1apply plugin: android.support.SupportLibraryPlugin 2archivesBaseName = 'appcompat-v7' 3 4dependencies { 5 compile project(':support-annotations') 6 compile project(':support-v4') 7 compile project(':support-vector-drawable') 8 compile project(':support-animated-vector-drawable') 9 10 androidTestCompile (libs.test_runner) { 11 exclude module: 'support-annotations' 12 } 13 androidTestCompile (libs.espresso_core) { 14 exclude module: 'support-annotations' 15 } 16 androidTestCompile libs.mockito_core 17 androidTestCompile libs.dexmaker 18 androidTestCompile libs.dexmaker_mockito 19 androidTestCompile project(':support-testutils') 20} 21 22android { 23 defaultConfig { 24 minSdkVersion 14 25 // This disables the builds tools automatic vector -> PNG generation 26 generatedDensities = [] 27 } 28 29 sourceSets { 30 main.java.srcDir 'src' 31 main.res.srcDirs 'res', 'res-public' 32 main.assets.srcDir 'assets' 33 main.resources.srcDir 'src' 34 } 35 36 aaptOptions { 37 additionalParameters "--no-version-vectors" 38 noCompress 'ttf' 39 } 40} 41 42supportLibrary { 43 name 'Android AppCompat Library v7' 44 inceptionYear '2011' 45 description "The Support Library is a static library that you can add to your Android application in order to use APIs that are either not available for older platform versions or utility APIs that aren\'t a part of the framework APIs. Compatible on devices running API 14 or later." 46} 47