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1 wpa_supplicant and Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)
2 ==============================================
4 This document describes how the WPS implementation in wpa_supplicant
5 can be configured and how an external component on the client (e.g.,
6 management GUI) is used to enable WPS enrollment and registrar
7 registration.
10 Introduction to WPS
11 -------------------
13 Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) is a mechanism for easy configuration of a
14 wireless network. It allows automated generation of random keys (WPA
15 passphrase/PSK) and configuration of an access point and client
16 devices. WPS includes number of methods for setting up connections
17 with PIN method and push-button configuration (PBC) being the most
18 commonly deployed options.
20 While WPS can enable more home networks to use encryption in the
21 wireless network, it should be noted that the use of the PIN and
22 especially PBC mechanisms for authenticating the initial key setup is
23 not very secure. As such, use of WPS may not be suitable for
24 environments that require secure network access without chance for
25 allowing outsiders to gain access during the setup phase.
27 WPS uses following terms to describe the entities participating in the
28 network setup:
29 - access point: the WLAN access point
30 - Registrar: a device that control a network and can authorize
31   addition of new devices); this may be either in the AP ("internal
32   Registrar") or in an external device, e.g., a laptop, ("external
33   Registrar")
34 - Enrollee: a device that is being authorized to use the network
36 It should also be noted that the AP and a client device may change
37 roles (i.e., AP acts as an Enrollee and client device as a Registrar)
38 when WPS is used to configure the access point.
41 More information about WPS is available from Wi-Fi Alliance:
42 http://www.wi-fi.org/wifi-protected-setup
45 wpa_supplicant implementation
46 -----------------------------
48 wpa_supplicant includes an optional WPS component that can be used as
49 an Enrollee to enroll new network credential or as a Registrar to
50 configure an AP.
53 wpa_supplicant configuration
54 ----------------------------
56 WPS is an optional component that needs to be enabled in
57 wpa_supplicant build configuration (.config). Here is an example
58 configuration that includes WPS support and Linux nl80211 -based
59 driver interface:
64 If you want to enable WPS external registrar (ER) functionality, you
65 will also need to add following line:
69 Following parameter can be used to enable support for NFC config method:
74 WPS needs the Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID; see RFC 4122) for
75 the device. This is configured in the runtime configuration for
76 wpa_supplicant (if not set, UUID will be generated based on local MAC
77 address):
79 # example UUID for WPS
80 uuid=12345678-9abc-def0-1234-56789abcdef0
82 The network configuration blocks needed for WPS are added
83 automatically based on control interface commands, so they do not need
84 to be added explicitly in the configuration file.
86 WPS registration will generate new network blocks for the acquired
87 credentials. If these are to be stored for future use (after
88 restarting wpa_supplicant), wpa_supplicant will need to be configured
89 to allow configuration file updates:
91 update_config=1
95 External operations
96 -------------------
98 WPS requires either a device PIN code (usually, 8-digit number) or a
99 pushbutton event (for PBC) to allow a new WPS Enrollee to join the
100 network. wpa_supplicant uses the control interface as an input channel
101 for these events.
103 The PIN value used in the commands must be processed by an UI to
104 remove non-digit characters and potentially, to verify the checksum
105 digit. "wpa_cli wps_check_pin <PIN>" can be used to do such processing.
106 It returns FAIL if the PIN is invalid, or FAIL-CHECKSUM if the checksum
107 digit is incorrect, or the processed PIN (non-digit characters removed)
108 if the PIN is valid.
110 If the client device has a display, a random PIN has to be generated
111 for each WPS registration session. wpa_supplicant can do this with a
112 control interface request, e.g., by calling wpa_cli:
114 wpa_cli wps_pin any
116 This will return the generated 8-digit PIN which will then need to be
117 entered at the Registrar to complete WPS registration. At that point,
118 the client will be enrolled with credentials needed to connect to the
119 AP to access the network.
122 If the client device does not have a display that could show the
123 random PIN, a hardcoded PIN that is printed on a label can be
124 used. wpa_supplicant is notified this with a control interface
125 request, e.g., by calling wpa_cli:
127 wpa_cli wps_pin any 12345670
129 This starts the WPS negotiation in the same way as above with the
130 generated PIN.
132 When the wps_pin command is issued for an AP (including P2P GO) mode
133 interface, an optional timeout parameter can be used to specify
134 expiration timeout for the PIN in seconds. For example:
136 wpa_cli wps_pin any 12345670 300
139 If a random PIN is needed for a user interface, "wpa_cli wps_pin get"
140 can be used to generate a new PIN without starting WPS negotiation.
141 This random PIN can then be passed as an argument to another wps_pin
142 call when the actual operation should be started.
144 If the client design wants to support optional WPS PBC mode, this can
145 be enabled by either a physical button in the client device or a
146 virtual button in the user interface. The PBC operation requires that
147 a button is also pressed at the AP/Registrar at about the same time (2
148 minute window). wpa_supplicant is notified of the local button event
149 over the control interface, e.g., by calling wpa_cli:
151 wpa_cli wps_pbc
153 At this point, the AP/Registrar has two minutes to complete WPS
154 negotiation which will generate a new WPA PSK in the same way as the
155 PIN method described above.
158 If the client wants to operate in the Registrar role to learn the
159 current AP configuration and optionally, to configure an AP,
160 wpa_supplicant is notified over the control interface, e.g., with
161 wpa_cli:
163 wpa_cli wps_reg <AP BSSID> <AP PIN>
164 (example: wpa_cli wps_reg 02:34:56:78:9a:bc 12345670)
166 This is used to fetch the current AP settings instead of actually
167 changing them. The main difference with the wps_pin command is that
168 wps_reg uses the AP PIN (e.g., from a label on the AP) instead of a
169 PIN generated at the client.
171 In order to change the AP configuration, the new configuration
172 parameters are given to the wps_reg command:
174 wpa_cli wps_reg <AP BSSID> <AP PIN> <new SSID> <auth> <encr> <new key>
175 examples:
176   wpa_cli wps_reg 02:34:56:78:9a:bc 12345670 testing WPA2PSK CCMP 12345678
177   wpa_cli wps_reg 02:34:56:78:9a:bc 12345670 clear OPEN NONE ""
179 <auth> must be one of the following: OPEN WPAPSK WPA2PSK
180 <encr> must be one of the following: NONE WEP TKIP CCMP
183 Scanning
184 --------
186 Scan results ('wpa_cli scan_results' or 'wpa_cli bss <idx>') include a
187 flags field that is used to indicate whether the BSS support WPS. If
188 the AP support WPS, but has not recently activated a Registrar, [WPS]
189 flag will be included. If PIN method has been recently selected,
190 [WPS-PIN] is shown instead. Similarly, [WPS-PBC] is shown if PBC mode
191 is in progress. GUI programs can use these as triggers for suggesting
192 a guided WPS configuration to the user. In addition, control interface
193 monitor events WPS-AP-AVAILABLE{,-PBC,-PIN} can be used to find out if
194 there are WPS enabled APs in scan results without having to go through
195 all the details in the GUI. These notification could be used, e.g., to
196 suggest possible WPS connection to the user.
199 wpa_gui
200 -------
202 wpa_gui-qt4 directory contains a sample GUI that shows an example of
203 how WPS support can be integrated into the GUI. Its main window has a
204 WPS tab that guides user through WPS registration with automatic AP
205 selection. In addition, it shows how WPS can be started manually by
206 selecting an AP from scan results.
209 Credential processing
210 ---------------------
212 By default, wpa_supplicant processes received credentials and updates
213 its configuration internally. However, it is possible to
214 control these operations from external programs, if desired.
216 This internal processing can be disabled with wps_cred_processing=1
217 option. When this is used, an external program is responsible for
218 processing the credential attributes and updating wpa_supplicant
219 configuration based on them.
221 Following control interface messages are sent out for external programs:
223 WPS-CRED-RECEIVED  <hexdump of Credential attribute(s)>
224 For example:
225 <2>WPS-CRED-RECEIVED 100e006f10260001011045000c6a6b6d2d7770732d74657374100300020020100f000200081027004030653462303435366332363666653064333961643135353461316634626637313234333761636664623766333939653534663166316230323061643434386235102000060266a0ee1727
228 wpa_supplicant as WPS External Registrar (ER)
229 ---------------------------------------------
231 wpa_supplicant can be used as a WPS ER to configure an AP or enroll
232 new Enrollee to join the network. This functionality uses UPnP and
233 requires that a working IP connectivity is available with the AP (this
234 can be either over a wired or wireless connection).
236 Separate wpa_supplicant process can be started for WPS ER
237 operations. A special "none" driver can be used in such a case to
238 indicate that no local network interface is actually controlled. For
239 example, following command could be used to start the ER:
241 wpa_supplicant -Dnone -c er.conf -ieth0
243 Sample er.conf:
245 ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=admin
246 device_name=WPS External Registrar
249 wpa_cli commands for ER functionality:
251 wps_er_start [IP address]
252 - start WPS ER functionality
253 - the optional IP address parameter can be used to filter operations only
254   to include a single AP
255 - if run again while ER is active, the stored information (discovered APs
256   and Enrollees) are shown again
258 wps_er_stop
259 - stop WPS ER functionality
261 wps_er_learn <UUID|BSSID> <AP PIN>
262 - learn AP configuration
264 wps_er_set_config <UUID|BSSID> <network id>
265 - use AP configuration from a locally configured network (e.g., from
266   wps_reg command); this does not change the AP's configuration, but
267   only prepares a configuration to be used when enrolling a new device
268   to the AP
270 wps_er_config <UUID|BSSID> <AP PIN> <new SSID> <auth> <encr> <new key>
271 - examples:
272   wps_er_config 87654321-9abc-def0-1234-56789abc0002 12345670 testing WPA2PSK CCMP 12345678
273   wpa_er_config 87654321-9abc-def0-1234-56789abc0002 12345670 clear OPEN NONE ""
275 <auth> must be one of the following: OPEN WPAPSK WPA2PSK
276 <encr> must be one of the following: NONE WEP TKIP CCMP
279 wps_er_pbc <Enrollee UUID|MAC address>
280 - accept an Enrollee PBC using External Registrar
282 wps_er_pin <Enrollee UUID|"any"|MAC address> <PIN> [Enrollee MAC address]
283 - add an Enrollee PIN to External Registrar
284 - if Enrollee UUID is not known, "any" can be used to add a wildcard PIN
285 - if the MAC address of the enrollee is known, it should be configured
286   to allow the AP to advertise list of authorized enrollees
289 WPS ER events:
292 - WPS ER discovered an AP
294 WPS-ER-AP-ADD 87654321-9abc-def0-1234-56789abc0002 02:11:22:33:44:55 pri_dev_type=6-0050F204-1 wps_state=1 |Very friendly name|Company|Long description of the model|WAP|http://w1.fi/|http://w1.fi/hostapd/
297 - WPS ER removed an AP entry
299 WPS-ER-AP-REMOVE 87654321-9abc-def0-1234-56789abc0002
302 - WPS ER discovered a new Enrollee
304 WPS-ER-ENROLLEE-ADD 2b7093f1-d6fb-5108-adbb-bea66bb87333 02:66:a0:ee:17:27 M1=1 config_methods=0x14d dev_passwd_id=0 pri_dev_type=1-0050F204-1 |Wireless Client|Company|cmodel|123|12345|
307 - WPS ER removed an Enrollee entry
309 WPS-ER-ENROLLEE-REMOVE 2b7093f1-d6fb-5108-adbb-bea66bb87333 02:66:a0:ee:17:27
312 - WPS ER learned AP settings
314 WPS-ER-AP-SETTINGS uuid=fd91b4ec-e3fa-5891-a57d-8c59efeed1d2 ssid=test-wps auth_type=0x0020 encr_type=0x0008 key=12345678
317 WPS with NFC
318 ------------
320 WPS can be used with NFC-based configuration method. An NFC tag
321 containing a password token from the Enrollee can be used to
322 authenticate the connection instead of the PIN. In addition, an NFC tag
323 with a configuration token can be used to transfer AP settings without
324 going through the WPS protocol.
326 When the station acts as an Enrollee, a local NFC tag with a password
327 token can be used by touching the NFC interface of a Registrar.
329 "wps_nfc [BSSID]" command starts WPS protocol run with the local end as
330 the Enrollee using the NFC password token that is either pre-configured
331 in the configuration file (wps_nfc_dev_pw_id, wps_nfc_dh_pubkey,
332 wps_nfc_dh_privkey, wps_nfc_dev_pw) or generated dynamically with
333 "wps_nfc_token <WPS|NDEF>" command. The included nfc_pw_token tool
334 (build with "make nfc_pw_token") can be used to generate NFC password
335 tokens during manufacturing (each station needs to have its own random
336 keys).
338 The "wps_nfc_config_token <WPS/NDEF>" command can be used to build an
339 NFC configuration token when wpa_supplicant is controlling an AP
340 interface (AP or P2P GO). The output value from this command is a
341 hexdump of the current AP configuration (WPS parameter requests this to
342 include only the WPS attributes; NDEF parameter requests additional NDEF
343 encapsulation to be included). This data needs to be written to an NFC
344 tag with an external program. Once written, the NFC configuration token
345 can be used to touch an NFC interface on a station to provision the
346 credentials needed to access the network.
348 The "wps_nfc_config_token <WPS/NDEF> <network id>" command can be used
349 to build an NFC configuration token based on a locally configured
350 network.
352 If the station includes NFC interface and reads an NFC tag with a MIME
353 media type "application/vnd.wfa.wsc", the NDEF message payload (with or
354 without NDEF encapsulation) can be delivered to wpa_supplicant using the
355 following wpa_cli command:
357 wps_nfc_tag_read <hexdump of payload>
359 If the NFC tag contains a configuration token, the network is added to
360 wpa_supplicant configuration. If the NFC tag contains a password token,
361 the token is added to the WPS Registrar component. This information can
362 then be used with wps_reg command (when the NFC password token was from
363 an AP) using a special value "nfc-pw" in place of the PIN parameter. If
364 the ER functionality has been started (wps_er_start), the NFC password
365 token is used to enable enrollment of a new station (that was the source
366 of the NFC password token).
368 "nfc_get_handover_req <NDEF> <WPS-CR>" command can be used to build the
369 WPS carrier record for a Handover Request Message for connection
370 handover. The first argument selects the format of the output data and
371 the second argument selects which type of connection handover is
372 requested (WPS-CR = Wi-Fi handover as specified in WSC 2.0).
374 "nfc_get_handover_sel <NDEF> <WPS> [UUID|BSSID]" command can be used to
375 build the contents of a Handover Select Message for connection handover
376 when this does not depend on the contents of the Handover Request
377 Message. The first argument selects the format of the output data and
378 the second argument selects which type of connection handover is
379 requested (WPS = Wi-Fi handover as specified in WSC 2.0). If the options
380 UUID|BSSID argument is included, this is a request to build the handover
381 message for the specified AP when wpa_supplicant is operating as a WPS
382 ER.
384 "nfc_report_handover <INIT/RESP> WPS <carrier from handover request>
385 <carrier from handover select>" can be used as an alternative way for
386 reporting completed NFC connection handover. The first parameter
387 indicates whether the local device initiated or responded to the
388 connection handover and the carrier records are the selected carrier
389 from the handover request and select messages as a hexdump.
391 The "wps_er_nfc_config_token <WPS/NDEF> <UUID|BSSID>" command can be
392 used to build an NFC configuration token for the specified AP when
393 wpa_supplicant is operating as a WPS ER. The output value from this
394 command is a hexdump of the selected AP configuration (WPS parameter
395 requests this to include only the WPS attributes; NDEF parameter
396 requests additional NDEF encapsulation to be included). This data needs
397 to be written to an NFC tag with an external program. Once written, the
398 NFC configuration token can be used to touch an NFC interface on a
399 station to provision the credentials needed to access the network.