1# Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import httplib
6import logging
7import socket
8import tempfile
9import time
10import xmlrpclib
12import common
13from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
14from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
15from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import retry
18    import jsonrpclib
19except ImportError:
20    jsonrpclib = None
23class RpcServerTracker(object):
24    """
25    This class keeps track of all the RPC server connections started on a remote
26    host. The caller can use either |xmlrpc_connect| or |jsonrpc_connect| to
27    start the required type of rpc server on the remote host.
28    The host will cleanup all the open RPC server connections on disconnect.
29    """
31    _RPC_PROXY_URL_FORMAT = 'http://localhost:%d'
32    _RPC_HOST_ADDRESS_FORMAT = 'localhost:%d'
36    def __init__(self, host):
37        """
38        @param port: The host object associated with this instance of
39                     RpcServerTracker.
40        """
41        self._host = host
42        self._rpc_proxy_map = {}
45    def _setup_port(self, port, command_name, remote_pid=None):
46        """Sets up a tunnel process and register it to rpc_server_tracker.
48        Chrome OS on the target closes down most external ports for security.
49        We could open the port, but doing that would conflict with security
50        tests that check that only expected ports are open.  So, to get to
51        the port on the target we use an ssh tunnel.
53        This method assumes that xmlrpc and jsonrpc never conflict, since
54        we can only either have an xmlrpc or a jsonrpc server listening on
55        a remote port. As such, it enforces a single proxy->remote port
56        policy, i.e if one starts a jsonrpc proxy/server from port A->B,
57        and then tries to start an xmlrpc proxy forwarded to the same port,
58        the xmlrpc proxy will override the jsonrpc tunnel process, however:
60        1. None of the methods on the xmlrpc proxy will work because
61        the server listening on B is jsonrpc.
63        2. The xmlrpc client cannot initiate a termination of the JsonRPC
64        server, as the only use case currently is goofy, which is tied to
65        the factory image. It is much easier to handle a failed xmlrpc
66        call on the client than it is to terminate goofy in this scenario,
67        as doing the latter might leave the DUT in a hard to recover state.
69        With the current implementation newer rpc proxy connections will
70        terminate the tunnel processes of older rpc connections tunneling
71        to the same remote port. If methods are invoked on the client
72        after this has happened they will fail with connection closed errors.
74        @param port: The remote forwarding port.
75        @param command_name: The name of the remote process, to terminate
76                                using pkill.
77        @param remote_pid: The PID of the remote background process
78                            as a string.
80        @return the local port which is used for port forwarding on the ssh
81                    client.
82        """
83        self.disconnect(port)
84        local_port = utils.get_unused_port()
85        tunnel_proc = self._host.create_ssh_tunnel(port, local_port)
86        self._rpc_proxy_map[port] = (command_name, tunnel_proc, remote_pid)
87        return local_port
90    def _setup_rpc(self, port, command_name, remote_pid=None):
91        """Construct a URL for an rpc connection using ssh tunnel.
93        @param port: The remote forwarding port.
94        @param command_name: The name of the remote process, to terminate
95                              using pkill.
96        @param remote_pid: The PID of the remote background process
97                            as a string.
99        @return a url that we can use to initiate the rpc connection.
100        """
101        return self._RPC_PROXY_URL_FORMAT % self._setup_port(
102                port, command_name, remote_pid=remote_pid)
105    def tunnel_connect(self, port):
106        """Construct a host address using ssh tunnel.
108        @param port: The remote forwarding port.
110        @return a host address using ssh tunnel.
111        """
112        return self._RPC_HOST_ADDRESS_FORMAT % self._setup_port(port, None)
115    def xmlrpc_connect(self, command, port, command_name=None,
116                       ready_test_name=None, timeout_seconds=10,
117                       logfile=None, request_timeout_seconds=None):
118        """Connect to an XMLRPC server on the host.
120        The `command` argument should be a simple shell command that
121        starts an XMLRPC server on the given `port`.  The command
122        must not daemonize, and must terminate cleanly on SIGTERM.
123        The command is started in the background on the host, and a
124        local XMLRPC client for the server is created and returned
125        to the caller.
127        Note that the process of creating an XMLRPC client makes no
128        attempt to connect to the remote server; the caller is
129        responsible for determining whether the server is running
130        correctly, and is ready to serve requests.
132        Optionally, the caller can pass ready_test_name, a string
133        containing the name of a method to call on the proxy.  This
134        method should take no parameters and return successfully only
135        when the server is ready to process client requests.  When
136        ready_test_name is set, xmlrpc_connect will block until the
137        proxy is ready, and throw a TestError if the server isn't
138        ready by timeout_seconds.
140        If a server is already running on the remote port, this
141        method will kill it and disconnect the tunnel process
142        associated with the connection before establishing a new one,
143        by consulting the rpc_proxy_map in disconnect.
145        @param command Shell command to start the server.
146        @param port Port number on which the server is expected to
147                    be serving.
148        @param command_name String to use as input to `pkill` to
149            terminate the XMLRPC server on the host.
150        @param ready_test_name String containing the name of a
151            method defined on the XMLRPC server.
152        @param timeout_seconds Number of seconds to wait
153            for the server to become 'ready.'  Will throw a
154            TestFail error if server is not ready in time.
155        @param logfile Logfile to send output when running
156            'command' argument.
157        @param request_timeout_seconds Timeout in seconds for an XMLRPC request.
159        """
160        # Clean up any existing state.  If the caller is willing
161        # to believe their server is down, we ought to clean up
162        # any tunnels we might have sitting around.
163        self.disconnect(port)
164        remote_pid = None
165        if command is not None:
166            if logfile:
167                remote_cmd = '%s > %s 2>&1' % (command, logfile)
168            else:
169                remote_cmd = command
170            remote_pid = self._host.run_background(remote_cmd)
171            logging.debug('Started XMLRPC server on host %s, pid = %s',
172                        self._host.hostname, remote_pid)
174        # Tunnel through SSH to be able to reach that remote port.
175        rpc_url = self._setup_rpc(port, command_name, remote_pid=remote_pid)
176        if request_timeout_seconds is not None:
177            proxy = TimeoutXMLRPCServerProxy(
178                    rpc_url, timeout=request_timeout_seconds, allow_none=True)
179        else:
180            proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(rpc_url, allow_none=True)
182        if ready_test_name is not None:
183            # retry.retry logs each attempt; calculate delay_sec to
184            # keep log spam to a dull roar.
185            @retry.retry((socket.error,
186                          xmlrpclib.ProtocolError,
187                          httplib.BadStatusLine),
188                         timeout_min=timeout_seconds / 60.0,
189                         delay_sec=min(max(timeout_seconds / 20.0, 0.1), 1))
190            def ready_test():
191                """ Call proxy.ready_test_name(). """
192                getattr(proxy, ready_test_name)()
193            successful = False
194            try:
195                logging.info('Waiting %d seconds for XMLRPC server '
196                             'to start.', timeout_seconds)
197                ready_test()
198                successful = True
199            finally:
200                if not successful:
201                    logging.error('Failed to start XMLRPC server.')
202                    if logfile:
203                        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp:
204                            self._host.get_file(logfile, temp.name)
205                            logging.error('The log of XML RPC server:\n%s',
206                                          open(temp.name).read())
207                    self.disconnect(port)
208        logging.info('XMLRPC server started successfully.')
209        return proxy
212    def jsonrpc_connect(self, port):
213        """Creates a jsonrpc proxy connection through an ssh tunnel.
215        This method exists to facilitate communication with goofy (which is
216        the default system manager on all factory images) and as such, leaves
217        most of the rpc server sanity checking to the caller. Unlike
218        xmlrpc_connect, this method does not facilitate the creation of a remote
219        jsonrpc server, as the only clients of this code are factory tests,
220        for which the goofy system manager is built in to the image and starts
221        when the target boots.
223        One can theoretically create multiple jsonrpc proxies all forwarded
224        to the same remote port, provided the remote port has an rpc server
225        listening. However, in doing so we stand the risk of leaking an
226        existing tunnel process, so we always disconnect any older tunnels
227        we might have through disconnect.
229        @param port: port on the remote host that is serving this proxy.
231        @return: The client proxy.
232        """
233        if not jsonrpclib:
234            logging.warning('Jsonrpclib could not be imported. Check that '
235                            'site-packages contains jsonrpclib.')
236            return None
238        proxy = jsonrpclib.jsonrpc.ServerProxy(self._setup_rpc(port, None))
240        logging.info('Established a jsonrpc connection through port %s.', port)
241        return proxy
244    def disconnect(self, port):
245        """Disconnect from an RPC server on the host.
247        Terminates the remote RPC server previously started for
248        the given `port`.  Also closes the local ssh tunnel created
249        for the connection to the host.  This function does not
250        directly alter the state of a previously returned RPC
251        client object; however disconnection will cause all
252        subsequent calls to methods on the object to fail.
254        This function does nothing if requested to disconnect a port
255        that was not previously connected via _setup_rpc.
257        @param port Port number passed to a previous call to
258                    `_setup_rpc()`.
259        """
260        if port not in self._rpc_proxy_map:
261            return
262        remote_name, tunnel_proc, remote_pid = self._rpc_proxy_map[port]
263        if remote_name:
264            # We use 'pkill' to find our target process rather than
265            # a PID, because the host may have rebooted since
266            # connecting, and we don't want to kill an innocent
267            # process with the same PID.
268            #
269            # 'pkill' helpfully exits with status 1 if no target
270            # process  is found, for which run() will throw an
271            # exception.  We don't want that, so we the ignore
272            # status.
273            self._host.run("pkill -f '%s'" % remote_name, ignore_status=True)
274            if remote_pid:
275                logging.info('Waiting for RPC server "%s" shutdown',
276                             remote_name)
277                start_time = time.time()
278                while (time.time() - start_time <
279                       self._RPC_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS):
280                    running_processes = self._host.run(
281                            "pgrep -f '%s'" % remote_name,
282                            ignore_status=True).stdout.split()
283                    if not remote_pid in running_processes:
284                        logging.info('Shut down RPC server.')
285                        break
286                    time.sleep(self._RPC_SHUTDOWN_POLLING_PERIOD_SECONDS)
287                else:
288                    raise error.TestError('Failed to shutdown RPC server %s' %
289                                          remote_name)
291        self._host.disconnect_ssh_tunnel(tunnel_proc, port)
292        del self._rpc_proxy_map[port]
295    def disconnect_all(self):
296        """Disconnect all known RPC proxy ports."""
297        for port in self._rpc_proxy_map.keys():
298            self.disconnect(port)
301class TimeoutXMLRPCServerProxy(xmlrpclib.ServerProxy):
302    """XMLRPC ServerProxy supporting timeout."""
303    def __init__(self, uri, timeout=20, *args, **kwargs):
304        """Initializes a TimeoutXMLRPCServerProxy.
306        @param uri: URI to a XMLRPC server.
307        @param timeout: Timeout in seconds for a XMLRPC request.
308        @param *args: args to xmlrpclib.ServerProxy.
309        @param **kwargs: kwargs to xmlrpclib.ServerProxy.
311        """
312        if timeout:
313            kwargs['transport'] = TimeoutXMLRPCTransport(timeout=timeout)
314        xmlrpclib.ServerProxy.__init__(self, uri, *args, **kwargs)
317class TimeoutXMLRPCTransport(xmlrpclib.Transport):
318    """A Transport subclass supporting timeout."""
319    def __init__(self, timeout=20, *args, **kwargs):
320        """Initializes a TimeoutXMLRPCTransport.
322        @param timeout: Timeout in seconds for a HTTP request through this transport layer.
323        @param *args: args to xmlrpclib.Transport.
324        @param **kwargs: kwargs to xmlrpclib.Transport.
326        """
327        xmlrpclib.Transport.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
328        self.timeout = timeout
331    def make_connection(self, host):
332        """Overwrites make_connection in xmlrpclib.Transport with timeout.
334        @param host: Host address to connect.
336        @return: A httplib.HTTPConnection connecting to host with timeout.
338        """
339        conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, timeout=self.timeout)
340        return conn