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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <media/AudioEffect.h>
21 #include <system/audio_effects/effect_visualizer.h>
22 #include <utils/Thread.h>
24 /**
25  * The Visualizer class enables application to retrieve part of the currently playing audio for
26  * visualization purpose. It is not an audio recording interface and only returns partial and low
27  * quality audio content. However, to protect privacy of certain audio data (e.g voice mail) the use
28  * of the visualizer requires the permission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO.
29  * The audio session ID passed to the constructor indicates which audio content should be
30  * visualized:
31  * - If the session is 0, the audio output mix is visualized
32  * - If the session is not 0, the audio from a particular MediaPlayer or AudioTrack
33  *   using this audio session is visualized
34  * Two types of representation of audio content can be captured:
35  * - Waveform data: consecutive 8-bit (unsigned) mono samples by using the getWaveForm() method
36  * - Frequency data: 8-bit magnitude FFT by using the getFft() method
37  *
38  * The length of the capture can be retrieved or specified by calling respectively
39  * getCaptureSize() and setCaptureSize() methods. Note that the size of the FFT
40  * is half of the specified capture size but both sides of the spectrum are returned yielding in a
41  * number of bytes equal to the capture size. The capture size must be a power of 2 in the range
42  * returned by getMinCaptureSize() and getMaxCaptureSize().
43  * In addition to the polling capture mode, a callback mode is also available by installing a
44  * callback function by use of the setCaptureCallBack() method. The rate at which the callback
45  * is called as well as the type of data returned is specified.
46  * Before capturing data, the Visualizer must be enabled by calling the setEnabled() method.
47  * When data capture is not needed any more, the Visualizer should be disabled.
48  */
51 namespace android {
53 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 class Visualizer: public AudioEffect {
56 public:
58     enum callback_flags {
59         CAPTURE_WAVEFORM = 0x00000001,  // capture callback returns a PCM wave form
60         CAPTURE_FFT = 0x00000002,       // apture callback returns a frequency representation
61         CAPTURE_CALL_JAVA = 0x00000004  // the callback thread can call java
62     };
65     /* Constructor.
66      * See AudioEffect constructor for details on parameters.
67      */
68                         Visualizer(const String16& opPackageName,
69                                    int32_t priority = 0,
70                                    effect_callback_t cbf = NULL,
71                                    void* user = NULL,
72                                    audio_session_t sessionId = AUDIO_SESSION_OUTPUT_MIX);
74                         ~Visualizer();
76     virtual status_t    setEnabled(bool enabled);
78     // maximum capture size in samples
getMaxCaptureSize()79     static uint32_t getMaxCaptureSize() { return VISUALIZER_CAPTURE_SIZE_MAX; }
80     // minimum capture size in samples
getMinCaptureSize()81     static uint32_t getMinCaptureSize() { return VISUALIZER_CAPTURE_SIZE_MIN; }
82     // maximum capture rate in millihertz
getMaxCaptureRate()83     static uint32_t getMaxCaptureRate() { return CAPTURE_RATE_MAX; }
85     // callback used to return periodic PCM or FFT captures to the application. Either one or both
86     // types of data are returned (PCM and FFT) according to flags indicated when installing the
87     // callback. When a type of data is not present, the corresponding size (waveformSize or
88     // fftSize) is 0.
89     typedef void (*capture_cbk_t)(void* user,
90                                     uint32_t waveformSize,
91                                     uint8_t *waveform,
92                                     uint32_t fftSize,
93                                     uint8_t *fft,
94                                     uint32_t samplingrate);
96     // install a callback to receive periodic captures. The capture rate is specified in milliHertz
97     // and the capture format is according to flags  (see callback_flags).
98     status_t setCaptureCallBack(capture_cbk_t cbk, void* user, uint32_t flags, uint32_t rate);
100     // set the capture size capture size must be a power of two in the range
102     // must be called when the visualizer is not enabled
103     status_t setCaptureSize(uint32_t size);
getCaptureSize()104     uint32_t getCaptureSize() { return mCaptureSize; }
106     // returns the capture rate indicated when installing the callback
getCaptureRate()107     uint32_t getCaptureRate() { return mCaptureRate; }
109     // returns the sampling rate of the audio being captured
getSamplingRate()110     uint32_t getSamplingRate() { return mSampleRate; }
112     // set the way volume affects the captured data
113     // mode must one of VISUALIZER_SCALING_MODE_NORMALIZED,
115     status_t setScalingMode(uint32_t mode);
getScalingMode()116     uint32_t getScalingMode() { return mScalingMode; }
118     // set which measurements are done on the audio buffers processed by the effect.
119     // valid measurements (mask): MEASUREMENT_MODE_PEAK_RMS
120     status_t setMeasurementMode(uint32_t mode);
getMeasurementMode()121     uint32_t getMeasurementMode() { return mMeasurementMode; }
123     // return a set of int32_t measurements
124     status_t getIntMeasurements(uint32_t type, uint32_t number, int32_t *measurements);
126     // return a capture in PCM 8 bit unsigned format. The size of the capture is equal to
127     // getCaptureSize()
128     status_t getWaveForm(uint8_t *waveform);
130     // return a capture in FFT 8 bit signed format. The size of the capture is equal to
131     // getCaptureSize() but the length of the FFT is half of the size (both parts of the spectrum
132     // are returned
133     status_t getFft(uint8_t *fft);
135 protected:
136     // from IEffectClient
137     virtual void controlStatusChanged(bool controlGranted);
139 private:
141     static const uint32_t CAPTURE_RATE_MAX = 20000;
142     static const uint32_t CAPTURE_RATE_DEF = 10000;
143     static const uint32_t CAPTURE_SIZE_DEF = VISUALIZER_CAPTURE_SIZE_MAX;
145     /* internal class to handle the callback */
146     class CaptureThread : public Thread
147     {
148     public:
149         CaptureThread(Visualizer& receiver, uint32_t captureRate, bool bCanCallJava = false);
151     private:
152         friend class Visualizer;
153         virtual bool        threadLoop();
154         Visualizer& mReceiver;
155         Mutex       mLock;
156         uint32_t mSleepTimeUs;
157     };
159     status_t doFft(uint8_t *fft, uint8_t *waveform);
160     void periodicCapture();
161     uint32_t initCaptureSize();
163     Mutex mCaptureLock;
164     uint32_t mCaptureRate;
165     uint32_t mCaptureSize;
166     uint32_t mSampleRate;
167     uint32_t mScalingMode;
168     uint32_t mMeasurementMode;
169     capture_cbk_t mCaptureCallBack;
170     void *mCaptureCbkUser;
171     sp<CaptureThread> mCaptureThread;
172     uint32_t mCaptureFlags;
173 };
176 }; // namespace android