1// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. 2// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License 3es_NI{ 4 %%Parent{"es_419"} 5 Languages{ 6 ace{"acehnés"} 7 arp{"arapaho"} 8 bho{"bhojpuri"} 9 eu{"euskera"} 10 grc{"griego antiguo"} 11 lo{"lao"} 12 nso{"sotho septentrional"} 13 pa{"punyabí"} 14 ss{"siswati"} 15 sw{"suajili"} 16 sw_CD{"suajili del Congo"} 17 tn{"setswana"} 18 wo{"wolof"} 19 zgh{"tamazight marroquí estándar"} 20 } 21 Version{""} 22} 23