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1 wpa_supplicant and Wi-Fi P2P
2 ============================
4 This document describes how the Wi-Fi P2P implementation in
5 wpa_supplicant can be configured and how an external component on the
6 client (e.g., management GUI) is used to enable WPS enrollment and
7 registrar registration.
10 Introduction to Wi-Fi P2P
11 -------------------------
15 More information about Wi-Fi P2P is available from Wi-Fi Alliance:
16 http://www.wi-fi.org/Wi-Fi_Direct.php
19 wpa_supplicant implementation
20 -----------------------------
25 wpa_supplicant configuration
26 ----------------------------
28 Wi-Fi P2P is an optional component that needs to be enabled in the
29 wpa_supplicant build configuration (.config). Here is an example
30 configuration that includes Wi-Fi P2P support and Linux nl80211
31 -based driver interface:
40 In run-time configuration file (wpa_supplicant.conf), some parameters
41 for P2P may be set. In order to make the devices easier to recognize,
42 device_name and device_type should be specified. For example,
43 something like this should be included:
45 ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant
46 device_name=My P2P Device
47 device_type=1-0050F204-1
50 wpa_cli
51 -------
53 Actual Wi-Fi P2P operations are requested during runtime. These can be
54 done for example using wpa_cli (which is described below) or a GUI
55 like wpa_gui-qt4.
58 wpa_cli starts in interactive mode if no command string is included on
59 the command line. By default, it will select the first network interface
60 that it can find (and that wpa_supplicant controls). If more than one
61 interface is in use, it may be necessary to select one of the explicitly
62 by adding -i argument on the command line (e.g., 'wpa_cli -i wlan1').
64 Most of the P2P operations are done on the main interface (e.g., the
65 interface that is automatically added when the driver is loaded, e.g.,
66 wlan0). When using a separate virtual interface for group operations
67 (e.g., wlan1), the control interface for that group interface may need
68 to be used for some operations (mainly WPS activation in GO). This may
69 change in the future so that all the needed operations could be done
70 over the main control interface.
72 Device Discovery
74 p2p_find [timeout in seconds] [type=<social|progressive>] \
75 	[dev_id=<addr>] [dev_type=<device type>] \
76 	[delay=<search delay in ms>] [seek=<service name>] [freq=<MHz>]
78 The default behavior is to run a single full scan in the beginning and
79 then scan only social channels. type=social will scan only social
80 channels, i.e., it skips the initial full scan. type=progressive is
81 like the default behavior, but it will scan through all the channels
82 progressively one channel at the time in the Search state rounds. This
83 will help in finding new groups or groups missed during the initial
84 full scan. When the type parameter is not included (i.e., full scan), the
85 optional freq parameter can be used to override the first scan to use only
86 the specified channel after which only social channels are scanned.
88 The optional dev_id option can be used to specify a single P2P peer to
89 search for. The optional delay parameter can be used to request an extra
90 delay to be used between search iterations (e.g., to free up radio
91 resources for concurrent operations).
93 The optional dev_type option can be used to specify a single device type
94 (primary or secondary) to search for, e.g.,
95 "p2p_find dev_type=1-0050F204-1".
98 With one or more seek arguments, the command sends Probe Request frames
99 for a P2PS service. For example,
100 p2p_find 5 dev_id=11:22:33:44:55:66 seek=alt.example.chat seek=alt.example.video
102 Parameters description:
103     Timeout - Optional ASCII base-10-encoded u16. If missing, request will not
104 	time out and must be canceled manually
105     dev_id - Optional to request responses from a single known remote device
106     Service Name - Mandatory UTF-8 string for ASP seeks
107 	Service name must match the remote service being advertised exactly
108 	(no prefix matching).
109 	Service name may be empty, in which case all ASP services will be
110 	returned, and may be filtered with p2p_serv_disc_req settings, and
111 	p2p_serv_asp_resp results.
112 	Multiple service names may be requested, but if it exceeds internal
113 	limit, it will automatically revert to requesting all ASP services.
115 p2p_listen [timeout in seconds]
117 Start Listen-only state (become discoverable without searching for
118 other devices). Optional parameter can be used to specify the duration
119 for the Listen operation in seconds. This command may not be of that
120 much use during normal operations and is mainly designed for
121 testing. It can also be used to keep the device discoverable without
122 having to maintain a group.
124 p2p_stop_find
126 Stop ongoing P2P device discovery or other operation (connect, listen
127 mode).
129 p2p_flush
131 Flush P2P peer table and state.
133 Group Formation
135 p2p_prov_disc <peer device address> <display|keypad|pbc> [join|auto]
137 Send P2P provision discovery request to the specified peer. The
138 parameters for this command are the P2P device address of the peer and
139 the desired configuration method. For example, "p2p_prov_disc
140 02:01:02:03:04:05 display" would request the peer to display a PIN for
141 us and "p2p_prov_disc 02:01:02:03:04:05 keypad" would request the peer
142 to enter a PIN that we display.
144 The optional "join" parameter can be used to indicate that this command
145 is requesting an already running GO to prepare for a new client. This is
146 mainly used with "display" to request it to display a PIN. The "auto"
147 parameter can be used to request wpa_supplicant to automatically figure
148 out whether the peer device is operating as a GO and if so, use
149 join-a-group style PD instead of GO Negotiation style PD.
151 p2p_connect <peer device address> <pbc|pin|PIN#|p2ps> [display|keypad|p2ps]
152 	[persistent|persistent=<network id>] [join|auth]
153 	[go_intent=<0..15>] [freq=<in MHz>] [ht40] [vht] [provdisc] [auto]
154 	[ssid=<hexdump>]
156 Start P2P group formation with a discovered P2P peer. This includes
157 optional group owner negotiation, group interface setup, provisioning,
158 and establishing data connection.
160 The <pbc|pin|PIN#> parameter specifies the WPS provisioning
161 method. "pbc" string starts pushbutton method, "pin" string start PIN
162 method using an automatically generated PIN (which will be returned as
163 the command return code), PIN# means that a pre-selected PIN can be
164 used (e.g., 12345670). [display|keypad] is used with PIN method
165 to specify which PIN is used (display=dynamically generated random PIN
166 from local display, keypad=PIN entered from peer display). "persistent"
167 parameter can be used to request a persistent group to be formed. The
168 "persistent=<network id>" alternative can be used to pre-populate
169 SSID/passphrase configuration based on a previously used persistent
170 group where this device was the GO. The previously used parameters will
171 then be used if the local end becomes the GO in GO Negotiation (which
172 can be forced with go_intent=15).
174 "join" indicates that this is a command to join an existing group as a
175 client. It skips the GO Negotiation part. This will send a Provision
176 Discovery Request message to the target GO before associating for WPS
177 provisioning.
179 "auth" indicates that the WPS parameters are authorized for the peer
180 device without actually starting GO Negotiation (i.e., the peer is
181 expected to initiate GO Negotiation). This is mainly for testing
182 purposes.
184 "go_intent" can be used to override the default GO Intent for this GO
185 Negotiation.
187 "freq" can be used to set a forced operating channel (e.g., freq=2412
188 to select 2.4 GHz channel 1).
190 "provdisc" can be used to request a Provision Discovery exchange to be
191 used prior to starting GO Negotiation as a workaround with some deployed
192 P2P implementations that require this to allow the user to accept the
193 connection.
195 "auto" can be used to request wpa_supplicant to automatically figure
196 out whether the peer device is operating as a GO and if so, use
197 join-a-group operation rather than GO Negotiation.
199 "ssid=<hexdump>" can be used to specify the Group SSID for join
200 operations. This allows the P2P Client interface to filter scan results
201 based on SSID to avoid selecting an incorrect BSS entry in case the same
202 P2P Device or Interface address have been used in multiple groups
203 recently.
205 P2PS attribute changes to p2p_connect command:
207 P2PS supports two WPS provisioning methods namely PIN method and P2PS default.
208 The remaining parameters hold same role as in legacy P2P. In case of P2PS
209 default config method "p2ps" keyword is added in p2p_connect command.
211 For example:
212 p2p_connect 02:0a:f5:85:11:00 12345670 p2ps persistent join
213 	(WPS Method = P2PS default)
215 p2p_connect 02:0a:f5:85:11:00 45629034 keypad persistent
216 	(WPS Method = PIN)
218 p2p_asp_provision <peer MAC address> <adv_id=peer adv id>
219 	<adv_mac=peer MAC address> [role=2|4|1] <session=session id>
220 	<session_mac=initiator mac address>
221 	[info='service info'] <method=Default|keypad|Display>
223 This command starts provision discovery with the P2PS enabled peer device.
225 For example,
226 p2p_asp_provision 00:11:22:33:44:55 adv_id=4d6fc7 adv_mac=00:55:44:33:22:11 role=1 session=12ab34 session_mac=00:11:22:33:44:55 info='name=john' method=1000
228 Parameter description:
229     MAC address - Mandatory
230     adv_id - Mandatory remote Advertising ID of service connection is being
231 	established for
232     adv_mac - Mandatory MAC address that owns/registered the service
233     role - Optional
234 	2 (group client only) or 4 (group owner only)
235 	if not present (or 1) role is negotiated by the two peers.
236     session - Mandatory Session ID of the first session to be established
237     session_mac - Mandatory MAC address that owns/initiated the session
238     method - Optional method to request for provisioning (1000 - P2PS Default,
239 	100 - Keypad(PIN), 8 - Display(PIN))
240     info - Optional UTF-8 string. Hint for service to indicate possible usage
241 	parameters - Escape single quote & backslash:
242 	with a backslash 0x27 == ' == \', and 0x5c == \ == \\
244 p2p_asp_provision_resp <peer mac address> <adv_id= local adv id>
245 	<adv_mac=local MAC address> <role=1|2|4> <status=0>
246 	<session=session id> <session_mac=peer MAC address>
248 This command sends a provision discovery response from responder side.
250 For example,
251 p2p_asp_provision_resp 00:55:44:33:22:11 adv_id=4d6fc7 adv_mac=00:55:44:33:22:11 role=1 status=0 session=12ab34 session_mac=00:11:22:33:44:55
253 Parameters definition:
254     MAC address - Mandatory
255     adv_id - Mandatory local Advertising ID of service connection is being
256 	established for
257     adv_mac - Mandatory MAC address that owns/registered the service
258     role -  Optional 2 (group client only) or 4 (group owner only)
259 	if not present (or 1) role is negotiated by the two peers.
260     status - Mandatory Acceptance/Rejection code of Provisioning
261     session - Mandatory Session ID of the first session to be established
262     session_mac - Mandatory MAC address that owns/initiated the session
264 p2p_group_add [persistent|persistent=<network id>] [freq=<freq in MHz>]
265 	[ht40] [vht]
267 Set up a P2P group owner manually (i.e., without group owner
268 negotiation with a specific peer). This is also known as autonomous
269 GO. Optional persistent=<network id> can be used to specify restart of
270 a persistent group. Optional freq=<freq in MHz> can be used to force
271 the GO to be started on a specific frequency. Special freq=2 or freq=5
272 options can be used to request the best 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band channel
273 to be selected automatically.
275 p2p_reject <peer device address>
277 Reject connection attempt from a peer (specified with a device
278 address). This is a mechanism to reject a pending GO Negotiation with
279 a peer and request to automatically block any further connection or
280 discovery of the peer.
282 p2p_group_remove <group interface>
284 Terminate a P2P group. If a new virtual network interface was used for
285 the group, it will also be removed. The network interface name of the
286 group interface is used as a parameter for this command.
288 p2p_cancel
290 Cancel an ongoing P2P group formation and joining-a-group related
291 operation. This operation unauthorizes the specific peer device (if any
292 had been authorized to start group formation), stops P2P find (if in
293 progress), stops pending operations for join-a-group, and removes the
294 P2P group interface (if one was used) that is in the WPS provisioning
295 step. If the WPS provisioning step has been completed, the group is not
296 terminated.
298 p2p_remove_client <peer's P2P Device Address|iface=<interface address>>
300 This command can be used to remove the specified client from all groups
301 (operating and persistent) from the local GO. Note that the peer device
302 can rejoin the group if it is in possession of a valid key. See p2p_set
303 per_sta_psk command below for more details on how the peer can be
304 removed securely.
306 Service Discovery
308 p2p_service_add asp <auto accept> <adv id> <status 0/1> <Config Methods>
309 	<Service name> [Service Information] [Response Info]
311 This command can be used to search for a P2PS service which includes
312 Play, Send, Display, and Print service. The parameters for this command
313 are "asp" to identify the command as P2PS one, auto accept value,
314 advertisement id which uniquely identifies the service requests, state
315 of the service whether the service is available or not, config methods
316 which can be either P2PS method or PIN method, service name followed by
317 two optional parameters service information, and response info.
319 For example,
320 p2p_service_add asp 1 4d6fc7 0 1108 alt.example.chat svc_info='name=john' rsp_info='enter PIN 1234'
322 Parameters definition:
323     asp - Mandatory for ASP service registration
324     auto accept - Mandatory ASCII hex-encoded boolean (0 == no auto-accept,
325 	1 == auto-accept ANY role, 2 == auto-accept CLIENT role,
326 	4 == auto-accept GO role)
327     Advertisement ID - Mandatory non-zero ASCII hex-encoded u32
328 	(Must be unique/not yet exist in svc db)
329     State - Mandatory ASCII hex-encoded u8 (0 -- Svc not available,
330 	1 -- Svc available, 2-0xff  Application defined)
331     Config Methods - Mandatory ASCII hex-encoded u16 (bitmask of WSC config
332 	methods)
333     Service Name - Mandatory UTF-8 string
334     Service Information - Optional UTF-8 string
335 	Escape single quote & backslash with a backslash:
336 	0x27 == ' == \', and 0x5c == \ == \\
337     Session response information -  Optional (used only if auto accept is TRUE)
338 	UTF-8 string
339 	Escape single quote & backslash with a backslash:
340 	0x27 == ' == \', and 0x5c == \ == \\
342 p2p_service_rep asp <auto accept> <adv id> <status 0/1> <Config Methods>
343 	<Service name> [Service Information] [Response Info]
345 This command can be used to replace the existing service request
346 attributes from the initiator side. The replacement is only allowed if
347 the advertisement id issued in the command matches with any one entry in
348 the list of existing SD queries. If advertisement id doesn't match the
349 command returns a failure.
351 For example,
352 p2p_service_rep asp 1 4d6fc7 1 1108 alt.example.chat svc_info='name=john' rsp_info='enter PIN 1234'
354 Parameters definition:
355     asp - Mandatory for ASP service registration
356     auto accept - Mandatory ASCII hex-encoded boolean (1 == true, 0 == false)
357     Advertisement ID - Mandatory non-zero ASCII hex-encoded u32
358 	(Must already exist in svc db)
359     State - Mandatory ASCII hex-encoded u8 (can be used to indicate svc
360 	available or not available for instance)
361     Config Methods - Mandatory ASCII hex-encoded u16 (bitmask of WSC config
362 	methods)
363     Service Name - Mandatory UTF-8 string (Must match existing string in svc db)
364     Service Information - Optional UTF-8 string
365 	Escape single quote & backslash with a backslash:
366 	0x27 == ' == \', and 0x5c == \ == \\
367     Session response information -  Optional (used only if auto accept is TRUE)
368 	UTF-8 string
369 	Escape single quote & backslash with a backslash:
370 	0x27 == ' == \', and 0x5c == \ == \\
372 p2p_serv_disc_req
374 Schedule a P2P service discovery request. The parameters for this
375 command are the device address of the peer device (or 00:00:00:00:00:00
376 for wildcard query that is sent to every discovered P2P peer that
377 supports service discovery) and P2P Service Query TLV(s) as hexdump. For
378 example,
380 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 02000001
382 schedules a request for listing all available services of all service
383 discovery protocols and requests this to be sent to all discovered
384 peers (note: this can result in long response frames). The pending
385 requests are sent during device discovery (see p2p_find).
387 There can be multiple pending peer device specific queries (each will be
388 sent in sequence whenever the peer is found).
390 This command returns an identifier for the pending query (e.g.,
391 "1f77628") that can be used to cancel the request. Directed requests
392 will be automatically removed when the specified peer has replied to
393 it.
395 Service Query TLV has following format:
396 Length (2 octets, little endian) - length of following data
397 Service Protocol Type (1 octet) - see the table below
398 Service Transaction ID (1 octet) - nonzero identifier for the TLV
399 Query Data (Length - 2 octets of data) - service protocol specific data
401 Service Protocol Types:
402 0 = All service protocols
403 1 = Bonjour
404 2 = UPnP
405 3 = WS-Discovery
406 4 = Wi-Fi Display
408 For UPnP, an alternative command format can be used to specify a
409 single query TLV (i.e., a service discovery for a specific UPnP
410 service):
412 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 upnp <version hex> <ST: from M-SEARCH>
414 For example:
416 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 upnp 10 urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1
418 Additional examples for queries:
420 # list of all Bonjour services
421 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 02000101
423 # list of all UPnP services
424 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 02000201
426 # list of all WS-Discovery services
427 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 02000301
429 # list of all Bonjour and UPnP services
430 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 0200010102000202
432 # Apple File Sharing over TCP
433 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 130001010b5f6166706f766572746370c00c000c01
435 # Bonjour SSTH (supported service type hash)
436 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 05000101000000
438 # UPnP examples
439 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 upnp 10 ssdp:all
440 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 upnp 10 upnp:rootdevice
441 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 upnp 10 urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:2
442 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 upnp 10 uuid:6859dede-8574-59ab-9332-123456789012
443 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 upnp 10 urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1
445 # Wi-Fi Display examples
446 # format: wifi-display <list of roles> <list of subelements>
447 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 wifi-display [source] 2,3,4,5
448 p2p_serv_disc_req 02:01:02:03:04:05 wifi-display [pri-sink] 3
449 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 wifi-display [sec-source] 2
450 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 wifi-display [source+sink] 2,3,4,5
451 p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 wifi-display [source][pri-sink] 2,3,4,5
453 p2p_serv_disc_req <Unicast|Broadcast mac address> asp <Transaction ID>
454 	<Service Name> [Service Information]
456 The command can be used for service discovery for P2PS enabled devices.
458 For example: p2p_serv_disc_req 00:00:00:00:00:00 asp a1 alt.example 'john'
460 Parameters definition:
461     MAC address - Mandatory Existing
462     asp - Mandatory for ASP queries
463     Transaction ID - Mandatory non-zero ASCII hex-encoded u8 for GAS
464     Service Name Prefix - Mandatory UTF-8 string.
465 	Will match from beginning of remote Service Name
466     Service Information Substring - Optional UTF-8 string
467 	If Service Information Substring is not included, all services matching
468 	Service Name Prefix will be returned.
469 	If Service Information Substring is included, both the Substring and the
470 	Service Name Prefix must match for service to be returned.
471 	If remote service has no Service Information, all Substring searches
472 	will fail.
474 p2p_serv_disc_cancel_req <query identifier>
476 Cancel a pending P2P service discovery request. This command takes a
477 single parameter: identifier for the pending query (the value returned
478 by p2p_serv_disc_req, e.g., "p2p_serv_disc_cancel_req 1f77628".
480 p2p_serv_disc_resp
482 Reply to a service discovery query. This command takes following
483 parameters: frequency in MHz, destination address, dialog token,
484 response TLV(s). The first three parameters are copied from the
485 request event. For example, "p2p_serv_disc_resp 2437 02:40:61:c2:f3:b7
486 1 0300000101". This command is used only if external program is used
487 to process the request (see p2p_serv_disc_external).
489 p2p_service_update
491 Indicate that local services have changed. This is used to increment
492 the P2P service indicator value so that peers know when previously
493 cached information may have changed. This is only needed when external
494 service discovery processing is enabled since the commands to
495 pre-configure services for internal processing will increment the
496 indicator automatically.
498 p2p_serv_disc_external <0|1>
500 Configure external processing of P2P service requests: 0 (default) =
501 no external processing of requests (i.e., internal code will process
502 each request based on pre-configured services), 1 = external
503 processing of requests (external program is responsible for replying
504 to service discovery requests with p2p_serv_disc_resp). Please note
505 that there is quite strict limit on how quickly the response needs to
506 be transmitted, so use of the internal processing is strongly
507 recommended.
509 p2p_service_add bonjour <query hexdump> <RDATA hexdump>
511 Add a local Bonjour service for internal SD query processing.
513 Examples:
515 # AFP Over TCP (PTR)
516 p2p_service_add bonjour 0b5f6166706f766572746370c00c000c01 074578616d706c65c027
517 # AFP Over TCP (TXT) (RDATA=null)
518 p2p_service_add bonjour 076578616d706c650b5f6166706f766572746370c00c001001 00
520 # IP Printing over TCP (PTR) (RDATA=MyPrinter._ipp._tcp.local.)
521 p2p_service_add bonjour 045f697070c00c000c01 094d795072696e746572c027
522 # IP Printing over TCP (TXT) (RDATA=txtvers=1,pdl=application/postscript)
523 p2p_service_add bonjour 096d797072696e746572045f697070c00c001001 09747874766572733d311a70646c3d6170706c69636174696f6e2f706f7374736372797074
525 # Supported Service Type Hash (SSTH)
526 p2p_service_add bonjour 000000 <32-byte bitfield as hexdump>
527 (note: see P2P spec Annex E.4 for information on how to construct the bitfield)
529 p2p_service_del bonjour <query hexdump>
531 Remove a local Bonjour service from internal SD query processing.
533 p2p_service_add upnp <version hex> <service>
535 Add a local UPnP service for internal SD query processing.
537 Examples:
539 p2p_service_add upnp 10 uuid:6859dede-8574-59ab-9332-123456789012::upnp:rootdevice
540 p2p_service_add upnp 10 uuid:5566d33e-9774-09ab-4822-333456785632::upnp:rootdevice
541 p2p_service_add upnp 10 uuid:1122de4e-8574-59ab-9322-333456789044::urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:2
542 p2p_service_add upnp 10 uuid:5566d33e-9774-09ab-4822-333456785632::urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:2
543 p2p_service_add upnp 10 uuid:6859dede-8574-59ab-9332-123456789012::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1
545 p2p_service_del upnp <version hex> <service>
547 Remove a local UPnP service from internal SD query processing.
549 p2p_service_del asp <adv id>
551 Removes the local asp service from internal SD query list.
552 For example: p2p_service_del asp 4d6fc7
554 p2p_service_flush
556 Remove all local services from internal SD query processing.
558 Invitation
560 p2p_invite [persistent=<network id>|group=<group ifname>] [peer=address]
561 	[go_dev_addr=address] [freq=<freq in MHz>] [ht40] [vht]
562 	[pref=<MHz>]
564 Invite a peer to join a group (e.g., group=wlan1) or to reinvoke a
565 persistent group (e.g., persistent=4). If the peer device is the GO of
566 the persistent group, the peer parameter is not needed. Otherwise it is
567 used to specify which device to invite. go_dev_addr parameter can be
568 used to override the GO device address for Invitation Request should
569 it be not known for some reason (this should not be needed in most
570 cases). When reinvoking a persistent group, the GO device can specify
571 the frequency for the group with the freq parameter. When reinvoking a
572 persistent group, the P2P client device can use freq parameter to force
573 a specific operating channel (or invitation failure if GO rejects that)
574 or pref parameter to request a specific channel (while allowing GO to
575 select to use another channel, if needed).
577 Group Operations
579 (These are used on the group interface.)
581 wps_pin <any|address> <PIN>
583 Start WPS PIN method. This allows a single WPS Enrollee to connect to
584 the AP/GO. This is used on the GO when a P2P client joins an existing
585 group. The second parameter is the address of the Enrollee or a string
586 "any" to allow any station to use the entered PIN (which will restrict
587 the PIN for one-time-use). PIN is the Enrollee PIN read either from a
588 label or display on the P2P Client/WPS Enrollee.
590 wps_pbc
592 Start WPS PBC method (i.e., push the button). This allows a single WPS
593 Enrollee to connect to the AP/GO. This is used on the GO when a P2P
594 client joins an existing group.
596 p2p_get_passphrase
598 Get the passphrase for a group (only available when acting as a GO).
600 p2p_presence_req [<duration> <interval>] [<duration> <interval>]
602 Send a P2P Presence Request to the GO (this is only available when
603 acting as a P2P client). If no duration/interval pairs are given, the
604 request indicates that this client has no special needs for GO
605 presence. The first parameter pair gives the preferred duration and
606 interval values in microseconds. If the second pair is included, that
607 indicates which value would be acceptable. This command returns OK
608 immediately and the response from the GO is indicated in a
609 P2P-PRESENCE-RESPONSE event message.
611 Parameters
613 p2p_ext_listen [<period> <interval>]
615 Configure Extended Listen Timing. If the parameters are omitted, this
616 feature is disabled. If the parameters are included, Listen State will
617 be entered every interval msec for at least period msec. Both values
618 have acceptable range of 1-65535 (with interval obviously having to be
619 larger than or equal to duration). If the P2P module is not idle at
620 the time the Extended Listen Timing timeout occurs, the Listen State
621 operation will be skipped.
623 The configured values will also be advertised to other P2P Devices. The
624 received values are available in the p2p_peer command output:
626 ext_listen_period=100 ext_listen_interval=5000
628 p2p_set <field> <value>
630 Change dynamic P2P parameters
632 p2p_set discoverability <0/1>
634 Disable/enable advertisement of client discoverability. This is
635 enabled by default and this parameter is mainly used to allow testing
636 of device discoverability.
638 p2p_set managed <0/1>
640 Disable/enable managed P2P Device operations. This is disabled by
641 default.
643 p2p_set listen_channel <channel> [<op_class>]
645 Set P2P Listen channel. This is mainly meant for testing purposes and
646 changing the Listen channel during normal operations can result in
647 protocol failures.
649 When specifying a social channel on the 2.4 GHz band (1/6/11) there is
650 no need to specify the operating class since it defaults to 81.  When
651 specifying a social channel on the 60 GHz band (2), specify the 60 GHz
652 operating class (180).
654 p2p_set ssid_postfix <postfix>
656 Set postfix string to be added to the automatically generated P2P SSID
657 (DIRECT-<two random characters>). For example, postfix of "-testing"
658 could result in the SSID becoming DIRECT-ab-testing.
660 p2p_set per_sta_psk <0/1>
662 Disabled(default)/enables use of per-client PSK in the P2P groups. This
663 can be used to request GO to assign a unique PSK for each client during
664 WPS provisioning. When enabled, this allow clients to be removed from
665 the group securely with p2p_remove_client command since that client's
666 PSK is removed at the same time to prevent it from connecting back using
667 the old PSK. When per-client PSK is not used, the client can still be
668 disconnected, but it will be able to re-join the group since the PSK it
669 learned previously is still valid. It should be noted that the default
670 passphrase on the GO that is normally used to allow legacy stations to
671 connect through manual configuration does not change here, so if that is
672 shared, devices with knowledge of that passphrase can still connect.
674 set <field> <value>
676 Set global configuration parameters which may also affect P2P
677 operations. The format on these parameters is same as is used in
678 wpa_supplicant.conf. Only the parameters listen here should be
679 changed. Modifying other parameters may result in incorrect behavior
680 since not all existing users of the parameters are updated.
682 set uuid <UUID>
684 Set WPS UUID (by default, this is generated based on the MAC address).
686 set device_name <device name>
688 Set WPS Device Name (also included in some P2P messages).
690 set manufacturer <manufacturer>
692 Set WPS Manufacturer.
694 set model_name <model name>
696 Set WPS Model Name.
698 set model_number <model number>
700 Set WPS Model Number.
702 set serial_number <serial number>
704 Set WPS Serial Number.
706 set device_type <device type>
708 Set WPS Device Type.
710 set os_version <OS version>
712 Set WPS OS Version.
714 set config_methods <config methods>
716 Set WPS Configuration Methods.
718 set sec_device_type <device type>
720 Add a new Secondary Device Type.
722 set p2p_go_intent <GO intent>
724 Set the default P2P GO Intent. Note: This value can be overridden in
725 p2p_connect command and as such, there should be no need to change the
726 default value here during normal operations.
728 set p2p_ssid_postfix <P2P SSID postfix>
730 Set P2P SSID postfix.
732 set persistent_reconnect <0/1>
734 Disable/enabled persistent reconnect for reinvocation of persistent
735 groups. If enabled, invitations to reinvoke a persistent group will be
736 accepted without separate authorization (e.g., user interaction).
738 set country <two character country code>
740 Set country code (this is included in some P2P messages).
742 set p2p_search_delay <delay>
744 Set p2p_search_delay which adds extra delay in milliseconds between
745 concurrent search iterations to make p2p_find friendlier to concurrent
746 operations by avoiding it from taking 100% of radio resources. The
747 default value is 500 ms.
749 Status
751 p2p_peers [discovered]
753 List P2P Device Addresses of all the P2P peers we know. The optional
754 "discovered" parameter filters out the peers that we have not fully
755 discovered, i.e., which we have only seen in a received Probe Request
756 frame.
758 p2p_peer <P2P Device Address>
760 Fetch information about a known P2P peer.
762 Group Status
764 (These are used on the group interface.)
766 status
768 Show status information (connection state, role, use encryption
769 parameters, IP address, etc.).
771 sta
773 Show information about an associated station (when acting in AP/GO role).
775 all_sta
777 Lists the currently associated stations.
779 Configuration data
781 list_networks
783 Lists the configured networks, including stored information for
784 persistent groups. The identifier in this list is used with
785 p2p_group_add and p2p_invite to indicate which persistent group is to
786 be reinvoked.
788 remove_network <network id>
790 Remove a network entry from configuration.
793 P2PS Events/Responses:
795 P2PS-PROV-START: This events gets triggered when provisioning is issued for
796 either seeker or advertiser.
798 For example,
799 P2PS-PROV-START 00:55:44:33:22:11 adv_id=111 adv_mac=00:55:44:33:22:11 conncap=1 session=1234567 session_mac=00:11:22:33:44:55 info='xxxx'
801 Parameters definition:
802     MAC address - always
803     adv_id - always ASCII hex-encoded u32
804     adv_mac - always MAC address that owns/registered the service
805     conncap - always mask of 0x01 (new), 0x02 (group client), 0x04 (group owner)
806 	bits
807     session - always Session ID of the first session to be established
808     session_mac - always MAC address that owns/initiated the session
809     info - if available, UTF-8 string
810 	Escaped single quote & backslash with a backslash:
811 	\' == 0x27 == ', and \\ == 0x5c == \
813 P2PS-PROV-DONE: When provisioning is completed then this event gets triggered.
815 For example,
816 P2PS-PROV-DONE 00:11:22:33:44:55 status=0 adv_id=111 adv_mac=00:55:44:33:22:11 conncap=1 session=1234567 session_mac=00:11:22:33:44:55 [dev_passwd_id=8 | go=p2p-wlan0-0 | join=11:22:33:44:55:66 | persist=0]
818 Parameters definition:
819     MAC address - always main device address of peer. May be different from MAC
820 	ultimately connected to.
821     status - always ascii hex-encoded u8 (0 == success, 12 == deferred success)
822     adv_id - always ascii hex-encoded u32
823     adv_mac - always MAC address that owns/registered the service
824     conncap - always One of: 1 (new), 2 (group client), 4 (group owner) bits
825     session - always Session ID of the first session to be established
826     session_mac - always MAC address that owns/initiated the session
827     dev_passwd_id - only if conncap value == 1 (New GO negotiation)
828 	8 - "p2ps" password must be passed in p2p_connect command
829 	1 - "display" password must be passed in p2p_connect command
830 	5 - "keypad" password must be passed in p2p_connect command
831     join only - if conncap value == 2 (Client Only). Display password and "join"
832 	must be passed in p2p_connect and address must be the MAC specified
833     go only - if conncap value == 4 (GO Only). Interface name must be set with a
834 	password
835     persist - only if previous persistent group existed between peers and shall
836 	be re-used. Group is restarted by sending "p2p_group_add persistent=0"
837 	where value is taken from P2P-PROV-DONE
839 Extended Events/Response
841 P2P-DEVICE-FOUND 00:11:22:33:44:55 p2p_dev_addr=00:11:22:33:44:55 pri_dev_type=0-00000000-0 name='' config_methods=0x108 dev_capab=0x21 group_capab=0x0 adv_id=111 asp_svc=alt.example.chat
843 Parameters definition:
844     adv_id - if ASP ASCII hex-encoded u32. If it is reporting the
845 	"wildcard service", this value will be 0
846     asp_svc - if ASP this is the service string. If it is reporting the
847 	"wildcard service", this value will be org.wi-fi.wfds
850 wpa_cli action script
851 ---------------------
853 See examples/p2p-action.sh
855 TODO: describe DHCP/DNS setup
856 TODO: cross-connection