1#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
3"""A test case update script.
5This script is a utility to update LLVM X86 'llc' based test cases with new
6FileCheck patterns. It can either update all of the tests in the file or
7a single test function.
10import argparse
11import itertools
12import string
13import subprocess
14import sys
15import tempfile
16import re
19def llc(args, cmd_args, ir):
20  with open(ir) as ir_file:
21    stdout = subprocess.check_output(args.llc_binary + ' ' + cmd_args,
22                                     shell=True, stdin=ir_file)
23  return stdout
26ASM_SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE = re.compile(r'(?!^(|  \w))[ \t]+', flags=re.M)
27ASM_SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE = re.compile(r'[ \t]+$', flags=re.M)
29    re.compile(
30        r'^(\s*\w+) [^#\n]+#+ ((?:[xyz]mm\d+|mem) = .*)$',
31        flags=re.M))
32ASM_SCRUB_SP_RE = re.compile(r'\d+\(%(esp|rsp)\)')
33ASM_SCRUB_RIP_RE = re.compile(r'[.\w]+\(%rip\)')
34ASM_SCRUB_KILL_COMMENT_RE = re.compile(r'^ *#+ +kill:.*\n')
37def scrub_asm(asm):
38  # Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
39  # whitespace in place.
40  asm = ASM_SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
41  # Expand the tabs used for indentation.
42  asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
43  # Detect shuffle asm comments and hide the operands in favor of the comments.
44  asm = ASM_SCRUB_SHUFFLES_RE.sub(r'\1 {{.*#+}} \2', asm)
45  # Generically match the stack offset of a memory operand.
46  asm = ASM_SCRUB_SP_RE.sub(r'{{[0-9]+}}(%\1)', asm)
47  # Generically match a RIP-relative memory operand.
48  asm = ASM_SCRUB_RIP_RE.sub(r'{{.*}}(%rip)', asm)
49  # Strip kill operands inserted into the asm.
50  asm = ASM_SCRUB_KILL_COMMENT_RE.sub('', asm)
51  # Strip trailing whitespace.
52  asm = ASM_SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
53  return asm
56def main():
57  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
58  parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
59                      help='Show verbose output')
60  parser.add_argument('--llc-binary', default='llc',
61                      help='The "llc" binary to use to generate the test case')
62  parser.add_argument(
63      '--function', help='The function in the test file to update')
64  parser.add_argument('tests', nargs='+')
65  args = parser.parse_args()
67  run_line_re = re.compile('^\s*;\s*RUN:\s*(.*)$')
68  ir_function_re = re.compile('^\s*define\s+(?:internal\s+)?[^@]*@(\w+)\s*\(')
69  asm_function_re = re.compile(
70      r'^_?(?P<f>[^:]+):[ \t]*#+[ \t]*@(?P=f)\n[^:]*?'
71      r'(?P<body>^##?[ \t]+[^:]+:.*?)\s*'
72      r'^\s*(?:[^:\n]+?:\s*\n\s*\.size|\.cfi_endproc|\.globl|\.comm|\.(?:sub)?section)',
73      flags=(re.M | re.S))
74  check_prefix_re = re.compile('--check-prefix=(\S+)')
75  check_re = re.compile(r'^\s*;\s*([^:]+?)(?:-NEXT|-NOT|-DAG|-LABEL)?:')
76  autogenerated_note = ('; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by '
77                        'utils/update_llc_test_checks.py')
79  for test in args.tests:
80    if args.verbose:
81      print >>sys.stderr, 'Scanning for RUN lines in test file: %s' % (test,)
82    with open(test) as f:
83      test_lines = [l.rstrip() for l in f]
85    run_lines = [m.group(1)
86                 for m in [run_line_re.match(l) for l in test_lines] if m]
87    if args.verbose:
88      print >>sys.stderr, 'Found %d RUN lines:' % (len(run_lines),)
89      for l in run_lines:
90        print >>sys.stderr, '  RUN: ' + l
92    checks = []
93    for l in run_lines:
94      (llc_cmd, filecheck_cmd) = tuple([cmd.strip() for cmd in l.split('|', 1)])
95      if not llc_cmd.startswith('llc '):
96        print >>sys.stderr, 'WARNING: Skipping non-llc RUN line: ' + l
97        continue
99      if not filecheck_cmd.startswith('FileCheck '):
100        print >>sys.stderr, 'WARNING: Skipping non-FileChecked RUN line: ' + l
101        continue
103      llc_cmd_args = llc_cmd[len('llc'):].strip()
104      llc_cmd_args = llc_cmd_args.replace('< %s', '').replace('%s', '').strip()
106      check_prefixes = [m.group(1)
107                        for m in check_prefix_re.finditer(filecheck_cmd)]
108      if not check_prefixes:
109        check_prefixes = ['CHECK']
111      # FIXME: We should use multiple check prefixes to common check lines. For
112      # now, we just ignore all but the last.
113      checks.append((check_prefixes, llc_cmd_args))
115    asm = {}
116    for prefixes, _ in checks:
117      for prefix in prefixes:
118        asm.update({prefix: dict()})
119    for prefixes, llc_args in checks:
120      if args.verbose:
121        print >>sys.stderr, 'Extracted LLC cmd: llc ' + llc_args
122        print >>sys.stderr, 'Extracted FileCheck prefixes: ' + str(prefixes)
123      raw_asm = llc(args, llc_args, test)
124      # Build up a dictionary of all the function bodies.
125      for m in asm_function_re.finditer(raw_asm):
126        if not m:
127          continue
128        f = m.group('f')
129        f_asm = scrub_asm(m.group('body'))
130        if f.startswith('stress'):
131          # We only use the last line of the asm for stress tests.
132          f_asm = '\n'.join(f_asm.splitlines()[-1:])
133        if args.verbose:
134          print >>sys.stderr, 'Processing asm for function: ' + f
135          for l in f_asm.splitlines():
136            print >>sys.stderr, '  ' + l
137        for prefix in prefixes:
138          if f in asm[prefix] and asm[prefix][f] != f_asm:
139            if prefix == prefixes[-1]:
140              print >>sys.stderr, ('WARNING: Found conflicting asm under the '
141                                   'same prefix: %r!' % (prefix,))
142            else:
143              asm[prefix][f] = None
144              continue
146          asm[prefix][f] = f_asm
148    is_in_function = False
149    is_in_function_start = False
150    prefix_set = set([prefix for prefixes, _ in checks for prefix in prefixes])
151    if args.verbose:
152      print >>sys.stderr, 'Rewriting FileCheck prefixes: %s' % (prefix_set,)
153    fixed_lines = []
154    fixed_lines.append(autogenerated_note)
156    for l in test_lines:
157      if is_in_function_start:
158        if l.lstrip().startswith(';'):
159          m = check_re.match(l)
160          if not m or m.group(1) not in prefix_set:
161            fixed_lines.append(l)
162            continue
164        # Print out the various check lines here
165        printed_prefixes = []
166        for prefixes, _ in checks:
167          for prefix in prefixes:
168            if prefix in printed_prefixes:
169              break
170            if not asm[prefix][name]:
171              continue
172            if len(printed_prefixes) != 0:
173              fixed_lines.append(';')
174            printed_prefixes.append(prefix)
175            fixed_lines.append('; %s-LABEL: %s:' % (prefix, name))
176            asm_lines = asm[prefix][name].splitlines()
177            fixed_lines.append('; %s:       %s' % (prefix, asm_lines[0]))
178            for asm_line in asm_lines[1:]:
179              fixed_lines.append('; %s-NEXT:  %s' % (prefix, asm_line))
180            break
181        is_in_function_start = False
183      if is_in_function:
184        # Skip any blank comment lines in the IR.
185        if l.strip() == ';':
186          continue
187        # And skip any CHECK lines. We'll build our own.
188        m = check_re.match(l)
189        if m and m.group(1) in prefix_set:
190          continue
191        # Collect the remaining lines in the function body and look for the end
192        # of the function.
193        fixed_lines.append(l)
194        if l.strip() == '}':
195          is_in_function = False
196        continue
198      if l == autogenerated_note:
199        continue
200      fixed_lines.append(l)
202      m = ir_function_re.match(l)
203      if not m:
204        continue
205      name = m.group(1)
206      if args.function is not None and name != args.function:
207        # When filtering on a specific function, skip all others.
208        continue
209      is_in_function = is_in_function_start = True
211    if args.verbose:
212      print>>sys.stderr, 'Writing %d fixed lines to %s...' % (
213          len(fixed_lines), test)
214    with open(test, 'w') as f:
215      f.writelines([l + '\n' for l in fixed_lines])
218if __name__ == '__main__':
219  main()