1; RUN: llc < %s -mcpu=cortex-a9 -verify-coalescing -verify-machineinstrs | FileCheck %s
2target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:32-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:32:64-v128:32:128-a0:0:32-n32-S32"
3target triple = "thumbv7-apple-ios0.0.0"
5; CHECK: f
6; The vld2 and vst2 are not aligned wrt each other, the second Q loaded is the
7; first one stored.
8; The coalescer must find a super-register larger than QQ to eliminate the copy
9; setting up the vst2 data.
10; CHECK: vld2
11; CHECK-NOT: vorr
12; CHECK-NOT: vmov
13; CHECK: vst2
14define void @f(float* %p, i32 %c) nounwind ssp {
16  %0 = bitcast float* %p to i8*
17  %vld2 = tail call { <4 x float>, <4 x float> } @llvm.arm.neon.vld2.v4f32.p0i8(i8* %0, i32 4)
18  %vld221 = extractvalue { <4 x float>, <4 x float> } %vld2, 1
19  %add.ptr = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %p, i32 8
20  %1 = bitcast float* %add.ptr to i8*
21  tail call void @llvm.arm.neon.vst2.p0i8.v4f32(i8* %1, <4 x float> %vld221, <4 x float> undef, i32 4)
22  ret void
25; CHECK: f1
26; FIXME: This function still has copies.
27define void @f1(float* %p, i32 %c) nounwind ssp {
29  %0 = bitcast float* %p to i8*
30  %vld2 = tail call { <4 x float>, <4 x float> } @llvm.arm.neon.vld2.v4f32.p0i8(i8* %0, i32 4)
31  %vld221 = extractvalue { <4 x float>, <4 x float> } %vld2, 1
32  %add.ptr = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %p, i32 8
33  %1 = bitcast float* %add.ptr to i8*
34  %vld22 = tail call { <4 x float>, <4 x float> } @llvm.arm.neon.vld2.v4f32.p0i8(i8* %1, i32 4)
35  %vld2215 = extractvalue { <4 x float>, <4 x float> } %vld22, 0
36  tail call void @llvm.arm.neon.vst2.p0i8.v4f32(i8* %1, <4 x float> %vld221, <4 x float> %vld2215, i32 4)
37  ret void
40; CHECK: f2
41; FIXME: This function still has copies.
42define void @f2(float* %p, i32 %c) nounwind ssp {
44  %0 = bitcast float* %p to i8*
45  %vld2 = tail call { <4 x float>, <4 x float> } @llvm.arm.neon.vld2.v4f32.p0i8(i8* %0, i32 4)
46  %vld224 = extractvalue { <4 x float>, <4 x float> } %vld2, 1
47  br label %do.body
49do.body:                                          ; preds = %do.body, %entry
50  %qq0.0.1.0 = phi <4 x float> [ %vld224, %entry ], [ %vld2216, %do.body ]
51  %c.addr.0 = phi i32 [ %c, %entry ], [ %dec, %do.body ]
52  %p.addr.0 = phi float* [ %p, %entry ], [ %add.ptr, %do.body ]
53  %add.ptr = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %p.addr.0, i32 8
54  %1 = bitcast float* %add.ptr to i8*
55  %vld22 = tail call { <4 x float>, <4 x float> } @llvm.arm.neon.vld2.v4f32.p0i8(i8* %1, i32 4)
56  %vld2215 = extractvalue { <4 x float>, <4 x float> } %vld22, 0
57  %vld2216 = extractvalue { <4 x float>, <4 x float> } %vld22, 1
58  tail call void @llvm.arm.neon.vst2.p0i8.v4f32(i8* %1, <4 x float> %qq0.0.1.0, <4 x float> %vld2215, i32 4)
59  %dec = add nsw i32 %c.addr.0, -1
60  %tobool = icmp eq i32 %dec, 0
61  br i1 %tobool, label %do.end, label %do.body
63do.end:                                           ; preds = %do.body
64  ret void
67declare { <4 x float>, <4 x float> } @llvm.arm.neon.vld2.v4f32.p0i8(i8*, i32) nounwind readonly
68declare void @llvm.arm.neon.vst2.p0i8.v4f32(i8*, <4 x float>, <4 x float>, i32) nounwind
70; CHECK: f3
71; This function has lane insertions that span basic blocks.
72; The trivial REG_SEQUENCE lowering can't handle that, but the coalescer can.
74; void f3(float *p, float *q) {
75;   float32x2_t x;
76;   x[1] = p[3];
77;   if (q)
78;     x[0] = q[0] + q[1];
79;   else
80;     x[0] = p[2];
81;   vst1_f32(p+4, x);
82; }
84; CHECK-NOT: vmov
85; CHECK-NOT: vorr
86define void @f3(float* %p, float* %q) nounwind ssp {
88  %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %p, i32 3
89  %0 = load float, float* %arrayidx, align 4
90  %vecins = insertelement <2 x float> undef, float %0, i32 1
91  %tobool = icmp eq float* %q, null
92  br i1 %tobool, label %if.else, label %if.then
94if.then:                                          ; preds = %entry
95  %1 = load float, float* %q, align 4
96  %arrayidx2 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %q, i32 1
97  %2 = load float, float* %arrayidx2, align 4
98  %add = fadd float %1, %2
99  %vecins3 = insertelement <2 x float> %vecins, float %add, i32 0
100  br label %if.end
102if.else:                                          ; preds = %entry
103  %arrayidx4 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %p, i32 2
104  %3 = load float, float* %arrayidx4, align 4
105  %vecins5 = insertelement <2 x float> %vecins, float %3, i32 0
106  br label %if.end
108if.end:                                           ; preds = %if.else, %if.then
109  %x.0 = phi <2 x float> [ %vecins3, %if.then ], [ %vecins5, %if.else ]
110  %add.ptr = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %p, i32 4
111  %4 = bitcast float* %add.ptr to i8*
112  tail call void @llvm.arm.neon.vst1.p0i8.v2f32(i8* %4, <2 x float> %x.0, i32 4)
113  ret void
116declare void @llvm.arm.neon.vst1.p0i8.v2f32(i8*, <2 x float>, i32) nounwind
117declare <2 x float> @llvm.arm.neon.vld1.v2f32.p0i8(i8*, i32) nounwind readonly
119; CHECK: f4
120; This function inserts a lane into a fully defined vector.
121; The destination lane isn't read, so the subregs can coalesce.
122; CHECK-NOT: vmov
123; CHECK-NOT: vorr
124define void @f4(float* %p, float* %q) nounwind ssp {
126  %0 = bitcast float* %p to i8*
127  %vld1 = tail call <2 x float> @llvm.arm.neon.vld1.v2f32.p0i8(i8* %0, i32 4)
128  %tobool = icmp eq float* %q, null
129  br i1 %tobool, label %if.end, label %if.then
131if.then:                                          ; preds = %entry
132  %1 = load float, float* %q, align 4
133  %arrayidx1 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %q, i32 1
134  %2 = load float, float* %arrayidx1, align 4
135  %add = fadd float %1, %2
136  %vecins = insertelement <2 x float> %vld1, float %add, i32 1
137  br label %if.end
139if.end:                                           ; preds = %entry, %if.then
140  %x.0 = phi <2 x float> [ %vecins, %if.then ], [ %vld1, %entry ]
141  tail call void @llvm.arm.neon.vst1.p0i8.v2f32(i8* %0, <2 x float> %x.0, i32 4)
142  ret void
145; CHECK: f5
146; Coalesce vector lanes through phis.
147; CHECK: vmov.f32 {{.*}}, #1.0
148; CHECK-NOT: vmov
149; CHECK-NOT: vorr
150; CHECK: bx
151; We may leave the last insertelement in the if.end block.
152; It is inserting the %add value into a dead lane, but %add causes interference
153; in the entry block, and we don't do dead lane checks across basic blocks.
154define void @f5(float* %p, float* %q) nounwind ssp {
156  %0 = bitcast float* %p to i8*
157  %vld1 = tail call <4 x float> @llvm.arm.neon.vld1.v4f32.p0i8(i8* %0, i32 4)
158  %vecext = extractelement <4 x float> %vld1, i32 0
159  %vecext1 = extractelement <4 x float> %vld1, i32 1
160  %vecext2 = extractelement <4 x float> %vld1, i32 2
161  %vecext3 = extractelement <4 x float> %vld1, i32 3
162  %add = fadd float %vecext3, 1.000000e+00
163  %tobool = icmp eq float* %q, null
164  br i1 %tobool, label %if.end, label %if.then
166if.then:                                          ; preds = %entry
167  %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %q, i32 1
168  %1 = load float, float* %arrayidx, align 4
169  %add4 = fadd float %vecext, %1
170  %2 = load float, float* %q, align 4
171  %add6 = fadd float %vecext1, %2
172  %arrayidx7 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %q, i32 2
173  %3 = load float, float* %arrayidx7, align 4
174  %add8 = fadd float %vecext2, %3
175  br label %if.end
177if.end:                                           ; preds = %entry, %if.then
178  %a.0 = phi float [ %add4, %if.then ], [ %vecext, %entry ]
179  %b.0 = phi float [ %add6, %if.then ], [ %vecext1, %entry ]
180  %c.0 = phi float [ %add8, %if.then ], [ %vecext2, %entry ]
181  %vecinit = insertelement <4 x float> undef, float %a.0, i32 0
182  %vecinit9 = insertelement <4 x float> %vecinit, float %b.0, i32 1
183  %vecinit10 = insertelement <4 x float> %vecinit9, float %c.0, i32 2
184  %vecinit11 = insertelement <4 x float> %vecinit10, float %add, i32 3
185  tail call void @llvm.arm.neon.vst1.p0i8.v4f32(i8* %0, <4 x float> %vecinit11, i32 4)
186  ret void
189declare <4 x float> @llvm.arm.neon.vld1.v4f32.p0i8(i8*, i32) nounwind readonly
191declare void @llvm.arm.neon.vst1.p0i8.v4f32(i8*, <4 x float>, i32) nounwind
193; CHECK: pr13999
194define void @pr13999() nounwind readonly {
196 br i1 true, label %outer_loop, label %loop.end
199 %d = phi double [ 0.0, %entry ], [ %add, %after_inner_loop ]
200 %0 = insertelement <2 x double> <double 0.0, double 0.0>, double %d, i32 0
201 br i1 undef, label %after_inner_loop, label %inner_loop
204 br i1 true, label %after_inner_loop, label %inner_loop
207 %1 = phi <2 x double> [ %0, %outer_loop ], [ <double 0.0, double 0.0>,
208%inner_loop ]
209 %2 = extractelement <2 x double> %1, i32 1
210 %add = fadd double 1.0, %2
211 br i1 false, label %loop.end, label %outer_loop
214 %d.end = phi double [ 0.0, %entry ], [ %add, %after_inner_loop ]
215 ret void
218; CHECK: pr14078
219define arm_aapcs_vfpcc i32 @pr14078(i8* nocapture %arg, i8* nocapture %arg1, i32 %arg2) nounwind uwtable readonly {
221  br i1 undef, label %bb31, label %bb3
223bb3:                                              ; preds = %bb12, %bb
224  %tmp = shufflevector <2 x i64> undef, <2 x i64> undef, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
225  %tmp4 = bitcast <1 x i64> %tmp to <2 x float>
226  %tmp5 = shufflevector <2 x float> %tmp4, <2 x float> undef, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
227  %tmp6 = bitcast <4 x float> %tmp5 to <2 x i64>
228  %tmp7 = shufflevector <2 x i64> %tmp6, <2 x i64> undef, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
229  %tmp8 = bitcast <1 x i64> %tmp7 to <2 x float>
230  %tmp9 = tail call <2 x float> @baz(<2 x float> <float 0xFFFFFFFFE0000000, float 0.000000e+00>, <2 x float> %tmp8, <2 x float> zeroinitializer) nounwind
231  br i1 undef, label %bb10, label %bb12
233bb10:                                             ; preds = %bb3
234  %tmp11 = load <4 x float>, <4 x float>* undef, align 8
235  br label %bb12
237bb12:                                             ; preds = %bb10, %bb3
238  %tmp13 = shufflevector <2 x float> %tmp9, <2 x float> zeroinitializer, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2>
239  %tmp14 = bitcast <2 x float> %tmp13 to <1 x i64>
240  %tmp15 = shufflevector <1 x i64> %tmp14, <1 x i64> zeroinitializer, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1>
241  %tmp16 = bitcast <2 x i64> %tmp15 to <4 x float>
242  %tmp17 = fmul <4 x float> zeroinitializer, %tmp16
243  %tmp18 = bitcast <4 x float> %tmp17 to <2 x i64>
244  %tmp19 = shufflevector <2 x i64> %tmp18, <2 x i64> undef, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
245  %tmp20 = bitcast <1 x i64> %tmp19 to <2 x float>
246  %tmp21 = tail call <2 x float> @baz67(<2 x float> %tmp20, <2 x float> undef) nounwind
247  %tmp22 = tail call <2 x float> @baz67(<2 x float> %tmp21, <2 x float> %tmp21) nounwind
248  %tmp23 = shufflevector <2 x float> %tmp22, <2 x float> undef, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
249  %tmp24 = bitcast <4 x float> %tmp23 to <2 x i64>
250  %tmp25 = shufflevector <2 x i64> %tmp24, <2 x i64> undef, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
251  %tmp26 = bitcast <1 x i64> %tmp25 to <2 x float>
252  %tmp27 = extractelement <2 x float> %tmp26, i32 0
253  %tmp28 = fcmp olt float %tmp27, 0.000000e+00
254  %tmp29 = select i1 %tmp28, i32 0, i32 undef
255  %tmp30 = icmp ult i32 undef, %arg2
256  br i1 %tmp30, label %bb3, label %bb31
258bb31:                                             ; preds = %bb12, %bb
259  %tmp32 = phi i32 [ 1, %bb ], [ %tmp29, %bb12 ]
260  ret i32 %tmp32
263declare <2 x float> @baz(<2 x float>, <2 x float>, <2 x float>) nounwind readnone
265declare <2 x float> @baz67(<2 x float>, <2 x float>) nounwind readnone
267%struct.wombat.5 = type { %struct.quux, %struct.quux, %struct.quux, %struct.quux }
268%struct.quux = type { <4 x float> }
270; CHECK: pr14079
271define linkonce_odr arm_aapcs_vfpcc %struct.wombat.5 @pr14079(i8* nocapture %arg, i8* nocapture %arg1, i8* nocapture %arg2) nounwind uwtable inlinehint {
273  %tmp = shufflevector <2 x i64> zeroinitializer, <2 x i64> undef, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
274  %tmp3 = bitcast <1 x i64> %tmp to <2 x float>
275  %tmp4 = shufflevector <2 x float> %tmp3, <2 x float> zeroinitializer, <2 x i32> <i32 1, i32 3>
276  %tmp5 = shufflevector <2 x float> %tmp4, <2 x float> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 1, i32 3>
277  %tmp6 = bitcast <2 x float> %tmp5 to <1 x i64>
278  %tmp7 = shufflevector <1 x i64> undef, <1 x i64> %tmp6, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1>
279  %tmp8 = bitcast <2 x i64> %tmp7 to <4 x float>
280  %tmp9 = shufflevector <2 x i64> zeroinitializer, <2 x i64> undef, <1 x i32> <i32 1>
281  %tmp10 = bitcast <1 x i64> %tmp9 to <2 x float>
282  %tmp11 = shufflevector <2 x float> %tmp10, <2 x float> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2>
283  %tmp12 = shufflevector <2 x float> %tmp11, <2 x float> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2>
284  %tmp13 = bitcast <2 x float> %tmp12 to <1 x i64>
285  %tmp14 = shufflevector <1 x i64> %tmp13, <1 x i64> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1>
286  %tmp15 = bitcast <2 x i64> %tmp14 to <4 x float>
287  %tmp16 = insertvalue %struct.wombat.5 undef, <4 x float> %tmp8, 1, 0
288  %tmp17 = insertvalue %struct.wombat.5 %tmp16, <4 x float> %tmp15, 2, 0
289  %tmp18 = insertvalue %struct.wombat.5 %tmp17, <4 x float> undef, 3, 0
290  ret %struct.wombat.5 %tmp18
293; CHECK: adjustCopiesBackFrom
294; The shuffle in if.else3 must be preserved even though adjustCopiesBackFrom
295; is tempted to remove it.
296; CHECK: vorr d
297define internal void @adjustCopiesBackFrom(<2 x i64>* noalias nocapture sret %agg.result, <2 x i64> %in) {
299  %0 = extractelement <2 x i64> %in, i32 0
300  %cmp = icmp slt i64 %0, 1
301  %.in = select i1 %cmp, <2 x i64> <i64 0, i64 undef>, <2 x i64> %in
302  %1 = extractelement <2 x i64> %in, i32 1
303  %cmp1 = icmp slt i64 %1, 1
304  br i1 %cmp1, label %if.then2, label %if.else3
306if.then2:                                         ; preds = %entry
307  %2 = insertelement <2 x i64> %.in, i64 0, i32 1
308  br label %if.end4
310if.else3:                                         ; preds = %entry
311  %3 = shufflevector <2 x i64> %.in, <2 x i64> %in, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 3>
312  br label %if.end4
314if.end4:                                          ; preds = %if.else3, %if.then2
315  %result.2 = phi <2 x i64> [ %2, %if.then2 ], [ %3, %if.else3 ]
316  store <2 x i64> %result.2, <2 x i64>* %agg.result, align 128
317  ret void
320; <rdar://problem/12758887>
321; RegisterCoalescer::updateRegDefsUses() could visit an instruction more than
322; once under rare circumstances. When widening a register from QPR to DTriple
323; with the original virtual register in dsub_1_dsub_2, the double rewrite would
324; produce an invalid sub-register.
326; This is because dsub_1_dsub_2 is not an idempotent sub-register index.
327; It will translate %vr:dsub_0 -> %vr:dsub_1.
328define hidden fastcc void @radar12758887() nounwind optsize ssp {
330  br i1 undef, label %for.body, label %for.end70
332for.body:                                         ; preds = %for.end, %entry
333  br i1 undef, label %for.body29, label %for.end
335for.body29:                                       ; preds = %for.body29, %for.body
336  %0 = load <2 x double>, <2 x double>* null, align 1
337  %splat40 = shufflevector <2 x double> %0, <2 x double> undef, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
338  %mul41 = fmul <2 x double> undef, %splat40
339  %add42 = fadd <2 x double> undef, %mul41
340  %splat44 = shufflevector <2 x double> %0, <2 x double> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 1, i32 1>
341  %mul45 = fmul <2 x double> undef, %splat44
342  %add46 = fadd <2 x double> undef, %mul45
343  br i1 undef, label %for.end, label %for.body29
345for.end:                                          ; preds = %for.body29, %for.body
346  %accumR2.0.lcssa = phi <2 x double> [ zeroinitializer, %for.body ], [ %add42, %for.body29 ]
347  %accumI2.0.lcssa = phi <2 x double> [ zeroinitializer, %for.body ], [ %add46, %for.body29 ]
348  %1 = shufflevector <2 x double> %accumI2.0.lcssa, <2 x double> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0>
349  %add58 = fadd <2 x double> undef, %1
350  %mul61 = fmul <2 x double> %add58, undef
351  %add63 = fadd <2 x double> undef, %mul61
352  %add64 = fadd <2 x double> undef, %add63
353  %add67 = fadd <2 x double> undef, %add64
354  store <2 x double> %add67, <2 x double>* undef, align 1
355  br i1 undef, label %for.end70, label %for.body
357for.end70:                                        ; preds = %for.end, %entry
358  ret void