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1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i386-pc-linux-gnu -ffreestanding -verify -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
3 #include <stdint.h>
5 // Brace-enclosed string array initializers
6 char a[] = { "asdf" };
7 // CHECK: @a = global [5 x i8] c"asdf\00"
9 char a2[2][5] = { "asdf" };
10 // CHECK: @a2 = global [2 x [5 x i8]] {{\[}}[5 x i8] c"asdf\00", [5 x i8] zeroinitializer]
12 // Double-implicit-conversions of array/functions (not legal C, but
13 // clang accepts it for gcc compat).
14 intptr_t b = a; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer to integer conversion}}
15 int c();
16 void *d = c;
17 intptr_t e = c; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer to integer conversion}}
19 int f, *g = __extension__ &f, *h = (1 != 1) ? &f : &f;
21 union s2 {
22   struct {
23     struct { } *f0;
24   } f0;
25 };
27 int g0 = (int)(&(((union s2 *) 0)->f0.f0) - 0);
29 // CHECK: @g1x = global { double, double } { double 1.000000e+00{{[0]*}}, double 0.000000e+00{{[0]*}} }
30 _Complex double g1x = 1.0f;
31 // CHECK: @g1y = global { double, double } { double 0.000000e+00{{[0]*}}, double 1.000000e+00{{[0]*}} }
32 _Complex double g1y = 1.0fi;
33 // CHECK: @g1 = global { i8, i8 } { i8 1, i8 10 }
34 _Complex char g1 = (char) 1 + (char) 10 * 1i;
35 // CHECK: @g2 = global { i32, i32 } { i32 1, i32 10 }
36 _Complex int g2 = 1 + 10i;
37 // CHECK: @g3 = global { float, float } { float 1.000000e+00{{[0]*}}, float 1.000000e+0{{[0]*}}1 }
38 _Complex float g3 = 1.0 + 10.0i;
39 // CHECK: @g4 = global { double, double } { double 1.000000e+00{{[0]*}}, double 1.000000e+0{{[0]*}}1 }
40 _Complex double g4 = 1.0 + 10.0i;
41 // CHECK: @g5 = global { i32, i32 } zeroinitializer
42 _Complex int g5 = (2 + 3i) == (5 + 7i);
43 // CHECK: @g6 = global { double, double } { double -1.100000e+0{{[0]*}}1, double 2.900000e+0{{[0]*}}1 }
44 _Complex double g6 = (2.0 + 3.0i) * (5.0 + 7.0i);
45 // CHECK: @g7 = global i32 1
46 int g7 = (2 + 3i) * (5 + 7i) == (-11 + 29i);
47 // CHECK: @g8 = global i32 1
48 int g8 = (2.0 + 3.0i) * (5.0 + 7.0i) == (-11.0 + 29.0i);
49 // CHECK: @g9 = global i32 0
50 int g9 = (2 + 3i) * (5 + 7i) != (-11 + 29i);
51 // CHECK: @g10 = global i32 0
52 int g10 = (2.0 + 3.0i) * (5.0 + 7.0i) != (-11.0 + 29.0i);
54 // PR5108
55 // CHECK: @gv1 = global %struct.anon <{ i32 0, i8 7 }>, align 1
56 struct {
57   unsigned long a;
58   unsigned long b:3;
59 } __attribute__((__packed__)) gv1  = { .a = 0x0, .b = 7,  };
61 // PR5118
62 // CHECK: @gv2 = global %struct.anon.0 <{ i8 1, i8* null }>, align 1
63 struct {
64   unsigned char a;
65   char *b;
66 } __attribute__((__packed__)) gv2 = { 1, (void*)0 };
68 // Global references
69 // CHECK: @g11.l0 = internal global i32 ptrtoint (i32 ()* @g11 to i32)
g11()70 long g11() {
71   static long l0 = (long) g11;
72   return l0;
73 }
75 // CHECK: @g12 = global i32 ptrtoint (i8* @g12_tmp to i32)
76 static char g12_tmp;
77 long g12 = (long) &g12_tmp;
79 // CHECK: @g13 = global [1 x %struct.g13_s0] [%struct.g13_s0 { i32 ptrtoint (i8* @g12_tmp to i32) }]
80 struct g13_s0 {
81    long a;
82 };
83 struct g13_s0 g13[] = {
84    { (long) &g12_tmp }
85 };
87 // CHECK: @g14 = global i8* inttoptr (i32 100 to i8*)
88 void *g14 = (void*) 100;
90 // CHECK: @g15 = global i32 -1
91 int g15 = (int) (char) ((void*) 0 + 255);
93 // CHECK: @g16 = global i64 4294967295
94 long long g16 = (long long) ((void*) 0xFFFFFFFF);
96 // CHECK: @g17 = global i32* @g15
97 int *g17 = (int *) ((long) &g15);
99 // CHECK: @g18.p = internal global [1 x i32*] [i32* @g19]
g18(void)100 void g18(void) {
101   extern int g19;
102   static int *p[] = { &g19 };
103 }
105 // CHECK: @g20.l0 = internal global %struct.g20_s1 { %struct.g20_s0* null, %struct.g20_s0** getelementptr inbounds (%struct.g20_s1, %struct.g20_s1* @g20.l0, i32 0, i32 0) }
106 struct g20_s0;
107 struct g20_s1 {
108   struct g20_s0 *f0, **f1;
109 };
g20(void)110 void *g20(void) {
111   static struct g20_s1 l0 = { ((void*) 0), &l0.f0 };
112   return l0.f1;
113 }
115 // PR4108
116 struct g21 {int g21;};
117 const struct g21 g21 = (struct g21){1};
119 // PR5474
120 struct g22 {int x;} __attribute((packed));
121 struct g23 {char a; short b; char c; struct g22 d;};
122 struct g23 g24 = {1,2,3,4};
124 // CHECK: @g25.g26 = internal global i8* getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @__func__.g25, i32 0, i32 0)
125 // CHECK: @__func__.g25 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"g25\00"
g25()126 int g25() {
127   static const char *g26 = __func__;
128   return *g26;
129 }
131 // CHECK: @g27.x = internal global i8* bitcast (i8** @g27.x to i8*), align 4
g27()132 void g27() { // PR8073
133   static void *x = &x;
134 }
g28()136 void g28() {
137   typedef long long v1i64 __attribute((vector_size(8)));
138   typedef short v12i16 __attribute((vector_size(24)));
139   typedef long double v2f80 __attribute((vector_size(24)));
140   // CHECK: @g28.a = internal global <1 x i64> <i64 10>
141   // CHECK: @g28.b = internal global <12 x i16> <i16 0, i16 0, i16 0, i16 -32768, i16 16383, i16 0, i16 0, i16 0, i16 0, i16 -32768, i16 16384, i16 0>
142   // CHECK: @g28.c = internal global <2 x x86_fp80> <x86_fp80 0xK3FFF8000000000000000, x86_fp80 0xK40008000000000000000>, align 32
143   static v1i64 a = (v1i64)10LL;
144   static v12i16 b = (v2f80){1,2};
145   static v2f80 c = (v12i16){0,0,0,-32768,16383,0,0,0,0,-32768,16384,0};
146 }
148 // PR13643
g29()149 void g29() {
150   typedef char DCC_PASSWD[2];
151   typedef struct
152   {
153       DCC_PASSWD passwd;
154   } DCC_SRVR_NM;
155   // CHECK: @g29.a = internal global %struct.DCC_SRVR_NM { [2 x i8] c"@\00" }, align 1
156   // CHECK: @g29.b = internal global [1 x i32] [i32 ptrtoint ([5 x i8]* @.str to i32)], align 4
157   // CHECK: @g29.c = internal global [1 x i32] [i32 97], align 4
158   static DCC_SRVR_NM a = { {"@"} };
159   static int b[1] = { "asdf" }; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer to integer conversion initializing 'int' with an expression of type 'char [5]'}}
160   static int c[1] = { L"a" };
161 }
163 // PR21300
g30()164 void g30() {
165 #pragma pack(1)
166   static struct {
167     int : 1;
168     int x;
169   } a = {};
170   // CHECK: @g30.a = internal global %struct.anon.1 <{ i8 undef, i32 0 }>, align 1
171 #pragma pack()
172 }
g31()174 void g31() {
175 #pragma pack(4)
176   static struct {
177     short a;
178     long x;
179     short z;
180   } a = {23122, -12312731, -312};
181 #pragma pack()
182   // CHECK: @g31.a = internal global %struct.anon.2 { i16 23122, i32 -12312731, i16 -312 }, align 4
183 }