1Download & Unpack
3  Building ImageMagick source for Windows requires a modern version of Microsoft
4  Visual Studio IDE. Users have reported success with the Borland C++ compiler
5  as well. If you don't have a compiler you can still install a self-installing
6  binary release.
8  Download ImageMagick-windows.zip from ftp.imagemagick.org or its mirrors
9  and verify the distribution against its message digest.
11  You can unpack the distribution with WinZip or type the following from any
12  MS-DOS Command Prompt window:
14    $magick> unzip ImageMagick-windows.zip
16  Now that you have the ImageMagick Windows source distribution unpacked,
17  let's configure it.
21  These instructions are specific to building ImageMagick with the Visual
22  Studio under Windows XP, Win2K, or Windows 98. ImageMagick does not include
23  any workspace (DSW) or project files (DSP) except for those included with
24  third party libraries. Instead, there is a configure program that must be
25  built and run which creates the Visual Studio workspaces for ImageMagick. The
26  Visual Studio system provides four different types of runtime environments
27  that must match across all application, library, and dynamic-library (DLL)
28  code that is built. The configure program creates a set of build files that
29  are consistent for a specific runtime selection listed here:
31     1. Dynamic Multi-threaded DLL runtimes (VisualDynamicMT).
32     2. Static Single-threaded runtimes (VisualStaticST).
33     3. Static Multi-threaded runtimes (VisualStaticMT).
34     4. Static Multi-threaded DLL runtimes (VisualStaticMTDLL).
36  In addition to these runtimes, the VisualMagick build environment allows
37  you to select whether to include the X11 libraries in the build or not. X11
38  DLLs and headers are provided with the VisualMagick build environment. Most
39  Windows users are probably not interested in using X11, so you might prefer
40  to build without X11 support. Since the animate, display, and import program
41  depends on the X11 delegate libraries, these programs will no work if you
42  choose not to include X11 support.
44  This leads to five different possible build options. The default binary
45  distribution is built using the Dynamic Multi-threaded DLL (VisualDynamicMT)
46  option with the X11 libraries included. This results in an X11 compatible
47  build using all DLL's for everything and multi-threaded support (the only
48  option for DLL's).
50  To create a workspace for your requirements, simply go to the
51  VisualMagick\configure folder and open the configure.dsw workspace (for
52  Visual Studio 6) or configure.sln (for Visual Studio 7 or 8). Set the build
53  configuration to Release.
55  Build and execute the configure program and follow the on-screen
56  instructions. You should not change any of the defaults unless you have a
57  specific reason to do so.
59  The configure program has a button entitled:
61    Edit "magick_config.h"
63  Click on this button to bring up magick-config.h in Windows Notepad. Review
64  and optionally change any preprocessor defines in ImageMagick's
65  magick_config.h file to suit your needs. This file is copied to
66  magick\magick_config.h. You may safely open magick\magick_config.h, modify
67  it, and recompile without re-running the configure program. In fact, using
68  Notepad to edit the copied file may be preferable since it preserves the
69  original magick_config.h file.
71  Key user defines in magick_config.h include:
74      Specify the depth of the pixel component depth (8, 16, or 32). A value of
75      8 uses half the memory than 16 and may run 30% faster, but provides 256
76      times less color resolution than a value of 16. We recommend a quantum
77      depth of 16 because 16-bit images are becoming more prevalent on the
78      Internet.
80    MAGICKCORE_INSTALLED_SUPPORT (default undefined)
81      Define to build a ImageMagick which uses registry settings or embedded
82      paths to locate installed components (coder modules and configuration
83      files). The default is to look for all files in the same directory as
84      the executable. You will wand to define this value if you intend on
85      installing ImageMagick on your system.
87    ProvideDllMain (default defined)
88      Define to include a DllMain() function ensures that the ImageMagick
89      DLL is properly initialized without participation from dependent
90      applications. This avoids the requirement to invoke IntializeMagick()
91      from dependent applications is only useful for DLL builds.
93  ImageMagick is now configured and ready to build.
95  The default build is WIN32. For 64-bit, open a newly created static solution
96  and enter Configuration Manager. Add a x64 configuration, copying the
97  configuration from WIn32. Be sure that it adds the configuration to all the
98  projects. Now compile.
102  After creating your build environment, proceed to open the DSW (or SLN)
103  workspace in the VisualMagick folder. In the DSW file choose the All project
104  to make it the active project. Set the build configuration to the desired one
105  (Debug, or Release) and clean and build:
107     1. Right click on the All project and select Set As Active Project
108     2. Select "Build=>Clean Solution"
109     3. Select "Build=>Build Solution"
111  The clean step is necessary in order to make sure that all of the target
112  support libraries are updated with any patches needed to get them to compile
113  properly under Visual Studio.
115  After a successful build, all of the required files that are needed to run
116  any of the command line tools are located in the VisualMagick\bin folder. This
117  includes EXE, DLL libraries, and ImageMagick configuration files. You should
118  be able to test the build directly from this directory without having to
119  move anything to any of the global SYSTEM or SYSTEM32 areas in the operating
120  system installation.
122  The Visual Studio distribution of ImageMagick comes with the Magick++
123  C++ wrapper by default. This add-on layer has a large number of demo
124  and test files that can be found in ImageMagick\Magick++\demo, and
125  ImageMagick\Magick++\tests. There are also a variety of tests that use the
126  straight C API as well in ImageMagick\tests.
128  All of these programs are not configured to be built in the default workspace
129  created by the configure program. You can cause all of these demos and test
130  programs to be built by checking the box in configure that says:
132    Include all demo and test programs
134  In addition, there is another related checkbox (checked by default) that
135  causes all generated project files to be created standalone so that they
136  can be copied to other areas of you system.
138    This the checkbox:
140  Generate all utility projects with full paths rather then relative paths.
142  Visual Studio uses a concept of dependencies that tell it what other
143  components need to be build when a particular project is being build. This
144  mechanism is also used to ensure that components link properly. In my normal
145  development environment, I want to be able to make changes and debug the
146  system as a whole, so I like and NEED to use dependencies. However, most end
147  users don't want to work this way.
149  Instead they really just want to build the package and then get down to
150  business working on their application. The solution is to make all the utility
151  projects (UTIL_xxxx_yy_exe.dsp) use full absolute paths to all the things they
152  need. This way the projects stand on their own and can actually be copied
153  and used as templates to get a particular custom application compiling with
154  little effort.
156  With this feature enabled, you should be able to nab a copy of
158    VisualMagick\utilities\UTIL_convert_xxx_exe.dsp (for C) or
159    VisualMagick\Magick++\demo\UTIL_demo_xxx_exe.dsp (for C++)
161  and pop it into Notepad, modify it (carefully) to your needs and be on your
162  way to happy compiling and linking.
164  You can feel free to pick any of the standard utilities, tests, or demo
165  programs as the basis for a new program by copying the project and the source
166  and hacking away.
168  The choice of what to use as a starting point is very easy.
170  For straight C API command line applications use something from:
172    ImageMagick\tests or
173    ImageMagick\utilities (source code) or
174    ImageMagick\VisualMagick\tests or
175    ImageMagick\Visualmagick\utilities (project - DSP)
177  For C++ and Magick++ command line applications use something from:
179    ImageMagick\Magick++\tests or ImageMagick\Magick++\demo (source code) or
180    ImageMagick\VisualMagick\Magick++\tests or
181    ImageMagick\VisualMagick\Magick++\demo (project - DSP)
183  For C++ and Magick++ and MFC windows applications use:
185    ImageMagick\contrib\win32\MFC\NtMagick (source code) or
186   ImageMagick\VisualMagick\contrib\win32\MFC\NtMagick (project - DSP)
188  The ImageMagick distribution is very modular. The default configuration is
189  there to get you rolling, but you need to make some serious choices when
190  you wish to change things around.
192  The default options are all targeted at having all the components in one place
193  (e.g. the bin directory of the VisualMagick build tree). These components
194  may be copied to another folder (such as to another computer).
196  The folder containing the executables and DLLs should contain the following
197  files:
199     1. magic.xml
200     2. delegates.xml
201     3. modules.xml
202     4. colors.xml
204  among others.
206  The bin folder should contains all EXE's and DLL's as well as the very
207  important modules.xml file.
209  With this default setup, you can use any of the command line tools and run
210  scripts as normal. You can actually get by quite nicely this way by doing
211  something like pushd e:\xxx\yyy\bin in any scripts you write to execute out
212  of this directory.
214  By default the core of ImageMagick on Win32 always looks in the place were
215  the exe program is run from in order to find all of the files as well as
216  the DLL's it needs.
220  You can use the System control panel to allow you to add and delete what
221  is in any of the environment variables. You can even have user specific
222  environment variables if you wish.
224  PATH
226  This environmental variable sets the default list of places were Windows
227  looks for EXE's and DLL's. Windows CMD shell seems to look in the current
228  directory first no matter what, which may make it unnecessary to update the
229  PATH. If you wish to run any of utilities from another location then you
230  must add the path to your bin directory in. For instance, to do this for
231  the default build environment like I do, you might add:
233    C:\ImageMagick\VisualMagick\bin
236  If all you do is modify the PATH variable, the first problem you will run into
237  is that ImageMagick may not be able to find any of its modules. Modules are
238  all the IM_MOD*.DLL files you see in the distribution. There is one of these
239  for each and every file format that ImageMagick supports. This environment
240  variable tells the system were to look for these DLL's. The compiled in
241  default is execution path - which says - look in the same place that the
242  application is running in. If you are running from somewhere other then bin
243  - this will no longer work and you must use this variable. If you elect to
244  leave the modules in the same place as the EXE's (a good idea) then you can
245  simply set this to the same place as you did the PATH variable. In my case:
247    C:\ImageMagick\coders
249  This also the place were ImageMagick expects to find the colors.xml,
250  delegates.xml, magic.xml, modules.xml, and type.xml files.
252  One cool thing about the modules build of ImageMagick is that you can now
253  leave out file formats and lighten you load. If all you ever need is GIF and
254  JPEG, then simply drop all the other DLL's into the local trash can and get
255  on with your life.
257  Always keep the XC format, since ImageMagick uses it internally.
259  You can elect to changes these things the good old hard-coded way. This
260  define is applicable in magick-config.h:
262    #define MagickConfigurePath "C:\\ImageMagick\\"
264  To view any image in a Microsoft window, type
266    $magick> convert image.ext win:
268  Make sure Ghostscript is installed, otherwise, you will be unable to convert
269  or view a Postscript document, and Postscript standard fonts will not be
270  available.
272  You may use any standard web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) to browse the
273  ImageMagick documentation.
275  The Win2K executables will work under Windows 98.
277  ImageMagick is now configured and built. You can optionally install it on
278  your system as discussed below.
280  If you are looking to install the ImageMagick COM+ object, see Installing
281  the ImageMagickObject COM+ Component.
285  You can run ImageMagick command line utilities directly from the
286  VisualMagick\bin folder, however, in most cases you may want the convenience
287  of an installer script. ImageMagick provides Inno Setup scripts for this
288  purpose. Note, you must define MAGICKCORE_INSTALLED_SUPPORT at configure
289  time to utilize the installer scripts.
291  To get started building a self-installing ImageMagick executable, go to
292  VisualMagick\installer folder and click on a script that matches your build
293  environment. Press F9 to build and install ImageMagick. The default location
294  is C:Program Files\ImageMagick-6.?.?\Q?. The exact folder name depends
295  on the ImageMagick version and quantum depth. Once installed, ImageMagick
296  command line utilities and libraries are available to the MS Command Prompt,
297  web scripts, or to meet your development needs.
299Create a Self-Installing Binary Distribution
301  Prerequisites
303     1. Download and install Inno Setup 5.
304     2. Download and install ActiveState ActivePerl @
305        http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads/.
307  Run the Configure Wizard
309     1. Double-click on VisualMagick/configure/configure.sln to build the
310        configure wizard.
311     2. Select Rebuild All and launch the configure wizard.
312     3. Uncheck Use X11 Stubs and check Build demo and test programs.
313     4. Click on Edit magick_config.h and define MAGICKCORE_INSTALLED_SUPPORT.
314     5. Complete the configure wizard screens to create the ImageMagick Visual
315        C++ workspace.
317  Build ImageMagick
319     1. Double-click on VisualMagick/VisualDynamicMT.sln to launch the
320        ImageMagick Visual workspace.
321     2. Set the active configuration to Win32 Release.
322     3. Select Rebuild All to build the ImageMagick binary distribution.
324  Build ImageMagickObject
326     1. Launch the MS-DOS Command Prompt application and move to the
327        contrib\win32\ATL7\ImageMagickObject folder.
328     2. Build ImageMagickObject with these commands:
330          $magick> BuildImageMagickObject clean
331          $magick> BuildImageMagickObject release
333  Build PerlMagick
335     1. Launch the MS-DOS Command Prompt application and move to the PerlMagick
336        folder.
337     2. Build PerlMagick with these commands:
339          $magick> perl Makefile.nt
340          $magick> nmake release
342  Create the Self-installing ImageMagick Binary Distribution
344     1. Double-click on VisualMagick/installer/im-dll-16.iss to launch the
345        Inno Setup 5 wizard.
346     2. Select File->Compile.
348  Install the Binary Distribution
350     1. Double-click on VisualMagick/bin/ImageMagick-7.0.0-0-Q16-windows-dll.exe
351        to launch the ImageMagick binary distribution.
352     2. Complete the installer screens to install ImageMagick on your system.
354  Test the Binary Distribution
356     1. Launch the MS-DOS Command Prompt application and move to the PerlMagick
357        folder and type
359          $magick> nmake test
361     2. Move to the VisualMagick/tests folder and type
363          $magick> validate
365     3. Move to the VisualMagick/Magick++/tests folder and type
367          $magick> run_tests.bat
369     4. Move to the VisualMagick/Magick++/demo folder and type
371          $magick> run_demos.bat
373  If all the tests pass without complaint, the ImageMagick self-install binary
374  distribution is ready for use.
376Dealing with Unexpected Problems
378  Chances are the download, configure, build, and install of ImageMagick went
379  flawlessly as it is intended, however, certain systems and environments may
380  cause one or more steps to fail. We discuss a few problems we've run across
381  and how to take corrective action to ensure you have a working release
382  of ImageMagick.
384  If the compiler generates an error or if it quits unexpectedly, go to the
385  Visual Studio web site and look for Visual Studio service packs. Chances
386  are, after you download and install all the Visual Studio service packs,
387  ImageMagick will compile and build as expected.
389Building Your Custom Project
391  The Windows binary distribution includes a number of demo projects that
392  you can use as a template for your own custom project. For example,
393  start with the Button project, generally located in the c:/Program
394  Files/ImageMagick-7.0.0-0/Magick++_demos folder. If not, be sure to select
395  Configuration Properties->C/C++->Preprocessor and set these definitions:
397    NDEBUG
398    WIN32
399    _CONSOLE
400    _VISUALC_
401    NeedFunctionPrototypes
402    _DLL
403    _MAGICKMOD_