1Image Processing (imgproc module) {#tutorial_table_of_content_imgproc} 2================================= 3 4In this section you will learn about the image processing (manipulation) functions inside OpenCV. 5 6- @subpage tutorial_gausian_median_blur_bilateral_filter 7 8 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 9 10 *Author:* Ana Huamán 11 12 Let's take a look at some basic linear filters! 13 14- @subpage tutorial_erosion_dilatation 15 16 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 17 18 Author: Ana Huamán 19 20 Let's *change* the shape of objects! 21 22- @subpage tutorial_opening_closing_hats 23 24 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 25 26 *Author:* Ana Huamán 27 28 Here we investigate different morphology operators 29 30- @subpage tutorial_moprh_lines_detection 31 32 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 33 34 *Author:* Theodore Tsesmelis 35 36 Here we will show how we can use different morphology operators to extract horizontal and vertical lines 37 38- @subpage tutorial_pyramids 39 40 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 41 42 *Author:* Ana Huamán 43 44 What if I need a bigger/smaller image? 45 46- @subpage tutorial_threshold 47 48 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 49 50 *Author:* Ana Huamán 51 52 After so much processing, it is time to decide which pixels stay! 53 54- @subpage tutorial_filter_2d 55 56 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 57 58 *Author:* Ana Huamán 59 60 Where we learn to design our own filters by using OpenCV functions 61 62- @subpage tutorial_copyMakeBorder 63 64 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 65 66 *Author:* Ana Huamán 67 68 Where we learn how to pad our images! 69 70- @subpage tutorial_sobel_derivatives 71 72 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 73 74 *Author:* Ana Huamán 75 76 Where we learn how to calculate gradients and use them to detect edges! 77 78- @subpage tutorial_laplace_operator 79 80 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 81 82 *Author:* Ana Huamán 83 84 Where we learn about the *Laplace* operator and how to detect edges with it. 85 86- @subpage tutorial_canny_detector 87 88 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 89 90 *Author:* Ana Huamán 91 92 Where we learn a sophisticated alternative to detect edges. 93 94- @subpage tutorial_hough_lines 95 96 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 97 98 *Author:* Ana Huamán 99 100 Where we learn how to detect lines 101 102- @subpage tutorial_hough_circle 103 104 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 105 106 *Author:* Ana Huamán 107 108 Where we learn how to detect circles 109 110- @subpage tutorial_remap 111 112 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 113 114 *Author:* Ana Huamán 115 116 Where we learn how to manipulate pixels locations 117 118- @subpage tutorial_warp_affine 119 120 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 121 122 *Author:* Ana Huamán 123 124 Where we learn how to rotate, translate and scale our images 125 126- @subpage tutorial_histogram_equalization 127 128 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 129 130 *Author:* Ana Huamán 131 132 Where we learn how to improve the contrast in our images 133 134- @subpage tutorial_histogram_calculation 135 136 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 137 138 *Author:* Ana Huamán 139 140 Where we learn how to create and generate histograms 141 142- @subpage tutorial_histogram_comparison 143 144 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 145 146 *Author:* Ana Huamán 147 148 Where we learn to calculate metrics between histograms 149 150- @subpage tutorial_back_projection 151 152 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 153 154 *Author:* Ana Huamán 155 156 Where we learn how to use histograms to find similar objects in images 157 158- @subpage tutorial_template_matching 159 160 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 161 162 *Author:* Ana Huamán 163 164 Where we learn how to match templates in an image 165 166- @subpage tutorial_find_contours 167 168 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 169 170 *Author:* Ana Huamán 171 172 Where we learn how to find contours of objects in our image 173 174- @subpage tutorial_hull 175 176 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 177 178 *Author:* Ana Huamán 179 180 Where we learn how to get hull contours and draw them! 181 182- @subpage tutorial_bounding_rects_circles 183 184 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 185 186 *Author:* Ana Huamán 187 188 Where we learn how to obtain bounding boxes and circles for our contours. 189 190- @subpage tutorial_bounding_rotated_ellipses 191 192 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 193 194 *Author:* Ana Huamán 195 196 Where we learn how to obtain rotated bounding boxes and ellipses for our contours. 197 198- @subpage tutorial_moments 199 200 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 201 202 *Author:* Ana Huamán 203 204 Where we learn to calculate the moments of an image 205 206- @subpage tutorial_point_polygon_test 207 208 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 209 210 *Author:* Ana Huamán 211 212 Where we learn how to calculate distances from the image to contours 213 214- @subpage tutorial_distance_transform 215 216 *Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0 217 218 *Author:* Theodore Tsesmelis 219 220 Where we learn to segment objects using Laplacian filtering, the Distance Transformation and the Watershed algorithm.