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1 /*
2 ** $Id: luac.c,v 1.69 2011/11/29 17:46:33 lhf Exp $
3 ** Lua compiler (saves bytecodes to files; also list bytecodes)
4 ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
5 */
7 #include <errno.h>
8 #include <stdio.h>
9 #include <stdlib.h>
10 #include <string.h>
12 #define luac_c
13 #define LUA_CORE
15 #include "lua.h"
16 #include "lauxlib.h"
18 #include "lobject.h"
19 #include "lstate.h"
20 #include "lundump.h"
22 static void PrintFunction(const Proto* f, int full);
23 #define luaU_print	PrintFunction
25 #define PROGNAME	"luac"		/* default program name */
26 #define OUTPUT		PROGNAME ".out"	/* default output file */
28 static int listing=0;			/* list bytecodes? */
29 static int dumping=1;			/* dump bytecodes? */
30 static int stripping=0;			/* strip debug information? */
31 static char Output[]={ OUTPUT };	/* default output file name */
32 static const char* output=Output;	/* actual output file name */
33 static const char* progname=PROGNAME;	/* actual program name */
fatal(const char * message)35 static void fatal(const char* message)
36 {
37  fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s\n",progname,message);
38  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
39 }
cannot(const char * what)41 static void cannot(const char* what)
42 {
43  fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot %s %s: %s\n",progname,what,output,strerror(errno));
44  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
45 }
usage(const char * message)47 static void usage(const char* message)
48 {
49  if (*message=='-')
50   fprintf(stderr,"%s: unrecognized option " LUA_QS "\n",progname,message);
51  else
52   fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s\n",progname,message);
53  fprintf(stderr,
54   "usage: %s [options] [filenames]\n"
55   "Available options are:\n"
56   "  -l       list (use -l -l for full listing)\n"
57   "  -o name  output to file " LUA_QL("name") " (default is \"%s\")\n"
58   "  -p       parse only\n"
59   "  -s       strip debug information\n"
60   "  -v       show version information\n"
61   "  --       stop handling options\n"
62   "  -        stop handling options and process stdin\n"
63   ,progname,Output);
64  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
65 }
67 #define IS(s)	(strcmp(argv[i],s)==0)
doargs(int argc,char * argv[])69 static int doargs(int argc, char* argv[])
70 {
71  int i;
72  int version=0;
73  if (argv[0]!=NULL && *argv[0]!=0) progname=argv[0];
74  for (i=1; i<argc; i++)
75  {
76   if (*argv[i]!='-')			/* end of options; keep it */
77    break;
78   else if (IS("--"))			/* end of options; skip it */
79   {
80    ++i;
81    if (version) ++version;
82    break;
83   }
84   else if (IS("-"))			/* end of options; use stdin */
85    break;
86   else if (IS("-l"))			/* list */
87    ++listing;
88   else if (IS("-o"))			/* output file */
89   {
90    output=argv[++i];
91    if (output==NULL || *output==0 || (*output=='-' && output[1]!=0))
92     usage(LUA_QL("-o") " needs argument");
93    if (IS("-")) output=NULL;
94   }
95   else if (IS("-p"))			/* parse only */
96    dumping=0;
97   else if (IS("-s"))			/* strip debug information */
98    stripping=1;
99   else if (IS("-v"))			/* show version */
100    ++version;
101   else					/* unknown option */
102    usage(argv[i]);
103  }
104  if (i==argc && (listing || !dumping))
105  {
106   dumping=0;
107   argv[--i]=Output;
108  }
109  if (version)
110  {
111   printf("%s\n",LUA_COPYRIGHT);
112   if (version==argc-1) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
113  }
114  return i;
115 }
117 #define FUNCTION "(function()end)();"
reader(lua_State * L,void * ud,size_t * size)119 static const char* reader(lua_State *L, void *ud, size_t *size)
120 {
121  UNUSED(L);
122  if ((*(int*)ud)--)
123  {
124   *size=sizeof(FUNCTION)-1;
125   return FUNCTION;
126  }
127  else
128  {
129   *size=0;
130   return NULL;
131  }
132 }
134 #define toproto(L,i) getproto(L->top+(i))
combine(lua_State * L,int n)136 static const Proto* combine(lua_State* L, int n)
137 {
138  if (n==1)
139   return toproto(L,-1);
140  else
141  {
142   Proto* f;
143   int i=n;
144   if (lua_load(L,reader,&i,"=(" PROGNAME ")",NULL)!=LUA_OK) fatal(lua_tostring(L,-1));
145   f=toproto(L,-1);
146   for (i=0; i<n; i++)
147   {
148    f->p[i]=toproto(L,i-n-1);
149    if (f->p[i]->sizeupvalues>0) f->p[i]->upvalues[0].instack=0;
150   }
151   f->sizelineinfo=0;
152   return f;
153  }
154 }
writer(lua_State * L,const void * p,size_t size,void * u)156 static int writer(lua_State* L, const void* p, size_t size, void* u)
157 {
158  UNUSED(L);
159  return (fwrite(p,size,1,(FILE*)u)!=1) && (size!=0);
160 }
pmain(lua_State * L)162 static int pmain(lua_State* L)
163 {
164  int argc=(int)lua_tointeger(L,1);
165  char** argv=(char**)lua_touserdata(L,2);
166  const Proto* f;
167  int i;
168  if (!lua_checkstack(L,argc)) fatal("too many input files");
169  for (i=0; i<argc; i++)
170  {
171   const char* filename=IS("-") ? NULL : argv[i];
172   if (luaL_loadfile(L,filename)!=LUA_OK) fatal(lua_tostring(L,-1));
173  }
174  f=combine(L,argc);
175  if (listing) luaU_print(f,listing>1);
176  if (dumping)
177  {
178   FILE* D= (output==NULL) ? stdout : fopen(output,"wb");
179   if (D==NULL) cannot("open");
180   lua_lock(L);
181   luaU_dump(L,f,writer,D,stripping);
182   lua_unlock(L);
183   if (ferror(D)) cannot("write");
184   if (fclose(D)) cannot("close");
185  }
186  return 0;
187 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])189 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
190 {
191  lua_State* L;
192  int i=doargs(argc,argv);
193  argc-=i; argv+=i;
194  if (argc<=0) usage("no input files given");
195  L=luaL_newstate();
196  if (L==NULL) fatal("cannot create state: not enough memory");
197  lua_pushcfunction(L,&pmain);
198  lua_pushinteger(L,argc);
199  lua_pushlightuserdata(L,argv);
200  if (lua_pcall(L,2,0,0)!=LUA_OK) fatal(lua_tostring(L,-1));
201  lua_close(L);
202  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
203 }
205 /*
206 ** $Id: print.c,v 1.68 2011/09/30 10:21:20 lhf Exp $
207 ** print bytecodes
208 ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
209 */
211 #include <ctype.h>
212 #include <stdio.h>
214 #define luac_c
215 #define LUA_CORE
217 #include "ldebug.h"
218 #include "lobject.h"
219 #include "lopcodes.h"
221 #define VOID(p)		((const void*)(p))
PrintString(const TString * ts)223 static void PrintString(const TString* ts)
224 {
225  const char* s=getstr(ts);
226  size_t i,n=ts->tsv.len;
227  printf("%c",'"');
228  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
229  {
230   int c=(int)(unsigned char)s[i];
231   switch (c)
232   {
233    case '"':  printf("\\\""); break;
234    case '\\': printf("\\\\"); break;
235    case '\a': printf("\\a"); break;
236    case '\b': printf("\\b"); break;
237    case '\f': printf("\\f"); break;
238    case '\n': printf("\\n"); break;
239    case '\r': printf("\\r"); break;
240    case '\t': printf("\\t"); break;
241    case '\v': printf("\\v"); break;
242    default:	if (isprint(c))
243    			printf("%c",c);
244 		else
245 			printf("\\%03d",c);
246   }
247  }
248  printf("%c",'"');
249 }
PrintConstant(const Proto * f,int i)251 static void PrintConstant(const Proto* f, int i)
252 {
253  const TValue* o=&f->k[i];
254  switch (ttype(o))
255  {
256   case LUA_TNIL:
257 	printf("nil");
258 	break;
259   case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
260 	printf(bvalue(o) ? "true" : "false");
261 	break;
262   case LUA_TNUMBER:
263 	printf(LUA_NUMBER_FMT,nvalue(o));
264 	break;
265   case LUA_TSTRING:
266 	PrintString(rawtsvalue(o));
267 	break;
268   default:				/* cannot happen */
269 	printf("? type=%d",ttype(o));
270 	break;
271  }
272 }
274 #define UPVALNAME(x) ((f->upvalues[x].name) ? getstr(f->upvalues[x].name) : "-")
275 #define MYK(x)		(-1-(x))
PrintCode(const Proto * f)277 static void PrintCode(const Proto* f)
278 {
279  const Instruction* code=f->code;
280  int pc,n=f->sizecode;
281  for (pc=0; pc<n; pc++)
282  {
283   Instruction i=code[pc];
284   OpCode o=GET_OPCODE(i);
285   int a=GETARG_A(i);
286   int b=GETARG_B(i);
287   int c=GETARG_C(i);
288   int ax=GETARG_Ax(i);
289   int bx=GETARG_Bx(i);
290   int sbx=GETARG_sBx(i);
291   int line=getfuncline(f,pc);
292   printf("\t%d\t",pc+1);
293   if (line>0) printf("[%d]\t",line); else printf("[-]\t");
294   printf("%-9s\t",luaP_opnames[o]);
295   switch (getOpMode(o))
296   {
297    case iABC:
298     printf("%d",a);
299     if (getBMode(o)!=OpArgN) printf(" %d",ISK(b) ? (MYK(INDEXK(b))) : b);
300     if (getCMode(o)!=OpArgN) printf(" %d",ISK(c) ? (MYK(INDEXK(c))) : c);
301     break;
302    case iABx:
303     printf("%d",a);
304     if (getBMode(o)==OpArgK) printf(" %d",MYK(bx));
305     if (getBMode(o)==OpArgU) printf(" %d",bx);
306     break;
307    case iAsBx:
308     printf("%d %d",a,sbx);
309     break;
310    case iAx:
311     printf("%d",MYK(ax));
312     break;
313   }
314   switch (o)
315   {
316    case OP_LOADK:
317     printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,bx);
318     break;
319    case OP_GETUPVAL:
320    case OP_SETUPVAL:
321     printf("\t; %s",UPVALNAME(b));
322     break;
323    case OP_GETTABUP:
324     printf("\t; %s",UPVALNAME(b));
325     if (ISK(c)) { printf(" "); PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); }
326     break;
327    case OP_SETTABUP:
328     printf("\t; %s",UPVALNAME(a));
329     if (ISK(b)) { printf(" "); PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(b)); }
330     if (ISK(c)) { printf(" "); PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); }
331     break;
332    case OP_GETTABLE:
333    case OP_SELF:
334     if (ISK(c)) { printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); }
335     break;
336    case OP_SETTABLE:
337    case OP_ADD:
338    case OP_SUB:
339    case OP_MUL:
340    case OP_DIV:
341    case OP_POW:
342    case OP_EQ:
343    case OP_LT:
344    case OP_LE:
345     if (ISK(b) || ISK(c))
346     {
347      printf("\t; ");
348      if (ISK(b)) PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(b)); else printf("-");
349      printf(" ");
350      if (ISK(c)) PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); else printf("-");
351     }
352     break;
353    case OP_JMP:
354    case OP_FORLOOP:
355    case OP_FORPREP:
356    case OP_TFORLOOP:
357     printf("\t; to %d",sbx+pc+2);
358     break;
359    case OP_CLOSURE:
360     printf("\t; %p",VOID(f->p[bx]));
361     break;
362    case OP_SETLIST:
363     if (c==0) printf("\t; %d",(int)code[++pc]); else printf("\t; %d",c);
364     break;
365    case OP_EXTRAARG:
366     printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,ax);
367     break;
368    default:
369     break;
370   }
371   printf("\n");
372  }
373 }
375 #define SS(x)	((x==1)?"":"s")
376 #define S(x)	(int)(x),SS(x)
PrintHeader(const Proto * f)378 static void PrintHeader(const Proto* f)
379 {
380  const char* s=f->source ? getstr(f->source) : "=?";
381  if (*s=='@' || *s=='=')
382   s++;
383  else if (*s==LUA_SIGNATURE[0])
384   s="(bstring)";
385  else
386   s="(string)";
387  printf("\n%s <%s:%d,%d> (%d instruction%s at %p)\n",
388  	(f->linedefined==0)?"main":"function",s,
389 	f->linedefined,f->lastlinedefined,
390 	S(f->sizecode),VOID(f));
391  printf("%d%s param%s, %d slot%s, %d upvalue%s, ",
392 	(int)(f->numparams),f->is_vararg?"+":"",SS(f->numparams),
393 	S(f->maxstacksize),S(f->sizeupvalues));
394  printf("%d local%s, %d constant%s, %d function%s\n",
395 	S(f->sizelocvars),S(f->sizek),S(f->sizep));
396 }
PrintDebug(const Proto * f)398 static void PrintDebug(const Proto* f)
399 {
400  int i,n;
401  n=f->sizek;
402  printf("constants (%d) for %p:\n",n,VOID(f));
403  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
404  {
405   printf("\t%d\t",i+1);
406   PrintConstant(f,i);
407   printf("\n");
408  }
409  n=f->sizelocvars;
410  printf("locals (%d) for %p:\n",n,VOID(f));
411  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
412  {
413   printf("\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\n",
414   i,getstr(f->locvars[i].varname),f->locvars[i].startpc+1,f->locvars[i].endpc+1);
415  }
416  n=f->sizeupvalues;
417  printf("upvalues (%d) for %p:\n",n,VOID(f));
418  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
419  {
420   printf("\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\n",
421   i,UPVALNAME(i),f->upvalues[i].instack,f->upvalues[i].idx);
422  }
423 }
PrintFunction(const Proto * f,int full)425 static void PrintFunction(const Proto* f, int full)
426 {
427  int i,n=f->sizep;
428  PrintHeader(f);
429  PrintCode(f);
430  if (full) PrintDebug(f);
431  for (i=0; i<n; i++) PrintFunction(f->p[i],full);
432 }