1# emoji-zwj-sequences.txt
2# Date: 2016-03-23, 16:46:43 GMT
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7# Emoji ZWJ Sequence Catalog for UTR #51
8# Version: 3.0
10# For documentation and usage, see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51
12# Format:
13# code_point(s) ; type_field # version [count] name(s)
14#   code_point(s): one or more code points in hex format, separated by spaces
15#   type_field: Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence.
16#     The type_field is a convenience for parsing the emoji sequence files, and is not intended to be maintained as a property.
18# ================================================
20# Emoji ZWJ Sequence
221F441 200D 1F5E8                            ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 7.0  [1] (��‍��)      EYE, LEFT SPEECH BUBBLE
231F468 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F468             ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍❤️‍��)     Couple with heart: MAN, MAN
241F468 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F48B 200D 1F468  ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍❤️‍��‍��)    Kiss: MAN, MAN
251F468 200D 1F468 200D 1F466                 ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��)     Family: MAN, MAN, BOY
261F468 200D 1F468 200D 1F466 200D 1F466      ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��‍��)    Family: MAN, MAN, BOY, BOY
271F468 200D 1F468 200D 1F467                 ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��)     Family: MAN, MAN, GIRL
281F468 200D 1F468 200D 1F467 200D 1F466      ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��‍��)    Family: MAN, MAN, GIRL, BOY
291F468 200D 1F468 200D 1F467 200D 1F467      ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��‍��)    Family: MAN, MAN, GIRL, GIRL
301F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F466                 ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��)     Family: MAN, WOMAN, BOY
311F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F466 200D 1F466      ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��‍��)    Family: MAN, WOMAN, BOY, BOY
321F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F467                 ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��)     Family: MAN, WOMAN, GIRL
331F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F466      ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��‍��)    Family: MAN, WOMAN, GIRL, BOY
341F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F467      ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��‍��)    Family: MAN, WOMAN, GIRL, GIRL
351F469 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F468             ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍❤️‍��)     Couple with heart: WOMAN, MAN
361F469 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F469             ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍❤️‍��)     Couple with heart: WOMAN, WOMAN
371F469 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F48B 200D 1F468  ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍❤️‍��‍��)    Kiss: WOMAN, MAN
381F469 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F48B 200D 1F469  ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍❤️‍��‍��)    Kiss: WOMAN, WOMAN
391F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F466                 ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��)     Family: WOMAN, WOMAN, BOY
401F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F466 200D 1F466      ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��‍��)    Family: WOMAN, WOMAN, BOY, BOY
411F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F467                 ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��)     Family: WOMAN, WOMAN, GIRL
421F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F466      ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��‍��)    Family: WOMAN, WOMAN, GIRL, BOY
431F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F467      ; Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  # 6.0  [1] (��‍��‍��‍��)    Family: WOMAN, WOMAN, GIRL, GIRL
45# UnicodeSet: [{��‍��}{��‍❤️‍��}{��‍❤️‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��‍��}{��‍❤️‍��}{��‍❤️‍��}{��‍❤️‍��‍��}{��‍❤️‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��‍��}{��‍��‍��‍��}]
46# Total elements: 22