1 /*
2  *   Copyright (c) International Business Machines  Corp., 2001
3  *
4  *   This program is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  *   (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implied warranty of
12  *   the GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  *   along with this program;  if not, write to the Free Software
16  *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
17  */
18 /*
19  * FUNCTIONS: Scheduler Test Suite
20  */
22 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------+
23 |                               sched_tc4                              |
24 | ==================================================================== |
25 |                                                                      |
26 | Description:  Creates short-term disk I/O bound process              |
27 |                                                                      |
28 | Algorithm:    o  Set process priority                                |
29 |               o  Continuously multiply matrices together until       |
30 |                  interrupted.                                        |
31 |                                                                      |
32 | To compile:   cc -o sched_tc4 sched_tc4.c -L. -lpsc                  |
33 |                                                                      |
34 | Usage:        sched_tc4 [-t priority_type] [-p priority]             |
35 |                         [-l log] [-v] [-d]                           |
36 |                                                                      |
37 | Last update:   Ver. 1.3, 4/10/94 23:05:02                           |
38 |                                                                      |
39 | Change Activity                                                      |
40 |                                                                      |
41 |   Version  Date    Name  Reason                                      |
42 |    0.1     050689  CTU   Initial version                             |
43 |    0.2     010402  Manoj Iyer Ported to Linux			       |
44 |                                                                      |
45 +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
47 #include   <sys/times.h>
48 #include <sys/resource.h>
49 #include <sys/types.h>
50 #include <sys/stat.h>
51 #include <fcntl.h>
52 #include   <stdlib.h>
53 #include   "sched.h"
55 /*
56  * Defines:
57  *
58  * USAGE: usage statement
59  *
60  * DEFAULT_PRIORITY_TYPE: default priority
61  *
62  * BLOCK_SIZE: block size (in bytes) for raw I/O
63  *
64  * TIMES: number of times to read raw I/O device (~25MB)
65  *
66  */
67 #define DEFAULT_PRIORITY_TYPE	"variable"
68 #define DEFAULT_LOGFILE		"sched_tc4.log"
69 #define BLOCK_SIZE		512
70 #define TIMES			5000
71 #define USAGE "Usage:  %s  [-l log] [-t type] [-p priority] [-v] [-d]\n" \
72               "        -l log      log file                             \n" \
73               "        -t type     priority type 'variable' or 'fixed'  \n" \
74               "        -p priority priority value                       \n" \
75               "        -v          verbose                              \n" \
76               "        -d          enable debugging messages            \n"
78 /*
79  * Function prototypes:
80  *
81  * process_file: reads data file
82  *
83  * parse_args: parse command line arguments
84  */
85 void parse_args(int, char **);
86 void read_raw_device();
88 /*
89  * Global variables:
90  *
91  * verbose: enable normal messages
92  *
93  * debug: enable debugging messages
94  *
95  * priority: process type (fixed priority, variable priority)
96  */
97 int verbose = 0;
98 int debug = 0;
99 int priority = DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
100 char *logfile = DEFAULT_LOGFILE;
101 char *priority_type = DEFAULT_PRIORITY_TYPE;
103 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------+
104 |                                 main                                 |
105 | ==================================================================== |
106 |                                                                      |
107 | Function:  ...                                                       |
108 |                                                                      |
109 +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char ** argv)110 int main(int argc, char **argv)
111 {
112 	FILE *statfile;
113 	clock_t start_time;	/* start & stop times */
114 	clock_t stop_time;
115 	float elapsed_time;
116 	struct tms timer_info;	/* time accounting info */
118 	/*
119 	 * Process command line arguments...
120 	 */
121 	parse_args(argc, argv);
122 	if (verbose)
123 		printf("%s: Scheduler TestSuite program\n\n", *argv);
124 	if (debug) {
125 		printf("\tpriority type:  %s\n", priority_type);
126 		printf("\tpriority:       %d\n", priority);
127 		printf("\tlogfile:        %s\n", logfile);
128 	}
130 	/*
131 	 * Adjust the priority of this process if the real time flag is set
132 	 */
133 	if (!strcmp(priority_type, "fixed")) {
134 #ifndef __linux__
135 		if (setpri(0, DEFAULT_PRIORITY) < 0)
136 			sys_error("setpri failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
137 #else
138 		if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, 0) < 0)
139 			sys_error("setpri failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
140 #endif
141 	} else {
142 		if (nice((priority - 50) - (nice(0) + 20)) < 0 && errno != 0)
143 			sys_error("nice failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
144 	}
146 	/*
147 	 * Read from raw I/O device and record elapsed time...
148 	 */
149 	start_time = time((time_t *) & timer_info);
151 	read_raw_device();
153 	stop_time = time((time_t *) & timer_info);
154 	elapsed_time = (float)(stop_time - start_time) / 100.0;
156 	if ((statfile = fopen(logfile, "w")) == NULL)
157 		sys_error("fopen failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
159 	fprintf(statfile, "%f\n", elapsed_time);
160 	if (debug)
161 		printf("\n\telapsed time: %f\n", elapsed_time);
163 	if (fclose(statfile) < 0)
164 		sys_error("fclose failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
166 	/*
167 	 * Exit with success!
168 	 */
169 	if (verbose)
170 		printf("\nsuccessful!\n");
171 	return (0);
172 }
174 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------+
175 |                          read_raw_device ()                          |
176 | ==================================================================== |
177 |                                                                      |
178 | Function:  o  opens raw disk device                                  |
179 |            o  reads block of size BLOCK_SIZE n times                 |
180 |            o  lseeks back to beginning of file                       |
181 |            o  closes raw device                                      |
182 |                                                                      |
183 +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
read_raw_device()184 void read_raw_device()
185 {
186 	char readbuf[BLOCK_SIZE + 1];	/* buffer to store bytes read */
187 	int fd;			/* file descriptor */
188 	int i;			/* loop counter */
189 	int blocks = 0;		/* number of blocks read */
190 #ifndef __linux__
191 	char raw_dev[50] = "/dev/hd2";	/* name of raw device file */
192 #else
193 	char *raw_dev;		/* name of raw device file  */
195 	if ((raw_dev = getenv("RAWDEV")) == NULL) {
196 		errno = ENODATA;
197 		sys_error("environment variable RAWDEV not set", __FILE__,
198 			  __LINE__);
199 	}
200 #endif
202 	/*
203 	 * Open the raw disk file
204 	 */
205 	if ((fd = open(raw_dev, 0)) < 0)
206 		sys_error("open failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
208 	/*
209 	 * Read through predefined number of blocks TIMES number of times.
210 	 * (Seek back to beginning of raw device after reading 10MB)
211 	 */
212 	for (i = 0; i < TIMES; i++) {
213 		if (read(fd, readbuf, BLOCK_SIZE) != BLOCK_SIZE)
214 			sys_error("read failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
215 		if (blocks == 10000)
216 			if (lseek(fd, 0, 0) < 0)
217 				sys_error("lseek failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
218 	}
220 	/*
221 	 * Close the raw disk file
222 	 */
223 	if (close(fd) < 0)
224 		sys_error("close failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
225 }
227 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------+
228 |                             parse_args ()                            |
229 | ==================================================================== |
230 |                                                                      |
231 | Function:  Parse the command line arguments & initialize global      |
232 |            variables.                                                |
233 |                                                                      |
234 | Updates:   (command line options)                                    |
235 |                                                                      |
236 |            [-t] type:     priority type "fixed" or "variable"        |
237 |            [-p] priority: priority value                             |
238 |            [-l] logfile:  log file name                              |
239 |            [-v]           verbose                                    |
240 |            [-d]           enable debugging messages                  |
241 |                                                                      |
242 +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
parse_args(int argc,char ** argv)243 void parse_args(int argc, char **argv)
244 {
245 	int opt;
246 	int lflg = 0, pflg = 0, tflg = 0;
247 	int errflag = 0;
248 	char *program_name = *argv;
249 	extern char *optarg;	/* Command line option */
251 	/*
252 	 * Parse command line options.
253 	 */
254 	if (argc < 2) {
255 		fprintf(stderr, USAGE, program_name);
256 		exit(0);
257 	}
259 	while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "l:t:p:vd")) != EOF) {
260 		switch (opt) {
261 		case 'l':	/* log file */
262 			lflg++;
263 			logfile = optarg;
264 			break;
265 		case 't':	/* process type */
266 			tflg++;
267 			priority_type = optarg;
268 			break;
269 		case 'p':	/* process priority */
270 			pflg++;
271 			priority = atoi(optarg);
272 			break;
273 		case 'v':	/* verbose */
274 			verbose++;
275 			break;
276 		case 'd':	/* enable debugging messages */
277 			verbose++;
278 			debug++;
279 			break;
280 		default:
281 			errflag++;
282 			break;
283 		}
284 	}
286 	/*
287 	 * Check percentage and process slots...
288 	 */
289 	if (tflg) {
290 		if (strcmp(priority_type, "fixed") &&
291 		    strcmp(priority_type, "variable")) {
292 			errflag++;
293 			fprintf(stderr, "Error: priority type must be: "
294 				"\'fixed\' or \'variable\'\n");
295 		}
296 	}
297 	if (pflg) {
298 		if (priority < 50 || priority > 100) {
299 			errflag++;
300 			fprintf(stderr, "Error: priority range [50..100]\n");
301 		}
302 	}
303 	if (errflag) {
304 		fprintf(stderr, USAGE, program_name);
305 		exit(2);
306 	}
307 }