1 // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
10 #include <map>
11 #include <memory>
13 #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_annot.h"
14 #include "fpdfsdk/fsdk_define.h"
15 #include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/PWL_Edit.h"
17 class CFFL_FormFiller;
18 class CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment;
19 class CPDFSDK_PageView;
20 class CPDFSDK_Widget;
22 class CFFL_InteractiveFormFiller : public IPWL_Filler_Notify {
23  public:
24   explicit CFFL_InteractiveFormFiller(
25       CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* pFormFillEnv);
26   ~CFFL_InteractiveFormFiller() override;
28   bool Annot_HitTest(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
29                      CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot,
30                      const CFX_PointF& point);
31   FX_RECT GetViewBBox(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot);
32   void OnDraw(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
33               CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot,
34               CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
35               CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device);
37   void OnDelete(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot);
39   void OnMouseEnter(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
40                     CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pAnnot,
41                     uint32_t nFlag);
42   void OnMouseExit(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
43                    CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pAnnot,
44                    uint32_t nFlag);
45   bool OnLButtonDown(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
46                      CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pAnnot,
47                      uint32_t nFlags,
48                      const CFX_PointF& point);
49   bool OnLButtonUp(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
50                    CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pAnnot,
51                    uint32_t nFlags,
52                    const CFX_PointF& point);
53   bool OnLButtonDblClk(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
54                        CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pAnnot,
55                        uint32_t nFlags,
56                        const CFX_PointF& point);
57   bool OnMouseMove(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
58                    CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pAnnot,
59                    uint32_t nFlags,
60                    const CFX_PointF& point);
61   bool OnMouseWheel(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
62                     CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pAnnot,
63                     uint32_t nFlags,
64                     short zDelta,
65                     const CFX_PointF& point);
66   bool OnRButtonDown(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
67                      CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pAnnot,
68                      uint32_t nFlags,
69                      const CFX_PointF& point);
70   bool OnRButtonUp(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
71                    CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pAnnot,
72                    uint32_t nFlags,
73                    const CFX_PointF& point);
75   bool OnKeyDown(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, uint32_t nKeyCode, uint32_t nFlags);
76   bool OnChar(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, uint32_t nChar, uint32_t nFlags);
78   bool OnSetFocus(CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pAnnot, uint32_t nFlag);
79   bool OnKillFocus(CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pAnnot, uint32_t nFlag);
81   CFFL_FormFiller* GetFormFiller(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, bool bRegister);
82   void RemoveFormFiller(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot);
84   static bool IsVisible(CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget);
85   static bool IsReadOnly(CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget);
86   static bool IsFillingAllowed(CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget);
87   static bool IsValidAnnot(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot);
89   void OnKeyStrokeCommit(CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pWidget,
90                          CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
91                          bool& bRC,
92                          bool& bExit,
93                          uint32_t nFlag);
94   void OnValidate(CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pWidget,
95                   CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
96                   bool& bRC,
97                   bool& bExit,
98                   uint32_t nFlag);
100   void OnCalculate(CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget,
101                    CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
102                    bool& bExit,
103                    uint32_t nFlag);
104   void OnFormat(CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget,
105                 CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
106                 bool& bExit,
107                 uint32_t nFlag);
108   void OnButtonUp(CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pWidget,
109                   CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
110                   bool& bReset,
111                   bool& bExit,
112                   uint32_t nFlag);
113 #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA
114   void OnClick(CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget,
115                CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
116                bool& bReset,
117                bool& bExit,
118                uint32_t nFlag);
119   void OnFull(CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget,
120               CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
121               bool& bReset,
122               bool& bExit,
123               uint32_t nFlag);
124   void OnPreOpen(CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget,
125                  CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
126                  bool& bReset,
127                  bool& bExit,
128                  uint32_t nFlag);
129   void OnPostOpen(CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget,
130                   CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView,
131                   bool& bReset,
132                   bool& bExit,
133                   uint32_t nFlag);
134 #endif  // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
136  private:
137   using CFFL_Widget2Filler =
138       std::map<CPDFSDK_Annot*, std::unique_ptr<CFFL_FormFiller>>;
140   // IPWL_Filler_Notify:
141   void QueryWherePopup(void* pPrivateData,
142                        FX_FLOAT fPopupMin,
143                        FX_FLOAT fPopupMax,
144                        int32_t& nRet,
145                        FX_FLOAT& fPopupRet) override;
146   void OnBeforeKeyStroke(void* pPrivateData,
147                          CFX_WideString& strChange,
148                          const CFX_WideString& strChangeEx,
149                          int nSelStart,
150                          int nSelEnd,
151                          bool bKeyDown,
152                          bool& bRC,
153                          bool& bExit,
154                          uint32_t nFlag) override;
155 #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA
156   void OnPopupPreOpen(void* pPrivateData, bool& bExit, uint32_t nFlag) override;
157   void OnPopupPostOpen(void* pPrivateData,
158                        bool& bExit,
159                        uint32_t nFlag) override;
160   void SetFocusAnnotTab(CPDFSDK_Annot* pWidget, bool bSameField, bool bNext);
161 #endif  // PDF_ENABLE_XFA
162   void UnRegisterFormFiller(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot);
164   CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* const m_pFormFillEnv;
165   CFFL_Widget2Filler m_Maps;
166   bool m_bNotifying;
167 };
169 class CFFL_PrivateData {
170  public:
171   CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget;
172   CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView;
173   int nWidgetAge;
174   int nValueAge;
175 };