1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
17 #include "update_engine/metrics.h"
19 #include <string>
21 #include <base/logging.h>
22 #include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
24 #include "update_engine/common/clock_interface.h"
25 #include "update_engine/common/constants.h"
26 #include "update_engine/common/prefs_interface.h"
27 #include "update_engine/common/utils.h"
28 #include "update_engine/metrics_utils.h"
29 #include "update_engine/system_state.h"
31 using std::string;
33 namespace chromeos_update_engine {
35 namespace metrics {
37 // UpdateEngine.Daily.* metrics.
38 const char kMetricDailyOSAgeDays[] = "UpdateEngine.Daily.OSAgeDays";
40 // UpdateEngine.Check.* metrics.
41 const char kMetricCheckDownloadErrorCode[] =
42     "UpdateEngine.Check.DownloadErrorCode";
43 const char kMetricCheckReaction[] = "UpdateEngine.Check.Reaction";
44 const char kMetricCheckResult[] = "UpdateEngine.Check.Result";
45 const char kMetricCheckTimeSinceLastCheckMinutes[] =
46     "UpdateEngine.Check.TimeSinceLastCheckMinutes";
47 const char kMetricCheckTimeSinceLastCheckUptimeMinutes[] =
48     "UpdateEngine.Check.TimeSinceLastCheckUptimeMinutes";
50 // UpdateEngine.Attempt.* metrics.
51 const char kMetricAttemptNumber[] = "UpdateEngine.Attempt.Number";
52 const char kMetricAttemptPayloadType[] =
53     "UpdateEngine.Attempt.PayloadType";
54 const char kMetricAttemptPayloadSizeMiB[] =
55     "UpdateEngine.Attempt.PayloadSizeMiB";
56 const char kMetricAttemptConnectionType[] =
57     "UpdateEngine.Attempt.ConnectionType";
58 const char kMetricAttemptDurationMinutes[] =
59     "UpdateEngine.Attempt.DurationMinutes";
60 const char kMetricAttemptDurationUptimeMinutes[] =
61     "UpdateEngine.Attempt.DurationUptimeMinutes";
62 const char kMetricAttemptTimeSinceLastAttemptMinutes[] =
63     "UpdateEngine.Attempt.TimeSinceLastAttemptMinutes";
64 const char kMetricAttemptTimeSinceLastAttemptUptimeMinutes[] =
65     "UpdateEngine.Attempt.TimeSinceLastAttemptUptimeMinutes";
66 const char kMetricAttemptPayloadBytesDownloadedMiB[] =
67     "UpdateEngine.Attempt.PayloadBytesDownloadedMiB";
68 const char kMetricAttemptPayloadDownloadSpeedKBps[] =
69     "UpdateEngine.Attempt.PayloadDownloadSpeedKBps";
70 const char kMetricAttemptDownloadSource[] =
71     "UpdateEngine.Attempt.DownloadSource";
72 const char kMetricAttemptResult[] =
73     "UpdateEngine.Attempt.Result";
74 const char kMetricAttemptInternalErrorCode[] =
75     "UpdateEngine.Attempt.InternalErrorCode";
76 const char kMetricAttemptDownloadErrorCode[] =
77     "UpdateEngine.Attempt.DownloadErrorCode";
79 // UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.* metrics.
80 const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateAttemptCount[] =
81     "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.AttemptCount";
82 const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateBytesDownloadedMiB[] =
83     "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.BytesDownloadedMiB";
84 const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateDownloadOverheadPercentage[] =
85     "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.DownloadOverheadPercentage";
86 const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateDownloadSourcesUsed[] =
87     "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.DownloadSourcesUsed";
88 const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdatePayloadType[] =
89     "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.PayloadType";
90 const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdatePayloadSizeMiB[] =
91     "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.PayloadSizeMiB";
92 const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateRebootCount[] =
93     "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.RebootCount";
94 const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateTotalDurationMinutes[] =
95     "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.TotalDurationMinutes";
96 const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateUpdatesAbandonedCount[] =
97     "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.UpdatesAbandonedCount";
98 const char kMetricSuccessfulUpdateUrlSwitchCount[] =
99     "UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.UrlSwitchCount";
101 // UpdateEngine.Rollback.* metric.
102 const char kMetricRollbackResult[] = "UpdateEngine.Rollback.Result";
104 // UpdateEngine.CertificateCheck.* metrics.
105 const char kMetricCertificateCheckUpdateCheck[] =
106     "UpdateEngine.CertificateCheck.UpdateCheck";
107 const char kMetricCertificateCheckDownload[] =
108     "UpdateEngine.CertificateCheck.Download";
110 // UpdateEngine.* metrics.
111 const char kMetricFailedUpdateCount[] = "UpdateEngine.FailedUpdateCount";
112 const char kMetricInstallDateProvisioningSource[] =
113     "UpdateEngine.InstallDateProvisioningSource";
114 const char kMetricTimeToRebootMinutes[] =
115     "UpdateEngine.TimeToRebootMinutes";
ReportDailyMetrics(SystemState * system_state,base::TimeDelta os_age)117 void ReportDailyMetrics(SystemState *system_state,
118                         base::TimeDelta os_age) {
119   string metric = metrics::kMetricDailyOSAgeDays;
120   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(os_age)
121             << " for metric " <<  metric;
122   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
123       metric,
124       static_cast<int>(os_age.InDays()),
125       0,     // min: 0 days
126       6*30,  // max: 6 months (approx)
127       50);   // num_buckets
128 }
ReportUpdateCheckMetrics(SystemState * system_state,CheckResult result,CheckReaction reaction,DownloadErrorCode download_error_code)130 void ReportUpdateCheckMetrics(SystemState *system_state,
131                               CheckResult result,
132                               CheckReaction reaction,
133                               DownloadErrorCode download_error_code) {
134   string metric;
135   int value;
136   int max_value;
138   if (result != metrics::CheckResult::kUnset) {
139     metric = metrics::kMetricCheckResult;
140     value = static_cast<int>(result);
141     max_value = static_cast<int>(metrics::CheckResult::kNumConstants) - 1;
142     LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << value << " for metric " << metric << " (enum)";
143     system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(metric, value, max_value);
144   }
145   if (reaction != metrics::CheckReaction::kUnset) {
146     metric = metrics::kMetricCheckReaction;
147     value = static_cast<int>(reaction);
148     max_value = static_cast<int>(metrics::CheckReaction::kNumConstants) - 1;
149     LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << value << " for metric " << metric << " (enum)";
150     system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(metric, value, max_value);
151   }
152   if (download_error_code != metrics::DownloadErrorCode::kUnset) {
153     metric = metrics::kMetricCheckDownloadErrorCode;
154     value = static_cast<int>(download_error_code);
155     LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << value << " for metric " << metric << " (sparse)";
156     system_state->metrics_lib()->SendSparseToUMA(metric, value);
157   }
159   base::TimeDelta time_since_last;
160   if (metrics_utils::WallclockDurationHelper(
161           system_state,
162           kPrefsMetricsCheckLastReportingTime,
163           &time_since_last)) {
164     metric = kMetricCheckTimeSinceLastCheckMinutes;
165     LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(time_since_last)
166               << " for metric " << metric;
167     system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
168         metric,
169         time_since_last.InMinutes(),
170         0,         // min: 0 min
171         30*24*60,  // max: 30 days
172         50);       // num_buckets
173   }
175   base::TimeDelta uptime_since_last;
176   static int64_t uptime_since_last_storage = 0;
177   if (metrics_utils::MonotonicDurationHelper(system_state,
178                                              &uptime_since_last_storage,
179                                              &uptime_since_last)) {
180     metric = kMetricCheckTimeSinceLastCheckUptimeMinutes;
181     LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(uptime_since_last)
182               << " for metric " << metric;
183     system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
184         metric,
185         uptime_since_last.InMinutes(),
186         0,         // min: 0 min
187         30*24*60,  // max: 30 days
188         50);       // num_buckets
189   }
190 }
ReportAbnormallyTerminatedUpdateAttemptMetrics(SystemState * system_state)192 void ReportAbnormallyTerminatedUpdateAttemptMetrics(
193     SystemState *system_state) {
195   string metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptResult;
196   AttemptResult attempt_result = AttemptResult::kAbnormalTermination;
198   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << static_cast<int>(attempt_result)
199             << " for metric " <<  metric;
200   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(
201       metric,
202       static_cast<int>(attempt_result),
203       static_cast<int>(AttemptResult::kNumConstants));
204 }
ReportUpdateAttemptMetrics(SystemState * system_state,int attempt_number,PayloadType payload_type,base::TimeDelta duration,base::TimeDelta duration_uptime,int64_t payload_size,int64_t payload_bytes_downloaded,int64_t payload_download_speed_bps,DownloadSource download_source,AttemptResult attempt_result,ErrorCode internal_error_code,DownloadErrorCode payload_download_error_code,ConnectionType connection_type)206 void ReportUpdateAttemptMetrics(
207     SystemState *system_state,
208     int attempt_number,
209     PayloadType payload_type,
210     base::TimeDelta duration,
211     base::TimeDelta duration_uptime,
212     int64_t payload_size,
213     int64_t payload_bytes_downloaded,
214     int64_t payload_download_speed_bps,
215     DownloadSource download_source,
216     AttemptResult attempt_result,
217     ErrorCode internal_error_code,
218     DownloadErrorCode payload_download_error_code,
219     ConnectionType connection_type) {
220   string metric;
222   metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptNumber;
223   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << attempt_number << " for metric " <<  metric;
224   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
225                                          attempt_number,
226                                          0,    // min: 0 attempts
227                                          49,   // max: 49 attempts
228                                          50);  // num_buckets
230   metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptPayloadType;
231   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::ToString(payload_type)
232             << " for metric " <<  metric;
233   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(metric,
234                                              payload_type,
235                                              kNumPayloadTypes);
237   metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptDurationMinutes;
238   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(duration)
239             << " for metric " <<  metric;
240   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
241                                          duration.InMinutes(),
242                                          0,         // min: 0 min
243                                          10*24*60,  // max: 10 days
244                                          50);       // num_buckets
246   metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptDurationUptimeMinutes;
247   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(duration_uptime)
248             << " for metric " <<  metric;
249   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
250                                          duration_uptime.InMinutes(),
251                                          0,         // min: 0 min
252                                          10*24*60,  // max: 10 days
253                                          50);       // num_buckets
255   metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptPayloadSizeMiB;
256   int64_t payload_size_mib = payload_size / kNumBytesInOneMiB;
257   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << payload_size_mib << " for metric " <<  metric;
258   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
259                                          payload_size_mib,
260                                          0,     // min: 0 MiB
261                                          1024,  // max: 1024 MiB = 1 GiB
262                                          50);   // num_buckets
264   metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptPayloadBytesDownloadedMiB;
265   int64_t payload_bytes_downloaded_mib =
266        payload_bytes_downloaded / kNumBytesInOneMiB;
267   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << payload_bytes_downloaded_mib
268             << " for metric " <<  metric;
269   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
270                                          payload_bytes_downloaded_mib,
271                                          0,     // min: 0 MiB
272                                          1024,  // max: 1024 MiB = 1 GiB
273                                          50);   // num_buckets
275   metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptPayloadDownloadSpeedKBps;
276   int64_t payload_download_speed_kbps = payload_download_speed_bps / 1000;
277   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << payload_download_speed_kbps
278             << " for metric " <<  metric;
279   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
280                                          payload_download_speed_kbps,
281                                          0,        // min: 0 kB/s
282                                          10*1000,  // max: 10000 kB/s = 10 MB/s
283                                          50);      // num_buckets
285   metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptDownloadSource;
286   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << download_source
287             << " for metric " <<  metric;
288   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(metric,
289                                              download_source,
290                                              kNumDownloadSources);
292   metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptResult;
293   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << static_cast<int>(attempt_result)
294             << " for metric " <<  metric;
295   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(
296       metric,
297       static_cast<int>(attempt_result),
298       static_cast<int>(AttemptResult::kNumConstants));
300   if (internal_error_code != ErrorCode::kSuccess) {
301     metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptInternalErrorCode;
302     LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << internal_error_code
303               << " for metric " <<  metric;
304     system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(
305         metric,
306         static_cast<int>(internal_error_code),
307         static_cast<int>(ErrorCode::kUmaReportedMax));
308   }
310   if (payload_download_error_code != DownloadErrorCode::kUnset) {
311     metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptDownloadErrorCode;
312     LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << static_cast<int>(payload_download_error_code)
313               << " for metric " <<  metric << " (sparse)";
314     system_state->metrics_lib()->SendSparseToUMA(
315         metric,
316         static_cast<int>(payload_download_error_code));
317   }
319   base::TimeDelta time_since_last;
320   if (metrics_utils::WallclockDurationHelper(
321           system_state,
322           kPrefsMetricsAttemptLastReportingTime,
323           &time_since_last)) {
324     metric = kMetricAttemptTimeSinceLastAttemptMinutes;
325     LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(time_since_last)
326               << " for metric " << metric;
327     system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
328         metric,
329         time_since_last.InMinutes(),
330         0,         // min: 0 min
331         30*24*60,  // max: 30 days
332         50);       // num_buckets
333   }
335   static int64_t uptime_since_last_storage = 0;
336   base::TimeDelta uptime_since_last;
337   if (metrics_utils::MonotonicDurationHelper(system_state,
338                                              &uptime_since_last_storage,
339                                              &uptime_since_last)) {
340     metric = kMetricAttemptTimeSinceLastAttemptUptimeMinutes;
341     LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(uptime_since_last)
342               << " for metric " << metric;
343     system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
344         metric,
345         uptime_since_last.InMinutes(),
346         0,         // min: 0 min
347         30*24*60,  // max: 30 days
348         50);       // num_buckets
349   }
351   metric = metrics::kMetricAttemptConnectionType;
352   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << static_cast<int>(connection_type)
353             << " for metric " <<  metric;
354   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(
355       metric,
356       static_cast<int>(connection_type),
357       static_cast<int>(ConnectionType::kNumConstants));
358 }
ReportSuccessfulUpdateMetrics(SystemState * system_state,int attempt_count,int updates_abandoned_count,PayloadType payload_type,int64_t payload_size,int64_t num_bytes_downloaded[kNumDownloadSources],int download_overhead_percentage,base::TimeDelta total_duration,int reboot_count,int url_switch_count)361 void ReportSuccessfulUpdateMetrics(
362          SystemState *system_state,
363          int attempt_count,
364          int updates_abandoned_count,
365          PayloadType payload_type,
366          int64_t payload_size,
367          int64_t num_bytes_downloaded[kNumDownloadSources],
368          int download_overhead_percentage,
369          base::TimeDelta total_duration,
370          int reboot_count,
371          int url_switch_count) {
372   string metric;
373   int64_t mbs;
375   metric = kMetricSuccessfulUpdatePayloadSizeMiB;
376   mbs = payload_size / kNumBytesInOneMiB;
377   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << mbs << " (MiBs) for metric " << metric;
378   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
379                                          mbs,
380                                          0,     // min: 0 MiB
381                                          1024,  // max: 1024 MiB = 1 GiB
382                                          50);   // num_buckets
384   int64_t total_bytes = 0;
385   int download_sources_used = 0;
386   for (int i = 0; i < kNumDownloadSources + 1; i++) {
387     DownloadSource source = static_cast<DownloadSource>(i);
389     // Only consider this download source (and send byte counts) as
390     // having been used if we downloaded a non-trivial amount of bytes
391     // (e.g. at least 1 MiB) that contributed to the
392     // update. Otherwise we're going to end up with a lot of zero-byte
393     // events in the histogram.
395     metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateBytesDownloadedMiB;
396     if (i < kNumDownloadSources) {
397       metric += utils::ToString(source);
398       mbs = num_bytes_downloaded[i] / kNumBytesInOneMiB;
399       total_bytes += num_bytes_downloaded[i];
400       if (mbs > 0)
401         download_sources_used |= (1 << i);
402     } else {
403       mbs = total_bytes / kNumBytesInOneMiB;
404     }
406     if (mbs > 0) {
407       LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << mbs << " (MiBs) for metric " << metric;
408       system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
409                                              mbs,
410                                              0,     // min: 0 MiB
411                                              1024,  // max: 1024 MiB = 1 GiB
412                                              50);   // num_buckets
413     }
414   }
416   metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateDownloadSourcesUsed;
417   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading 0x" << std::hex << download_sources_used
418             << " (bit flags) for metric " << metric;
419   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
420       metric,
421       download_sources_used,
422       0,                               // min
423       (1 << kNumDownloadSources) - 1,  // max
424       1 << kNumDownloadSources);       // num_buckets
426   metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateDownloadOverheadPercentage;
427   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << download_overhead_percentage
428             << "% for metric " << metric;
429   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
430                                          download_overhead_percentage,
431                                          0,     // min: 0% overhead
432                                          1000,  // max: 1000% overhead
433                                          50);   // num_buckets
435   metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateUrlSwitchCount;
436   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << url_switch_count
437             << " (count) for metric " <<  metric;
438   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
439                                          url_switch_count,
440                                          0,    // min: 0 URL switches
441                                          49,   // max: 49 URL switches
442                                          50);  // num_buckets
444   metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateTotalDurationMinutes;
445   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(total_duration)
446             << " for metric " <<  metric;
447   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
448        metric,
449        static_cast<int>(total_duration.InMinutes()),
450        0,          // min: 0 min
451        365*24*60,  // max: 365 days ~= 1 year
452        50);        // num_buckets
454   metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateRebootCount;
455   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading reboot count of " << reboot_count << " for metric "
456             <<  metric;
457   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
458                                          reboot_count,
459                                          0,    // min: 0 reboots
460                                          49,   // max: 49 reboots
461                                          50);  // num_buckets
463   metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdatePayloadType;
464   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(metric,
465                                              payload_type,
466                                              kNumPayloadTypes);
467   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::ToString(payload_type)
468             << " for metric " <<  metric;
470   metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateAttemptCount;
471   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
472                                          attempt_count,
473                                          1,    // min: 1 attempt
474                                          50,   // max: 50 attempts
475                                          50);  // num_buckets
476   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << attempt_count
477             << " for metric " <<  metric;
479   metric = metrics::kMetricSuccessfulUpdateUpdatesAbandonedCount;
480   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << updates_abandoned_count
481             << " (count) for metric " <<  metric;
482   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
483                                          updates_abandoned_count,
484                                          0,    // min: 0 counts
485                                          49,   // max: 49 counts
486                                          50);  // num_buckets
487 }
ReportRollbackMetrics(SystemState * system_state,RollbackResult result)489 void ReportRollbackMetrics(SystemState *system_state,
490                            RollbackResult result) {
491   string metric;
492   int value;
494   metric = metrics::kMetricRollbackResult;
495   value = static_cast<int>(result);
496   LOG(INFO) << "Sending " << value << " for metric " << metric << " (enum)";
497   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(
498       metric,
499       value,
500       static_cast<int>(metrics::RollbackResult::kNumConstants));
501 }
ReportCertificateCheckMetrics(SystemState * system_state,ServerToCheck server_to_check,CertificateCheckResult result)503 void ReportCertificateCheckMetrics(SystemState* system_state,
504                                    ServerToCheck server_to_check,
505                                    CertificateCheckResult result) {
506   string metric;
507   switch (server_to_check) {
508     case ServerToCheck::kUpdate:
509       metric = kMetricCertificateCheckUpdateCheck;
510       break;
511     case ServerToCheck::kDownload:
512       metric = kMetricCertificateCheckDownload;
513       break;
514     case ServerToCheck::kNone:
515       return;
516   }
517   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << static_cast<int>(result) << " for metric "
518             << metric;
519   system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(
520       metric, static_cast<int>(result),
521       static_cast<int>(CertificateCheckResult::kNumConstants));
522 }
524 }  // namespace metrics
526 }  // namespace chromeos_update_engine