1// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
4    AuxExemplarCharacters{"[ĸ]"}
5    ExemplarCharacters{
6        "[a á â ã b c d e é ê f g h i í î ĩ j k l m n o ô p q r s t u ú û ũ v w x y z"
7        " æ ø å]"
8    }
9    ExemplarCharactersNumbers{"[, . % ‰ + − 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]"}
10    NumberElements{
11        latn{
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14                percentFormat{"#,##0 %"}
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18                group{"."}
19            }
20        }
21        minimalPairs{
22            plural{
23                one{"{0} Ulloq"}
24                other{"{0} Ullut"}
25            }
26        }
27    }
28    Version{""}
29    calendar{
30        gregorian{
31            DateTimePatterns{
32                "HH.mm.ss zzzz",
33                "HH.mm.ss z",
34                "HH.mm.ss",
35                "HH.mm",
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37                "y MMMM d",
38                "y MMM d",
39                "y-MM-dd",
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41                "{1} {0}",
42                "{1} {0}",
43                "{1} {0}",
44                "{1} {0}",
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56                    }
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60                        "mar",
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62                        "sis",
63                        "tal",
64                        "arf",
65                    }
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72                        "tallimanngorneq",
73                        "arfininngorneq",
74                    }
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84                        "arf",
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89                        "marlunngorneq",
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91                        "sisamanngorneq",
92                        "tallimanngorneq",
93                        "arfininngorneq",
94                    }
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99                    abbreviated{
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106                        "jul",
107                        "aug",
108                        "sep",
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111                        "dec",
112                    }
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120                        "juli",
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124                        "novemberi",
125                        "decemberi",
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131                        "feb",
132                        "mar",
133                        "apr",
134                        "maj",
135                        "jun",
136                        "jul",
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138                        "sep",
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140                        "nov",
141                        "dec",
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145                        "februari",
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149                        "juni",
150                        "juli",
151                        "augustusi",
152                        "septemberi",
153                        "oktoberi",
154                        "novemberi",
155                        "decemberi",
156                    }
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158            }
159        }
160    }
161    fields{
162        day{
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164                future{
165                    one{"om {0} ulloq unnuarlu"}
166                    other{"om {0} ulloq unnuarlu"}
167                }
168                past{
169                    one{"for {0} ulloq unnuarlu siden"}
170                    other{"for {0} ulloq unnuarlu siden"}
171                }
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182                    other{"for {0} nalunaaquttap-akunnera siden"}
183                }
184            }
185        }
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203                }
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206                    other{"for {0} qaammat siden"}
207                }
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218                    other{"for {0} sekundi siden"}
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222        week{
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224                future{
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226                    other{"om {0} sapaatip-akunnera"}
227                }
228                past{
229                    one{"for {0} sapaatip-akunnera siden"}
230                    other{"for {0} sapaatip-akunnera siden"}
231                }
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233        }
234        year{
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236                future{
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242                    other{"for {0} ukioq siden"}
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246    }