1// Set up common variables for usage across the libjpeg-turbo modules
3cc_defaults {
4    name: "libjpeg-defaults",
5    cflags: [
6        "-O3",
7        "-fstrict-aliasing",
9        "-Wno-unused-parameter",
10        "-Werror",
11    ],
12    srcs: [
13        "jcapimin.c",
14        "jcapistd.c",
15        "jaricom.c",
16        "jcarith.c",
17        "jccoefct.c",
18        "jccolor.c",
19        "jcdctmgr.c",
20        "jchuff.c",
21        "jcinit.c",
22        "jcmainct.c",
23        "jcmarker.c",
24        "jcmaster.c",
25        "jcomapi.c",
26        "jcparam.c",
27        "jcphuff.c",
28        "jcprepct.c",
29        "jcsample.c",
30        "jctrans.c",
31        "jdapimin.c",
32        "jdapistd.c",
33        "jdarith.c",
34        "jdatadst.c",
35        "jdatasrc.c",
36        "jdcoefct.c",
37        "jdcolor.c",
38        "jddctmgr.c",
39        "jdhuff.c",
40        "jdinput.c",
41        "jdmainct.c",
42        "jdmarker.c",
43        "jdmaster.c",
44        "jdmerge.c",
45        "jdphuff.c",
46        "jdpostct.c",
47        "jdsample.c",
48        "jdtrans.c",
49        "jerror.c",
50        "jfdctflt.c",
51        "jfdctfst.c",
52        "jfdctint.c",
53        "jidctflt.c",
54        "jidctfst.c",
55        "jidctint.c",
56        "jidctred.c",
57        "jmemmgr.c",
58        "jmemnobs.c",
59        "jquant1.c",
60        "jquant2.c",
61        "jutils.c",
62    ],
64    arch: {
65        arm: {
66            // By default, the build system generates ARM target binaries in
67            // thumb mode, where each instruction is 16 bits wide.  Defining
68            // this variable as arm forces the build system to generate object
69            // files in 32-bit arm mode.  This is the same setting previously
70            // used by libjpeg and it provides a small performance benefit.
71            instruction_set: "arm",
72            // ARM v7 NEON
73            srcs: [
74                "simd/jsimd_arm_neon.S",
75                "simd/jsimd_arm.c",
76            ],
77            armv7_a_neon: {
78                // If we are certain that the ARM v7 device has NEON (and there
79                // is no need for a runtime check), we can indicate that with a
80                // flag.
81                cflags: ["-D__ARM_HAVE_NEON__"],
82            },
83        },
84        arm64: {
85            // ARM v8 64-bit NEON
86            srcs: [
87                "simd/jsimd_arm64_neon.S",
88                "simd/jsimd_arm64.c",
89            ],
90        },
91        x86: {
92            // x86 MMX and SSE2
93            srcs: [
94                "simd/jsimd_i386.c",
95                "simd/jccolor-mmx.asm",
96                "simd/jccolor-sse2.asm",
97                "simd/jcgray-mmx.asm",
98                "simd/jcgray-sse2.asm",
99                "simd/jchuff-sse2.asm",
100                "simd/jcsample-mmx.asm",
101                "simd/jcsample-sse2.asm",
102                "simd/jdcolor-mmx.asm",
103                "simd/jdcolor-sse2.asm",
104                "simd/jdmerge-mmx.asm",
105                "simd/jdmerge-sse2.asm",
106                "simd/jdsample-mmx.asm",
107                "simd/jdsample-sse2.asm",
108                "simd/jfdctflt-3dn.asm",
109                "simd/jfdctflt-sse.asm",
110                "simd/jfdctfst-mmx.asm",
111                "simd/jfdctfst-sse2.asm",
112                "simd/jfdctint-mmx.asm",
113                "simd/jfdctint-sse2.asm",
114                "simd/jidctflt-3dn.asm",
115                "simd/jidctflt-sse2.asm",
116                "simd/jidctflt-sse.asm",
117                "simd/jidctfst-mmx.asm",
118                "simd/jidctfst-sse2.asm",
119                "simd/jidctint-mmx.asm",
120                "simd/jidctint-sse2.asm",
121                "simd/jidctred-mmx.asm",
122                "simd/jidctred-sse2.asm",
123                "simd/jquant-3dn.asm",
124                "simd/jquantf-sse2.asm",
125                "simd/jquanti-sse2.asm",
126                "simd/jquant-mmx.asm",
127                "simd/jquant-sse.asm",
128                "simd/jsimdcpu.asm",
129            ],
130            asflags: [
131                "-DPIC",
132                "-DELF",
133            ],
134            local_include_dirs: ["simd"],
135        },
136        x86_64: {
137            // x86-64 SSE2
138            srcs: [
139                "simd/jsimd_x86_64.c",
140                "simd/jccolor-sse2-64.asm",
141                "simd/jcgray-sse2-64.asm",
142                "simd/jchuff-sse2-64.asm",
143                "simd/jcsample-sse2-64.asm",
144                "simd/jdcolor-sse2-64.asm",
145                "simd/jdmerge-sse2-64.asm",
146                "simd/jdsample-sse2-64.asm",
147                "simd/jfdctflt-sse-64.asm",
148                "simd/jfdctfst-sse2-64.asm",
149                "simd/jfdctint-sse2-64.asm",
150                "simd/jidctflt-sse2-64.asm",
151                "simd/jidctfst-sse2-64.asm",
152                "simd/jidctint-sse2-64.asm",
153                "simd/jidctred-sse2-64.asm",
154                "simd/jquantf-sse2-64.asm",
155                "simd/jquanti-sse2-64.asm",
156            ],
157            asflags: [
158                "-D__x86_64__",
159                "-DPIC",
160                "-DELF",
161            ],
162            local_include_dirs: ["simd"],
163        },
164        mips: {
165            srcs: ["jsimd_none.c"],
166        },
167        mips64: {
168            srcs: ["jsimd_none.c"],
169        },
170    },
173// Also build as a shared library.
174cc_library {
175    name: "libjpeg",
176    vendor_available: true,
177    defaults: ["libjpeg-defaults"],
178    export_include_dirs: ["."],
181// Build static library against the NDK
182cc_library_static {
183    name: "libjpeg_static_ndk",
184    defaults: ["libjpeg-defaults"],
185    export_include_dirs: ["."],
186    sdk_version: "17",
189// Definition for TJBench
190cc_binary {
191    name: "tjbench",
193    whole_static_libs: ["libjpeg"],
195    multilib: {
196        lib32: {
197            stem: "tj32",
198        },
199        lib64: {
200            stem: "tj64",
201        },
202    },
204    compile_multilib: "both",
206    cflags: [
207        "-DBMP_SUPPORTED",
208        "-DPPM_SUPPORTED",
209        "-Wno-unused-parameter",
210        "-Werror",
211    ],
213    srcs: [
214        "tjbench.c",
215        "bmp.c",
216        "tjutil.c",
217        "rdbmp.c",
218        "rdppm.c",
219        "wrbmp.c",
220        "wrppm.c",
221        "turbojpeg.c",
222        "transupp.c",
223        "jdatadst-tj.c",
224        "jdatasrc-tj.c",
225    ],