1# Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15import math
16import os.path
17import re
18import sys
19import cv2
21import its.caps
22import its.device
23import its.image
24import its.objects
26import numpy as np
29CHART_DISTANCE_CM = 22  # cm
31NAME = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]
32ROTATE_REF_MATRIX = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])
33TRANS_REF_MATRIX = np.array([0, 0, 0])
36def rotation_matrix(rotation):
37    """Convert the rotation parameters to 3-axis data.
39    Args:
40        rotation:   android.lens.Rotation vector
41    Returns:
42        3x3 matrix w/ rotation parameters
43    """
44    x = rotation[0]
45    y = rotation[1]
46    z = rotation[2]
47    w = rotation[3]
48    return np.array([[1-2*y**2-2*z**2, 2*x*y-2*z*w, 2*x*z+2*y*w],
49                     [2*x*y+2*z*w, 1-2*x**2-2*z**2, 2*y*z-2*x*w],
50                     [2*x*z-2*y*w, 2*y*z+2*x*w, 1-2*x**2-2*y**2]])
53def find_circle(gray, name):
54    """Find the circle in the image.
56    Args:
57        gray:           gray scale image array [0,255]
58        name:           string of file name
59    Returns:
60        circle:         (circle_center_x, circle_center_y, radius)
61    """
63    cv2_version = cv2.__version__
64    try:
65        if cv2_version.startswith('2.4.'):
66            circle = cv2.HoughCircles(gray, cv2.cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT,
67                                      1, 20)[0][0]
68        elif cv2_version.startswith('3.2.'):
69            circle = cv2.HoughCircles(gray, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT,
70                                      1, 20)[0][0]
71    except TypeError:
72        circle = None
73        its.image.write_image(gray[..., np.newaxis]/255.0, name)
74    assert circle is not None, 'No circle found!'
75    return circle
78def main():
79    """Test the multi camera system parameters related to camera spacing."""
80    chart_distance = CHART_DISTANCE_CM
81    for s in sys.argv[1:]:
82        if s[:5] == 'dist=' and len(s) > 5:
83            chart_distance = float(re.sub('cm', '', s[5:]))
84            print 'Using chart distance: %.1fcm' % chart_distance
86    with its.device.ItsSession() as cam:
87        props = cam.get_camera_properties()
88        its.caps.skip_unless(its.caps.compute_target_exposure(props) and
89                             its.caps.per_frame_control(props) and
90                             its.caps.logical_multi_camera(props) and
91                             its.caps.raw16(props) and
92                             its.caps.manual_sensor(props))
93        debug = its.caps.debug_mode()
94        avail_fls = props['android.lens.info.availableFocalLengths']
96        max_raw_size = its.objects.get_available_output_sizes('raw', props)[0]
97        w, h = its.objects.get_available_output_sizes(
98                'yuv', props, match_ar_size=max_raw_size)[0]
100        # Do 3A and get the values
101        s, e, _, _, fd = cam.do_3a(get_results=True,
102                                   lock_ae=True, lock_awb=True)
103        req = its.objects.manual_capture_request(s, e, fd, True, props)
105        # get physical camera properties
106        ids = its.caps.logical_multi_camera_physical_ids(props)
107        props_physical = {}
108        for i in ids:
109            props_physical[i] = cam.get_camera_properties_by_id(i)
111        # capture RAWs of 1st 2 cameras
112        cap_raw = {}
113        out_surfaces = [{'format': 'yuv', 'width': w, 'height': h},
114                        {'format': 'raw', 'physicalCamera': ids[0]},
115                        {'format': 'raw', 'physicalCamera': ids[1]}]
116        _, cap_raw[ids[0]], cap_raw[ids[1]] = cam.do_capture(req, out_surfaces)
118    size_raw = {}
119    k = {}
120    reference = {}
121    rotation = {}
122    trans = {}
123    circle = {}
124    fl = {}
125    sensor_diag = {}
126    point = {}
127    for i in ids:
128        print 'Starting camera %s' % i
129        # process image
130        img_raw = its.image.convert_capture_to_rgb_image(
131                cap_raw[i], props=props)
132        size_raw[i] = (cap_raw[i]['width'], cap_raw[i]['height'])
134        # save images if debug
135        if debug:
136            its.image.write_image(img_raw, '%s_raw_%s.jpg' % (NAME, i))
138        # convert to [0, 255] images
139        img_raw *= 255
141        # scale to match calibration data
142        img = cv2.resize(img_raw.astype(np.uint8), None, fx=2, fy=2)
144        # load parameters for each physical camera
145        ical = props_physical[i]['android.lens.intrinsicCalibration']
146        assert len(ical) == 5, 'android.lens.instrisicCalibration incorrect.'
147        k[i] = np.array([[ical[0], ical[4], ical[2]],
148                         [0, ical[1], ical[3]],
149                         [0, 0, 1]])
150        print ' k:', k[i]
152        rotation[i] = np.array(props_physical[i]['android.lens.poseRotation'])
153        print ' rotation:', rotation[i]
154        assert len(rotation[i]) == 4, 'poseRotation has wrong # of params.'
155        trans[i] = np.array(
156                props_physical[i]['android.lens.poseTranslation'])
157        print ' translation:', trans[i]
158        assert len(trans[i]) == 3, 'poseTranslation has wrong # of params.'
159        if ((rotation[i] == ROTATE_REF_MATRIX).all() and
160                    (trans[i] == TRANS_REF_MATRIX).all()):
161            reference[i] = True
162        else:
163            reference[i] = False
165        # Apply correction to image (if available)
166        if its.caps.distortion_correction(props):
167            distort = np.array(props_physical[i]['android.lens.distortion'])
168            assert len(distort) == 5, 'radialDistortion has wrong # of params.'
169            cv2_distort = np.array([distort[0], distort[1],
170                                    distort[3], distort[4],
171                                    distort[2]])
172            img = cv2.undistort(img, k[i], cv2_distort)
173            its.image.write_image(img/255.0, '%s_correct_%s.jpg' % (
174                    NAME, i))
176        # Find the circles in grayscale image
177        circle[i] = find_circle(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY),
178                                '%s_gray%s.jpg' % (NAME, i))
180        # Find focal length & sensor size
181        fl[i] = props_physical[i]['android.lens.info.availableFocalLengths'][0]
182        sensor_diag[i] = math.sqrt(size_raw[i][0] ** 2 + size_raw[i][1] ** 2)
184        # Find 3D location of circle centers
185        point[i] = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(k[i]),
186                          np.array([circle[i][0],
187                                    circle[i][1], 1])) * chart_distance * 1.0E-2
189    ref_index = (e for e in reference if e).next()
190    print 'reference camera id:', ref_index
191    ref_rotation = rotation[ref_index]
192    ref_rotation = ref_rotation.astype(np.float32)
193    print 'rotation reference:', ref_rotation
194    r = rotation_matrix(ref_rotation)
195    if debug:
196        print 'r:', r
197    t = -1 * trans[ref_index]
198    print 't:', t
200    # Estimate ids[0] circle center from ids[1] & params
201    estimated_0 = cv2.projectPoints(point[ids[1]].reshape(1, 3),
202                                    r, t, k[ids[0]], None)[0][0][0]
203    err_0 = np.linalg.norm(estimated_0 - circle[ids[0]][:2])
204    print 'Circle centers [%s]' % ids[0]
205    print 'Measured:      %.1f, %.1f' % (circle[ids[0]][1], circle[ids[0]][0])
206    print 'Calculated:    %.1f, %.1f' % (estimated_0[1],
207                                         estimated_0[0])
208    print 'Error(pixels): %.1f' % err_0
210    # Estimate ids[0] circle center from ids[1] & params
211    estimated_1 = cv2.projectPoints(point[ids[0]].reshape(1, 3),
212                                    r.T, -np.dot(r, t), k[ids[1]],
213                                    None)[0][0][0]
214    err_1 = np.linalg.norm(estimated_1 - circle[ids[1]][:2])
215    print 'Circle centers [%s]' % ids[1]
216    print 'Measured:      %.1f, %.1f' % (circle[ids[1]][1], circle[ids[1]][0])
217    print 'Calculated:    %.1f, %.1f' % (estimated_1[1], estimated_1[0])
218    print 'Error(pixels): %.1f' % err_1
220    err_0 /= math.sqrt(size_raw[ids[0]][0]**2 + size_raw[ids[0]][1]**2)
221    err_1 /= math.sqrt(size_raw[ids[1]][0]**2 + size_raw[ids[1]][1]**2)
222    msg = '%s -> %s center error too large! val=%.1f%%, THRESH=%.f%%' % (
223            ids[1], ids[0], err_0*100, ALIGN_TOL_PERCENT)
224    assert err_0*100 < ALIGN_TOL_PERCENT, msg
225    msg = '%s -> %s center error too large! val=%.1f%%, THRESH=%.f%%' % (
226            ids[0], ids[1], err_1*100, ALIGN_TOL_PERCENT)
227    assert err_1*100 < ALIGN_TOL_PERCENT, msg
229    # Check focal length and circle size if more than 1 focal length
230    if len(avail_fls) > 1:
231        print 'circle_0: %.2f, circle_1: %.2f' % (
232                circle[ids[0]][2], circle[ids[1]][2])
233        print 'fl_0: %.2f, fl_1: %.2f' % (fl[ids[0]], fl[ids[1]])
234        print 'diag_0: %.2f, diag_1: %.2f' % (
235                sensor_diag[ids[0]], sensor_diag[ids[1]])
236        msg = 'Circle size does not scale properly.'
237        assert np.isclose(circle[ids[0]][2]/fl[ids[0]]*sensor_diag[ids[0]],
238                          circle[ids[1]][2]/fl[ids[1]]*sensor_diag[ids[1]],
239                          rtol=CIRCLE_TOL_PERCENT/100.0), msg
242if __name__ == '__main__':
243    main()