com/ximpleware/arrayList.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.arrayList extends java.lang.Object { public static final int GROWTH_INC public static final int default_init_capacity protected int size protected int capacity protected Object[] oa public void <init> () public void <init> (int) int initial_capacity public final java.lang.Object get (int) int i public final void add (java.lang.Object) Object[] oa1 Object o public final void clear () public final int size () public final int getCapacity () }
com/ximpleware/AutoPilot.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.AutoPilot extends java.lang.Object { protected int depth protected int iter_type protected com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn protected int index protected int endIndex protected boolean ft protected boolean special protected String name protected String name2 protected String localName protected String URL protected int size protected com.ximpleware.Expr xpe protected int[] contextCopy protected int stackSize private com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer fib protected java.util.Hashtable nsHash protected boolean enableCaching public static final int UNDEFINED public static final int SIMPLE public static final int SIMPLE_NS public static final int DESCENDANT public static final int DESCENDANT_NS public static final int FOLLOWING public static final int FOLLOWING_NS public static final int PRECEDING public static final int PRECEDING_NS public static final int ATTR public static final int ATTR_NS public static final int NAME_SPACE public static final int SIMPLE_NODE public static final int DESCENDANT_NODE public static final int FOLLOWING_NODE public static final int PRECEDING_NODE private static java.util.Hashtable symbolHash protected java.lang.String getName () public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav v public void <init> () public final void declareXPathNameSpace (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String prefix String URL public void bind (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vnv public void declareVariableExpr (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.XPathParseException com.ximpleware.xpath.parser p com.ximpleware.XPathParseException e Exception e String varName String varExpr public final void clearVariableExprs () public final void clearXPathNameSpaces () public boolean iterate2 () throws com.ximpleware.PilotException com.ximpleware.NavException boolean b public boolean iterate () throws com.ximpleware.PilotException com.ximpleware.NavException protected int iterateNameSpace () throws com.ximpleware.PilotException com.ximpleware.NavException int type protected boolean checkNsUniqueness (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int j int i protected int iterateAttr2 () throws com.ximpleware.PilotException com.ximpleware.NavException int type int type int i int i public int iterateAttr () throws com.ximpleware.PilotException com.ximpleware.NavException int type int type int i int i protected final void selectNode () protected final void selectPrecedingNode () int i protected final void selectFollowingNode () protected final void selectDescendantNode () public void selectElement (java.lang.String) String en public void selectElementNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String ns_URL String ln protected void selectElement_D (java.lang.String) String en protected void selectElementNS_D (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String ns_URL String ln protected void selectElement_F (java.lang.String) String en protected void selectElementNS_F (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String ns_URL String ln protected void selectElement_P (java.lang.String) int i String en protected void selectElementNS_P (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) int i String ns_URL String ln protected void selectNameSpace (java.lang.String) String en public void selectAttr (java.lang.String) String en public final void selectAttrNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String ns_URL String ln public void selectXPath (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.XPathParseException com.ximpleware.xpath.parser p com.ximpleware.XPathParseException e Exception e String s public final void resetXPath () public final double evalXPathToNumber () public final java.lang.String evalXPathToString () public final boolean evalXPathToBoolean () public int evalXPath () throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException protected final void setSpecial (boolean) boolean b public final java.lang.String getExprString () public final void enableCaching (boolean) boolean state }
com/ximpleware/BinaryExpr.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.BinaryExpr extends com.ximpleware.Expr { public static final int ADD public static final int SUB public static final int MULT public static final int DIV public static final int MOD public static final int OR public static final int AND public static final int EQ public static final int NE public static final int LE public static final int GE public static final int LT public static final int GT public static final int BUF_SZ_EXP protected int op boolean isNumerical boolean isBoolean protected com.ximpleware.Expr left protected com.ximpleware.Expr right protected com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer fib1 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.Expr, int, com.ximpleware.Expr) com.ximpleware.Expr l int o com.ximpleware.Expr r public final java.lang.String toString () String os public final boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) double dval com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) double d boolean b com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final boolean isNodeSet () public final boolean isNumerical () public final boolean isString () public final boolean isBoolean () private final boolean computeComp (int, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) String st1 String st2 int op com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final boolean requireContextSize () public final void setContextSize (int) int size public final void setPosition (int) int pos private final boolean compNodeSetString (com.ximpleware.Expr, com.ximpleware.Expr, com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int) boolean b Exception e com.ximpleware.Expr left com.ximpleware.Expr right com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int op int i int i1 int stackSize String s private final boolean compareEmptyNodeSet (int, java.lang.String) int op String s private final boolean compStringNodeSet (com.ximpleware.Expr, com.ximpleware.Expr, com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int) boolean b Exception e com.ximpleware.Expr left com.ximpleware.Expr right com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int op int i int i1 int stackSize String s private final boolean compNumbers (double, double, int) double d1 double d2 int op private final boolean compNumericalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.Expr, com.ximpleware.Expr, com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int) Exception e com.ximpleware.Expr left com.ximpleware.Expr right com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int op int i int i1 int stackSize double d private final boolean compNodeSetNumerical (com.ximpleware.Expr, com.ximpleware.Expr, com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int) Exception e com.ximpleware.Expr left com.ximpleware.Expr right com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int op int i int i1 int stackSize double d private final int getStringVal (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int) int i1 com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i int t private final boolean compareVNumber1 (int, com.ximpleware.VTDNav, double, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int k com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn double d int op double d1 private final boolean compareVString1 (int, com.ximpleware.VTDNav, java.lang.String, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int k com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String s int op int i private final boolean compareVString2 (int, com.ximpleware.VTDNav, java.lang.String, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int k com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String s int op int i private final boolean compareVNumber2 (int, com.ximpleware.VTDNav, double, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int k com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn double d int op double d1 private final boolean compareVV (int, com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int k com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int j int op int i private final boolean compNodeSetNodeSet (com.ximpleware.Expr, com.ximpleware.Expr, com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int) int i1 boolean b int k int i1 int s1 Exception e com.ximpleware.Expr left com.ximpleware.Expr right com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int op int i int stackSize public final int adjust (int) int n int i int j public final boolean isFinal () public final void markCacheable () public final void markCacheable2 () com.ximpleware.CachedExpr ce com.ximpleware.CachedExpr ce public final void clearCache () }
com/ximpleware/BookMark.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.BookMark extends java.lang.Object { com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn1 int[] ba public void <init> () public final void unbind () public void bind (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final com.ximpleware.VTDNav getNav () public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public boolean setCursorPosition (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int i com.ximpleware.VTDNav_L5 vnl com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final boolean setCursorPosition () public boolean recordCursorPosition (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int i com.ximpleware.VTDNav_L5 vnl com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final boolean recordCursorPosition () public final boolean deepEquals (com.ximpleware.BookMark) com.ximpleware.BookMark bm2 public final boolean equals (com.ximpleware.BookMark) com.ximpleware.BookMark bm2 public final boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object obj public final int hashCode () public boolean compare (com.ximpleware.BookMark) int i int i com.ximpleware.BookMark bm1 }
com/ximpleware/CachedExpr.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.CachedExpr extends com.ximpleware.Expr { com.ximpleware.Expr e boolean cached boolean eb double en String es com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer ens int count com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn1 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.Expr) com.ximpleware.Expr e1 public boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i public java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public java.lang.String toString () public boolean isNumerical () public boolean isNodeSet () public boolean isString () public boolean isBoolean () public boolean requireContextSize () public void setContextSize (int) int size public void setPosition (int) int pos public int adjust (int) int n public boolean isFinal () public void markCacheable () public void markCacheable2 () public void clearCache () }
com/ximpleware/ContextBuffer.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.ContextBuffer extends java.lang.Object { private com.ximpleware.arrayList bufferArrayList private int capacity private int pageSize protected int size private int incSize private int n private int r public void <init> (int) int i public void <init> (int, int) int p int i public boolean load (int[]) int[] currentChunk int i int int_array_offset int[] output int startingOffset int len int first_index int last_index public static void main (java.lang.String[]) int j int i int j int i int j int i int j int i int j int i int j int i int k int i int k int i int[] ia com.ximpleware.ContextBuffer cb com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer fib int[] ib long[] la com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer flb long[] lb Exception e String[] args public void clear () public void store (int[]) int lastBufferIndex int[] lastBuffer int offset int l int k int z int[] newBuffer int i int k int[] input int lastBufferIndex int[] lastBuffer }
com/ximpleware/ElementFragment.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.ElementFragment extends java.lang.Object { com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn long l com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer fib int stLen static byte[] ws public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, long, com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer, int) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn1 long l1 com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer fib1 int len public final byte[] toBytes () int i byte[] ba int os int len int os1 byte[] xml int enc int temp int tos int tlen public final int getSize () int k int i int len public final int writeToByteArray (byte[], int) byte[] ba int offset public final void writeToOutputStream ( throws int i ost int os int len byte[] xml int enc int temp int tos int tlen public final long getOffsetLen () static void <clinit> () }
com/ximpleware/ElementFragmentNs.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs extends java.lang.Object { com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn long l com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer fib int stLen int UTF_8_Size int ASCII_Size int ISO_8859_1_Size int UTF_16_BE_Size int UTF_16_LE_Size static byte[] ws protected void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, long, com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer, int) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn1 long l1 com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer fib1 int len public final byte[] toBytes (int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int i int dest_encoding byte[] ba int os int len int os1 byte[] xml int enc int temp int outPosition int tos int tlen public final byte[] toBytes () int i byte[] ba int os int len int os1 byte[] xml int enc int temp int tos int tlen public final int getSize () int k int i int len public final int getSize (int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int k int i int dest_encoding byte[] ba int len public final void writeToOutputStream ( throws int i ost int os int len byte[] xml int enc int temp int tos int tlen public final void writeToOutputStream (, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int i ost int dest_encoding int os int len byte[] xml int enc int temp int tos int tlen public final long getOffsetLen () static void <clinit> () }
com/ximpleware/EncodingException.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.EncodingException extends com.ximpleware.ParseException { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/EntityException.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.EntityException extends com.ximpleware.ParseException { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/EOFException.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.EOFException extends com.ximpleware.ParseException { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/Expr.class package com.ximpleware public abstract com.ximpleware.Expr extends java.lang.Object { public void <init> () public abstract boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) public abstract double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) public abstract int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException public abstract java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) public abstract void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) public abstract java.lang.String toString () public abstract boolean isNumerical () public abstract boolean isNodeSet () public abstract boolean isString () public abstract boolean isBoolean () public abstract boolean requireContextSize () public abstract void setContextSize (int) public abstract void setPosition (int) public abstract int adjust (int) public abstract boolean isFinal () public void markCacheable () public void markCacheable2 () public void clearCache () protected int computeDataSize (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav_L5 vnl com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/AutoPilotHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.AutoPilotHuge extends java.lang.Object { private int depth private int iter_type private com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn private int index private boolean ft private boolean special private String name private String localName private String URL private int size private com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr xpe private int[] contextCopy private int stackSize private static java.util.Hashtable nsHash public static final int UNDEFINED public static final int SIMPLE public static final int SIMPLE_NS public static final int DESCENDANT public static final int DESCENDANT_NS public static final int FOLLOWING public static final int FOLLOWING_NS public static final int PRECEDING public static final int PRECEDING_NS public static final int ATTR public static final int ATTR_NS private static java.util.Hashtable symbolHash protected java.lang.String getName () public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge v public void <init> () public void declareXPathNameSpace (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String prefix String URL public void bind (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vnv public void declareVariableExpr (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.parser p com.ximpleware.extended.XPathParseExceptionHuge e Exception e String varName String varExpr public boolean iterate () throws com.ximpleware.extended.PilotExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge protected int iterateAttr () throws com.ximpleware.extended.PilotExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int type int type int i int i public void selectElement (java.lang.String) String en public void selectElementNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String ns_URL String ln protected void selectElement_D (java.lang.String) String en protected void selectElementNS_D (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String ns_URL String ln protected void selectElement_F (java.lang.String) String en protected void selectElementNS_F (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String ns_URL String ln protected void selectElement_P (java.lang.String) int i String en protected void selectElementNS_P (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) int i String ns_URL String ln protected void selectAttr (java.lang.String) String en protected void selectAttrNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String ns_URL String ln public void selectXPath (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.parser p com.ximpleware.extended.XPathParseExceptionHuge e Exception e String s public void resetXPath () public double evalXPathToNumber () public java.lang.String evalXPathToString () public boolean evalXPathToBoolean () public int evalXPath () throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge protected void setSpecial (boolean) boolean b public java.lang.String getExprString () public void clearVariableExprs () public void clearXPathNameSpaces () }
com/ximpleware/extended/BinaryExpr.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.BinaryExpr extends com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr { public static final int ADD public static final int SUB public static final int MULT public static final int DIV public static final int MOD public static final int OR public static final int AND public static final int EQ public static final int NE public static final int LE public static final int GE public static final int LT public static final int GT public static final int BUF_SZ_EXP protected int op boolean isNumerical boolean isBoolean protected com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr left protected com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr right protected com.ximpleware.extended.FastIntBuffer fib1 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr, int, com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr) com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr l int o com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr r public java.lang.String toString () String os public boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) double dval com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) double d boolean b com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public boolean isNodeSet () public boolean isNumerical () public boolean isString () public boolean isBoolean () private boolean computeComp (int, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) String st1 String st2 int op com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public boolean requireContextSize () public void setContextSize (int) int size public void setPosition (int) int pos private boolean compNodeSetString (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr, com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, int) boolean b Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr left com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr right com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int op int i int i1 int stackSize String s private boolean compareEmptyNodeSet (int, java.lang.String) int op String s private boolean compStringNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr, com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, int) boolean b Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr left com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr right com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int op int i int i1 int stackSize String s private boolean compNumbers (double, double, int) double d1 double d2 int op private boolean compNumericalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr, com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, int) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr left com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr right com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int op int i int i1 int stackSize double d private boolean compNodeSetNumerical (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr, com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, int) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr left com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr right com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int op int i int i1 int stackSize double d private int getStringVal (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, int) int i1 com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int i int t private boolean compareVNumber1 (int, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, double, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int k com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn double d int op double d1 private boolean compareVString1 (int, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, java.lang.String, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int k com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn String s int op int i private boolean compareVString2 (int, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, java.lang.String, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int k com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn String s int op int i private boolean compareVNumber2 (int, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, double, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int k com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn double d int op double d1 private boolean compareVV (int, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int k com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int j int op int i private boolean compNodeSetNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr, com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, int) int i1 boolean b int k int i1 int s1 Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr left com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr right com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int op int i int stackSize public int adjust (int) int n int i int j }
com/ximpleware/extended/BookMarkHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.BookMarkHuge extends java.lang.Object { com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn1 int[] ba public void <init> () public void unbind () public void bind (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge getNav () public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public boolean setCursorPosition (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) int i com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public boolean setCursorPosition () public boolean recordCursorPosition (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) int i com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public boolean recordCursorPosition () public final boolean deepEquals (com.ximpleware.extended.BookMarkHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.BookMarkHuge bm2 public final boolean equals (com.ximpleware.extended.BookMarkHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.BookMarkHuge bm2 public final boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object obj public final int hashCode () public boolean compare (com.ximpleware.extended.BookMarkHuge) int i com.ximpleware.extended.BookMarkHuge bm1 }
com/ximpleware/extended/ContextBuffer.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.ContextBuffer extends java.lang.Object { private java.util.ArrayList bufferArrayList private int capacity private int pageSize protected int size private int incSize private int n private int r public void <init> (int) int i public void <init> (int, int) int p int i public boolean load (int[]) int[] currentChunk int i int int_array_offset int[] output int startingOffset int len int first_index int last_index public static void main (java.lang.String[]) int j int i int j int i int j int i int j int i int j int i int j int i int k int i int k int i int[] ia com.ximpleware.extended.ContextBuffer cb com.ximpleware.extended.FastIntBuffer fib int[] ib long[] la com.ximpleware.extended.FastLongBuffer flb long[] lb Exception e String[] args public void clear () public void store (int[]) int lastBufferIndex int[] lastBuffer int offset int l int k int z int[] newBuffer int i int k int[] input int lastBufferIndex int[] lastBuffer }
com/ximpleware/extended/ElementFragmentNsHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.ElementFragmentNsHuge extends java.lang.Object { com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn long[] l com.ximpleware.extended.FastIntBuffer fib long stLen int UTF_8_Size int ASCII_Size int ISO_8859_1_Size int UTF_16_BE_Size int UTF_16_LE_Size static byte[] ws protected void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, long[], com.ximpleware.extended.FastIntBuffer, long) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn1 long[] l1 com.ximpleware.extended.FastIntBuffer fib1 long len public final long getSize () int k int i long len public final void writeToFileOutputStream ( throws int i ost long os long len com.ximpleware.extended.IByteBuffer xml int enc long temp long tos long tlen public final long[] getOffsetLen () static void <clinit> () }
com/ximpleware/extended/EncodingExceptionHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge extends com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/extended/EntityExceptionHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.EntityExceptionHuge extends com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/extended/EOFExceptionHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge extends com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/extended/FastIntBuffer.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.FastIntBuffer extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IIntBuffer { private java.util.ArrayList bufferArrayList private int capacity private int pageSize private int size private int exp private int r public void <init> () public void <init> (int) int e public void append (int[]) int lastBufferIndex int[] lastBuffer int offset int l int k int z int[] newBuffer int i int n int[] int_array int lastBufferIndex int[] lastBuffer public void append (int) int[] lastBuffer int lastBufferIndex int[] newBuffer int i int[] lastBuffer public int getCapacity () public int[] getIntArray (int, int) int[] currentChunk int i int int_array_offset int startingOffset int len int[] result int first_index int last_index public int getPageSize () public int intAt (int) int index int pageNum int offset public void modifyEntry (int, int) int index int newValue public int size () public boolean resize (int) int newSz public int[] toIntArray () int i int s int[] resultArray int array_offset public void clear () }
com/ximpleware/extended/FastLongBuffer.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.FastLongBuffer extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.ILongBuffer { private java.util.ArrayList bufferArrayList private int capacity private int pageSize private int size private int exp private int r public void <init> () public void <init> (int) int e public void <init> (int, int) int e int c public void append (long[]) int lastBufferIndex long[] lastBuffer int offset int l int k int z long[] newBuffer int i int n long[] long_array int lastBufferIndex long[] lastBuffer public void append (long) long[] lastBuffer int lastBufferIndex long[] newBuffer long i long[] lastBuffer public int getCapacity () public long[] getLongArray (int, int) long[] currentChunk int i int long_array_offset int startingOffset int len long[] result int first_index int last_index public int getPageSize () public long longAt (int) int index int pageNum int offset public int lower32At (int) int index int pageNum int offset public void modifyEntry (int, long) int index long newValue public int size () public long[] toLongArray () int i int s long[] resultArray int array_offset public int upper32At (int) int index int pageNum int offset public void clear () }
com/ximpleware/extended/FilterExpr.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.FilterExpr extends com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr { public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr e public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate p boolean first_time public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr, com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate) com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr l com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate pr public boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn boolean a int size public double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int a int size public int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int a public java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int size int a public void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public void reset2 (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public java.lang.String toString () public boolean isNumerical () public boolean isNodeSet () public boolean isString () public boolean isBoolean () public boolean requireContextSize () public void setContextSize (int) int size public void setPosition (int) int pos public int adjust (int) int n }
com/ximpleware/extended/FuncExpr.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.FuncExpr extends com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr { public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist argumentList public int opCode boolean isNumerical boolean isBoolean boolean isString int contextSize int position int a int argCount () com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist temp int count public void <init> (int, com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist) int oc com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist list public java.lang.String toString () private java.lang.String getLocalName (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) int preLen int QLen long offset int length int index int type com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e Exception e int preLen int QLen long offset int length com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e int a int type com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn private java.lang.String getNameSpaceURI (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) int a int i int type Exception e Exception e int type Exception e int size int a String s com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn private java.lang.String getName (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e int type int a int type Exception e int a com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn private boolean lang (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, java.lang.String) int i com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn String s boolean b private boolean startsWith (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e int a com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn String s2 String s1 private boolean contains (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e int a com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn String s2 String s1 private java.lang.String subString (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) String s double d1 String s double d1 double d2 com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn private java.lang.String subStringBefore (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) int i String s1 String s2 int len1 int len2 com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn private java.lang.String subStringAfter (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) int i String s1 String s2 int len1 int len2 com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn private java.lang.String translate (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) char idxChar int i String resultStr String indexStr String replace StringBuilder usedCharStr int lenRep com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int numArg private java.lang.String normalizeSpace (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) int ttype com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e String s Exception e int a String s com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn private java.lang.String normalize (java.lang.String) char c String s int len StringBuffer sb int i private boolean isWS (char) char c private java.lang.String concat (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist temp com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn StringBuffer sb private java.lang.String getString (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.UnsupportedException com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) int type int i com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e double dval NumberFormatException e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int ac public int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) double d com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public java.lang.String fname () public boolean isNodeSet () public boolean isNumerical () public boolean isString () public boolean isBoolean () private int count (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int a private double sum (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) int i1 int t Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn double d public boolean requireContextSize () com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist temp public void setContextSize (int) com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist temp int size public void setPosition (int) com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist temp int pos public int adjust (int) int n int i private int evalFirstArgumentListNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int size int a private int evalFirstArgumentListNodeSet2 (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int size int a private java.lang.String upperCase (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e int a com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn private java.lang.String lowerCase (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e int a com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn private boolean endsWith (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e int a com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn String s2 String s1 }
com/ximpleware/extended/IByteBuffer.class package com.ximpleware.extended public abstract com.ximpleware.extended.IByteBuffer extends java.lang.Object { public abstract byte byteAt (long) public abstract byte[] getBytes (int, int) public abstract long length () public abstract byte[] getBytes () public abstract void writeToFileOutputStream (, long, long) throws }
com/ximpleware/extended/IIntBuffer.class package com.ximpleware.extended public abstract com.ximpleware.extended.IIntBuffer extends java.lang.Object { public abstract int intAt (int) public abstract void modifyEntry (int, int) public abstract int size () }
com/ximpleware/extended/ILongBuffer.class package com.ximpleware.extended public abstract com.ximpleware.extended.ILongBuffer extends java.lang.Object { public abstract long longAt (int) public abstract int lower32At (int) public abstract void modifyEntry (int, long) public abstract int size () public abstract int upper32At (int) }
com/ximpleware/extended/intHash.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.intHash extends java.lang.Object { private int mask1 private int mask2 private int pageSizeE protected com.ximpleware.extended.FastIntBuffer[] storage private int hashWidth private int maxDepth protected int e public boolean isUnique (int) int j int size int i int temp public void reset () int i public void <init> () public void <init> (int) int hashWidthExpo public static void main (java.lang.String[]) int i int i String[] args com.ximpleware.extended.intHash a public static int determineHashWidth (int) int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/IReader.class package com.ximpleware.extended abstract com.ximpleware.extended.IReader extends java.lang.Object { public abstract int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public abstract boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge }
com/ximpleware/extended/LocationPathExpr.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.LocationPathExpr extends com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr { public static final int ABSOLUTE_PATH public static final int RELATIVE_PATH com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step s com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step currentStep int pathType int state com.ximpleware.extended.intHash ih public static final int START public static final int END public static final int TERMINAL public static final int FORWARD public static final int BACKWARD public void <init> () public void setStep (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step) com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step st public void setPathType (int) int ptype public boolean isUnique (int) int i public void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step temp public java.lang.String toString () String st com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step ts public boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn boolean a int size public double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int a int size public java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int size int a public boolean isNodeSet () public boolean isNumerical () private final int process_child (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i int result int i com.ximpleware.extended.TextIterHuge ti int i int result int i com.ximpleware.extended.TextIterHuge ti int result com.ximpleware.extended.TextIterHuge ti int i com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate t private int process_DDFP (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i com.ximpleware.extended.AutoPilotHuge ap int result String helper com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn com.ximpleware.extended.AutoPilotHuge ap boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate t private final int process_parent (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i int result com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn boolean b1 com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate t private final int process_ancestor (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i int result int i int result int result int result com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate t private final int process_ancestor_or_self (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i int result int result int result int i int result int result int result int result int result com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate t private int process_self (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i int result int result com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn boolean b1 com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate t private int process_following_sibling (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i int result int result int result com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate t private int process_preceding_sibling (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i int result int result int result com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate t private int process_attribute (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn com.ximpleware.extended.AutoPilotHuge ap boolean b1 com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate t int temp public int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int result public boolean isString () public boolean isBoolean () public boolean requireContextSize () public void setContextSize (int) int size public int computeContextSize (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.TextIterHuge ti int result String helper com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn boolean b int i com.ximpleware.extended.AutoPilotHuge ap public void setPosition (int) int pos public int adjust (int) int i int n int i com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step temp }
com/ximpleware/extended/NavException.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.NavException extends java.lang.Exception { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/extended/NavExceptionHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge extends com.ximpleware.extended.VTDExceptionHuge { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/extended/NodeRecorderHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.NodeRecorderHuge extends java.lang.Object { protected com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn protected com.ximpleware.extended.FastIntBuffer fib public static final int BUF_SZ_EXPO int size int position int count public void <init> () public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn1 public void bind (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn1 public void record () int i int k int i public void resetPointer () public void clear () public int iterate () int j boolean b int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/NodeTest.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.NodeTest extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.LocationPathNode { public String nodeName public String prefix public String localName public String URL boolean nsEnabled public int testType public static final int NAMETEST public static final int NODE public static final int TEXT public static final int PI0 public static final int PI1 public static final int COMMENT public void <init> () public void setTestType (int) int t public void setNodeName (java.lang.String) String s public void setNodeNameNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String p String ln public boolean eval (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public java.lang.String toString () }
com/ximpleware/extended/ParseExceptionHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge extends com.ximpleware.extended.VTDExceptionHuge { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/ISO8859_10.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.ISO8859_10 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/ISO8859_11.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.ISO8859_11 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/ISO8859_13.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.ISO8859_13 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/ISO8859_14.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.ISO8859_14 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/ISO8859_15.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.ISO8859_15 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/ISO8859_2.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.ISO8859_2 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/ISO8859_3.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.ISO8859_3 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/ISO8859_4.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.ISO8859_4 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/ISO8859_5.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.ISO8859_5 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/ISO8859_6.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.ISO8859_6 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/ISO8859_7.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.ISO8859_7 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/ISO8859_8.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.ISO8859_8 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/ISO8859_9.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.ISO8859_9 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/UTF8Char.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.UTF8Char extends java.lang.Object { static final byte[] charLen public void <init> () public static int byteCount (int) int n static void <clinit> () }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/WIN1250.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.WIN1250 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/WIN1251.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.WIN1251 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/WIN1252.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.WIN1252 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/WIN1253.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.WIN1253 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/WIN1254.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.WIN1254 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/WIN1255.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.WIN1255 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/WIN1256.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.WIN1256 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/WIN1257.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.WIN1257 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/WIN1258.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.WIN1258 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/parser/XMLChar.class package com.ximpleware.extended.parser public com.ximpleware.extended.parser.XMLChar extends java.lang.Object { private static final byte[] UNI_CHARS public static final int XML_VALID public static final int XML_SPACE public static final int XML_NAME_START public static final int XML_NAME public static final int XML_PUBID public static final int XML_CONTENT public static final int XML_NCNAME_START public static final int XML_NCNAME public void <init> () public static char highSurrogate (int) int c public static boolean isContentChar (int) int c public static boolean isHighSurrogate (int) int c public static boolean isInvalidChar (int) int c public static boolean isLowSurrogate (int) int c public static boolean isMarkupChar (int) int c public static boolean isNameChar (int) int c public static boolean isNameStartChar (int) int c public static boolean isNCNameChar (int) int c public static boolean isNCNameStartChar (int) int c public static boolean isNmtoken (java.lang.String) int i String nmToken public static boolean isPubidChar (int) int c public static boolean isSpaceChar (int) int c public static boolean isSupplementalChar (int) int c public static boolean isValidChar (int) int c public static char lowSurrogate (int) int c public static int scalarValueSurrogate (char, char) char hi char lo static void <clinit> () int j int i int i int i int i int j int i int i int i int j int i int j int i int i int j int i int i int i int j int i int[][] xmlCharRange int[] xmlSpaceChar int[] xmlNameChar int[] xmlNameStartChar int[] xmlPubidChar int[][] xmlPubidRange int[][] xmlLetterRange int[] xmlLetterChar int[][] xmlCombiningCharRange int[] xmlCombiningCharChar int[][] xmlDigitRange int[][] xmlExtenderRange int[] xmlExtenderChar int[] xmlSpecialChar }
com/ximpleware/extended/PathExpr.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.PathExpr extends com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr { com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr fe com.ximpleware.extended.LocationPathExpr lpe int evalState com.ximpleware.extended.intHash ih public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr, com.ximpleware.extended.LocationPathExpr) com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr f com.ximpleware.extended.LocationPathExpr l public boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn boolean a int size public double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int a int size public int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int a public java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int size int a public boolean isUnique (int) int i public void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public java.lang.String toString () public boolean isNumerical () public boolean isNodeSet () public boolean isString () public boolean isBoolean () public boolean requireContextSize () public void setContextSize (int) int size public void setPosition (int) int pos public int adjust (int) int n int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/PilotException.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.PilotException extends com.ximpleware.extended.NavException { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/extended/PilotExceptionHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.PilotExceptionHuge extends com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/extended/TextIter.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.TextIter extends java.lang.Object { private int prevLocation protected int depth protected int index protected com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn private int lcIndex private int lcLower private int lcUpper public void <init> () public int getNext () int s int temp1 int temp2 int sp int temp int i int size int s int temp1 int temp2 int d int type int sp int temp int i int size int s int temp1 int temp2 int d int type int sp int d int type int vtdSize private final boolean isText (int) int index int type public void touch (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge v private int increment (int) int sp int type int vtdSize int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/TextIterHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.TextIterHuge extends java.lang.Object { private int prevLocation protected int depth protected int index protected com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn private int lcIndex private int lcLower private int lcUpper public void <init> () public int getNext () int s int temp1 int temp2 int sp int temp int i int size int s int temp1 int temp2 int d int type int sp int temp int i int size int s int temp1 int temp2 int d int type int sp int d int type int vtdSize private final boolean isText (int) int index int type public void touch (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge v private int increment (int) int sp int type int vtdSize int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/UnionExpr.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.UnionExpr extends com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr { public com.ximpleware.extended.intHash ih public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr e public com.ximpleware.extended.UnionExpr next com.ximpleware.extended.UnionExpr current int state public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr) com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr e1 public boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e boolean a int size com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int a int size public int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int a int a com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) Exception e com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn int size int a public void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn com.ximpleware.extended.UnionExpr tmp public java.lang.String toString () public boolean isNumerical () public boolean isNodeSet () public boolean isString () public boolean isBoolean () public boolean requireContextSize () com.ximpleware.extended.UnionExpr tmp public void setContextSize (int) int size com.ximpleware.extended.UnionExpr tmp public void setPosition (int) int pos com.ximpleware.extended.UnionExpr tmp public boolean isUnique (int) int i public int adjust (int) int n int i com.ximpleware.extended.UnionExpr tmp }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDExceptionHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.VTDExceptionHuge extends java.lang.Exception { public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ASCIIReader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ASCIIReader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int a public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_10Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_10Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_11Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_11Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_13Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_13Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_14Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_14Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_15Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_15Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_1Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_1Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_2Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_2Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_3Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_3Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_4Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_4Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_5Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_5Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_6Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_6Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_7Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_7Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_8Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_8Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_9Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$ISO8859_9Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$UTF16BEReader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$UTF16BEReader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int val int temp public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int val int ch int temp }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$UTF16LEReader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$UTF16LEReader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int val int temp public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge int val int ch int temp }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$UTF8Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$UTF8Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int temp private int handleUTF8 (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge int temp int val int c int d int a int i public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge int ch int temp private boolean skipUTF8 (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge int temp int ch int val int c int d int a int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$WIN1250Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$WIN1250Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$WIN1251Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$WIN1251Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$WIN1252Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$WIN1252Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$WIN1253Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$WIN1253Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$WIN1254Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$WIN1254Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$WIN1255Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$WIN1255Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$WIN1256Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$WIN1256Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$WIN1257Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$WIN1257Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge$WIN1258Reader.class package com.ximpleware.extended com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge$WIN1258Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge) public int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge public boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge int ch }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDGenHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge extends java.lang.Object { private static final int STATE_LT_SEEN private static final int STATE_START_TAG private static final int STATE_END_TAG private static final int STATE_ATTR_NAME private static final int STATE_ATTR_VAL private static final int STATE_TEXT private static final int STATE_DOC_START private static final int STATE_DOC_END private static final int STATE_PI_TAG private static final int STATE_PI_VAL private static final int STATE_DEC_ATTR_NAME private static final int STATE_COMMENT private static final int STATE_CDATA private static final int STATE_DOCTYPE private static final int STATE_END_COMMENT private static final int STATE_END_PI public static final int IN_MEMORY public static final int MEM_MAPPED public static final int TOKEN_STARTING_TAG public static final int TOKEN_ENDING_TAG public static final int TOKEN_ATTR_NAME public static final int TOKEN_ATTR_NS public static final int TOKEN_ATTR_VAL public static final int TOKEN_CHARACTER_DATA public static final int TOKEN_COMMENT public static final int TOKEN_PI_NAME public static final int TOKEN_PI_VAL public static final int TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_NAME public static final int TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_VAL public static final int TOKEN_CDATA_VAL public static final int TOKEN_DTD_VAL public static final int TOKEN_DOCUMENT public static final int FORMAT_UTF8 public static final int FORMAT_ASCII public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_1 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_2 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_3 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_4 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_5 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_6 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_7 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_8 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_9 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_10 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_11 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_12 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_13 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_14 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_15 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_16 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1250 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1251 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1252 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1253 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1254 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1255 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1256 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1257 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1258 public static final int FORMAT_UTF_16LE public static final int FORMAT_UTF_16BE protected boolean ns protected int VTDDepth protected int encoding private int last_depth private int last_l1_index private int last_l2_index private int last_l3_index private int increment private boolean BOM_detected private boolean must_utf_8 private int ch private int ch_temp protected long offset private long temp_offset protected int depth protected long prev_offset protected int rootIndex protected com.ximpleware.extended.IByteBuffer xb protected com.ximpleware.extended.FastLongBuffer VTDBuffer protected com.ximpleware.extended.FastLongBuffer l1Buffer protected com.ximpleware.extended.FastLongBuffer l2Buffer protected com.ximpleware.extended.FastIntBuffer l3Buffer protected boolean br protected long docLen protected long endOffset protected long[] tag_stack public long[] attr_name_array public static final int MAX_DEPTH protected long docOffset private static final int ATTR_NAME_ARRAY_SIZE private static final int TAG_STACK_SIZE public static final int MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH public static final int MAX_QNAME_LENGTH public static final int MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH protected com.ximpleware.extended.IReader r public void <init> () public void clear () private int entityIdentifier () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EntityExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge int ch int val private java.lang.String formatLineNumber () long so int lineNumber long lineOffset private void finishUp () private int getCharAfterS () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge int n private int getCharAfterSe () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge int n long temp public com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge getNav () com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn private long getPrevOffset () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge long prevOffset int temp private void decide_encoding () throws com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge public boolean parseFile (java.lang.String, boolean, int) com.ximpleware.extended.XMLBuffer xb com.ximpleware.extended.XMLMemMappedBuffer xmb e com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge e String fileName boolean ns int mode public boolean parseFile (java.lang.String, boolean) String fileName boolean ns public void parse (boolean) throws com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EntityExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge int i int j long prevOffset int prevLen boolean unequal int i int i long[] temp_array long x long sos int sl boolean unique com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge e boolean NS long length1 long length2 int attr_count int parser_state boolean is_ns boolean helper private void matchCPEncoding () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge private void matchWindowsEncoding () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge private void matchUTFEncoding () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge private void matchISOEncoding () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge private int process_dec_attr () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge int parser_state int parser_state private int process_pi_tag () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state long length1 int parser_state private int process_pi_val () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state long length1 private int process_comment () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge long length1 int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state long length1 private int process_end_doc () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge int parser_state int parser_state private int process_qm_seen () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge private int process_ex_seen () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state boolean hasDTD private int process_start_doc () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge int c private int process_cdata () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state long length1 private int process_doc_type () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge int parser_state int z int parser_state long length1 private int process_end_pi () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EncodingExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.EOFExceptionHuge int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state long length1 long length1 int parser_state private int process_end_comment () throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge long length1 int parser_state long length1 public void setDoc (com.ximpleware.extended.IByteBuffer) int a int a int a int a int a int a int a com.ximpleware.extended.IByteBuffer xb1 int a int i1 int i2 int i3 private void writeVTD (long, long, int, int) long k long r_offset long offset long length int token_type int depth }
com/ximpleware/extended/VTDNavHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge extends java.lang.Object { public static final int ROOT public static final int PARENT public static final int FIRST_CHILD public static final int LAST_CHILD public static final int NEXT_SIBLING public static final int PREV_SIBLING public static final int R public static final int P public static final int FC public static final int LC public static final int NS public static final int PS public static final int TOKEN_STARTING_TAG public static final int TOKEN_ENDING_TAG public static final int TOKEN_ATTR_NAME public static final int TOKEN_ATTR_NS public static final int TOKEN_ATTR_VAL public static final int TOKEN_CHARACTER_DATA public static final int TOKEN_COMMENT public static final int TOKEN_PI_NAME public static final int TOKEN_PI_VAL public static final int TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_NAME public static final int TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_VAL public static final int TOKEN_CDATA_VAL public static final int TOKEN_DTD_VAL public static final int TOKEN_DOCUMENT public static final int FORMAT_UTF8 public static final int FORMAT_ASCII public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_1 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_2 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_3 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_4 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_5 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_6 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_7 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_8 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_9 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_10 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_11 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_12 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_13 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_14 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_15 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_16 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1250 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1251 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1252 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1253 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1254 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1255 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1256 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1257 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1258 public static final int FORMAT_UTF_16LE public static final int FORMAT_UTF_16BE protected static final long MASK_TOKEN_FULL_LEN private static final long MASK_TOKEN_PRE_LEN private static final long MASK_TOKEN_QN_LEN private static final long MASK_TOKEN_OFFSET private static final long MASK_TOKEN_TYPE private static final long MASK_TOKEN_DEPTH protected int rootIndex protected int nestingLevel protected int[] context protected boolean atTerminal protected int l2upper protected int l2lower protected int l3upper protected int l3lower protected int l2index protected int l3index protected int l1index protected com.ximpleware.extended.ILongBuffer vtdBuffer protected com.ximpleware.extended.ILongBuffer l1Buffer protected com.ximpleware.extended.ILongBuffer l2Buffer protected com.ximpleware.extended.IIntBuffer l3Buffer protected com.ximpleware.extended.IByteBuffer XMLDoc private com.ximpleware.extended.ContextBuffer contextStack protected com.ximpleware.extended.ContextBuffer contextStack2 protected int LN protected int encoding protected boolean ns protected int[] stackTemp protected long docOffset protected long docLen protected int vtdSize protected void <init> (int, int, boolean, int, com.ximpleware.extended.IByteBuffer, com.ximpleware.extended.ILongBuffer, com.ximpleware.extended.ILongBuffer, com.ximpleware.extended.ILongBuffer, com.ximpleware.extended.IIntBuffer, long, long) int i int RootIndex int enc boolean NS int depth com.ximpleware.extended.IByteBuffer x com.ximpleware.extended.ILongBuffer vtd com.ximpleware.extended.ILongBuffer l1 com.ximpleware.extended.ILongBuffer l2 com.ximpleware.extended.IIntBuffer l3 long so long length public int getAttrCount () int type int count int index public int getAttrVal (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int type String an int index int type public int getAttrValNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int type int i long offset int preLen int fullLen String URL String ln int size int index int type private long handle_utf8 (long, long) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long temp long offset int c int d int a long val int i private long handle_utf16le (long) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long offset int val int temp private long handle_utf16be (long) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long offset long val int temp private long getChar4OtherEncoding (long) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int temp long offset private long getChar (long) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long offset long temp private long getCharResolved (long) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long offset int ch int val long inc long l private int decode (long) long offset byte ch private int getCharUnit (long) long offset public final int getCurrentDepth () public final int getCurrentIndex () protected final int getCurrentIndex2 () public final int getEncoding () public final int getNestingLevel () protected final long getOffsetAfterHead () long offset int i int j long offset public final int getRootIndex () public int getText () int type int index int depth int type public final int getTokenCount () public final int getTokenDepth (int) int index int i public int getTokenLength (int) int index int type int depth int len long l long temp public final long getTokenOffset (int) int index public final com.ximpleware.extended.IByteBuffer getXML () public final int getTokenType (int) int index public final boolean hasAttr (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge String an public final boolean hasAttrNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge String URL String ln private final boolean isElement (int) int index private final boolean isElementOrDocument (int) int index long i private final boolean isWS (int) int ch protected boolean iterate_preceding (java.lang.String, int[], boolean) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int d int i int t int depth String en int[] a boolean special int index protected boolean iterate_precedingNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int[]) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int d int i int t int depth String URL String ln int[] a int index protected boolean iterate_following (java.lang.String, boolean) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int depth String en boolean special int index protected boolean iterate_followingNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int depth String URL String ln int index protected boolean iterate (int, java.lang.String, boolean) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int depth int tokenType int dp String en boolean special int index protected final boolean iterateNS (int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int depth int tokenType int dp String URL String ln int index public final boolean matchElement (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge String en public boolean matchElementNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge String URL String ln int i long offset int preLen int fullLen private final boolean matchRawTokenString (long, int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long offset int len String s protected int compareTokenString (long, int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i1 long l1 long offset int len String s int i int l long endOffset public final boolean contains (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long l1 int i1 long l1 int i int index String s int type int len long offset int l long endOffset boolean b long gOffset protected int compareRawTokenString (long, int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i1 long l1 long offset int len String s int i int l long endOffset public final int compareRawTokenString (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int index String s int type int len public final boolean matchRawTokenString (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int index String s int type int len public int compareTokenString (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int index String s int type int len public final boolean matchTokenString (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int index String s int type int len public double parseDouble (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int dig int dig int dig long cur int index long offset long l long end int t boolean b boolean expneg int ch boolean neg double left double right double scale long exp double v public float parseFloat (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int dig int dig int dig boolean expneg long cur int index long offset long end long l int t boolean b int ch boolean neg long left long right long scale long exp double v float f public int parseInt (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int index protected int parseInt (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int digit int index int radix int t boolean b long offset long endOffset int c long l boolean neg long result public long parseLong (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int index protected long parseLong (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int digit int index int radix int t boolean b long offset long endOffset int c long l boolean neg long result public final boolean pop () int i boolean b protected final boolean pop2 () int i boolean b public final void push () int i protected final void push2 () int i protected final void clearStack2 () private void resolveLC_l1 () int init_guess private void resolveLC_l2 () int i int init_guess int temp private void resolveLC_l3 () int i int init_guess int temp private void resolveLC () protected final int lookupNS () throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i long offset int preLen protected int lookupNS (long, int) long l int j boolean a int temp int preLen int fullLen long os int k int s int type int i long offset int len boolean hasNS int size private boolean resolveNS (java.lang.String, long, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge String URL long offset int len int result public boolean toElement (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int temp int i int temp int i int depth long temp int token_type int index int size long temp int depth int token_type int index int last_index int depth long temp int token_type int index int size int depth long temp int token_type int index int direction public boolean toElement (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int direction String en int temp int d int val public boolean toElementNS (int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int direction String URL String ln int temp int val int d public java.lang.String toNormalizedString (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int len long temp int index int type long l int len long offset long endOffset StringBuffer sb int ch boolean d public java.lang.String toRawString (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int len int index int type int len long offset protected java.lang.String toRawString (long, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long l long os int len StringBuffer sb long offset long endOffset public final java.lang.String toRawStringLowerCase (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int len int index int type int len long offset public final java.lang.String toRawStringUpperCase (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int len int index int type int len long offset protected final java.lang.String toRawStringLowerCase (long, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long l long os int len StringBuffer sb long offset long endOffset protected final java.lang.String toRawStringUpperCase (long, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long l long os int len StringBuffer sb long offset long endOffset public java.lang.String toString (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int len int index int type int len long offset protected java.lang.String toString (long, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long l long os int len StringBuffer sb long offset long endOffset public final boolean matchTokens (int, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i1 com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn2 int i2 protected final void setAtTerminal (boolean) boolean b protected final boolean getAtTerminal () public void sampleState (com.ximpleware.extended.FastIntBuffer) com.ximpleware.extended.FastIntBuffer fib public final int getStringLength (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long l int index int type int len int len1 long offset long endOffset public final int getRawStringLength (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long l int index int type int len int len1 long offset long endOffset public int compareTokens (int, com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long l int ch1 int ch2 long l int i1 com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn2 int i2 int t1 int t2 long endOffset1 long endOffset2 long offset1 long offset2 int len1 int len2 public final boolean startsWith (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long l1 int i1 long l1 int index String s int type int len long offset int i int l long endOffset boolean b public final boolean endsWith (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long l1 long l1 long l1 int i1 long l1 int index String s int type int len long offset int i int l int i2 boolean b public java.lang.String toStringLowerCase (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int index int type int len long offset protected final java.lang.String toStringLowerCase (long, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long l long os int len StringBuffer sb long offset long endOffset public java.lang.String toStringUpperCase (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int index int type int len long offset protected final java.lang.String toStringUpperCase (long, int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge long l long os int len StringBuffer sb long offset long endOffset public long[] getElementFragment () throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i int temp long so2 int temp boolean b long so2 int d long so2 int i long[] result int depth long so long length int temp int size long so2 int d int i public long[] getContentFragment () throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i int temp long so2 int temp boolean b long so2 int d long so2 int i long[] result int depth long so long length int temp int size long so2 int d int i public com.ximpleware.extended.ElementFragmentNsHuge getElementFragmentNs () throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int type int z boolean unique int type int k int newSz com.ximpleware.extended.FastIntBuffer fib int[] ia int d int c int len int i int count long[] l public final com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge duplicateNav () public final com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge cloneNav () com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public long[] getSiblingElementFragments (int) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge int i long so com.ximpleware.extended.BookMarkHuge bmh long[] l long len }
com/ximpleware/extended/XMLBuffer.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.XMLBuffer extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IByteBuffer { byte[][] bufferArray long length public void <init> () public void <init> (byte[]) byte[] ba public void readFile (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge int offset int numRead int numOfBytes int i String fileName f long l int pageNumber fis int byteArrayLen public final byte byteAt (long) long index public byte[] getBytes (int, int) int offset int len public long length () public byte[] getBytes () public void writeToFileOutputStream (, long, long) throws ost long os long len int pageN int pos }
com/ximpleware/extended/XMLMemMappedBuffer.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.XMLMemMappedBuffer extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.IByteBuffer { java.nio.MappedByteBuffer[] input java.nio.channels.FileChannel fc raf String fn long length public void <init> () public long length () public byte byteAt (long) long index public void readFile (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.extended.ParseExceptionHuge int i String fileName f long l int pageNumber long l2 public byte[] getBytes () public byte[] getBytes (int, int) int offset int len public void writeToFileOutputStream (, long, long) throws ost long os long len java.nio.channels.FileChannel ostChannel }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/Alist.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist extends java.lang.Object { public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr e public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist next public void <init> () public java.lang.String toString () com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist temp String s public void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist temp }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/AxisType.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.AxisType extends java.lang.Object { public int i public static final int CHILD public static final int ANCESTOR public static final int ANCESTOR_OR_SELF public static final int ATTRIBUTE public static final int DESCENDANT public static final int DESCENDANT_OR_SELF public static final int FOLLOWING public static final int FOLLOWING_SIBLING public static final int NAMESPACE public static final int PARENT public static final int PRECEDING public static final int PRECEDING_SIBLING public static final int SELF public void <init> () public java.lang.String getAxisString () }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/CUP$parser$actions.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.CUP$parser$actions extends java.lang.Object { private final com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.parser parser void <init> (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.parser) com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.parser parser public final java_cup.runtime.Symbol CUP$parser$do_action (int, java_cup.runtime.lr_parser, java.util.Stack, int) throws java.lang.Exception com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.FuncName RESULT int fnleft int fnright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.FuncName fn com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int nleft int nright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.NameType n com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate RESULT int eleft int eright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr e com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step RESULT int sleft int sright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step s int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step RESULT int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step RESULT com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step RESULT com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.AxisType RESULT com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.AxisType RESULT com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.AxisType RESULT int aasleft int aasright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.AxisType aas com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.AxisType RESULT int anleft int anright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.AxisType an com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate RESULT int pleft int pright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate p int plleft int plright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate pl com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate RESULT com.ximpleware.extended.NodeTest RESULT int n2left int n2right com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Ntest n2 com.ximpleware.extended.NodeTest RESULT int nleft int nright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.NameType n com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step RESULT int absleft int absright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step abs com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Yylex scanner com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step RESULT int asleft int asright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.AxisType as int ntleft int ntright com.ximpleware.extended.NodeTest nt int plleft int plright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate pl com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step RESULT int arlpleft int arlpright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step arlp com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step RESULT int sleft int sright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step s int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step RESULT int sleft int sright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step s com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step RESULT int aalpleft int aalpright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step aalp com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step RESULT int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step RESULT com.ximpleware.extended.LocationPathExpr RESULT int alpleft int alpright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step alp com.ximpleware.extended.LocationPathExpr RESULT int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int eleft int eright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr e com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist RESULT int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr a int alleft int alright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist al com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist RESULT int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr a com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist RESULT com.ximpleware.extended.FuncExpr RESULT int fnleft int fnright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.FuncName fn int alleft int alright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Alist al com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int fcleft int fcright com.ximpleware.extended.FuncExpr fc com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int neleft int neright Double ne com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int leleft int leright String le com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int eleft int eright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr e com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int veleft int veright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ve com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int feleft int feright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr fe int pleft int pright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int peleft int peright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr pe com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int feleft int feright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr fe int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int feleft int feright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr fe int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int feleft int feright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr fe com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int lpleft int lpright com.ximpleware.extended.LocationPathExpr lp com.ximpleware.extended.UnionExpr RESULT int peleft int peright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr pe int uneleft int uneright com.ximpleware.extended.UnionExpr une com.ximpleware.extended.UnionExpr RESULT int peleft int peright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr pe com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ue com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.extended.UnionExpr ue com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr me int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ue com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr me int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ue com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr me int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ue com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ue com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ae int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr me com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ae int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr me com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr me com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr re int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ae com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr re int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ae com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr re int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ae com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr re int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ae com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ae com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int eeleft int eeright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ee int releft int reright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr re com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int eeleft int eeright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ee int releft int reright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr re com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr re com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr a int eeleft int eeright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ee com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int eeleft int eeright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr ee com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int oleft int oright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr o int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr a com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr a Object RESULT int start_valleft int start_valright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr start_val com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr RESULT int oleft int oright com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr o int CUP$parser$act_num java_cup.runtime.lr_parser CUP$parser$parser java.util.Stack CUP$parser$stack int CUP$parser$top java_cup.runtime.Symbol CUP$parser$result }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/Expr.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public abstract com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr extends java.lang.Object { public void <init> () public abstract boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) public abstract double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) public abstract int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge public abstract java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) public abstract void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) public abstract java.lang.String toString () public abstract boolean isNumerical () public abstract boolean isNodeSet () public abstract boolean isString () public abstract boolean isBoolean () public abstract boolean requireContextSize () public abstract void setContextSize (int) public abstract void setPosition (int) public abstract int adjust (int) }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/FuncName.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.FuncName extends java.lang.Object { public int i public static final int LAST public static final int POSITION public static final int COUNT public static final int LOCAL_NAME public static final int NAMESPACE_URI public static final int NAME public static final int STRING public static final int CONCAT public static final int STARTS_WITH public static final int CONTAINS public static final int SUBSTRING_BEFORE public static final int SUBSTRING_AFTER public static final int SUBSTRING public static final int STRING_LENGTH public static final int NORMALIZE_SPACE public static final int TRANSLATE public static final int BOOLEAN public static final int NOT public static final int TRUE public static final int FALSE public static final int LANG public static final int NUMBER public static final int SUM public static final int FLOOR public static final int CEILING public static final int ROUND public static final int ABS public static final int ROUND_HALF_TO_EVEN public static final int ROUND_HALF_TO_ODD public static final int CODE_POINTS_TO_STRING public static final int COMPARE public static final int UPPER_CASE public static final int LOWER_CASE public static final int ENDS_WITH public static final int QNAME public static final int LOCAL_NAME_FROM_QNAME public static final int NAMESPACE_URI_FROM_QNAME public static final int NAMESPACE_URI_FOR_PREFIX public static final int RESOLVE_QNAME public static final int IRI_TO_URI public static final int ESCAPE_HTML_URI public static final int ENCODE_FOR_URI public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/LiteralExpr.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.LiteralExpr extends com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr { public String s public void <init> (java.lang.String) String st public java.lang.String toString () int i boolean b public boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) double dval NumberFormatException e com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public boolean isNodeSet () public boolean isNumerical () public boolean isString () public boolean isBoolean () public boolean requireContextSize () public void setContextSize (int) int size public void setPosition (int) int pos public int adjust (int) int n }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/LocationPathNode.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public abstract com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.LocationPathNode extends java.lang.Object { public abstract boolean eval (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/NameType.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.NameType extends java.lang.Object { public String qname public String prefix public String localname public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/Ntest.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Ntest extends java.lang.Object { public int i public String arg public static final int COMMENT public static final int TEXT public static final int PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION public static final int NODE public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/NumExpr.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.NumExpr extends com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr { public double dval public void <init> (double) double d public java.lang.String toString () public double eval () public boolean isNodeSet () public boolean isNumerical () public boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public boolean isString () public boolean isBoolean () public boolean requireContextSize () public void setContextSize (int) int size public void setPosition (int) int pos public int adjust (int) int n }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/parser.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.parser extends java_cup.runtime.lr_parser { protected static final short[][] _production_table protected static final short[][] _action_table protected static final short[][] _reduce_table protected com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.CUP$parser$actions action_obj public java.util.Hashtable nsHash public java.util.Hashtable symbolHash com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step tempStep com.ximpleware.extended.NodeTest tempNt com.ximpleware.extended.LocationPathExpr tempLPExpr public void <init> () public void <init> (java_cup.runtime.Scanner) java_cup.runtime.Scanner s public short[][] production_table () public short[][] action_table () public short[][] reduce_table () protected void init_actions () public java_cup.runtime.Symbol do_action (int, java_cup.runtime.lr_parser, java.util.Stack, int) throws java.lang.Exception int act_num java_cup.runtime.lr_parser parser java.util.Stack stack int top public int start_state () public int start_production () public int EOF_sym () public int error_sym () public void <init> ( input public void <init> ( input public static void main (java.lang.String[]) com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.parser p Object result Exception e String[] args public void report_error (java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) String message Object info public void report_fatal_error (java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathParseExceptionHuge String message Object info public void syntax_error (java_cup.runtime.Symbol) java_cup.runtime.Symbol cur_token public void unrecovered_syntax_error (java_cup.runtime.Symbol) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathParseExceptionHuge java_cup.runtime.Symbol cur_token com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Yylex scanner static void <clinit> () }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/Predicate.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.LocationPathNode { double d public int count public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr expr public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate nextP public void <init> () public boolean eval (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) boolean b com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn boolean b public void setIndex (double) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge double index public void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public java.lang.String toString () String s public boolean requireContextSize () public void setContextSize (int) int size public void adjust (int) int n }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/Step.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.LocationPathNode { public int axis_type public com.ximpleware.extended.NodeTest nt public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate p public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate pt public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step nextS public int position public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step prevS public Object o boolean ft public void <init> () public void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public void resetP (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate temp public void resetP (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate p1 com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate temp public void adjust (int) int n com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate temp public com.ximpleware.extended.NodeTest getNodeTest () public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step getNextStep () public void setNextStep (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step) com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step s public boolean get_ft () public void set_ft (boolean) boolean b public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step getPrevStep () public void setPrevStep (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step) com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Step s public void setNodeTest (com.ximpleware.extended.NodeTest) com.ximpleware.extended.NodeTest n public void setPredicate (com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate) com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate p1 public boolean eval (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public boolean eval (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate p public boolean evalPredicates (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate temp public boolean evalPredicates (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge, com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate) throws com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Predicate temp public void setAxisType (int) int st public java.lang.String toString () String s String s public java.lang.String axisName (int) int i }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/sym.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.sym extends java.lang.Object { public static final int MOD public static final int AND public static final int AXISNAME public static final int NE public static final int LT public static final int OR public static final int DOLLAR public static final int LP public static final int SLASH public static final int RP public static final int NTEST public static final int NAME public static final int AT public static final int LITERAL public static final int GT public static final int LE public static final int SUB public static final int LB public static final int FNAME public static final int RB public static final int COMMA public static final int NUMBER public static final int MULT public static final int EOF public static final int DIV public static final int ADD public static final int UNION public static final int GE public static final int error public static final int DOT public static final int EQ public static final int DDOT public static final int DSLASH public static final int UMINUS public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/UnaryExpr.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.UnaryExpr extends com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr { public int op public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr operand public void <init> (int, com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr) int o com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr e public java.lang.String toString () public boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn double dval public void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public boolean isNodeSet () public boolean isNumerical () public boolean isString () public boolean isBoolean () public boolean requireContextSize () public void setContextSize (int) int size public void setPosition (int) int pos public int adjust (int) int n }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/UnsupportedException.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.UnsupportedException extends java.lang.RuntimeException { public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/VariableExpr.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath public com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.VariableExpr extends com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr { private String exprName private com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr exprVal public void <init> (java.lang.String, com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr) String name com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Expr e public int adjust (int) int n public boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.NavExceptionHuge com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public boolean isBoolean () public boolean isNodeSet () public boolean isNumerical () public boolean isString () public boolean requireContextSize () public void reset (com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge) com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge vn public void setContextSize (int) int size public void setPosition (int) int pos public java.lang.String toString () }
com/ximpleware/extended/xpath/Yylex.class package com.ximpleware.extended.xpath com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Yylex extends com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.sym implements java_cup.runtime.Scanner { public static final int YYEOF private static final int ZZ_BUFFERSIZE public static final int YYINITIAL private static final String ZZ_CMAP_PACKED private static final char[] ZZ_CMAP private static final int[] ZZ_ACTION private static final String ZZ_ACTION_PACKED_0 private static final int[] ZZ_ROWMAP private static final String ZZ_ROWMAP_PACKED_0 private static final int[] ZZ_TRANS private static final String ZZ_TRANS_PACKED_0 private static final int ZZ_UNKNOWN_ERROR private static final int ZZ_NO_MATCH private static final int ZZ_PUSHBACK_2BIG private static final String[] ZZ_ERROR_MSG private static final int[] ZZ_ATTRIBUTE private static final String ZZ_ATTRIBUTE_PACKED_0 private zzReader private int zzState private int zzLexicalState private char[] zzBuffer private int zzMarkedPos private int zzPushbackPos private int zzCurrentPos private int zzStartRead private int zzEndRead private int yyline private int yychar private int yycolumn private boolean zzAtBOL private boolean zzAtEOF private boolean zzEOFDone int isName com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.NameType name com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.FuncName fname com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.Ntest ntest com.ximpleware.extended.xpath.AxisType at int len String literal Double number int colonPosition private static int[] zzUnpackAction () int[] result int offset private static int zzUnpackAction (java.lang.String, int, int[]) int count int value String packed int offset int[] result int i int j int l private static int[] zzUnpackRowMap () int[] result int offset private static int zzUnpackRowMap (java.lang.String, int, int[]) int high String packed int offset int[] result int i int j int l private static int[] zzUnpackTrans () int[] result int offset private static int zzUnpackTrans (java.lang.String, int, int[]) int count int value String packed int offset int[] result int i int j int l private static int[] zzUnpackAttribute () int[] result int offset private static int zzUnpackAttribute (java.lang.String, int, int[]) int count int value String packed int offset int[] result int i int j int l private java_cup.runtime.Symbol sym (int) int sym private java_cup.runtime.Symbol sym (int, java.lang.Object) int sym Object val public int getOffset () void <init> ( in void <init> ( in private static char[] zzUnpackCMap (java.lang.String) int count char value String packed char[] map int i int j private boolean zzRefill () throws char[] newBuffer int numRead public final void yyclose () throws public final void yyreset ( reader public final int yystate () public final void yybegin (int) int newState public final java.lang.String yytext () public final char yycharat (int) int pos public final int yylength () private void zzScanError (int) ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e int errorCode String message public void yypushback (int) int number private void zzDoEOF () throws public java_cup.runtime.Symbol next_token () throws com.ximpleware.extended.XPathParseExceptionHuge int zzInput int zzInput int zzInput boolean eof int zzNext int zzAttributes int i int i int zzInput int zzAction int zzCurrentPosL int zzMarkedPosL int zzEndReadL char[] zzBufferL char[] zzCMapL int[] zzTransL int[] zzRowMapL int[] zzAttrL static void <clinit> () }
com/ximpleware/extended/XPathEvalExceptionHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.XPathEvalExceptionHuge extends com.ximpleware.extended.VTDExceptionHuge { public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/extended/XPathParseExceptionHuge.class package com.ximpleware.extended public com.ximpleware.extended.XPathParseExceptionHuge extends com.ximpleware.extended.VTDExceptionHuge { int offset public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s public void <init> (java.lang.String, int) String s int i public int getOffset () }
com/ximpleware/FastIntBuffer.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IIntBuffer { public static final int ASCENDING public static final int DESCENDING private com.ximpleware.arrayList bufferArrayList private int capacity private int pageSize protected int size private int exp private int r public void <init> () public void <init> (int) int e public final void append (int[]) int lastBufferIndex int[] lastBuffer int offset int l int k int z int[] newBuffer int i int n int[] int_array int lastBufferIndex int[] lastBuffer public final void append (int) int[] newBuffer int i public final int getCapacity () public int[] getIntArray (int, int) int[] currentChunk int i int int_array_offset int startingOffset int len int[] result int first_index int last_index public final int getPageSize () public final int intAt (int) int index int pageNum int offset public final void modifyEntry (int, int) int index int newValue public final int size () public int[] toIntArray () int i int s int[] resultArray int array_offset public final void clear () public final boolean resize (int) int newSz public void sort (int) int order void quickSort_ascending (int, int) int h int lo int hi int i int j int x void quickSort_descending (int, int) int h int lo int hi int i int j int x }
com/ximpleware/FastLongBuffer.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.ILongBuffer { private com.ximpleware.arrayList bufferArrayList private int capacity private int pageSize protected int size private int exp private int r public void <init> () public void <init> (int) int e public void <init> (int, int) int e int c public void append (long[]) int lastBufferIndex long[] lastBuffer int offset int l int k int z long[] newBuffer int i int n long[] long_array int lastBufferIndex long[] lastBuffer public final void append (long) long[] newBuffer long i public final int getCapacity () public long[] getLongArray (int, int) long[] currentChunk int i int long_array_offset int startingOffset int len long[] result int first_index int last_index public final int getPageSize () public final long longAt (int) int index int pageNum int offset public final int lower32At (int) int index int pageNum int offset public final void modifyEntry (int, long) int index long newValue public final int size () public long[] toLongArray () int i int s long[] resultArray int array_offset public final int upper32At (int) int index int pageNum int offset public final void clear () public final boolean resize (int) int newSz }
com/ximpleware/FastObjectBuffer.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.FastObjectBuffer extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IObjectBuffer { private com.ximpleware.arrayList bufferArrayList private int capacity private int pageSize protected int size private int exp private int r public void <init> () public void <init> (int) int e public void append (java.lang.Object[]) int lastBufferIndex Object[] lastBuffer int offset int l int k int z Object[] newBuffer int i int n Object[] obj_array int lastBufferIndex Object[] lastBuffer public final void append (java.lang.Object) Object[] newBuffer Object obj public final int getCapacity () public java.lang.Object[] getObjectArray (int, int) Object[] currentChunk int i int obj_array_offset int startingOffset int len Object[] result int first_index int last_index public final int getPageSize () public final java.lang.Object objectAt (int) int index int pageNum int offset public final void modifyEntry (int, java.lang.Object) int index Object newValue public final int size () public java.lang.Object[] toObjectArray () int i int s Object[] resultArray int array_offset public final void clear () }
com/ximpleware/FilterExpr.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.FilterExpr extends com.ximpleware.Expr { public com.ximpleware.Expr e public com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p boolean first_time public boolean out_of_range public void <init> (com.ximpleware.Expr, com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate) com.ximpleware.Expr l com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate pr public final boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean a int size public final double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) String s int t Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn double d int a int size public final int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int a public final java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int t Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String s int a int size public final void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final void reset2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final java.lang.String toString () public final boolean isNumerical () public final boolean isNodeSet () public final boolean isString () public final boolean isBoolean () public final boolean requireContextSize () public final void setContextSize (int) int size public final void setPosition (int) int pos public final int adjust (int) int n public final boolean isFinal () public final void markCacheable2 () com.ximpleware.CachedExpr ce public final void markCacheable () com.ximpleware.CachedExpr ce public final void clearCache () }
com/ximpleware/FuncExpr.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.FuncExpr extends com.ximpleware.Expr { public com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist argumentList public int opCode boolean isNumerical boolean isBoolean boolean isString boolean isNodeSet int contextSize com.ximpleware.VTDNav newVN com.ximpleware.VTDNav xslVN int position int argCount int a int state com.ximpleware.VTDGen vg String s public static final int START public static final int END public static final int TERMINAL public static final int FORWARD public static final int BACKWARD com.ximpleware.VTDNav getNewNav () void setXslVn (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn1 int argCount () com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist temp int count public void <init> (int, com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist) int oc com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist list public final boolean checkArgumentCount () private java.lang.String getSystemProperty (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String s private boolean isElementAvailable (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String s private boolean isFunctionAvailable (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String s public final java.lang.String toString () private java.lang.String formatNumber (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private java.lang.String getLocalName (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int preLen int QLen int offset int length int index int type com.ximpleware.NavException e int preLen int QLen int offset int length com.ximpleware.NavException e com.ximpleware.NavException e int a int type com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private java.lang.String getNameSpaceURI (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int a int i int type Exception e Exception e int type Exception e int size int a String s com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private java.lang.String getName (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) Exception e int type int a int type Exception e int a com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private boolean lang (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, java.lang.String) int i com.ximpleware.NavException e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String s boolean b private boolean startsWith (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int t Exception e int a com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String s2 String s1 private int evalFirstArgumentListNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int t Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int size int a private int evalFirstArgumentListNodeSet2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int size int a private boolean endsWith (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int t Exception e int a com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String s2 String s1 private boolean contains (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int t Exception e int a com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String s2 String s1 private java.lang.String subString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) String s double d1 String s double d1 double d2 com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private java.lang.String subStringBefore (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int i String s1 String s2 int len1 int len2 com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private java.lang.String subStringAfter (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int i String s1 String s2 int len1 int len2 com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private java.lang.String translate (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) char idxChar int i com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String resultStr String indexStr String replace StringBuilder usedCharStr int lenRep private java.lang.String normalizeSpace (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int ttype int i int t com.ximpleware.NavException e String s int t Exception e int a String s com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private java.lang.String normalize (java.lang.String) char c String s int len StringBuffer sb int i private boolean isWS (char) char c private java.lang.String concat (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn StringBuffer sb com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist temp private java.lang.String getString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.NavException e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.xpath.UnsupportedException double tmp com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int type int i com.ximpleware.NavException e double dval NumberFormatException e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int ac private double roundHalfToEven (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn double value long precision private double roundHalfToEvenPositive (double, long) int i double value long precision double ROUNDING_EPSILON long dec long absPre double result long intPart public final int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException String s String s com.ximpleware.NavException e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private int getStringVal (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int) int i1 com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i int t public final boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) double d com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public java.lang.String fname () public final boolean isNodeSet () public final boolean isNumerical () public final boolean isString () public final boolean isBoolean () private int count (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int a int size private double sum (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int i1 int t Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn double d int size public final boolean requireContextSize () com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist temp public final void setContextSize (int) com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist temp int size public void setPosition (int) com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist temp int pos public int adjust (int) int n int i private java.lang.String upperCase (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int t Exception e int a com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private java.lang.String lowerCase (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int t Exception e int a com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private boolean matchName (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) Exception e int type String s1 int a int type Exception e String s1 int a com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private boolean matchLocalName (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int preLen int QLen int offset int length int index int type String s1 com.ximpleware.NavException e int preLen int QLen int offset int length com.ximpleware.NavException e com.ximpleware.NavException e int a String s1 int type com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private java.lang.String generateID (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int i com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public boolean isFinal () com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist temp boolean s public void markCacheable2 () com.ximpleware.CachedExpr ce com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist temp public void markCacheable () com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist temp public void clearCache () com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist temp }
com/ximpleware/FunctionalLocationPathExpr.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.FunctionalLocationPathExpr extends com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr { public static final int FUNC_PATH com.ximpleware.FuncExpr fne public void <init> (com.ximpleware.FuncExpr) com.ximpleware.FuncExpr fne1 public java.lang.String toString () String st com.ximpleware.xpath.Step ts public int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int result }
com/ximpleware/IByteBuffer.class package com.ximpleware public abstract com.ximpleware.IByteBuffer extends java.lang.Object { public abstract byte byteAt (int) public abstract byte[] getBytes (int, int) public abstract int length () public abstract byte[] getBytes () }
com/ximpleware/IIntBuffer.class package com.ximpleware public abstract com.ximpleware.IIntBuffer extends java.lang.Object { public abstract int intAt (int) public abstract void modifyEntry (int, int) public abstract int size () }
com/ximpleware/ILongBuffer.class package com.ximpleware public abstract com.ximpleware.ILongBuffer extends java.lang.Object { public abstract long longAt (int) public abstract int lower32At (int) public abstract void modifyEntry (int, long) public abstract int size () public abstract int upper32At (int) }
com/ximpleware/IndexHandler.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.IndexHandler extends java.lang.Object { public static final int OFFSET_ADJUSTMENT void <init> () public static void writeIndex_L3 (byte, int, boolean, boolean, int, int, int, byte[], int, int, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer, throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException int t int i byte version int encodingType boolean ns boolean byteOrder int nestDepth int LCLevel int rootIndex byte[] xmlDoc int docOffset int docLen com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer vtdBuffer com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l1Buffer com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l2Buffer com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer l3Buffer os int i dos byte[] ba public static void writeIndex_L5 (byte, int, boolean, boolean, int, int, int, byte[], int, int, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer, throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException int t int i byte version int encodingType boolean ns boolean byteOrder int nestDepth int LCLevel int rootIndex byte[] xmlDoc int docOffset int docLen com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer vtdBuffer com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l1Buffer com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l2Buffer com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l3Buffer com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l4Buffer com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer l5Buffer os int i dos byte[] ba public static void writeSeparateIndex_L3 (byte, int, boolean, boolean, int, int, int, int, int, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer, throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException int i byte version int encodingType boolean ns boolean byteOrder int nestDepth int LCLevel int rootIndex int docOffset int docLen com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer vtdBuffer com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l1Buffer com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l2Buffer com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer l3Buffer os int i dos byte[] ba public static void writeSeparateIndex_L5 (byte, int, boolean, boolean, int, int, int, int, int, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer, throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException int i byte version int encodingType boolean ns boolean byteOrder int nestDepth int LCLevel int rootIndex int docOffset int docLen com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer vtdBuffer com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l1Buffer com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l2Buffer com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l3Buffer com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l4Buffer com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer l5Buffer os int i dos byte[] ba public static void readIndex (byte[], com.ximpleware.VTDGen) throws com.ximpleware.IndexReadException int intLongSwitch int endian long l int l4Size int l5Size int vtdSize int l1Size int l2Size int l3Size long l long l int l4Size int l5Size int vtdSize int l1Size int l2Size int l3Size byte[] ba com.ximpleware.VTDGen vg java.nio.ByteBuffer bb byte b int adj int intLongSwitch int endian int LCLevel int size int t public static void readIndex (, com.ximpleware.VTDGen) throws com.ximpleware.IndexReadException int intLongSwitch int endian int t long l int l4Size int l5Size int vtdSize int l1Size int l2Size int l3Size long l long l long l int l4Size int l5Size int vtdSize int l1Size int l2Size int l3Size is com.ximpleware.VTDGen vg dis byte b int intLongSwitch int endian int LCLevel int size byte[] XMLDoc public static void readSeparateIndex (,, int, com.ximpleware.VTDGen) throws com.ximpleware.IndexReadException int intLongSwitch int endian long l int l4Size int l5Size int vtdSize int l1Size int l2Size int l3Size long l long l long l int l4Size int l5Size int vtdSize int l1Size int l2Size int l3Size index XMLBytes int XMLSize com.ximpleware.VTDGen vg dis byte b int intLongSwitch int endian int LCLevel int size byte[] XMLDoc private static long reverseLong (long) long l long t private static int reverseInt (int) int i int t private static long adjust (long, int) long l int i long l1 long l2 }
com/ximpleware/IndexReadException.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.IndexReadException extends com.ximpleware.VTDException { public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/IndexWriteException.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException extends com.ximpleware.VTDException { public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/intHash.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.intHash extends java.lang.Object { private int mask1 private int mask2 private int pageSizeE protected com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer[] storage private int hashWidth private int maxDepth protected int e public boolean isUnique (int) int j int size int i int temp public boolean _isUnique (int) int j int size int i int temp public final void reset () int i public void <init> () public void <init> (int) int hashWidthExpo public static void main (java.lang.String[]) int i int i String[] args com.ximpleware.intHash a public static int determineHashWidth (int) int i }
com/ximpleware/IObjectBuffer.class package com.ximpleware abstract com.ximpleware.IObjectBuffer extends java.lang.Object { public abstract java.lang.Object objectAt (int) public abstract void modifyEntry (int, java.lang.Object) public abstract int size () }
com/ximpleware/IReader.class package com.ximpleware abstract com.ximpleware.IReader extends java.lang.Object { public abstract int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public abstract boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException public abstract char decode (int) public abstract long _getChar (int) }
com/ximpleware/LocationPathExpr.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr extends com.ximpleware.Expr { public static final int ABSOLUTE_PATH public static final int RELATIVE_PATH com.ximpleware.xpath.Step s com.ximpleware.xpath.Step currentStep int pathType int state com.ximpleware.intHash ih public static final int START public static final int END public static final int TERMINAL public static final int FORWARD public static final int BACKWARD public void <init> () public final void optimize2 () public final void optimize () com.ximpleware.xpath.Step ts public final void setStep (com.ximpleware.xpath.Step) com.ximpleware.xpath.Step st public final void setPathType (int) int ptype public final boolean isUnique (int) int i public final void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.xpath.Step temp public java.lang.String toString () String st com.ximpleware.xpath.Step ts public final boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean a int size public final double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) String s int t Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn double d int a int size public final java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int t Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String s int a int size public final boolean isNodeSet () public final boolean isNumerical () protected final void transition_child (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn protected final int process_child (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result int i int result int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b boolean b1 int k com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final void transition_DDFP (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn protected final int process_DDFP (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap int result int result String helper com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_DDFP2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap int result int result String helper com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_parent (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_parent2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_ancestor (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result int i int result int result int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_ancestor2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result int i int result int result int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_ancestor_or_self (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result int result int result int i int result int result int result int result int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_ancestor_or_self2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result int result int result int i int result int result int result int result int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_self (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_self2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_namespace (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t int temp protected final int process_following_sibling2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result int result int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_following_sibling (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result int result int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_preceding_sibling (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result int result int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_preceding_sibling2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result int result int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t protected final int process_attribute (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t int temp public int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int result public final boolean isString () public final boolean isBoolean () public final boolean requireContextSize () public final void setContextSize (int) int size protected final int computeContextSize4PrecedingSibling (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i protected final int computeContextSize4PrecedingSibling2 (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i protected final int computeContextSize4FollowingSibling (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i protected final int computeContextSize4FollowingSibling2 (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i protected final int computeContextSize4Self (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap protected final int computeContextSize4Self2 (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap protected final int computeContextSize4AncestorOrSelf (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap protected final int computeContextSize4AncestorOrSelf2 (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap protected final int computeContextSize4Child2 (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i boolean b protected final int computeContextSize4Parent (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap protected final int computeContextSize4Parent2 (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap protected final int computeContextSize4Ancestor2 (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap protected final int computeContextSize4DDFP (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String helper int i com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap protected final int computeContextSize4DDFP2 (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap protected final int computeContextSize4Ancestor (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap protected final int computeContextSize4Child (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int i boolean b public final int computeContextSize (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate, com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b int i com.ximpleware.AutoPilot ap public void setPosition (int) int pos public final int adjust (int) int i int n int i com.ximpleware.xpath.Step temp protected final void selectNodeType (com.ximpleware.TextIter) com.ximpleware.TextIter ti protected final int process_child2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int i int result int i int result int result com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b boolean b1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate t public final boolean isFinal () public final void markCacheable () com.ximpleware.CachedExpr ce com.ximpleware.xpath.Step temp public final void markCacheable2 () public final void clearCache () com.ximpleware.xpath.Step temp }
com/ximpleware/ModifyException.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.ModifyException extends com.ximpleware.VTDException { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/NavException.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.NavException extends com.ximpleware.VTDException { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/NodeRecorder.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.NodeRecorder extends java.lang.Object { protected com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn protected com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer fib public static final int BUF_SZ_EXPO int size int position int count public void <init> () public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn1 public void bind (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn1 public void record () int i int k int i int i int k int i com.ximpleware.VTDNav_L5 vnl public void resetPointer () public void clear () public int iterate () int j int j com.ximpleware.VTDNav_L5 vnl boolean b int i }
com/ximpleware/NodeTest.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.NodeTest extends java.lang.Object { public String nodeName public String prefix public String localName public String URL boolean nsEnabled public int testType public int type public static final int NAMETEST public static final int NODE public static final int TEXT public static final int PI0 public static final int PI1 public static final int COMMENT public void <init> () public final void setTestType (int) int t public final void setNodeName (java.lang.String) String s public final void setNodeNameNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String p String ln public boolean eval (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public boolean eval2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int t com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final java.lang.String toString () }
com/ximpleware/ParseException.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.ParseException extends com.ximpleware.VTDException { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/parser/ISO8859_10.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.ISO8859_10 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/ISO8859_11.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.ISO8859_11 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/ISO8859_13.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.ISO8859_13 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/ISO8859_14.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.ISO8859_14 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/ISO8859_15.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.ISO8859_15 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/ISO8859_2.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.ISO8859_2 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/ISO8859_3.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.ISO8859_3 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/ISO8859_4.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.ISO8859_4 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/ISO8859_5.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.ISO8859_5 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/ISO8859_6.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.ISO8859_6 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/ISO8859_7.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.ISO8859_7 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/ISO8859_8.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.ISO8859_8 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/ISO8859_9.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.ISO8859_9 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/UTF8Char.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.UTF8Char extends java.lang.Object { static final byte[] charLen public void <init> () public static int byteCount (int) int n static void <clinit> () }
com/ximpleware/parser/WIN1250.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.WIN1250 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/WIN1251.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.WIN1251 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/WIN1252.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.WIN1252 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/WIN1253.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.WIN1253 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/WIN1254.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.WIN1254 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/WIN1255.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.WIN1255 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/WIN1256.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.WIN1256 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/WIN1257.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.WIN1257 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/WIN1258.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.WIN1258 extends java.lang.Object { static final char[] chars public void <init> () public static char decode (byte) byte b static void <clinit> () int i int i }
com/ximpleware/parser/XMLChar.class package com.ximpleware.parser public com.ximpleware.parser.XMLChar extends java.lang.Object { public static final byte[] UNI_CHARS public static final int XML_VALID public static final int XML_SPACE public static final int XML_NAME_START public static final int XML_NAME public static final int XML_PUBID public static final int XML_CONTENT public static final int XML_NCNAME_START public static final int XML_NCNAME public void <init> () public static char highSurrogate (int) int c public static boolean isContentChar (int) int c public static boolean isHighSurrogate (int) int c public static boolean isInvalidChar (int) int c public static boolean isLowSurrogate (int) int c public static boolean isMarkupChar (int) int c public static boolean isNameChar (int) int c public static boolean isNameStartChar (int) int c public static boolean isNCNameChar (int) int c public static boolean isNCNameStartChar (int) int c public static boolean isNmtoken (java.lang.String) int i String nmToken public static boolean isPubidChar (int) int c public static boolean isSpaceChar (int) int c public static boolean isSupplementalChar (int) int c public static boolean isValidChar (int) int c public static char lowSurrogate (int) int c public static int scalarValueSurrogate (char, char) char hi char lo static void <clinit> () int j int i int i int i int i int j int i int i int i int j int i int j int i int i int j int i int i int i int j int i int[][] xmlCharRange int[] xmlSpaceChar int[] xmlNameChar int[] xmlNameStartChar int[] xmlPubidChar int[][] xmlPubidRange int[][] xmlLetterRange int[] xmlLetterChar int[][] xmlCombiningCharRange int[] xmlCombiningCharChar int[][] xmlDigitRange int[][] xmlExtenderRange int[] xmlExtenderChar int[] xmlSpecialChar }
com/ximpleware/PathExpr.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.PathExpr extends com.ximpleware.Expr { com.ximpleware.Expr fe com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr lpe int evalState com.ximpleware.intHash ih public void <init> (com.ximpleware.Expr, com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr) com.ximpleware.Expr f com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr l public final boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean a int size public final double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) String s int t Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn double d int a int size public final int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int a public final java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int t Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn String s int a int size public final boolean isUnique (int) int i public final void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final java.lang.String toString () public final boolean isNumerical () public final boolean isNodeSet () public final boolean isString () public final boolean isBoolean () public final boolean requireContextSize () public final void setContextSize (int) int size public final void setPosition (int) int pos public final int adjust (int) int n int i public final boolean isFinal () public final void markCacheable () public final void markCacheable2 () public final void clearCache () }
com/ximpleware/PilotException.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.PilotException extends com.ximpleware.NavException { public void <init> () public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/TextIter.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.TextIter extends java.lang.Object { private int prevLocation protected int depth protected int index protected com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private int lcIndex private int lcLower private int lcUpper private int sel_type private String piName public void <init> () public void selectText () public void selectComment () public void selectPI0 () public void selectPI1 (java.lang.String) String s public void selectNode () public int getNext () private final boolean isText (int) com.ximpleware.NavException e int index int type public void touch (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav v private int increment (int) int sp int type int vtdSize int i private int handleLevel0 () boolean b int s int temp1 int temp2 int sp private int handleLevel1 () int sp int temp int i int size int s int temp1 int temp2 int d int type int sp private int handleLevel2 () int sp int temp int i int size int s int temp1 int temp2 int d int type int sp private int handleLevel3 () int sp int temp int i int size int s int temp1 int temp2 int d int type int sp com.ximpleware.VTDNav_L5 vnl private int handleLevel4 () int sp int temp int i int size int s int temp1 int temp2 int d int type int sp com.ximpleware.VTDNav_L5 vnl private int _handleLevel2 () int sp int temp int i int size int s int temp1 int temp2 int d int type int sp com.ximpleware.VTDNav_L5 vnl private int handleDefault () int sp int d int type private int handleDocumentNode () int sp }
com/ximpleware/transcode/ASCII_Coder.class package com.ximpleware.transcode public com.ximpleware.transcode.ASCII_Coder extends java.lang.Object { public void <init> () public static final int getLen (int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int ch public static final long decode (byte[], int) byte[] input int offset long l public static final int encode (byte[], int, int) byte[] output int offset int ch public static final void encodeAndWrite (, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException os int ch }
com/ximpleware/transcode/ISO8859_1Coder.class package com.ximpleware.transcode public com.ximpleware.transcode.ISO8859_1Coder extends java.lang.Object { public void <init> () public static int getLen (int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int ch public static long decode (byte[], int) byte[] input int offset long l public static int encode (byte[], int, int) byte[] output int offset int ch public static final void encodeAndWrite (, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException os int ch }
com/ximpleware/transcode/Transcoder.class package com.ximpleware.transcode public com.ximpleware.transcode.Transcoder extends java.lang.Object { public void <init> () public static byte[] transcode (byte[], int, int, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException byte[] input int offset int length int input_encoding int output_encoding int i byte[] output public static final int getOutLength (byte[], int, int, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException long l int c byte[] input int offset int length int input_encoding int output_encoding int len int k public static final void transcodeAndFill (byte[], byte[], int, int, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException long l int c byte[] input byte[] output int offset int length int input_encoding int output_encoding int k int i public static final int transcodeAndFill2 (int, byte[], byte[], int, int, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException long l int c int initOutPosition byte[] input byte[] output int offset int length int input_encoding int output_encoding int k int i public static final void transcodeAndWrite (byte[],, int, int, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException long l int c byte[] input os int offset int length int input_encoding int output_encoding int k public static final int getLen (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int ch int output_encoding public static final long decode (byte[], int, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException byte[] input int offset int input_encoding public static final int encode (byte[], int, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException byte[] output int offset int ch int output_encoding public static final void encodeAndWrite (, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException os int ch int output_encoding }
com/ximpleware/transcode/UTF16BE_Coder.class package com.ximpleware.transcode public com.ximpleware.transcode.UTF16BE_Coder extends java.lang.Object { public void <init> () public static int encode (byte[], int, int) int tmp int w1 int w2 byte[] output int offset int ch public static long decode (byte[], int) long l byte[] input int offset int val long l int temp public static int getLen (int) int ch public static final void encodeAndWrite (, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int tmp int w1 int w2 os int ch }
com/ximpleware/transcode/UTF16LE_Coder.class package com.ximpleware.transcode public com.ximpleware.transcode.UTF16LE_Coder extends java.lang.Object { public void <init> () public static int encode (byte[], int, int) int tmp int w1 int w2 byte[] output int offset int ch public static final void encodeAndWrite (, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int tmp int w1 int w2 os int ch public static long decode (byte[], int) long l byte[] input int offset int val long l int temp public static int getLen (int) int ch }
com/ximpleware/transcode/UTF8_Coder.class package com.ximpleware.transcode public com.ximpleware.transcode.UTF8_Coder extends java.lang.Object { public void <init> () public static int encode (byte[], int, int) byte[] output int offset int ch public static final void encodeAndWrite (, int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException os int ch public static long decode (byte[], int) byte[] input int offset long l int c byte val public static int getLen (int) throws com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int ch }
com/ximpleware/TranscodeException.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.TranscodeException extends com.ximpleware.VTDException { public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/UniByteBuffer.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.UniByteBuffer extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IByteBuffer { private byte[] ba public void <init> (byte[]) byte[] b public final byte byteAt (int) int index public final byte[] getBytes (int, int) int offset int len byte[] b public int length () public byte[] getBytes () }
com/ximpleware/UnionExpr.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.UnionExpr extends com.ximpleware.Expr { public com.ximpleware.intHash ih public com.ximpleware.Expr e public com.ximpleware.UnionExpr next com.ximpleware.UnionExpr current int state public void <init> (com.ximpleware.Expr) com.ximpleware.Expr e1 public final boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean a int size public final double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) String s int t Exception e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn double d int a int size public final int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException int a int a com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) int t Exception e String s int a int size com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.UnionExpr tmp public final java.lang.String toString () public final boolean isNumerical () public final boolean isNodeSet () public final boolean isString () public final boolean isBoolean () public final boolean requireContextSize () com.ximpleware.UnionExpr tmp public final void setContextSize (int) int size com.ximpleware.UnionExpr tmp public final void setPosition (int) int pos com.ximpleware.UnionExpr tmp public final boolean isUnique (int) int i public final int adjust (int) int n int i com.ximpleware.UnionExpr tmp public final boolean isFinal () com.ximpleware.UnionExpr tmp public final void markCacheable () com.ximpleware.UnionExpr tmp public final void markCacheable2 () com.ximpleware.CachedExpr ce com.ximpleware.UnionExpr tmp public final void clearCache () com.ximpleware.UnionExpr tmp }
com/ximpleware/VTDException.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.VTDException extends java.lang.Exception { public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ASCIIReader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ASCIIReader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int a public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_10Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_10Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_11Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_11Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_13Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_13Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_14Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_14Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_15Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_15Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_1Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_1Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_2Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_2Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_3Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_3Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_4Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_4Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_5Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_5Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_6Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_6Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_7Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_7Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_8Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_8Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$ISO8859_9Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$ISO8859_9Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$UTF16BEReader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$UTF16BEReader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int val int temp public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int val int ch int temp public final char decode (int) int offset public final long _getChar (int) int offset long val int temp }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$UTF16LEReader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$UTF16LEReader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int val int temp public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.ParseException int val int ch int temp public final char decode (int) int offset public final long _getChar (int) int offset int val int temp }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$UTF8Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$UTF8Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int temp private int handleUTF8 (int) throws com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.ParseException int temp int val int c int d int a int i public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.ParseException int ch int temp private boolean skipUTF8 (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.ParseException int temp int ch int val int c int d int a int i public final long _getChar (int) int offset int temp private long handle_utf8 (int, int) int temp int offset int c int d int a long val int i public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$WIN1250Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$WIN1250Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$WIN1251Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$WIN1251Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$WIN1252Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$WIN1252Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$WIN1253Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$WIN1253Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$WIN1254Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$WIN1254Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$WIN1255Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$WIN1255Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$WIN1256Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$WIN1256Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$WIN1257Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$WIN1257Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen$WIN1258Reader.class package com.ximpleware com.ximpleware.VTDGen$WIN1258Reader extends java.lang.Object implements com.ximpleware.IReader { final synthetic com.ximpleware.VTDGen this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDGen) public final int getChar () throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException public final boolean skipChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException int ch public final long _getChar (int) int offset int c public final char decode (int) int offset }
com/ximpleware/VTDGen.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.VTDGen extends java.lang.Object { private static final int ATTR_NAME_ARRAY_SIZE public static final int FORMAT_ASCII public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_1 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_10 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_11 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_12 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_13 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_14 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_15 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_16 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_2 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_3 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_4 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_5 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_6 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_7 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_8 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_9 public static final int FORMAT_UTF_16BE public static final int FORMAT_UTF_16LE public static final int FORMAT_UTF8 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1250 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1251 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1252 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1253 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1254 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1255 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1256 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1257 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1258 public static final int MAX_DEPTH public static final int MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH public static final int MAX_QNAME_LENGTH public static final int MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH private static final int STATE_ATTR_NAME private static final int STATE_ATTR_VAL private static final int STATE_CDATA private static final int STATE_COMMENT private static final int STATE_DEC_ATTR_NAME private static final int STATE_DOC_END private static final int STATE_DOC_START private static final int STATE_DOCTYPE private static final int STATE_END_COMMENT private static final int STATE_END_PI private static final int STATE_END_TAG private static final int STATE_LT_SEEN private static final int STATE_PI_TAG private static final int STATE_PI_VAL private static final int STATE_START_TAG private static final int STATE_TEXT private static final int TAG_STACK_SIZE public static final int TOKEN_ATTR_NAME public static final int TOKEN_ATTR_NS public static final int TOKEN_ATTR_VAL public static final int TOKEN_CDATA_VAL public static final int TOKEN_CHARACTER_DATA public static final int TOKEN_COMMENT public static final int TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_NAME public static final int TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_VAL public static final int TOKEN_DOCUMENT public static final int TOKEN_DTD_VAL public static final int TOKEN_ENDING_TAG public static final int TOKEN_PI_NAME public static final int TOKEN_PI_VAL public static final int TOKEN_STARTING_TAG protected byte[] XMLDoc protected com.ximpleware.IReader r private int ch private int ch_temp protected int offset protected int depth private int length1 private int length2 protected boolean helper protected boolean default_ns protected boolean isXML protected boolean singleByteEncoding protected boolean shallowDepth protected boolean ns protected boolean is_ns protected boolean br private int temp_offset protected int endOffset protected int prev_offset private int increment protected long[] tag_stack private long[] attr_name_array private int attr_count private long[] prefixed_attr_name_array private int[] prefix_URL_array private int prefixed_attr_count protected com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer VTDBuffer protected com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l1Buffer protected com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l2Buffer protected com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer l3Buffer protected com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer _l3Buffer protected com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer _l4Buffer protected com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer _l5Buffer protected com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer nsBuffer1 protected com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer nsBuffer2 protected com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer nsBuffer3 private int last_depth private int last_l1_index private int last_l2_index private int last_l3_index private int last_l4_index protected com.ximpleware.EOFException e protected int docLen protected int docOffset protected int encoding protected boolean ws protected int rootIndex protected int VTDDepth protected short LcDepth protected long currentElementRecord private boolean must_utf_8 private boolean BOM_detected public void <init> () public void clear () public void enableIgnoredWhiteSpace (boolean) boolean b public void selectLcDepth (int) throws com.ximpleware.ParseException int i private void addWhiteSpaceRecord () int length1 private void decide_encoding () throws com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.ParseException private int entityIdentifier () throws com.ximpleware.EntityException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.ParseException int ch int val private void finishUp () private java.lang.String formatLineNumber () private java.lang.String formatLineNumber (int) int os int so int lineNumber int lineOffset private final int getCharAfterS () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException int n public long getIndexSize () int size int size public com.ximpleware.VTDNav getNav () com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn private int getPrevOffset () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException int prevOffset int temp public com.ximpleware.VTDNav loadIndex (byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.IndexReadException byte[] ba public com.ximpleware.VTDNav loadIndex ( throws com.ximpleware.IndexReadException is public com.ximpleware.VTDNav loadIndex (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.IndexReadException String fileName fis public com.ximpleware.VTDNav loadSeparateIndex (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.IndexReadException String XMLFileName String VTDIndexName xfis vfis int size private void matchCPEncoding () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException private void matchISOEncoding () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException private void matchUTFEncoding () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException private void matchWindowsEncoding () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException public void parse (boolean) throws com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException com.ximpleware.EntityException com.ximpleware.ParseException int t int i long x int sos int sl com.ximpleware.EOFException e boolean NS int parser_state private void checkQualifiedAttributeUniqueness () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException int URLLen2 int URLOs2 int k int preLen2 int os2 int postLen2 int j int preLen1 int os1 int postLen1 int URLLen1 int URLOs1 int i private void qualifyAttributes () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException int os int k int t int preLen int preOs int i1 int j int i private int identifyNsURL (int, int) long l long l long l int byte_offset int length String URL1 String URL2 int i int t int g int os private boolean matchXML (int) int byte_offset private void disallow_xmlns (int) throws com.ximpleware.ParseException int byte_offset public boolean parseFile (java.lang.String, boolean) Exception e byte[] b int offset int numRead int numOfBytes e Exception e com.ximpleware.ParseException e Exception e Exception e String fileName boolean ns fis f public boolean parseGZIPFile (java.lang.String, boolean) Exception e in baos byte[] ba int noRead e Exception e e Exception e com.ximpleware.ParseException e Exception e Exception e String GZIPfileName boolean ns fis public boolean parseZIPFile (java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean) Exception e baos byte[] ba int noRead e Exception e e Exception e com.ximpleware.ParseException e Exception e Exception e String ZIPfileName String XMLName boolean ns is zf public boolean parseHttpUrl (java.lang.String, boolean) Exception e byte[] ba int k int offset Exception e baos byte[] ba int k int len Exception e e Exception e com.ximpleware.ParseException e Exception e Exception e String url boolean ns url1 in urlConnection private int process_cdata () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state private int process_comment () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state private int process_dec_attr () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException int parser_state int parser_state private int process_doc_type () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException int parser_state int z int parser_state private int process_end_comment () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException int parser_state private int process_end_doc () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException int parser_state int parser_state private int process_end_pi () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state private int process_ex_seen () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state boolean hasDTD private void process_attr_name () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException long l String s1 String s2 private int process_attr_val () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException int t private int process_pi_tag () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state private int process_pi_val () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state int parser_state private int process_qm_seen () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException private int process_start_doc () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException int c public void setDoc (byte[]) byte[] ba public void setDoc (byte[], int, int) int a int a int a int a int a int i1 int i2 int i3 int a int a int a int a int a int a int i1 int i2 int i3 int i4 int i5 byte[] ba int os int len int a public void setDoc_BR (byte[]) byte[] ba public void setDoc_BR (byte[], int, int) int a int a int a int a int a int i1 int i2 int i3 int a int a int a int a int a int a int a int i1 int i2 int i3 int i4 int i5 byte[] ba int os int len int a public void writeIndex ( throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException os public void writeSeparateIndex ( throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException os public void writeIndex (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException String fileName fos public void writeSeparateIndex (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException String fileName fos private void writeVTD (int, int, int, int) int offset int length int token_type int depth private void _writeVTD (int, int, int, int) int offset int length int token_type int depth private void writeVTDText (int, int, int, int) int k int r_offset int offset int length int token_type int depth private void writeVTD_L5 (int, int, int, int) int offset int length int token_type int depth private void qualifyElement () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException int os int k int t int i int preLen int preOs private boolean checkPrefix (int, int) int os int len private boolean checkPrefix2 (int, int) int os int len private long _getCharResolved (int) int byte_offset int ch int val long inc long l private int getCharUnit (int) int byte_offset private boolean matchURL (int, int, int, int) long l1 long l2 int bos1 int len1 int bos2 int len2 int i1 int i2 int i3 int i4 private void checkAttributeUniqueness () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException int j int prevOffset int prevLen boolean unequal int i long[] temp_array long[] temp_array1 boolean unique private void handleOtherTextChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.ParseException int ch private void handleOtherTextChar2 (int) throws com.ximpleware.ParseException int ch private int processElementTail (boolean) throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.EncodingException com.ximpleware.EOFException boolean helper }
com/ximpleware/VTDNav.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.VTDNav extends java.lang.Object { public static final int ROOT public static final int PARENT public static final int FIRST_CHILD public static final int LAST_CHILD public static final int NEXT_SIBLING public static final int PREV_SIBLING public static final int R public static final int P public static final int FC public static final int LC public static final int NS public static final int PS public static final int TOKEN_STARTING_TAG public static final int TOKEN_ENDING_TAG public static final int TOKEN_ATTR_NAME public static final int TOKEN_ATTR_NS public static final int TOKEN_ATTR_VAL public static final int TOKEN_CHARACTER_DATA public static final int TOKEN_COMMENT public static final int TOKEN_PI_NAME public static final int TOKEN_PI_VAL public static final int TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_NAME public static final int TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_VAL public static final int TOKEN_CDATA_VAL public static final int TOKEN_DTD_VAL public static final int TOKEN_DOCUMENT public static final int FORMAT_UTF8 public static final int FORMAT_ASCII public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_1 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_2 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_3 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_4 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_5 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_6 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_7 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_8 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_9 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_10 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_11 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_12 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_13 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_14 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_15 public static final int FORMAT_ISO_8859_16 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1250 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1251 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1252 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1253 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1254 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1255 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1256 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1257 public static final int FORMAT_WIN_1258 public static final int FORMAT_UTF_16LE public static final int FORMAT_UTF_16BE public static final int STRING_RAW public static final int STRING_REGULAR public static final int STRING_NORMALIZED protected static final long MASK_TOKEN_FULL_LEN protected static final long MASK_TOKEN_PRE_LEN protected static final long MASK_TOKEN_QN_LEN protected long MASK_TOKEN_OFFSET protected static final long MASK_TOKEN_TYPE protected static final long MASK_TOKEN_DEPTH protected static final long MASK_TOKEN_NS_MARK protected short maxLCDepthPlusOne protected int rootIndex protected int nestingLevel protected int[] context protected boolean atTerminal protected int l2upper protected int l2lower protected int l3upper protected int l3lower protected int l2index protected int l3index protected int l1index protected com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer vtdBuffer protected com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l1Buffer protected com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l2Buffer protected com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer l3Buffer protected com.ximpleware.IByteBuffer XMLDoc protected com.ximpleware.ContextBuffer contextStack protected com.ximpleware.ContextBuffer contextStack2 protected int LN protected int encoding protected boolean ns protected int[] stackTemp protected int docOffset protected int docLen protected int vtdSize protected String name protected int nameIndex protected String localName protected int localNameIndex protected com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer fib protected boolean shallowDepth protected com.ximpleware.BookMark currentNode protected String URIName protected int count public static final short XPATH_STRING_MODE_NORMAL public static final short XPATH_STRING_MODE_UPPERCASE public static final short XPATH_STRING_MODE_LOWERCASE protected void <init> () protected void <init> (int, int, boolean, int, com.ximpleware.IByteBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer, int, int) int i int RootIndex int enc boolean NS int depth com.ximpleware.IByteBuffer x com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer vtd com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l1 com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l2 com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer l3 int so int length public int getAttrCount () int type int count int index public int getAttrVal (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int type String an int index int type public int getAttrValNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int type int i int offset int preLen int fullLen String URL String ln int size int index int type private long handle_utf8 (long, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long temp int offset int c int d int a long val int i private long handle_utf16le (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int offset int val int temp private long handle_utf16be (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int offset long val int temp private long getChar4OtherEncoding (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int temp int offset private long getChar (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int offset long temp private long getCharResolved (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int offset int ch int val long inc long l private int decode (int) int offset byte ch public void dumpXML ( throws os public void dumpXML (java.lang.String) throws String fileName fos private int getCharUnit (int) int offset public final int getCurrentDepth () public final int getCurrentIndex () protected final int getCurrentIndex2 () public com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs getElementFragmentNs () throws com.ximpleware.NavException int type int z boolean unique int type int k int newSz com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer fib int[] ia int d int c int len int i int count long l public long getSiblingElementFragments (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int i int so com.ximpleware.BookMark bm long l int len public long getElementFragment () throws com.ximpleware.NavException int i int temp int temp2 int so2 int temp boolean b int so2 int d int so2 int i int depth int so int length int temp int size int so2 int d int i public final int getEncoding () public final int getNestingLevel () public final long getOffsetAfterHead () int offset int i int j int offset protected final long getOffsetBeforeTail () throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int offset int len public final int getRootIndex () public int getText () int type int index int depth int type public final int getTokenCount () public final int getTokenDepth (int) int index int i protected final int getTokenLength2 (int) int index public int getTokenLength (int) int index int type int depth int len long l int temp public final int getTokenOffset (int) int index public final com.ximpleware.IByteBuffer getXML () public final int getTokenType (int) int index public final boolean hasAttr (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException String an public final boolean hasAttrNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException String URL String ln protected final boolean isElement (int) int index protected final boolean isElementOrDocument (int) int index long i private final boolean isWS (int) int ch protected boolean iterate_preceding (java.lang.String, int[], int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int depth int tokenType String en int[] a int endIndex int index protected boolean iterate_precedingNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int[], int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int depth int tokenType String URL String ln int[] a int endIndex int index protected boolean iterate_following (java.lang.String, boolean) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int depth int tokenType String en boolean special int index protected boolean iterate_followingNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int depth int tokenType String URL String ln int index protected boolean iterate (int, java.lang.String, boolean) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int depth int tokenType int dp String en boolean special int index protected boolean iterate_preceding_node (int[], int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int depth int tokenType int[] a int endIndex int index protected boolean iterate_following_node () throws com.ximpleware.NavException int depth int tokenType int index protected boolean iterateNode (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int tokenType int dp int index int depth protected boolean iterateNS (int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int depth int tokenType int dp String URL String ln int index public final boolean matchElement (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException String en public final boolean matchElementNS (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException String URL String ln int i int offset int preLen int fullLen private final boolean matchRawTokenString (int, int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int offset int len String s protected final int compareTokenString (int, int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int i1 long l1 int offset int len String s int i int l int endOffset public final int compareTokens (int, com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int ch1 int ch2 long l int i1 com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn2 int i2 int t1 int t2 int endOffset1 int endOffset2 int offset1 int offset2 int len1 int len2 protected final int compareRawTokenString (int, int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int i1 long l1 int offset int len String s int i int l int endOffset public final int compareRawTokenString (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int index String s int type int len public final boolean matchRawTokenString (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int index String s int type int len public final int compareTokenString (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int index String s int type int len public final boolean matchTokenString (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int index String s int type int len protected final boolean matchNormalizedTokenString2 (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int index String s int type int len protected final int compareNormalizedTokenString2 (int, int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int i1 int temp long l1 long l2 int offset int len String s int i int l int endOffset private final int NSval (int) int i public final boolean overWrite (int, byte[]) int index byte[] ba public boolean overWrite (int, byte[], int, int) int k int length int os int temp int index byte[] ba int offset int len int t public double parseDouble (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int dig int dig int dig int cur int index int offset long l int end int t boolean b boolean expneg int ch boolean neg double left double right double scale long exp double v public float parseFloat (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int dig int dig int dig boolean expneg int cur int index int offset int end long l int t boolean b int ch boolean neg long left long right long scale long exp double v float f public int parseInt (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int index protected int parseInt (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int digit int index int radix int t boolean b int offset int endOffset int c long l boolean neg long result public long parseLong (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int index protected long parseLong (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int digit int index int radix int t boolean b int offset int endOffset int c long l boolean neg long result public boolean pop () int i boolean b protected boolean pop2 () int i boolean b public void push () int i protected void push2 () int i protected final void clearStack2 () protected void sync (int, int) int temp int i int size int temp int i int size int temp int i int size int depth int index int t protected void resolveLC () protected void resolveLC_l1 () int init_guess protected void resolveLC_l2 () int i int init_guess int temp protected void resolveLC_l3 () int i int init_guess int temp protected final int lookupNS () throws com.ximpleware.NavException int i int offset int preLen protected int lookupNS (int, int) int j boolean a int temp int preLen int fullLen int os long l int j long l boolean a int temp int preLen int fullLen int os long l int type int k int s int i int offset int len boolean hasNS int size private boolean resolveNS (java.lang.String, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException String URL int offset int len int result public boolean toElement (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int temp int i int temp int i int depth long temp int token_type int index int size long temp int depth int token_type int index int last_index int depth long temp int token_type int index int size int depth long temp int token_type int index int direction protected boolean nodeToElement (int) int depth long temp int token_type int index int size int depth long temp int token_type int index int direction public boolean toElement (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int direction String en int temp int d int val boolean b public boolean toElementNS (int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int direction String URL String ln boolean b int temp int val int d public java.lang.String toNormalizedString2 (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int ch int index int type int len int offset int endOffset StringBuffer sb public java.lang.String toNormalizedString (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int temp int index int type long l int len int offset int endOffset StringBuffer sb int ch boolean d public final int getNormalizedStringLength (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int temp int index int type long l int len int len1 int offset int endOffset int ch boolean d public final java.lang.String toRawString (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int len int index int type int len int offset protected final void toRawString (java.lang.StringBuilder, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int len StringBuilder sb int index int type int len int offset public final java.lang.String toRawStringLowerCase (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int len int index int type int len int offset public final java.lang.String toRawStringUpperCase (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int len int index int type int len int offset public final java.lang.String toRawString (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int os int len StringBuffer sb int offset int endOffset protected final void toRawString (int, int, java.lang.StringBuffer) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int os int len StringBuffer sb int offset int endOffset protected final void toRawString (int, int, java.lang.StringBuilder) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int os int len StringBuilder sb int offset int endOffset protected final void toString (int, int, java.lang.StringBuilder) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int os int len StringBuilder sb int offset int endOffset protected final void toStringUpperCase (int, int, java.lang.StringBuilder) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int os int len StringBuilder sb int offset int endOffset protected final void toStringLowerCase (int, int, java.lang.StringBuilder) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int os int len StringBuilder sb int offset int endOffset public final int getStringLength (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int index int type int len int len1 int offset int endOffset public final int getRawStringLength (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int index int type int len int len1 int offset int endOffset public java.lang.String toString (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int index int type int len int offset public java.lang.String toStringUpperCase (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int index int type int len int offset public java.lang.String toStringLowerCase (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int index int type int len int offset public final java.lang.String toString (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int os int len StringBuffer sb int offset int endOffset protected final void toString (java.lang.StringBuilder, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException StringBuilder sb int index int len int type int offset protected final void toStringUpperCase (java.lang.StringBuilder, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException StringBuilder sb int index int len int type int offset protected final void toStringLowerCase (java.lang.StringBuilder, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException StringBuilder sb int index int len int type int offset protected final java.lang.String toStringUpperCase (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int os int len StringBuilder sb int offset int endOffset protected final java.lang.String toStringLowerCase (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int os int len StringBuilder sb int offset int endOffset protected final java.lang.String toRawStringLowerCase (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int os int len StringBuilder sb int offset int endOffset protected final void toRawStringLowerCase (int, int, java.lang.StringBuilder) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int os int len StringBuilder sb int offset int endOffset protected final java.lang.String toRawStringUpperCase (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int os int len StringBuilder sb int offset int endOffset protected final void toRawStringUpperCase (int, int, java.lang.StringBuilder) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int os int len StringBuilder sb int offset int endOffset public final boolean matchTokens (int, com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int i1 com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn2 int i2 protected final void setAtTerminal (boolean) boolean b public final boolean startsWith (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l1 int i1 long l1 int index String s int type int len int offset int i int l int endOffset boolean b public final boolean endsWith (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int i2 long l1 long l1 long l1 int i1 long l1 int index String s int type int len int offset int i int l int i2 boolean b public final boolean contains (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l1 int i1 long l1 int i int index String s int type int len int offset int l int endOffset boolean b int gOffset protected final boolean getAtTerminal () public boolean verifyNodeCorrectness () int tmp int i2 int i1 int i1 int i2 int tmp int i1 int i2 int tmp public void sampleState (com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer) int i com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer fib public void dumpState () public void writeIndex ( throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException os public void writeSeparateIndex ( throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException os public void writeIndex (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException String fileName fos public void writeSeparateIndex (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException String fileName fos public long getIndexsize () int size int size public com.ximpleware.VTDNav duplicateNav () public com.ximpleware.VTDNav cloneNav () com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final void fillXPathString (com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int length int tokenType int depth com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer indexBuffer com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer countBuffer int count int index int t int i int dp public final java.lang.String getXPathStringVal () throws com.ximpleware.NavException public final java.lang.String getXPathStringVal (short) throws com.ximpleware.NavException short mode protected final java.lang.String getXPathStringVal2 (int, short) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int length int tokenType int depth int j short mode int index int t int i int dp StringBuilder sb public final boolean XPathStringVal_Contains (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int tokenType int depth long l int c long l int offset int endOffset int len int type int j String s int index int t int i boolean result int dp private boolean matchSubString (int, int, int, int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException long l int c long l long l int c long l int os int eos int index int t String s int offset int endOffset int type int i boolean b public final boolean XPathStringVal_StartsWith (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int c long l int offset int endOffset int len int c long l int offset int endOffset int len int tokenType int depth int j String s int index int i int dp boolean r public final boolean XPathStringVal_EndsWith (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int length int tokenType int depth long l long l int j String s int index int t int i int d int offset int endOffset int type boolean b int dp public long getContentFragment () throws com.ximpleware.NavException int i int temp int so2 int temp boolean b int so2 int d int so2 int i int depth long l int so int length int temp int size int so2 int d int i public void recoverNode (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int t int index int type int d int t protected final void recoverNode_l1 (int) int i int index protected final void recoverNode_l2 (int) int k int index int i int t1 int t2 private final void recoverNode_l3 (int) int k int index int i int t1 int t2 public java.lang.String getPrefixString (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int i int type int offset int preLen protected void setCurrentNode () protected void loadCurrentNode () protected boolean toNode (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int tokenType int tokenType int index int tokenType int tokenType int index int tmp int tokenType int tokenType int index int tmp int tokenType int depth long temp int tokenType int depth int index int tokenType int depth int depth int depth int depth int index int tokenType int index int tmp int depth int index int depth int index int tokenType int index int lastEntry int index int tmp int depth int index int depth int index int tokenType int tokenType int index int lastEntry int tmp int tokenType int index int lastEntry int tmp int index int lastEntry int tmp int index int tokenType int tmp long temp int tokenType int depth int dir int index int tmp protected boolean toNode_PrevSibling () int tokenType int depth int index int tokenType int depth int index int tokenType int depth int index int tokenType int index int tokenType int index int index int tokenType int tmp int tokenType int index int index int index int tokenType int tmp int tokenType int index int index int tokenType int index int tmp long temp int tokenType int depth int index int tmp protected boolean toNode_LastChild () int tokenType int depth int index int lastEntry int depth int tokenType int depth int tokenType int index int tmp int tokenType int depth int tokenType int lastEntry int depth int tokenType int index int tmp int tokenType int depth int tokenType int lastEntry long temp int depth int tokenType int index int lastEntry public final java.lang.String toNormalizedXPathString (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int tokenType int depth int c long l int c long l int offset int len int endOS int type int j int index int t int dp boolean r StringBuilder sb int state }
com/ximpleware/VTDNav_L5.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.VTDNav_L5 extends com.ximpleware.VTDNav { protected int l4index protected int l5index protected int l4upper protected int l4lower protected int l5upper protected int l5lower protected com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l3Buffer protected com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l4Buffer protected com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer l5Buffer protected void <init> (int, int, boolean, int, com.ximpleware.IByteBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer, com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer, int, int) int i int RootIndex int enc boolean NS int depth com.ximpleware.IByteBuffer x com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer vtd com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l1 com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l2 com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l3 com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer l4 com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer l5 int so int length public com.ximpleware.VTDNav cloneNav () com.ximpleware.VTDNav_L5 vn public final com.ximpleware.VTDNav duplicateNav () protected final boolean iterateNS (int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int depth int tokenType int dp String URL String ln int index protected void resolveLC () protected void resolveLC_l3 () int i int init_guess int temp private void resolveLC_l4 () int i int init_guess int temp private void resolveLC_l5 () int i int init_guess int temp public boolean pop () int i boolean b protected final boolean pop2 () int i boolean b public final void push () int i protected final void push2 () int i private final void recoverNode_l3 (int) int k int index int i int t1 int t2 private final void recoverNode_l4 (int) int k int index int i int t1 int t2 private final void recoverNode_l5 (int) int k int index int i int t1 int t2 protected void sync (int, int) int temp int i int size int temp int i int size int temp int i int size int temp int i int size int temp int i int size int depth int index public void sampleState (com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer) com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer fib public void dumpState () public boolean toElement (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int direction String en int temp int d int val boolean b public boolean toElement (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int temp int i int temp int i int temp int i int temp int i int depth long temp int token_type int index int size long temp int depth int token_type int index int last_index int depth long temp int token_type int index int size int depth long temp int token_type int index int direction protected boolean nodeToElement (int) int depth long temp int token_type int index int size int depth long temp int token_type int index int direction public boolean toElementNS (int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int direction String URL String ln int temp int val int d boolean b public void recoverNode (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int t int index int type int d int t public void writeIndex ( throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException os public void writeSeparateIndex ( throws com.ximpleware.IndexWriteException os protected boolean toNode (int) throws com.ximpleware.NavException int tokenType int tokenType int index int tokenType int tokenType int index int tmp int tokenType int tokenType int index int tmp int tokenType int tokenType int index int tmp int tokenType int tokenType int index int tmp int tokenType int depth long temp int tokenType int depth int index int tokenType int depth int depth int depth int depth int index int tokenType int index int tmp int depth int index int depth int index int tokenType int index int lastEntry int index int tmp int depth int index int depth int index int tokenType int tokenType int index int lastEntry int tmp int index int tmp int depth int index int depth int index int tokenType int tokenType int index int lastEntry int tmp int index int tmp int depth int index int depth int index int tokenType int tokenType int index int lastEntry int tmp int tokenType int index int lastEntry int tmp int index int lastEntry int tmp int index int tokenType int tmp long temp int tokenType int depth int dir int index int tmp protected boolean toNode_PrevSibling () int tokenType int depth int index int tokenType int depth int index int tokenType int depth int index int tokenType int index int tokenType int index int index int tokenType int tmp int tokenType int index int index int index int tokenType int tmp int tokenType int index int index int index int tokenType int tmp int tokenType int index int index int index int tokenType int tmp int tokenType int index int index int tokenType int index int tmp long temp int tokenType int depth int index int tmp protected boolean toNode_LastChild () int tokenType int depth int index int lastEntry int depth int tokenType int depth int tokenType int index int tmp int tokenType int depth int tokenType int lastEntry int depth int tokenType int index int tmp int tokenType int depth int tokenType int lastEntry int depth int tokenType int index int tmp int tokenType int depth int tokenType int lastEntry int depth int tokenType int index int tmp int tokenType int depth int tokenType int lastEntry long temp int depth int tokenType int index int lastEntry public boolean verifyNodeCorrectness () int tmp int i2 int i1 int i1 int i2 int tmp int i1 int i2 int tmp int i1 int i2 int tmp int i1 int i2 int tmp }
com/ximpleware/XMLByteOutputStream.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.XMLByteOutputStream extends { private byte[] XMLDoc private int offset public final byte[] getXML () public void write (int) throws int b public void write (byte[]) throws byte[] ba public void write (byte[], int, int) throws byte[] ba int os int len public void close () public void <init> (int) int size public java.lang.String toString () int i StringBuilder sb }
com/ximpleware/XMLModifier$ByteSegment.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.XMLModifier$ByteSegment extends java.lang.Object { byte[] ba int offset int len final synthetic com.ximpleware.XMLModifier this$0 public void <init> (com.ximpleware.XMLModifier) }
com/ximpleware/XMLModifier.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.XMLModifier extends java.lang.Object { protected com.ximpleware.VTDNav md private static final long MASK_DELETE private static final long MASK_INSERT_SEGMENT_BYTE private static final long MASK_INSERT_BYTE private static final long MASK_INSERT_SEGMENT_BYTE_ENCLOSED private static final long MASK_INSERT_BYTE_ENCLOSED private static final long MASK_INSERT_FRAGMENT_NS private static final long MASK_INSERT_FRAGMENT_NS_ENCLOSED private static final long MASK_NULL private static final byte[] ba1 private static final byte[] ba2 private static final byte[] ba3 private static final byte[] ba4 protected com.ximpleware.FastObjectBuffer fob protected com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer flb protected com.ximpleware.intHash deleteHash protected com.ximpleware.intHash insertHash protected String charSet int encoding public void <init> (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.VTDNav masterDocument public void <init> () public void bind (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.VTDNav masterDocument int i public void remove () throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.ModifyException long l int i int type public void remove (long) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.ModifyException long l public void removeToken (int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int i int type int os int len public void removeAttribute (int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int attrNameIndex int type int os1 int os2 int len2 public void removeContent (int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int offset int len private void insertBytesEnclosedAt (int, byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int offset byte[] content public void insertBytesAt (int, byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int offset byte[] content private void insertElementFragmentNsAt (int, com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int offset com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef private void insertElementFragmentNsEnclosedAt (int, com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int offset com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef public void insertBytesAt (int, byte[], int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int offset byte[] content int contentOffset int contentLen com.ximpleware.XMLModifier$ByteSegment bs private void insertBytesEnclosedAt (int, byte[], int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int offset byte[] content int contentOffset int contentLen com.ximpleware.XMLModifier$ByteSegment bs private void insertBytesAt (int, byte[], long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int offset byte[] content long l int contentOffset int contentLen com.ximpleware.XMLModifier$ByteSegment bs private void insertBytesEnclosedAt (int, byte[], long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int offset byte[] content long l int contentOffset int contentLen com.ximpleware.XMLModifier$ByteSegment bs public void updateToken (int, byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int index byte[] newContentBytes int offset int type public void updateToken (int, byte[], int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int index byte[] newContentBytes int src_encoding int offset int type byte[] bo public void updateToken (int, byte[], int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int index byte[] newContentBytes int contentOffset int contentLen int offset int type public void updateToken (int, byte[], int, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int index byte[] newContentBytes int contentOffset int contentLen int src_encoding int offset int type byte[] bo public void updateToken (int, com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int index com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int contentOffset int contentLen public void updateToken (int, java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int index String newContent int offset int type protected void sort () protected void check () throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int temp int os1 int os2 int i int size protected void check2 () throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException int k int temp int z int os1 int os2 int i int size public int getUpdatedDocumentSize () throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException long l int i int size int docSize int inc public void insertAfterElement (byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException byte[] b int startTagIndex int type long l int offset int len private void insertEndingTag (long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException long l int i int offset int length byte[] xml public void insertAfterHead (byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException byte[] b long i public void insertBeforeTail (byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException byte[] b long i public void insertBeforeTail (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException String s long i public void insertBeforeTail (int, byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException long i byte[] bo int src_encoding byte[] b public void insertBeforeTail (int, byte[], int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException long i byte[] bo int src_encoding byte[] b int offset int length public void insertBeforeTail (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int contentOffset int contentLen public void insertBeforeTail (int, byte[], long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException long i byte[] bo int src_encoding byte[] b long l public void insertBeforeTail (byte[], long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException byte[] b long l long i public void insertBeforeTail (com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef long i public void insertBeforeTail (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn long l1 public void insertBeforeTail (byte[], int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException byte[] b int offset int len long i public void insertAfterHead (int, byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException byte[] bo long i byte[] bo int src_encoding byte[] b public void insertAfterHead (int, byte[], int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException byte[] bo long i byte[] bo int src_encoding byte[] b int offset int length public void insertAfterHead (int, byte[], long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException byte[] bo long i byte[] bo int src_encoding byte[] b long l public void insertAfterHead (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException String s long i public void insertAfterHead (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int contentOffset int contentLen public void insertAfterHead (byte[], int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException byte[] b int offset int len long i public void insertAfterHead (byte[], long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException byte[] b long l long i public void insertAfterHead (com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef long i public void insertAfterElement (com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef int startTagIndex int type long l int offset int len public void insertAfterElement (byte[], int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException byte[] b int contentOffset int contentLen int startTagIndex int type long l int offset int len public void insertAfterElement (int, byte[], int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int startTagIndex int type long l int offset int len byte[] bo int src_encoding byte[] b int contentOffset int contentLen public void insertAfterElement (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int contentOffset int contentLen public void insertAfterElement (byte[], long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException byte[] b long l1 int startTagIndex int type long l int offset int len public void insertAfterElement (int, byte[], long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int startTagIndex int type long l int offset int len byte[] bo int src_encoding byte[] b long l1 public void insertAfterElement (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn long l1 public void insertAfterHead (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn long l1 public void insertAfterElement (int, byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int startTagIndex int type long l int offset int len byte[] bo int src_encoding byte[] b public void insertAfterElement (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException String s int startTagIndex int type long l int offset int len public void insertBeforeElement (byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException byte[] b int startTagIndex int type int offset public void insertBeforeElement (int, byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int startTagIndex int type int offset byte[] bo int src_encoding byte[] b public void insertBeforeElement (com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef int startTagIndex int type int offset public void insertBeforeElement (byte[], int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException byte[] b int contentOffset int contentLen int startTagIndex int type int offset public void insertBeforeElement (int, byte[], int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int startTagIndex int type int offset byte[] bo int src_encoding byte[] b int contentOffset int contentLen public void insertBeforeElement (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, int, int) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn int contentOffset int contentLen public void insertBeforeElement (byte[], long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException byte[] b long l1 int startTagIndex int type int offset public void insertBeforeElement (int, byte[], long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int startTagIndex int type int offset byte[] bo int src_encoding byte[] b long l1 public void insertBeforeElement (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, long) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn long l public void insertBeforeElement (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException String s int startTagIndex int type int offset public void insertAttribute (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException String attr int startTagIndex int type int offset int len public void insertAttribute (byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException byte[] b int startTagIndex int type int offset int len public void insertAttribute (int, byte[]) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException int src_encoding byte[] b int startTagIndex int type int offset int len byte[] bo public void output ( throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException com.ximpleware.XMLModifier$ByteSegment bs com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef com.ximpleware.XMLModifier$ByteSegment bs com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef long temp int temp2 com.ximpleware.XMLModifier$ByteSegment bs com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef com.ximpleware.XMLModifier$ByteSegment bs com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef long k int i1 int i2 long l int i int offset int inc com.ximpleware.XMLModifier$ByteSegment bs com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef com.ximpleware.XMLModifier$ByteSegment bs com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef long temp int temp2 com.ximpleware.XMLModifier$ByteSegment bs com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef com.ximpleware.XMLModifier$ByteSegment bs com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs ef long k int i1 int i2 long l int i byte[] b1 byte[] b2 int offset int inc os byte[] ba int t int start int len public void output (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException String fileName fos void quickSort (int, int) long h Object o int lo int hi int i int j int x public void reset () public void updateElementName (java.lang.String) throws com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.NavException String newElementName int i int type int len long l int encoding byte[] xml int temp public com.ximpleware.VTDNav outputAndReparse () throws com.ximpleware.ParseException com.ximpleware.TranscodeException com.ximpleware.ModifyException com.ximpleware.XMLByteOutputStream xbos com.ximpleware.VTDGen vg static void <clinit> () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/Alist.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist extends java.lang.Object { public com.ximpleware.Expr e public com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist next public void <init> () public final java.lang.String toString () com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist temp String s public final void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist temp }
com/ximpleware/xpath/AxisType.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType extends java.lang.Object { public int i public static final int CHILD0 public static final int CHILD public static final int DESCENDANT_OR_SELF0 public static final int DESCENDANT0 public static final int PRECEDING0 public static final int FOLLOWING0 public static final int DESCENDANT_OR_SELF public static final int DESCENDANT public static final int PRECEDING public static final int FOLLOWING public static final int PARENT public static final int ANCESTOR public static final int ANCESTOR_OR_SELF public static final int SELF public static final int FOLLOWING_SIBLING public static final int FOLLOWING_SIBLING0 public static final int PRECEDING_SIBLING public static final int PRECEDING_SIBLING0 public static final int ATTRIBUTE public static final int NAMESPACE public void <init> () public final java.lang.String getAxisString () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/CUP$parser$actions.class package com.ximpleware.xpath com.ximpleware.xpath.CUP$parser$actions extends java.lang.Object { private final com.ximpleware.xpath.parser parser void <init> (com.ximpleware.xpath.parser) com.ximpleware.xpath.parser parser public final java_cup.runtime.Symbol CUP$parser$do_action (int, java_cup.runtime.lr_parser, java.util.Stack, int) throws java.lang.Exception com.ximpleware.xpath.FuncName RESULT int fnleft int fnright com.ximpleware.xpath.FuncName fn com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int nleft int nright com.ximpleware.xpath.NameType n com.ximpleware.xpath.Yylex scanner com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate RESULT int eleft int eright com.ximpleware.Expr e com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int sleft int sright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step s int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType RESULT com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType RESULT com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType RESULT int aasleft int aasright com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType aas com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType RESULT int anleft int anright com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType an com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate RESULT int pleft int pright com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p int plleft int plright com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate pl com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate RESULT com.ximpleware.NodeTest RESULT int n2left int n2right com.ximpleware.xpath.Ntest n2 com.ximpleware.NodeTest RESULT int nleft int nright com.ximpleware.xpath.NameType n com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int absleft int absright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step abs com.ximpleware.xpath.Yylex scanner com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int asleft int asright com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType as int ntleft int ntright com.ximpleware.NodeTest nt int plleft int plright com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate pl com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int arlpleft int arlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step arlp com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int sleft int sright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step s int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int sleft int sright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step s com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int aalpleft int aalpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step aalp com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr RESULT int alpleft int alpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step alp com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr RESULT int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int eleft int eright com.ximpleware.Expr e com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist RESULT int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.Expr a int alleft int alright com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist al com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist RESULT int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.Expr a com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist RESULT com.ximpleware.FuncExpr RESULT int fnleft int fnright com.ximpleware.xpath.FuncName fn int alleft int alright com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist al com.ximpleware.FuncExpr tfe com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int fcleft int fcright com.ximpleware.FuncExpr fc com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int neleft int neright Double ne com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int leleft int leright String le com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int eleft int eright com.ximpleware.Expr e com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int veleft int veright com.ximpleware.Expr ve com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int feleft int feright com.ximpleware.Expr fe int pleft int pright com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int peleft int peright com.ximpleware.Expr pe com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int feleft int feright com.ximpleware.Expr fe int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int feleft int feright com.ximpleware.Expr fe int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int feleft int feright com.ximpleware.Expr fe com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int lpleft int lpright com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr lp com.ximpleware.UnionExpr RESULT int peleft int peright com.ximpleware.Expr pe int uneleft int uneright com.ximpleware.UnionExpr une com.ximpleware.UnionExpr RESULT int peleft int peright com.ximpleware.Expr pe com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.Expr ue com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.UnionExpr ue com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.Expr me int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.Expr ue com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.Expr me int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.Expr ue com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.Expr me int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.Expr ue com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.Expr ue com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.Expr me com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.Expr me com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.Expr me com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int eeleft int eeright com.ximpleware.Expr ee int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int eeleft int eeright com.ximpleware.Expr ee int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.Expr a int eeleft int eeright com.ximpleware.Expr ee com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int eeleft int eeright com.ximpleware.Expr ee com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int oleft int oright com.ximpleware.Expr o int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.Expr a com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.Expr a Object RESULT int start_valleft int start_valright com.ximpleware.Expr start_val com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int oleft int oright com.ximpleware.Expr o int CUP$parser$act_num java_cup.runtime.lr_parser CUP$parser$parser java.util.Stack CUP$parser$stack int CUP$parser$top java_cup.runtime.Symbol CUP$parser$result }
com/ximpleware/xpath/CUP$XSLParser$actions.class package com.ximpleware.xpath com.ximpleware.xpath.CUP$XSLParser$actions extends java.lang.Object { private final com.ximpleware.xpath.XSLParser parser void <init> (com.ximpleware.xpath.XSLParser) com.ximpleware.xpath.XSLParser parser public final java_cup.runtime.Symbol CUP$XSLParser$do_action (int, java_cup.runtime.lr_parser, java.util.Stack, int) throws java.lang.Exception com.ximpleware.xpath.FuncName RESULT int fn2left int fn2right com.ximpleware.xpath.FuncName fn2 com.ximpleware.xpath.FuncName RESULT int fnleft int fnright com.ximpleware.xpath.FuncName fn com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int nleft int nright com.ximpleware.xpath.NameType n com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate RESULT int eleft int eright com.ximpleware.Expr e com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int sleft int sright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step s int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType RESULT com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType RESULT com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType RESULT int aasleft int aasright com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType aas com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType RESULT int anleft int anright com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType an com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate RESULT int pleft int pright com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p int plleft int plright com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate pl com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate RESULT com.ximpleware.NodeTest RESULT int n2left int n2right com.ximpleware.xpath.Ntest n2 com.ximpleware.NodeTest RESULT int nleft int nright com.ximpleware.xpath.NameType n com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int absleft int absright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step abs com.ximpleware.xpath.XSLScanner scanner com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int asleft int asright com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType as int ntleft int ntright com.ximpleware.NodeTest nt int plleft int plright com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate pl com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int arlpleft int arlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step arlp com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int sleft int sright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step s int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int sleft int sright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step s com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int aalpleft int aalpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step aalp com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.xpath.Step RESULT com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr RESULT int lpfcleft int lpfcright com.ximpleware.FuncExpr lpfc int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr RESULT int lpfcleft int lpfcright com.ximpleware.FuncExpr lpfc int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr RESULT int lpfcleft int lpfcright com.ximpleware.FuncExpr lpfc com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr RESULT int flpleft int flpright com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr flp com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr RESULT int alpleft int alpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step alp com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr RESULT int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int eleft int eright com.ximpleware.Expr e com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist RESULT int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.Expr a int alleft int alright com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist al com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist RESULT int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.Expr a com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist RESULT com.ximpleware.FuncExpr RESULT int lpfnleft int lpfnright com.ximpleware.xpath.FuncName lpfn int alleft int alright com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist al com.ximpleware.FuncExpr tfe com.ximpleware.FuncExpr RESULT int fnleft int fnright com.ximpleware.xpath.FuncName fn int alleft int alright com.ximpleware.xpath.Alist al com.ximpleware.FuncExpr tfe com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int fcleft int fcright com.ximpleware.FuncExpr fc com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int neleft int neright Double ne com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int leleft int leright String le com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int eleft int eright com.ximpleware.Expr e com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int veleft int veright com.ximpleware.Expr ve com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int feleft int feright com.ximpleware.Expr fe int pleft int pright com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int peleft int peright com.ximpleware.Expr pe com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int feleft int feright com.ximpleware.Expr fe int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int feleft int feright com.ximpleware.Expr fe int rlpleft int rlpright com.ximpleware.xpath.Step rlp com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int feleft int feright com.ximpleware.Expr fe com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int lpleft int lpright com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr lp com.ximpleware.UnionExpr RESULT int peleft int peright com.ximpleware.Expr pe int uneleft int uneright com.ximpleware.UnionExpr une com.ximpleware.UnionExpr RESULT int peleft int peright com.ximpleware.Expr pe com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.Expr ue com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.UnionExpr ue com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.Expr me int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.Expr ue com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.Expr me int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.Expr ue com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.Expr me int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.Expr ue com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int ueleft int ueright com.ximpleware.Expr ue com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.Expr me com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.Expr me com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int meleft int meright com.ximpleware.Expr me com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int aeleft int aeright com.ximpleware.Expr ae com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int eeleft int eeright com.ximpleware.Expr ee int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int eeleft int eeright com.ximpleware.Expr ee int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int releft int reright com.ximpleware.Expr re com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.Expr a int eeleft int eeright com.ximpleware.Expr ee com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int eeleft int eeright com.ximpleware.Expr ee com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int oleft int oright com.ximpleware.Expr o int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.Expr a com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int aleft int aright com.ximpleware.Expr a Object RESULT int start_valleft int start_valright com.ximpleware.Expr start_val com.ximpleware.Expr RESULT int oleft int oright com.ximpleware.Expr o int CUP$XSLParser$act_num java_cup.runtime.lr_parser CUP$XSLParser$parser java.util.Stack CUP$XSLParser$stack int CUP$XSLParser$top java_cup.runtime.Symbol CUP$XSLParser$result }
com/ximpleware/xpath/FuncName.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.FuncName extends java.lang.Object { public int i public static final int LAST public static final int POSITION public static final int COUNT public static final int LOCAL_NAME public static final int NAMESPACE_URI public static final int NAME public static final int STRING public static final int CONCAT public static final int STARTS_WITH public static final int CONTAINS public static final int SUBSTRING_BEFORE public static final int SUBSTRING_AFTER public static final int SUBSTRING public static final int STRING_LENGTH public static final int NORMALIZE_SPACE public static final int TRANSLATE public static final int BOOLEAN public static final int NOT public static final int TRUE public static final int FALSE public static final int LANG public static final int NUMBER public static final int SUM public static final int FLOOR public static final int CEILING public static final int ROUND public static final int ABS public static final int ROUND_HALF_TO_EVEN public static final int ROUND_HALF_TO_ODD public static final int CODE_POINTS_TO_STRING public static final int COMPARE public static final int UPPER_CASE public static final int LOWER_CASE public static final int ENDS_WITH public static final int QNAME public static final int LOCAL_NAME_FROM_QNAME public static final int NAMESPACE_URI_FROM_QNAME public static final int NAMESPACE_URI_FOR_PREFIX public static final int RESOLVE_QNAME public static final int IRI_TO_URI public static final int ESCAPE_HTML_URI public static final int ENCODE_FOR_URI public static final int MATCH_NAME public static final int MATCH_LOCAL_NAME public static final int NOT_MATCH_NAME public static final int NOT_MATCH_LOCAL_NAME public static final int CURRENT public static final int GENERATE_ID public static final int FORMAT_NUMBER public static final int KEY public static final int ID public static final int DOCUMENT public static final int SYSTEM_PROPERTY public static final int ELEMENT_AVAILABLE public static final int FUNCTION_AVAILABLE public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/LiteralExpr.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.LiteralExpr extends com.ximpleware.Expr { public String s public void <init> (java.lang.String) String st public final java.lang.String toString () int i boolean b public final boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) double dval NumberFormatException e com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final boolean isNodeSet () public final boolean isNumerical () public final boolean isString () public final boolean isBoolean () public final boolean requireContextSize () public final void setContextSize (int) int size public final void setPosition (int) int pos public final int adjust (int) int n public final boolean isFinal () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/LocationPathNode.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public abstract com.ximpleware.xpath.LocationPathNode extends java.lang.Object { public abstract boolean eval (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException }
com/ximpleware/xpath/NameType.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.NameType extends java.lang.Object { public String qname public String prefix public String localname public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/Ntest.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.Ntest extends java.lang.Object { public int i public String arg public static final int COMMENT public static final int TEXT public static final int PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION public static final int NODE public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/NumExpr.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.NumExpr extends com.ximpleware.Expr { public double dval public void <init> (double) double d public final java.lang.String toString () public final double eval () public final boolean isNodeSet () public final boolean isNumerical () public final boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final boolean isString () public final boolean isBoolean () public final boolean requireContextSize () public final void setContextSize (int) int size public final void setPosition (int) int pos public final int adjust (int) int n public final boolean isFinal () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/parser.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.parser extends java_cup.runtime.lr_parser { protected static final short[][] _production_table protected static final short[][] _action_table protected static final short[][] _reduce_table protected com.ximpleware.xpath.CUP$parser$actions action_obj public java.util.Hashtable nsHash public java.util.Hashtable symbolHash com.ximpleware.xpath.Step tempStep com.ximpleware.NodeTest tempNt com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr tempLPExpr public void <init> () public void <init> (java_cup.runtime.Scanner) java_cup.runtime.Scanner s public short[][] production_table () public short[][] action_table () public short[][] reduce_table () protected void init_actions () public java_cup.runtime.Symbol do_action (int, java_cup.runtime.lr_parser, java.util.Stack, int) throws java.lang.Exception int act_num java_cup.runtime.lr_parser parser java.util.Stack stack int top public int start_state () public int start_production () public int EOF_sym () public int error_sym () public void <init> ( input public void <init> ( input public static void main (java.lang.String[]) com.ximpleware.xpath.parser p Object result Exception e String[] args public void report_error (java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) String message Object info public void report_fatal_error (java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) throws com.ximpleware.XPathParseException String message Object info public void syntax_error (java_cup.runtime.Symbol) java_cup.runtime.Symbol cur_token public void unrecovered_syntax_error (java_cup.runtime.Symbol) throws com.ximpleware.XPathParseException java_cup.runtime.Symbol cur_token com.ximpleware.xpath.Yylex scanner static void <clinit> () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/Predicate.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate extends java.lang.Object { double d public com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate nextP public int count public com.ximpleware.Expr expr public int type public com.ximpleware.xpath.Step s public com.ximpleware.FilterExpr fe public boolean requireContext public static final int simple public static final int complex public void <init> () public final boolean eval2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) boolean b com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn boolean b public final boolean eval (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) boolean b boolean b com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final void setIndex (double) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException double index public final void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final java.lang.String toString () String s public final boolean requireContextSize () public final void setContextSize (int) int size public final void adjust (int) int n }
com/ximpleware/xpath/Step.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.Step extends java.lang.Object { public int axis_type public com.ximpleware.NodeTest nt public com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p public com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate pt public com.ximpleware.xpath.Step nextS public com.ximpleware.xpath.Step prevS public Object o public boolean ft public boolean hasPredicate public boolean nt_eval public boolean out_of_range public void <init> () public final void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final void resetP (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate temp public final void setStep4Predicates () com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate temp public final void resetP (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p1 com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate temp public final void adjust (int) int n com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate temp public final com.ximpleware.NodeTest getNodeTest () public final com.ximpleware.xpath.Step getNextStep () public final void setNextStep (com.ximpleware.xpath.Step) com.ximpleware.xpath.Step s public final boolean get_ft () public final void set_ft (boolean) boolean b public final com.ximpleware.xpath.Step getPrevStep () public final void setPrevStep (com.ximpleware.xpath.Step) com.ximpleware.xpath.Step s public final void setNodeTest (com.ximpleware.NodeTest) com.ximpleware.NodeTest n public final void setPredicate (com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate) com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p1 public final boolean eval (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final boolean eval2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final boolean eval (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p public final boolean eval2 (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p public final boolean evalPredicates (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate temp public final boolean evalPredicates (com.ximpleware.VTDNav, com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate) throws com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate p com.ximpleware.xpath.Predicate temp public final void setAxisType (int) int st public final java.lang.String toString () String s String s public final java.lang.String axisName (int) int i }
com/ximpleware/xpath/sym.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.sym extends java.lang.Object { public static final int MOD public static final int AND public static final int AXISNAME public static final int NE public static final int LT public static final int OR public static final int DOLLAR public static final int LP public static final int SLASH public static final int RP public static final int NTEST public static final int NAME public static final int AT public static final int LITERAL public static final int GT public static final int LE public static final int SUB public static final int LB public static final int FNAME public static final int RB public static final int COMMA public static final int NUMBER public static final int MULT public static final int EOF public static final int DIV public static final int ADD public static final int UNION public static final int GE public static final int error public static final int DOT public static final int EQ public static final int DDOT public static final int DSLASH public static final int UMINUS public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/sym2.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.sym2 extends java.lang.Object { public static final int MOD public static final int AND public static final int AXISNAME public static final int NE public static final int LT public static final int OR public static final int DOLLAR public static final int LP public static final int SLASH public static final int RP public static final int NTEST public static final int NAME public static final int AT public static final int LITERAL public static final int GT public static final int LE public static final int SUB public static final int LB public static final int FNAME public static final int RB public static final int COMMA public static final int NUMBER public static final int MULT public static final int EOF public static final int DIV public static final int ADD public static final int UNION public static final int GE public static final int error public static final int DOT public static final int FNAME2 public static final int EQ public static final int DDOT public static final int DSLASH public static final int UMINUS public void <init> () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/UnaryExpr.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.UnaryExpr extends com.ximpleware.Expr { public int op public com.ximpleware.Expr operand public void <init> (int, com.ximpleware.Expr) int o com.ximpleware.Expr e public final java.lang.String toString () public final boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn double dval public final void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final boolean isNodeSet () public final boolean isNumerical () public final boolean isString () public final boolean isBoolean () public final boolean requireContextSize () public final void setContextSize (int) int size public final void setPosition (int) int pos public final int adjust (int) int n public final boolean isFinal () public final void markCacheable () public final void markCacheable2 () public final void clearCache () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/UnsupportedException.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.UnsupportedException extends java.lang.RuntimeException { public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/xpath/VariableExpr.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.VariableExpr extends com.ximpleware.Expr { private String exprName private com.ximpleware.Expr exprVal public void <init> (java.lang.String, com.ximpleware.Expr) String name com.ximpleware.Expr e public final int adjust (int) int n public final boolean evalBoolean (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final int evalNodeSet (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) throws com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException com.ximpleware.NavException com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final double evalNumber (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final java.lang.String evalString (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final boolean isBoolean () public final boolean isNodeSet () public final boolean isNumerical () public final boolean isString () public final boolean requireContextSize () public final void reset (com.ximpleware.VTDNav) com.ximpleware.VTDNav vn public final void setContextSize (int) int size public final void setPosition (int) int pos public final java.lang.String toString () public final boolean isFinal () public final void markCacheable () public final void markCacheable2 () public final void clearCache () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/XSLParser.class package com.ximpleware.xpath public com.ximpleware.xpath.XSLParser extends java_cup.runtime.lr_parser { protected static final short[][] _production_table protected static final short[][] _action_table protected static final short[][] _reduce_table protected com.ximpleware.xpath.CUP$XSLParser$actions action_obj public java.util.Hashtable nsHash public java.util.Hashtable symbolHash com.ximpleware.xpath.Step tempStep com.ximpleware.NodeTest tempNt com.ximpleware.LocationPathExpr tempLPExpr public void <init> () public void <init> (java_cup.runtime.Scanner) java_cup.runtime.Scanner s public short[][] production_table () public short[][] action_table () public short[][] reduce_table () protected void init_actions () public java_cup.runtime.Symbol do_action (int, java_cup.runtime.lr_parser, java.util.Stack, int) throws java.lang.Exception int act_num java_cup.runtime.lr_parser parser java.util.Stack stack int top public int start_state () public int start_production () public int EOF_sym () public int error_sym () public void <init> ( input public void <init> ( input public static void main (java.lang.String[]) String s com.ximpleware.xpath.XSLParser p Object result Exception e String[] args public void setStrictScanner (boolean) boolean b public void report_error (java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) String message Object info public void report_fatal_error (java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) throws com.ximpleware.XPathParseException String message Object info public void syntax_error (java_cup.runtime.Symbol) java_cup.runtime.Symbol cur_token public void unrecovered_syntax_error (java_cup.runtime.Symbol) throws com.ximpleware.XPathParseException java_cup.runtime.Symbol cur_token com.ximpleware.xpath.XSLScanner scanner static void <clinit> () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/XSLScanner.class package com.ximpleware.xpath com.ximpleware.xpath.XSLScanner extends com.ximpleware.xpath.sym2 implements java_cup.runtime.Scanner { public static final int YYEOF private static final int ZZ_BUFFERSIZE public static final int YYINITIAL private static final int[] ZZ_LEXSTATE private static final String ZZ_CMAP_PACKED private static final char[] ZZ_CMAP private static final int[] ZZ_ACTION private static final String ZZ_ACTION_PACKED_0 private static final int[] ZZ_ROWMAP private static final String ZZ_ROWMAP_PACKED_0 private static final int[] ZZ_TRANS private static final String ZZ_TRANS_PACKED_0 private static final int ZZ_UNKNOWN_ERROR private static final int ZZ_NO_MATCH private static final int ZZ_PUSHBACK_2BIG private static final String[] ZZ_ERROR_MSG private static final int[] ZZ_ATTRIBUTE private static final String ZZ_ATTRIBUTE_PACKED_0 private zzReader private int zzState private int zzLexicalState private char[] zzBuffer private int zzMarkedPos private int zzCurrentPos private int zzStartRead private int zzEndRead private int yyline private int yychar private int yycolumn private boolean zzAtBOL private boolean zzAtEOF private boolean zzEOFDone boolean strict int isName com.ximpleware.xpath.NameType name com.ximpleware.xpath.FuncName fname com.ximpleware.xpath.Ntest ntest com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType at int len String literal Double number int colonPosition int depth private static int[] zzUnpackAction () int[] result int offset private static int zzUnpackAction (java.lang.String, int, int[]) int count int value String packed int offset int[] result int i int j int l private static int[] zzUnpackRowMap () int[] result int offset private static int zzUnpackRowMap (java.lang.String, int, int[]) int high String packed int offset int[] result int i int j int l private static int[] zzUnpackTrans () int[] result int offset private static int zzUnpackTrans (java.lang.String, int, int[]) int count int value String packed int offset int[] result int i int j int l private static int[] zzUnpackAttribute () int[] result int offset private static int zzUnpackAttribute (java.lang.String, int, int[]) int count int value String packed int offset int[] result int i int j int l private java_cup.runtime.Symbol sym (int) int sym private java_cup.runtime.Symbol sym (int, java.lang.Object) int sym Object val public boolean isStrict () public void setStrict (boolean) boolean b public int getOffset () public java.lang.String getArgument (char, java.lang.String) char c String input int os1 int os2 void <init> ( in void <init> ( in private static char[] zzUnpackCMap (java.lang.String) int count char value String packed char[] map int i int j private boolean zzRefill () throws char[] newBuffer int c int numRead public final void yyclose () throws public final void yyreset ( reader public final int yystate () public final void yybegin (int) int newState public final java.lang.String yytext () public final char yycharat (int) int pos public final int yylength () private void zzScanError (int) ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e int errorCode String message public void yypushback (int) int number private void zzDoEOF () throws public java_cup.runtime.Symbol next_token () throws com.ximpleware.XPathParseException int zzInput int zzInput int zzInput boolean eof int zzNext int zzAttributes int i int i int zzInput int zzAction int zzCurrentPosL int zzMarkedPosL int zzEndReadL char[] zzBufferL char[] zzCMapL int[] zzTransL int[] zzRowMapL int[] zzAttrL static void <clinit> () }
com/ximpleware/xpath/Yylex.class package com.ximpleware.xpath com.ximpleware.xpath.Yylex extends com.ximpleware.xpath.sym implements java_cup.runtime.Scanner { public static final int YYEOF private static final int ZZ_BUFFERSIZE public static final int YYINITIAL private static final int[] ZZ_LEXSTATE private static final String ZZ_CMAP_PACKED private static final char[] ZZ_CMAP private static final int[] ZZ_ACTION private static final String ZZ_ACTION_PACKED_0 private static final int[] ZZ_ROWMAP private static final String ZZ_ROWMAP_PACKED_0 private static final int[] ZZ_TRANS private static final String ZZ_TRANS_PACKED_0 private static final int ZZ_UNKNOWN_ERROR private static final int ZZ_NO_MATCH private static final int ZZ_PUSHBACK_2BIG private static final String[] ZZ_ERROR_MSG private static final int[] ZZ_ATTRIBUTE private static final String ZZ_ATTRIBUTE_PACKED_0 private zzReader private int zzState private int zzLexicalState private char[] zzBuffer private int zzMarkedPos private int zzCurrentPos private int zzStartRead private int zzEndRead private int yyline private int yychar private int yycolumn private boolean zzAtBOL private boolean zzAtEOF private boolean zzEOFDone int isName com.ximpleware.xpath.NameType name com.ximpleware.xpath.FuncName fname com.ximpleware.xpath.Ntest ntest com.ximpleware.xpath.AxisType at int len String literal Double number int colonPosition private static int[] zzUnpackAction () int[] result int offset private static int zzUnpackAction (java.lang.String, int, int[]) int count int value String packed int offset int[] result int i int j int l private static int[] zzUnpackRowMap () int[] result int offset private static int zzUnpackRowMap (java.lang.String, int, int[]) int high String packed int offset int[] result int i int j int l private static int[] zzUnpackTrans () int[] result int offset private static int zzUnpackTrans (java.lang.String, int, int[]) int count int value String packed int offset int[] result int i int j int l private static int[] zzUnpackAttribute () int[] result int offset private static int zzUnpackAttribute (java.lang.String, int, int[]) int count int value String packed int offset int[] result int i int j int l private java_cup.runtime.Symbol sym (int) int sym private java_cup.runtime.Symbol sym (int, java.lang.Object) int sym Object val public int getOffset () public java.lang.String getArgument (char, java.lang.String) char c String input int os1 int os2 void <init> ( in void <init> ( in private static char[] zzUnpackCMap (java.lang.String) int count char value String packed char[] map int i int j private boolean zzRefill () throws char[] newBuffer int c int numRead public final void yyclose () throws public final void yyreset ( reader public final int yystate () public final void yybegin (int) int newState public final java.lang.String yytext () public final char yycharat (int) int pos public final int yylength () private void zzScanError (int) ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e int errorCode String message public void yypushback (int) int number private void zzDoEOF () throws public java_cup.runtime.Symbol next_token () throws com.ximpleware.XPathParseException int zzInput int zzInput int zzInput boolean eof int zzNext int zzAttributes int i int i int zzInput int zzAction int zzCurrentPosL int zzMarkedPosL int zzEndReadL char[] zzBufferL char[] zzCMapL int[] zzTransL int[] zzRowMapL int[] zzAttrL private java.lang.String getTokenName (int) int i java.lang.reflect.Field[] classFields Exception e int token public java_cup.runtime.Symbol debug_next_token () throws com.ximpleware.XPathParseException java_cup.runtime.Symbol s public static void main (java.lang.String[]) e e Exception e com.ximpleware.xpath.Yylex scanner int i String[] argv static void <clinit> () }
com/ximpleware/XPathEvalException.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.XPathEvalException extends com.ximpleware.VTDException { public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s }
com/ximpleware/XPathParseException.class package com.ximpleware public com.ximpleware.XPathParseException extends com.ximpleware.VTDException { int offset public void <init> (java.lang.String, int) String s int i public void <init> (java.lang.String) String s public int getOffset () }
java_cup/action_part.class package java_cup public java_cup.action_part extends java_cup.production_part { protected String _code_string public void <init> (java.lang.String) String code_str public java.lang.String code_string () public void set_code_string (java.lang.String) String new_str public boolean is_action () public boolean equals (java_cup.action_part) java_cup.action_part other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public int hashCode () public java.lang.String toString () }
java_cup/action_production.class package java_cup public java_cup.action_production extends java_cup.production { protected java_cup.production _base_production public void <init> (java_cup.production, java_cup.non_terminal, java_cup.production_part[], int, java.lang.String) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.production base java_cup.non_terminal lhs_sym java_cup.production_part[] rhs_parts int rhs_len String action_str public java_cup.production base_production () }
java_cup/assoc.class package java_cup public java_cup.assoc extends java.lang.Object { public static final int left public static final int right public static final int nonassoc public static final int no_prec public void <init> () }
java_cup/CUP$parser$actions.class package java_cup java_cup.CUP$parser$actions extends java.lang.Object { protected final int MAX_RHS protected java_cup.production_part[] rhs_parts protected int rhs_pos protected String multipart_name protected java.util.Hashtable symbols protected java.util.Hashtable non_terms protected java_cup.non_terminal start_nt protected java_cup.non_terminal lhs_nt int _cur_prec int _cur_side private final java_cup.parser parser protected java_cup.production_part add_lab (java_cup.production_part, java.lang.String) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.production_part part String lab protected void new_rhs () protected void add_rhs_part (java_cup.production_part) throws java.lang.Exception java_cup.production_part part protected void append_multipart (java.lang.String) String name String dot protected void update_precedence (int) int p protected void add_precedence (java.lang.String) java_cup.symbol sym java_cup.symbol_part sp String term void <init> (java_cup.parser) java_cup.parser parser public final java_cup.runtime.Symbol CUP$parser$do_action (int, java_cup.runtime.lr_parser, java.util.Stack, int) throws java.lang.Exception Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT String RESULT int the_idleft int the_idright String the_id String RESULT int the_idleft int the_idright String the_id String RESULT String RESULT int the_idleft int the_idright String the_id String RESULT String RESULT int the_idleft int the_idright String the_id java_cup.non_terminal this_nt Object RESULT int non_term_idleft int non_term_idright String non_term_id Object RESULT int term_idleft int term_idright String term_id Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT int an_idleft int an_idright String an_id Object RESULT int another_idleft int another_idright String another_id String RESULT String RESULT int labidleft int labidright String labid Object RESULT int code_strleft int code_strright String code_str Object RESULT int symidleft int symidright String symid int labidleft int labidright String labid java_cup.production_part symb Object RESULT Object RESULT java_cup.production p Object RESULT java_cup.production p java_cup.production p Object RESULT int term_nameleft int term_nameright String term_name java_cup.symbol sym Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT int lhs_idleft int lhs_idright String lhs_id Object RESULT int lhs_idleft int lhs_idright String lhs_id Object RESULT int lhs_idleft int lhs_idright String lhs_id Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT int start_nameleft int start_nameright String start_name Object RESULT int start_nameleft int start_nameright String start_name java_cup.non_terminal nt String RESULT int symleft int symright String sym String RESULT int symleft int symright String sym Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT int user_codeleft int user_coderight String user_code Object RESULT int user_codeleft int user_coderight String user_code Object RESULT int user_codeleft int user_coderight String user_code Object RESULT int user_codeleft int user_coderight String user_code Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT Object RESULT int start_valleft int start_valright Object start_val int CUP$parser$act_num java_cup.runtime.lr_parser CUP$parser$parser java.util.Stack CUP$parser$stack int CUP$parser$top java_cup.runtime.Symbol CUP$parser$result }
java_cup/emit.class package java_cup public java_cup.emit extends java.lang.Object { public static String prefix public static String package_name public static String symbol_const_class_name public static String parser_class_name public static String action_code public static String parser_code public static String init_code public static String scan_code public static java_cup.production start_production public static java.util.Stack import_list public static int num_conflicts public static boolean nowarn public static int not_reduced public static int unused_term public static int unused_non_term public static long symbols_time public static long parser_time public static long action_code_time public static long production_table_time public static long action_table_time public static long goto_table_time protected static boolean _lr_values private void <init> () public static boolean lr_values () protected static void set_lr_values (boolean) boolean b protected static java.lang.String pre (java.lang.String) String str protected static void emit_package ( out public static void symbols (, boolean, boolean) java_cup.terminal term java.util.Enumeration e java_cup.non_terminal nt java.util.Enumeration e out boolean emit_non_terms boolean sym_interface String class_or_interface long start_time protected static void emit_action_code (, java_cup.production) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol s int index int i String leftstring int loffset String leftstring String rightstring int roffset java_cup.production prod java.util.Enumeration p out java_cup.production start_prod long start_time protected static void emit_production_table ( java_cup.production prod java.util.Enumeration p java_cup.production prod int i out java_cup.production[] all_prods long start_time short[][] prod_table protected static void do_action_table (, java_cup.parse_action_table, boolean) throws java_cup.internal_error int red java_cup.parse_action act int j short[] temp_table int nentries java_cup.parse_action_row row int i out java_cup.parse_action_table act_tab boolean compact_reduces long start_time short[][] action_table protected static void do_reduce_table (, java_cup.parse_reduce_table) java_cup.lalr_state goto_st int j short[] temp_table int nentries int i out java_cup.parse_reduce_table red_tab long start_time short[][] reduce_goto_table protected static void do_table_as_string (, short[][]) int j int i out short[][] sa int nchar int nbytes protected static int do_newline (, int, int) out int nchar int nbytes protected static int do_escaped (, char) out char c StringBuffer escape public static void parser (, java_cup.parse_action_table, java_cup.parse_reduce_table, int, java_cup.production, boolean, boolean) throws java_cup.internal_error int i out java_cup.parse_action_table action_table java_cup.parse_reduce_table reduce_table int start_st java_cup.production start_prod boolean compact_reduces boolean suppress_scanner long start_time static void <clinit> () }
java_cup/internal_error.class package java_cup public java_cup.internal_error extends java.lang.Exception { public void <init> (java.lang.String) String msg public void crash () }
java_cup/lalr_item.class package java_cup public java_cup.lalr_item extends java_cup.lr_item_core { protected java_cup.terminal_set _lookahead protected java.util.Stack _propagate_items protected boolean needs_propagation public void <init> (java_cup.production, int, java_cup.terminal_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.production prod int pos java_cup.terminal_set look public void <init> (java_cup.production, java_cup.terminal_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.production prod java_cup.terminal_set look public void <init> (java_cup.production) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.production prod public java_cup.terminal_set lookahead () public java.util.Stack propagate_items () public void add_propagate (java_cup.lalr_item) java_cup.lalr_item prop_to public void propagate_lookaheads (java_cup.terminal_set) throws java_cup.internal_error int i java_cup.terminal_set incoming boolean change public java_cup.lalr_item shift () throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.lalr_item result public java_cup.terminal_set calc_lookahead (java_cup.terminal_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol sym java_cup.production_part part java_cup.terminal_set lookahead_after java_cup.terminal_set result int pos public boolean lookahead_visible () throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol sym java_cup.production_part part int pos public boolean equals (java_cup.lalr_item) java_cup.lalr_item other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public int hashCode () public java.lang.String toString () int t String result }
java_cup/lalr_item_set.class package java_cup public java_cup.lalr_item_set extends java.lang.Object { protected java.util.Hashtable _all protected Integer hashcode_cache public void <init> () public void <init> (java_cup.lalr_item_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.lalr_item_set other public java.util.Enumeration all () public int size () public boolean contains (java_cup.lalr_item) java_cup.lalr_item itm public java_cup.lalr_item find (java_cup.lalr_item) java_cup.lalr_item itm public boolean is_subset_of (java_cup.lalr_item_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java.util.Enumeration e java_cup.lalr_item_set other public boolean is_superset_of (java_cup.lalr_item_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.lalr_item_set other public java_cup.lalr_item add (java_cup.lalr_item) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.lalr_item itm java_cup.lalr_item other public void remove (java_cup.lalr_item) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.lalr_item itm public void add (java_cup.lalr_item_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java.util.Enumeration e java_cup.lalr_item_set other public void remove (java_cup.lalr_item_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java.util.Enumeration e java_cup.lalr_item_set other public java_cup.lalr_item get_one () throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.lalr_item result java.util.Enumeration the_set protected void not_null (java.lang.Object) throws java_cup.internal_error Object obj public void compute_closure () throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.lalr_item itm java_cup.lalr_item new_itm java_cup.lalr_item add_itm java_cup.non_terminal nt java_cup.terminal_set new_lookaheads java.util.Enumeration p java_cup.production prod boolean need_prop java_cup.lalr_item_set consider public boolean equals (java_cup.lalr_item_set) java_cup.internal_error e java_cup.lalr_item_set other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public int hashCode () java.util.Enumeration e int cnt int result public java.lang.String toString () java.util.Enumeration e StringBuffer result }
java_cup/lalr_state.class package java_cup public java_cup.lalr_state extends java.lang.Object { protected static java.util.Hashtable _all protected static java.util.Hashtable _all_kernels protected static int next_index protected java_cup.lalr_item_set _items protected java_cup.lalr_transition _transitions protected int _index public void <init> (java_cup.lalr_item_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.lalr_item_set itms public static java.util.Enumeration all () public static int number () public static java_cup.lalr_state find_state (java_cup.lalr_item_set) java_cup.lalr_item_set itms public java_cup.lalr_item_set items () public java_cup.lalr_transition transitions () public int index () protected static void dump_state (java_cup.lalr_state) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.production_part part int i java_cup.lalr_item itm java.util.Enumeration e java_cup.lalr_state st java_cup.lalr_item_set itms protected static void propagate_all_lookaheads () throws java_cup.internal_error java.util.Enumeration st public void add_transition (java_cup.symbol, java_cup.lalr_state) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol on_sym java_cup.lalr_state to_st java_cup.lalr_transition trans public static java_cup.lalr_state build_machine (java_cup.production) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol sym java_cup.symbol sym2 java_cup.lalr_item new_itm java_cup.lalr_item existing int l java_cup.lalr_item fix_itm java.util.Enumeration fix java_cup.lalr_item_set new_items java_cup.lalr_item_set linked_items java_cup.lalr_state st java_cup.lalr_state new_st java_cup.symbol_set outgoing java_cup.symbol sym java.util.Enumeration i java.util.Enumeration s java_cup.production start_prod java_cup.lalr_state start_state java_cup.lalr_item_set start_items java_cup.lalr_item_set kernel java.util.Stack work_stack java_cup.lalr_item itm protected void propagate_lookaheads () throws java_cup.internal_error java.util.Enumeration itm public void build_table_entries (java_cup.parse_action_table, java_cup.parse_reduce_table) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.terminal term java_cup.parse_action other_act int t java_cup.lalr_item itm java_cup.parse_action act java.util.Enumeration i java_cup.production p java_cup.parse_action act java_cup.symbol sym java_cup.lalr_transition trans java_cup.parse_action_table act_table java_cup.parse_reduce_table reduce_table java_cup.parse_action_row our_act_row java_cup.parse_reduce_row our_red_row java_cup.terminal_set conflict_set protected boolean fix_with_precedence (java_cup.production, int, java_cup.parse_action_row, java_cup.parse_action) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.production p int term_index java_cup.parse_action_row table_row java_cup.parse_action act java_cup.terminal term protected java_cup.parse_action insert_action (java_cup.parse_action, java_cup.parse_action, int) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.parse_action a1 java_cup.parse_action a2 int act_type protected java_cup.parse_action insert_shift (java_cup.parse_action, java_cup.parse_action) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.parse_action a1 java_cup.parse_action a2 protected java_cup.parse_action insert_reduce (java_cup.parse_action, java_cup.parse_action) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.parse_action a1 java_cup.parse_action a2 protected void report_conflicts (java_cup.terminal_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.lalr_item compare java.util.Enumeration comps int t java_cup.lalr_item itm boolean after_itm java.util.Enumeration itms java_cup.terminal_set conflict_set protected void report_reduce_reduce (java_cup.lalr_item, java_cup.lalr_item) throws java_cup.internal_error int t java_cup.lalr_item itm1 java_cup.lalr_item itm2 boolean comma_flag protected void report_shift_reduce (java_cup.lalr_item, int) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.lalr_item itm java_cup.symbol shift_sym java.util.Enumeration itms java_cup.lalr_item red_itm int conflict_sym public boolean equals (java_cup.lalr_state) java_cup.lalr_state other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public int hashCode () public java.lang.String toString () String result java_cup.lalr_transition tr static void <clinit> () }
java_cup/lalr_transition.class package java_cup public java_cup.lalr_transition extends java.lang.Object { protected java_cup.symbol _on_symbol protected java_cup.lalr_state _to_state protected java_cup.lalr_transition _next public void <init> (java_cup.symbol, java_cup.lalr_state, java_cup.lalr_transition) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol on_sym java_cup.lalr_state to_st java_cup.lalr_transition nxt public void <init> (java_cup.symbol, java_cup.lalr_state) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol on_sym java_cup.lalr_state to_st public java_cup.symbol on_symbol () public java_cup.lalr_state to_state () public java_cup.lalr_transition next () public java.lang.String toString () String result }
java_cup/lexer.class package java_cup public java_cup.lexer extends java.lang.Object { protected static int next_char protected static int next_char2 protected static int next_char3 protected static int next_char4 protected static final int EOF_CHAR protected static java.util.Hashtable keywords protected static java.util.Hashtable char_symbols protected static int current_line protected static int current_position protected static int absolute_position public static int error_count public static int warning_count private void <init> () public static void init () throws protected static void advance () throws int old_char public static void emit_error (java.lang.String) String message public static void emit_warn (java.lang.String) String message protected static boolean id_start_char (int) int ch protected static boolean id_char (int) int ch protected static int find_single_char (int) int ch Integer result protected static void swallow_comment () throws protected static java_cup.runtime.Symbol do_code_string () throws StringBuffer result protected static java_cup.runtime.Symbol do_id () throws StringBuffer result String result_str Integer keyword_num char[] buffer public static java_cup.runtime.Symbol next_token () throws public static java_cup.runtime.Symbol debug_next_token () throws java_cup.runtime.Symbol result protected static java_cup.runtime.Symbol real_next_token () throws int sym_num static void <clinit> () }
java_cup/lr_item_core.class package java_cup public java_cup.lr_item_core extends java.lang.Object { protected java_cup.production _the_production protected int _dot_pos protected int _core_hash_cache protected java_cup.symbol _symbol_after_dot public void <init> (java_cup.production, int) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.production_part part java_cup.production prod int pos java_cup.symbol after_dot public void <init> (java_cup.production) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.production prod public java_cup.production the_production () public int dot_pos () public boolean dot_at_end () public java_cup.symbol symbol_after_dot () public java_cup.non_terminal dot_before_nt () java_cup.symbol sym public java_cup.lr_item_core shift_core () throws java_cup.internal_error public boolean core_equals (java_cup.lr_item_core) java_cup.lr_item_core other public boolean equals (java_cup.lr_item_core) java_cup.lr_item_core other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public int core_hashCode () public int hashCode () protected int obj_hash () public java.lang.String to_simple_string () throws java_cup.internal_error String result java_cup.production_part part int i String result public java.lang.String toString () java_cup.internal_error e }
java_cup/Main.class package java_cup public java_cup.Main extends java.lang.Object { protected static boolean print_progress protected static boolean opt_dump_states protected static boolean opt_dump_tables protected static boolean opt_dump_grammar protected static boolean opt_show_timing protected static boolean opt_do_debug protected static boolean opt_compact_red protected static boolean include_non_terms protected static boolean no_summary protected static int expect_conflicts protected static boolean lr_values protected static boolean sym_interface protected static boolean suppress_scanner protected static long start_time protected static long prelim_end protected static long parse_end protected static long check_end protected static long dump_end protected static long build_end protected static long nullability_end protected static long first_end protected static long machine_end protected static long table_end protected static long reduce_check_end protected static long emit_end protected static long final_time protected static input_file protected static parser_class_file protected static symbol_class_file protected static java_cup.lalr_state start_state protected static java_cup.parse_action_table action_table protected static java_cup.parse_reduce_table reduce_table private void <init> () public static void main (java.lang.String[]) throws java_cup.internal_error java.lang.Exception String[] argv boolean did_output protected static void usage (java.lang.String) String message protected static void parse_args (java.lang.String[]) NumberFormatException e e String[] argv int len int i protected static void open_files () Exception e Exception e fil String out_name protected static void close_files () throws protected static void parse_grammar_spec () throws java.lang.Exception Exception e java_cup.parser parser_obj protected static void check_unused () java_cup.terminal term java.util.Enumeration t java_cup.non_terminal nt java.util.Enumeration n protected static void build_parser () throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.lalr_state lst java.util.Enumeration st protected static void emit_parser () throws java_cup.internal_error protected static java.lang.String plural (int) int val protected static void emit_summary (boolean) boolean output_produced protected static void show_times () long total_time protected static java.lang.String timestr (long, long) String pad String pad String pad long time_val long total_time boolean neg long ms long sec long percent10 String pad public static void dump_grammar () throws java_cup.internal_error int tidx int cnt int nidx int cnt int i java_cup.production prod int pidx public static void dump_machine () java_cup.lalr_state st java.util.Enumeration s int i java_cup.lalr_state[] ordered public static void dump_tables () static void <clinit> () }
java_cup/nonassoc_action.class package java_cup public java_cup.nonassoc_action extends java_cup.parse_action { public void <init> () throws java_cup.internal_error public int kind () public boolean equals (java_cup.parse_action) java_cup.parse_action other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public int hashCode () public java.lang.String toString () }
java_cup/non_terminal.class package java_cup public java_cup.non_terminal extends java_cup.symbol { protected static java.util.Hashtable _all protected static java.util.Hashtable _all_by_index protected static int next_index protected static int next_nt public static final java_cup.non_terminal START_nt public boolean is_embedded_action protected java.util.Hashtable _productions protected boolean _nullable protected java_cup.terminal_set _first_set public void <init> (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String nm String tp Object conflict public void <init> (java.lang.String) String nm public static java.util.Enumeration all () public static java_cup.non_terminal find (java.lang.String) String with_name public static java_cup.non_terminal find (int) int indx Integer the_indx public static int number () static java_cup.non_terminal create_new (java.lang.String) throws java_cup.internal_error String prefix static java_cup.non_terminal create_new () throws java_cup.internal_error public static void compute_nullability () throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.non_terminal nt java.util.Enumeration e java_cup.production prod boolean change java.util.Enumeration e public static void compute_first_sets () throws java_cup.internal_error java.util.Enumeration n java.util.Enumeration p java_cup.non_terminal nt java_cup.production prod java_cup.terminal_set prod_first boolean change public java.util.Enumeration productions () public int num_productions () public void add_production (java_cup.production) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.production prod public boolean nullable () public java_cup.terminal_set first_set () public boolean is_non_term () protected boolean looks_nullable () throws java_cup.internal_error java.util.Enumeration e public java.lang.String toString () static void <clinit> () }
java_cup/parser.class package java_cup public java_cup.parser extends java_cup.runtime.lr_parser { protected static final short[][] _production_table protected static final short[][] _action_table protected static final short[][] _reduce_table protected java_cup.CUP$parser$actions action_obj public void <init> () public void <init> (java_cup.runtime.Scanner) java_cup.runtime.Scanner s public short[][] production_table () public short[][] action_table () public short[][] reduce_table () protected void init_actions () public java_cup.runtime.Symbol do_action (int, java_cup.runtime.lr_parser, java.util.Stack, int) throws java.lang.Exception int act_num java_cup.runtime.lr_parser parser java.util.Stack stack int top public int start_state () public int start_production () public int EOF_sym () public int error_sym () public void user_init () throws java.lang.Exception public java_cup.runtime.Symbol scan () throws java.lang.Exception public void report_fatal_error (java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) String message Object info public void report_error (java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) String message Object info static void <clinit> () }
java_cup/parse_action.class package java_cup public java_cup.parse_action extends java.lang.Object { public static final int ERROR public static final int SHIFT public static final int REDUCE public static final int NONASSOC public void <init> () public int kind () public boolean equals (java_cup.parse_action) java_cup.parse_action other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public int hashCode () public java.lang.String toString () }
java_cup/parse_action_row.class package java_cup public java_cup.parse_action_row extends java.lang.Object { protected static int _size protected static int[] reduction_count public java_cup.parse_action[] under_term public int default_reduce public void <init> () int i public static int size () public void compute_default () int prod int i int max_prod int max_red static void <clinit> () }
java_cup/parse_action_table.class package java_cup public java_cup.parse_action_table extends java.lang.Object { protected int _num_states public java_cup.parse_action_row[] under_state public void <init> () int i public int num_states () public void check_reductions () throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.parse_action act int col int row java_cup.production prod java.util.Enumeration p public java.lang.String toString () int col int cnt int row String result }
java_cup/parse_reduce_row.class package java_cup public java_cup.parse_reduce_row extends java.lang.Object { protected static int _size public java_cup.lalr_state[] under_non_term public void <init> () public static int size () static void <clinit> () }
java_cup/parse_reduce_table.class package java_cup public java_cup.parse_reduce_table extends java.lang.Object { protected int _num_states public java_cup.parse_reduce_row[] under_state public void <init> () int i public int num_states () public java.lang.String toString () java_cup.lalr_state goto_st int col int cnt int row String result }
java_cup/production.class package java_cup public java_cup.production extends java.lang.Object { protected static java.util.Hashtable _all protected static int next_index protected java_cup.symbol_part _lhs protected int _rhs_prec protected int _rhs_assoc protected java_cup.production_part[] _rhs protected int _rhs_length protected java_cup.action_part _action protected int _index protected int _num_reductions protected boolean _nullable_known protected boolean _nullable protected java_cup.terminal_set _first_set public void <init> (java_cup.non_terminal, java_cup.production_part[], int, java.lang.String) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.non_terminal lhs_sym java_cup.production_part[] rhs_parts int rhs_l String action_str int i java_cup.action_part tail_action String declare_str int rightlen public void <init> (java_cup.non_terminal, java_cup.production_part[], int) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.non_terminal lhs_sym java_cup.production_part[] rhs_parts int rhs_l public void <init> (java_cup.non_terminal, java_cup.production_part[], int, java.lang.String, int, int) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.non_terminal lhs_sym java_cup.production_part[] rhs_parts int rhs_l String action_str int prec_num int prec_side public void <init> (java_cup.non_terminal, java_cup.production_part[], int, int, int) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.non_terminal lhs_sym java_cup.production_part[] rhs_parts int rhs_l int prec_num int prec_side public static java.util.Enumeration all () public static java_cup.production find (int) int indx public static int number () public java_cup.symbol_part lhs () public int precedence_num () public int precedence_side () public void set_precedence_num (int) int prec_num public void set_precedence_side (int) int prec_side public java_cup.production_part rhs (int) throws java_cup.internal_error int indx public int rhs_length () public java_cup.action_part action () public int index () public int num_reductions () public void note_reduction_use () public boolean nullable_known () public boolean nullable () public java_cup.terminal_set first_set () protected static boolean is_id_start (char) char c protected static boolean is_id_char (char) char c protected java.lang.String make_declaration (java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) String ret String labelname String stack_type int offset String ret protected java.lang.String declare_labels (java_cup.production_part[], int, java.lang.String) java_cup.symbol_part part java_cup.production_part[] rhs int rhs_len String final_action String declaration int pos protected int merge_adjacent_actions (java_cup.production_part[], int) java_cup.production_part[] rhs_parts int len int from_loc int to_loc int merge_cnt protected java_cup.action_part strip_trailing_action (java_cup.production_part[], int) java_cup.action_part result java_cup.production_part[] rhs_parts int len protected void remove_embedded_actions () throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.non_terminal new_nt java_cup.production new_prod String declare_str int act_loc public boolean check_nullable () throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol sym java_cup.production_part part int pos boolean set_nullable (boolean) boolean v public java_cup.terminal_set check_first_set () throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol sym int part public boolean equals (java_cup.production) java_cup.production other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public int hashCode () public java.lang.String toString () int i java_cup.internal_error e String result public java.lang.String to_simple_string () throws java_cup.internal_error int i String result static void <clinit> () }
java_cup/production_part.class package java_cup public abstract java_cup.production_part extends java.lang.Object { protected String _label public void <init> (java.lang.String) String lab public java.lang.String label () public abstract boolean is_action () public boolean equals (java_cup.production_part) java_cup.production_part other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public int hashCode () public java.lang.String toString () }
java_cup/reduce_action.class package java_cup public java_cup.reduce_action extends java_cup.parse_action { protected java_cup.production _reduce_with public void <init> (java_cup.production) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.production prod public java_cup.production reduce_with () public int kind () public boolean equals (java_cup.reduce_action) java_cup.reduce_action other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public int hashCode () public java.lang.String toString () }
java_cup/runtime/lr_parser.class package java_cup.runtime public abstract java_cup.runtime.lr_parser extends java.lang.Object { protected static final int _error_sync_size protected boolean _done_parsing protected int tos protected java_cup.runtime.Symbol cur_token protected java_cup.runtime.Symbol prev_token protected java.util.Stack stack protected short[][] production_tab protected short[][] action_tab protected short[][] reduce_tab private java_cup.runtime.Scanner _scanner protected java_cup.runtime.Symbol[] lookahead protected int lookahead_pos public void <init> () public void <init> (java_cup.runtime.Scanner) java_cup.runtime.Scanner s protected int error_sync_size () public abstract short[][] production_table () public abstract short[][] action_table () public abstract short[][] reduce_table () public abstract int start_state () public abstract int start_production () public abstract int EOF_sym () public abstract int error_sym () public void done_parsing () public void setScanner (java_cup.runtime.Scanner) java_cup.runtime.Scanner s public java_cup.runtime.Scanner getScanner () public abstract java_cup.runtime.Symbol do_action (int, java_cup.runtime.lr_parser, java.util.Stack, int) throws java.lang.Exception public void user_init () throws java.lang.Exception protected abstract void init_actions () throws java.lang.Exception public java_cup.runtime.Symbol scan () throws java.lang.Exception java_cup.runtime.Symbol sym public void report_fatal_error (java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) throws java.lang.Exception String message Object info public void report_error (java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) String message Object info public void syntax_error (java_cup.runtime.Symbol) java_cup.runtime.Symbol cur_token public void unrecovered_syntax_error (java_cup.runtime.Symbol) throws java.lang.Exception java_cup.runtime.Symbol cur_token protected final short get_action (int, int) short tag int probe int probe int first int last int state int sym int probe short[] row protected final short get_reduce (int, int) short tag int probe int state int sym short[] row public java_cup.runtime.Symbol parse () throws java.lang.Exception int i short handle_size short lhs_sym_num int act java_cup.runtime.Symbol lhs_sym public void debug_message (java.lang.String) String mess public void dump_stack () int i public void debug_reduce (int, int, int) int prod_num int nt_num int rhs_size public void debug_shift (java_cup.runtime.Symbol) java_cup.runtime.Symbol shift_tkn public void debug_stack () java_cup.runtime.Symbol s int i StringBuffer sb public java_cup.runtime.Symbol debug_parse () throws java.lang.Exception int i short handle_size short lhs_sym_num int act java_cup.runtime.Symbol lhs_sym protected boolean error_recovery (boolean) throws java.lang.Exception boolean debug protected boolean shift_under_error () protected boolean find_recovery_config (boolean) boolean debug java_cup.runtime.Symbol error_token int act int right_pos int left_pos protected void read_lookahead () throws java.lang.Exception int i protected java_cup.runtime.Symbol cur_err_token () protected boolean advance_lookahead () protected void restart_lookahead () throws java.lang.Exception int i protected boolean try_parse_ahead (boolean) throws java.lang.Exception int i boolean debug int act short lhs short rhs_size java_cup.runtime.virtual_parse_stack vstack protected void parse_lookahead (boolean) throws java.lang.Exception int i short handle_size short lhs_sym_num int act boolean debug java_cup.runtime.Symbol lhs_sym protected static short[][] unpackFromStrings (java.lang.String[]) int i int j int size2 int i String[] sa StringBuffer sb int n int size1 short[][] result }
java_cup/runtime/Scanner.class package java_cup.runtime public abstract java_cup.runtime.Scanner extends java.lang.Object { public abstract java_cup.runtime.Symbol next_token () throws java.lang.Exception }
java_cup/runtime/Symbol.class package java_cup.runtime public java_cup.runtime.Symbol extends java.lang.Object { public int sym public int parse_state boolean used_by_parser public int left public int right public Object value public void <init> (int, int, int, java.lang.Object) int id int l int r Object o public void <init> (int, java.lang.Object) int id Object o public void <init> (int, int, int) int id int l int r public void <init> (int) int sym_num void <init> (int, int) int sym_num int state public java.lang.String toString () }
java_cup/runtime/virtual_parse_stack.class package java_cup.runtime public java_cup.runtime.virtual_parse_stack extends java.lang.Object { protected java.util.Stack real_stack protected int real_next protected java.util.Stack vstack public void <init> (java.util.Stack) throws java.lang.Exception java.util.Stack shadowing_stack protected void get_from_real () java_cup.runtime.Symbol stack_sym public boolean empty () public int top () throws java.lang.Exception public void pop () throws java.lang.Exception public void push (int) int state_num }
java_cup/shift_action.class package java_cup public java_cup.shift_action extends java_cup.parse_action { protected java_cup.lalr_state _shift_to public void <init> (java_cup.lalr_state) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.lalr_state shft_to public java_cup.lalr_state shift_to () public int kind () public boolean equals (java_cup.shift_action) java_cup.shift_action other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public int hashCode () public java.lang.String toString () }
java_cup/sym.class package java_cup public java_cup.sym extends java.lang.Object { public static final int NON public static final int NONTERMINAL public static final int STAR public static final int SEMI public static final int CODE public static final int EOF public static final int NONASSOC public static final int LEFT public static final int PACKAGE public static final int COLON public static final int WITH public static final int IMPORT public static final int error public static final int COLON_COLON_EQUALS public static final int COMMA public static final int DOT public static final int SCAN public static final int ID public static final int INIT public static final int PARSER public static final int TERMINAL public static final int PRECEDENCE public static final int LBRACK public static final int RBRACK public static final int PERCENT_PREC public static final int START public static final int RIGHT public static final int BAR public static final int ACTION public static final int CODE_STRING public void <init> () }
java_cup/symbol.class package java_cup public abstract java_cup.symbol extends java.lang.Object { protected String _name protected String _stack_type protected int _use_count protected int _index public void <init> (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String nm String tp public void <init> (java.lang.String) String nm public java.lang.String name () public java.lang.String stack_type () public int use_count () public void note_use () public int index () public abstract boolean is_non_term () public java.lang.String toString () }
java_cup/symbol_part.class package java_cup public java_cup.symbol_part extends java_cup.production_part { protected java_cup.symbol _the_symbol public void <init> (java_cup.symbol, java.lang.String) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol sym String lab public void <init> (java_cup.symbol) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol sym public java_cup.symbol the_symbol () public boolean is_action () public boolean equals (java_cup.symbol_part) java_cup.symbol_part other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public int hashCode () public java.lang.String toString () }
java_cup/symbol_set.class package java_cup public java_cup.symbol_set extends java.lang.Object { protected java.util.Hashtable _all public void <init> () public void <init> (java_cup.symbol_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol_set other public java.util.Enumeration all () public int size () protected void not_null (java.lang.Object) throws java_cup.internal_error Object obj public boolean contains (java_cup.symbol) java_cup.symbol sym public boolean is_subset_of (java_cup.symbol_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java.util.Enumeration e java_cup.symbol_set other public boolean is_superset_of (java_cup.symbol_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol_set other public boolean add (java_cup.symbol) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol sym Object previous public void remove (java_cup.symbol) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.symbol sym public boolean add (java_cup.symbol_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java.util.Enumeration e java_cup.symbol_set other boolean result public void remove (java_cup.symbol_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java.util.Enumeration e java_cup.symbol_set other public boolean equals (java_cup.symbol_set) java_cup.internal_error e java_cup.symbol_set other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public int hashCode () int result int cnt java.util.Enumeration e public java.lang.String toString () java.util.Enumeration e String result boolean comma_flag }
java_cup/terminal.class package java_cup public java_cup.terminal extends java_cup.symbol { private int _precedence_num private int _precedence_side protected static java.util.Hashtable _all protected static java.util.Hashtable _all_by_index protected static int next_index public static final java_cup.terminal EOF public static final java_cup.terminal error public void <init> (java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) String nm String tp int precedence_side int precedence_num Object conflict public void <init> (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) String nm String tp public void <init> (java.lang.String) String nm public static java.util.Enumeration all () public static java_cup.terminal find (java.lang.String) String with_name public static java_cup.terminal find (int) int indx Integer the_indx public static int number () public boolean is_non_term () public java.lang.String toString () public int precedence_num () public int precedence_side () public void set_precedence (int, int) int p int new_prec static void <clinit> () }
java_cup/terminal_set.class package java_cup public java_cup.terminal_set extends java.lang.Object { public static final java_cup.terminal_set EMPTY protected java.util.BitSet _elements public void <init> () public void <init> (java_cup.terminal_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.terminal_set other protected void not_null (java.lang.Object) throws java_cup.internal_error Object obj public boolean empty () public boolean contains (java_cup.terminal) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.terminal sym public boolean contains (int) int indx public boolean is_subset_of (java_cup.terminal_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.terminal_set other java.util.BitSet copy_other public boolean is_superset_of (java_cup.terminal_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.terminal_set other public boolean add (java_cup.terminal) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.terminal sym boolean result public void remove (java_cup.terminal) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.terminal sym public boolean add (java_cup.terminal_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.terminal_set other java.util.BitSet copy public boolean intersects (java_cup.terminal_set) throws java_cup.internal_error java_cup.terminal_set other java.util.BitSet copy public boolean equals (java_cup.terminal_set) java_cup.terminal_set other public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) Object other public java.lang.String toString () int t String result boolean comma_flag static void <clinit> () }
java_cup/version.class package java_cup public java_cup.version extends java.lang.Object { public static final int major public static final int minor public static final char update public static final String version_str public static final String title_str public static final String author_str public static final String program_name public void <init> () }