1Skia Debugger 2============= 3 4Introduction 5------------ 6 7The Skia Debugger is a graphical tool used to step through and analyze the 8contents of the Skia picture format. The tool is available online at 9[https://debugger.skia.org](https://debugger.skia.org/) or can be run locally. 10 11Building and running locally 12-------------------- 13 14Begin by following the instructions to 15[download and build Skia](../../user/quick), then simply build and run the 16`skiaserve` tool: 17 18<!--?prettify lang=sh?--> 19 20 # Build. 21 ninja -C out/Release skiaserve 22 23 # Run the debugger locally 24 out/Release/skiaserve 25 26After running `skiaserve`, follow the instructions to open the debugger in your 27local browser. By default the address will be ``. 28 29 30