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Use ImageMagick to resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves."/> 15 <meta name="application-url" content="http://www.imagemagick.org"/> 16 <meta name="generator" content="PHP"/> 17 <meta name="keywords" content="application, program, interfaces, ImageMagick, PerlMagick, image processing, image, photo, software, Magick++, OpenMP, convert"/> 18 <meta name="rating" content="GENERAL"/> 19 <meta name="robots" content="INDEX, FOLLOW"/> 20 <meta name="generator" content="ImageMagick Studio LLC"/> 21 <meta name="author" content="ImageMagick Studio LLC"/> 22 <meta name="revisit-after" content="2 DAYS"/> 23 <meta name="resource-type" content="document"/> 24 <meta name="copyright" content="Copyright (c) 1999-2016 ImageMagick Studio LLC"/> 25 <meta name="distribution" content="Global"/> 26 <meta name="magick-serial" content="P131-S030410-R485315270133-P82224-A6668-G1245-1"/> 27 <meta name="google-site-verification" content="_bMOCDpkx9ZAzBwb2kF3PRHbfUUdFj2uO8Jd1AXArz4" /> 28 <link rel="icon" href="../images/wand.png"/> 29 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="../images/wand.ico"/> 30 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:900,400,400italic,700,700italic,300,300italic|Open+Sans:300italic,400italic,700italic,300,400,600,700"> 31 <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/magick.css"/> 32</head> 33<body> 34<div class="main"> 35<div class="magick-masthead"> 36 <div class="container"> 37 <script async="async" src="http://localhost/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" 38 style="display:block" 39 data-ad-client="ca-pub-3129977114552745" 40 data-ad-slot="6345125851" 41 data-ad-format="auto"></ins> 42 <script> 43 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 44 </script> 45 <nav class="magick-nav"> 46 <a class="magick-nav-item " href="../index.html">Home</a> 47 <a class="magick-nav-item " href="binary-releases.html">Download</a> 48 <a class="magick-nav-item " href="command-line-tools.html">Tools</a> 49 <a class="magick-nav-item " href="command-line-processing.html">Command-line</a> 50 <a class="magick-nav-item " href="resources.html">Resources</a> 51 <a class="magick-nav-item active" href="api.html">Develop</a> 52 <a class="magick-nav-item " href="http://www.imagemagick.org/script/search.php">Search</a> 53 <a class="magick-nav-item pull-right" href="https://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/">Community</a> 54 </nav> 55 </div> 56</div> 57<div class="container"> 58<div class="magick-header"> 59 60<p class="lead magick-description">ImageMagick includes a number of ready-made interfaces. This makes it possible to modify or create images automagically and dynamically utilizing your favorite development platform.</p> 61 62<dl class="dl-horizontal"> 63 <dt><a id="ada"></a>Ada</dt> 64 65<dd><a href="https://gna.org/projects/g2f/">G2F</a> implements an Ada 95 binding to a subset of the low-level MagickCore library.</dd> 66 67 <dt><a id="c"></a>C</dt> 68 69<dd>Use <a href="magick-wand.html">MagickWand</a> to convert, compose, and edit images from the C language. There is also the low-level <a href="magick-core.html">MagickCore</a> library for wizard-level developers.</dd> 70 71 <dt><a id="ch"></a>Ch</dt> 72 73<dd><a href="../ChMagick">ChMagick</a> is a <a href="http://www.softintegration.com/">Ch</a> binding to the MagickCore and MagickWand API. Ch is an embeddable C/C++ interpreter for cross-platform scripting.</dd> 74 75 <dt><a id="com_"></a>COM+</dt> 76 77<dd>Use <a href="ImageMagickObject.html">ImageMagickObject</a> to convert, compose, and edit images from a Windows COM+ compatible component.</dd> 78 79 <dt><a id="c__"></a>C++</dt> 80 81<dd><a href="magick++.html">Magick++</a> provides an object-oriented C++ interface to ImageMagick. See <a href="../Magick++/tutorial/Magick++_tutorial.pdf">A Gentle Introduction to Magick++</a> for an introductory tutorial to Magick++. We include the <a href="../Magick++/tutorial/Magick++_tutorial.odt">source</a> if you want to correct, enhance, or expand the tutorial.</dd> 82 83 <dt><a id="go"></a>GO</dt> 84 <dd><a href="https://github.com/gographics/imagick">GoImagick</a> is a set of Go bindings to ImageMagick's MagickWand and MagickCore C APIs.</dd> 85 86 <dt><a id="java"></a>Java</dt> 87 88<dd><a href="http://www.jmagick.org">JMagick</a> provides an object-oriented Java interface to ImageMagick. <a href="http://im4java.sourceforge.net">Im4java</a> is a pure-java interface to the ImageMagick command-line.</dd> 89 90 <dt><a id="labview"></a>LabVIEW</dt> 91 92<dd><a href="http://forums.lavag.org/downloads-file90.html">LVOOP ImageMagick</a> is an object-oriented LabVIEW interface to ImageMagick.</dd> 93 94 <dt><a id="lisp"></a>Lisp</dt> 95 96<dd><a href="http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-magick/">CL-Magick</a> provides a Common Lisp interface to the ImageMagick library.</dd> 97 98 <dt><a id="lua"></a>Lua</dt> 99 100<dd><a href="https://github.com/leafo/magick">Lua</a> bindings to ImageMagick for LuaJIT using FFI.</dd> 101 102 <dt><a id="neko"></a>Neko</dt> 103 104<dd><a href="http://code.google.com/p/nmagick">NMagick</a> is a port of the ImageMagick library to the haXe and Neko platforms. It provides image manipulation capabilities to both web and desktop applications using Neko.</dd> 105 106 <dt><a id="dot-net"></a>.NET</dt> 107 108<dd>Use <a href="http://magick.codeplex.com/">Magick.NET</a> to convert, compose, and edit images from Windows .NET.</dd> 109 110<dd><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/imagemagickapp/">ImageMagickApp</a> is a .NET application written in C# that utilizes the ImageMagick command line to allow conversion of multiple image formats to different formats.</dd> 111 112 <dt><a id="pascal"></a>Pascal</dt> 113 114<dd><a href="http://wiki.freepascal.org/PascalMagick">PascalMagick</a> a Pascal binding for the MagickWand API and also the low-level MagickCore library. It works with Free Pascal / Lazarus and Delphi.</dd> 115 116 <dt><a id="perl"></a>Perl</dt> 117 118<dd>Use <a href="perl-magick.html">PerlMagick</a> to convert, compose, and edit images from the Perl language.</dd> 119 120 <dt><a id="php"></a>PHP</dt> 121 122<dd><a href="http://www.magickwand.org/">MagickWand for PHP</a> a native PHP-extension to the ImageMagick MagickWand API.</dd> 123 124<dd><a href="http://pecl.html.net/package/imagick">IMagick</a> is a native PHP extension to create and modify images using the ImageMagick API. Documentation for the extension is available <a href="http://php.net/imagick">here</a>.</dd> 125 126<dd><a href="https://github.com/francodacosta/phmagick">phMagick</a> is a wrapper class for ImageMagick, wrapping the most common web image manipulation actions in easy to use functions, but allowing full access to ImageMagick's power by issuing system calls to it's command-line programs.</dd> 127 128 129 <dt><a id="python"></a>Python</dt> 130 131 132<dd><a href="http://wand-py.org/">Wand</a> is a ctypes-based ImagedMagick binding library for Python.</dd> 133<dd><a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/download/python/">PythonMagick</a> is an object-oriented Python interface to ImageMagick.</dd> 134<dd><a href="http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/pythonmagickwand">PythonMagickWand</a> is an object-oriented Python interface to MagickWand based on ctypes.</dd> 135 136 <dt><a id="realbasic"></a>REALbasic</dt> 137 138<dd>The <a href="http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/realbasic/plugin-imagemagick.shtml">MBS Realbasic ImageMagick</a> is a plugin that utilizes the power of ImageMagick from within the RealBasic environment.</dd> 139 140 <dt><a id="ruby"></a>Ruby</dt> 141 142<dd><a href="https://rmagick.github.io/">RMagick</a> is an interface between the Ruby programming language and the <a href="magick-core.html">MagickCore</a> image processing libraries. Get started with RMagick by perusing the <a href="https://rmagick.github.io/">documentation</a>.</dd> 143 144<dd><a href="http://magickwand.rubyforge.org/">MagickWand for Ruby</a> is an interface between the Ruby programming language and the <a href="magick-wand.html">MagickWand</a> image processing libraries. Get started with MagickWand for PHP by perusing the <a href="http://magickwand.rubyforge.org/">documentation</a>.</dd> 145 146<dd><a href="https://github.com/minimagick">MiniMagick</a> is a Ruby wrapper for ImageMagick command line. MiniMagick gives you convenient access to all the command line options ImageMagick supports.</dd> 147 148<dd><a href="http://quickmagick.rubyforge.org/quick_magick">QuickMagick</a> is a gem for easily accessing ImageMagick command line tools from Ruby programs.</dd> 149 150 <dt><a id="rust"></a>Rust</dt> 151 152<dd><a href="https://github.com/influenza/wand-of-rust">RustWand</a> is a MagickWand bindings for the Rust language.</dd> 153 154<dt><a id="tcl"></a>Tcl/Tk</dt> 155 156<dd><a href="http://tclmagick.sourceforge.net/">TclMagick</a> a native Tcl-extension to the ImageMagick MagickWand API.</dd> 157 158 <dt><a id="xml-rpc"></a>XML RPC</dt> 159 160<dd><a href="http://code.google.com/p/remotemagick/">RemoteMagick</a> is an XML-RPC web service that creates image thumbnails.</dd> 161</dl> 162</div> 163 <footer class="magick-footer"> 164 <p><a href="support.html">Donate</a> • 165 <a href="sitemap.html">Sitemap</a> • 166 <a href="links.html">Related</a> • 167 <a href="architecture.html">Architecture</a> 168</p> 169 <p><a href="api.html#">Back to top</a> • 170 <a href="http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x89AB63D48277377A">Public Key</a> • 171 <a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/script/contact.php">Contact Us</a></p> 172 <p><small>© 1999-2016 ImageMagick Studio LLC</small></p> 173 </footer> 174</div><!-- /.container --> 175 176 <script src="https://localhost/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script> 177 <script src="../js/magick.html"></script> 178</div> 179</body> 180</html> 181<!-- Magick Cache 17th June 2016 14:42 -->