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26While preparing a configuration for processing your code, you may bump into a
27few problems. The following sections discuss some common issues and solutions:
29<h3><a href="#processing">Problems while processing</a></h3>
31<li><a href="#dynamicalclass">Note: can't find dynamically referenced class ...</a></li>
32<li><a href="#dynamicalclasscast">Note: ... calls '(...)Class.forName(variable).newInstance()'</a></li>
33<li><a href="#dynamicalclassmember">Note: ... accesses a field/method '...' dynamically</a></li>
34<li><a href="#attributes">Note: ... calls 'Class.get...', 'Field.get...', or 'Method.get...'</a></li>
35<li><a href="#unknownclass">Note: the configuration refers to the unknown class  '...'</a></li>
36<li><a href="#descriptorclass">Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '...', but not the descriptor class '...'</a></li>
37<li><a href="#libraryclass">Note: the configuration explicitly specifies '...' to keep library class '...'</a></li>
38<li><a href="#classmembers">Note: the configuration doesn't specify which class members to keep for class '...'</a></li>
39<li><a href="#nosideeffects">Note: the configuration specifies that none of the methods of class '...' have any side effects</a></li>
40<li><a href="#duplicateclass">Note: duplicate definition of program/library class</a></li>
41<li><a href="#duplicatezipentry">Warning: can't write resource ... Duplicate zip entry</a></li>
42<li><a href="#unresolvedclass">Warning: can't find superclass or interface</a></li>
43<li><a href="#unresolvedclass">Warning: can't find referenced class</a></li>
44<li><a href="#superclass">Error: Can't find any super classes of ... (not even immediate super class ...)</a></li>
45<li><a href="#superclass">Error: Can't find common super class of ... and ...</a></li>
46<li><a href="#unresolvedprogramclassmember">Warning: can't find referenced field/method '...' in program class ...</a></li>
47<li><a href="#unresolvedlibraryclassmember">Warning: can't find referenced field/method '...' in library class ...</a></li>
48<li><a href="#unresolvedenclosingmethod">Warning: can't find enclosing class/method</a></li>
49<li><a href="#dependency">Warning: library class ... depends on program class ...</a></li>
50<li><a href="#unexpectedclass">Warning: class file ... unexpectedly contains class ...</a></li>
51<li><a href="#mappingconflict1">Warning: ... is not being kept as ..., but remapped to ...</a></li>
52<li><a href="#mappingconflict2">Warning: field/method ... can't be mapped to ...</a></li>
53<li><a href="#unsupportedclassversion">Error: Unsupported class version number</a></li>
54<li><a href="#keep">Error: You have to specify '-keep' options</a></li>
55<li><a href="#filename">Error: Expecting class path separator ';' before 'Files\Java\...' (in Windows)</a></li>
56<li><a href="#macosx">Error: Can't read [.../lib/rt.jar] (No such file or directory) (in MacOS X)</a></li>
57<li><a href="#cantread">Error: Can't read ...</a></li>
58<li><a href="#cantwrite">Error: Can't write ...</a></li>
59<li><a href="#startinggui">Internal problem starting the ProGuard GUI (Cannot write XdndAware property) (in Linux)</a></li>
60<li><a href="#outofmemoryerror">OutOfMemoryError</a></li>
61<li><a href="#stackoverflowerror">StackOverflowError</a></li>
62<li><a href="#unexpectederror">Unexpected error</a></li>
63<li><a href="#otherwise">Otherwise...</a></li>
66<h3><a href="#afterprocessing">Unexpected observations after processing</a></h3>
68<li><a href="#disappearingclasses">Disappearing classes</a></li>
69<li><a href="#notkept">Classes or class members not being kept</a></li>
70<li><a href="#notobfuscated">Variable names not being obfuscated</a></li>
73<h3><a href="#dalvik">Problems while converting to Android Dalvik bytecode</a></h3>
76<li><a href="#simexception">SimException: local variable type mismatch</a></li>
77<li><a href="#conversionerror">Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1</a></li>
80<h3><a href="#preverifying">Problems while preverifying for Java Micro Edition</a></h3>
83<li><a href="#invalidclassexception1">InvalidClassException, class loading error, or verification error</a></li>
86<h3><a href="#runtime">Problems at run-time</a></h3>
88<li><a href="#stacktraces">Stack traces without class names or line numbers</a></li>
89<li><a href="#noclassdeffounderror">NoClassDefFoundError</a></li>
90<li><a href="#classnotfoundexception">ClassNotFoundException</a></li>
91<li><a href="#nosuchfieldexception">NoSuchFieldException</a></li>
92<li><a href="#nosuchmethodexception">NoSuchMethodException</a></li>
93<li><a href="#missingresourceexception">MissingResourceException or NullPointerException</a></li>
94<li><a href="#disappearingannotations">Disappearing annotations</a></li>
95<li><a href="#invalidjarfile">Invalid or corrupt jarfile</a></li>
96<li><a href="#invalidjarindexexception">InvalidJarIndexException: Invalid index</a></li>
97<li><a href="#invalidclassexception2">InvalidClassException, class loading error, or verification error (in Java Micro Edition)</a></li>
98<li><a href="#nosuchfieldormethod">Error: No Such Field or Method, Error verifying method (in a Java Micro Edition emulator)</a></li>
99<li><a href="#failingmidlets">Failing midlets (on a Java Micro Edition device)</a></li>
100<li><a href="#disappearingloops">Disappearing loops</a></li>
101<li><a href="#securityexception">SecurityException: SHA1 digest error</a></li>
102<li><a href="#classcastexception">ClassCastException: class not an enum</a></li><li><a href="#classcastexception">IllegalArgumentException: class not an enum type</a></li>
103<li><a href="#arraystoreexception">ArrayStoreException: sun.reflect.annotation.EnumConstantNotPresentExceptionProxy</a></li>
104<li><a href="#illegalargumentexception">IllegalArgumentException: methods with same signature but incompatible return types</a></li>
105<li><a href="#compilererror">CompilerError: duplicate addition</a></li>
106<li><a href="#classformaterror1">ClassFormatError: repetitive field name/signature</a></li>
107<li><a href="#classformaterror2">ClassFormatError: Invalid index in LocalVariableTable in class file</a></li>
108<li><a href="#nosuchmethoderror">NoSuchMethodError or AbstractMethodError</a></li>
109<li><a href="#verifyerror">VerifyError</a></li>
113<h2><a name="processing">Problems while processing</a></h2>
115ProGuard may print out some notes and non-fatal warnings:
118<dt><a name="dynamicalclass"><b>Note: can't find dynamically referenced class ...</b></a></dt>
120<dd>ProGuard can't find a class or interface that your code is accessing by
121    means of introspection. You should consider adding the jar that contains
122    this class.</dd>
124<dt><a name="dynamicalclasscast"><b>Note: ... calls '(...)Class.forName(variable).newInstance()'</b></a></dt>
126<dd>Your code uses reflection to dynamically create class instances, with a
127    construct like
128    "<code>(MyClass)Class.forName(variable).newInstance()</code>". Depending
129    on your application, you may need to keep the mentioned classes with an
130    option like "<code>-keep class MyClass</code>", or their implementations
131    with an option like "<code>-keep class * implements MyClass</code>". You
132    can switch off these notes by specifying the
133    <a href="usage.html#dontnote"><code>-dontnote</code></a> option.</dd>
135<dt><a name="dynamicalclassmember"><b>Note: ... accesses a field/method '...' dynamically</b></a></dt>
137<dd>Your code uses reflection to find a fields or a method, with a construct
138    like "<code>.getField("myField")</code>". Depending on your application,
139    you may need to figure out where the mentioned class members are defined
140    and keep them with an option like "<code>-keep class MyClass { MyFieldType
141    myField; }</code>". Otherwise, ProGuard might remove or obfuscate the
142    class members, since it can't know which ones they are exactly. It does
143    list possible candidates, for your information. You can switch off these
144    notes by specifying
145    the <a href="usage.html#dontnote"><code>-dontnote</code></a> option.</dd>
147<dt><a name="attributes"><b>Note: ... calls 'Class.get...'</b>, <b>'Field.get...'</b>, or <b>'Method.get...'</b></a></dt>
148<dd>Your code uses reflection to access metadata from the code, with an
149    invocation like "<code>class.getAnnotations()</code>". You then generally
150    need to preserve optional <a href="attributes.html">class file
151    attributes</a>, which ProGuard removes by default. The attributes contain
152    information about annotations, enclosing classes, enclosing methods, etc.
153    In a summary in the log, ProGuard provides a suggested configuration,
154    like <a href="usage.html#keepattributes"><code>-keepattributes
155    *Annotation*</code></a>. If you're sure the attributes are not necessary,
156    you can switch off these notes by specifying
157    the <a href="usage.html#dontnote"><code>-dontnote</code></a> option.</dd>
159<dt><a name="unknownclass"><b>Note: the configuration refers to the unknown class  '...'</b></a></dt>
161<dd>Your configuration refers to the name of a class that is not present in
162    the program jars or library jars. You should check whether the name is
163    correct. Notably, you should make sure that you always specify
164    fully-qualified names, not forgetting the package names.</dd>
166<dt><a name="descriptorclass"><b>Note: the configuration keeps the entry point '...', but not the descriptor class '...'</b></a></dt>
168<dd>Your configuration contains a <code>-keep</code> option to preserve the
169    given method (or field), but no <code>-keep</code> option for the given
170    class that is an argument type or return type in the method's descriptor.
171    You may then want to keep the class too. Otherwise, ProGuard will
172    obfuscate its name, thus changing the method's signature. The method might
173    then become unfindable as an entry point, e.g. if it is part of a public
174    API. You can automatically keep such descriptor classes with
175    the <code>-keep</code> option modifier
176    <a href="usage.html#includedescriptorclasses"><code>includedescriptorclasses</code></a>
177    (<code>-keep,includedescriptorclasses</code> ...). You can switch off
178    these notes by specifying
179    the <a href="usage.html#dontnote"><code>-dontnote</code></a> option.</dd>
181<dt><a name="libraryclass"><b>Note: the configuration explicitly specifies '...' to keep library class '...'</b></a></dt>
183<dd>Your configuration contains a <code>-keep</code> option to preserve the
184    given library class. However, you don't need to keep any library classes.
185    ProGuard always leaves underlying libraries unchanged. You can switch off
186    these notes by specifying the
187    <a href="usage.html#dontnote"><code>-dontnote</code></a> option.</dd>
189<dt><a name="classmembers"><b>Note: the configuration doesn't specify which class members to keep for class '...'</b></a></dt>
191<dd>Your configuration contains a
192    <a href="usage.html#keepclassmembers"><code>-keepclassmembers</code></a>/<a href="usage.html#keepclasseswithmembers"><code>-keepclasseswithmembers</code></a>
193    option to preserve fields or methods in the given class, but it doesn't
194    specify which fields or methods. This way, the option simply won't have
195    any effect. You probably want to specify one or more fields or methods, as
196    usual between curly braces. You can specify all fields or methods with a
197    wildcard "<code>*;</code>". You should also consider if you just need the
198    more common <a href="usage.html#keep"><code>-keep</code></a> option, which
199    preserves all specified classes <i>and</i> class members.
200    The <a href="usage.html#keepoverview">overview of all <code>keep</code>
201    options</a> can help. You can switch off these notes by specifying
202    the <a href="usage.html#dontnote"><code>-dontnote</code></a> option.</dd>
204<dt><a name="nosideeffects"><b>Note: the configuration specifies that none of the methods of class '...' have any side effects</b></a></dt>
206<dd>Your configuration contains an option
207    <a href="usage.html#assumenosideeffects"><code>-assumenosideeffects</code></a>
208    to indicate that the specified methods don't have any side effects.
209    However, the configuration tries to match <i>all</i> methods, by using a
210    wildcard like "<code>*;</code>". This includes methods
211    from <code>java.lang.Object</code>, such as <code>wait()</code> and
212    <code>notify()</code>. Removing invocations of those methods will most
213    likely break your application. You should list the methods without side
214    effects more conservatively. You can switch off these notes by specifying
215    the <a href="usage.html#dontnote"><code>-dontnote</code></a> option.</dd>
217<dt><a name="duplicateclass"><b>Note: duplicate definition of program/library class</b></a></dt>
219<dd>Your program jars or library jars contain multiple definitions of the
220    listed classes. ProGuard continues processing as usual, only considering
221    the first definitions. The warning may be an indication of some problem
222    though, so it's advisable to remove the duplicates. A convenient way to do
223    so is by specifying filters on the input jars or library jars. You can
224    switch off these notes by specifying the <a
225    href="usage.html#dontnote"><code>-dontnote</code></a> option.
226    <p>
227    <img class="float" src="android_small.png" width="32" height="32"
228    alt="android" /> The standard Android build process automatically
229    specifies the input jars for you. There may not be an easy way to filter
230    them to remove these notes. You could remove the duplicate classes
231    manually from your libraries. You should never explicitly specify the
232    input jars yourself (with <code>-injars</code> or
233    <code>-libraryjars</code>), since you'll then get duplicate definitions.
234    You should also not add libraries to your application that are already
235    part of the Android run-time (notably <code>org.w3c.dom</code>,
236    <code>org.xml.sax</code>, <code>org.xmlpull.v1</code>,
237    <code>org.apache.commons.logging.Log</code>, <code>org.apache.http</code>,
238    and <code>org.json</code>). They are possibly inconsistent, and the
239    run-time libraries would get precedence anyway.</dd>
241<dt><a name="duplicatezipentry"><b>Warning: can't write resource ... Duplicate zip entry</b></a></dt>
243<dd>Your input jars contain multiple resource files with the same name.
244    ProGuard continues copying the resource files as usual, skipping any files
245    with previously used names. Once more, the warning may be an indication of
246    some problem though, so it's advisable to remove the duplicates. A
247    convenient way to do so is by specifying filters on the input jars. There
248    is no option to switch off these warnings.
249    <p>
250    <img class="float" src="android_small.png" width="32" height="32"
251    alt="android" /> The standard Android build process automatically
252    specifies the input jars for you. There may not be an easy way to filter
253    them to remove these warnings. You could remove the duplicate resource files
254    manually from the input and the libraries.</dd>
259ProGuard may terminate when it encounters parsing errors or I/O errors, or
260some more serious warnings:
263<dt><a name="unresolvedclass"><b>Warning: can't find superclass or interface</b><br/><b>Warning: can't find referenced class</b></a></dt>
265<dd>A class in one of your program jars or library jars is referring to a
266    class or interface that is missing from the input. The warning lists both
267    the referencing class(es) and the missing referenced class(es). There can
268    be a few reasons, with their own solutions:
269    <p>
270    <ol>
271    <li>If the missing class is referenced from your own code, you may have
272        forgotten to specify an essential library. Just like when compiling
273        all code from scratch, you must specify all libraries that the code is
274        referencing, directly or indirectly. If the library should be
275        processed and included in the output, you should specify it with
276        <a href="usage.html#injars"><code>-injars</code></a>, otherwise you
277        should specify it with
278        <a href="usage.html#libraryjars"><code>-libraryjars</code></a>.
279        <p>
280        For example, if ProGuard complains that it can't find a
281        <code>java.lang</code> class, you have to make sure that you are
282        specifying the run-time library of your platform. For JSE, these are
283        typically packaged in <code>lib/rt.jar</code> (<code>vm.jar</code> for
284        IBM's JVM, and <code>classes.jar</code> in MacOS X). Other platforms
285        like JME and Android have their own run-time libraries.
286        The <a href="examples.html">examples section</a> provides more details
287        for the various platforms.
288        <p>
289        If ProGuard still complains that it can't find a
290        <code>javax.crypto</code> class, you probably still have to specify
291        <code>jce.jar</code>, next to the more common <code>rt.jar</code>.</li>
292    <li>If the missing class is referenced from a pre-compiled third-party
293        library, and your original code runs fine without it, then the missing
294        dependency doesn't seem to hurt. The cleanest solution is to
295        <a href="usage.html#filters">filter out</a> the <i>referencing</i>
296        class or classes from the input, with a filter like "<code>-libraryjars
297        mylibrary.jar(!somepackage/SomeUnusedReferencingClass.class)</code>".
298        ProGuard will then skip this class entirely in the input, and it will
299        not bump into the problem of its missing reference. However, you may
300        then have to filter out other classes that are in turn referencing the
301        removed class. In practice, this works best if you can filter out
302        entire unused packages at once, with a wildcard filter like
303        "<code>-libraryjars
304        mylibrary.jar(!someunusedpackage/**)</code>".<p></li>
305    <li>If you don't feel like filtering out the problematic classes, you can
306        try your luck with the <a
307        href="usage.html#ignorewarnings"><code>-ignorewarnings</code></a>
308        option, or even
309        the <a href="usage.html#dontwarn"><code>-dontwarn</code></a> option.
310        Only use these options if you really know what you're doing though.</li>
311    </ol>
312    <p>
313    <img class="float" src="android_small.png" width="32" height="32"
314    alt="android" /> The standard Android build process automatically
315    specifies the input jars for you. Unfortunately, many pre-compiled
316    third-party libraries refer to other libraries that are not actually used
317    and therefore not present. This works fine in debug builds, but in release
318    builds, ProGuard expects all libraries, so it can perform a proper static
319    analysis. For example, if ProGuard complains that it can't find
320    a <code>java.awt</code> class, then some library that you are using is
321    referring to <code>java.awt</code>. This is a bit shady, since Android
322    doesn't have this package at all, but if your application works anyway,
323    you can let ProGuard accept it with "<code>-dontwarn java.awt.**</code>",
324    for instance.
325    <p>
326    If the missing class is an Android run-time class, you should make sure
327    that you are building against an Android run-time that is sufficiently
328    recent. You may need to change the build target in your
329    <code>project.properties</code> file or <code>build.gradle</code> file to
330    that recent version. You can still specify a different
331    <code>minSdkVersion</code> and a different <code>targetSdkVersion</code>
332    in your <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code> file.</dd>
334<dt><a name="superclass"><b>Error: Can't find any super classes of ... (not even immediate super class ...)</b><br/><b>Error: Can't find common super class of ... and ...</b></a></dt>
336<dd>It seems like you tried to avoid the warnings from the previous paragraph
337    by specifying
338    <a href="usage.html#ignorewarnings"><code>-ignorewarnings</code></a>
339    or <a href="usage.html#dontwarn"><code>-dontwarn</code></a>, but it didn't
340    work out. ProGuard's optimization step and preverification step really
341    need the missing classes to make sense of the code. Preferably, you would
342    solve the problem by adding the missing library, as discussed. If you're
343    sure the class that references the missing class isn't used either, you
344    could also try filtering it out from the input, by adding a filter to the
345    corresponding <a href="usage.html#injars"><code>-injars</code></a> option:
346    "<code>-injars
347    myapplication.jar(!somepackage/SomeUnusedClass.class)</code>". As a final
348    solution, you could switch off optimization
349    (<a href="usage.html#dontoptimize"><code>-dontoptimize</code></a>) and
350    preverification
351    (<a href="usage.html#dontpreverify"><code>-dontpreverify</code></a>).</dd>
353<dt><a name="unresolvedprogramclassmember"><b>Warning: can't find referenced field/method '...' in program class ...</b></a></dt>
355<dd>A program class is referring to a field or a method that is missing from
356    another program class. The warning lists both the referencing class and
357    the missing referenced class member. Your compiled class files are most
358    likely inconsistent. Possibly, some class file didn't get recompiled
359    properly, or some class file was left behind after its source file was
360    removed. Try removing all compiled class files and rebuilding your
361    project.</dd>
363<dt><a name="unresolvedlibraryclassmember"><b>Warning: can't find referenced field/method '...' in library class ...</b></a></dt>
365<dd>A program class is referring to a field or a method that is missing from a
366    library class. The warning lists both the referencing class and the
367    missing referenced class member. Your compiled class files are
368    inconsistent with the libraries. You may need to recompile the class
369    files, or otherwise upgrade the libraries to consistent versions.
370    <p>
371    <img class="float" src="android_small.png" width="32" height="32"
372    alt="android" /> If you're developing for Android and ProGuard complains
373    that it can't find a method that is only available in a recent version of
374    the Android run-time, you should change the build target in your
375    <code>project.properties</code> file or <code>build.gradle</code> file to
376    that recent version. You can still specify a different
377    <code>minSdkVersion</code> and a different <code>targetSdkVersion</code>
378    in your <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code> file.
379    <p>
380    Alternatively, you may get away with ignoring the inconsistency with the
381    options
382    <a href="usage.html#ignorewarnings"><code>-ignorewarnings</code></a> or
383    even
384    <a href="usage.html#dontwarn"><code>-dontwarn</code></a>. For instance, you
385    can specify "<code>-dontwarn mypackage.MyInconsistentClass</code>".
386    <p>
387    Finally, should your program classes reside in the same packages as
388    library classes and should they refer to their package visible class
389    members, then you should also specify the
390    <a href="usage.html#dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers"><code>-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers</code></a>
391    option.</dd>
393<dt><a name="unresolvedenclosingmethod"><b>Warning: can't find enclosing class/method</b></a></dt>
395<dd>If there are unresolved references to classes that are defined inside
396    methods in your input, once more, your compiled class files are most likely
397    inconsistent. Possibly, some class file didn't get recompiled properly, or
398    some class file was left behind after its source file was removed. Try
399    removing all compiled class files and rebuilding your project.</dd>
401<dt><a name="dependency"><b>Warning: library class ... depends on program class ...</b></a></dt>
403<dd>If any of your library classes depend on your program classes, by
404    extending, implementing or just referencing them, your processed code will
405    generally be unusable. Program classes can depend on library classes, but
406    not the other way around. Program classes are processed, while library
407    classes always remain unchanged. It is therefore impossible to adapt
408    references from library classes to program classes, for instance if the
409    program classes are renamed. You should define a clean separation between
410    program code (specified with <a
411    href="usage.html#injars"><code>-injars</code></a>) and library code
412    (specified with <a
413    href="usage.html#libraryjars"><code>-libraryjars</code></a>), and try
414    again.
415    <p>
416    <img class="float" src="android_small.png" width="32" height="32"
417    alt="android" /> In Android development, sloppy libraries may contain
418    duplicates of classes that are already present in the Android run-time
419    (notably <code>org.w3c.dom</code>, <code>org.xml.sax</code>,
420    <code>org.xmlpull.v1</code>, <code>org.apache.commons.logging.Log</code>,
421    <code>org.apache.http</code>, and <code>org.json</code>). You must remove
422    these classes from your libraries, since they are possibly inconsistent,
423    and the run-time libraries would get precedence anyway.</dd>
425<dt><a name="unexpectedclass"><b>Warning: class file ... unexpectedly contains class ...</b></a></dt>
427<dd>The given class file contains a definition for the given class, but the
428    directory name of the file doesn't correspond to the package name of the
429    class. ProGuard will accept the class definition, but the current
430    implementation will not write out the processed version. Please make sure
431    your input classes are packaged correctly. Notably, class files that are
432    in the <code>WEB-INF/classes</code> directory in a war should be packaged
433    in a jar and put in the <code>WEB-INF/lib</code> directory. If you don't
434    mind these classes not being written to the output, you can specify the <a
435    href="usage.html#ignorewarnings"><code>-ignorewarnings</code></a> option,
436    or even the <a href="usage.html#dontwarn"><code>-dontwarn</code></a>
437    option.</dd>
439<dt><a name="mappingconflict1"><b>Warning: ... is not being kept as ..., but remapped to ...</b></a></dt>
441<dd>There is a conflict between a <code>-keep</code> option in the
442    configuration, and the mapping file, in the obfuscation step. The given
443    class name or class member name can't be kept by its original name, as
444    specified in the configuration, but it has to be mapped to the other given
445    name, as specified in the mapping file. You should adapt your
446    configuration or your mapping file to remove the conflict. Alternatively,
447    if you're sure the renaming won't hurt, you can specify the <a
448    href="usage.html#ignorewarnings"><code>-ignorewarnings</code></a> option,
449    or even the <a href="usage.html#dontwarn"><code>-dontwarn</code></a>
450    option.</dd>
452<dt><a name="mappingconflict2"><b>Warning: field/method ... can't be mapped to ...</b></a></dt>
454<dd>There is a conflict between some new program code and the mapping file, in
455    the obfuscation step. The given class member can't be mapped to the given
456    name, because it would conflict with another class member that is already
457    being mapped to the same name. This can happen if you are performing
458    incremental obfuscation, applying an obfuscation mapping file from an
459    initial obfuscation step. For instance, some new class may have been added
460    that extends two existing classes, introducing a conflict in the name
461    space of its class members. If you're sure the class member receiving
462    another name than the one specified won't hurt, you can specify the <a
463    href="usage.html#ignorewarnings"><code>-ignorewarnings</code></a> option,
464    or even the <a href="usage.html#dontwarn"><code>-dontwarn</code></a>
465    option. Note that you should always use the <a
466    href="usage.html#useuniqueclassmembernames"><code>-useuniqueclassmembernames</code></a>
467    option in the initial obfuscation step, in order to reduce the risk of
468    conflicts.</dd>
470<dt><a name="unsupportedclassversion"><b>Error: Unsupported class version number</b></a></dt>
472<dd>You are trying to process class files compiled for a recent version of
473    Java that your copy of ProGuard doesn't support yet. You
474    should <a href="http://proguard.sourceforge.net/downloads.html">check
475    on-line</a> if there is a more recent release.</dd>
477<dt><a name="keep"><b>Error: You have to specify '-keep' options</b></a></dt>
479<dd>You either forgot to specify <a
480    href="usage.html#keep"><code>-keep</code></a> options, or you mistyped the
481    class names. ProGuard has to know exactly what you want to keep: an
482    application, an applet, a servlet, a midlet,..., or any combination of
483    these. Without the proper seed specifications, ProGuard would shrink,
484    optimize, or obfuscate all class files away.</dd>
486<dt><a name="filename"><b>Error: Expecting class path separator ';' before 'Files\Java\</b>...<b>'</b> (in Windows)</a></dt>
488<dd>If the path of your run-time jar contains spaces, like in "Program Files",
489    you have to enclose it with single or double quotes, as explained in the
490    section on <a href="usage.html#filename">file names</a>. This is actually
491    true for all file names containing special characters, on all
492    platforms.</dd>
494<dt><a name="macosx"><b>Error: Can't read [</b>...<b>/lib/rt.jar] (No such file or directory)</b> (in MacOS X)</a></dt>
496<dd>In MacOS X, the run-time classes may be in a different place than on most
497    other platforms. You'll then have to adapt your configuration, replacing
498    the path <code>&lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar</code> by
499    <code>&lt;java.home&gt;/../Classes/classes.jar</code>.</dd>
501<dt><a name="cantread"><b>Error: Can't read ...</b></a></dt>
503<dd>ProGuard can't read the specified file or directory. Double-check that the
504    name is correct in your configuration, that the file is readable, and that
505    it is not corrupt. An additional message "Unexpected end of ZLIB input
506    stream" suggests that the file is truncated. You should then make sure
507    that the file is complete on disk when ProGuard starts (asynchronous
508    copying? unflushed buffer or cache?), and that it is not somehow
509    overwritten by ProGuard's own output.</dd>
511<dt><a name="cantwrite"><b>Error: Can't write ...</b></a></dt>
513<dd>ProGuard can't write the specified file or directory. Double-check that
514    the name is correct in your configuration and that the file is
515    writable.</dd>
517<dt><a name="startinggui"><b>Internal problem starting the ProGuard GUI (Cannot write XdndAware property)</b> (in Linux)</a></dt>
519<dd>In Linux, at least with Java 6, the GUI may not start properly, due to
520    <a href="http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=7027598">Sun
521    Bug #7027598</a>. The work-around at this time is to specify the JVM
522   option <code>-DsuppressSwingDropSupport=true</code> when running the
523   GUI.</dd>
528Should ProGuard crash while processing your application:
531<dt><a name="outofmemoryerror"><b>OutOfMemoryError</b></a></dt>
533<dd>You can try increasing the heap size of the Java virtual machine, with the
534    usual <code>-Xmx</code> option:
535    <ul>
536    <li>In Java, specify the option as an argument to the JVM: <code>java
537        -Xmx1024m</code> ...
538    <li>In Ant, set the environment variable <code>ANT_OPTS=-Xmx1024m</code>
539    <li>In Gradle, set the environment variable
540        <code>GRADLE_OPTS=-Xmx1024m</code>
541    <li>In Maven, set the environment variable
542        <code>MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1024m</code>
543    <li>In Eclipse, add the line  <code>-Xmx1024m</code> to the file
544        <code>eclipse.ini</code> inside your Eclipse install.
545    </ul>
546    You can also reduce the amount of memory that ProGuard needs by removing
547    unnecessary library jars from your configuration, or by filtering out
548    unused library packages and classes.</dd>
550<dt><a name="stackoverflowerror"><b>StackOverflowError</b></a></dt>
552<dd>This error might occur when processing a large code base on Windows
553    (surprisingly, not so easily on Linux). In theory, increasing the stack
554    size of the Java virtual machine (with the usual <code>-Xss</code> option)
555    should help too. In practice however, the <code>-Xss</code> setting
556    doesn't have any effect on the main thread, due to <a
557    href="http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=4362291">Sun Bug
558    #4362291</a>. As a result, this solution will only work when running
559    ProGuard in a different thread, e.g. from its GUI.</dd>
561<dt><a name="unexpectederror"><b>Unexpected error</b></a></dt>
563<dd>ProGuard has encountered an unexpected condition, typically in the
564    optimization step. It may or may not recover. You should be able to avoid
565    it using the <a
566    href="usage.html#dontoptimize"><code>-dontoptimize</code></a> option. In
567    any case, please report the problem, preferably with the simplest example
568    that causes ProGuard to crash.</dd>
570<dt><a name="otherwise"><b>Otherwise...</b></a></dt>
572<dd>Maybe your class files are corrupt. See if recompiling them and trying
573    again helps. If not, please report the problem, preferably with the
574    simplest example that causes ProGuard to crash.</dd>
579<h2><a name="afterprocessing">Unexpected observations after processing</a></h2>
581If ProGuard seems to run fine, but your processed code doesn't look right,
582there might be a couple of reasons:
585<dt><a name="disappearingclasses"><b>Disappearing classes</b></a></dt>
587<dd>If you are working on Windows and it looks like some classes have
588    disappeared from your output, you should make sure you're not writing your
589    output class files to a directory (or unpacking the output jar). On
590    platforms with case-insensitive file systems, such as Windows, unpacking
591    tools often let class files with similar lower-case and upper-case names
592    overwrite each other. If you really can't switch to a different operating
593    system, you could consider using ProGuard's <a
594    href="usage.html#dontusemixedcaseclassnames"><code>-dontusemixedcaseclassnames</code></a>
595    option.
596    <p>
597    Also, you should make sure your class files are in directories that
598    correspond to their package names. ProGuard will read misplaced class
599    files, but it will currently not write their processed versions. Notably,
600    class files that are in the <code>WEB-INF/classes</code> directory in a
601    war should be packaged in a jar and put in the <code>WEB-INF/lib</code>
602    directory.</dd>
604<dt><a name="notkept"><b>Classes or class members not being kept</b></a></dt>
606<dd>If ProGuard is not keeping the right classes or class members, make sure
607    you are using fully qualified class names. If the package name of some
608    class is missing, ProGuard won't match the elements that you might be
609    expecting. It may help to double-check for typos too. You can use the <a
610    href="usage.html#printseeds"><code>-printseeds</code></a> option to see
611    which elements are being kept exactly.
612    <p>
613    If you are using marker interfaces to keep other classes, the marker
614    interfaces themselves are probably being removed in the shrinking step.
615    You should therefore always explicitly keep any marker interfaces, with
616    an option like "<code>-keep interface MyMarkerInterface</code>".
617    <p>
618    Similarly, if you are keeping classes based on annotations, you may have
619    to avoid that the annotation classes themselves are removed in the
620    shrinking step. You should package the annotation classes as a library, or
621    explicitly keep them in your program code with an option like "<code>-keep
622    @interface *</code>".</dd>
624<dt><a name="notobfuscated"><b>Variable names not being obfuscated</b></a></dt>
626<dd>If the names of the local variables and parameters in your obfuscated code
627    don't look obfuscated, because they suspiciously resemble the names of
628    their types, it's probably because the decompiler that you are using is
629    coming up with those names. ProGuard's obfuscation step does remove the
630    original names entirely, unless you explicitly keep the
631    <code>LocalVariableTable</code> or <code>LocalVariableTypeTable</code>
632    attributes.</dd>
636<h2><a name="dalvik">Problems while converting to Android Dalvik bytecode</a></h2>
638If ProGuard seems to run fine, but the dx tool in the Android SDK subsequently
639fails with an error:
642<dt><a name="simexception"><b>SimException: local variable type mismatch</b></a></dt>
644<dd>This error indicates that ProGuard's optimization step has not been able
645    to maintain the correct debug information about local variables. This can
646    happen if some code is optimized radically. Possible work-arounds: let the
647    java compiler not produce debug information (<code>-g:none</code>), or let
648    ProGuard's obfuscation step remove the debug information again
649    (by <i>not</i> keeping the attributes <code>LocalVariableTable</code>
650    and <code>LocalVariableTypeTable</code>
651    with <a href="usage.html#keepattributes"><code>-keepattributes</code></a>),
652    or otherwise just disable optimization
653    (<a href="usage.html#dontoptimize"><code>-dontoptimize</code></a>).</dd>
655<dt><a name="conversionerror"><b>Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1</b></a></dt>
657<dd>This error may have various causes, but if dx is tripping over some code
658    processed by ProGuard, you should make sure that you are using the latest
659    version of ProGuard. You can just copy the ProGuard jars
660    to <code>android-sdk/tools/proguard/lib</code>. If that doesn't help,
661    please report the problem, preferably with the simplest example that still
662    brings out the error.</dd>
666<h2><a name="preverifying">Problems while preverifying for Java Micro Edition</a></h2>
668If ProGuard seems to run fine, but the external preverifier subsequently
669produces errors, it's usually for a single reason:
672<dt><a name="invalidclassexception1"><b>InvalidClassException</b>, <b>class loading error</b>, or <b>verification error</b></a></dt>
674<dd>If you get any such message from the preverifier, you are probably working
675    on a platform with a case-insensitive file system, such as Windows. The
676    <code>preverify</code> tool always unpacks the jars, so class files with
677    similar lower-case and upper-case names overwrite each other. You can use
678    ProGuard's <a
679    href="usage.html#dontusemixedcaseclassnames"><code>-dontusemixedcaseclassnames</code></a>
680    option to work around this problem.
681    <p>
682    If the above doesn't help, there is probably a bug in the optimization
683    step of ProGuard. Make sure you are using the latest version. You should
684    be able to work around the problem by using the <a
685    href="usage.html#dontoptimize"><code>-dontoptimize</code></a> option. You
686    can check the bug database to see if it is a known problem (often with a
687    fix). Otherwise, please report it, preferably with the simplest example on
688    which you can find ProGuard to fail.</dd>
692Note that it is no longer necessary to use an external preverifier. With the
693<a href="usage.html#microedition"><code>-microedition</code></a> option,
694ProGuard will preverify the class files for Java Micro Edition.
697<h2><a name="runtime">Problems at run-time</a></h2>
699If ProGuard runs fine, but your processed application doesn't work, there
700might be several reasons:
703<dt><a name="stacktraces"><b>Stack traces without class names or line numbers</b></a></dt>
705<dd>If your stack traces don't contain any class names or lines numbers,
706    even though you are keeping the proper attributes, make sure this debugging
707    information is present in your compiled code to start with. Notably the Ant
708    javac task has debugging information switched off by default.</dd>
710<dt><a name="noclassdeffounderror"><b>NoClassDefFoundError</b></a></dt>
712<dd>Your class path is probably incorrect. It should at least contain all
713    library jars and, of course, your processed program jar.</dd>
715<dt><a name="classnotfoundexception"><b>ClassNotFoundException</b></a></dt>
717<dd>Your code is probably calling <code>Class.forName</code>, trying to create
718    the missing class dynamically. ProGuard can only detect constant name
719    arguments, like <code>Class.forName("mypackage.MyClass")</code>. For
720    variable name arguments like <code>Class.forName(someClass)</code>, you
721    have to keep all possible classes using the appropriate <a
722    href="usage.html#keep"><code>-keep</code></a> option, e.g. "<code>-keep
723    class mypackage.MyClass</code>" or "<code>-keep class * implements
724    mypackage.MyInterface</code>".</dd>
726<dt><a name="nosuchfieldexception"><b>NoSuchFieldException</b></a></dt>
728<dd>Your code is probably calling something like
729    <code>myClass.getField</code>, trying to find some field dynamically.
730    Since ProGuard can't always detect this automatically, you have to keep
731    the missing field in using the
732    appropriate <a href="usage.html#keep"><code>-keep</code></a> option, e.g.
733    "<code>-keepclassmembers class mypackage.MyClass { int myField;
734    }</code>".</dd>
736<dt><a name="nosuchmethodexception"><b>NoSuchMethodException</b></a></dt>
738<dd>Your code is probably calling something like
739    <code>myClass.getMethod</code>, trying to find some method dynamically.
740    Since ProGuard can't always detect this automatically, you have to keep
741    the missing method in using the
742    appropriate <a href="usage.html#keep"><code>-keep</code></a> option, e.g.
743    "<code>-keepclassmembers class mypackage.MyClass { void myMethod();
744    }</code>".
745    <p>
746    More specifically, if the method reported as missing is
747    <code>values</code> or <code>valueOf</code>, you probably have to keep
748    some methods related to <a
749    href="examples.html#enumerations">enumerations</a>.</dd>
751<dt><a name="missingresourceexception"><b>MissingResourceException</b> or <b>NullPointerException</b></a></dt>
753<dd>Your processed code may be unable to find some resource files. ProGuard
754    simply copies resource files over from the input jars to the output jars.
755    Their names and contents remain unchanged, unless you specify the options
756    <a
757    href="usage.html#adaptresourcefilenames"><code>-adaptresourcefilenames</code></a>
758    and/or <a
759    href="usage.html#adaptresourcefilecontents"><code>-adaptresourcefilecontents</code></a>.
760    <p>
761    Furthermore, directory entries in jar files aren't copied, unless you
762    specify the option <a
763    href="usage.html#keepdirectories"><code>-keepdirectories</code></a>.
764    Note that Sun advises against calling <code>Class.getResource()</code> for
765    directories (<a href="http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=4761949">Sun
766    Bug #4761949</a>).</dd>
768<dt><a name="disappearingannotations"><b>Disappearing annotations</b></a></dt>
770<dd>By default, the obfuscation step removes all annotations. If your
771    application relies on annotations to function properly, you should
772    explicitly keep them with
773    <code><a href="usage.html#keepattributes">-keepattributes</a>
774    *Annotation*</code>.</dd>
776<dt><a name="invalidjarfile"><b>Invalid or corrupt jarfile</b></a></dt>
778<dd>You are probably starting your application with the java option
779    <code>-jar</code> instead of the option <code>-classpath</code>. The java
780    virtual machine returns with this error message if your jar doesn't
781    contain a manifest file (<code>META-INF/MANIFEST.MF</code>), if the
782    manifest file doesn't specify a main class (<code>Main-Class:</code> ...),
783    or if the jar doesn't contain this main class. You should then make sure
784    that the input jar contains a valid manifest file to start with, that this
785    manifest file is the one that is copied (the first manifest file that is
786    encountered), and that the main class is kept in your configuration,</dd>
788<dt><a name="invalidjarindexexception"><b>InvalidJarIndexException: Invalid index</b></a></dt>
790<dd>At least one of your processed jar files contains an index file
791    <code>META-INF/INDEX.LIST</code>, listing all class files in the jar.
792    ProGuard by default copies files like these unchanged. ProGuard may however
793    remove or rename classes, thus invalidating the file. You should filter the
794    index file out of the input
795    (<code>-injars in.jar(!META-INF/INDEX.LIST)</code>) or update the file
796    after having applied ProGuard (<code>jar -i out.jar</code>).
797    </dd>
799<dt><a name="invalidclassexception2"><b>InvalidClassException</b>, <b>class loading error</b>, or <b>verification error</b> (in Java Micro Edition)</a></dt>
801<dd>If you get such an error in Java Micro Edition, you may have forgotten to
802    specify the <a
803    href="usage.html#microedition"><code>-microedition</code></a> option, so
804    the processed class files are preverified properly.</dd>
806<dt><a name="nosuchfieldormethod"><b>Error: No Such Field or Method</b>, <b>Error verifying method</b> (in a Java Micro Edition emulator)</a></dt>
808<dd>If you get such a message in a Motorola or Sony Ericsson phone emulator,
809    it's because these emulators don't like packageless classes and/or
810    overloaded fields and methods. You can work around it by not using the
811    options <code><a href="usage.html#repackageclasses">-repackageclasses</a>
812    ''</code> and <a
813    href="usage.html#overloadaggressively"><code>-overloadaggressively</code></a>.
814    If you're using the JME WTK plugin, you can adapt the configuration
815    <code>proguard/wtk/default.pro</code> that's inside the
816    <code>proguard.jar</code>.</dd>
818<dt><a name="failingmidlets"><b>Failing midlets</b> (on a Java Micro Edition device)</a></dt>
820<dd>If your midlet runs in an emulator and on some devices, but not on some
821    other devices, this is probably due to a bug in the latter devices. For
822    some older Motorola and Nokia phones, you might try specifying the <a
823    href="usage.html#useuniqueclassmembernames"><code>-useuniqueclassmembernames</code></a>
824    option. It avoids overloading class member names, which triggers a bug in
825    their java virtual machine.
826    <p>
827    You might also try using the <a
828    href="usage.html#dontusemixedcaseclassnames"><code>-dontusemixedcaseclassnames</code></a>
829    option. Even if the midlet has been properly processed and then
830    preverified on a case-sensitive file system, the device itself might not
831    like the mixed-case class names. Notably, the Nokia N-Gage emulator works
832    fine, but the actual device seems to exhibit this problem.</dd>
834<dt><a name="disappearingloops"><b>Disappearing loops</b></a></dt>
836<dd>If your code contains empty busy-waiting loops, ProGuard's optimization
837    step may remove them. More specifically, this happens if a loop
838    continuously checks the value of a non-volatile field that is changed in a
839    different thread. The specifications of the Java Virtual Machine require
840    that you always mark fields that are accessed across different threads
841    without further synchronization as <code>volatile</code>. If this is not
842    possible for some reason, you'll have to switch off optimization using the
843    <a href="usage.html#dontoptimize"><code>-dontoptimize</code></a>
844    option.</dd>
846<dt><a name="securityexception"><b>SecurityException: SHA1 digest error</b></a></dt>
848<dd>You may have forgotten to sign your program jar <i>after</i> having
849    processed it with ProGuard.</dd>
851<dt><a name="classcastexception"><b>ClassCastException: class not an enum</b>, or <br /><b>IllegalArgumentException: class not an enum type</b></a></dt>
853<dd>You should make sure you're preserving the special methods of enumeration
854    types, which the run-time environment calls by introspection. The required
855    options are shown in the <a
856    href="examples.html#enumerations">examples</a>.</dd>
858<dt><a name="arraystoreexception"><b>ArrayStoreException: sun.reflect.annotation.EnumConstantNotPresentExceptionProxy</b></a></dt>
860<dd>You are probably processing annotations involving enumerations. Again, you
861    should make sure you're preserving the special methods of the enumeration
862    type, as shown in the examples.</dd>
864<dt><a name="illegalargumentexception"><b>IllegalArgumentException: methods with same signature but incompatible return types</b></a></dt>
866<dd>You are probably running some code that has been obfuscated
867    with the <a
868    href="usage.html#overloadaggressively"><code>-overloadaggressively</code></a>
869    option. The class <code>java.lang.reflect.Proxy</code> can't handle
870    classes that contain methods with the same names and signatures, but
871    different return types. Its method <code>newProxyInstance</code> then
872    throws this exception. You can avoid the problem by not using the
873    option.</dd>
875<dt><a name="compilererror"><b>CompilerError: duplicate addition</b></a></dt>
877<dd>You are probably compiling or running some code that has been obfuscated
878    with the <a
879    href="usage.html#overloadaggressively"><code>-overloadaggressively</code></a>
880    option. This option triggers a bug in
881    <code>sun.tools.java.MethodSet.add</code> in Sun's JDK 1.2.2, which is
882    used for (dynamic) compilation. You should then avoid this option.</dd>
884<dt><a name="classformaterror1"><b>ClassFormatError: repetitive field name/signature</b></a></dt>
886<dd>You are probably processing some code that has been obfuscated before with
887    the <a
888    href="usage.html#overloadaggressively"><code>-overloadaggressively</code></a>
889    option. You should then use the same option again in the second processing
890    round.</dd>
892<dt><a name="classformaterror2"><b>ClassFormatError: Invalid index in LocalVariableTable in class file</b></a></dt>
894<dd>If you are keeping the <code>LocalVariableTable</code> or
895    <code>LocalVariableTypeTable</code> attributes, ProGuard's optimizing step
896    is sometimes unable to update them consistently. You should then let the
897    obfuscation step remove these attributes or disable the optimization
898    step.</dd>
900<dt><a name="nosuchmethoderror"><b>NoSuchMethodError</b> or <b>AbstractMethodError</b></a></dt>
902<dd>You should make sure you're not writing your output class files to a
903    directory on a platform with a case-insensitive file system, such as
904    Windows. Please refer to the section about <a
905    href="#disappearingclasses">disappearing classes</a> for details.
906    <p>
907    Furthermore, you should check whether you have specified your program jars
908    and library jars properly. Program classes can refer to library classes,
909    but not the other way around.
910    <p>
911    If all of this seems ok, perhaps there's a bug in ProGuard (gasp!). If so,
912    please report it, preferably with the simplest example on which you can
913    find ProGuard to fail.</dd>
915<dt><a name="verifyerror"><b>VerifyError</b></a></dt>
917<dd>Verification errors when executing a program are almost certainly the
918    result of a bug in the optimization step of ProGuard. Make sure you are
919    using the latest version. You should be able to work around the problem by
920    using the <a href="usage.html#dontoptimize"><code>-dontoptimize</code></a>
921    option. You can check the bug database to see if it is a known problem
922    (often with a fix). Otherwise, please report it, preferably with the
923    simplest example on which ProGuard fails.</dd>
927<hr />
929Copyright &copy; 2002-2014
930<a target="other" href="http://www.lafortune.eu/">Eric Lafortune</a> @ <a target="top" href="http://www.saikoa.com/">Saikoa</a>.