1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
17 #include "update_engine/payload_state.h"
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <string>
22 #include <base/logging.h>
23 #include <base/strings/string_util.h>
24 #include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
25 #include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
26 #include <policy/device_policy.h>
28 #include "update_engine/common/clock.h"
29 #include "update_engine/common/constants.h"
30 #include "update_engine/common/error_code_utils.h"
31 #include "update_engine/common/hardware_interface.h"
32 #include "update_engine/common/prefs.h"
33 #include "update_engine/common/utils.h"
34 #include "update_engine/connection_manager_interface.h"
35 #include "update_engine/metrics_utils.h"
36 #include "update_engine/omaha_request_params.h"
37 #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/install_plan.h"
38 #include "update_engine/system_state.h"
40 using base::Time;
41 using base::TimeDelta;
42 using std::min;
43 using std::string;
45 namespace chromeos_update_engine {
47 const TimeDelta PayloadState::kDurationSlack = TimeDelta::FromSeconds(600);
49 // We want to upperbound backoffs to 16 days
50 static const int kMaxBackoffDays = 16;
52 // We want to randomize retry attempts after the backoff by +/- 6 hours.
53 static const uint32_t kMaxBackoffFuzzMinutes = 12 * 60;
PayloadState()55 PayloadState::PayloadState()
56     : prefs_(nullptr),
57       using_p2p_for_downloading_(false),
58       p2p_num_attempts_(0),
59       payload_attempt_number_(0),
60       full_payload_attempt_number_(0),
61       url_index_(0),
62       url_failure_count_(0),
63       url_switch_count_(0),
64       attempt_num_bytes_downloaded_(0),
65       attempt_connection_type_(metrics::ConnectionType::kUnknown),
66       attempt_error_code_(ErrorCode::kSuccess),
67       attempt_type_(AttemptType::kUpdate) {
68   for (int i = 0; i <= kNumDownloadSources; i++)
69     total_bytes_downloaded_[i] = current_bytes_downloaded_[i] = 0;
70 }
Initialize(SystemState * system_state)72 bool PayloadState::Initialize(SystemState* system_state) {
73   system_state_ = system_state;
74   prefs_ = system_state_->prefs();
75   powerwash_safe_prefs_ = system_state_->powerwash_safe_prefs();
76   LoadResponseSignature();
77   LoadPayloadAttemptNumber();
78   LoadFullPayloadAttemptNumber();
79   LoadUrlIndex();
80   LoadUrlFailureCount();
81   LoadUrlSwitchCount();
82   LoadBackoffExpiryTime();
83   LoadUpdateTimestampStart();
84   // The LoadUpdateDurationUptime() method relies on LoadUpdateTimestampStart()
85   // being called before it. Don't reorder.
86   LoadUpdateDurationUptime();
87   for (int i = 0; i < kNumDownloadSources; i++) {
88     DownloadSource source = static_cast<DownloadSource>(i);
89     LoadCurrentBytesDownloaded(source);
90     LoadTotalBytesDownloaded(source);
91   }
92   LoadNumReboots();
93   LoadNumResponsesSeen();
94   LoadRollbackVersion();
95   LoadP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp();
96   LoadP2PNumAttempts();
97   return true;
98 }
SetResponse(const OmahaResponse & omaha_response)100 void PayloadState::SetResponse(const OmahaResponse& omaha_response) {
101   // Always store the latest response.
102   response_ = omaha_response;
104   // Compute the candidate URLs first as they are used to calculate the
105   // response signature so that a change in enterprise policy for
106   // HTTP downloads being enabled or not could be honored as soon as the
107   // next update check happens.
108   ComputeCandidateUrls();
110   // Check if the "signature" of this response (i.e. the fields we care about)
111   // has changed.
112   string new_response_signature = CalculateResponseSignature();
113   bool has_response_changed = (response_signature_ != new_response_signature);
115   // If the response has changed, we should persist the new signature and
116   // clear away all the existing state.
117   if (has_response_changed) {
118     LOG(INFO) << "Resetting all persisted state as this is a new response";
119     SetNumResponsesSeen(num_responses_seen_ + 1);
120     SetResponseSignature(new_response_signature);
121     ResetPersistedState();
122     return;
123   }
125   // This is the earliest point at which we can validate whether the URL index
126   // we loaded from the persisted state is a valid value. If the response
127   // hasn't changed but the URL index is invalid, it's indicative of some
128   // tampering of the persisted state.
129   if (static_cast<uint32_t>(url_index_) >= candidate_urls_.size()) {
130     LOG(INFO) << "Resetting all payload state as the url index seems to have "
131                  "been tampered with";
132     ResetPersistedState();
133     return;
134   }
136   // Update the current download source which depends on the latest value of
137   // the response.
138   UpdateCurrentDownloadSource();
139 }
SetUsingP2PForDownloading(bool value)141 void PayloadState::SetUsingP2PForDownloading(bool value) {
142   using_p2p_for_downloading_ = value;
143   // Update the current download source which depends on whether we are
144   // using p2p or not.
145   UpdateCurrentDownloadSource();
146 }
DownloadComplete()148 void PayloadState::DownloadComplete() {
149   LOG(INFO) << "Payload downloaded successfully";
150   IncrementPayloadAttemptNumber();
151   IncrementFullPayloadAttemptNumber();
152 }
DownloadProgress(size_t count)154 void PayloadState::DownloadProgress(size_t count) {
155   if (count == 0)
156     return;
158   CalculateUpdateDurationUptime();
159   UpdateBytesDownloaded(count);
161   // We've received non-zero bytes from a recent download operation.  Since our
162   // URL failure count is meant to penalize a URL only for consecutive
163   // failures, downloading bytes successfully means we should reset the failure
164   // count (as we know at least that the URL is working). In future, we can
165   // design this to be more sophisticated to check for more intelligent failure
166   // patterns, but right now, even 1 byte downloaded will mark the URL to be
167   // good unless it hits 10 (or configured number of) consecutive failures
168   // again.
170   if (GetUrlFailureCount() == 0)
171     return;
173   LOG(INFO) << "Resetting failure count of Url" << GetUrlIndex()
174             << " to 0 as we received " << count << " bytes successfully";
175   SetUrlFailureCount(0);
176 }
AttemptStarted(AttemptType attempt_type)178 void PayloadState::AttemptStarted(AttemptType attempt_type) {
179   // Flush previous state from abnormal attempt failure, if any.
180   ReportAndClearPersistedAttemptMetrics();
182   attempt_type_ = attempt_type;
184   ClockInterface *clock = system_state_->clock();
185   attempt_start_time_boot_ = clock->GetBootTime();
186   attempt_start_time_monotonic_ = clock->GetMonotonicTime();
187   attempt_num_bytes_downloaded_ = 0;
189   metrics::ConnectionType type;
190   ConnectionType network_connection_type;
191   ConnectionTethering tethering;
192   ConnectionManagerInterface* connection_manager =
193       system_state_->connection_manager();
194   if (!connection_manager->GetConnectionProperties(&network_connection_type,
195                                                    &tethering)) {
196     LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to determine connection type.";
197     type = metrics::ConnectionType::kUnknown;
198   } else {
199     type = metrics_utils::GetConnectionType(network_connection_type, tethering);
200   }
201   attempt_connection_type_ = type;
203   if (attempt_type == AttemptType::kUpdate)
204     PersistAttemptMetrics();
205 }
UpdateResumed()207 void PayloadState::UpdateResumed() {
208   LOG(INFO) << "Resuming an update that was previously started.";
209   UpdateNumReboots();
210   AttemptStarted(AttemptType::kUpdate);
211 }
UpdateRestarted()213 void PayloadState::UpdateRestarted() {
214   LOG(INFO) << "Starting a new update";
215   ResetDownloadSourcesOnNewUpdate();
216   SetNumReboots(0);
217   AttemptStarted(AttemptType::kUpdate);
218 }
UpdateSucceeded()220 void PayloadState::UpdateSucceeded() {
221   // Send the relevant metrics that are tracked in this class to UMA.
222   CalculateUpdateDurationUptime();
223   SetUpdateTimestampEnd(system_state_->clock()->GetWallclockTime());
225   switch (attempt_type_) {
226     case AttemptType::kUpdate:
227       CollectAndReportAttemptMetrics(ErrorCode::kSuccess);
228       CollectAndReportSuccessfulUpdateMetrics();
229       ClearPersistedAttemptMetrics();
230       break;
232     case AttemptType::kRollback:
233       metrics::ReportRollbackMetrics(system_state_,
234                                      metrics::RollbackResult::kSuccess);
235       break;
236   }
237   attempt_error_code_ = ErrorCode::kSuccess;
239   // Reset the number of responses seen since it counts from the last
240   // successful update, e.g. now.
241   SetNumResponsesSeen(0);
243   CreateSystemUpdatedMarkerFile();
244 }
UpdateFailed(ErrorCode error)246 void PayloadState::UpdateFailed(ErrorCode error) {
247   ErrorCode base_error = utils::GetBaseErrorCode(error);
248   LOG(INFO) << "Updating payload state for error code: " << base_error
249             << " (" << utils::ErrorCodeToString(base_error) << ")";
250   attempt_error_code_ = base_error;
252   if (candidate_urls_.size() == 0) {
253     // This means we got this error even before we got a valid Omaha response
254     // or don't have any valid candidates in the Omaha response.
255     // So we should not advance the url_index_ in such cases.
256     LOG(INFO) << "Ignoring failures until we get a valid Omaha response.";
257     return;
258   }
260   switch (attempt_type_) {
261     case AttemptType::kUpdate:
262       CollectAndReportAttemptMetrics(base_error);
263       ClearPersistedAttemptMetrics();
264       break;
266     case AttemptType::kRollback:
267       metrics::ReportRollbackMetrics(system_state_,
268                                      metrics::RollbackResult::kFailed);
269       break;
270   }
273   switch (base_error) {
274     // Errors which are good indicators of a problem with a particular URL or
275     // the protocol used in the URL or entities in the communication channel
276     // (e.g. proxies). We should try the next available URL in the next update
277     // check to quickly recover from these errors.
278     case ErrorCode::kPayloadHashMismatchError:
279     case ErrorCode::kPayloadSizeMismatchError:
280     case ErrorCode::kDownloadPayloadVerificationError:
281     case ErrorCode::kDownloadPayloadPubKeyVerificationError:
282     case ErrorCode::kSignedDeltaPayloadExpectedError:
283     case ErrorCode::kDownloadInvalidMetadataMagicString:
284     case ErrorCode::kDownloadSignatureMissingInManifest:
285     case ErrorCode::kDownloadManifestParseError:
286     case ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureError:
287     case ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureVerificationError:
288     case ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureMismatch:
289     case ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationHashVerificationError:
290     case ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationExecutionError:
291     case ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationHashMismatch:
292     case ErrorCode::kDownloadInvalidMetadataSize:
293     case ErrorCode::kDownloadInvalidMetadataSignature:
294     case ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationHashMissingError:
295     case ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureMissingError:
296     case ErrorCode::kPayloadMismatchedType:
297     case ErrorCode::kUnsupportedMajorPayloadVersion:
298     case ErrorCode::kUnsupportedMinorPayloadVersion:
299       IncrementUrlIndex();
300       break;
302     // Errors which seem to be just transient network/communication related
303     // failures and do not indicate any inherent problem with the URL itself.
304     // So, we should keep the current URL but just increment the
305     // failure count to give it more chances. This way, while we maximize our
306     // chances of downloading from the URLs that appear earlier in the response
307     // (because download from a local server URL that appears earlier in a
308     // response is preferable than downloading from the next URL which could be
309     // a internet URL and thus could be more expensive).
311     case ErrorCode::kError:
312     case ErrorCode::kDownloadTransferError:
313     case ErrorCode::kDownloadWriteError:
314     case ErrorCode::kDownloadStateInitializationError:
315     case ErrorCode::kOmahaErrorInHTTPResponse:  // Aggregate for HTTP errors.
316       IncrementFailureCount();
317       break;
319     // Errors which are not specific to a URL and hence shouldn't result in
320     // the URL being penalized. This can happen in two cases:
321     // 1. We haven't started downloading anything: These errors don't cost us
322     // anything in terms of actual payload bytes, so we should just do the
323     // regular retries at the next update check.
324     // 2. We have successfully downloaded the payload: In this case, the
325     // payload attempt number would have been incremented and would take care
326     // of the backoff at the next update check.
327     // In either case, there's no need to update URL index or failure count.
328     case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestError:
329     case ErrorCode::kOmahaResponseHandlerError:
330     case ErrorCode::kPostinstallRunnerError:
331     case ErrorCode::kFilesystemCopierError:
332     case ErrorCode::kInstallDeviceOpenError:
333     case ErrorCode::kKernelDeviceOpenError:
334     case ErrorCode::kDownloadNewPartitionInfoError:
335     case ErrorCode::kNewRootfsVerificationError:
336     case ErrorCode::kNewKernelVerificationError:
337     case ErrorCode::kPostinstallBootedFromFirmwareB:
338     case ErrorCode::kPostinstallFirmwareRONotUpdatable:
339     case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestEmptyResponseError:
340     case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestXMLParseError:
341     case ErrorCode::kOmahaResponseInvalid:
342     case ErrorCode::kOmahaUpdateIgnoredPerPolicy:
343     case ErrorCode::kOmahaUpdateDeferredPerPolicy:
344     case ErrorCode::kNonCriticalUpdateInOOBE:
345     case ErrorCode::kOmahaUpdateDeferredForBackoff:
346     case ErrorCode::kPostinstallPowerwashError:
347     case ErrorCode::kUpdateCanceledByChannelChange:
348     case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestXMLHasEntityDecl:
349     case ErrorCode::kFilesystemVerifierError:
350     case ErrorCode::kUserCanceled:
351       LOG(INFO) << "Not incrementing URL index or failure count for this error";
352       break;
354     case ErrorCode::kSuccess:                            // success code
355     case ErrorCode::kUmaReportedMax:                     // not an error code
356     case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestHTTPResponseBase:       // aggregated already
357     case ErrorCode::kDevModeFlag:                       // not an error code
358     case ErrorCode::kResumedFlag:                        // not an error code
359     case ErrorCode::kTestImageFlag:                      // not an error code
360     case ErrorCode::kTestOmahaUrlFlag:                   // not an error code
361     case ErrorCode::kSpecialFlags:                       // not an error code
362       // These shouldn't happen. Enumerating these  explicitly here so that we
363       // can let the compiler warn about new error codes that are added to
364       // action_processor.h but not added here.
365       LOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected error code for UpdateFailed";
366       break;
368     // Note: Not adding a default here so as to let the compiler warn us of
369     // any new enums that were added in the .h but not listed in this switch.
370   }
371 }
ShouldBackoffDownload()373 bool PayloadState::ShouldBackoffDownload() {
374   if (response_.disable_payload_backoff) {
375     LOG(INFO) << "Payload backoff logic is disabled. "
376                  "Can proceed with the download";
377     return false;
378   }
379   if (GetUsingP2PForDownloading() && !GetP2PUrl().empty()) {
380     LOG(INFO) << "Payload backoff logic is disabled because download "
381               << "will happen from local peer (via p2p).";
382     return false;
383   }
384   if (system_state_->request_params()->interactive()) {
385     LOG(INFO) << "Payload backoff disabled for interactive update checks.";
386     return false;
387   }
388   if (response_.is_delta_payload) {
389     // If delta payloads fail, we want to fallback quickly to full payloads as
390     // they are more likely to succeed. Exponential backoffs would greatly
391     // slow down the fallback to full payloads.  So we don't backoff for delta
392     // payloads.
393     LOG(INFO) << "No backoffs for delta payloads. "
394               << "Can proceed with the download";
395     return false;
396   }
398   if (!system_state_->hardware()->IsOfficialBuild()) {
399     // Backoffs are needed only for official builds. We do not want any delays
400     // or update failures due to backoffs during testing or development.
401     LOG(INFO) << "No backoffs for test/dev images. "
402               << "Can proceed with the download";
403     return false;
404   }
406   if (backoff_expiry_time_.is_null()) {
407     LOG(INFO) << "No backoff expiry time has been set. "
408               << "Can proceed with the download";
409     return false;
410   }
412   if (backoff_expiry_time_ < Time::Now()) {
413     LOG(INFO) << "The backoff expiry time ("
414               << utils::ToString(backoff_expiry_time_)
415               << ") has elapsed. Can proceed with the download";
416     return false;
417   }
419   LOG(INFO) << "Cannot proceed with downloads as we need to backoff until "
420             << utils::ToString(backoff_expiry_time_);
421   return true;
422 }
Rollback()424 void PayloadState::Rollback() {
425   SetRollbackVersion(system_state_->request_params()->app_version());
426   AttemptStarted(AttemptType::kRollback);
427 }
IncrementPayloadAttemptNumber()429 void PayloadState::IncrementPayloadAttemptNumber() {
430   // Update the payload attempt number for both payload types: full and delta.
431   SetPayloadAttemptNumber(GetPayloadAttemptNumber() + 1);
432 }
IncrementFullPayloadAttemptNumber()434 void PayloadState::IncrementFullPayloadAttemptNumber() {
435   // Update the payload attempt number for full payloads and the backoff time.
436   if (response_.is_delta_payload) {
437     LOG(INFO) << "Not incrementing payload attempt number for delta payloads";
438     return;
439   }
441   LOG(INFO) << "Incrementing the full payload attempt number";
442   SetFullPayloadAttemptNumber(GetFullPayloadAttemptNumber() + 1);
443   UpdateBackoffExpiryTime();
444 }
IncrementUrlIndex()446 void PayloadState::IncrementUrlIndex() {
447   uint32_t next_url_index = GetUrlIndex() + 1;
448   if (next_url_index < candidate_urls_.size()) {
449     LOG(INFO) << "Incrementing the URL index for next attempt";
450     SetUrlIndex(next_url_index);
451   } else {
452     LOG(INFO) << "Resetting the current URL index (" << GetUrlIndex() << ") to "
453               << "0 as we only have " << candidate_urls_.size()
454               << " candidate URL(s)";
455     SetUrlIndex(0);
456     IncrementPayloadAttemptNumber();
457     IncrementFullPayloadAttemptNumber();
458   }
460   // If we have multiple URLs, record that we just switched to another one
461   if (candidate_urls_.size() > 1)
462     SetUrlSwitchCount(url_switch_count_ + 1);
464   // Whenever we update the URL index, we should also clear the URL failure
465   // count so we can start over fresh for the new URL.
466   SetUrlFailureCount(0);
467 }
IncrementFailureCount()469 void PayloadState::IncrementFailureCount() {
470   uint32_t next_url_failure_count = GetUrlFailureCount() + 1;
471   if (next_url_failure_count < response_.max_failure_count_per_url) {
472     LOG(INFO) << "Incrementing the URL failure count";
473     SetUrlFailureCount(next_url_failure_count);
474   } else {
475     LOG(INFO) << "Reached max number of failures for Url" << GetUrlIndex()
476               << ". Trying next available URL";
477     IncrementUrlIndex();
478   }
479 }
UpdateBackoffExpiryTime()481 void PayloadState::UpdateBackoffExpiryTime() {
482   if (response_.disable_payload_backoff) {
483     LOG(INFO) << "Resetting backoff expiry time as payload backoff is disabled";
484     SetBackoffExpiryTime(Time());
485     return;
486   }
488   if (GetFullPayloadAttemptNumber() == 0) {
489     SetBackoffExpiryTime(Time());
490     return;
491   }
493   // Since we're doing left-shift below, make sure we don't shift more
494   // than this. E.g. if int is 4-bytes, don't left-shift more than 30 bits,
495   // since we don't expect value of kMaxBackoffDays to be more than 100 anyway.
496   int num_days = 1;  // the value to be shifted.
497   const int kMaxShifts = (sizeof(num_days) * 8) - 2;
499   // Normal backoff days is 2 raised to (payload_attempt_number - 1).
500   // E.g. if payload_attempt_number is over 30, limit power to 30.
501   int power = min(GetFullPayloadAttemptNumber() - 1, kMaxShifts);
503   // The number of days is the minimum of 2 raised to (payload_attempt_number
504   // - 1) or kMaxBackoffDays.
505   num_days = min(num_days << power, kMaxBackoffDays);
507   // We don't want all retries to happen exactly at the same time when
508   // retrying after backoff. So add some random minutes to fuzz.
509   int fuzz_minutes = utils::FuzzInt(0, kMaxBackoffFuzzMinutes);
510   TimeDelta next_backoff_interval = TimeDelta::FromDays(num_days) +
511                                     TimeDelta::FromMinutes(fuzz_minutes);
512   LOG(INFO) << "Incrementing the backoff expiry time by "
513             << utils::FormatTimeDelta(next_backoff_interval);
514   SetBackoffExpiryTime(Time::Now() + next_backoff_interval);
515 }
UpdateCurrentDownloadSource()517 void PayloadState::UpdateCurrentDownloadSource() {
518   current_download_source_ = kNumDownloadSources;
520   if (using_p2p_for_downloading_) {
521     current_download_source_ = kDownloadSourceHttpPeer;
522   } else if (GetUrlIndex() < candidate_urls_.size())  {
523     string current_url = candidate_urls_[GetUrlIndex()];
524     if (base::StartsWith(current_url, "https://",
525                          base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) {
526       current_download_source_ = kDownloadSourceHttpsServer;
527     } else if (base::StartsWith(current_url, "http://",
528                                 base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) {
529       current_download_source_ = kDownloadSourceHttpServer;
530     }
531   }
533   LOG(INFO) << "Current download source: "
534             << utils::ToString(current_download_source_);
535 }
UpdateBytesDownloaded(size_t count)537 void PayloadState::UpdateBytesDownloaded(size_t count) {
538   SetCurrentBytesDownloaded(
539       current_download_source_,
540       GetCurrentBytesDownloaded(current_download_source_) + count,
541       false);
542   SetTotalBytesDownloaded(
543       current_download_source_,
544       GetTotalBytesDownloaded(current_download_source_) + count,
545       false);
547   attempt_num_bytes_downloaded_ += count;
548 }
CalculatePayloadType()550 PayloadType PayloadState::CalculatePayloadType() {
551   PayloadType payload_type;
552   OmahaRequestParams* params = system_state_->request_params();
553   if (response_.is_delta_payload) {
554     payload_type = kPayloadTypeDelta;
555   } else if (params->delta_okay()) {
556     payload_type = kPayloadTypeFull;
557   } else {  // Full payload, delta was not allowed by request.
558     payload_type = kPayloadTypeForcedFull;
559   }
560   return payload_type;
561 }
563 // TODO(zeuthen): Currently we don't report the UpdateEngine.Attempt.*
564 // metrics if the attempt ends abnormally, e.g. if the update_engine
565 // process crashes or the device is rebooted. See
566 // http://crbug.com/357676
CollectAndReportAttemptMetrics(ErrorCode code)567 void PayloadState::CollectAndReportAttemptMetrics(ErrorCode code) {
568   int attempt_number = GetPayloadAttemptNumber();
570   PayloadType payload_type = CalculatePayloadType();
572   int64_t payload_size = response_.size;
574   int64_t payload_bytes_downloaded = attempt_num_bytes_downloaded_;
576   ClockInterface *clock = system_state_->clock();
577   TimeDelta duration = clock->GetBootTime() - attempt_start_time_boot_;
578   TimeDelta duration_uptime = clock->GetMonotonicTime() -
579       attempt_start_time_monotonic_;
581   int64_t payload_download_speed_bps = 0;
582   int64_t usec = duration_uptime.InMicroseconds();
583   if (usec > 0) {
584     double sec = static_cast<double>(usec) / Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
585     double bps = static_cast<double>(payload_bytes_downloaded) / sec;
586     payload_download_speed_bps = static_cast<int64_t>(bps);
587   }
589   DownloadSource download_source = current_download_source_;
591   metrics::DownloadErrorCode payload_download_error_code =
592     metrics::DownloadErrorCode::kUnset;
593   ErrorCode internal_error_code = ErrorCode::kSuccess;
594   metrics::AttemptResult attempt_result = metrics_utils::GetAttemptResult(code);
596   // Add additional detail to AttemptResult
597   switch (attempt_result) {
598     case metrics::AttemptResult::kPayloadDownloadError:
599       payload_download_error_code = metrics_utils::GetDownloadErrorCode(code);
600       break;
602     case metrics::AttemptResult::kInternalError:
603       internal_error_code = code;
604       break;
606     // Explicit fall-through for cases where we do not have additional
607     // detail. We avoid the default keyword to force people adding new
608     // AttemptResult values to visit this code and examine whether
609     // additional detail is needed.
610     case metrics::AttemptResult::kUpdateSucceeded:
611     case metrics::AttemptResult::kMetadataMalformed:
612     case metrics::AttemptResult::kOperationMalformed:
613     case metrics::AttemptResult::kOperationExecutionError:
614     case metrics::AttemptResult::kMetadataVerificationFailed:
615     case metrics::AttemptResult::kPayloadVerificationFailed:
616     case metrics::AttemptResult::kVerificationFailed:
617     case metrics::AttemptResult::kPostInstallFailed:
618     case metrics::AttemptResult::kAbnormalTermination:
619     case metrics::AttemptResult::kUpdateCanceled:
620     case metrics::AttemptResult::kNumConstants:
621     case metrics::AttemptResult::kUnset:
622       break;
623   }
625   metrics::ReportUpdateAttemptMetrics(system_state_,
626                                       attempt_number,
627                                       payload_type,
628                                       duration,
629                                       duration_uptime,
630                                       payload_size,
631                                       payload_bytes_downloaded,
632                                       payload_download_speed_bps,
633                                       download_source,
634                                       attempt_result,
635                                       internal_error_code,
636                                       payload_download_error_code,
637                                       attempt_connection_type_);
638 }
PersistAttemptMetrics()640 void PayloadState::PersistAttemptMetrics() {
641   // TODO(zeuthen): For now we only persist whether an attempt was in
642   // progress and not values/metrics related to the attempt. This
643   // means that when this happens, of all the UpdateEngine.Attempt.*
644   // metrics, only UpdateEngine.Attempt.Result is reported (with the
645   // value |kAbnormalTermination|). In the future we might want to
646   // persist more data so we can report other metrics in the
647   // UpdateEngine.Attempt.* namespace when this happens.
648   prefs_->SetBoolean(kPrefsAttemptInProgress, true);
649 }
ClearPersistedAttemptMetrics()651 void PayloadState::ClearPersistedAttemptMetrics() {
652   prefs_->Delete(kPrefsAttemptInProgress);
653 }
ReportAndClearPersistedAttemptMetrics()655 void PayloadState::ReportAndClearPersistedAttemptMetrics() {
656   bool attempt_in_progress = false;
657   if (!prefs_->GetBoolean(kPrefsAttemptInProgress, &attempt_in_progress))
658     return;
659   if (!attempt_in_progress)
660     return;
662   metrics::ReportAbnormallyTerminatedUpdateAttemptMetrics(system_state_);
664   ClearPersistedAttemptMetrics();
665 }
CollectAndReportSuccessfulUpdateMetrics()667 void PayloadState::CollectAndReportSuccessfulUpdateMetrics() {
668   string metric;
670   // Report metrics collected from all known download sources to UMA.
671   int64_t total_bytes_by_source[kNumDownloadSources];
672   int64_t successful_bytes = 0;
673   int64_t total_bytes = 0;
674   int64_t successful_mbs = 0;
675   int64_t total_mbs = 0;
677   for (int i = 0; i < kNumDownloadSources; i++) {
678     DownloadSource source = static_cast<DownloadSource>(i);
679     int64_t bytes;
681     // Only consider this download source (and send byte counts) as
682     // having been used if we downloaded a non-trivial amount of bytes
683     // (e.g. at least 1 MiB) that contributed to the final success of
684     // the update. Otherwise we're going to end up with a lot of
685     // zero-byte events in the histogram.
687     bytes = GetCurrentBytesDownloaded(source);
688     successful_bytes += bytes;
689     successful_mbs += bytes / kNumBytesInOneMiB;
690     SetCurrentBytesDownloaded(source, 0, true);
692     bytes = GetTotalBytesDownloaded(source);
693     total_bytes_by_source[i] = bytes;
694     total_bytes += bytes;
695     total_mbs += bytes / kNumBytesInOneMiB;
696     SetTotalBytesDownloaded(source, 0, true);
697   }
699   int download_overhead_percentage = 0;
700   if (successful_bytes > 0) {
701     download_overhead_percentage = (total_bytes - successful_bytes) * 100ULL /
702                                    successful_bytes;
703   }
705   int url_switch_count = static_cast<int>(url_switch_count_);
707   int reboot_count = GetNumReboots();
709   SetNumReboots(0);
711   TimeDelta duration = GetUpdateDuration();
713   prefs_->Delete(kPrefsUpdateTimestampStart);
714   prefs_->Delete(kPrefsUpdateDurationUptime);
716   PayloadType payload_type = CalculatePayloadType();
718   int64_t payload_size = response_.size;
720   int attempt_count = GetPayloadAttemptNumber();
722   int updates_abandoned_count = num_responses_seen_ - 1;
724   metrics::ReportSuccessfulUpdateMetrics(system_state_,
725                                          attempt_count,
726                                          updates_abandoned_count,
727                                          payload_type,
728                                          payload_size,
729                                          total_bytes_by_source,
730                                          download_overhead_percentage,
731                                          duration,
732                                          reboot_count,
733                                          url_switch_count);
734 }
UpdateNumReboots()736 void PayloadState::UpdateNumReboots() {
737   // We only update the reboot count when the system has been detected to have
738   // been rebooted.
739   if (!system_state_->system_rebooted()) {
740     return;
741   }
743   SetNumReboots(GetNumReboots() + 1);
744 }
SetNumReboots(uint32_t num_reboots)746 void PayloadState::SetNumReboots(uint32_t num_reboots) {
747   CHECK(prefs_);
748   num_reboots_ = num_reboots;
749   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsNumReboots, num_reboots);
750   LOG(INFO) << "Number of Reboots during current update attempt = "
751             << num_reboots_;
752 }
ResetPersistedState()754 void PayloadState::ResetPersistedState() {
755   SetPayloadAttemptNumber(0);
756   SetFullPayloadAttemptNumber(0);
757   SetUrlIndex(0);
758   SetUrlFailureCount(0);
759   SetUrlSwitchCount(0);
760   UpdateBackoffExpiryTime();  // This will reset the backoff expiry time.
761   SetUpdateTimestampStart(system_state_->clock()->GetWallclockTime());
762   SetUpdateTimestampEnd(Time());  // Set to null time
763   SetUpdateDurationUptime(TimeDelta::FromSeconds(0));
764   ResetDownloadSourcesOnNewUpdate();
765   ResetRollbackVersion();
766   SetP2PNumAttempts(0);
767   SetP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp(Time());  // Set to null time
768   SetScatteringWaitPeriod(TimeDelta());
769 }
ResetRollbackVersion()771 void PayloadState::ResetRollbackVersion() {
772   CHECK(powerwash_safe_prefs_);
773   rollback_version_ = "";
774   powerwash_safe_prefs_->Delete(kPrefsRollbackVersion);
775 }
ResetDownloadSourcesOnNewUpdate()777 void PayloadState::ResetDownloadSourcesOnNewUpdate() {
778   for (int i = 0; i < kNumDownloadSources; i++) {
779     DownloadSource source = static_cast<DownloadSource>(i);
780     SetCurrentBytesDownloaded(source, 0, true);
781     // Note: Not resetting the TotalBytesDownloaded as we want that metric
782     // to count the bytes downloaded across various update attempts until
783     // we have successfully applied the update.
784   }
785 }
GetPersistedValue(const string & key)787 int64_t PayloadState::GetPersistedValue(const string& key) {
788   CHECK(prefs_);
789   if (!prefs_->Exists(key))
790     return 0;
792   int64_t stored_value;
793   if (!prefs_->GetInt64(key, &stored_value))
794     return 0;
796   if (stored_value < 0) {
797     LOG(ERROR) << key << ": Invalid value (" << stored_value
798                << ") in persisted state. Defaulting to 0";
799     return 0;
800   }
802   return stored_value;
803 }
CalculateResponseSignature()805 string PayloadState::CalculateResponseSignature() {
806   string response_sign = base::StringPrintf(
807       "NumURLs = %d\n", static_cast<int>(candidate_urls_.size()));
809   for (size_t i = 0; i < candidate_urls_.size(); i++)
810     response_sign += base::StringPrintf("Candidate Url%d = %s\n",
811                                         static_cast<int>(i),
812                                         candidate_urls_[i].c_str());
814   response_sign += base::StringPrintf(
815       "Payload Size = %ju\n"
816       "Payload Sha256 Hash = %s\n"
817       "Metadata Size = %ju\n"
818       "Metadata Signature = %s\n"
819       "Is Delta Payload = %d\n"
820       "Max Failure Count Per Url = %d\n"
821       "Disable Payload Backoff = %d\n",
822       static_cast<uintmax_t>(response_.size),
823       response_.hash.c_str(),
824       static_cast<uintmax_t>(response_.metadata_size),
825       response_.metadata_signature.c_str(),
826       response_.is_delta_payload,
827       response_.max_failure_count_per_url,
828       response_.disable_payload_backoff);
829   return response_sign;
830 }
LoadResponseSignature()832 void PayloadState::LoadResponseSignature() {
833   CHECK(prefs_);
834   string stored_value;
835   if (prefs_->Exists(kPrefsCurrentResponseSignature) &&
836       prefs_->GetString(kPrefsCurrentResponseSignature, &stored_value)) {
837     SetResponseSignature(stored_value);
838   }
839 }
SetResponseSignature(const string & response_signature)841 void PayloadState::SetResponseSignature(const string& response_signature) {
842   CHECK(prefs_);
843   response_signature_ = response_signature;
844   LOG(INFO) << "Current Response Signature = \n" << response_signature_;
845   prefs_->SetString(kPrefsCurrentResponseSignature, response_signature_);
846 }
LoadPayloadAttemptNumber()848 void PayloadState::LoadPayloadAttemptNumber() {
849   SetPayloadAttemptNumber(GetPersistedValue(kPrefsPayloadAttemptNumber));
850 }
LoadFullPayloadAttemptNumber()852 void PayloadState::LoadFullPayloadAttemptNumber() {
853   SetFullPayloadAttemptNumber(GetPersistedValue(
854       kPrefsFullPayloadAttemptNumber));
855 }
SetPayloadAttemptNumber(int payload_attempt_number)857 void PayloadState::SetPayloadAttemptNumber(int payload_attempt_number) {
858   CHECK(prefs_);
859   payload_attempt_number_ = payload_attempt_number;
860   LOG(INFO) << "Payload Attempt Number = " << payload_attempt_number_;
861   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsPayloadAttemptNumber, payload_attempt_number_);
862 }
SetFullPayloadAttemptNumber(int full_payload_attempt_number)864 void PayloadState::SetFullPayloadAttemptNumber(
865     int full_payload_attempt_number) {
866   CHECK(prefs_);
867   full_payload_attempt_number_ = full_payload_attempt_number;
868   LOG(INFO) << "Full Payload Attempt Number = " << full_payload_attempt_number_;
869   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsFullPayloadAttemptNumber,
870       full_payload_attempt_number_);
871 }
LoadUrlIndex()873 void PayloadState::LoadUrlIndex() {
874   SetUrlIndex(GetPersistedValue(kPrefsCurrentUrlIndex));
875 }
SetUrlIndex(uint32_t url_index)877 void PayloadState::SetUrlIndex(uint32_t url_index) {
878   CHECK(prefs_);
879   url_index_ = url_index;
880   LOG(INFO) << "Current URL Index = " << url_index_;
881   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsCurrentUrlIndex, url_index_);
883   // Also update the download source, which is purely dependent on the
884   // current URL index alone.
885   UpdateCurrentDownloadSource();
886 }
LoadScatteringWaitPeriod()888 void PayloadState::LoadScatteringWaitPeriod() {
889   SetScatteringWaitPeriod(
890       TimeDelta::FromSeconds(GetPersistedValue(kPrefsWallClockWaitPeriod)));
891 }
SetScatteringWaitPeriod(TimeDelta wait_period)893 void PayloadState::SetScatteringWaitPeriod(TimeDelta wait_period) {
894   CHECK(prefs_);
895   scattering_wait_period_ = wait_period;
896   LOG(INFO) << "Scattering Wait Period (seconds) = "
897             << scattering_wait_period_.InSeconds();
898   if (scattering_wait_period_.InSeconds() > 0) {
899     prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsWallClockWaitPeriod,
900                      scattering_wait_period_.InSeconds());
901   } else {
902     prefs_->Delete(kPrefsWallClockWaitPeriod);
903   }
904 }
LoadUrlSwitchCount()906 void PayloadState::LoadUrlSwitchCount() {
907   SetUrlSwitchCount(GetPersistedValue(kPrefsUrlSwitchCount));
908 }
SetUrlSwitchCount(uint32_t url_switch_count)910 void PayloadState::SetUrlSwitchCount(uint32_t url_switch_count) {
911   CHECK(prefs_);
912   url_switch_count_ = url_switch_count;
913   LOG(INFO) << "URL Switch Count = " << url_switch_count_;
914   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsUrlSwitchCount, url_switch_count_);
915 }
LoadUrlFailureCount()917 void PayloadState::LoadUrlFailureCount() {
918   SetUrlFailureCount(GetPersistedValue(kPrefsCurrentUrlFailureCount));
919 }
SetUrlFailureCount(uint32_t url_failure_count)921 void PayloadState::SetUrlFailureCount(uint32_t url_failure_count) {
922   CHECK(prefs_);
923   url_failure_count_ = url_failure_count;
924   LOG(INFO) << "Current URL (Url" << GetUrlIndex()
925             << ")'s Failure Count = " << url_failure_count_;
926   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsCurrentUrlFailureCount, url_failure_count_);
927 }
LoadBackoffExpiryTime()929 void PayloadState::LoadBackoffExpiryTime() {
930   CHECK(prefs_);
931   int64_t stored_value;
932   if (!prefs_->Exists(kPrefsBackoffExpiryTime))
933     return;
935   if (!prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsBackoffExpiryTime, &stored_value))
936     return;
938   Time stored_time = Time::FromInternalValue(stored_value);
939   if (stored_time > Time::Now() + TimeDelta::FromDays(kMaxBackoffDays)) {
940     LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid backoff expiry time ("
941                << utils::ToString(stored_time)
942                << ") in persisted state. Resetting.";
943     stored_time = Time();
944   }
945   SetBackoffExpiryTime(stored_time);
946 }
SetBackoffExpiryTime(const Time & new_time)948 void PayloadState::SetBackoffExpiryTime(const Time& new_time) {
949   CHECK(prefs_);
950   backoff_expiry_time_ = new_time;
951   LOG(INFO) << "Backoff Expiry Time = "
952             << utils::ToString(backoff_expiry_time_);
953   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsBackoffExpiryTime,
954                    backoff_expiry_time_.ToInternalValue());
955 }
GetUpdateDuration()957 TimeDelta PayloadState::GetUpdateDuration() {
958   Time end_time = update_timestamp_end_.is_null()
959     ? system_state_->clock()->GetWallclockTime() :
960       update_timestamp_end_;
961   return end_time - update_timestamp_start_;
962 }
LoadUpdateTimestampStart()964 void PayloadState::LoadUpdateTimestampStart() {
965   int64_t stored_value;
966   Time stored_time;
968   CHECK(prefs_);
970   Time now = system_state_->clock()->GetWallclockTime();
972   if (!prefs_->Exists(kPrefsUpdateTimestampStart)) {
973     // The preference missing is not unexpected - in that case, just
974     // use the current time as start time
975     stored_time = now;
976   } else if (!prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsUpdateTimestampStart, &stored_value)) {
977     LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid UpdateTimestampStart value. Resetting.";
978     stored_time = now;
979   } else {
980     stored_time = Time::FromInternalValue(stored_value);
981   }
983   // Sanity check: If the time read from disk is in the future
984   // (modulo some slack to account for possible NTP drift
985   // adjustments), something is fishy and we should report and
986   // reset.
987   TimeDelta duration_according_to_stored_time = now - stored_time;
988   if (duration_according_to_stored_time < -kDurationSlack) {
989     LOG(ERROR) << "The UpdateTimestampStart value ("
990                << utils::ToString(stored_time)
991                << ") in persisted state is "
992                << utils::FormatTimeDelta(duration_according_to_stored_time)
993                << " in the future. Resetting.";
994     stored_time = now;
995   }
997   SetUpdateTimestampStart(stored_time);
998 }
SetUpdateTimestampStart(const Time & value)1000 void PayloadState::SetUpdateTimestampStart(const Time& value) {
1001   CHECK(prefs_);
1002   update_timestamp_start_ = value;
1003   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsUpdateTimestampStart,
1004                    update_timestamp_start_.ToInternalValue());
1005   LOG(INFO) << "Update Timestamp Start = "
1006             << utils::ToString(update_timestamp_start_);
1007 }
SetUpdateTimestampEnd(const Time & value)1009 void PayloadState::SetUpdateTimestampEnd(const Time& value) {
1010   update_timestamp_end_ = value;
1011   LOG(INFO) << "Update Timestamp End = "
1012             << utils::ToString(update_timestamp_end_);
1013 }
GetUpdateDurationUptime()1015 TimeDelta PayloadState::GetUpdateDurationUptime() {
1016   return update_duration_uptime_;
1017 }
LoadUpdateDurationUptime()1019 void PayloadState::LoadUpdateDurationUptime() {
1020   int64_t stored_value;
1021   TimeDelta stored_delta;
1023   CHECK(prefs_);
1025   if (!prefs_->Exists(kPrefsUpdateDurationUptime)) {
1026     // The preference missing is not unexpected - in that case, just
1027     // we'll use zero as the delta
1028   } else if (!prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsUpdateDurationUptime, &stored_value)) {
1029     LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid UpdateDurationUptime value. Resetting.";
1030     stored_delta = TimeDelta::FromSeconds(0);
1031   } else {
1032     stored_delta = TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(stored_value);
1033   }
1035   // Sanity-check: Uptime can never be greater than the wall-clock
1036   // difference (modulo some slack). If it is, report and reset
1037   // to the wall-clock difference.
1038   TimeDelta diff = GetUpdateDuration() - stored_delta;
1039   if (diff < -kDurationSlack) {
1040     LOG(ERROR) << "The UpdateDurationUptime value ("
1041                << utils::FormatTimeDelta(stored_delta)
1042                << ") in persisted state is "
1043                << utils::FormatTimeDelta(diff)
1044                << " larger than the wall-clock delta. Resetting.";
1045     stored_delta = update_duration_current_;
1046   }
1048   SetUpdateDurationUptime(stored_delta);
1049 }
LoadNumReboots()1051 void PayloadState::LoadNumReboots() {
1052   SetNumReboots(GetPersistedValue(kPrefsNumReboots));
1053 }
LoadRollbackVersion()1055 void PayloadState::LoadRollbackVersion() {
1056   CHECK(powerwash_safe_prefs_);
1057   string rollback_version;
1058   if (powerwash_safe_prefs_->GetString(kPrefsRollbackVersion,
1059                                        &rollback_version)) {
1060     SetRollbackVersion(rollback_version);
1061   }
1062 }
SetRollbackVersion(const string & rollback_version)1064 void PayloadState::SetRollbackVersion(const string& rollback_version) {
1065   CHECK(powerwash_safe_prefs_);
1066   LOG(INFO) << "Blacklisting version "<< rollback_version;
1067   rollback_version_ = rollback_version;
1068   powerwash_safe_prefs_->SetString(kPrefsRollbackVersion, rollback_version);
1069 }
SetUpdateDurationUptimeExtended(const TimeDelta & value,const Time & timestamp,bool use_logging)1071 void PayloadState::SetUpdateDurationUptimeExtended(const TimeDelta& value,
1072                                                    const Time& timestamp,
1073                                                    bool use_logging) {
1074   CHECK(prefs_);
1075   update_duration_uptime_ = value;
1076   update_duration_uptime_timestamp_ = timestamp;
1077   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsUpdateDurationUptime,
1078                    update_duration_uptime_.ToInternalValue());
1079   if (use_logging) {
1080     LOG(INFO) << "Update Duration Uptime = "
1081               << utils::FormatTimeDelta(update_duration_uptime_);
1082   }
1083 }
SetUpdateDurationUptime(const TimeDelta & value)1085 void PayloadState::SetUpdateDurationUptime(const TimeDelta& value) {
1086   Time now = system_state_->clock()->GetMonotonicTime();
1087   SetUpdateDurationUptimeExtended(value, now, true);
1088 }
CalculateUpdateDurationUptime()1090 void PayloadState::CalculateUpdateDurationUptime() {
1091   Time now = system_state_->clock()->GetMonotonicTime();
1092   TimeDelta uptime_since_last_update = now - update_duration_uptime_timestamp_;
1093   TimeDelta new_uptime = update_duration_uptime_ + uptime_since_last_update;
1094   // We're frequently called so avoid logging this write
1095   SetUpdateDurationUptimeExtended(new_uptime, now, false);
1096 }
GetPrefsKey(const string & prefix,DownloadSource source)1098 string PayloadState::GetPrefsKey(const string& prefix, DownloadSource source) {
1099   return prefix + "-from-" + utils::ToString(source);
1100 }
LoadCurrentBytesDownloaded(DownloadSource source)1102 void PayloadState::LoadCurrentBytesDownloaded(DownloadSource source) {
1103   string key = GetPrefsKey(kPrefsCurrentBytesDownloaded, source);
1104   SetCurrentBytesDownloaded(source, GetPersistedValue(key), true);
1105 }
SetCurrentBytesDownloaded(DownloadSource source,uint64_t current_bytes_downloaded,bool log)1107 void PayloadState::SetCurrentBytesDownloaded(
1108     DownloadSource source,
1109     uint64_t current_bytes_downloaded,
1110     bool log) {
1111   CHECK(prefs_);
1113   if (source >= kNumDownloadSources)
1114     return;
1116   // Update the in-memory value.
1117   current_bytes_downloaded_[source] = current_bytes_downloaded;
1119   string prefs_key = GetPrefsKey(kPrefsCurrentBytesDownloaded, source);
1120   prefs_->SetInt64(prefs_key, current_bytes_downloaded);
1121   LOG_IF(INFO, log) << "Current bytes downloaded for "
1122                     << utils::ToString(source) << " = "
1123                     << GetCurrentBytesDownloaded(source);
1124 }
LoadTotalBytesDownloaded(DownloadSource source)1126 void PayloadState::LoadTotalBytesDownloaded(DownloadSource source) {
1127   string key = GetPrefsKey(kPrefsTotalBytesDownloaded, source);
1128   SetTotalBytesDownloaded(source, GetPersistedValue(key), true);
1129 }
SetTotalBytesDownloaded(DownloadSource source,uint64_t total_bytes_downloaded,bool log)1131 void PayloadState::SetTotalBytesDownloaded(
1132     DownloadSource source,
1133     uint64_t total_bytes_downloaded,
1134     bool log) {
1135   CHECK(prefs_);
1137   if (source >= kNumDownloadSources)
1138     return;
1140   // Update the in-memory value.
1141   total_bytes_downloaded_[source] = total_bytes_downloaded;
1143   // Persist.
1144   string prefs_key = GetPrefsKey(kPrefsTotalBytesDownloaded, source);
1145   prefs_->SetInt64(prefs_key, total_bytes_downloaded);
1146   LOG_IF(INFO, log) << "Total bytes downloaded for "
1147                     << utils::ToString(source) << " = "
1148                     << GetTotalBytesDownloaded(source);
1149 }
LoadNumResponsesSeen()1151 void PayloadState::LoadNumResponsesSeen() {
1152   SetNumResponsesSeen(GetPersistedValue(kPrefsNumResponsesSeen));
1153 }
SetNumResponsesSeen(int num_responses_seen)1155 void PayloadState::SetNumResponsesSeen(int num_responses_seen) {
1156   CHECK(prefs_);
1157   num_responses_seen_ = num_responses_seen;
1158   LOG(INFO) << "Num Responses Seen = " << num_responses_seen_;
1159   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsNumResponsesSeen, num_responses_seen_);
1160 }
ComputeCandidateUrls()1162 void PayloadState::ComputeCandidateUrls() {
1163   bool http_url_ok = true;
1165   if (system_state_->hardware()->IsOfficialBuild()) {
1166     const policy::DevicePolicy* policy = system_state_->device_policy();
1167     if (policy && policy->GetHttpDownloadsEnabled(&http_url_ok) && !http_url_ok)
1168       LOG(INFO) << "Downloads via HTTP Url are not enabled by device policy";
1169   } else {
1170     LOG(INFO) << "Allowing HTTP downloads for unofficial builds";
1171     http_url_ok = true;
1172   }
1174   candidate_urls_.clear();
1175   for (size_t i = 0; i < response_.payload_urls.size(); i++) {
1176     string candidate_url = response_.payload_urls[i];
1177     if (base::StartsWith(candidate_url, "http://",
1178                          base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII) &&
1179         !http_url_ok) {
1180       continue;
1181     }
1182     candidate_urls_.push_back(candidate_url);
1183     LOG(INFO) << "Candidate Url" << (candidate_urls_.size() - 1)
1184               << ": " << candidate_url;
1185   }
1187   LOG(INFO) << "Found " << candidate_urls_.size() << " candidate URLs "
1188             << "out of " << response_.payload_urls.size() << " URLs supplied";
1189 }
CreateSystemUpdatedMarkerFile()1191 void PayloadState::CreateSystemUpdatedMarkerFile() {
1192   CHECK(prefs_);
1193   int64_t value = system_state_->clock()->GetWallclockTime().ToInternalValue();
1194   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsSystemUpdatedMarker, value);
1195 }
BootedIntoUpdate(TimeDelta time_to_reboot)1197 void PayloadState::BootedIntoUpdate(TimeDelta time_to_reboot) {
1198   // Send |time_to_reboot| as a UMA stat.
1199   string metric = metrics::kMetricTimeToRebootMinutes;
1200   system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
1201                                           time_to_reboot.InMinutes(),
1202                                           0,         // min: 0 minute
1203                                           30*24*60,  // max: 1 month (approx)
1204                                           kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
1205   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(time_to_reboot)
1206             << " for metric " <<  metric;
1207 }
UpdateEngineStarted()1209 void PayloadState::UpdateEngineStarted() {
1210   // Flush previous state from abnormal attempt failure, if any.
1211   ReportAndClearPersistedAttemptMetrics();
1213   // Avoid the UpdateEngineStarted actions if this is not the first time we
1214   // run the update engine since reboot.
1215   if (!system_state_->system_rebooted())
1216     return;
1218   // Figure out if we just booted into a new update
1219   if (prefs_->Exists(kPrefsSystemUpdatedMarker)) {
1220     int64_t stored_value;
1221     if (prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsSystemUpdatedMarker, &stored_value)) {
1222       Time system_updated_at = Time::FromInternalValue(stored_value);
1223       if (!system_updated_at.is_null()) {
1224         TimeDelta time_to_reboot =
1225             system_state_->clock()->GetWallclockTime() - system_updated_at;
1226         if (time_to_reboot.ToInternalValue() < 0) {
1227           LOG(ERROR) << "time_to_reboot is negative - system_updated_at: "
1228                      << utils::ToString(system_updated_at);
1229         } else {
1230           BootedIntoUpdate(time_to_reboot);
1231         }
1232       }
1233     }
1234     prefs_->Delete(kPrefsSystemUpdatedMarker);
1235   }
1236   // Check if it is needed to send metrics about a failed reboot into a new
1237   // version.
1238   ReportFailedBootIfNeeded();
1239 }
ReportFailedBootIfNeeded()1241 void PayloadState::ReportFailedBootIfNeeded() {
1242   // If the kPrefsTargetVersionInstalledFrom is present, a successfully applied
1243   // payload was marked as ready immediately before the last reboot, and we
1244   // need to check if such payload successfully rebooted or not.
1245   if (prefs_->Exists(kPrefsTargetVersionInstalledFrom)) {
1246     int64_t installed_from = 0;
1247     if (!prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsTargetVersionInstalledFrom, &installed_from)) {
1248       LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading TargetVersionInstalledFrom on reboot.";
1249       return;
1250     }
1251     // Old Chrome OS devices will write 2 or 4 in this setting, with the
1252     // partition number. We are now using slot numbers (0 or 1) instead, so
1253     // the following comparison will not match if we are comparing an old
1254     // partition number against a new slot number, which is the correct outcome
1255     // since we successfully booted the new update in that case. If the boot
1256     // failed, we will read this value from the same version, so it will always
1257     // be compatible.
1258     if (installed_from == system_state_->boot_control()->GetCurrentSlot()) {
1259       // A reboot was pending, but the chromebook is again in the same
1260       // BootDevice where the update was installed from.
1261       int64_t target_attempt;
1262       if (!prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsTargetVersionAttempt, &target_attempt)) {
1263         LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading TargetVersionAttempt when "
1264                       "TargetVersionInstalledFrom was present.";
1265         target_attempt = 1;
1266       }
1268       // Report the UMA metric of the current boot failure.
1269       string metric = metrics::kMetricFailedUpdateCount;
1270       LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << target_attempt
1271                 << " (count) for metric " <<  metric;
1272       system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
1273            metric,
1274            target_attempt,
1275            1,    // min value
1276            50,   // max value
1277            kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
1278     } else {
1279       prefs_->Delete(kPrefsTargetVersionAttempt);
1280       prefs_->Delete(kPrefsTargetVersionUniqueId);
1281     }
1282     prefs_->Delete(kPrefsTargetVersionInstalledFrom);
1283   }
1284 }
ExpectRebootInNewVersion(const string & target_version_uid)1286 void PayloadState::ExpectRebootInNewVersion(const string& target_version_uid) {
1287   // Expect to boot into the new partition in the next reboot setting the
1288   // TargetVersion* flags in the Prefs.
1289   string stored_target_version_uid;
1290   string target_version_id;
1291   string target_partition;
1292   int64_t target_attempt;
1294   if (prefs_->Exists(kPrefsTargetVersionUniqueId) &&
1295       prefs_->GetString(kPrefsTargetVersionUniqueId,
1296                         &stored_target_version_uid) &&
1297       stored_target_version_uid == target_version_uid) {
1298     if (!prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsTargetVersionAttempt, &target_attempt))
1299       target_attempt = 0;
1300   } else {
1301     prefs_->SetString(kPrefsTargetVersionUniqueId, target_version_uid);
1302     target_attempt = 0;
1303   }
1304   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsTargetVersionAttempt, target_attempt + 1);
1306   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsTargetVersionInstalledFrom,
1307                    system_state_->boot_control()->GetCurrentSlot());
1308 }
ResetUpdateStatus()1310 void PayloadState::ResetUpdateStatus() {
1311   // Remove the TargetVersionInstalledFrom pref so that if the machine is
1312   // rebooted the next boot is not flagged as failed to rebooted into the
1313   // new applied payload.
1314   prefs_->Delete(kPrefsTargetVersionInstalledFrom);
1316   // Also decrement the attempt number if it exists.
1317   int64_t target_attempt;
1318   if (prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsTargetVersionAttempt, &target_attempt))
1319     prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsTargetVersionAttempt, target_attempt - 1);
1320 }
GetP2PNumAttempts()1322 int PayloadState::GetP2PNumAttempts() {
1323   return p2p_num_attempts_;
1324 }
SetP2PNumAttempts(int value)1326 void PayloadState::SetP2PNumAttempts(int value) {
1327   p2p_num_attempts_ = value;
1328   LOG(INFO) << "p2p Num Attempts = " << p2p_num_attempts_;
1329   CHECK(prefs_);
1330   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsP2PNumAttempts, value);
1331 }
LoadP2PNumAttempts()1333 void PayloadState::LoadP2PNumAttempts() {
1334   SetP2PNumAttempts(GetPersistedValue(kPrefsP2PNumAttempts));
1335 }
GetP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp()1337 Time PayloadState::GetP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp() {
1338   return p2p_first_attempt_timestamp_;
1339 }
SetP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp(const Time & time)1341 void PayloadState::SetP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp(const Time& time) {
1342   p2p_first_attempt_timestamp_ = time;
1343   LOG(INFO) << "p2p First Attempt Timestamp = "
1344             << utils::ToString(p2p_first_attempt_timestamp_);
1345   CHECK(prefs_);
1346   int64_t stored_value = time.ToInternalValue();
1347   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp, stored_value);
1348 }
LoadP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp()1350 void PayloadState::LoadP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp() {
1351   int64_t stored_value = GetPersistedValue(kPrefsP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp);
1352   Time stored_time = Time::FromInternalValue(stored_value);
1353   SetP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp(stored_time);
1354 }
P2PNewAttempt()1356 void PayloadState::P2PNewAttempt() {
1357   CHECK(prefs_);
1358   // Set timestamp, if it hasn't been set already
1359   if (p2p_first_attempt_timestamp_.is_null()) {
1360     SetP2PFirstAttemptTimestamp(system_state_->clock()->GetWallclockTime());
1361   }
1362   // Increase number of attempts
1363   SetP2PNumAttempts(GetP2PNumAttempts() + 1);
1364 }
P2PAttemptAllowed()1366 bool PayloadState::P2PAttemptAllowed() {
1367   if (p2p_num_attempts_ > kMaxP2PAttempts) {
1368     LOG(INFO) << "Number of p2p attempts is " << p2p_num_attempts_
1369               << " which is greater than "
1370               << kMaxP2PAttempts
1371               << " - disallowing p2p.";
1372     return false;
1373   }
1375   if (!p2p_first_attempt_timestamp_.is_null()) {
1376     Time now = system_state_->clock()->GetWallclockTime();
1377     TimeDelta time_spent_attempting_p2p = now - p2p_first_attempt_timestamp_;
1378     if (time_spent_attempting_p2p.InSeconds() < 0) {
1379       LOG(ERROR) << "Time spent attempting p2p is negative"
1380                  << " - disallowing p2p.";
1381       return false;
1382     }
1383     if (time_spent_attempting_p2p.InSeconds() > kMaxP2PAttemptTimeSeconds) {
1384       LOG(INFO) << "Time spent attempting p2p is "
1385                 << utils::FormatTimeDelta(time_spent_attempting_p2p)
1386                 << " which is greater than "
1387                 << utils::FormatTimeDelta(TimeDelta::FromSeconds(
1388                        kMaxP2PAttemptTimeSeconds))
1389                 << " - disallowing p2p.";
1390       return false;
1391     }
1392   }
1394   return true;
1395 }
1397 }  // namespace chromeos_update_engine