1Jinja is written and maintained by the Jinja Team and various 2contributors: 3 4Lead Developer: 5 6- Armin Ronacher <armin.ronacher@active-4.com> 7 8Developers: 9 10- Christoph Hack 11- Georg Brandl 12 13Contributors: 14 15- Bryan McLemore 16- Mickaël Guérin <kael@crocobox.org> 17- Cameron Knight 18- Lawrence Journal-World. 19- David Cramer 20 21Patches and suggestions: 22 23- Ronny Pfannschmidt 24- Axel Böhm 25- Alexey Melchakov 26- Bryan McLemore 27- Clovis Fabricio (nosklo) 28- Cameron Knight 29- Peter van Dijk (Habbie) 30- Stefan Ebner 31- Rene Leonhardt 32- Thomas Waldmann 33- Cory Benfield (Lukasa) 34