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8    <title>ImageMagick: Magick++, C++ API for ImageMagick</title>
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59<p class="text-center"><a href="magick++.html#documentation">Documentation</a> • <a href="magick++.html#get">Obtaining Magick++</a> • <a href="magick++.html#install">Installation</a> • <a href="magick++.html#bugs">Reporting Bugs</a></p>
61<a id="intro"></a>
62<p class="lead magick-description"><a href="api/Magick++/index.html">Magick++ API</a> is the object-oriented C++ API to the <a href="../index.html">ImageMagick</a> image-processing library.</p>
63<p>Magick++ supports an object model which is inspired by <a href="perl-magick.html">PerlMagick</a>.
64Images support implicit reference counting so that copy constructors
65and assignment incur almost no cost. The cost of actually copying an
66image (if necessary) is done just before modification and this copy
67is managed automagically by Magick++. De-referenced copies are
68automagically deleted. The image objects support value (rather than
69pointer) semantics so it is trivial to support multiple generations
70of an image in memory at one time.
72<p>Magick++ provides integrated support for the <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/">Standard
73Template Library</a> (STL) so that the powerful containers available
74(e.g. <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Deque.html">deque</a>,
75<a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Vector.html">vector</a>, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/List.html">list</a>,
76and <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Map.html">map</a>)  can
77be used to write programs similar to those possible with PERL &amp;
78PerlMagick. STL-compatible template versions of ImageMagick's
79list-style operations are provided so that operations may be
80performed on multiple images stored in STL containers.
82<h2 class="magick-header">Documentation</h2>
83<a id="documentation"></a>
84<p>Detailed <a href="api/magick++-classes.html">documentation</a> is
85provided for all Magick++ classes, class methods, and template
86functions which comprise the API.  See a <a href="../Magick++/tutorial/Magick++_tutorial.pdf">  Gentle Introduction to Magick++</a> for an introductory tutorial to Magick++.  We include the <a href="../Magick++/tutorial/Magick++_tutorial.odt" >source</a> if you want to correct, enhance, or expand the tutorial.</p>
87<h2 class="magick-header">Obtaining Magick++</h2>
88<a id="get"></a>
89<p>Magick++ is included as part of <a href="../index.html">ImageMagick</a>
90source releases and may be retrieved via <a href="download.html">ftp</a>
91or <a href="http://git.imagemagick.org/repos/ImageMagick/Magick++">GIT</a>.
93<h2 class="magick-header">Installation</h2>
94<a id="install"></a>
95<p>Once you have the Magick++ sources available, follow these detailed
96<a href="../Magick++/Install.html">installation instructions</a> for UNIX and
99<h2 class="magick-header">Usage</h2>
100<p>A helper script named <code>Magick++-config</code> is installed
101under Unix which assists with recalling compilation options required
102to compile and link programs which use Magick++. For example, the
103following command compiles and links the source file <code>demo.cpp</code>
104to produce the executable <code>demo</code> (notice that quotes are
105backward quotes):
108c++ `Magick++-config --cxxflags --cppflags` -O2 -o demo demo.cpp \
109  `Magick++-config --ldflags --libs`
111<p>Set the <code>PKG_CONFIG_PATH</code> environment variable if ImageMagick is not in your default system path:</p>
114export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
117<p>Windows users may get started by manually editing a project file
118for one of the Magick++ demo programs.
120<p>Note, under Windows (and possibly the Mac) it may be necessary to initialize the ImageMagick library prior to using the Magick++ library. This initialization is performed by passing the path to the ImageMagick DLLs (assumed to be in the same directory as your program) to the InitializeMagick() function call. This is commonly performed by providing the path to your program (argv[0]) as shown in the following example: </p>
122int main( int argc, char ** argv) {
123  InitializeMagick(*argv);
124  ...
126<p>This initialization step is not required under Unix, Linux,
127Cygwin, or any other operating environment that supports the notion
128of <var>installing</var> ImageMagick in a known location.  </p>
129<p>Here is a example program that utilizes the Magick++ API to get you started, <a href="../source/magick++.cpp">magick++.cpp</a>. It reads an image, crops it, and writes it to disk in the PNG image format.</p>
131<pre class="pre-scrollable">
132#include &lt;Magick++.h>
133#include &lt;iostream>
135using namespace std;
136using namespace Magick;
138int main(int argc,char **argv)
140  InitializeMagick(*argv);
142  // Construct the image object. Seperating image construction from the
143  // the read operation ensures that a failure to read the image file
144  // doesn't render the image object useless.
145  Image image;
146  try {
147    // Read a file into image object
148    image.read( "logo:" );
150    // Crop the image to specified size (width, height, xOffset, yOffset)
151    image.crop( Geometry(100,100, 100, 100) );
153    // Write the image to a file
154    image.write( "logo.png" );
155  }
156  catch( Exception &amp;error_ )
157    {
158      cout &lt;&lt; "Caught exception: " &lt;&lt; error_.what() &lt;&lt; endl;
159      return 1;
160    }
161  return 0;
164<h2 class="magick-header">Reporting Bugs</h2>
165<a id="bugs"></a>
166<p>Questions regarding usage should be directed to or to report any bugs go to
167<a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewforum.html?f=23">Magick++ bug tracking forum</a>.
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