1# See system/core/logcat/event.logtags for a description of the format of this file.
3option java_package com.android.systemui;
5# ---------------------------
6# PhoneStatusBar.java
7# ---------------------------
836000 sysui_statusbar_touch (type|1),(x|1),(y|1),(disable1|1),(disable2|1)
936001 sysui_heads_up_status (key|3),(visible|1)
1036002 sysui_fullscreen_notification (key|3)
1136003 sysui_heads_up_escalation (key|3)
12# sysui_status_bar_state: Logged whenever the status bar / keyguard state changes
13## state: 0: SHADE, 1: KEYGUARD, 2: SHADE_LOCKED
14## keyguardShowing: 1: Keyguard shown to the user (or keyguardOccluded)
15## keyguardOccluded: 1: Keyguard active, but another activity is occluding it
16## bouncerShowing: 1: Bouncer currently shown to the user
17## secure: 1: The user has set up a secure unlock method (PIN, password, etc.)
18## currentlyInsecure: 1: No secure unlock method set up (!secure), or trusted environment (TrustManager)
1936004 sysui_status_bar_state (state|1),(keyguardShowing|1),(keyguardOccluded|1),(bouncerShowing|1),(secure|1),(currentlyInsecure|1)
21# ---------------------------
22# PhoneStatusBarView.java
23# ---------------------------
2436010 sysui_panelbar_touch (type|1),(x|1),(y|1),(enabled|1)
26# ---------------------------
27# NotificationPanelView.java
28# ---------------------------
2936020 sysui_notificationpanel_touch (type|1),(x|1),(y|1)
30## type: 1: SWIPE_UP_UNLOCK           Swiped up to dismiss the lockscreen.
31##       2: SWIPE_DOWN_FULL_SHADE     Swiped down to enter full shade.
32##       3: TAP_UNLOCK_HINT           Tapped in empty area, causes unlock hint.
33##       4: SWIPE_CAMERA              Swiped the camera icon, launches.
34##       5: SWIPE_DIALER              Swiped the dialer icon, launches.
35##       6: TAP_LOCK                  Tapped the (unlocked) lock icon, locks the device.
36##       7: TAP_NOTIFICATION_ACTIVATE Tapped a lockscreen notification, causes "tap again" hint.
37##                                    Note: Second tap logged as notification_clicked.
3836021 sysui_lockscreen_gesture (type|1),(lengthDp|1),(velocityDp|1)
40# ---------------------------
41# SettingsPanelView.java
42# ---------------------------
4336030 sysui_quickpanel_touch (type|1),(x|1),(y|1)
45# ---------------------------
46# PanelHolder.java
47# ---------------------------
4836040 sysui_panelholder_touch (type|1),(x|1),(y|1)
50# ---------------------------
51# SearchPanelView.java
52# ---------------------------
5336050 sysui_searchpanel_touch (type|1),(x|1),(y|1)
55# ---------------------------
56# Recents.java, RecentsSystemUser.java
57# ---------------------------
58## type: 1: USER_BIND_SERVICE        Secondary user tries binding to the system sysui service
59##       2: USER_SYSTEM_BOUND        Secondary user is bound to the system sysui service
60##       3: USER_SYSTEM_UNBOUND      Secondary user loses connection after system sysui has died
61##       4: SYSTEM_REGISTER_USER     System sysui registers user's callbacks
62##       5: SYSTEM_UNREGISTER_USER   System sysui unregisters user's callbacks (after death)
6336060 sysui_recents_connection (type|1),(user|1)