1## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2## 3## Copyright 2010-2011 Gene Cumm 4## 5## Portions from core/Makefile: 6## Copyright 1998-2009 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved 7## Copyright 2009-2010 Intel Corporation; author: H. Peter Anvin 8## 9## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 10## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 11## the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330, 12## Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or 13## (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference. 14## 15## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 17# 18# Makefile for the SYSLINUX geometry display for diagnostics 19# 20 21include $(MAKEDIR)/embedded.mk 22coredir = $(topdir)/core 23VPATH = $(SRC) 24 25BTARGET = geodsp1s.bin geodspms.bin \ 26 geodsp1s.img.xz geodspms.img.xz 27 28NASMOPT = -i $(coredir)/ -i $(SRC)/ -Ox -f bin -dBINFMT 29NASMOPT += -w+orphan-labels 30CFLAGS = -g -O 31 32all: $(BTARGET) 33 34# Higher compression levels result in larger files 35%.img.xz: %.bin mk-lba-img.pl 36 $(PERL) $(SRC)/mk-lba-img.pl $< | $(XZ) -0 > $@ || ( rm -f $@ ; false ) 37 38%.img.gz: %.bin mk-lba-img.pl 39 $(PERL) $(SRC)/mk-lba-img.pl $< | $(GZIPPROG) -9 > $@ || ( rm -f $@ ; false ) 40 41# in case someone really wants these without needing a decompressor 42%.img: %.bin mk-lba-img.pl 43 $(PERL) $(SRC)/mk-lba-img.pl $< > $@ || ( rm -f $@ ; false ) 44 45%.bin: %.asm $(coredir)/writehex.inc $(coredir)/macros.inc $(coredir)/diskboot.inc 46 $(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -o $@ -l $(@:.bin=.lst) $< 47 48mk-lba-img: mk-lba-img.c 49 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< 50 51tidy dist: 52 rm -Rf *.lst *.img 53 rm -f mk-lba-img 54 55clean: tidy 56 57spotless: clean 58 rm -f $(BTARGET) 59