1 /*
2  *  Copyright 2001-2008 Texas Instruments - http://www.ti.com/
3  *
4  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  *  limitations under the License.
15  */
17 /*
18  *  ======== DSPNode.h ========
19  *  DSP-BIOS Bridge driver support functions for TI OMAP processors.
20  *  Description:
21  *      This is the header for the DSP/BIOS Bridge node module.
22  *
23  *  Public Functions:
24  *      DSPNode_Allocate
25  *      DSPNode_AllocMsgBuf
26  *      DSPNode_ChangePriority
27  *      DSPNode_Connect
28  *      DSPNode_ConnectEx
29  *      DSPNode_Create
30  *      DSPNode_Delete
31  *      DSPNode_FreeMsgBuf
32  *      DSPNode_GetAttr
33  *      DSPNode_GetMessage
34  *      DSPNode_Pause
35  *      DSPNode_PutMessage
36  *      DSPNode_RegisterNotify
37  *      DSPNode_Run
38  *      DSPNode_Terminate
39  *
40  *  Notes:
41  *
42  *! Revision History:
43  *! ================
44  *! 23-Nov-2002 gp: Comment change: uEventMask now referred to as a "type".
45  *!                 Comment cleanup, correspondence to db_api.doc.
46  *! 12-Dec-2001 ag  DSP_ENOTIMPL added to DSPNode_Connect().
47  *! 11-Sep-2001 ag  Added new error codes.
48  *! 23-Apr-2001 jeh Added pStatus parameter to DSPNode_Terminate.
49  *! 16-Feb-2001 jeh Added new error codes.
50  *! 13-Feb-2001 kc: DSP/BIOS Bridge name updates.
51  *! 27-Oct-2000 jeh Updated to version 0.9 API spec.
52  *! 07-Sep-2000 jeh Changed type HANDLE in DSPNode_RegisterNotify to
53  *!                 DSP_HNOTIFICATION. Added DSP_STRMATTR parameter to
54  *!                 DSPNode_Connect().
55  *! 27-Jul-2000 rr: Updated to ver 0.8 of DSPAPI.
56  *! 27-Jun-2000 rr: Created from DBAPI.h
57  */
59 #ifndef DSPNode_
60 #define DSPNode_
62 #ifdef __cplusplus
63 extern "C" {
64 #endif
66 /*
67  *  ======== DSPNode_Allocate ========
68  *  Purpose:
69  *      Allocate data structures for controlling and communicating with a node
70  *      on a specific DSP processor.
71  *  Parameters:
72  *      hProcessor:         The processor handle.
73  *      pNodeID:            Ptr to DSP_UUID for the node.
74  *      pArgs:              Ptr to optional node arguments.
75  *      pAttrIn:            Ptr to optional node attributes.
76  *      phNode:             Ptr to location to store node handle on return.
77  *  Returns:
78  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
79  *      DSP_EPOINTER:       One of the input parameters pointers is invalid.
80  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid processor handle.
81  *      DSP_EMEMORY:        Memory is not available to allocate a node
82  *      DSP_EUUID:          The node with the specified UUID is not registered.
83  *      DSP_EWRONGSTATE:    The specified processor is in the wrong state
84  *                          (not running)
85  *      DSP_ERANGE:         The iPriority field specified in pAttrIn is out
86  *                          of range.
87  *      DSP_EFAIL:          General failure.
88  */
89 extern DBAPI
90 DSPNode_Allocate(DSP_HPROCESSOR hProcessor,
91 		 IN CONST struct DSP_UUID * pNodeID,
92 		 IN CONST OPTIONAL struct DSP_CBDATA * pArgs,
93 		 IN OPTIONAL struct DSP_NODEATTRIN * pAttrIn,
94 		 OUT DSP_HNODE * phNode);
96 /*
97  *  ======== DSPNode_AllocMsgBuf ========
98  *  Purpose:
99  *      Allocate and prepare a buffer whose descriptor will be passed to a DSP
100  *      Node within a (DSP_MSG) message
101  *  Parameters:
102  *      hNode:              The node handle.
103  *      uSize:              The size of the buffer (GPP bytes) to be allocated.
104  *      pAttr:              Pointer to a DSP_BUFFERATTR structure.
105  *      pBuffer:            Location to store the address of the allocated
106  *                          buffer on output.
107  *  Returns:
108  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
109  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid node handle.
110  *      DSP_EMEMORY:        Insufficent memory.
111  *      DSP_EPOINTER:       pBuffer is not a valid address.
112  *      DSP_EFAIL:          General Failure.
113  *      DSP_EALIGNMENT:     Alignment value not supported.(Must be 0, 1, 2, 4)
114  *      DSP_EBADSEGID:      Invalid Segment Id.
115  *      DSP_ESIZE:          Invalid Size. Must be greater than zero.
116  */
117 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_AllocMsgBuf(DSP_HNODE hNode, UINT uSize,
118 					 IN OPTIONAL struct DSP_BUFFERATTR * pAttr,
119 					 OUT BYTE ** pBuffer);
121 /*
122  *  ======== DSPNode_ChangePriority ========
123  *  Purpose:
124  *      Change a task node's runtime priority within the DSP RTOS.
125  *  Parameters:
126  *      hNode:              The node handle.
127  *      iPriority:          New runtime priority level.
128  *  Returns:
129  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
130  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid node handle.
131  *      DSP_ERANGE:         iPriority is out of range.
132  *      DSP_ENODETYPE:      Operation is invalid for this node type.
133  *      DSP_ETIMEOUT:       A timeout occured before DSP responded.
134  *      DSP_ERESTART:       A critical error occurred and the DSP is being
135  *                          restarted.
136  *      DSP_EWRONGSTATE:    The node is not allocated, paused, or running.
137  *      DSP_EFAIL:          Unable to change the priority level.
138  */
139 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_ChangePriority(DSP_HNODE hNode, INT iPriority);
141 /*
142  *  ======== DSPNode_Connect ========
143  *  Purpose:
144  *      Make a stream connection, either between two nodes on a DSP,
145  *      or between a node on a DSP and the GPP.
146  *  Parameters:
147  *      hNode:                  The first node handle.
148  *      uStream:                Output stream index on first node (0 based).
149  *      hOtherNode:             The second node handle.
150  *      uOtherStream:           Input stream index on second node (0 based).
151  *      pAttrs:                 Stream attributes. If NULL, defaults used.
152  *  Returns:
153  *      DSP_SOK:                Success.
154  *      DSP_EHANDLE:            Invalid node handle.
155  *      DSP_EMEMORY:            GPP memory allocation failure.
156  *      DSP_EALREADYCONNCECTED: One of the specified connections has already
157  *                              been made.
158  *      DSP_EWRONGSTATE:        The node is not in the NODE_ALLOCATED state.
159  *      DSP_EVALUE:             A Stream index is not valid.
160  *      DSP_ENOMORECONNECTIONS: No more connections are allowed
161  *      DSP_EFAIL:              Unable to make connection.
162  *      DSP_ENOTIMPL:           Stream mode valid but not supported.
163  *      DSP_ESTRMMODE           Illegal Stream mode specified.
164  *
165  */
166 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_Connect(DSP_HNODE hNode, UINT uStream,
167 				     DSP_HNODE hOtherNode, UINT uOtherStream,
168 				     IN OPTIONAL struct DSP_STRMATTR * pAttr);
170 /*
171  *  ======== DSPNode_ConnectEx ========
172  *  Purpose:
173  *      Make a stream connection, either between two nodes on a DSP,
174  *      or between a node on a DSP and the GPP.
175  *  Parameters:
176  *      hNode:                  The first node handle.
177  *      uStream:                Output stream index on first node (0 based).
178  *      hOtherNode:             The second node handle.
179  *      uOtherStream:           Input stream index on second node (0 based).
180  *      pAttrs:                 Stream attributes. If NULL, defaults used.
181  *      pConnParam:             A pointer to a DSP_CBDATA structure that defines
182  *                              connection parameter for device nodes to pass to DSP side.
183  *                              If the value of this parameter is NULL, then this API behaves
184  *                              like DSPNode_Connect. This parameter will have length of the
185  *                              string and the null terminated string in DSP_CBDATA struct.
186  *                              This can be extended in future to pass binary data.
187  *
188  *  Returns:
189  *      DSP_SOK:                Success.
190  *      DSP_EHANDLE:            Invalid node handle.
191  *      DSP_EMEMORY:            GPP memory allocation failure.
192  *      DSP_EALREADYCONNCECTED: One of the specified connections has already
193  *                              been made.
194  *      DSP_EWRONGSTATE:        The node is not in the NODE_ALLOCATED state.
195  *      DSP_EVALUE:             A Stream index is not valid.
196  *      DSP_ENOMORECONNECTIONS: No more connections are allowed
197  *      DSP_EFAIL:              Unable to make connection.
198  *      DSP_ENOTIMPL:           Stream mode valid but not supported.
199  *      DSP_ESTRMMODE           Illegal Stream mode specified.
200  *
201  */
202 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_ConnectEx(DSP_HNODE hNode, UINT uStream,
203 				       DSP_HNODE hOtherNode, UINT uOtherStream,
204 				       IN OPTIONAL struct DSP_STRMATTR * pAttr,
205 				       IN OPTIONAL struct DSP_CBDATA * pConnParam);
207 /*
208  *  ======== DSPNode_Create ========
209  *  Purpose:
210  *      Create a node in a pre-run (i.e., inactive) state on its DSP processor.
211  *  Parameters:
212  *      hNode:              The node handle.
213  *  Returns:
214  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
215  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid node handle.
216  *      DSP_ESYMBOL:        Create function, or iAlg, not found in the COFF file
217  *      DSP_WRONGSTATE:     Operation is invalid for the current node state.
218  *      DSP_ETASK:          Unable to create the task or process on the DSP.
219  *      DSP_EMEMORY:        Memory Allocation failure on the DSP.
220  *      DSP_ERESOURCE:      A requested resource is not available.
221  *      DSP_EMULINST:       Multiple instances are not allowed.
222  *      DSP_ENOTFOUND:      A specified entity was not found.
223  *      DSP_EOUTOFIO:       An I/O resource is not available.
224  *      DSP_ESTREAM:        Stream creation failure on the DSP.
225  *      DSP_ETIMEOUT:       A timeout occurred before the DSP responded.
226  *      DSP_ERESTART:       A critical error has occurred and the DSP is
227  *                          being restarted.
228  *      DSP_EOVERLAYMEMORY: Overlay region for this phase in use by another node
229  *      DSP_EUSER1-16:      A node-specific failure occurred on the DSP.
230  *      DSP_EFAIL:          Unable to Create the node.
231  *  Details:
232  */
234 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_Create(DSP_HNODE hNode);
236 /*
237  *  ======== DSPNode_Delete ========
238  *  Purpose:
239  *      Delete all DSP-side and GPP-side resources for the node.
240  *  Parameters:
241  *      hNode:              The node handle.
242  *  Returns:
243  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
244  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid node handle.
245  *      DSP_EDELETE:        A Deletion failure occured.
246  *      DSP_EFREE:          A DSP memory free operation failed.
247  *      DSP_EIOFREE:        A DSP I/O free operation failed.
248  *      DSP_ETIMEOUT:       Timeout occured before the DSP responded.
249  *      DSP_ERESTART:       A critical error has occurred and the DSP is
250  *                          being restarted.
251  *      DSP_EUSER1-16:      A node-specific failure occurred on the DSP.
252  *      DSP_EOVERLAYMEMORY: Overlay region for this phase in use by another node
253  *      DSP_EFAIL:          Unable to delete the node.
254  *      DSP_ESYMBOL:        Delete function not found in the COFF file.
255  */
256 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_Delete(DSP_HNODE hNode);
258 /*
259  *  ======== DSPNode_FreeMsgBuf ========
260  *  Purpose:
261  *      Free a message buffer previously allocated by DSPNode_AllocMsgBuf..
262  *  Parameters:
263  *      hNode:              The node handle.
264  *      pBuffer:            (Address) Buffer allocated by DSP_AllocMsgBuf.
265  *      pAttr:              Same buffer attributes passed to DSP_AllocMsgBuf.
266  *  Returns:
267  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
268  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid node handle.
269  *      DSP_EPOINTER:       pBuffer is not valid.
270  *      DSP_EBADSEGID:      Invalid Segment Id.
271  *      DSP_EFAIL:          Failure to free the buffer.
272  */
273 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_FreeMsgBuf(DSP_HNODE hNode, IN BYTE * pBuffer,
274 					IN OPTIONAL struct DSP_BUFFERATTR * pAttr);
276 /*
277  *  ======== DSPNode_GetAttr ========
278  *  Purpose:
279  *      Copy the current attributes of the specified node.
280  *  Parameters:
281  *      hNode:              The node handle.
282  *      pAttr:              Location to store the node attributes.
283  *      uAttrSize:          The size of structure.
284  *  Returns:
285  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
286  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid node handle.
287  *      DSP_EPOINTER:       Parameter pAttr is not valid.
288  *      DSP_EFAIL:          Unable to retrieve node attributes.
289  *      DSP_ESIZE:          The size of the specified DSP_NODEATTR structure
290  *                          is too small to hold all node information.
291  */
292 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_GetAttr(DSP_HNODE hNode,
293 				     OUT struct DSP_NODEATTR * pAttr, UINT uAttrSize);
295 /*
296  *  ======== DSPNode_GetMessage ========
297  *  Purpose:
298  *      Retrieve an event message from a task node.
299  *  Parameters:
300  *      hNode:              The node handle.
301  *      pMessage:           The message structure.
302  *      uTimeout:           Timeout to wait for message.
303  *  Returns:
304  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
305  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid node handle.
306  *      DSP_EPOINTER:       Parameter pMessage is not valid.
307  *      DSP_ENODETYPE:      Messages cannot be retrieved from this type of
308  *                          node (eg a device node).
309  *      DSP_ETIMEOUT:       A timeout occurred and there is no message ready.
310  *      DSP_ERESTART:       A critical error has occurred and the DSP is
311  *                          being restarted.
312  *      DSP_EFAIL:          An error occurred trying to retrieve a message.
313  *      DSP_ETRANSLATE      Message contains a shared memory buffer and unable
314  *                          to map buffer to process.
315  */
316 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_GetMessage(DSP_HNODE hNode, OUT struct DSP_MSG * pMessage,
317 					UINT uTimeout);
319 /*
320  *  ======== DSPNode_Pause ========
321  *  Purpose:
322  *      Temporarily suspend execution of a task node that is
323  *      currently running on a DSP.
324  *  Parameters:
325  *      hNode:              The node handle.
326  *  Returns:
327  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
328  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid node handle.
329  *      DSP_ENODETYPE:      Invalid operation for this node type.
330  *      DSP_ETIMEOUT:       A timeout occured before the DSP responded.
331  *      DSP_EWRONGSTATE:    Operation is invalid for the current node state.
332  *      DSP_ERESTART:       A critical error has occurred and the DSP is
333  *                          being restarted.
334  *      DSP_EFAIL:          General failure.
335  */
336 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_Pause(DSP_HNODE hNode);
338 /*
339  *  ======== DSPNode_PutMessage ========
340  *  Purpose:
341  *      Send an event message to a task node.
342  *  Parameters:
343  *      hNode:              The node handle.
344  *      pMessage:           The message structure.
345  *      uTimeout:           Timeout (msecs) waiting for message to be queued.
346  *  Returns:
347  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
348  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid node handle.
349  *      DSP_EPOINTER:       Parameter pMessage is not valid.
350  *      DSP_ENODETYPE:      Invalid operation for this node type
351  *      DSP_EWRONGSTATE:    Node is in an invalid state to send a message.
352  *      DSP_ETIMEOUT:       Time out occured.
353  *      DSP_ERESTART:       A critical error has occurred and the DSP is
354  *                          being restarted.
355  *      DSP_ETRANSLATE      The shared memory buffer contained in the message
356  *                          could not be mapped into the clients address space.
357  *      DSP_EFAIL:          General failure.
358  */
359 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_PutMessage(DSP_HNODE hNode,
360 					IN CONST struct DSP_MSG * pMessage,
361 					UINT uTimeout);
363 /*
364  *  ======== DSPNode_RegisterNotify ========
365  *  Purpose:
366  *      Register to be notified of specific events for this node.
367  *  Parameters:
368  *      hNode:              The node handle.
369  *      uEventMask:         Type of event about which to be notified.
370  *      uNotifyType:        Type of notification to be sent.
371  *      hNotification:      Handle of DSP_NOTIFICATION object.
372  *  Returns:
373  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
374  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid node handle or hNotification.
375  *      DSP_EVALUE:         Invalid uEventMask.
376  *      DSP_ENOTIMP:        The specifed uNotifyType is not supported.
377  *      DSP_EFAIL:          Unable to register for notification.
378  */
379 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_RegisterNotify(DSP_HNODE hNode, UINT uEventMask,
380 					    UINT uNotifyType,
381 					    struct DSP_NOTIFICATION* hNotification);
383 /*
384  *  ======== DSPNode_Run ========
385  *  Purpose:
386  *      Start a node running, or resume execution of a previously paused node.
387  *  Parameters:
388  *      hNode:              The node handle.
389  *  Returns:
390  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
391  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid node handle.
392  *      DSP_ENODETYPE:      Invalid operation for this type of node.
393  *      DSP_ESYMBOL:        Execute function not found in the COFF file.
394  *      DSP_EWRONGSTATE:    The node is not in the Created or Paused state.
395  *      DSP_ETIMEOUT:       A timeout occured before the DSP responded.
396  *      DSP_ERESTART:       A critical error has occurred and the DSP is
397  *                          being restarted.
398  *      DSP_EOVERLAYMEMORY: Overlay region for this phase in use by another node
399  *      DSP_EFAIL:          Unable to start or resume execution.
400  */
401 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_Run(DSP_HNODE hNode);
403 /*
404  *  ======== DSPNode_Terminate ========
405  *  Purpose:
406  *      Signal a task or xDAIS socket node running on a DSP processor that
407  *      it should exit its execute-phase function.
408  *  Parameters:
409  *      hNode:              Handle of node to terminate.
410  *      pStatus:            Location to execute-phase function return value.
411  *                          Possible values are between DSP_EUSER1-16.
412  *  Returns:
413  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
414  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid node handle.
415  *      DSP_ENODETYPE:      Invalid operation for this type of node.
416  *      DSP_EWRONGSTATE:    The node is not in the Created or Paused state.
417  *      DSP_ETIMEOUT:       A timeout occured before the DSP responded.
418  *      DSP_ERESTART:       A critical error has occurred and the DSP is
419  *                          being restarted.
420  *      DSP_EFAIL:          Unable to Terminate the node.
421  */
422 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_Terminate(DSP_HNODE hNode, DSP_STATUS * pStatus);
426 /*
427  *  ======== DSPNode_GetUUIDProps ========
428  *  Purpose:
429  *      Fetch the Node Properties from the DCD/DOF file, give the UUID
430  *  Parameters:
431  *      hProcessor:         The processor handle.
432  *      pNodeID:            Ptr to DSP_UUID for the node.
433  *      pNodeProps:         Ptr to location to store node properties.
434  *  Returns:
435  *      DSP_SOK:            Success.
436  *      DSP_EPOINTER:       One of the input parameters pointers is invalid.
437  *      DSP_EHANDLE:        Invalid processor handle.
438  *      DSP_EMEMORY:        Memory is not available to allocate a node
439  *      DSP_EUUID:          The node with the specified UUID is not registered.
440  *      DSP_EWRONGSTATE:    The specified processor is in the wrong state
441  *                          (not running)
442  *      DSP_ERANGE:         The iPriority field specified in pAttrIn is out
443  *                          of range.
444  *      DSP_EFAIL:          General failure.
445  */
446 	extern DBAPI DSPNode_GetUUIDProps(DSP_HPROCESSOR hProcessor,
447 				      IN CONST struct DSP_UUID * pNodeID,
448 				      OUT struct DSP_NDBPROPS * pNodeProps);
449 #ifdef __cplusplus
450 }
451 #endif
452 #endif				/* DSPNode_ */