"booleans" "5" "28-Nov-2011" "Security Enhanced Linux" "SELinux configuration"
booleans - The SELinux booleans configuration files
The booleans file, if present contains booleans to support a specific distribution.
The booleans.local file, if present contains locally generated booleans.
Both files contain a list of boolean names and their associated values.
Generally the booleans and/or booleans.local files are not present (they have been deprecated). However if there is an SELinux-aware application that uses the libselinux functions listed below, then these files may be present:
security_set_boolean_list "(3) "
Writes a booleans.local file if flag permanent = 1.
security_load_booleans "(3) "
Both boolean files have the same format and contain one or more boolean names and their value.
The format is:
boolean_name value
The name of the boolean.
The default setting for the boolean. This can be one of the following:
true " | " false " | " 1 " | " 0
selinux "(8), " booleans "(8), " setsebool "(8), " semanage "(8), " selinux_booleans_path "(3), " security_set_boolean_list "(3), " security_load_booleans "(3), " selinux_mkload_policy "(3), " selinux_users_path "(3), " selinux_config "(5), " local.users "(5) "