1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #define LOG_TAG "EffectProxy"
18 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
20 #include <cutils/log.h>
21 #include <assert.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <string.h>
24 #include <new>
25 #include <EffectProxy.h>
26 #include <utils/threads.h>
27 #include <media/EffectsFactoryApi.h>
29 namespace android {
30 // This is a dummy proxy descriptor just to return to Factory during the initial
31 // GetDescriptor call. Later in the factory, it is replaced with the
32 // SW sub effect descriptor
33 // proxy UUID af8da7e0-2ca1-11e3-b71d-0002a5d5c51b
34 const effect_descriptor_t gProxyDescriptor = {
35         EFFECT_UUID_INITIALIZER, // type
36         {0xaf8da7e0, 0x2ca1, 0x11e3, 0xb71d, { 0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b }}, // uuid
37         EFFECT_CONTROL_API_VERSION, //version of effect control API
39          EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_CTRL), // effect capability flags
40         0, // CPU load
41         1, // Data memory
42         "Proxy", //effect name
43         "AOSP", //implementor name
44 };
47 static const effect_descriptor_t *const gDescriptors[] =
48 {
49     &gProxyDescriptor,
50 };
EffectProxyCreate(const effect_uuid_t * uuid,int32_t sessionId,int32_t ioId,effect_handle_t * pHandle)53 int EffectProxyCreate(const effect_uuid_t *uuid,
54                             int32_t             sessionId,
55                             int32_t             ioId,
56                            effect_handle_t  *pHandle) {
58     effect_descriptor_t* desc;
59     audio_effect_library_t** aeli;
60     sub_effect_entry_t** sube;
61     EffectContext* pContext;
62     if (pHandle == NULL || uuid == NULL) {
63         ALOGE("EffectProxyCreate() called with NULL pointer");
64         return -EINVAL;
65     }
66     ALOGV("EffectProxyCreate start..");
67     pContext = new EffectContext;
68     pContext->sessionId = sessionId;
69     pContext->ioId = ioId;
70     pContext->uuid = *uuid;
71     pContext->common_itfe = &gEffectInterface;
73     // The sub effects will be created in effect_command when the first command
74     // for the effect is received
75     pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_HOST] = pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD] = NULL;
77     // Get the HW and SW sub effect descriptors from the effects factory
78     desc = new effect_descriptor_t[SUB_FX_COUNT];
79     aeli = new audio_effect_library_t*[SUB_FX_COUNT];
80     sube = new sub_effect_entry_t*[SUB_FX_COUNT];
81     pContext->sube = new sub_effect_entry_t*[SUB_FX_COUNT];
82     pContext->desc = new effect_descriptor_t[SUB_FX_COUNT];
83     pContext->aeli = new audio_effect_library_t*[SUB_FX_COUNT];
84     int retValue = EffectGetSubEffects(uuid, sube, SUB_FX_COUNT);
85     // EffectGetSubEffects returns the number of sub-effects copied.
86     if (retValue != SUB_FX_COUNT) {
87        ALOGE("EffectCreate() could not get the sub effects");
88        delete[] sube;
89        delete[] desc;
90        delete[] aeli;
91        delete[] pContext->sube;
92        delete[] pContext->desc;
93        delete[] pContext->aeli;
94        return -EINVAL;
95     }
96     // Check which is the HW descriptor and copy the descriptors
97     // to the Context desc array
98     // Also check if there is only one HW and one SW descriptor.
99     // HW descriptor alone has the HW_TUNNEL flag.
100     desc[0] = *(effect_descriptor_t*)(sube[0])->object;
101     desc[1] = *(effect_descriptor_t*)(sube[1])->object;
102     aeli[0] = sube[0]->lib->desc;
103     aeli[1] = sube[1]->lib->desc;
104     if ((desc[0].flags & EFFECT_FLAG_HW_ACC_TUNNEL) &&
105        !(desc[1].flags & EFFECT_FLAG_HW_ACC_TUNNEL)) {
106         pContext->sube[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD] = sube[0];
107         pContext->desc[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD] = desc[0];
108         pContext->aeli[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD] = aeli[0];
109         pContext->sube[SUB_FX_HOST] = sube[1];
110         pContext->desc[SUB_FX_HOST] = desc[1];
111         pContext->aeli[SUB_FX_HOST] = aeli[1];
112     }
113     else if ((desc[1].flags & EFFECT_FLAG_HW_ACC_TUNNEL) &&
114              !(desc[0].flags & EFFECT_FLAG_HW_ACC_TUNNEL)) {
115         pContext->sube[SUB_FX_HOST] = sube[0];
116         pContext->desc[SUB_FX_HOST] = desc[0];
117         pContext->aeli[SUB_FX_HOST] = aeli[0];
118         pContext->sube[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD] = sube[1];
119         pContext->desc[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD] = desc[1];
120         pContext->aeli[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD] = aeli[1];
121     }
122     delete[] desc;
123     delete[] aeli;
124     delete[] sube;
125 #if (LOG_NDEBUG == 0)
126     effect_uuid_t uuid_print = pContext->desc[SUB_FX_HOST].uuid;
127     ALOGV("EffectCreate() UUID of HOST: %08X-%04X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X%02X%02X"
128         "%02X%02X\n",uuid_print.timeLow, uuid_print.timeMid,
129         uuid_print.timeHiAndVersion, uuid_print.clockSeq, uuid_print.node[0],
130         uuid_print.node[1], uuid_print.node[2], uuid_print.node[3],
131         uuid_print.node[4], uuid_print.node[5]);
132     ALOGV("EffectCreate() UUID of OFFLOAD: %08X-%04X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X%02X%02X"
133         "%02X%02X\n", uuid_print.timeLow, uuid_print.timeMid,
134         uuid_print.timeHiAndVersion, uuid_print.clockSeq, uuid_print.node[0],
135         uuid_print.node[1], uuid_print.node[2], uuid_print.node[3],
136         uuid_print.node[4], uuid_print.node[5]);
137 #endif
139     pContext->replySize = PROXY_REPLY_SIZE_DEFAULT;
140     pContext->replyData = (char *)malloc(PROXY_REPLY_SIZE_DEFAULT);
142     *pHandle = (effect_handle_t)pContext;
143     ALOGV("EffectCreate end");
144     return 0;
145 } //end EffectProxyCreate
EffectProxyRelease(effect_handle_t handle)147 int EffectProxyRelease(effect_handle_t handle) {
148     EffectContext * pContext = (EffectContext *)handle;
149     if (pContext == NULL) {
150         ALOGV("ERROR : EffectRelease called with NULL pointer");
151         return -EINVAL;
152     }
153     ALOGV("EffectRelease");
154     delete[] pContext->desc;
155     free(pContext->replyData);
157     if (pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_HOST])
158        pContext->aeli[SUB_FX_HOST]->release_effect(pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_HOST]);
159     if (pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD])
160        pContext->aeli[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD]->release_effect(pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD]);
161     delete[] pContext->aeli;
162     delete[] pContext->sube;
163     delete pContext;
164     pContext = NULL;
165     return 0;
166 } /*end EffectProxyRelease */
EffectProxyGetDescriptor(const effect_uuid_t * uuid,effect_descriptor_t * pDescriptor)168 int EffectProxyGetDescriptor(const effect_uuid_t *uuid,
169                                    effect_descriptor_t *pDescriptor) {
170     const effect_descriptor_t *desc = NULL;
172     if (pDescriptor == NULL || uuid == NULL) {
173         ALOGV("EffectGetDescriptor() called with NULL pointer");
174         return -EINVAL;
175     }
176     desc = &gProxyDescriptor;
177     *pDescriptor = *desc;
178     return 0;
179 } /* end EffectProxyGetDescriptor */
181 /* Effect Control Interface Implementation: Process */
Effect_process(effect_handle_t self,audio_buffer_t * inBuffer,audio_buffer_t * outBuffer)182 int Effect_process(effect_handle_t     self,
183                               audio_buffer_t         *inBuffer,
184                               audio_buffer_t         *outBuffer) {
186     EffectContext *pContext = (EffectContext *) self;
187     int ret = 0;
188     if (pContext != NULL) {
189         int index = pContext->index;
190         // if the index refers to HW , do not do anything. Just return.
191         if (index == SUB_FX_HOST) {
192             ret = (*pContext->eHandle[index])->process(pContext->eHandle[index],
193                                                        inBuffer, outBuffer);
194         }
195     }
196     return ret;
197 }   /* end Effect_process */
199 /* Effect Control Interface Implementation: Command */
Effect_command(effect_handle_t self,uint32_t cmdCode,uint32_t cmdSize,void * pCmdData,uint32_t * replySize,void * pReplyData)200 int Effect_command(effect_handle_t  self,
201                               uint32_t            cmdCode,
202                               uint32_t            cmdSize,
203                               void                *pCmdData,
204                               uint32_t            *replySize,
205                               void                *pReplyData) {
207     EffectContext *pContext = (EffectContext *) self;
208     int status = 0;
209     if (pContext == NULL) {
210         ALOGV("Effect_command() Proxy context is NULL");
211         return -EINVAL;
212     }
213     if (pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_HOST] == NULL) {
214         ALOGV("Effect_command() Calling HOST EffectCreate");
215         status = pContext->aeli[SUB_FX_HOST]->create_effect(
216                               &pContext->desc[SUB_FX_HOST].uuid,
217                               pContext->sessionId, pContext->ioId,
218                               &(pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_HOST]));
219         if (status != NO_ERROR || (pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_HOST] == NULL)) {
220             ALOGV("Effect_command() Error creating SW sub effect");
221             return status;
222         }
223     }
224     if (pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD] == NULL) {
225         ALOGV("Effect_command() Calling OFFLOAD EffectCreate");
226         status = pContext->aeli[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD]->create_effect(
227                               &pContext->desc[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD].uuid,
228                               pContext->sessionId, pContext->ioId,
229                               &(pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD]));
230         if (status != NO_ERROR || (pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD] == NULL)) {
231             ALOGV("Effect_command() Error creating HW effect");
232             pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD] = NULL;
233             // Do not return error here as SW effect is created
234             // Return error if the CMD_OFFLOAD sends the index as OFFLOAD
235         }
236         pContext->index = SUB_FX_HOST;
237     }
238     // EFFECT_CMD_OFFLOAD used to (1) send whether the thread is offload or not
239     // (2) Send the ioHandle of the effectThread when the effect
240     // is moved from one type of thread to another.
241     // pCmdData points to a memory holding effect_offload_param_t structure
242     if (cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_OFFLOAD) {
243         ALOGV("Effect_command() cmdCode = EFFECT_CMD_OFFLOAD");
244         if (cmdSize == 0 || pCmdData == NULL) {
245             ALOGV("effectsOffload: Effect_command: CMD_OFFLOAD has no data");
246              *(int*)pReplyData = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
247             return FAILED_TRANSACTION;
248         }
249         effect_offload_param_t* offloadParam = (effect_offload_param_t*)pCmdData;
250         // Assign the effect context index based on isOffload field of the structure
251         pContext->index = offloadParam->isOffload ? SUB_FX_OFFLOAD : SUB_FX_HOST;
252         // if the index is HW and the HW effect is unavailable, return error
253         // and reset the index to SW
254         if (pContext->eHandle[pContext->index] == NULL) {
255             ALOGV("Effect_command()CMD_OFFLOAD sub effect unavailable");
256             *(int*)pReplyData = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
257             return FAILED_TRANSACTION;
258         }
259         pContext->ioId = offloadParam->ioHandle;
260         ALOGV("Effect_command()CMD_OFFLOAD index:%d io %d", pContext->index, pContext->ioId);
261         // Update the DSP wrapper with the new ioHandle.
262         // Pass the OFFLOAD command to the wrapper.
263         // The DSP wrapper needs to handle this CMD
264         if (pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD]) {
265             ALOGV("Effect_command: Calling OFFLOAD command");
266             return (*pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD])->command(
267                            pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD], cmdCode, cmdSize,
268                            pCmdData, replySize, pReplyData);
269         }
270         *(int*)pReplyData = NO_ERROR;
271         ALOGV("Effect_command OFFLOAD return 0, replyData %d",
272                                                 *(int*)pReplyData);
274         return NO_ERROR;
275     }
277     int index = pContext->index;
278     if (index != SUB_FX_HOST && index != SUB_FX_OFFLOAD) {
279         ALOGV("Effect_command: effect index is neither offload nor host");
280         return -EINVAL;
281     }
283     // Getter commands are only sent to the active sub effect.
284     int *subStatus[SUB_FX_COUNT];
285     uint32_t *subReplySize[SUB_FX_COUNT];
286     void *subReplyData[SUB_FX_COUNT];
287     uint32_t tmpSize;
288     int tmpStatus;
290     // grow temp reply buffer if needed
291     if (replySize != NULL) {
292         tmpSize = pContext->replySize;
293         while (tmpSize < *replySize && tmpSize < PROXY_REPLY_SIZE_MAX) {
294             tmpSize *= 2;
295         }
296         if (tmpSize > pContext->replySize) {
297             ALOGV("Effect_command grow reply buf to %d", tmpSize);
298             pContext->replyData = (char *)realloc(pContext->replyData, tmpSize);
299             pContext->replySize = tmpSize;
300         }
301         if (tmpSize > *replySize) {
302             tmpSize = *replySize;
303         }
304     } else {
305         tmpSize = 0;
306     }
307     // tmpSize is now the actual reply size for the non active sub effect
309     // Send command to sub effects. The command is sent to all sub effects so that their internal
310     // state is kept in sync.
311     // Only the reply from the active sub effect is returned to the caller. The reply from the
312     // other sub effect is lost in pContext->replyData
313     for (int i = 0; i < SUB_FX_COUNT; i++) {
314         if (pContext->eHandle[i] == NULL) {
315             continue;
316         }
317         if (i == index) {
318             subStatus[i] = &status;
319             subReplySize[i] = replySize;
320             subReplyData[i] = pReplyData;
321         } else {
322             subStatus[i] = &tmpStatus;
323             subReplySize[i] = replySize == NULL ? NULL : &tmpSize;
324             subReplyData[i] = pReplyData == NULL ? NULL : pContext->replyData;
325         }
326         *subStatus[i] = (*pContext->eHandle[i])->command(
327                              pContext->eHandle[i], cmdCode, cmdSize,
328                              pCmdData, subReplySize[i], subReplyData[i]);
329     }
331     return status;
332 }    /* end Effect_command */
335 /* Effect Control Interface Implementation: get_descriptor */
Effect_getDescriptor(effect_handle_t self,effect_descriptor_t * pDescriptor)336 int Effect_getDescriptor(effect_handle_t   self,
337                          effect_descriptor_t *pDescriptor) {
339     EffectContext * pContext = (EffectContext *) self;
340     const effect_descriptor_t *desc;
342     ALOGV("Effect_getDescriptor");
343     if (pContext == NULL || pDescriptor == NULL) {
344         ALOGV("Effect_getDescriptor() invalid param");
345         return -EINVAL;
346     }
347     if (pContext->desc == NULL) {
348         ALOGV("Effect_getDescriptor() could not get descriptor");
349         return -EINVAL;
350     }
351     desc = &pContext->desc[SUB_FX_HOST];
352     *pDescriptor = *desc;
353     pDescriptor->uuid = pContext->uuid; // Replace the uuid with the Proxy UUID
354     // Also set/clear the EFFECT_FLAG_OFFLOAD_SUPPORTED flag based on the sub effects availability
355     if (pContext->eHandle[SUB_FX_OFFLOAD] != NULL)
356         pDescriptor->flags |= EFFECT_FLAG_OFFLOAD_SUPPORTED;
357     else
358         pDescriptor->flags &= ~EFFECT_FLAG_OFFLOAD_SUPPORTED;
359     return 0;
360 } /* end Effect_getDescriptor */
362 } // namespace android
364 __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
365 audio_effect_library_t AUDIO_EFFECT_LIBRARY_INFO_SYM = {
367     .version = EFFECT_LIBRARY_API_VERSION,
368     .name = "Effect Proxy",
369     .implementor = "AOSP",
370     .create_effect = android::EffectProxyCreate,
371     .release_effect = android::EffectProxyRelease,
372     .get_descriptor = android::EffectProxyGetDescriptor,
373 };