneas; 23484驅逐出境 > deport; 23485八分音符 > quaver; 23486天竺牡丹 > dahlia; 23487離奇有趣 > quaint; 23488發嘎嘎聲 > rattle; 23489超過限度 > exceed; 23490不可告人 > hidden; 23491力足以做 > afford; 23492在﹍期間 > during; 23493種族主義 > racism; 23494徒步旅行 > hiking; 23495旅行裝備 > outfit; 23496地下鐵路 > subway; 23497威士忌酒 > whisky; 23498連字符號 > hyphen; 23499廢除軍備 > disarm; 23500顛倒過來 > invert; 23501七月一號 > july\-1; 23502點頭招呼 > beckon; 23503伯仲叔季 > eldest; 23504鼻口部分 > muzzle; 23505尖聲啼哭 > squeal; 23506命運註定 > ordain; 23507人頭獅身 > sphinx; 23508不幸之事 > mishap; 23509在﹍之旁 > beside; 23510約翰二書 > 2\-john; 23511轟轟烈烈 > strong; 23512十四行詩 > sonnet; 23513二者之一 > either; 23514約翰三書 > 3\-john; 23515約翰一書 > 1\-john; 23516美洲兀鷹 > condor; 23517五分美金 > nickel; 23518除了之外 > except; 23519製陶工人 > potter; 23520人口調查 > census; 23521無論如何 > anyhow; 23522出埃及記 > exodus; 23523有藥癮者 > addict; 23524釣魚用具 > tackle; 23525比較喜歡 > prefer; 23526阿多尼斯 > adonis; 23527逃之夭夭 > escape; 23528紫羅蘭色 > violet; 23529傭人領班 > butler; 23530不戰不和 > no\-war; 23531蘇格蘭帽 > bonnet; 23532減低速度 > retard; 23533阿拉斯加 > alaska; 23534使具體化 > embody; 23535酒精飲料 > liquor; 23536跑堂兒的 > waiter; 23537使﹍能夠 > enable; 23538生氣勃勃 > lively; 23539無法無天 > outlaw; 23540波斯尼亞 > bosnia; 23541虛張聲勢 > bluff; 23542未成年人 > minor; 23543麵包師傅 > baker; 23544感化餅乾 > wafer; 23545非常害怕 > dread; 23546一線微光 > gleam; 23547五花八門 > myrid; 23548斜紋軟呢 > tweed; 23549德克薩斯 > texas; 23550滿身塵埃 > dusty; 23551調味肉汁 > gravy; 23552標準尺寸 > gauge; 23553在﹍之下 > below; 23554在﹍之上 > above; 23555蟲鳥叫聲 > chirp; 23556動態影像 > video; 23557三千五百 > 3\-500; 23558示威運動 > rally; 23559載貨汽車 > lorry; 23560布帛菽粟 > cloth; 23561神經過敏 > jumpy; 23562伊斯蘭教 > islam; 23563愁眉苦臉 > frown; 23564吉普賽人 > gypsy; 23565愛克斯光 > x\-ray; 23566家庭教師 > tutor; 23567露齒而笑 > grin; 23568從容不迫 > calm; 23569一角銀幣 > dime; 23570飲食療養 > diet; 23571目瞪口呆 > stun; 23572擺龍門陣 > chat; 23573到﹍之上 > onto; 23574全體人員 > crew; 23575遠程監控 > rmon; 23576在﹍之中 > amid; 23577小起重機 > jack; 23578輕而易舉 > easy; 23579金屬薄片 > foil; 23580頭腦清楚 > sane; 23581在水步行 > wade; 23582出租汽車 > taxi; 23583高爾夫球 > golf; 23584電話鈴聲 > buzz; 23585液晶顯示 > lcd; 23586烏合之眾 > mob; 23587索具裝置 > rig; 23588公共汽車 > bus; 23589莫名其妙 > odd; 23590圓形木材 > log; 23591不分勝負 > tie; 23592衣服縫邊 > hem; 23593圓形麵包 > bun; 23594杜松子酒 > gin; 23595在﹍之內 > in; 23596直通車 > \"through\-train\"\-\(refers\-to\-the\-idea\-of\-retaining\-previous\-legislature\-after\-transition\-to\-chinese\-rule\-in\-hong\-kong\-or\-macau\); 23597小臟鬼 > dirty\-little\-monster\-\(spoken\-affectionately\-to\-a\-child\-who\-has\-gotten\-him\(her\)self\-dirty\;\-literally\-\"little\-dirty\-ghost\"\); 23598綺色佳 > ithaca\,\-ny\-\(but\-pronounced\-yi3\-se4\-jia1\,\-following\-a\-mistake\-made\-by\-hu2\-shi4\-胡適\); 23599雷峰塔 > leifeng\-pagoda\,\-by\-west\-lake\-until\-it\-was\-destroyed\-\(also\-from\-madam\-white\-snake\); 23600牡丹卡 > peony\-card\-\(credit\-card\-issued\-by\-industrial\-and\-commercial\-bank\-of\-china\); 23601三岔口 > at\-the\-crossroads\,\-the\-name\-of\-a\-famous\-opera\,\-story\-from\-shui\-hu\-zhuan; 23602李自成 > name\-of\-a\-person\,\-li\-zi\-cheng\,\-leader\-of\-ming\-dynasty\-peasant\-rebellion; 23603江八點 > \"jiang\-zemin''s\-eight\-point\-formula\"\-\(for\-resuming\-a\-dialog\-with\-taiwan\); 23604鄧亮洪 > tang\-liang\-hong\-\(opposition\-candidate\-in\-jan\-1996\-singapore\-elections\); 23605吃大戶 > mass\-seizure\-of\-food\-from\-landlords\-during\-famines\-before\-liberation; 23606李時珍 > li\-shi\-zhen\-\(1518\-1593\,\-famous\-doctor\,\-author\-of\-ben3\-cao3\-gang1\-mu4; 23607禽流感 > \"bird\-flu\"\-\(flu\-carried\-by\-birds\-\-\-found\-in\-hong\-kong\-in\-late\-1997\); 23608蒙代爾 > \(walter\)\-mondale\-\(us\-ambassador\-to\-japan\,\-former\-us\-vice\-president\); 23609陳納德 > \(claire\)\-chennault\,\-commander\-of\-flying\-tigers\-during\-world\-war\-ii; 23610維爾容 > \(johannes\-lodewikus\)\-viljoen\-\(south\-african\-ambassador\-to\-taiwan\); 23611葛洲壩 > name\-of\-a\-place\,\-gezhouba\-dam\-on\-the\-changjiang\-river\,\-in\-sichuan; 23612鼻韻母 > \(of\-chinese\-pronunciation\)\-a\-vowel\-followed\-by\-a\-nasal\-consonant; 23613金永南 > kim\-yong\-nam\-\(north\-korean\-deputy\-premier\-and\-foreign\-minister\); 23614斗批改 > struggle\-criticism\-transformation\-\(cultural\-revolution\-slogan\); 23615端午節 > the\-dragon\-boat\-festival\-\(the\-5th\-day\-of\-the\-5th\-lunar\-month\); 23616白茫茫 > \(of\-mist\,\-snow\,\-floodwater\,\-etc\)\-a\-vast\-expanse\-of\-whiteness; 23617斯佩羅 > \(joan\)\-spero\-\(under\-secretary\-of\-state\-for\-economic\-affairs\); 23618太極拳 > a\-kind\-of\-traditional\-chinese\-shadowboxing\-\(tai\-chi\-chuan\); 23619會不會 > \(posing\-a\-question\:\-whether\-someone\,\-something\)\-can\-or\-not; 23620抱佛腳 > clasp\-budda''s\-feet\-\-\-profess\-devotion\-only\-when\-in\-trouble; 23621蛋花湯 > clear\-soup\-containing\-beaten\-egg\-and\-green\-leafy\-vegetable; 23622金山寺 > jinshan\-temple\,\-where\-fahai\-lives\-\(from\-madam\-white\-snake\); 23623並蒂蓮 > twin\-lotus\-flowers\-on\-one\-stalk\-\-\-a\-devoted\-married\-couple; 23624飛虎隊 > flying\-tigers\-\(us\-airmen\-in\-china\-during\-world\-war\-two\); 23625暗花兒 > a\-veiled\-design\-incised\-in\-porcelain\-or\-woven\-in\-fabric; 23626拔罐子 > cupping\-technique\-used\-in\-traditional\-chinese\-medicine; 23627元宵節 > the\-lantern\-festival\,\-january\-15\-on\-the\-lunar\-calendar; 23628個體戶 > a\-small\-private\-business\-\(used\-in\-mainland\-china\-only\); 23629景德鎮 > jing\-de\-zhen\-\(a\-chinese\-city\-in\-jiang\-xi\-江西\-province\); 23630長城卡 > great\-wall\-card\-\(credit\-card\-issued\-by\-bank\-of\-china\); 23631哈貝爾 > \(webster\)\-hubbell\-\(former\-associate\-attorney\-general\); 23632萬壽山 > name\-of\-a\-place\,\-longevity\-hill\,\-in\-summer\-palace\-頤和園; 23633拉那烈 > \(prince\)\-ranariddh\-\(son\-of\-king\-sihanouk\-of\-cambodia\); 23634包干制 > a\-system\-of\-payment\-partly\-in\-kind\-and\-partly\-in\-cash; 23635顏真卿 > name\-of\-a\-person\,\-yan\-zhenqing\,\-a\-famous\-calligrapher; 23636白素貞 > \(name\-of\-a\-person\)\-bai\-suzhen\,\-from\-madam\-white\-snake; 23637白冰冰 > pai\-ping\-ping\-\(well\-known\-taiwan\-performing\-artist\); 23638伯恩斯 > \(nicholas\)\-burns\-\(us\-state\-department\-spokesperson\); 23639尼赫魯 > \(jawaharlal\)\-nehru\-\(first\-prime\-minister\-of\-india\); 23640撥浪鼓 > a\-drum\-shaped\-rattle\-\(used\-by\-pedlars\-or\-as\-a\-toy\); 23641北大荒 > the\-great\-northern\-wilderness\-\(in\-northern\-china\); 23642十五大 > 1\-5th\-party\-congress\-\(of\-chinese\-communist\-party\); 23643李光耀 > lee\-kuan\-yew\-\(former\-prime\-minister\-of\-singapore\); 23644跑江湖 > to\-make\-a\-living\-as\-a\-travelling\-performer\,\-etc\.; 23645交易額 > sum\-or\-volume\-or\-amount\-of\-business\-transactions; 23646林豐正 > lin\-feng\-cheng\-\(taiwan\-minister\-of\-the\-interior\); 23647董建華 > tung\-chee\-hwa\-\(hong\-kong\-leader\-after\-july\-1997\); 23648南京路 > nanjing\-st\.\,\-large\-commercial\-street\-in\-shanghai; 23649八仙桌 > old\-fashioned\-square\-table\-to\-seat\-eight\-people; 23650塞拉凡 > \(sonny\)\-seraphin\-\(haitian\-ambassador\-to\-taiwan\); 23651金大中 > kim\-dae\-jung\-\(newly\-elected\-president\-of\-korea\); 23652范斯坦 > \(dianne\)\-feinstein\-\(us\-senator\-from\-california\); 23653液態水 > liquid\-water\-\(as\-opposed\-to\-steam\-or\-ice\,\-e\.g\.\); 23654解放軍 > people''s\-liberation\-army\-\(ie\,\-the\-chinese\-army\); 23655趙紫陽 > zhao\-ziyang\-\(former\-chinese\-leadership\-figure\); 23656互通性 > interoperability\-\(of\-communications\-equipment\); 23657全斗煥 > chun\-doo\-hwan\-\(former\-south\-korean\-president\); 23658探路者 > pathfinder\-\(space\-craft\-sent\-to\-mars\-by\-nasa\); 23659崔亞琳 > charles\-yah\-lin\-trie\-\(arkansas\-restauranteur\); 23660專案組 > special\-\(legal\|judicial\)\-investigations\-group; 23661長沙灣 > cheung\-sha\-wan\-\(poultry\-market\-in\-hong\-kong\); 23662正常化 > normalization\-\(of\-diplomatic\-relations\,\-etc\); 23663謝裡夫 > \(nawaz\)\-sharif\-\(prime\-minister\-of\-pakistan\); 23664吳作棟 > goh\-chok\-tong\-\(prime\-minister\-of\-singapore\); 23665工人黨 > workers''\-party\-\(singapore\-opposition\-party\); 23666斯佩林 > spelling\-\(eg\,\-spelling\-entertainment\-group\); 23667盧泰愚 > roh\-tae\-woo\-\(former\-south\-korean\-president\); 23668齊白石 > name\-of\-a\-famous\-chinese\-artist\,\-qi\-bai\-shi; 23669商務部 > commerce\-department\-\(of\-the\-us\-government\); 23670老伴兒 > \(of\-an\-old\-married\-couple\)\-husband\-or\-wife; 23671梆子腔 > a\-general\-term\-for\-local\-operas\-in\-shangxi; 23672梅蘭芳 > name\-of\-a\-very\-famous\-beijing\-opera\-artist; 23673行政院 > executive\-yuan\-\(government\-body\-in\-taiwan\); 23674杰佛茲 > \(james\)\-jeffords\-\(us\-senator\-from\-vermont\); 23675羅布泊 > lop\-nor\-\(nuclear\-testing\-site\-in\-xinjiang\); 23676民進黨 > dpp\-\(democratic\-progressive\-party\,\-taiwan\); 23677白花蛇 > long\-nosed\-pit\-viper\-\(agkistrodon\-acutus\); 23678眾議員 > member\-of\-the\-us\-house\-of\-representatives; 23679邁科裡 > \(mike\)\-mccurry\-\(white\-house\-spokesperson\); 23680報告會 > public\-lecture\-\(with\-guest\-speakers\,\-etc\); 23681利伯曼 > \(connecticut\-senator\-joseph\-i\.\)\-lieberman; 23682麥科裡 > \(mike\)\-mccurry\-\(white\-house\-spokesperson\); 23683神女峰 > name\-of\-a\-peak\-by\-changjiang\-three\-gorges; 23684白曉燕 > pai\-hsiao\-yen\-\(daughter\-of\-pai\-ping\-ping\); 23685金日成 > kim\-il\-sung\-\(former\-north\-korean\-leader\); 23686太極劍 > a\-kind\-of\-traditional\-chinese\-sword\-play; 23687司法部 > justice\-deparment\-\(of\-the\-us\-government\); 23688庫納南 > \(andrew\)\-cunanan\-\(alleged\-serial\-killer\); 23689黃建南 > john\-huang\-\(democratic\-party\-fundraiser\); 23690黃岩島 > huangyan\-island\-\(in\-the\-south\-china\-sea\); 23691機關報 > official\-\(government\-operated\)\-newspaper; 23692入學率 > percentage\-of\-children\-who\-enter\-school; 23693茅臺酒 > maotai\-or\-maitai\-\(chinese\-strong\-drink\); 23694王羲之 > name\-of\-a\-person\,\-a\-famous\-calligrapher; 23695邊角科 > leftover\-bits\-and\-pieces\-\(of\-industrial; 23696阿昌族 > the\-achang\-nationality\-living\-in\-yunnan; 23697佩洛西 > \(nancy\)\-pelosi\-\(member\-of\-us\-congress\); 23698吐魯番 > the\-turfan\-basin\,\-in\-xinjiang\-province; 23699半脫產 > partly\-released\-from\-productive\-labour; 23700總書記 > general\-secretary\-\(of\-communist\-party\); 23701沈國放 > chinese\-foreign\-ministry\-spokesperson; 23702穆桂英 > mu\-gui\-ying\-\(name\-of\-a\-woman\-warrior\); 23703孫女兒 > granddaughter\-\(daughter\-of\-one''s\-son\); 23704尚慕杰 > james\-sasser\-\(us\-ambassador\-to\-china\); 23705塞爾南 > \(eugene\)\-cernan\-\(apollo\-17\-astronaut\); 23706年畫兒 > new\-year\-\(or\-spring\-festival\)\-picture; 23707鐵飯碗 > \"iron\-rice\-bowl\"\-\-\-\-secure\-employment; 23708胡志明 > ho\-chi\-minh\-\(vietnamese\-leader\,\-city\); 23709徐悲鴻 > name\-of\-a\-famous\-painter\,\-xu\-beihong; 23710花木蘭 > hua\-mu\-lan\-\(name\-of\-a\-woman\-warrior\); 23711打不過 > not\-to\-be\-able\-to\-beat\-or\-defeat\-sb\.; 23712發了言 > \(\"past\-tense\"\-of\-\:發言\)\-spoke\-publicly; 23713不自量 > not\-take\-a\-proper\-measure\-of\-oneself; 23714抄後路 > to\-outflank\-and\-attack\-from\-the\-rear; 23715編年體 > annalistic\-style\-\(in\-historiography\); 23716家鄉雞 > ''home\-town\-chicken''\-\(a\-type\-of\-dish\); 23717章孝嚴 > john\-chang\-\(taiwan\-foreign\-minister\); 23718來不及 > there''s\-not\-enough\-time\-\(to\-do\-sth\.\); 23719死不了 > portulaca\-sundial\-\(a\-type\-of\-plant\); 23720迎春花 > winter\-jasmine\,\-jasminum\-nudiflorum; 23721主人翁 > master\-\(of\-one''s\-own\-destiny\,\-etc\.\); 23722哈密瓜 > hami\-melon\-\(a\-variety\-of\-muskmelon\); 23723貿易額 > volume\-of\-trade\-\(between\-countries\); 23724總動員 > general\-mobilization\-\(for\-war\,\-etc\); 23725崩龍族 > the\-benglong\-\(penglung\)\-nationality; 23726霸王鞭 > a\-rattle\-stick\-used\-in\-folk\-dancing; 23727白殭蠶 > the\-larva\-of\-silkworm\-with\-batrytis; 23728不失為 > can\-still\-be\-considered\-\(to\-be\.\.\.\); 23729最惠國 > most\-favored\-nation\-\(trade\-status\); 23730基金會 > a\-foundation\-\(ie\,\-an\-organization\); 23731打錯了 > \"you\-have\-dialed\-the\-wrong\-number\"; 23732病包兒 > a\-person\-who\-is\-always\-falling\-ill; 23733拉莫斯 > \(philippine\-president\-fidel\)\-ramos; 23734胡志強 > jason\-hu\-\(taiwan\-foreign\-minister\); 23735幫倒忙 > be\-more\-of\-a\-hindrance\-than\-a\-help; 23736俱樂部 > club\-\(ie\,\-a\-group\-or\-organization\); 23737勞動節 > international\-labor\-day\-\(may\-day\); 23738抱粗腿 > latch\-on\-to\-the\-rich\-and\-powerful; 23739金正日 > kim\-jong\-il\-\(north\-korean\-leader\); 23740不摸頭 > not\-acquainted\-with\-the\-situation; 23741魏京生 > wei\-jingsheng\-\(chinese\-dissident\); 23742吃不上 > be\-unable\-to\-get\-something\-to\-eat; 23743檢察官 > the\-prosecution\-\(in\-a\-court\-case\); 23744垃圾車 > garbage\-truck\-\(or\-other\-vehicle\); 23745布法羅 > buffalo\-\(city\-in\-new\-york\-state\); 23746八會穴 > the\-eight\-strategic\-nerve\-points; 23747開普敦 > cape\-town\-\(city\-in\-south\-africa\); 23748見不得 > may\-not\-be\-seen\-by\-or\-exposed\-to; 23749創辦人 > founder\-\(of\-an\-institution\,\-etc\); 23750逼供信 > obtain\-confessions\-by\-compulsion; 23751負責人 > person\-in\-charge\-\(of\-something\); 23752十三經 > the\-thirteen\-confucian\-classics; 23753病蟲害 > plant\-diseases\-and\-insect\-pests; 23754吃不服 > not\-be\-accustomed\-to\-eating\-sth; 23755馬尼拉 > manila\-\(capital\-of\-philippines\); 23756應該說 > it\-should\-be\-mentioned\-that\-\.\.\.; 23757不得不 > have\-no\-choice\-or\-option\-but\-to; 23758北伐軍 > the\-northern\-expeditionary\-army; 23759可移植 > portable\-\(programming\-language\); 23760經濟學 > economics\-\(as\-a\-field\-of\-study\); 23761愛面子 > be\-concerned\-about\-face\-saving; 23762墨爾缽 > melbourne\-\(an\-australian\-city\); 23763索杰納 > sojourner\-\(martian\-land\-rover\); 23764談得來 > able\-to\-talk\-to\-or\-get\-on\-with; 23765班主任 > a\-teacher\-in\-charge\-of\-a\-class; 23766導航員 > navigator\-\(on\-a\-plane\-or\-boat\); 23767眾議院 > house\-of\-representatives\-\(usa\); 23768當事人 > persons\-involved\-or\-implicated; 23769紅綠燈 > \(red\-and\-green\)\-traffic\-light; 23770重複節 > repeated\-segment\-\(networking\); 23771兵工廠 > munitions\-or\-ordnance\-factory; 23772半身像 > half\-length\-photo\-or\-portrait; 23773發電量 > \(generated\)\-electrical\-energy; 23774保安族 > the\-baoan\-\(paoan\)\-nationality; 23775江澤民 > jiang\-zemin\-\(chinese\-premier\); 23776年夜飯 > new\-year''s\-eve\-family\-dinner; 23777李登輝 > lee\-teng\-hui\-\(taiwan\-leader\); 23778大自然 > nature\-\(as\-in\-mother\-nature\); 23779立方米 > cubic\-meter\-\(unit\-of\-volume\); 23780吃不消 > be\-unable\-to\-stand\-\(exertion; 23781投票站 > polling\-station\-\(for\-a\-vote\); 23782得票率 > percentage\-of\-votes\-obtained; 23783吃不住 > be\-unable\-to\-bear\-or\-support; 23784自治區 > autonomous\-region\-\(in\-china\); 23785張純如 > \(american\-author\)\-iris\-chang; 23786班務會 > a\-routine\-meeting\-of\-a\-squad; 23787新德裡 > new\-delhi\-\(capital\-of\-india\); 23788反對黨 > opposition\-\(political\)\-party; 23789說明書 > synopsis\-\(of\-a\-play\-or\-film\); 23790叛亂罪 > the\-crime\-of\-armed\-rebellion; 23791差得多 > fall\-short\-by\-a\-large\-amount; 23792台灣話 > taiwanese\-chinese\-\(language\); 23793葉利欽 > \(russian\-president\)\-yeltsin; 23794黃浦江 > huangpu\-river\-\(in\-shanghai\); 23795背包袱 > have\-a\-weight\-on\-one''s\-mind; 23796報戶口 > apply\-for\-a\-resident\-permit; 23797國際級 > \(at\-an\)\-international\-level; 23798吃不來 > not\-be\-fond\-of\-certain\-food; 23799據報導 > according\-to\-\(news\)\-reports; 23800病毒學 > virology\-\(study\-of\-viruses\); 23801而不需 > without\-needing\-\(to\-so\-sth\); 23802交換機 > switch\-\(telecommunications\); 23803大陸話 > mainland\-chinese\-\(language\); 23804交換器 > \(telecom\-or\-network\)\-switch; 23805通訊社 > a\-news\-service\-\(eg\,\-xinhua\); 23806愛好者 > lover\-\(of\-art\,\-sports\,\-etc\); 23807公安部 > ministry\-of\-public\-security; 23808抱不平 > be\-outraged\-by\-an\-injustice; 23809男子漢 > man\-\(i\.e\.\-manly\,\-masculine\); 23810巴兒狗 > pekingese\-\(a\-breed\-of\-dog\); 23811存車處 > parking\-lot\-\(for\-bicycles\); 23812鼻牛兒 > hardened\-mucus\-in\-nostrils; 23813桃花運 > luck\-with\-the\-opposite\-sex; 23814弗塞奇 > versace\-\(fashion\-designer\); 23815普通話 > mandarin\-\(common\-language\); 23816幾年來 > for\-the\-past\-several\-years; 23817頤和園 > summer\-palace\-\(in\-beijing\); 23818馬來人 > malaysian\-person\-or\-people; 23819底特律 > detroit\-\(a\-city\-in\-the\-us\); 23820情況下 > under\-\(this\)\-circumstances; 23821溫哥華 > vancouver\-\(city\-in\-canada\); 23822白頭翁 > root\-of\-chinese\-pulsatilla; 23823中文版 > chinese\-\(language\)\-version; 23824高中生 > senior\-high\-school\-student; 23825板羽球 > battledore\-and\-shuttlecock; 23826參兩院 > both\-houses\-of\-us\-congress; 23827癟螺痧 > cholera\-\(with\-dehydration\); 23828透通性 > transparency\-\(networking\); 23829營業額 > sum\-or\-volume\-of\-business; 23830矮個兒 > a\-person\-of\-short\-stature; 23831核大國 > a\-nuclear\-power\-\(country\); 23832希臘語 > \(modern\)\-greek\-\(language\); 23833時間內 > within\-\(a\-period\-of\-time\); 23834下工夫 > to\-put\-in\-time\-and\-energy; 23835日本人 > japanese\-person\-or\-people; 23836無限期 > unlimited\-\(time\)\-duration; 23837帕蘭卡 > palanka\-\(a\-personal\-name\); 23838人民幣 > chinese\-unit\-of\-currency; 23839流氓罪 > the\-crime\-of\-hooliganism; 23840錄音機 > \(tape\)\-recording\-machine; 23841代之以 > \(has\-been\)\-replaced\-with; 23842變戲法 > perform\-conjuring\-tricks; 23843發行額 > \(periodical\)\-circulation; 23844十三日 > thirtieth\-day\-of\-a\-month; 23845下半身 > lower\-half\-of\-one''s\-body; 23846印歐語 > indo\-european\-\(language\); 23847內政部 > ministry\-of\-the\-interior; 23848印歐文 > indo\-european\-\(language\); 23849無黨派 > politically\-unaffiliated; 23850變電站 > \(transformer\)\-substation; 23851木乃伊 > mummy\-\(preserved\-corpse\); 23852外交部 > foreign\-affairs\-ministry; 23853遲浩田 > chinese\-defense\-minister; 23854北溫帶 > the\-north\-temperate\-zone; 23855打電話 > to\-make\-a\-telephone\-call; 23856止痛法 > method\-of\-relieving\-pain; 23857北半球 > the\-northern\-hemisphere; 23858雙絞線 > unshielded\-twisted\-pait; 23859包承制 > responsible\-crew\-system; 23860播放機 > player\-\(e\.g\.\-cd\-player\); 23861據統計 > according\-to\-statistics; 23862留學生 > student\-studying\-abroad; 23863多年來 > for\-the\-past\-many\-years; 23864中秋節 > the\-mid\-autumn\-festival; 23865馬路口 > intersection\-\(of\-roads\); 23866戴維斯 > davis\-\(english\-surname\); 23867紅樓夢 > a\-dream\-of\-red\-mansions; 23868過不去 > make\-life\-difficult\-for; 23869情報處 > source\-\(of\-information\); 23870腐敗罪 > the\-crime\-of\-corruption; 23871白蛇傳 > tale\-of\-the\-white\-snake; 23872半成品 > semi\-manufactured\-goods; 23873奔頭兒 > something\-to\-strive\-for; 23874中轉站 > hub\-\(network\-equipment\); 23875香港人 > hong\-kong\-person\|people; 23876慕道友 > religious\-investigator; 23877剝採比 > stripping\-to\-ore\-ratio; 23878目的地 > destination\-\(location\); 23879國務院 > state\-department\-\(usa\); 23880十五億 > one\-and\-a\-half\-billion; 23881紅燒肉 > red\-cooked\-\(pork\)\-meat; 23882公安局 > public\-security\-bureau; 23883發病率 > incidence\-of\-a\-disease; 23884疑問句 > interrogative\-sentance; 23885此一時 > that\-was\-one\-situation; 23886不好惹 > not\-to\-be\-trifled\-with; 23887不得已 > act\-against\-one''s\-will; 23888上半年 > first\-half\-\(of\-a\-year\); 23889不要臉 > have\-no\-sense\-of\-shame; 23890背地風 > behind\-somebody''s\-back; 23891近年來 > for\-the\-past\-few\-years; 23892其自身 > one''s\-own\-\(respective\); 23893火焰山 > the\-mountain\-of\-flames; 23894工作站 > \(computer\)\-workstation; 23895印歐人 > indo\-european\-\(person\); 23896坦克車 > tank\-\(armored\-vehicle\); 23897不像樣 > in\-no\-shape\-to\-be\-seen; 23898變分法 > calculus\-of\-variations; 23899西遊記 > pilgrimage\-to\-the\-west; 23900畢業生 > graduate\-\(of\-a\-school\); 23901背黑鍋 > to\-be\-made\-a\-scapegoat; 23902靈敏度 > \(level\-of\)\-sensitivity; 23903彼一時 > that\-was\-one\-situation; 23904軟硬件 > software\-and\-hardware; 23905熱門貨 > goods\-in\-great\-demand; 23906通信量 > communications\-volume; 23907祝賀詞 > congratulatory\-speech; 23908幾十年 > several\-tens\-of\-years; 23909比方說 > to\-make\-an\-analogy\.\.\.; 23910麥芽糖 > maltose\-\(sweet\-syrup\); 23911美聯社 > associated\-press\-\(ap\); 23912推薦信 > recommendation\-letter; 23913幾天來 > for\-the\-past\-few\-days; 23914投了票 > past\-tense\-of\-to\-vote; 23915肯尼迪 > kennedy\-\(proper\-name\); 23916保護區 > conservation\-district; 23917奧德賽 > the\-odyssey\,\-by\-homer; 23918越南語 > vietnamese\-\(language\); 23919四年前 > four\-years\-previously; 23920製造商 > manufacturing\-company; 23921反革命 > counter\-revolutionary; 23922老兩口 > an\-old\-married\-couple; 23923拜把子 > become\-sworn\-brothers; 23924北寒帶 > the\-north\-frigid\-zone; 23925八路軍 > the\-eighth\-route\-army; 23926南北極 > south\-and\-north\-poles; 23927董事長 > chairman\-of\-the\-board; 23928不行了 > on\-the\-point\-of\-death; 23929卡西尼 > cassini\-\(proper\-name\); 23930光磁碟 > magneto\-optical\-disk; 23931博覽會 > \(international\)\-fair; 23932一般性 > \(in\)\-general\-\(terms\); 23933逋逃藪 > refuge\-for\-fugitives; 23934白眼珠 > the\-white\-of\-the\-eye; 23935捕蟲葉 > insect\-catching\-leaf; 23936不雅觀 > offensive\-to\-the\-eye; 23937陳述句 > declarative\-sentence; 23938這個月 > this\-\(current\)\-month; 23939一清早 > early\-in\-the\-morning; 23940倍頻器 > frequency\-multiplier; 23941領導權 > leadership\-authority; 23942紀念日 > day\-of\-commemoration; 23943白棉紙 > stencil\-tissue\-paper; 23944挪窩兒 > to\-move\-\(to\-a\-house\); 23945德國人 > german\-person\|people; 23946大清早 > early\-in\-the\-morning; 23947百事通 > knowledgeable\-person; 23948不死心 > unwilling\-to\-give\-up; 23949礦泉水 > mineral\-spring\-water; 23950吃不下 > not\-feel\-like\-eating; 23951萬維網 > world\-wide\-web\-\(www\); 23952實體層 > physical\-layer\-\(osi\); 23953現階段 > at\-the\-present\-stage; 23954叛國罪 > the\-crime\-of\-treason; 23955錦標賽 > championship\-contest; 23956競爭力 > competitive\-strength; 23957運動會 > a\-sports\-competition; 23958跑龍套 > to\-play\-a\-small\-role; 23959德雷爾 > \(june\-teufel\)\-dreyer; 23960財政部 > ministry\-of\-finance; 23961廣告商 > advertising\-company; 23962慰安婦 > comfort\-woman\|women; 23963折射率 > index\-of\-refraction; 23964年代初 > beginning\-of\-an\-age; 23965防禦性 > defensive\-\(weapons\); 23966打橫炮 > speak\-unwarrantedly; 23967發言權 > the\-right\-of\-speech; 23968年之久 > period\-of\-\.\.\.\-years; 23969不中意 > not\-to\-one''s\-liking; 23970百分制 > hundred\-mark\-system; 23971分析家 > \(political\)\-analyst; 23972立法會 > legislative\-council; 23973引力場 > gravitational\-field; 23974消耗量 > rate\-of\-consumption; 23975核電站 > nuclear\-power\-plant; 23976表面化 > come\-to\-the\-surface; 23977電話機 > telephone\-equipment; 23978總統府 > presidential\-palace; 23979橋接器 > bridge\-\(networking\); 23980馬來文 > malasian\-\(language\); 23981不得了 > desperately\-serious; 23982板梁橋 > plate\-girder\-bridge; 23983栽跟頭 > to\-suffer\-a\-setback; 23984核工程 > nuclear\-engineering; 23985安理會 > un\-security\-council; 23986擺門面 > keep\-up\-appearances; 23987路透社 > reuters\-news\-agency; 23988科學院 > academy\-of\-sciences; 23989步進制 > step\-by\-step\-system; 23990前蘇聯 > former\-soviet\-union; 23991不在意 > pay\-no\-attention\-to; 23992外孫女 > daughter''s\-daughter; 23993冰醋酸 > glacial\-acetic\-acid; 23994消炎藥 > antibiotic\-medicine; 23995委員長 > head\-of\-a\-committee; 23996情報局 > intelligence\-agency; 23997包身工 > indentured\-labourer; 23998決議案 > \(pass\-a\)\-resolution; 23999北京人 > person\-from\-beijing; 24000負責任 > responsibility\-for; 24001中山裝 > chinese\-tunic\-suit; 24002緬甸語 > burmese\-\(language\); 24003政治犯 > political\-prisoner; 24004年以來 > since\-the\-year\-\.\.\.; 24005新華社 > xinhua\-news\-agency; 24006不中用 > unfit\-for\-anything; 24007進一步 > \(one\-step\)\-further; 24008提供商 > provider\-\(company\); 24009原蘇聯 > fomer\-soviet\-union; 24010天安門 > tiananmen\-\(square\); 24011不受理 > reject\-a\-complaint; 24012發達國 > developing\-country; 24013跑警報 > to\-run\-for\-shelter; 24014白開水 > plain\-boiled\-water; 24015招待會 > \(press\)\-conference; 24016懷俄明 > wyoming\-\(us\-state\); 24017卡拉奇 > karachi\-\(pakistan\); 24018半規管 > semicircular\-canal; 24019馬來語 > malaysian\-language; 24020比不上 > can''t\-compare\-with; 24021國防部 > defense\-department; 24022趕不上 > can''t\-keep\-up\-with; 24023拿主意 > to\-make\-a\-decision; 24024常委會 > standing\-committee; 24025大學生 > university\-student; 24026瀏覽器 > browser\-\(software\); 24027世紀末 > end\-of\-the\-century; 24028擁護者 > supporter\-\(person\); 24029國務卿 > secretary\-of\-state; 24030半輩子 > half\-of\-a\-lifetime; 24031站管理 > station\-management; 24032芬蘭語 > finnish\-\(language\); 24033變法兒 > try\-different\-ways; 24034海空軍 > navy\-and\-air\-force; 24035細菌戰 > biological\-warfare; 24036瑞典語 > swedish\-\(language\); 24037涉嫌人 > \(criminal\)\-suspect; 24038併捲機 > ribbon\-lap\-machine; 24039別動隊 > special\-detachment; 24040研究所 > research\-institute; 24041年輕化 > make\-more\-youthful; 24042加速器 > accelerator\-\(comp\); 24043不等號 > sign\-of\-inequality; 24044西半球 > western\-hemisphere; 24045核技術 > nuclear\-technology; 24046報務員 > telegraph\-operator; 24047光波長 > optical\-wavelength; 24048喉擦音 > guttural\-fricative; 24049八級工 > eight\-grade\-worker; 24050佛蒙特 > vermont\-\[us\-state\]; 24051管理站 > management\-station; 24052說不定 > can''t\-say\-for\-sure; 24053波斯語 > bosnian\-\(language\); 24054儘可能 > as\-far\-as\-possible; 24055包承組 > \(responsible\)\-crew; 24056百葉箱 > thermometer\-screen; 24057避雷器 > lightning\-arrester; 24058戰鬥機 > fighter\-\(aircraft\); 24059顯示器 > monitor\-\(computer\); 24060必修課 > a\-required\-course; 24061僅次于 > second\-only\-to\.\.\.; 24062朝鮮語 > korean\-\(language\); 24063建築業 > building\-industry; 24064麥克維 > \(timothy\)\-mcveigh; 24065應用層 > application\-layer; 24066桌別林 > \(charlie\)\-chaplin; 24067蓋爾語 > gaelic\-\(language\); 24068無所謂 > to\-be\-indifferent; 24069機器人 > mechanical\-person; 24070廣域網 > wide\-area\-network; 24071維持費 > maintenance\-costs; 24072板擦兒 > blackboard\-eraser; 24073同性戀 > homosexual\-\(love\); 24074電話網 > telephone\-network; 24075性騷擾 > sexual\-harassment; 24076橫斷物 > transverse\-object; 24077白屈菜 > greater\-celandine; 24078傳輸率 > transmission\-rate; 24079伺服器 > server\-\(computer\); 24080服務器 > server\-\(computer\); 24081國際法 > international\-law; 24082侵截者 > \(computer\)\-hacker; 24083初學者 > beginning\-student; 24084西王母 > name\-of\-a\-goddess; 24085在頭版 > on\-the\-front\-page; 24086波蘭語 > polish\-\(language\); 24087轟炸機 > bomber\-\(aircraft\); 24088醫學家 > medical\-scientist; 24089華盛頓 > washington\-\(d\.c\.\); 24090丟飯碗 > to\-lose\-one''s\-job; 24091比較新 > comparatively\-new; 24092電信號 > electrical\-signal; 24093秘書長 > secretary\-general; 24094歐洲人 > european\-\(person\); 24095衛生部 > health\-department; 24096太平洋 > the\-pacific\-ocean; 24097原因是 > the\-reason\-is\-\.\.\.; 24098一年半 > a\-year\-and\-a\-half; 24099不甘心 > not\-reconciled\-to; 24100客戶機 > client\-\(computer\); 24101失業率 > unemployment\-rate; 24102警察局 > police\-department; 24103歸心者 > religious\-convert; 24104沒關係 > it\-doesn''t\-matter; 24105包園兒 > buy\-the\-whole\-lot; 24106一身汗 > sweating\-all\-over; 24107白細胞 > white\-blood\-cell; 24108性關係 > sexual\-relations; 24109殯儀館 > the\-undertaker''s; 24110研討會 > discussion\-forum; 24111資料量 > quantity\-of\-data; 24112編輯室 > editorial\-office; 24113拉丁語 > latin\-\(language\); 24114適配層 > adaptation\-layer; 24115出風頭 > to\-create\-a\-stir; 24116越野車 > off\-road\-vehical; 24117適配器 > adapter\-\(device\); 24118副主席 > vice\-chairperson; 24119捷克語 > czech\-\(language\); 24120筆底下 > ability\-to\-write; 24121核原料 > nuclear\-material; 24122白血球 > white\-blood\-cell; 24123不爭氣 > be\-disappointing; 24124北冰洋 > the\-arctic\-ocean; 24125又來了 > here\-we\-go\-again; 24126十多億 > over\-one\-billion; 24127一下子 > in\-a\-short\-while; 24128核設施 > nuclear\-facility; 24129非政府 > non\-governmental; 24130主幹線 > backbone\-\(cable\); 24131電視機 > television\-\(set\); 24132流行病 > epidemic\-disease; 24133信用證 > letter\-of\-credit; 24134學術界 > academic\-circles; 24135衛星城 > \"satellite\"\-town; 24136的一種 > is\-one\-\(kind\-of\); 24137曼德拉 > \(nelson\)\-mandela; 24138印地語 > hindi\-\(language\); 24139工業化 > to\-industrialize; 24140記者會 > press\-conference; 24141出版社 > publishing\-house; 24142沖繩島 > okinawa\-\(island\); 24143民主黨 > democratic\-party; 24144電視劇 > tv\-drama\-program; 24145輻射波 > radiation\-\(wave\); 24146商業化 > to\-commercialize; 24147電腦網 > computer\-network; 24148高性能 > high\-performance; 24149開幕式 > opening\-ceremony; 24150實習生 > intern\-\(student\); 24151國賓館 > state\-guesthouse; 24152不至於 > cannot\-go\-so\-far; 24153百分點 > percentage\-point; 24154功能集 > function\-library; 24155化學戰 > chemical\-warfare; 24156大多數 > \(great\)\-majority; 24157菏蘭語 > dutch\-\(language\); 24158一年多 > more\-than\-a\-year; 24159共和黨 > republican\-party; 24160脖頸兒 > back\-of\-the\-neck; 24161大無畏 > utterly\-fearless; 24162超高速 > ultra\-high\-speed; 24163性接觸 > sexual\-encounter; 24164拿手菜 > specialty\-\(dish\); 24165鼠標器 > mouse\-\(computer\); 24166互操性 > interoperability; 24167功能群 > functional\-group; 24168一輩子 > \(for\)\-a\-lifetime; 24169高效率 > high\-efficiency; 24170前不久 > not\-long\-before; 24171生產隊 > production\-team; 24172用戶線 > subscriber\-line; 24173美國人 > american\-person; 24174看上去 > it\-would\-appear; 24175幾十億 > several\-billion; 24176不待說 > needless\-to\-say; 24177創記錄 > to\-set\-a\-record; 24178不名數 > abstract\-number; 24179數十億 > several\-billion; 24180總經理 > general\-manager; 24181數百萬 > several\-million; 24182拼起來 > to\-put\-together; 24183米粉肉 > rice\-flour\-meat; 24184高技術 > high\-technology; 24185閉音節 > closed\-syllable; 24186虛電路 > virtual\-circuit; 24187從去年 > since\-last\-year; 24188菲律賓 > the\-philippines; 24189本族語 > native\-language; 24190絆腳石 > stumbling\-block; 24191感染者 > infected\-person; 24192多樣化 > diversification; 24193網管員 > network\-manager; 24194不干涉 > noninterference; 24195核武庫 > nuclear\-arsenal; 24196中美洲 > central\-america; 24197天主教 > catholic\-church; 24198金裡奇 > \(newt\)\-gingrich; 24199注意看 > watch\-carefully; 24200共產黨 > communist\-party; 24201不見得 > not\-necessarily; 24202賀年片 > new\-year''s\-card; 24203標準化 > standardization; 24204使滿意 > to\-make\-content; 24205不鏽鋼 > stainless\-steel; 24206印度人 > indian\-\(person\); 24207奧運村 > olympic\-village; 24208暗適應 > dark\-adaptation; 24209老百姓 > ordinary\-people; 24210夫妻店 > family\-run\-shop; 24211數字網 > digital\-network; 24212兒化韻 > retroflex\-final; 24213有聯繫 > to\-be\-connected; 24214審判長 > presiding\-judge; 24215高效能 > high\-efficiency; 24216盜版者 > software\-pirate; 24217大部份 > \(in\)\-large\-part; 24218冷氣機 > air\-conditioner; 24219伊甸園 > garden\-of\-eden; 24220成員國 > member\-country; 24221釣魚臺 > diaoyu\-islands; 24222複韻母 > compound\-final; 24223幀太長 > oversize\-frame; 24224伴生氣 > associated\-gas; 24225物理層 > physical\-layer; 24226聯合國 > united\-nations; 24227英國人 > british\-person; 24228白熱化 > turn\-white\-hot; 24229十一月 > eleventh\-month; 24230原子核 > atomic\-nucleus; 24231把兄弟 > sworn\-brothers; 24232北斗星 > the\-big\-dipper; 24233開玩笑 > to\-play\-a\-joke; 24234審判席 > judgement\-seat; 24235白粉病 > powdery\-mildew; 24236釣魚島 > diaoyu\-islands; 24237古希臘 > ancient\-greece; 24238中國人 > chinese\-person; 24239監督人 > superintendent; 24240順序數 > ordinal\-number; 24241電話線 > telephone\-line; 24242就是說 > in\-other\-words; 24243教育界 > academic\-world; 24244不敢當 > you\-flatter\-me; 24245副總統 > vice\-president; 24246甚至於 > so\-much\-\(that\); 24247不平衡 > disequilibrium; 24248東南亞 > southeast\-asia; 24249採收率 > recovery\-ratio; 24250自由化 > liberalization; 24251不適用 > not\-applicable; 24252簡單化 > simplification; 24253鹽湖城 > salt\-lake\-city; 24254血製品 > blood\-products; 24255凹面鏡 > concave\-mirror; 24256開心果 > pistachio\-nuts; 24257世界語 > world\-language; 24258行星際 > interplanetary; 24259中心語 > qualified\-word; 24260參謀長 > chief\-of\-staff; 24261錄像機 > video\-recorder; 24262光信號 > optical\-signal; 24263核武器 > nuclear\-weapon; 24264達不到 > cannot\-achieve; 24265克林頓 > \(bill\)\-clinton; 24266聖誕節 > christmas\-time; 24267白令海 > the\-bering\-sea; 24268摩門經 > book\-of\-mormon; 24269尋開心 > to\-make\-fun\-of; 24270犯不著 > not\-worthwhile; 24271不用謝 > you''re\-welcome; 24272半自動 > semi\-automatic; 24273內蒙古 > inner\-mongolia; 24274退休金 > retirement\-pay; 24275留言簿 > visitor''s\-book; 24276死亡率 > mortality\-rate; 24277哈該書 > book\-of\-haggai; 24278擺攤子 > set\-up\-a\-stall; 24279瑞士人 > swiss\-\(person\); 24280差不多 > almost\,\-nearly; 24281括弧裡 > in\-parentheses; 24282信號臺 > signal\-station; 24283世界上 > \(of\-the\)\-world; 24284圓珠筆 > ball\-point\-pen; 24285跑腿兒 > to\-run\-errands; 24286波狀熱 > undulant\-fever; 24287知識庫 > knowledge\-base; 24288電信局 > central\-office; 24289西南亞 > southwest\-asia; 24290撥號盤 > telephone\-dial; 24291後兩者 > the\-latter\-two; 24292廠禮拜 > day\-off\-\(work\); 24293兩百億 > twenty\-billion; 24294無連接 > connectionless; 24295猜謎兒 > guess\-a\-riddle; 24296半以上 > more\-than\-half; 24297不客氣 > you''re\-welcome; 24298美差事 > a\-terrific\-job; 24299諾貝爾 > nobel\-\(prize\); 24300保證金 > earnest\-money; 24301掛號證 > register\-card; 24302原子能 > atomic\-energy; 24303紀念館 > memorial\-hall; 24304單韻母 > simple\-finals; 24305有可能 > it''s\-possible; 24306未提及 > not\-mentioned; 24307本生燈 > bunsen\-burner; 24308心臟病 > heart\-disease; 24309十五年 > fifteen\-years; 24310鄧小平 > deng\-xiaoping; 24311那鴻書 > book\-of\-nahum; 24312網絡層 > network\-layer; 24313審判欄 > judgement\-bar; 24314白花花 > shining\-white; 24315建築學 > architectural; 24316中國式 > chinese\-style; 24317半失業 > semi\-employed; 24318表決權 > right\-to\-vote; 24319空間站 > space\-station; 24320大公司 > large\-company; 24321大容量 > high\-capacity; 24322楊百翰 > brigham\-young; 24323大問題 > great\-problem; 24324光功率 > optical\-power; 24325權威性 > authoritative; 24326女朋友 > female\-friend; 24327不周延 > undistributed; 24328摁釦兒 > snap\-fastener; 24329白皮松 > lacebark\-pine; 24330存儲器 > memory\-\(unit\); 24331彌迦書 > book\-of\-micah; 24332現代化 > modernization; 24333主禱文 > lord''s\-prayer; 24334好幾年 > several\-years; 24335售票處 > ticket\-office; 24336六點半 > half\-past\-six; 24337無意識 > unconsciously; 24338推動力 > driving\-force; 24339避風處 > lee\,\-windstop; 24340使用量 > volume\-of\-use; 24341半導體 > semiconductor; 24342駁殼槍 > mauser\-pistol; 24343不方便 > inconvenience; 24344沒經驗 > inexperienced; 24345主日學 > sunday\-school; 24346有助于 > contribute\-to; 24347有權威 > authoritative; 24348三十億 > three\-billion; 24349不凍港 > ice\-free\-port; 24350步話機 > walkie\-talkie; 24351集線器 > hub\-\(network\); 24352不舒適 > uncomfortable; 24353兩千年 > the\-year\-2000; 24354標本蟲 > spider\-beetle; 24355進出口 > import\|export; 24356向西南 > southwestward; 24357售票員 > ticket\-seller; 24358售票口 > ticket\-window; 24359安定化 > stabilization; 24360交換端 > switched\-port; 24361不相干 > be\-irrelevant; 24362天曉得 > heaven\-knows\!; 24363報話機 > walkie\-talkie; 24364同盟國 > confederation; 24365奧運會 > olympic\-games; 24366在未來 > in\-the\-future; 24367南美洲 > south\-america; 24368七百萬 > seven\-million; 24369有良心 > conscientious; 24370鼻飼法 > nasal\-feeding; 24371約拿書 > book\-of\-jonah; 24372步行蟲 > ground\-beetle; 24373便步走 > march\-at\-ease; 24374連接至 > to\-connect\-to; 24375鳶尾花 > iris\-\(flower\); 24376半官方 > semi\-official; 24377兼容性 > compatibility; 24378解壓縮 > to\-decompress; 24379採棉機 > cotton\-picker; 24380芭蕉扇 > palm\-leaf\-fan; 24381公元前 > before\-christ; 24382波美度 > baume\-degrees; 24383半復賽 > eighth\-finals; 24384邊界線 > boundary\-line; 24385北美洲 > north\-america; 24386核能源 > nuclear\-power; 24387支持率 > support\-level; 24388試一試 > to\-have\-a\-try; 24389越來越 > more\-and\-more; 24390下至上 > bottom\-to\-top; 24391找不到 > couldn''t\-find; 24392很遺憾 > unfortunately; 24393萬事達 > master\(card\); 24394約珥書 > book\-of\-joel; 24395賠償金 > compensation; 24396示威者 > demonstrator; 24397毛主席 > chairman\-mao; 24398建築物 > \(a\)\-building; 24399閱覽室 > reading\-room; 24400不名譽 > disreputable; 24401機械碼 > machine\-code; 24402不成功 > unsuccessful; 24403水滸傳 > water\-margin; 24404不重視 > indifference; 24405十九歲 > 19\-years\-old; 24406半文盲 > semiliterate; 24407丙烯酸 > acrylic\-acid; 24408半熟練 > semi\-skilled; 24409吃不開 > be\-unpopular; 24410不合理 > unreasonable; 24411不愉快 > disagreeable; 24412養雞場 > chicken\-farm; 24413膝上型 > laptop\-\(adj\); 24414實際性 > practicality; 24415十一年 > eleven\-years; 24416相似性 > ressemblance; 24417非同步 > asynchronous; 24418傳道書 > ecclesiastes; 24419發言人 > spokesperson; 24420集中器 > concentrator; 24421感嘆詞 > interjection; 24422足球迷 > football\-fan; 24423那樣的 > that\-kind\-of; 24424半邊天 > half\-the\-sky; 24425葡萄酒 > \(grape\)\-wine; 24426農作物 > \(farm\)\-crops; 24427四十多 > more\-than\-40; 24428證實禮 > confirmation; 24429宇航局 > space\-agency; 24430去國外 > to\-go\-abroad; 24431第二位 > second\-place; 24432同時代 > contemporary; 24433副總理 > vice\-premier; 24434路得記 > book\-of\-ruth; 24435多工化 > to\-multiplex; 24436三合一 > three\-in\-one; 24437四百萬 > four\-million; 24438高質量 > high\-quality; 24439夢游症 > to\-sleepwalk; 24440不結盟 > nonalignment; 24441八級風 > force\-8\-wind; 24442幼兒園 > kindergarten; 24443桔子水 > orange\-juice; 24444創造性 > creativeness; 24445研究者 > investigator; 24446周總理 > premier\-zhou; 24447執政黨 > ruling\-party; 24448母親節 > mother''s\-day; 24449一下兒 > a\-little\-bit; 24450不像話 > unreasonable; 24451複製品 > reproduction; 24452司法權 > jurisdiction; 24453佔便宜 > adventageous; 24454鼻中隔 > nasal\-septum; 24455新聞處 > news\-service; 24456運動鞋 > sports\-shoes; 24457核轟炸 > nuclear\-bomb; 24458轉賬卡 > a\-debit\-card; 24459面對面 > face\-to\-face; 24460複寫紙 > carbon\-paper; 24461不相容 > incompatible; 24462打孔器 > hole\-puncher; 24463什麼是 > what\-is\-\.\.\.\?; 24464凹透鏡 > concave\-lens; 24465古羅馬 > ancient\-rome; 24466二十萬 > 200\-thousand; 24467年輕人 > young\-people; 24468乒乓球 > table\-tennis; 24469階級式 > hierarchical; 24470聽說過 > to\-hear\-said; 24471闌尾炎 > appendicitis; 24472大一些 > a\-bit\-bigger; 24473生物戰 > germ\-warfare; 24474建設性 > constructive; 24475喉塞音 > glottal\-stop; 24476大都會 > metropolitan; 24477最低點 > lowest\-point; 24478基督教 > christianity; 24479安眠酮 > methaqualone; 24480試驗性 > experimental; 24481貴族化 > aristocratic; 24482五百萬 > five\-million; 24483冰洲石 > iceland\-spar; 24484核軍備 > nuclear\-arms; 24485速記員 > stenographer; 24486白水泥 > white\-cement; 24487象聲詞 > onomatopoeia; 24488幀格式 > frame\-format; 24489衛生紙 > toilet\-paper; 24490當時的 > of\-that\-time; 24491消防栓 > fire\-hydrant; 24492透明度 > transparency; 24493壓倒性 > overwhelming; 24494二十七 > twenty\-seven; 24495大規模 > large\-scale; 24496度量衡 > measurement; 24497航空術 > aeronautics; 24498訪問者 > interviewer; 24499好朋友 > good\-friend; 24500四面體 > tetrahedron; 24501拔釘錘 > claw\-hammer; 24502申命記 > deuteronomy; 24503才外流 > brain\-drain; 24504創作力 > originality; 24505白矮星 > white\-dwarf; 24506不贊成 > disapproval; 24507半月刊 > semimonthly; 24508備用環 > backup\-ring; 24509滴答聲 > tick\-\(tock\); 24510溫度計 > thermograph; 24511不重要 > unimportant; 24512有影響 > influential; 24513發電廠 > power\-plant; 24514柏林牆 > berlin\-wall; 24515巡邏艇 > patrol\-boat; 24516不含糊 > unambiguous; 24517本土化 > to\-localize; 24518安全燈 > safety\-lamp; 24519有意思 > interesting; 24520窗玻璃 > window\-pane; 24521新西蘭 > new\-zealand; 24522敗血症 > septicaemia; 24523分佈式 > distrubuted; 24524有些人 > some\-people; 24525不吐氣 > unaspirated; 24526有經驗 > experienced; 24527男朋友 > male\-friend; 24528白皮書 > white\-paper; 24529翻譯者 > interpreter; 24530不注意 > thoughtless; 24531保不住 > most\-likely; 24532巴哈馬 > the\-bahamas; 24533發送器 > transmitter; 24534第一章 > chapter\-one; 24535連環圖 > comic\-strip; 24536在地下 > underground; 24537傳真機 > fax\-machine; 24538裝甲車 > armored\-car; 24539獲益者 > beneficiary; 24540半透明 > translucent; 24541第一流 > first\-class; 24542謀殺案 > murder\-case; 24543獎學金 > scholarship; 24544不動產 > real\-estate; 24545啟示錄 > revelations; 24546第三方 > third\-party; 24547表蒙子 > watch\-glass; 24548擺架子 > put\-on\-airs; 24549不確定 > uncertainty; 24550古典派 > classicists; 24551可行性 > feasibility; 24552合法化 > to\-legalize; 24553探照燈 > searchlight; 24554安寧片 > meprobamate; 24555是不是 > is\-or\-isn''t; 24556多工器 > multiplexer; 24557勞動力 > labor\-force; 24558語言學 > linguistics; 24559幸運兒 > a\-lucky\-guy; 24560本質上 > essentially; 24561地下水 > groundwater; 24562申請書 > application; 24563教育性 > instructive; 24564繼承權 > inheritance; 24565製片人 > moviemaking; 24566不要緊 > unimportant; 24567敗家子 > spendthrift; 24568局限性 > limitations; 24569售貨員 > salesperson; 24570可尊敬 > respectable; 24571非數字 > non\-numeric; 24572爆米花 > puffed\-rice; 24573三十天 > thirty\-days; 24574茅屋頂 > thatch\-roof; 24575三十四 > thirty\-four; 24576不送氣 > unaspirated; 24577性伴侶 > sex\-partner; 24578乳白色 > milky\-white; 24579殺人案 > murder\-case; 24580蓋然性 > probability; 24581可能性 > possibility; 24582房地產 > real\-estate; 24583登山家 > mountaineer; 24584哲學家 > philosopher; 24585分散式 > distributed; 24586系列片 > film\-series; 24587阿富汗 > afghanistan; 24588洛杉磯 > los\-angeles; 24589陰涼處 > shady\-place; 24590伸縮性 > flexibility; 24591閉元音 > close\-vowel; 24592最大化 > to\-maximize; 24593第十七 > seventeenth; 24594哲學上 > philosophic; 24595否有效 > inefficient; 24596北朝鮮 > north\-korea; 24597靈活性 > flexibility; 24598使信服 > to\-convince; 24599口香糖 > chewing\-gum; 24600西乃山 > mount\-sinai; 24601金屬板 > metal\-plate; 24602不做聲 > keep\-silent; 24603兩百萬 > two\-million; 24604修理廠 > repair\-shop; 24605機動性 > flexibility; 24606增長率 > growth\-rate; 24607介系詞 > preposition; 24608主機板 > motherboard; 24609他們都 > all\-of\-them; 24610類似點 > resemblance; 24611雙人房 > double\-room; 24612美術館 > art\-gallery; 24613連接詞 > conjunction; 24614約伯記 > book\-of\-job; 24615悲喜劇 > tragicomedy; 24616軟磁碟 > floppy\-disk; 24617半封建 > semi\-feudal; 24618實質性 > substantive; 24619軟磁盤 > floppy\-disk; 24620變壓器 > transformer; 24621蘋果汁 > apple\-juice; 24622暗記兒 > secret\-mark; 24623配送者 > distributor; 24624金銀花 > honeysuckle; 24625元老院 > upper\-house; 24626可想像 > conceivable; 24627證明書 > certificate; 24628信用卡 > credit\-card; 24629女管家 > housekeeper; 24630工程學 > engineering; 24631有害的 > destructive; 24632天然氣 > natural\-gas; 24633供血者 > blood\-donor; 24634營養品 > nourishment; 24635適應性 > suitability; 24636天文台 > observatory; 24637鑿石場 > rock\-quarry; 24638小汽車 > compact\-car; 24639螺絲刀 > screwdriver; 24640副作用 > side\-effect; 24641二十億 > two\-billion; 24642移植性 > portability; 24643二十五 > twenty\-five; 24644沒問題 > no\-problem; 24645第五類 > category\-5; 24646非官方 > unofficial; 24647國民黨 > kuomintang; 24648白色體 > leucoplast; 24649不耐煩 > impatience; 24650百分率 > percentage; 24651令牌環 > token\-ring; 24652自白書 > confession; 24653展覽會 > exhibition; 24654高速率 > high\-speed; 24655大城市 > major\-city; 24656喬治敦 > georgetown; 24657百分比 > percentage; 24658傳道者 > missionary; 24659不可能 > impossible; 24660錄音帶 > audio\-tape; 24661錫安山 > mount\-zion; 24662硬磁盤 > hard\-drive; 24663百分數 > percentage; 24664歷史上 > historical; 24665記帳員 > bookkeeper; 24666使失望 > disappoint; 24667承包人 > contractor; 24668物質上 > materially; 24669半公開 > semi\-overt; 24670使免除 > get\-rid\-of; 24671更衣室 > changeroom; 24672超媒體 > hypermedia; 24673不明確 > indefinite; 24674不景氣 > depression; 24675資本家 > capitalist; 24676二手貨 > secondhand; 24677傳教士 > missionary; 24678易接近 > accessible; 24679想像力 > conception; 24680有決心 > determined; 24681橄欖樹 > olive\-tree; 24682爭論點 > contention; 24683複雜性 > complexity; 24684奶牛場 > dairy\-farm; 24685字節數 > byte\-count; 24686出生地 > birthplace; 24687不下于 > as\-many\-as; 24688大媒體 > macromedia; 24689備忘錄 > memorandum; 24690挨個兒 > one\-by\-one; 24691兄弟會 > fraternity; 24692留聲機 > gramophone; 24693黑莓子 > blackberry; 24694統計學 > statistics; 24695在下面 > underneath; 24696不變化 > invariably; 24697陌生人 > a\-stranger; 24698不適當 > inadequate; 24699電視臺 > tv\-station; 24700主力艦 > battleship; 24701行不通 > won''t\-work; 24702競爭者 > competitor; 24703有系統 > systematic; 24704短時間 > short\-term; 24705沒人住 > unoccupied; 24706動物學 > zoological; 24707盧森堡 > luxembourg; 24708第七十 > seventieth; 24709冰凝器 > cryophorus; 24710心理學 > psychology; 24711氣喘喘 > breathless; 24712第一例 > first\-case; 24713摩天摟 > skyscraper; 24714不透水 > waterproof; 24715得不到 > cannot\-get; 24716重要性 > importance; 24717技術員 > technician; 24718非正式 > unofficial; 24719周恩來 > zhou\-enlai; 24720有興趣 > interested; 24721不經意 > carelessly; 24722打字機 > typewriter; 24723倍增器 > multiplier; 24724金屬線 > metal\-wire; 24725有膽量 > courageous; 24726識別號 > identifier; 24727生有權 > birthright; 24728持卡人 > cardholder; 24729刺繡品 > embroidery; 24730毛澤東 > mao\-zedong; 24731六十五 > sixty\-five; 24732多媒體 > multimedia; 24733不平常 > remarkable; 24734抵抗力 > resistance; 24735大主教 > archbishop; 24736試算表 > speadsheet; 24737白口鐵 > white\-iron; 24738第十八 > eighteenth; 24739實驗室 > laboratory; 24740第十九 > nineteenth; 24741第十三 > thirteenth; 24742機關車 > locomotive; 24743保潔箱 > litter\-bin; 24744老年人 > old\-people; 24745發聲法 > intonation; 24746識別碼 > identifier; 24747不平凡 > marvellous; 24748崑崙山 > mt\.\-kunlun; 24749代表團 > delegation; 24750影像檔 > image\-file; 24751居住者 > inhabitant; 24752傳染病 > pestilence; 24753符記環 > token\-ring; 24754四百億 > 40\-billion; 24755盧浮宮 > the\-louvre; 24756否決權 > veto\-power; 24757崇拜者 > worshipper; 24758戲劇化 > theatrical; 24759啄木鳥 > woodpecker; 24760非盈利 > non\-profit; 24761使容易 > facilitate; 24762研究員 > researcher; 24763目擊者 > eyewitness; 24764專門化 > specialize; 24765摩托車 > motorcycle; 24766按手禮 > ordination; 24767訂購者 > subscriber; 24768顯微鏡 > microscope; 24769原生質 > protoplasm; 24770多方面 > many\-sided; 24771會長團 > presidency; 24772新聞學 > journalism; 24773不定詞 > infinitive; 24774大氣層 > atmosphere; 24775不簡單 > not\-simple; 24776受傷害 > be\-injured; 24777端系統 > end\-system; 24778代替者 > substitute; 24779三百億 > 30\-billion; 24780非對稱 > asymmetric; 24781無煙煤 > anthracite; 24782半決賽 > semifinals; 24783莫須有 > groundless; 24784不買賬 > not\-buy\-it; 24785女學生 > schoolgirl; 24786不自在 > uneasiness; 24787下個月 > next\-month; 24788鏈路層 > link\-layer; 24789不由得 > can''t\-help; 24790溫和性 > tenderness; 24791所有者 > proprietor; 24792上個月 > last\-month; 24793半空中 > in\-mid\-air; 24794不等式 > inequality; 24795暗間兒 > inner\-room; 24796自動化 > automation; 24797單方面 > unilateral; 24798運動場 > playground; 24799附加物 > complement; 24800佛教徒 > a\-buddhist; 24801操舵室 > pilothouse; 24802電唱機 > phonograph; 24803流程圖 > flow\-chart; 24804監督者 > supervisor; 24805所有物 > belongings; 24806二十一 > twenty\-one; 24807穩定性 > stability; 24808連接器 > connector; 24809形容辭 > adjective; 24810可得到 > available; 24811科學家 > scientist; 24812志願者 > volunteer; 24813擦邊球 > edge\-ball; 24814怎麼樣 > how\-about; 24815所有權 > ownership; 24816白報紙 > newsprint; 24817討論會 > symposium; 24818接受者 > recipient; 24819形容詞 > adjective; 24820每個人 > everybody; 24821不育性 > sterility; 24822檢查員 > inspector; 24823表現型 > phenotype; 24824皮鞋匠 > shoemaker; 24825保護者 > protector; 24826偽君子 > hypocryte; 24827聲明書 > statement; 24828馬蹄鐵 > horseshoe; 24829擔架床 > stretcher; 24830不完善 > imperfect; 24831晴雨表 > barometer; 24832千禧年 > millenium; 24833使蔓延 > to\-spread; 24834接班人 > successor; 24835剪貼簿 > scrapbook; 24836偉晶岩 > pegmatite; 24837指示符 > indicator; 24838保惠師 > comforter; 24839建築師 > architect; 24840委員會 > committee; 24841航海者 > navigator; 24842小吃店 > snack\-bar; 24843維士卡 > visa\-card; 24844好奇心 > curiosity; 24845政治性 > political; 24846滑鼠墊 > mouse\-pad; 24847拜物教 > fetishism; 24848低速率 > low\-speed; 24849政治局 > politburo; 24850零售商 > tradesman; 24851政治家 > statesman; 24852安全帶 > seat\-belt; 24853登廣告 > advertise; 24854有活力 > energetic; 24855香檳酒 > champagne; 24856綜合性 > synthesis; 24857摁釘兒 > thumbtack; 24858文具商 > stationer; 24859新加坡 > singapore; 24860領事館 > consulate; 24861超聯結 > hyperlink; 24862保皇黨 > royalists; 24863東北方 > northeast; 24864好萊塢 > hollywood; 24865持久性 > constancy; 24866白血病 > leukaemia; 24867全世界 > worldwide; 24868繼承者 > successor; 24869抗議者 > protester; 24870衣帽間 > cloakroom; 24871一匹馬 > one\-horse; 24872有時候 > sometimes; 24873候選人 > candidate; 24874向北地 > northward; 24875下決心 > determine; 24876保證人 > guarantor; 24877上星期 > last\-week; 24878第二十 > twentieth; 24879睡過頭 > oversleep; 24880利未記 > leviticus; 24881童子軍 > boy\-scout; 24882四十六 > forty\-six; 24883第九十 > ninetieth; 24884車前燈 > headlight; 24885宇航員 > astronaut; 24886使困窘 > embarrass; 24887巧克力 > chocolate; 24888有雄心 > ambitious; 24889處理器 > processor; 24890知更鳥 > redbreast; 24891啟示者 > revelator; 24892第三十 > thirtieth; 24893白鎢礦 > scheelite; 24894手提包 > \(hand\)bag; 24895技術性 > technical; 24896不誠實 > dishonest; 24897豌豆粥 > pea\-gruel; 24898變流器 > converter; 24899潛水艇 > submarine; 24900扳道員 > pointsman; 24901繼任者 > successor; 24902兩星期 > fortnight; 24903格式化 > to\-format; 24904採石場 > stone\-pit; 24905加勒比 > caribbean; 24906電報機 > telegraph; 24907工作表 > worksheet; 24908暴風雪 > snowstorm; 24909暴風雨 > rainstorm; 24910文字檔 > text\-file; 24911貿易戰 > trade\-war; 24912保証人 > guarantor; 24913奉承者 > flatterer; 24914指揮者 > conductor; 24915參考書 > reference; 24916針對性 > direction; 24917半衰期 > half\-life; 24918拉斐特 > lafayette; 24919要不然 > otherwise; 24920不結果 > fruitless; 24921申請人 > applicant; 24922出版者 > publisher; 24923本星期 > this\-week; 24924怪不得 > no\-wonder; 24925創造力 > ingenuity; 24926可容忍 > tolerable; 24927基本上 > basically; 24928稻草人 > scarecrow; 24929多用戶 > multiuser; 24930羽毛球 > badminton; 24931救護車 > ambulance; 24932第十六 > sixteenth; 24933使生氣 > displease; 24934不公正 > injustice; 24935光射線 > light\-ray; 24936外國人 > foreigner; 24937第十五 > fifteenth; 24938阿根廷 > argentina; 24939偽善者 > hypocrite; 24940螺旋槳 > propeller; 24941貯水處 > reservoir; 24942半流體 > semifluid; 24943征服者 > conqueror; 24944捕鼠器 > mousetrap; 24945變色龍 > chameleon; 24946對抗者 > adversary; 24947薄油層 > oil\-sheet; 24948無知覺 > senseless; 24949氣壓計 > barometer; 24950白云母 > muscovite; 24951彫刻品 > sculpture; 24952新聞界 > the\-press; 24953一千噸 > 1000\-tons; 24954不規則 > irregular; 24955波狀雲 > undulatus; 24956擴音器 > megaphone; 24957不見了 > disappear; 24958九月份 > september; 24959超文本 > hypertext; 24960讀書人 > a\-scholar; 24961指揮官 > commander; 24962引用句 > quotation; 24963千赫茲 > kilohertz; 24964八倍體 > octoploid; 24965被禁止 > forbidden; 24966不自然 > unnatural; 24967高科技 > high\-tech; 24968怪物似 > monstrous; 24969冰棍兒 > ice\-lolly; 24970白班兒 > day\-shift; 24971星期三 > wednesday; 24972野蠻人 > barbarian; 24973十字軍 > crusaders; 24974法國人 > frenchman; 24975五千噸 > 5000\-tons; 24976遇難船 > shipwreck; 24977出席者 > attendant; 24978羊皮紙 > parchment; 24979反艦艇 > anti\-ship; 24980內衣褲 > underwear; 24981必需品 > necessity; 24982冰淇淋 > ice\-cream; 24983石灰石 > limestone; 24984修道院 > monastery; 24985西北方 > northwest; 24986望遠鏡 > telescope; 24987超文件 > hypertext; 24988擺設兒 > ornaments; 24989太好了 > very\-good; 24990本年度 > this\-year; 24991心靈上 > spiritual; 24992天文學 > astronomy; 24993巴比妥 > barbitone; 24994實質上 > virtually; 24995有節制 > temperate; 24996有意識 > conscious; 24997受害者 > casulties; 24998不完美 > defective; 24999情緒化 > emotional; 25000支持者 > supporter; 25001數不盡 > countless; 25002借書單 > book\-slip; 25003有禮貌 > courteous; 25004第八十 > eightieth; 25005里程碑 > milestone; 25006不情願 > unwilling; 25007下定義 > to\-define; 25008對不起 > i''m\-sorry; 25009假象牙 > celluloid; 25010降落傘 > parachute; 25011不育症 > sterility; 25012必要性 > necessity; 25013數不清 > countless; 25014購買者 > purchaser; 25015大教堂 > cathedral; 25016組織者 > organizer; 25017聖迭哥 > san\-diego; 25018長方形 > rectangle; 25019生殖力 > fertility; 25020灰獵犬 > greyhound; 25021習慣性 > customary; 25022白內障 > cataract; 25023大篷車 > schooner; 25024監護人 > guardian; 25025不合適 > improper; 25026觀察者 > observer; 25027藥劑士 > druggist; 25028不信任 > mistrust; 25029因特網 > internet; 25030對稱性 > symmetry; 25031檢測器 > detector; 25032魔術師 > magician; 25033不朽的 > immortal; 25034歷史性 > historic; 25035檸檬水 > lemonade; 25036以太網 > ethernet; 25037負重擔 > burdened; 25038探測器 > detector; 25039十二月 > december; 25040擦網球 > net\-ball; 25041聖保羅 > st\.\-paul; 25042西裡爾 > cyrillic; 25043女孩兒 > daughter; 25044有德行 > virtuous; 25045可擦寫 > erasable; 25046牧羊者 > shepherd; 25047最喜愛 > favorite; 25048筆記本 > notebook; 25049薰衣草 > lavender; 25050不必要 > needless; 25051請願書 > petition; 25052投資者 > investor; 25053寄生物 > parasite; 25054肯塔基 > kentucky; 25055柬埔寨 > cambodia; 25056一小時 > one\-hour; 25057人行道 > sidewalk; 25058安全性 > security; 25059再保証 > reassure; 25060政治學 > politics; 25061觀察家 > observer; 25062雞尾酒 > cocktail; 25063橄欖球 > football; 25064平底鍋 > saucepan; 25065紀念碑 > monument; 25066侵入者 > intruder; 25067改革者 > reformer; 25068手提箱 > suitcase; 25069不同意 > disagree; 25070共和國 > republic; 25071棒磨機 > rod\-mill; 25072比目魚 > flatfish; 25073大屠殺 > massacre; 25074小夜曲 > serenade; 25075小標題 > subtitle; 25076有機體 > organism; 25077死衚衕 > dead\-end; 25078交響曲 > symphony; 25079時間表 > schedule; 25080頭向前 > headlong; 25081探險者 > explorer; 25082受難者 > sufferer; 25083巴拉圭 > paraguay; 25084第一步 > step\-one; 25085調味汁 > dressing; 25086數據庫 > database; 25087債權人 > creditor; 25088弟兄們 > brethren; 25089小說家 > novelist; 25090第五十 > fiftieth; 25091三明治 > sandwich; 25092催化劑 > catalyst; 25093消費者 > consumer; 25094牧羊人 > shepherd; 25095有彈性 > flexible; 25096經陸路 > overland; 25097在戶外 > outdoors; 25098擦棒球 > foul\-tip; 25099中世紀 > medieval; 25100傾聽者 > listener; 25101接收器 > receiver; 25102資料庫 > database; 25103殺人犯 > murderer; 25104葡萄牙 > portugal; 25105不正常 > abnormal; 25106內部網 > intranet; 25107不透氣 > airtight; 25108暖氣機 > radiator; 25109阿肯色 > arkansas; 25110教科書 > textbook; 25111鼓吹者 > advocate; 25112地下室 > basement; 25113大肚子 > pregnant; 25114不過意 > be\-sorry; 25115冒犯者 > offender; 25116保真度 > fidelity; 25117不體面 > shameful; 25118小衝突 > skirmish; 25119排水渠 > drainage; 25120麻醉劑 > narcotic; 25121被侵害 > stricken; 25122計算機 > computer; 25123白木耳 > tremella; 25124獨裁者 > dictator; 25125記錄員 > recorder; 25126蘇格蘭 > scotland; 25127葡萄園 > vineyard; 25128使興奮 > exciting; 25129第十一 > eleventh; 25130方程式 > equation; 25131無線電 > wireless; 25132彫刻家 > sculptor; 25133工商界 > industry; 25134阿托品 > atropine; 25135地區性 > regional; 25136裝飾物 > ornament; 25137三角形 > triangle; 25138誘拐者 > abductor; 25139戲劇性 > dramatic; 25140懲罰性 > punitive; 25141八角楓 > alangium; 25142北海道 > hokkaido; 25143低成本 > low\-cost; 25144明信片 > postcard; 25145救贖主 > redeemer; 25146生命力 > vitality; 25147所在地 > location; 25148產量多 > fruitful; 25149看守者 > watchman; 25150佔領者 > occupant; 25151暗地裡 > secretly; 25152低費用 > low\-cost; 25153使吃驚 > astonish; 25154幸存者 > survivor; 25155使駭怕 > frighten; 25156櫻花草 > primrose; 25157星期四 > thursday; 25158決定性 > decisive; 25159日耳曼 > germanic; 25160幾何學 > geometry; 25161傾向於 > prone\-to; 25162生還者 > survivor; 25163星期六 > saturday; 25164防守者 > defender; 25165有價值 > valuable; 25166刺激物 > stimulus; 25167不信用 > distrust; 25168提供諸 > provider; 25169工程師 > engineer; 25170中繼器 > repeater; 25171洋琵琶 > mandolin; 25172惡作劇 > mischief; 25173子午線 > meridian; 25174製作者 > producer; 25175不在乎 > not\-mind; 25176音樂家 > musician; 25177使麻痺 > paralyze; 25178千字節 > kilobyte; 25179變阻器 > theostat; 25180女房東 > landlady; 25181不值得 > unworthy; 25182提供者 > supplier; 25183堅固性 > firmness; 25184白化病 > albinism; 25185第六十 > sixtieth; 25186文明化 > civilize; 25187外交官 > diplomat; 25188白雲石 > dolomite; 25189使習慣 > accustom; 25190冰晶石 > cryolite; 25191不小心 > heedless; 25192富色彩 > colorful; 25193納稅人 > taxpayer; 25194再出現 > reappear; 25195靠背椅 > armchair; 25196操作者 > operator; 25197全國性 > national; 25198絲狀物 > filament; 25199發明家 > inventor; 25200藥劑師 > druggist; 25201不怎麼 > not\-very; 25202大西洋 > atlantic; 25203看得見 > visible; 25204有資格 > entitle; 25205圓石頭 > boulder; 25206奧地利 > austria; 25207傳道部 > mission; 25208創世紀 > genesis; 25209千位元 > kilobit; 25210揚聲器 > speaker; 25211管理員 > manager; 25212老資格 > veteran; 25213金銀塊 > bullion; 25214沙丁魚 > sardine; 25215出納員 > cashier; 25216愛遊玩 > playful; 25217鋼琴家 > pianist; 25218計數者 > counter; 25219解剖學 > anatomy; 25220有學問 > learned; 25221半吊子 > dabbler; 25222天花板 > ceiling; 25223大盤子 > platter; 25224不能不 > have\-to; 25225出入口 > gateway; 25226起皺紋 > shrivel; 25227油光漆 > varnish; 25228托兒所 > nursery; 25229艷紅色 > crimson; 25230特許狀 > charter; 25231拖曳機 > tractor; 25232預言家 > prophet; 25233背叛者 > traitor; 25234大使館 > embassy; 25235大草原 > prairie; 25236物理學 > physics; 25237不聽命 > disobey; 25238索馬裡 > somalia; 25239廣播網 > network; 25240巴格達 > baghdad; 25241銀行業 > banking; 25242手推車 > trolley; 25243勞動者 > laborer; 25244美洲豹 > panther; 25245花崗石 > granite; 25246在其中 > therein; 25247不合法 > illegal; 25248梵帝岡 > vatican; 25249同義字 > synonym; 25250愛國者 > patriot; 25251女主人 > hostess; 25252白榴石 > leucite; 25253你自己 > thyself; 25254自由派 > liberal; 25255螢火蟲 > firefly; 25256百分之 > percent; 25257鬆緊帶 > elastic; 25258寄宿生 > boarder; 25259受歡迎 > popular; 25260飛機場 > airport; 25261計數器 > counter; 25262實際上 > in\-fact; 25263反應堆 > reactor; 25264異教徒 > heathen; 25265外邦人 > gentile; 25266移民者 > migrant; 25267不吉利 > ominous; 25268創造者 > creator; 25269熔礦爐 > furnace; 25270女英雄 > heroine; 25271內羅畢 > nairobi; 25272叛逆者 > traitor; 25273使高貴 > dignify; 25274地質學 > geology; 25275關鍵詞 > keyword; 25276巴松管 > bassoon; 25277布隆迪 > burundi; 25278充電器 > charger; 25279蒙大拿 > montana; 25280炭疽病 > anthrax; 25281史密特 > schmitt; 25282富士通 > fujitsu; 25283烹調術 > cookery; 25284印刷者 > printer; 25285混合物 > mixture; 25286阿克倫 > acheron; 25287無神論 > atheism; 25288不動搖 > unmoved; 25289隱藏處 > shelter; 25290押沙龍 > absalom; 25291催眠曲 > lullaby; 25292牛頭犬 > bulldog; 25293使魔法 > conjure; 25294吹口哨 > whistle; 25295安乃近 > analgin; 25296蛋白質 > protein; 25297芝加哥 > chicago; 25298八帶魚 > octopus; 25299洗衣店 > laundry; 25300不得勁 > awkward; 25301半瓶醋 > dabbler; 25302長頸鹿 > giraffe; 25303女高音 > soprano; 25304比利時 > belgium; 25305不調和 > discord; 25306有陰影 > shadowy; 25307指關節 > knuckle; 25308平常日 > weekday; 25309儲藏室 > storage; 25310匈牙利 > hungary; 25311墓誌銘 > epitaph; 25312一會兒 > a\-while; 25313不道德 > immoral; 25314烏克蘭 > ukraine; 25315在室內 > indoors; 25316不離兒 > not\-bad; 25317白蛋白 > albumin; 25318主席臺 > rostrum; 25319類固醇 > steroid; 25320評議會 > council; 25321有希望 > hopeful; 25322傷寒症 > typhoid; 25323到那裡 > thither; 25324養老金 > pension; 25325睡眠者 > sleeper; 25326喘吁吁 > to\-blow; 25327小冊子 > booklet; 25328未武裝 > unarmed; 25329帶紅色 > reddish; 25330合夥人 > partner; 25331有幫助 > helpful; 25332阿拉伯 > arabian; 25333阿拉丁 > aladdin; 25334不覺察 > unaware; 25335甘藍菜 > cabbage; 25336女修道 > convent; 25337發現物 > finding; 25338在下方 > beneath; 25339蒸汽機 > steamer; 25340小瀑布 > cascade; 25341第十二 > twelfth; 25342巴不得 > anxious; 25343未決定 > pending; 25344旅遊者 > tourist; 25345受託人 > trustee; 25346見證人 > witness; 25347石南屬 > heather; 25348圖書館 > library; 25349薄烤餅 > pancake; 25350毒草名 > hemlock; 25351地平線 > horizon; 25352她自己 > herself; 25353使孤立 > isolate; 25354矮壯素 > cycocel; 25355向何處 > whither; 25356籃板球 > rebound; 25357聽得見 > audible; 25358做禱告 > to\-pray; 25359百慕大 > bermuda; 25360有條紋 > striped; 25361安息日 > sabbath; 25362不倒翁 > tumbler; 25363裁紙機 > trimmer; 25364一部分 > portion; 25365懷敵意 > hostile; 25366創立者 > founder; 25367維他命 > vitamin; 25368裝置物 > fixture; 25369參議員 > senator; 25370印表機 > printer; 25371星期二 > tuesday; 25372音樂會 > concert; 25373體育場 > stadium; 25374愛爾蘭 > ireland; 25375逃亡者 > runaway; 25376咯咯笑 > chuckle; 25377生物學 > biology; 25378戰鬥者 > fighter; 25379使憤慨 > outrage; 25380居住於 > inhabit; 25381打印機 > printer; 25382使憤怒 > provoke; 25383彌賽亞 > messiah; 25384沒甚麼 > nothing; 25385煙灰缸 > ashtray; 25386深紅色 > scarlet; 25387不在了 > be\-dead; 25388紡織品 > textile; 25389代名詞 > pronoun; 25390不濟事 > no\-good; 25391開拓者 > pioneer; 25392不人道 > inhuman; 25393被沒收 > forfeit; 25394路西弗 > lucifer; 25395化學家 > chemist; 25396訓練者 > trainer; 25397清潔器 > cleaner; 25398愛德玲 > adeline; 25399迫切性 > urgency; 25400女演員 > actress; 25401桌上型 > desktop; 25402巴比倫 > babylon; 25403嬰兒期 > infancy; 25404百葉窗 > shutter; 25405避彈坑 > foxhole; 25406有才幹 > capable; 25407脫衣服 > undress; 25408觀光客 > tourist; 25409運動家 > athlete; 25410業餘者 > amateur; 25411金字塔 > pyramid; 25412他自己 > himself; 25413定居者 > settler; 25414二十多 > over\-20; 25415收留所 > barrack; 25416毛毛雨 > drizzle; 25417運動員 > athlete; 25418燕麥粥 > oatmeal; 25419標語牌 > placard; 25420自行車 > bicycle; 25421民數記 > numbers; 25422小斑點 > speckle; 25423使厭煩 > disgust; 25424艾迪生 > addison; 25425士師記 > judges; 25426護送者 > escort; 25427發電機 > dynamo; 25428穆斯林 > muslim; 25429開車人 > driver; 25430嘶啞聲 > hoarse; 25431拔尖兒 > tiptop; 25432管理人 > keeper; 25433黃鼠狼 > weasel; 25434有人情 > humane; 25435西紅柿 > tomato; 25436電影院 > cinema; 25437小妖精 > goblin; 25438金絲雀 > canary; 25439動名詞 > gerund; 25440競賽者 > player; 25441編年史 > annals; 25442缺氧症 > anoxia; 25443大地洞 > cavern; 25444滑翔機 > glider; 25445殘餘物 > litter; 25446有責任 > liable; 25447孩子氣 > boyish; 25448小牝牛 > heifer; 25449跑步者 > runner; 25450吐綬雞 > turkey; 25451跨接器 > jumper; 25452負擔者 > bearer; 25453合唱團 > chorus; 25454領導者 > leader; 25455曲棍球 > hockey; 25456路由器 > router; 25457父母親 > parent; 25458化妝品 > makeup; 25459急促聲 > patter; 25460使硬化 > harden; 25461交易者 > dealer; 25462日內瓦 > geneva; 25463銀行家 > banker; 25464植物學 > botany; 25465紀念獎 > trophy; 25466偽造的 > forged; 25467第二次 > second; 25468鵝卵石 > pebble; 25469有氣派 > lordly; 25470債務人 > debtor; 25471畫眉鳥 > thrush; 25472小碟子 > saucer; 25473舞蹈家 > dancer; 25474叮噹聲 > tinkle; 25475使濕透 > drench; 25476批評家 > critic; 25477在深處 > deeply; 25478勝利者 > victor; 25479蹺蹺板 > seesaw; 25480磨坊主 > miller; 25481有關連 > relate; 25482多樹木 > wooded; 25483吱吱聲 > squeak; 25484未完成 > undone; 25485魔賽克 > mosaic; 25486強有力 > strong; 25487烏干達 > uganda; 25488不確實 > untrue; 25489辦公室 > office; 25490羅馬書 > romans; 25491服務員 > waiter; 25492蜘蛛網 > cobweb; 25493阿米巴 > amoeba; 25494修補匠 > tinker; 25495大理石 > marble; 25496持有人 > holder; 25497撒哈拉 > sahara; 25498大鐮刀 > scythe; 25499濾波器 > filter; 25500娛樂場 > resort; 25501使高興 > please; 25502最年長 > eldest; 25503醃黃瓜 > pickle; 25504收割者 > reaper; 25505杜鵑鳥 > cuckoo; 25506打噴嚏 > sneeze; 25507螺旋鉗 > wrench; 25508參議院 > senate; 25509領導人 > leader; 25510變形蟲 > amoeba; 25511任何人 > anyone; 25512有道德 > chaste; 25513藝術家 > artist; 25514頂樑柱 > pillar; 25515使膨脹 > dilate; 25516小提琴 > fiddle; 25517懶洋洋 > lazily; 25518馬戲團 > circus; 25519高腳杯 > goblet; 25520馬鈴薯 > potato; 25521使轉向 > divert; 25522沒有人 > nobody; 25523博物館 > museum; 25524使困擾 > harass; 25525禮拜堂 > chapel; 25526不透明 > opaque; 25527它本身 > itself; 25528扁桃體 > tonsil; 25529排水溝 > gutter; 25530正方形 > square; 25531可信任 > trusty; 25532文學家 > writer; 25533移動式 > mobile; 25534到此處 > hither; 25535殖民地 > colony; 25536墨西哥 > mexico; 25537清真寺 > mosque; 25538辦事處 > office; 25539安哥拉 > angola; 25540以色列 > israel; 25541釘書針 > staple; 25542照相機 > camera; 25543紡織者 > weaver; 25544斯拉夫 > slavic; 25545俄羅斯 > russia; 25546裁縫師 > tailor; 25547弓箭手 > archer; 25548塞爾特 > celtic; 25549女舍監 > matron; 25550打字員 > typist; 25551星期日 > sunday; 25552葡萄乾 > raisin; 25553我自己 > myself; 25554大步走 > stride; 25555不公平 > unfair; 25556芭蕾舞 > ballet; 25557評論家 > critic; 25558伯利茲 > belize; 25559螺旋形 > spiral; 25560比較少 > lesser; 25561在此處 > herein; 25562被害人 > victim; 25563阿波羅 > apollo; 25564使耳聾 > deafen; 25565義賣會 > bazaar; 25566星期天 > sunday; 25567工作室 > studio; 25568門外漢 > layman; 25569在附近 > nearby; 25570塗油於 > anoint; 25571雜貨商 > grocer; 25572維吾爾 > uighur; 25573英雄式 > heroic; 25574理髮師 > barber; 25575起泡沫 > seethe; 25576星期五 > friday; 25577星期一 > monday; 25578巴爾干 > balkan; 25579格格笑 > giggle; 25580孟加拉 > bengal; 25581土耳其 > turkey; 25582白蘭地 > brandy; 25583愛德華 > edward; 25584半中腰 > middle; 25585白乾兒 > spirit; 25586典獄長 > warden; 25587看不見 > unseen; 25588使作嘔 > sicken; 25589恐水病 > rabies; 25590加﹍於 > impose; 25591橡皮搽 > eraser; 25592波士頓 > boston; 25593經紀人 > broker; 25594紅蘿蔔 > carrot; 25595悄悄地 > gently; 25596避難所 > refuge; 25597白麵兒 > heroin; 25598飼養者 > feeder; 25599巴斯克 > basque; 25600莫斯科 > moscow; 25601月桂樹 > laurel; 25602門診室 > clinic; 25603微薄的 > meagre; 25604小淘氣 > rascal; 25605攝影機 > camera; 25606起訴者 > suitor; 25607巴拿馬 > panama; 25608捕鯨船 > whaler; 25609演說者 > orator; 25610擺樣子 > do\-sth; 25611幾乎不 > hardly; 25612加拿大 > canada; 25613醫務所 > clinic; 25614十字架 > cross; 25615代理人 > agent; 25616驅動器 > drive; 25617獨木舟 > canoe; 25618條板箱 > crate; 25619陳列臺 > stall; 25620講解員 > guide; 25621泥水匠 > mason; 25622植物群 > flora; 25623在高處 > aloft; 25624撐竿跳 > vault; 25625頭蓋骨 > skull; 25626敘利亞 > syria; 25627紫丁香 > lilac; 25628不新鮮 > stale; 25629大農場 > ranch; 25630多水分 > juicy; 25631呼叫器 > pager; 25632下水道 > sewer; 25633從來不 > never; 25634二極管 > diode; 25635競技場 > arena; 25636麥阿密 > miami; 25637休息室 > lobby; 25638球狀物 > globe; 25639對敵者 > rival; 25640冬青樹 > holly; 25641果子凍 > jelly; 25642大地圖 > atlas; 25643成年者 > adult; 25644雅各書 > james; 25645英代爾 > intel; 25646毛茸茸 > hairy; 25647使煩惱 > worry; 25648尼日爾 > niger; 25649收音機 > radio; 25650第三次 > third; 25651招待員 > usher; 25652第一次 > first; 25653意大利 > italy; 25654水平面 > plane; 25655亞麻布 > linen; 25656溜冰鞋 > skate; 25657作哼聲 > snort; 25658製造者 > maker; 25659無生命 > inert; 25660酪農業 > dairy; 25661水蒸氣 > vapor; 25662像片簿 > album; 25663贈與者 > giver; 25664板條箱 > crate; 25665天藍色 > azure; 25666飛行員 > pilot; 25667捐贈者 > donor; 25668西班牙 > spain; 25669提多書 > titus; 25670生麵糰 > dough; 25671阿拉摩 > alamo; 25672男高音 > tenor; 25673一點兒 > a\-bit; 25674英特爾 > intel; 25675小樹林 > grove; 25676布萊爾 > blair; 25677撥火棍 > poker; 25678在旁邊 > aside; 25679營業員 > clerk; 25680使固定 > rivet; 25681警報器 > siren; 25682三角洲 > delta; 25683威爾士 > wales; 25684肯尼亞 > kenya; 25685麵包皮 > crust; 25686石南樹 > heath; 25687螺絲釘 > screw; 25688西洋棋 > chess; 25689唱詩班 > choir; 25690西洋杉 > cedar; 25691使溺死 > drown; 25692再一次 > again; 25693地方性 > local; 25694發牢騷 > whine; 25695長頸瓶 > flask; 25696皺眉頭 > scowl; 25697駕駛員 > pilot; 25698來福槍 > rifle; 25699吵鬧聲 > noise; 25700楔形物 > wedge; 25701流浪者 > rover; 25702毛嗶嘰 > serge; 25703灌木叢 > scrub; 25704起重機 > crane; 25705碎布條 > shred; 25706內在的 > inner; 25707鬱金香 > tulip; 25708雪茄煙 > cigar; 25709烤麵包 > toast; 25710吹笛者 > piper; 25711一巴掌 > spank; 25712統治者 > ruler; 25713呼叫聲 > whoop; 25714座右銘 > motto; 25715三稜鏡 > prism; 25716矮墩墩 > pudgy; 25717阿爾法 > alpha; 25718比例尺 > scale; 25719反抗者 > rebel; 25720哪一個 > which; 25721合股線 > twine; 25722邁阿密 > miami; 25723輿論界 > media; 25724瑞典人 > swede; 25725使羞愧 > abash; 25726男子氣 > manly; 25727使娛樂 > amuse; 25728媳婦兒 > wife; 25729伊拉克 > iraq; 25730有能力 > able; 25731埃米爾 > emir; 25732咖啡館 > cafe; 25733一定要 > must; 25734通行稅 > toll; 25735玉蜀黍 > corn; 25736小毛蟲 > slug; 25737最主要 > main; 25738猶他州 > utah; 25739使受傷 > hurt; 25740立方體 > cube; 25741白骨頂 > coot; 25742護城河 > moat; 25743洋娃娃 > doll; 25744感覺到 > feel; 25745下一次 > next; 25746淺黃色 > buff; 25747大袋子 > sack; 25748圈狀物 > hoop; 25749不及格 > fail; 25750出租車 > taxi; 25751保險絲 > fuse; 25752先見者 > seer; 25753手拉車 > cart; 25754爵士舞 > jazz; 25755咖啡店 > cafe; 25756艾滋病 > aids; 25757八哥兒 > myna; 25758電燈泡 > bulb; 25759猶大書 > jude; 25760大頭釘 > tack; 25761愛滋病 > aids; 25762赤裸裸 > bare; 25763圓屋頂 > dome; 25764雙胞胎 > twin; 25765一塊麵 > loaf; 25766使用者 > user; 25767外小腿 > shin; 25768蛋白石 > opal; 25769一分錢 > cent; 25770圓錐體 > cone; 25771百合花 > lily; 25772計程車 > taxi; 25773蜂蜜酒 > mead; 25774非常多 > much; 25775在之上 > over; 25776眨眼睛 > wink; 25777貴婦人 > dame; 25778紅寶石 > ruby; 25779軟木塞 > cork; 25780粉紅色 > pink; 25781呼呼聲 > whir; 25782快步跑 > trot; 25783說謊者 > liar; 25784陪審團 > jury; 25785繼乘人 > heir; 25786光禿禿 > bald; 25787果餡餅 > tart; 25788嘶嘶聲 > hiss; 25789擦黑兒 > dusk; 25790水果酒 > wine; 25791癩哈蟆 > toad; 25792織布機 > loom; 25793橢圓形 > oval; 25794空白點 > gap; 25795為甚麼 > why; 25796男孩子 > boy; 25797浸一下 > dip; 25798在眼前 > now; 25799無花果 > fig; 25800男孩兒 > boy; 25801貓叫聲 > mew; 25802細頸瓶 > jug; 25803常春藤 > ivy; 25804為什麼 > why; 25805無尾猿 > ape; 25806小精靈 > elf; 25807老天爺 > god; 25808零點六 > 0\.6; 25809墨水兒 > ink; 25810六點六 > 6\.6; 25811用油炸 > fry; 25812體育館 > gym; 25813七點五 > 7\.5; 25814七點二 > 7\.2; 25815動物園 > zoo; 25816猶太人 > jew; 25817黃褐色 > tan; 25818筆桿子 > pen; 25819九七年 > ''97; 25820計乘車 > cab; 25821小伙子 > lad; 25822貓頭鷹 > owl; 25823向上地 > up; 25824變文 > a\-popular\-form\-of\-narrative\-literature\-flourishing\-in\-the\-tang\-dynasty\-\(618\-907\)\-with\-alternate\-prose\-and\-rhymed\-parts\-for\-recitation\-and\-singing\-\(often\-on\-buddhistic\-themes\); 25825邊幣 > border\-region\-currency\-\(consisting\-of\-the\-currency\-notes\-issued\-by\-the\-border\-region\-governments\-during\-the\-war\-of\-resistance\-against\-japan\-and\-the\-war\-of\-liberation\); 25826同期 > the\-corresponding\-time\-period\-\(eg\,\-compare\-inflation\-now\-with\-the\-rate\-during\-the\-same\-month\-last\-year\); 25827偏偏 > \(indicates\-that\-sth\.\-turns\-out\-just\-the\-opposite\-of\-what\-one\-would\-expect\-or\-what\-would\-be\-normal\); 25828敬祝 > to\-respectfully\-offer\-\(written\-at\-the\-end\-of\-letter\-from\-someone\-of\-lower\-status\-to\-higher\-status\); 25829卜辭 > oracle\-inscriptions\-of\-the\-shang\-dynasty\-\(16th\-11th\-century\-bc\)\-on\-tortoiseshells\-or\-animal\-bones; 25830洛德 > \(winston\)\-lord\-\(former\-assistant\-secretary\-of\-state\-for\-east\-asia\-and\-pacific\-affairs\); 25831彷徨 > name\-of\-a\-collection\-of\-short\-stories\,\-pang\-huang\,\-\"wandering\-about\"\,\-by\-lu3\-xun4\-魯迅; 25832陳毅 > chen\-yi\,\-former\-mayor\-of\-shanghai\-and\-highest\-ranking\-military\-commander\-in\-china; 25833包工 > undertake\-to\-perform\-work\-within\-a\-time\-limit\-and\-according\-to\-specifications; 25834部首 > radicals\-by\-which\-characters\-are\-arranged\-in\-traditional\-chinese\-dictionaries; 25835霸主 > a\-powerful\-chief\-of\-the\-princes\-of\-the\-spring\-and\-autumn\-period\-\(770\-476\-bc\); 25836在於 > \(the\-problem\-or\-explanation\-or\-advantage\-etc\.\)\-lies\-in\-\(the\-fact\-that\.\.\.\); 25837教訓 > \(teach\-someone\-or\-learn\-a\)\-lesson\-\(ie\,\-obtain\-wisdom\-from\-an\-experience\); 25838駁岸 > a\-low\-stone\-wall\-built\-along\-the\-water''s\-edge\-to\-protect\-an\-embankment; 25839補法 > treatment\-involving\-the\-use\-of\-tonics\-to\-restore\-the\-patient''s\-health; 25840三不 > \"the\-three\-no''s\"\-\(an\-example\-of\-an\-abbreviated\-slogan\-or\-catchphrase\); 25841白朮 > the\-rhizome\-of\-large\-headed\-atractylodes\-\(atractylodes\-macrocephaia\); 25842宣判 > pronounce\-a\-\(judicial\)\-sentence\-\(after\-a\-verdict\-in\-a\-court\-of\-law\); 25843病友 > a\-friend\-made\-in\-hospital\-or\-people\-who\-become\-friends\-in\-hospital; 25844就是 > \(emphasizes\-that\-something\-is\-precisely\-or\-exactly\-what\-is\-stated\); 25845大禹 > da\-yu\,\-name\-of\-an\-ancient\-hero\-who\-successfully\-controlled\-floods; 25846表證 > illness\-that\-has\-not\-attacked\-the\-vital\-organs\-of\-the\-human\-body; 25847幫閑 > hang\-on\-to\-and\-serve\-the\-rich\-and\-powerful\-by\-literary\-hack\-work; 25848描紅 > to\-trace\-over\-red\-characters\-\(as\-a\-method\-of\-learning\-to\-write\); 25849抗戰 > war\-of\-resistance\,\-especially\-the\-war\-against\-japan\-\(1937\-1945\); 25850今音 > modern\-\(i\.e\.\-not\-ancient\)\-pronunciation\-of\-a\-chinese\-character; 25851惋惜 > to\-feel\-sorry\-for\-a\-person\-over\-sth\-that\-should\-have\-happened; 25852睥睨 > look\-at\-somebody\-disdainfully\-out\-of\-the\-corner\-of\-one''s\-eye; 25853胡適 > hu\-shi\-\(1891\-1962\)\,\-original\-proponent\-of\-bai2\-hua4\-wen2\-白話文; 25854軍委 > military\-commission\-of\-the\-communist\-party\-central\-committee; 25855燈節 > the\-lantern\-festival\-\(15th\-of\-first\-month\-of\-lunar\-calendar\); 25856北洋 > the\-qing\-dynasty\-name\-for\-the\-coastal\-provinces\-of\-liaoning; 25857八旗 > the\-\"eight\-banners\"\-\(military\-organisation\-in\-qing\-dynasty\); 25858藤野 > name\-of\-a\-person\,\-teng\-ye\,\-a\-japanese\-friend\-of\-lu3\-xun4\-魯迅; 25859華表 > marble\-pillar\-\(ornamental\-column\-in\-front\-of\-places\,\-tombs\); 25860待業 > to\-await\-job\-assignment\-\(term\-used\-only\-in\-mainland\-china\); 25861扮相 > the\-appearance\-of\-an\-actor\-or\-actress\-in\-costume\-or\-makeup; 25862武術 > wushu\,\-martial\-arts\-such\-as\-shadow\-boxing\,\-swordplay\,\-etc\.; 25863中共 > \(abbreviation\-for\)\-chinese\-communist\-\(party\,\-regime\,\-etc\.\); 25864政協 > cppcc\-\(chinese\-people''s\-political\-consultative\-committee\); 25865採取 > adopt\-or\-carry\-out\-\(measures\,\-policies\,\-course\-of\-action\); 25866癟三 > a\-wretched\-looking\-tramp\-who\-lives\-by\-begging\-or\-stealing; 25867表兄 > male\-cousin\-with\-a\-different\-surname\-\(older\-than\-oneself\); 25868仙草 > a\-kind\-of\-plant\-used\-as\-a\-medicinal\-herb\-in\-ancient\-times; 25869板胡 > a\-bowed\-stringed\-instrument\-with\-a\-thin\-wooden\-soundboard; 25870補養 > take\-a\-tonic\-or\-nourishing\-food\-to\-build\-up\-one''s\-health; 25871拼命 > to\-be\-ready\-to\-risk\-one''s\-life\-\(in\-fighting\,\-work\,\-etc\.\); 25872遷怒 > to\-take\-one''s\-anger\-out\-on\-sb\-\(who\-does\-not\-deserve\-it\); 25873掛好 > to\-hang\-up\-properly\-\(telephone\,\-picture\,\-clothes\,\-etc\.\); 25874拔毒 > draw\-out\-pus\-by\-applying\-a\-plaster\-to\-the\-affected\-area; 25875畜力 > animal\-powered\-\(as\-opposed\-to\-human\-or\-machine\-powered\); 25876幫腔 > vocal\-accompaniment\-in\-some\-traditional\-chinese\-operas; 25877奔喪 > hasten\-home\-for\-the\-funeral\-of\-a\-parent\-or\-grandparent; 25878白芍 > \(peeled\)\-root\-of\-herbaceous\-peony\-\(paeonia\-lactiflora\); 25879興趣 > interest\-\(directed\-towards\,\-not\-inherent\-in\-something\); 25880標兵 > parade\-guards\-\(usually\-spaced\-out\-along\-parade\-routes\); 25881法海 > name\-of\-a\-buddhist\-monk\,\-fahai\,\-from\-madam\-white\-snake; 25882彈琴 > to\-play\-or\-strum\-a\-lute\-or\-other\-stringed\-instrument; 25883白陶 > white\-pottery\-\(of\-shang\-dynastry\-16\-11th\-century\-bc\); 25884包干 > be\-responsible\-for\-a\-task\-unit\-until\-it\-is\-completed; 25885平方 > square\-\(as\-in\-square\-foot\,\-square\-mile\,\-square\-root\); 25886拉貝 > \(john\)\-rabe\-\(german\-eyewitness\-to\-nanjing\-massacre\); 25887巫山 > mt\.\-wu\,\-on\-the\-changjiang\-river\-by\-the\-three\-gorges; 25888捕俘 > capture\-enemy\-personnel\-\(for\-intelligence\-purposes\); 25889鏢客 > armed\-escort\-\(of\-travellers\-or\-merchants''\-caravans\); 25890貝母 > the\-bulb\-of\-the\-fritillary\-\(fritillaria\-thunbergii\); 25891名勝 > a\-place\-famous\-for\-its\-scenery\-or\-historical\-relics; 25892民樂 > music\,\-esp\.\-folk\-music\,\-for\-traditional\-instruments; 25893陝西 > shaanxi\-province\,\-china\-\(capitol\-city\-is\-xi''an\-西安\); 25894日方 > the\-japanese\-side\-or\-party\-\(in\-negotiations\,\-etc\.\); 25895橫折 > \(horizontal\-starting\-right\-angle\-character\-stroke\); 25896西安 > xi''an\-\(city\)\,\-the\-capitol\-city\-of\-shaanxi\-province; 25897小青 > name\-of\-a\-person\,\-xiaoqing\,\-from\-madam\-white\-snake; 25898臨摹 > to\-copy\-\(a\-model\-of\-calligraphy\-or\-painting\,\-etc\.\); 25899備取 > be\-on\-the\-waiting\-list\-\(for\-admission\-to\-a\-school\); 25900本末 > the\-whole\-course\-of\-an\-event\-from\-beginning\-to\-end; 25901頓挫 > with\-syncopated\-cadence\-\(brush\-stroke\-in\-painting\); 25902版畫 > a\-picture\-printed\-from\-an\-engraved\-or\-etched\-plate; 25903避諱 > taboo\-against\-using\-the\-personal\-names\-of\-emperors; 25904武松 > wusong\,\-name\-of\-a\-person\,\-a\-hero\-in\-shui\-hu\-zhuan; 25905許仙 > name\-of\-a\-person\,\-xu\-xian\,\-from\-madam\-white\-snake; 25906儐相 > attendant\-of\-the\-bride\-or\-bridegroom\-at\-a\-wedding; 25907補瀉 > reinforcing\-and\-reducing\-methods\-\(in\-acupuncture\); 25908幹事 > administrative\-secretary\-\(in\-charge\-of\-something\); 25909巫峽 > wuxia\-gorge\,\-in\-the\-changjiang\-river\-three\-gorges; 25910折筆 > against\-the\-bristles\-\(brush\-movement\-in\-painting\); 25911專線 > special\-purpose\-phone\-line\-or\-communications\-link; 25912圖克 > \(gary\-l\.\)\-tooker\-\(motorola\-chairman\-of\-the\-board\); 25913斜鉤 > \(downwards\-right\-concave\-hooked\-character\-stroke\); 25914豎折 > \(downwards\-starting\-right\-angle\-character\-stroke\); 25915老兄 > ''old\-chap''\-\(form\-of\-address\-between\-male\-friends\); 25916橫筆 > bristles\-lying\-down\-\(brush\-movement\-in\-painting\); 25917採購 > make\-purchases\-for\-an\-organization\-or\-enterprise; 25918正在 > in\-the\-process\-of\-\(doing\-something\-or\-happening\); 25919報國 > dedicate\-oneself\-to\-the\-service\-of\-one''s\-country; 25920筆觸 > brush\-stroke\-in\-chinese\-painting\-and\-calligraphy; 25921便人 > somebody\-who\-happens\-to\-be\-on\-hand\-for\-an\-errand; 25922謝辛 > chea\-sim\-\(cambodian\-national\-assembly\-president\); 25923外電 > reports\-from\-foreign\-\(non\-chinese\)\-news\-agancies; 25924罷了 > a\-modal\-particle\-indicating\-\(don''t\-mind\-it\,\-ok\); 25925靜山 > cheng\-san\-\(electoral\-constituency\-in\-singapore\); 25926抓飯 > a\-kind\-of\-food\-popular\-among\-believers\-in\-islam; 25927白描 > line\-drawing\-in\-traditional\-ink\-and\-brush\-style; 25928唐山 > tang\-shan\-\(a\-chinese\-city\-in\-hebei\-河北\-province\); 25929避嫌 > avoid\-doing\-anything\-that\-may\-arouse\-suspicion; 25930報幕 > announce\-the\-items\-on\-a\-\(theatrical\)\-programme; 25931親家 > parents\-of\-one''s\-daughter\-in\-law\-or\-son\-in\-law; 25932喜糖 > sweet\-given\-on\-a\-happy\-occasion\-\(esp\.\-wedding\); 25933拜壽 > congratulate\-an\-elderly\-person\-on\-his\-birthday; 25934並行 > in\-parallel\-\[development\,\-implementation\,\-etc\]; 25935伯杰 > \(samuel\)\-berger\-\(us\-national\-security\-advisor\); 25936東盟 > asean\-\(association\-of\-southeast\-asian\-nations\); 25937曾經 > \(refers\-to\-something\-that\-happened\-previously\); 25938可見 > it\-can\-clearly\-be\-seen\-\(that\-this\-is\-the\-case\); 25939慰問 > express\-sympathy\,\-greetings\,\-consolation\,\-etc\.; 25940海德 > hyde\-\(eg\,\-house\-judiciary\-chairman\-henry\-hyde\); 25941羅斯 > roth\-\(eg\,\-hrw\-executive\-director\-kenneth\-roth\); 25942旁聽 > be\-a\-visitor\-\(at\-a\-meeting\,\-class\,\-trial\,\-etc\); 25943推辭 > to\-decline\-\(an\-appointment\,\-invitation\,\-etc\.\); 25944白痢 > dysentery\-characterized\-by\-white\-mucous\-stool; 25945華佗 > name\-of\-a\-famous\-doctor\-in\-old\-times\,\-hua\-tuo; 25946棒槌 > wooden\-club\-\(used\-to\-beat\-clothes\-in\-washing\); 25947吞吐 > to\-take\-in\-and\-send\-out\-\(in\-large\-quantities\); 25948斷橋 > the\-broken\-bridge\-\(at\-west\-lake\-in\-hangzhou\); 25949氣功 > qigong\,\-a\-system\-of\-deep\-breathing\-exercises; 25950省級 > provincial\-level\-\(eg\,\-provincial\-government\); 25951武打 > acrobatic\-fighting\-in\-chinese\-opera\-or\-dance; 25952報失 > report\-the\-loss\-to\-the\-authorities\-concerned; 25953保養 > take\-good\-care\-of\-\(or\-conserve\)\-one''s\-health; 25954平信 > ordinary\-mail\-\(as\-opposed\-to\-air\-mail\,\-etc\.\); 25955分享 > obtain\-one''s\-share\-\(of\-wealth\,\-rights\,\-etc\.\); 25956紅堡 > red\-fort\-\(historic\-building\-in\-delhi\,\-india\); 25957元宵 > sweet\-dumplings\-made\-of\-glutinous\-rice\-flour; 25958臨寫 > to\-copy\-\(a\-model\-of\-calligraphy\-or\-painting\); 25959月餅 > moon\-cake\-\(esp\.\-for\-the\-mid\-autumn\-festival\); 25960抄家 > to\-search\-a\-house\-and\-confiscate\-possessions; 25961會見 > to\-meet\-with\-\(someone\-who\-is\-paying\-a\-visit\); 25962大舉 > carry\-out\-a\-large\-scale\-\(military\)\-operation; 25963日漸 > \(keep\-increasing\,\-changing\,\-etc\.\)\-day\-by\-day; 25964議席 > seat\-in\-a\-parliament\-or\-legislative\-assembly; 25965通緝 > wanted\-by\-the\-police\-\(fugitive\-or\-criminal\); 25966真納 > \(mohammad\-ali\)\-jinnah\-\(founder\-of\-pakistan\); 25967魯賓 > rubin\-\(eg\,\-treasury\-secretary\-robert\-rubin\); 25968力寶 > lippo\-\(group\)\-\(indonesian\-business\-concern\); 25969側鋒 > oblique\-attack\-\(brush\-movement\-in\-painting\); 25970崇禎 > chongzhen\,\-last\-emperor\-of\-the\-ming\-dynasty; 25971白字 > wrongly\-written\-and\-mispronounced\-character; 25972對策 > countermeasure\-for\-dealing\-with\-a\-situation; 25973筆力 > vigour\-of\-strokes\-in\-calligraphy\-or\-drawing; 25974罰酒 > to\-drink\-as\-the\-result\-of\-having\-lost\-a\-bet; 25975星體 > celestial\-body\-\(eg\,\-planet\,\-satellite\,\-etc\); 25976主管 > \(be\)\-person\-in\-charge\-of\-\(a\-position\,\-etc\.\); 25977步韻 > to\-write\-a\-poem\-using\-another\-poem''s\-rhymes; 25978口氣 > \(friendly\-or\-unfriendly\)\-tone\-\(of\-comments\); 25979正鋒 > frontal\-attack\-\(brush\-movement\-in\-painting\); 25980星球 > celestial\-body\-\(eg\,\-planet\,\-satellite\,\-etc\); 25981下來 > \(verb\-suffix\-indicating\-continuation\,\-etc\.\); 25982幹部 > a\-cadre\-\(ie\,\-manager\,\-staff\,\-officer\,\-etc\.\); 25983接納 > admit\-\(into\-membership\-of\-an\-organization\); 25984把風 > keep\-watch\-\(during\-a\-clandestine\-activity\); 25985備耕 > make\-preparations\-for\-ploughing\-and\-sowing; 25986撥冗 > find\-time\-in\-the\-midst\-of\-pressing\-affairs; 25987栽贓 > to\-frame\-someone\-\(by\-planting\-sth\-on\-them\); 25988換取 > give\-something\-and\-get\-something\-in\-return; 25989偽書 > \(forged\,\-dubious\,\-misclassified\)\-old\-books; 25990簿冊 > books\-for\-taking\-notes\-or\-keeping\-accounts; 25991上車 > to\-get\-on\-or\-into\-\(a\-bus\,\-train\,\-car\-etc\.\); 25992筆下 > the\-wording\-and\-purport\-of\-what\-one\-writes; 25993便函 > an\-informal\-letter\-sent\-by\-an\-organization; 25994首席 > chief\-\(representative\,\-correspondent\,\-etc\); 25995贅婿 > son\-in\-law\-living\-at\-wife''s\-parent''s\-house; 25996處於 > be\-\(in\-some\-state\,\-position\,\-or\-condition\); 25997敗筆 > a\-faulty\-stroke\-in\-calligraphy\-or\-painting; 25998出路 > a\-way\-out\-\(of\-a\-difficult\-situation\,\-etc\); 25999度日 > scratch\-out\-a\-difficult\,\-meager\-existence; 26000報案 > report\-a\-case\-to\-the\-security\-authorities; 26001兵源 > manpower\-resources\-\(for\-military\-service\); 26002有電 > \(of\-a\-dwelling\)\-supplied\-with\-electricity; 26003賁臨 > \(of\-distinguished\-guests\)\-honour\-my\-house; 26004松下 > matsushita\-\(japanese\-electronics\-company\); 26005不妙 > \(of\-a\-turn\-of\-events\)\-not\-too\-encouraging; 26006勉強 > manage\-\(to\-do\-something\)\-with\-difficulty; 26007別無 > have\-no\-other\-\(choice\,\-alternative\,\-etc\); 26008公約 > convention\-\(ie\,\-international\-agreement\); 26009年度 > year\-\(eg\,\-school\-year\,\-fiscal\-year\,\-etc\); 26010筆順 > order\-of\-strokes\-observed\-in\-calligraphy; 26011扎針 > to\-give\-or\-have\-an\-acupuncture\-treatment; 26012製劑 > \(chemical\-or\-pharmaceutical\)\-preparation; 26013體會 > know\-\(through\-learning\-or\-by\-experience\); 26014偽托 > faking\-a\-modern\-object\-as\-an\-ancient\-one; 26015海關 > customs\-\(ie\,\-border\-crossing\-inspection\); 26016碑記 > a\-record\-of\-events\-inscribed\-on\-a\-tablet; 26017包辦 > take\-care\-of\-everything\-concerning\-a\-job; 26018出面 > act\-in\-a\-\(official\-or\-personal\)\-capacity; 26019相隔 > be\-separated\-by\-\(distance\-or\-time\,\-etc\); 26020時報 > \"times\"\-\(newspaper\,\-eg\,\-new\-york\-times\); 26021通航 > connected\-by\-air\|sea\-traffic\-or\-service; 26022遷居 > to\-move\-\(from\-one\-residence\-to\-another\); 26023年代 > a\-decade\-of\-a\-century\-\(eg\,\-the\-sixties\); 26024喬石 > qiao\-shi\-\(chinese\-leadership\-contender\); 26025豎鉤 > \(straight\-down\-hooked\-character\-stroke\); 26026成本 > \(manufacturing\,\-production\,\-etc\.\)\-costs; 26027代理 > acting\-\(temporarily\-filling\-a\-position\); 26028客廳 > drawing\-room\-\(room\-for\-arriving\-guests\); 26029蓮霧 > wax\-apple\-\(a\-reddish\-pear\-shaped\-fruit\); 26030題簽 > to\-write\-the\-title\-of\-a\-book\-on\-a\-label; 26031老二 > the\-second\-child\-or\-brother\-\(or\-sister\); 26032中南 > \(abbreviation\-for\)\-china\-\-\-south\-africa; 26033版次 > the\-order\-in\-which\-editions\-are\-printed; 26034受傷 > suffer\-injuries\-\(in\-an\-accident\,\-etc\.\); 26035訂立 > agree\-to\-\(treaty\,\-contract\,\-agreement\); 26036夏曆 > the\-traditional\-chinese\-lunar\-calendar; 26037師範 > normal\-\(eg\,\-beijing\-normal\-university\); 26038廣場 > a\-public\-square\-\(eg\,\-tiananmen\-square\); 26039補票 > buy\-one''s\-ticket\-after\-the\-normal\-time; 26040發燒 > have\-a\-high\-temperature\-\(from\-illness\); 26041盆地 > basin\-\(low\-lying\-geographical\-feature\); 26042手跡 > sb\.''s\-original\-handwriting\-or\-painting; 26043璧還 > return\-\(a\-borrowed\-object\)\-with\-thanks; 26044表妹 > female\-cousin\-with\-a\-different\-surname; 26045拆散 > to\-break\-up\-\(a\-marriage\,\-family\,\-etc\.\); 26046備品 > machine\-parts\-or\-tools\-kept\-in\-reserve; 26047首任 > first\-person\-to\-be\-appointed\-to\-a\-post; 26048部長 > head\-of\-a\-\(government\,\-etc\)\-department; 26049比量 > take\-rough\-measurements\-\(with\-the\-hand; 26050博愛 > universal\-fraternity\-\(or\-brotherhood\); 26051敗火 > relieve\-inflammation\-or\-internal\-heat; 26052經營 > engage\-in\-\(a\-business\-activity\,\-etc\.\); 26053集成 > integrated\-\(as\-in\-integrated\-circuit\); 26054政委 > political\-commissar\-\(within\-the\-army\); 26055編導 > write\-and\-direct\-\(a\-play\,\-film\,\-etc\.\); 26056行駛 > \(vehicles\,\-etc\.\)\-travel\-along\-a\-route; 26057兵種 > \(military\)\-branch\-of\-the\-armed\-forces; 26058逼宮 > force\-the\-king\-or\-emperor\-to\-abdicate; 26059航行 > sail\-or\-fly\-\(in\-air\,\-water\,\-or\-space\); 26060相信 > be\-convinced\-\(that\-something\-is\-true\); 26061拔秧 > pull\-up\-seedlings\-\(for\-transplanting\); 26062手裡 > \(a\-situation\-is\)\-in\-\(someone''s\)\-hands; 26063捕撈 > fish\-for\-\(aquatic\-animals\-and\-plants\); 26064簽名 > to\-sign\-\(one''s\-name\-with\-a\-pen\,\-etc\.\); 26065濟南 > ji''nan\-\(capital\-of\-shandong\-province\); 26066屏條 > set\-of\-\(usually\-four\)\-hanging\-scrolls; 26067究竟 > after\-all\-\(when\-all\-is\-said\-and\-done\); 26068鎮江 > zhenjiang\-\(city\)\,\-in\-jiangsu\-province; 26069主科 > required\-courses\-in\-the\-major\-subject; 26070班底 > ordinary\-members\-of\-theatrical\-troupe; 26071金缽 > \(gold\)\-alms\-bowl\-\(of\-a\-buddhist\-monk\); 26072聯名 > jointly\-\(signed\,\-declared\,\-sponsored\); 26073下榻 > stay\-at\-\(a\-hotel\,\-etc\.\-during\-a\-trip\); 26074記述 > make\-a\-descriptive\-record\-\(of\-events\); 26075暗傷 > internal\-\(invisible\)\-injury\-\(damage\); 26076太湖 > tai\-hu\-lake\,\-a\-big\-lake\-by\-wuxi\-city; 26077橫鉤 > \(horizontal\-hooked\-character\-stroke\); 26078北宋 > the\-northern\-song\-dynasty\-\(960\-1127\); 26079鄉下 > country\-\(as\-opposed\-to\-town\-or\-city\); 26080簽訂 > to\-agree\-to\-and\-sign\-\(a\-treaty\,\-etc\); 26081增值 > appreciation\-\(of\-a\-car\,\-house\,\-etc\.\); 26082兵家 > military\-strategist\-in\-ancient\-china; 26083英尺 > \(english\)\-foot\-\(unit\-of\-measurement\); 26084淪陷 > \(territory\)\-fall\-to\-enemy\-occupation; 26085人選 > person\(s\)\-selected\-\(for\-a\-job\,\-etc\.\); 26086會長 > president\-of\-a\-club\,\-committee\,\-etc\.; 26087寫成 > to\-compile\-\(fashion\-through\-writing\); 26088吞金 > to\-commit\-suicide\-by\-swallowing\-gold; 26089板眼 > measure\-in\-traditional\-chinese\-music; 26090首府 > capital\-city\-of\-an\-autonomous\-region; 26091班次 > order\-of\-classes\-or\-grades\-at\-school; 26092貴州 > name\-of\-a\-province\-in\-china\,\-guizhou; 26093蓋茨 > \(bill\)\-gates\-\(chairman\-of\-microsoft\); 26094吸引 > attract\-\(interest\,\-investment\,\-etc\.\); 26095暗娼 > unlicensed\-\(unregistered\)\-prostitute; 26096霸王 > xiang4yu3\-\(232\-202\-bc\)\-the\-conqueror; 26097壽禮 > birthday\-present\-\(for\-an\-old\-person\); 26098萬縣 > wanxian\-county\,\-in\-sichuan\-province; 26099兵部 > the\-ministry\-of\-war\-in\-feudal\-china; 26100北周 > the\-northern\-zhou\-dynasty\-\(557\-581\); 26101北京 > beijing\-\(capital\-of\-mainland\-china\); 26102草案 > draft\-\(legislation\,\-proposal\,\-etc\.\); 26103親愛 > dear\-\.\.\.\-\(way\-of\-starting\-a\-letter\); 26104補白 > filler\-\(in\-a\-newspaper\-or\-magazine\); 26105舉行 > to\-hold\-\(a\-meeting\,\-ceremony\,\-etc\.\); 26106保送 > recommend\-\(for\-admission\-to\-school\); 26107轉帳 > transfer\-money\-from\|into\-an\-account; 26108席位 > parliamentary\-or\-congressional\-seat; 26109布什 > \(george\)\-bush\-\(former\-us\-president\); 26110審訊 > a\-\(judicial\)\-trial\-\(in\-a\-courtroom\); 26111筆桿 > the\-shaft\-of\-a\-pen\-or\-writing\-brush; 26112病勢 > degree\-of\-seriousness\-of\-an\-illness; 26113主辦 > host\-\(a\-conference\-or\-sports\-event\); 26114本草 > a\-book\-on\-chinese\-\(herbal\)\-medicine; 26115人物 > characters\-\(in\-a\-play\,\-novel\,\-etc\.\); 26116議長 > speaker\-\(of\-a\-legislative\-assembly\); 26117安南 > \[kofi\]\-annan\-\[un\-secretary\-general\]; 26118包飯 > get\-or\-supply\-meals\-at\-a\-fixed\-rate; 26119有水 > \(of\-a\-dwelling\)\-supplied\-with\-water; 26120話題 > subject\-\(of\-a\-talk\-or\-conversation\); 26121事務 > \(political\,\-economic\,\-etc\.\)\-affairs; 26122咱們 > we\-\(including\-the\-person\-spoken\-to\); 26123率先 > take\-the\-lead\-\(showing\-inititative\); 26124包租 > rent\-land\-or\-a\-house\-for\-subletting; 26125明文 > \(laws\,\-rules\,\-etc\)\-state\-in\-writing; 26126透視 > to\-examine\-by\-fluoroscope\-or\-x\-ray; 26127報警 > report\-\(an\-incident\)\-to\-the\-police; 26128碑帖 > a\-rubbing\-from\-a\-stone\-inscription; 26129牛年 > year\-of\-the\-ox\-\(in\-chinese\-zodiac\); 26130包廂 > box\-\(in\-a\-theatre\-or\-concert\-hall\); 26131轉讓 > transfer\-\(technology\,\-goods\,\-etc\.\); 26132盜版 > pirate\-version\-\(of\-software\,\-e\.g\.\); 26133緣份 > fate\-\(which\-brings\-people\-together; 26134平壤 > pyongyang\-\(capital\-of\-north\-korea\); 26135擔任 > hold\-a\-governmental\-office\-or\-post; 26136克服 > \(try\-to\)\-overcome\-\(hardships\,\-etc\); 26137抄送 > to\-make\-a\-copy\-\(and\-send\-it\-to\-sb\); 26138案驗 > investigate\-the\-evidence\-of\-a\-case; 26139托運 > to\-book\-or\-check\-through\-\(baggage\); 26140戶部 > feudal\-chinese\-ministry\-of\-revenue; 26141推動 > to\-push\-\(for\-acceptance\-of\-a\-plan\); 26142亞軍 > second\-place\-\(in\-a\-sports\-contest\); 26143顏體 > yan\-style\-\(in\-chinese\-calligraphy\); 26144久違 > \(haven''t\-done\-sth\)\-for\-a\-long\-time; 26145香山 > fragrance\-hill\-\(a\-park\-in\-beijing\); 26146銷毀 > to\-destroy\-\(by\-melting\-or\-burning\); 26147北魏 > the\-northern\-wei\-dynasty\-\(386\-534\); 26148暴病 > sudden\-attack\-of\-a\-serious\-illness; 26149人大 > \(china\)\-national\-people''s\-congress; 26150熱鬧 > bustling\-with\-noise\-and\-excitement; 26151呈文 > petition\-\(submitted\-to\-a\-superior\); 26152春節 > spring\-festival\-\(chinese\-new\-year\); 26153 > a\-particle\-used\-in\-transliteration; 26154新疆 > xinjiang\-\(uygur\-autonomous\-region\); 26155網絡 > \(computer\,\-telecom\,\-etc\.\)\-network; 26156壁毯 > tapestry\-\(used\-as\-a\-wall\-hanging\); 26157擦澡 > rub\-oneself\-down\-with\-a\-wet\-towel; 26158認定 > maintain\-\(that\-something\-is\-true\); 26159分歧 > difference\-\(of\-opinion\,\-position\); 26160連戰 > lien\-chan\-\(taiwan\-vice\-president\); 26161制度 > \(political\)\-system\-or\-institution; 26162補習 > take\-lessons\-after\-school\-or\-work; 26163建交 > to\-establish\-diplomatic\-relations; 26164火災 > fire\-\(that\-burns\-buildings\,\-etc\.\); 26165備課 > \(of\-a\-teacher\)\-to\-prepare\-lessons; 26166開演 > \(of\-a\-play\,\-movie\,\-etc\.\)\-to\-begin; 26167備荒 > prepare\-against\-natural\-disasters; 26168全會 > plenary\-session\-\(at\-a\-conference\); 26169便難 > retort\-with\-challenging\-questions; 26170答辯 > to\-reply\-\(to\-an\-accusation\,\-e\.g\.\); 26171圖書 > books\-\(in\-a\-library\-or\-bookstore\); 26172家長 > the\-parent\-or\-guardian\-of\-a\-child; 26173回歸 > to\-return\-\(to\-previous\-condition\); 26174骨法 > bone\-\(property\-of\-a\-brush\-stroke\); 26175科隆 > cologne\,\-germany\-or\-colon\,\-panama; 26176打消 > dispel\-\(doubts\,\-misgivings\,\-etc\.\); 26177找到 > find\-\(what\-one\-was\-searching\-for\); 26178召開 > convene\-\(a\-conference\-or\-meeting\); 26179呼籲 > call\-on\-\(someone\-to\-do\-something\); 26180科爾 > \(helmut\)\-kohl\-\(german\-chancellor\); 26181齋月 > ramadan\-\(muslim\-month\-of\-fasting\); 26182起來 > beginning\-or\-continuing\-an\-action; 26183北齊 > the\-northern\-qi\-dynasty\-\(550\-557\); 26184吐穗 > to\-have\-the\-ears\-of\-grain\-come\-up; 26185請願 > petition\-\(for\-action\-to\-be\-taken\); 26186享受 > to\-enjoy\-\(rights\,\-benefits\,\-etc\.\); 26187三峽 > the\-three\-changjiang\-river\-gorges; 26188取暖 > to\-warm\-oneself\-\(by\-a\-fire\,\-etc\.\); 26189院長 > president\-\(of\-a\-university\,\-etc\.\); 26190言論 > expression\-of\-\(political\)\-opinion; 26191政界 > political\-and\-government\-circles; 26192性別 > distinguishing\-between\-the\-sexes; 26193違禁 > to\-violate\-a\-prohibtition\-or\-ban; 26194酬和 > to\-respond\-to\-a\-poem\-with\-a\-poem; 26195報考 > enter\-oneself\-for\-an\-examination; 26196北國 > the\-northern\-part\-of\-the\-country; 26197外孫 > grandson\-\(son\-of\-one''s\-daughter\); 26198大國 > a\-power\-\(ie\,\-a\-dominant\-country\); 26199探親 > to\-go\-home\-to\-visit\-one''s\-family; 26200難以 > hard\-to\-\(predict\,\-imagine\,\-etc\.\); 26201報效 > render\-service\-to\-repay\-kindness; 26202親戚 > \(a\)\-relative\-\(ie\,\-family\-member\); 26203為期 > \(to\-be\-done\)\-by\-\(a\-certain\-date\); 26204農曆 > the\-traditional\-chinese\-calendar; 26205按說 > in\-the\-ordinary\-course\-of\-events; 26206連任 > continue\-in\-\(a\-political\)\-office; 26207臉譜 > types\-of\-facial\-makeup\-in\-operas; 26208開庭 > begin\-a\-\(judicial\)\-court\-session; 26209公審 > public\-trial\-\(in\-a\-court\-of\-law\); 26210但願 > if\-only\-\(it\-were\-possible\-to\.\.\.\); 26211捨得 > to\-be\-willing\-to\-part\-with\-\(sth\); 26212持有 > hold\-\(eg\,\-passport\,\-views\,\-etc\.\); 26213抗爭 > make\-a\-stand\-and\-fight\-\(against\); 26214篦子 > a\-double\-edged\-fine\-toothed\-comb; 26215投機 > be\-a\-speculator\-\(profit\-seeking\); 26216挪借 > to\-borrow\-money\-for\-a\-short\-time; 26217宰相 > prime\-minister\-\(in\-feudal\-china\); 26218虛腕 > empty\-wrist\-\(method\-of\-painting\); 26219不論 > no\-matter\-\(what\,\-who\,\-how\,\-etc\.\); 26220保修 > guarantee\-to\-keep\-in\-good\-repair; 26221金邊 > phnom\-penh\-\(capital\-of\-cambodia\); 26222侵佔 > to\-invade\-and\-occupy\-\(territory\); 26223柯密 > kermit\-\(communications\-protocol\); 26224享有 > enjoy\-\(rights\,\-privileges\,\-etc\.\); 26225禮炮 > a\-gun\-salute\-\(eg\,\-21\-gun\-salute\); 26226突厥 > turkic\-\(minority\-group\-in\-china\); 26227安保 > \(abbreviation\)\-maintain\-security; 26228壽麵 > birthday\-noodles\-\(for\-longevity\); 26229浴室 > bathroom\-\(room\-used\-for\-bathing\); 26230令人 > cause\-someone\-to\-\(be\,\-feel\,\-etc\); 26231除非 > only\-if\-\(\.\.\.\,\-or\-otherwise\,\-\.\.\.\); 26232歧視 > discrimination\-\(against\-someone\); 26233敗落 > decline\-\(in\-wealth\-and\-position\); 26234無錫 > wuxi\-\(city\)\,\-in\-jiangsu\-province; 26235暗合 > agree\-without\-prior\-consultation; 26236姐夫 > brother\-in\-law\-\(husband''s\-side\); 26237特區 > special\-\(administrative\)\-region; 26238日圓 > japanese\-yen\-\(unit\-of\-currency\); 26239壁櫥 > a\-built\-in\-wardrobe\-or\-cupboard; 26240避暑 > be\-away\-for\-the\-summer\-holidays; 26241步搖 > dangling\-ornament\-worn\-by\-women; 26242邦交 > relations\-between\-two\-countries; 26243提煉 > to\-extract\-\(ore\,\-minerals\,\-etc\); 26244橋接 > bridging\-\(in\-computer\-networks\); 26245八方 > the\-eight\-points\-of\-the\-compass; 26246內政 > internal\-affairs\-\(of\-a\-country\); 26247迫使 > force\-\(someone\-to\-do\-something\); 26248長廊 > the\-long\-corridor\-at\-yi\-he\-yuan; 26249元帥 > a\-marshal\-\(in\-the\-armed\-forces\); 26250校長 > \(college\,\-university\)\-president; 26251開刀 > to\-perform\-or\-have\-an\-operation; 26252輩分 > seniority\-in\-the\-family\-or\-clan; 26253尾牙 > a\-year\-end\-dinner\-for\-employees; 26254班輪 > regular\-passenger\-or\-cargo\-ship; 26255抨擊 > attack\-\(verbally\-or\-in\-writing\); 26256舞台 > \(theatrical\-or\-political\)\-stage; 26257猛跌 > drop\-sharply\-\(eg\,\-stock\-prices\); 26258信件 > a\-letter\-\(ie\,\-sent\-in\-the\-mail\); 26259使命 > a\-\(diplomatic\-or\-other\)\-mission; 26260丹皮 > the\-root\-bark\-of\-the\-peony\-tree; 26261定做 > to\-have\-something\-made\-to\-order; 26262重用 > to\-put\-in\-an\-important\-position; 26263比賽 > \[athletic\-or\-other\]\-competition; 26264敘述 > relate\-\(a\-story\-or\-information\); 26265加重 > become\|make\-more\-serious\|graver; 26266蔚為 > to\-afford\-\(a\-view\-of\-sth\,\-e\.g\.\); 26267電臺 > radio\-\(or\-broadcasting\)\-station; 26268碑林 > the\-forest\-of\-steles\-\(in\-xi''an\); 26269外灘 > waitan\-\(the\-bund\)\,\-in\-shanghai; 26270證實 > confirm\-\(something\-to\-be\-true\); 26271議員 > member\-\(of\-a\-legislative\-body\); 26272報表 > forms\-for\-reporting\-statistics; 26273明報 > ming\-pao\-newspaper\-\(hong\-kong\); 26274前程 > future\-\(career\,\-etc\)\-prospects; 26275登門 > pay\-a\-visit\-to\-someone''s\-house; 26276邊民 > people\-living\-on\-the\-frontiers; 26277那末 > if\-that''s\-the\-case\,\-then\-\(\.\.\.\); 26278效應 > effect\-\(eg\,\-greenhouse\-effect\); 26279歹徒 > evil\-person\-who\-commits\-crimes; 26280收復 > recover\-\(lost\-territory\,\-etc\.\); 26281傲骨 > lofty\-and\-unyielding\-character; 26282斷交 > break\-off\-diplomatic\-relations; 26283帳戶 > \(bank\,\-computer\,\-etc\.\)\-account; 26284固然 > admittedly\-\(it''s\-true\-that\.\.\.\); 26285臺獨 > taiwan\-independence\-\(movement\); 26286保苗 > keep\-a\-full\-stand\-of\-seedlings; 26287路由 > routing\-\(in\-computer\-networks\); 26288對美 > \(policy\,\-etc\.\)\-towards\-america; 26289指數 > \(numerical\,\-statistical\)\-index; 26290筆畫 > strokes\-of\-a\-chinese\-character; 26291空襲 > \(military\)\-attack\-from\-the\-air; 26292表報 > statistical\-tables\-and\-reports; 26293拘押 > \(arrest\-and\)\-take\-into\-custody; 26294尚書 > high\-official\-in\-ancient\-china; 26295聳立 > to\-tower\-above\-\(on\-top\-of\-sth\); 26296班組 > teams\-and\-groups\-\(in\-factories; 26297伯母 > wife\-of\-father''s\-elder\-brother; 26298中藥 > \(traditional\)\-chinese\-medicine; 26299暗袋 > camera\-bag\-\(for\-changing\-film\); 26300處決 > execute\-\(a\-condemned\-criminal\); 26301新鮮 > fresh\-\(experience\,\-food\,\-etc\.\); 26302叫聲 > yelling\-\(sound\-made\-by\-person\); 26303班師 > withdraw\-troops\-from\-the\-front; 26304哀悼 > grieve\-\(mourn\)\-over\-sb''s\-death; 26305科恩 > cohen\-\(u\.s\.\-defence\-secretary\); 26306敗陣 > be\-defeated\-on\-the\-battlefield; 26307包賠 > guarantee\-to\-pay\-compensations; 26308名次 > position\-in\-a\-ranking\-of\-names; 26309嫂嫂 > sister\-in\-law\-\(husband''s\-side\); 26310奉行 > to\-pursue\-\(a\-course\,\-a\-policy\); 26311呼喚 > call\-out\-\(someone''s\-name\,\-etc\); 26312 > the\-original\-form\-for\-七\-u\+4e03; 26313 > the\-sound\-made\-by\-breathing\-in; 26314示威 > hold\-a\-\(protest\)\-demonstration; 26315吃刀 > penetration\-of\-a\-cutting\-tool; 26316各位 > everybody\-\(a\-term\-of\-address\); 26317韓圓 > korean\-won\-\(unit\-of\-currency\); 26318報社 > general\-office\-of\-a\-newspaper; 26319發跡 > to\-rise\-to\-power\-and\-position; 26320支援 > provide\-assistance\-or\-backing; 26321觀測 > \(scientific\,\-etc\)\-observation; 26322違心 > against\-ones\-will\-or\-feelings; 26323拼音 > pinyin\-\(chinese\-romanization\); 26324境外 > outside\-\(a\-country''s\)\-borders; 26325拌面 > noodles\-served\-with\-soy\-sauce; 26326直接 > direct\-\(opposite\-of\-indirect\); 26327鏡頭 > camera\-shot\-\(in\-a\-movie\,\-etc\); 26328莫不 > there\-is\-no\-one\-\(who\-doesn''t\); 26329送人 > to\-see\-\(or\-walk\)\-someone\-home; 26330白文 > the\-text\-of\-an\-annotated\-book; 26331將領 > high\-ranking\-military\-officer; 26332掌權 > wield\-\(political\,\-etc\.\)\-power; 26333促進 > to\-promote\-\(an\-idea\-or\-cause\); 26334公安 > \(ministry\-of\)\-public\-security; 26335病根 > an\-incompletely\-cured\-illness; 26336補報 > make\-a\-report\-after\-the\-event; 26337對臺 > \(policy\,\-etc\.\)\-towards\-taiwan; 26338板鼓 > a\-small\-drum\-for\-marking\-time; 26339贅述 > to\-say\-more\-than\-is\-necessary; 26340實肘 > full\-arm\-\(method\-of\-painting\); 26341淘金 > panning\-\(for\-precious\-metals\); 26342戈爾 > \(al\)\-gore\-\(us\-vice\-president\); 26343亂說 > to\-make\-irresponsible\-remarks; 26344不軌 > against\-the\-law\-or\-discipline; 26345保商 > preservation\-of\-soil\-moisture; 26346作戰 > conduct\-\(military\-operations\); 26347世行 > \[abbreviation\-for\]\-world\-bank; 26348中華 > china\-\(alternate\-formal\-name\); 26349侵入 > to\-make\-\(military\)\-incursions; 26350球檯 > table\-\(for\-games\-using\-balls\); 26351下臺 > step\-down\-\(from\-office\,\-etc\.\); 26352貪污 > \(political\,\-moral\)\-corruption; 26353中級 > middle\-level\-\(in\-a\-hierarchy\); 26354有的 > \(there\-are\)\-some\-\(who\-are\.\.\.\); 26355蓋飯 > rice\-with\-meat\-and\-vegitables; 26356下班 > to\-come\-or\-go\-or\-get\-off\-work; 26357包銷 > have\-exclusive\-selling\-rights; 26358讓球 > to\-concede\-points\-\(in\-a\-game\); 26359書房 > study\-\(i\.e\.\-the\-kind\-of\-room\); 26360認識 > be\-acquainted\-with\-\(a\-person\); 26361卻病 > to\-prevent\-or\-treat\-a\-disease; 26362遲遲 > \(be\)\-late\-\(with\-a\-task\,\-etc\.\); 26363 > an\-alternate\-form\-of\-u\+4ea5\-亥; 26364德班 > durban\-\(city\-in\-south\-africa\); 26365擺輪 > balance\-\(of\-a\-watch\-or\-clock\); 26366擺設 > furnish\-and\-decorate\-\(a\-room\); 26367熱線 > hotline\-\(communications\-link\); 26368法制 > legal\-system\-and\-institutions; 26369水平 > level\-\(of\-achievement\,\-etc\.\); 26370夫權 > authority\-over\-the\-household; 26371印尼 > \(abbreviation\-for\)\-indonesia; 26372變價 > appraise\-at\-the\-current\-rate; 26373妹夫 > brother\-in\-law\-\(wife''s\-side\); 26374進而 > and\-then\-\(what\-follows\-next\); 26375陣線 > a\-front\-\(ie\,\-militant\-group\); 26376歲月 > the\-years\-of\-a\-person''s\-life; 26377歸屬 > be\-under\-the\-jurisdiction\-of; 26378在野 > be\-out\-of\-\(political\)\-office; 26379廠房 > a\-building\-used\-as\-a\-factory; 26380判決 > judgment\-\(by\-a\-court\-of\-law\); 26381困難 > \(financial\,\-etc\.\)\-difficulty; 26382掛號 > to\-register\-\(a\-letter\,\-etc\.\); 26383補苗 > fill\-the\-gaps\-with\-seedlings; 26384武力 > \(make\-use\-of\)\-military\-force; 26385放假 > to\-have\-a\-holidy\-or\-vacation; 26386舉重 > \(the\-sport\-of\)\-weightlifting; 26387嚴詞 > \(criticize\,\-etc\.\)\-forcefully; 26388境內 > within\-\(a\-country''s\)\-borders; 26389華人 > ethnic\-chinese\-person\|people; 26390橋本 > \(japanese\-surname\)\-hashimoto; 26391地皮 > lot\,\-section\-of\-land\,\-ground; 26392轉機 > \(take\-a\)\-turn\-for\-the\-better; 26393常委 > member\-of\-standing\-committee; 26394起飛 > to\-take\-off\-\(in\-an\-airplane\); 26395開幕 > to\-open\-\(a\-conference\,\-e\.g\.\); 26396打針 > to\-give\-or\-have\-an\-injection; 26397璧謝 > decline\-\(a\-gift\)\-with\-thanks; 26398對華 > \(policy\,\-etc\.\)\-towards\-china; 26399儀器 > \(scientific\,\-etc\)\-instrument; 26400究辦 > to\-investigate\-and\-deal\-with; 26401定罪 > convict\-\(someone\-of\-a\-crime\); 26402本題 > the\-subject\-under\-discussion; 26403背簍 > a\-basket\-carried\-on\-the\-back; 26404有關 > to\-have\-something\-to\-do\-with; 26405來源 > source\-\(of\-information\,\-etc\); 26406獲釋 > obtain\-release\-\(from\-prison\); 26407對日 > \(policy\,\-etc\.\)\-towards\-japan; 26408憋氣 > feel\-suffocated\-or\-oppressed; 26409同胞 > fellow\-citizen\-or\-countryman; 26410匾額 > a\-horizontal\-inscribed\-board; 26411確診 > to\-make\-a\-definite\-diagnosis; 26412它們 > they\-\(for\-inanimate\-objects\); 26413現場 > scene\-\(of\-event\-or\-incident\); 26414愛情 > love\-\(between\-man\-and\-woman\); 26415變節 > make\-a\-political\-recantation; 26416涉嫌 > to\-be\-a\-suspect\-\(in\-a\-crime\); 26417失足 > to\-take\-a\-wrong\-step\-in\-life; 26418犧牲 > sacrifice\-\(one''s\-life\,\-etc\.\); 26419亞伯 > abe\-\(short\-form\-for\-abraham\); 26420猜忌 > be\-suspicious\-and\-jealous\-of; 26421黨內 > within\-the\-\(communist\)\-party; 26422動蕩 > \(social\-or\-political\)\-unrest; 26423王丹 > wang\-dan\-\(chinese\-dissident\); 26424決定 > to\-decide\-\(to\-do\-something\); 26425姊妹 > \(older\-and\-younger\)\-sisters; 26426逼肖 > bear\-a\-close\-resemblance\-to; 26427復審 > reexamine\-\(a\-judicial\-case\); 26428入門 > introduction\-\(to\-a\-subject\); 26429白露 > white\-dew\-\(15th\-solar\-term\); 26430補體 > complement\-\(in\-blood\-serum\); 26431評比 > to\-evaluate\-\(by\-comparison\); 26432轉身 > \(of\-a\-person\)\-to\-turn\-round; 26433爪哇 > java\-\(programming\-language\); 26434效忠 > vow\-loyalty\-and\-devotion\-to; 26435採辦 > buy\-on\-a\-considerable\-scale; 26436弟妹 > sister\-in\-law\-\(wife''s\-side\); 26437陷於 > caught\-in\-\(a\-bad\-situation\); 26438外匯 > foreign\-\(currency\)\-exchange; 26439摘由 > high\-points\-\(of\-a\-document\); 26440側躺 > to\-lie\-down\-\(on\-one''s\-side\); 26441搜捕 > hunt\-and\-arrest\-\(fugitives\); 26442揹書 > recite\-a\-lesson\-from\-memory; 26443幸免 > narrowly\-and\-luckily\-escape; 26444國標 > guobiao\-\(encoding\-standard\); 26445便血 > having\-blood\-in\-one''s\-stool; 26446病機 > interpretation\-of\-the\-cause; 26447才華 > literary\-or\-artistic\-talent; 26448指法 > finger\-method\-\(in\-painting\); 26449寶藏 > precious\-\(mineral\)\-deposits; 26450提前 > to\-shift\-to\-an\-earlier\-date; 26451輩出 > come\-forth\-in\-large\-numbers; 26452板鴨 > pressed\-\(dried\)\-salted\-duck; 26453拔海 > elevation\-\(above\-sea\-level\); 26454倫敦 > london\-\(capital\-of\-england\); 26455條款 > clause\-\(of\-contract\-or\-law\); 26456病例 > \[medical\]\-case\-\[of\-illness\]; 26457器官 > organ\-\(part\-of\-body\-tissue\); 26458班級 > classes\-or\-grades\-in\-school; 26459憲法 > constitution\-\(of\-a\-country\); 26460不諱 > without\-concealing\-anything; 26461安插 > place\-in\-a\-certain\-position; 26462古蹟 > places\-of\-historic\-interest; 26463氣體 > gas\-\(ie\,\-gaseous\-substance\); 26464孫子 > grandson\-\(son\-of\-one''s\-son\); 26465奔騰 > \(of\-waves\)\-to\-surge\-forward; 26466郵電 > post\-and\-telecommunications; 26467問候 > give\-someone\-one''s\-respects; 26468祖父 > grandfather\-\(father''s\-side\); 26469決策 > \(make\-a\)\-strategic\-decision; 26470祖母 > grandmother\-\(father''s\-side\); 26471針灸 > acupuncture\-and\-moxibustion; 26472一旦 > in\-case\-\(something\-happens\); 26473壽辰 > birthday\-\(of\-an\-old\-person\); 26474復甦 > recovery\-\(health\,\-economic\); 26475時期 > a\-period\-in\-time\-or\-history; 26476各地 > in\-all\-parts\-of\-\(a\-country\); 26477碑文 > an\-inscription\-on\-a\-tablet; 26478台北 > taipei\-\(capital\-of\-taiwan\); 26479河內 > hanoi\-\(capital\-of\-vietnam\); 26480量力 > to\-estimate\-one''s\-strength; 26481斡旋 > mediate\-\(a\-conflict\,\-etc\.\); 26482牌匾 > board\-\(attached\-to\-a\-wall\); 26483動手 > to\-hit\-with\-hands\-or\-fists; 26484步月 > to\-stroll\-beneath\-the\-moon; 26485誓師 > to\-vow\-before\-one''s\-troops; 26486部委 > ministries\-and\-commissions; 26487難怪 > \(it''s\)\-no\-wonder\-\(that\.\.\.\); 26488凍結 > \(loan\,\-wage\,\-price\)\-freeze; 26489施加 > exert\-\(effort\-or\-pressure\); 26490視窗 > windows\-\(operating\-system\); 26491巨著 > monumental\-\(literary\)\-work; 26492募化 > to\-collect\-alms\-\(buddhism\); 26493部下 > troops\-under\-one''s\-command; 26494全程 > \(during\-an\)\-entire\-journey; 26495長篇 > lengthy\-\(report\-or\-speech\); 26496西湖 > the\-west\-lake\,\-in\-hangzhou; 26497撥弄 > move\-to\-and\-fro\-\(with\-hand; 26498表記 > something\-given\-as\-a\-token; 26499表裡 > the\-outside\-and\-the\-inside; 26500逼債 > press\-for\-payment\-of\-debts; 26501筆鋒 > the\-tip\-of\-a\-writing\-brush; 26502報刊 > newspapers\-and\-periodicals; 26503演講 > \(give\)\-a\-speech\-or\-lecture; 26504國父 > father\|founder\-of\-a\-nation; 26505依靠 > rely\-on\-\(for\-support\,\-etc\); 26506所長 > head\-of\-an\-institute\,\-etc\.; 26507若干 > a\-certain\-number\|amount\-of; 26508競選 > run\-for\-\(electoral\)\-office; 26509搶先 > to\-rush\-\(to\-do\-sth\-urgent\); 26510停留 > stay\-somewhere\-temporarily; 26511病株 > diseased\-or\-infected\-plant; 26512俗稱 > be\-commonly\-referred\-to\-as; 26513行將 > be\-about\-to\-\(do\-something\); 26514足球 > football\-\(british\-english\); 26515背脊 > the\-back\-of\-the\-human\-body; 26516抗擊 > resist\-\(a\-military\-attack\); 26517尋機 > to\-look\-for\-an\-opportunity; 26518實況 > what\-is\-actually\-happening; 26519丁雲 > ding\-yun\-\(a\-personal\-name\); 26520案板 > kneading\-or\-chopping\-board; 26521保守 > \(politically\)\-conservative; 26522不送 > don''t\-bother\-to\-see\-me\-out; 26523神道 > shinto\-\(japanese\-religion\); 26524將就 > accept\-\(a\-bit\-reluctantly\); 26525懷抱 > \(within\-someone''s\)\-embrace; 26526右邊 > right\-\(as\-opposed\-to\-left\); 26527社論 > editorial\-\(in\-a\-newspaper\); 26528家常 > the\-daily\-life\-of\-a\-family; 26529書聖 > a\-great\-calligraphy\-master; 26530資本 > capital\-\(as\-in\-capitalism\); 26531風琴 > organ\-\(musical\-instrument\); 26532字帖 > copybook\-\(for\-calligraphy\); 26533安分 > not\-go\-beyond\-one''s\-bounds; 26534暗笑 > laugh\-in\-\(up\)\-one''s\-sleeve; 26535美玲 > mei\-ling\-\(a\-person''s\-name\); 26536碧血 > blood\-shed\-in\-a\-just\-cause; 26537洪森 > hun\-sen\-\(cambodian\-leader\); 26538稟告 > report\-\(to\-one''s\-superior\); 26539遺體 > remains\-\(of\-a\-dead\-person\); 26540避風 > take\-shelter\-from\-the\-wind; 26541福建 > fujian\-\(province\-of\-china\); 26542勘誤 > to\-correct\-printing\-errors; 26543升級 > to\-escalate\-\(in\-intensity\); 26544強調 > to\-emphasize\-\(a\-statement\); 26545而且 > not\-only\-\.\.\.\-but\-also\-\.\.\.\.; 26546遷都 > to\-move\-the\-capitol\-\(city\); 26547不但 > not\-only\-\(\.\.\.\-but\-also\.\.\.\); 26548包產 > make\-a\-production\-contract; 26549北朝 > the\-northern\-dynasties\-\(a; 26550包攬 > undertake\-the\-whole\-thing; 26551勞教 > reeducation\-through\-labor; 26552半場 > half\-of\-a\-game\-or\-contest; 26553發達 > developed\-\(country\,\-etc\.\); 26554瀉露 > to\-leak\-out\-\(information\); 26555歲數 > age\-\(number\-of\-years\-old\); 26556開設 > offer\-\(goods\-or\-services\); 26557廣東 > guangdong\-province\,\-china; 26558放心 > to\-set\-one''s\-mind\-at\-rest; 26559魯迅 > name\-of\-an\-author\,\-lu\-xun; 26560遙望 > to\-look\-into\-the\-distance; 26561補足 > bring\-up\-to\-full\-strength; 26562熬夜 > stay\-up\-late\-or\-all\-night; 26563體驗 > to\-experience\-for\-oneself; 26564撕毀 > tear\-up\-\(a\-contract\,\-etc\); 26565傾銷 > to\-dump\-\(goods\,\-products\); 26566看法 > way\-of\-looking\-at\-a\-thing; 26567關注 > follow\-\(an\-issue\)\-closely; 26568剝啄 > tap\-\(on\-a\-door\-or\-window\); 26569辨析 > differentiate\-and\-analyse; 26570國產 > made\-in\-one''s\-own\-country; 26571白族 > the\-bai\-\(pai\)\-nationality; 26572病癒 > recover\-\(from\-an\-illness\); 26573寬限 > extend\-\(a\-deadline\,\-etc\.\); 26574表態 > make\-known\-one''s\-position; 26575宣誓 > swear\-an\-oath\-\(of\-office\); 26576拜望 > call\-to\-pay\-one''s\-respect; 26577篇幅 > \(take\-up\-or\-devote\)\-space; 26578首相 > \(japanese\)\-prime\-minister; 26579把式 > person\-skilled\-in\-a\-trade; 26580淘籮 > basket\-\(for\-washing\-rice\); 26581甥女 > niece\-\(sister''s\-daughter\); 26582漢人 > han\-chinese\-person\|people; 26583伺機 > to\-watch\-for\-one''s\-chance; 26584頸部 > the\-neck\-area\-of\-the\-body; 26585背影 > a\-view\-of\-somebody''s\-back; 26586狡賴 > to\-deny\-\(through\-sophism\); 26587變賣 > sell\-off\-\(one''s\-property\); 26588決賽 > finals\-\(of\-a\-competition\); 26589板書 > writing\-on\-the\-blackboard; 26590珀斯 > perth\-\(city\-in\-australia\); 26591愛憐 > show\-tender\-affection\-for; 26592暴漲 > rise\-suddenly\-and\-sharply; 26593錄共 > to\-take\-down\-a\-confession; 26594本家 > a\-member\-of\-the\-same\-clan; 26595面臨 > be\-faced\-with\-\(a\-problem\); 26596池湯 > large\-pool\-in\-a\-bathhouse; 26597獎勵 > reward\-\(as\-encouragement\); 26598順差 > \(trade\-or\-budget\)\-surplus; 26599初選 > \(us\)\-primaries\-\(election\); 26600報銷 > submit\-an\-expense\-account; 26601叔叔 > father''s\-younger\-brother; 26602城關 > area\-outside\-a\-city\-gate; 26603運算 > \(mathematical\)\-operation; 26604州長 > governor\-\(of\-a\-us\-state\); 26605部屬 > affiliated\-to\-a\-ministry; 26606引擎 > engine\-\(transliteration\); 26607登記 > to\-register\-\(one''s\-name\); 26608機組 > flight\-crew\-\(on\-a\-plane\); 26609遼寧 > liaoning\-province\,\-china; 26610照常 > \(business\,\-etc\)\-as\-usual; 26611撫摸 > gently\-caress\-and\-stroke; 26612切斷 > cut\-off\-\(a\-supply\,\-etc\.\); 26613建制 > organizational\-structure; 26614退役 > retire\-from\-the\-military; 26615違反 > to\-violate\-\(a\-law\,\-e\.g\.\); 26616幫廚 > help\-in\-the\-mess\-kitchen; 26617補稅 > pay\-a\-tax\-one\-has\-evaded; 26618襲擊 > \(make\-a\)\-surprise\-attack; 26619白淨 > \(of\-skin\)\-fair\-and\-clear; 26620巡查 > to\-go\-around\-and\-inspect; 26621兵書 > a\-book\-on\-the\-art\-of\-war; 26622產銷 > production\-and\-marketing; 26623闌尾 > appendix\-\(in\-human\-body\); 26624幅員 > a\-country''s\-surface\-area; 26625撥付 > appropriate\-sum\-of\-money; 26626國營 > state\-run\-\(company\,\-etc\); 26627損失 > a\-\(financial\,\-etc\.\)\-loss; 26628辦公 > handle\-official\-business; 26629余震 > \(earthquake\)\-aftershocks; 26630畚箕 > a\-bamboo\-or\-wicker\-scoop; 26631突顯 > make\-something\-stand\-out; 26632握力 > \(strength\-of\-one''s\)\-grip; 26633馬裡 > mali\-\(name\-of\-a\-country\); 26634病態 > morbid\-or\-abnormal\-state; 26635控制 > to\-\(have\)\-control\-\(over\); 26636佳能 > canon\-\(japanese\-company\); 26637病家 > a\-patient\-and\-his\-family; 26638疑惑 > \(a\-sense\-of\)\-uncertainty; 26639打牌 > to\-play\-mahjong\-or\-cards; 26640做客 > to\-be\-a\-guest\-or\-visitor; 26641行使 > exercise\-\(a\-right\,\-etc\.\); 26642筆挺 > \(standing\)\-very\-straight; 26643安神 > calm\-\(soothe\)\-the\-nerves; 26644聳肩 > to\-shrug\-one''s\-shoulders; 26645深空 > deep\-space\-\(outer\-space\); 26646唐納 > tanner\-\(english\-surname\); 26647呈請 > to\-submit\-\(to\-superiors\); 26648上訴 > appeal\-\(a\-judicial\-case\); 26649懷念 > to\-cherish\-the\-memory\-of; 26650特點 > characteristic\-\(feature\); 26651字母 > letter\-\(of\-the\-alphabet\); 26652同謀 > to\-conspire\-with\-someone; 26653桃園 > taoyuan\-\(city\-in\-taiwan\); 26654江面 > the\-surface\-of\-the\-river; 26655碑額 > the\-top\-part\-of\-a\-tablet; 26656伴奏 > to\-accompany\-\(musically\); 26657右翼 > \(politically\)\-right\-wing; 26658浙江 > zhejiang\-province\,\-china; 26659識見 > knowledge\-and\-experience; 26660買帳 > to\-show\-respect\-\(for\-sb\); 26661暗箭 > attack\-by\-a\-hidden\-enemy; 26662深圳 > shenzhen\-\(city\-in\-china\); 26663程度 > degree\-\(level\-or\-extent\); 26664大關 > \(reach\-a\)\-critical\-point; 26665頭版 > \(newspaper''s\)\-front\-page; 26666春聯 > spring\-festivel\-couplets; 26667以來 > since\-\(a\-previous\-event\); 26668蓮花 > lotus\-\(computer\-company\); 26669不日 > within\-the\-next\-few\-days; 26670諒解 > \(reach\)\-an\-understanding; 26671蓋章 > to\-affix\-a\-seal\-\(to\-sth\); 26672觸電 > to\-get\-an\-electric\-shock; 26673主動 > \(to\-take\-the\)\-initiative; 26674訴說 > tell\-\(to\-another\-person\); 26675總統 > president\-\(of\-a\-country\); 26676報頭 > masthead\-\(of\-a\-newspaper; 26677南沙 > nansha\-\(spratly\)\-islands; 26678通道 > \(communications\)\-channel; 26679政績 > \(political\)\-achievements; 26680忌恨 > hate\-\(due\-to\-envy\,\-etc\); 26681雹災 > disaster\-caused\-by\-hail; 26682出訪 > visit\-a\-foreign\-country; 26683斑斑 > full\-of\-stains\-or\-spots; 26684西裝 > \(western\-style\)\-clothes; 26685加油 > to\-make\-an\-extra\-effort; 26686募捐 > to\-solict\-contributions; 26687皴裂 > chap\-\(lips\,\-skin\,\-etc\.\); 26688見聞 > what\-one\-sees\-and\-hears; 26689南京 > nanjing\-\(city\-in\-china\); 26690規約 > terms\-\(of\-an\-agreement\); 26691歸心 > converted\-to\-\(religion\); 26692逼死 > hound\-somebody\-to\-death; 26693統治 > \(political\)\-rule\-\(over\); 26694補課 > make\-up\-a\-missed\-lesson; 26695這樣 > this\-\(kind\-of\,\-sort\-of\); 26696達成 > to\-reach\-\(an\-agreement\); 26697百般 > in\-hundred\-and\-one\-ways; 26698授計 > to\-confide\-a\-plan\-to\-sb; 26699報曉 > herald\-the\-break\-of\-day; 26700利市 > \"lai\-see\"\-\(lucky\-money\); 26701側重 > place\-extra\-emphasis\-on; 26702報恩 > pay\-a\-debt\-of\-gratitude; 26703幫子 > outer\-\(of\-cabbage\,\-etc\); 26704自豪 > \(feel\-a\-sense\-of\)\-pride; 26705防務 > \(pertaining\-to\)\-defense; 26706業績 > outstanding\-achievement; 26707留言 > to\-leave\-one''s\-comments; 26708年來 > over\-the\-last\-\.\.\.\-years; 26709開拍 > begin\-shooting\-\(a\-film\); 26710分之 > \(indicating\-a\-fraction\); 26711答謝 > to\-express\-one''s\-thanks; 26712筆談 > conversation\-by\-writing; 26713瑪麗 > mali\-\(a\-person''s''\-name\); 26714症狀 > symptom\-\(of\-an\-illness\); 26715佔領 > to\-occupy\-\(a\-territory\); 26716備料 > get\-the\-materials\-ready; 26717坦克 > tank\-\(military\-vehicle\); 26718四川 > sichuan\-province\,\-china; 26719販運 > to\-transport\-\(for\-sale\); 26720今譯 > modern\-language\-version; 26721投放 > to\-put\-in\-\(circulation\); 26722病倒 > be\-down\-with\-an\-illness; 26723拷問 > to\-question\-via\-torture; 26724患難 > trials\-and\-tribulations; 26725鍛煉 > to\-do\-physical\-training; 26726蛙泳 > \(swimming\)\-breaststroke; 26727怎麼 > \(interrogative\-pronoun\); 26728駐守 > \(man\-a\-post\-and\)\-defend; 26729溫和 > moderate\-\(policy\,\-etc\.\); 26730否認 > to\-declare\-to\-be\-untrue; 26731江西 > jiangxi\-province\,\-china; 26732愛撫 > to\-show\-tender\-care\-for; 26733參與 > to\-participate\-\(in\-sth\); 26734港人 > hong\-kong\-person\|people; 26735黃河 > yellow\-river\-\(huang\-he\); 26736江蘇 > jiangsu\-province\,\-china; 26737任命 > to\-appoint\-and\-nominate; 26738餅子 > maize\-or\-millet\-pancake; 26739期攷 > end\-of\-term\-examination; 26740總額 > total\-\(amount\-or\-value\); 26741謂語 > \(grammatical\)\-predicate; 26742中旬 > middle\-third\-of\-a\-month; 26743下旬 > last\-third\-of\-the\-month; 26744貝克 > baker\-\(english\-surname\); 26745亂吃 > to\-eat\-indiscriminantly; 26746恩怨 > \(feeling\-of\)\-resentment; 26747不外 > not\-beyond\-the\-scope\-of; 26748服刑 > serve\-a\-prison\-sentence; 26749莫非 > can\-it\-be\-possible\-that; 26750廣西 > guangxi\-province\,\-china; 26751奔瀉 > \(of\-torrents\)\-rush\-down; 26752遺留 > \(leave\-or\-be\-a\)\-legacy; 26753常規 > conventional\-\(weapons\); 26754證券 > \(financial\)\-securities; 26755往常 > habitually\-in\-the\-past; 26756妖冶 > pretty\-and\-flirtatious; 26757革命 > \(political\)\-revolution; 26758論壇 > forum\-\(for\-discussion\); 26759壟斷 > enjoy\-market\-dominance; 26760牡丹 > peony\-\(type\-of\-flower\); 26761報稅 > declare\-dutiable\-goods; 26762公認 > publicly\-known\-\(to\-be\); 26763發表 > to\-issue\-\(a\-statement\); 26764電器 > \(electrical\)\-appliance; 26765殷勤 > politely\,\-solicitously; 26766到期 > become\-due\-\(eg\,\-loans\); 26767病院 > a\-specialized\-hospital; 26768病象 > symptom\-\(of\-a\-disease\); 26769欺凌 > to\-bully\-and\-humiliate; 26770遍及 > to\-extend\-\(everywhere\); 26771簽署 > to\-sign\-\(an\-agreement\); 26772報導 > to\-cover\-\(report\)\-news; 26773布朗 > english\-surname\,\-brown; 26774標準 > \(an\-official\)\-standard; 26775退休 > retirement\-\(from\-work\); 26776趨附 > to\-ingratiation\-onself; 26777筆跡 > a\-person''s\-handwriting; 26778盡力 > do\-one''s\-best\-\(effort\); 26779筆記 > take\-down\-\(in\-writing\); 26780褥子 > cotton\-padded\-mattress; 26781病狀 > symptom\-\(of\-a\-disease\); 26782儘快 > as\-quickly\-as\-possible; 26783激昂 > aroused\-to\-indignation; 26784童話 > children''s\-fairy\-tales; 26785提交 > submit\-\(a\-report\,\-etc\); 26786供職 > hold\-an\-office\-or\-post; 26787來自 > to\-come\-from\-\(a\-place\); 26788病征 > symptom\-\(of\-a\-disease\); 26789定語 > attributive\-\(modifier\); 26790漂流 > carried\-by\-the\-current; 26791棄權 > to\-abstain\-from\-voting; 26792捏合 > to\-act\-as\-a\-go\-between; 26793甲板 > deck\-\(of\-a\-boat\,\-etc\.\); 26794捏估 > to\-act\-as\-a\-go\-between; 26795梅派 > the\-mei\-lanfang\-school; 26796涉過 > ford\-\(a\-stream\,\-river\); 26797體內 > internal\-\(to\-the\-body\); 26798任職 > hold\-an\-office\-or\-post; 26799脊椎 > back\-\(of\-a\-vertibrate\); 26800伯父 > father''s\-elder\-brother; 26801保安 > ensure\-public\-security; 26802上身 > upper\-part\-of\-the\-body; 26803字段 > \(numeric\,\-datda\)\-field; 26804並舉 > develop\-simultaneously; 26805一號 > first\-day\-of\-the\-month; 26806審判 > put\-\(someone\)\-to\-trial; 26807吐蕃 > ancient\-name\-for\-tibet; 26808測定 > to\-survey\-and\-evaluate; 26809泰羅 > \(english\-surname\)\-tylo; 26810吞聲 > to\-swallow\-one''s\-cries; 26811財會 > finance\-and\-accounting; 26812交易 > \(business\)\-transaction; 26813現役 > \(military\)\-active\-duty; 26814民選 > democratically\-elected; 26815伯伯 > father''s\-elder\-brother; 26816海拔 > height\-above\-sea\-level; 26817科技 > science\-and\-technology; 26818任免 > to\-appoint\-and\-dismiss; 26819亂寫 > to\-write\-without\-basis; 26820妖艷 > pretty\-and\-flirtatious; 26821零錢 > change\-\(said\-of\-money\); 26822不服 > not\-accept\-\(something\); 26823鼻兒 > a\-hole\-in\-an\-implement; 26824感嘆 > to\-sigh\-\(with\-feeling\); 26825化裝 > \(of\-actors\)\-to\-make\-up; 26826云南 > yunnan\-province\,\-china; 26827服完 > serve\-out\-\(a\-sentence\); 26828黃山 > mt\.\-huang\-\(huang\-shan\); 26829古波 > gubo\-\(a\-personal\-name\); 26830猜拳 > a\-finger\-guessing\-game; 26831助詞 > particle\-\(grammatical\); 26832讓坐 > to\-give\-up\-one''s\-seat; 26833油價 > oil\-\(petroleum\)\-price; 26834巨額 > a\-huge\-sum\-\(of\-money\); 26835奔放 > bold\-and\-unrestrained; 26836得意 > \(be\)\-proud\-of\-oneself; 26837奔忙 > be\-busy\-rushing\-about; 26838剛直 > upright\-and\-outspoken; 26839巡邏 > be\-on\-\(police\)\-patrol; 26840降福 > blessings\-from\-heaven; 26841炸藥 > explosive\-\(substance\); 26842夢想 > to\-dream\-of\-\(in\-vain\); 26843防空 > anti\-aircraft\-defense; 26844先進 > advanced\-\(technology\); 26845奔命 > rush\-about\-on\-errands; 26846解決 > to\-settle\-\(a\-dispute\); 26847防治 > \(prevention\-and\)\-cure; 26848分機 > \(telephone\)\-extension; 26849眾望 > people''s\-expectations; 26850白糖 > \(refined\)\-white\-sugar; 26851擁戴 > to\-support\-\(a\-person\); 26852表達 > to\-voice\-\(an\-opinion\); 26853報時 > give\-the\-correct\-time; 26854隨和 > amiable\-\(disposition\); 26855函授 > correspondence\-course; 26856迷戀 > to\-be\-infatuated\-with; 26857拗陷 > geological\-depression; 26858免疫 > immunity\-\(to\-disease\); 26859公然 > \(do\-something\)\-openly; 26860堅持 > to\-continue\-upholding; 26861出差 > be\-on\-a\-business\-trip; 26862漸進 > progress\-step\-by\-step; 26863限制 > \(impose\)\-restrictions; 26864年初 > beginning\-of\-the\-year; 26865筆錄 > put\-down\-\(in\-writing\); 26866按脈 > feel\-\(take\)\-the\-pulse; 26867招聘 > take\-job\-applications; 26868光州 > kwangju\-\(south\-korea\); 26869工商 > industry\-and\-commerce; 26870澳洲 > australia\-\(continent\); 26871皮兒 > \(dough\,\-etc\.\)wrappers; 26872甘肅 > gansu\-province\,\-china; 26873安閒 > peaceful\-and\-carefree; 26874艱巨 > very\-difficult\-\(task\); 26875蠻橫 > rude\-and\-unreasonable; 26876簽字 > to\-sign\-\(a\-signature\); 26877安適 > quiet\-and\-comfortable; 26878測良 > to\-survey\-and\-measure; 26879班車 > regular\-bus\-\(service\); 26880案由 > main\-points\-of\-a\-case; 26881貶謫 > banish\-from\-the\-court; 26882黃魚 > yellow\-croaker\-\(fish\); 26883身世 > one''s\-life\-experience; 26884抱恨 > have\-a\-gnawing\-regret; 26885自古 > \(since\)\-ancient\-times; 26886笆斗 > round\-bottomed\-basket; 26887二號 > 2\-nd\-day\-of\-the\-month; 26888財經 > finance\-and\-economics; 26889主語 > \(grammatical\)\-subject; 26890嘖嘖 > to\-click\-one''s\-tongue; 26891鼻祖 > the\-earliest\-ancestor; 26892戀愛 > to\-have\-a\-love\-affair; 26893暴跌 > steep\-fall\-\(in\-price\); 26894讓開 > to\-get\-out\-of\-the\-way; 26895就便 > at\-\(your\)\-convenience; 26896可身 > to\-fit\-well\-\(clothes\); 26897科研 > \(scientific\)\-research; 26898可謂 > it\-could\-even\-be\-said; 26899讓路 > to\-make\-way\-\(for\-sth\); 26900戶主 > head\-of\-the\-household; 26901頒行 > issue\-for\-enforcement; 26902湖南 > hunan\-province\,\-china; 26903餘數 > \(numerical\)\-remainder; 26904不管 > no\-matter\-\(what\,\-how\); 26905版面 > space\-of\-a\-whole\-page; 26906不禁 > can''t\-help\-\(doing\-sth; 26907昏迷 > to\-lose\-consciousness; 26908吐絮 > the\-opening\-of\-a\-boll; 26909鋪平 > spread\-out\-\(material\); 26910不理 > refuse\-to\-acknowledge; 26911變臉 > suddenly\-turn\-hostile; 26912海斯 > hayes\-\(microcomputer\); 26913東德 > \(former\)\-east\-germany; 26914暗礁 > submerged\-reef\-\(rock\); 26915買好 > to\-ingratiate\-oneself; 26916暗疾 > unmentionable\-disease; 26917聳動 > to\-create\-a\-sensation; 26918板凳 > wooden\-bench\-or\-stool; 26919不暇 > have\-no\-time\-\(for\-sth; 26920悲憤 > grief\-and\-indignation; 26921特產 > special\-local\-product; 26922蕭條 > \(economic\)\-depression; 26923殯葬 > funeral\-and\-interment; 26924命令 > \(an\)\-order\-or\-command; 26925流亡 > to\-\(force\-into\)\-exile; 26926卑污 > despicable\-and\-filthy; 26927暴卒 > die\-of\-sudden\-illness; 26928逼視 > look\-at\-from\-close\-up; 26929旺月 > busy\-\(business\)\-month; 26930列車 > train\-\(railway\-term\); 26931友好 > friendly\-\(relations\); 26932櫃邊 > to\-lie\-on\-one''s\-side; 26933制裁 > \(economic\)\-sanctions; 26934社交 > \(social\)\-interaction; 26935操行 > \(student''s\)\-behavior; 26936姥姥 > maternal\-grandmother; 26937編組 > organize\-into\-groups; 26938親近 > get\-close\-to\-someone; 26939結論 > \(reach\-a\)\-conclusion; 26940闡述 > expound\-\(a\-position\); 26941心寒 > be\-very\-disappointed; 26942組裝 > assemble\-and\-install; 26943誓死 > to\-pledge\-one''s\-life; 26944城鄉 > city\-and\-countryside; 26945協定 > \(reach\-an\)\-agreement; 26946水域 > \(territorial\)\-waters; 26947勻整 > neat\-and\-well\-spaced; 26948內閣 > \(government\)\-cabinet; 26949廠牌 > brand\-\(of\-a\-product\); 26950奶奶 > paternal\-grandmother; 26951編次 > order\-of\-arrangement; 26952教授 > university\-professor; 26953勢必 > is\-bound\-to\-\(happen\); 26954墨汁 > prepared\-chinese\-ink; 26955大將 > a\-general\-or\-admiral; 26956氣人 > to\-get\-someone\-angry; 26957包場 > book\-a\-whole\-theatre; 26958六號 > 6th\-day\-of\-the\-month; 26959詞彙 > \(list\-of\)\-vocabulary; 26960攝影 > to\-take\-a\-photograph; 26961辯白 > offer\-an\-explanation; 26962採訪 > cover\-\(a\-news\-story\); 26963兵站 > army\-service\-station; 26964軍費 > military\-expenditure; 26965據悉 > according\-to\-reports; 26966前年 > the\-year\-before\-last; 26967補色 > complementary\-colour; 26968攻勢 > \(military\)\-offensive; 26969分擔 > share\-responsibility; 26970開發 > exploit\-\(a\-resource\); 26971歷代 > successive\-dynasties; 26972近日 > in\-the\-past\-few\-days; 26973回訪 > \(pay\-a\)\-return\-visit; 26974病變 > pathological\-changes; 26975凌晨 > early\-in\-the\-morning; 26976籠統 > \(in\)\-general\-\(terms\); 26977槳狀 > certificate\-of\-merit; 26978倚重 > to\-rely\-heavily\-upon; 26979把酒 > raise\-one''s\-wine\-cup; 26980軍用 > \(for\)\-military\-\(use\); 26981保重 > take\-care\-of\-oneself; 26982報仇 > to\-revenge\-\(oneself\); 26983抄身 > to\-search\-\(a\-person\); 26984棉襖 > cotton\-padded\-jacket; 26985儘早 > as\-early\-as\-possible; 26986培修 > to\-repair\-earthworks; 26987尊重 > to\-value\-\(something\); 26988病灶 > focus\-\(of\-infection\); 26989侵襲 > to\-invade\-and\-attack; 26990簡朴 > simple\-and\-unadorned; 26991駁運 > transport\-by\-lighter; 26992例言 > introductory\-remarks; 26993備查 > for\-future\-reference; 26994安逸 > easy\-and\-comfortable; 26995病房 > ward\-\(of\-a\-hospital\); 26996表彰 > cite\-\(in\-dispatches\); 26997拜會 > pay\-an\-official\-call; 26998專程 > special\-purpose\-trip; 26999偽幣 > counterfeit\-currency; 27000才略 > ability\-and\-sagacity; 27001層次 > arrangement\-of\-ideas; 27002筆法 > technique\-of\-writing; 27003交通 > \(automobile\)\-traffic; 27004啟程 > set\-out\-on\-a\-journey; 27005畫報 > pictorial\-\(magazine\); 27006侵擾 > to\-invade\-and\-harass; 27007屏幕 > \(tv\-or\-movie\)\-screen; 27008球網 > net\-\(for\-ball\-games\); 27009漢化 > chinese\-localization; 27010對峙 > mutual\-confrontation; 27011美軍 > us\-army\|armed\-forces; 27012位於 > be\-situated\-\(in\,\-at\); 27013變頻 > frequency\-conversion; 27014單字 > individual\-character; 27015清早 > early\-in\-the\-morning; 27016背心 > a\-sleeveless\-garment; 27017戶口 > registered\-residence; 27018本科 > undergraduate\-course; 27019便中 > at\-one''s\-convenience; 27020寶劍 > a\-double\-edged\-sword; 27021醞釀 > mull\-over\-\(an\-issue\); 27022暗號 > secret\-signal\-\(sign\); 27023老爺 > maternal\-grandfather; 27024班期 > schedule\-\(for\-flight; 27025買方 > buyer\-\(in\-contracts\); 27026安娜 > anna\-\(person''s\-name\); 27027責成 > give\-somebody\-a\-task; 27028多麼 > how\-\(wonderful\,\-etc\); 27029酬謝 > to\-thank\-with\-a\-gift; 27030往返 > to\-go\-back\-and\-forth; 27031包金 > cover\-with\-gold\-leaf; 27032暑熱 > hot\-\(summer\)\-weather; 27033不曾 > never\-\(have\-done\-sth; 27034總部 > general\-headquarters; 27035貶值 > to\-become\-devaluated; 27036遺骸 > \(dead\)\-human\-remains; 27037遺骨 > \(dead\)\-human\-remains; 27038酬答 > to\-thank\-with\-a\-gift; 27039類推 > to\-reason\-by\-analogy; 27040和好 > to\-become\-reconciled; 27041本土 > one''s\-native\-country; 27042亞倫 > aaron\-\(a\-man''s\-name\); 27043羞恥 > \(a\-feeling\-of\)\-shame; 27044哈佛 > harvard\-\(university\); 27045暑期 > summer\-vacation\-time; 27046呼喊 > shout\-\(slogans\,\-etc\); 27047繽紛 > in\-riotous\-profusion; 27048呈報 > to\-\(submit\-a\)\-report; 27049半白 > fifty\-\(years\-of\-age\); 27050 > the\-horns\-of\-a\-sheep; 27051昂然 > upright\-and\-unafraid; 27052還說 > to\-add\-\(in\-speaking\); 27053更加 > more\-\(than\-sth\-else\); 27054爺爺 > paternal\-grandfather; 27055不勝 > cannot\-bear\-or\-stand; 27056敗胃 > spoil\-one''s\-appetite; 27057變心 > cease\-to\-be\-faithful; 27058上個 > first\-\(of\-two\-parts\); 27059奔流 > flow\-at\-great\-speed; 27060日文 > japanese\-\(language\); 27061撞見 > to\-meet\-by\-accident; 27062差額 > balance\-\(financial\); 27063半截 > half\-\(of\-a\-section\); 27064剛纔 > \(just\)\-a\-moment\-ago; 27065廠礦 > factories\-and\-mines; 27066熱烈 > warm\-\(welcome\,\-etc\); 27067辯護 > speak\-in\-defence\-of; 27068大批 > large\-quantities\-of; 27069綁票 > kidnap\-\(for\-ransom\); 27070白銅 > copper\-nickel\-alloy; 27071統稱 > collectively\-called; 27072廢氣 > waste\-\(exhaust\)\-gas; 27073包子 > steamed\-stuffed\-bun; 27074紅葉 > red\-autumnal\-leaves; 27075百貨 > general\-merchandise; 27076鬢髮 > hair\-on\-the\-temples; 27077儘量 > as\-much\-as\-possible; 27078身高 > \(a\-person''s\)\-height; 27079教學 > teacher\-and\-student; 27080鄙人 > your\-humble\-servant; 27081故宮 > the\-imperial\-palace; 27082政局 > political\-situation; 27083睿智 > wise\-and\-farsighted; 27084補角 > supplementary\-angle; 27085進攻 > attack\-\(militarily\); 27086擺弄 > move\-back\-and\-forth; 27087遍布 > be\-found\-everywhere; 27088改名 > to\-change\-ones\-name; 27089補考 > make\-up\-examination; 27090播弄 > order\-subject\-about; 27091年底 > the\-end\-of\-the\-year; 27092約櫃 > ark\-of\-the\-covenant; 27093幫工 > help\-with\-farm\-work; 27094報廢 > report\-as\-worthless; 27095抬頭 > to\-raise\-one''s\-head; 27096執掌 > wield\-\(power\,\-etc\.\); 27097兵權 > military\-leadership; 27098逼供 > extort\-a\-confession; 27099開放 > lift\-\(restrictions\); 27100登月 > go\-\(up\)\-to\-the\-moon; 27101幣值 > value\-of\-a\-currency; 27102冰場 > skating\-or\-ice\-rink; 27103目前 > at\-the\-present\-time; 27104筆譯 > written\-translation; 27105筆試 > written\-examination; 27106關切 > be\-deeply\-concerned; 27107走開 > get\-out\-of\-the\-way\!; 27108覆亡 > fall\-\(of\-an\-empire\); 27109裁斷 > consider\-and\-decide; 27110紀元 > beginning\-of\-an\-era; 27111兵團 > large\-military\-unit; 27112辦事 > to\-handle\-\(affairs\); 27113糾偏 > to\-correct\-an\-error; 27114才識 > ability\-and\-insight; 27115按理 > according\-to\-reason; 27116輔幣 > fractional\-currency; 27117搭伴 > travel\-with\-another; 27118國旗 > flag\-\(of\-a\-country\); 27119軍政 > army\-and\-government; 27120病況 > state\-of\-an\-illness; 27121轉向 > change\-of\-direction; 27122白卷 > blank\-examine\-paper; 27123八仙 > the\-eight\-immortals; 27124較大 > comparatively\-large; 27125筆算 > do\-a\-sum\-in\-writing; 27126裁奪 > consider\-and\-decide; 27127提出 > to\-raise\-\(an\-issue\); 27128白人 > white\-man\-and\-woman; 27129做法 > way\-of\-doing\-things; 27130抽煙 > smoke\-\(a\-cigarette\); 27131表情 > \(facial\)\-expression; 27132補助 > \(financial\)\-subsidy; 27133膠片 > \(photographic\)\-film; 27134病情 > state\-of\-an\-illness; 27135柔道 > \(the\-sport\-of\)\-judo; 27136採制 > collect\-and\-process; 27137抄獲 > to\-search\-and\-seize; 27138表姐 > older\-female\-cousin; 27139軟件 > \(computer\)\-software; 27140招待 > to\-receive\-\(guests\); 27141拜年 > pay\-a\-new\-year\-call; 27142互通 > to\-intercommunicate; 27143篡位 > to\-seize\-the\-throne; 27144罷黜 > dismiss\-from\-office; 27145屬實 > turn\-out\-to\-be\-true; 27146派遣 > send\-\(on\-a\-mission\); 27147並重 > lay\-equal\-stress\-on; 27148才學 > talent\-and\-learning; 27149耕耘 > plowing\-and\-weeding; 27150慈祥 > \(a\)\-kindly\-\(person\); 27151安樂 > peace\-and\-happiness; 27152騙取 > to\-gain\-by\-cheating; 27153涼爽 > cool\-and\-refreshing; 27154黨組 > leading\-party\-group; 27155例外 > \(make\-an\)\-exception; 27156議題 > topic\-of\-discussion; 27157資源 > \(natural\)\-resources; 27158商會 > chamber\-of\-commerce; 27159赤字 > \(financial\)\-deficit; 27160並聯 > parallel\-connection; 27161財源 > financial\-resources; 27162量變 > quantitative\-change; 27163耐煩 > patient\-\(adjective\); 27164丙綸 > polypropylene\-fibre; 27165決議 > \(pass\-a\)\-resolution; 27166錯字 > incorrect\-character; 27167伴唱 > vocal\-accompaniment; 27168識貨 > to\-know\-what''s\-what; 27169官員 > government\-official; 27170稟性 > natural\-disposition; 27171預習 > to\-prepare\-a\-lesson; 27172流派 > school\-\(of\-thought\); 27173哀憐 > feel\-compassion\-for; 27174財寶 > money\-and\-valuables; 27175耐心 > patient\-\(adjective\); 27176日語 > japanese\-\(language\); 27177事宜 > \(make\)\-arrangements; 27178敗類 > scum\-of\-a\-community; 27179旗袍 > chinese\-style\-dress; 27180徐行 > walk\-slowly\,\-stroll; 27181財力 > financial\-resources; 27182藏族 > tibetan\-nationality; 27183照顧 > take\-\(good\)\-care\-of; 27184讓步 > \(make\-a\)\-concession; 27185邊遠 > far\-from\-the\-center; 27186擺闊 > parade\-one''s\-wealth; 27187晴朗 > sunny\-and\-cloudless; 27188悲壯 > solemn\-and\-stirring; 27189罷市 > shopkeeper''s\-strike; 27190不妨 > there\-is\-no\-harm\-in; 27191大腸 > the\-large\-intestine; 27192丹參 > salvia\-miltiorrhiza; 27193零落 > withered\-and\-fallen; 27194得知 > \(find\-out\-and\)\-know; 27195罷官 > dismiss\-from\-office; 27196變故 > an\-unforeseen\-event; 27197恐怕 > \(i''m\)\-afraid\-\(that\); 27198不問 > pay\-no\-attention\-to; 27199廠規 > factory\-regulations; 27200預定 > schedule\-in\-advance; 27201不凡 > out\-of\-the\-ordinary; 27202敗績 > be\-utterly\-defeated; 27203暴利 > sudden\-huge\-profits; 27204罪名 > a\-\(criminal\)\-charge; 27205不乏 > there\-is\-no\-lack\-of; 27206合同 > \(business\)\-contract; 27207幫辦 > assist\-in\-managing; 27208酬應 > social\-interaction; 27209無論 > no\-matter\-what\|how; 27210原定 > originally\-planned; 27211通行 > licence\-\(computer\); 27212司令 > commanding\-officer; 27213糾集 > to\-gather\-together; 27214送行 > to\-see\-someone\-off; 27215違約 > to\-break\-a\-promise; 27216危局 > perilous\-situation; 27217撥號 > dial\-\(a\-telephone\); 27218變修 > become\-revisionist; 27219違章 > to\-break\-the\-rules; 27220網管 > network\-management; 27221蒙文 > mongolian\-language; 27222性交 > sexual\-intercourse; 27223物價 > \(commodity\)\-prices; 27224後天 > day\-after\-tomorrow; 27225太平 > peace\-and\-security; 27226矚望 > to\-look\-forward\-to; 27227協助 > provide\-assistance; 27228採風 > collect\-folk\-songs; 27229描金 > to\-outline\-in\-gold; 27230助教 > teaching\-assistant; 27231夫婦 > a\-\(married\)\-couple; 27232英語 > english\-\(language\); 27233運氣 > luck\-\(good\-or\-bad\); 27234採錄 > collect\-and\-record; 27235熊掌 > bear\-paw\-\(as\-food\); 27236新兵 > new\-\(army\)\-recruit; 27237斃命 > meet\-violent\-death; 27238失事 > \(have\-an\)\-accident; 27239電信 > telecommunications; 27240捨身 > to\-give\-one''s\-life; 27241芝蘭 > irises\-and\-orchids; 27242改口 > to\-correct\-oneself; 27243政務 > government\-affairs; 27244內科 > medical\-department; 27245元素 > \(chemical\)\-element; 27246加入 > to\-become\-a\-member; 27247選區 > electoral\-district; 27248土著 > native\,\-aboriginal; 27249操守 > personal\-integrity; 27250傲視 > turn\-up\-one''s\-nose; 27251莫如 > it\-would\-be\-better; 27252結帳 > to\-settle\-accounts; 27253四處 > all\-over\-the\-place; 27254違例 > to\-break\-the\-rules; 27255坦率 > frank\-\(discussion\); 27256運作 > thread\-\(computing\); 27257週刊 > weekly\-publication; 27258保駕 > escort\-the\-emperor; 27259共有 > to\-have\-altogether; 27260報喜 > announce\-good\-news; 27261跑電 > electrical\-leakage; 27262撥刺 > splash\-\(of\-a\-fish\); 27263拜見 > pay\-a\-formal\-visit; 27264英文 > english\-\(language\); 27265初中 > junior\-high\-school; 27266抄道 > to\-take\-a\-shortcut; 27267演說 > \(deliver\-a\)\-speech; 27268要地 > strategic\-location; 27269辦報 > to\-run\-a\-newspaper; 27270出任 > start\-in\-a\-new\-job; 27271內情 > inside\-information; 27272開展 > \(begin\-to\)\-develop; 27273俄語 > russian\-\(language\); 27274山腳 > foot\-of\-a\-mountain; 27275公司 > \(business\)\-company; 27276拉票 > campaign\-for\-votes; 27277手術 > surgical\-operation; 27278八卦 > the\-eight\-diagrams; 27279體溫 > \(body\)\-temperature; 27280漂移 > drift\-\(electrical\); 27281停滯 > be\-at\-a\-standstill; 27282官邸 > official\-residence; 27283拜渴 > pay\-a\-formal\-visit; 27284軍官 > \(military\)\-officer; 27285筆直 > perfectly\-straight; 27286產生 > to\-come\-into\-being; 27287駐華 > stationed\-in\-china; 27288授受 > to\-give\-and\-accept; 27289疫情 > epidemic\-situation; 27290深造 > advanced\-\(studies\); 27291捨命 > to\-risk\-one''s\-life; 27292裁並 > cut\-down\-and\-merge; 27293使節 > \(diplomatic\)\-envoy; 27294至少 > \(to\-say\-the\)\-least; 27295買賣 > buying\-and\-selling; 27296測繪 > to\-survey\-and\-draw; 27297背約 > break\-an\-agreement; 27298路徑 > route\-\(networking\); 27299舉例 > to\-give\-an\-example; 27300俄文 > russian\-\(language\); 27301才智 > ability\-and\-wisdom; 27302打拳 > to\-do\-shadowboxing; 27303脈欂 > beating\-\(of\-heart\); 27304自主 > to\-act\-for\-oneself; 27305期貨 > futures\-\(on\-goods\); 27306侵截 > to\-hack\-\(computer\); 27307頭髮 > hair\-\(on\-the\-head\); 27308質疑 > call\-into\-question; 27309首次 > for\-the\-first\-time; 27310梆子 > watchman''s\-clapper; 27311油餅 > deep\-fried\-pancake; 27312泄露 > leak\-\(information\); 27313投入 > put\-into\-operation; 27314析疑 > to\-resolve\-a\-doubt; 27315藏語 > tibetan\-\(language\); 27316木耳 > edible\-tree\-fungus; 27317喘息 > to\-gasp\-for\-breath; 27318棄世 > to\-leave\-this\-word; 27319愛稱 > term\-of\-endearment; 27320專員 > assistant\-director; 27321頓足 > stamp\-\(one''s\-feet\); 27322現有 > currently\-existing; 27323鼻樑 > bridge\-of\-the\-nose; 27324參贊 > diplomatic\-officer; 27325並立 > exist\-side\-by\-side; 27326貿易 > \(commercial\)\-trade; 27327酬酢 > to\-exchange\-toasts; 27328浪涌 > \(electrical\)\-surge; 27329佔先 > to\-take\-precedence; 27330背光 > be\-in\-a\-poor\-light; 27331深夜 > very\-late\-at\-night; 27332露面 > appear\-\(in\-public\); 27333商務 > commercial\-affairs; 27334猜疑 > harbour\-suspicions; 27335貴姓 > what\-is\-your\-name\?; 27336猙獰 > mean\-and\-ferocious; 27337液壓 > hydraulic\-pressure; 27338鼻塞 > have\-a\-stuffy\-nose; 27339點心 > light\-refreshments; 27340期待 > to\-look\-forward\-to; 27341海域 > territorial\-waters; 27342比試 > have\-a\-competition; 27343外資 > foreign\-investment; 27344電路 > \(electric\)\-circuit; 27345中將 > lieutenant\-general; 27346文藝 > literature\-and\-art; 27347版稅 > royalty\-\(on\-books\); 27348情報 > \(spy\)\-intelligence; 27349編遣 > reorganize\-\(troops; 27350泰山 > taishan\-\(mountain\); 27351悉尼 > sydney\-\(australia\); 27352薄情 > inconstant\-in\-love; 27353民用 > \(for\)\-civilian\-use; 27354編譯 > translate\-and\-edit; 27355福利 > \(material\)\-welfare; 27356同學 > \(fellow\)\-classmate; 27357並列 > stand\-side\-by\-side; 27358不和 > not\-get\-along\-well; 27359不厭 > not\-mind\-doing\-sth; 27360反感 > \(strongly\)\-dislike; 27361針對 > in\-connection\-with; 27362另寄 > to\-mail\-separately; 27363變幻 > change\-irregularly; 27364報關 > declare\-at\-customs; 27365署名 > sign\-\(a\-signature\); 27366遊覽 > to\-go\-sight\-seeing; 27367外界 > the\-outside\-world; 27368變天 > change\-of\-weather; 27369比濕 > specific\-humidity; 27370德文 > german\-\(language\); 27371卑怯 > mean\-and\-cowardly; 27372兵馬 > troops\-and\-horses; 27373碩士 > master''s\-\(degree\); 27374白骨 > bones\-of\-the\-dead; 27375照相 > take\-a\-photograph; 27376白飯 > plain\-cooked\-rice; 27377日子 > a\-\(calendar\)\-date; 27378教材 > teaching\-material; 27379鄰國 > bordering\-country; 27380機製 > machine\-processed; 27381長達 > extend\-as\-long\-as; 27382化妝 > to\-put\-on\-make\-up; 27383難捱 > trying\,\-difficult; 27384大局 > general\-situation; 27385敏感 > sensitive\-\(issue\); 27386紡織 > spinning\-\(thread\); 27387大多 > for\-the\-most\-part; 27388徒刑 > \(prison\)\-sentence; 27389支持 > to\-be\-in\-favor\-of; 27390紛紛 > one\-after\-another; 27391外國 > foreign\-\(country\); 27392捕食 > catch\-and\-feed\-on; 27393輔課 > subsidiary\-course; 27394八股 > eight\-\-part\-essay; 27395平民 > \(ordinary\)\-people; 27396郊區 > suburban\-district; 27397兩者 > both\-sides\|things; 27398部份 > part\-\(of\-a\-whole\); 27399白肉 > plain\-boiled\-pork; 27400邊塞 > frontier\-fortress; 27401石刻 > stone\-inscription; 27402緊密 > inseparably\-close; 27403邊卡 > border\-checkpoint; 27404緩和 > to\-ease\-\(tension\); 27405編印 > compile\-and\-print; 27406凱旋 > return\-triumphant; 27407瀉肚 > to\-have\-diarrhoea; 27408白眼 > supercilious\-look; 27409眼尖 > to\-have\-good\-eyes; 27410報帳 > render\-an\-account; 27411補發 > supply\-again\-\(sth; 27412把頭 > labour\-contractor; 27413屏障 > protective\-screen; 27414火星 > mars\-\(the\-planet\); 27415騎馬 > ride\-on\-horseback; 27416抄錄 > to\-make\-a\-copy\-of; 27417揭曉 > announce\-publicly; 27418病程 > course\-of\-disease; 27419申訴 > to\-appeal\-\(to\-sb\); 27420供需 > supply\-and\-demand; 27421地殼 > the\-earth''s\-crust; 27422閉幕 > the\-curtain\-falls; 27423盛名 > famous\-reputation; 27424工委 > working\-committee; 27425筆調 > \(of\-writing\)\-tone; 27426展覽 > to\-put\-on\-display; 27427白布 > plain\-white\-cloth; 27428工地 > construction\-site; 27429棕色 > brown\-\(the\-color\); 27430篇目 > table\-of\-contents; 27431住院 > to\-be\-in\-hospital; 27432搏動 > beat\-rhythmically; 27433接待 > receive\-\(a\-visit\); 27434兵力 > military\-strength; 27435公務 > official\-business; 27436拘留 > detain\-\(prisoner\); 27437挨次 > one\-after\-another; 27438公佈 > publicly\-announce; 27439內亂 > internal\-disorder; 27440衛星 > \(space\)\-satellite; 27441拍照 > to\-take\-a\-picture; 27442病故 > die\-of\-an\-illness; 27443衝擊 > \(be\-under\)\-attack; 27444長久 > \(for\-a\)\-long\-time; 27445錄音 > \(sound\)\-recording; 27446保祐 > bless\-and\-protect; 27447捷報 > report\-of\-success; 27448團圓 > to\-have\-a\-reunion; 27449授勛 > to\-award\-an\-honor; 27450哀鳴 > a\-plaintive\-whine; 27451懂行 > to\-know\-the\-ropes; 27452軍區 > a\-military\-region; 27453保爾 > \(a\-personal\-name\); 27454財閥 > financial\-magnate; 27455拍攝 > \(shoot\-a\)\-picture; 27456考驗 > \(put\-to\-the\)\-test; 27457保溫 > heat\-preservation; 27458屏氣 > hold\-one''s\-breath; 27459稟賦 > natural\-endowment; 27460病危 > be\-critically\-ill; 27461併發 > be\-complicated\-by; 27462財貿 > finance\-and\-trade; 27463漢字 > chinese\-character; 27464安穩 > smooth\-and\-steady; 27465專業 > specialized\-field; 27466屏息 > hold\-one''s\-breath; 27467趨時 > to\-follow\-fashion; 27468仍舊 > still\-\(remaining\); 27469拗口 > hard\-to\-pronounce; 27470喘氣 > to\-breathe\-deeply; 27471拜倒 > prostrate\-oneself; 27472才思 > imaginative\-power; 27473波音 > boeing\-\(aircraft\); 27474作業 > school\-assignment; 27475鼓舞 > heartening\-\(news\); 27476案情 > details\-of\-a\-case; 27477財神 > the\-god\-of\-wealth; 27478展出 > to\-put\-on\-display; 27479現狀 > current\-situation; 27480小報 > tabloid\-newspaper; 27481朝聖 > make\-a\-pilgrimage; 27482保健 > health\-protection; 27483淫水 > sexual\-secretions; 27484尋味 > to\-think\-sth\-over; 27485板煙 > plug\-\(of\-tobacco\); 27486注視 > watch\-attentively; 27487法語 > french\-\(language\); 27488獨立 > to\-be\-independent; 27489走出 > to\-move\-away\-from; 27490聲援 > support\-\(a\-cause\); 27491礦藏 > mineral\-resources; 27492寫信 > to\-write\-a\-letter; 27493三維 > three\-dimensional; 27494穴居 > to\-live\-in\-a\-cave; 27495狀語 > adverbial\-adjunct; 27496酬金 > \(monetary\)\-reward; 27497財政 > finances\-\(public\); 27498安危 > safety\-and\-danger; 27499名稱 > name\-\(of\-a\-thing\); 27500物質 > \(physical\)\-matter; 27501吃穿 > food\-and\-clothing; 27502穴位 > acupuncture\-point; 27503學位 > educational\-level; 27504德語 > german\-\(language\); 27505各界 > all\-walks\-of\-life; 27506耳子 > handle\-\(on\-a\-pot\); 27507思維 > \(line\-of\)\-thought; 27508以免 > in\-order\-to\-avoid; 27509事實 > \(the\)\-fact\-\(that\); 27510本性 > natural\-instincts; 27511難題 > difficult\-problem; 27512變相 > in\-disguised\-form; 27513財務 > financial\-affairs; 27514服役 > serve\-in\-the\-army; 27515醫療 > medical\-treatment; 27516敬重 > to\-respect\-deeply; 27517暗河 > underground\-river; 27518頸椎 > cervical\-vertibra; 27519網點 > node\-in\-a\-network; 27520黑客 > hacker\-\(computer\); 27521纖芯 > core\-\(of\-a\-fiber\); 27522編隊 > form\-into\-columns; 27523敗退 > retreat\-in\-defeat; 27524本國 > one''s\-own\-country; 27525法文 > french\-\(language\); 27526語言 > \(spoken\)\-language; 27527不屑 > disdain\-to\-do\-sth; 27528半票 > half\-price\-ticket; 27529獨唱 > \(in\-singing\)\-solo; 27530私人 > private\-\(citizen\); 27531獲准 > obtain\-permission; 27532權鑰 > keys\-of\-authority; 27533爆管 > cartridge\-igniter; 27534礦床 > \(mineral\)\-deposit; 27535止血 > stanch\-\(bleeding\); 27536名字 > \(a\-person''s\)\-name; 27537台幣 > new\-taiwan\-dollar; 27538顧及 > take\-into\-account; 27539下去 > go\-down\-\(descend\); 27540勻稱 > well\-proportioned; 27541不力 > not\-do\-one''s\-best; 27542道謝 > to\-express\-thanks; 27543硝煙 > smoke\-\(from\-guns\); 27544藝人 > performing\-artist; 27545教練 > \(athlete''s\)\-coach; 27546出院 > to\-leave\-hospital; 27547阿里 > ali\-\(proper\-name\); 27548附近 > \(in\-the\)\-vicinity; 27549牌樓 > decorated\-archway; 27550父母 > father\-and\-mother; 27551磨子 > mill\,\-millstones; 27552后人 > later\-generation; 27553識字 > to\-learn\-to\-read; 27554心得 > knowledge\-gained; 27555求婚 > propose\-marriage; 27556編目 > make\-a\-catalogue; 27557電流 > electric\-current; 27558城鎮 > cities\-and\-towns; 27559委員 > committee\-member; 27560壁畫 > mural\-\(painting\); 27561姓名 > name\-and\-surname; 27562是否 > whether\-\(or\-not\); 27563總機 > central\-exchange; 27564過程 > course\-of\-events; 27565熊猴 > assamese\-macaque; 27566大會 > general\-assembly; 27567基調 > \(speech\)\-keynote; 27568誤會 > to\-misunderstand; 27569訂票 > to\-issue\-tickets; 27570壽桃 > birthday\-peaches; 27571巴豆 > \(purging\)\-croton; 27572壽星 > god\-of\-longevity; 27573入迷 > to\-be\-fascinated; 27574明代 > the\-ming\-dynasty; 27575退票 > bounce\-\(a\-check\); 27576繃子 > embroidery\-frame; 27577得出 > obtain\-\(results\); 27578免費 > free\-\(of\-charge\); 27579遲暮 > past\-one''s\-prime; 27580網橋 > \(network\)\-bridge; 27581列為 > be\-classified\-as; 27582國防 > national\-defence; 27583故居 > former\-residence; 27584剽悍 > swift\-and\-fierce; 27585武官 > military\-attache; 27586違憲 > unconstitutional; 27587勞動 > \(physical\)\-labor; 27588為生 > to\-make\-a\-living; 27589公羊 > ram\-\(male\-sheep\); 27590船隊 > fleet\-\(of\-ships\); 27591廣州 > guangzhou\-\(city\); 27592電力 > electrical\-power; 27593補血 > enrich\-the\-blood; 27594燈光 > \(stage\)\-lighting; 27595透支 > \(bank\)\-overdraft; 27596迴旋 > maneuvering\-room; 27597白磷 > white\-phosphorus; 27598報捷 > report\-a\-success; 27599訪問 > pay\-a\-visit\-\(to\); 27600除夕 > \(new\-year''s\)\-eve; 27601辦案 > to\-handle\-a\-case; 27602訂單 > \(purchase\)\-order; 27603華僑 > overseas\-chinese; 27604滑鼠 > mouse\-\(computer\); 27605病菌 > harmful\-bacteria; 27606進修 > advanced\-studies; 27607長江 > changjiang\-river; 27608筆頭 > ability\-to\-write; 27609幾千 > several\-thousand; 27610到了 > in\-\(a\-past\-time\); 27611報名 > enter\-one''s\-name; 27612出名 > well\-known\-\(for\); 27613授獎 > to\-award\-a\-prize; 27614體育 > physical\-culture; 27615漢語 > chinese\-language; 27616兵役 > military\-service; 27617畢肖 > resemble\-closely; 27618崩漏 > uterine\-bleeding; 27619冗員 > excess\-personnel; 27620兵士 > ordinary\-soldier; 27621要人 > important\-person; 27622採擇 > select\-and\-adopt; 27623踩線 > step\-on\-the\-line; 27624癱子 > paralyzed\-person; 27625巨匠 > master\-craftsman; 27626閱兵 > to\-review\-troops; 27627傲氣 > air\-of\-arrogance; 27628便衣 > civilian\-clothes; 27629尋訪 > to\-inquire\-after; 27630寶貝 > treasured\-object; 27631閱世 > to\-see\-the\-world; 27632簡明 > simple\-and\-clear; 27633安頓 > find\-a\-place\-for; 27634公公 > husband''s\-father; 27635例語 > example\-sentance; 27636閃亮 > brilliant\,\-shiny; 27637均勢 > balance\-of\-power; 27638保留 > continue\-to\-have; 27639人頭 > number\-of\-people; 27640接人 > to\-meet\-a\-person; 27641國力 > a\-nation''s\-power; 27642扮演 > play\-the\-part\-of; 27643病因 > cause\-of\-disease; 27644軍事 > military\-affairs; 27645佔線 > busy\-\(telephone\); 27646山村 > mountain\-village; 27647屬於 > be\-classified\-as; 27648拐彎 > to\-turn\-a\-corner; 27649病原 > cause\-of\-disease; 27650聚變 > \(nuclear\)\-fusion; 27651表冊 > statistical\-form; 27652審理 > to\-hear\-\(a\-case\); 27653抄本 > handwritten\-copy; 27654安置 > find\-a\-place\-for; 27655舔吮 > to\-lick\-and\-suck; 27656便橋 > temporary\-bridge; 27657筆戰 > written\-polemics; 27658便服 > everyday\-clothes; 27659感謝 > \(express\)\-thanks; 27660下馬 > dismount\-a\-horse; 27661安眠 > sleep\-peacefully; 27662層層 > layer\-upon\-layer; 27663筆帽 > the\-cap\-of\-a\-pen; 27664貶義 > derogatory\-sense; 27665作法 > course\-of\-action; 27666演員 > actor\-or\-actress; 27667鑒別 > to\-differentiate; 27668保密 > maintain\-secrecy; 27669筆套 > the\-cap\-of\-a\-pen; 27670借助 > to\-get\-help\-from; 27671甘地 > \(mahatma\)\-gandhi; 27672注重 > pay\-attention\-to; 27673懸掛 > \(car\)\-suspension; 27674不謝 > don''t\-mention\-it; 27675本義 > original\-meaning; 27676伴星 > companion\-\(star\); 27677保全 > save\-from\-damage; 27678抄件 > duplicate\-\(copy\); 27679罷課 > student''s\-strike; 27680重重 > layer\-upon\-layer; 27681應戰 > face\-a\-challenge; 27682核威 > nuclear\-strength; 27683虜獲 > capture\-\(people\); 27684本票 > cashier''s\-cheque; 27685例句 > example\-sentance; 27686安徽 > anhui\-\(province\); 27687蓖麻 > castor\-oil\-plant; 27688站台 > railway\-platform; 27689理會 > pay\-attention\-to; 27690獲益 > obtain\-a\-benefit; 27691今昔 > past\-and\-present; 27692板栗 > chinese\-chestnut; 27693吸管 > \(drinking\)\-straw; 27694人數 > number\-of\-people; 27695家務 > household\-duties; 27696民間 > among\-the\-people; 27697婚禮 > wedding\-ceremony; 27698警衛 > \(security\)\-guard; 27699乾杯 > to\-drink\-a\-toast; 27700猿猴 > apes\-and\-monkeys; 27701並激 > shunt\-excitation; 27702量綱 > dimension\-\(unit\); 27703質問 > \(ask\-a\)\-question; 27704蒐集 > to\-gather\-\(data\); 27705暑瘟 > tropical\-disease; 27706博覽 > read\-extensively; 27707深入 > penetrate\-deeply; 27708丹桂 > orange\-osmanthus; 27709板壁 > wooden\-partition; 27710某人 > a\-certain\-person; 27711月曆 > monthly\-calendar; 27712治病 > treat\-an\-illness; 27713十誡 > ten\-commandments; 27714外長 > foreign\-minister; 27715配藥 > dispense\-\(drugs\); 27716字串 > character\-string; 27717中文 > chinese\-language; 27718大選 > general\-election; 27719唐代 > the\-tang\-dynasty; 27720性病 > venereal\-disease; 27721君權 > monarchial\-power; 27722藏文 > tibetan\-language; 27723讀物 > reading\-material; 27724邊防 > frontier\-defence; 27725向東 > towards\-the\-east; 27726集錦 > best\-of\-the\-best; 27727罷教 > teacher''s\-strike; 27728外語 > foreign\-language; 27729課表 > school\-timetable; 27730誤解 > misunderstanding; 27731同時 > at\-the\-same\-time; 27732不忙 > there''s\-no\-hurry; 27733集郵 > stamp\-collecting; 27734廠長 > factory\-director; 27735變法 > political\-reform; 27736波折 > twists\-and\-turns; 27737群島 > group\-of\-islands; 27738犯法 > to\-break\-the\-law; 27739不少 > not\-\(just\)\-a\-few; 27740年齡 > \(a\-person''s\)\-age; 27741比翼 > fly\-wing\-to\-wing; 27742神奇 > magical\-mystical; 27743禁品 > contraband\-goods; 27744最先 > \(the\)\-very\-first; 27745婆家 > husband''s\-family; 27746明淨 > bright\-and\-clean; 27747重慶 > chongqing\-\(city\); 27748婆婆 > husband''s\-mother; 27749吃完 > to\-finish\-eating; 27750逼近 > press\-on\-towards; 27751報館 > newspaper\-office; 27752電纜 > \(electric\)\-cable; 27753狀態 > state\-of\-affairs; 27754中介 > agent\-\(computer\); 27755不光 > not\-the\-only\-one; 27756暑天 > hot\-\(summer\)\-day; 27757華語 > chinese\-language; 27758不僅 > not\-the\-only\-one; 27759反對 > to\-fight\-against; 27760不久 > not\-long\-\(after\); 27761天父 > heavenly\-father; 27762特徵 > characteristics; 27763暑假 > summer\-vacation; 27764擺脫 > break\-away\-from; 27765半數 > half\-the\-number; 27766冰霜 > moral\-integrity; 27767勻溜 > even\-and\-smooth; 27768原委 > the\-whole\-story; 27769特寫 > feature\-article; 27770春天 > spring\-\(season\); 27771止痛 > to\-relieve\-pain; 27772叛亂 > armed\-rebellion; 27773文檔 > \(computer\)\-file; 27774緬甸 > myanmar\-\(burma\); 27775失望 > be\-disappointed; 27776網站 > network\-station; 27777開門 > open\-\(the\)\-door; 27778經管 > be\-in\-charge\-of; 27779半天 > half\-of\-the\-day; 27780語族 > language\-branch; 27781往年 > in\-former\-years; 27782日報 > daily\-newspaper; 27783光電 > opto\-electrical; 27784語支 > language\-branch; 27785白鐵 > galvanized\-iron; 27786雅歌 > song\-of\-solomon; 27787彼岸 > the\-other\-shore; 27788配合 > coordinate\-with; 27789報系 > newspaper\-chain; 27790標量 > scalar\-quantity; 27791南北 > north\-and\-south; 27792比容 > specific\-volume; 27793盈虧 > profit\-and\-loss; 27794勸導 > try\-to\-convince; 27795陣營 > group\-of\-people; 27796幾百 > several\-hundred; 27797大寫 > capital\-letters; 27798過活 > live\-one''s\-life; 27799牌位 > memorial\-tablet; 27800早些 > \(a\-bit\)\-earlier; 27801課外 > extracurricular; 27802收拾 > to\-put\-in\-order; 27803網段 > network\-segment; 27804弟弟 > younger\-brother; 27805遲早 > sooner\-or\-later; 27806矮小 > short\-and\-small; 27807比價 > price\-relations; 27808新任 > newly\-appointed; 27809霸佔 > forcibly\-occupy; 27810病魔 > serious\-illness; 27811常用 > in\-common\-usage; 27812冰磚 > ice\-cream\-brick; 27813白菜 > chinese\-cabbage; 27814強加 > impose\-by\-force; 27815外事 > foreign\-affairs; 27816邊地 > border\-district; 27817舌面 > blade\-of\-tongue; 27818著作 > a\-literary\-work; 27819白米 > \(polished\)\-rice; 27820瀕臨 > on\-the\-verge\-of; 27821損益 > profit\-and\-loss; 27822選單 > \(software\)\-menu; 27823執法 > law\-enforcement; 27824進展 > to\-make\-headway; 27825為此 > for\-this\-reason; 27826廠史 > factory\-history; 27827光磁 > magneto\-optical; 27828隘口 > \(mountain\)\-pass; 27829網址 > \(internet\)\-site; 27830畫面 > \(picture\)\-frame; 27831菜地 > vegetable\-field; 27832畜類 > domestic\-animal; 27833抱養 > adopt\-\(a\-child\); 27834城樓 > city\-gate\-tower; 27835採種 > seed\-collecting; 27836花白 > grizzled\-\(hair\); 27837屍體 > \(lifeless\)\-body; 27838圖簽 > \(computer\)\-icon; 27839巴望 > look\-forward\-to; 27840層雲 > stratus\-\(cloud\); 27841籌碼 > bargaining\-chip; 27842降價 > price\-reduction; 27843標樁 > \(marking\)\-stake; 27844閉會 > close\-a\-meeting; 27845純屬 > pure\-and\-simple; 27846光榮 > honor\-and\-glory; 27847辦學 > to\-run\-a\-school; 27848標杆 > surveyor''s\-pole; 27849幣制 > currency\-system; 27850報到 > report\-for\-duty; 27851年份 > particular\-year; 27852基地 > \(military\)\-base; 27853光明 > bright\-\(future\); 27854保釋 > release\-on\-bail; 27855射頻 > radio\-frequency; 27856鬥爭 > struggle\-\(with\); 27857裡根 > \(ronald\)\-reagan; 27858抗衡 > contend\-against; 27859級別 > \(military\)\-rank; 27860筆誤 > a\-slip\-of\-a\-pen; 27861八寶 > eight\-treasures; 27862百年 > a\-hundred\-years; 27863摘借 > to\-borrow\-money; 27864圖標 > \(computer\)\-icon; 27865長官 > senior\-official; 27866入境 > enter\-a\-country; 27867兒媳 > daughter\-in\-law; 27868臂紗 > \(black\)\-armband; 27869軍校 > military\-school; 27870把舵 > hold\-the\-rudder; 27871被捕 > be\-under\-arrest; 27872首長 > senior\-official; 27873百十 > a\-hundred\-or\-so; 27874坐好 > to\-sit\-properly; 27875畜生 > domestic\-animal; 27876錦雞 > golden\-pheasant; 27877自殺 > to\-kill\-oneself; 27878高昂 > in\-high\-spirits; 27879穿過 > to\-pass\-through; 27880備戰 > prepare\-for\-war; 27881安身 > make\-one''s\-home; 27882游說 > drum\-up\-support; 27883至於 > go\-so\-far\-as\-to; 27884生物 > living\-creature; 27885戶籍 > census\-register; 27886校舍 > school\-building; 27887善良 > good\-and\-honest; 27888軍備 > \(military\)\-arms; 27889首腦 > head\-\(of\-state\); 27890安葬 > bury\-\(the\-dead\); 27891極力 > do\-at\-all\-costs; 27892跑步 > to\-walk\-quickly; 27893貶詞 > derogatory\-term; 27894互連 > interconnection; 27895悲鳴 > utter\-sad\-calls; 27896滿意 > to\-be\-satisfied; 27897海運 > shipping\-by\-sea; 27898留學 > to\-study\-abroad; 27899便條 > \(informal\)\-note; 27900甚或 > so\-much\-so\-that; 27901山峰 > \(mountain\)\-peak; 27902溫柔 > gentle\-and\-soft; 27903高中 > high\-and\-middle; 27904胃病 > stomach\-trouble; 27905同齡 > of\-the\-same\-age; 27906吸音 > sound\-absorbing; 27907麻醉 > to\-anaesthetize; 27908投奔 > to\-seek\-shelter; 27909例會 > regular\-meeting; 27910餅肥 > cake\-fertilizer; 27911暴雨 > torrential\-rain; 27912便宴 > informal\-dinner; 27913上述 > above\-mentioned; 27914實彈 > live\-ammunition; 27915產值 > value\-of\-output; 27916祝賀 > to\-congratulate; 27917以為 > consider\-\(that\); 27918核彈 > nuclear\-warhead; 27919上課 > to\-attend\-class; 27920符合 > in\-keeping\-with; 27921技倆 > tricky\-maneuver; 27922泰語 > thai\-\(language\); 27923寵壞 > spoil\-\(a\-child\); 27924交界 > common\-boundary; 27925三萬 > thirty\-thousand; 27926貨源 > supply\-of\-goods; 27927窗帘 > window\-curtains; 27928期票 > promissory\-note; 27929口語 > spoken\-language; 27930私營 > privately\-owned; 27931寒假 > winter\-vacation; 27932哀歌 > a\-mournful\-song; 27933牽連 > \(be\)\-implicated; 27934性行 > sexual\-activity; 27935學士 > bachelor\-degree; 27936負擔 > \(bear\-a\)\-burden; 27937一秘 > first\-secretary; 27938藥瓶 > medicine\-bottle; 27939慚愧 > \(to\-be\)\-ashamed; 27940人才 > talented\-person; 27941不甘 > unreconciled\-to; 27942班子 > organized\-group; 27943每隔 > at\-intervals\-of; 27944愛戴 > love\-and\-esteem; 27945愛戀 > be\-in\-love\-with; 27946杭州 > hangzhou\-\(city\); 27947問世 > to\-be\-published; 27948悲泣 > weep\-with\-grief; 27949法理 > legal\-principle; 27950秩序 > order\-\(orderly\); 27951政黨 > political\-party; 27952名片 > \(business\)\-card; 27953旅費 > travel\-expenses; 27954財團 > financial\-group; 27955沙石 > sand\-and\-stones; 27956禁果 > forbidden\-fruit; 27957郵遞 > to\-send\-by\-mail; 27958析出 > to\-seperate\-out; 27959奔襲 > long\-range\-raid; 27960板刷 > scrubbing\-brush; 27961服從 > obey\-\(an\-order\); 27962施行 > to\-put\-in\-place; 27963罰款 > \(impose\-a\)\-fine; 27964雌雄 > male\-and\-female; 27965邊音 > lateral\-\(sound\); 27966母語 > native\-language; 27967母親 > mother\-\(formal\); 27968泰文 > thai\-\(language\); 27969磁盤 > \(computer\)\-disk; 27970媳婦 > daughter\-in\-law; 27971礦業 > mining\-industry; 27972流失 > be\-drained\-away; 27973引起 > to\-give\-rise\-to; 27974 > stump\-of\-a\-tree; 27975證物 > exhibit\-\(legal\); 27976縫補 > darn\-\(clothing\); 27977編選 > select\-and\-edit; 27978上學 > to\-go\-to\-school; 27979頻帶 > frequency\-range; 27980庭長 > presiding\-judge; 27981政見 > political\-views; 27982悲嘆 > sigh\-mournfully; 27983頻寬 > frequency\-range; 27984半生 > half\-a\-lifetime; 27985博物 > natural\-science; 27986郵票 > \(postage\)\-stamp; 27987恰好 > as\-it\-turns\-out; 27988氣溫 > air\-temperature; 27989矮胖 > short\-and\-stout; 27990語系 > language\-system; 27991變形 > be\-out\-of\-shape; 27992南海 > south\-china\-sea; 27993美元 > american\-dollar; 27994世人 > \(common\)\-people; 27995名單 > list\-\(of\-names\); 27996電磁 > electromagnetic; 27997民權 > civil\-liberties; 27998據說 > it\-is\-said\-that; 27999原性 > original\-nature; 28000數百 > several\-hundred; 28001操課 > military\-drill; 28002協會 > an\-association; 28003文物 > cultural\-relic; 28004通訊 > communications; 28005危房 > decrepit\-house; 28006特工 > secret\-service; 28007電燈 > electric\-light; 28008北極 > the\-north\-pole; 28009預付 > pay\-in\-advance; 28010殺氣 > murderous\-look; 28011磁場 > magnetic\-field; 28012牙床 > alveolar\-ridge; 28013參加 > to\-participate; 28014民意 > public\-opinion; 28015妹妹 > younger\-sister; 28016往日 > in\-former\-days; 28017勘測 > to\-investigate; 28018冰釋 > \(of\-misgivings; 28019大樓 > large\-building; 28020怪人 > strange\-person; 28021營業 > to\-do\-business; 28022塑膠 > plastic\-cement; 28023晚上 > in\-the\-evening; 28024散步 > to\-take\-a\-walk; 28025識別 > to\-distinguish; 28026失控 > out\-of\-control; 28027數月 > several\-months; 28028往復 > to\-reciprocate; 28029靶場 > shooting\-range; 28030糖醋 > sweet\-and\-sour; 28031帳號 > account\-number; 28032爪子 > \(animal''s\)\-paw; 28033別管 > no\-matter\-\(who; 28034刨程 > planing\-length; 28035素菜 > vegetable\-dish; 28036開車 > to\-drive\-a\-car; 28037煙火 > smoke\-and\-fire; 28038轉運 > transportation; 28039巡警 > police\-officer; 28040放映 > show\-\(a\-movie\); 28041製造 > to\-manufacture; 28042利率 > interest\-rates; 28043輿論 > public\-opinion; 28044弱小 > small\-and\-weak; 28045敝屣 > worn\-out\-shoes; 28046矮子 > a\-short\-person; 28047速決 > quick\-decision; 28048關稅 > \(customs\)\-duty; 28049白蘇 > common\-perilla; 28050比值 > specific\-value; 28051基督 > jesus\-\(christ\); 28052探路 > to\-find\-a\-path; 28053遙控 > remote\-control; 28054遙感 > remote\-sensing; 28055白色 > white\-\(colour\); 28056撥款 > allocate\-funds; 28057廠工 > factory\-worker; 28058正好 > just\-\(in\-time\); 28059探視 > pay\-a\-visit\-to; 28060判明 > to\-distinguish; 28061引咎 > take\-the\-blame; 28062壁報 > wall\-newspaper; 28063改善 > to\-make\-better; 28064造成 > to\-bring\-about; 28065幫會 > secret\-society; 28066操心 > to\-worry\-about; 28067白種 > the\-white\-race; 28068補缺 > fill\-a\-vacancy; 28069西歐 > western\-europe; 28070逕庭 > very\-different; 28071補綴 > mend\-\(clothes\); 28072集中 > to\-concentrate; 28073遲到 > to\-arrive\-late; 28074報復 > make\-reprisals; 28075真情 > real\-situation; 28076巨流 > strong\-current; 28077退學 > to\-quit\-school; 28078廉價 > cheaply\-priced; 28079病號 > sick\-personnel; 28080團結 > \(hold\-a\)\-rally; 28081圍繞 > revolve\-around; 28082近年 > recent\-year\(s\); 28083倒閉 > to\-go\-bankrupt; 28084冷戰 > \(the\)\-cold\-war; 28085價目 > \(marked\)\-price; 28086病脈 > abnormal\-pulse; 28087漸變 > gradual\-change; 28088通信 > to\-communicate; 28089紀念 > to\-commemorate; 28090開會 > have\-a\-meeting; 28091全景 > panoramic\-view; 28092刀叉 > knife\-and\-fork; 28093布帛 > cloth\-and\-silk; 28094找錢 > to\-give\-change; 28095補液 > fluid\-infusion; 28096起點 > starting\-point; 28097報分 > call\-the\-score; 28098挺立 > to\-stand\-erect; 28099八成 > eighty\-percent; 28100兩手 > double\-tactics; 28101採油 > oil\-extraction; 28102跨越 > to\-step\-across; 28103跑道 > athletic\-track; 28104握拳 > to\-make\-a\-fist; 28105握手 > to\-shake\-hands; 28106精干 > crack\-\(troops\); 28107長征 > the\-long\-march; 28108病痛 > slight\-illness; 28109英寸 > \(english\)\-inch; 28110標尺 > surveyor''s\-rod; 28111將軍 > \(army\)\-general; 28112兩國 > both\-countries; 28113全國 > entire\-country; 28114輩子 > all\-one''s\-life; 28115長城 > the\-great\-wall; 28116表決 > decide\-by\-vote; 28117成都 > chengdu\-\(city\); 28118鬥智 > battle\-of\-wits; 28119八千 > eight\-thousand; 28120病歷 > medical\-record; 28121伸開 > to\-stretch\-out; 28122演示 > to\-demonstrate; 28123畢生 > all\-one''s\-life; 28124握別 > to\-shake\-hands; 28125傳播 > to\-disseminate; 28126入伍 > enter\-the\-army; 28127首都 > capital\-\(city\); 28128潔淨 > cleanse\-\(sins\); 28129舌根 > back\-of\-tongue; 28130傍晚 > in\-the\-evening; 28131行政 > administration; 28132小聲 > in\-a\-low\-voice; 28133篡改 > to\-tamper\-with; 28134截至 > up\-to\-\(a\-time\); 28135起草 > draft\-\(a\-bill\); 28136挨打 > take\-a\-beating; 28137層理 > stratification; 28138球鞋 > athletic\-shoes; 28139鍋貼 > fried\-dumpling; 28140授命 > to\-give\-orders; 28141核能 > nuclear\-energy; 28142浮點 > floating\-point; 28143生火 > to\-make\-a\-fire; 28144自從 > since\-\(a\-time\); 28145寶石 > precious\-stone; 28146棄櫻 > abandoned\-baby; 28147產權 > property\-right; 28148齒輪 > \(machine\)\-gear; 28149侵犯 > to\-infringe\-on; 28150血壓 > blood\-pressure; 28151病員 > sick\-personnel; 28152減肥 > to\-lose\-weight; 28153代表 > representative; 28154畫展 > art\-exhibition; 28155生效 > to\-take\-effect; 28156才氣 > liteary\-talent; 28157期間 > period\-of\-time; 28158專欄 > special\-column; 28159學籍 > school\-roll\(s\); 28160禁食 > fast\-\(not\-eat\); 28161某種 > some\-kind\-\(of\); 28162將會 > will\,\-going\-to; 28163豎起 > hold\-up\-\(high\); 28164寶書 > treasured\-book; 28165吃驚 > to\-be\-startled; 28166導彈 > guided\-missile; 28167清爽 > fresh\-and\-cool; 28168互聯 > interconnected; 28169唱片 > \(vinyl\)\-record; 28170二者 > both\-\[of\-them\]; 28171才子 > gifted\-scholar; 28172侵害 > to\-encroach\-on; 28173寶庫 > treasure\-house; 28174保單 > guarantee\-slip; 28175小學 > primary\-school; 28176仔畜 > newborn\-animal; 28177本色 > natural\-colour; 28178來往 > to\-come\-and\-go; 28179題跋 > short\-comments; 28180不解 > not\-understand; 28181懮慮 > \(feel\)\-anxiety; 28182余悸 > lingering\-fear; 28183成就 > accomplishment; 28184容忍 > to\-put\-up\-with; 28185罷論 > abandoned\-idea; 28186患處 > afflicted\-part; 28187架構 > infrastructure; 28188穴播 > bunch\-planting; 28189懷孕 > to\-be\-pregnant; 28190職業 > job\-occupation; 28191任期 > term\-of\-office; 28192不興 > out\-of\-fashion; 28193球棒 > \(baseball\)\-bat; 28194資格 > qualifications; 28195東海 > east\-china\-sea; 28196東歐 > eastern\-europe; 28197任憑 > no\-matter\-what; 28198今朝 > at\-the\-present; 28199作品 > works\-\(of\-art\); 28200憋悶 > feel\-oppressed; 28201飼槽 > feeding\-trough; 28202警車 > police\-vehicle; 28203寒冷 > cold\-\(climate\); 28204安好 > safe\-and\-sound; 28205液晶 > liquid\-crystal; 28206參觀 > to\-look\-around; 28207可能 > might\-\(happen\); 28208首先 > first\-\(of\-all\); 28209液態 > liquid\-\(state\); 28210孕婦 > pregnant\-woman; 28211乘法 > multiplication; 28212定價 > to\-set\-a\-price; 28213暗箱 > camera\-bellows; 28214減刑 > reduce\-penalty; 28215一生 > all\-one''s\-life; 28216中歐 > central\-europe; 28217犯罪 > \(commit\)\-crime; 28218份兒 > degree\,\-extent; 28219特色 > characteristic; 28220中斷 > to\-discontinue; 28221秕子 > blighted\-grain; 28222現任 > at\-the\-present; 28223有待 > not\-yet\-\(done\); 28224題材 > subject\-matter; 28225礦泉 > mineral\-spring; 28226毛衣 > \(wool\)\-sweater; 28227責任 > responsibility; 28228半職 > part\-time\-work; 28229顯得 > appear\-\(to\-be\); 28230研製 > to\-manufacture; 28231不忍 > cannot\-bear\-to; 28232媽咪 > mummy\-\(mother\); 28233波恩 > bonn\-\(germany\); 28234敗訴 > lose\-a\-lawsuit; 28235壽衣 > burial\-clothes; 28236擺鐘 > pendulum\-clock; 28237北緯 > north\-latitude; 28238及格 > to\-pass\-a\-test; 28239法庭 > court\-\(of\-law\); 28240這類 > this\-kind\-\(of\); 28241主修 > \(school\)\-major; 28242變成 > to\-change\-into; 28243不合 > not\-conform\-to; 28244斑竹 > mottled\-bamboo; 28245不及 > not\-as\-good\-as; 28246分類 > classification; 28247重建 > reconstruction; 28248請看 > please\-see\-\.\.\.; 28249類別 > classification; 28250氫氣 > hydrogen\-\(gas\); 28251數種 > numerous\-types; 28252破產 > to\-go\-bankrupt; 28253冰點 > freezing\-point; 28254華裔 > ethnic\-chinese; 28255不仁 > not\-benevolent; 28256收聽 > to\-listen\-\(to\); 28257菲菲 > very\-fragrant; 28258昂揚 > high\-spirited; 28259早晨 > early\-morning; 28260磁帶 > magnetic\-tape; 28261解調 > to\-demodulate; 28262北海 > the\-north\-sea; 28263薄利 > small\-profits; 28264晚報 > evening\-paper; 28265星座 > constellation; 28266冰鞋 > skating\-boots; 28267廠絲 > filature\-silk; 28268矛盾 > contradictory; 28269出賣 > to\-sell\-\(off\); 28270到處 > in\-all\-places; 28271古代 > ancient\-times; 28272新月 > crescent\-moon; 28273即將 > on\-the\-eve\-of; 28274卑微 > petty\-and\-low; 28275危害 > to\-jeopardize; 28276刨花 > wood\-shavings; 28277莨菪 > black\-henbane; 28278調查 > investigation; 28279綁腿 > leg\-wrappings; 28280列舉 > \(make\-a\)\-list; 28281適用 > be\-applicable; 28282摘記 > to\-take\-notes; 28283元首 > head\-of\-state; 28284方式 > way\-\(of\-life\); 28285日夜 > day\-and\-night; 28286芝麻 > sesame\-\(seed\); 28287牌坊 > memorial\-arch; 28288前生 > pre\-existence; 28289昇值 > rise\-in\-value; 28290米飯 > \(cooked\)\-rice; 28291轉道 > make\-a\-detour; 28292長途 > long\-distance; 28293日前 > the\-other\-day; 28294墜毀 > \(plane\)\-crash; 28295雙手 > pair\-of\-hands; 28296南亞 > southern\-asia; 28297刊登 > carry\-a\-story; 28298誇張 > to\-exaggerate; 28299難忘 > unforgettable; 28300早上 > early\-morning; 28301太太 > married\-woman; 28302撥用 > appropriation; 28303境況 > circumstances; 28304民事 > civil\-matters; 28305女佣 > \(female\)\-maid; 28306勘察 > reconnaisance; 28307籌集 > collect\-money; 28308操演 > demonstration; 28309幻燈 > latern\-slides; 28310加快 > to\-accelerate; 28311冰糖 > crystal\-sugar; 28312國際 > international; 28313鬥雞 > cock\-fighting; 28314形勢 > circumstances; 28315過時 > old\-fashioned; 28316隨意 > as\-one\-wishes; 28317失利 > suffer\-defeat; 28318損耗 > wear\-and\-tear; 28319相當 > equivalent\-to; 28320逐步 > progressively; 28321幾次 > several\-times; 28322巨細 > big\-and\-small; 28323幾樣 > several\-kinds; 28324大使 > an\-ambassador; 28325編審 > read\-and\-edit; 28326強化 > to\-strengthen; 28327避孕 > contraception; 28328大事 > a\-major\-event; 28329教友 > church\-member; 28330速效 > quick\-results; 28331利於 > be\-beneficial; 28332敗北 > suffer\-defeat; 28333初期 > initial\-stage; 28334詢問 > inquire\-about; 28335死刑 > death\-penalty; 28336兵痞 > army\-riffraff; 28337體重 > \(body\)\-weight; 28338白砒 > white\-arsenic; 28339相架 > picture\-frame; 28340垂直 > perpendicular; 28341境地 > circumstances; 28342兵營 > military\-camp; 28343市民 > city\-resident; 28344隨便 > as\-one\-wishes; 28345庭園 > flower\-garden; 28346轟炸 > \(drop\-a\)\-bomb; 28347過去 > \(in\-the\)\-past; 28348艦艇 > naval\-vessels; 28349冰期 > glacial\-epoch; 28350關於 > pertaining\-to; 28351剛剛 > just\-recently; 28352廠主 > factory\-owner; 28353再次 > one\-more\-time; 28354權力 > \(wield\)\-power; 28355連同 > together\-with; 28356簿籍 > account\-books; 28357橫掃 > to\-sweep\-away; 28358度假 > go\-on\-holiday; 28359異質 > heterogeneous; 28360車站 > \(bus\)\-station; 28361備至 > to\-the\-utmost; 28362跑鞋 > running\-shoes; 28363報單 > taxation\-form; 28364鑒賞 > to\-appreciate; 28365這位 > this\-\(person\); 28366困窘 > embarrassment; 28367降世 > come\-to\-earth; 28368便飯 > a\-simple\-meal; 28369輻條 > \(wheel\)\-spoke; 28370打開 > to\-break\-open; 28371發揮 > bring\-to\-bear; 28372開心 > to\-feel\-happy; 28373實驗 > to\-experiment; 28374轉彎 > turn\-\(around\); 28375案頭 > on\-one''s\-desk; 28376辨別 > differentiate; 28377抄襲 > to\-plagiarize; 28378辦到 > to\-accomplish; 28379先後 > in\-succession; 28380畜肥 > animal\-manure; 28381拉美 > latin\-america; 28382核電 > nuclear\-power; 28383越野 > cross\-country; 28384駁雜 > heterogeneous; 28385公園 > a\-public\-park; 28386百姓 > common\-people; 28387災區 > disaster\-area; 28388構成 > to\-constitute; 28389保藏 > keep\-in\-store; 28390瑞香 > winter\-daphne; 28391拌種 > seed\-dressing; 28392籌措 > raise\-\(money\); 28393棄置 > to\-throw\-away; 28394賣點 > selling\-point; 28395開列 > \(make\-a\)\-list; 28396瘦弱 > thin\-and\-weak; 28397白匪 > white\-bandits; 28398肉體 > physical\-body; 28399備案 > put\-on\-record; 28400鬥志 > will\-to\-fight; 28401扁荳 > hyacinth\-bean; 28402百倍 > a\-hundredfold; 28403筆筒 > pen\-container; 28404寶藍 > sapphire\-blue; 28405滲碳 > carburization; 28406渡過 > to\-cross\-over; 28407字集 > character\-set; 28408空運 > air\-transport; 28409表層 > surface\-layer; 28410圓周 > circumference; 28411病害 > plant\-disease; 28412售貨 > to\-sell\-goods; 28413舌尖 > tip\-of\-tongue; 28414案稱 > counter\-scale; 28415消防 > fire\-fighting; 28416喉結 > adam''s''\-apple; 28417島國 > island\-nation; 28418鬧事 > cause\-trouble; 28419京都 > kyoto\-\(japan\); 28420四千 > four\-thousand; 28421當年 > in\-those\-days; 28422財迷 > money\-grubber; 28423理解 > to\-comprehend; 28424密碼 > \(secret\)\-code; 28425築城 > fortification; 28426衛兵 > \(body\)\-guard\); 28427疑問 > interrogation; 28428喉痧 > scarlet\-fever; 28429個性 > individuality; 28430啟示 > enlightenment; 28431致函 > send\-a\-letter; 28432意識 > consciousness; 28433聯絡 > communication; 28434拜別 > take\-leave\-of; 28435扁擔 > carrying\-pole; 28436哀號 > cry\-piteously; 28437桂林 > guilin\-\(city\); 28438金黃 > golden\-yellow; 28439跨國 > transnational; 28440演出 > \(acting\)\-play; 28441吃飯 > to\-eat\-a\-meal; 28442不通 > be\-obstructed; 28443戒指 > \(finger\)\-ring; 28444少將 > major\-general; 28445杜絕 > put\-an\-end\-to; 28446暗鎖 > built\-in\-lock; 28447懲戒 > to\-discipline; 28448下課 > class\-is\-over; 28449不詳 > not\-in\-detail; 28450反響 > repercussions; 28451宿怨 > an\-old\-grudge; 28452單子 > list\-of\-items; 28453貢獻 > to\-contribute; 28454叫醒 > to\-call\-awake; 28455美術 > the\-fine\-arts; 28456能夠 > be\-capable\-of; 28457家屬 > family\-member; 28458鼻淵 > nasosinusitis; 28459懂得 > to\-understand; 28460半點 > the\-least\-bit; 28461鉛筆 > \(lead\)\-pencil; 28462單向 > undirectional; 28463受賄 > accept\-bribes; 28464例假 > legal\-holiday; 28465水面 > water\-surface; 28466移殖 > to\-transplant; 28467起伏 > ups\-and\-downs; 28468變調 > modified\-tone; 28469友誼 > companionship; 28470移植 > to\-transplant; 28471哀樂 > funeral\-music; 28472富于 > to\-be\-full\-of; 28473聲帶 > vocal\-cord\(s\); 28474不知 > unknowing\(ly\); 28475孫女 > granddaughter; 28476涼快 > nice\-and\-cold; 28477三百 > three\-hundred; 28478京戲 > beijing\-opera; 28479低于 > be\-lower\-than; 28480南部 > southern\-part; 28481清單 > list\-of\-items; 28482變色 > change\-colour; 28483北面 > northern\-side; 28484上班 > to\-go\-to\-work; 28485各種 > every\-kind\-of; 28486貝彫 > shell\-carving; 28487日軍 > japanese\-army; 28488南越 > south\-vietnam; 28489情況 > circumstances; 28490愛憎 > love\-and\-hate; 28491職員 > office\-worker; 28492洋溢 > brimming\-with; 28493協調 > to\-coordinate; 28494大阪 > osaka\-\(japan\); 28495考慮 > to\-think\-over; 28496北部 > northern\-part; 28497本意 > original\-idea; 28498獨攬 > to\-monopolize; 28499吸毒 > to\-take\-drugs; 28500泳池 > swimming\-pond; 28501一步 > \(single\)\-step; 28502北越 > north\-vietnam; 28503雜項 > miscellaneous; 28504哥哥 > older\-brother; 28505外部 > external\-part; 28506聞人 > famous\-person; 28507京劇 > beijing\-opera; 28508和尚 > buddhist\-monk; 28509蘇州 > suzhou\-\(city\); 28510礦水 > mineral\-water; 28511暑氣 > \(summer\)\-heat; 28512哀告 > beg\-piteously; 28513情形 > circumstances; 28514中式 > chinese\-style; 28515外貿 > foreign\-trade; 28516避難 > \[take\]\-refuge; 28517包袱 > cloth\-wrapper; 28518感冒 > to\-catch\-cold; 28519彩蚌 > painted\-shell; 28520禮堂 > assembly\-hall; 28521不恭 > disrespectful; 28522總計 > \(grand\)\-total; 28523娛樂 > entertainment; 28524中學 > middle\-school; 28525五一 > 5\-1\-\(may\-1st\); 28526磁片 > magnetic\-disk; 28527會場 > meeting\-place; 28528媾和 > to\-make\-peace; 28529不巧 > unfortunately; 28530上市 > on\-the\-market; 28531私利 > personal\-gain; 28532遲鈍 > slow\-\(witted\); 28533北美 > north\-america; 28534經驗 > to\-experience; 28535汲水 > to\-draw\-water; 28536獲勝 > be\-victorious; 28537觀點 > point\-of\-view; 28538水牛 > water\-buffalo; 28539同年 > the\-same\-year; 28540變星 > variable\-star; 28541毛筆 > writing\-brush; 28542蘇俄 > soviet\-russia; 28543步行 > to\-go\-on\-foot; 28544別離 > take\-leave\-of; 28545擅長 > to\-be\-good\-at; 28546不啻 > not\-less\-than; 28547大約 > approximately; 28548牌照 > license\-plate; 28549暗害 > kill\-secretly; 28550勃興 > rise\-suddenly; 28551前進 > to\-go\-forward; 28552變態 > metamorphosis; 28553性慾 > sexual\-desire; 28554匯率 > exchange\-rate; 28555治安 > law\-and\-order; 28556欣賞 > to\-appreciate; 28557雌花 > female\-flower; 28558邦聯 > confederation; 28559多種 > many\-kinds\-of; 28560吸入 > to\-breathe\-in; 28561變工 > exchange\-work; 28562受害 > to\-be\-injured; 28563決心 > determination; 28564下令 > give\-an\-order; 28565莫逆 > very\-friendly; 28566比熱 > specific\-heat; 28567昂昂 > high\-spirited; 28568分配 > to\-distribute; 28569加緊 > to\-intensify; 28570睡覺 > to\-go\-to\-bed; 28571早期 > early\-period; 28572相關 > interrelated; 28573火龍 > fiery\-dragon; 28574合作 > to\-cooperate; 28575智力 > intelligence; 28576忌憚 > be\-afraid\-of; 28577昔年 > former\-years; 28578礦井 > mine\-\(shaft\); 28579熟知 > acquaintance; 28580支票 > \(bank\)\-check; 28581姐姐 > older\-sister; 28582警報 > \(fire\)\-alarm; 28583後果 > consequences; 28584姊姊 > older\-sister; 28585收盤 > market\-close; 28586城防 > city\-defence; 28587頂住 > to\-withstand; 28588西部 > western\-part; 28589好感 > good\-opinion; 28590失業 > unemployment; 28591擅自 > unauthorized; 28592逕自 > on\-one''s\-own; 28593索賠 > compensation; 28594近視 > shortsighted; 28595步犁 > walking\-plow; 28596相識 > acquaintance; 28597開關 > power\-switch; 28598去世 > to\-pass\-away; 28599培訓 > to\-cultivate; 28600多方 > in\-many\-ways; 28601搶購 > panic\-buying; 28602巡迴 > to\-go\-around; 28603這種 > this\-kind\-of; 28604大意 > general\-idea; 28605別稱 > another\-name; 28606步步 > step\-by\-step; 28607協商 > consult\-with; 28608矮星 > dwarf\-\(star\); 28609那時 > at\-that\-time; 28610大師 > great\-master; 28611組織 > organization; 28612通用 > common\-\(use\); 28613多工 > to\-multiplex; 28614糾葛 > entanglement; 28615試探 > to\-sound\-out; 28616夫妻 > man\-and\-wife; 28617道歉 > to\-apologize; 28618故意 > deliberately; 28619請問 > may\-i\-ask\.\.\.; 28620出發 > to\-start\-out; 28621縮寫 > abbreviation; 28622壁掛 > wall\-hanging; 28623熟悉 > to\-know\-well; 28624熟思 > deliberation; 28625整天 > all\-day\-long; 28626鱉甲 > turtle\-shell; 28627身體 > \(human\)\-body; 28628糾纏 > be\-entangled; 28629複製 > to\-duplicate; 28630隊旗 > team\-pennant; 28631加強 > to\-reinforce; 28632出獄 > leave\-prison; 28633談判 > to\-negotiate; 28634看病 > see\-a\-doctor; 28635很不 > very\-un\-\.\.\.\.; 28636毅力 > perseverance; 28637落實 > to\-implement; 28638支店 > branch\-store; 28639白薯 > sweet\-potato; 28640綵旗 > colored\-flag; 28641回顧 > to\-look\-back; 28642殭化 > become\-rigid; 28643瀏覽 > to\-skim\-over; 28644課余 > after\-school; 28645車道 > traffic\-lane; 28646正如 > be\-just\-like; 28647紙牌 > playing\-card; 28648發紅 > flush\-\(face\); 28649集合 > congregation; 28650速成 > crash\-course; 28651光線 > optical\-line; 28652努力 > great\-effort; 28653引入 > to\-draw\-into; 28654廠址 > factory\-site; 28655隨同 > accompanying; 28656熒光 > flourescence; 28657廣告 > to\-advertise; 28658挨近 > get\-close\-to; 28659編劇 > write\-a\-play; 28660壓倒 > overwhelming; 28661採脂 > tree\-tapping; 28662熟人 > acquaintance; 28663培植 > to\-cultivate; 28664速寫 > quick\-sketch; 28665週圍 > surroundings; 28666濾紙 > filter\-paper; 28667機構 > organization; 28668訪俄 > visit\-russia; 28669拔錨 > weigh\-anchor; 28670標燈 > beacon\-light; 28671冰晶 > ice\-crystals; 28672幾天 > several\-days; 28673授精 > insemination; 28674髒話 > bad\-language; 28675凹岸 > concave\-bank; 28676過來 > to\-come\-over; 28677操勞 > to\-work\-hard; 28678別名 > another\-name; 28679光源 > light\-source; 28680速凍 > quick\-freeze; 28681坐牢 > imprisonment; 28682補牙 > fill\-a\-tooth; 28683刨刀 > planing\-tool; 28684把關 > guard\-a\-pass; 28685自衛 > self\-defense; 28686陛下 > your\-majesty; 28687八月 > eighth\-month; 28688備考 > \(an\-appendix; 28689年前 > \.\.\.years\-ago; 28690簡稱 > abbreviation; 28691別人 > other\-people; 28692開支 > expenditures; 28693捏積 > chiropractic; 28694報價 > quoted\-price; 28695迷信 > superstition; 28696轉換 > to\-transform; 28697搬家 > move\-\(house\); 28698戶頭 > bank\-account; 28699親信 > trusted\-aide; 28700行程 > travel\-route; 28701嚴竣 > tight\.strict; 28702看作 > look\-upon\-as; 28703寧願 > would\-rather; 28704接枝 > \(tree\)\-graft; 28705授權 > to\-authorize; 28706開學 > school\-opens; 28707保證 > to\-guarantee; 28708批評 > to\-criticize; 28709拔絲 > wire\-drawing; 28710嘆詞 > interjection; 28711打賭 > \(make\-a\)\-bet; 28712優惠 > preferential; 28713公報 > announcement; 28714密集 > concentrated; 28715授時 > time\-service; 28716在旁 > by\-\(a\-place\); 28717拼盤 > cold\-platter; 28718捐款 > donate\-money; 28719國有 > nationalized; 28720依賴 > to\-depend\-on; 28721系上 > to\-buckle\-up; 28722背離 > deviate\-from; 28723按照 > according\-to; 28724偶然 > incidentally; 28725喉鏡 > laryngoscope; 28726背陰 > in\-the\-shade; 28727演算 > to\-calculate; 28728兩千 > two\-thousand; 28729插圖 > illustration; 28730審議 > deliberation; 28731管理 > to\-supervise; 28732梅花 > plum\-blossom; 28733當然 > only\-natural; 28734標價 > mark\-a\-price; 28735棒硫 > roll\-sulphur; 28736孝順 > filial\-piety; 28737饅頭 > steamed\-roll; 28738保管 > take\-care\-of; 28739垂下 > to\-hang\-down; 28740裁員 > to\-cut\-staff; 28741清醒 > clear\-headed; 28742異步 > asynchronous; 28743補充 > to\-replenish; 28744便秘 > constipation; 28745病床 > hospital\-bed; 28746枘鑿 > incompatible; 28747嚮往 > to\-yearn\-for; 28748自拔 > free\-oneself; 28749航天 > space\-flight; 28750捲入 > to\-draw\-into; 28751高密 > high\-density; 28752表土 > surface\-soil; 28753賞識 > appreciation; 28754慶賀 > congratulate; 28755消除 > to\-eliminate; 28756街坊 > neighborhood; 28757瑞色 > lovely\-color; 28758聽說 > to\-hear\-told; 28759當心 > to\-take\-care; 28760異性 > heterosexual; 28761交鋒 > cross\-swords; 28762興奮 > \(be\)\-excited; 28763宇航 > space\-flight; 28764禽類 > bird\-species; 28765偽善 > hypocritical; 28766抱愧 > feel\-ashamed; 28767負責 > in\-charge\-of; 28768現行 > be\-in\-effect; 28769屈服 > to\-surrender; 28770減緩 > to\-slow\-down; 28771下齒 > bottom\-teeth; 28772媒體 > \(news\)\-media; 28773竟然 > unexpectedly; 28774驚愕 > astonishment; 28775當場 > at\-the\-scene; 28776婚齡 > marrying\-age; 28777抱屈 > feel\-wronged; 28778食譜 > cookery\-book; 28779並非 > really\-isn''t; 28780突破 > breakthrough; 28781侵晨 > towards\-dawn; 28782漢城 > seoul\,\-korea; 28783少數 > small\-number; 28784當初 > at\-that\-time; 28785拌和 > mix\-and\-stir; 28786流通 > to\-circulate; 28787咨詢 > consultative; 28788扒拉 > push\-lightly; 28789專政 > dictatorship; 28790飼草 > forage\-grass; 28791鼻腔 > nasal\-cavity; 28792浴血 > blood\-soaked; 28793依據 > according\-to; 28794屬國 > vassal\-state; 28795鋼筆 > fountain\-pen; 28796偉人 > great\-person; 28797安營 > pitch\-a\-camp; 28798和解 > conciliatory; 28799實施 > to\-implement; 28800條子 > a\-short\-note; 28801根本 > \(not\)\-at\-all; 28802種種 > all\-kinds\-of; 28803手帕 > handkerchief; 28804法院 > court\-of\-law; 28805根據 > according\-to; 28806河馬 > hippopotamus; 28807生命 > life\-\(force\); 28808主角 > leading\-role; 28809淫猥 > abominations; 28810產卵 > lay\-\(an\-egg\); 28811果皮 > \(fruit\)\-peel; 28812獨裁 > dictatorship; 28813不足 > insufficient; 28814家政 > housekeeping; 28815不貲 > immeasurable; 28816晚餐 > evening\-meal; 28817作愛 > to\-make\-love; 28818蘇聯 > soviet\-union; 28819害怕 > to\-be\-afraid; 28820晚間 > evening\-time; 28821五百 > five\-hundred; 28822和約 > peace\-treaty; 28823證驗 > real\-results; 28824懊悔 > feel\-remorse; 28825扣上 > to\-buckle\-up; 28826俄中 > russia\-china; 28827一萬 > ten\-thousand; 28828變速 > speed\-change; 28829安心 > feel\-at\-ease; 28830人民 > \(the\)\-people; 28831將來 > \(the\)\-future; 28832題花 > title\-design; 28833可觀 > considerable; 28834人權 > human\-rights; 28835趕上 > keep\-up\-with; 28836股市 > stock\-market; 28837移民 > to\-immigrate; 28838深愛 > affectionate; 28839今晨 > this\-morning; 28840密友 > close\-friend; 28841存心 > deliberately; 28842南非 > south\-africa; 28843不符 > inconsistent; 28844告示 > announcement; 28845丹田 > pubic\-region; 28846半響 > half\-the\-day; 28847主環 > primary\-ring; 28848你們 > you\-\(plural\); 28849一直 > continuously; 28850姿色 > good\-looking; 28851暗算 > plot\-against; 28852稍微 > a\-little\-bit; 28853亮度 > illumination; 28854參考 > consultation; 28855人家 > other\-people; 28856壯麗 > magnificence; 28857黨政 > party\-policy; 28858虐待 > mistreatment; 28859感恩 > thanksgiving; 28860罰球 > penalty\-shot; 28861費城 > philadelphia; 28862油畫 > oil\-painting; 28863美洲 > the\-americas; 28864貧困 > impoverished; 28865亞太 > asia\-pacific; 28866大量 > great\-amount; 28867頂用 > to\-be\-of\-use; 28868費力 > great\-effort; 28869暗灘 > hidden\-shoal; 28870藥方 > prescription; 28871主持 > preside\-over; 28872銀幕 > movie\-screen; 28873老家 > native\-place; 28874暗潮 > undercurrent; 28875買價 > buying\-price; 28876多邊 > multilateral; 28877現代 > modern\-times; 28878他人 > other\-person; 28879之後 > after\(wards\); 28880慣例 > conventional; 28881並排 > side\-by\-side; 28882耕地 > ariable\-land; 28883暗流 > undercurrent; 28884浴場 > bathing\-spot; 28885不料 > unexpectedly; 28886蓋菜 > leaf\-mustard; 28887識破 > to\-penetrate; 28888不拘 > not\-stick\-to; 28889鼓勵 > to\-encourage; 28890鞭砲 > firecrackers; 28891感動 > to\-move\-\(sb\); 28892意味 > significance; 28893不愧 > be\-worthy\-of; 28894不意 > unexpectedly; 28895靶紙 > target\-sheet; 28896愈加 > all\-the\-more; 28897遠離 > removed\-from; 28898和善 > good\-natured; 28899認證 > authenticate; 28900刨齒 > gear\-shaping; 28901注意 > take\-note\-of; 28902 > to\-break\-off; 28903風味 > local\-flavor; 28904繡花 > to\-embroider; 28905知識 > intellectual; 28906暗探 > secret\-agent; 28907暴怒 > violent\-rage; 28908不容 > not\-tolerate; 28909不宜 > not\-suitable; 28910犯毒 > illegal\-drug; 28911大致 > more\-or\-less; 28912好看 > good\-looking; 28913不如 > not\-equal\-to; 28914得票 > vote\-getting; 28915派別 > denomination; 28916線軸 > thread\-spool; 28917有利 > advantageous; 28918訂閱 > subscription; 28919恢復 > to\-reinstate; 28920這項 > this\-\(thing\); 28921可惜 > it\-is\-a\-pity; 28922婚外 > extramarital; 28923不單 > not\-the\-only; 28924運送 > to\-transport; 28925之一 > one\-of\-\(sth\); 28926境遇 > circumstance; 28927野心 > wild\-schemes; 28928敗興 > disappointed; 28929卻步 > to\-step\-back; 28930中俄 > china\-russia; 28931危殆 > grave\-danger; 28932中亞 > central\-asia; 28933變性 > denaturation; 28934原料 > raw\-material; 28935不利 > unfavourable; 28936一千 > one\-thousand; 28937爆發 > to\-break\-out; 28938多站 > multistation; 28939氧氣 > oxygen\-\(gas\); 28940念日 > memorial\-day; 28941各國 > each\-country; 28942不便 > inconvenient; 28943時態 > \(verb\)\-tense; 28944羅列 > to\-spead\-out; 28945一億 > 1\-00\-million; 28946復活 > resurrection; 28947暴動 > insurrection; 28948靶機 > target\-drone; 28949運行 > be\-in\-motion; 28950編舞 > choreography; 28951比照 > according\-to; 28952壓縮 > to\-compress; 28953訪華 > visit\-china; 28954認知 > acknowledge; 28955叫喊 > exclamation; 28956連詞 > conjunction; 28957弊端 > malpractice; 28958非核 > non\-nuclear; 28959收穫 > acquisition; 28960民族 > nationality; 28961暗井 > blind\-shaft; 28962暗中 > in\-the\-dark; 28963矚目 > to\-focus\-on; 28964布鞋 > cloth\-shoes; 28965埋頭 > steamed\-bun; 28966判處 > to\-sentance; 28967刻苦 > hardworking; 28968標點 > punctuation; 28969白麵 > wheat\-flour; 28970冒險 > take\-a\-risk; 28971白鶴 > white\-crane; 28972往昔 > in\-the\-past; 28973邊疆 > border\-area; 28974讓位 > to\-abdicate; 28975怪僻 > peculiarity; 28976征收 > levy\-\(fine\); 28977母板 > motherboard; 28978需求 > requirement; 28979大業 > great\-cause; 28980旺季 > busy\-season; 28981必定 > be\-bound\-to; 28982半年 > half\-a\-year; 28983課桌 > school\-desk; 28984間隔 > compartment; 28985遲疑 > to\-hesitate; 28986靈感 > inspiration; 28987失敗 > be\-defeated; 28988說服 > to\-persuade; 28989制約 > to\-restrict; 28990鞏固 > consolidate; 28991包括 > to\-comprise; 28992妥善 > appropriate; 28993辯証 > dialectical; 28994瀉鹽 > epsom\-salts; 28995複雜 > complicated; 28996即刻 > immediately; 28997勘探 > exploration; 28998博取 > try\-to\-gain; 28999放棄 > to\-renounce; 29000冰蛋 > frozen\-eggs; 29001阻礙 > to\-obstruct; 29002追究 > investigate; 29003郵局 > post\-office; 29004雙數 > even\-number; 29005蒐尋 > to\-look\-for; 29006白道 > moon''s\-path; 29007動態 > development; 29008永久 > everlasting; 29009發送 > to\-transmit; 29010配備 > to\-allocate; 29011謀取 > try\-to\-gain; 29012比如 > for\-example; 29013多山 > mountainous; 29014電工 > electrician; 29015紅色 > red\-\(color\); 29016描述 > to\-describe; 29017十億 > one\-billion; 29018兵蟻 > soldier\-ant; 29019毀壞 > destruction; 29020削減 > to\-cut\-down; 29021日中 > japan\-china; 29022隨時 > at\-any\-time; 29023証書 > certificate; 29024長談 > a\-long\-talk; 29025大型 > large\-scale; 29026補選 > by\-election; 29027落後 > fall\-behind; 29028推遲 > to\-postpone; 29029操法 > drill\-rules; 29030軍隊 > army\-troops; 29031樹葉 > tree\-leaves; 29032剛架 > rigid\-frame; 29033談到 > to\-refer\-to; 29034再者 > furthermore; 29035調制 > to\-modulate; 29036基石 > cornerstone; 29037往事 > past\-events; 29038大功 > great\-merit; 29039裁軍 > disarmament; 29040誡命 > commandment; 29041內臣 > chamberlain; 29042坦蕩 > magnanimous; 29043探討 > investigate; 29044增強 > to\-increase; 29045遵守 > comply\-with; 29046限於 > restrict\-at; 29047閉經 > amenorrhoea; 29048認出 > recognition; 29049免職 > degradation; 29050工程 > engineering; 29051記得 > to\-remember; 29052擺布 > order\-about; 29053透明 > transparent; 29054力圖 > try\-hard\-to; 29055追查 > investigate; 29056典禮 > celebration; 29057刑期 > prison\-term; 29058精簡 > to\-simplify; 29059花茶 > scented\-tea; 29060散佈 > disseminate; 29061覆滅 > destruction; 29062簿記 > bookkeeping; 29063觸怒 > provocation; 29064攪和 > to\-mix\-\(up\); 29065描繪 > to\-describe; 29066週年 > anniversary; 29067絕望 > desperation; 29068敗仗 > lost\-battle; 29069增多 > to\-increase; 29070結束 > termination; 29071無意 > inadvertant; 29072邊區 > border\-area; 29073相比 > compared\-to; 29074覆沒 > annihilated; 29075眉梢 > tip\-of\-brow; 29076切換 > to\-cut\-over; 29077兩百 > two\-hundred; 29078評價 > to\-evaluate; 29079崩裂 > burst\-apart; 29080加以 > in\-addition; 29081按鈕 > push\-button; 29082農業 > agriculture; 29083報應 > retribution; 29084幾年 > a\-few\-years; 29085盼望 > to\-hope\-for; 29086隊員 > team\-member; 29087行蹤 > whereabouts; 29088支付 > pay\-\(money\); 29089表語 > predicative; 29090註冊 > to\-register; 29091附屬 > subordinate; 29092偽軍 > puppet\-army; 29093優秀 > outstanding; 29094體貼 > considerate; 29095執政 > be\-in\-power; 29096魚竿 > fishing\-rod; 29097希望 > ro\-wish\-for; 29098約會 > appointment; 29099體認 > realization; 29100幸好 > fortunately; 29101授粉 > pollination; 29102製片 > moviemaking; 29103機會 > opportunity; 29104關押 > put\-in\-jail; 29105記住 > to\-remember; 29106灌溉 > to\-irrigate; 29107通告 > to\-announce; 29108驕陽 > blazing\-sun; 29109濃縮 > concentrate; 29110國籍 > nationality; 29111前任 > predecessor; 29112軟碟 > floppy\-disk; 29113軟盤 > floppy\-disk; 29114屏門 > screen\-door; 29115拜訪 > pay\-a\-visit; 29116退出 > to\-withdraw; 29117採煤 > coal\-mining; 29118平凡 > commonplace; 29119括號 > parenthesis; 29120便鞋 > cloth\-shoes; 29121滲透 > to\-permeate; 29122偷聽 > to\-evesdrop; 29123出兵 > send\-troops; 29124培土 > to\-earth\-up; 29125開戰 > start\-a\-war; 29126分佈 > distributed; 29127迷人 > fascinating; 29128出來 > to\-come\-out; 29129信道 > signal\-path; 29130魔法 > enchantment; 29131申請 > apply\-\(for\); 29132跑車 > racing\-bike; 29133描摹 > to\-describe; 29134八年 > eight\-years; 29135籌款 > fundraising; 29136域名 > domain\-name; 29137八字 > character\-8; 29138相似 > to\-resemble; 29139挪用 > to\-embezzle; 29140發展 > development; 29141裝扮 > dress\-up\-as; 29142城區 > city\-proper; 29143溝通 > communicate; 29144為了 > in\-order\-to; 29145白宮 > white\-house; 29146冠冕 > royal\-crown; 29147像樣 > presentable; 29148巧合 > coincidence; 29149戰車 > war\-chariot; 29150白夜 > white\-night; 29151花店 > flower\-shop; 29152描寫 > to\-describe; 29153便覽 > brief\-guide; 29154舊版 > old\-version; 29155因此 > that\-is\-why; 29156實踐 > to\-practice; 29157尋覓 > to\-look\-for; 29158瑞雪 > timely\-snow; 29159公元 > \(year\)\-a\.d\.; 29160色情 > pornography; 29161來訪 > pay\-a\-visit; 29162白刃 > naked\-sword; 29163發出 > to\-send\-out; 29164就職 > take\-office; 29165拔營 > strike\-camp; 29166把穩 > trustworthy; 29167容貌 > countenance; 29168舒服 > comfortable; 29169手續 > formalities; 29170按期 > on\-schedule; 29171踩水 > tread\-water; 29172宣言 > declaration; 29173仿造 > counterfeit; 29174實習 > to\-practice; 29175偷懶 > to\-goof\-off; 29176鼻音 > nasal\-sound; 29177查證 > investigate; 29178環繞 > to\-surround; 29179困境 > predicament; 29180滲濾 > percolation; 29181病容 > sickly\-look; 29182成績 > performance; 29183人間 > man''s\-world; 29184端站 > end\-station; 29185衍射 > diffraction; 29186回報 > \(in\)\-return; 29187棗樹 > jujube\-tree; 29188或稱 > also\-called; 29189括弧 > parenthesis; 29190高壓 > high\-handed; 29191仲裁 > arbitration; 29192值得 > to\-be\-worth; 29193異常 > exceptional; 29194蚱蜢 > grasshopper; 29195鑽孔 > bore\-a\-hole; 29196當局 > authorities; 29197高唱 > sing\-loudly; 29198介詞 > preposition; 29199舞劇 > dance\-drama; 29200傑出 > illustrious; 29201疆場 > battlefield; 29202信服 > to\-convince; 29203脾氣 > temperament; 29204上齒 > upper\-teeth; 29205慰藉 > consolation; 29206板規 > plate\-gauge; 29207病人 > sick\-person; 29208鑒定 > to\-appraise; 29209備件 > spare\-parts; 29210生成 > be\-produced; 29211便桶 > chamber\-pot; 29212脫氧 > deoxidation; 29213情願 > willingness; 29214生態 > way\-of\-life; 29215指出 > to\-indicate; 29216扁桃 > almond\-tree; 29217跋扈 > domineering; 29218修復 > restoration; 29219筆心 > pencil\-lead; 29220信息 > information; 29221不顧 > in\-spite\-of; 29222立法 > legislation; 29223對方 > counterpart; 29224空白 > blank\-space; 29225男女 > male\-female; 29226當做 > to\-treat\-as; 29227跛子 > lame\-person; 29228五萬 > 50\-thousand; 29229有趣 > interesting; 29230保存 > to\-conserve; 29231淘神 > troublesome; 29232筆墨 > pen\-and\-ink; 29233薑餅 > gingerbread; 29234溫度 > temperature; 29235跑壘 > baserunning; 29236蜜桃 > honey\-peach; 29237鑒于 > in\-light\-of; 29238可驚 > astonishing; 29239便宜 > inexpensive; 29240不迭 > cannot\-cope; 29241手寫 > handwriting; 29242下載 > to\-download; 29243踏上 > set\-foot\-on; 29244作文 > composition; 29245滲入 > to\-permeate; 29246環形 > ring\-shaped; 29247佈景 > \(stage\)\-set; 29248戒律 > commandment; 29249驚人 > astonishing; 29250騷動 > disturbance; 29251悲觀 > pessimistic; 29252屬下 > subordinate; 29253美貌 > goodlooking; 29254用以 > in\-order\-to; 29255麻藥 > anaesthetic; 29256小型 > small\-scale; 29257戰場 > battlefield; 29258題詞 > inscription; 29259例如 > for\-example; 29260趣味 > to\-interest; 29261信仰 > firm\-belief; 29262股東 > stockholder; 29263鎮壓 > suppression; 29264板牙 > front\-tooth; 29265泳褲 > swim\-trunks; 29266條例 > regulations; 29267同質 > homogeneous; 29268環境 > environment; 29269顯著 > outstanding; 29270二百 > two\-hundred; 29271就任 > take\-office; 29272果汁 > fruit\-juice; 29273耕畜 > farm\-animal; 29274重返 > return\-\(to\); 29275下落 > whereabouts; 29276丟臉 > humiliation; 29277法規 > legislation; 29278我國 > our\-country; 29279佈局 > arrangement; 29280變通 > be\-flexible; 29281鼻涕 > nasal\-mucus; 29282貸款 > \(bank\)\-loan; 29283準備 > preparation; 29284安康 > good\-health; 29285預計 > to\-forecast; 29286聰明 > intelligent; 29287量詞 > meaure\-word; 29288立即 > immediately; 29289名著 > masterpiece; 29290任意 > arbitrarily; 29291安家 > settle\-down; 29292饒恕 > forgiveness; 29293宇宙 > outer\-space; 29294瑞士 > switzerland; 29295喇叭 > loudspeaker; 29296成份 > composition; 29297駁倒 > demolish\-sb; 29298浴池 > public\-bath; 29299以往 > in\-the\-past; 29300顯目 > outstanding; 29301奔馳 > run\-quickly; 29302現年 > current\-age; 29303鈔票 > paper\-money; 29304示範 > demonstrate; 29305智能 > intelligent; 29306交換 > to\-exchange; 29307風波 > disturbance; 29308藥物 > medicaments; 29309鄙陋 > superficial; 29310考查 > investigate; 29311夜鶯 > nightingale; 29312餐廳 > dining\-hall; 29313北韓 > north\-korea; 29314互換 > to\-exchange; 29315威脅 > to\-threaten; 29316空前 > unprecedent; 29317預約 > reservation; 29318碰見 > to\-run\-into; 29319查出 > to\-find\-out; 29320半邊 > half\-of\-sth; 29321暗示 > drop\-a\-hint; 29322交往 > association; 29323氣質 > temperament; 29324書法 > calligraphy; 29325卓越 > distinction; 29326股價 > stock\-price; 29327九月 > ninth\-month; 29328主權 > sovereignty; 29329多餘 > superfluous; 29330恰當 > appropriate; 29331聽取 > hear\-\(news\); 29332感性 > sensibility; 29333商人 > businessman; 29334禁止 > to\-prohibit; 29335秉承 > take\-orders; 29336售價 > to\-sell\-for; 29337嬌媚 > flirtatious; 29338頁碼 > page\-number; 29339交媾 > to\-have\-sex; 29340上流 > upper\-class; 29341霸道 > overbearing; 29342波瀾 > great\-waves; 29343波濤 > great\-waves; 29344不止 > incessantly; 29345爭議 > controversy; 29346中東 > middle\-east; 29347丹方 > folk\-remedy; 29348重疊 > overlapping; 29349中日 > china\-japan; 29350吞沒 > to\-embezzle; 29351重現 > to\-reappear; 29352食堂 > dining\-hall; 29353曲折 > complicated; 29354靶船 > target\-ship; 29355千萬 > ten\-million; 29356一月 > first\-month; 29357犯病 > to\-fall\-ill; 29358同步 > synchronous; 29359哺乳 > breast\-feed; 29360調變 > to\-modulate; 29361主張 > to\-advocate; 29362婚期 > wedding\-day; 29363暗殺 > assassinate; 29364毛蟲 > caterpillar; 29365主席 > chairperson; 29366邊陲 > border\-area; 29367危篤 > deathly\-ill; 29368互動 > interactive; 29369妖精 > evil\-spirit; 29370中年 > middle\-aged; 29371貝丘 > shell\-mound; 29372意向 > disposition; 29373沈澱 > precipitate; 29374取決 > depend\-upon; 29375繁複 > complicated; 29376隔離 > to\-separate; 29377三年 > three\-years; 29378隔開 > to\-separate; 29379 > a\-high\-hill; 29380下屬 > subordinate; 29381上層 > upper\-layer; 29382繼續 > to\-continue; 29383壯觀 > spectacular; 29384政變 > coup\-d''etat; 29385神學 > theological; 29386繁華 > flourishing; 29387題字 > inscription; 29388合影 > joint\-photo; 29389如畫 > picturesque; 29390不堪 > cannot\-bear; 29391藥品 > medicaments; 29392順應 > comply\-with; 29393終點 > destination; 29394爆竹 > firecracker; 29395得病 > to\-fall\-ill; 29396透露 > to\-leak\-out; 29397阻隔 > to\-separate; 29398特權 > prerogative; 29399太空 > outer\-space; 29400分離 > to\-seperate; 29401禁令 > prohibition; 29402不免 > unavoidable; 29403誓約 > honor\-bound; 29404證書 > credentials; 29405沈思 > contemplate; 29406解釋 > explanation; 29407分開 > to\-separate; 29408礁島 > reef\-island; 29409通過 > by\-means\-of; 29410迎風 > in\-the\-wind; 29411上任 > take\-office; 29412如此 > in\-this\-way; 29413論爭 > controversy; 29414悠久 > established; 29415上下 > up\-and\-down; 29416恐嚇 > to\-threaten; 29417素食 > vegetables; 29418縮短 > to\-curtail; 29419改組 > reorganize; 29420擁護 > to\-endorse; 29421進行 > to\-advance; 29422奔波 > rush\-about; 29423後母 > stepmother; 29424散發 > distribute; 29425失火 > catch\-fire; 29426誕生 > to\-be\-born; 29427多爾 > \(bob\)\-dole; 29428彼此 > each\-other; 29429預先 > beforehand; 29430關門 > close\-down; 29431違背 > to\-violate; 29432統計 > statistics; 29433函購 > mail\-order; 29434預備 > to\-prepare; 29435壁立 > \(of\-cliffs; 29436春季 > springtime; 29437摘錄 > to\-extract; 29438頒佈 > promulgate; 29439每次 > every\-time; 29440編程 > to\-program; 29441分詞 > participle; 29442後期 > late\-stage; 29443效用 > usefulness; 29444糧食 > foodstuffs; 29445荒野 > wilderness; 29446撒謊 > tell\-a\-lie; 29447燃燒 > combustion; 29448弄直 > straighten; 29449遷移 > to\-migrate; 29450大氣 > atmosphere; 29451認為 > to\-believe; 29452降落 > to\-descend; 29453前者 > the\-former; 29454效率 > efficiency; 29455靶心 > bull''s\-eye; 29456勃然 > agitatedly; 29457碟子 > small\-dish; 29458講師 > instructor; 29459取代 > substitute; 29460新教 > protestant; 29461多次 > many\-times; 29462奇數 > odd\-number; 29463必將 > inevitably; 29464陰精 > sex\-fluids; 29465妖嬈 > enchanting; 29466狂亂 > hysterical; 29467繁榮 > prosperous; 29468繼承 > to\-inherit; 29469操縱 > to\-operate; 29470全面 > all\-around; 29471厘升 > centiliter; 29472調整 > adjustment; 29473妓女 > prostitute; 29474荒謬 > ridiculous; 29475白頭 > hoary\-head; 29476決不 > not\-at\-all; 29477說明 > to\-explain; 29478出色 > remarkable; 29479女婿 > son\-in\-law; 29480特別 > especially; 29481免除 > to\-prevent; 29482妥協 > compromise; 29483巨輪 > large\-ship; 29484熄滅 > extinguish; 29485照片 > photograph; 29486附筆 > postscript; 29487親自 > personally; 29488改正 > to\-correct; 29489半圓 > semicircle; 29490違犯 > to\-violate; 29491爭奪 > fight\-over; 29492短期 > short\-term; 29493每年 > every\-year; 29494敵手 > antagonist; 29495印像 > impression; 29496精通 > proficient; 29497很大 > tremendous; 29498白酒 > spirit\-usu; 29499明亮 > brightness; 29500草莓 > strawberry; 29501報章 > newspapers; 29502多年 > many\-years; 29503語彙 > vocabulary; 29504早先 > previously; 29505牌價 > list\-price; 29506巫術 > witchcraft; 29507過渡 > transition; 29508探險 > to\-explore; 29509大學 > university; 29510無理 > irrational; 29511半價 > half\-price; 29512區別 > difference; 29513文學 > literature; 29514從前 > previously; 29515關聯 > be\-related; 29516地震 > earthquake; 29517觀眾 > spectators; 29518排隊 > to\-line\-up; 29519分發 > distribute; 29520攪擾 > to\-disturb; 29521數學 > mathematic; 29522熱心 > enthusiasm; 29523電子 > electronic; 29524白話 > vernacular; 29525炸糕 > fried\-cake; 29526堆積 > accumulate; 29527散射 > scattering; 29528蓋世 > unrivelled; 29529編排 > to\-arrange; 29530捕魚 > catch\-fish; 29531出生 > to\-be\-born; 29532允諾 > to\-promise; 29533調和 > harmonious; 29534後來 > afterwards; 29535大喜 > exultation; 29536政府 > government; 29537設施 > facilities; 29538方便 > convenient; 29539接通 > to\-connect; 29540此後 > after\-this; 29541座標 > coordinate; 29542經歷 > experience; 29543樂觀 > optimistic; 29544太古 > immemorial; 29545離婚 > to\-divorce; 29546燈塔 > lighthouse; 29547出版 > to\-publish; 29548誇大 > exaggerate; 29549兵船 > man\-of\-war; 29550加州 > california; 29551傷風 > catch\-cold; 29552放射 > to\-radiate; 29553比例 > proportion; 29554遷徙 > to\-migrate; 29555隨後 > soon\-after; 29556前景 > foreground; 29557遷延 > long\-delay; 29558補語 > complement; 29559加密 > to\-encrypt; 29560整合 > to\-conform; 29561違抗 > to\-disobey; 29562監督 > to\-control; 29563文具 > stationery; 29564每人 > per\-person; 29565阻止 > to\-prevent; 29566防水 > waterproof; 29567防止 > to\-prevent; 29568退步 > degenerate; 29569適度 > moderately; 29570遠征 > expedition; 29571白臉 > white\-face; 29572總共 > altogether; 29573解析 > to\-analyze; 29574試圖 > to\-attempt; 29575艦載 > ship\-based; 29576知名 > well\-known; 29577多事 > meddlesome; 29578冰球 > ice\-hockey; 29579解放 > liberation; 29580偽頂 > false\-roof; 29581高階 > high\-level; 29582捏造 > to\-make\-up; 29583分析 > to\-analyze; 29584擁抱 > to\-embrace; 29585零下 > below\-zero; 29586差異 > difference; 29587放出 > to\-let\-off; 29588公石 > hectoliter; 29589攻克 > to\-capture; 29590報數 > number\-off; 29591收入 > to\-take\-in; 29592詞典 > dictionary; 29593設在 > located\-at; 29594限度 > limitation; 29595裱糊 > wall\-paper; 29596檢查 > inspection; 29597瀆職 > wrongdoing; 29598庇廕 > \(of\-a\-tree; 29599陰天 > cloudy\-day; 29600終於 > eventually; 29601訂婚 > engagement; 29602陸基 > land\-based; 29603廚司 > cook\,\-chef; 29604傳說 > it\-is\-said; 29605高速 > high\-speed; 29606制定 > to\-draw\-up; 29607速射 > rapid\-fire; 29608遺傳 > hereditary; 29609舉辦 > to\-conduct; 29610利害 > formidable; 29611攪亂 > to\-confuse; 29612入獄 > go\-to\-jail; 29613米粉 > rice\-flour; 29614糾正 > to\-correct; 29615親手 > personally; 29616農村 > rural\-area; 29617副刊 > supplement; 29618操場 > playground; 29619基於 > because\-of; 29620衍變 > to\-develop; 29621全然 > completely; 29622團聚 > to\-reunite; 29623白狐 > arctic\-fox; 29624擁塞 > congestion; 29625討厭 > disgusting; 29626違傲 > to\-disobey; 29627白熾 > white\-heat; 29628白熱 > white\-heat; 29629白熊 > polar\-bear; 29630白煤 > anthracite; 29631倚靠 > to\-lean\-on; 29632幼女 > young\-girl; 29633觀察 > to\-observe; 29634兵法 > art\-of\-war; 29635當選 > be\-elected; 29636摘抄 > to\-extract; 29637監控 > to\-monitor; 29638堤岸 > embankment; 29639結局 > conclusion; 29640欠佳 > suboptimal; 29641週到 > thoughtful; 29642規律 > discipline; 29643管轄 > administer; 29644常常 > frequently; 29645樹樁 > tree\-stump; 29646襯托 > to\-set\-off; 29647操典 > drill\-book; 29648跑馬 > horse\-race; 29649檢察 > to\-inspect; 29650巨星 > giant\-star; 29651附加 > additional; 29652操作 > to\-operate; 29653相對 > relatively; 29654無價 > invaluable; 29655屏除 > get\-rid\-of; 29656搏斗 > to\-wrestle; 29657拜託 > request\-sb; 29658排球 > volleyball; 29659紀律 > discipline; 29660店主 > shop\-owner; 29661瓶頸 > bottleneck; 29662幫助 > assistance; 29663幫凶 > accomplice; 29664分別 > difference; 29665公撮 > milliliter; 29666結合 > to\-combine; 29667籃球 > basketball; 29668抱負 > aspiration; 29669算術 > arithmetic; 29670推測 > conjecture; 29671要塞 > stronghold; 29672白旗 > white\-flag; 29673演變 > to\-develop; 29674滿足 > to\-satisfy; 29675驅逐 > banishment; 29676表示 > to\-express; 29677農園 > plantation; 29678高級 > high\-level; 29679投資 > investment; 29680看到 > see\-\(that\); 29681提昇 > to\-promote; 29682兌換 > to\-convert; 29683公引 > hectometer; 29684駕馭 > to\-control; 29685專門 > specialist; 29686看來 > apparently; 29687臉色 > complexion; 29688草叢 > underbrush; 29689兼容 > compatible; 29690軍港 > naval\-port; 29691按立 > ordination; 29692生計 > livelihood; 29693掌櫃 > shopkeeper; 29694表現 > expression; 29695兩岸 > bilaterial; 29696共存 > to\-coexist; 29697囚犯 > a\-prisoner; 29698偉績 > great\-acts; 29699相互 > each\-other; 29700衍生 > derviative; 29701冰刀 > ice\-skates; 29702接收 > to\-receive; 29703用處 > usefulness; 29704技術 > technology; 29705花托 > receptacle; 29706宿題 > assignment; 29707魚排 > fish\-steak; 29708指甲 > fingernail; 29709學齡 > school\-age; 29710捨棄 > to\-give\-up; 29711差別 > difference; 29712使醉 > intoxicate; 29713拘禁 > constraint; 29714國會 > parliament; 29715超越 > to\-surpass; 29716推廣 > popularize; 29717佣金 > commission; 29718白喉 > diphtheria; 29719授意 > to\-inspire; 29720公分 > centimeter; 29721筆者 > the\-author; 29722保育 > child\-care; 29723白區 > white\-area; 29724揹債 > be\-in\-debt; 29725漫畫 > caricature; 29726停火 > cease\-fire; 29727良心 > conscience; 29728單調 > monotonous; 29729表明 > make\-known; 29730投稿 > contribute; 29731模仿 > to\-imitate; 29732發佈 > to\-release; 29733條約 > treatypact; 29734導航 > navigation; 29735排外 > xenophobic; 29736導致 > to\-lead\-to; 29737展示 > to\-open\-up; 29738尋舋 > to\-provoke; 29739先例 > antecedent; 29740滅絕 > extinguish; 29741賓館 > guesthouse; 29742樓下 > downstairs; 29743提倡 > to\-promote; 29744打結 > tie\-a\-knot; 29745臆測 > assumption; 29746興旺 > prosperous; 29747岸標 > lighthouse; 29748拔河 > tug\-of\-war; 29749生產 > to\-produce; 29750補償 > compensate; 29751人體 > human\-body; 29752推出 > to\-release; 29753胞衣 > afterbirth; 29754挖掘 > excavation; 29755四年 > four\-years; 29756餐館 > restaurant; 29757指揮 > to\-conduct; 29758聖靈 > holy\-ghost; 29759指控 > accusation; 29760手稿 > manuscript; 29761抹油 > to\-annoint; 29762表尺 > rear\-sight; 29763畢業 > graduation; 29764固執 > persistent; 29765查詢 > to\-inquire; 29766飯館 > restaurant; 29767疑慮 > hesitation; 29768喉舌 > mouthpiece; 29769便當 > convenient; 29770聯通 > connection; 29771駐紮 > to\-station; 29772簽出 > to\-log\-off; 29773高層 > high\-level; 29774餅鐺 > baking\-pan; 29775屢次 > repeatedly; 29776鎗管 > gun\-barrel; 29777鐵板 > iron\-panel; 29778鏈環 > chain\-link; 29779捉取 > to\-capture; 29780竭盡 > exhaustion; 29781軍人 > serviceman; 29782意願 > aspiration; 29783老頭 > old\-fellow; 29784現象 > appearance; 29785鎮痛 > analgesiac; 29786自尊 > self\-pride; 29787定義 > definition; 29788競爭 > to\-compete; 29789實現 > to\-achieve; 29790傷亡 > casualties; 29791截然 > completely; 29792業余 > spare\-time; 29793行列 > procession; 29794病假 > sick\-leave; 29795期限 > time\-limit; 29796把戲 > acrobatics; 29797消費 > to\-consume; 29798行人 > pedestrian; 29799書面 > in\-writing; 29800筷子 > chopsticks; 29801節制 > temperance; 29802腐敗 > corruption; 29803獸醫 > veterinary; 29804做出 > to\-put\-out; 29805作為 > accomplish; 29806折射 > refraction; 29807喉炎 > laryngitis; 29808了解 > understand; 29809信心 > confidence; 29810聯繫 > connection; 29811珍藏 > collection; 29812自信 > confidence; 29813聖職 > priesthood; 29814錶盤 > dial\-plate; 29815桃樹 > peach\-tree; 29816單模 > singlemode; 29817想象 > to\-imagine; 29818下降 > to\-decline; 29819審查 > to\-examine; 29820層壓 > lamination; 29821周速 > cycle\-time; 29822暴風 > storm\-wind; 29823屬地 > dependency; 29824漲價 > appreciate; 29825聖經 > holy\-bible; 29826仿真 > to\-emulate; 29827和諧 > harmonious; 29828介紹 > to\-present; 29829頻頻 > repeatedly; 29830缺點 > weak\-point; 29831本行 > one''s\-line; 29832滲坑 > sewage\-pit; 29833競技 > tournament; 29834抵制 > resistance; 29835鐵匠 > blacksmith; 29836任用 > to\-appoint; 29837單數 > odd\-number; 29838板紙 > paperboard; 29839呈遞 > to\-present; 29840波長 > wavelength; 29841專心 > absorption; 29842個別 > individual; 29843會計 > accountant; 29844流血 > shed\-blood; 29845肉片 > meat\-slice; 29846溫室 > greenhouse; 29847倚仗 > to\-lean\-on; 29848抑制 > to\-inhibit; 29849作料 > condiments; 29850便壺 > bed\-urinal; 29851趨奉 > to\-fawn\-on; 29852使怒 > exasperate; 29853依屬 > dependence; 29854預防 > to\-prevent; 29855個人 > individual; 29856等到 > wait\-until; 29857小姐 > young\-lady; 29858桌布 > tablecloth; 29859背景 > background; 29860不變 > unchanging; 29861一貫 > consistent; 29862批准 > to\-approve; 29863科系 > department; 29864愁緒 > melancholy; 29865神話 > fairy\-tale; 29866住所 > habitation; 29867顛覆 > subversion; 29868案子 > long\-table; 29869互相 > each\-other; 29870便利 > convenient; 29871河邊 > river\-bank; 29872不虞 > unexpected; 29873尤其 > especially; 29874淘汰 > to\-die\-out; 29875肥料 > fertilizer; 29876安排 > to\-arrange; 29877議院 > parliament; 29878狡辯 > to\-quibble; 29879第二 > number\-two; 29880格外 > especially; 29881暴行 > savage\-act; 29882實在 > in\-reality; 29883超升 > exaltation; 29884叛軍 > rebel\-army; 29885獸穴 > animal\-den; 29886孝敬 > to\-respect; 29887警鐘 > alarm\-bell; 29888胖子 > fat\-person; 29889存放 > to\-deposit; 29890餓死 > starvation; 29891併吞 > swallow\-up; 29892學徒 > apprentice; 29893感激 > appreciate; 29894板樁 > sheet\-pile; 29895成分 > ingredient; 29896容器 > receptacle; 29897重視 > importance; 29898悔罪 > conviction; 29899能力 > capability; 29900必須 > to\-have\-to; 29901肯定 > to\-be\-sure; 29902任性 > capricious; 29903王牌 > trump\-card; 29904南面 > south\-side; 29905薄荷 > field\-mint; 29906馬力 > horsepower; 29907月球 > \(the\)\-moon; 29908婚約 > engagement; 29909現成 > ready\-made; 29910頻繁 > frequently; 29911議論 > to\-comment; 29912交替 > to\-replace; 29913神秘 > mysterious; 29914風濕 > rheumatism; 29915群眾 > the\-masses; 29916神祕 > mysterious; 29917寄予 > to\-express; 29918仁慈 > benevolent; 29919今後 > henceforth; 29920虛擬 > fictitious; 29921顯現 > appearance; 29922多黨 > multiparty; 29923不當 > unsuitable; 29924沈落 > sink\,\-fall; 29925講述 > talk\-about; 29926宣佈 > to\-declare; 29927鼓掌 > to\-applaud; 29928以外 > apart\-from; 29929爆音 > sonic\-boom; 29930似乎 > apparently; 29931大體 > in\-general; 29932空兒 > spare\-time; 29933食指 > forefinger; 29934牴觸 > contradict; 29935程序 > procedures; 29936弱點 > weak\-point; 29937明言 > pronounced; 29938本月 > this\-month; 29939哲學 > philosophy; 29940丹毒 > erysipelas; 29941氣象 > meteorolgy; 29942互惠 > reciprocal; 29943總體 > completely; 29944蔬菜 > vegetables; 29945飯店 > restaurant; 29946含燐 > phosphoric; 29947更正 > correction; 29948黑板 > blackboard; 29949彙集 > to\-collect; 29950講解 > to\-explain; 29951預知 > anticipate; 29952部門 > department; 29953以及 > as\-well\-as; 29954聯合 > to\-combine; 29955主格 > nominative; 29956錄取 > to\-recruit; 29957新郎 > bridegroom; 29958而後 > after\-that; 29959字典 > dictionary; 29960悲歌 > sad\-melody; 29961罪狀 > accusation; 29962比重 > proportion; 29963賠償 > compensate; 29964流放 > banishment; 29965人均 > per\-capita; 29966可疑 > suspicious; 29967聞名 > well\-known; 29968而已 > that''s\-all; 29969浴巾 > bath\-towel; 29970吊燈 > chandelier; 29971聲價 > reputation; 29972薄片 > thin\-slice; 29973更新 > up\-to\-date; 29974顫栗 > to\-tremble; 29975本底 > background; 29976集體 > collective; 29977敗露 > \(of\-a\-plot; 29978試驗 > experiment; 29979人口 > population; 29980厘米 > centimeter; 29981歸順 > submission; 29982失蹤 > be\-missing; 29983飽和 > saturation; 29984歡騰 > jubilation; 29985後裔 > descendant; 29986氣色 > complexion; 29987金牌 > gold\-medal; 29988不會 > improbable; 29989上月 > last\-month; 29990吵架 > to\-quarrel; 29991意外 > unexpected; 29992碧綠 > dark\-green; 29993不時 > frequently; 29994老套 > old\-things; 29995並把 > to\-include; 29996談論 > to\-discuss; 29997及物 > transitive; 29998電車 > trolleybus; 29999欺騙 > to\-deceive; 30000顧慮 > misgivings; 30001可比 > comparable; 30002事先 > in\-advance; 30003警犬 > police\-dog; 30004剛體 > rigid\-body; 30005景氣 > prosperity; 30006卜筮 > divination; 30007不快 > be\-unhappy; 30008昌盛 > prosperous; 30009改過 > to\-correct; 30010改進 > to\-improve; 30011不幸 > misfortune; 30012電視 > television; 30013後者 > the\-latter; 30014纏繞 > intertwine; 30015加速 > accelerate; 30016諳練 > conversant; 30017一度 > for\-a\-time; 30018歡迎 > to\-welcome; 30019化肥 > fertilizer; 30020墨鏡 > sunglasses; 30021剝離 > \(of\-tissue; 30022不屈 > unyielding; 30023彈藥 > ammunition; 30024預料 > anticipate; 30025頂替 > to\-replace; 30026不定 > indefinite; 30027不安 > intranquil; 30028老人 > old\-people; 30029期刊 > periodical; 30030知覺 > perception; 30031同情 > compassion; 30032適配 > adaptation; 30033合意 > acceptable; 30034大臣 > chancellor; 30035同性 > homosexual; 30036日益 > day\-by\-day; 30037大膽 > courageous; 30038本份 > one''s\-duty; 30039不妥 > not\-proper; 30040會友 > membership; 30041繳納 > contribute; 30042不夠 > not\-enough; 30043私下 > in\-private; 30044波峰 > wave\-crest; 30045三天 > three\-days; 30046 > generation; 30047面目 > appearance; 30048反日 > anti\-japan; 30049建議 > to\-propose; 30050波導 > wave\-guide; 30051婢女 > slave\-girl; 30052沒收 > confiscate; 30053快活 > gay\,\-happy; 30054可悲 > lamentable; 30055評註 > commentary; 30056婊子 > prostitute; 30057必然 > inevitable; 30058半球 > hemisphere; 30059響應 > respond\-to; 30060彙編 > collection; 30061議會 > parliament; 30062大綱 > main\-point; 30063撞騙 > to\-swindle; 30064烤鴨 > roast\-duck; 30065歌詞 > song\-lyric; 30066並入 > merge\-into; 30067記載 > write\-down; 30068弱脈 > weak\-pulse; 30069顫動 > to\-tremble; 30070原本 > originally; 30071吸吮 > to\-suck\-in; 30072爆破 > to\-blow\-up; 30073道賀 > compliment; 30074取得 > to\-acquire; 30075上半 > first\-half; 30076教育 > to\-educate; 30077不動 > motionless; 30078吞噬 > to\-swallow; 30079要點 > main\-point; 30080反復 > repeatedly; 30081西點 > west\-point; 30082並不 > not\-at\-all; 30083斗眼 > cross\-eyed; 30084氣氛 > atmosphere; 30085眼鏡 > spectacles; 30086不備 > unprepared; 30087檢驗 > to\-inspect; 30088一再 > repeatedly; 30089恫嚇 > intimidate; 30090一共 > altogether; 30091奉獻 > consecrate; 30092不依 > not\-comply; 30093不住 > repeatedly; 30094只好 > to\-have\-to; 30095討論 > to\-discuss; 30096文盲 > illiterate; 30097明智 > not\-unwise; 30098另外 > additional; 30099撞針 > firing\-pin; 30100南極 > south\-pole; 30101一代 > generation; 30102收縮 > pull\-back; 30103多疑 > skeptical; 30104合力 > cooperate; 30105爆炸 > explosion; 30106割草 > mow\-grass; 30107變奏 > variation; 30108領受 > to\-accept; 30109動盪 > commotion; 30110可哀 > miserably; 30111菠蘿 > pineapple; 30112厚度 > thickness; 30113速記 > shorthand; 30114徐步 > to\-stroll; 30115西面 > west\-side; 30116摘除 > to\-excise; 30117警官 > constable; 30118同伴 > companion; 30119名人 > personage; 30120蔓延 > to\-extend; 30121同事 > colleague; 30122半旗 > half\-mast; 30123金匠 > goldsmith; 30124同一 > identical; 30125碰巧 > by\-chance; 30126普及 > widespead; 30127設置 > to\-set\-up; 30128燒燬 > burn\-down; 30129明年 > next\-year; 30130古典 > classical; 30131叫做 > be\-called; 30132綠茶 > green\-tea; 30133別處 > elsewhere; 30134述語 > predicate; 30135防衛 > to\-defend; 30136昨天 > yesterday; 30137教父 > godfather; 30138受僱 > mercenary; 30139於是 > thereupon; 30140語源 > etymology; 30141說法 > statement; 30142城門 > city\-gate; 30143靈敏 > sensitive; 30144助理 > assistant; 30145設立 > to\-set\-up; 30146論斷 > inference; 30147受事 > recepient; 30148熬煎 > suffering; 30149分號 > semicolon; 30150原告 > complaint; 30151白魚 > whitefish; 30152多樣 > diversity; 30153多模 > multimode; 30154開頭 > beginning; 30155無能 > inability; 30156白體 > lean\-type; 30157標高 > elevation; 30158妖媚 > seductive; 30159無聲 > noiseless; 30160刺繡 > embroider; 30161十年 > ten\-years; 30162半島 > peninsula; 30163連續 > continous; 30164原則 > principle; 30165鄭州 > zhengzhou; 30166計策 > stratagem; 30167底線 > underline; 30168閃電 > lightning; 30169引渡 > extradite; 30170教母 > godmother; 30171壁爐 > fireplace; 30172文明 > civilized; 30173直覺 > intuition; 30174壁燈 > wall\-lamp; 30175發音 > pronounce; 30176厘克 > centigram; 30177無籟 > scoundrel; 30178加深 > to\-deepen; 30179執行 > implement; 30180雹暴 > hailstorm; 30181確信 > confident; 30182奠定 > establish; 30183那樣 > that\-kind; 30184公里 > kilometer; 30185誠摯 > sincerely; 30186差距 > disparity; 30187襯裙 > petticoat; 30188鰾膠 > isinglass; 30189證件 > paperwork; 30190細菌 > bacterial; 30191芬香 > fragrance; 30192占卜 > to\-divine; 30193蒼天 > firmament; 30194緩沖 > to\-buffer; 30195選派 > set\-apart; 30196散播 > to\-spread; 30197大志 > high\-aims; 30198輔音 > consonant; 30199張揚 > publicize; 30200解碼 > to\-decode; 30201播種 > sow\-seeds; 30202化學 > chemistry; 30203報紙 > newspaper; 30204無知 > ignorance; 30205接駁 > to\-access; 30206很多 > very\-many; 30207誠意 > sincerity; 30208廣泛 > extensive; 30209鳳梨 > pineapple; 30210雙方 > bilateral; 30211長遠 > long\-term; 30212千周 > kilohertz; 30213過濾 > to\-filter; 30214奇妙 > fantastic; 30215冰蓋 > ice\-sheet; 30216遙測 > telemetry; 30217農舍 > farmhouse; 30218紅蓮 > red\-lotus; 30219共識 > consensus; 30220輸送 > transport; 30221大小 > dimension; 30222大家 > authority; 30223爭取 > fight\-for; 30224每天 > every\-day; 30225攻擊 > to\-attack; 30226紅茶 > black\-tea; 30227文字 > character; 30228常綠 > evergreen; 30229殘廢 > deformity; 30230隱晦 > obscurity; 30231照樣 > as\-before; 30232方向 > direction; 30233焰火 > fireworks; 30234救恩 > salvation; 30235天天 > every\-day; 30236後勤 > logistics; 30237助手 > assistant; 30238內褲 > underwear; 30239辦罪 > to\-punish; 30240要緊 > important; 30241民主 > democracy; 30242務實 > pragmatic; 30243推銷 > to\-market; 30244彙報 > to\-report; 30245要素 > essential; 30246夢境 > dreamland; 30247課堂 > classroom; 30248選擇 > to\-select; 30249報界 > the\-press; 30250發言 > statement; 30251十七 > seventeen; 30252火藥 > gunpowder; 30253診斷 > diagnosis; 30254毫克 > milligram; 30255副本 > duplicate; 30256艱難 > difficult; 30257廣播 > broadcast; 30258敗局 > lost\-game; 30259郊外 > outskirts; 30260教室 > classroom; 30261白蠟 > white\-wax; 30262出現 > to\-appear; 30263逐漸 > gradually; 30264冰糕 > ice\-cream; 30265允許 > to\-permit; 30266後代 > posterity; 30267艦長 > commander; 30268構造 > structure; 30269勾劃 > to\-sketch; 30270增援 > reinforce; 30271無比 > matchless; 30272教士 > churchman; 30273次數 > frequency; 30274大力 > energetic; 30275壯大 > to\-expand; 30276權柄 > authority; 30277遵循 > to\-follow; 30278適意 > agreeable; 30279調停 > reconcile; 30280干涉 > interfere; 30281勤勉 > diligence; 30282款待 > entertain; 30283發芽 > germinate; 30284大便 > excrement; 30285撥正 > set\-right; 30286壽命 > life\-span; 30287經文 > scripture; 30288敲入 > to\-key\-in; 30289隊形 > formation; 30290天上 > celestial; 30291辦理 > to\-handle; 30292註定 > be\-doomed; 30293無數 > countless; 30294收回 > to\-regain; 30295外交 > diplomacy; 30296過度 > exceeding; 30297判斷 > to\-decide; 30298操持 > to\-manage; 30299檢測 > to\-detect; 30300矮凳 > low\-stool; 30301階層 > hierarchy; 30302至高 > paramount; 30303推薦 > recommend; 30304排行 > seniority; 30305前往 > leave\-for; 30306教儀 > ordinance; 30307結構 > structure; 30308墳墓 > sepulcher; 30309播放 > broadcast; 30310公秉 > kiloliter; 30311阻撓 > to\-thwart; 30312傳送 > to\-convey; 30313遺囑 > testament; 30314歡呼 > cheer\-for; 30315傳輸 > transport; 30316干擾 > interfere; 30317推荐 > recommend; 30318遊客 > traveller; 30319城牆 > city\-wall; 30320內碼 > to\-encode; 30321摧殘 > to\-ravage; 30322撞擊 > to\-strike; 30323加劇 > aggravate; 30324阻抗 > impedance; 30325捐贈 > to\-donate; 30326自願 > voluntary; 30327樹皮 > tree\-bark; 30328經度 > longitude; 30329隨員 > attendant; 30330光筆 > light\-pen; 30331報攤 > newsstand; 30332出於 > be\-due\-to; 30333救世 > salvation; 30334擴大 > to\-expand; 30335過多 > excessive; 30336無形 > invisible; 30337裝置 > equipment; 30338故事 > narrative; 30339共產 > communist; 30340篩選 > to\-filter; 30341推翻 > overthrow; 30342院子 > courtyard; 30343園藝 > gardening; 30344廣博 > extensive; 30345權威 > authority; 30346劃分 > to\-divide; 30347傳記 > biography; 30348迷惑 > to\-puzzle; 30349加上 > to\-put\-in; 30350延伸 > to\-extend; 30351通宵 > overnight; 30352艱苦 > difficult; 30353廣傳 > propagate; 30354發生 > to\-happen; 30355癱瘓 > paralysis; 30356組成 > component; 30357隊列 > formation; 30358接管 > take\-over; 30359設備 > equipment; 30360隆冬 > midwinter; 30361凹度 > concavity; 30362漫長 > very\-long; 30363界面 > interface; 30364創作 > to\-create; 30365陪同 > accompany; 30366擴充 > to\-expand; 30367指責 > criticize; 30368綜合 > composite; 30369披露 > to\-reveal; 30370看待 > look\-upon; 30371陷入 > sink\-into; 30372衰落 > decompose; 30373剛健 > energetic; 30374撥奏 > pizzicato; 30375逆境 > adversity; 30376迫害 > persecute; 30377進化 > evolution; 30378辯才 > eloquence; 30379自負 > conceited; 30380市政 > municipal; 30381儼然 > just\-like; 30382絕妙 > exquisite; 30383投降 > surrender; 30384簽章 > signature; 30385陪伴 > accompany; 30386綁匪 > kidnapper; 30387無力 > powerless; 30388擔保 > guarantee; 30389推理 > reasoning; 30390因而 > therefore; 30391逆向 > backwards; 30392跟隨 > to\-follow; 30393按蚊 > anopheles; 30394樣機 > prototype; 30395刨冰 > water\-ice; 30396帶寬 > bandwidth; 30397異議 > objection; 30398規定 > provision; 30399展開 > to\-unfold; 30400輪流 > alternate; 30401傳統 > tradition; 30402偏見 > prejudice; 30403地理 > geography; 30404地球 > the\-earth; 30405降低 > to\-reduce; 30406保險 > insurance; 30407保障 > to\-ensure; 30408場合 > situation; 30409報告 > to\-inform; 30410紳士 > gentleman; 30411公斗 > decaliter; 30412逝世 > pass\-away; 30413返回 > return\-to; 30414附件 > enclosure; 30415分割 > to\-cut\-up; 30416長期 > long\-term; 30417扁骨 > flat\-bone; 30418保鏢 > bodyguard; 30419跑錶 > stopwatch; 30420紙夾 > paperclip; 30421發明 > to\-invent; 30422模擬 > imitation; 30423激發 > to\-arouse; 30424再度 > once\-more; 30425糾察 > to\-picket; 30426拷花 > to\-emboss; 30427潛艇 > submarine; 30428迷住 > fascinate; 30429艾炷 > moxa\-cone; 30430囚禁 > captivity; 30431內戰 > civil\-war; 30432便門 > side\-door; 30433裁減 > to\-reduce; 30434迷亂 > confusion; 30435圍牆 > enclosure; 30436相同 > identical; 30437規勸 > to\-advise; 30438表皮 > epidermis; 30439表白 > vindicate; 30440戶限 > threshold; 30441看做 > regard\-as; 30442捐獻 > to\-donate; 30443兇手 > assailant; 30444蟑螂 > cockroach; 30445寬頻 > broadband; 30446西南 > southwest; 30447使館 > consulate; 30448西北 > northwest; 30449棉被 > comforter; 30450精巧 > elaborate; 30451嶄新 > brand\-new; 30452打進 > to\-breach; 30453公寸 > decimeter; 30454承認 > recognize; 30455公寓 > apartment; 30456常任 > permanent; 30457光彩 > honorable; 30458保護 > to\-defend; 30459指示 > point\-out; 30460病理 > pathology; 30461辛勞 > laborious; 30462損壞 > to\-damage; 30463保証 > guarantee; 30464嘉許 > favorable; 30465八天 > eight\-day; 30466拒絕 > to\-refuse; 30467要不 > otherwise; 30468標定 > demarcate; 30469膨脹 > to\-expand; 30470輻射 > radiation; 30471排放 > discharge; 30472體現 > to\-embody; 30473衰減 > to\-weaken; 30474籃板 > backboard; 30475馬鞭 > horsewhip; 30476苦境 > grievance; 30477畢竟 > after\-all; 30478低階 > low\-level; 30479所謂 > so\-called; 30480潰爛 > to\-fester; 30481儲存 > stockpile; 30482膀臂 > upper\-arm; 30483瀑布 > waterfall; 30484掛念 > concerned; 30485全同 > identical; 30486轟動 > sensation; 30487臺燈 > desk\-lamp; 30488蝴蝶 > butterfly; 30489甜美 > sweetness; 30490伴隨 > to\-follow; 30491實質 > substance; 30492公兩 > hectogram; 30493植物 > botanical; 30494空防 > air\-force; 30495入侵 > to\-invade; 30496克制 > restraint; 30497公丈 > decameter; 30498輸出 > to\-export; 30499折磨 > persecute; 30500輸入 > to\-import; 30501實行 > implement; 30502等等 > et\-cetera; 30503清除 > eliminate; 30504打聽 > ask\-about; 30505表揚 > to\-praise; 30506激怒 > infuriate; 30507打翻 > overthrow; 30508停泊 > anchorage; 30509蜻蜓 > dragonfly; 30510漸漸 > gradually; 30511子音 > consonant; 30512漲潮 > high\-tide; 30513家譜 > genealogy; 30514驚異 > amazement; 30515輔助 > to\-assist; 30516提供 > to\-supply; 30517穿透 > penetrate; 30518接口 > interface; 30519接受 > to\-accept; 30520體操 > gymnastic; 30521便箋 > notepaper; 30522空軍 > air\-force; 30523超聯 > hyperlink; 30524聖餐 > sacrament; 30525裝備 > equipment; 30526批發 > wholesale; 30527漸次 > gradually; 30528趕緊 > hurriedly; 30529骨架 > framework; 30530介面 > interface; 30531偵探 > detective; 30532臨時 > temporary; 30533挑戰 > challenge; 30534被告 > defendant; 30535排出 > discharge; 30536拔染 > discharge; 30537貝類 > shellfish; 30538在內 > including; 30539拿手 > expert\-in; 30540竊聽 > eavesdrop; 30541宿舍 > dormitory; 30542山水 > landscape; 30543四天 > four\-days; 30544挺好 > very\-good; 30545簽入 > to\-log\-on; 30546馬背 > horseback; 30547驕氣 > arrogance; 30548疑心 > suspicion; 30549渺茫 > uncertain; 30550激勵 > encourage; 30551激動 > to\-excite; 30552成立 > establish; 30553添補 > fill\-\(up\); 30554修正 > to\-revise; 30555某處 > somewhere; 30556賓詞 > predicate; 30557稱讚 > to\-praise; 30558低級 > low\-level; 30559貨輪 > freighter; 30560體團 > community; 30561極其 > extremely; 30562抵抗 > to\-resist; 30563颱風 > hurricane; 30564伸縮 > to\-extend; 30565蚯蚓 > earthworm; 30566贖罪 > atonement; 30567寵物 > house\-pet; 30568聖誕 > christmas; 30569假定 > to\-assume; 30570行動 > operation; 30571主體 > main\-part; 30572手法 > technique; 30573消遣 > amusement; 30574極了 > extremely; 30575就業 > get\-a\-job; 30576疆域 > territory; 30577桌燈 > desk\-lamp; 30578疆土 > territory; 30579承擔 > undertake; 30580膽小 > cowardice; 30581屬性 > attribute; 30582高價 > expensive; 30583主頁 > home\-page; 30584美麗 > beautiful; 30585會面 > meet\-with; 30586成為 > to\-become; 30587交誼 > communion; 30588錦繡 > beautiful; 30589潛力 > potential; 30590居所 > residence; 30591學童 > schoolboy; 30592自動 > automatic; 30593蠕動 > to\-wiggle; 30594打敗 > to\-defeat; 30595豪豬 > porcupine; 30596啟發 > enlighten; 30597流量 > flow\-rate; 30598賜給 > to\-bestow; 30599招募 > to\-recuit; 30600完畢 > to\-finish; 30601對於 > regarding; 30602至今 > until\-now; 30603翻譯 > translate; 30604上面 > on\-top\-of; 30605五號 > the\-fifth; 30606信差 > messenger; 30607膀子 > upper\-arm; 30608拆卸 > to\-unload; 30609蛋白 > egg\-white; 30610吞食 > to\-devour; 30611框架 > framework; 30612胃炎 > gastritis; 30613對抗 > withstand; 30614器具 > implement; 30615脫掉 > strip\-off; 30616香港 > hong\-kong; 30617實時 > real\-time; 30618肺炎 > pneumonia; 30619慶祝 > celebrate; 30620宰殺 > slaughter; 30621浪蕩 > to\-loiter; 30622豪華 > luxurious; 30623某物 > something; 30624津貼 > allowance; 30625肝炎 > hepatitis; 30626消耗 > to\-use\-up; 30627上載 > to\-upload; 30628蘭花 > cymbidium; 30629書記 > secretary; 30630浪船 > swingboat; 30631小寫 > lowercase; 30632用具 > appliance; 30633古風 > antiquity; 30634安歇 > go\-to\-bed; 30635家族 > household; 30636何故 > wherefore; 30637腳印 > footprint; 30638瓷器 > chinaware; 30639童年 > childhood; 30640佔據 > to\-occupy; 30641起床 > to\-get\-up; 30642寬帶 > broadband; 30643來年 > next\-year; 30644今生 > this\-life; 30645頻道 > frequency; 30646本職 > one''s\-job; 30647局勢 > situation; 30648背斜 > anticline; 30649暴躁 > irascible; 30650池鹽 > lake\-salt; 30651不許 > not\-allow; 30652商標 > trademark; 30653飯碗 > rice\-bowl; 30654晤面 > interview; 30655桔子 > tangerine; 30656重開 > to\-reopen; 30657變革 > transform; 30658截奪 > intercept; 30659深水 > deepwater; 30660趨向 > direction; 30661起始 > originate; 30662祇讀 > read\-only; 30663學會 > institute; 30664懸崖 > precipice; 30665條件 > condition; 30666鷓鴣 > partridge; 30667末端 > extremity; 30668瓜分 > partition; 30669處理 > to\-handle; 30670涌現 > spring\-up; 30671禮節 > etiquette; 30672普遍 > universal; 30673變醜 > disfigure; 30674並肩 > alongside; 30675蜂巢 > honeycomb; 30676中美 > china\-usa; 30677暗語 > code\-word; 30678端口 > interface; 30679低層 > low\-level; 30680重蹈 > to\-repeat; 30681住宅 > residence; 30682休戰 > armistice; 30683所以 > therefore; 30684讚賞 > to\-admire; 30685減弱 > to\-weaken; 30686叛賣 > to\-betray; 30687嫌疑 > suspicion; 30688伸展 > extension; 30689一致 > unanimous; 30690聲明 > statement; 30691養殖 > cultivate; 30692柿子 > persimmon; 30693老牌 > old\-brand; 30694妖風 > evil\-wind; 30695錶帶 > watchband; 30696重要 > important; 30697減少 > to\-lessen; 30698有益 > wholesome; 30699重複 > to\-repeat; 30700立刻 > forthwith; 30701深思 > to\-ponder; 30702早餐 > breakfast; 30703野蠻 > barbarous; 30704早飯 > breakfast; 30705必需 > essential; 30706財東 > shopowner; 30707虛構 > imaginary; 30708聯想 > associate; 30709浸沒 > immersion; 30710板斧 > broad\-axe; 30711含糊 > obscurity; 30712淒慘 > miserable; 30713一篇 > one\-sided; 30714鍵入 > to\-key\-in; 30715旋風 > whirlwind; 30716祝福 > blessings; 30717期滿 > to\-expire; 30718警覺 > vigilance; 30719原諒 > to\-excuse; 30720家俱 > furniture; 30721感染 > infection; 30722孔子 > confucius; 30723子孫 > offspring; 30724家人 > household; 30725家事 > housework; 30726宣傳 > publicize; 30727今年 > this\-year; 30728呈現 > to\-appear; 30729一百 > a\-hundred; 30730貫徹 > implement; 30731仲夏 > midsummer; 30732證詞 > testimony; 30733秘書 > secretary; 30734突出 > prominent; 30735惡毒 > malicious; 30736伴侶 > companion; 30737昂貴 > expensive; 30738露韓 > to\-expose; 30739影響 > influence; 30740夢魘 > nightmare; 30741好運 > good\-luck; 30742暴發 > break\-out; 30743應付 > deal\-with; 30744有毒 > poisonous; 30745弱鹼 > weak\-base; 30746汽船 > steamboat; 30747可笑 > laughable; 30748半載 > half\-load; 30749微軟 > microsoft; 30750仙境 > fairyland; 30751旨趣 > objective; 30752日趨 > gradually; 30753事態 > situation; 30754大類 > main\-type; 30755本文 > this\-text; 30756營養 > nutrition; 30757頻率 > frequency; 30758協議 > agreement; 30759不滿 > resentful; 30760那麼 > so\-\(much\); 30761必要 > necessary; 30762大陸 > continent; 30763碧藍 > dark\-blue; 30764待遇 > treatment; 30765合理 > rationale; 30766玩弄 > resort\-to; 30767有時 > sometimes; 30768旁路 > to\-bypass; 30769夜間 > nighttime; 30770比鄰 > neighbour; 30771非議 > criticize; 30772書架 > bookshelf; 30773混亂 > confusion; 30774有效 > effective; 30775缽盂 > alms\-bowl; 30776資助 > subsidize; 30777上次 > last\-time; 30778牌號 > trademark; 30779五天 > five\-days; 30780消失 > disappear; 30781旁觀 > spectator; 30782磨石 > millstone; 30783介入 > intervene; 30784以上 > more\-than; 30785矛頭 > spearhead; 30786夢遺 > wet\-dream; 30787變異 > variation; 30788波段 > wave\-band; 30789離開 > to\-depart; 30790獲得 > to\-obtain; 30791吐氣 > aspirated; 30792東南 > southeast; 30793東北 > northeast; 30794不明 > not\-clear; 30795奇觀 > spectacle; 30796改革 > to\-reform; 30797愛國 > patriotic; 30798不斷 > unceasing; 30799今世 > this\-life; 30800未婚 > unmarried; 30801弱酸 > weak\-acid; 30802收集 > to\-gather; 30803乘客 > passenger; 30804一時 > temporary; 30805助長 > encourage; 30806交出 > hand\-over; 30807食品 > foodstuff; 30808配置 > to\-deploy; 30809失調 > imbalance; 30810消去 > eliminate; 30811本壘 > home\-base; 30812人事 > personnel; 30813悲慘 > miserable; 30814識相 > sensitive; 30815書店 > bookstore; 30816邊門 > side\-door; 30817中庭 > courtyard; 30818司機 > chauffeur; 30819獨家 > exclusive; 30820東亞 > east\-asia; 30821復習 > to\-revise; 30822合格 > qualified; 30823暫時 > temporary; 30824雙邊 > bilateral; 30825耐力 > endurance; 30826明確 > clear\-cut; 30827不惜 > not\-stint; 30828惡夢 > nightmare; 30829原理 > principle; 30830主婦 > housewife; 30831玩具 > plaything; 30832電話 > telephone; 30833施肥 > fertilize; 30834改造 > to\-change; 30835狀況 > condition; 30836不平 > injustice; 30837這麼 > so\-\(much\); 30838不已 > endlessly; 30839雜貨 > groceries; 30840木匠 > carpenter; 30841評選 > to\-choose; 30842醬油 > soy\-sauce; 30843建造 > construct; 30844觸鬚 > tentacles; 30845擦音 > fricative; 30846周圍 > encompass; 30847不對 > incorrect; 30848心目 > mentality; 30849可敬 > venerable; 30850受格 > objective; 30851大荳 > soya\-bean; 30852 > same\-as\-忡; 30853契約 > agreement; 30854鱷魚 > alligator; 30855波幅 > amplitude; 30856改變 > to\-change; 30857庭院 > courtyard; 30858禮儀 > etiquette; 30859右手 > righthand; 30860創造 > to\-create; 30861流入 > flow\-into; 30862注射 > injection; 30863硬盤 > hard\-disk; 30864功課 > classwork; 30865週長 > perimeter; 30866月光 > moonlight; 30867失縱 > disappear; 30868婚姻 > matrimony; 30869口才 > eloquence; 30870不在 > not\-be\-in; 30871鞭毛 > flagellum; 30872撫養 > to\-foster; 30873派任 > set\-apart; 30874刪除 > to\-delete; 30875遠足 > excursion; 30876無限 > unlimited; 30877頑強 > tenacious; 30878無關 > unrelated; 30879蒸發 > evaporate; 30880古怪 > eccentric; 30881得當 > expedient; 30882油布 > tarpaulin; 30883下唇 > lower\-lip; 30884義務 > volunteer; 30885上唇 > upper\-lip; 30886頁心 > type\-page; 30887不吝 > not\-stint; 30888不同 > different; 30889污染 > pollution; 30890前途 > prospects; 30891熊蜂 > bumblebee; 30892總結 > summarize; 30893美味 > delicious; 30894吸取 > to\-absorb; 30895下午 > afternoon; 30896週邊 > periphery; 30897年限 > age\-limit; 30898下列 > following; 30899不准 > not\-allow; 30900題名 > autograph; 30901多端 > multiport; 30902效能 > efficient; 30903不停 > incessant; 30904大砲 > artillery; 30905不值 > not\-worth; 30906沙岩 > sandstone; 30907波及 > spread\-to; 30908微波 > microwave; 30909不休 > endlessly; 30910無辜 > innocence; 30911次要 > secondary; 30912不予 > not\-grant; 30913去年 > last\-year; 30914不了 > unable\-to; 30915領土 > territory; 30916韌性 > toughness; 30917社區 > community; 30918版權 > copyright; 30919向南 > southward; 30920民歌 > folk\-song; 30921即時 > immediate; 30922播送 > broadcast; 30923幸運 > fortunate; 30924美中 > usa\-china; 30925隕落 > fall\-down; 30926熟練 > practiced; 30927改編 > to\-adapt; 30928磁性 > magnetic; 30929壓緊 > compress; 30930醫學 > medicine; 30931吞併 > to\-annex; 30932靈活 > flexible; 30933文獻 > document; 30934外用 > external; 30935邊線 > sideline; 30936正統 > orthodox; 30937延續 > continue; 30938頻仍 > frequent; 30939緯線 > latitude; 30940無誤 > verified; 30941日曆 > calendar; 30942剝落 > peel\-off; 30943預卜 > foretell; 30944幻象 > illusion; 30945謹慎 > cautious; 30946特性 > property; 30947茶館 > teahouse; 30948鳥籠 > birdcage; 30949微明 > twilight; 30950建築 > building; 30951友善 > friendly; 30952建立 > creation; 30953順利 > smoothly; 30954心手 > new\-hand; 30955冰隙 > crevasse; 30956霸權 > hegemony; 30957危急 > critical; 30958隙縫 > aperture; 30959親身 > personal; 30960確定 > definite; 30961終身 > lifelong; 30962記者 > reporter; 30963規避 > to\-evade; 30964牧師 > chaplain; 30965收益 > earnings; 30966具體 > concrete; 30967平行 > parallel; 30968忠實 > faithful; 30969步發 > footwork; 30970分裂 > split\-up; 30971新書 > new\-book; 30972口交 > oral\-sex; 30973創立 > to\-found; 30974煤箱 > coal\-box; 30975缺乏 > shortage; 30976日後 > sometime; 30977邊界 > boundary; 30978災難 > disaster; 30979徹底 > thorough; 30980鱉裙 > calipash; 30981警句 > aphorism; 30982早已 > long\-ago; 30983雖然 > although; 30984破曉 > daybreak; 30985雨滴 > raindrop; 30986明天 > tomorrow; 30987妖孽 > evildoer; 30988電氣 > electric; 30989酬報 > to\-repay; 30990遺產 > heritage; 30991硬度 > hardness; 30992無聊 > nonsense; 30993橫過 > traverse; 30994征戰 > campaign; 30995課本 > textbook; 30996凋謝 > languish; 30997計算 > to\-count; 30998開除 > to\-expel; 30999適當 > suitable; 31000纖巧 > delicate; 31001平臺 > platform; 31002大方 > generous; 31003無縫 > seamless; 31004冠軍 > champion; 31005准許 > to\-allow; 31006鄰居 > neighbor; 31007電梯 > elevator; 31008蓋層 > cap\-rock; 31009面對 > confront; 31010無線 > wireless; 31011確切 > definite; 31012通紅 > very\-red; 31013包抄 > outflank; 31014辨認 > identify; 31015原來 > original; 31016多數 > majority; 31017物品 > articles; 31018政治 > politics; 31019半夜 > midnight; 31020午夜 > midnight; 31021新年 > new\-year; 31022旅客 > traveler; 31023逼真 > lifelike; 31024步法 > footwork; 31025公釐 > decigram; 31026殺戮 > massacre; 31027力氣 > strength; 31028內部 > interior; 31029覆蓋 > to\-cover; 31030繡帷 > tapestry; 31031太忙 > too\-busy; 31032睡眠 > sleeping; 31033裝飾 > decorate; 31034十四 > fourteen; 31035平等 > equality; 31036白金 > platinum; 31037包層 > cladding; 31038轉送 > transfer; 31039再見 > good\-bye; 31040夢幻 > illusion; 31041逕直 > straight; 31042危亡 > at\-stake; 31043草草 > careless; 31044巧計 > maneuver; 31045著手 > commence; 31046料子 > material; 31047盲腸 > appendix; 31048支柱 > mainstay; 31049形容 > describe; 31050無疑 > no\-doubt; 31051強悍 > valliant; 31052粗野 > insolent; 31053袋鼠 > kangaroo; 31054妖人 > magician; 31055軟體 > software; 31056新型 > new\-type; 31057培育 > to\-train; 31058煤油 > kerosene; 31059加時 > overtime; 31060光輝 > radiance; 31061復元 > recovery; 31062強度 > strength; 31063十八 > eighteen; 31064女兒 > daughter; 31065多少 > how\-much; 31066十克 > decagram; 31067地雷 > landmine; 31068如今 > nowadays; 31069邪惡 > sinister; 31070觀看 > to\-watch; 31071得分 > to\-score; 31072包圍 > surround; 31073比喻 > metaphor; 31074規範 > standard; 31075軀體 > the\-body; 31076硬件 > hardware; 31077天堂 > paradise; 31078十九 > nineteen; 31079光譜 > spectrum; 31080補遺 > addendum; 31081遠東 > far\-east; 31082十三 > thirteen; 31083機能 > function; 31084蒙古 > mongolia; 31085遠景 > prospect; 31086紐約 > new\-york; 31087教導 > instruct; 31088提議 > proposal; 31089優越 > superior; 31090進步 > progress; 31091遮掩 > to\-cover; 31092電報 > telegram; 31093摹畫 > describe; 31094車間 > workshop; 31095往來 > dealings; 31096調動 > transfer; 31097引導 > to\-guide; 31098裝貨 > shipping; 31099力度 > dynamism; 31100過於 > too\-much; 31101監禁 > imprison; 31102冰窖 > icehouse; 31103堂皇 > imposing; 31104崇高 > majestic; 31105省略 > omission; 31106母係 > maternal; 31107採買 > purchase; 31108輕視 > contempt; 31109精致 > delicacy; 31110遲延 > to\-delay; 31111攜帶 > to\-carry; 31112延展 > to\-scale; 31113農田 > farmland; 31114部位 > position; 31115創建 > to\-found; 31116內置 > internal; 31117限期 > deadline; 31118緊張 > critical; 31119記憶 > memories; 31120遷就 > to\-yield; 31121精美 > delicate; 31122強勁 > powerful; 31123文件 > document; 31124殺人 > homicide; 31125邊境 > frontier; 31126外來 > external; 31127剛性 > rigidity; 31128勃勃 > thriving; 31129適宜 > suitable; 31130擁擠 > to\-crowd; 31131授課 > to\-teach; 31132解散 > dissolve; 31133陰性 > feminine; 31134動作 > movement; 31135敦促 > to\-press; 31136雇員 > employee; 31137瀉藥 > laxative; 31138換置 > displace; 31139雨傘 > umbrella; 31140圖謀 > conspire; 31141董事 > director; 31142動人 > touching; 31143阻擊 > to\-check; 31144補花 > applique; 31145塗抹 > to\-smear; 31146骨骼 > skeleton; 31147裝船 > shipment; 31148欺壓 > to\-bully; 31149荒涼 > desolate; 31150凹板 > intaglio; 31151劣勢 > inferior; 31152分數 > fraction; 31153盎然 > abundant; 31154壓力 > pressure; 31155連忙 > promptly; 31156那個 > that\-one; 31157無情 > pitiless; 31158擦寫 > to\-erase; 31159壓制 > suppress; 31160精確 > accurate; 31161優美 > graceful; 31162航運 > shipping; 31163函數 > function; 31164經常 > everyday; 31165步兵 > infantry; 31166平房 > bungalow; 31167冰涼 > ice\-cold; 31168幻想 > delusion; 31169序幕 > prologue; 31170刻寫 > inscribe; 31171墓地 > cemetery; 31172避免 > to\-avert; 31173規格 > standard; 31174場所 > location; 31175追悼 > mourning; 31176雇主 > employer; 31177揭發 > disclose; 31178許可 > to\-allow; 31179傳訊 > subpoena; 31180評估 > evaluate; 31181拖鞋 > slippers; 31182偽造 > to\-forge; 31183火牆 > firewall; 31184凶手 > murderer; 31185無害 > harmless; 31186軟膏 > ointment; 31187掌聲 > applause; 31188表觀 > apparent; 31189埋沒 > oblivion; 31190平常 > ordinary; 31191拔除 > pull\-out; 31192增加 > to\-raise; 31193軌范 > standard; 31194摩擦 > friction; 31195覺得 > to\-think; 31196高貴 > grandeur; 31197剪刀 > scissors; 31198充當 > serve\-as; 31199為時 > timewise; 31200達到 > to\-reach; 31201西方 > the\-west; 31202運動 > movement; 31203欺侮 > to\-bully; 31204通報 > bulletin; 31205撥子 > plectrum; 31206床墊 > mattress; 31207抗體 > antibody; 31208臨近 > close\-to; 31209莫大 > greatest; 31210約束 > restrict; 31211切實 > feasible; 31212界限 > boundary; 31213陽光 > sunshine; 31214分子 > molecule; 31215相應 > relevant; 31216眾多 > numerous; 31217阻塞 > to\-block; 31218絕對 > absolute; 31219分娩 > delivery; 31220管道 > pipeline; 31221遊伴 > playmate; 31222工業 > industry; 31223冰排 > ice\-raft; 31224進入 > to\-enter; 31225路面 > pavement; 31226直徑 > diameter; 31227無名 > nameless; 31228結婚 > to\-marry; 31229堵塞 > blockage; 31230撤回 > withdraw; 31231睾丸 > testicle; 31232經典 > classics; 31233騰騰 > steaming; 31234逼人 > pressing; 31235輝煌 > splendid; 31236無助 > helpless; 31237採用 > to\-adopt; 31238已故 > the\-late; 31239序列 > sequence; 31240發汗 > to\-sweat; 31241國立 > national; 31242箴言 > proverbs; 31243補爐 > fettling; 31244距離 > distance; 31245自製 > homemade; 31246阻力 > obstacle; 31247瘟疫 > epidemic; 31248蠕蠕 > wiggling; 31249送別 > farewell; 31250無人 > unmanned; 31251公斤 > kilogram; 31252公文 > document; 31253抽象 > abstract; 31254出口 > to\-speak; 31255親善 > goodwill; 31256興致 > interest; 31257途中 > en\-route; 31258間接 > indirect; 31259鐵路 > railroad; 31260搬弄 > move\-sth; 31261標本 > specimen; 31262退位 > abdicate; 31263組合 > assemble; 31264塌下 > collapse; 31265逃亡 > fugitive; 31266戰鬥 > to\-fight; 31267統一 > to\-unify; 31268刑事 > criminal; 31269提案 > proposal; 31270衝突 > conflict; 31271追上 > overtake; 31272航空 > aviation; 31273修辭 > rhetoric; 31274濾液 > filtrate; 31275對面 > opposite; 31276函件 > letteres; 31277相反 > opposite; 31278持續 > continue; 31279馴鹿 > reindeer; 31280手鐲 > bracelet; 31281脫離 > separate; 31282驚訝 > confound; 31283脊骨 > backbone; 31284捕獲 > to\-catch; 31285駕駛 > to\-drive; 31286採樣 > sampling; 31287純品 > sterling; 31288門徒 > disciple; 31289近來 > recently; 31290寺院 > cloister; 31291答話 > to\-reply; 31292業界 > industry; 31293火山 > volcanic; 31294其實 > actually; 31295生詞 > new\-word; 31296近乎 > close\-to; 31297梵語 > sanskrit; 31298便道 > shortcut; 31299褲子 > trousers; 31300寧靜 > tranquil; 31301省份 > province; 31302封鎖 > blockade; 31303俯視 > overlook; 31304崩潰 > collapse; 31305載攜 > to\-carry; 31306濕氣 > moisture; 31307精密 > accuracy; 31308茶匙 > teaspoon; 31309國民 > national; 31310兄弟 > brothers; 31311校驗 > to\-check; 31312粗心 > careless; 31313冰冷 > ice\-cold; 31314興盛 > flourish; 31315倘若 > provided; 31316關係 > relation; 31317發射 > to\-shoot; 31318手足 > movement; 31319機動 > flexible; 31320採掘 > excavate; 31321越過 > to\-cross; 31322裁撤 > dissolve; 31323兵器 > weaponry; 31324拔節 > jointing; 31325演習 > exercise; 31326紊亂 > disorder; 31327跳舞 > to\-dance; 31328範疇 > category; 31329兵員 > soldiers; 31330溶解 > dissolve; 31331掙扎 > struggle; 31332滲色 > bleeding; 31333蛋黃 > egg\-yolk; 31334共和 > republic; 31335軍方 > military; 31336構想 > conceive; 31337背面 > the\-back; 31338輔導 > to\-coach; 31339寶貴 > valuable; 31340入口 > entrance; 31341驕縱 > arrogant; 31342開創 > initiate; 31343侵蝕 > to\-erode; 31344儀式 > ceremony; 31345扁蟲 > flatworm; 31346兼併 > to\-annex; 31347樂園 > paradise; 31348容量 > capacity; 31349描圖 > to\-trace; 31350赤足 > barefoot; 31351屁股 > buttocks; 31352發動 > to\-start; 31353製品 > products; 31354共享 > to\-share; 31355英俊 > handsome; 31356捷徑 > shortcut; 31357行業 > industry; 31358馬車 > carriage; 31359公主 > princess; 31360提名 > nominate; 31361四方 > four\-way; 31362粗厲 > abrasive; 31363車廂 > carriage; 31364自治 > autonomy; 31365高架 > overhead; 31366困惑 > bewilder; 31367笑聲 > laughter; 31368松鼠 > squirrel; 31369優勢 > superior; 31370簿子 > notebook; 31371傲慢 > arrogant; 31372先令 > shilling; 31373渠道 > channels; 31374校訂 > revision; 31375棒球 > baseball; 31376優先 > priority; 31377噴泉 > fountain; 31378軍士 > sergeant; 31379來臨 > approach; 31380衣廚 > wardrobe; 31381份量 > quantity; 31382僱員 > employee; 31383應該 > ought\-to; 31384採光 > lighting; 31385聚集 > assemble; 31386按捺 > restrain; 31387裁判 > judgment; 31388人類 > humanity; 31389估計 > estimate; 31390坐下 > sit\-down; 31391安謐 > tranquil; 31392回家 > homeward; 31393使者 > emissary; 31394崩塌 > collapse; 31395打破 > to\-break; 31396對稱 > symmetry; 31397假期 > vacation; 31398飼養 > to\-raise; 31399衣子 > covering; 31400購買 > purchase; 31401軼事 > anecdote; 31402稀飯 > porridge; 31403抱歉 > be\-sorry; 31404漂浮 > to\-float; 31405極好 > fabulous; 31406極大 > enormous; 31407界標 > landmark; 31408地位 > position; 31409稱重 > to\-weigh; 31410節慶 > festival; 31411蠻干 > reckless; 31412鬧區 > downtown; 31413準確 > accurate; 31414侵略 > invasion; 31415併紗 > doubling; 31416病夫 > sick\-man; 31417授予 > to\-award; 31418學術 > learning; 31419國內 > domestic; 31420貴重 > precious; 31421屠殺 > massacre; 31422拔掉 > to\-pluck; 31423簡化 > simplify; 31424驕橫 > arrogant; 31425買進 > purchase; 31426買通 > to\-bribe; 31427慎重 > cautious; 31428滑溜 > slippery; 31429指導 > to\-guide; 31430位置 > position; 31431篡奪 > to\-usurp; 31432臨床 > clinical; 31433栽種 > to\-plant; 31434戰略 > strategy; 31435園丁 > gardener; 31436本體 > noumenon; 31437骨幹 > backbone; 31438人道 > humanity; 31439身分 > position; 31440人造 > man\-made; 31441產業 > industry; 31442居民 > resident; 31443腳步 > footstep; 31444拼字 > spelling; 31445東部 > the\-east; 31446高地 > highland; 31447固件 > firmware; 31448人身 > personal; 31449鑲嵌 > to\-inlay; 31450業務 > business; 31451察看 > to\-watch; 31452倍數 > multiple; 31453對照 > contrast; 31454抵押 > mortgage; 31455肩膀 > shoulder; 31456箱子 > suitcase; 31457身份 > identity; 31458低等 > inferior; 31459就此 > and\-thus; 31460筆架 > pen\-rack; 31461寶物 > treasure; 31462生日 > birthday; 31463鐘擺 > pendulum; 31464驅散 > disperse; 31465抱怨 > complain; 31466等於 > equal\-to; 31467學習 > to\-learn; 31468折扣 > discount; 31469懸疑 > suspense; 31470珍貴 > precious; 31471懷疑 > to\-doubt; 31472當天 > that\-day; 31473鍵盤 > keyboard; 31474指南 > to\-guide; 31475家用 > home\-use; 31476生意 > business; 31477耗費 > to\-waste; 31478致力 > work\-for; 31479些許 > trifling; 31480五角 > pentagon; 31481等待 > wait\-for; 31482房東 > landlord; 31483修建 > to\-build; 31484浪費 > to\-waste; 31485突發 > outburst; 31486信徒 > believer; 31487打掃 > to\-clean; 31488技工 > mechanic; 31489持久 > duration; 31490答對 > to\-reply; 31491風車 > windmill; 31492手提 > portable; 31493飛行 > aviation; 31494不靈 > not\-work; 31495安生 > peaceful; 31496打扮 > dress\-up; 31497倒塌 > collapse; 31498生存 > to\-exist; 31499賦稅 > taxation; 31500孔穴 > aperture; 31501浴衣 > bathrobe; 31502一面 > one\-side; 31503恐龍 > dinosaur; 31504山坡 > hillside; 31505鐵器 > hardware; 31506畫像 > portrait; 31507當作 > treat\-as; 31508禮貌 > courtesy; 31509栽植 > to\-plant; 31510信封 > envelope; 31511聲稱 > to\-claim; 31512對手 > opponent; 31513信守 > abide\-by; 31514聖約 > covenant; 31515校正 > regulate; 31516重點 > emphasis; 31517聽眾 > audience; 31518騎師 > horseman; 31519秧苗 > seedling; 31520恭順 > deferent; 31521鍵槽 > key\-slot; 31522購物 > shopping; 31523單據 > receipts; 31524會變 > variable; 31525少年 > juvenile; 31526騙子 > swindler; 31527聯盟 > alliance; 31528路口 > crossing; 31529處罰 > penalize; 31530金魚 > goldfish; 31531媚詞 > flattery; 31532含量 > contents; 31533用功 > diligent; 31534筆名 > pen\-name; 31535佛教 > buddhism; 31536可靠 > reliable; 31537資產 > property; 31538驅動 > to\-drive; 31539驕傲 > arrogant; 31540寓所 > dwelling; 31541由余 > owing\-to; 31542蘑菰 > mushroom; 31543頁面 > web\-page; 31544一起 > together; 31545渴望 > desirous; 31546走廊 > corridor; 31547本能 > instinct; 31548嗜好 > fondness; 31549對外 > external; 31550缺陷 > a\-defect; 31551蛋殼 > eggshell; 31552吃醋 > jealousy; 31553合適 > suitable; 31554官方 > official; 31555滑冰 > to\-skate; 31556商業 > business; 31557財產 > property; 31558宗教 > religion; 31559韌體 > firmware; 31560命脈 > lifeline; 31561乃至 > and\-even; 31562租稅 > land\-tax; 31563項鍊 > necklace; 31564恥辱 > disgrace; 31565不行 > won''t\-do; 31566守時 > punctual; 31567暗轉 > blackout; 31568打印 > to\-print; 31569完整 > complete; 31570侵吞 > to\-annex; 31571波譜 > spectrum; 31572栽子 > seedling; 31573貂皮 > mink\-fur; 31574醫院 > hospital; 31575財物 > property; 31576泳衣 > swimsuit; 31577淚水 > teardrop; 31578肉桂 > cinnamon; 31579減掉 > subtract; 31580鼻炎 > rhinitis; 31581某時 > sometime; 31582藥膏 > ointment; 31583完成 > complete; 31584溢出 > overflow; 31585向西 > westward; 31586變量 > variable; 31587叛逆 > to\-rebel; 31588戰區 > war\-zone; 31589叱責 > reproach; 31590立場 > position; 31591貞潔 > chastity; 31592栗子 > chestnut; 31593中繼 > to\-relay; 31594翳眼 > cataract; 31595鎮區 > township; 31596板油 > leaf\-fat; 31597懸垂 > overhang; 31598酒鬼 > drunkard; 31599不肖 > unworthy; 31600班機 > airliner; 31601預言 > prophecy; 31602窗子 > casement; 31603實力 > strength; 31604應對 > response; 31605羚羊 > antelope; 31606交流 > exchange; 31607叛變 > renegade; 31608戰事 > fighting; 31609可行 > feasible; 31610憔悴 > languish; 31611危難 > calamity; 31612安寧 > peaceful; 31613丹砂 > cinnabar; 31614核准 > sanction; 31615譴責 > denounce; 31616案件 > law\-case; 31617姻親 > affinity; 31618浪漫 > romantic; 31619村民 > villager; 31620慷慨 > vehement; 31621論點 > argument; 31622木炭 > charcoal; 31623黃瓜 > cucumber; 31624不端 > improper; 31625暗自 > inwardly; 31626懊喪 > dejected; 31627稀有 > uncommon; 31628飛機 > airplane; 31629室友 > roommate; 31630貶抑 > belittle; 31631薄膜 > membrane; 31632東方 > the\-east; 31633稅收 > taxation; 31634風潮 > campaign; 31635背包 > knapsack; 31636黨派 > partisan; 31637子層 > sublayer; 31638飲料 > beverage; 31639人手 > manpower; 31640二月 > february; 31641沒落 > downfall; 31642含碳 > carbonic; 31643最為 > the\-most; 31644醫藥 > medicine; 31645深奧 > profound; 31646啟動 > to\-start; 31647學問 > learning; 31648不用 > need\-not; 31649風水 > fengshui; 31650愚昧 > ignorant; 31651材料 > material; 31652水路 > waterway; 31653子女 > children; 31654事故 > accident; 31655采聲 > applause; 31656完全 > complete; 31657碰觸 > to\-touch; 31658不獨 > not\-only; 31659定位 > position; 31660存在 > to\-exist; 31661貨幣 > currency; 31662下獄 > imprison; 31663孵化 > breeding; 31664蚊子 > mosquito; 31665不特 > not\-only; 31666鞭蟲 > whipworm; 31667不爽 > not\-well; 31668性能 > function; 31669洪流 > cataract; 31670懂事 > sensible; 31671食慾 > appetite; 31672部類 > category; 31673同盟 > alliance; 31674震驚 > to\-shock; 31675吸煙 > to\-smoke; 31676謝謝 > to\-thank; 31677不濟 > not\-good; 31678頭痛 > headache; 31679伙伴 > partisan; 31680暗盒 > magazine; 31681肖像 > portrait; 31682中止 > to\-cease; 31683講話 > a\-speech; 31684林地 > woodland; 31685深刻 > profound; 31686亭子 > pavilion; 31687音節 > syllable; 31688架勢 > attitude; 31689不測 > accident; 31690太長 > oversize; 31691勢頭 > momentum; 31692大門 > entrance; 31693愚弄 > derision; 31694往還 > contacts; 31695治療 > to\-treat; 31696礦產 > minerals; 31697上海 > shanghai; 31698罪犯 > criminal; 31699爐邊 > fireside; 31700愉快 > cheerful; 31701變種 > mutation; 31702論述 > treatise; 31703募集 > to\-raise; 31704海峽 > straight; 31705爭論 > to\-argue; 31706聖化 > sanctify; 31707明膫 > manifest; 31708重申 > reaffirm; 31709暴洪 > a\-sudden; 31710替換 > exchange; 31711餡兒 > stuffing; 31712有所 > somewhat; 31713斥責 > denounce; 31714重獲 > recovery; 31715不朽 > immortal; 31716海外 > overseas; 31717王家 > princely; 31718哨兵 > sentinel; 31719貶低 > belittle; 31720雉雞 > pheasant; 31721想家 > homesick; 31722哥兒 > brothers; 31723華麗 > gorgeous; 31724買主 > customer; 31725慘事 > disaster; 31726預測 > forecast; 31727美日 > us\-japan; 31728負債 > indebted; 31729雨量 > rainfall; 31730司法 > judicial; 31731誕辰 > birthday; 31732咳嗽 > to\-cough; 31733悲慟 > mournful; 31734加長 > lengthen; 31735吐棄 > to\-spurn; 31736勸說 > persuade; 31737處分 > disposal; 31738日美 > japan\-us; 31739增高 > heighten; 31740遲頓 > inactive; 31741財主 > rich\-man; 31742不成 > won''t\-do; 31743夢話 > daydream; 31744不懈 > untiring; 31745大要 > abstract; 31746最少 > smallest; 31747護照 > passport; 31748主宰 > dominate; 31749夢見 > to\-dream; 31750不惟 > not\-only; 31751事兒 > business; 31752大衣 > overcoat; 31753移交 > transfer; 31754書寫 > to\-write; 31755不怕 > fearless; 31756不必 > need\-not; 31757沖洗 > to\-rinse; 31758不得 > must\-not; 31759不很 > not\-very; 31760暗暗 > secretly; 31761剷除 > root\-out; 31762 > mournful; 31763神性 > divinity; 31764總裁 > chairman; 31765外表 > external; 31766沉浸 > permeate; 31767支配 > dominate; 31768美德 > a\-virtue; 31769雄辯 > eloquent; 31770點名 > rollcall; 31771忽然 > suddenly; 31772日程 > schedule; 31773姦淫 > adultery; 31774豪俠 > cavalier; 31775旺盛 > vigorous; 31776外號 > nickname; 31777奇聞 > anecdote; 31778前額 > forehead; 31779海上 > maritime; 31780雜誌 > magazine; 31781網際 > internet; 31782熱誠 > devotion; 31783合成 > compound; 31784呼叫 > to\-shout; 31785天花 > smallpox; 31786雨衣 > raincoat; 31787同意 > to\-agree; 31788本來 > original; 31789本位 > standard; 31790向後 > backward; 31791服務 > to\-serve; 31792民眾 > populace; 31793威望 > prestige; 31794活動 > activity; 31795叛教 > apostacy; 31796不大 > not\-very; 31797大能 > almighty; 31798有力 > powerful; 31799時機 > occasion; 31800否定 > negative; 31801藥商 > druggist; 31802反映 > reaction; 31803遺贈 > bequeath; 31804文職 > civilian; 31805婚嫁 > marriage; 31806緊迫 > pressing; 31807變數 > variable; 31808議案 > proposal; 31809君子 > nobleman; 31810建設 > to\-build; 31811特派 > dispatch; 31812電腦 > computer; 31813同屋 > roommate; 31814藥劑 > medicine; 31815一團 > regiment; 31816磨擦 > friction; 31817播音 > transmit; 31818台座 > pedestal; 31819欺負 > to\-bully; 31820過載 > overload; 31821遲誤 > to\-delay; 31822祖國 > homeland; 31823順從 > obedient; 31824主任 > director; 31825泰國 > thailand; 31826解開 > to\-untie; 31827暗室 > darkroom; 31828奶牛 > milk\-cow; 31829反應 > reaction; 31830悲切 > mournful; 31831不只 > not\-only; 31832年青 > youthful; 31833順序 > sequence; 31834中保 > advocate; 31835平靜 > tranquil; 31836姿態 > attitude; 31837告別 > to\-leave; 31838一周 > one\-week; 31839欺詐 > to\-cheat; 31840一向 > all\-long; 31841曝光 > exposure; 31842氮氣 > nitrogen; 31843附錄 > appendix; 31844一匙 > spoonful; 31845碗櫃 > cupboard; 31846研究 > research; 31847怠惰 > idleness; 31848包皮 > wrapping; 31849犯愁 > to\-worry; 31850到達 > to\-reach; 31851句子 > sentence; 31852奉現 > offering; 31853不倦 > tireless; 31854每當 > whenever; 31855訂購 > to\-order; 31856斑白 > grizzled; 31857證據 > evidence; 31858祖先 > ancestor; 31859常駐 > resident; 31860暴力 > violence; 31861集聚 > assemble; 31862昔日 > formerly; 31863功能 > function; 31864警惕 > vigilant; 31865波動 > undulate; 31866預報 > forecast; 31867奇特 > peculiar; 31868忠於 > loyal\-to; 31869明日 > tomorrow; 31870詳細 > detailed; 31871暴光 > exposure; 31872頑固 > stubborn; 31873選舉 > to\-elect; 31874退避 > withdraw; 31875練習 > exercise; 31876培養 > to\-train; 31877韌帶 > ligament; 31878撤退 > retreat; 31879牽扯 > involve; 31880婚事 > wedding; 31881檢閱 > inspect; 31882訴苦 > grumble; 31883暫停 > suspend; 31884觸角 > antenna; 31885彪炳 > shining; 31886罷休 > give\-up; 31887細長 > slender; 31888認真 > earnest; 31889時尚 > fashion; 31890版本 > version; 31891迴轉 > revolve; 31892庇護 > shelter; 31893酸性 > acidity; 31894編纂 > compile; 31895君主 > monarch; 31896總理 > premier; 31897天然 > natural; 31898睡衣 > pajamas; 31899整理 > arrange; 31900煙草 > tobacco; 31901燦爛 > glitter; 31902可動 > movable; 31903水手 > mariner; 31904各個 > various; 31905口吃 > stammer; 31906菏蘭 > holland; 31907領先 > to\-lead; 31908菠菜 > spinach; 31909十月 > october; 31910讚同 > approve; 31911毛毯 > blanket; 31912陽臺 > balcony; 31913近郊 > suburbs; 31914狂喜 > ecstasy; 31915永恆 > eternal; 31916請求 > request; 31917鄙棄 > disdain; 31918出走 > to\-flee; 31919效益 > benefit; 31920重力 > gravity; 31921碼字 > numeral; 31922紡錘 > spindle; 31923弄碎 > crumble; 31924姐妹 > sisters; 31925目錄 > catalog; 31926正確 > correct; 31927心愛 > beloved; 31928弄短 > shorten; 31929無處 > nowhere; 31930變厚 > thicken; 31931妖怪 > monster; 31932緊緊 > closely; 31933隱私 > privacy; 31934關鍵 > crucial; 31935姿勢 > posture; 31936妒忌 > jealous; 31937強烈 > intense; 31938好戰 > warlike; 31939平衡 > balance; 31940特定 > special; 31941弄皺 > crumple; 31942相連 > to\-link; 31943文法 > grammar; 31944古來 > oldtime; 31945天氣 > weather; 31946正直 > upright; 31947酒廠 > brewery; 31948征服 > conquer; 31949索道 > ropeway; 31950陸續 > in\-turn; 31951隱瞞 > to\-hide; 31952外流 > outflow; 31953工頭 > foreman; 31954另一 > another; 31955遠端 > far\-end; 31956皮革 > leather; 31957加甜 > sweeten; 31958音信 > message; 31959熱燙 > to\-burn; 31960障礙 > barrier; 31961語法 > grammar; 31962警告 > to\-warn; 31963然而 > however; 31964大概 > roughly; 31965電池 > battery; 31966好幾 > several; 31967比方 > analogy; 31968退落 > subside; 31969變亂 > turmoil; 31970請教 > consult; 31971熱潮 > upsurge; 31972欺瞞 > to\-fool; 31973比擬 > compare; 31974議價 > bargain; 31975纖弱 > fragile; 31976博學 > learned; 31977見證 > witness; 31978加熱 > heating; 31979城郊 > suburbs; 31980牧場 > pasture; 31981非常 > unusual; 31982勇氣 > courage; 31983失效 > to\-fail; 31984先驅 > pioneer; 31985鮑魚 > abalone; 31986犯人 > convict; 31987荷蘭 > holland; 31988難民 > refugee; 31989連結 > connect; 31990很快 > quickly; 31991遺物 > remnant; 31992毒打 > beat\-up; 31993醜事 > scandal; 31994降級 > degrade; 31995焦糖 > caramel; 31996摘要 > summary; 31997進程 > process; 31998辯解 > explain; 31999摔角 > wrestle; 32000包扎 > wrap\-up; 32001廢物 > rubbish; 32002奇怪 > strange; 32003委任 > appoint; 32004櫃臺 > counter; 32005殘株 > stubble; 32006好奇 > curious; 32007登陸 > to\-land; 32008毆打 > beat\-up; 32009監視 > oversee; 32010形成 > to\-form; 32011總數 > a\-total; 32012特制 > special; 32013強暴 > violent; 32014德國 > germany; 32015統統 > totally; 32016無窮 > endless; 32017矮林 > coppice; 32018境界 > boundry; 32019弄歪 > distort; 32020冰袋 > ice\-bag; 32021證人 > witness; 32022閱讀 > to\-read; 32023郵差 > postman; 32024面嚮 > to\-face; 32025觸發 > trigger; 32026爭執 > dispute; 32027瀝青 > asphalt; 32028即便 > even\-if; 32029大廈 > edifice; 32030發酵 > ferment; 32031即使 > even\-if; 32032閱覽 > to\-read; 32033幸福 > blessed; 32034無益 > no\-good; 32035利益 > benefit; 32036防禦 > defense; 32037歷時 > to\-last; 32038版刻 > carving; 32039經理 > manager; 32040配偶 > consort; 32041歪曲 > distort; 32042救援 > to\-save; 32043日出 > sunrise; 32044氣候 > climate; 32045繃帶 > bandage; 32046無用 > useless; 32047逗留 > stay\-at; 32048利用 > exploit; 32049區區 > trivial; 32050爭吵 > dispute; 32051微光 > glimmer; 32052每夜 > nightly; 32053違法 > illegal; 32054出租 > to\-rent; 32055雀斑 > freckle; 32056收據 > receipt; 32057十六 > sixteen; 32058繪圖 > to\-draw; 32059坦途 > highway; 32060知悉 > to\-know; 32061支撐 > prop\-up; 32062熱情 > cordial; 32063排除 > exclude; 32064十倍 > tenfold; 32065剛毛 > bristle; 32066橫臥 > recline; 32067刺激 > provoke; 32068經濟 > economy; 32069細節 > details; 32070精製 > refined; 32071教師 > teacher; 32072樂趣 > delight; 32073收成 > harvest; 32074十五 > fifteen; 32075多大 > how\-big; 32076共處 > coexist; 32077攪拌 > to\-stir; 32078輕輕 > lightly; 32079利潤 > profits; 32080裝載 > to\-load; 32081包含 > contain; 32082擯棄 > abandon; 32083發行 > publish; 32084白蟻 > termite; 32085選手 > athlete; 32086失去 > to\-lose; 32087輪詢 > to\-poll; 32088彫刻 > engrave; 32089花費 > expense; 32090葉子 > foliage; 32091草稿 > outline; 32092武庫 > arsenal; 32093弄平 > flatten; 32094制止 > to\-curb; 32095糾紛 > dispute; 32096茅舍 > cottage; 32097照搬 > to\-copy; 32098兵艦 > warship; 32099補貼 > subsidy; 32100正常 > regular; 32101廚房 > kitchen; 32102文化 > culture; 32103崩陷 > fall\-in; 32104這次 > present; 32105已經 > already; 32106巴結 > fawn\-on; 32107皺紋 > wrinkle; 32108權杖 > scepter; 32109匆促 > hastily; 32110欄柵 > barrier; 32111百萬 > million; 32112多半 > chiefly; 32113目的 > purpose; 32114週末 > weekend; 32115初步 > initial; 32116欄杆 > railing; 32117煩惱 > agonize; 32118彈劾 > impeach; 32119煩悶 > anguish; 32120幫派 > faction; 32121表面 > surface; 32122糟糕 > too\-bad; 32123總則 > profile; 32124險峻 > arduous; 32125制服 > uniform; 32126像銀 > silvery; 32127前提 > premise; 32128編寫 > compile; 32129維持 > to\-keep; 32130接觸 > contact; 32131勝利 > victory; 32132夥伴 > partner; 32133教員 > teacher; 32134髕骨 > kneecap; 32135擁有 > to\-have; 32136此外 > besides; 32137強制 > enforce; 32138車輛 > vehicle; 32139霍亂 > cholera; 32140芬蘭 > finland; 32141數位 > digital; 32142輕蔑 > disdain; 32143絲柏 > cypress; 32144執照 > license; 32145櫃檯 > counter; 32146無效 > in\-vain; 32147壁壘 > rampart; 32148連接 > to\-link; 32149訊息 > message; 32150紙煙 > cigaret; 32151歷史 > history; 32152眺望 > lookout; 32153關照 > concern; 32154冰片 > borneol; 32155劇場 > theater; 32156熱切 > fervent; 32157動亂 > turmoil; 32158掩蓋 > conceal; 32159阻攔 > to\-stop; 32160弟兄 > brother; 32161阻擋 > to\-stop; 32162眉毛 > eyebrow; 32163士兵 > soldier; 32164被褥 > bedding; 32165擺子 > malaria; 32166衰退 > decline; 32167引出 > extract; 32168擔心 > anxious; 32169公社 > commune; 32170結果 > outcome; 32171摧毀 > destroy; 32172歲入 > revenue; 32173分散 > scatter; 32174墊子 > cushion; 32175焦急 > anxiety; 32176收到 > receive; 32177監測 > monitor; 32178鬢角 > temples; 32179揭示 > to\-show; 32180要求 > request; 32181痕跡 > vestige; 32182剝奪 > deprive; 32183農民 > peasant; 32184廠商 > company; 32185到底 > finally; 32186冒煙 > smoking; 32187簡要 > concise; 32188放任 > indulge; 32189通常 > regular; 32190真摯 > sincere; 32191紅海 > red\-sea; 32192冰河 > glacial; 32193純正 > genuine; 32194刨工 > planing; 32195煙囪 > chimney; 32196幻影 > phantom; 32197拔頂 > topping; 32198白白 > in\-vain; 32199先知 > prophet; 32200疾走 > scamper; 32201已滅 > extinct; 32202籠罩 > envelop; 32203統帥 > command; 32204陶器 > pottery; 32205附寄 > enclose; 32206絨布 > flannel; 32207迎接 > to\-meet; 32208儘管 > despite; 32209阻尼 > damping; 32210甜點 > dessert; 32211軍艦 > warship; 32212發現 > to\-find; 32213閃爍 > flicker; 32214衣裝 > garment; 32215備註 > remarks; 32216攔住 > to\-stop; 32217裂紋 > crackle; 32218挑起 > stir\-up; 32219闡明 > clarify; 32220到場 > show\-up; 32221過剩 > surplus; 32222蹣跚 > stagger; 32223盛會 > pageant; 32224剝削 > exploit; 32225描畫 > to\-draw; 32226裨益 > benefit; 32227遇到 > to\-meet; 32228偽證 > perjury; 32229機械 > machine; 32230照亮 > lighten; 32231陳列 > display; 32232停車 > to\-stop; 32233陽傘 > parasol; 32234山頂 > hilltop; 32235掌管 > control; 32236補益 > benefit; 32237拷貝 > to\-copy; 32238擠入 > intrude; 32239權利 > a\-power; 32240花環 > garland; 32241公民 > citizen; 32242巴林 > bahrain; 32243偽裝 > to\-fake; 32244堅強 > staunch; 32245平均 > average; 32246刺刀 > bayonet; 32247簸箕 > dustpan; 32248充滿 > full\-of; 32249帳帘 > drapery; 32250接生 > deliver; 32251激素 > hormone; 32252解剖 > dissect; 32253振興 > promote; 32254除了 > besides; 32255瘧疾 > malaria; 32256莊嚴 > stately; 32257粗淺 > shallow; 32258棲身 > stay\-at; 32259平台 > terrace; 32260拍賣 > auction; 32261滋養 > nourish; 32262解僱 > to\-fire; 32263到來 > arrival; 32264閒暇 > leisure; 32265床側 > bedside; 32266標槍 > javelin; 32267疫苗 > vaccine; 32268超齡 > too\-old; 32269出售 > to\-sell; 32270因素 > element; 32271冰川 > glacier; 32272闊度 > breadth; 32273踐踏 > trample; 32274業經 > already; 32275轟擊 > bombard; 32276幾個 > several; 32277冰島 > iceland; 32278挑舋 > provoke; 32279圖畫 > drawing; 32280冰山 > iceberg; 32281極端 > extreme; 32282農夫 > peasant; 32283白晝 > daytime; 32284兵戈 > weapons; 32285跳躍 > to\-jump; 32286療法 > therapy; 32287尖頂 > steeple; 32288腹部 > abdomen; 32289發放 > provide; 32290瘋狂 > madness; 32291痲疹 > measles; 32292親切 > amiable; 32293工廠 > factory; 32294插曲 > episode; 32295血統 > lineage; 32296濡濕 > moisten; 32297抗議 > protest; 32298絆倒 > stumble; 32299糊弄 > to\-fool; 32300帶動 > to\-spur; 32301公式 > formula; 32302災害 > scourge; 32303花束 > bouquet; 32304已婚 > married; 32305扭轉 > reverse; 32306戲院 > theater; 32307痒痒 > to\-itch; 32308例題 > example; 32309茅屋 > cottage; 32310優於 > surpass; 32311機場 > airport; 32312終于 > at\-last; 32313模形 > pattern; 32314蟋蟀 > cricket; 32315信賴 > confide; 32316芥末 > mustard; 32317激烈 > intense; 32318病症 > disease; 32319冷卻 > cooling; 32320桌面 > desktop; 32321履行 > fulfill; 32322皇帝 > emperor; 32323表率 > example; 32324揭幕 > opening; 32325篇章 > writing; 32326接替 > replace; 32327機器 > machine; 32328疾病 > disease; 32329備用 > reserve; 32330寬闊 > expanse; 32331措施 > measure; 32332內容 > content; 32333採暖 > heating; 32334相仿 > similar; 32335傲然 > loftily; 32336因為 > because; 32337樵夫 > woodman; 32338自私 > selfish; 32339典型 > typical; 32340茶具 > tea\-set; 32341輪廓 > outline; 32342糊塗 > muddled; 32343榜樣 > example; 32344閉塞 > stop\-up; 32345表演 > perform; 32346超過 > surpass; 32347節目 > program; 32348鑽石 > diamond; 32349園林 > gardens; 32350生菜 > lettuce; 32351小販 > peddler; 32352軌枕 > sleeper; 32353白天 > daytime; 32354英國 > england; 32355首飾 > jewelry; 32356工匠 > artisan; 32357盈余 > surplus; 32358俘虜 > captive; 32359臂章 > armband; 32360自由 > freedom; 32361布丁 > pudding; 32362圍攻 > besiege; 32363喝采 > acclaim; 32364生育 > to\-bear; 32365赤道 > equator; 32366高漲 > upsurge; 32367門口 > doorway; 32368損傷 > to\-harm; 32369身材 > stature; 32370英勇 > bravery; 32371例證 > example; 32372問題 > problem; 32373寄送 > to\-send; 32374傾斜 > incline; 32375困擾 > perplex; 32376複合 > complex; 32377抄網 > dip\-net; 32378百分 > percent; 32379嚴正 > sternly; 32380衣服 > clothes; 32381或許 > perhaps; 32382成語 > proverb; 32383榮幸 > honored; 32384漂礫 > boulder; 32385馬蹬 > stirrup; 32386模倣 > imitate; 32387例行 > routine; 32388商隊 > caravan; 32389學院 > college; 32390僵局 > impasse; 32391捕手 > catcher; 32392投票 > to\-vote; 32393行李 > luggage; 32394提到 > mention; 32395驕矜 > haughty; 32396信箱 > mailbox; 32397密談 > commune; 32398用盡 > exhaust; 32399概念 > concept; 32400停止 > to\-stop; 32401元件 > element; 32402地址 > address; 32403國家 > country; 32404孔雀 > peacock; 32405鍵詞 > keyword; 32406滑稽 > comical; 32407商量 > consult; 32408低調 > low\-key; 32409按時 > on\-time; 32410裝入 > to\-load; 32411打算 > to\-plan; 32412小結 > summary; 32413小組 > a\-group; 32414按摩 > massage; 32415偉業 > exploit; 32416質量 > quality; 32417節日 > holiday; 32418裁剪 > cut\-out; 32419產物 > product; 32420供給 > furnish; 32421舞弄 > to\-wave; 32422打碎 > shatter; 32423拯救 > to\-save; 32424在前 > forward; 32425李鵬 > li\-peng; 32426安設 > install; 32427責難 > censure; 32428島嶼 > islands; 32429查調 > inquiry; 32430拋棄 > discard; 32431便盆 > bed\-pan; 32432蠱惑 > enchant; 32433假日 > holiday; 32434安裝 > install; 32435滲漏 > seepage; 32436艦只 > warship; 32437拷打 > to\-beat; 32438聯邦 > federal; 32439漂泊 > drifter; 32440噸數 > tonnage; 32441商討 > discuss; 32442售賣 > to\-sell; 32443香菜 > parsley; 32444海鮮 > seafood; 32445臥房 > bedroom; 32446章節 > chapter; 32447滴流 > trickle; 32448疏忽 > neglect; 32449僥倖 > luckily; 32450懲罰 > penalty; 32451傳單 > leaflet; 32452香腸 > sausage; 32453走私 > smuggle; 32454專用 > special; 32455龍蝦 > lobster; 32456指定 > appoint; 32457僕人 > servant; 32458容納 > contain; 32459侯爵 > marquis; 32460椰子 > coconut; 32461鑒戒 > warning; 32462代詞 > pronoun; 32463丹麥 > denmark; 32464簡介 > summary; 32465畫廊 > gallery; 32466臥室 > bedroom; 32467扳機 > trigger; 32468衝力 > impulse; 32469完美 > perfect; 32470展望 > outlook; 32471竊盜 > burglar; 32472瑣細 > trivial; 32473挪動 > to\-move; 32474家禽 > poultry; 32475空缺 > vacancy; 32476最高 > highest; 32477高原 > plateau; 32478畫家 > painter; 32479屈曲 > crooked; 32480學者 > scholar; 32481疲勞 > fatigue; 32482滿手 > handful; 32483不齒 > despise; 32484投手 > pitcher; 32485海邊 > seaside; 32486把持 > control; 32487噁心 > to\-hate; 32488尋求 > to\-seek; 32489本錢 > capital; 32490膽子 > courage; 32491耳語 > whisper; 32492噴墨 > ink\-jet; 32493之間 > between; 32494有限 > limited; 32495托架 > bracket; 32496品質 > quality; 32497本金 > capital; 32498錦緞 > brocade; 32499麻雀 > sparrow; 32500扶持 > to\-help; 32501虔誠 > sincere; 32502保持 > to\-keep; 32503扶手 > railing; 32504最長 > longest; 32505扳手 > spanner; 32506便於 > easy\-to; 32507海豚 > dolphin; 32508愛護 > cherish; 32509節儉 > thrifty; 32510神體 > godhead; 32511打擾 > disturb; 32512中間 > betwixt; 32513來歷 > history; 32514感覺 > to\-feel; 32515範例 > example; 32516孤立 > isolate; 32517當前 > current; 32518層子 > stratum; 32519本質 > essence; 32520用字 > diction; 32521聯網 > network; 32522潛伏 > to\-hide; 32523聯結 > to\-bind; 32524管制 > control; 32525促成 > procure; 32526尊敬 > respect; 32527安瓿 > ampoule; 32528至上 > supreme; 32529一項 > an\-item; 32530抄寫 > to\-copy; 32531贅瘤 > useless; 32532清真 > islamic; 32533畫兒 > picture; 32534喜歡 > to\-like; 32535仔細 > careful; 32536屠夫 > butcher; 32537上門 > drop\-in; 32538學生 > student; 32539獎金 > premium; 32540人群 > a\-crowd; 32541當今 > current; 32542假使 > suppose; 32543更遠 > farther; 32544尋找 > to\-seek; 32545併條 > drawing; 32546也許 > perhaps; 32547驚嚇 > horrify; 32548扳子 > spanner; 32549抽出 > extract; 32550尷尬 > awkward; 32551不錯 > correct; 32552核查 > examine; 32553丙酮 > acetone; 32554才干 > ability; 32555香水 > perfume; 32556香氣 > incense; 32557小心 > careful; 32558成文 > written; 32559吐露 > to\-tell; 32560趕快 > at\-once; 32561會議 > meeting; 32562飛船 > airship; 32563曼谷 > bangkok; 32564呈送 > present; 32565主詞 > subject; 32566沉默 > silence; 32567打字 > to\-type; 32568沈默 > silence; 32569跳動 > to\-beat; 32570流行 > popular; 32571佔有 > to\-have; 32572宴會 > banquet; 32573背棄 > abandon; 32574領隊 > captain; 32575月蝕 > eclipse; 32576承受 > to\-bear; 32577倉促 > hurried; 32578抓傷 > scratch; 32579不賴 > not\-bad; 32580肥沃 > fertile; 32581意義 > meaning; 32582召集 > convene; 32583神跡 > miracle; 32584使徒 > apostle; 32585清洗 > to\-wash; 32586告訴 > to\-tell; 32587脹大 > swollen; 32588喜愛 > to\-like; 32589寶寶 > darling; 32590等候 > waiting; 32591跌到 > to\-fall; 32592懺悔 > confess; 32593戶外 > outdoor; 32594寬容 > lenient; 32595能幹 > capable; 32596不見 > not\-see; 32597住房 > housing; 32598耕種 > to\-till; 32599戰士 > fighter; 32600翡翠 > emerald; 32601尊嚴 > dignity; 32602密度 > density; 32603尖叫 > screech; 32604企業 > company; 32605安撫 > placate; 32606頂針 > thimble; 32607核子 > nuclear; 32608休會 > adjourn; 32609貢物 > tribute; 32610淘河 > pelican; 32611飛盤 > frisbee; 32612淘氣 > naughty; 32613騎兵 > cavalry; 32614懊惱 > annoyed; 32615第七 > seventh; 32616打倒 > flatten; 32617促使 > spur\-on; 32618風箱 > bellows; 32619浴盆 > bathtub; 32620群花 > blossom; 32621托付 > entrust; 32622栽培 > to\-grow; 32623科目 > subject; 32624馬子 > commode; 32625越南 > vietnam; 32626安慰 > comfort; 32627空戰 > air\-war; 32628成圈 > wreathe; 32629應得 > deserve; 32630戰勝 > prevail; 32631不苟 > not\-lax; 32632住宿 > lodging; 32633贊成 > approve; 32634變遷 > changes; 32635未知 > unknown; 32636情緒 > feeling; 32637封入 > inclose; 32638野貓 > wildcat; 32639代替 > instead; 32640案卷 > records; 32641患者 > patient; 32642來到 > to\-come; 32643代數 > algebra; 32644木瓦 > shingle; 32645成功 > success; 32646中立 > neutral; 32647現時 > current; 32648世紀 > century; 32649低地 > lowland; 32650海澡 > seaweed; 32651含義 > meaning; 32652今晚 > tonight; 32653金融 > banking; 32654哀求 > entreat; 32655洗禮 > baptism; 32656學家 > scholar; 32657妓院 > brothel; 32658不等 > to\-vary; 32659顯示 > to\-show; 32660博雅 > learned; 32661青魚 > herring; 32662馬具 > harness; 32663名義 > titular; 32664不祥 > ominous; 32665消極 > passive; 32666水銀 > mercury; 32667暈船 > seasick; 32668職工 > workers; 32669日間 > daytime; 32670孟子 > mencius; 32671神祖 > godhead; 32672曉示 > to\-tell; 32673蒸餾 > distill; 32674完善 > perfect; 32675悲痛 > grieved; 32676官司 > lawsuit; 32677非難 > reproof; 32678永遠 > forever; 32679酬載 > payload; 32680聽寫 > dictate; 32681委託 > entrust; 32682虧損 > deficit; 32683麻煩 > trouble; 32684馬上 > at\-once; 32685景色 > scenery; 32686祈禱 > to\-pray; 32687忽視 > neglect; 32688譏誚 > cynical; 32689確認 > confirm; 32690王權 > royalty; 32691方面 > respect; 32692古老 > ancient; 32693企圖 > attempt; 32694題目 > subject; 32695污衊 > slander; 32696羅盤 > compass; 32697現實 > reality; 32698質地 > texture; 32699乾旱 > drought; 32700珍愛 > cherish; 32701贊助 > sponsor; 32702忠誠 > devoted; 32703斑駮 > mottled; 32704鄭重 > serious; 32705升遷 > promote; 32706半途 > halfway; 32707反而 > instead; 32708好轉 > improve; 32709王朝 > dynasty; 32710惡棍 > villain; 32711半路 > halfway; 32712整體 > overall; 32713羽毛 > feather; 32714感情 > feeling; 32715鼻孔 > nostril; 32716哀思 > pensive; 32717任務 > mission; 32718愛惜 > cherish; 32719猖獗 > rampant; 32720果園 > orchard; 32721旁邊 > lateral; 32722風景 > scenery; 32723鴕鳥 > ostrich; 32724醜聞 > scandal; 32725飽學 > learned; 32726殘骸 > remains; 32727文雅 > elegant; 32728飛彈 > missile; 32729聽力 > hearing; 32730仿傚 > to\-copy; 32731日誌 > journal; 32732外面 > outside; 32733頑皮 > naughty; 32734暴烈 > violent; 32735雄黃 > realgar; 32736會期 > session; 32737不法 > lawless; 32738周末 > weekend; 32739淡光 > shimmer; 32740類比 > analogy; 32741諺語 > proverb; 32742大錯 > blunder; 32743老年 > elderly; 32744丟棄 > discard; 32745老師 > teacher; 32746變硬 > stiffen; 32747海岸 > coastal; 32748日蝕 > eclipse; 32749礦物 > mineral; 32750豹子 > leopard; 32751奇蹟 > miracle; 32752比較 > compare; 32753奇跡 > miracle; 32754以便 > so\-that; 32755著陸 > landing; 32756張開 > stretch; 32757大都 > general; 32758好處 > benefit; 32759科學 > science; 32760愛好 > to\-like; 32761液化 > liquify; 32762鄙視 > despise; 32763更換 > replace; 32764方言 > dialect; 32765古物 > antique; 32766日落 > sundown; 32767神格 > godhead; 32768本屆 > current; 32769郵費 > postage; 32770曖昧 > illicit; 32771如花 > flowery; 32772鞭策 > spur\-on; 32773情感 > feeling; 32774丹心 > loyalty; 32775雄雞 > rooster; 32776沿海 > coastal; 32777放開 > unleash; 32778繪製 > to\-draw; 32779中性 > neutral; 32780鄙薄 > despise; 32781誹謗 > slander; 32782怪物 > monster; 32783復興 > restore; 32784涉及 > involve; 32785羨慕 > envious; 32786包裹 > wrap\-up; 32787著述 > writing; 32788外貌 > profile; 32789餅乾 > biscuit; 32790有害 > harmful; 32791酒精 > alcohol; 32792社會 > society; 32793羞愧 > ashamed; 32794主導 > to\-lead; 32795暴政 > tyranny; 32796感到 > to\-feel; 32797王國 > kingdom; 32798易碎 > brittle; 32799釘死 > crucify; 32800顧忌 > scruple; 32801愈合 > to\-heal; 32802哀傷 > grieved; 32803數詞 > numeral; 32804詳述 > recount; 32805剩餘 > surplus; 32806願意 > to\-wish; 32807包藏 > contain; 32808玩兒 > to\-play; 32809中子 > neutron; 32810金橘 > kumquat; 32811需要 > to\-need; 32812悔恨 > remorse; 32813含意 > meaning; 32814最大 > biggest; 32815最多 > at\-most; 32816曉得 > to\-know; 32817耕作 > farming; 32818急流 > torrent; 32819罷手 > give\-up; 32820老兵 > veteran; 32821老公 > husband; 32822壓迫 > oppress; 32823猜想 > suppose; 32824中央 > central; 32825隊長 > captain; 32826砲臺 > battery; 32827乏味 > tedious; 32828 > to\-envy; 32829擯除 > discard; 32830編造 > compile; 32831上將 > general; 32832呼吸 > breathe; 32833 > to\-hate; 32834猜度 > surmise; 32835呻吟 > to\-moan; 32836物理 > physics; 32837遴選 > to\-pick; 32838爭端 > dispute; 32839女神 > goddess; 32840想像 > imagine; 32841引言 > forward; 32842同志 > comrade; 32843包羅 > include; 32844不好 > no\-good; 32845讌會 > banquet; 32846旅程 > journey; 32847本事 > ability; 32848釋放 > release; 32849沒有 > haven''t; 32850南瓜 > pumpkin; 32851變暖 > warming; 32852氣球 > balloon; 32853狂暴 > frantic; 32854丈夫 > husband; 32855神女 > goddess; 32856吊床 > hammock; 32857及時 > in\-time; 32858妖物 > monster; 32859部署 > dispose; 32860也不 > neither; 32861可憐 > pitiful; 32862女皇 > empress; 32863增進 > promote; 32864遙遠 > distant; 32865遙遙 > distant; 32866評論 > comment; 32867一天 > one\-day; 32868可愛 > amiable; 32869改裝 > remodel; 32870牽涉 > involve; 32871阿飛 > hoodlum; 32872可恨 > hateful; 32873悲哀 > grieved; 32874顧問 > adviser; 32875天線 > antenna; 32876勳績 > exploit; 32877法官 > a\-judge; 32878美國 > america; 32879最佳 > optimum; 32880幽靈 > specter; 32881運轉 > to\-work; 32882雷聲 > thunder; 32883運輸 > transit; 32884特殊 > special; 32885悲劇 > tragedy; 32886石膏 > plaster; 32887書信 > epistle; 32888度量 > measure; 32889經銷 > to\-sell; 32890劍術 > fencing; 32891叛徒 > traitor; 32892註解 > comment; 32893網路 > network; 32894上午 > morning; 32895緒言 > preface; 32896訴訟 > lawsuit; 32897誇耀 > proudly; 32898文章 > article; 32899缺席 > absence; 32900一口 > readily; 32901吮吸 > to\-suck; 32902七十 > seventy; 32903狂怒 > furious; 32904新生 > newborn; 32905隱藏 > to\-hide; 32906經過 > to\-pass; 32907不再 > no\-more; 32908隱蔽 > conceal; 32909世俗 > profane; 32910思想 > thought; 32911年鑑 > almanac; 32912改良 > improve; 32913急忙 > hastily; 32914繪畫 > drawing; 32915比畫 > gesture; 32916燈籠 > lantern; 32917編著 > compile; 32918警戒 > to\-warn; 32919維護 > defense; 32920量子 > quantum; 32921猿人 > ape\-man; 32922叫好 > applaud; 32923類似 > similar; 32924逐退 > repulse; 32925碰撞 > collide; 32926注入 > pour\-in; 32927頂多 > at\-most; 32928前言 > preface; 32929非法 > illegal; 32930水晶 > crystal; 32931正義 > justice; 32932晚宴 > banquet; 32933向前 > forward; 32934辯駁 > dispute; 32935從此 > thence; 32936鳥羽 > pinion; 32937報酬 > reward; 32938編者 > editor; 32939誤用 > misuse; 32940外甥 > nephew; 32941重回 > return; 32942強盜 > bandit; 32943詩篇 > psalms; 32944方法 > method; 32945政策 > policy; 32946逃走 > escape; 32947警察 > police; 32948法令 > decree; 32949危懼 > afraid; 32950罪人 > sinner; 32951大炮 > cannon; 32952大災 > plague; 32953勃發 > thrive; 32954吉他 > guitar; 32955包涵 > excuse; 32956毀滅 > perish; 32957帶釦 > buckle; 32958確實 > indeed; 32959動物 > animal; 32960緊縮 > reduce; 32961燒焦 > scorch; 32962領事 > consul; 32963大浪 > billow; 32964睡著 > asleep; 32965變化 > change; 32966氣息 > breath; 32967擱置 > shelve; 32968變動 > change; 32969整潔 > neatly; 32970旨意 > decree; 32971弊病 > malady; 32972選票 > a\-vote; 32973剽竊 > pirate; 32974編碼 > coding; 32975鄉村 > rustic; 32976巨頭 > tycoon; 32977頂事 > useful; 32978撕裂 > mangle; 32979附著 > adhere; 32980正當 > timely; 32981怒吼 > bellow; 32982奇景 > marvel; 32983版式 > format; 32984遠程 > remote; 32985縮減 > to\-cut; 32986半徑 > radius; 32987磨光 > polish; 32988鮭魚 > salmon; 32989降臨 > befall; 32990課業 > lesson; 32991醜化 > defame; 32992角落 > corner; 32993狂人 > madman; 32994時刻 > moment; 32995大桶 > barrel; 32996看見 > to\-see; 32997緣由 > reason; 32998解脫 > relief; 32999破敗 > beaten; 33000旗幟 > ensign; 33001水壺 > kettle; 33002殖民 > colony; 33003旋律 > melody; 33004郵政 > postal; 33005靶子 > target; 33006後悔 > regret; 33007動機 > motive; 33008厭倦 > dreary; 33009徐徐 > slowly; 33010內陸 > inland; 33011工錢 > salary; 33012公開 > public; 33013原先 > former; 33014八開 > octavo; 33015熊熊 > raging; 33016辯論 > debate; 33017短歌 > ballad; 33018博士 > doctor; 33019奶子 > breast; 33020忠告 > advice; 33021砲手 > gunner; 33022多星 > starry; 33023律師 > lawyer; 33024微妙 > subtle; 33025好好 > nicely; 33026總是 > always; 33027開鎖 > unlock; 33028步測 > pacing; 33029營救 > rescue; 33030敬服 > admire; 33031酬勞 > reward; 33032得宜 > proper; 33033初級 > junior; 33034輕鬆 > gentle; 33035爐床 > hearth; 33036謊報 > to\-lie; 33037確保 > ensure; 33038運用 > to\-use; 33039天才 > talent; 33040絲絨 > velvet; 33041道理 > reason; 33042攪混 > to\-mix; 33043壽材 > coffin; 33044解答 > answer; 33045版圖 > domain; 33046政權 > regime; 33047很少 > seldom; 33048爵士 > knight; 33049襯裡 > lining; 33050謙和 > meekly; 33051網球 > tennis; 33052荒蕪 > barren; 33053包庇 > shield; 33054分給 > divide; 33055天性 > inborn; 33056歐洲 > europe; 33057勾引 > seduce; 33058白銀 > silver; 33059熱望 > aspire; 33060精選 > chosen; 33061效果 > result; 33062誘拐 > abduct; 33063誠懇 > hearty; 33064通知 > notify; 33065刺痛 > tingle; 33066徵召 > enlist; 33067歡樂 > gaiety; 33068紫色 > purple; 33069裡面 > inside; 33070先鋒 > herald; 33071平穩 > smooth; 33072敵意 > enmity; 33073巴西 > brazil; 33074物件 > object; 33075卸下 > unload; 33076包容 > pardon; 33077誘惑 > entice; 33078牧人 > pastor; 33079增添 > add\-to; 33080外形 > figure; 33081集會 > gather; 33082隨機 > random; 33083兵變 > mutiny; 33084敏捷 > nimble; 33085牛仔 > cowboy; 33086提醒 > remind; 33087觸犯 > offend; 33088奪取 > snatch; 33089夫子 > pedant; 33090太子 > prince; 33091採集 > gather; 33092真空 > vacu\:m; 33093殺害 > murder; 33094殘忍 > bloody; 33095閒話 > gossip; 33096眼皮 > eyelid; 33097細線 > string; 33098辭職 > resign; 33099鄙吝 > vulgar; 33100線條 > streak; 33101鴿子 > pigeon; 33102徒勞 > futile; 33103得到 > to\-get; 33104轉變 > change; 33105細粉 > powder; 33106誠實 > honest; 33107希臘 > greece; 33108難得 > seldom; 33109大夫 > doctor; 33110數字 > number; 33111濺開 > splash; 33112攻打 > attack; 33113遊歷 > travel; 33114剛正 > honest; 33115復仇 > avenge; 33116階梯 > ladder; 33117壓扁 > squash; 33118詩意 > poetic; 33119緣故 > reason; 33120攝政 > regent; 33121從來 > always; 33122標語 > slogan; 33123縮小 > reduce; 33124發誓 > to\-vow; 33125橡膠 > rubber; 33126地鐵 > subway; 33127雌性 > female; 33128十一 > eleven; 33129從事 > go\-for; 33130熱帶 > tropic; 33131雜工 > porter; 33132出產 > output; 33133奢侈 > luxury; 33134蒙受 > suffer; 33135掛鉤 > couple; 33136純粹 > purely; 33137夏天 > summer; 33138鄙俚 > vulgar; 33139鄙俗 > vulgar; 33140露出 > expose; 33141攀昇 > rising; 33142煩擾 > bother; 33143解渴 > quench; 33144遺憾 > regret; 33145歌手 > singer; 33146巡航 > cruise; 33147布線 > wiring; 33148正式 > formal; 33149冰箱 > icebox; 33150系統 > system; 33151無法 > unable; 33152逕流 > runoff; 33153夾克 > jacket; 33154大吃 > gobble; 33155毫不 > hardly; 33156道教 > taoism; 33157診所 > clinic; 33158遺恨 > grudge; 33159擴散 > spread; 33160鬆餅 > muffin; 33161擯斥 > reject; 33162加崙 > gallon; 33163奇事 > marvel; 33164教堂 > church; 33165詞尾 > suffix; 33166週期 > period; 33167零售 > retail; 33168櫻桃 > cherry; 33169在車 > aboard; 33170茶碗 > teacup; 33171緞帶 > ribbon; 33172分派 > assign; 33173疾馳 > gallop; 33174緊急 > urgent; 33175廁所 > toilet; 33176度數 > degree; 33177阻橈 > thwart; 33178控訴 > accuse; 33179搖籃 > cradle; 33180著名 > famous; 33181強勢 > mighty; 33182紮營 > encamp; 33183綁架 > kidnap; 33184凹洞 > cavity; 33185弱化 > weaken; 33186陰戶 > vagina; 33187擊敗 > defeat; 33188進接 > access; 33189短句 > clause; 33190絕氣 > expire; 33191証實 > verify; 33192連擊 > batter; 33193教區 > parish; 33194逮捕 > arrest; 33195監獄 > prison; 33196火箭 > rocket; 33197隱士 > hermit; 33198芹菜 > celery; 33199短劍 > dagger; 33200芭蕉 > banana; 33201強健 > sturdy; 33202武器 > weapon; 33203舌頭 > tongue; 33204煤屑 > cinder; 33205平板 > tablet; 33206凹槽 > socket; 33207記帳 > charge; 33208刮掉 > scrape; 33209陰影 > shadow; 33210高雅 > dainty; 33211歡喜 > joyful; 33212分枝 > branch; 33213削弱 > weaken; 33214步哨 > sentry; 33215搪瓷 > enamel; 33216傳達 > convey; 33217擴展 > extend; 33218分會 > branch; 33219激起 > arouse; 33220衡量 > weight; 33221骨髓 > marrow; 33222搔癢 > tickle; 33223雕像 > statue; 33224正午 > midday; 33225撫抱 > caress; 33226公眾 > public; 33227救主 > savior; 33228粘粘 > sticky; 33229歷來 > always; 33230攪動 > to\-mix; 33231街道 > street; 33232巴爾 > baltic; 33233的確 > really; 33234過失 > defect; 33235長短 > length; 33236幫手 > helper; 33237正值 > honest; 33238公用 > public; 33239遭受 > suffer; 33240附庸 > vassal; 33241目標 > target; 33242適合 > to\-fit; 33243高達 > attain; 33244補給 > supply; 33245花粉 > pollen; 33246全球 > entire; 33247挑選 > choose; 33248遭到 > suffer; 33249白痴 > idiocy; 33250峽谷 > canyon; 33251噪音 > rumble; 33252捍衛 > defend; 33253表親 > cousin; 33254觀念 > notion; 33255裁縫 > tailor; 33256採納 > accept; 33257補種 > reseed; 33258允當 > proper; 33259冰柱 > icicle; 33260閱歷 > to\-see; 33261坦白 > honest; 33262防守 > defend; 33263阿姨 > auntie; 33264草料 > fodder; 33265線上 > online; 33266出席 > attend; 33267驚駭 > fright; 33268素描 > sketch; 33269兇猛 > fierce; 33270閒混 > loiter; 33271摟抱 > to\-hug; 33272自身 > itself; 33273進口 > import; 33274採礦 > mining; 33275擾亂 > infest; 33276結尾 > ending; 33277閣樓 > garret; 33278花生 > peanut; 33279過份 > unduly; 33280驟雨 > shower; 33281幃幕 > screen; 33282搶救 > rescue; 33283光澤 > luster; 33284搜查 > search; 33285逝去 > elapse; 33286光漆 > enamel; 33287搭救 > rescue; 33288光滑 > glossy; 33289逕向 > radial; 33290屏風 > screen; 33291逼仄 > narrow; 33292相差 > differ; 33293關心 > caring; 33294搖晃 > falter; 33295抵達 > arrive; 33296地產 > estate; 33297細嫩 > tender; 33298局面 > aspect; 33299澱粉 > starch; 33300標榜 > flaunt; 33301白楊 > poplar; 33302源點 > source; 33303滑雪 > to\-ski; 33304回絕 > rebuff; 33305襪帶 > garter; 33306綁住 > fasten; 33307眼光 > vision; 33308樣本 > sample; 33309烈士 > martyr; 33310精明 > astute; 33311腳鐐 > fetter; 33312產量 > output; 33313白果 > ginkgo; 33314帆布 > canvas; 33315布幕 > screen; 33316跳進 > plunge; 33317嚴肅 > solemn; 33318附上 > attach; 33319抬起 > uplift; 33320幾乎 > almost; 33321迫切 > urgent; 33322瀉湖 > lagoon; 33323約定 > engage; 33324簡直 > simply; 33325跟進 > follow; 33326光是 > solely; 33327給予 > accord; 33328山谷 > valley; 33329報信 > notify; 33330簡略 > simple; 33331複數 > plural; 33332白搭 > no\-use; 33333巡弋 > cruise; 33334機密 > secret; 33335航程 > flight; 33336冬天 > winter; 33337援手 > succor; 33338體系 > system; 33339帝國 > empire; 33340茶壺 > teapot; 33341盟國 > allies; 33342橘子 > orange; 33343裁決 > ruling; 33344視力 > vision; 33345實體 > entity; 33346發抖 > shiver; 33347索取 > to\-ask; 33348席卷 > engulf; 33349地毯 > carpet; 33350八度 > octave; 33351用語 > syntax; 33352市場 > market; 33353城堡 > castle; 33354節約 > frugal; 33355甲蟲 > beetle; 33356承諾 > effort; 33357衛生 > health; 33358長度 > length; 33359補救 > remedy; 33360修訂 > revise; 33361師傅 > master; 33362迄今 > so\-far; 33363實際 > actual; 33364嘗試 > to\-try; 33365垂幕 > canopy; 33366蠟筆 > crayon; 33367冰凍 > freeze; 33368侮辱 > insult; 33369樣子 > manner; 33370疫病 > plague; 33371執事 > deacon; 33372成長 > mature; 33373溝道 > groove; 33374農人 > farmer; 33375插座 > socket; 33376滾落 > tumble; 33377將近 > almost; 33378系列 > series; 33379盈利 > profit; 33380排斥 > reject; 33381扮裝 > makeup; 33382拉緊 > strain; 33383保衛 > defend; 33384融解 > molten; 33385圖案 > design; 33386腔調 > accent; 33387走錯 > astray; 33388喉頭 > throat; 33389節省 > saving; 33390輕微 > slight; 33391圓柱 > column; 33392棉花 > cotton; 33393屏蔽 > screen; 33394內地 > inland; 33395信號 > signal; 33396小貓 > kitten; 33397行為 > action; 33398對象 > target; 33399共同 > common; 33400埋伏 > ambush; 33401疆界 > border; 33402對話 > dialog; 33403符號 > symbol; 33404胸針 > brooch; 33405搭乘 > embark; 33406脅迫 > coerce; 33407喚醒 > arouse; 33408八十 > eighty; 33409樣品 > sample; 33410簸揚 > winnow; 33411棒糖 > sucker; 33412算盤 > abacus; 33413簡易 > simple; 33414蠟燭 > candle; 33415精力 > energy; 33416公共 > public; 33417傳染 > infect; 33418工人 > worker; 33419在後 > behind; 33420自然 > nature; 33421滾筒 > roller; 33422潤滑 > smooth; 33423起訴 > to\-sue; 33424蝗蟲 > locust; 33425岸然 > solemn; 33426傳教 > preach; 33427裁定 > ruling; 33428等級 > degree; 33429較好 > better; 33430花園 > garden; 33431花圈 > wreath; 33432腎臟 > kidney; 33433捕拿 > arrest; 33434路程 > course; 33435先前 > before; 33436憂鬱 > sullen; 33437馬路 > street; 33438穗飾 > tassel; 33439倫理 > ethics; 33440瑞金 > ruijin; 33441抱病 > be\-ill; 33442傳授 > impart; 33443車庫 > garage; 33444測量 > survey; 33445字首 > prefix; 33446魚夫 > fisher; 33447粗劣 > coarse; 33448花哨 > garish; 33449才能 > talent; 33450輕咬 > nibble; 33451條紋 > stripe; 33452致死 > deadly; 33453嚴格 > strict; 33454插入 > insert; 33455漂白 > bleach; 33456挫敗 > thwart; 33457贖金 > ransom; 33458籃子 > basket; 33459行星 > planet; 33460回憶 > recall; 33461光亮 > bright; 33462濾器 > filter; 33463粗俗 > vulgar; 33464穀類 > cereal; 33465偵查 > detect; 33466傷心 > grieve; 33467容許 > permit; 33468控告 > accuse; 33469袖子 > sleeve; 33470低語 > mutter; 33471花兒 > flower; 33472蜥蜴 > lizard; 33473漣漪 > ripple; 33474固守 > adhere; 33475國外 > abroad; 33476液體 > liquid; 33477背誦 > recite; 33478枕頭 > pillow; 33479蜘蛛 > spider; 33480崎嶇 > rugged; 33481餑餑 > pastry; 33482疲憊 > beaten; 33483侍者 > waiter; 33484餐飲 > repast; 33485傷害 > injure; 33486修理 > repair; 33487何處 > whence; 33488漫步 > ramble; 33489信用 > credit; 33490涼鞋 > sandal; 33491海龜 > turtle; 33492因子 > factor; 33493拳擊 > boxing; 33494軟化 > soften; 33495安詳 > serene; 33496土匪 > bandit; 33497拔根 > uproot; 33498扣留 > detain; 33499松雞 > grouse; 33500香蕉 > banana; 33501高度 > height; 33502構件 > member; 33503商談 > confer; 33504異教 > heresy; 33505簡單 > simple; 33506棺材 > coffin; 33507地主 > a\-host; 33508高山 > alpine; 33509僱佣 > employ; 33510飢餓 > hunger; 33511生涯 > career; 33512森林 > forest; 33513作者 > author; 33514挪威 > norway; 33515尋的 > homing; 33516嚴密 > strict; 33517拘捕 > arrest; 33518健康 > health; 33519表哥 > cousin; 33520朋黨 > clique; 33521混血 > hybrid; 33522跋涉 > trudge; 33523僅僅 > barely; 33524回去 > return; 33525漏斗 > funnel; 33526賓語 > object; 33527乳頭 > nipple; 33528滿期 > expire; 33529理論 > theory; 33530介質 > medium; 33531答案 > answer; 33532鑿子 > chisel; 33533由於 > due\-to; 33534把柄 > handle; 33535和風 > breeze; 33536使用 > to\-use; 33537聘請 > engage; 33538扶植 > foster; 33539環球 > global; 33540崗位 > a\-post; 33541便池 > urinal; 33542回來 > return; 33543拓展 > expand; 33544溪流 > stream; 33545嚴厲 > severe; 33546潛在 > hidden; 33547船上 > aboard; 33548宣稱 > assert; 33549哀辭 > lament; 33550手段 > method; 33551乾酪 > cheese; 33552更高 > higher; 33553偌大 > so\-big; 33554宣示 > to\-vow; 33555小氣 > stingy; 33556體制 > system; 33557成熟 > mature; 33558肌肉 > muscle; 33559作用 > action; 33560抽屜 > drawer; 33561驚恐 > appall; 33562把手 > handle; 33563手槍 > pistol; 33564家畜 > cattle; 33565福音 > gospel; 33566起源 > origin; 33567群體 > colony; 33568亂跳 > bounce; 33569男巫 > wizard; 33570膽大 > daring; 33571安祥 > serene; 33572答復 > answer; 33573跟從 > follow; 33574健全 > robust; 33575根源 > origin; 33576能源 > energy; 33577本身 > itself; 33578拌嘴 > bicker; 33579打擊 > to\-hit; 33580應當 > should; 33581扣押 > detain; 33582笨拙 > clumsy; 33583個子 > height; 33584應用 > to\-use; 33585瑕疵 > stigma; 33586曝露 > expose; 33587海裡 > marine; 33588味道 > flavor; 33589手指 > finger; 33590把子 > handle; 33591私語 > murmur; 33592養育 > foster; 33593最近 > recent; 33594清瘦 > meager; 33595活躍 > active; 33596岸上 > ashore; 33597成果 > result; 33598中途 > midway; 33599頂點 > summit; 33600暴露 > expose; 33601突然 > sudden; 33602木製 > wooden; 33603安然 > safely; 33604飢荒 > famine; 33605趾尖 > tiptoe; 33606束腰 > girdle; 33607宮殿 > palace; 33608板結 > harden; 33609供應 > supply; 33610信奉 > belief; 33611成效 > effect; 33612瓶子 > bottle; 33613三重 > treble; 33614客氣 > polite; 33615浮著 > afloat; 33616媒質 > medium; 33617變黑 > darken; 33618孤獨 > lonely; 33619渠溝 > trench; 33620胡椒 > pepper; 33621浮華 > vanity; 33622駁斥 > refute; 33623不適 > unwell; 33624羞辱 > baffle; 33625留下 > remain; 33626上邊 > upside; 33627鏡子 > mirror; 33628胡桃 > walnut; 33629鏟子 > shovel; 33630封建 > feudal; 33631果真 > really; 33632和藹 > kindly; 33633鸚鵡 > parrot; 33634穿洞 > pierce; 33635寺廟 > temple; 33636理由 > reason; 33637足夠 > enough; 33638蕁麻 > nettle; 33639客棧 > tavern; 33640寶座 > throne; 33641叩頭 > kowtow; 33642房客 > tenant; 33643第四 > fourth; 33644野餐 > picnic; 33645專家 > expert; 33646柳樹 > willow; 33647由來 > origin; 33648使得 > usable; 33649漂亮 > pretty; 33650嗓子 > throat; 33651蜃景 > mirage; 33652重音 > accent; 33653反駁 > retort; 33654少女 > maiden; 33655由于 > due\-to; 33656海綿 > sponge; 33657球狀 > sphere; 33658用于 > use\-in; 33659應有 > proper; 33660貧瘠 > barren; 33661號碼 > number; 33662晚飯 > supper; 33663賭注 > stakes; 33664神諭 > oracle; 33665愚笨 > stupid; 33666果然 > really; 33667不要 > don''t\!; 33668材積 > volume; 33669扁圓 > oblate; 33670黃色 > yellow; 33671叮鈴 > jingle; 33672第八 > eighth; 33673居住 > reside; 33674學校 > school; 33675上衫 > blouse; 33676波谷 > trough; 33677上衣 > jacket; 33678寶塔 > pagoda; 33679客戶 > client; 33680窗戶 > window; 33681家庭 > family; 33682重量 > weight; 33683柏林 > berlin; 33684有罪 > guilty; 33685鍵帽 > keycap; 33686小包 > packet; 33687亨特 > hunter; 33688積極 > active; 33689打傷 > bruise; 33690頁邊 > margin; 33691手冊 > manual; 33692寂寞 > lonely; 33693海盜 > pirate; 33694背後 > behind; 33695牙齒 > dental; 33696作家 > author; 33697名言 > saying; 33698普通 > common; 33699耀眼 > dazzle; 33700主編 > editor; 33701港彎 > harbor; 33702背帶 > braces; 33703犯錯 > to\-err; 33704聖殿 > temple; 33705暴虐 > brutal; 33706波蘭 > poland; 33707駁回 > reject; 33708成員 > member; 33709想睡 > drowsy; 33710星雲 > nebula; 33711變軟 > soften; 33712不能 > cannot; 33713海狸 > beaver; 33714依偎 > nestle; 33715憤慨 > resent; 33716懦夫 > coward; 33717休惜 > recess; 33718蓬鬆 > fluffy; 33719可親 > kindly; 33720磁鐵 > magnet; 33721領袖 > leader; 33722不羈 > unruly; 33723校園 > campus; 33724成勣 > result; 33725神聖 > divine; 33726中等 > medium; 33727變質 > go\-bad; 33728羊肉 > mutton; 33729消滅 > perish; 33730喉嚨 > throat; 33731性質 > nature; 33732吊著 > dangle; 33733柱子 > pillar; 33734清廉 > honest; 33735危險 > danger; 33736安定 > stable; 33737憎惡 > loathe; 33738口袋 > pocket; 33739憎恨 > detest; 33740喜劇 > comedy; 33741寒冬 > wintry; 33742貶斥 > demote; 33743奮鬥 > strive; 33744單位 > a\-unit; 33745有用 > useful; 33746球拍 > racket; 33747句號 > period; 33748口號 > slogan; 33749穩定 > stable; 33750單一 > single; 33751子彈 > bullet; 33752安培 > ampere; 33753硬領 > collar; 33754顆粒 > kernel; 33755食槽 > manger; 33756媒界 > medium; 33757本源 > origin; 33758宰割 > invade; 33759背叛 > betray; 33760贖回 > redeem; 33761波紋 > ripple; 33762窗口 > window; 33763獨特 > unique; 33764字尾 > suffix; 33765神社 > shrine; 33766蕪菁 > turnip; 33767油脂 > grease; 33768靛青 > indigo; 33769鞠躬 > to\-bow; 33770金色 > golden; 33771卷軸 > scroll; 33772大麥 > barley; 33773鵓鴿 > pigeon; 33774室內 > indoor; 33775何以 > whence; 33776受苦 > suffer; 33777伸出 > extend; 33778一瞥 > glance; 33779伯勞 > shrike; 33780活潑 > lively; 33781斬首 > behead; 33782賓客 > guests; 33783匕首 > dagger; 33784瑞典 > sweden; 33785講道 > preach; 33786鼻息 > breath; 33787謙遜 > humble; 33788貪心 > greedy; 33789贊同 > assent; 33790薄紙 > tissue; 33791悶熱 > sultry; 33792頒給 > confer; 33793讚美 > admire; 33794現存 > extant; 33795餐巾 > napkin; 33796以太 > ether\-; 33797態度 > manner; 33798奶酪 > cheese; 33799狹窄 > narrow; 33800瑣事 > trifle; 33801老是 > always; 33802蕃茄 > tomato; 33803財帛 > wealth; 33804預算 > budget; 33805青銅 > bronze; 33806忘記 > forget; 33807頑童 > urchin; 33808混合 > to\-mix; 33809會死 > mortal; 33810不然 > not\-so; 33811讀者 > reader; 33812洪水 > deluge; 33813感慨 > lament; 33814賭博 > gamble; 33815事情 > affair; 33816存取 > access; 33817木料 > lumber; 33818財富 > wealth; 33819深化 > deepen; 33820方針 > policy; 33821頂端 > summit; 33822妖言 > heresy; 33823現在 > modern; 33824變紅 > redden; 33825名產 > staple; 33826昆蟲 > insect; 33827後邊 > behind; 33828猖狂 > savage; 33829孤兒 > orphan; 33830淨化 > purify; 33831後退 > recoil; 33832牡蠣 > oyster; 33833人士 > person; 33834職務 > a\-post; 33835片語 > phrase; 33836民謠 > ballad; 33837猛烈 > fierce; 33838流星 > meteor; 33839悲歎 > bewail; 33840存儲 > memory; 33841以前 > before; 33842象徵 > emblem; 33843不毛 > barren; 33844不比 > unlike; 33845象征 > symbol; 33846毗連 > adjoin; 33847大錘 > sledge; 33848最新 > latest; 33849治理 > govern; 33850主教 > bishop; 33851謙虛 > modest; 33852父親 > father; 33853處女 > virgin; 33854賣主 > seller; 33855羊毛 > fleece; 33856放鬆 > loosen; 33857含水 > watery; 33858秘密 > secret; 33859處境 > plight; 33860議程 > agenda; 33861狡猾 > crafty; 33862王座 > throne; 33863惡意 > malice; 33864弄髒 > defile; 33865本州 > honshu; 33866嬰兒 > infant; 33867薪水 > salary; 33868獸性 > brutal; 33869數量 > amount; 33870斷言 > affirm; 33871旅行 > travel; 33872浪子 > loafer; 33873有意 > intend; 33874秋季 > autumn; 33875名流 > gentry; 33876台灣 > taiwan; 33877不智 > unwise; 33878如草 > grassy; 33879故障 > glitch; 33880願望 > desire; 33881合法 > lawful; 33882名氣 > repute; 33883大路 > avenue; 33884海報 > poster; 33885詞頭 > prefix; 33886亦即 > namely; 33887哀嘆 > lament; 33888王子 > prince; 33889縫針 > needle; 33890殯車 > hearse; 33891醫生 > doctor; 33892秋天 > autumn; 33893人們 > people; 33894暖氣 > heater; 33895移動 > mobile; 33896吸收 > absorb; 33897意圖 > intent; 33898強迫 > compel; 33899顫抖 > quiver; 33900緣飾 > fringe; 33901中心 > center; 33902悔改 > repent; 33903周年 > annual; 33904口渴 > thirst; 33905針法 > stitch; 33906消化 > digest; 33907正門 > portal; 33908海員 > sailor; 33909二十 > twenty; 33910吐根 > ipecac; 33911雙重 > double; 33912青苔 > lichen; 33913多變 > fickle; 33914沙漠 > desert; 33915鉋床 > planer; 33916延長 > extend; 33917名望 > renown; 33918取消 > cancel; 33919妨礙 > hinder; 33920交互 > mutual; 33921那邊 > yonder; 33922歸還 > return; 33923劈開 > cleave; 33924酒窩 > dimple; 33925咖啡 > coffee; 33926瞬間 > moment; 33927動議 > motion; 33928陰鬱 > gloomy; 33929放逐 > banish; 33930配稱 > worthy; 33931活塞 > piston; 33932未可 > cannot; 33933外行 > layman; 33934 > a\-coat; 33935杏仁 > almond; 33936碎石 > gravel; 33937預期 > expect; 33938更好 > better; 33939愛人 > spouse; 33940隆隆 > rumble; 33941秉公 > justly; 33942禱告 > prayer; 33943更大 > bigger; 33944朝向 > toward; 33945九十 > ninety; 33946破舊 > shabby; 33947一帶 > region; 33948顧客 > client; 33949叢林 > jungle; 33950碧玉 > jasper; 33951 > a\-hole; 33952只是 > merely; 33953猴子 > monkey; 33954 > to\-cut; 33955隧道 > tunnel; 33956惡化 > worsen; 33957木偶 > puppet; 33958會員 > member; 33959一局 > inning; 33960有名 > famous; 33961朋友 > friend; 33962菌類 > fungus; 33963一對 > couple; 33964硫磺 > sulfur; 33965未來 > future; 33966一定 > surely; 33967遭遇 > befall; 33968之前 > before; 33969罷工 > strike; 33970鄉紳 > squire; 33971詭計 > deceit; 33972豁免 > exempt; 33973流利 > fluent; 33974性格 > nature; 33975活力 > energy; 33976變更 > change; 33977心理 > mental; 33978變暗 > darken; 33979牢牢 > firmly; 33980風俗 > custom; 33981緣起 > origin; 33982記錄 > record; 33983 > a\-hill; 33984創辦 > launch; 33985暗影 > shadow; 33986隊部 > office; 33987讚揚 > praise; 33988乞丐 > beggar; 33989過量 > excess; 33990熔解 > fusion; 33991隘路 > defile; 33992邀請 > invite; 33993循環 > circle; 33994智慧 > wisdom; 33995獵人 > hunter; 33996恐怖 > terror; 33997斑紋 > stripe; 33998石英 > quartz; 33999包管 > assure; 34000酵母 > leaven; 34001解除 > remove; 34002動脈 > artery; 34003最低 > lowest; 34004祭司 > priest; 34005特此 > hereby; 34006雌蕊 > pistil; 34007天篷 > canopy; 34008干預 > meddle; 34009化石 > fossil; 34010不可 > cannot; 34011水泥 > cement; 34012水泡 > bubble; 34013警方 > police; 34014爸爸 > father; 34015蓋爾 > gaelic; 34016前輩 > senior; 34017記起 > recall; 34018三十 > thirty; 34019繃簧 > spring; 34020撤除 > remove; 34021釦子 > button; 34022彈簧 > spring; 34023副詞 > adverb; 34024牛油 > butter; 34025課程 > course; 34026年長 > senior; 34027性情 > nature; 34028編號 > number; 34029氣泡 > bubble; 34030危機 > crisis; 34031不公 > unjust; 34032底部 > bottom; 34033不克 > cannot; 34034法國 > france; 34035沉思 > ponder; 34036暗堡 > bunker; 34037狗屋 > kennel; 34038暴君 > tyrant; 34039凹陷 > hollow; 34040三倍 > triple; 34041大眾 > people; 34042霜白 > frosty; 34043否則 > if\-not; 34044分鐘 > minute; 34045領域 > domain; 34046葬禮 > burial; 34047水桶 > bucket; 34048撤銷 > repeal; 34049合唱 > chorus; 34050醫師 > doctor; 34051反射 > reflex; 34052不丹 > bhutan; 34053敬禮 > salute; 34054非洲 > africa; 34055通路 > access; 34056美人 > beauty; 34057謀殺 > murder; 34058罷免 > recall; 34059言語 > speech; 34060剝蝕 > denude; 34061退還 > return; 34062數目 > amount; 34063召回 > recall; 34064破爛 > ragged; 34065一串 > strand; 34066纖毛 > cilium; 34067性子 > temper; 34068追逐 > chase; 34069逕賽 > track; 34070靜止 > still; 34071巴黎 > paris; 34072年輕 > young; 34073迴避 > avoid; 34074蒸汽 > steam; 34075權衡 > weigh; 34076遊蕩 > stray; 34077弄糟 > spoil; 34078恩典 > grace; 34079大爺 > uncle; 34080日本 > japan; 34081可可 > cocoa; 34082可口 > tasty; 34083延緩 > defer; 34084編織 > weave; 34085南方 > south; 34086置于 > place; 34087姪女 > niece; 34088陷落 > slump; 34089牛排 > steak; 34090隱約 > vague; 34091鯨魚 > whale; 34092合併 > annex; 34093護士 > nurse; 34094泊位 > berth; 34095遊艇 > barge; 34096關閉 > close; 34097陰莖 > penis; 34098智利 > chile; 34099線索 > trail; 34100壓碎 > crush; 34101原始 > first; 34102每每 > often; 34103反叛 > rebel; 34104韓國 > korea; 34105雙生 > twins; 34106相配 > match; 34107印度 > india; 34108石狀 > stony; 34109迅速 > rapid; 34110幼蟲 > larva; 34111鯊魚 > shark; 34112別號 > alias; 34113綠色 > green; 34114引用 > quote; 34115相近 > close; 34116市長 > mayor; 34117爐架 > grate; 34118機關 > organ; 34119權能 > power; 34120原因 > cause; 34121急劇 > rapid; 34122大權 > power; 34123鴉片 > opium; 34124訓練 > drill; 34125北方 > north; 34126論文 > paper; 34127放牧 > graze; 34128功率 > power; 34129每日 > daily; 34130套房 > suite; 34131違礙 > taboo; 34132優點 > merit; 34133徘徊 > hover; 34134視覺 > sight; 34135操練 > drill; 34136強權 > power; 34137刀葉 > blade; 34138摩西 > moses; 34139警備 > guard; 34140課時 > class; 34141彗星 > comet; 34142搬運 > carry; 34143青年 > youth; 34144標題 > title; 34145提高 > raise; 34146氨基 > amino; 34147夜晚 > night; 34148熱氣 > steam; 34149機軸 > arbor; 34150醒來 > waken; 34151女子 > woman; 34152門閂 > latch; 34153往往 > often; 34154蓋子 > cover; 34155靈巧 > handy; 34156元音 > vowel; 34157克隆 > clone; 34158整整 > whole; 34159匯寄 > remit; 34160剁碎 > mince; 34161調情 > flirt; 34162地點 > place; 34163敲擊 > pound; 34164匆忙 > hasty; 34165毛巾 > towel; 34166芳香 > balmy; 34167年級 > grade; 34168式樣 > style; 34169襯衫 > shirt; 34170襯衣 > shirt; 34171印刷 > print; 34172散文 > prose; 34173試樣 > style; 34174全部 > whole; 34175短暫 > short; 34176西藏 > tibet; 34177動搖 > waver; 34178燃放 > light; 34179火車 > train; 34180工資 > wages; 34181勇敢 > brave; 34182死板 > rigid; 34183矛柄 > shaft; 34184長釘 > spike; 34185步槍 > rifle; 34186刻痕 > notch; 34187優雅 > grace; 34188選民 > voter; 34189魔鬼 > devil; 34190新娘 > bride; 34191夾子 > cramp; 34192謠傳 > rumor; 34193新奇 > novel; 34194報答 > repay; 34195煤渣 > slack; 34196邊框 > frame; 34197花開 > bloom; 34198物主 > owner; 34199彈弓 > sling; 34200報窩 > brood; 34201擺渡 > ferry; 34202電影 > movie; 34203摸索 > grope; 34204鬼魂 > ghost; 34205速率 > speed; 34206破壞 > wreck; 34207約莫 > about; 34208壁架 > ledge; 34209階段 > stage; 34210夢寐 > dream; 34211延期 > delay; 34212十分 > fully; 34213勞工 > labor; 34214團體 > group; 34215地面 > floor; 34216諷刺 > irony; 34217白費 > waste; 34218運河 > canal; 34219八角 > anise; 34220陰涼 > shady; 34221擦洗 > scour; 34222熱忱 > ardor; 34223阿片 > opium; 34224焙燒 > roast; 34225女人 > woman; 34226綠洲 > oasis; 34227証明 > prove; 34228相等 > equal; 34229償還 > repay; 34230毒品 > drugs; 34231固體 > solid; 34232規程 > rules; 34233直立 > erect; 34234僧院 > abbey; 34235証據 > proof; 34236推選 > elect; 34237毛刷 > brush; 34238鬍鬚 > beard; 34239推進 > impel; 34240關節 > joint; 34241價錢 > price; 34242切片 > slice; 34243艦隊 > fleet; 34244強大 > large; 34245真理 > truth; 34246比分 > score; 34247擱板 > shelf; 34248剛果 > congo; 34249剪斷 > shear; 34250火花 > spark; 34251影像 > image; 34252盜竊 > steal; 34253標號 > grade; 34254迷濛 > misty; 34255睡椅 > couch; 34256加寬 > widen; 34257震動 > shake; 34258說出 > utter; 34259計數 > count; 34260澳門 > aomen; 34261推論 > infer; 34262糢糊 > foggy; 34263每一 > every; 34264勢力 > power; 34265緞布 > satin; 34266動向 > trend; 34267天使 > angel; 34268褐色 > brown; 34269鬆開 > loose; 34270櫸木 > beech; 34271部件 > parts; 34272烘烤 > roast; 34273軌道 > orbit; 34274閃耀 > glint; 34275臭鼬 > skunk; 34276儲藏 > store; 34277擦拭 > clean; 34278疾風 > blast; 34279攤子 > booth; 34280大人 > adult; 34281功夫 > skill; 34282動力 > power; 34283相片 > image; 34284髒髒 > dirty; 34285燙傷 > scald; 34286均衡 > equal; 34287出沒 > haunt; 34288道德 > moral; 34289觸摸 > touch; 34290發聲 > vocal; 34291長老 > elder; 34292樹籬 > hedge; 34293典範 > model; 34294集團 > group; 34295整個 > whole; 34296帝王 > regal; 34297強光 > glare; 34298盔甲 > armor; 34299軌跡 > locus; 34300軌距 > gauge; 34301補藥 > tonic; 34302歸咎 > blame; 34303敵人 > enemy; 34304幽暗 > gloom; 34305擔懮 > worry; 34306榮譽 > honor; 34307魔術 > magic; 34308照射 > shine; 34309搗碎 > smash; 34310檸檬 > lemon; 34311開端 > start; 34312模糊 > vague; 34313雞冠 > crest; 34314光纖 > light; 34315雕刻 > carve; 34316骯髒 > dirty; 34317切望 > crave; 34318詛咒 > curse; 34319標籤 > label; 34320然後 > after; 34321那兒 > there; 34322長笛 > flute; 34323精神 > vigor; 34324圖表 > chart; 34325轉移 > shift; 34326兒童 > child; 34327圍裙 > apron; 34328推舉 > elect; 34329停頓 > pause; 34330粗糙 > crude; 34331剪報 > scrap; 34332髮辮 > braid; 34333死亡 > death; 34334規模 > scale; 34335速度 > speed; 34336那些 > those; 34337箭頭 > arrow; 34338雄偉 > grand; 34339辦法 > means; 34340為止 > until; 34341嚴重 > grave; 34342船貨 > cargo; 34343長矛 > lance; 34344歌劇 > opera; 34345高遠 > lofty; 34346凡是 > every; 34347烏木 > ebony; 34348舞蹈 > dance; 34349粉筆 > chalk; 34350絕技 > stunt; 34351臉頰 > cheek; 34352白癡 > idiot; 34353授與 > grant; 34354角度 > angle; 34355發病 > onset; 34356基本 > basic; 34357火焰 > blaze; 34358判定 > judge; 34359探索 > quest; 34360裂縫 > crack; 34361火炬 > torch; 34362填塞 > stuff; 34363撰寫 > write; 34364糖漿 > syrup; 34365粉碎 > crash; 34366陽台 > porch; 34367擺動 > swing; 34368押韻 > rhyme; 34369型狀 > shape; 34370舉起 > heave; 34371割傷 > slash; 34372這天 > today; 34373籬笆 > fence; 34374榮耀 > honor; 34375遏制 > check; 34376發狂 > crazy; 34377別墅 > villa; 34378岸邊 > shore; 34379尼龍 > nylon; 34380隊伍 > ranks; 34381刀子 > knife; 34382幅度 > width; 34383橡木 > oaken; 34384精液 > semen; 34385床單 > sheet; 34386花瓣 > petal; 34387剃刀 > razor; 34388凳子 > stool; 34389膽量 > nerve; 34390造反 > rebel; 34391訓令 > order; 34392再會 > adieu; 34393檳子 > binzi; 34394踴躍 > eager; 34395兩次 > twice; 34396修飾 > adorn; 34397揣測 > guess; 34398索引 > index; 34399僵硬 > stark; 34400傳聞 > rumor; 34401自誇 > boast; 34402摘引 > quote; 34403工會 > union; 34404糖果 > candy; 34405裂痕 > chasm; 34406火柴 > match; 34407細小 > petty; 34408欄位 > fence; 34409驅除 > repel; 34410樹林 > woods; 34411小麥 > wheat; 34412潛行 > sneak; 34413垂死 > dying; 34414樺木 > birch; 34415逐出 > expel; 34416巨擘 > thumb; 34417紗布 > gauze; 34418平原 > field; 34419公會 > guild; 34420田野 > field; 34421濫用 > abuse; 34422長椅 > bench; 34423高興 > happy; 34424搓揉 > knead; 34425長條 > strip; 34426這些 > these; 34427庇佑 > bless; 34428假裝 > feign; 34429辮子 > plait; 34430降下 > lower; 34431樓梯 > stair; 34432高聳 > erect; 34433高聲 > aloud; 34434尊魚 > trout; 34435血肉 > flesh; 34436盛宴 > feast; 34437回答 > reply; 34438簡短 > brief; 34439囤積 > hoard; 34440駿馬 > steed; 34441榮獲 > prize; 34442襪子 > socks; 34443蝙魚 > bream; 34444報償 > repay; 34445傳神 > vivid; 34446色狼 > satyr; 34447探測 > probe; 34448轉播 > relay; 34449批量 > batch; 34450駱駝 > camel; 34451圖片 > image; 34452冠子 > crest; 34453腰部 > waist; 34454皮帶 > strap; 34455粗暴 > rough; 34456撒但 > satan; 34457小雞 > chick; 34458冰塔 > serac; 34459笨重 > heavy; 34460輕染 > tinge; 34461內心 > heart; 34462腳踝 > ankle; 34463排水 > drain; 34464招致 > incur; 34465栗鼠 > bunny; 34466扒釘 > cramp; 34467直到 > until; 34468巫婆 > witch; 34469援引 > quote; 34470答詞 > reply; 34471尖銳 > sharp; 34472門廊 > stoop; 34473偷竊 > steal; 34474槓桿 > lever; 34475其它 > other; 34476答覆 > reply; 34477烘乾 > parch; 34478公尺 > meter; 34479噪聲 > noise; 34480盎司 > ounce; 34481騎車 > cycle; 34482價格 > price; 34483精子 > sperm; 34484地板 > floor; 34485凌亂 > chaos; 34486俚語 > slang; 34487紅利 > bonus; 34488開始 > begin; 34489採摘 > pluck; 34490埃及 > egypt; 34491寂靜 > quiet; 34492符記 > token; 34493喪鐘 > knell; 34494脹起 > bulge; 34495背骨 > spine; 34496左右 > about; 34497公噸 > tonne; 34498掌握 > grasp; 34499生苔 > mossy; 34500搖動 > shake; 34501輪子 > wheel; 34502騙術 > trick; 34503打製 > forge; 34504小說 > novel; 34505腐蝕 > rusty; 34506閉合 > close; 34507駕車 > drive; 34508滑落 > slide; 34509六十 > sixty; 34510公升 > liter; 34511似雪 > snowy; 34512胸部 > chest; 34513病毒 > virus; 34514技能 > skill; 34515推崇 > value; 34516小袋 > pouch; 34517火兒 > angry; 34518街段 > block; 34519路線 > route; 34520巨人 > giant; 34521裙子 > skirt; 34522抓緊 > grasp; 34523血液 > blood; 34524安靜 > quiet; 34525手藝 > craft; 34526馬達 > motor; 34527閃光 > flash; 34528其他 > other; 34529四月 > april; 34530其中 > among; 34531楓樹 > maple; 34532竊賊 > thief; 34533滑翔 > glide; 34534掃帚 > broom; 34535衰敗 > decay; 34536苛刻 > harsh; 34537鐵砧 > anvil; 34538捕捉 > catch; 34539空間 > space; 34540發光 > shine; 34541掠奪 > harry; 34542察覺 > aware; 34543屋簷 > eaves; 34544格言 > maxim; 34545瓣膜 > valve; 34546採場 > slope; 34547舞會 > dance; 34548圍巾 > scarf; 34549寓言 > fable; 34550手腕 > skill; 34551被子 > quilt; 34552小舌 > uvula; 34553就緒 > ready; 34554軀幹 > trunk; 34555軀干 > trunk; 34556發亮 > shine; 34557手肘 > elbow; 34558補品 > tonic; 34559客車 > coach; 34560艾姬 > aggie; 34561在外 > outer; 34562崇拜 > adore; 34563充份 > ample; 34564高明 > smart; 34565漲滿 > swell; 34566痛恨 > abhor; 34567聲音 > voice; 34568痛快 > jolly; 34569接合 > joint; 34570土堆 > mound; 34571戲耍 > tease; 34572種類 > class; 34573男爵 > baron; 34574固定 > fixed; 34575尖細 > taper; 34576均分 > split; 34577花俏 > fancy; 34578赫茲 > hertz; 34579箭桿 > shaft; 34580圍城 > siege; 34581傲岸 > proud; 34582致敬 > greet; 34583軍團 > corps; 34584鬍子 > beard; 34585排列 > array; 34586俏皮 > saucy; 34587舞弊 > fraud; 34588餅餌 > cakes; 34589補丁 > patch; 34590駁船 > barge; 34591蜂蜜 > honey; 34592漿果 > berry; 34593魅力 > charm; 34594胸膛 > chest; 34595漂游 > drift; 34596價值 > value; 34597潑掉 > spill; 34598興建 > build; 34599資金 > funds; 34600滲溝 > sewer; 34601胭脂 > rouge; 34602自我 > self\-; 34603錯誤 > error; 34604果酒 > cider; 34605捷克 > czech; 34606用法 > usage; 34607篩子 > sieve; 34608圖像 > image; 34609存貨 > stock; 34610高尚 > nobly; 34611在下 > under; 34612拍擊 > smack; 34613嚮導 > guide; 34614傾向 > trend; 34615生氣 > angry; 34616偏愛 > favor; 34617害羞 > blush; 34618蝸牛 > snail; 34619商號 > store; 34620錢袋 > purse; 34621激光 > laser; 34622安華 > anwar; 34623峭壁 > cliff; 34624捐助 > offer; 34625拇指 > thumb; 34626拂掃 > whisk; 34627船只 > ships; 34628臺子 > table; 34629朝鮮 > korea; 34630四十 > forty; 34631抽打 > strap; 34632惡魔 > demon; 34633本領 > skill; 34634棲息 > perch; 34635流體 > fluid; 34636依然 > still; 34637肝臟 > liver; 34638範圍 > range; 34639單獨 > alone; 34640修改 > amend; 34641椅子 > chair; 34642有風 > windy; 34643把握 > grasp; 34644小河 > brook; 34645業主 > owner; 34646驚慌 > panic; 34647偉大 > great; 34648主題 > theme; 34649哪裡 > where; 34650答應 > reply; 34651一點 > a\-bit; 34652學級 > class; 34653當地 > local; 34654稻草 > straw; 34655東西 > thing; 34656倉庫 > depot; 34657伊索 > aesop; 34658山崖 > cliff; 34659笑林 > humor; 34660嘴巴 > mouth; 34661鐳射 > laser; 34662棚子 > shack; 34663吵鬧 > noisy; 34664男子 > a\-man; 34665股票 > share; 34666棒子 > stick; 34667指令 > order; 34668肥碩 > stout; 34669黃銅 > brass; 34670棍子 > stick; 34671致使 > cause; 34672技巧 > skill; 34673秘訣 > trick; 34674拴住 > hitch; 34675下面 > below; 34676蠢事 > folly; 34677愚蠢 > silly; 34678把守 > guard; 34679下雨 > rainy; 34680驚奇 > amaze; 34681臥位 > berth; 34682噴出 > spout; 34683風趣 > humor; 34684尺度 > scale; 34685射擊 > shoot; 34686賄絡 > bribe; 34687屋子 > house; 34688責罵 > scold; 34689腱子 > sinew; 34690更遲 > later; 34691黑貂 > sable; 34692當中 > among; 34693喬木 > arbor; 34694老虎 > tiger; 34695沙龍 > salon; 34696保姆 > nanny; 34697小徑 > alley; 34698騙局 > fraud; 34699對待 > treat; 34700拉丁 > latin; 34701琥珀 > amber; 34702會談 > talks; 34703脈搏 > pulse; 34704產品 > goods; 34705尋常 > usual; 34706服裝 > dress; 34707金髮 > blond; 34708戲弄 > caper; 34709浪花 > spray; 34710小屋 > cabin; 34711清潔 > clean; 34712房屋 > house; 34713嘎嘎 > quack; 34714生動 > vivid; 34715下跪 > kneel; 34716小孩 > child; 34717清湯 > broth; 34718便士 > penny; 34719房子 > house; 34720耶穌 > jesus; 34721鋼琴 > piano; 34722騎士 > rider; 34723鏈子 > chain; 34724手套 > glove; 34725男人 > a\-man; 34726跟前 > front; 34727修剪 > prune; 34728寬度 > width; 34729香料 > spice; 34730伺服 > servo; 34731滋味 > taste; 34732租約 > lease; 34733尖塔 > spire; 34734嗶嘰 > serge; 34735污點 > stain; 34736法郎 > franc; 34737活著 > alive; 34738喜悅 > happy; 34739成年 > adult; 34740肅清 > purge; 34741翱翔 > hover; 34742孟浪 > hasty; 34743黑色 > black; 34744淹沒 > flush; 34745秕糠 > chaff; 34746第十 > tenth; 34747品種 > breed; 34748時髦 > vogue; 34749打呼 > snore; 34750桌子 > table; 34751仍然 > still; 34752清楚 > clear; 34753餘燼 > ember; 34754第六 > sixth; 34755錦標 > prize; 34756獨自 > alone; 34757羽莖 > quill; 34758桃子 > peach; 34759封地 > manor; 34760信任 > trust; 34761作弊 > fraud; 34762題解 > notes; 34763保佑 > bless; 34764貨物 > goods; 34765寡婦 > widow; 34766飲用 > drink; 34767一行 > party; 34768趨勢 > trend; 34769狹路 > gorge; 34770小吃 > snack; 34771珊瑚 > coral; 34772珍珠 > pearl; 34773懸岩 > cliff; 34774鼻煙 > snuff; 34775洋蔥 > onion; 34776趣劇 > farce; 34777低廉 > cheap; 34778哀痛 > grief; 34779第五 > fifth; 34780第九 > ninth; 34781第三 > third; 34782第一 > first; 34783玻璃 > glass; 34784窒息 > choke; 34785有線 > wired; 34786板滯 > stiff; 34787打仗 > fight; 34788戲劇 > drama; 34789沉重 > heavy; 34790沈重 > heavy; 34791最終 > final; 34792罪行 > crime; 34793罩衫 > smock; 34794你好 > hello; 34795位子 > place; 34796波蕩 > heave; 34797走向 > trend; 34798麵粉 > flour; 34799妖魔 > demon; 34800率直 > frank; 34801明顯 > clear; 34802顏色 > color; 34803小丑 > clown; 34804景象 > scene; 34805狡詐 > craft; 34806憤怒 > angry; 34807貝殼 > shell; 34808侍候 > serve; 34809象牙 > ivory; 34810商店 > store; 34811喝叱 > chide; 34812海灘 > beach; 34813琴弦 > chord; 34814獎章 > medal; 34815子房 > ovary; 34816蒼鷺 > heron; 34817赦免 > remit; 34818今日 > today; 34819木版 > plank; 34820神經 > nerve; 34821怪誕 > freak; 34822站住 > stand; 34823沿著 > along; 34824乾淨 > clean; 34825密切 > close; 34826深度 > depth; 34827午餐 > lunch; 34828成人 > adult; 34829午飯 > lunch; 34830海洋 > ocean; 34831肚子 > belly; 34832獵犬 > hound; 34833理想 > ideal; 34834鵪鶉 > quail; 34835以後 > after; 34836孩子 > child; 34837耽擱 > tarry; 34838事業 > cause; 34839孢子 > spore; 34840旅館 > hotel; 34841奴隸 > slave; 34842吊繩 > sling; 34843馬來 > malay; 34844馬伕 > groom; 34845大鹿 > moose; 34846聖徒 > saint; 34847世界 > world; 34848渡口 > ferry; 34849減去 > minus; 34850人性 > human; 34851慈悲 > mercy; 34852響聲 > noise; 34853論題 > topic; 34854卡車 > truck; 34855客人 > guest; 34856罌粟 > poppy; 34857顯然 > clear; 34858斑馬 > zebra; 34859母音 > vowel; 34860仙女 > fairy; 34861稠密 > dense; 34862套鐘 > chime; 34863守候 > abide; 34864洗澡 > bathe; 34865板岩 > slate; 34866謬誤 > error; 34867風格 > style; 34868洗滌 > rinse; 34869一片 > piece; 34870錢包 > purse; 34871頭皮 > scalp; 34872板子 > board; 34873卑賤 > lowly; 34874今天 > today; 34875愛慕 > adore; 34876思考 > think; 34877風暴 > storm; 34878升起 > hoist; 34879蘋果 > apple; 34880貝寧 > benin; 34881謠言 > rumor; 34882旋轉 > whirl; 34883取笑 > tease; 34884水蛭 > leech; 34885語音 > voice; 34886夾鉗 > tongs; 34887日記 > diary; 34888頒發 > issue; 34889乃是 > to\-be; 34890新近 > newly; 34891嫌惡 > abhor; 34892壁龕 > niche; 34893吸氣 > sniff; 34894誘陷 > snare; 34895石頭 > stone; 34896猜測 > guess; 34897代價 > price; 34898杓子 > scoop; 34899感官 > sense; 34900三次 > third; 34901本影 > umbra; 34902人員 > staff; 34903一次 > first; 34904續訂 > renew; 34905更改 > alter; 34906磨碎 > grind; 34907警笛 > siren; 34908習慣 > habit; 34909今兒 > today; 34910以下 > below; 34911野獸 > beast; 34912和平 > peace; 34913收養 > adopt; 34914怪異 > weird; 34915貓咪 > kitty; 34916心臟 > heart; 34917沼澤 > glade; 34918污穢 > nasty; 34919三月 > march; 34920磅秤 > scale; 34921哪兒 > where; 34922交叉 > cross; 34923責備 > blame; 34924電郵 > email; 34925丟掉 > throw; 34926聖人 > saint; 34927勝過 > excel; 34928殘酷 > cruel; 34929叔父 > uncle; 34930證章 > badge; 34931海地 > haiti; 34932最後 > final; 34933正面 > front; 34934雷達 > radar; 34935品味 > taste; 34936主幹 > trunk; 34937失誤 > lapse; 34938爆裂 > burst; 34939邊際 > limit; 34940顏料 > paint; 34941狂熱 > craze; 34942五十 > fifty; 34943破裂 > burst; 34944河流 > river; 34945悲悼 > mourn; 34946青草 > grass; 34947木塊 > block; 34948乙太 > ether; 34949銳利 > sharp; 34950虛偽 > false; 34951本地 > local; 34952東京 > tokyo; 34953毒蛇 > viper; 34954頌歌 > carol; 34955咕嚕 > grunt; 34956款項 > funds; 34957一打 > dozen; 34958試金 > assay; 34959頭暈 > dizzy; 34960徽章 > badge; 34961力量 > power; 34962焦點 > focus; 34963鉋子 > plane; 34964明白 > clear; 34965王后 > queen; 34966纖維 > fiber; 34967事件 > event; 34968逗點 > comma; 34969麥子 > wheat; 34970一張 > sheet; 34971咆哮 > growl; 34972微笑 > smile; 34973碧瓦 > green; 34974水盆 > basin; 34975煙霧 > smoke; 34976邏輯 > logic; 34977音樂 > music; 34978更壞 > worse; 34979部落 > tribe; 34980延遲 > delay; 34981幽默 > humor; 34982王冠 > crown; 34983陷阱 > snare; 34984斷絕 > sever; 34985中國 > china; 34986多葉 > leafy; 34987一層 > layer; 34988燻肉 > bacon; 34989引証 > quote; 34990擢陞 > exalt; 34991重新 > again; 34992大腿 > thigh; 34993大腦 > brain; 34994本人 > i\-\(me; 34995祭壇 > altar; 34996韻文 > verse; 34997遺跡 > trace; 34998那裡 > there; 34999熊貓 > panda; 35000斑羚 > goral; 35001隆重 > grand; 35002彎腰 > stoop; 35003婦女 > woman; 35004葡萄 > grape; 35005美好 > happy; 35006讀書 > study; 35007獎品 > award; 35008最初 > first; 35009恐慌 > panic; 35010麵包 > bread; 35011額外 > extra; 35012黏住 > cling; 35013一塊 > piece; 35014可怕 > awful; 35015過道 > aisle; 35016汁液 > juice; 35017礦工 > miner; 35018歌謠 > chant; 35019沙拉 > salad; 35020麵兒 > cover; 35021斗篷 > cloak; 35022之下 > under; 35023月份 > month; 35024水準 > level; 35025女王 > queen; 35026雛菊 > daisy; 35027編製 > weave; 35028包穀 > maize; 35029快樂 > happy; 35030逼迫 > force; 35031如火 > fiery; 35032泥土 > earth; 35033媒介 > media; 35034一同 > along; 35035場面 > scene; 35036壁虎 > gecko; 35037教義 > creed; 35038毛病 > fault; 35039頁岩 > shale; 35040金屬 > metal; 35041證明 > proof; 35042厭惡 > loath; 35043昏暗 > dusky; 35044比率 > ratio; 35045奶油 > cream; 35046霎眼 > blink; 35047水果 > fruit; 35048短簡 > brief; 35049姿容 > looks; 35050經費 > funds; 35051視頻 > video; 35052遊行 > march; 35053晴天 > sunny; 35054重大 > great; 35055帶領 > guide; 35056逕跡 > track; 35057爐灶 > stove; 35058時常 > often; 35059強硬 > tough; 35060帶露 > dewy; 35061形狀 > form; 35062薄命 > \(usu; 35063功績 > feat; 35064記號 > seal; 35065見面 > meet; 35066邊緣 > edge; 35067暴亂 > riot; 35068爛泥 > ooze; 35069日期 > date; 35070姨媽 > aunt; 35071幽谷 > dell; 35072冷靜 > calm; 35073教皇 > pope; 35074徵收 > levy; 35075向下 > down; 35076速行 > rush; 35077這裡 > here; 35078缺口 > nick; 35079遲緩 > slow; 35080氏族 > clan; 35081原子 > atom; 35082毛氈 > felt; 35083冰雹 > hail; 35084預兆 > omen; 35085姑媽 > aunt; 35086池子 > pond; 35087姑娘 > girl; 35088勻淨 > even; 35089方案 > plan; 35090狂吠 > howl; 35091心情 > mood; 35092野兔 > hare; 35093鞭子 > whip; 35094基金 > fund; 35095妻子 > wife; 35096半拉 > half; 35097鯉魚 > carp; 35098石片 > slab; 35099必得 > must; 35100冰鎮 > iced; 35101池塘 > pool; 35102熾熱 > glow; 35103石灰 > lime; 35104皮鞭 > lash; 35105冷酷 > grim; 35106契據 > deed; 35107硬幣 > coin; 35108凝視 > gaze; 35109教派 > sect; 35110公雞 > cock; 35111角色 > role; 35112纖度 > size; 35113牌子 > sign; 35114牛奶 > milk; 35115奉承 > fawn; 35116時候 > time; 35117英雄 > hero; 35118開闊 > wide; 35119彎曲 > bend; 35120課文 > text; 35121長靴 > boot; 35122牢固 > firm; 35123百靈 > lark; 35124旗子 > flag; 35125女孩 > girl; 35126纖小 > fine; 35127年老 > aged; 35128左邊 > left; 35129牆壁 > wall; 35130透紅 > rosy; 35131數據 > data; 35132詩歌 > poem; 35133煮熟 > boil; 35134石板 > slab; 35135女士 > lady; 35136忍受 > bear; 35137微型 > tiny; 35138邊沿 > edge; 35139英里 > mile; 35140樂隊 > band; 35141氣味 > odor; 35142無禮 > rude; 35143都市 > city; 35144區域 > area; 35145計畫 > plan; 35146燃料 > fuel; 35147形式 > form; 35148西薄 > cake; 35149擘畫 > plan; 35150煤灰 > soot; 35151開辦 > open; 35152敲打 > beat; 35153雪撬 > sled; 35154很好 > well; 35155遨游 > roam; 35156如同 > like; 35157大廳 > hall; 35158毒害 > bane; 35159繩子 > cord; 35160繁忙 > busy; 35161細胞 > cell; 35162卑劣 > base; 35163復原 > heal; 35164別的 > else; 35165公豬 > boar; 35166調子 > tune; 35167勻實 > even; 35168徵兆 > omen; 35169揹負 > bear; 35170閒談 > chat; 35171眼看 > soon; 35172辛苦 > hard; 35173癱軟 > limp; 35174面具 > mask; 35175撕破 > tear; 35176埋葬 > bury; 35177大娘 > aunt; 35178歌曲 > song; 35179弧形 > arch; 35180輪軸 > axle; 35181帆船 > sail; 35182卑下 > base; 35183標識 > mark; 35184帳篷 > tent; 35185瘦長 > slim; 35186花邊 > lace; 35187填滿 > cram; 35188塊狀 > lump; 35189標誌 > sign; 35190雹子 > hail; 35191諾亞 > noah; 35192規章 > rule; 35193標記 > sign; 35194外套 > coat; 35195長襪 > hose; 35196團隊 > team; 35197從中 > from; 35198長袍 > gown; 35199雄性 > male; 35200睫毛 > lash; 35201強姦 > rape; 35202照料 > tend; 35203採邑 > fief; 35204接近 > near; 35205皮膚 > skin; 35206掠過 > flit; 35207緩慢 > slow; 35208基礎 > base; 35209網架 > rack; 35210規矩 > rule; 35211灰色 > gray; 35212細看 > peer; 35213遲慢 > slow; 35214褪色 > fade; 35215適應 > suit; 35216敗壞 > ruin; 35217部分 > part; 35218眼淚 > tear; 35219苔蘚 > moss; 35220形像 > form; 35221剝掉 > pare; 35222郵件 > mail; 35223步子 > step; 35224追求 > seek; 35225表露 > show; 35226瞑想 > muse; 35227擦掉 > wipe; 35228遊戲 > game; 35229節點 > node; 35230夫人 > lady; 35231廚師 > cook; 35232捲軸 > reel; 35233高飛 > soar; 35234散出 > shed; 35235巢穴 > lair; 35236阿曼 > oman; 35237廠子 > yard; 35238索然 > dull; 35239剛強 > firm; 35240真正 > real; 35241躲避 > shun; 35242廚子 > cook; 35243熱力 > heat; 35244廣大 > vast; 35245鳥嘴 > beak; 35246基準 > data; 35247簽証 > visa; 35248鳴叫 > hoot; 35249堅決 > firm; 35250許多 > many; 35251灰白 > grey; 35252收割 > reap; 35253網孔 > mesh; 35254拳頭 > fist; 35255歌唱 > sing; 35256雜亂 > mess; 35257冷淡 > cold; 35258骨頭 > bone; 35259剛好 > just; 35260壁助 > help; 35261掉落 > flop; 35262詩人 > bard; 35263落下 > fall; 35264表象 > idea; 35265陵墓 > tomb; 35266舒適 > cozy; 35267英畝 > acre; 35268步伐 > pace; 35269檔案 > file; 35270簸蕩 > roll; 35271帶有 > have; 35272歌兒 > song; 35273接縫 > seam; 35274幫忙 > help; 35275結成 > form; 35276行走 > walk; 35277冰橇 > sled; 35278公牛 > bull; 35279城池 > city; 35280粗砂 > grit; 35281公爵 > duke; 35282要有 > need; 35283膳食 > meal; 35284躲藏 > hide; 35285菜單 > menu; 35286橫樑 > beam; 35287術語 > term; 35288遲了 > late; 35289剛勁 > bold; 35290衚衕 > lane; 35291艾絨 > moxa; 35292計劃 > plan; 35293按語 > note; 35294真實 > true; 35295痛苦 > pain; 35296花瓶 > vase; 35297其次 > next; 35298機智 > tact; 35299傾聽 > hark; 35300棕閭 > palm; 35301公正 > just; 35302平坦 > flat; 35303臀部 > butt; 35304鐘頭 > hour; 35305操切 > rash; 35306坦然 > calm; 35307要得 > good; 35308炸彈 > bomb; 35309座位 > seat; 35310芯片 > chip; 35311回聲 > echo; 35312鐵銹 > rust; 35313屋頂 > roof; 35314堡壘 > fort; 35315具有 > have; 35316這兒 > here; 35317解凍 > thaw; 35318生長 > grow; 35319堅定 > firm; 35320巴掌 > palm; 35321瘢痕 > scar; 35322帶子 > band; 35323長槍 > pike; 35324六月 > june; 35325這個 > this; 35326門栓 > bolt; 35327蠕蟲 > worm; 35328僱用 > hire; 35329圓盤 > disk; 35330地獄 > hell; 35331阿們 > amen; 35332蠕虫 > worm; 35333盤子 > tray; 35334筆錢 > fund; 35335路邊 > curb; 35336灌木 > bush; 35337視圖 > view; 35338撇去 > skim; 35339農奴 > serf; 35340城市 > city; 35341堅固 > firm; 35342小馬 > colt; 35343兵戎 > arms; 35344光束 > beam; 35345標明 > mark; 35346複本 > copy; 35347蟾蜍 > toad; 35348農場 > farm; 35349盒子 > case; 35350國王 > king; 35351帳單 > bill; 35352草坪 > lawn; 35353草地 > lawn; 35354搶奪 > snap; 35355血管 > vein; 35356軍火 > arms; 35357跛足 > lame; 35358房間 > room; 35359規劃 > plan; 35360腳跟 > heel; 35361跡象 > mark; 35362規則 > rule; 35363公平 > fair; 35364鎮靜 > calm; 35365價款 > cost; 35366樣式 > type; 35367損害 > harm; 35368模式 > mode; 35369盟友 > ally; 35370兜帽 > hood; 35371巨大 > huge; 35372工夫 > work; 35373疼痛 > ache; 35374跳蚤 > flea; 35375樓廂 > loft; 35376膝蓋 > knee; 35377修補 > mend; 35378屁話 > shit; 35379灰塵 > dust; 35380偷看 > peep; 35381模子 > mold; 35382疤痕 > scar; 35383地方 > area; 35384兔子 > hare; 35385小路 > lane; 35386鏈路 > link; 35387甘蔗 > cane; 35388掌擊 > slap; 35389差勁 > poor; 35390低音 > bass; 35391溜走 > slip; 35392甜菜 > beet; 35393捲曲 > curl; 35394測驗 > test; 35395用膳 > dine; 35396笑話 > joke; 35397山羊 > goat; 35398競賽 > race; 35399笨蛋 > fool; 35400岩石 > rock; 35401公告 > post; 35402工具 > tool; 35403甚至 > even; 35404略碼 > code; 35405跌落 > fall; 35406潮濕 > damp; 35407較少 > less; 35408百合 > lily; 35409腰肉 > loin; 35410地帶 > zone; 35411表格 > form; 35412閣下 > sire; 35413龍骨 > keel; 35414轉動 > turn; 35415其余 > rest; 35416潮流 > tide; 35417保羅 > paul; 35418色彩 > tint; 35419嘲笑 > jeer; 35420潮汐 > tide; 35421捲帶 > tape; 35422啤酒 > beer; 35423潛水 > dive; 35424鍍金 > gild; 35425小船 > boat; 35426什麼 > what; 35427指標 > norm; 35428衝撞 > dash; 35429岩漿 > lava; 35430握住 > grip; 35431地域 > area; 35432鼴鼠 > mole; 35433製作 > make; 35434土壤 > soil; 35435小羊 > lamb; 35436接吻 > kiss; 35437良好 > good; 35438策略 > plot; 35439衰弱 > weak; 35440漩渦 > eddy; 35441土地 > land; 35442亞麻 > flax; 35443哺養 > feed; 35444圈套 > trap; 35445籃圈 > ring; 35446鏈結 > link; 35447膽汁 > gall; 35448地區 > area; 35449柔軟 > soft; 35450漏洞 > hole; 35451採伐 > fell; 35452當時 > then; 35453借款 > loan; 35454袖口 > cuff; 35455招收 > hire; 35456現金 > cash; 35457香草 > herb; 35458嚴峻 > grim; 35459疹子 > rash; 35460秘魯 > peru; 35461稅關 > pike; 35462生活 > life; 35463僧侶 > monk; 35464打獵 > hunt; 35465拖拉 > haul; 35466拱形 > arch; 35467抱有 > have; 35468圍住 > gird; 35469棍棒 > club; 35470聲譽 > fame; 35471自己 > self; 35472拍打 > flap; 35473拍手 > clap; 35474債務 > debt; 35475聽見 > hear; 35476飾釘 > stud; 35477小牛 > calf; 35478血塊 > gore; 35479浪頭 > wave; 35480偏差 > bias; 35481傾倒 > pour; 35482骰子 > dice; 35483負載 > load; 35484折斷 > snap; 35485老闆 > boss; 35486聖詩 > hymn; 35487催促 > urge; 35488鋪設 > pave; 35489租金 > rent; 35490打死 > kill; 35491風險 > risk; 35492枯萎 > wilt; 35493用戶 > user; 35494浸透 > soak; 35495疲倦 > tire; 35496膠帶 > tape; 35497賢能 > sage; 35498海軍 > navy; 35499臭味 > fume; 35500偶像 > idol; 35501手杖 > cane; 35502海豹 > seal; 35503跨度 > span; 35504溫暖 > warm; 35505季節 > time; 35506果肉 > pulp; 35507小時 > hour; 35508投射 > dart; 35509黃金 > gold; 35510命運 > fate; 35511字節 > byte; 35512海角 > cape; 35513嘆息 > sigh; 35514唧筒 > pump; 35515略去 > omit; 35516哺育 > feed; 35517羅馬 > rome; 35518考試 > exam; 35519手掌 > palm; 35520肥皂 > soap; 35521意見 > view; 35522倍塔 > beta; 35523尾巴 > tail; 35524贅疣 > wart; 35525悠閒 > ease; 35526伯爵 > earl; 35527周遊 > tour; 35528梨子 > pear; 35529尺寸 > size; 35530頸項 > neck; 35531琵琶 > lute; 35532案文 > text; 35533膠卷 > film; 35534銀行 > bank; 35535游泳 > swim; 35536虧缺 > wane; 35537借出 > lend; 35538富有 > rich; 35539係小 > tiny; 35540品脫 > pint; 35541宗派 > sect; 35542不遜 > rude; 35543馴服 > tame; 35544不過 > only; 35545不遂 > fail; 35546尖峰 > peak; 35547滾動 > roll; 35548貧窮 > poor; 35549小島 > isle; 35550主要 > main; 35551束縛 > bind; 35552束緊 > gird; 35553薄霧 > mist; 35554清澈 > fair; 35555策劃 > plot; 35556豬肉 > pork; 35557何時 > when; 35558容易 > easy; 35559下跌 > fall; 35560黃蜂 > wasp; 35561口頭 > oral; 35562罰金 > fine; 35563令狀 > writ; 35564蕨類 > fern; 35565費用 > cost; 35566告誡 > warn; 35567蘆葦 > reed; 35568抓住 > grab; 35569板皮 > slab; 35570脆弱 > weak; 35571核心 > core; 35572頭部 > head; 35573格式 > form; 35574深深 > deep; 35575決鬥 > duel; 35576豆腐 > tofu; 35577懶惰 > idle; 35578滴下 > drip; 35579扁坯 > slab; 35580例子 > case; 35581咒罵 > damn; 35582脖子 > neck; 35583同輩 > peer; 35584玩笑 > joke; 35585藤蔓 > vine; 35586侍女 > maid; 35587蜂房 > hive; 35588戒子 > ring; 35589滑倒 > slip; 35590溶化 > melt; 35591游戲 > game; 35592學期 > term; 35593馬廄 > barn; 35594亞當 > adam; 35595翅膀 > wing; 35596伊朗 > iran; 35597主義 > \-ism; 35598麥芽 > malt; 35599密室 > cell; 35600狹谷 > glen; 35601窩巢 > nest; 35602牡鹿 > hart; 35603風箏 > kite; 35604名詞 > noun; 35605存根 > stub; 35606時間 > time; 35607派系 > sect; 35608現款 > cash; 35609碼頭 > dock; 35610釀造 > brew; 35611藍色 > blue; 35612安息 > rest; 35613聖歌 > hymn; 35614飽滿 > full; 35615哭泣 > weep; 35616食物 > food; 35617慾望 > lust; 35618史詩 > epic; 35619一般 > same; 35620小丘 > hill; 35621情節 > plot; 35622穿帶 > wear; 35623休息 > rest; 35624須要 > must; 35625松樹 > pine; 35626薔薇 > rose; 35627亞洲 > asia; 35628家園 > home; 35629憐憫 > pity; 35630暗藏 > hide; 35631牛飲 > gulp; 35632賺得 > earn; 35633資料 > data; 35634豎琴 > harp; 35635一群 > gang; 35636果斷 > firm; 35637種族 > race; 35638黑痣 > mole; 35639音調 > tone; 35640洞穴 > cave; 35641板條 > lath; 35642上絃 > wind; 35643哀泣 > wail; 35644貴族 > lord; 35645哈欠 > yawn; 35646浪潮 > wave; 35647禮物 > gift; 35648各自 > each; 35649豬油 > lard; 35650錫安 > zion; 35651獵物 > prey; 35652快速 > fast; 35653靈魂 > soul; 35654犯規 > foul; 35655宰制 > rule; 35656乃爾 > thus; 35657飼料 > feed; 35658油膏 > balm; 35659班房 > jail; 35660龐大 > huge; 35661港口 > port; 35662斑點 > spot; 35663一碗 > bowl; 35664大麻 > hemp; 35665浮標 > buoy; 35666想法 > idea; 35667家伙 > chap; 35668交接 > join; 35669後面 > rear; 35670天鵝 > swan; 35671會漏 > leak; 35672整齊 > tidy; 35673昇起 > rise; 35674商品 > good; 35675卑鄙 > base; 35676犄角 > horn; 35677母馬 > mare; 35678字型 > font; 35679安全 > safe; 35680種子 > seed; 35681孤單 > lone; 35682程式 > form; 35683木桶 > cask; 35684羹湯 > soup; 35685印證 > seal; 35686木板 > slab; 35687吹牛 > brag; 35688木材 > wood; 35689飾帶 > sash; 35690老撾 > laos; 35691朦朧 > blur; 35692靠近 > near; 35693虛弱 > weak; 35694消息 > news; 35695課題 > task; 35696期望 > hope; 35697深厚 > deep; 35698主機 > core; 35699鼻子 > nose; 35700珠子 > bead; 35701旅遊 > trip; 35702穩健 > firm; 35703部隊 > army; 35704上漲 > rise; 35705泰然 > calm; 35706齧咬 > gnaw; 35707稀少 > rare; 35708黑暗 > dark; 35709波特 > baud; 35710野禽 > fowl; 35711暈眩 > daze; 35712奔逃 > flee; 35713黎明 > dawn; 35714治癒 > cure; 35715意思 > idea; 35716某些 > some; 35717意念 > idea; 35718繁雜 > many; 35719意志 > will; 35720稱呼 > call; 35721書桌 > desk; 35722強風 > gale; 35723雄鹿 > buck; 35724麻木 > numb; 35725會晤 > meet; 35726黃昏 > dusk; 35727項目 > item; 35728韁繩 > rein; 35729唯一 > only; 35730雲雀 > lark; 35731燒開 > boil; 35732穀倉 > barn; 35733李子 > plum; 35734職位 > post; 35735野生 > wild; 35736否決 > veto; 35737沙發 > sofa; 35738波浪 > wave; 35739一樣 > same; 35740他們 > they; 35741泡沫 > foam; 35742步驟 > step; 35743老婆 > wife; 35744主意 > plan; 35745青蛙 > frog; 35746本子 > book; 35747牛肉 > beef; 35748豐富 > rich; 35749七月 > july; 35750銷售 > sell; 35751上昇 > rise; 35752哎呀 > damn; 35753鞭笞 > flog; 35754一服 > dose; 35755天賦 > gift; 35756談話 > talk; 35757豆子 > bean; 35758媽媽 > mama; 35759同樣 > same; 35760磚瓦 > tile; 35761敏銳 > keen; 35762油油 > oily; 35763波束 > beam; 35764包裝 > pack; 35765法案 > bill; 35766污痕 > blot; 35767鉤子 > hook; 35768印章 > seal; 35769靜脈 > vein; 35770知道 > know; 35771猛撞 > slam; 35772遼闊 > vast; 35773故鄉 > home; 35774面罩 > veil; 35775從而 > thus; 35776忙碌 > busy; 35777鞭痕 > welt; 35778邊鋒 > wing; 35779酸痛 > ache; 35780廣闊 > wide; 35781神情 > look; 35782亞丁 > aden; 35783獨奏 > solo; 35784沐浴 > bath; 35785最好 > best; 35786猖披 > wild; 35787咀嚼 > chew; 35788外袍 > robe; 35789誓詞 > oath; 35790動詞 > verb; 35791玩偶 > doll; 35792誓言 > oath; 35793薄暮 > dusk; 35794纖細 > fine; 35795下巴 > chin; 35796新聞 > news; 35797獅子 > lion; 35798更多 > more; 35799增長 > grow; 35800只有 > only; 35801呆子 > fool; 35802暴徒 > thug; 35803汽水 > soda; 35804面積 > area; 35805命名 > name; 35806段落 > part; 35807短襪 > sock; 35808引證 > cite; 35809鈕帶 > bond; 35810前面 > fore; 35811陣風 > gust; 35812編輯 > edit; 35813死記 > cram; 35814惡劣 > vile; 35815流動 > flow; 35816會合 > meet; 35817毛線 > yarn; 35818北約 > nato; 35819重擊 > bang; 35820派出 > send; 35821 > thin; 35822池沼 > pool; 35823步調 > gait; 35824繩索 > rope; 35825通風 > airy; 35826恐懼 > fear; 35827碎片 > chip; 35828線路 > line; 35829一套 > suit; 35830卡片 > card; 35831類型 > type; 35832包紮 > bind; 35833中午 > noon; 35834武裝 > arms; 35835薄弱 > weak; 35836一堆 > pile; 35837變換 > vary; 35838蒼白 > pale; 35839水滴 > drop; 35840緩解 > ease; 35841有些 > some; 35842月亮 > moon; 35843年頭 > year; 35844礦山 > mine; 35845道路 > road; 35846洗刷 > wash; 35847陸軍 > army; 35848收藏 > keep; 35849擠進 > tuck; 35850上司 > boss; 35851領導 > lead; 35852水池 > pond; 35853電線 > wire; 35854一吹 > puff; 35855毛皮 > pelt; 35856烏鴉 > crow; 35857勞累 > toil; 35858運費 > fare; 35859壁虱 > tick; 35860撥開 > poke; 35861設計 > plan; 35862迷陣 > maze; 35863吝嗇 > mean; 35864一半 > half; 35865頂峰 > peak; 35866藥丸 > pill; 35867星期 > week; 35868水槽 > sink; 35869缺少 > lack; 35870世仇 > feud; 35871撞鎖 > lock; 35872鞭撻 > lash; 35873陰謀 > plot; 35874厭恨 > hate; 35875遇見 > meet; 35876明星 > star; 35877不一 > vary; 35878謀求 > seek; 35879露營 > camp; 35880毒物 > pest; 35881暖和 > warm; 35882一些 > some; 35883鞭打 > whip; 35884叫囂 > hoot; 35885為首 > head; 35886求愛 > woo; 35887同位 > par; 35888露水 > dew; 35889受到 > get; 35890可以 > can; 35891酒廊 > bar; 35892博得 > win; 35893及其 > and; 35894石油 > oil; 35895時代 > age; 35896毯子 > rug; 35897年紀 > age; 35898套子 > cap; 35899破布 > rag; 35900魚鰭 > fin; 35901強拉 > tug; 35902經由 > via; 35903墨水 > ink; 35904設法 > try; 35905間諜 > spy; 35906眼睛 > eye; 35907此時 > now; 35908如何 > how; 35909終端 > end; 35910眼界 > ken; 35911幼獸 > cub; 35912離子 > ion; 35913焦油 > tar; 35914退潮 > ebb; 35915火腿 > ham; 35916陰暗 > dim; 35917緊抱 > hug; 35918總和 > sum; 35919規率 > law; 35920隱密 > sly; 35921砍伐 > hew; 35922刺探 > pry; 35923芸芸 > all; 35924色調 > hue; 35925假髮 > wig; 35926途徑 > way; 35927前夕 > eve; 35928堅果 > nut; 35929先生 > sir; 35930欄圈 > pen; 35931橡樹 > oak; 35932茶杯 > cup; 35933親屬 > kin; 35934拖車 > tow; 35935填充 > pad; 35936帽子 > hat; 35937搖擺 > wag; 35938眼前 > now; 35939刀口 > cut; 35940樅樹 > fir; 35941用途 > use; 35942甜酒 > rum; 35943眼下 > now; 35944出價 > bid; 35945襯墊 > pad; 35946傳真 > fax; 35947苦惱 > ail; 35948腳趾 > toe; 35949拖船 > tow; 35950骨罈 > urn; 35951發怒 > mad; 35952軟毛 > fur; 35953臂膀 > arm; 35954輕打 > tap; 35955搶劫 > rob; 35956兒子 > son; 35957扯裂 > rip; 35958小費 > tip; 35959榆樹 > elm; 35960啜飲 > sip; 35961工作 > job; 35962援助 > aid; 35963肋骨 > rib; 35964蝙蝠 > bat; 35965龍頭 > tap; 35966手臂 > arm; 35967混雜 > mix; 35968地圖 > map; 35969鬆弛 > sag; 35970生病 > ill; 35971袋子 > bag; 35972餡餅 > pie; 35973射線 > ray; 35974鋤頭 > hoe; 35975鋸開 > saw; 35976老鼠 > rat; 35977果醬 > jam; 35978衣夾 > peg; 35979圍兜 > bib; 35980拖把 > mop; 35981么點 > ace; 35982小狗 > pup; 35983貨車 > van; 35984戰爭 > war; 35985點頭 > nod; 35986肥胖 > fat; 35987對準 > aim; 35988噴射 > jet; 35989傢伙 > guy; 35990舉動 > act; 35991麋鹿 > elk; 35992木釘 > peg; 35993瓦斯 > gas; 35994驢子 > ass; 35995男孩 > boy; 35996所有 > all; 35997鑰匙 > key; 35998哼聲 > hum; 35999久遠 > old; 36000飛蟲 > bug; 36001筆尖 > nib; 36002麥酒 > ale; 36003修女 > nun; 36004便帽 > cap; 36005會費 > due; 36006尼姑 > nun; 36007乾草 > hay; 36008借債 > owe; 36009懇求 > beg; 36010屢加 > ply; 36011飛翔 > fly; 36012扇子 > fan; 36013腐壞 > rot; 36014空氣 > air; 36015但是 > but; 36016藝術 > art; 36017安放 > lay; 36018嗚咽 > sob; 36019染料 > dye; 36020付款 > pay; 36021不良 > bad; 36022贏得 > win; 36023頌詞 > ode; 36024乾燥 > dry; 36025告終 > end; 36026汽車 > car; 36027海灣 > bay; 36028耳朵 > ear; 36029位元 > bit; 36030五月 > may; 36031何人 > who; 36032燕麥 > oat; 36033氣車 > bus; 36034末期 > end; 36035母雞 > hen; 36036哀愁 > sad; 36037礦石 > ore; 36038哀怨 > sad; 36039太陽 > sun; 36040怕羞 > coy; 36041杯子 > cup; 36042謊話 > lie; 36043謊言 > lie; 36044零頭 > odd; 36045任何 > any; 36046淨值 > net; 36047奔跑 > run; 36048奔走 > run; 36049流感 > flu; 36050哎喲 > hey; 36051現今 > now; 36052暗淡 > dim; 36053是的 > yes; 36054一排 > row; 36055方舟 > ark; 36056新興 > new; 36057上帝 > god; 36058而今 > now; 36059可是 > but; 36060汽油 > gas; 36061爆聲 > pop; 36062罪惡 > sin; 36063收費 > fee; 36064母羊 > ewe; 36065法律 > law; 36066怎樣 > how; 36067雞蛋 > egg; 36068不善 > bad; 36069鰻魚 > eel; 36070天空 > sky; 36071悲傷 > sad; 36072床鋪 > bed; 36073並且 > and; 36074別針 > pin; 36075縫紉 > sew; 36076一切 > all; 36077通通 > all; 36078平鍋 > pan; 36079放置 > put; 36080年邁 > old; 36081母牛 > cow; 36082如果 > if; 36083還是 > or; 36084的話 > if; 36085光碟 > cd; 36086要是 > if; 36087若是 > if; 36088嚇聲 > ho; 36089或者 > or; 36090我的 > my; 36091假如 > if; 36092我們 > we; 36093啊呀 > oh; 36094斧頭 > ax; 36095一但 > if; 36096一個 > a; 36097㡎 > the\-long\-bands\-or\-ribbons\-attrached\-to\-flags\-and\-banners\-the\-feather\-decorected\-carriages\-or\-dresses; 36098郯 > name\-of\-a\-small\-ancient\-principality\-which\-was\-situated\-in\-what\-is\-now\-part\-of\-shantung\-and\-kiangsu; 36099䐞 > the\-thin\-membrane\-between\-skin\-and\-flesh\-that\-protects\-internal\-organs\-or\-tissues\-in\-the\-human\-body; 36100珪 > a\-jade\-table\-conferred\-upon\-feudal\-princes\-by\-the\-emperor\-as\-a\-symbol\-of\-dignity\-and\-authority; 36101㺺 > a\-very\-precious\-piece\-of\-jade\-worn\-by\-ancient\-emperors\-to\-match\-tables\-borne\-by\-the\-nobles; 36102䀘 > to\-cover\-the\-line\-of\-vision\-or\-sight\-\-\-the\-straight\-line\-between\-an\-object\-and\-one''s\-eyes; 36103㨧 > wooden\-stick\-or\-bamboo\-cane\-used\-to\-support\-the\-covering\-of\-a\-carriage\-in\-ancient\-times; 36104㔣 > in\-ancient\-times\-to\-fight\-against\-the\-enemy\-by\-pushing\-down\-the\-big\-rocks\-from\-up\-high; 36105䚫 > ornamental\-articles\-made\-of\-horns\-used\-to\-decorate\-the\-top\-of\-a\-stick\-or\-horsewhip; 36106笐 > bamboos\-placed\-across\-wooden\-frames\-on\-which\-grain\-may\-be\-stored\-in\-damp\-climates; 36107䣞 > name\-of\-an\-ancient\-state\-which\-occupied\-the\-site\-of\-the\-present\-province\-of\-hubei; 36108䇶 > a\-small\-rafters\-made\-of\-bamboo\-which\-project\-form\-the\-eaves\-and\-support\-the\-tiles; 36109賨 > tribute\-paid\-in\-cloth\-by\-the\-tribes\-in\-szechwan\-and\-yunnan\-under\-the\-han\-dynasty; 36110禫 > sacrifice\-offered\-at\-the\-end\-of\-the\-three\-years''\-mourning\-the\-death\-of\-a\-parent; 36111䂩 > an\-in\-slab\-or\-ink\-stone\-sound\-of\-pebbles\-or\-stones\-rubbing\-or\-knocking\-together; 36112䂍 > a\-kind\-of\-weapon\-carried\-by\-the\-honor\-guard\-before\-the\-emperor\-in\-ancient\-times; 36113衈 > the\-blood\-of\-a\-sacrificial\-fowl\-which\-was\-sprinkled\-on\-the\-doors\-and\-vessels; 36114㯩 > to\-put\-the\-growing\-up\-silkworms\-in\-different\-frames\-according\-to\-their\-sizes; 36115㚳 > a\-lady\-teacher\-to\-teach\-the\-proper\-rules\-of\-female\-behavior\-in\-ancient\-times; 36116絥 > to\-harness\-a\-horse\-a\-board\-in\-front\-of\-a\-carriage\-for\-the\-driver\-to\-lean\-on; 36117䋭 > to\-weave\-silk\-fabrics\-with\-green\-color\-for\-longitude\-and\-white\-for\-latitude; 36118㭼 > a\-rectangle\-shaped\-peg\-or\-short\-post\-between\-the\-beans\-and\-the\-roof\-timbers; 36119瑄 > a\-ornamental\-piece\-of\-jade\-several\-inches\-across\-with\-a\-hole\-in\-the\-center; 36120䬤 > to\-put\-the\-thick\-soup\-or\-broth\-on\-top\-of\-the\-rice\-thick\-congee\-or\-porridge; 36121䥯 > a\-farm\-tool\-to\-crush\-the\-clod\-of\-earth\-into\-pieces\-and\-make\-the\-land\-flat; 36122䍖 > a\-kind\-of\-net\-equipted\-with\-tricky\-machine\-used\-to\-catch\-birds\-and\-beasts; 36123䎭 > a\-kind\-of\-farm\-tool\-made\-of\-twisted\-thron\-strips\-used\-to\-flaten\-the\-land; 36124筓 > a\-hairpin\-on\-which\-the\-hair\-is\-bound\-at\-the\-back\-of\-the\-head\.\-15\-of\-age; 36125㮲 > a\-small\-ring\-or\-a\-small\-piece\-of\-board\-attached\-to\-the\-muzzle\-of\-an\-ox; 36126䵻 > a\-small\-tripod\-of\-bronze\-with\-two\-ears\-tripod\-of\-bronze\-with\-two\-ears; 36127玠 > large\-jade\-tablet\-used\-by\-officials\-at\-court\-to\-indicate\-their\-ranks; 36128䂜 > rocky\-fine\-stone\-which\-is\-little\-less\-valuable\-than\-jade\-to\-collapse; 36129㡆 > an\-artisan\-to\-soften\-raw\-silk\-by\-boiling\-and\-to\-dye\-the\-dressed\-silk; 36130㡃 > an\-artisan\-to\-soften\-raw\-silk\-by\-boiling\-and\-to\-dye\-the\-dressed\-silk; 36131裎 > to\-take\-off\-the\-clothes\-and\-expose\-the\-body\.\-to\-carry\-in\-the\-girdle; 36132鎋 > the\-linch\-pin\-of\-a\-wheel\-to\-govern\-or\-control\-the\-noise\-of\-a\-barrow; 36133䪐 > something\-made\-of\-bamboo\-put\-in\-the\-bow\-case\-to\-pretect\-from\-damage; 36134䇭 > containers\-made\-of\-thin\-and\-long\-strip\-of\-bamboo\-or\-willow\-branches; 36135㟬 > a\-mountain\-in\-today''s\-shandong\-province\-southwest\-of\-mengyin\-county; 36136㚥 > to\-become\-associated\-with\-each\-other\-in\-good\-manners\-and\-politeness; 36137䤞 > a\-kind\-of\-weapons\-held\-by\-the\-officials\-in\-attendance\-in\-old\-times; 36138㹫 > a\-kind\-of\-animal\-generally\-called\-for\-minority\-groups\-in\-old\-china; 36139㳻 > a\-bank\-of\-earth\-or\-an\-embankment\-to\-block\-the\-current\-of\-the\-water; 36140㯢 > a\-piece\-of\-cross\-wise\-board\-used\-for\-frame\-on\-which\-silkworms\-spin; 36141䃘 > simple\-and\-crude\-the\-sound\-of\-pebbles\-or\-stones\-knocking\-together; 36142㰱 > to\-smear\-the\-mouth\-with\-the\-blood\-of\-a\-victim\-when\-taking\-an\-oath; 36143獯 > a\-tribe\-of\-scythians\-which\-invaded\-china\-during\-the\-hsia\-dynasty; 36144鞔 > sides\-or\-uppers\-of\-shoes\-to\-stretch\-a\-skin\-on\-a\-frame\-for\-a\-drum; 36145䕽 > the\-rhododendron\-\-\-\-it\-is\-said\-to\-cause\-sheep\-to\-stagger\-and\-die; 36146郜 > name\-of\-fief\-in\-shantong\-bestowed\-on\-the\-eldest\-son\-of\-wen\-wang; 36147䍿 > a\-kind\-of\-dance\-accompanied\-by\-music\-performed\-in\-ancient\-times; 36148䌞 > a\-knot\-to\-hang\-the\-apparatus\-made\-of\-reed\-for\-raising\-silkworms; 36149䇉 > capacity\-unit\-in\-france\-equal\-to\-one\-hundred\-times\-of\-one\-litre; 36150㽈 > a\-large\-earthenware\-jar\-with\-a\-small\-mouth\-and\-two\-or\-four\-ears; 36151㹐 > to\-tow\-a\-boat\-against\-the\-current\-in\-swift\-stream\-from\-the\-bank; 36152沅 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-western\-hunan\-that\-flows\-into\-dongting\-lake; 36153簋 > a\-square\-basket\-of\-bamboo\-for\-holding\-grain\-used\-at\-sacrifices; 36154鷴 > silver\-pheasant\-badge\-worn\-by\-civil\-officials\-of\-the\-5th\-grade; 36155蟕 > a\-species\-of\-tortoise\-found\-near\-the\-mouth\-of\-the\-yellow\-river; 36156㬆 > posthumous\-title\-conferred\-upon\-emperors\-and\-eminent\-officials; 36157㔳 > a\-square\-basket\-of\-bamboo\-for\-holding\-grain\-used\-at\-sacrifices; 36158鞝 > the\-piece\-of\-leather\-used\-for\-soles\-on\-chinese\-shoes\.\-a\-patch; 36159蔛 > a\-small\-orchid\-like\-plant\-it\-bears\-white\-flowers\-a\-dendrobium; 36160䰙 > an\-ancient\-unit\-of\-capacity\-with\-three\-feet\-and\-a\-big\-opening; 36161䔹 > a\-fungus\-which\-grows\-on\-rotten\-plants\-and\-is\-eaten\-when\-fresh; 36162㯣 > a\-kind\-of\-fragrant\-tree\-used\-to\-produce\-perfume\-by\-burning\-it; 36163㯡 > to\-lacquer\-some\-kind\-of\-ashes\-on\-wooden\-articals\-or\-furniture; 36164峋 > ranges\-of\-hills\-stretching\-on\-beyond\-another\-irregular\-peaks; 36165歃 > smear\-one''s\-mouth\-with\-blood\-of\-a\-victim\-when\-taking\-an\-oath; 36166羗 > tribes\-in\-west\-china\-strong\.\-educated\.\-obstinate\.\-a\-particle; 36167丣 > ancient\-form\-of\-the\-tenth\-of\-the\-twelve\-terrestrial\-branches; 36168䡅 > something\-used\-to\-bind\-the\-frame\-work\-in\-a\-cart\-of\-old\-times; 36169䚨 > a\-string\-fastened\-to\-an\-arrow\-to\-draw\-it\-back\-after\-shooting; 36170䎠 > to\-twist\-or\-to\-crumple\-between\-hands\-and\-make\-something\-turn; 36171㟹 > the\-appearance\-of\-a\-mountain\-is\-lofty\-and\-steep\-and\-profound; 36172㝸 > a\-conical\-cap\-worn\-on\-ceremonious\-occasions\-in\-ancient\-times; 36173㙨 > the\-royal\-domains\-set\-apart\-in\-ancient\-times\-for\-the\-emperor; 36174衩 > the\-open\-seam\-of\-a\-garment\-which\-allows\-freedom\-of\-movement; 36175屺 > a\-hill\-with\-trees\-or\-grass\-\-\-some\-give\-the\-opposite\-meaning; 36176䶦 > upper\-and\-lower\-teeth\-in\-order\-and\-corresponding\-each\-other; 36177䧂 > to\-turn\-over\-the\-clod\-of\-the\-earth\-with\-a\-shovel\-or\-a\-spade; 36178噞 > the\-movement\-of\-a\-fish''s\-mouth\-at\-the\-surface\-of\-the\-water; 36179唵 > used\-in\-buddhist\-texts\-to\-transliterate\-non\-chinese\-sounds; 36180䠂 > name\-of\-a\-powerful\-feudal\-state\-which\-existed\-740\-330\-b\.c\.; 36181䖶 > to\-raise\-up\-the\-nose\-in\-order\-to\-get\-the\-bugs\-in\-the\-earth; 36182䄛 > service\-or\-rites\-of\-offering\-sacrifices\-for\-drink\-and\-food; 36183㼰 > an\-earthenware\-jar\-with\-a\-small\-mouth\-and\-two\-or\-four\-ears; 36184㸖 > hide\-or\-to\-keep\-in\-store\-the\-vegetable\-in\-cold\-winter\-days; 36185㷟 > to\-scald\-the\-bristles\-off\-a\-pig\-or\-the\-feathers\-off\-a\-bird; 36186㰇 > the\-square\-peck\-shaped\-box\-half\-way\-up\-a\-chinese\-flagstaff; 36187㮞 > the\-square\-peck\-shaped\-box\-half\-way\-up\-a\-chinese\-flagstaff; 36188㦼 > a\-wooden\-piles\-used\-as\-a\-cable\-to\-make\-immovable\-of\-a\-boat; 36189㢧 > a\-book\-or\-painting\-which\-can\-be\-easily\-folded\-or\-rolled\-up; 36190钲 > kind\-of\-gong\-used\-in\-ancient\-times\-by\-troops\-on\-the\-march; 36191鉦 > kind\-of\-gong\-used\-in\-ancient\-times\-by\-troops\-on\-the\-march; 36192䪳 > slanted\-face\-causing\-by\-the\-paralyzed\-of\-the\-facial\-nerve; 36193䞋 > to\-do\-alms\-for\-the\-buddhist\-priests\-or\-monks\-in\-old\-times; 36194䙆 > slits\-on\-the\-lower\-part\-of\-a\-gown\-for\-freedom\-of\-movement; 36195䀏 > to\-move\-one''s\-eyes\-to\-express\-or\-indicate\-with\-eyes\-dizzy; 36196㿄 > the\-groans\-or\-moans\-from\-a\-person\-in\-a\-critical\-condition; 36197㶏 > an\-ancient\-name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-henan\-province\-dengfengxian; 36198㳇 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-today''s\-jiangsu\-province\-yixing\-county; 36199㫋 > a\-silken\-banner\-hanging\-from\-a\-staff\-bent\-over\-at\-the\-top; 36200狽 > a\-legendary\-animal\-with\-short\-forelegs\-which\-rode\-a\-wolf; 36201歐 > used\-in\-transliterating\-non\-chinese\-words\-such\-as\-europe; 36202狈 > a\-legendary\-animal\-with\-short\-forelegs\-which\-rode\-a\-wolf; 36203汨 > mi\-river\-in\-hunan\-province\-where\-qu\-yuan\-drowned\-himself; 36204汜 > a\-stream\-which\-leaves\-the\-main\-branch\-then\-later\-returns; 36205簈 > bamboo\-mat\-used\-to\-protect\-carriage\-passengers\-from\-dust; 36206箳 > bamboo\-mat\-used\-to\-protect\-carriage\-passengers\-from\-dust; 36207爼 > a\-small\-table\-or\-tiered\-stand\-filled\-with\-meat\-offerings; 36208䳚 > a\-sort\-of\-nightingale\-which\-is\-said\-to\-sing\-for\-the\-dawn; 36209䡂 > the\-long\-wooden\-bumper\-at\-the\-rear\-of\-a\-cart\-or\-carriage; 36210䃾 > to\-offer\-small\-pig\-as\-sacrifice\-when\-warship\-god\-of\-life; 36211㼪 > fragments\-of\-a\-tile\-haven''t\-t\-been\-kiln\-dried\-completely; 36212㴖 > name\-of\-a\-stream\-in\-shandong\-province\-southwest\-of\-jinan; 36213㝉 > space\-between\-the\-throne\-and\-the\-retiring\-room\-behind\-it; 36214㖫 > used\-in\-names\-for\-minority\-ethnic\-group\-in\-ancient\-china; 36215炝 > stir\-fry\-or\-boil\-in\-water\-or\-oil\-then\-cook\-with\-a\-sauce; 36216熗 > stir\-fry\-or\-boil\-in\-water\-or\-oil\-then\-cook\-with\-a\-sauce; 36217弮 > a\-crowwbow\-which\-discharged\-several\-bolts\-in\-succession; 36218䪙 > leather\-wrapped\-collar\-for\-a\-draft\-animal\-of\-a\-carriage; 36219䪖 > leather\-wrapped\-collar\-for\-a\-draft\-animal\-of\-a\-carriage; 36220䧚 > the\-name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-the\-south\-west\-of\-hebei\-province; 36221䡞 > leather\-that\-wind\-round\-on\-the\-shafts\-of\-a\-big\-carriage; 36222䍜 > a\-basket\-or\-a\-cage\-used\-to\-keep\-wild\-and\-domestic\-fowls; 36223䇆 > capacity\-unit\-in\-france\-equal\-to\-ten\-times\-of\-one\-litre; 36224䂅 > to\-have\-insight\-or\-vision\-of\-a\-simple\-and\-honest\-person; 36225㲽 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-today''s\-southwest\-of\-shanxi\-province; 36226㮐 > a\-rack\-or\-a\-stand\-with\-three\-sticks\-to\-cross\-each\-other; 36227㬸 > a\-kind\-of\-services\-or\-ceremonies\-of\-offering\-sacrifices; 36228郌 > name\-of\-an\-ancient\-hsien\-in\-modern\-gansu\/shaanxi\-area\.; 36229耰 > toothless\-rake\-for\-drawing\-earth\-over\-newly\-sown\-grain; 36230琀 > gems\-of\-pearls\-formerly\-put\-into\-the\-mouth\-of\-a\-corpse; 36231䪃 > wine\-container\-used\-by\-minority\-tribe\-in\-ancient\-times; 36232䥷 > a\-hinged\-shear\-or\-long\-knife\-for\-cutting\-fodder\-or\-hay; 36233䤩 > an\-ornament\-at\-the\-end\-of\-a\-belt\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 36234䝪 > to\-provide\-money\-or\-gift\-and\-to\-consult\-fortune\-teller; 36235䙛 > ceremonial\-dress\-of\-the\-emperor\-or\-very\-high\-officials; 36236䘦 > a\-kind\-of\-head\-dress\-wore\-in\-funeral\-rites\-in\-old\-days; 36237䘟 > kind\-of\-silk\-woven\-with\-double\-threads\-and\-water\-proof; 36238䔑 > a\-white\-colored\-cluster\-grown\-at\-the\-tip\-of\-cogongrass; 36239䉲 > thin\-and\-flat\-slips\-of\-bamboo\-used\-for\-weaving\-purpose; 36240㼽 > fragments\-of\-a\-tile\-haven''t\-been\-kiln\-dried\-completely; 36241㶁 > after\-blocking\-the\-water\-flow\-takes\-different\-waterway; 36242㯀 > bonds\-and\-fetters\-for\-falcons\-and\-dogs\-used\-in\-hunting; 36243㒾 > a\-kind\-of\-wrapper\-used\-to\-cover\-over\-the\-face\-and\-head; 36244蠲 > the\-millipede\-sometimes\-confounded\-with\-the\-grow\-worm; 36245蘧 > a\-plant\-which\-resembles\-wheat\-but\-has\-no\-edible\-grain; 36246䡴 > carriage\-used\-in\-ancient\-times\-to\-take\-enemy\-position; 36247䟺 > walk\-slowly\-because\-of\-the\-wrong\-position\-of\-the\-feet; 36248䉣 > slips\-of\-bamboo\-provided\-for\-writing\-in\-ancient\-times; 36249䁹 > to\-look\-askance\-\-\-\-a\-expression\-of\-disdain\-or\-despise; 36250㼌 > lot\-of\-melons\-growing\-but\-the\-root\-is\-weak\-and\-feeble; 36251㻠 > jade\-hanging\-on\-the\-sides\-of\-the\-cap\-in\-ancient\-times; 36252㮣 > a\-piece\-of\-wood\-used\-to\-strike\-off\-grain\-in\-a\-measure; 36253㓤 > to\-strip\-the\-skin\-of\-the\-face\-\-\-\-an\-imminent\-calamity; 36254砀 > brilliantly\-colored\-stone\-with\-veined\-patterns\-in\-it; 36255虒 > an\-amphibious\-beast\-resembling\-a\-tiger\-with\-one\-horn; 36256筁 > a\-bamboo\-frame\-on\-which\-silkworms\-spin\-their\-cocoons; 36257碭 > brilliantly\-colored\-stone\-with\-veined\-patterns\-in\-it; 36258冋 > a\-desert\-a\-border\-prairie\-the\-1st\-form\-is\-radical\-13; 36259䴷 > use\-the\-whole\-piece\-of\-barley\-to\-ferment\-for\-brewing; 36260䭞 > a\-kind\-of\-sacrifices\-offered\-to\-gods\-or\-the\-deceased; 36261䧠 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-what\-is\-today''s\-shandong\-province; 36262䑩 > a\-kind\-of\-inland\-rivers\-warship\-used\-in\-qing\-dynasty; 36263䍸 > a\-legendary\-goat\-like\-animal\-with\-4\-ears\-and\-9\-tails; 36264䍫 > a\-legendary\-goat\-like\-animal\-with\-4\-ears\-and\-9\-tails; 36265䃫 > a\-silicate\-substance\-from\-the\-salt\-wells\-in\-szechwan; 36266㸜 > to\-get\-through\-the\-space\-enclosed\-by\-a\-constellation; 36267㷭 > a\-conical\-brick\-structure\-in\-which\-to\-light\-a\-beacon; 36268㶻 > a\-conical\-brick\-structure\-in\-which\-to\-light\-a\-beacon; 36269甾 > ground\-that\-has\-been\-under\-cultivation\-for\-one\-year; 36270禡 > a\-sacrifice\-at\-the\-beginning\-of\-a\-military\-campaign; 36271礮 > ancient\-ballista\-for\-throwing\-heavy\-stones\-a\-cannon; 36272礟 > ancient\-ballista\-for\-throwing\-heavy\-stones\-a\-cannon; 36273䯠 > the\-five\-lowest\-pieces\-of\-bone\-of\-the\-spinal\-column; 36274䯙 > the\-five\-lowest\-pieces\-of\-bone\-of\-the\-spinal\-column; 36275䬦 > food\-items\-merely\-arranged\-for\-display\-purpose\-only; 36276䙑 > a\-piece\-of\-sackcloth\-worn\-on\-the\-breast\-in\-mourning; 36277䈱 > an\-open\-bamboo\-basket\-used\-to\-feed\-domestic\-animals; 36278㪵 > half\-of\-a\-unit\-of\-measurement\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 36279㡈 > the\-ropes\-attached\-to\-the\-bier\-and\-held\-by\-mourners; 36280㚤 > a\-lady\-officer\-of\-the\-monarch''s\-palace\-in\-old\-times; 36281呀 > particle\-used\-to\-express\-surprise\-or\-mild\-emphasis; 36282靷 > the\-leather\-belt\-that\-connects\-a\-horse\-with\-a\-cart; 36283譼 > to\-supervise\-to\-confine\-a\-government\-establishment; 36284坫 > a\-stand\-on\-which\-to\-replace\-goblets\-after\-drinking; 36285䴽 > a\-small\-round\-piece\-of\-distiller''s\-grains\-or\-yeast; 36286䰎 > to\-twist\-the\-hair\-in\-a\-knot\-on\-the\-top\-of\-the\-head; 36287䪝 > leather\-cord\-that\-winding\-on\-the\-handle\-of\-a\-knife; 36288䡇 > the\-cross\-bar\-at\-the\-end\-of\-the\-pole\-of\-a\-carriage; 36289䞀 > to\-desire\-for\-more\-money\-than\-one''s\-rightful\-share; 36290䘭 > the\-pleates\-on\-the\-lapel\-of\-a\-garment\-of\-thin\-silk; 36291䐈 > a\-piece\-of\-one\-foot\-two\-inches\-dried\-seasoned\-meat; 36292䍅 > containers\-for\-water\-or\-wine\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 36293䋾 > cotton\-and\-silk\-to\-be\-laid\-and\-attached\-each\-other; 36294䉐 > a\-thin\-and\-long\-strip\-of\-bamboo\-for\-making\-baskets; 36295䈻 > a\-heavy\-mats\-of\-bamboo\-used\-for\-deep\-water\-fishing; 36296䇠 > wrench\-to\-adjust\-the\-string\-on\-stringed\-instrument; 36297䄌 > to\-perform\-rities\-in\-honor\-of\-the\-ancestral\-temple; 36298䃦 > a\-flat\-and\-great\-rock\-people\-squat\-or\-crouch\-on\-it; 36299㻀 > fine\-stone\-which\-is\-little\-less\-valuable\-than\-jade; 36300㲬 > hair\-decorations\-on\-a\-helmet\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 36301㱯 > get\-the\-unborn\-baby\-goat\-by\-killng\-the\-mother\-goat; 36302㮰 > the\-small\-beam\-supporting\-the\-rafters\-at\-the\-eaves; 36303㪶 > a\-dry\-measure\-10\-or\-5\-times\-that\-of\-a\-chinese\-peck; 36304㟗 > name\-of\-a\-small\-principality\-in\-what\-is\-now\-shanxi; 36305伽 > transcription\-of\-sanskrit\-''gha''\-in\-buddhist\-texts; 36306屣 > straw\-sandals\-or\-slippers\-that\-have\-no\-heel\-backs; 36307漎 > a\-place\-where\-small\-streams\-flow\-into\-a\-large\-one; 36308檾 > grassy\-plant\-with\-fibres\-from\-which\-cloth\-is\-made; 36309䰌 > to\-bind\-the\-hair\-in\-a\-knot\-on\-the\-top\-of\-the\-head; 36310䩵 > tanner\-who\-made\-the\-leather\-drum\-in\-ancient\-times; 36311䚙 > a\-spoon\-for\-cooked\-rice\-made\-of\-horn\-of\-an\-animal; 36312䌳 > a\-kind\-of\-unrefined\-or\-unpolished\-silken\-textiles; 36313䌤 > a\-kind\-of\-unrefined\-or\-unpolished\-silken\-textiles; 36314䊺 > an\-implement\-to\-draw\-or\-to\-collect\-ropes\-or\-cords; 36315䉃 > sliped\-open\-bamboo\-with\-the\-joints\-used\-as\-an\-oar; 36316䉀 > rectangular\-chest\-or\-box\-woven\-from\-bamboo\-strips; 36317䄋 > to\-pray\-for\-preventing\-or\-forestalling\-calamities; 36318䃮 > a\-stone\-build\-hydraulic\-measures\-in\-ancient\-times; 36319㾿 > roar\-of\-asthma\-or\-expectorate\-from\-a\-dying\-person; 36320㻨 > ine\-stone\-which\-is\-little\-less\-valuable\-than\-jade; 36321㺐 > generally\-called\-for\-minority\-groups\-in\-old\-china; 36322㯂 > pillar\-or\-post\-of\-a\-frame\-on\-which\-silkworms\-spin; 36323㟋 > deep\-and\-level\-ground\-gully\-at\-the\-foot\-of\-a\-hill; 36324㞪 > the\-appearance\-of\-the\-mountain\-is\-flat\-and\-smooth; 36325衅 > consecrate\-sacrificial\-vessels\-by\-smearing\-blood; 36326虢 > name\-of\-ancient\-feudal\-state\-in\-shenxi\-and\-hunan; 36327齉 > stoppage\-of\-the\-nose\-to\-speak\-with\-a\-nasal\-twang; 36328褯 > children''s\-garments\.\-a\-mat\-for\-wrapping\-garments; 36329梠 > a\-small\-beam\-supporting\-the\-rafters\-at\-the\-eaves; 36330摣 > a\-handful\.\-to\-pick\-up\-with\-the\-fingers\.\-to\-seize; 36331堘 > a\-raised\-path\-between\-field\-which\-acts\-as\-a\-dyke; 36332䶜 > the\-process\-to\-whiten\-the\-ivory\-or\-elephant\-tusk; 36333䮉 > horses\-kept\-at\-a\-courier\-station\-in\-former\-times; 36334䢵 > name\-of\-an\-old\-country\-in\-today''s\-hubei\-province; 36335䡟 > a\-ring\-of\-the\-horizontal\-front\-bar\-on\-a\-carriage; 36336䞛 > dancing\-of\-a\-eastern\-minority\-group\-in\-old\-china; 36337䝌 > a\-pig\-seek\-for\-food\-through\-digging\-on\-the\-earth; 36338䒁 > a\-small\-boat\-connected\-to\-the\-back\-of\-a\-big\-boat; 36339䉋 > a\-variety\-of\-bamboo\-shoots\-that\-sprout\-in\-winter; 36340䈔 > whistle\-made\-of\-reed\-without\-holes\-for\-fingering; 36341㽙 > official\-in\-charge\-of\-farmlands\-in\-ancient\-times; 36342㳎 > guide\-or\-lead\-to\-make\-the\-water\-flowing\-smoothly; 36343㲪 > woolen\-blanket\-with\-decorative\-design\-or\-pattern; 36344㲨 > a\-decorative\-fine\-blanket\-on\-the\-top\-of\-a\-saddle; 36345㲣 > woolen\-blanket\-with\-decorative\-design\-or\-pattern; 36346㲙 > woolen\-blanket\-with\-decorative\-design\-or\-pattern; 36347㧋 > to\-lengthen\-and\-extenuate\-\-\-\-as\-in\-making\-noodle; 36348㠜 > young\-kids\-smart\-and\-familiar\-with\-human\-affairs; 36349㙱 > earthenware\-used\-to\-bake\-cakes\-in\-northern\-china; 36350喁 > the\-mouth\-of\-a\-fish\-at\-the\-surface\-of\-the\-water; 36351揎 > to\-pull\-up\-the\-sleeves\-and\-stretch\-out\-the\-arms; 36352箬 > the\-cuticle\-of\-the\-bamboo\-a\-broad\-leaved\-bamboo; 36353軾 > horizontal\-wooden\-bar\-in\-front\-of\-a\-sedan\-chair; 36354萆 > the\-castor\-oil\-plant\-also\-used\-for\-other\-plants; 36355簠 > an\-ancient\-vessel\-used\-for\-holding\-boiled\-grain; 36356䲰 > a\-second\-name\-for\-the\-pigeon\-or\-the\-turtle\-dove; 36357䝥 > to\-roar\-or\-howl\-frantic\-barks\-of\-dogs\-or\-wolves; 36358䔤 > the\-lush\-and\-luxuriant\-of\-the\-grass\-and\-flowers; 36359㯮 > a\-kind\-of\-tree\-with\-big\-leaves\-and\-in\-red\-color; 36360㔍 > a\-hinged\-shear\-or\-long\-knife\-for\-cutting\-fodder; 36361璜 > a\-semicircular\-jade\-ornament\-used\-as\-a\-pendant; 36362諬 > to\-open\-to\-begin\-to\-explain\-to\-inform\-a\-letter; 36363猹 > wild\-animal\-mentioned\-in\-short\-story\-by\-lu\-xun; 36364犼 > a\-fierce\-mongolian\-wolf\-dragon''s\-head\-on\-roofs; 36365湓 > an\-affluent\-of\-the\-river\-yangtze\-near\-kiukiang; 36366歚 > used\-in\-name\-of\-famous\-korean\-painter\-ceng\-sen; 36367䶛 > to\-separate\-the\-meat\-from\-the\-bones\-with\-teeth; 36368䳜 > a\-kind\-of\-bird\-which\-shares\-its\-nest\-with\-rats; 36369䳅 > a\-kind\-of\-bird\-which\-shares\-its\-nest\-with\-rats; 36370䲍 > a\-perch\-like\-fish\-with\-white\-body\-and\-red\-tail; 36371䩶 > saddle\-and\-rein\-etc\.\-for\-the\-imperial\-carriage; 36372䗽 > a\-small\-gadfly\-that\-suck\-blood\-of\-horse\-or\-cow; 36373䉴 > a\-bamboo\-ware\-to\-collect\-and\-keep\-something\-in; 36374䉅 > small\-bamboo\-whose\-joints\-are\-three\-feet\-apart; 36375䈛 > small\-bamboo\-whose\-joints\-are\-three\-feet\-apart; 36376䄦 > to\-put\-forth\-ears\-and\-to\-blossom\-of\-the\-grains; 36377㽩 > connected\-banks\-of\-earth\-or\-paths\-in\-the\-field; 36378㹃 > two\-brindled\-cows\-to\-plough\-face\-to\-each\-other; 36379㶟 > an\-ancient\-neme\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shanxi\-and\-hebei; 36380㲈 > the\-name\-of\-the\-music\-of\-the\-legendary\-emperor; 36381㬐 > a\-state\-during\-the\-period\-of\-spring\-and\-autumn; 36382㡛 > name\-for\-a\-workman\-who\-apply\-color\-in\-painting; 36383㟢 > the\-rocks\-on\-the\-hills\-are\-of\-different\-shapes; 36384㜼 > children\-of\-one''s\-brother\-\-\-\-nephews\-or\-nieces; 36385㔽 > a\-kind\-of\-wine\-pot\-or\-jar\-used\-in\-ancient\-time; 36386㓃 > to\-sacrifice\-by\-pouring\-out\-a\-libation\-of\-wine; 36387㑞 > a\-maid\-who\-accompanies\-a\-bride\-to\-her\-new\-home; 36388畲 > to\-cultivate\-land\-by\-first\-setting\-fire\-to\-it; 36389篚 > round\-or\-oval\-covered\-baskets\-with\-short\-legs; 36390粔 > cakes\-made\-from\-rice\-flour\-twisted\-into\-rings; 36391戤 > to\-infringe\-a\-trade\-mark\-to\-pledge\-an\-article; 36392乤 > first\-character\-of\-korean\-place\-name\-''halpho''; 36393䶨 > in\-the\-manner\-a\-toothless\-person\-chewing\-food; 36394䮛 > extra\-horse\-harnessed\-by\-the\-side\-of\-the\-team; 36395䣠 > name\-of\-a\-village\-in\-today''s\-sichuan\-province; 36396䣟 > name\-of\-pavilion\-in\-today''s\-shandong\-province; 36397䠒 > courtesy\-of\-a\-minority\-group\-in\-ancient\-times; 36398䝰 > to\-store\-or\-to\-accumulate\-riches\-or\-valuables; 36399䜱 > name\-of\-a\-pavilion\-in\-today''s\-shanxi\-province; 36400䓝 > chinese\-pennisetum\)\-pennisetum\-alopecuroides\); 36401䋉 > a\-numerary\-adjunct\-for\-practically\-everything; 36402䊣 > light\-yellow\-dust\-like\-fungoid\-growth\-on\-wine; 36403䇒 > numerary\-adjunct\-for\-periodic\-terms\-or\-events; 36404㿗 > disease\-of\-the\-private\-part\-of\-the\-human\-body; 36405㿉 > disease\-of\-the\-private\-part\-of\-the\-human\-body; 36406㾫 > hemiplegia\-\-\-\-paralysis\-of\-half\-of\-one''s\-body; 36407㻞 > flourishing\-and\-radiant\-of\-the\-colorful\-jades; 36408㹱 > name\-of\-a\-dog\-in\-the\-period\-of\-warring\-states; 36409㲥 > a\-kind\-of\-woolen\-textiles\-with\-curved\-pattern; 36410㭹 > name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-today''s\-shandong\-province; 36411㣯 > the\-dresses\-toss\-and\-flying\-about\-in\-the\-wind; 36412㢯 > bows\-used\-by\-the\-son\-of\-heaven\-\-\-\-the\-emperor; 36413㡊 > a\-kind\-of\-cap\-worn\-by\-an\-officer\-in\-old\-china; 36414㙫 > a\-fountain\-or\-spring\-out\-from\-the\-underground; 36415㙍 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-today''s\-guangdong\-province; 36416钧 > unit\-of\-measure\-equivalent\-to\-thirty\-catties; 36417妲 > concubine\-of\-last\-ruler\-of\-the\-shang\-dynasty; 36418瓴 > concave\-channels\-of\-tiling\-a\-long\-necked\-jar; 36419媵 > a\-maid\-who\-accompanies\-bride\-to\-her\-new\-home; 36420胙 > meat\-offered\-in\-sacrifice\-to\-one''s\-ancestors; 36421蟊 > a\-fly\-which\-is\-used\-similarly\-to\-cantharides; 36422騲 > the\-female\-of\-certain\-animals\-such\-as\-horses; 36423鈞 > unit\-of\-measure\-equivalent\-to\-thirty\-catties; 36424蝥 > a\-fly\-which\-is\-used\-similarly\-to\-cantharides; 36425珓 > two\-hemispherical\-objects\-used\-in\-divination; 36426敧 > to\-pick\-up\-thing\-with\-chopsticks\-or\-pincers\.; 36427扄 > large\-ring\-on\-a\-front\-door\-used\-as\-a\-knocker; 36428嫏 > the\-place\-where\-the\-supreme\-stores\-his\-books; 36429䱁 > a\-kind\-of\-medium\-sized\-fish\-grown\-in\-the\-sea; 36430䰏 > sparse\-hair\-on\-a\-knot\-on\-the\-top\-of\-the\-head; 36431䮆 > a\-horse\-with\-mixed\-color\-of\-yellow\-and\-white; 36432䩛 > leather\-belt\-used\-to\-bind\-or\-restrain\-a\-cart; 36433䦹 > name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-today''s\-sichuan\-province; 36434䣔 > name\-of\-a\-pavilion\-in\-today''s\-henan\-province; 36435䣑 > living\-space\-for\-one\-family\-in\-ancient\-times; 36436䣄 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-today''s\-shandong\-province; 36437䣁 > name\-of\-a\-pavilion\-in\-today''s\-henan\-province; 36438䢹 > name\-of\-a\-pavilion\-in\-today''s\-hunan\-province; 36439䢪 > a\-sledge\-for\-transportation\-over\-mud\-or\-snow; 36440䟆 > to\-keep\-persons\-off\-the\-route\-of\-the\-emperor; 36441䈐 > an\-arched\-frame\-made\-of\-bamboo\-of\-wood\-board; 36442䅿 > luxuriant\-or\-exuberant\-of\-the\-grains\-flowery; 36443䃈 > mountain\-rocks\-a\-black\-stone\-resembling\-jade; 36444䂬 > big\-rocks\-on\-the\-riverside\-an\-arched\-opening; 36445䁝 > deluding\-and\-causing\-disorder\-lights\-shining; 36446㽟 > to\-till\-or\-to\-plough\-the\-fields\-an\-enclosure; 36447㮄 > publicly\-posted\-roll\-of\-successful\-examinees; 36448㭸 > the\-branches\-to\-spread\-out\-in\-all\-directions; 36449㩉 > to\-take\-a\-rubbing\-of\-an\-inscription\-on\-stone; 36450㣁 > to\-equipt\-a\-bow\-with\-silk\-and\-muscular\-fibre; 36451㢆 > living\-space\-for\-one\-family\-in\-ancient\-times; 36452㝙 > the\-third\-of\-the\-twelve\-terrestrial\-branches; 36453㙻 > living\-space\-for\-one\-family\-in\-ancient\-times; 36454乎 > interrogative\-or\-exclamatory\-final\-particle; 36455澄 > purify\-water\-by\-allowing\-sediment\-to\-settle; 36456歟 > a\-final\-particle\-used\-to\-express\-admiration; 36457梢 > pointed\-tip\-of\-something\-long\-like\-a\-branch; 36458哒 > a\-sound\-made\-to\-get\-a\-horse\-to\-move\-forward; 36459琮 > octagonal\-piece\-of\-jade\-with\-hole\-in\-middle; 36460欤 > a\-final\-particle\-used\-to\-express\-admiration; 36461唼 > speaking\-evil\.\-gobbling\-sound\-made\-by\-ducks; 36462邴 > name\-of\-a\-city\-in\-the\-ancient\-state\-of\-song; 36463䶘 > the\-sound\-of\-chewing\-something\-dry\-and\-hard; 36464䮲 > horse\-with\-mixed\-colors\-of\-yellow\-and\-white; 36465䦼 > to\-dig\-a\-passage\-through\-a\-mountain\-or\-hill; 36466䥑 > a\-kind\-of\-decoration\-on\-the\-head\-of\-a\-horse; 36467䣯 > wine\-or\-any\-thick\-fluid\-of\-the\-best\-quality; 36468䣚 > name\-of\-a\-village\-in\-today''s\-henan\-province; 36469䣙 > name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-today''s\-shanxi\-province; 36470䢺 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-today''s\-sichuan\-province; 36471䢸 > name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-today''s\-shanxi\-province; 36472䡿 > frames\-on\-the\-sides\-and\-front\-of\-a\-carriage; 36473䡼 > frames\-on\-the\-sides\-and\-front\-of\-a\-carriage; 36474䜯 > name\-of\-a\-valley\-in\-today''s\-shanxi\-province; 36475䘿 > shirt\-or\-a\-jacket\-without\-any\-decorated\-hem; 36476䖂 > an\-edib\-le\-water\-plant\-\-\-\-brasenia\-purpurca; 36477䏮 > the\-sides\-of\-the\-trunk\-from\-armpits\-to\-ribs; 36478䅍 > straight\-upward\-of\-the\-wheat\-and\-rice\-plant; 36479䂸 > to\-smash\-or\-to\-knock\-to\-pieces\-of\-the\-stone; 36480㾼 > to\-suffer\-a\-stroke\-of\-paralysis\-or\-apoplexy; 36481㾯 > to\-suffer\-a\-stroke\-of\-paralysis\-or\-apoplexy; 36482㽫 > seeds\-of\-the\-plant\-allied\-to\-the\-water\-lily; 36483㸷 > a\-kind\-of\-cattle\-with\-two\-horns\-straight\-up; 36484㶬 > bright\-lights\-and\-illuminations\-of\-the\-fire; 36485㶡 > bright\-lights\-and\-illuminations\-of\-the\-fire; 36486㶆 > name\-of\-a\-stream\-in\-hebei\-province\-hengshan; 36487㮫 > a\-wooden\-artical\-to\-be\-used\-to\-adjust\-a\-bow; 36488㫍 > the\-scallops\-along\-the\-lower\-edge\-of\-a\-flag; 36489㧏 > to\-carry\-on\-the\-shouldersof\-two\-or\-more\-men; 36490㛶 > do\-not\-care\-about\-appearance\-and\-deportment; 36491㛧 > name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-today''s\-shanxi\-province; 36492㚔 > instrument\-of\-torture\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 36493㙇 > the\-cattle\-and\-horses\-trampled\-on\-the\-field; 36494娅 > mutual\-term\-of\-address\-used\-by\-sons\-in\-law; 36495鮠 > a\-kind\-of\-shad\-with\-a\-head\-like\-a\-sturgeon; 36496胑 > the\-limbs\.\-wings\-of\-birds\.\-legs\-of\-animals; 36497筭 > an\-ancient\-device\-for\-working\-with\-numbers; 36498滝 > onomatopoeic\-for\-the\-sound\-of\-falling\-rain; 36499婭 > mutual\-term\-of\-address\-used\-by\-sons\-in\-law; 36500䳵 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird\-with\-colorful\-feather; 36501䳛 > a\-small\-brown\-speckled\-bird\-like\-the\-quail; 36502䩑 > horizontal\-front\-bar\-on\-a\-cart\-or\-carriage; 36503䦓 > to\-wait\-for\-something\-tohappen\-immediately; 36504䣤 > name\-of\-village\-in\-today''s\-shanxi\-province; 36505䣝 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-today''s\-shanxi\-province; 36506䣂 > name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-today''s\-hunan\-province; 36507䡩 > sound\-of\-carts\-or\-stones\-knocking\-together; 36508䡏 > horizontal\-front\-bar\-on\-a\-cart\-or\-carriage; 36509䡌 > horizontal\-front\-bar\-on\-a\-cart\-or\-carriage; 36510䠀 > to\-sit\-cross\-legged\-like\-a\-buddhist\-priest; 36511䜫 > name\-of\-a\-valley\-in\-today''s\-hobei\-province; 36512䜚 > to\-speak\-recklessly\-or\-without\-forethought; 36513䓥 > sound\-of\-the\-wriggled\-insects\-on\-the\-grass; 36514䐄 > the\-unsatisfaction\-of\-hunger\-requires\-meat; 36515䍴 > to\-squeeze\-and\-to\-crowd\-against\-each\-other; 36516䍆 > container\-for\-grains\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 36517䇯 > a\-kind\-of\-bamboo\-with\-patterns\-on\-the\-head; 36518㼱 > to\-manage\-or\-regulate\-the\-leather\-material; 36519㯊 > even\-measuring\-board\-for\-pecks\-and\-bushels; 36520㨐 > to\-slap\-lightly\-on\-the\-clothes\-or\-coverlet; 36521㢥 > a\-big\-piece\-of\-log\-to\-join\-the\-thick\-ropes; 36522珈 > an\-ornament\-attached\-to\-a\-woman''s\-hairpin; 36523蜃 > marine\-monster\-which\-can\-change\-its\-shape; 36524斛 > dry\-measure\-equal\-to\-some\-five\-or\-ten\-dou; 36525鄯 > district\-in\-gansu\-during\-the\-tang\-dynasty; 36526庹 > the\-length\-of\-one''s\-two\-outstretched\-arms; 36527揲 > to\-sort\-out\-the\-stalks\-used\-in\-divination; 36528韍 > a\-leather\-knee\-pad\-worn\-during\-sacrifices; 36529鏞 > a\-large\-bell\-used\-as\-a\-musical\-instrument; 36530軎 > a\-brass\-parts\-for\-a\-cart\-in\-ancient\-china; 36531虋 > asparagus\-a\-variety\-of\-red\-stalked\-millet; 36532廞 > to\-prepare\-horses\-and\-chariots\-for\-battle; 36533婗 > a\-new\-born\-child\-the\-whimper\-of\-an\-infant; 36534妺 > wife\-of\-the\-last\-ruler\-of\-the\-xia\-dynasty; 36535噠 > sound\-made\-to\-get\-a\-horse\-to\-move\-forward; 36536丂 > obstruction\-of\-breath\-as\-it\-seeks\-release; 36537䰿 > a\-kind\-of\-small\-fish\-grown\-in\-fresh\-water; 36538䢿 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-today''s\-hobei\-province; 36539䡈 > the\-cross\-bar\-at\-the\-sides\-of\-a\-carritage; 36540䔉 > scattered\-or\-dispersed\-of\-grass\-and\-trees; 36541䑒 > a\-kind\-of\-farm\-tool\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 36542䐣 > soup\-made\-of\-cutted\-meat\-mixed\-with\-blood; 36543䌮 > silk\-fabrics\-with\-the\-color\-of\-new\-leaves; 36544䄨 > grains\-producing\-neither\-flower\-nor\-fruit; 36545䄝 > show\-no\-respect\-to\-the\-service\-of\-worship; 36546㼭 > to\-steady\-by\-putting\-something\-underneath; 36547㻲 > a\-rite\-or\-service\-for\-beginning\-of\-autumn; 36548㪪 > to\-use\-a\-wooden\-pole\-to\-support\-something; 36549㢦 > wooden\-post\-or\-pile\-for\-tethering\-animals; 36550㜢 > a\-bad\-term\-by\-which\-one\-addresses\-a\-woman; 36551㚒 > concealed\-the\-stolen\-goods\-in\-one''s\-dress; 36552踣 > to\-stumble\-and\-fall\-prone\-stiff\-in\-death; 36553黼 > embroidered\-official\-or\-sacrificial\-robe; 36554峄 > a\-range\-of\-peaks\-in\-shandong\-and\-jiangsu; 36555闗 > a\-frontier\-pass\-or\-gate\-to\-shut\-or\-close; 36556邾 > a\-feudal\-state\-which\-existed\-b\.c\.700\-469; 36557薩 > transliteration\-of\-''sat''\-in\-''bodhisattva; 36558膰 > to\-cook\-meat\-for\-a\-sacrifice\-or\-offering; 36559瑌 > a\-white\-opaque\-quartz\-used\-for\-ornaments; 36560潟 > land\-impregnated\-with\-salt\-from\-the\-tide; 36561嶧 > a\-range\-of\-peaks\-in\-shandong\-and\-jiangsu; 36562䵞 > ancient\-punishment\-of\-tattooing\-the\-face; 36563䱹 > a\-condiment\-made\-from\-minced\-fish\-salted; 36564䰼 > a\-condiment\-made\-from\-minced\-fish\-salted; 36565䯰 > use\-a\-hair\-pin\-to\-set\-and\-dress\-the\-hair; 36566䬯 > to\-have\-congee\-with\-friends\-in\-old\-times; 36567䡋 > decoration\-on\-the\-nave\-or\-hub\-of\-a\-wheel; 36568䞃 > to\-relieve\-or\-give\-aid\-to\-the\-distressed; 36569䝩 > to\-relieve\-or\-give\-aid\-to\-the\-distressed; 36570䘯 > the\-lapel\-or\-collar\-of\-a\-garment\-or\-robe; 36571䘤 > a\-sword\-covering\-to\-protect\-the\-scabbard; 36572䑌 > lwhat\-is\-left\-over\-of\-the\-food\-\-overripe; 36573䋧 > ornamennts\-for\-the\-frontal\-part\-of\-shoes; 36574䋣 > decorations\-put\-on\-the\-mane\-or\-horsehair; 36575䊿 > the\-lapel\-or\-collar\-of\-a\-garment\-or\-robe; 36576䈕 > the\-metal\-tongue\-in\-the\-reed\-instruments; 36577䃴 > a\-whetstone\-used\-to\-grind\-precious\-stone; 36578䁼 > to\-look\-but\-see\-nothing\-\-\-\-absent\-minded; 36579㿆 > damage\-by\-the\-pests\-to\-the\-rice\-seedling; 36580㻶 > a\-jade\-tube\-with\-white\-and\-nature\-colors; 36581㻰 > decorated\-jade\-or\-ornament\-on\-a\-scabbard; 36582㻡 > a\-jade\-ring\-with\-a\-small\-segment\-cut\-off; 36583㮆 > eaves\-sprouting\-from\-the\-stump\-of\-a\-tree; 36584㫔 > one\-of\-the\-eight\-diagrams\-for\-divination; 36585㪻 > a\-kind\-of\-utensil\-used\-to\-ladle\-out\-wine; 36586㩊 > to\-pull\-up\-the\-sleeves\-and\-show\-the\-arms; 36587㧭 > to\-get\-something\-with\-both\-raising\-hands; 36588㧚 > the\-gesture\-of\-using\-an\-indented\-contain; 36589㧆 > to\-cover\-something\-with\-a\-piece\-of\-cloth; 36590㡋 > a\-kind\-of\-headdress\-for\-man\-in\-old\-china; 36591㠸 > the\-lapel\-or\-collor\-of\-a\-garment\-or\-robe; 36592㜚 > a\-local\-government\-post\-in\-ancient\-times; 36593㙟 > low\-lying\-on\-the\-side\-of\-a\-river\-or\-lake; 36594喏 > respectful\-reply\-of\-assent\-to\-superiors; 36595笏 > tablet\-held\-by\-someone\-having\-authority; 36596趼 > callous\-skin\-on\-hands\-or\-feet\.\-blisters; 36597饝 > to\-feed\-an\-infant\-by\-hand\-steamed\-bread; 36598裍 > a\-border\-or\-band\-on\-the\-edge\-of\-a\-dress; 36599籪 > a\-weir\-of\-bamboo\-to\-catch\-fish\-or\-crabs; 36600瘲 > spasms\-or\-convulsions\-in\-young\-children; 36601瑲 > tinkling\-sound\-tinkling\-of\-pendant\-gems; 36602弝 > the\-part\-of\-a\-bow\-grasped\-when\-shooting; 36603䥜 > protective\-metal\-on\-the\-axis\-of\-a\-wheel; 36604䙖 > a\-cloth\-to\-carry\-an\-iinfant\-on\-the\-back; 36605䙀 > a\-cloth\-to\-carry\-an\-iinfant\-on\-the\-back; 36606䏫 > in\-between\-of\-the\-abdomen\-and\-the\-spine; 36607䍉 > traces\-or\-marks\-of\-incomplete\-or\-damage; 36608䌸 > fine\-silk\-fabric\-of\-bright\-white\-colour; 36609䋿 > a\-decorative\-knot\-made\-of\-colorful\-silk; 36610䈜 > a\-thread\-used\-by\-carpenters\-for\-marking; 36611䈆 > a\-shallow\-and\-long\-shaped\-bamboo\-basket; 36612㿹 > jutting\-on\-the\-epidermis\-or\-the\-cuticle; 36613㼫 > earthenware\-or\-pottery\-with\-big\-opening; 36614㵻 > to\-perspire\-from\-embarrassment\-or\-shame; 36615㭩 > a\-kind\-of\-tree\-can\-be\-used\-as\-dye\-stuff; 36616㣙 > to\-walk\-in\-an\-easy\-and\-leisurely\-manner; 36617㢪 > to\-draw\-a\-full\-bow\-to\-aim\-at\-the\-target; 36618㘊 > the\-abrupt\-and\-hasty\-sound\-of\-the\-crowd; 36619㖮 > an\-interjection\-used\-in\-poems\-and\-songs; 36620㔮 > a\-kind\-of\-animal\-which\-looks\-like\-a\-rat; 36621啧 > interjection\-of\-approval\-or\-admiration; 36622捺 > to\-press\-down\-heavily\-with\-the\-fingers; 36623傣 > the\-dai\-minority\-living\-in\-south\-china; 36624鸩 > a\-bird\-resembling\-the\-secretary\-falcon; 36625淝 > name\-of\-an\-affluent\-of\-the\-poyang\-lake; 36626郅 > to\-go\-up\-to\.\-flourishing\-a\-superlative; 36627轫 > a\-block\-that\-keeps\-a\-wheel\-from\-moving; 36628嶷 > a\-range\-of\-mountains\-in\-hunan\-province; 36629鬲 > type\-of\-caldron\-with\-three\-hollow\-legs; 36630刖 > cutting\-off\-feet\-as\-form\-of\-punishment; 36631穸 > the\-gloom\-of\-the\-grave\-a\-tomb\-or\-grave; 36632蘅 > a\-fragrant\-plant\-the\-root\-is\-medicinal; 36633鴆 > a\-bird\-resembling\-the\-secretary\-falcon; 36634驆 > used\-in\-transliterating\-buddhist\-books; 36635駏 > offspring\-of\-a\-stallion\-and\-a\-she\-mule; 36636鉌 > the\-bells\-on\-the\-cart\-in\-ancient\-china; 36637軔 > a\-block\-that\-keeps\-a\-wheel\-from\-moving; 36638詧 > to\-examine\-into\-judicially\-to\-find\-out; 36639綳 > a\-cloth\-to\-carry\-an\-infant\-on\-the\-back; 36640綖 > the\-hanging\-flap\-in\-the\-front\-of\-a\-hat; 36641祫 > triennial\-sacrifice\-to\-one''s\-ancestors; 36642磻 > a\-tributary\-of\-the\-wei\-river\-in\-shanxi; 36643斴 > the\-sound\-of\-water\-flowing\-among\-rocks; 36644崑 > kunlun\-mountains\-in\-jiang\-su\-province\.; 36645嘖 > interjection\-of\-approval\-or\-admiration; 36646䰘 > to\-kill\-by\-hanging\-or\-to\-strangulation; 36647䮗 > white\-from\-forehead\-to\-lips\-of\-a\-horse; 36648䪲 > ancient\-punishment\-of\-shaving\-the\-head; 36649䩸 > fine\-woolen\-blanket\-on\-top\-of\-a\-saddle; 36650䩫 > a\-unit\-to\-count\-shoes\-in\-ancient\-times; 36651䦅 > a\-kind\-of\-weapon\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 36652䥐 > cooking\-utensils\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 36653䢇 > a\-son\-who\-is\-not\-so\-good\-as\-his\-father; 36654䛗 > to\-pry\-into\-or\-expose\-another''s\-secret; 36655䚅 > to\-look\-after\-home\-or\-domestic\-affairs; 36656䘨 > short\-leggings\-drawn\-over\-the\-trousers; 36657䖿 > a\-kind\-of\-clam\-with\-thick\-white\-shells; 36658䖽 > a\-kind\-of\-clam\-with\-thick\-white\-shells; 36659䕰 > a\-second\-name\-for\-rhizome\-of\-wind\-weed; 36660䓭 > weed\-or\-grass\-with\-narrow\-thick\-glades; 36661䍻 > young\-goat\-of\-sheep\-under\-one\-year\-old; 36662䍦 > a\-kind\-of\-turban\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 36663䌹 > a\-garment\-of\-one\-colour\-with\-no\-lining; 36664䄪 > hanging\-down\-of\-the\-ears\-of\-the\-grains; 36665䄍 > year\-end\-sacrifice\-of\-the\-zhou\-dynasty; 36666㽠 > connection\-of\-the\-ditches\-or\-waterways; 36667㼮 > to\-rub\-out\-the\-filth\-with\-broken\-tiles; 36668㫩 > the\-first\-of\-the\-four\-season\-\-\-\-spring; 36669磻 > a\-tributary\-of\-the\-wei\-river\-in\-shanxi; 36670㤝 > palpitation\-or\-fluttering\-of\-the\-heart; 36671㤑 > palpitation\-or\-fluttering\-of\-the\-heart; 36672㟌 > a\-mountain\-in\-today''s\-sichuan\-province; 36673㔯 > a\-large\-basket\-for\-holding\-cooked\-rice; 36674笙 > small\-gourd\-shaped\-musical\-instrument; 36675滕 > an\-ancient\-state\-in\-shandong\-province; 36676镛 > large\-bell\-used\-as\-musical\-instrument; 36677讵 > an\-interjection\-used\-express\-surprise; 36678泔 > water\-from\-washing\-rice\-to\-boil\-thick; 36679瘐 > to\-die\-in\-prison\-from\-cold\-and\-hunger; 36680棼 > beams\-in\-the\-roof\-of\-a\-house\-confused; 36681麅 > a\-small\-spotted\-deer\-found\-in\-n\.china; 36682阼 > the\-steps\-leading\-to\-the\-eastern\-door; 36683輗 > a\-cross\-bar\-at\-end\-of\-a\-carriage\-pole; 36684詎 > interjection\-used\-to\-express\-surprise; 36685缌 > coarse\-cotton\-cloth\-used\-for\-mourning; 36686緦 > coarse\-cotton\-cloth\-used\-for\-mourning; 36687硜 > the\-sound\-of\-stones\-knocking\-together; 36688犉 > an\-ox\-with\-yellow\-hair\-and\-black\-lips; 36689煝 > twisted\-paper\-for\-lighting\-cigarettes; 36690帬 > the\-skirt\-of\-a\-lady''s\-dress\-petticoat; 36691嵠 > a\-valley\-with\-a\-stream\-in\-it\.\-a\-gorge; 36692䱗 > a\-long\-narrow\-fish\-trichiurus\-armatus; 36693䱔 > a\-long\-narrow\-and\-silver\-colored\-fish; 36694䪓 > a\-metal\-ornament\-on\-some\-kind\-of\-belt; 36695䨙 > to\-rain\-cats\-and\-dogs\-for\-a\-long\-time; 36696䦊 > an\-appliance\-for\-walking\-on\-the\-sands; 36697䥂 > the\-sharp\-edge\-of\-a\-shovel\-or\-a\-spade; 36698䡕 > the\-rear\-platform\-of\-a\-light\-carriage; 36699䜔 > to\-speak\-on\-the\-ideas\-of\-someone\-else; 36700䖠 > a\-kind\-of\-lizard\-found\-in\-damp\-places; 36701䖜 > the\-fighting\-sound\-made\-by\-two\-tigers; 36702䎒 > flying\-quickly\-and\-to\-attack\-suddenly; 36703䋊 > decorations\-of\-the\-emperor''s\-carriage; 36704䀛 > to\-look\-far\-with\-the\-eyes\-half\-closed; 36705㼨 > a\-water\-jar\-with\-ears\-for\-carrying\-it; 36706㻎 > a\-large\-horizontal\-musical\-instrument; 36707㺪 > an\-uncarved\-of\-unpolished\-jade\-or\-gem; 36708㵿 > endlessly\-long\-or\-vast\-water\-currents; 36709㴩 > name\-of\-a\-stream\-in\-shandong\-province; 36710㯘 > a\-small\-wooden\-stand\-having\-four\-legs; 36711㤍 > never\-reveal\-one''s\-feeling\-or\-emotion; 36712㣠 > a\-rope\-decorated\-with\-bronze\-ornament; 36713㡑 > ancient\-mourning\-turban\-worn\-by\-women; 36714㠑 > high\-mountain\-steep\-rugged\-and\-uneven; 36715㠄 > name\-of\-a\-mountain\-in\-yunnan\-province; 36716㠁 > irregular\-outline\-of\-a\-range\-of\-hills; 36717㟚 > name\-of\-a\-mountain\-in\-shanxi\-province; 36718㞿 > name\-of\-a\-mountain\-in\-shanxi\-province; 36719㞹 > name\-of\-a\-mountain\-in\-shanxi\-province; 36720㚶 > wife\-of\-one''s\-husband''s\-elder\-brother; 36721㘈 > able\-to\-take\-a\-correct\-view\-of\-things; 36722㗰 > the\-character\-used\-in\-transliteration; 36723㒿 > a\-kind\-of\-turban\-used\-in\-ancient\-time; 36724弁 > conical\-cap\-worn\-during\-zhou\-dynasty; 36725酉 > tenth\-of\-the\-twelve\-earthly\-branches; 36726旌 > banner\-or\-flag\-adorned\-with\-feathers; 36727衮 > ceremonial\-dress\-worn\-by\-the\-emperor; 36728溧 > river\-in\-anhui\-and\-jiangsu\-provinces; 36729糍 > food\-made\-of\-crushed\-and\-cooked\-rice; 36730殛 > to\-put\-to\-death\-to\-imprison\-for\-life; 36731狍 > species\-of\-deer\-found\-in\-north\-china; 36732绂 > ribbon\-or\-cord\-used\-attach\-ornaments; 36733磉 > the\-stone\-base\-or\-plinth\-of\-a\-pillar; 36734蕹 > ipomoea\-aquatica\-used\-as\-a\-vegetable; 36735齈 > cold\-in\-the\-head\-catarrh\-of\-the\-nose; 36736鹻 > impure\-carbonate\-of\-sodium\-of\-natron; 36737鶢 > a\-bird\-which\-frequents\-the\-sea\-shore; 36738郪 > name\-of\-a\-stream\-in\-sichuan\-province; 36739轞 > a\-vehicle\-for\-transporting\-prisoners; 36740輹 > two\-pieces\-of\-wood\-underneath\-a\-cart; 36741袞 > ceremonial\-dress\-worn\-by\-the\-emperor; 36742芿 > grass\-which\-has\-been\-cut\-and\-regrown; 36743胬 > a\-disease''s\-name\-in\-chinese\-medicine; 36744紱 > ribbon\-or\-cord\-used\-attach\-ornaments; 36745禊 > semi\-annual\-ceremony\-of\-purification; 36746戥 > a\-small\-steelyard\-for\-weighing\-money; 36747寍 > used\-as\-a\-term\-of\-comparison\:\-rather; 36748咗 > verbal\-particle\-of\-perfective\-aspect; 36749丱 > child''s\-hairstyle\-bound\-in\-two\-tufts; 36750䮤 > one\-of\-the\-36\-gardens\-in\-han\-dynasty; 36751䬭 > name\-of\-a\-legendary\-ferocious\-animal; 36752䪔 > cross\-bar\-of\-wood\-under\-the\-carriage; 36753䧤 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shandong\-province; 36754䤌 > a\-kind\-of\-wine\-be\-brewed\-from\-grains; 36755䠷 > the\-appearance\-of\-height\-in\-a\-person; 36756䠅 > hands\-and\-feet\-chapped\-from\-the\-cold; 36757䝤 > a\-primitive\-tribe\-in\-southwest\-china; 36758䝟 > a\-fierce\-man\-eating\-animal\-in\-legend; 36759䝝 > an\-exclamation\-indicating\-admiration; 36760䛓 > an\-official\-position\-in\-former\-times; 36761䚘 > the\-long\-and\-upright\-horns\-of\-cattle; 36762䖒 > earthenware\-with\-the\-shape\-of\-a\-bean; 36763䕎 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass\-perennial; 36764䓑 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass\-duckweeds; 36765䑗 > to\-pound\-in\-order\-to\-remove\-the\-husk; 36766䑔 > to\-pound\-in\-order\-to\-remove\-the\-husk; 36767䐱 > to\-pick\-the\-meat\-in\-between\-of\-bones; 36768䏁 > unable\-to\-hear\-distinctly\-or\-clearly; 36769䊠 > to\-give\-a\-supply\-f\-grain\-for\-rations; 36770䉟 > a\-bamboo\-basket\-used\-to\-catch\-fishes; 36771䈰 > a\-brush\-for\-washing\-kitchen\-utensils; 36772䇼 > a\-bamboo\-vessel\-used\-to\-catch\-fishes; 36773䄫 > a\-kind\-of\-sorghum\-with\-white\-sprouts; 36774䄈 > sacrifice\-to\-happiness\-and\-good\-luck; 36775䃤 > black\-colored\-grindstone\-or\-whestone; 36776䃎 > name\-of\-a\-place\-\-small\-piece\-of\-coal; 36777䂿 > to\-pound\-in\-order\-to\-remove\-the\-husk; 36778䂹 > sound\-of\-the\-falling\-pieces\-of\-rocks; 36779䁶 > to\-look\-at\-something\-without\-winking; 36780䁵 > newborn\-baby\-with\-the\-eyelids\-closed; 36781㽅 > vessel\-for\-ceremony\-in\-ancient\-times; 36782㸹 > cattle\-with\-white\-stripe\-on\-the\-back; 36783㸗 > not\-a\-real\-father\-or\-a\-nature\-father; 36784㳘 > a\-fountain\-or\-spring\-flows\-downwards; 36785㮯 > whole\-piece\-of\-or\-unbroken\-firewoods; 36786㮜 > a\-blocks\-engraved\-for\-holding\-things; 36787㫪 > to\-pound\-in\-order\-to\-remove\-the\-husk; 36788㟼 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-shandong\-province; 36789㞔 > the\-upright\-bar\-for\-fastening\-a\-door; 36790㝞 > pretend\-to\-be\-delicate\-and\-beautiful; 36791㜹 > name\-of\-a\-folk\-song\-in\-ancient\-times; 36792㚁 > the\-long\-tail\-feathers\-which\-curl\-up; 36793阮 > ancient\-musical\-instrument\:\-surname; 36794喔 > descriptive\-of\-crying\-or\-of\-crowing; 36795琏 > vessel\-used\-to\-hold\-grain\-offerings; 36796邕 > former\-or\-literary\-name\-for\-nanning; 36797魑 > a\-mountain\-demon\-resembling\-a\-tiger; 36798昶 > a\-long\-day\.\-bright\.\-extended\.\-clear; 36799缧 > a\-chain\-or\-rope\-used\-bind\-criminals; 36800螭 > a\-dragon\-whose\-horns\-have\-not\-grown; 36801龀 > lose\-baby\-teeth\-and\-get\-adult\-teeth; 36802肜 > to\-sacrifice\-on\-two\-successive\-days; 36803邗 > an\-ancient\-place\-in\-the\-state\-of\-wu; 36804龆 > lose\-baby\-teeth\-and\-get\-adult\-teeth; 36805齠 > lose\-baby\-teeth\-and\-get\-adult\-teeth; 36806齔 > lose\-baby\-teeth\-and\-get\-adult\-teeth; 36807鐤 > huge\-tripod\-of\-bronze\-with\-two\-ears; 36808觭 > one\-turning\-up\-and\-one\-turning\-down; 36809褱 > to\-carry\-in\-the\-bosom\-or\-the\-sleeve; 36810褢 > to\-carry\-in\-the\-bosom\-or\-the\-sleeve; 36811艜 > a\-long\-narrow\-vessel\-with\-two\-masts; 36812臿 > to\-separate\-the\-grain\-from\-the\-husk; 36813縲 > a\-chain\-or\-rope\-used\-bind\-criminals; 36814絰 > white\-hempen\-cloth\-worn\-by\-mourners; 36815碪 > stone\-slab\-used\-for\-washing\-clothes; 36816盇 > why\-not\?\-would\-it\-not\-be\-better\-to\?; 36817滫 > water\-in\-which\-rice\-has\-been\-boiled; 36818檑 > logs\-rolled\-down\-in\-defense\-of\-city; 36819棳 > small\-pillars\-that\-support\-the\-roof; 36820帗 > a\-multicolored\-prop\-used\-in\-dancing; 36821嘠 > the\-chirping\-of\-birds\-loud\-laughter; 36822唄 > final\-particle\-of\-assertion\-pathaka; 36823倻 > phonetic\-used\-in\-korean\-place\-names; 36824䵺 > boundary\-between\-agricultural\-lands; 36825䵹 > insects\-that\-are\-injurious\-to\-crops; 36826䭍 > to\-live\-with\-another\-at\-his\-expense; 36827䬥 > cooked\-food\-which\-has\-become\-mouldy; 36828䬙 > to\-dance\-and\-toss\-about\-in\-the\-wind; 36829䠫 > to\-succumb\-to\-the\-effect\-of\-alcohol; 36830䝦 > a\-kind\-of\-animal\-looks\-like\-leopard; 36831䜠 > language\-of\-the\-savage\-or\-barbarian; 36832䖺 > a\-legendary\-animal\-in\-ancient\-times; 36833䖥 > insects\-that\-are\-injurious\-to\-crops; 36834䒼 > a\-bamboo\-tray\-for\-raising\-silkworms; 36835䑳 > a\-horizontal\-bar\-in\-front\-of\-a\-boat; 36836䐧 > to\-reward\-or\-cheer\-troops\-with\-food; 36837䎰 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-sichuan\-province; 36838䍟 > a\-kind\-of\-fish\-net\-with\-fine\-meshes; 36839䇨 > a\-bamboo\-basket\-for\-food\-containers; 36840䆎 > grass\-and\-grains\-producing\-no\-fruit; 36841䄻 > a\-second\-time\-growing\-of\-rice\-plant; 36842䀚 > to\-lift\-up\-the\-eyes\-and\-look\-around; 36843㿖 > carbuncle\-used\-in\-naming\-of\-a\-place; 36844㺛 > name\-of\-a\-village\-in\-henan\-province; 36845㷈 > embers\-kept\-for\-starting\-a\-new\-fire; 36846㵁 > vast\-and\-boundless\-of\-flowing\-water; 36847㳕 > water\-in\-which\-rice\-has\-been\-washed; 36848㯪 > carved\-or\-patterned\-window\-railings; 36849㫀 > huge\-tripod\-of\-bronze\-with\-two\-ears; 36850璉 > vessel\-used\-to\-hold\-grain\-offerings; 36851㠙 > a\-mountain\-paths\-name\-of\-a\-mountain; 36852㓭 > to\-make\-ready\-the\-leather\-for\-shoes; 36853㐷 > a\-kind\-of\-punishment\-in\-han\-dynasty; 36854袱 > a\-piece\-of\-cloth\-used\-wrap\-bundles; 36855挲 > to\-feel\-or\-fondle\-with\-the\-fingers; 36856篑 > a\-bamboo\-basket\-for\-carrying\-earth; 36857肓 > region\-between\-heart\-and\-diaphragm; 36858滦 > river\-and\-county\-in\-hebei\-province; 36859郗 > city\-under\-the\-chou\-dyn\.\-a\-surname; 36860珏 > two\-pieces\-of\-jade\-joined\-together; 36861綦 > dark\-grey\.\-variegated\.\-superlative; 36862麇 > general\-name\-for\-the\-hornless\-deer; 36863璎 > a\-necklace\-made\-of\-precious\-stones; 36864掾 > a\-general\-designation\-of\-officials; 36865郇 > an\-ancient\-feudal\-state\-in\-shaanxi; 36866龘 > the\-appearance\-of\-a\-dragon\-walking; 36867鴽 > a\-species\-of\-bird\-resembling\-quail; 36868鄫 > state\-in\-today''s\-shandong\-province; 36869鄇 > a\-name\-of\-a\-town\-in\-henan\-province; 36870迿 > to\-be\-the\-first\-to\-begin\-a\-quarrel; 36871轕 > great\-array\-of\-spears\-and\-chariots; 36872輵 > great\-array\-of\-spears\-and\-chariots; 36873輠 > grease\-pot\-hung\-under\-axle\-of\-cart; 36874膲 > the\-three\-divisions\-of\-the\-viscera; 36875紖 > a\-rope\-for\-leading\-cattle\-or\-horse; 36876簣 > a\-bamboo\-basket\-for\-carrying\-earth; 36877笮 > boards\-which\-support\-tiles\-on\-roof; 36878砅 > cross\-stream\-by\-stepping\-on\-stones; 36879瓔 > a\-necklace\-made\-of\-precious\-stones; 36880璉 > a\-vessel\-used\-hold\-grain\-offerings; 36881珱 > a\-necklace\-made\-of\-precious\-stones; 36882玨 > two\-pieces\-of\-jade\-joined\-together; 36883灤 > river\-and\-county\-in\-hebei\-province; 36884梡 > tray\-for\-carrying\-sacrificial\-meat; 36885挱 > to\-feel\-or\-fondle\-with\-the\-fingers; 36886幵 > even\-level\.\-to\-raise\-in\-both\-hands; 36887嫄 > an\-ancient\-emperor''s\-mother''s\-name; 36888囷 > round\-shaped\-storage\-bin\-for\-grain; 36889䴙 > a\-kind\-of\-bird\-resembling\-the\-duck; 36890䲃 > a\-carp\-like\-fish\-with\-chicken\-feet; 36891䩗 > to\-rule\-by\-might\-rather\-than\-right; 36892䢕 > a\-group\-of\-people\-walking\-together; 36893䚡 > bones\-in\-a\-horn\-of\-cattle\-and\-goat; 36894䙬 > plaits\-on\-the\-sides\-of\-a\-petticoat; 36895䐀 > to\-dismember\-body\-of\-the\-livestock; 36896䎎 > to\-glide\-or\-to\-hover\-up\-in\-the\-air; 36897䍊 > clay\-made\-blowing\-wind\-instruments; 36898䈿 > belt\-of\-the\-canvas\-top\-on\-vehicles; 36899䇮 > a\-bamboo\-mat\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 36900䅚 > closely\-growing\-of\-the\-rice\-plants; 36901䄶 > rice\-plant\-growing\-the\-second\-time; 36902䁾 > red\-and\-swelling\-of\-the\-eye\-socket; 36903䁨 > to\-open\-the\-eyes\-with\-astonishment; 36904㽛 > narrow\-trail\-of\-path\-in\-the\-fields; 36905㺑 > dogs\-wormed\-through\-a\-narrow\-place; 36906㹢 > a\-large\-ape\-found\-in\-western\-china; 36907㹜 > two\-dogs\-are\-barking\-to\-each\-other; 36908㹉 > a\-legendary\-animal\-with\-three\-feet; 36909㷦 > to\-open\-the\-eyes\-with\-astonishment; 36910㶀 > deep\-and\-vast\-of\-the\-flowing\-water; 36911㰶 > to\-wrinkle\-the\-nose\-with\-sorrowful; 36912㭲 > a\-wooden\-frame\-for\-carrying\-things; 36913㡡 > screen\-to\-make\-a\-temporary\-kitchen; 36914㠿 > a\-kind\-of\-delicate\-and\-fine\-fabric; 36915㜺 > nice\-white\-color\-and\-looks\-so\-good; 36916㜵 > with\-a\-charming\-sprightly\-carriage; 36917㚩 > with\-a\-charming\-sprightly\-carriage; 36918㙈 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-shanxi\-province; 36919㖡 > the\-birds\-singing\-during\-the\-night; 36920㕺 > looks\-big\-outside\-but\-empty\-inside; 36921㕄 > to\-apply\-knowledge\-to\-final\-causes; 36922社 > god\-of\-the\-soil\-and\-altars\-to\-him; 36923瑟 > large\-stringed\-musical\-instrument; 36924楞 > used\-for\-ceylon\-in\-buddhist\-texts; 36925喽 > used\-in\-onomatopoetic\-expressions; 36926嚅 > talk\-indistinctly\-and\-falteringly; 36927裱 > to\-mount\-maps\-or\-scrolls\-to\-paste; 36928猢 > a\-kind\-of\-monkey\-found\-in\-w\.china; 36929蜮 > a\-fabulous\-creature\-like\-a\-turtle; 36930呖 > used\-in\-onomatopoetic\-expressions; 36931碡 > stone\-roller\-used\-to\-level\-fields; 36932鄣 > name\-of\-ancient\-city\-in\-n\.jiangsu; 36933粢 > grain\-offered\-in\-ritual\-sacrifice; 36934簦 > large\-umbrella\-with\-a\-long\-handle; 36935螓 > a\-small\-cicada\-with\-a\-square\-head; 36936魊 > a\-mythical\-creature\-said\-hurl\-san; 36937韐 > knee\-pad\-made\-of\-red\-dyed\-leather; 36938軏 > cross\-bar\-at\-end\-of\-poles\-of\-cart; 36939薀 > the\-hippuris\-or\-mare''s\-tail\-plant; 36940蕰 > the\-hippuris\-or\-mare''s\-tail\-plant; 36941聝 > to\-cut\-the\-left\-ears\-of\-the\-slain; 36942耔 > to\-hoe\-up\-the\-earth\-around\-plants; 36943簫 > musical\-instrument\-like\-pan\-pipes; 36944簨 > a\-beam\-for\-hanging\-bells\-or\-drums; 36945簘 > musical\-instrument\-like\-pan\-pipes; 36946箾 > musical\-instrument\-like\-pan\-pipes; 36947礳 > name\-of\-place\-in\-shan\-xi\-province; 36948碫 > coarse\-stone\-\(used\-for\-whetstone\); 36949璯 > jade\-ornament\-in\-the\-seams\-of\-cap; 36950琯 > a\-jade\-tube\-used\-as\-an\-instrument; 36951玁 > a\-dog\-with\-a\-long\-snout\-or\-muzzle; 36952棟 > the\-main\-beams\-supporting\-a\-house; 36953戠 > a\-sword\.\-potter''s\-clay\.\-to\-gather; 36954嚦 > used\-in\-onomatopoetic\-expressions; 36955嘍 > used\-in\-onomatopoetic\-expressions; 36956呭 > final\-particle\-expressing\-consent; 36957呡 > the\-corners\-of\-the\-mouth\-the\-lips; 36958䶬 > hard\-fins\-on\-the\-back\-of\-a\-dragon; 36959䶅 > a\-marmot\-like\-rat\-with\-a\-big\-head; 36960䴓 > general\-term\-for\-small\-bird\-group; 36961䬗 > blown\-or\-tossed\-about\-by\-the\-wind; 36962䧉 > name\-of\-a\-pavilion\-in\-han\-dynasty; 36963䥶 > cooking\-utensil\-used\-in\-old\-times; 36964䥬 > a\-musical\-instrument\-in\-old\-times; 36965䣜 > name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-ancient\-times; 36966䣖 > name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-ancient\-times; 36967䣕 > name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-ancient\-times; 36968䣌 > residence\-of\-a\-prince\-or\-nobility; 36969䡝 > a\-rear\-covering\-of\-a\-big\-carriage; 36970䡊 > the\-protruded\-sides\-of\-a\-carriage; 36971䠚 > to\-step\-on\-the\-ground\-with\-a\-bang; 36972䖃 > the\-water\-is\-waving\-in\-the\-breeze; 36973䕤 > name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-ancient\-times; 36974䒧 > a\-vessel\-or\-utensil\-made\-of\-straw; 36975䍲 > a\-kind\-of\-sheep\-with\-curled\-hairs; 36976䋸 > back\-center\-suture\-of\-the\-clothes; 36977䋛 > the\-clustered\-embroidery\-patterns; 36978䊖 > to\-eat\-rice\-gruel\-mixed\-with\-meat; 36979䆅 > to\-accumulate\-or\-to\-store\-up\-rice; 36980䂧 > rocks\-clustered\-pile\-up\-togethers; 36981䀿 > to\-have\-a\-casual\-and\-short\-glance; 36982䀸 > to\-have\-a\-casual\-and\-short\-glance; 36983㹗 > cattle\-and\-sheep\-have\-no\-children; 36984㶲 > measuring\-unit\-for\-thermodynamics; 36985㵺 > name\-of\-a\-stream\-in\-ancient\-times; 36986㵐 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-hubei\-province; 36987㵋 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-hunan\-province; 36988㱒 > to\-scold\-or\-blame\-in\-a\-loud\-voice; 36989㮾 > a\-place\-in\-today''s\-hunan\-province; 36990㬈 > the\-sun\-was\-shining\-and\-it''s\-warm; 36991㪊 > infested\-with\-bandits\-and\-robbers; 36992㨘 > to\-blow\-the\-nose\-with\-the\-fingers; 36993㟾 > name\-of\-a\-mountain\-in\-county\-jian; 36994㟸 > name\-of\-pavilion\-in\-ancient\-china; 36995㟉 > name\-of\-pavilion\-in\-ancient\-china; 36996㟂 > name\-of\-cape\-in\-shandong\-province; 36997㚪 > to\-make\-a\-deceptive\-show\-of\-power; 36998㒍 > utterly\-weary\-in\-body\-and\-spirits; 36999㐌 > a\-tribe\-of\-savages\-in\-south\-china; 37000捻 > to\-twist\-or\-nip\-with\-the\-fingers; 37001戌 > eleventh\-of\-terrestrial\-branches; 37002搓 > to\-rub\-or\-roll\-between\-the\-hands; 37003尧 > a\-legendary\-ancient\-emperor\-sage; 37004婶 > wife\-of\-father''s\-younger\-brother; 37005掬 > to\-grasp\-or\-hold\-with\-both\-hands; 37006幛 > scroll\-of\-silk\-or\-cloth\-presente; 37007棂 > carved\-or\-patterned\-window\-sills; 37008氲 > life\-giving\-influences\-of\-nature; 37009蚝 > hairy\-and\-poisonous\-caterpillars; 37010澧 > river\-in\-northern\-hunan\-province; 37011筮 > divination\-with\-stalks\-of\-plants; 37012笪 > a\-coarse\-mat\-of\-rushes\-or\-bamboo; 37013馓 > fried\-round\-cakes\-of\-wheat\-flour; 37014箐 > to\-draw\-a\-bamboo\-bow\-or\-crossbow; 37015扃 > a\-door\-bar\-placed\-outside\-a\-door; 37016仉 > surname\-of\-the\-mother\-of\-mencius; 37017骾 > any\-object\-that\-sticks\-in\-throat; 37018饊 > fried\-round\-cakes\-of\-wheat\-flour; 37019醼 > offer\-food\-and\-wine\-one''s\-guests; 37020輧 > curtained\-carriage\-used\-by\-women; 37021軿 > curtained\-carriage\-used\-by\-women; 37022軙 > a\-chinese\-family\-name\-to\-arrange; 37023贁 > to\-defeat\-to\-spoil\-or\-be\-spoiled; 37024賏 > pearls\-or\-shells\-strung\-together; 37025諊 > to\-make\-a\-judicial\-investigation; 37026螆 > hairy\-and\-poisonous\-caterpillars; 37027纙 > string\-on\-which\-coins\-are\-strung; 37028糤 > fried\-round\-cakes\-of\-wheat\-flour; 37029筴 > type\-of\-grass\-used\-in\-divination; 37030琇 > coarse\-variety\-of\-jasper\-or\-jade; 37031氳 > life\-giving\-influences\-of\-nature; 37032櫺 > carved\-or\-patterned\-window\-sills; 37033棫 > thorny\-shrub\-with\-yellow\-flowers; 37034旓 > serrated\-edges\-on\-a\-chinese\-flag; 37035嶲 > a\-name\-of\-an\-old\-town\-in\-sichuan; 37036尭 > a\-legendary\-ancient\-emperor\-sage; 37037嬸 > wife\-of\-father''s\-younger\-brother; 37038塱 > place\-name\-in\-guangdong\-province; 37039堯 > a\-legendary\-ancient\-emperor\-sage; 37040剨 > sound\-of\-something\-being\-smashed; 37041䵬 > black\-sound\-of\-the\-flowing\-water; 37042䴍 > a\-kind\-of\-strange\-and\-weird\-bird; 37043䴉 > general\-term\-for\-a\-group\-of\-bird; 37044䳰 > a\-bird\-resembling\-the\-wild\-goose; 37045䳈 > a\-bird\-resembling\-the\-wild\-goose; 37046䱙 > a\-small\-kind\-of\-tuna\-or\-sturgeon; 37047䰔 > dressed\-hair\-in\-a\-horizontal\-way; 37048䰉 > dressed\-hair\-in\-a\-horizontal\-way; 37049䪬 > sound\-of\-pressing\-something\-down; 37050䩬 > an\-ornamental\-item\-on\-a\-scabbard; 37051䧵 > a\-bird\-like\-the\-secretary\-falcon; 37052䦎 > a\-mechanical\-device\-for\-lead\-ore; 37053䥾 > to\-melt\-or\-cast\-by\-using\-a\-mould; 37054䥱 > to\-melt\-or\-cast\-by\-using\-a\-mould; 37055䥙 > a\-speculum\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 37056䤷 > a\-lance\-with\-three\-or\-two\-points; 37057䣢 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-ancient\-times; 37058䣛 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-ancient\-times; 37059䝁 > a\-kind\-of\-wild\-leguminous\-plants; 37060䛶 > writings\-eulogizing\-adead\-person; 37061䗤 > a\-kind\-of\-worm\-produced\-in\-water; 37062䍰 > a\-plague\-or\-a\-pestilence\-of\-goat; 37063䊊 > well\-boiled\-congee\-or\-rice\-gruel; 37064䉈 > a\-kind\-of\-bamboo\-with\-a\-red\-skin; 37065䈓 > a\-kind\-of\-bamboo\-with\-a\-red\-skin; 37066䇈 > to\-put\-into\-a\-cupboard\-or\-closet; 37067䇀 > ornaments\-of\-fine\-feather\-or\-fur; 37068䅹 > a\-kind\-of\-drill\-for\-sowing\-grain; 37069䅩 > crooked\-and\-winding\-of\-the\-grass; 37070䄼 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-ancient\-times; 37071䄷 > a\-measurement\-equal\-to\-120\-catty; 37072䃪 > a\-platform\-for\-sacrificial\-rites; 37073䂞 > a\-thorny\-tree\-about\-15\-feet\-high; 37074㺜 > fierce\-dog\-with\-long\-shaggy\-hair; 37075㺉 > a\-fierce\-animal\-of\-the\-dog\-tribe; 37076㹡 > a\-rush\-and\-impatient\-disposition; 37077㸡 > board\-to\-block\-the\-water\-current; 37078㸚 > scattered\-or\-dispersed\-and\-clear; 37079㴭 > immeasurable\-depth\-or\-profundity; 37080㳆 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-ancient\-times; 37081㱨 > to\-prepare\-a\-body\-for\-the\-coffin; 37082㬇 > name\-of\-a\-state\-in\-ancient\-china; 37083㩽 > branches\-to\-be\-a\-parasite\-a\-tree; 37084㨒 > to\-cut\-open\-and\-clean\-\-\-\-as\-fish; 37085㢲 > the\-5th\-of\-the\-eight\-diagrams\-八卦; 37086㟨 > a\-fountain\-in\-the\-side\-of\-a\-hill; 37087㛍 > to\-have\-one''s\-ambition\-fulfilled; 37088㚡 > standing\-without\-a\-straight\-back; 37089㚉 > to\-make\-a\-profit\-on\-sell\-and\-buy; 37090㙰 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-ancient\-times; 37091㕣 > a\-marsh\-at\-the\-foot\-of\-the\-hills; 37092们 > adjunct\-pronoun\-indicate\-plural; 37093呢 > interrogative\-or\-emphatic\-final; 37094楼 > building\-of\-two\-or\-more\-stories; 37095药 > leaf\-of\-dahurian\-angelica\-plant; 37096齎 > take\-in\-both\-hands\-and\-offer\-to; 37097丈 > unit\-of\-length\-equal\-3\.3\-meters; 37098挑 > a\-load\-carried\-on\-the\-shoulders; 37099樓 > building\-of\-two\-or\-more\-stories; 37100祝 > pray\-for\-happiness\-or\-blessings; 37101杉 > various\-species\-of\-pine\-and\-fir; 37102朧 > condition\-or\-appearance\-of\-moon; 37103朦 > condition\-or\-appearance\-of\-moon; 37104霸 > rule\-by\-might\-rather\-than\-right; 37105箪 > small\-bamboo\-basket\-for\-holding; 37106醤 > any\-jam\-like\-or\-paste\-like\-food; 37107酱 > any\-jam\-like\-or\-paste\-like\-food; 37108胧 > condition\-or\-appearance\-of\-moon; 37109炕 > the\-brick\-bed\-in\-northern\-china; 37110亥 > last\-of\-twelve\-earthly\-branches; 37111粤 > guangdong\-and\-guangxi\-provinces; 37112粽 > dumpling\-made\-of\-glutinous\-rice; 37113陇 > mountain\-located\-between\-shanxi; 37114闾 > village\-of\-twenty\-five\-families; 37115郦 > place\-in\-today''s\-henan\-province; 37116鞅 > leather\-strap\-over\-horse''s\-neck; 37117邺 > place\-in\-today''s\-henan\-province; 37118铡 > sickle\-for\-cutting\-grass\-or\-hay; 37119骧 > gallop\-about\-with\-head\-uplifted; 37120骢 > horse\-with\-a\-bluish\-white\-color; 37121蛳 > kind\-of\-snail\-with\-spiral\-shell; 37122邳 > a\-department\-in\-the\-state\-of\-lu; 37123郢 > state\-in\-today''s\-hubei\-province; 37124骖 > two\-outside\-ones\-in\-three\-horse; 37125轸 > cross\-board\-at\-rear\-of\-carriage; 37126箜 > ancient\-string\-music\-instrument; 37127郐 > state\-in\-today''s\-henan\-province; 37128轹 > run\-over\-something\-with\-vehicle; 37129栝 > a\-builder''s\-frame\-for\-measuring; 37130獍 > an\-animal\-which\-eats\-its\-mother; 37131鼗 > small\-revolving\-drum\-with\-knobs; 37132鼒 > large\-tripod\-caldron\-with\-small; 37133鶖 > large\-waterfowl\-with\-naked\-head; 37134驤 > gallop\-about\-with\-head\-uplifted; 37135驄 > horse\-with\-a\-bluish\-white\-color; 37136驂 > two\-outside\-ones\-in\-three\-horse; 37137騄 > name\-of\-a\-legendary\-swift\-horse; 37138駬 > name\-of\-a\-legendary\-swift\-horse; 37139餖 > food\-item\-set\-out\-for\-show\-only; 37140頣 > to\-view\-others\-with\-raised\-eyes; 37141隴 > mountain\-located\-between\-shanxi; 37142閭 > village\-of\-twenty\-five\-families; 37143鍘 > sickle\-for\-cutting\-grass\-or\-hay; 37144鋐 > state\-in\-today''s\-hubei\-province; 37145醬 > any\-jam\-like\-or\-paste\-like\-food; 37146酈 > place\-in\-today''s\-henan\-province; 37147鄶 > state\-in\-today''s\-henan\-province; 37148鄴 > place\-in\-today''s\-honan\-province; 37149鄚 > place\-in\-today''s\-hebei\-province; 37150郔 > place\-name\-in\-shandong\-province; 37151邽 > name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-han\-dynasty; 37152邶 > place\-in\-today''s\-henan\-province; 37153轢 > run\-over\-something\-with\-vehicle; 37154軫 > cross\-board\-at\-rear\-of\-carriage; 37155軨 > lattice\-work\-on\-front\-and\-sides; 37156踋 > the\-foot\-or\-feet\-cast\-of\-a\-play; 37157覇 > rule\-by\-might\-rather\-than\-right; 37158襭 > tuck\-up\-hem\-of\-garment\-and\-wrap; 37159裋 > cotton\-clothes\-of\-a\-boy\-servant; 37160衺 > slit\-in\-garment\-to\-aid\-movement; 37161蠨 > a\-kind\-of\-spider\-with\-long\-legs; 37162螣 > mythological\-wingless\-dragon\-of; 37163螄 > kind\-of\-snail\-with\-spiral\-shell; 37164苤 > brassica\-campestris\-subsp\.\-rapa; 37165艕 > two\-boats\-fastened\-side\-by\-side; 37166膫 > the\-fat\-covering\-the\-intestines; 37167縗 > sackcloth\-worn\-on\-breast\-during; 37168糉 > dumpling\-made\-of\-glutinous\-rice; 37169粵 > guangdong\-and\-guangxi\-provinces; 37170簞 > small\-bamboo\-basket\-for\-holding; 37171篪 > a\-bamboo\-flute\-with\-seven\-holes; 37172瞖 > a\-cataract\-or\-film\-over\-the\-eye; 37173畤 > place\-for\-worshipping\-the\-haven; 37174甗 > earthenware\-vessel\-in\-two\-parts; 37175烳 > to\-travel\-by\-the\-light\-of\-torch; 37176灕 > short\-name\-for\-guangxi\-province; 37177沴 > foul\-and\-poisonous\-in\-confusion; 37178樐 > a\-lookout\-turret\-on\-a\-city\-wall; 37179棻 > kind\-of\-wood\-from\-which\-perfume; 37180枌 > variety\-of\-elm\-with\-small\-seeds; 37181垟 > clay\-sheep\-buried\-with\-the\-dead; 37182咠 > to\-whisper\.\-to\-blame\-to\-slander; 37183叧 > to\-cut\-meat\-off\-away\-from\-bones; 37184冔 > cap\-worn\-during\-the\-yin\-dynasty; 37185們 > adjunct\-pronoun\-indicate\-plural; 37186亼 > to\-assemble\.\-to\-gather\-together; 37187乄 > shime\:\-to\-find\-a\-place\-to\-dwell; 37188䶵 > a\-bamboo\-flute\-with\-seven\-holes; 37189䵸 > the\-toad\-that\-lives\-in\-the\-moon; 37190䳡 > a\-kind\-of\-bird\-in\-ancient\-books; 37191䲞 > a\-second\-general\-name\-for\-perch; 37192䱌 > a\-second\-name\-for\-the\-globefish; 37193䰝 > a\-large\-earthen\-pot\-for\-cooking; 37194䰀 > dressed\-hair\-of\-a\-chinese\-woman; 37195䮸 > to\-move\-slowly\-and\-then\-swiftly; 37196䬻 > to\-entertain\-a\-departing\-friend; 37197䪾 > to\-deal\-with\-affairs\-cautiously; 37198䪍 > a\-container\-for\-bows\-and\-arrows; 37199䨣 > leather\-to\-be\-moistened\-by\-rain; 37200䦇 > dressed\-hair\-of\-a\-chinese\-woman; 37201䣣 > name\-of\-a\-place\-name\-of\-a\-place; 37202䟚 > to\-sit\-with\-the\-legs\-spread\-out; 37203䜷 > fermented\-and\-seasoned\-soybeans; 37204䜪 > name\-of\-a\-pavilion\-in\-old\-times; 37205䛀 > reasonable\-authority\-statements; 37206䘅 > a\-small\-gadflies\-and\-mosquitoes; 37207䐃 > fat\-in\-the\-abdomen\-or\-intestine; 37208䍛 > a\-kind\-of\-tool\-used\-to\-get\-fish; 37209䊤 > vegetable\-mixed\-with\-thick\-soup; 37210䂲 > standard\-weights\-used\-in\-scales; 37211䁰 > to\-look\-in\-a\-evil\-or\-wicked\-way; 37212㼖 > gourd\-used\-as\-a\-ladle\-or\-dipper; 37213㻫 > a\-gem\-or\-ornament\-on\-a\-scabbard; 37214㯭 > a\-lookout\-turret\-on\-a\-city\-wall; 37215㮇 > a\-builder''s\-frame\-for\-measuring; 37216㬹 > tendons\-of\-the\-heel\-of\-the\-foot; 37217㬁 > the\-sun\-is\-shining\-on\-the\-water; 37218㧽 > name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-han\-dynasty; 37219轢 > run\-over\-something\-with\-vehicle; 37220閭 > village\-of\-twenty\-five\-families; 37221樓 > building\-of\-two\-or\-more\-stories; 37222㥆 > indulgent\-and\-without\-restraint; 37223㗘 > to\-bite\-the\-hard\-and\-solid\-food; 37224㓢 > to\-cut\-the\-flesh\-from\-the\-bones; 37225㓔 > faded\-and\-fallen\-\-\-\-as\-blossoms; 37226㒻 > to\-go\-forward\-with\-eyes\-covered; 37227幹 > trunk\-of\-tree\-or\-of\-human\-body; 37228尺 > chinese\-measure\-approx\.\-''foot''; 37229米 > hulled\-or\-husked\-uncooked\-rice; 37230鹏 > fabulous\-bird\-of\-enormous\-size; 37231喂 > interjection\-to\-call\-attention; 37232潇 > sound\-of\-beating\-wind\-and\-rain; 37233禹 > legendary\-hsia\-dynasty\-founder; 37234斟 > to\-pour\-wine\-or\-tea\-into\-a\-cup; 37235萼 > the\-stem\-and\-calyx\-of\-a\-flower; 37236阀 > powerful\-and\-influential\-group; 37237楷 > model\-style\-of\-chinese\-writing; 37238辄 > sides\-of\-chariot\-where\-weapons; 37239俑 > wooden\-figure\-buried\-with\-dead; 37240嘹 > used\-describe\-clarity\-of\-voice; 37241轼 > horizontal\-wooden\-bar\-in\-front; 37242馑 > time\-of\-famine\-or\-crop\-failure; 37243伥 > ghost\-of\-one\-devoured\-by\-tiger; 37244绶 > silk\-ribbon\-attached\-as\-a\-seal; 37245鬈 > fine\-growth\-of\-hair\-curly\-hair; 37246磔 > downward\-stroke\-slanting\-right; 37247裢 > folding\-purse\-inserted\-in\-belt; 37248枸 > kind\-of\-aspen\-found\-in\-sichuan; 37249芊 > exuberant\-and\-vigorous\-foliage; 37250鄄 > name\-of\-a\-district\-in\-shandong; 37251鼹 > a\-kind\-of\-insectivorous\-rodent; 37252莼 > an\-edible\-water\-plant\-brasenia; 37253圬 > plaster\-over\-with\-layer\-of\-mud; 37254莩 > membrane\-lining\-inside\-of\-reed; 37255诶 > an\-exclamation\-of\-confirmation; 37256褙 > paper\-or\-cloth\-pasted\-together; 37257茌 > name\-of\-a\-district\-in\-shandong; 37258鼴 > a\-kind\-of\-insectivorous\-rodent; 37259鶋 > a\-sea\-bird\-with\-a\-white\-breast; 37260鵬 > fabulous\-bird\-of\-enormous\-size; 37261鯏 > a\-dialect\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\-name\-of\-fish; 37262饉 > time\-of\-famine\-or\-crop\-failure; 37263饁 > carry\-meal\-to\-workers\-in\-field; 37264閥 > powerful\-and\-influential\-group; 37265鎫 > ornament\-over\-the\-horse''s\-head; 37266輒 > sides\-of\-chariot\-where\-weapons; 37267赙 > gift\-of\-money\-help\-pay\-funeral; 37268賻 > gift\-of\-money\-help\-pay\-funeral; 37269誒 > an\-exclamation\-of\-confirmation; 37270詤 > to\-make\-wild\-statements\-to\-lie; 37271褳 > folding\-purse\-inserted\-in\-belt; 37272蘴 > young\-shoots\-of\-the\-rapeturnip; 37273莝 > to\-chop\-straw\-fine\-for\-animals; 37274腠 > between\-the\-skin\-and\-the\-flesh; 37275翿 > streamer\-adorned\-with\-feathers; 37276綬 > silk\-ribbon\-attached\-as\-a\-seal; 37277筥 > round\-shaped\-bamboo\-basket\-for; 37278痄 > scrofulous\-swellings\-and\-sores; 37279玤 > a\-kind\-of\-gem\-inferior\-to\-jade; 37280煠 > to\-fry\-in\-fat\-or\-oil\.\-to\-scald; 37281瀟 > sound\-of\-beating\-wind\-and\-rain; 37282潏 > fareshare\-reclaimed\-from\-river; 37283漼 > having\-the\-appearance\-of\-depth; 37284欞 > the\-lattice\-of\-a\-window\-a\-sill; 37285曚 > twilight\-just\-before\-sun\-rises; 37286斚 > a\-small\-cup\-of\-stone\-with\-ears; 37287扊 > upright\-bar\-for\-fastening\-door; 37288慜 > name\-of\-a\-monk\-in\-tang\-dynasty; 37289崠 > place\-name\-in\-guangxi\-province; 37290岽 > place\-name\-in\-guangxi\-province; 37291岝 > name\-of\-a\-mountain\-in\-shandong; 37292堭 > a\-dry\-moat\-outside\-a\-city\-wall; 37293堎 > character\-used\-for\-place\-names; 37294嚹 > a\-particle\-implying\-completion; 37295匳 > ladies\-toilet\-case\-with\-mirror; 37296刵 > punishment\-by\-cutting\-off\-ears; 37297䲁 > general\-term\-of\-a\-kind\-of\-fish; 37298䰚 > the\-top\-part\-of\-the\-rice\-gruel; 37299䯵 > hair\-style\-for\-little\-children; 37300䯤 > boneware\-used\-to\-comb\-the\-hair; 37301䯒 > the\-upper\-part\-of\-the\-shinbone; 37302䮔 > a\-young\-and\-fleet\-footed\-horse; 37303䭺 > a\-horse\-to\-raise\-its\-head\-high; 37304䫮 > to\-bend\-or\-lower\-of\-one''s\-head; 37305䫆 > the\-front\-and\-back\-of\-the\-neck; 37306䧒 > steps\-leading\-up\-to\-a\-building; 37307䤛 > component\-parts\-of\-a\-cross\-bow; 37308䣹 > to\-brew\-10\-percent\-of\-the\-wine; 37309䣵 > to\-brew\-the\-wine\-a\-second\-time; 37310䣬 > the\-shiny\-colorful\-of\-the\-wine; 37311䢾 > name\-of\-an\-ancient\-small\-state; 37312䡃 > a\-tool\-for\-brushing\-the\-thread; 37313䜲 > name\-of\-a\-village\-in\-old\-china; 37314䘓 > thick\-blood\-of\-cattle\-and\-goat; 37315䓿 > a\-second\-name\-for\-lotus\-flower; 37316䓹 > to\-stuff\-full\-and\-to\-gulp\-down; 37317䍁 > the\-hem\-or\-border\-of\-a\-garment; 37318䋴 > silk\-fabrics\-with\-mixed\-colors; 37319䋳 > cloth\-or\-paper\-pasted\-together; 37320䉤 > a\-bamboo\-ware\-for\-washing\-rice; 37321䉛 > bamboo\-basket\-for\-washing\-rice; 37322䉓 > mattress\-made\-of\-bamboo\-strips; 37323䈹 > a\-bamboo\-ware\-for\-washing\-rice; 37324䇬 > thin\-bamboo\-laths\-knitted\-sail; 37325䇧 > to\-fill\-an\-opening\-with\-bamboo; 37326䄡 > northern\-minority\-ethnic\-group; 37327䃶 > rugged\-and\-uneven\-of\-the\-rocks; 37328䃚 > rugged\-land\-of\-sand\-and\-pebble; 37329䃂 > dull\-sound\-of\-the\-tolling\-bell; 37330㼡 > a\-small\-jar\-with\-a\-small\-mouth; 37331㵷 > turbulent\-flowing\-of\-the\-water; 37332㵏 > having\-the\-appearance\-of\-depth; 37333㲹 > the\-dry\-soil\-on\-the\-river\-side; 37334㲝 > fine\-hair\-of\-birds\-and\-animals; 37335㯅 > the\-branches\-growing\-downwards; 37336㮂 > an\-appliance\-used\-to\-lift\-food; 37337㬤 > wet\-clothes\-not\-completely\-dry; 37338㪾 > to\-cut\-the\-flesh\-from\-the\-bone; 37339㨙 > to\-clasp\-or\-hold\-under\-the\-arm; 37340㦲 > a\-particle\-expressing\-surprise; 37341㥋 > sound\-of\-the\-anguish\-of\-sorrow; 37342㤯 > clever\-or\-smart\-in\-a\-small\-way; 37343㤔 > to\-concede\-or\-submit\-willingly; 37344㣇 > a\-kind\-of\-beast\-with\-long\-hair; 37345㡞 > a\-sack\-used\-to\-feed\-the\-horses; 37346㠣 > a\-mountain\-in\-jiangxi\-province; 37347㞯 > the\-turning\-area\-of\-a\-mountain; 37348㜆 > commonly\-known\-as\-mother\-in\-wu; 37349㙚 > red\-colored\-hard\-and\-solid\-mud; 37350㘞 > yelling\-sound\-of\-towing\-a\-boat; 37351㔩 > hair\-ornments\-used\-in\-old\-time; 37352㔀 > to\-brand\-criminals\-on\-the\-face; 37353迦 > character\-for\-transliteration; 37354庵 > buddhist\-monastery\-or\-nunnery; 37355庚 > seventh\-of\-ten\-cyclical\-stems; 37356趣 > what\-attracts\-one''s\-attention; 37357畔 > boundary\-path\-dividing\-fields; 37358夾 > be\-wedged\-or\-inserted\-between; 37359辆 > numerary\-adjunct\-for\-vehicles; 37360夹 > be\-wedged\-or\-inserted\-between; 37361怔 > a\-disease\-resembling\-neurosis; 37362陌 > foot\-path\-between\-rice\-fields; 37363骆 > a\-white\-horse\-with\-black\-mane; 37364楣 > crossbeam\-above\-or\-under\-gate; 37365璧 > piece\-of\-jade\-with\-hole\-in\-it; 37366膻 > rank\-odor\-\(of\-sheep\-or\-goats\); 37367玑 > pearl\-that\-is\-not\-quite\-round; 37368唢 > flute\-like\-musical\-instrument; 37369楂 > a\-raft\.\-to\-hew\.\-to\-fell\-trees; 37370犒 > entertain\-victorious\-soldiers; 37371矍 > look\-about\-in\-fright\-or\-alarm; 37372擤 > to\-blow\-the\-nose\-with\-fingers; 37373芡 > plant\-allied\-to\-the\-waterlily; 37374籼 > non\-glutinous\-long\-grain\-rice; 37375桡 > bent\-or\-twisted\-piece\-of\-wood; 37376黻 > special\-pattern\-of\-embroidery; 37377嵝 > goulou\-mountain\-peak\-in\-hunan; 37378垭 > character\-used\-in\-place\-names; 37379硖 > \<arch\>\-town\-in\-hebei\-province; 37380邡 > name\-of\-a\-district\-in\-sichuan; 37381讠 > simplified\-kangxi\-radical\-149; 37382噻 > character\-used\-in\-translation; 37383疬 > scrofulous\-lumps\-or\-swellings; 37384蔟 > frame\-on\-which\-silkworms\-spin; 37385垧 > variable\-unit\-of\-land\-measure; 37386鬏 > a\-coiffure\-on\-top\-of\-the\-head; 37387筘 > \(a\-measure\-of\-width\-of\-cloth\); 37388缑 > cord\-binding\-on\-hilt\-of\-sword; 37389簖 > bamboo\-trap\-for\-catching\-fish; 37390庋 > a\-cupboard\-or\-pantry\-to\-store; 37391甍 > rafters\-supporting\-roof\-tiles; 37392駹 > black\-horse\-with\-a\-white\-face; 37393駱 > a\-white\-horse\-with\-black\-mane; 37394饎 > wine\-and\-food\-eaten\-with\-wine; 37395釄 > wine\-brew\-for\-the\-second\-time; 37396釁 > smear\-with\-blood\-in\-sacrifice; 37397迧 > a\-chinese\-family\-name\-arrange; 37398轘 > tear\-asunder\-between\-chariots; 37399輛 > numerary\-adjunct\-for\-vehicles; 37400輙 > sides\-of\-chariot\-were\-weapons; 37401輌 > numerary\-adjunct\-for\-vehicles; 37402詀 > garrulous\-to\-whisper\.\-to\-joke; 37403訹 > to\-beguile\-with\-false\-stories; 37404藊 > a\-kind\-of\-bean\-with\-flat\-pods; 37405舠 > long\-narrow\-knife\-shaped\-boat; 37406翣 > feathers\-used\-decorate\-coffin; 37407縓 > orange\-or\-reddish\-yellow\-silk; 37408緱 > cord\-binding\-on\-hilt\-of\-sword; 37409糏 > rice\-grits\-left\-after\-hulling; 37410篘 > a\-utensil\-used\-to\-filter\-wine; 37411秈 > non\-glutinous\-long\-grain\-rice; 37412硤 > \<arch\>\-town\-in\-hebei\-province; 37413矰 > arrow\-with\-attached\-silk\-cord; 37414癧 > scrofulous\-lumps\-or\-swellings; 37415璣 > pearl\-that\-is\-not\-quite\-round; 37416玃 > a\-large\-ape\-found\-in\-w\.\-china; 37417猇 > the\-scream\-or\-roar\-of\-a\-tiger; 37418牸 > the\-female\-of\-certain\-animals; 37419滙 > waters\-converging\-to\-one\-spot; 37420滘 > character\-used\-in\-place\-names; 37421橈 > bent\-or\-twisted\-piece\-of\-wood; 37422椊 > to\-fit\-a\-handle\-into\-a\-socket; 37423暐 > the\-bright\-shining\-of\-the\-sun; 37424昳 > the\-declining\-sun\-in\-the\-west; 37425捬 > press\-down\-heavily\-with\-hands; 37426抔 > take\-or\-hold\-up\-in\-both\-hands; 37427嶁 > goulou\-mountain\-peak\-in\-hunan; 37428崾 > place\-name\-in\-shanxi\-province; 37429峫 > mountain\-in\-shandong\-province; 37430姅 > woman\-at\-time\-of\-menstruation; 37431壼 > palace\-corridor\-or\-passageway; 37432壍 > moat\-around\-a\-city\.\-a\-channel; 37433埡 > character\-used\-in\-place\-names; 37434嗪 > character\-used\-in\-translation; 37435嗩 > flute\-like\-musical\-instrument; 37436啩 > particle\-implying\-probability; 37437叐 > to\-prick\-a\-dog\-to\-make\-him\-go; 37438卐 > swastika\-fourth\-of\-auspicious; 37439卍 > swastika\-fourth\-of\-auspicious; 37440䶕 > irregular\-and\-prominent\-teeth; 37441䵘 > dosen''t\-t\-stick\-to\-each\-other; 37442䲵 > a\-general\-name\-of\-small\-birds; 37443䯆 > small\-and\-thin\-piece\-of\-bones; 37444䫲 > thin\-and\-sickly\-in\-appearance; 37445䫤 > between\-the\-eyebrows\-and\-eyes; 37446䫡 > a\-long\-shape\-of\-head\-and\-face; 37447䫋 > female\-attendants\-or\-servants; 37448䧐 > a\-mountain\-in\-shanxi\-province; 37449䥣 > an\-instrument\-for\-boring\-wood; 37450䥉 > the\-curved\-iron\-part\-of\-a\-hoe; 37451䤒 > wine\-made\-from\-glutinous\-rice; 37452䤍 > rotten\-paste\-or\-soybean\-sauce; 37453䠽 > height\-or\-stature\-of\-a\-person; 37454䠱 > to\-walk\-slowly\-and\-cautiously; 37455䟧 > sound\-of\-treading\-or\-stepping; 37456䞇 > gifts\-to\-superiors\-or\-friends; 37457䝽 > name\-of\-a\-person\-in\-old\-china; 37458䝙 > a\-kind\-of\-animal\-like\-a\-tiger; 37459䝗 > a\-kind\-of\-animal\-like\-a\-tiger; 37460䜈 > to\-speak\-on\-behalf\-of\-another; 37461䘳 > a\-garment\-of\-single\-thickness; 37462䏼 > what\-is\-left\-over\-of\-the\-food; 37463䎢 > to\-measure\-by\-pints\-and\-pecks; 37464䎑 > flying\-over\-the\-water\-surface; 37465䍮 > young\-goat\-under\-one\-year\-old; 37466䍂 > tools\-to\-draw\-water\-or\-liquid; 37467䌿 > the\-breadth\-of\-cloth\-or\-paper; 37468䌗 > the\-left\-over\-of\-drawing\-silk; 37469䌈 > to\-get\-something\-with\-a\-lasso; 37470䉥 > a\-small\-basket\-for\-chopsticks; 37471䆺 > whirling\-of\-the\-flowing\-water; 37472䅢 > mature\-or\-ripen\-of\-the\-grains; 37473㿶 > the\-sides\-of\-a\-shoe\-or\-gutter; 37474㽰 > carved\-window\-frame\-on\-a\-door; 37475㹯 > a\-kind\-of\-animal\-like\-a\-tiger; 37476㹂 > untamed\-and\-indocility\-cattle; 37477㴄 > the\-water\-flowing\-in\-a\-turned; 37478㰉 > the\-hazel\-nut\-or\-filbert\-tree; 37479㭟 > torture\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 37480㫐 > distant\-and\-indistinguishable; 37481㡻 > name\-of\-a\-small\-ancient\-state; 37482㛐 > wife\-of\-one''s\-elder''s\-brother; 37483㚆 > to\-do\-something\-in\-an\-old\-way; 37484㖟 > to\-deliver\-over\-to\-personally; 37485件 > numerary\-adjunct\-for\-article; 37486吗 > final\-interrogative\-particle; 37487麽 > interrogative\-final\-particle; 37488矣 > particle\-of\-completed\-action; 37489乒 > used\-with\-pong\-for\-ping\-pong; 37490乓 > used\-with\-ping\-for\-ping\-pong; 37491咚 > used\-as\-description\-of\-sound; 37492琅 > a\-variety\-of\-white\-carnelian; 37493孰 > who\?\-which\?\-what\?\-which\-one\?; 37494戊 > fifth\-of\-ten\-celestial\-stems; 37495渲 > add\-repeated\-washes\-of\-color; 37496咫 > foot\-measure\-of\-zhou\-dynasty; 37497饷 > rations\-and\-pay\-for\-soldiers; 37498汶 > a\-river\-in\-shandong\-province; 37499叁 > bank\-form\-of\-numeral\-''three''; 37500壬 > ninth\-of\-ten\-celestial\-stems; 37501柩 > coffin\-which\-contains\-corpse; 37502桠 > the\-forking\-branch\-of\-a\-tree; 37503甏 > a\-squat\-jar\-for\-holding\-wine; 37504笞 > bamboo\-rod\-used\-for\-beatings; 37505阗 > a\-place\-in\-xinjiang\-province; 37506铉 > device\-for\-carrying\-a\-tripod; 37507觥 > a\-cup\-made\-of\-horn\-obstinate; 37508裣 > draw\-one''s\-hands\-into\-sleeve; 37509崃 > mountain\-in\-sichuan\-province; 37510罘 > screen\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 37511氇 > thick\-rough\-serge\-from\-tibet; 37512埴 > soil\-with\-large\-clay\-content; 37513昴 > one\-of\-the\-28\-constellations; 37514菹 > salted\-or\-pickled\-vegetables; 37515麼 > interrogative\-final\-particle; 37516鵭 > a\-small\-bird\-with\-black\-neck; 37517饟 > rations\-and\-pay\-for\-soldiers; 37518餉 > rations\-and\-pay\-for\-soldiers; 37519隒 > the\-appearance\-of\-a\-mountain; 37520闐 > a\-place\-in\-xinjiang\-province; 37521鉉 > device\-for\-carrying\-a\-tripod; 37522醁 > a\-kind\-of\-green\-colored\-wine; 37523邿 > a\-state\-in\-shandong\-province; 37524轖 > framework\-of\-lattice\-on\-cart; 37525觵 > a\-cup\-made\-of\-corn\-obstinate; 37526襝 > draw\-one''s\-hands\-into\-sleeve; 37527耇 > wrinkled\-face\-of\-the\-elderly; 37528羴 > rank\-odour\-of\-sheep\-or\-goats; 37529絃 > string\-on\-musical\-instrument; 37530筻 > place\-name\-in\-hunan\-province; 37531竚 > stand\-and\-wait\-for\-long\-time; 37532睙 > to\-roll\-the\-eyeballs\-to\-look; 37533瑂 > \(stone\-which\-resembles\-jade\); 37534燺 > the\-dry\-at\-the\-fire\-to\-roast; 37535灉 > a\-river\-in\-shandong\-province; 37536瀔 > river\-name\-in\-henan\-province; 37537汧 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shangdong; 37538氌 > thick\-rough\-serge\-from\-tibet; 37539橵 > wood\-placed\-under\-roof\-tiles; 37540椏 > the\-forking\-branch\-of\-a\-tree; 37541曈 > twilight\-just\-before\-sunrise; 37542旟 > an\-military\-flag\-oa\-standard; 37543扨 > pick\-up\-with\-fork\-or\-pincers; 37544扠 > pick\-up\-with\-fork\-or\-pincers; 37545幰 > curtain\-at\-front\-of\-carriage; 37546崍 > mountain\-in\-sichuan\-province; 37547崀 > place\-name\-in\-hunan\-province; 37548娀 > name\-of\-a\-concubine\-of\-di\-ku; 37549埄 > whirling\-of\-dust\-in\-the\-wind; 37550嗎 > final\-interrogative\-particle; 37551䵠 > rushes\-used\-form\-making\-mats; 37552䳍 > a\-kind\-of\-pheasant\-like\-bird; 37553䱱 > a\-kind\-of\-slippery\-long\-fish; 37554䮇 > black\-horse\-with\-white\-thigh; 37555䬠 > the\-falling\-of\-snow\-and\-rain; 37556䪭 > a\-kind\-of\-musical\-instrument; 37557䪉 > metal\-decoration\-on\-a\-halter; 37558䩡 > a\-kind\-of\-boots\-in\-old\-times; 37559䦜 > name\-of\-a\-state\-in\-old\-times; 37560䥺 > name\-of\-a\-double\-edged\-sword; 37561䥕 > the\-blade\-or\-edge\-of\-a\-spade; 37562䤉 > emptied\-the\-drink\-completely; 37563䣡 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-old\-times; 37564䣏 > name\-of\-a\-state\-in\-old\-times; 37565䢼 > name\-of\-a\-state\-in\-old\-times; 37566䡑 > the\-rim\-or\-felloe\-of\-a\-wheel; 37567䠴 > with\-a\-symmetric\-well\-formed; 37568䝵 > to\-thank\-with\-money\-or\-gifts; 37569䙗 > a\-swaddling\-cloth\-for\-infant; 37570䘻 > curtain\-on\-a\-carriage\-or\-car; 37571䘺 > a\-seam\-which\-has\-come\-unsewn; 37572䘵 > hissing\-sound\-of\-the\-clothes; 37573䔛 > fibrous\-plant\-of\-which\-cloth; 37574䓜 > salted\-or\-pickled\-vegetables; 37575䑹 > a\-numerary\-adjunct\-for\-ships; 37576䍠 > turban\-used\-in\-ancient\-times; 37577䌋 > a\-herchief\-hung\-at\-the\-waist; 37578䋩 > pretty\-and\-fine\-silk\-fabrics; 37579䋏 > thick\-and\-big\-ropes\-or\-cords; 37580䋋 > a\-kind\-of\-spring\-fishing\-net; 37581䆶 > noise\-of\-a\-mouse\-in\-the\-cave; 37582䅳 > stalk\-of\-the\-panicled\-millet; 37583䅭 > a\-variety\-of\-panicled\-millet; 37584䅣 > a\-variety\-of\-panicled\-millet; 37585䅌 > stalk\-of\-wheat\-or\-rice\-plant; 37586䃋 > a\-fine\-stone\-resembling\-jade; 37587䂵 > sound\-of\-bumping\-or\-striking; 37588䂯 > a\-fine\-stone\-resembling\-jade; 37589䂫 > noise\-of\-stones\-rolling\-down; 37590䂥 > a\-fine\-stone\-resembling\-jade; 37591䀳 > not\-to\-look\-straight\-forward; 37592㾴 > the\-erythema\-of\-acne\-rosacea; 37593㹥 > a\-yellow\-dog\-with\-black\-head; 37594㹁 > generally\-called\-the\-animals; 37595㵵 > swift\-currents\-of\-the\-stream; 37596㵎 > a\-mountain\-stream\-or\-torrent; 37597㴚 > the\-small\-ditch\-in\-the\-field; 37598㰆 > an\-instrument\-to\-blow\-a\-fire; 37599㰁 > a\-tree\-with\-slanted\-branches; 37600㯳 > a\-kind\-of\-tool\-to\-adjust\-bow; 37601㮴 > a\-numerary\-adjunct\-for\-ships; 37602㥜 > unsuccessful\-in\-one''s\-career; 37603㡱 > to\-cauterize\-by\-burning\-moxa; 37604㠱 > to\-set\-with\-the\-legs\-clossed; 37605㜌 > a\-different\-name\-for\-breasts; 37606㙾 > hills\-with\-lots\-of\-big\-rocks; 37607㙛 > a\-person''s\-name\-in\-old\-times; 37608㗾 > to\-give\-vent\-to\-the\-feelings; 37609㗆 > sound\-of\-the\-ringed\-pheasant; 37610㓳 > use\-knife\-to\-split\-something; 37611㑟 > insincere\-and\-cunning\-person; 37612啦 > final\-particle\-of\-assertion; 37613综 > arrange\-threads\-for\-weaving; 37614拭 > wipe\-away\-stains\-with\-cloth; 37615叮 > exhort\-or\-enjoin\-repeatedly; 37616戟 > halberd\-with\-crescent\-blade; 37617凛 > to\-shiver\-with\-cold\-or\-fear; 37618栋 > main\-beams\-supporting\-house; 37619髦 > flowing\-hair\-of\-young\-child; 37620筝 > stringed\-musical\-instrument; 37621丙 > third\-of\-the\-heavenly\-stems; 37622沂 > river\-in\-southeast\-shandong; 37623笈 > bamboo\-box\-used\-carry\-books; 37624瓢 > ladle\-made\-from\-dried\-gourd; 37625呗 > final\-particle\-of\-assertion; 37626簧 > reed\-of\-woodwind\-instrument; 37627蛟 > scaly\-dragon\-with\-four\-legs; 37628敕 > an\-imperial\-order\-or\-decree; 37629裟 > a\-cassock\-or\-robe\-of\-a\-monk; 37630碴 > chipped\-edge\-of\-a\-container; 37631瘴 > malaria\-pestilential\-vapors; 37632纶 > green\-silk\-thread\-or\-tassel; 37633罡 > the\-name\-of\-a\-certain\-stars; 37634癸 > last\-of\-ten\-celestial\-stems; 37635橇 > a\-sledge\-for\-transportation; 37636皋 > the\-high\-land\-along\-a\-river; 37637潍 > county\-in\-shandong\-province; 37638洙 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shandong; 37639獠 > to\-hunt\-at\-night\-by\-torches; 37640麒 > legendary\-auspicious\-animal; 37641珩 > the\-top\-gem\-of\-the\-pendants; 37642谥 > to\-confer\-posthumous\-titles; 37643秫 > glutinous\-variety\-of\-millet; 37644竽 > ancient\-woodwind\-instrument; 37645崮 > \(element\-in\-mountain\-names\); 37646愀 > to\-change\-one''s\-countenance; 37647鄢 > name\-of\-a\-district\-in\-honan; 37648癍 > unhealthy\-marks\-on\-the\-skin; 37649鄞 > county\-in\-zhejiang\-province; 37650雒 > black\-horse\-with\-white\-mane; 37651旒 > fringes\-of\-pearls\-on\-crowns; 37652琊 > a\-place\-in\-eastern\-shandong; 37653蚨 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-beetle\-cash; 37654毳 > fine\-hair\-or\-fur\-on\-animals; 37655瘥 > to\-recover\-from\-any\-disease; 37656渑 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shandong; 37657浈 > river\-in\-guangdong\-province; 37658嘧 > \(phonetic\)\-as\-in\-pyrimidine; 37659鵾 > a\-bird\-resembling\-the\-crane; 37660鮨 > epinephelus\-septemfasciatus; 37661飦 > well\-boiled\-congee\-or\-gruel; 37662雊 > the\-crow\-of\-a\-male\-pheasant; 37663隺 > a\-bird\-flying\-high\-ambition; 37664醱 > to\-brew\-for\-the\-second\-time; 37665醗 > to\-brew\-for\-the\-second\-time; 37666酖 > wine\-with\-bird\-poison\-added; 37667鄿 > county\-in\-xinjiang\-province; 37668鄩 > county\-in\-shandong\-province; 37669鄍 > a\-town\-in\-shandong\-province; 37670蹚 > tread\-through\-mud\-and\-water; 37671謚 > to\-confer\-posthumous\-titles; 37672褘 > ceremonial\-gowns\-of\-a\-queen; 37673蟰 > small\-spider\-with\-long\-legs; 37674蛕 > the\-common\-intestinal\-worms; 37675肷 > area\-between\-waist\-and\-hips; 37676綸 > green\-silk\-thread\-or\-tassel; 37677綜 > arrange\-threads\-for\-weaving; 37678籄 > a\-basket\-for\-carrying\-earth; 37679箏 > stringed\-musical\-instrument; 37680箎 > ancient\-woodwind\-instrument; 37681筎 > thin\-outside\-skin\-of\-bamboo; 37682瞤 > to\-blink\-or\-twitch\-the\-eyes; 37683皐 > the\-high\-land\-along\-a\-river; 37684濰 > county\-in\-shandong\-province; 37685澠 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shandong; 37686湞 > river\-in\-guangdong\-province; 37687淠 > luxuriant\-\(of\-water\-plants\); 37688浰 > attend\-\(official\-functions\); 37689泑 > the\-vitreous\-glaze\-on\-china; 37690殨 > to\-open\-as\-an\-ulcer\-or\-sore; 37691枏 > a\-variety\-of\-evergreen\-tree; 37692旈 > fringes\-of\-pearls\-on\-crowns; 37693搇 > to\-press\-down\-with\-the\-hand; 37694弸 > a\-bow\-stretched\-to\-the\-full; 37695巠 > streams\-running\-underground; 37696嵛 > county\-in\-shandong\-province; 37697崳 > county\-in\-shandong\-province; 37698崙 > kunlun\-mountains\-in\-jiangsu; 37699崘 > kunlun\-mountains\-in\-jiangsu; 37700崐 > kunlun\-mountains\-in\-jiangsu; 37701堳 > land\-allotment\-feudal\-noble; 37702噕 > to\-speak\-falsely\-or\-wrongly; 37703噅 > to\-speak\-falsely\-or\-wrongly; 37704丩 > to\-join\-or\-connect\-the\-vine; 37705丒 > the\-period\-from\-1\-to\-3\-a\.m\.; 37706䵅 > to\-extract\-by\-applying\-heat; 37707䴳 > distiller''s\-grains\-or\-yeast; 37708䴭 > distiller''s\-grains\-or\-yeast; 37709䳞 > birds\-flying\-all\-directions; 37710䳊 > a\-wild\-duck\-like\-water\-bird; 37711䳃 > a\-kind\-of\-phoenix\-like\-bird; 37712䳁 > a\-wild\-duck\-like\-water\-bird; 37713䪷 > to\-toil\-or\-labor\-sedulously; 37714䪇 > cushioned\-seat\-on\-a\-vehicle; 37715䩿 > a\-big\-drum\-used\-in\-the\-army; 37716䧘 > a\-low\-wall\-on\-the\-road\-side; 37717䦲 > eaves\-of\-a\-ancestral\-temple; 37718䤻 > heavy\-iron\-part\-of\-a\-plough; 37719䣲 > to\-heat\-the\-wine\-over\-night; 37720䢯 > to\-choose\-or\-select\-careful; 37721䠋 > bell\-shaped\-with\-large\-base; 37722䟮 > to\-crawl\-on\-hands\-and\-knees; 37723䜸 > small\-pieces\-of\-bean\-stalks; 37724䜇 > to\-speak\-not\-in\-a\-clear\-way; 37725䚣 > crooked\-horns\-of\-the\-animal; 37726䚜 > cattle\-with\-crosswise\-horns; 37727䙣 > ragged\-garments\-or\-clothing; 37728䙕 > clothes\-that\-have\-no\-lining; 37729䙔 > clothes\-made\-of\-poor\-fabric; 37730䙓 > the\-lower\-part\-of\-a\-garment; 37731䘹 > clothes\-that\-have\-no\-lining; 37732䘥 > the\-front\-of\-a\-chinese\-gown; 37733䘣 > clothes\-that\-have\-no\-lining; 37734䘁 > a\-blue\-green\-colored\-cicada; 37735䗵 > a\-disease\-attacked\-silkworm; 37736䕮 > flower\-of\-the\-chrysanthemum; 37737䕦 > flower\-of\-the\-chrysanthemum; 37738䔥 > common\-variety\-of\-artemisia; 37739䔟 > shake\-and\-wave\-of\-the\-grass; 37740䐼 > thin\-membrane\-of\-the\-throat; 37741䐯 > ugly\-appearance\-of\-a\-person; 37742䐑 > thin\-cut\-of\-the\-sliced\-meat; 37743䍺 > a\-legendary\-goat\-like\-beast; 37744䌼 > a\-kind\-of\-fine\-silk\-fabrics; 37745䌄 > a\-rope\-for\-drawing\-up\-water; 37746䋁 > a\-rope\-for\-drawing\-up\-water; 37747䊞 > to\-roll\-round\-with\-the\-hand; 37748䊕 > well\-boiled\-congee\-or\-gruel; 37749䊈 > distiller''s\-grains\-or\-yeast; 37750䉺 > deteriorated\-and\-become\-red; 37751䉹 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37752䉸 > slips\-of\-bamboo\-for\-writing; 37753䉳 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37754䉭 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37755䉫 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37756䉦 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37757䉡 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37758䉠 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37759䉚 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37760䉙 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37761䉏 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37762䉆 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37763䉄 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37764䉁 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37765䈽 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37766䈼 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37767䈲 > a\-bamboo\-basket\-for\-fishing; 37768䈯 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37769䈭 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37770䈣 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37771䈢 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37772䈡 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37773䈝 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37774䈘 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37775䈗 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37776䈖 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37777䈏 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37778䈍 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37779䈌 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37780䈋 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37781䈊 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37782䇺 > beans\-and\-peas\-collectively; 37783䇵 > one\-of\-the\-wind\-instruments; 37784䇪 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37785䇞 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37786䇛 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37787䇙 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-bamboo; 37788䅪 > disease\-of\-the\-private\-part; 37789䄰 > forty\-bundles\-of\-rice\-plant; 37790䃇 > ink\-for\-imprinting\-of\-seals; 37791䀑 > to\-gouge\-out\-an\-eye\-or\-eyes; 37792㿀 > unhealthy\-marks\-on\-the\-skin; 37793㽎 > the\-profundity\-of\-the\-harem; 37794㼠 > a\-crock\-with\-narrow\-opening; 37795㺬 > a\-large\-piece\-of\-jade\-stone; 37796㺒 > barking\-of\-a\-frightened\-dog; 37797㹖 > to\-feed\-animals\-with\-grains; 37798㸒 > to\-absurd\-pursuit\-or\-desire; 37799㮀 > tool\-to\-clear\-out\-the\-water; 37800㭕 > a\-board\-for\-carrying\-things; 37801㩛 > to\-roll\-round\-with\-the\-hand; 37802㩆 > to\-be\-in\-full\-possession\-of; 37803㨫 > to\-be\-in\-full\-possession\-of; 37804崙 > kunlun\-mountains\-in\-jiangsu; 37805㧕 > to\-feel\-or\-touch\-with\-hands; 37806㧂 > a\-cave\-a\-hold\-in\-the\-ground; 37807㦐 > a\-straightforward\-character; 37808㥴 > do\-not\-care\-about\-something; 37809駱 > white\-horse\-with\-black\-mane; 37810㢬 > a\-bow\-stretched\-to\-the\-full; 37811㡵 > roof\-of\-the\-house\-connected; 37812㠟 > a\-mountain\-in\-ancient\-times; 37813㛽 > to\-walk\-slowly\-like\-a\-woman; 37814㛮 > wife\-of\-one''s\-elder\-brother; 37815㓈 > sound\-of\-flying\-or\-speeding; 37816㒫 > choked\-and\-unable\-to\-breath; 37817㒖 > the\-root\-stock\-of\-the\-lotus; 37818畦 > sections\-in\-vegetable\-farm; 37819町 > raised\-path\-between\-fields; 37820囁 > move\-lips\-as\-when\-speaking; 37821伦 > normal\-human\-relationships; 37822嘛 > final\-exclamatory\-particle; 37823萨 > buddhist\-gods\-or\-immortals; 37824桐 > name\-applied\-various\-trees; 37825蒂 > peduncle\-or\-stem\-of\-plants; 37826紺 > dark\-blue\-or\-reddish\-color; 37827棵 > numerary\-adjunct\-for\-trees; 37828株 > numerary\-adjunct\-for\-trees; 37829哉 > final\-exclamatory\-particle; 37830憋 > to\-suppress\-inner\-feelings; 37831孜 > be\-as\-diligent\-as\-possible; 37832粱 > better\-varieties\-of\-millet; 37833峒 > mountain\-in\-gansu\-province; 37834榨 > to\-press\-or\-extract\-juices; 37835嗫 > move\-lips\-as\-when\-speaking; 37836鄱 > county\-and\-lake\-in\-jiangxi; 37837菠 > spinach\-and\-similar\-greens; 37838淞 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-jiangsu; 37839淄 > river\-in\-shandong\-province; 37840菏 > river\-in\-shandong\-province; 37841悱 > to\-be\-desirous\-of\-speaking; 37842漯 > river\-in\-northern\-shandong; 37843蕙 > species\-of\-fragrant\-orchid; 37844滁 > district\-in\-anhui\-province; 37845狁 > a\-tribe\-of\-scythian\-nomads; 37846酢 > toast\-one''s\-host\-with\-wine; 37847衿 > collar\-or\-lapel\-of\-garment; 37848嶝 > path\-leading\-up\-a\-mountain; 37849旃 > silk\-banner\-with\-bent\-pole; 37850齑 > break\-or\-smash\-into\-pieces; 37851绀 > dark\-blue\-or\-reddish\-color; 37852脘 > internal\-cavity\-of\-stomach; 37853镒 > measure\-of\-weight\-for\-gold; 37854眭 > evil\-look\-of\-deep\-set\-eyes; 37855锖 > the\-color\-of\-the\-a\-mineral; 37856邙 > mountain\-in\-henan\-province; 37857塍 > raised\-path\-between\-fields; 37858敫 > ancient\-musical\-instrument; 37859泺 > river\-in\-shandong\-province; 37860萑 > grass\-used\-for\-making\-mats; 37861觯 > wine\-goblet\-made\-from\-horn; 37862舣 > to\-moor\-a\-boat\-to\-the\-bank; 37863齏 > break\-or\-smash\-into\-pieces; 37864馵 > horse\-with\-white\-back\-legs; 37865飣 > display\-food\-for\-show\-only; 37866韲 > break\-or\-smash\-into\-pieces; 37867闒 > upper\-story\-door\-or\-window; 37868鎰 > measure\-of\-weight\-for\-gold; 37869銁 > a\-weight\-of\-thirty\-cattics; 37870醊 > to\-pour\-wine\-in\-a\-libation; 37871郿 > county\-in\-shaanxi\-province; 37872郳 > state\-in\-shandong\-province; 37873郠 > place\-in\-shandong\-province; 37874郚 > towns\-in\-shandong\-province; 37875郕 > state\-in\-shandong\-province; 37876郈 > place\-in\-shandong\-province; 37877邠 > county\-in\-shaanxi\-province; 37878輤 > a\-pall\-to\-cover\-the\-hearse; 37879踒 > to\-slip\-and\-sprain\-a\-blimb; 37880觶 > wine\-goblet\-made\-from\-horn; 37881覐 > a\-sleep\-to\-realize\-to\-feel; 37882虡 > support\-structure\-for\-bell; 37883薾 > luxuriant\-growth\-of\-flower; 37884蔕 > peduncle\-or\-stem\-of\-plants; 37885茈 > a\-plant\-yielding\-a\-red\-dye; 37886艤 > to\-moor\-a\-boat\-to\-the\-bank; 37887膆 > the\-corp\-of\-a\-bird\-or\-fowl; 37888罭 > drag\-net\-made\-of\-fine\-mesh; 37889罏 > earthen\-stand\-for\-wine\-jug; 37890罍 > large\-earthenware\-wine\-jar; 37891繸 > hem\-or\-border\-of\-a\-garment; 37892篟 > luxuriant\-growth\-of\-bamboo; 37893窆 > to\-put\-a\-coffin\-in\-a\-grave; 37894祲 > ominous\-or\-sinister\-spirit; 37895癕 > loss\-of\-the\-sense\-of\-smell; 37896畷 > raised\-path\-between\-fields; 37897甼 > raised\-path\-between\-fields; 37898璈 > ancient\-musical\-instrument; 37899珛 > quickly\-deteriorating\-jade; 37900濼 > river\-in\-shandong\-province; 37901澷 > water\-overflowing\-diffused; 37902渮 > river\-in\-shandong\-province; 37903毩 > a\-leather\-ball\-for\-kicking; 37904榃 > raised\-path\-between\-fields; 37905揹 > carry\-things\-on\-one''s\-back; 37906揁 > sound\-of\-setting\-up\-a\-koto; 37907峝 > mountain\-in\-gansu\-province; 37908媧 > mythological\-snail\-goddess; 37909囉 > exclamatory\-final\-particle; 37910嘷 > the\-roaring\-of\-wild\-beasts; 37911嘐 > final\-exclamatory\-particle; 37912剞 > carving\-or\-engraving\-knife; 37913冏 > abutilon\-avicennae\-\(plant\); 37914倫 > normal\-human\-relationships; 37915乫 > used\-in\-korean\-place\-names; 37916䵆 > grains\-from\-the\-distillery; 37917䴿 > grains\-from\-the\-distillery; 37918䲯 > a\-kind\-of\-black\-small\-bird; 37919䯓 > the\-head\-bone\-of\-livestock; 37920䮶 > flock\-of\-horses\-stampeding; 37921䮣 > a\-yellow\-with\-a\-white\-tail; 37922䬱 > coarse\-grains\-such\-as\-corn; 37923䩲 > a\-tool\-used\-to\-cut\-leather; 37924䩚 > to\-mend\-the\-soles\-of\-shoes; 37925䩘 > to\-mend\-the\-soles\-of\-shoes; 37926䡦 > the\-empty\-space\-of\-a\-wheel; 37927䠉 > to\-run\-away\-or\-escape\-from; 37928䞑 > a\-red\-swelling\-of\-the\-skin; 37929䛯 > the\-reasonable\-of\-speeking; 37930䖅 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37931䕿 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37932䕼 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37933䕶 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37934䕵 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37935䕳 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37936䕱 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37937䕭 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37938䕛 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37939䕗 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37940䕕 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37941䕔 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37942䕓 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37943䕒 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37944䕍 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37945䕊 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37946䕈 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37947䕇 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37948䕅 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37949䕀 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37950䔻 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37951䔸 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37952䔶 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37953䔴 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37954䔲 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37955䔱 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37956䔰 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37957䔮 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37958䔭 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37959䔪 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37960䔡 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37961䔝 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37962䔙 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37963䔔 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37964䔒 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37965䔎 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37966䔌 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37967䔅 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-trees; 37968䔄 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37969䔁 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37970䓽 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37971䓼 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37972䓺 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37973䓳 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37974䓣 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37975䓢 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37976䓟 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37977䓓 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37978䓐 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37979䓎 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37980䓊 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37981䓉 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37982䓂 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37983䒵 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37984䒴 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37985䒱 > twigs\-of\-hemp\-used\-fo\-fuel; 37986䒪 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37987䒩 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37988䒤 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37989䒡 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37990䒟 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37991䒞 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37992䒜 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37993䒛 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37994䒚 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37995䒔 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grass; 37996䎷 > an\-old\-man\-with\-white\-hair; 37997䌠 > hold\-on\-to\-one''s\-own\-views; 37998䋀 > shoes\-made\-of\-hemp\-or\-hair; 37999䊮 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grain; 38000䊬 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-grain; 38001䉂 > a\-basket\-for\-earth\-or\-soil; 38002䇖 > rope\-made\-of\-bamboo\-strips; 38003䆀 > to\-corrupt\-or\-be\-corrupted; 38004䅾 > starting\-to\-put\-forth\-ears; 38005䅬 > small\-bundle\-of\-rice\-plant; 38006䁎 > to\-make\-a\-close\-inspection; 38007䀊 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-containers; 38008㼩 > concave\-channels\-of\-tiling; 38009㺠 > a\-black\-ape\-with\-long\-tail; 38010㺕 > the\-fighting\-sound\-of\-dogs; 38011㹚 > sound\-of\-calling\-to\-a\-calf; 38012㹙 > sound\-of\-calling\-to\-a\-calf; 38013㷶 > to\-dry\-or\-warm\-near\-a\-fire; 38014㷃 > fire\-burns\-for\-a\-long\-time; 38015㴔 > the\-noise\-of\-flowing\-water; 38016㴋 > deep\-and\-clear\-\-to\-urinate; 38017㳧 > the\-water\-flowing\-from\-\.\.\.; 38018㱽 > to\-hit\-or\-to\-strikeheavily; 38019㱻 > diseases\-of\-dumb\-creatures; 38020㱡 > the\-soul\-out\-of\-one''s\-body; 38021㱔 > a\-small\-quantity\-or\-number; 38022㯟 > foot\-of\-a\-hill\-or\-mountain; 38023㭮 > a\-kind\-of\-liquor\-container; 38024兀 > duplicate\-of\-big\-five\-a461; 38025倫 > normal\-human\-relationships; 38026阮 > ancient\-musical\-instrument; 38027㦃 > perfect\-personal\-character; 38028㥱 > to\-be\-desirous\-of\-speaking; 38029㥍 > to\-bear\-jealous\-hatred\-for; 38030㤬 > full\-of\-anger\-and\-vexation; 38031㤎 > a\-model\-or\-typical\-example; 38032㤄 > raging\-animosity\-or\-hatred; 38033㣧 > the\-succession\-in\-a\-family; 38034㣣 > to\-walk\-in\-an\-unsteady\-way; 38035㢸 > device\-for\-regulating\-bows; 38036㢶 > device\-for\-regulating\-bows; 38037㢒 > an\-almost\-collapsing\-house; 38038㜪 > name\-of\-a\-family\-or\-a\-clan; 38039㜕 > relatives\-through\-marriage; 38040㛲 > the\-hair\-on\-the\-human\-head; 38041㚿 > a\-goddess''s\-name\-in\-legend; 38042㙡 > a\-kind\-of\-eatable\-mushroom; 38043㘹 > to\-spread\-soil\-on\-the\-road; 38044㘤 > circle\-of\-the\-moving\-water; 38045㖨 > indistinct\-nasal\-utterance; 38046㒽 > a\-kind\-of\-cap\-for\-children; 38047㐖 > a\-translated\-name\-of\-india; 38048届 > numerary\-adjunct\-for\-time; 38049屆 > numerary\-adjunct\-for\-time; 38050谁 > who\?\-whom\?\-whose\?\-anyone\?; 38051誰 > who\?\-whom\?\-whose\?\-anyone\?; 38052阿 > prefix\-for\-people''s\-names; 38053莢 > pods\-of\-leguminous\-plants; 38054狄 > tribe\-from\-northern\-china; 38055繰 > to\-reel\-silk\-from\-cocoons; 38056漓 > river\-in\-guangxi\-province; 38057咋 > question\-forming\-particle; 38058麟 > female\-of\-chinese\-unicorn; 38059渭 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shanxi; 38060芜 > luxurious\-growth\-of\-weeds; 38061绎 > to\-unravel\-or\-unreel\-silk; 38062璐 > beautiful\-variety\-of\-jade; 38063韶 > music\-of\-the\-emperor\-shun; 38064鬟 > dress\-hair\-in\-coiled\-knot; 38065罂 > long\-necked\-jar\-or\-bottle; 38066靳 > strap\-on\-a\-horse''s\-breast; 38067淦 > river\-in\-jiangxi\-province; 38068搡 > to\-push\-over\-or\-push\-back; 38069艮 > seventh\-of\-eight\-diagrams; 38070湟 > river\-in\-qinghai\-province; 38071泸 > river\-in\-jiangxi\-province; 38072荚 > pods\-of\-leguminous\-plants; 38073猱 > a\-monkey\-with\-yellow\-hair; 38074涪 > river\-in\-sichuan\-province; 38075亳 > name\-of\-district\-in\-anhui; 38076蔺 > rush\-used\-for\-making\-mats; 38077琬 > the\-virtue\-of\-a\-gentleman; 38078沩 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shanxi; 38079猗 > exclamation\-of\-admiration; 38080鼙 > drum\-carried\-on\-horseback; 38081蕲 > variety\-of\-artemisia\-seek; 38082瓞 > young\-melons\-just\-forming; 38083辁 > cart\-wheel\-with\-no\-spokes; 38084酆 > name\-of\-zhou\-period\-state; 38085麐 > female\-of\-chinese\-unicorn; 38086鰼 > the\-weather\-or\-dojo\-loach; 38087韔 > a\-wrapper\-or\-case\-for\-bow; 38088陗 > a\-steep\-hill\.\-precipitous; 38089鏾 > the\-trigger\-of\-a\-crossbow; 38090鄠 > county\-in\-shanxi\-province; 38091鄜 > county\-in\-shanxi\-province; 38092鄎 > a\-place\-in\-henan\-province; 38093郃 > county\-in\-shanxi\-province; 38094輇 > cart\-wheel\-with\-no\-spokes; 38095觷 > to\-process\-or\-carve\-horns; 38096蝰 > vipera\-russelii\-siamensis; 38097蘄 > variety\-of\-artemisia\-seek; 38098蕪 > luxurious\-growth\-of\-weeds; 38099葶 > draba\-nemerosa\-bebe\-carpa; 38100芔 > a\-general\-term\-for\-plants; 38101膥 > eggs\-of\-birds\-or\-reptiles; 38102罌 > long\-necked\-jar\-or\-bottle; 38103罃 > long\-necked\-jar\-or\-bottle; 38104纑 > to\-soften\-hemp\-by\-boiling; 38105繹 > to\-unravel\-or\-unreel\-silk; 38106籩 > bamboo\-container\-for\-food; 38107籝 > a\-tube\-to\-hold\-chopsticks; 38108笾 > bamboo\-container\-for\-food; 38109笎 > bamboo\-with\-black\-patches; 38110禘 > imperial\-ancestor\-worship; 38111礄 > place\-in\-sichuan\-province; 38112璪 > pearl\-pendants\-on\-coronet; 38113瑽 > tinkling\-of\-jade\-pendants; 38114猲 > smoke\-or\-flames\-from\-fire; 38115瀘 > river\-in\-jiangxi\-province; 38116溎 > river\-in\-guangxi\-province; 38117溈 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shanxi; 38118泜 > a\-river\-in\-hebei\-province; 38119泒 > a\-river\-in\-hubei\-province; 38120汭 > confluence\-of\-two\-streams; 38121櫽 > shape\-wood\-by\-use\-of\-heat; 38122晬 > first\-birthday\-of\-a\-child; 38123悊 > wise\.\-to\-know\-intuitively; 38124彍 > to\-draw\-a\-bow\-to\-the\-full; 38125庅 > an\-interrogative\-particle; 38126嬀 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shanxi; 38127䵵 > yellowish\-black\-and\-white; 38128䵫 > light\-red\-yellowish\-black; 38129䴛 > to\-make\-decoction\-of\-salt; 38130䳷 > a\-second\-name\-for\-chicken; 38131䳆 > a\-kind\-of\-species\-of\-myna; 38132䰂 > a\-coiffure\-with\-a\-topknot; 38133䯿 > a\-coiffure\-with\-a\-topknot; 38134䯼 > a\-coiffure\-with\-a\-topknot; 38135䯴 > a\-coiffure\-with\-a\-topknot; 38136䯲 > a\-coiffure\-with\-a\-topknot; 38137䮕 > horse\-with\-white\-forehead; 38138䭨 > wine\-poured\-in\-a\-libation; 38139䬽 > wine\-poured\-in\-a\-libation; 38140䫀 > the\-lower\-end\-of\-the\-jaws; 38141䩨 > a\-wrapper\-or\-case\-for\-bow; 38142䩝 > to\-tan\-and\-soften\-leather; 38143䤂 > a\-second\-name\-for\-vinegar; 38144䣴 > to\-lose\-temper\-when\-drunk; 38145䣆 > name\-of\-a\-county\-in\-gaomi; 38146䢲 > to\-go\-all\-the\-way\-forward; 38147䢮 > rapid\-marching\-or\-running; 38148䢡 > to\-stamp\-the\-foot\-forward; 38149䡹 > the\-low\-rear\-of\-a\-chariot; 38150䡯 > sound\-of\-moving\-carriages; 38151䡫 > sound\-of\-moving\-carriages; 38152䡡 > to\-get\-up\-into\-a\-carriage; 38153䡘 > sound\-of\-moving\-carriages; 38154䡒 > sound\-of\-moving\-carriages; 38155䠕 > rapid\-marching\-or\-running; 38156䘸 > the\-lower\-front\-of\-a\-robe; 38157䘒 > boy''s\-reproductive\-organs; 38158䕄 > meat\-in\-the\-form\-of\-paste; 38159䓋 > elm\-seeds\-\-\-\-used\-as\-food; 38160䑢 > a\-knife\-shaped\-small\-boat; 38161䑈 > meat\-to\-offer\-for\-worship; 38162䍯 > gaot\-with\-different\-horns; 38163䍢 > netted\-veined\-window\-sill; 38164䋟 > the\-weight\-on\-a\-steelyard; 38165䊶 > a\-rope\-for\-leading\-cattle; 38166䉗 > a\-receptacle\-or\-container; 38167䄸 > grains\-producing\-no\-fruit; 38168䄒 > ripening\-of\-paddy\-or\-rice; 38169䃁 > uneven\-or\-rugged\-terrains; 38170䁔 > big\-eyes\-protuberant\-eyes; 38171㿰 > durable\-and\-solid\-leather; 38172㿂 > obstraction\-of\-the\-bowels; 38173㾵 > a\-dark\-colored\-birth\-mark; 38174㾜 > weak\-breath\-of\-a\-sick\-man; 38175㽾 > a\-kind\-of\-woman''s\-disease; 38176㻏 > tinkling\-of\-jade\-pendants; 38177㺀 > a\-monkey\-with\-yellow\-hair; 38178㸲 > a\-kind\-of\-mountain\-cattle; 38179㷯 > smoke\-and\-dust\-everywhere; 38180㶺 > the\-light\-or\-glow\-of\-fire; 38181㶚 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-shanxi; 38182㵽 > the\-strength\-of\-a\-current; 38183㱥 > the\-evil\-spirits\-come\-out; 38184㰦 > to\-breath\-with\-mouth\-open; 38185㰔 > a\-kind\-of\-edible\-mushroom; 38186㰎 > a\-wooden\-pestle\-or\-rammer; 38187㭛 > a\-kind\-of\-climbing\-plants; 38188㩠 > a\-fierce\-or\-bloody\-battle; 38189麟 > female\-of\-chinese\-unicorn; 38190㦛 > to\-walk\-in\-a\-composed\-way; 38191㠝 > lofty\-and\-steep\-mountains; 38192㠐 > high\-and\-pointed\-mountain; 38193㞚 > to\-pile\-up\-layer\-by\-layer; 38194㜯 > a\-word\-to\-designate\-woman; 38195㜮 > to\-go\-beyond\-normal\-limit; 38196㚓 > tie\-beams\-of\-a\-small\-boat; 38197㘌 > to\-laugh\-without\-stopping; 38198㗦 > a\-loud\-and\-confused\-noise; 38199㗚 > vexingly\-verbose\-or\-wordy; 38200㗕 > the\-crowing\-of\-a\-pheasant; 38201㖄 > sound\-of\-calling\-chickens; 38202㕚 > claws\-of\-birds\-or\-animals; 38203㐳 > high\-and\-level\-on\-the\-top; 38204蜀 > name\-of\-an\-ancient\-state; 38205洛 > river\-in\-shanxi\-province; 38206叔 > father''s\-younger\-brother; 38207絹 > kind\-of\-thick\-stiff\-silk; 38208罩 > basket\-for\-catching\-fish; 38209夷 > ancient\-barbarian\-tribes; 38210砰 > sound\-of\-crashing\-stones; 38211哎 > interjection\-of\-surprise; 38212朔 > first\-day\-of\-lunar\-month; 38213揣 > put\-things\-under\-clothes; 38214嵋 > omei\-mountain\-in\-sichuan; 38215邹 > name\-of\-an\-ancient\-state; 38216缉 > to\-sew\-in\-close\-stitches; 38217绢 > kind\-of\-thick\-stiff\-silk; 38218噶 > used\-in\-transliterations; 38219汕 > basket\-for\-catching\-fish; 38220掰 > to\-break\-with\-both\-hands; 38221霆 > a\-sudden\-peal\-of\-thunder; 38222漳 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-henan; 38223汾 > river\-in\-shanxi\-province; 38224巳 > sixth\-of\-twelve\-branches; 38225汴 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-henan; 38226嗝 > cackling\-of\-fowls\-to\-gag; 38227姘 > illicit\-sexual\-relations; 38228霏 > falling\-of\-snow\-and\-rain; 38229郸 > county\-in\-hebei\-province; 38230呦 > the\-bleating\-of\-the\-deer; 38231掮 > to\-bear\-on\-the\-shoulders; 38232莆 > a\-kind\-of\-legendary\-tree; 38233阡 > footpaths\-between\-fields; 38234鸪 > species\-of\-taiwan\-pigeon; 38235哔 > used\-in\-transliterations; 38236氐 > name\-of\-an\-ancient\-tribe; 38237呤 > purine\-in\-chem\.\-compound; 38238嬗 > succession\-to\-the\-throne; 38239沣 > river\-in\-shanxi\-province; 38240觏 > meet\-or\-see\-unexpectedly; 38241濮 > county\-in\-henan\-province; 38242郴 > county\-in\-hunan\-province; 38243轾 > low\-rear\-portion\-of\-cart; 38244稞 > grain\-ready\-for\-grinding; 38245灞 > river\-in\-shanxi\-province; 38246郧 > county\-in\-hubei\-province; 38247蹼 > webbed\-feet\-of\-waterfowl; 38248甑 > boiler\-for\-steaming\-rice; 38249妗 > wife\-of\-mother''s\-brother; 38250浠 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-hubei; 38251鳔 > swimming\-bladder\-of\-fish; 38252篌 > ancient\-music\-instrument; 38253秕 > empty\-grain\-or\-rice\-husk; 38254琚 > ornamental\-gems\-for\-belt; 38255鲵 > cryptobranchus\-japonicus; 38256艨 > long\-and\-narrow\-war\-boat; 38257涑 > river\-in\-shansi\-province; 38258郏 > county\-in\-henan\-province; 38259雩 > offer\-sacrifice\-for\-rain; 38260佾 > a\-row\-or\-file\-of\-dancers; 38261缂 > the\-woof\-of\-a\-woven\-item; 38262艴 > the\-countenance\-changing; 38263滏 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-hebei; 38264郾 > county\-in\-henan\-province; 38265鷞 > the\-turquoise\-kingfisher; 38266鵁 > mycticorax\-prasinosceles; 38267鴣 > species\-of\-taiwan\-pigeon; 38268鰾 > swimming\-bladder\-of\-fish; 38269鯢 > cryptobranchus\-japonicus; 38270鮰 > a\-small\-kind\-of\-sturgeon; 38271髠 > shave\-head\-as\-punishment; 38272騕 > name\-of\-a\-fabulous\-horse; 38273韂 > a\-saddle\-flap\.\-trappings; 38274陴 > a\-parapet\-on\-a\-city\-wall; 38275闤 > wall\-around\-market\-place; 38276鄲 > county\-in\-hebei\-province; 38277鄗 > county\-in\-hebei\-province; 38278鄖 > county\-in\-hubei\-province; 38279鄒 > name\-of\-an\-ancient\-state; 38280郟 > county\-in\-henan\-province; 38281輊 > low\-rear\-portion\-of\-cart; 38282贑 > \<abbrv\>\-jiangxi\-province; 38283訡 > to\-chant\-to\-moan\-to\-sigh; 38284覯 > meet\-or\-see\-unexpectedly; 38285蛁 > pomponia\-maculatiocollis; 38286蘀 > falling\-leaves\-and\-barks; 38287藺 > rush\-used\-in\-making\-mats; 38288菴 > small\-buddhist\-monastery; 38289莔 > fritillaria\-verticillata; 38290茼 > chrysanthemum\-coronarium; 38291艥 > an\-oar\-or\-paddle\.\-to\-row; 38292膙 > callous\-skin\-on\-the\-feet; 38293腜 > quickening\-of\-the\-foetus; 38294肳 > the\-corners\-of\-the\-mouth; 38295翛 > look\-of\-rumpled\-feathers; 38296罝 > net\-for\-catching\-rabbits; 38297緝 > to\-sew\-in\-close\-stitches; 38298緙 > the\-woof\-of\-a\-woven\-item; 38299緌 > tassels\-hanging\-from\-hat; 38300筸 > name\-of\-a\-place\-in\-honan; 38301稙 > grain\-ready\-for\-grinding; 38302璠 > a\-piece\-of\-precious\-jade; 38303玶 > name\-of\-one\-kind\-of\-jade; 38304獞 > name\-of\-a\-variety\-of\-dog; 38305猔 > name\-of\-an\-ancient\-tribe; 38306灨 > the\-river\-gan\-in\-jiangxi; 38307灃 > river\-in\-shanxi\-province; 38308濲 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-hunan; 38309湋 > river\-in\-shanxi\-province; 38310洧 > name\-of\-a\-river\-in\-honan; 38311樧 > zanthoxylum\-ailanthoides; 38312榤 > perch\-for\-fowls\-roost\-on; 38313栂 > a\-kind\-of\-evergreen\-tree; 38314旡 > choke\-on\-something\-eaten; 38315撋 > to\-rub\-between\-the\-hands; 38316惌 > to\-bear\-a\-grudge\-against; 38317崶 > name\-of\-a\-legendary\-hill; 38318崁 > a\-place\-in\-taiwan\-tainan; 38319尞 > fuel\-used\-for\-sacrifices; 38320姺 > name\-of\-an\-ancient\-state; 38321奞 > the\-stride\-made\-by\-a\-man; 38322夗 > to\-turn\-over\-when\-asleep; 38323嗶 > used\-in\-transliterations; 38324凜 > shiver\-with\-cold\-or\-fear; 38325僰 > ancient\-aboriginal\-tribe; 38326亃 > name\-of\-a\-kind\-of\-animal; 38327乺 > painting\-tool\-place\-name; 38328乶 > korean\-place\-name\-pholha; 38329䵂 > to\-grind\-wheat\-to\-powder; 38330䲳 > birds\-flying\-up\-and\-down; 38331䲛 > an\-ancient\-name\-for\-tuna; 38332䲄 > a\-kind\-of\-fiish\-in\-ocean; 38333䰍 > a\-kind\-of\-dark\-red\-paint; 38334䰆 > beautiful\-and\-hairy\-mane; 38335䯖 > the\-muscles\-of\-the\-thigh; 38336䬳 > cakes\-made\-of\-rice\-flour; 38337䫯 > to\-take\-a\-casual\-look\-at; 38338䪀 > known\-together\-as\-saddle; 38339䩪 > known\-together\-as\-saddle; 38340䨒 > sound\-of\-the\-water\-drops; 38341䦨 > a\-door\-curtain\-or\-screen; 38342䤯 > container\-for\-thick\-soup; 38343䣍 > name\-of\-an\-ancient\-state; 38344䣅 > name\-of\-an\-ancient\-state; 38345䡍 > the\-linch\-pin\-of\-a\-sheel; 38346䟗 > to\-stand\-for\-a\-long\-time; 38347䟃 > to\-move\-or\-march\-swiftly; 38348䚶 > to\-scold\-in\-a\-loud\-voice; 38349䙜 > legendary\-mountain\-deity; 38350䙈 > a\-loose\-garment\-or\-cloak; 38351䙇 > clothes\-of\-coarse\-fabric; 38352䗂 > diemyctylus\-pyrrhogaster; 38353䔣 > a\-tribe\-in\-ancient\-times; 38354䓴 > edible\-fungus\-from\-trees; 38355䑎 > soup\-of\-pig''s\-intestines; 38356䐻 > big\-pieces\-of\-dried\-meat; 38357䐹 > perserved\-and\-dried\-meat; 38358䐰 > to\-offer\-food\-as\-tribute; 38359䐂 > fat\-of\-animals\-or\-plants; 38360䏦 > fat\-of\-animals\-or\-plants; 38361䎵 > to\-look\-straight\-forward; 38362䊱 > cakes\-made\-of\-rice\-flour; 38363䊐 > fluffy\-stuffed\-dumplings; 38364䊍 > thick\-congee\-or\-porridge; 38365䇏 > to\-pile\-one\-upon\-another; 38366䄜 > happiness\-and\-well\-being; 38367䄖 > used\-in\-name\-of\-a\-person; 38368䃢 > name\-of\-a\-mountain\-lofty; 38369䁇 > to\-look\-for\-a\-short\-time; 38370䀴 > to\-look\-straight\-forward; 38371䀫 > narrow\-and\-dim\-eye\-sight; 38372䀪 > birds\-flying\-up\-and\-down; 38373㿺 > jutting\-on\-the\-epidermis; 38374㽒 > the\-children\-of\-a\-sister; 38375㼿 > the\-brick\-wall\-of\-a\-well; 38376㼛 > long\-necked\-wine\-vessels; 38377㻪 > a\-kind\-of\-jade\-fine\-jade; 38378㶅 > dried\-up\-mountain\-creeks; 38379㵢 > a\-marsh\-in\-ancient\-times; 38380㴰 > a\-river\-in\-ancient\-times; 38381㴬 > a\-river\-in\-ancient\-times; 38382㳥 > a\-river\-in\-ancient\-times; 38383㳝 > a\-river\-in\-ancient\-times; 38384㳏 > a\-river\-in\-ancient\-times; 38385㳍 > a\-place\-in\-ancient\-times; 38386㳋 > a\-river\-in\-ancient\-times; 38387㳊 > the\-flowing\-of\-the\-water; 38388㳀 > a\-river\-in\-ancient\-times; 38389㲊 > to\-understand\-thoroughly; 38390㰾 > songs\-of\-the\-people\-of\-楚; 38391㰽 > to\-exert\-oneself\-to\-yell; 38392㯫 > a\-wattle\-or\-bamboo\-fence; 38393㮦 > branches\-growing\-upwards; 38394㪛 > to\-pound\-rocks\-to\-pieces; 38395㪙 > to\-go\-to\-the\-very\-source; 38396㩭 > to\-disturb\-or\-to\-agitate; 38397藺 > rush\-used\-in\-making\-mats; 38398凜 > shiver\-with\-cold\-or\-fear; 38399洛 > river\-in\-shanxi\-province; 38400㡪 > the\-varnish\-on\-the\-floor; 38401㡧 > to\-stretch\-open\-painting; 38402㠇 > name\-of\-a\-mountain\-ridge; 38403㜿 > name\-of\-a\-fish\-in\-legend; 38404㚝 > the\-stride\-made\-by\-a\-man; 38405㗩 > sound\-of\-endure\-coldness; 38406㗧 > to\-scold\-with\-loud\-voice; 38407㗌 > to\-scold\-with\-loud\-voice; 38408㗀 > the\-bleating\-of\-the\-deer; 38409㓡 > the\-middle\-part\-of\-a\-bow; 38410㐨 > a\-kind\-of\-fish\-in\-legend; 38411瞥 > take\-fleeting\-glance\-at; 38412州 > administrative\-division; 38413吧 > emphatic\-final\-particle; 38414某 > certain\-thing\-or\-person; 38415票 > slip\-of\-paper\-or\-bamboo; 38416耶 > used\-in\-transliteration; 38417厘 > thousandth\-part\-of\-tael; 38418彭 > name\-of\-ancient\-country; 38419肴 > cooked\-or\-prepared\-meat; 38420俎 > chopping\-board\-or\-block; 38421淮 > river\-in\-anhui\-province; 38422郡 > administrative\-division; 38423哦 > oh\?\-really\?\-is\-that\-so\?; 38424锤 > balance\-weight\-on\-scale; 38425仞 > ancient\-unit\-of\-measure; 38426芭 > plantain\-or\-banana\-palm; 38427磊 > pile\-of\-rocks\-or\-stones; 38428呸 > expression\-of\-reprimand; 38429拷 > torture\-and\-interrogate; 38430抿 > pucker\-up\-lips\-in\-smile; 38431卉 > general\-term\-for\-plants; 38432髻 > hair\-rolled\-up\-in\-a\-bun; 38433裆 > crotch\-or\-seat\-of\-pants; 38434蘑 > type\-of\-edible\-mushroom; 38435咿 > descriptive\-of\-creaking; 38436篾 > bamboo\-splints\-or\-slats; 38437淇 > river\-in\-henan\-province; 38438蓑 > rain\-coat\-made\-of\-straw; 38439檬 > type\-of\-locust\-oracacia; 38440淙 > gurgling\-sound\-of\-water; 38441殓 > dress\-corpse\-for\-burial; 38442琥 > jewel\-in\-shape\-of\-tiger; 38443潞 > river\-in\-northern\-china; 38444醍 > essential\-oil\-of\-butter; 38445妯 > wives\-of\-one''s\-brothers; 38446帏 > curtain\-that\-forms\-wall; 38447瓒 > ceremonial\-libation\-cup; 38448洹 > river\-in\-henan\-province; 38449瑗 > large\-ring\-of\-fine\-jade; 38450涞 > river\-in\-hebei\-province; 38451爻 > diagrams\-for\-divination; 38452锟 > ancient\-treasured\-sword; 38453芗 > fragrant\-smell\-of\-grain; 38454楦 > a\-last\-for\-making\-shoes; 38455舁 > carry\-on\-one''s\-shoulder; 38456滠 > river\-in\-hubei\-province; 38457鼏 > cover\-of\-tripod\-caldron; 38458黰 > young\-girl''s\-hair\-style; 38459鬂 > the\-hair\-on\-the\-temples; 38460駮 > a\-kind\-of\-fierce\-animal; 38461錘 > balance\-weight\-on\-scale; 38462錕 > ancient\-treasured\-sword; 38463鄾 > place\-in\-hubei\-province; 38464鄬 > place\-in\-henan\-province; 38465鄤 > place\-in\-henan\-province; 38466鄘 > state\-in\-henan\-province; 38467鄏 > place\-in\-henan\-province; 38468鄀 > state\-in\-henan\-province; 38469郰 > birthplace\-of\-confucius; 38470邧 > town\-in\-shanxi\-province; 38471邘 > state\-in\-henan\-province; 38472襠 > crotch\-or\-seat\-of\-pants; 38473蚻 > small\-species\-of\-cicada; 38474薌 > fragrant\-smell\-of\-grain; 38475蒱 > gambling\-game\-with\-dice; 38476葧 > heleocharis\-plantaginea; 38477舲 > small\-boat\-with\-windows; 38478羫 > the\-skeleton\-of\-a\-sheep; 38479罽 > a\-kind\-of\-woolen\-fabric; 38480粺 > polished\-rice\-or\-millet; 38481篧 > creel\-for\-trapping\-fish; 38482篛 > cuticle\-of\-bamboo\-plant; 38483祔 > worship\-one''s\-ancestors; 38484睖 > to\-stare\-straight\-ahead; 38485眢 > eyes\-without\-brightness; 38486畾 > fields\-divided\-by\-dikes; 38487瓚 > ceremonial\-libation\-cup; 38488璲 > pendant\-girdle\-ornament; 38489瑿 > a\-black\-stone\-like\-jade; 38490瑯 > kind\-of\-white\-cornelian; 38491瑢 > gem\-ornaments\-for\-belts; 38492珶 > white\-jade\-worn\-on\-belt; 38493玕 > inferior\-variety\-of\-gem; 38494猈 > dog\-with\-short\-shinbone; 38495灄 > river\-in\-hubei\-province; 38496瀼 > river\-in\-henan\-province; 38497瀍 > river\-in\-henan\-province; 38498濜 > river\-in\-hubei\-province; 38499澴 > river\-in\-hubei\-province; 38500澉 > to\-wash\-name\-of\-a\-place; 38501潖 > name\-of\-a\-certain\-river; 38502漷 > river\-in\-hebei\-province; 38503漊 > river\-in\-hubei\-province; 38504溮 > river\-in\-henan\-province; 38505溠 > river\-in\-hubei\-province; 38506淶 > river\-in\-hebei\-province; 38507涖 > river\-in\-hebei\-province; 38508浭 > river\-in\-hebei\-province; 38509洺 > river\-in\-hebei\-province; 38510洨 > river\-in\-hebei\-province; 38511殮 > dress\-corpse\-for\-burial; 38512殙 > to\-die\-by\-taking\-poison; 38513歁 > unsatisfied\-\(of\-eating\); 38514欨 > to\-blow\-or\-breathe\-upon; 38515欏 > tree\-the\-horse\-chestnut; 38516檇 > wooden\-rammer\-or\-pestle; 38517橔 > a\-wooden\-chopping\-block; 38518楥 > a\-last\-for\-making\-shoes; 38519暼 > take\-fleeting\-glance\-at; 38520怸 > cns\-2\-2a40\-is\-different; 38521幃 > curtain\-that\-forms\-wall; 38522墄 > the\-steps\-of\-a\-stairway; 38523啫 > interjection\-of\-warning; 38524吚 > used\-to\-represent\-sound; 38525匁 > japanese\-unit\-of\-weight; 38526仾 > to\-hang\-or\-bow\-the\-head; 38527仭 > ancient\-unit\-of\-measure; 38528䶝 > growing\-irregular\-teeth; 38529䵈 > unsmelted\-hemp\-and\-silk; 38530䵀 > coarse\-crumbs\-of\-barley; 38531䴑 > a\-legendary\-weired\-bird; 38532䴇 > a\-second\-name\-for\-crane; 38533䴁 > a\-kind\-of\-rat\-like\-bird; 38534䳲 > a\-swarm\-of\-flying\-birds; 38535䲴 > a\-kind\-of\-venomous\-bird; 38536䱾 > a\-carp\-like\-savory\-fish; 38537䰫 > nimble\-and\-active\-ghost; 38538䭇 > to\-be\-chocked\-with\-food; 38539䭆 > small\-children\-eat\-less; 38540䬲 > to\-eat\-to\-the\-half\-full; 38541䬪 > a\-kind\-of\-cooked\-noodle; 38542䬛 > the\-roaring\-of\-the\-wind; 38543䨗 > excessive\-rain\-and\-snow; 38544䨅 > small\-birds\-\-\-\-the\-wren; 38545䥖 > silver\-of\-gold\-filagree; 38546䥏 > unfitted\-for\-each\-other; 38547䤥 > agricultural\-implements; 38548䢜 > the\-marriage\-of\-a\-woman; 38549䡽 > the\-shafts\-of\-a\-vehicle; 38550䡺 > the\-end\-of\-an\-axle\-tree; 38551䡣 > a\-piece\-of\-curved\-board; 38552䠣 > net\-to\-trap\-the\-animals; 38553䝈 > a\-big\-and\-strenuous\-pig; 38554䚐 > getting\-red\-in\-the\-eyes; 38555䚊 > to\-look\-from\-a\-distance; 38556䙐 > furs\-and\-linen\-garments; 38557䘆 > a\-second\-form\-earthworm; 38558䗠 > the\-larva\-of\-mosquitoes; 38559䗔 > a\-house\-lizard\-or\-gecko; 38560䖱 > large\-shrimp\-in\-the\-sea; 38561䔾 > a\-kind\-of\-fragrant\-herb; 38562䓱 > a\-kind\-of\-herb\-medicine; 38563䒖 > a\-kind\-of\-herb\-medicine; 38564䒕 > a\-kind\-of\-herb\-medicine; 38565䐤 > dried\-and\-seasoned\-meat; 38566䐐 > curved\-part\-of\-the\-knee; 38567䏙 > brine\-from\-pickled\-meat; 38568䏕 > to\-cook\-food\-thoroughly; 38569䎧 > agricultural\-implements; 38570䍹 > odor\-of\-a\-sheep\-or\-goat; 38571䍙 > nets\-for\-catching\-birds; 38572䍘 > a\-general\-term\-for\-nets; 38573䍓 > net\-for\-catching\-rabbit; 38574䋫 > to\-wind\-round\-the\-ropes; 38575䋨 > to\-set\-in\-order\-the\-old; 38576䊴 > food\-made\-of\-rice\-flour; 38577䊪 > coarse\-rice\-\-\-\-unhulled; 38578䉜 > young\-and\-tender\-bamboo; 38579䉖 > framework\-of\-a\-carriage; 38580䇗 > bamboo\-with\-long\-joints; 38581䇑 > a\-standing\-short\-person; 38582䆊 > unhusked\-glutinous\-rice; 38583䆉 > the\-swing\-of\-rice\-plant; 38584䃉 > a\-stone\-resembling\-jade; 38585䁌 > to\-see\-for\-a\-short\-time; 38586㾀 > to\-be\-weaked\-by\-disease; 38587㽺 > to\-be\-weaked\-by\-disease; 38588㽸 > diseases\-of\-the\-abdomen; 38589㽚 > agricultural\-implements; 38590㼧 > tiles\-in\-cylinder\-shape; 38591㹲 > a\-frightened\-pig\-or\-dog; 38592㹮 > a\-kind\-of\-animal\-\-tapir; 38593㹝 > a\-legendary\-wild\-animal; 38594㹑 > a\-four\-years\-old\-cattle; 38595㹊 > a\-cattle\-of\-white\-color; 38596㹆 > the\-coulter\-of\-a\-plough; 38597㸋 > meats\-used\-in\-sacrifice; 38598㷮 > scorched\-or\-burned\-wood; 38599㷫 > fire\-causing\-by\-dryness; 38600㶵 > to\-cook\-food\-thoroughly; 38601㶒 > the\-current\-of\-a\-stream; 38602㴲 > a\-river\-in\-ancient\-time; 38603㴑 > to\-trace\-up\-to\-a\-source; 38604㴏 > the\-pond\-water\-is\-still; 38605㲿 > extensive\-body\-of\-water; 38606㲄 > unburnt\-bricks\-or\-tiles; 38607㱬 > cannot\-recognize\-people; 38608㱕 > the\-marriage\-of\-a\-woman; 38609㯙 > the\-buckthorn\-or\-jujube; 38610㭾 > to\-cut\-the\-timber\-apart; 38611㭃 > the\-large\-rope\-of\-a\-net; 38612㭂 > height\-of\-the\-end\-point; 38613㬻 > in\-between\-of\-the\-flesh; 38614㧯 > a\-bucket\-made\-of\-willow; 38615㧥 > to\-nip\-with\-the\-fingers; 38616㦽 > with\-elegant\-appearance; 38617㦺 > a\-lance\-with\-two\-points; 38618㦸 > a\-lance\-with\-two\-points; 38619殮 > dress\-corpse\-for\-burial; 38620㦇 > a\-peaceful\-or\-easy\-mood; 38621磊 > pile\-of\-rocks\-or\-stones; 38622㥅 > used\-in\-a\-person''s\-name; 38623㤌 > to\-have\-one''s\-heart\-own; 38624㣻 > to\-remedy\-by\-punishment; 38625㣪 > to\-walk\-with\-slow\-steps; 38626㣆 > to\-loose\-the\-bow\-string; 38627㢾 > the\-curved\-end\-of\-a\-bow; 38628㢵 > powerful\-and\-strong\-bow; 38629㡹 > to\-rely\-upon\-each\-other; 38630㡒 > a\-calico\-sack\-for\-grain; 38631㡏 > to\-cut\-a\-strip\-of\-cloth; 38632㞼 > to\-respectfully\-receive; 38633㚬 > a\-lady\-start\-to\-doll\-up; 38634㚖 > to\-come\-out\-to\-the\-open; 38635㙊 > an\-area\-of\-level\-ground; 38636㕸 > sound\-of\-rolling\-a\-boat; 38637㕧 > used\-to\-represent\-sound; 38638㔤 > to\-exert\-one''s\-strength; 38639㓧 > agricultural\-implements; 38640㒤 > to\-have\-one''s\-heart\-won; 38641㒙 > to\-hand\-or\-bow\-the\-head; 38642么 > interrogative\-particle; 38643被 > passive\-indicator\-''by''; 38644申 > to\-state\-to\-a\-superior; 38645岡 > ridge\-or\-crest\-of\-hill; 38646琴 > chinese\-lute\-or\-guitar; 38647嬌 > seductive\-and\-loveable; 38648罗 > net\-for\-catching\-birds; 38649摸 > gently\-touch\-with\-hand; 38650仰 > raise\-the\-head\-to\-look; 38651臍 > abdominal\-area\-of\-crab; 38652郑 > state\-in\-today''s\-henan; 38653羅 > net\-for\-catching\-birds; 38654贯 > a\-string\-of\-1000\-coins; 38655娇 > seductive\-and\-loveable; 38656竭 > put\-forth\-great\-effort; 38657秒 > beard\-of\-grain\-or\-corn; 38658奚 > where\?\-what\?\-how\?\-why\?; 38659冈 > ridge\-or\-crest\-of\-hill; 38660盏 > small\-cup\-or\-container; 38661萝 > type\-of\-creeping\-plant; 38662梧 > sterculia\-platanifolia; 38663咦 > expression\-of\-surprise; 38664筐 > bamboo\-basket\-or\-chest; 38665谍 > an\-intelligence\-report; 38666篱 > bamboo\-or\-wooden\-fence; 38667琶 > guitar\-like\-instrument; 38668琵 > guitar\-like\-instrument; 38669潺 > sound\-of\-flowing\-water; 38670坳 > a\-hollow\-in\-the\-ground; 38671脐 > abdominal\-area\-of\-crab; 38672埂 > ditches\-for\-irrigation; 38673倌 > assistant\-in\-wine\-shop; 38674霁 > to\-clear\-up\-after\-rain; 38675邯 > city\-in\-hebei\-province; 38676粑 > tsamba\-\(food\-in\-tibet\); 38677蛀 > insects\-that\-eat\-books; 38678嫦 > name\-of\-a\-moon\-goddess; 38679赊 > buy\-and\-sell\-on\-credit; 38680弑 > to\-kill\-one''s\-superior; 38681摁 > to\-press\-with\-the\-hand; 38682畹 > a\-field\-of\-20\-or\-30\-mu; 38683觐 > have\-imperial\-audience; 38684讦 > expose\-other''s\-secrets; 38685旄 > a\-kind\-of\-ancient\-flag; 38686趵 > noise\-of\-tramping\-feet; 38687酹 > to\-pour\-out\-a\-libation; 38688孳 > breed\-in\-large\-numbers; 38689塄 > elevated\-bank\-in\-field; 38690螈 > diemyelilus\-pyrogaster; 38691窬 > a\-small\-door\-or\-window; 38692笱 > a\-basket\-trap\-for\-fish; 38693牿 > shed\-or\-pen\-for\-cattle; 38694蛘 > a\-weevil\-found\-in\-rice; 38695畎 > a\-drain\-between\-fields; 38696齯 > teeth\-grown\-in\-old\-age; 38697鹣 > fabulous\-mythical\-bird; 38698鶼 > fabulous\-mythical\-bird; 38699鰆 > scomberomorus\-sinensis; 38700鯙 > scomberomorus\-sinensis; 38701鮓 > minced\-and\-salted\-fish; 38702驌 > name\-of\-a\-famous\-horse; 38703韹 > music\-of\-bell\-and\-drum; 38704霽 > to\-clear\-up\-after\-rain; 38705雘 > dye\-made\-from\-red\-soil; 38706阇 > a\-buddhist\-high\-priest; 38707鑐 > bolt\-of\-a\-chinese\-lock; 38708錆 > the\-color\-of\-a\-mineral; 38709鄭 > state\-in\-today''s\-henan; 38710鄐 > town\-in\-henan\-province; 38711遰 > grunting\-sound\-of\-pigs; 38712辥 > variety\-of\-marsh\-grass; 38713賒 > buy\-and\-sell\-on\-credit; 38714貫 > a\-string\-of\-1000\-coins; 38715谂 > consult\-carefully\-with; 38716諜 > an\-intelligence\-report; 38717諗 > consult\-carefully\-with; 38718詪 > difficulty\-in\-speaking; 38719訐 > expose\-other''s\-secrets; 38720觿 > a\-bodkin\-made\-of\-ivory; 38721覲 > have\-imperial\-audience; 38722覀 > variant\-of\-radical\-146; 38723褟 > inner\-shirt\-or\-singlet; 38724衭 > the\-lapel\-of\-a\-garment; 38725衦 > smooth\-out\-the\-clothes; 38726蘿 > type\-of\-creeping\-plant; 38727蕕 > caryopteris\-divaricata; 38728蔯 > a\-variety\-of\-artemisia; 38729萴 > medicinal\-poison\-plant; 38730菶 > species\-of\-water\-plant; 38731莸 > caryopteris\-divaricata; 38732莙 > species\-of\-water\-plant; 38733脤 > raw\-meat\-for\-sacrifice; 38734耬 > drill\-for\-sowing\-grain; 38735耧 > drill\-for\-sowing\-grain; 38736耂 > variant\-of\-radical\-125; 38737繦 > string\-of\-copper\-coins; 38738繈 > string\-of\-copper\-coins; 38739緅 > silk\-of\-purplish\-color; 38740籬 > bamboo\-or\-wooden\-fence; 38741篢 > the\-name\-of\-bamboo\-hat; 38742筺 > bamboo\-basket\-or\-chest; 38743盞 > small\-cup\-or\-container; 38744癊 > a\-disease\-of\-the\-heart; 38745瑱 > a\-gem\-used\-as\-ear\-plug; 38746琠 > a\-gem\-used\-as\-ear\-plug; 38747珣 > name\-of\-a\-kind\-of\-jade; 38748玼 > beautiful\-color\-of\-gem; 38749牷 > cow\-or\-ox\-of\-one\-color; 38750焄 > rising\-flames\-or\-fumes; 38751烖 > calamities\-from\-heaven; 38752殢 > be\-in\-great\-difficulty; 38753槱 > firewood\-for\-sacrifice; 38754朏 > light\-of\-crescent\-moon; 38755旐 > an\-embroidered\-pennant; 38756攙 > to\-give\-a\-helping\-hand; 38757摰 > to\-seize\-with\-the\-hand; 38758摀 > to\-cover\-with\-the\-hand; 38759搾 > to\-crush\-with\-the\-hand; 38760怹 > a\-polite\-version\-of\-he; 38761弒 > to\-kill\-one''s\-superior; 38762庈 > used\-in\-person''s\-names; 38763嵶 > low\-part\-of\-a\-mountain; 38764孒 > larvae\-of\-the\-mosquito; 38765壖 > open\-space\-along\-water; 38766噀 > spirt\-out\-of\-the\-mouth; 38767叝 > to\-respectfully\-inform; 38768伮 > to\-make\-a\-great\-effort; 38769䶥 > unevenly\-fitting\-teeth; 38770䶤 > sound\-of\-chewing\-bones; 38771䶂 > a\-squirrel\-like\-animal; 38772䳮 > to\-look\-at\-in\-surprise; 38773䲚 > a\-second\-name\-for\-shad; 38774䰵 > looks\-like\-common\-carp; 38775䰰 > dreary\-cries\-of\-ghosts; 38776䰭 > dreary\-cries\-of\-ghosts; 38777䮺 > luxuriant\-of\-the\-grass; 38778䮭 > to\-look\-at\-in\-surprise; 38779䮪 > to\-geld\-a\-horse\-or\-ass; 38780䩼 > stitches\-on\-a\-coverlet; 38781䩍 > to\-look\-pale\-or\-pallid; 38782䨵 > rained\-for\-a\-long\-time; 38783䨬 > rained\-for\-a\-long\-time; 38784䨡 > rained\-for\-a\-long\-time; 38785䦈 > to\-sigh\-in\-lamentation; 38786䥟 > a\-metal\-marking\-\-stake; 38787䢎 > indicating\-exclamation; 38788䡵 > decoration\-on\-carriage; 38789䡰 > strong\-and\-durable\-hub; 38790䡬 > covering\-of\-a\-carriage; 38791䡁 > not\-well\-formed\-figure; 38792䟽 > scattered\-or\-dispersed; 38793䞘 > to\-go\-straight\-forward; 38794䝢 > an\-animal\-in\-old\-times; 38795䝡 > an\-animal\-in\-old\-times; 38796䝓 > long\-beard\-or\-whiskers; 38797䜺 > husking\-beans\-for\-cake; 38798䜡 > to\-smell\-the\-fragrants; 38799䛙 > to\-smell\-the\-fragrance; 38800䚞 > the\-middle\-of\-the\-horn; 38801䙄 > clothes\-with\-thick\-hem; 38802䘽 > clothing\-and\-ornaments; 38803䗐 > a\-weevil\-found\-in\-rice; 38804䕴 > a\-second\-for\-monkshood; 38805䔠 > thin\-root\-of\-the\-lotus; 38806䏩 > to\-shrug\-the\-shoulders; 38807䍱 > the\-wild\-goat\-or\-sheep; 38808䋪 > fine\-and\-delicate\-silk; 38809䋍 > fine\-and\-delicate\-silk; 38810䊏 > mixing\-rice\-with\-broth; 38811䊃 > mixing\-rice\-with\-broth; 38812䈄 > a\-kind\-of\-solid\-bamboo; 38813䇣 > bamboo\-with\-white\-bark; 38814䄠 > to\-sacrifice\-to\-heaven; 38815䃧 > sound\-of\-falling\-rocks; 38816䃔 > sound\-of\-falling\-rocks; 38817䂢 > sound\-of\-falling\-rocks; 38818䂠 > sound\-of\-falling\-rocks; 38819䀄 > container\-full\-of\-food; 38820㿋 > a\-kind\-of\-skin\-disease; 38821㼞 > jar\-with\-a\-small\-mouth; 38822㺞 > to\-sign\-in\-lamentation; 38823㸯 > a\-fine\-breed\-of\-cattle; 38824㵯 > sound\-of\-water\-flowing; 38825㳯 > goddess\-of\-an\-ink\-slab; 38826㲱 > long\-beard\-or\-whiskers; 38827㱆 > to\-smile\-at\-each\-other; 38828㰿 > to\-sigh\-in\-lamentation; 38829㰨 > to\-take\-breath\-or\-rest; 38830㮑 > sound\-of\-broken\-sticks; 38831㭯 > tree\-with\-small\-leaves; 38832㫊 > fluttering\-of\-the\-flag; 38833㪣 > a\-place\-in\-han\-dynasty; 38834㪟 > to\-regard\-as\-important; 38835㪞 > to\-be\-held\-by\-the\-hand; 38836㩺 > a\-crack\-on\-the\-utensil; 38837㩜 > to\-be\-in\-possession\-of; 38838㩎 > to\-press\-with\-a\-finger; 38839㧶 > the\-jingling\-of\-metals; 38840㧙 > to\-give\-a\-playful\-blow; 38841㧃 > to\-receive\-what\-is\-due; 38842㦣 > to\-talk\-in\-one''s\-sleep; 38843㦄 > hard\-to\-say\-or\-predict; 38844蘿 > type\-of\-creeping\-plant; 38845羅 > net\-for\-catching\-birds; 38846㤊 > cheerful\-and\-exuberant; 38847㣚 > to\-go\-straight\-forward; 38848㢉 > a\-room\-with\-open\-space; 38849㠔 > shapes\-of\-the\-mountain; 38850㟻 > the\-moat\-around\-a\-city; 38851㛳 > an\-abnomal\-unborn\-baby; 38852㚷 > the\-breasts\-of\-a\-woman; 38853㙳 > ruggedness\-of\-the\-road; 38854㙤 > a\-crack\-in\-earthenware; 38855㙘 > used\-in\-naming\-a\-place; 38856㘭 > a\-hollow\-in\-the\-ground; 38857㘬 > a\-hollow\-in\-the\-ground; 38858㗂 > to\-keep\-the\-mouth\-shut; 38859㖐 > sound\-of\-calling\-ducks; 38860㔴 > agricultural\-implement; 38861㓹 > a\-sharp\-pointed\-weapon; 38862㓦 > to\-deliberate\-and\-plan; 38863㓘 > jade\-with\-some\-defects; 38864觉 > to\-wake\-up\-from\-sleep; 38865環 > jade\-ring\-or\-bracelet; 38866覺 > to\-wake\-up\-from\-sleep; 38867覚 > to\-wake\-up\-from\-sleep; 38868划 > to\-row\-or\-paddle\-boat; 38869堪 > adequately\-capable\-of; 38870环 > jade\-ring\-or\-bracelet; 38871吴 > name\-of\-warring\-state; 38872鳴 > cry\-of\-bird\-or\-animal; 38873呉 > one\-of\-warring\-states; 38874馳 > go\-quickly\-or\-swiftly; 38875榎 > small\-evergreen\-shrub; 38876鸣 > cry\-of\-bird\-or\-animal; 38877驰 > go\-quickly\-or\-swiftly; 38878姻 > relatives\-by\-marriage; 38879筒 > thick\-piece\-of\-bamboo; 38880帘 > flag\-sign\-of\-a\-tavern; 38881稻 > rice\-growing\-in\-field; 38882稲 > rice\-growing\-in\-field; 38883禰 > one''s\-deceased\-father; 38884剂 > medicinal\-preparation; 38885珂 > inferior\-kind\-of\-jade; 38886嘟 > sound\-of\-horn\-tooting; 38887瑜 > flawless\-gem\-or\-jewel; 38888珑 > a\-gem\-cut\-like\-dragon; 38889诬 > make\-false\-accusation; 38890嫖 > patronize\-prostitutes; 38891飒 > the\-sound\-of\-the\-wind; 38892锢 > run\-metal\-into\-cracks; 38893掖 > support\-with\-the\-arms; 38894棣 > kerria\-japonica\-plant; 38895菁 > flower\-of\-leek\-family; 38896咩 > the\-bleating\-of\-sheep; 38897珉 > stone\-resembling\-jade; 38898钎 > tool\-for\-boring\-holes; 38899抟 > roll\-around\-with\-hand; 38900趸 > sell\-or\-buy\-wholesale; 38901妣 > one''s\-deceased\-mother; 38902嵊 > district\-in\-shaohsing; 38903笸 > flat\-basket\-for\-grain; 38904祢 > one''s\-deceased\-father; 38905肫 > the\-gizzard\-of\-a\-fowl; 38906苫 > rush\-or\-straw\-matting; 38907峤 > high\-pointed\-mountain; 38908秭 > one\-thousand\-millions; 38909姒 > wife\-of\-elder\-brother; 38910蓰 > to\-increase\-five\-fold; 38911蒌 > artemisia\-stelleriana; 38912酃 > the\-spirit\-of\-a\-being; 38913糗 > parched\-wheat\-or\-rice; 38914辋 > exterior\-rim\-of\-wheel; 38915髫 > children''s\-hair\-style; 38916虺 > large\-poisonous\-snake; 38917醵 > contribute\-for\-drinks; 38918蚬 > a\-variety\-of\-bivalves; 38919裼 > to\-take\-off\-one''s\-top; 38920眵 > eyes\-diseased\-and\-dim; 38921枵 > hollo\-stump\-of\-a\-tree; 38922蘩 > artemisia\-stellariana; 38923鼃 > the\-edible\-water\-frog; 38924鷀 > the\-fishing\-cormorant; 38925鴠 > a\-kind\-of\-nightingale; 38926鰤 > seriola\-qinqueradiata; 38927鯄 > lepidotrigla\-strauchi; 38928髈 > defined\-as\-the\-pelvis; 38929颸 > cool\-breeze\-of\-autumn; 38930颯 > the\-sound\-of\-the\-wind; 38931錮 > run\-metal\-into\-cracks; 38932釺 > tool\-for\-boring\-holes; 38933酎 > double\-fermented\-wine; 38934輮 > exterior\-rim\-of\-wheel; 38935輞 > exterior\-rim\-of\-wheel; 38936躉 > sell\-or\-buy\-wholesale; 38937谺 > the\-mouth\-of\-a\-valley; 38938誣 > make\-false\-accusation; 38939蠸 > aulacophora\-femoralis; 38940螒 > aulacophora\-femoralis; 38941蜺 > reflection\-of\-rainbow; 38942蜆 > a\-variety\-of\-bivalves; 38943蘘 > a\-kind\-of\-wild\-ginger; 38944蕚 > the\-calyx\-of\-a\-flower; 38945蔞 > artemisia\-stelleriana; 38946葹 > kind\-of\-chrysanthemum; 38947萻 > small\-buddhist\-temple; 38948舚 > to\-put\-out\-the\-tongue; 38949翏 > the\-sound\-of\-the\-wind; 38950繴 > a\-kind\-of\-fishing\-net; 38951竼 > bamboo\-cover\-for\-boat; 38952禨 > pray\-for\-good\-fortune; 38953癥 > obstruction\-of\-bowels; 38954痏 > a\-bruise\-or\-contusion; 38955瓏 > a\-gem\-cut\-like\-dragon; 38956璡 > jade\-look\-alike\-stone; 38957瑨 > jade\-look\-alike\-stone; 38958瑀 > stone\-resembling\-jade; 38959澂 > clear\-and\-still\-water; 38960淜 > roar\-of\-dashing\-waves; 38961沇 > flowing\-and\-engulfing; 38962檟 > small\-evergreen\-shrub; 38963暎 > sun\-beginning\-decline; 38964摶 > roll\-around\-with\-hand; 38965嶠 > high\-pointed\-mountain; 38966嵼 > winding\-mountain\-path; 38967埵 > hardened\-dirt\-or\-clay; 38968嗻 > to\-screen\.\-loquacious; 38969吳 > one\-of\-warring\-states; 38970匟 > divan\-for\-two\-persons; 38971劑 > medicinal\-preparation; 38972剾 > to\-pick\-up\-with\-knife; 38973剤 > medicinal\-preparation; 38974䵗 > to\-clean\-the\-withered; 38975䵄 > to\-boil\-or\-stew\-wheat; 38976䴶 > to\-boil\-or\-stew\-wheat; 38977䴔 > the\-fishing\-cormorant; 38978䳹 > a\-kind\-dove\-like\-bird; 38979䳝 > a\-kind\-of\-small\-birds; 38980䱟 > a\-kind\-of\-silver\-fish; 38981䯯 > hang\-down\-of\-the\-hair; 38982䯭 > of\-nice\-and\-good\-hair; 38983䮄 > an\-one\-year\-old\-horse; 38984䭴 > an\-one\-year\-old\-horse; 38985䫹 > the\-sound\-of\-the\-wind; 38986䪥 > shallots\-or\-scallions; 38987䩩 > a\-measure\-of\-capacity; 38988䦽 > an\-east\-and\-west\-wall; 38989䦚 > wide\-open\-of\-the\-door; 38990䦌 > the\-door\-is\-wide\-open; 38991䥈 > the\-symbol\-for\-cobalt; 38992䤗 > taste\-of\-strong\-drink; 38993䢩 > to\-forbid\-to\-prohibit; 38994䡶 > vehicles\-and\-garments; 38995䞚 > to\-hang\-on\-a\-big\-tree; 38996䝖 > reptiles\-without\-feet; 38997䛱 > to\-talk\-unremittingly; 38998䛊 > cheerful\-all\-the\-time; 38999䛃 > used\-in\-person''s\-name; 39000䘐 > the\-bleed\-at\-the\-nose; 39001䗊 > to\-put\-out\-the\-tongue; 39002䗉 > a\-small\-solitary\-wasp; 39003䖔 > a\-kind\-of\-white\-tiger; 39004䖍 > to\-act\-with\-reverence; 39005䔵 > fragrant\-thoroughwort; 39006䔊 > dense\-growth\-of\-grass; 39007䓒 > scirpus\-cyperinus\-var; 39008䒦 > grass\-floats\-on\-water; 39009䒄 > fully\-laden\-of\-a\-boat; 39010䑝 > a\-small\-cup\-with\-ears; 39011䏤 > top\-of\-the\-human\-head; 39012䎶 > offering\-blood\-to\-god; 39013䎚 > the\-end\-of\-bird\-wings; 39014䎖 > soaring\-up\-in\-the\-sky; 39015䎁 > used\-in\-person''s\-name; 39016䌧 > a\-kind\-of\-silk\-fabric; 39017䌟 > to\-weave\-silk\-ribbons; 39018䋂 > dresses\-for\-the\-bride; 39019䈧 > skin\-of\-bamboo\-shoots; 39020䈞 > ancient\-name\-of\-india; 39021䇾 > a\-flute\-with\-23\-tubes; 39022䇰 > a\-bamboo\-binded\-torch; 39023䇡 > the\-shuttle\-of\-a\-loom; 39024䆠 > a\-government\-official; 39025䆛 > something\-in\-the\-cave; 39026䅗 > four\-bundle\-of\-grains; 39027䅑 > four\-bundle\-of\-grains; 39028䁭 > to\-give\-an\-angry\-look; 39029䁚 > a\-kind\-of\-eye\-disease; 39030䀽 > to\-look\-at\-each\-other; 39031䀠 > a\-chinese\-family\-name; 39032䀓 > to\-turn\-one''s\-eyes\-to; 39033㿴 > wide\-piece\-of\-leather; 39034㿯 > wide\-piece\-of\-leather; 39035㿫 > to\-split\-tangled\-hemp; 39036㿏 > paralysis\-of\-the\-body; 39037㾾 > disease\-of\-the\-throat; 39038㾤 > disease\-of\-the\-throat; 39039㼲 > sound\-of\-broken\-tiles; 39040㼐 > a\-kind\-of\-white\-melon; 39041㹶 > a\-kind\-of\-wild\-animal; 39042㹦 > dog\-with\-a\-short\-tail; 39043㹔 > cattle\-with\-long\-back; 39044㷗 > used\-in\-person''s\-name; 39045㷏 > used\-in\-person''s\-name; 39046㵬 > used\-in\-person''s\-name; 39047㵨 > a\-dry\-land\-in\-a\-river; 39048㳈 > a\-great\-flow\-of\-water; 39049㱟 > to\-rip\-open\-the\-flesh; 39050㰄 > a\-small\-chestnut\-tree; 39051㯥 > a\-chinese\-family\-name; 39052㮗 > the\-handle\-of\-a\-spear; 39053㭍 > capital\-form\-of\-seven; 39054㬠 > to\-expose\-to\-sunlight; 39055㬓 > to\-expose\-to\-sunlight; 39056㬂 > used\-in\-person''s\-name; 39057㩟 > to\-sew\-some\-ornaments; 39058㨌 > to\-milk\-a\-cow\-or\-goat; 39059㣝 > a\-chinese\-family\-name; 39060㠋 > a\-lofty\-mountain\-peak; 39061㟞 > precipitous\-and\-lofty; 39062㟝 > to\-bank\-up\-with\-earth; 39063㟜 > shape\-of\-the\-mountain; 39064㟙 > shape\-of\-the\-mountain; 39065㟖 > a\-dialect\-of\-minority; 39066㟎 > a\-long\-mountain\-ridge; 39067㞁 > can\-not\-walk\-normally; 39068㝾 > can\-not\-walk\-normally; 39069㘰 > name\-of\-a\-old\-country; 39070㘡 > a\-pen\-for\-wild\-beasts; 39071㘖 > to\-make\-a\-disturbance; 39072㗁 > the\-roof\-of\-the\-mouth; 39073㖗 > high\-ridges\-of\-cliffs; 39074㕢 > profound\-significance; 39075㒆 > to\-gather\-the\-harvest; 39076什 > file\-of\-ten\-soldiers; 39077責 > one''s\-responsibility; 39078爵 > feudal\-title\-or\-rank; 39079责 > one''s\-responsibility; 39080啊 > exclamatory\-particle; 39081楚 > name\-of\-feudal\-state; 39082托 > to\-hold\-up\-with\-palm; 39083汲 > draw\-water\-from\-well; 39084魅 > kind\-of\-forest\-demon; 39085伊 > third\-person\-pronoun; 39086鸿 > species\-of\-wild\-swan; 39087姥 > maternal\-grandmother; 39088捧 > hold\-up\-in\-two\-hands; 39089乙 > second\-heaven''s\-stem; 39090吁 > interjection\-''alas\!''; 39091姨 > mother\/wife''s\-sister; 39092亩 > chinese\-land\-measure; 39093僵 > stiff\-and\-motionless; 39094拱 > fold\-hands\-on\-breast; 39095禾 > grain\-still\-on\-stalk; 39096嗡 > sound\-of\-flying\-bees; 39097兮 > exclamatory\-particle; 39098猩 > species\-of\-orangutan; 39099狞 > ferocious\-appearance; 39100拈 > pick\-up\-with\-fingers; 39101陛 > steps\-leading\-throne; 39102鸯 > female\-mandarin\-duck; 39103卯 > th\-of\-earth\-branches; 39104熠 > bright\-and\-sparkling; 39105阂 > blocked\-or\-separated; 39106淅 > water\-used\-wash\-rice; 39107佚 > indulge\-in\-pleasures; 39108辚 > rumbling\-of\-vehicles; 39109巽 > th\-of\-the\-8\-trigrams; 39110訇 > the\-sound\-of\-a\-crash; 39111狺 > the\-snarling\-of\-dogs; 39112浔 > steep\-bank\-by\-stream; 39113蓊 > luxuriant\-vegetation; 39114蓠 > gracilaria\-verrucosa; 39115菀 > luxuriance\-of\-growth; 39116胗 > pustules\-of\-any\-kind; 39117颃 > fly\-down\-or\-downward; 39118垆 > black\-clods\-of\-earth; 39119樗 > ailanthus\-glandulosa; 39120蚧 > a\-red\-spotted\-lizard; 39121缶 > earthen\-crock\-or\-jar; 39122豳 > a\-zhou\-dynasty\-state; 39123轺 > small\-light\-carriage; 39124逯 > leave\-without\-reason; 39125齞 > to\-display\-the\-teeth; 39126鼈 > a\-fresh\-water\-turtle; 39127鼂 > a\-kind\-of\-sea\-turtle; 39128鸇 > kind\-of\-bird\-of\-prey; 39129鸂 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird; 39130鷫 > turquoise\-kingfisher; 39131鷁 > fishhawk\-bow\-or\-prow; 39132鴻 > species\-of\-wild\-swan; 39133鴦 > female\-mandarin\-duck; 39134鰜 > big\-mouthed\-flounder; 39135髺 > the\-hair\-dishevelled; 39136骣 > horse\-without\-saddle; 39137驏 > horse\-without\-saddle; 39138餽 > make\-present\-of\-food; 39139頏 > fly\-down\-or\-downward; 39140韱 > wild\-onions\-or\-leeks; 39141韯 > wild\-onions\-or\-leeks; 39142霃 > long\-continued\-rains; 39143闍 > tower\-over\-city\-gate; 39144閡 > blocked\-or\-separated; 39145鍱 > thin\-plates\-of\-metal; 39146鉶 > sacrificial\-cauldron; 39147醰 > bitter\-taste\-in\-wine; 39148轔 > rumbling\-of\-vehicles; 39149軺 > small\-light\-carriage; 39150趂 > to\-take\-advantage\-of; 39151襬 > lower\-part\-of\-a\-robe; 39152袳 > spread\-one''s\-clothes; 39153蜛 > hydrophilus\-cognatus; 39154蛚 > cyrtoxiphus\-ritsemae; 39155蘺 > gracilaria\-verrucosa; 39156薢 > woody\-climbing\-plant; 39157茀 > overgrown\-with\-grass; 39158芄 > metaplexis\-stauntoni; 39159舺 > place\-name\-in\-taiwan; 39160脡 > strips\-of\-dried\-meat; 39161粃 > empty\-husks\-of\-grain; 39162窣 > to\-rush\-out\-of\-a\-den; 39163穇 > panicum\-frumentaceum; 39164磒 > to\-fall\-from\-or\-into; 39165矑 > the\-pupil\-of\-the\-eye; 39166睍 > to\-look\-at\-fearfully; 39167畝 > chinese\-land\-measure; 39168畒 > chinese\-land\-measure; 39169畆 > chinese\-land\-measure; 39170甽 > drain\-between\-fields; 39171甃 > brick\-wall\-of\-a\-well; 39172琖 > carved\-jade\-wine\-cup; 39173玦 > broken\-piece\-of\-jade; 39174獰 > ferocious\-appearance; 39175瀳 > to\-arrive\-\(of\-water\); 39176澬 > to\-rain\-continuously; 39177潯 > steep\-bank\-by\-stream; 39178洤 > a\-fountain\-or\-spring; 39179槾 > paste\-wall\-with\-dirt; 39180棨 > tally\-or\-wooden\-pass; 39181桬 > pear\-and\-other\-trees; 39182敳 > to\-govern\-forcefully; 39183敁 > to\-weigh\-in\-the\-hand; 39184搎 > to\-rub\-with\-the\-hand; 39185戼 > th\-of\-earth\-branches; 39186巺 > th\-of\-the\-8\-trigrams; 39187嵏 > a\-mountain\-in\-shenxi; 39188孭 > to\-carry\-on\-the\-back; 39189嫋 > slender\-and\-delicate; 39190婣 > marriage\-connections; 39191夘 > th\-of\-earth\-branches; 39192壚 > black\-clods\-of\-earth; 39193囬 > to\-return\-to\-or\-from; 39194劂 > chisel\-for\-engraving; 39195䶙 > swelling\-of\-the\-gums; 39196䶊 > to\-bleed\-at\-the\-nose; 39197䴟 > an\-one\-year\-old\-deer; 39198䴖 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird; 39199䴌 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird; 39200䴋 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird; 39201䴈 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird; 39202䴂 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird; 39203䴀 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird; 39204䳶 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird; 39205䳳 > a\-kind\-of\-small\-bird; 39206䳓 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird; 39207䳑 > a\-pheasant\-like\-bird; 39208䳋 > a\-pheasant\-like\-bird; 39209䳉 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird; 39210䳄 > a\-kind\-of\-water\-bird; 39211䳂 > a\-kind\-of\-small\-bird; 39212䲱 > a\-kind\-of\-black\-bird; 39213䲕 > the\-yangtze\-porpoise; 39214䱐 > a\-kind\-of\-black\-fish; 39215䱀 > a\-kind\-of\-small\-fish; 39216䯺 > the\-hair\-dishevelled; 39217䮡 > a\-supernatural\-horse; 39218䮂 > horse\-with\-long\-hair; 39219䭾 > to\-carry\-on\-the\-back; 39220䭷 > horse\-with\-long\-mane; 39221䬩 > to\-abstain\-from\-meat; 39222䬣 > a\-sacrificial\-victim; 39223䫠 > short\-hair\-and\-beard; 39224䩽 > a\-quiver\-one\-a\-horse; 39225䩂 > to\-come\-to\-the\-front; 39226䧗 > mountains\-collapsing; 39227䦦 > a\-musical\-instrument; 39228䥤 > the\-neck\-of\-a\-pestle; 39229䥡 > thin\-plates\-of\-metal; 39230䥆 > a\-musical\-instrument; 39231䥅 > a\-musical\-instrument; 39232䥄 > to\-plaster\-with\-gold; 39233䤸 > short\-spear\-or\-lance; 39234䠑 > between\-the\-buttocks; 39235䠈 > hard\-to\-move\-forward; 39236䟩 > hard\-of\-walk\-forward; 39237䞙 > to\-walk\-in\-hurriedly; 39238䝑 > a\-local\-produced\-pig; 39239䜧 > to\-insult\-with\-words; 39240䜓 > a\-slip\-of\-the\-tongue; 39241䜀 > to\-insult\-with\-words; 39242䛌 > to\-provoke\-or\-arouse; 39243䙮 > strip\-of\-the\-clothes; 39244䘾 > legs\-of\-the\-trousers; 39245䕫 > a\-one\-legged\-monster; 39246䔈 > lush\-growth\-of\-grass; 39247䑠 > long\-and\-narrow\-boat; 39248䐸 > the\-back\-of\-the\-knee; 39249䏿 > the\-calf\-of\-the\-legs; 39250䏡 > uncooked\-or\-raw\-meat; 39251䊳 > to\-break\-into\-pieces; 39252䊲 > to\-hull\-rice\-roughly; 39253䊂 > poor\-quality\-of\-rice; 39254䉑 > black\-skinned\-bamboo; 39255䈦 > a\-curved\-bamboo\-whip; 39256䈑 > tools\-to\-unreel\-silk; 39257䈅 > tools\-to\-unreel\-silk; 39258䈁 > tools\-used\-on\-a\-boat; 39259䇘 > tool\-to\-collect\-rope; 39260䆣 > abode\-of\-the\-emperor; 39261䆏 > a\-kind\-of\-rice\-plant; 39262䆃 > a\-kind\-of\-rice\-plant; 39263䅮 > a\-full\-head\-of\-grain; 39264䅓 > curved\-piece\-of\-wood; 39265䅏 > rice\-boiled\-to\-gruel; 39266䅉 > a\-kind\-of\-rice\-plant; 39267䄿 > a\-kind\-of\-rice\-plant; 39268䄯 > ten\-handle\-of\-grains; 39269䄂 > to\-pray\-and\-to\-curse; 39270䃰 > brick\-or\-stone\-steps; 39271䂒 > short\-to\-curry\-favor; 39272䂂 > to\-gaze\-at\-in\-terror; 39273䁬 > to\-act\-pretentiously; 39274䀷 > to\-have\-quick\-glance; 39275䀲 > diseases\-in\-the\-eyes; 39276㿸 > to\-cast\-off\-the\-skin; 39277㿞 > an\-old\-man\-of\-eighty; 39278㽤 > a\-small\-plot\-of\-land; 39279㽢 > to\-plough\-the\-fields; 39280㽕 > new\-branches\-growing; 39281㽃 > a\-big\-piece\-of\-brick; 39282㼢 > bricks\-an\-eathen\-jar; 39283㼉 > green\-colored\-melons; 39284㻮 > bright\-and\-brilliant; 39285㺮 > fine\-stone\-like\-jade; 39286㺨 > fine\-stone\-like\-jade; 39287㺂 > big\-and\-strong\-sheep; 39288㹘 > shinbone\-of\-a\-cattle; 39289㸪 > an\-ox\-walking\-slowly; 39290㷙 > to\-fry\-in\-fat\-or\-oil; 39291㶔 > swift\-and\-torrential; 39292㶎 > swift\-and\-torrential; 39293㵡 > swift\-and\-torrential; 39294㵞 > bellied\-in\-water\-gas; 39295㳼 > bubbling\-of\-fountain; 39296㳚 > flowing\-of\-the\-water; 39297㳔 > to\-soak\-or\-be\-soaked; 39298㳐 > flowing\-of\-the\-water; 39299㲫 > hair\-knots\-in\-a\-mess; 39300㲢 > hair\-knots\-in\-a\-mess; 39301㰋 > a\-kind\-of\-fruit\-tree; 39302㯌 > to\-operate\-or\-manage; 39303㭞 > a\-kind\-inferior\-wood; 39304㭒 > a\-farming\-instrument; 39305㪰 > to\-abstain\-from\-meat; 39306㩻 > rugged\-mountain\-path; 39307㩔 > a\-tool\-to\-make\-a\-bow; 39308什 > file\-of\-ten\-soldiers; 39309㧹 > to\-strike\-with\-fists; 39310㡙 > curtain\-for\-carriage; 39311㠗 > deep\-in\-the\-mountain; 39312㞥 > deep\-in\-the\-mountain; 39313㞟 > savings\-and\-reserves; 39314㜒 > maternal\-grandmother; 39315㙣 > to\-pile\-a\-sand\-hills; 39316㙑 > the\-canopy\-of\-heaven; 39317㘎 > the\-roars\-of\-a\-tiger; 39318㘅 > to\-hold\-in\-the\-mouth; 39319㕡 > the\-bed\-of\-a\-torrent; 39320㕌 > to\-raise\-the\-curtain; 39321㔋 > cut\-into\-thin\-slices; 39322㒅 > to\-unbind\-the\-collar; 39323㑉 > cannot\-straighten\-up; 39324幾 > how\-many\?\-how\-much\?; 39325奏 > memorialize\-emperor; 39326您 > honorific\-for\-''you''; 39327吏 > government\-official; 39328兀 > to\-cut\-off\-the\-feet; 39329胴 > the\-large\-intestine; 39330秦 > feudal\-state\-of\-qin; 39331桁 > cross\-beams\-of\-roof; 39332莎 > kind\-of\-sedge\-grass; 39333薛 > kind\-of\-marsh\-grass; 39334絣 > to\-baste\-for\-sewing; 39335悖 > be\-contradictory\-to; 39336芒 > miscanthus\-sinensis; 39337嘶 > neighing\-of\-a\-horse; 39338叽 > sigh\-in\-disapproval; 39339厥 > personal\-pronoun\-he; 39340圭 > jade\-pointed\-at\-top; 39341徘 > walk\-back\-and\-forth; 39342晤 > have\-interview\-with; 39343舷 > the\-sides\-of\-a\-boat; 39344邬 > various\-place\-names; 39345褐 > coarse\-woolen\-cloth; 39346馈 > offer\-food\-superior; 39347唧 > chirping\-of\-insects; 39348咔 > used\-in\-translation; 39349灸 > cauterize\-with\-moxa; 39350驷 > team\-of\-four\-horses; 39351粼 > clear\-\(as\-of\-water\); 39352羚 > species\-of\-antelope; 39353呓 > talk\-in\-one''s\-sleep; 39354篙 > pole\-used\-punt\-boat; 39355湍 > rapid\-water\-current; 39356脍 > minced\-meat\-or\-fish; 39357鏖 > to\-fight\-to\-the\-end; 39358肽 > a\-chemical\-compound; 39359卟 > a\-chemical\-compound; 39360銮 > bells\-hung\-on\-horse; 39361笳 > a\-reed\-leaf\-whistle; 39362薏 > seed\-of\-job''s\-tears; 39363悝 > to\-laugh\-at\-to\-pity; 39364豇 > a\-small\-kidney\-bean; 39365桉 > eucalyptus\-globulus; 39366蹁 > to\-walk\-with\-a\-limp; 39367腈 > an\-organic\-compound; 39368螟 > kind\-of\-caterpillar; 39369泮 > zhou\-dynasty\-school; 39370鲳 > the\-silvery\-pomfret; 39371霪 > long\-and\-heavy\-rain; 39372枘 > the\-handle\-of\-tools; 39373滹 > the\-bank\-of\-a\-steam; 39374彳 > step\-with\-left\-foot; 39375亍 > to\-take\-small\-steps; 39376砘 > a\-kind\-of\-farm\-tool; 39377栎 > chestnut\-leaved\-oak; 39378鹇 > the\-silver\-pheasant; 39379苌 > averrhora\-carambola; 39380郛 > outer\-walls\-of\-city; 39381醢 > minced\-pickled\-meat; 39382眚 > disease\-of\-the\-eyes; 39383耱 > a\-kind\-of\-farm\-tool; 39384裉 > s\-seam\-in\-a\-garment; 39385崦 > a\-mountain\-in\-kansu; 39386兕 > a\-female\-rhinoceros; 39387鸒 > the\-eastern\-jackdaw; 39388鷳 > the\-silver\-pheasant; 39389鶲 > siberian\-flycatcher; 39390鰶 > konosirus\-punctatus; 39391鯧 > the\-silvery\-pomfret; 39392鯥 > pomatomus\-saltatrix; 39393鯕 > coryphaena\-hippurus; 39394鮶 > sebastodes\-guntheri; 39395駟 > team\-of\-four\-horses; 39396饋 > offer\-food\-superior; 39397飂 > wind\-in\-high\-places; 39398颾 > blowing\-of\-the\-wind; 39399頖 > zhou\-dynasty\-school; 39400頍 > to\-raise\-one''s\-head; 39401韘 > archer''s\-thumb\-ring; 39402鞬 > a\-quiver\-on\-a\-horse; 39403霶 > downpouring\-of\-rain; 39404霮 > denseness\-of\-clouds; 39405鑾 > bells\-hung\-on\-horse; 39406鑴 > to\-engrave\-or\-carve; 39407鎄 > iridium\-einsteinium; 39408鋑 > to\-engrave\-or\-carve; 39409鈃 > ancient\-wine\-vessel; 39410酧 > to\-pledge\-with\-wine; 39411鄔 > various\-place\-names; 39412襴 > a\-one\-piece\-garment; 39413褃 > a\-seam\-in\-a\-garment; 39414蠰 > cerambyx\-rugicollis; 39415蟨 > the\-siberian\-jerboa; 39416蝝 > the\-larva\-of\-locust; 39417蔊 > nasturtium\-montanum; 39418蓇 > follicles\-of\-plants; 39419蒈 > an\-organic\-compound; 39420葇 > elsholtria\-paltrini; 39421萇 > averrhora\-carambola; 39422莕 > nymphoides\-peltatum; 39423茳 > cyperus\-malaccensis; 39424茚 > an\-organic\-compound; 39425苳 > petasites\-japonicus; 39426苊 > an\-organic\-compound; 39427艫 > bow\-or\-prow\-of\-boat; 39428舻 > bow\-or\-prow\-of\-boat; 39429舮 > bow\-or\-prow\-of\-boat; 39430膾 > minced\-meat\-or\-fish; 39431腙 > an\-organic\-compound; 39432脎 > an\-organic\-compound; 39433胩 > an\-organic\-compound; 39434肼 > an\-organic\-compound; 39435肟 > an\-organic\-compound; 39436耢 > a\-kind\-of\-farm\-tool; 39437羢 > fine\-woolen\-fabrics; 39438羑 > a\-guide\-to\-goodness; 39439繲 > to\-work\-as\-a\-tailor; 39440綀 > a\-kind\-of\-sackcloth; 39441竑 > be\-vast\-and\-endless; 39442禓 > to\-drive\-out\-demons; 39443祐 > divine\-intervention; 39444砜 > an\-organic\-compound; 39445矔 > brilliant\-\(of\-eyes\); 39446瞕 > cataract\-in\-the\-eye; 39447櫟 > chestnut\-leaved\-oak; 39448檪 > chestnut\-leaved\-oak; 39449桪 > mythical\-giant\-tree; 39450柮 > flat\-pieces\-of\-wood; 39451暵 > dry\-by\-exposing\-sun; 39452斝 > small\-jade\-wine\-cup; 39453敄 > to\-put\-forth\-effort; 39454撍 > to\-hold\-in\-the\-hand; 39455揝 > to\-hold\-in\-the\-hand; 39456揕 > roll\-up\-the\-sleeves; 39457尗 > younger\-of\-brothers; 39458壐 > the\-imperial\-signet; 39459垕 > used\-in\-place\-names; 39460圛 > used\-in\-place\-names; 39461囈 > talk\-in\-one''s\-sleep; 39462嘰 > sigh\-in\-disapproval; 39463喞 > chirping\-of\-insects; 39464唚 > vomiting\-of\-animals; 39465哌 > used\-in\-translation; 39466呺 > voice\-of\-anger\-vast; 39467吖 > used\-in\-translation; 39468偘 > ancient\-family\-name; 39469䶯 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39470䶒 > outstanding\-ability; 39471䶌 > a\-pustule\-or\-pimple; 39472䶄 > striped\-mottled\-rat; 39473䵱 > red\-and\-black\-color; 39474䵮 > red\-and\-black\-color; 39475䵔 > to\-turn\-on\-the\-heel; 39476䴪 > a\-fabulous\-creature; 39477䴠 > a\-young\-tailed\-deer; 39478䱧 > a\-kind\-of\-fish\-eels; 39479䰜 > a\-large\-earthen\-pot; 39480䰛 > a\-large\-earthen\-pot; 39481䮷 > movement\-of\-a\-horse; 39482䮃 > to\-go\-before\-others; 39483䭹 > movement\-of\-a\-horse; 39484䫱 > a\-part\-of\-the\-skull; 39485䫩 > to\-shake\-one''s\-head; 39486䫅 > to\-shake\-one''s\-head; 39487䪿 > the\-top\-of\-the\-head; 39488䪽 > hoary\-haired\-person; 39489䩷 > the\-sides\-of\-a\-shoe; 39490䩧 > to\-tie\-up\-hurriedly; 39491䩌 > to\-have\-a\-worn\-look; 39492䧔 > to\-meet\-at\-the\-bank; 39493䦙 > a\-government\-agency; 39494䥴 > to\-engrave\-or\-carve; 39495䥧 > a\-fine\-kind\-of\-jade; 39496䤆 > a\-kind\-of\-rice\-wine; 39497䤁 > cooked\-or\-well\-done; 39498䣭 > an\-organic\-compound; 39499䢋 > a\-marshal\-or\-herald; 39500䠊 > to\-cut\-off\-the\-feet; 39501䟣 > an\-animal\-in\-legend; 39502䞳 > to\-stumble\-and\-fall; 39503䝠 > a\-kind\-of\-wild\-boar; 39504䜶 > a\-small\-kidney\-bean; 39505䜁 > to\-abuse\-and\-insult; 39506䙒 > to\-store\-or\-save\-up; 39507䙏 > short\-sleeves\-shirt; 39508䙁 > children''s\-garments; 39509䘪 > clothes\-without\-hem; 39510䖢 > first\-born\-silkworm; 39511䖖 > to\-show\-familiarity; 39512䕾 > a\-kind\-of\-vegetable; 39513䕟 > a\-kind\-of\-vegetable; 39514䕘 > a\-variety\-of\-fungus; 39515䕃 > the\-shade\-of\-a\-tree; 39516䔗 > a\-kind\-of\-vegetable; 39517䓷 > nymphoides\-peltalum; 39518䓚 > a\-kind\-of\-vegetable; 39519䓍 > cruciferous\-flowers; 39520䒨 > a\-kind\-of\-vegetable; 39521䒈 > side\-beam\-of\-a\-boat; 39522䒀 > short\-and\-deep\-boat; 39523䑇 > medicine\-for\-a\-sore; 39524䐭 > a\-discharge\-or\-flux; 39525䏹 > to\-watch\-stealthily; 39526䏷 > medicine\-for\-a\-sore; 39527䏨 > to\-swell\-up\-greatly; 39528䏆 > buzzing\-in\-the\-ears; 39529䎿 > buzzing\-in\-the\-ears; 39530䍷 > to\-chase\-each\-other; 39531䍀 > clothes\-without\-hem; 39532䌎 > to\-baste\-for\-sewing; 39533䋹 > breadth\-of\-material; 39534䋰 > to\-bind\-or\-restrain; 39535䊙 > cooked\-or\-well\-done; 39536䇽 > a\-coarse\-bamboo\-mat; 39537䆯 > a\-short\-shaped\-face; 39538䅯 > a\-variety\-of\-millet; 39539䅟 > varieties\-of\-millet; 39540䅕 > a\-variety\-of\-millet; 39541䅒 > a\-sharp\-edged\-grass; 39542䁋 > with\-one\-eye\-closed; 39543䁃 > to\-look\-attentively; 39544䀤 > insight\-of\-jealousy; 39545䀣 > to\-look\-steadily\-at; 39546㿓 > disease\-of\-the\-hoof; 39547㾻 > not\-any\-progressive; 39548㾶 > disease\-of\-the\-knee; 39549㾢 > a\-malignant\-disease; 39550㽭 > vacant\-lot\-or\-space; 39551㽌 > the\-ridge\-of\-a\-roof; 39552㽂 > a\-cracked\-container; 39553㽁 > a\-large\-earthen\-pot; 39554㼙 > brickwork\-of\-a\-well; 39555㼒 > a\-kind\-of\-big\-melon; 39556㸶 > color\-of\-the\-oxtail; 39557㸵 > the\-lowing\-of\-an\-ox; 39558㸥 > household\-registers; 39559㸢 > cross\-beam\-of\-a\-bed; 39560㸞 > blocks\-for\-printing; 39561㸓 > to\-have\-disappeared; 39562㸏 > cooked\-or\-well\-done; 39563㸀 > blackened\-with\-soot; 39564㷤 > rosy\-clouds\-of\-dawn; 39565㲇 > the\-rattle\-of\-drums; 39566㱾 > a\-kind\-of\-ornaments; 39567㱼 > a\-kind\-of\-ornaments; 39568㱹 > to\-die\-from\-disease; 39569㱫 > destroyed\-or\-ruined; 39570㱪 > stupid\-and\-confused; 39571㱊 > asthmatic\-breathing; 39572㱉 > moving\-of\-the\-mouth; 39573㰴 > to\-grate\-on\-the\-ear; 39574㰰 > asthmatic\-breathing; 39575㰯 > the\-way\-of\-speaking; 39576㯁 > household\-registers; 39577㫯 > in\-contravention\-of; 39578㩦 > to\-lead\-by\-the\-hand; 39579㩘 > to\-moor\-to\-the\-bank; 39580㩗 > to\-lead\-by\-the\-hand; 39581㨝 > the\-very\-hard\-stuff; 39582㨀 > to\-hold\-in\-the\-hand; 39583吏 > government\-official; 39584㧅 > to\-turn\-upside\-down; 39585羚 > species\-of\-antelope; 39586㦓 > difficult\-intention; 39587㥝 > to\-arouse\-to\-action; 39588㢊 > to\-set\-side\-by\-side; 39589㢂 > of\-highly\-strategic; 39590㟱 > shape\-of\-a\-mountain; 39591㟓 > lofty\-and\-dangerous; 39592㟒 > mountains\-adjoining; 39593㝟 > in\-contravention\-of; 39594㜱 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39595㜦 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39596㜡 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39597㜠 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39598㜙 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39599㜐 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39600㜍 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39601㜋 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39602㜂 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39603㛸 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39604㛷 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39605㛵 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39606㛭 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39607㛬 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39608㛫 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39609㛞 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39610㛝 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39611㛜 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39612㛙 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39613㛘 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39614㛖 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39615㛓 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39616㛏 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39617㛅 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39618㛄 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39619㚽 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39620㚸 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39621㚵 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39622㚱 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39623㚭 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39624㚫 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39625㚨 > used\-in\-girl''s\-name; 39626㘫 > to\-fall\-into\-a\-well; 39627㗶 > to\-expel\-the\-breath; 39628㖪 > sound\-of\-surprising; 39629㔹 > a\-surplus\-or\-excess; 39630㔇 > a\-kind\-of\-farm\-tool; 39631㓽 > a\-kind\-of\-farm\-tool; 39632㓷 > to\-cut\-off\-the\-nose; 39633㒔 > to\-shake\-one''s\-head; 39634㒄 > brittle\-and\-friable; 39635㒃 > capital\-form\-of\-two; 39636㑛 > to\-shake\-one''s\-head; 39637玖 > black\-colored\-jade; 39638哪 > which\?\-where\?\-how\?; 39639牲 > sacrificial\-animal; 39640漢 > the\-chinese\-people; 39641漕 > transport\-by\-water; 39642阴 > ''female''\-principle; 39643仙 > taoist\-super\-being; 39644驻 > to\-be\-stationed\-at; 39645駐 > to\-be\-stationed\-at; 39646腮 > lower\-part\-of\-face; 39647拒 > ward\-off\-with\-hand; 39648桂 > cassia\-or\-cinnamon; 39649朵 > cluster\-of\-flowers; 39650曹 > ministry\-officials; 39651罎 > an\-earthenware\-jar; 39652陰 > ''female''\-principle; 39653丸 > small\-round\-object; 39654矩 > carpenter''s\-square; 39655腊 > year\-end\-sacrifice; 39656龟 > turtle\-or\-tortoise; 39657邸 > official\-residence; 39658侃 > upright\-and\-strong; 39659邂 > unexpected\-meeting; 39660怯 > lacking\-in\-courage; 39661甸 > suburbs\-of\-capital; 39662捞 > scoop\-out\-of\-water; 39663扛 > carry\-on\-shoulders; 39664虔 > act\-with\-reverence; 39665霖 > long\-spell\-of\-rain; 39666韧 > strong\-and\-pliable; 39667瑾 > brilliance\-of\-gems; 39668桔 > chinese\-bellflower; 39669鸳 > male\-mandarin\-duck; 39670钗 > ornamental\-hairpin; 39671巅 > summit\-of\-mountain; 39672樨 > osmanthus\-fragrans; 39673蠡 > wood\-boring\-insect; 39674蹂 > trample\-under\-foot; 39675骥 > thoroughbred\-horse; 39676唁 > express\-condolence; 39677骅 > an\-excellent\-horse; 39678碉 > room\-made\-of\-stone; 39679疟 > intermittent\-fever; 39680纣 > name\-of\-an\-emperor; 39681磬 > musical\-instrument; 39682爿 > half\-of\-tree\-trunk; 39683旎 > fluttering\-of\-flag; 39684夔 > one\-legged\-monster; 39685殍 > to\-starve\-to\-death; 39686骊 > a\-pure\-black\-horse; 39687湎 > flushed\-with\-drink; 39688喵 > the\-mew\-of\-the\-cat; 39689焙 > dry\-over\-slow\-fire; 39690绾 > to\-string\-together; 39691眦 > corner\-of\-the\-eyes; 39692瑁 > fine\-piece\-of\-jade; 39693榘 > carpenter''s\-square; 39694粳 > non\-glutinous\-rice; 39695餮 > a\-legendary\-animal; 39696汊 > a\-branching\-stream; 39697缃 > light\-yellow\-color; 39698檩 > the\-bole\-of\-a\-tree; 39699奁 > lady''s\-vanity\-case; 39700楸 > mallotus\-japonicus; 39701骺 > tip\-of\-a\-long\-bone; 39702藿 > lophanthus\-rugosus; 39703樾 > the\-shade\-of\-trees; 39704酤 > to\-deal\-in\-spirits; 39705臌 > dropsical\-swelling; 39706跫 > sound\-of\-footsteps; 39707綮 > embroidered\-banner; 39708觳 > an\-ancient\-measure; 39709杌 > the\-stump\-f\-a\-tree; 39710嵫 > a\-hill\-in\-shantung; 39711擗 > to\-beat\-the\-breast; 39712脔 > small\-lump\-of\-meat; 39713醅 > unstrained\-spirits; 39714羰 > carbonyl\-\(radical\); 39715蛸 > long\-legged\-spider; 39716瞀 > to\-look\-at\-closely; 39717殳 > name\-of\-old\-weapon; 39718崞 > mountain\-in\-shanxi; 39719垲 > high\-and\-dry\-place; 39720虿 > a\-kind\-of\-scorpion; 39721疳 > childhood\-diseases; 39722罾 > a\-large\-square\-net; 39723獬 > a\-fabulous\-monster; 39724龜 > turtle\-or\-tortoise; 39725龖 > flight\-of\-a\-dragon; 39726鸜 > a\-species\-of\-mynah; 39727鷽 > oriental\-bullfinch; 39728鴛 > male\-mandarin\-duck; 39729鴗 > alcedo\-bengalensis; 39730鱵 > hyporhampus\-sajuri; 39731鬠 > to\-make\-a\-top\-knot; 39732驪 > a\-pure\-black\-horse; 39733驥 > thoroughbred\-horse; 39734驊 > an\-excellent\-horse; 39735餼 > sacrificial\-victim; 39736顋 > lower\-part\-of\-face; 39737頔 > good\-and\-beautiful; 39738韌 > strong\-and\-pliable; 39739靱 > strong\-and\-pliable; 39740靭 > strong\-and\-pliable; 39741靫 > strong\-and\-pliable; 39742釵 > ornamental\-hairpin; 39743釒 > kangxi\-radical\-167; 39744鄮 > ancient\-place\-name; 39745轙 > rings\-on\-the\-yokes; 39746軰 > a\-row\-of\-carriages; 39747谽 > a\-mouth\-or\-opening; 39748訁 > kangxi\-radical\-149; 39749襵 > a\-pleat\-in\-a\-skirt; 39750褰 > lift\-up\-the\-skirts; 39751蠆 > a\-kind\-of\-scorpion; 39752蚹 > eulota\-peliomphala; 39753蘷 > one\-legged\-monster; 39754薷 > elshotria\-paltrini; 39755蕺 > houttuynia\-cordata; 39756蓴 > edible\-water\-plant; 39757葴 > physalis\-alkekengi; 39758荅 > answer\:\-small\-bean; 39759茖 > allium\-victorialis; 39760芣 > medicinal\-plantago; 39761臠 > small\-lump\-of\-meat; 39762臘 > year\-end\-sacrifice; 39763臈 > year\-end\-sacrifice; 39764翯 > glistening\-plumage; 39765翖 > ksc\-extension\-3108; 39766羧 > carboxyl\-\(radical\); 39767罈 > an\-earthenware\-jar; 39768緗 > light\-yellow\-color; 39769綰 > to\-string\-together; 39770紂 > name\-of\-an\-emperor; 39771糒 > food\-for\-a\-journey; 39772稉 > non\-glutinous\-rice; 39773秔 > non\-glutinous\-rice; 39774碞 > room\-made\-of\-stone; 39775皪 > luster\-\(of\-pearls\); 39776瘧 > intermittent\-fever; 39777痜 > a\-scabby\-bald\-head; 39778甿 > farming\-population; 39779甋 > a\-jar\-without\-ears; 39780琤 > jade\-of\-jade\-being; 39781玘 > court\-dress\-jewels; 39782獳 > fierce\-dog\-looking; 39783煍 > to\-colour\-by\-smoke; 39784灥 > a\-group\-of\-springs; 39785泲 > kind\-of\-white\-wine; 39786氍 > fine\-woollen\-cloth; 39787檁 > the\-bole\-of\-a\-tree; 39788柺 > an\-old\-man''s\-staff; 39789杻 > ligustrum\-sinenese; 39790杙 > a\-tiny\-wooden\-post; 39791朶 > cluster\-of\-flowers; 39792昷 > to\-feed\-a\-prisoner; 39793旼 > gentle\-and\-affable; 39794擭 > trap\-catch\-animals; 39795撈 > scoop\-out\-of\-water; 39796彄 > nock\-at\-end\-of\-bow; 39797巔 > summit\-of\-mountain; 39798巓 > summit\-of\-mountain; 39799嶨 > big\-rocky\-mountain; 39800嵖 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39801峹 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39802峱 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39803岢 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39804岍 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39805奩 > lady''s\-vanity\-case; 39806壜 > earthen\-jar\-or\-jug; 39807墰 > an\-earthenware\-jar; 39808墐 > to\-build\-with\-soil; 39809塏 > high\-and\-dry\-place; 39810噋 > to\-swallow\-hastily; 39811哰 > incoherent\-chatter; 39812僊 > taoist\-super\-being; 39813佷 > to\-act\-contrary\-to; 39814亀 > turtle\-or\-tortoise; 39815乑 > stand\-side\-by\-side; 39816丬 > half\-of\-tree\-trunk; 39817䶣 > to\-grind\-the\-teeth; 39818䶟 > to\-gnash\-the\-teeth; 39819䵕 > a\-varietyof\-millet; 39820䴱 > cakes\-and\-biscuits; 39821䴦 > a\-legendary\-animal; 39822䳨 > the\-female\-phoenix; 39823䳔 > a\-pigeon\-like\-bird; 39824䳎 > a\-pigeon\-like\-bird; 39825䱳 > a\-kind\-of\-sturgeon; 39826䱣 > a\-long\-narrow\-fish; 39827䰪 > mischievous\-spirit; 39828䰨 > mischievous\-spirit; 39829䯱 > the\-hair\-stands\-up; 39830䯏 > the\-shoulder\-blade; 39831䯋 > the\-shoulder\-blade; 39832䮥 > color\-of\-the\-horse; 39833䮝 > a\-legendary\-animal; 39834䭰 > strong\-sweet\-smell; 39835䭯 > strong\-sweet\-smell; 39836䭋 > to\-eat\-to\-the\-full; 39837䭃 > to\-eat\-to\-the\-fool; 39838䬾 > cakes\-and\-biscuits; 39839䬴 > fodder\-for\-animals; 39840䬬 > to\-eat\-to\-the\-full; 39841䬨 > to\-eat\-to\-the\-full; 39842䬧 > round\-shaped\-cakes; 39843䫐 > to\-bend\-one''s\-head; 39844䪌 > cushion\-for\-saddle; 39845䨆 > a\-kind\-of\-pheasant; 39846䧼 > the\-the\-snow\-goose; 39847䧦 > name\-of\-a\-hillside; 39848䧇 > name\-of\-a\-hillside; 39849䦮 > door\-of\-the\-center; 39850䦒 > the\-door\-is\-closed; 39851䦐 > the\-bolt\-of\-a\-door; 39852䥳 > a\-chemical\-element; 39853䥲 > a\-chemical\-element; 39854䥞 > to\-cut\-with\-shears; 39855䥝 > desperate\-fighting; 39856䤄 > flushed\-with\-drink; 39857䣺 > filtrated\-the\-wine; 39858䣀 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39859䡠 > strong\-and\-durable; 39860䡛 > name\-of\-a\-carriage; 39861䠧 > hard\-to\-go\-forward; 39862䠡 > sound\-of\-footsteps; 39863䟝 > to\-walk\-right\-into; 39864䝞 > name\-of\-a\-immortal; 39865䛉 > to\-induce\-by\-words; 39866䚧 > curved\-with\-angles; 39867䙃 > sleeveless\-clothes; 39868䘍 > a\-kind\-of\-scorpion; 39869䗻 > a\-kind\-of\-sea\-crab; 39870䗨 > lepsima\-saccharina; 39871䗣 > insect\-of\-mulberry; 39872䗍 > wood\-boring\-insect; 39873䖧 > a\-poisonous\-insect; 39874䖓 > of\-a\-walking\-tiger; 39875䕪 > the\-water\-plantain; 39876䔼 > sound\-of\-the\-grass; 39877䔃 > cordate\-houttuynia; 39878䓫 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39879䓨 > long\-necked\-bottle; 39880䓠 > the\-water\-plantain; 39881䓖 > cnidium\-officinale; 39882䓃 > melancholy\-and\-sad; 39883䒝 > root\-of\-the\-thatch; 39884䑙 > put\-out\-the\-tongue; 39885䑆 > feel\-like\-vomiting; 39886䐔 > muscle\-of\-the\-calf; 39887䎾 > big\-and\-round\-eyes; 39888䎴 > a\-legendary\-spirit; 39889䎪 > the\-stalk\-of\-grain; 39890䎔 > fine\-and\-soft\-hair; 39891䎏 > young\-birds\-flying; 39892䎍 > fine\-and\-soft\-hair; 39893䍩 > to\-offer\-provision; 39894䍣 > a\-kind\-of\-fish\-net; 39895䌍 > fine\-woven\-pattern; 39896䌉 > the\-large\-of\-a\-net; 39897䋗 > strong\-and\-durable; 39898䋈 > to\-bind\-loose\-hemp; 39899䉬 > coarse\-bamboo\-mats; 39900䈮 > a\-woven\-instrument; 39901䇳 > a\-memoradum\-tablet; 39902䆪 > color\-of\-the\-light; 39903䆥 > to\-pierce\-throughj; 39904䆤 > to\-pierce\-throughj; 39905䆑 > a\-little\-protruded; 39906䅽 > fragrance\-or\-aroma; 39907䅱 > to\-eat\-to\-the\-full; 39908䅧 > fine\-rice\-seedling; 39909䅝 > the\-stalk\-of\-grain; 39910䅜 > to\-store\-up\-grains; 39911䅀 > the\-stalk\-of\-grain; 39912䄚 > to\-worship\-the\-god; 39913䃽 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39914䃜 > a\-fine\-black\-stone; 39915䁊 > dark\-and\-deep\-eyed; 39916䀞 > with\-heavy\-eyelids; 39917䀗 > to\-look\-askance\-at; 39918㿌 > lump\-in\-the\-throat; 39919㼣 > bricks\-of\-the\-well; 39920㼇 > fine\-jade\-or\-agate; 39921㻗 > a\-string\-of\-pearls; 39922㻊 > a\-red\-colored\-jade; 39923㻅 > jade\-decorated\-cap; 39924㺧 > a\-white\-yellow\-dog; 39925㹤 > lacking\-in\-courage; 39926㸽 > a\-two\-years\-old\-ox; 39927㸬 > a\-two\-years\-old\-ox; 39928㸈 > scorched\-or\-burned; 39929㷳 > color\-of\-the\-flame; 39930㷢 > bundle\-of\-charcoal; 39931㷠 > a\-will\-o''\-the\-wisp; 39932㶶 > scorched\-or\-burned; 39933㵓 > the\-water\-is\-clear; 39934㴾 > swelling\-or\-rising; 39935㳂 > to\-follow\-a\-course; 39936㲡 > thick\-coat\-of\-hair; 39937㲗 > to\-smooth\-the\-hair; 39938㯶 > the\-coir\-palm\-tree; 39939㯲 > a\-wooden\-framework; 39940㯛 > gourd\-shaped\-dates; 39941㮻 > to\-scratch\-lightly; 39942㮍 > amemorandum\-tablet; 39943㭨 > the\-cocoa\-nut\-palm; 39944㭡 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39945㭝 > name\-of\-a\-pavilion; 39946㬴 > the\-moon\-is\-dimmed; 39947㬒 > the\-sun\-are\-dimmed; 39948㬎 > motes\-in\-a\-sunbeam; 39949㫦 > of\-look\-of\-the\-sun; 39950㫞 > of\-look\-of\-the\-sun; 39951㪸 > to\-fill\-a\-cup\-with; 39952㩃 > to\-take\-or\-capture; 39953㨽 > to\-cut\-or\-rip\-open; 39954㨡 > to\-push\-with\-hands; 39955㨜 > to\-help\-each\-other; 39956杻 > ligustrum\-sinenese; 39957㧀 > the\-bolt\-of\-a\-door; 39958㦾 > the\-bolt\-of\-a\-door; 39959驪 > a\-pure\-black\-horse; 39960㥸 > to\-sympathize\-with; 39961㥨 > unhappy\-displeased; 39962㤪 > to\-find\-fault\-with; 39963臘 > year\-end\-sacrifice; 39964龜 > turtle\-or\-tortoise; 39965龜 > turtle\-or\-tortoise; 39966㣌 > to\-join\-two\-things; 39967㡯 > wall\-of\-a\-building; 39968㠦 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39969㠠 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39970㠓 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39971㠏 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39972㠆 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39973㟳 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39974㟰 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39975㟪 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39976㟦 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39977㟘 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39978㟍 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39979㟊 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39980㟈 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39981㟆 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39982㟄 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39983㟀 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39984㞻 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39985㞴 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39986㞳 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39987㞲 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39988㞰 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39989㞨 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39990㞦 > name\-of\-a\-mountain; 39991㘳 > a\-hillock\-or\-mound; 39992㘱 > to\-fall\-into\-ruins; 39993㘜 > a\-kind\-of\-silkworm; 39994㖅 > sound\-of\-a\-whistle; 39995㖃 > to\-roar\-of\-animals; 39996㔢 > to\-break\-something; 39997皿 > shallow\-container; 39998屓 > gigantic\-strength; 39999派 > school\-of\-thought; 40000姓 > one''s\-family\-name; 40001煎 > fry\-in\-fat\-or\-oil; 40002襁 > swaddling\-clothes; 40003哈 > sound\-of\-laughter; 40004鸚 > species\-of\-parrot; 40005欧 > translit\.\:\-europe; 40006鵡 > species\-of\-parrot; 40007订 > draw\-up\-agreement; 40008偏 > inclined\-one\-side; 40009歔 > blow\-through\-nose; 40010培 > bank\-up\-with\-dirt; 40011漫 > overflow\-of\-water; 40012侠 > chivalrous\-person; 40013姆 > child''s\-governess; 40014盒 > small\-box\-or\-case; 40015儒 > confucian\-scholar; 40016阪 > hillside\-farmland; 40017迈 > take\-a\-big\-stride; 40018捏 > pick\-with\-fingers; 40019浙 > zhejiang\-province; 40020筧 > bamboo\-water\-pipe; 40021艘 > counter\-for\-ships; 40022趁 > take\-advantage\-of; 40023鉢 > earthenware\-basin; 40024蓬 > type\-of\-raspberry; 40025辖 > linchpin\-of\-wheel; 40026逅 > meet\-unexpectedly; 40027嘎 > sound\-of\-laughter; 40028酣 > enjoy\-intoxicants; 40029饺 > stuffed\-dumplings; 40030咏 > sing\-song\-or\-poem; 40031钵 > earthenware\-basin; 40032搀 > give\-helping\-hand; 40033捶 > strike\-with\-stick; 40034刨 > carpenter''s\-plane; 40035蠕 > eumenes\-polifomis; 40036饨 > stuffed\-dumplings; 40037崆 > kongtong\-mountain; 40038盅 > small\-cup\-or\-bowl; 40039梆 > watchman''s\-rattle; 40040嵇 > mountain\-in\-henan; 40041耷 > ears\-hanging\-down; 40042羌 > qiang\-nationality; 40043苞 > a\-variety\-of\-rush; 40044鹦 > species\-of\-parrot; 40045藜 > chenopodium\-album; 40046艄 > stern\-of\-a\-vessel; 40047鹉 > species\-of\-parrot; 40048峁 > yellow\-dirt\-mount; 40049镔 > high\-quality\-iron; 40050鲫 > carassius\-auratus; 40051龇 > to\-show\-the\-teeth; 40052沭 > river\-in\-shantung; 40053榫 > mortise\-and\-tenon; 40054萋 > luxuriant\-foliage; 40055醮 > religious\-service; 40056牝 > female\-of\-species; 40057曷 > why\?\-what\?\-where\?; 40058瑷 > fine\-quality\-jade; 40059耦 > plow\-side\-by\-side; 40060鸶 > the\-eastern\-egret; 40061篦 > fine\-toothed\-comb; 40062妁 > act\-as\-go\-between; 40063荥 > a\-county\-in\-henan; 40064戽 > to\-bale\-out\-water; 40065枳 > trifoliate\-orange; 40066椐 > zelkowa\-acuminata; 40067崤 > mountain\-in\-henan; 40068魉 > a\-kind\-of\-monster; 40069颞 > the\-temporal\-bone; 40070锴 > high\-quality\-iron; 40071笕 > bamboo\-water\-pipe; 40072耩 > to\-plough\.\-to\-sow; 40073廨 > government\-office; 40074蟮 > type\-of\-earthworm; 40075蛱 > kind\-of\-butterfly; 40076禳 > pray\-or\-sacrifice; 40077瞢 > eyesight\-obscured; 40078蔸 > counter\-for\-plant; 40079螅 > \(intestinal\-worm\); 40080祧 > an\-ancestral\-hall; 40081柝 > watchman''s\-rattle; 40082蠃 > the\-solitary\-wasp; 40083蜾 > the\-solitary\-wasp; 40084聃 > ears\-without\-rims; 40085耜 > spade\-shaped\-tool; 40086慝 > do\-evil\-in\-secret; 40087庳 > a\-low\-built\-house; 40088鼢 > a\-variety\-of\-mole; 40089蚺 > a\-boa\-constrictor; 40090颥 > the\-temporal\-bone; 40091硇 > a\-kind\-of\-mineral; 40092硭 > a\-crude\-saltpetre; 40093胨 > a\-kind\-of\-protein; 40094齜 > to\-show\-the\-teeth; 40095齄 > red\-sores\-on\-nose; 40096黟 > black\-and\-shining; 40097鹁 > species\-of\-pigeon; 40098鵵 > scops\-semitorques; 40099鵓 > species\-of\-pigeon; 40100鯽 > carassius\-auratus; 40101鮸 > sciaena\-albiflora; 40102魫 > the\-young\-of\-fish; 40103魎 > a\-kind\-of\-monster; 40104髽 > to\-dress\-the\-hair; 40105饩 > sacrficial\-victim; 40106餃 > stuffed\-dumplings; 40107餂 > to\-obtain\-by\-hook; 40108飩 > stuffed\-dumplings; 40109顳 > the\-temporal\-bone; 40110顬 > the\-temporal\-bone; 40111鞸 > leather\-arm\-guard; 40112鞲 > leather\-arm\-guard; 40113靿 > the\-leg\-of\-a\-boot; 40114隸 > be\-subservient\-to; 40115隷 > be\-subservient\-to; 40116閪 > to\-lose\-lost\-item; 40117鑤 > carpenter''s\-plane; 40118鑌 > high\-quality\-iron; 40119鍇 > high\-quality\-iron; 40120銠 > rhodium\-ruthenium; 40121鉕 > promethium\-bronze; 40122鉋 > carpenter''s\-plane; 40123鈳 > columbium\-niobium; 40124醭 > moulds\-on\-liquids; 40125醑 > to\-strain\-spirits; 40126酺 > drink\-with\-others; 40127邁 > take\-a\-big\-stride; 40128轄 > linchpin\-of\-wheel; 40129貍 > a\-fox\-like\-animal; 40130豋 > ceremonial\-vessel; 40131訂 > draw\-up\-agreement; 40132覼 > explain\-in\-detail; 40133覙 > explain\-in\-detail; 40134蝡 > eumenes\-polifomis; 40135蜔 > inlaid\-shell\-work; 40136蛺 > kind\-of\-butterfly; 40137蚦 > a\-boa\-constrictor; 40138蘵 > physalis\-angulata; 40139藨 > kind\-of\-raspberry; 40140蕸 > water\-lily''s\-leaf; 40141蕑 > valeriana\-villosa; 40142葎 > humulus\-japonicus; 40143菣 > artemisia\-apiacea; 40144莛 > stalks\-of\-grasses; 40145茍 > to\-be\-circumspect; 40146罛 > large\-fishing\-net; 40147缽 > earthenware\-basin; 40148縰 > band\-for\-the\-hair; 40149綎 > silk\-braided\-cord; 40150紬 > kind\-of\-thin\-silk; 40151籸 > powdery\-substance; 40152籓 > big\-winnow\-basket; 40153篨 > coarse\-bamboo\-mat; 40154箆 > fine\-toothed\-comb; 40155祊 > river\-in\-shandong; 40156瘵 > a\-wasting\-disease; 40157璫 > pendant\-ornaments; 40158璦 > fine\-quality\-jade; 40159玞 > an\-inferior\-agate; 40160熀 > the\-blaze\-of\-fire; 40161灎 > movement\-of\-water; 40162湑 > to\-strain\-spirits; 40163渰 > forming\-or\-rising; 40164洶 > the\-rush\-of\-water; 40165朠 > color\-of\-the\-moon; 40166暔 > name\-of\-a\-country; 40167攰 > totally\-exhausted; 40168掫 > be\-on\-night\-watch; 40169捥 > to\-bend\-the\-wrist; 40170抌 > to\-bale\-out\-water; 40171愰 > clearness\-of\-mind; 40172弖 > phonetic\-for\-''te''; 40173嵆 > mountain\-in\-henan; 40174屭 > gigantic\-strength; 40175尨 > shaggy\-haired\-dog; 40176夊 > kangxi\-radical\-35; 40177喿 > chirping\-of\-birds; 40178喼 > used\-phonetically; 40179喹 > chemical\-compound; 40180哵 > the\-cry\-of\-a\-bird; 40181哴 > crying\-of\-infants; 40182吢 > vomiting\-of\-a\-dog; 40183倈 > to\-induce\-to\-come; 40184俠 > chivalrous\-person; 40185俈 > to\-inform\-quickly; 40186仂 > surplus\-or\-excess; 40187乪 > a\-bend\-in\-a\-river; 40188䶰 > feather\-ornaments; 40189䶖 > disease\-of\-tongue; 40190䵜 > to\-plough\-and\-sow; 40191䴊 > the\-crow\-pheasant; 40192䳤 > a\-kind\-of\-strange; 40193䳙 > a\-egret\-like\-bird; 40194䯥 > with\-a\-high\-skull; 40195䯢 > partial\-paralysis; 40196䮫 > a\-big\-mule\-an\-ass; 40197䮚 > diseases\-of\-horse; 40198䮐 > in\-good\-condition; 40199䭔 > steamed\-dumplings; 40200䬰 > light\-refreshment; 40201䬕 > sound\-of\-the\-wind; 40202䬍 > the\-sound\-of\-wind; 40203䬆 > a\-blustering\-gale; 40204䬃 > the\-sound\-of\-wind; 40205䬀 > sound\-of\-the\-wind; 40206䫦 > the\-lower\-jawbone; 40207䫟 > facial\-complexion; 40208䫍 > to\-bow\-one''s\-head; 40209䫉 > facial\-appearance; 40210䨕 > pouring\-with\-rain; 40211䧺 > the\-male\-of\-birds; 40212䦪 > sound\-of\-the\-door; 40213䦝 > sound\-of\-the\-door; 40214䦖 > sound\-of\-the\-door; 40215䦃 > to\-dig\-with\-a\-hoe; 40216䣻 > color\-of\-the\-wine; 40217䣪 > color\-of\-the\-wine; 40218䢝 > the\-next\-in\-order; 40219䡷 > noise\-of\-vehicles; 40220䡪 > fan\-of\-a\-carriage; 40221䡙 > an\-armed\-carriage; 40222䞕 > color\-of\-the\-fire; 40223䞂 > fairly\-prosperous; 40224䝺 > to\-pierce\-through; 40225䝹 > fairly\-prosperous; 40226䝳 > to\-kill\-for\-money; 40227䝲 > farewell\-presents; 40228䜢 > cruel\-and\-violent; 40229䚠 > unbroken\-firewood; 40230䚝 > new\-growing\-horns; 40231䚚 > horn\-of\-an\-animal; 40232䚑 > to\-steal\-a\-glance; 40233䚀 > to\-see\-stealthily; 40234䙴 > to\-soar\-as\-a\-bird; 40235䙪 > a\-loop\-for\-button; 40236䘎 > name\-of\-an\-insect; 40237䗹 > hairy\-caterpillar; 40238䗥 > the\-solitary\-wasp; 40239䕧 > zizania\-latifolia; 40240䕠 > coarse\-bamboo\-mat; 40241䕆 > round\-straw\-quilt; 40242䓛 > molecular\-formula; 40243䒽 > illicium\-anisatum; 40244䒐 > disturbed\-in\-mind; 40245䒏 > disturbed\-in\-mind; 40246䑼 > ocean\-going\-liner; 40247䐠 > between\-the\-flesh; 40248䐘 > to\-laugh\-heartily; 40249䐖 > to\-laugh\-heartily; 40250䏰 > a\-kind\-of\-insects; 40251䏛 > a\-kind\-of\-insects; 40252䎨 > to\-plough\-and\-sow; 40253䍭 > a\-ewe\-or\-she\-goat; 40254䍧 > a\-ewe\-or\-she\-goat; 40255䍇 > flat\-bottom\-crock; 40256䌨 > thin\-silk\-fabrics; 40257䋻 > to\-spin\-and\-weave; 40258䋺 > a\-swing\-a\-crupper; 40259䋘 > to\-hand\-by\-a\-rope; 40260䊯 > grains\-with\-beard; 40261䊚 > steamed\-dumplings; 40262䉌 > crude\-bamboo\-mats; 40263䈠 > books\-and\-volumes; 40264䆕 > to\-pierce\-through; 40265䆔 > to\-pierce\-through; 40266䄉 > a\-rite\-or\-service; 40267䃿 > a\-rite\-or\-service; 40268䂣 > a\-kind\-of\-mineral; 40269䁽 > eyesight\-obscured; 40270䁸 > eyesight\-obscured; 40271䁄 > to\-close\-the\-eyes; 40272䀹 > to\-wink\-eyelashes; 40273㿃 > an\-ox\-headed\-boil; 40274㾱 > incurable\-disease; 40275㽍 > an\-earthen\-vessel; 40276㼴 > an\-earthen\-vessel; 40277㺿 > a\-jade\-like\-stone; 40278㶿 > the\-smoke\-went\-up; 40279㶴 > a\-very\-great\-fire; 40280㵫 > water\-gushing\-out; 40281㵍 > filled\-with\-water; 40282㵄 > name\-of\-a\-dynasty; 40283㳜 > the\-flowing\-water; 40284㲲 > fine\-cotton\-cloth; 40285㲘 > fine\-woolen\-cloth; 40286㲋 > a\-kind\-of\-animals; 40287㲃 > smooth\-and\-curved; 40288㰩 > sound\-of\-laughter; 40289㯿 > handle\-of\-a\-ladle; 40290㯦 > the\-game\-of\-chess; 40291㮵 > common\-sandalwood; 40292㮨 > codium\-macronatum; 40293㮚 > the\-chestnut\-tree; 40294㬛 > to\-dry\-in\-the\-sun; 40295㩮 > to\-lift\-up\-or\-off; 40296㩩 > to\-come\-to\-an\-end; 40297㩙 > a\-cork\-or\-stopper; 40298㨢 > to\-rip\-open\-flesh; 40299隸 > be\-subservient\-to; 40300㣢 > to\-rest\-from\-work; 40301㣓 > literary\-in\-taste; 40302㣍 > a\-raised\-platform; 40303㢮 > to\-unstring\-a\-bow; 40304㢑 > a\-collapsed\-house; 40305㢈 > a\-collapsed\-house; 40306㢄 > a\-kind\-of\-utensil; 40307㡟 > bed\-mats\-for\-baby; 40308㠷 > a\-vessel\-for\-rice; 40309㠥 > rugged\-and\-uneven; 40310㠢 > rugged\-and\-uneven; 40311㟴 > lump\-on\-the\-hills; 40312㟤 > zhuang\-in\-guangxi; 40313㟃 > to\-have\-charge\-of; 40314㞭 > name\-of\-an\-island; 40315㝌 > prolonged\-illness; 40316㛴 > to\-anger\-to\-annoy; 40317㚅 > to\-worship\-of\-god; 40318㙩 > an\-enclosing\-wall; 40319㘦 > wall\-made\-of\-soil; 40320㘚 > angry\-air\-of\-look; 40321㗼 > eating\-or\-talking; 40322㗥 > sound\-of\-striking; 40323㖸 > to\-laugh\-heartily; 40324㖧 > can\-not\-see\-clear; 40325㔝 > strong\-resistance; 40326㓾 > to\-wound\-the\-skin; 40327㑝 > to\-make\-a\-fool\-of; 40328㑏 > to\-stand\-and\-wait; 40329㑊 > a\-kind\-of\-disease; 40330㐲 > name\-of\-an\-island; 40331个 > numerary\-adjunct; 40332里 > unit\-of\-distance; 40333阳 > ''male''\-principle; 40334訝 > express\-surprise; 40335黍 > glutinous\-millet; 40336剧 > theatrical\-plays; 40337蘂 > stamen\-or\-pistil; 40338挺 > to\-stand\-upright; 40339础 > foundation\-stone; 40340劇 > theatrical\-plays; 40341舅 > mother''s\-brother; 40342萧 > common\-artemisia; 40343個 > numerary\-adjunct; 40344俺 > personal\-pronoun; 40345玲 > tinkling\-of\-jade; 40346陽 > ''male''\-principle; 40347箇 > numerary\-adjunct; 40348捩 > twist\-with\-hands; 40349讶 > express\-surprise; 40350黛 > blacken\-eyebrows; 40351妆 > to\-adorn\-oneself; 40352幢 > carriage\-curtain; 40353梭 > weaver''s\-shuttle; 40354漪 > ripples\-on\-water; 40355眷 > take\-interest\-in; 40356勋 > meritorious\-deed; 40357甭 > there\-is\-no\-need; 40358祠 > ancestral\-temple; 40359舔 > lick\-with\-tongue; 40360蕊 > unopened\-flowers; 40361赣 > jiangxi\-province; 40362跷 > raise\-one''s\-foot; 40363剁 > chop\-by\-pounding; 40364薰 > a\-medicinal\-herb; 40365叼 > holding\-in\-mouth; 40366荼 > bitter\-vegetable; 40367徙 > move\-one''s\-abode; 40368涔 > river\-in\-shaanxi; 40369潢 > expanse\-of\-water; 40370秸 > stalks\-of\-millet; 40371袈 > buddhist\-cassock; 40372珞 > kind\-of\-necklace; 40373啾 > wailing\-of\-child; 40374亻 > radical\-number\-9; 40375舐 > lick\-with\-tongue; 40376夙 > early\-in\-morning; 40377鹘 > a\-kind\-of\-pigeon; 40378娩 > give\-birth\-child; 40379姝 > a\-beautiful\-girl; 40380懑 > be\-sick\-at\-heart; 40381锉 > carpenter''s\-file; 40382洱 > a\-lake\-in\-yunnan; 40383蝈 > small\-green\-frog; 40384帼 > women''s\-headgear; 40385狎 > be\-familiar\-with; 40386胪 > arrange\-in\-order; 40387豢 > domestic\-animals; 40388眇 > blind\-in\-one\-eye; 40389羿 > legendary\-archer; 40390芩 > salt\-marsh\-plant; 40391茭 > an\-aquatic\-grass; 40392蓖 > castor\-oil\-plant; 40393傧 > entertain\-guests; 40394薜 > evergreen\-shrubs; 40395趺 > sit\-cross\-legged; 40396椹 > a\-chopping\-board; 40397霈 > torrential\-rains; 40398跏 > sit\-cross\-legged; 40399曩 > in\-ancient\-times; 40400栌 > supporting\-block; 40401哚 > chemical\-element; 40402筌 > bamboo\-fish\-trap; 40403浍 > irrigation\-ditch; 40404猁 > a\-kind\-of\-monkey; 40405啶 > \-d\-\+\-ine\-\(chem\.\); 40406鬯 > sacrificial\-wine; 40407鲷 > pagrosomus\-major; 40408聱 > bent\-and\-twisted; 40409劢 > put\-forth\-effort; 40410蟪 > a\-kind\-of\-cicada; 40411螗 > a\-kind\-of\-cicada; 40412赆 > farewell\-present; 40413埯 > cover\-with\-earth; 40414鲔 > kind\-of\-sturgeon; 40415罨 > medical\-compress; 40416嫜 > husband''s\-parent; 40417漤 > marinate\-in\-salt; 40418嚆 > give\-forth\-sound; 40419薹 > cyperus\-rotundus; 40420茆 > species\-of\-grass; 40421齙 > projecting\-teeth; 40422鹶 > salty\-and\-bitter; 40423鶻 > a\-kind\-of\-pigeon; 40424鯛 > pagrosomus\-major; 40425鯆 > the\-skate\-or\-ray; 40426鮪 > kind\-of\-sturgeon; 40427魬 > sole\-or\-flounder; 40428骴 > a\-putrid\-carcase; 40429馘 > cut\-off\-left\-ear; 40430飀 > soughing\-of\-wind; 40431韝 > leather\-arm\-band; 40432韊 > a\-case\-for\-a\-bow; 40433鞶 > big\-leather\-belt; 40434雗 > a\-white\-pheasant; 40435隤 > to\-fall\-in\-ruins; 40436闠 > gate\-of\-a\-market; 40437銼 > carpenter''s\-file; 40438銻 > antimony\-stibium; 40439銧 > point\-of\-a\-sword; 40440鉀 > potassium\-kalium; 40441躷 > of\-short\-stature; 40442蹺 > raise\-one''s\-foot; 40443蹱 > to\-stagger\-along; 40444蹐 > take\-short\-steps; 40445贛 > jiangxi\-province; 40446贐 > farewell\-present; 40447賙 > give\-for\-charity; 40448豏 > half\-grown\-beans; 40449誕 > to\-bear\-children; 40450覂 > to\-throw\-a\-rider; 40451襱 > legs\-of\-trousers; 40452裛 > to\-wrap\-and\-bind; 40453袗 > unlined\-garments; 40454衎 > to\-give\-pleasure; 40455蟿 > acrida\-chinensis; 40456蟈 > small\-green\-frog; 40457螋 > spider\-millipede; 40458蝻 > immature\-locusts; 40459虥 > striped\-wild\-cat; 40460藦 > edible\-mushrooms; 40461藋 > sambucu\-javinica; 40462薫 > a\-medicinal\-herb; 40463薃 > cyperus\-amuricus; 40464蕭 > common\-artemisia; 40465蕋 > unopened\-flowers; 40466蔇 > luxuriant\-growth; 40467葙 > celosia\-argentea; 40468菉 > the\-green\-bamboo; 40469芘 > malva\-sylvestris; 40470芃 > luxuriant\-growth; 40471臚 > arrange\-in\-order; 40472耼 > ears\-without\-rim; 40473綵 > varicolored\-silk; 40474紽 > a\-strand\-of\-silk; 40475糵 > fermenting\-grain; 40476糱 > fermenting\-grain; 40477糈 > sacrificial\-rice; 40478籧 > crude\-bamboo\-mat; 40479箯 > bamboo\-palanquin; 40480箊 > bamboo\-with\-thin; 40481秷 > sound\-of\-reaping; 40482礎 > foundation\-stone; 40483磥 > a\-heap\-of\-stones; 40484砫 > ancestral\-tablet; 40485瞘 > deeply\-sunk\-eyes; 40486瞋 > glare\-with\-anger; 40487睜 > to\-open\-the\-eyes; 40488盦 > lid\-of\-a\-caldron; 40489癉 > to\-hate\-bitterly; 40490瘅 > to\-hate\-bitterly; 40491瓟 > the\-bottle\-gourd; 40492猸 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40493狻 > a\-fabulous\-beast; 40494烜 > light\-of\-the\-sun; 40495灠 > marinate\-in\-salt; 40496澮 > irrigation\-ditch; 40497澦 > place\-in\-sichuan; 40498澥 > a\-blocked\-stream; 40499澔 > radiance\-of\-gems; 40500渫 > beating\-of\-ocean; 40501浤 > beating\-of\-ocean; 40502毮 > to\-pull\-out\-hair; 40503毪 > serge\-from\-tibet; 40504櫨 > supporting\-block; 40505樛 > bending\-branches; 40506枲 > male\-nettle\-hemp; 40507枒 > the\-coconut\-tree; 40508晅 > light\-of\-the\-sun; 40509斵 > to\-cut\-to\-pieces; 40510斞 > a\-stack\-of\-grain; 40511撚 > twirl\-in\-fingers; 40512挷 > to\-propel\-a\-boat; 40513懣 > be\-sick\-at\-heart; 40514弳 > circular\-measure; 40515弪 > circular\-measure; 40516廵 > to\-go\-on\-circuit; 40517幗 > women''s\-headgear; 40518嬎 > to\-bear\-multiple; 40519媤 > husband''s\-family; 40520妝 > to\-adorn\-oneself; 40521墤 > to\-fall\-in\-ruins; 40522囍 > double\-happiness; 40523嚳 > mythical\-emperor; 40524嘅 > sound\-of\-sighing; 40525嗞 > to\-consult\-about; 40526嗁 > give\-forth\-sound; 40527喺 > to\-be\-located\-at; 40528勳 > meritorious\-deed; 40529勲 > meritorious\-deed; 40530勱 > put\-forth\-effort; 40531勛 > meritorious\-deed; 40532刴 > chop\-by\-pounding; 40533冓 > a\-secluded\-place; 40534儐 > entertain\-guests; 40535儊 > rough\-and\-rugged; 40536傜 > a\-minority\-tribe; 40537䶱 > a\-kind\-of\-turtle; 40538䵤 > to\-crack\-or\-chap; 40539䵣 > white\-with\-black; 40540䵡 > to\-crack\-or\-chap; 40541䵃 > a\-kind\-of\-barley; 40542䴬 > crumbs\-of\-barley; 40543䴤 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40544䴣 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40545䴅 > a\-legendary\-bird; 40546䳢 > small\-wild\-goose; 40547䳟 > a\-legendary\-bird; 40548䳐 > an\-owl\-like\-bird; 40549䲲 > a\-hawk\-like\-bird; 40550䲦 > a\-legendary\-bird; 40551䰃 > dishevelled\-hair; 40552䯳 > loosely\-arranged; 40553䯮 > dishevelled\-hair; 40554䯇 > to\-exert\-oneself; 40555䮴 > unstable\-walking; 40556䮳 > to\-give\-birth\-to; 40557䮩 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40558䮠 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40559䮁 > a\-pair\-of\-horses; 40560䮀 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40561䫌 > bowed\-one''s\-head; 40562䪎 > strings\-of\-a\-cap; 40563䩥 > a\-belt\-for\-horse; 40564䨻 > roar\-of\-thunders; 40565䨴 > gathering\-clouds; 40566䨳 > the\-rain\-stopped; 40567䨏 > sound\-of\-raining; 40568䨊 > a\-flock\-of\-birds; 40569䧸 > a\-kind\-of\-pigeon; 40570䧡 > a\-fortified\-wall; 40571䧄 > name\-of\-a\-person; 40572䦕 > bang\-of\-the\-door; 40573䦂 > chemical\-element; 40574䥛 > a\-kind\-of\-sickle; 40575䥇 > chemical\-element; 40576䤲 > chemical\-element; 40577䤠 > chemical\-element; 40578䣮 > smell\-of\-alcohol; 40579䣫 > soured\-bean\-curd; 40580䢞 > rows\-and\-columns; 40581䡮 > trace\-of\-a\-wheel; 40582䡢 > a\-small\-carriage; 40583䠿 > name\-of\-a\-person; 40584䠻 > to\-bend\-the\-body; 40585䟋 > to\-press\-forward; 40586䞖 > name\-of\-a\-person; 40587䞌 > to\-lose\-in\-trade; 40588䝣 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40589䝚 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40590䝋 > a\-little\-of\-pigs; 40591䝇 > grunting\-of\-pigs; 40592䛏 > to\-call\-somebody; 40593䛎 > to\-shout\-in\-rage; 40594䛂 > to\-separate\-from; 40595䚿 > to\-shout\-in\-rage; 40596䚔 > to\-look\-suddenly; 40597䚒 > eyesight\-blurred; 40598䚎 > eyesight\-blurred; 40599䚋 > eyesight\-blurred; 40600䚃 > to\-realize\-fully; 40601䙭 > to\-lift\-or\-raise; 40602䘋 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40603䘂 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40604䗿 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40605䗼 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40606䗸 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40607䗱 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40608䗯 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40609䗮 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40610䗡 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40611䗟 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40612䗛 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40613䗏 > name\-of\-a\-insect; 40614䗎 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40615䗆 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40616䗄 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40617䗁 > a\-kind\-of\-cicada; 40618䖷 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40619䖴 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40620䖲 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40621䖯 > poisonous\-insect; 40622䖐 > sound\-of\-a\-tiger; 40623䔷 > cyperus\-rotundus; 40624䒣 > lush\-or\-delicate; 40625䑸 > a\-group\-of\-boats; 40626䑅 > dizzy\-and\-sleepy; 40627䐨 > back\-of\-the\-foot; 40628䏒 > half\-of\-the\-body; 40629䏏 > signs\-and\-groans; 40630䎼 > a\-kind\-of\-insect; 40631䎯 > winter\-ploughing; 40632䎂 > colorful\-feather; 40633䌽 > varicolored\-silk; 40634䌂 > in\-ancient\-times; 40635䋤 > plain\-white\-silk; 40636䋔 > to\-band\-together; 40637䊋 > to\-adorn\-oneself; 40638䉷 > a\-feather\-screen; 40639䉉 > a\-writing\-tablet; 40640䈙 > bamboo\-to\-wither; 40641䈈 > a\-kind\-of\-bamboo; 40642䈃 > a\-kind\-of\-bamboo; 40643䈂 > a\-kind\-of\-bamboo; 40644䇻 > a\-kind\-of\-bamboo; 40645䇹 > a\-kind\-of\-bamboo; 40646䇷 > in\-ancient\-times; 40647䇦 > a\-kind\-of\-bamboo; 40648䆿 > to\-talk\-in\-sleep; 40649䆲 > a\-spacious\-house; 40650䆈 > young\-and\-tender; 40651䅼 > a\-kind\-of\-grains; 40652䅺 > grain\-in\-the\-ear; 40653䅊 > a\-spacious\-house; 40654䄺 > young\-and\-tender; 40655䂪 > hard\-barren\-land; 40656䀃 > a\-kind\-of\-vessel; 40657㾦 > scab\-over\-a\-sore; 40658㾁 > walking\-like\-mad; 40659㽮 > a\-point\-of\-light; 40660㽊 > cracking\-of\-tile; 40661㻒 > red\-colored\-jade; 40662㻁 > a\-kind\-of\-jasper; 40663㺵 > black\-jade\-stone; 40664㺴 > name\-of\-a\-spirit; 40665㺦 > a\-running\-animal; 40666㺣 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40667㺢 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40668㺝 > sound\-of\-a\-tiger; 40669㺘 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40670㹼 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40671㹺 > dog\-to\-take\-food; 40672㹴 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40673㹭 > a\-kind\-of\-monkey; 40674㹬 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40675㹨 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40676㹟 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40677㹓 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40678㹇 > a\-kind\-of\-cattle; 40679㹄 > a\-kind\-of\-cattle; 40680㸻 > a\-kind\-of\-cattle; 40681㸳 > a\-kind\-of\-cattle; 40682㸣 > in\-ancient\-china; 40683㶾 > tough\-and\-honest; 40684㶍 > name\-of\-a\-stream; 40685㶌 > name\-of\-a\-stream; 40686㵰 > name\-of\-a\-stream; 40687㵆 > radiance\-of\-gems; 40688㵃 > name\-of\-a\-stream; 40689㴧 > of\-flowing\-water; 40690㳽 > a\-watery\-expanse; 40691㱶 > a\-swellen\-corpse; 40692㱭 > an\-infertile\-egg; 40693㱈 > name\-of\-a\-person; 40694㰤 > to\-laugh\-hertily; 40695㰛 > name\-of\-a\-county; 40696㰅 > eaves\-of\-a\-house; 40697㯕 > sticks\-or\-frames; 40698㯃 > the\-varnish\-tree; 40699㮓 > an\-extreme\-limit; 40700㭺 > the\-cherry\-apple; 40701㪭 > to\-draw\-together; 40702㪘 > to\-draw\-together; 40703㪖 > sound\-of\-beating; 40704㨼 > to\-take\-by\-force; 40705㧺 > a\-finger\-wrapper; 40706里 > unit\-of\-distance; 40707玲 > tinkling\-of\-jade; 40708㦜 > to\-move\-the\-mind; 40709撚 > twirl\-in\-fingers; 40710㥔 > to\-move\-the\-mind; 40711菉 > the\-green\-bamboo; 40712㤴 > to\-move\-the\-mind; 40713㤢 > to\-move\-the\-mind; 40714珞 > kind\-of\-necklace; 40715㣈 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40716㢰 > to\-stretch\-a\-bow; 40717㡽 > depraved\-talking; 40718㡉 > a\-kind\-of\-fabric; 40719㠧 > a\-little\-slanted; 40720㠎 > a\-lofty\-mountain; 40721㝫 > shape\-of\-the\-sky; 40722㝪 > a\-slanting\-house; 40723㝩 > spaciously\-rooms; 40724㝗 > spaciously\-rooms; 40725㜴 > dark\-and\-obscure; 40726㜝 > to\-cherish\-anger; 40727㜈 > a\-beaugiful\-face; 40728㚟 > a\-kind\-of\-animal; 40729㚜 > with\-great\-power; 40730㚗 > with\-a\-big\-mouth; 40731㚇 > draw\-the\-feet\-up; 40732㙞 > a\-small\-mountain; 40733㙎 > breach\-of\-a\-tank; 40734㙅 > a\-walled\-viliage; 40735㙀 > a\-vegetable\-plot; 40736㗻 > baby''s\-answering; 40737㗙 > to\-shout\-or\-bawl; 40738㕭 > to\-bark\-as\-a\-dog; 40739㕩 > sound\-of\-tapping; 40740㕇 > rocks\-collapsing; 40741㔵 > a\-kind\-of\-vessel; 40742㔱 > a\-stack\-of\-grain; 40743㔨 > name\-of\-a\-person; 40744㔚 > to\-exert\-oneself; 40745㔑 > an\-incised\-wound; 40746㓼 > an\-incised\-wound; 40747㓸 > to\-cut\-to\-pieces; 40748㒭 > an\-elder\-brother; 40749㒡 > name\-of\-a\-person; 40750㒁 > of\-great\-stature; 40751㑱 > a\-kind\-of\-monkey; 40752㐻 > name\-of\-a\-person; 40753㐀 > hillock\-or\-mound; 40754睨 > look\-askance\-at; 40755怎 > what\?\-why\?\-how\?; 40756收 > gather\-together; 40757党 > political\-party; 40758版 > printing\-blocks; 40759季 > quarter\-of\-year; 40760牡 > male\-of\-animals; 40761診 > examine\-patient; 40762姑 > father''s\-sister; 40763褓 > swaddling\-cloth; 40764馆 > public\-building; 40765漿 > any\-thick\-fluid; 40766雄 > male\-of\-species; 40767亿 > hundred\-million; 40768固 > to\-become\-solid; 40769黨 > political\-party; 40770溪 > mountain\-stream; 40771虞 > concerned\-about; 40772嗚 > sound\-of\-crying; 40773薇 > osmunda\-regalis; 40774戏 > theatrical\-play; 40775召 > imperial\-decree; 40776収 > gather\-together; 40777瑞 > felicitous\-omen; 40778鬢 > hair\-on\-temples; 40779僧 > buddhist\-priest; 40780檜 > chinese\-cypress; 40781檎 > small\-red\-apple; 40782驅 > spur\-a\-horse\-on; 40783臟 > internal\-organs; 40784駈 > spur\-a\-horse\-on; 40785駆 > spur\-a\-horse\-on; 40786館 > public\-building; 40787億 > hundred\-million; 40788桧 > chinese\-cypress; 40789脏 > internal\-organs; 40790驱 > spur\-a\-horse\-on; 40791圳 > furrow\-in\-field; 40792繻 > fine\-silk\-guaze; 40793孟 > first\-in\-series; 40794縋 > climb\-down\-rope; 40795閤 > small\-side\-door; 40796斎 > vegetarian\-diet; 40797盯 > rivet\-gaze\-upon; 40798粟 > unhusked\-millet; 40799籐 > climbing\-plants; 40800掻 > scratch\-lightly; 40801俘 > prisoner\-of\-war; 40802挾 > clasp\-under\-arm; 40803诊 > examine\-patient; 40804媳 > daughter\-in\-law; 40805宙 > time\-as\-concept; 40806呜 > sound\-of\-crying; 40807卜 > fortune\-telling; 40808戲 > theatrical\-play; 40809戯 > theatrical\-play; 40810帖 > invitation\-card; 40811逞 > indulge\-oneself; 40812揪 > grasp\-with\-hand; 40813仑 > logical\-reasons; 40814浆 > any\-thick\-fluid; 40815挟 > clasp\-under\-arm; 40816煞 > malignant\-deity; 40817斋 > vegetarian\-diet; 40818鳌 > huge\-sea\-turtle; 40819卦 > fortune\-telling; 40820瞩 > watch\-carefully; 40821疚 > chronic\-disease; 40822蔓 > creeping\-plants; 40823骏 > excellent\-horse; 40824闽 > fujian\-province; 40825袅 > curling\-upwards; 40826辐 > spokes\-of\-wheel; 40827琉 > sparkling\-stone; 40828舜 > legendary\-ruler; 40829轧 > crush\-by\-weight; 40830滇 > yunnan\-province; 40831鬓 > hair\-on\-temples; 40832桓 > variety\-of\-tree; 40833棠 > crab\-apple\-tree; 40834吮 > suck\-with\-mouth; 40835蜷 > creep\-like\-worm; 40836枷 > cangue\-scaffold; 40837羲 > ancient\-emperor; 40838孚 > brood\-over\-eggs; 40839骁 > excellent\-horse; 40840皑 > brilliant\-white; 40841缥 > light\-blue\-silk; 40842诌 > play\-with\-words; 40843泾 > name\-of\-a\-river; 40844恣 > indulge\-oneself; 40845觎 > desire\-strongly; 40846玺 > imperial\-signet; 40847卞 > to\-be\-impatient; 40848辔 > bridle\-of\-horse; 40849趔 > not\-progressing; 40850徜 > walking\-and\-fro; 40851荠 > water\-chestnuts; 40852汞 > element\-mercury; 40853畿 > imperial\-domain; 40854舂 > grind\-in\-mortar; 40855籴 > purchase\-grains; 40856穰 > stalks\-of\-grain; 40857缒 > climb\-down\-rope; 40858嗄 > hoarse\-of\-voice; 40859睥 > look\-askance\-at; 40860渚 > small\-sand\-bank; 40861砝 > balance\-weights; 40862杼 > shuttle\-of\-loom; 40863龃 > irregular\-teeth; 40864勐 > imperial\-degree; 40865矸 > a\-rock\-or\-cliff; 40866痼 > chronic\-disease; 40867蕨 > pteris\-aquilina; 40868豉 > fermented\-beans; 40869徭 > conscript\-labor; 40870麈 > species\-of\-deer; 40871蕤 > drooping\-leaves; 40872麂 > species\-of\-deer; 40873绡 > raw\-silk\-fabric; 40874芨 > name\-of\-a\-plant; 40875苣 > kind\-of\-lettuce; 40876碛 > sand\-and\-gravel; 40877莒 > hemp\-like\-plant; 40878濉 > name\-of\-a\-river; 40879萁 > kind\-of\-grasses; 40880眄 > to\-look\-askance; 40881囟 > top\-of\-the\-head; 40882岣 > a\-hill\-in\-hunan; 40883嗾 > to\-set\-a\-dog\-on; 40884荜 > species\-of\-bean; 40885糁 > a\-grain\-of\-rice; 40886粝 > unpolished\-rice; 40887裰 > to\-mend\-clothes; 40888柰 > crab\-apple\-tree; 40889薨 > death\-of\-prince; 40890茑 > the\-convovulvus; 40891翮 > stem\-of\-feather; 40892艟 > ancient\-warship; 40893鼯 > flying\-squirrel; 40894砩 > name\-of\-a\-stone; 40895炻 > a\-kind\-of\-china; 40896檫 > sassafras\-tzumu; 40897狴 > a\-kind\-of\-tapir; 40898龑 > high\-and\-bright; 40899齟 > irregular\-teeth; 40900齋 > vegetarian\-diet; 40901鼕 > rattle\-of\-drums; 40902鼇 > huge\-sea\-turtle; 40903鸓 > flying\-squirrel; 40904鴒 > species\-of\-lark; 40905鴂 > the\-tailor\-bird; 40906鳻 > the\-wild\-pigeon; 40907鳓 > chinese\-herring; 40908鱡 > the\-cuttle\-fish; 40909鱅 > a\-kind\-of\-tench; 40910鰳 > chinese\-herring; 40911鰲 > huge\-sea\-turtle; 40912魰 > the\-flying\-fish; 40913髾 > tail\-of\-a\-comet; 40914髴 > disheveled\-hair; 40915驵 > excellent\-horse; 40916驍 > excellent\-horse; 40917騘 > a\-piebald\-horse; 40918駿 > excellent\-horse; 40919駔 > excellent\-horse; 40920饇 > to\-eat\-too\-much; 40921颻 > floating\-in\-air; 40922颮 > storm\-whirlwind; 40923顖 > top\-of\-the\-head; 40924韞 > an\-orange\-color; 40925鞴 > saddle\-up\-horse; 40926靸 > a\-child''s\-shoes; 40927雱 > snowing\-heavily; 40928閩 > fujian\-province; 40929鎤 > sound\-of\-a\-bell; 40930銾 > element\-mercury; 40931醾 > unfiltered\-wine; 40932鄹 > name\-of\-a\-state; 40933轡 > bridle\-of\-horse; 40934輻 > spokes\-of\-wheel; 40935軋 > crush\-by\-weight; 40936躀 > to\-stumble\-over; 40937趮 > easily\-provoked; 40938謅 > play\-with\-words; 40939諡 > posthumous\-name; 40940訒 > hesitate\-to\-say; 40941覦 > desire\-strongly; 40942襼 > ''kimono''\-sleeve; 40943襌 > unlined\-garment; 40944褧 > unlined\-clothes; 40945褝 > unlined\-garment; 40946裊 > curling\-upwards; 40947螚 > eristalis\-tenax; 40948藶 > a\-kind\-of\-plant; 40949薺 > water\-chestnuts; 40950蕢 > edible\-amaranth; 40951蕍 > alisma\-plantags; 40952蔾 > kind\-of\-bramble; 40953蔦 > the\-convovulvus; 40954蓽 > species\-of\-bean; 40955蒨 > lush\-vegetation; 40956蒓 > an\-edible\-water; 40957蒉 > edible\-amaranth; 40958葑 > the\-rape\-turnip; 40959萕 > water\-chestnuts; 40960苈 > a\-kind\-of\-plant; 40961艅 > a\-despatch\-boat; 40962臓 > internal\-organs; 40963腢 > the\-collar\-bone; 40964罿 > net\-catch\-birds; 40965縹 > light\-blue\-silk; 40966綃 > raw\-silk\-fabric; 40967絍 > to\-lay\-the\-warp; 40968絅 > unlined\-garment; 40969糴 > purchase\-grains; 40970糲 > unpolished\-rice; 40971籘 > climbing\-plants; 40972簔 > a\-coat\-raincoat; 40973簑 > a\-coat\-raincoat; 40974篰 > a\-bamboo\-basket; 40975穣 > stalks\-of\-grain; 40976穄 > panicled\-millet; 40977禋 > offer\-sacrifice; 40978磪 > a\-high\-mountain; 40979磧 > sand\-and\-gravel; 40980磎 > mountain\-stream; 40981矚 > watch\-carefully; 40982皚 > brilliant\-white; 40983瘈 > prolonged\-fever; 40984瘃 > sores\-from\-cold; 40985痾 > chronic\-illness; 40986痵 > a\-heart\-symptom; 40987痮 > a\-swelled\-belly; 40988痠 > aching\-of\-limbs; 40989痁 > chronic\-malaria; 40990疢 > aching\-of\-limbs; 40991畬 > reclaimed\-field; 40992甤 > drooping\-leaves; 40993璽 > imperial\-signet; 40994琭 > jade\-like\-stone; 40995珧 > mother\-of\-pearl; 40996珇 > carving\-on\-jade; 40997玟 > streaks\-in\-jade; 40998獱 > a\-kind\-of\-otter; 40999狫 > name\-of\-a\-tribe; 41000牄 > to\-walk\-rapidly; 41001熓 > the\-bank\-a\-fire; 41002焵 > to\-temper\-steel; 41003瀵 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41004瀞 > pool\-in\-a\-river; 41005潙 > river\-in\-shanxi; 41006漵 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41007滎 > county\-in\-henan; 41008溤 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41009渓 > mountain\-stream; 41010淓 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41011涇 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41012泩 > rising\-of\-water; 41013沚 > islet\-in\-stream; 41014沘 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41015榡 > quercus\-dentata; 41016椺 > beam\-of\-a\-house; 41017柎 > calyx\-of\-flower; 41018柁 > large\-tie\-beams; 41019枬 > an\-even\-grained; 41020朣 > the\-rising\-moon; 41021摻 > a\-delicate\-hand; 41022揫 > grasp\-with\-hand; 41023戱 > theatrical\-play; 41024戄 > to\-be\-in\-awe\-of; 41025忓 > concerned\-about; 41026徬 > to\-wander\-about; 41027弴 > red\-lacquer\-bow; 41028巹 > nuptial\-winecup; 41029嵎 > mountain\-recess; 41030峞 > high\-and\-uneven; 41031夲 > advance\-quickly; 41032坴 > a\-clod\-of\-earth; 41033喣 > to\-breathe\-upon; 41034唲 > forced\-laughter; 41035厜 > a\-mountain\-peak; 41036匉 > noise\-of\-waters; 41037匄 > to\-beg\-for\-alms; 41038勅 > imperial\-degree; 41039劘 > make\-into\-mince; 41040劖 > make\-into\-mince; 41041傽 > terror\-stricken; 41042侖 > logical\-reasons; 41043佔 > occupy\-by\-force; 41044乸 > feminine\-suffix; 41045䶡 > sound\-of\-biting; 41046䶎 > sound\-of\-breath; 41047䵛 > panicled\-millet; 41048䵖 > panicled\-millet; 41049䴾 > to\-grind\-barley; 41050䴮 > cakes\-pf\-leaven; 41051䴎 > flying\-squirrel; 41052䲾 > the\-tailor\-bird; 41053䯄 > a\-piebalk\-horse; 41054䮽 > bit\-for\-a\-horse; 41055䮵 > name\-of\-a\-horse; 41056䮱 > a\-kind\-of\-beast; 41057䮰 > a\-kind\-of\-beast; 41058䮬 > name\-of\-a\-horse; 41059䮨 > a\-piebald\-horse; 41060䮧 > long\-hair\-horse; 41061䮢 > a\-walking\-horse; 41062䮞 > a\-piebald\-horse; 41063䮙 > name\-of\-a\-horse; 41064䮖 > name\-of\-a\-horse; 41065䮓 > a\-walking\-horse; 41066䮒 > name\-of\-a\-horse; 41067䮏 > name\-of\-a\-horse; 41068䮎 > a\-running\-horse; 41069䮋 > name\-of\-a\-horse; 41070䮊 > name\-of\-a\-horse; 41071䭼 > dark\-blue\-horse; 41072䭶 > dark\-blue\-horse; 41073䬫 > clarfied\-butter; 41074䬁 > a\-light\-cyclone; 41075䪮 > beautiful\-sound; 41076䪕 > to\-wrap\-or\-band; 41077䩹 > to\-repair\-shoes; 41078䩒 > dressed\-leather; 41079䩄 > to\-face\-to\-face; 41080䨦 > snowing\-heavily; 41081䨢 > a\-passing\-cloud; 41082䨖 > to\-stop\-raining; 41083䨑 > to\-stop\-raining; 41084䨀 > to\-lay\-in\-grain; 41085䧯 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41086䧮 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41087䧝 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41088䧌 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41089䧋 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41090䧃 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41091䦻 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41092䦫 > inside\-the\-door; 41093䦠 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41094䥗 > a\-branding\-iron; 41095䤱 > a\-solemn\-pledge; 41096䣶 > unstrained\-wine; 41097䣳 > unstrained\-wine; 41098䣓 > name\-of\-a\-state; 41099䣐 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41100䣋 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41101䣊 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41102䣇 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41103䢻 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41104䢴 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41105䢳 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41106䢦 > to\-lead\-the\-way; 41107䢖 > to\-be\-scattered; 41108䢁 > tire\-of\-a\-wheel; 41109䡻 > shake\-of\-a\-cart; 41110䡨 > connected\-carts; 41111䡓 > shake\-of\-a\-cart; 41112䡐 > to\-move\-swiftly; 41113䠵 > to\-wear\-clothes; 41114䠨 > walking\-rapidly; 41115䟛 > walking\-rapidly; 41116䟑 > walking\-rapidly; 41117䞷 > walking\-rapidly; 41118䞶 > walking\-rapidly; 41119䞰 > walking\-rapidly; 41120䞭 > walking\-rapidly; 41121䞬 > to\-pass\-through; 41122䞪 > walking\-rapidly; 41123䝯 > to\-change\-hands; 41124䝐 > a\-castrated\-hog; 41125䜾 > fermented\-beans; 41126䜻 > fermented\-beans; 41127䜵 > fermented\-beans; 41128䜄 > slow\-on\-talking; 41129䛵 > to\-teach\-orally; 41130䛟 > wild\-statements; 41131䛔 > to\-hold\-in\-hand; 41132䚦 > slanted\-corners; 41133䚥 > to\-adjust\-a\-bow; 41134䙻 > to\-steal\-a\-look; 41135䙨 > to\-wrap\-or\-bind; 41136䙝 > under\-garrments; 41137䗾 > corbicula\-leana; 41138䖼 > the\-dung\-beetle; 41139䖙 > a\-resting\-tiger; 41140䖉 > to\-roar\-or\-howl; 41141䕷 > a\-kind\-of\-plant; 41142䕙 > to\-set\-in\-order; 41143䕉 > a\-kind\-of\-plant; 41144䔧 > a\-kind\-of\-plant; 41145䔇 > a\-kind\-of\-plant; 41146䓶 > a\-kind\-of\-plant; 41147䓞 > a\-kind\-of\-plant; 41148䓘 > a\-kind\-of\-plant; 41149䓈 > a\-kind\-of\-plant; 41150䒷 > a\-kind\-of\-plant; 41151䒒 > name\-of\-a\-plant; 41152䒌 > dark\-blue\-color; 41153䐜 > a\-swelled\-belly; 41154䏲 > protruded\-bones; 41155䎳 > lose\-of\-the\-ear; 41156䎉 > to\-walk\-swiftly; 41157䌾 > to\-lay\-the\-warp; 41158䋷 > a\-kind\-of\-thick; 41159䋕 > to\-lay\-the\-warp; 41160䊵 > young\-and\-small; 41161䊗 > a\-kind\-of\-grain; 41162䊉 > preserved\-fruit; 41163䉧 > sound\-of\-bamboo; 41164䆂 > a\-kind\-of\-grain; 41165䅷 > an\-ear\-of\-grain; 41166䅰 > a\-kind\-of\-grass; 41167䅡 > a\-kind\-of\-grass; 41168䅠 > a\-kind\-of\-grass; 41169䅞 > stalks\-of\-grain; 41170䅋 > a\-kind\-of\-grain; 41171䅂 > a\-kind\-of\-grain; 41172䄱 > a\-kind\-of\-grain; 41173䄮 > dark\-rice\-plant; 41174䄧 > a\-kind\-of\-grain; 41175䄕 > god\-of\-the\-land; 41176䃷 > a\-kind\-of\-stone; 41177䃵 > a\-kind\-of\-stone; 41178䃞 > a\-kind\-of\-stone; 41179䃒 > poor\-and\-barren; 41180䂭 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41181䂚 > a\-kind\-of\-stone; 41182䁴 > keep\-on\-looking; 41183䁳 > to\-lose\-one\-eye; 41184䀩 > to\-look\-askance; 41185䀎 > to\-look\-askance; 41186䀉 > food\-containers; 41187㿱 > dry\-and\-decayed; 41188㾩 > malignant\-boils; 41189㽽 > chronic\-disease; 41190㽧 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41191㼕 > pulp\-of\-a\-melon; 41192㼔 > a\-kind\-of\-melon; 41193㼑 > pulp\-of\-a\-melon; 41194㼍 > pulp\-of\-a\-melon; 41195㼊 > a\-kind\-of\-melon; 41196㼂 > a\-crack\-in\-jade; 41197㻸 > jade\-like\-stone; 41198㻷 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41199㻍 > name\-of\-a\-sword; 41200㺤 > a\-kind\-of\-beast; 41201㺡 > a\-kind\-of\-beast; 41202㺟 > a\-kind\-of\-beast; 41203㺔 > a\-kind\-of\-beast; 41204㺍 > a\-kind\-of\-otter; 41205㺌 > endless\-barking; 41206㺄 > a\-kind\-of\-beast; 41207㺁 > a\-kind\-of\-beast; 41208㹧 > fox\-like\-animal; 41209㸱 > hornless\-cattle; 41210㸰 > hornless\-cattle; 41211㸩 > to\-desist\-an\-ox; 41212㸑 > a\-cooking\-stove; 41213㷍 > a\-chemical\-term; 41214㶛 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41215㵲 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41216㵧 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41217㵑 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41218㵂 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41219㴪 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41220㳿 > rolling\-billows; 41221㳾 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41222㳸 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41223㳷 > dark\-blue\-color; 41224㳶 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41225㳵 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41226㳡 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41227㳗 > bank\-of\-a\-river; 41228㳖 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41229㲼 > name\-of\-a\-river; 41230㲔 > woolen\-textiles; 41231㲎 > woolen\-textiles; 41232㲍 > woolen\-textiles; 41233㱎 > cannot\-be\-known; 41234㰬 > shortwindedness; 41235㰗 > a\-kind\-of\-maple; 41236㰈 > nice\-and\-pretty; 41237㯱 > an\-enlarged\-bag; 41238㯤 > the\-jujube\-tree; 41239㯔 > to\-hull\-heavily; 41240㮡 > to\-light\-a\-fire; 41241㭤 > the\-convolvulus; 41242㫠 > a\-kind\-of\-water; 41243㪫 > wise\-and\-clever; 41244館 > public\-building; 41245輻 > spokes\-of\-wheel; 41246㧎 > forked\-branches; 41247琉 > sparkling\-stone; 41248㥞 > to\-think\-deeply; 41249㥛 > with\-expedition; 41250㢞 > rooms\-connected; 41251㢍 > a\-long\-verabdah; 41252㡲 > tiles\-on\-a\-roof; 41253㡀 > ragged\-clothing; 41254㠈 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41255㠂 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41256㟔 > steep\-and\-lofty; 41257㟏 > steep\-and\-lofty; 41258㝥 > have\-a\-nighmare; 41259㝅 > to\-give\-suck\-to; 41260㜲 > to\-have\-surplus; 41261㛰 > to\-marry\-a\-wife; 41262㚦 > a\-charming\-girl; 41263㙼 > a\-military\-wall; 41264㙸 > a\-clod\-of\-earth; 41265㙗 > a\-lump\-of\-earth; 41266㘺 > cultivated\-land; 41267㘵 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41268㗿 > to\-laugh\-loudly; 41269㕲 > to\-gag\-or\-bribe; 41270㕘 > to\-take\-part\-in; 41271㒟 > with\-a\-charming; 41272㐽 > name\-of\-a\-place; 41273躅 > walk\-carefully; 41274巴 > greatly\-desire; 41275期 > period\-of\-time; 41276司 > take\-charge\-of; 41277甥 > sister''s\-child; 41278屏 > folding\-screen; 41279狐 > species\-of\-fox; 41280汉 > chinese\-people; 41281妹 > younger\-sister; 41282企 > plan\-a\-project; 41283襖 > outer\-garments; 41284壁 > partition\-wall; 41285韦 > tanned\-leather; 41286潰 > flooding\-river; 41287珠 > precious\-stone; 41288锋 > point\-of\-spear; 41289俗 > social\-customs; 41290檐 > eaves\-of\-house; 41291骑 > ride\-horseback; 41292函 > correspondence; 41293魏 > kingdom\-of\-wei; 41294枚 > stalk\-of\-shrub; 41295仲 > middle\-brother; 41296琳 > beautiful\-jade; 41297凑 > piece\-together; 41298郁 > sweet\-smelling; 41299芯 > pith\-from\-rush; 41300縞 > white\-raw\-silk; 41301旬 > ten\-day\-period; 41302綺 > fine\-thin\-silk; 41303妨 > interfere\-with; 41304骄 > spirited\-horse; 41305簷 > eaves\-of\-house; 41306掴 > box\-one''s\-ears; 41307嗯 > final\-particle; 41308岭 > mountain\-ridge; 41309湘 > hunan\-province; 41310銃 > ancient\-weapon; 41311溃 > flooding\-river; 41312铮 > clanging\-sound; 41313莹 > luster\-of\-gems; 41314僻 > out\-of\-the\-way; 41315绮 > fine\-thin\-silk; 41316渺 > endlessly\-long; 41317佣 > commission\-fee; 41318咯 > final\-particle; 41319呛 > choke\-by\-smoke; 41320凰 > female\-phoenix; 41321闺 > small\-entrance; 41322缀 > patch\-together; 41323袄 > outer\-garments; 41324璋 > jade\-plaything; 41325拴 > bind\-with\-rope; 41326秧 > rice\-seedlings; 41327蕃 > foreign\-things; 41328鄂 > hubei\-province; 41329棱 > squared\-timber; 41330梗 > stem\-of\-flower; 41331菱 > water\-chestnut; 41332镑 > pound\-sterling; 41333栩 > species\-of\-oak; 41334唷 > final\-particle; 41335璞 > unpolished\-gem; 41336雯 > cloud\-patterns; 41337讷 > slow\-of\-speech; 41338璇 > beautiful\-jade; 41339狰 > fierce\-looking; 41340峦 > mountain\-range; 41341湃 > sound\-of\-waves; 41342娣 > younger\-sister; 41343蝗 > kind\-of\-locust; 41344皖 > anhui\-province; 41345酋 > chief\-of\-tribe; 41346壑 > bed\-of\-torrent; 41347糯 > glutinous\-rice; 41348稷 > god\-of\-cereals; 41349塾 > village\-school; 41350狩 > winter\-hunting; 41351戍 > defend\-borders; 41352璀 > lustre\-of\-gems; 41353牍 > writing\-tablet; 41354镌 > engraving\-tool; 41355饯 > farewell\-party; 41356鹂 > chinese\-oriole; 41357囡 > one''s\-daughter; 41358溟 > drizzling\-rain; 41359锏 > kind\-of\-rapier; 41360屙 > to\-ease\-nature; 41361琨 > beautiful\-jade; 41362玳 > tortoise\-shell; 41363瑭 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41364杈 > fork\-of\-a\-tree; 41365匐 > fall\-prostrate; 41366砣 > a\-stone\-roller; 41367铢 > unit\-of\-weight; 41368骈 > team\-of\-horses; 41369噱 > laugh\-heartily; 41370铳 > ancient\-weapon; 41371盱 > wide\-open\-eyes; 41372耄 > elderly\-person; 41373榔 > betel\-nut\-tree; 41374诤 > to\-expostulate; 41375蝮 > venomous\-snake; 41376颍 > river\-in\-anhui; 41377楝 > melia\-japonica; 41378蝼 > a\-mole\-cricket; 41379荪 > aromatic\-grass; 41380娌 > brother''s\-wife; 41381缟 > white\-raw\-silk; 41382晷 > shadows\-of\-sun; 41383嗵 > used\-for\-sound; 41384踅 > to\-walk\-around; 41385揆 > prime\-minister; 41386猕 > macacus\-monkey; 41387厝 > cut\-or\-engrave; 41388葚 > mulberry\-fruit; 41389耒 > handle\-of\-plow; 41390嘞 > final\-particle; 41391錾 > engraving\-tool; 41392珙 > precious\-stone; 41393荸 > water\-chestnut; 41394俅 > ornamental\-cap; 41395菽 > beans\-and\-peas; 41396鞯 > saddle\-blanket; 41397鼐 > incense\-tripod; 41398谰 > accuse\-falsely; 41399骱 > joint\-of\-bones; 41400謦 > t\-speak\-softly; 41401磴 > steps\-on\-ledge; 41402婺 > name\-of\-a\-star; 41403堍 > side\-of\-bridge; 41404桫 > horse\-chestnut; 41405漶 > indecipherable; 41406孥 > one''s\-children; 41407溱 > river\-in\-henan; 41408庠 > village\-school; 41409黥 > tattooing\-face; 41410躐 > to\-stride\-over; 41411蹯 > paws\-of\-animal; 41412盍 > what\?\-why\-not\?; 41413溆 > river\-in\-hunan; 41414磲 > tridacna\-gigas; 41415昝 > a\-dual\-pronoun; 41416柽 > type\-of\-willow; 41417缬 > patterned\-silk; 41418驺 > mounted\-escort; 41419阊 > gate\-of\-heaven; 41420荩 > a\-kind\-of\-weed; 41421芎 > a\-kind\-of\-herb; 41422鋈 > silver\-plating; 41423龅 > teeth\-protrude; 41424晡 > late\-afternoon; 41425檠 > stand\-for\-lamp; 41426逭 > to\-escape\-from; 41427鸝 > chinese\-oriole; 41428鸎 > the\-mango\-bird; 41429鶗 > a\-kind\-of\-hawk; 41430鮧 > the\-sheat\-fish; 41431鬘 > beautiful\-hair; 41432鬗 > head\-ornaments; 41433髆 > shoulder\-blade; 41434驕 > spirited\-horse; 41435騶 > mounted\-escort; 41436騎 > ride\-horseback; 41437騌 > a\-horse''s\-mane; 41438騈 > team\-of\-horses; 41439駢 > team\-of\-horses; 41440餡 > pastry\-filling; 41441餞 > farewell\-party; 41442餗 > food\-in\-tripod; 41443韋 > tanned\-leather; 41444韉 > saddle\-blanket; 41445霡 > drizzling\-rain; 41446閶 > gate\-of\-heaven; 41447閨 > small\-entrance; 41448锪 > a\-kind\-of\-tool; 41449鐫 > engraving\-tool; 41450鐧 > kind\-of\-rapier; 41451鏴 > to\-plug\-a\-hole; 41452鏨 > engraving\-tool; 41453鎩 > moult\-samarium; 41454鎊 > pound\-sterling; 41455鍆 > md\-mendelevium; 41456錚 > clanging\-sound; 41457鋩 > point\-of\-sword; 41458鋒 > point\-of\-spear; 41459鋃 > lock\-lanthanum; 41460銖 > unit\-of\-weight; 41461釯 > point\-of\-sword; 41462逩 > to\-run\-quickly; 41463輶 > light\-carriage; 41464蹜 > walk\-carefully; 41465趹 > kick\-with\-hoof; 41466豣 > pig\-of\-3\-years; 41467豜 > pig\-of\-3\-years; 41468豖 > a\-shackled\-pig; 41469讕 > accuse\-falsely; 41470讅 > know\-in\-detail; 41471諍 > to\-expostulate; 41472詨 > kind\-of\-cicada; 41473訥 > slow\-of\-speech; 41474褉 > short\-garments; 41475衂 > to\-be\-defeated; 41476蠂 > podisma\-mikado; 41477蟳 > a\-kind\-of\-crab; 41478蟭 > very\-small\-bug; 41479螿 > kind\-of\-cicada; 41480螻 > a\-mole\-cricket; 41481螬 > grubs\-in\-fruit; 41482蜎 > mosquito\-larva; 41483虀 > minced\-pickles; 41484藎 > a\-kind\-of\-weed; 41485薳 > name\-of\-a\-herb; 41486薘 > plantago\-major; 41487蔆 > water\-chestnut; 41488蓯 > medicinal\-herb; 41489蓏 > fruit\-of\-plant; 41490蓀 > aromatic\-grass; 41491葥 > rubus\-palmatus; 41492菎 > beautiful\-jade; 41493茞 > fragrant\-plant; 41494苁 > medicinal\-herb; 41495芈 > bleat\-of\-sheep; 41496脦 > used\-in\-''lede''; 41497羋 > bleat\-of\-sheep; 41498纈 > patterned\-silk; 41499綴 > patch\-together; 41500絜 > a\-marking\-line; 41501紾 > turns\-or\-twist; 41502糺 > to\-collaborate; 41503籫 > bamboo\-utensil; 41504筬 > reed\-of\-a\-loom; 41505稭 > stalk\-of\-grain; 41506稌 > glutinous\-rice; 41507稈 > stalk\-of\-grain; 41508砢 > pile\-of\-stones; 41509矉 > an\-angry\-glare; 41510睱 > to\-gaze\-slowly; 41511睯 > to\-be\-agonized; 41512眣 > prominent\-eyes; 41513璸 > jade''s\-streaks; 41514璵 > beautiful\-jade; 41515璥 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41516璢 > precious\-stone; 41517璘 > luster\-of\-jade; 41518璆 > beautiful\-jade; 41519瑩 > lustre\-of\-gems; 41520瑠 > precious\-stone; 41521瑇 > tortoise\-shell; 41522琁 > beautiful\-jade; 41523珺 > beautiful\-jade; 41524珦 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41525珢 > precious\-stone; 41526玥 > mysterious\-gem; 41527獼 > macacus\-monkey; 41528猙 > fierce\-looking; 41529狨 > hapale\-jacchus; 41530犨 > panting\-of\-cow; 41531牘 > writing\-tablet; 41532燉 > heat\-with\-fire; 41533燀 > to\-make\-a\-fire; 41534熉 > \(yellow\-color\); 41535潕 > river\-in\-henan; 41536潁 > river\-in\-anhui; 41537溛 > to\-form\-hollow; 41538湱 > sound\-of\-water; 41539湊 > piece\-together; 41540渢 > pleasant\-sound; 41541涬 > watery\-expanse; 41542洿 > stagnant\-water; 41543泃 > river\-in\-henan; 41544泂 > clear\-and\-deep; 41545沷 > to\-remove\-evil; 41546殭 > a\-stiff\-corpse; 41547檖 > wild\-pear\-tree; 41548檉 > type\-of\-willow; 41549橿 > quercus\-glauca; 41550榾 > pieces\-of\-wood; 41551榠 > chinese\-quince; 41552榖 > paper\-mulberry; 41553椪 > machilus\-nanmu; 41554棐 > species\-of\-yew; 41555梊 > squeeze\-out\-of; 41556柾 > straight\-grain; 41557柟 > machilus\-nanmu; 41558柃 > eurya\-japonica; 41559曏 > once\-upon\-time; 41560晥 > anhui\-province; 41561晢 > light\-of\-stars; 41562昰 > var\-of\-''to\-be''; 41563攂 > to\-beat\-a\-drum; 41564摴 > to\-stretch\-out; 41565摑 > box\-one''s\-ears; 41566幱 > official\-dress; 41567巟 > a\-watery\-waste; 41568巒 > mountain\-range; 41569嶺 > mountain\-ridge; 41570嵴 > mountain\-ridge; 41571岺 > mountain\-ridge; 41572屛 > folding\-screen; 41573墚 > mountain\-range; 41574塕 > a\-gust\-of\-wind; 41575埇 > name\-of\-bridge; 41576圅 > correspondence; 41577噹 > sound\-of\-bells; 41578嘓 > gurgling\-sound; 41579嗆 > choke\-by\-smoke; 41580喒 > a\-dual\-pronoun; 41581啌 > animal\-disease; 41582厃 > to\-look\-upward; 41583卭 > high\.\-to\-raise; 41584卂 > to\-fly\-rapidly; 41585凾 > correspondence; 41586伕 > common\-laborer; 41587亇 > kwukyel\-hammer; 41588䶔 > prominent\-gums; 41589䶐 > to\-take\-breath; 41590䶀 > sound\-of\-drums; 41591䵾 > sound\-of\-drums; 41592䵽 > sound\-of\-drums; 41593䵶 > a\-kind\-of\-frog; 41594䵌 > reddish\-yellow; 41595䴴 > a\-kind\-of\-cake; 41596䴯 > a\-kind\-of\-cake; 41597䴩 > a\-kind\-of\-deer; 41598䴢 > a\-kind\-of\-deer; 41599䴘 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41600䴐 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41601䴆 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41602䴄 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41603䳿 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41604䳸 > the\-wild\-goose; 41605䳴 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41606䳯 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41607䳬 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41608䳫 > a\-small\-pigeon; 41609䳪 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41610䳩 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41611䳒 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41612䲽 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41613䲼 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41614䲸 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41615䲮 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41616䲪 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41617䲢 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41618䲠 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41619䲟 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41620䲙 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41621䲘 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41622䲗 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41623䲓 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41624䲐 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41625䲏 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41626䲋 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41627䲉 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41628䲂 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41629䲀 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41630䱿 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41631䱼 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41632䱻 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41633䱵 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41634䱲 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41635䱰 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41636䱯 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41637䱮 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41638䱬 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41639䱫 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41640䱨 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41641䱥 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41642䱤 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41643䱢 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41644䱠 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41645䱞 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41646䱛 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41647䱚 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41648䱓 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41649䰾 > a\-kind\-of\-fish; 41650䰹 > the\-cuttlefish; 41651䰴 > a\-wafting\-fish; 41652䰲 > the\-sheat\-fish; 41653䰡 > a\-fierce\-ghost; 41654䯛 > the\-knee\-bones; 41655䮹 > an\-angry\-horse; 41656䮮 > a\-kind\-of\-mule; 41657䭻 > a\-swifty\-horse; 41658䭳 > a\-kind\-of\-herb; 41659䭲 > sweet\-smelling; 41660䭭 > the\-eldest\-son; 41661䭩 > to\-feed\-a\-baby; 41662䭧 > to\-feed\-a\-baby; 41663䭁 > stinking\-smell; 41664䬺 > same\-as\-u\+4b50; 41665䬘 > the\-wind\-blows; 41666䬒 > to\-blow\-chilly; 41667䬌 > the\-wind\-blows; 41668䫫 > human\-skeleton; 41669䪼 > the\-cheek\-bone; 41670䪈 > a\-leather\-belt; 41671䩐 > tie\-it\-tightly; 41672䨫 > drizzling\-rain; 41673䨥 > a\-pouring\-rain; 41674䨜 > a\-pouring\-rain; 41675䧾 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41676䧷 > a\-kind\-of\-bird; 41677䧧 > high\-mountains; 41678䦺 > name\-of\-a\-hill; 41679䦤 > seed\-of\-grains; 41680䦑 > without\-a\-door; 41681䦏 > wing\-of\-a\-door; 41682䥢 > sound\-of\-drums; 41683䤖 > a\-kind\-of\-wine; 41684䣥 > a\-kind\-of\-wine; 41685䣎 > name\-of\-county; 41686䢨 > to\-walk\-slowly; 41687䡾 > high\-cartloads; 41688䡲 > rim\-of\-a\-wheel; 41689䡗 > rim\-of\-a\-wheel; 41690䡉 > a\-kind\-of\-cart; 41691䟓 > to\-walk\-slowly; 41692䝸 > a\-kind\-of\-tool; 41693䜽 > a\-kind\-of\-bean; 41694䜼 > a\-kind\-of\-bean; 41695䜜 > words\-of\-anger; 41696䛠 > unable\-to\-talk; 41697䚖 > mountain\-deity; 41698䚄 > to\-make\-fun\-of; 41699䙳 > spiting\-flames; 41700䙦 > upper\-garments; 41701䘢 > old\-and\-shabby; 41702䘃 > a\-kind\-of\-crab; 41703䗷 > a\-kind\-of\-wasp; 41704䗪 > a\-kind\-of\-worm; 41705䗜 > a\-mole\-cricket; 41706䗚 > eggs\-of\-mantis; 41707䗒 > a\-kind\-of\-clam; 41708䗀 > a\-kind\-of\-clam; 41709䖰 > a\-kind\-of\-gnat; 41710䖆 > medicinal\-herb; 41711䕚 > a\-straw\-basket; 41712䔕 > chicken\-breast; 41713䔋 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41714䔆 > a\-kind\-of\-bean; 41715䔂 > vegetable\-soup; 41716䓡 > a\-medical\-herb; 41717䒻 > a\-medical\-herb; 41718䒲 > a\-medical\-herb; 41719䒓 > to\-do\-violence; 41720䒇 > name\-of\-a\-ship; 41721䒆 > name\-of\-a\-ship; 41722䒅 > beautiful\-eyes; 41723䑶 > sprightly\-boat; 41724䑫 > tools\-for\-boat; 41725䑣 > a\-sailing\-boat; 41726䑜 > to\-eat\-heavily; 41727䐕 > oil\-and\-grease; 41728䐍 > excellent\-food; 41729䍡 > small\-fish\-net; 41730䍑 > a\-net\-or\-snare; 41731䍐 > a\-net\-or\-snare; 41732䍍 > unburnt\-bricks; 41733䌵 > lapel\-and\-belt; 41734䌰 > connected\-silk; 41735䌥 > to\-sew\-clothes; 41736䌡 > to\-wind\-around; 41737䋽 > hempen\-sandals; 41738䋯 > crucial\-points; 41739䋢 > to\-twist\-ropes; 41740䋜 > crucial\-points; 41741䊼 > measuring\-unit; 41742䊨 > storing\-grains; 41743䈷 > a\-bamboo\-fence; 41744䈚 > a\-bamboo\-shoot; 41745䇫 > bamboo\-splints; 41746䇅 > to\-stand\-still; 41747䅥 > ripening\-crops; 41748䅖 > sweet\-smelling; 41749䃹 > jade\-and\-stone; 41750䃸 > electric\-light; 41751䃱 > electric\-light; 41752䃡 > a\-small\-pebble; 41753䃏 > a\-kind\-of\-rock; 41754䃌 > rocky\-mountain; 41755䂛 > a\-kind\-of\-rock; 41756䂌 > a\-short\-weapon; 41757䁤 > moistened\-eyes; 41758䁏 > farsightedness; 41759䀺 > squinting\-eyes; 41760䀥 > beautiful\-eyes; 41761㽦 > reclaimed\-land; 41762㽥 > fertile\-fields; 41763㽋 > a\-kind\-of\-tile; 41764㽄 > an\-earthen\-jar; 41765㻿 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41766㻺 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41767㻵 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41768㻯 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41769㻬 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41770㻧 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41771㻟 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41772㻝 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41773㻖 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41774㻕 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41775㻔 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41776㻑 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41777㻋 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41778㻂 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41779㺹 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41780㺸 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41781㺷 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41782㺱 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41783㺰 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41784㺭 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41785㺫 > a\-kind\-of\-jade; 41786㸫 > castrated\-bull; 41787㸤 > broken\-leather; 41788㸊 > fierce\-of\-fire; 41789㶠 > water\-currents; 41790㶞 > water\-currents; 41791㵥 > water\-currents; 41792㵘 > great\-currents; 41793㴸 > swift\-currents; 41794㴙 > water\-dripping; 41795㳃 > to\-temper\-iron; 41796㲏 > flying\-feather; 41797㱧 > stinking\-smell; 41798㱏 > the\-right\-side; 41799㰚 > a\-bamboo\-fence; 41800㰘 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41801㰊 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41802㰂 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41803㰀 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41804㯞 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41805㯚 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41806㯗 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41807㮋 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41808㮅 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41809㭻 > the\-crab\-apple; 41810㭭 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41811㭜 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41812㭚 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41813㭔 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41814㭑 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41815㭏 > a\-kind\-of\-wood; 41816㭇 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41817㭄 > a\-king\-of\-tree; 41818㭁 > a\-kind\-of\-tree; 41819㬋 > name\-of\-a\-star; 41820㫏 > a\-kind\-of\-flag; 41821㫂 > to\-chop\-or\-cut; 41822㪇 > to\-disseminate; 41823㨇 > to\-sweep\-clean; 41824璘 > luster\-of\-jade; 41825瑩 > lustre\-of\-gems; 41826嶺 > mountain\-ridge; 41827㦍 > to\-be\-startled; 41828㥺 > to\-blow\-a\-fire; 41829菱 > water\-chestnut; 41830㥉 > a\-little\-angry; 41831㥇 > to\-be\-perverse; 41832㤾 > not\-doing\-well; 41833㤖 > to\-have\-wisdom; 41834㣦 > a\-winding\-path; 41835㢟 > to\-walk\-slowly; 41836㡜 > ragged\-clothes; 41837㠨 > misty\-mountain; 41838㠡 > high\-and\-lofty; 41839㠚 > high\-and\-lofty; 41840㟿 > high\-and\-steep; 41841㟛 > high\-and\-steep; 41842㞩 > mountain\-vapor; 41843㞜 > hempen\-sandals; 41844㞗 > the\-male\-organ; 41845㞌 > to\-be\-pregnant; 41846㞊 > unable\-to\-walk; 41847㝰 > unable\-to\-meet; 41848㝛 > ahalting\-place; 41849㜤 > fooling\-around; 41850㜑 > an\-older\-woman; 41851㛩 > sisters\-in\-law; 41852㛂 > weak\-and\-small; 41853㚺 > to\-be\-pregnant; 41854㚲 > small\-and\-weak; 41855㚃 > to\-take\-a\-hint; 41856㙷 > low\-lying\-area; 41857㗊 > public\-opinion; 41858㖾 > to\-beat\-a\-drum; 41859㖢 > to\-reject\-food; 41860㕬 > public\-opinion; 41861㕤 > a\-proud\-temper; 41862㔙 > great\-strength; 41863㔁 > a\-kind\-of\-tool; 41864㒛 > to\-stand\-alone; 41865㒀 > do\-not\-fear\-to; 41866经 > classic\-works; 41867弟 > young\-brother; 41868廻 > circle\-around; 41869关 > frontier\-pass; 41870帝 > supreme\-ruler; 41871番 > to\-take\-turns; 41872略 > approximately; 41873共 > together\-with; 41874义 > right\-conduct; 41875嫂 > sister\-in\-law; 41876哥 > elder\-brother; 41877婦 > married\-women; 41878訣 > take\-leave\-of; 41879族 > a\-family\-clan; 41880奪 > take\-by\-force; 41881兄 > elder\-brother; 41882笔 > writing\-brush; 41883袷 > lined\-garment; 41884瀬 > swift\-current; 41885妇 > married\-women; 41886伯 > older\-brother; 41887漲 > rise\-in\-price; 41888礼 > social\-custom; 41889嘩 > rushing\-sound; 41890啣 > hold\-in\-mouth; 41891泊 > anchor\-vessel; 41892沿 > follow\-course; 41893咄 > noise\-of\-rage; 41894含 > hold\-in\-mouth; 41895夺 > take\-by\-force; 41896菊 > chrysanthemum; 41897岳 > mountain\-peak; 41898匹 > bolt\-of\-cloth; 41899颇 > lean\-one\-side; 41900劫 > take\-by\-force; 41901晨 > early\-morning; 41902撞 > knock\-against; 41903愈 > more\-and\-more; 41904槇 > tip\-of\-a\-tree; 41905駅 > relay\-station; 41906饅 > steamed\-bread; 41907炸 > to\-fry\-in\-oil; 41908脈 > blood\-vessels; 41909绪 > end\-of\-thread; 41910飼 > raise\-animals; 41911梓 > catalpa\-ovata; 41912肌 > muscle\-tissue; 41913佩 > belt\-ornament; 41914署 > public\-office; 41915搭 > join\-together; 41916頗 > lean\-one\-side; 41917栗 > chestnut\-tree; 41918桑 > mulberry\-tree; 41919脉 > blood\-vessels; 41920義 > right\-conduct; 41921鞄 > to\-work\-hides; 41922杓 > handle\-of\-cup; 41923佃 > tenant\-farmer; 41924昆 > elder\-brother; 41925贡 > offer\-tribute; 41926拼 > join\-together; 41927曇 > become\-cloudy; 41928亙 > extend\-across; 41929亘 > extend\-across; 41930诞 > bear\-children; 41931晴 > clear\-weather; 41932涨 > rise\-in\-price; 41933關 > frontier\-pass; 41934緒 > end\-of\-thread; 41935関 > frontier\-pass; 41936塑 > model\-in\-clay; 41937經 > classic\-works; 41938経 > classic\-works; 41939浦 > bank\-of\-river; 41940翰 > writing\-brush; 41941籔 > bamboo\-basket; 41942辰 > early\-morning; 41943慎 > act\-with\-care; 41944莉 > white\-jasmine; 41945捗 > make\-progress; 41946筆 > writing\-brush; 41947哗 > rushing\-sound; 41948塌 > fall\-in\-ruins; 41949竖 > perpendicular; 41950禮 > social\-custom; 41951陕 > mountain\-pass; 41952惚 > absent\-minded; 41953诀 > take\-leave\-of; 41954淀 > shallow\-water; 41955淘 > wash\-in\-sieve; 41956瑰 > extraordinary; 41957垫 > advance\-money; 41958灶 > kitchen\-range; 41959毓 > give\-birth\-to; 41960咧 > stretch\-mouth; 41961奎 > stride\-of\-man; 41962洽 > to\-blend\-with; 41963瑶 > precious\-jade; 41964钰 > rare\-treasure; 41965瑛 > luster\-of\-gem; 41966馒 > steamed\-bread; 41967饲 > raise\-animals; 41968殉 > die\-for\-cause; 41969衙 > public\-office; 41970唬 > to\-intimidate; 41971瘪 > shrivelled\-up; 41972唆 > make\-mischief; 41973岚 > mountain\-mist; 41974桦 > type\-of\-birch; 41975涟 > flowing\-water; 41976唔 > hold\-in\-mouth; 41977飕 > sound\-of\-wind; 41978坷 > clod\-of\-earth; 41979鑫 > used\-in\-names; 41980笋 > bamboo\-shoots; 41981荃 > aromatic\-herb; 41982篓 > bamboo\-basket; 41983馄 > dumpling\-soup; 41984穹 > high\-and\-vast; 41985弈 > chinese\-chess; 41986聿 > writing\-brush; 41987驮 > carry\-on\-back; 41988箩 > bamboo\-basket; 41989芥 > mustard\-plant; 41990驿 > relay\-station; 41991炜 > brilliant\-red; 41992岜 > rock\-mountain; 41993纫 > thread\-needle; 41994桀 > chicken\-roost; 41995噙 > hold\-in\-mouth; 41996篝 > bamboo\-basket; 41997拮 > laboring\-hard; 41998茉 > white\-jasmine; 41999纥 > inferior\-silk; 42000昙 > become\-cloudy; 42001忤 > insubordinate; 42002鸾 > fabulous\-bird; 42003嘁 > to\-be\-grieved; 42004辎 > a\-supply\-cart; 42005芫 > daphne\-genkwa; 42006伧 > vulgar\-person; 42007泠 > nice\-and\-cool; 42008縻 > halter\-for\-ox; 42009踽 > to\-walk\-alone; 42010赭 > reddish\-brown; 42011颀 > tall\-and\-slim; 42012柘 > a\-thorny\-tree; 42013谔 > honest\-speech; 42014骓 > piebald\-horse; 42015岫 > mountain\-peak; 42016崧 > high\-mountain; 42017酚 > carbolic\-acid; 42018夤 > distant\-place; 42019暌 > in\-opposition; 42020濑 > swift\-current; 42021怍 > to\-be\-ashamed; 42022贽 > gift\-superior; 42023毖 > guard\-against; 42024迓 > to\-go\-to\-meet; 42025毵 > long\-feathers; 42026睚 > corner\-of\-eye; 42027毽 > a\-shuttlecock; 42028僳 > minority\-name; 42029骐 > piebald\-horse; 42030辏 > hubs\-of\-wheel; 42031旆 > flag\-ornament; 42032荇 > a\-water\-plant; 42033卮 > measuring\-cup; 42034髡 > to\-shear\-tree; 42035鳜 > mandarin\-fish; 42036鼍 > large\-reptile; 42037笫 > planks\-of\-bed; 42038缡 > a\-bridal\-veil; 42039绨 > coarse\-pongee; 42040芰 > water\-caltrop; 42041魃 > drought\-demon; 42042舳 > stern\-of\-ship; 42043屦 > straw\-sandals; 42044蓐 > straw\-bed\-mat; 42045銎 > eye\-of\-an\-axe; 42046醣 > carbohydrates; 42047蛑 > a\-marine\-crab; 42048椠 > wooden\-tablet; 42049媸 > an\-ugly\-woman; 42050馇 > stir\-and\-cook; 42051甙 > sugar\-product; 42052薤 > allium\-bakeri; 42053塥 > dry\-clay\-lump; 42054鼉 > large\-reptile; 42055鸞 > fabulous\-bird; 42056鵩 > owl\-like\-bird; 42057鱖 > mandarin\-fish; 42058髃 > shoulder\-bone; 42059骪 > crooked\-bones; 42060驛 > relay\-station; 42061騏 > piebald\-horse; 42062騅 > piebald\-horse; 42063馱 > carry\-on\-back; 42064馣 > fragrant\-odor; 42065餧 > steamed\-bread; 42066餛 > dumpling\-soup; 42067餚 > prepared\-meat; 42068颼 > sound\-of\-wind; 42069頎 > tall\-and\-slim; 42070鞮 > leather\-shoes; 42071霝 > drops\-of\-rain; 42072陝 > mountain\-pass; 42073铖 > person''s\-name; 42074錡 > a\-kind\-of\-pen; 42075鋮 > person''s\-name; 42076鈺 > rare\-treasure; 42077鈄 > a\-wine\-flagon; 42078釭 > tire\-of\-wheel; 42079醨 > dregs\-of\-wine; 42080辡 > recrimination; 42081轏 > sleeping\-cart; 42082輳 > hubs\-of\-wheel; 42083輜 > a\-supply\-cart; 42084跮 > hasty\-walking; 42085贉 > earnest\-money; 42086贄 > gift\-superior; 42087賮 > farewell\-gift; 42088貢 > offer\-tribute; 42089讍 > honest\-speech; 42090讆 > to\-exaggerate; 42091謍 > humming\-sound; 42092諤 > honest\-speech; 42093諕 > to\-intimidate; 42094覶 > to\-look\-about; 42095覔 > to\-search\-for; 42096襚 > grave\-clothes; 42097裌 > lined\-garment; 42098衇 > blood\-vessels; 42099蠵 > large\-turtles; 42100螾 > the\-earthworm; 42101螥 > the\-house\-fly; 42102螙 > grubs\-in\-wood; 42103蛅 > a\-caterpillar; 42104蚠 > person''s\-name; 42105蘯 > to\-toss\-about; 42106蔎 > thea\-sinensis; 42107蓧 > bamboo\-basket; 42108葽 > type\-of\-grain; 42109菼 > rush\-or\-sedge; 42110菺 > althaea\-rosea; 42111菑 > to\-weed\-grass; 42112莧 > edible\-greens; 42113荈 > thea\-sinensis; 42114茥 > rubus\-tokkura; 42115苘 > indian\-mallow; 42116脥 > pelvic\-cavity; 42117胲 > hydroxylamine; 42118罳 > wooden\-screen; 42119缇 > reddish\-color; 42120縭 > a\-bridal\-veil; 42121緹 > reddish\-color; 42122緖 > end\-of\-thread; 42123綈 > coarse\-pongee; 42124紉 > thread\-needle; 42125紇 > inferior\-silk; 42126糭 > rice\-dumpling; 42127籾 > unhulled\-rice; 42128籮 > bamboo\-basket; 42129籜 > bamboo\-sheath; 42130簍 > bamboo\-basket; 42131箨 > bamboo\-sheath; 42132笵 > a\-bamboo\-form; 42133笭 > bamboo\-screen; 42134竪 > perpendicular; 42135砞 > to\-smash\-rock; 42136矞 > bore\-with\-awl; 42137盪 > to\-toss\-about; 42138癟 > shrivelled\-up; 42139畧 > approximately; 42140瓌 > extraordinary; 42141璟 > luster\-of\-gem; 42142璂 > jade\-ornament; 42143瑳 > luster\-of\-gem; 42144瑤 > precious\-jade; 42145琕 > type\-of\-pearl; 42146珮 > jade\-ornament; 42147獙 > die\-violently; 42148牁 > mooring\-stake; 42149熰 > great\-drought; 42150煒 > brilliant\-red; 42151瀨 > swift\-current; 42152漣 > flowing\-water; 42153浬 > nautical\-mile; 42154洊 > flowing\-water; 42155毿 > long\-feathers; 42156欵 > to\-treat\-well; 42157欓 > a\-cross\-piece; 42158櫌 > a\-kind\-of\-hoe; 42159檮 > block\-of\-wood; 42160樺 > type\-of\-birch; 42161槧 > wooden\-tablet; 42162榌 > wooden\-ladder; 42163楙 > name\-of\-plant; 42164椛 > type\-of\-birch; 42165梼 > block\-of\-wood; 42166梹 > the\-areca\-nut; 42167梎 > sickle\-handle; 42168栰 > a\-bamboo\-raft; 42169杮 > wood\-shavings; 42170朩 > kwukyel\:\-rank; 42171搢 > to\-stick\-into; 42172掭 > to\-manipulate; 42173挶 > hold\-in\-hands; 42174拕 > to\-drag\-after; 42175抃 > to\-clap\-hands; 42176戺 > stone\-boarder; 42177戹 > in\-difficulty; 42178愼 > act\-with\-care; 42179愪 > to\-be\-grieved; 42180愡 > absent\-minded; 42181怾 > mountain\-name; 42182彽 > go\-to\-and\-fro; 42183彲 > yellow\-dragon; 42184彔 > to\-carve\-wood; 42185巵 > measuring\-cup; 42186巰 > an\-atom\-group; 42187巯 > an\-atom\-group; 42188巪 > person''s\-name; 42189嶽 > mountain\-peak; 42190嵐 > mountain\-mist; 42191崌 > mountain\-name; 42192峠 > mountain\-pass; 42193峂 > name\-of\-place; 42194峀 > mountain\-peak; 42195岾 > mountain\-pass; 42196屩 > straw\-sandals; 42197屨 > straw\-sandals; 42198寀 > feudal\-estate; 42199媢 > be\-jealous\-of; 42200墊 > advance\-money; 42201塐 > model\-in\-clay; 42202堺 > person''s\-name; 42203垻 > an\-embankment; 42204嚚 > argumentative; 42205咡 > side\-of\-mouth; 42206凟 > to\-be\-rude\-to; 42207儹 > to\-accumulate; 42208儲 > to\-save\-money; 42209儛 > to\-skip\-about; 42210傖 > vulgar\-person; 42211傒 > personal\-name; 42212偊 > to\-walk\-alone; 42213侂 > to\-commission; 42214乨 > the\-beginning; 42215䶚 > decayed\-tooth; 42216䶈 > a\-kind\-of\-rat; 42217䶃 > a\-kind\-of\-rat; 42218䵿 > a\-silent\-drum; 42219䵁 > decayed\-dough; 42220䴰 > a\-family\-name; 42221䲺 > birds\-singing; 42222䲅 > the\-globefish; 42223䱸 > a\-family\-name; 42224䱦 > the\-globefish; 42225䱡 > the\-globefish; 42226䰽 > the\-globefish; 42227䰻 > to\-catch\-fish; 42228䰱 > name\-of\-a\-god; 42229䯅 > a\-swift\-horse; 42230䯀 > a\-swift\-horse; 42231䮈 > to\-go\-swiftly; 42232䭿 > a\-swift\-horse; 42233䭵 > a\-swift\-horse; 42234䬟 > sound\-of\-wind; 42235䫿 > a\-cool\-breeze; 42236䫴 > weak\-and\-dull; 42237䫁 > the\-first\-son; 42238䪫 > ancient\-music; 42239䪧 > ancient\-music; 42240䪒 > leather\-pants; 42241䩾 > herb\-medicine; 42242䩤 > to\-lead\-an\-ox; 42243䩣 > shoe\-cushions; 42244䩞 > a\-saddle\-flap; 42245䨎 > deep\-and\-dark; 42246䧜 > an\-embankment; 42247䧖 > a\-small\-mound; 42248䦴 > open\-the\-door; 42249䦳 > between\-steps; 42250䦱 > open\-the\-door; 42251䦣 > open\-the\-door; 42252䦡 > a\-door\-keeper; 42253䥩 > hooks\-to\-hang; 42254䥚 > the\-beginning; 42255䤵 > a\-tiny\-needle; 42256䤔 > dregs\-of\-wine; 42257䤎 > soybean\-sauce; 42258䤃 > drunken\-sound; 42259䣰 > to\-pool\-money; 42260䢧 > to\-go\-forward; 42261䢚 > a\-narrow\-path; 42262䢃 > to\-administer; 42263䡥 > a\-moving\-cart; 42264䡆 > a\-moving\-cart; 42265䟘 > to\-straighten; 42266䟊 > short\-strides; 42267䞁 > corresponding; 42268䝶 > to\-levy\-taxes; 42269䝬 > a\-wealthy\-man; 42270䜕 > to\-exaggerate; 42271䛾 > familiar\-with; 42272䛐 > an\-expression; 42273䚕 > to\-search\-out; 42274䙹 > to\-vomit\-milk; 42275䙥 > shiny\-dresses; 42276䙢 > short\-t\-shirt; 42277䙠 > short\-clothes; 42278䙟 > heavy\-clothes; 42279䙞 > woolen\-string; 42280䙅 > the\-waistline; 42281䗗 > the\-millipede; 42282䗋 > a\-marine\-crab; 42283䗃 > the\-millipede; 42284䖩 > a\-kind\-of\-bee; 42285䖑 > a\-white\-tiger; 42286䖇 > fragrant\-herb; 42287䕥 > herb\-medicine; 42288䕖 > fragrant\-herb; 42289䔞 > the\-beginning; 42290䔜 > herb\-medicine; 42291䔚 > herb\-medicine; 42292䔖 > water\-caltrop; 42293䔓 > herb\-medicine; 42294䒥 > corresponding; 42295䒗 > fragrant\-herb; 42296䒎 > without\-color; 42297䒍 > without\-color; 42298䑲 > to\-row\-a\-boat; 42299䑥 > a\-moving\-boat; 42300䐲 > half\-raw\-meat; 42301䐙 > the\-diaphragm; 42302䏘 > a\-big\-abdomen; 42303䏄 > not\-to\-listen; 42304䍽 > a\-fierce\-goat; 42305䍼 > salted\-mutton; 42306䍪 > castrated\-ram; 42307䍤 > to\-strain\-out; 42308䌣 > to\-accumulate; 42309䌙 > hank\-of\-ropes; 42310䌅 > a\-thick\-ropes; 42311䋦 > ravelled\-silk; 42312䋝 > a\-throat\-band; 42313䊽 > a\-fine\-thread; 42314䊡 > steamed\-bread; 42315䊔 > polished\-rice; 42316䊄 > polished\-rice; 42317䉰 > bamboo\-shoots; 42318䉩 > a\-bamboo\-ware; 42319䉨 > bamboo\-joints; 42320䈾 > move\-a\-little; 42321䈳 > a\-window\-leaf; 42322䇋 > name\-of\-a\-god; 42323䆞 > deep\-and\-dark; 42324䆚 > to\-go\-through; 42325䆗 > deep\-and\-dark; 42326䅛 > husks\-of\-rice; 42327䄔 > a\-family\-name; 42328䄇 > a\-family\-name; 42329䃻 > an\-embankment; 42330䃳 > falling\-stone; 42331䂶 > the\-crustacea; 42332䂗 > to\-be\-careful; 42333䂎 > a\-short\-spear; 42334䂁 > an\-angry\-look; 42335䁙 > eloquent\-eyes; 42336䀮 > sight\-blurred; 42337䀭 > with\-big\-eyes; 42338䀧 > sight\-blurred; 42339䀟 > sight\-blurred; 42340䀖 > to\-look\-up\-to; 42341䀕 > angry\-glances; 42342㿬 > nasal\-disease; 42343㿜 > shrivelled\-up; 42344㾽 > swelling\-feet; 42345㽲 > griping\-colic; 42346㽱 > griping\-colic; 42347㽇 > unburnt\-tiles; 42348㼵 > a\-small\-basin; 42349㼟 > a\-tiled\-house; 42350㼎 > a\-small\-melon; 42351㻾 > jade\-articles; 42352㺩 > jade\-articles; 42353㺈 > to\-go\-hunting; 42354㹹 > a\-kind\-of\-dog; 42355㹵 > a\-hunting\-dog; 42356㹳 > a\-kind\-of\-ape; 42357㹣 > a\-kind\-of\-dog; 42358㸄 > a\-raging\-fire; 42359㷾 > blaze\-of\-fire; 42360㷸 > blaze\-of\-fire; 42361㷖 > to\-shine\-upon; 42362㷕 > hearing\-sound; 42363㷒 > to\-cook\-meals; 42364㶘 > full\-of\-water; 42365㵳 > crystal\-clear; 42366㵱 > flowing\-water; 42367㵠 > to\-gush\-forth; 42368㴽 > water\-current; 42369㴵 > water\-current; 42370㴯 > water\-current; 42371㴮 > water\-current; 42372㴫 > great\-flowing; 42373㴨 > water\-current; 42374㴦 > to\-wash\-hands; 42375㴥 > great\-billows; 42376㴒 > water\-current; 42377㴐 > great\-current; 42378㴂 > great\-billows; 42379㳩 > great\-billows; 42380㲛 > hairy\-animals; 42381㰻 > asses\-braying; 42382㰳 > asses\-braying; 42383㰏 > a\-bamboo\-pole; 42384㰌 > to\-monopolize; 42385㯽 > the\-areca\-nut; 42386㭿 > oblique\-angle; 42387㭓 > a\-pillar\-arch; 42388㬬 > a\-family\-name; 42389㬥 > to\-sun\-to\-air; 42390㬄 > warm\-and\-damp; 42391㫟 > day\-after\-day; 42392㫚 > early\-morning; 42393㩥 > delicate\-hand; 42394飼 > raise\-animals; 42395㨞 > to\-feel\-about; 42396礼 > social\-custom; 42397晴 > clear\-weather; 42398㧼 > to\-distribute; 42399㧷 > to\-wipe\-tears; 42400栗 > chestnut\-tree; 42401㧘 > to\-accumulate; 42402禮 > social\-custom; 42403㦫 > lax\-and\-crude; 42404漣 > flowing\-water; 42405㦌 > keen\-or\-sharp; 42406㦆 > to\-exaggerate; 42407㥼 > to\-be\-near\-to; 42408略 > approximately; 42409辰 > early\-morning; 42410㥥 > absent\-minded; 42411㤰 > to\-be\-ashamed; 42412嵐 > mountain\-mist; 42413鸞 > fabulous\-bird; 42414㣿 > painfully\-sad; 42415㣱 > common\-people; 42416㣤 > to\-tread\-upon; 42417㣔 > to\-walk\-alone; 42418㢻 > to\-draw\-a\-bow; 42419㢖 > a\-store\-house; 42420㡷 > a\-family\-name; 42421㠺 > a\-fine\-thread; 42422㠴 > a\-pillow\-case; 42423㠛 > name\-a\-county; 42424㟶 > mountain\-peak; 42425㟲 > mountain\-peak; 42426㟭 > the\-min\-river; 42427㟩 > the\-min\-river; 42428㞶 > the\-min\-river; 42429㞬 > close\-or\-near; 42430㞋 > soft\-and\-meek; 42431㝻 > barely\-enough; 42432㝦 > to\-accumulate; 42433㝓 > corresponding; 42434㝃 > to\-bear\-a\-son; 42435㛒 > can\-not\-speak; 42436㛎 > an\-ugly\-woman; 42437㚴 > a\-pretty\-girl; 42438㘛 > a\-deep\-valley; 42439㘓 > prolix\-speech; 42440㘉 > to\-make\-sound; 42441㗴 > dogs\-fighting; 42442㕰 > sound\-angrily; 42443㕪 > birds''\-chirps; 42444㕙 > a\-wily\-rabbit; 42445㕉 > to\-dig\-a\-hole; 42446㔥 > full\-of\-anger; 42447㓴 > to\-cut\-in\-two; 42448㓖 > bitterly\-cold; 42449㓏 > bitterly\-cold; 42450㓌 > bitterly\-cold; 42451㒇 > to\-skip\-about; 42452㑼 > name\-of\-a\-god; 42453㑥 > disrespectful; 42454㐰 > to\-believe\-in; 42455瞳 > pupil\-of\-eye; 42456万 > ten\-thousand; 42457布 > cotton\-cloth; 42458通 > pass\-through; 42459提 > hold\-in\-hand; 42460京 > capital\-city; 42461甚 > great\-extent; 42462周 > zhou\-dynasty; 42463尻 > end\-of\-spine; 42464宴 > to\-entertain; 42465宰 > to\-slaughter; 42466犯 > commit\-crime; 42467婢 > servant\-girl; 42468参 > take\-part\-in; 42469掌 > palm\-of\-hand; 42470姿 > one''s\-manner; 42471姉 > elder\-sister; 42472斗 > chinese\-peck; 42473呼 > breathe\-sigh; 42474姐 > elder\-sister; 42475衝 > rush\-against; 42476執 > hold\-in\-hand; 42477螺 > spiral\-shell; 42478坊 > neighborhood; 42479尼 > buddhist\-nun; 42480鼾 > snore\-loudly; 42481叶 > to\-harmonize; 42482野 > open\-country; 42483移 > change\-place; 42484唐 > tang\-dynasty; 42485秀 > ear\-of\-grain; 42486执 > hold\-in\-hand; 42487蒲 > type\-of\-rush; 42488庆 > congratulate; 42489蒟 > betel\-pepper; 42490汗 > perspiration; 42491萬 > ten\-thousand; 42492拜 > do\-obeisance; 42493參 > take\-part\-in; 42494虑 > be\-concerned; 42495宋 > song\-dynasty; 42496胆 > gall\-bladder; 42497剖 > split\-in\-two; 42498凤 > male\-phoenix; 42499询 > inquire\-into; 42500膽 > gall\-bladder; 42501筑 > ancient\-lute; 42502偶 > accidentally; 42503飽 > eat\-heartily; 42504胎 > unborn\-child; 42505悟 > to\-apprehend; 42506肅 > pay\-respects; 42507肃 > pay\-respects; 42508姊 > elder\-sister; 42509侘 > disappointed; 42510祭 > sacrifice\-to; 42511贺 > congratulate; 42512饱 > eat\-heartily; 42513宪 > constitution; 42514碑 > stone\-tablet; 42515昌 > light\-of\-sun; 42516携 > lead\-by\-hand; 42517厦 > big\-building; 42518仆 > fall\-forward; 42519妥 > satisfactory; 42520杭 > cross\-stream; 42521赠 > give\-present; 42522腔 > chest\-cavity; 42523孝 > filial\-piety; 42524笹 > small\-bamboo; 42525笛 > bamboo\-flute; 42526歧 > fork\-of\-road; 42527拝 > do\-obeisance; 42528鉛 > lead\-plumbum; 42529穗 > ear\-of\-grain; 42530穂 > ear\-of\-grain; 42531喃 > keep\-talking; 42532舱 > hold\-of\-ship; 42533醜 > ugly\-looking; 42534慮 > be\-concerned; 42535裘 > fur\-garments; 42536栽 > to\-cultivate; 42537诧 > be\-surprised; 42538阎 > village\-gate; 42539愣 > be\-in\-a\-daze; 42540琪 > type\-of\-jade; 42541箫 > bamboo\-flute; 42542娥 > be\-beautiful; 42543咪 > sound\-of\-cat; 42544渗 > soak\-through; 42545葫 > bottle\-gourd; 42546坪 > level\-ground; 42547坞 > entrenchment; 42548怅 > disappointed; 42549橡 > chestnut\-oak; 42550絮 > waste\-cotton; 42551跄 > walk\-rapidly; 42552屹 > to\-rise\-high; 42553惘 > disconcerted; 42554眸 > pupil\-of\-eye; 42555揩 > rub\-and\-wipe; 42556楠 > name\-of\-tree; 42557麓 > foot\-of\-hill; 42558玮 > type\-of\-jade; 42559恻 > feel\-anguish; 42560桅 > mast\-of\-ship; 42561骋 > gallop\-horse; 42562闫 > village\-gate; 42563蹒 > to\-jump\-over; 42564祀 > to\-sacrifice; 42565籁 > bamboo\-flute; 42566寰 > great\-domain; 42567斓 > multicolored; 42568伫 > look\-towards; 42569躏 > trample\-down; 42570沽 > buy\-and\-sell; 42571珥 > ear\-ornament; 42572笆 > bamboo\-fence; 42573虬 > young\-dragon; 42574惬 > be\-satisfied; 42575缨 > a\-chin\-strap; 42576劾 > examine\-into; 42577嘤 > seek\-friends; 42578诃 > scold\-loudly; 42579冽 > cold\-and\-raw; 42580飨 > host\-banquet; 42581怏 > discontented; 42582冢 > burial\-mound; 42583婀 > be\-beautiful; 42584嗳 > interjection; 42585碣 > stone\-tablet; 42586宕 > stone\-quarry; 42587耆 > man\-of\-sixty; 42588靓 > make\-up\-face; 42589蛰 > to\-hibernate; 42590掼 > throw\-ground; 42591囤 > grain\-basket; 42592筱 > dwarf\-bamboo; 42593樟 > camphor\-tree; 42594鲥 > reeves''\-shad; 42595逵 > thoroughfare; 42596岷 > min\-mountain; 42597枰 > smooth\-board; 42598屐 > wooden\-shoes; 42599胛 > the\-shoulder; 42600鹞 > sparrow\-hawk; 42601犄 > animal\-horns; 42602跹 > wander\-about; 42603昱 > bright\-light; 42604栾 > name\-of\-tree; 42605湄 > water''s\-edge; 42606菅 > coarse\-grass; 42607绻 > affectionate; 42608篁 > bamboo\-grove; 42609赅 > prepared\-for; 42610椁 > outer\-coffin; 42611纰 > spoiled\-silk; 42612鼋 > large\-turtle; 42613醐 > purest\-cream; 42614龉 > uneven\-teeth; 42615苻 > kind\-of\-herb; 42616鬣 > horse''s\-mane; 42617缗 > fishing\-line; 42618湫 > a\-small\-pond; 42619仟 > one\-thousand; 42620蚶 > kind\-of\-clam; 42621瓠 > bottle\-gourd; 42622蛄 > mole\-cricket; 42623毂 > hub\-of\-wheel; 42624畚 > straw\-basket; 42625洄 > a\-back\-water; 42626飧 > evening\-meal; 42627醪 > unclear\-wine; 42628骝 > famous\-horse; 42629骒 > mother\-horse; 42630懔 > be\-afraid\-of; 42631劓 > cut\-off\-nose; 42632踔 > to\-get\-ahead; 42633颡 > the\-forehead; 42634潲 > driving\-rain; 42635缯 > silk\-fabrics; 42636惝 > disappointed; 42637甓 > glazed\-tiles; 42638荬 > a\-plant\-name; 42639柒 > number\-seven; 42640瘳 > to\-be\-healed; 42641谇 > speak\-ill\-of; 42642乇 > to\-depend\-on; 42643龤 > to\-harmonize; 42644齬 > uneven\-teeth; 42645齆 > stuffed\-noze; 42646齁 > snore\-loudly; 42647鼽 > clogged\-nose; 42648黿 > large\-turtle; 42649麕 > muntjac\-deer; 42650鷂 > sparrow\-hawk; 42651鳳 > male\-phoenix; 42652鳯 > male\-phoenix; 42653鳐 > the\-nautilus; 42654鱑 > the\-sturgeon; 42655鱂 > name\-of\-fish; 42656鰩 > the\-nautilus; 42657鰣 > reeves''\-shad; 42658鰃 > name\-of\-fish; 42659鰁 > name\-of\-fish; 42660魦 > shark\-family; 42661魢 > name\-of\-fish; 42662魟 > the\-nautilus; 42663鬵 > big\-iron\-pot; 42664鬐 > horse''s\-mane; 42665鬅 > unkempt\-hair; 42666驈 > black\-horses; 42667騮 > famous\-horse; 42668騍 > mother\-horse; 42669騆 > divine\-horse; 42670騁 > gallop\-horse; 42671駜 > strong\-horse; 42672駗 > chatter\-mark; 42673饗 > host\-banquet; 42674餀 > tainted\-food; 42675飱 > evening\-meal; 42676颭 > sway\-in\-wind; 42677顙 > the\-forehead; 42678頟 > the\-forehead; 42679鞦 > leather\-stap; 42680靚 > make\-up\-face; 42681霑 > be\-moistened; 42682隖 > entrenchment; 42683陁 > a\-steep\-bank; 42684闑 > the\-doorsill; 42685閻 > village\-gate; 42686閆 > village\-gate; 42687镨 > praseodymium; 42688鐠 > praseodymium; 42689鏷 > protactinium; 42690鍊 > smelt\-metals; 42691錬 > smelt\-metals; 42692錈 > to\-bend\-iron; 42693釪 > an\-alms\-bowl; 42694醽 > kind\-of\-wine; 42695郙 > to\-be\-exiled; 42696邲 > good\-looking; 42697迣 > to\-leap\-over; 42698轂 > hub\-of\-wheel; 42699躪 > trample\-down; 42700躚 > wander\-about; 42701躙 > trample\-down; 42702蹣 > to\-jump\-over; 42703蹌 > walk\-rapidly; 42704踼 > to\-fall\-flat; 42705踤 > butt\-against; 42706贈 > give\-present; 42707賉 > to\-give\-alms; 42708賅 > prepared\-for; 42709賀 > congratulate; 42710貆 > small\-badger; 42711豶 > castrate\-pig; 42712誾 > speak\-gently; 42713誶 > speak\-ill\-of; 42714詢 > inquire\-into; 42715訶 > scold\-loudly; 42716襛 > fine\-clothes; 42717襆 > hood\-or\-cowl; 42718蟄 > to\-hibernate; 42719虯 > young\-dragon; 42720葜 > smilax\-china; 42721萩 > scandent\-hop; 42722萘 > naphthanlene; 42723菝 > smilax\-china; 42724莦 > jungle\-grass; 42725芧 > chestnut\-oak; 42726芚 > green\-sprout; 42727芑 > white\-millet; 42728艙 > hold\-of\-ship; 42729膗 > ugly\-and\-fat; 42730肙 > a\-small\-worm; 42731羀 > fishing\-trap; 42732罶 > fishing\-trap; 42733纓 > a\-chin\-strap; 42734纁 > shade\-of\-red; 42735繙 > to\-interpret; 42736繒 > silk\-fabrics; 42737縕 > tangled\-hemp; 42738緡 > fishing\-line; 42739綣 > affectionate; 42740紕 > spoiled\-silk; 42741粛 > pay\-respects; 42742籯 > bamboo\-chest; 42743籟 > bamboo\-flute; 42744篴 > bamboo\-flute; 42745篠 > dwarf\-bamboo; 42746筤 > young\-bamboo; 42747筍 > bamboo\-shoot; 42748筅 > bamboo\-brush; 42749穟 > ear\-of\-grain; 42750秬 > black\-millet; 42751祘 > to\-calculate; 42752磠 > sal\-ammoniac; 42753碶 > a\-flood\-gate; 42754砟 > stone\-tablet; 42755矼 > stone\-bridge; 42756睒 > to\-glance\-at; 42757皦 > bright\-white; 42758瘺 > anal\-fistula; 42759疿 > prickly\-heat; 42760瑋 > type\-of\-jade; 42761珹 > type\-of\-jade; 42762玍 > ill\-tempered; 42763狆 > pekinese\-dog; 42764牂 > female\-sheep; 42765燷 > disappointed; 42766燣 > disappointed; 42767滲 > soak\-through; 42768滊 > a\-river\-name; 42769泖 > still\-waters; 42770毈 > fertile\-eggs; 42771殜 > half\-sitting; 42772欿 > discontented; 42773欒 > name\-of\-tree; 42774橒 > wood\-streaks; 42775槻 > zelkova\-tree; 42776槨 > outer\-coffin; 42777槔 > water\-pulley; 42778楀 > name\-of\-tree; 42779枟 > wood\-streaks; 42780斕 > multicolored; 42781攜 > lead\-by\-hand; 42782摜 > throw\-ground; 42783摙 > to\-transport; 42784揑 > to\-fabricate; 42785戉 > a\-battle\-axe; 42786懍 > be\-afraid\-of; 42787憲 > constitution; 42788慶 > congratulate; 42789愜 > be\-satisfied; 42790惻 > feel\-anguish; 42791悵 > disappointed; 42792廹 > to\-persecute; 42793廈 > big\-building; 42794帨 > handkerchief; 42795嶢 > high\-or\-tall; 42796屧 > wooden\-shoes; 42797屘 > the\-youngest; 42798嫲 > grand\-mother; 42799壈 > disappointed; 42800塢 > entrenchment; 42801埜 > open\-country; 42802嚶 > seek\-friends; 42803噯 > interjection; 42804喭 > condole\-with; 42805咥 > sound\-of\-cat; 42806呹 > to\-eat\-grass; 42807叄 > take\-part\-in; 42808厷 > the\-fore\-arm; 42809厤 > to\-calculate; 42810勣 > achievements; 42811剷 > to\-level\-off; 42812剗 > to\-level\-off; 42813儗 > compare\-with; 42814佭 > unsubmissive; 42815亰 > capital\-city; 42816丼 > bowl\-of\-food; 42817䴼 > to\-extirpate; 42818䴕 > a\-woodpecker; 42819䳖 > flying\-birds; 42820䲜 > lots\-of\-fish; 42821䱊 > roe\-or\-spawn; 42822䰸 > the\-nautilus; 42823䯶 > fair\-of\-hair; 42824䯬 > to\-hang\-down; 42825䯧 > a\-small\-hall; 42826䮟 > big\-and\-tall; 42827䮑 > a\-gray\-horse; 42828䭘 > well\-stacked; 42829䭗 > well\-stacked; 42830䭖 > animal\-feeds; 42831䭊 > well\-stacked; 42832䭉 > mashed\-beans; 42833䬜 > evil\-spirits; 42834䬚 > to\-move\-fast; 42835䬋 > violent\-wind; 42836䫨 > tall\-and\-big; 42837䫚 > short\-headed; 42838䫙 > the\-forehead; 42839䫕 > small\-headed; 42840䫇 > the\-whiskers; 42841䪹 > a\-large\-face; 42842䪰 > interjection; 42843䪡 > to\-fall\-down; 42844䪋 > silk\-cordage; 42845䩏 > a\-small\-face; 42846䩋 > a\-green\-face; 42847䩊 > good\-looking; 42848䩇 > a\-small\-head; 42849䨶 > thunderstorm; 42850䨲 > a\-small\-hare; 42851䨪 > a\-dust\-storm; 42852䨝 > a\-pure\-woman; 42853䨈 > a\-small\-bird; 42854䧬 > water''s\-edge; 42855䧢 > a\-rough\-road; 42856䧙 > a\-high\-mound; 42857䥃 > a\-big\-hammer; 42858䤬 > a\-small\-gong; 42859䤦 > a\-battle\-axe; 42860䤣 > a\-metal\-ring; 42861䤋 > yellow\-faced; 42862䣿 > to\-entertain; 42863䣾 > cheese\-dregs; 42864䣼 > mixed\-starch; 42865䠔 > far\-and\-deep; 42866䟿 > to\-reverence; 42867䟹 > to\-hop\-about; 42868䟕 > to\-step\-upon; 42869䞱 > to\-fall\-over; 42870䞧 > hard\-to\-walk; 42871䜩 > to\-entertain; 42872䚪 > curved\-horns; 42873䘄 > cicada\-famiy; 42874䘀 > grasshoppers; 42875䗰 > spiral\-shell; 42876䗧 > libellulidae; 42877䖞 > a\-sea\-insect; 42878䕻 > to\-adhere\-to; 42879䕺 > dense\-growth; 42880䕝 > medical\-herb; 42881䕋 > of\-elm\-group; 42882䓯 > water\-pepper; 42883䑽 > a\-large\-boat; 42884䑵 > a\-small\-boat; 42885䐅 > the\-buttocks; 42886䐁 > the\-buttocks; 42887䏗 > unexpectedly; 42888䏐 > the\-buttocks; 42889䏍 > a\-small\-worm; 42890䏀 > inharmonious; 42891䎘 > birds\-flying; 42892䎕 > flying\-birds; 42893䍄 > an\-indenture; 42894䌶 > \)\-black\-silk; 42895䌇 > a\-thick\-rope; 42896䌆 > silk\-fabrics; 42897䊅 > to\-soak\-rice; 42898䉯 > dried\-bamboo; 42899䉕 > a\-bamboo\-hat; 42900䉔 > bamboo\-slips; 42901䈟 > broken\-sound; 42902䇸 > a\-bamboo\-mat; 42903䇝 > to\-break\-off; 42904䇜 > small\-bamboo; 42905䆬 > to\-fall\-down; 42906䆢 > to\-penetrate; 42907䆟 > coresponding; 42908䆍 > cutted\-crops; 42909䅁 > to\-husk\-rice; 42910䃲 > a\-great\-rock; 42911䃯 > small\-stones; 42912䃝 > rugged\-rocks; 42913䃍 > to\-fall\-down; 42914䂐 > short\-stupid; 42915䁧 > to\-open\-wide; 42916䁠 > to\-hang\-down; 42917䀁 > a\-small\-bowl; 42918㿽 > a\-small\-bowl; 42919㿵 > soft\-leather; 42920㿲 > a\-fierce\-dog; 42921㿪 > skin\-disease; 42922㿨 > small\-stones; 42923㿊 > very\-painful; 42924㾔 > long\-illness; 42925㼋 > the\-cucumber; 42926㺖 > dogs\-barking; 42927㺎 > fierce\-beast; 42928㹿 > a\-fierce\-dog; 42929㹪 > a\-fierce\-dog; 42930㸾 > to\-filled\-up; 42931㸭 > the\-opposite; 42932㸘 > ten\-thousand; 42933㷹 > intense\-heat; 42934㶕 > to\-wash\-rice; 42935㵊 > moving\-image; 42936㴕 > to\-boil\-away; 42937㴓 > to\-wash\-rice; 42938㳞 > deep\-and\-far; 42939㳑 > to\-flow\-over; 42940㰷 > resurrection; 42941㯬 > achievements; 42942㯠 > a\-cross\-beam; 42943㯜 > decayed\-wood; 42944㮮 > a\-well\-sweep; 42945㮬 > a\-fruit\-tree; 42946㮪 > a\-small\-boat; 42947㮏 > a\-fruit\-tree; 42948㭫 > a\-fruit\-tree; 42949㬵 > the\-shinbone; 42950㫒 > hands\-joined; 42951㫃 > flags\-flying; 42952㫁 > to\-cut\-apart; 42953㨭 > unreasonable; 42954㧴 > to\-rub\-hands; 42955㧢 > to\-depend\-on; 42956㦰 > to\-break\-off; 42957㦦 > apprehensive; 42958鍊 > smelt\-metals; 42959㦎 > cantankerous; 42960㥵 > to\-dishonour; 42961參 > take\-part\-in; 42962㥠 > intelligence; 42963㤳 > to\-depend\-on; 42964㤧 > conciliation; 42965㤞 > disappointed; 42966螺 > spiral\-shell; 42967㣒 > hair\-raising; 42968㣑 > double\-image; 42969㢗 > a\-high\-house; 42970㡔 > oiled\-calico; 42971㡅 > storage\-room; 42972㠾 > a\-dish\-cloth; 42973㠽 > a\-dish\-cloth; 42974㠒 > mountain\-top; 42975㟽 > mountain\-top; 42976㟺 > mountain\-top; 42977㟐 > big\-and\-high; 42978㟇 > a\-land\-slide; 42979㞢 > to\-arrive\-at; 42980㞛 > red\-slippers; 42981㞓 > the\-buttocks; 42982㞅 > not\-straight; 42983㜗 > covetousness; 42984㛼 > to\-interrupt; 42985㛥 > to\-prostrate; 42986㛊 > to\-speculate; 42987㛆 > to\-speculate; 42988㘢 > a\-round\-cave; 42989㘍 > sound\-of\-rat; 42990㗒 > interjection; 42991㖷 > bird\-singing; 42992㖠 > an\-auxiliary; 42993㕯 > slow\-tongued; 42994㕒 > a\-lofty\-peak; 42995㕃 > to\-fall\-over; 42996㔬 > to\-establish; 42997㔦 > to\-encourage; 42998㔕 > with\-purpose; 42999㔎 > to\-cut\-apart; 43000㔃 > to\-cut\-short; 43001㓣 > to\-sink\-into; 43002㑪 > a\-generation; 43003㑤 > good\-looking; 43004㑔 > all\-together; 43005㐸 > to\-own\-money; 43006㐴 > to\-drag\-down; 43007以 > by\-means\-of; 43008農 > agriculture; 43009径 > narrow\-path; 43010几 > small\-table; 43011便 > convenience; 43012电 > electricity; 43013百 > one\-hundred; 43014跣 > bare\-footed; 43015贅 > unnecessary; 43016功 > achievement; 43017江 > large\-river; 43018注 > concentrate; 43019牧 > tend\-cattle; 43020婚 > get\-married; 43021刊 > publication; 43022农 > agriculture; 43023熟 > well\-cooked; 43024饭 > cooked\-rice; 43025奢 > extravagant; 43026查 > investigate; 43027章 > composition; 43028按 > put\-hand\-on; 43029蝠 > kind\-of\-bat; 43030蝕 > nibble\-away; 43031困 > to\-surround; 43032险 > narrow\-pass; 43033练 > to\-practice; 43034溯 > go\-upstream; 43035渉 > ford\-stream; 43036败 > be\-defeated; 43037纷 > in\-disorder; 43038缺 > be\-short\-of; 43039遭 > come\-across; 43040戴 > wear\-on\-top; 43041勤 > industrious; 43042勘 > investigate; 43043髄 > bone\-marrow; 43044効 > efficacious; 43045貌 > countenance; 43046繁 > complicated; 43047柳 > willow\-tree; 43048凄 > bitter\-cold; 43049涉 > ford\-stream; 43050霞 > rosy\-clouds; 43051飴 > sweet\-meats; 43052飯 > cooked\-rice; 43053聪 > intelligent; 43054倦 > be\-tired\-of; 43055摔 > fall\-ground; 43056醉 > intoxicated; 43057査 > investigate; 43058涛 > large\-waves; 43059锅 > cooking\-pot; 43060仔 > small\-thing; 43061會 > to\-assemble; 43062電 > electricity; 43063拆 > to\-break\-up; 43064翠 > color\-green; 43065險 > narrow\-pass; 43066晕 > halo\-in\-sky; 43067険 > narrow\-pass; 43068纠 > investigate; 43069夸 > extravagant; 43070辨 > distinguish; 43071葛 > edible\-bean; 43072轿 > sedan\-chair; 43073敗 > be\-defeated; 43074攫 > snatch\-away; 43075紛 > in\-disorder; 43076鍛 > forge\-metal; 43077厕 > mingle\-with; 43078鍋 > cooking\-pot; 43079竿 > bamboo\-pole; 43080券 > certificate; 43081穉 > young\-grain; 43082驳 > varicolored; 43083憔 > be\-worn\-out; 43084粞 > ground\-rice; 43085酔 > intoxicated; 43086遂 > comply\-with; 43087隶 > subservient; 43088缸 > earthen\-jug; 43089肢 > human\-limbs; 43090尴 > embarrassed; 43091呐 > raise\-voice; 43092颖 > rice\-tassel; 43093砥 > a\-whetstone; 43094孕 > be\-pregnant; 43095钞 > paper\-money; 43096垮 > be\-defeated; 43097琢 > polish\-jade; 43098绽 > ripped\-seam; 43099奠 > pay\-respect; 43100澜 > overflowing; 43101惕 > be\-cautious; 43102锻 > forge\-metal; 43103蚀 > nibble\-away; 43104趴 > lying\-prone; 43105窘 > embarrassed; 43106隋 > sui\-dynasty; 43107瞄 > take\-aim\-at; 43108祟 > evil\-spirit; 43109嗔 > be\-angry\-at; 43110奕 > in\-sequence; 43111榴 > pomegranate; 43112棘 > jujube\-tree; 43113峙 > stand\-erect; 43114砌 > stone\-steps; 43115槐 > locust\-tree; 43116鳞 > fish\-scales; 43117惺 > intelligent; 43118髓 > bone\-marrow; 43119炽 > burning\-hot; 43120迂 > doctrinaire; 43121缪 > wind\-around; 43122凋 > be\-withered; 43123缤 > flourishing; 43124雳 > thunderclap; 43125赘 > unnecessary; 43126驸 > extra\-horse; 43127嗷 > loud\-clamor; 43128炖 > stew\-slowly; 43129谏 > remonstrate; 43130篆 > seal\-script; 43131宦 > officialdom; 43132瓮 > earthen\-jar; 43133朕 > pronoun\-''i''; 43134阑 > door\-screen; 43135卤 > saline\-soil; 43136唏 > weep\-or\-sob; 43137汩 > run\-swiftly; 43138榕 > banyan\-tree; 43139闰 > intercalary; 43140昊 > summer\-time; 43141玷 > flaw\-in\-gem; 43142阙 > watch\-tower; 43143瑕 > flaw\-in\-gem; 43144泌 > to\-seep\-out; 43145烽 > signal\-fire; 43146孵 > sit\-on\-eggs; 43147椭 > oval\-shaped; 43148痉 > convulsions; 43149匝 > full\-circle; 43150饪 > cooked\-food; 43151嶙 > precipitous; 43152颧 > cheek\-bones; 43153镗 > boring\-tool; 43154揶 > make\-fun\-of; 43155炷 > candle\-wick; 43156贲 > forge\-ahead; 43157蚱 > grasshopper; 43158痨 > consumption; 43159濂 > a\-waterfall; 43160汐 > night\-tides; 43161筠 > bamboo\-skin; 43162氤 > hanging\-fog; 43163痔 > hemorrhoids; 43164趿 > to\-tread\-on; 43165觞 > wine\-vessel; 43166挹 > to\-bale\-out; 43167膑 > the\-kneecap; 43168徇 > comply\-with; 43169唳 > cry\-of\-bird; 43170礅 > stone\-block; 43171箔 > reed\-screen; 43172豸 > radical\-153; 43173滟 > overflowing; 43174烃 > hydrocarbon; 43175砭 > stone\-probe; 43176澍 > timely\-rain; 43177龋 > tooth\-decay; 43178缱 > attached\-to; 43179奂 > be\-numerous; 43180黩 > to\-dishonor; 43181饴 > sweet\-meats; 43182壅 > to\-obstruct; 43183澶 > still\-water; 43184餍 > be\-satiated; 43185枥 > type\-of\-oak; 43186蜢 > grasshopper; 43187煅 > forge\-metal; 43188桕 > tallow\-tree; 43189鲢 > silver\-carp; 43190趱 > go\-in\-hurry; 43191妫 > family\-name; 43192暾 > morning\-sun; 43193荦 > brindled\-ox; 43194邛 > in\-distress; 43195戢 > to\-put\-away; 43196榧 > type\-of\-yew; 43197堇 > yellow\-loam; 43198劬 > be\-diligent; 43199魈 > mischevious; 43200鍪 > an\-iron\-pan; 43201蜣 > dung\-beetle; 43202痦 > \(flat\)\-mole; 43203戬 > exterminate; 43204嗉 > bird''s\-crop; 43205儋 > a\-small\-jar; 43206蚜 > plant\-louse; 43207粜 > sell\-grains; 43208攮 > to\-fend\-off; 43209苎 > china\-grass; 43210埕 > earthen\-jar; 43211坩 > earthenware; 43212榉 > type\-of\-elm; 43213玢 > porphyrites; 43214绁 > to\-contract; 43215潆 > tiny\-stream; 43216髹 > red\-lacquer; 43217觖 > to\-long\-for; 43218螵 > a\-chrysalis; 43219杪 > tip\-of\-twig; 43220幂 > cover\-cloth; 43221硗 > barren\-land; 43222脞 > minced\-meat; 43223轵 > end\-of\-axle; 43224楗 > bar\-of\-door; 43225桄 > a\-coir\-palm; 43226堠 > battlements; 43227俜 > to\-trust\-to; 43228齲 > tooth\-decay; 43229黷 > to\-dishonor; 43230麀 > female\-deer; 43231鹵 > saline\-soil; 43232鸏 > tropic\-bird; 43233鴺 > the\-pelican; 43234鱠 > minced\-fish; 43235鱗 > fish\-scales; 43236鰱 > silver\-carp; 43237鬙 > matted\-hair; 43238驔 > black\-horse; 43239驇 > heavy\-horse; 43240騺 > heavy\-horse; 43241駙 > extra\-horse; 43242駁 > varicolored; 43243饜 > be\-satiated; 43244餁 > cooked\-food; 43245飪 > cooked\-food; 43246顴 > cheek\-bones; 43247顦 > be\-worn\-out; 43248顇 > be\-worn\-out; 43249頴 > rice\-tassel; 43250頋 > to\-care\-for; 43251鞫 > interrogate; 43252靂 > thunderclap; 43253隉 > in\-disorder; 43254阨 > in\-distress; 43255闕 > watch\-tower; 43256闌 > door\-screen; 43257閠 > intercalary; 43258閏 > intercalary; 43259鐦 > californium; 43260鏻 > phosphonium; 43261鏜 > boring\-tool; 43262鎐 > family\-name; 43263鍐 > a\-headstall; 43264鈔 > paper\-money; 43265釆 > distinguish; 43266醹 > strong\-wine; 43267醲 > strong\-wine; 43268醓 > salted\-meat; 43269酏 > millet\-wine; 43270遹 > comply\-with; 43271遡 > go\-upstream; 43272迊 > to\-go\-round; 43273轎 > sedan\-chair; 43274轇 > complicated; 43275輦 > a\-hand\-cart; 43276軹 > end\-of\-axle; 43277蹹 > to\-tread\-on; 43278蹵 > to\-tread\-on; 43279趲 > go\-in\-hurry; 43280贗 > counterfeit; 43281賁 > forge\-ahead; 43282貘 > the\-panther; 43283豦 > a\-wild\-boar; 43284豘 > a\-small\-pig; 43285諫 > remonstrate; 43286諌 > remonstrate; 43287觴 > wine\-vessel; 43288觱 > tartar\-horn; 43289覈 > investigate; 43290褵 > bridal\-veil; 43291蠜 > grasshopper; 43292蠋 > caterpillar; 43293蟛 > a\-land\-crab; 43294蝛 > the\-sow\-bug; 43295蝍 > a\-centipede; 43296蛓 > caterpillar; 43297藚 > water\-plant; 43298藄 > edible\-fern; 43299蓪 > paper\-plant; 43300蓂 > lucky\-place; 43301蒭 > to\-cutgrass; 43302萐 > lucky\-plant; 43303菢 > to\-incubate; 43304苧 > china\-grass; 43305艗 > bow\-of\-junk; 43306臏 > the\-kneecap; 43307胾 > minced\-meat; 43308胔 > rotten\-meat; 43309肈 > to\-commence; 43310聰 > intelligent; 43311聦 > the\-hearing; 43312聡 > intelligent; 43313耑 > specialized; 43314翆 > color\-green; 43315羖 > a\-black\-ram; 43316羃 > cover\-cloth; 43317罱 > fishing\-net; 43318罠 > animal\-trap; 43319罒 > radical\-122; 43320罋 > earthen\-jar; 43321繾 > attached\-to; 43322繽 > flourishing; 43323繆 > wind\-around; 43324綻 > ripped\-seam; 43325糾 > investigate; 43326糶 > sell\-grains; 43327糢 > rice\-snacks; 43328簹 > tall\-bamboo; 43329簵 > fine\-bamboo; 43330簰 > bamboo\-raft; 43331篔 > tall\-bamboo; 43332箘 > fine\-bamboo; 43333筩 > bamboo\-pipe; 43334筊 > bamboo\-rope; 43335筇 > bamboo\-name; 43336笯 > a\-bird\-cage; 43337窸 > faint\-sound; 43338穵 > deep\-hollow; 43339穎 > rice\-tassel; 43340磽 > barren\-land; 43341磹 > stone\-wedge; 43342碔 > \/2\-pr\-stone; 43343砆 > \/2\-pr\-stone; 43344砃 > white\-stone; 43345瞵 > to\-stare\-at; 43346睠 > to\-care\-for; 43347睎 > to\-long\-for; 43348眥 > eye\-sockets; 43349眑 > sunken\-eyes; 43350眊 > dim\-sighted; 43351皃 > countenance; 43352癆 > consumption; 43353瘚 > to\-hiccough; 43354痳 > pock\-marked; 43355痲 > pock\-marked; 43356痭 > menorrhagia; 43357痙 > convulsions; 43358痃 > indigestion; 43359甕 > earthen\-jar; 43360珽 > jade\-tablet; 43361玗 > \/2\-pr\-stone; 43362獏 > the\-panther; 43363狢 > animal\-name; 43364犖 > brindled\-ox; 43365燖 > reheat\-food; 43366熾 > burning\-hot; 43367煟 > bright\-room; 43368煏 > dry\-by\-fire; 43369煆 > raging\-fire; 43370烴 > hydrocarbon; 43371灩 > overflowing; 43372灧 > overflowing; 43373瀾 > overflowing; 43374瀠 > tiny\-stream; 43375濤 > large\-waves; 43376澰 > overflowing; 43377潿 > still\-water; 43378潾 > clear\-water; 43379潠 > to\-blow\-out; 43380滷 > thick\-gravy; 43381湜 > transparent; 43382渟 > not\-flowing; 43383淒 > bitter\-cold; 43384涠 > still\-water; 43385浡 > burst\-forth; 43386泝 > go\-upstream; 43387沰 > to\-let\-drop; 43388殰 > an\-abortion; 43389欮 > to\-hiccough; 43390櫸 > type\-of\-elm; 43391櫪 > type\-of\-oak; 43392橢 > oval\-shaped; 43393槲 > type\-of\-oak; 43394槢 > a\-hard\-wood; 43395楕 > oval\-shaped; 43396棯 > jujube\-tree; 43397梘 > bamboo\-tube; 43398梖 > a\-palm\-tree; 43399梄 > a\-soft\-wood; 43400栞 > publication; 43401栃 > type\-of\-oak; 43402枧 > bamboo\-tube; 43403杤 > type\-of\-oak; 43404暈 > halo\-in\-sky; 43405昜 > to\-open\-out; 43406昉 > bright\-dawn; 43407旽 > morning\-sun; 43408旉 > to\-state\-to; 43409摡 > to\-irrigate; 43410摎 > to\-strangle; 43411挓 > to\-open\-out; 43412戩 > exterminate; 43413慉 > to\-bring\-up; 43414愔 > comfortable; 43415忲 > extravagant; 43416徻 > a\-wide\-room; 43417徑 > narrow\-path; 43418弰 > ends\-of\-bow; 43419幎 > cover\-cloth; 43420帀 > to\-go\-round; 43421崪 > rocky\-peaks; 43422崒 > rocky\-peaks; 43423屰 > disobedient; 43424屝 > straw\-shoes; 43425尷 > embarrassed; 43426尶 > embarrassed; 43427尜 > a\-child\-toy; 43428尃 > to\-state\-to; 43429嬔 > baby\-rabbit; 43430媯 > family\-name; 43431奓 > extravagant; 43432奐 > be\-numerous; 43433塿 > small\-mound; 43434堊 > white\-earth; 43435堈 > earthen\-jug; 43436垞 > small\-mound; 43437垝 > dilapidated; 43438垔 > to\-restrain; 43439坵 > earthenware; 43440嗱 > exclamation; 43441喎 > a\-wry\-mouth; 43442唹 > to\-smile\-at; 43443咅 > to\-spit\-out; 43444吶 > raise\-voice; 43445叻 > place\-names; 43446厾 > lightly\-tap; 43447厠 > mingle\-with; 43448匯 > a\-concourse; 43449勽 > to\-incubate; 43450勠 > join\-forces; 43451劼 > be\-discreet; 43452劵 > certificate; 43453剦 > to\-castrate; 43454刋 > publication; 43455凩 > wintry\-wind; 43456冪 > cover\-cloth; 43457兦 > destruction; 43458儁 > outstanding; 43459傏 > to\-ward\-off; 43460偢 > to\-stare\-at; 43461俛 > make\-effort; 43462佹 > depend\-upon; 43463佡 > make\-effort; 43464䶪 > sharp\-teeth; 43465䵴 > black\-color; 43466䵳 > light\-black; 43467䵰 > black\-color; 43468䵩 > dark\-yellow; 43469䵢 > light\-black; 43470䵎 > dark\-yellow; 43471䲻 > the\-swallow; 43472䱽 > the\-pomfret; 43473䱺 > a\-male\-crab; 43474䱶 > a\-male\-crab; 43475䱒 > salted\-fish; 43476䯣 > the\-kneecap; 43477䯘 > the\-kneecap; 43478䮘 > young\-horse; 43479䫳 > human\-skull; 43480䫰 > sparse\-hair; 43481䫭 > bald\-headed; 43482䫜 > sunken\-eyes; 43483䫄 > better\-than; 43484䪴 > the\-occiput; 43485䪄 > great\-blaze; 43486䩻 > to\-be\-chief; 43487䩜 > descendants; 43488䨱 > spilt\-water; 43489䧶 > to\-care\-for; 43490䧨 > precipitous; 43491䧞 > to\-increase; 43492䧓 > a\-big\-mound; 43493䧊 > a\-big\-mound; 43494䦷 > to\-struggle; 43495䦶 > to\-struggle; 43496䦟 > to\-struggle; 43497䦛 > to\-struggle; 43498䦘 > a\-threshold; 43499䥀 > to\-pull\-out; 43500䤭 > to\-ornament; 43501䤅 > southerwood; 43502䢉 > agriculture; 43503䠝 > to\-stand\-up; 43504䠍 > at\-the\-feet; 43505䟵 > to\-tread\-on; 43506䟯 > to\-tread\-on; 43507䟅 > to\-go\-ahead; 43508䟁 > a\-foot\-race; 43509䞽 > to\-lie\-flat; 43510䞨 > half\-a\-pace; 43511䞦 > to\-lie\-flat; 43512䞊 > to\-increase; 43513䞄 > to\-disperse; 43514䝍 > a\-wild\-boar; 43515䝀 > garden\-peas; 43516䜰 > deep\-valley; 43517䜮 > deep\-valley; 43518䜗 > angry\-words; 43519䜏 > to\-withdraw; 43520䜆 > hasty\-words; 43521䛘 > to\-think\-of; 43522䚾 > to\-think\-of; 43523䚳 > do\-not\-know; 43524䚲 > to\-laugh\-at; 43525䙾 > to\-wait\-for; 43526䙱 > a\-long\-coat; 43527䙰 > new\-feather; 43528䙂 > short\-pants; 43529䘴 > short\-pants; 43530䗖 > the\-rainbow; 43531䕸 > wheat\-straw; 43532䕣 > water\-plant; 43533䕌 > young\-grain; 43534䔿 > lush\-growth; 43535䓮 > lush\-growth; 43536䓏 > flourishing; 43537䒋 > air\-current; 43538䐚 > good\-graces; 43539䏶 > the\-stomach; 43540䏔 > to\-eat\-meat; 43541䏓 > the\-stomach; 43542䍨 > to\-castrate; 43543䌺 > flourishing; 43544䌪 > to\-continue; 43545䌦 > green\-color; 43546䊭 > to\-overturn; 43547䊫 > coarse\-rice; 43548䊢 > thick\-fluid; 43549䊓 > to\-paste\-up; 43550䉝 > bamboo\-ware; 43551䉊 > bamboo\-ware; 43552䈸 > a\-big\-chest; 43553䈀 > bamboo\-ware; 43554䇕 > to\-wait\-for; 43555䇓 > to\-wait\-for; 43556䇃 > to\-wait\-for; 43557䆳 > far\-distant; 43558䆘 > acupuncture; 43559䆖 > a\-big\-house; 43560䅻 > measurement; 43561䅄 > long\-grains; 43562䄽 > common\-rice; 43563䄄 > achievement; 43564䃭 > a\-stone\-box; 43565䂱 > to\-wear\-out; 43566䂤 > white\-stone; 43567䂡 > a\-whetstone; 43568䂓 > regulations; 43569䁻 > pretty\-eyes; 43570䁷 > bright\-eyes; 43571䁱 > hollow\-eyed; 43572䁑 > pretty\-eyes; 43573䀦 > to\-stare\-at; 43574䀂 > a\-big\-basin; 43575㿣 > white\-color; 43576㿘 > to\-get\-sick; 43577㾺 > eye\-disease; 43578㾝 > to\-leak\-out; 43579㾗 > eye\-disease; 43580㾈 > hunchbacked; 43581㾃 > hump\-backed; 43582㽪 > paddy\-field; 43583㽆 > earthenware; 43584㽀 > earthenware; 43585㼻 > earthenware; 43586㼸 > earthenware; 43587㼶 > earthenware; 43588㼳 > earthenware; 43589㼯 > earthenware; 43590㼬 > earthenware; 43591㼦 > earthenware; 43592㼤 > earthenware; 43593㼘 > of\-mountain; 43594㼓 > melon\-seeds; 43595㻓 > a\-fine\-jade; 43596㹠 > a\-small\-big; 43597㸠 > thick\-stick; 43598㶑 > overflowing; 43599㵮 > clear\-water; 43600㵤 > to\-overflow; 43601㵕 > to\-permeate; 43602㴘 > to\-ooze\-out; 43603㲰 > a\-hairy\-dog; 43604㲒 > to\-incubate; 43605㱩 > an\-abortion; 43606㰲 > to\-blow\-off; 43607㰮 > to\-laugh\-at; 43608㰞 > to\-laugh\-at; 43609㯈 > small\-trees; 43610㮟 > a\-whetstone; 43611㮝 > angle\-steel; 43612㭴 > the\-oscines; 43613㭎 > a\-tall\-tree; 43614㬲 > to\-increase; 43615㬩 > a\-tiny\-star; 43616㫵 > white\-color; 43617㫘 > disappeared; 43618㪺 > to\-bale\-out; 43619㩈 > to\-restrain; 43620㩅 > to\-draw\-out; 43621㨺 > to\-ornament; 43622㨵 > to\-cut\-away; 43623㨴 > to\-turnover; 43624飯 > cooked\-rice; 43625㨕 > to\-shoulder; 43626鱗 > fish\-scales; 43627㧔 > to\-disturbe; 43628柳 > willow\-tree; 43629暈 > halo\-in\-sky; 43630㦟 > intelligent; 43631輦 > a\-hand\-cart; 43632㦒 > to\-deceived; 43633泌 > to\-seep\-out; 43634便 > convenience; 43635㤡 > to\-surprise; 43636㤛 > to\-remember; 43637㤕 > melancholoy; 43638㤁 > to\-disgrace; 43639㣾 > do\-not\-care; 43640㣵 > to\-run\-away; 43641㣥 > to\-store\-up; 43642㢳 > black\-color; 43643㢓 > to\-separate; 43644㡾 > a\-threshold; 43645㠖 > precipitous; 43646㞘 > a\-small\-pig; 43647㝴 > a\-round\-off; 43648㝔 > deep\-bottom; 43649㜣 > a\-last\-name; 43650㜎 > slave\-girls; 43651㛑 > three\-women; 43652㚾 > to\-have\-fun; 43653㙧 > earthenware; 43654㘶 > a\-hen\-roost; 43655㘥 > to\-inveigle; 43656㘆 > to\-laugh\-at; 43657㗗 > to\-separate; 43658㖽 > to\-call\-out; 43659㖣 > to\-spit\-out; 43660㖞 > a\-wry\-mouth; 43661㖖 > to\-spit\-out; 43662㖕 > to\-spit\-out; 43663㖑 > to\-shout\-at; 43664㔼 > to\-fit\-into; 43665㔶 > a\-small\-cup; 43666㔏 > to\-cut\-open; 43667㓬 > to\-cut\-open; 43668㓩 > horned\-hair; 43669㒨 > an\-immortal; 43670㒥 > an\-immortal; 43671㑽 > to\-ward\-off; 43672的 > possessive; 43673込 > crowd\-into; 43674辻 > crossroads; 43675能 > to\-be\-able; 43676都 > metropolis; 43677文 > literature; 43678轍 > wagon\-ruts; 43679輩 > generation; 43680眩 > to\-confuse; 43681眠 > close\-eyes; 43682輝 > brightness; 43683弐 > number\-two; 43684者 > that\-which; 43685业 > profession; 43686府 > prefecture; 43687政 > government; 43688世 > generation; 43689产 > give\-birth; 43690场 > open\-space; 43691比 > to\-compare; 43692疲 > feel\-tired; 43693画 > a\-painting; 43694産 > give\-birth; 43695望 > to\-look\-at; 43696賺 > make\-money; 43697六 > number\-six; 43698屡 > frequently; 43699尤 > especially; 43700專 > monopolize; 43701基 > foundation; 43702双 > set\-of\-two; 43703孫 > grandchild; 43704专 > monopolize; 43705嬪 > court\-lady; 43706离 > rare\-beast; 43707媒 > go\-between; 43708誌 > write\-down; 43709誇 > exaggerate; 43710响 > make\-sound; 43711婿 > son\-in\-law; 43712爭 > to\-dispute; 43713器 > receptacle; 43714營 > encampment; 43715妙 > mysterious; 43716胡 > recklessly; 43717妓 > prostitute; 43718襦 > short\-coat; 43719奧 > mysterious; 43720奥 > mysterious; 43721壻 > son\-in\-law; 43722壱 > number\-one; 43723孙 > grandchild; 43724营 > encampment; 43725場 > open\-space; 43726郭 > outer\-part; 43727讨 > to\-discuss; 43728滅 > extinguish; 43729虜 > to\-capture; 43730积 > accumulate; 43731菜 > vegetables; 43732嗣 > to\-connect; 43733嗜 > be\-fond\-of; 43734介 > forerunner; 43735索 > large\-rope; 43736丁 > male\-adult; 43737遍 > everywhere; 43738辈 > generation; 43739蒔 > transplant; 43740懂 > understand; 43741释 > interprete; 43742纵 > indulge\-in; 43743灭 > extinguish; 43744歴 > take\-place; 43745仁 > humaneness; 43746檀 > sandalwood; 43747削 > scrape\-off; 43748刑 > punishment; 43749岂 > how\?\-what\?; 43750隆 > prosperous; 43751辉 > brightness; 43752刃 > edged\-tool; 43753析 > split\-wood; 43754腸 > intestines; 43755業 > profession; 43756楓 > maple\-tree; 43757餅 > rice\-cakes; 43758枫 > maple\-tree; 43759傍 > by\-side\-of; 43760耽 > indulge\-in; 43761頻 > frequently; 43762栓 > wooden\-peg; 43763響 > make\-sound; 43764凯 > triumphant; 43765恭 > respectful; 43766祸 > misfortune; 43767频 > frequently; 43768禅 > meditation; 43769柯 > axe\-handle; 43770捐 > contribute; 43771踪 > footprints; 43772屁 > break\-wind; 43773谊 > friendship; 43774储 > save\-money; 43775雁 > wild\-goose; 43776摊 > spread\-out; 43777吨 > metric\-ton; 43778乍 > first\-time; 43779陀 > steep\-bank; 43780縱 > indulge\-in; 43781縦 > indulge\-in; 43782肠 > intestines; 43783赚 > make\-money; 43784綿 > cotton\-wad; 43785綱 > heavy\-rope; 43786绵 > cotton\-wad; 43787抑 > press\-down; 43788饼 > rice\-cakes; 43789彬 > cultivated; 43790撮 > little\-bit; 43791粥 > rice\-gruel; 43792蛮 > barbarians; 43793箸 > chopsticks; 43794筵 > bamboo\-mat; 43795艇 > small\-boat; 43796捌 > break\-open; 43797笠 > bamboo\-hat; 43798庞 > disorderly; 43799鋪 > spread\-out; 43800竝 > to\-combine; 43801積 > accumulate; 43802扉 > door\-panel; 43803纲 > heavy\-rope; 43804釋 > interprete; 43805釈 > interprete; 43806坝 > embankment; 43807憧 > irresolute; 43808甩 > throw\-away; 43809祕 > mysterious; 43810酌 > serve\-wine; 43811磐 > large\-rock; 43812辅 > cheek\-bone; 43813捡 > to\-pick\-up; 43814筷 > chopsticks; 43815蹈 > stamp\-feet; 43816晒 > dry\-in\-sun; 43817歼 > annihilate; 43818涩 > astringent; 43819霎 > light\-rain; 43820擅 > monopolize; 43821蔬 > vegetables; 43822绸 > silk\-cloth; 43823眯 > be\-blinded; 43824寅 > to\-respect; 43825虏 > to\-capture; 43826眶 > eye\-socket; 43827碟 > small\-dish; 43828蕴 > to\-collect; 43829迭 > repeatedly; 43830旭 > rising\-sun; 43831悍 > courageous; 43832枢 > door\-hinge; 43833跋 > go\-by\-foot; 43834圪 > \(phonetic\); 43835搔 > to\-scratch; 43836嚎 > cry\-loudly; 43837辙 > wagon\-ruts; 43838汛 > high\-water; 43839脯 > dried\-meat; 43840嗒 > to\-despair; 43841墟 > high\-mound; 43842馋 > gluttonous; 43843娼 > prostitute; 43844蹭 > to\-shuffle; 43845澈 > thoroughly; 43846缭 > wind\-round; 43847喳 > whispering; 43848弧 > wooden\-bow; 43849跺 > stamp\-feet; 43850惆 > distressed; 43851撵 > drive\-away; 43852殃 > misfortune; 43853恪 > respectful; 43854轶 > rush\-forth; 43855腆 > prosperous; 43856窿 > mine\-shaft; 43857樵 > woodcutter; 43858犀 > rhinoceros; 43859绚 > variegated; 43860藕 > lotus\-root; 43861摞 > to\-pile\-up; 43862滤 > strain\-out; 43863缈 > indistinct; 43864肪 > animal\-fat; 43865甄 > to\-examine; 43866铛 > frying\-pan; 43867嫡 > legal\-wife; 43868瘁 > feel\-tired; 43869磷 > phosphorus; 43870翡 > kingfisher; 43871瞑 > close\-eyes; 43872霭 > cloudy\-sky; 43873舫 > fancy\-boat; 43874纨 > white\-silk; 43875榷 > footbridge; 43876糜 > rice\-gruel; 43877壹 > number\-one; 43878蔗 > sugar\-cane; 43879彗 > broomstick; 43880喟 > heave\-sigh; 43881喑 > to\-be\-dumb; 43882鱿 > cuttlefish; 43883倜 > raise\-high; 43884侩 > go\-between; 43885滂 > torrential; 43886贰 > number\-two; 43887忻 > delightful; 43888燧 > flintstone; 43889稔 > ripe\-grain; 43890嫔 > court\-lady; 43891颉 > fly\-upward; 43892舸 > large\-boat; 43893眙 > to\-gaze\-at; 43894瘀 > a\-hematoma; 43895夯 > heavy\-load; 43896饕 > gluttonous; 43897鲠 > fish\-bones; 43898茏 > tall\-grass; 43899茯 > china\-root; 43900鲧 > giant\-fish; 43901逦 > meandering; 43902骜 > wild\-horse; 43903欹 > fierce\-dog; 43904缛 > decorative; 43905苕 > rush\-plant; 43906顸 > large\-face; 43907尕 > \(phonetic\); 43908缦 > plain\-silk; 43909帙 > book\-cover; 43910鳃 > fish\-gills; 43911醴 > sweet\-wine; 43912辊 > turn\-round; 43913岘 > steep\-hill; 43914倬 > noticeable; 43915鲞 > dried\-fish; 43916簟 > bamboo\-mat; 43917稹 > accumulate; 43918缁 > black\-silk; 43919箧 > rattan\-box; 43920墁 > to\-plaster; 43921罴 > brown\-bear; 43922爰 > lead\-on\-to; 43923杲 > bright\-sun; 43924癔 > hysterical; 43925枋 > sandalwood; 43926莜 > avena\-nuda; 43927埙 > instrument; 43928獾 > the\-badger; 43929莳 > transplant; 43930郫 > place\-name; 43931蛏 > razor\-clam; 43932橥 > wooden\-peg; 43933帑 > a\-treasury; 43934揠 > to\-pull\-up; 43935趑 > can''t\-move; 43936阍 > gatekeeper; 43937掊 > to\-extract; 43938镝 > dysprosium; 43939砗 > giant\-clam; 43940嫫 > ugly\-woman; 43941蔌 > vegetables; 43942跗 > the\-instep; 43943浼 > to\-request; 43944嗌 > the\-throat; 43945唑 > \(phonetic\); 43946汆 > to\-parboil; 43947刭 > cut\-throat; 43948髂 > the\-pelvis; 43949艋 > small\-boat; 43950钼 > molybdenum; 43951憝 > to\-dislike; 43952炅 > brilliance; 43953隳 > to\-destroy; 43954茛 > ranunculus; 43955糇 > dried\-rice; 43956钆 > gadolinium; 43957澌 > to\-exhaust; 43958庀 > to\-prepare; 43959犴 > a\-wild\-dog; 43960埏 > a\-boundary; 43961凵 > receptacle; 43962谮 > to\-slander; 43963龢 > in\-harmony; 43964龐 > disorderly; 43965龎 > disorderly; 43966鼧 > the\-marmot; 43967鼄 > the\-spider; 43968黹 > embroidery; 43969黲 > grey\-black; 43970黪 > grey\-black; 43971黤 > blue\-black; 43972鸺 > horned\-owl; 43973鵒 > mynah\-bird; 43974鵂 > horned\-owl; 43975鴷 > woodpecker; 43976鴈 > wild\-goose; 43977鳲 > turtledove; 43978鳫 > wild\-goose; 43979鲰 > small\-fish; 43980鱐 > dried\-fish; 43981鱇 > anglerfish; 43982鰓 > fish\-gills; 43983鰂 > cuttlefish; 43984鯫 > small\-fish; 43985鯗 > dried\-fish; 43986鯁 > fish\-bones; 43987鯀 > giant\-fish; 43988鮿 > dried\-fish; 43989鮟 > anglerfish; 43990鮝 > dried\-fish; 43991鮁 > the\-bonito; 43992魷 > cuttlefish; 43993魛 > the\-mullet; 43994鬨 > boisterous; 43995鬜 > to\-go\-bald; 43996髣 > similar\-to; 43997髁 > thigh\-bone; 43998驁 > wild\-horse; 43999騗 > to\-swindle; 44000騋 > tall\-horse; 44001騉 > fine\-horse; 44002駰 > grey\-horse; 44003馹 > post\-horse; 44004饞 > gluttonous; 44005餠 > rice\-cakes; 44006頡 > fly\-upward; 44007頇 > large\-face; 44008鞡 > leg\-warmer; 44009靰 > leg\-warmer; 44010靝 > the\-heaven; 44011靉 > cloudy\-sky; 44012靆 > cloudy\-sky; 44013靄 > cloudy\-sky; 44014雰 > atmosphere; 44015雙 > set\-of\-two; 44016隮 > ti\-rise\-up; 44017陻 > small\-hill; 44018陑 > place\-name; 44019阯 > foundation; 44020闟 > peacefully; 44021閽 > gatekeeper; 44022閧 > boisterous; 44023镚 > small\-coin; 44024锬 > long\-spear; 44025钷 > promethium; 44026鐺 > frying\-pan; 44027鐶 > metal\-ring; 44028鐚 > soft\-steel; 44029鐒 > lawrencium; 44030鐀 > a\-cupboard; 44031鏑 > dysprosium; 44032鎪 > to\-engrave; 44033鎛 > large\-bell; 44034鍀 > technetium; 44035錟 > long\-spear; 44036錞 > instrument; 44037錏 > soft\-steel; 44038鉬 > molybdenum; 44039鈊 > cadolinium; 44040釓 > gadolinium; 44041醡 > wine\-press; 44042醝 > white\-wine; 44043酅 > raise\-feet; 44044郹 > place\-name; 44045邐 > meandering; 44046逬 > to\-scatter; 44047輥 > turn\-round; 44048輔 > cheek\-bone; 44049軼 > rush\-forth; 44050躩 > take\-quick; 44051躛 > exaggerate; 44052躗 > exaggerate; 44053蹤 > footprints; 44054踧 > uneasiness; 44055踜 > to\-stumble; 44056踖 > trample\-on; 44057跥 > stamp\-feet; 44058跐 > to\-trample; 44059跁 > trample\-on; 44060趦 > can''t\-move; 44061貳 > number\-two; 44062貮 > number\-two; 44063豈 > how\?\-what\?; 44064豀 > to\-quarrel; 44065譭 > to\-slander; 44066譛 > to\-slander; 44067譖 > to\-slander; 44068譒 > promulgate; 44069謪 > to\-consult; 44070諴 > in\-harmony; 44071諟 > to\-examine; 44072誼 > friendship; 44073誩 > to\-quarrel; 44074討 > to\-discuss; 44075觃 > place\-name; 44076覸 > steal\-look; 44077覵 > steal\-look; 44078襡 > short\-coat; 44079裪 > the\-sleeve; 44080袲 > place\-name; 44081袠 > book\-cover; 44082袟 > book\-cover; 44083蠻 > barbarians; 44084蟶 > razor\-clam; 44085蟫 > silverfish; 44086蟣 > louse\-eggs; 44087蟁 > a\-mosquito; 44088蛜 > wood\-louse; 44089蘢 > tall\-grass; 44090薧 > dried\-food; 44091蕡 > hemp\-seeds; 44092蓷 > motherwort; 44093蒽 > anthracene; 44094蒦 > to\-measure; 44095蒖 > plant\-name; 44096葯 > orris\-root; 44097莚 > bamboo\-mat; 44098荵 > polemonium; 44099艬 > large\-ship; 44100艑 > small\-boat; 44101舴 > small\-boat; 44102膓 > intestines; 44103脪 > erysipelas; 44104脩 > dried\-meat; 44105脗 > coinciding; 44106肸 > spread\-out; 44107肦 > large\-head; 44108聟 > son\-in\-law; 44109翀 > fly\-upward; 44110羆 > brown\-bear; 44111绋 > large\-rope; 44112繚 > wind\-round; 44113繐 > fine\-cloth; 44114縵 > plain\-silk; 44115縟 > decorative; 44116縇 > decoration; 44117緲 > indistinct; 44118緜 > cotton\-wad; 44119緇 > black\-silk; 44120綢 > silk\-cloth; 44121絺 > fine\-linen; 44122絢 > variegated; 44123絛 > silk\-braid; 44124絖 > fine\-silks; 44125絓 > obstructed; 44126紼 > large\-rope; 44127紈 > white\-silk; 44128粻 > provisions; 44129粦 > phosphorus; 44130簥 > large\-pipe; 44131篹 > to\-collect; 44132篲 > broomstick; 44133篋 > ratton\-box; 44134箠 > horse\-whip; 44135箚 > brief\-note; 44136筯 > chopsticks; 44137竰 > centiliter; 44138竡 > hectoliter; 44139竓 > milliliter; 44140窰 > brick\-kiln; 44141穭 > wild\-grain; 44142稆 > wild\-grain; 44143禪 > meditation; 44144禚 > place\-name; 44145禍 > misfortune; 44146祅 > calamities; 44147磑 > stone\-mill; 44148硨 > giant\-clam; 44149硙 > stone\-mill; 44150硃 > a\-red\-mole; 44151矁 > to\-look\-at; 44152睟 > clear\-eyed; 44153眆 > indistinct; 44154疕 > head\-sores; 44155畓 > rice\-field; 44156畁 > to\-give\-to; 44157產 > give\-birth; 44158玔 > green\-jade; 44159玅 > mysterious; 44160猘 > fierce\-dog; 44161犛 > a\-black\-ox; 44162牏 > privy\-hole; 44163牋 > memorandum; 44164爫 > radical\-87; 44165燐 > phosphorus; 44166熅 > smooth\-out; 44167烕 > to\-destroy; 44168灺 > candle\-end; 44169灒 > to\-spatter; 44170濾 > strain\-out; 44171濙 > to\-revolve; 44172濇 > astringent; 44173濆 > river\-bank; 44174澁 > astringent; 44175澀 > astringent; 44176溾 > light\-rain; 44177渋 > astringent; 44178涘 > river\-bank; 44179泆 > licentious; 44180殲 > annihilate; 44181殱 > annihilate; 44182歷 > take\-place; 44183欃 > sandalwood; 44184櫾 > the\-pomelo; 44185櫫 > wooden\-peg; 44186檼 > ridge\-pole; 44187橴 > place\-name; 44188樞 > door\-hinge; 44189榼 > wine\-glass; 44190榦 > tree\-trunk; 44191楪 > small\-dish; 44192椵 > pompelmous; 44193椳 > the\-pivots; 44194椌 > instrument; 44195栴 > sandalwood; 44196栛 > the\-lichee; 44197栘 > fruit\-tree; 44198柷 > instrument; 44199杢 > woodworker; 44200朌 > distribute; 44201曬 > dry\-in\-sun; 44202暘 > rising\-sun; 44203旕 > place\-name; 44204旀 > place\-name; 44205斢 > to\-plunder; 44206斒 > variegated; 44207攤 > spread\-out; 44208攆 > drive\-away; 44209擪 > to\-tuck\-in; 44210擥 > drive\-away; 44211撿 > to\-pick\-up; 44212撱 > to\-shorten; 44213掱 > pickpocket; 44214掎 > drag\-aside; 44215挭 > fish\-bones; 44216抅 > to\-collect; 44217扡 > drag\-along; 44218憸 > to\-flatter; 44219憍 > be\-haughty; 44220憀 > to\-rely\-on; 44221愮 > distressed; 44222愓 > profligate; 44223惏 > avaricious; 44224恛 > disordered; 44225怲 > be\-anxious; 44226忋 > to\-rely\-on; 44227徧 > everywhere; 44228彿 > resembling; 44229弍 > number\-two; 44230弌 > number\-one; 44231弇 > cover\-over; 44232廱 > harmonious; 44233廀 > to\-conceal; 44234庴 > place\-name; 44235巼 > place\-name; 44236巂 > place\-name; 44237嵙 > place\-name; 44238峴 > steep\-hill; 44239峓 > place\-name; 44240屢 > frequently; 44241屄 > the\-vagina; 44242専 > monopolize; 44243宼 > tyrannical; 44244孼 > misfortune; 44245媟 > lust\-after; 44246夅 > to\-descend; 44247壩 > embankment; 44248壎 > instrument; 44249塲 > open\-space; 44250塤 > instrument; 44251堮 > a\-boundary; 44252堃 > compliance; 44253坒 > to\-compare; 44254圦 > water\-gate; 44255囌 > loquacious; 44256嚵 > gluttonous; 44257嚲 > read\-aloud; 44258噸 > metric\-ton; 44259噐 > receptacle; 44260嘂 > cry\-loudly; 44261嗭 > place\-name; 44262喸 > place\-name; 44263営 > encampment; 44264唽 > to\-twitter; 44265唟 > place\-name; 44266呴 > breathe\-on; 44267叆 > cloudy\-sky; 44268卝 > hair\-style; 44269劏 > to\-butcher; 44270劄 > brief\-note; 44271剳 > brief\-note; 44272剄 > cut\-throat; 44273刼 > to\-plunder; 44274刄 > edged\-tool; 44275凴 > to\-rely\-on; 44276凱 > triumphant; 44277凂 > to\-request; 44278冘 > to\-move\-on; 44279兟 > to\-advance; 44280儈 > go\-between; 44281僩 > courageous; 44282偭 > transgress; 44283偝 > not\-facing; 44284倀 > bewildered; 44285俻 > to\-prepare; 44286伷 > descendent; 44287仛 > young\-girl; 44288亯 > to\-receive; 44289丨 > number\-one; 44290䶫 > fine\-teeth; 44291䶉 > guinea\-pig; 44292䵪 > pure\-black; 44293䵝 > dark\-black; 44294䵇 > to\-dislike; 44295䳕 > the\-pigeon; 44296䳌 > the\-cuckoo; 44297䳀 > the\-cuckoo; 44298䲫 > the\-pigeon; 44299䲩 > the\-cuckoo; 44300䲥 > the\-pigeon; 44301䱝 > black\-carp; 44302䱆 > small\-fish; 44303䱅 > the\-mullet; 44304䱄 > a\-flatfish; 44305䰺 > a\-flatfish; 44306䰬 > wild\-ghost; 44307䰄 > short\-hair; 44308䯔 > to\-incline; 44309䯑 > the\-pelvis; 44310䯌 > the\-sacrum; 44311䯊 > the\-pelvis; 44312䯈 > the\-pelvis; 44313䮯 > fine\-horse; 44314䮍 > curling\-up; 44315䮌 > fine\-horse; 44316䭸 > a\-stallion; 44317䭣 > rice\-cakes; 44318䭄 > gluttonous; 44319䬷 > well\-feed\.; 44320䬢 > gluttonous; 44321䫥 > a\-wry\-neck; 44322䫣 > a\-wry\-neck; 44323䫞 > large\-head; 44324䫓 > large\-head; 44325䪺 > teethridge; 44326䪠 > pulverized; 44327䩱 > a\-scabbard; 44328䩰 > a\-scabbard; 44329䩢 > a\-scabbard; 44330䩙 > a\-scabbard; 44331䩃 > appearance; 44332䩁 > thin\-hairs; 44333䨽 > to\-resolve; 44334䨩 > the\-spirit; 44335䨠 > cloudy\-sky; 44336䧿 > the\-magpie; 44337䧲 > the\-magpie; 44338䧱 > the\-pigeon; 44339䧣 > to\-stop\-up; 44340䦯 > very\-dense; 44341䦧 > to\-quarrel; 44342䦍 > to\-include; 44343䥎 > instrument; 44344䤾 > to\-contain; 44345䤽 > farm\-tools; 44346䤼 > metal\-wire; 44347䤹 > to\-engrave; 44348䤇 > white\-wine; 44349䢥 > in\-harmony; 44350䡧 > a\-carriage; 44351䡤 > a\-carriage; 44352䡚 > implements; 44353䡎 > a\-windlass; 44354䠸 > obsequious; 44355䠶 > to\-project; 44356䠪 > footprints; 44357䠩 > to\-urinate; 44358䠦 > to\-stumble; 44359䠟 > to\-trip\-up; 44360䠘 > one\-legged; 44361䟼 > footprints; 44362䟪 > repeatedly; 44363䟡 > to\-trample; 44364䟙 > to\-stagger; 44365䟄 > in\-a\-hurry; 44366䞅 > to\-give\-to; 44367䝿 > honourabel; 44368䝷 > securities; 44369䝴 > to\-present; 44370䝱 > to\-trouble; 44371䝔 > the\-badger; 44372䜛 > to\-slander; 44373䜙 > not\-clever; 44374䜒 > expression; 44375䜑 > to\-slander; 44376䜋 > to\-suspend; 44377䛽 > loquacious; 44378䛼 > to\-slander; 44379䛲 > to\-deceive; 44380䛮 > to\-destroy; 44381䛫 > to\-deceive; 44382䛩 > to\-slander; 44383䛦 > litigation; 44384䛖 > loquacious; 44385䛕 > to\-flatter; 44386䛍 > loquacious; 44387䛅 > loquacious; 44388䛄 > to\-console; 44389䚹 > to\-prepare; 44390䚰 > to\-prepare; 44391䚓 > to\-observe; 44392䚍 > to\-look\-at; 44393䚇 > to\-observe; 44394䙺 > to\-observe; 44395䙚 > curling\-up; 44396䘡 > the\-sleeve; 44397䘕 > prostitute; 44398䖳 > jelly\-fish; 44399䕡 > compositae; 44400䔘 > fish\-paste; 44401䓵 > to\-blossom; 44402䓤 > vegetation; 44403䓆 > to\-cut\-the; 44404䒢 > sweet\-flag; 44405䑿 > small\-boat; 44406䑰 > small\-boat; 44407䑭 > war\-vessel; 44408䑡 > small\-boat; 44409䑍 > to\-swallow; 44410䐢 > to\-wrinkle; 44411䏭 > the\-cheeks; 44412䏌 > to\-vibrate; 44413䏋 > respectful; 44414䎟 > to\-fawn\-on; 44415䍵 > young\-goat; 44416䍞 > a\-drag\-net; 44417䍗 > to\-hang\-up; 44418䍔 > a\-full\-net; 44419䌀 > to\-arrange; 44420䋶 > to\-stumble; 44421䋱 > a\-wild\-yak; 44422䊷 > black\-silk; 44423䊩 > rice\-gravy; 44424䉍 > to\-observe; 44425䇎 > to\-startle; 44426䇇 > the\-people; 44427䆒 > to\-examine; 44428䆋 > the\-autumn; 44429䅔 > dead\-crops; 44430䄟 > to\-worship; 44431䄓 > to\-worship; 44432䄑 > to\-worship; 44433䄐 > to\-worship; 44434䄆 > to\-worship; 44435䄅 > to\-worship; 44436䄃 > misfortune; 44437䄁 > to\-worship; 44438䂄 > to\-startle; 44439䁺 > to\-look\-at; 44440䁯 > to\-look\-at; 44441䁞 > a\-province; 44442䁘 > to\-look\-at; 44443䁕 > to\-look\-at; 44444䁓 > to\-look\-at; 44445䁉 > to\-examine; 44446䁈 > to\-examine; 44447䁁 > strabismus; 44448䀶 > strabismus; 44449䀱 > to\-examine; 44450䀯 > to\-look\-at; 44451䀙 > to\-look\-at; 44452䀆 > to\-exhaust; 44453㾙 > erysipelas; 44454㽨 > fragmented; 44455㽣 > a\-frontier; 44456㽘 > borderland; 44457㼹 > eartenware; 44458㺳 > black\-mica; 44459㺓 > footprints; 44460㺏 > the\-badger; 44461㺅 > the\-monkey; 44462㹈 > a\-black\-ox; 44463㸨 > a\-big\-bull; 44464㸌 > to\-twinkle; 44465㷷 > thick\-soup; 44466㷡 > to\-startle; 44467㶭 > almost\-dry; 44468㶜 > deep\-water; 44469㵟 > light\-rain; 44470㵀 > water\-flow; 44471㴜 > everywhere; 44472㳁 > water\-flow; 44473㲯 > long\-hairy; 44474㲞 > short\-hair; 44475㲕 > variegated; 44476㲌 > dog''s\-hair; 44477㲉 > egg\-shells; 44478㱸 > to\-exhaust; 44479㱰 > to\-destroy; 44480㱦 > to\-discard; 44481㱤 > to\-exhaust; 44482㱜 > pestilence; 44483㱛 > to\-destroy; 44484㱚 > to\-destroy; 44485㰸 > to\-collect; 44486㰑 > fruit\-tree; 44487㯇 > a\-stockade; 44488㭘 > a\-scabbard; 44489㭉 > farm\-tools; 44490㬱 > to\-replace; 44491㬪 > to\-fold\-up; 44492㬜 > to\-advance; 44493㫤 > a\-long\-day; 44494㪴 > to\-measure; 44495㪜 > to\-measure; 44496㪚 > to\-scatter; 44497㪔 > to\-scatter; 44498㪌 > to\-lead\-on; 44499㪉 > to\-combine; 44500㩹 > to\-pile\-on; 44501㩸 > to\-pile\-on; 44502㩪 > to\-collect; 44503㩞 > to\-back\-up; 44504㩝 > to\-compare; 44505㩚 > to\-collect; 44506㩖 > to\-back\-up; 44507㩍 > to\-back\-up; 44508㩀 > to\-receive; 44509㨿 > to\-receive; 44510㨳 > a\-cupboard; 44511㨲 > to\-back\-up; 44512㨯 > to\-enlarge; 44513㨮 > to\-lift\-up; 44514都 > metropolis; 44515㨊 > to\-discard; 44516笠 > bamboo\-hat; 44517燐 > phosphorus; 44518隆 > prosperous; 44519六 > number\-six; 44520醴 > sweet\-wine; 44521㦶 > repeatedly; 44522㦩 > melancholy; 44523㦚 > melancholy; 44524歷 > take\-place; 44525濾 > strain\-out; 44526㦂 > constantly; 44527㥶 > to\-fill\-up; 44528索 > large\-rope; 44529㥣 > to\-benefit; 44530㥚 > melancholy; 44531屢 > frequently; 44532㤷 > to\-debauch; 44533㤩 > to\-respect; 44534㤐 > disharmony; 44535豈 > how\?\-what\?; 44536㣽 > to\-forgive; 44537㣅 > bow\-string; 44538㣀 > to\-rebound; 44539㢭 > a\-bow\-case; 44540㢚 > a\-corridor; 44541㢏 > a\-cesspool; 44542㡥 > to\-curl\-up; 44543㞠 > male\-organ; 44544㞎 > body\-waste; 44545㞆 > one\-legged; 44546㝯 > to\-sojourn; 44547㜅 > to\-fawn\-on; 44548㛪 > to\-slander; 44549㚠 > full\-grown; 44550㚏 > to\-scatter; 44551㙺 > cross\-road; 44552㙴 > to\-conceal; 44553㙲 > to\-stop\-up; 44554㙉 > prosperous; 44555㘿 > to\-fill\-up; 44556㘻 > to\-stop\-up; 44557㘧 > precedence; 44558㘝 > to\-take\-in; 44559㗬 > thick\-lips; 44560㗫 > to\-whisper; 44561㗢 > loquacious; 44562㗋 > the\-throat; 44563㗇 > to\-swallow; 44564㗄 > to\-deceive; 44565㖶 > to\-swallow; 44566㖘 > to\-startle; 44567㖆 > to\-condemn; 44568㕫 > to\-imitate; 44569㕍 > to\-heap\-up; 44570㕆 > fine\-stone; 44571㔷 > to\-secrete; 44572㔘 > to\-degrade; 44573㔓 > to\-stammer; 44574㔌 > to\-cut\-off; 44575㓺 > castration; 44576㓮 > to\-engrave; 44577㓞 > to\-engrave; 44578㓂 > tyrannical; 44579㒷 > to\-prosper; 44580㒝 > to\-deceive; 44581㒜 > respectful; 44582㒊 > loquacious; 44583㑜 > to\-engrave; 44584㑂 > to\-imitate; 44585㐤 > to\-implore; 44586了 > to\-finish; 44587子 > offspring; 44588徹 > penetrate; 44589要 > necessary; 44590辱 > humiliate; 44591着 > make\-move; 44592成 > completed; 44593督 > supervise; 44594輯 > gather\-up; 44595弥 > extensive; 44596監 > supervise; 44597美 > beautiful; 44598廂 > side\-room; 44599问 > ask\-about; 44600庭 > courtyard; 44601療 > be\-healed; 44602痺 > paralysis; 44603差 > to\-differ; 44604难 > difficult; 44605超 > jump\-over; 44606異 > different; 44607亲 > relatives; 44608畫 > delineate; 44609畜 > livestock; 44610畑 > dry\-field; 44611甘 > sweetness; 44612认 > recognize; 44613貴 > expensive; 44614貝 > sea\-shell; 44615院 > courtyard; 44616达 > arrive\-at; 44617众 > multitude; 44618识 > recognize; 44619倒 > fall\-over; 44620玩 > play\-with; 44621像 > a\-picture; 44622宅 > residence; 44623据 > to\-occupy; 44624譯 > translate; 44625譫 > talkative; 44626識 > recognize; 44627造 > construct; 44628媼 > old\-woman; 44629犠 > sacrifice; 44630認 > recognize; 44631牒 > documents; 44632牌 > signboard; 44633婆 > old\-woman; 44634訳 > translate; 44635爐 > fireplace; 44636久 > long\-time; 44637妾 > concubine; 44638初 > beginning; 44639親 > relatives; 44640除 > eliminate; 44641况 > condition; 44642乱 > confusion; 44643创 > establish; 44644福 > happiness; 44645辑 > gather\-up; 44646假 > falsehood; 44647穿 > penetrate; 44648衆 > multitude; 44649顾 > look\-back; 44650蠶 > silkworms; 44651丽 > beautiful; 44652渐 > gradually; 44653异 > different; 44654瞧 > glance\-at; 44655埒 > enclosure; 44656埃 > fine\-dust; 44657螢 > glow\-worm; 44658退 > step\-back; 44659蜻 > dragonfly; 44660漸 > gradually; 44661翻 > flip\-over; 44662圏 > to\-circle; 44663普 > universal; 44664蛹 > chrysalis; 44665临 > draw\-near; 44666蛉 > dragonfly; 44667协 > be\-united; 44668麗 > beautiful; 44669蚕 > silkworms; 44670湯 > hot\-water; 44671例 > precedent; 44672贵 > expensive; 44673洲 > continent; 44674松 > pine\-tree; 44675伙 > companion; 44676毫 > fine\-hair; 44677蕎 > buckwheat; 44678输 > transport; 44679況 > condition; 44680监 > supervise; 44681折 > break\-off; 44682汰 > excessive; 44683君 > sovereign; 44684危 > dangerous; 44685概 > generally; 44686透 > penetrate; 44687圈 > to\-circle; 44688殊 > different; 44689殆 > dangerous; 44690厄 > adversity; 44691汇 > concourse; 44692厉 > whetstone; 44693附 > adhere\-to; 44694肩 > shoulders; 44695魘 > nightmare; 44696協 > be\-united; 44697荒 > wasteland; 44698鬱 > luxuriant; 44699译 > translate; 44700匠 > craftsman; 44701欝 > luxuriant; 44702伴 > companion; 44703匂 > fragrance; 44704勸 > recommend; 44705勧 > recommend; 44706飘 > whirlwind; 44707艶 > beautiful; 44708創 > establish; 44709炮 > large\-gun; 44710贝 > sea\-shell; 44711郎 > gentleman; 44712陪 > accompany; 44713臨 > draw\-near; 44714凝 > coagulate; 44715冗 > excessive; 44716劝 > recommend; 44717剩 > leftovers; 44718饒 > bountiful; 44719疗 > be\-healed; 44720汤 > hot\-water; 44721彻 > penetrate; 44722飜 > flip\-over; 44723僚 > companion; 44724肘 > the\-elbow; 44725肖 > look\-like; 44726昨 > yesterday; 44727暂 > temporary; 44728递 > hand\-over; 44729顧 > look\-back; 44730祥 > good\-luck; 44731倹 > temperate; 44732艰 > difficult; 44733仗 > rely\-upon; 44734柿 > persimmon; 44735键 > door\-bolt; 44736枯 > dried\-out; 44737莱 > goosefoot; 44738赔 > indemnify; 44739逢 > come\-upon; 44740睁 > open\-eyes; 44741嘿 > be\-silent; 44742仮 > falsehood; 44743難 > difficult; 44744贪 > be\-greedy; 44745暫 > temporary; 44746逝 > pass\-away; 44747亂 > confusion; 44748艾 > artemisia; 44749芬 > fragrance; 44750袍 > long\-gown; 44751冤 > grievance; 44752饶 > bountiful; 44753炉 > fireplace; 44754迪 > enlighten; 44755嘉 > excellent; 44756閾 > threshold; 44757綾 > thin\-silk; 44758艳 > beautiful; 44759膀 > upper\-arm; 44760牺 > sacrifice; 44761顽 > obstinate; 44762歉 > deficient; 44763帅 > commander; 44764憾 > to\-regret; 44765劈 > cut\-apart; 44766拂 > shake\-off; 44767鍵 > door\-bolt; 44768筈 > arrow\-end; 44769拠 > to\-occupy; 44770厢 > side\-room; 44771熬 > cook\-down; 44772払 > shake\-off; 44773寓 > residence; 44774稼 > sow\-grain; 44775恍 > seemingly; 44776绣 > embroider; 44777懃 > courteous; 44778衬 > underwear; 44779慊 > to\-resent; 44780膊 > shoulders; 44781潭 > deep\-pool; 44782旷 > extensive; 44783硝 > saltpeter; 44784達 > arrive\-at; 44785逹 > arrive\-at; 44786骤 > procedure; 44787苹 > artemisia; 44788忿 > get\-angry; 44789坠 > fall\-down; 44790蝶 > butterfly; 44791焉 > thereupon; 44792禀 > report\-to; 44793挫 > push\-down; 44794鳄 > alligator; 44795谐 > harmonize; 44796屎 > excrement; 44797叨 > talkative; 44798葱 > scallions; 44799枣 > date\-tree; 44800侣 > companion; 44801谴 > reprimand; 44802汹 > turbulent; 44803瘫 > paralysis; 44804蔚 > luxuriant; 44805泻 > drain\-off; 44806俭 > temperate; 44807瀑 > waterfall; 44808蝴 > butterfly; 44809樊 > a\-railing; 44810敛 > draw\-back; 44811禧 > happiness; 44812茵 > a\-cushion; 44813棕 > hemp\-palm; 44814娟 > beautiful; 44815倩 > beautiful; 44816辗 > turn\-over; 44817恤 > show\-pity; 44818侈 > luxurious; 44819夥 > companion; 44820沁 > soak\-into; 44821槛 > threshold; 44822匣 > small\-box; 44823捎 > to\-select; 44824痪 > paralysis; 44825痞 > dyspepsia; 44826睐 > squint\-at; 44827垦 > cultivate; 44828浒 > riverbank; 44829葵 > sunflower; 44830睫 > eyelashes; 44831痊 > be\-healed; 44832哺 > chew\-food; 44833竣 > terminate; 44834囔 > muttering; 44835藐 > disregard; 44836忒 > excessive; 44837埠 > port\-city; 44838荤 > meat\-diet; 44839祺 > good\-luck; 44840蜒 > millipede; 44841菇 > mushrooms; 44842豚 > small\-pig; 44843沓 > connected; 44844弩 > cross\-bow; 44845殇 > die\-young; 44846萤 > glow\-worm; 44847栈 > warehouse; 44848醺 > get\-drunk; 44849蜈 > centipede; 44850佼 > beautiful; 44851蚣 > centipede; 44852愫 > guileless; 44853谙 > versed\-in; 44854熹 > dim\-light; 44855怂 > instigate; 44856馥 > fragrance; 44857恿 > instigate; 44858遛 > take\-walk; 44859痹 > paralysis; 44860麾 > a\-pennant; 44861媲 > marry\-off; 44862蜓 > dragonfly; 44863镁 > magnesium; 44864椰 > palm\-tree; 44865砺 > whetstone; 44866痢 > dysentery; 44867嗑 > eat\-seeds; 44868蚯 > earthworm; 44869蜚 > cockroach; 44870蚓 > earthworm; 44871魇 > nightmare; 44872阆 > high\-door; 44873妪 > old\-woman; 44874擀 > roll\-flat; 44875妍 > beautiful; 44876姣 > beautiful; 44877袤 > longitude; 44878麝 > musk\-deer; 44879荟 > luxuriant; 44880佻 > frivolous; 44881钾 > potassium; 44882飙 > whirlwind; 44883孑 > remaining; 44884檄 > call\-arms; 44885隍 > dry\-ditch; 44886诿 > pass\-buck; 44887绫 > thin\-silk; 44888逄 > a\-surname; 44889梏 > handcuffs; 44890祉 > happiness; 44891蟑 > cockroach; 44892钺 > broad\-axe; 44893荞 > buckwheat; 44894柑 > tangerine; 44895婵 > beautiful; 44896娉 > beautiful; 44897讧 > confusion; 44898乜 > to\-squint; 44899俦 > companion; 44900燮 > harmonize; 44901飚 > whirlwind; 44902姹 > beautiful; 44903愎 > obstinate; 44904娲 > a\-goddess; 44905忝 > disgraced; 44906葳 > luxuriant; 44907诮 > criticize; 44908鳏 > huge\-fish; 44909蜇 > jellyfish; 44910劭 > encourage; 44911兖 > establish; 44912呶 > talkative; 44913癣 > ringworms; 44914绦 > silk\-cord; 44915钸 > plutonium; 44916馗 > cheekbone; 44917锰 > manganese; 44918侪 > a\-company; 44919凫 > wild\-duck; 44920痱 > heat\-rash; 44921痈 > carbuncle; 44922悌 > brotherly; 44923冼 > \(surname\); 44924鹧 > partridge; 44925悒 > sorrowful; 44926怃 > regretful; 44927墒 > wet\-tilth; 44928訾 > bad\-mouth; 44929圮 > destroyed; 44930鲈 > sea\-perch; 44931钚 > plutonium; 44932痿 > paralysis; 44933攉 > to\-beckon; 44934鲇 > sheatfish; 44935膈 > diaphragm; 44936犍 > a\-bullock; 44937妤 > beautiful; 44938锗 > germanium; 44939鎏 > pure\-gold; 44940镅 > americium; 44941辂 > a\-chariot; 44942媪 > old\-woman; 44943孓 > beautiful; 44944跸 > clear\-way; 44945疔 > carbuncle; 44946煳 > be\-burned; 44947牾 > to\-oppose; 44948昀 > sun\-light; 44949乩 > to\-divine; 44950羟 > hydroxide; 44951荽 > coriander; 44952谵 > talkative; 44953绠 > well\-rope; 44954哓 > garrulous; 44955脬 > a\-bladder; 44956戡 > subjugate; 44957辇 > hand\-cart; 44958阈 > threshold; 44959鹚 > cormorant; 44960镞 > arrowhead; 44961菰 > wild\-rice; 44962蠖 > inch\-worm; 44963铫 > large\-hoe; 44964氘 > deuterium; 44965黾 > to\-strive; 44966镧 > lanthanum; 44967垡 > plow\-soil; 44968炔 > acetylene; 44969鸬 > cormorant; 44970镱 > ytterbium; 44971钕 > neodymium; 44972忭 > delighted; 44973莪 > artemisia; 44974苴 > sackcloth; 44975谳 > to\-decide; 44976钯 > palladium; 44977碲 > tellurium; 44978璩 > jade\-ring; 44979阃 > threshold; 44980饫 > surfeited; 44981撙 > economize; 44982蓼 > smartweed; 44983饔 > breakfast; 44984锶 > strontium; 44985硎 > whetstone; 44986昃 > afternoon; 44987唪 > to\-recite; 44988蕈 > mushrooms; 44989儇 > ingenious; 44990鲴 > fish\-guts; 44991鲅 > fish\-name; 44992蠊 > cockroach; 44993蚰 > millipede; 44994铍 > beryllium; 44995熳 > to\-spread; 44996胍 > guanidine; 44997迕 > obstinate; 44998鲐 > globefish; 44999酐 > anhydride; 45000衄 > epistaxis; 45001矧 > much\-more; 45002悫 > sincerity; 45003膦 > phosphine; 45004缣 > fine\-silk; 45005宄 > a\-traitor; 45006阌 > wen\-xiang; 45007哿 > excellent; 45008阽 > dangerous; 45009匦 > small\-box; 45010酞 > phthalein; 45011齳 > toothless; 45012齭 > toothache; 45013黽 > to\-strive; 45014鸕 > cormorant; 45015鷾 > a\-swallow; 45016鷭 > water\-hen; 45017鷧 > cormorant; 45018鷥 > the\-egret; 45019鷓 > partridge; 45020鷏 > bird\-name; 45021鷆 > bird\-name; 45022鶿 > cormorant; 45023鶡 > crossbill; 45024鵷 > co\-worker; 45025鳬 > wild\-duck; 45026鳧 > wild\-duck; 45027鳢 > snakehead; 45028鲎 > king\-crab; 45029鱸 > sea\-perch; 45030鱷 > crocodile; 45031鱧 > snakehead; 45032鱟 > king\-crab; 45033鱛 > fish\-name; 45034鰥 > huge\-fish; 45035鰐 > alligator; 45036鯠 > to\-confer; 45037鯝 > fish\-guts; 45038鮦 > snakefish; 45039鮎 > sheatfish; 45040鮀 > snakefish; 45041魲 > fish\-name; 45042魞 > fish\-trap; 45043鬰 > luxuriant; 45044鬖 > wild\-hair; 45045髧 > long\-hair; 45046髗 > the\-skull; 45047骭 > shin\-bone; 45048驟 > procedure; 45049騧 > tan\-horse; 45050騐 > to\-verity; 45051駸 > galloping; 45052馝 > fragrance; 45053馛 > fragrance; 45054馂 > leftovers; 45055饠 > rice\-cake; 45056餺 > rice\-cake; 45057餱 > dry\-goods; 45058餕 > leftovers; 45059餈 > rice\-cake; 45060飫 > surfeited; 45061飥 > rice\-cake; 45062飈 > whirlwind; 45063飇 > whirlwind; 45064飆 > whirlwind; 45065飄 > whirlwind; 45066飃 > whirlwind; 45067颷 > whirlwind; 45068颴 > whirlwind; 45069頯 > cheekbone; 45070頑 > obstinate; 45071頄 > cheekbone; 45072靪 > to\-cobble; 45073靧 > wash\-face; 45074靀 > drizzling; 45075霂 > fine\-rain; 45076隃 > to\-exceed; 45077閿 > wen\-xiang; 45078閺 > look\-down; 45079閬 > high\-door; 45080閫 > threshold; 45081锫 > berkelium; 45082锆 > zirconium; 45083钶 > columbium; 45084钌 > ruthenium; 45085钁 > a\-mattock; 45086鑭 > lanthanum; 45087鑪 > fireplace; 45088鐿 > ytterbium; 45089鐻 > drumstick; 45090鏛 > to\-polish; 45091鏐 > pure\-gold; 45092鏃 > arrowhead; 45093鎿 > neptunium; 45094鎞 > plowshare; 45095鎇 > americium; 45096鎂 > magnesium; 45097鍺 > germanium; 45098鍶 > strontium; 45099錳 > manganese; 45100錇 > berkelium; 45101鋯 > zirconium; 45102鋍 > beryllium; 45103銤 > americium; 45104銚 > large\-hoe; 45105鉞 > broad\-axe; 45106鈽 > plutonium; 45107鈹 > beryllium; 45108鈩 > fireplace; 45109鈌 > to\-pierce; 45110鈈 > plutonium; 45111鈀 > palladium; 45112釹 > neodymium; 45113釕 > ruthenium; 45114郞 > gentleman; 45115遞 > hand\-over; 45116逓 > hand\-over; 45117輾 > turn\-over; 45118輸 > transport; 45119輘 > a\-car\-rut; 45120輅 > a\-chariot; 45121軷 > sacrifice; 45122軄 > to\-govern; 45123躔 > follow\-in; 45124蹕 > clear\-way; 45125蹔 > temporary; 45126跩 > to\-waddle; 45127趝 > to\-pursue; 45128赿 > late\-slow; 45129賸 > leftovers; 45130賠 > indemnify; 45131豵 > young\-pig; 45132豓 > beautiful; 45133讞 > to\-decide; 45134譴 > reprimand; 45135譊 > wrangling; 45136譅 > wriggling; 45137諳 > versed\-in; 45138諧 > harmonize; 45139諝 > knowledge; 45140諉 > pass\-buck; 45141誚 > criticize; 45142誖 > obstinate; 45143訠 > much\-more; 45144訌 > confusion; 45145襯 > underwear; 45146裲 > waistcoat; 45147蟺 > earthworm; 45148螌 > a\-striped; 45149蜨 > butterfly; 45150蛵 > dragonfly; 45151蛍 > glow\-worm; 45152蚿 > millipede; 45153蘞 > wild\-vine; 45154薈 > luxuriant; 45155蕗 > leucacene; 45156蔹 > wild\-vine; 45157蔥 > scallions; 45158蓆 > straw\-mat; 45159蒢 > hedysarum; 45160葷 > meat\-diet; 45161葓 > vegetable; 45162萊 > goosefoot; 45163菻 > artemisia; 45164荍 > buckwheat; 45165苠 > multitude; 45166苙 > a\-pig\-sty; 45167芼 > to\-choose; 45168艷 > beautiful; 45169艱 > difficult; 45170艣 > stern\-oar; 45171艎 > fast\-boat; 45172舝 > linch\-pin; 45173舘 > a\-mansion; 45174臯 > to\-praise; 45175胦 > the\-navel; 45176耥 > farm\-tool; 45177羶 > rank\-odor; 45178羥 > hydroxide; 45179罁 > a\-cistern; 45180繣 > obstinate; 45181繡 > embroider; 45182繍 > embroider; 45183縑 > fine\-silk; 45184縃 > fine\-silk; 45185緥 > swaddling; 45186綉 > embroider; 45187綆 > well\-rope; 45188糰 > rice\-ball; 45189糝 > scattered; 45190粿 > rice\-cake; 45191籨 > trousseau; 45192簃 > side\-room; 45193竕 > deciliter; 45194竏 > kiloliter; 45195竍 > decaliter; 45196竆 > exhausted; 45197窴 > glance\-at; 45198窋 > in\-a\-hole; 45199穪 > to\-praise; 45200稬 > glutinous; 45201稟 > report\-to; 45202禴 > sacrifice; 45203禤 > \(surname\); 45204禜 > sacrifice; 45205禖 > sacrifice; 45206禕 > excellent; 45207禔 > happiness; 45208祦 > happiness; 45209祎 > excellent; 45210礿 > sacrifice; 45211礽 > blessings; 45212礪 > whetstone; 45213礞 > \(mineral\); 45214碬 > whetstone; 45215碆 > arrow\-tip; 45216硻 > obstinate; 45217砮 > arrow\-tip; 45218砬 > big\-stone; 45219睞 > squint\-at; 45220眕 > restraint; 45221盵 > \(surname\); 45222盚 > \(surname\); 45223癱 > paralysis; 45224癰 > carbuncle; 45225癬 > ringworms; 45226瘭 > a\-whitlow; 45227瘜 > a\-polypus; 45228瘓 > paralysis; 45229痡 > a\-disease; 45230痐 > whirlwind; 45231疶 > dysentery; 45232畵 > delineate; 45233畱 > to\-detain; 45234畋 > till\-land; 45235甴 > cockroach; 45236甪 > \(surname\); 45237甦 > be\-reborn; 45238甅 > centigram; 45239瓸 > hectogram; 45240瓱 > milligram; 45241璿 > fine\-jade; 45242瑴 > twin\-gems; 45243瑣 > fragments; 45244獀 > to\-gather; 45245狳 > armadillo; 45246犰 > armadillo; 45247犧 > sacrifice; 45248燶 > to\-scorch; 45249燬 > burn\-down; 45250燊 > luxuriant; 45251熿 > brilliant; 45252熺 > dim\-light; 45253炘 > brilliant; 45254瀉 > drain\-off; 45255濩 > pour\-down; 45256濛 > drizzling; 45257滸 > riverbank; 45258湼 > black\-mud; 45259湏 > wash\-face; 45260湅 > boil\-silk; 45261淩 > pass\-over; 45262涷 > rainstorm; 45263洑 > whirlpool; 45264沺 > turbulent; 45265殤 > die\-young; 45266殈 > infertile; 45267殀 > die\-young; 45268歛 > draw\-back; 45269欕 > tree\-name; 45270檻 > threshold; 45271橚 > tall\-tree; 45272樳 > tall\-tree; 45273樋 > tree\-name; 45274槪 > generally; 45275槩 > generally; 45276榪 > headboard; 45277椶 > palm\-tree; 45278棧 > warehouse; 45279棥 > a\-railing; 45280棗 > date\-tree; 45281棖 > door\-stop; 45282梜 > chopstick; 45283梍 > tree\-name; 45284栱 > large\-peg; 45285栭 > king\-post; 45286栟 > hemp\-palm; 45287栒 > cross\-bar; 45288柹 > persimmon; 45289柈 > container; 45290枾 > persimmon; 45291枹 > drumstick; 45292枩 > pine\-tree; 45293枨 > door\-stop; 45294枙 > tree\-knot; 45295杩 > headboard; 45296朞 > full\-year; 45297朓 > sacrifice; 45298曱 > cockroach; 45299曠 > extensive; 45300暍 > sunstroke; 45301昿 > extensive; 45302昪 > delighted; 45303旪 > united\-in; 45304旛 > a\-pennant; 45305旙 > a\-pennant; 45306斂 > draw\-back; 45307敋 > to\-strike; 45308攋 > to\-clutch; 45309攃 > preceding; 45310擿 > to\-select; 45311據 > to\-occupy; 45312擐 > to\-put\-on; 45313擉 > to\-pierce; 45314摽 > throw\-out; 45315摮 > to\-rattle; 45316摛 > to\-spread; 45317搙 > to\-handle; 45318搕 > to\-strike; 45319揦 > to\-clutch; 45320揥 > scratcher; 45321掙 > to\-strive; 45322扻 > to\-strike; 45323扤 > to\-thrust; 45324戜 > to\-scrape; 45325憯 > sorrowful; 45326憮 > regretful; 45327慽 > sorrowful; 45328慼 > sorrowful; 45329慤 > sincerity; 45330慆 > excessive; 45331愨 > sincerity; 45332悽 > sorrowful; 45333悁 > irritable; 45334恑 > to\-change; 45335恊 > be\-united; 45336怺 > to\-endure; 45337怞 > to\-grieve; 45338怗 > observant; 45339忀 > to\-stroll; 45340彌 > extensive; 45341廾 > two\-hands; 45342廸 > enlighten; 45343庉 > a\-village; 45344幩 > trappings; 45345幙 > a\-curtain; 45346帥 > commander; 45347嶎 > luxuriant; 45348寽 > a\-handful; 45349寘 > put\-aside; 45350寗 > a\-surname; 45351寖 > gradually; 45352寃 > grievance; 45353宂 > scattered; 45354嬋 > beautiful; 45355嫽 > play\-with; 45356嫛 > compliant; 45357嫗 > old\-woman; 45358嫕 > compliant; 45359媺 > beautiful; 45360媬 > governess; 45361媕 > undecided; 45362媄 > beautiful; 45363婥 > beautiful; 45364姸 > beautiful; 45365姱 > beautiful; 45366姢 > beautiful; 45367姞 > concubine; 45368夻 > fish\-name; 45369夌 > to\-dawdle; 45370墾 > cultivate; 45371墜 > fall\-down; 45372塝 > flat\-bank; 45373埓 > enclosure; 45374垗 > sacrifice; 45375圊 > rest\-room; 45376嚜 > be\-silent; 45377噁 > nastiness; 45378嘵 > garrulous; 45379嘑 > to\-menace; 45380喦 > talkative; 45381啎 > obstinate; 45382哫 > to\-cajole; 45383咵 > to\-revile; 45384呧 > to\-rebuke; 45385叅 > to\-counel; 45386厲 > whetstone; 45387厓 > precipice; 45388匭 > small\-box; 45389匘 > the\-brain; 45390勯 > exhausted; 45391勩 > work\-hard; 45392剰 > leftovers; 45393剙 > establish; 45394剏 > establish; 45395刱 > establish; 45396刡 > to\-scrape; 45397刔 > scoop\-out; 45398刅 > to\-create; 45399凷 > dirt\-clod; 45400凙 > an\-icicle; 45401兗 > establish; 45402兇 > atrocious; 45403儳 > obstinate; 45404儭 > to\-assist; 45405儕 > a\-company; 45406儔 > companion; 45407儉 > temperate; 45408僝 > to\-revile; 45409僇 > humiliate; 45410傺 > to\-hinder; 45411倢 > beautiful; 45412侶 > companion; 45413侎 > to\-soothe; 45414佫 > \(surname\); 45415伻 > messenger; 45416伋 > deceptive; 45417仈 > \(surname\); 45418乆 > long\-time; 45419䶳 > to\-lookup; 45420䶑 > to\-sneeze; 45421䶍 > to\-sneeze; 45422䵯 > a\-village; 45423䴡 > beautiful; 45424䴏 > a\-swallow; 45425䳺 > the\-quail; 45426䲿 > cormorant; 45427䲨 > wild\-swan; 45428䱈 > fish\-pulp; 45429䰥 > a\-cyclone; 45430䰖 > fine\-hair; 45431䰐 > long\-hair; 45432䰈 > fine\-hair; 45433䯽 > fine\-hair; 45434䯷 > fine\-hair; 45435䯦 > tiny\-bone; 45436䮜 > to\-gallop; 45437䭬 > to\-kowtow; 45438䭫 > to\-kowtow; 45439䭛 > tasteless; 45440䭙 > exquisite; 45441䭕 > tasteless; 45442䭑 > incorrupt; 45443䬶 > to\-strave; 45444䬔 > hurricane; 45445䬓 > hurricane; 45446䫻 > a\-typhoon; 45447䫺 > a\-typhoon; 45448䫝 > fragrance; 45449䫔 > a\-servant; 45450䩦 > the\-reins; 45451䨭 > the\-skies; 45452䨐 > to\-spread; 45453䨍 > deep\-pond; 45454䧅 > dangerous; 45455䦵 > incapable; 45456䦬 > a\-vacancy; 45457䦆 > a\-big\-hoe; 45458䥽 > farm\-tool; 45459䤤 > implement; 45460䤏 > destroyed; 45461䣸 > tasteless; 45462䣩 > beautiful; 45463䢱 > to\-slight; 45464䢫 > to\-follow; 45465䢟 > to\-travel; 45466䢍 > to\-hasten; 45467䢊 > to\-travel; 45468䡔 > to\-hinder; 45469䠲 > to\-listen; 45470䠯 > to\-ascend; 45471䠮 > to\-prance; 45472䠆 > to\-kowtow; 45473䟻 > bare\-feet; 45474䟥 > luxuriant; 45475䟞 > to\-falter; 45476䟌 > diverging; 45477䞾 > frivolous; 45478䞼 > to\-escape; 45479䞣 > to\-resist; 45480䞗 > suspicion; 45481䞒 > red\-color; 45482䞐 > plentiful; 45483䞍 > to\-bestow; 45484䞉 > a\-surplus; 45485䝾 > to\-bestow; 45486䝼 > to\-bestow; 45487䜭 > to\-dredge; 45488䜟 > to\-verify; 45489䜝 > uncertain; 45490䜅 > to\-follow; 45491䛻 > to\-induce; 45492䛹 > to\-accuse; 45493䛸 > garrulous; 45494䛳 > to\-malign; 45495䛬 > baby\-talk; 45496䛪 > loquacity; 45497䛞 > loquacity; 45498䛚 > to\-praise; 45499䛋 > to\-scheme; 45500䛁 > to\-murmur; 45501䚵 > to\-induce; 45502䙸 > to\-obtain; 45503䙷 > to\-obtain; 45504䙯 > exquisite; 45505䙧 > red\-color; 45506䙘 > exquisite; 45507䘼 > stockings; 45508䘚 > a\-servant; 45509䘗 > beautiful; 45510䘑 > the\-pulse; 45511䗙 > earthworm; 45512䗓 > dragonfly; 45513䗌 > dragonfly; 45514䗅 > millipede; 45515䖡 > millipede; 45516䕹 > a\-curtain; 45517䕲 > artemisia; 45518䕩 > dry\-fruit; 45519䕏 > artemisia; 45520䔳 > chickling; 45521䓰 > absinthin; 45522䓗 > scallions; 45523䓇 > luxuriant; 45524䒰 > to\-follow; 45525䒠 > luxuriant; 45526䒊 > a\-patient; 45527䑪 > a\-sailing; 45528䑟 > luxuriant; 45529䑓 > a\-lookout; 45530䑑 > a\-servant; 45531䑉 > excrement; 45532䑀 > the\-navel; 45533䐺 > delicious; 45534䐡 > the\-navel; 45535䐛 > to\-loosen; 45536䐌 > luxuriant; 45537䐆 > big\-belly; 45538䏽 > meat\-pulp; 45539䏬 > the\-spine; 45540䏠 > meat\-soup; 45541䏞 > the\-belly; 45542䎡 > to\-shrink; 45543䎃 > fine\-down; 45544䍎 > a\-spindle; 45545䌲 > light\-red; 45546䌛 > entourage; 45547䌖 > to\-gather; 45548䌊 > entourage; 45549䋠 > to\-repair; 45550䊰 > foodstuff; 45551䊜 > dumplings; 45552䉽 > rice\-cake; 45553䉼 > materials; 45554䉘 > to\-pierce; 45555䈵 > luxuriant; 45556䇐 > to\-arrive; 45557䆐 > a\-country; 45558䅎 > different; 45559䅅 > farm\-tool; 45560䅃 > late\-crop; 45561䄬 > to\-change; 45562䄙 > happiness; 45563䃩 > a\-mineral; 45564䃕 > stoneware; 45565䃓 > to\-punish; 45566䃀 > millstone; 45567䂾 > to\-polish; 45568䂈 > to\-pierce; 45569䂇 > to\-pierce; 45570䁢 > exquisite; 45571䁐 > deep\-eyed; 45572䀰 > open\-eyes; 45573䀬 > to\-glance; 45574䀢 > to\-glance; 45575䀡 > to\-spy\-on; 45576䀐 > to\-regard; 45577㿿 > wine\-cups; 45578㿟 > he\-bright; 45579㿛 > carbuncle; 45580㿇 > paralysis; 45581㾭 > to\-shrink; 45582㾥 > bellyache; 45583㾣 > to\-shiver; 45584㾋 > dysentery; 45585㽬 > to\-assist; 45586㽞 > to\-remain; 45587㽑 > delicious; 45588㽉 > a\-big\-jar; 45589㼺 > porcelain; 45590㼚 > earthware; 45591㻽 > fine\-jade; 45592㻱 > to\-circle; 45593㻌 > fine\-jade; 45594㻉 > fine\-jade; 45595㷼 > a\-swallow; 45596㷎 > sunstroke; 45597㵗 > turbulent; 45598㵔 > not\-clear; 45599㴁 > to\-add\-to; 45600㳨 > to\-splash; 45601㲵 > the\-skies; 45602㲦 > long\-hair; 45603㲤 > long\-hair; 45604㲚 > long\-hair; 45605㱘 > nightmare; 45606㰖 > the\-olive; 45607㯺 > a\-cabinet; 45608㯯 > small\-cup; 45609㯝 > paulownia; 45610㯄 > luxuriant; 45611㮙 > a\-pitfall; 45612㮔 > vegetable; 45613㮃 > farm\-tool; 45614㭢 > mechanics; 45615㬿 > moonlight; 45616㬫 > clear\-sky; 45617㬣 > luxuriant; 45618㬞 > sunstroke; 45619㪬 > to\-pierce; 45620㪩 > to\-strike; 45621㪤 > to\-finish; 45622㪑 > to\-follow; 45623㪎 > uncertain; 45624㪋 > to\-resist; 45625㪈 > to\-let\-go; 45626㪅 > to\-change; 45627㩱 > to\-select; 45628㩧 > to\-strike; 45629㩒 > to\-arrest; 45630㩌 > to\-strike; 45631㩇 > the\-thumb; 45632㩄 > to\-strike; 45633㨶 > to\-thresh; 45634福 > happiness; 45635祥 > good\-luck; 45636㨚 > to\-select; 45637㨍 > to\-defend; 45638㨉 > to\-smooth; 45639宅 > residence; 45640㨄 > to\-pierce; 45641㧾 > to\-strike; 45642識 > recognize; 45643臨 > draw\-near; 45644㧰 > to\-strike; 45645㧩 > to\-dispel; 45646痢 > dysentery; 45647㧦 > to\-strike; 45648㧗 > to\-clatch; 45649㧖 > to\-clutch; 45650㧌 > to\-select; 45651蓼 > smartweed; 45652療 > be\-healed; 45653僚 > officials; 45654了 > to\-finish; 45655㦻 > to\-put\-on; 45656例 > precedent; 45657㦴 > to\-arrest; 45658㦯 > a\-certain; 45659㦪 > complaint; 45660㦝 > beautiful; 45661㦖 > resentful; 45662麗 > beautiful; 45663礪 > whetstone; 45664㥾 > mortified; 45665㥳 > to\-survey; 45666㥮 > obstinate; 45667㥧 > to\-follow; 45668㥦 > satisfied; 45669異 > different; 45670綾 > thin\-silk; 45671㥖 > red\-color; 45672㥎 > to\-resent; 45673㥀 > exclusive; 45674㤵 > copassion; 45675爐 > fireplace; 45676郎 > gentleman; 45677㤥 > sorrowful; 45678亂 > confusion; 45679㤘 > obstinate; 45680㤒 > knowledge; 45681㤋 > confusion; 45682㤇 > terrified; 45683㤆 > nauseated; 45684㣼 > to\-endure; 45685㣺 > the\-heart; 45686㣐 > to\-change; 45687㢨 > to\-defend; 45688㢡 > to\-exhort; 45689㢀 > side\-room; 45690㡿 > to\-accuse; 45691㡼 > a\-granary; 45692㡺 > a\-cottage; 45693㡢 > a\-curtain; 45694㡠 > a\-picture; 45695㡗 > red\-paper; 45696㠮 > to\-expand; 45697㠘 > an\-island; 45698㞵 > frivolous; 45699㞣 > fragrance; 45700㝎 > to\-decide; 45701㜻 > to\-admire; 45702㜰 > exquisite; 45703㜨 > beautiful; 45704㜞 > beautiful; 45705㜘 > delicated; 45706㜖 > exquisite; 45707㜏 > last\-name; 45708㜊 > exquisite; 45709㜄 > last\-name; 45710㛾 > not\-clean; 45711㛺 > not\-clean; 45712㛱 > exquisite; 45713㛗 > frivolous; 45714㛔 > exquisite; 45715㚰 > an\-embryo; 45716㚯 > last\-name; 45717㚛 > corpulent; 45718㚘 > a\-partner; 45719㙵 > a\-lookout; 45720㙜 > a\-lookout; 45721㘣 > compasses; 45722㗳 > forgetful; 45723㗣 > to\-sneeze; 45724㖼 > to\-scheme; 45725㖦 > loquacity; 45726㖂 > loquacity; 45727㕻 > to\-refuse; 45728㕹 > a\-buckler; 45729㕗 > to\-induce; 45730㕕 > deception; 45731㕑 > a\-kitchen; 45732㕏 > a\-kitchen; 45733㕋 > rock\-land; 45734㕈 > to\-linger; 45735㔾 > last\-name; 45736㔧 > to\-incite; 45737㓯 > to\-divide; 45738㓨 > to\-pierce; 45739㓋 > to\-freeze; 45740㓄 > to\-plough; 45741㒗 > a\-servant; 45742㒓 > to\-escape; 45743㒋 > a\-servant; 45744㒈 > dangerous; 45745㒂 > to\-bestow; 45746㑯 > last\-name; 45747㑮 > last\-name; 45748㑧 > perturbed; 45749㑙 > frivolous; 45750㑘 > a\-servant; 45751㑎 > last\-name; 45752㑄 > to\-insult; 45753㐯 > to\-employ; 45754㐭 > a\-granary; 45755㐩 > wine\-cups; 45756㐆 > to\-follow; 45757念 > think\-of; 45758会 > assemble; 45759学 > learning; 45760徒 > disciple; 45761睦 > friendly; 45762无 > negative; 45763方 > a\-square; 45764前 > in\-front; 45765眉 > eyebrows; 45766省 > province; 45767直 > straight; 45768廢 > abrogate; 45769盛 > abundant; 45770軒 > carriage; 45771全 > maintain; 45772廊 > corridor; 45773廃 > abrogate; 45774皺 > wrinkles; 45775康 > peaceful; 45776间 > midpoint; 45777躊 > hesitate; 45778躇 > hesitate; 45779第 > sequence; 45780幻 > illusion; 45781癇 > epilepsy; 45782山 > mountain; 45783踟 > hesitate; 45784巾 > kerchief; 45785巧 > skillful; 45786安 > peaceful; 45787距 > distance; 45788界 > boundary; 45789任 > trust\-to; 45790台 > platform; 45791象 > elephant; 45792题 > forehead; 45793賢 > virtuous; 45794資 > property; 45795貼 > paste\-to; 45796費 > expenses; 45797貞 > virtuous; 45798资 > property; 45799履 > footwear; 45800豐 > abundant; 45801豊 > abundant; 45802武 > military; 45803琲 > necklace; 45804尠 > very\-few; 45805完 > complete; 45806即 > promptly; 45807寵 > favorite; 45808语 > language; 45809珍 > precious; 45810富 > abundant; 45811商 > commerce; 45812宝 > treasure; 45813千 > thousand; 45814宜 > suitable; 45815官 > official; 45816站 > stand\-up; 45817學 > learning; 45818譬 > metaphor; 45819香 > fragrant; 45820似 > resemble; 45821嬢 > troubled; 45822虽 > although; 45823集 > assemble; 45824且 > moreover; 45825调 > transfer; 45826嫉 > jealousy; 45827狃 > to\-covet; 45828嫁 > to\-marry; 45829調 > transfer; 45830語 > language; 45831媚 > charming; 45832誘 > persuade; 45833费 > expenses; 45834誄 > eulogize; 45835詳 > detailed; 45836詰 > question; 45837惊 > frighten; 45838支 > disperse; 45839突 > suddenly; 45840評 > appraise; 45841娠 > pregnant; 45842句 > sentence; 45843显 > manifest; 45844增 > increase; 45845料 > consider; 45846著 > manifest; 45847妊 > conceive; 45848境 > boundary; 45849续 > continue; 45850無 > negative; 45851裕 > abundant; 45852炭 > charcoal; 45853围 > surround; 45854増 > increase; 45855災 > calamity; 45856塚 > cemetery; 45857忽 > suddenly; 45858瀕 > approach; 45859维 > maintain; 45860濺 > sprinkle; 45861濯 > wash\-out; 45862垣 > low\-wall; 45863习 > practice; 45864垂 > let\-down; 45865坂 > hillside; 45866祖 > ancestor; 45867评 > appraise; 45868圍 > surround; 45869继 > continue; 45870囲 > surround; 45871优 > superior; 45872滯 > block\-up; 45873限 > boundary; 45874溢 > overflow; 45875温 > lukewarm; 45876蚊 > mosquito; 45877鹸 > alkaline; 45878噪 > be\-noisy; 45879嘲 > ridicule; 45880減 > decrease; 45881嘔 > to\-vomit; 45882恩 > kindness; 45883脱 > take\-off; 45884涸 > dried\-up; 45885喪 > mourning; 45886奔 > run\-fast; 45887涌 > surge\-up; 45888禁 > restrict; 45889浮 > to\-float; 45890互 > mutually; 45891洒 > sprinkle; 45892搞 > to\-clear; 45893朱 > cinnabar; 45894域 > district; 45895材 > material; 45896额 > forehead; 45897偷 > to\-steal; 45898丹 > cinnabar; 45899蓉 > hibiscus; 45900抽 > draw\-out; 45901仪 > ceremony; 45902绍 > continue; 45903丰 > abundant; 45904卸 > lay\-down; 45905忆 > remember; 45906隔 > separate; 45907减 > decrease; 45908卓 > profound; 45909灾 > calamity; 45910聚 > assemble; 45911损 > diminish; 45912茄 > eggplant; 45913勿 > must\-not; 45914髭 > mustache; 45915遥 > far\-away; 45916櫛 > comb\-out; 45917币 > currency; 45918勉 > endeavor; 45919骸 > skeleton; 45920芳 > fragrant; 45921努 > to\-exert; 45922贴 > paste\-to; 45923驚 > frighten; 45924別 > separate; 45925萍 > duckweed; 45926樅 > fir\-tree; 45927缩 > contract; 45928臥 > lie\-down; 45929慕 > long\-for; 45930臣 > minister; 45931挡 > obstruct; 45932膜 > membrane; 45933榛 > hazelnut; 45934俊 > talented; 45935枝 > branches; 45936陷 > submerge; 45937丧 > mourning; 45938勒 > strangle; 45939躺 > lie\-down; 45940優 > superior; 45941聊 > somewhat; 45942飾 > decorate; 45943儀 > ceremony; 45944斜 > slanting; 45945斐 > graceful; 45946废 > abrogate; 45947详 > detailed; 45948搬 > transfer; 45949梟 > owl\-thus; 45950傘 > umbrella; 45951顯 > manifest; 45952亭 > pavilion; 45953顕 > manifest; 45954泛 > to\-drift; 45955額 > forehead; 45956題 > forehead; 45957符 > i\.d\.\-tag; 45958允 > to\-grant; 45959菲 > fragrant; 45960跨 > straddle; 45961掩 > to\-cover; 45962頃 > a\-moment; 45963障 > separate; 45964柴 > firewood; 45965俯 > bow\-down; 45966俥 > rickshaw; 45967邻 > neighbor; 45968習 > practice; 45969驾 > to\-drive; 45970侭 > complete; 45971羞 > disgrace; 45972裤 > trousers; 45973估 > merchant; 45974鞘 > scabbard; 45975勃 > suddenly; 45976咐 > instruct; 45977恒 > constant; 45978糟 > sediment; 45979扮 > dress\-up; 45980贤 > virtuous; 45981饰 > decorate; 45982曜 > glorious; 45983雖 > although; 45984仕 > official; 45985卧 > lie\-down; 45986仄 > slanting; 45987隣 > neighbor; 45988碍 > obstruct; 45989暢 > smoothly; 45990拦 > obstruct; 45991押 > mortgage; 45992戚 > relative; 45993續 > continue; 45994繼 > continue; 45995穆 > majestic; 45996疆 > boundary; 45997陥 > submerge; 45998皱 > wrinkles; 45999畅 > smoothly; 46000嘻 > mirthful; 46001縮 > contract; 46002並 > equal\-to; 46003昔 > formerly; 46004練 > practice; 46005闘 > struggle; 46006瞪 > stare\-at; 46007斥 > to\-scold; 46008剪 > scissors; 46009姚 > handsome; 46010掏 > take\-out; 46011維 > maintain; 46012诱 > persuade; 46013続 > continue; 46014継 > continue; 46015間 > interval; 46016紹 > continue; 46017芙 > hibiscus; 46018惹 > irritate; 46019簿 > register; 46020損 > diminish; 46021芷 > angelica; 46022磁 > magnetic; 46023毅 > resolute; 46024笥 > a\-hamper; 46025拘 > restrain; 46026伐 > cut\-down; 46027竊 > secretly; 46028銘 > inscribe; 46029愉 > pleasant; 46030窜 > run\-away; 46031寨 > stockade; 46032戻 > perverse; 46033沪 > shanghai; 46034釜 > cauldron; 46035嗤 > laugh\-at; 46036娱 > pleasure; 46037嫣 > charming; 46038宠 > favorite; 46039憶 > remember; 46040铭 > inscribe; 46041馨 > fragrant; 46042渊 > surge\-up; 46043禄 > blessing; 46044窃 > secretly; 46045顷 > a\-moment; 46046礙 > obstruct; 46047愕 > startled; 46048啡 > morphine; 46049贞 > virtuous; 46050囚 > prisoner; 46051账 > accounts; 46052遙 > far\-away; 46053喻 > metaphor; 46054瓷 > crockery; 46055蓦 > suddenly; 46056滞 > block\-up; 46057贬 > decrease; 46058伞 > umbrella; 46059腥 > raw\-meat; 46060滔 > overflow; 46061溅 > sprinkle; 46062咸 > together; 46063疫 > epidemic; 46064啪 > syllable; 46065沛 > abundant; 46066膨 > to\-swell; 46067吱 > chirping; 46068轩 > carriage; 46069讥 > ridicule; 46070菌 > mushroom; 46071衍 > overflow; 46072亨 > smoothly; 46073琐 > trifling; 46074绰 > graceful; 46075苟 > careless; 46076崛 > towering; 46077凸 > protrude; 46078嚣 > be\-noisy; 46079琛 > treasure; 46080嘀 > backbite; 46081铐 > shackles; 46082踌 > hesitate; 46083谕 > proclaim; 46084迸 > gush\-out; 46085剔 > pick\-out; 46086冀 > hope\-for; 46087砚 > inkstone; 46088捍 > ward\-off; 46089臀 > buttocks; 46090倔 > stubborn; 46091奄 > ere\-long; 46092侥 > be\-lucky; 46093梵 > buddhist; 46094褥 > mattress; 46095晖 > sunshine; 46096漾 > overflow; 46097畴 > farmland; 46098瞟 > glare\-at; 46099瘸 > lameness; 46100澎 > splatter; 46101潦 > to\-flood; 46102濒 > approach; 46103偎 > cling\-to; 46104蝎 > scorpion; 46105簸 > winnower; 46106瘟 > epidemic; 46107庶 > numerous; 46108惦 > think\-of; 46109撂 > put\-down; 46110诘 > question; 46111晗 > pre\-dawn; 46112蹊 > footpath; 46113碱 > alkaline; 46114阉 > castrate; 46115淆 > confused; 46116萦 > entangle; 46117榆 > elm\-tree; 46118猝 > abruptly; 46119赓 > continue; 46120枭 > owl\-thus; 46121曦 > sunlight; 46122钊 > endeavor; 46123撅 > protrude; 46124渤 > swelling; 46125辘 > windlass; 46126铝 > aluminum; 46127捋 > to\-pluck; 46128矗 > straight; 46129虻 > horsefly; 46130瞌 > doze\-off; 46131亟 > urgently; 46132搪 > ward\-off; 46133徨 > doubtful; 46134啐 > to\-taste; 46135镯 > bracelet; 46136刽 > amputate; 46137藻 > splendid; 46138惰 > indolent; 46139燔 > to\-roast; 46140涝 > inundate; 46141偕 > together; 46142骷 > skeleton; 46143绛 > deep\-red; 46144紊 > confused; 46145邃 > profound; 46146氯 > chlorine; 46147坍 > collapse; 46148妩 > charming; 46149嘭 > syllable; 46150忐 > timorous; 46151殡 > encoffin; 46152昵 > intimate; 46153纭 > confused; 46154俟 > wait\-for; 46155桢 > hardwood; 46156黏 > stick\-to; 46157晏 > peaceful; 46158隽 > superior; 46159禺 > district; 46160痘 > smallpox; 46161槟 > betelnut; 46162韭 > scallion; 46163戾 > perverse; 46164蔫 > withered; 46165膂 > backbone; 46166垠 > boundary; 46167镬 > cauldron; 46168胫 > shinbone; 46169哐 > syllable; 46170硷 > alkaline; 46171臃 > swell\-up; 46172岌 > perilous; 46173犟 > stubborn; 46174玎 > jingling; 46175遢 > careless; 46176噔 > syllable; 46177滓 > sediment; 46178隼 > aquiline; 46179翦 > scissors; 46180陲 > frontier; 46181谶 > prophecy; 46182偻 > humpback; 46183铂 > platinum; 46184纛 > a\-banner; 46185懿 > virtuous; 46186铬 > chromium; 46187娆 > graceful; 46188慵 > indolent; 46189胰 > pancreas; 46190覃 > reach\-to; 46191遽 > suddenly; 46192睾 > testicle; 46193缜 > detailed; 46194倨 > arrogant; 46195讣 > obituary; 46196钛 > titanium; 46197浃 > saturate; 46198旖 > romantic; 46199缙 > red\-silk; 46200嘣 > syllable; 46201懋 > splendid; 46202衾 > coverlet; 46203宸 > imperial; 46204佞 > flattery; 46205蛔 > tapeworm; 46206祜 > blessing; 46207氅 > overcoat; 46208氟 > fluorine; 46209氰 > cyanogen; 46210鲟 > sturgeon; 46211婕 > handsome; 46212硒 > selenium; 46213舨 > a\-sampan; 46214烊 > to\-smelt; 46215萱 > day\-lily; 46216疸 > jaundice; 46217铊 > thallium; 46218诂 > exegesis; 46219雉 > pheasant; 46220颢 > luminous; 46221钏 > bracelet; 46222栀 > gardenia; 46223绔 > trousers; 46224缵 > continue; 46225溘 > abruptly; 46226诒 > bequeath; 46227氦 > fluorine; 46228颟 > dawdling; 46229痫 > epilepsy; 46230苋 > amaranth; 46231瀣 > sea\-mist; 46232箝 > tweezers; 46233蹰 > hesitate; 46234赀 > property; 46235楮 > mulberry; 46236镊 > tweezers; 46237遄 > to\-hurry; 46238钒 > vanadium; 46239苷 > licorice; 46240勰 > peaceful; 46241氽 > to\-float; 46242钨 > tungsten; 46243愦 > confused; 46244埸 > a\-border; 46245髀 > buttocks; 46246嫒 > daughter; 46247伛 > humpback; 46248癜 > erythema; 46249砦 > stockade; 46250鸹 > the\-crow; 46251曛 > twilight; 46252槿 > hibiscus; 46253骘 > stallion; 46254庑 > corridor; 46255坻 > an\-islet; 46256觫 > to\-start; 46257铵 > ammonium; 46258氩 > argonium; 46259嬖 > favorite; 46260卣 > wine\-pot; 46261锑 > antimony; 46262醛 > aldehyde; 46263钽 > tantalum; 46264砼 > concrete; 46265熘 > to\-steam; 46266蓁 > abundant; 46267诔 > eulogize; 46268窨 > a\-cellar; 46269栲 > mangrove; 46270仳 > separate; 46271鲣 > skipjack; 46272瘿 > swelling; 46273铷 > rubidium; 46274铕 > europium; 46275钋 > polonium; 46276砑 > to\-grind; 46277枞 > fir\-tree; 46278洫 > to\-ditch; 46279揞 > to\-cover; 46280埚 > crucible; 46281垤 > ant\-hill; 46282卺 > winecups; 46283嘏 > felicity; 46284鲽 > flatfish; 46285鲭 > mackerel; 46286钪 > scandium; 46287钫 > francium; 46288钐 > samarium; 46289祓 > exorcise; 46290栳 > a\-basket; 46291徼 > frontier; 46292吲 > smile\-at; 46293莰 > camphane; 46294芴 > fluorene; 46295仝 > together; 46296赜 > abstruse; 46297龓 > a\-halter; 46298鼚 > drumming; 46299麮 > porridge; 46300鹼 > alkaline; 46301鷩 > pheasant; 46302鷊 > pheasant; 46303鵫 > pheasant; 46304鵙 > a\-shrike; 46305鴰 > the\-crow; 46306鳮 > chickens; 46307鳇 > sturgeon; 46308鲺 > cat\-fish; 46309鱣 > sturgeon; 46310鱘 > sturgeon; 46311鰹 > skipjack; 46312鰉 > sturgeon; 46313鰈 > flatfish; 46314鯺 > blowfish; 46315鯸 > blowfish; 46316鯖 > mackerel; 46317鮐 > blowfish; 46318魨 > blowfish; 46319鬭 > struggle; 46320鬬 > struggle; 46321鬪 > struggle; 46322鬦 > struggle; 46323鬥 > struggle; 46324鬋 > forelock; 46325鬀 > to\-shave; 46326髵 > whiskers; 46327髎 > hip\-bone; 46328驀 > suddenly; 46329騭 > stallion; 46330駾 > run\-away; 46331駦 > to\-mount; 46332駕 > to\-drive; 46333馩 > aromatic; 46334馟 > fragrant; 46335馚 > aromatic; 46336餬 > porridge; 46337餫 > dumpling; 46338餩 > hiccough; 46339餟 > libation; 46340餙 > to\-adorn; 46341颱 > taiphoon; 46342顥 > luminous; 46343顢 > dawdling; 46344頲 > straight; 46345韮 > scallion; 46346韡 > gorgeous; 46347韠 > knee\-pad; 46348靺 > stocking; 46349霨 > clouding; 46350雞 > chickens; 46351雋 > superior; 46352隲 > stallion; 46353隩 > profound; 46354阸 > distress; 46355閹 > castrate; 46356閒 > peaceful; 46357镥 > lutetium; 46358鑷 > tweezers; 46359鑥 > lutetium; 46360鑕 > tungsten; 46361鑊 > cauldron; 46362鐲 > bracelet; 46363鐇 > vanadium; 46364鎢 > tungsten; 46365鎉 > thallium; 46366鍩 > nobelium; 46367鍚 > frontlet; 46368錒 > actinium; 46369鋁 > aluminum; 46370銬 > shackles; 46371銪 > europium; 46372銨 > ammonium; 46373銣 > rubidium; 46374銍 > a\-sickle; 46375鉻 > chromium; 46376鉭 > tantalum; 46377鉑 > platinum; 46378鉈 > thallium; 46379鉆 > treasure; 46380鈪 > bracelet; 46381鈧 > scandium; 46382鈦 > titanium; 46383鈁 > francium; 46384釩 > vanadium; 46385釧 > bracelet; 46386釤 > samarium; 46387釡 > cauldron; 46388釙 > polonium; 46389釗 > endeavor; 46390醩 > sediment; 46391醆 > wine\-cup; 46392醃 > marinate; 46393酲 > hangover; 46394鄰 > neighbor; 46395鄈 > slippers; 46396邅 > hesitant; 46397迻 > to\-shift; 46398轊 > axle\-tip; 46399轆 > windlass; 46400輭 > flexible; 46401輬 > a\-hearse; 46402軝 > axle\-tip; 46403躭 > to\-delay; 46404躕 > hesitate; 46405蹾 > to\-squat; 46406蹧 > to\-spoil; 46407踦 > the\-shin; 46408跅 > careless; 46409跂 > creeping; 46410赬 > deep\-red; 46411贒 > virtuous; 46412賾 > abstruse; 46413賬 > accounts; 46414賡 > continue; 46415貶 > decrease; 46416貲 > property; 46417豎 > vertical; 46418讖 > prophecy; 46419譹 > to\-shout; 46420譜 > register; 46421譔 > eulogize; 46422譏 > ridicule; 46423謿 > ridicule; 46424謼 > to\-shout; 46425諭 > proclaim; 46426諆 > to\-cheat; 46427詒 > bequeath; 46428詋 > to\-curse; 46429詊 > pleasing; 46430詁 > exegesis; 46431訃 > obituary; 46432襶 > ignorant; 46433襫 > raincoat; 46434襏 > raincoat; 46435褲 > trousers; 46436褌 > trousers; 46437裯 > coverlet; 46438蠍 > scorpion; 46439蝱 > horsefly; 46440蝟 > hedgehog; 46441蝏 > \(insect\); 46442蜱 > \(insect\); 46443蜖 > tapeworm; 46444蚳 > ant\-eggs; 46445蚘 > tapeworm; 46446蚔 > ant\-eggs; 46447薸 > duckweed; 46448薆 > to\-cover; 46449蕣 > hibiscus; 46450蔉 > earth\-up; 46451葖 > follicle; 46452苐 > sequence; 46453艩 > tholepin; 46454艌 > to\-caulk; 46455膵 > pancreas; 46456脰 > the\-neck; 46457脫 > take\-off; 46458脛 > shinbone; 46459胮 > to\-swell; 46460肨 > to\-swell; 46461肏 > copulate; 46462耏 > whiskers; 46463翬 > pheasant; 46464翫 > careless; 46465罇 > a\-goblet; 46466缷 > lay\-down; 46467纘 > continue; 46468繖 > umbrella; 46469縿 > streamer; 46470縴 > tow\-line; 46471縝 > detailed; 46472縉 > red\-silk; 46473縈 > entangle; 46474緻 > delicate; 46475綽 > graceful; 46476綯 > to\-braid; 46477綪 > dark\-red; 46478絻 > mourning; 46479絳 > deep\-red; 46480絝 > trousers; 46481紞 > a\-fringe; 46482紜 > confused; 46483籣 > bow\-case; 46484簬 > \(bamboo\); 46485箂 > \(bamboo\); 46486竢 > wait\-for; 46487竄 > run\-away; 46488秏 > to\-waste; 46489祿 > blessing; 46490祼 > libation; 46491磟 > mediocre; 46492碏 > coloured; 46493硯 > inkstone; 46494砹 > astatine; 46495砵 > syllable; 46496矋 > to\-stare; 46497瞓 > to\-sleep; 46498睏 > be\-tired; 46499睅 > big\-eyed; 46500盬 > salt\-pit; 46501盙 > a\-basket; 46502皝 > luminous; 46503癭 > swelling; 46504癒 > get\-well; 46505癎 > epilepsy; 46506癈 > abrogate; 46507癃 > weakness; 46508癀 > jaundice; 46509瘼 > sickness; 46510瘶 > to\-cough; 46511瘰 > scrofula; 46512瘉 > get\-well; 46513疇 > farmland; 46514畺 > boundary; 46515甯 > peaceful; 46516甡 > abundant; 46517瓩 > kilowatt; 46518瓧 > decagram; 46519璚 > splendid; 46520琫 > ornament; 46521珷 > \/2\-pr\-st; 46522珤 > treasure; 46523珎 > precious; 46524珌 > ornament; 46525獘 > collapse; 46526犵 > resolute; 46527犫 > protrude; 46528犎 > the\-zebu; 46529犇 > run\-fast; 46530牳 > \(bovine\); 46531熤 > \(person\); 46532煐 > \(person\); 46533焌 > to\-light; 46534炤 > illumine; 46535灑 > sprinkle; 46536瀰 > overflow; 46537瀡 > slippery; 46538澾 > slippery; 46539澱 > sediment; 46540澇 > inundate; 46541潗 > friendly; 46542潎 > rippling; 46543滬 > shanghai; 46544滃 > swelling; 46545溫 > lukewarm; 46546湢 > bathroom; 46547渕 > surge\-up; 46548浹 > saturate; 46549泐 > to\-write; 46550沍 > freezing; 46551氾 > overflow; 46552氬 > argonium; 46553氉 > restless; 46554毾 > a\-coarse; 46555毻 > to\-moult; 46556毷 > restless; 46557殽 > mixed\-up; 46558殯 > encoffin; 46559殗 > sickness; 46560欛 > a\-handle; 46561櫃 > cupboard; 46562檿 > mulberry; 46563檳 > betelnut; 46564樚 > a\-pulley; 46565楨 > hardwood; 46566楡 > elm\-tree; 46567椄 > to\-graft; 46568梱 > doorsill; 46569梔 > gardenia; 46570柤 > hawthorn; 46571柅 > flourish; 46572枻 > long\-oar; 46573曆 > calendar; 46574暱 > intimate; 46575暦 > calendar; 46576暠 > daybreak; 46577暉 > sunshine; 46578晧 > daybreak; 46579晛 > sunlight; 46580昤 > sunshine; 46581昡 > long\-day; 46582旘 > a\-pennon; 46583斾 > a\-pennon; 46584斈 > learning; 46585敪 > to\-weigh; 46586敠 > to\-weigh; 46587攩 > obstruct; 46588攞 > to\-split; 46589攔 > obstruct; 46590擩 > to\-stain; 46591擋 > obstruct; 46592撏 > pull\-out; 46593摷 > to\-knock; 46594搵 > wipe\-off; 46595搲 > to\-seize; 46596搯 > take\-out; 46597搋 > to\-thump; 46598揾 > wipe\-off; 46599揰 > poke\-out; 46600揢 > to\-seize; 46601揜 > cover\-up; 46602揌 > to\-shake; 46603掹 > to\-pluck; 46604捦 > to\-seize; 46605拑 > to\-clamp; 46606扞 > ward\-off; 46607扅 > gate\-bar; 46608懕 > satiated; 46609憪 > composed; 46610憖 > cautious; 46611憒 > confused; 46612慭 > cautious; 46613慫 > to\-alarm; 46614慅 > agitated; 46615慁 > dishonor; 46616惽 > confused; 46617惸 > troubled; 46618惛 > confused; 46619惔 > cheerful; 46620惄 > long\-for; 46621悤 > agitated; 46622恝 > carefree; 46623恔 > cheerful; 46624恌 > to\-worry; 46625恆 > constant; 46626忮 > stubborn; 46627徯 > wait\-for; 46628彸 > restless; 46629彊 > stubborn; 46630弢 > bow\-case; 46631廤 > to\-place; 46632廡 > corridor; 46633庻 > numerous; 46634庬 > abundant; 46635幬 > cover\-up; 46636幣 > currency; 46637帵 > remnants; 46638帱 > cover\-up; 46639嶭 > elevated; 46640嶒 > towering; 46641峿 > mountain; 46642岊 > foothill; 46643屼 > mountain; 46644寶 > treasure; 46645寳 > treasure; 46646寚 > precious; 46647宬 > archives; 46648孃 > troubled; 46649嬬 > mistress; 46650嬡 > daughter; 46651嬝 > delicate; 46652嬈 > graceful; 46653嫿 > tranquil; 46654嫵 > charming; 46655媮 > handsome; 46656婾 > handsome; 46657娯 > pleasure; 46658娛 > pleasure; 46659姦 > adultery; 46660姙 > conceive; 46661奡 > arrogant; 46662堝 > crucible; 46663埼 > headland; 46664埀 > let\-down; 46665坮 > platform; 46666圥 > mushroom; 46667囮 > inveigle; 46668囂 > be\-noisy; 46669嚻 > be\-noisy; 46670嘥 > to\-waste; 46671嗃 > to\-flute; 46672喩 > metaphor; 46673喓 > chirping; 46674喌 > syllable; 46675啽 > to\-speak; 46676啇 > to\-stalk; 46677唥 > a\-bundle; 46678哢 > syllable; 46679咺 > majestic; 46680咜 > to\-scold; 46681咇 > fragrant; 46682呠 > to\-spurt; 46683叒 > obedient; 46684厵 > a\-spring; 46685卽 > promptly; 46686卼 > unsteady; 46687卹 > sympathy; 46688勔 > endeavor; 46689勌 > to\-labor; 46690劻 > flurried; 46691劙 > a\-divide; 46692劊 > amputate; 46693剟 > to\-prick; 46694刧 > disaster; 46695凥 > to\-dwell; 46696凅 > dried\-up; 46697冴 > freezing; 46698冱 > freezing; 46699冨 > abundant; 46700冝 > suitable; 46701冇 > have\-not; 46702兣 > decigram; 46703兛 > kilogram; 46704兙 > decagram; 46705儩 > complete; 46706僥 > be\-lucky; 46707僃 > prepared; 46708僂 > humpback; 46709傴 > humpback; 46710傢 > stubborn; 46711傞 > unsteady; 46712傌 > to\-curse; 46713偸 > to\-steal; 46714偲 > talented; 46715偫 > wait\-for; 46716偟 > agitated; 46717俓 > straight; 46718侫 > flattery; 46719佴 > a\-second; 46720佪 > hesitate; 46721佋 > continue; 46722佀 > resemble; 46723伃 > handsome; 46724亹 > progress; 46725乵 > to\-enter; 46726䶲 > the\-edge; 46727䵲 > raw\-hemp; 46728䵦 > to\-stain; 46729䵚 > kaoliang; 46730䵓 > the\-mole; 46731䵉 > abutilon; 46732䴻 > dry\-food; 46733䴫 > antelope; 46734䴚 > saltpond; 46735䴗 > a\-shrike; 46736䳻 > an\-eagle; 46737䳧 > an\-eagle; 46738䲖 > big\-fish; 46739䲎 > to\-spoil; 46740䰧 > sinister; 46741䰟 > the\-soul; 46742䯪 > big\-head; 46743䯚 > the\-ribs; 46744䯗 > buttocks; 46745䯐 > shinbone; 46746䯎 > shinbone; 46747䯉 > to\-choke; 46748䯂 > numerous; 46749䭱 > a\-little; 46750䬼 > satiated; 46751䬹 > a\-sickle; 46752䬉 > hot\-wind; 46753䫷 > the\-jowl; 46754䫛 > reckless; 46755䫗 > reckless; 46756䫃 > the\-lips; 46757䪶 > the\-chin; 46758䪩 > to\-chant; 46759䪜 > a\-shield; 46760䪑 > to\-stick; 46761䪊 > a\-halter; 46762䪅 > a\-quiver; 46763䪁 > a\-halter; 46764䩴 > a\-quiver; 46765䩮 > a\-quiver; 46766䩠 > a\-girdle; 46767䩉 > the\-face; 46768䩈 > a\-plumpy; 46769䨼 > dyestuff; 46770䧫 > a\-trench; 46771䧕 > boundary; 46772䧁 > to\-leave; 46773䦥 > to\-learn; 46774䥸 > a\-sickle; 46775䥭 > evidence; 46776䥥 > a\-sickle; 46777䥌 > evidence; 46778䥋 > to\-smelt; 46779䤿 > to\-carve; 46780䤶 > a\-hammer; 46781䤳 > a\-mirrow; 46782䤰 > to\-smelt; 46783䤫 > a\-chisel; 46784䤨 > to\-split; 46785䤝 > bracelet; 46786䤐 > to\-drink; 46787䢭 > to\-cover; 46788䢐 > to\-go\-to; 46789䢅 > daybreak; 46790䡭 > a\-hearse; 46791䠾 > to\-dodge; 46792䠹 > shinbone; 46793䠬 > insomnia; 46794䠞 > wrinkled; 46795䠐 > to\-squat; 46796䠃 > to\-squat; 46797䠁 > to\-go\-up; 46798䟸 > the\-calf; 46799䟶 > to\-squat; 46800䟴 > to\-shake; 46801䟔 > to\-go\-to; 46802䞸 > to\-reach; 46803䞮 > to\-crawl; 46804䞟 > to\-press; 46805䞜 > to\-reach; 46806䞔 > deep\-red; 46807䞓 > deep\-red; 46808䝨 > virtuous; 46809䝂 > to\-erect; 46810䜬 > a\-cavern; 46811䜘 > to\-guard; 46812䜐 > to\-libel; 46813䜃 > to\-blame; 46814䛤 > urgently; 46815䛒 > to\-argue; 46816䛇 > to\-laugh; 46817䛆 > to\-curse; 46818䚷 > to\-treat; 46819䚯 > to\-quell; 46820䚛 > regulate; 46821䘫 > old\-rags; 46822䘜 > a\-napkin; 46823䘙 > to\-guard; 46824䘘 > to\-drive; 46825䘔 > to\-vomit; 46826䘏 > sympathy; 46827䘉 > silkworm; 46828䘇 > mosquito; 46829䗺 > creeping; 46830䗞 > silkworm; 46831䗝 > silkworm; 46832䗘 > a\-weevil; 46833䗈 > a\-gadfly; 46834䗇 > the\-toad; 46835䖻 > ephemera; 46836䖦 > scorpion; 46837䖤 > to\-creep; 46838䖟 > a\-gadfly; 46839䖛 > of\-tiger; 46840䖏 > to\-dwell; 46841䖌 > of\-tiger; 46842䖊 > of\-tiger; 46843䖀 > angelica; 46844䕯 > duckweed; 46845䕁 > suddenly; 46846䔽 > to\-cover; 46847䔐 > delicate; 46848䓙 > slanting; 46849䓕 > polygala; 46850䓌 > polygala; 46851䒳 > a\-flower; 46852䒃 > to\-build; 46853䑻 > covering; 46854䑘 > to\-pound; 46855䑃 > dim\-moon; 46856䐒 > not\-fine; 46857䏾 > to\-swell; 46858䏺 > to\-swell; 46859䏟 > fat\-meat; 46860䏉 > to\-waver; 46861䏈 > to\-unite; 46862䎺 > to\-learn; 46863䎲 > ear\-lobe; 46864䎮 > to\-plant; 46865䎫 > to\-plant; 46866䎣 > a\-plough; 46867䌷 > a\-thread; 46868䌯 > a\-truban; 46869䌭 > raw\-hemp; 46870䌬 > straight; 46871䌫 > a\-hawser; 46872䌚 > wrinkles; 46873䌃 > raw\-silk; 46874䋡 > to\-relax; 46875䋓 > wrinkled; 46876䋒 > to\-relax; 46877䋃 > stinging; 46878䊸 > to\-twist; 46879䊝 > to\-exile; 46880䊁 > leavings; 46881䉻 > red\-rice; 46882䉱 > a\-cradle; 46883䉮 > to\-plant; 46884䉪 > to\-grind; 46885䉒 > a\-winnow; 46886䈶 > an\-arrow; 46887䈫 > a\-hawser; 46888䇱 > a\-hawser; 46889䇌 > to\-stand; 46890䆸 > spacious; 46891䆄 > a\-bundle; 46892䅲 > to\-plant; 46893䅨 > fragrant; 46894䅤 > to\-plant; 46895䅐 > a\-bundle; 46896䄀 > calamity; 46897䃺 > to\-grind; 46898䃑 > speckles; 46899䃅 > dyestuff; 46900䂻 > to\-block; 46901䁥 > to\-blink; 46902䁜 > big\-eyes; 46903䁂 > big\-eyes; 46904䀵 > to\-blink; 46905䀈 > a\-vessel; 46906㿢 > to\-shine; 46907㿡 > a\-helmet; 46908㿚 > sickness; 46909㿈 > an\-ulcer; 46910㿅 > ringworm; 46911㾸 > a\-scabby; 46912㾮 > jaundice; 46913㾎 > sickness; 46914㾍 > diseases; 46915㾌 > ringworm; 46916㾄 > to\-libel; 46917㽻 > diseases; 46918㽹 > to\-faint; 46919㽐 > fragrant; 46920㻄 > treasure; 46921㺚 > an\-otter; 46922㺇 > a\-warden; 46923㹸 > the\-lion; 46924㹕 > inferior; 46925㸼 > the\-zebu; 46926㸦 > mutually; 46927㸟 > to\-cover; 46928㸝 > a\-shovel; 46929㸕 > to\-seize; 46930㸉 > to\-adapt; 46931㷆 > thriving; 46932㷀 > solitary; 46933㶼 > very\-hot; 46934㶄 > to\-stain; 46935㵭 > an\-islet; 46936㵦 > slippery; 46937㴶 > to\-water; 46938㴳 > to\-smear; 46939㴊 > an\-abyss; 46940㴈 > sediment; 46941㳫 > repeated; 46942㳠 > slippery; 46943㳒 > statutes; 46944㲸 > dried\-up; 46945㲷 > nitrogen; 46946㲶 > chlorine; 46947㲳 > to\-touch; 46948㱿 > the\-husk; 46949㱺 > the\-skin; 46950㱲 > withered; 46951㱢 > the\-dead; 46952㱠 > withered; 46953㱗 > a\-breath; 46954㱅 > virtuous; 46955㱃 > to\-drink; 46956㰺 > to\-drink; 46957㰹 > to\-laugh; 46958㰭 > pleasure; 46959㰧 > to\-drink; 46960㰣 > to\-vomit; 46961㰠 > to\-covet; 46962㰝 > to\-cough; 46963㯰 > to\-plant; 46964㮭 > a\-casket; 46965㮁 > gardenia; 46966㭙 > a\-hammer; 46967㭊 > to\-split; 46968㬰 > a\-moment; 46969㬧 > a\-collar; 46970㬢 > sunshine; 46971㬡 > sunshine; 46972㬙 > sunshine; 46973㬗 > sunshine; 46974㬌 > sunshine; 46975㫽 > darkness; 46976㫻 > sunlight; 46977㪿 > to\-break; 46978㪡 > to\-quell; 46979㪓 > disaster; 46980㪐 > unstable; 46981㪍 > suddenly; 46982㪃 > to\-thump; 46983㪂 > unstable; 46984㪀 > to\-enter; 46985㩿 > unstable; 46986㩴 > to\-seize; 46987㩨 > to\-crack; 46988㩓 > to\-wound; 46989㩁 > to\-knock; 46990㨹 > to\-crack; 46991㨱 > to\-shake; 46992㨪 > to\-shake; 46993㨠 > to\-smear; 46994㨟 > to\-touch; 46995㨔 > to\-shake; 46996㨓 > to\-close; 46997塚 > cemetery; 46998㨑 > to\-count; 46999㨈 > to\-crowd; 47000㨁 > to\-throw; 47001㧵 > to\-exact; 47002隣 > neighbor; 47003㧲 > to\-shake; 47004㧱 > to\-bring; 47005㧬 > to\-raise; 47006履 > footwear; 47007㧁 > to\-close; 47008料 > consider; 47009㦿 > a\-window; 47010捻 > to\-twist; 47011㦥 > talented; 47012念 > think\-of; 47013㦤 > virtuous; 47014練 > practice; 47015㦗 > diligent; 47016曆 > calendar; 47017㦉 > virtuous; 47018㥰 > mournful; 47019省 > province; 47020㥪 > diligent; 47021丹 > cinnabar; 47022勒 > strangle; 47023㥃 > mournful; 47024㥁 > morality; 47025祿 > blessing; 47026㤲 > to\-think; 47027㤮 > an\-error; 47028廊 > corridor; 47029㤦 > mournful; 47030㤤 > mournful; 47031㤏 > grievous; 47032句 > sentence; 47033㣰 > to\-shake; 47034㣫 > the\-heel; 47035㣞 > to\-walki; 47036㣋 > cinnabar; 47037㣄 > powerful; 47038㢴 > the\-west; 47039㢩 > to\-shoot; 47040㢅 > a\-shield; 47041㡳 > mountain; 47042㡩 > a\-girdle; 47043㡝 > a\-napkin; 47044㡖 > to\-cover; 47045㠹 > a\-turban; 47046㠵 > a\-turban; 47047㠊 > a\-rugged; 47048㠉 > mountain; 47049㠅 > to\-cover; 47050㟑 > mountain; 47051㞽 > mountain; 47052㞷 > luxuiant; 47053㞑 > the\-tail; 47054㞉 > big\-foot; 47055㞈 > big\-foot; 47056㝲 > to\-sleep; 47057㝮 > to\-exile; 47058㝭 > to\-awake; 47059㝘 > harmonoy; 47060㝒 > to\-dwell; 47061㝍 > to\-write; 47062㝊 > to\-guide; 47063㜶 > a\-couple; 47064㜳 > peaceful; 47065㛛 > pregnant; 47066㚣 > handsome; 47067㙢 > a\-trowel; 47068㙙 > to\-smear; 47069㙃 > a\-cavity; 47070㘪 > to\-waste; 47071㘠 > to\-close; 47072㘙 > to\-groan; 47073㘑 > to\-curse; 47074㘀 > to\-sound; 47075㗪 > mouthful; 47076㗨 > to\-laugh; 47077㗜 > to\-smell; 47078㗛 > to\-laugh; 47079㗓 > mouthful; 47080㗉 > incisive; 47081㖹 > to\-spurt; 47082㖩 > not\-pure; 47083㖓 > to\-shout; 47084㖇 > the\-lips; 47085㕼 > to\-brawl; 47086㕛 > a\-friend; 47087㕐 > inclined; 47088㕊 > to\-slant; 47089㔰 > constant; 47090㔪 > to\-crawl; 47091㔠 > industry; 47092㔞 > vigorous; 47093㓶 > to\-carve; 47094㓚 > a\-sickle; 47095㓓 > thin\-ice; 47096㒹 > to\-upset; 47097㑺 > superior; 47098㑴 > to\-usurp; 47099㑰 > distress; 47100㑍 > inferior; 47101㐜 > an\-enemy; 47102迷 > bewitch; 47103述 > narrate; 47104迥 > distant; 47105中 > central; 47106志 > purpose; 47107迎 > receive; 47108忌 > jealous; 47109和 > harmony; 47110辯 > dispute; 47111去 > go\-away; 47112对 > correct; 47113瞠 > look\-at; 47114律 > statute; 47115役 > service; 47116眺 > look\-at; 47117張 > stretch; 47118已 > already; 47119弘 > enlarge; 47120引 > to\-pull; 47121弔 > condole; 47122較 > compare; 47123意 > thought; 47124进 > advance; 47125盡 > exhaust; 47126廉 > upright; 47127情 > feeling; 47128皰 > pimples; 47129庖 > kitchen; 47130躓 > stumble; 47131庄 > village; 47132并 > combine; 47133蹠 > step\-on; 47134癖 > craving; 47135幕 > curtain; 47136代 > replace; 47137師 > teacher; 47138总 > collect; 47139踏 > step\-on; 47140师 > teacher; 47141痴 > foolish; 47142华 > flowery; 47143张 > stretch; 47144症 > disease; 47145病 > illness; 47146疾 > illness; 47147反 > reverse; 47148合 > combine; 47149疎 > neglect; 47150受 > receive; 47151务 > affairs; 47152接 > receive; 47153崩 > rupture; 47154特 > special; 47155服 > clothes; 47156賽 > compete; 47157賑 > relieve; 47158科 > section; 47159远 > distant; 47160豫 > relaxed; 47161联 > connect; 47162保 > protect; 47163尽 > exhaust; 47164革 > leather; 47165對 > correct; 47166尊 > respect; 47167品 > article; 47168尉 > officer; 47169士 > scholar; 47170量 > measure; 47171対 > correct; 47172程 > journey; 47173審 > examine; 47174察 > examine; 47175极 > extreme; 47176令 > command; 47177未 > not\-yet; 47178持 > sustain; 47179历 > history; 47180宣 > declare; 47181史 > history; 47182宗 > lineage; 47183议 > consult; 47184率 > to\-lead; 47185委 > appoint; 47186護 > protect; 47187議 > consult; 47188兵 > soldier; 47189孔 > opening; 47190争 > dispute; 47191究 > examine; 47192謹 > prudent; 47193视 > look\-at; 47194講 > explain; 47195格 > pattern; 47196諸 > several; 47197讲 > explain; 47198諦 > careful; 47199怕 > to\-fear; 47200狡 > cunning; 47201曾 > already; 47202准 > approve; 47203段 > section; 47204精 > essence; 47205竟 > finally; 47206誠 > sincere; 47207詮 > explain; 47208整 > orderly; 47209婉 > amiable; 47210备 > prepare; 47211另 > another; 47212陈 > exhibit; 47213故 > ancient; 47214訛 > swindle; 47215託 > entrust; 47216衣 > clothes; 47217訊 > inquire; 47218爆 > crackle; 47219批 > comment; 47220送 > see\-off; 47221愿 > sincere; 47222奇 > strange; 47223燕 > swallow; 47224燈 > lantern; 47225覽 > look\-at; 47226妬 > jealous; 47227游 > to\-swim; 47228覧 > look\-at; 47229份 > portion; 47230敢 > to\-dare; 47231視 > look\-at; 47232妖 > strange; 47233煽 > stir\-up; 47234考 > examine; 47235村 > village; 47236朝 > dynasty; 47237育 > produce; 47238护 > protect; 47239图 > diagram; 47240刘 > surname; 47241夕 > evening; 47242承 > inherit; 47243裳 > clothes; 47244乡 > country; 47245裁 > cut\-out; 47246既 > already; 47247演 > perform; 47248怪 > strange; 47249袂 > sleeves; 47250采 > collect; 47251衰 > decline; 47252赛 > compete; 47253灯 > lantern; 47254较 > compare; 47255衡 > measure; 47256塞 > stop\-up; 47257景 > scenery; 47258蠢 > wriggle; 47259依 > rely\-on; 47260瀝 > trickle; 47261胜 > victory; 47262濡 > immerse; 47263濟 > to\-help; 47264蟋 > cricket; 47265蟀 > cricket; 47266型 > pattern; 47267圖 > diagram; 47268漆 > varnish; 47269漁 > to\-fish; 47270図 > diagram; 47271散 > scatter; 47272蛆 > maggots; 47273曲 > crooked; 47274溶 > to\-melt; 47275厂 > factory; 47276肯 > willing; 47277抓 > scratch; 47278虫 > insects; 47279湧 > well\-up; 47280范 > surname; 47281靠 > lean\-on; 47282測 > measure; 47283授 > give\-to; 47284渇 > thirsty; 47285扬 > scatter; 47286淺 > shallow; 47287淫 > obscene; 47288邓 > surname; 47289鷄 > chicken; 47290嗇 > miserly; 47291抱 > embrace; 47292预 > prepare; 47293睛 > eyeball; 47294括 > include; 47295降 > descend; 47296鶏 > chicken; 47297讯 > inquire; 47298赵 > surname; 47299浅 > shallow; 47300私 > private; 47301蔑 > disdain; 47302审 > examine; 47303泡 > bubbles; 47304闹 > quarrel; 47305敬 > respect; 47306醒 > wake\-up; 47307沌 > chaotic; 47308暴 > violent; 47309鲁 > foolish; 47310抢 > plunder; 47311呑 > swallow; 47312篇 > chapter; 47313鱈 > codfish; 47314呂 > surname; 47315拥 > embrace; 47316吊 > condole; 47317诸 > various; 47318華 > flowery; 47319叭 > trumpet; 47320测 > measure; 47321阅 > examine; 47322叙 > express; 47323猛 > violent; 47324厭 > dislike; 47325厨 > kitchen; 47326雅 > elegant; 47327雷 > thunder; 47328魯 > foolish; 47329鸡 > chicken; 47330诚 > sincere; 47331竞 > contend; 47332操 > conduct; 47333卒 > soldier; 47334诺 > promise; 47335匆 > hastily; 47336欅 > zelkova; 47337苺 > berries; 47338勝 > victory; 47339凭 > lean\-on; 47340務 > affairs; 47341苗 > sprouts; 47342碰 > collide; 47343苑 > pasture; 47344仿 > imitate; 47345機 > machine; 47346栏 > railing; 47347騙 > swindle; 47348刈 > cut\-off; 47349狠 > vicious; 47350映 > project; 47351截 > cut\-off; 47352忠 > loyalty; 47353扎 > pull\-up; 47354腹 > stomach; 47355極 > extreme; 47356舒 > open\-up; 47357骗 > swindle; 47358凶 > culprit; 47359慰 > comfort; 47360餘 > surplus; 47361撒 > release; 47362愁 > anxiety; 47363斤 > a\-catty; 47364僑 > sojourn; 47365扶 > support; 47366毁 > destroy; 47367辩 > dispute; 47368胃 > stomach; 47369械 > weapons; 47370蒋 > surname; 47371備 > prepare; 47372违 > disobey; 47373丢 > discard; 47374肆 > indulge; 47375傻 > foolish; 47376绕 > entwine; 47377聳 > urge\-on; 47378涂 > surname; 47379舰 > warship; 47380恼 > angered; 47381辣 > peppery; 47382倚 > rely\-on; 47383預 > prepare; 47384旋 > revolve; 47385倉 > granary; 47386辽 > distant; 47387罚 > penalty; 47388拾 > pick\-up; 47389恢 > restore; 47390翁 > old\-man; 47391羽 > feather; 47392抖 > tremble; 47393览 > look\-at; 47394侯 > marquis; 47395惑 > confuse; 47396併 > combine; 47397罰 > penalty; 47398雕 > engrave; 47399厌 > dislike; 47400寿 > old\-age; 47401跌 > stumble; 47402锦 > brocade; 47403杏 > apricot; 47404黎 > surname; 47405慌 > nervous; 47406屠 > butcher; 47407柏 > cypress; 47408霍 > quickly; 47409陶 > pottery; 47410摄 > take\-in; 47411旨 > purpose; 47412闯 > rush\-in; 47413冯 > surname; 47414扰 > disturb; 47415雀 > sparrow; 47416娜 > elegant; 47417暮 > evening; 47418阁 > chamber; 47419卢 > cottage; 47420吞 > swallow; 47421柜 > cabinet; 47422暇 > leisure; 47423愧 > ashamed; 47424晶 > crystal; 47425繞 > entwine; 47426晝 > daytime; 47427筋 > muscles; 47428總 > collect; 47429昼 > daytime; 47430咨 > inquire; 47431撑 > prop\-up; 47432逆 > disobey; 47433填 > fill\-in; 47434旺 > prosper; 47435緬 > distant; 47436谨 > prudent; 47437渴 > thirsty; 47438疏 > neglect; 47439耗 > consume; 47440総 > collect; 47441閲 > examine; 47442钦 > respect; 47443閣 > chamber; 47444晋 > advance; 47445悦 > pleased; 47446斑 > mottled; 47447践 > trample; 47448贾 > surname; 47449渔 > to\-fish; 47450蔡 > surname; 47451惶 > fearful; 47452簾 > a\-blind; 47453贩 > peddler; 47454戈 > halberd; 47455鐐 > fetters; 47456揚 > scatter; 47457虹 > rainbow; 47458範 > pattern; 47459寡 > widowed; 47460吕 > surname; 47461郊 > suburbs; 47462徽 > a\-badge; 47463谭 > surname; 47464捨 > discard; 47465鲍 > abalone; 47466仓 > granary; 47467錦 > brocade; 47468笄 > hairpin; 47469沾 > moisten; 47470競 > contend; 47471俞 > surname; 47472瞒 > deceive; 47473竃 > furnace; 47474侨 > sojourn; 47475恳 > sincere; 47476抒 > express; 47477姜 > surname; 47478扱 > collect; 47479稽 > examine; 47480裔 > progeny; 47481睹 > look\-at; 47482匪 > bandits; 47483潘 > surname; 47484憑 > lean\-on; 47485榜 > placard; 47486枉 > useless; 47487缅 > distant; 47488慥 > sincere; 47489骇 > terrify; 47490慇 > careful; 47491笨 > foolish; 47492耸 > urge\-on; 47493踩 > step\-on; 47494郷 > country; 47495惱 > angered; 47496悸 > fearful; 47497撰 > compose; 47498惭 > ashamed; 47499垃 > garbage; 47500驼 > a\-camel; 47501遠 > distant; 47502違 > disobey; 47503遑 > leisure; 47504圾 > garbage; 47505豹 > leopard; 47506缴 > deliver; 47507哨 > whistle; 47508進 > advance; 47509嚼 > prattle; 47510昧 > obscure; 47511拢 > collect; 47512旱 > drought; 47513诡 > deceive; 47514搅 > disturb; 47515聂 > whisper; 47516莽 > thicket; 47517馀 > surplus; 47518怡 > harmony; 47519厮 > servant; 47520茨 > caltrop; 47521粘 > viscous; 47522摧 > destroy; 47523朽 > decayed; 47524娴 > elegant; 47525焕 > shining; 47526豁 > open\-up; 47527詹 > surname; 47528熄 > put\-out; 47529逾 > go\-over; 47530妒 > jealous; 47531邱 > surname; 47532醋 > vinegar; 47533斌 > refined; 47534寇 > bandits; 47535屯 > village; 47536恕 > forgive; 47537沦 > be\-lost; 47538岱 > daishan; 47539撇 > discard; 47540讳 > conceal; 47541淌 > trickle; 47542岔 > diverge; 47543倏 > hastily; 47544霓 > rainbow; 47545垒 > rampart; 47546邵 > surname; 47547兢 > fearful; 47548赦 > forgive; 47549彦 > elegant; 47550翘 > turn\-up; 47551挚 > sincere; 47552郝 > surname; 47553觑 > peep\-at; 47554拎 > to\-haul; 47555噜 > verbose; 47556阐 > explain; 47557扒 > scratch; 47558凹 > concave; 47559撩 > lift\-up; 47560挠 > scratch; 47561崽 > a\-child; 47562廖 > surname; 47563矫 > correct; 47564涅 > blacken; 47565橱 > cabinet; 47566哆 > tremble; 47567蹬 > step\-on; 47568恃 > rely\-on; 47569拗 > to\-pull; 47570剿 > destroy; 47571簌 > falling; 47572诛 > execute; 47573掳 > capture; 47574幌 > curtain; 47575窒 > stop\-up; 47576雍 > harmony; 47577馅 > filling; 47578瞿 > surname; 47579硅 > silicon; 47580瘩 > pimples; 47581渥 > moisten; 47582邢 > surname; 47583蹋 > step\-on; 47584抨 > impeach; 47585擎 > lift\-up; 47586憨 > foolish; 47587肾 > kidneys; 47588锭 > spindle; 47589窦 > surname; 47590谛 > careful; 47591恙 > illness; 47592茬 > harvest; 47593蛐 > cricket; 47594镣 > fetters; 47595沥 > trickle; 47596谤 > slander; 47597钳 > pincers; 47598睽 > staring; 47599阱 > pitfall; 47600姗 > slander; 47601跤 > stumble; 47602汀 > sandbar; 47603秤 > balance; 47604晾 > air\-dry; 47605霹 > thunder; 47606跚 > stagger; 47607踹 > trample; 47608莞 > smiling; 47609鸥 > seagull; 47610葆 > reserve; 47611氢 > ammonia; 47612帧 > picture; 47613泯 > destroy; 47614匡 > correct; 47615佯 > pretend; 47616暧 > obscure; 47617烬 > cinders; 47618蚌 > oysters; 47619贻 > give\-to; 47620谆 > patient; 47621哝 > whisper; 47622裴 > surname; 47623诽 > slander; 47624癞 > leprosy; 47625啄 > to\-peck; 47626拄 > lean\-on; 47627翎 > feather; 47628燎 > to\-burn; 47629迳 > pass\-by; 47630斡 > revolve; 47631恸 > sadness; 47632啬 > miserly; 47633忑 > fearful; 47634咂 > to\-suck; 47635盹 > to\-doze; 47636俾 > so\-that; 47637簪 > hairpin; 47638赈 > relieve; 47639诠 > explain; 47640谚 > proverb; 47641掸 > to\-dust; 47642匮 > to\-lack; 47643幡 > pennant; 47644讹 > swindle; 47645囱 > chimney; 47646崂 > laoshan; 47647娄 > surname; 47648叟 > old\-man; 47649蝌 > tadpole; 47650蚪 > tadpole; 47651氨 > ammonia; 47652铀 > uranium; 47653挛 > tangled; 47654诋 > slander; 47655绯 > scarlet; 47656攸 > distant; 47657鸨 > bustard; 47658蜗 > a\-snail; 47659谩 > deceive; 47660恫 > in\-pain; 47661谀 > flatter; 47662踮 > tip\-toe; 47663馊 > spoiled; 47664睇 > look\-at; 47665钙 > calcium; 47666捱 > put\-off; 47667蒿 > mugwort; 47668酶 > enzymes; 47669涣 > scatter; 47670杳 > obscure; 47671衢 > highway; 47672赡 > support; 47673磺 > sulphur; 47674蹶 > stumble; 47675谄 > flatter; 47676蹩 > to\-limp; 47677翟 > surname; 47678浣 > to\-wash; 47679疹 > measles; 47680窈 > obscure; 47681幔 > curtain; 47682靥 > dimples; 47683掇 > collect; 47684愆 > a\-fault; 47685鸵 > ostrich; 47686祗 > respect; 47687佘 > surname; 47688窕 > slender; 47689迩 > be\-near; 47690佰 > hundred; 47691邰 > surname; 47692邝 > surname; 47693钹 > cymbals; 47694伉 > compare; 47695靼 > tartars; 47696煲 > to\-heat; 47697獐 > roebuck; 47698佝 > rickets; 47699蓟 > circium; 47700黜 > dismiss; 47701谲 > cunning; 47702摈 > exclude; 47703飓 > cyclone; 47704谗 > slander; 47705胱 > bladder; 47706饽 > ferrule; 47707诳 > deceive; 47708馏 > distill; 47709苯 > benzene; 47710淼 > a\-flood; 47711桎 > fetters; 47712罄 > exhaust; 47713荀 > surname; 47714铱 > iridium; 47715葩 > flowers; 47716逡 > retreat; 47717逶 > winding; 47718宥 > forgive; 47719萸 > dogwood; 47720挝 > to\-beat; 47721钿 > hairpin; 47722熵 > entropy; 47723煨 > to\-stew; 47724砒 > arsenic; 47725晁 > morning; 47726谘 > consult; 47727凇 > dewdrop; 47728噘 > pouting; 47729唣 > chatter; 47730骠 > charger; 47731撷 > pick\-up; 47732怄 > annoyed; 47733锂 > lithium; 47734疥 > scabies; 47735稗 > darnels; 47736洮 > cleanse; 47737悭 > miserly; 47738酮 > ketones; 47739腚 > buttock; 47740逑 > collect; 47741腱 > tendons; 47742馔 > to\-feed; 47743搠 > to\-daub; 47744茱 > dogwood; 47745砷 > arsenic; 47746酡 > flushed; 47747疴 > illness; 47748戗 > support; 47749呒 > unclear; 47750谌 > sincere; 47751痧 > cholera; 47752恂 > careful; 47753笤 > a\-broom; 47754韫 > secrete; 47755怛 > grieved; 47756怙 > rely\-on; 47757皴 > chapped; 47758衤 > clothes; 47759廪 > granary; 47760庾 > granary; 47761挢 > correct; 47762睢 > gaze\-at; 47763塬 > plateau; 47764螯 > nippers; 47765獒 > mastiff; 47766沆 > a\-ferry; 47767帔 > a\-skirt; 47768擢 > pull\-up; 47769薅 > to\-weed; 47770莴 > lettuce; 47771羼 > confuse; 47772捭 > to\-open; 47773葭 > bulrush; 47774倥 > boorish; 47775溴 > bromine; 47776廛 > a\-store; 47777揸 > handful; 47778仵 > similar; 47779髋 > hipbone; 47780肱 > forearm; 47781厶 > private; 47782蚍 > mussels; 47783哙 > swallow; 47784镓 > gallium; 47785铋 > bismuth; 47786胝 > callous; 47787悃 > sincere; 47788矽 > silicon; 47789赍 > present; 47790翥 > to\-soar; 47791蜞 > grapsus; 47792蛩 > cricket; 47793谠 > counsel; 47794鳕 > codfish; 47795跆 > trample; 47796矬 > a\-dwarf; 47797歙 > to\-suck; 47798顼 > grieved; 47799溲 > urinate; 47800蕻 > budding; 47801刳 > cut\-out; 47802鹈 > pelican; 47803铙 > cymbals; 47804椟 > cabinet; 47805镉 > cadmium; 47806嫘 > surname; 47807謇 > stutter; 47808憷 > painful; 47809摭 > pick\-up; 47810谡 > rise\-up; 47811褊 > cramped; 47812鹕 > pelican; 47813镲 > cymbals; 47814钍 > thorium; 47815氪 > krypton; 47816迮 > to\-rise; 47817忉 > grieved; 47818蓍 > milfoil; 47819踬 > stumble; 47820醯 > vinegar; 47821螽 > katydid; 47822荑 > sprouts; 47823郓 > surname; 47824剀 > sharpen; 47825蹀 > to\-skip; 47826锎 > caesium; 47827钇 > yttrium; 47828氚 > tritium; 47829犸 > mammoth; 47830菸 > to\-fade; 47831厍 > surname; 47832鲱 > herring; 47833貊 > leopard; 47834躞 > to\-walk; 47835蛴 > maggots; 47836锾 > measure; 47837铌 > niobium; 47838畀 > to\-give; 47839遘 > to\-meet; 47840泷 > raining; 47841蒡 > burdock; 47842诼 > slander; 47843髌 > kneecap; 47844鳙 > bighead; 47845鳘 > codfish; 47846鳆 > abalone; 47847絷 > confine; 47848箦 > bed\-mat; 47849瘘 > fistula; 47850鸸 > swallow; 47851镄 > fermium; 47852恧 > ashamed; 47853祆 > ormazda; 47854嫠 > a\-widow; 47855搴 > extract; 47856廒 > granary; 47857郄 > surname; 47858诜 > inquire; 47859僦 > to\-heir; 47860龡 > to\-blow; 47861齰 > to\-bite; 47862齩 > to\-chew; 47863齚 > to\-chew; 47864鼷 > a\-mouse; 47865麞 > roebuck; 47866鸑 > a\-large; 47867鷟 > phoenix; 47868鷗 > seagull; 47869鷖 > seagull; 47870鶺 > wagtail; 47871鶹 > the\-owl; 47872鶦 > pelican; 47873鶘 > pelican; 47874鵮 > to\-peck; 47875鵜 > pelican; 47876鴯 > swallow; 47877鴫 > a\-snipe; 47878鴕 > ostrich; 47879鴎 > seagull; 47880鴇 > bustard; 47881鳦 > swallow; 47882鲚 > anchovy; 47883鱭 > anchovy; 47884鱨 > codfish; 47885鱄 > anchovy; 47886鰽 > herring; 47887鰵 > codfish; 47888鰮 > sardine; 47889鰛 > sardine; 47890鰒 > abalone; 47891鯷 > anchovy; 47892鯡 > herring; 47893鮑 > abalone; 47894魜 > mermaid; 47895鬧 > quarrel; 47896髖 > hipbone; 47897髕 > kneecap; 47898骫 > be\-bent; 47899骉 > running; 47900驙 > \(horse\); 47901驒 > dappled; 47902驃 > charger; 47903騨 > dappled; 47904駭 > terrify; 47905駝 > a\-camel; 47906駋 > \(horse\); 47907馮 > surname; 47908饐 > spoiled; 47909餿 > spoiled; 47910餾 > distill; 47911餵 > to\-feed; 47912餲 > spoiled; 47913餑 > ferrule; 47914飤 > to\-feed; 47915颶 > cyclone; 47916颳 > to\-blow; 47917颫 > a\-storm; 47918頙 > correct; 47919頊 > grieved; 47920韣 > bow\-bag; 47921韅 > harness; 47922靨 > dimples; 47923霅 > thunder; 47924雟 > sparrow; 47925雚 > a\-heron; 47926陾 > in\-file; 47927陳 > exhibit; 47928陞 > promote; 47929阧 > sloping; 47930闡 > explain; 47931闖 > rush\-in; 47932閱 > examine; 47933閙 > quarrel; 47934閈 > village; 47935镦 > ferrule; 47936铽 > terbium; 47937铼 > rhenium; 47938铪 > hafnium; 47939铥 > thulium; 47940铑 > rhodium; 47941钬 > holmium; 47942鐨 > fermium; 47943鐓 > ferrule; 47944鐃 > cymbals; 47945鎵 > gallium; 47946鎘 > cadmium; 47947鍰 > measure; 47948錸 > rhenium; 47949錶 > a\-watch; 47950錠 > spindle; 47951錀 > \(metal\); 47952鋱 > terbium; 47953鋰 > lithium; 47954鋕 > engrave; 47955鋊 > a\-poker; 47956鋂 > bit\-cup; 47957銩 > thulium; 47958銥 > iridium; 47959鉿 > hafnium; 47960鉷 > trigger; 47961鉲 > cadmium; 47962鉗 > pincers; 47963鉍 > bismuth; 47964鈿 > hairpin; 47965鈾 > uranium; 47966鈸 > cymbals; 47967鈮 > niobium; 47968鈥 > holmium; 47969鈣 > calcium; 47970釸 > silicon; 47971釷 > thorium; 47972釱 > fetters; 47973釔 > yttrium; 47974酇 > collect; 47975鄺 > surname; 47976鄧 > surname; 47977鄕 > country; 47978鄉 > country; 47979鄆 > surname; 47980郉 > surname; 47981邨 > village; 47982邇 > be\-near; 47983遼 > distant; 47984遶 > entwine; 47985遯 > deceive; 47986逺 > distant; 47987逷 > distant; 47988逕 > pass\-by; 47989逈 > distant; 47990迴 > revolve; 47991轷 > surname; 47992轒 > chariot; 47993輽 > vehicle; 47994軲 > a\-wheel; 47995軘 > war\-car; 47996躦 > to\-jump; 47997躠 > to\-limp; 47998躝 > to\-pass; 47999躘 > to\-walk; 48000躄 > cripple; 48001躂 > stumble; 48002蹡 > to\-limp; 48003踫 > collide; 48004踐 > trample; 48005踈 > neglect; 48006跴 > step\-on; 48007跬 > to\-step; 48008跕 > shuffle; 48009趷 > to\-jolt; 48010趙 > surname; 48011趒 > to\-jump; 48012贍 > support; 48013贇 > affable; 48014贃 > to\-earn; 48015賫 > present; 48016賝 > preious; 48017賈 > surname; 48018貽 > give\-to; 48019販 > peddler; 48020豗 > clamour; 48021谫 > shallow; 48022诹 > consult; 48023讟 > slander; 48024讜 > counsel; 48025讒 > slander; 48026讌 > a\-feast; 48027讇 > flatter; 48028譾 > shallow; 48029譸 > deceive; 48030譚 > surname; 48031譎 > cunning; 48032譈 > dislike; 48033謾 > deceive; 48034謷 > slander; 48035謳 > to\-sing; 48036謭 > shallow; 48037謟 > flatter; 48038謗 > slander; 48039謖 > rise\-up; 48040謌 > slander; 48041謆 > beguile; 48042諾 > promise; 48043諺 > proverb; 48044諶 > sincere; 48045諱 > conceal; 48046諮 > consult; 48047諛 > flatter; 48048諚 > command; 48049諑 > slander; 48050諏 > consult; 48051諄 > patient; 48052諂 > flatter; 48053誹 > slander; 48054誑 > deceive; 48055誅 > execute; 48056詾 > noisily; 48057詵 > inquire; 48058詭 > deceive; 48059詫 > to\-brag; 48060詆 > slander; 48061詅 > to\-sell; 48062註 > explain; 48063訬 > clamour; 48064訩 > noisily; 48065訦 > sincere; 48066訢 > pleased; 48067訑 > deceive; 48068觡 > antlers; 48069覷 > peep\-at; 48070覥 > ashamed; 48071覜 > mission; 48072襜 > flutter; 48073襃 > commend; 48074褽 > cushion; 48075褔 > complex; 48076裵 > surname; 48077裒 > collect; 48078袽 > clothes; 48079袺 > hold\-up; 48080袪 > sleeves; 48081衵 > chemise; 48082蠐 > maggots; 48083螮 > rainbow; 48084蝸 > a\-snail; 48085蝃 > rainbow; 48086蝀 > rainbow; 48087蜫 > insects; 48088蚫 > abalone; 48089蚑 > tip\-toe; 48090虆 > entwine; 48091蘊 > collect; 48092藴 > collect; 48093藙 > dogwood; 48094薽 > \(grass\); 48095薶 > to\-bury; 48096薓 > ginseng; 48097薐 > spinach; 48098薊 > circium; 48099蕝 > handful; 48100蔿 > surname; 48101蔣 > surname; 48102蔘 > ginseng; 48103蓌 > pretend; 48104蒐 > collect; 48105葠 > ginseng; 48106葊 > cottage; 48107萵 > lettuce; 48108菪 > henbane; 48109菧 > stibene; 48110莊 > village; 48111莀 > to\-farm; 48112荘 > village; 48113茷 > flutter; 48114茠 > to\-weed; 48115苽 > bulrush; 48116苅 > cut\-off; 48117艦 > warship; 48118舓 > to\-lick; 48119臝 > be\-bare; 48120腖 > peptone; 48121腎 > kidneys; 48122脝 > distend; 48123聶 > whisper; 48124聯 > connect; 48125聮 > connect; 48126聫 > connect; 48127聨 > connect; 48128耉 > old\-age; 48129耈 > old\-age; 48130翹 > turn\-up; 48131翪 > flutter; 48132羐 > to\-lead; 48133罸 > penalty; 48134罖 > kwukyel; 48135缻 > pottery; 48136缲 > to\-reel; 48137繳 > deliver; 48138縶 > confine; 48139縂 > collect; 48140緋 > scarlet; 48141緁 > to\-join; 48142絪 > matting; 48143粂 > surname; 48144籛 > surname; 48145籑 > to\-feed; 48146簀 > bed\-mat; 48147笰 > curtain; 48148笓 > to\-comb; 48149竸 > contend; 48150竒 > strange; 48151竈 > furnace; 48152竇 > surname; 48153窀 > to\-bury; 48154穫 > harvest; 48155稊 > darnels; 48156稇 > to\-bind; 48157秐 > to\-weed; 48158禢 > surname; 48159禂 > to\-pray; 48160礵 > arsenic; 48161磇 > arsenic; 48162碃 > \(stone\); 48163矱 > measure; 48164矯 > correct; 48165矟 > ''\-lance; 48166瞯 > to\-peep; 48167瞞 > deceive; 48168眽 > to\-gaze; 48169眴 > dazzled; 48170眎 > look\-at; 48171盧 > cottage; 48172癩 > leprosy; 48173癨 > quickly; 48174瘻 > fistula; 48175瘝 > illness; 48176畐 > to\-fill; 48177甔 > big\-jar; 48178瓛 > scaptre; 48179璺 > a\-crack; 48180璊 > reddish; 48181琱 > engrave; 48182玧 > reddish; 48183獹 > a\-hound; 48184獚 > spaniel; 48185狉 > fox\-cub; 48186犆 > special; 48187牮 > prop\-up; 48188燼 > cinders; 48189熻 > to\-heat; 48190熸 > put\-out; 48191熯 > by\-fire; 48192煻 > to\-warm; 48193煥 > shining; 48194烉 > shining; 48195灴 > to\-bake; 48196瀹 > to\-boil; 48197瀧 > raining; 48198澣 > cleanse; 48199澐 > billows; 48200潬 > a\-rapid; 48201溦 > drizzle; 48202渼 > ripples; 48203渧 > to\-drop; 48204渙 > scatter; 48205淪 > be\-lost; 48206涶 > to\-spit; 48207涒 > meander; 48208洸 > sparkle; 48209沄 > billows; 48210汋 > to\-pour; 48211氼 > to\-sink; 48212氕 > protium; 48213毚 > cunning; 48214毀 > destroy; 48215歺 > vicious; 48216歜 > furious; 48217欽 > respect; 48218欄 > railing; 48219櫥 > cabinet; 48220櫝 > cabinet; 48221橆 > without; 48222榢 > a\-frame; 48223椗 > \(plant\); 48224棸 > surname; 48225栢 > cypress; 48226枼 > a\-table; 48227枓 > capital; 48228杸 > to\-kill; 48229杶 > varnish; 48230朾 > to\-bump; 48231朰 > kwukyel; 48232朢 > look\-at; 48233朊 > protein; 48234曽 > already; 48235曖 > obscure; 48236晉 > advance; 48237旣 > already; 48238斿 > to\-swim; 48239斮 > cut\-off; 48240斠 > measure; 48241斁 > dislike; 48242敾 > to\-rule; 48243敯 > to\-defy; 48244敭 > scatter; 48245敜 > fill\-up; 48246敘 > express; 48247敍 > express; 48248攷 > examine; 48249攪 > disturb; 48250攣 > tangled; 48251攝 > take\-in; 48252攏 > collect; 48253擾 > disturb; 48254擸 > to\-hold; 48255擷 > pick\-up; 48256擯 > exclude; 48257擝 > to\-pull; 48258擄 > capture; 48259擁 > embrace; 48260撾 > to\-beat; 48261撹 > disturb; 48262撴 > to\-jolt; 48263撣 > to\-dust; 48264撢 > to\-dust; 48265撟 > correct; 48266撓 > scratch; 48267撐 > prop\-up; 48268摯 > sincere; 48269摠 > general; 48270摂 > take\-in; 48271搷 > to\-beat; 48272搶 > plunder; 48273掽 > collide; 48274掯 > oppress; 48275挍 > collate; 48276拫 > to\-pull; 48277抈 > to\-bend; 48278扽 > to\-move; 48279戧 > support; 48280懰 > be\-glad; 48281懫 > enraged; 48282懤 > grieved; 48283懛 > alarmed; 48284懇 > sincere; 48285懆 > anxious; 48286懅 > bashful; 48287憃 > foolish; 48288慳 > miserly; 48289慪 > annoyed; 48290慟 > sadness; 48291慚 > ashamed; 48292慙 > ashamed; 48293愐 > bashful; 48294愊 > sincere; 48295惷 > wriggle; 48296惣 > overall; 48297惖 > respect; 48298惓 > careful; 48299惇 > be\-kind; 48300悩 > angered; 48301悜 > obscure; 48302悐 > respect; 48303悅 > pleased; 48304恠 > strange; 48305恉 > meaning; 48306怱 > hastily; 48307彧 > refined; 48308彥 > elegant; 48309彚 > collect; 48310彙 > collect; 48311彆 > awkward; 48312廩 > granary; 48313廠 > factory; 48314廝 > servant; 48315廚 > kitchen; 48316廌 > unicorn; 48317廋 > conceal; 48318庤 > prepare; 48319幷 > combine; 48320幫 > to\-help; 48321幨 > curtain; 48322幀 > picture; 48323帿 > marquis; 48324帲 > shelter; 48325帡 > shelter; 48326巿 > revolve; 48327巇 > a\-crack; 48328嶗 > laoshan; 48329崋 > flowery; 48330尟 > surname; 48331寪 > surname; 48332孅 > slender; 48333嫻 > elegant; 48334嫺 > refined; 48335媿 > ashamed; 48336媻 > to\-move; 48337媞 > at\-ease; 48338婬 > obscene; 48339婁 > surname; 48340姍 > slander; 48341奛 > opening; 48342夣 > a\-dream; 48343壽 > old\-age; 48344壭 > kwukyel; 48345壝 > a\-mound; 48346壘 > rampart; 48347壔 > a\-mound; 48348塽 > plateau; 48349塡 > fill\-in; 48350塓 > plaster; 48351塁 > rampart; 48352堄 > parapet; 48353埗 > a\-wharf; 48354圗 > diagram; 48355圕 > library; 48356圂 > pig\-sty; 48357囪 > chimney; 48358嚥 > swallow; 48359嚕 > verbose; 48360嚊 > to\-pant; 48361噲 > swallow; 48362噥 > whisper; 48363嘸 > unclear; 48364嗹 > chatter; 48365喾 > emperor; 48366喥 > a\-place; 48367啱 > correct; 48368唞 > to\-gasp; 48369唅 > a\-sound; 48370咾 > a\-noise; 48371咊 > harmony; 48372咉 > an\-echo; 48373呿 > to\-yawn; 48374呬 > to\-rest; 48375呫 > whisper; 48376呌 > to\-call; 48377叜 > old\-man; 48378厼 > kwukyel; 48379厰 > factory; 48380厫 > granary; 48381厙 > surname; 48382卲 > eminent; 48383卪 > kwukyel; 48384卆 > soldier; 48385匽 > to\-hide; 48386匱 > to\-lack; 48387匧 > a\-trunk; 48388匋 > pottery; 48389匊 > handful; 48390勦 > destroy; 48391劐 > destroy; 48392劉 > surname; 48393剴 > sharpen; 48394凊 > surname; 48395冦 > bandits; 48396兯 > kwukyel; 48397兪 > surname; 48398兂 > hairpin; 48399儶 > valiant; 48400儦 > milling; 48401儤 > on\-duty; 48402儓 > servant; 48403儍 > foolish; 48404僯 > ashamed; 48405僤 > sincere; 48406僎 > collect; 48407傼 > surname; 48408傚 > imitate; 48409傔 > servant; 48410傁 > old\-man; 48411偹 > prepare; 48412倣 > imitate; 48413倝 > sunrise; 48414倐 > hastily; 48415倂 > combine; 48416侴 > surname; 48417侇 > a\-class; 48418侅 > to\-give; 48419佉 > surname; 48420伈 > nervous; 48421伀 > excited; 48422仒 > kwukyel; 48423亽 > kwukyel; 48424亷 > upright; 48425亶 > sincere; 48426亪 > kwukyel; 48427亗 > harvest; 48428乿 > to\-cure; 48429乬 > to\-hang; 48430乥 > kwukyel; 48431乛 > kwukyel; 48432乊 > kwukyel; 48433乀 > stretch; 48434丷 > kwukyel; 48435丟 > discard; 48436丏 > parapet; 48437丆 > kwukyel; 48438䶴 > to\-blow; 48439䶩 > to\-gnaw; 48440䶧 > to\-gnaw; 48441䶢 > to\-gnaw; 48442䶠 > to\-gnaw; 48443䶞 > to\-gnaw; 48444䶗 > to\-bite; 48445䵼 > to\-boil; 48446䴧 > venison; 48447䴒 > wagtail; 48448䳭 > wagtail; 48449䲬 > chicken; 48450䲣 > to\-fish; 48451䲝 > pomfret; 48452䲔 > a\-whale; 48453䱷 > to\-fish; 48454䱉 > the\-eel; 48455䱇 > the\-eel; 48456䰯 > to\-fear; 48457䰞 > to\-cook; 48458䰁 > to\-meet; 48459䮼 > piebald; 48460䮻 > to\-pray; 48461䮦 > untamed; 48462䭮 > jewelry; 48463䭤 > to\-chew; 48464䭠 > a\-snack; 48465䬡 > to\-soar; 48466䬝 > a\-storm; 48467䬖 > a\-storm; 48468䬎 > hot\-air; 48469䫸 > to\-blow; 48470䫘 > healthy; 48471䫒 > disease; 48472䪣 > smashed; 48473䪢 > smashed; 48474䩳 > tanning; 48475䩟 > leather; 48476䩔 > the\-hem; 48477䨨 > thunder; 48478䨞 > to\-rain; 48479䨛 > to\-rain; 48480䨚 > to\-rain; 48481䨓 > thunder; 48482䨂 > a\-chick; 48483䧰 > a\-mound; 48484䧟 > to\-skin; 48485䧍 > a\-crack; 48486䦭 > to\-open; 48487䦋 > to\-grow; 48488䥰 > to\-melt; 48489䥮 > to\-beat; 48490䥊 > refined; 48491䤟 > a\-spade; 48492䤘 > vinegar; 48493䤕 > vinegar; 48494䤈 > vinegar; 48495䣷 > to\-pour; 48496䢶 > a\-state; 48497䢰 > to\-jump; 48498䢬 > to\-move; 48499䢣 > distant; 48500䢢 > to\-pass; 48501䢠 > to\-send; 48502䢙 > to\-ruin; 48503䢒 > to\-meet; 48504䢌 > to\-walk; 48505䠼 > to\-wear; 48506䠳 > to\-walk; 48507䠥 > to\-limp; 48508䠜 > to\-walk; 48509䠛 > to\-jump; 48510䠓 > to\-walk; 48511䠄 > to\-walk; 48512䟾 > to\-jump; 48513䟷 > to\-jump; 48514䟰 > to\-walk; 48515䟭 > to\-jump; 48516䟬 > to\-walk; 48517䟦 > to\-walk; 48518䟐 > to\-walk; 48519䟏 > to\-jump; 48520䟍 > to\-walk; 48521䟉 > to\-walk; 48522䟈 > to\-walk; 48523䟇 > to\-walk; 48524䟀 > to\-walk; 48525䞻 > to\-walk; 48526䞺 > to\-walk; 48527䞹 > to\-walk; 48528䞵 > to\-jump; 48529䞴 > to\-jump; 48530䞯 > to\-walk; 48531䞫 > to\-walk; 48532䞥 > to\-walk; 48533䞤 > to\-walk; 48534䞢 > to\-walk; 48535䞡 > to\-walk; 48536䞠 > to\-walk; 48537䞞 > to\-walk; 48538䝻 > to\-sell; 48539䝮 > to\-brag; 48540䝧 > capital; 48541䜖 > to\-talk; 48542䜉 > to\-jest; 48543䛿 > cunning; 48544䛺 > to\-warn; 48545䛷 > to\-obey; 48546䛰 > sketchy; 48547䛢 > cunning; 48548䛝 > to\-like; 48549䛛 > courage; 48550䚼 > ashamed; 48551䚻 > to\-sing; 48552䚱 > honesty; 48553䚮 > thicker; 48554䚗 > to\-lift; 48555䚏 > to\-love; 48556䙲 > to\-move; 48557䙩 > clothes; 48558䙙 > clothes; 48559䙎 > sleeves; 48560䙉 > clothes; 48561䘷 > sleeves; 48562䘶 > sleeves; 48563䘱 > wealthy; 48564䘮 > to\-lose; 48565䘠 > greaves; 48566䘝 > a\-shirt; 48567䗲 > firefly; 48568䗑 > firefly; 48569䖵 > insects; 48570䖝 > insects; 48571䖚 > a\-tiger; 48572䖘 > a\-tiger; 48573䖕 > a\-tiger; 48574䖄 > to\-burn; 48575䕞 > henbane; 48576䕑 > parsley; 48577䔺 > heading; 48578䔀 > parsley; 48579䒶 > the\-sky; 48580䒘 > parsley; 48581䑧 > a\-short; 48582䑛 > to\-lick; 48583䐿 > gizzard; 48584䐷 > paunchy; 48585䐶 > to\-cook; 48586䐴 > lumbago; 48587䐫 > obesity; 48588䐊 > insects; 48589䏝 > sincere; 48590䏖 > a\-wound; 48591䏑 > to\-burn; 48592䏇 > to\-hear; 48593䏅 > to\-hear; 48594䏃 > to\-hear; 48595䎽 > to\-hear; 48596䎻 > to\-hear; 48597䎹 > to\-hear; 48598䎸 > to\-hear; 48599䎩 > to\-till; 48600䎦 > to\-till; 48601䎤 > to\-till; 48602䎝 > to\-soar; 48603䎌 > feather; 48604䍶 > unicorn; 48605䍳 > disease; 48606䌘 > to\-knit; 48607䌔 > to\-soak; 48608䌁 > a\-pleat; 48609䋎 > to\-mend; 48610䊟 > adorned; 48611䊘 > a\-grain; 48612䊒 > refined; 48613䊇 > to\-feed; 48614䉵 > to\-feed; 48615䉢 > a\-sieve; 48616䉎 > a\-cover; 48617䈬 > a\-small; 48618䈪 > a\-small; 48619䈥 > tendons; 48620䈤 > pincers; 48621䈒 > fragile; 48622䈇 > a\-cover; 48623䇔 > atrophy; 48624䇍 > to\-wait; 48625䆵 > an\-echo; 48626䆨 > the\-sky; 48627䅸 > a\-grain; 48628䄤 > to\-sink; 48629䄏 > bizarre; 48630䃣 > to\-ruin; 48631䂊 > weapons; 48632䂉 > weapons; 48633䂆 > weapons; 48634䂀 > to\-wink; 48635䁲 > to\-peep; 48636䁪 > to\-wink; 48637䁣 > to\-wink; 48638䁛 > to\-look; 48639䁒 > to\-wink; 48640䀻 > to\-look; 48641䀨 > to\-look; 48642䀔 > to\-look; 48643㿦 > to\-tell; 48644㿒 > illness; 48645㿑 > illness; 48646㿍 > scabies; 48647㾷 > to\-ache; 48648㾬 > malaria; 48649㾠 > a\-fever; 48650㾟 > relapse; 48651㾞 > illness; 48652㾘 > ailment; 48653㾖 > grieved; 48654㾕 > a\-chill; 48655㾓 > fatigue; 48656㾒 > illness; 48657㾏 > illness; 48658㾇 > illness; 48659㾆 > ecdysis; 48660㾅 > defects; 48661㾂 > illness; 48662㽴 > illness; 48663㽳 > illness; 48664㽝 > to\-sink; 48665㽖 > a\-human; 48666㼼 > a\-ladle; 48667㼷 > a\-basin; 48668㼜 > a\-basin; 48669㼗 > a\-brick; 48670㻹 > a\-crack; 48671㻃 > crooked; 48672㺲 > buttons; 48673㺗 > to\-bite; 48674㺊 > a\-beast; 48675㹾 > cunning; 48676㹽 > to\-bite; 48677㹞 > to\-bark; 48678㹛 > a\-tamed; 48679㸧 > to\-bite; 48680㸐 > to\-burn; 48681㸍 > to\-burn; 48682㷻 > without; 48683㷓 > a\-torch; 48684㷊 > to\-burn; 48685㷉 > to\-iron; 48686㷅 > to\-cook; 48687㶮 > to\-burn; 48688㶫 > to\-burn; 48689㶣 > to\-burn; 48690㶗 > well\-up; 48691㶓 > to\-sink; 48692㶇 > a\-ferry; 48693㵸 > to\-boil; 48694㵴 > to\-sink; 48695㵣 > thirsty; 48696㵒 > boiling; 48697㵌 > to\-flow; 48698㵅 > a\-river; 48699㴿 > boiling; 48700㴉 > various; 48701㴇 > to\-wade; 48702㴅 > to\-melt; 48703㳺 > to\-swim; 48704㳭 > spittle; 48705㳬 > an\-eddy; 48706㳪 > a\-river; 48707㳦 > a\-river; 48708㳙 > a\-brook; 48709㳅 > to\-flow; 48710㳄 > spittle; 48711㲺 > to\-wash; 48712㲅 > to\-bind; 48713㲂 > to\-push; 48714㲁 > to\-beat; 48715㲀 > to\-beat; 48716㱮 > to\-open; 48717㱖 > to\-stay; 48718㱌 > to\-take; 48719㱄 > to\-spit; 48720㱀 > to\-bite; 48721㰵 > to\-suck; 48722㰕 > a\-ladle; 48723㯻 > to\-bind; 48724㯹 > to\-show; 48725㯸 > a\-basin; 48726㯓 > a\-couch; 48727㯐 > tubular; 48728㯋 > a\-chest; 48729㮸 > to\-send; 48730㮛 > a\-spoon; 48731㭰 > to\-know; 48732㭬 > to\-beat; 48733㭪 > a\-shrub; 48734㭌 > a\-basin; 48735㭈 > a\-basin; 48736㬼 > to\-have; 48737㬝 > obscure; 48738㬔 > to\-defy; 48739㬃 > sunrise; 48740㫴 > to\-roar; 48741㫳 > morning; 48742㫧 > violent; 48743㫝 > the\-sun; 48744㫙 > the\-sun; 48745㫑 > purpose; 48746㪼 > to\-pull; 48747㪱 > elegant; 48748㪯 > to\-lift; 48749㪮 > to\-beat; 48750㪨 > to\-mend; 48751㪧 > to\-beat; 48752㪦 > to\-beat; 48753㪥 > to\-take; 48754㪢 > to\-beat; 48755㪠 > to\-peck; 48756㪝 > to\-beat; 48757㪗 > to\-open; 48758㪕 > to\-beat; 48759㪒 > to\-ruin; 48760㪏 > to\-ruin; 48761㪁 > to\-hold; 48762㩶 > to\-hold; 48763㩵 > to\-beat; 48764㩳 > to\-hold; 48765㩰 > to\-stab; 48766㩯 > to\-move; 48767㩬 > to\-beat; 48768㩤 > to\-open; 48769㩣 > to\-move; 48770㩢 > to\-beat; 48771㩕 > to\-haul; 48772㩋 > to\-beat; 48773㨷 > to\-wipe; 48774㨰 > to\-turn; 48775㨦 > to\-hold; 48776㨤 > to\-wipe; 48777諸 > several; 48778羽 > feather; 48779精 > essence; 48780㨖 > to\-stab; 48781㨏 > to\-beat; 48782㨋 > to\-beat; 48783降 > descend; 48784暴 > violent; 48785㨆 > to\-kill; 48786㨂 > to\-beat; 48787㧿 > to\-bump; 48788㧻 > a\-thorn; 48789㧫 > to\-hold; 48790㧪 > to\-ruin; 48791㧤 > to\-jump; 48792㧣 > to\-stop; 48793㧡 > to\-move; 48794㧟 > to\-wipe; 48795㧝 > to\-take; 48796率 > to\-lead; 48797㧜 > to\-hold; 48798律 > statute; 48799淪 > be\-lost; 48800㧓 > to\-lead; 48801㧒 > to\-beat; 48802㧑 > to\-wave; 48803㧐 > to\-hold; 48804㧊 > to\-push; 48805劉 > surname; 48806㧈 > to\-pull; 48807㧇 > to\-hold; 48808遼 > distant; 48809㧄 > to\-take; 48810燎 > to\-burn; 48811㦹 > a\-spear; 48812㦵 > to\-kill; 48813㦭 > to\-pity; 48814㦬 > ashamed; 48815令 > command; 48816簾 > a\-blind; 48817廉 > upright; 48818㦞 > grieved; 48819聯 > connect; 48820㦕 > thought; 48821黎 > surname; 48822呂 > surname; 48823量 > measure; 48824㥽 > feeling; 48825㥹 > to\-move; 48826拾 > pick\-up; 48827㥯 > careful; 48828塞 > stop\-up; 48829㥤 > to\-pity; 48830率 > to\-lead; 48831諾 > promise; 48832㥕 > to\-pity; 48833㥒 > corrupt; 48834㥏 > bashful; 48835㥌 > prudent; 48836壘 > rampart; 48837雷 > thunder; 48838㥄 > to\-pity; 48839㤿 > to\-love; 48840㤽 > grieved; 48841魯 > foolish; 48842㤺 > blurred; 48843虜 > capture; 48844㤶 > confuse; 48845盧 > cottage; 48846擄 > capture; 48847㤭 > untamed; 48848㤠 > grieved; 48849欄 > railing; 48850癩 > leprosy; 48851㤅 > to\-love; 48852賈 > surname; 48853㤃 > jealous; 48854㤂 > anxious; 48855㣷 > walking; 48856㣶 > to\-walk; 48857㣬 > to\-walk; 48858㣜 > to\-walk; 48859㣛 > walking; 48860㣃 > to\-sell; 48861㣂 > to\-bind; 48862㢼 > awkward; 48863㢣 > to\-lift; 48864㢝 > cottage; 48865㢕 > harmony; 48866㡸 > a\-house; 48867㡰 > a\-house; 48868㡫 > anxious; 48869㡨 > a\-label; 48870㡘 > screens; 48871㡓 > drawers; 48872㡂 > remains; 48873㠭 > to\-open; 48874㟧 > a\-cliff; 48875㞺 > a\-tribe; 48876㞫 > to\-walk; 48877㞧 > to\-meet; 48878㞤 > to\-help; 48879㞡 > to\-open; 48880㞀 > to\-bump; 48881㝼 > crooked; 48882㝱 > a\-dream; 48883㝢 > a\-house; 48884㝀 > to\-like; 48885㜾 > a\-child; 48886㜩 > jealous; 48887㜓 > womanly; 48888㜉 > womanly; 48889㜇 > unhappy; 48890㛿 > cunning; 48891㛻 > womanly; 48892㛯 > to\-soar; 48893㛕 > womanly; 48894㚢 > a\-slave; 48895㙔 > a\-fence; 48896㙐 > to\-move; 48897㙏 > caverns; 48898㘸 > to\-bury; 48899㘷 > mugwort; 48900㘩 > to\-mate; 48901㘗 > whisper; 48902㘕 > to\-call; 48903㘂 > ashamed; 48904㘁 > to\-call; 48905㗽 > an\-echo; 48906㗲 > to\-call; 48907㗱 > to\-suck; 48908㗭 > a\-sound; 48909㗤 > ashamed; 48910㗍 > to\-gnaw; 48911㗃 > the\-lip; 48912㖿 > a\-sound; 48913㖻 > whisper; 48914㖺 > to\-blow; 48915㖭 > to\-lick; 48916㖥 > to\-spit; 48917㕷 > to\-call; 48918㕱 > to\-bark; 48919㕮 > to\-chew; 48920㕟 > to\-sign; 48921㕞 > a\-brush; 48922㕜 > history; 48923㔿 > a\-tally; 48924㔭 > a\-spoon; 48925㔡 > greatly; 48926㔂 > to\-pare; 48927㓲 > to\-pare; 48928㓰 > to\-rive; 48929㓥 > to\-kill; 48930㓟 > to\-peel; 48931㓐 > to\-rain; 48932㒼 > average; 48933㒸 > to\-obey; 48934㒴 > to\-come; 48935㒦 > puppets; 48936㒞 > valiant; 48937㒕 > unyield; 48938㒒 > a\-slave; 48939㒑 > grow\-up; 48940㒉 > alarmed; 48941㑹 > to\-meet; 48942㑐 > to\-move; 48943㑅 > to\-make; 48944㑃 > to\-pull; 48945㐼 > to\-save; 48946㐮 > to\-help; 48947㐁 > to\-lick; 48948是 > indeed; 48949迫 > coerce; 48950応 > should; 48951忘 > forget; 48952国 > nation; 48953返 > return; 48954忍 > endure; 48955迄 > extend; 48956必 > surely; 48957出 > go\-out; 48958辿 > follow; 48959瞼 > eyelid; 48960得 > obtain; 48961辷 > smooth; 48962徴 > summon; 48963徳 > virtue; 48964瞭 > bright; 48965復 > return; 48966辛 > bitter; 48967徐 > slowly; 48968後 > behind; 48969徊 > linger; 48970影 > shadow; 48971事 > affair; 48972轟 > rumble; 48973彈 > pellet; 48974主 > master; 48975強 > strong; 48976弛 > loosen; 48977民 > people; 48978県 > county; 48979现 > appear; 48980分 > divide; 48981些 > little; 48982相 > mutual; 48983回 > return; 48984理 > reason; 48985明 > bright; 48986益 > profit; 48987话 > speech; 48988向 > toward; 48989定 > decide; 48990庫 > armory; 48991度 > degree; 48992底 > bottom; 48993打 > strike; 48994位 > throne; 48995序 > series; 48996幼 > infant; 48997干 > oppose; 48998内 > inside; 48999癪 > spasms; 49000加 > add\-to; 49001化 > change; 49002癌 > cancer; 49003常 > common; 49004踰 > exceed; 49005市 > market; 49006帰 > return; 49007才 > talent; 49008住 > reside; 49009员 > member; 49010巻 > scroll; 49011性 > nature; 49012报 > report; 49013神 > spirit; 49014数 > number; 49015跡 > search; 49016原 > source; 49017巡 > patrol; 49018川 > stream; 49019应 > should; 49020越 > exceed; 49021疊 > repeat; 49022系 > system; 49023畳 > repeat; 49024赫 > bright; 49025及 > extend; 49026制 > system; 49027畠 > garden; 49028解 > loosen; 49029记 > record; 49030林 > forest; 49031贔 > strong; 49032统 > govern; 49033字 > letter; 49034島 > island; 49035質 > matter; 49036论 > debate; 49037貰 > borrow; 49038指 > finger; 49039財 > wealth; 49040花 > flower; 49041層 > storey; 49042条 > clause; 49043变 > change; 49044该 > should; 49045屍 > corpse; 49046传 > summon; 49047治 > govern; 49048决 > decide; 49049局 > bureau; 49050办 > manage; 49051谷 > valley; 49052城 > castle; 49053父 > father; 49054强 > strong; 49055導 > direct; 49056封 > letter; 49057現 > appear; 49058寧 > repose; 49059黄 > yellow; 49060德 > ethics; 49061害 > injure; 49062宮 > palace; 49063找 > search; 49064友 > friend; 49065變 > change; 49066改 > change; 49067守 > defend; 49068讃 > praise; 49069际 > border; 49070单 > single; 49071导 > direct; 49072獲 > obtain; 49073孤 > orphan; 49074校 > school; 49075獄 > prison; 49076猾 > crafty; 49077謙 > humble; 49078謎 > riddle; 49079随 > follow; 49080狹 > narrow; 49081狭 > narrow; 49082母 > mother; 49083狙 > an\-ape; 49084論 > debate; 49085团 > sphere; 49086狂 > insane; 49087課 > lesson; 49088苦 > bitter; 49089招 > beckon; 49090兴 > thrive; 49091該 > should; 49092约 > treaty; 49093話 > speech; 49094詩 > poetry; 49095牢 > prison; 49096绝 > to\-cut; 49097选 > choose; 49098复 > return; 49099星 > a\-star; 49100爺 > father; 49101訴 > accuse; 49102訟 > accuse; 49103妈 > mother; 49104爛 > rotten; 49105記 > record; 49106消 > vanish; 49107娘 > mother; 49108燭 > candle; 49109姫 > beauty; 49110杨 > willow; 49111易 > change; 49112严 > strict; 49113熊 > a\-bear; 49114妄 > absurd; 49115纪 > record; 49116苏 > revive; 49117答 > answer; 49118奮 > strive; 49119煩 > bother; 49120襤 > ragged; 49121击 > strike; 49122朋 > friend; 49123供 > supply; 49124央 > center; 49125列 > a\-line; 49126焦 > burned; 49127爷 > father; 49128龙 > dragon; 49129褒 > praise; 49130夏 > summer; 49131変 > change; 49132春 > spring; 49133複 > repeat; 49134灵 > spirit; 49135裡 > inside; 49136诉 > accuse; 49137态 > manner; 49138裏 > inside; 49139质 > matter; 49140袖 > sleeve; 49141园 > garden; 49142袋 > pocket; 49143副 > assist; 49144够 > enough; 49145获 > obtain; 49146诗 > poetry; 49147街 > street; 49148報 > report; 49149激 > arouse; 49150银 > silver; 49151阵 > column; 49152层 > storey; 49153亮 > bright; 49154简 > simple; 49155毒 > poison; 49156归 > return; 49157换 > change; 49158湖 > a\-lake; 49159蝉 > cicada; 49160追 > pursue; 49161鼬 > weasel; 49162络 > enmesh; 49163漠 > desert; 49164蜘 > spider; 49165團 > sphere; 49166占 > divine; 49167圓 > circle; 49168園 > garden; 49169赶 > pursue; 49170兰 > orchid; 49171國 > nation; 49172圃 > garden; 49173源 > spring; 49174団 > sphere; 49175阶 > stairs; 49176蛛 > spider; 49177黙 > silent; 49178伸 > extend; 49179默 > silent; 49180佛 > buddha; 49181嚴 > strict; 49182挥 > direct; 49183效 > result; 49184攻 > attack; 49185策 > scheme; 49186防 > defend; 49187股 > thighs; 49188蘭 > orchid; 49189莫 > do\-not; 49190嘘 > exhale; 49191县 > county; 49192蘇 > revive; 49193窗 > window; 49194添 > append; 49195混 > to\-mix; 49196鷲 > condor; 49197博 > gamble; 49198弹 > pellet; 49199藤 > rattan; 49200坏 > rotten; 49201智 > wisdom; 49202岛 > island; 49203抗 > resist; 49204喰 > to\-eat; 49205單 > single; 49206爹 > father; 49207喧 > lively; 49208喉 > throat; 49209爸 > father; 49210浚 > dredge; 49211逃 > escape; 49212骂 > accuse; 49213唸 > recite; 49214靖 > pacify; 49215秘 > secret; 49216财 > wealth; 49217欲 > desire; 49218征 > invade; 49219秋 > autumn; 49220吸 > inhale; 49221鳩 > pigeon; 49222員 > member; 49223悲 > sorrow; 49224泉 > spring; 49225桥 > bridge; 49226劲 > strong; 49227咽 > throat; 49228蒻 > rushes; 49229库 > armory; 49230借 > borrow; 49231決 > decide; 49232董 > direct; 49233葡 > grapes; 49234汚 > filthy; 49235控 > accuse; 49236胸 > breast; 49237课 > lesson; 49238邮 > postal; 49239吝 > stingy; 49240横 > across; 49241健 > strong; 49242萎 > wither; 49243萄 > grapes; 49244圆 > circle; 49245卷 > scroll; 49246菫 > celery; 49247择 > select; 49248恨 > hatred; 49249竹 > bamboo; 49250菓 > fruits; 49251宫 > palace; 49252旗 > banner; 49253殻 > casing; 49254厳 > strict; 49255殘 > injure; 49256残 > injure; 49257歸 > return; 49258稳 > stable; 49259迹 > traces; 49260针 > needle; 49261替 > change; 49262卑 > humble; 49263悄 > silent; 49264奋 > strive; 49265櫻 > cherry; 49266弃 > reject; 49267烦 > bother; 49268抵 > resist; 49269码 > number; 49270励 > strive; 49271紫 > purple; 49272拔 > uproot; 49273芝 > sesame; 49274梁 > bridge; 49275赏 > reward; 49276劃 > divide; 49277插 > insert; 49278驢 > donkey; 49279冬 > winter; 49280扩 > expand; 49281橘 > orange; 49282橋 > bridge; 49283逼 > compel; 49284騷 > harass; 49285刹 > temple; 49286镜 > mirror; 49287污 > filthy; 49288標 > a\-mark; 49289狱 > prison; 49290騒 > harass; 49291舌 > tongue; 49292森 > forest; 49293興 > thrive; 49294槽 > trough; 49295怨 > hatred; 49296臼 > mortar; 49297伏 > crouch; 49298愤 > resent; 49299俄 > sudden; 49300凍 > freeze; 49301槌 > hammer; 49302稍 > little; 49303籍 > record; 49304侵 > invade; 49305阻 > impede; 49306慧 > bright; 49307饑 > starve; 49308晃 > bright; 49309腑 > bowels; 49310烂 > rotten; 49311兎 > rabbit; 49312腋 > armpit; 49313尸 > corpse; 49314椿 > father; 49315儘 > utmost; 49316崇 > esteem; 49317餓 > hungry; 49318椎 > hammer; 49319棺 > coffin; 49320粉 > powder; 49321盾 > shield; 49322飢 > hunger; 49323轰 > rumble; 49324奸 > crafty; 49325邦 > nation; 49326棄 > reject; 49327饿 > hungry; 49328捕 > arrest; 49329傳 > summon; 49330梯 > ladder; 49331挣 > strive; 49332聘 > engage; 49333條 > clause; 49334耐 > endure; 49335梃 > a\-club; 49336顫 > shiver; 49337桜 > cherry; 49338闷 > gloomy; 49339願 > desire; 49340悔 > repent; 49341邀 > invite; 49342颤 > shiver; 49343頬 > cheeks; 49344頤 > cheeks; 49345患 > suffer; 49346丐 > beggar; 49347柱 > pillar; 49348柚 > pomelo; 49349翌 > bright; 49350柄 > handle; 49351侮 > insult; 49352铜 > copper; 49353枕 > pillow; 49354罹 > sorrow; 49355罵 > accuse; 49356杵 > pestle; 49357敲 > strike; 49358靡 > divide; 49359扯 > rip\-up; 49360鉴 > mirror; 49361趋 > hasten; 49362佐 > assist; 49363逊 > humble; 49364靈 > spirit; 49365朴 > simple; 49366札 > letter; 49367伝 > summon; 49368伎 > talent; 49369串 > string; 49370霊 > spirit; 49371雲 > clouds; 49372熙 > bright; 49373庙 > temple; 49374仏 > buddha; 49375雌 > female; 49376雇 > employ; 49377隨 > follow; 49378際 > border; 49379階 > stairs; 49380隅 > corner; 49381酷 > strong; 49382乳 > breast; 49383稣 > revive; 49384陣 > column; 49385繕 > repair; 49386昭 > bright; 49387棉 > cotton; 49388搜 > search; 49389縛 > to\-tie; 49390谅 > excuse; 49391烛 > candle; 49392呈 > submit; 49393線 > thread; 49394拓 > expand; 49395敦 > esteem; 49396數 > number; 49397敷 > spread; 49398統 > govern; 49399脾 > spleen; 49400絡 > enmesh; 49401紳 > girdle; 49402鹰 > falcon; 49403約 > treaty; 49404紀 > record; 49405愚 > stupid; 49406糞 > manure; 49407粧 > toilet; 49408撃 > strike; 49409饥 > hunger; 49410鑒 > mirror; 49411逻 > patrol; 49412簡 > simple; 49413鏡 > mirror; 49414換 > change; 49415採 > gather; 49416帕 > turban; 49417冻 > freeze; 49418谦 > humble; 49419捜 > search; 49420丫 > forked; 49421煌 > bright; 49422挿 > insert; 49423拐 > kidnap; 49424荐 > repeat; 49425倪 > feeble; 49426錐 > gimlet; 49427骚 > harass; 49428寞 > silent; 49429篮 > basket; 49430侄 > nephew; 49431拙 > stupid; 49432叉 > crotch; 49433怖 > terror; 49434抜 > uproot; 49435窓 > window; 49436抉 > choose; 49437銅 > copper; 49438銀 > silver; 49439谜 > riddle; 49440颁 > confer; 49441颊 > cheeks; 49442咕 > mumble; 49443舵 > rudder; 49444惩 > punish; 49445咖 > coffee; 49446針 > needle; 49447應 > should; 49448尹 > govern; 49449憤 > resent; 49450淳 > honest; 49451猴 > monkey; 49452弦 > string; 49453缚 > to\-tie; 49454態 > manner; 49455慄 > shiver; 49456陋 > narrow; 49457郵 > postal; 49458窄 > narrow; 49459驴 > donkey; 49460壳 > casing; 49461霉 > mildew; 49462芦 > rushes; 49463胳 > armpit; 49464悼 > grieve; 49465悶 > gloomy; 49466逍 > ramble; 49467悴 > suffer; 49468耍 > frolic; 49469粪 > manure; 49470捆 > tie\-up; 49471選 > choose; 49472遜 > humble; 49473兔 > rabbit; 49474遊 > wander; 49475逛 > ramble; 49476匈 > breast; 49477讽 > recite; 49478拣 > choose; 49479耿 > bright; 49480廿 > twenty; 49481诵 > recite; 49482腻 > greasy; 49483缆 > hawser; 49484鞑 > tatars; 49485氓 > people; 49486慷 > ardent; 49487篷 > awning; 49488荆 > thorns; 49489膏 > grease; 49490鞍 > saddle; 49491鸠 > pigeon; 49492缕 > thread; 49493睬 > notice; 49494绥 > soothe; 49495氧 > oxygen; 49496婷 > pretty; 49497姬 > beauty; 49498吭 > throat; 49499凿 > chisel; 49500捂 > resist; 49501巫 > wizard; 49502虾 > shrimp; 49503绅 > girdle; 49504镶 > insert; 49505颐 > cheeks; 49506删 > to\-cut; 49507讼 > accuse; 49508伶 > lonely; 49509炯 > bright; 49510鸽 > pigeon; 49511渝 > change; 49512椒 > pepper; 49513揖 > salute; 49514冉 > tender; 49515咙 > throat; 49516踱 > stroll; 49517猬 > vulgar; 49518屿 > island; 49519俐 > smooth; 49520褂 > jacket; 49521糙 > coarse; 49522闸 > sluice; 49523颓 > ruined; 49524屉 > drawer; 49525芹 > celery; 49526锥 > gimlet; 49527刁 > tricky; 49528曙 > bright; 49529洼 > hollow; 49530皓 > bright; 49531蒜 > garlic; 49532炳 > bright; 49533渣 > refuse; 49534慑 > afraid; 49535樱 > cherry; 49536忏 > regret; 49537碾 > roller; 49538疙 > pimple; 49539漉 > filter; 49540隧 > tunnel; 49541酥 > butter; 49542钮 > button; 49543隘 > narrow; 49544漱 > gargle; 49545盔 > helmet; 49546磋 > polish; 49547惴 > afraid; 49548蕉 > banana; 49549惋 > regret; 49550痰 > phlegm; 49551羁 > halter; 49552诏 > decree; 49553靶 > target; 49554酝 > liquor; 49555柬 > letter; 49556亵 > slight; 49557貂 > marten; 49558聆 > listen; 49559毋 > do\-not; 49560韬 > sheath; 49561鹊 > magpie; 49562敖 > ramble; 49563膺 > breast; 49564悚 > afraid; 49565卅 > thirty; 49566徵 > summon; 49567碳 > carbon; 49568懵 > stupid; 49569鹫 > condor; 49570硫 > sulfur; 49571踞 > crouch; 49572镰 > sickle; 49573涎 > saliva; 49574壕 > trench; 49575锚 > anchor; 49576钠 > sodium; 49577睿 > shrewd; 49578莺 > oriole; 49579蛊 > poison; 49580烨 > bright; 49581胯 > pelvis; 49582跻 > ascend; 49583鳖 > turtle; 49584腼 > modest; 49585橙 > orange; 49586丞 > assist; 49587娓 > comply; 49588刎 > behead; 49589蹙 > urgent; 49590胚 > embryo; 49591荔 > lichee; 49592铿 > strike; 49593锵 > tinkle; 49594茧 > cocoon; 49595蟒 > python; 49596褴 > ragged; 49597鹃 > cuckoo; 49598猥 > vulgar; 49599獗 > unruly; 49600蒯 > a\-rush; 49601沏 > infuse; 49602峪 > valley; 49603嚏 > sneeze; 49604砾 > gravel; 49605馁 > hungry; 49606佟 > a\-name; 49607茜 > madder; 49608扈 > escort; 49609咛 > enjoin; 49610泗 > mucous; 49611胄 > helmet; 49612锹 > shovel; 49613鹗 > osprey; 49614儡 > puppet; 49615皈 > follow; 49616螂 > mantis; 49617苓 > fungus; 49618媛 > beauty; 49619箴 > needle; 49620叵 > cannot; 49621仃 > lonely; 49622杞 > willow; 49623寮 > shanty; 49624缮 > repair; 49625犷 > fierce; 49626沱 > rivers; 49627厩 > stable; 49628疡 > ulcers; 49629垓 > border; 49630徕 > induce; 49631槁 > wither; 49632遴 > select; 49633圻 > border; 49634龊 > narrow; 49635龌 > narrow; 49636遨 > ramble; 49637骛 > gallop; 49638徉 > wonder; 49639谪 > charge; 49640俚 > rustic; 49641锨 > shovel; 49642锃 > polish; 49643俪 > spouse; 49644锲 > sickle; 49645祚 > throne; 49646臾 > moment; 49647遒 > strong; 49648囹 > prison; 49649嬴 > to\-win; 49650烩 > ragout; 49651圄 > prison; 49652螫 > poison; 49653铤 > ingots; 49654螳 > mantis; 49655茁 > sprout; 49656舢 > sampan; 49657芾 > flower; 49658狲 > monkey; 49659碜 > gritty; 49660僭 > assume; 49661碘 > iodine; 49662烯 > alkene; 49663囿 > pen\-up; 49664囫 > entire; 49665褡 > girdle; 49666镍 > nickel; 49667煜 > bright; 49668橐 > a\-sack; 49669杷 > loquat; 49670恹 > feeble; 49671彀 > enough; 49672聒 > clamor; 49673羯 > wether; 49674粲 > polish; 49675枇 > loquat; 49676秣 > fodder; 49677樽 > goblet; 49678楹 > column; 49679焖 > simmer; 49680睑 > eyelid; 49681轳 > pulley; 49682殚 > utmost; 49683镭 > radium; 49684殄 > to\-end; 49685诰 > inform; 49686鹄 > target; 49687莅 > attend; 49688谟 > scheme; 49689讫 > finish; 49690珲 > bright; 49691淬 > temper; 49692嘬 > to\-lap; 49693佶 > strong; 49694晔 > bright; 49695舛 > oppose; 49696烷 > alkane; 49697蛎 > oyster; 49698焱 > flames; 49699蜥 > lizard; 49700圜 > circle; 49701蜴 > lizard; 49702葺 > thatch; 49703戆 > stupid; 49704嬷 > mother; 49705恽 > devise; 49706蓿 > clover; 49707瘌 > severe; 49708喱 > gramme; 49709钴 > cobalt; 49710岙 > island; 49711貉 > badger; 49712繇 > reason; 49713蜉 > mayfly; 49714疖 > pimple; 49715纾 > loosen; 49716鲑 > salmon; 49717娈 > lovely; 49718荨 > nettle; 49719竦 > revere; 49720狒 > baboon; 49721撄 > oppose; 49722蘼 > millet; 49723茴 > fennel; 49724鲦 > minnow; 49725渌 > strain; 49726阚 > glance; 49727苜 > clover; 49728偬 > urgent; 49729珐 > enamel; 49730靛 > indigo; 49731黧 > a\-dark; 49732碇 > anchor; 49733蠓 > midges; 49734橼 > citrus; 49735蕞 > little; 49736圯 > bridge; 49737魍 > demons; 49738翊 > flying; 49739镏 > distil; 49740碓 > pestle; 49741胼 > callus; 49742挈 > assist; 49743犏 > yak\-ox; 49744悛 > repent; 49745勖 > enjoin; 49746籀 > recite; 49747碚 > suburb; 49748腭 > palate; 49749鳟 > barbel; 49750雎 > osprey; 49751殂 > to\-die; 49752筚 > wicker; 49753疝 > hernia; 49754骀 > an\-old; 49755蒗 > \(herb\); 49756葸 > afraid; 49757菟 > dodder; 49758陉 > defile; 49759筲 > basket; 49760疠 > a\-sore; 49761畛 > border; 49762旰 > sunset; 49763芪 > celery; 49764谖 > forget; 49765敉 > pacify; 49766聍 > earwax; 49767锇 > osmium; 49768烀 > simmer; 49769婧 > modest; 49770菘 > celery; 49771钡 > barium; 49772蝣 > mayfly; 49773蚵 > oyster; 49774襻 > a\-loop; 49775铒 > erbium; 49776铈 > cerium; 49777椴 > poplar; 49778嬲 > frolic; 49779苡 > barley; 49780舄 > a\-shoe; 49781蝾 > lizard; 49782蜩 > cicada; 49783鸫 > thrush; 49784锔 > curium; 49785铟 > indium; 49786眍 > sunken; 49787牖 > window; 49788榇 > coffin; 49789桷 > rafter; 49790幞 > turban; 49791帻 > turban; 49792圉 > stable; 49793摅 > spread; 49794苄 > benzyl; 49795陔 > a\-step; 49796刿 > to\-cut; 49797骶 > coccyx; 49798鲻 > mullet; 49799螨 > insect; 49800虼 > a\-flea; 49801瘕 > asthma; 49802镘 > trowel; 49803磙 > roller; 49804胂 > arsine; 49805觋 > wizard; 49806蓥 > polish; 49807菔 > turnip; 49808仡 > strong; 49809龞 > turtle; 49810龝 > autumn; 49811龍 > dragon; 49812齷 > narrow; 49813齶 > palate; 49814齵 > uneven; 49815齪 > narrow; 49816鼫 > marmot; 49817鼪 > weasel; 49818鼔 > a\-drum; 49819鼅 > spider; 49820黌 > school; 49821黉 > school; 49822黈 > yellow; 49823黃 > yellow; 49824麰 > barley; 49825麄 > coarse; 49826鹨 > anthus; 49827鷚 > anthus; 49828鷇 > chicks; 49829鶽 > a\-hawk; 49830鶸 > siskin; 49831鶯 > oriole; 49832鶬 > oriole; 49833鶫 > thrush; 49834鶚 > osprey; 49835鶊 > oriole; 49836鶇 > thrush; 49837鵻 > pigeon; 49838鵲 > magpie; 49839鵠 > target; 49840鵑 > cuckoo; 49841鵀 > hoopoe; 49842鴿 > pigeon; 49843鴬 > oriole; 49844鴢 > \(duck\); 49845鴃 > shrike; 49846鱒 > barbel; 49847鱎 > \(fish\); 49848鱉 > turtle; 49849鱆 > poulpe; 49850鰷 > minnow; 49851鰕 > shrimp; 49852鯔 > mullet; 49853鮭 > salmon; 49854魵 > shrimp; 49855驫 > horses; 49856騤 > lively; 49857騖 > gallop; 49858騃 > stupid; 49859駡 > accuse; 49860駘 > an\-old; 49861駓 > gallop; 49862駃 > gallop; 49863馿 > an\-ass; 49864餤 > incite; 49865餒 > hungry; 49866顜 > honest; 49867顒 > solemn; 49868顑 > yellow; 49869頽 > ruined; 49870頹 > ruined; 49871頰 > cheeks; 49872頞 > bridge; 49873頒 > confer; 49874頉 > cheeks; 49875韜 > sheath; 49876韃 > tatars; 49877鞞 > sheath; 49878鞚 > bridle; 49879靮 > bridle; 49880雂 > \(bird\); 49881隻 > single; 49882陬 > corner; 49883陜 > narrow; 49884陘 > defile; 49885闞 > glance; 49886闉 > curved; 49887閘 > sluice; 49888镡 > dagger; 49889铯 > cesium; 49890鑿 > chisel; 49891鑲 > insert; 49892鑞 > solder; 49893鑑 > mirror; 49894鑀 > ionium; 49895鐳 > radium; 49896鐮 > sickle; 49897鐝 > a\-pick; 49898鐔 > dagger; 49899鏝 > trowel; 49900鏘 > tinkle; 49901鏗 > strike; 49902鎳 > nickel; 49903鎦 > distil; 49904鎣 > polish; 49905鎚 > hammer; 49906鎒 > to\-hoe; 49907鎌 > sickle; 49908鎅 > to\-saw; 49909鍼 > needle; 49910鍬 > shovel; 49911鍫 > shovel; 49912鍥 > sickle; 49913鍠 > weapon; 49914錩 > vessel; 49915錨 > anchor; 49916鋨 > osmium; 49917鋦 > curium; 49918鋙 > misfit; 49919鋌 > ingots; 49920鋇 > barium; 49921鋅 > zincum; 49922銶 > chisel; 49923銲 > solder; 49924銫 > cesium; 49925銦 > indium; 49926鉺 > erbium; 49927鉥 > needle; 49928鈷 > cobalt; 49929鈰 > cerium; 49930鈕 > button; 49931鈉 > sodium; 49932釬 > solder; 49933釦 > button; 49934釐 > manage; 49935釃 > strain; 49936醞 > liquor; 49937醖 > liquor; 49938酾 > strain; 49939酴 > leaven; 49940鄋 > county; 49941邏 > patrol; 49942逰 > wander; 49943逥 > return; 49944逎 > strong; 49945逌 > please; 49946迯 > escape; 49947迍 > falter; 49948迋 > travel; 49949辧 > manage; 49950辦 > manage; 49951辢 > bitter; 49952轤 > pulley; 49953轜 > hearse; 49954轀 > hearse; 49955輀 > hearse; 49956軣 > rumble; 49957躧 > sandal; 49958躋 > ascend; 49959蹻 > strong; 49960蹝 > sandal; 49961蹓 > stroll; 49962踡 > curled; 49963跧 > crouch; 49964趫 > nimble; 49965趨 > hasten; 49966趕 > pursue; 49967贳 > borrow; 49968賞 > reward; 49969貭 > matter; 49970貪 > greedy; 49971貟 > member; 49972貛 > badger; 49973豻 > prison; 49974谿 > valley; 49975讚 > praise; 49976讁 > punish; 49977譟 > clamor; 49978譍 > answer; 49979譆 > scream; 49980謫 > charge; 49981謨 > scheme; 49982諼 > forget; 49983諷 > recite; 49984諵 > mutter; 49985諒 > excuse; 49986誦 > recite; 49987誥 > inform; 49988詻 > orders; 49989詗 > to\-spy; 49990詔 > decree; 49991訖 > finish; 49992觼 > buckle; 49993觩 > strong; 49994觧 > loosen; 49995觕 > coarse; 49996覰 > to\-spy; 49997覡 > wizard; 49998覊 > halter; 49999襮 > collar; 50000襋 > collar; 50001褦 > stupid; 50002褏 > sleeve; 50003褎 > sleeve; 50004袚 > greave; 50005蠱 > poison; 50006蠩 > a\-toad; 50007蠣 > oyster; 50008蠙 > oyster; 50009蠔 > oyster; 50010蠑 > lizard; 50011蠎 > python; 50012蠁 > larvae; 50013蟷 > mantis; 50014蟬 > cicada; 50015蟜 > insect; 50016蝦 > shrimp; 50017蜋 > mantis; 50018蛯 > shrimp; 50019蛣 > beetle; 50020蛌 > cricke; 50021虩 > fright; 50022虖 > to\-cry; 50023蘤 > flower; 50024蘆 > rushes; 50025藘 > madder; 50026薿 > flower; 50027薗 > garden; 50028薑 > ginger; 50029蕆 > finish; 50030蕂 > sesame; 50031蕁 > nettle; 50032蔙 > \(herb\); 50033蔔 > radish; 50034蔂 > basket; 50035蔀 > screen; 50036蓚 > oxalic; 50037蒎 > pinane; 50038蒇 > finish; 50039葁 > ginger; 50040萅 > spring; 50041菆 > jungle; 50042莵 > dodder; 50043荊 > thorns; 50044荁 > celery; 50045茦 > thorns; 50046茢 > sedges; 50047苪 > bright; 50048苢 > barley; 50049芤 > hollow; 50050艢 > a\-mast; 50051舦 > rudder; 50052舃 > a\-shoe; 50053臄 > palate; 50054膩 > greasy; 50055膣 > vagina; 50056膕 > hollow; 50057腯 > strong; 50058腟 > vagina; 50059腁 > callus; 50060脷 > tongue; 50061脵 > thighs; 50062脧 > reduce; 50063胹 > cooked; 50064胷 > breast; 50065肧 > embryo; 50066肐 > armpit; 50067聹 > earwax; 50068耤 > plough; 50069羵 > spirit; 50070羈 > halter; 50071罫 > hinder; 50072罥 > impete; 50073罣 > hinder; 50074纩 > cotton; 50075纜 > hawser; 50076纔 > talent; 50077纊 > cotton; 50078繭 > cocoon; 50079繫 > attach; 50080繨 > a\-knot; 50081繋 > attach; 50082縷 > thread; 50083縣 > county; 50084縡 > matter; 50085縆 > a\-rope; 50086緪 > a\-rope; 50087綏 > soothe; 50088綅 > thread; 50089絿 > urgent; 50090絚 > a\-rope; 50091紲 > bridle; 50092紩 > to\-sew; 50093紟 > a\-sash; 50094紘 > string; 50095紓 > loosen; 50096紃 > a\-cord; 50097糨 > starch; 50098糡 > starch; 50099籲 > appeal; 50100籚 > bamboo; 50101籃 > basket; 50102簜 > bamboo; 50103簉 > deputy; 50104篳 > wicker; 50105篥 > bulgle; 50106篜 > bamboo; 50107箙 > quiver; 50108笲 > basket; 50109竜 > dragon; 50110竉 > a\-hole; 50111窪 > hollow; 50112窔 > corner; 50113穩 > stable; 50114穨 > ruined; 50115穌 > revive; 50116穈 > millet; 50117稜 > corner; 50118秠 > millet; 50119禦 > defend; 50120祏 > shrine; 50121礫 > gravel; 50122磣 > gritty; 50123碼 > number; 50124硾 > weight; 50125硍 > strike; 50126矴 > anchor; 50127矇 > stupid; 50128瞷 > to\-spy; 50129睪 > spy\-on; 50130睆 > bright; 50131眾 > masses; 50132盩 > callus; 50133皥 > bright; 50134皡 > bright; 50135皞 > bright; 50136皀 > kernel; 50137癤 > pimple; 50138癘 > a\-sore; 50139瘍 > ulcers; 50140痻 > suffer; 50141痚 > asthma; 50142疉 > repeat; 50143疃 > hamlet; 50144疂 > repeat; 50145畽 > ground; 50146畯 > rustic; 50147畟 > plough; 50148琿 > bright; 50149琺 > enamel; 50150珔 > \(jade\); 50151玓 > pearly; 50152獷 > fierce; 50153獉 > jungle; 50154猻 > monkey; 50155猺 > jackal; 50156猓 > monkey; 50157狥 > follow; 50158犺 > animal; 50159牕 > window; 50160牓 > tablet; 50161牐 > sluice; 50162爥 > simmer; 50163爚 > bright; 50164燴 > ragout; 50165燡 > bright; 50166燜 > simmer; 50167燋 > scorch; 50168燁 > bright; 50169熲 > bright; 50170熈 > bright; 50171煕 > bright; 50172煃 > remove; 50173煁 > hearth; 50174焻 > breath; 50175焴 > bright; 50176焠 > temper; 50177烺 > bright; 50178烱 > bright; 50179炁 > breath; 50180瀒 > coarse; 50181瀌 > plenty; 50182濵 > a\-bank; 50183濬 > dredge; 50184澼 > bleach; 50185潨 > gather; 50186潀 > gather; 50187漦 > saliva; 50188渨 > a\-cove; 50189淥 > strain; 50190淟 > turbid; 50191洟 > snivel; 50192泭 > a\-raft; 50193汙 > filthy; 50194氿 > spring; 50195氫 > amonia; 50196殼 > casing; 50197殫 > utmost; 50198欻 > sudden; 50199欑 > gather; 50200櫬 > coffin; 50201櫞 > citrus; 50202櫜 > quiver; 50203橰 > a\-spar; 50204橫 > across; 50205橤 > stamen; 50206橜 > a\-post; 50207橕 > a\-prop; 50208樿 > coffin; 50209樸 > simple; 50210樲 > jujube; 50211樑 > bridge; 50212槥 > coffin; 50213榲 > pillar; 50214榱 > rafter; 50215榥 > screen; 50216榅 > pillar; 50217楯 > shield; 50218楬 > tablet; 50219楢 > tinder; 50220楛 > coarse; 50221楊 > willow; 50222椧 > gutter; 50223椓 > strike; 50224棜 > branch; 50225棅 > handle; 50226棃 > a\-pear; 50227桲 > quince; 50228柲 > handle; 50229杴 > shovel; 50230杇 > loquat; 50231朙 > bright; 50232曡 > repeat; 50233曍 > bright; 50234曅 > bright; 50235曄 > bright; 50236曀 > stormy; 50237暻 > bright; 50238暸 > bright; 50239暲 > bright; 50240暋 > strong; 50241晜 > insect; 50242晄 > bright; 50243昺 > bright; 50244昞 > bright; 50245昑 > bright; 50246旻 > heaven; 50247旝 > banner; 50248敹 > to\-sew; 50249敡 > rebuke; 50250敃 > strong; 50251敂 > deduct; 50252攖 > oppose; 50253攄 > spread; 50254擽 > tickle; 50255擴 > expand; 50256擖 > scrape; 50257擓 > to\-rub; 50258擊 > strike; 50259擇 > select; 50260撦 > rip\-up; 50261撊 > fierce; 50262搿 > to\-hug; 50263揷 > insert; 50264揮 > direct; 50265揗 > strike; 50266揀 > choose; 50267掤 > quiver; 50268掔 > sturdy; 50269捽 > clutch; 50270捼 > to\-rub; 50271捓 > strive; 50272捃 > gather; 50273拡 > expand; 50274択 > select; 50275扐 > divine; 50276扆 > screen; 50277戝 > pirate; 50278戇 > stupid; 50279懾 > afraid; 50280懺 > regret; 50281懴 > regret; 50282懲 > punish; 50283懨 > feeble; 50284憦 > regret; 50285愽 > gamble; 50286愬 > accuse; 50287惲 > devise; 50288惪 > ethics; 50289惎 > injure; 50290悳 > ethics; 50291悧 > smooth; 50292悞 > impede; 50293悋 > stingy; 50294恡 > stingy; 50295恟 > scared; 50296忰 > suffer; 50297徠 > induce; 50298彴 > bridge; 50299弣 > middle; 50300廽 > return; 50301廟 > temple; 50302廐 > stable; 50303廏 > stable; 50304廆 > a\-room; 50305廄 > stable; 50306廁 > toilet; 50307幘 > turban; 50308巤 > a\-mane; 50309巘 > summit; 50310嶼 > island; 50311嶴 > island; 50312嶓 > boshan; 50313嶌 > island; 50314嶋 > island; 50315嵾 > uneven; 50316崿 > cliffs; 50317崟 > cliffs; 50318岨 > uneven; 50319岀 > go\-out; 50320屮 > sprout; 50321屜 > drawer; 50322尅 > subdue; 50323尀 > cannot; 50324寜 > repose; 50325寕 > repose; 50326寎 > drowsy; 50327宧 > corner; 50328孾 > a\-baby; 50329孌 > lovely; 50330嬿 > lovely; 50331嬤 > mother; 50332嬃 > sister; 50333嫪 > hanker; 50334嫐 > frolic; 50335媽 > mother; 50336媖 > beauty; 50337婼 > person; 50338婤 > lovely; 50339娬 > lovely; 50340娒 > matron; 50341姁 > beauty; 50342妸 > person; 50343夬 > parted; 50344夠 > enough; 50345夆 > resist; 50346壿 > goblet; 50347墠 > smooth; 50348堧 > adjoin; 50349堦 > stairs; 50350堉 > ground; 50351圞 > entire; 50352圝 > entire; 50353圎 > circle; 50354圀 > nation; 50355囘 > return; 50356嚿 > a\-lump; 50357嚨 > throat; 50358嚔 > sneeze; 50359嚃 > gobble; 50360嚀 > enjoin; 50361噚 > fathom; 50362噓 > exhale; 50363噏 > inhale; 50364嗿 > gobble; 50365喆 > a\-sage; 50366啉 > stupid; 50367唫 > to\-hum; 50368唈 > to\-sob; 50369哤 > jargon; 50370哋 > plural; 50371咈 > oppose; 50372呮 > to\-sit; 50373呏 > gallon; 50374叡 > astute; 50375叓 > affair; 50376厎 > settle; 50377卄 > twenty; 50378匃 > beggar; 50379勷 > urgent; 50380勵 > strive; 50381勗 > enjoin; 50382勑 > reward; 50383勍 > strong; 50384勄 > active; 50385勁 > strong; 50386劤 > strong; 50387劌 > to\-cut; 50388劆 > sickle; 50389剎 > temple; 50390剋 > subdue; 50391刪 > to\-cut; 50392凞 > bright; 50393凓 > shiver; 50394冑 > helmet; 50395冄 > tender; 50396兲 > heaven; 50397內 > inside; 50398儸 > bandit; 50399儷 > spouse; 50400僱 > employ; 50401僬 > clever; 50402僣 > assume; 50403傯 > urgent; 50404傮 > finish; 50405傎 > topple; 50406偪 > compel; 50407偩 > follow; 50408偨 > uneven; 50409偖 > rip\-up; 50410倆 > clever; 50411倅 > deputy; 50412倃 > damage; 50413俵 > divide; 50414侷 > narrow; 50415佈 > spread; 50416伾 > mighty; 50417伜 > deputy; 50418仚 > to\-fly; 50419亊 > affair; 50420亄 > greedy; 50421乚 > hidden; 50422乂 > govern; 50423丗 > thirty; 50424䶮 > clever; 50425䶁 > noises; 50426䵧 > to\-dye; 50427䵙 > sticky; 50428䵐 > yellow; 50429䵏 > yellow; 50430䵍 > yellow; 50431䵋 > yellow; 50432䵊 > yellow; 50433䴥 > a\-stag; 50434䳾 > an\-owl; 50435䳏 > cuckoo; 50436䳇 > parrot; 50437䲹 > ospery; 50438䲧 > cuckoo; 50439䲌 > a\-fish; 50440䱕 > labrus; 50441䱑 > a\-fish; 50442䱏 > a\-fish; 50443䱃 > a\-fish; 50444䱂 > a\-fish; 50445䰷 > a\-fish; 50446䰣 > an\-elf; 50447䯫 > bright; 50448䯨 > to\-rap; 50449䯝 > marrow; 50450䯜 > marrow; 50451䯃 > saddle; 50452䯁 > a\-mule; 50453䭪 > grains; 50454䭥 > a\-bait; 50455䭝 > to\-eat; 50456䭚 > to\-eat; 50457䭒 > breath; 50458䭌 > congee; 50459䭈 > congee; 50460䬸 > a\-meal; 50461䬑 > a\-gale; 50462䬐 > breeze; 50463䬊 > a\-gale; 50464䬈 > breeze; 50465䬇 > breeze; 50466䬅 > a\-gale; 50467䬄 > breeze; 50468䬂 > breeze; 50469䫾 > breeze; 50470䫽 > breeze; 50471䫼 > breeze; 50472䫬 > to\-bow; 50473䪸 > strong; 50474䪤 > garlic; 50475䩯 > urgent; 50476䩭 > halter; 50477䨾 > hidden; 50478䨺 > cloudy; 50479䨸 > cloudy; 50480䨯 > cloudy; 50481䨟 > puddle; 50482䨉 > parrot; 50483䨇 > a\-pair; 50484䧴 > a\-bird; 50485䧳 > female; 50486䧥 > border; 50487䧛 > beside; 50488䧑 > a\-dike; 50489䥪 > to\-cup; 50490䥨 > a\-file; 50491䥠 > needle; 50492䥍 > a\-whip; 50493䣦 > to\-cut; 50494䣘 > a\-hall; 50495䣈 > a\-lane; 50496䢽 > a\-lane; 50497䠰 > coiled; 50498䠤 > toddle; 50499䠙 > urgent; 50500䠎 > narrow; 50501䠇 > strong; 50502䟱 > traces; 50503䟟 > urgent; 50504䟒 > coiled; 50505䝜 > a\-lion; 50506䝄 > cowpea; 50507䜞 > a\-dose; 50508䛧 > riddle; 50509䛥 > speech; 50510䛣 > speech; 50511䛜 > to\-ask; 50512䛑 > silent; 50513䛈 > to\-vow; 50514䚺 > ballad; 50515䚈 > to\-see; 50516䚆 > to\-see; 50517䚂 > to\-see; 50518䚁 > to\-see; 50519䙿 > to\-see; 50520䙽 > to\-see; 50521䙼 > to\-see; 50522䙵 > rustic; 50523䙡 > a\-knot; 50524䙌 > a\-knot; 50525䘰 > a\-hood; 50526䘬 > armour; 50527䘩 > collar; 50528䘌 > gadfly; 50529䘈 > oyster; 50530䗫 > a\-frog; 50531䖹 > weevil; 50532䖮 > larvae; 50533䖫 > oyster; 50534䖨 > mantis; 50535䖗 > strong; 50536䖁 > number; 50537䕬 > ginger; 50538䕨 > rattan; 50539䔯 > salted; 50540䔢 > cathay; 50541䔏 > a\-lush; 50542䓧 > urgent; 50543䓦 > a\-rule; 50544䓅 > celery; 50545䓄 > grassy; 50546䒹 > grassy; 50547䒫 > grassy; 50548䒉 > a\-long; 50549䒂 > an\-oar; 50550䑺 > a\-sail; 50551䑴 > a\-boat; 50552䑱 > a\-boat; 50553䑯 > a\-boat; 50554䑨 > rudder; 50555䑦 > a\-boat; 50556䑤 > a\-boat; 50557䑐 > bright; 50558䐦 > sleepy; 50559䐥 > stinky; 50560䏪 > tendon; 50561䏣 > maggot; 50562䏂 > clever; 50563䎱 > a\-drag; 50564䎬 > a\-drag; 50565䎙 > flying; 50566䎗 > flying; 50567䎓 > flying; 50568䎊 > flying; 50569䎈 > flying; 50570䎆 > flying; 50571䎅 > flying; 50572䎀 > flying; 50573䍾 > flying; 50574䍬 > to\-use; 50575䍋 > bottle; 50576䍈 > bottle; 50577䍃 > a\-vase; 50578䌴 > uneven; 50579䌱 > uneven; 50580䌜 > to\-sew; 50581䌕 > to\-tie; 50582䋲 > a\-rope; 50583䋑 > to\-tie; 50584䋐 > fabric; 50585䋌 > strong; 50586䊧 > a\-fart; 50587䊥 > congee; 50588䊛 > shreds; 50589䊎 > powder; 50590䊆 > cooked; 50591䉶 > a\-sail; 50592䈺 > bamboo; 50593䈴 > a\-cage; 50594䈎 > a\-leaf; 50595䇥 > narrow; 50596䇢 > bamboo; 50597䇟 > tendon; 50598䇚 > to\-tap; 50599䇁 > a\-cave; 50600䆽 > a\-hole; 50601䆼 > a\-nest; 50602䆻 > a\-hole; 50603䆷 > a\-hole; 50604䆰 > a\-cave; 50605䆮 > to\-dip; 50606䆫 > window; 50607䆧 > a\-cave; 50608䆡 > a\-cave; 50609䆝 > a\-cave; 50610䆙 > a\-kiln; 50611䆓 > a\-hole; 50612䅶 > to\-hoe; 50613䅴 > grains; 50614䅦 > feeble; 50615䅇 > grains; 50616䄹 > a\-year; 50617䄲 > inside; 50618䄭 > a\-year; 50619䄘 > a\-rite; 50620䄎 > pretty; 50621䃥 > stones; 50622䃖 > a\-bank; 50623䃊 > to\-rub; 50624䂷 > broken; 50625䂴 > to\-rub; 50626䂳 > gravel; 50627䂝 > to\-rap; 50628䂘 > pebble; 50629䁿 > sleepy; 50630䁦 > to\-see; 50631䁖 > to\-see; 50632䀒 > gloomy; 50633䀍 > vessel; 50634䀅 > vessel; 50635㿾 > vessel; 50636㿼 > a\-bowl; 50637㿻 > a\-tray; 50638㿭 > cracks; 50639㿧 > fields; 50640㿔 > a\-wart; 50641㽷 > dropsy; 50642㽵 > solemn; 50643㼾 > bricks; 50644㼥 > bottle; 50645㼝 > a\-bowl; 50646㼄 > pearls; 50647㹌 > cattle; 50648㸿 > a\-calf; 50649㸙 > father; 50650㷰 > flames; 50651㷩 > bright; 50652㷋 > embers; 50653㷂 > bright; 50654㶤 > to\-fry; 50655㶈 > creeks; 50656㵪 > saliva; 50657㵝 > moving; 50658㴞 > fluent; 50659㴆 > to\-dip; 50660㳌 > marshy; 50661㱵 > to\-die; 50662㱳 > lonely; 50663㱱 > uneven; 50664㱣 > uneven; 50665㱞 > danger; 50666㱙 > rotten; 50667㱍 > to\-owe; 50668㱂 > hungry; 50669㱁 > to\-ask; 50670㰍 > a\-cage; 50671㰃 > a\-tree; 50672㯾 > a\-tree; 50673㯖 > a\-tree; 50674㯏 > grains; 50675㯎 > stupid; 50676㯍 > an\-oar; 50677㯉 > a\-tree; 50678㯆 > a\-tree; 50679㮿 > a\-tree; 50680㮹 > a\-tree; 50681㮷 > a\-tree; 50682㮶 > a\-tree; 50683㮳 > a\-tree; 50684㮩 > a\-tree; 50685㮧 > a\-tree; 50686㮘 > a\-tree; 50687㮖 > to\-lay; 50688㮌 > cotton; 50689㭱 > a\-case; 50690㭋 > a\-club; 50691㬯 > sunset; 50692㬮 > gentle; 50693㬍 > fierce; 50694㫺 > bygone; 50695㫸 > sunset; 50696㫷 > behind; 50697㫡 > winter; 50698㫅 > a\-flag; 50699㪹 > to\-rob; 50700㪆 > hidden; 50701㪄 > broken; 50702㩾 > uneven; 50703㩲 > a\-fist; 50704㨾 > a\-type; 50705㨻 > to\-cut; 50706㨸 > to\-hit; 50707㨩 > to\-win; 50708㨥 > to\-hit; 50709靖 > pacify; 50710神 > spirit; 50711益 > profit; 50712凞 > bright; 50713㨎 > to\-dye; 50714㨅 > inside; 50715拓 > expand; 50716度 > degree; 50717㧸 > to\-hit; 50718林 > forest; 50719㧳 > to\-mix; 50720吝 > stingy; 50721裡 > inside; 50722裏 > inside; 50723罹 > sorrow; 50724㧧 > a\-comb; 50725理 > reason; 50726易 > change; 50727慄 > shiver; 50728硫 > sulfur; 50729㧉 > to\-rub; 50730龍 > dragon; 50731寮 > shanty; 50732靈 > spirit; 50733聆 > listen; 50734寧 > repose; 50735囹 > prison; 50736咽 > throat; 50737列 > a\-line; 50738㦔 > silkly; 50739㦋 > absurd; 50740㦊 > lavish; 50741㦅 > uneasy; 50742㦁 > to\-sob; 50743勵 > strive; 50744諒 > excuse; 50745梁 > bridge; 50746亮 > bright; 50747㥭 > luxury; 50748㥫 > honest; 50749數 > number; 50750復 > return; 50751寧 > repose; 50752㥟 > enmity; 50753稜 > corner; 50754陋 > narrow; 50755縷 > thread; 50756㥐 > hatred; 50757㥈 > afraid; 50758牢 > prison; 50759論 > debate; 50760㤻 > stupid; 50761㤹 > hatred; 50762㤸 > uneasy; 50763蘆 > rushes; 50764㤨 > scared; 50765襤 > ragged; 50766蘭 > orchid; 50767爛 > rotten; 50768邏 > patrol; 50769㤓 > stupid; 50770串 > string; 50771㣭 > number; 50772㣘 > spasms; 50773㢽 > a\-bait; 50774㢺 > string; 50775㡮 > danger; 50776㡣 > dragon; 50777㡚 > armour; 50778㡁 > a\-robe; 50779㠶 > a\-sail; 50780㠲 > ripped; 50781㠀 > island; 50782㟷 > a\-wart; 50783㟫 > spring; 50784㟥 > uneven; 50785㟟 > a\-lane; 50786㞸 > a\-year; 50787㞇 > ulcers; 50788㞂 > ulcers; 50789㝹 > a\-hare; 50790㝶 > to\-get; 50791㝵 > to\-get; 50792㝧 > stable; 50793㝂 > locust; 50794㝁 > lonely; 50795㜫 > pretty; 50796㜥 > crafty; 50797㛹 > pretty; 50798㚼 > a\-girl; 50799㚻 > sodomy; 50800㚹 > pretty; 50801㚞 > terror; 50802㚐 > a\-case; 50803㚌 > a\-band; 50804㙹 > a\-damp; 50805㙶 > a\-hall; 50806㙬 > a\-bank; 50807㙝 > a\-dike; 50808㙕 > a\-lump; 50809㘴 > to\-sit; 50810㘲 > a\-cove; 50811㗷 > to\-eat; 50812㗵 > breath; 50813㗖 > to\-eat; 50814㖒 > to\-cry; 50815㖁 > stingy; 50816㕠 > a\-pair; 50817㕔 > a\-hall; 50818㕂 > to\-hum; 50819㔺 > an\-age; 50820㔸 > a\-tray; 50821㔜 > sudden; 50822㔗 > strong; 50823㔒 > to\-cut; 50824㔐 > to\-cut; 50825㔊 > to\-cut; 50826㔉 > to\-dig; 50827㔆 > to\-cut; 50828㔅 > to\-cut; 50829㓵 > swords; 50830㓱 > to\-cut; 50831㓪 > bright; 50832㓠 > a\-flaw; 50833㓅 > frozen; 50834㒶 > public; 50835㒵 > manner; 50836㒲 > wealth; 50837㒧 > a\-pair; 50838㒠 > narrow; 50839㑻 > strong; 50840㑷 > manner; 50841㑳 > clever; 50842㑣 > stupid; 50843㑇 > clever; 50844㐹 > strong; 50845石 > stone; 50846短 > short; 50847快 > rapid; 50848在 > be\-at; 50849他 > other; 50850矢 > arrow; 50851到 > go\-to; 50852说 > speak; 50853迅 > quick; 50854地 > earth; 50855心 > heart; 50856下 > under; 50857辭 > words; 50858微 > small; 50859家 > house; 50860御 > drive; 50861辞 > words; 50862后 > queen; 50863小 > small; 50864待 > treat; 50865还 > still; 50866发 > issue; 50867彫 > carve; 50868想 > think; 50869睡 > sleep; 50870轉 > shift; 50871所 > place; 50872輪 > wheel; 50873三 > three; 50874輕 > light; 50875式 > style; 50876样 > shape; 50877軽 > light; 50878建 > build; 50879延 > delay; 50880盲 > blind; 50881転 > shift; 50882廣 > broad; 50883声 > sound; 50884工 > labor; 50885盆 > basin; 50886盃 > glass; 50887正 > right; 50888庸 > usual; 50889女 > woman; 50890力 > power; 50891躑 > waver; 50892因 > cause; 50893重 > heavy; 50894皇 > royal; 50895庇 > cover; 50896次 > order; 50897広 > broad; 50898口 > mouth; 50899使 > cause; 50900白 > white; 50901幽 > quiet; 50902教 > teach; 50903發 > issue; 50904再 > again; 50905発 > issue; 50906气 > steam; 50907信 > trust; 50908北 > north; 50909蹲 > squat; 50910蹟 > trace; 50911由 > cause; 50912却 > still; 50913幅 > piece; 50914入 > enter; 50915先 > first; 50916水 > water; 50917处 > place; 50918巷 > alley; 50919笑 > smile; 50920立 > stand; 50921跪 > kneel; 50922马 > horse; 50923巨 > large; 50924疑 > doubt; 50925利 > gains; 50926赴 > go\-to; 50927光 > light; 50928果 > fruit; 50929赧 > blush; 50930至 > reach; 50931清 > clear; 50932物 > thing; 50933嵌 > inlay; 50934甲 > armor; 50935田 > field; 50936许 > allow; 50937八 > eight; 50938崖 > cliff; 50939崎 > rough; 50940南 > south; 50941色 > color; 50942让 > allow; 50943瓜 > melon; 50944算 > count; 50945賊 > thief; 50946元 > first; 50947貯 > store; 50948思 > think; 50949貨 > goods; 50950岩 > cliff; 50951每 > every; 50952屬 > class; 50953豪 > brave; 50954属 > class; 50955言 > words; 50956权 > power; 50957屋 > house; 50958豆 > beans; 50959七 > seven; 50960尚 > still; 50961尖 > sharp; 50962转 > shift; 50963射 > shoot; 50964空 > empty; 50965技 > skill; 50966轻 > light; 50967寺 > court; 50968寫 > write; 50969英 > petal; 50970寢 > sleep; 50971写 > write; 50972寝 > sleep; 50973寐 > sleep; 50974密 > dense; 50975寂 > still; 50976钱 > money; 50977容 > looks; 50978宵 > night; 50979设 > build; 50980始 > begin; 50981客 > guest; 50982片 > slice; 50983研 > grind; 50984宇 > house; 50985早 > early; 50986房 > house; 50987音 > sound; 50988獻 > offer; 50989獺 > otter; 50990獸 > beast; 50991譲 > allow; 50992獨 > alone; 50993警 > guard; 50994獣 > beast; 50995存 > exist; 50996證 > proof; 50997组 > class; 50998謝 > thank; 50999猜 > guess; 51000嬉 > enjoy; 51001黑 > black; 51002謁 > visit; 51003剑 > sword; 51004独 > alone; 51005乐 > happy; 51006级 > level; 51007説 > speak; 51008举 > raise; 51009证 > prove; 51010照 > shine; 51011誓 > swear; 51012群 > group; 51013晚 > night; 51014誂 > tempt; 51015詞 > words; 51016伤 > wound; 51017类 > class; 51018欢 > happy; 51019爽 > happy; 51020势 > power; 51021証 > prove; 51022刻 > carve; 51023断 > sever; 51024夜 > night; 51025許 > allow; 51026設 > build; 51027价 > price; 51028脑 > brain; 51029訪 > visit; 51030规 > rules; 51031娑 > dance; 51032破 > break; 51033泽 > marsh; 51034燻 > smoke; 51035紧 > tense; 51036觸 > touch; 51037装 > dress; 51038急 > quick; 51039河 > river; 51040血 > blood; 51041投 > throw; 51042覆 > cover; 51043右 > right; 51044奴 > slave; 51045刀 > knife; 51046襟 > lapel; 51047煙 > smoke; 51048奉 > offer; 51049喝 > drink; 51050褸 > lapel; 51051褪 > strip; 51052卫 > guard; 51053夢 > dream; 51054错 > error; 51055裾 > lapel; 51056案 > table; 51057烟 > smoke; 51058裝 > dress; 51059印 > print; 51060壓 > press; 51061烈 > fiery; 51062壇 > altar; 51063块 > piece; 51064裂 > split; 51065袴 > pants; 51066墓 > grave; 51067静 > quiet; 51068炎 > flame; 51069衷 > heart; 51070灰 > ashes; 51071衞 > guard; 51072衛 > guard; 51073速 > quick; 51074塗 > smear; 51075敌 > enemy; 51076塔 > tower; 51077谢 > thank; 51078塊 > piece; 51079怀 > bosom; 51080养 > raise; 51081罪 > crime; 51082濶 > broad; 51083蟲 > worms; 51084濱 > beach; 51085摘 > pluck; 51086施 > grant; 51087模 > model; 51088草 > grass; 51089濃 > thick; 51090值 > price; 51091濁 > muddy; 51092班 > class; 51093修 > study; 51094味 > taste; 51095澤 > marsh; 51096织 > weave; 51097龕 > niche; 51098蝿 > flies; 51099免 > spare; 51100波 > waves; 51101潔 > clean; 51102洋 > ocean; 51103劳 > labor; 51104均 > equal; 51105压 > press; 51106奖 > prize; 51107顿 > pause; 51108漂 > float; 51109判 > judge; 51110素 > white; 51111嘴 > mouth; 51112担 > carry; 51113板 > plank; 51114钟 > clock; 51115访 > visit; 51116黒 > black; 51117黐 > stick; 51118蛇 > snake; 51119构 > frame; 51120溺 > drown; 51121麦 > wheat; 51122麥 > wheat; 51123溝 > ditch; 51124溜 > slide; 51125肉 > flesh; 51126纸 > paper; 51127梦 > dream; 51128虚 > false; 51129蒙 > cover; 51130處 > place; 51131虎 > tiger; 51132噌 > scold; 51133杂 > mixed; 51134怒 > anger; 51135稿 > draft; 51136渦 > swirl; 51137渡 > cross; 51138渠 > ditch; 51139嘗 > taste; 51140罢 > cease; 51141鷺 > heron; 51142鷹 > eagle; 51143淹 > drown; 51144藩 > fence; 51145藥 > drugs; 51146鲜 > fresh; 51147置 > place; 51148嗅 > smell; 51149藁 > straw; 51150鶴 > crane; 51151枪 > spear; 51152涯 > shore; 51153薮 > marsh; 51154薬 > drugs; 51155薦 > offer; 51156涜 > ditch; 51157涙 > tears; 51158配 > match; 51159浴 > bathe; 51160升 > arise; 51161浜 > creek; 51162蔽 > cover; 51163词 > words; 51164泪 > tears; 51165蔭 > shade; 51166津 > ferry; 51167鬼 > ghost; 51168舞 > dance; 51169蓮 > lotus; 51170避 > avoid; 51171桌 > table; 51172蓋 > cover; 51173亡 > death; 51174蓄 > store; 51175闪 > flash; 51176蒸 > steam; 51177震 > shake; 51178咳 > cough; 51179咲 > smile; 51180沢 > marsh; 51181绿 > green; 51182咎 > fault; 51183纳 > admit; 51184汽 > steam; 51185货 > goods; 51186呪 > curse; 51187童 > child; 51188伟 > great; 51189汁 > juice; 51190荣 > glory; 51191献 > offer; 51192吐 > vomit; 51193厚 > thick; 51194鰌 > loach; 51195喊 > shout; 51196轮 > wheel; 51197吉 > lucky; 51198训 > teach; 51199叱 > scold; 51200逐 > chase; 51201盖 > cover; 51202叩 > knock; 51203舍 > house; 51204毎 > every; 51205检 > check; 51206握 > grasp; 51207牙 > tooth; 51208鮮 > fresh; 51209宽 > broad; 51210殖 > breed; 51211卿 > noble; 51212荷 > lotus; 51213歯 > teeth; 51214歪 > slant; 51215歡 > happy; 51216棋 > chess; 51217魔 > demon; 51218腰 > waist; 51219梅 > plums; 51220钢 > steel; 51221茹 > roots; 51222仇 > enemy; 51223欺 > cheat; 51224鬚 > beard; 51225匙 > spoon; 51226净 > clean; 51227匍 > crawl; 51228權 > power; 51229茅 > reeds; 51230累 > tired; 51231享 > enjoy; 51232茂 > thick; 51233勇 > brave; 51234末 > final; 51235糊 > paste; 51236税 > taxes; 51237勢 > power; 51238勞 > labor; 51239苛 > small; 51240惯 > habit; 51241倾 > upset; 51242労 > labor; 51243韩 > fence; 51244贸 > trade; 51245檢 > check; 51246劍 > sword; 51247扫 > sweep; 51248艸 > grass; 51249剣 > sword; 51250吓 > scare; 51251剃 > shave; 51252闲 > fence; 51253舶 > large; 51254刷 > brush; 51255羊 > sheep; 51256権 > power; 51257樣 > shape; 51258扑 > pound; 51259舎 > house; 51260碎 > break; 51261樂 > happy; 51262磨 > grind; 51263臺 > tower; 51264臭 > smell; 51265処 > place; 51266様 > shape; 51267倍 > times; 51268粗 > rough; 51269構 > frame; 51270冶 > smelt; 51271膳 > meals; 51272馭 > drive; 51273朗 > clear; 51274馬 > horse; 51275兼 > unite; 51276鞋 > shoes; 51277欣 > happy; 51278挤 > crowd; 51279楽 > happy; 51280洁 > clean; 51281颗 > grain; 51282惠 > favor; 51283振 > raise; 51284腦 > brain; 51285爬 > crawl; 51286腕 > wrist; 51287桃 > peach; 51288措 > place; 51289泰 > great; 51290坡 > slope; 51291脳 > brain; 51292坛 > altar; 51293償 > repay; 51294検 > check; 51295彪 > tiger; 51296饮 > drink; 51297植 > plant; 51298養 > raise; 51299脊 > spine; 51300椅 > chair; 51301矛 > spear; 51302宾 > guest; 51303肚 > belly; 51304價 > price; 51305贼 > thief; 51306飲 > drink; 51307棲 > perch; 51308飮 > drink; 51309僞 > false; 51310僕 > slave; 51311棒 > stick; 51312働 > labor; 51313傾 > upset; 51314傷 > wound; 51315催 > press; 51316肝 > liver; 51317盟 > swear; 51318偽 > false; 51319箭 > arrow; 51320聲 > sound; 51321類 > class; 51322耀 > shine; 51323顆 > grain; 51324偉 > great; 51325疯 > crazy; 51326耻 > shame; 51327侍 > serve; 51328値 > price; 51329衫 > shirt; 51330頓 > pause; 51331揭 > raise; 51332莲 > lotus; 51333钻 > drill; 51334栄 > glory; 51335峡 > gorge; 51336韻 > rhyme; 51337柵 > fence; 51338丑 > clown; 51339翳 > shade; 51340浓 > thick; 51341捉 > grasp; 51342澳 > inlet; 51343疼 > aches; 51344档 > shelf; 51345抛 > throw; 51346価 > price; 51347阔 > broad; 51348玛 > agate; 51349靴 > boots; 51350尝 > taste; 51351扣 > knock; 51352靜 > quiet; 51353傲 > proud; 51354伺 > serve; 51355锐 > sharp; 51356霜 > frost; 51357吵 > argue; 51358沟 > ditch; 51359浑 > muddy; 51360邪 > wrong; 51361脆 > crisp; 51362偿 > repay; 51363拟 > draft; 51364曳 > trail; 51365離 > leave; 51366雜 > mixed; 51367叛 > rebel; 51368炼 > smelt; 51369雑 > mixed; 51370翼 > wings; 51371呵 > scold; 51372甜 > sweet; 51373抹 > smear; 51374隙 > crack; 51375扔 > throw; 51376廷 > court; 51377掷 > throw; 51378傅 > tutor; 51379晩 > night; 51380織 > weave; 51381喷 > spurt; 51382浩 > great; 51383吩 > order; 51384伪 > false; 51385瞎 > blind; 51386矮 > short; 51387齿 > teeth; 51388緑 > green; 51389娶 > marry; 51390緊 > tense; 51391闇 > close; 51392璃 > glass; 51393斷 > sever; 51394糖 > sugar; 51395珊 > coral; 51396棍 > stick; 51397閑 > fence; 51398玻 > glass; 51399砸 > smash; 51400嚷 > shout; 51401閃 > flash; 51402敵 > enemy; 51403絞 > twist; 51404坟 > grave; 51405鹤 > crane; 51406組 > class; 51407乖 > rebel; 51408級 > level; 51409紙 > paper; 51410納 > admit; 51411轨 > track; 51412擱 > place; 51413擬 > draft; 51414硕 > great; 51415擧 > raise; 51416擡 > carry; 51417擔 > carry; 51418撲 > pound; 51419兽 > beast; 51420籖 > tally; 51421鐘 > clock; 51422遮 > cover; 51423擒 > catch; 51424築 > build; 51425揃 > shear; 51426箒 > broom; 51427鼎 > large; 51428掃 > sweep; 51429鍮 > brass; 51430嗓 > voice; 51431粒 > grain; 51432錯 > error; 51433啥 > what\?; 51434錢 > money; 51435蜜 > honey; 51436挙 > raise; 51437鋼 > steel; 51438拶 > press; 51439鋭 > sharp; 51440搁 > place; 51441鋏 > tongs; 51442肿 > swell; 51443銭 > money; 51444裙 > skirt; 51445胀 > swell; 51446辜 > crime; 51447哇 > vomit; 51448尿 > urine; 51449逮 > seize; 51450刮 > shave; 51451嘱 > order; 51452倡 > guide; 51453搏 > seize; 51454兜 > pouch; 51455魄 > vigor; 51456晰 > clear; 51457糕 > cakes; 51458秩 > order; 51459稚 > young; 51460鈍 > blunt; 51461懷 > bosom; 51462滨 > beach; 51463懐 > bosom; 51464躁 > tense; 51465甫 > begin; 51466禽 > birds; 51467憺 > peace; 51468链 > chain; 51469憬 > rouse; 51470沐 > bathe; 51471凳 > bench; 51472酬 > toast; 51473慣 > habit; 51474灿 > vivid; 51475韵 > rhyme; 51476攀 > climb; 51477咒 > curse; 51478沫 > froth; 51479碌 > rough; 51480坤 > earth; 51481焰 > flame; 51482逗 > tempt; 51483還 > still; 51484魁 > chief; 51485滥 > flood; 51486適 > match; 51487恥 > shame; 51488框 > frame; 51489喀 > vomit; 51490砕 > break; 51491翅 > wings; 51492戳 > prick; 51493桩 > stake; 51494肺 > lungs; 51495纱 > gauze; 51496陡 > steep; 51497烫 > scald; 51498匕 > spoon; 51499鹅 > goose; 51500敞 > roomy; 51501浏 > clear; 51502烁 > shine; 51503诈 > cheat; 51504峨 > lofty; 51505虐 > cruel; 51506辫 > braid; 51507嗽 > cough; 51508怦 > eager; 51509浇 > spray; 51510膛 > chest; 51511闵 > mourn; 51512萃 > dense; 51513袜 > socks; 51514揽 > grasp; 51515荫 > shade; 51516贿 > bribe; 51517敝 > break; 51518熏 > smoke; 51519匀 > equal; 51520沃 > water; 51521蝇 > flies; 51522绞 > twist; 51523呕 > vomit; 51524墅 > villa; 51525秽 > dirty; 51526谬 > error; 51527垄 > grave; 51528呻 > groan; 51529拧 > pinch; 51530彰 > clear; 51531栖 > perch; 51532扼 > grasp; 51533浊 > muddy; 51534杠 > lever; 51535惫 > tired; 51536攘 > seize; 51537缎 > satin; 51538惮 > dread; 51539噗 > burst; 51540矶 > jetty; 51541瓣 > petal; 51542黝 > black; 51543簇 > swarm; 51544懊 > vexed; 51545勺 > spoon; 51546夭 > young; 51547拇 > thumb; 51548铲 > spade; 51549肮 > dirty; 51550哽 > choke; 51551诣 > reach; 51552炫 > shine; 51553钝 > blunt; 51554栅 > fence; 51555冕 > crown; 51556廓 > broad; 51557峭 > steep; 51558磅 > pound; 51559疮 > tumor; 51560赃 > booty; 51561瘤 > tumor; 51562婊 > whore; 51563锯 > a\-saw; 51564秉 > grasp; 51565臻 > reach; 51566嘈 > noisy; 51567诅 > curse; 51568缰 > reins; 51569讪 > abuse; 51570忡 > a\-sad; 51571涡 > swirl; 51572馍 > bread; 51573颅 > skull; 51574祯 > lucky; 51575忖 > guess; 51576烙 > brand; 51577埔 > plain; 51578泓 > clear; 51579噎 > choke; 51580阜 > mound; 51581俨 > grave; 51582炬 > torch; 51583贮 > store; 51584渎 > ditch; 51585癫 > crazy; 51586炙 > roast; 51587肇 > begin; 51588帚 > broom; 51589恬 > quiet; 51590婪 > covet; 51591蹑 > tread; 51592竺 > india; 51593剌 > slash; 51594荧 > shine; 51595赂 > bribe; 51596诲 > teach; 51597筛 > sieve; 51598篡 > usurp; 51599鲸 > whale; 51600抡 > swing; 51601涮 > rinse; 51602挎 > carry; 51603酵 > yeast; 51604橄 > olive; 51605榄 > olive; 51606稠 > dense; 51607悻 > anger; 51608雏 > chick; 51609摹 > trace; 51610涧 > brook; 51611腺 > gland; 51612哮 > cough; 51613袒 > strip; 51614抠 > raise; 51615忱 > truth; 51616噤 > close; 51617髯 > beard; 51618蜿 > creep; 51619镀 > plate; 51620胭 > rouge; 51621髅 > skull; 51622焘 > shine; 51623佗 > other; 51624赳 > grand; 51625糠 > chaff; 51626帛 > silks; 51627侏 > small; 51628丕 > great; 51629鲨 > shark; 51630踝 > ankle; 51631驭 > drive; 51632眈 > gloat; 51633倭 > dwarf; 51634镐 > stove; 51635臆 > chest; 51636孺 > child; 51637虱 > louse; 51638瑙 > agate; 51639褛 > lapel; 51640恺 > enjoy; 51641擞 > shake; 51642箕 > sieve; 51643涓 > brook; 51644噼 > sound; 51645搐 > cramp; 51646戛 > lance; 51647黔 > black; 51648阖 > close; 51649呃 > belch; 51650溉 > water; 51651炀 > roast; 51652皎 > white; 51653榭 > kiosk; 51654酪 > cream; 51655傀 > great; 51656孀 > widow; 51657孪 > twins; 51658泱 > great; 51659岖 > steep; 51660忸 > blush; 51661瞰 > watch; 51662谒 > visit; 51663觊 > covet; 51664氮 > xenon; 51665痣 > spots; 51666摒 > expel; 51667俸 > wages; 51668愠 > angry; 51669岑 > steep; 51670搽 > smear; 51671扪 > stoke; 51672瑚 > coral; 51673皙 > white; 51674绉 > crepe; 51675忾 > anger; 51676盂 > basin; 51677珀 > amber; 51678偈 > brave; 51679沔 > flood; 51680诩 > boast; 51681芍 > peony; 51682褶 > pleat; 51683酗 > drunk; 51684咤 > scold; 51685柠 > lemon; 51686诙 > tease; 51687偃 > cease; 51688绺 > skein; 51689揿 > press; 51690釉 > glaze; 51691鹭 > heron; 51692宓 > quiet; 51693孛 > comet; 51694噫 > belch; 51695弋 > catch; 51696龛 > niche; 51697忪 > quiet; 51698镂 > carve; 51699骞 > raise; 51700颌 > mouth; 51701铠 > armor; 51702鳅 > loach; 51703秆 > straw; 51704嶂 > cliff; 51705椽 > beams; 51706颦 > frown; 51707淖 > slush; 51708恚 > anger; 51709莠 > weeds; 51710橛 > a\-peg; 51711阕 > close; 51712咻 > shout; 51713祛 > expel; 51714蒺 > furze; 51715衽 > lapel; 51716翕 > agree; 51717霾 > misty; 51718砧 > anvil; 51719蹉 > error; 51720哂 > smile; 51721胺 > amine; 51722蛭 > leech; 51723韪 > right; 51724诨 > jokes; 51725赝 > false; 51726岿 > grand; 51727怫 > sorry; 51728荏 > beans; 51729楔 > wedge; 51730擘 > thumb; 51731轱 > wheel; 51732媾 > marry; 51733痍 > wound; 51734獭 > otter; 51735黢 > black; 51736铧 > spade; 51737吒 > shout; 51738疽 > ulcer; 51739诟 > abuse; 51740茔 > grave; 51741桤 > alder; 51742铆 > rivet; 51743酩 > drunk; 51744氵 > water; 51745撺 > hurry; 51746奘 > large; 51747肄 > learn; 51748踯 > waver; 51749孢 > spore; 51750鲲 > spawn; 51751酊 > drunk; 51752铨 > weigh; 51753酽 > thick; 51754阒 > alone; 51755饬 > order; 51756豕 > a\-pig; 51757笊 > ladle; 51758罅 > crack; 51759钜 > steel; 51760畈 > field; 51761囗 > erect; 51762庥 > shade; 51763瓤 > flesh; 51764铩 > moult; 51765渖 > juice; 51766忄 > heart; 51767诓 > cheat; 51768鹑 > quail; 51769茕 > alone; 51770垅 > mound; 51771蟥 > leech; 51772鹳 > crane; 51773鹌 > quail; 51774晟 > clear; 51775啁 > chirp; 51776醚 > ether; 51777琰 > jewel; 51778迨 > until; 51779褫 > strip; 51780鹬 > snipe; 51781瞽 > blind; 51782傈 > tribe; 51783驽 > tired; 51784谯 > tower; 51785铰 > hinge; 51786洌 > clear; 51787堞 > plate; 51788硼 > borax; 51789詈 > scold; 51790酯 > ester; 51791镪 > coins; 51792锸 > spade; 51793戋 > small; 51794扦 > probe; 51795溷 > privy; 51796俳 > actor; 51797雠 > enemy; 51798砻 > grind; 51799蘖 > stump; 51800墀 > porch; 51801麴 > yeast; 51802窳 > dirty; 51803潋 > waves; 51804洎 > until; 51805饧 > sugar; 51806喈 > music; 51807吡 > blame; 51808陟 > climb; 51809鲛 > shark; 51810皲 > crack; 51811瘊 > warts; 51812馕 > bread; 51813搦 > grasp; 51814垴 > small; 51815阝 > place; 51816厣 > shell; 51817糅 > blend; 51818铗 > tongs; 51819阏 > block; 51820剡 > sharp; 51821鲂 > bream; 51822溽 > moist; 51823怿 > enjoy; 51824艹 > grass; 51825髑 > skull; 51826跽 > kneel; 51827簏 > a\-box; 51828裥 > folds; 51829钣 > plate; 51830槊 > spear; 51831椋 > fruit; 51832缳 > noose; 51833绐 > cheat; 51834滢 > clear; 51835龠 > flute; 51836蝤 > larva; 51837氆 > thick; 51838埭 > a\-dam; 51839埽 > broom; 51840坼 > split; 51841诖 > error; 51842鲶 > sheat; 51843貅 > brave; 51844皤 > white; 51845稂 > grass; 51846镆 > sword; 51847锞 > ingot; 51848爝 > torch; 51849氡 > radon; 51850槭 > maple; 51851彘 > swine; 51852彖 > a\-hog; 51853滗 > drain; 51854廑 > a\-hut; 51855匏 > gourd; 51856蕖 > lotus; 51857侔 > equal; 51858鳊 > bream; 51859篼 > sedan; 51860蛞 > snail; 51861蛲 > worms; 51862虍 > tiger; 51863氙 > xenon; 51864赇 > bribe; 51865璁 > \(gem\); 51866绗 > baste; 51867萏 > lotus; 51868埘 > roost; 51869齒 > teeth; 51870齅 > smell; 51871黮 > black; 51872黓 > black; 51873麺 > flour; 51874麹 > yeast; 51875麵 > flour; 51876麯 > yeast; 51877麫 > flour; 51878麪 > flour; 51879麤 > rough; 51880麘 > scent; 51881麁 > rough; 51882鹾 > salty; 51883鹺 > salty; 51884鹹 > salty; 51885鸲 > mynah; 51886鸛 > crane; 51887鸘 > eagle; 51888鷸 > snipe; 51889鷃 > quail; 51890鶵 > chick; 51891鶉 > quail; 51892鵰 > eagle; 51893鵪 > quail; 51894鵞 > goose; 51895鵝 > goose; 51896鴳 > quail; 51897鴪 > swoop; 51898鴥 > swoop; 51899鴝 > mynah; 51900鱻 > fresh; 51901鱮 > bream; 51902鰞 > squid; 51903鰍 > loach; 51904鰋 > sheat; 51905鯿 > bream; 51906鯰 > sheat; 51907鯨 > whale; 51908鯤 > spawn; 51909鯋 > shark; 51910鯊 > shark; 51911鮫 > shark; 51912鮉 > bream; 51913魴 > bream; 51914魆 > black; 51915鬒 > black; 51916鬎 > favus; 51917鬍 > beard; 51918鬁 > favus; 51919髳 > state; 51920髲 > a\-wig; 51921髥 > beard; 51922髒 > dirty; 51923髏 > skull; 51924骯 > dirty; 51925驩 > happy; 51926驦 > horse; 51927驖 > black; 51928騻 > horse; 51929騫 > raise; 51930騠 > horse; 51931騑 > horse; 51932駪 > crowd; 51933駞 > camel; 51934駑 > tired; 51935馡 > scent; 51936饢 > bread; 51937饘 > gruel; 51938饍 > meals; 51939饃 > bread; 51940餻 > cakes; 51941餹 > sugar; 51942餳 > sugar; 51943餪 > feast; 51944餦 > candy; 51945餜 > cakes; 51946飶 > odour; 51947飭 > order; 51948飑 > storm; 51949颽 > balmy; 51950顱 > skull; 51951顰 > frown; 51952顣 > frown; 51953顗 > quiet; 51954頾 > beard; 51955頠 > quiet; 51956頜 > mouth; 51957頀 > music; 51958韺 > music; 51959韤 > socks; 51960韙 > right; 51961韓 > fence; 51962韈 > socks; 51963韆 > swing; 51964韁 > reins; 51965鞾 > boots; 51966鞵 > shoes; 51967鞨 > tribe; 51968鞗 > reins; 51969鞃 > board; 51970靦 > timid; 51971靁 > thick; 51972霱 > cloud; 51973霙 > sleet; 51974雝 > marsh; 51975雛 > chick; 51976隂 > shady; 51977陼 > islet; 51978阹 > a\-pen; 51979闚 > flash; 51980闔 > close; 51981闋 > close; 51982闊 > broad; 51983闃 > alone; 51984閼 > block; 51985閴 > quiet; 51986閦 > crowd; 51987閔 > mourn; 51988镟 > lathe; 51989锼 > carve; 51990锓 > carve; 51991铘 > sword; 51992钃 > metal; 51993鑽 > drill; 51994鑱 > spade; 51995鑚 > drill; 51996鑓 > spear; 51997鏹 > coins; 51998鏵 > spade; 51999鏦 > spear; 52000鏤 > carve; 52001鏟 > spade; 52002鏌 > sword; 52003鏈 > chain; 52004鏇 > lathe; 52005鎬 > stove; 52006鎧 > armor; 52007鎗 > rifle; 52008鎍 > chain; 52009鍹 > spade; 52010鍭 > arrow; 52011鍤 > spade; 52012鍏 > spade; 52013鍍 > plate; 52014鍉 > spoon; 52015錁 > ingot; 52016鋹 > sharp; 52017鋸 > a\-saw; 52018鋲 > rivet; 52019鋟 > carve; 52020鋘 > sword; 52021銳 > sharp; 52022銛 > sharp; 52023銓 > weigh; 52024鉾 > spear; 52025鉼 > plate; 52026鉸 > hinge; 52027鉚 > rivet; 52028鉅 > steel; 52029鈒 > spear; 52030鈑 > plate; 52031鈇 > an\-ax; 52032釼 > sword; 52033釖 > knife; 52034釅 > thick; 52035釂 > drain; 52036鄻 > spoil; 52037郤 > crack; 52038遫 > speed; 52039遝 > mixed; 52040逴 > argue; 52041辮 > braid; 52042辤 > words; 52043辠 > crime; 52044輓 > mourn; 52045輏 > light; 52046輈 > shaft; 52047軱 > wheel; 52048軜 > reins; 52049軌 > track; 52050躡 > tread; 52051踆 > squat; 52052趡 > place; 52053贜 > booty; 52054贓 > booty; 52055贋 > false; 52056賕 > bribe; 52057賔 > guest; 52058賓 > guest; 52059賍 > booty; 52060賄 > bribe; 52061賂 > bribe; 52062貿 > trade; 52063貤 > steps; 52064豔 > plump; 52065讙 > cheer; 52066讓 > allow; 52067讐 > enemy; 52068讎 > enemy; 52069譙 > tower; 52070譌 > false; 52071譁 > noise; 52072謬 > error; 52073謑 > shame; 52074謏 > scold; 52075諢 > jokes; 52076諠 > noisy; 52077諐 > fault; 52078說 > speak; 52079誨 > teach; 52080誆 > cheat; 52081詿 > error; 52082詼 > tease; 52083詬 > abuse; 52084詣 > reach; 52085詡 > boast; 52086詛 > curse; 52087詖 > argue; 52088詑 > cheat; 52089詐 > cheat; 52090訽 > blame; 52091訧 > fault; 52092訕 > abuse; 52093訓 > teach; 52094訏 > boast; 52095觔 > catty; 52096覬 > covet; 52097規 > rules; 52098襾 > cover; 52099襪 > socks; 52100襢 > strip; 52101襍 > mixed; 52102褻 > dirty; 52103褺 > dirty; 52104褕 > shirt; 52105袵 > lapel; 52106衕 > alley; 52107衊 > smear; 52108衁 > blood; 52109蠛 > flies; 52110蠗 > \(ape\); 52111蠅 > flies; 52112蟯 > worms; 52113蟢 > caulk; 52114蝨 > louse; 52115蝘 > gecko; 52116蝓 > snail; 52117蚴 > larva; 52118虣 > cruel; 52119虛 > false; 52120蘗 > stump; 52121蘓 > thyme; 52122蘋 > apple; 52123藾 > shade; 52124藪 > marsh; 52125薖 > empty; 52126薉 > dirty; 52127蒞 > reach; 52128葢 > cover; 52129葍 > plant; 52130萹 > grass; 52131莿 > thorn; 52132荳 > beans; 52133荮 > grass; 52134荄 > roots; 52135茇 > grass; 52136苾 > smell; 52137苶 > weary; 52138舗 > store; 52139舖 > store; 52140舋 > split; 52141舉 > raise; 52142臽 > a\-pit; 52143臲 > jumpy; 52144臢 > dirty; 52145臛 > broth; 52146臙 > rouge; 52147臐 > broth; 52148膶 > liver; 52149膇 > swell; 52150腫 > swell; 52151腡 > lines; 52152脹 > swell; 52153脶 > lines; 52154脢 > flesh; 52155脃 > gland; 52156肵 > table; 52157肕 > tough; 52158耞 > flail; 52159翽 > whirr; 52160翄 > winds; 52161羱 > sheep; 52162羣 > group; 52163罷 > cease; 52164罉 > a\-pot; 52165纻 > ramie; 52166繯 > noose; 52167繮 > reins; 52168縠 > crepe; 52169縐 > crepe; 52170縏 > purse; 52171緞 > satin; 52172綹 > skein; 52173綠 > green; 52174綌 > cloth; 52175絎 > baste; 52176絁 > rough; 52177紿 > cheat; 52178紵 > ramie; 52179紝 > weave; 52180紗 > gauze; 52181紑 > fresh; 52182糔 > juice; 52183糓 > grain; 52184粎 > metre; 52185籤 > tally; 52186簻 > empty; 52187簛 > sieve; 52188簒 > usurp; 52189簁 > sieve; 52190篩 > sieve; 52191篏 > inlay; 52192箛 > bugle; 52193筳 > feast; 52194筰 > cable; 52195筦 > a\-key; 52196竾 > flute; 52197竔 > litre; 52198窽 > empty; 52199穧 > sheaf; 52200穢 > dirty; 52201穠 > thick; 52202穅 > chaff; 52203稾 > draft; 52204稅 > taxes; 52205秇 > skill; 52206禠 > happy; 52207禎 > lucky; 52208祙 > demon; 52209礶 > a\-jug; 52210礱 > grind; 52211磵 > brook; 52212磯 > jetty; 52213磡 > cliff; 52214磛 > cliff; 52215磈 > rocky; 52216碻 > solid; 52217碯 > agate; 52218碩 > great; 52219碁 > chess; 52220硏 > grind; 52221砳 > rocky; 52222砠 > rocky; 52223矓 > faint; 52224矈 > dense; 52225瞏 > round; 52226瞍 > blind; 52227瞇 > close; 52228睘 > round; 52229眹 > pupil; 52230眅 > inlay; 52231盻 > glare; 52232盭 > cruel; 52233皽 > scurf; 52234皹 > crack; 52235皸 > crack; 52236皭 > white; 52237皫 > white; 52238皜 > white; 52239皁 > black; 52240癲 > crazy; 52241癡 > silly; 52242瘡 > tumor; 52243瘋 > crazy; 52244甞 > taste; 52245甛 > sweet; 52246甖 > a\-pot; 52247甎 > brick; 52248瓖 > inlay; 52249瓈 > glass; 52250瑪 > agate; 52251瑔 > \(jade; 52252瑑 > carve; 52253珖 > carat; 52254玈 > black; 52255獝 > devil; 52256獎 > prize; 52257狵 > blend; 52258牜 > an\-ox; 52259牔 > gable; 52260爓 > flame; 52261爍 > shine; 52262燿 > shine; 52263燾 > shine; 52264燦 > vivid; 52265燙 > scald; 52266燏 > blaze; 52267燄 > flame; 52268燂 > smoke; 52269熛 > blaze; 52270熒 > shine; 52271煬 > roast; 52272煢 > alone; 52273煉 > smelt; 52274焔 > flame; 52275烓 > stove; 52276烋 > boast; 52277炰 > roast; 52278炧 > ashes; 52279灣 > a\-bay; 52280灢 > muddy; 52281灔 > waves; 52282瀺 > sound; 52283瀲 > waves; 52284瀏 > clear; 52285瀋 > juice; 52286瀆 > ditch; 52287瀅 > clear; 52288瀁 > waves; 52289濫 > flood; 52290澨 > shore; 52291澗 > brook; 52292澑 > slide; 52293澆 > spray; 52294潷 > drain; 52295潝 > agree; 52296漑 > water; 52297漈 > shore; 52298湩 > muddy; 52299湣 > mixed; 52300渾 > muddy; 52301淸 > clear; 52302淢 > ditch; 52303淚 > tears; 52304淊 > drown; 52305浥 > moist; 52306洴 > sound; 52307洚 > flood; 52308洏 > tears; 52309泚 > clear; 52310沲 > float; 52311汳 > henan; 52312汎 > float; 52313氹 > ditch; 52314氥 > xenon; 52315氜 > clear; 52316殑 > swoon; 52317歾 > drown; 52318歕 > spurt; 52319歓 > happy; 52320歈 > songs; 52321欼 > drink; 52322欸 > sighs; 52323欬 > cough; 52324欙 > sedan; 52325欖 > olive; 52326櫱 > yeast; 52327櫈 > bench; 52328檸 > lemon; 52329檯 > table; 52330檨 > mango; 52331檔 > shelf; 52332樴 > stake; 52333樕 > shrub; 52334樏 > sedan; 52335樁 > stake; 52336槼 > rules; 52337槓 > lever; 52338槍 > spear; 52339榿 > alder; 52340榮 > glory; 52341楳 > plums; 52342楅 > buard; 52343楄 > block; 52344椈 > cedar; 52345棊 > chess; 52346棁 > joist; 52347梲 > joist; 52348梐 > fence; 52349桯 > table; 52350桭 > eaves; 52351桚 > press; 52352栵 > hedge; 52353栫 > fence; 52354栔 > carve; 52355栍 > a\-lot; 52356柶 > ladle; 52357杧 > mango; 52358杕 > alone; 52359朮 > skill; 52360朖 > clear; 52361朅 > brave; 52362曵 > trail; 52363曨 > vague; 52364斆 > teach; 52365斅 > teach; 52366敺 > expel; 52367敔 > gavel; 52368敎 > teach; 52369攬 > grasp; 52370攛 > hurry; 52371擻 > shake; 52372擲 > throw; 52373擰 > pinch; 52374擠 > crowd; 52375撳 > press; 52376摳 > raise; 52377摏 > pound; 52378搤 > seize; 52379搊 > pluck; 52380搉 > knock; 52381揵 > carry; 52382揅 > grind; 52383掄 > swing; 52384捿 > perch; 52385捫 > stoke; 52386挌 > fight; 52387拋 > throw; 52388拃 > grope; 52389扢 > caper; 52390戭 > spear; 52391戣 > lance; 52392戞 > lance; 52393戔 > small; 52394懽 > happy; 52395懥 > angry; 52396懠 > angry; 52397懌 > enjoy; 52398憭 > clear; 52399憚 > dread; 52400憊 > tired; 52401慬 > brave; 52402慍 > angry; 52403愾 > anger; 52404愷 > enjoy; 52405愞 > timid; 52406愃 > relax; 52407悾 > naive; 52408悰 > enjoy; 52409悆 > happy; 52410恵 > favor; 52411恓 > vexed; 52412彑 > snout; 52413彐 > snout; 52414彂 > issue; 52415弉 > large; 52416廕 > shade; 52417幭 > cover; 52418幪 > cover; 52419幦 > cover; 52420幠 > cover; 52421帒 > a\-bag; 52422帋 > paper; 52423巭 > study; 52424巛 > river; 52425巖 > cliff; 52426巌 > cliff; 52427巋 > grand; 52428巉 > steep; 52429巃 > lofty; 52430嶰 > gorge; 52431嶡 > table; 52432嶞 > ridge; 52433嶔 > lofty; 52434嶇 > steep; 52435嵜 > rough; 52436嵒 > cliff; 52437嵂 > lofty; 52438崱 > lofty; 52439崚 > hilly; 52440崕 > cliff; 52441峽 > gorge; 52442峩 > lofty; 52443屶 > lofty; 52444屴 > lofty; 52445屪 > penis; 52446屌 > penis; 52447尰 > swell; 52448尙 > still; 52449寬 > broad; 52450寛 > broad; 52451寁 > quick; 52452宻 > dense; 52453宍 > flesh; 52454孿 > twins; 52455孖 > twins; 52456嫚 > scorn; 52457姪 > niece; 52458奰 > anger; 52459奬 > prize; 52460奨 > prize; 52461奝 > large; 52462壠 > mound; 52463壟 > grave; 52464壆 > stiff; 52465墺 > walls; 52466墳 > grave; 52467墝 > stony; 52468墍 > paint; 52469墈 > cliff; 52470塼 > brick; 52471塜 > dusty; 52472塙 > truly; 52473塒 > roost; 52474塋 > grave; 52475塈 > paint; 52476堿 > salty; 52477堽 > mound; 52478堖 > small; 52479埳 > a\-pit; 52480埌 > waste; 52481埆 > stony; 52482垚 > mound; 52483坿 > mound; 52484坰 > wilds; 52485圌 > fence; 52486囑 > order; 52487囅 > smile; 52488嚮 > guide; 52489嚭 > mound; 52490嚬 > frown; 52491嚡 > rough; 52492嚐 > taste; 52493嚇 > scare; 52494噺 > story; 52495噴 > spurt; 52496噭 > shout; 52497噦 > belch; 52498嘢 > thing; 52499嘒 > sharp; 52500嗛 > pouch; 52501嗙 > boast; 52502嗐 > alas\!; 52503喴 > hello; 52504啲 > a\-few; 52505啢 > ounce; 52506啍 > creak; 52507唡 > ounce; 52508唎 > sound; 52509哶 > bleat; 52510哕 > belch; 52511咢 > sound; 52512咍 > laugh; 52513吰 > clang; 52514吣 > vomit; 52515叚 > false; 52516厺 > to\-go; 52517厹 > spear; 52518厴 > shell; 52519厪 > a\-hut; 52520厖 > bulky; 52521卻 > still; 52522卬 > lofty; 52523匜 > basin; 52524勻 > equal; 52525劔 > sword; 52526劒 > sword; 52527劎 > sword; 52528剱 > sword; 52529剠 > brand; 52530刂 > knife; 52531凼 > ditch; 52532凈 > clean; 52533冩 > write; 52534冧 > a\-bud; 52535冚 > cover; 52536冖 > cover; 52537冁 > smile; 52538儼 > grave; 52539儎 > carry; 52540儌 > lucky; 52541僿 > small; 52542僄 > light; 52543傫 > tired; 52544偐 > false; 52545偁 > state; 52546倖 > lucky; 52547俶 > start; 52548侐 > quiet; 52549侁 > crowd; 52550佺 > fairy; 52551佌 > small; 52552伩 > trust; 52553仫 > tribe; 52554亾 > death; 52555亱 > night; 52556乕 > tiger; 52557丵 > thick; 52558丯 > dense; 52559丮 > catch; 52560丌 > table; 52561丅 > under; 52562丄 > above; 52563䶓 > ramie; 52564䶏 > tears; 52565䶋 > sound; 52566䶇 > a\-rat; 52567䶆 > a\-rat; 52568䵭 > black; 52569䵥 > black; 52570䵟 > black; 52571䴺 > cakes; 52572䴹 > cakes; 52573䴵 > cakes; 52574䴲 > flour; 52575䴞 > salty; 52576䳽 > crane; 52577䳱 > ducks; 52578䳘 > goose; 52579䳗 > goose; 52580䲡 > loach; 52581䲑 > spawn; 52582䱜 > shark; 52583䱖 > shark; 52584䱋 > spawn; 52585䰢 > ghost; 52586䰗 > a\-lot; 52587䰒 > vague; 52588䰑 > beard; 52589䰅 > beard; 52590䯾 > hairy; 52591䯸 > a\-wig; 52592䯍 > bones; 52593䭽 > group; 52594䭦 > cakes; 52595䭟 > cakes; 52596䭐 > cakes; 52597䭎 > cakes; 52598䭅 > cakes; 52599䬿 > small; 52600䬵 > syrup; 52601䬮 > syrup; 52602䫵 > twins; 52603䫖 > timid; 52604䫎 > short; 52605䪻 > a\-cap; 52606䪱 > cheek; 52607䪯 > sound; 52608䪛 > group; 52609䪘 > right; 52610䪗 > shoes; 52611䪂 > reins; 52612䩺 > boots; 52613䩖 > shoes; 52614䩕 > clogs; 52615䩓 > boots; 52616䩅 > broad; 52617䨹 > swift; 52618䨷 > sleet; 52619䨘 > sleet; 52620䨋 > cruel; 52621䨄 > quail; 52622䨁 > ducks; 52623䧽 > small; 52624䧪 > sissy; 52625䧎 > a\-pit; 52626䧆 > a\-pit; 52627䦾 > lofty; 52628䦢 > broad; 52629䦞 > extra; 52630䦗 > quiet; 52631䦔 > a\-peg; 52632䥵 > lines; 52633䥘 > wrong; 52634䥓 > a\-hoe; 52635䥁 > armor; 52636䤺 > an\-ax; 52637䤴 > armor; 52638䤪 > short; 52639䤢 > metal; 52640䤜 > blunt; 52641䤚 > plums; 52642䤙 > dregs; 52643䣱 > drunk; 52644䣧 > black; 52645䢔 > mixed; 52646䢑 > angry; 52647䡖 > still; 52648䠢 > weary; 52649䠠 > to\-go; 52650䟠 > swift; 52651䟜 > break; 52652䞈 > money; 52653䝭 > wages; 52654䝫 > money; 52655䝒 > a\-sow; 52656䝏 > a\-sow; 52657䝎 > a\-pig; 52658䝊 > a\-sow; 52659䝅 > a\-pig; 52660䝃 > beans; 52661䜴 > brave; 52662䜎 > sound; 52663䜍 > sweet; 52664䜌 > chaos; 52665䜊 > noise; 52666䛭 > angry; 52667䛡 > words; 52668䚴 > anger; 52669䚟 > horns; 52670䚉 > o\-see; 52671䘊 > flies; 52672䗕 > bends; 52673䖎 > tiger; 52674䖋 > cruel; 52675䖈 > cruel; 52676䒸 > grass; 52677䒑 > grass; 52678䑚 > sweet; 52679䑕 > a\-rat; 52680䑁 > fatty; 52681䐬 > crisp; 52682䐝 > thick; 52683䐗 > a\-pig; 52684䐇 > clear; 52685䏵 > plump; 52686䏳 > olein; 52687䏯 > moles; 52688䏧 > fatty; 52689䏚 > small; 52690䎐 > hairy; 52691䎇 > quick; 52692䎄 > hairy; 52693䍥 > smoky; 52694䍌 > a\-jar; 52695䌻 > wings; 52696䌑 > tight; 52697䌐 > ropes; 52698䋵 > quick; 52699䋥 > lines; 52700䋚 > wings; 52701䋙 > reins; 52702䊾 > ropes; 52703䊻 > silky; 52704䊹 > small; 52705䊀 > paste; 52706䉿 > paste; 52707䉞 > a\-box; 52708䈉 > a\-fan; 52709䇲 > tongs; 52710䇤 > sharp; 52711䇂 > fault; 52712䆹 > empty; 52713䆜 > empty; 52714䆁 > syrup; 52715䅵 > chaff; 52716䅙 > grass; 52717䅘 > wheat; 52718䅆 > dense; 52719䄾 > thick; 52720䄥 > a\-god; 52721䄢 > pious; 52722䃬 > rocky; 52723䃛 > chain; 52724䃙 > rocks; 52725䃗 > rocks; 52726䂽 > rocks; 52727䂼 > rocks; 52728䂺 > rocks; 52729䂰 > rocks; 52730䂮 > stone; 52731䂦 > tired; 52732䂟 > rocks; 52733䂖 > rocks; 52734䂕 > short; 52735䂔 > short; 52736䂑 > short; 52737䂏 > short; 52738䁫 > muddy; 52739䁟 > wrong; 52740䁗 > light; 52741䁍 > blind; 52742䀼 > angry; 52743䀇 > a\-pot; 52744㿷 > rough; 52745㿮 > green; 52746㿩 > light; 52747㿥 > shine; 52748㿤 > white; 52749㿝 > sweet; 52750㿕 > ulcer; 52751㾰 > choke; 52752㾧 > favus; 52753㾡 > ulcer; 52754㾚 > itchy; 52755㾐 > ulcer; 52756㽿 > ulcer; 52757㽡 > field; 52758㼏 > a\-bad; 52759㻭 > clear; 52760㺃 > a\-dog; 52761㹻 > puppy; 52762㹷 > swine; 52763㹋 > a\-cow; 52764㹀 > a\-cow; 52765㸺 > a\-cow; 52766㸅 > ashes; 52767㸃 > a\-dot; 52768㷿 > flame; 52769㷥 > steam; 52770㷔 > flame; 52771㷑 > smoke; 52772㷇 > great; 52773㶳 > ashes; 52774㶰 > flame; 52775㶦 > ashes; 52776㶖 > rapid; 52777㵹 > waves; 52778㴃 > tears; 52779㳹 > flood; 52780㳰 > ditch; 52781㳮 > urine; 52782㳛 > dirty; 52783㲧 > hairy; 52784㲆 > noise; 52785㰼 > greed; 52786㰪 > sound; 52787㰥 > laugh; 52788㰢 > cough; 52789㯷 > dates; 52790㮥 > sails; 52791㮢 > fruit; 52792㮕 > fruit; 52793㬶 > flesh; 52794㬳 > light; 52795㬦 > brave; 52796㬚 > light; 52797㬕 > light; 52798㬏 > light; 52799㬊 > light; 52800㫼 > clear; 52801㫹 > light; 52802㫶 > light; 52803㫰 > light; 52804㫫 > clear; 52805㫜 > light; 52806㫛 > light; 52807㫗 > thick; 52808㫕 > light; 52809㩡 > shake; 52810鶴 > crane; 52811㨛 > swift; 52812㨗 > alert; 52813嗀 > vomit; 52814廓 > broad; 52815糖 > sugar; 52816㨃 > a\-row; 52817炙 > roast; 52818粒 > grain; 52819立 > stand; 52820溺 > drown; 52821離 > leave; 52822利 > gains; 52823㧛 > thick; 52824輪 > wheel; 52825類 > class; 52826㧍 > alike; 52827溜 > slide; 52828樂 > happy; 52829尿 > urine; 52830㦷 > brave; 52831㦮 > money; 52832說 > speak; 52833裂 > split; 52834㦡 > happy; 52835烈 > fiery; 52836蓮 > lotus; 52837㦘 > swift; 52838煉 > smelt; 52839㦑 > anger; 52840力 > power; 52841女 > woman; 52842㥿 > proud; 52843㥷 > quiet; 52844㥲 > anger; 52845說 > speak; 52846北 > north; 52847怒 > anger; 52848樂 > happy; 52849㥓 > happy; 52850累 > tired; 52851淚 > tears; 52852㥊 > angry; 52853賂 > bribe; 52854壟 > grave; 52855㥂 > quick; 52856綠 > green; 52857碌 > rough; 52858鷺 > heron; 52859㤱 > anger; 52860勞 > labor; 52861朗 > clear; 52862濫 > flood; 52863㤣 > noble; 52864㤜 > crazy; 52865酪 > cream; 52866㤙 > grace; 52867烙 > brand; 52868樂 > happy; 52869㣲 > small; 52870㣟 > to\-go; 52871㣏 > still; 52872㣉 > labor; 52873㢛 > small; 52874㢙 > a\-hut; 52875㡶 > dwell; 52876㡴 > sound; 52877㡕 > sharp; 52878㡐 > flags; 52879㡌 > a\-hat; 52880㡇 > colar; 52881㡄 > colar; 52882㠪 > great; 52883㠕 > lofty; 52884㠍 > lofty; 52885㟵 > ridge; 52886㟮 > lofty; 52887㟠 > ridge; 52888㟅 > lofty; 52889㟁 > shore; 52890㞾 > a\-nun; 52891㞙 > urine; 52892㞕 > chips; 52893㞒 > lusty; 52894㞏 > small; 52895㞃 > tired; 52896㝽 > short; 52897㝺 > small; 52898㝤 > night; 52899㝣 > still; 52900㝜 > night; 52901㝖 > right; 52902㝕 > peace; 52903㝏 > alone; 52904㝇 > quail; 52905㜽 > child; 52906㜧 > plump; 52907㜜 > proud; 52908㛨 > chaos; 52909㛚 > equal; 52910㛃 > clean; 52911㛁 > quick; 52912㚮 > happy; 52913㚕 > great; 52914㚀 > lofty; 52915㙯 > skill; 52916㙥 > muddy; 52917㙓 > earth; 52918㙄 > below; 52919㘋 > sound; 52920㗅 > angry; 52921㖤 > wrath; 52922㖔 > silly; 52923㖏 > angry; 52924㖀 > sound; 52925㕳 > noisy; 52926㕖 > plain; 52927㕎 > caves; 52928㕁 > still; 52929㔻 > great; 52930㓻 > tough; 52931㓝 > a\-law; 52932㓜 > young; 52933㓛 > merit; 52934㓙 > cruel; 52935㓗 > clean; 52936㓁 > a\-net; 52937㒩 > naked; 52938㒌 > along; 52939㑶 > anger; 52940㑩 > smart; 52941㑨 > great; 52942㑦 > anger; 52943㑗 > a\-god; 52944㑋 > small; 52945㑁 > short; 52946㐱 > bushy; 52947㐫 > cruel; 52948有 > have; 52949知 > know; 52950这 > this; 52951矜 > pity; 52952忙 > busy; 52953来 > come; 52954近 > near; 52955道 > path; 52956也 > also; 52957时 > time; 52958年 > year; 52959瞻 > look; 52960辺 > edge; 52961就 > just; 52962那 > that; 52963生 > life; 52964自 > self; 52965瞬 > wink; 52966过 > pass; 52967循 > obey; 52968從 > from; 52969従 > from; 52970多 > much; 52971好 > good; 52972彼 > that; 52973起 > rise; 52974只 > only; 52975作 > make; 52976当 > bear; 52977形 > form; 52978看 > look; 52979开 > open; 52980手 > hand; 52981弱 > weak; 52982本 > root; 52983头 > head; 52984真 > real; 52985面 > face; 52986公 > fair; 52987同 > same; 52988眞 > real; 52989从 > from; 52990动 > move; 52991长 > long; 52992載 > load; 52993将 > will; 52994但 > only; 52995身 > body; 52996高 > high; 52997把 > hold; 52998此 > this; 52999实 > real; 53000盥 > wash; 53001月 > moon; 53002种 > seed; 53003軍 > army; 53004車 > cart; 53005己 > self; 53006部 > part; 53007名 > name; 53008皮 > skin; 53009机 > desk; 53010给 > give; 53011等 > rank; 53012座 > seat; 53013很 > very; 53014最 > most; 53015店 > shop; 53016躍 > skip; 53017走 > walk; 53018四 > four; 53019门 > gate; 53020东 > east; 53021庁 > hall; 53022西 > west; 53023平 > flat; 53024登 > rise; 53025听 > hear; 53026幸 > luck; 53027蹴 > kick; 53028军 > army; 53029五 > five; 53030帷 > tent; 53031太 > very; 53032帶 > belt; 53033帳 > tent; 53034帯 > belt; 53035体 > body; 53036席 > seat; 53037希 > rare; 53038踊 > leap; 53039书 > book; 53040九 > nine; 53041跳 > jump; 53042路 > road; 53043命 > life; 53044痩 > thin; 53045活 > live; 53046左 > left; 53047巣 > nest; 53048表 > show; 53049跟 > heel; 53050车 > cart; 53051痛 > pain; 53052痕 > scar; 53053痒 > itch; 53054感 > feel; 53055足 > foot; 53056金 > gold; 53057何 > what; 53058嶮 > high; 53059更 > more; 53060疋 > roll; 53061做 > work; 53062计 > plan; 53063當 > bear; 53064王 > king; 53065各 > each; 53066留 > stop; 53067畏 > fear; 53068边 > edge; 53069男 > male; 53070风 > wind; 53071崗 > post; 53072毛 > hair; 53073峰 > peak; 53074爱 > love; 53075瓦 > tile; 53076賣 > sell; 53077賃 > rent; 53078貸 > lend; 53079岸 > bank; 53080结 > knot; 53081岬 > cape; 53082流 > flow; 53083貧 > poor; 53084青 > blue; 53085管 > pipe; 53086負 > load; 53087连 > join; 53088队 > team; 53089带 > belt; 53090展 > open; 53091屑 > bits; 53092领 > neck; 53093屈 > bend; 53094居 > live; 53095尾 > tail; 53096半 > half; 53097候 > wait; 53098步 > step; 53099深 > deep; 53100区 > area; 53101尋 > seek; 53102求 > seek; 53103球 > ball; 53104告 > tell; 53105寸 > inch; 53106實 > real; 53107满 > fill; 53108李 > plum; 53109息 > rest; 53110寒 > cold; 53111寄 > send; 53112脸 > face; 53113宿 > stop; 53114取 > take; 53115室 > room; 53116実 > real; 53117宛 > seem; 53118孩 > baby; 53119广 > wide; 53120玉 > jade; 53121玄 > deep; 53122火 > fire; 53123讀 > read; 53124譽 > fame; 53125则 > rule; 53126首 > head; 53127失 > lose; 53128拿 > take; 53129斯 > this; 53130读 > read; 53131包 > wrap; 53132猶 > like; 53133落 > fall; 53134济 > help; 53135喜 > like; 53136謡 > sing; 53137编 > knit; 53138谈 > talk; 53139拉 > pull; 53140謀 > plan; 53141狼 > wolf; 53142杀 > kill; 53143根 > root; 53144嫌 > hate; 53145談 > talk; 53146克 > gram; 53147状 > form; 53148示 > show; 53149冲 > soar; 53150読 > read; 53151誉 > fame; 53152推 > push; 53153称 > call; 53154試 > test; 53155号 > mark; 53156亚 > asia; 53157港 > port; 53158般 > sort; 53159爪 > claw; 53160刚 > hard; 53161陆 > land; 53162确 > sure; 53163計 > plan; 53164具 > tool; 53165威 > pomp; 53166帮 > help; 53167线 > line; 53168触 > butt; 53169角 > horn; 53170燒 > burn; 53171节 > knot; 53172燃 > burn; 53173岁 > year; 53174妻 > wife; 53175需 > need; 53176酒 > wine; 53177铁 > iron; 53178覗 > peek; 53179闻 > hear; 53180标 > mark; 53181医 > cure; 53182襲 > raid; 53183煮 > cook; 53184土 > soil; 53185软 > soft; 53186煤 > coal; 53187仅 > only; 53188套 > case; 53189户 > door; 53190焼 > burn; 53191项 > neck; 53192背 > back; 53193焚 > burn; 53194暗 > dark; 53195须 > must; 53196製 > make; 53197裸 > bare; 53198売 > sell; 53199树 > tree; 53200沉 > sink; 53201职 > duty; 53202细 > fine; 53203補 > mend; 53204停 > stop; 53205助 > help; 53206冷 > cold; 53207墮 > fall; 53208致 > send; 53209木 > tree; 53210袢 > robe; 53211旁 > side; 53212炊 > cook; 53213灼 > burn; 53214塵 > dust; 53215塩 > salt; 53216歌 > song; 53217堂 > hall; 53218试 > test; 53219灌 > pour; 53220验 > test; 53221塀 > wall; 53222止 > stop; 53223堵 > wall; 53224堤 > dike; 53225堕 > fall; 53226恶 > evil; 53227堆 > heap; 53228慢 > slow; 53229堅 > hard; 53230堀 > cave; 53231蟻 > ants; 53232藏 > hide; 53233负 > load; 53234埋 > bury; 53235澹 > calm; 53236垢 > dirt; 53237融 > melt; 53238潮 > tide; 53239坦 > flat; 53240潜 > hide; 53241救 > save; 53242丝 > silk; 53243齊 > even; 53244鼻 > nose; 53245漬 > soak; 53246鼓 > drum; 53247永 > long; 53248漏 > leak; 53249录 > copy; 53250遇 > meet; 53251滿 > fill; 53252船 > ship; 53253黴 > mold; 53254滴 > drip; 53255雨 > rain; 53256蛙 > frog; 53257滑 > slip; 53258麻 > hemp; 53259蚤 > flea; 53260齐 > even; 53261準 > rule; 53262溌 > pour; 53263充 > fill; 53264鹿 > deer; 53265寻 > seek; 53266宁 > calm; 53267鹽 > salt; 53268沙 > sand; 53269卖 > sell; 53270顺 > obey; 53271號 > mark; 53272善 > good; 53273噛 > bite; 53274良 > good; 53275坚 > hard; 53276噂 > meet; 53277拍 > clap; 53278掉 > turn; 53279済 > help; 53280哭 > weep; 53281嘆 > sigh; 53282午 > noon; 53283卡 > card; 53284雪 > snow; 53285淵 > gulf; 53286淡 > weak; 53287嗟 > sigh; 53288淑 > good; 53289藍 > blue; 53290淋 > drip; 53291涼 > cool; 53292载 > load; 53293刺 > stab; 53294薪 > fuel; 53295销 > melt; 53296鱼 > fish; 53297喚 > call; 53298喘 > pant; 53299盘 > tray; 53300薔 > rose; 53301喇 > horn; 53302薄 > thin; 53303啼 > weep; 53304架 > rack; 53305浸 > soak; 53306款 > item; 53307浪 > wave; 53308蕩 > pond; 53309洪 > vast; 53310镇 > town; 53311浄 > pure; 53312旅 > trip; 53313唾 > spit; 53314唱 > sing; 53315蔵 > hide; 53316唯 > only; 53317洩 > leak; 53318洞 > cave; 53319骨 > bone; 53320洗 > wash; 53321唖 > dumb; 53322鴉 > crow; 53323唇 > lips; 53324泳 > dive; 53325哲 > wise; 53326哩 > mile; 53327墙 > wall; 53328圣 > holy; 53329鳥 > bird; 53330跃 > skip; 53331晓 > dawn; 53332泄 > leak; 53333隐 > hide; 53334蒼 > blue; 53335恐 > fear; 53336沼 > lake; 53337付 > give; 53338厅 > hall; 53339咬 > bite; 53340腿 > legs; 53341沖 > pour; 53342硬 > hard; 53343沈 > sink; 53344售 > sell; 53345遗 > lose; 53346探 > find; 53347葬 > bury; 53348缓 > slow; 53349葦 > reed; 53350池 > pool; 53351烧 > burn; 53352葉 > leaf; 53353束 > bind; 53354呆 > dull; 53355吻 > kiss; 53356吹 > blow; 53357休 > rest; 53358叹 > sigh; 53359氏 > clan; 53360签 > sign; 53361氈 > felt; 53362奶 > milk; 53363毬 > ball; 53364菩 > herb; 53365叢 > bush; 53366挂 > hang; 53367航 > sail; 53368毘 > help; 53369拳 > fist; 53370乘 > ride; 53371袁 > robe; 53372址 > site; 53373毆 > beat; 53374殿 > hall; 53375殺 > kill; 53376核 > seed; 53377补 > mend; 53378赞 > help; 53379亦 > also; 53380歳 > year; 53381柔 > soft; 53382歩 > step; 53383惜 > pity; 53384魚 > fish; 53385歎 > sigh; 53386魂 > soul; 53387乔 > tall; 53388粮 > food; 53389茫 > vast; 53390谋 > plan; 53391敏 > fast; 53392茎 > stem; 53393零 > zero; 53394荡 > pond; 53395勾 > hook; 53396犹 > like; 53397髮 > hair; 53398髪 > hair; 53399乃 > then; 53400抬 > lift; 53401體 > body; 53402苔 > moss; 53403動 > move; 53404启 > open; 53405冒 > risk; 53406穷 > poor; 53407檣 > mast; 53408侧 > side; 53409旦 > dawn; 53410纯 > pure; 53411闭 > shut; 53412凉 > cool; 53413碗 > bowl; 53414剥 > peel; 53415滚 > turn; 53416润 > soft; 53417剛 > hard; 53418驗 > test; 53419則 > rule; 53420蓝 > blue; 53421樹 > tree; 53422蛋 > eggs; 53423促 > urge; 53424颜 > face; 53425贫 > poor; 53426杰 > hero; 53427舟 > boat; 53428験 > test; 53429恋 > love; 53430迟 > late; 53431穴 > cave; 53432赖 > rely; 53433駛 > sail; 53434駒 > colt; 53435凌 > pure; 53436乌 > crow; 53437岗 > post; 53438铺 > shop; 53439馴 > tame; 53440伍 > five; 53441躲 > hide; 53442箱 > case; 53443帐 > tent; 53444膝 > knee; 53445膚 > skin; 53446悉 > know; 53447册 > book; 53448冊 > book; 53449盈 > fill; 53450拖 > drag; 53451昏 > dusk; 53452戒 > warn; 53453页 > page; 53454尘 > dust; 53455脣 > lips; 53456井 > well; 53457汪 > vast; 53458脇 > ribs; 53459脅 > ribs; 53460恰 > just; 53461椀 > bowl; 53462描 > copy; 53463乏 > lack; 53464胞 > womb; 53465棚 > tent; 53466怜 > pity; 53467佳 > good; 53468鸟 > bird; 53469僅 > only; 53470風 > wind; 53471梨 > pear; 53472弯 > bend; 53473亏 > lose; 53474傑 > hero; 53475酸 > tart; 53476聽 > hear; 53477職 > duty; 53478桶 > pail; 53479聴 > hear; 53480瘦 > thin; 53481側 > side; 53482绩 > spin; 53483聞 > hear; 53484聖 > holy; 53485顔 > face; 53486顏 > face; 53487牵 > drag; 53488頼 > rely; 53489租 > rent; 53490頸 > neck; 53491扭 > turn; 53492頭 > head; 53493擦 > wipe; 53494殷 > many; 53495頚 > neck; 53496領 > neck; 53497盼 > look; 53498吟 > sing; 53499耕 > plow; 53500苍 > blue; 53501順 > obey; 53502項 > neck; 53503宏 > wide; 53504頁 > page; 53505娃 > baby; 53506暖 > warm; 53507锁 > lock; 53508砍 > hack; 53509係 > bind; 53510挨 > near; 53511慈 > kind; 53512羹 > soup; 53513羮 > soup; 53514鞭 > whip; 53515羨 > envy; 53516窝 > nest; 53517杜 > stop; 53518撤 > omit; 53519來 > come; 53520東 > east; 53521筹 > chip; 53522稀 > rare; 53523杖 > cane; 53524拨 > move; 53525踢 > kick; 53526迁 > move; 53527佇 > wait; 53528袭 > raid; 53529驶 > sail; 53530霰 > hail; 53531惧 > fear; 53532纽 > knot; 53533丛 > bush; 53534悠 > long; 53535曼 > long; 53536書 > book; 53537缠 > wrap; 53538滋 > grow; 53539碧 > jade; 53540唤 > call; 53541胁 > ribs; 53542谱 > list; 53543隱 > hide; 53544丘 > hill; 53545亞 > asia; 53546纒 > wrap; 53547杆 > pole; 53548纏 > wrap; 53549隊 > team; 53550悬 > hang; 53551隈 > cove; 53552崔 > high; 53553纂 > edit; 53554唉 > alas; 53555暁 > dawn; 53556笼 > cage; 53557陸 > land; 53558繪 > draw; 53559繩 > rope; 53560慨 > sigh; 53561乗 > ride; 53562绳 > rope; 53563時 > time; 53564矿 > mine; 53565遣 > send; 53566镖 > dart; 53567遵 > obey; 53568兆 > omen; 53569钓 > fish; 53570披 > wear; 53571昇 > rise; 53572縄 > rope; 53573昂 > rise; 53574緩 > slow; 53575編 > knit; 53576抄 > copy; 53577债 > debt; 53578肤 > skin; 53579歇 > rest; 53580開 > open; 53581閉 > shut; 53582斉 > even; 53583斃 > kill; 53584罕 > rare; 53585門 > gate; 53586長 > long; 53587贷 > lend; 53588絵 > draw; 53589颈 > neck; 53590絲 > silk; 53591脖 > neck; 53592堡 > fort; 53593絨 > silk; 53594給 > give; 53595赐 > give; 53596颂 > laud; 53597結 > knot; 53598砖 > tile; 53599絆 > loop; 53600哑 > dumb; 53601細 > fine; 53602滩 > bank; 53603钉 > nail; 53604哄 > coax; 53605铃 > bell; 53606純 > pure; 53607紐 > knot; 53608紋 > line; 53609拚 > risk; 53610糸 > silk; 53611糧 > food; 53612契 > deed; 53613懒 > lazy; 53614猎 > hunt; 53615嵩 > high; 53616盐 > salt; 53617摺 > fold; 53618籠 > cage; 53619陵 > hill; 53620裹 > wrap; 53621绘 > draw; 53622鐵 > iron; 53623鐡 > iron; 53624篭 > cage; 53625篤 > deep; 53626挽 > pull; 53627粹 > pure; 53628節 > knot; 53629掣 > drag; 53630掛 > hang; 53631鎖 > lock; 53632箋 > note; 53633捲 > curl; 53634泼 > pour; 53635秃 > bald; 53636録 > copy; 53637绑 > bind; 53638鸭 > duck; 53639掀 > lift; 53640纹 > line; 53641趟 > time; 53642吼 > roar; 53643窺 > peep; 53644窶 > poor; 53645叠 > pile; 53646啸 > roar; 53647窮 > poor; 53648銑 > mill; 53649婴 > baby; 53650躬 > body; 53651毙 > kill; 53652逸 > flee; 53653琼 > jade; 53654鉄 > iron; 53655挪 > move; 53656晌 > noon; 53657戸 > door; 53658鈴 > bell; 53659稱 > call; 53660贱 > mean; 53661種 > seed; 53662钩 > hook; 53663戀 > love; 53664懼 > fear; 53665懸 > hang; 53666釣 > fish; 53667釘 > nail; 53668鸦 > crow; 53669狮 > lion; 53670妮 > maid; 53671禿 > bald; 53672窑 > kiln; 53673塘 > pond; 53674纤 > fine; 53675醫 > cure; 53676憩 > rest; 53677憐 > pity; 53678憎 > hate; 53679羡 > envy; 53680慾 > lust; 53681祷 > pray; 53682舆 > cart; 53683祈 > pray; 53684嫩 > soft; 53685蹄 > hoof; 53686愛 > love; 53687鄙 > mean; 53688惡 > evil; 53689沧 > blue; 53690確 > sure; 53691悪 > evil; 53692帆 > sail; 53693涵 > soak; 53694邊 > edge; 53695澡 > wash; 53696遺 > lose; 53697遲 > late; 53698烤 > bake; 53699峻 > high; 53700過 > pass; 53701運 > luck; 53702尬 > limp; 53703遅 > late; 53704遁 > hide; 53705週 > week; 53706佑 > help; 53707連 > join; 53708怠 > idle; 53709這 > this; 53710砂 > sand; 53711胶 > glue; 53712谣 > sing; 53713梳 > comb; 53714祁 > pray; 53715啤 > beer; 53716铸 > melt; 53717躯 > body; 53718酿 > brew; 53719捣 > hull; 53720玫 > rose; 53721噢 > moan; 53722纺 > spin; 53723窟 > hole; 53724兑 > cash; 53725冥 > dark; 53726觅 > seek; 53727沸 > boil; 53728扁 > flat; 53729眨 > wink; 53730瘾 > rash; 53731黯 > dark; 53732妞 > girl; 53733俏 > like; 53734孽 > evil; 53735弊 > evil; 53736妃 > wife; 53737壤 > soil; 53738翔 > soar; 53739巩 > bind; 53740帜 > flag; 53741蕾 > buds; 53742铅 > lead; 53743绒 > silk; 53744窥 > peep; 53745锣 > gong; 53746撼 > move; 53747嗦 > suck; 53748轴 > axle; 53749涕 > tear; 53750笃 > deep; 53751窍 > hole; 53752扳 > pull; 53753遏 > stop; 53754吆 > bawl; 53755熔 > melt; 53756聋 > deaf; 53757募 > levy; 53758疤 > scar; 53759蚁 > ants; 53760悯 > pity; 53761烘 > bake; 53762牟 > make; 53763崭 > high; 53764巢 > nest; 53765沮 > stop; 53766湛 > deep; 53767晦 > dark; 53768驹 > colt; 53769诫 > warn; 53770墩 > heap; 53771巍 > high; 53772攒 > save; 53773绊 > loop; 53774懈 > idle; 53775殴 > beat; 53776皂 > soap; 53777蟹 > crab; 53778绷 > bind; 53779匿 > hide; 53780唠 > chat; 53781苇 > reed; 53782拽 > drag; 53783烹 > boil; 53784啃 > gnaw; 53785羔 > lamb; 53786锈 > rust; 53787亢 > high; 53788肋 > ribs; 53789衲 > mend; 53790掐 > hold; 53791懦 > weak; 53792腓 > calf; 53793彷 > like; 53794骡 > mule; 53795醇 > rich; 53796驯 > tame; 53797纬 > woof; 53798犁 > plow; 53799拯 > help; 53800龚 > give; 53801蛤 > clam; 53802戮 > kill; 53803毡 > felt; 53804咀 > suck; 53805呱 > wail; 53806戎 > arms; 53807蔼 > lush; 53808茸 > soft; 53809礁 > reef; 53810闩 > bolt; 53811涤 > wash; 53812渍 > soak; 53813跛 > lame; 53814蟆 > frog; 53815偌 > thus; 53816邑 > area; 53817匾 > flat; 53818笺 > note; 53819箍 > hoop; 53820噬 > bite; 53821蟠 > coil; 53822赁 > rent; 53823腌 > salt; 53824掂 > heft; 53825遐 > afar; 53826甬 > path; 53827僮 > page; 53828垛 > heap; 53829吠 > bark; 53830踵 > heel; 53831蛾 > moth; 53832耘 > weed; 53833暄 > warm; 53834螃 > crab; 53835啕 > wail; 53836蟾 > toad; 53837筏 > raft; 53838籽 > seed; 53839犊 > calf; 53840煦 > kind; 53841臊 > rank; 53842撬 > lift; 53843毗 > help; 53844蹿 > leap; 53845咆 > roar; 53846鲤 > carp; 53847辕 > axle; 53848瀚 > vast; 53849芋 > taro; 53850雹 > hail; 53851鹪 > wren; 53852骼 > bone; 53853莘 > long; 53854谧 > calm; 53855蜕 > molt; 53856焊 > weld; 53857耙 > rake; 53858缄 > seal; 53859漩 > eddy; 53860饵 > bait; 53861辍 > stop; 53862谑 > jeer; 53863恁 > that; 53864傩 > rich; 53865瘠 > thin; 53866嵘 > high; 53867峥 > high; 53868钅 > gold; 53869湮 > bury; 53870颏 > chin; 53871铎 > bell; 53872蔷 > rose; 53873豺 > wolf; 53874熨 > iron; 53875呷 > suck; 53876闳 > gate; 53877芮 > tiny; 53878陨 > fall; 53879璨 > gems; 53880泵 > pump; 53881翱 > soar; 53882戕 > kill; 53883莓 > moss; 53884豌 > peas; 53885堑 > moat; 53886潼 > high; 53887疵 > flaw; 53888迤 > wind; 53889怵 > fear; 53890榈 > palm; 53891儆 > warn; 53892嗥 > roar; 53893礴 > fill; 53894鬃 > mane; 53895岐 > high; 53896啻 > only; 53897咝 > hiss; 53898揄 > lift; 53899潸 > weep; 53900讴 > sing; 53901趄 > weak; 53902邋 > rags; 53903胤 > heir; 53904栉 > comb; 53905粕 > lees; 53906颔 > chin; 53907啮 > bite; 53908轲 > axle; 53909孱 > weak; 53910挞 > flog; 53911镫 > lamp; 53912臧 > good; 53913鹜 > duck; 53914昕 > dawn; 53915锷 > high; 53916铄 > melt; 53917辶 > walk; 53918阄 > lots; 53919锌 > zinc; 53920荻 > reed; 53921喙 > beak; 53922蜍 > toad; 53923缢 > hang; 53924柢 > root; 53925窠 > nest; 53926肛 > anus; 53927誊 > copy; 53928跎 > slip; 53929聩 > deaf; 53930痂 > scab; 53931鸢 > kite; 53932抻 > pull; 53933沤 > soak; 53934涿 > drip; 53935牦 > tail; 53936猷 > plan; 53937墉 > wall; 53938暹 > rise; 53939闱 > gate; 53940轭 > yoke; 53941弭 > stop; 53942洵 > true; 53943瓯 > bowl; 53944濠 > moat; 53945圩 > dike; 53946羸 > weak; 53947癯 > thin; 53948瘢 > scar; 53949幄 > tent; 53950泅 > swim; 53951矾 > alum; 53952蚩 > worm; 53953鸷 > hawk; 53954蹇 > lame; 53955耋 > aged; 53956苒 > lush; 53957逋 > flee; 53958藓 > moss; 53959鬻 > sell; 53960泫 > weep; 53961啭 > sing; 53962坨 > lump; 53963蠹 > moth; 53964疱 > acne; 53965锒 > lock; 53966暝 > dark; 53967煊 > warm; 53968爨 > oven; 53969囝 > baby; 53970垩 > holy; 53971怼 > hate; 53972崴 > high; 53973拊 > slap; 53974扌 > hand; 53975钤 > lock; 53976樯 > mast; 53977骟 > geld; 53978燹 > fire; 53979馐 > food; 53980圹 > tomb; 53981龈 > gums; 53982蜊 > clam; 53983痖 > dumb; 53984歆 > like; 53985赉 > give; 53986铣 > mill; 53987灏 > vast; 53988瘙 > itch; 53989闼 > door; 53990坌 > dust; 53991椤 > tree; 53992阋 > feud; 53993嵯 > high; 53994酰 > acyl; 53995瘗 > bury; 53996疣 > wart; 53997穑 > farm; 53998槎 > raft; 53999桴 > raft; 54000溏 > pool; 54001礻 > cult; 54002棰 > flog; 54003狷 > rash; 54004蒹 > reed; 54005佤 > kawa; 54006麸 > bran; 54007鸱 > kite; 54008缫 > draw; 54009纡 > bend; 54010嵬 > high; 54011菖 > iris; 54012愍 > pity; 54013嫱 > lady; 54014莨 > herb; 54015谝 > brag; 54016氖 > neon; 54017颛 > good; 54018燠 > warm; 54019潴 > pond; 54020堙 > bury; 54021隗 > high; 54022丿 > line; 54023鲮 > carp; 54024跖 > sole; 54025蚋 > gnat; 54026汔 > near; 54027痤 > acne; 54028贶 > give; 54029纟 > silk; 54030侑 > help; 54031耪 > plow; 54032觜 > beak; 54033筢 > rake; 54034朐 > warm; 54035觇 > peek; 54036檗 > tree; 54037菡 > buds; 54038偾 > ruin; 54039隹 > bird; 54040舡 > boat; 54041疒 > sick; 54042噍 > chew; 54043埝 > bank; 54044鲩 > carp; 54045鲒 > clam; 54046襞 > fold; 54047灬 > fire; 54048脒 > open; 54049柙 > cage; 54050湔 > wash; 54051洳 > damp; 54052尢 > weak; 54053髟 > hair; 54054鳎 > sole; 54055艚 > ship; 54056鹩 > wren; 54057炱 > soot; 54058膪 > pork; 54059栊 > cage; 54060绲 > cord; 54061宀 > roof; 54062闶 > door; 54063猊 > lion; 54064岵 > hill; 54065卩 > seal; 54066诎 > bend; 54067倮 > bare; 54068龔 > give; 54069齮 > bite; 54070齧 > bite; 54071齦 > gums; 54072齗 > gums; 54073齕 > gnaw; 54074鼛 > drum; 54075鼖 > drum; 54076黶 > mole; 54077麩 > bran; 54078麛 > fawn; 54079麚 > buck; 54080麑 > fawn; 54081麌 > stag; 54082麃 > till; 54083鹎 > bird; 54084鹆 > myna; 54085鷯 > wren; 54086鷦 > wren; 54087鷙 > hawk; 54088鷕 > call; 54089鶱 > soar; 54090鶩 > duck; 54091鶃 > hawk; 54092鶂 > hawk; 54093鵯 > bird; 54094鵄 > kite; 54095鴨 > duck; 54096鴟 > kite; 54097鴄 > duck; 54098鳷 > bird; 54099鳶 > kite; 54100鳋 > carp; 54101鲼 > fish; 54102鲋 > carp; 54103鲆 > sole; 54104鰨 > sole; 54105鯪 > carp; 54106鯉 > carp; 54107鯈 > fish; 54108鯇 > carp; 54109鮚 > clam; 54110鮒 > carp; 54111鮆 > fish; 54112魋 > bear; 54113鬮 > lots; 54114鬩 > feud; 54115鬑 > long; 54116髞 > high; 54117驘 > mule; 54118騾 > mule; 54119騸 > geld; 54120騯 > loud; 54121騣 > mane; 54122駽 > grey; 54123駴 > drum; 54124饌 > feed; 54125饈 > food; 54126餌 > bait; 54127餇 > food; 54128飡 > meal; 54129飌 > wind; 54130颿 > sail; 54131颺 > soar; 54132顓 > good; 54133頷 > chin; 54134頮 > wash; 54135頦 > chin; 54136頌 > laud; 54137須 > must; 54138鞹 > skin; 54139鞟 > skin; 54140鞙 > fine; 54141鞏 > bind; 54142鞉 > drum; 54143鞀 > drum; 54144靑 > blue; 54145霤 > drip; 54146霣 > fall; 54147霢 > dust; 54148隕 > fall; 54149隄 > dike; 54150阤 > hill; 54151阞 > vein; 54152闥 > door; 54153闢 > open; 54154闓 > open; 54155闈 > gate; 54156闆 > boss; 54157閟 > hide; 54158閎 > gate; 54159閌 > door; 54160閇 > shut; 54161閂 > bolt; 54162镸 > long; 54163镩 > pick; 54164镕 > fuse; 54165铴 > gong; 54166鑼 > gong; 54167鑢 > file; 54168鑠 > melt; 54169鑛 > mine; 54170鑄 > melt; 54171鐸 > bell; 54172鐩 > lens; 54173鐙 > lamp; 54174鐋 > gong; 54175鐄 > bell; 54176鏽 > rust; 54177鏰 > coin; 54178鏥 > rust; 54179鏢 > dart; 54180鎻 > lock; 54181鎮 > town; 54182鎭 > town; 54183鎔 > fuse; 54184鍔 > high; 54185錄 > copy; 54186鋳 > melt; 54187鋚 > iron; 54188鋆 > gold; 54189銹 > rust; 54190銷 > melt; 54191銕 > iron; 54192鉱 > mine; 54193鉤 > hook; 54194鈬 > bell; 54195鈐 > lock; 54196鈎 > hook; 54197鈆 > lead; 54198釀 > brew; 54199醸 > brew; 54200鄑 > kick; 54201邉 > edge; 54202遻 > meet; 54203遷 > move; 54204遟 > late; 54205迺 > then; 54206迚 > very; 54207迆 > wind; 54208辵 > walk; 54209轝 > envy; 54210轗 > fail; 54211轌 > sled; 54212轅 > axle; 54213輿 > cart; 54214輴 > sled; 54215輟 > stop; 54216軻 > axle; 54217軸 > axle; 54218軥 > yoke; 54219軟 > soft; 54220軛 > yoke; 54221軆 > body; 54222軀 > body; 54223躿 > tall; 54224躶 > bare; 54225躴 > tall; 54226躳 > body; 54227躱 > hide; 54228躰 > body; 54229躥 > leap; 54230躒 > walk; 54231蹢 > hoof; 54232蹏 > hoof; 54233踴 > leap; 54234踭 > heel; 54235踘 > ball; 54236跼 > bent; 54237跲 > hood; 54238跱 > stop; 54239跞 > walk; 54240跙 > weak; 54241趯 > jump; 54242赱 > walk; 54243赕 > fine; 54244贊 > help; 54245賵 > gift; 54246賴 > rely; 54247賧 > fine; 54248賤 > mean; 54249賜 > give; 54250賛 > help; 54251賚 > give; 54252賎 > mean; 54253貺 > give; 54254貎 > lion; 54255豭 > boar; 54256讋 > fear; 54257謠 > sing; 54258謔 > jeer; 54259謐 > calm; 54260謄 > copy; 54261諞 > brag; 54262誧 > huge; 54263誡 > warn; 54264誃 > part; 54265詠 > sing; 54266詟 > fear; 54267詘 > bend; 54268觝 > gore; 54269覘 > peek; 54270覓 > seek; 54271袿 > gown; 54272衹 > only; 54273衚 > lane; 54274衖 > lane; 54275衒 > brag; 54276蠭 > bees; 54277蠧 > moth; 54278蠏 > crab; 54279蟇 > frog; 54280螉 > wasp; 54281蜹 > gnat; 54282蜅 > crab; 54283蛻 > molt; 54284蚡 > mole; 54285虷 > worm; 54286虧 > lose; 54287虓 > roar; 54288蘚 > moss; 54289蘒 > \:143; 54290藹 > lush; 54291藟 > vine; 54292藇 > fine; 54293薟 > vine; 54294薙 > weed; 54295薁 > vine; 54296蕘 > fuel; 54297蔴 > hemp; 54298蓫 > dock; 54299葒 > herb; 54300萜 > c5h8; 54301菾 > beet; 54302莻 > late; 54303莶 > vine; 54304莖 > stem; 54305荭 > herb; 54306荛 > fuel; 54307艭 > ship; 54308艖 > raft; 54309舩 > boat; 54310臑 > soft; 54311臉 > face; 54312臁 > calf; 54313膷 > soup; 54314膴 > fine; 54315膠 > glue; 54316腶 > meat; 54317腳 > foot; 54318腒 > game; 54319腍 > soft; 54320脲 > urea; 54321胠 > open; 54322胏 > meat; 54323胊 > yoke; 54324肬 > wart; 54325聾 > deaf; 54326聼 > hear; 54327聵 > deaf; 54328耭 > plow; 54329耠 > till; 54330耎 > weak; 54331翺 > soar; 54332羭 > good; 54333羜 > lamb; 54334缋 > draw; 54335纚 > long; 54336纖 > fine; 54337纕 > belt; 54338纎 > fine; 54339纍 > bind; 54340纇 > knot; 54341纆 > cord; 54342繤 > edit; 54343繢 > draw; 54344繠 > hang; 54345繘 > rope; 54346繊 > fine; 54347繅 > draw; 54348繃 > bind; 54349績 > spin; 54350縳 > wrap; 54351縯 > long; 54352縢 > bind; 54353縚 > band; 54354縊 > hang; 54355緯 > woof; 54356緤 > cord; 54357緘 > seal; 54358緎 > seam; 54359緄 > cord; 54360綫 > line; 54361綑 > coil; 54362綍 > rope; 54363綁 > bind; 54364絏 > rope; 54365紡 > spin; 54366紆 > bend; 54367糹 > silk; 54368粋 > pure; 54369籹 > cake; 54370籙 > book; 54371籏 > flag; 54372籌 > chip; 54373籊 > long; 54374簽 > sign; 54375簆 > reed; 54376竅 > hole; 54377竁 > bore; 54378窾 > hole; 54379窵 > deep; 54380窯 > kiln; 54381窭 > poor; 54382窩 > nest; 54383穽 > hole; 54384穮 > weed; 54385穡 > farm; 54386穜 > rice; 54387穐 > fall; 54388穋 > rice; 54389穀 > corn; 54390稛 > bind; 54391稑 > rice; 54392秪 > only; 54393秊 > year; 54394禸 > rump; 54395禱 > pray; 54396祇 > only; 54397礬 > alum; 54398礧 > roll; 54399礦 > mine; 54400礡 > fill; 54401磚 > tile; 54402砿 > mine; 54403矻 > toil; 54404矙 > view; 54405瞫 > look; 54406盤 > tray; 54407盝 > drip; 54408盌 > bowl; 54409皷 > drum; 54410癶 > legs; 54411癮 > rash; 54412癢 > itch; 54413癠 > sick; 54414瘯 > itch; 54415瘞 > bury; 54416瘖 > dumb; 54417瘂 > dumb; 54418痯 > sick; 54419痌 > ache; 54420疧 > sick; 54421疘 > anus; 54422疐 > fall; 54423畊 > plow; 54424畇 > land; 54425畄 > stop; 54426甌 > bowl; 54427瓘 > jade; 54428瓊 > jade; 54429獵 > hunt; 54430獮 > hunt; 54431獧 > rash; 54432獋 > roar; 54433獅 > lion; 54434獃 > dull; 54435猟 > hunt; 54436猋 > wind; 54437狘 > jump; 54438狀 > form; 54439犲 > wolf; 54440犢 > calf; 54441犂 > plow; 54442牽 > drag; 54443牴 > gore; 54444牣 > fill; 54445牆 > wall; 54446爟 > fire; 54447爖 > fire; 54448爇 > burn; 54449燨 > fire; 54450熇 > bake; 54451煚 > fire; 54452煖 > warm; 54453煑 > cook; 54454煇 > weld; 54455焮 > heat; 54456焜 > fire; 54457烝 > rise; 54458烔 > heat; 54459烏 > crow; 54460灝 > vast; 54461灘 > bank; 54462瀦 > pond; 54463濳 > hide; 54464濔 > many; 54465濊 > vast; 54466濈 > many; 54467澒 > vast; 54468潤 > soft; 54469潛 > hide; 54470潑 > pour; 54471潅 > pour; 54472漰 > roar; 54473漭 > vast; 54474漚 > soak; 54475漙 > dewy; 54476漘 > bank; 54477滾 > turn; 54478滺 > flow; 54479滮 > flow; 54480滌 > wash; 54481滉 > deep; 54482滄 > blue; 54483溼 > damp; 54484湻 > pure; 54485湲 > flow; 54486湝 > flow; 54487淰 > fish; 54488淨 > pure; 54489涴 > daub; 54490涊 > dirt; 54491泙 > roar; 54492沬 > dusk; 54493沕 > deep; 54494汍 > weep; 54495氝 > neon; 54496氊 > felt; 54497氄 > down; 54498氂 > tail; 54499歲 > year; 54500歗 > roar; 54501歊 > sigh; 54502欐 > beam; 54503櫳 > cage; 54504櫚 > palm; 54505檴 > tree; 54506檍 > ilex; 54507橦 > tree; 54508橁 > tree; 54509槹 > spar; 54510槃 > tray; 54511楰 > tree; 54512楩 > tree; 54513楟 > tree; 54514楘 > band; 54515椸 > rack; 54516椑 > oval; 54517棬 > bowl; 54518棪 > tree; 54519棑 > raft; 54520梴 > long; 54521桿 > pole; 54522桹 > palm; 54523桋 > tree; 54524栻 > tree; 54525柣 > sill; 54526柂 > helm; 54527枴 > cane; 54528杝 > tree; 54529杗 > beam; 54530朿 > stab; 54531朳 > tree; 54532朘 > wane; 54533曉 > dawn; 54534晳 > fair; 54535昻 > rise; 54536昬 > dusk; 54537昫 > warm; 54538旹 > time; 54539旴 > dawn; 54540旜 > flag; 54541旂 > flag; 54542敿 > bind; 54543敽 > bind; 54544敻 > long; 54545攢 > save; 54546攅 > save; 54547擫 > tuck; 54548擣 > hull; 54549撻 > flog; 54550撥 > move; 54551撝 > wave; 54552摲 > raze; 54553摦 > wide; 54554搥 > beat; 54555搘 > prop; 54556搗 > hull; 54557搒 > pole; 54558搌 > bind; 54559搆 > pull; 54560掞 > easy; 54561掗 > take; 54562捘 > push; 54563捄 > long; 54564挐 > drag; 54565拏 > take; 54566抶 > beat; 54567抆 > wipe; 54568戶 > door; 54569戁 > fear; 54570懶 > lazy; 54571懮 > calm; 54572懟 > hate; 54573懜 > dull; 54574憰 > wily; 54575憫 > pity; 54576憙 > like; 54577憘 > like; 54578憇 > rest; 54579慴 > fear; 54580慂 > urge; 54581愒 > rest; 54582恇 > fear; 54583怳 > wild; 54584怭 > rude; 54585怚 > dull; 54586彡 > hair; 54587彎 > bend; 54588廼 > then; 54589廳 > hall; 54590廰 > hall; 54591廧 > wall; 54592廎 > room; 54593幯 > wipe; 54594幤 > evil; 54595幟 > flag; 54596幚 > help; 54597幋 > belt; 54598幇 > help; 54599帟 > tent; 54600嶸 > high; 54601嶄 > high; 54602嵳 > high; 54603崢 > high; 54604峯 > peak; 54605峇 > cave; 54606岧 > peak; 54607屇 > cave; 54608尲 > limp; 54609尫 > lame; 54610尪 > lame; 54611尩 > weak; 54612尣 > lame; 54613將 > will; 54614寠 > poor; 54615寔 > real; 54616孻 > last; 54617嬾 > lazy; 54618嬰 > baby; 54619嬭 > milk; 54620嬙 > lady; 54621嫈 > lady; 54622媊 > star; 54623婞 > hate; 54624婐 > maid; 54625娸 > ugly; 54626娵 > star; 54627姽 > good; 54628姮 > lady; 54629姤 > mate; 54630夛 > much; 54631夐 > long; 54632壙 > tomb; 54633壒 > dust; 54634壌 > soil; 54635墻 > wall; 54636墦 > tomb; 54637塹 > moat; 54638堲 > hate; 54639堨 > daub; 54640堋 > bury; 54641埰 > fief; 54642埈 > high; 54643垜 > heap; 54644坱 > dust; 54645坋 > dust; 54646囥 > hide; 54647囓 > gnaw; 54648囀 > sing; 54649嚤 > slow; 54650嚙 > bite; 54651嚄 > roar; 54652噳 > many; 54653噝 > hiss; 54654噉 > bite; 54655嘽 > pant; 54656嘯 > roar; 54657嘮 > chat; 54658嘨 > roar; 54659嘜 > mark; 54660嗰 > that; 54661嗊 > sing; 54662喬 > tall; 54663喨 > wail; 54664啟 > open; 54665啞 > dumb; 54666啙 > poor; 54667啓 > open; 54668啀 > gnaw; 54669唶 > sigh; 54670唛 > mark; 54671咼 > chat; 54672咷 > howl; 54673咮 > beak; 54674呙 > chat; 54675呎 > foot; 54676呇 > star; 54677吿 > tell; 54678吽 > ''om''; 54679吪 > move; 54680吋 > inch; 54681厔 > stop; 54682區 > area; 54683匵 > case; 54684勹 > wrap; 54685剺 > mark; 54686剝 > peel; 54687剚 > stab; 54688刾 > stab; 54689刜 > chop; 54690刓 > trim; 54691凮 > wind; 54692凪 > calm; 54693凨 > wind; 54694凧 > kite; 54695凚 > cold; 54696凖 > rule; 54697凔 > cold; 54698冐 > risk; 54699冂 > wide; 54700兌 > cash; 54701儾 > slow; 54702儽 > lazy; 54703儺 > rich; 54704儱 > rude; 54705儜 > weak; 54706儅 > stop; 54707僾 > like; 54708僨 > ruin; 54709債 > debt; 54710傭 > hire; 54711偄 > weak; 54712倽 > what; 54713俴 > thin; 54714俔 > like; 54715侢 > load; 54716侜 > lies; 54717侚 > fast; 54718侀 > form; 54719佸 > meet; 54720伹 > dull; 54721伱 > thou; 54722仸 > bent; 54723亠 > head; 54724亝 > even; 54725亜 > asia; 54726亖 > four; 54727亅 > hook; 54728乼 > rope; 54729乭 > rock; 54730丳 > spit; 54731丠 > hill; 54732䵷 > frog; 54733䵨 > dark; 54734䵒 > glue; 54735䵑 > glue; 54736䴸 > bran; 54737䴝 > salt; 54738䴜 > salt; 54739䴃 > wren; 54740䳼 > gull; 54741䳦 > wren; 54742䳣 > kite; 54743䲭 > kite; 54744䲒 > crab; 54745䱴 > tuna; 54746䱭 > tuna; 54747䱎 > tuna; 54748䱍 > tuna; 54749䰩 > ugly; 54750䰦 > ugly; 54751䰤 > ugly; 54752䰕 > mane; 54753䰓 > hair; 54754䰋 > hair; 54755䰊 > hair; 54756䰇 > mane; 54757䯹 > hair; 54758䯟 > bone; 54759䯞 > bone; 54760䯕 > bony; 54761䮿 > lame; 54762䮾 > huge; 54763䭢 > rich; 54764䭡 > food; 54765䭓 > food; 54766䭂 > damp; 54767䭀 > food; 54768䬞 > wind; 54769䬏 > wind; 54770䫶 > ugly; 54771䫪 > ugly; 54772䫢 > good; 54773䫑 > good; 54774䫏 > ugly; 54775䫊 > chin; 54776䫈 > ugly; 54777䫂 > ugly; 54778䪦 > loud; 54779䪏 > weak; 54780䪆 > soft; 54781䨰 > rain; 54782䨮 > snow; 54783䨤 > rain; 54784䨔 > hail; 54785䨌 > hail; 54786䧻 > dove; 54787䧹 > hawk; 54788䦰 > lots; 54789䥫 > iron; 54790䥔 > gold; 54791䥒 > lead; 54792䤮 > iron; 54793䤡 > iron; 54794䤑 > wine; 54795䤊 > wine; 54796䣽 > wine; 54797䣨 > rich; 54798䡳 > cart; 54799䡀 > nude; 54800䠭 > lame; 54801䠗 > lame; 54802䠏 > feet; 54803䟨 > lame; 54804䟂 > slow; 54805䞿 > lame; 54806䞩 > lame; 54807䞝 > lame; 54808䞆 > bone; 54809䝘 > firm; 54810䝕 > good; 54811䛴 > joke; 54812䚽 > news; 54813䚸 > good; 54814䚩 > high; 54815䚢 > horn; 54816䙤 > good; 54817䙊 > arid; 54818䗩 > toad; 54819䗢 > flea; 54820䖸 > moth; 54821䖭 > grub; 54822䖪 > grub; 54823䖣 > flea; 54824䕢 > weak; 54825䔬 > hemp; 54826䓾 > lush; 54827䓸 > weed; 54828䓲 > fine; 54829䒺 > clay; 54830䒭 > rank; 54831䑬 > boat; 54832䑞 > shun; 54833䑏 > ugly; 54834䑄 > rich; 54835䐳 > fish; 54836䐮 > skin; 54837䐓 > soft; 54838䐋 > sick; 54839䏸 > fish; 54840䏱 > body; 54841䏢 > meat; 54842䏎 > milk; 54843䏊 > deaf; 54844䎜 > aged; 54845䍚 > vast; 54846䌩 > fine; 54847䌝 > silk; 54848䌓 > many; 54849䌒 > pure; 54850䌌 > lace; 54851䋼 > slow; 54852䋖 > long; 54853䊦 > food; 54854䇩 > long; 54855䆭 > cave; 54856䆩 > dark; 54857䆦 > deep; 54858䄩 > bran; 54859䂃 > dark; 54860䁩 > fish; 54861䁆 > eyes; 54862䁅 > rage; 54863䀾 > many; 54864䀜 > down; 54865䀋 > salt; 54866䀀 > cups; 54867㿙 > full; 54868㿎 > sick; 54869㾹 > lean; 54870㾪 > lean; 54871㾨 > weak; 54872㾛 > ugly; 54873㾊 > thin; 54874㾉 > thin; 54875㺥 > bark; 54876㹒 > bull; 54877㹏 > good; 54878㹎 > bull; 54879㹍 > bull; 54880㸸 > calf; 54881㸮 > bull; 54882㸎 > warm; 54883㷵 > fire; 54884㷴 > fire; 54885㷬 > fire; 54886㷘 > coal; 54887㷐 > fire; 54888㷄 > fire; 54889㶹 > fire; 54890㶯 > fire; 54891㶨 > fire; 54892㶧 > warm; 54893㵾 > cold; 54894㵶 > full; 54895㵩 > many; 54896㵙 > pure; 54897㵖 > damp; 54898㴴 > sink; 54899㴱 > deep; 54900㴝 > many; 54901㴛 > damp; 54902㴗 > deep; 54903㴀 > deep; 54904㳤 > good; 54905㲾 > rain; 54906㲻 > sunk; 54907㲴 > mind; 54908㲟 > hair; 54909㲜 > rugs; 54910㲓 > fine; 54911㱴 > sick; 54912㱋 > high; 54913㱇 > fear; 54914㰫 > glad; 54915㰡 > rash; 54916㰟 > hope; 54917㰙 > weak; 54918㰐 > oval; 54919㮺 > stem; 54920㮤 > pine; 54921㮒 > wood; 54922㭽 > root; 54923㬘 > arid; 54924㬉 > warm; 54925㬅 > long; 54926㫲 > dark; 54927㫱 > mild; 54928㫥 > dark; 54929㫎 > mark; 54930㫄 > side; 54931㩼 > many; 54932逸 > flee; 54933洞 > cave; 54934刺 > stab; 54935狀 > form; 54936淋 > drip; 54937㧮 > high; 54938匿 > hide; 54939㧨 > slow; 54940梨 > pear; 54941李 > plum; 54942陸 > land; 54943戮 > kill; 54944紐 > knot; 54945留 > stop; 54946流 > flow; 54947惡 > evil; 54948領 > neck; 54949零 > zero; 54950鈴 > bell; 54951怜 > pity; 54952獵 > hunt; 54953㦨 > lazy; 54954㦢 > pure; 54955連 > join; 54956秊 > year; 54957戀 > love; 54958憐 > pity; 54959年 > year; 54960㦏 > weak; 54961旅 > trip; 54962良 > good; 54963糧 > food; 54964凉 > cool; 54965沈 > sink; 54966殺 > kill; 54967葉 > leaf; 54968㥬 > fear; 54969㥩 > idle; 54970㥡 > idle; 54971拏 > take; 54972讀 > read; 54973陵 > hill; 54974凌 > pure; 54975肋 > ribs; 54976漏 > leak; 54977聾 > deaf; 54978籠 > cage; 54979鹿 > deer; 54980錄 > copy; 54981路 > road; 54982冷 > cold; 54983來 > come; 54984狼 > wolf; 54985浪 > wave; 54986拉 > pull; 54987藍 > blue; 54988㤟 > fear; 54989落 > fall; 54990裸 > bare; 54991懶 > lazy; 54992喇 > horn; 54993金 > gold; 54994契 > deed; 54995㤉 > fear; 54996滑 > slip; 54997車 > cart; 54998更 > more; 54999㣎 > fine; 55000㢜 > vast; 55001㢘 > pure; 55002㢔 > many; 55003㢎 > hide; 55004㢋 > vast; 55005㢃 > high; 55006㢁 > vast; 55007㡦 > mess; 55008㠻 > rare; 55009㠩 > vast; 55010㠌 > high; 55011㞱 > dusk; 55012㞖 > this; 55013㞄 > lame; 55014㝿 > lame; 55015㝡 > very; 55016㝠 > dark; 55017㝝 > deep; 55018㝑 > side; 55019㝐 > face; 55020㝈 > twin; 55021㝄 > pure; 55022㜷 > milk; 55023㜛 > soft; 55024㜃 > from; 55025㛦 > good; 55026㚧 > agil; 55027㚍 > much; 55028㚋 > much; 55029㚊 > much; 55030㚂 > dust; 55031㙪 > dark; 55032㙠 > dust; 55033㙒 > wild; 55034㙂 > wall; 55035㙁 > dust; 55036㘨 > deep; 55037㘐 > loud; 55038㗈 > long; 55039㕦 > loud; 55040㔄 > thin; 55041㓑 > cold; 55042㓎 > cold; 55043㓊 > cold; 55044㒚 > firm; 55045㒎 > evil; 55046㑿 > long; 55047㑵 > envy; 55048㑚 > that; 55049㑌 > weak; 55050㑈 > rude; 55051㐡 > weak; 55052㐅 > five; 55053一 > one; 55054人 > man; 55055我 > our; 55056大 > big; 55057上 > top; 55058你 > you; 55059可 > may; 55060她 > she; 55061天 > sky; 55062而 > and; 55063然 > yes; 55064没 > not; 55065日 > sun; 55066彩 > hue; 55067十 > ten; 55068用 > use; 55069眼 > eye; 55070又 > and; 55071见 > see; 55072老 > old; 55073两 > two; 55074外 > out; 55075与 > and; 55076法 > law; 55077目 > eye; 55078二 > two; 55079点 > dot; 55080盜 > rob; 55081其 > his; 55082盗 > rob; 55083儿 > son; 55084新 > new; 55085床 > bed; 55086皆 > all; 55087海 > sea; 55088少 > few; 55089帽 > hat; 55090叫 > cry; 55091死 > die; 55092放 > put; 55093今 > now; 55094赤 > red; 55095畢 > end; 55096战 > war; 55097購 > buy; 55098瓶 > jug; 55099请 > ask; 55100交 > mix; 55101吃 > eat; 55102買 > buy; 55103非 > not; 55104夫 > man; 55105红 > red; 55106运 > run; 55107寥 > few; 55108网 > net; 55109飞 > fly; 55110观 > see; 55111猿 > ape; 55112猫 > cat; 55113猪 > pig; 55114坐 > sit; 55115謂 > say; 55116狗 > dog; 55117請 > ask; 55118终 > end; 55119切 > cut; 55120犬 > dog; 55121誤 > err; 55122尔 > you; 55123热 > hot; 55124古 > old; 55125牛 > cow; 55126牀 > bed; 55127觀 > see; 55128低 > low; 55129観 > see; 55130熱 > hot; 55131仍 > yet; 55132見 > see; 55133脚 > leg; 55134云 > say; 55135买 > buy; 55136奈 > but; 55137排 > row; 55138壯 > big; 55139壞 > bad; 55140壊 > bad; 55141湾 > bay; 55142墨 > ink; 55143否 > not; 55144食 > eat; 55145術 > art; 55146濘 > mud; 55147濕 > wet; 55148露 > dew; 55149齢 > age; 55150齡 > age; 55151蝙 > bat; 55152蝋 > wax; 55153鼠 > rat; 55154跑 > run; 55155蜂 > bee; 55156艺 > art; 55157點 > dot; 55158摇 > wag; 55159顶 > top; 55160湿 > wet; 55161端 > end; 55162旧 > old; 55163油 > oil; 55164藝 > art; 55165毕 > end; 55166藉 > mat; 55167液 > sap; 55168薯 > yam; 55169耳 > ear; 55170喋 > nag; 55171啜 > sip; 55172問 > ask; 55173泥 > mud; 55174泣 > cry; 55175哀 > sad; 55176冰 > ice; 55177误 > err; 55178凡 > all; 55179汝 > you; 55180谓 > say; 55181杯 > cup; 55182氷 > ice; 55183氣 > air; 55184気 > air; 55185萌 > bud; 55186购 > buy; 55187途 > way; 55188摆 > put; 55189典 > law; 55190茶 > tea; 55191卵 > egg; 55192播 > sow; 55193臂 > arm; 55194欷 > sob; 55195匚 > box; 55196摩 > rub; 55197餐 > eat; 55198冠 > cap; 55199芽 > bud; 55200芸 > rue; 55201劣 > bad; 55202剽 > rob; 55203割 > cut; 55204缘 > hem; 55205俩 > two; 55206壮 > big; 55207忧 > sad; 55208舊 > old; 55209與 > and; 55210龄 > age; 55211惨 > sad; 55212腾 > fly; 55213染 > dye; 55214膿 > pus; 55215榻 > cot; 55216円 > yen; 55217兩 > two; 55218兒 > son; 55219腐 > rot; 55220児 > son; 55221脂 > fat; 55222飛 > fly; 55223肥 > fat; 55224援 > aid; 55225胖 > fat; 55226哼 > hum; 55227偵 > spy; 55228顛 > top; 55229顎 > jaw; 55230倶 > all; 55231頂 > top; 55232罐 > jar; 55233捷 > win; 55234霧 > fog; 55235乾 > dry; 55236俱 > all; 55237赢 > win; 55238缝 > sew; 55239抚 > pat; 55240挖 > dig; 55241曝 > sun; 55242雾 > fog; 55243暑 > hot; 55244颠 > top; 55245扇 > fan; 55246曰 > say; 55247乞 > beg; 55248赌 > bet; 55249縫 > sew; 55250両 > two; 55251欠 > owe; 55252氛 > gas; 55253縁 > hem; 55254締 > tie; 55255弗 > not; 55256網 > net; 55257斬 > cut; 55258絶 > cut; 55259辟 > law; 55260終 > end; 55261襄 > aid; 55262炒 > fry; 55263锡 > tin; 55264紅 > red; 55265撫 > pat; 55266鑵 > jar; 55267坑 > pit; 55268搖 > wag; 55269揺 > wag; 55270撕 > rip; 55271揉 > rub; 55272磕 > hit; 55273斩 > cut; 55274掠 > rob; 55275掘 > dig; 55276谎 > lie; 55277銜 > bit; 55278赋 > tax; 55279囊 > bag; 55280戰 > war; 55281戦 > war; 55282憂 > sad; 55283搂 > hug; 55284慘 > sad; 55285侦 > spy; 55286壶 > jar; 55287弓 > bow; 55288蜡 > wax; 55289庐 > hut; 55290歹 > bad; 55291惟 > but; 55292衔 > bit; 55293坎 > pit; 55294兹 > now; 55295毯 > rug; 55296钥 > key; 55297斧 > axe; 55298赎 > buy; 55299彤 > red; 55300燥 > dry; 55301佬 > man; 55302瞅 > see; 55303蹦 > hop; 55304霄 > sky; 55305翩 > fly; 55306暨 > and; 55307迢 > far; 55308缔 > tie; 55309褚 > bag; 55310蚂 > ant; 55311揍 > hit; 55312擂 > rub; 55313锄 > hoe; 55314捅 > jab; 55315鞠 > bow; 55316骰 > die; 55317踉 > hop; 55318桨 > oar; 55319拌 > mix; 55320狸 > fox; 55321瀛 > sea; 55322噩 > bad; 55323蓓 > bud; 55324窖 > pit; 55325掺 > mix; 55326猖 > mad; 55327趾 > toe; 55328蘸 > dip; 55329淤 > mud; 55330琦 > gem; 55331脓 > pus; 55332畸 > odd; 55333盎 > cup; 55334茗 > tea; 55335胥 > all; 55336怆 > sad; 55337泞 > mud; 55338剐 > cut; 55339舀 > dip; 55340坯 > dam; 55341堰 > dam; 55342幺 > one; 55343牯 > cow; 55344弼 > aid; 55345鳝 > eel; 55346斫 > cut; 55347怩 > shy; 55348溥 > big; 55349橹 > oar; 55350黠 > sly; 55351绌 > sew; 55352剜 > cut; 55353罔 > net; 55354颚 > jaw; 55355唿 > sad; 55356耨 > hoe; 55357膘 > fat; 55358镳 > bit; 55359腴 > fat; 55360狯 > sly; 55361镢 > hoe; 55362裨 > aid; 55363锛 > adz; 55364囵 > all; 55365邈 > far; 55366殒 > die; 55367啖 > eat; 55368麋 > elk; 55369鳍 > fin; 55370刍 > mow; 55371侗 > big; 55372楫 > oar; 55373猡 > pig; 55374柞 > oak; 55375佥 > all; 55376鳗 > eel; 55377鞣 > tan; 55378棹 > oar; 55379陂 > dam; 55380殁 > die; 55381觚 > jug; 55382臬 > law; 55383猃 > dog; 55384寤 > few; 55385僖 > joy; 55386犭 > dog; 55387羝 > ram; 55388貔 > fox; 55389觌 > see; 55390槠 > oak; 55391溻 > wet; 55392芟 > mow; 55393俣 > big; 55394瓿 > jar; 55395逖 > far; 55396哜 > sip; 55397隰 > low; 55398鲡 > eel; 55399毹 > rug; 55400殪 > die; 55401缏 > hem; 55402饣 > eat; 55403埤 > add; 55404坭 > mud; 55405龥 > beg; 55406齣 > act; 55407鼡 > rat; 55408黕 > red; 55409鹋 > emu; 55410鴞 > owl; 55411鲕 > roe; 55412鱺 > eel; 55413鱔 > eel; 55414鱓 > eel; 55415鰻 > eel; 55416鰭 > fin; 55417鮞 > roe; 55418鬷 > pot; 55419鬴 > pot; 55420鬆 > lax; 55421髢 > wig; 55422骽 > leg; 55423騵 > bay; 55424騳 > run; 55425騰 > fly; 55426騢 > bay; 55427騂 > red; 55428駉 > big; 55429餔 > eat; 55430飠 > eat; 55431顚 > top; 55432頳 > red; 55433頫 > bow; 55434韖 > tan; 55435韎 > red; 55436阬 > pit; 55437鑰 > key; 55438鑯 > awl; 55439鑣 > bit; 55440鐏 > cap; 55441鏚 > axe; 55442鎡 > hoe; 55443鍾 > cup; 55444錫 > tin; 55445錤 > hoe; 55446錛 > adz; 55447錔 > cap; 55448鋤 > hoe; 55449鉏 > hoe; 55450遉 > spy; 55451轑 > rut; 55452踶 > paw; 55453跦 > hop; 55454贖 > buy; 55455贏 > win; 55456賭 > bet; 55457賦 > tax; 55458貜 > ape; 55459貓 > cat; 55460豼 > fox; 55461豷 > man; 55462豬 > pig; 55463豨 > pig; 55464豝 > sow; 55465謊 > lie; 55466覿 > see; 55467覩 > see; 55468覌 > see; 55469裀 > mat; 55470衜 > way; 55471蠮 > bee; 55472蠟 > wax; 55473螞 > ant; 55474螘 > ant; 55475蝯 > ape; 55476蜑 > egg; 55477藷 > yam; 55478蕷 > yam; 55479蕓 > rue; 55480蔋 > dry; 55481蓺 > art; 55482蓣 > yam; 55483蒴 > pod; 55484葄 > mat; 55485萠 > bud; 55486茲 > now; 55487芻 > mow; 55488艪 > oar; 55489臕 > fat; 55490臇 > fat; 55491膟 > fat; 55492膋 > fat; 55493膃 > fat; 55494肭 > fat; 55495肀 > pen; 55496耡 > hoe; 55497翾 > fly; 55498翃 > fly; 55499羘 > ram; 55500羇 > inn; 55501罻 > net; 55502罦 > net; 55503罟 > net; 55504罆 > jar; 55505缾 > jar; 55506緶 > hem; 55507緵 > net; 55508緰 > net; 55509緣 > hem; 55510絕 > cut; 55511絀 > sew; 55512紮 > tie; 55513籥 > key; 55514箑 > fan; 55515窞 > pit; 55516窌 > pit; 55517窊 > pit; 55518窅 > far; 55519砲 > gun; 55520瞶 > dim; 55521睊 > see; 55522眛 > dim; 55523癙 > ill; 55524瘨 > mad; 55525瘏 > ill; 55526痗 > ill; 55527甒 > jar; 55528甇 > jar; 55529甁 > jug; 55530甀 > jar; 55531瓻 > jar; 55532瓀 > gem; 55533璅 > gem; 55534玆 > now; 55535玀 > pig; 55536獫 > dog; 55537獪 > sly; 55538獢 > dog; 55539猭 > ape; 55540猨 > ape; 55541牼 > man; 55542爾 > you; 55543焞 > dim; 55544灋 > law; 55545澝 > mud; 55546潚 > gay; 55547沒 > not; 55548毧 > fur; 55549殣 > die; 55550殞 > die; 55551歿 > die; 55552歠 > sip; 55553櫧 > oak; 55554櫓 > oar; 55555櫂 > oar; 55556檝 > oar; 55557橧 > hut; 55558樠 > elm; 55559槳 > oar; 55560楎 > peg; 55561椷 > box; 55562棓 > hit; 55563梶 > oar; 55564梩 > hod; 55565桮 > cup; 55566柸 > cup; 55567杅 > tub; 55568曁 > and; 55569晞 > dry; 55570昄 > big; 55571斸 > cut; 55572斲 > cut; 55573斨 > axe; 55574攵 > rap; 55575攴 > rap; 55576擺 > put; 55577摟 > hug; 55578搰 > dig; 55579搨 > rub; 55580搧 > fan; 55581搃 > all; 55582挼 > rub; 55583慱 > sad; 55584愴 > sad; 55585惙 > sad; 55586弨 > bow; 55587弤 > bow; 55588廬 > hut; 55589帣 > bag; 55590尓 > you; 55591尒 > you; 55592寙 > bad; 55593嬛 > apt; 55594妵 > man; 55595妳 > you; 55596奭 > red; 55597奜 > big; 55598奌 > dot; 55599壺 > jar; 55600壷 > jar; 55601墫 > cup; 55602堌 > dam; 55603埶 > art; 55604埧 > dam; 55605圇 > all; 55606嚢 > bag; 55607嚌 > sip; 55608喫 > eat; 55609啗 > eat; 55610匸 > box; 55611劚 > cut; 55612剸 > cut; 55613剮 > cut; 55614剉 > cut; 55615刲 > cut; 55616凣 > all; 55617凢 > all; 55618凃 > mud; 55619冫 > ice; 55620冞 > far; 55621僉 > all; 55622偯 > sob; 55623倞 > far; 55624俁 > big; 55625侊 > big; 55626佽 > aid; 55627亓 > his; 55628亁 > dry; 55629乢 > lid; 55630丶 > dot; 55631䳠 > owl; 55632䲊 > fry; 55633䰠 > god; 55634䪞 > bad; 55635䪚 > hot; 55636䩆 > old; 55637䨿 > bad; 55638䢛 > far; 55639䢓 > bed; 55640䡜 > car; 55641䝆 > hog; 55642䜣 > joy; 55643䗶 > wax; 55644䗬 > bee; 55645䗦 > bee; 55646䒬 > not; 55647䑋 > fat; 55648䑊 > fat; 55649䑂 > fat; 55650䐾 > fat; 55651䐵 > fat; 55652䐪 > fat; 55653䐩 > fat; 55654䐟 > fat; 55655䐏 > fat; 55656䐎 > fat; 55657䐉 > fat; 55658䏻 > can; 55659䏴 > dim; 55660䏥 > dry; 55661䏜 > fat; 55662䎋 > fly; 55663䍝 > net; 55664䍕 > net; 55665䍒 > net; 55666䌢 > raw; 55667䋬 > rug; 55668䋞 > web; 55669䋄 > web; 55670䊑 > pay; 55671䉾 > bad; 55672䆾 > big; 55673䆱 > big; 55674䁮 > sad; 55675㾑 > fat; 55676㺋 > pig; 55677㹅 > all; 55678㸁 > dry; 55679㷪 > fat; 55680㷣 > red; 55681㴼 > wet; 55682㴷 > wet; 55683㳴 > mud; 55684㲭 > rug; 55685㲖 > fur; 55686㮎 > cup; 55687㮈 > but; 55688㫓 > air; 55689猪 > pig; 55690見 > see; 55691切 > cut; 55692茶 > tea; 55693泥 > mud; 55694㦧 > sad; 55695劣 > bad; 55696廬 > hut; 55697㦀 > joy; 55698兩 > two; 55699掠 > rob; 55700㥢 > bad; 55701㥑 > sad; 55702露 > dew; 55703老 > old; 55704櫓 > oar; 55705蠟 > wax; 55706卵 > egg; 55707㤚 > joy; 55708奈 > but; 55709㤈 > sad; 55710㢠 > far; 55711㜸 > sin; 55712㚚 > big; 55713㘔 > eat; 55714㗔 > joy; 55715㕅 > big; 55716㓉 > ice; 55717㒳 > two; 55718㒪 > tin; 55719㑾 > joy; 55720㐺 > all; 55721不 > no; 55722为 > do; 55723之 > ''s; 55724徃 > go; 55725往 > go; 55726于 > in; 55727行 > go; 55728如 > if; 55729弄 > do; 55730或 > or; 55731它 > it; 55732若 > if; 55733爲 > do; 55734咱 > us; 55735為 > do; 55736适 > go; 55737倘 > if; 55738於 > in; 55739哟 > ah; 55740嗨 > hi; 55741彝 > yi; 55742傥 > if; 55743锱 > oz; 55744徂 > go; 55745钔 > md; 55746伲 > we; 55747镤 > pa; 55748镎 > np; 55749铹 > lr; 55750夂 > go; 55751锿 > es; 55752锝 > tc; 55753锘 > no; 55754锕 > ac; 55755锊 > oz; 55756鎝 > tc; 55757錼 > np; 55758錙 > oz; 55759鋝 > oz; 55760迬 > go; 55761繄 > be; 55762糎 > mm; 55763粨 > hm; 55764粍 > mm; 55765粁 > km; 55766籵 > dm; 55767祂 > he; 55768牠 > it; 55769朁 > if; 55770攲 > up; 55771扵 > in; 55772彞 > yi; 55773彜 > yi; 55774彛 > yi; 55775廴 > go; 55776嗈 > oh; 55777喲 > ah; 55778喤 > ah; 55779咁 > so; 55780兡 > hg; 55781兞 > mg; 55782兝 > dg; 55783儻 > if; 55784偺 > us; 55785佢 > he; 55786行 > go; 55787若 > if; 55788不 > no; 55789弄 > do; 55790余 > i; 55791吾 > i; 55792予 > i; 55793侬 > i; 55794麿 > i; 55795樶 > c; 55796儂 > i; 55797。 <> '.'; 55798:: fullwidth-halfwidth (); 55799