1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License
15  */
17 package com.android.voicemail.impl;
19 import android.content.Context;
20 import android.os.Bundle;
21 import android.support.annotation.WorkerThread;
22 import android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle;
23 import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
24 import android.text.TextUtils;
25 import com.android.voicemail.impl.settings.VisualVoicemailSettingsUtil;
26 import com.android.voicemail.impl.settings.VoicemailChangePinActivity;
27 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
29 /** Handles migration of data from the visual voicemail client in telephony before O. */
30 public final class PreOMigrationHandler {
32   // Hidden system APIs to access pre O VVM data
33   // Bundle getVisualVoicemailSettings()
34   private static final String METHOD_GET_VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_SETTINGS = "getVisualVoicemailSettings";
36   /**
37    * Key in bundle returned by {@link #METHOD_GET_VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_SETTINGS}, indicating whether
38    * visual voicemail was enabled or disabled by the user. If the user never explicitly changed this
39    * setting, this key will not exist.
40    */
41   private static final String EXTRA_VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_ENABLED_BY_USER_BOOL =
42       "android.telephony.extra.VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_ENABLED_BY_USER_BOOL";
44   /**
45    * Key in bundle returned by {@link #METHOD_GET_VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_SETTINGS}, indicating the
46    * voicemail access PIN scrambled during the auto provisioning process. The user is expected to
47    * reset their PIN if this value is not {@code null}.
48    */
49   private static final String EXTRA_VOICEMAIL_SCRAMBLED_PIN_STRING =
50       "android.telephony.extra.VOICEMAIL_SCRAMBLED_PIN_STRING";
52   private static final String PRE_O_MIGRATION_FINISHED = "pre_o_migration_finished";
54   @WorkerThread
migrate(Context context, PhoneAccountHandle phoneAccountHandle)55   public static void migrate(Context context, PhoneAccountHandle phoneAccountHandle) {
56     Assert.isNotMainThread();
57     VisualVoicemailPreferences preferences =
58         new VisualVoicemailPreferences(context, phoneAccountHandle);
59     if (preferences.getBoolean(PRE_O_MIGRATION_FINISHED, false)) {
60       VvmLog.i("PreOMigrationHandler", phoneAccountHandle + " already migrated");
61       return;
62     }
63     VvmLog.i("PreOMigrationHandler", "migrating " + phoneAccountHandle);
64     migrateSettings(context, phoneAccountHandle);
66     preferences.edit().putBoolean(PRE_O_MIGRATION_FINISHED, true).apply();
67   }
migrateSettings(Context context, PhoneAccountHandle phoneAccountHandle)69   private static void migrateSettings(Context context, PhoneAccountHandle phoneAccountHandle) {
70     VvmLog.i("PreOMigrationHandler.migrateSettings", "migrating settings");
71     TelephonyManager telephonyManager =
72         context
73             .getSystemService(TelephonyManager.class)
74             .createForPhoneAccountHandle(phoneAccountHandle);
75     if (telephonyManager == null) {
76       VvmLog.e("PreOMigrationHandler.migrateSettings", "invalid PhoneAccountHandle");
77       return;
78     }
79     Bundle legacySettings;
80     try {
81       Method method = TelephonyManager.class.getMethod(METHOD_GET_VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_SETTINGS);
82       legacySettings = (Bundle) method.invoke(telephonyManager);
83     } catch (ReflectiveOperationException | ClassCastException e) {
84       VvmLog.i("PreOMigrationHandler.migrateSettings", "unable to retrieve settings from system");
85       return;
86     }
88     if (legacySettings.containsKey(EXTRA_VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_ENABLED_BY_USER_BOOL)) {
89       boolean enabled = legacySettings.getBoolean(EXTRA_VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_ENABLED_BY_USER_BOOL);
90       VvmLog.i("PreOMigrationHandler.migrateSettings", "setting VVM enabled to " + enabled);
91       VisualVoicemailSettingsUtil.setEnabled(context, phoneAccountHandle, enabled);
92     }
94     if (legacySettings.containsKey(EXTRA_VOICEMAIL_SCRAMBLED_PIN_STRING)) {
95       String scrambledPin = legacySettings.getString(EXTRA_VOICEMAIL_SCRAMBLED_PIN_STRING);
96       if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(scrambledPin)) {
97         VvmLog.i("PreOMigrationHandler.migrateSettings", "migrating scrambled PIN");
98         VoicemailChangePinActivity.setDefaultOldPIN(context, phoneAccountHandle, scrambledPin);
99       }
100     }
101   }
102 }