1 /******************************************************************************
2  *
3  *  Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Broadcom Corporation
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
8  *
9  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  ******************************************************************************/
19 /******************************************************************************
20  *
21  *  Basic utility functions.
22  *
23  ******************************************************************************/
24 #ifndef UTL_H
25 #define UTL_H
27 #include "bt_types.h"
28 #include "bt_utils.h"
30 /*****************************************************************************
31  *  Constants
32  ****************************************************************************/
33 /*** class of device settings ***/
36   0x02 /* only set the bits in the input \
37           */
39 #define BTA_UTL_SET_COD_ALL \
40   0x08 /* take service class as the input (may clear some set bits!!) */
41 #define BTA_UTL_INIT_COD 0x0a
43 /*****************************************************************************
44  *  Type Definitions
45  ****************************************************************************/
47 /** for utl_set_device_class() **/
48 typedef struct {
49   uint8_t minor;
50   uint8_t major;
51   uint16_t service;
52 } tBTA_UTL_COD;
54 /*****************************************************************************
55  *  External Function Declarations
56  ****************************************************************************/
58 /*******************************************************************************
59  *
60  * Function         utl_str2int
61  *
62  * Description      This utility function converts a character string to an
63  *                  integer.  Acceptable values in string are 0-9.  If invalid
64  *                  string or string value too large, -1 is returned.
65  *
66  *
67  * Returns          Integer value or -1 on error.
68  *
69  ******************************************************************************/
70 extern int16_t utl_str2int(const char* p_s);
72 /*******************************************************************************
73  *
74  * Function         utl_strucmp
75  *
76  * Description      This utility function compares two strings in uppercase.
77  *                  String p_s must be uppercase.  String p_t is converted to
78  *                  uppercase if lowercase.  If p_s ends first, the substring
79  *                  match is counted as a match.
80  *
81  *
82  * Returns          0 if strings match, nonzero otherwise.
83  *
84  ******************************************************************************/
85 extern int utl_strucmp(const char* p_s, const char* p_t);
87 /*******************************************************************************
88  *
89  * Function         utl_itoa
90  *
91  * Description      This utility function converts a uint16_t to a string.  The
92  *                  string is NULL-terminated.  The length of the string is
93  *                  returned.
94  *
95  *
96  * Returns          Length of string.
97  *
98  ******************************************************************************/
99 extern uint8_t utl_itoa(uint16_t i, char* p_s);
101 /*******************************************************************************
102  *
103  * Function         utl_set_device_class
104  *
105  * Description      This function updates the local Device Class.
106  *
107  * Parameters:
108  *                  p_cod   - Pointer to the device class to set to
109  *
110  *                  cmd     - the fields of the device class to update.
111  *                            BTA_UTL_SET_COD_MAJOR_MINOR, - overwrite major,
112  *                                                           minor class
113  *                            BTA_UTL_SET_COD_SERVICE_CLASS - set the bits in
114  *                                                            the input
115  *                            BTA_UTL_CLR_COD_SERVICE_CLASS - clear the bits in
116  *                                                            the input
117  *                            BTA_UTL_SET_COD_ALL - overwrite major, minor, set
118  *                                                  the bits in service class
119  *                            BTA_UTL_INIT_COD - overwrite major, minor, and
120  *                                               service class
121  *
122  * Returns          true if successful, Otherwise false
123  *
124  ******************************************************************************/
125 extern bool utl_set_device_class(tBTA_UTL_COD* p_cod, uint8_t cmd);
127 /*******************************************************************************
128  *
129  * Function         utl_isintstr
130  *
131  * Description      This utility function checks if the given string is an
132  *                  integer string or not
133  *
134  *
135  * Returns          true if successful, Otherwise false
136  *
137  ******************************************************************************/
138 extern bool utl_isintstr(const char* p_s);
140 /*******************************************************************************
141  *
142  * Function         utl_isdialchar
143  *
144  * Description      This utility function checks if the given character
145  *                  is an acceptable dial digit
146  *
147  * Returns          true if successful, Otherwise false
148  *
149  ******************************************************************************/
150 extern bool utl_isdialchar(const char d);
152 /*******************************************************************************
153  *
154  * Function         utl_isdialstr
155  *
156  * Description      This utility function checks if the given string contains
157  *                  only dial digits or not
158  *
159  *
160  * Returns          true if successful, Otherwise false
161  *
162  ******************************************************************************/
163 extern bool utl_isdialstr(const char* p_s);
165 #endif /* UTL_H */