1 /* Main function for dlg version
2  *
4  *
5  * We reserve no LEGAL rights to the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool
6  * Set (PCCTS) -- PCCTS is in the public domain.  An individual or
7  * company may do whatever they wish with source code distributed with
8  * PCCTS or the code generated by PCCTS, including the incorporation of
9  * PCCTS, or its output, into commerical software.
10  *
11  * We encourage users to develop software with PCCTS.  However, we do ask
12  * that credit is given to us for developing PCCTS.  By "credit",
13  * we mean that if you incorporate our source code into one of your
14  * programs (commercial product, research project, or otherwise) that you
15  * acknowledge this fact somewhere in the documentation, research report,
16  * etc...  If you like PCCTS and have developed a nice tool with the
17  * output, please mention that you developed it using PCCTS.  In
18  * addition, we ask that this header remain intact in our source code.
19  * As long as these guidelines are kept, we expect to continue enhancing
20  * this system and expect to make other tools available as they are
21  * completed.
22  *
23  * DLG 1.33
24  * Will Cohen
25  * With mods by Terence Parr; AHPCRC, University of Minnesota
26  * 1989-2001
27  */
29 #include <stdio.h>
30 #include "stdpccts.h"
32 char	program[] = "dlg";
33 char	version[] = "1.33MR33";					/* MRXXX */
34 int	numfiles = 0;
35 char	*file_str[2] = {NULL, NULL};
36 char	*mode_file = "mode.h";
37 char	*class_name = DEFAULT_CLASSNAME;
38 char	*OutputDirectory = TopDirectory;
40 /* Option variables */
41 int comp_level = 0;
42 int interactive = FALSE;
43 int case_insensitive = FALSE;
44 int warn_ambig = FALSE;
45 int gen_cpp = FALSE;
47 #ifdef __USE_PROTOS
48 static int ci_strequ(char *a,char *b)
49 #else
50 static int ci_strequ(a,b)
51   char  *a;
52   char  *b;
53 #endif
54 {
55   for ( ;*a != 0 && *b != 0; a++, b++) {
56     if (toupper(*a) != toupper(*b)) return 0;
57   }
58   return (*a == *b);
59 }
61 /* Option List Stuff */
62 #ifdef __USE_PROTOS
63 void p_comp0(void)		{comp_level = 0;}
64 void p_comp1(void)		{comp_level = 1;}
65 void p_comp2(void)		{comp_level = 2;}
66 void p_stdio(void)		{ file_str[numfiles++] = NULL;}
67 void p_file(char *s) 	{ file_str[numfiles++] = s;}
68 void p_cl_name(char *s, char *t)
69 	{
70 		if ( gen_cpp ) {
71 			class_name = t;
72 		}
73 		else {
74 			warning("-cl only valid in C++ mode; -cl ignored...",0);
75 		}
76 	}
77 void p_mode_file(char *s, char *t){mode_file=t;}
78 void p_outdir(char *s,char *t) {OutputDirectory=t;}
79 void p_ansi(void)		{gen_ansi = TRUE;}
80 void p_interactive(void)	{interactive = TRUE;}
81 void p_case_s(void)		{ case_insensitive = FALSE; }
82 void p_case_i(void)		{ case_insensitive = TRUE; }
83 void p_warn_ambig(void)	{ warn_ambig = TRUE; }
84 void p_cpp(void)		{ gen_cpp = TRUE; }
85 #else
86 void p_comp0()		{comp_level = 0;}
87 void p_comp1()		{comp_level = 1;}
88 void p_comp2()		{comp_level = 2;}
89 void p_stdio()		{ file_str[numfiles++] = NULL;}
90 void p_file(s) char *s;	{ file_str[numfiles++] = s;}
91 void p_cl_name(s,t)
92 	char *s, *t;
93 	{
94 		if ( gen_cpp ) {
95 			class_name = t;
96 		}
97 		else {
98 			warning("-cl only valid in C++ mode; -cl ignored...",0);
99 		}
100 	}
101 void p_mode_file(s,t) char *s,*t;{mode_file=t;}
102 void p_outdir(s,t) char *s,*t;{OutputDirectory=t;}
103 void p_ansi()		{gen_ansi = TRUE;}
104 void p_interactive()	{interactive = TRUE;}
105 void p_case_s()		{ case_insensitive = FALSE; }
106 void p_case_i()		{ case_insensitive = TRUE; }
107 void p_warn_ambig()	{ warn_ambig = TRUE; }
108 void p_cpp()		{ gen_cpp = TRUE; }
109 #endif
111 #ifdef __cplusplus
112 typedef void (*WildFunc)(...);
113 #else
114 typedef void (*WildFunc)();
115 #endif
117 typedef struct {
118 			char *option;
119 			int  arg;
120 			WildFunc process;
121 			char *descr;
122 		} Opt;
124 Opt options[] = {
125 	{ "-CC", 0, (WildFunc)p_cpp, "Generate C++ output" },
126 	{ "-C0", 0, (WildFunc)p_comp0, "No compression (default)" },
127 	{ "-C1", 0, (WildFunc)p_comp1, "Compression level 1" },
128 	{ "-C2", 0, (WildFunc)p_comp2, "Compression level 2" },
129 	{ "-ga", 0, (WildFunc)p_ansi, "Generate ansi C"},
130 	{ "-Wambiguity", 0, (WildFunc)p_warn_ambig, "Warn if expressions ambiguous"},
131 	{ "-m", 1, (WildFunc)p_mode_file, "Rename lexical mode output file"},
132 	{ "-i", 0, (WildFunc)p_interactive, "Build interactive scanner (not valid for C++ mode)"},
133 	{ "-ci", 0, (WildFunc)p_case_i, "Make lexical analyzer case insensitive"},
134 	{ "-cl", 1, (WildFunc)p_cl_name, "Rename lexer class (DLGLexer); only used for -CC"},
135 	{ "-cs", 0, (WildFunc)p_case_s, "Make lexical analyzer case sensitive (default)"},
136 	{ "-o",  1, (WildFunc)p_outdir, OutputDirectoryOption},
137 	{ "-", 0, (WildFunc)p_stdio, "Use standard i/o rather than file"},
138 	{ "*", 0, (WildFunc)p_file, ""}, /* anything else is a file */
139 	{ NULL, 0, NULL }
140  };
142 #ifdef __USE_PROTOS
143 void ProcessArgs(int argc, char **argv, Opt *options)
144 #else
145 void ProcessArgs(argc, argv, options)
146 int argc;
147 char **argv;
148 Opt *options;
149 #endif
150 {
151 	Opt *p;
153 	while ( argc-- > 0 )
154 	{
155 		p = options;
156 		while ( p->option != NULL )
157 		{
158 			if ( strcmp(p->option, "*") == 0 ||
159 				 ci_strequ(p->option,*argv) )
160 			{
161 				if ( p->arg )
162 				{
163 					(*p->process)( *argv, *(argv+1) );
164 					argv++;
165 					argc--;
166 				}
167 				else
168 					(*p->process)( *argv );
169 				break;
170 			}
171 			p++;
172 		}
173 		argv++;
174 	}
175 }
177 #ifdef __USE_PROTOS
178 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
179 #else
180 int main(argc, argv)
181 int argc;
182 char *argv[];
183 #endif
184 {
185 	init();
186 	fprintf(stderr, "%s  Version %s   1989-2001\n", &(program[0]),
187 		&(version[0]));
188 	if ( argc == 1 )
189 	{
190 		Opt *p = options;
191 		fprintf(stderr, "%s [options] f1 f2 ... fn\n",argv[0]);
192 		while ( *(p->option) != '*' )
193 		{
194 			fprintf(stderr, "\t%s %s\t%s\n",
195 							p->option,
196 							(p->arg)?"___":"   ",
197 							p->descr);
198 			p++;
199 		}
200 	}else{
201 		ProcessArgs(argc-1, &(argv[1]), options);
202 		if (interactive && gen_cpp) {
203 			fprintf(stderr,"\n");
204 /***  MR21a This statement is wrong ! ***/
205 #if 0
206 ***			fprintf(stderr,"Interactive lexer option (\"-i\") has no effect when in C++ mode\n");
207 ***			fprintf(stderr,"because of extra buffering provided by ANTLRTokenBuffer class.\n");
208 ***			fprintf(stderr,"\n");
209 #endif
210 		}
211 		input_stream = read_stream(file_str[0]);
212 		if (input_stream) {
213 			/* don't overwrite unless input okay */
214 			if ( gen_cpp ) {
215 				output_stream = write_stream(ClassName(CPP_FILE_SUFFIX));
216 				if ( file_str[1]!=NULL ) {
217 					warning("output file implicit in C++ mode; ignored...",0);
218 				}
219 				class_stream = write_stream(ClassName(".h"));
220 				mode_stream = class_stream;
221 			}
222 			else {
223 				output_stream = write_stream(file_str[1]);
224 				mode_stream = write_stream(mode_file);
225 			}
226 		}
227 		/* make sure that error reporting routines in grammar
228 		   know what the file really is */
229 		/* make sure that reading and writing somewhere */
230 		if (input_stream && output_stream && mode_stream){
231 			ANTLR(grammar(), input_stream);
232 		}
233 		p_class_def2();			/* MR1 */
234 	}
235 	if ( output_stream!=NULL ) fclose(output_stream);
236 	if ( !gen_cpp && mode_stream!=NULL ) fclose(mode_stream);
237 	if ( class_stream!=NULL ) fclose(class_stream);
239 	return 0;		/* get rid of warning message MR1 */
240 }
242 /* initialize all the variables */
243 void
244 #ifdef __USE_PROTOS
245 init(void)
246 #else
247 init()
248 #endif
249 {
250 	register int i;
252 #ifdef SPECIAL_INITS
253 	special_inits();					/* MR1 */
254 #endif
255 	used_chars = empty;
256 	used_classes = empty;
257 	/* make the valid character set */
258 	normal_chars = empty;
259 	/* NOTE: MIN_CHAR is EOF */
260 	/* NOTE: EOF is not quite a valid char, it is special. Skip it*/
261 	for (i = 1; i<CHAR_RANGE; ++i){
262 		set_orel(i,&normal_chars);
263 	}
264 	make_nfa_model_node();
265 	clear_hash();
266 	/* NOTE: need to set this flag before the lexer starts getting */
267 	/* tokens */
268    	func_action = FALSE;
269 }
271 /* stuff that needs to be reset when a new automaton is being built */
272 void
273 #ifdef __USE_PROTOS
274 new_automaton_mode(void)					/* MR1 */
275 #else
276 new_automaton_mode()					/* MR1 */
277 #endif
278 {
279 	set_free(used_chars);
280 	clear_hash();
281 }