1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.android.inputmethod.latin;
19 import android.provider.Settings.Secure;
20 import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest;
22 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.R;
24 @LargeTest
25 public class PunctuationTests extends InputTestsBase {
27     final String NEXT_WORD_PREDICTION_OPTION = "next_word_prediction";
testWordThenSpaceThenPunctuationFromStripTwice()29     public void testWordThenSpaceThenPunctuationFromStripTwice() {
30         final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this ";
31         final String PUNCTUATION_FROM_STRIP = "!";
32         final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this!! ";
33         final boolean defaultNextWordPredictionOption =
34                 mLatinIME.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.config_default_next_word_prediction);
35         final boolean previousNextWordPredictionOption =
36                 setBooleanPreference(NEXT_WORD_PREDICTION_OPTION, false,
37                         defaultNextWordPredictionOption);
38         try {
39             mLatinIME.loadSettings();
40             type(WORD_TO_TYPE);
42             runMessages();
43             assertTrue("type word then type space should display punctuation strip",
44                     mLatinIME.getSuggestedWordsForTest().isPunctuationSuggestions());
45             pickSuggestionManually(PUNCTUATION_FROM_STRIP);
46             pickSuggestionManually(PUNCTUATION_FROM_STRIP);
47             assertEquals("type word then type space then punctuation from strip twice",
48                     EXPECTED_RESULT, mEditText.getText().toString());
49         } finally {
50             setBooleanPreference(NEXT_WORD_PREDICTION_OPTION, previousNextWordPredictionOption,
51                     defaultNextWordPredictionOption);
52         }
53     }
testWordThenSpaceThenPunctuationFromKeyboardTwice()55     public void testWordThenSpaceThenPunctuationFromKeyboardTwice() {
56         final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this !!";
57         final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this !!";
58         type(WORD_TO_TYPE);
59         assertEquals("manual pick then space then punctuation from keyboard twice", EXPECTED_RESULT,
60                 mEditText.getText().toString());
61     }
testManualPickThenPunctuationFromStripTwiceThenType()63     public void testManualPickThenPunctuationFromStripTwiceThenType() {
64         final String WORD1_TO_TYPE = "this";
65         final String WORD2_TO_TYPE = "is";
66         final String PUNCTUATION_FROM_STRIP = "!";
67         final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this!! is";
68         type(WORD1_TO_TYPE);
69         pickSuggestionManually(WORD1_TO_TYPE);
70         pickSuggestionManually(PUNCTUATION_FROM_STRIP);
71         pickSuggestionManually(PUNCTUATION_FROM_STRIP);
72         type(WORD2_TO_TYPE);
73         assertEquals("pick word then pick punctuation twice then type", EXPECTED_RESULT,
74                 mEditText.getText().toString());
75     }
testManualPickThenManualPickWithPunctAtStart()77     public void testManualPickThenManualPickWithPunctAtStart() {
78         final String WORD1_TO_TYPE = "this";
79         final String WORD2_TO_PICK = "!is";
80         final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this!is";
81         type(WORD1_TO_TYPE);
82         pickSuggestionManually(WORD1_TO_TYPE);
83         pickSuggestionManually(WORD2_TO_PICK);
84         assertEquals("manual pick then manual pick a word with punct at start", EXPECTED_RESULT,
85                 mEditText.getText().toString());
86     }
testManuallyPickedWordThenColon()88     public void testManuallyPickedWordThenColon() {
89         final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this";
90         final String PUNCTUATION = ":";
91         final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this:";
92         type(WORD_TO_TYPE);
93         pickSuggestionManually(WORD_TO_TYPE);
94         type(PUNCTUATION);
95         assertEquals("manually pick word then colon",
96                 EXPECTED_RESULT, mEditText.getText().toString());
97     }
testManuallyPickedWordThenOpenParen()99     public void testManuallyPickedWordThenOpenParen() {
100         final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this";
101         final String PUNCTUATION = "(";
102         final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this (";
103         type(WORD_TO_TYPE);
104         pickSuggestionManually(WORD_TO_TYPE);
105         type(PUNCTUATION);
106         assertEquals("manually pick word then open paren",
107                 EXPECTED_RESULT, mEditText.getText().toString());
108     }
testManuallyPickedWordThenCloseParen()110     public void testManuallyPickedWordThenCloseParen() {
111         final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this";
112         final String PUNCTUATION = ")";
113         final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this)";
114         type(WORD_TO_TYPE);
115         pickSuggestionManually(WORD_TO_TYPE);
116         type(PUNCTUATION);
117         assertEquals("manually pick word then close paren",
118                 EXPECTED_RESULT, mEditText.getText().toString());
119     }
testManuallyPickedWordThenSmiley()121     public void testManuallyPickedWordThenSmiley() {
122         final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this";
123         final String SPECIAL_KEY = ":-)";
124         final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this :-)";
125         type(WORD_TO_TYPE);
126         pickSuggestionManually(WORD_TO_TYPE);
127         mLatinIME.onTextInput(SPECIAL_KEY);
128         assertEquals("manually pick word then press the smiley key",
129                 EXPECTED_RESULT, mEditText.getText().toString());
130     }
testManuallyPickedWordThenDotCom()132     public void testManuallyPickedWordThenDotCom() {
133         final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this";
134         final String SPECIAL_KEY = ".com";
135         final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this.com";
136         type(WORD_TO_TYPE);
137         pickSuggestionManually(WORD_TO_TYPE);
138         mLatinIME.onTextInput(SPECIAL_KEY);
139         assertEquals("manually pick word then press the .com key",
140                 EXPECTED_RESULT, mEditText.getText().toString());
141     }
testTypeWordTypeDotThenPressDotCom()143     public void testTypeWordTypeDotThenPressDotCom() {
144         final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "this.";
145         final String SPECIAL_KEY = ".com";
146         final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this.com";
147         type(WORD_TO_TYPE);
148         mLatinIME.onTextInput(SPECIAL_KEY);
149         assertEquals("type word type dot then press the .com key",
150                 EXPECTED_RESULT, mEditText.getText().toString());
151     }
testAutoCorrectionWithSingleQuoteInside()153     public void testAutoCorrectionWithSingleQuoteInside() {
154         final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "you'f ";
155         final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "you'd ";
156         type(WORD_TO_TYPE);
157         assertEquals("auto-correction with single quote inside. ID = "
158                 + Secure.getString(getContext().getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID)
159                 + " ; Suggestions = " + mLatinIME.getSuggestedWordsForTest(),
160                 EXPECTED_RESULT, mEditText.getText().toString());
161     }
testAutoCorrectionWithSingleQuotesAround()163     public void testAutoCorrectionWithSingleQuotesAround() {
164         final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "'tgis' ";
165         final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "'this' ";
166         type(WORD_TO_TYPE);
167         assertEquals("auto-correction with single quotes around. ID = "
168                 + Secure.getString(getContext().getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID)
169                 + " ; Suggestions = " + mLatinIME.getSuggestedWordsForTest(),
170                 EXPECTED_RESULT, mEditText.getText().toString());
171     }
testAutoSpaceWithDoubleQuotes()173     public void testAutoSpaceWithDoubleQuotes() {
174         final String STRING_TO_TYPE = "He said\"hello\"to me. I replied,\"hi\"."
175                 + "Then, 5\"passed. He said\"bye\"and left.";
176         final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "He said \"hello\" to me. I replied, \"hi\". "
177                 + "Then, 5\" passed. He said \"bye\" and left. \"";
178         // Split by double quote, so that we can type the double quotes individually.
179         for (final String partToType : STRING_TO_TYPE.split("\"")) {
180             // Split at word boundaries. This regexp means "anywhere that is preceded
181             // by a word character but not followed by a word character, OR that is not
182             // preceded by a word character but followed by a word character".
183             // We need to input word by word because auto-spaces are only active when
184             // manually picking or gesturing (which we can't simulate yet), but only words
185             // can be picked.
186             final String[] wordsToType = partToType.split("(?<=\\w)(?!\\w)|(?<!\\w)(?=\\w)");
187             for (final String wordToType : wordsToType) {
188                 type(wordToType);
189                 if (wordToType.matches("^\\w+$")) {
190                     // Only pick selection if that was a word, because if that was not a word,
191                     // then we don't have a composition.
192                     pickSuggestionManually(wordToType);
193                 }
194             }
195             type("\"");
196         }
197         assertEquals("auto-space with double quotes",
198                 EXPECTED_RESULT, mEditText.getText().toString());
199     }
200 }